#i miss teen wolf and the fandom
kellinrk800 · 4 months
Do yall still fuck with them 7 years later
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carronyaflowers · 2 years
I want to cry there's so many good fics out there that i won't be able to read and there's a lot of good fic in my marked for later and later never comes and there's a lot of fics in my head that i'll never be able to read because i'll prolly never write them ughhh it hurts my heart too much
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cywscross · 9 months
You just don't think antis are a problem because they're not in your fandoms. Once they start making posts with thousands of likes accusing you of being a pedophile and threatening to find out where you live and work so they can report your pedophilic tendencies because you ship teenagers (shounen characters), you'll start caring very quickly. Not in favour of that happening to you? Cool, you're a proshipper.
The fuck
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restinslices · 1 day
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kneworder · 24 days
some of you guys weren't raised on heroes (2005) and it shows
#you're gonna denounce the show forever just because it started to suck???? me age 11 (biggest heroes stan alive) could never#it's making me so sad to see so many people who were so active in the tua fandom decide to leave it completely#idk there's a place in almost all my favorite shows i can point to where it all went wrong#(heroes s2. chuck s4. stranger things s3. supernatural s6 but the final death knell was s9 idk that one's complicated.)#(malcolm in the middle kind of sucked after s4. teen wolf went downhill after s3.)#(the witcher and twd had such consistently mid seasons i stopped watching. only the first season of the flash was worth it.)#doesn't mean i was any less obsessed with them or that i don't still look back on them fondly#why should i leave tua in the dust just bc i can add 'tua s3' to that list? hell it's already been on there for two years#like the obsession isn't nearly as strong as before but i still look back on the show and my experience with it fondly!#i know i keep saying it but i cannot begin to fully express how deep i was in with tua and how much of an impact it had on me#no one is obligated to stay or pretend to be happy but like yeah it makes me sad to see people turn their backs on it#we had so much fun for a while! that's what i want to keep celebrating and keep alive even if it's in a background casual way#the parts that we all loved and came together over were great!#i know there's not much of a reason to come back together again or to feel inspired#but like. it's one thing to be upset and uninspired. it kind of feels like another to decide to leave the fandom forever :(#no disrespect to anyone bc i do understand wanting to wash your hands of the whole thing. i just wish it didn't go down like this :(#anyways. i love you guys and i miss being a five stan when it was easy a little bit rn <3
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jonathanbyersphd · 2 months
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They used to end in June and be back by Labor Day. And they had 26 episodes! We used to be a proper country!
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wiccanthrope · 2 years
would anyone be interested in a fic with a born-demon who needs to eat people to survive?
romance & blackmail & spice & murder are only the beginning 👀
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glisten-inthedark · 9 days
I don't know if I'm more chill about Byler endgame because I have the intel that people didn't have during volume 2 or what, but to any other ending that doesn't involve Byler becoming canon would just make the Duffer brothers the worst writers in the history of ever.
Because what do you mean you have a gay character that doesn't believe he'll get a happy ending only to prove that you know, he's right? How would that make any sense?!
I've said it before and I'll say how many times I have to: They could've made Will in love with literally anyone else. I don't know, some boy from Lenora, some other guy from Hawkings, hell, even Dustin was an option. But noooo, they instead chose to make him in love with his best friend.
They could've presented another male character with Argyle, instead they spent God knows how much money of their budget getting every Byler scene just right. Who would give this much dedication to a sinking ship? Like, they literally talked about how they had to wait during the day just so the lightning was just right during the van scene.
And also, the lighting during the cabin scene as well? Because that must have taken them ages to get it right. For the line to poor down only on Will, and that's not an artificial light, is literally the sun. So you're telling the Duffers were going to waste precious time getting these scenes just right but you know what? They don't mean anything at all, forget about it.
And to further drive the point home, the storyline makes no actual sense from a logical standpoint. Remove Byler. Let's all pretend we don't ship for one second.
Why in the world would they make Will in love with Mike of all people? He could've been gay without having to be that in love with someone. I know I'm repeating myself but I have to because I don't think you guys understand how senseless this plot is if they're not going to do anything about it.
