#i miss the old style so much 😭
stargargoyle · 8 months
Watching one piece is just seeing the male character design go from skinny bean pole to w i d e
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chiquilines · 5 months
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Hi guysssssss its been a minute
I havent posted in a hot while due toooo many things one of which being im not that much into mha anymore... i still really really love all my girls, tgchk mmjr midjoke miryumi etc still hold a dear place in my heart, and I'm gonna keep drawing them, just less. I might start posting more art from different media, but regardless im not gonna be able to post much in the coming months cause I am about to have a very very busy time academically, so Im gonna have less time for drawing :( anyways, thanks to everyone whos been liking my my hero art, it means a lot to me and i appreciate everyone who takes the time to look at my silly self endulging wlw!! This isnt a goodbye btw, im just taking the opportunity to be sappy :) see yall in the next post!!
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callilouv · 1 year
i rlly like how my art style is just an amalgamation of things i think r pretty
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alonetimelover · 10 months
pairing: Harry Styles x physicist!reader
summary: NYC is welcoming one of the most famous physicist and things seem to look great. More physics in pop terms and more of the sweet couple. For some time.
a/n: part 2 of physicist! reader. im so excited for you guys to read it! again i am sorry if i butchered physics in here - i hope my notes were correct...
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liked by scienceandharstyles, hArrysbtch and 34 302 others
harryupdates HARRY spotted in NYC today!
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hArrysbtch he didn't listen to Europe's prays, he can't leave America
harrysmoustache oh ive missed my husband SO MUCH
harrysmylife harries come on, what is his lockscreen?
⤷ hArrysbtch it looks like a building or something
⤷ harrysfan44 i think it's some old building, i posted the screenshot
⤷ scienceandharstyles it's one of the buildings on the Oxfords campus! Dr ysn has her lectures there
⤷ hArrysbtch so im assuming he has dr yn in front of that building, you can see a head on that lockscreen 😭
scienceandharstyles he can be there with Dr ysn! she said she had some open lectures in US!
⤷ harrysfan87 yes! imattending her lecture at NYU tomorrow! i can't wait
⤷ harrysfan33 and in three days she has a lecture with physics students at Colombia University!
meetcutesnyc 👀👀
⤷ hArrysbtch ohhhh, you know something
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liked by harryupdates, harrysmoustache and 22 301 others
harrynyc I SAW HARRY AND YN TALKING WITH THE METTCUTESNYC GUY TODAY! and then dr yn snapped this photo for me 🫠
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harryupdates oh im following that account immediately!!!
hArrysbtch harry answering questions about his relationship??? it can't be...
⤷ harrysmoustache maybe he finally feels comfortable
⤷ user48 I hope she isn't forcing him to
⤷ hArrysbtch he's a grown-up man, ha can make his own decisions
The video started with a grey pavement and part of the road visible on the screen and two pairs of sneakers approaching the cameraman. Hard-core fans of Harry would recognise those pairs of shoes plus legs wherever they would see them, they couldn’t be mistaken. The colours of them were unmistakable, taking away the need to be rather invisible. Sneakers pacing right next to Harry were just as funky as his, but in more pastel shades. They were slightly unfamiliar to the fans, but considering the account posting the video could mean the only one person - Dr YN YSN. 
“Excuse me, sorry to bother you,” started the voice behind the camera. “Are you a couple?”
Now, the camera was showing both of the faces. Harry’s partially covered by the navy hat and big sunglasses, and YN’s with a huge smile on her face. They both were wearing cosy outfits. A pair of Pleasing hoodies, shorts and high, white socks.
They both were interrupted mid-laughing. Harry slightly but seemingly tensed at the abrupt question thrown at him on the street of NYC, but immediately calmed down at YN’s hand squeezing his lovingly. He wanted to politely move forward, saying something like ‘yes, we are, but sorry we are expected somewhere near soon.’ But YN, his sweet YN, loved meeting and talking with new people. And he loved her for that. 
“Hi! Yes, yes we are,” she answered with a smile, but just like Harry - didn’t stop walking towards their destination. 
“Would you mind telling me a story of how you guys first met?” 
“Oh, I know you guys!” YN exclaimed. “You’re the ‘meet cutes’ account on Instagram, right?” 
YN stopped in her tracks, making Harry take a step back to join her. 
“Yes, we are!”
“I love those videos. They are so sweet. Remember the one I showed you with that elderly couple?” With the last sentence YN turned to her boyfriend, a big smile on her face. 
Harry nodded his head, mimicking her smile. There was no day when he could look at her without breaking a smile. She was such a ray of sunshine that shone over him and to him from the moment he first saw her. 
“Go ahead,” Harry whispered to YN. “If you want to answer some of the questions, I’m okay with it. I know how much you love those videos.” He encouraged her. 
YN looked at Harry longingly and with love spelled in her gaze. It wasn’t like he said that only for her happiness. They did talk about their public appearances, PDA, articles, her career, his career, fans, students, colleagues, professors. They talked about everything and came to the conclusion that those were their lives. Nobody should have decided for what they should and shouldn’t. It was their decision. 
That was how they decided that they would talk with YN’s dean and ask for permission for Harry to be on campus. Of course, it was granted - YN being one of the best researchers and the best lecturer at Oxford, and Harry being dean’s daughter's idol since his One Direction days. It just worked in their favour and as long as he wasn’t distracting students AND staff (including YN) it was very much okay for him to be there. Then they talked with Jeff (after YN insisted on it, ‘he is managing your career, Harry. Of course we should talk with him,’ she said one day). He obviously was happy for Harry, teasing him for the duration of their meeting, asking to be the best man at their wedding ‘after all I am the one who planted a seed of curiosity in that imbecile’s head’. 
“How did we first meet? Well, in person it was at our mutual friend's party, he introduced us to each other and the rest would be history.” She smiled at the end, gazing for a moment at Harry then back at the man, who asked the question. 
“In person? Was there any other occasion?” 
YN laughed and bumped her hip at Harry’s. “For me, the party was the very first time meeting him. I mean, my students talked about this lovely man all the time. I heard about him, I listened to his music. But the first time was at that party.”
“Have you met your partner earlier?” The question was directed to Harry. 
“Not met, no. But my friend actually sent me a link to a video where she called me a God particle. I couldn’t let that slide and looked for her wherever I went,” Harry answered, face turned towards the interviewer but his eyes were on YN, looking at her beautiful smile. 
“What were your first thoughts after meeting or seeing each other for the first time?” 
YN sighed, “you go first. You’re better with words.” 
“Uhm, after seeing that video I thought ‘how did she make physics seem so easy?’ and then ‘I’d love to see more of her.’ Just the way her passion for science beamed through the screen made me infatuated,” Harry longed. “Even though I'm very bad at understanding science.”
“But you’re learning!” YN interrupted him. “You now understand aspects that I teach, it’s very impressive.” 
“Thank you, love. Uhm, but when I first saw her in real life I thought that ‘I need to talk to her. I need to ask about that God particle and how much of a responsibility of being one is upon my shoulders’.” 
YN laughed, throwing her head back slightly. She loved when he was talking about that night. 
“What about you?”
“When our friend introduced us I greeted Harry with the thing that I firstly thought, ‘I've never thought I’d meet the God particle.’ And thankfully he laughed and it seemed to work for us.” YN explained with a smirk. 
“Now, could you tell me what is your favourite thing about each other?” 
“Her passion," Harry answered immediately, not giving YN a chance to do it first. "Or either wanting to learn and understand more and to teach others about what she loves. Watching her take time to help her students, staying after hours and grading all those papers, being the inspiration to others, to me - to be better and share my passion and knowledge with others. Yeah, that’s my favourite thing.” 
For his whole speech, YN was looking at her lover’s eyes trying to find that gleam that usually made her feel present and conscious in this fast paced world. 
“You’re gonna make my cry! No!” 
She hugged him, hiding her face in his hoodie. Harry embraced her body tightly, kissing the side of her head, murmuring ‘I’m sorry” and ‘I love you’. 
After a few moments for YN to calm down, she stood straight next to him (one arm around his waist, wanting to be close to him), taking a few breaths in. 
“My favourite thing about Harry is how deeply he cares and loves people close to him. It’s one thing being loved by him and a very much different thing seeing how his love is absorbed by his family. The way he showers them in so many different aspects of love is astonishing. It’s from mundane things like doing groceries to him driving to your house at night because you needed someone to talk to. I just love how he loves people in a poetic but human way.”
While watching that video people could tell how much those two loved and cared for each other. The way they looked lovingly at the other while they were talking said much more than a thousand words could describe. 
