#i needed this out of my head so here tou go
effervescentdragon · 1 year
“ungodly hour” title, maxiel!! (but if you don’t wanna write them someone else works too!!)
i have slept very poorly. i am drowning in studying about a country i know in its native tongue in fucking german. i am in class talking about influencers. i like torturing danny. i hope you like this anon ✌🏻🥰
Sometimes when the night is too quiet for Monaco standards, Daniel thinks about what may be, or may have been, if only everything was just a bit different.
He used to be on top of the world. Almost. It felt like he was on his way to be on top of the world, something he knew was in his power to do, something he knew he could do. He beat Seb in the same machinery, Seb who was the four-time World Champion for Red Bull. He fought his way through the ranks of Red Bull, which was pretty much what he imagined soldiers in the wars did fifty years ago, complete with the blood and everything. He'd gone against Seb and came out on top, and then Seb left and he was going to be the one who won all the time, the one who would win the ultimate prize, like the good guys won the war. Nothing would stand in his way, because nothing could. He beat the reigning - or not anymore, but close enough - World Champion, and now was his time. Time to shine. Time to win, baby.
Except it didn't happen that way, because he got Max for his new teammate.
He should've known. Probably. Maybe. He should've known when Christian smiled at Max after his first drive for Red Bull and said Good job, Max. He'd seen that smile before. Even worse, he'd seen the way Max beamed back on another blond, blue-eyed face. He should've known. The fact that he didn't was on him. The fact that he tried to fight it when he realised was all him, too. The fact that he lost wasn't as much of a surprise as it may have been if he hadn't held Seb's smile and Christian's answering one in the garage somewhere deep as his core memory.
Life is a circle, his mom used to say, and he'd laugh and run off to race bikes and cars in the dirt. The only circles he'd ever been interested in were the ones he could leave on track, perfect donuts, a winner's right. Those are still the only circles he's interested in; except.
Except he's in Monaco with Red Bull, a reserve driver this time, for Checo and Max, and he's got circles around his eyes that the make-up girl that, if he smiles right, he thinks he could fuck tomorrow - tonight, already, it's way past midnight - will cover up perfectly for the latest video in the Red Bull marketing machine. Sometimes, Daniel gets an immense burst of satisfaction when he thinks that no amount of PR will ever make Max likeable, one that he can only compare to taking a chicane perfectly. Not that he would remember anymore. Not for a while.
Except he's about to get up on less than three hours and put his well-practiced, charming smile on, and go watch Max win the Monaco Grand Prix. He's going to watch Max win, win again, circle after circle, round and round, on a track that was his once. On the track where he had his last victory. On the track where he last felt the high. On the track where he last had Max.
Or at least fucked him. Daniel isn't sure anyone will ever have Max. Max belongs to the racing more than Daniel can remember anyone else belonging to the racing. Max doesn't really care about anything else, and Daniel didn't really think, or want, Max to care about him or whatever. Max cares about winning, and so does Daniel. So when Daniel won, and they all got drunk in Monaco and ended up in Max's apartment, because it was bigger than anyone's, except maybe Lewis', and Daniel -begged- asked, Max -sighed and didn't quite roll his eyes as he- rolled his zipper down.
Daniel knew it wouldn't happen again the moment Max won the Championship. Their hug was immortalized for forever, and Daniel dutifully shared it on his own social media, and then promptly gave his phone to his manager before the picture finally disappeared from his grid. Just like he himself disappeared from the grid.
He resented Seb. That much he could admit. He resented Seb for being able to choose to leave. He resented Seb for winning. Most of all, he resented Seb for showing Red Bull what they could have - a golden boy for whom the worldd parted and who drove in circles like it was his only purpose in life, and who won every time.
He's looking at Seb now, in the VIP area. Retirement suits him, and he looks better than he did for the whole of last year. Nico is there too, and Daniel always resented the easy way him and Seb found their way around each other after only a couple of pointed jabs. Neither of them was as charming as Daniel, and still they somehow made it work. Still, they were both worth of adoration. Still, they both had what Daniel didn't have, and nobody could take it away from them.
"So how do you think is Charles handling his penalty?" Nico asks in English, and Seb laughs in his face.
"Nice try," he says, and Daniel knows he's missing something. "You know, I told him what Niki used to say, but that was a while ago. I don't know if he forgot."
Nico's gaze falters for a moment; the most feelings he will ever allow himself to show. "Niki used to say a lot of things, Sebastian, you have to be more specific."
Daniel catches the brief look Sebastian gives him from the side. "I'm talking about that thing he used to say usually when he git really annoyed. 'It doesn't matter if you're driving in circles, still you have to drive in better circles than the other nineteen guy'." He laughs, and it echoes in the sudden hollow of Daniel's chest. "Do you remember that?"
Nico laughs too, and Daniel has always thought Seb and Nico's laughs sounded very similar.
"Yeah," Nico says. "I remember."
Daniel turns his head to the skies. It looks like it will rain during the race. That should make it interesting. Max is good in the rain. He rubs his hand across his chest and sets his smile firmly on his face.
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gayboyrocklee · 8 months
See I bring stuff up and it’s like “ohhh someone to replace King/finally someone else” bc I do still talk abt King a lot and like I don’t think you get it it’s like this random guy I do not know much about is not going to eclipse my first serious relationship. Nothing ever will replace it, bc it’s one of a kind or smth. It was hellish. It was the happiest I ever was. It’s a duality. It was a mess of being sixteen. There’s never going to be anything like that again. That’s such a relief to know. It’s terrifying thinking about the unknowns after bc at least it was familiar. Idk. I also think King had a very unique position in my life and it was definitely an in the moment thing and it’s kinda stupid to think that someone will ever be able to Be That. Someone will be smth different one day, someone else who makes me say “I’ve never loved anyone like I’ve loved you”. I won’t love them like I loved King, it’ll be different (and hopefully less sixteen!!!). I don’t think it’ll ever be the same bc it’d be boring if we loved everyone the same. The intense emotion is gonna kill me early but idk. I feel alive rn.
#rian’s slay compilation#really hoping y’all get it this take pisses off my irls#‘Cal you’re stagnant’ thx I’m unmedicated#I actually have made consistent progress throughout the year btw. it’s small stuff but also yeah 👍#this sounds like a regressive take but it’s not in my head? if that makes sense.#I’m definitely not in a crazies headspace tous les temps maintenant and that’s nice#comes and goes but goes more frequently. that’s nice#are we as a dash ready for ‘this is not going to be a great marker of progress this is me being more invested in my Astro class’#I’ll definitely fall in love again sometime. college I’m assuming. I’ll get to know someone real well then boom smoochin#and I will tell you all a secret. I cannot fathom it. I just know it’ll happen and it’ll be ok when it does.#even bigger and more embarrassing secret sometimes when my head gets locked up I picture King telling me how wonderful I am and how one day#I’ll make someone so happy or more importantly someone will make me happy too and how it just won’t be her. and that’s okay. and she’s sorry#bc in another universe where we were totally different people it could’ve been something nice. just nowhere here.#if y’all bring that up ever again I’ll kill you ok. just feeling vulnerable on the dash tn.#was able to think of myself as a complete person earlier and I CANNOT do that a lot woowee it wiped me out.#good news is I found a field to frolick in I just need sugar cubes
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lyjen · 8 months
Duty calls
Summary: A sergeant and Evan keep on running in to each other but their conversation always gets cut off.
A/N: English is not my first language so don’t hate on me lmfao. Also just thought this was a cute story ish. Enjoy!
Next Part >> | 9-1-1 Masterlist
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Just as (Y/n) steps out of the door with her usual coffee order, a car smashed into the side of an other car. The collision happened right in front of her eyes. She immediately drops her coffee to the ground, and she runs on to the scene. “Dispatch this is 442-L23, I need an RA unit on the corner of West 9th street and south olive street. I have a two car collision.” (Y/n) speaks into her walkie.
(Y/n) gets to the car of the person who crashed into the other car. The window of the car was opened when it crashed. “Sir are you okay?” The man stares forward, and after a few seconds he turns towards (Y/n). The man was clearly in shock. “Are you in any pain?” She asks while she quickly inspects the man. The man shakes his head as a sign for “no”. But if the man was really in shock, then he wouldn’t be able to feel the pain. “Sir I need you to sit still, and stay where you are. The fire department is on their way, they will assist you getting out of the car.”
Due to the crash, the door of the drivers side got an impact which made the door unable to open without heavy equipment. She pointed to a bystander, watching from the sidewalk. “You. Come here, and keep this man talking.” she needed to get to the other victim in the other car, but needed the driver to stay conscious. And the best way to do that, was keep him talking. The man fastened towards the car and nodded as an answer to her order she gave him. While the man kept standing at the window with the driver.
Y/n hurries to the second car, which was in much badder shape. (Y/n) saw that the driver of the second car was a young woman. Due to the impact of the crash a large piece of glass had gotten itself free of the window and landed in the neck of the woman.
“Ma’am are you alright?” (Y/n) asks while she tries to get to the window of the woman. The woman touches her neck. “I have to get to my mom” she says, starting to panic. “Ma’am do not tou-“ before (Y/n) could finish her sentence, the woman pulled out the large piece of glass and a wave of blood came out of the wound. The woman screamed out an ear deafening scream.
“Shit, shit, shit!!” (Y/n) hurried to the passenger door, opens it and gets in the car next to the woman. While getting in the car, she feels a few pieces of glass lightly scraping her hand. But she didn’t care, all she cared about was helping the woman who was basically bleeding to death in front of her.
She puts her knee as support on the passenger seat, “okay ma’am I’m not gonna lie. This is gonna hurt like hell.” And with that said she pushes both of her hands on the wound to try and stop the bleeding, the woman screams out but gets used to the amount of pressure (Y/n) put on the wound.
“What’s your name?” (Y/n) asked, trying to take slow breaths to keep herself calm. (Y/n) knew she had to keep the woman conscious, so she asked the most simple question she could think of. “Liv” the woman the woman spoke softly between the sobs. “Okay Liv, my name is (Y/n), help is on the way. You’re gonna be okay. Just keep breathing.” She tried to calm the young woman down. Tears kept streaming down the woman’s face. “So you were on your way to see your mom?” she asked. Liv tried to nod, “We were supposed to go shopping.” She says through her sobs.
In the distance (Y/n) could hear the fire truck sirens and ambulance. Just trying to keep Liv conscious, (Y/n) asked “where were you planning on going shopping?” “We were going to the mall, shopping for some decorations for my dorm room.” She told her, gasping for breaths. (Y/n) also noticed the woman had trouble with keeping her eyes open.
(Y/n) was so focused on the woman, that she didn’t noticed the LAFD were already on scene. One of the firefighters got in the back of the car, so they could give Liv the help they needed. (Y/n) kept pressure on the wound like she did from the first second.
“Woman around 20 years old, name is Liv. A piece of glass from the window broke off and got stuck in her neck. And I think because of the shock, she pulled it out. It started bleeding like crazy.” (Y/n) spoke to the firefighter in the backseat. “Sounds like the glass hit her artery. How long have you been putting pressure on the wound?” The female firefighter asked while she went through the medic bag beside her. “About like three minutes I guess.” (Y/n) answered.
“Ma’am I’m Hen, I’m with the LAFD.” She said to Liv, the victim who was still conscious but could go out any second. Liv hummed a small okay. “Here’s what we’re going to do. Keep pressure on the wound, on the count of three you let go, and I will take over from you. Then you get out of the car and one of my colleagues will assist me further.” Hen said. (Y/n) nodded. “One.. two.. three..” (Y/n) let go of the wound and not even after a half a second Hen’s hands were putting pressure on the wound. (Y/n) got out of the car as fast as possible. She wouldn’t want to be the one to hold them up doing their job. As (Y/n) stepped aside, an other firefighter took (Y/n)’s position in front of the car while they worked on Liv.
(Y/n) walked a few meters away from the car. Leaning her back against the wall, to come to her senses. She sighed, and took a few deep breaths. “Hey, are you okay?” A voice asked. She looked to her left to see a firefighter walking towards her. Slowly. She nodded, “Yeah, I’m fine… just a little bit of blood.” (Y/n) said softly. Her trembling hands were covered in blood from the woman, with a few other cuts she didn’t noticed before. That must have happened when she entered the car in such a hurry. “Can I take a look at that?” He asked carefully, while he pointed at her hands. (Y/n)’s face was doubtful, she wanted to say no, because there are people out there who might need the care more than she did herself. That was typically (Y/n), always putting other’s needs first. “I’m specialised at scratches.” He continued, trying to convince her. She sighed, and nodded.
The firefighter put the medic bag he had hung over his shoulder on the ground. He started to get some gauze out and a bottle with a little spray head. As he stood up, he smiled at her and he started carefully to clean the wounds on her hand. “I don’t know how I didn’t noticed I’ve cut my own damn’ hand.” (Y/n)’s voice speaks, while she hissed at the staining feeling she got while the firefighter was cleaning the wound. He grinned, “There was so much going on… you were alone, in the moment and full of adrenaline. Of course it can happen that something slipped your mind.“ The guy says with a worried look spread on his face. (Y/n) was looking at the scene, the other firefighters of the team were trying to get Liv free. “But right now, all that matters is that you’ve saved that woman’s life with these two hands.” He continued, while pointing at Liv, the girl who was finally getting pulled out of the car. (Y/n) smiled slightly at his comment, and stayed silent.
“You know, i don’t think we’ve ever met before.” He says after a few moments of silence. He looked at (Y/n) with a small smile, trying to wrap up the hand with the few cuts. (Y/n) didn’t know what to say, “No… I don’t think so…” she says, unsure what to say. “I’m Evan, but people call me Buck.” he says to her with a reassuring smile, while he finished wrapping up her hand. “(Y/n)”.
“Buck come on let’s go!” A voice roared over the scene. “That’s my cue to leave.” The firefighter says, while he closes the medic bag. “Well.. Evan… thank you for the pep talk. And this.” (Y/n)’s voice speaks while motioning with her hands. A smile spreads across Buck’s face while he swings the medic bag over his shoulder. “Please, call me Buck. And no problem, us first responders should be there for each other.. right?” Evan says.
“Buck! Let’s go!” An impatient voice yelled now, while the horn of the fire truck sounded through the streets. Probably to get Evan’s attention. “Coming!” He yelled back slightly irritated. He turned his head back to (Y/n). “I’m sorry. Duty calls.” He says. And he jogged towards the fire truck, while halfway he turns towards (Y/n) so he was basically jogging backwards. “It’s was nice to meet you sergeant” He yelled, trying to get above the sounds of the LA streets. She wanted to say that it was nice to meet him too. But before she could do that, he was already climbing into the rig. All she could do was smile, and get back to her work.
