#i probably would still be going for lessons right now had i not joined
wp100 · 2 years
who would've thought that the person who introduced me to the programme ive been at for the past 5 months (that's "ended" now bc i got a job, but hey im a success story now) is now my friend. she was a total stranger when i walked into the seminar. i legit hesitated for 2 weeks about the whole thing too. i do not regret joining it one bit. i also do not regret hesitating, it's nice to have a think about something before you try it (unless it has a time limit, this didn't)
it changed my life.
if there's an opportunity right in front of you, just go for it. if it doesn't work out, you can drop out. literally this is a life lesson. do NOT be afraid to get out of your comfort zone and try new things. it'll work out in the end. i promise. life's too short to wallow in your misery.
the hardest thing to do is to Start. once you overcome that step, everything will eventually fall into place.
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luulapants · 1 year
Existential despair is so common in a person's twenties, I think, because up until that point, we've had a pretty clear road map for what's expected of us and we haven't had much reason to question that map. There are still a few milestones outlined for us (start a career, get married, make babies) but more and more young people are entering the post-school world and realizing:
A) that career thing just isn't happening like they said it would
B) I'm not ready to get married/I don't want to get married/marriage isn't the sort of life-altering event that it used to be
C) I'm not ready to make babies/I don't want a baby/I can't afford to raise children right now (see point A)
And in the absence of these milestones to shoot for (which one could argue weren't the promise of fulfillment they claimed to be in the first place), what we're left with is this aimless abyss of "the rest of our lives" sprawling out ahead of us with no indication of how it will go or what we should be doing to shape it. Young people start their first jobs, find they hate them, and think to themselves, "Is this it? Am I just supposed to do this job until I'm too old to do it or die first?"
Which is, yeah, really fucking depressing!! So here's my best attempt at an alternate roadmap for young people that don't vibe with the old model. Please feel free to add in your own suggestions!
Learn how you work and what you want out of a job. Unless you've been in a job-specific training program that gives you hands-on experience, your first jobs should be experiments. Learn how a full-time job feels for you, what elements are more or less difficult. Different workplaces have different cultures and expectations - what do you need out of a job environment? Do you need to find fulfillment in your job or is it enough for it to pay the bills and leave you time to find outside fulfillment? Do you want to climb a corporate ladder or are you content to hunker down as long as your bills get paid? This period of experimentation is exhausting and may feel like it's consuming your whole life.
Learn how to make time for things outside of work. Adapting to a full-time work environment often leaves you feeling so drained that you can't do anything but go home and collapse on the couch every day. That's fine - for a little while. But it can also become a habit. You need to learn how to do things after work or you'll go crazy. Go to a trivia night. Start an exercise schedule. Take a class in your community. Find volunteer work. Join a band. You will find that putting more things into your day makes you feel like you have more time, not less.
Find a community. Making friends as an adult can feel impossible. Where do you find these mysterious friends everyone seems to have?? This goes along with #2, though. As you start regularly attending the same activities, you will find that repeat interactions with the same people turn into friendships or at least friendly acquaintances. Say yes to invitations. Get involved in your local community. Strive to be connected enough to bump into people at the grocery store.
Unlearn bad lessons. We all internalize some messed up things when we're growing up. As you start off your adult life, that's the time to actively work at unpacking the things you've brought with you from childhood and deciding which things are helping you and which things are harming you. This might mean therapy or joining a spiritual group or reading new things or just making special time to be in your own head.
Learn the lessons you missed. In this, I mostly mean practical things. "Adulting." Areas of your day-to-day practical life that are causing you extreme stress are probably related to a knowledge or experience gap. Do you hate cooking and cleaning or were you not taught how to do it properly? Are you afraid of making medical appointments or is it just something new you're not used to? Does money make you queasy or do you need to learn how to make a budget?
Find something fulfilling. This can be your job. It can be volunteer work. It can be faith. It can be a hobby. It can be creating things. It can be challenging yourself physically. It can be activism. It can be going for walks in nature. Everyone finds fulfillment in different places. If you're not finding it where you are, look somewhere else.
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brooooswriting · 7 months
Do you think you could do a part two to the tutors to lovers leighton fic absolutely loved it 😍 no pressure though xx
Tutors to lovers 2
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“Y/n y/m/n y/l/n” your mothers voice suddenly rang.
Gosh you were fucked.
You and Leighton quickly pulled away, trying to fix whatever you could before turning to your mom. “Mom, what are you already doing here?” You asked hectically, your voice wavering.
“I should be asking you that. What are you doing here making out with that blondie? This is the reason you’re failing y/n” she said, her voice harsh as she took a step towards you. You were used to them being disappointed in you but it wasn’t often that they said it out loud like that. Leightons phone rang again and you gave her a nod to signal that it was okay if she left. She was reluctant but still did as it was her father calling.
“Mom please, she’s to only re-“
“No! This is not ok y/n and we are going to talk about it once your father is here. I am very disappointed in you” you sighed and gave her a nod. By now you were happy that Leighton left, unknown to you she could still hear every word your mother said. Luckily other students and their parents filled the room before your dad came. “We are going to sit down. Your father will join soon” your mother said making you nod and walk up to your place.
Not long after the blonde came into the room followed by her parents. You could feel your mom’s eyes on her, an annoyed look on her face when she realized that the blonde would sit next to you. Her parents gave you a warm smile and greeted you with a hello which you quickly returned. Leighton send you a comforting smile, shifting so her thigh was touching yours to give you some comfort. A couple of minutes later your father joined, followed by some whispering between your parents and then a disappointed look from your dad. It was obvious that she told him what she walked into making this weekend an even bigger hell. Throughout the whole lecture your parents nagged you. ‘Why didn’t you know what?’ ‘Why didn’t you say that?’ ‘This was literally so easy’ ‘Didn’t you learn anything?’ And even if you said something they played it down, ‘your sister was able to do that in 9th grade’
Leighton in contrast was extremely proud of you, it may have taken a while but you finally understood the topic. “You did great” she whispered into your ear, her hand finding yours for a moment. This interaction alone gave you new energy to deal with your parents and their disgusting behavior. Once the lesson ended it was time for lunch in the cafeteria, another nightmare of yours.
“So, do you have any friends?” Your dad asked, even though it was more rhetorical you decided to answer.
“Yes dad, I do. I’m not some weirdo” you walked in front of them, leading them towards the cafeteria. As soon as all three of you had food, you walked to your usual table. On the way there you stopped at Lila’s, caneens, Willows, Jenna’s and some others just to show your parents that you had a lot of friends. You couldn’t help the smile that came onto your face when you saw your usual table, Whitney, Bela, Kimberly and obviously Leighton, sitting there with an annoyed look on their face. Each of them trying to tune out their parents.
“Those are your friends?” Your mother’s voice was clearly portraying her emotions which made you sigh again. Probably the 100th time today. You gave them a nod and settled next to Whitney, opposite from Leighton.
“Oh, you sat next to Leighton in math just now right?” Henry asked once he looked at you, a friendly smile on his face. You smiled back and nodded at him.
“Yeah, I’m y/n. She’s actually the only reason I’m passing that class, she’s so smart” you send both of them a smile before pushing your food around. Normally you were more than happy with cafeteria food when it was build your own pasta bowl day, but your mother had made a comment about your weight just before lunch.
Leighton send you a quick text asking if you were alright as you didn’t eat, her face full of concern as she looked up at you. You only gave her a nod with the best smile you could muster.
“You shouldn’t wear this top, it looks terrible” your mother suddenly said making everybody at the table look at you. You only gave her a nod, to scared that you’d cry if you talked, before standing up and leaving the room. The blonde waited for a moment before excusing herself ‘to get another water’ but it was no use. She couldn’t find you anywhere and when she texted you, you told her that you’d be back shortly.
And you were. Fifteen minutes later you came back, dressed differently than before and new layer of makeup on your face. You sat back down giving everybody a small smile, trying to act as if nothing had happened. But all of them knew, they weren’t stupid and they wished that they could do something. “We should go. We have another event planned” your parents said and stood up, giving you an expecting look which made you stand up too.
“I’ll see you later” you told the rest turning back to your parents “I’ll just use the restrooms real quick” they nodded and told you that they would be waiting in the room of the event, not caring about walking with you. You sighed once you entered the bathroom, happy that it was empty as it gave you some space. You’d have never thought that your parents could make you feel even worse than they already did all those years, but here they were destroying everything new you had and humiliating you in front of your friends, and even worse Leighton. As you stared into the mirror new tears formed in your eyes. You hectically wiped them away when the door open just to reveal the blonde.
“Hey, I just wanted to see how you’re doing” she said as you turned towards her, your back against the sink with your hands resting on top of the cold surface.
“I’m good, thank you” it was a good lie, everybody would have believed it. With a family like that you had gotten good at faking and lying. But after spending hours on hours cramped up in a dorm or in the library there was no way that you could lie to Leighton, especially after you tried many times just to stop the tutoring. The problem was that, even though she could see past the lie, she didn’t know what to say. All those years she had complained about her family and sure sometimes they could be annoying and rude, especially her mother but they were nothing against yours. Plus, her mother showed that she could change, she was happy for Leighton when she came out and supported her when it came to the decision that she wasn’t joining kappa.
She looked at you for a moment before deciding that there was nothing she could say that would even out what your parents said. So she instead leaned in to kiss you, pulling you closer to give you comfort. It helped, a lot. The closeness to her gave you new energy, you just had to wait until your parents left again so you could be happy again. It was as easy as that. That’s atleast what you tried to tell yourself. She only pulled away when there were footsteps in front of the door. “My parents want to invite you and your family to have dinner with us tonight, we are going to the fanciest place in town. So I’ll come over and help you choose an outfit when our parents go back to the hotel ok?”
You didn’t have it in you to have a discussion, so you only nodded. “I should go now before they kill me” you pressed a kiss to her cheek and went to the building next door, trying to find your parents in the sea of people. Sadly, you found them rather quick and sat down.
“The Murray’s found us” your dad started the moment your ass touched the chair, “they invited us to dinner. Great. As if we haven’t already spend enough time with them.” You decided not to say anything, everything you said they’d use against you.
“We want you to break up with that blonde” your mother added moments later making you freeze.
“What? No way. Why would I?”
“Because she’s bad for you. You’re failing” you could only shake your head, it amazed you how they would never listen to you.
“She’s the reason I’m not failing, mother. She tutors me and now I’m got from an E to a C and the prof said that if I keep up the work I’ll easily get a B and he’d give me some extra work that will get me an A. Than I’d have a gpa from 3.8. What more do you want?” You argued. There was nothing else you could do to please them any more. You’d never be enough for their standards.
“Don’t talk to your mother that way” you couldn’t believe it. Of course that was the only thing he heard, not the fact that you had a great GPA or the fact that you found a smart, loving partner. No, only that you weren’t 100% nice to your mom.
4 hours later, you walked into the restaurant immediately seeing the table filled with your friends and their parents. You were clad in a suit like outfit that Leighton had chosen, the colors matching what she was wearing. “Hello everybody” you said and sat down between the blonde and Kimberly’s mother.
“Ah, great to see you y/n. Where are your parents? Still waiting for the valley?” Belas dad asked, receiving an elbow from her mother.
“Uhm, no. They said that they couldn’t make it, sorry” you mumbled, fumbling around with the sleeves of your top. It was embarrassing but you felt like you would disappoint the rest if you didn’t show up.
“Well, I for one am very happy that you’re here. You’re such a nice young lady” Kimberly’s mother said, her hand squeezing your shoulder in a comforting manner. The rest of the table nodded in agreement making you blush a bit.
“Thank you very much Mrs. Finkel, that means a lot to me” the woman talked with you for a bit before you guys decided to order. While you waited you talked to everybody at the table, it felt like a big family. Something you had always wished for. Just as Evette asked you something you saw your parents walk in. And sit at another table. You swallowed heavily before quickly focusing on Evette again, hoping that nobody else noticed them.
“So, y/n, any suitors?” She concluded before looking at you expectantly. You opened your mouth, unsure of what to say until you felt leightons had squeeze your thigh.
“Actually, I’m dating Leighton” you gave them a smile as you intertwined your hands together and placed them on your thigh. PDA wasn’t her strong suit and you were fine with that.
“Oh that’s so great. Whitney, why don’t you have somebody like her?” Her mom said causing everybody at the table to giggle. You collected all your courage and looked over at the Murray’s who gave you a warm smile, your shoulders immediately relaxing. You turned your head further to look at the blonde who was already looking at you. You only smiled at each other, forgetting everybody around you for a moment.
Once dinner was finished and paid, all of you walked out. Running into a, to you unknown, tradition. Family pictures. “Alright, Leigh, come on. Fix your hair quickly. We want to take the picture” Henry said, getting his phone out already.
“Oh, here. I can take the picture” you extended your hand, but never received the phone.
“No, you can’t. You’re on the picture. You’re family now” her mom took your extended hand and pulled you next to your girlfriend who smiled brightly. You positioned yourself slightly behind her with a hand on her lower back, while her mother stood next to you. All of you smiled brightly while Bela took the photo.
“Take another one just of them, they look so good tonight” her mother said as both her parents detached from you. A small laugh left you, before you scotched a bit closer to her and soon after you could hear the click of the camera.
“Wait, not that quick. I want one with a bit of action” Bela said, her brows raised which made you and her parents laugh while Leighton hid her face in your neck. If they were your parents you’d probably also be embarrassed but like this is it was quite funny.
“A bit of action” you mocked quietly, causing the blonde to laugh and leave your neck. Instead she turned towards you so she could look at you. Unsure of what to do you just looked at each other until you both smiled. You decided to just take the shot as now everybody was watching you, you quickly leaned in and kissed her softly until you heard the click again.
“So cute” Kimberly’s mom said, earning an agreeing hum from her daughter.
“Let me look” Leighton demanded, scrolling through the hundreds of pictures her roommate took. She stopped at a specific one, smiling slightly. It was the moment you just smiled at each other, you couldn’t lie it was a really sweet and amazing picture which you’d definitely set as your background.
“Alright ladies. The car is there” her father said, opening the door for his wife. They were really cute, you couldn’t deny that.
“Oh, I think I forgot my lipliner inside. I’ll be back in a second” you asked if you should go for her out with her but she denied, saying that you could already get in the car. You waited outside, you felt like it was impolite to already get in. When she came out a couple of minutes later, you opened the door for her and then scooted in after her.
“Thank you for the evening and the driving, that was really nice. And it was really great to meet both of you” you said as all of you got out of the car. They really took you in today.
“We can only say the same. We are sorry for how the rest of the day went, but we are happy that you ate with us” they both hugged their daughter before hugging you. “We are going to the hotel now, sleep well.” Both of them said their goodbyes before disappearing, leaving you and Leighton on the street in front of the college.
“Wanna sleep over tonight? My roommate is sleeping at the same hotel as their parents” you asked. You had wrapped your arm around her shoulder as you walked back. She immediately agreed, a quiet room with you sounded better than her loud dorm.
It didn’t take long for you two to settle on the couch after changing into some sweats and a hoodie. There was no way to fight of the smile that crept onto your face when you saw her wearing your clothes. Getting them back was out of question though. You were cuddling on the couch while watching some random movie when there was a knock on your door. Reluctantly you both pulled away so you could open the door. “Mom? Dad?” You asked confused to why they were here after leaving you the whole evening.
“Hello. We just wanted to say goodbye” your father said, not really looking into your eyes. He was more focused on watching something behind you.
“And we wanted to say sorry. We treated you poorly and shouldn’t have said the things we said” your mother added. They weren’t a hundred percent honest but it was more than you imagined.
“Well, thank you. Have a save ride home” you said unsure of how to react. You definitely weren’t going to say that it was okay cause it definitely wasn’t.
“Goodbye y/n, goodbye Leighton” that was what really shocked you. Them saying goodbye to her was a mystery, a couple of hours ago they wanted you to break up with her. Confused you settled back on your previous spot on the couch.
“What was that?” You asked, your brows furrowed.
“Well, who knows” you immediately recognized a weird pitch in her voice. You studied her face carefully before deciding that something was off.
“What did you do?” She grinned up at you guiltily.
“I may have had a talk with them at the restaurant. And before you get mad at me, I couldn’t let them treat you like this. You’re such a Valuable acquisition to all of our lives and they were making you feel bad about your whole life. It sucked and they shouldn’t be able to do it without consequences” she explained, sitting up so she could look at you. She could be overprotective of the people she loved and she was kinda scared that she’d scare you off with it, but she was utterly wrong. You couldn’t help but admire her.
“That’s the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me. Thank you love” you pushed her chin up with two fingers before pressing multiple kisses to her lips. She really was the whole package and you wouldn’t change her for anything. “Nobody ever made me feel so good about myself” you added with a smile before standing up and extending your hand. “Come on, let’s go to bed” you smirked. She was up faster than you could realize, pulling you into your bedroom.
Gosh, you were so in love with her.
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littledovesnow · 9 months
young!coryo x fem!reader fluff
a/n: fluff fluff fluff i love fluff !!!!!! hoep u little snakes like it too <3
Staring at the clock on the wall, you wanted nothing more than to be back in your bed, tea in your hand.
You felt the headache start not long after you woke this morning but thought nothing of it as you gathered your Academy uniform, putting the blame on the new perfume your younger sister was trying.
