#i need to meet this other guy so we can unionize
arashi-no-saxlphone · 8 months
Axl Low is conceptually so funny in-universe. You've got this poor guy who by all accounts is the sweetest coolest guy, but he's literally a gang leader. BUT. He leads a gang to end violent crime in his town and he does it by fighting but without netting a SINGLE CASUALTY while doing it - he just beats up all these criminals and almost every single time they're like "This guy kinda rules I'm signing up with him actually" and he SUCCEEDS in ending crime in his neighborhood doing that. Then he meets his girlfriend and she thinks he's such a weird goofy guy and she falls in love instantly. Things are Great and then he is Yeeted Through Time multiple times. He ends up a few hundred years into the future and he just kinda deals with it, maintaining a glass-half-full attitude for the majority of that time despite this being probably one of the most horrifying things that can happen to a person. No one really cares about all that though, because the guy with time powers is Very Dangerous because of the time powers. Imagine being told "That guy over there is an extremely dangerous threat to reality on a metaphysical level" and you look over and they're pointing at some guy with the Union Jack plastered all over him just DESTROYING a hamburger and he looks over and waves at you.
By Xrd and Strive he's got control of his powers, and this makes him A Very Seriously Dangerous Threat. The Original contacts him personally to deliver a message to The Fucking Gear Maker. The Gear Maker sees him cause like "Holy shit. The Axes of Time. This guy is very dangerous and we should be careful" and Axl Low shows up, asks him if he's The Famous War Criminal Who Caused All This Bullshit, and freaks out and leaves when said war criminal offers him cookies for his trouble.
Jack-O asks Sol in Strive what the biggest threat to the world is right now and he goes "Axl" with a straight face. They talk about how dangerous he could be and within 4 seconds of that conversation Axl Low drops out of Fucking Nowhere onto their Speeding Motorcycle cause he needs Sol's help to save some innocent people on a hunch. How do you not shit yourself? I'll tell you how - because Axl Low is the equivalent of accidentally tripping into hell and meeting the devil and it turns out that the devil is actually just a fluffy golden retriever who has NO idea what he's doing and just wants pats like any other normal dog. Except he is just really powerful so people make assumptions. "Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely" not my boy Axl Low. Decided against doing what he wanted to get what he wanted most because he wasn't going to erase an entire timeline to get home, even though he easily could've justified it as "Not my problem, not my fault, this is awful." The second he has full control over his time powers he uses it to either help people or get fast food really quickly so he has time for a stupid quip after a round. What a fucking hilarious character dude imagine if you met father time and he was just like "can I borrow some cash for McDonald's?" because that's pretty much how he acts. And you're just bewildered so you're like sure, hand him a 20, and you blink and father time came back cause he got you some fries. I fucking adore this man.
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kadextra · 25 days
I’ve wanted to properly say my personal opinion on this in an actual post for a while, now’s a good time as any
I realized a few weeks ago that I do not feel capable of adding to the admingate conversation, especially in regards to abusive workplace treatment involving the unions & how various international laws play a role. It’s way out of my league.
like I admit with my full chest I came here to watch cubes and don’t know about all these complex topics, and I have no time I can give to researching all of them. that’s why I’ve personally taken a rather distanced stance. this is complex and emotionally heavy stuff that needs careful attention, I’m not able to speak about it well within my experience/knowledge as I’d like, so I don’t feel comfortable or that it’s my place in doing so
I do take a pretty wide outlook on the situation with the time and energy I can allocate to it. the things I’ve heard from admins involved say it’s not looking any better, while others in the project say it’s being improved in a good direction. It’s different opinions on every side- and that’s pretty usual for a situation like this with lots of people and moving parts. in the end we as the onlooker fans can’t know anything except what we’re shown.
In the same way, I think you guys are valid to your own opinions and interpretations, whether it be negative or optimistic, neutral or what be you. I am aware of how you all feel, and like. it’s your own blogs post however you want
The approach I’ve found myself taking here is “support the admins. hold tentative hope for the project to be handled in a proper manner.” thus I continue to primarily send my appreciation and gratitude to admins who have suffered greatly & unfairly, who have worked hard, and I continue watching how the server is being handled with the hope it can be improved in better conditions.
I think a day where the QSMP permanently shuts down burns dies in a fire and explodes + everyone I enjoy on it leaves would be the day I release my final hope for it and leave too. but I don’t think I’d leave qsmpblr forever, you’re all too awesome :3
I truly want to see it get better. In no other place would I get to watch people on opposite sides of the globe like YD and BBH who don’t know each others native language at all meet and become best friends. those two have given me joy recently :’)
so I will keep a close eye observing, waiting to see how it develops the coming months/year
Lastly, I’ll make something clear.
As I touched on earlier, chances are I’ve heard all about something even if I don’t post on it. If anyone expects replies from me talking about the workplace abuse, management privilege, international unions & laws, again I reiterate- I know I cannot give an educated reply on that and would end up poorly regurgitating all the same stuff we’ve already heard hundreds of times the past month which isn’t me helping anything. I truly wish I could somehow make things better for myself and everyone by doing that, but I can’t. and it won’t.
so like if you’ve sent asks, thank you. and I know. but topics like this in my inbox likely won’t get a response. dw it’s not on you guys ❤️
I hope any members of our community who may read this are doing well. I know it’s difficult to be in this odd, frustrating limbo situation and have a lot of complicated mixed feelings about whats going on with this media that means a lot to you. You felt what the beautiful highs of the QSMP are like, and now you’ve become aware of the lowest lows. I get it, it’s been hard
if you want to stick around with your streamer and see what happens next then sure you do that. if you need to take a step back, disengage from the content for a while or just leave entirely then sure you do that.
do whatever is right by you, take care of yourselves okay? hugs 🫂❤️
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sweaterkittensahoy · 2 months
hellooo mota prompt if this floats your boat:
demarco/macon practically together in every scene in the stalag is very much thought provoking, maybe some postwar getting together? I firmly believe benny was Enamored by macon!! benny swinging by macons base/flight school to introduce meatball after months of back and forth letters is suchh an image.
if this doesnt spark anything for you thats completely alright too, i love your prompt fics and vibrating with the thought of reading your rosielemmons!!
[Oh, I got thoughts right away! Love this idea! NOTE: Oh, this one got away from me.]
RECIEVED AT Birmingham, AL
R: Leaving Noon. Chicago. Stopping just in KY for the night. Back on road 6AM tmw. C U in the afternoon. - BD&M
Richard reads the telegram twice, just because he can. It's just after two o'clock now, the humidity really digging into the air. He'd mentioned it to Benny a few letters ago, warning him to make sure Meatball had extra water for the trip.
It feels odd that it's finally happening. After months of letters and cards, Benny's coming to Alabama to see him. To see the flight school he's setting up. To meet Richard's family and friends.
Like that's something a white boy does.
Richard puts the telegram on his desk and walks outside, looking up at the sky. He thinks about the Stalag more than he'd like, but this time, it's on purpose. Strange way to make a friend, bunking together at a prison camp. But they are friends. Richard's sure about that.
He thinks about Benny's smile and his laugh. The way his handwriting gets messy when he writes a funny story. Richard turns his gaze to the hanger he's nearly finished building. There are two planes in there, a third on the way. It's due to get delivered while Benny is here. They'd planned the trip on it.
...I'm happy to help with whatever you need while I'm there. I haven't flown a Cessna since training, so maybe don't put me in the pilot's seat, but I'd love to see a plane get delivered. You'd think they'd fly it in, but I guess a truck delivery makes a little more sense. Guy's gotta get back home somehow...
Benny pulls up to the little house by the airfield at four o'clock the next day. All the windows of his car are down. Meatball's got his head out of one of them, panting like all get out.
Richard steps out the front door and waves hello, then walks towards Benny, hand out to shake.
Benny's handshake is as firm as Richard remembers. His smile is brighter, but they're not worn out at a camp anymore. They're men who survived and came home. Who wrote each other the first letter on the same day by accident.
Richard's not one for signs, but he holds that fact close to his heart. That they wrote each other that first letter on the same day, neither of them truly doing it first. The friendship they'd built in the Stalag had simply done the work when it was time.
"Look at you!" Benny says. He grabs Richard's shoulders and squeezes. "You look like you get three meals a day!"
"Sure do," Richard replies. "You're about as skinny as ever."
Benny grins. "My ma's trying her best, but I've always had a hollow leg, you know?" He turns and opens the back door of the car. Meatball jumps out, sniffs, and immediately pees on the driveway.
"Is that approval or disapproval?" Richard asks.
"Think it's just urine," Benny replies.
And it's Richard's turn to grin. Meatball walks over and sniffs his hand, and Richard pets him. "Never actually seen one of these in person before," Richard says to Benny. "Huskies don't do great down here."
Benny wipes his hand across his temple where sweat is beading. "Yeah, I can tell. Chicago gets warm in the summer, but we get the lake breeze."
"Well, come on inside. It's a little cooler."
Benny grabs his suitcase from the trunk, then lets Richard lead the way into the house. Meatball walks next to Benny, snuffling every inch of yard he can.
Benny sighs in relief when he steps into the house. "Oh, yeah, this feels much better."
"Built it to let the heat out in the summers," Richard says.
"Those plans you sent me don't do it justice," Benny replies, looking around in the living room. "But I think I remember where everything's supposed to be. He points to the door at the left. "That's the dining room."
"It is."
He points right, "And that's the hallway with two bedrooms."
"And on the back, you've got the kitchen on the left, and your office on the right, with the bathroom tucked in between."
"Did you paint the bathroom blue like you planned?"
"Find out," Richard says, gesturing that way.
Benny walks that way, and Richard watches him move. He bounces on his toes a little. He didn't do that at the camp. Richard likes it.
He likes a lot of things about Benny.
He sometimes thinks Benny likes a lot of things about him.
But they've only had letters since the camp, and some things a man does not write down without surety.
"It is blue!" Benny calls from the bathroom. Richard listens to him walk towards the kitchen, then turn and walk to the office. "Oh, this turned out real fine," he hollers. "Those bookshelves are beautiful. You hand-carve the curve?"
"Yes, I did," Richard says. He walks into the office himself. Benny's looking at the built-in shelves with a smile, leaning in to read a few book titles. Meatball comes in, sniffs a leather chair, then climbs up and lies down.
"He's okay," Richard says. "I don't mind dogs on the furniture."
"My sister doesn't let him in her house anymore. He shed all over the baby."
Richard laughs, picturing it. "Bet the baby loved it."
"He was climbing all over him. Meatball was delighted."
"Must have been a little rough for him, going from a whole base full of people giving him love to just you."
Benny's face changes, his smile turning smaller, but not in a bad way. More like he's having a private thought he likes a lot. "It's not so bad," he says. "Sometimes, you just need one person to love you the right way, you know?"
Richard swallows hard, nodding. He thinks about his first few days at the camp, the pain from his broken neck, and the frustration and rage about being a prisoner. Locked in a bunkroom with a bunch of white boys he didn't know and couldn't bring himself to trust.
And then when he'd been struggling to sit up one day, Benny had leaned over from the next bunk and held out his arm. Richard had stared, waiting for him to say something, but Benny had just sat there, arm out. The offer plain as day.
Richard had grabbed his arm and managed to sit up.
