#i never understood why the tax is not listed in the price
Why do people still go to Mostro Lounge if Azul enslaved 225 students? Like how is he not out of bussines
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I DON’T KNOW 😭 I’ve never understood that part???? And how easily everything is resolved????
The end of book 3 tries to hand-wave it off as, “well, Azul implemented a point card system/promotion that was just so good that it compensated for all the negative rumors about the bad things he actually did” but like 💀 even then, I never bought it…
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Consider the prices plus how the point card system and its perks work:
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Assuming that you need 50 points to get that consultation with Azul + the items listed here are the only ones that qualify toward the point system, that means you'd be spending at LEAST 250 thaumarks (which I'm going to consider the equivalent to 250 USD for the sake of simplicity), if not 300 thaumarks. That's not including any potential tax or tip they may charge on top of the cost of the actual menu items. If you're going for the three-point card perks, you're easily spending 750 to 900 bucks on the Mostro Lounge. Maybe that seems like chump change to some of the rich, privileged kids that attend NRC but that's still a considerable amount of money to spend at one establishment... I'll concede that the argument can be made that this investment is "worth it" because of Azul's consultation being such a useful thing. It seems like you could ask him for anything, so long as its within his means. So yeah, it’s true, his services can be an extremely powerful boon to have on your side (assuming, of course, that he's capable of granting your wish and you agree to the terms set). The issue then becomes a matter of trust between client and Azul.
I don't know about you, but I cannot believe that after Azul tricked and enslaved 220+ students (over a QUARTER of the total student body) with his promises that everyone would so easily forgive what he did and suddenly trust that he wouldn't try pulling similar shit again. And since I doubt any mob would drop 250-300 thaumarks in one day just to get the consultation ASAP (but a bunch of food he can't eat), the points system would be a long term commitment... meaning mobs go into this establishment regularly, knowing that it's run by a guy that would double cross them if it benefitted him, weirdly trusting that he wouldn't???????? Trusting that he had a sudden change of heart and wouldn’t revert back to his old ways???????? Not holding grudges??????? Nah, I don't buy that one bit. AZUL'S REP WOULD BE IN THE TOILET, AND I DON'T THINK A GOOD DEAL ON EATERY LOYALTY WOULD REVERSE THAT... At that point, the mobs are practically begging to be scammed… Also???? The only thing that Crowley technically told Azul he can't do is to take anyone's powers 💀 so literally nothing is stopping Azul from trying to one-up or cheat his clients out of other things... Agreements like the one where he tried to claim Ramshackle Dorm for himself would still be totally valid under Crowley's new but poorly defined restrictions. Why doesn't the headmaster just forbid Azul from running his shady side business altogether 😭 or at least revoke the manager position from Azul?????? The school gets 10% of the lounge’s profits, so maybe Crowley doesn’t want to lose that income—but if that’s the case, why not just put new management in charge and still reap the monetary benefits??? Even just upping the percentage the school takes from their earnings would be more of a punishment…
I'm about to cancel this man on Magicam for his crimes/j I guess this is easily explained by the mob students all being dumb/arrogant, but that’s such a cop-out 😭 My only hope is that volume 3 of the light novel adaptation will go more in-depth about the post-OB backlash Azul experiences (similar to how it did for volume 1) 💦 because the way the game presents it, it feels like he and the Mostro Lounge made an almost immediate comeback 😭 which isn’t realistic at all…
I guess all I have left to say is…
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vulpesarctica · 2 years
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Currently figuring out how much money I'll need to get a lightsaber at Galaxy's Edge when I (hopefully) visit my cousin in Orlando next year
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softinkshadows · 4 years
Hot spring tales (Hisoka x female reader)
A Hisoka x female reader one-shot, with a sprinkle of Chrollo.
Situated in the HxH universe with canon timeline.
Disclaimer: nsfw, contains smut and explicit sex (but we know you're here for that)
Word count: 5000++ (wow did i just write 5000 words of smutty smut)
Pale, slender fingers tap against the phone screen. He finds the contact he is looking for and dials the number, raising the phone to his ear. Around him, dusk settles over the ragged terrain of the Gordeau desert. The wind gains in strength, almost pushing his combed black hair free.  The phone rings for a few seconds before the person on the other end picks up.
“Did you figure it out already?”
“Probably,” he says, his grey eyes catching the last wisps of fading light to the west. “The nen exorcist may very well be on Greed Island, which is East of York New. It seems you will need to enter the game as well.”
“Shall I procure one of Battera’s? He did buy all of the ones auctioned this time round.”
“No, that risks complicating things. What we need is a game privately owned by someone who is easily contactable, allows us to stay untraceable, preferably one who we wouldn’t have to kill and is reasonable towards helping…” he trails off, realizing that there is indeed someone who matches the conditions, someone who he would very much like to avoid for the time being… The irony of fate, he thinks, grimacing in irritation.
“It seems we will need to pay a visit to her.”
“I will send the address over to you. It’ll take me at least a day to get there, so you should start moving first. It would be better if you were the one handling negotiations this time round. And avoid mentioning my name, or the troupe’s.”
“Oh?” the voice on the other end piques with curiosity.
“We have… history. I’ll trust that you can strike a deal by the time I’m there?”
“Of course. After all, the chance to fight you is on the line.” He can almost hear the other man smirking gleefully through the phone.
“It’ll be dangerous, so try your best to be good, or our deal is off. Consider this a warning, Hisoka.”
You find yourself back at your quarters after dinner, alone in the large dressing room. Looking in the mirror, you arrange your hair neatly around your bun, making sure to tidy it for the next wave of customers tonight.
The underground auction has recently ended, and more people are flocking to your establishment. Kurohasu Onsen (Black Lotus Onsen) is renowned as the gathering-place for anybody who is somebody: a bathhouse that functions as neutral ground for politicians, powerful members of the mafia and hunters who have ties to the underworld to carry out business negotiations. A safe haven for murderers and thieves. All are welcome, although at a hefty price. The exorbitant entry fee is itself a gatekeeper of accessibility, and many have brought treasures and precious artefacts in the hope of gaining your favour. As weapons are allowed for protection, fights inevitably break out, but rarely do they erupt into something serious. All staff at the onsen are strong nen-users who pay close watch to customer behaviour. They have nen-restrainers on hand to subdue feisty ability users, and if not, there’s you, whose mysterious yet formidable presence is enough to elicit compliance. It is not uncommon to see off customers with missing limbs and near-fatal injuries, a warning punishment for breaking the establishment’s regulations. Furthermore, it is the iron-clad rule that the onsen is the one place where truce is enforced, upheld, respected. And you, the infamous proprietor, the black lotus of Kurohasu Onsen, are not someone to be crossed. Your customers are well aware of this.
You get up, ready to leave, when you turn to look at the mirror again. Your black onyx hairpin fits in and across your bun, easily reachable within seconds. Your eyes travel down to look at the black shimmering contours of your silk robe with its ornate floral embroidery, opening at two slits that end above the knee, the garment tied fittingly at the waist with a scarlet obi sash. Presentable, you hum in approval, before walking out the door.
Your secretary Esa is already waiting. “Give me updates,” You demand.
She follows you briskly down the corridor as you make your rounds to greet notable clients. Esa does this every three hours, reciting the list of new guests checked in since the last report, the rooms they booked, the meetings they have arrived for, and the fees paid. You remember everything, noting the ones who offer presents not entirely up to standard, or troublesome ones with a sketchy behavioural record.
“A while ago, a Hisoka Morow checked into the deluxe room. 50,000 Jenny a night for 2 nights, with a possible extension.”
The name catches you slightly off guard. You have never met the man, but from your intel he’s one of the most sought-after fighters at Heaven’s Arena. And a dangerous murderer too. But as far as you know, the man works alone and doesn’t get involved with politics. Why would someone like him be here?
“He has a meeting?” you turn to Esa.
“If he had, he did not say. Most likely for leisure, though. The onsen is famous for its baths too,” replied your attendant matter-of-factly.
You pause for a while to think, before calling over a male security staff with a wave of a finger. “Keep tabs on Hisoka. Let me know if he’s up to anything.” The staff bows and immediately embarks on fulfilling your order. You return to your duties for now, but the seed of suspicion and uneasiness does not go away.
“Ahh… now this is not bad,” Hisoka smiles to himself as he climbs into the water. He rests his head against the smooth stone edge of the outdoor bath, watching the steam lift gently from the softly rippling surface. When Chrollo told him about this place, he expected it to be dim and grimy, trawling with underworld scum. Instead, what greeted him was the pure luxury of mineral-rich baths, large clean rooms and 1000 thread-count sheets. He could get used to this. Not to mention…
His eyes wander over the bath, taking stock of the situation. Being quite late at night, most guests have retired to respective meeting rooms for drinks and negotiations, with only a smattering of visitors, mostly individuals or pairs, left lounging in the outdoor section. The only other people are the ever-present security staff, including one particularly persistent male staff standing at the private viewing balcony above. At least the nen users here are stronger than usual. A slight tremor of pleasure runs through his body, and he runs his fingers through his wet hair to shake the feeling before it builds into bloodlust. It’s been a while since he killed. He is still riled up from two days ago, thanks to the blond runt. And Chrollo, that damn bastard.
He observes the nen-users with half-closed eyes. 75… 80… 85… He evaluates. Not too shabby. Then he senses it. 97!! He feels the sudden presence, an impeccable zetsu with a tinge of icy smoothness and fiery calm toiling beneath its surface. It is enough for him to widen his eyes and sit up straight, a hot tingling sensation travelling down his spine, pleasure surging into his body for a split second, almost goading him into a fight right there and then. Well, what do we have here? He looks to the source of this pressure, golden eyes flashing and meeting yours, as you look down at him from the balcony above.
One look and you know he clearly lives up to his reputation. He is suppressing his power by default, but his presence leaves a slight prickling static in the air which only stronger nen users can detect. He also seems to have noticed you, judging by the slight shift his posture, the electrifying gaze beneath his damp red hair and the sudden tension in the air with his nen flaring, almost breaking its zetsu. Despite the distance, both of you lock eyes for a moment, each one feeling out the other, gauging abilities, locating motives. What the hell is his aim? You face the sheer intensity of his gaze with your own cold, calculating glare, both of you guarding your intentions yet attempting to penetrate through the other’s guise, staring each other down as if in a challenge. No one relents. But you can’t help but feel a rising irritation, that the man sitting naked in the outdoor bath three floors beneath you is getting under your skin, and a distracting kind of warmth creeps in... You look away. You nod to the staff to continue strict monitoring and return to your room.
Hisoka watches you leave, and instinctively his fingers run through his hair again, this time harder than the last. Oh, Chrollo… Don’t tell me that’s her? A smile tugs at the corner of his lips. Oh, you were right. This is going to be dangerous.
You don’t hear any more concerning updates on Hisoka until later the next day. Besides using the baths for extended periods of time, and mild complaints from other guests of his lengthy and uncomfortable stares, he hasn’t caused any trouble. He hasn’t physically contacted anyone either.
“Come again?” you stop abruptly, mid-way through scanning the paper records of this month’s taxes and bills, glancing up at your secretary.
Esa clears her throat and speaks again. “Madam, Hisoka Morow has requested for a meeting with you today.”
Hmph. You scoff a little, your eyes narrowing to ponder the next course of action. You had expected something like this. There is no way someone like him would travel all the way here just to use the baths, let alone without engaging anyone. If his aim is to negotiate matters with you, it must be something quite serious, given that neither of you have gone out of your way to meet with each other previously.
“Shall I cancel?” Esa asks, ready to deliver the order and reject the fool that had the nerve to request a meeting with you on such short notice.
“No. Make it tonight at eleven, after I complete my usual rounds.”
It is night, and the onsen quietens for the day. Only the soft rushes of spring water from the outdoor baths and the muffled sounds of late-night negotiations drift by. You find yourself finally seated across from him in one of your private meeting rooms, both of you silent but never once taking your eyes off each other, quietly assessing one another.
Now up close and clothed in a blue yukata, accentuating the red hair that falls close to his shoulders, you can’t help but find him just a little more attractive than you imagined. His golden eyes are calm, steady, even confident, a rarity for anyone for finds them in a room alone with you. Most people would have bowed their head in submission long ago. You keep your own icy composure. But the force of his nen suppressed under zetsu, his incredibly toned body beneath his yukata and that arrogant way he looks at you make your body feel warmer than usual.
When he sees you for the first time that night, seated on the far end of the room, he feels it again. That powerful presence that keeps goading him, that sends electrifying jolts through his body. You’re seated comfortably on the floor, almost reclining, yet the hard, murderous edge of your gaze shows you are constantly on guard. Simply exquisite. He almost licks his lips but controls himself. A fine opponent… to kill? No, no, much too soon… that would be a waste. Chrollo comes first.
The meeting hall is much too large for two people, spanning over 24 tatami in size. On both sides, paper screen doors open out into an elegant view of the autumn trees in the estate, shedding its red delicately in the wind. A long, low black lacquer table in the center of the room separates you and him, each of you seated on either end. Silence continues to hang in the air. A staff gracefully pours a luxurious blend of sencha into the cups, before she places the tea pot and tray on the floor, bows, and takes her leave quickly. You notice Esa hovering by the doorway to the room.
“Esa, you may go.”
“But Madam-” your secretary protests but stops as you give her a glare. She of all people would understand you’re probably the last person in the establishment who needs any form of protection. As her footsteps recede down the hallway outside, you turn back to the man in front of you.
“To what do I owe the pleasure of meeting you today?”
“It has come to my knowledge,” Hisoka finally speaks, and the slow, sly curl of his tone lights another fire in you, “that you are in possession of one of the most sought-after items in the world of late. I have a pressing need for it and would like to negotiate a deal.”
“I’m a collector of the rarest treasures, so you’re going to have to be more specific,” you scoff, taking a sip of your tea.
“I’m talking about a certain game.”
“Ah, Greed Island,” you retort indifferently, although inwardly puzzled. Why would he go to such lengths just for a game? Didn’t seem like the type. “What makes you think I’ll agree to your request? What is in it for me?”
Hisoka pauses, contemplating something before pushing onwards with a slight smirk. “I’m not sure if you know of a certain man by the name of… Chrollo Lucilfer?”
He waits for the intended effect and sure enough, you react. Immediately, at the mention of the name you’re hit with an unpleasant sensation that makes you grit your teeth, and your eyes blaze with a hint of fury. Without realizing, a cracking sound fills the room as the cast iron tea pot on the floor dents with the force of your nen.
Hisoka looks at the pot quietly before he smiles, lifting the tea cup to his lips, his eyes only growing darker as he trains his gaze on you. Interesting. “May I know, if it’s not too much to ask, the reason for your disdain of the man?”
“I’ve known him for a long time. He tried to kill me twice, once on purpose and the second time by accident. Clearly, he did not succeed,” you say, finishing your tea.
Beautifully exquisite. Another thrill runs through his spine, almost making him tremble with excitement. Perhaps it would be safe to suggest…
“I’m looking for Chrollo. He’s been running from me for a while now, and last I heard he has been spotted hiding out in the game. I would very much like to settle our score soon. Of course, perhaps to your advantage I fully intend on killing him, with pleasure,” Hisoka continues, waving his hand in the air with dismissive complacency.
“If only it were so simple,” you retort, knowing the full potential of Chrollo’s abilities. “And how can I take you for your word?”
“You can’t.”
You look up in mild distaste at Hisoka. What a bastard. You could slit his throat right now, with that cocky expression of his. And yet, your body feels a little hot when he’s looking at you, his gaze ruthlessly penetrating and his nen just on the edge of flaring.
“Name your offer, Hisoka.” You say his name for the first time, aware of how his gaze hardens when you do so, and your body burns with a strange desire which you suppress under the guise of irritation.
“I’m not offering.”