“Final question, what do you look for in the future?” 
“Woah, hard question,” YN started, placing her finger under her chin in a deep thought. “I think I look forward to spending more time with this guy. You know, just sitting at home and being around each other, sipping tea, holding cats and just being close.” 
“Seeing her happy with who she is makes me the happiest. So I’d love to see that for as long as it lasts,” said Harry squeezing YN closer to him. 
“Thank you guys, so much. What are your names?”
After Harry pointed at YN to tell it first, she introduced Harry and then herself with a little smile present on her sun kissed face. 
“It was very nice talking to you. You really made my day. Thank you!” She said and went to squeeze the interviewer's hand. 
“My pleasure. My sister became science obsessed because of the videos of you teaching. She’s 10 but started reading books about Physics for highschoolers,” said the man. 
YN pouted, clasping her hands together in front of her chest. 
“No way! That is so sweet! I’ve read some of the books about physics for younger kids. I’ll look over my library and just DM it to this account? Would that be okay? I’m sorry but I just love hearing about younger people being excited about science,” YN stumbled a little over her words, getting too eager about the subject. 
“Yes. She would love it.” 
“Fantastic. Have a good day!” 
“Nice talking to you, mate,” Harry said, shaking the guy's hand. 
While the camera was filming the couple walking away hand in hand, the voice could be heard from behind it, “that was the most nerve wracking interview I've ever done. But they were so cool.” 
meetcutesnyc Physics connects people
my parents!!!!!!!
i can't believe that you bumped into them
'at our friend's party' is a nice way of saying that CHRISTOPHER NOLAN introduced you to each other
passion? being the inspiration? dr yn ysn is the IT girl
'i love how he loves people' 🫠🫠🫠
just the way he looks at her... he may think we do not see his eyes behind those glasses but i did... I did and there was a BIG NEON SIGN SAYING I LOVE YOU
you can see how much they love each other
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nyunicersity Because of the interest of Dr YN YSN open lecture, we are moving it to our main lecture room! There might still be some space for you! Come and learn with the infamous Dr YN YSN.
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yourinstagram Everyone is welcome!
harrystyles ❤️❤️
harrynyc Can't wait to attend it!
harrysfan44 finally the lecture I am wiling to attend!
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liked by harryupdates, hArrysbtch and 25 302 others
harrysfan44 Dr YN YSN at the beginning of the lecture. Later she did not stand behind the pulpit. She was walking around asking people if they understood everything, she answered questions. That was the best lecture I've ever attended. Now I understand the hype!
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harryupdates she is the best!
hArrysbtch I just love the person streaming this after dr yn ysn said it was okay to film her because she knows that a lot of people weren't let in the room
⤷ harrysfan44 yes! she even argued with our Dean to let people in if they were okay with sitting on additional chairs and the floor. she just wanted everyone to be included!
user34 was there any topic explained in pop terms??
⤷ hArrysbtch yes! she explained the moment of inertia using music idols and dispersion was based on One Direction breaking up
⤷ user34 what?! really?
“Okay, so anyone knows anything about dispersion?” Dr YN YSN asked the full to the brim lecture hall. 
“Yeah, it’s a rainbow?” Answered one of the students. 
“Well, not exactly. Dispersion is the dependence of the refractive index of the centre of the frequency of the light wave in the centre. One of the effects of the dispersion is the fact that the light of different wavelengths so different taint, dropping on the line of two centres at the angle different than zero, refracts at different angles. You can observe that when the white light is being refracted on prisms giving you the beautiful rainbow. All in all, what is the most important. Rainbow is not dispersion. Rainbow is the effect of dispersion,” YN explained quickly the topic, drawing on the blackboard the prisms and various colours. “Do you understand?”
The lecture room was silent. Strangely silent which made Dr YSN turn around quickly and take a look all over the room. 
“Okay. What is not clear. Dispersion or prisms?” 
“Prisms,” was said by most of the people. 
“Yeah, they’ve just had a test on dispersion and failed on explaining the effects of it,” commented in rather rude tone one of the professors, causing Dr YN YSN to raise her eyebrows. 
“Okay. Ehm, another chance to make you understand. Give me a band I can work with right now to explain it. Don’t be shy, you can scream it to me, don’t hold your hand up. I want to hear the answer.” 
After a moment of whispers bouncing off the walls, one brave student spoke up, “what about One Direction?”
Dr YN YSN smiled and blushed slightly, looking momentarily at her left, right where Harry was sitting. 
“I see what you guys are doing. I’ll work with the thing you gave me. Alright. Uhm, connections. White light is the band. One Direction, right? Right.” Dr YSN started with drawing the prism and one simple white line almost touching the border of the triangle. “Here we have their path together, right? No obstacles, they shine together. But then boom!” She aggressively drew the line towards the border, touching it. “2015 happened. They met the obstacle, the 18 month hiatus, isn’t that right?” 
She turned around with a smile, making a room laugh and sneaking a glance at Harry who was putting his head in his hands. 
“Okay. So when they met that 2015 it was their line of two borders, border one saying ‘stay together’ and border two saying ‘it’s time to move on’." She touched the spaces on the board to visualize what was being said.
"As white light reacts, it cannot have the same opinion which in our case is the angle of the way the light is dropping. So, it bounces off in different directions, becoming different colours. All in all. They were all one name, yes? White light equals one direction. After meeting the obstacle - 2015, so line of two centres -  they are given different names - now blue, red, yellow, green, purple and so on. Do we understand it better now?” 
DR YSN once more turned towards the room, leaving the drawing of the prisms behind her. 
“We do.”
“Yeah, but that connection was uncalled for,” someone commented, making people laugh. 
“Well, you were the one asking for One Direction. I gave you what you wanted,” YN laughed. “Alright, any more questions?”
she is the moment
i love that woman with my whole heart
she is beautiful, she is successful, she is smart, she bagged one of the sexiest man alive ICON
she is the icon, the legend, and she is the moment
another time I understand physics only because of Dr yn ysn and not my professors - but really covering the hiatus was uncalled for
thank you, Dr ysn!!!!
the way she smirked at Harry when commenting on the 2015 fiasco? Icon behaviour right there!
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liked by harrystyles, scienceandharstyles and 201 201 others
drynysn Thank you to everyone who attended the lecture at NYU! It was amazing to see you all there! I cannot stress enough how unfortunate it was that some of you were not let into the room. I spoke up with the Dean, and we agreed on one more open lecture being held in two days. So if you still want to hear some cool facts about physics, cosmos, and more, come! I will be waiting and fighting for you to be let in!
ps. isn't it the coolest library?
ps2. This is the new account I will be using to post some little videos explaining some of the concepts in physics!
view all 17 301 comments
harrystyles There is a beautiful woman covering some of the bookshelves. I am too mesmerised.
⤷ yourinstagram you cheeky 🫠
scienceandharstyles this is the best way to get into young people's hearts!
harryupdates I loved the stream! I understand so much and learn even more. Amazing as always!
hArrysbtch the way she was fighting the old man to let people in??? iconic behaviour!
harrysmoustache the impact this woman has! this account already has more than 500k followers!!!
⤷ yourinstagram it's craaaazzzy
⤷ drynysn wrong account... but it is crazy
⤷ hArrysbtch I LOVE HER
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liked by yourinstagram, harryupdates and 5 302 391 others
harrystyles NYC 2023
view all 453 291 comments
yourinstagram Your support is all I need ❤️
harryupdates I lived to the day that Harry Styles posted a photo with his girlfriend
hArrysbtch yeah yeah yeah, you are in love (I am crying)
harrymylove NYC is looking god on you guys
annetwist Congratualtions you guys!
⤷ yourinstagram Annie! Thank you, xx
⤷ hArrysbtch what did harry do?
⤷ annetwist He's my son.
⤷harrystyles Thank you, mum ☺️
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liked by harrystyles, annetwist and 1 029 291 others
drynysn Hello! Here are even more physics answers to questions you might have had throughout your whole life. Hope you enjoy it because I loved answering those!
view all 283 492 comments
harrystyles Still no god particle, disappointing
⤷ drynysn Criticism accepted.
⤷ harrystyles Will there be a part 3?
⤷ drynysn Maybe. But still no Higgs boson.
hArrysbtch this is what I needed just before my classes
harrysmoustache she's doing her makeup and explaining quantum physics... she really is amazing
scienceandharstyles I will miss those lectures after graduating 😭
wired Oh, this is one of our best videos!
