#i offered to do X last week right? in preparation for tonights meeting okay?
despite-everything · 2 years
i literally want to destroy something.
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starythewriter · 27 days
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Vinnie hacker X Y/N: casino night
TW: rough sex.
“You can tell me anything. You know that right?” He asks softly from where he sits on the edge of her bed. She turns towards him and looks into his eyes, “I know. I trust you. And this isn’t something we need to worry about right now.”
Her heart is racing. The adrenaline rush she felt last week when she realized that Vinnie was back in town, the one that made her run out of her apartment at 3 am with only a pair of pants and shoes, the adrenaline still running through her veins as if she had just gone a round in an Olympic match, or even during their first kiss. It feels good knowing that there's nothing to fear anymore. That no matter how much her heart flutters, her brain will always manage to keep a cool head under pressure. It makes it easier to think rationally. But it also means that they have more time together. She needs all the time possible because there are so many things she wants to ask him before the next couple of weeks pass by without them talking for any longer than necessary. There are so many things she wants to do. She wants to take his hand. She wants to kiss his neck again. She wants to be able to hold his hands in hers. but vinnie hasn’t been around ever since he left… but he’s invited me to a casino night. Her stomach drops at the idea. She knows he wouldn’t do that if he didn't want to see her. But he’s probably going to see other people. She has no doubt that his reputation is enough of an attraction for most women to go to the casinos with him. Especially given how well known he is. If someone sees us, we won’t have any privacy anymore. The thought leaves her feeling slightly nauseous. She doesn’t know what would happen if they were caught. What would happen to the rest of their lives? She knows they aren’t married, but if they get caught, what would their families say? Would they disown them? she tried to shake that feeling off… she accepted the offer and prepared her gown. This might be our chance to prove to the world that we’re not broken. We don’t need to hide behind anyone’s expectations. She can’t help thinking that if it’s just them, then maybe she could be able to make her feelings known. She can try. She’s willing to risk everything. She’ll follow him tonight if it means seeing him again, even if it’s just once. If he wants her, then why should she be scared? She tries to convince herself that maybe she’s getting ahead of herself. Maybe this is the best thing to do. Vinnie has never done anything to hurt her and she knows that he really loves her. Maybe they should just go to the casino and dance and talk and maybe even make out on the table. She can handle that. She has to. She’s not afraid of Vinnie. She wants to know the truth. She just doesn’t know where he stands anymore. If he wants her too. she got ready.
it was the next morning and she was scared. however she had already got ready. she got a call from
him as she ordered her taxi and was on her way to the event. She had no choice but to accept the invitation since she was already there, so she decided to meet up with him after he arrived. she was sitting at the bar when she saw him, a smirk playing on his face. she couldn’t resist smiling back, even though she was nervous. Vinnie approached her, “hey. Sorry I haven’t stopped by to see you sooner. Been busy, y’know. You look great, by the way” he smiled, putting his arm around her. she relaxed at the gesture. she let herself lean against him. “Thank you. You look very nice yourself.” she turned towards him and kissed his cheek, “are you okay?” “yeah just… wondering about what the press will think” she sighed, leaning forward to rest her elbows on the bar in front of her. she looked over to Vinnie who seemed to be deep in thought. “I’m sure they won’t bother you. They know you’re a player, remember?” he chuckled. She nodded, looking down at her drink. he leaned closer to her, “come on… let’s dance.” she nodded and stood up. They danced slowly, trying not to step on anyone’s feet. When she looked over Vinnie’s shoulder she noticed some reporters watching them intently. she quickly glanced back at Vinnie, “maybe we should sit somewhere else.” He agreed and sat at another stool at the bar, motioning for her to come and join him. she took a seat opposite him. “this place is amazing, y’know. I haven’t been here in forever.” She shrugged. “It’s a small place.” she commented, taking a sip of her champagne.
she slowly brushed her fingers across his crotch teasing him. she knew exactly what buttons to push to make him squirm. she could feel his dick growing hard underneath his clothes. she loved it when he was turned on. it usually ended up making him forget about their problems, especially when he came.
he placed his hand on top of hers, “Y/N, if you continue like this, I will lose control.” He breathed heavily. she smirked and moved her hand further up his leg, caressing his thigh. “I promise that I won’t touch your penis unless you want me to” she teased. she ran her hand across his cheek and down his neck. he shivered and licked his lips, “what did you have in mind?” he asked. she leaned towards him and whispered in his ear, “I’ve always wanted to see you come.” she pulled away and gave him a seductive smile. she bit her lip and watched as he swallowed thickly, “i want to fuck you right here… right now.” She laughed, “oh yeah? what are we waiting for then?” she replied with a seductive wink, “how do you feel about going to your room?” he suggested, leading her upstairs.
