#i miss you wakana
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Hikaru & Keiko - sprinter - Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#17~PARADE~
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celticbotanart · 11 months
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Been thinking about Bandori again lately, so I dug up some sketches I've done months ago; mostly because I didn't want to draw anything from scratch, but the sketches were good enough and I really liked them a lot already. The only one I drew from scratch is the one on the bottom right corner, to fill up that empty space and make the panel full~
I've noticed I really like to draw these two idiots interacting, which is kinda rare, lol. Interactions are hard for me to draw and I admit I kinda avoid it a lot. They're comfortable and fun for me to draw, especially in random wholesome shenanigans! I guess it's the platonic aspect, I'm not super fan of drawing/writing romantic stuff; I tend to enhance the sisterly relationship the characters already have canonically.
The main drawing here was inspired by an actual picture of Raychell and Risa (their VAs, to those unfamiliar) <3
Another thing I do is making Rei wear shirts of real bands, bands that I like. It's usually Within Temptation, because they are totally a band that would exist in the Bandori-verse; this time though, I made Rei wear a Yuki Kajiura / FictionJunction shirt, I LOVE that cover art so much!! It's another band/project I see existing in that universe!
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nanoko857 · 8 days
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"In the studio, however, I depended on Minami Takayama, who plays Conan, for just about everything. She caught me up on anything I didn't understand or had missed in the story so far; thanks to her lectures, the recordings went smoothly. In the beginning, Ran Mouri and Kogorou Mouri didn't appear with Ai, so I spent my time as Ai with Conan and the Detective Boys for a while.
Then one day, I came into the studio to find that my usual seat was occupied by Wakana Yamazaki, who plays Ran. And she was talking to Minami like they were the best of friends! Wakana and I are good personal friends now, too, but…I wonder why I felt so defeated at the time. Ah, so that was never my seat to begin with… It's been hers for years…
Belatedly, I became painfully aware I had joined a series that had already been running for a long while, so I sat down silently in a chair far away, although I made sure it was within the pair's view (very immature, I know). But Kenichi Ogata, the voice actor for Professor Agasa, called out to me, "Ai-kun, I saved you a seat." He had already entered the studio and put his belongings on the chair next to him. And Ikue Otani, who plays Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya, exclaimed, "Ms. Haibara, Ms. Haibara!" and sat down beside me, too, so I had the doctor on my right and Mitsuhiko on my left. This pleasantly warm seating arrangement continues to this very day."
- Megumi Hayashibara, The Characters Taught Me Everything: Living Life One Episode at a Time (2021)
(Translated by Jenny McKeon & Nathaniel Hiroshi Thrasher)
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putschki1969 · 6 months
Kaji Fes.2023 Day 2 FULL Video
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Yes, finally we have a recording of Day 2. Even though I was there for Day 2 back in December, I was still excited to experience the whole thing again. Unfortunately, I never got to write my report so I guess I will use the opportunity to share some of my memories and current thoughts.
Here goes nothing┗(•ˇ_ˇ•)―→
street corner: Looks like they cut this. I am surprised because they had a much longer slot for Day 2 (3 hours instead of just 2) so I was sure they would be able to squeeze all of it into the broadcast but apparently not. Oh well, can't say I am said about that because being confronted with the accordion right from the get-go at the live really didn't leave a good impression on me. I had pretty high expectations for the whole thing and this intro left me more than underwhelmed. Thank God we transitioned right to "希望の光".
希望の光: Now THIS is the intro I was hoping for. What a gorgeous melody! I wasn't familiar with the track but my God, I got goosebumps all over. I literally felt this in my entire body. The gradual build-up to a more grand-scale symphonic arrangement towards the end really impressed me. I am just obsessed with the uilleann pipes and the Celtic sound. I honestly struggle to get beyond this because I keep rewinding the video.
prelude to Act 1: The look on my face when I heard those first few notes. I was shooketh to say the least. I most definitely did not expect them to do the Kalafina block this early in the live but I knew that if they were doing the Madoka instrumentals, the most logical thing would be to transition straight into a Kalafina track. While I have never watched the anime, these are melodies I hold very dear to my heart so I loved this. It was also a great pleasure to hear Eri Ito live for the first time. I will never get enough of Yuki's more classically trained vocalists. it's such a pleasure to listen to them.
Numquam vincar: After "prelude to Act 1" this was no surprise at all but damn, I am so glad they played this. I've never actually had the chance to experience this track live even though they obviously performed it numerous times during Kalafina live intermissions. What a pleasure to be there and truly feel the epicness of that intro. Once more I was covered in goosebumps.
Magia [quattro]: At this point I knew it was coming but it was still a shock to my system. Like I said earlier, I was sure that they would wait until the very end to do the Kalafina block (that's what they had done for earlier lives) so I thought I had some time to prepare myself and get into the groove so to speak. My body certainly wasn't ready so maybe that's why my brain couldn't properly compute the whole thing. I remember not being as hyped as I expected to be and that made me kinda sad. I am so grateful that we are getting this recording and a blu-ray release because I feel like I couldn't fully appreciate the performance while I was there. Getting to see it again is a real treat and I must say, I like this much more than the previous FJ "covers" we have gotten of this song. Hikaru and Keiko sound so perfectly in tune and I just love their powerful delivery. For the most part, I don't mind the higher harmonies provided by Yuriko and Joelle. Although during some parts (e.g. mayowazu ni yukeru nara), I feel like Joelle and Keiko don't harmonise very well together but whatever, it doesn't bother me too much. On a random side note, I wasted way too much time wondering about why I thought that Keiko's arms looked kinda naked until I finally realised that the puffy sleeve pieces of her outfit were missing.
storia: I did not expect this to make it onto the setlist but I am a big fan of the song so I was happy when I heard the first notes. Overall, I think I like this version well enough although I will admit that my favourite part has always been the chorus with Keiko and Wakana so it is a bit jarring to hear Joelle for these parts. Don't get me wrong, Joelle sounds great and I feel like the harmony between her and Keiko works better here than during "Magia" but still, it can't quite touch my heart. I mean, just thinking of all the Kalafina performances where Wakana and Keiko gaze lovingly into each other's eyes while they sing the "yasashii uta..." line makes me tear up. Nothing will ever be able to replace that for me. A few days later I attended Wakana's concert where she also performed "storia". This may sound ridiculous but hearing those performances more or less back to back almost felt as if the three of them had been reunited. Even though this might have been a coincidence, just the idea of this little connection had me in tears.
