#i need someone herr w me
ophelia-bloodletting · 6 months
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nugget--daddy · 3 months
here to inform you that you gave me exactly 69 notifications and even though this stomach ache is sending me to hell I laughed so W on our part.
secondly i realize how impulsively I post and like wow, I talk a lot because I know no one will see it BUT THEN YOU SAW IT AND IM REREADING THIS SHI LIKE damn I talk too much.
anyways I’m sorry for popping in (WITH VULGARITY NO LESS??) but honestly seeing you made me think of how far I’ve come from writing shitty Wattpad fanfiction two years ago and like, it made me think that I’m really not all that different now. I got into fandom at a kinda later age than most so, I guess it would be expected that I don’t rush back and forth and come out some new person, but I’m still, here for the ride and I’m glad a picked up someone like you along the way.
forgive my gibberish, long live you, da queen.
Awww hi Merfs!!! And no need to apologize for popping by, its nice to hear from ya, I worry about you lots! You really have came far, with time! And I'm glad to have met you through it! LONG LIVE YOU, RULER OF FRICKING AWESOMENESS.
Sorry that I'm not active on herre very often, and that I ignored your message on quotev, I'm trying to avoid getting in trouble.
(Btw I have told my newest partner about you're writing and OCs and they said that they've heard of you around and admire your work! And they laughed about the similarities in the name Marion with her OC vVarian and yes I'm blabbing but YKKKK)
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sleepynenes · 1 year
Tell me about the AU 🔫
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[claps hands] SPACE AU! title pending so i call it that for now but it follows the crew of a ship called the SW4G0N, aka grian, scar, pearl, mumbo and cub!
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• the crew started as just grian and scar, two former classmates who studied together at a spacing academy and graduated together and did odd jobs on a smaller little spaceship called the P4RR0T! and then through. a complicated series of events they end up on the base of one Herr Doc Monster, sort of the head of a galactic corporation sort of thing (details pending), and. they blow up some important stuff of his. and he’s really pissed off and ends up blowing up the P4RR0T and now there is a massive bounty on their heads from doc and they acquire their second ship, the SW4G0N (the name is a whole story in and of itself)
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• next up is pearl! a personal fav of mine, she’s psychic and a fishy alien who can be out of water but just needs to stay hydrated, i still havent figured out how the crew pick her up but she’s the third member that joins and she’s one of the many things keeping the crew together, using her psychic abilities to her aid she’s probably the most powerful crew member but she’s just so sweet and trying her best
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• the three of them go to vegas and pick up mumbo! a droid who realizes hey. he doesnt have to listen to commands or wait for someone to tell him what to do! he can do what he wants! and he’s kinda bumbling but he’s trying his best and basically has heelies for feet he’s really lovely
and finally. cub
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• cub’s a brain slug in a body of a scientist (also cub) but like. original cub was kind of an asshole and kind of wanted because he worked for an organization and maybe he ran away with some secrets but brain slug cub is Entirely unaware and is experiencing pretty much everything for the first time and trying so hard to act like a normal human. the crew finds out pretty quickly (he becomes besties w pearl due to psychic communication being easier at first while he was learning how to really Speak) but he’s really just. he’s trying his best ya know?
there’s many other characters too! and the crew accumulates SO many bounties on their heads and so many people are after them, including and not limited to: doc, ren false and gem (all mercenaries hired by him), wels and hels (space vampires they managed to piss off), team zit (they accidentally scammed them), bdubs and etho (bdubs is like a space priest and once again. they manage to piss them off) and more to come!
there’s a lot more details and specifics to go into but ill only rlly go into those if people have like. specific questions andkfnfk and that’s the au for now!
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smileyfacesim · 4 months
Aspiration Legacy Challenge - Gen 1.2
Challenge rules
Instead of heading home right away, Caitlin walked around the neighborhood. She ended up at the town center where she took a selfie with the Yamachan statue and sat down with Mortimer and Shigeru Nishidake, a local who knew everything that mt. Komorebi had to offer. "My wife works at the food stall, you should definetely try the maki rolls." He proudly said. Caitlin ordered some avocado rolls right away. She tried one and grinned. "These taste wonderful!" She exclaimed. While getting to know Shigeru, she found out he loved talking about his family. The man said goodbye when the night had fallen and Cait decided to return home aswell.
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After having breakfast, Cait worked on her yoga skills before she'd go back to the spa. "I'll leave as soon as I've taken a shower." She mumbled to herself. Today, she started out at the massage tables. "I'll show you what to do but then you're on your own." Her unfriendly new co-worker, Alex, said. She showed Caitlin what to do befoe leaving the room. Sadly no one seemed interested in getting a massage so Caitlin hopped in the sauna. "Hey, you must be the new girl! I'm Julia." A girl suddenly said. "Yep, that's me. But my name's Caitlin." She smiled. "It's sooo nice to meet you. Shedule me in for a massage sometime." Julia said with a wink before leaving. 'Was she flirting with me?' Caitlin thought as a blush started to form on her cheeks.
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Caitlin decided to give her meditation session another go. 3 clients joined this time and gave her 80 simoleons each. Julia looked over at her and gave her thumbs up. "If you've got the time, join my yoga class." "I will." Caitlin smiled.
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After Julia's class, Mortimer Goth walked over to Caitlin. "I must say, I've never felt more relaxed than after your meditation session." He told her. "But I doubt you can live from that money!" "I do it more as a hobby anyway, but I am looking for a fulltime job that isn't too stressful." Cait explained. "Ah yes, in that case why not become a freelancer and be your own boss?" That made Caitlin think. Why not? Deciding on that would have to wait till the morning though.
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After waking up early in the morning, Caitlin started by doing an enerrgy centering yoga routine, when she fell. "Awtch!" She yelped, rubbing her lower back. "I need to stop overthinking everything and just focus on the now." She told herself. She laid back on her mat, focussing so hard on her breathing, she fell asleep. After her nap, she felt completely energized and went for a jog. So many thoughts were running through her head: Julia, financial issues, herr family and friends back home... She showered and decided then and there she'd look into becoming her own boss. Being a freelancer meant making even more choices: Should she become a writer? A ghosthunter? After doing a lot of research, she decided on the freelance artist career. She had always loved drawing. "Okay, let's see what I can do..." She muttered, looking through the available gigs. Eventually, she chose to create a portrait of someone's deceased relative who apparently sometimes came back as a ghost.
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Her current funds wee just enough to get herself a sketchpad which meant she had to go to the library to use a computer. Step 1: look up some reference pictures. Who was this person? What expression should they have? Caitlin really wanted her client to be happy. Step 2 is to paint the portrait. When her painting was ready, she sent it to the client who wasn't happy with the result so Cait used their comments to edit the painting. It was late by the time she was done editing but the client couldn't be happier and gave her a bonus, handing her 156 simoleons.
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Cait's phone rang. "Hey Cait! It's single's night, come join me!" Julia yelled over the music in the background. Caitlin chuckled. "I'm on my way!" She hung up and made her way over. Sadly, Julia had left when Caitlin arrived due to a family emergency. But Cait wasn't going home. She ordered water at the bar and got wrapped up in a conversation with Cameron Fletcher, A smart guy who was majoring in computer science at the local university. He was a lovely bar buddy who made Cait's heart flutter a little as she walked home.
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To start off the first day of Summer, Caitlin made herself some eggs on toast. The quality was decent and filled her up nicely. "What a nice way to start my day." She sighed happily, cleaning her plate before doing some yoga. Later, she'd pick another gig to work on but right now she wanted some peace. Her eyes kept looking over to her phone. Should she text Cameron? "Why not?" She shrugged, texting him with a smile on her face. "Focus, Cait. Let's see who we can paint for today." She sternly told herself, accepting a gig to design some icons for the Sims Forever's new expansion pack.
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She heard from Julia again while working at the library. She asked Caitlin if she should go out with a guy she met at school. "You should go for it. Let me know how things went!" Cait replied, putting her phone away and sketching some icons. When her phone rang and Cameron's name flashed across the screen, She immediatly picked up. "Hey, it's Cameron, wanna go to the gym together?" "YES! I um... I mean sure.." She answered, practically running out of the library.
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While waiting for him, Caitlin waited outside the gym. The dark scared her a little. She felt anxious so when Cam arrived, she instantly felt safe. The two worked out together and got to know each other a bit more. It wasn't a date but it was nice to be around him.
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zooophagous · 2 years
Artemis plucked a fuzzy yellow tennis ball from the brand new tube. Inwardly, she wondered if it wasn't a little degrading for him- being expected to chase a ball for exercise as if he were a pet dog. It didn't seem to have occurred to Strauss, however. He was usually very up front about things that bothered him. She also worried, however, that the physical activity the institute could offer wasn't quite enough for a creature of a vampire's caliber.
Luckily he seemed fairly sedate overall. Maybe that was to be expected, he was technically dead after all. The actual day to day activity levels of the average vampire were just another large data hole that needed filling. She had the feeling that Strauss wasn't quite average for his kind.
Elsewhere in the gym, Ursula and Troy were playing ping pong. It was half a game, and half an excuse for Ursula to stand by "just in case" Herr Strauss got a little too 'wound up' during a friendly tennis match.
Strauss himself didn't seem too wound up. Instead he looked, truthfully, rather awkward. He was far too tall for his second hand gym clothes, especially the shorts, giving him quite a sporty look that a vampire didn't slide into comfortably.
"You know how to play tennis, right?" She asked, twirling her racket playfully.
"I believe so. Correct me if I mis-step." He replied.
She gave the ball an experimental bounce or two. The vampire stood stock still, but tracked the movement of the object intently with his eyes. She smiled at this, maybe tennis would be a good outlet for prey drive after all.
"I'll serve first." She lobbied a ball gently over the net, which he quickly bolted after- too quickly- and sent the ball sailing back well over her head in a bright yellow blur. It struck the far wall and bounced mindlessly away into nowhere.
"Mmm. I might have to hold back more. This game requires finesse as well as strength." He mused, and trotted after the projectile.
"That's fine, I sort of expected it." She shrugged. "So, have you given much thought to what you want to do with yourself?"
"Well, after this I was going to take a shower and then Troy wanted to show me how to play "Mein Kraft" or somesuch."
"No, I mean like in general."
"Ah. I was going to ask you that." He smirked as he tossed the ball back to her. "You've cleaned me up and fed me, do you intend to merely keep me here as a pet?"
"Well, there's some plans."
She vollied the ball at him again, faster this time, and he returned the serve with more restraint, it bounced once before Artemis sent it accidentally into the sidelines.
"Shoot. That one was my fault. Sorry, we do have some ideas, but this is your life and your desires should come first. Is there something you've always wanted to try? A skill you want to learn? It's not like you don't have time, and we've got the resources."
"Hmm. Now that you mention it, I have always been curious about vehicles. Autos. Perhaps I should acquire a driving license. Beyond that I'm... not sure. I am tempted to seek employment but I do not believe it would be proper."
"How do you mean?"
"Well. Before I was employed as a physician. A doctor. I saw patients. I do not know if it is wise or even feasible for me to attempt to continue now, when I am this."
"I see what you mean. A vampire's bedside manner leaves a lot to be desired."
He looked away slightly. It was clear he agreed with her, but he wasn't happy about it. "Yes... and my medical knowledge is completely out of date. I've tried to keep up my reading but I am an educated layperson at best. When I fell out of the practice we did not even know about bacteria yet."
"Hmm. Well, maybe that's something you can work towards? Going back to school?"
"All the school in the world cannot make me less horrifying to be around. Do you suppose a young lady wants someone like me giving her a pelvic exam? Or perhaps I'm suited to proctology, hm? Oh, I know. An OB-GYN delivering nice fat little babies." He grinned evilly at her, showing his fangs. It was a bit of a crass joke, but she got the feeling at least that it WAS a joke. She rolled her eyes.
"Well, there's other professions besides being a doctor you can put medical interests towards. You could specialize. You could be a pathologist, or a coroner."
"Coroner. Hah. A bit on the nose, Frau Van Helsing."
"What about forensics?"
He tilted his head. "I am not so familiar with forensics. That is the use of laboratory science for the solving of a crime, yes?"
"Yep, you got it." She grinned. "Long hours, but indoors. It takes someone with patience and attention to detail. Someone who notices things other people don't."
"You sound like you're selling me the notion. Is it my serve, or yours?"
"Yours this time. And what if I am? Selling it, I mean."
"Is this what you're planning for me? To put me to work in a lab? Surely there are humans better trained for the task already."
"Well, I was thinking about it more in sort of a 'it takes one to know one' sense if you get my drift."
"I do not. I am not familiar with that idiom."
Before she could elaborate, he served a low ball to her. She parried, and he returned, the volley picked up speed each strike until, finally, she threw her whole body into the return. The fuzzy yellow ball bounded just beyond Strauss' reach.
"Hm. Point Van Helsing. You are faster than you look."
"Smarter too." She chirped.
"Good aim for someone with only a single functioning eye." He mused and went off to grab the projectile once more. "Now, about that idiom. What do you mean by it? How does it connect to forensic science?"
"Well, you aren't the only vampire out there Strauss. Most of them aren't as moral as you."
"I am aware."
"Murders and disappearances don't just go ignored though. We have people looking for answers, detectives, but they're not... well..."
"They're incompetant."
"They don't have any idea what they're dealing with." She sighed. "They don't know how to catch a lycanthrope or a werewolf or a vampire, and even if they succeeded, it would be a complete bloodbath. There needs to be a way to sort the mundane mishaps from the signs of supernatural carnage. Who better to tell the difference between the two than a vampire?"
"Ah, I understand. It takes a vampire to know a vampire. Do I take this as you asking me to play Judas to my own kind, hm? Buy my own safety by helping you hunt them?"
"It's really for their own safety too. If they're out killing, it's probably because they have no support system at all. Think about it. You weren't a man eater, and you were about destitute. For someone to turn to murder, they'd have to be even more far gone than you were."
"Hmm. Yes, you're right. Utterly wretched, completely friendless, penniless. Not even able to beg a feed off someone. It can only be a miserable existence."
"Right! You get it. A vampire in that state can't be helped by the cops. In fact, them getting involved will only make it worse."
"So we need to get there first."
"Right. But to do that we need to have someone on our side who can tell when we're actually dealing with a vampire. Maybe someone who's an expert in both forensic detective work AND vampires?"
It was her serve. She sent a fast ball over the net, only to have Strauss bolt after it and return it with surpirising ferocity. He took the point. "Just one small problem with this, Frau Van Helsing. What do you want to do with the vampires you capture? You've had more than one near miss with me, and I am trying very hard to be good. Can you cope with a vampire that no longer cares if it hurts people or not? If I am a poodle, can you handle a wolf?" He tilted his head.
"Know this. I haven't any great love for vampire kind. But, I am even less interested in hunting down and destroying them than I am in hunting down humans. If it becomes a venture to exterminate pests, I will not continue. I have the barest sense of pride, of comeraderie, and these creatures are my only true peers."
He said it like it was a warning.
"Strauss." She continued, trying to sound authoritative. "I'm not interested in exterminating them either. It's contrary to my objectives, and it's cruelty. You have my word I won't kill just to kill, but you should know, since you're concerned. I've handled worse vampires than you before."
"Have you now?"
"You weren't the first. How do you think I got my beauty mark?" She pointed to her face, resting her finger on the long white scar that crossed her milky eye. "I know what I'm doing. I know the risks. I know what can happen if I fail. I'm taking it very seriously."
Strauss was quiet for a moment, digesting her words. "What happened to it?"
"To what?"
"The vampire that did that to you. Did it die?"
She took a deep breath. "Believe it or not, no, Strauss. She's still alive as far as I know."
"What became of her?"
"I wish I knew, Strauss. I've been wanting to talk to her."
He was quiet another moment before slinging his tennis racket onto his shoulder. "You win. I'm going to the shower... if you have any material on forensics... perhaps I should see what prerequisites there are to begin to study it in earnest from a proper school."
She gave him a half smile. "We can start with getting you a GED. You'll catch up quick."
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eldritchtickles · 3 years
A Lesson in Love and Dunamancy
And here's one of those once in a moon fics I write! Inspired by an ask from a long long while ago that I cannot find anymore lmao. But enjoy some wizard tickles! And of course a big thank you to the Critickle Role discord for not only lotsa ideas, but also keeping me writing this with your own amazing work lmao. Enjoy!
Fandom: Critical Role
Characters: Essek Thelyss, Jester Lavorre, Caleb Widogast
Word Count: 2665
“And as you can see here..”
The dark skinned hand moved lightly across the thick paper, gentle fingers tracing the runic symbols etched into its form. Essek’s eyes were focused as he read through the ancient script, while Caleb’s followed the drow’s finger with intent. Both wizards were sat closer to each other than either seemed to realise, leaning deeply into one another. The room was cosy, hazy with incense with small candles floating lazily through the air. Calm, oriented, as a wizard’s study should be. “These dunamantic symbols are the basis for most spells”, the Shadowhand continued. “Any current spell relies on these calculations, and predictably any new ones would include them too.”