A few days later, (Y/n) stepped through the doors of the hospital to go to the emergency room. There was a robber who got shot in the chest by a store owner. She was here to make up a police report and to make sure the man didn’t make a run for it.
As she walks towards the desk where one of the nurses was sitting down. She greeted the nurse and told her for who she was coming for. The nurse nodded and told her to wait for a few moments, she had to check with someone else of the status from that patient.
As (Y/n) waited and watched a few people walk in and out of the emergency room. As she hears the sliding doors of the ER open again, with lots of people walking through it. She turns her head, and sees a few paramedics and firefighters enter through the doors. A loud voice filled the room with the voice of a man “Unknown male, around 50 years old, BP is…-“ the words, along with the medical terms the paramedic was calling out seem to fade. When her eyes meet his.
He smiles and walks towards (Y/n), while he for a second looks at the ground and back at her. His face was covered in ashes. He has his florescent jacket in his right hand. “Wasn’t expecting to see you here.” were the first words to leave Evan’s mouth. She laughs, while fidgeting with her fingers. “I’m only here to write a report.” is the only thing she can seem to bring out with words. A small laugh left Evan’s lips.
He pointed at her hands, “How are your hands?” He asked, trying to change the subject. It was a weird question to ask, especially if people didn’t knew the context of it.
She smiled and put her hands up, so she could show him. “Like you said, you are specialised in scratches.” He smiled. “Oh they look great!” He says as he grabbed one of her hands and pulled it a little closer so he could get a good look. (Y/n) was a little surprised by the touch of the firefighter.
“And how was your call?” She asks him this time. He wasn’t at the hospital by coincidence. He was here for a reason, because a few moments earlier they wheeled a patient in.
He took his eyes of (Y/n)’s hand. But kept his hand cupped underneath hers, with her palm up. “Just a house fire” he smiled at her, like it was nothing new. While his other hand fingers wandered over the scratches of her hand. And she just nodded. Unsure what to answer to that.
“Ma’am?” The nurse called her. “The gun shot wound patient is in bay 14” she continued as (Y/n) looked at her. She nodded “Thank you”.
“Well, duty calls.” (Y/n) spoke, as she was slowly backing up entering the ER. But still facing Evan. “Guess we’re even now! Last time it was me, now it’s you.”
All she could do was smile and roll her eyes.
“See you later?” Was the only thing he said with an hopeful smile.
“Yeah, see you later.” (Y/n) gave him a small smile, and turned around. And walked away.
Evan felt his smile grow wider and a spark of warmth go through his body.
A hand landed on his shoulder, as he turned his face to the right he could see Eddie smiling and shaking his head.
“What?” Evan spoke, stating that he didn’t do anything.
Sitting on a chair at the bar, (Y/n) leaned with her right elbow on the bar. Fidgeting with the empty glass in her hands.
After a day on the job, you always need a place where you can come to yourself. She was here all alone. Because that’s what she needed. But she wouldn’t want to be alone at home. It was hard to explain.
She can see in the corner of her eye, that someone took place on her right side. “You couldn’t stay away from me, couldn’t you?” A familiar voice asked.
Still fidgeting with the glass in her hand on the bar, she smiled and feels her cheeks flushing. “Technically, you’re the one who keeps coming to me.” (Y/n) says, while her eyes remained on the glass she was touching.
“I was the first in that collision scene, and the first at the hospital when you wheeled that patient in. And I also think that you were the one who came sitting next to me just a second ago.” She continued. She smiled as she looked to her right. Evan held his hands up in defence. “Okay you got me there sergeant” he says. And he smiled. While he looked her in the eyes. Those beautiful sparkling eyes.
“But why are you in a firefighter bar then?” He smirked. Yeah. How was she going to explain that.
Her eyes drew the attention of a man who was closely walking past people and reaching out next to them. The guy was stealing money. “What the fuck” she whispered. Evan’s face got to a confused look. (Y/n) got up from her chair. “Hold that thought” (Y/n) said and she walked towards the guy.
Just as the guy tries to put out his hand and to steal from another person, (Y/n)’s hand touches the man’s shoulder. “You’re under arrest.” Is the only thing she says. The man reaches his arm out to hit her, but she ducked. She locks the man’s arm, put it behind his back and pushes him down on the table with all her strength.
A crowd starts to form around her, while she puts the man in handcuffs. She sees Evan staring in disbelief. She gave Evan a glance.
“Duty calls” she said.
Why is it always that, when they have a conversation duty calls.
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dickgraysonass · 2 months
Shatter me in pieces
Batfam x neglected reader part 4
Warning: child neglect also again not proof read
Summary: to day is the day you snap. You’ve taken enough of being ignored so its time you they hear your voice.
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Being in a school play wasn’t really your thing . Like at all . but here you were, making the final touches ups to your outfits before the day of play.
As you finish the final touches you here your drama teacher call out to everyone.
“ ok listen up class” she claps her hands loudly, grabbing everyones turns their attention to the teacher.
“Tomorrow is the big day so i need you guys to rest and prepare for tomorrow . We have worked for this for the few months.” As your drama teacher continues her dramatic speech you hear something that catches you attention.
“ psft” you hear from below you
You turn slightly to your right side to see Your friend , crouched down on one knee looking holding her finished costume
“ what is it? ”you quickly whispered making sure your eyes faced the teacher as she talked.
“ i was thinking, maybe we could hang out at your house someday?” She asked her voice laysed with mischief .
“ hello no” you replied. You knew what she meant by that . she wanted to your family to see if she could fancy one of them but the brother that was the same age as you was tim and he wouldn’t have time for her.
“ aww why not?” She whined dramatically .
“ you wouldn’t don’t want to meet them , they wouldn’t pay attention to you marly anyways” you chuckled trying to make the comment light hearted.
“ thats not true , they would be dilighted to meet me ! I maybe you oculd consider me your sister il law” marly eesponds
“Pftt trust me there is already enough people in my family” you countered shutting her comments down .
“ yeah i guess well what can you say when your dads a whore”
After that you both start laughing like , forgetting that your teacher was in the middle of a speech.
“Eh hem” a rough scrachy voice says recognizing it as your teachers.
“ yes ms, parker” both of you say in sync,immediately straightening up .
“ what do you young ladies find so funny” ms parker ask her voice bombing with authority now grabbing the attention of the whole class
“ nothing ms parker, it as only fulish nonsense” marly answers on the behave of both of you while tou stay quite. Both of you lower your heads in shame .
“ well i guess it wouldn’t be a problem in detention. Go now” she commands shooing you guys off
Both of you look at each other in disbelief but you guys followed orders leaving class. Feeling the eyes of your classmates and the disappointed gaze of your teacher deciding to walk faster.
You and marly walked there tho it didnt take too long becuase it was only a few classes away and it flet shorter as you chatted sbout mindless rumors and banter. Once inside it didnt take you guys long intil school ended as that was your last class of the day .
You were never a bad kid so you bad never gotten detentions before unlike damien but you assumed that by now your father had gotten an email or something enforming him about your detention notice.
The bell rang, ringing thru your ears , a sign to get the hell out of there. You grab your bag that carries your school supplies and your play costume.
Gotham city was one of those that by September snow covered almost every visable part of gotham. So when you walked out it was dnowing lightly snd it was getting dark .
You wave goodbye to marly who quickly zipped up her winter coat and sand which in hand, grinning from ear from ear, returning the wave .
You chuckle to yourself wondering how you got a friend like her. You didn’t deserve her and you knew it.
Alfred by now had already picked damien and probably wouldn’t have time to pick you up. It didn’t matter tho because you usually walked anyways , no matter weather or time .
The streets were empty like always , post sane people didn’t want to be out at night at night. Too many criminals and villains out. But you didn’t have a choice, there was no-one that would pick you up at this time plus you were almost home . Gotham high was farther away then you would have liked , about 30 minutes walking. It got easier as time went on.
You remember that on a day like this, chilly , snowing snd getting dark was the first day that you had to walk on your own because the car had broken down and it wasn’t fixable. He had assured you that he would be there in 20 minutes but he never came. Turns out that damien had to be driven to his tae kwon do after school.
“Either you wait until i drop of master damien or you can walk home miss (name) ” thats what pennyworth told you over the phone. It wasn’t really much of a choices, it was getting dark and you didn’t want to look like an open target tho walking wasn’t any better.
That evening you walk all the way from your high school to the manner clutching your bag , weary of any sound and sharp corner. You were about 14-15.
You reach the manner openning teh door in silence, immediately bieng hit with the scent of Alfreds cooking. pasta.
You walked past the kitchen without a glance , you planned on getting food later in the night and your brothers and dad was probably on patrol like every night.
As you walked past you hear a deep voice calling out to you. You walked backwards taking another look at the kitchen and saw something that you never thought you would .
Your eyes wide and hearty rises at the sight of your whole family there. Bruce , Jason , dick , damien even Alfred was sat down and they were all looking at you.
Part 5
Sorry about all the flash backs. im not too good at writing character to character interaction so I apologize for that. Also tysm for everyone that has been supporting me i love you guyss❤️❤️🤞✨
Sorry if this is one is quite shory
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prodbymaui · 1 year
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I see you wearing burberry, my favorite brand
PAIRING: jung jaehyun x fem!reader
GENRE: infidelity; father's best friend; porn without plot
WC: 3k+ words
WARNINGS: age gap, explicit content, mentions of saliva, cum eating, oral sex, reader's a vixen istg, unprotected sex (cover your stump before you hump!)
SYNOPSIS: Your father was happy to have you agreeing on paying a visit to the Jung manor, specifically to your future fiancé Jung Sungchan. What he didn't know was you travelled to meet a different Jung. At least he resembles Sungchan a lot, no?
A/N: dilf jaehyun? ceo jaehyun? why not dilf ceo jaehyun fucking you against his expensive table?
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Nonchalant munches of greens from your lunch echoes the quiet dining. Despite uncaring of what's happening around you, the stares coming from your father bothers you more than you want to admit.
Your fork clashes the plate. ''Okay, what is it?''
Clearing his throat, Seojin sits up, prim and proper. ''Why don't you go and pay Sungchan a visit today? At the Jung Manor. It'll only be appropriate for you to develop a bond with him as your engagement nears.''
Ah, of course. Back at it again with that 'get close with Sungchan, you'll need that once you finally get married to him' bullshit. Your father is a man of many things and letting you make your own decisions is not one of them.
Scoffing, you mumble under your breath about how he never allowed you to have a boyfriend yet here he is forcing you to marry someone you can consider as a stranger if it's not for knowing his name and his basic informations.
Knowing well that any objection will earn you a month of being grounded, you reply with a sigh. ''I'll go now then, better spending it with the love of my life instead of wasting it doing nothing.''
Feeling as if you would die if you spend any second more in the dining, you pat down the napkin against your lips. Bidding him a goodbye-- the voices in your head lets out a vomiting sound, not fond of acting sweetly to your father.
Your heels clacks the tiled floors, an oversized white chanel sunglasses covers your eyes.
''Jaehyun will be there to confirm your presence.'' His voice lace with sternness. Almost giggling at his words, a smile of mischievousness appears when you turn your back on him.
Oh, Seojin bets his best friend acknowledges his daughter's visit.
A cheerful chatter distracts Jaehyun from the work he is currently doing, the voices sounds too familiar and one of them stirs curiosity inside him. It isn't long before the door of his office opens just as he expects, revealing you clad in your all pastel pink outfit that consists of a bralette, a-line skirt, knee-high socks and mary jane pumps. All those topped with an oversized pink fur coat from burberry.
The man pays no mind, fingers continuously signing the stack of papers in front of him, not even giving you a single glance. You chuckle. This sight isn't new to you, acting as if he isn't affected by your presence, ignoring you as if he wouldn't sock anyone's jaw if he sees them looking at your way. Jaehyun likes playing the strong, conscious clear man.
But certainly, out of people, you know that this act doesn't even last long. Disappearing just as quickly as they came. A brush of your hand against the skin of his thigh is all it takes for Jung Jaehyun to crack, so you did just that.
The sheep stops pretending to be a wolf, crumbling into pieces the moment you settle yourself on top of him, the warmth of your clothed core pressed right directly to the area beneath his belt. A subtly sound of thud pricks your ear, that must be his pen. Sooner, Jaehyun's palms are already snaking their way up to the flimsy piece of fabric that is hiding underneath your fabric.
A smile of amusement and satisfaction shows itself on your face. Jaehyun had never been good at keeping up his facade, pretending to dislike all the things you do to him only to end up drooling in greed the moment you let him touch you the slightest. You figured out the older man much earlier than he expected. He pushed and pushed you away with his so called determination, so fabricated that it was too late before he realized he had you spread out on his bed, pussy dripping in wetness as you beg him to fuck you with his big cock.
''Seojin texted me,'' What a sentence to greet you. If you are to be asked, you'd prefer not mentioning your father right now. Spreading your hands on his chest, you beam at the firmness, licking your lips as you lean to his neck, nosing and inhaling his scent. ''Thought you were here for my oldest son.''
Shaking your head and rumbling a no, you nip the pale skin lightly, closing your eyes when his hands reaches the cheeks of your ass to squeeze, parting them which sends you shivering in his arms as the cool air coming from the AC pans your wet panties. The build up of tension feels like killing you-- You came here for a good fuck and not to be coddled like a newborn baby. Jaehyun knows that well.
You also had learned, over the course of years fucking up your dad's best friend, that Jaehyun gets off of torturing you. Men like he is, they love to parade their power over people, letting them know they are capable of making them feel things only they, themselves, can reprimand. Too bad for him, you've studied Jaehyun enough to realize you hold the same exact power over him as well. You brings out the vulnerable in him just as he knows which buttons to press to weaken you.
Leaning back on his chair, arms on either side with his legs wide open, radiating such dominating aura. Jaehyun rakes his eyes to drink your appearance in, biting his lips as he takes off your sunglasses. ''Dance for me, darling.''
Holding on to his broad shoulders, your hips sways in an enticing way, fingers going through your strands as you hold them up to reveal your neck, inviting him to dig in. If Jaehyun did an attempt of hiding his hunger for you, he's surely bad at it.
Smirking, you place your hand behind you, the chair is close enough for you to settle your arms on Jaehyun's oakwood table. Eyes rolling to the back of your head, the bump in his pants comes in contact with your clit through the fabric as you grind forward, hard nipples evident on the bralette.