君の銀の庭: Oh, another cut song. Thank God we are getting the Blu-Ray. I will be honest with you though, I am quite sad that they chose two Kalafina songs that I don't particularly like. I couldn't get as excited as I wanted to be. I think I had no complaints about this performance, enjoyed everyone's vocals and didn't really notice Wakana's absence. But I guess that's because I wasn't a big fan of the song to begin with :P
to the beginning: It will forever be a mystery to me why this is such a fan favourite but oh well, let's not linger on that. In some way, it's almost a blessing in disguise for me to not have such a strong emotional connection to these songs because it helps me appreciate the new versions a lot more. No matter how skilled of a singer Joelle might be, if I am invested in a performance with a prominent Wakana part, there is no way anyone will ever live up to that. It's 100% a me problem, I realise that but I doubt I will ever be able change that way of thinking. Anyways, this was a perfectly fine rendition.
海と真珠: Don't think I've ever heard a JUNNA song. Not a huge fan of her voice, it's just too generic for me. But there's something about this song that I like, especially that those hey-hey woah parts. The chorus is decent too. It's not a track I would skip but also not something I would actively seek out.
太陽の航路: Not my cup of tea. I can tell that there is a nice melody hidden in the chorus but it's a bit too fast-paced for me.
time to sail!: Yet another cut. I loved this. Was already familiar with it from a previous recording so I really appreciated getting to hear t live. It's somewhat of a very epic and grand-scale version of "Umi to Shinju" which I am only realising now XD
The main theme of “L.O.R.D”: Can't tell you how very much I am in love with this song. The first time I got to experience this live was in Taiwan back in 2019. The song is so fucking good, I will never get tired of it. I was utterly blown away by Joelle's vocal prowess. I know it always sounds like I am low-key bullying her but that's really not my attention. I am just forever too hung-up on Wakana to ever be able to accept anyone else taking up my favourite parts of her.
I talk to the rain: Can't wait to hear this again on the Blu-ray.
a song of storm and fire: In my report for Day 1 I did talk about tis and "salva nos" being my first introduction to Yuki Kajiura's music. I feel so privileged to have finally been there for a live performance. Needless to say, it was everything that I could have asked for. Watching the recording now doesn't even do it justice. It was so much more powerful at the venue.
ring your song: This always brings tears to my eyes. The melody is just so beautiful and when they all join in, it's literal perfection.
ことのほかやわらかい: God dammit, I really want to like this song because in theory it should be right up my alley. I mean, the instrumental intro is to die for, it's so promising but then it's just all over the place and I can't get into it T_T
夜光塗料: Not a huge fan of ASCA unfortunately and I do not care for the song either.
雲雀: Surprisingly fond of this. Very nice melody. Can see myself listening to it on a regular basis.
君が見た夢の物語: Not much to say about this except that I enjoyed Keiko's lower harmonies. It's not a bad song per se so I probably would have liked it more if it didn't have ASCA on main.
everlasting song: This is always fun although I do enjoy the version without FJ ASUKA more. I know that sounds horrible considering it's literally her song but I will never be a fan of Yuki's vocalists with a more generic voices. Wakana's "kimi no me ni..." will forever be my favourite!!
世界の果て: No thoughts really.
優しい夜明け: Joelle is a much better fit for this See-Saw song than Yuuka. Very enjoyable.
君がいた物語: A favourite of mine. Do I prefer the version with Wakana? Of course! Do I have fun with this version too? Mostly yeah! Kaori's always work for me here but I can tolerate it.
Rainbow~Main Theme~: This was a nice treat. Very fond of KOKIA as a vocalist and this is just a super beautiful song. Have always liked it.
風よ、吹け: Not as smitten with this new KOKIA song but it's nice enough. I certainly wouldn't skip it
lotus: Wow, two Hanae cuts! How rude!!
inverse operation:
目覚め: I do love the Wakana versions but I also enjoy versions with other main vocalists. And of course, Hanae does an amazing job.
夕闇のうた: I know this didn't leave a good impression on me when I first heard it and I can't say I feel much different about it now.
荒野流転: This upcoming FJ Yuuka corner didn't do anything for me, it was the point where I started to get really tired and distracted. It was a struggle to still pay attention even though these were all more up-beat songs.
Silly-Go-Round: Nope.
cazador del amor: Meh.
nowhere: The only song I actually enjoyed from this corner. ASCA thankfully used a voice that I didn't find too grating (which can't be said about rito, JUNNA and Lino). Almost wish I had stood up for this performance and the next because Keiko was spending a lot of time on the left side of the stage (I had an arena seat pretty close to the stage on the left) but I probably wouldn't have had a good view of Keiko anyway so I preferred to just watch the screen. And to be honest, I am not the type of person to stand up and do some weird moves anyway so it was probably for the best. No need to embarrass myself in front of people who actually know how to move their body.
zodiacal sign: I mean, when is this ever not an absolute pleasure?
into the world: I was hoping to see Hikaru again since almost all the other guest vocalists had had a second appearance and yay, she came back on stage for the final song before the encore! "into the world" was such a perfect ending. I definitely got choked up, especially towards the climax of the song when Keiko was really putting all of herself into it.
red rose: Not my favourite but a good track for all the musicians to shine again.
Parade: It's my favourite song from the album and a fitting ending for this behemoth of a concert. At this point, everyone was close to tears after Yuki's little speech so that made it so much more moving. Love, love, love!! Right after they all take a bow and everyone is leaving the stage, I am glad they zoomed in a bit on Keiko who was wiping away some tears and leaning on Hikaru. That moment killed me at the live.
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lunawings · 6 months
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While I was in Japan during March 2024, I was able to visit the Pretty Rhythm Rainbow Live 10th Anniversary Exhibit. This is my favorite anime of all time, so it was an incredible honor.
Unfortunately, you could not take pictures in many areas and I always try my best to be respectful and follow the rules. So, I will describe it.
The walls of the first room were covered in several tapestries depicting each individual episode of the anime, so you could reminisce about everything that happened as you slowly walked through the room. In the middle of the room, there were several exhibits perfectly recreating every single paper, notebook, sketch...
Hokkaido itinerary? Wakana and Bell's test scores? Momo's Happy Rain costume sketches? Naru and Bell's manager applications? The score to pride? Any piece of paper you can think of that appeared in PRRL, it was all HERE! Recreated with meticulous accuracy...
The next room was the photo room where you could take pictures in Prism Stone or in front of Rinne's feathers.
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Something else they had here which was really neat, was all of these mini photo ops of various scenes from the anime that you could put your plushies or figures into! As I rarely have someone with me to take photos of myself at events like this, and I rarely post them even when I do, NGL I loved it. I wish I had brought something! I did have a PAF Naru on my bag I could have used, but it would have taken time to unpin her so unfortunetly I did not.
The next room contained an exhibit of various merch from throughout the years.
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Unfortunately, there wasn't really much merch to look at in the classic section. Just the guitars, some stones, and the Smart Pod Shot. But I definitely think there was more than that back in the day! There has to have been because I own at least one thing that was not in here (a pool bag) haha!