"We don't have much for pain around here," Benny had said once Richard had breathed through the spike of agony in his neck. "But I could make a fire, if you wanted. Heat some water. Get something warm on your neck."
Alex and Robert aren't there to help. They'd gone with a few of the other men to learn where to scrounge up supplies. Richard considers his options, then nods.
"Something warm might help," he'd said.
And that had been the start of it. Benny made a fire and warmed up some water and soaked some rags. He'd laid them over Richard's neck and sat next to him, asking him about himself like it was the most natural thing in the world.
"Where you from?" Richard had asked.
"Chicago," Benny had replied.
"You know any black people there?"
Benny had thought a moment. "My neighborhood's mostly Italian and Jewish," he'd said. "But I talked a little with a couple of fellas at work."
The answer had felt honest, and Richard had liked it. "Yeah, don't know a lot of white boys myself. Are Italians white in Chicago?"
Benny had laughed. "Mostly, I think," he'd said, and then he'd gotten up to get another cloth out of the water.
Richard looks at Benny, looking at his books in his office. Remembering the layout of the house in a way that tells Richard he's re-read his letters.
Richard's re-read Benny's letters, too.
"You got anyone loving you the right way these days?" Richard asks.
Benny bites the corner of his mouth. "Maybe," he says. He shuffles his feet and takes a step forward. "I, um, I wrote you a letter yesterday. Before I left Chicago."
"What's it say?" Richard asks.
"Nothing much," Benny replies. "But it didn't feel right to miss a week, you know?"
Richard takes a deep breath and a step forward. "I know," he says. "I usually write you on Wednesdays."
"Yeah, I've noticed." Benny leans against the bookshelf and looks up at Richard. His face is different than in the camp, more filled out. He's still skinny, but there's a glow of health to him now. They're doing all right, the both of them, Richard thinks.
"You wanna be loved by just one person in particular?"
Richard thinks of Benny making that fire. Warming up those rags. Thinks of Benny telling him terrible jokes and asking him about books and chemistry. Telling Richard about his family and asking about his. Playing cards side-by-side, where they cheated by showing each other their hands. Walking side-by-side during that whole long march, Benny checking every now and again that Richard was doing okay.
And then letters. Letters upon letters. All the devotion and care Benny had shown before shining through in a different way. Richard had read them in disbelief at first. Devotion and care like this, in this world. From a white boy.
"You got anyone in mind?" Richard asks.
Benny takes one more step forward, and Richard dips his head down. Benny touches right where his neck used to hurt the most, and Richard holds his wrist, and the kiss is just a little thing. Brief and a bit dry. But it's a promise. An agreement. A start.
Just a quick note this week. I'm about to get Meatball loaded into the car and start driving. With a little luck, I'll beat this letter to Birmingham. Won't beat the telegram I'm sending, though. But it didn't feel right to go a Saturday without a note.
I'm writing this down so I don't chicken out: Ask me if I'm seeing anybody, will you?
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topguncortez · 1 year
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Bad Medicine | Chapter 3
Previous Part | Masterlist | Next Part
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synopsis: A wealthy Italian mobster sets up his daughter to marry the head of one of the last remaining mafias in California. The union was supposed to create and heal the damage between two families, but all it does is cause more harm than good. MAJOR SLOW BURN (ENEMIES TO LOVERS)
word count: 3.2k
Warnings: death/murder, guns, violence, physical abuse, cursing, mentions of prostitution, mentions of murder, blood, nudity, mentions of drugs, mentions of a brothel, torture, stabbing, burning, gun shots
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Jake was never really a fan of the club. He’d much rather go to the rings instead, but like the Joker, he felt the need to show up to his own club. He stood on the second floor, leaning against the railing, looking down at the packed dance floor. He eyed Rooster and his other close friend, Javy from his spot. Javy had some redhead pressed up against him, his hand on her hips, their lips locked, merely seconds away from fucking on the dance floor. Rooster was sandwiched in between a blonde woman and a tall muscular brunette man. Bob stood next to Jake, watching everything. Bob was like a hawk, his eyes searching for the enemy. Jake sometimes wonders if he made a mistake in choosing Rooster for head of security, but Bob had a hard time killing a spider. 
Jake raised his glass of dark bourbon to his lips, “How are things at the house?” He asked Bob. 
“So far silent,” Bob said, “Leo said she took a bath and locked herself in the bedroom. Emile went home for the night. That Payback guy asked if he could stand by since we were gone, and I said that’s okay.” 
“Do we trust him?” 
“No reason not to,” Bob shrugged, “He’d be a fucking idiot to go against Santiago and whisk his daughter off to some place.” 
Jake smirked and nodded. He had only met Gianni Santiago once, and from that brief meeting, he could tell what a sick person he was. Gianni had shown up to a meeting, hands still stained with blood, eyes still wide from the high. He had walked into the boardroom with a woman, bare and on a leash behind him. 
“Dead man fucking walking,” Bob said eyeing a new face on the dance floor. Jake stood up taller, watching as the man in question went over and threw his arm around Isabella, who Jake had been avoiding all night, “He’s on your girl.”
“He can have her,” Jake scoffed, and threw back the rest of his bourbon, “Let him have a little fun first. . . I want him in the Chamber on the pew at midnight.” 
“What about Y/N?” 
“What about her?” Bob opened his mouth like he was going to say something but Jake cut him off, “Business is not going to change just cause some bitch lives in my house now. Gomez, on the pew, at midnight.” 
Bob nodded his head, knowing better than to go against Jake’s order. Out of all of them, Bob still acted as though he was still in the ranks. Jake was his superior officer for all intents and purposes, and Bob was not going to disobey a superior’s order. Jake clapped his friend on the back before looking back over the crowd. His green eyes went back to watching the man, Jeffery Gomez, weasel his way into getting Isabella to dance with him. Isabella flashed a look up at Jake, who sent her a smug smile. Isabella was clueless and would do anything to make Jake jealous, even if that meant grinding up on a man who would be headless by the time the night is over. Bob threw his head back, drinking down the rest of his drink. That was probably the only thing that changed about Bob Floyd, he started drinking. 
“I’ll see you back at the house,” Bob said, patting Jake’s back, “I’ll go let the guys know so they can get ready.”
“Maze?” The maze was one of Rooster’s most prized possessions. He had built it underneath the garden, and could control the pathways with an ipad. Rooster put his prisoners in there and watched as they struggled to try and get out. . .no one ever made it out alive. They either were killed in the maze or died of starvation trying to get out. Sometimes he would make it a quick death, other times he liked to watch them suffer. 
“Nah,” Bob sighed, “I think he might take a page out of Gianni’s book. . . missing junk.”
“Bastard,” Jake smirked and shook his head, “Send me an update about our prisoner when you get home. Make sure she hasn’t flung herself off the balcony or slit her wrists in the tub yet.”
Bob nodded, retreating away with some guards on his footsteps. Jake leaned back over the railing, looking around, spotting a girl staring him up and down. Her tan legs were exposed as she sat on a leather couch. Her deep red manicured nails gently scratched her exposed thigh, and she tilted her head back, giving Jake a show. Jake licked his lips, setting his empty glass down on a ledge and walking over to her. Her friends squealed as Jake got close. He held his hand out to her, and she looked at her friends with a smile, before pushing up off her seat and following him. 
“Where are we going?” She asked him innocently. 
“Don’t worry about it,” Jake answered. He walked downstairs, her hand never leaving his. Jake pushed his way through the crowd, which really wasn’t that hard as everyone seemed to part like Moses and the Red Sea. Jake made his way over to Rooster, who was now kissing the blonde girl, while the man behind him kissed up and down his neck, “Hey, we got shit to do. The orgy can wait.” 
Rooster lifted his head up and Jake nodded his head to where he had spotted Jeffery earlier, “Ah, Jefe has entered the building?” 
“Falling into the fucking venus fly trap,” Jake said. 
“Gross man,” Rooster said, scrunching up his face in disgust. He kissed the blonde one more time, before detangling from the two of them, “Pretty sure Coyote went down to the lounges.” 
“And you’re calling me gross?” Jake joked. Rooster just shook his head and followed Jake down towards the private longues, “Oh this is. . . “ 
“Lily,” The girl answered. 
“I don’t like it. . . Cherry,” Jake said and the girl nodded. 
“You check her age?” Rooster whispered. 
“Does it matter?” Jake asked and then turned to the girl, “You’ll be a good girl for me, right?” The girl nodded wordlessly and Jake smirked. He walked over to the closed door of one of the private rooms, “Wrap that shit up kids, we got work.” Jake yelled knocking on the door. He could hear Javy groan and laughed at his friend telling whatever girl he was with to get off of him. 
“Couldn’t fucking wait?” Javy asked, opening the door half naked.
“I’ll let you blow your load all over Gomez’s face. Now come on,” Jake said and winked at the redhead who was behind Javy, “You,” Jake said turning to Cherry. He grabbed her face and placed a rough kiss on her lips, “Go with them.” 
“B-but I thought-” 
“No, you didn’t think anything,” He grabbed the girl's chin and looked into her blue eyes, “Do as you're told, go with them,” Jake demanded and the girl cowered away. Javy wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her to follow him, “Fucking women. They don’t make them like they used to.” 
“Aimless housewives?” Rooster asked. 
“Yeah. They all seem to have something to say now.” 
“Well, hate to break it to ya, don’t think your wife is going to listen much either,” Rooster said, patting his friends back before heading towards the SUV. 
“She’ll learn,” Jake muttered to himself, fixing his collar and walking towards the dark alley behind the club. Their driver was waiting for them, and opened the door for Jake to get in. He was thankful that they made the exit swiftly, he had enough of the paparazzi snapping pictures of him leaving the clubs with women lately. Bob sent Jake a text letting them now that Gomez had been captured and they were working on bringing him back to the compound. Jake locked his phone and made eye contact with the driver in the rearview mirror and nodded. 
— — — ♱♱♱ — — — ♱♱♱ — — — 
The night sky in San Diego was foggy, and cloud covered. Y/N looked up at the sky as she lounged in the infinity pool. She had snuck out of her room past her guards, leaving a trail of clothes in case they completely started shitting their pants at her disappearance. The water was cool as it relaxed her, but so did the wine she drank too. She had already been missing the Italian night sky, being able to see the constellations from her balcony. 
Y/N pushed off the ledge she was leaning against, and floated in the middle of the pool on her back. The night air was cool, and left goose bumps over her naked body. Her eyes searched for the different constellations in the sky, easily being able to point out Scorpius, her favorite one. She could remember the story of the cluster of stars from hearing her mother tell it over and over. 
She took a big breath and pushed herself underwater, letting her body float softly towards the bottom. She felt her back hit the bottom of the pool, she opened her eyes, seeing the distorted picture above her of the night sky. Y/N could feel her lungs and eyes start to burn as she counted the seconds that passed by. The burning of the chlorine was slightly inviting as she relaxed into the water, feeling her body being gently tugged by the water. 
She expelled all the air from her lungs, watching as the air bubbles floated to the surface. It was quiet, the only sound was the small buzz in her ears. The pounding in her head increased, so she pushed herself off the bottom and broke through the surface. She took a deep breath of fresh air, slicking her wet locks behind her. The night air was chilly, and sent goosebumps down her spine. Y/N dove back underwater quickly, when she broke the surface she was facing the back entrance to the house, and now noticed more lights on in the house. 