Presenting yourself fully in front of him, Jaehyun's definite that you're one hell of a devil. A vixen sent to tempt him, seduce him and lure him to a one-way ticket to hell. One would say he should've resisted, he should've been a loyal dog to Seojin like his best friend was to him. But even loyal dogs strays away with a mere sight of a bone, don't they?
You get off of his lap, standing in front of him as you move slowly, waving to the sensual music only the two of you can hear. Turning your back against him, your lace panties peek after the hem of your skirt, if Jaehyun tilt his head a bit, he would see the full view of the white delicate fabric barely covering your ass.
The fur coat pools around your feet as you brush it off your shoulders slowly, Jaehyun crosses his legs, eyes burning holes to your dancing figure. The older man curses when your bralette comes next, throwing it somewhere far where can only be found if one searches. As you bend over his table, presenting your ass to him-- Jaehyun decides it'll be the last straw. His grip goes from the flesh of his thighs to the curves of your waist, shoving you to his table with crotch pressing against the crack of your ass cheeks.
You'd die if you don't get that dick inside any of your hole now, so you waste no time grinding on him, moaning wantonly like those porn stars that teenagers loves to jack off. Jaehyun lets out profanities. The walls aren't too thick as they look, he hopes covering your mouth tightly will send a signal, or a warning. Whatever way it is that you decode his message.
He makes you face him before he shoves his tongue inside you, licking across every surface, devouring every piece of you. The act receives a gasp from you, arms circling around his neck while trying to keep up with his pace. One of your breasts gets cage by his hand, fondling them as his lips travels to the hardened nipple, biting them a little before licking the sting away.
The lids of your eyes becomes heavy, mouth opening to catch breathes you couldn't do within your nose due to an overwhelming build up of tension. His head remains locked inside your embrace as you arch your back, a hand in his hair didn't know whether to pull away or push him impossibly closer to you.
A yelp escapes your lips when you're, so suddenly, on your knees. Jaehyuns stands before you like a God-- large, domineering, and powerful in all sorts of matter. You're just there, at his mercy with your teary eyes and hands properly on your thighs, waiting for him to instruct you like a puppy. The slender fingers fumbles through his belt and sooner, the length and girth above average is already in front of you. A tug from your hair pulls you out of your trance, meeting Jaehyun's sharp and questioning glare when you look up.
''Suck.'' If your father gets the chance of seeing this, it'll be unbelievable for his eyes. He won't be able to fathom the idea that only a word from his best friend would have you scrambling obediently.
Ever so cruel Jung Jaehyun didn't even offer the slightest bit of signals nor gestures, tugging your head backwards as he shoves his thick cock in your mouth. Thank heavens you've lost your gag reflex a long time ago, courtesy of endless practice, because if not-- both of you would be grimacing at the sight of vomit on the floor.
Jaehyun moves inside your throat like it's your pussy he's fucking, indifferent to the slight pain he's inflicting to you, pricking tears in your eyes. He pays no mind to the struggle on your face, the tears running down that pretty features, honestly it even makes him harder if possible. There are codes and specific actions you both had agreed on so it doesn't worry Jaehyun to be harsh on you. The man knows when to stop. The man knows your insides are screaming in glee.
His eyebrows quirks upwards as one of your hand disappears from his vision, the difficulty is soon replace with pleasure, and he doesn't have to be a genius to find out what goes on. Scoffing mockingly, his grasp tightens, your cheeks coming in contact with the skin of his pelvis area. Muffled sound of surprise vibrates on Jaehyun's cock when he forces a foot between your legs, placing it just right where your soaking wet core sits. Embarrassment fills you, blood flushing your cheeks as you desperately moves against the older's leg, eyelids flickering to the new found pleasure.
Bobbing your head in a way of thanking him, Jaehyun hums in satisfactory, hips meeting your head harshly. The more thrusts he does, the deeper he gets in the back of your throat. The fabric of Jaehyun's black pants darkens at an area, your jaw goes slack as you caress his balls, earning a groan from him that ensures you're doing well. Well enough for him to come down your throat without much of an effort on your end.
Jaehyun pulls you up, sprawling you out on his table. If someone questions the name of his dinner, your name would be the one to be oozing out of his lips. Gasp leaves your lips when the ripping sound pierces your ear drums, eyes widening. Jaehyun is nonchalant to your reaction. He only digs in like a starved man, hot tongue diving in your velvet walls while his hands keeps your legs firmly open.
The pink muscle explores the insides of your core more than it did in your mouth, slurping sounds echoing the four walls of the office. You'd be lying if you deny that your horniness levels up. Jaehyun plunges two fingers without a warning, lips encircling your clit next as he sucks on the bud while searching for the spongey spot that irks you a feeling of euphoria.
Today must be your lucky day. It isn't usual for Jaehyun to be this eager, treating you like an antique vase that got passed down from generations to generations. However, none of those manners shows themselves. It seems like Jaehyun now wants to break the glass vase into pieces, crushing it with his hands until there's nothing left but shards that looks like ashes.
''Jae-- fuck!'' Your head thrashes, hands reaching for air before landing on the edges of his table, gripping them as you hold on to the last bits of your sanity. Hips jerking upwards feverishly, making a mess on Jaehyun's vogue magazine worthy face. It must be the desperation or the friction you've been receiving since earlier that causes you to finally let go, enabling the older man to have a taste of your sweet juices. Jaehyun is once again humming in satisfaction.
But it's not yet enough, no. He won't be sated, not until he finishes with your pulsating pussy stimulating his release. That intense work outs pays off as Jaehyun transfers you to his window, face greeting the glass in a harsh press. His eyes darkens when he sees your expression. Did you just fucking smile?
A slut, that's what you are.
The clutches of his hand stays on the back of your neck. Your legs folds almost completely as the thick shaft enters you abruptly, sending you to clench at the unexpected penetration, mouth forming an 'o' because of how deep it is-- your smile widens even more.
Clenching, drools, or simply; a mess. Those are the words Jaehyun would say to describe your current state. To have you going jelly over his cock, to have you moaning and thrashing for him-- Jaehyun almost wishes he gave in sooner. Maybe he would've enjoyed this sight more often rather than the annoying nags of his wife, whom he never loved-- their relationship was supposed to be all business not until their parents demanded an heir.
The thought of the irritating wife fuels your desire of leaving your marks on Jaehyun for her to see. For her to remember that Jaehyun had never been and will never be hers. For her to be reminded that Jaehyun only loves one woman and that's not the one he married.
Whimpering helplessly, your nails digs in to the skin of Jaehyun's thighs, legs shaking violently to his rough thrusts, even getting on your toes uncontrollably. It's electrifying, the pleasure you're getting. No words can amount to how Jaehyun fucks you with so much passion, as if he'd taken up a sex related major in college instead of business.
Your head spins as you feel yourself flying away, reaching your own euphoria, tears once again racing down your cheeks, throat so fucked out that you are lessen to a babbling mess. A slap across your ass cheeks sends your jerking, high pitched moans near to seep through the doors and let everyone know the activity shared by the two of you, even the 3 year old Yuna. God, poor baby Yuna.
''Jaehyun! Yes, yes, yes.. fuck, yes!'' What are you even saying yes for? Is Jaehyun fucking you so good that your brain got mushed up? Did the honored, top of the class student became a dumb, whimpering mess? That stirs pride inside Jaehyun. He's gonna make sure that you'll never seek sexual pleasure from those college frat boys again, he'll make you realize that you only need a man to feel what a good sex is.
Merciless thrusts continues despite the clear weakening of your legs, arms catching your waist to hold you up. The ringing of his phone diverts his attention for it, smirking mischievously as he proceeds to answer the call.
''Ah yes, Seojin-ah!'' He must be fucking sick in the head, conversing with your father while his brutal pace messes up your insides, tip continuously bumping against your sweet spot that creates white spots in your vision.
''Of course, of course. The kid is here-- she actually looks like she's having fun,'' It's partially true. Your tongue lolling out and eyes crossing doesn't mean you're not enjoying, right? What's causing you to have fun though, your father doesn't need to know about that.
''Yes, would you like to talk to her?'' Jaehyun bites back a laugh when you try your hardest to shake your head albeit drunk on his cock and strings of saliva appearing at the sides of your lips. ''Ah, that's too bad. I'll talk to you later then? Alright, you take care.''
Dropping the phone to the nearby chair, two of his fingers chokes you, making you spit out more.
''Did you hear that, darling? Your father is looking for you, worried that you might've disobeyed him and went out to fuck one of those little frat boys again. Say, is he gonna be proud if he knew his daughter is no longer getting fucked by a hormonal kid? or is he gonna burst out in anger once he finds out that she turns into a desperate slut in the hands of his best friend?''
He groans loudly and with a slight change of his angle, your vigorous movements becomes a telltale sign of your climax. Legs stretching as you stay on your toes-- a white ring forms around the girth of Jaehyun's cock, his moans getting louder as you clenches down on him due to overstimulation.
The inconsistent rhythms of his bucking and the harsh grip around your waist, Jaehyun's cum fills you like a dam. He rides his high together with yours, sharing an intimate and full of tongue kiss as you hear Sungchan's sigh behind the door.
Chuckling at your future fiancé's complains, Jaehyun helps you dress up. ''At least hurry up for a bit, the devil's just arrived. I don't want to deal with her annoying ass again.''
You shake your head at his words, describing his mother as a devil? Pfft. ''Like father, like son, huh?''
''What can I say? Sungchan takes after me. Especially in terms of taste in women.''
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writingsbymo-mo · 9 months
Where's the Cream Filling?
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Bonten!Ran x F!Reader
Rating: Explicit (minors DNI)
Contains: smut, breeding, creampie, Ran being a tease as always
Summary: you're working as Ran's secretary and have been in a relationship for some time. You suddenly had the urge to share something with him, a certain desire you have.
Happy New Year everyone!
"Ran, can I talk to you for a sec?" You spoke meekly with your hands behind your back, cheeks flushed with your eyes darting between him and the wood linoleum flooring in his office.
Ran stepped towards you and placed a hand on your shoulder, flashing his signature smile at you. "Of course darling. Now, what has you so shy today, hmm? Did Rindou say something?"
You shook your head. "No, I haven't seen him today but ummm...there is something I've been meaning to say...or ask anyway..."
"Go on." Ran moved his other hand to your cheek, rubbing circles into it with his thumb as you relaxed into his touch, sighing sweetly. "I-I....," you paused to clear your throat then buried your face in his chest, "I want you to breed me like a bitch in heat."
Ran stiffened as his breath hitched. He was elated at the thought of you dripping with his cum, especially around the office so everyone knows you're taken. "Well, well, my precious secretary wants to be fucked senseless?" He smirks and hoists you into his arms, licking the shell of your ear that makes you moan his name. "If that's what my darling wants, then that's what you'll get." He slams his lips onto yours, devouring them with hunger that matched the passion building within.
Your back collided with his desk, scattering stacks of papers onto the floor. The kiss was released with a gasp. You both panted, gazing into each other's eyes darkened with lust. Ran spread your legs apart, pressing the tent in his pants against you, grinding his hips into yours as you let out a set of mewls, wrapping your legs around his waist.
"Please, Ran," you gasped as tingles ran down your spine.
Ran nibbled and sucked at your neck, chuckling as he spoke, "please what, darling? Tell me what you need."
You pressed yourself onto him harder, pushing his hips closer to yours with your feet. "I need your dick, Ran!"
"Ah, ah. The magic word?" His smirk only grew. The way he looked down at you made you squirm.
"Please! Please!!! I want it now!"
"Haha! Such a needy slut for me," he cooed, kissing down your neck. "Since you've been so good to me, I'll give you what you want." He quickly undid his belt and pants, pulling his lengthy dick out, dripping and angry with need.
Your toes curled as you licked your lips at the sight of him. "Ran, oooh fuuuck!"
Before you could think, he shoved your panties aside and shoved his dick in your tight hole, beginning his unrelenting thrusts into you.
You clung your hands onto his back, digging your nails into him from the force of his hips plunging back and forth, leaving tou nothing more than a babbling mess.
Ran, nibbled your ear and groaned, "mmm, can't wait to watch my cum drip from your hole. Soon everyone here will know you're taken, taken by me and me alone. I'll be the only one to fuck these holes, you hear?" He hoisted your legs over his shoulders making you cry in delight from how deep he was now pressing at the new angle. "Want to breed you," he muttered in a groan as his hips began battering your insides once more. "Hah, want to see your belly swell with my child and tits leaking heavy and full of milk. Oh, you'll be such a good mother, sweetheart."
It was becoming too much for you. Oh, how you just wanted his cum now. You didn't care whether something came out of it or not. All that mattered was the intense fire coarsing through your veins right into your very depths. "Fuck! Raaaan!!! Please, please give me your cum! I need it!!"
That was enough to set him off. A few quick thrusts and Ran let out a deep growl, pressing as deep as he could. Liquid white flooded inside you, filling you with warmth with every twitch. You fell apart shortly after, crying his name that would surely be heard by other members of Bonten that happened to be near Ran's office.
You stayed together for a moment, catching each other's breaths, gazing at one another with heavy, tired eyes. Ran leaned in and captured your lips in a quick kiss before slipping his dick out of you. His absence left you feeling empty despite the thick cum now slowly oozing out of you. He smiled, stuffing some back in with his fingers. "Don't want it to go to waste." He then took them out and gave his fingers a quick lick, savoring your combined fluids, causing you to shiver.
Ran tucked himself back in his slacks, admiring his work. There'd be a mess to clean up later, but he thinks he'll have another round with you later. He then slips your panties off you and stuffs them in his pocket. "I'll be taking these. Now be careful when you walk around sweetheart or you'll lose all that precious cum." Ran gives you his devious smirk then laughs, turning around to step towards the door. "We do have a meeting soon. Think you can keep it in or will I have to give you a refill after?"
You just stare at him dumbfounded. Of course...typical Ran Haitani style there...."Ran!!! You better give those back!"
Ran left his office with a laugh. You knew he would enjoy playing with you again later.
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fantasyandshit · 5 months
Replaced part two
Omg I’m so upset- it won’t let me tag like anyone with dashes in their name at allll soooo if you commented on that post I am so so so sorry I couldn’t tag you guys
Type: one shot turned more
Part: 2/2
Part 1 here
Masterlist here
Pairing: Azriel x reader/ mystery character x reader
Seriously guys thank you so much- I’m so glad that the first part had so much love and I hope this one is just as good.
“So, what did you need my love?” I lean down to kiss my fiancés temple. He’s stressed, I can tell. His fingers tap away in rhythm with his foot. “Baby- what’s going on? Why are you so stressed?” My hands run down the length of his arms in a soothing motion. “How can I help you?”