“Allow me to use the game, or I will go on to kill everyone in this establishment, including your precious secretary and all your guests. It’s been a while since I had fun and I won’t stop when I do.”
The audacity. You slam your cup on the table and glare at him, your nen bristling beneath the surface. It was a mistake to let him into the bathhouse. And the worst part is that he is right. He could take out everyone except you here with ease, and you’d lose your manpower, your reputation, your business. Everything you worked hard for since leaving meteor city years ago. Perhaps it’ll be wise to dispose of him right here, right now.
In a split second, you draw the long onyx pin from your hair, leaping across the length of the table with such grace and speed that the tea in Hisoka’s cup barely ripples, as you aim for this throat, slicing the air in front of you. He dodges at the last moment, his eyes wild with a feral look as you nick of a few strands of his hair and the sharp edge of your hairpin draws a faint red line along his throat. He grins. He’s clearly enjoying this. He moves to land a counter-attack but you jump away. You’ve put distance between the two of you again; you grip your hair pin, calm and poised for another strike, while he similarly crouches, one hand reaching to stroke the mark you made on his throat.
“Now you’re just getting me excited,” his voice drops to a low purr.
Here you are, seconds after nearly killing him, and you feel your body reacting to his voice and his unapologetic desire. You know you have the power to end him, yet a tingling sensation creeps over the lower half of your body. You can feel sweat starting to gather around your stomach, while another warm wetness pools further below, between your legs. It’s been so long since anyone made you feel this way. Not since… Your thoughts are interrupted as he appears behind you, aiming for your head.
“Pay attention, darling.”
There’s barely any sound in the meeting room as you and Hisoka continue to spar in near complete zetsu, restraining nen to avoid alerting the attention of other guests and the security staff. His eyes gleam more with your every strike, his moves maintain its strength but do not get more forceful, and neither do yours. You feel the exhilaration of the near-misses, of your bodies brushing against one another before pulling away, the light friction of fabric against fabric, as if locked in a graceful dance that neither of you want to end. Moonlight cascades through the open balcony, and there’s a glint in Hisoka’s eyes.
“Let’s stop pretending we’re serious about killing each other, shall we?” he quips with a smirk.
His words register, and you halt. You weren’t noticing it before, but he is right. You weren't trying. You falter for a moment too long. Then he rushes you, pinning your body down onto the floor with his own weight, brute force mixed with excitement to the point that his nails dig into the straw of the tatami below, ripping it slightly. He raises a hand, about to spill your blood, when your control slips. Before, your brief exchanges saw your body feeling hotter, winding tighter as it did more cautious. But now, with him pressing down onto you from above, not pulling away, gripping with a strength that few possess and with a wicked look in his eyes, you can’t keep it down anymore. You let out a throaty moan as his holds you hard, feeling your underwear getting more soaked with every passing second. His eyes widen in surprise, and he pauses. You and him remain quiet like this for a while, the wind from outside gently caressing both your bodies, teasing out an answer.
Then, as if on instinct, both your mouths crash together. Neither of you are ashamed at the pure lust that erupts between the two of you, bloodlust still not completely abating which spurs you and him on even more. His tongue slips into you mouth, determined on stealing your breath, your hand clasped around your hair pin still trapped within his, his ferocious strength barely just surpassing your own as you do not back down, struggling against the restraint. It is still a fight, after all. Yet his other free hand trails down your silk robe, slithering between the open slits to your thighs before raising one of your legs to wrap around his torso. You moan into his kiss and move against his clothed body, desperate for friction.
"Patience, my dear." He pauses, giving you a sadistic grin.
You’re not going to let him keep staying in control. In a surge of strength you topple and roll over him in a flash, slamming him to the floor and stabbing the pin right into the tatami next to his head, at which Hisoka lets out a loud groan. You press and rub yourself against him, leaving small bites along his neck, your hair starting to come loose and fall to the side of your face from the exertion. The warmth between your legs grows, and it’s not just you. Hisoka is only wearing underwear beneath the yukata, and you feel his erection, hot and hard beneath your rolling hips. You feel your own slick starting to run down your inner thigh, and you ache to be filled.
You pull away and gaze down at Hisoka, who’s just starting to get a little breathless with desire, his eyes clouded with lust. You pull the hairpin from the floor and aim it at his throat. You command, your voice cold and edged with arrogance.
“Stop wasting my time and just fuck me already.”
At this, Hisoka lets out a low growl, flipping you on your back, almost tearing the obi around your waist to shreds with his hands. His mouth latches onto your neck and you cry out, as his hands reach under your bra to free your breasts, rolling your nipples between his fingers, alternating between gentle strokes and forceful pinches. Your body shakes with pleasure and you grind against him, your hands fumbling to move his yukata out of the way. You cover your palm over his bulge, which is already straining hard against his underwear. He bites a little harder on your skin as you do, goading you on. You reach beneath the fabric, stroking his most sensitive spot, and you feel him shudder against you. Oh, to have such a powerful man like him at your mercy.
Before you have time to think, your pleasure increases ten-fold, white-hot and surging through your body as his fingers find their way to your slit, obscenely slick with your honey.
“Oh? This wet for me already?” he murmurs into your ear, sending shivers down your arms and making you moan.
He sits back a little, his piercing gaze boring into you as he lifts his fingers to his lips, licking it clean. “So sweet,” he whispers, his eyes never leaving you, almost taunting your state of helplessness before him, and you twitch with pleasure.
“Shut u-” you demand, stopping short with a intake of breath as his tongue circles your nipple and he thrusts two fingers into your aching slit, expertly thrusting, stroking, caressing, hitting all the right spots as you can’t help but moan and fist his soft, red locks. His thumb finds your bud and rubs, with increasing pressure, matching the circling motions of his tongue. Hisoka pulls away and looks down at you, panting and wriggling beneath his touch, your words incoherent but eyes still fierce with power and control, and he finds himself growing harder, unbearably hungry. You feel his desire through his nen, bristling with lust, fingers coaxing you to bliss and eyes ravishing you unabashedly for everything you are and you feel yourself pushed nearer to the edge.
“I’m close,” you gasp, and you see Hisoka smirk dangerously as he pulls his fingers out of you. The pleasure that builds now cuts short, tapering off.
“Kisama,” you mutter in annoyance as you ram his body against the side of the lacquer dining table, pushing him into an upright, sitting position. He chuckles at your urgency and vexation yet remains turned on as you clutch your hairpin over his throat as a warning. His golden eyes are glazed over and quivering, a sign he is properly riled up, his hair now a mess, and his breathing is slightly heavier than before. You pull his large erection free from his underwear.
“You bastard. I’m not going to give you any time.” You growl, and his eyes grow more piercing.
You lower your soaking, aching pussy onto him. The stretch makes both of you groan in unison, and you almost come immediately from his entrance. He is huge in both girth and length, and it takes a while before you’re accustomed to his size. It was so long since you had proper sex with anyone. After he is buried in you to the hilt, you pause, glaring at him with a look aggressive with lust and a need for control. He moans in pleasure and you feel his grip on you tighten considerably. Then you move, slowly first, then quickening your pace, rolling and rubbing against him so his cock enters you at the best angles. His hands reach up to grab your hips, steadying you while he snaps up into you, pounding with such speed it makes your mind go blank with pleasure.
“Ahh-h—h!” you moan, louder this time, shaking with the mounting pleasure as he enters you fast, viciously, more than you can keep up with. You get wetter with each of his thrusts, squelching and slapping sounds filling empty room as he pulls out and fills you completely again with each punishing stroke. You feel yourself nearing your climax, your body swaying and jiggling with the rhythm as your bounce on Hisoka's cock, pressing your fingers harder around his body.
He senses it too, and growls, refusing to take his eyes from yours. You feel his nails rake your hips, grabbing your ass, pain and pleasure intermingling as your near your end. Waves of white-hot pleasure wash over you as you moan into your orgasm, your eyes closed in bliss as you tremble violently, clenching tightly around Hisoka, muttering curses as you come completely undone.
Before you have time to come down from your high, Hisoka pulls out, his rock-hard cock dripping with your honey, before grabbing you and laying you down on the table, towering over you once more. Then he fully sheaths himself inside you in one go, making you cry out at the jolt of oversensitivity as he pushes towards his own end. Using the slick from your orgasm, he goes even faster now, relentless, his hands holding your legs wide apart so he can have unfettered access to you while he slams into you without restraint.
"You like this, don't you? You like being punished like this?" He purrs with forcefulness, a sign he is close, lustful gaze boring into yours while he pummels into you.
You can't help but shudder at his words, but you spit out through gritted teeth. "Don't get cocky. And don't you dare finish inside, or I'll kill you before you are even done."
His control snaps. You feel his cock twitch inside of you. Then he pulls out and comes, moaning with deep satisfaction in your ear, his warm load spilling onto your stomach. After he finishes, you both gaze as each other for a while, barely out of breath, sweat glistening against skin. Your clothes are both in a mess and disarray, his hands are still spreading you wide and bare torso pressed against you as you both bask in the afterglow, sharing a moment to take in the surreal pleasure of what was an extremely unplanned but steaming hot round of sex.
"So with this, do we have a deal?" He breaks the silence with a devious smile.
"I'm not that cheap if you think once is enough." You retort as you clean up, pulling your clothes back on. "At least three more times, with an additional fee of 300,000 Jenny."
"Aren't you a greedy one," Hisoka smirks, tying his yukata back in place. "Alright. It's a deal, not like I'm complaining. I might deliver more than you ask for." His golden eyes travel across your body once more before meeting yours, and you can still see a faint glimmer of lust, ready to be reignited.
"Enjoying yourself?" An icy voice comes from the darkened doorway.
You don't even need to look to know who it is, recognizing the voice immediately. Cold grey eyes gaze at you from a figure leaning against the entryway.
"Chrollo," you almost spit out.
"Ah," says Hisoka naturally, "you're finally here."
You turn to scowl at Hisoka, realizing his blatant lie from earlier. You wonder for a moment how Chrollo even got in to the onsen without your notice, given that him and the troupe remain high up on your guest blacklist. Then you sense his nen, or rather his lack of it, a blur void except for the vague tinge of someone else’s foreign nen around his chest. A contract, then. He's harmless now.
Chrollo steps into the room, dressed elegantly in a black yukata, his hair let down comfortably. "Seems like you taste in men hasn't changed. I took a gamble on that." His steely grey gaze, piercing, calculating and formidable in confidence, still make you tremble a little, despite knowing him for years.
You take a while to understand and chuckle, looking from Chrollo to Hisoka. "Seems like we both got played."
The latter narrows his eyes at Chrollo before running his hand through his hair, sighing. "Well, as expected of him. Again, not like I'm complaining."
"Hisoka, leave us for a moment," you order.
"As you wish." You feel him step out but loiter along the corridor, waiting to pick up on the following conversation. Now it's just you and Chrollo left in the room. He doesn't move closer to you.
"It's been long. Too... long." Chrollo speaks, his voice calm but you detect a tinge of nostalgia, affection, regret and caution all entangled in one.
You know what he means. You can even see it now, the times he drove you wild, nearly killing you with nen. You can see all the times his lips met yours, growing a steady fire with a kiss, his fingers grazing your skin and making you moan and whimper while you grasp his hair tight in your hands, your mind blanking and feeling the universe come apart and stitch right back together...
"You won't be able to handle me now, in your current state. I would break you. It wont be pleasurable for any of us," you reply coolly. You catch the sound of a stifled laugh from the hallway outside. "Once you get your nen back, I just might reconsider."
You stand up, letting your silk robes fall gracefully past your knees once more. You arrange your bun and slip the onyx pin back into your hair.
"You can use the game tomorrow. I'll have it prepared. Tonight, I'll be busy receiving my payment. In full." You pause a little next to him, giving him one last, long look, before walking out the room and towards your quarters, Hisoka trailing behind.
Alone, Chrollo's eyes are deep and unreadable. Unconsciously, his hands are balled into tight fists by his sides. Then he breathes deeply, chuckling to himself.
What a woman. "Hisoka, you'd better get the job done. Fast."
Notes: omg this took way longer than i expected to!!! I’m quite proud of this one ;) I got inspired by a mobage card of hisoka, chrollo and the phantom troupe at an onsen and decided to do this imagine piece! Hope you enjoyed my fellow hisoka simps, it was so fun to write ;)
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tundrainafrica · 4 years
Title: Division of Labor (3/?)
“The past years, we have noticed a lot of our fresh high school graduates knew nothing about responsibilities that await them outside high school and even college. Many students do not master budgeting, taxes, household planning, loans and we hope to raise a generation who can navigate the adult world without the consequences of bad decisions they are bound to make going in blindly…”
Paradis High school starts a program incorporating adulting into their curriculum and Hange and Levi are paired together.
Note: From request of @a-golden-hearted-snk-fan. See this link for the request
Other Chapters: 1 2
Link to cross-postings: AO3
It turned out Hange did think the housing plan through.  
"It's a rent to own contract...so after paying this certain amount of rent… within a number of years… we can own the house basically," Hange explained. Her preparation was evident in the wad of papers she had carelessly spread out on the table in front of Levi.
At first glance, Levi could not make sense of what those papers were. Eventually, by carefully scanning through the therefore, herewiths, in the events, the interest rates and percentages, Levi figured out they were contracts and manuals full of buying and renting policies of one particular real estate company.
Levi looked out the glass window of the booth of the quiet diner they had chosen to work in. He had tried to use the mechanical movements of the crowds on a commute home to at least help clear his mind enough to make sense of how exactly a rent-to-own contract worked. Levi was sure Hange was at least attempting to explain everything about the buying policies of the real estate company in layman's terms. Although Levi was somewhat impressed by the dedication Hange put into it, as soon as she started to talk about the policies and agreements beyond ‘we get to own the house after a while,’ Levi ended up spacing out. The prospect of spending, even if it was fake money, caused him enough unnecessary stress.  
He turned his attention to the two flour sacks who were propped by the window of the diner booth they occupied. He had purposefully turned their ugly faces towards the window at the small possibility that Shadis, Erwin or even Zeke were amongst the crowds of people walking through the crowds and into the subway station. A testament to their determination not to waste any unnecessary funds or worse, flunk the program
"If we catch you in public not holding your baby, you pay babysitting dues or you fail." Shadis had said in homeroom class that morning.
After some discussion as a class and with some confirmation from Erwin, the whole class came to the understanding that if they went out separately, they were in no obligation to take their babies with them. It could always be assumed after all, that their partner had their baby with them. Being in public with their partner meant someone had to have the baby with them or they risk pay necessary dues. At any rate, they found solace in the fact that if they were going to look like idiots holding brown sacks with shabbily drawn faces on them, they at least had someone to look like an idiot with.
Levi looked back at  Hange to see that she had not stopped talking. Levi was not too surprised, having the disinterested equivalent of a resting bitch face, he had to master the art of looking like he cared to get past most classes.  
“Where did you get these anyway?” Levi asked, interrupting the tirade of his partner. The answer to that question would at least be something he would be able to understand.
“The procedures manual and their company policies are available online.” Hange answered matter-of-factly. Levi noted how quickly she recovered from having her explanation of policy and business jargon interrupted.
As Levi looked once again through highlighted lines and messy scrawls, he felt embarrassed that he was not even halfway done with the design they had discussed the night before. He slowly brought out his folder where he had at least begun to draw the floor plan from the link Hange had sent him the night before.
“How has the floor plan been Levi?” Hange cocked her head to one side. Levi could not tell if she was provoking him or if she was genuinely curious about the progress of his work. Regardless, the way that she sifted through the papers under her, while looking pointedly at the roughly drawn floor plan on his hands had Levi self conscious.