Swimming herself over to the side of the pool, she pushed herself out and grabbed her towel, drying her naked form off. She quickly slid on her robe and tied her wet hair in a bun. She grabbed the remnants of the wine bottle and glass, moving quickly back into the house. She didn’t want to piss off Jake or any of the boys. She hardly had any real interaction with the boys besides Jake, but she could see the same look in Rooster’s eyes that was in Gianni’s, wild and electric. There always had to be one torturer in the group. Y/N rinsed out her wine glass and corked the bottle putting it away. 
She was about to run back up the stairs when she heard a shrill scream. Her conscience told her to keep going up the stairs, but something in her told her to move towards the sound. She cursed herself, as her bare feet moved back down the glass staircase and towards the sounds of screaming. Y/N hadn’t really explored the house yet, so she was going off intuition and sound. Her feet brought her to a door that sat opposite of the office she was in earlier. She gently pushed the door open and found a single dark staircase that descended into more darkness. 
“You’re a real dumbass, Santiago,” Y/N whispered to herself as she quietly walked down wooden stairs. This part of the house must be part of the original. She had found the articual layout in a box in Jake’s office. She didn’t mean to find it. . . well, yes she did mean to find it. Most mobsters were paranoid, and she knew that there had to be tunnels or paths under the house, and she was right. There was a tunnel that led from Jake’s office to a train station. 
She walked as carefully and quietly as she could, but it was easy to move with the growing whimpers and screams from the basement. The basement looked like most did in slasher films and horror movies. It was dark, light by a couple bright light bulbs. It smelled of dirt and blood, and Y/N could see old blood splatters on the floor. There was also a wooden church bench in the middle of the room, which is what she assumed Jake meant when he said “the pew” earlier. She let out a gasp as she reached a level where she could see them, and some poor soul chained up by his wrists, dangling in front of them. 
Rooster was holding a lighter to the man’s skin, letting it sizzle. The smirk on his face made Y/N’s stomach churn, Rooster was enjoying what he was doing. The chained up man’s body was covered in burns, bruises and fresh scars, more than likely from Rooster. His once soft, inviting brown eyes were dark and cold. His body language was different, his frame seeming larger as he inflicted pain upon the man. 
Rooster removed the lighter from the man’s skin, setting it down, only to pick up a knife and run the blade down the freshly charred skin. The chained man let out a loud sob, as Jake held his hand up to stop Rooster. Jake stood with his arms crossed, eyeing the man chained in front of him. There was a man with gorgeous tan skin standing next to Jake, who had the same expression on his face, unreadable and ready to kill. Bob was the one who noticed Y/N, sending her a warning look and motioning softly for her to go back up the stairs before Jake noticed. Y/N shook her head, fear freezing her brain from making rational choices. 
“I’m going to ask you again,” Jake said, stepping forward. He held his hand out and Rooster placed a knife in his hand. Jake twirled the knife over in his hand, walking up to the chained man, “Who gave you the order to rough up one of my whores?” 
“N-No one!” The man yelled. Jake’s face rose into a sinister smirk as he took the knife and dug it straight into the man’s scrotum. The man yelled in pain, loud enough to make the walls vibrate. Bob turned his head, and looked at his shoes, while Rooster couldn’t hold back a small chuckle. Y/N couldn’t help but let out a small scream, covering her mouth quickly. 
Jake snapped his head over to the staircase. If his eyes weren’t ready to kill they certainly were now. Jake didn’t even say anything, but Y/N started walking over to him. Jake grabbed her body, pulling it flush against him, holding the same knife he just used against her throat. Jake ghosted his lips over her ear. Y/N closed her eyes, feeling the cool metal against her skin, and the drip of the chained man’s blood ran down her throat. 
“You tell me, or I'll slit her throat right here,” Jake said. His voice had seemed to drop an octave, sounding more intimidating. The unknown man, Bob and Rooster all shared a look, not sure of what Jake’s motive was. They all knew they couldn’t kill Y/N, as much as Jake probably wanted to, but that didn’t mean they couldn’t rough her up a bit to teach her a lesson. 
“Jake, just let her go-” Bob said, taking a step forward but Jake pressed the knife into her skin, making her let out a gasp. 
“Oh no, she decided to come down here and intervene. If this fucker,” Jake nodded towards the chained man, “Really values women as much as he claims too then he won’t let me kill her. So. . . who gave you the order!” His voice was loud and it made Y/N jump in his arms. He could feel her body start to tremble. 
“I said, I don’t know!” The man yelled, “Let me go! Let her go! Please!” 
Jake pressed the knife down harder, and Y/N gasped feeling the crushing weight of it. She felt her breathing becoming restricted and did her best to not move. Jake wrapped his hand tighter around her midsection to keep her standing. The blade made a slight cut against her tan skin, and she prayed that the poor bastard would confess before she ended up on the ground bleeding out. 
“Tell me!” Jake yelled, the veins in his throat popping out, “I swear to fucking god, I’ll kill her.” 
The unknown man moved next to Y/N, holding a gun against her temple, “We’re not fucking joking.” 
‘So much for possibly having an ally’ she thought to herself. 
Y/N closed her eyes, letting the tears fall freely. She had always been smart to stay away from Gianni’s torture room. It had taken years of therapy to get over what she had seen him do to Francisco and her own trauma she endured. She felt her body shaking in Jake’s grasp, as her breathing came few and far between. She felt like her body would collapse in dead weight if it wasn’t for Jake’s harsh grip on her body keeping her upright. 
“I-I don’t-” The man started as the unknown man cocked the gun, pulling a round into the chamber. He pressed it firmly against her head, as if he was trying to push the barrel into her skin, “F-Fine! It was Soto, Dante Soto! He wanted to get you back for cutting his gun stock and I-” 
The man couldn’t finish his sentence as the unknown man shot him in the head. Y/N screamed at the sound. Jake let her go and she collapsed on the ground. Bob moved over to help her, grabbing her arm to lift her up, but Jake held his hand up to stop him. 
“Leave her,” He said, wiping off his knife and setting it back on the table. 
“I said, leave her!” Jake yelled again and Bob stepped back from Y/N, “The whore’s gotta learn somehow. Get some guys to clean this shit up. Deliver him on Soto’s front door. Leave a nice little note too.” 
All four of them walked past Y/N as she pulled herself into the fetal position and cried. Jake watched her as she sobbed onto the ground, and smirked. He squatted down by her body and ran his hand over her back. The gesture would usually bring comfort to one person, but Y/N felt nothing but fear in it. Her body trembled as she pulled her knees closer to her chest. The smell of blood was starting to make her head spin. 
"You're gonna learn not to disobey me someday," Jake whispered to her. He pushed himself off from his squatting position, fixed his suit jacket before walking out of the chamber.
She heard the door slam shut and she couldn’t move. It was like she was reliving her worst nightmare all over again. Francisco was holding her to the ground, repeatedly punching her, kicking her, choking her until there were spots in her vision. Y/N let out a scream that echoed off the walls but fell on deaf ears.
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@cherrycola27 @seresinsbabe @violyn20 @materialgirl01 @bradleybeachbabe @a-reader-and-a-writer @lt-spork @topnerd03 @3in1shampooconditionerbodywash @bioodforbiood @topguncultleader @ma-fraise @abaker74 @double-j @cm27078 @thedroneranger @khaylin27 @mak-32 @unhinged-btch @wittywhispers @theliterarybeldam @bloosomjoon @chxcxlate-cxxkies @luckyladycreator2 @wellshit6 @harper1666 @phoenix1388 @footprintsinthesxnd @dempy @emma8895eb @bonitanightmxres @love2write2626 @bobbyonboard @some-lovely-day @thenewdaysalreadyhere @cassiemitchellslibrary @ilymoonie @morgensternsblog @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @rintheemolion @tallrock35 @adoringsebstan @xoxabs88xox
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invisiblequeen · 2 months
Noe Bodi Gameplay: Day 36, Part 2
Here we are! Zavier St. Tompkins (@westonsims00) and Rhea Moya (@fl0pera) have arrived at the Romance Festival for a first date.
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Other notable guests included:
Simeon Silversweater in an outfit that i did NOT curate for him...
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Noemy Ortega (@beebeesiims) painting next to Rain Drop (@riverofjazzsims)....
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And Donna Richmond (@elysiantrait) passed out on the ground, possibly from all the exciting activity she got up to back on HER first date.😑
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Back to the lovebirds. They sipped Sakura Tea to get them in the mood--as if Zavier needed it; this man was on a flirty high the whole time!
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The pair took to the dance floor and waltzed their way around the ground murals quite gracefully.
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Look. At how. They stare at each other.
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"This will be! And everlasting love!" I sang as I watched them end the dance with a perfect pose.
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Only soulmates could have so much chemistry on the dance floor.
Zavier was so happy he threw her flower petals!! They were legit the only ones who were this lovey-dovey with each other, everyone else was either awkwardly dancing or standing by the tea without drinking it.
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They were so lovey-dovey, in fact, that they caught the eye of the Love Guru.
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When they sauntered over to him, Zavier jokingly asked about his romantic future, certain that the Guru would answer favorably.
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And Zavier did not like that at all.
Rhea's smile kind of froze in place as she watched Zavier engage in a back-and-forth with the Guru, as if any of this was supposed to be taken seriously. Zavier, meanwhile, gone off the sakura tea, was feeling personally attacked, and started wondering if the Love Guru was warning him that the union he had just found led to heartbreak.
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And in perfect (or horrible) timing, look who also showed up to see the Love Guru! NOEMY ORTEGA (@beebeesiims)
She was given a much more hopeful prediction, which made her smile and made the couple next to her tense up.
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Noemy, who had no inkling of their situation, greeted them both with a warm smile. Zavier, feeling petty, turned and congratulated her on "what a happy happy life you're gonna live! What's it like to have a non-bleak destiny? What's it like to have a destiny?"
(can you tell that this situation has brought up some things?)
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Noemy, who was not blind to his undertone, kept it pushing with kindness.
Rhea, who could only focus on Zavier's "charmer" smile, did not like this interaction at all. She stomped away rather quickly.
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Which left Zavier alone to be properly chastised by his new acquaintance.
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"How do I get past 'Bleak' when you got to have 'Great'?"
"It's only bleak if you MAKE IT BLEAK, dummy."
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"Holy shit, you're right, thanks, nice to meet you, gotta go BYE!"
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Don't be too mad at him, guys, he's been burned by legit psychics before.
So he decided to make it up to Rhea by secretly lighting one of the festival fireworks she'd been waiting to see.
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Considering the fireworks were supposed to be lit at the END of the festival, she picked up on the signal and awkwardly moved to where he was still standing over the fire thingy.
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With nothing but sincerity, Zavier looked her straight in the eye, and apologized for freaking out at the Love Guru. He INSISTED that he wasn't flirting with Noemy.
Rhea, in turn, apologized for thinking he would actually flirt with someone in front of her like a DUMMY, even though he was being a dummy. He's just not THAT kind of dummy.
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"We make our own destiny, right, Z?"
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"...and I'm about to fulfill mine right now."