The new high lord of autumn’s head meets my shoulder, a small smile gracing his lips. His head raises till his lips meet mine in a soft kiss. “Baby I need you to sit down.” His smile disappears as soon as it came and I frown, moving to the seat on the other side of his desk. I raise my brows expectantly as his hands move to reach mine. “Love- we have a high lords meeting in two weeks time. They have requested it be held here in order to see how I’m handling the court now.”
“Ok? And?”
“Darling I want to introduce you as the new high lady of Autumn. I want you come along.” He sighs, “it means you will have to see all of them again.”
The realization hits me like a ton of bricks. I breath for a moment, thinking about it, it’s been nearly five years since I left, the last time I saw any of them was the battle with Hybern, and even then Eris kept me mostly away from them so that I wasn’t distracted. “I’ll go.”
“Are you sure darling?”
“Very. I want them to see me as the high lady of autumn. Not the girl that left all that time ago.”
He smirks his signature smirk, pride filling his eyes. “Very well. Shall we begin planning?”
Everyone has finally arrived- or what is usually everyone, confusion sets in as Eris seems to sit in waiting, an empty chair beside him at the head of the table. “Are we waiting for someone Eris?”
“Yes actually. Shell be here any moment, she likes making an entrance.” Something bothers Azriel with the way the high lord smirks. He didn’t know who was going to walk through that door but he had a feeling he wasn’t going to like it.
The door swings open, a woman stepping through, decked in a gorgeous burnt orange dress, green and gold accents around her body, a golden crown, one looking like leaves woven together rests on her head. As her eyes catch Eris’ she smiles. “Sorry I’m late. Hope you haven’t started without me.” She surveys the room before stepping towards the empty seat. Eris stands, going to pull it out with one hand and take hers on his other. The pause for a moment, facing the table together.
“Everyone. I’d like you to meet my fiance and the high lady of the Autumn court. Some of you may already know her.”
As the female turns to kiss Eris, it clicks for Azriel. “Yn.” He can’t help but gasps and that is when it finally hits the inner circle of the night court.
“Hello guys. Long time no see.”
Cassian speaks this time, his brows furrowed and mouth agape, “you- your with him? Your the high the high lady?”
“Yes, in fact our wedding is next month. I am terribly excited. Especially after being named the high lady of Autumn.” She and Eris sit finally, hands staying tied together
An agony Azriel has never felt tears through him as he stares at his mate. She looks back to him as he gasps, clenching his chest wildly.
“Azriel. I’d like to get through my first meeting as high lady. So if you could stop…flailing. That would be preferred.” Yn clears her throat before turning to the others at the table. “I’ve seen some things. I see Koshei. I thought we took care of our issues with him, however I-“
The meeting continues, the night court still trying to process the news. After the meeting is finished, the high lords are given a walk through of the new Autumn court. “Yn. Yn can we speak please.” It was towards the end of the tour, courts had been led to where they’d be staying, only the inner circle trailed behind, minus Morrigan and Cassian who had been dropped off to their respective rooms.
I choose to ignore the shadowsinger, instead stopping at the next door and turn back to Rhysand and Feyre, “You two will be staying here. This castle works much like the house of wind. It will cater to you, we do tend keep things much warmer here for obvious reasons so if you are uncomfortable with the temperature just say the word and it will be brought down by the house.”
“Goodnight Yn.” I nod before turning back to lead the final male to where he’d be staying, Eris never leaving my side. We barely make it three steps down the hall before I feel Rhsyand pry at my mental walls.
‘What do you want Rhysand.’
‘You should talk to him Yn. He’s been devastated since you left and see you with Eris killed him I-‘
I shut it down. I don’t want to hear some sob story from my mate who didn’t even want me till I was gone. “You will be staying here Azriel. What I said to Rhysand and Feyre goes the same for you.”
Me and Eris turn to leave before I’m grabbed by the arm. “Wait. Yn can we please just talk.”
Eris growls. “Get your filthy hands off my fucking finance.”
The shadowsinger seems to get just as upset, opening his mouth to speak before I rip my arm from his grasp and turn, a glare resting on my features.
“Don’t you fucking dare! You have no right- no fucking right to get angry at my fiancée! Do you understand, you didn’t want me and I don’t fucking want you so go wallow in your self pity but stay the hell away from me!” Eris rubs soothing circles on my arm, a glare that could kill sent towards the shadowsinger as he grabs me, winnowing us to our room.
Sooo I hope this lives up to your guys’ expectations!
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countryclubkook · 1 year
Always Get What I Want
Pairing: JJ Maybank x Cameron!Reader
Warnings: 18+ only, SMUT, mean JJ, degradation, name calling (uses of bitch, slut, whore), language, reader is a bitch, angst at the end, face slapping, i think that’s all but please let me know if i’m missing any!
Summary: Being a Cameron and sneaking around with JJ has it’s fun, but what happens when he confesses something and you do something that changes things for the worse?
A/N: This took so long to write and turned out much longer than I planned. I’m a huge fan of it and love how it turned out and hope you all enjoy it as well! I promise I love JJ😭 (JJ and the reader are both 18 in this. Rafe is 21)
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“Ow JJ, don’t be so rough. There can’t be any marks” you slapped his hand away to get him to ease off the tight grip he had on you. JJ was hot and he fucked you better than these other boys you had been with, but you wouldn’t be caught dead with him. That’s why you were hiding in the bathroom of the country club to meet him right now.
“Right, I forgot I'm only good enough to make you cum over and over again, but not good enough for people to know that it’s me making you wobble to your little brunches at the club.”
“Oh my god JJ,” you rolled your eyes and let out a loud sigh “are you going to keep talking about this or actually fuck me?”
“What if I don’t huh? What if I just leave you here dripping wet and needy?” He knew he wouldn’t do that. Even if it wasn’t for you, he would still fuck you just to get his dick wet.
“I could always tell my brother…but then he’d probably kill you and I would lose all the hot sex we have. Or…I could go find another boy who’s dick could never fill me up as good as yours does, record him fucking me like a stupid whore, and then send it to you to show you what you’re missing out on. How does-“ his lips crashed into yours as he pinned you to the wall, his hand firmly wrapped around your throat.
You let out a small moan and smirked against his lips in satisfaction. He could deny it, but you always got what you wanted. At the end of the day, he was still just a horny guy and you were an incredibly attractive girl who gripped his cock so fucking well. Just a ‘pretty and desperate cock sleeve’ as JJ said.
“Was this your plan baby? Get me all worked up so I would be real mean to you just like you want?”
“I don’t know what you mean JJ” you smiled in feign innocence.
“Come on princess, you’re not that dumb. We both know you get fucking soaked when i’m mean to you, all because you’re a desperate and needy whore.” you let out a small whimper at his words and clenched together your thighs.
“JJ, please” you’re begging him by this point. You want him to fuck you so bad and give you what you desperately need.
“Turn around and show me how bad you want it” a smug look was on his face as he turned you around and made you hold onto the wall.
You pushed your hips against his, grinding against his cock while pulling off your skirt, feeling him get harder and harder. He let out a small moan at the feeling before grabbing your hair in his hands and turning you to face his cock. “Look at the mess you made on my shorts baby, such a fucking slut”
“Sorry” you smirked, until he pulled his cock out of his shorts , pushed you to your knees, and shoved it into your mouth causing you to let out a muffled gasp of surprise.
His head fell back as he fucked your face, groaning when you gagged on his cock and tried pulling yourself off for air. His grip only tightened, holding you right where he wanted you.
“Where do you think you’re going? You wanted to be treated like a slut so bad so fucking take my cock down your throat whore” he was being so mean and it was only causing you to grow wetter. You took your hand between your legs and began rubbing your clit desperate for some relief.
JJ noticed what you were doing, your pathetic little whines giving you away, and slapped your face to get your attention. “Did I fucking say you could touch yourself?” you gave a weak ‘no’ “Then why the fuck are you touching yourself bitch?! Hands off, all your attention should be on me and my cock.”
You pulled your hands away from your swollen and throbbing clit and began sucking faster, moaning around him from how turned on you were. Your hands moved to cup his balls and play with them to make sure he felt as good as you could make him, while also hoping he was close so you could get some attention too.
“Stop,” you kept going anyway as you were too in the zone to fully understand what was said, “I said stop! Fucking listen to what you’re told for once in your goddamn life.”
He pushed you off and gave you another slap in the face for not filling his orders when you were first told, loving the fucked out look in your eyes and the small layer of sweat forming on your body. Your breathing was heavy as you tried to finally catch your breath, but that was cut short as JJ pulled you into a rough kiss.
“You’re so beautiful baby, my pretty girl” he cooed and it made your head spin from how quickly he could switch personalities.
“Thank you J, I'm just confused because you didn’t cum. Why did you push me off?” he grabbed your chin and smirked before pulling you back up and pinning your hips to the wall.
“Because I want to fill this perfect little cunt up with my cum baby. You want it?” you eagerly nodded your head yes while pushing your hips back.
He lined the head of his cock up with your dripping entrance and slowly pushed inside of you, groaning at the feeling of you clenching around him. You threw your head back and let out a moan at the feeling of finally being filled up like you wanted this whole time. He checked with you to see if he could move and began harshly thrusting into you when you gave him confirmation. Your knees were weak and you felt like you were going to collapse to the ground from the immense amount of pleasure you felt and JJ could see it so he wrapped his arms around you to keep you steady.
“Fuck princess, you’re taking my cock so well. Such a good girl” his lips moved to your neck and began leaving small kisses. Groaning when you’d clench again and tightening his grip around you in return.
“You feel so good JJ, you fill me up so well. Love your cock so much” you whined out, moving one of your hands to grip his forearm.
His thrusts were getting faster and more sloppy as you felt yourself getting closer to coming. Your hand moved to pull him in for a kiss, letting out pathetic whimpers each time you felt his balls slap against you and his cock hit just the right spot inside you.
“You close baby? Going to make a mess all over my cock?” he mumbled against your lips.
“Fuck, yesss”
He reached one hand down to your clit and began rubbing it, the new feeling causing your eyes to roll back and breathing to become labored. The sound of skin slapping, JJ groaning and letting out whimpers of his own, and the sound of you being rescued to a whimpering and stuttering mess filled the room and you just hoped nobody was around to hear the filthy sounds.
“You want to cum? You want me to fill this pretty pussy with my cum sweetheart?” you gave a weak nod “Then fucking cum slut! Let me have it all baby, milk me dry. Fuckkkk” he groaned, the both of you seeing stars as you came undone together.
Your legs were shaking as he gave a few final thrusts, one hand holding you up as the other groped your tits harshly. Once he emptied his load into you, he pulled out and let out a laugh as he watched you collapse.
“Woah there shaky legs, come here. I’ve got you baby” he spoke in a soft tone, taking your hands and helping you stand up and not letting go of you until you could stand on your own.
He gave you a gentle kiss and pushed the hair out of your face so he could admire how beautiful you looked before the both of you left and went your separate ways. You gave him a lazy smile before the both of you got dressed and fixed yourselves in the mirror. As soon as you managed to make yourself look presentable again, you began walking to the front door but were stopped as JJ grabbed your wrist gently and stopped you.
“What is it?” He gave you a nervous look before speaking.
“I-I think I like you. Like actually like you and not just in a using you for sex way. You’re a fucking bitch and I should hate you, but I don’t. There’s like these little moments where it’s like you slip and there’s this caring side to you, like you feel the same way and just keep it hidden. The sex is a great bonus, but I just feel like deep down you want something more.” you looked at him in shock, where the hell was this coming from?
“JJ-“ he cut you off.
“Look, I know you probably don’t feel the same and I'm just making this shit up. But tell me you don’t feel the same and I'll leave it alone, but I don’t think I can keep doing this if you don’t. So please just tell me”
“I-“ you pondered in thought for a moment “You’re right. I don’t feel the same way, you’re a fucking pogue JJ. I’m literally like kook royalty, i’m fucking filthy rich and come from a great family. I would never be caught dead dating someone like you. You just fuck me good, maybe it is better that we don’t continue this anymore. Don’t need you thinking you actually have a chance” you have him such a cold laugh and spoke with such venom in your voice. It was one you’d never given him before, sure you’d tease him and give him the occasional mean comment but you’d never been so cruel to him before.
“Fuck you. I’m done with this shit” he scoffed, he would’ve accepted the rejection. There was no reason to be such a giant bitch to him.
“You’re lucky I don’t tell my brother and his friends you creep! They’d fucking kill you and i’d never have to worry about you again” you shouted at him after he left the room, his retreating figure getting harder to see as he walked away.
What you didn’t know was that Rafe had seen him walk out of the bathroom and you walk out of the same stall right after.
“What the fuck was he doing with you huh?” you jumped at the sound of your brother's voice and turned to face him, his face a mix of anger and confusion as he walked closer to you.
“Rafe um, he was just-“ then it hit you. You could save your ass and take out all your mixed feelings on JJ at the same time “he trapped me in there, something about wanting to talk to me about you and your friends and to teach us stupid kooks a lesson. He’s fucking crazy Rafe! I don’t want him near me anymore, i’m so scared of what he might do to me” the crocodile tears you’d learned from Sarah finally coming in handy.
Rafe clenched his jaw and sucked his teeth at the new revelation. He called over Kelce and Topper over from where the group had been taking a break from golf and they quickly appeared next to him, growing concerned at the sight of your tears.
“We have a new target boys. That Maybank kid, fucker hurt my sister and now we hurt him” the other two nodded in agreement with no hesitation as Rafe pulled you into his arms.
“Don’t worry baby sis, we’ll take care of him. He’ll never hurt you again” you sniffled, wrapping your arms around him, and nodded into his shoulder while smirking in satisfaction.
You always got what you wanted and JJ should have known better.
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thereadinggremlin · 8 months
Guarded Hearts pt 3
Summary: You find out Azriels your mate but you start getting the could shoulder from him after he returns from a mission.
Authors Note- Ok. I did it. Finally finished my first ACOTAR fanfic. I have ideas for more but if anyone has some send them my way. Anyways. Enjoy
As the shadow dissapeared and you heard Rhys’s voice you knew you were out of time. You started to grab your stuff for a quick getaway, not that you could winnow but you could fly pretty fast. Figuring he’d be there any minute you decided that leaving out the back door would give you a few minute head start. That idea was shattered as he showed up less than 30 feet away from you, for a moment you just stood there looking at him and then you shot to the skies, your stuff be damned.
You had some idea of where you were going but what you really needed was to just get away from him. Everything you were feeling was too much. Why would he send his shadows after you, he didn’t care, he made that evident in the way that he has ignored you for the last month. You had been up here for awhile before he probably even realized that you weren’t around.