And I mean senseless in the sense that it literally has no use to the plot (that we know of which is why I made that post about how Will's love will be fundamental to the story).
And not only that, not having Mike go with El to the Nina project thingy literally stalled their progression which is a huge deal. I know some people don't like that Byler was removed from the supernatural plot, but I for one think it was a necessary evil to allow Will to explore his feelings and for Mike to miss him.
And to honest, even if the writers are the most douchebags to ever douchebag, it still wouldn't explain the amount of care they took in every Byler scene. It wouldn't explain how whenever we are in Mike's POV, is like he literally sees Will like this shinning beacon of light.
Because if they wanted a quick cash grab on the expense of the queer community, I can assure you there are easier ways of doing it. I remember when I was at the Sterek fandom and J*ff Davis was an ass about the ship during interviews. I remember how Tyl*r P*sey made terrible comments all the while they were clearly using the shippers in the series. And yeah, while I do agree Teen Wolf wasn't necessarily queerbait because there were actual queer couples, it still left a bitter taste on my mouth.
The way they built this, they didn't give themselves an easy way out. It would be one thing if Will was gay but not in love with Mike, it's a completely different thing for him to love Mike so deeply that he's willing to sacrifice his own happiness for him.
The writers made him to me irrevocably in love with Mike. (You don't make her (him) feel like a mistake at all), El (Will) needs you and she (him) always Will. These aren't the words of someone that has a crush or whose feelings are fleeting, these are the words of someone who would rip his heart out just so that the man he loves can be happy.
These aren't the words of someone that can be just be: yeah, I moving on from this. Mike is Will's heart.
So sure, Will needs to discover self acceptance and self love. He needs to recognize that he can be happy and deserves to have happiness, but if that was the entire point all along, he literally could have figured that without having to be in love with his best friend whom he believes will never love him back.
If the sole point of his arc was: Needs to learn how to accept himself for who he is, there are other - less cruel - ways of going about.
Because at the end of the day, making Will to be this deeply in love with Mike only to be rejected is just that: pointless and cruel.
And again. Pointless.
The GA already believes that to be the case, the Mil*evns too, Will also believes that. So why would it be a conflict at all if it was actually the case?
Why would they make a slowburn reaction? Will already thinks he was rejected, that's the thing. He already thinks it's hopeless.
So why would they use the painting? Why would they frame everything as a love triangle? Why not get this shit over already?
Why pair them together with the already canon couples?
At this point I'm just rambling and repeating myself. I'm gonna sleep, but I hope I was coherent enough.
You guys are welcomed to chime in, I love to hear your thoughts on that because I feel like I wrote all of this before but I'll say however many times I have to.
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teaboot · 7 months
Since I've seen many posts about people missing how common asks used to be, I have been trying to send to more asks to engage more. I really don't want to bother anyone though so I'd love to know if you enjoy receiving asks and if so what kind of asks. Detailed? Vague? Work? Fandom? Movies? Books? Childhood? Gardening? Thoughts? OTPs? OCs? I'm sure there are way more categories, I'm not limiting you to these listed options. Perhaps if it's an easier question what types of asks do you not like?
Detailed asks good yes
Vague asks??? Do not understand but open to the concept
Fandom: My first Fandom was X-Men, then Lord of the Rings, then Homestuck, Transformers, Fullmetal Alchemist, Teen Wolf, Avengers (first movie, when it came out), Batman, Overwatch briefly, Mass Effect, Gravity Falls, Trigun, and now my sister's getting me into Call of Duty! Feel free to ask about any!!
Movies: Yes movies are a great topic I have SO MANY
Oh lord I haven't consistently been up to date on books in FOREVER but yes books are good, you can ask book questions, I'm reading a lot of old classics and recently finished Pride & Prejudice, am now on The One That Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
Childhood- oh my god bud you have no idea
Gardening- My house is full of plastic plants on account of how good I am at killing things
Thoughts- Always
OCs? YO YEAH GO FOR IT I NEVER TALK ABOUT THEM aaaaah I need to start writing again- I've been working on an urban fantasy for like. God like 7-8 years now
If I don't like an ask I'll just ignore or delete it but not much is off the table. I will not answer where exactly I live, who I am, if I'm a specific person you met, etc. for safety reasons.