A soft nudge on your right drew your attention away from the clock, your boyfriend looking over at you curiously.
“Are you feeling alright? You’re usually one of the few who willingly engages in this dreadful class.”
Coriolanus gestured to the literature class going on around you two, the professor going on about something or another.
Shrugging, you twirled the pen in your hand. “I’m fine, Coryo. Just a little tired.”
Narrowing his eyes, Coriolanus didn’t believe you one bit, but he also knew you well enough to realize that you weren’t going to budge.
“Grandma’am and Tigris went out for the day, you can come rest at my place after classes.” He was privy to your rambunctious home life- two younger siblings and parents who only knew how to fight with one another.
Smiling, you thanked your boyfriend before trying to focus on the rest of the lesson.
Staring at yourself in the bathroom mirror, you were half temped to bribe the Peacekeepers stationed at the back exit of the Citadel and skip the rest of your day. What you thought couldn’t get any worse had surprised you in the worst way possible.
Taking a deep breath, you made sure the slight wave of nausea was out of your system before joining your classmates in the bustling hallways, wanting to avoid a certain blonde’s eye.
“Hey, are you okay?”
You jumped as Clemensia came alongside of you, worry evident on her face.
Sighing, you felt you façade crumble just a bit, confiding in the black-haired girl. “I’m starting to think I’m getting a migraine.”
They were a rarity in your life, you could only count on one hand the number of migraines you could remember, but they gave you hell every time.
Clemensia’s worried frown deepened, unsure of how to help. “Do you want me to get Coriolanus or anything? See if Casca could spare a morphling bottle?”
Shaking your head, you softly groaned at the pain it caused. “No, no don’t get Coryo. He’s got enough on his plate already, he doesn’t need to worry about me, too.”
“You’re kidding if you think he doesn’t worry about you.” Clemensia replied, following you to an emptier hallway, taking your bag while you unscrewed the water bottle.
You gave the girl a look, dropping the now-empty bottle into your bag. “Do not tell Coriolanus. If I still feel like this in a little I’ll tell him.”
Clemensia could see it on your face, you had no intentions of telling your boyfriend, but she didn’t want to interfere, unsure of how Coriolanus would react if he head the news from someone else.
“Whatever you say. Now come on, Casca will probably put us in the Games if we’re late to class again.”
Coriolanus knew you weren’t telling him something when you didn’t respond to Arachne’s dig at your clothing, something you two were known to bicker about.
He scootched his chair over towards you, lacing your hands together. “You sure it’s just tiredness? Because I don’t think I’ve ever seen you not bite back at Arachne, even after our anniversary.”
You felt your cheeks flush at the comment, but you chose to otherwise ignore that part of his comment. “Maybe I have a headache, too.”
Frowning, Coriolanus chewed on his lip. He knew you’ve suffered from migraines and knew that sitting in a classroom wasn’t the best way to get rid of one. “A migraine?” He whispered, not wanting to aggravate the ache anymore.
“A small one. But it’s really nothing, I’ll be fine.” You admitted, still not letting him in on the full truth. “Now shush. I’m not in the mood for Dean Highbottom to unleash whatever punishment he’ll come up with if he catches us talking.”
Coriolanus remained quiet for the rest of class, thumb rubbing soothing circles on the pulse point on your wrist.
As soon as he dismissed the class, Coriolanus was on his feet, grabbing both his and your bags. “Come on, let’s go home.”
You rose after him, grabbing onto Coriolanus’ blazer as the world tilted for a moment. “Hold on.”
“What’s going on? Are you okay?” He asked, setting the bags down to hold your other elbow, keeping you steady.
“Just a little dizzy. Nothing I haven’t experienced before.”
Growing tired of your half-truths, Coriolanus let out an exasperated sigh. “You don’t have to lie to me about how you feel.”
You popped an eye open, seeing worry and anger written over your boyfriend’s face. “Fine, fine. I feel like I was hit by a train, okay? My head’s hurt all day and I nearly threw up after Festus showed us his lunch.”
Coriolanus swore under his breath, helping you to your feet. “You should’ve said something earlier. I’m sure you could’ve left and rested.”
“I’m sure all would have been fine if I suddenly disappeared, Snow. Remember what happened when I left a few months ago for my grandmother’s funeral?”
Coriolanus did indeed remember; he was nearly expelled for the reign of terror he caused after noticing your mysterious disappearance.
“That’s what I thought.” You mumbled, squinting as the bright clouds increased your headache tenfold. “Jesus, when did it get so bright out?”
“I have a few train tokens left, come on. It’ll be faster than walking, and it’s darker in there.” Coriolanus passed the two tokens over to a Peacekeeper, who in turn let you two onto the train heading to the Corso.
Collapsing on your boyfriend’s bed, you hummed in content when he drew the curtains closed. The walk up to his family’s penthouse nearly took you out, but a promise of hot tea and a nap gave you the strength to make it up.
“At least change before you sleep, don’t crease your uniform.” Coriolanus toed off his shoes, moving your own heels out of the way to avoid a potential tripping hazard.
You groaned, but sat up and shed the maroon blazer and coordinating button-up shirt. “What would I do without you, Coryo?”
Grinning, your boyfriend threw on a pair of more comfortable clothing, helping you into an outfit you kept in a drawer at his place. “Suffer through Arachne’s awful opinions and Festus’ crude remarks alone, I presume.”
You blindly threw a hand out, lightly slapping your boyfriend’s thigh. “Be nice, Coryo.”
 Coriolanus laughed quietly, joining you on the bed. “Life is more fun when being bad, you know that.” He quipped, right hand going to rub soothing circles on your back. “Go to sleep, the faster you get over this migraine, the faster we can practice for our next anniversary.”
You were already nearly asleep, Coriolanus guessed, otherwise you would have had a stronger reaction than a simple snort.
a/n: hey send requests that would be dope but i won't write smut it's not my vibe
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sunfyresrider · 1 year
You’re the best part of me
Aegon II Targaryen X Fem!Reader
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Synopsis: The beginning of your secret relationship with Aegon proved why you need to stay with him for the rest of your life. TW: forbidden relationship, daddy kink, smut, watersports, virgin!reader, Aegon isn’t the best influence but he can show you a good time. AN: Too lazy to proof read or edit. Part one of two, best smut I’ve ever produced if I say so myself. May or may not finish tomorrow depending on if my inspiration to write returns.
Most believed being a princess was filled with days of excitement and adventures no one else could comprehend. They had choices and power unlike anyone else who shared their gender. Except, those who assumed that were all tragically incorrect. Being a princess meant you rarely left your castle, you must obey everything others tell you, you had no faculty since you lacked a cock.
It was dreadfully boring and each hour seemed to stretch on for days. However as you aged you gained one unlikely companion that made your days seem less droll. Aegon, your uncle, was not as bad as he may appear to others. Yes, he drank a bit much and scoffed at his duties more than others but he, like you, was still young.
He was the only one who joyfully kept you entertained and filled your life with some adventure. Aegon played games with you, let you join in on pranks, took you to explore the city streets and actively helped you escape septa lessons. He was by far your favorite person and truthfully your only friend.
It was easy to speak to him, as if he were the only one who truly understood your feelings. At this point he probably knew everything about you and how your mind worked exactly. It was not one sided affection, you knew as much about him.
Tonight was one of the rare times you both decided to escape the keep together. Aegon had adorned you with the shabbiest clothing he could find and a little hate to hide your identity. Everyone in Flea Bottom knew him by now so there was little point in disguising himself.
Your destination? The one place Aegon swore to never allow you to go to. You’ve never seen a brothel before and you would be lying if it didn’t pique your interest. Besides, Aegon was the only one you trusted enough to take you anywhere. You quickly undid the bundle of clothing gifted to you, "Wait outside while I dress." He cocked an eyebrow, "Are you being shy, Princess?"
"Aegon,” You warned him. He put his hands up in mock surrender and disappeared into the dark corridor of Maegor's tunnels. You quickly stripped your dress away, discarding it onto the floor. Cautiously, you tiptoed into the tunnels, holding onto the walls to feel your way in the darkness.
You called out to Aegon, who did not reply. It became increasingly eerie the farther you walked inside, especially since most of the torches were blown out and the walls were covered in cobwebs. You creeped forward, slipping when the wall opened up to another hallway. "Boo!"
You squealed, backing hard into the right wall. The sounds of Aegon’s chuckles echoed within the vast hallways. "You aren't funny!" He snatched your hand and began the descent to Fleabottom, basking in your annoyance. The specific exit you used led to Fleabottom, or at least close to it. It was an alleyway filled with muck and excrement but was the best place to go when someone doesn’t want to get caught.
Luckily, the stench of cow shit and rotting waste slowly dissipated as you got close to the main busting streets within the city. As always, the streets were filled to the brim with people from all walks of life. Your favorites were always the citizens from Tyrosh, with painted hair and unusual hats dancing in the street.
Aegon wrapped an arm around your shoulder in a protective manner, pulling you into him. You attempted to work yourself out but his grip was insatiably tight. "Uh uh, no running away in this area. Men will descend upon you like moths to a flame if I let go." You gave up on trying to escape, besides his body provided much needed warmth.
As the journey continued the music rang louder in their ears. The kind only drunken bards would play in the late hours. You began humming along to the tune, your feet becoming jittery with the urge to move. Aegon loathed dancing and you knew it, but he would never say no to you. "I want to dance!"
He shouted back over the noise, "I can't dance!" You shoved his body away from you, grasping his hands. "That wasn't a request, Twas’ a demand!" You spun him in a circle, twirling every so often. His face turned a bright shade of red, his feet tripping over themselves. The sounds of your laughter reverberating in his ears.
Aegon could watch you like this forever, red faced, blinding smile, and not a singular care in the world. It was a minuscule moment in the grand scheme of things but it would be one that never left his head. Seeing you enjoy the life bestowed on you so easily, It was the only thing he looked forward to anymore.
However, there were other things that would bring him enjoyment tonight. Acts that would never leave his brain even in his dreams. So, he entertained you with several more songs. Let you drag him as you prance around the cobbled square. Allowed you to step on his toes and nearly run into other couples so long as you remained happy.
But as your breath became heavy, and your steps began to slow. When you began to lean into him more than what was deemed appropriate and your excitement deemed. Aegon decided it was time to take your leave.
He tugged you closer to him, leaning to cup your ears. "I think it's time we get out of here,” he shouted into your ear, voice barely audible over the instruments. "I'll follow your lead, my Prince"
The journey to the other side of town was short, however the people around you became more conspicuous the farther you went. The smallfolk looked more rugged and the number of men increased indefinitely. All the women were inside windows, hanging out and hollering incoherent sentences.
This was the beginning of the Street of Silk, and the end of your night. The women wore less clothing and their bodies were far bustier than that of regular peasants. Dare you say they were becoming prettier the farther in you traveled.
Aegon’s grip was unbelievably tight, and his eyes rarely roamed anywhere but you. You failed to understand previously why he adorned you with boys clothes, now you were getting a hint. Anyone who remotely resembled a girl was immediately glared at like they were prey. You hoped the place you were going was far less… uneasy feeling.
The building with the red door was on the far end of the street of silk, the patrons became fewer and fewer the closer you approached it. Seemingly, he took you to the most private place on the entire road. Aegon’s grip lessened as he knocked on the door thrice.
An older woman, with breasts falling out of her chemise opened the door. Her eyes scanned over you both, a curious look plastered across her face. “One room in the back," he deadpanned. Aegon tossed her a bag of coins, overpaying her by the look on her face. “Of course, my prince…” She paused, glancing over you twice more. “…And princess.”
The inside was decorated almost elegantly, the women wore more clothing made out of expensive silks, dyed with colors from Tyrosh. It was far more clean than what you assumed a whore house to be, “What is this?” Aegon appeared aloof to his surroundings, “The most expensive brothel you’ll ever enter, reserved for those who want to avoid prying eyes and fuck virgins instead of experienced whores.”
Your face twisted in disgust, “No need to be so crude.” The woman with black hair stopped at a room at the end of one of the vast hallways, dropping the key into Aegon’s hand before taking her leave. A few of the other workers glanced by as they walked past you, your ears ringing with the subtle noises coming from the various rooms around you. “I didn’t mean to be crude, it’s just the truth. Would rather take you here than a place covered in filth.”
Aegon was partially lying, you probably wouldn’t have minded witnessing it all but it would be a cold day in the seven hells when another man was allowed to gaze upon your nude form. “How thoughtful of you,” the door opened to a room illuminated gently by candles. The windows were covered with red silks and the bed appeared completely unused. It almost looked comfortable.
You walked around the room,carefully sitting on the edge of the bed. You gently bounced on it once, testing for stability. Aegon did not wait, he locked the door and pulled the blinds closed, plunging the room in a darkness only the few candles could help.
You felt Aegon kneel in front of you, a small piece of fabric sliding against your legs. His head began to rise up, resting against your thigh. You shuddered, "What are you doing, Aegon?" He stared up at you with those beautiful large blue eyes. "Waiting for permission, princess.”
Your face began to heat up, you shifted in your seat, trying to hide the growing arousal in your pants. You stuttered over your words, “I- I think I am ready." Aegon knelt upwards, sliding his hands up your body to cup your face. Your breathing quickened as you felt him move closer and closer, until he pressed a kiss against your lips.
Your eyes slowly closed, awkwardly you tried to move your lips with his, following his movements closely. Aegon smiled against your lips, his hand sliding down your body, down your stomach, until he reached the front of your breeches. “Don’t be nervous,” he hummed in a seductive tone you didn’t believe he possessed. “Just relax, I’ll take care of you.”
Aegon’s hand slid down to your breeches, slowly unlacing the strings that held them together. He slid them off you with haste, exposing your thighs to the cool air. Aegon licked his lips, his hands sliding against your silky soft skin and thumb grazing over your cunt, sending jolts through your body.
His finger dipped down, sliding along your folds, spreading them as he did. A soft groan rumbled in his throat, "So wet for me already." Aegon’s head dipped down, the sensation of his lips against your core making you squeal.
He began to nip at you gently, using his tongue to trail your slit and collect all your juices on his tongue. He groaned into you, “You taste so sweet, Princess." Aegon began to suck on you gently, using his tongue to part your folds.
You gasped, feeling his fingers rub at your entrance. Your thighs clenched around his head, a new feeling building inside you. “A-Aegon I need to pee,” you squeaked. He dropped a finger inside you, pressing against the soft spongy spot inside you. “Just wait, promise,” he murmured into you.
His tongue lapped against you more fervently, his fingers pressed inside you with ease. "A-Ah, Aegon-" He added an another finger , curling his fingers so they hit your sweet spot perfectly. "That's it, princess,” he groaned, the vibrations from his baritone voice sending shockwaves through you.
Your eyes screwed shut as your body became tense, his fingers working inside you. Your hips twitched, unable to find a rhythm with him as the pleasure built within you. His tongue moved circles around your bud, nibbling at it every so often. The strange feeling inside you began to burst, your legs trembled and your arms struggled to support you. You truly believed you had to pee, "Aegon I-," you cried out, your thighs clamped down on his head.
Aegon’s tongue moved fervently, fingering you with more ferocity. You felt yourself tighten around him, his name tumbled from your lips over and over again as he kept up his pace. His fingers purposely hitting a certain spot repeatedly, the coil inside your core began to unwind. As your orgasm began to crash down over you, your bladder released itself accidentally.
This didn’t remotely phase him in the slightest. Aegon kept his mouth pressed to you, feeling your juices drench his hand. Murmuring praises, “Such a messy girl… Keep cumming for me. Fuck that’s so fucking hot.” Aegon did not let you move an inch, his fingers working you like a puppet as the pleasure sent you into a frenzy.
You collapsed onto the bed, heaving as your heart steadied itself. You were unable to see him through the haze but you could feel him smile against your cunt, kissing your thighs and moving towards you. Aegon crawled on top of you, leaning in to kiss your forehead.
His hands found their way under your tunic, lifting it over your head. “That was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” he muttered, his lips suckling at your neck. He shifted above you, rolling his hips against yours in a seductive manner. You gasped, feeling his cock press against you.
His lips traveled down to your breasts, teasing the tender flesh with his tongue. Aegon pressed a kiss to your nipple, his hips rolling again. You mewled softly, unable to fight back any moans that escaped you. His mouth sucked on your nipple, nipping it lightly with his teeth.
“Aegon,” you whimpered, growing impatient. He pulled back, cupping your face so you looked directly into his eyes. "Needy for my cock too, Princess?" You nodded lazily, wrapping your legs around his waist and pulling him closer. He smirked at you, tugging his cock free with his left hand.
His length pressed against your cunt, your breathing became ragged as you stared up at him. Aegon slid his cock along your slit, you could feel the precum dripping from his tip onto you. He continued to tease you, moving it up and down, pressing against you. You bit your lip, whining softly, "Please, Aegon."
"That's not my name," he pressed against you harder, his tip pushing into you. You arched your back, trying to coax him further inside you. “M-My Prince, please,” you whimpered. Aegon clicked his teeth together, teasing your entrance but refusing to go further. “Try again, little girl.” You flushed at the pet name, a mix of arousal and embarrassment flooding your system. You looked up at him, eyes pleading, "Please, Daddy, I want you to fuck me."