You spent one spare second to look behind you and there he was hot on your heels and trying to catch up to you and then you felt a tug. You didn’t know your sheilds were down for that long unless…
You shit straight up knowing he would follow, you stopped and waited, as he appeared tou yelled to him “How long?” The hot tears pooling in your eyes.
He just stared at you, not saying anything, when you focused on the bond you felt a mix of sadness and happiness and knew that these were not your feelings.
“I will let you know when I’m ready, if you ask anyone or send your shadows after me, you will regret it.” You said as you flew away and left him there in the cold air with nothing but the feeling of betrayal and hurt coursing through the bond.
He didn’t know what to do. After you left he returned to the cabin and looked around, your books and other belongings still scattered all over the place. He started gathering all of them up to take them back home, he knew you wouldn’t return here since he found you but he did think that having them in your room at the house of wind would be better.
In your collection of books he found a notebook, it seemed like a journal or diary and it seemed you had started it just before you apparently left home. He dropped onto the couch to start reading and he closed off the bond again, he didn't want you to know he was snooping and he was too scared that if he didn’t guard himself all his feelings would go down the bond to you.
As he started to read, his heart fell into his stomach. He didn’t realize that his actions had hurt you so much, he thought he was protecting you. He didn’t want to rush you into the bond but apparently all he did was push you away.
He got halfway through the notebook when he saw one of your few entries since you arrived at the cabin
“Ive been at the cabin for a while and everyone’s left me alone, which is good, but I can’t help to think of Azriel has noticed if I left or not. Regardless of how he’s treated me recently I still love him, I can’t help but love him and right now, I don’t know if I like how I feel about it. I know he’s my mate but I can’t keep taking the heartbreak.”
He dropped the notebook. You knew. You knew and you never told him. He couldn’t get mad because he had known for a long time too. He was cursing himself from guarding the bond for so long, he could have avoided this whole thing if he just stopped to talk to you. He picked up all of your stuff and returned to the house of wind, he needed to make a plan and try to get you to forgive him.
You flew until your wings ached, the lake you always loved was quiet and serene. You always came here when you needed to think it was a secret spot only you and one other knew of. You didn’t get much time to yourself before he showed up.
“So you wanna talk about it?” Cassian drawled out.
“Is there really any point” you stated flatly “And how did you know if even be here?”
“Well I was around when Azriel was questioning Rhys and when he left I knew if he found you this would be the place you’d escape to” he gave you a small smile “I’m surprised that you beat me here honestly, I thought you forgot about this place.”
“I could never. This place is so peaceful, I just haven’t had the time to fly out” you said with a sad smile. After bad missions you and Cassian would come here to let the steam out, fight, cry, or just sit there quiet. After he found out Nesta was his mate the two of you sat here on the waters edge for hours while he just sat there and thought about her.
“You know he loves you” Cassian said taking you out of your memories. Startled you just stared at him “yeah I figured you didn’t know, he’s loved you for a long time”
“He’s my mate.”
“I know.” She looked at him, surprise cascading across her face.
“How did you know?”
“I’ve known since it snapped in place for him. I picked up on the little changes and all the glances he passed your way. Dudes whipped.”
You were baffled. Azriel felt the same and knows of the bond. So many emotions were coursing through you and your one thought was to tug on that string of warmth that you’ve felt in your chest. When you tugged on the bond, you were created with nothing but cold and darkness.
“What if I messed it all up?” You ask your friend.
“I can guarantee that you didnt. Rhys has been threatening me to come back and get that man under control because he’s acting strange and his shadows are no where to be found.” He paused as he looked at you “Leta go home, you don’t have to talk to him about everything today but at least try to slowly let him in.”
All you responded with was a nod of your head. You didn’t know what you’d do but you decided that you’ll find out once you see him in person.
The flight back to the house of wind was a quiet one, you and Cassian landed in the balcony outside of the dinning room thinking nothing much would be going on. As you both started to walk in you noticed that all your favorite flowers were delicately decorating the dinning room, it wasn’t too much but there were little touches here and there. You froze as you hear the familiar footfall of a certain shadow singer, they stopped abruptly so you know he noticed you.
Before either of you could say a thing Cassian cleared his throat “So are you just gonna stare at each other or……”
“You better leave them alone or I’m gonna beat your ass during training tomorrow” you heard Nesta yell from the hallway. A small smile graced your face as Cassian shrugged and left the two of you.
“I’m sor-“
“I’m so sorry I have been an asshole that was never my intention, I don’t want to push you away” Azriel blurted cutting you off. “I didn’t want to pressure you into anything and I wanted you to make your own decisions, you’ve turned into such a strong female that I never wanted to dim that or make you feel less because I think you deserve the world”
He was talking so fast it took a minute for your brain to catch on to what he was saying. He’s noticed everything and remembered it, and liked you more because of what you accomplished.
“Take your shield off of the bond.” You stated flatly. You needed to know if what he was saying truly matched how he felt. “Take your shield off and then we can discuss it all.”
Within an instant you felt everything; love, worry, agony, hopefulness. He truly wanted this life with you. As you looked into his eyes they matched all the feelings you were feeling down the bond.
You slowly started approaching him, staying slow as to not scare him but he still stiffened his back not knowing what you were going to do. You stood right in front of him looking up at his eyes and feeling his breath mingle with yours, you were both breathing heavy with anticipation. You leaned up and kissed him on his cheek.
“There’s a lot we need to talk about” his eyes sank a little as you spoke “but I really want to figure this out with you. Just don’t keep anything hidden from me, you know you can just talk to me.” You finished with a smile on your face.
Azriel smiled instantly at your words and before you could process it he picked you up and spun you around. As he was holding you he leaned in and kissed you. You were very surprised at the immediate affection from him but you weren’t gonna fight it because you had been dreaming of this day since you met him.
As he set you down he pulled back and was about to apologize but then he noticed the blush on your cheeks that spread to your ears. “We can talk about everything and anything you want.” He said instead
“Oh really? Then how about you tell me how it went back at the camp I grew up in when you were there to settle things.” You asked with a mischievous look in your eyes.
“Ok anything but that” Azriel responded with a chuckle, and it was the most beautiful sound you ever heard.
Maybe you two could get over this and have a beautiful life together and by the cauldron you sure hoped so.
Tag list: @crazylokonugget @kalulakunundrum @mp-littlebit @hnyclover @nickishadow139 @isa1b2h3
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qalijahbydior · 8 months
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Mirrors — Tom Blyth x Actress!reader
a/n: happy birthday to the internet's boyfriend!! LOL HE'S 29 already I FEEL SO YOUNG 😔🤌 anyway i decided to write since i had to post something while my story is still being written. newayz enjoy reading!
warnings : none just pure fluff
Tom has been in love with you the moment he heard you speak, it might be not the softest tone or soothing but there's something that draws him into you. He finds you pretty, hilarious, oddly funny and you give off that 'sunshine energy' He feels giddy when talking to you and do you feel the same thing? You do. You just love it when he laughs to your stories and hype your jokes especially when he listens to you. You two have always been teasing each other and that's what makes your friendship go on.
"Tom, come here! Look what I've found!" You say as you carry the ginger kitten and pat it. He came running to you and was already planning to touch the cat but you pulled it away. "Let me guess, you want to adopt it right?" he said, crossing his arms and tilted his head to the side. "Of course I do but the owner of my apartment specifically said no pets." You frowned at the thought of it. You really wanted to adopt the cat even if you just met him. Tom looked at you, scrutinizing your reaction. He then took the cat and rubbed its throat.
"You adopt it but it goes home to me, how does that sound?" He looked at you and the cat lovingly, his words made your face lit up and squeal at excitement. Him volunteering for the cat to live in his house meant having you over so he thought it was a good idea. "What, really? Are you serious?" you say as your eyes fluttered. You didn't think that he'd also like to take care of the cat that you were holding. "Yeah besides I feel like my house can use a pet since I don't have one." He shrugged, still petting the cat. You clung to his arms and hugged it "Yay! I now have a cat!" you squealed again then he looked at you, smiling.
she's so cute i can adopt a lot of cats if her reaction will be like this everytime he thought to himself
"But, I will name him. That's the condition, alright?" his tone was teasing because he knows that you already have a name for the cat. And you gladly let him name the cat, you nodded. "Alright, you name him." and just by a snap of a finger he already has a name for the cat. "His name is Miku, cute right?" he turned to you then smiled.
if loving this cat means getting even closer to you then i will love him and cherish him because he'll always remind me of you he thought as he was looking at your face, like it was illuminating and he loved it.
As for you, you thought that he's so kind to even offer the cat that you were adopting a roof to live in. Tom has always been nice to you and everything you love, you do, and you liked he liked it all too. As if he's now mirroring you. Everything he does is now a reflection of you.
"Nice choice, it is cute." you thought the name was cute but it had a hidden meaning and he knows. Miku is a japanese name and it means 'beautiful sky' it's name matches the way he looks at you. You're the sunshine and now the cat is the beautiful sky.
"I'll put the cat on my dressing room." you gently tried to get the cat from him but he refuses. "Nuuh, I'll hold him for a while. I'm the Dad after all." he said, a smirk creeping on his face. You furrowed your eyebrows and scrunched your nose as a reaction. "Let me hold him, you get to take him home later." you still tried to get Miku for him but he doesn't budge.
"No, I'll hold him first so he can get used to me." he's still pulling the cat away from you and tou seem to figure out a good way to deal with this and it's by distracting him. "Wait, let's buy something for him real quick. There's a pet shop five blocks away from here. We'll be quick we just need to buy uhhh a collar, wet food for kittens and his very own plate." You smiled as you pat Miku.
You and Tom, both carrying the kitten in your arms, went to the pet shop five blocks from your set. You had come to buy everything the kitten needed, and despite some hesitation by the shopkeeper - who warned you this was a lot of responsibility - you were confident that you could do it. The kitten meowed softly as it was carried away from the safety of his littermates and the familiar surroundings of the pet shop, clearly a bit anxious and unsure of what was to come next.
You and Tom carry the kitten back to the set. The kitten is a bit fussy and wants to explore everything, but eventually settles down in Tom's arms. As the kitten falls asleep, you can't help but marvel at just how cute and adorable it is. You have to admit that the pet shop was right, cats are a lot of work. But it's so worth it when the kitten is snuggled up against your chest, purring softly. It makes all the work feel worth it. You took your phone then took a picture of you, Tom and Miku.
you two will make such good cat parents and you know it.
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You're now sitting at Tom's couch, inside his house as you insisted that you come and feed Miku. This day went on so fast a while ago you're contemplating whether to get Miku or just leave him there but you now have him! Tom is also loving Miku as the cat always clings onto him and purrs on his touch. You asked him if you can stay at his house for a while before you go home and he agreed.
"You know what it's starting to look like you're Miku's owner and not me but either way, it seems like he really likes you." you crossed your legs and picked Miku up to put him on your lap and pet him. "We're his owner, babe. Chill. Besides I used to have a cat that's why he seemed to like me." his words warmed your heart and did he just call you babe...? The thought of the two of you owning a cat is so cute and it just fuels your feelings towards him even more.
"Thank you, really, Tom. I appreciate this so much. I love that you also love Miku." you smiled at him as he was setting up Miku's bed. "Anything for you, pretty girl." He looks at you with love in his eyes, and the butterflies on your stomach felt like they're going to explode. You felt blood rushing through your face, feeling flustered. You just bit your lower lip, stopping yourself from smiling and continued to pet Miku.
Tom has always been like this, he compliments you at the most unexpected moments and it just gets you all red and flustered. You love his compliments and he loves giving it to you. He likes seeing you smile, laugh and jolly because seeing you happy makes him happy too. Your enthusiasm is like a virus once he gets to you. And you also love making him happy, that man's happiness is just simple. You don't know how you make him happy but you just do anything anyway.
Your friendship with him has been a rollercoaster ride, it gets crazy the more that it lasts. You wanted to tell him how you feel towards him but It also scared you, the thought of losing your friendship just because of your feelings towards him scared you.
You always fought the urge to tell him how you felt, so instead of telling him you just express it. Physical touch, words of affirmation and acts of service has always been your love language. You liked being near him, you liked clinging onto him like he's going to disappear anytime.
He now sat down beside you and just looked at you as you were playing with Miku. "Y/N" he called and you turned to him, smiling. "Yeah?" his expression softened as he spoke once again. He looked like he was in deep thought before he spoke. "How come you're not dating anyone? I've never seen you go around and date someone?" he asked, he always thought of that but if ever that you really did it would hurt. Just the thought of you dating another guy that isn't him is already piercing his heart.
"I'm not interested. That's it, I'm not looking for anything because I've already got what I need. I can never ask for more." and that's how you really felt through out your friendship with him. You know that he probably doesn't think of your friendship like you two were tied to each other but it always felt that way.
"But do you like someone right now or I don't know, used to like someone?" he knows that this question might be a risk but he still asked it, desperate for an answer. Like his whole feelings depended on it. You didn't know how to answer the question because you were afraid that he might think that he's the one you're talking about. But you're going to make the most out of it
"Well, there's this friend of mine. He really makes me happy. What's for sure is I like him but I can never tell him what I feel. What if my growing feelings ruin our friendship? I enjoy what we have. I feel like I'm already tied to him but not in a bad way, you get me? This friend has been there for me since we met, and lately I've been feeling that I'm seeing myself through him. Not in a selfish way." you explained and that got him thinking of the things that he's done to you or with you these days, trying to connect the dots and see if it would make sense.
And now, it did make sense. He just now realized that he's mirroring you, too. You two are the reflections of each other
"Y/N, it's me isn't it?" he asked, wanting to confirm his thoughts. You looked down and nodded. He was so happy that It was him and you felt the same. He put Miku aside and held both of your hands, he made you face him. His ocean blue eyes looking at you.
"You know why I stuck with you the moment we met? There's like an invisible force pulling me towards you. Your smile, your laugh, your funny antics had got me. It's just so addicting that I found myself always crawling towards you. You're like a ray of sunshine that wherever you go you lighten up everything." he removed his other hand from your grip and caressed the side of your face, and you finding comfort in it. His words made your heart melt even more. You loved him the same as he's the reason why you laugh and smile.
"I never knew that you saw me like that. I now know why you always tease me and make me laugh. To be honest I feel the same, there's a missing part of me whenever you're away from me even just feets away. There's something lacking when you're not there making me laugh and it has been a routine ever since. Your presence and existence completes me." you gave him a sweet smile then looked down at your hands intertwined.