Chapter 2
Chapter Two: the room
The room wasn’t big, but it was pretty. They could hear the music downstairs, which was loud enough to block out whatever sounds they heard in their own rooms. Vinnie pushed her towards the bed and she climbed onto it, giggling excitedly.
Vinnie leaned over and began kissing her neck, trailing his teeth along the line between her collarbones, leaving soft marks as he went. His kisses started from her shoulders down her chest until he reached the waistband of her jeans. he pulled them down slowly, revealing her black lace panties and black stockings. he removed them completely, pulling her underwear down as well. he tossed her panties aside and slipped his finger inside of her, causing her to moan in pleasure. he slid two fingers inside of her and began thrusting his hand in and out of her, sending waves of pleasure throughout her body. she was moaning loudly and reaching her climax as she felt his tongue swirling around her clit.
she was almost panting when he suddenly pulled out of her. She opened her eyes and saw him staring at her hungrily. “you’re beautiful…” he murmured, cupping both sides of her face. he bent down and pressed his lips against hers. it felt incredibly good. the way he kissed her, made her feel so alive, so free. she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer as he kept moving in and out of her. She could feel her orgasm building and she desperately needed release. she reached her hand down his pants and began stroking him. he groaned and pressed himself harder into her hand as she squeezed him tightly. he grabbed her wrists and held them above her head while he continued to kiss her furiously and roughly. she moaned loudly as he increased the pace of his movements. she began to feel dizzy and closed her eyes, allowing herself to fall into the blissful void. She began to feel more than a little dizzy, but she couldn’t stop because she didn’t want to. she tightened her grip on Vinnie’s hair as she felt herself coming. she could taste herself as her orgasm began to build. It had been so long, so many years… she hadn’t been able to feel anything like that for so long. She felt like crying.
she collapsed on top of him, exhausted. Vinnie lay still for a moment before he raised himself off of the bed and lifted Y/n into his arms. She wrapped her legs around him, pressing herself against him as she laid her head on his chest. he carried her down the hallway to his bedroom.
he carefully put her down on his large mattress and pulled the sheets up to her chin. He walked out of the room and returned a few minutes later, with a glass of water and a pill.
the end!
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luminari-mc · 3 years
Can i request “I’m not leaving. Ever.” with leviathan and gn mc
Red Alert! Emotional Support Demon Required
Prompt: “I’m not leaving. Ever.”
Genre: Fluff, Hurt/Comfort
Pairing: Gn!MC/Reader x Leviathan
Summary: You and Levi were supposed to do an anime marathon tonight, but for some reason, you never show up at his room.
Warnings: Feelings of depression.
A/N: I recently played further into season 3 and absolutely loved Leviathan in it (I didn't even know it was possible to love him more!). I wanted to write something that shows that sometimes, this shy bean of a demon knows what to do when his Henry is feeling down.
He had been waiting for this day for weeks.
Ever since the release date of I Thought I'd Like Working As A Butler, But My Boss Turned Out To Be My Best Friend, And Now I'm Feeling Super Conflicted But Also Kind Of Into It So Please Send Help? had been confirmed on the forums, Levi had planned out the biggest marathon for newly released animes for the both of you. First, he had brought enough sodas and snacks to last the entire night. Second, he had made an entire list of the animes you and him were going to watch in order from most hyped and talked about, and finally, you two would be reviewing your favorites and talk more in depth about your favorite stories, characters and plot points! He just couldn't wait- this was going to be so cool!
Except that, as the time of your meeting in his room approached more and more, Levi grew anxious. He started shifting in his seat on the floor, the countdown for the first episode on his TV's screen kept dropping and yet, you still weren't sitted by his side. The broadcast was about to start, but there was no way he'd let you miss out on the first few seconds, whatever the reason for your absence was. And so the demon got up from his seat on the floor, and left the comfort of his room to walk to your own.
Levi's knocks were weak against your door, before the demon shyly cracked it open to peek inside your bedroom. "M-MC..?"
Your room was entirely plunged into darkness, save for the tree's dim lights, much to Levi's surprise who was expecting to perhaps see you in the middle of preparing yourself to go meet him in his room. With hesitation, he pushed the door to step inside, looking around the room as his eyes adjusted to the darkness.
"MC? Are you in there...?" He looked around, a bit worried. You hadn't gone out with one of his brothers since dinner and ditched him, right?
His tensed expression was however quickly eased upon seeing your frame laid down in bed, hidden by your thick blanket. You were facing the wall, so he couldn't tell if you had accidentally fallen asleep or not- something that was harder to tell given how silent you were despite his presence in your room.
"Y-You awake? Working As A Butler is going to start soon..." Levi approached the bed with timid steps, tilting his head to the side as he awaited an answer from you while fiddling with his fingers.