“Ah, ja, I see it now…”, Caleb muttered, leaning closer as a slight smirk played at the edges of his lips. “I also see you already suspect I intend to play with dunamancy’s limits myself, hm?”
Ah, he was caught. A soft smile came to Essek’s face as he nodded. He knew Caleb Widogast would not be one to leave such magic alone if he could create with it. The transmutation master kept true to his discipline, creating something of nothing at a moment’s notice. Including making a need for Essek to put him back in place.
His face leaned down closer to his human companion’s, a twinkle of slight playfulness in his eyes at Caleb’s snark.
“Yes, Herr Widogast, I imagine you’ll be creating many a spell based on the Krynn magic, hm?”
As Caleb went to retort just as smartly, the gentle cosy candlelit haze of the room was bathed in the harsher light of the hallway outside.
“Oh ­Caleeeeeeeb~!”
Both wizards were suddenly acutely aware of their close proximity to one another as Jester Lavorre loudly interrupted their study session. In a second Caleb found himself alone on the floor as Essek’s floating spell took effect and jettisoned him into a more regal standing position, even if his face was flushed an embarrassed lilac colour.
“OH!’, Jester exclaimed, a not so sorry grin on her face as she surveyed the suddenly awkward tension she had created. “I didn’t meanto interrupt you two cuddling-“
“Jester!!”, Caleb yelped, embarrassment lending his voice a strangled tone as he stumbled to his feet and brushed himself off and cast a glance to Essek. “You… You did not disturb anything. Was there something you needed from us this urgent?”
Jester was already in the room as the wizard spoke to her. She inspected the floating candles overhead, courtesy of the magic inside Caleb’s Tower, giving each a slight poke to watch it bob away free of gravity. She cast a teasing grin at the two flushed wizards, before diverting her attention to the dunamantic scroll on the floor as she spoke.
“Weeeeelllllll”, she began, nose scrunching up as she tried to understand the arcane glyphs. “Beau asked me to get you! She needs help compiling notes, and said ‘his stupid keen mind would kind of be helpful’. So I came to fetch you for her!”
“Ah scheisse, you’re absolutely right”, Caleb said with a small groan, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Essek, would you remain here? I promised Beau earlier I’d help her with her endeavour, I’ll finish quickly and be right back to continue.”
“Ah, quite, yes…”, Essek mumbled, glad to feel the blush on his cheeks calm down. “Take all the time you need, alright? I’ll prepare the next part of the lesson in the interim.”
No more words passed between the two, just a polite smile and a nod before Caleb parted to help his comrade. Soon as the door closed, Essek let out a slow breath. What had he been thinking? This was a professional relationship, student and mentor, and yet he had been practically sitting in Caleb’s lap as he had taught. Where was his usual maturity? Had he gone mad? Really, he had to get his act together before someone thought-
“Essek likes Caleb~!”
The Shadowhand froze up. The heat of his lilac blush returned, reaching his ears this time. Just over his shoulder was the grinning face of Jester, he knew it. He could practically fucking feel her waggling her eyebrows suggestively at him. Damn tieflings.
He rounded quickly on the woman, face not seeming able to decide between incredulous, embarrassed, or angry. Probably a mix of all three.
“Jester I- You can’t think that- That’s just not-“
A breath. Nerves calmed.
“…….. Ms. Lavorre, you cannot make such claims about two acolytes. It is in very bad taste, our relationship is strictly-“
“Oh come ooooon, Essek! Admit it, you like the stinky wizard!”, the tiefling said in a lilting voice, walking around to his front so she could stand on her tip toes till her nose met his, which made him make a funny face as he floated back a step. “I mean, no one will blame you. Caleb is charming, and sweet, and kind of dirty but that can be fixed, and he’s so clever, Essek! And he’s-“
“Jester, I do not-“
His voice caught in his throat, before a pout was brought to his face as the drow turned from the intruder on his lesson. He started to spread out another spell scroll, putting all his effort into making sure he was solely concentrating on this.
“I would prefer not to speak on this topic if you don’t mind Jester.”
If it were anyone else, they might have taken the hint. Essek’s exterior had turned icy and aloof, as it had been when they first met, and was usually enough to deter more questioning. But while her insight may not be as good as Caducueus, Jester had enough of it to see through the drow’s shit.
“You are such a liar!!”, she whined, accentuating her point with a poke to the back of his ribs.
It took Essek a few seconds to realise through his brooding that he had squeaked.
It took a few more to have him pinned on his back underneath the grinning tiefling.
“Jester, this is most- A-Ah, Jester!!”, the Shadowhand blustered, squirming slightly as a clawed hand gripped his ribs. He was not used to… Physical touch. Much less being pinned with his arms above his head, straddled by a strong blue trickster. His blush was back in full swing.
“Well, are you going to tell me Essek~?”, Jester asked, that familiar lilt in her voice that meant a plan was in motion. “Or, we could juuuuuuuuuust…”
She accentuated her point with a gentle waterfall of tickles cascading down the stretched out ribs beneath her. Those pointed nails cut through Essek’s shirt worse than any blade, a choking giggle trapped in his throat now he expected it this time. That didn’t mean it didn’t- No, if he admitted the word to himself he’d be doomed.
“M-Ms. Lavorre, I would kindly ask you-“
Shit, he almost laughed as she brushed the area right under his arm. Deep breaths.
“I would ask you let me gohoho!! Dohohon’t!!”
That was most definitely a whine.
“Wow Essek, I knew you were squishy but even Caleb can hold out longer”, the girl teased with a giggle, concentrating her free hand on the wizards lower tummy. It was the spot that had earned the giggle, and with a slight ruffle of his shirt that dark drow skin was exposed to the air and a tiefling’s evil fingers, fluttering along his waistline. “Aren’t you the most ticklish Shadowhand in the Dynasty~! Tiiiiiickle tickle, Essek!”
“I am… T-Thehehehe only Shadowhand and you knohohow this full wehehehell Jester- DOHOHOHON’T SAY THAHAHAHAT!!”
She snickered at the little squeak as he said her name, and the subsequent shout at such a little tease. The poor man’s face was flushed so much you’d think him drunk, the only thing worse would be- oh, she couldn’t-no, definitely could. Artagan would be sorely disappointed if she didn’t.
“Ok Essek, time to get real!”, Jester said with a serious face, nodding to the giggly elf beneath her as if in agreement on what she was about to do. “When you want to tell me how much you looooooooove Caleb, you let me know, ok Essek?”
“W-What? Jester, wait, what?”, Essek asked as he regained his breath, diaphragm working overtime to get back oxygen lost to giggles. His mind was already slightly addled, not even realising his arms had been let go. He quickly did take that into account, if only because they had shot down to grab Jester by the horns and try push her away as a scream ripped through his body.
Ignoring his pleas, Jester just giggled and shook her head in amusement before returning to nibbling gently at the soft stomach beneath her. The tiefling’s hands held Essek’s hips down as her thumbs gently massaged a ticklish touch into the dips in them. His back arched as the sharp little teeth scraped along his skin, and as Jester cast a look up at his face her eyes lit up like a Winter’s Crest tree.
“You’re crying?!”, Jester giggled, an incredulous look on her face. Essek’s head was tilted back in ticklish ecstasy, eyes screwed shut as streams of tears stained his bright lilac cheeks. Frankly, it was the most adorable sight Jester had ever seen! And she knew she was close to getting an answer from the deathly ticklish drow.
“P-Plehehehease, Jester, just not my stohohomach...”, Essek pleaded weakly, hand still tangled in the tickle monster’s hair and horns. “I’ll do anythihihing, just not there..”
“Anything, hm?”, Jester pondered, raising herself from his stomach to give him a break and smoothing his shirt back down. Even thatearned a squeak, she noted. “Liiiiiiiiike….. Admitting you have a teeny, tiny, itsy-bitsy crush on Caleb….?”
There was a solid five seconds of silence as Essek debated with mattered more; his sanity, or his pride.
Jester got her answer as his face turned back to a pout, turning away from her.
She shrugged. Time to try somewhere else.
“Hm, alrighty then Essek!”
In a second, after a slight tousle, Essek’s light form had been flipped so he now lay on his stomach with Jester laying on top of him, facing toward his-
“Jester, don’t you fucking-“
His face burned as she ignored his words, feeling his ankles gripped in a hold by Jester’s deceivingly strong arms. He had of course taken off his shoes on entry of the tower, as any good guest would. Now he was wishing he’d be a bit ruder in the Nein’s abode.
“Oh, I’m just making sure your feet aren’t dusty when your crush comes back! See? I’m helping~!”
Essek thought no such thing as he felt those fluttering fingers returning to his poor oversensitive skin. He felt the tears well up already, which was fucking embarrassing might he add. Speaking of embarrassing…
“A cootchie coo, little Shadowhand~! Don’t be embarrassed, maybe Caleb will find it cute when he finds out how unbearably ticklish you are! He’ll be all like ‘ja, zat is inchresting Essek, you look so cute ven you are laffing unt squirming, tickle tickle my dear’. Just like that! Wow, you reeeeeaaaally hate teases huh, Essek? Let’s test!”
“Lehehehet us nohohot, Jester-“
“I’m going to get youuuuu~! I’m going to tickle these poor, helpless feet!! Aw you’re going to giggle soooo much when I just….”
As her claws scratched from his heel, across his sole, before nestling under his toes to make a wiggling, tickling home for themselves, Essek lost all resolve. He barely kicked anymore, body limp as silent laughter overtook him. Instead he lay shaking from the intensity of it, face sore from smiling so much more than normal, tears rolling hot down his face and falling dangerously close to meticulously written scrolls. All till…..
“I- Pffft nahahahaaaaa!! I LIHIHIHIHIKE HIM JESTER!!”
No sooner had the words left the wizard’s mouth did the devilish fingers below leave him. Essek sucked in deep breaths, grateful for fresh air in his tired lung. Finally, a break… Even if…
His eyes snapped open as his blush deepened. Had he really-
He looked back quickly at Jester, grinning broadly with twinkling eyes.
“I have to, Essek-“
“You will not, Jester-“
No sooner had Jester yelled for the wizard of the hour had she found herself under Essek instead, helped by some sort of gravity spell. His hand was clamped over her mouth to shut her up, a panicked expression on his face.
“Jester, you cannot mention this to anybody, do you understand- DID YOU JUST LICK MY HAND?!”
The look of delight as Jester giggled through the barrier of his hand gave him an answer. Despite his panic, Essek couldn’t help but break a smile. Jester Lavorre was genuinely the silliest girl he’d ever met. But still, he had to keep her quiet… And there was one way to keep her that way.
“Let me explain this in a way you can understand Ms. Lavorre…”
Jester was about to say something rude back, but instead a muffled squeal was all that escaped. Essek had a look of absolute seriousness on his face, not unlike the first time they’d met him, that made the cleric’s eyes widen. Then they snapped closed as his hand goosed her lower rib, extracting another squeal.
“You are not to mention this exchange to anyone, understood?”
His hand moved lower, fingers digging deep into the pocket of her hip. Jester cackled and snorted behind the man’s hand, unable to fight against the dunamantic magic that held her in place. It seemed wizard’s made amazing ticklers, with their dexterous, precise fingers.
“Nod your head if you understand, Jester…”
Essek was enjoying this. He had a grin on his face, one less evil and more proud. Jester was about to nod when the hand at her mouth joined its brethren, both choosing to squeeze at the point where hips met thighs. The laughter that spilled from Jester’s mouth was hysterical, giving her the boost needed to break the spell’s hold on her as her hands weakly tried to pry Essek’s off of her, legs pedalling in the air with how much the Shadowhand’s fingers tickled.
“Ah… Essek? Jester?”
Both parties stopped dead. Neither had even heard the door open, but as they looked they found Caleb standing in the entryway. His face was noticeably flushed at the sight he had encountered, not able to look directly at them. Though Jester and Essek didn’t look at each other, both knew what the other was thinking; adorable.
“I-I apologise, Beauregard had asked the Tower be soundproofed tonight so I did not hear from outside… Should I….?”
“No!! Gods, Light no!!”, Essek yelped, scrambling to his feet and casting a half-hearted glare to Jester, who stuck her tongue out back. “Jester was just leaving, aren’t I right Ms. Lavorre?”
“Oh, of course, Mr. Thelyss~!”, the woman giggled, speeding from the room with a wink to the wizards.
“……… So that was-“
“Advanced interrogation techniques, we shall call them.”, Essek said quickly, trying to keep away the blush once more. Caleb couldn’t help a small smile crossing his face at that, taking a seat beside the spell scroll once more.
“Ah, a different sort of lesson for our cleric, I suppose…”, he said with a small chuckle, patting the spot beside him. “Let us stick to dunamancy for tonight, hm?”
Essek took a few seconds to smooth out his robes and compose himself. Seeing Caleb act so… Normally about all this. It was oddly comforting, to know he didn’t mind. Even stranger, Essek thought as he took his seat, was one observation.
That wasn’t so bad.
“Perhaps a lesson for another day, Mr. Widogast?”
He caught the way Caleb flushed and concentrated on the scroll, along with the small embarrassed smile that returned.
“Heh. Another day, yes.”
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ndoandou · 4 years
Hiii! Can you do a scenario where Mozart's s/o is really drunk she even dont recognize him and when he's trying to help her go to her room she says that she have a boyfriend or something like that??? Idk if it makes sense😅😅
Here you go darling @aycan15nevzatova !💜💜 le drunk s/o x mozart fic //sorry it took a bit long qwq
Your request reminded me of the drunk bridesmaid meme xD i couldnt help but imagine MC and mozart here🥴
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🎹Drunk Yet Loyal🎹
Pairing: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart x MC
Warning: mentions of vommiting, nàśťìě english
MC had made aquaintance with some of the ladies in town. They invited her to have a couple of drinks at the local bar this evening, the same bar where arthur would usually go.
She forgot to tell Mozart thd day before, so she figured she would go tell him now, even though it was rather.. last minute.
"*knock* mozart...?" MC said softly as she knocked on his bedroom door, only to not to get a response.
She invited herself in and mozart was no where be seen, when sebastian happen to walk towards MC's direction
"Herr mozart is having a meeting out in town. do you perhaps need any assistance with something, MC?" Sebastian said as he spotted her looking for mozart
"Ah sebastian! I was just going to tell him that i am going to the pub this evening with some ladies.. could you perhaps pass on this message to him when he comes back? I have to leave very soon." MC explained to sebastian
Sebastian frowned slightly
"Are you sure thats a good idea, its quite late isnt it?" Sebastian said, worried about MC's decision
"Dont worry! Its near the mansion and i wont be home that late" MC said with a reassuring smile
Sebastian thought for a bit
"Well.. i suppose you are right. I will pass on the message to herr mozart. Please do not come home too late" sebastian said
"She WHAT?!" Mozart exclaimed as sebastian passed the information to him.
"My appologies herr mozart, i tried to convince her otherwise, but she insisted" sebastian said as he felt responsible for MC's reckless decision
"I really cant take my eyes of her for one second.. the moment i do, she does the most impulsive things ever." Mozart pinched the bridge of his nose as he exhaled sharply
Sebastian gave him a sympathetic look.
"Seems like ill have to head over to town again.." mozart said as he put on his coat once more
"Ehehehehehe, and then i put salt into arthurs coffee- BWAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAH" MC said as her laughter boomed through the pub, slamming her fist on the table. MC
"My, my, mademoisille~ you seem to enjoy drinks a lot.. though i wouldnt suggest you to have some more" one of the ladies said
"Dont worry! Im *hic*-"
Mc was cut off as the door to the pub had been slammed open, revealing a furious mozart.
This had caught everyones attention
"Seems like the musician came to pick his lady up~" the other lady said giggling
"MC! We are going home, now." Mozart said as he marched towards MC
MC failed to recognize the man that had demanded her to go home. She stood up, almost losing her balance and started yelling at mozart furiously.
"And who do you think you are?! Telling me to- mph!" MC stopped mid sentence as she felt the contents of of her stomach rising up her throat abruptly. One of the ladies who happened to be sitting next to an empty bucket instinctively shoved a bucket towards MC and mozart's direction. Mozart immideately held the bucket, forcing her to sit back down as MC began puking r a i n b o w s. Mozart's expression twisted into disgust. As disgusting as witnessing someone puke is, it was his dearest MC. He rubbed circles onto her back as one of her lady friends handed her a clean piece of cloth.
Mozart was walking down the dark street, carrying MC who had a bucket hanging over her face. Mozart didnt want people to stare at her lover in such state any longer, which is why he excused MC and himself out of the pub as soon as they could.
"Oh schatzi.. what am i going to do with you..?" Mozart said as he sighed to himself
MC wasnt well enough to respond.
They both arrived into the mansion, MC had stop puking but she still wasnt well enough
some residents in the dining room wondering what on earth was this sight in front of them. Before anyone could open their mouths, mozart spoke up
"No one question anything." He said as he casually walked past everyone, MC in his arms, heading towards MC's room.
As they reached the front of MC's room, mozart gently place her on her feet and took off the ungodly bucket off her head. He put the bucket to the side and slowly guided MC in.