The butterflies on your stomach felt crazy. His hands holding you, his ocean blue eyes fixated on you and love just filling the room felt right and perfect. He looks at you the way he always looks at you all the time, eyes full of admiration and love. You've always tried to shake off that thought when he looks at you thinking that you're just mistaken or seeing things but now it's all clear. He loves you, likes you, adores you like you're the only thing that's meant to be adored.
And you also tried to hide that look in your eyes but now that got you thinking, did he always see right through me?
The moment feels euphoric for Tom, and he can't contain his excitement as he shares his true feelings with you. He has waited for this moment for so long, and finally, it's here. Tom confesses his love for you, and you can sense the genuine and pure emotion behind his words. Seeing your reaction, he feels beyond happy and satisfied that you now know how he feels. He feels like he has accomplished something special, and the sight of your face only makes the whole experience even sweeter.
The vacancy that sat in my heart, is a space that now you hold.
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simmerianne93 · 5 months
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Hi everybody, how are you today?
I've been putting this pack off for a few months, but finally here it is.
The funny thing is that, although it was ready, the reason I couldn't publish it was because I had to take the cover pic... and I was too lazy to have to dress (create) and pose 8 sims... I hate 8 sims poses hahaha it's too much work for the cover xD... Anyway, I think they turned out pretty good.
This pack was initially going to have only 2 poses for 8 sims... but since it took so long to publish it, in the end I decided to make a third round of poses for all 8 sims...
They are not "THE" poses, but I like them and I think they can be quite useful for certain "events"... I leave that to your imagination, but I can think of a few scenarios to use them xP.
And no, I have not based on Joy Boy and Luffy's Awakening to make these poses xD hahaha (for those who know about ONE PIECE and are up to date with the manga) It was a mere coincidence that it looks similar... Initially I was going to publish them in October, along with the simblreen gifts, as part of the "tribal" poses that I was doing back then, but I didn't finish them in time and then I simply postponed them because of what I have already mentioned haha and this here was the reference that I took as a general idea, along with a couple more:
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BTW my original idea was to make the pic in Sulani but Chestnut Ridge is SOOO BEAUTIFUL and was the ideal place to recreate what I saw in my head when making them hehe.
In the other hand, I have made an additional "ALL IN ONE" pose which is all the poses from the 1st set, but to use with just one sim, running around the campfire. (Yes, it would be ideal to have several of this type with different variations, but it was crazy so I discarded the idea haha sorry).
But still, I hope you like these poses and find them useful.
Now I leave you with the detailed description of the poses:
What is on it?
3 Groupal poses for 8 adult sims.
What do you need?
Andrew's poses player 
Teleport any sim by Scumbumbo or Mccc by deaderpool.
OPTIONAL: A campfire.
Instructions in the original post.
Do not claim my creations as your own.
Do not re-upload or modify my creations.
Do not make money of my creations.
Do not include my creations in Mods folders to download.
Please follow my Term Of Use.
Download it now here — [Early access until May 19th, 2024]
If you want to support me:  Patreon | Ko-fi
All my poses overview: Pinterest |  Wix | Tumblr
More in-game preview pics of all my poses: Instagram
My socials: Twitter | BlueSky | Instagram | Tumblr 
I really hope you like them and I will say in advance: Thank you so much for using them.
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chiidori-i · 1 year
Astral Express Crew NSFW headcanons!
pairings: Welt Yang x gn! reader, Himeko x gn! reader, Dan Heng x gn! reader, March 7th x gn! reader, Stelle x gn! reader, Caelus x gn! reader
Authors note: welcome back to the ravings of a mad man :> my whore friends really loved the last one so here we go again! :D
* listen he might not be as young as the others but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t know what he’s doing! * is the sweetest dom i swear he’s so gentle (unless you ask him not to be) * refuses to degrade you he just loves you too much  * will tie you up if you ask nicely  * so good with his hands like CRAZY good with his hands will make you cum at least twice or more with his fingers alone * usually fucks pretty slow but it’s d e e p, if you beg him enough he might oblige your request and fuck you so hard you see stars * usually fucks you in your shared bed but will sometimes bend you over his desk if he’s feeling frisky or you start teasing him while he’s working * he loves praise! welt will literally shower you in praises about how good you’re being for him!  * you called him sir once in a completely non sexual scenario and he lost his mind, literally grabbed you and dragged you off to his office to ahem “help with paperwork”
* has a big thing for thigh highs, he can’t explain just something about how your thighs look in them, it makes him wanna shove his head between them, 
*TALENTED TONGUE! will stay between your thighs for HOURS does not care at all
* a GOD at aftercare, like i said he’s the sweetest! Voice any want or need and he’s already on it, will hold you until you feel coherent again or if you wanna nap, he’ll grab a book and settle in! 
“you’re being so good for me love, just a little more” Welt cooed, he’s currently got you underneath him whining and moaning in ecstasy. “w-welt need more! please harder!” welt looks at you with a small grin “oh you need more huh? well how do you ask me baby?” he pauses his movements for a quick second while looking at you, “please sir fuck me harder!” welt chuckles and starts moving again “there we good job baby” he leans down and kisses you “i hope you know what you’ve asked for because now
i’m not going to be gentle
(i need him in a biblical way, a way thats concerning to feminism)
* Can i say mommy any louder?
* Himeko is the best woman to probably ever have sex with, she will do almost anything to make you feel good! * she loves being in control so do expect to be tied up and teased 
* she’s a pretty strict top, you will address her as mommy or ma’am when responding to her or you won’t get anything * has fingered you on the couch in the living area before giving you a knowing teasing look when the others walk in totally oblivious to what’s going on * TONGUE GO CRAZYYYYYY, she lives for giving you head and who are you to stop her? * loves it when you sit on her face she adores it actually * when she’s feeling particularly frisky she’ll bust out the strap (oh buddy its big) she’ll start off fucking you slow and calculated until she finds a pace you both enjoy then she just goes wild on you * loves body worship! she’ll spend hours worshiping your body telling you how you’re all hers and how beautiful/handsome you are! *doesn’t really care for degrading she’s more playful than anything! *loves aftercare she just adores holding you and telling you how good you are and how much you mean to her!
how did you find yourself in this position? well you’re not 100% sure honestly, Himeko currently has you blindfolded and restrained to her bed and is gently running her finger up your thighs so close to touching where you really need her but never making contact. When her nail slightly scratches down your hip you shiver and whine “Awh is someone getting desperate for their mistress to touch them?” Himeko chuckled a little at the end of her sentence, “well if my little pet is getting desperate i guess i should indulge them right?” your ears perk up hearing this, “y-yes ma’aam! please touch me i’ve been so good!” you whine in response, suddenly you feel her grab onto your thighs and lift them up, “ill indulge you darling but you better be ready.. i’m not in the mood to be very kind”
!Dan Heng!
* oh he’s so baby 
* he can be both bottom or top but he 100% prefers to be at your mercy begging for your touch 
* he loves it when you pull his hair or are rough with him in any way really! 
* isn’t bratty whatsoever he’s so obedient you almost feel bad for being rough with him :(
* VERY easily flustered you once walked into the room and brushed past him barely touching his waist and he got so red he looked like he was on fire
*whisper obscene things in his ear when he’s in front of the rest of the crew and he will melt and look at you like he’s about to pass out if you don’t fuck him
*riding him is always an experience especially if you tie him down and force him to look at you
*he’s surprisingly loud, like so loud himeko has heard you two and has knocked on the door asking if he’s alright (dinner was awkward after that but really she found it hilarious) 
* gets pussy drunk/cock drunk SO fast he cannot process how good it feels so he kinda just shuts down (poor baby)
* Please give him lots of cuddles after! he’s pretty much blissed out after you two fuck so he really just needs to be told he’s a good boy and snuggled until he comes back to earth :)
you’re not sure how one of the bookshelves Dan Heng is holding onto for dear life while you’re riding him hasn’t snapped yet with how hard he’s gripping it, “please ah- please i- i can’t take anymore..” there are tears gathering in the corners of his eyes from overstimulation this is his 3rd orgasm now and he feels like he’s about to combust. “oh cmon baby i know you can give me one more, be a good boy for me give me one more” you purr as you quicken your pace, at this point he’s pretty much gasping for air and holding onto your hand and the bookshelf for dear life, 
“i’ll give you whatever you want.. just please don’t stop”
!March 7th!
*the sweetest purest soul ever
* you were pretty much her first everything so she’s pretty adventurous with you
* a bit of a pillow princess but will reciprocate whatever you want if you ask her! 
* her moans are the cutest they’re kind of like little squeaks if she feels particularly good though she can be a screamer
* you gave her a hickey once and she thought she’d combust especially when welt noticed and asked if she injured herself to which she totally played into (welt for sure knew but he’s like himeko he thinks it’s funny tbh)* she’ll put on lingerie she knows you love and prance around in it until you give her the attention she wants if you don’t notice her right away she’ll pout like “how dare you ignore me im the light of your life!! >:((”
* really really likes when you go down on her, its her favorite thing ever she will scream praises to you until she cums
*himeko once had to give her a talk about screaming because it was keeping dan heng awake at night (poor dan heng man LET HIM SLEEP)
* she bites! whenever she can reach your neck or shoulders she’ll bite you, pretty hard too! (will also immediately apologize after)
*needs reassurance that she did good after! please get her some water and play with her hair she’s an anxious baby and needs lots of kisses to calm her down!
“oh! oh gods!” march was currently on her back with you on top of her your fingers were deep inside her and she was screaming until something responded“march sweetie you have to be quieter before someone wakes up” you chuckle, “c-can’t! feels so good!” you smirk a little and then put two fingers into her mouth and start fucking her harder, she moans around your fingers and her eyes roll back a little “you’re such a good girl march, you’re so beautiful..
too bad i’m about to ruin you” 
*oh someone help this poor baby*stelle might be one of the most clueless women ever
*when you bought a strap she was completely confused as to why you bought she just looked at you then back at it and was like huh?
*stelle is so obedient though she’s almost like a dog
*call her puppy and she’ll melt a little but be confused as to why you called her a dog (HELP HER SOMEONE)
* she’s such a cutie when you first expressed you wanted to have sex with her she got super flustered and nodded her head in agreement
* would prefer to just lay back and play minecraft with you tbh
*but when you do get her going oh boy she’s ready to go*one time you got her lingerie and she kinda looked at it like you want me to wear this shit?
*doesn’t really need aftercare she’s pretty resilient so she’s up and at em right after y’all fuck she just goes back to playing minecraft :/
“oh stelleeee, don’t hide your face from me puppy” stelle currently has her face hidden your neck moaning as you fuck her slowly, she groans a little hearing your teasing “w-what?” you “there’s my pretty girl, my pretty pretty stelle” she tries to hide her face again but you grab her chin and make her look at you, “oh stelle did you wanna cum?” stelle nods in response, panting a little as you smile at her “okay puppy lay back and let me make you cum” as you slowly lay her on her back and move between her thighs 
“pretty girl”
* caelus is just the chillest partner known to mankind i swear 
* doesn’t really have that high of a sex drive honestly but when he is turned on you better watch out
*will pin you to a wall and fuck you if he’s feeling realll frisky and there’s no bed around
* he’s very serious in bed tbh doesn’t really joke around
*he’s a switch so if you sweet talk him enough and praise him he’ll fold and be at your mercy but if he gets you flustered its game over you’re all his
* really loves hair pulling whether you’re pulling his hair or he’s pulling yours he just loves it so much doesn’t really know why honestly 
* also loves when you wear your hair up, or have your neck exposed in any way possible
* loves to leave hickies, he just thinks they make you look prettier will 100% get flustered if you leave one on him though* LOVES SKIRTS PLEASE WEAR A SKIRT FOR HIM DOESNT MATTER WHERE JUST PLEASE WEAR ONE
*kind of like stelle in the aftercare doesn’t really need it but does enjoy it! he’ll give you forehead kisses and cuddles while you two watch anime together 
“come on baby let go for me, there you go just like that cutie” you’re currently riding caelus on the living area couch while everyone else is out, what started as a innocent cuddle session while watching sailor moon has now turned into you riding him into oblivion “c-caelus! s’too much!” you stop moving for a second to try and adjust but caelus told you this had to be quick before everyone came back from their missions. Caelus roughly grabs your hips and starts fucking up in to you. “s-sorry angel, g-gotta make it quick,
i’m gonna make you feel so good i promise”
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salty-croissants · 10 months
what do Bullfrog and Rayman/Ramon like to do when they're cuddling with the reader? 😊
Thank you for the request ! 
It’s like , very late for me right now … but I got a burst of inspiration as soon as I read what the request was about : this is something that I’m always happy to write … just wholesome affection between the reader and the boys , love this prompt very much :,) ❤️
I hope this turned out okay ! 
I’m probably gonna pass out after this lmao , it was worth it tho :,)👍
Details : use of gender neutral reader ; 
established relationships ; 
no warnings needed 
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Bullfrog 💚
The number one rule this frog has when cuddling with you ? He wants you to be as comfy as possible , and if you want Bullfrog is going to bring something to drink for the both of you : a nice cup of tea , some juice … anything goes , as long as you like it .
< Here’s your tea , mon amour … be careful , it’s still hot . > 
< Thanks love , you’re the best ~ > 
If you’re someone who happens to get very flustered when he speaks French , Bullfrog will have the time of his life whispering sweet nothings in your ear while holding you in his arms … 
The way you blush is just so cute for him ^//^ 
< y/n , ma bien-aimée, tu es merveilleuse à tous points de vue … ~ > 
< B-Bullfrog pleasee ! ~ > 
One silly personal headcanon that I have is that Bullfrog gets especially relaxed by sounds of streams of water streams , waterfalls and other similar things , so I imagine that he would be very happy to have them as a bit of a background ambience while snuggling close with his beloved … 
He probably saves all of those “10 hours of waterfall sounds to sleep and relax to” compilations , he just likes them a lot :) 
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Rayman 🧡
Now this man … 
This man doesn’t get as many chances to cuddle you as he’d like , given that he has to deal with so much while working on his show , so you can be sure that Rayman will make the times he can be with you truly special … 
< Aw … did you light up all these candles for me ? > 
< Mhm , I sure did . Cuddles with my lovely y/n need a bit of atmosphere after all ~ > 
< Hehe , you’re always so sweet Ray , thank you ~ > 
Rayman loves to just lay his head on your lap while staring up at you … it’s such a nice moment of intimacy , especially since it’s a position that makes it easy to snatch a kiss or two … or maybe three ;//) 
< Here , come a little closer y/n … god , I’ve missed this so much … ~ > 
While he likes to be able to talk to you while you cuddle ( especially since you’re possibly the only person who he can be fully sincere with ) , Rayman adores to just listen to anything you may want to say while snuggling close to you and let the sound of your voice relieve him from all his troubles …
He is just so glad to have you , he can’t stress about it enough ! 
