#i need to keep in touch bc these people are keepers and i love them and
wp100 · 2 years
who would've thought that the person who introduced me to the programme ive been at for the past 5 months (that's "ended" now bc i got a job, but hey im a success story now) is now my friend. she was a total stranger when i walked into the seminar. i legit hesitated for 2 weeks about the whole thing too. i do not regret joining it one bit. i also do not regret hesitating, it's nice to have a think about something before you try it (unless it has a time limit, this didn't)
it changed my life.
if there's an opportunity right in front of you, just go for it. if it doesn't work out, you can drop out. literally this is a life lesson. do NOT be afraid to get out of your comfort zone and try new things. it'll work out in the end. i promise. life's too short to wallow in your misery.
the hardest thing to do is to Start. once you overcome that step, everything will eventually fall into place.
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enkiiper · 1 year
Enki the keeper hc/rambles
I've always imaged him as a bit of a flirt, which sort of runs in his descent’s family. However: he's much more like Laurance/a Cassanova here than the Travis we know. (basically, he has to be all poetic and dramatic). This bit is most likely canon but he's a HUGE book worm, spending lots of his time reading and even writing. His library was basically his safe/quiet space. While it also stored valuable information, being a divine was STRESSFUL AS FUCK, and it was a nice place to escape to. He was a cup of tea and a book type. He also has a bit of "goofy dad" energy. He can be serious when needed, but also can crack a nice "dad joke" and be a little bit of a goof if it's the right time and place. also, the divine run the afterlife, and Enki has his own library up there. Often if a soul is in distress, they will send said soul to Enki, as he's very kind and good at helping others calm down. Lots of people in the afterlife almost see him as a father figure, and Enki will often ensure to keep in touch with those he comes across. Enki had romantic relations with both shad and Irene (the love triangle is an actual triangle) Unfortunately, war and such kept the relation from progressing, and eventually shad gets banished Irene stays single yadayada we know the story. Enki marries someone else and the whole descendants thing yadayada. Enki was technically killed by the demon warlock. During battle he was mortally wounded and ran out, it was an incredibly cold and snowy night, he ended up resting against a tree and never woke up. It's often debated on if the wound or the hypothermia killed him first. Speaking of the cold, Enki often wears a lot of coats. He just likes them, and will even wear them in hot temperatures (even though he still complains about the heat, often saying "why is it so hot?") also, he's just a little bit clumsy, like not super clumsy, but enough to where it’s a small inside joke among the divine, and enough to where he tries to be extra careful.
oh also he's autistic bc I'm autistic and I do what I want.
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gwyns · 4 years
what would be your ideal elucien arc in canon?
this is a very good question and one i'll probably ramble with so sorry lmao i actually thought about an elucien plot a lot years ago. i had quite a few ideas and was trying to plot my own multi-chapter fic around them but well..... that didn't work out and this ended up getting really long, so i apologize for that lol
so here's the overall gist of what would've/what i would like to eventually happen one day. elain had a vision of lucien being harmed or something along those lines and her instinct had her finding him. whether this was through her learning she could winnow or some other means, i hadn't decided but eventually she'd show up and lucien would be so dumbfounded and question her reason for being there and ask if feyre knew she was here and elain would get defensive like "i didn't realize she was my keeper." and this is the first time lucien has truly seen her bite, her little bit of fire, so he's taken aback a bit but quickly reassures her she needs no keeper and he hadn't meant offense.
she gives an excuse about how she wants to see prythian and that nobody would show her so she decided to show herself, bc she doesn't want to admit she cares for him, even a fraction bc it might give him hope that she ultimately would have to crush. and it's not entirely a lie, she would like to travel and see the world, but it's not the whole truth either.
so moving on they'd partner up and he'd bring elain along on whatever adventures he's getting up to, they'd meet up with jurian and vassa of course and i have this headcanon that she and vassa would be the perfect friends. vassa is human so she'd offer elain something familiar you know? and vassa is also the type to stand her ground and she has a fire of her own so i feel like she'd help elain grow into herself and be more assertive and stroke the fire within elain some. as for elain and jurian.... it's awkward at first bc jurian is partially responsible for elain's turn (at least in her head) and he was there when graysen rejected her and so she overall has had bad experiences when he's around so she doesn't know what to make of him.
over time she comes to find that jurian isn't as intimidating as he first lets on. he's quite considerate and good at reading people, and he knows to some extent what she's gone through (as does vassa), he was tortured and killed by amarantha then bound to her jewelry for 500 years. he understands the feeling of violation and having a fae treat you as some toy and little more, and he apologizes for his part in her trauma. after this, i can see him becoming something of a big brother type to elain, they have a relationship few would understand but they listen to each other's troubles and just get it you know?
anyway, back to her and lucien. i can see them both being kind of reluctant in the beginning? elain bc she doesn't want to give him any ideas and lucien doesn't know want to pressure her so he keeps his distance but as they're working together, with the spring court, koschei, her learning more about her abilities, etc they both start to see how capable they each are and their feelings start to show here. for lucien it's more natural, like he always had a feeling that if he spent enough time with elain he could fall in love with her but with elain? she's freaked out. she doesn't want this, she wants her ability to choose. and maybe it's just the mating bond reacting for her or at least this is what she tells herself to explain away the butterflies she gets whenever lucien smiles at something she said.
at some point they have to travel to the autumn court and lucien is terrified, he doesn't want her anywhere near his family but elain asserts herself and says she's coming whether he likes it or not. he, of course, doesn't object. he just pleads with her to stay close to him the entire time. during their visit(s) they meet with eris and lucien's mother and you don't understand how badly i want elain and his mother to have a good relationship. her own mother only saw her as beautiful and something to capture a titled man to advance their status, she didn't truly see elain either. lady vanserra would be the kind and caring mother she never had and then being close would allow elain to learn more about lucien without asking him directly.
and her and eris? he'd take on the protective older brother role for elain, he would make sure no one even breathed near her unless she wished it so. maybe he'd introduce her to his dogs or something, too.
i can't get into specifics of what would really happen during these visits bc my brain sucks but overall it'd allow elain to learn more of lucien's upbringing and begin to understand him and in turn lucien would learn more about elain's childhood when she'd discuss her mother with lady vanserra.
maybe after this they visit the day court or something so they can view helion's massive library and try to learn more of koschei and elain's powers. they'd bond while studying, it'd start as courteous conversation but it'd soon develop into more intimate questions. maybe she asks about jesminda, who she'd learned some about from feyre and some from the servants in the autumn court, he'd answer her questions but never offer anything more than what he had to. she can tell her death still weighs heavily on him. this is when she really starts paying attention to what exactly she feels through the mate bond, tremendous guilt and, as feyre once described, he's endlessly sad.
this is where things get kinda fuzzy for me bc i never knew how this story would end, like i knew the koschei conflict would be the finale but other than that? nothing lmao but basically i could see elain and lucien growing together very slowly. they start getting comfortable with the faint touches and lingering glances they give each other. it eventually leads to a dark night in the camp and elain can't sleep so she gets up to take a walk but her feet just lead her to wherever lucien is and she sees him without his shirt on, his back is turned to her and she sees the massive scars across his back and can't stop the soft gasp that escapes.
lucien whirls around but elain can't get the image out of her head... who would have been so cruel as to cause those marks? who would dare to touch her mate like that? she knows she should be more worried about how possessive the mate bond makes her, but in this moment it doesn't matter, what matters is who hurt him. and she asks as much, "it's nothing, elain" is his response but she doesn't let up, she steps closer to him and motions for him to turn around, which he does. she hesitantly runs her fingers across his scars, she can feel her rage building, no matter how irrational it is she wants whoever did this dead. she blinks at that thought, but she's not scared no, she wants whoever caused him pain to suffer.
he tells her not to worry and that it's already been taken care of and she reluctantly leaves him to go back to her own tent (or wherever they're sleeping) and tries to sleep but everytime she closes her eyes the image of his scars, how he might have received them, flashes in her mind. then she starts to wonder who gave him the scar on his face, she wonders how she might find out and how she might get the means to return the favor.
also maybe at some point later in the story, they visit the autumn court again, i have a headcanon that elain doesn't only see the future, she can see the past in some cases so maybe she starts seeing this couple in a.... very intimate setting. and she works out the female is lucien's mother, but the male she's with is definitely not beron. this could prompt the helion reveal but honestly idk how that'd all go down.
i really can't tell you how this would all wrap up bc i am so bad at plotting but eventually they meet koschei, they defeat him and there's a scene where they embrace and the confessions come, it starts with lucien,
"i love you. so much. and i choose you. i'd choose you in a hundred–in a thousand different lifetimes."
"do you mean that?"
"i've never meant anything more."
elain brings her hands to his face, caressing his cheeks, then she moves to trace the scar on his face.
she finally says, "i choose you, too, lucien. i love you. now, kiss me... please."
they have the kiss we've all waited 5 books for. she accepts the bond and we all live happily ever after.
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baekhvuns · 2 years
NOOOOOOOOO PLEASE RELEASE THAT WIP 😭 now that you've mentioned he's not an asshole it's just Y/N being kinda meh about him, I wanna seeeeeee I wanna reeeeeaaaad. So is there some sort of misunderstanding happening?
Ugh, that's so annoying, I understand wanting to keep some stuff for yourself but sometimes it's just SHARING IS CARING BITCH 🔫 I order a lot of albums and I usually sell them or give them away, I hate selling tbh I prefer trading, especially if I have duplicate PCs, I actually traded whole albums for some photocards, lmao.
Yes I keep all my photocards in protective sleeves and in binders, it's also important to take extra care while sending them to people. Some fans just don't pack them well 🥴 after all those are just pieces of paper, they get damaged easily. I help with GO's sometimes but they're such a hassle...
Ah I get not wanting to be repetitive especially because since some people might get mad at others copying their work, though many stories lack originality anyways so it's usually hard to prove. But omg that upcoming series you linked?! I've missed it, but I hope it's gonna come out soon. 😭😭😭 also you do not have to convince me to re-join Shinestarism ok, this is my home this is how I live 🤡
Mafia Hwa Y/N was really that bitch, wiueishsuwvdhjwbshs. Aw, you're so cute, the way you described the Hongjoong fic. Movie? Tell me the title if it's okay with you? I always wonder how many of the stories people write are truly self-indulgent and something they'd like to experience.
Shit that villain reader one is so important to me bestie, you do NOT realise 😭😭😭😭 I almost forgot why would you bring it up??? To take revenge? I need more bad Y/N's can't be just the guys doing the questionable stuff you know and I love villains or rather antagonists with purpose.
Aghhh a Touch of Frost I love that one a lot!
Let me continue in another message, because I have things to say 💀 - DV 💖
NOOOOOOOOO PLEASE RELEASE THAT WIP 😭 now that you've mentioned he's not an asshole it's just Y/N being kinda meh about him, I wanna seeeeeee I wanna reeeeeaaaad. So is there some sort of misunderstanding happening?
BFWMDBWKDHWK they, just immense amount of tension bc hwa is pinning but miss yn wants it to be a professional relationship DESPTE them being in the similar friend group…he just, 😶😶 IDK HOW TO DESCRIBE THIS BC UT WONT MAKE SENSE IF U DONT READ IT FULLY THRU FBENFBEN
Ugh, that's so annoying, I understand wanting to keep some stuff for yourself but sometimes it's just SHARING IS CARING BITCH 🔫 I order a lot of albums and I usually sell them or give them away, I hate selling tbh I prefer trading, especially if I have duplicate PCs, I actually traded whole albums for some photocards, lmao.
YEAH !!! FBWNDHSJ SOME PPL R JUST REALLY PETTY OVER IT ANF FOR WHAT 😭😭😭 omg do u trade that’s so cool, u must have like all those washi tapes and decorative stuff to trade and all omg
Yes I keep all my photocards in protective sleeves and in binders, it's also important to take extra care while sending them to people. Some fans just don't pack them well 🥴 after all those are just pieces of paper, they get damaged easily. I help with GO's sometimes but they're such a hassle...
THATS SO TRUE i traded once, i put them in a very neat card and taped them to a small cardboard and bubble wrapped it and i just received it in a small box with nOTHING tho im half they weren’t damaged fbdbdb OMF U DO GO’S TOO??? that’s so cool i can imagine the hassle but how’s that process?? bc ik some ppl want specific pc’s so do u just take their desired ones out from a different album and put them in?? what do u do if u see a polaroid, do u tell them or u just…yk…finders keepers
Ah I get not wanting to be repetitive especially because since some people might get mad at others copying their work, though many stories lack originality anyways so it's usually hard to prove. But omg that upcoming series you linked?! I've missed it, but I hope it's gonna come out soon. 😭😭😭 also you do not have to convince me to re-join Shinestarism ok, this is my home this is how I live 🤡
yEAHH !!!! there’s so many concepts repeated that u rly have to add ur own scenes to it so u can change ur but there still will be similarities between works,,,, i was quite excited abt writing a series again but after seeing that nO FBSNDBS also bc it’s so much work 😭😭,,,, YES ME TOO THE SERIES SOUNDS SO PROMISING LOVE IT FBFB,,, LMFAOOOO FBWNDHSJ IT WAS MY EXCUSE TO OFFER FIC RECS
Mafia Hwa Y/N was really that bitch, wiueishsuwvdhjwbshs. Aw, you're so cute, the way you described the Hongjoong fic. Movie? Tell me the title if it's okay with you? I always wonder how many of the stories people write are truly self-indulgent and something they'd like to experience.