“That’s my good girl,” his hips slowly moved forward, his cock slowly stretching you out. Your mouth fell open, eyes screwed shut. You whimpered as he pushed deeper inside you, filling your cunt entirely. Aegon paused, "Am I hurting you? I’ll be gentle." You shook your head, “p-please keep going, daddy.”
You felt him shift, leaning in to press a kiss to your lips. His hips moved backwards before sliding back in, your hands gripped the sheets beneath you. Aegon's thrusts were gentle at first, slow and calculated. "Gods you're tight," he growled in your ear. You wrapped your legs around him, keeping him close.
“Beg for it,” he growled into your ear. You moaned softly, not entirely sure what he meant. You pressed your lips against his shoulder, kissing it softly. Aegon stopped moving, his breathing heavy, "Don't play dumb. Beg for me to fuck you harder, Princess." You felt your face heat up at the thought.
"P-Please," you mewled, "Fuck me, Daddy, I want you to fuck me harder." Aegon let out a shaky breath, pulling his hips back so only his tip remained inside you. His hands grabbed your hips, his nails digging into your soft skin. "Better," he huffed, slamming inside you. You let out a yelp, his pace increasing with every thrust.
Aegon pinned your hands behind your head, holding you in place with his right. "Who does your cunt belong to, Princess?" His free hand began toying with your clit, rubbing it in small circles. Your moans and whines increased in volume, "Daddy! I-it belongs to daddy!"
"Louder," his hand was moving faster now, rubbing your bud relentlessly. You couldn't see through the blur of tears in your eyes, his hips slapping against you loudly. "Daddy! My cunt belongs to daddy," you cried out, your voice echoing in the small room. “That’s my perfect little girl,” he slurred.
Your walls began to flutter around him, feeling a pressure begin to build in your core. You squeezed your thighs together, pulling at Aegon. His breath became shaky, his eyes temporarily rolling into his head. "You're going to cum for me, aren't you princess? Cum on my cock like a good little girl, hmm?," he growled into your ear.
Your hands grasped for his, squeezing tightly as the coil began to snap within you. "A-Ah, Daddy-" Your back arched, eyes squeezing shut as the pressure built inside you, "Yes, yes, yes," Aegon's moans were becoming more frequent, his face glistening with sweat. Your legs twitched around him, your walls clamping down around his cock.
"Fuck," he hissed, his thrusts becoming sloppy and uncoordinated. “D-Da- Aegon,” you moaned loudly as a different kind of pleasure washed over you. Your cunt began to spasm around him, soaking his cock with your juices. “Oh gods,” he moaned loudly, his head tilting backwards. You could feel his cock twitch inside you as he began to fill you with his seed. His hips jerked erratically, his fingers squeezing your hands tightly.
Aegon collapsed on top of you, breathing heavily. You could feel his heart racing, a mixture of excitement and satisfaction coursing through you. He pressed a soft kiss to your temple, nuzzling his nose into your hair. “I love you," he murmured into your ear.
You paused for the first time tonight, a blush quickly coating your cheeks. You had never expected to hear those words from him, ignoring the fact you just coupled mere moments ago. Your fingers unconsciously combed through hair, pulling him closer to you. "I love you too,” you spoke softly.
He had been with you since the beginning and you never grew tired of him. He was the only one you wished to spend time with, to experience things with, and to sleep with. You smiled sleepily, the realization coming over you, "I love you too."
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pablitogavii · 1 year
Summary: You're Gavi's best childhood friend and you go tot he club with him and some of his friends. He made it clear that you are just his friend, but when he sees the attention you start receiving from everyone..his mind changes ;)
Pairing: Pablo Gavi x Reader
Warnings: smutty ;))
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"Ready, pecas?" Pablo was always using that nickname, since we were little niños, because he was always so intrigued by the freckles decorating the bridge of my nose to my cheeks. Anyways, he came to pick me up with his car and we were going out to a newly opened bar in town with a group of his friends.
"Mhm! Vale!" I got in and he certainly checked out my quite short black shorts and a crop top that showed my flat stomach. I always wondered weather he found me attractive but I gave up when I heard him say to his friends when they asked if I was his girl "Imposible! She is like mi hermanita tíos!" which always ruined my mood when I thought about it!
When we arrived, the loud group in front of the door greeted us and all of Pablo's friends (including the taken ones) complimented on my look tonight. I thought Pablo was too busy joking around with Pedri to notice, but little did I know, he heard every word that made him very much angry!
"Damn Gavi! Your amiga is quite a bombon!" Araujo whispered to him and Pablo looked towards you chatting with some girls at the bar shaking his head although secretly thinking the same thing.
Your ass looked so delicious in that tight shorts..and not to mention the braless crop top that was driving him absolutely crazy!
"Bombon? Tu eres loco tío! Ella es tan joven" Pablo said always acting 'tough' cause he was two years older that you..big deal! That didn't mean he could order you about which he always tried to do!
As hours passed, and you had more drinks with your girlfriends, music started to take over your body and you were dancing like there was no tomorrow.
"Es caliente!!" Rafa smirked whispering into Pablo's ear knowing that would annoy him especially when you were dancing with your ass glued to another guy who hand his arms around your waist.
"Joder!" Pablo groaned putting his drink down and walking towards you angrily. He grabbed your wrist pulling you away from the guy and he crowd all the way outside where was freezing btw.
"Ow! Que haces gilipollas!?" you were angry but still so cute when you tried to yell at him especially being so short and adorable regardless of your mood.
"You're drinking anything people give you! And you are grinding your ass against some fucking stranger!? What are you doing pecas!?" he was angry as well as he let go off your arm but still not letting you go back inside.
"Que es un problema!? You're not mi novio Gavi! I can drink what I want and I can dance with whoever I want!" you spat and now he was even angrier clenching his jaw repeatedly. He wishes he was your novio and could teach you a lesson right now..
"But I brought you here which means I am responsible to make sure you're safe pecas!" he said and to that you smirked feeling quite confident tonight (probably from the alcohol) as you moved closer to him rubbing up and down his strong biceps.
"Are you sure that's the problem here Pablito?" you said teasingly and he was fighting back an urge to throw you in the backset of his Maserati and show you just what his problem was at the moment. But then he reminded himself that you were his best friend, that he doesn't want to lose you and therefore couldn't mess up your life.
"Vamos, I'm taking you home.." he said but you were definitely not about to do that especially when you were having such a blast tonight. You pulled away from his grasp and he groaned in annoyance.
"If you don't want to honestly tell me what the problem is then I won't do what you say! Capullo!" you winked walked back inside while he groaned running his hand through his hair before getting inside himself re-joining his friends while you continued to dance on your own this time.
"Why don't you just admit you want her tío? Es obvio!" Pedri bugged him but when Pablo saw that you were kissing someone and walking outside with him the heat in his veins intensified from anger.
"Es demasiado tarde.." Pablo sighed walking out this time determined to take you home even if he was to carry you into the car himself. He was done with this party and he was especially done watching you with other people!
As he looked around for you, he found the same guy from the inside sitting on the hood of his car while you stood in between his legs kissing his lips.
"Gilipollas! Tienes tu culo en mi coche!" he said and the guy looked at him with big eyes of course recognizing him from the Camp Nou pitch while ungluing his hands from your waist.
"Pablo Gavi..I'm so sorry tío" he said walking away from you which made you angry as you looked at Pablo who watched as he left before finally looking back down at you.
"Stop scaring away everyone who comes near me!" you said and he walked closer until your thighs his his car and you sat on the hood looking up into his dark eyes once more. He was no longer your sweet and protective friend Pablo..no..he was angry..and lustful in this moment.
"Que haces?" you say when he slowly touched your thighs opening them up and standing in between them while tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear.
"You said you wanted to know what my problem is..honestly?" he said moving even closer as his hands rested on my thighs and his nose was touching mine.
"S..si" your voice was shaking and your cheeks were bright red while looking into his dark eyes longingly.
"I don't mind you wearing something that makes your ass be the sole focus of the night..but I do mind that I can't grab it and make todos los gilipollas see that it's mine.." he started and you felt goosebumps appear on your skin while his cold fingers traced your thigh and his nose moved against yours.
"I don't mind your dirty dance but as long as it's against me.." he whispered into your ear licking it after wards and you couldn't help the moan that left your lips in response.
"And I don't mind that you want to make-out on top of my car..but I want you to do it only with me!" he whispered into your other ear licking it again before his large hand grabbed your neck and pulled you close kissing your lips feverishly which made you moan into his mouth as you kissed passionately.
"Pecas.." he whispered against your lips after pulling away and you smiled opening your eyes and snaking your arms around his neck while playing with the end of his hair.
"Take me home amor.." you smiled snaking your legs around his waist with a shy smile and he smirked kissing your lips again knowing that he finally got what he craved for such a long time...;))
I like this story :)
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speedycoffeedelight · 5 months
An Animalistic Disaster
CH-17: Mr. Cottontail
Where you recollect more of your memories and open a bunch of trading cards. And a duo might have figured out the reason behind transformation, but we'll see.
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A.n : There's going to be some heavy lore drop here. So just brace yourself a little. Also from now, the animal's dialogues will be in italics so it's easy to understand. I'll get to editing the previous chapters as well.
"I swear to god...one of these morning I'm going to have a heart attack."
You grumbled while sitting and held your head in your palm. You looked at Cherri who was in a makeshift cage made from a big plastic basket, trying to shake it and screeching. She had to learn her lesson some way. Your head was still pounding right now.
Then you looked at Husk who was trying his best to fit into the biggest shirt you had. The buttons on his chest were holding on for dear life. Honestly, it kinda made you jealous.
Husk was a black man who seemed to in his late 40's or 50's. He had black hair pulled back with white streaks on them as well as a small goatee. He had light yellow eyes that looked tired as hell. And the muscles in his hand, holy shit, it looked like he could easily carry you up like a feather. Husk was easily the best thing of this morning.
He of course also had feline features like before. A pair of black cat ears and tail adorned his form. He also had slitted black eyes. His nails were a bit sharper too.
And of course neither of you were prepared for him to transform in middle of sleeping, nobody was. God the embarrassment and confusion you felt when you opened your eyes to see an old handsome man staring at you with sleepy eyes, just as confused as you were.
You would have immediately swooned if not for the fact that you didn't know this guy and the fact he was shirtless, on your fucking bed, cuddling you.
So you did the first thing that came to your mind. You let out a loud scream and pushed him off the bed. He landed on the ground in front of Charlie and others with a big thud. "Oof, what the hell-" Cherri burst out laughing beside you. 'Now that's more like it!'
"Husk are you alright?" Charlie immediately kneeled down to check for injuries. "Husk??" You pulled the cover to your chest and looked down to see him properly. But you quickly averted your gaze when you saw he was shirtless with just a pant on. But that image will forever be engraved into your simp brain.
So after that was all over, you learnt what happened and caged Cherri. She was grounded till she learnt her lessons. You rubbed your head in frustration as Niffty brought you a cup of coffee.
"Here you go miss (Y/n)!"
You thanked her and took a sip. She still looked at you like she was waiting for something. Confused, you raised an eyebrow.
"...Do you need something Niffty?"
"You didn't pat my head." She said it like it was obvious and kept looking at you with wide eyes. You got surprised at this answer. 'She wants to be petted??' but then you remembered she was part dog now and that's probably the reason she was acting like this.
You reached out and patted her head making her smile happily as she wagged her tail. 'Adorable~' you thought in your mind.
Last night's memory was a bit hazy to you. You rubbed your head in frustration trying to remember it. Angel climbed onto the table grinning at you.
'Toots, didn't know ya were such a lightweight. Haha, but you gave quite a show last night, I'll give ya that." Niffty translated it, making you more worried. You asked her to recount the things to you. Pentious joined you since he wasn't there last night as well.
" I did what?"
Last night's memory came flooding back to you bit by bit as you listened. You, you finally petted Alastor's ears! You couldn't believe it.
'What's with the screaming, my dear?'
Speak of the devil and he shall appear. You grinned as you turned to face the stag. "I finally patted you, you smiling bastard!" You mentally cheered as you looked at him with a prideful smile. Alastor felt his face get hot again at that memory and he bonked you on the head with his antlers.
"OUCH what was that for!"
After you finished eating, you drove Charlie off to the cafe. Apparently Vaggie knew how to drive so she went with you two so she could memorize the roads. Once she memorizes she could drive Charlie sometimes as well.
After waving her off at the shop, you quickly departed. You let Vaggie take the wheel this time while you gave directions. Vaggie was an excellent driver. You were quite impressed.
Charlie took a deep breath as she got dropped off and watched you two drive away." This is it Charlie. You gotta make them proud. Right, let's do this!"  she entered the store after mentally cheering herself.
"Oh hi there Charlie. Good to see you back."
Adrian gave her a warm smile as he was middle of cleaning. He put the broom he was cleaning with aside and guided her to the counter. He gave her a new apron to wear that had the cafe's name on it.
"Alright, I'll show you the ropes first time. Then it'll be up to you."
Charlie nodded and took the apron.
"Also won't you take off those horns and ears? You're in middle of work now."
She gulped, right, these weren't normal. But she hadn't practiced what to say during this. She thought it would be okay since they didn't question it before.
"Uh...can they please stay on? I promise you they won't cause any trouble!"
"Huh? Oh..okay then. I just thought it might be easier if you took them off."
Just then a ring sounded out from the door, signaling someone entered the shop. Adrian flashed Charlie a quick look while smiling.
"Come on, it's showtime!"
At evening, you went to go pick up Charlie. As Charlie was about to get into the car, Adrian called out to her.
"Charlie, wait!"
You and Charlie both looked at Adrian who rushed to you guys with a small bag.
"A small gift for your first day at work." He handed Charlie the bag and grinned.
"There's a piece of strawberry cake inside. Have a safe return home."
Charlie delightfully thanked him and got back into the car. While you were driving she told you about her experience which you listened to happily. It seemed like the day went pretty well. Even though there weren't much customers, Charlie enjoyed her time there. Plus from what you heard and saw, Adrian seemed to be a good boss.
The next day, you drove Charlie again as Vaggie sat with you. Pentious joined you this time as some of his works were done. Husk came as well to buy some clothes and as well as take a look at the human world. During the drive, Husk remembered something.
"Hey kid, I forgot to ask you this before but who the hell is cottontails?"
Those words hit you like a lightning as you brain started to overwhelm with memories. It's been a long while since you heard that name.
"W-where did you hear that name?"
"When you were holding me a day ago. You whispered you missed whatever it was."
"That was my pet bunny...I lost him when I was six. That night, my parents had a huge argument after dinner and we moved to my uncles house the very next day. In the end, I never knew what happened to it."
You weren't allowed to keep pets when you were a child. Your dad claimed it would be a waste of time and it will take your attention away from your duties. One day, while you were walking outside on your lawn, you stumbled across a small frail baby bunny. There was only one and it looked like it didn't even have the energy to move. After looking around, you found no signs of any other rabbits around.
You found yourself in a pickle. Your heart cried to take it home and care for it. But another part of you warned that if your father found out, you'd be in big trouble. You picked up the small thing, lost in thought and whispering "What am I going to do with you little bunny? "
The bunny moved a little and sniffed your hand, making your heart swoon. You decided immediately "Heck with it! Having a small bunny will be fine! Plus they won't make any noises like kitties or doggies! I can do this! I'll just need to be careful!"
The bunny again stopped moving in your arms and seemingly fell asleep. Your eyes glazed over it, trying to think of a name.
"I think I'll call you....mr.cottontails!"
Several months went by after getting mr.cottontails. You kept him under your bed. You always cleaned your own room by yourself so it wasn't a problem. You would let him run around your room once you locked the door and quickly hide him when someone was coming. Your dad was quite suspicious at how you looked so cherry recently but didn't question it. On the other hand, your mom was quite happy with this change in you.
Then one day, while you were on your way to your room after finished studying with your tutor, you spotted your dad. He seemed to be amused by something. He spotted you as well and gave you a smile.
"Isn't it a nice day today? Are you doing alright (Y/n)?"
You were taken aback by his sudden change of attitude but nodded and said everything was fine. Something was clearly wrong, you could feel it in your gut.
You rushed to your room after that and looked for your rabbit. It was gone... "Cottontail? Mr.cottontail??" You called out yet you couldn't spot the familiar ball of fluff running towards you like usual.
You spent the rest of the day trying to find him but no avail. There was no sign of him anywhere. And you couldn't even ask anyone else if they've seen him cause you're not supposed to have one in the first place.
Then your mind went to your father earlier, it had to him! That's why that damn man was smiling at you.
At dinnertime, you were fighting to keep your tears from coming out. You couldn't afford to let yourself be broken in front of him. You knew that he knew about you knowing what he did. He was just waiting for you to burst so he can properly punish you for going against his rules.
While your mom was serving you the stew for that night's dinner, she could sense something was wrong.
"(Y/n) dear, is everything alright?"
"Y-yes, mom, everything's fine. Don't worry."
"Of course everything's fine with her. (Y/n), today's stew is extra delicious, go ahead and try." Your dad said from across the table, grinning at you. You couldn't bear to look at this man's face properly. The rest of the dinner was quiet with you almost crying in the middle.