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Ramon 🖤
I think it’s safe to say that after everything that’s happened , Ramon has become even more physically affectionate than before : he just really needs all the reassurance he can get , so one thing he’ll do when you cuddle is wrap his hands around your waist to prevent you from even thinking about getting up …
< Ah geez , is that my phone … ? Can I just check real quick who it is ? > 
< No . Might be another one of Eden’s tricks to try and locate us . > 
< Heh … are you sure it’s not also an excuse to keep me from getting up ? > 
< Hmm … I dunno what you mean ~ > 
He really loves to bury his face in your chest : the sound of your heartbeat and your warmth are like a shelter from the outside world , and Ramon longs for nothing more than having you as close to him as possible . 
It’s also so very relaxing for him to be able to be vulnerable at least for a moment … he just can’t begin to express how important you are to him , but he’ll do his best .
< y/n … I love you so much , you know that … ? 
You’re … heh , literally everything I could ever ask for . > 
If you end up falling asleep while you cuddle together , Ramon is going to be watching over you for quite some time , looking at you while occasionally leaving little kisses on your face …
He won’t rest until he’s sure that you’re safe , he won’t allow anything bad to happen to you … not now nor ever . 
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captainlunaxmen · 9 months
My Safe Space
Eddie Munson x reader x Steve Harrington
This is a repost since the old blog doesn't work anymore. 🥰
Chapter summary: something bad happens after a party, but tou don't want to make your boyfriends worry.
Warnings: mention of rape, slight panic attack.
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Having two boyfriends sounds like fun, right?
Yeah... it is. Most of the time.
For example, double the cuddles, double the attention and double the fun too.
But it also mean double the effort in not making them worry.
I've been with Eddie 'the freak' for almost 4 years, then Steve came along too. This three way relationship is still new for them, so they're still trying to figure their 'side' of the relationship out, but it's going well so far.
The most evident thing they have in common is that they both care a lot about me and worry for the smallest thing, which is sweet, but sometimes it makes it hard for me.
Like tonight.
Steve's parents are away for the summer, apparently, so Eddie and I will stay with him as he offered.
I just came back from a party I was with Nancy. She left at some point with Jonathan so I just spent most of the time with some journal friends from school before walking to Steve's.
That's when I run into Jason and his friends...
I try not to make any noise as I enter Steve's house, hoping both him and Eddie are already asleep.
I try to keep my breath steady, but my body refuses and just keeps shaking.
I take off my torn jacket amd torn thighs and throw them in the garbage.
The lights are out so maybe they really are asleep. So I slowly walk upstairs to check in the bedroom.
I find them laying in the bed, holding hands with a small empty space between them, for me probably. They always insist on me being in the middle so they 'can protect me better' as they always put it.
I sadly smile and just head to the bathroom and lock the door behind me.
I take a deep, shaky breath and just fall on the floor letting out a sob I held back since that.
I just cry for what felt like an eternity. When I feel like I have no tears left, I stand up and get in front of the sink.
I wash my face and look at myself in the mirror.
It definitely looks like I've been crying.
I take a deep breath and then I heard the doorknob being moved, that makes me jump a little.
"Sweetheart, is that you?"
"Yeah" I quickly say, hoping he doesn't notice the tremble in my voice.
"You just got back?" He sounds sleepy.
"Yeah" I say, quickly again.
"You had fun?"
"Are you okay?" He starts to get worried.
"Yeah" I curse myself for repeating the same thing... with the same tone... not suspicious at all.
"Can I come in, sweetheart?" He asks, trying again to open the door.
I take a deep breath, swallowing down a sob threatening to escape.
"I'll be out in a second, love" I tell him.
"I'll be here" he tells me.
I quickly check myself again in the mirror. It looks like I'm tired now. Which is true. Maybe I can make it believable.
I take another deep breath, once again and unlock the bathroom door and step out. I find Steve leaning on the opposite wall.
Once he looks up to me he immediately opens his arms to hug me.
I unconsciously tense at the contact.
He notices.
"Hey.. you alright?" He lets me go to look at my face.
"Yeah.. uh... I'm just tired" I say with a forced smile.
"Are you su-"
"Yes, Steve. I'm just tired. Danced a lot with Nance" I try to chuckle to make the story more believable.
"Okay... okay" he's not convinced, I can tell. "Come to bed?"
"I'll make myself a tea first." I tell him "you go, don't worry."
"I can keep you company" he offers "Eddie's just completely gone. He won't notice to be alone for a few minutes"
"Oh.. no, no, love. Please you look already asleep" I try to joke "go to bed, I'll be there in a few."
"Are you sure you're okay?" He tries again.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Just trying to avoid a headache tomorrow morning"
"Okay.. but if you need anything, anything, call me" he kisses my cheeks and I start to walk downstairs again.
I didn't lie, I'm gonna make some tea, but I have no intention in getting in bed with them.
Not tonight. Not after what happened.
I slept on the couch. Even if 'slept' is not the correct word to use, it would implie I actually got to sleep.
I get up pretty early and decide to make breakfast for Eddie and Steve.
After a while I hear footsteps coming downstairs.
"Good morning, my darling" Eddie greets me.
"Morning, my love"
He immediately comes to hug me from behind and I, once again, unconsciously tense up.
"What's wrong?" He immediately ask.
"Nothing" I smile to make it more convincing.
"Yeah, she did the same with me when she got back from the party" Steve explains as he comes into view.
"Is something wrong, love?" Eddie asks again.
I open my mouth to answer him, but Steve cuts me off.
"She didn't even sleep in the bed with us tonight"
"I did" I try to convince them.
"No, you did not" Steve says, using a sweet tone. "What happened, sweetheart?"
"Nothing" I say with a nervous laugh. "I mean I'm probably just a little stressed for, you know, the project with that journal course I told you about. It's probably that. Don't worry your pretty little heads"
Eddie goes to take my hand and I instinctively flinch away.
"It's not some stupid project the problem here." He states, concern evident in his voice.
"Sweetheart, what's wrong?" Steve comes closer, but not too much.
"N-nothing... I... I'm just... uh..." my eyes start watering, I blink the tears away as much as possible "I'm just stressed. Nothing bad happened."
I get back at making the pancakes mixture avoiding their eyes.
"Y/n... we... we just want to help" Eddie tells me. I hate hearing his voice breaking like this.
I sigh shaking my head.
"At least tell us what we can do to make you feel better. Anything." Steve too tries.
"We just want to take care of you"
We just wanna take care of you.
Those words...
I uncontrollably start to cry again, falling on the floor hugging myself, Steve and Eddie are quick to kneel next to me. Careful not to touch me.
"Sweetheart, it's okay. We're here"
"Yeah, nothing's gonna happen."
They try to touch me again and I let them this time.
"Is it okay if we hold you, princess?" Eddie asks.
I slightly nod, still avoiding their eyes.
Carefully, Eddie wrap his arms around me, rubbing my arms to calm me down, while gently rubs my knees.
I take a deep breath and reach out to grab their hands, holding then tight.
"I... I was walking back from the party." I start.
"You don't have to tell us if you're not ready yet, my love" Eddie reassures me.
I just nod but I keep speaking.
"I was walking because I let Nancy go home with Jonathan. I stayed at... at the party for a little longer... chatting with some friends... then.." I let out a sob and Eddie and Steve's hands draw circles on mine reassuringly.
"It's okay, Sweetheart. We're here" Steve softly says.
"Then... while I was walking home I... uh... I... I heard a car... stopping not far from where I was... I didn't think much of it at first... then... uh.. then" I take a deep, shaky breath "then I heard Jason's voice. He was calling me. Next thing I know is... is that I.. was.. I was completely surrounded by his friends. They... they were... they uh.. started to calling me names... and then... then...fuck" I cry again, sobbing violently, Eddie holds me closer and Steve kisses my hand.
"Fuck... I just... I can still feel their hands... all over me... I... " I just cry.
"Sshh, my love. You're okay. We won't let it happen again. We promise" Eddie whispers to me.
"We're so sorry, Sweetheart. So sorry. We shouldn't have let you go alone"
I shake my head.
"It wasn't your fault. Please... don't.. don't blame yourself." I ask.
"Help me get her to the couch" Steve asks Eddie who slowly move his arms away from me to help me stand up, on shaky legs.
They lead me to the couch and let me sit, then they kneel in front of me.
"I'm sorry.." I barely whisper.
"What for, my love? You didn't do anything wrong. You hear me? It wasn't your fault" Eddie firmly tells me holding one of my hands as Steve gently stroke the other one.
"I made you worry..."
"So what? We worry all the time for you, sweetheart. It's not a surprise" Steve jokes to enlighten the mood a bit.
"Yeah, I mean, you remember when you were staying with me at Christmas?" Eddie asks and I nod "I woke up and you weren't next to me. I almost freaked out then I heard the shower." He chuckles turning to look at Steve "turned out she was taking a shower"
Steve laughs at that and I do too.
"See? We're always gonna worry about you. We love you" Steve kisses my hand.
I notice I'm not shaking anymore, so I smile at them and bring their hands to my mouth and kiss them.
"How do you feel?" Eddie asks sitting next to me, Steve does the same.
"Better... thank you" I say leaning my head on his shoulder, letting him hug me.
"Good, now... you stay here with her and I" Steve stands up "have to make a little visit"
"What?" I ask alarmed.
"Not a chance, Harrington. You'll only get your ass kicked. I'll go" Eddie stands up too "Where's your bat?"
"What? No! You two are staying here" I firmly say, standing up.
"Why?" They ask at the same time.
"Because..." I say.
"Because...?" Eddie asks.
"There's... there's no need" I say looking down at my feet.
"No need? Love, they hurt you... we... fuck. We can't let them get away with it." Steve comes to me rubbing my arms.
"He's right. At least let us talk to Hopper" Eddie suggests. "Please"
"I... I don't... "I stutter and Steve only holds me.
"We'll be with you the entire time. We promise, my love." Eddie reassures me.
"Can... can we do it... later... not now, please?" I ask, my eye watering up once again.
"Sure, love. Whenever you're ready." Steve kisses my head.
"How about breakfast then?" Eddie gently grabs my hand leading me back to the kitchen.
I move to get back to the pancakes mixture, but Eddie stops me.
"I got it, my darling" he tells me.
"I can still use my hands, Eddie" I tell him rolling my eyes playfully.
"I know. That doesn't mean I can't spoil my girl" he winks.
I feel Steve coming up behind me, hugging me and resting his chin on my shoulder.
"He's right, you know. Plus you can't stop us from spoiling you, sweetheart." He kisses my cheek.
"I love you." I say, slightly embarrassed from their attention.
"Aaww look at her. She still gets all shy with us" Steve jokes.
"Still not use to have two guys at your feet, love?" Eddie sweetly smirks.
"Shut up" I say.
"Yeah stop teasing my girl, Munson" Steve jokingly accuses Eddie.
"Your girl? Man, we're all together here. Key word: share" Eddie replies.
"Okay, okay, while you two fight I'll go change and... yeah.. throw these clothes away." I half smile and the nod checking if I'm actually okay, once they're convinced Steve lets me go and kisses my cheek and so does Eddie.
"Be quick, or Harrington here will eat everything" he jokes.
Steve looks at him in disbelief.
They keep bickering and joking all while Eddie finishes making breakfast and I walk upstairs.
I finally feel safe again.
I feel stupid for not telling them right away, they would probably tell me that no, I'm not stupid, but still.
They're my safe place, always.
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just-dreaming-marvel · 2 months
Caught In A Web ~ 25
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< previous chapter
Word Count: 2,054ish
Summary: The aftermath of Tony hearing how you don't feel safe.
Notes: I'm going out of town this weekend, so this will be the last update until Monday or Tuesday. Hope you enjoy! And please share your thoughts, feelings, etc on it!
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When Bucky woke up in the morning, he headed for the lab to check with Tony. He was shocked to find it destroyed. Natasha was in it cleaning up.
“What the hell happened?” He asked.
“Tony freaked,” Natasha answered, still cleaning up.
“I can see that. Why?”
Natasha sighed. “Y/N broke down about how she doesn’t feel safe, and Tony watched it over the cameras.”
“Shit doesn’t even begin to describe it.”
“Where’s Tony now?”
“Well, I had put him to bed, but then he snuck out with the Iron Man suit. FRIDAY isn’t allowed to inform us as to his whereabouts.”
“Y/N can’t see this.”
“Why do you think I’m cleaning it up? I also have Wanda with her. She’s going to keep her asleep until the new glass arrives in an hour.”
“When are the rest of the Team arriving?”
“They’re close. I’m calling a Team meeting upon immediate arrival.”
“Good,” Bucky nodded. “Now, what can I help with?”
Steve had on his Captain persona; the others could tell by how his jaw was set and the way he was standing. He was standing in the front of the room at the end of the large conference table. Bucky, Sam, Vision, Bruce, Happy, Rhodey, and Natasha sat around the table. The others believed he was portraying himself as the Captain to help himself handle the situation.
“Will Wanda be joining us?” Happy asked.
“I asked her to stay with Y/N,” Natasha answered, “keeping her asleep until we figure something out.”
“Has anyone found information on Tony’s whereabouts?” Steve questioned.
“No,” Rhodey replied. “I’m using some available military resources to track him. Nothing so far.”
“FRIDAY is still blocking any information on Tony,” Natasha added.
“We need a plan—multiple plans,” Steve stated. “First plan is security, for here and the Tower.” Aerial views of the Compound and the Tower appeared on the screen behind Steve. “I have agents lining the perimeters of both properties, pushing the press back. I have them across the river, preventing them from hiding in the trees.”
“I’ve contacted the military,” Fury stated as he barged into the room. “They are adding reinforcements.”
“Two of your Team members were down for weeks and now you decide to show your face.”
“I figured I’d let you guys simmer.” Fury went to the chair opposite Steve and sat down. “Clearly, you needed more time.”
“Besides extra military help, do you have any other information for us? Director?” Natasha’s voice was scarily calm, but her eyes were daggers pointed at Fury.
“Yes, in fact I do. Stark is in Malibu. He’s been at his old house site, cleaning it up. Surprised none of you thought to check there.”
“Someone should go to Malibu,” Steve stated.
“I’ll do it,” both Rhodey and Bucky offered. Everyone was shocked at Bucky’s words.
“Are you sure, Bucky?”
He shrugged. “Stark and I have been getting along lately. Plus, manual labor sounds like a good way to clear my head.”
“Rhodes, are you okay with that?”