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liked by hArrysbtch, harrysmoustache and 34 291 others
harryupdates HARRY AND DR YN YSN spotted in Oxford today!
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hArrysbtch they are back!!!!!
harrysmoustache dr ysn has tattoos???
⤷ scienceandharstyles yes! she has multiple!
⤷ harrysmoustache she is even cooler, oh god
harrylondonboy it's a nice time of the year to take a trip to Oxford and bump into them
harrysfan39 the holding hands, the outfits, the camera???
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liked by user34, hater37 and 684 302 others
celebrityupdates Is this the kind of pictures that the professor of one of the most prestigious universities in the world should pose for? This and more pictures of Harry Styles and Dr YN YSN are on our website, link in bio.
view all 492 201 comments
harryupdates this is so sick and twisted, you should find some good lawyers
hArrysbtch you little bitches, this is invasion of privacy
harrysmoustache I remember the case similar to this, and the couple went to court and won. so prepare some money
harrysmylife fuck you, disgusting pigs
user47 absolutely not kind of pictures I'd think this good of a professor is part of!
user93 I don't like the picture (considering the role she has in young people's lives), and I don't like invasion of privacy.
harrysfan192 will that mean she'll get fired?
⤷ hArrysbtch they would be crazy if they even thought about it!
⤷ user92 there are different laws in different universities but I think they could do it
a/n: do we live it as a mystery or should i start preparing part 3?
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dontyouworrydaddy · 1 year
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ყoᥙ bᥱᥣoᥒg to mᥱ
𝑜𝑙𝑑𝑒𝑟 𝐿𝑒𝑜𝑛 𝐾𝑒𝑛𝑛𝑒𝑑𝑦 𝑥 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑟 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟
warning: Minors DNI (18+) NSFW, Reader is 24!
summary: He definitely praises you. Oh and definitely talks through it
A/N: Also tried a new style as you can see. Please let me know what you think of it. Should I keep doing this one or should I go back to the old one? Kinda like this one but I‘m not sure😭
Anyways hope you enjoy! Love you <3
✩。:*•.───── ❁ ❁ ─────.•*:。✩
The sound of the door shutting snaps you out of your own little world. You came back home early today. You were supposed to be back at 6pm bit got home at 4:30 pm since everything was done. You were excited to get home early so you could catch up on the book you didn’t had the time to finish for a month now. But now that you had a lot of time to read. you where already half way through it. And it was getting very interesting. But nothing was more exciting when you heard the door shut knowing your boyfriend just came back from his exhausting work. Oh how you were excited.
“I‘m home” he yells through the apartment. You could hear the exhaustion in his voice. You put the book on your nightstand and make your way out of the room. And there he stands. In the kitchen. With a glass of water in his hands.
He tried to avoid drinking around you. He didn’t want you to see that part of him. No matter how often you told him it’s okay as long as he doesn’t drink way too much.
You make your way to him and hug him. He lets out a deep chuckle with causes your heart to melt. “Welcome home, baby” you welcome him and kiss his cheek. He puts the glass down on the counter and grabs you face. “I missed you so much” he whispers and you can smell the alcohol in his breath. The whisky.
He kisses you. He kisses you for a very long time and the kiss is so deep and passionate. But after what felt like hours of kissing you let go because you need oxygen. He looks you deep in the eyes while you’re breathing heavily. And he kisses you again. This time is different. This kiss is trying to prove you how much he missed you. How much he needs you.
And you would be lying if you didn’t need him as much as he needed you now. You didn’t had him for weeks and you began to feel lonely and your fingers were never helping you.
“If you don’t stop now” he says breaking the kiss for a short time. “You won’t be able to escape me” he kisses you again. You decide to tease him and let your hand wander down on him.
Your hand is now right on top of his covered dick. He breath hitches which causes you smirk while you continued to kiss him. But you didn’t stop there. You began to get closer to him until there was no space in between you. His hands on your ass are now squeezing you. And you could feel how you were getting wet.
He suddenly picks you up and you lock your legs around his torso. He carried you to the bedroom. This happened so often because now he was now able to carry you to the bedroom blindly.
As you both make it to the bedroom, he lets you fall on the bed with him between your legs. And now you wish you were wearing less today. Because you were feeling so hot right now. You don’t know if it’s because you need him so bad right now or because the weather is getting hotter.
He removes your clothes while you help him remove his. And now you were there, only in your underwear.
He starts to kiss your neck and as soon as he found your soft spot he decided to abuse that spot leaving you moaning mess.
“Leon” you moan his name and gets hard by it. Hearing you moan his name will be the death of him.
“Yes, Sweetheart?” he plays dumb and kisses your sweet vanilla skin. “Please” you moan clearly not being able to take it anymore.
His kisses trial down your body until he lifts your both legs and let them rest on both sides of his shoulder. He kisses your inner thighs and you feel yourself getting even more hot even through you have nothing but your underwear on.
“So wet for me.” he says in between the kisses. “Do I deserve you?”
“Yes. Please just take me already” you whine.
“It’s okay baby. We have time” he teases you and you whine louder. He moves your panties to the side and he starts eating you with no warning. You gasp at the feeling and you feel too good. Your fingers could never give you the feeling Leon does. His tongue does magic with you and you can feel yourself getting closer.
“Leon.” you moan again.
“Yes baby. I understand. But not now” he lets go of your legs and he towers over you. His hands part your legs and you look at him. Oh please.
He removes his boxers and lets his tip touch your clit. He teases you for a few seconds before he slides in you a bit. You gasp at the feeling. It’s crazy how you never were able to adjust to his size. It takes a few minutes for the pain to disappear and involve into pleasure. As soon as he noticed your face change he slowly slides in your fully and out again. He repeats his moves until he starts to fasten his moves.
“So beautiful baby” he whispers in your ear while fucking you.
“I see you’re reading the book we got together. How is it hm? Do you like it?” he asks you while he thrusts into you. You open your mouth to answer him but quickly shut it again since you couldn’t get any words out. Instead you let you hands wander on his back and your fingernails scratches his back.
“Always so tight around me. I‘ve been thinking about you this whole week and how much I missed you. Chris was getting annoyed of me because I wouldn’t shut up about you. He told me to say hi.” he whimpers at the end and he is getting faster now.
“Leon fuck” you scream his name at this point. It feels so good. Too good to be true.
“You’re voice is to die for baby. I‘m almost there baby. I‘m glad you’re in my life” he whispers into your ear. You feel yourself shift up and down the bed and your tits start to hurt because of the fast movements.
And you feel yourself getting close. “Leon. I‘m so-” your moan interrupts you and you can’t finish your sentence.
“Yes baby. I can feel it. I‘m close too.” he kisses you. The kiss is sloppy and messy. There are so many emotions mixed in the kiss. You didn’t know this was possible but again everything is possible with Leon. “You belong to me sweetheart. You‘re mine. Only mine. This pussy belongs to me.” he says.
“Cum with me sweetheart” he says and you both come at the same time.
Leon slowly removes his cock from inside you and kisses you again.
“Your body is like a drug baby. I‘m addicted to you” with that said he shoved his cum back inside you causing you bite your lip.
“Let me take care of you now” he whispers as he lifts you up bridal style and take you to the shower.
You’re happy. Your boyfriend is back.
“Welcome home, Leon”
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junicult · 11 months
What do you think the bachelors prefer more, Ass or Tits? I'm just curious what you think
!! which bachelors prefer your boobs / ass
contains ; nsfw! reader is implied to have a curvier body. some smut. some fluff. fem!farmer. the words boobs & butt are used. (1) mention of f!receiving oral. not proofread / probably missing some tags.
note ; ahh, the age old question.
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- he couldn’t care less what you have under your clothes.
- that being said…boobs.
- during sex, in general he doesn’t really like when he can’t see you / your face.
- doggy style isn’t his favorite, not because it doesn’t feel good but because it doesn’t feel like he’s focused on you. he wants to see you, he doesn’t like the way it makes him feel like he’s not having sex with you.
- he’s already a big fan of missionary. he loves when he can really be in the moment w you.
- …and ur boobs just so happen to be right in front of him.
- the soft bounce, how they fit in his palms, and overall just how they look. he likes them, okay🤷‍♀️
- he’s never outright said it, though. if u asked he might but i doubt it.
- he doesn’t want to objectify you like that. it’s not like he looks at you and thinks how much better your tits look then anything else.
- it’s just obvious.
- wear a low cut shirt and his eyes might wander. i’m just saying.
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- i literally can’t decide. i’m serious i have no idea.