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They shared their first kiss at the Romance Festival, with fireworks sparkling all around them, and fireworks sparking between them.
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[previous] - [next]
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whitexwolfxx310 · 10 months
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Total Eclipse of the heart
Pairing: Bucky x female reader
Summary: After an encounter where Bucky seems to not know who you are, you start to find out answers. Not one's that you were expecting either.
Warnings: Y/N, cursing, super angst.
Word Count: 4K
A/Ns: Sorry for the long pause between chapters. I had to take some time to deal with my mental health. But I am back! I finished this and will be posting the next chapter ASAP because I wrote that one already as well. If you would like to be added to my taglist, please let me know! I love hearing from y'all so please feel free!
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Previous Part
An entire month has gone by but it feels like an eternity. Aside from the one encounter when everyone arrived home from the Soviet Union, the two of you have been kept separate from one another. Tony and Bruce had both agreed that the emotional response from Bucky when he saw you could be triggering, to us both.
It was difficult to try and go through the regular day to day motions when life seemed to have done a complete 180. Everything changed. Sections of The Compound were now 'off limits'. Anytime you asked about Bucky, no one seemed to 'know anything'. It wasn't until Nat 'accidentally' slipped that he had been taken to Wakanda for treatment did you know anything.
'Our' home turned into your home. Bucky's clothes and belongings were taken from the apartment day by day as they worked diligently on treatment. His scent gradually dissipated from the bedsheets with each passing day. Nothing of him was left except one photograph- not even Alpine was left behind.
Which is understandable...But, God I miss them both- more than I let on.
Sitting at the kitchen island, which is normally decorated with cheerful, bright sunflowers and whatever sweet concoction Bucky cooked that morning, felt so bleak and lonely. Each passing day turned one of your favorite places within the home into a very dark one.
The soft tone from your cell is accompanied with a text notification pops up. It's Steve.
"Hey y/n... Can you meet me in the conference room?"
Your thumbs hover over the screen, twitching slightly as each response and scenario collide with one another in your head.
"Um..." You say aloud.
"Sure. See you in a few." Is the response you decided to go with.
You're torn. Part of you wants to run as fast as you possibly can to hear what Steve has to say. The other wants to walk at a snails pace- afraid of what he's going to say. You quickly decide on the median between the two. Not too eager either way.
The walk seemed as though it took forever, like awaiting to cross the finish line of a marathon. Stepping out of the elevator, the glass enclosed conference room came into view. Standing in the corner was Steve, arms instinctively crossed over his chest. He was having what seemed like an easygoing conversation with Tony who stood opposite of him and adjacent to Bruce. Their body language seemed somewhat relaxed, which is good? I think.
Lightly knocking on the glass you catch the attention of all three men. Giving a nervous and awkward wave, Tony motions for you to come in and join them. Hesitantly, you walk in.
"Hey y/n..." Steve immediately greets, bringing his arms down to his sides to seem more relaxed.
"Hey guys..." You answer, meekly. "What's going on?"
It's impossible to force out the casual and polite 'how are you?' 'nice weather we're having today' 'how has work been?' bullshit. I need to know.
"We..." Tony lets out a deep breath as he folds one arm across his chest and the palm of his hand under his chin. "We want to discuss Barnes."
"Okay...?" You reply reluctantly as you look between the three men.
"Why don't you have a seat?" Bruce suggests, looking to Steve and Tony as he politely pulls out one of the wheeled office chairs for you.
Taking a deep breath you oblige, scooting in closer to the conference table and laying your hands flat on the cool surface. It's depressing how any iced cold touch reminds you of Bucky.
The men follow suit, sitting down as well. All four of you collected on one side of the meeting table. The air was stiff, almost as if this were an intervention and each one waited to see who would be the first to speak.
Well it's not going to be me...
"Buck's doing better. A lot better actually!" Steve says optimistically, being the one to break the silence.
"True..." Tony interjects. "But this is unknown territory. While I have all the faith in the world in T'Challa, we've been down this road before-"
"We've made huge strides, Tony." Bruce says, trying to acknowledge both men's opinions but remaining as Switzerland.
"What we're trying to say..." Steve gives you a small nod and half smile, "Is that Buck's back. And...he's asked to see you."
Everyone is looking to you for some sort of answer. But what is the proper way to handle this? There isn't any self help books for 'what to do when your boyfriend's mind resorts back to being an assassin and may not remember you'.
"He... wants to see me?" It comes out as surprised as you feel and yet the only thing you can focus on is the frigidness under your palms.
"Don't worry, it's safe. He's safe. I mean-you'll be safe." Bruce stutters over his words as he tries to sound reassuring.
"Has anyone told you that you are great at giving preparation speeches, Banner?" Tony rolls his eyes and sighs.
"Y/n..." He starts, leaning in more. "We have been working diligently with Barnes. It seems as though pretty much everything is back to normal but..."
Again with the hesitations. Just fucking spit it out already.
"There's holes." Bruce says. Steve and Tony both give him an annoyed look.
I swear he's just in here for comic relief at this point.
"Holes?" You reiterate.
"It's like..." Steve breathes out, long and heavy. "It's like Buck's got all the pieces to the puzzle but can't put them all together just yet. Certain pieces fit and some he's still trying to figure out." He says, hopeful.
"And...he asked to see me?"
After not seeing him for a month since that horrifying interaction, the idea seems so foreign. The men all nod their heads slightly in agreement.
“I can take you to see him now if you would like?” Steve offers. Always the gentleman.
Your eyes instantly drop to look at your oversized grey Iron Maiden t-shirt, black leggings and white slip on's.
“Um...” You look back up at Steve starting to feel self conscious. “Can I clean up and then we care go together?”
“Sure, y/n.” He replies, with his famous warm side smile.
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What is the perfect outfit to wear to go see your boyfriend/would have been fiancé for the first time since a once thought dissipated paramilitary terrorist organization that has come back and might be an almost robotic assassin who might not entirely remember your relationship existed?
I mean, is this going to be like meeting him for the first time? Again? Is everything going to go back to the way it was before? Can that even happen?
The thoughts swirled around your mind like a confused cow in a tornado.
Stepping out of the elevator, Steve is waiting with a familiar smile.
“Come on… someone’s waiting for you.” He cordially holds out his arm for you to link onto. Faking the smile in return, you lock arms.
“Thanks, Steve.”
For so many things. For making sure Bucky came home (and not in a body bag), for supporting both of us, for everything in between and including up to this very moment where he is physically keeping you stable.
"I...really appreciate you." There was no way that you could possibly express your gratitude, even if it feels as though your stomach will drop any second.
Steve had led you to the common area; a relaxing spot with a small café. (The one with shitty coffee, according to Bucky). There is a few small tables set up, all of them empty accept for one. Bucky sits alone, his back facing you. Thanks for the dramatic affect. Giving you a small, encouraging squeeze on your shoulder, Steve let's you go.
One step at a time.
It's simple enough and yet you can't move your legs. The nervousness of now having to be on your own almost has completely taken you over. Looking down at your feet, you will them with all of your might to make a move.
One foot. Just one.
Glancing up through hooded eyes, Bucky is still in the same seat- same position. You notice that he is sitting completely upright, tense, nervous. He is as just as fearful of the situation...and you.
Being focused on him, you instinctively take a step. Just that one step turns into every single cell in your body being drawn to him. To run up, him scoop you in his arms and swing you around for the most memorable reunion. You know he'll catch you- and yet you're holding back.
But you decide to play it carefully, respectfully. He hears your faint, delicate footsteps and froze. I've never seen anyone become so suddenly still. Your heart is pounding like a monster trying to break free from it's cage; Pulse whooshing like a relentless wave refusing to ease. Within a single blink of an eye, he was standing- waiting for me.
There was a look of bewilderment on his face, one I have never seen before. Your feet come to a screeching halt, feeling as though they had abruptly encased in cement. Your eyes meet, instantaneously diving into his glacier blue eyes- An unbreakable metal cable connecting your hearts as you begin to move once more. Each step closing the distance you have felt for what felt like ages. That over encompassing feeling of being stuck in a cold, dark, black void.
His mouth opens, taking in a shallow breath as his eyes dart frantically dance between your features.
"You're..." Bucky begins, finally being able to hold his gaze steadily into your eyes. "...real." Relief spilled from the word as he breathed it out. You didn't realize that you had been holding in the air within your lungs.
He doesn't remember? To him it was all...just a dream? I have been begging, pleading with the universe to have him back. I got what I wanted, just not in the way I expected.
Your mouth goes dry- keeping the ability to swallow the large, insufferable lump in your throat.
"Um..." It was hard to keep your voice from cracking, to keep it from mirroring the shattering of your heart. "Last time I checked?" You say, managing a small, fake laugh. The anxiety lodged in your throat travels down your body, now making its appearance in the form of white knuckled fists- Which you quickly move behind your back to hide.
The awkwardness between us felt like a glass wall. You could see him, hear him- but there is a part of him tucked away again.
Bucky's gloved hands froan in the pockets of his black leather jacket he's wearing. A tall tale sign of his insecurity; the gloves a form of comfortability and protection.
His eyes flashed briefly behind your shoulder, a small smirk on his face.
"So..." The grin stayed as his eyes honed in on yours once again. "Would you want to go for a walk?" His torso twisted slightly, using his bent right elbow to point towards the door.
Frozen. Your lips part and yet nothing comes out. He's waiting for some kind of reply but still, nothing. Bucky leans in closer, the smokiness of his campfire smell completely intoxicating.
"Somewhere private?" This time he stares at something over your shoulder. Curiosity gets the better of you- looking over your shoulder, it reveals Sam and Steve huddled in a corner. They abruptly bump into one another, failing to act casual.
Turning back to meet each others gaze once again, a small laugh escapes in unison at the silliness of your eavesdropping friends.
That smile, the laugh. God, that laugh. The saying 'music to my ears' would do it such an injustice.
Nodding in agreement, you bite on the edge of your tongue. Those overwhelming, missing words are now dying to be shouted out.
"Lead the way." He says, gently.
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The Compound was surrounded by lively Summer scenery. It had plush, full green trees. The birds chirping their love songs to one another- the smell of dense humidity delicately mixed with citrus and bloomed flowers.
Small white dwarf clovers swish against your feet as you walk through the grass. You'd swear you were alone if you didn't keep sneaking glances at Bucky to make sure it wasn't a dream. His stride was feline- deliberately light and practically soundless.
Stopping on a small hilltop overlooking a field of lavender, you can't bring yourself to look at him. Your body pulses with electricity over the physical closeness of his body to yours. There is only the sound of the whisp of the wind as you stare out into the abyss of purple.
The silence was aching to your soul. Thoughts are whirling around your brain, trying to find the perfect words to convey just how much he means to you. That love, our love, could defy any odds thrown our way.
You know the scene in the romance movies when one person breaks down and emotionally confesses all of their hopes and dreams? It's me, hi.
You don't have to propose, you already know what my answer would be. Let's buy a house and make it a home, just the two of us. Or not. I want Bucky babies- as many as you want. I want to wake up to their laughter ringing through the house- knowing because you wake up so early that you'll be the first thing that they see. Send you to the gas station at 2am for an ice cream and loaded cheese fries craving. The endless laughs I know we'll share as a family. I want to argue about not getting everything on the shopping list. There isn't anything in this universe or the next that could tear us-
"I don't know why this is so difficult." He starts in a soft tone.