After you finished eating, you went straight to your room and locked the door and started crying. Sometime later, you heard your parents fighting over something. You pulled a pillow over you head to stop hearing to those as you sobbed harder.
You hated this. You hated screaming and fighting. You hated living here. You hated your dad. You hated it, hated it, hated it.
You wanted to go out and be with your mom. But you knew better then to do that. The last time you did, you just made things worse. You don't know after how long, it could have been several minutes or several hours, but your mom knocked on your door to tell you to pack and that you're leaving. The rest of the time went down in a haze and before you knew it, you both were standing in front of your aunt's house.
After dropping off Charlie, you and Pentious went around shops to try and resell those fixed products and let Vaggie show Husk around a little. You successfully managed to resell some of the products.
After that, you bought some cloths for the bartender. Husk had been nagging you nonstop to buy some booze since the beginning. So you did, but you made him use his puppy eyes first. Husk hated every second of that but he swallowed down his pride for booze. He was too far gone at that point.
After coming home, you received a delivery of the cards you ordered. You immediately got down to opening them after squealing in happiness.
"Please give me an Alastor card.. please give me an Alastor card..."
"You really want Alastor's card that badly?" Charlie said laughing and sitting next to you.
"Of course I do! He's my favourite character!" You mumbled while collecting the packs from the box. Suddenly you could feel eyes on you from the back. You sighed.
"Alastor I can feel your smugness from here, stop it." You turned around at the deer behind you.
'I didn't do anything dear. I'm just standing here and observing ' Alastor had shit eating grin in his face. 'Though I am very much charmed you consider me as your favourite.'
"Someone tell me what he's saying. I know he's enjoying this too much." You picked up a pack and finally opened it.
Niffty translated it for you. "Yeah well I liked you better when you were in a cartoon, not annoying my ass off."
The first holo card you got was of Charlie's. Charlie's face lit up seeing it and immediately showed it to Vaggie. You got Angel, tom treanch and a new character called lute in too. After opening  three more packs, you were presented with holo Angel, Vellevette and razzle and dazzle. And you also found an ultra rare card of Lilith. Yet there was no sign of Alastor.
You were lucky enough to get normal cards for most of the cast present with you though. You handed them their own cards. Sighing you picked up the final pack and looked Alastor dead in the eye.
"You better be in here deer boy."
'Oh she means business this time angie.' Cherri chuckled leaning onto the spider. 'yeah and this shits hilarious to watch.' Both of their own cards were in front of them. Angel with his holo card and Cherri with the normal one.
"Is that a fucking condom you're holding there?" Husk was leaning down looking at Angel's card while pointing at it. Angel shot him a smug grin while wriggling his eyebrows. 'Yeah, it is. You like what you see here kitty?'
Husk didn't say anything and just knocked Angel away with a flick of his fingers. The corner of his lips turned up seeing how easily he can move angel away now.
'What, hey! What the fuck Husk?!'
"You deserved it."
With your heart pounding, you opened the last pack and pulled out the holo one. Others looked at you eagerly to see your reactions.
"I fucking got Alastor! Let's go!"
You jumped up on your bed from the excitement, surprising everyone.
"Look! Look! Alastor it's you!" You practically shoved the card in front of his face, making him take a step back. Before he could see clearly you took back the card to see it again while fangirling.
"Look at my little boy with all these creepy symbols around him! He's so pretty!" You were so happy that you couldn't care less that the real Alastor was right in front of you. Until Alastor nudged you on your head with his antlers and grabbed the card with his teeth.
"Hey, give it back!" You streached your hand to grab it but he turned around and placed the card on the table before you could do anything. He finally took a good look at his card. 'Hm, not bad.' You finally went to the table and snatched it back.
After you carefully stored the cards, you began preparing dinner while humming. Angel and Cherri was lazily sitting on the counter while looking at you.
'Hey Angel, how come we didn't transform yet? It sucks being in this form..'
'You tell me toots. That snake boy and kitty cat got to transform before I did. Now that's some bullshit right there.'
'There's gotta be some kinda link somewhere right?'
'There have to be! Wait..if we think about it... when they all transformed...they were all with (Y/n) right?'
'Shit, Angie you might be onto somethin'
You gave the guys their food. You had to drag Husk to the dinner table since he was passed out drunk on the couch. You called Pentious from outside as well. Recently he took on a new task. He volunteered to fix the shitty wooden sofa set you had. You were truly grateful for that.
During dinner, Cherri climbed on top of your right shoulder and Angel on left. You paused eating to look at them with confusion.
'We decided that we want to stay as close to (Y/n) we can from now on!'  Cherri said making everyone squint their eyes at them.
"Uh, guys...can y'all tell me what they're saying?"
Charlie translated it for you making you even more confused.
"But why?"
'Because we want to!'
Everyone just shook their head thinking this pair was just being their usual chaotic self. But you realised they weren't joking when you went to sleep and they both cuddled up to you, declaring they'll sleep there. Normally you'd think this was cute, however there were two problems.
One, is that, you might move in your sleep and accidentally squish these small creatures. Especially Angel.
Two, they were laying on your chest....
"Angel..Cherri...can I ask why you decided THIS would be a good place to sleep on?"
'What? Ya got nice pair of tit's and they make a nice pillow.'
'Plus Husk slept too did't he?'
Niffty who was sitting beside you translated it making you go blush madly. You quickly shoved them both away and pulled the cover closer to yourself.
"Fuck no. Pervert! I was drunk that time! Either sleep on a pillow next to me or get out of my room!"
At last they both slept next to you after you scolded them for some time. Next two days went the same way. Angel and Cherri were with you everywhere. They even tried to sneak into your shower before you found out and kicked them out. Currently they were both sitting on top of your kitchen counter, munching on nuts and fruits lazily. Husk was making himself a burger currently.
'Nothin's working...where did we go wrong?'
'We definitely missed something. Our plan was bulletproof! We're just missing one key point...'
'We spent the whole last two days with 'er twenty four hours. I think we have seen and know everything about her already! We even know how she almost cried while editing her news'
'Or how she tilts her head when she doesn't understand something?' Cherri piped in.
'or when she sings when she thinks no one was listening.' Angel said laughing. 'Oh her face is priceless when she gets caught. She still sometimes forgets that she lives with a whole bunch of demons now.'
'Have you noticed the BL manga's of her's-'
They continued chatting like this for a while, pointing out small details that you do, things that you like or dislike and laughing amongst themselves.
'Haha...that girl really is something..'
'Yeah, She's completely my type.'
'Ya might want to confess quickly then. Otherwise I might just steal her first ' Angel said winking. Cherri scoffed and bumped him with her tail.
'Hey what gives? I thought you were gay?'
'I am, But who am I to resist a sweet thing like her. She's an exception.'
' You already have Alastor and Husk to fawn over. Leave (Y/n) to me bastard.'
'No can do sweetheart. First come, first serve'
They both looked at each others eyes for a second then burst out laughing. It might seem like they were joking from the front, but they both knew they were seriously attracted to you.
Suddenly they both got engulfed in golden light. Husk stopped in the middle of biting his burger and looked at them wide eyed. Now in place of the spider and the squirrel, there were two humans.
Angel and Cherri looked at each other, wide eyed. Angel opened his mouth first.
"Shit I think I know the key behind transforming!"
A.n: Now I know there are tons of fanarts of human Husk with White skin but I'll always headcannon Husk as a black man, the same colour as his VA. And I'll die on this hill defending that.
Plus it's refreshing to have different veraites of race and colour presented (⁠~⁠‾⁠▿⁠‾⁠)⁠~
Also might go on a little break since some of my important college exams are coming up. Hope ya enjoyed the chapter ~
Tag list: @legostars @glowinthedarkbones1150 @darifes @aria-tempest @rainbowcake1212 @luxylucylou
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eternalsams · 6 months
Hello I really like your work!
Could I maybe make a request about the reader having anxiety and Fanboy dropping everything to go comfort the reader (who they’ve both secretly had a thing for each other) lots of fluff! Lol
OMG yes this is so cute!! Sorry it took so long, you probably don't even remember sending me this ask, but I have not forgotten!
Call me ⇴ M.Garcia
pairing: Mickey Garcia x gn!reader
summary: when things get rough, you know exactly who you have to call.
content/warnings: anxiety, panic attack, fluff, final exams (that should be a proper warning)
word count: 1.3k
a/n: english isn't my first language, please take that into consideration.
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You smiled at the picture on your phone, Mickey's smile illuminating the screen. He'd sent you a text just before leaving the locker room and joining his friends up in the sky. His goofy face always managed to stretch a smile onto your lips. You sent him an emoji blowing a kiss even though you knew he would only see it in a few hours when he'll be back on the ground. You put down your phone on your desk face down and looked back at your laptop, your smile fading quickly. You needed to study.
You managed to learn a good part of your subject before you heard your phone vibrate. You looked at the window and saw that the sun was now high in the sky. You sighed and answered your best friend. "Hey, Mickey!" You smiled, happy to get this break in your study session. "Hey! Did you see the picture I sent you?" He immediately asked. You chuckled and rubbed your forehead. "Yes, Mickey, I saw it. I even texted you back, didn't you see?" You could hear men voices behind him and figured out he was still in the locker room. The sound of his voice became a bit more distant, surely from the fact he put down his phone to change clothes. "Nah, sorry. I didn't check my messages, I immediately called you when we were dismissed." Wolf whistles were heard on the other end but Mickey was quick to make them stop with an insult.
You could hear him shuffle and then his voice got really close to the phone, as if he removed the speaker. "How's studying?" He asked, his tone way calmer now. You sighed and leaned back in your chair. "Boring." He chuckled and you heard him close his locker. "Yeah, I figured. Do you want me to come over and clear your mind?" You looked back at your laptop and scooted closer to it. "Nah, I'm good. I'm gonna study some more, I'll let you know if I need anything." He didn't say anything but you didn't need him to, you already knew how he felt about how hard you were on yourself about those exams. "I'm fine, Mickey. I hope you had fun today." You told him before he could even scold you. You heard him slightly sigh and could almost hear the smile stretching his lips as he answered you. "Take care, I love you." You smiled and made a kissing sound right to the phone. "Love you too, Fanboy." He groaned at the callsign. "Don't call me that!" You laughed some more before hanging up and turning off the sound on your phone. You put it back down and focused on your laptop.
Reading again and again the same words until they were engraved in your brain. You only took a quick pause to make yourself a tea to drink as you read the same words all over again. You didn't even notice the sun starting to go down until your stomach asked for food. You leaned back in your chair to stretch your muscles and glanced at the window, your eyes widening as you notice how late it must already be. You checked your phone and was horrified to see it was already 5 in the afternoon. You had barely done anything of your day and the final exams were coming soon. "No, no, no..." You closed your lesson and opened another one, if you couldn't learn everything by heart, you at least wanted to know the basics of each of them.
Your heart started beating faster as you read the lesson you wrote months ago in class. Why didn't you study sooner? Breathing through your nose turned out to be quite difficult as your lungs asked for more and more oxygen. Your hands started trembling as you tried to go through your lesson. You shook them firmly to get rid of the tremble but nothing seemed to help you at the moment. Tears blurred your sight and burned your eyes but you couldn't allow yourself to take the time to properly cry when those exams would determine if you can get a job or not. So you simply let the tears roll down your cheeks as you tried to read your lesson, holding your shaking hands and breathing heavily through your mouth. The first sob broke through your focus and you felt your chest clenching, squeezing your heart in your ribcage and feeling like you might die from suffocation. You brought a hand to your chest and whined in pain. You didn't know what was happening but you knew what to do.
You tentatively grabbed your phone and Mickey's warm smile greeted you on your lock screen. You searched for his contact and immediately put on the speaker, not trusting your hand to hold the phone during the call. It rang one. Two. Three times. "Hello?" His voice warmed your heart. You could hear voices behind him and music, sign that he was at the Hard Deck with his friends "Mickey?" Your shaking voice must have alarmed him cause you heard him excuse himself to his friends and the music faded behind him. "What's wrong?" He sounded so serious. "I..I don't know what's happening... I can't... I can't breathe." You quietly sobbed. "I'm on my way, don't move and try to slow your breathing." You tried to protest but he had already hung up on you. Your phone turned off automatically and you were once again alone with the bloody laptop.
Not even twenty minutes later, you heard your front door open after Mickey used the spare key you gave him a few months ago. He ran to you and wrapped you in his arms as you cried some more, feeling safer than ever against him. He rocked you against his chest, stroking comfortably your hair and murmuring sweet nothings to calm you down. You both let yourselves fall on the floor but he never let you go, holding you close to him. "It's okay, you're okay. Breathe with me, Angel." He took a big breath through his nose and waited for you to do the same. He then Breathed out through his mouth, watching attentively as you did the same, your exhale way shakier than his. "You're okay, you're with me." He kept rocking you until you completely calmed down. More tears rolled down your cheeks to soak Mickey's shirt but he really couldn't care less.
It felt like forever until you were both laying on the floor of your apartment, your gaze glued to the ceiling as his eyes couldn't leave your face. "Do you wanna talk about it?" He asked, almost in a whisper not to startle you. You swallowed and turned to him completely, resting your weight on your hip. "The exams. I'm so scared I'm gonna fail." Mickey immediately sighed at your answer and new teras threatened to spill but he quickly turned his body to you and gently grabbed your face to wipe your tears. "You're too hard on yourself, Angel." You pursed your lips and looked away as he scooted closer to you, opening his arms for you to snuggle in close. You quietly cried against his chest as he stroked your back soothingly. "Angel?" He called, stopping his movements on your back. "Hmm?" You answer, staying snuggled in his shirt. "Look at me, please." You leaned back and looked up at him, meeting his brown eyes. He softly smiled and closed the distance between you two, pressing a sweet kiss on the corner of your lips. Your eyes widened and you felt your face heat up as he looked back into yours eyes. "You're gonna nail it, I'm sure. You're the smartest person I know, no exam should scare you." He then kissed your forehead and tenderly tucked his chin on top of your head.
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ezraholmes · 2 months
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pirate!schlatt x crew!nurse!reader
chapter 1
yipeee wrote a chapter, this is mainly charcater introduction but idk more interesting than just that I hope!
if you haven’t already read the prologue here
word count : 1k ish
cw: mention of injury, mention of death
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8 years later, you find yourself still on board the mighty ship you boarded all those years ago. You had grown and matured with the ship that now sported a fair few scratches and missed a plank or too up on deck. The important bit was that you made it, and no longer concealed, you were a pirate! Or as close to being one as a woman could get, you were resident doctor on board the chuckler, a small room beneath deck filled with makeshift beds and vials of medicinal potions; the room was yours, although many a day you spent sharing with unwell pirates. You sat on the edge of one of the crates that formed a bed. Applying some concoction of Caribbean amenities onto a nasty wound upon the boatswains right foot. A wedge of golden light enlarged as the decrepit door of the dimly lit room was pushed further open. Your eyes stayed on your patient, having learned your lesson after a few unfortunate incidents. A humm left your lips, your way of enquiring to your mystery guest. Your question was answered by a firm hand on your shoulder, followed by Schlatt's gruff voice: ‘You almost done?’ Slicing through the mild silence as if with a knife, his violent demeanour was ever present. ‘Yeah. Just let me dress the wound,’ you replied, your voice soft as ever. You reached for the bandage from the crate to your left. Gently stretch it out before wrapping it several times around the foot before you. You could feel Schlatt's eyes on you, him observing how tender and careful you were with every movement. His eyes were following you as if you were the brightest thing in the room, as if you cast everything else into shadow. You slit the end of the bandage and fastened it tight before helping the boatswain to his feet and assisting him out the door. You waved him out of the room and closed the door behind him, turning then to light the candle sitting by your bed. Sitting down next to your newly lit candle, legs dangling from the side of your raised bed, sheets crinkled and faded from years of use. Only then did you look st schlatt, giving him your full attention. He looked down at you, seemingly taking his time choosing his words but in truth admiring the sparkle in your eye and the way you looked at him as if you were equals. As if he wasn’t a cutthroat pirate and you weren’t a well-informed medic. ‘Captain thinks there's a ship up ahead, he says, briefing in 10’ It saddened you the way he referred to his own father with such formality. A ship up ahead meant a raid, you sighed. As much as you enjoyed the pirate life, you knew how Schlatt would throw himself into battles. He would fight to the end. Thankfully, that ‘end’ hadn’t yet been his end. You and Schlatt had grown even closer over your years at sea, a combination of your already-formed bond and the fact that everyone else on the ship was a good few years older, well into their 30’s. He knew how much you despised the wholeheartedness he applied to battle; he knew you spent their time at battle sitting worriedly on your bunk waiting, hoping for his return. This was probably the only reason he hadn’t yet come a cropper. Saving himself for you. He was the only reason you joined this ruddy ship, and he wouldn’t leave you here alone. 