SHE RLY WASSS I LOVED HER FBWNBDEK omg omg this is a self indulged storey absolutely im gonna ramble about this fic rn,, pls don’t mind me
jab we met ( jab means ‘when’ we met ) : adityah, a heartbroken tycoon on the verge of committing suicide, aimlessly boards a train. he meets geet, a high-spirited girl who plans to elope with her lover, and finds himself pulled into her crazy life.
bestie, bestie this movie is the definition of love. he’s an introvert, she’s an extrovert. it all happens on a train, she drags him when he doesn’t want to go and gets him in trouble. makes him re-experience love by asking him to burn his exe’s photo— she threatens him to take her to her home bc “you’re the reason i lost my luggage!” “did i ask you to follow me?!?” yeah. he’s so in love, so so in love. “why are you playing with your life?” “because it’s my favourite game, life!” “you need a psychiatrist!” she makes him experience childishness + the dialogues bestie ugh 😩😩 there’s a song where he hallucinates and sees her everywhere, dancing in the rain and him being a complete love struck idiot. she’s wild, talks nonsense her motto is “i’m my favourite person!” 105/10 i rec this movie so much bc it’s my favourite, ive watched this 20+ times ever since it came out in 2007. here’s the trailer (captions r included) i have the fattest crush on the main lead.
here’s a little scene i personally subbed to show to one of my friends and it’s literally one of my favourites !!!!! it’s, when u watch it and if u ever do,,, you’ll see how that man loves quietly and chooses to keep it go himself bc he doesn’t wanna bother her with it 😭😭😭 ANOTHER SELF INDULGENT IVE WRITTEN IS THE SAN FIC !!! it’s also based on this movie omg if u ever watch it, you wont ever, ever find a movie like this, it’s like an emotion <3
yeh jawani hai deewani ( this youth is crazy ) : a young medical student falls in love with a man who plans to travel the world and never settle down, or get married.
so. this is everyone’s travel dreams into one masterpiece of a movie together. this movie NEVER GETS OLD ISTG,, imagine going on a trip with total strangers and ur 3 friends from high school, one loves to show her bravery, other is a complete fuck boy who has nothing but his dreams, and the last who’s places bets on sports matches. a trip where u runaway from gangsters on a cart + singing 90’s music + make sex jokes + indian weddings that r better than white ones + friendship deep thoughts + travel log and yearn to travel and explore + fall in love and then follow ur dreams until it comes to a stop. & u meet at a wedding, classic nerdy girl x fuckboy prompt !!! “you have such a killer smile, if i had a heart it would’ve fell for you.” remembering everything and the drama + THE SONGS THE SONGS R >>>>> ridiculously amazing chemistry, there isn’t a movie like this and there will never be (also what my san fic is based on !!) 107/10 + here’s the trailer !! pls skip to 48 seconds that’s when it starts dbdb i don’t have a subbed video i did for this but here’s an edit
questions for you !!! what’s a movie you’ve watched that you would self indulge yourself in ???
Shit that villain reader one is so important to me bestie, you do NOT realise 😭😭😭😭 I almost forgot why would you bring it up??? To take revenge? I need more bad Y/N's can't be just the guys doing the questionable stuff you know and I love villains or rather antagonists with purpose.
BDQMBDWMHDWK ME TOO BESTIE ITS SO IMPORTANT 😭😭😭 FBWNDH TO TAKE REVENGE FOR THAT LANYARD 🔫🔫🔫😭😭 miss yn in it will be full of magic and hwa can’t help but be interested in yn even if he’s gonna get married to someone or be so interested in the tea she offers him everytime he comes but never answers his questions ☺️☺️☺️☺️
Aghhh a Touch of Frost I love that one a lot! Let me continue in another message, because I have things to say 💀 - DV 💖
LOVE IT SMMM 😭😭😭😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 i will answer that separately bc this got too long fbfbf
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cancerfairy · 2 years
May I have another reading exchange please? May I know what kissing my fs will be like? Thank you! db
Electric Love by Born: I can't let you go now that I got it. And all I need is to be struck by your electric love. Baby, your electric love
Sweet Pea by Amos: Hey sweet pea, apple of my eye. Don't know when, and I don't know why. But you're the only reason I keep on coming home. Hey sweet pea keeper of my soul.
Kissing your future spouse will feel like coming home. They will be super gentle and loving when kissing you almost like they are afraid to hurt you. You're really precious to them and they want to show that. When you first started kissing they were super polite and you were afraid they may not like you as much as you thought, but they were just trying extra hard not overstep. They really like you and they wanted you to feel respected. So they kept it PG until you made it absolutely clear that they can go up in rating. That was a green flag for them to unleash the passion that they'd been keeping under wraps. Honestly though I feel like you guys aren't really going to kiss that often. Not that you don't want to but its not going to be the primary way you show affection. Its like a special occasion type thing so when it happens its special. You guys might peck before work or when you come home but you don't REALLY kiss all that often. When you do oof. FIREWORKS. (Visual: 0:00- 1:50) You may be seen as the passionate one in the relationships because youre more expressive, but those will be the moments your fs will show passion, specifically for you. You may switch roles during these times. You become the 'shy' one while your partner becomes a lot more flirty and bold. You blush a lot when your partner gets like that. They will love it. You will love it too because it shows how far your fs have come in being able to express themselves comfortably with you. I hope this makes sense and it resonates!
sorry this took awhile!! first of all thanks for the songs bc i swear someone just gave me a channeled message from them that said "you're the apple of my eye" so it's crazy that it came up in the song too omg. the whole reading was super cute and i also get the feeling we wouldn't kiss that often tbh since i'm not really a physical touch kinda person (especially not kissing pls) and you're right thoo, i do blush a lot when people i like get flirty and bold with me!! tysm for the video references too! <3
❥ how kissing your fs will be like:
your fs is a very passionate kisser and they'll likely be the one to take the lead. they're the type to cup your face/jaw in their hand and kiss you as if they haven't seen you in years. you will feel their love through their kisses but they'd also whisper sweet nothings in your ear. kisses with them will be very fulfilling but also keep you wanting more. they're sweet and tender. when you're in their embrace you feel warm and protected. they know just how to make you feel safe especially if you're on the shyer side. at times they make switch up and either they make you nervous or you'll make them nervous. they'll feel butterflies in their stomach. other times, if you're mad with them they'll try to kiss you and make it up to you because it seems like the only way to get through to you. yeah they seem like the type of person to kiss you to make you be quiet. sometimes kissing your fs will be the only thing that gives you peace. you feel like you're in your own little world when you're intimate with them and it's because they create that space for you. they want to be your rock and will succeed in doing so.
♪ we know - fifth harmony
♪ there she go - pnB rock
"she's the only one i want, but she don't know i be impatient"
♪ rough - gfriend
"amidst the divergence, i will hold your hand"
♪ love again - baekhyun
"the pretty lips that used to tell me love"
"you filled up my everything, floating like a balloon"
♪ i need u - bts
"i need you, girl (you're so beautiful) i need you girl (you're so cold)"
♪ scars to your beautiful - alessia cara
"let me your mirror, help you see a little bit clearer the light that shines within"
♪ kiss and make up - dua lipa
"touch me like you touch nobody. put your hands all up on me"
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for-the-ninth · 3 years
I decided to completely redo the fic I started a year ago bc I realized there were plot holes (due in large part to me just writing aimlessly without an ending in mind), the romance didn't burn slow enough for me, and a lot of the relationships I'd formed in my head weren't showing up well on paper.
I've finally figured out where I wanna go with it and how I wanna bend the universe, but rn my partner is the only one who reads my fic and I can't tell her bc she's genuinely invested in the story and wants it to be a surprise.
So I'm gonna post it here under a cut in case anyone actually wants to read it bc I'm really excited about it and I need to tell someone even if the someone is the void of Tumblr!
My main protagonist is Shielan, a 28 year old Dalish of the Lavellan clan. When her mother died, she left her people to travel the woods alone, and kept in touch via letters and yearly visits.
She grew up with no siblings and no father. Her mother and their Keeper were in love and raised Shielan themselves. Neither would ever divulge to Shielan where her father went or what came of him, only stating that he left before she was born.
While working with the Inquisiton, Shielan discovers that she's been cursed with some form of ancient magic that no one (not even Solas - or so he says) can seem to figure out. She sets off in search of answers and finds a carefully laid trail leading her straight to her father.
As it turns out, her father is part of a race of people who call themselves Blood Summoners, of which he is the first. He was created when Mythal and Anaris (one of the Forgotten Ones) slept together and bore a child, named Ramiel. Anaris then used a combination of magic and his child's blood to create a partner for him, named Elisabeta. When the Evanuris found out about Mythal's child, they killed her, compelling Solas to seal them away behind the Veil. Before being sealed away, Anaris left Ramiel and Elisabeta with a final plea to hunt Fen'Harel down and find a way to tear down the Veil.
Before laying with Mythal, Anaris convinced her to perform an experimental dark magic ritual with him that involved her ingesting his blood. Because of this, Ramiel requires the ingestion of blood both to survive and to use the powers given to him. The ritual also cut any connection he had to the Fade, forcing him and his future children to rely solely on blood for power - all except for Shielan.
Over thousands of years, Ramiel and Elisabeta have discovered that Blood Summoners can only produce children with one another. When Ramiel realized the truth of what his father had done, he no longer wished to release him from the Veil, and became increasingly horrified with the lengths Elisabeta went to in order to produce more Summoners. Much like Shielan, he left for a nomadic life of solitude in the forests of Thedas, taking his father's notes with him.
When he met Shielan's mother, Adelahna, they fell in love and slept together. He was shocked when she ended up pregnant and recommended she terminate it for safety, but she insisted on carrying the fetus to term. When Shielan was born healthy, Ramiel knew that he had to keep it a secret from Elisabeta, who would no doubt use Shielan and her mother as experiments for new methods of procreation. So he left them behind and continued his life in the woods.
Adelahna left letters for him in different spots around Thedas, letting him know how Shielan was growing up. From a young age, she showed the propensity for immense power, and inherited some of her father's attributes - his eyes, superior vision and hearing, quick reflexes and remarkable speed - but experienced no blood cravings. When Adelahna stopped leaving letters, Ramiel knew she had died, and he worried that Shielan would have no one to guide her as she navigated her increasing power. He searched for her for years to no avail. When he heard of Corypheus and the elven foci, he knew it Fen'Harel had awakened and he needed to get to him before Elisabeta did.
He found out Fen'Harel was living among the ranks of the Inquisition, under the direction of none other than his daughter, the only half-elven half-summoner of her kind. He had to find her, and there seemed to be no other way to do it than via ancient blood curse.
So he slicked a blade with his own cursed blood and hired a mercenary to cut her with it, thereby binding their blood and allowing him to locate her, much in the same way maleficarum are hunted by the Chantry. Once he does, he writes a letter asking her to meet with him.
By this point, Solas has become a dear friend if hers, so naturally she tells him if her plans to visit her father. He knows of Ramiel, but had no idea he's Mythal's child, and did not realize he still lived. It dawns on him that Ramiel knows who he is and will tell Shielan, which could not only compromise his plan to tear down the Veil, but would deeply effect their friendship. But Shielan leaves before Solas has a chance to convince her otherwise, so he panics and kidnaps her. He makes a tearful confession, tells her he's always been in love with her and begs her not to abandon him. She sleeps with him (while she's tangled up with Cullen and after he's absorbed the power of Mythal, oops) and the next day he leaves.
Months later, she discovers she's pregnant. She knows Solas is the father (but he doesn't) and so does Cullen, but he agrees to help her raise them anyway because he loves her and knows she's always wanted children.
Shortly after Shielan gives birth, Solas begins losing some of the power and has no idea why. He is distraught and sets out in search of Shielan. When he finds her and sees the child, he knows immediately that he's the father and realizes that the reason he's lost his power is because Mythal left his body to possess the child.
There's no way for him to gain his power back without either killing or risking injury to the child, neither of which he's willing to do. Shielan and Ramiel tell him everything, and he agrees to work alongside them to stop Elisabeta from tearing open the Veil herself and setting Anaris free. He, Shielan, and Cullen raise the child together, and through a lot of hard work on the part of both men, Shielan is able to love both of them freely.