I've worked in sex education so I can answer questions on that topic but if you get too personal or abrasive I will not respond.
I'm regularly flooded with donation requests and it's often too hard to figure out which are real and which are scams using stolen legit posts so as a general rule I do not spread those, I'm sorry.
And if you pop in to sexually harass me or use abusive language towards myself or others then I'm just gonna block you and delete the message.
If you want to warn me that a post I shared came from a bad source I do appreciate that, but if I do my research and can't find a legitimate reason to block someone then I probably won't.
I consider Legitimate Reasons to block someone on recommendation to be abusive language and behaviour, threats, bigotry, propagation of misinformation, production of AI content, and encouragement of dangerous behaviors that pose genuine harm to self or others. I'm not gonna block a random cause they enjoy Steven Universe and you think it's annoying. We all like stuff.
Thanks for asking!!! I probably shoulda talked about some of this myself, lol
EDIT: Terfs and radfems are block on sight, it's not your fault you're dumb but I am not capable of educating all of you
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buckybarnesss · 6 months
It is so funny/sad that the people who are the loudest about how dumb TW is, miss basic shit.
Chris is a bad person. Derek has a sense of humor. Peter is a liar. Allison and Derek are vulnerable to manipulation and abuse because they are abuse and trauma survivors.
The Argents infiltrate schools and abuse power and kids. Victoria, Kate, and Gerard do this. Chris knows this is happening. Chris accepts this. I don't care if Chris secretly cries himself to sleep at night. He upholds a violent, abusive, murderous family.
Chris kidnaps Allison and ties her to a chair. He gaslights her. He threatens to kill her boyfriend. He married Victoria and apparently loves her, even though Victoria is a vicious, monstrous person.
How does Chris react when he finds out Allison is dating Isaac? He screams and throws things. He's violent, bigoted, weak. I thought this was why we all liked him!
teen wolf fandom is so silly sometimes but also media literacy is dead lol.
the argent apologism runs deep. chris looks like a good parent and decent person when you put him up against the other members of his family.
i've said it before and i will say it again. chris argent has the moral backbone of a chocolate éclair. the man spent his life looking the other way. he was apathetic towards his sister's depravity until it was shoved in his face and he knew exactly what his father was like which is why gerard didn't see allison for fourteen years.
i also think he only helped allison's friends because allison died trying to protect them. scott becomes his exception not the rule.
he spends a lot of season 1 casually going around intimidating teenagers. teenagers he has no real proof of doing much of anything and in the end jackson, stiles and scott didn't do anything at all.
like don't get me wrong none of this means chris isn't a great and rather complex character but he's not a great person. mr gaslight, girlboss, gatekeep.
i too thought this is why we liked him lol
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emilykaldwen · 9 months
*pinches the bridge of my nose*
Okay kids, sit down. I think things in the fandom space needs a little clarification.
Fan Artists and Fan Fiction writers are frustrated and upset about how the reblog rate has plummeted over the years as the rest of the internet moved to a 'hit the heart to help the algorithm'. Tumblr doesn't work that way. Likes don't do anything for a post, it just locks it in your personal scrapbook.
You Do Not Have to Reblog things YOU do not want to
When people say 'reblog the post' they mean reblog instead of ONLY hitting the like button. Tumblr relies on reblogs to put things on your dash. If you're liking something, then it hits your interests, and you should be reblogging it.
Most people, including myself, will reblog from friends because we're friends! I support your foray into a fandom space I have no understanding of, but odds are if you are into it, then some of my other mutuals may be into it so I'll reblog. But I'm not out here reblogging every post I see from people I don't know in fandom spaces I'm not familiar with. It's my blog. I curate what I'd like. Some people have a dozen sideblogs for every fandom niche interest. Some of us just have the one blog and you strap in for whatever fandom chaos we go on. If you tag me in something, I occasionally miss it because I get the notification on my phone but don't have the free moment to do it and forget. Or maybe I add it into my queue.