"Oh..." A weak sound of surprise fell out of your lips. "Sorry Levi, I... I'm not feeling very good right now. I don't think I can watch anime with you tonight."
Levi's hopes were crushed in an instant, as his mouth hung open in disbelief.
"Wh-What? But... why?! We planned everything out together, and you even said this morning how excited you were to see it. I don't understand..."
Levi's worries quickly turned against him like sharp knives. "Did-- Did I do something wrong?"
"It's not you, I just..." He watched as you brought the blanket above your shoulder. "I'm just feeling... really down. I don't know why, it's just... one of those days."
"Oh..." His eyes wandered around the room aimlessly, trying to think of something to say. He perfectly knew what it was like to have the blues for no reason whatsoever, but he'd be lying if seeing you in this state didn't hurt him.
"Sorry Levi." You hid yourself even more with the blanket. "Could you maybe leave-"
"I-I don't want you to be alone." He exclaimed through wobbly lips, his cheeks turning pink as he took a step closer to the bed. He knew too well what it was like, keeping to yourself and let the bad thoughts rot inside your brain. But as much as he had a tendency to do that to himself, he wasn't about to let you experience the same.
"I'm sad too sometimes, and in those moments, I know it's best to have someone with you to... share the pain."
He marked a pause, your figure keeping still in the bed, with no reaction to his words. Levi gulped, and as if his body had grown a conscience of its own, he placed a knee on the mattress before laying down near you, wrapping an arm around you. Even with the thickness of the covers, you were able to sense the warmth of his chest against your back. This attention- it only urged the tears you had fought against to show up even more.
"Levi, please, I'm fine, you can just go-"
"N-No!" Levi closed his eyes shut, his face red hot from how bold he was being. "Y-You're always there for me when I'm being harsh on myself, always dealing with my rantings even though I'm a shut-in who's only found one true friend in his life. So n-no, I won't let my best friend be sad and alone in the dark." He hugged your frame tighter, planting his face against your back as his tone softened.
"I'm not leaving. Ever."
Levi kept still, the color of his cheeks unchanging as he suddenly felt your hand pulling out from under the covers, to place itself on his own. As he heard you silently sniffling, your shoulders starting to tremble against him, he had to admit how glad he was that he couldn't see your face right now. Otherwise, it probably would have made him cry, too.
"I'll stay here until you're not sad anymore, okay?" He offered. You squeezed his hand a bit more as a response.
"What about the anime... ?"
Levi closed his eyes as he shook his head, ever so glad he could be there to shield you against the darkness of your thoughts.
"It can wait. You'll always be more important anyway."
Taglist: @the-wilted-amaryllis, @amistytown (to be added to the general taglist, send me a DM, an ask, or reply to this post!)
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manekicatwriter · 3 years
hellooo! i was wondering if i could make a request for an modern au sbi x gn sibling reader where they’re around 17-19, and they’ve got depression. they’ve had to go away for a few weeks after a bad episode ended in an attempt and they were hospitalized and sent somewhere for rehabilitation and now they’re coming home and they’re all anxious and quiet and stuff- so the boys do their best to like comfort them and reassure them that they’re loved and they belong there? i’m sorry if that’s an awkward request, i was just recently discharged after a similar situation and honestly the comfort would be great. it’s totally your call if you chose to write it tho, i understand that this is a difficult and triggering subject and not everyone is comfortable with writing things like it. if you aren’t comfy please feel free to just ignore my ask! <3
you’re here, and that’s what matters.
TW: mentions of attempted suicide. please proceed with caution.
hey! i just wanted to let you know that i’ve been through a similar situation and understand how you feel (though my case was not as severe). i wish you a safe road to recovery.
note, i think you asked for their characters but it leant itself towards their rl versions. i have a feeling the dsmp versions would be too chaotic for this sensitive subject.
REQUESTS ARE OPEN!! please do not be afraid to send in an ask. ANON IS ON!!
- phil was very scared about you being so gravely hurt, it kept him up for some nights. thankfully, you pulled through.
- he visited whenever he could. if he couldn’t, he was busy making sure coming home felt as comfortable for you as possible while also educating himself on how to take care of you.
- phil would listen to how you felt, and be understanding of your feelings.
- “You don’t have to tell me why you did it, I’m just glad you’re here,” pulling you in for a warm hug.
- when you got back home, he made sure he and the boys had prepared your favorite dinner and desserts.
It was the day you had just got home from rehabilitation, and you two were sitting on the couch. You hadn’t said much, you felt like you had nothing to say. Phil had asked for you to sit down so you two could talk, one on one.
You couldn’t meet his gaze. “I’m sorry,” your voice started to crack. “For making you guys worry about me.” Tears started to form from your eyes and you wept into your hands.