- i just love the thought of him being obsessed with you (like a good husband should) so even if he was asked the question, he couldn’t answer!!!
- “hey babe, do you like my tits or ass more?” and he’ll ponder on it like you asked him what the meaning of life was.
- he loves your boobs because they’re soft, he likes resting his head on them, and holding them under your shirt whenever you lay together (yes he does that).
- he loves your butt because…well it looks nice. he likes looking at it lmfao.
- it’s just as soft and fits nice in his hands when he pulls you in to kiss you sometimes.
- it’d be funny if you actually asked him, cus he’d still be thinking about it hours later.
- ur laying in bed together, his cheek is resting on your chest and he’ll just mumble, “i think your boobs might be the answer.”
- and if u bend over in front of him to pick up something on the floor, he’ll just sigh and say, “maybe it’s your butt…?”
- like MOVE ON!! IT’S BEEN DAYS😭😭😭
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- might be controversial…but boobs.
- he loves ur boobs, and all for the previously stated reasons.
- he’s a little more openly a pervert then anyone else💀
- he’ll stare at ur boobs mid conversation, and will just look up at you like nothing happened.
- lol if u guys were arguing or something, and you catch him looking, you’ll just stop and say, “i’m sorry, were they saying something?”
- he just chuckles, “yeah, i think they were agreeing with you.”
- he knows time and place tho. if the argument is more of a fight, he doesn’t have time to stare💀💀
- he also loves the way they feel, how soft they are when he squeezes them.
- and in general your tits can easily get him hard if that’s your goal.
- he likes to bite them, suck on them, squeeze them, fuck them. they’re pretty & he enjoys feeling them up.
- don’t even get me started on when u wear jewelry that dangles right into your cleavage.
- he’s way too horny to just ignore it.
- needless to say, you’ve given him a titjob before 😇
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- he’ll never admit it.
- and he definitely loves both, i promise.
- it’s a close second…but i think he likes ur ass more.
- in general, i don’t think he actually dwells on that stuff. he thinks it’s silly, and stupid because he loves you no matter what you have.
- i don’t even think he’s ever even given it in-deep thought.
- if we’re talking non-sexual, he might prefer your boobs only because they’re so versatile 😊
- he’s just like any other guy: he wants to lay between them with your arms wrapped around him while he naps.
- he’ll hold them while you spoon. he’s no different then anyone else.
- but when he’s horny, and he’s looking at your body sexually, he might like your ass a bit more.
- it’s sorta obvious in the way he’ll get hard so quickly if you turn around to take off ur pants in front of him lmfao.
- he runs on auto pilot when ur ass is in front of him, i’m just sayin.
- he’ll definitely want to squeeze it, especially when you’re sitting on his lap.
- or when he’s fucking you from behind, he’s addicted to the way you arch into him, and the way your skin ripples when his hips slam into yours.
- he’s pretty lanky, & something abt ur phat ass just drowning him makes him a little excited. i’ll say it.
- if you ever asked, he’d probably just say, “i dunno, i like them both.”
- and if you told him you think he likes ur ass more, he’ll just shrug and say, “i guess so.”
- he really doesn’t gaf.
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- ughhhhh
- i feel like this one kinda depends on whichever you have more of.
- he’s not a pig (anymore.) it’s not like he’s married to you because of your cup size.
- he likes all of you, not just your body.
- he’s also not picky!! i’m just saying, if his ex had larger boobs when you have a larger ass—that literally means nothing to him.
- it’s your boobs and your ass that sexually attracts him. not anyone else’s.
- and also, if you don’t have larger boobs or a larger ass, he doesn’t care either.
- he’ll still smack your ass if you walk past him, and eye ur tits in a tank top.
- if u have larger boobs, he’s definitely wanting to moterboat them😭😭😭
- he likes to hold them, press them together and squeeze them whenever u give him the chance.
- he acts like they’re the first pair of tits he’s ever seen.
- and if your ass is larger, dw, he’s unrelenting.
- his hands will always wander whenever you give him even just a quick kiss.
- he’ll give it a little squeeze and grin at you like he didn’t.
- …he’ll eat u out from the back just so ur ass is in his face🫣
- but the thing is, no matter what you have larger or less of, he’s still doing all of these things 😭
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- is there a third option?
- i’m not abt to say personality, bc obviously all of these men love your personality. they’re grown adults, they’re not married to u bc of ur body.
- if we bring thighs into the mix, then i might have to rewrite some things (sdv men love thighs it’s canon.)
- it’s impossible to tell if he actually did have a preference because of the way he treats you so delicately.
- like, if he did prefer your ass, all you would have to show for it was when his hand would already be resting on your lower back, before he moved to just cup one of your cheeks (lol)
- or your boobs, when he’d gently kiss over your heart as a sign of affection.
- if we’re heading towards sexual, i still think he doesn’t have a favorites
- he does everything in his power to show every bit of you as much love as he can.
- you’re perfect to him, and he wants you to know that.
- he doesn’t wanna potentially make you insecure if you know he prefers your boobs, which you have less of then your ass, or vise versa.
- he loves all of you, and he’ll absolutely prove it.
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psa: pls take this lightheartedly, i don’t intend to hurt anyone’s feelings. it’s all in good fun!!
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thealexchen · 10 days
who the fUCK is that in the new LIS trailer bc thats not the max i know 😭 why does she look so different help
maybe its bc arcadia bay was known for its warm hues and this just feels completely different but even the art style was changed to look more generic :((
The main reason: they made Double Exposure Max more conventionally attractive. Ironically, while Max's redesign in Double Exposure tries to make her face more unique, it winds up making her more generically pretty.
LiS1 Max was deliberately designed to look like a young, plain and mousy teenage girl. She dressed simply and safely so as to not stand out. It conveyed her shyness, awkwardness, and indecisive nature and was an example of Dontnod's eye for character design.
This Max is... I dunno. Her design doesn't say anything. I'm not even that bothered that her hairstyle changed, but it's literally Steph's hairstyle on Max's head and doesn't communicate much about Max's personality as an adult. Same goes for her clothing-- as a teen, her graphic tees and plain gray hoodie immediately depicted her as a shy, youthful wallflower in an eclectic private art school. In Double Exposure, her wardrobe is indistinguishable from any other young working professional her age: a yellow beanie, a green peacoat, blue jeans, red and blue cardigans with feminine necklines.
As for the rest of her appearance, somehow her face shape has completely changed to become more slender, especially her jawline.
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LiS1 Max, with her square jaw, distinct from her chin, and dark circles.
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DE Max, who suddenly has filled out cheeks, with a softer jaw that blends into her chin.
In LiS1, Max had asymmetrical lips, with the bottom lip fuller than the top lip. In Double Exposure, her lips are fuller, rounder, and perfectly symmetrical. Her nose is also more symmetrical: wider, rounder, softer, and less pointed (especially between her nostrils) than her nose in LiS1. All of this serves to soften and feminize her appearance.
While freckles can fade naturally with age, in Double Exposure, Max's freckles are barely visible in most shots. She has flawless skin with an even more realistic skin texture than the models in True Colors (which looks uncanny to me, in my opinion).
But the main thing is her eye color. In LiS1, Max had medium blue eyes that did not particularly stand out against her skintone and hair color. During the warmly lit scenes like golden hour, her eyes are desaturated even further.
But in Double Exposure, Max's eyes are suddenly ice blue, unnaturally bright and piercing. Even in dark scenes, her eyes have a sparkle to them. Unfortunately, her eye design seems to be carried over from the "anime-fied" eyes in the remaster, which were larger, shinier, and brighter than the original game. The difference is truly astounding:
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LiS1 Max's eyes, which had the same texture as the rest of her model. Her irises appear dark blue with little depth.
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And now, DE Max's eyes, which have a distinct "glassy" texture compared to her skin and hair. Her irises are suddenly ice blue and the pupil is larger with a very bright reflection.
I know that D9 wants to show off a new "grown up Max" who has grown into her confidence and femininity with a more cleaned-up appearance. But Max was already done with puberty in the first game, so she wouldn't suddenly be sporting a softer jawline and filled out cheeks at 28 years old. This was a huge missed opportunity to instead depict the effects of accelerated aging due to stress and trauma on Max's face: sunken cheeks, dark circles, acne, skin discoloration, and forehead wrinkles. Instead, Max Caulfield got the Hollywood beauty treatment.