When you are creating something you need to be mindful of your audience.
I'm in my mid 30s. I do not play in the Disney space (I know Disney Descendents is popular? That came out waaaaay after my time I don't know what it is), I don't know what that girl with the ghost band thing is that was going around a few years ago. I have fellow adult friends who do not engage with fan creation that involves minors. Additionally, I've seen people create OCs for shows like Criminal Minds. Hey! more power to you, I've never watched the show, and I know there's fic out there (I had someone tell me about a what I think was a Harry Potter/Criminal Minds crossover??? wow), but it's not going to get the same kind of traction as say, a Teen Wolf fan work.
I'm not saying don't create for your niche interests! CREATE! BE FREE AND MERRY! but understand that those creations just won't get the same kind of traction because it's a niche interest.
We create for ourselves, we share to find other people who enjoy our hobbies.
Which brings me to my second point:
Making friends is hard! I totally get it. But a sure fire way to turn people off way fast is to start a conversation with me but make it abundantly clear you care about nothing that I say/offer and are just waiting for your turn to talk so you can tell me about YOUR things and expect ME to ask questions. Conversation is a two way street. It's a back and forth. It is not me sitting there like a parent patiently listening to my child tell me about the cool toy adventure they're doing. I'm not your parent. I'm not your captive audience. I'm another person, and if you want friends - MEANINGFUL friends - then you need to make an effort to engage with people.
And it's hard. It's hard because so many people out there are very navel-gazey, and people get so caught up in the excitement of their own creations that they forget to ask other people about theirs. And... you're gonna have to be okay with that. You're gonna have to be okay with it feeling like pulling teeth, and know that hey! you're never gonna be buddy buddies with everyone. You just keep being you, you just keep showing the kind of person you are, and eventually it'll happen.
It's taken me over a decade to form meaningful mature friendships online. I've had friends over the years, ofc, but it's only now, when I can approach something with clear expectations and not thinking everyone is off having fun without me in some little clique, that I've been able to connect with people more honestly. And taking a five year break from tumblr helped a lot with that. I bought a house, I got a new job, I did other meaningful things with my life that wasn't on the internet.
The internet isn't actually a popularity place. You do not have to be popular to exist. I have been on tumblr since the inception pretty much. I have 200 followers and I only interact with 10 of them, maybe 15. And I'll tell you that outta those 200, 90% of them are blogs that haven't updated in years. A follower count does not promise reblogs, does not promise friends. It's literally impossible to be best buddies with 2000 people, to have a meaningful connection with every. single. one.
anyway I'm tired. I'm too old for this shit. Go touch some grass, go get off tumblr and play a new video game, join a book club, read more books, do things that aren't perpetually refreshing your dash and thinking everyone is off having fun without you because I promise you it's not fucking true. You need to have a life offline. You need a hobby that doesn't involve the computer. Seriously. Go touch grass.
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nightcolorz · 3 months
okay i swear last from me tonight and no spoilers for show but i need armand happiness can we have some book armand / devils minion headcanons. literally about anything- their relationship, what they like to do, post canon, general armandisms that make me love him So Much?