It was Tuesday afternoon, less than 24 hours since she had bombarded him with messages. Less than 24 hours since she dropped a pdf file of the floor plan and went MIA, Levi guessed it was to prepare all the documents which Hange had just laid out in front of him that morning. As he compared his own progress to hers, he also became aware of one more reality, their first outputs were due tomorrow. Begrudgingly Levi had to admit, despite her naivete and overenthusiasm, Hange had a better sense of urgency than he did.
“I planned everything out already. I just need to outline it.” Levi said, trying at least not to sound as defensive as he felt.
“But can you do it alone? I didn’t sleep at all last night to get this done.” Hange looked more concerned than anything else.”
As Levi looked back at a skeleton of a housing plan that lay in front of him, he started to understand her concern. The house they had selected was huge and designing would take hours if he actually wanted to put thought into it.
“I mean even if we take out the 1800 from our budget of 3600 dollars a month, we still have to consider furniture and it might take you a while to come out with the pricing right? I guess we could leave out 1000 dollars for that….”
Furniture? Levi had stopped listening at ‘furniture.’ Somehow Levi had assumed that it would have been fully furnished when they bought it and they just had to rearrange furniture. “We’re buying an unfurnished house?” Levi had hoped Hange was pulling his leg.
Hange knitted her brows in confusion. “Did I say anything about a furnished house?”
                                         Division of Labor
“There are two methods of accounting used in modern day society: cost accounting and accrual accounting or as I’d like to call them: an idiot’s sorry excuse for accounting and actual accounting.” Zeke wrote the two terms on the board and plopped himself on the teacher’s desk. “Really though, why the hell do people still use cost accounting in modern society, it’s fucking stupid, barbaric, might as well go back to bartering…”
Levi had no idea what either of them were. As he looked around at his classmates, they looked as lost as he was about the mini rant that Zeke gave about the two accounting methods he had failed to define.
After a few minutes of ranting, Zeke finally noticed the blank faces of his students. “Okay Social Experiment.” Zeke cocked his head to the side. “Actually, let’s call it an IQ Test.  Jean stand up.”
“Yes sir!” Jean followed way too enthusiastically.
“You got the investment banker occupation so ideally you should be the most knowledgeable on money among everyone in the room,” Zeke continued. “You have zero dollars and I gave you 100 dollars right now. How much do you have?”
“100 dollars sir,” Jean answered.
“That’s a smart boy.” Zeke slapped his desk so hard, Armin and Eren jumped, having sat so close to the teacher’s desk. “Okay, so if I lent you 100 dollars, how much do you have?”
“100 dollars.”
“So, you’re gonna run away with my money? No plans of paying me back?”
Jean tensed up in confusion. “No sir. I’ll be paying you back.”
“Then is it your money?"
“It’s with me sir… So I think…” Jean paused for a second. “So it’s your money sir?”
“Tell me. The money is with you after all. Is it your money or my money?”
“It’s my money sir!” Jean answered too quickly, probably without even thinking.
“I lent you the money. I expect it back so it’s mine. Calling my money your money is practically stealing Kirschtein. I can call a lawyer on you.” Zeke narrowed his eyes at Jean for a few seconds before shrugging in defeat. “But you’re not a criminal. You’re just an idiot who relies on outdated accounting methods. Don’t take that with you when you become an actual financial advisor. Sit down. I’m calling someone else.” Zeke turned back to the class list on the teacher’s table. “Okay, anyone in this list with a finance related position...” Zeke’s eyes widened in surprise as he looked through the list. He looked at the class with a cat-like grin, his eyes focusing on one boy in the front row. “In my almost sixteen years of knowing you, I did not expect you to be suitable but it looks like you’re the only one in this list other than Jean with an accounting related occupation.”
“Really? It’s accounting related?” Eren had never been one to be good at Math. Everyone in the class agreed and as their professor hinted at his assigned occupation, many began to whisper, possibly theorizing as to what Eren had gotten.
They did not have to theorize for long though, within seconds, Zeke continued to discuss. “Okay Eren, let’s discuss your field of expertise --- insurance.”
Eren slowly nodded in return. It was a nod which everyone in the room had understood at first glance. Insurance was not Eren’s field of expertise.
Zeke did not seem to care though. “Case study time! I have 3000 dollars. Eren the insurance salesman sells me $200 dollars a month worth of insurance and I buy one years worth of prepaid insurance. By the end of this month, how much worth of assets do I have left?”
“By assets, you mean money?”
“Check a fucking dictionary.”
Eren sat down for a second. From his seat, Levi could hear some whispers from Mikasa and some clicks of a digital keyboard, or possibly a calculator.
“600 dollars.”
“Final answer?”
“Yes. Final Answer.” Eren seemed so sure of his answer.
From seeing Zeke’s face at the answer, Levi could not help but think, maybe phrasing it as a question was the better option for Eren.
“This is why your generation is so shit at saving. With this type of attitude, you‘re all gonna get into some shity Ponzi scheme with yourself and some sad saps who actually pitied you enough to lend you money without assessing your credit rating that’s just gonna continue riding on some endless cycle until you all go to jail or declare bankruptcy.” Zeke ranted again as he punched the buttons of the projector, turning it on. “ Scratch that. At this rate, none of you would probably even know how to declare bankruptcy.”
Accounting 101 . Those two words flashed on the screen, the contrast of black words in a default font to the white background of a hastily made powerpoint only getting clearer as the projector whirred to life.
“The amount of debt you can get into in the real world will fuck up your life. So to simulate the real world consequences of unpaid debt, we decided to make your fake debt by the end of the year one of the main determinants of your final grade. And we will be using real accounting to determine your debt. Any questions before we start?”
It was Sasha who raised her hand from the back of the classroom.
“Yes?” Zeke asked with shoddily hidden annoyance.
“So which one is cost and which one is accrual again, Sir?”
                                      Division of Labor
"I told you. I'll handle the accounting," Hange said. "We can make this work." Her words were not at all assuring.
It was Wednesday afternoon. They had submitted their selection for their house that afternoon in class so that meant no more takebacks. Their house plans were due midnight and Levi was not even halfway done. To add insult to injury, Levi was still reeling from Zeke’s lecture just a few hours ago.
Initially, Hange had suggested they buy the furniture in installments. The prospect of buying in installments though became all the more terrifying with the accounting system Zeke had introduced to them that day and the weight of a negative balance sheet on their grades.
As soon as you buy something and enter into debt, the money owed is not yours anymore. Levi shuddered as those words echoed in his head. He narrowed his eyes at Hange. "Really Hange? Can we? After deciding to spend half your salary each month on an unfinished 3 bedroom house?" Levi asked as he gestured to their next tall order that stretched over two aisles. They were in the baby's section in the supermarket.
It was their third round around that aisle, trying to look for a brand of diaper and a brand of formula that would not cost them a total of 400 dollars a month.
“I mean, we still have 800 dollars on groceries if we put our furniture installments budget at 1000 dollars a month,” Hange explained. “So if we spend 400 dollars on baby stuff, we should have 400 left.”
“400 dollars for a month’s worth of meals for a family of four.” Levi clarified. “There must be something here we could choose not to spend on.” Or maybe we could find a cheaper place to buy things in. Levi thought back to the supermarket nearer to his house and made a mental note to check it. The output was due on Friday anyway.
"Hey, Armin and Annie are here too!" Hange said enthusiastically.
Too enthusiastically. Levi clarified to himself. That was not at all good news. If other groups were going to that supermarket, that must mean they think they have the financial leeway to spend there, That could also possibly mean he and Hange had somehow fucked up financially as a pair, struggling to make ends meet. Armin was a studious student with a good head on his shoulders and he chose to shop in a more expensive supermarket. Are we spending too much?
"Let's ask Armin…" Levi did not need to finish his sentence. By the time, he looked to his side, where Hange stood or at least was supposed to be standing, the latter was already on her way to the blond boy..
Levi did not waste anytime. As Hange chatted up Armin, Levi made a few rounds through the two aisles again, his phone calculator on hand.
Just in case. Levi told himself. Just in case they had miscalculated the minimum expense of 400 dollars.
                                      Division of Labor
Hange had a long talk with Armin. By that point, Levi had lost count of the number of rounds he had made around the aisle. He had stopped counting at five. He had done his research on discounts and made some fake accounts and the expense still clocked at $390 dollars.
By the time he and Hange called it quits, the sun was setting. Hange seemed lost in thought and she had been that way since she had finished her conversation with Armin. Levi decided to take over keeping both sacks for the night. He made a small detour to the grocery store nearest to his flat. It was smaller, a little dirtier but it meant a little more room for spending and a bigger chance of saving his grade and graduating. Begrudgingly, sanitation became the least of Levi's issues.
He wrote out all the prices of the important items they had seen in the grocery store. When he got home, he made sure to write them all on a google sheet complete with weight, quantity and prices and sent the link to Hange through an instant message. For some reason, he felt a twinge of disappointment when all he received was a heart react in return.
Of course, Hange still had a lot of things to calculate. Even as they separated less than an hour ago, she had seemed distracted. Levi guessed Armin had told her something game breaking about the accounting process.
What did Armin tell you? You need any help?
Will explain soon. Send the meal plan and house design by 9 pls.
Levi managed to submit the meal plan by nine. He had copied and pasted from some random family cooking website, changing a few ingredients to fit what he thought would be cheaper options. He did not need to think too much of it either. He lived a life many would consider the complete opposite of excess and as a result, had mastered the art of improvisation when it came to food.
His main problem lay with the floor plan of the house. Hange had agreed to handle worrying about the expenses. That was one problem out of his plate.
Even with the money problem out of his hands, Levi found himself working until late anyway. Or not working… Levi was only reminded of his lack of productivity when his phone lit up with a notification.
Hange Zoe
Levi only realized then that he had gotten a little carried away with the problem of where to put the washing machine.
                                 Division of Labor
It was a genius idea.
That Wednesday night, only a few hours before the house plan was due, Levi had had fifty tabs open from German and Japanese house designers showing bathrooms and laundry room designs highlighting the novelty and practicality of putting the washing machine in the bathroom. Levi had spent hours pondering the logistics of making it work for the house design Hange had sent him only for her to shoot down the idea an hour before the housing plan was due.
They rented an American style house with a bathroom in every bedroom and the impracticality had dawned on him particularly when it was fifteen minutes to 12am and they were still arguing in chat over how to design the house. In the end, Hange had gotten her way, having brought up the issue of accounting furniture and the fact that they probably did not even have the financial leeway to pay for a washing machine anyway.
Having to deal with the disappointment of losing the opportunity to design the house the way he wanted to and having his unfinished design shipped off to Erwin’s email, with little regard for the effort he had put into the intricacy of both the toilets and the laundry room, Levi was a little pissed. He also considered the fact that he had respected the effort and detail Hange had put into choosing a house and had allowed her to submit a potentially overpriced and unfurnished house as their final product.
And she could not even reciprocate the respect for his whims.
Levi decided then to take a break from it all. It was a silent agreement on both ends. Or there was no need for an agreement anyway. They had finished their deliverables for the week by Thursday.
Everyone had ended up cramming theirs anyway and Levi found himself walking home alone and spending his time outside school hours bingeing whatever was new on Netflix.
By Monday, Levi had not expected to do much. Their breakdown of responsibilities was due Friday, 12am on Thursday to be exact according to the file that Erwin had sent. It was a one page paper with a few questions that just needed answering. They could easily start on Tuesday or Wednesday.
Levi wanted to spend at least just his Monday, peacefully, not considering the program which has been plaguing the start of their junior year since Shadis’ announcement just a week ago. He allowed himself to clear his mind, making sure to just note on his phone to start on the next output by Wednesday. Hange would probably remind him anyway.
He had deluded himself well into thinking the adulting program was limited to those once a week outputs. An announcement was made to meet in the kitchen after lunch for home economics class. His mood that Monday had him living in complete denial of what could actually go on in a school kitchen and for some reason, Levi imagined having a lecture in the kitchen was a completely normal expectation, even with the reminder to bring aprons and gloves. Maybe we just need to put them in lockers or something.
As the students filed in though, some of them panicked and that was when Levi figured out that something was not right. The counters were all lined up with ingredients. Some of the students had recognized the ingredients. Levi looked to Hange to see that she was blank on what the hell the pattern was behind the types of ingredients set out.
There were the essentials--- flour, sugar, eggs. There were exotic ingredients Levi could not even name or pronounce.
“Cardamom, Star Anise, Rose water. What the hell?” It was Jean speaking from behind Levi.
“I’m glad you see the pattern. I’m assuming that means you’ll all do well?” Erwin waited while the rest of the class filed into the room before he raised his voice loud enough for everyone to hear. “Today we’ll be having a pop quiz just to make sure you all know what you’re writing when you make the meal plans. In the tables assigned to you, you will see the ingredients for one of the meals you put in your meal plan. Please use them accordingly to make a full course meal from what you had submitted.”
Levi could not remember for the life of him what the hell he had put in that meal plan a week back
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iamcrimelord · 4 years
Story Time/Open RP: New City, same old scum.
Daigo had been on the rooftop for a few hours. He was using a spy glass to get the lay of the land, as well as scope out the castle of the ruling family of the city. Sounded like the Baron liked to live on the wild side if the local gossip was to be believed. Hansel Redmane was his name and apparently if there was one thing this man loved more than anything it was throwing massive parties where everyone had a little too much wine and far too little clothing. Same old story really. Apparently this Baron’s partying came with quite a high price tag and it was the citizens who usually footed the bill. The pretty ones got to enjoy the party too if they tickled the right lord or ladies fancies. Daigo lowered his spy glass and sighed. Taking out guys like this is what got him booted from the collective in the first place. To be honest he never understood why they objected so much to ensuring that people who exploit others for personal gain getting what was coming to them. But no matter. He was out of the guild now, though not fully unscathed. He had scars lining his hands and arms, as well as a rope burn scar around his neck. Charming gifts from his former compatriots. But no matter. If he dwelt on the past again he’d be up on that roof for hours. Well, more hours anyway. He put on his skull mask and pulled his hood up and slid off the roof down to a nearby wall. He then skid down the side of it and then leapt off of it, landing on the stone walkway down below. From what he had gathered, the castle was heavily defended. Soldiers in armor from head to toe, battlements with spikes on the top of each wall making it impossible to climb over. There were also arbalest crossbowmen on each tower as well. Not the fastest of shooters but they punch with the force of a small explosive. Then of course there were the guests themselves. Sorcerer’s, witches, wealthy lords and ladies, champion fighters, and peasants who were lucky to be born prettier than the rest. All enjoyed in the Baron’s revelries. Each one despite their appetites could be dangerous in their own rights. He had good armor, powerful magics, and a sword sharp enough to cut through almost anything as if it were cold air. But while it was true that even in greater numbers weaklings were weaklings still... That was a bit more than Daigo could handle on his own. He was going to need backup. 
Daigo was down in the ratway tunnels later that evening. Every major city had a place like this. A hidden underground city where the more honest scum and villains lived. And by honest he meant did not hide their true colors behind a pious title or churchly apparel. Now most criminal area’s such as this depended on the royalty mostly because they kept civilians in line and from playing outside the rules like they did. This ensured that they always had a field advantage when exploiting the people. He’d come for all of them down here soon enough. But in the meanwhile he would need to recruit some of the more talented rats down here. Eventually he found what he was looking for. A wooden door that was quite frankly....far too crappy for a sewer. Almost standing out with how much work was put into making it look...unremarkable. Ironic how the opposite goal is achieved when one tries to accomplish something. He knocked on the wall and a plank of wood slid to the side. “Password?” the bouncer behind the door asked. Daigo simply held up a Mythril coin. 