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mydearesthrry · 11 months
birthday wishes - h.s.
a/n: hi … this is long. it ends abruptly and im v sorry! apologies for my absence,,, enjoy :))
🎀 warnings/cw: nothing but fluff
🐇 pairing: 1dbandmember!reader x harry styles
💐 wc: n/a
summary: every year, Y/N posts something for harry’s birthday. every single year, no matter what.
a/n: pls keep in mind harrys relationship timeline or this wont make as much sense..? ok bye
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liked by niallhoran, zaynmalik, and 2,378,615 others
yourinstagram: Happy birthday goof!! Thanks for always tuning my guitars for me. I can’t believe you are 18!!!!!!!!!
view 79,058 comments
harrystyles: Thaaaaaanks. I love youuuu. <3 <3 <3
user2: i cant believe that this picture is real
niallhoran: no bday post for me?? D:
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liked by niallhoran, dakotajohnson, dontshakethepolaroid, and 3,008,263 others
yourinstagram: happy birthday h. u are 19. thats crazy. i owe my life to u thank you for being my best friend— thank you for you. i love u so so much bub :’)
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niallhoran: h day!!! time to celebrattteeeeee!!!!!!
annetwist: love you sweetheart!
harrystyles: I love youuuuuu!!!! Thank you lovebug. <3
zaynmalik: time to get drunk!
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liked by niallhoran, zendaya, sabrinacarpenter, and 108,862 others
yourinstagram: its a national holiday!! happy birthday to my best friend, confidant, songwriting partner, and personal pillow. UR FUCKING 20. THATS INSANE. i love u so much pickle :’)
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gemmastyles: old man!!!
harrystyles: Thank you Olive :) Love you tons.
niallhoran: a special lads birthday!
zaynmalik: 🍻
jamescorden: pickle and olive!
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liked by arianagrande, wherearetheavocados, and 6,826,728 others
yourinstagram: love you prince boy, happy birthday ❤️
view 198,726 other comments
harrystyles: My favorite person alive. Xx
niallhoran: legal in the states!!!!
user1: his comment is so casual but so cutw i cant 😭😭😭
user2: i am so unstable shes literally posted every time on his birthday for years
user3: NEW PHH CONTENT!!!!!
ynrryupdates: our suspicions were right! she posted again this year ❤️❤️❤️
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liked by tomholland2016, liampayne, annetwist, and 5,276,266 others
yourusername: hbd har <3 thank you for everything
view all 99,251 comments
user1: no special note… i think we’re losing them
user2: :( not the same this year
user3: i think she’s holding back now because he’s official with kendall?
harrystyles: Thank you, it was wonderful seeing you. H
user4: this is weird…. harry’s comment isnt sitting right with me…?
gemmastyles: missed your face!!!!!!!!!! love you ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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liked by harrystyles, selenagomez, marikoluv, and 4,726,629 others
yourinstagram: happy birthday pickle, miss you <3
view all 99,625 comments
annetwist: Missed seeing you! Come back and visit soon ❤️
harrystyles: Thank you Olive. Love you. Miss you more.
gemmastyles: missed my best friend ❤️❤️❤️
user1: are we… are we finally getting them back….
user2: slowly going back to normal………
user3: HES SO DRY 😭
user4: he said love you 😭😭😭😭😭 miss you more 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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liked by harrystyles, taylorswift13, sabrinacarpenter, and 6,276,151 others
yourinstagram: tbt our frat days 🤓 miss you always my bug, happy birthday ❤️ i love love you
view all 71,620 comments
harrystyles: Be home soon, I miss you more than anything. Love you love you love you. Thank you. H x
gemmastyles: I NEED you to come over when you’re back in London!!!!!!!
annetwist: My baby! ❤️🎁🎉
user2: now that harrys a freeeeeee man we can get ynrry back like weve always dreamed of!
user3: HER bug… im unwell
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liked by harrystyles, billieeilish, liampayne, and 4,276,991 others
yourusername: our time now, silly boy. happy birthday to my soulmate, lover, best friend… and everything else in between. i admire everything you do and I feel like the luckiest person alive to have the privilege of knowing you, cherishing you, and caring for u. that being said, i love you i love you i love you so much it hurts. thank you for choosing me. happy birthday pickle ❤️
view all 89,715 comments
harrystyles: There’s no one in this world I love more than you. Thank you, baby. Very grateful for you, Olive. Xxx
jamescorden: FINALLY
billieeilish: thank GOD this has been the hardest secret to keep 😭😭😭😭
sabrinacarpenter: mom n dadddddd
annetwist: My babies ❤️🎂
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liked by harrystyles, arianagrande, gemmastyles, and 4,917,899 others
yourinstagram: havent missed a year so why start now? happy birthday h, i love you so much ❥ p.s. ur fiance era looks so good on u ;)
view all 105,918 comments
harrystyles: Thank you. And I agree; I’ve never looked better. ❤️
user2: THEYRE ENGAGED???!!!!!!!!!!
user3: remember in 2013 when they got asked a question on the this is us panel about how they dreamed of proposing/being proposed to and Y/N said in italy… he def proposed when they filmed golden
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liked by user1, harrystyles, billieeilish, and 6,818,809 others
yourinstagram: first outing as newlyweds,,, only right to be celebrating pickles birthday too. bug… i trust u implicitly and love you entirely. my husband!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! happy birthday harry ❤️
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harrystyles: Soulmate. Thank you baby. H
sabrinacarpenter: cats out the bag… mom and dad are married !!!
annetwist: Official daughter ❤️❤️❤️
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grapejuicestyless · 1 year
Harry Styles x Fem!reader
HSLOT(2018) tour photographer y/n pt.2
Faceclaim: Blanca Soler
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🟢🟡🔵liked by mitchrowland and 2,090,001 others
harrystyles Indianapolis, live on tour. Shot by @yourusername
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harryscherries The clothes everywhere😕❤️
harryfan01 isn’t the shirt he’s holding the one y/n wore yesterday? And isn’t that her suitcase?
harryfan04 why is he going through y/n’s clothing?
harrysflowers because let’s be honest, she has better fashion sense than half of his fandom at least.
yourusername it’s so homey back here.
harrystyles harry’s home!
harryskiwi I have been waiting patiently everyday since tour started for these mouth watering photos y/n takes everyday.
harryshearts real.
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🟢🔵🟡liked by harrystyles and 987,001 others
yourusername Some photos from the archives to celebrate the last leg of tour wrapping up soon. Lots of love to the Styles team and the boss man himself. ❤️
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harrystyles pinch me.
harryfan04 y/n and her photos will be deeply missed in the next coming months.
harryscherries I LOVE HER SO MUCH FOR THIS.
yourusername sharing is always caring and lucky for you, I care slightly enough.
harryskiwi queen shit.
timotheechalamet My best friend is so good at what she does.
taylorswift might need to get you on board for my final shows for old times sake.
yourusername call me for your next tour and I’ll be there. For now I will be snoozing after for months.
mitchrowland 📸📸📸
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🟢🟡🔵liked by harryfan01 and 1,009,001 others
harrysonlyangel new photos of y/n and Harry got leaked from some of the HSLOT band members iCloud. There were a few more but I think I might get my account shut down if I share.
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harrysonlyangel I realize I made the other photos sound bad 😭 they were just of them kissing in some bar. It’s not what I made it out to be 😭😭😭
harryskiwi they were still traumatizing.
harryscherries I don’t know who I’m more jealous of….
harryfan01 you guys are gonna scare her off. We NEED these photos guys.
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🟢🟡🔵liked by yourusername and 2,300,001 others
harrystyles what the shirt says.
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yourusername 🤭
mitchrowland 👏👏👏
sarahjones perfect response.
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🟢🟡🔵liked by harrystyles and 1,009,000 others
yourusername guys…I have a problem…my boss…is so hot.
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harryscherries THIS IS SO ICONIC.
harrystyles hard launch, huh.
yourusername sorry who are you?
harryskiwi oh my, I love her.
taylorswift 👏👏👏
harryfan01 this is honestly such a good response. Your personal business got leaked and you made the best of it. Honestly, queen.
harryfan04 I love you.
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There will be a third part!!!
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riskyraiker · 4 months
Hi! Just saw that your request is open, could I request for a HC of TFP characters (and the humans if you're comfortable with it :D) with a cybertronian reader who's a popstar.. like she used to be a very famous popstar in Cybertron before the great war! platonic btw, it's just how they will interact with em (This is just a bonus but: the reader has the same vibes with shining glitter cookie 😭) sorry if this is a bit confusing, thanks!
AHHHH I LOVE THIS!! I'VE BEEN THINKING ABOUT SOMETHING LIKE THIS FOR A WHILE. I did the autobots for this one, but let me know if you want decepticons aswell!