don’t worry about bothering me I love when u interact with me <33 ok so I have a rlly cringe post canon devils minion head canon that I have been wanting to talk about but it’s rlly cringe and self indulgent 😭💔 but tbh, about as cringe as anything in late book canon so 🤷 I hope u enjoy and it makes u feel better, it’s my go to comfort headcanon
so I think Anne rices canon introduction of “through Science™️ vampires can conceive children with the help of DNA 🧬 , but they will come out as genetic clones, literally like identical twins but they r ur child, and lestat has a canon clone son” is a stroke of unhinged world building genius that is greatly underutilized by the fandom! I also think the vampire chronicles fandom is rlly missing out on some cringe fandom trademarks (like fandom ocs, ridiculous aus, stuff like that) bcus of the lawsuit thing probably. So anyway, I made the change I want to see in the world, and I have a genetic clone fan child oc 🙏. inspired by Armand’s canonically paternal personality and nurturing tendencies and soft spot for children, I like to think that way way post canon (around modern day) Armand and Daniel decide to Start A Family, and go through the process lestat did of conceiving a clone child with a surrogate (through armands dna), and they have a son (clone of Armand) named Ivan (after Armand’s father, I’m sappy) ! 🥰🥰 . It’s so silly I know, but I think having the opportunity to raise a human child and getting to give him and watch him live the mortal life he constantly envies and hoped to be able to provide Benji and Sybelle (before it was stripped from them) would be like, rlly good for Armand, and definitely I could see him in later canon wanting to pursue having a child with Daniel bcus of this unresolved grief. The clone layer, as ridiculous as it is, adds another dimension of sappy bcus not only will Armand get to live out the catharsis of giving a human child the fulfilled human life he never got, he will also get to see *himself*, or an almost too literal embodiment of his inner child, get to experience what he never did, and live that happy and safe childhood that Armand was deprived of. I think watching his son who looks just like him grow up and become a man while Armand is eternally frozen as a teen would be hard for him, but still healing and important.
So in my heart, post canon Armand and Daniel have their shit together enough to healthily (tho imperfectly) raise their clone son Ivan, who lives and dies a mortal. Ivan is the most spoiled child to ever live and he has a lavish playroom that is practically a house, fifty iPads, probably like ten ponies, etc etc. I imagine since he shares so much of Armand’s dna he strongly carry’s a lot of his traits, such as autism and strong hyper fixations. And I like to think he’s a little bit of a brat like Armand was as a child🙏 especially since his other dad Daniel does little to discourage those tendencies 😭. Ivan is a screen addict, a model train addict, and a Wolf Kid. He grows up to be the freakiest, strangest, long haired big bearded 5’6 ginger man at the gay bar. As a toddler Armand dresses him like a tiny fancy little man bcus he won’t have any son of his committing any fashion crimes, but unfortunately for Armand Ivan takes after Dad-niel in the fashion department and by the time he’s able to dress himself he wears wolf themed t-shirts and cargo shorts everyday 💔💔
Daniel is rlly naturally good with kids which is incredibly sexy and romantic to Armand. He’s the fun dad 💀 Armand is a little too strict and a little to over protective bcus of how trauma based I imagine his parenting would be, and daniels laid back, comfy and understanding energy helps level that out. When he’s a teenager Ivan goes through a rebellious emo phase and Armand and Daniel have to spend all of their energy desperately trying to ensure Ivan doesn’t tap into his addiction gene or his strong susceptibility to inheriting his father’s personality disorders 💀. He is very doted on and very loved, he is given more care and attention than any other child would be capable of receiving 😭. Armand is convinced he’s a child genius and will definitely cure cancer and become a world leader, so he tends to parade him around like his prized possession that everyone needs to know is incredibly special during Vampire Family reunions or whatever goes on post canon. ivan is not allowed to interact with Most vampires, except for Uncle Louis, who finds it emotionally difficult to be around children 😭 and Uncle Lestat (only under careful supervision of Uncle Louis), who loves throwing Ivan around like a ragdoll and telling him embarrassing facts about Armand 💀
I hope u like this lol, thank u for the ask!!! <33 u r always welcome to ask me for headcanons or ask for my thoughts, that is my favorite thing. Anyways, for those who r invested, here’s my Ivan art
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gynnnicsworld · 9 months
So I found this sterek fanfic that has so many parallels to the teen wolf movie, BUT this fic was written in 2019.
And I really need to talk about this fanfic because 1. I don't have anyone to do it with and 2. I was really surprised by some of the parallels in the fic.
This is the fanfic; It was a wednesday by isthatbloodonhisshirt
Words; 80k+
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Okay, the fic has parallels but is not identical, for example, there is no Eli and I have no idea how many years later the story is set.
First I have to say that the fic is about trying to find Stiles, because he is missing, he has been missing for 3 years,and the pack was destroyed because Stiles was basically the glue that held the pack together but with him missing, everything went down the drain.