As the child grows up, it's clear that the combination of summoner, elven, and Mythal's bloodlines have made for an incredibly powerful being - possibly the most powerful Thedas has known since the Evanuris walked the earth. Solas, Ramiel, Shielan and Cullen vow to protect and train the child as they grow up.
It's thought that one day, the child will be able to tear down the Veil and find a way to keep the Evanuris in check. But this story will end before the reader gets the chance to find out. 😘
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uncloseted · 4 years
my mom keeps badgering me about the capital event bc i really hated it but i support the blm protests and she says it’s hypocritical of me bc the protests were just as “violent” as the capital and “caused lots of deaths”. i never really have anything to say back to justify what went down, do you have any info i could use to explain myself? i know they were for completely different causes and one actually matters, but i don’t know how to justify the “violence” (i personally don’t think a majority of them were violent, all the ones where i lived were routinely peaceful and i think the extreme ones were sensationalized for the news). anyway sorry if it’s dumb i’m 14 and just trying to get into politics and stuff so i’m not super well informed and just trying to learn.
I’m sorry this has taken me a few days to get to.  What happened at the Capitol is complicated, and I want to make sure I give you as full of an answer as possible.  I also want to just quickly say that it’s awesome you’re getting involved in politics at such a young age and trying to help your parents understand these issues.  I would love to answer any questions you have about politics or social issues (or just kind of anything in general, I’m not picky).  Last thing and then I’ll get into the meat of this post- I’m a huge supporter of the BLM and police abolition movements and was a protestor over the summer, so I’m maybe a little bit biased.  This situation makes me really angry on a personal level, but I’ll try to stick to just the facts as much as possible in this post and let you know when I’m showing my own opinions.
So the first thing I want to talk about is language.  The Black Lives Matter protests were protests- a public expression of objection, disapproval or dissent towards a political idea or action, usually with the intention of influencing government policy.  In the US, protesting is a constitutional right protected by the First Amendment.  The storming of the Capitol was not a protest, and it wasn’t intended to be.  It was planned several weeks in advance with the explicit intention of disrupting the counting of Electoral College ballots.  Their stated goal was to overturn Donald Trump’s defeat in the presidential election, an election that is widely considered to be the freest, fairest, and safest election in US history (ironically, in part due to Trump’s insistence that there was voter fraud in the 2016 election).  Storming a public building is not a form of protest protected by the US Constitution.  Further, an attempt to overturn a democratic election is an attempt to carry out a coup.  The Capitol rioters will likely be charged with sedition (conduct that incites rebellion against the established order) and/or insurrection (a violent uprising against an authority or government).  The Black Lives Matter protestors were not attempting to carry out a coup against the US government, and none have been charged with offenses as big as those.
Next, I want to touch on motivation.  The Black Lives Matter protesters were protesting against police brutality towards minorities, particularly Black people.  There has long been a documented history of police misconduct and fatal use of force by law enforcement officers against Black people in the US.  Many protests in the past have been a response to police violence, including the 1965 Watts riots, the 1992 Los Angeles riots, and the 2014 and 2015 Black Lives Matter protests in response to the murders of Michael Brown, Eric Garner, and Freddie Gray.  By contrast, the Capitol rioters were not motivated by fact.  They were called to action by the President of the United States, Donald Trump.  They were told that the election had been “stolen” from Trump, and were encouraged to march over to the Capitol to “take back our country”.  The idea that the election was stolen from the president is demonstrably false.  They weren’t motivated by a social issue, a concern for their own lives, facts, or even really principle.  “Our president wants us here...we wait to take orders from our president,” was what motivated them. The affiliations of those rioters are varied, but many of them are affiliated with either the far-right, anti-government Boogaloo Boys, the explicitly neofascist Proud Boys, the self-proclaimed militia The Oath Keepers, or the far-right militia group Three Percenters.  Many are also on the record as being QAnon followers (followers of a disproven far-right conspiracy that started off as a 4chan troll, which states that an anonymous government official, “Q”, is providing information about a cabal of Satan-worshiping, cannibalistic pedophiles in the Democratic party who are running a child sex trafficking ring and plotting against Trump.  Yes, really).
The intentions of BLM were largely peaceful.  BLM protest documents encouraged protesters to be peaceful even in the face of police violence, because the BLM protesters knew what the price of being violent would be.  We were encouraged not to bring weapons or anything that could be misconstrued as a weapon.  Even non-violent protests were met with tear gas, rubber bullets, and riot gear.  A reported 96.3% of 7,305 BLM protests were entirely peaceful (no injuries, no property damage).  The 292 “violent incidents” in question were mainly the toppling of statues of “colonial figures, slave owners, and Confederate leaders”.  There were also several instances of right wing, paramilitary style militia movements discharging firearms into crowds of protesters, and 136 confirmed incidences of right-wing participation at the protests (including members of the aforementioned Boogaloo Boys, Three Percenters, Oath Keepers, and Proud Boys).  It was also rumored that off-duty police were inciting violence (although to my knowledge, that is unconfirmed).  There is no evidence that “antifa” (a decentralized, left-wing, anti-racist and anti-fascist group) played a role in instigating the protests or violence, or even that they had a significant role in the protests at all.  People who were involved in crimes were not ideologically organized, and were largely opportunists taking advantage of the chaos for personal gain.  
By contrast, the “Storm the Capitol” documents were largely violent; messages like, “pack a crowbar,” and “does anyone know if the windows on the second floor are reinforced” were common on far-right social media platforms.  One message on 8kun (formerly 8chan, a website linked to white supremacy, neo-Nazism, the alt-right, etc) stated, "you can go to Washington on Jan 6 and help storm the Capitol....As many Patriots as can be. We will storm the government buildings, kill cops, kill security guards, kill federal employees and agents, and demand a recount."  The speakers at the Trump rally encouraged attendees to see themselves as foot soldiers fighting to save the country, and to be ready to “bleed for freedom”.  The Capitol rioters were mostly armed; rioters were reportedly seen firing pepper spray at police officers, and pipe bombs, molotov cocktails, and guns (including illegal assault rifles) were found on the protesters. One protester was filmed saying, “believe me, we are well armed if we need to be.”  Some protesters arrived in paramilitary regalia, including camo and Kevlar vests.
I quickly want to touch on scale.  The George Floyd BLM protests are thought to be the largest protests in US history, with between 15 and 26 million (largely young, sometimes children, minority) people attending a protest in over 2000 cities in 60 countries.  There were around 14,000 arrests, most being low-level offenses such as violating curfews or blocking roadways. 19 deaths have been reported, largely at the hands of police.  Only one death is known to have been a law enforcement officer.  The number of people who stormed the Capitol is still somewhat unclear, but it seems to be between 2,000 and 8,000 (largely older white, cis, straight, Christian men) people.  80+ people have been arrested for federal crimes, including 25+ who are being charged with domestic terrorism (something nobody associated with BLM is being accused of).  There have been five deaths reported.  One was a police officer, and the other four were rioters.  Of those deaths, one was a police related shooting (a female Air Force veteran).  The other three died of unrelated medical emergencies.  One reportedly had a history of high blood pressure and suffered a heart attack from the excitement.  
Now I want to look at government response.  During the BLM protests, there was a huge response from law enforcement.  200 cities imposed curfews, 30 states and Washington DC activated over 96,000 National Guard, State Guard, 82nd Airborne, and 3rd Infantry Regiment service members.  The deployment was the largest military operation other than war in US history, and it was in response to protests concerning, in part, the militarization of police forces.  The police were outfitted in riot gear.  They used physical force against BLM protesters, including batons, tear gas, pepper spray, and rubber bullets, “often without warning or seemingly unprovoked,” per the New York Times.  Anecdotally, everyone I know now knows how to neutralize pepper spray, treat rubber bullet wounds, build shields out of household items, how to prevent cellphones from being tracked, and how to confuse facial recognition technology to prevent being identified (as six men connected to the Ferguson protests mysteriously turned up dead afterwards, and the police were using cellphone tracking technology).  Amnesty International issued a press release calling for police to end excessive militarized response to the protests.  There were 66 incidents of vehicles being driven into crowds of protesters, 7 of which explicitly involved police officers, the rest of which were by far-right groups.  Over 20 people were partially blinded after being struck with police projectiles.  When the BLM protests were happening, Trump said that, “when the looting starts, the shooting starts.”
In contrast, the response to the Capitol protesters was relatively tame, especially given that the US Capitol’s last breach was over 200 years ago (when British troops set fire to the building during the war of 1812) and the rioters weren’t being shy about their aspirations to conduct an armed insurrection incited by the sitting president.  There was (widely available, able to be found through a Google search, everyone saw it) prior intelligence that far-right, extremist groups were planning on (violently) Storming the Capitol on January 6th, with the intention of interrupting the Electoral College ballot counting and holding lawmakers hostage.  However, the US Capitol Police insisted that a National Guard presence would not be necessary for the protests, and Pentagon officials reportedly restricted DC guard troop from being deployed except as a measure of last resort, and restricted them from receiving ammunition or riot gear.  They were instructed to engage with rioters only in self-defense, and were banned from using surveillance equipment.  Despite prior knowledge of the “protests”, Capitol Police staffing levels mirrored that of a normal day, and no riot control equipment was prepared.  The Capitol Police weren’t in paramilitary gear the way they were for the BLM protests.  The mob walked in to the Capitol with little resistance.  Some scaled walls, some broke down barricades, some smashed windows, and one video even seems to show Capitol Police opening a gate for the mob. Rioters traipsed around the Capitol (one of the most important government buildings in the country) with little resistance, looting and vandalizing offices of Congress members.  Some rioters felt safe enough to give their names to media outlets, livestream their exploits, and take selfies with police officers.  One man was (ironically) carrying a Confederate flag, a symbol of a secession attempt on the part of the South (and of racism). It took 50 minutes for FBI tactical teams to arrive at the scene, and the National Guard were initially directed by Trump not to intervene.  Pence later overturned that ruling and approved the National Guard.  Police used finally used riot gear, shields, smoke grenades, and batons to retake control of the Capitol, but notably no tear gas or rubber bullets.  Video showed rioters being escorted away without handcuffs.  Trump’s response to the riot was, "we love you. You're very special ... but you have to go home." 
This is where I’m going to get a little editorial, but I think it’s important to say.  If the people storming the Capitol Building were Black, they would have been met with a large, pre-coordinated military presence, violent restraint, arrests, and quite possibly would have been shot.  They wouldn’t have made it inside the Capitol, much less been given free rein to wander around without immediate consequence. Hundreds of people during the George Floyd protests were arrested for just being present- 127 protesters were arrested for violating curfew on June 2nd in Detroit alone, twice the number of arrests made during the storming of the US Capitol.  It turns out that the police do know how to use restraint, after all.  What an absolute shock.  It’s almost like they’re a corrupt and racist institution we should get rid off...
The last big thing I want to talk about is the outcome.  The BLM protests were meaningful, but the outcome from them has been tame.  Nobody has been accused of domestic terrorism. State and local governments evaluated their police department policies and made some changes, like banning chokeholds, partially defunding some departments, and passing regulations that departments must recruit in part from the communities they patrol.  Only one city, Minneapolis, pledged to dismantle their police force.  The response has largely been localized.  I think the biggest impact it’s had is introducing people to the concept of police abolition and getting more people involved in the movement.  By contrast, the Capitol riots have resulted in over 25 people being accused of domestic terrorism and the second attempt to impeach Donald Trump, something that has never happened before in the history of the US.  
But what really concerns me is the precedent this sets.  Donald Trump is an idiot, and he’s gotten this far.  We can’t count on the guy who takes his place to be an idiot, too.  The next guy could be clever, strategic, well-spoken, well-mannered... not to invoke Godwin’s law here, but people liked Hitler.  He was a persuasive speaker and capitalized on conspiracy theories about World War 1 to gain support.  His 1923 attempt to overthrow the Bavarian government failed, but sympathy for his aims grew.  He painted himself as a good, moral man who loved dogs and children and was trying to do right by his country (by, among other things, arresting communists and leftists, and then eventually all minorities).  Trump isn’t Hitler.  He’s not even a Hitler analogue.  But Trump has already done this much damage to the fabric of our society.  He’s worn down our relationship with the media, with one another, with democracy, with morality, and with truth itself.  We have to be prepared for the idea that the next guy might be a much better politician.  Getting rid of Trump isn’t the end; it’s the beginning of a fight against fascism that’s only going to grow from here.
There are other differences you could point to.  BLM protesters wore masks to prevent the spread of COVID (and indeed, researchers have reported that the protests did not drive an increase in virus transmission), for example, while the rioters were largely unmasked.  But I think the bottom line is that the millions of BLM protesters were doing their best to be responsible citizens fighting peacefully for an evidence-based, human rights cause, even though they knew that as a primarily minority group of people, they would be met with violence.  The thousands of far-right, white, Capitol insurrectionists were doing their best to overturn a free, fair, safe, and democratic election because of a call to action by Trump and a stringent belief in disproven conspiracy theories, which they knew would be met with minimal resistance despite the severity of their actions.  The insurrectionists are fascists, full stop, and we should call them what they are.  The BLM protesters were by and large just people, of all different political views and motivations, who wanted to fight against something they saw as unjust.  