"W-wait *hic* why are you taking me to bed?!" Mc panicked, resisting him but failing.
"Shush liebling, take a seat on the bed.. i need to change your soiled shirt" Mozart said, but MC pulled away harder
"No!! You can't do that, i *hic* have a boyfriend!" She yelled out as she ran over to the corner of the room
MC was so drunk that she failed to recognize who mozart is. Mozart found this incredibly funny and adorable. He decided to play along with it.
"Oh? Really? What is your boyfriend like?" He said with an amused chuckle, folding his arms.
"He *hic* he comes of as mean..b-but he has the biggest heart in the *hic* world" MC said as she leaned on to the wall for support
"He.. is very good *hic* with the piano and.. he knows how to make my heart flutter.." MC continued
"I.. love him... very.. much" mc said as she begun to lose her conciousness, which mozart quickly rushed towards her side, cathing her on time.
Carrying MC in his arm, he slowly carried her over to her bed, softlt putting her down.
He laid down next to her admiring her sleeping form, carresing her face. He couldnt stop thinking of what MC said about him.
"It may not seem like it.. but you really make my heart go crazy, schatzi" mozart spoke to the unconcious MC as he gave her cheek a kiss.
"Mm.." MC groaned as she could feel the sun blazing on her face. She noticed that she was in her night gown.
"What on..." MC said as she tried to recall what happened last night, thats when Mozart opened her bedroom door with a cup of warm tea in his hand
"Ah, you woke up." He said as he sat over next to her, handing the cup to her.
For some reason Mozart had this angelic aura around him which made MC question the situation more
"What happened last night..?" MC asked cautiously
"Lets say.. you drank irresponsibly and i had to take you home with a bucket over your face" mozart said with a playfull chuckle
All the memories from the previous day begun flooding back into her head, causing her to freeze. Mozart patted her head softly.
"You should really stop doing the most thoughtless things, liebling.. you were lucky that nothing serious happened last night" he said, still patting his lover
"Im sorry.. i was going to tell you about my plan but i forgot.." MC pouted as she took a sip of her tea
"Its fine. But i suppose i have to glue myself to you so you dont get into trouble." Mozart joked as he gave her a quick peck, making her lips curve into a smile
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blackhakumen · 4 years
Mini Fanfic #658: Home At Last (Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney)
3:43 p.m. at the Los Angeles' Airport......
Apollo: (Takes a Deep Breath Before Smiling Softly) I'm back home.
Ema: (Making her Way Beside Apollo) Feels good, doesn't it?
Apollo: Yeah. I know it's been two and a half years since we were both was gone, but it almost feels like an eternity.
Ema: ('Sigh') Tell me about it. But at least we still managed to make it through to the end. (Gives Apollo a Playful Smirk) I bet you been dying to see a certain fireball after all this time, am I right?~
Apollo: (Smirks Back at his Friend) Like how you've been dying to see a certain "Fop" again?~
Ema: (Eyes Widened and Blushes Before Looking Away From in a bit of a Pouty Fashion) Don't sass me, Justice.
Apollo: (Shrugged Sheepishly) Hey, you're the one who taught me to be this way.
Ema: Which is already proven to be a huge mistake....
Apollo: (Chuckles Lightly) Okay. Okay. I kid. (Smiles Softly) Really. I'm just.... really glad you were you in Khura'in with me. I know you have your own reasons of being there and all, but.... it was great having you around.
Ema: (Turns Back to Apollo with a Soft Smile) I'm glad too, Apollo. Back when I was assigned to come to the town, I immediately thought it would life sucking and boring, but you being there somehow made it worth while. So I thank you for that.
Apollo: It's no probl-
??????: (From a Distance) APOLLLOOO!!!
Ema: (Recognizes a Very Familiar Face From Afar) Back on the topic of your fireball....(Points at a Far Distance) Isn't that her over?
Apollo: Huh? (Place his Hand on top of his Forehead, in a Salute Like Fashion, and Takes a Look From a Distance) Athena? S-She's already here?
Ema: From the sound of her voice she is. But I can't exactly tell from a these people in the far back.
Apollo: I'll try something....(Bring his Other Hand, With his Truly Bracelet On, in the Air and Starts Waving it Around)
Meanwhile From a Distance.......
Athena: (Noticed a Hand with a Very Familiar Gold Bracelet, Waving at her From a Far Distance) ('GASPS') APOOOOLLLLLLOOO!!!~ (Quickly Made her Way to the Waving Hand)
Back to Apollo and Ema.......
Apollo: (Noticed Someone with Orange Hair Making her Way to the Duo While Continuing Waving his Hand) Someone's coming.....(Gasps at a Familiar Face From Afar) I think that's her!
Ema: If you're certain, then go to her. I'll catch up eventually.
Apollo: (Nodded) Right! (Quickly Make his Way to his Fireball Tiger) ATHEEEENAAAA!!!!
And with that, the two defense lawyers from both sides, ran as fast as they could to make it to each other's arms, after their two and half years of long distance relationship has finally come to a close. It was a romantic, touching moment in the eyes of most people who are witnessing the scene, as the couple almost close to one another. That is until......
?????: (Immediately Manage to Rush Place Athena) Oh Polly!~ (Hug Tackles Apollo Into the Ground)
Apollo: (Wince in Pain from the Sudden Hug Tackle) What in the- Huh? (Noticed Another Familiar Face Hugging Him to Deal Life) Trucy? Is that really you?
Trucy: (Looks Up at Apollo with Tears in her Eyes) POLLLYYYYYYYYY!~
Athena: (Glares at Trucy) Damnit, Trucy! I thought we agreed that I would hug him first!!
Trucy: (Glares Back at Athena While Still Hugging Apollo) Well, I'm sorry that I couldn't help myself! You know how much I missed my big brother!!
Athena: Yeah? Well, I missed him a lot more than you think! So I have every right to hug him first!
Trucy: Well, I disagree!!
Athena: And why's that!?
Apollo: GIRLS!!!
Athena/Trucy: (Turn Their Attention on Apollo) Yes, 'hon/Polly?
Apollo: ('Sigh') Calm down, will ya? You're making a scene with your screaming already? (Turns to Trucy) Truce, could you please let Athena hug me next? I know it's too much to ask, but she has been searching for me first.
Trucy: (Pouts at Apollo For a Few Seconds Before Finally Letting Go of Him) Okayyyyy....(Gets Up From the Ground) You two can hug now....(Points at Apollo in a Determined Manner) But you owe me a lot of cuddles, mister! Better not have any plans after this, cause we're having ourselves a Cuddle Party once we get back home!!!
Apollo: (Chuckles Lightly While Getting Up Himself) I can't wait. (Gives Trucy a Kiss on the Forehead) I missed you.
Trucy: (Gives One Last Hug to Apollo for the Time Being) I missed you too, Polly. (Gives her Big Brother a Big Kiss on the Cheek Before Finally Letting Go of Him)
Apollo: (Spread his Arms Wide Open) Okay, Tiger! I'm ready whenever you- (Immediately Gets Pulled into a Tight, Yet Loving Hug from his Girlfriend) ARE!!... ('Heh') S-Someone has gotten herself stronger as of late...
Athena: (Gives Apollo a Playful Smirk on her Face) And you've gotten a lot more handsome the last time I saw you~
Apollo: You really think so?
Athena: (Happily Nodded) Definitely. It makes me love you even more~ (Gives Apollo a Passionate Kiss on the Lips) ('Mmwaaah') Welcome back home, Polly~
Apollo: (Smiles Softly) It's good to be back, Tiger~ (Kiss Athena Back on the Lips)
Trucy: (Smiles Softly While Staring at the Couple Kissing One Another) ('Sigh') I love those dorks.....
???: It hasn't even been an hour yet and those two are already smacking each other's lips?
Trucy: (Gasps Once She Turns and Sees a Very Familiar Face) Ema! (Rushes Over and Gives Ema a Hug) It's been so long!
Ema: (Chuckles Lightly) Hey there, Truce. (Ruffles the top of her Hair) You've grown a bit since the last time I saw you.
Trucy: (Giggles Softly) Yep!~ Were you able to take care of Polly just like I asked?
Ema: (Rolled Yes, Truce. Your Polly has been taken care of. I made sure he doesn't over work himself like usual.
Trucy: Thank you.
Ema: No prob- (Noticed Someone Covered her Eyes) lem. ('Sigh') Okay.
??????: Guess who?~
Ema: (Already Figured Out the Voice Behind Her) Let me guess.... It is a certain "Fop" I need to kick in the ass?
Klavier: (Chuckles Lightly Before Pulling his Hands Away From Ema's Eyes) My~ (Made his Way in Front of Ema) You're detective skills have certainly improved a lot as of late, Fraulein~ What's your secret?
Ema: (Shrugged) Eh. Your voice is too hard to forget really. (Slowly Starts to Smile Softly) Still...(Hugs Klavier a bit Lovingly) It's really great to see you again, Klavier.
Klavier: (Happily Hugs his Girlfriend Back) Likewise, my dear~ Your as beautiful and lovely as ever~
Ema: (Smirks Playfully) And you're even more of a Fop than I remembered~
Klavier: (Chuckles Lightly) I missed your blantent sense of humor~
Apollo: Klavier, is that you?
Klavier: (Turns to see Apollo Staring at Him) Ah, Herr Forehead! (Places his Arm Around Apollo's Shoulder) It has been so long, my friend.
Apollo: (Chuckles Lightly) Same. Seems like you haven't changed a bit the last time I saw you.
Klavier: I can say the same about you. You haven't over work yourself during your time at Khura'in, have you?
Apollo: (Rolled his Eyes) No, I haven't. I was able take some breaks every now and then..... Mostly due to your girlfriend keep chewing my ear off to do so.
Ema: (Glares at Apollo) I can hear you loud and clear, Justice. Your physical and psychological health are a lot more important than you could ever realize. Plus, your sister and girlfriend would literally kill me if I didn't make sure you get yourself some R&R.
Athena: Yeah. We would actually.
Trucy: (Proudly Nodded)
?????: 'Eyyyyy, Justice! It's been a long time, my guy!
Apollo: (Smiles Brightly at Yet Another Familiar Face Making his Way to him and the Gang) Wocky! How's it go-
Trucy: (Smiles Brightly) Wocky!~ (Makes her Way to Wocky and Hugs Him) You finally made it!~ The traffic didn't cause you too much trouble, did it?
Apollo: (Starts Getting Very Confused on What's He's Looking at Right Now) Wait. W-What's happening here?
Athena: (Starts Looking Away in Nervousness While Twiddling her Fingers)
Klavier: (Chuckles a Tad Bit Nervously While Having his Hand on the Back of his Head)
Wocky: (Starts Blushing While Smiling Brightly) Nah. I was able to manage through. Why? You were worried about me?
Trucy: (Happily Nodded) Mmhmm. I just didn't want anything bad to happen to you on the road, Wocky-Kins~
Apollo/Ema: (Eyes Widened) Wocky-Kins?!
Wocky: (Chuckles Lightly) C'mon, Truce~ You know I wouldn't let myself get hurt that easily. I ain't the heir of my fam's name for nothing, ya know?
Trucy: (Pouts at Wocky) That maybe so, but your safety is still important to me!~ (Gives Wocky a Kiss on the Cheek) I love you~
Wocky: (Blush Turns Bright Red) T-Thanks!~ I-I-I love you too, Truce-
Apollo: Alright! HOLD THE PHONE RIGHT NOW!! (Makes his Way to the Duo) Trucy, Wocky, what is going on here?
Ema: Yeah. What's with the hugging and the cute pet names and the kids on the-(Eyes Begins to Widened) Wait.......(Starts Looking at Both Wocky and Trucy Back and Forth BeforeShe Sudden Dropped her Bag) OH SHIT! Ohh shit! (Burst Out Laughing While Having her Hands on Apollo's Shoulder for a Couple of Seconds) Oho shit! NO! No! That is NOT happening right now! NO!!
Apollo: Okay. I'm completely loss right now.
Trucy: Now, Polly, I know this might come as a shock to you, but....The truth of the matter is that-
Apollo: (Eyes Widened at Wocky in Complete Shock) YOU'RE DATING MY SISTER!!!?
Ema: (Begins to Laugh Even Louder) AHHHHAHAAHAHAHAHAH!~
Wocky: Uhhh....(Smiles Very Awkwardly) Surprise.....
Apollo: (Slowly Starts To Glare at the Poor Man) How long?
Wocky: What?
Apollo: How long have you two been dating?
Wocky: Uhhh...Months?
Apollo: ......................
Wocky: ('Sighs in Defeat') Over a year.....
Ema: (Dancing Around While Mock Singing) Wocky's been dating your sister!~ Wocky's been dating your sister!~ (Immediately Turns to Athena and Klavier's Obvious Guilty Faces) Oh! And you two fuckers knew about it this entire time, haven't you!?~
Apollo: (Slowly Turns to.the Duo as Well) What?
Klavier: (Shrugged While Chuckling Awkwardly) Guilty as charged.
Athena: Sorry, 'hon.
Apollo: (Sighs Before Turning Back to Wocky and Trucy) Well, you two.....What you gotta say for yourselves?
Trucy: Wellllllll.....(Giggles a bit Awkwardly) Funny story actually. You see uhh.... ATHENA!! CARRY YOUR MAN!!
Athena: (Nodded) On it!
Apollo: Wait. WHAAAAAAHHHH! (Immediately Gets Bridal Carried by Athena) Athena!?
Athena: (Carries Apollo in her Arms) Sorry, Pollo. It has to be done! (Turns to Trucy and Wocky) RUNNNNN!
Trucy: (Grabs Wocky's Hand and Starts Running) Come on, Wocky!
Wocky: Uhh okay! (Follows his Girlfriend Before Turning to Apollo) Sorry, man!!!
Apollo: (Yells at the Newly Couple) STOP!! I JUST WANNA TALK TO YOU GUY!!!
Apollo: ('Groans') TRUCY!!! (Turns to Athena) Athena, let go of me!
Athena: (Immediately Shook her Head No can do, babe. I can't let you chase them around like a madman.
Apollo: I wasn't gonna chase them down! I was gonna to talk to them like proper adults!
Athena: (Raised an at Apollo) Were you really?
Apollo: ('Sighs in Defeat') Noooo...I wasn't.....
Athena: Thought so. ('Sigh') Look, I know the news itself was shocking and all, but I promise you that Trucy and I are going to explain ourselves once we get back to.the office, okay?
Apollo: ('Sigh') Yeah. Okay. Can you.....let me down now or....
Athena: Noooope. I'm still gonna carry you.
Apollo: What? Why? I'm not gonna chase after them or anything.
Athena: (Smiles Brightly) I know you won't. I just missed carrying you like this. (Gives Apollo a Seductive Smirk on her Face) And I am not gonna ruin this golden opportunity, Polly~ (Begins to Kiss Apollo's Cheeks Repeatedly)
Apollo: (Immediately Starts Blushing) Athenaaa!~ You're already embarrassing me in front of my apparent friends....
Athena: Let 'em stare. (Starts Walking While Carrying Apollo in her Arms) I don't give a damn either way~
Apollo: I swear you're impossible sometimes.....
Athena: Love you too, honey~ ('Mmwaaah')
Apollo: (From a Distance) 'Thenaaa!~
Klavier: (Chuckles Lightly) Those two never fail to amuse me. (Turns to Ema) You're enjoying the show, Fraulein?
Ema: (Chuckles Lightly) Oho you...have no idea right now. This is the best thing I've watched since forever!
Klavier: I can tell~ And I'm guessing you're still not over the whole "Wocky dating Trucy" fiasco, haven't you?
Ema: (Puts on an Evil Smirk on her Face) Oh hell no. We are gonna have ourselves a conversation with that boy once we get back home.
Klavier: (Smiles Brightly) Can't wait.
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sylvanfreckles · 3 years
Turnabout Handicap
Just resurrecting my old works from ff.net. Presented in its entirety, including original author's notes, as published on February 17th, 2015: Turnabout Handicap!
Summary: Apollo finally bought the latest edition of Rock Mix, just in time to be stuck in the office with Trucy while Athena and Mr. Wright were off on another case without him. Of course, as bad luck would have it, this would be the day Klavier Gavin stops by.
Babysitting again.
Apollo glanced over at Trucy, thumbing through a magazine on the couch, and let out a slight sigh. He liked Trucy all right—she was like the little sister he never had—but why did he always get stuck here while Mr. Wright and Athena were in court? It just wasn't fair.
"Didja get it plugged in yet, Polly?"
"Just a second," he called back. There was a lot of dust behind Mr. Wright's TV and he could barely see the connections, but Apollo was finally able to plug in the adapter for his GameStar. He was a little surprised they still made adapters for sets as old as this one but since his own TV was just a little bigger than his microwave he wasn't going to complain.
Trucy gave a whoop as the GameStar whirred to life. "It's starting! What are we gonna play?"