Minutes later, Schlatt broke the silence that had overcome the both of you. ‘We better go,’ he offered you a hand, and he helped lever you out of your bed. Your hands lingered in each other's grasp a little longer than anticipated before falling back to their owners sides. He followed you out of the room, unbeknownst to you, his hand hovering just off the small of your back as you made your way up the ship's rickety stairs and up onto the top deck. The fresh sea air is a relief to your lungs after the damp, smelly interior or the ocean vessel. You let Schlatt take the lead, and you followed him to the gathering of men around the helm of the ship. A man you knew as Zame passed schlatt a tankard of rum, watching you almost judgingly as you seated yourself atop an empty barrel. Schlatt stood himself behind you, a protective hand on your shoulder. Being the only female on a ship of middle-aged men led to more than your fair share of sexual advances, and Schlatt knew how much you disliked the attention. He acted as somewhat of a guardian angel with the way he shot angry glares at anyone looking your way, even a little too long. The captain stood on the raised platform of the ships wheel and explained the vague plan. Himself Schlatt and Gart were to be the front line of attack, and so on and so forth. Our pirates were skilled, usually taking our whole ship with only one or two casualties and very rarely fatalities; as far as you were aware, your ship was known ocean wide. Yet still, before any raid or attack, there were the nerves bouncing around your head and making light in your stomach. The uneasy feeling knowing the possibility of schlatts demise. In your head, you were friends, but you’d been devoid of social norms for the last 8 years, not having seen the proper functions of love interests and feelings. Not being taught the difference and how friends acted. Schlatt was always touchy with you, feeling the need to always have some part of himself connected to you when in your general vicinity, and vice versa. You hadn’t yet realised the strength of your relationship, and yet with every clash of swords, you feared the end of it.
You could see the other ship drawing nearer, and with a soft exchange of words, you were sent back to your room to cross your fingers and wait for your friends return. 
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<-previous part ||
Ummm yipeee, I have an idea for plot so just hold tight :)
kinda new to posting on here so lmk if you enjoyed this by rebloging or wtv 🫶
taglist: @azzypzazzy (just ask to be added or removed)
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GhostGaz Week - 2nd chances // road trip
This one is more of a dialogue based character study than anything else, I think. I felt unhinged writing it even though very little happens.
CW: use of cigarettes, littering, discussions of gender and sexuality, past dating experiences, brief reference to simon riley's terrible awful service experiences
Gaz doesn’t hate land transport, but he’d much rather be on a helicopter than in this silent car with Ghost right now. He’s viciously bored. If it was Price, he’d know how to carry a conversation. But fresh off his third milk run with Ghost, he’s floundering. He checks the clock and groans. There’s another hour before they hit the tarmac and head home.
Desperation for something to talk about makes him blurt, “You ever been in love?”
Ghost doesn’t give much indication that he’s heard, eyes never leaving the road, hand relaxed on the top of the steering wheel. Sometimes Gaz wishes he was a photographer. The Ghost in the driver’s seat would make a great campaign poster. He’s bulky with all his gear. Solid. The picture of a man. This is the guy protecting the innocent by risking himself. A skull faced badass.
“Take the wheel,” Ghost says.
Used to the routine by now, Gaz leans over the arm rest to hold the car steady while Ghost pulls pulls a cigarette from a pack and lights it. But where he usually only lifts his balaclava over the bridge of his nose, he reaches up to take the whole thing off. It’s the work of a moment for him to light the cigarette and open the window. Gaz finds himself looking between the empty road and Ghost’s scarred jaw and the shape of his nose.
“Yeah,” Gaz says, settling back into his seat. He tries not to stare, but it’s hard. Without the mask, Ghost is still the picture of a man. Just... different.
“Why’d you ask?”
Ghost tilts his head to make brief eye contact, then looks back at the road. “Why’d you ask if I’ve ever been in love?”
Oh. “Just… curious, I guess,” Gaz flounders. “I feel like we should know each other better by now.”
The silence is near painful as Ghost takes a drag from his cigarette, and then another. Gaz can’t decide what’s worse - if he’s being ignored or if Ghost is actively offended. He’s about to apologize when he gets an answer.
“Been in love a few times. Puppy love 'fore I joined up, told myself I woulda proposed to ‘er if things were different, but probably not. Was all over the place.” He takes another drag, exhales as he talks. “Had a crush on another private in basic, gave it a go when we graduated. Dated in secret for about a year before I broke things off. Hurt a bit but tha’s a part of it all, yeah?”
“Why’d you break up?”
“Didn’t like being his secret,” Ghost says around another puff of smoke. “He didn’t like my daddy issues.”
Gaz feels his eyebrows crawl up beneath is cap. “Didn’t know you liked men.”
That makes Ghost - Simon? - laugh. “Yeah, well, now we know each other better, I guess.”
Gaz's ears burn a bit. Into the silence, he offers, “Me too. I mean… I’m… not strictly heterosexual…?”
“You askin’ me?” the man snorts a laugh. “’ve seen your beauty serums, Gaz. I know you ain’t straight. Best egg in the carton.”
Gaz scrunches his nose, he can't help it. “What does that even mean?”
Ghost grins that grin. The one that makes Price shoot his whiskey. “You ever have dreams where you’re a girl?”
“What?” Gaz blanches. Five years ago, he’d have answered, doesn’t everybody? But he’s learned his lesson since then. “No.”
Ghost’s grin doesn’t falter. “I do.”
“Bullshit,” Gaz says, because what? What even is this conversation?
“Third love of my life made me go to therapy,” Ghost continues, like he didn’t just rock Gaz’s world on its axis. “Learned a lot. Admittedly before the Ghost thing. Broke up because the therapy was working. And then all the Ghost shit happened.”
“Of course.” What else is there to say?
“Flirted with someone a couple times in the last six months, but either I’ve been too subtle or they’re not interested.”
Gaz gropes around for an appropriate response because I've only ever seen you stare silently at people feels a bit rude. “Maybe it’s the mask? You’re hard to read.”
“Maybe so,” is the answer he gets. “What about you? Ever been in love, Garrick?”
The question shouldn’t startle him, but it does. He stumbles over his answer. “I dunno. Maybe. Had crushes when I was kid. Dated in sixth form, but I don’t know if that counts.”
“Why not?”
“Well, I was a kid, yeah? Everything feels intense when you’re young,” Gaz shrugs. “Doesn’t mean it’s love.”
Ghost is quiet for a moment, nodding to himself. Finally he says, “M’ therapist says that just because it’s a kid that feels it don't make the feelings less valid. If anything, feelings are more intense for kids. Puppy love is still love.”
The realization that Ghost is a romantic snaps into place. He sits with that for a beat before saying, “Well, she cheated on me with my mate, so that ended. Took a long time for me to get over that one.”
“That’s shite,” Ghost mumbles. “You datin’ now?”
“Not much time for a civilian relationship,” Gaz admits with a shrug. “And I’m not… out on base. I’m not not, just… I don’t really care to have people in my business.”
“Fair,” Ghost answers. He flicks his cigarette out the window. “Well, if you ever do think about dating on base, keep me in mind.”
Gaz might pull something in his neck, he snaps to look at Ghost so fast. “Huh?”
Ghost just laughs.
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cuffmeinblack · 1 year
Hold me like a grudge
Leander Prewett x f!reader
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Tags: explicit | smut | Slytherin!reader | blowjobs | fingering | unprotected sex
3.6k words
Summary: As a Slytherin, you can't be seen to be publicly swooning over Leander Prewett, but he's making it really hard not to.
A/n: No the title isn't a Fall Out Boy song SHUTUP. Anyway, I wrote this in an evening after I said I had too many WIPs but I'm an impulsive idiot.
Leander Prewett had rubbed you up the wrong way the moment you met him, the way he’d talked about Sebastian after your first Herbology lesson, making a snide remark about dirty Slytherin tactics. Probably not the best thing to say to a Slytherin. What he lacked in tact, he didn’t appear to make up for anywhere else, quickly becoming someone you disliked and tried to stay away from.
You'd held onto the grudge for a while, though it had subsided with time—perhaps you'd matured, realised that he simply held assumptions that were incorrect and it wasn't necessarily how he felt now, two years later. Or, it was because Leander Prewett was now fucking gorgeous. His jaw had sharpened a little, he'd grown several inches, towering above most of your classmates, but still had that shocking red mane that he shared with his partner in crime, Garreth Weasley.
If there was one red headed, freckled boy you thought you'd be attracted to, you'd have thought it would be Weasley, with his easy smile and twinkling eyes. But no, your eyes were often drawn over and up to Leander, who's full lips looked more and more inviting by the day as you struggled to concentrate and maintain your composure around him. You had a stoic and intimidating Slytherin façade to maintain, and it wouldn't do to be publicly swooning over Prewett.
Easier said than done when you spotted him enter the great hall with Nellie, holding hands and giggling insufferably. Your lip twitched into a snarl, nose wrinkling in disgust at the lovestruck pair, sauntering to their table without a care in the world. When the hell had that happened? You privately chastised yourself for waiting far too long to make any sort of move on him, your stomach twisting into jealous knots. Your reaction wasn't easy to hide, and caught the attention of Sebastian immediately, his head swivelling around to follow your gaze.
"Prewett…and Oggspire? Huh. Disgusting, yes, but why do you care?"
"I wasn't looking at him," you said far too quickly.
"What were you looking at, then?"
"Erm…," you scanned the Gryffindor table looking for a scapegoat. "Weasley."
"Why were you looking at him?"
Sebastian's dark eyes were boring into your skull, making it incredibly hard to come up with a convincing lie. You were usually so good at this, but Leander's entrance with his new girlfriend had you flustered, and Sebastian was taking advantage of it.
"What's going on?" Ominis asked, tearing himself away from his breakfast to join the interrogation.
"Someone's got a crush on a Gryffindor," Sebastian said with a smirk in your direction. "I'm trying to figure out which one it is."
"Oh, Leander," Ominis said matter-of-factly, continuing to sip his tea.
Your mouth was dangling open at the blond, who obviously couldn't see your flabbergasted reaction, nor hear it over Sebastian's urgent questioning.
"How do you know that? Is that true? Fucking Prewett?"
"Sebastian, please," Ominis said, placing a protective hand over his ear.
"How did you know…?" you asked quietly.
"You mention him far more than anyone outside of our house," Ominis shrugged. "You also frequently call him Leander and try to sit near him in Charms at any given opportunity."
"Oh. Right, well I suppose I'll have to be more careful in future," you replied bitterly, swallowing a lump in your throat. "Excuse me."
Storming out of the hall, you ran into the grounds and gulped down the fresh air, desperate to quell your nerves. So your best friends knew about your ridiculous crush, so what? You knew Ominis would be discreet, and Sebastian…well, he would if he knew what was good for him. No, your problem was Nellie Oggspire, and she needed to be dealt with.
The day passed slowly as you mulled over what you wanted to achieve, and tried to stay as far away from the pair as possible. You didn’t want to hurt Nellie, no, merely scare her off. A little prank never went amiss, and it would allow you to take out your frustration on the object of your envy. 
You were distracted all the way through dinner, keeping a close eye on Leander as you ate. Sebastian merely rolled his eyes, engaging in conversation with Ominis as you stewed and waited. As soon as he stood to leave, passing by Nellie with a tap on the shoulder, your fork clattered to your plate and you jumped up. Your friends called goodbye after you, but you merely grunted and gave a half-arsed wave as you strode out of the room.
You had your wand, a plan, and a whole lot of stupidity, but apparently none of the luck. They went straight to the Gryffindor common room, leaving you fuming outside of the entrance and pulling suspicious glances from students and portraits alike. Perhaps it was for the best, you thought bitterly, marching back towards your own common room in the dungeons. 
You’d made it halfway before realising you didn’t feel like the company tonight, diverting into the grounds. The evening was cool and the sun only just beginning to set as you perched on a grassy mound to watch the spectacle. Listing all of the reasons why you shouldn’t care about Leander having a girlfriend wasted a couple of hours, and the stars were bright and twinkling by the time you left your spot.
It must have been approaching curfew with the castle so quiet as you entered through the double doors, picking up your pace to almost a skip. You’d barrelled down a few corridors, activity getting sparser and silence descending until you heard him. His voice, the one that sent shivers down your spine, the reason you sat so bloody close to him in Charms, was now raised and absolutely furious.
You should have ignored it, carried on walking and put it out of your mind. It was none of your business, but curiosity got the better of you, and you approached with bated breath as the shouting got louder and you noticed a second voice. Nellie and Leander were really going at it, and you barely suppressed a grin as you listened to the exchange, only feeling the tiniest amount of guilt.
The voices dissipated, replaced by heavy footfalls you recognised from a feminine shoe. Ducking around a corner, you waited until the corridor was silent once again, breathing a deep sigh of relief. There had only been one set of footsteps, the other noticeably absent after minutes of waiting.
You knew you couldn't stay in hiding all night—it was already past curfew. You should have left, but the person you'd agonised over all day was just around the corner. Your legs were already moving in that direction, carrying you towards the spiral staircase, when you saw him; the shock of red hair atop a figure hunched over on the stairs.
His face flew up, expression softening when he saw that you weren't a prefect.
"Oh…hello. Erm, what can I do for you?"
"Me? I was…are you okay?"
"Ah, did you hear that? Yes, I'm fine…"
"Right, well…"
You couldn't seem to finish your sentence, pulled between wanting to comfort him, find out more about what had happened and throwing the stoic mask over your face once more. Being sarcastic wouldn't achieve anything, even though it was your default when faced with awkward, sensitive conversations about emotions. He looked at you questioningly, clearly confused as to why you were still standing in front of him.
"Want some company?"
He blinked, not expecting the offer, but nodded and shuffled over to allow you room to sit down. Being so close to him was unnerving, your eyes instantly drawn to his mouth and feeling an intense blush cross your face. Diverting your gaze to his brown eyes didn't exactly help, and the air seemed to ripple with tension as you fidgeted and he ran a hand through his copper hair.
"What brings you here this time of night, anyway?" he asked.
"Nothing much, just came for a walk to clear my head."
"After curfew?"
"I'm particularly good at being stealthy if I need to be," you said with a small smile.
Leander chuckled, a soft, melodic laugh that made your blush deepen and fidgeting intensify. 
"I suppose I know what you were doing out here," you muttered.
"Mmm, didn't really work out that way, did it? It's fine, though. I wasn't really…"
He shrugged and his sentence trailed off with a sigh, leaning back against the stairs behind him on his elbows. Now it was even harder to take your eyes off of him as he practically lay next to you, a relaxed posture you'd never seen in your classes together. He was always so prim and proper, yet here he was with a crinkled shirt rolled to his elbows, tie loosened and hair dishevelled from a long day. You'd have loved to muss that hair even more, running your fingers through it as you kissed him.
An uncomfortable ache had settled between your legs, your abdomen full of fluttering insects that didn't appear to calm with the passing seconds. Gods, you wanted him. You felt almost crazed, and were sure he felt it too as his eyes drifted lazily over your face, flicking between your eyes and down to your lips.
"You're quite nice, for a Slytherin," he remarked.
"Hm. You're alright for a Gryffindor."
You held each other's gaze for a few agonising seconds, neither able to make a move until your impatience got the better of you. Leaning over his almost prone position, your hand found his cheek and lips met his in a tentative but dizzying kiss. He was kissing you back, long fingers wrapping your waist to pull you on top of him in an awkward and uncomfortable perch on the steps.
The pain in your knees you could do without, but it dulled to the sensation of his soft lips parting for you, his tongue meeting yours in gentle exploration. 
"Is this…just a rebound?" you asked, pulling away all but an inch.
"Does it matter if it is?" he replied, fingers pulling your shirt from your waistband.
"A little…I've liked you for a while. And I don't want to be second choice to fucking Nellie Oggspire," you added, flinching away from talking too openly about your feelings.
"Me too. I mean, I've liked you, ever since I saw you in fifth year. Gods, you're gorgeous. You could never be second best," he replied, voice dripping with lust as his hands roamed over the bare skin beneath your shirt.
Maybe this was just a one-off, but did it matter? He was offering to fulfil your fantasies and you were more than eager to accept. You doubted your body would let you refuse, the way your chest tightened, breath quickened and you ached for his touch.
"Can we go somewhere more comfortable? These stairs are killing my back," he asked with a small smile.
You couldn't help but smirk at his wincing, whilst wondering if you could make it all the way to the Room of Requirement. Willing to give it a try, you clambered off of him, saliva pooling in your mouth as you noticed the bulge in his trousers before pulling him up by his wrist. Leander stuttered, readjusting himself in his trousers as you shushed him, marching quickly and quietly towards your sanctuary. 
It was a way to go, and it was past curfew—you were bound to meet a prefect or a teacher, and then what? You'd be banished back to your common room with detention and full of frustration. The time to act was now, as you passed through the hallway and heard dull, echoing footsteps ahead of you, and Leander seemed to agree.
"Oh, shit," he whispered, swivelling you around with a pull of your hand and into a nearby dusty classroom.
"What the hell…"
The lock clicked behind you, leaving you standing in silence, moonlight pouring in through the windows the only source of light. The footsteps outside grew louder as your heart pounded, then receded, and you let out a breath you didn't realise you'd been holding.
"That was close," he sighed.
"This more comfortable for you?" you asked, glancing around at the rows of desks.
"Not exactly as cosy as my dorm…"
"It'll have to do."
Your fingers wrapped around his tie, dragging him through the rows to the large desk which at one point would have seated a professor. The classroom had long been disused—you didn't think they'd mind. As long as the dearly departed didn't decide to visit, you should have Leander all alone now.
"We're really doing this…fuck…," he muttered as you turned, backing against the desk and pulling him against you.