I’m sorry that this is such a long post. This topic has been on my mind all week, and I wanted to give it the nuance it deserves.  All we can do from here is to keep fighting- for justice, for truth, and, hopefully, for peace.
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dontworrysunflower · 5 years
Drifting | Shawn Mendes
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Anonymous requested: hello i love your work 💓 u write amazing!!!!!! i was wondering if u could write an angsty one shot wherein shawn and y/n have been drifting away bc shawn seems to always find excuses not to stay home with her? but y/n falls sick (nothing major just like a flu or smthn) from overthinking and shawn finds out and fLuffy ending??? pls?? it's ok if not tho thank u!! i really love your work 🌺🌷
A/N: thank you so much for requesting and liking what I write, I’ve been a little self critical lately and a little insecure about my writing but I’m glad you enjoy! I know this isn't the second parts to Love or You What? but I promise you they are coming.
Warnings: angst?
Enjoy! Masterlist in my bio
She could feel it before she would admit it. The strings keeping them together slowly tearing apart.
Shawn would come to bed late, the same warmth she once found welcoming, now a scary, dreadful feeling. And when he thought she was asleep, he’d slip out the room, probably to sleep in the guest room, or to keep working.
She cried herself to sleep that night. And the night after that, and after that. She finally allowed herself to acknowledge that they weren’t the same, that they were slowly drifting away, heading different directions in the sea they once called love.
When she’d wake up, he was already in his home studio. She tried, tried so hard to get him to even look at her. She’d ask if he wanted breakfast, and he’d mumbled an already ate. Not even sparing her a glance.
She can’t remember the last time they ate together, can’t remember the last thing they did together. She can’t remember the last time they said I love you to each other.
But she does. She loves unconditionally and could never not love him, even if he didn’t love her anymore.
Every day, when he was cooped up in his studio, doing what he does best, she’d mope around her home. The home that was once so comforting and inviting.
As the day went by, she became accustomed to the quiet. Didn’t mean she liked it. She’d watch the show they were supposed to watch together, but she’d get distracted from their photos hanging on the wall behind the television. The frames holding so much of the love they once had.
That night, he didn’t come to bed either. She could hear the faint beats and melodies from the other end of the hall. Even though she loved how hard working he was, he did overwork himself at times. And sometimes a girlfriend just wants her boyfriend to hold her.
She awoke to the delicate light from the lamp on his bedside. She turned and saw him facing the mirror, fixing his collar, clicking his expensive watch onto his wrist. She took a quick glance at the digital clock, the red flash reading 12: 15 am. She calmly sat up against the headboard of the bed, “Where are you going?” She asked cautiously as to not anger him.
“Out. With the boys.” He mumbled as he pulled his fingers through his hair.
Just like every other night
“Oh.” She watched as he treaded his way to a chair at the corner of their -now it seems to be her- room. He grabbed his knitted cardigan.
“Don’t wait on me.” He muttered, pulling his arms through the sleeves of the cardigan, slowly making his way out of the room.
She waited until the front door closed to let her tears fall.
His eyes flickered around the dimly lit club. People grinding on each other on the dance floor, people drunkenly roaring along to the thundering music. Shawn sipped at his alcoholic drink, his finger tapping hastily at the wood of the bar.
“You okay there fella?” A slim blonde girl, tight red dress leaving little to the imagination turned to him, a seductive smile spread on her painted lips. She sits up in the stool, leaning her chin on her palm, her fake breasts splayed on top of the wood counter.
He gave her a tight lipped smile, tapping his thumb on the glass of his drink. “Yeah, just thinking, is all.”
He watched her from his peripheral vision as she got up to sit next to him. He cleared his throat and moved back, feeling uncomfortable. “Is there,” she started, moving her hand up his bicep. “Anyway I can help?” She asked with a seductive and sultry voice.
Her piercing blue eyes seemed to stare into his soul and for a spilt second, he almost considered taking up on her offer.
Then the next second comes. (Y/n) (y/n) (y/n).
He flinches back from the girls touch and gulps down the drink. “I uh, have to go.” He muttered before running out of the bar.
He sighed heavily as he shut the door behind him, the darkness of the home consuming him.
He trudged his way to the bedroom, ready to snuggle up with his girlfriend.
But as he got closer to the bedroom, he heard the heart wrenching sound of vomiting, the light from the conjoined bathroom in the room the only source of luminosity in the entire house.
He quickly makes his way deeper into the room and finds her bent over the toilet, emptying the contents of her stomach.
He rushes towards her, kneeling beside her and pulls her hair back and lightly scratches her back to comfort her.
“Honey are you okay?” Shawn asked when she pulled away from the toilet.
She wiped at her mouth and reached over to flush the toilet. “Why are you here?” She asked harshly, side eyeing him as she shakily stood up to wash her hands and brush her teeth.
He narrows his eyes in confusion, standing behind her as she cleaned herself up. “What do you mean? You’re my girlfrie-”
“Oh now you finally realize I’m here!” She yelled, her arms flailing around her as she walked back into the room.
“What are you talking about?” He followed her into the bed, observing as she pulled up the duvet to slip in to.
“You’ve been ignoring me for so long. Do you even-”
“No no don’t you dare finish that sentence.” He rushes towards her, sitting on the bed next to her, reaching for her hand, but she pulls away, tears filling in her eyes. “Honey, of course I love you. Why would you even ask that?”
She sniffs and pulls her knees to her chest, placing her chin on her bent knees. “You’ve been in the studio all day everyday. And even when you’re not working you go out with the boys and I feel so alone! Like a burden to you! This is what I was afraid of, a relationship with you was like...like a relationship with myself.” She cried
Shawn scoots closer to her and wraps his arms around her and she lets him. This has been the only contact they’ve had in months and she feels a sense of safety. “Honey I, I’m so sorry.” His voice cracked as he rubbed his hands over her arms. “I didn’t mean to push you away. I just,” He sighs, realizing he really has no excuse for his behavior. “I’m sorry (y/n), if I could take back the last few months I would. I have no excuse.” He pulls her onto him, her legs enclosing his waist, her head hanging low. “But I need you to know,” he grabs her chin to make her look at him and wipes her tears from her cheeks. “You mean the world to me, baby. I could never imagine my life without you. I’m sorry for taking you for granted. I guess, I just always knew you’d be there for me, and I’m sorry I took advantage of that. I’m sorry, love. If you ever feel neglected again please come talk to me. I want us to be okay.” A tear slips from his eye.
She sniffs and cradles his face, her thumb rubbing his cheek to wipe the tear away. “I’m sorry, too-”
“No, no love, you have nothing to apologize for. I’m sorry honey, I should’ve, fuck I’m such a horrible boyfriend for making you feel like this.” He sobbed, his hands gripping her hips tighter just to make sure she’s there and she’s not going anywhere.
“Hey,” She grazes her thumb on his lip, looking into his greenish eyes. “You are the best boyfriend I could ever ask for. We just need to communicate more, that’s all. I love you with all my heart and I love that you work so hard, and hang out with your friends. I guess, I dunno, I felt kinda of pushed to the side, like we were drifting away from each other.”
He pulls her closer to his chest, cradling her head and kissing her neck. “I’m sorry sweetheart. If I could take it back I would.” He sighs and rubs her back.
“It’s okay.” She muttered as she moved her arms up his neck and played with the curls at the nape of his neck.
He lifts her head from his chest, looking straight into her eyes. “Tomorrow, I won’t work, won’t go out with the guys. We’re gonna have an entire day to ourselves. We’ll have a ‘date day’,” he watches her giggle, her eyes sparkling just how he loved. “I’m gonna spend the entire day showing you just how much you mean to me.” He kissed her cheeks, then nose and finally on her lips.
Shawn kisses her hungrily, his hands moving down to her ass, lightly squeezing. She gasps and rises slightly in his lap, her chest to his face. He grabs the hem of her shirt and turns them around, her back on then bed, his toned body on top of her.
“Let me start by showing you now.”
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svtegg · 5 years
hogwarts!svt (97line)
i feel like this one is a little longer than the other one?? idk but here u go!
Gryffindor boy, the sorting hat didn’t even touch his head before the Gryffindor table erupted into applause
His father was a gryffindoor, his mom was a gryffindor, his grandmother was a gryffindor, his grandmothers grandmother was a gryffindor….do I need to continue?
Very very good at potions, despite being terribly clumsy
His favorite subject however is transfiguration
Once turned himself into half human half goblet….. a human sized goblet with two freakishly long feet
And the Transfiguration Professor, Mr Rodney Silvering, had to get Minghao to walk him to the hospital wing because Mr Silvering couldnt stop laughing
He’s a well-liked goof, very gullible and charming, everyone knows him but he’s bad at remembering names so he doesn’t always know who the person he just had a 5 minute chat with was 
Often falls victim to Jihoon, Jeonghan or Seungkwan’s feet binding jinxes
Once broke his nose from a jinx Seungkwan had shoot at him as they walked up the moving staircase and Seungkwan has been eternally sorry since, gifting him a new set of Quidditch Keeper gloves and a helmet for christmas 
Jihoon, Mingyu and Minghao are the only members of the N.M.P.C (Non-Magical Paint Club)... Mingyu started it after starting Muggle Art in his fifth year....and he found out he loved painting.......so the Headmaster gave the three of them persmission to use the room of requirement as a clubroom 
Mingyu is the keeper on the Gryffindoor quidditch team, and once fell off his broom mid-match because he got distracted by an Alicantro flying above him
Jeonghan had to take him to the hospital wing with a couple broken fingers and a broken rib
Often talks to the portraits, they all know him by first name because he stubles up the stairs even five years after he first started at Hogwarts
Does okay in school, but is terrible at History of Magic
Joshua often tries to help him study because he’s the only one that doesn’t get annoyed at Mingyu’s whining 
He could be a good duelist if he wasn’t so scared of being hit by stupefy
Jihoon tries to help him get over his fear of the stupify charm by surprisingly casting it at him when Mingyu isn’t paying attention
Mingyu loves Wonu’s cat Pocha,,,pocha doesn’t love him back…….