Oh no.
"I know you. I know that I know you." He's nervous, rambling. "I feel it in my bones when I look at you. Just being in your presence is soothing to me. You're extremely important to me, y/n." He pauses.
I don't like pauses.
"But..." Bucky exhales a deep breath, as if trying to calm himself. He turns to you and you mirror the movement, now facing each other. You hold the air in your lungs, hanging onto every word. "The best way that I can explain it is..." His hands move in a small circular motion as he tries to find his own words. "It's like reading a book. You can see it in your mind, but it's not physical, realistic."
A wave of cold washed over your body from head to toe, as if someone dumped a bucket of ice water over your head. Your eyes burn from the refusal to blink and let the tears fall. It still must have conveyed on your face, because Bucky's eyes search within yours- a sincere expression replacing his concern.
"Are..." Your voice cracks. Clearing your throat, you fight to get the words out. "Are you...saying that we're" You hesitate, almost choking on the word that feels like bile rising in your esophagus "...over?"
"God, no!" You can feel your eyes roll back slightly at the comfort of those words. Bucky gently takes your hand and places it over his chest; both of his hands enclosing them over his. It's hard not to stare when you can feel the accelerated beating of his heart under the scarring where skin meets metal.
"I'm just asking for us to take it slow. As long as that's okay with you?" His tone is soft but hopeful as he paired it with puppy dog eyes.
"Of course." You lie- your teeth clasped painfully down on the edges of your tongue to keep from saying anything else. His sigh of alleviation along with the instant release of tension in his shoulders shows you made the right decision.
"Thank you, y/n." Bucky whispers as he leans in, leaving behind the faintest kiss on your cheek. If your eyes weren't open to see the physical contact, you would swear it was from the tame breeze.
There was a time not so long ago that we would have taken advantage of being alone on this hill. Laying down in the plush grass surrounded by flowers, the petals getting stuck to the sweat on our bodies. Bucky moaning your name into the crook of your neck as you intertwined and moved as one. Your entire body so sensitive to his delicate, but firm touch, to the point it was almost painful- and yet you couldn't help but beg for more.
Yet, here we are now- resorting back to elementary school hand holding. Selfishly, you wanted more, but didn't have the heart to ask for more. He just seemed... so happy with the idea.
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"Well then, I guess it would be okay to resume our sessions for the time being." You say jokingly walking into your office with him closely behind. Bucky lets out a small, genuine laugh as he takes a sits on the sofa across from your desk.
"Anything noteworthy happen while I was gone?"
"Well," You start, grinning as you walk to lean back on the edge of the desk to face him. "There have been quite a bit of complaints about the coffee. I guess you aren't the only one who hates The Compounds brand of choice. I think Rocket misses you- or, at the very least, messing with you. And if I'm being honest..." You place a hand on your belly, rubbing it slightly. "I've lost a few pounds without my personal chef/baker around."
A flicker of wholesome playfulness flashes in those crystal eyes; contagious enough to for it to reach his smile. The fluttering of butterfly wings caress against the lining inside your stomach. Nothing could keep from that infectious ray of light from tugging at your very soul.
"I promise to rectify that as soon as possible, Sunshine." The emphasis of your nickname blanketed around your bones like warm honey. The giddiness made you look away- but only for a moment. You're transfixed on him; Afraid that if he wasn't in your line of sight, he would disappear.
"I know that you're too polite to ask..." Bucky starts, his expression changing. "But I want to tell you about what happened overseas."
Oh shit.
Your fingers tighten around the edge of your desk in preparation. Giving him a small, understanding nod- he continues.
"Russia was... eventful to say the least." He says, almost baffled. "To make a long story short: We got there, followed a few leads that wound up being dead ends and were getting ready to head back home." Bucky is slumped back in his seat on the couch, eyes focused on his pointer finger lazily tapping against his knee; completely zoned out at the recollection.
You now painfully sit in silence, waiting for him to tell you what happened in his own words and in his own time. Biting your tongue to not blurt out all of your questions, needing answers.
"The entire time that we thought this mission was a bust- we were being watched. Studied."
"Studied?" You repeat. "By who?"
"If a head is cut off, two more shall take it's place." He says cryptically and barely audible as he looks up from the floor.
"What?" You ask, becoming more confused. The more in depth Bucky goes, the more distant he seems to get.
"Hydra will never be gone." His tone sounds like an admission to defeat. "There are still people out there who believe in 'their cause'." This came out more as disgust. "They've...replaced me. Created a new 'me'." He's disappointed; thinking that it had just been him all along to discover that there is more.
"Steve and I got separated from the rest of the team. We had each others backs, just as we always have. But..." He sighs, hesitating before he speaks again. "As we tried to make our way out, we found ourselves in some kind of detaining room? It felt familiar." Bucky stares straight forward, looking through some unseen void. "I-... I pushed Steve back through where entered before it closed but someone else was in there with me. I don't remember if I passed out or what. But when I woke up, I had a difficult time recalling anything, anyone. As if I had amnesia."
His whole body is tense as he recalls the memory. It must be difficult for him, living his whole life trying to distinguish what is real and what's not.
"Bucky..." You take a few steps closer; hand impulsively reaching out, placing it on top of his gloved hand as you knelt on the floor in front of him.
He didn't flinch- Not in the way he used to when you first met. There was familiar hint of pain and nervousness behind his eyes.
"And all I could see, was you. Flashes of you smiling, laughing..."
Bucky leans forward, somewhat onto his knees, turning your hand over and gently holding onto it as he intensely looks in your eyes.
"But I... couldn't remember. I thought that maybe it had all been a dream. But when I saw you in person at the medical bay, I knew that it hadn’t been just a fantasy, it was actual memories. I am just so....fucked up." He says in revulsion.
He'll never forgive himself.
"We're all a little fucked up." You admit.
There is something to be said for losing yourself. Sometimes being lost is the only way to be found. You may find a strength you never knew that you had, or see others painted in a different light; will they disappear or help you find your way out of the dark? And if we get out of that darkness, does a piece come back with us?
Bucky's face suddenly hardened, solely focused on something. A switch flipped- the light had gotten ripped away from his eyes. He was staring so intensely that it was uncomfortable. Feeling self conscious, you look down- trying to seek what had exclusively had his attention. In shifting slightly, you see that he isn't concentrating on you; but something behind you.
With unintentional slowness you start to turn around, goosebumps taking over the entire top layer of your skin. Your mind is racing trying to fathom what could be in your office to have him triggered like this. But nothing was there. No person, no being, nothing out place.
Your lungs let out every last bit of air that they held onto in relief. And yet, nothing changed. There was a mysterious uneasiness gripping onto the room.
"Bucky...?" You hesitantly ask; still looking between him and whatever still had him in an almost trance.
Carefully, he moved you out of the way and in four strides, Bucky’s at the bookcase behind your desk.
Standing up, you take a step forward. “Bucky…?” You ask again.
Grabbing a framed picture that was standing in the bookshelf, he starts to look over the picture- taking in every small detail. His head whips around to look back at you, his eyes frantic as his eyes bounce between the picture and you.
“What?!” You can’t hide the urgency of needing to know any longer.
“It’s him.” Barely audible.
Taking a few steps closer, you see that Bucky is holding the picture of you with your brother, Luke. You let an exhale of relief out. But he’s still looking over the picture obviously feeling uneasy.
“You’ve seen this picture a hundred times… what’s wrong?”
“It’s him” He repeats “My replacement. The newest super soldier… is Luke.” His voice is low, exacerbated. You roll your eyes.
"C'mon, Bucky. You know that my brother has been dead for two years. That would be impossible!" I get that he's been through a lot lately, but this? Bringing my dead family member into it?
"What I'm saying is..." His eyes are intensely locked on yours, "He isn't dead. Never was. And your brother..." Bucky doesn't breathe as his expression tries convey the seriousness of his next words, "He's alive. And...he's the new face of Hydra."
Next Part
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@peaches1958 @aquabrie @elsie-bells @pono-pura-vida @redbloodedgurl @almosttoopizza @beware-my-thorns @prettylittlepluviophile @annoyinglythoughtfuldestiny @calwitch @ozwriterchick @roofwitty779 @lessersole @lil-darhk @agoddoesnotplead @saranghaey @floralwsloki @erinallene @fafafalafel @mrsvxder @elizabeth916 @winterassisin84
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qrovidcore · 3 months
also i cannot stress enough that the emperor had to do literally NONE of that to get the party to like or help him. like buddy. you yourself pointed out that you Also were an adventurer who got tadpoled Just Like Us. wanna join the workers union against the absolute? you’ll fit right in i promise. oh you’re a monster? great hi, nice to meet you i’m the dark urge, literal bhaalspawn, and this is my boyfriend, literal vampire astarion, nice to have you aboard. weird dietary requirements that involve eating people? i mean astarion and i both also eat people, and our buddy gale eats boots sometimes, so brains are pretty tame by our standards really i’m sure we can work with it. oh you were mind controlled and enslaved? hi, astarion has some things to chat about with you. sold into slavery by enver gortash specifically? have you met karlach yet? she’ll definitely go beat that guy up with you. your body was forcibly and irrevocably changed without your consent? form a union within the union with wyll and karlach and astarion! also i bet gale can relate to that too in some ways! and no need to worry about how we’ll react to you being a mindflayer specifically, omeluum isn’t in the party but he’s our buddy! we’re cool with him! you know this! you were there you saw! join the union! you fit right in!
but NO instead SOMEONE has to be a manipulative Bitch you do NOT get to join the tadpoled adventurer’s union. in the tadpoled adventurers union we do NOT pressure each other into Undergoing Even More Body Horror we have had Enough of that here. do NOT condescend to us about [checks notes] not becoming mindflayers????? oh we’ll hear from you when you’re ~ready to forgive us~ ????????
literally all of these theatrics and for What. you could’ve joined the union. buddy you can’t sit with us & that is on You
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mercurygray · 3 months
Merc, what kind of Historical Military Man gets the wheels turning for you? What are the markers of 'Oh, that one, that one is now mine'?
Nat, I'm going to be honest, this question provoked something of an existential crisis. so I went back through, like, 20 years of fandom favorites to see if there's a pattern.
Spoiler: there isn't, apart from a perennial need to be different. This is kind of long .
2001 (ish) - Lord of the Rings is coming out, and you are either a Legolas or Aragorn girl. I am deep in my 'not like the other girls' phase and decide Boromir is actually the superior choice here. (This leads me to watch A LOT of period dramas that are probably not appropriate for for me at this age, including Clarissa and Lady Chatterley's Lover.) It also leads me to the Sharpe books, which are great and awesome. Richard Sharpe doesn't necessarily do anything for me as a character, but that gets me into Hornblower, which gets me into the Aubreyad, which leads me to read a lot about the Napoleonic Wars in high school. Cliff-diving into a different historical period is now something I do every single summer.
I also spend about 5 years (2008-2013) writing a 225,000 word fanfic in which Boromir doesn't die.
Matthew Crawley (Dan Stevens) is really only in the army a brief while but who can say no to the blue eyes and the absolute vibe he has going with Mary?