"We really are."
Your fingers got to work undoing the buttons on his waistband as his lips claimed you in a kiss, his hands resuming their place underneath your shirt and slipping up your back. They were soft and warm, his touch delicate but decisive, tracing your ribs around to the soft flesh of your breasts. A gasp left your mouth as his large hands gripped your breasts, pawing hungrily and teasing your nipples into stiff peaks with a flick of his dextrous thumbs.
He responded with a low groan, his straining erection falling into your hand as you released him from the fabric. Oh fuck, he was proportionate to his height, for sure, and the girth you felt as you wrapped your hand around him made your breath hitch. Those soft lips were teasing you into a frenzy, brushing yours gently before pulling away ever so slightly with a smirk. Oh, he wanted to play.
Without a second thought, you crashed your mouth against his, sucking his lower lip into your mouth, nibbling and sucking, flicking and gliding your tongue to show him what you'd do elsewhere, if he behaved. Your hand worked his cock with gentle strokes, slow and steady, your thumb swiping over the top to spread his slick precum. The thought was making you hungry, the smell of his arousal drawing you down to the floor before he could react to the abandonment of the heated kiss. 
Within a second your lips were wrapped around his cock, tongue swirling around the swollen head and hand gripping firmly at the bottom of his shaft. The moans you let out echoed in the classroom, devoid of anything but the hard wooden furniture, mingling with Leander's gasps and frantic expletives. His hands were in your hair, tugging with every movement of your head as you sucked his cock ferociously, like you'd been fucking starved for years. He tasted so good, warm, wet and a perfect fit for your mouth.
Running your tongue along the thick vein on the underside of his shaft, Leander let out a shaky moan and bucked his hips, his cock hitting the back of your throat. Fuck, yes. More. You begged him with your eyes, using your spare hand to grab his hip and pull him into you. He got the hint, looking down at you with his lips parted and his eyes darkened as he took hold of your head with both hands. 
He rolled his hips, his cock sliding further down your throat, the tip squeezed by your tight muscles as you suppressed your reflex as best you could. Your eyes still watered, his face becoming more of a blur with every thrust, the groans from his throat growing louder and louder. There was something so exhilarating at being used for his pleasure, the obscenity of it only growing your already painful arousal.
He was close; you could tell by the ragged breaths and shaking legs, the urgency of his thrusts as he practically grinded against your face. The tiny moans you managed to eek out were silenced as he pulled back, spilling his load into your mouth. Thick ropes of cum shot onto your waiting tongue and coating your mouth, unable to take it all and dribbling the last down your chin. 
You were both panting by the time his cock had finished pulsing, but you found the energy to scramble to your feet, swallowing the thick, salty liquid and wiping the overspill on your sleeve. Leander looked to be in shock, an almost apologetic look on his heavily flushed face, only intensified as you hopped onto the desk and yanked his shirt to pull him between your legs. It was your turn now.
"Are you okay…?" he asked.
"More than okay, or I will be," you replied, taking his hand and roughly placing it between your legs.
His thin fingers glided over the cotton of your underwear, almost making your eyes roll back in your head at the overwhelming sensitivity of your clit. You were throbbing, the bundle of nerves under his fingertips so desperate for attention. It was unbecoming to beg, especially for a Slytherin, but by Gods you were close.
Thankfully, his movements hastened at your glare, pressing firm fingers to your soaked underwear and working your nub with quick and tiny circles. 
Your arms quaked, muscles twitching and hips bucking into his hand with every little movement. His name fell from your lips over and over again until you couldn't speak, his mouth claiming yours with a frenzied hunger. Your kisses were all gasps, moans and tongue. Leander was getting hard again, his length pressing into your inner thigh, but he never wavered from his attention on you. 
He'd pulled down your underwear with tugs of his spare hand and a wiggle of your hips, fingers delving into your soaking entrance to the sound of your wails. Coated in your slick, he returned to your clit, gliding between your folds to resume his steady rhythm.
"You're so wet…"
"You drive me fucking crazy," you growled.
You were so close already, and overly sensitive. Your orgasm was building quicker and quicker, your heart pounding and body shaking as you approached your peak.
"I want you to come for me."
He whispered in your ear, and you were a goner. His silky voice slid into your ear and exploded the tension coiled in your core, your release ripping through you so intensely Leander had to grip your waist to keep you from falling against the desk as your body convulsed. You screamed his name, gasping for breath as he sucked on your neck. His fingers carried you through your orgasm until you squirmed away at the oversensitivity, gripping his back until the waves had ebbed away.
"Fucking hell."
Leander nibbled and licked at the skin on your neck, answering you by plunging his fingers inside you.
"Oh…oh Gods, Leander…"
He pulled away from your neck, looking deep into your eyes. Your stomach flipped and walls clenched around his fingers at his intense stare. He looked animalistic, a predator with its sight fixed on its prey, ready to pounce at any moment. 
"Do you want me?"
His fingers pulled out of you, replaced by his rock hard erection parting your folds and nudging at your entrance. He hooked an arm under your leg, drawing it up to expose you completely under your skirt. His lustful gaze dropped to your waiting cunt, watching as he pushed himself inside you with a soft groan. He was slow, steady, stretching you exquisitely. He felt incredible, everything you'd ever hoped for in those nights spent with your hand between your legs, moaning his name.
"You feel amazing," you gasped as he fully seated himself inside you.
"Gods, so do you. Fuck."
You pulled on his tie to bring his lips to yours, kissing him deeply as he began to roll his hips. Your hands were in his fiery mane as he fucked you; hard, steady and utterly perfect. You seemed to move effortlessly in sync, meeting him at the top of his thrust with a shift of your hips, his hands pulling you to press deeper than you thought possible.
"So beautiful…," he muttered against your lips.
You responded with a whimper, your walls fluttering around his cock. 
"You're going to…make me come again…," you gasped breathlessly.
"Can I finish inside you?"
You looked into his eyes, melting slightly. He didn't slow or stop his thrusts, just pounded into you as he held your gaze.
"Yes, fuck…come inside me, Leander. Fill me up."
His grip on the flesh around your hip tightened to painful levels, the skin tingling beneath his fingernails as his rhythm quickened just a little. He slammed into you harder, bruisingly, with a glint in his eye and sinful moans falling from those soft, kiss-swollen lips. You held him tighter, whispering his name as you felt his cock twitch and body tense before he met his release, pulling you over the edge with him.
He kissed you hungrily as you revelled in the bliss of your orgasms, bodies warm and sweaty but still clinging to each other through it all. Every muscle in your body relaxed as the pleasure ebbed away, leaving you limp, dazed and so content. Your cheeks brushed, sighs and heavy breaths exchanged, and for a while you forgot that you were in a dusty old classroom—being entwined with Leander in the hazy afterglow felt right, almost like home. You kissed his freckled skin until he turned to look at you, eyes searching yours.
“So…want to do that again?” he asked.
“I assume you don’t mean now,” you replied with a smirk.
“Maybe not right this second, but you said you were good at being sneaky…do you think I can get you back to my bed first?”
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pollymorgan · 19 days
Teacher Negan - The Football Game - Part 5
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Warnings: Of course, there's still a big age difference and Negan is an asshole. Smut!
-Several months later-
I am probably the only student in the entire school who looks forward to Monday every time. Even though the classes before my sports block are always a little torture and never seem to end. But I am rewarded for my patience. After the double lesson, Negan and I always spend a good hour together, secretly. Every time I sneak back into the hall, where he impatiently waits for me.
Otherwise, we only see each other occasionally by chance on the schoolyard or in the hallway, and every time I feel this incredible tingling in my stomach. By now, I have to admit to myself, I am incredibly in love with him. Even though I tried to suppress it for so long.
My evenings, or rather nights, are often spent playing online games with Negan, while we talk for hours on the phone and discuss everything possible.
Only two topics we successfully avoid. Firstly, his wife and secondly, what this whole thing between us is or could become.
It was also on one of those late evenings when he suggested that I join the cheerleading group, whose football team he coached in his free time.
"Me? A cheerleader?" I asked in surprise into the speaker of my phone, while the situation on the PlayStation was getting pretty intense.
"Of course, you are super athletic and phenomenally beautiful!" he stated without hesitation.
I laughed, "So that's what you're into? Bouncing girls in short skirts?"
"No, I'm into you ... bouncing in a short skirt..." he stated and added "...even if it won't be easy for me to train the guys with a constant hard-on, but the main thing is that we can see each other more often."
So it happened that I really became a cheerleader, and surprisingly, I even had a lot of fun. Not only because I could see Negan more often, but also because the other players and cheerleaders were really nice.
After a while, our team was so good that we planned our first away game. It was so far from our hometown that we rented a bus and planned to stay in a hostel afterwards.
Everyone was pretty nervous and trained hard. The boys, as well as us girls. Even Negan could be seen tensing up as the game approached. Because if there's one thing he absolutely hates, it's embarrassing himself. So he put a lot of pressure on the players during training.
But his worry was unfounded. We won our first away game, and we won big. The joy was immense.
-The evening after the game-
Together we enter our small accommodation, which more resembles a youth hostel than a hotel. We never thought our team would actually win, so the mood was very high.
We settle into our rooms and agree to meet in the common room right after to celebrate the victory. I share my hotel room with Layla. She is also a cheerleader and a few years older than me. I am once again the youngest, but by now, I don't mind. We get along great, and she has become like my best friend. I trust her, and we tell each other everything, well, almost everything, I can't tell her about Negan, which is really hard. After all, he is constantly on my mind.
After freshening up a bit, we head to the common room with the others. It consists of a few seats, a large TV, and a foosball table.
As soon as I enter the room, I look around, but Negan is not here. As I scan the room with my eyes, I see Liam fixating his gaze on me and interrupting his conversation. Liam is a pretty good player on the team, and I have noticed that he has been seeking my attention for some time, which doesn't bother me because he is really funny and considerate. I enjoy spending time with him - of course, only as friends.
Suddenly, he jumps up and stands right in front of me, "Want to go outside for a smoke?" he asks with a smile on his lips.
I shrug nonchalantly, "Sure, why not?"
So we walk down the narrow hallway, at the end of which is a tiny balcony that can only accommodate 3-4 people. Together we step out onto it, and Liam immediately holds out his pack of cigarettes. I gratefully take one and let him light it for me. After the first deep drag, I smile, "Thanks for a great game!"
He grins somewhat embarrassed and waves it off, "Oh, that was a team effort..."
"Don't be so modest!" I encourage him and tap his shoulder, feeling how his confidence is boosted even more.
"Well, you also cheered us on pretty well, so we can only be motivated..." he states, and I notice how he comes much closer to me, "I'm really glad you're here..." he adds in a soft voice.
Speechless, I look at him, as I hadn't expected the conversation to take this turn so quickly.
Suddenly, I startle as the silence is interrupted by the opening of the balcony door.
My heart races even higher when Negan suddenly stands right next to us. He must have just come out of the shower, as his hair is still slightly damp and a wonderful scent of soap and aftershave surrounds him.
Instinctively, I move away slightly from Liam, which is not easy on this small balcony. After all, the three of us are quite cramped.
Without saying anything, Negan snatches the cigarette from my hand and puts it in his mouth. He holds it between his lips and addresses Liam in an annoyed tone, "What's wrong with you?! No cigarettes for minors."
Liam raises his hands in resignation, "Coach, Sam is not a kid anymore... she's almost 19."
"Exactly, almost 19 means 18! So, three damn years until she's 21... or have you become too stupid to do math because all the blood has rushed elsewhere in your head?" he asks calmly.
Liam stutters slightly, "That... that's really not fair," and I have to try not to laugh.
Negan is definitely jealous!
I've experienced a few situations where I thought he was, but always convinced myself that I was imagining things. But now the whole situation is pretty clear, and I secretly enjoy it because it shows me that he really cares about me.
"That's not fair," Negan mimics him.
Offended, Liam shakes his head and extinguishes his cigarette on the wall beside him.
"I'm going back inside, are you coming, Sam?" he asks me, trying to ignore Negan as best as he can.
I briefly catch Negan's gaze and say uncertainly, "Oh... um... you go ahead... I'll be right there... the fresh air is really nice right now."
Annoyed, Liam leaves the balcony, and Negan silently watches through the window as he walks down the long hallway. As soon as he disappears from sight, Negan turns to me.
"That sleazy guy is trying to get in your pants!" he exclaims.
"Mh, could be..." I say, unfazed.
Negan looks at the long hallway once more, and when he sees that no one is there, he pulls me close and kisses my lips.
Slightly surprised by the risky move, it takes me a few seconds to respond to the kiss. But now I don't want to let go of his lips at all. It feels so good to finally feel him again. Seeing him constantly but not being able to touch him is really torture for me.
As we separate, I wipe my lipstick from his mouth.
"Pretty risky, don't you think?" I remark.
He looks at me with a broad grin, "I know how these daring actions make you wet, don't I? And besides, I had to make it clear who you belong to, my sweet! Oh, I have something for you..."
"For me?" my smile turns into a questioning look.
I watch in amazement as he pulls a small black box from his jeans and opens it skillfully. Inside is a delicate golden chain with a small heart pendant featuring a sparkling blue stone. My heart starts to race. Negan has never given me anything, not even flowers. And now he's standing there with a beautiful necklace in his hand.
"I saw it and immediately thought of you... so, what do you say? Do you like it?" he asks.
I take a deep breath and try to hold back my tears with all my might. Quickly, I take a critical look towards the hallway, and when I see that no one is there, I wrap my arms around him.
"You didn't have to do this, it's beautiful..." my words rush out before I kiss him.
-Several hours later-
Some guys are sitting in front of the TV watching some sports show, while the rest of us are gathered around a large table, engaging in lively conversation over a few beers.
Everyone is in this small common room, except Negan.
I catch myself playing with my new necklace and thinking about him. Suddenly, I'm pulled out of my thoughts when Liam loudly announces, "Okay, guys, spin the bottle!"
Everyone cheers, but I ask somewhat annoyed, "Are you serious, isn't that a bit silly?"
But everyone protests, so I resign myself to my fate, and we start the game.
After a few rounds with typical tasks and questions, the door suddenly opens, and Negan walks in.
Some startle and try to hide the hard liquor. Even my heart pumps, but for different reasons, suddenly very strongly.
"I'm officially off duty, so if anyone starts crying because they miss their mommy or gets a paper cut, please don't come to me... and anything else you plan on doing tonight, I don't care..." With this announcement, he grabs a full beer from our table and briefly catches my eye before opening the bottle on the edge of the table and sitting down with a few other guys in front of the TV.
Now I can only see his back.
"Let's continue!" someone suddenly interrupts the silence at the table, "Whoever the bottle points to, has to kiss their neighbor, whether it's the left or right one, they can decide!"
The bottle is spun with full force, and of course, this time it points to me.
"Haha... Sam!" everyone cries out excitedly, and I immediately look to Negan, who discreetly turns around and looks at us. To my left is Liam, and to my right is Layla. I playfully take my time with my decision, even though it's clear from the start. After some hesitation, I slowly lean in towards Layla and take her chin between my fingers. We grin at each other before locking eyes and our lips gently touch. I feel her tongue lightly press against my lips, which initially startles me, but it actually feels quite good, and the thought that Negan is watching us closely spurs me on even more. I let my tongue cautiously explore hers, and the kiss becomes more intimate, with the comments around us getting louder. We take our time exploring each other's mouths hesitantly. Only then do I slowly pull away and give her a loud smack on her full lips as a final touch.
I pause for a moment and look at Negan, who is just turning back to the TV.
"Whoever the bottle points to has to reveal the most unusual place they've had sex..." I say after a brief pause and spin the bottle.
But I don't get to hear the answer because my phone vibrates in my lap. Curious, I look at the display and see a text from "Mister N." My heart skips a beat. I glance at him, but can only see his back. Eagerly, I lean back, making sure no one can see my screen.
"You naughty girl! 🔥" I read and quickly respond.
"Didn't you enjoy the little show? 😉"
"I can't say no. 😉 I just have some worry about leaving you alone with Layla tonight after what I just saw!"
"Don't worry! My pussy belongs only to you! And she misses you so much..🥺"
"I miss her too! How much I would love to run my mouth over her right now and catch every sweet drop with my tongue... I know how much you love that, right?..."
We exchange a few more messages back and forth, even though we are sitting just a few meters away from each other. Each message from him makes my lower body tingle more and my throat gets drier.
-Later in the hotel room-
Layla is already pretty out in bed, while I disappear into the bathroom. When I step out of the shower, I am wearing nothing but Negan's necklace. I look at myself in the mirror, then pick up my phone from the edge of the sink and quickly take a selfie covering my nipples.
"The necklace is so beautiful! 😍" I type underneath and nervously send it to Negan.
My heart is pounding wildly as I brush my hair and keep glancing at the screen. But there is no response. Is he already asleep? I put on my pajamas, and as I'm about to pull the top over my head, I hear the reassuring sound of my vibrating phone.
"Damn, sweetheart. That's not the only thing beautiful in the photo! 💕 Do you know how much I love your enchanting titties? Come on, show me more of them!" he texts.
Unconsciously, I smile immediately and after a few seconds of hesitation, I pull the straps of my top down, fully exposing my breasts, and once again set the camera function on my phone. I take a few photos and quickly choose one to send to Negan.