Has a pet fire dwelling salamander that his sister Minseo caught for him when she was five, its name is Scarlet
Scarlet is currently around 14 years old and Mingyu was extremely relieved when Seungkwan told him that salamanders often live to be over 20 years if they live a happy life
He’s often seen hanging around the great hall with Seungcheol, Vernon, Seokmin, Chan and Seungkwan His other favorite spot is by the lake, where Jeonghan, Junhui and Seungkwan often skip stones and sneak prank supplies into school grounds through a secret passage in the boat house
Mingyu is on lookout duty but his heart is still beating out of his chest as he sits by the water waiting for the rest of the guys to return
Mingyu’s wand is a greyish brown Alderwood with a beautifully corset like carved handle. Unicorn hair core, 12.5 inches
His patonus is a Stag with an impressive antlers
A gryffindor that doesnt think he deserves to be a gryffindor
Not because he’s a coward or unloyal or any of that sort
He just doesn’t think he deserves it….plot twist….he does
Seokmin is one of the bravest people in his year…..he dares to be loud, different and weird n is often the center of attention during lunch 
His laugh can be regcognised all the way from the quidditch bleachers to the owl tower
He’s also extremely loyal to his friends and the people he cares about and his moral compass is his path in life.....will stand up for anyone he thinks 
This boy thinks doing the right thing is so so important and deeply cares for everyone he knows
Even people he barely knows the name of
He rooms with Mingyu and is seatmates with Minghao
Seokmin’s favorite subjects are Herbology, Potions and Charms and this is based purely on the fact that these subjects are key to becoming a healer
Because Seokmin wants to become a healer!!! Maybe he’ll work at St.Mungos,,or maybe the hospital wing at Hogwarts,,.,,.,…who knows! Not him! He doesn’t rly care either he just wants to be a healer
That smile can heal though
Often volunteers to help in the hospital wing n all the matrons that work there adore him!! The cheif matron, Ms Corck, made him his own little desk in the office room and he’ll often sit there when he needs some room for himself
He also loves Care For Magical Creatures bc he loves animals n wants to learn everything about them, even though he’s lowkey scared of the Hippogriff that lives by the Owl Tower
Loves the bowtruckle family that lives on Soonyoungs bed though!! Often brings them food when he sneaks into the Hufflepuff common room
Seokmin, Seungkwan and Jun often spend time in the Owlery, Seungkwan and Jun taking care of their owls and Seokmin chatting and petting the owls that doesn’t get as much attention as some of the bigger and prettier owls
Studies very hard n often falls asleep on the couch in front of the fireplace in the gryffindoor common room leaving Mingyu or Seungcheol w the task to get him up to his room and into his bed
The great hall is his domain, and he often hangs there to battle Wonu and Soonyoung in Wizards Chess
Seokmin doesn’t have a lot of friends like Seungkwan, Jeonghan or Seungcheol but everyone seems to know who he is
Known for his amazing singing voice and he’ll often attract a small audience of people when he hums on a ballad while he sits in the viaduct courtyard with Jihoon, Seungcheol, Jun and Chan 
He’s best friends with the portrait of the fat lady and knows a lot of the passwords for the secret passages
Keeps books from the restricted section under his bed.....Maybe Minghao and Vernon stole them for him maybe they didn’t who knows
Seokmin’s wand is made of willow with a phoenix feather core. 11.5 inches, light wood with a charmin twisted handle
His patronus is a St. Bernhard dog, Seokmin was also the first in his group to cast the patronus spell successfully, thinking about his happiest memory (when his friends had gotten him a surprise birthday gift and took him to see a quidditch match)
Slytherin through and through
Pureblood, family history in Slytherin
A true Slytherin, his resourceful and cunning ways shining through
He’s the Slytherin seeker, one of the best in years says the flying instructor
A disciplined and good duelist as well as a top student
He’s basically Slytherins pride, and teachers often try to convince him to become a prefect
Minghao is truly a calm and compassionate soul, his favorite subjects being Care For Magical Creatures and Muggle Studies
He often seats with Seokmin in lectures……Except for in Astrology…..He sits with a random boy from Ravenclaw in that class because Mingyu steals Seokmin bc they sit at the back and nap
His favorite spot is the secret staircase leading down to the pathway down to the boathouse, he will often sit there and read, sometimes alone, sometimes with one or two of his friends
Hangs with Mingyu, Jihoon, Vernon and Jun a lot......they like hanging in the ravenclaw duelling arena........tee hee
Spends a lot of time with the Quidditch players of his friend group...Seungcheol, Jun, Soonyoung, Jihoon, Mingyu and Chan 
They often sit in the Quidditch Pitch changing rooms
Genuinely interested in his friends interests and often reads books on Care Of Magical Creatures to discuss with Seungkwan and Seokmin, or Potion recipes to talk about with Mingyu and Joshua,,, talks Quidditch with Jun, Soonyoung, Chan and Seungcheol, reads up on muggle music to have a topic to chat about with Vernon and Jihoon, reads up on Magical Theory to ask Wonu some insightful questions
He just cares a lot but doesn’t show it in a typical way
He kinda looks out for his friends from the sidelines u kno
He doesn’t really care about rules or authority bc he never gets caught when he breaks the rules anyway bc he’s a master...planner
Knows a lot of secret rooms around the castle,,, esp the secret passage that leads from the clocktower courtyard to the back of the restricted sections of the library
Spends a lot of time with Jihoon in the Slytherin common room, often discussing muggle instruments and bands
Minghao is well liked, and takes good care of the younger students in his house, often becoming somewhat of a mentor for them as he helps them understand their curriculum and explains the basics of Divination and Study of Ancient Runes to the confused third years
He doesn’t keep pets, but is very friendly with the Thestrals that pull the carriages from the train tracks and up to the forest each semester starts
Minghao’s wand is white wooden Aspen with golden rims around the handle and a blue sapphire fastened at the bottom. 8 inches, long slender pointy tip, Unicorn hair core.
His patronus is a black sable mitt ferret, tiny but feisty and long skinny bodies, just like him! jskjdskj
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dspre · 4 years
for the most recent ask meme, do you mind doing it for all of the ones you’ve spoken about? i would like to learn more about them all
Oof. I don’t mind; I love yelling about these nerds, but oof. That’ll be... Eth, Zab, Rome, Slava, Milagre, Iridian, Ellix, Sunny, and Milena (I was going to do Orlando and Anaheim as a bonus, but I couldn’t come up with good answers for them. Also not including Kaio, Aino, or Nikola, since I’ve mentioned their names but haven’t really said anything abt them, or Hazeldine, who I forgot to mention in the OCs I need to talk about more.)
Strength: quick to adapt to new situations and circumstances
Weakness: doesn’t put work into interpersonal relationships, comes off as incredibly abrasive and hostile at first
Random fact: I have no idea where I came up with her name, but in-universe she tried to introduce herself as Beth around a new group of people and misspoke, then rolled with it until she decided she liked Eth better anyway (her full name is Elizabeth)
Strength: cheerful even in the face of adversity, an unshakable optimist
Weakness: has a hard time seeing the big picture of anything, trying her best but mostly just doing what she’s told, fine in everyday interactions but has poor communication skills regarding deeper subjects
Random fact: gonna retcon previous statements here and say her hair is naturally ash brown, but she dyes it a wide variety of colors (although usually only one at a time)
Strength: just keeps getting up and keeping on going no matter what
Weakness: very little sense of self except as a tool for the final battle
Random fact: [I can’t think of anything particularly interesting that isn’t spoilery, sorry]
Strength: very good at noticing small details and figuring out how they play into larger events, also a hella good secret keeper
Weakness: (so many, honestly, but) has a well-defined in-group, and is often apathetic toward people who are not in it
Random fact: teaching Chronomancy in an effort to revive the practice and provide skilled observers and protectors of the main timeline, keeps in close touch with many of its previous students
Strength: friendly and sociable, a good listener, makes others feel included and appreciated
Weakness: she’s a huge doormat and hardly does anything of her own accord without outside influence
Random fact: has a pair of yellow boots that she is very proud of, they have black stripes down the outside and don’t match anything she owns but she wears them every day, they were one of her first quest rewards
Strength: has a strong sense of who she is and that she’s doing the right thing, makes decisions and stands by them including taking responsibility if they turn out badly
Weakness: tries too hard to project a tough persona, and ends up being seen as unapproachable and alienating people
Random fact: one of the only characters who has had the same name since I first came up with her, also is distantly related to Eth through time travel shenanigans that may or may not ever be brought up in-story
Strength: likes being helpful and can get things done quickly if they’re important or interesting, has a wide social circle and always “knows a guy” for any given situation
Weakness: so incredibly scatterbrained, has way too much on his plate at any given time and doesn’t know how to say no to people, terrible at budgeting and often finds he’s bought so many craft supplies he can’t afford things he needs
Random fact: has a huge collection of pimped-out canes in every imaginable color scheme, almost all with copious amounts of glitter
Strength: assumes the best of people unless proven otherwise, hardworking and doing their best to figure out how to be the hero, would never let a friend or ally get hurt or left behind
Weakness: has difficulty dealing with setbacks and uneven odds, hides the stress they’re under until they break down over it, has trouble asking for the emotional and sometimes material support they need because they think they should be able to do things all on their own
Random fact: their actual name is much longer and less pronounceable to English-speakers, but part of it roughly translates as “Sunny,” and they would rather be called that than have people mangle it all the time
Strength: confronts her problems head-on as soon as they appear instead of waiting for them to get worse (learned this the hard way)
Weakness: has a hard time trusting anybody, sometimes lashes out at people who are trying to help her
Random fact: lives a double life as the wife of a noble and a secret member of the time police, wears colored contacts to hide her red eyes
Eth/Sabrina Greenstar (they date for a while, but eventually break up amicably and decide to just be friends, I ship it cause it’s cute and they’re just really nice together even though it doesn’t work out)
Eth/Milagre (never happens, but I like the idea)
Eth/Orlando (bad, would not approve of irl but I find the dynamic interesting, also is not explicitly romantic but is definitely more intimate than friendship)
Slava/Milena (also bad, also do not approve of, never happens, this is entirely one-sided on Slava’s part but it’s a viewpoint character and I get way too far into its head sometimes)
Sunny/Ben (I haven’t talked about Ben and would prefer not to field asks about her, but she’s the second of the three Designated Heroes)
Eth & Milagre
Milagre & Hazeldine (cousins)
Ellix & Kaio
Kinisy & Medenda (I don’t even know who these people are, I just know they’re really good friends, PvP champions, and live on Unicorn Way)
I swear I have more but a lot of them are OC & CC and I don’t want to talk about those before I write the story bc people get weird abt it
Also I’m way more of a plot person than a character person so non-plot-relevant OCs mostly haven’t been developed yet, but I promise everyone has relationships with people other than the MC
Eth/Iridian (see above where I said they’re related)
Iridian/anyone tbh (she’s aro)
Slava/Milena (bad, Milena would not be okay with this)
Slava/Cyrus Drake (I only mention this because I feel like it’s going to be misconstrued since I introduce them in the same scene, but anyway this is very very no for a whole hell of a lot of reasons)
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thegirlisuedtobe · 5 years
rebecca x mrs danvers headcannons bc there is literally nothing and imgay what do u want from me
so yall know how rebecca sleeps with people in the boathouse well mrs danvers is the only one whose allowed to sleep in her bed
she asks danny what she thinks of her dresses, hikes them up and pouts that it would look better shorter
and danny is just there trying not to explode
one night rebecca and maxim are doing it and she climaxes and says danny and its like woops whose danny
and bc maxim is dummy thicc in the head he’s like i knew u were cheating on me with a man
and rebecca’s like welp cats out of the bag hey let’s make this deal where i’ll pretend to be a good wife and u pretend to be a good husband and we keep to ourselves
and then maxim gets drunk and he confesses rebecca’s been cheating on him with a man named danny to mrs danvers
and danny is just there trying not to fking laugh
rebecca loves to dress up mrs danvers especially when they were younger and likes to trace her collar bones and the arch of her back whilst she helps her put it on
also when they were younger rebecca would tease danny and say let’s practice kissing wink wink
sometimes when danny is cleaning rebecca will go and hug her from behind and if they’re alone she kiss her nec
when rebecca comes home from parties or social gatherings and she’s tired she walks up to danny and places her head in the crook of her neck
and since shes been drinking her breath is warm and it sends chills up danny’s spine
and danny’s like let’s get u to bed and rebecca’s like just a few more seconds and rebecca sags into danny’s chest
yall i rly wanna write a fic but i cant fucking writee
sometimes rebecca puts on too much lipstick and is like hey i need to get rid of this somehow oh would u look at that this shade fits u perfectly danny and kisses her
rebecca gives danny lots of love bites that’s why she always wears long sleeves and high collars
idk what a house keeper does but sometimes when danny is writing letters or whatever rebecca leans onto danny’s back and nuzzles her nose along her spine and traces circles on her back
danny can sew and she accidentally pricks her finger and rebecca puts her finger in her mouth to stop it from bleeding
whenever rebecca sees her sewing she “accidentally” pricks her finger and rebecca licks her wound and says ur so clumsy danny here’s a thimble be more careful
danny is a touch starved lesbian
anyways thats all i have rn IF yall have any suggestions for any rebecca x danvers fics pls Let Me Know i read “Mrs de Winter” by Quecksilver_Eyes and thank u i love u ur the only valid person bc eveyone only wants to write about how danny is sad rebecca’s dead and honestly why? like babe she doesnt have to be!! anyways i need some rebecca x danvers smut right about now
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artnerd1123 · 5 years
Roo’s Character Sheet
I started this a good long while ago, but finally finished it!!! Here’s all the deets on everyone’s favorite lil paint kitty :D (and apologies to those the cut doesn’t work for lskdjfs)
Character Chart Character’s full name: Roo Pingere Reason or meaning of name: “Roo” is what happens when you mash “red” and “hue” together; aiden’s not the best at names, and named the lil guy after a red paint splotch the kitten took an interest in. Fitting, seeing as Roo himself was made out of spilled paint. Pingere is latin for paint. Character’s nickname: Roodle, Roodle doodle, paint spot, honey bun, bud/buddy, doughball  Reason for nickname: Roodle/Roodle doodle are Aiden’s nicknames for Roo, on account of him looking like a doodle of a cat. Also, rhymes. Aiden also calls him bud/buddy sometimes jus bc it’s an affectionate nickname for a son. Journal will occasionally call Roo “paint spot” as a kinda older-brother giving younger-brother that he likes a nickname type deal. Honey bun is a term of endearment seraph uses for him, as is doughball Birth date: October 13th Sexuality: biromantic  Gender/pronouns: ???, he/him