During the Downton phase I decide to raid the library for other period dramas, again, and watch The Forsyte Saga. Soames Forsyte is not a man you love, but Damian Lewis has A Face and I know he was on Band of Brothers, which the library perennially never has a copy of.
I finally watch Band of Brothers in its entirety my senior year of college and am a little disappointed I appear to be missing large parts of the story. (Future rewatches will explain that this is actually a feature of the show, not a bug.) My recollections of this are hazy, but I'm fairly certain my favorite character the first time I watched this was Lewis Nixon (Ron Livingston). He's dark-haired, he's funny, he's an absolute mess with a trust fund. Dick Winters (Damian Lewis) also has one hell of a face. He's a red-head, he's in charge of everyone else, he doesn't say much, and he is tall. I know there must be fic for this show but am also very, very sure it is shippy in a direction I do not want to read, so I do not go looking for it.
TURN - 2014-2017
Ben Tallmadge (Seth Numrich) is the guy to watch on TURN: he's a lieutenant, he's tall, he struggles with rules, but the entire fandom is also crazy about him and the leading queen bee in the OC end of that fandom is a real pain about it, so I decide I will not be writing for him no matter what it costs me to hold off admitting I want to. However, in the next episode we meet his best friend, Caleb Brewster (Daniel Henshall) who is short, bearded, dark-haired and chaotic. The moment he comes onscreen I love him. Sadly, no one is reading fic for him and this project is abandoned.
In Season 3, we meet the Marquis de Lafayette. Historical Lafayette is a tall, awkward redhead in need of a father figure who makes up for war experience with boundless enthusiasm. His letters home are adorable. Show Lafayette (Ben Wiles) is tall and enthusiastic. I love him anyway and I make it everyone's problem for, like, a year.
2016-2017 - Mercy Street
Henry Hopkins (Luke Macfarlane) is a military chaplain in a hotel-turned Union hospital in Alexandria, Virginia. He's tall, he's a little tortured, and he has a knack for putting others first. Wrestling with some past choices, his romance with Emma Green, the privileged daughter of the family who owned the hotel, is sweet and full of pining. I write so much fix-it fic for them it's not even funny. (I love this show because the female characters I love come pre-installed. Please watch this.)
2016 - Dunkirk
I see this movie three times in theaters and love it more each time. Collins (Jack Lowden) is a blonde RAF flyboy with a very adorable face. (Tom Glynn Carney is also a face I like but he's on a backburner for a bit.) I write a lot of fic about it and affectionately refer to this as my first Planes Go Zoom phase.
Two weeks into the pandemic I decide rewatching Band of Brothers is a good idea and buy the book and the DVD set from my local secondhand bookshop like I am doing a drug deal in a parking lot. Two weeks after that I am writing a fanfic for Dick Winters (Damian Lewis) because I am a loon who likes men in charge and painfully slow burns.
Still in the middle of a pandemic I decide to watch The Pacific, because I make good decisions, apparently. Hoosier Smith (Jacob Pitts) is a taciturn, wise-cracking friend of Leckie's who is joked about as being the pretty one. He is. Andrew Haldane (Scott Gibson) is quiet, unassuming, and in charge, and played college football for Bowdoin. Very dad energy. Extremely charming. Dead in three episodes as history intended. Fix-it fic incoming.
2022 Top Gun Maverick comes out. Jake "Hangman" Seresin (played by Glen Powell, who I loved in Hidden Figures and The Guernsey Literary Potato Peel Pie Society) has a jawline you could cut something with and an attitude. My friends think I am mental. Second Planes Go Zoom phase coupled with Devotion, which comes out shortly after.
SAS Rogue Heroes comes out. I have been really looking forward to seeing Tom Glynn Carney in something else and he delivers. Mike Sadler is blond, extremely good at his job, not capable of suffering fools, and far too attractive for the desert.
We do not even make it out of trailer season before I realize I still have a Thing (TM) for Callum Turner's face, which I have known since he was Theseus Scamander in Fantastic Beasts. Watching The Boys in the Boat before this all starts doesn't help - he has regrettably blond hair but thighs for days and shoulders you could hang the universe on. John "Bucky" Egan, is tall, dark-haired, incredibly generous spirited and nominally in charge. I want all of it. The rest of the fandom does too. I try to make peace with that and write anyway. Third Planes Go Zoom phase.
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cicerenella · 6 months
on that note- how do you view gerita/itager btw? would love to hear more about it!🇮🇹🇩🇪
i was waiting for a pairing ask! I actually really like gerita/itager, but I see it in a way that's just a little bit different from the canon...
to start, feli is obviously older than ludwig. i like to think that when germany was still a teen he looked at italy with something resembling...admiration? because think about it! this guy represented the duchy of tuscany, the republic of venice... secular and powerful kingdoms. he probably didn't realize that he was having a small crush on him. feli, on the other hand, didn't pay much attention to young lud.
gerita didn't always have the relationship they have now. during both world wars it was er...difficult, if you bring in consideration all what happened. so it was only after the establishment of the European Union that they started to actually form an healthy relationship.
that and also the fact that I headcanon italy being a tad noncommittal in his romantic relationships after the death of HRE (for context, I dont consider chibitalia a thing, so they were both adults). so at the start, this rubbed ludwig off in the wrong way an awful lot, since he is on the other hand very serious about this type of stuff. it was rocky lol.
but besides all that, today is all good! and they're not just dating, but also colleagues? they work an awful lot together, since yknow they're North Italy and Germany. EU's economy is in their hands!
so it's very cute when they finally have a moment together far from meeting rooms. feli brings out the more "laid back" side of ludwig, while ludwig brings that sense of stability that I think feli needs.
on another note, lud absolutely wakes feli up at 6 am to take him trekking in god knows where. he literally has to rip him out of the covers or something. for him it is peak quality time.
and speaking of quality time...it is actually ludwig's preferred love language along with acts of service! he isn't the best when it comes to expressing his emotions, and he's a bit stiff when it comes to physical contact. but you bet this man runs to feli's side if he needs anything, even the simplest things.
on the other side, feli's love languages are physical touch and quality time (as well)!! he's awfully coddly and will literally force ludwig to stay in bed for like...15 more minutes because he doesn't function during the day without cuddles.
just imagine these two otherwise workaholic men being awfully sweet with eachother first thing in the morning ♡♡
but don't think these two don't tease eachother restlessly! feli is a cocky bastard and ludwig easily flustered after all eheh.
the last anon said something about lud calling feli "old man" and that is something I absolutely can envision happening. ludwig might be physically more "imponent" but feli has a more mature appearance to him.
and you know after that, feli is gonna tease him back even harder, he's a bastard in that. cockiness runs in the family at this point LMAO
a genius idea just sparked in my brain and I also remember that it is canon that they cook together?? anyways, yea, they always cook together with feli teaching lud how to prepare traditional Italian (north) dishes. and again, lud teaching feli how to bake, since headcanon that he really enjoys baking.
uuuh yeah, this turned out as more as if general headcanons but we need more gerita anyways top tier ship🫶🫶
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stawpny · 7 months
I dunno I’m bored.
(this is from a fic I made, I just feel like these need more attention)
it’s from “You’re the smartest dumbass I’ve ever met”
-California is usually the big spoon in this relationship. New York just likes to be cuddled and hugged tightly, especially by the man he loves most in this world.
-New York was one of the first states to welcome Cali to the union when he first joined. New York was like 19 and. Cal was 15 at that time (ik it doesn’t make any sense whatsoever but it’s like human ages and I did no math either so yeah. I’m just going with that.)
- young California was all head-over-heels for young New York ‘cause he was fine af. (He still is but in a diff way)
- Young California followed the footsteps of York by making his state industrialized too so they could be together no matter what. He developed his cities and moved away from the idea of the Wild West. Texas was upset that he lost his close friend and blamed NY for tearing them apart, but he had no clue at all. Texas targeted him in the Civil war, but California protected him since back then he was so important to him. Cal and Tex got in a huge fight, leading up to their rivalry today.
- New York is the most oblivious fucking person you’ll ever meet. He finds things out really easily for other people, but when it comes to himself, he doesn’t have a clue.
(TW: 9/11)
- New York always spend 9/11 alone. He usually is confined up in his room, watching TikTok and when the occasional 9/11 video pops up, he’ll watch the thing over and over until he finally prys his sad little eyes off of it and scrolls. No one dared to bother him until Cal went into his room on that day, finding him curled up into a little ball on his bed. Cal hugged him and he just crumbled right then and there. :(
(NY would visit Ground Zero until 2005 where he felt like he didn’t need to anymore. There was nothing he could do.)
(TW: burns/fires)
- California has terrible wildfires as you may know, and New York once stumbled upon a shirtless Cal, in a very smoking room, and he had burn marks all over. New York helped him recover as a thank you for when he helped him with his problems. He checked on him every hour to make sure he wouldn’t die and gave him water.
(TW: scars from the two TW’s above)
- New York has scars from 9/11 obviously. He has one on his right arm, another on his left representing the two towers.
(TW: abuse)
New York has multiple scars from when he was a child, many on his wrist from being slapped with a stick or whenever he got something wrong in school, many on his back from getting whipped as a child from his father, England, and many from falling from being a wobbly kid.
- California has many burn scars obviously. He has some ranging from first to third. Third is when it gets really bad. He has scars from when he was a kid too, he was also a clumsy kid. He was a “adventurer” and he went on adventures with Texas all the time that he got hurt from.
- I feel like both of them would have asthma or some lung related illness for some reason. Like York’s from 9/11 and the Great Fire and Cal’s from all the fucking smoke from the fires. I know what it’s like now. And it sucks. One moment it’s clean and the next it smells like campfire.
(June 7, 2023 [the day we got all that smoke from the Canadian wildfires])
sorry if you read these before
but yeah you can have these of you haven’t read them yet!
btw, I post all my fics on ao3
I used to on wattpad, but that’s dead now
anyways, ily guys
bye! <3
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faggotflint · 3 months
Help decide the fate of Night City
(A Cyberpunk RED TTRPG poll for my partner and I's home game, propaganda below the cut, and please reblog for a larger sample size)
Help decide the fate of Night City by voting for the new mayor of Night City. You can choose to read the propaganda or cast your vote randomly, but only you can decide the fate of my dear friends
Night City hasn't had a mayor in 19 years, instead, it has been run by a Council of Representatives of each of the major brands that own a share of the city, but recently there's been a call for an election for a singular body to be at the head of the city, as the people of Night City have come to believe the council to be corrupt (and yeah, they think electing one of those said corrupt fucks into office will fix things, but are you really one to judge right now?)
So, let's meet the contenders shall we
First up we have Phillip Roland, Phillip, care to say a few words?
"A Vote for Roland is a Vote for family values. Night City has become an unsafe place to raise our children. Philip Roland understands that if you want to do something the right way, you should do it the old-fashioned way. I promise to establish a foundation for public safety and truly earn the NC's title of 'The City of Dreams'"
Right, and your official corporate sponsor is?
Alright, thank you, Mr. Roland, next up we have Gerald Albertsun, Mr. Albertsun, a few words?
"A+ for Albertsun, give it already! When the people watch me stream on the Net, they don't think; "Oh, he's gonna fund another war with Croatia" no, they see a guy who screams in his underwear, who also got his start by making Company Garrison 2 tutorial videos, betcha didn't know that!