Being a popstar was awesome! Until now, because of the war. Life was great before. Interviews, shows and interaction with fans filled your schedule everytime, but right now? You ran for your life to the closest escape pod what you could find. Shooting and screaming could be heard behind you, but you ignored it and ran faster. Jumping into the escape pod you activated it and left, but it put you into a stasis coma for safety travel reasons. After eons you wake up on a strange planet, but soon as your hearing recovered you heard shooting. Did you even escape Cybertron and fell asleep? You wondered. Hiding behind the huge pod, you let the fight continue until it stopped. You could hear an feminive voice speak so you peeked from behind the pod. You saw...AUTOBOTS! What a relief for you, but the autobots soon noticed you and held you at gunpoint.
Optimus didn't realize it was the one and only popstar from Cybertron at first, until you tell who you were.
He grew comfortable really quick around you aswell :D
Didn't react at all at first, but surprisingly got really happy about seeing you. (His inner Orion pax woke up)
When he was Orion Pax he loved i mean LOVED your style in music and performing.
Would smile the whole time when you explaing happily about your music or about your past life to the team
He also loves your style of your plating and armor as they shine and glimmer in the sun.
Would have a secret soft spot for you and loves to go patrolling with you.
He would NEVER miss a performance from you when the team has any free time.
In short he would be a secret fanboy and who never shows it
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Ratchet was shocked to see you. You! The famous popstar alive after all these years since the war started. He didn't know much about you tho.
He did not like your loud personality at first, but grew to it since Miko is even worse.
Does like the way you perform, surprisingly since you're a popstar for frags sake! But accuses of it being a waste of time.
He would sass back sometimes, since he's so grumpy all the time (grumpy old man!)
Would spare you from his small tantrums!
He rarely sees it, but when he does he absolutely is hypnotized by your shiny plating!
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Oh he would be overjoyed to see you!
He's such a fanboy he won't even think it through when he's already running to hug his biggest ex-idol (His present idol is Optimus 100%)
Would always listen about your stories from before the war. Or would help you make songs if you ever had time.
The moment you said that you want his beebs and boobs (heh nice) in one of your songs, he almost passed out at that moment.
Would spend as much time as possible with you, because who wouldn't?!
He absolutely would stare at your glimmery plating everytime you were outside
Every time you performed he would be dancing and beeping along with the music.
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Didn't grow fond of you until like 2 weeks.
She has heard about you before and during the war.
Somehow she did like your music after you played it around the base.
When she gets to know you the gossiping will NEVER EVER end.
She would also trust you enough to tell you about her traumas and all the loss she has gone through.
You two start to act like sister after a month or few.
She does like to watch you perform sometime, but might think it's a waste of time.
The moment she sees your plating shimmer in the light she would mention it IMMEDIATELY!
Would sing with you if you asked
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Bulkhead and Wheeljack
The way your armor/plating shines when it's in natural light, the way you sound and dance, the fact that you used to be popular! Would make them want to befriend you immediately. (Not in a bad way ofc!)
They would be the second biggest fanbots you would have on the team!
Dances for their lives when you sing or perform!
Would listen your music quietly when they're on patrol aswell.
Don't forget! If you need some ideas for songs these 2 would rush over even before you can finish your sentence. (They still make bad ideas xD)
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The humans
Miko would love you the most from the kids ofc!
"A POPSTAR?! CYBERTRONIAN POPSTARS EXIST?!" Would be the first thing you hear when she gets to know what you used to do in cybertron.
Jack would find you cool (Not as cool as arcee. So he won't hurt her feelings)
Raf would love and examine your shimmering plating after a while he stared at it, but was too scared to ask so you mentioned it to him yourself
In short the kids would be inlove (platonically of course! They're kids!)
June would find you interesting, but never meets you that much so she doesn't get to know that well unlike the kids.
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gadriezmannsgirl · 10 months
Hey, could I request a Pablo Gavi x reader where gavi and the fcb guys all go to this fancy restaurant to celebrate their victory later and they're so impressed by the food they ask to meet the chef and the sous chef (the reader) comes over and meets them and gavi is just literally heart eyes for her and it's fluffy and cute. You can decide the rest of the story and the ending.
PS: i love your writing style it's amazing and your stories are very cute too 🤩🤩
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Here it is! Combined both reqs because yeah💀😭 Hope you like it and sorry for the lateness😭🥴 this is also pretty short, sorry😭😭😭
My Chef -P.G
Summary: You found the way to his heart by his stomach
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The things you could hear at the restaurant besides the low music, were praises of how good the food was.
"Oh god, this food is so good!"
"It truly is"
"The steak is on total point"
"I never loved a simple cesar salad more than this one"
"Can we met the chef?"
When Xavi invited the team to a dinner regarding their win on LaLiga, they never thought all they would do is talk about the chef and how good it is.
Much less, they expected a 19 year old girl. They were all impressed by your cooking skills and all of them praised your hard work. Meanwhile you, couldn't believe it. Your dreams were becoming true and having the acceptance of the whole Barcelona crew gave you a lot of points with your professor and the owner of the restaurant.
On the other hand, there was a certain player; who was both impressed and mesmerized by your food and by your looks.
And that one was Pablo Gavi.
He was literally giving you heart eyes and the guys were making fun of him for it. That night, he left that restaurant with you on his mind.
Javier, Aurora's boyfriend, invited the whole Páez Gavira family to a dinner a few days after the winning celebration, Pablo inmediately offered the restaurant, he was a few nights before.
"That's exactly where we are going"
"Oh, yes! I'll definitely be there then"
Aurora heard her younger brother's hurried words and instantly knew he had something going on.
Pablo's eyes inmediately lighted up and he nodded, already imagining the outfit he was going to wear and how he was styling his hair. Ready to surprise you and hopefully get your attention.
The night Pablo was waiting came and he found himself once again in the restaurant waiting for you and your food.
After they ordered, they waited for the food and as the first spoonful came into their mouths, groans of delight came from Aurora, Javi, Pablo, Belén and Gavi.
"I need to see this chef" Belén said "I want their recipe" Pablo laughed
I want to see her too. Pablo thought with a small smile.
Whilst waiting for their bill, you came up to them.
"Hello" You said with a smile coming up to the table "Is there anything else we can help you with?"
"Oh, yes!" Pablo said "Can we met the chef who did this?"
"It's me" Gavi smiled when you said it proudly and looked up at you "Is there something wrong, sir?"
"The only wrong thing will be if you don't give me the recipe for the lasagna and the cheesecake" You giggle blushing "And also, why the little portion?"
"Oh! You scared me for a second" They laughed "You have a pen and a piece of paper?"
As Belén got your tips and stuffs, Gavi smiled looking at you
"You're amazing, thank you for the food"
"Thank you, miss. I appreciate it" You smiled "Is there anything else I can help you with?" They shook their heads and you nodded excusing yourself before leaving.
Gavi cursed himself out and stood up without saying anything surprising his family, he walked towards you were
"I-umm-I" Gavi said before coughing up a little bit "I need something" You nodded smiling "I came here last week and ever since then I've been thinking of you" You blushed softly giggling "Can I please get your number?"
"Do you have somewhere to write it down?" He instantly pulled out his phone unlocked "My name's Y/N. Y/N Y/L/N"
"Pablo, Pablo Gavi" You smile shaking his hand and kissing both of his cheeks
"I'll be waiting for your text, Pablo Gavi" You sent him a wink as he smiled blushing, you returned his smile
"You won't have to wait for so long, Chef Y/L/N. It's coming right now, you've been on my mind so much these days to just disappear after getting your number"
°°° °°° °°° °°°
Taglist: @gaviypedrisbride @stuckinaf4nfiction @elijahslover @azzpenswrld @http-isabela @chupapigavi
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alabasterpickles · 7 months
I MISSED YOUR HADES AND PERSEPHONE ART SO MUCH!! ❤️❤️ I love Disney Hades so much so I adore the fact that you draw him so accurately. Your version of Persephone is definitely one of my fav, if not my fav and she fits so much into the Hercules movie style. If you are taking requests (if not that's okay and if you do then take your time) I would love to see Hades and Persephone interacting ith children, like maybe a daughter? Who looks beautiful and gentle like her mother but actually has her father personality 😭 Thank you for giving us such great art 💞
Thank you!! I know this is probably from a while ago but, you made my night, honestly!! ❤️❤️
So the good news is, they have a whole gaggle of kiddos in development — and two girls! So when I get some free time (hopefully closer to December) I’ll definitely do some drawings of them all interacting!