"Sweetheart, you are way too good to me! Can you imagine how rock hard my cock is right now because of you?"
I type, "No, show it to me, please!" on my phone, and as I send the message, my cheeks glow so much that I feel they might burst any moment.
It doesn't take long before I actually receive a picture of his hard arousal. I never thought something like this would turn me on, but with Negan, it's different. I instinctively squeeze my legs together and bite my lower lip.
"I really want him deep inside me right now..." I type back.
"That's all I can think about right now, damn! We should sleep now, my sweet! The sooner we can be close again..." he writes.
"You're right... pleasant dreams!" I reply, already missing him terribly in that moment. Disappointed, I set my phone aside and put my clothes back on. Then I step out of the small bathroom and, just as I'm about to say something to Layla to distract myself, I open the door. But she doesn't react. Confused, I look at the bed and see her sleeping peacefully.
"Hey Layla?" I ask a bit louder, but there's no response. I look at her once more and make sure she's really fast asleep. Then, quietly, I leave the hotel room and tiptoe barefoot down the hallway. Feeling slightly disoriented, I look at the room numbers on the doors. Of course, I remember Negan's room number. As I get closer to the number, I feel my body pumping with adrenaline. Finally, standing right in front of it, I hesitate for a moment. The risk is quite high. But then I timidly knock on Negan's door, not sure what makes my heart beat faster - the fear of getting caught or the excitement of being able to embrace Negan in my arms.
In the dark hallway, clad in a short pajama shorts and the matching tank top, I look around anxiously. Eventually, I hear movement behind the door and the doorknob turning, sending even more adrenaline rushing through my veins. I try to appear as calm as possible as Negan opens the door a crack and looks me up and down, his grin growing wider with every passing second.
I, too, let my eyes wander. He's wearing only dark gray boxers. Unconsciously, I bite my lower lip as my eyes travel over his slim, defined upper body. His dark chest hair and tattoos make him even more attractive.
On Mondays, after sports, I don't often get the chance to admire him like this. Everything always has to be quick, and we only take off the essentials, so I savor this sight even more. I take a deep breath and meet his gaze once again.
Innocently and softly, I say, "Mr. Smith, I can't fall asleep..."
He slowly licks his lips, and his dark eyes begin to sparkle. Leaning casually against the door frame with one arm, he asks, "Oh, my poor girl, what can I do for you?"
A smile tugs at my lips, and I try to keep my composure and stay in my role. Nervously, I nibble on the fingernail of my right thumb.
"Could you maybe... fuck me hard?" I ask in a pleading tone.
He grabs my wrist firmly and pulls me into his room with a swift motion. As soon as he closes the door, he presses my back firmly against it and starts kissing me passionately.
"I've been wanting to do this the whole damn time," he whispers into my open mouth, just before our tongues meet again.
His tall body presses against mine, and only the thin fabric of my pajamas prevents me from feeling his skin against mine. His right hand travels from my cheek, over my neck, to my shoulder. Skillfully, he takes hold of the strap of my top and slowly pulls it down, fully exposing my left breast. I let out a soft moan as he takes it in his large hand and massages it with considerable pressure. My nipple is caught between his index and middle fingers, and his firm grasp makes it harden. His more dominant touches, which I have yearned for, send a warm sensation directly to my lower abdomen.
"We don't have much time! I want you deep inside me. Please, Negan, I need your hard cock..." I beg him softly. This is not only the absolute truth, but I also know how much he enjoys it when I ask him like this.
With a satisfied grin, he leans his upper body back a bit and lets his dark, sparkling eyes roam over my body.
"You look like a sweet angel, but such dirty words come out of your mouth... My dear, you have no idea how incredible you are! Come on, get on the bed, but undress completely first," he says, smiling, taking a step back to make room for me.
I look at him and remove my top. The way he looks at me with so much desire excites me even more. Slowly, I also rid myself of my shorts and panties, standing completely naked in front of him. Then, I confidently walk past him. His intense gaze feels like it's physically touching me. I'm just about to sit on the bed when he speaks up.
"Oh no, get on all fours... Show me your sweet ass..."
His direct command makes my pussy twitch, and I know he enjoys the fact that I immediately obey his command. So, without hesitation, I turn around and climb onto his bed, ending up in the middle. I stretch out my bottom even more, feeling Negan getting behind me. He places his hand on my back and firmly presses my upper body down. My face presses into the pillow as I grip the sheets tightly.
I feel his teeth on my right buttock and his beard scratching against my skin. It sends a shiver down my spine, and I can sense his warm breath on my sensitive skin. I can tell he's grinning from my reaction. Then, his hand glides lightly along my inner thigh, moving higher, causing me to spread my legs a bit more. Just before reaching my most intimate area, he pauses and then moves back down. Disappointed, I let out a protest.
"What's wrong, my dear?" he asks mockingly.
"Touch my pussy, please..." I plead in a whispering tone.
He immediately grabs both cheeks of my bottom and pulls them wide apart.
"Oh man, you're practically dripping..." he states contently, "... you look so damn hot..". With those words, he buries his face between my legs. His warm tongue leisurely licks through my slit, catching every drop until he reaches my entrance. Slowly, he penetrates me.
Everything in me tightens, my body trembles under his touch as if I'm about to explode.
"Negan, that feels so good..." I moan softly.
With a gentle kiss right on my center, he pulls back.
After giving me a rather hard slap, he then digs his fingers into my butt firmly.
My whole body is addicted to him, to his touch, his tongue, his voice. I want him so badly.
"I want you inside me..." I say, unable to think of anything else.
"First, show me where you want my hard cock, my dear. Come in with your fingers..." he instructs. "I want to see them disappear into your sweet wet pussy."
Without hesitation, I move my hand between my legs and moisten my index and middle fingers with my arousal before sliding them inside me.
"So good..." Negan whispers behind me. Then, I feel him slowly press his index finger into me as well, widening me further. Once his finger is fully inside me, he starts massaging my swollen clitoris with his thumb. My moans grow louder with each passing moment. His index finger is pressed closely to mine inside me, and the more he massages my clit, the more everything inside me tightens, a sensation we both feel clearly.
"Do you feel how good you are...? So damn warm and tight..." he murmurs.
"I'm going to come, Negan..." I pant.
"I know, my dear, I know... come while our fingers are inside you..."
His rubbing on my clit intensifies, and I can barely hold myself up on my knees. My legs tremble as I experience such a powerful orgasm that it takes my breath away.
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replay (logan howlett x oc) chapter 1 - what i want
A/N: hello! here's the actual beginning of the story! also i don't know if i explained this yet, but every chapter is inspired by a song i listened to on replay while writing. the prologue was "she wolf" by shakira, and this chapter is inspired by "what i want" by gregor mcmurray. it actually made a really good song to choreograph a fight scene to. this was the first fight scene i've written so it's short and probably not great, but next chapter should have more. i hope you all enjoy reading!
Summary: Inez helps Logan, but he's very annoyed by her.
word count: 1k
tags: canon x oc, logan howlett x oc, mutant! oc, slow burn, enemies/rivals to lovers, some swearing, combat violence, name-calling, spelling and grammar errors because i didn't proofread too hard, okay bye i hope you enjoy
After a year of living at X Mansion, Inez had never been happier. Charles was right, now that she had a place to be herself and surround herself with others who also felt like they didn’t fit in with others, she thrived. After learning that she wasn’t just weird or going through a phase she’d grow out of, she learned to have better control over herself. She even let the grey streaks grow back into her brown hair. She had a new-found confidence, which she hadn’t felt in years. Like anyone though, she never felt one hundred percent her best. Thankfully, when she needed some guidance, she could turn to Charles and his sage advice, as well as the other teachers at X Institute. Inez had decided that she wasn’t exactly cut out to teach the kids, but she would happily join in on training. She even had some good advice to offer sometimes. She enjoyed helping those she worked with, and most of them enjoyed her help in return - except for one of the professors.
Logan Howlett - who taught history and hand-to-hand combat - was almost always grumpy, but something about Inez seemed to really rub him the wrong way. He was especially irritated in the rare cases when he would need her help with something. He didn’t want her help, but when something - usually technology-related - went wrong, she would be the first person to volunteer to help him. Inez was more tech-savvy than most, not an expert by any means, but she knew her way around the basics. One Monday morning, before history class began, Logan was struggling to get his projector to work in his classroom. As Inez explained what to do, he felt belittled by every word she spoke.
“Logan, you turn this on,” Inez clicked the power button on the document camera, “then you turn on the overhead projector. If the camera isn’t on, nothing is going to come up on the screen.”
“I knew that, Inez,” the way he said her name was bitter, “the damn thing wasn’t turning on-”
She stopped him, “Because you didn’t have the camera on.” Inez had gotten used to his nonsense. As much as he irritated her right back, she would still help him today, and she’d probably help him tomorrow. She’d help him a million times, only because they were supposed to be a team, and she wanted to be someone the team could rely on. It was thankless work helping Logan, but she didn’t care. Once he was fed up with her knowledge of things he didn’t understand, she’d leave the room and let him begin teaching his lessons. 
Inez would shut the door, rolling her eyes. “Fuckin old man,” she thought. She walked away from this situation without getting chewed out by him, but there were many times over the last year that they knew each other when she wouldn’t have gotten away so easily. She was really just happy to be out of his hair, and ready to do her own training for the day.
Later that same week, Charles requested that Inez come and meet with him. He was at his desk, shuffling through some papers when Inez walked in. They exchanged smiles and hellos before Charles invited Inez to take a seat across from him.
“Inez, I would like you to assist Logan during his next combat class, giving a demonstration to the students,” Charles explained, his tone calm, as it usually was. Inez couldn’t believe what she was hearing.
“You’re giving Logan the permission to break my bones or tear me apart with his claws?” Inez asked, her amber eyes wide with concern.
“He won’t be doing any of that,” Charles started with a small chuckle, “you’re just giving a demonstration.”
“Sir, we’ve never even sparred with one another. Even if he goes easy on me, he doesn’t know how much he needs to hold back so that he doesn’t kill me.” Inez’s claws combed back the hair near her temples, pulling slightly at the strands
“There will be no actual fighting, Logan just needs someone to throw a good punch or kick at him, so he can teach the students the proper ways to block an attack.” Charles placed the papers he had been leafing through into a file and then placed the file into a drawer in his desk. “Inez, you are stronger than you give yourself credit for. I wouldn’t have asked you if I didn’t think you could handle it.”
Charles was right, as he often was. Not always, but often. Inez smoothed her hair with her claws and nodded. “When does Logan need my help?”
On Friday morning, Logan and Inez stood in one of the open grass fields, waiting for the students to arrive for their combat lesson. Neither of them said anything to each other for close to 15 minutes, the tension in the air was heavy.
“I can’t believe Charles sent you to help me,” Logan finally scoffed, pinching his nose between his thumb and index finger. 
“I tried to get out of it,” Inez snarled, her hands flexing into fists for a moment, before releasing. She repeated the motion a few times, trying to find the most comfortable way to make a fist around her long claws. In real fights, and in her trainings, she wore gloves that protected her claws from digging into her palms, in turn keeping said claws from breaking.
“How are you even going to punch me with those things?” Logan’s eyes narrowed at the sight of Inez’s hands.
“You’re gonna find out,” she muttered under her breath. Before they could get too heated with one another, a mass of students jogged into the field, lining up in rows to get ready for class.
“Morning everyone,” Logan greeted the students, “today, I’m teaching you how to block an enemy attack. Inez is going to demonstrate different attacks, I’m gonna show you how to block them. Let’s start with how to block punches.” The instructors turned to face one another, and Inez wound her body up to throw the first punch. Logan first dodged the punch by moving his body sideways, then forced her arm to a stop by pushing her forearm down with his own. “Blocking a punch like this slows down your enemy, and leaves them in a vulnerable position. I could now hit my opponent in her face or body.” Inez braced herself, as Logan swung at her ribs, stopping just short of hitting her. He smirked, giving her a small jab in the side before he pulled back to face the class again. “Go ahead and practice with a partner.”
Inez began to devise an idea to see how good Logan really was at what he was teaching. She just needed to wait until she could catch him off guard. The lesson continued, Logan and Inez demonstrating how to block attacks as effectively as possible. The students were quickly getting the hang of things, and the lesson was beginning to wrap up.
“Alright, before we finish up for today, take everything we’ve learned today, and put it together. One of you is going to attack, while the other must block without getting hit. It should look something like this,” Logan turned to Inez, prompting her to swing another punch at him. She obliged, not holding back - like he said - and he blocked her. Then she went for another punch, blocked. A kick, blocked. Not once did Inez get a proper hit on Logan. 
She smiled deviously, turning her attention to the students, “Now remember kids, your enemy may also take you by surprise.” Logan gave her a puzzled look before her fist came flying at him. He blocked the attack, smiling like he had her figured out until Inez’s knee made contact with his stomach. He felt the wind knocked out of him, glaring at her. She returned the look with a sly smile, which granted her Logan’s fist swinging towards her. She dodged, leaning to the side of his punch, and forced his forearm downwards with her own - just like he had taught the kids - before turning in front of him, and driving an elbow into his chest. The students gasped and grimaced, sympathizing with their teacher’s pain he was probably in now. Logan stumbled back a few paces, then he lunged at Inez, pushing her down to the ground with his body. He tried to cage her in with his arms and legs, but she managed to tuck her legs under him, and kick him off of her with both feet. The students erupted with laughter and cheers. Logan rolled when he made contact with the ground, before jumping to his feet. He was ready to start tearing her to pieces, before he took a beat, remembering that he was still teaching, and decided he’d deal with his assistant later. Inez stood in front of him, sporting a cocky smile, “Be ready at all times.”
“I can’t believe you tried to embarrass me in front of my students,” Logan growled at Inez, “you weren’t even teaching the class, you were just supposed to be there to help!”
“Clearly I did embarrass you,” Inez snapped back, “and for the record, I did help! Do you think the enemy is going to play fair when they’re on their missions?”
“That’s what they do training for, they didn’t need to see that!” Logan’s voice raised as he took a step closer to Inez.
“What, they didn’t need to see you get your ass beat?” Inez stepped up to Logan as well, staring up at him with her eyes ablaze. “If you want to fight me, you’re more than welcome to try!”
Logan scoffed, shaking his head and pushing past Inez and walking away, “You’re not worth my fuckin’ time.”
“Fucking pussy.” Inez spoke through gritted teeth. Before she could turn and walk away herself, Logan stopped dead in his tracks, turning his head to look at her.
“The hell did you just call me?” He turned fully towards her, eyes narrow and teeth gritted.
“I said you’re a fucking pussy,” Inez snarled, baring her own sharp teeth at him. Before the situation escalated, Charles and Hank came down the hallway, having heard the commotion.
“Good afternoon, Inez, Logan,” Charles smiled, his wheelchair rolling quickly towards them. Despite moving towards them quickly, he spoke very calmly, easing some of the tension. “I heard that your combat demonstration was a success! The students have all said great things about your instruction given today.” Logan and Inez glared at each other, both seething. “I’ve come to propose another opportunity to work together since you two make such a great team.”
“No, thank you,” Inez said, as neutrally as she could.
“Hell no,” Logan spoke at the same time she did, their voices overlapping, causing them to side-eye one another.
Charles sighed, “I was afraid you might say that, but I’ve already made arrangements for you both to train in the Danger Room tomorrow. I expect you both to be there and perhaps you’ll both see that you work exceptionally well together.”
“Stepanek said, ‘Unity is strength. When there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved.’ You two can do wonderful things together, like preparing the future generation for greatness.” Hank nodded politely at the two, before walking away with Charles. As they left, Inez and Logan looked at each other once more, unsure of what to say to one another. With a quiet grunt, Logan walked in the direction he was going originally, leaving Inez to walk in the opposite direction with an irritated huff.
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Heya, could I request a secretly demon MC? They’re using some type of magic to hide their true appearance (basically one like a tiefling from DnD) and have a pact with The Devil, but are now suddenly trying to break it because the M6 gave them some type of hope for their life again?
Before the M6 even discover this, the MC was brash and selfish, also fairly quick to jump to violence (though probably not Vulgora level) and quiet about their past. How would the pieces click into place for them? In case you need any extra info you can just post that mentioning this ask and I’ll try to help
So sorry if requests aren’t open, your blog description says they are but I can’t find if there is a post also saying that so I’m not fully sure. If not feel free to ignore this!
The Arcana HCs: When MC's natural patron is the Devil
~ disclaimer: this request was work shopped a little with my requester, so you'll be seeing some different info in the setting. It was fun chatting with you, new friend, I hope you like these! - brainrot ~
-- some background --
Nobody knew when it was time to go up against the Devil that you were tempted to join him. While you never let on, his voice always spoke the loudest to you in the cards, and you relished the way his cunning nature enabled your own aggressive tendencies. While in the end you were able to work with your lover to preserve Vesuvia, you still feel a little guilt for the way his words continue to provoke you.
He's not going to judge someone for their past. The way he sees it, you're working with what you've got, and you're doing a fine job. If you're a little aggressive about it, cool
No seriously, he's kind of a fan. He got to watch you kick a rude customer out of your shop once and he still lies awake at night fantasizing about it
Let out some of your aggression with him. Please.