They also had a REAL prism guitar on display, which apparently they are actually going to sell at some point!?
The last part of the exhibit before going to the gift shop, was a hallway with messages from all the voice actresses and the director. This was also a zone where photos were banned, but I remember in the director's he acknowledged Rainbow Live as being the only Pretty Rhythm season to achieve a 10th anniversary celebration and ended his commentary with "Glorious Pretty Rhythm" hahaha. Next was the gift shop...
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Which was honestly super disappointing... I was prepared to spend a lot of money here, but in the end, I barely bought anything. Everything, EVERYTHING good was blind and the stuff that wasn't was just so expensive.
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Like, they had this set of Hiro cards with his magazine covers and debut poster and I really wanted them but when I actually saw them it was like... 2,000 yen? FOR THREE CARDS!? Those tiny little cards you can see up there below the keychains?
Am I missing something!?
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In the end I bought two Wakana boards and two clear files. And the one blind thing I couldn't resist was the Prism Stone badges... which turned out to be Otoha x2 and one Ann. Gah.
I also might have bought a Wakana plush doll, but she was sold out. Out of all the Rainbow Live girls she was the only one sold out both here and at Tokyo Station Prism Stone.
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And here were the bonuses I got. Including, yes, the AiPri card. So for people who saw me posting it over on @pretty-idol-hell, this was where it came from.
I also got a very special letter, which I am saving to translate at a later date...
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Outside the event was an up and running Pretty Rhythm machine, or so I thought. Wow, no line! I said to myself as I happily bounced up to it only to find the coin slot taped over and a sign reading it could not be used. Darn. (I know there's no prism stones left in the wild, but come on, there's no free play mode...? Well, I guess even if there was they wouldn't want people loitering around the exhibition.)
Anyway, as you read I did have a few complaints, but it still makes my heart happy that this event existed at all. I loved all the time and effort that went into making all the recreations of things!
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saturninemartial · 1 month
Hi, did you miss me? I forgot about WIP Wednesday, but I'm here to share some more crumbs.
Aside from the modern AU fic I'm writing, I'm also planning a canonverse future series, centering around the Lionhearts and their growing families—the Lionheart crew is formed when Law agrees to join up the remainder of the Hearts (himself, Bepo, Shachi, and Penguin) with the Straw Hats and becomes co-captains with Luffy. The "Lion" part comes from the Sunny's figurehead. I haven't ironed out the timeline yet, but I think they're the Lionhearts when Luffy becomes pirate king. Pretty much all the kids are adopted/rescued, starting with zosan's daughter Wakana; and once there are a few kids, they all decide to develop sort of a home base (probably on Dawn Island?) that they name Corazon Village.
Lawlu are one of the last couples to become parents, when the crew liberates some slaves and find a few kids without parents or guardians to speak of: Nieves, Oscar, and a baby boy, who they name Elio.
So, uh. Here's a scene I had to write bc I haven't been able to get it out of my head. Loof is in his early 30s and Law is pushing 40.
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Follow me here for more nonsense, including more snippets from my future stuff and for updates on my modern AU. You can also follow me on Twitter at saturninemars 💜
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zukadiary · 1 year
Anastasia (Umeda Arts, 2023)
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I’m flattered that the overwhelming response to my poll was to bring back reviews :D Since I posted that, Takarazuka has unfortunately been involved in a terrible tragedy (additional information here). I may review the Takarazuka performances I was able to see at a later date, but at the moment I’m going to take some space from doing so.
In the meantime, a very bright spot in a long-awaited trip otherwise filled with multiple bouts of shocking news was the Broadway musical Anastasia, featuring Asami Hikaru (my ご贔屓, kamioshi, bias to end all biases, for those who joined during COVID and somehow missed this) amidst a rather star-studded cast. Getting to see Anastasia was quite special, not only because it’s been 4 1/2 years since I was last able to travel to Japan and see Komu, but also because I HAD tickets to the original Spring 2020 run before, well, you know (not to mention the ruined plans to see fave #2 as the same role in the tkz version). On top of that, it was good.
The Broadway version of Anastasia follows two con men in post-revolution Russia, Dmitri and Vlad, who, amidst rumors that Anastasia Romanov has somehow survived the execution of the rest of the royal family, accidentally find the real one while auditioning actresses to pretend to be her for reward money.
Given that my bias to end all biases taidan’d 17 years ago, I’ve seen my fair share of Japanese theater outside of Takarazuka in my quest to spend as much time in her presence as humanly possible. Usually, I find the non-OG cast members (especially men!!) unimpressive to the point of superfluousness. Imagine my shock when I found myself raising my opera glasses when Komu wasn’t even on stage.
Anya: Aoi Wakana / Kinoshita Haruka
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Anya is a poor street sweeper with amnesia who has a feeling SOMEONE is waiting for her in Paris (turns out it’s her grandmother, the dowager empress). I was supposed to see each actress twice, but due to the flu making its rounds through the cast, I ended up seeing Wakana three times and Haruka only once… which is unfortunate, because Haruka is an absolute powerhouse, and Wakana is a TV actress. The cast lineup for my first of four viewings was absolutely flawless, and I wish it had been the finale instead (especially because I was in shock from Sora taidan dropping like 3 hours prior to curtain). Haruka has a Broadway-quality voice, and her acting not only made sense, but also lacked that peculiar anime-like delivery that most of the Japanese actors I’ve seen have in spades (IYKYK). Although perhaps she returned from flu recovery too quickly and didn’t have her whole voice, Wakana’s singing wasn’t really up to the challenge of the role; all of Anya’s big solo’s were rendered anticlimactic by very flat long notes. I also found her acting to be over the top and desperate, whereas Haruka’s was quite nuanced.
Dmitri: Kaiho Naoto / Aiba Hiroki / Utsumi Akiyoshi
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Dmitri is the romantic lead, something of a street urchin who starts off by hatching a moneymaking scheme to produce a fake Anastasia, and ultimately gives it all up after falling in love with Anya. I got to see Kaiho and Aiba, and to be honest, the only reason I’m not mad I had to see Aiba once is because that day Kaiho Naoto was Gleb. I know I am very late to this party, but this was the first time I got to see Kaiho Naoto live, and hooooooooooo boy. That man’s voice gave me chills, he acts like a normal person and not a cartoon, and his facial expressions are SO dynamic. His fans in the FIRST ROW had their opera glasses up, and now I take back making fun of them in my head. Incredible casting choice for Dmitri; he did an amazing job going through the full range of emotions and showing character growth, plus he looked so good in that scruffy little outfit. Tbh, marry me (Aiba on the other hand was an anime boy made flesh and blood and I can’t say I cared for it).