Apollo backed out from behind the TV, trying to brush the dust off his suit. "I only brought one multiplayer game, Trucy," he replied, but she was already elbows-deep in the box of games he'd brought over with him. Technically he was donating it to the office...in reality he and Athena had agreed they were tired of cleaning the toilet when they didn't have clients, so something like this would help pass the time even if he didn't play much anymore.
"Rock Mix!" Trucy shouted and held a guitar-shaped controller over her head. "I've seen this on TV! Who knew you were so musical, Polly?"
"Be careful, I had to buy the controllers used and they're not in the best shape," Apollo rescued the controller from Trucy and connected the cable with his GameStar. "I lost the memory card a long time ago, just give me a second to set up a profile."
"Aw, don't do that now," Trucy complained. "Let's just play! You can do the boring stuff later."
Apollo sighed. He'd really liked the game's character customization when he first bought it...without that they'd be playing with the game's standard avatars based on well-known rock stars. Rock stars like...
"Look, Polly, it's Mr. Gavin!"
It wasn't. Well...it sort of was. The avatar's name was Kevin Gawain, but he looked an awful lot like the rock-star prosecutor.
"Ooh, and we can play one of his songs," Trucy said excitedly, flipping through the songlist on the game's menu. "I'm playing lead guitar, of course. Would you rather be rhythm or bass?"
Apollo felt a headache coming on. "Trucy, that's not exactly what I had in mind. They have a lot of classics in there, too."
But the girl was ignoring him. "Which one, Polly? 'Guilty Love' or 'Atroquinine'?"
She jumped up on the couch, controller in hands, posing like the avatar on the cover of the game. "Love, slow-acting and new," Trucy sang, miming strumming strings over the game's controller.
"Get down from there, you could fall."
"Oh, but you have a microphone, too," Trucy scrambled back down to the floor. "What do you think, Polly, should I be lead guitar or lead vocals?"
Apollo sighed and plugged in the second controller. "The karaoke part isn't as fun. I think you should stick to guitar."
"Aw, I wish I could be both," she let the microphone fall back into the box. "Then I'd really be like Mr. Gavin."
"Look, Trucy, I get enough of him in court, can't you pick a different avatar?"
Someone on the other side of the room cleared their throat. "Did I come at a bad time?"
Both Apollo and Trucy yelped and spun around. Klavier Gavin was standing behind them, folder tucked under one arm, smirking that damned smirk.
"W-what are you doing here?" Apollo stammered, quickly setting his controller down against the couch. How much had Gavin seen and heard? Had he said anything embarrassing?
"I'm here to drop off a file for Herr Wright," Gavin explained, holding out the folder. "His case is linked to one I prosecuted last year."
"Oh, right," Apollo took the folder, glanced at it for a moment, and added it to the pile next to the phone. "He's in court now, you know."
"Ja," Gavin nodded and hooked his thumbs in his belt. "He said I could leave it with you."
"Mr. Gavin!" Trucy hopped over the back of the couch, nearly knocking Apollo aside. "You should play with us, I bet you're really good at this game."
Gavin looked over at the screen. He didn't seem to know how to answer...sometimes Trucy's enthusiasm was like that.
"C'mon, Trucy. he doesn't have time to play Rock Mix with you," Apollo interjected, uncrossing his arms to rest his elbows on the back of the couch. "Besides, I doubt he'd want to."
"Rock...Mix?" Gavin leaned over the couch to study the controllers. "The video game?"
"It's only the best ever," Trucy explained, despite the fact that this was her first time playing it. "You get to be a rock star and play all kinds of hit songs for your adoring fans all over the world!"
Apollo covered his face with one hand. He was pretty sure Gavin had already done all of that. "Trucy..."
"Ah, well, Herr Forehead's right. I don't really have time to play games with you." He tweaked the brim of Trucy's hat down to cover her eyes. "Maybe next time I'll stick around for a few rounds with you kids."
"Kids?" Apollo's eyebrows shot up. "Hey, you're not that much older than me."
"Well, experience and genius speak for themselves," Gavin said, flipping his hair out of his eyes.
"Funny, they've never helped you win a case against me."
The room went strangely silent. Apollo's eyes widened as he realized he'd actually said that out loud. "I, uh...that came out wrong. I just meant...I meant to say something else," he finished lamely.
"Really?" Gavin drawled, walking around the couch to pick up one of the controllers. "Maybe I haven't won a case against you, Herr Forehead...but maybe I don't need to. My ego can take a bruising, can yours?"
"Yes!" Trucy pumped one fist in the air. "Here, Polly, you can play bass, it's more fun that rhythm guitar."
"Huh?" Apollo found the second controller shoved into his hands. "Hey, wait, I thought you wanted to play, Trucy?"
"Ta-da!" Trucy pulled a microphone out of the game's box. "This is perfect, Polly, now I don't have to choose."
"We can't possibly lose now," Gavin commented, holding up one hand for a high-five from Trucy. "Ready, Herr Forehead?"
Apollo just gaped. How had...why had...why was he always getting in the middle of things like this?
"Polly," Trucy, hands on hips, glowered at him from her place in front of the TV. "Remember, you're representing the Wright Anything Agency with me."
Oh well. "Fine, but he has to have a handicap!"
"Tired?" Phoenix Wright asked the young woman walking next to him.
"Hngh...maybe a little," Athena admitted, stretching her arms up. "That last witness was really tough to get through to. I'm still not sure we got to the bottom of his emotional turmoil."
"There's always tomorrow. Gavin should have dropped off that folder by now, maybe there'll be some info in there to help you."
"I hope so," she said with a sigh. She turned the corner toward the agency but stopped as an unusual sound caught her attention. "Mr. Wright, do you hear that?"
"Sounds like Trucy's singing," he said. "Huh, that's an old one...'Mirror, Mirror', I haven't heard that since college."
"Mirror, mirror, tell me why...do I hide these tender eyes..."
Athena winced and covered her ears. "Is she singing karaoke? The guitar part's all right, but something's wrong with the bass track."
"I'd better tell her to turn it down," Phoenix commented, leading the way up the stairs to the office. "We don't want the neighbors to...oh."
Athena peered around her boss to see what had stopped him at the door. And stared.
Trucy, Apollo, and Klavier Gavin were gathered in front of the TV playing some kind of guitar-karaoke game. At least, that's what she assumed was happening. Trucy was singing her heart out, but Apollo seemed to be having trouble with his guitar. Gavin, on the other hand...
He was standing with his back to the TV, Apollo's necktie tied around his eyes, and a pair of bright yellow rubber gloves on his hands. And he was still hitting every note perfectly.
"Polly, come on! I can't believe you lost again!" Trucy complained. "Maybe we should pick something easier."
"It's not my fault he's a better player," Apollo replied, frustrated. "I think he needs another handicap, like tying one of his arms behind his back."
"Come, come, Herr Forehead," Gavin lifted the edge of his blindfold just enough to wink at Apollo. "You've already blindfolded me to see how I perform in a game of rhythm and dexterity, and now you want to tie me up? Is there something you'd like to tell me?"
"I suppose we should rescue him," Mr. Wright murmured to Athena as Apollo blustered out an answer.
Athena grinned evilly. "Let me, boss," she whispered back. "Excuse me, are we interrupting?" she called.
The three players turned to face them: Trucy with a yell of greeting, Apollo with a face red enough to match his suit, and Gavin with an almost embarrassed smirk.
"Come on, Daddy," Trucy ran over to grab Mr. Wright by the arm. "You've got to take over bass for Polly, he's just terrible at it! Maybe you can beat Mr. Gavin."
"It's not my fault," Apollo protested again, relinquishing the control gladly.
"He was on expert and you were on beginner, Polly," Trucy retorted, trying to settle the guitar's strap over Mr. Wright's shoulders despite his protests. "I really don't see how we could have made it more fair."
Apollo gave a good-natured sort of grumble and stalked over to stand beside Athena. "He's got cotton in one ear, too," he muttered. "I can't believe he's just that much better than me."
Athena leaned back against the door frame and fiddled with her earring, studying the scene for a few moments as Trucy tried to convince her father to play. Something was prickling in her memory, something she really should have noticed right away. "Hey, Apollo?" she finally asked. "The gloves Mr. Gavin's wearing...aren't they the ones we use when we're cleaning the toilet?"
Original author's note:
Been stuck in my head for days now. What would happen if Klavier played Guitar Hero against Apollo? Yes, I understand it's different from playing a guitar, but it really does come down to a sense of rhythm, timing, and dexterity. Besides...I never said he hadn't played it before, did I?
Reminds me of my childhood. We had a winter Olympics game for the Atari, and I was so good at the bobsledding event my brothers used to stand in front of the TV to try to make me crash. I still won gold almost every time...mostly because they didn't think to cover the track map in the upper corner.
This story is not meant to be slash, but...come on, if you had the chance to tease Apollo Justice with a thinly-veiled innuendo wouldn't you take it? No matter your orientation? It's like when someone at work or school complains "I'm hot" and you say "Yeah, but you don't have to brag about it", it just has to be done.
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Chiaroscuro: Aurora, Chapter 8
Warnings: Fingering, some mild exhibitionism, Till and Johannes being themselves
Tags: @whoreschach @reclusive-cat-lady @limerami @saekkos @yournewsatanistpisshunter @angelfallenspirit @kshandra @rocket-dancer @bakedbybeelzebub @blood-ghuleh @jitterbugs927  @inferuscorvus @ptite-shit @scriptor @localmusicrocks @dragonsfire8780 @thedaddytamer @maidenismyreligion
If you’d like to be tagged, let us know!
The beautifully presented state dinner is delicious and the attendees feast, talk flowing as naturally as the drink. Finally, Jonas stands. “Well, my friends in H.E.A.T. and my inner court must do boring bureaucratic things. Please, everyone else, stay here and have fun!” There’s cheers from the crowd as the grim follow the wolves off to another room.
“Are we...are you supposed to go too?” you ask, looking at Papa.
The dark pope smiles. “If they need us, someone will let us know, I’m sure. Eat a bit more, my wife.”
You nod, picking at some more food as you listen to the conversations around you. You smile as Fire charms a small group of women and men, and you see Earth blushing as a few women giggle over him.
A hand suddenly plops onto your shoulder, and you look up to see Paul, smiling cheerfully. “Hallo! Would you like to dance? I would have asked earlier, but you got whisked away!”
You can’t help but return his smile. “Of course...if you are all right with it, Papa.”
“You do not require my permission, my love. Besides, I enjoy watching you dance.” Papa winks at you.
“I can’t imagine why, I have no coordination or balance,” you say as you lean in to kiss him, your heart warming at his defense of your freedom.
“Watching your body move gives me...inspiration,” Papa murmurs, before capturing your lips in a seductive kiss.
“Hey, keep kissing her like that and I won’t get my dance!” Paul protests playfully.
Papa chuckles into your lips and pulls away. “My apologies, Herr Landers. Go on, my love, have fun.”
You cup his face gently and kiss him once more before rising from your seat and turning to face Paul, curtsying before saying, “Lead the way, Paul.”
Paul beams and leads you to the dance floor. He spins you a bit, making you let out a squeal, then settles the both of you into a cheerful rhythmic movement, smiling the whole time. Finally he says, “So he’s not wrong.”
You look up at him, quizzical smile on your lips. “Who’s not wrong about what?”
“Papa.” Paul grins down at you. “You’re very inspiring.”
You flush, nearly losing your footing at his words. “W-Well, thank you, but I think you’re both very silly. I couldn’t hope to ever match his grace.”
Paul shrugs. “Seems like most people can’t. But grace isn’t everything, mein freund.”
“It is when you’re dancing,” you argue.
“Maybe,” Paul says as he glances over your shoulder, then back to you. “But we’re not really talking about dancing, are we?”
Before you can respond, he moves quickly, twirling you into a spin and letting you go. A new set of arms catches you and you look up at Richard, who is smirking. “Fancy meeting you here.”
You gulp faintly, your mind helpfully replaying the kiss from earlier that day. “Hello, Richard. Are you having fun?”
“So far,” he replies, eyes not leaving yours. “Avatar Country is rather delightful. Always has been.” He looks thoughtful. “Of course, we weren’t here when Jonas was possessed, so I can’t really attest to that time period.”
“I only experienced a little bit of it, and I can assure you ‘delightful’ was not an accurate description.” You shudder a little as you recall the angel-king. “But that’s all in the past now.”
“Is it though?” he asks softly, a note of concern entering his gaze. “The whole reason we came early seems to say it isn’t.”
You bite your lip. “Well...maybe not. But at least Jonas is Jonas again. We’d be in real trouble if he were still possessed.”
“That’s very true.” He tilts his head back, gazing at the stained glass on the ceiling. “And it seems like everyone has you to thank for that.”
You flush. “So people keep saying. I’d really rather they stopped.” 
Richard chuckles. “Well, in that case…” He spins you out gracefully and lets go, and when you turn to face him again Till is standing there instead. He gives you an actual smile this time, and bows politely. 
The sight makes you want to laugh, almost giddy, but you rein it in. You curtsy, then he takes your hands, drawing you into a waltz-like stance, one hand coming to rest lightly on your hip, the other holding your hand as he begins to waltz you around the floor.
“So,” he rumbles, “did you do as I asked?” When you shoot him a confused look, he tilts his head. “Did you have fun with the wiry grim?”
You flush, but smile. “I did, yes. He’s...very talented.”
Till chuckles. “Glad to hear it. A woman like you deserves as much fun as you can have.”
You laugh softly. “Well, luckily I get more than enough.”
“You certainly have many options available to you, in many...combinations.” His smile is suggestive. “I know many fae who would be jealous of the delights you have to choose from.”
You blush, but grin. “No need to be jealous, Till. I’m sure you get even more delights than I do.”
“Well, I can’t argue with that,” he says with a smirk. “I never lack for...company.”
“So I noticed,” you respond as he moves with you. “I expect you’ll have your choice of company this evening, given all the attention you received.”
“Ah, are you envious of them then, liebling?” he murmurs.
Your blush deepens. “I have no reason to be. My husbands have already promised to indulge me this evening.”
He chuckles, brushing his fingers over your blush. “That is not the same as a no.”
You huff, blush deepening at his touch on your cheek. “...shut up.”
He laughs, spinning you out and then back into his chest. “You’ve got a fire inside you that matches the blaze of your beautiful necklace,” he says, still laughing. “A beautiful, hypnotizing flame. Everyone you meet wants to touch it, I expect.”
You flush darkly. “Flatterer.”
“Nein, I am simply telling the truth.” He smiles down to you, a real smile that has your heart fluttering.
“You’re not fair,” you whisper. “Not even remotely.”
He snorts. “If you’re looking for fair, you’ll be very disappointed then. Fae do not deal in ‘fair’.”
“I noticed that too,” you mutter, swallowing thickly, looking up into his face. “But...I don’t think I mind.”
Till leans down, his lips only centimeters from yours. “I know you don’t.”
Your breath catches. “Are you...are you going to kiss me...with everyone watching?” You can feel Papa’s eyes on you, can practically sense the smirk you’re sure is crossing his face.
“Are you tempting me?” the fae asks.
You shiver hard in his arms, and before you can stop yourself you close the distance and kiss him deeply. He growls into your lips and kisses back, pressing tightly against you. He’s so much bigger than you, it feels so good to be dwarfed like this.
He tears himself away from you with a snarl and stares down at you, breathing heavily. “Forget what I said. You are no flame. You’re a fucking inferno. Beyond dangerous.”
You lick your lips, eyes wide as you look up at him. “So are you. A girl could drown in you, Till.”
He closes his eyes, hands resting on your shoulders, still gentle despite the tension in his frame.
“Perhaps...” You can hear the slightest tremble in his voice ... barely, but it’s there. “Perhaps you should go back to your husbands and your other lovers.”
“Or perhaps you could join us for the night.” The bold words pass your lips before you realize you’re speaking them, shocking you.
His eyes widen in surprise before a wide grin splits his lips. “Well, well. Someone doesn’t want to wait. If they are amenable to it...I would be honored.”
You swallow hard, then take his hand and walk over to Papa. You open your mouth, but before you can say anything, the dark pope says, “Yes.”
You blink. “How do you know what I was going to ask?” You pause, then, “How do you know I was even going to ask anything at all?”
Papa raises his eyebrow. “You’re still holding his hand. I just saw you kiss—which was a beautiful sight, by the way. And I can smell your—”
“Okay, okay!” You blaze red as Till laughs uproariously.
“Your scent is...enticing,” Till says when he is calm once more, and your flush deepens.
“And it would appear you’re going to find out how enticing, my friend,” Papa chuckles, his eyes focused on you.
Till is about to answer when his attention is drawn away. You follow his gaze and see Richard gesturing. “Normally I’d ignore him, but given the situation, I should see what he wants.” He turns back to you, his gaze glittery. “I will join you and your...entourage... later?” You nod. He tilts his head and is gone.
You sit down in a nearby chair, fanning your face, which is still quite red. “...he’s gonna kill me.”
“Several times, hopefully,” Papa says, smirking down to you. You squeal and flail at him. “Seriously. My love, I have heard tales of his prowess for years.”
“This isn’t helping, Papa!” you yelp.