On a less indulgent note, he knows what it's like to have tendencies he's not proud of
It was a little daunting to tell him that it had been tempting to take the Devil's side and not live with any more constraints, and that you still struggle with some guilt about it, but he listened closely
He understands the feeling of guilt for something he didn't do, but still wanted to. He's quick to tell you how he relates to you, and to remind you of the lesson you taught him to live looking forward
Speaking of looking forward, are you sure you want to stay at the shop forever? You're not that well suited to customer service
Just saying, you have the potential to make a fine pirate ...
They didn't know of your affiliation until it came time to re-teach you magic, and the strong link they saw scared them a little at first
To be clear - he wasn't scared of or disturbed by you. He just knew firsthand what the Devil could be like, and he worried what kind of harm that affiliation might cause to the person he loves so much
It was another reason for them to be so secretive about your abilities - they weren't just waiting for your mind to heal enough to hear about the past, they were waiting for you to be strong enough to navigate a connection like that
He watched you when it came time to bargain with and subsequently trap the Devil, and he is so, so proud of you
Your short temper, aggressive nature, and quickness to violence are a different matter entirely. Everyone has things they struggle to control, that's part of being a person
They've spent years teaching you not to be afraid of or upset by your tendencies
If anything, they love the chance to see you let loose for the right reason. You're stunning when you're in your element
You shake things up and she likes it
She's so used to maintaining total control of herself and biting back her immediate responses that your impulsive aggression is hugely refreshing
It's also a nice change when most of the people she interacts with prefer to hide their thoughts and actions as much as possible
Half the time you lose your patience and shout you just end up saying what she was already thinking
She's especially happy to find that you give as good as you get, and that the chances of her doing something you don't like without you letting her know is next to zero
She was able to perceive quite a bit of tension whenever you spoke to the Devil. She could tell how tempting it was for you to join him, and seeing your decision to resist only made her fall harder for you
As a result, she likes to challenge you to see your aggression as a gift instead of as a struggle
Have you considered some form of combat training? Fencing? Wrestling? You have a gift for violence, would you like to join her royal guard?
You shake things up and it's better for him than he'd like to admit
If you're too quick to escalate things, he's the type who doesn't escalate even when it would be the appropriate thing to do
It was hard for him to get along with you at first. You remind him a bit too much of Lucio with your quick temper and loud voice, but you have a good heart
He especially saw it when the two of you were training under Morga. He came to recognize courage in your ferocity, and started to question what made a good person a good person
Of course, he didn't appreciate it as much when he was a little too close to your sparring matches and they started to get more aggressive than necessary
He's also quick to help you re-frame your guilt around your connection - you don't think he's a bad person after what he did, why would he think you're bad for what you didn't do?
He does value peace and quiet though, so he usually suggests that you stay in charge of splitting wood and other more violent jobs, just so you have a regular outlet
You have a short temper? She has a short temper too!
You're quick to throw a punch? So is she!
You two do learn quickly that it's not the best idea to only egg each other on. It doesn't always go well when you keep throwing each other's impulse control out the window every time something happens
You'll eventually perfect the art of taking turns reeling each other in. Though sometimes you play rock-paper-scissors for the chance to demolish an especially annoying person
Being with her takes "partner in crime" to a whole new level
It's a good thing you have both Nadia and Julian willing to smooth things over with their negotiating skills if you both blow up at the same time
She never drew a connection between you and the Devil - you were too busy dealing with her Aunt Tasya
You did one day confess it to her when it was really getting to you
She doesn't think it's any bigger of a deal than you say it is. As far as she's concerned, you are you, and that's who she loves
Honestly, it's an ongoing struggle for him not to be jealous of you
You have the same tendencies he does. You have the same affiliation he does. You were even offered a deal without having to seek it out, and he knows for a fact that it was tempting
And yet, you chose to say no
At the same time, it's a whole lot easier to accept help from you because he knows it comes from someone who understands and chooses to love him anyways
He chooses to be inspired by you instead
And he adores your comfort level with combat. You want a fight? He is so down for a fight. Say the word and he'll drop everything for a match
Let's just say that it's a good thing you two are in the career path that you are in, because if you didn't both have the chance to let off steam for a good cause that often it would be a recipe for disaster
Some people get concerned because of how quick you two are to argue with each other, but it actually works pretty well because you both get where the other is coming from and are quick to forgive
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misc-obeyme · 10 months
do you think solomon felt guilty for taking so long (season 2) to tell mc he was immortal? the hints were there and no one was subtle about it, so it's easy to assume that mc already knew or guessed the truth, but it takes so long for him to say it clearly. feels like a good source of angst, especially since he finally tells them in the reaper's cave
Okay so I had to go back and re-read this part, which is in Lesson 36-3 for anyone who wishes to play through that part again.
But here is the relevant moment:
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He seems so casual about it. In fact, right before this if you choose something like wait how is that possible his response is this:
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Now. I think this could be read two different ways. You could see all this as Solomon being like, obviously this is no big deal. If you take it at face value, he seems rather unbothered by the whole thing and doesn’t seem to mind telling you what happened and that he’s immortal.
However. I do think that Solomon does this thing where he acts really casually about stuff when he actually feels something more deeply, especially when everyone else is there. In this moment, all the demon brothers are present and they already know this fact about him. So maybe he was not trying to hide it, but not bringing it up to MC on purpose. But when they’re all there, he can’t exactly deny it, so he decides to act as though it’s no big deal. He almost glosses over this and directly after they have this short revelation, they get back to the task at hand (finding Beel’s candle).
So while I think there probably isn’t anything deeper to this instance in the actual story, I DO think there’s plenty of room for reader interpretation. (To be clear, I don’t think there was anything deeper to this moment in season two of the OG, but there certainly seems to be more about the Solomon immortality piece in general, especially in Nightbringer. I think it might be very relevant to the NB plot.)
And the fact of the matter is, currently MC is NOT immortal.
This is an issue that’s present for all the characters, but it has a really heavy impact for Solomon specifically, imo. This is because he’s HUMAN. He isn’t naturally immortal, he should have died long ago. And not only that, but he’s going to live on indefinitely. And all his fellow humans live short lives and die, leaving him perpetually alone.
It’s painful. Imagine always losing everyone you’ve ever loved. Always being the one still lingering after they’re all gone. Imagine being careful to never get too close to anyone because you don’t want to suffer through the pain of losing them later. Imagine knowing about the Devildom and the Celestial Realm and magic and sorcerers with such a deep understanding, but never being able to share it with anyone. Those that do join you in the study of magic will never be at your level because they die too soon. The only friends you can count on having for any decent length of time are demons or angels - beings that can’t understand your very existence.
Nobody can tell me that all of this isn’t something that Solomon thinks about. That maybe this is one of the things he tries to forget about by throwing himself into research. That this is one of the things that plagues his racing mind when he’s trying to sleep.
Then imagine along comes another human who might almost be on your level. Someone who has the potential to understand you in a way nobody else ever has. Someone you’re inexplicably drawn to, someone you can’t help but fall in love with, someone who’s still mortal. Someone you’ll inevitably lose like you’ve always lost everyone else before.
Do I think he felt guilty? Yes. The game plays it off as a sort of quirk about him, but the implications are so heavy that I just headcanon my own thoughts about it. And I think that Solomon would try to stay in that place of ignorance for as long as possible. He likely felt bad about obscuring this fact from MC - again, not lying about it or even really going out of his way to hide it, but just… not telling them.
However, I think that he felt a lot worse about what that truth means for him and for MC.
Oh dear I may have gotten carried away. Listen, you asked for angst and I have thoughts about this lol.
Lemme leave you with one last thing, though. I completely forgot he said this:
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LOOOOOL. I dunno about you guys, but I refer to him as an old man all the time. I’m pretty sure we do that collectively as a fandom, so the fact that he straight up said not to do that way back in season two of the OG made me CACKLE. I’m sorry Solomon, but calling you an old man/grandpa/peepaw/etc is too much fun. It’s okay, Lucifer and Simeon get called those things, too lol. It’s a compliment, I swear.
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littlebitsmile · 9 months
in flames [C.L.] | Chapter III
Welcome back! This took me a bit longer than usual, but it's still Sunday, so I'm glad you decided to join me (: Hope you all had a nice first week of 2024 - only 55 more days until we see our munchkins driving in circles again - hope this makes the wait a bit shorter.
As always, have fun (:
story: in flames driver: Charles Leclerc [C.L.] trope: #haterstolovers summary: Always working three times as hard as everyone else, Emma does not intend to blow her chance of driving among the best of the best in her very first season in Formula 1. Concentrating on first and foremost getting ahead of her brother, she does not even notice that there are some people even in her own team who think she does not deserve this spot and would rather see her fail. And one driver in particular seems to have a need of always reminding her of that.
────ʚ C H A P T E R III ɞ────
Music booms from the headphones in my ear, my feet float over the treadmill, drops of sweat run down the sides of my face. Next to me, all I can hear is Max's heavy breathing and the occasional quiet "f*ck" as another intensive interval approaches. My calves gave up the ghost ten minutes ago and have been cramping ever since, but my pride won't let me stop.
I actually wanted to squeeze in an extra training session this morning before Max woke up and wanted to hang out and do some off-season stuff, but unfortunately, he was already at the coffee machine when I decided to roll out of bed. He then followed me into the fitness room of his apartment without any comment.
He has been kind enough to let me stay with him, Kelly, and Penelope for a few years now so that I can avoid living with our parents and even worse, letting them decide what happens next with my accommodation situation. As the eldest son, he has probably had his experiences and learned his lessons, always being the one to take the blows, and although he always pretends to give me a hard time, I'm sure that deep down he doesn't want me to go through the same hell he did. The fact that I can never come close to his golden boy in our father's eyes anyway is a different story.
I breathe heavily but try to concentrate on the view. Monaco's harbor landscape is one of the most beautiful I have ever experienced. A little too much lifestyle of the rich and famous for my liking, but Max loved it here right from the start, when we first visited a few years ago. Maybe because he can live right next to the racetrack, waking up every morning and sipping his breakfast coffee with his brain already imagining those cars on the streets right in front of him.
"You're quiet," he presses out between his lips at some point. I don't look at him but concentrate on a small yacht that is about to leave the outer jetties. He gets a kick out of seeing me suffer, I’m sure of it. If I don’t let myself get distracted by the pain in my legs, I can do a few more minutes on this torture device.
"I'm dying," I reply, trying not to fall down at the same time. My diaphragm starts to painfully remind me that I'm not my 26-year-old racing brother, who has been doing this for years and years, never losing sight of his goals, exceeding his limits.
He reduces the speed on his treadmill and starts to jog slowly before continuing: "When are you flying to England? For simulator runs and so on?"
I'm still running at the same pace as before. I try to show February 15 with my hands, holding all of my ten fingers up, then five and the peace sign as a two, but I'm not sure if he immediately understands what I mean.
In the time between the end of the season and the first pre-season tests, the world stands still in my head. I enjoy visiting friends for once and not feeling bad when I see photos in our group chats of everyone getting together and me missing. Max, on the other hand, never leaves his zone - his racing set up in his study glows for hours every day. When he's not training, eating, or sleeping, he lives and breathes motorsport, whether it’s on or off track. Maybe that's why he's such an exceptional talent. Or maybe he is just stupid, for not living his life during his prime time and will fall into a pit of self-despair when he’s 40.
"Excited?" he interrupts my thoughts. I can’t remember what we were talking about, and he notices. “For the UK, I mean? Rain and cloudy weather?”
I nod. My lungs are burning, and I don't know who exactly I'm trying to prove something to. I keep running, my thighs are starting to burn like hell. A few of my fingertips go numb, and my head starts to feel dizzy. There are a few black dots here and there, but it isn’t the first time something like this happens and it won’t be the last.
"What number are you going to start with?" Max asks. I shrug my shoulders, not wanting to give too much away about whether I'll keep my number from Formula 2 or change it. Mostly because I haven’t thought about it and I would love to have a number with a deeper meaning.
"You could take 69."
When he says this, I almost stumble on the treadmill. I hold on left and right and hop onto the side edges as the mechanical noise belt continues to run beneath me. Although everything inside me hurts like hell after the last hour and a half of running, I must laugh out loud. Max grins sheepishly at me. Sometimes I am not sure who of us is the older sibling.
"I think that would be more your thing, don't you?" Out of breath, I put my hands on my hips and lean my upper body against the treadmill display. I try to calm my heartbeat, breathing in through my nose and out through my mouth.
"I've already got the 1; that's enough for me..."
“You won’t have it forever, though," I interrupt him before he falls into another monologue of self-congratulation. I wiggle my eyebrows and grin mischievously at him. Then I stick my tongue out at him, and he rolls his eyes before hitting me on the shoulder with his fist.
"The only one I'm afraid of is you,” he admits openly. I look at him in disbelief. Where has this recognition suddenly come from? I almost choke on the sip of water I’m taking. “But you're in the wrong car anyway, so at least I don't have much to fear this season.”
"I don't need your false assumptions, Max. We've never lied to each other." I look into the distance, back to the harbor. I wonder what my life would be like if I wasn't the person I am.
"I'm not lying, I promise. I'm more afraid that this team will take you down with them."
"Aston Martin won't drag me into the abyss. They're giving me a fair chance."
"You would have had a fair chance with me and Red Bull."
"Fair, Max? Really? As number two? How well did that turn out with the last team partners? Lewis and Nico? Lewis and Valtteri? You and pretty much everyone who came after Sebastian? The only off-track friends who were in the same team and still get on well are Carlos and Lando. I don't want that for us." Now I turn to him. A furrow forms between his eyebrows, and he looks down at the ground. He knows I am right, and I think that causes him greater pain than what I just said about us not being able to be proper teammates.
"If you don't perform at Aston Martin, if you even get the chance to show what you are capable of in that sh*tbox of a car, then no other team will take you. There is only one chance to be part of this grid, and I just can’t believe you would rather not drive at all than have me as your team partner?" He is frustrated, I can feel it in his voice. So I try to soften my voice and understand him from his point of view.
"Max, I love you; I really do. You're the coolest brother in the world, and I'm not saying that because I get to live in your cool penthouse in the middle of Monaco.” There is a chuckle, and I know he wants to reassure me that he loves to have me here with him. But before he can speak another word, I continue. “But I've been compared to you my whole life and I will continue to be. This hasn’t been easy, for any of us. But for a change, I can decide for myself whether to confront it or if I just leave my phone off and not read the news, because no one in my own team will compare me to you." The conversation has taken on a serious tone, but I know he understands what I mean.
"I get it. I still would have liked you to be the wing woman. Pretty sure we’d be great. With you keeping all those madmen away from me." He winks. Then he looks straight ahead towards the panoramic window. It's quiet between us for a while.
I think back to his first victory with Red Bull. How he threw himself into the arms of his team afterward, so proud and so full of emotion, as if someone was finally accepting him for who he is, no ifs, ands, or buts. He doesn't talk much about his relationship with Christian Horner, but I'm 90% sure that Christian is in many ways the father figure for Max that our father could never be for him. How he has grown with this team and gone from a really misunderstood driver to a three-time world champion. He wouldn't leave Red Bull until they cut him out from inside with a digger and chainsaw and shipped him to the other side of the world. He lives, breathes, and burns for this sport and for the people in his immediate surroundings, a quality that I greatly admire in him and that not everyone is able to appreciate.
"If you could be someone else or do something else, what would it be?" The question catches him off guard. He is confused for a moment, then looks thoughtful and shakes his head.
"I don't think I want to be – can be - anywhere else. This is where I belong."
I believe him. But suddenly I'm not so sure if my answer would be the same.
As the plane lands in London, I grab my backpack, put on my cap, and hide my face a little better. I'm almost certain that some paparazzi is waiting for me in the arrivals hall because I seem to be the only one from the F1 paddock not traveling by a private jet. I wonder why.
I quickly get through security and baggage claim, so it feels like no more than 30 minutes before I step through the airport doors and out into rainy UK weather. To my right, an elderly gentleman with a sign saying "Emma V." walks towards me and takes my luggage. I thank him, get in the car, and then we make our way to the Aston Martin headquarters. I fall asleep unplanned and only wake up when we arrive.
I am overwhelmed by the polished floors, the glass structures of the building, how everything looks as if this is not the headquarters of a Formula 1 team but of Iron Man and the Avengers.
Mike Krack, the team principal, comes to meet me, shakes my hand, and welcomes me to the hallowed halls. I'm then given a tour, starting with the departments I'm least interested in, such as budget and logistics. I know these people are as important as anyone else, but I am a driver, so the technical departments will be my home base.
"But you're certainly not here to look at the view. You want to go to the simulators, right?" Mike states correctly at some point. I nod vigorously. "Then that's our next destination."
And no matter what I was expecting, it wasn’t that. As I step into a room with a screen as big as the panoramic view back at Max’s apartment, I immediately want to leap into the seat in front of it. I wait for a nod of approval from Mike before I hop into it and feel the leather beneath my hands and notice the smell of something new. I shriek. If this is a dream, I never want to wake up. And before someone can stop me, I’m already turning the machine on and getting ready to drive my first laps in the simulator.
────ʚ [Masterlist] [Chapter II] [Chapter IV] ɞ────
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