Everyone loses their mind, everyone hates each other, and Derek returns to Beacon Hills.
→The first parallel I found was that the sheriff and Derek became close and Derek basically took care of the sheriff because he relapsed into alcoholism. As we know in the movie, the sheriff and Derek get along very well and the sheriff even acts as a grandfather to Eli and a father-in-law/friend to Derek.
In this fic things become a little darker due to the sheriff's pain at losing his son and saying many hurtful things to Derek.
→ The other thing I noticed was that the pack was no longer together, each member went their own way, and the entire first part of the fic is about the pack getting together. I mean we have all these EPIC moments of the return of all the members, Kira, Isaac, Liam, Cora, Peter, Lydia, Jackson, and basically EVERYONE.
Except those who are dead, they remained exactly the same; dead, of course they remembered them in the fic, but it was all quite appropriate.
And we all know that the teen wolf movie was about exactly that, about bringing the pack back together but the movie was a million times less epic and very poorly developed 😬. Sorry but not sorry, we all know I'm right about this.
→ Another parallel that surprised me quite a bit was that Derek was a semi-owner and worked In a car mechanical workshop. And that place was really important to Derek.
To be honest it's not my first option to think that Derek was a mechanic, of course after the movie was released that possibility made sense in my mind. But I haven't really read too many fics with that theme, so seeing that the author of the fic even agreed on that with the movie was pretty impressive.
These were probably the main parallels but I guess I could say that "one call" was what changed everything for Derek. And can we please remember how in the movie Derek tells the sheriff to call his son? Yes, thank you, and I honestly think that call would have changed EVERYTHING.
I really recommend this fic, if you have already read it please tell me what your favorite part was and if you are going to read it, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? RUN READ IT! And then come back here so we can talk about that fic. Seriously, Jeff Davis should have opted to hire writers from the sterek fandom to make that movie...the sterek fandom knows how to do things well and they make works of art like THIS.
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specialagentlokitty · 2 years
Who I write for/Rules;
This is a list of fandoms and characters I write for (some may be missing) and some rules, if you’re curious about a fandom or character please message and I’ll let you know if it’s someone I’ll write for or not! If you’re looking for prompts please search the tag Lokittys prompt list
Please if you’re requesting use some manners, say please and thank don’t demand I write something from you
This blog is for all ages, do not be hostile towards any member of this blog as you will be told to remove yourself immediately and if you don’t I will remove you, hate will not be tolerated this is a safe space regardless of age, sexual orientation, gender/pronouns, disability and such
If you’re wondering about a request you have but you’re worried or confused if I’ll write it or not or you’re just curious please reach out through inbox or asks and I’ll let you know! I write both romantic and plutonic requests for a wide range of characters!
Some things I will NOT write include; teenage pregnancy, smut(or related themes), underage!reader x older characters (these will ALWAYS be plutonic either a parental or sibling relationship). If you’re wondering about anything else just message! 💜
Fate the winx saga
- Saul silva
- Farah Dowling
- Jake
- Quaritch/ recom Quaritch
Criminal minds
- Hotch
- Rossi
- Derek
- Spencer
- Jj
- Emily
- Garcia
- Castle
- Beckett
Lucifer (Fox)
- Lucifer
- Maze
- Chloe
- Dan
Greys anatomy
- Alex
- Derek
- Mark