Uh-huh, right, and uh, your corporate sponsor?
"Danger Gal"
Wonderful, next up we have the Representative of the Hot Zone Hadel Greene
"Let me ask you something, when you look up at the sunset, what do you think of? I think that it's a red sky we all live under, rich or poor. That's why if I'm voted in, I can assure the people that union houses will be built, they will be full, and ready to meet the demands of the-" *mic cuts out*
Wow, that is wonderful, thank you for that Mr. Greene, and, your sponsor is?
*A dubbed voice over an image of Hadel Greene says* "Rocklin Augmentics"
Thanks again Mr. Greene, Now let's move on to Vogel Grill, care to say a few words Mr. Grill?
"Let's get real, the shareholders of Night City know what's best for the people! You don't think the drug addicts on the streets know what to do if you gave them a house, a car, or even a job right? That's why if I'm voted in, I'll ensure the equity of Night City commerce to exceed expectations!"
Wonderful, thank you Mr. Grill, and your sponsor is?
Right, now, next up is Turanga Ogawa, the Official Arasaka sponsee in this race *interviewer winks at the camera knowingly*
"Arasaka has been the moral compass to which I've lived my life by, they have never steered me wrong. They were so gracious to give people employment, including my fellow candidate Hadel, after the terrible attack in 2023. That is why, when I am sworn in, I shall uphold the same values as I was raised with."
Alright, now, lets take a look at the other side of the gender line here, starting with the fiercest feminist you know, Mrs. Karen Horvolt
"When I'm in charge of Night City, I'm going to ensure it's by women for women, too many men have and abuse too many positions of power, that's why we need to have a feminine perspective. A reset if you will, why don't we make them stay at home and cook and clean for us? Honestly what else are they good for?"
Wonderful, and who is your sponsor in this race?
"See, this is what I mean by men being useless, my sponsor is Continental Brands"
And last, but Certainly not Least, we have Ms. Esperalda Rodrigues
"All this talk of protecting Night City, and no one here has been deployed save for me. Too many unruly characters are let through customs both on to the East and West, why do you think we have such a high rate of violence? You need someone with Military expertise to put people in their place whether they like it or not, that's what I'll do for you Night City."
I see, well, thank you Ms. Rodriguez, and your Sponsor Ma'am
Alright, well, I hope this has helped you to learn a little bit more about each of the candidates and what they can offer Night City, please don't forget to cast your vote this September 11th at your local Night City Polling Station
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kaeyx · 4 months
We need to talk about disguised-as-a-secretary!Nikolai. You cannot tell me he wasn’t at least the slightest bit as weird as he truly is during those six months he pretended to be Tonan’s secretary.
On one hand he's got to have slipped up at some point and done weird shit, I know he'd hate everything about having a 9-5 and running around organising someone else's meetings and wearing ugly, stuffy clothes. But on the other I can imagine him having the time of his life LARPing as John Smith, Average Civilian Guy. He'd propose a 2% increase in budgets and then look at the camera like he's in the office. He loves having these people fooled.
Also hang on hear me out. Nikolai working in the same office as reader and they show absolutely no interest in him bc he's lame, but Nikolai is absolutely obsessed with them and their personality, how fun they are/the office pranks they pull/they're part of a union/etc. And he can't get close to them bc that would blow his cover and it sucks ass and he's so sad about it. Once his mission is over he's definitely coming back to woo them properly.
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carusolikey · 10 days
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The Blue Hour
a Max Phillips & Bloodsucking Bastards FanFic
Don't get your Easter Eggs in a scramble, we'll sort you out right here!
Return to Chapter 2
Return to Masterlist!
Chapter 2 - I guess you could say things are getting a little serious.
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"Scrolling, and scrolling, and scrolling - the Cullins family, old Mr. Feeney, little Old Mrs. White whose husband just passed away last year, the Partridge family with all of their little kids." Right off the bat! I've "homage'd" names from fictional television and movie families:
The Cullin vampire family of Twilight, in a story about a vampire it just makes sense. Mr. Feeney, the curmudgeonly, but beloved teacher from Boy Meets World. Mrs. White, as in Betty White - and in my mind, specifically her character from the classic horror (comedy? funny to me!) Lake Placid. The Partridge Family from The Partridge Family, the other musical family from the 1970's who hung out in a Piet Mondrian (Dutch Painter who did all of the lines and squares with primary colors that everybody loved then and loves now, why not?) homage'd bus.
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"I buried my head under the covers and practiced mindful breathing, 8 seconds in, hold for 8, breathe out for 8."
This is a method of breathing known as box breathing - it's super helpful for anyone experiencing stress, panic attacks, and some forms of PTSD. “When we’re anxious, we breathe shallowly and quickly, which actually creates more anxiety within your body,” Dr. Young explains. “We can use breathwork to move out of the fight-or-flight state and into that parasympathetic nervous system.”
This article from the Cleveland Clinic provides a little more information for anyone interested in utilizing the practice as a coping mechanism or meditation technique (as always, this is something to be used in conjunction with a trusted medical professional).
"Wearing my favorite classic baby tee with a pic of Jake Ryan from 16 Candles on it that says, “I ❤️ Jake Ryan” --
This is one of those classic 80's teen rom-coms. But it definitely hasn't aged well, so I'm not going to include a trailer for it, because IYKYK, and if you don't - all you really need to know is that this is Jake Ryan:
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Aw, fine. I'll do the ending scene. All you need to know is that Samantha (Molly Ringwald) spent her whole 16th birthday getting ignored by her family and friends, the people she wanted attention from - but got tons of unwanted and frankly traumatizing attention from other people.
Until Jake Ryan (Michael Schoeffling), the guy she's had a huge crush on, shows up at her sister's wedding, and focuses all of his attention on her, giving her the 16th birthday of her dreams. Is the dialogue great? No. But the imagery is the stuff that imprints on your brain forever at an impressionable young age. And that's what counts? And that's what counts!
"It was a short walk to the dingy theater, where the midnight showing was of a movie called, The Room, which I’d thought was a movie starring Brie Larsen, but Max assured me - was not" -- This is a cult classic, terrible and hilarious, and incredibly quotable. Tommy Wiseau is an enigma wrapped in a cloak of secrecy - and this article by Vox does an amazing job of breaking down the 5 W's and how this became what it is today:
"Giving him a determined look, I declared, “Bring it on.” Giving me back an equal amount of sass, Max proclaimed, “Oh, it’s already been broughten.” --
C'mon Gabrielle Union circa 2000 - Icon!
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She's so fantastic and this was one of the first "teen" movies that addressed white girls culturally appropriating - but also getting called out on it. (*Cough* Save the Last Dance *Cough*) Gabrielle spoke up about her experience on this movie, and what she wishes she would've done differently, and it is fantastic (watch the video included in the article - please!):
“All around this area are different satellite locations of the Museum of Bad Art, and one of them is located here. It’s really terrible art that they’ve collected from local art shows, from Good Will, the Salvation Army, estate sales, just from anywhere they can find it, and it’s stunning in its horrificness.”
True story - this exists, it's magnificient, check it out!
"Max paused, thinking for a moment, “Say Anything - I thought I could be Lloyd Dobler,” --
Say Anything does have its own problems, just like all the other 80s movies, but there's definitely one iconic scene that everyone knows and loves...
“I could make you forget that you ever fell and hurt yourself but, I’m not going to risk the brain scramblies. I want you to know the truth.” --
How could I write a story about a vampire and not have some tie-in lore with What We Do in the Shadows?
“Anyway… this extremely crusty looking, yet very stately, oddly attractive fella - sounded like he was from an older European country, and super weird, he was wearing a New Jersey Devil’s hat. Well, he interrupted our drinks with clients and turned me, out of nowhere." --
Oh my god. Did The Baron turn Max?? (Maybe it's not canon, but do you mind, really? I promise I'll make it worth it.)
“Oh!” I exclaimed, “How very Eyes Wide Shut of you!"
Final film of Stanley Kubrick, which at the time got kinda luke warm reviews.
However, I came across this interpretation of the movie recently by Lila Shapiro for New York Magazine / Vulture, and it's a bit chilling to read of Kubrick's awareness. So - where will this relationship go? Is Max just another Dr. Bill Harford? Or is he more? Will OC succumb to the fate of Nicole Kidman's character? Or will we eschew established trends?
“Um, hello? I’d like to lodge a complaint - I’ve been having sex with humans when I could’ve been having sex with vampires this entire time. Super Massive Blackhole Fuck Up.” -- Not the first Twilight reference I've made, won't be the last, but let's go ahead and roll that spicy footage. Feel free to laugh as much as you want.
"And I’m really glad that we won’t be having a weird vampire-human baby hybrid à la Twilight.” --
Fucking Renesmé, c'mon. There is so much wrong with that whole storyline, and why did they have to CGI a BABY? Shield your eyes, I cruelly added a gif.
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“Yes, and it always makes me think of that line from the movie Dodgeball, ‘Nobody makes me bleed my own blood - nobody!’ You know what I’m talking about - Ben Stiller says it?” --
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If you or someone you know suspects that they have endometriosis or adenomyosis, check back here soon. I'll be doing a separate post including additional information and support. In the meantime, enjoy this scene from Dodgeball:
"Then I grinned and said in a British accent, “I’m getting betteh!” -- If they don't teach this in school, perhaps they should, eh?
“Ohmygod, soooo nice.” I batted my eyelashes at him, while talking like a Valley Girl from the OG Buffy the Vampire Slayer." -- Okay, so we know that Pedro was in the Sarah Michelle Gellar version of Buffy, but before that there was the Kristy Swanson version, and Buffy was a teensy bit different. CW: Buffy gets told that she's not like other girls. Content Bonus: Buffy says, "Yes, I am." IN THE 90s.
“Manners maketh man, so they say.” -- Crossover event! This is something Whiskey says in Kingsman. Do you take your Whiskey neat or on the rocks?
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“Sweetness, I don’t have a kink for Stepford Wives..." -- Yeah, HOT PASS on Stepford Wife-ing, and if you're unfamiliar with the plot, it's basically a 1972 feminist horror story by author Ira Levin, who also wrote Rosemary's Baby and Sliver. This article by Meredith Craig de Pietro of Bustle regarding the feminism inherent in Levin's books, just as relevant today as when they were written, does discuss some of the more serious political issues surrounding bodily autonomy - but it is a short and interesting read:
Hey, how about a trailer of the 2004 version of Stepford Wives with Nicole Kidman, Bette Midler, Glenn Close, Faith Hill, Christopher Walken, and Matthew Broderick?
But wait - there's more!
Due to Tumblr limitations, this batch of Easter Eggs has a little sidecar of 2 additional Easter Eggs waiting for you in, you guessed it - Easter Eggs v. 2.2: We're Beta Than This. Return to the Masterlist Here or, while you're waiting for Chapter 3, be sure to check out my one other fanfic about Javi G. from The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent, Paddington 3: Lost in Mallorca.
Return to Chapter 2
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badbatchblog · 1 month
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Hello everyone! This is Omega. Since we've just started up this blog, I thought it would be a good idea to have us introduce ourselves!