“Oh, my apologies, I didn’t realize you were looking for help.” Papa’s laugh turns into a soft hum. “You’re going to look absolutely divine spread out underneath him...”
You squirm in your seat, red-faced and quite wet. “My love. My husband. I am begging you. Please stop, or I will drop any etiquette I know and hide under the table!”
Papa can’t help but picture that, and he laughs and laughs, leaning against the wall and clutching his stomach. You can’t help but smile; seeing him express so much mirth makes you happy.
“Oh my love, my love,” he gasps as he pulls you to him so you can sit on his lap. “You are the most precious thing I have ever known.” He pulls you close and hugs you tightly as he tries to control his mirth. You can’t help but grin and nuzzle into his neck, and he hides his giggles in your hair.
Soon the grim and the wolves return as well, having completed whatever tasks were required, and with their presence, the formalities of the evening seem to fall away. The king no longer restricts himself to his throne, the music gets louder and more raucous, and you find yourself mingling with various citizens before Crash bounds into you with a happy yelp.
“Sorry, milady, did I hurt you?” he says with a gasp. He shoots a look at Dave, who’s nearby, shaking his head. “It was an accident, I swear! Come on, Dave, you know it was!” Dave, who’s talking with Air, raises an eyebrow at the energetic grim, then completely ignores him. Crash pouts and turns to you. “It really was!”
“It’s okay, Crash, I promise,” you soothe with a grin. “I’m okay, it was just a little bump.” 
He sighs in relief. “Oh, good!” He glances around, then grins to you and holds out his hand. “Would you like to dance?”
Your smile is indulgent as you put your hand in his. “Just don’t go too fast, I’m not nearly as bouncy as you!”
“I bet you’re bouncier than you think,” he teases with a wink before whisking you off to the dance floor.
The rest of the night passes blissfully, talking and laughing and dancing with ghouls, wolves, fae and grim. At some point, Papa must have said something to Johannes about Till, because the wolf suddenly pulls up behind you and hugs you tight to his chest. You can feel the tension that he is trying to hide, and his grip on you is a little more...firm, possessive than usual. “My wife. I missed you.”
You melt into your wolf. “I missed you too.”
“Dance with me,” he murmurs, and without waiting for an answer, he begins to sway.
You giggle softly. “You look so handsome when you’re up there, singing, performing your duties to your king.”
He grins down to you. “I like it when you call me handsome, sweetness. You’ve looked good enough to eat all night. Have fun with Erik? He was fucking gleeful during the official signing of the accords.”
You feel your blush rise again as you answer, “Yes, he was very...attentive.”
“I just bet.” He leans down and growls into your neck playfully before straightening up and continuing to sway back and forth with you. “So...Till’s joining us tonight?” he asks, his tone overly casual.
“Yes.” A beat. “Is that ok?” 
“Sure.” But the increased tension in his grip suggests otherwise.
You’re quiet for a time, your eyes closed, enjoying his warmth but considering his words, his behavior. After a few minutes, you ask softly, “Are you threatened by Till? Or...upset with me?” You turn in his arms quickly and lay fingers over his lips. “And please don’t say ‘of course not’. I really need to know the truth.”
“You think I’d lie? To you?”
“No. But I think you’d stuff your true feelings if you thought it would make me happy.”
He looks down at you, and his eyes warm a little. He kisses your fingers and then wraps his hand around yours. “I’m not pissed at you. And I’m...only a little threatened. Till is...a lot...I know how he affects you.”
You nod, fighting hard not to cry. “He doesn’t have to... I’ll tell him that it’s not a good idea. I think he’ll understand. I think he knows you and Papa and Jonas are most important, he’ll...”
Now it’s his turn to lay long fingers on your lips. “Did I say you had to?” You blink up at him in confusion, and he smiles softly. “I trust you. With all my heart. Fuck, I got over the Copia thing. I’ll be fine, my wife. I...I want you to do this. Well, to do him, heh.”
“Are you sure?”
“You tell me.” He snugs you in tight against him, and you feel every inch. Your soft exhale makes the corner of his mouth quirk. “Gonna watch him hold you down and split you open like a peach. Good god damn.”
You shudder hard at his words and bury your face in his chest. “Johannes, not you too!”
He laughs, nuzzling the top of your head. “I bet he’s gonna make you lose your mind with lust. Oh, I can’t wait!”
You let out a little moan, a mix of desire and nervousness. “Y’all are really trying to kill me, aren’t you? How am I going to survive this, Johannes? You already drive me to the edge of sanity most nights ...”
He grins. “Well, you’ll just have to try your best. You don’t really want to miss out on fucking Till Lindemann, do you?”
You gasp. “Hell no! This is absolutely happening, I just...” You flush and scuff your foot. “Just a little embarrassed how much I want him, that’s all.”
Johannes snickers. “Hey, don’t worry about it. Pretty sure Dante wants him at least a little bit too.”
“Our husband wants everyone,” you say with a giggle. Then the meaning of Johannes’s words really hits you, and your eyes widen. “Really? Do you think Till would...?”
Johannes shrugs, and snugs you in close to him as the two of you continue to sway to the music. “I don’t discuss his preferences with him. Fuck, I don’t discuss much of anything with him. Fae are generally open-minded but something tells me even if the big lug was willing, he’ll only have eyes for your luscious body tonight.”
You blink up at him, cocking your head a little even as you blush at the thought of Till’s eyes on your naked flesh. “So...you don’t get along?”
“I...wouldn’t say that, sweetness.” Johannes sighs and pulls you over to a velvet couch that sits low to the floor, sprawling just a little as he positions you on his lap. “I like them. Of course I do, I’m a metal fan, and they’re one of the biggest acts on the planet. And they’re all really interesting people. But...fae make me fuckin’ nervous. Outside of the band, the ones I’ve met have been arrogant and unpredictable. And I don’t want unpredictable around you, my wife.”
You lay your head on his shoulder, letting your fingers twist and tangle in his hair. “I can still tell him I’ve changed my mind...tell him that this is not a good idea....”
Johannes smiles and cups your cheek. “Sweetness. I want you to do this. I want you to do what makes you happy. And I know that you’re strong enough to kick their ass if you need to.” He nuzzles your forehead. “You know how I worry. But I won’t let that hold you back.”
Your hands drift from his hair down his chest. “You know I don’t deserve you.”
“There’s where you’re wrong, sweetness.” You lift your head to look at him. “After everything I’ve done? I’m the one who doesn’t deserve you.”
You smile faintly, reaching up to stroke his cheek. “How about, for once, we just agree that we belong together? It’s not a matter of deserving. It’s a matter of love.”
He moves swiftly, capturing your lips in a stingingly sweet kiss that quickly has you melting into him. Soon the kiss is deep, deeper, his tongue plunging into your mouth, and you’re holding on to him for dear life.
His hands ease up your back, tangling into your hair, and you moan into his mouth. He shivers under you as your tongues tangle, and then he’s pulling away to breathe, nuzzling his nose along yours. “I love you, sweetness. I love you so much.”
Your eyes well with tears of joy. You love hearing him say that. “I love you too, Johannes. Always and forever.”
“I swear I’m the luckiest asshole I know,” he mutters as he kisses you again, drawing you as close in to him as he can. He’s stoking the fires within you, drawing whimpers and muffled cries out of you as he feasts on you.
“Now, now, starting the party without anyone else is rude,” Fire calls out teasingly as he walks by. Johannes simply flips him off and keeps kissing you, other hand resting on your ass.
The ghoul laughs. “Such an accomplished multitasker,” he says, then pauses to watch, moving in closer. “I don’t know why but the leather makes everything look hotter...”
“I think she should wear this all the time,” Johannes growls, squeezing your ass through the leather skirt. “Get Jonas to make her one for each day of the week.”
“Now that’s an idea...but also some pants, she needs to be in leather pants,” Fire moans.
“It would be a waste,” you say, reaching out to Fire, beckoning to him. “None of you want me in clothes for very long, so it doesn’t make sense to go to the trouble.”
Fire falls to his knees behind you, running his nose up the back of your neck. “Still worth it,” the ghoul moans, pressing his hips to your ass. “You’d look incredible...everyone would agree...”
“We’d get nothing accomplished...country would go to shit...” Johannes mutters as he kisses a trail along your jawline. “But fuck yeah leather pants...”
You squirm in their embrace. “We...we’re not...we can’t do this here...in front of...everyone...”
“I know that no one would mind. You think this would be the first time this hall has seen an orgy?” Johannes growls with an evil grin, and Fire laughs at your squeak.
“Johannes, you...you...I know you’d do it too!” you splutter.
“I really would,” the wolf replies darkly.
“No, you won’t.” You jump at Till’s voice as he steps up, staring down at you. “I don’t share with the general public. At least, not our first time together.”
Johannes snorts. “Oh, so you do have limits and boundaries.”
“Johannes...” you whisper.
The wolf bites your neck, softly, not to hurt, just to tease. “What? I was just making an observation.”
Till snorts but doesn’t say anything else to Johannes. Instead, he pulls you to him and suddenly slings you over his shoulder. You squeak, eyes wide and face reddening as one of his hands rests on your ass to keep you stable. “T-Till! I-I can walk!”
The massive fae grunts. “And your point?”  He turns for the doors then looks back to Johannes. “You coming? Or am I just marching the halls until I find a door with the right energy?”
Fire tries not to laugh as Johannes inhales. “Arrogant asshole,” the wolf breathes out as he stands.
“Like dealing with your twin, I would think,” Fire says, choking on his mirth.
Johannes shoots Fire a murderous look, but he starts walking after Till. “Fire, let the others know where we’re headed, tell them to haul ass to the king’s rooms if they’re up for a show.” Fire bows, still grinning, and blinks away as the wolf catches up to Till and the squirming you.
“Till, come on, I-I can—”
“I don’t care if you can or not.” Till smirks and grabs a handful of your ass. “Mmm. That training is paying off.” You squeak and slap at his back.
“Slap him harder, wife, he can take it.” Johannes chuckles.
“I’m more interested in seeing how much she can take,” Till rumbles as he follows the wolf.
Johannes looks back at the fae, a wild grin spreading across his face. “My wife can take a whole fucking lot. Just you wait.”
“Your wife is right here!” you snap through your blush, and Till smirks to Johannes before snaking his hand up your skirt.
“Too tight for panties in here, huh?” he rumbles, and you muffle a cry into Till’s back as his fingers suddenly rub over your slit. “Oooh, wet already?”
“Oh, she loves some aggression,” Johannes chirps happily.
“You...you...” Words escape you. All you can do is shout and squirm in Till’s hold. The fae slaps your ass once more.
“Save your screams for when it counts, little one,” he says, his voice a dark promise, and you can’t help but struggle a little harder.
Johannes snickers, rubbing his hands together. “I’m so fucking ready to just watch him wreck you.”
Till smirks as you all pass by two maids pushing a cart, and yelp as Till’s finger passes over your clit. The maids gasp as they realize what he is doing, and the fae flicks his tongue at them, making them squeal and blush and hurry down the hall.
“Ha! They’ll be thinking about that for days!” Johannes cackles.
“Good.” Till’s voice rolls through you and you are suddenly almost thankful that he’s carrying you. You’re not sure your legs would have gotten you very far otherwise, and you’re going to need all your energy to handle whatever he’s about to do to you..
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gyakutengagotoku · 4 years
GS4 vs AJ:AA - Episode 3, Part 2
Good, I’m not having problems with tumblr this time.
This one’s a bit on the shorter end, which I notice goes for many day 1 trials in cases with more than one trial day, but I can still find plenty of things to share, comment, and explain as always! Like with the previous episode, most of the bulk of work was from the introductions and initial setting.
While the previous one, I could squeal over Yakuza references and all that jazz, this one’s more for Klavier’s fans and classic rock junkies out there. I enjoy the occasional taste of rock too, but sorry, I’m forever a Eurobeat gal.
Oh, if only there were a future AA case about street racing... You just know that Edgeworth would be on that case. He’s probably the only prosecutor (besides maybe Klavier) who can make a sick drift and would know a thing or two about cars. Too bad for the car-less defense attorneys at the Wright Anything Agency, though.
> Courtroom
> 1st Witness Testimony, press 1st statement
<Apollo> “なくした”っていう発想は ないのかな。 Isn't it possible he simply misplaced them?
<Klavier> “なくした”で済むか! Misplaced them!?
カギはその後、死体の手に ニギられていたんだぞ! Misplaced items don't just wander into a murder victim's hand on their own!
<Judge> な。なんですって‥‥! そ。それでは‥‥ What's this!? Prosecutor Gavin, if your keys were in the victim's hand...
ハンニンはあなた自身ということに なるではないですかッ! That makes you a prime suspect!
<Klavier> ‥‥♪ “遅効性の恋は アトロキニーネ”‥‥ ..."Love, slow-acting and new. Atroquinine... is waiting for you..."
<Trucy> ハナウタ、歌ってます。 He's singing something.
<Apollo> 大物だよな。なんにしても。 Does everything with this guy have to be so over-the-top?
Just wanna share lyrics. The original line, taken literally, is "Slow-acting love [is like] Atroquinine", but it's so vague that it can be reworded many ways, since it’s a song lyric.
> Press 4th statement
<Klavier> 部屋から脱出できる出口は、 あの通気口だけだった! That air vent was the only way out of the room!
そして、そこには、 被告人の指紋が残っていた! The defendant's fingerprints were found on the grill!
‥‥さあ、おデコくん! ...Well, Herr Forehead?
ここから、キミは どんな“物語”を想像するかい? What fairy tale does this suggest to you?
<Apollo> ぐ‥‥ッ! Urk...!
<Klavier> ‥‥ちなみに。その通気口‥‥ Only one could pass through that vent, that "doorway to heaven"...
“天国のトビラ”をくぐることが できたのは‥‥その妖精だけ、さ。 ...and that one is our pixie.
Another song reference, but instead of a "Stairway to Heaven", it's a vent-way.
I've been watching way too much Among Us lately... but this episode from back in 2007 seems suspiciously related to a 2018 game, somehow.
> Finish pressing, present any evidence
<Apollo> 検察側の主張をくつがえす‥‥ これが、その証拠品です! This evidence does more than contradict, it flips the whole case on its head!
<Judge> ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ ......
<Klavier> どうやら、ぼくの言った通り。 ハッキリとした“反証”のようだね。 Thank you for presenting evidence that is both clear and plain, as requested.
<Judge> たしかに‥‥ ハッキリ“ちがう”と分かります! Yes... Clearly and plainly wrong!
その証拠品で、検察側の主張を くつがえすことはできません! I'm afraid the only thing flipped on its head here was you as a child, Mr. Justice.
<Apollo> (うう‥‥ちがったのか‥‥) (Ugh... I guess that wasn't it.)
Savage, Your Honor! The original line seems a bit disappointing in comparison: "This evidence doesn't overturn the prosecution's case at all!" That said, it does give me an idea for where the "flip on its head" phrasing came from.
> Select "no proof"
<Apollo> 反証のジュンビは‥‥ あ、ありません。 I... don't have contradicting proof, actually.
<Judge> そうですか。 それでは、さっさと判決を‥‥ Too bad. Very well, this court finds the defendant...
<Hold it!>
<Trucy> ま、待ってください! W-Waaait!
<Judge> な、なんですか。 Wh-What for?
<Trucy> 弁護側には‥‥えーと。 は、“はんしょー”でしたっけ? We have, uh, what was it called? Contradictual proof?
と、とにかく! ジュンビがありますッ! Anyway, whatever it is, we've got it!
Meanwhile, I think this line from Trucy seems a bit out of place when "contradicting proof" isn't a very difficult phrase to say. Maybe they could have thrown in something sillier like "contradicting poof- I mean, proof!" and it'd work pretty well. In JP, she's still learning her words and especially kanji, so she usually pronounces words correctly, but doesn't write them out in the text.
I like to think that whenever Odoroki speaks and uses phrases that she isn't as familiar with, she actually breaks the fourth wall and takes notes on his textboxes. Hey, learning from your peers is a great way to study! Learning Japanese with your fave Ace Attorney characters is even better.
> Ask for new witness
<Apollo> 牙琉検事‥‥ まちがいありませんか? Prosecutor Gavin, you claim that there were no witnesses to this crime.
『この事件に、  目撃者はいなかった』‥‥ Are you absolutely sure?
<Klavier> マチガイないね。‥‥誓ってもいい。 この検事生命と‥‥ Absolutely. I'd swear it on my career as a prosecutor...
100万枚を売り上げたヒット曲、 《恋のアトロキニーネ》にかけて。 And on my million-seller hit song "Atroquinine, My Love".
<Trucy> ‥‥さりげなく ジマンされちゃいましたね。 ...There he goes again.
<Apollo> ザンネンながら‥‥ この事件には、目撃者がいたのです。 That's too bad, because there was a witness.
Minor tweaking to song titles again. It was "Atroquinine of Love" before.
> 2nd Witness Testimony, present at 3rd statement, Perceive at 6th statement but point wrongly
<Apollo> あなたのココロの動き‥‥ オレには分かるんですよ。 You may have seen the world, but I've seen your heart.