- Carlisle
- Esme
Harry Potter
- Sirius
- Remus
- Snape
- Tony
- Clint
- Bruce
- Natasha
- Thor
- Steve
- Loki
- Bucky
- Logan
- Wanda
- Pietro
- Maria
- Phil
- Carol Danvers
BBC Merlin
- Merlin
- Arthur
- Gwaine
- Leon
- Percival
- Lancelot
BBC Sherlock
- Sherlock
- John
- Moriarty
- Lestrade
- Mycroft
Black butler
- Sebastian
- William
- Undertaker
- Claude
- Sam
- Dean
- Castiel
- Gabriel
- Balthazar
- Chuck
- Crawley
- Lucifer
- Jack
The witcher
- Geralt
- Jaskier
Brooklyn nine nine
- Rosa
- Jake
- Amy
The good doctor
- Melendez
- Shaun
- Joey
- Rachel
- Ross
- chandler
- Monica
- Phoebe
Teen wolf
- Derek
- Peter
- Melissa (plutonic only)
- Chris
- Parrish
- Noah (plutonic only)
Doctor who
- 9
- 10
- 11
- 12
- 13
- River
- Clara
- Rose
- Amy
- Rory
- Jack
Lord of the rings/the hobbit
- Bilbo
- Legolas
- Thranduil
- Elrond
- Lindir
- Thorin
- Fili
- Kili
- Aragorn
My hero academia
- Aizawa
- Mic
- Dabi
- Hawks
- Midnight
- All Might (Toshinori)
- Fat Gum
Demon slayer
- Rengoku
Tokyo ghoul
- Yomo
- Uta
- shizuo
- Vilkas
- Farkas
Ackley bridge
- Mr Evershed
- Mrs Carter (plutonic only)
- Mr Bell
The vampire diaries
- Damon
- Klaus
- Elijah
- Finn
the watcher
- Ryan
- Shane
- bobby
- Buck
- chim
- hen
- Athena
- Maddie
- Eddie
Downton Abbey
- Thomas Barrow
- Anna
- Tom Branson
- Mary
- Sybil
- Edith
- Mrs Hughes (plutonic only)
- Merlin
- Eggsy
- Harry
- Booth
- Brennan (bones)
- Hodgins
- Angela
- Sweets
Buffy the vampire slayer
- Angel
- Giles
The walking dead
- Rick
- Daryl
- Negan
- Glenn
- Rosita
- Carol (plutonic only)
- Gabriel
- Aaron
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a-lil-bi-furious · 3 months
Top 10 Ships Involving POC in 10 Different Fandoms (Round 4)
Thanks to the wonderful @welldressedllama for the tag! 🥰 Just for funsies, this time I’m doing enemies-to-lovers/rivals-to-lovers/maybe-not-traditional-enemies-but-way-too-antagonistic-to-not-fit-the-bill-to-lovers edition. In no particular order:
1) Macy Vaughn x Abigael Jameson-Caine (Macigael) - Charmed CW
I ultimately respect the AbiMel plot, but these two were literally Right There. Excellent chemistry from moment one and they perfectly mirrored each other with Macy as a witch with demon blood (struggling with darkness) and Abigael as a demon with witch blood (struggling to accept lightness). To think of what could have been with the two of them and the acceptance of good and bad and the whole complex mess of the self makes me insaneeee
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2) Nicky Shen x Zhilan Zhang (Zhicky) - Kung Fu CW
Idek what to say their dynamic was just so fun and watching them begrudgingly grow close was chef's kiss.
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3) Eve Polastri x Villanelle (Villaneve) - Killing Eve
Literally THE enemies to lovers imho. What more do I need to say? Eve said seduction into my darkness? Yes please. Villanelle said feel emotions for one (1) woman and obsess over her? Okay. They're enemies AND lovers. They've both tried to kill each other. So? They get each other like no one else. No one's doing it like them
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4) Scott McCall x Theo Raeken (Sceo) - Teen Wolf
Sorry but I'm clawing at the walls, gnawing on my hands, howling at the moon over them. Exploring all the tension and the guilt and the fear and the longing is delicious. And the layer of long-lost friends? The subtle seduction into trust and the mutual destruction on Theo's part? Sorry I'm crazy about it sorry.
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5) Mona Vanderwaal x Spencer Hastings (Vanderstings/Spemona?) - Pretty Little Liars
Somebody in this fandom needs to tell me right meow why they're not a bigger thing??? Quintessential 'they hate each other's guts but no one matches their freak better'. Throw Hanna in the mix and that's the perfect formulation, but they hold their own on enemies-to-lovers grounds sooooooo well.