Vlad: Osumi Kenya / Ishikawa Zen
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Vlad is Dmitri’s old man friend, a former aristocrat and adulterous lover to Lily. This one is slightly less cut and dry because both actors had their merits, but alas, I’m a big Ishikawa Zen fan. Osumi Kenya is a dancer and Zen is not, and that was quite apparent in any scene with choreography. Other than that, I quite preferred Zen’s knockout voice, nuanced acting, and overflowing kindness. He’s irl bffs with Komu, so I found his Vlad’s chemistry with Lily to be more compelling; but he also integrated himself seamlessly into each cast, despite that I imagine it’s tricky to get the best possible rapport going when the roles are changing all the time. Osumi definitely gave his Vlad quite a bit of enjoyable energy and unique flair, but ultimately, I thought his Vlad was a bit over the top (he’d be a huge hit in a kids’ show), and he seemed to be acting next to rather than with the rest of the cast.
Gleb: Kaiho Naoto / Douchin Yoshikuni / Tashiro Mario
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Gleb, a Bolshevik general trying to fill the shoes of his father who relished executing the Romanov family, is the villain of the show. I was SUPPOSED to see all three Glebs, and I’m quite sad I didn’t, but the flu took Tashiro Mario. I ended up seeing Douchin three times and Kaiho once. This is REALLY HARD, and it’s likely impossible to separate out my feelings toward Kaiho’s Gleb in isolation, because Dmitri, without Kaiho in the role, was not compelling, so the overall impact of the show was less on the not-Douchin day. Kaiho showed up again with the voice that gives you chills, and while his performance throughout most of the show was a bit more low-key, his final scene, in which he attempts to get Anya to admit she’s playing around and return to Russia lest he be forced to shoot her on the spot if she is in fact the real Anastasia, was ABSOLUTELY FUCKING UNHINGED (spit flying everywhere, no wonder everyone got sick). Douchin, however, also has quite a powerful voice, and I think overall he did a better job of coming off as creepy and weird. He was awkward in kind of an is-this-guy-ok way, his barely concealed feelings for Anya were both clearer and more unsettling, and he felt believably indoctrinated into an ideology vs. just this is the villain because we said he’s the villain. His slick, jet-black hair and choice to wear light blue colored contacts also really enhanced the evil image. I really regret not getting to see Tashiro Mario, but I think my ever so slight preference here is Douchin just because his presence balanced the rest of the cast.
Lily: Asami Hikaru / Marcia / Horiuchi Keiko
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Lily is the dowager empress's lady-in-waiting, a former countess who, in her younger days, cheated on her boring husband with Vlad and is currently tending to the dowager empress in refugee-laden Paris. LBR, I didn’t fly across the world to see the other two (although 3 or so days into my trip there was a SCARE where Komu was announced out with an injury, and I thought I might have to… but she recovered in time for my first show!). Ohhhh it was so nice, I missed her more than my COVID-era complacence led me to believe. Lily was a very fun and pleasant Komu role for me. Homegirl is 51 now (don’t talk to me) and fresh taidansha like Tamaki Ryou are getting the heroines she played a decade and a half ago, but Lily isn’t exactly someone’s mom either. She’s funny, and sassy, and wears sick costumes, and has DANCE NUMBERS! Which she did without looking injured at all! With the exception of like 20 seconds in the prologue, Lily does not appear at all until Act 2, but Act 2 is very juicy. I think I liked the look-Vlad’s-back tango even better than her piano-top nightclub solo, but both were utterly delightful. She also has great chemistry with her Yukigumi top senpai Asami Rei, comfortable yet reverent (just like in real life!). I juuuUUUUuuUUUUuuuSsstttt wish they would lower the key for her… just a little… as a treat.........
Dowager Empress Maria: Asami Rei (more like Asami SLAY)
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Y’all… seeing Asami Rei live has BEEN on my bucket list, and the experience did not disappoint. Her voice may be going, but it’s completely age appropriate, and she could have done literally anything up on that stage without it ruining the impact of her presence. I legit inadvertently gasped "mother" into my mask when she made her appearance in a black and silver bejeweled gown to attend the ballet… serving boatloads of charisma uniqueness nerve and talent at 73, to say the least.
The ensemble was also a force and the songs were expertly directed, giving the whole show a stunning sound that has been rare in my experience with Japanese musicals (part vocal talent, part book made for Broadway). The play-within-a-play scene at the ballet was genuinely impressive (it's been a while since I've seen a man jump that high). All in all, a treat to watch!
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Created a big tier list featuring every Red\Blue themed ship I could find :)
Only criteria was that they had to match the color scheme, if the characters were more orange/pink/purple/black I left them for another time. If I missed one of your favorites let me know and I can add them, I don't actually know all the pairings here personally, I just tried to include the major ones I've seen.
Ships featured (In order of appearance):
-Karma Akabane\Nagisa Shiota from Assassination Classroom
-Amber\Eula Lawrence from Genshin Impact
-Tokaku Azuma\Haru Ichinose from Riddle Story of Devil
-Kazuma Asogi\Ryuunosuke Naruhodo from The Great Ace Attorney
-Jeremey Here\Michael Mell from Be More Chill
-Violet (Vi)\Caitlyn Kiramman from Arcane
-Carmen Sandiego\Julia Argent from Carmen Sandiego
-Trevor Belmont\Sypha Belnades from Castlevania
-Cinnabar\Phosphophyllite from Land of the Lustrous
-Daisuke Niwa\Satoshi Hiwatari from DNAngel
-Edelgard von Hresvelg\Byleth Eisner from Fire Emblem Three Houses
-Ember Lumen\Wade Ripple from Elemental
-Fireboy\Watergirl from Fireboy and Watergirl
-Rin Matsuoka\Haruka Nanase from Free!
-Yunan Longclaw\Lady Olivia from Amphibia
-Erza Scarlet\Jellal Fernandes from Fairy Tail
-Soma Yukihara\Megumi Tadokoro from Food Wars!
-Ruby\Sapphire from Steven Universe
-Yoko Littner\Kamina from Gurren Lagann
-Veronica Sawyer\Heather Chandler from Heathers
-Haruka Amami\Chihaya Kisaragi from The iDOLM@ster
-Ryan Akagi\Min-Gi Park from Infinity Train
-Inosuke Hashibira\Tanjiro Kamado from Demon Slayer
-Ameri Azazel\Iruma Suzuki from Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun
-Jedediah\Octavius from Night at the Musuem
-John Egbert\Dave Strider from Homestuck
-Mikotoh Suoh\Reisi Munakata from K Project
-Kaeya Alberich\Diluc Ragnvindr from Genshin Impact
-Misaki Yata\Saruhiko Fushimi from K Project
-Lance McClain\Keith Kogane from Voltron
-Kuroko Tetsuya\Kagami Taiga from Kuroko no Basket
-Korra\Asami Sato from Avatar: The Legend of Korra
-Sayaka Miki\Kyoko Sakura from Madoka Magica
-Chisato Nishikigi\Takina Inoue from Lycoris Recoil
-Kaguya Shinomiya\Miyuki Shirogane from Kaguya-Sama: Love is War
-Shiki Wakana\Mei Yoneme from Love Live! Superstar!!