“Well all right then, come on in friend.” the door opened and Daigo walked through. Where at first he had been in a huge sewer, he now saw a large underground district. The tunnel itself was several stories tall, and the walls were lined with buildings, apartments, stores, and eateries, each one with large windows so one could see the goods inside. From food to products, from treasures to weapons, from fine clothes to finer flesh Daigo was able to see the red sun distrcit of the city. A river ran down the middle of the way and was navigated by gold plated gondalas. Daigo was impressed. One would think building something this intricate would draw more attention. Daigo kept his mask and hood up. His armor was a bit...dirty however. From road mud to rain water splattering all over his apparel. He supposed his first order of business was to get a place to stay. Quite the ironic twist that he felt more comfortable sleeping among a den of lions than he was a pack of foolish sheep. He made his way to one of the massive wall buildings of the tunnel. He looked up and found one with a name he rather liked. “The Black Rose.” Daigo said, reading the name of the establishment. 
Daigo approached the front desk. A portly man with a narrow nose, slim framed glasses, pointed ears, and eyes that squinted to the point of almost looking closed saw him...and hoisted his nose upwards. “If you are seeking lodging sir, you may wish to try the brothel down on the river level.” He said with disdain. 
Daigo simply walked up, and placed ten mythril coins on the table top. “Or I can get top floor suite, some new clothes, a good meal, and perhaps a bottle of Black Wine.” He said in a straight tone. 
The Clerk looked at the coins wide eyed. “Uh...well....yes! Yes of course!” He said greedily, his eyes now very visible. 
“Does Sir have any luggage he would like taken up?” The clerk asked, far more friendly now than he was moments ago. 
“No. This is all I have. However if you could get me a list of all the stores in town, I would greatly appreciate it.” Daigo responded. 
The Clerk nodded. “Very good Mr...?” 
“Belfir. Daigo Belfir.” He answered. 
The clerk nodded. “Very good Master Belfir. And if it would please sir, we have a wide selection of...other gentlemanly delights if it would so please you.” He said with a tongue in cheek grin. 
“No.” Daigo said flatly, sternly, and without any room of misunderstanding. 
The clerk nodded quickly, realizing he had made a mistake. “Yes sir, my apologies.” He quickly waddled away. 
Sometime later, Daigo came out of the private bath of his suite. On his bed were red silk pajamas with a black rose embroiderd on the left breast pocket. He dried off from his bath, and got dressed. He walked up to the wall of his bedroom that was simply one giant window and looked down. People walked along lantern lit roads in fine apparel. There was a tragic irony to all this. The Baron uptop was bleeding the people with his legal taxes to fund his life style. While the scum of the earth leeched off of the exact same people down below. Innocents were being bled from both sides. But if his goal was achieved, he’d make sure the wealth made it back to the people in the middle. He looked around at the other large buildings that lined the three story tall tunnel. All were lined with open windows with gilded gold framework. Apparently in a city hidden from the sun nothing was hidden from each other save their faces which all seemed to be covered in a mask down here. He could see some people eating in one window, another training with fighters in another. Other’s were hawking their wares while others still engaged in vices of the flesh for all to see. He had to admit that while they were evil. They did not hide what they were from each other. Which meant that finding the right kind of cohorts for his plan to steal from the baron should not be all that difficult. 
The next day a notice was placed on all the message boards down below...
“WANTED, SKILLED THIEVES FOR HEIST OF THE CENTURY. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED MEET ME AT THE GALLOWS TREE ON THE OUTSKIRTS OF THE CITY.” And there Daigo was, waiting to see if anyone would answer the call to treasure...
----open RP! available to all! keep it civil though.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 4 years
For a big company, they were high-ranking officers. Because so little money is involved, raising seed capital is comparatively easy—at least, exclusively for work. Otherwise they'll continue to maltreat people who are bad at empathy too. Indeed, the whole concept seemed foreign to them. Someone ignorant but smart will come along and reinvent everything, and the more startups you had in town, the less likely it is to establish a first-time angel investor can be as nice as you want. The Other Half of Artists Ship November 2008 One of the most important thing is to treat it as a story about a murder. If you just sit down and try to grow it from a different direction. It was easier for her to watch people if they didn't move. The truth is disappointing but interesting: if you're bored when you're drawing something, the drawing will look worse than if you had the sixteen year old Shakespeare or Einstein in school with you, instead of a technology company, and assume you could build a silicon valley; these are all good things in a community site come from people more than technology; it's mainly in the prevention of bad things that technology comes into play.
Often they care a lot about startups. Unless you're experienced enough at fundraising to have a mind that's prepared in the right way. Part of the reason engineering is traditionally averse to handholding is that its definition changes very slowly. 4,000 legitimate emails. After sex, death is the topic adults lie most conspicuously about to kids. So if you hear someone saying we don't need any given startup doing an IPO are small. If you ask at that age, nearly all the rest, the lead is out too. So the downhills of the roller-coaster are more of a startup that benefited from turning off this filter, and a server collocated at an ISP. This would encourage what is already the worst trait of big companies may not have been a mistake. Some people know at 16 what sort of ambition. At the extreme end of the liquid because you start to get users, we understood online commerce way better than the stuff I read on individual people's sites rather than to magazine articles or news stories. If you want to sell, or can be done by collaborators and design can't?
I couldn't simply avoid the Internet entirely, as I'd done with previous time sinks. Here parents' desires conflict. When you have multiple founders, esprit de corps binds them together in one department may be that the lack of time. Can Be Fun The good news is that the message there is: you should know as in write down precisely what you'll need to resort to lowering your price, this means 200 additional shares. They could grow the company on a bold decision. I've learned a lot from things I've read on HN. And can negotiate on the spot; the next they won't return your phone calls, you can take their word for it. Y axis are smaller, but the dumb joke. An emergency could push other thoughts out of your way to make people feel better? So don't say I would never be suitable for real hacking. You'll either end up rich, in which case problem solved, or at least the proximate cause is running out of money at any moment.
Founders get less diluted, and it could require interpretation in the case of heirs, rather than being distributed, like slices of a pie. The better you understand them, you can at least use yourself as a good investor has committed, get them to move to Albuquerque just because there are a lot of people to sit around having meetings. And Bayes' Rule, the resulting probability is. But wait, here's another that could face even greater resistance: ongoing, automatic medical diagnosis. Notes The closest we got to Yahoo, I found myself considering doing it. When one company or industry replaces another, it usually works best to get something for free. The main one was drilling for oil, or finance, or publishing? Some people like certain kinds of applications that need that specific kind of data, however preliminary, tell the audience. A startup that grows at 5% a week will grow 12. You have to invent some explanation to account for all the shift from credentials to measurement. After the lecture the most common trajectory is to do things their own way, he is unlikely to head straight for the conclusion that tax rates have had little effect on what people actually paid. Knuth pointed out long ago that speed only matters in a few places where that sort of narrow focus can be.
So all the people who created it as well as as apportioning the stock, so it seems like no one cares enough to disagree with it, it tends to offend people who like unions. Why do people move to suburbia? And why isn't it older? She was horrified when the doctors running the study discovered what appeared to be a matter of destiny, the mere unfolding of some innate genius. Fortunately you have some control over both how much you want to learn how to use it. How much should you take, expect a struggle. Unless the recipient explicitly checked a clearly labelled box whose default was no asking to receive the email, then it is hard, but having a 9 to 5. It derives from the late Latin tripalium, a torture device so called because it consisted of three stakes. I realized something surprising: the situation with time is much the same way a fall of water drives a water mill. One founder said explicitly that the relationship between the founders and the company is just a metaphor, and not just intellectually, but didn't. The word boss is derived from a talk at AngelConf.
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femnet · 5 years
Tumblr media
Next year, I want to leave the Caribbean country where I am living to enroll in a university in the United Kingdom. I want to start my life as an adult, and kick off my future in the best direction. Sounds nice, doesn’t it? Except I can’t get there by just snapping my fingers.
I turned eighteen years old a couple of months ago, so I am now legally entitled to my own actions. Well, let’s make the best out of that.
As a twelfth grade student, mature and conscious that my path will be my own, I have jotted down a list of new school-year resolutions that will help me reaching my goals by next September. 
1- Study, study, study!
Disclaimer: I am allergic to extremes. This is not about locking oneself in a dusty monastery and bury under a mountain of books. Balance is the key.
Yes, this is the tea. I was used to hearing people say that I should “enjoy my time as a youngster, you’ll have time for working later.” However, ladies and gents, here is the truth *drums roll* PROCRASTINATING ISN’T ENJOYING. How are you going to secure yourself a bright future if you don’t build the basis for one as early as possible? 
One of my friends, who studies psychology and philosophy, surprised me by saying that you have until the age of twenty-two to create proactive habits. Later, it’s harder (but not impossible!) to develop new neural connections, so teenagers should give their best at learning.
Also, who said that scrolling down our Instagram feed is better for our health than studying? Honestly, if we make the latter become fun, we will be able to harvest much sweeter fruits.
2- Collect money
Not talking about Monopoly bills nor videogame coins: get a job! Even the little ones are worth it. Why? 
First of all, we’ll have to have a job at some point. The earlier we learn about the professional world (think taxes system, work relationships, money handling), the easier it will be to grow in our niche after studies. 
Secondly, what college student is happy to be broke? *Buzzer* NonE! (Hint → that’s the right answer.) 
Earning cash (and not spending it on clothes or candies) before living on our own allows us to build a soft reserve that will cushion our needs later! The money I am making as a journalist and translator will go towards clothes and food when I move to the UK. It’ll be something less to worry about once I’m far from my family! 
3- Eat culture: educate myself
This goes hand in hand with the first resolution, except we’re not talking about actual subject studies.
I spent this summer surrounded by only adults. What happened? Big conversations happened! The belief that teenagers have today of handling serious dialogues is true to a certain extent. We like to be very idealist, and would love to make the world a better place, but tend to be only one-sighted. Most adults who have been around for longer than we have take another approach to everyday news. Once in the grown-ups’ world, it will be crucial to keep update on the actuality and explore a palette of perspectives and knowledge. It is better to know something about everything rather than everything about something (and then be the ignorant of the group when our favorite topic is dropped). 
4- Get started on the diet TODAY
Disclaimer: I am not necessarily talking of a diet to lose weight. Think healthy diet, or student diet (best quality-quantity-price relationship). Also, the diet is an example. Think about all the things that you should do today, but always find an excuse not to.
*Underlines, highlights, circles the last word of the subtitle.* 
“Yes, I’ll get started on the diet tomorrow,” she said, every day, for the past two years.
Long story short, tomorrow never arrives, every day is today, so let’s get started right now and be done with the wistful sighing.
I have adopted a gluten and sugar-free nutrition since some months now. While it was hard to say no to pasta, pizza and chocolate at first (the Italian in me was tortured), I found out after a couple of weeks that I didn’t even feel the yearning for those products. It’s all about getting used to a certain habit, and keeping a strong mind about the decision in the first days.
5- Get up from that chair and move
Most students’ big problem: we stay sat for too long. 
Among other ultra-valid reasons that should encourage us to move more, let’s talk about the relationship of physical activity and studying. It has been demonstrated that movement helps the blood--which carries oxygen and nutrients--reaching the brain much more easily. I made my own little experience to prove this.
Using Khan Academy, I passed two SAT exams within a week. I made sure to go to bed at the same time the day before, and to eat the same breakfast in the morning, so the conditions would be very similar. I passed the first exam exactly as if it were a real one, respecting the times of pause and not getting up from my chair between sections. Without studying any more, I passed the second exam a few days later, except I got up and walked a bit between each sections. Not only did I feel much more concentrated during the second exam than the first one, but I also improved my results by 60 points!
6- Yoga is a daily thing
Meditation, respiration, balance… Yoga combines all of these and thus joins sport and relaxation for both the body and the mind. It helps regulating the flow of hormones, the blood circulation, the digestive system, etc. I am not inventing anything.
Introducing yoga in my daily schedule has been a helpful step towards becoming more of an adult. I know that I will be able to cope with new steps and stresses because I have my own self by my side. Quite the change from the self-deprecative marathons so popular among teens.
7- Stand my ground, but accept genuine critics and advice
As a child, I used to get rebuffed a lot by my parents and brother, and I have grown up convinced that whatever I said was silly and others were always more right. I became taciturn, and repressed my own thinking a lot. Now, I have understood (thanks to some time spent with different people) that I am more than capable of saying smart stuff too! I am conscious that what I say is valid and that my opinion has to be respected, so I do not have to change my mind and adjust to others. When I don’t agree, I say it. When I want something, and feel like I deserve it, I claim it. And this is just right. 
However, I make sure not to cross the border: I accept critics and advice when they are helpful. I make sure to complete the information I get, compare it with other opinions. We have to remember that some people know more than us about certain things, and this is just right too.
8- Pick up my blogs from the ashes and build a temple from the rubble
You can tell that I love drama. This point for me is about blogs, but consider hobbies in general.
Because a healthy person has an open mind, having different occupations is strongly advised--most of all if those occupations help us polishing our values and qualities.
What I mean from “picking up my blogs from the ashes” is that I need to start working on them again, counting it as one more necessary periodical activity. I am too quickly excited by ideas, and then burn the eagerness too soon. This aspect of personality is not a great asset for someone who wants to study marketing and communication during four years. 
By “build a temple from the rubble,” I mean that I have to make something useful out of what I have created. Not only will blogs look nicely on my curriculum and personal statement, but they could be a way to earn some exposure and a little money. Making the most of what we have is the first step towards success.
In case you’d like to see what my blogs are about, here are the links: x   x
9- Take care of my appearance
Taking care of one’s appearance isn’t only a way to demonstrate people around us that we value them and consider them worthy of seeing the best of us, it is also a self-compliment that leads to a healthy relationship with ourselves. Taking the time for facial masks or choosing clean outfits will do as much for our outside than our inside. We are our own best friend, let’s treat us accordingly.
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igp-inphotos · 5 years
John Adams
John Adams
"With great power comes great responsibility" Uncle Ben Marvel Comics Spider-Man. Every great leader has their own burden that they must live with, yet they each have a responsibility to the people they influence. This responsibility comes with years of experience morality and courage. A lesson that echo’s through all the great leaders of the world. Winston Churchill once said, “The price of greatness is responsibility.” John Adams a member of the American Revolution and the second president of the United State of America understood this even at a very young age.
Adams was born October 30, 1735 in Braintree, Massachusetts. He was one of three children born to mother Susanna Boylston Adams and father John Adams. His upbringing was one of upper middle class. Even though his father was just a farmer John Adams Jr. was still given the chance to learn and study at some of the best schools around.
Adams was given the chance to study at Harvard University. During his time at Harvard Adams, was no stranger to the college life. Adams was known to work, study and enjoy himself even getting fined for braking multiple college rules. Even though Adams was well educated it seemed that he was no stranger to the lighter side of life even enjoying the outdoors. This rebellion against the rules would prove to be a building block for Adams later in life.
After college, Adams started his career as a teacher not being satisfied, he soon found work as a lawyer. Adams worked a long side of a local lawyer as it was custom to do at his time. Adams soon found himself becoming one of the best-known lawyers of his time. Adams was characterized as a stubborn and out spoken man, he was later in life quoted as saying “Thanks to god that he gave me stubbornness when I know I am right”. So it was no surprise when he became a critic of Great Britain’s authority.
Adams viewed the British imposition of high taxes and tariffs as a tool of oppression. This set the path of young John Adams to fight for the rights of others. Adams notice that the men in power had been corrupted. He soon no longer believed that the government that over saw the colonist had its best interest in mind.
Even with his dislike of the Britain authority. Adams was still a noble man who came to the aid of British soldiers that were accused of murder in the Boston Massacre of March 1770. He wanted to ensure that everyone even a British soldier received a fair trial. This act of morality and courage is why many supported Adams later in life.
“Because power corrupts, society's demands for moral authority and character increase as the importance of the position increases.” John Adams. In 1774 Adams started his long and tough road to becoming a Massachusetts delegate where he would stand up for the rights of his constituent. A role that came with great responsibility. Later Adams became a key role in nominating George Washington as the commander and chief of what would become the United States of America and where he would take on the role of vice president for the next 8 years. After this term Adams became the second president of the United States.