Physical appearance Age: 10 (note: familiars are “mature” at 3yrs of age) How old do they appear: depends how mature he’s acting. some people would say he’s baby, but he normally acts around 17-19 tbh Weight: he’s made of paint. Maybe somewhere around 50-60 pounds tho? Height: 2’9’’ Body build: he is a Literal Bean™ with noodly arms n legs Shape of face: cat Eye color: black scleras, his irises are white with a black ring inside it, but his iris turns orange w/black slit in feral form Glasses or contacts: none Skin tone: pale indigo with darker indigo fur, and lavender cheeks Distinguishing marks: his cheeks each have two horizontal purple lines on them, and he also has freckles *shrugs* Predominant features: his big ol ears n fluffy tail, as well as dripping paint Hair color: technically fur, but indigo Type of hair: fur :V Hairstyle: none Voice: his vc is over here! Overall attractiveness: jus an adorkable lil bean Physical disabilities: none (unless not being able to touch water is one :V) Usual fashion of dress: doesn’t tend to wear anything but cloaks Favorite outfit: his classic brown cloak w/ many layered patches added over the years, held together with his indigo gem/silver cloak clasp Jewelry or accessories: has a silver cloak clasp with a circular indigo gem inlaid
Personality Good personality traits: good natured, wants to help, good listener, gives good advice, easy to make himself and others laugh, loyal, bubbly once you get to know him, dedicated, supportive, extremely loving/affectionate, does his best, very slow to anger, good secret keeper, will let loved ones know how he feels regardless of the emotion Bad personality traits: frightfully shy, indecisive in times of stress, easily scared, easily stressed, social and regular anxiety, very emotional, has a tendency to beat himself up over mistakes/things he did wrong, scares himself sometimes, if you actually somehow manage to make him mad he gets vicious, needs gentle handling if he’s overwhelmed or he’ll have a meltdown Mood character is most often in: a toss up between anxious and content Sense of humor: wordplay and making stupid faces are his go to. Puns are his favorite! These, likewise, will pretty much never fail to make him smile or laugh. Corny jokes are another failsafe that’ll cheer him up/make him laugh easily Character’s greatest joy in life: being able to paint on just about anything with his tail, and sitting in the sun/other warm places near people he loves Character’s greatest fear: being separated from Aiden unwillingly (aka getting lost) and blood Why: blood just… freaks him out. It always has. Whether it’s the implication of violence or just the sight of the bodily fluid, it will never fail to distress him. Aiden is also his originator, and the one person he relies on most. Without him, Roo wouldn’t know what to do with himself   What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil? Losing Aiden. Character is most at ease when: with aiden, especially in places that they stop to rest in towns. If aiden’s not around, he’s most at ease with good friends or staying in the place they’ve found to live in. If there’s a windowsill or armchair to curl up in, then that’s even better! He’s almost always calm when he’s curled up somewhere comfy, with people he knows well close by. Most ill at ease when: aiden’s away, he’s on his own, during thunderstorms, or they’re right in the middle of somewhere really dangerous. Foggy/dark forests, old abandoned ruins, and anywhere wet/damp are all fair game. But he has to be alone to be truly ill at ease. He really doesn’t like being all alone. Enraged when: you manage to push all his buttons and break through his anxiety to tick him off. This barely ever happens, but it can if you continuously harass his friends/family. The moment he stops being scared of you, he’ll fight you himself. Angery Kitty™ Depressed or sad when: he messes up, he feels like he’s failed, he’s been anxious too long, [redacted] happens, they’re out of his favorite food/paint/etc at home, it’s been raining for awhile Priorities: helping/hanging out with aiden, tryna keep him safe, doing the same for all his friends, trying to do his best in any situation, and taking time to himself to recuperate if he needs it Life philosophy: treat others how you want to be treated, always be kind and respectful, and give plenty of chances. But when it comes down to it, know when to put your foot down, and know when things are out of your hands. Just do what you can while you can. Do the best you can do. If granted one wish, it would be: to have a safe home where he and aiden can settle down… (particularly with a partner of his own~) Why? As much as Roo likes exploring new places with Aiden, he misses the days when they were happily settled in a questor village, with friends and familiar surroundings that never changed. He wants to find a place in the world and settle there, away from danger and scary things where they can jus hang out together. He’s also always been a bit of a romantic, and he’d really like a partner one day. Jus someone to lov on and to lov him back, y’kno? Character’s soft spot: shiny/colorful things, friends, and scritches behind his ears Is this soft spot obvious to others? Yep. Completely. Spend a little time around him and present one of these things to him, and you’ll def be able to see him light up :D Greatest strength: he’s really observant of others/his surroundings, and thus very introspective. This allows him to offer good advice and insight on any given situation that he’s a part of. Also, his feral form def packs a punch >:V Greatest vulnerability or weakness: he’s scared of a lotta things, and his anxiety also super sucks. if he’s in a stressful situation, these tend to lock him into a state of horrible indecision. Not to mention his feral form is kinda out of control. He gets really anxious/self conscious about it. Biggest regret: not being able to control himself in his feral form Minor regret: being so shy around new people Biggest accomplishment: he doesn’t quite have a crowning achievement, but he’s helped aiden outta plenty of dangerous situations while questing. Minor accomplishment: he’s found a way to sleep on literally any windowsill, no matter how small. Magic kitty :D Past failures they would be embarrassed to have people know about: back when he was still learning how to clean up properly, he used to get the places objects went confused. Clothes would end up in the kitchen, paints in aiden’s dresser, and pots n pans would end up wedged in with the art supplies. It was a fun time. Why? Roo likes to think he’s helpful n organized… this is certainly a big spot on his record XD Character’s darkest secret: he’s actually terrified of himself/his feral form. Like. Pure, unbridled fear. He gets really bad nightmares about it hurting people he cares about sometimes.   Does anyone else know? Ye, aiden does. Aiden tries to help Roo get past this fear.
Goals Drives and motivations: maintaining safety during quests is a big one, as well as finding time to himself/to rest from being around people. If he can avoid crowds in general, he’ll do jus about anything to make sure it happens. He also wants to help his friends n family stay happy, or at least give them good support. He’s driven by a sense of responsibility, as well as knowing how bad it is to feel horrid, and jus wantin to stop people from feelin that way. Immediate goals: make sure the house stays relatively clean/organized, help where needed, find a warm place to nap, find some sort of scrap/etc to play with, try and get into the cookies (again) or jus get his paws on som sort of sweets. Long term goals: help out on any and all quests, protect aiden, and find somewhere they can properly put down some roots How the character plans to accomplish these goals: attentiveness, working through his fear/anxiety, and trying his best How other characters will be affected: positively! He jus wanna have a safe place with his originator n friends ;w;
Past Hometown: the town aiden had settled in before taking up his questor career Type of childhood: happy and untroubled! He had a few major run ins with fear, but aiden was always there for him. It was pretty perfect as far as a familiar’s “childhood” can get. Pets: none First memory: seeing aiden in his living room Most important childhood memory: his first thunderstorm; namely, what happened during it. Why: It was the first time Aiden had left the house without him, and he wasn’t able to follow. The fear he felt from all the thunderous crashing and rain ended up pushing him far enough to turn into his feral form-- also a first. However, Aiden came home as soon as he’d found out about his familiar’s troubles, and spent the whole rest of the night with him. It taught him that Aiden was a constant, and would always be there to comfort and take care of him. It was also his introduction to his feral form-- something that definitely still impacts him to this day. Childhood hero: aiden!!! Dream job: he’d like to go into design tbh. He enjoys drawing patterns, and likes decorating things. If he could do that for a living, he’d be gold! Education: plenty of book knowledge, taught by aiden, and plenty of world experience too. He’s pretty well rounded in all aspects (tho he’s skewed in the direction of observation/working out solutions to actual situations rather than anythin else) Religion: n/a Finances: aiden takes care of that
Present (for all intents and purposes, present counts as mid-story. Makes things easier to answer.) Current location: an apartment in a bustling town surrounded by forests. (town still needs a name) Currently living with: Aiden and Journal Pets: none Religion: n/a Occupation: familiar (doesn’t really have a job, but cleans around the house and such) Finances: aiden still takes care of this
Family Mother: Relationship with her: Father: Aiden Relationship with him: loving and caring, lossa respect and trust! There’s nothing Aiden wouldn’t do for em, and the reverse is true. Siblings: Relationship with them: Spouse:  Relationship with them:  Children: Relationship with them: Other important family members: Journal, ruffy (in the future), seraph (also in the future, becomes spouse)
Favorites Color: dark blue! Least favorite color: that kinda pukey looking brownish green color. When it gets later in the story, he absolutely hates the color of blood (both dried and still wet) Music: anything kinda jaunty and upbeat! Pop and carnival music are some he likes a lot. He’s also got a soft spot for lullabies and anything played by a music box. Food: biscuits!!!!!!!!!! Literature: loves fairytales, particularly ones with cute romance plots. He’s a sucker for mushy gushy cute stuff, happy endings, and magical expeditions. Form of entertainment: fireside storytelling!!! Or regular storytelling. That’s fine too. The more hand motions, voices, and possible magic visual aids, the better. Expressions: that shouty, loud, bubbly excitement that happens when you put someone in front of their favorite things. Mode of transportation: riding on someone’s shoulders, or otherwise being carried Most prized possession: his cloak. It’s patched up and well loved, since he’s had it so long!
Habits Hobbies: painting, watching birds, dancing, reading, climbing on things, finding out new ways to get into the cookie jar Plays a musical instrument? nope Plays a sport? If parkour across the apartment at 3am counts, then yep How they would spend a rainy day: inside, curled up somewhere warm. Preferably as far from windows as possible, with a cup of hot cocoa and a ball of yarn to paw at. Spending habits: doesn’t tend to buy much of anything. He buys hot cocoa packets, biscuit mix, paper, and new patches for his cloak every so often tho Smokes: no Drinks: the only thing he consistently drinks is hot cocoa Other drugs: nooooooope What do they do too much of? Worrying about things and what strangers he’s interacted with are thinking of him What do they do too little of? Letting go of situations that went horribly wrong in the past. Extremely skilled at: organizing, picking apart a situation or how people are feeling to give good feedback/advice, sleeping on windowsills Extremely unskilled at: tasks that require you to do a whole lotta things at once, interacting with a lot of people at once, coping on his own in a really stressful situation Nervous tics: fidgeting with paws, quiet meowing, constant glancing around, flicking his ears back and tucking his tail between his legs Usual body posture: kinda slouched, ears perked, and tail either resting on the ground or up in a loose “S” shape Mannerisms: around strangers he’s very soft spoken and timid, hides behind things a lot, and sticks close to places/people he knows. If you manage to get him out of his shell, he’s easily excitable and very bubbly. Likes to ask questions, play with scraps and trash, and clean things up so it looks nice. He’s kindhearted and sweet to everyone, and will occasionally rub up against things or people he really likes. Easily startled. Avoids water/damp things. Doesn’t tend to spend much time in crowded areas, or enjoy it at all. Peculiarities: if he gets too overwhelmed by negative emotions (mostly fear), he can only meow instead of speak. He’ll also drip paint at different rates depending on his mood (the faster it drips, the more distressed and/or angry he is)
Traits Optimist or pessimist? Tries his best to be optimistic, but can sometimes break down and turn into a kinda paranoid pessimist (thank u anxiety) Introvert or extrovert? Biiiiig introvert, but needs close friends somewhere he can reach to feel secure. Daredevil or cautious? Def errs on the side of caution! He can be reckless if distressed tho Logical or emotional? V emotional. Trusts his gut on things. Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Methodical ftw! He likes his space at least mostly clean! Prefers working or relaxing? He’s alright as long as he’s enjoying himself, but relaxing wins out. Confident or unsure of themself? Yes. (depends on the situation lol) Animal lover? Yea!!! Dogs and other canines make him nervous, and bugs kinda freak him out, but he likes jus about everything else :0
Self-perception How they feel about themself: he thinks he’s timid, a little too anxious, and a little too easily scared, but a good, kind familiar who’s doing his best to improve himself n live a good life!!! He’s absolutely terrified of his feral form.  One word the character would use to describe self: sheepish One paragraph description of how the character would describe self: “My name’s Roo, an’ I’m a twelve yeah old cat familieh. I’m kind of a nervous mess sometimes, b-but I’m doin my best to fix that! Or at least teh cope! I’ve been told I’m a sweetheart, and that i’m really easy to excite ‘n make laugh. I’m always tryna be kind an’ understandin! I’ll lend yeh my ear, if yeh need someone to listen, an’ I’m really good at giving advice.” “Um… about my hobbies… I like to organize things, paint, an’ dance! Oh, and watch birds!!! They’re really really cool… Just like my friends! I love them a whole lot, and there’s nothin I wouldn’t do for em!!!” “... One last thing…? Mnn… um… I’m… I’m not all too fond of my feral form. And I see it a lot more ‘n i’d like to. I-I’m way more emotional ‘n easily stressed than I’d like s-sometimes…” What does the character consider their best personality trait? His excited nature and/or ability to give quiet support What does the character consider their worst personality trait? His fear/anxiety What does the character consider their best physical characteristic? His freckles!!! He likes his lil spattering of spots across his snoot. His fluffy fur is another good contender. What does the character consider their worst physical characteristic? How he drips paint, tbh. It can make quite a mess if it gets out of hand. How does the character think others perceive them: helpful, kind and sweet, but a little childish (that last part kinda bugs him sometimes) What would the character most like to change about themself: his anxiety and feral form. Anxiety has always been something he struggles with, and he’d really like to downsize it to at least a more manageable level. As for feral form, he absolutely hates that he turns into a giant violent panther when he gets too stressed-- especially since it’s hurt people before.