-Megamind\Roxanne Ritchi from Megamind
-Melissa Foddebrat\Nine Forton from Beware of the Villainess!
-Arthur Pendragon\Merlin from Merlin
-Miguel\Tulio from The Road to El Dorado
-Rise Kujikawa\Naoto Shirogane from Persona 4
-Phoenix Wright\Miles Edgeworth from Ace Attorney
-Aqua Hoshino\Kana Arima from Oshi no Ko
-Archie\Maxie from Pokemon
-Ittoki Otoya\Ichinose Tokiya from Uta no Prince Sama
-Akane Tendo\Ranma Saotome from Ranma 1/2
-Asuka Soryuu\Rei Ayanami from Evangelion
-Langa Hasegawa\Reki Kyan from Sk8 the Infinity
-Jesse\James from Pokemon
-Ryuko Matoi\Mako Mankanshoku from Kill la Kill
-Mugen\Jin from Samurai Champloo
-Yukimura Sanda\Date Masamune from Sengoku Basara
-Kate\Emilico from Shadows House
-Sherlock Holmes\William Moriarty from Moriarty the Patriot
-Garrus Vakarian\Commander Shepard from Mass Effect
-Sidon\Link from The Ledgend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild
-BLU Soldier\RED Demoman from Team Fortress
-Sonic\Shadow from Sonic the Hesgehog
-Sora\Riku from Kingdom Hearts
-Karen Aijo\Hikari Kagura from Revue Starlight
-Steve Rogers\Tony Stark from the Marvel Cinematic Universe
-Sharkboy\Lavagirl from Sharkboy and Lavagirl
-Felix Fraldarius\Sylvain Gautier from Fire Emblem: Three Houses
-Red\Blue from This is How You Lose the Time War
-Ryuuji Takasu\Taiga Aisaka from Toradora!
-Wei Wuxian\Lan Wangji from Mo Dao Zu Shi
-Yona\Son Hak from Yona of the Red Dawn
-Zagreus\Megaera from Hades
-Zuko\Katara from Avatar: The Last Airbender
This was fun, might do some more lists like this - I'm thinking White/Black, Pink/Blue, Orange/Black, or Green/Red for next time.
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dawnrider · 1 month
Oh haaaay, it's Friday! That means it's time for a #FuckitFriday post! 🎉
This is an angsty piece I started for the Nurarihyon no Mago universe. Post canon.
I'm calling it The Last Layer
It had been some time since he’d been to the main house. There hadn’t been a meeting of the other clan leaders for a long while. Rikuo had been clear though, that it was important for all of them to be there. “He’s ready,” was all he’d said over the phone, and that was enough. Shoei had immediately grabbed his haori, emblazoned with the Nura clan insignia, and headed out the door.
Now well into their twenties, the younger generation had been watching the older ones retire, or disappear. Not every youkai went out in a blaze of glory, much as they wished they would. Shoei was glad, in a way, for his father going down while fighting, though he missed him every day. Today especially though… the ache hurt more.
“Shoei. Thank you for coming,” Kana greeted him at the door. He could tell by the look on her face that it had been strained in the house for some time now, but that she’d been keeping up her smile just like her mother in law always had. Lady Wakana was at the shoji, an equally pale smile on her lips.
“Rikuo’s with him already. He’ll know you’re here.”
With a nod, he dipped his head in a bow of thanks, then ducked a little further to enter the room. He’d always been tall, not quite able to crouch the way his father had, and it made him stick out. Not here though. Here in a room full of others ranging from human-appearing to monstrous. They were all family to him.
Without a word, he knelt into the spot left open to the right of his oldest friend. “Brother,” he murmured, his knuckles brushing the worn floorboards to rest beside Rikuo’s for just a moment. A soft bump of shoulders acknowledged his presence.
“He will be glad you’re here.”
A wheeze met his ears and he winced. 
They had known this day would come. It was inevitable. But that didn’t make it any easier to accept. He’d held on far longer than anyone could have anticipated. “Borrowed time,” he’d said. “Borrowed that I’ll have to give back.” They had shrugged it off for years, but now that it came time, Shoei knew that he meant what he said. That not even Rikuo knew the depth of those words. The one final show of allegiance and brotherhood that Zen would make.
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tokuteasings · 2 years
Kiss Headcanons: Narumi Akiko, Sonozaki Wakana, Sonozaki Saeko
As requested by my dearest partner @lunalove25​, kiss headcanons for the W girls~! Man...I love them so much fuck-
Warnings: I’ve kept this as spoiler free as I can due to this is Luna’s first Kamen Rider show. So...if y’all know....y’all know. ;)
Also uh kinda nsfw
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Narumi Akiko
Akiko’s kisses are as spontaneous as she is! Whenever she sees you, she tends to tackle you and smother you in kisses! She’s a very naturally affectionate woman so she can and will zone in on you from like the other side of Fuuto just to tackle you and kiss you. You cannot escape from her or her kisses. Accept your damn fate and just take them. After all, you can’t really just deny her! She’s gonna pout and whine out, “But I miss you~!” and just give you the biggest fucking puppy eyes a girl could give. You crumble immediately and let her continue her onslaught of affection.
As such, Akiko isn’t shy about PDA at all. She does this in front of everyone in the Narumi Detective agency, much to the groaning of Shotaro and the shrug of Philip. Despite this, the pair do care about Akiko and would give you “the talk” but they know Akiko can take care of herself. It doesn’t stop them from teasing her sometimes...or being exhausted by her. But in general, Akiko adores PDA and will just go out on it. Kisses to your lips, neck, cheeks, forehead, eyelids, etc! She has so much pent up affection that she HAS to get it out! Perhaps it’s because of the absence of her father or her general lack of people she has connected so deeply with...Akiko has become rather clingy because of it. 
But her favorite kisses are the lazy ones. To harken back to Soukichi, because of his death...Akiko fears the worst sometimes. She can hide it easily because of her peppy demeanor but she has this smile that never reaches her eyes and you can tell immediately. So these lazy kisses are the kisses she makes count; especially if you’re on some sort of front line work (Rider, police, paramedic, etc etc) or live in an area with a high amount of Dopant attacks. Akiko worries about you day to day so these sorts of kisses are slow and she pours all of her love into them for you. She clings on to you when she does this, and doesn’t stop until you two run out of air. 