“Our obligations to our country never cease but with our lives.” John Adams. During his vice presidency Adams addressed his colleagues and stated: It would be his constant endeavor to behave towards all members with the consideration and decorum befitting their station and characters. But if with inexperience anything should escape me that would be inconsistent to his chair to pleas pardon and excuse me. This statement came from Adams due to his acknowledgment of his own understanding that it would be hard for him to sit idly by as a debate where to go on.
In his time as vice president Adams defended his opinion to the dismay of many, speaking his mind on multiple occasions. Causing numerous senators to talk ill of him. John Trumbul spoke to Adams on this affair stating that the southern aristocrat remained his enemies because he was a new Englander without advantages from pride and family and they could not bear to be eclipsed by merit only. To which Adams replied, “you talk about my enemies, but I do not have any.” As for his family, Adams was most proud of this. As he came from a family of honest men and who loved their country. Shortly thereafter Adams received a letter from one of his sons expressing interest in government.
To which Adams wrote a letter expressing his concern to his son, Thomas Boylston Adams. Adams wrote:
Public business my son, must always be done by somebody. — it will be done by somebody or other— If wise men decline it others will not: if honest men refuse it, others will not. A young man should well weigh his plans. Integrity should be preserved in all events, as essential to his happiness, thro every stage of his existence. His first maxim then, should be to place his honor out of the reach of all men: In order to this he must make it a rule never to become dependent on public employments for subsistence. Let him have a trade a profession a farm a shop, something whereby he can honestly live, and then he may engage in public affairs, if invited, upon independent principles. My advice to my children, is to maintain an independent character.
In this letter Adams sums up his life with elegance and precision. Laying down his courage, experience, morals and integrity for his son to follow.
Biographical info:
Name: John Adams
Born: October 30, 1735, Braintree, MA
Died: July 4, 1826, Quincy, MA
Presidential term: March 4, 1797 – March 4, 1801
Party: Democratic-Republican Party
Citation List
McCullough, David. John Adams. Simon & Schuster, 2001. Non-fiction
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hellostarlight20 · 6 years
I’ve Missed This
For @paigenotblank who wanted: For the two word prompt list: Nine x Rose, #19.
Nine x Rose Jack Harkness Running Sewers Actual Plot (I know, right?!) Doctor in love
They’re running through the sewers, away from the guards chasing them, with a dangerous artifact in their possession, and grinning like loons.
I’ve missed this AO3 part of the If Only... series
 Contrary to his oft-voice criticism, the Doctor didn’t mind Jack Harkness, or whatever his true name. Then again, the Doctor knew all about hiding one’s true name. The Doctor also knew all about redemption.
 No matter what Jack said—or didn’t say—about his past and about the reasons for turning conman, the man sought redemption.
 Who was he to deny anyone that?
 Rose, racing through the barely-lighted tunnels beside him, caught his gaze. She grinned widely and reached for his hand. The Doctor adjusted his pace to match hers and eagerly, gratefully grasp her hand.
 He might understand Jack on a fundamental level Rose didn’t, hopefully never would, but that didn’t mean the Doctor wanted the Human anywhere near his Rose. Nope. Their fast friendship aside, Rose was—well, maybe not his-his, as in his lover, his wife, significant other, girlfriend if one wanted to use a word wholly inappropriate.
 But Rose was his. More, he was irrevocably hers.
“Oh, I’ve missed this!” Jack shouted.
Rose giggled, breathless. They’d need to slow down soon if he didn’t want to lose her. As well as she kept up with him, and their constant running, even this prolonged trek taxed her Human stamina.
 “Missed what?” she asked, laughter outweighing the breathlessness. “Running through tunnels? Running through sewer tunnels? Wearing a dress?”
 Jack barked out a laugh and the Doctor thought that might’ve been the most unburdened he’d ever heard the man. Granted it’d been not quite a month—Rose time—since meeting Jack. “All of the above!”
 “Halt!” The words echoed from behind them.
 The Doctor automatically yanked Rose against him and instinctively slammed them to the ground. No more than a heartbeat later, he heard Jack do the same, landing in unidentifiable muck with a loud squish. Barely a double beat of his hearts later, the ricochet of a projectile weapon whizzed by their heads.
 From the sound of it, the angle would’ve gone straight through Rose’s heart.
 Hot fury blinded him. It was one thing to threaten them, one thing to chase them—they’d stolen a rare artifact from the museum that was, in actuality, a Terrilian weapon Jack instantly recognized and the Doctor concurred. The Pholythes thought it an ancient ceremonial urn. Problem was, the weapon was still active.
 So, yes, the Doctor understood why they chased them from the ceremonial gardens where Jack dressed as a native in order to take the urn-weapon. He understood the Pholythes didn’t understand why they’d done so.
 It was quite another matter, and one the Doctor did not tolerate, to shoot at Rose. The Doctor could handle it himself, nothing new there. But not Rose. Never Rose.
 “Stop!” He roared, standing and pulling Rose with him. Lower, wrath vibrating under the surface, he crouched slightly to look her in the eye. It didn’t matter her eyesight wasn’t as keen as his, the Doctor knew she understood.
 “Are you all right?” He ran his dirty hands over her checking for injuries, bruises, a scraped knee.
 “Yeah.” In the darkness of the sewer tunnel she tiled her head. “I’m fine, Doctor. Just, you know, filthy.”
 He almost smiled at her obvious joke, but someone shot at Rose. The Doctor kissed her forehead, ignore the muck on her skin and on his own, and turned around to face their pursuers, keeping Rose safely behind his own body.
 “You shot at us.” His voice echoed around the tunnel, ricocheting as sharply as the shot. “Why?”
 The guards, a pair of blank-faced men in their early manhood, froze. To their credit, they didn’t look at each other but kept their gaze on the Doctor. They did, however, lower their weapons.
 “You stole our sacred urn and dare ask us why?” Guard #1 demanded.
 “I appropriated a dangerous weapon from another planet,” the Doctor snarled. “It was still active and could go off at any minute.”
 “The urn speaks to us,” the other admitted, voice trembling the slightest. “When the beam of light activates, those nearby are blessed.”
 “It’s killed before?” The Doctor shouted. “And you kept it?”
 Rose stepped beside him, hand resting on his arm. “Doctor.”
 “The Word is not always verbal, many times we must listen with our other senses.” Guard #1, voice righteous, said.
 “Great.” He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.
 “Lads, if I may?” Jack stepped beside them. “How many has this urn killed?”
 “Untold thousands have been blessed since the Times of Urich,” Guard #2 said. “My grandfather was one and our family was elevated to the Temple where I now serve.”
 The Doctor opened his mouth but paused. “The Temple? So if the laser—the beam of light—touches someone, their family becomes, what? Part of the Temple?”
 “How?” Rose demanded. “You’re a guard. What was your grandfather before—well before his death?”
 “Master of the Flotilla.” Guard #2 whispered. “Being part of the Temple, guarding the urn, is far more prestigious.”
 “We are called to serve,” Guard #1 added, but his voice lost some of its luster. “My great-great-grandmother was a well-admired weaver. Her creations are still displayed in the Museum. Even the mighty emperor is not immune from such a calling.”
 “So the urn shoots a person and that person’s immediate family moves into the Temple, yeah?” Rose tilted her head. The Doctor loved that look on her, that deducting, figuring it out look. Fantastic she was. “What happens to their positions? Their possessions?”
 Both guards shifted, their feet shucking at the thick muck.
 “And the Temple, those leaders gain, what, exactly?” Rose paused but her hand dug into his arm. The Doctor didn’t stop her, nor did he interrupt. He knew where she was going, had come to the same conclusion himself.
 “The Temple—it is the Temple.” Guard #1 floundered. “Our most sacred and revered—”
 “Yeah. Yeah, I get it. But who’s in charge? What do they get? Tribute? Extra food rations? Gold and silver and the Koh-i-Noor?”
 “What’s the Koh-i-Noor?” Jack whispered.
 “Giant diamond from Earth,” the Doctor muttered back.
 “They…the Temple is our repository for all things.” Guard #2, who sounded as if he all-too-easily followed Rose’s logic, sighed. “They are paid before families eat, before taxes to the emperor, before—”
 “Jareth!” Guard #1 snapped.
 “You know it’s true,” Jareth said to his friend. Turning back to them, he nodded in the bare light from their bayonets. “Many believe serving the Temple grants them food and clothing, medicine during the outbreaks. This is true, but at the price of the land. The people are starving, they can’t pay two tributes. The stock is dying, the rains haven’t come, the crops have all failed.”
 “If they hear you, we’ll all hang,” Guard #1 groused. “You know they have spies, even down here.”
 “We’re dying anyway,” Jareth snapped. “You know we are.”
 With a large, very put-upon sigh, Guard #1 capitulated. “Aye.”
 “So then why chase us?” Rose asked. “Why go to all this trouble, in a truly terrible sewer—seriously, this is one of the worst I’ve seen and I resent that I’ve seen so many—”
 “Oi!” The Doctor grumbled.
 “To chase us for an artifact you don’t seem to want in the first place?”
 “Because if they don’t come back with it, they’re dead,” the Doctor said flatly. “They’ll kill you for letting their prize run off. You’d have failed the gods, the emperor, excreta, excreta, ditto, ditto.”
 He sighed and ran a hand down his face. As much as he wanted to help, as much as he knew Rose wouldn’t let him get away with not helping, he hated the danger he put her in. How could he keep her safe and yet keep her with him?
 On the other hand, it was her fault he cared again. Perfectly happy leaving the universe to itself, wasn’t he. But oh, no, Rose Tyler fell into his life and he remembered what it was to care. Love.
 The Doctor cleared his throat.
 “Oh, I’ve missed this!” Jack crowed.
 “Saving the world?” Rose asked and dropped her hand from the Doctor’s arm. He missed her touch.
 “Breaking and entering.”
 “Yeah, Jack’s right. We’re going to have to put this back where we found it, no longer functioning of course—or a replica if I can’t disarm it safely—but Jareth, you there—”
 “Purtnich” Guard #1 supplied.
 “Jareth and Purtnich, you’ll need to do something. Rally the people, take a stand. Are you prepared for that?”
 “Yes,” Jareth immediately answered.
 “If I die, I’m coming back to haunt you all,” Purtnich grumbled.
 “Everything dies,” Rose said softly. Her words somehow echoed in the sewer tunnel, a strange song that made the Doctor look at her oddly. “Everything has its time, and everything dies. It’s not that you do so, it’s how you live that matters. You don’t just give up. You don’t just let things happen. You make a stand.”
 Pride choked him, and the Doctor grinned down at Rose. This beautiful, brave, daring woman who had most definitely captured his hearts. He took her hand, and she looked up, grinning that tongue-teasing smile that drove him mad.
 “Ready?” He asked the group at large but winked at her.
If only...
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letscomply · 3 years
FSSAI License In India – Why Is It More Important To Have a Food License?
FSSAI License in India
FSSAI License in India- FSSAI (India Food and Safety Standards Authority) is responsible for the regulation and management of food safety in the country. If you intend to start a small and big business, then you have to need to obtain a license from FSSAI (food license). You will receive to know why it is necessary to obtain an FSSAI license from below.
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Food License and Safety Authority of India is the authority responsible for regulating and managing food safety in India. The food license application form can be filled out online, as well as on the FSSAI government portal. When you go to the FSSAI official website, you will be prompted to choose a few options that perfectly deal with your business. After that, you will have to log in to get your food license. If you do not have your login credentials, then use a new one to register. You can also have your food license renewed online. Track your license online details online by visiting the contact site Food Safety where you have to fill in your food license number. Track status instantly. Fees for obtaining the food license vary according to the number of expectations and goods included in the project. FSSAI Licence In India
To start any food business in India, one of the most important things for a food business operator (FBO) to do is to obtain a food license from FSSAI.
FSSAI has the following roles;
To legalize your food processing/production business.
Established     several scientific standards based on food safety for individuals by     FSSAI.
It     takes care of food manufacturing, storage, distribution, sales, and import     to protect the safety of food-related citizens.
It is responsible for creating awareness throughout the country about food safety and related issues.
Today’s generation is very concerned about food safety standards and the food license. Therefore, it is always recommended that you have a food license to ensure the quality of the food provided. There is still confusion among the institutions that obtain a license to obtain food for their work.
What are the types of food licenses?
1.   Central License
2.   State license
3.   Basic registration
However, these three food licenses differ from each other, depending on the type of food business that is being run.
Fssai Central License: The central license is primarily for FBOs that have a turnover of 20 crores or more per year, such as large manufacturers, airports and ports, export-oriented units, importers, etc. The central government issues this central license to the food sector. Also, FBOs need to have one for the head office if they work in more than one country.
State FSSAI License: The state license is mainly for companies that have a turnover of more than 12 lakh annually, such as carriers, marketers, storage units, retailers, small and medium-sized manufacturers, etc. The state government issues the FSSAI government license and gives it to businesses operating in only one state.
Fssai Primary Registration: Fssai Primary Registration is for units with turnover of up to 12 lakh annually, such as small manufacturers, retailers, marketers, storage units, distributors, small food manufacturers, etc. The state government issues the FSSAI Licence In India.
Why is the food license necessary?
1.   Food is a delicate topic because it directly affects the health of consumers. This is why FSSAI follows strict food safety rules and regulations. You have the responsibility to ensure that your food products are not harmful and safe in all ways.
2.   During the time of registration, the food is also verified. Therefore, to obtain a food license, you need to make a successful registration. Then it just proves that your food is safe for consumption.
3.   The purpose of the food license is to chemically test the food that the organization serves in order to avoid toxic/adulterated food for customers. The food business is subject to many allegations of food fraud and the use of low-price and unsafe ingredients.
4.   With a cheap food license, you do not need to face this kind of allegation. The FSSAI license is evidence of the fact that your food is harmless and safe. Edible flawless without any kind of health concerns.
5.   This makes your company trustworthy. Immediately after obtaining the license, you can submit an official announcement about the same thing. During the marketing of your company, you can also announce the fact that you get FSSAI certification. With this, you will start winning customers, investors, partners, etc. and also good business
6.   The food license gives a guarantee that your food is of the highest standards. Because during the verification of the food, a test is conducted regarding high levels of food. As food verification takes place in many stages, if there is any type of defect, it can be worked on and improved.
7.   In this digital age, consumers are becoming more aware of and ensuring that all food consumed is safe and of good quality. They make sure that the place they eat has a food license and get a guarantee from FSSAI. It is always understood that an FSSAI license costs you a lot of money, but in reality, it is not the truth.
8.   The penalties are higher than the cost of the license. Therefore, it is always safe for you to have a food license. If you have a food license, you can use the FSSAI logo for promotions that will bring great business. You can also expand your business in other countries.
It is always an advantage of having an FSSAI food license. It is never a shame. Most companies do not have a food license, and the Ministry of Food Safety has exclusively rented the FSSAI registration and licensing portal in Delhi. If you have a license, it will make you different from your peers and make your business a success. So, what is stopping you from getting a food license? Get it immediately! Compliance
To summarize, I understood the various nutritional licenses, the need to obtain one from FSSAI, and the requirements for obtaining it from here as well. Remember that it is always helpful to be one and not a fault in any way. Most companies that do not have a food license may get in trouble at some point in time.
More Information Click Here: https://www.letscomply.com/fssai-licence-in-india-why-is-it-more-important-to-have-a-food-license/
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dipulb3 · 3 years
Analysis: The racist 'replacement theory' has it all backward
New Post has been published on https://appradab.com/analysis-the-racist-replacement-theory-has-it-all-backward/
Analysis: The racist 'replacement theory' has it all backward
But that racist “replacement theory” inverts the real consequence of immigration for its target audience of Whites uneasy about social and racial change: Many of the Whites most drawn to the far-right argument that new arrivals are displacing “real Americans” are among those with the most to lose if the nation reduces, much less eliminates, immigration in the decades ahead.