あなたは、今の証言をするとき、 動揺していましたね! You were flustered during your testimony just now!
<Lamiroir> ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ ......
<Lamiroir> あなたの言っていることが、 よく分からないのですが‥‥ I do not understand what it is you are saying.
それは、日本語のジョーク か何かですか? さっぱりです。 Perhaps this is a joke, in your culture?
Making a note here about culture: It's characteristic of Japanese that since they have so many homophones and alike-sounding words or phrases, it's fairly simple to come up with puns out of the blue. You hear it all the time with Japanese comedians and writers who just can't help themselves and have to throw in a pun here or there. And because they can show up so suddenly, it can catch the audience off-guard, so they're more likely to appreciate the humor.
Relatively speaking, of course; as with any language, there are also those kinds of puns that are super obvious and cringy when delivered. As a language buff myself, I'm still fascinated with what goes into creating puns in the first place, whether or not they're cringy or clever.
> Present evidence to Lamiroir's contradiction to her own testimony
<Apollo> そして、こうも証言しました。 事件については“何も見ていない” Furthermore, you testified that you had "seen nothing".
<Lamiroir> ‥‥! ...!
<Apollo> お分かりですね‥‥ レタス氏が“撃たれた”ことを‥‥ Yet you knew that Mr. LeTouse had been shot!
あなたが、 知っているはずがないのです! How could you have known!?
<Lamiroir> ! ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ ...!
<Lamiroir> きゃあああああああああああッッ! Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeoooooooowrk!
<Judge> ラミロアさん! Lamiroir!
‥‥あなた、まさか。 何かをかくしているのでは‥‥ You aren't hiding something from this court, I hope!
<Lamiroir> ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ ......
<Apollo> (ラミロアさんはウソをついた‥‥  ゼッタイに何かを隠している!) (That sweet song of hers was sounding a little too sweet!)
So, I'm not sure why Lamiroir's cries were localized to this. It sounds like something so out of place from someone whose voice is so beautiful and melodic usually. Maybe that was the point? Like, it's a subtle nod to sudden record-scratches or sudden cuts in a piece of music?
Fyi, Odoroki's last line here was simply: "(Lamiroir-san was lying... She has to be hiding something!)"
> Press newest (7th) statement
<Apollo> ほんの少ししか見ていないのに、 よく“弾痕”だと分かりましたね。 Only a glimpse, yet you knew they were bullet holes?
<Lamiroir> ‥‥‥‥ええ。 一目で分かりましたわ。 Yes. I recognized them immediately.
以前にも、銃の弾痕を、 見たことがありますから‥‥。 I have seen bullet holes before, you know.
<Klavier> アナタは歌い手として、 世界中を回られていますからね。 You have traveled the world as a singer...
この国よりも治安の悪い地域で、 歌われることもあるでしょう。 You must have sung in places far more dangerous than our country.
<Lamiroir> わたくしの歌が必要とされるならば、 どこにでも行かせていただきますわ。 I go wherever my voice is needed. Those places... are many, these days.
<Trucy> かっこいいですね! ラミロアさん。 みぬきも、いつかは海外に出たいな。 That's really cool! I hope I get to travel like Lamiroir some day.
<Klavier> ぼくも、レコーディングは 海外ですると決めていますよ。 I plan on recording my next album overseas.
むこうのスタジオは、 音のヌケがちがいますからね。 Their studios have a different sound, you know.
<Apollo> (へえ‥‥それは、発声練習にも  良さそうだな‥‥) (Hmm. Maybe I should go on a Chords of Steel tour, too.)
And this last line is totally different. "(Huh... it sounds like they'd be great for vocal training too...)"
("Far more dangerous", huh... Maybe she previously had a tour in the Republic of Zheng Fa... and maybe the Kingdom of Khura'in too.)
> 3rd Witness Testimony, finish pressing, select "There's a problem"
> 4th Witness Testimony
<Apollo> (すっかり忘れていた‥‥  オレの知らないところで‥‥) (I admit, I'd forgotten about the song...)
(そんなトンでもないオチが  ついていたなんて!) (But there it is now, waiting for me... the grand finale, as it were.)
<Trucy> あ! それに最初に気がついたの、 みぬきですからね、みぬき! Hey! You know I was the one who first noticed that!
<Judge> “歌詞”に合わせて殺人など‥‥ I've heard of jumping rope to songs, and counting to songs...
“かぞえ歌”と“手まり歌”だけの 世界だと思っていました! ...But killing!?
<Klavier> 世界は、おジイさんが 思っていたより広い、ってコトだね。 It's a wild world out there, Herr Judge.
<Judge> それでは! Very well!
この、ナゾの歌を踏まえた上で、 尋問をおねがいします! We've heard one song and dance, let's get on to the next: the cross-examination!
<Apollo> (ベツに、歌にはナゾはないと  思うけど‥‥) (I'm not so sure I'm going to be doing much singing...)
By the way, "手まり歌" (temari uta) is roughly like playing handball to a song. A temari is a ball of usually extra kimono cloth wrapped together with fabric. Over Japanese history, it went from a handmade toy to embroidery art. Link to Wikipedia.
Also, "Wild World" is a 1971 hit song by Cat Stevens too. With all the talk of songs, I figured the loc team might have been able to slip in a subtle nod.
Last couple lines there: "Let's build on this mystery song and begin the cross-examination!" "(I don't think the song itself is the mystery here, though...)"
10/21/20 edit: Ash has enlightened me to one of Takumi’s inspirations. Like Agatha Christie’s And There Was None and Van Dine’s The Bishop Murder Case, where a murder seems to follow a nursery rhyme, a classic Japanese mystery novel by Seishi Yokomizo, Akuma no Temari Uta, is a murder mystery that follows the rhymes of a song.
And now looking into his works, I just realized this man is also the legend who wrote the iconic private eye Kosuke Kindaichi. Yeah, the same guy who’s said to be the grandfather to the MC of the Kindaichi Case Files manga, by Yozaburo Kanari. What a small world we live in, after all.
> Press 1st statement
<Klavier> なかなか悪くないじゃないか、 刑事クン。イイ声してるよ。 Bravo, Fräulein Detective. Your singing... it's not bad.
‥‥そして、最後のパート。 Now, for the finale!
“Guitar,Guitar‥‥  ふたりは空へ” "Guitar, Guitar... Up together to the sky."
この歌詞の通り、 盗まれたレタス氏の死体は‥‥ As it says in the lyrics, Mr. LeTouse...
“空高く”そびえるステージ の上で発見された。 ...was found with a guitar, high in the "sky" over the stage.
どうだい? これだけ一致してたら。 もう偶然とはいえないさ。 No series of coincidences could be so well conceived!
<Ema> ‥‥カガク的に言ってもね。 He's right. ...Scientifically speaking.
<Apollo> (‥‥一体、  なんのコンサートだよ‥‥) (What would Wocky have said? ..."That concert was wack.")
<Trucy> あんな風に気持ち良さそうに 歌われたら、反論できませんね‥‥ It's hard to argue when she pours her heart into it like that.
<Ema> ‥‥えーと。と、とにかく! 犯人は‥‥ Ah, er, ahem! Anyway, the shooter...
Aw, I really wish I could have actually heard Ema sing... or at least hear her textbox beeps change in tone to the music. That would be a bit of extra coding work, though.
By the way, Odoroki was talking about: "(...What kind of concert was this supposed to be...?)"
> Press 4th statement again
<Ema> おそらく、犯人と被害者の距離は、 2メートルもなかったはずです。 Furthermore, there was no more than five feet between shooter and victim.
これは、ハズすほうが ムズカシイぐらいの距離です。 Hard to miss at that distance.
<Trucy> でも、マキさんは、 目が不自由だったから‥‥ But, Machi can't see...
<Ema> おそらく、“音”と“気配”に たよって、撃った‥‥ He would have had to use sound and other senses to aim...
だから、ハズれたのでしょう。 ...and miss.
<Klavier> ‥‥部屋には大音量で ぼくたちのナンバーが流れていた。 And our music was blaring over the room monitor.
音を聞��には、 不利な状況だったと言えるよ。 Not the best circumstances for aiming by sound.
<Ema> だから‥‥ハンニンは、 目が見えなかった人物‥‥ Which makes it very likely that the shooter was blind.
<Klavier> これが、検察側の主張だよ‥‥ Thus the prosecution's position.
<Ema> うーん! やっぱり、 カガク的説明って気持ちいいわね! Ahh! Nothing like a scientific explanation to get the blood pumping!
<Apollo> (今は、  まったく同意できないよ‥‥) (Why's mine frozen in my veins, then...?)
It was just "(I can't agree with that sentiment at all...)" but I also wanted to make a joke about about "Apopsico".
> Press 5th statement
<Apollo> か、歌詞になぞらえた殺人だって、 じゅうぶん、非カガク的です! What's so scientific about a murder to lyrics!?
<Ema> 何よ! それぐらい‥‥カガクで 解明できるに決まってるでしょ! Lyrics can be explained scientifically!
<Ema> カガクを甘く見ると‥‥ ケガするわよッ! ...Never underestimate the power of science!
<Apollo> (うわ! 指紋検出粉のビンを、  ふりかぶりながら言うなよ‥‥) (Put that bottle of finger- printing powder down before you hurt someone, like me!)
じゃ、じゃあ! 解明してみせてくださいよ! OK, then explain it! Scientifically!
<Ema> ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ ......
まあ。それには、まだデータが 足りないかな‥‥ I require more data.
<Apollo> (なんだよ、それ!) (Hah! Likely story...)
"(What kind of weak excuse is that!?)"
> Press 6th statement
<Ema> そのことは、楽屋にいた全員に 知らされていました。 Everyone backstage was told about the maintenance.
だから‥‥当然。 マキさんも知っていた。 ...Including Machi Tobaye.
キャタツをのぼれば‥‥そこに、 “脱出口”がある、と‥‥ He would have known that there would be a way out at the top of that stepladder.
<Apollo> そ、そんな‥‥! 今、初めて聞きましたよ! But that's... Why is this the first time I'm hearing about this!?
<Klavier> ‥‥なぜ、あんなところに キャタツがあったか‥‥ You could have figured it out for yourself.
それを考えれば、 カンタンにわかると思うけどね。 You only needed to consider what that stepladder was doing there.
<Judge> ‥‥どうやら、弁護人の異議は、 キャタツに押しつぶされたようです。 ...Looks like the defense's objection has been squished by a stepladder.
<Klavier> どうかな? おデコくん‥‥ Well, Herr Forehead?
もう、この証人の主張を ひっくり返す武器はないのかい? Out of ammunition, perhaps?
<Apollo> (‥‥なんだ? この、牙琉検事の  挑戦的なタイド) (I've never seen Prosecutor Gavin so... so aggressive!)
(なんか、“不自然”な気が‥‥) (Maybe he's caught the scent of blood...)
That last line has gotten a bit more dressing to it. It went "(Maybe he's caught onto something 'unnatural'...)"
> Accept the prosecution's challenge, but present wrongly
<Judge> ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ ......
<Judge> その証拠品に、検察側の主張を 崩すチカラがあるとは思えません。 I'm not sure that overturns anything, Mr. Justice.
<Apollo> (うう。ちがったのか‥‥) (Ugh. Wrong evidence, I'm guessing...)
<Klavier> オドロキ・イズ・ブラインド‥‥ 何も見えてないのは、キミだったね。 Apparently both love... and Justice are blind.
<Apollo> (考えるんだ!  何でもいい‥‥何かないのか!) (I have to think! There must be something... anything!)
"Odoroki Is Blind... Seems like you're the one who can't see anything."
(I capitalized that because Kyouya said it in English.)
> Present photo of crime, point out the contradiction, Klavier takes the lead
<Klavier> ‥‥お楽しみはこれからだよ。 おデコくん。 This is where the real fun begins, Herr Forehead!
<Apollo> ぎゃああああああああああああああ あああッ! Yeeeeaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrggh!
<Klavier> ‥‥さすがに、ヒトが悪かったかな。 I knew you didn't have what it took.
<Ema> サイテーです! You... You jerk!
あたし、ナニしに来たか わからないじゃないですか! Just what was I in here for? Comic relief!?
<Trucy> そうですよ! あやまりなさい! Yeah! Apologize!
<Klavier> はっはっはっ。 いやいや、ごめんね。 Ah ha ha. Oh, sorry!
<Trucy> なんですかそれ! ちゃんとアタマさげる! That's no way to apologize!
<Apollo> (やれやれ‥‥タイヘンな騒ぎに  なっちまったな) (He's angered the Trucy now. Look out...)
"(Oh boy... This trial has turned into one huge ruckus.)"
> Point out reason why Machi had to pretend to be blind (or not, it continues either way)
> 5th Witness Testimony, press 1st statement
<Apollo> どうして見えなくなったのかも、 分からないのですね‥‥ So, you don't know why you went blind?
<Lamiroir> ‥‥その通りです。 ...I do not.
もしかすると、生まれつき 見えなかったのかもしれませんわ。 I may have been born this way, in fact.
<Klavier> ‥‥彼女の過去について、 余計なセンサクは無用だよ。 ...It's fruitless to attempt to pry into her past.
これは、きわめてデリケートな モンダイだからね‥‥ And, I might add, it's a delicate subject.
<Judge> 弁護人にデリケートを期待するのは、 少々ムリがありますからな。 I'm not sure we can reasonably expect Mr. Justice to do anything delicately.
<Apollo> (シツレイな‥‥  たしかにあまり自信はないけど) (Hey! Why I oughta... take a deep breath and calm down.)
"(Hey... though I actually don't have much confidence about that either.)"
> Press 5th statement
<Judge> 《もくげきしゃ‥‥めがみ》 でしたかな。 "The witness... siren"?
何度も聞かされましたぞ。 弁護人の、迫真のモノマネつきで。 We've heard them many times. Along with a little play-acting by our defense.
<Klavier> 最後のコトバは、死神にノドを つかまれて、闇に消えてしまった。 I remember them well myself, but that statement is not to what I refer.
‥‥あのコトバには、 “つづき”があったんだよ。 I mean what he said before that.
<Apollo> “つづき”‥‥ (“めがみ”につづくコトバ‥‥) ...Before? (What came before that...?)
あッ! Ack!
<Klavier> ‥‥そう。レタス氏は、 こう言おうとしていたんだよ。 ...That's right. He tried to tell you.
《事件のことは、目撃者に聞け。  ただし‥‥その証人は‥‥》 When he said "can't see" he wasn't talking about himself.
《“目が見えないぞ”》 ‥‥ってね。 He was talking about the witness!
<Judge> めがみ‥‥えない‥‥ “目が見えない”ですか‥‥ッ! I see!
<Klavier> “目が見えない”のは、 ラミロアさんだけではなかったねえ。 Too bad the defense did not.
どうだい? おデコくん。 Well, Herr Forehead?
少しは落ち着いて、モノゴトを よく“見て”みたらどうかな。 Try relaxing and "looking" at the facts first next time.
<Apollo> ‥‥ぐうッ! ...Urk!
For this entry, it's entirely a matter of how LeTouse's last words had to be translated. The original Japanese script didn't leave a lot for him, and there were places where it was quite ambiguous. As it turns out, he wasn't saying "megami", as in "Goddess", but "me ga mienai", as in "unable to see".
"It was... 'The witness... Megami', if I recall. We've heard them many times, with a little play-acting by our defense." "His final words, just before Death clasped on his throat and he was consumed by darkness. ...Those words had something 'following' them." "('Following'... 'Megami'...?) Ah!" "...That's right. This is what LeTouse-san was telling you: 'Ask the witness about the incident. However... that witness...' 'cannot see.' "Megami... enai... You mean, 'me ga mienai'...!?" "Though, it wasn't just Lamiroir-san who 'didn't see'."
> Finish pressing
<Judge> ‥‥ごくろうさまでした、眉月刑事。 たいへん、参考になりました。 Thanks for looking into that for us, Detective Crescend. It's a great help.
<Daryan> いやいや。 かまいませんよ、裁判長さん。 Oh, no problem at all, Your Honor.
‥‥それじゃ、オレはこれで‥‥ ...I'll be heading out...
<Hold it!>
<Lamiroir> 待ってください‥‥! Wait!
<Judge> ど。どうかしましたか? ラミロアさん‥‥ La-Lamiroir! Is something the matter?
<Lamiroir> 今の、その声‥‥ That voice just now...
<Klavier> ダイアンが、なにか‥‥? Daryan?
<Lamiroir> ミスター・ダイアン‥‥ というのですか。 Mr. Daryan, is it...?
‥‥‥‥‥‥彼、です。 まちがいありません。 ............ It was him. I am sure of it.
<Judge> “彼”‥‥なにが、ですかな‥‥? It was "him"?
<Klavier> ‥‥ッ! ま。まさか‥‥ Y-You aren't saying--!?
<Lamiroir> 2発の銃声を聞いたとき‥‥ レタスさんと話していた声‥‥ That voice I heard, talking to Mr. LeTouse... when I heard the gunshots fired.