Akiko is the most fucking clingy ass bitch you have ever seen. Constant texts and calls, full of emojis and kaomojis and of course, pictures! She sends them to you whenever she’s lonely and/or bored. She cannot live without your kisses and makes this beyond apparent. She’ll send you texts and calls, asking when she’ll see you again or when you can kiss her again! Shotaro is beyond annoyed.
In the end, Akiko’s kisses are full of love and affection and you can never get rid of them. They’re like glue and cling on to you just as much as she does. She has this loud love for you that is shown with every single word she says or her actions. But honestly, Akiko just loves love itself. She gives you cheek kisses and saves the photos of your surprised face to her phone. To her, love is something shown in volumes and you always know that you’re important to her. That being said, the best way to make her fluster is to give her surprise kisses in return! Just grab her by her collar and slam your lips together~!
Sonozaki Wakana: 
Wakana’s kisses taste of expensive lipstick and the better things in life. She kisses with a sense of purpose and drive that is found within someone who has a constantly busy life. Her kisses feel like determined clacks of heels upon the ground, she knows what she wants and how she will get it. She will not be denied in any and all aspects. This princess is spoiled, high-strung, and knows her worth. As such, you will too. Wakana is a selfish yet selfless lover and her kisses take your breath away. She lays claim to your lips quite often, sometimes as a way to unleash the frustrations of her life, and other times...she just misses you.
PDA does not fucking exist. Simply due to her nature as an idol and while she doesn’t care much about her fans knowing about her relationship with you, she tries to keep it on the down low due to the target that will eventually be on your back. She knows what it’s like to live with your head on a swivel and she refuses to let you feel the same thing. She also will keep this relationship a secret from her family. However, when she does have a chance, Wakana will pepper kisses to your cheeks and lips. These are always kick and ethereal, as though they don’t exist in the first place. She always has this cute little flush on her face that you can tease her about...if you want, if you don’t value your life. Kissing her back just to tease her is also really good.
As her partner, you tend to have a clue on what her little tuts and tsks of her tongue mean If there is a tsk with a higher octave and dry sounding, she's upset with dealing with people. If its a normal tsk sound, shes annoyed with everyday life If there is a tsk with her hands halfway upwards towards her mouth like she's going to chew on her nails but brought back down, that is the cue you need to kiss her fingers and take her mind off of whatever stresses she has that moment. She used to destroy her nails when stressed so kissing them helps take her mind off of her old habit. Plus, it’s like the best way to make her flustered!
Wakana isn’t super clingy, or she claims to not be clingy, but in reality she kind of is. She sends you constant texts with message wondering when you’re going to meet up with her. So sometimes, these clingy little kisses are legit the best thing in the world. Her manicured nails are clinging on to you and never letting you go. There’s this underlying sense of, “I don’t want to let you go.” and how she will definitely fight everything in the world just to be by your side. Verbally, she won’t admit it too much but...you can tell.
Wakana adores the kisses that are found between the two of you whenever you’re alone. There’s something not really taboo about your relationship but sometimes it’s fun sneaking around unbeknownst to anyone. However, those quiet kisses that serve to take away the breath of both of you are just...coming to you both naturally. They’re always under some sort of starry sky, or in your home that Wakana had snuck into, just to see you. It’s these kisses that she starts with your eyelids because she wants you to take in all of her. If you blink, she will not forgive you. But then when she kisses your lips, it’s magic and extremely blessed - with all of the loveliness of the earth flowing into you. 
Sonozaki Saeko
Kissing Saeko is like tasting smoke, vine, lipstick, and literally every single fine dining taste you could think of. If you think Wakana is high maintenance, Saeko is something else. She is a woman that knows what she wants, and she will stop at nothing to get it. This includes kisses as well. These kisses are brief, but passionate, calculated even. A confident little streak in her that you have come to expect. She takes charge in everything she does, and grips your chin to force you to peer up or down at her. She demands your attention, and to take it off of her is taboo. She is going to take up your space and that is final. 
Saeko, similar to Wakana, would appreciate hand kisses. As the Taboo Dopant, she generates energy in her hands most of the time and is very skilled with her hand. When she first became used to her Dopant form, her hands were noticeably rather raw. She, thus, takes very good care of them. Kissing her hands does give her a power trip but it shows her that not only do you love her, you care for her, through thick and thin. She does the same to you as well, kissing your hands and fingers is something intimate for her. To Saeko, kissing your hands and fingers is this nonverbal “thank you” for always taking care of her - things she cannot properly say out loud.
She does not mind showing you off to her father and even Wakana, along with her staff and subordinates. You’re basically untouchable by anyone. She doesn’t mind much PDA but it’s rather sparse. It’s mostly shared between the two of you in hallways or in her office whenever you two are alone. It’s quiet moments like these that make Saeko honestly...purr in happiness. She would reach out to you and drag her towards her own lips, pressing them to yours and they just tell you everything she can’t. 
Saeko is secretly passionate as well. When she’s relaxing at last with you, and especially after some cups of wine, her kisses become...not sloppy per-say but more so relaxed. She does this thing where her well manicured nails grip your hair and tug you in closer. Maybe she’s in your lap or you’re in hers. It’s this exchange of air and love that you two are hesitant to leave. Once you two part, you just press your foreheads together in this rare moment of affection and smile this ageless smile and no words are exchanged because...who needs them?
Saeko’s legs, similar to her hands, are sensitive due to her nature as the Taboo Dopant. She also tends to get a lot more migraines also due to the heavy mental strain that Taboo gives her. She adores kisses to her forehead and head in general, helping to ease her pain away. Kisses to her legs are also a fave of hers due to her being sensitive there along with the fusing of her legs whenever she turns into a Dopant. They’re painful to be like that so kissing her thighs and legs are a ticklish but utterly welcome sensation. 
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asknarashikari · 1 year
Philip: This is interesting and weird?
Shoutaro: What’s weird?
Philip: I can’t access a certain part of the Gaia Library.
Shouaro: Didn’t Wakana-hime grant you access to everything?
Philip: She did.
Philip: And this is different.
Yuto: That’s because the world has undergone several rewrites due to Den-o and some other forces.
Ryotaro: And because of that, a lot of things has changed.
Shoutaro: Yuuto, Ryotarou, what’s going on
Ryotaro: Maybe we can try something?
Yuto: Search for Desire Grand Prix.
Philip: Everything related to that keyword is all glitch.
Ryotaro: Try holding to me when you go inside the library.
Philip*holds Ryotaro’s hands*
Philip: Still nothing.
Yuuto: Just holding the singularity point isn’t enough.