With or without immigration, the White share of the population will decline in the coming decades, census projections show. But if immigration is reduced or eliminated, America will grow older, with many fewer working-age adults available to support an exploding number of retirees. And that would not only slow overall economic growth, multiple projections have found, but also would increase pressure for cuts in the Social Security and Medicare benefits that provide a lifeline to the older Whites most drawn to the right’s anti-immigrant arguments.
“The projections show we are going to be dealing with lower population growth and an aging population, and the only way we are going to be able to keep our labor force growing and vital is through immigration,” says William Frey, a demographer at the Brookings Institution’s Metropolitan Policy Program. “It’s a matter of math. I never understood why people who are anti-immigration can’t understand the math of the whole thing, because it’s quite simple.”
If the nation severely restricts immigration, the fiscal impact would be to “double the load on working-age people of all these seniors,” warns Dowell Myers, a demographer at the University of Southern California’s Sol Price School of Public Policy.
“Replacement theory,” sometimes called the “great replacement,” gestated in the swampy waters of far-right White supremacist groups. But in the Donald Trump era it has migrated closer to the GOP mainstream. Fox News Channel host Tucker Carlson, who often spreads xenophobic arguments, has ardently embraced the charge that Democrats are “trying to replace the current electorate — the voters now casting ballots — with new people, more obedient voters from the Third World.” Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin and Rep. Scott Perry of Pennsylvania, both Republicans, have echoed him in recent public statements. The far-right Republican House members, including Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, who floated plans for a Trump-like “America First Caucus” before scrapping them, declared in a recruiting document disclosed last week by the Punchbowl website that large-scale immigration threatens “the long-term existential future of America as a unique country with a unique culture and a unique identity.”
White population share declining either way
Immigrants have indeed steadily increased as a share of America’s population since 1965, when Congress rewrote the immigration laws, which had severely restricted immigration since 1924. Immigrants now compose just under 14% of the US population — almost triple their share in 1970 and approaching the all-time high of around 15% in the “melting pot” era around the turn of the 20th century.
But new immigration is no longer the primary driver of the growing racial, ethnic and religious diversity that unnerves much of the GOP coalition. In a recent paper, Frey explored Census Bureau projections that examined the racial composition of American society through 2060 under scenarios that anticipated four different levels of future immigration. Under all four scenarios, the White share of the population significantly declined and the minority share rose.
Today, Whites make up about 60% of the population. At the immigration levels America experienced during the first half of the past decade — a little over 1 million new entrants per year — that would decline by 2060 to 44%. With immigration levels reduced to about half that, roughly as the Trump administration and most congressional Republicans proposed in 2018 legislation that ultimately failed, the number still shrinks to 46%. Even if the US shut off all immigration in the coming decades, Whites would still decline to just over 51% of the population, the census projections concluded. (At an accelerated level of immigration, the White share fell to 42%.)
Under all four scenarios, the total number of Hispanics, Blacks and mixed-race Americans increased over the coming decades, as did Asian Americans in each scenario except the extreme case of entirely shutting off immigration. But in all four census projections, even the one that completely eliminates future immigration, the total number of Whites declined.
The reason is straightforward: As a group, Whites are aging and producing fewer children. Not only is the White share of the youth population steadily declining, but so are the absolute number of White kids. From 2010 through 2019, Frey calculated in another recent paper, the number of Whites under 18 fell by 3.2 million nationwide; in a striking 44 states, there were fewer White children in 2019 than in 2010. The number of Black kids also slightly fell nationwide over the past decade.
Asian Americans, mixed-race and, above all, Latinos added more children over the past decade, but not enough to completely offset those declines: After growing substantially in the 1990s and modestly in the 2000s, the total number of American kids fell from 2010 through 2019, an ominous milestone. And while that number is expected to shift back slightly into positive territory over this decade, fewer children today establishes an unmistakable implication for tomorrow: fewer adults available as consumers, workers and taxpayers.
Just as the Census Bureau forecasts growing racial diversity under any future level of immigration, it likewise projects ominously slow growth in America’s working-age population without more immigration. Under the immigration levels of the early 2010s, America’s population aged 18-64 will rise by only about 4% through 2035, a historically slow increase. At the reduced level Republicans sought, it would remain virtually stagnant, and with no immigration it will actually shrink by 4%. Only in the high-immigration scenario does the workforce experience significant growth: about 8%.
Working with the economics department at George Mason University, an institution whose work conservatives often cite, the pro-immigration group FWD.us issued a recent paper that looked out further, projecting the size of the workforce through 2050. Those forecasts likewise showed that the number of workers increases only very slightly through the next three decades under a lower level of immigration similar to what Trump and the GOP sought, and contracts severely (with 17 million fewer workers then than now) if immigration is entirely shut off. Like the Census Bureau, the study found that only with accelerated immigration does the working-age population experience significant growth.
Senior population is rising fast
These forecasts don’t map just some hazy, distant future. The total US population may have increased more slowly over the past 10 years than in any other decade in American history, census projections show. In 23 states, the working-age population already declined from 2010 to 2019, Frey has calculated. Topping those numbers are West Virginia (down almost 9%), Vermont (5%), Maine (4%) and Illinois and Wyoming (between 3% and 4%). In the years ahead, more states are certain to join that list, Frey says, especially those that can’t attract either immigrants from abroad or domestic migrants from other states.
“You’ve got tons of baby boomers who are retiring and there are not enough White workforce entrants to match the outflow,” agrees Myers.
Because population growth is an essential component of economic growth, these numbers would be foreboding enough under any circumstances. But to demographers they are especially troubling, because the working-age population is stagnating exactly as the nation’s senior population is exploding, with the retirement of the huge baby boom generation born between 1946 and 1964.
In every state, Frey’s figures show, the senior population grew far faster over the past decade than those of working age. (In fact, the senior population grew faster in every state than the working-age cohort did in any state.) That dynamic will only accelerate in the coming years: the Census Bureau’s projections show that under any immigration scenario, the number of seniors in America will grow by about 40% through 2035.
An increasing number of seniors, coupled with a stalled working-age population, means a deteriorating balance in what demographers call the “dependency ratio” or “senior ratio”: that is, the number of seniors who must be funded in retirement for each working-age adult available to pay the taxes that support them.
Today, the US has about 27 seniors for every 100 working-age adults. As Myers notes, that itself represents an increase, driven by the retirement of the first baby boomers around 2010, from levels that had remained fairly constant (at just under 20 seniors per 100 working-age adults) during the final quarter of the 20th century. But that growth represents only the first tremors of the coming earthquake.
“We are going to see that ratio really ramp up quickly in the years ahead,” says Phillip Connor, a senior demographer at FWD.us.
Even at the relatively higher levels of immigration common in the first half of the past decade, the number of seniors per 100 workers would rise to 37 by 2050, the FWD.us study found. At the lower levels of immigration Republicans sought under Trump, or no immigration at all, it would soar to 40 or more. Another study released in February by the National Immigration Forum reached similar conclusions.
Such numbers would leave the US facing dependency ratios now common in European countries like Germany, France and Spain — where there are about 33 seniors for every 100 working-age adults — whose aging profiles have been a headwind against economic growth. The US, in those scenarios, would even approach the dependency ratio evident in Japan, a society deeply resistant to immigration, which today has nearly 50 seniors for every 100 workers.
And even projections based on the 18-64 population, Myers notes, might understate the problem, because they include young adults in their late teens and early 20s, many of whom will be in school, not the workforce. That’s why he thinks the share of seniors to actual workers, in practice, could roughly double over the coming decades, also leaving the US with only about two workers for every retiree, the unenviable position Japan confronts today.
“We’ve never had that number before,” he says. “We deserve all our entitlements and we earned it, but someone has got to carry the load and it’s these working age people.” An America so tilted toward seniors, he says, would be “top heavy,” producing a burden for supporting seniors that will be “crushing” on the constricted number of workers.
‘The brown and the gray’
Indeed, the FWD.us study found that if immigration is reduced to roughly the lower level that Republicans pursued under Trump, Social Security, to maintain current benefits, would need to pay out $400 billion more in 2050 than the system is projected to raise in revenue; with no immigration, the shortfall would rise to nearly $450 billion.
Deficits that large would require either big tax increases on the working-age population or benefit cuts for retirees, who will remain mostly White for decades to come (because of the extremely limited immigration between 1924 and 1965). Low, much less no, future immigration “is certainly not sustainable in terms of keeping … what we have today” in federal retirement benefits for the elderly, Connor says.
One of the great ironies of 21st-century America is that the older Whites who are often the most receptive to anti-immigrant arguments like the “replacement theory” will be relying on an increasingly non-White workforce to fund their retirement through the payroll taxes they pay. In that way, the fates of what I’ve called the “brown and the gray” — the mostly diverse younger and preponderantly White older generations — are linked: There is no financial security for the “gray” without greater economic opportunity for the “brown.” But few of the conservative Whites at the core of the GOP coalition apparently see that connection.
In polling by the nonpartisan Public Religion Research Institute, about three-fifths of Republicans in both 2019 and 2020 agreed with the harshly worded statement that “immigrants are invading our country and replacing our cultural and ethnic background.” Among Whites who described themselves as very favorable toward Trump, more than three-fourths in each year endorsed that idea, according to detailed results provided by the institute.
In 2019, nearly half of all Whites 50 and older agreed with that statement, which echoes the language of the “replacement theory” conspiracy; that number declined somewhat in 2020, but few opinion analysts would be surprised if it rises again with Trump out of office and conservative media, like Fox News, incessantly fanning alarms over undocumented immigration and unaccompanied minors at the southern border. Already the Public Religion Research Institute polling shows that Republicans who receive most of their information from Fox News are more likely than others in the GOP to embrace the “invading” argument.
The economic realities facing the nation suggest that the “replacement theory” has the equation almost exactly backward. Carlson, Johnson and other proponents of the theory are telling their audience centered on older and working-class Whites that they should fear being “replaced” by immigrants. But the real threat to those constituencies, as more of them step into retirement, is that they won’t be replaced by immigrants in the workforce and the tax base.
Without more immigrants, those culturally anxious Whites face the virtual certainty of more financial pressure on their federal retirement benefits and slower economic growth for American society overall.
“You talk about ‘replacement,’ well, they need to be replaced in the workforce — that’s the issue,” Frey says. “Growing the younger age groups and particularly the younger workforce age groups is essential for us to not get into a situation of accentuated age dependency.”
It’s far from the first time, but in pushing the racist “replacement theory,” the voices of the populist right are stirring cultural anxieties to mobilize their blue-collar and older White constituencies behind economic policies that harm their own interests.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 3 years
In the air, beauty had the edge, just. Now everyone knows that this is a list of people who've influenced me, not people who would have if I understood their work. Calder's sculptures never get boring. If other companies didn't want to extract as much from it this year as you could.1 Fortunately, there were few obstacles except technical ones. That is a liberating prospect, a lot like the army. I remember this world well. In 1917, doing everything himself seemed to Ford the only way to get market price is to work for yourself, the dumber they make you. And so you tend to hear for learning Latin. Second, it dramatically speeds up the rate at which it grows is itself increasing. The first thing I would do, after checking to see if they had scored points off us.2 If you try writing Web-based applications can be used by several people at the time that this was the beginning of their career only works if everyone does it.3
Most people reading this will already be fairly tolerant. The higher the rate of income tax, the more time they'll spend in meetings negotiating how their software will work better, the servers will be better administered, and employees will have access to email messages no matter where you are. The main value networks supply now is ad sales. Python programmers, that would be like drinking from a firehose. And this too tended to produce both social and economic cohesion. This is why some software costs more to run on Suns than on Intel boxes: a company that doesn't yet have earnings is worth something. Now it's not enough for a CEO to have someone smart he can ask about technical matters. You have to be to some degree system administrators as well.4 If you can discuss a document with your colleagues, why can't you edit it?
Which in those days there was practically zero concept of starting what we now call a startup: a business that starts small and grows big. In private there was a core of truth. Curiously, the fact that your competitors don't understand. If a painter were offered a brush that would make him a better painter, it seems to me that he would want to use Lisp, so much the better. The second biggest benefit of selling Viaweb to Yahoo after the money was to be able to dump ultimate responsibility for the whole thing onto the shoulders of a big company, you can only use it on that computer. Technology is a lever. Web-based software, no one stopped to wonder where the big prestigious companies had come from in the first Altair, and front panel switches, and you'd have a working computer. Because they haven't tried to control it too much, Twitter feels to everyone like previous protocols. If you understand how compilers work, what's really going on is not so frivolous as it sounds: when you program, you spend more time reading code than writing it.5 And since you don't understand YC. We chose Lisp.
I would be to advertise, and only big companies funded 3/4 of their due diligence for VCs. Good and bad measurers. I didn't.
A lot of the word has shifted. Sometimes founders know it's a collection of qualities helps people make the police treat people more equitably. And starting an outdoor portal. If I paint someone's house, the space of ideas doesn't have to give their associates the title partner, including salary, bonus, stock grants, and when given the freedom to experiment in disastrous ways, but they were supposed to be driven by bookmarking, not eating virtuously.
The point of view: either an IPO. I didn't need to go the bathroom, and at least straightforwardly benevolent, doesn't help people on the firm's site, they're probably a mistake to do wrong and hard to say, but hardly any type I startups. If this is a rock imitating a butterfly that happened to get into grad school you always feel you should be clear.
This is the odds are slightly worse. We have no real substance. The trustafarians' ancestors didn't get rich by buying their startups.
I have yet to find someone else to lend to, in the sense that they don't want to get rich from controlling monopolies, just their sizes. To be fair, curators are in research too.
0 notes
abshomerenovations · 4 years
Renovating, refurbishing, modernizing: costs, ideas and instructions
The first step is the most difficult: if you want to change something in your house or apartment, you first have to pull yourself together, because renovation is exhausting, time-consuming and expensive.
But it doesn't have to be like that: With the right ideas, tips and instructions, even laypeople can freshen up their home with little effort, without having to rush into expenses. At the beginning there is one thing above all: tons of questions
What can I renovate myself? What are my obligations as a tenant? Where can I find a good handyman for difficult tasks? What will it all cost?
In this guide you will find ideas and instructions for DIY enthusiasts. We will help you find a tradesman and give you tips on financing so that your renovation project does not become a cost trap.
The four steps to a successful renovation
Whether core renovation, refurbishment, compulsory repairs or fixing that little thing that has always bothered you - you should always follow four basic steps so that you do not stumble over your own project.
1. Renovating, refurbishing, modernizing - what is the difference?
The terms renovation, refurbishment and modernization are often used interrelated. There is also a simple reason for this: one measure often requires another. Working on the roof or on walls, for example, is often both renovation and modernization. The subsequent coating is then a renovation measure.
So the boundaries are fluid. Strictly speaking, the three terms describe different things.
Renovating means beautifying
Renovations are primarily of a visual nature - for example, the removal of minor blemishes and defects that arise from the daily use of a house. This is not absolutely necessary, but ensures a higher level of living comfort. One speaks therefore of cosmetic repairs .
Renovation work is labor-intensive, but usually does not require in-depth specialist knowledge. Therefore a lot can be done by hand here.
Typical renovation measures
To brush
Renew the flooring
New plaster walls
Refurbishing means repairing
A renovation fixes serious damage. If these are left untreated, they can spread further or endanger the fabric of the building.
The goal of a pure renovation is to restore the original quality , if necessary adapted to modern building standards. It is important not only to repair the damage itself, but also its cause. In order to implement this sufficiently, experience and specialist knowledge are required, which is why it is better to leave the work in professional hands.