“If Barnes feels like he can handle Tony, then by all means,” Rhodey replied. "Everyone here knows I’ve done my time.”
“Great, Barnes, you’re on Stark duty.”
Bucky nodded and stood up. “Wish me luck,” he said before leaving.
“I’ve called the therapists,” Bruce said. “They are on their way.”
“Good,” Steve nodded. “I’m going to be honest here, guys, I… I’m at a loss. This is something that I don’t have experience with. I want to help Tony and Y/N and lead the cause as your Captain, but I don’t know how.”
“You’re doing good, Captain,” Vision commented.
“Thanks, Viz. I wish I knew how to do more.”
“Y/N will need time,” Natasha said, “and we need to honor that. She’s not used to this life and may never be… Tony will need time, but we all know he can’t be alone for long. He plays it tough, but he is the one who cares most of all.” She sighed. “We’ll get them through this; I know it.”
You woke up in your room, alone. You felt well-rested, which was a surprise. Sitting up, you could tell that the room had been cleaned up. It was mid-morning, and you were surprised that Tony hadn’t come to check on you, maybe get you up for breakfast. You left your room and headed to the common room. You could hear the other Team members before you could see them. They were laughing and talking; it made you feel okay for a moment.
“Hey, Y/N,” Sam greeted the first one to notice you.
“Hey,” you replied, shooting him a smile. You walked over and sat next to Wanda on the couch. “I know what you did.”
“What did I do?” Wanda wondered, you missed the caution in her gaze.
“You helped me sleep. It’s the best night I’ve had in a while. Thank you.”
She smiled at you. “You’re welcome.”
You looked around and noted who was all there. Two people were missing. “Where’s Tony? And Bucky?” You didn’t fail to miss the looks the others shared. “What happened? What’s wrong?”
“Y/N,” Bruce came over and sat in front of you. “Tony’s in Malibu.”
“What? Why?”
He sighed, glancing at Natasha. “Y/N, he heard what you shared with Nat and Wanda.”
You gasped, unable to keep the tears at bay. “He did?”
“He was going to check on us,” Natasha began, coming to sit beside Bruce across from you. “Tony wanted to make sure that you were okay and heard everything.”
“No, no,” you shook your head. “He—“
“Y/N,” Natasha grabbed your hands, not caring if there was a chance her hands would get stuck to you. “Tony destroyed the lab and then disappeared. Fury found him in Malibu, and Bucky went to talk to him.”
“Bucky thinks he could talk to him,” Steve said.
“But… why did he run? Nat… why did he run away? He said he’d stay…” The emotions were taking control of you. “He promised… I knew he would take it hard… I didn’t think he’d run…” 
You broke down, and Bruce held you close. Natasha still had a hold of your hands and was now stuck to you. The others watched with great sadness at the sight. None of them knew how to fix this, but they would do everything possible to try.
Tony had pants and a tank top on as he cleaned up the weeds that littered what was left of his Malibu house. There was nothing but some cement foundation, but he would clean it all. He didn’t bring any of his tech besides the suit he used to fly there. When he decided to head there, he swung by a home improvement store to buy some needed tools. It wasn’t enough to get what Tony wanted done, but it would do the job for now. He just needed to do anything besides continuing to fail you.
When the quinjet landed, Tony failed to notice. Bucky lowered the ramp and leaned against the opening, watching Tony for a moment. It was clear to Bucky that Tony was running on fumes. Bucky had gone to the store to grab food and other necessities before he came to Malibu, knowing that Tony would need it. Eventually, Bucky walked to Tony, stopping not too far away. He watched Tony use a sledgehammer to try to break up the thick concrete.
“I don’t think you have the strength to break that concrete, Stark,” Bucky commented. Tony ignored him. “You’re going to hurt yourself. I don’t want to bring you back injured; everyone will think it's my fault.”
“Don’t care,” Tony murmured, continuing.
“Hey, come on, man.” 
Bucky’s metal hand caught the sledgehammer in mid-swing and easily pulled the tool from Tony’s hands. Tony’s arms slapped down against his thighs, and his shoulders shagged. Bucky had never seen this ever-so-confident man look so defeated. He was broken, and Bucky didn’t know how to put him back together.
“How’d you get stuck with this job?” Tony said, sitting down where he stood. “Rock paper scissors?”
“I, uh, I actually volunteered.”
Tony scoffed. “Really? We aren’t exactly friends, Barnes. That means I don’t have to listen to you.”
“And I don’t have to listen to you.”
Tony moved his jaw around before clenching it. “Did you bring anything to drink?”
Bucky cocked his head towards the quinjet. “There’s some lite beers in the quinjet.”
“Lite? Seriously?”
“I’m just thinking of your health.”
“Says the hundred-year-old man with a metal arm.”
Tony pushed himself from the ground, and the two men walked towards the quinjet. Bucky grabbed two cans of beer, handing one to Tony. They sat on opposite sides of the aircraft, opened their cans, and took a sip. Both of the men cringed at the taste.
“This is awful,” Tony commented before taking another sip. 
“The beer or this situation?” 
Tony took a moment before responding. “Both.”
“What’s your plan here? In Malibu? In running away?”
“This house used to be my safe place. Yes, it’s in Malibu, but still. No one just showed up, even the press. There were things in place here. I was allowed my privacy.”
“There’s no house here anymore.”
“Yeah, I let a terrorist know my home address.”
“Wow,” Bucky chuckled, shaking his head, “not a smart idea.”
“Tell me about it.” Tony finished off his drink, throwing the can to the side. 
“Y/N’s struggling.”
“I heard her struggle… every word.”
“So you ran away? Do you really think this will help?”
“Like I said, this used to be my safe place… I got in my suit and flew here. It was like I was on autopilot. Got some tools and started working.”
“On what, exactly?”
“Rebuilding. I’m going to rebuild this mansion. For me… For Y/N. It will be a place where she can feel safe. Away from the Avengers, the big city. I am going to make sure she has a safe place.”
“You left. You are her safe place, and you left.”
“Clearly, I’m not doing a good job at it… She doesn’t feel safe, Barnes. I don’t know if she’ll ever feel safe with me—with the life I live… I can’t go back until I have somewhere for her to go… This is my last shot, Barnes. My last hope… then I’ll let her go.”
“I don’t think Romanoff with stand for that, or the rest of the Team.”
“Well, they don’t get a say.”
Silence fell between the two men. Both of them were fighting different wars in their head. Tony stood up and grabbed the bag of tools that Bucky had brought.
“You can leave, Barnes,” he said, heading down the ramp. “I don’t need a babysitter.”
Bucky sighed, standing up and following the man. He took off his shirt, grabbed the sledgehammer, and hit the concrete, cracking it. Tony and Bucky shared a look of understanding before continuing to work.
“He what?” Steve was on the phone with Bucky. Natasha was pacing the room, trying not to listen in. “Seriously? Do the two of you need any help?”
“Help?” Natasha paused her pacing. “With what?”
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll grab Sam and Rhodey, and we’ll head there. See you soon.” Steve hung up.
“What is going on?”
“Uh… Tony’s rebuilding his Malibu mansion… by hand.”
“What? Why?”
“Bucky is saying that it’s for Y/N, for her safety. I think that it’s a distraction. Bucky wants Sam, Rhodey, and I to come and help.”
“What am I supposed to tell Y/N?”
“Honestly, Nat, I have no idea. I’ll try to get more serious information out of Tony, but for right now, here is probably the best place for her.”
“Wanda had to force her into a sleep to calm her down, Steve.”
“When she wakes, keep her distracted. Do something to help her feel safe, something that she can control.” Steve sighed. “We can only do so much to make her feel physically safe; there’s still mentally and emotionally. Make sure she’s visiting her therapist, and I’ll keep you updated on Tony… we’ll get them through it. I have to believe that, or there’s really no hope for the rest of us.”
next chapter >
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afro-hispwriter · 10 months
In the Past(1)
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Season 10
Summary- no one knows the reason why you and Daryl broke up until he tells Carol 
Warnings- language, mentions of childbirth and past pregnancy, Leah
Word count- 1.5k
1 2
"Daryl, why did you and y/n end things? I realized neither of you ever said anything." Asks Carol as they sat on the porch of the cabin. Daryl looked back at her and shook his head before turning back to look out into the woods.
"It don matter no more."
"Of course it does, you two have been together for years and then I get a letter thinking all was well but it says weeks after she gave birth to your child you two called it quits." 
"It was time for it to end."
"Bullshit, come on tell me, I won't say anything when we get back." Daryl sighed and scoffed. The memory makes his body feel heavy. The sadness turned to anger.
"Alright you wanna know, she fucking left me because of my mistakes." Carol raised an eyebrow and stood up to stand close to him.
"What happened?"
"Fuck fuck fuck." You breathed out as you gripped Michonne's hand as another contraction hit. "Where's Daryl?" Michonne daps your head with a wet cloth and shakes your head.
"We can't get ahold of him." She says and you close your eyes and shut your mouth to stop a sob. 
"Y/n your fully dilated we gotta get ready to push." Says Siddiq and takes the gloves off his hands.
"No, Daryl needs to be here, it's his kid too."
"I understand that but if you don't push soon there is a risk of losing you and the baby, and I don't think Daryl wants to come back here and find out his fiancé and baby died." Says Siddiq and you groan knowing he was right.
"How long do we have!" You ask and wince at the pain.
"30 is all I'm going to give you." He points at you and you nod and shudder.
"Try Daryl again please." You ask him and he nods. "What the hell is he doing that's so important?" You were getting angry at this point. You knew you should have convinced him to stay when you got closer to your due date, then maybe you wouldn't be stressing over that.
"Daryl, Daryl come in." Daryl ran over to the walkie-talkie when he heard Siddiqs voice.
"What's wrong, y/n and the baby ok?" He asks.
"Man we've been trying to reach you for hours, y/n has  gone into labor." Daryl felt his world stop.
"Fuck, ok I'm on my way." Daryl slid the walkie-talkie on his belt and grabbed his crossbow.
"Leaving so soon?" He heard her voice behind him. He sighs and looks back.
"Ya, she's in labor, ill be back." He says and walks out the door in a hurry without looking back. He didn't see the anger in her eyes at seeing him leave for you. Again.
Daryl walked fast until he looked back at the cabin.
What if I don't go back and just stay with y/n and our baby and forget her... no not now, soon.
"Alright he said he's on his way but for me and you both know he's more than an hour away, y/n you have to push." You flopped your head on the pillow before nodding.
"Ok." Michonne started putting pillows up behind your back while Siddiq prepared his tools.
"Ok on 3. 1,2,3." He says and you push with a scream. "Good, again." 
"I'm going to kill him." You grit and push. Michonne chuckles and shakes her head.
"I see the head two more pushes you got this." Says Siddiq and you give him a thumbs up.
Two more pushes and lots of cussing later. Your baby boy was born. He cried loudly as he came into the world.
"Here you go." Says Siddiq and hands you your son. Michonne stands back to leave you some space. 
"He's beautiful." She says and you nod, tears flowing down your cheeks.
"He looks like Daryl." You chuckle and they laugh. They took your son to clean and dressed him as you rested.
"He's hungry." Says Michonne and hands you him.
"I bet, hey when Daryl gets here please make sure he gets here quick." Tou smiles at her and she nods.
"Not gonna kill him are you?" She jokes and you smile and shake your head.
"Not today at least." Once Michonne left you took your breast out and your son immediately latched on.
It was an hour later when you heard familiar heavy footsteps coming to the door. The door burst open revealing an out-of-breath Daryl.
"'m sorry." He says and approached you until he stops when he hears small coos.
"We'll talk later not today. Go meet your son." You smile at him and he nods. He slowly approached the cradle and looked down to see his son squirming. Daryl held his hand out and brushed his son's cheek.
"He's so beautiful." 
"Pick him up." You say and Daryl tensed. "You won't hurt him, just pick him up and support his head." Daryl reached down and picked him up doing just as you said. He slowly made his way to you and sat on the bed by your legs.
"I love you, and I'm so sorry."  His sorry was saying something else. Upon seeing you and his newborn son he realized he truly had something to come back for. 
"Daryl it's ok, I love you too." 
"Wait so you didn't tell her?" Asks Carol and Daryl shook his head.
"She just had ma damn kid I couldn't start that."
2 weeks later
"Archer you're getting so big buddy." You coo at your son. The door opens revealing Daryl, you notice he looked sad but then you see a dog run behind him.
"Umm Daryl where did this dog come from?" You question him as the dog sniffs you.
"Found em out there a few months ago."
"Oh well, he's adorable." You say and scratch him behind the ears. You look up at Daryl who was biting his thumb. "You ok?"
"Gotta tell you sum." He says and gestures for you to sit down. You sit down and so does he. "I ain't been completely honest with you, I met someone, a woman couple months ago." You raised an eyebrow wonderful where this was going.
"We became more." You felt you're heart drop.
"Excuse me, what do you mean became more?" Daryl could see you getting agitated.
"More than friends." 
"So you cheated on me?" You stand up and look away from him. Daryl didn't respond. "Was I not enough?"
"Of course you are it's just I used her as a distraction." You scoff at his words and turn to face him so he can see the tears that had started spilling from your eyes.
"A distraction, Daryl Dixon if you needed a distraction you come to me, you come home, you don't go off and now destroy our family." Daryl tried to reach out to you but you took a step back. "After everything I've done for you, this is what you do." It hurt, you never thought he would betray you like this... or at all.  "You know what Daryl, leave." You point to the door and his head raises.
"Nah, what about-." He starts but just points to the cradle.
"We'll talk about it later, I just can't with you right now." You say and wipe your eyes. You reach for your hand and take off the ring. "I don't need this anymore." 
"Y/n please she left me."
"And I'm doing the same. What did you expect me to stay with you just because she left you? It doesn't work that way, please leave before I do something I'll regret." Your tough facade was dropping as your hand shook. Daryls face scrunched up and he wiped his eyes as tears threatened to fall.
"Dog come on." He says and walks out quickly and closes the door behind him. He walked down a few steps before he heard your sobs.
The things that have happened, the things he would blame himself for and people would reassure him it wasn't his fault.
But he knew what just happened was.
"We've been co parentin ever since." Carol sighed and bit her lip.
"Do you still love her, Y/n I mean, unless you loved the other?"
"Of course I still love Y/n, and Leah,  I could never love her the way I love Y/n," Daryl says and leans against the glass wall. "I still carry the ring."
"Does that mean you'd take her back?"
"I know I would but would she its been years."
"I think she still loves you too, you just need to get some courage and talk to her Pookie." Carol teased him and he shrugged.
"I wanna mess it up again."
"You won't."
I don’t remember this being so bad
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