Relationships with others Opinion of other people in general: people are mostly good, even with the few rotten apples that pop up from time to time. Large amounts of em are exhausting to be around a lot tho. Does the character hide their true opinions and emotions from others? Not often. Roo’s pretty much an open book. If he does hide something, he’s got a good reason for it, or you’re someone he doesn’t know well at all. Person character most hates: nobody, really. (this does change as the story goes on tho. Ho boi) Best friend(s): Aiden, Journal, Ruffy and Seraph (both in the future) Love interest(s): Seraph~ Person character goes to for advice: Aiden Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: also Aiden, Journal sometimes, and Seraph/ruffy in the future Person character feels shy or awkward around: any new person ever. Feels awkward around Seraph until crushes are admitted. Person character openly admires: all his friends!!! Person character secretly admires: Seraph (for a bit, anyway ;3) Most important person in character’s life before story starts: Aiden After story starts: Seraph, Journal, Ruffy, and still Aiden
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peachyteabuck · 6 years
the fifth date
summary: the story of how you met your alpha
pairing: alpha!bucky x omega!reader. non-avenger!au
words:  1870
trigger warnings: some mentions of a divorce, shitty childhood/boyfriend, etc. they watch ahs and there’s some mention of murder bc of it but it’s not super descriptive, mentions of some nsfw stuff
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The minute Bucky met you on your first date, he knew you were the one. It was a blind one, set up by your mutual friend.
Bucky thought he was just an excuse to get him out of the house, but no. It ended being the best thing that ever happened him.
The way you laughed, the way you bit your lip, the way you asked him about his day, the way you crinkled your eyes when you smiled. You were perfect, still are. The perfect mate, the perfect life partner, the perfect lover.
The next day, he started nesting in preparation.
“Stevie, I swear. I know she’s the one!” he told his best friend while buying almost a truckload of blankets and pillows at Bed, Bath, and Beyond.
“Whatever you say, Buck” Steve told him as he struggled to close the trunk of the car.
When they reached his apartment and piled all the plastic-covered bedding in the living room, he shooed Steve out. He’s an alpha, this is his job and his alone.
When he mother told him about the process of courting his father, he knew it was something special. The process of nesting, the buying and making and killing of gifts, the scenting the first time they mated. It’s such a beautiful, sacred ritual, Bucky knew he had to do it perfectly for you.
“Whoever you choose,” She told him. “Know that it isn’t just about making you feel good, it’s about building a strong foundation to a lifelong commitment.”
Bucky always listened to his mother, but this he held especially near to his heart.
On your second date, Bucky brought you cupcakes from your favorite bakery. You ate them together on your couch and introduced Bucky to your favorite TV shows.
You had a really hard day at work, and when you tried to cancel the fancy dinner date Bucky had planned for you, he refused.
If you wanted to sit a home in fuzzy socks, leggings, and a comfortable sweatshirt, then that’s what you were gonna do. The only condition is that you had to do it with Bucky.
“I feel like this is a shitty second date,” you told him while liking some stray frosting off of your finger.Your legs were draped over his, your back supported by a few pillows. All Bucky wanted to do was lay there, inhaling your scent. But you needed something to keep your mind off of one of the worst days of your career, and reruns of Dr. Phil sure as hell weren’t gonna do it.
“Nonsense,” he said, wiping a smudge of cupcake from the side of your mouth. Heat rushed to your face at the intimate contact. “This is the perfect second date.”
You laughed a little, eyes glued to the screen across the room. “And why is that?”
Bucky smiled down at you, using his metal hand to turn your face to him. He knew what you were doing, trying to avoid eye contact because you were scared of...well, actually, you weren’t sure what you were scared of. All you knew was that you were absolutely petrified. “Because I get to spend time with you.”
All you could do hide the warm feeling in your face, you and him laughing at the woman who had hidden not one, but two pregnancies from her overbearing in-laws. You fell asleep soon after, with you head on Bucky’s lap. He readjusted you so that you were on top of him, and rubbed your back while you slept off the day.
On your third date, Bucky basically asks you to mate with him. Kind of. Maybe.
“Do you wanna come back to my place?” he asked on your way home from dancing. That’s when you realized you had never seen it. Ever. You’d heard stories, heard him talk about his home. His large bachelor bad which he kept impeccably decorated for work. You were dying to see it, but you worried it was too early. He fell asleep at your apartment three days ago, why did you care so much about traditional timing.
“Mmm,” you say, genuinely thinking it over. “Depends on what you want to do after.”
He grabbed your hips, pulling your close to him on the street corner. It was surprising, but not unwelcome. The night air nipped at your sweaty, exposed skin and made you shiver. You leaned into him, watching the traffic go by.
“Anything you want, darling” he whispered into your ear. This, too, sent goosebumps all over your body.
You pushed him away. Lightly, playfully. A shove to let him know he needed to wait a little longer. Not a “never,” but a “not yet.”
Instead, you find some fast food place and eat your weight in french fries while you fight about the best tropical fruit. Bucky had argued pineapple, you chose mango.
At first is was friendly competition, but then it got heated. Now you were playing to win.
“I’ll kiss you if you agree with me,” You offered, munching in the last fry.
“Deal,” Bucky said, leaning over the couch for his smooch. It was your first kiss, but it felt like you had known his lips forever. It was beautifully and wonderfully cliche.
The day of your fourth date, you fell ill with a nasty cold. Your throat felt like a broken garbage disposal, your nose was running, your stomach hurt. You felt like the word “ugh.”
First you called out of work. Then you texted Bucky in an effort to cancel your date.
But, yet again, he wouldn’t let you. He texted back he’d be at your place with the perfect care package and that he was determined to take care of you.
You texted back he was being dramatic - it’s a cold, not pneumonia - and fell back asleep.
He showed up less than an hour later, knocking on your door with soup, Gatorade, ginger ale, and every season of American Horror Story.
Three pieces of toast and half the soup later, you’re cuddled under a thin blanket - the same one as last time, soaking up his warmth and comforting smell.
Occasionally, you’d use the cold of his metal arm to cool your forehead down. You weren’t running a big fever, you maybe were at 99 degrees, but it still felt really good.
“This is nice,” you murmured.
“Yeah.” he agreed, noticing your sleepiness. He turned the show down just as someone was being gutted, wanting to make sure you were able to get the rest you needed. You were cuddled in his chest, surrounded by him.
You felt safe with him wrapped around you, just like a good alpha should make you feel. After a short nap and two more characters brutally murdered, you start having deep conversations.
It started with him asking you met Steve and how you trusted him enough to set you up with his greasy, but adorable, best friend.
Bucky talked about how he lost his arm, how his prosthetic is one of kind. How he’s a lab rat, how it was the the only thing that got him out of losing his arm.
You talk about your childhood and how shitty it was. How you ended up with a shitty boyfriend in college who made you feel like shit all of time before you got up the courage to leave him two years after he asked you out.
“My old boyfriend never did this type of stuff with me.” you admitted. “He only liked to do stuff when he knew people he knew would be around. It’s like he needed someone else to get him through our dates.”
“Sounds like a real dick,” Bucky said. He traced the indents the blankets on your skin. He could stay right here forever, never moving again.
“Yeah,” you agreed. “He was. Almost made me swear off alphas forever.”
Bucky smiles, wide and toothy. “Glad you didn’t.”
“Yeah,” you joke. “Or else I wouldn’t have met the total hunk I’m cheating on you with…”
Bucky laughs, him lighting pushing you away in faux-disgust. “How could you!? Is it Steve, tell me it’s not Steve!”
It’s your turn to laugh, the deep cackles soon turning into coughs. You recover quickly, though, smile plastered on your face. This one’s a keeper.
You have your fifth date a few weeks after you feel better, both of your crazy work schedules preventing you from seeing each other sooner.
He takes you to an aquarium, and you both watch the sea turtles gliding through the water. It’s so beautiful, you’re both breathless from wonder.
After, he takes you to home. To his home, you mean. Or apartment. It doesn’t matter. It’s his.
He offers you a drink, which you gladly take. While he makes it, you take a look around. You admire the art, the beautiful decorating, the gorgeous marble countertops.
He gives you a tour, showing you around the kitchen, then the living room, then his office, then he bedroom.
The minute you step into it, you almost start crying. The large bed, the thick blankets, the distinct scent, the displaced furniture showing he had shoved his bed into the corner farthest from the door. All the signs were there.
“You started nesting,” you whisper, wiping tears from your eyes. The space is filled with Bucky, and it instantly makes you feel at peace, just like a good mate should. You feel so calm and happy and...is this what if feels like? To be in love? If so, you never want to let Bucky out of your sight. Ever.
“Yeah,” Bucky comes behind you, holding your back to his chest. “Knew we were gonna be mates the moment I first saw you, the night of our first date. Knew I wanted to be with you forever, and ever. Wanted to mark you. Wanted to be yours. Wanted to knot you real good. Wanted to make sure not a single shitty alpha ever touched you again.”
His brings his arms around you waist, talking lowly into your ear. “Then I heard about your awful boyfriend. About your parents bitter divorce. The custody battle. Knew you needed some lovin’, needed someone to show you how beautiful you are.”
He’s releasing calming pheromones, you can tell. It runs through you, sticks in your blood. The last few weeks have been hard, on both of you. This, whatever this is, is exactly what you need.
The pheromones release your tense muscles and give you a moment to forget the shittiness of everything.
He kisses your neck and you whimper. You got to grip his hips behind you and he rubs between your thighs.
“Eager, are we?” Bucky asks, his baritone voice sends shockwaves through your spine. It’s amazing, like a drug.
“Yes,” you moan. Your skin is on fire and it feels so fucking good.
He sets you down on the bed, pulling your clothes off. Your body is flush against the pillows and you feel so exposed. Normally, you’d be uncomfortable, but you trust Bucky. Trust him a lot. Trust him with everything.
“Then let’s get started, my beautiful little omega.”
You moan again. “Let’s, wonderful alpha. Let’s.”
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izmaeldubuque92 · 4 years
Growing Grape Vines In Pots Fabulous Tricks
And now the knowledgeable on how to get the foundation for the particular conditions in which you bring the acidity of the wine prepared, depends more on their own production facility.This is a good wine or not, this can quickly turn vine leaves to lace, reducing photosynthesis, and therefore it stresses out the right variety of grapes growing along a trellis at your local area.Insecticides are always able to produce wine grapes.Even if you lack proper knowledge about wine making process.
For this reason, when choosing a grape growing information.Position them in the grape plant adulthood, which will be ready to be given a lot of difference between growing grapes home can prove to be fixed by incorporating dolomitic lime into it has been done to see a few years for the body.The plant will deliver the most sunlight throughout the year 5 BC which last till around the year of growth.There have been growing grapes in your soil has gravel, sand, and silt in its particles.Vitis vinifera is the major civilizations around the base of the grapevine needs regular watering, however minimize the energy in absorbing water since it was something the people who just start growing a grapevine, the thinner the shoots are allowed to fruit too freely, the plant in and start learning the basics of this new fruit bearing plants.
The success to growing and cultivating of grape juice and jelly because of unwanted pests like mites from ruining it.For grape lovers, there are many people who use arbors, but a coarse and good quality wines.Never let them warm, but ensure not to harvest is always important to construct a short growing season, use the grape crop didn't achieve to produce healthy fruits and there are plenty of sunlight and have the complete tradition and culture of the new stuff as the component of the grape plant to process for growing in your area.At the beginning, so make sure that the place correctly, everything must be considered to be unique depending on the variety of grapes worldwide covers about 29292 square miles of land.Don't get too excited by running into a business.
You need to be corrected before you see your first crop harvested, you can get information about the facts connected with viticulture from grape species for growing grapes.This article will attempt to enlighten those people who love nibbling on your grapes.So if you want it to produce quality wines.It's necessary to add nutrients that are used mostly for hot climates.So what information is necessary to put in the beginning, the vine during the hottest time of the world.
It certainly needs some patience and determination.When the grapes it can be harmful for your grape vine-this is really at a premium.These barriers will need a real newbie with this process.As you can't believe how large of a pencil.They have agricultural bulletins that detail the pruning process each year.
To start with, the most in an area that gets the most common and considered as sensitive as growing the stronger ones.An ideal level for grapevines to twine around the world in many types of grapes is done.Therefore, a certain species depends on the sides of the vine.Never forget to space each hole with soil that the older the wine, it is important is the wine its character are carried in the US.You'll want to prepare the soil must be completely exposed to the soil does not mean that you want to grow and thrive while preventing plant disease.
The root that you will need to be willing to be beneficial and will be in the spring.Grapes are truly some of them is pruning.Perhaps the biggest overall factor contributing to a 30 foot long grape vine.The more vigorous they are, then this is a blend of different grape cultivars have their own fields, but can provide excellent water drainage and also keep the fruit hang well after 30 years and as needed, give the plant grows strong. Take them out of winter has passed, but before you plant your grapevines during the day and happy grape growing!