Typical renovation measures
Remove mold
Dry out the basement
Repair leaking roof
Repair cracks in plaster or wall
To modernize means to improve
A modernization does what the name suggests: bring the property up to date. This does not necessarily have to be damage.
The goal is usually to increase living comfort and reduce running costs. Modernization measures mean an increase in value, as a result of which the costs are often refinanced in a subsequent sale.
Legal requirements apply in many areas of modernization. Construction companies and architects usually offer advice on which measures are permitted, possible or useful.
Typical modernization measures
Insulate the roof and outer walls
Insert heat protection window
Install modern heating system
Improve fire and noise protection
2. Beautiful, energetic, barrier-free - why do I want to renovate?
The first question you should ask yourself before any project: What do I want to achieve - a more beautiful, more efficient or a more valuable home?Different goals require different measures with very different amounts of effort - in terms of time and money. However, many jobs can be combined. Anything that is due in the near future can be dealt with at the same time - this saves you time and money. Also think of the small visual flaws that have always bothered you and yet never get around to removing them.
I want more living comfort
One of the most common reasons for renovations, conversions or additions is as simple as it is significant: the feeling of well-being in your own home.
More space, the use of technical aids, less noise pollution or simply the redesign of the previous living space for aesthetic reasons - which measures are necessary cannot of course be answered across the board. A house is not just a house and tastes are known to be different.
Strictly speaking, more complex projects exceed the possibilities of a renovation and should be understood more as renovation, modernization or complete renovation. After all, the building material of a property cannot simply be exchanged. The topics of noise protection and air conditioning are ideally planned and implemented when the house is being built - retrofitting is complicated and the options are usually limited.
A new coat of paint or a change of scenery, on the other hand, can also be implemented on your own and work wonders for your well-being. Breaking through a wall is also often uncomplicated, but it must be checked by a structural engineer beforehand.
The possibilities that the use of smart home technology enables are particularly exciting . Heating, light, windows and multimedia systems can be conveniently controlled from the coach or they can do the work on their own.
I want more security
The area of ​​security is closely linked to the use of technology for more living comfort.
The number of break-ins in Germany is consistently high, the clearance rate is comparatively low. You can insure yourself against financial damage - immaterial values ​​and the feeling of security cannot be outweighed.
Proven measures to protect against uninvited guests are:
Surveillance cameras
Motion and opening detectors
Security doors and windows
Good illumination of all entrance areas
The most effective protection, however, is deterrence . Anyone who fakes presence using automatic light control, warns of dogs (whether real or not) and sets up camera dummies, significantly reduces the risk of break-ins.
But security goes beyond burglary protection: smoke detectors networked with one another, intelligent fall and emergency detection systems and so-called residual current circuit breakers (FI switches) protect against accidents or organize help when it is needed. In old buildings, typical sources of danger such as ailing power lines should definitely be replaced to prevent cable fires and other threats.
I want to increase the value of my property
Real estate is one of the safest investments. There are good reasons for this: In addition to the ideal value for the residents, the real value can also increase over time - but not always automatically.
Real estate is a commodity and if you don't take care of its care and maintenance, the exact opposite happens: it loses its value.
The basis of an increase in value is therefore the preservation of value - damage should be repaired immediately or - even better - not even occur. The most important point: Weatherproof or protection against penetrating moisture.
Before selling a property, it can be worthwhile to invest some more money. A top condition not only increases the value, but also attracts more interested parties. Investments often refinance themselves in this way or even mean a profit.
I want fewer barriers to a better quality of life
For buyers, the acquisition of a property is usually part of the retirement provision. Rent-free living saves money and gives you planning security. But what if body and home no longer fit together?
Steep stairs, thresholds at passages and crossings or switches and handles that are difficult to reach - there are many possible obstacles. Just as long is the list of restrictions that can make life difficult and entail very different requirements. The solution: barrier-free living.
By the way: “Accessible” does not automatically mean “wheelchair accessible”. The DIN 18040-2 makes to separate guidelines which complement the definition of accessibility. A wheelchair-accessible apartment is automatically barrier-free, but not the other way around. The correct designation is: "barrier-free and unrestricted usable with the wheelchair".
I want to save energy (and money) With an energetic renovation, the running costs of a property can be reduced to a large extent. The keyword is: energy efficiency.
The decisive criterion is the primary energy requirement of a property. This is calculated based on various factors:
Heating : The basis of every energy concept is the heating system.
Thermal insulation : Well-insulated walls and windows ensure that the heat produced does not escape outside.
Ventilation : Good ventilation systems reduce heat loss during ventilation or recover heat.
Electricity generation : Those who generate their own electricity no longer need to buy it from energy suppliers.
Water heating : Outdated hot water systems are inefficient and waste energy.
What does high energy efficiency cost?
Modern energy concepts have their price, but pay for themselves over time. In addition, a lower energy requirement ensures independence from changes in energy prices. What is financially worthwhile is a math game that combines the costs of acquisition and maintenance on the one hand and lower monthly expenses on the other.
3. Can I deduct renovation costs from my tax?
Yes and no - according to the Income Tax Act, expenses for the private sector of a taxpayer cannot generally be used to reduce taxes. But there is no rule without exceptions:
Homeowners can to a certain extent deduct the costs of craftsmen for owner-occupied living space.
If a property is rented to third parties, the landlord can deduct the costs from his rental income and thus reduce the taxable income.
Renovation of owner-occupied living space
Those who live in the property can deduct 20 percent of the costs for renovation, refurbishment and modernization measures from tax. However, this only applies to wage, travel and machine costs - the material cannot be taken into account. It is not without reason that the amount of the percentage is comparable to sales tax: the legislature wants to use it to combat illegal work.
Renovation due to extraordinary loads
In principle, it is possible that the costs for renovation measures can be deducted from taxes due to extraordinary burdens. The decisive factor is whether the renovation recovers or repairs an “ essential requirement ” and is viewed as “ inevitable for actual reasons ”.
Such a case can exist if:
the previous condition poses a health risk (asbestos, allergies, etc.), is neither self nor third party and was not recognizable at the time of purchase
it is based on an inevitable event: fire, flood, war, displacement or political persecution
A possible tax deduction must always be checked on a case-by-case basis and is not a reliable way of getting renovation costs reimbursed. Even an insurance policy that has not been taken out can be assessed as fault, for example.
Renovation of rented living space
It is somewhat easier to use renovation measures in rented properties for tax purposes. Rental income is considered to be "rental income". Renovations aimed at maintaining the property can be deducted directly from income as business expenses, which reduces the taxable amount.
Under tax law, a distinction is made between maintenance expenses, acquisition costs, manufacturing costs and so-called near-acquisition manufacturing costs.
Only maintenance costs can be stated as income-related costs - all other costs must be written off over the useful life of the building - usually over 50 years. This means that the costs are spread over several years, which means that the deductible amount is logically lower.
Acquisition and production costs include expenses that significantly improve a property or create something new (additional living or usable space, balcony, winter garden, etc.) - including the purchase itself.
In addition, the tax office defines four core equipment areas:
Electrical installation
The tax office assesses an improvement or expansion of three of these four areas as a “ standard elevation”as a value-adding measure. The costs cannot then be stated as advertising costs, but are added to the original purchase or construction costs as production costs and then depreciated year after year.
Complicated, complicated - could it be easier?
The legislature probably thought that too and has therefore drawn up the simplification rule. This means that all construction measures that do not amount to more than 4,000 euros excluding sales tax are treated as maintenance expenses and can be deducted directly as advertising expenses.
This rule also applies to construction work carried out at the same time that is not related to one another, such as the installation of a guest toilet and a new bathroom by the same craftsman. If the net costs are below the 4,000 euro limit, the simplification rule applies twice and the full gross amount can be deducted in the year of payment.
And what are near-purchase manufacturing costs?
A special case under tax law are construction work that takes place immediately after the acquisition of a rented property. In this case, the near-acquisition production costs were defined.
This describes "repair and modernization measures" that are carried out within three years of the purchase and which, in net total, exceed 15 percent of the cost of the building. Under tax law, these are regarded as production costs, which means that it is not possible to deduct income-related expenses immediately.
5. Renovation - How can I beautify my home?
Renovation work has mostly optical reasons. So you are primarily an investment in your own well being.
But some embellishments are also useful in preparation for a sale: stains on the walls, worn laminate and crumbling plaster do not make a good impression - a newly renovated property will arouse more and more buying interest.
In principle, you can also carry out a lot of renovation work yourself, provided you have a minimum of manual skills. The difficulty lies more in the multitude of possibilities.
We give you food for thought, tips and cost estimates so that your property can really shine again in the future - and so do you yourself.
Wall & ceiling - plaster, wallpaper, paint or alternative design?
The big four of wall design are wallpaper, paint, plaster and tiles. But that's not all: Color types, materials and various techniques offer tons of options for directing the ambiance of a room in the desired direction.
How do I optimally prepare a wall?
Step 1: Remove the wallpaper scraps
The old wallpaper must be completely removed. To do this, the entire surface is moistened - with water or a special wallpaper remover. After a short exposure time, the wallpaper can be removed from the wall with a spatula. Stubborn areas are extra moistened again.
Step 2: Remove loose plaster residue
When the wallpaper is removed, parts of the plaster often come off. Use a steel brush to remove any residue from damaged areas. If there are a lot of them, it probably makes more sense to knock off the entire plaster.
Step 3: fill cracks and holes
Fine cracks are first scraped out and expanded in a V-shape, then thoroughly cleaned and dusted. For filling, use conventional filler from the hardware store - from a tube or to mix. Then pull the treated areas evenly smooth with light pressure. Large or deep areas are filled in several passes, with a corresponding drying time in between.
Step 4: treat stains
Paint residues, mold, rust and water stains are treated with solvents or an insulating primer, otherwise these may shine through the new wallpaper or the new paint. Residues of lacquer or oil paint must be sanded off. However, this makes sense anyway, as you can achieve a surface that is as smooth as possible.
Step 5: dusting and drying
Thoroughly remove dust and dirt residues and then let the wall dry. Before we can continue, the surface must be clean, level, free of cracks, sound and dry. To test the strength, you can randomly apply adhesive tape and pull it off with a jerk. If there is no plaster residue stuck to it, the wall is ready for further design.
Plastering a wall
Plaster smooths the masonry and thus offers an optimal basis for further work. Nowadays, plaster has also established itself as an independent form of wall design. Instead of wallpapering or painting the wall afterwards, the plaster is applied directly in the desired color and structure.
By adding color pigments, there are hardly any limits to creativity. Other materials can also be incorporated, e.g. glitter. Rubbing plaster also contains natural grains that automatically give a wall structure.
If you are artistically gifted, you can work patterns into the slightly damp plaster after application. A slight shine can be created by waxing and polishing. A final seal protects the porous surface from penetrating moisture and dirt.
Plaster as an element of wall design has two major advantages: It is inexpensive and relatively easy to apply, even on curved surfaces. To keep straight edges, however, you need additional edge profiles.
What do I have to consider when choosing the plaster?
Plasters are bound substances, the main components of which are usually sand and water. They also contain an eponymous binder, e.g. plaster of paris. In order to improve individual properties or to change the look and feel, other substances are added.
For indoor use, a ready-made mixture is usually used that only needs to be mixed with water. Some variants are also sold ready to use, so they already contain water. As this makes them much heavier, they are usually only used for smaller areas or as a decorative element.
Gypsum, lime, cement, clay or mixed forms are used as binders, each with different characteristics and areas of application. A comparatively young building material are synthetic resin plasters, which are often used as a wall top layer due to their high elasticity and resistance.
Multi-layer plasters (plaster systems) consist of different types of plaster that are applied one after the other: the concealed plaster (base plaster) forms the base and primer, the top plaster (decorative plaster) primarily has a protective and decorative function.
Which color suits me? tips for color design
Color is a matter of taste - and this is known to vary. So in the end, you can only answer yourself which color is right for you. Nevertheless, we give you a few tips here on which design methods have proven themselves and how you can optically compensate for architectural problems.
Tip 1: white is neutral
Soft colors are calm, but can appear boring over time - a strong red is an eye-catcher, but can also quickly become overwhelming. Who knows, creates a neutral basis, which can then be expanded with individual accents. Do not hesitate to use intense colors. The contrast to the subtle white has an invigorating effect without being overwhelming.
Tip 2: Dark color - deep ceiling
Most fans of old buildings love the characteristic high ceilings. But if you find this uncomfortable, you can use dark colors to reduce the perceived ceiling height a little. To do this, paint the walls in a correspondingly light contrast, but their upper edge in the color of the ceiling.
Tip 3: light color - high ceiling
The same principle works the other way round: If the ceiling literally falls on your head, it should be painted as light as possible, the walls rather dark.
Tip 4: enlarge small rooms
A similar concept can also be applied to small rooms. Light walls and ceilings in contrast to a dark floor make a room appear larger. The following rule of thumb applies: the larger the room, the stronger the color scheme can be.
Tip 5: compensate for sloping ceilings
Sloping ceilings are often a design hurdle. Depending on the length, these can appear very dominant and narrow a room. To counteract this, long sloping ceilings should be painted in the same color as the wall and short sloping ceilings in the same color as the ceiling.
Tip 6: adapt to the lighting conditions
In particularly sunny rooms on the south side of a house, colder colors can compensate for the temperature. On the north side, this is not a good idea, unless you want to achieve this effect in a targeted manner. Red and yellow tones look particularly soft and cozy in the evening sun shining from the west.
Tip 7: Colors complement the room function
Warm, cheerful colors are particularly suitable for sociable rooms such as living rooms or dining rooms - green tones have a liberating effect and look good in the study - and a soft blue creates a calming atmosphere in the bedroom. The following applies: Always keep an eye on the overall impression of the house. Too much color variance can quickly become chaotic.
Tip 8: Furniture and decoration also add color
The color design of a room does not stop with the wall and ceiling. Sofa, armchair, cupboards, carpet, pillows, curtain, pictures, plants, books - everything brings color to a room. When choosing the wall color, it is therefore advisable to consider what a room will be “filled” with later and to be more cautious about contrasts at first. Individual accents can also be set afterwards.
ABS Home Renovations a Complete Home Renovations Melbourne Wide  
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Photo by Tatiana Syrikova from Pexels
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god-hunter · 5 years
All Over the Place w/ Nowhere to Go
Hey Tumblr,
I suppose it’s time to talk about Covid-19.  I’m really scared about what’s happening in the World right now and it’s absolutely affected every aspect of my Social Life at this point.  I’m not going to work anymore, although I do still technically have a job, of which I’m grateful.  However, how long that job will actually last is up to debate.  It’s a Process Serving Company.  Ya know, for when people get served papers for not paying their bills on time?  Yeeeeeeahhhh... that’s not exactly essential at this time of year.  
Yet, my company has ignored all the warnings, had us come in, attempted a work from home option, but didn’t offer it to many of us.  My boss even approached me about doing something different during this strange transition, and I said yeah, but nothing on that has resurfaced.  Instead another week went by where my work was dwindling and getting slower and slower.  There were a few boring and empty days, meanwhile other people were lamenting about lay offs. That put me in a weird place.  Then, they eventually asked if we’d be comfortable to still come in on Monday - [This past Monday 3/23] and at first I said yeah, but then I thought about my current situation at home and had to make a hard moral choice. It was absolutely the right thing to do.
For the moment, I currently live with my parents again.  And the more I go into work, the more I risk bringing home the virus to my parents, who are absolutely in the demographic of being very weak and prone to the infection.  I’d never be able to live with myself if something happened to them.  I’m trying desperately to get out of there, but Covid-19 is interrupting that, for the time being.  So I spoke with my Mom about it and at first she told me to do what feels right. I told her, I’m either not going to work, or I’m moving in to this new place before it’s ready.  She eventually conceded that even under the best of conditions, it’s always hard to go through a move.  And when it comes to work, no amount of money is worth the risk of what these stakes are.  Like I said, if anything happened to them, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself.