そう。今の方です! ミスター・ダイアン! It was him! It was Mr. Daryan!
Just making a point here since I forgot to last post: Lamiroir and later Machi are the only ones who still call people using "Mr." in English, in the JP script. However, for the briefest moment here, she refers to Mr. LeTouse with the general -san suffix instead, and I don't think this was something that was simply overlooked, since the line immediately after, where she accuses Daryan/Daian, she goes back to using "Mr." Perhaps Lamiroir is getting more and more in-tune with her other language outside of Borginese?
...I'm still sticking to my Poland theory, but they could be like a mix of Poland, Hungary, Slovakia... around there in Eastern Europe.
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turnaboutnerd · 5 years
Sample Game Script for Ace Attorney Investigations: Klavier Gavin
I’ve been thinking about my post wherein I share some of what I’d like to see in a game titled Ace Attorney Investigations: Klavier Gavin, and I decided to put together some game script based on it.
I put a lot of thought into this, so I hope you enjoy!
(Context: Near the opening of the first case, in which Simon Blackquill assists and serves as the player’s tutorial. Klavier is called into Edgeworth’s office).
KLAVIER GAVIN: You wanted to see me, Herr Edgeworth?
MILES EDGEWORTH: Gavin. Come in. Yes, I have new case for you. A woman was found bound and dead in People Park. Her boyfriend has already been arrested, but I have my doubts. I want you to go to scene to check it out.
KLAVIER GAVIN: Check out the scene?
MILES EDGEWORTH: I know the truth matters to you as much as it does to me. I generally trust our partners at the LAPD, but this one hasn’t sat well with me.
KLAVIER GAVIN: Why’s that? (Ah... he knows me too well. If there’s even a trace of doubt... Can you really trust me, though, Herr Edgeworth? I was once negligent in my investigative duties, and an innocent man paid dearly for it for seven years.)
MILES EDGEWORTH: Rather than explain it, I think you should get a look for yourself. ... Ah, Blackquill. You’re here just in time.
SIMON BLACKQUILL: You called, Edgeworth-dono?
MILES EDGEWORTH: Yes. I would like you to accompany Mr. Gavin to People Park and assist him with investigating a crime scene there.
KLAVIER GAVIN: (Oh. So he doesn’t trust me. He thinks I need another person to keep me accountable. ... Well, perhaps he isn’t wrong).
SIMON BLACKQUILL: ... I suppose I have nothing better to do.
(Context: During the second case, Trucy reports to the LAPD that one of her magic props — something lovingly handmade by a WAA member who is implied to be Apollo — has gone missing. She suspects it was stolen, and she relays such to Klavier when she catches him outside the police station. Turns out, the prop was stolen — and it was used to bludgeon another man to death. Trucy is understandably upset and wants to find the murderer as well as retain her prop).
KLAVIER GAVIN: Ach, rest assured Fraulein Magician, I will help restore your precious prop to you once this is all cleared up. You don’t need to come to the crime scene. It could be rather... grisly, ja?
TRUCY WRIGHT: Oh, don’t worry about that! I used to go to crime scenes all the time.
KLAVIER GAVIN: (Ah, right. She often would assist him during investigations when he was still a rookie defense attorney).
TRUCY WRIGHT: Besides... if I help, maybe you’ll treat me to a new song? A Klavier Gavin solo, not something from the Gavinners!
KLAVIER GAVIN: Well... (I don’t know how to tell her that I haven’t been able to write any music since the Gavinners broke up—but I can’t say no to that smile). All right—you can tag along.
(Context: When the player examines a ladder at a crime scene during the third case).
SIMON BLACKQUILL: That’s just a ladder.
TRUCY WRIGHT: Stepladder, Prosecutor Blackquill.
TRUCY WRIGHT: That’s not a ladder, it’s a stepladder! My daddy tells me they’re two different things.
KLAVIER GAVIN: (... That’s a rather odd distinction for Herr Wright to make to his daughter.)
KLAVIER GAVIN: Ach. Well, of course I must side with the young fräulein!
SIMON BLACKQUILL: ... Detective Skye is right about you: You are a fop.
KLAVIER GAVIN: You wound me, Herr Blackquill!
(Context: During the final case, in which a man has died of atroquinine poisoning). 
KLAVIER GAVIN: I... I don’t think I can keep up with this.
TRUCY WRIGHT: What do you mean?
KLAVIER GAVIN: An envelope contaminated by atroquinine, one of the rarest poisons in the world... Either we have an extraordinary coincidence on our hands, or...
SIMON BLACKQUILL: ... There is a distinct possibility for that.
KLAVIER GAVIN: ... I can’t do this. I’ll tell Herr Edgeworth to take me off the case.
SIMON BLACKQUILL: You can’t run away from this. You need to face it head on, Gavin-dono.
TRUCY WRIGHT: That’s right! You can do it, Prosecutor Gavin. And Prosecutor Blackquill and I will support you all the way!
KLAVIER GAVIN: Trucy... Simon... (Deep breaths. They’re right. You can’t keep running away from him.) ... All right. It’s time to pay my brother a visit.
(Context: Simon and Trucy accompany Klavier to speak with Kristoph while in solitary confinement).
KRISTOPH GAVIN: Ah, it’s you, Klavier. I was wondering when you would decide to come see me again. Tell me, what’s the reason for this visit?
SIMON BLACKQUILL: ... Gavin-dono?
TRUCY WRIGHT: We have some questions for you!
KRISTOPH GAVIN: I recognize you. You’re Wright’s daughter. My, you’ve grown quite a bit since I last saw you.
KLAVIER GAVIN: Don’t talk to her.
KRISTOPH GAVIN: You’re the one who brought her here.
SIMON BLACKQUILL: Never mind that. We’re here because of a murder. A man’s been poisoned by atroquinine.
KRISTOPH GAVIN: Ah? And you suspect me, Klavier? There’s no loud defense attorney for you hide behind this time.
KRISTOPH GAVIN: Tsk, tsk. Why so quiet? ... Well, I have nothing to hide. Investigate away, if you must.
(Context: After investigating Kristoph’s cell and unsuccessfully pressing him for details that could connect him to the murder).
KLAVIER GAVIN: (Is there really nothing?! Or am I missing something important? What could I be missing?! My hands are starting to get clammy!)
KRISTOPH GAVIN: Are you finished now? Are you satisfied?
TRUCY WRIGHT: Prosecutor Gavin! Don’t lose heart. Just remember what’s important to you!
KLAVIER GAVIN: ... ! (Those words... Those were the same words that defense attorney said to me when we faced off at the lowest point of my life. With those words, he pulled the darkness of self-doubt out of me and gave me the strength to pursue the truth then. I’ll forever be grateful to him for that... Right. I have not forgotten what’s important to me!) Kristoph.
KLAVIER GAVIN: Tell me true: Did you kill this man?
KRISTOPH GAVIN: Does it matter? It seems you’ve already made up your mind, dear brother. I’m an easy target. Just pin the blame on me, and reap the rewards for yourself. That’s what you want, isn’t it?
KLAVIER GAVIN: It does matter. I don’t seek victories. I seek the truth. If I falsely pin the blame on an innocent man, he will suffer the consequences while the real criminal gets away, free to bring harm to others. You have your own sins to pay for, Kristoph. But I will not add to them if they are not the truth.
KRISTOPH GAVIN: ... I did not kill him.
KLAVIER GAVIN: ... (I have no reason to believe him. And yet, I do. Okay. If it’s not him, then it’s someone else. We have to keep moving forward.) ... Then we are done here, for now.
KRISTOPH GAVIN: “For now”? Ah, of course. You can always fall back on me if your little investigation fails.
KLAVIER GAVIN: ... Goodbye, Kristoph.
(Context: After the final case resolves, and it is discovered Kristoph is in fact not the murderer).
PHOENIX WRIGHT: Prosecutor Gavin.
KLAVIER GAVIN: ... ! Herr Wright? ... To what do I owe the pleasure?
PHOENIX WRIGHT: Edgeworth told me about the case—and about Kristoph being a suspect.
KLAVIER GAVIN: Ah—that’s— (What am I supposed to say? Why is he even speaking with me?) —Well, he wasn’t the one responsible.
PHOENIX WRIGHT: No, he wasn’t. Not this time, anyway. Still...
PHOENIX WRIGHT: Edgeworth was right. It took a lot of guts for you to do what you did. You’re a great prosecutor—and a good man.
KLAVIER GAVIN: ... ! W-Well, I don’t think I would have gotten anywhere without your daughter or Herr Blackquill’s help.
PHOENIX WRIGHT: Ha, you sell yourself short. ... Hey. I wanted to tell you something: What happened to me nine years ago, I don’t hold it against you.
KLAVIER GAVIN: You—You don’t?
PHOENIX WRIGHT: No. You were young; you were manipulated by someone you trusted. I know what that’s like. ... I forgave you for it a long time ago. I hope you can forgive yourself, too.
PHOENIX WRIGHT: Prosecutor Gavin?
KLAVIER GAVIN: N-Nothing. Thank you, Herr Wright.
(Context: Right before the credits play, the screen is black, and the player sees this introspective monologue from Klavier).
KLAVIER GAVIN: (I went home with a song in my heart. I don’t know what possessed Herr Wright to say all that to me—maybe Herr Edgeworth put him up to it—but I’m grateful. I’m also grateful to Trucy and Simon... and to that other defense attorney for that matter. I wouldn’t have made it through this without them. ... I’m feeling inspired. Maybe I should pick up my guitar and write this down).
(The credits begin. The music is new, something that hasn’t previously played in the game. Presumably, it’s Klavier’s new song).
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hermannsthumb · 5 years
hey dude I don’t know if you’ve done this already or if you’ve stopped taking asks but I was thinking about a Newt/Hermann fic on New Year’s Eve, just sounds so cute and cheesy. So if you’re into that :)
new year’s fics are so dang cute.....i wrote one from the winter prompts last year and another last christmas eve, but here’s....one more........ inspired by a twitter convo w @katedoesntexist who came up w like. the most adorable scenario ;--;
Attending parties with Newton--Hermann has come to learn--is not so much an excuse for an enjoyable outing as it is a bloody chore. More akin to...babysitting. Newton loves parties, you see. Newton loves loud music and cheap beer. Newton loves donning tight jeans and unbuttoning his shirt low and jumping around with strangers, flirting around with strangers. Spilling the aforementioned cheap beer on strangers.
Newton often needs someone who doesn’t love all of those things there along with him to ensure he doesn’t...well, overindulge himself in his jumping and flirting and spilling. Hermann is typically that someone. He never quite knows why he agrees to it, either; Newton will come to him with an invitation to tag along for one celebration or another (half-stranger’s bachelor party, karaoke night at a bar, a Halloween costume contest), Hermann will decline, Newton will insist it’ll be fun (it won’t be) and blink at Hermann with big eyes and a pout, and Hermann--well, Hermann will relent, though he won’t be happy about it.
He’s not happy about it tonight, either, perhaps even more so than usual; it just seems terribly gauche to celebrate the passing of another year when the odds are increasing that the next one will be their last.
But Hermann sits. He waits. He nurses his far more sensible glass of wine (while Newton, halfway across the room, nurses his customary cheap beer), tugs on a loose thread of his sweater cuff, and he babysits. He is certainly not pouting. He is certainly not--
“Jealous?” Tendo says.
“No,” Hermann says, shortly. 
The idea is preposterous. What would Herman have to be jealous of? That Newton is enjoying himself perfectly easily without Hermann? That he’s already found a dance partner in the first half hour of being here, and the man’s got stupid spiky hair and nice arms and at least two inches on Hermann’s height? Tendo—dressed in a stupid feather boa and an obnoxious pair of flashing glasses--cocks his head skeptically. “Right,” he says.
“Newton is a grown man,” Hermann says. “He is perfectly capable of doing whatever he pleases with whomever he pleases.”
Across the room, Newton tosses his head back in a laugh. His partner’s hands are wrapped tight around his waist, the man’s mouth inching ever-closer to Newton’s neck. Hermann grits his teeth.
“Right,” Tendo repeats. “That’s why you’re--”
“Why I’m what?” Hermann snaps.
Tendo takes a sip of his drink, edges of his mouth curling into an amused (and obnoxious) little smirk. “Careful,” he says, with a nod towards the plastic glass of wine straining in Hermann’s fist. (Hermann thinks he can hear it cracking.) “You’re spilling that.”
"What?” Hermann looks down at his lap, blinking: he’s unknowingly tilted it to the side, and there’s a deep red stain seeping through the wool of his trousers. “Bugger,” he sighs, and--setting it aside, now quite empty--fumbles in his pocket for his handkerchief.
Tendo has vanished by the time Hermann manages to mop up as much wine as he can; with nothing better to do, he settles in to track Newton’s progress across the dance floor. His movements are erratic. Graceless. He’s jerking around like those bloody jeans are cutting off circulation to his legs, like he’s forgotten how to stand, even, and that those strong hands clamped around his waist are the only things holding him up. He’s laughing; grinning; spilling beer; flirting. Collarbones exposed. Throat bared.
Maybe Hermann is jealous. He can’t help it, really--it’s as if Newton was crafted in a lab to get under his skin in every way possible, and he flouts this (even unknowingly) every chance he gets.
The music suddenly cuts off; the large flatscreen television, hoisted onto the rec room wall solely for the occasion, flickers to life. Other partygoers chatter excitedly. Two minutes until the New Year.
On New Year’s Eves of the past--jokingly, of course--Newton has made a show of scooping Hermann into his arms and kissing him at midnight, only to pat his cheek with a laugh and something about how he’s sure Hermann is going to have a good year now, but--this year--he shows no sign of parting from his dance partner to track down Hermann. Maybe he’s gotten tired of it. Maybe Hermann’s never reacted the way he’s wanted him to--maybe he’s wanted Hermann to do something other than stammer and blush and refuse to acknowledge it afterwards. Maybe the man he’s been dancing with is who he really wants to kiss this year.
If that’s the case, then Hermann is happy for him. Somewhat so.
One minute.
“Is this seat taken?” Newton says.
Hermann startles badly, nearly upending the empty wine glass all over again. Newton is standing above him, grinning, one hand wrapped around the top of the empty folding chair next to Hermann. He must’ve ducked off the dance floor without Hermann even noticing. “Newton,” he exclaims. “I thought you were--?!”
“Dancing?” Newton says. His grin widens. “I could see you watching all night, weirdo. If you wanted to dance with me you could’ve just said something. I wouldn’t have said no.”
He takes the seat, and angles his chair towards Hermann. “Ah,” Hermann stammers. “I wasn’t--”
“You were,” Newton says. He grabs Hermann’s hand and rubs his thumb across his knuckles. Thirty seconds.
“You smell like--beer,” Hermann says, wrinkling his nose. Newton does: each time he breathes, it’s as if Hermann’s stepped into the disreputable dive bar around the corner. “Not even the good kind.”
“The good kind,” Newton echoes, sarcastically. “You’re such a snob. Sorry it’s not your fancy-ass German kind, Herr Doktor, but it’s the best us common folk can do in dire times.”
His breath--the way he’s lightly slurring his words-- “You’re drunk,” Hermann says.
Newton laughs. “I’m not,” he says. “I’m just tipsy. Totally level-headed, baby. Were you worried I wasn’t gonna kiss you?”
“That’s,” Hermann says, “ah--I wasn’t--”
“You were!” Newton says gleefully.
“Ten!” the crowd around them shouts.
Hermann is likewise tipsy, tipsy enough for grabbing Newton by the front of his shirt and reeling him him close to seem like an exceedingly good idea. Their noses bump together; Newton’s glasses have fogged up from the humidity of the room. “Perhaps,” Hermann says, and Newton’s eyes drift to his mouth, “perhaps I was. Just a bit.”
“Dummy,” Newton breathes.
Newton kisses him sweetly at midnight. Then he keeps kissing him.
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hunterxassasin · 5 years
Favors Turned True
Chapter One: She knows
It had been a pleasant day, Paris was calm and there didn't seem to be a chance of an Akuma attacking today, well at least that's how it seemed until Adrien found himself in the arms of his favorite red and black clad superhero, Ladybug.
"W-woah! Ladybug, what's the matter?" The blond asked, as he swung through the air, gripping tightly to Ladybug's neck.
"I need you're help." Was the only response he got from the heroine, leaving him to not only be confused but delighted that Ladybug needed his help.
She gently landed on the Effiel Tower, setting him down. With one swift swing of her yoyo, Ladybug had pulled out a miraculous box and was holding it out to him.
"Adrien Agreste, this is the miraculous of the snake and it grants you the power of a second chance. You will use it for the greater good and then return it to me." Ladybug stated, her cheeks dusting a very light pink.
Adrien stared, blinking a few times. "What about Luka? Wasn't he more useful with the snake miraculous?" He questioned, biting his lip. He knew the answer. Luka was more efficent with this miraculous, especially since Ladybug's plan often involve Chat Noir in someway. As if the universe was reminding him of his role as the black cat, Adrien felt Plagg move around in his pocket, tiny claws digging through the material of his shirt.