In the meantime here’s a little preview of some post-story married life looks and some really old sketches of three of their kids (I’m adding a twin to the last one)
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sunshineting · 1 year
Just a lil drabble 😚
Fluff w mention of sex
Imagine you and Gojo have a baby 😭
-Y’all’s daughter is the cutest little thing; inheriting your brown skin tone with his white hair and blue eyes.
-When Koyo was an infant, you would constantly wake up to her just staring at you with those big blue eyes. It was a bit jarring at first, you had to get used to it just like you did with Gojo. The creepiest, though, was once when you checked the baby monitor in the middle of the night and she was staring directly into the camera.
-Gojo loves that Koyo inherited your curls, they’re one of his favorite things about you. He tries his hardest to do styles on her, but they never turn out quite right. Plenty of times when he’d tried to do something as simple as pigtails they ended up crooked. He leaves most of the styles to you, letting you do all types of braids and twists on your baby.
-Potty training is hell; your daughter HATES pooping on the potty.
“Koyo, do you need to potty?” You ask. It’s been about two hours since she last went, and you’re trying to keep up a schedule. She shakes her head and continues playing with her blocks. Just to be sure, you walk over to her to check her pull-up. You smell it before you see it. Koyo catches onto you, so she starts running away.
“Satoru, come get your child!” You yell. And just like that, your husband appears with Koyo upside down in his hand. She’s just giggling like it’s the funniest thing in the world.
-Gojo spoils his baby. Oh, she’s spoiled rotten, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Daddy, I want this!” Your three year old points at an expensive toy kitchen set.
“How do you ask nicely, Koyo?” Satoru asks.
“May I have this toy please?”
“I say yes, but we gotta ask the boss. Well, mama, whaddya think?” He picks Koyo up in his arms and holds her at his level. The two of them stare at you expectantly, waiting on your response.
“Alright, alright. What color do you want?” You give in. Your daughter squeals and laughs with delight.
-When y’all sign her up for daycare, Gojo is more upset than you are. And that’s saying a lot. On her first day, you have tears brimming in your eyes. It hurts seeing your baby walk away happily into her new class.
“What if she needs me? What if something happens? She can’t go to school yet, she’s just a baby!” Gojo laments in the car. Your three year old is very smart and mature for her age, so realistically you don’t have much to worry about. Unfortunately, though, she has two very dramatic parents who love her dearly.
“Let’s go back and get her. We can go get her and she can start over tomorrow. I’ll be ready then,” he begs.
-To be honest, Gojo kinda eats as a dad. He’s super fun, but he can get serious. He’s so go-with-the-flow that anytime a hiccup happens in your meticulous plans, he calms you into believing everything will be ok. Eventually though, he wants another kid. Koyo is four already and he misses having a little baby.
“Cmonnnn let’s have one more. Koyo needs someone to play with and I miss the baby stage. Plus, you look so sexy pregnant. I love seeing you round with my babies. You know I love breeding your tight little cunt,” the last of his words are nothing more than a whisper in your ear. You end up folding for him that same night.
-Satoru definitely makes Megumi watch the kids when y’all need a night out. Megumi doesn’t mind too much because both kids are well behaved. All three of his students love your kids; Yuuji likes playing a little rough with your son, Kawa, and Nobara loves dressing Koyo up
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pewpewkachuuboo · 4 months
People reacted really well to radioapple, so here’s another few short short drabbles of those two with some huskerdust sprinkled in because they’re so good it hurts my heart- I really appreciate the likes and reblogs 😭 I wanted to just have some slice of life style interactions because I love the idea of them being besties at least end game (every spicy scorpio needs their charismatic libra bestie - idc what their signs actually are this is my headcannon and I will not be swayed).
Working on a few long form works with actual plot lmao - I want to get a few chapters in before I post because I don’t like the idea of not posting weekly updates to long form. I’m having so much fun, ya’ll. I really needed a creative outlet 😭 I missed writing so much.
-Alastor discovers romance novels-
Angel Dust was draped across one of the sofas in the hotel lobby with a book open in his top set of hands while petting a sleeping Fat Nuggets with his bottom set, the pink pig curled up at his abdomen.
The lanky man’s fingers were quick to turn the pages as his eyes scanned the pages, his tongue sticking out slightly from concentration.
(Husk was watching thoughtlessly, a wistful smile on his face as he rested his cheek in one paw while the other wiped in lazy circles around the bar counter, but he would never admit the lopsided smile was for the spider if he even realized he was doing it at any point.)
“Why, Angel, I had no idea you were literate.”
Alastor’s static voice broke Angel Dust out of his trance - he jumped higher than intended, scaring Fat Nuggets who ran to the bar for shelter (Husk panicked at the voice, but his demeanor went back to his usual disinterested face after Fat Nuggets dove for his feet). Angel Dust’s face had a soft pink tint, “Are ya kiddin? I can read. I’m dumb but I ain’t stupid.”
Alastor tutted, “That makes no sense, dear.” Angel opened his mouth to retort but Alastor cocked his head to the side at an unsettling angle as he interrupted the attempt making Angel bite his tongue instead, “What are we indulging in? Hemingway, perhaps? Maybe some James Joyce?”
“Who?” Angel Dust didn’t miss a beat, smiling slightly when he saw Alastor’s eye twitch, “I don’t read that old timey shit - this is…” he paused before telling him the author, a grin spreading devilishly across his face, “This is one of ta best novels to come out in years according to the reviews.” He motioned to the pile spread out beside him, “If you like ta read you’re more than welcome ta borrow one.”
Alastor made a noise in consideration before picking up one of the books with two of his fingers like he was afraid to get bitten, “I would hate to discourage you picking up good habits, and I do miss a harrowing tale.”
Angel Dust crossed his long legs, “Oh, they’re harrowing alright.”
Alastor raised an eye brow in suspicion, but moved to hold the book regularly, “Well, then, don’t mind if I do indulge in some entertainment. Thank you, Angel Dust.”
Alastor disappeared into his shadows and Angel Dust grinned at Husk, “Wanna bet on reactions when he gets to the steamy parts?”
Husk’s mouth quirked in another half smile as he sighed out a laugh, “I do love to gamble.”
A few hours later, Angel Dusk had moved to the bar and was laughing at one of Husk’s stories from when he was alive before he received a sharp thump to the back of his head as Alastor appeared and had slapped the spider demon with the borrowed book. Angel growled, rubbing the place of impact, “What the fuck-“
“You just tricked me into reading some very inappropriate content.” Alastor mused, laying the book on the bar top, “Never do that again if you know what’s good for you.”
Angel huffed, handing Husker a crisp twenty as Alastor turned on his foot to leave, “Whateva, you probably liked it.”
“Ha Ha Ha - no.”
Angel Dust stuck his tongue out at Husk who was grinning from his win, but they both turned just in time to see Alastor pick up another book from the pile before disappearing again.
The spider looked back at Husk, eyebrows raised, “Wait, gimme the $20 back - I told you aces usually love smut if it’s a book, watching and reading are different than doin and I FUCKIN WON.”
Husk growled lowly, handing him the bill back before fishing another twenty from his tip jar and handing it over, “Fuck, I hate when you’re right.”
Angel Dust laughed evilly and made an effort to just leave his novels around the hotel to see if any would get picked up - and they usually did.
-Lucifer tries to lead one of Charlie’s lessons-
Lucifer looked over the hotel patrons one by one before taking in a deep breath and letting it out, “Today we are going to talk about and learn about unconscious bias and random acts of kindness.”
He tried not to linger on Alastor’s form for longer than needed because that fucking smile made his blood boil and he had promised Charlie that he would take this seriously and her sparkling, expectant glare was putting more pressure on him than he had thought it would and he HAD to get this right or Charlie would never ask him to help again (probably).
“Unconscious bias is when you make assumptions about someone you don’t know without realizing based on things that you learned as you’ve been a conscious being. For example, most men here in hell probably assume that women are only capable in traditional wife roles and will treat women as less powerful or threatening as a result.” He pointed the apple at the tip of his cane in the direction of the women in the room, “All of our lovely ladies are obviously very powerful and would not adhere to that stereotype, but when someone assumes they are weak because they are women, we call that an unconscious bias because it happens without that person realizing.” He cleared his throat, “Does anyone have another example?”
Angel Dust raised his hand and then tapped his chin thoughtfully when Lucifer motioned for him to share, “Well, people think I’m a woman cus I have tits. Is that right?”