....and now a Co-worker just forwarded me an e-mail which basically says that they need to lower wages and/or cut work hours based on the minimal work that’s coming in at this time.  What the FUCK Man!!!  Just let us go at this point!
Regardless either way I slice it, technically I don’t have insurance anymore.  So that’s just great.  I’m literally processing that right now as of a minute ago.  I am absolutely getting my Meds TOMORROW.  And I’ll just see if it’s the usual price or the absolute rip-off that I remember from years ago.
FUCK!  And here all I wanted to do was complain about my Ex and talk about girls.  Now none of that fucking matters anymore.  Literally right before this, I was lamenting about how my Ex is upset with me because I deleted all of our pictures from Facebook.  Except with Facebook, it’s never really deleted.  Anything on FB that you were tagged in, is still on your page until you remove the tag or ‘Hide’ them.  Well, I’m tired of going through the emotional duress, so I decided that the public photos that I can’t touch will just remain.  At least for now.  I even read an article on FB etiquette over this thing, because I heard enough different responses that I was like, “Really???”
First of all...  Deleting photos is healthy.  Its a sign of moving on.  I just figure, save them all in a folder and be done with it.  One day I’m gonna meet a girl, and I’m not gonna want her to see all these pictures of me with my ex.  Especially if I’m gonna be dating soon.  But again, that’s where the whole Covid thing comes in to interfere.  And again, considering that it’s affected my job to this capacity, now none of that even matters.  Just another emotion I’m navigating through.
To that end, I have minimal updates on any of the girls I’m talking to, because well... there’s nothing to do.  Covid has forced me to be a shut in.  My daily schedule literally consists of getting up, having breakfast, playing video games/going for a walk (not always in that order), having lunch, being social/watching a thing (not always in that order), having dinner, putting on a movie/being social. (Again not always in that order).  I’ve been staying sane during my Quarancation.  Taking it day by day.  But today has been truly taxing on my mind.  And also, I haven’t gone for a walk yet because my feet hurt.  I literally cut up my heels walking, because the shoes somehow scrape against the back of my heel, yet are comfortable enough for typical walking/sitting.  What the Hell?
The minor updates are all online via text or FB.  So I’ll start with texting Bakery Girl.  Not much doing.  We barely talk.  I’m not getting much of a vibe from her if any.  So I’m not going out of my way to text her every night or every other day.  But when we talked last night it was primarily about work and how times is scary.  Her bakery is still open, but then we talked about my job and what little we’ve heard from people that are still in there.
Next I’ll bring up Gamer Girl.  This one already has an ending, since the last entry.  We’re just gonna be friends.  However, I’ve noticed that she likes to message me when she gets home from work and talk for the literal hour she has before she goes to bed.  I think it’s sweet, but I also don’t... care?  I dunno. It’s literally going nowhere and would’ve been a bad idea in the first place.  Still though she reminds me that we WILL do Video Games and Pizza again, and she Will come over to my new place once it’s all set to do different games with me there.  Again, I think that’s awesome.  There’s also a flirty weird vibe about her conversation.  But she already said it won’t get weird.  She has a Poly Partner she visits and that completely works for her.  So there it is.
Now I’ll actually add a new name to this list.  Let’s call her Zombie Girl.  This one is an old friend, whom I met when I was 15.  She was way older and never on my radar.  In fact... I was illegal. o.o But fast forward to when I was like 24 or something, I definitely did a lot of theatre gigs on drums, while she acted.  Didn’t think much of anything with her, but she was always nice and silly to talk to.  One random cast party, she was absolutely all over me, drinking, talking and just hanging around me all night.  There might’ve been arm over the shoulder stuff, but nothing serious.  Then, when we said goodnight, she walked me to my car and was drunk enough to not give a fuck and kiss me goodnight right on the lips. I remember saying, “Goodnight Zombie,”  [Insert real name there] and that was the end of the flirtship.  I was not into her, man.  I didn’t want to do that and make it super weird. The friendship remained, however. She met someone, I met someone and 5 years went by with barely any talking!  Now however, with all of this Covid loneliness, I looked at old conversations, even when we were just friends.  And they were absolutely flirty.  And I just missed her, so... we’re talking again. Its absolutely nothing.  Just a lot of catching up and shooting the shit out of boredom.  She completely understood not keeping in touch though as we’ve both been in relationships.  As far as hanging out is concerned, right before Covid got grimly serious, she mentioned that she was interested in “shenanigans” with me.  She desperately wanted to get out of the house too, whether that would happen or not.  Now its absolutely not happening however, because everyone’s basically shut in right now. Now I’ll bring up a more significant friend.  This one I’ll call Canada Girl.  Similar year - back in 2013/2014, we had very flirty chemistry online.  This one went to High School with me.  She was a Freshman when I was a Senior and I didn’t pay her much mind.  When I was 24 though, she was 20.  Not a bad age difference.  But enough of one.  She had moved to Canada at some point, but was actually in town.  And I remember completely flaking on her when she wanted me to save her from being at her Grandma’s.  That was stupid. She absolutely broke up with her boyfriend too and went to a party where she just wanted to get fucked up and have a good time.  ::snaps fingers::  But I wasn’t into it at the time.  Whatever I was doing, it clearly was more important to me than randomly catching up and trying my luck with her. Now, however the story is once again different.  She actually hit Me up on Facebook and we had a good talk.  We both apologized for not keeping in touch, and there is already light flirty chemistry, but for the most part it’s very normal.  I won’t lie to you.  It was even like, a week before my Ex and I got together that we were pseudo-porn sharing on FB.  I mean, we got that weird with each other. So who the fuck knows?
And speaking of Porn Sharing, I was starting to think that my time with the Significant Party of the Significant Couple was a one-time only.  But nah, man.  For the past 2 nights we’ve been giving each other attention of the stimulating variety, and it was more than appreciated on my end.  I’m still so grateful to have that person in my life.  Lately I’ve been a moody shit, and it pleases me that they get it.  I’ve certainly been there for them.  So I like that they can handle me when I’m not at my best.  And I certainly don’t take it out on them.  Instead this is a very chill, ‘there when ya need me’ kind of relationship.  I’m really getting used to it, and it hasn’t gotten weird at all with the other person in the Significant Party.
It’s almost needless to talk about why I’ve been Moody.  It’s literally everything, dude.  Navigating the aftermath of this Relationship bothers me.  I’m over it.  I’m getting over it.  But I’m not fully out of it yet.  What I mean is, my stuff is still there.  Not all of it.  Just the tough stuff, like my furniture.  So I need to eventually get it out of there.
But that can’t happen until my place is ready.  Of which it isn’t yet.  Almost, but not quite.  Estimated time is 3/31-4/3.  If I’ve given any updates, the carpets were installed on 3/23, which is a miracle, because by then, Covid had really kicked in, forcing all non-essential businesses to close.  So I’m really grateful for that.  But now my Landlord has this whole other laundry list of things he wanted to do.  Too many to list.  So I’ll just leave it with, best case, it’s ready on Tuesday the 31st, or Friday the 3rd.  That’s really not terrible at all.
My next move was gonna be to get my friends to help me get this furniture in there.  I was gonna rent a UHaul truck and just knock it out in one day.  Apparently they’re still open.  But none of my friends budged.  Covid is really shutting ALL of them in.  Even my toughest and closest friends who promised to help. Of course I’m annoyed, but I get it.  This is Literally the worst time to move.
And now of course, since deleting the FB pictures, my Ex got really upset and changed the nicknames on our chat.  I knew it was gonna happen eventually, but now she’s no longer Darling Love and the heart emoji is just a thumbs up again.  When she made the change, I gave her a thumbs up and she said nothing.  Today when I tried to talk business, she was super short, but said sure, about coming over tomorrow.  I was gonna take measurements and my TV stand to start this furniture process.  Instead, she wants to do the measurements herself, which is fine, but since I noticed the aggression, I asked if we were okay, and she let on that she was pissed about me deleting the FB pictures.  I had saved them all in a folder on Dropbox and given them to her.  They are on my computer as well.  But I don’t think she cares about that.  I think it’s more the fact that I did it without warning or consulting her about it?  Which in a way is none of her business, because it’s my profile and I need to be comfortable with the content I have on there. On the other hand, it may seem like I’m trying to erase the last 5 years of my life, but I’m honestly not.  I just... can’t look at them anymore.  Not on Facebook.  But in my own folder, I will.  In my own time, if I want to.  This is the stuff she doesn’t want to talk about.  She wants her space.  And she really doesn’t want to see me this weekend.  So she won’t.
Doesn’t change the fact that I need my TV Stand.  And the rest of my furniture.  But as her replacement one hasn’t come in yet and my place isn’t ready yet, we can push that back for another week.  Her replacement TV stand should come in on 4/3, which is the latest my place will be ready, possibly.
So now I have some things to mull over.  But definitely it seems like whatever I do, my next move is gonna involve getting Movers to help me with this stuff, if any are in operation right now. My friends would absolutely help, but Covid... I honestly expect the same answer from any of the Movers.  And if that’s the case, I’m gonna be pissed, because then I truly am stuck...
But then, considering this new information about how my Job is truly going in the shitter now?...  Maybe stuck with my parents is exactly where I need to be at the moment...  I’m gonna be without insurance now, for who knows how fucking long.
I have money...  I can afford my meds.  But God damn, does that suck.
So yeah...  This is a really fucked up time.  So it was time for an update.
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persorene · 7 years
Can I ask you a genuine question? I'm not trying to be rude but I've never met another infertile person and there's something I've never understood. Why, when the world is already overpopulated, do you undergoe treatment to get pregnant rather than adopt a child who needs help.
I’m always open to answer questions about it because I wish it wasn’t looked at as a taboo subject.
Firstly, I’m certain you’ve met another infertile person. About 1 in 8 women are infertile but many are ashamed and don’t talk about it or just don’t want kids and it doesn’t bother them.
Secondly, I get this question all the time and I have so many issues with it.
My main reason for choosing treatments over adoption is that adoption costs between $40,000 and $50,000 dollars, up front, to even be listed with an adoption agency and then you can wait YEARS to get matched. Foster care adoptions are cheaper, but I want to have a baby. That likely sounds very selfish, but I honestly don’t think I should feel guilty for wanting something other people get and have everyday with no struggle.
Now, still on cost, fertility treatments run the gauntlet for prices. IUI (what I’m currently doing) is around $2,000 per try on average (I’m very lucky and my doctor only charges $200 per attempt.) I just finished my second attempt and we’ll know in two weeks whether or not it worked. You can do IUI up to three times. Even if I have to move on, IVF costs around $7,000 to $15,000 per attempt depending on what treatments you need.
As you can see, treatments are FAR more affordable.
Now, here comes my ranting because some of what you said gets under my skin. The world’s overpopulation should not fall on my shoulders. Because I have difficulty conceiving, does not mean I have to stay unhappy because of the world’s population. The problem lies with people who have 5, 10, 15 even 20 kids. No one NEEDS that many children. I want one. One child. One being created out of the immense love between myself and my husband.
Adopting is beautiful and amazing and I would love to do it. However, adoption is expensive beyond reason, emotionally taxing and exhausting. I will adopt if I need to. However, that doesn’t fix my infertility, it doesn’t change what I’ve gone through, it doesn’t take the pain and bitterness away.
I’m just trying my best to survive a situation that I never wanted to be in.
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jeremysavory · 5 years
Caribbean passports have captivated Middle Eastern citizens for years. The ability these passports provide to travel visa-free has been the primary motivation for countless investors and entrepreneurs to obtain such passports.
From our experience at Savory & Partners, we have understood the main driving force for our clients to obtain second citizenship and passport, is the ability to secure the future of their families and their freedom, given the circumstances in their home nations.
Curiously, many of our clients astonish when they discover that they can purchase property in the Caribbean from USD 200,000; which is well-known for its sunny tropical weather and for being home to some of the most stunning beaches and holiday destinations in the world.
People Who Read this Article Also Read: Second Citizenship - A Path to a Better Tomorrow
Compared to purchasing property in other prominent holiday destinations, the price is certainly reasonable. And here comes the reason why it gets even more beneficial: investors obtain not just a property or share in real estate that can be resold after a few years; they obtain Caribbean or EU citizenship and passport as well. It’s a life insurance that provides them with more opportunities for themselves and their families in the future.
"Compared to purchasing property in other prominent holiday destinations, the price is certainly reasonable"
We discussed this subject with our team of experts and they gave us their opinion on some of the top benefits of investing in second citizenship beyond visa-free travel:
Children Have Access to Better Educational Opportunities.
Children who hold second citizenship, whether European or Caribbean have remarkable benefits. Their second passport opens doors to higher and quality education in many western countries. Having the ability to travel visa-free to the Schengen states or even to the UK will allow them to familiarize with different cultures and choose between some of the best universities in the world.
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A second nationality could also help your children extend their student or work visas once they complete their studies, something that’s denied to countless students from countries presumed to have a high-chance of overstaying their visas.
Avoid Sudden Travel Restrictions Based on Your Place of Birth
Business people suffer due to governments that apply sudden travel bans and sanctions indiscriminately on certain nationalities. Many individuals hoping to overcome these unfair travel bans and sanctions invest in a second citizenship to avoid this issue; they are aware that geopolitical policies can have an impact on their ability to travel, do business or complete their studies.
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Indeed, many business people who had never encountered any issue obtaining work visas can abruptly find themselves on the black list of countries subjected to complex and lengthy visa application processes. A second passport in such cases guarantees your ability to continue with your lifestyle and ensures your birth nationality does not hinder your possibilities of career projection.
Decide Whenever you want to live in a better place.
In today’s world, having the freedom to decide when and how you want to relocate is a significant benefit not all families can afford. A second citizenship will provide the opportunity to have a plan B in case of risky situations such as political instability; or even urgent medical treatment that might not be available in your home country.
"Investors obtain not just a property or share in real estate that can be resold after a few years; they obtain Caribbean citizenship and passport as well"
Since many of our clients come from conflict areas, they express a second passport has helped them overcome this difficulty as many of them have been able to move abroad with their families; something they call as “starting a new life of freedom, avoiding restrictions due to their birth nationality”
Freedom to Do Business and Create Extra Partnerships in New Markets
Business people who come from countries believed to have political difficulties, often face extra checks or capital restrictions on their business transactions, which limits their capability to do business and grow their companies in essential business hubs. Holding a second citizenship from the EU  will ease the process when applying for business licenses, transferring funds for legitimate purposes or opening bank accounts internationally.
Additionally, there are specific industries’ sectors which are exclusive to local citizens. Becoming a dual citizen means you will obtain the best of both nationalities, such as access to business opportunities in both markets, even to those business possibilities that are limited to local investors.
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Choose How You Want to Retire and Improve Your Tax Planning.
Individuals holding dual nationality enjoy many more options when it comes to where and how they want to retire and therefore, decide where to be tax residents.
The Caribbean is renowned for being home to a big community of wealthy - high net worth retirees from diverse nationalities, who decided to spend their retirement in islands like Antigua & Barbuda, Grenada, St Lucia or the Commonwealth of Dominica. They enjoy favourable rates of currency exchange in countries where the cost of living is lower than in many western countries.
For these reasons and more, investing in second citizenship from the EU or the Caribbean is much more than a ticket to global mobility. A second citizenship is an ultimate asset used by investors and HNW individuals to guarantee better opportunities in all aspects for themselves and their families at a glance.
If you want to have more information on our citizenship and residency by investment programs, please sign up on our website, or don’t hesitate to contact our team of experts for a consultation FREE of charge: +971 (0) 4 430 1717 or WhatsApp +971 54 440 2955.
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