Yuuto: Maybe holding a Rider pass would do it.
Ryotaro: I left mine with owner.
Yuuto: Of course..
Yuuto: If we can…
Yuuto: Deneb!
Deneb: What is It, Yuuto?
Yuuto: Can you contact Momotaros and the others and tell them to come to this place, now.
Deneb: Okay…
Hmm, I don't think that's quite how the Gaia Library works? It should be immune to the DGP's time shenanigans because of its nature as memory itself. People may forget, but the Earth doesn't.
Though it wouldn't be the first time it didn't let Philip access certain information. For example, Philip tried looking himself up in an early ep of W, and the book he got had missing pages.
My theory was that either the Library needed a specific keyword to complete the pages (i.e. Philip's real name, "Sonozaki Raito")... or that the Library blocked access because it knew Philip wasn't ready to get that information. Pre-character development Philip wouldn't have had sympathy for his relatives and would've left them to their doom.
Similarly, in this case perhaps the Library may block information about the DGP unless a very specific keyword is entered, or a specific condition is met that gives full access to the info.
Thing is... I feel that while the DGP is ridiculously OP in how they can manipulate the world to their whims, there are probably some limits that even they haven't thought of. Erasing the Earth's memory is probably one of them.
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nian-7 · 1 year
Nian's 500 Follower Event
Just a quick thank you to you all for helping me reach 500 followers! I really do appreciate it and cherish all of you for helping me get this far over the course of the time this blog as been up!
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Event Details
The deadline for the event is when all 10 of the spots are filled. You can fill one of these spots by sending in an ask.
Only one character & one prompt per spot. As well as only one request per spot.
Prompts are available and will be below for you to pick along with characters. Or, you can make up your own prompt and send it in!
The event will take 10 days, one spot will be completed each day.
No repeats of characters, once a character has been taken, it can no longer be requested again.
Anyone can participate in the event!
All of the fandoms that I write for are allowed during the event!
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“ Aww! You missed me, huh? ”
“ I don’t think I’ve ever seen you laugh this much before. ”
“ I knew you’d be waiting for me ”
“ How about a kiss before I go, hm? ”
“ You’re just adorable ”
“ You’re perfect. ”
“ Don't tease me! ” (or) “ Stop teasing me! ”
“ I got you a little gift, I hope you like it! ”
“ I’m here for you, don’t forget that, okay? ”
“ Let me do your hair! ”
“ You look good, don’t worry! ”
“ Remind me why I’m you’re friend again…? ”
“ You’re so stupid. ” “ We’re so stupid. ”
“ I found this. It reminded me of you. ”
“ I really love you. ”
“ Hey, so... I kinda like you? Like- I like like you. A lot. ”
“ You sure you don't wanna snuggle~? ”
“ Come back to bed.. ”
“ Sit on my lap? ”
“ Hey. Wanna- you know, go out with me? ”
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Day 1
Yae Miko - “ Stop teasing me! ”
Day 2
Jing Yuan - “ How about a kiss before I go, hm? ”
Day 3
Gepard Landau - “ Hey, so... I kinda like you? Like- I like like you. A lot. ”
Day 4
Kaoru Seta - “ Aww! You missed me, huh? ”
Day 5
Winter Moriarty - “ I knew you’d be waiting for me ”
Day 6
Rei (Layer) Wakana - “ How about a kiss before I go, hm? ”
Day 7
Touko Kirigaya - “ I really love you. ”
Day 8
Kanon Matsubara - “ Sit on my lap? ”
Day 9
Chiyu (Chu2) Tamade - “ I found this. It reminded me of you. ”
Day 10
Ran Mitake - “ You’re perfect. ”
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wakanatranslations · 1 year
Mr Monkey Matsumoto Wakana (23.08.15)
Good evening!I'm Matsumoto Wakana 🙉
Thank you very much for your comments 😊
For your favourite ways to eat karaage、popular answers were plain、with lemon juice、and with mayonnaise!
I'm also curious about matcha salt and sriracha sauce!!
Thank you very much for your answers!🤍
The other day、I went to “Tabekko Doubutsu LAND” with Kawamura-san!🦁
There were Tabekko characters wherever you looked、and there were loads of photo spots、so I was thrilled!!!
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This time、we met Mr Monkey!🐒
So cute!!!!
It was my first time meeting Mr Monkey、and his mouth was super cute!😍
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At the café、I ate “Miss Bunny's Fluffy Potato Napolitan”!
I love Napolitan pasta、so I'm glad I could eat this delicious Napolitan with a cute Miss Bunny motif too!🐰
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We also tried the gacha gacha!
I won、a Mr Wolf mini pouch and a Miss Sparrow hair tie!
I'm glad that I got some of the new Doubutsu!!
I want to collect lots more Doubutsu😚
By the way、I also bought socks and hair clips!
I'm happy being surrounded by Tabekko〜🥰🥰🥰
I talked lots with Kawamura-san、and we got excited going around all the different areas、so it was super duper fun!!
I hope I can go out with Kawamura-san again☺️
(T/N News and information has not been translated)
I'll end today's blog here (๑・̑◡・̑๑)
I got bitten by a mosquito and it really itches!
My first time getting bitten this yearー😫
See ya!
Matsumoto Wakana
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melodivaassetblog · 1 year
~| Melodiva = Episode 0-7: One Youthful Voice |~
Character: Akari Asato
=|Club Building|=
You've been to the club building a couple of times, but you never went to the roof. You didn't think it was accessible in the first place. But, this was the only clue you had and there's no harm in trying.
After climbing up some stairs, you finally reached the only door that would lead to the roof. Turning the handle, you found out that it wasn't locked. So, maybe Etsumi was speaking the truth or it is already open since the very beginning.
Opening the door, you were greeted by a gentle breeze. The sky was blue today with white clouds rolling above you. You can barely hear the sound of your fellow schoolmates below, securing this as a peaceful place.
Well, maybe not that peaceful since there was another person on the roof other than you.
Isn't that the girl that bump into you yesterday? Could it be that she's the 'Akari Asato' you were looking for?
The girl is dancing through the music that came from her phone on the bench next to a cute gym bag. Her movements were not as smooth as Wakana or the Evolnation idols, perhaps a bit too clunky and jumpy from trying to match the tempo. Her voice, while sounded good, it was rather strained and almost out of breath. Perhaps she had a hard time catching up with her movement.
Shall we dance through the rhythm in our twisted song Charm the fools to bow upon the throne where we belong Should I give a damn? Goddamn! There's no fault of being a little bad-
She tripped on her own foot and fell.
A surprised noise escaped your mouth and you ran toward her. "Hey, are you alright?" you asked, leaning down to make sure she wasn't hurt.