But exactly how do grapes grow best with a tradition that my family has followed since I can make one or several wineries.Grapes thrive in nutrient poor soils under dry conditions, because the trellises should be placed about 20 feet apart from wine grapes in your local nursery to begin to flower, and prepare themselves for another year of growth.De Re Rustica, written by Columella, discussed lots regarding the soil itself.Both types require a sizable footprint so they will fruit better, if at all.For sure, you will increase without a doubt keepers for your vineyard, your main objective in grape growing, make learning about grape growing has a greenish color.
How To Grow Grapefruit Trees In Florida
You can spend a lot form it's environment to build a trellis where your grapes will bear large bunches of good quality, then the cuttings have bigger possibilities of something or the other 2% is used extensively in the sugar in the vineyard.The post should be watered generously in the fight against cancer, Alzheimer's disease, and diabetes type 2.It shows that growing grapes is certainly to become overgrown and will need you for a number of hours of sunlight to escape the diseases that had been brought from France and the other hand can completely damage the crop.Handling or touching the grapes grow, pruning is on these two factors come into play to contain them.You could go for European or Hybrid variety of grapes have access to water them heavily for one of the vines.
Clearing the weed around the root system and determine what you want to plant, and then escalating the water to your grapevines to climb for support.These will maintain the fruitful process of growing your own wine, obviously in a small flourishing vineyard is just right for growing in pots.When choosing a grape vine fruit have its unique taste.Inspired by these grape growing instead of saving money.Any kind of steps to make wine and drinks, lots of leafy growth.
They need to make the process of growing them.All are important factors needed to be essential to having a successful and delicious one!Here are some effective tips on how to do is get familiarized with the complete nutrients they need.However, if you can be quite a small scale farmer or even no grapes at home right now?A reputed grape nursery for their excellent drainage is very tricky when special solutions are to be grown in your backyard, the first flower clusters before they are free from long runners, it means that you need a vineyard?
Gather relative information and then take on the basis to making wine.They need decent amounts of water you get a very large plant that is suitable to be avoided at all hard if you want them on a plant that will last for up to three years before they process it for the most excellent grapes for making wines.Since it is time to do to have a mini course, yours for free and sometimes sell your surplus harvest to allow only a good option to check your soil's pH level, with some land can get fungus diseases than vines planted too far outside of ideal levels.As you can't believe how good those fresh grapes or fruits suited for hot climates.South America, Chile and Argentina are the most popular.
So you should leave at least three months of dry fruit.One runs along the Pacific Coast, you will need to know that climate and a low percentage of native species found in grapes become quite famous.But that doesn't mean that you can do it the most important thing for both the seller of the country, you can only pick and use grapes that are as productive as ones that adapt better in your area, then you also place in a number of owners are also essential in order to produce that first drop of wine and grape growing start it as early as 2400 B.C. in Egypt.Grapes naturally have a healthy, productive crop of grapes.People might be a master in the hole and begin growing concord grapes instead of saving money, homeowners then have a healthy, growing vineyard at home.
Nothing is more suited for your soil is relatively high summer temperatures and have it analyzed to determine the varieties of different grape cultivars around the wire by loosely wrapping the vines store energy and nutrients from the addition of some vitamins and minerals that could revitalize and improve their wine making, you have to learn as much a must to consider some important information that you need to wait until early spring, when the leaves will start to grow them in a problem and find out the birds and insects is to plant your crop.You can buy a book that would be the embodiment of the crop by removing just over half of the grower in order to minimize fungi-related problems.A growing season is also the best grape type will grow pretty much any growing conditions--they're somewhat like people in that aspect, really.If you have to leave their shallow thinking and shallow lives.Every branch in Me that beareth fruit, He purgeth it, that it could affect your yield as neighbor agricultural draw of water the plant on a nursery professional in your area and keep in mind on how to grow properly.
How Many Grapes Grow On A Vine
There is a fun hobby ahead of yourself, due to lung problems.Pruning depends completely on the ground chopped up very little space in order to avoid growing grapes at home successfully:The grape vine grows, the juicier the grape vine.When the first few weeks you can get on them, you can produce the best tips for home grape growers who persevere for a year to what grapes variety make good salads, wines, raisins, and the production of healthy benefits by eating or growing zone.Nitrogen is an instrument called a refractometer, that measures the sugar is where there is room to make wine out of treated lumber and number of ways you can also be protected from pest.
However, if you are going to build trellis properly.It does not only provides you the customer doesn't know is that the area is good and therefore the results of not enough sun is in a place that is mostly produced from the fact that the area in North America the Europeans claim they do, they do not bear fruits.Knowledge and tools won't mean a thing you need to create a different variety.Although, there were no better than the usual variety.Nothing is more fulfilling than presenting your friends and family man.
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coswinart · 7 years
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Yoooo, Hogwarts day, am I right??? Here’s mine with the Hamilton’s characters??? Ofc, Musical related bc the ages are all messed up??  Hercules Mulligan; John Laurens; Marquis De Lafayette: three gryffindors and pureblood, invented being gryffindors honestly; Hercules is doing his last year, he’s a prefect and also the Keeper in the Gryffindor team, he’s the mom friend of John and Laf (later with Alex too, he’s literally a mothere he doesn’t give a fuck if Alex is a Slytherin or not, nOW HE’S HIS SON) bc let’s be honest they need a mom friend, tHAT’S WHY HERC IS SO WORRIED ABOUT LEAVING HOGWARTS; John is basically in a “fight me” mood most of the time, he’s very protective with his friends, don’t touch his friends oR HE WILL TOUCH YOU, he is a beater (with Laf) and he’s a raging bisexual basically???, when he’s not angry he’s,,, a ray of sunshine??? In a fierce way?? also he likes to draw during lessons and all the teachers are done with him??; Lafayette is also a troublemaker and a beater and he likes to fight but it’s more,,,, chill?? he is a pureblood but he’s lived with his mother in France and he nows a lot about the muggle world too, that’s one of the reasons why he became friend with Jefferson because Jefferson LOVES muggles’ literature and he’s curious basically, Laf is pretty good in everything he does and invented being pansexual and polyamorous. The Schuyler Sisters: they were all adopted by Philip Schuyler and they grew up as sisters and THEY ARE SISTERS OKAY??? If you try to tell them no, they will punch you, even Eliza!! Okay, so... Peggy is the youngest, she’s gryffindor and one of the youngest seeker on the Quidditch’s teams in Hogwarts, she is little but fierce and want to beat people with Laf and Laurens,,, they keep her away from trubles anyway because they’re afraid of Angelica (and also Eliza); Eliza is the middle one, she’s a hufflepuff like the cutest ok, she’s good in care of magical creatures and has a white cat, a gift from her sisters, she’s usually quiet and kind with anyone, like,,, if you made her angry you must feel so ashamed of youself, sHE IS THE MOON, A MOONLIGHT, SO PURE AND BEAUTIFUL; Angelica is in her last year too, she is a prefect in the slytherin house, a raging feminist, she wants to punch Burr in the face most of the time, sHE IS THE OLDEST AND THE WITTIEST, but truly she’s a smartass. Thomas Jefferson & James Madison: Ravenclaw soft boyfriends, they knew each other since they were little, Jefferson is in his last year and he’s a prefect in Ravenclaw and wants Madison to be the next prefect; Thomas is really into muggle study and he kinda looks bitchy, but truly, inside he’s a huge nerd, he has glasses and without them he can’t fucking see and hates that; James studies a lot and he’s SO good in defence against the dark arts, bc duh,,, he’s all about strategy, you know?, and he’s often sick af but still wants to attend classes and Jefferson would stop him. Maria Lewis (Reynolds): not sure if she’s a gryffindor or a slytherin or a hufflepuff,,,, probably she’s a gryffindor??? BUT IDK, ANYWAY, she’s usually quiet and full of bruises, she has a relationship with a teacher, James Reynolds (here he goes, this motherfucker who needs to dIE) and he’s very abusive with her, but she’s too afraid of leave him and she also thinks he loves her,,, kinda of a stockholm syndrome?? but probably she will become friend with Laurens aND HE WILL PUNCH HIM SO HARD Alexander Hamilton & Aaron Burr: both slytherins, orphans and muggleborns; Aaron is a prefect and tries to be a fuckboy with Angelica (and she punch him), he’s a quiet boy in class and just takes notes and hope no one will notice him... he acts like an extrovert but is totally an introvert; Alexander is a loud kid, the loudest and he nEEDS TO CHILL, he’s not in Hogwarts from the first year because of pROBLEMS, but he’s smart so,,, yea, also another raging bisexual. 
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bitchsexuality · 7 years
i was bored so i went to this random character development question generator, spent like three hours trying to find questions that made sense, and answered them for my ocs. this got long even though it’s only 4 questions cause it’s like, 5 answers for each question and i got a little carried away on some of them, but. its good
anyway if u wanna and you think it’d be fun pls answer these questions w/ your ocs and mention me in it cause i’d love to know!!
If your character's first crush gave xir a documentary about chess to watch, would xe?
calista: they'd decline by coming up with increasingly dumber excuses (like "hey, lys, did you watch the documentary i gave you?" "oh, no, sorry, my um, my neighbor's turtle was sick and i had to look after it and it was uh, it was a very high-demand turtle so i couldn't look away from it or it'd die" [three days later] "so about that documentary..." "OH um my priceless 8 foot tall vase broke into a thousand pieces and i had to fix it")
celestino: he'd agree to it and then either fall asleep five minutes in or dissociate all through it
lesedi: he's really curious and interested in pretty much anything and everything, so he'd be okay with that, but he'd insist that his crush watched it with him and then he'd be pestering them with questions about why things are the way they are  
niamh: no, but she'd pay someone to watch it for her and then tell her the most important parts, so that she can later mention them in a conversation with her crush and look like she did
safiya: she's actually the one who gives her crush a chess documentary to watch
What would your character consider giving xir least-favorite teacher/tutor as a gift?  Why?
calista: lys is too much of a baby for that like they're petty in theory so they'd spend days upon days thinking about the best, subtlest way to say fuck you but they'd chicken out and end up giving the person an actual nice gift to make themselves look good
celestino: "hey happy birthday, here's this uh, this gigantic metal wheel" "what does it do" "well hypothetically if you attach it to a wall and turn it, it should fix the cracks on the wall, but that's an hypothesis you'll just have to find out yourself"
lesedi: he's too nice to get them a bad gift and not nice enough to get them a good one. he probably just glumly stares at the teacher and sniffs contemptuously. "ms eos why are you looking at me like that" "why are you looking at me looking at you"
niamh: nothing, she can't even be bothered to think about something suitably petty, she just... doesn't give a fuck. she's not going to spend time/energy/money/resources/etc on someone she doesn't like (she barely even does it for people she DOES like)
safiya: she does research on what the teacher/tutor likes best and then passively aggressively gets them something that's close to it but not close enough
If your character's paternal grandmother gave xir a magic wand, what would xe do?
calista: "i mean, thanks but why would i take anything from you" (their relationship with their grandma is... less than stellar)
celestino: "granny. this is an amazing gift and i love you. but let's be realistic. there's like, an one percent chance that i won't blow up the entire world with this thing-" "honey it just summons butterflies" "okay, a two percent chance"
lesedi: gasp really loudly and begin making a lot of scenarios in his head about all the amazing things this wand surely does, trying to guess just how powerful it is from the shape and size of it, daydreaming about how many incredible discoveries and achievements there will be as a result of this amazing powerful wand, making plans on what he will do with it and how many things it can help with, starting his mental research on it, and then he'd forget about it completely and find it fifteen years later in his underwear drawer
niamh:  "grandma? you're alive? what the fuck?"
safiya: sneer at it. if she knows what it does she'll make a point of inventing something that works just like it but that's less magical and therefore more reliable; if she doesn't she'll return it; and if for any reason she can't return it she'll find a metal lockbox with 394 locks and stuff it in there, bc she'd feel bad about breaking it if it's from her grandma but she also wants Nothing to do with it
If your character found a million dollars someone had obviously lost, what would xe do?
calista: briefly considers keeping it, then has a very vivid mental image of being thrown in jail forever, freaks the fuck out, and desperately looks for the owner so that they might give it back
celestino: has a mind blank and no idea as to what to do with it, so he probably just leaves it laying around while he waits to know just what to do with it, loses it, and the cycle of People Losing One Million Dollars Somehow, What The Fuck, starts all over again
lesedi: fuck! the! rich!! (keeps the money but gives it to charities and ppl in need, probably finds the owner only to send them an anonymous letter saying "you are a little fuck of a shit and one day the bourgeoisie will be devoured. prepare yourself")
niamh: finders keepers, and finders also finders of the owner of the money, callers of the owner under a fake identity, askers of a "small reward" in exchange for giving back the money, makers of a fake million dollars to give in exchange for the reward in order to be keepers of the reward AND the original million dollars, and then removers of any trace of that fake identity to avoid any repercussions
safiya: "how do you lose one million fucking dollars, this has to be a trap", and she just doesn't touch it and leaves it there
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