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6) Raven Reyes x John Murphy (Murven) - The 100
Truth be told they're not my top ship for each other BUT they are the epitome of enemies to friends (to lovers). Some of the best relationship development I can think of.
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7) Bonnie Bennett x Nora Hildegard (Bonnora) - The Vampire Diaries
Literally why were they not a thing? Bonenzo ily but look at them! They had such a fun little antagonistic flirty thing and Nora was canonically crushing on Bonnie. All I want is queer Bonnie and I was so close to having it
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8) Kitty Covey x Yuri Han (Kitturi) - XO Kitty
Kitty literally took one look at rival Yuri making music and crossed that thin line from hate to love. Girl was like "I will take this Angry tension and transform it into Sexual tension" and I respect that
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9) Kathani "Kate" Sharma x Anthony Bridgerton (Kanthony) - Bridgerton
I've only watched one full episode and seen random bits here and there but I'm obsessed with her and I'm obsessed with them. Literally scene one I was all in. They are the bane of my existence and the object of all my desires
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10) Luke Alvez x Penelope Garcia (Garvez) - Criminal Minds
I missed Morgan as much as the next guy, but Penelope and Luke's banter and chemistry is unmatched. Shame on the new seasons for lying to me and saying they went on a date but didn't have the same chemistry, that is such Bull
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Honorable mention: Zafira x Nasir (Nasira? Nafira?) from the Sands of Arawiya duology, who I feel I cannot officially include because I have only read a small excerpt so far, but I expect to like very much
Round 1 | Round 2 | Round 3
As always, no pressure whatsoever, but I’ll tag @freddieslater @aconfusedidentity @userlaylivia @scribeoffate @sees-writes @rhyslahey and anyone else who wants to play! :)
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many-gay-magpies · 3 months
one thing that's been fun to notice as i transition from teen wolf obsession into dead boy detectives obsession is how the difference in the quality of the show directly correlates to my need to write fanfiction for it.
watching teen wolf propelled me into a frenzy of fanfic-writing like never before, the likes of which i had not even felt with shows i enjoyed just as much as i enjoyed teen wolf. the fact of the matter is, teen wolf sits in the purview of media that is really rather bad, but just good enough to make me absolutely fucking bonkers about all the ways it could be better. in other words, THIS SHOW WOULD BE SO GOOD IF IT WERE GOOD. similar to merlin, teen wolf has a variety of characters, relationships, and plotpoints that are incredibly interesting and compelling, but the writing choices made and the execution of said plotpoints leaves a lot to be desired. teen wolf was (and is!) "good" in that i enjoyed it, in that i fell in love with the characters and their relationships, in that i felt visceral levels of emotion when the characters in question went through the terrible ordeals the show had in store for them—but then there are so many missed opportunities, so much lost potential, so many empty places or holes that never get explained, so many emotions or relationships or traumas that don't get paid NEARLY as much attention as they should be, and that, coupled with my aforementioned love of the characters and burning sense of injustice over the wrongs they faced at the hands of teen wolf's sometimes-shitty writing, was enough to shoot my posted fanfiction count up from five-ish to an entire eleven (to say NOTHING of the countless other unfinished pieces still sitting in my drafts).
and then we have shows like the sandman, and dead boy detectives, which... are so good i can really do nothing except scream about all the different reasons i love them and drown my blog in content for them ('the sandman' is included here because i had the same relationship with it after watching it as i have with dead boy detectives now). sure, there are some things in the show that are probably unsatisfactory to some people, and of course 'fixing canon' is FAR from the only reason people write fanfiction, but... there aren't any empty spaces. there's nothing to FIX; only eight episodes of absolute glorious, campy, heartfelt, sensitive, beautifully-written nonsense that i am losing my mind over more and more by the day. like with the sandman, my only real urges to write anything for dead boy detectives are to try and concoct some possible crossover with merlin, because i just LOVE shoving that magical little twink into as many situations as possible. i love the characters, and i would love to see how they work and clash against ANOTHER beloved character... but other than that, i just want to yell my love for this show into the sunrise and appreciate everything the OTHER creators in this fandom have to offer.
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