Ladybug began to flounder, her face turning the same shade of red as her mask. "Oh- uh he's gone! On a trip! Ya that's where he is! Besides this is a mission only you can pull off. . ." She trailed off, glancing around quickly.
"Ladybug, are you alright? You seem a little tense." Adrien took the bangle from the box and slipped it on, concern lacing his green gaze.
"I just need you to listen, Adrien. Recently I've been, well, getting a lot of flack for not being in a relationship with Chat Noir, now don't get me wrong I love him, but only as a friend."
If Ladybug noticed Adrien's face twitch at her words she didn't say anything, continuing with her speech.
"I may or may not have accidentally told The LadyBlogger, Alya she's in your class right? That I was in a relationship with Aspik. . .and apperantly by deductive reasoning, and my multiple visits to your window. . .how she saw those I don't know."
Adrien blushed at her words. He knew exactly how Alya knew, he had told her, and Nino, and Marinette the exact thing a few days prior. How embarrassing.
"She figured out you were Aspik. I made her swear not to tell anyone and so far she's kept that promise, but if I'm going to keep this up I need you to be on board with this. . .will you pretend to be my boyfriend as Aspik? Just for a little while?" At this point Ladybug almost seemed to be pleading with him, her crush on Adrien completely forgotten in this moment.
Silence washed over the two for a long time before Adrien spoke up again. "Sass, it's time to hunt!" He called, letting the pale blue grey light wash over him.
When the light faded he noticed the relieved look on Ladybug's face, along with the bright red blush accompanying herr new relaxed look. Her blush in turn made him blush, leaving the two blushing heros standing atop Paris's biggest landmark.
Unbeknownst to them, someone was watching as the sun set in the sky, someone who knew what was going on, someone who saw the two as they joined hands and began to laugh, someone who was going to tell her bestfriend all about this new development now that she actually had picture evidence, not only of the two heros together but of a certain blond boy transforming.
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ansgar-martinsson · 4 years
The Best Intentions - Part 2
The Best Intentions
Part 2
Ansgar crossed his legs beneath him and leaned back in the chair, the leather creaking in protest. Considering, he folded his hands in his lap, tented his thumbs and rubbed them slowly together. In spite of his seemingly calm exterior, within his mind was churning… burning, a combination of annoyance and anger and what… fear? Yes, of course, fear.
His reputation was one of perfection. Not a single client unsatisfied. Not a single claim on a single contractor’s bond. If there’s a problem… he fixes it. Yet, here was a woman who, as she put it, was pleading for someone to do something about the condition of the building that he… that his company built.
Resolved, he bent forward, elbows on knees, and stared hard at the girl. With every ounce of sincerity he could muster, he said, “You won’t have to wait any longer, Froken Lindberg. I am…,” he paused, “mortified, to say the least that you had to go to the lengths you did just to get an audience with someone at my company who could remedy the situation.”
“Well,” she countered, her voice wavering, “you should be.”
Ansgar let forth with a bark of laughter. Not condescending laughter, mind you, but true and honest surprise. He smiled, that time the grin reaching his eyes. “Yes, I should be,” he affirmed. And with that, he stood, removed his suit jacket and crossed to the closet. He shrugged into his blue logoed Carhartt coat, flung his tool belt over his shoulder, and fished out an aluminum clipboard case.
“What are you….?”
He whirled. “We’re leaving, Froken Lindberg,” he clipped. “Now.”
“Yes,” she stood, clutching her papers to her chest, “but… where are we going?”
Ansgar brightened. “To the Opera House, where else? I need to see this sprinkler system for myself, I think. I am an engineer, you know. I have some experience with fire protection design. Maybe I can sort this today for you… and,” he shrugged, “you know, perhaps get the Prima Donna off your back.”  
“To avoid the riff-raff,” Ansgar nodded with his eyes glued to the door that led to the lobby, “out there, we’ll go out this way.” A tilt of his head signaled behind him.
That was the moment she saw it, the same moment that he lifted his hand to the wall behind his desk. He palmed with a swipe to reveal an invisible door. The seam blended in so nicely with the built-in bookcase that Joline missed it. A reader lit up in recognition of his touch or fingerprints or body temperature, Jo couldn’t know, and the door popped open with a click.
Jo raised her eyebrows at him and the hidden gadget. “Such technology, such toys.”
Ansgar huffed a deep sound of proud amusement. “Correction. All the technology. All the toys.” And with another dip of his head, he directed her through.
“Mischief managed.”
Jo grinned inwardly. “Something my nephews told me. From their favorite book. This—“ She pushed her hands out in front of her into a long marble corridor, gesturing before her. Uniform doors led off to other offices or conference rooms, she guessed, but the hallway seemed part of a typical office building. “This feels very, ‘I solemnly swear I am up to no good.’ Making a secluded break from… well, whatever you got going on back there.”
“Ah, the riff-raff, the circus… The press can be a blessing and a curse,” he took the lead down the bland corridor. “I use them when absolutely necessary and avoid them at all cost at all other times.”
“And you needed them today? Why?”
His shoulders adjusted under his jacket in a wave of… disgust? Stress? “The vultures smell blood. They’re chasing a story, an exclusive.” As soon as the press release published online of his return as acting CEO in an internet blast, the swarm came flocking in.
“And what’s that? The story? The exclusive?”
Ansgar effectively ducked and avoided her question by pointing with two very straight and very long fingers to his right through another door. “To the carpark, and my car. You’ll show me the improvements that need doing at the theatre, and we’ll come back here to schedule the work.”
Where he led with a steady assured gait, Joline followed. Out of necessity, more than anything else. She met him stride for stride, nearly, thanks to the three inch Louboutins. “Your lobby and lounge, so much like the opera house,” she commented to draw attention away from her unintentional pry. “Patrons and tourists parade through to gawk at the structure. Is that your stamp then?”
As they entered the covered garage, Ansgar fished his key fob from his pocket and clicked the button for his car. His brand new red Tesla Roadster chirped in response, and he nearly purred at the familiar sound. “I’ll assume responsibility for that, Froken Lindberg,” he replied proudly.
One of her eyebrow arched skyward. “Well,” she countered, “despite all the technical issues,” she intoned to knock him down a peg or two, “ticket sales are up. Season subscriptions increased six, close to seven, percent over last year. Audiences are responding to the slated new season, the season I put together.”
“I’ve been away. Missed most of the current series, I’m afraid,” Ansgar closed the door with a quiet ‘click’ after ensuring his guest comfortably in her seat. He strode quickly around the back, opened his own door and folded himself within. Continuing, he said, “I didn’t give up my series ticket, though. Seat A10 is still mine.”
“Hm,” the woman huffed. She crossed her legs, and Ansgar wondered if she was purposefully or subconsciously showing him the crimson underside of her shoes. “I hate empty seats.”
Ansgar shrugged. “It’s paid for, what do you care?” He hand-over-handed the wheel, expertly winding the roadster between the cement abutments and into the daylight of the open garage door.
“It’s not all about the money, Herr Martinsson,” she retorted. “You of all people should know – for everyone involved, it’s more about the audience, and their response.”
Ansgar held in a chuckle. He knew perfectly well.
Ansgar tipped his head back, following the line of the woman’s pointed finger. “There?” Ansgar, standing atop a folding aluminum scaffold, pointed as well.
“That’s where it went off the first time.” She called up to him.
“Got it.” Ansgar nodded sagely, glancing down at her. He pulled his hard hat off and looked up again as he pushed his hand through his hair. “I actually think I see the problem, Froken Lindberg; and you would not believe how simple it - and the solution - actually is.”
Her eyes went wide. “You do?”
He nodded again, looking down at her. “I do. And when I find out who erred here, heads are going to roll, I assure you. However,” he paused, “I think you, too, may be putting some folks on the chopping block here.”
“What… what’s the problem?”
“Kick off your shoes and come up here.” He reached down. “Take my hand.”
He was somewhat surprised that she did, actually… toe out of the Louboutins, take his hand. Her hand felt warm and smoothly calloused in his. The hands of a woman who, literally, had her fingers in every aspect of an operation. She gripped him tightly, pleasantly, as he heaved her up - moving his hand to her shoulder as he steadied her on the scaffold. “Good, yeah?”
“Yeah,” she replied, quickly, gripping one of the iron supports. “What’s the problem?”
“There,” he shone the beam of his torch at one of the pendent heads. See the colour of that glass bulb in there?”
She nodded. “It’s green.”
“It should be purple or better yet, black,” he explained. “That head you have there is only rated for temperatures of up to about ninety three degrees. A purple bulb is rated for about 182 degrees, black about 227. These heads are the wrong rating for this type of environment, you see?. All these hot stage lights… the ambient air around the heads gets too hot, bursts the bulbs and….”
“Sploosh,” she demonstrated, her fingers flaring out.
“Sploosh. Precisely.”
“Okay, okay,” she said, “but… why would I be upset at my own employees? Where’s our fault if your sprinkler guy put in the wrong heads?”
Ansgar pointed. “There,” he pointed with the beam of his flashlight, that time on the finished underside of the house right loge. “You’ve a set of properly rated heads sticking down there, all right and good for the designed use, but – it also looks as if there have been some modifications of the original design.”
She squinted. “I’ve no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Ask your lighting designer what I’m talking about. She’s bracketed in a brand new lighting pipe there, clamped some eight-inch non-LED fresnels upon it, and did so in a space not originally meant for lighting to be in the first place.” He looked down at her, his lips twisted, a shrug in his shoulders. “First of all, one should never ever hang incandescent lights directly beneath a sprinkler head no matter what the rating – and second of all… isn’t it against fire code to hang lights of a certain temperature so close to a seating area?”
Jo peered up into the face of her inspector, reading between the words he spoke, between the lines of his narrative. “These modifications…,” she pointed over her shoulder to the new problem, “they’re dangerous?”
Ansgar nodded, “Without the proper clearance. There’s code for safety.”
“And if I’m to understand you correctly,” she led, feeling the unease sink into her stomach, “this was deliberate?”
“It appears that way.” He landed the statement as delicately as he could, but it appeared that someone tread the path of sabotage.
The woman popped down off the scaffolding to step downstage where she’d left her file. “The first incident report came after last season.” She shifted through her pages, trying to locate the very report she referred. She’d studied them many times over in the months since the trouble began. Checklist after checklist signed off by a designer and two techs invalidated by one engineer review.
If only someone from Martinsson Construction had come sooner…
Despite the skirt she wore, she plopped down to spread the papers out in front of her. “Work orders, they came through but stated that there was nothing wrong.” She slid the signed sheet along the stage floor towards Ansgar. “’These things happen…’ they said. ‘Accidents’ this one contractor told me. That’s why I came to you… well, Weissing.”
It wasn’t panic she felt. It wasn’t fear or hysteria. It was annoyance. Disbelief. Perhaps a little anger thrown in, but she’d never let anyone see that. Instead she put her head into solving this plague on her tenure as house manager. Fix it. Fix it for good and move forward. “How long to sort all this?”
The engineer still had his head stuck up in the mess of lighting, sorting out just how to fix it, what safety measures he could employ to see this didn’t happen again. He called down, his voice raised for the distance. “Not long. An afternoon, at best.”
“Herr Martinsson, who would have the most to gain for doing this?” She stopped shuffling to look upstage where he stood when hee’d climbed down from the scaffolding some minutes later. The very image of aristocratic bad boy. Starched white shirt beneath a work jacket, topped with a hard hat. The leather and metal work belt slung around his slim waist appealed to her for reasons far beyond her understanding. The contrast between the expensively tailored, highly groomed man and the hands-on worker made for a gorgeous picture.
“I can’t answer that, Froken, not without knowing the key players.” He picked up some of her pages to look at some of the names, to see if he recognized the names of contractors that missed the obvious. The sodding theifs.
She sat in silence rolling the problem over in her head. Could it be a lack of education or knowledge in her trusted employees? Or was it a case of foul intentions? She didn’t want to believe it of her people. When she reigned her thoughts in from solving the problem, she glanced up again.
A furrowed brow knitted over his long nose, he chewed the corner of his lip as he concentrated on the work orders and the checklists. His hand worked at the base of his neck, tracing a v shape below is Adam’s apple. A strangely attractive self-soothing gesture as his focus zeroed in.
“May I—“ she intruded on his reading. She laughed at herself and her predicament of being trapped on the floor. “May I please borrow a hand? I…uh…got myself into a spot of trouble.” She gestured at her seated position on the floor and reached up for him. “I’m in danger of showing my talent for very unladylike positions.” She continued laughing at herself and the challenges she put herself in.
“Oh, yes, of course,” he offered his hand to heave her up off the floor.
“Thank you. I forget… I’m always back here for with the tech guys, building, moving, lifting. This,” she ran her hands along her skirt, “this doesn’t do me any favors.” She tipped her head back looking up into the fly loft. “How long can I impose on you, Herr Martinsson? May I ask you to survey some other problem areas?”
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fitofpaige17 · 5 years
“I can’t live without you. Don’t go. Please.” Yeah, I crave SoJ klapollo angst. ESPECIALLY after that ending.
Hoo boy! Lets do it!
Apollo had hoped to come back to the states just to grab his most important belongings and leave. He's never been good with goodbyes, and he kept saying over and over that this wasn't "goodbye" at all! Just a "see you later.".... a very long "see you later."
He'd already had to deal with Trucy and Athena crying, and Mr. Wright did his best to put on a good smile, but Apollo could see sadness in his eyes.
"I'll be back!" He told them all, "I promise. I won't be in Khura'in forever. Besides, we all have cell phones and the internet! It isn't like I'm disappearing."
He wasn't sure if he'd said those things to comfort them or himself.
There was one person he had purposefully been avoiding though, and of course said person caught wind of him being back and just had to come knocking on his apartment door.
Apollo swallowed a lump in his throat as he looked through the peephole to see a nervous-looking Klavier Gavin. Despite being his courtroom rival, he was also his friend... and they may have kissed a couple of times. Their relationship was complicated to say the least.
He took a deep breath and opened the door. He opened his mouth to greet him, but as his eyes locked with Klavier's ocean-blue ones, he found himself speechless.
"You're leaving." Were the first words out of Klavier's mouth, "Why didn't you tell me?"
A wave of shame washed over Apollo. He knew he should have told him, but...
"I... I was scared." Apollo admitted, seeing no point in hiding anything now, especially since he'd be on a plane back to Khura'in in a matter of hours.
Klavier's brow furrowed, "I don't... Apollo, may I come in?"
Apollo hesitated a moment, but stepped to the side and allowed the prosecutor to enter. He closed the door and turned to face him.
"Herr Edgeworth said you're rebuilding the legal system over there. I respect that, I'm sure its no easy decision." Klavier said, not quite meeting Apollo's eyes, "I just... I can't help but be selfish. I don't want you to leave."
Apollo's surprised when a sudden sob escaped the blonde's lips. He clamped a hand over his mouth, but that didn't stop the tears welling up in his eyes.
"Klav, I'm sorry, this isn't easy for me either." He began to tear up against his will, "You should know that I wouldn't want to leave here... leave you."
Klavier began to break down at the implication of Apollo leaving him. He shook his head as if he was trying to wake himself from a bad dream.
"Apollo, bitte, please."
Tears fell from Apollo's eyes then. Klavier Gavin had never begged him for anything, and his voice sounded absolutely crushed and desperate.
Klavier reached out, taking Apollo's hands in his as he cries.
"I c-can't live without you." He sputtered, "Don't go, please."
Apollo swallowed, his mouth going dry, "Klavier, I have to."
Klavier sobbed, "Ich liebe dich, Apollo, I don't think I've ever loved someone as much as I do you."
Apollo's bracelet didn't react to anything Klavier had said. He knew he wasn't lying about anything... but he never really expected him to. Klavier had never lied to him before.
The smaller man fell forward into Klavier's embrace, crying against his chest.
"I'm sorry, Klav. I'm sorry." He sobbed, "I l-love you too, but I have to do this!"
Klavier held Apollo tight, so afraid to let him go.
"Th-then... I'll go with you!"
Apollo shook his head, "They need you here, you know that."
"N-not as badly as I need you with me."
Apollo's heart was aching. He was so confused, but he knew for certain that he loved this man.
"K-Klavier, I won't be gone forever." He looked up into those blue eyes again, "I'll come back! We can still talk... w-we'll video chat!"
There was a hopeful look on Klavier's face, he sniffled, "I... I can't hold you over the internet, Liebling."
Apollo hugged him tightly, "No, but I can come visit sometime and you can hold me then."
Klavier pulled him as close as possible, one of his hands moved into Apollo's hair and he tilted his head down to bury his face in it as well.
"I'll come visit you too, if you'll have me."
"Of course I would."
The two stood there for a long time, consoling one another and calming their emotions. Neither had a plan to end whatever it was they were to each other, so that only meant that they'd have to work through this rather large obstacle that was standing in their way.
"We'll figure something out." Apollo said, breaking the silence, "we'll make this work."
Klavier nodded, "Whatever it takes, Mein Liebster, I'll do it. I'll do anything for you."
[Im sorry, I had to end it hopefully lol]
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