The girl looked up, surprised and flustered. Well, you are breaching her spot. "I-I-I-I'm okay!" she said, ending with a nervous chuckle. She did seem like she didn't get scratched or bleeding. You offered up your hand. For a second, she looked confused, but perhaps seeing your smile reassured her. She took your hand and you helped her pull herself up.
"Thank you," she said, patting her pants from any dust.
"No problem," you said, "by the way. Are you Akari Asato by any chance?"
Once again she looked surprised. "Yes?"
You nodded. From your bag, you took out the little blue book. "I believe this is yours."
Her eyes widened as she gasped. "My idol notes!" She took it from your hand excitedly, flipping through the pages to nothing is missing. She let out a sigh, looking at you with her notebook close to her chest. Her smile was so wide and filled with joy. "Thank you. I thought I lost this forever."
You nodded. "No problem. I found it during Wakana's performance in Evolnation."
"Yeah," she nervously chuckled. "I was panicking when I couldn't find it. And I was sure I brought it with me. I had to write my notes on a tissue paper." She perked up. "Oh! I have to copy it now."
She ran to her sports bag and took out a crumpled tissue paper that had been written over, along with a pen. You looked over her shoulder as she knelt in front of the bench and opened an empty page, though you did get a glimpse of her previous notes.
"Do you take notes of every performance?" you asked.
"The best I can at least," she said while she was writing, "though sometimes I get too carried in watching it I forgot all about it." She glanced up toward you with a sheepish smile. "Idol performances are just amazing, right? You just can't take your eyes off them."
You hummed in agreement. You've been there, after all, watching from the earliest Peko and Emma to the recent Wakana and Gregory. The idol charm you've seen from them is noticeable like they're telling you to keep your eyes on them. Perhaps every idol has that.
"So, you want to be an idol too?" you asked.
"Yeah," she chuckled, "but I still have a long way to go."
"Wakana did say your dorm performs a lot. Melodiva, right?"
"Yep. The dorm was founded under the resonated feelings of the virtual singers. Whether you want to be a musical actor, an idol, a producer, or a tavern bard, this is the dorm for you." She sighed. "Though I haven't performed anything just yet."
She looked up to you again. Her smile wasn't as bright as before. "I'm still a beginner. Wakana did say that everyone is allowed to perform, but," she sighed again, "with the performance ranking system, it's kinda daunting."
"Ranking system?"
She reached out to her phone and opened an app to show it to you. Once the music note logo finished loading, you were greeted with the front page. There was a profile picture of Akari along with her dorm member number and a total of something called 'DP'. Below it, there were a few options, like 'setting', 'teams', 'performance schedule', 'in-app messanger', 'recommendation letter', and a few other things.
"So, this is our dorm app," she said, "Our dorm has a system called 'diva points', or DP for short. The diva point is important for looking for the production house we want to apply in. The higher your diva points, the easier you'll get a recommendation. To get diva points, you can join in the dorm performance." She clicked on the 'performance schedule' button and showed a full calendar. Clicking on today's date, you were provided with a list of performers. "We have regular performances every Wednesday and Saturday. Ten teams that have registered before will perform and we're voting for the top three acts. Everyone gets points, but the top three get the higher points."
You hummed as you nodded in understanding. "So every week there are some performances?"
Akari nodded. "And Chiyo-senpai and Yonaga-senpai are always fair in their distribution of the performers. They'll find a way to have us at least perform once in the year."
"So I supposed your turn hasn't come yet?"
Akari chuckled sheepishly again. "No. I'll just wait for my turn." She sighed again. "It's not like they want to see an amateur like me."
There was something in Akari's words that tugged something inside of you. You've heard that one before, you've felt that at least once in your life; of being hesitant and afraid, holding yourself back despite wanting to do something in fear of everyone would laugh at you. It was an awful feeling. Looking at Akari, it seems that she was in the same position as you were back then. Perhaps some words of encouragement might help her.
Thus, you said, "I wouldn't mind seeing you perform."
She turned to you, surprised. "You would?"
You smiled at her. "I'll be in the front seat."
Akari gasped. Her eyes widened with the twinkle of adoration. Her smile widened and giggled. "Okay!" She clapped her hands. "I'll register now!"
"Wait, now?"
She reached for her phone and went through the registration process. "I won't be assigned until I get a message from the admin. Once I did, I can schedule for my practice schedule." She grinned at you. "I can't disappoint my audience, can I?"
You couldn't help but smile at her. "I know you'll try your best."
She blushed. "Eh he... This will be my debut. I can't mess it." Her phone suddenly pinged. "Oh, a message from the admin."
"That was quick."
"It said: meet us before the weekly performance." She turned to you. "I don't know what this means."
"Maybe they just want to talk to you for early direction. You said it'll be your debut, right?"
"That's true..." she hummed. She slowly nodded. "Okay. I'll meet them."
"I can go with you."
"Huh? You would?"
You smiled at her. "If you need someone, you know, for emotional support, I don't mind."
She was quiet for a while before blushing again. "Thank you. That'll be great."
To be continued...
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putschki1969 · 5 months
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LisAni! LIVE 2024 Broadcast
Here's the footage from this year’s LisAni! LIVE 2024 Yuki Kajiura, her regular FictionJunction members and LiSA all participated in the Saturday Stage of LisAni! LIVE 2024.
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Title: リスアニ !LIVE 2024 Date: January 27 (SATURDAY STAGE) Venue: Nippon Budokan Website: https://www.lisani.jp/live/ Appearing artists: illumination STARS & CoMETIK/ASCA/Yuma Uchida/JUNNA/ FictionJunction (Vocal: KAORI, KEIKO, YURIKO KAIDA, Joelle, LiSA)/Myuk; UPCOMING ARTISTS:asmi / SennaRin / UniteUp!
🎤Setlist🎤 1.蒼穹のファンファーレ 2.stone cold 3.from the edge 4.Parade
📺Broadcast: MUSIC ON! TV(エムオン!) <SATURDAY STAGE> 4/13: 23:30〜25:00
📺FictionJunction Broadcast Setlist📺 stone cold from the edge
The girls looked particularly good here and I really enjoyed that performance of "stone cold" (although I am starting to get a bit tired of it XD). By now I've gotten used to Kaori doing Wakana's chorus parts but seeing the official MV at the very end of the broadcast is making me miss Wakana again T_T
"from the edge" was fun to watch but ultimately just meh. Not a fan of the song. There are some epic parts but overall, there is too much going on for me and as we all know, LiSA's voice is not my cup of tea.
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rijdertjes · 2 years
// I will never forget the convo where Kirihiko was like 'haha Wakana, I hope you aren't missing me too much!' and she goes 'I barely noticed you were gone' and he's sitting there like :) as he's clearly fighting back tears.
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