I'll go first. Like I said, I'm Omega! I'm the newest member of the Bad Batch, and although I look like the youngest, I'm actually the oldest! I used to live on Kamino working as Nala Se's assistant until my brothers came to rescue me after the Empire took over. I'm really good at using an energy bow and playing strategy games. I have a Tooka doll named Lula that my brother Wrecker gave me. And my Trooper doll too! Oh, and I have a pet! Her name is Batcher, she's a Lurca Hound. Gonky and AZI are part of our family too, but I don't think they'll be joining the blog. Umm. I'm not sure what else to say about myself! I'm still trying to figure things out, honestly. But I'm excited to meet new people and chat with all of you!
Ok, here are my brothers! -Omega ☀
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heya everyone! I'm Wrecker! I like to blow stuff up and eat good food and cause a ruckus! the last part is what Tech and Crosshair say I do anyway haha. I'm the biggest and strongest of all of us and proud of it! I also get called the sweetest one by other people, but idk I think Omega is the sweetest one. I do think of myself as a nice guy tho! just don't get on my bad side hehe. uhh let's see, what else... oh! I only have one eye! my other one's a fake one. if you saw the scar on my head, you'd understand why! oh yeah and I know Omega said I gave Lula to her... which I did! but we still share her. Omega just gets to keep her more often. I don't need Lula THAT much! ...don't listen to anything Crosshair says otherwise. ok I think that's all! lookin' forward to talk with you guys sometime!
-Wrecker 💪🏽
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Hello. This is Tech. I am the main source of information and the main mechanic for the Bad Batch. I possess a high level of intelligence and dexterity that allows for me to bear these titles. I set up this blog as a means for us to get to know the people of this website better, with the hope that it will provide some much-desired information about the society culminated here. In fact, it would be much appreciated if we could get specific information from those who choose to interact with us; anything you're willing to provide will do. Oh. Omega has informed me that this was supposed to just be about myself... I'm afraid the rest will have to wait until another time. Or perhaps saved for potential inquirers. Regardless, I look forward to whatever is gleaned from this experience.
Addendum: It appears as though there's some confusion surrounding my existence. Misinformation, if you will. Well, I can assure you all that this is one hundred percent the real me, and any rumors surrounding my death have been greatly exaggerated. If you require further proof, by all means, ask for it. That is all.
-Tech 🧠
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Echo here. Wrecker already stated it, but I'm actually a former member of the squad. I'm also a former member of the 501st Legion. I still consider myself a part of the family though (and the others do as well), which I appreciate. I have several cybernetic augmentations and limbs, curtesy of the Techno Union, thanks to an accident I endured a few years ago. It's fine, I'm over it now. I've accepted who I am, and if other people can't, then that's their problem. I probably won't be as active here as the others, but I'm more than happy to answer any questions thrown my way.
Thanks. -Echo 🔌
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hey. name's Hunter. i'm the leader of this squad. i have enhanced senses and am good with blades. my face has half a tattoo on it. i like to keep my hair back with a bandana. don't mess with my squad or you'll regret it. i don't know what else to say. i'm no good with technology stuff.
(Addendum: It's true, it took him 15 minutes just to write all of this out. -Tech)
-Hunter 💀
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The name's Crosshair. I'm a sharpshooter, and the best damn one you'll ever meet. If you want to know more about me so badly, then ask me yourself. Information like that doesn't come for free, after all. I don't care how much Omega fusses at me about it either. Like she's doing right now. Yes, that's correct. Keep fussing, kid, and I'll just keep mentioning it. Pout all you want. Cry, even. Anyway... my actions speak louder than my words. Send me questions if you want, I don't care. Just know that you're more likely to get a decent conversation out of me than Hunter. The man can't even capitalize his sentences correctly. So go ahead. Ask me something. Just don't expect anything... pleasant in response.
Oh... and Wrecker was totally lying about Lula.
-Crosshair ❌
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I reread my own fic A Light That Never Goes Out last night and remembered that I actually have notes for it so here y’all go, I’m dumping them here! 🌈
Ch 1
okay so here we go, here’s me explaining the candle thing again
To the newer folks who might not know, when you meet Ephemera in khx (browser chi), he asks you to get a candle from the Moogle because the Moogle wouldn’t let him get one. You’re more successful than he is, and throughout the quests where you’re traveling in the sewers with him, you go ahead and clear out the Heartless while he holds the candle so the flame doesn’t go out. The sewers visibly look darker too, until you both reach the end
You can watch it here
Ch 2
It always bugged me that the union leaders never got to fully grieve Ava or any of the other foretellers on screen. As far as they know, they perished in the war, they’re gone. So I wanted to let Ephemera have a moment to miss her, as one of her friends and someone who liked being around her
I also think that out of anything that happened during the war, it would’ve been really poignant if Player remembered their interaction with Ava. Of course, that’s part of their pain that was meant to be erased via union cross, but I imply that in this fic, Ephemera has gradually been helping them sift through the memories rather than completely suppressing them. Slowly re-exposing them to the memories so they don’t have a total breakdown.
As someone very close to Ephemera, it just feels more right and fair to him that Player gets these important memories back. It’s his sign of trust
Ch 3
It’s the shortest chapter, but still one I really like
It’s important to me that you know just how smitten Ephemera is with Player, and also how great of a friend Skuld is
She plays a wingman role in this fic, basically the one who encourages these two oblivious pining dorks to get together and helps when they need a third opinion
Ch 4
As I said in the notes, this is an expanded/updated version of an ask prompt which you can read here
The most important change to me was Ephemera asking to kiss them first rather than going in all gung ho. It feels more in character for him. Plus we love consent in this household!
Ch 5
I miss khux’s avatar boards…but not buying them!! 😜
The black and white tuxedo Player tries on was foreshadowing for Ephemera struggling to choose between a black and white tuxedo in ch 9
I also just really love Ephemera in red boots. It’s like…a Thing for me now. This will not be the last you hear of it
Now’s a good spot to mention that Ephemera’s absolutely relentless when it comes to being flirty. Not in the “whoa he‘s got rizz” way, but more in the “wow this guy’s a massive cheese ball” way. He’s been like this in my head since 2016 (I blame Kam. Love you Kam!!)
Ch 6
This was written with the intent of Player being somewhere on the ace/aro spectrum (one of the meanings for the chapter being called Purple is a reference to the colour purple on the ace flag). I didn’t really elaborate on it or even mention it because honestly, I’m not aspec and I wasn’t sure if I was portraying it accurately enough for it to be a prominent point
What I wanted the focus to be on was simply that Ephemera would love them, no matter what they feel or don’t feel. This applies to chapter 10 too, where he’s very understanding of whatever their opinion on having kids is
Ch 7
The jokes about the barter system is actually from a bunch of skulmerayer mini prompts I tried to write but ultimately couldn’t figure out or even fit in anywhere else
Eph and Player should’ve been able to hang out in Candy Kingdom together like they did in Cy-Bug Sector…..I stand by this
They both have a severe case of the sillies, amplified when they’re around each other
Ch 8
I think Ephemera gets bad dreams too, especially after the war. He often dreams about how hurt Player got, or worse, not being able to save them at all. And now he has bad dreams of the canon universe, where he lost everything, including Player
But this is a different timeline, where the two of them, and Skuld, were all able to escape the data world and meet up with the other leaders again to plan their next move in a new world
Ch 9
In this alternate timeline, all the union leaders continue their work together in Scala ad Caelum at the main tower. Honestly, I didn’t really think of how this would happen, but just imagine some kind of override where they’re able to create a new world at the expense of losing Daybreak Town forever. That part sadly stays the same
Skuld tells Ephemera, “You’ll be alright on your own.” It’s a callback to what he told her before leaving her party.
I like listening to Chikai (orchestra), starting it right before Ephemera pulls out the wayfinder :)
LISTEN I just think gifting a wayfinder can also be a romantic gesture. The sokai fans get this. It can be a big romantic gesture in place of giving someone a ring. It’s cute and made by your partner’s own hands, doesn’t get in the way of gripping a keyblade properly, and always lets you find each other again no matter where your travels take you across the worlds. Its pretty! It’s unique! It’s cute!!!
Ch 10
This is a 10 year timeskip, they’re all in their mid to late 20s now
Ephemera and Player have settled down in Destiny Islands, but take trips to stay in Scala for a few months at a time to relieve the others of their leader duties (and later to teach at the academy). So essentially they live both in Scala’s tower, and in their own home on the islands throughout the year
I feel like in this universe, Blaine would settle down first. Him having a kid on the way ended up giving Ephemera a bit of baby fever, which can often be what happens amongst friends and family around the same age
I have a headcanon ingrained in my head that Eph was raised by two moms who owned a library, so he’s always been surrounded by books growing up
I intentionally kept it vague whether or not he and Player would conceive or adopt children mainly because of Player’s ambiguity and also cause I could easily see them doing a mix of both
(I also headcanon the two of them being a t4t couple so there’s a lot of ways the having kids conversation can be interpreted anyway :D)
but basically, they both end up being parents in canon, so why not make them be parents together? 😊
In conclusion: I love them your honor. Thank you for reading!!!
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ceilingfan5 · 10 months
how.....about.........another villain au buuuuuuuuut ! only one of them is a villain whilst the other is like their accountant/realtor/dry cleaner/insert other person they as a villain would have a pretty solid relationship with. [this feels like nothing but also I think you can just spin gold from air]
(5 things about an au game)
okay okay okay okay SO
taako is a villain, a really snazzy Presentation Matters villain, and he really wants to step it up and his tailor just quit (which has nothing to do with Taako's High Standards or the "events" he's wearing these outfits to for sure) so he seeks out someone who fucking Gets It and finds kravitz, who used to do costuming for movies and isn't getting jobs bc those fuckers only use greenscreens now did you know that costumers are generally unionized but many special effects artists are not isn't that fascinating actually! anyway
they meet and taako's being like coy about what he needs these sick outfits for and krav is like. let me be clear im so indifferent about what it is you're doing as long as you aren't like, throwing kittens in rivers and torturing postal workers or smth. and taako's like of course not darling im destroying debt offices and making fools of officers of the law and krav is like tight what's our color scheme i brought my watercolor pencils. how much blood is there going to be, like a general estimate
and they get more familiar as krav makes these INCREDIBLE villain outfits and they flirt and talk and talk and talk (taako voice: so i obviously took the gold, i mean the corpse wasn't using it and it practically had my name on it and really i can put it back into the economy, it's not a big deal-- kravitz, with pins in his mouth: mhmm) and it isn't like Kravitz isn't at least Looking At Him a little. he's a handsome guy. it's facts
and then one day some Dark Hero or fuckin, whatever, is like I'm Going To Stop This Scourge Once and For All and is like, who is near and dear to this asshole that we can Take. and it's kravitz oh no!!! how could this happen!!!! someone alert the plot guards and taako stages this huge rescue, has to call in some allies he would usually pretend aren't allies, and they charge in to find taako's normal ass tailor he super doesn't have a crush on...having taken out these so-called heroes with his super powers. and he's just like. what. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHAT. YOU HAD POWERS THIS WHOLE TIME" i can play the piano too did you ask me about that? not everyone has to make these skills their careers taako-
and theyre like. let's forget the pretenses and go out for a nice dinner and you can tell me all about the piano thing. and if they end up making out while hiding from the cops so be it
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