Lucifer’s eye twitched, “Well… kind of, not quite.” He hummed thoughtfully, “When people think of you, they think of your career in adult films, right?”
“Okay, Husk, what is something that you assumed about Angel Dust because of that career that he’s proved you wrong in getting to know him?”
Husk’s jaw went slack and his cheeks turned a soft pink, “M-me?”
“Yes- the two of you seem to be good friends, so I assume you have an example.”
Angel Dust smirked, “C’mon, Kitty Cat - tell me what you’ve learned about me.”
Husk sighed and stayed quiet for a moment before clearing his throat, “I had assumed that because he’s an actor that he was fake, but what I perceived as fake was a shield and he’s actually one of the most genuinely kind people I’ve ever met.”
Alastor cocked his head at this and Angel Dust was silent -face unreadable. Both were making him increasingly uncomfortable so he stuttered out a, “H-he’s still annoying as hell, though.”
Lucifer clapped his hands together, “Amazing! That’s a great example!” He looked to Charlie and Vaggie as Charlie excitedly waved her hands in the air chanting me next several times before Lucifer motioned for his daughter to share.
“I made assumptions about Vaggie when we met! I assumed she was a demon because we met in an alley and then I assumed that Adam would help us because angels are supposed to be good but he was an asshole!” She ranted and chirped excitedly for a few more moments, and once she had finished she grinned up at him, “Do you have unconscious bias?”
Lucifer nodded his head thoughtfully, “Everyone has unconscious bias.”
Charlie made an ‘O’ with her mouth before she scanned the room and pointed at Alastor, “What unconscious bias did you have against Alastor?”
Lucifer’s eye twitched in irritation, looking to the radio demon whose eyes narrowed in curiosity. After a few minutes Lucifer sighed, “I assumed he was a psychopath with ill intentions. I still think he’s insane, but… he has protected you all and I think that means he doesn’t have the illest of intentions.”
Alastor’s grin widened, “Why, thank you sir! I’m tickled to know you care to notice.”
Charlie’s eyes sparkled as she clasped her hands together, “Wow! This is so great!”
Lucifer moved his neck to pop it from the uncomfortable feelings he just had to experience. Complimenting Alastor was exhausting. “Now, random acts of kindness. This is when you want to thank someone or see someone that needs help, you go out of your way to assist them. It doesn’t have to be life saving - for example, to thank you all for coming today I have brought you all a….” He reached into his coat and threw yellow objects at the group with a grin, “rubber duck!!”
He let them pick up the ducks before he continued, “These are important to me, and all of you are also important to me and so I am giving you a gift to reflect that. Another example would be giving a beggar some change, buying food for someone who can’t afford it themselves, or even just listening when you see someone get emotional that seems like they need company.” He popped his knuckles, “Your assignment is to go and perform a random act of kindness and report back with what you did, why, and how it made you feel.” He lifted his arms and created a wind to blow the material of his coat behind him as well as open the front doors to the hotel dramatically, “Go! Randomly be kind! I’ll be waiting!”
The first to return after being released was Alastor. He held out a bag to Lucifer, who looked at the offering with high suspicion, “I have brought you a gift to show your importance in the hotel.”
“Is it poisoned?”
Alastor chuckled, “No, sir, this is a genuine gift.”
Still suspicious of the radio demon, Lucifer carefully held the bag at a distance. Once free of the bag, Alastor bowed at his waist, hand on his chest, “I have some other matters to attend to, so a bid you adieu for now. Have a swell afternoon, your highness.”
Once the shadow disappeared, Lucifer carefully opened the bag with the tips of his fingers. He was surprised, however, that the item in the bag was a weirdly large rubber duck that had been colored to look like an imp. Lucifer narrowed his eyes and took the duck out, not sure if he should be thankful or wonder if it being an imp implied that he was less than Alastor. But it was cute….
He studied the red duck for a moment before smiling, moving to take it to his tower to place with the rest of the collection.
-radioapple does coffee-
The cafe the two sat in was quaint and silent, aside from the bustle of the barista as the small imp moved to clean the counters spotlessly while there was a lull in customers. The walls were a soft purple, and large white daisies decorated the walls randomly while the floor was occupied by black tables and chairs for patrons to sit in.
Lucifer had his legs crossed and eyes closed as he lifted his cup of coffee to his lips with a grace that only someone of royal lineage could hold.
Alastor was sitting opposite the king of hell, humming as he tipped his own cup to his lips.
The silence that hung between them was comfortable for once, not angry or awkward like it was normally at the hotel.
Lucifer opened his eyes slowly to look up at Alastor’s permanently perfect smile, flashing one of his own, “If I had known you were a tea and coffee connoisseur we may have gotten along sooner.”
Alastor chuckled, “Sir, if that’s all it would have taken I would have brought it up as soon as you had stepped into our lowly hotel.”
The shorter male made an amused sound at the thought, “What ifs aside, we probably would have gotten over it eventually. I will say, I’m still not sure of your true intentions with my daughter and her friends, but I do approve of you keeping them safe and also of us doing this weekly - I’ve never had a coffee friend before.”
Alastor raised an eyebrow, “Friend, sir?”
Lucifer shrugged and took another sip of his coffee, letting the silence settle over them again.
Alastor’s voice box crackled before he made a new suggestion, “A dear friend of mine is the leader of Cannibal Town - they have a rather tasty and aesthetic cafe out there, we should make that the destination for next week.”
Lucifer’s eyes brightened, “Ah, Rosie? I haven’t seen her since the extermination before last - and it’s been centuries since I’ve been to Cannibal Town. It would be nice to say hello again! Let’s make that the plan, then.”
The two sat in comfortable silence as they enjoyed decent company and good coffee.
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canned-pears · 2 months
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Finished ffx I would've been so much more obsessed with it had I finished it in high school, I just know it lol. Such a classic game I miss old 2000s styles sm 😖 the storytelling, the visuals, and even the voice acting i genuinely think there's a strong appeal in it 😭
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heartshapedbubble · 8 months
can i request ganji and aesop with a modern s/o hcs who listens to lofi and/or rnb to help them unwind after a match? just like helps their mind and body slow down after such a high-stress and high-tension situation..
HARROOOO ^_^ of course!!!!!
ganji gupta and aesop carl with an s/o who listens to rnb/lofi hcs🏏⚰️
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ganji gupta🏏
ganji is not someone who's ultra picky about music tbh
like, if something is new to him he might be confused or intrigued at first, but he comes to terms with it quite quickly
when it's you who's relaxing after a match, then he always tags along😭 just spawns in your room and plops down on the bed by your side, inching closer to you and fulfilling his duty of The Big Spoon™
he doesn't even notice when you turn on the music tbh??? like he's so accustomed to the already relaxing atmosphere of your room that the noise just blends in
the fact that he's half asleep from the second he lays near you really doesn't help it
you'll have to point it out to him.... he's a bit eepy but he will comment on the music, saying it's quite good
he likes old rnb the most! he really, really likes the gospel/soul roots it has. something leaning towards jazz, like sade, might really suit him
not a music nerd as expected so if you go on and show him some streams/playlist he won't say much other than "mhm/nice/yeah?/that's neat" etc. but he still enjoys the quality time
+ and the fact that you're showing him something you're passionate about :)))))))) he's always willing to learn even if he doesn't have much knowledge on music in the first place
for him, as long as it sounds pleasant to his ears, it's good music
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aesop carl⚰️
aesop, on the other hand, is VERY picky
he doesn't listen to music much but when he does, everything has to be perfect. noise cancelling headphones? on. equalizer? adjusted to a T. volume? not too loud, but not too quiet either.
in conclusion he's not a fan of anything loud lol. i do think that, out of music, he would really like classical music (i'd say like...romanticism or classicism? maybe add a few modern composers into the mix) and goth music (bauhaus enjoyer aesop real don't @ me) .... you can't really miss with good old dvořak and goth music, on the other hand, is quite calming to him, he really enjoys the vocals and the lyricism
so he'll come into your room, finally finding enough strength to tag along with you after a match, and actually be pleasantly suprised!
might not fit his style or his usual repertoire, but he has to admit it's quite calming
and it does put him at ease of some kind... i mean, it can't be bad if it's not extremely loud, right?
i think he might like reading with lo-fi in the background cccc:
when he's not using his trusty headphones he prefers analog music... poor aesop will go and ask you if there's any purchaseable lo-fi vinyls out there lol
he'd be very interested in exchanging music recommendations w/ you!!! link him some of your favourite songs and he'll hand you some of his favourite vinyls/lps c:
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