Phil immediately reached over to you to hug you, letting you cry on his shoulder. “We don’t blame you. We don’t blame anybody. I just want you to be here safe with us. Let it all out.” He pat and rubbed your back soothingly as you kept crying. But it was a good cry. He was just glad you came home.
- even though many see tommy as a loud and obnoxious boy with a general disregard for others, we all know deep down that’s a persona. he will go out of his way to make other comfortable in his presence if he truly cares for them. which he does, for you of course.
- he wants to make you happy! when the time is right, he’ll crack jokes and offer to play minecraft with you.
- would tone down the yelling. not because you asked, but he’s afraid of triggering you. treats you like glass. if you notice he’s being quieter than usual and you don’t care, you tell him you don’t.
- if you’re feeling it, he’ll take you out to fun places and to eat. nothing that’s too outlandish like a theme park, but just enough to have a reason to get out of bed that day instead of sleeping in.
It had been a week since you had gotten home and Phil had instructed you to maintain somewhat of a schedule to upkeep yourself. Right now was your nightly routine, washing yourself, brushing your teeth, and finally sliding under the covers. It felt nice. The blanket of sleep consumes you easily…
Until you bedroom door opens you’re being aggressively shaken awake. You groan, shying away, but they’re persistent.
“Ey, wake up, it’s morning!” Tommy shakes you again.
You realize you didn’t dream, but think nothing of it. “Tommy please, what do you want.”
Finally, Tommy pulled your warm sheets from over you, making you flinch. “I wanted to go out to the park today! Feed the ducks! Yeesss!”
You sighed. If you didn’t comply now, Tommy will refuse to stop nagging you for the rest of the day. You rolled out of bed and into the bathroom. You could very clearly hear Tommy’s cheers.
You two had gotten ready, eaten breakfast, and said goodbye to the rest of your family so you could head over to the park. It was close enough that it wasn’t unbearable to walk to. Even if you weren’t completely yourself yet, you were glad Tommy was.
After the short walk you two finally reached the park. Tommy immediately bolted toward the pond and you jogged behind. He had already started throwing the ducks some seeds, and even threw it on a duck. It didn’t seem too pleased.
You two sat at the edge of the pond as you watched the ducks eat. “Hey.” You hear Tommy call to you, and you turn your head to him.
“Can we talk about what happened? With you? Is it okay?” You could hear the uncertainty in his voice.
“Go ahead, what is it?”
“When Techno found out what happened to you, and told us the news, I was scared shitless.” He let out a sad huff. “I thought we were going to lose you.” Tommy kept his eyes fixed at the pond in front of him. “I’m sorry, I really shouldn’t have brought this up. I’m just glad you’re okay.” He sighed.
You put a hand on his shoulder. “Oh Tommy…” You started, “I’m sorry for making you worry. You shouldn’t have to feel like that because of my actions.”
Tommy was lost in thought for a moment, before finally speaking up, “No, please don’t apologize. It’s not anybody’s fault this happened, right?” You nodded.
Tommy stood up, dusting his pants off from the grass. “Come on now, let’s go get some ice cream!” He pulled you up from the ground.
“Last one to get to the shop has to pay!”
Immediately, Tommy bolts in the direction to the ice cream shop, and you catch up to him. No matter the circumstance is, he never seems to fail at putting a smile on your face.
- i HC wilbur being the oldest, being older than techno by 3 years and older than tommy by 8, like IRL. :]
- i think out of all of your siblings, wilbur exudes the most “protective older brother” energy, yeah?
- remember when tommy lied about his mother being in trouble and how worried and anxious wilbur got? turn that up to 11 with what happened with you.
- with wilbur being the oldest, he of course had the responsibility of taking care of everyone. but somehow you and him didn’t spend as much 1 on 1 time as much as wilbur did with his other siblings
- wilbur definitely was going to change that, realizing that and not wanting to make that mistake again.
- he decided that finding a new hobby with you wouldn’t be such a bad idea.
You were sitting at the dinner table, being the last one there. You were poking at your food for the most part, and Wilbur got home late from… whatever Wilbur thing he was doing. Phil cooked pasta for dinner tonight. Wilbur put down his bags at the door connected to the garage. “I’m home! What’s for dinner?”
“Mmm, I love some good ol’ pasta.” He said, already taking a plate out to serve himself. “Also, hey, I bought something I wanted to build with you. Do you mind?”
You finally looked up from your very interesting pasta. “Build..?” You had no idea where this was going.
Wilbur placed his plate on the table and approached the bags of groceries, going through them to find the bag he was looking for. He pulled out a LEGO set. More specifically, a LEGO City set from the looks of the box? “Wilbur, how much was that?”
He blinked at you innocently. “It was only, like, £25. And look! It’s got a little submarine we can make with a rock and ugly sea monster—“
“But why?”
“Why not? It wouldn’t hurt for you to do something new, yeah?” He smiled at you, shaking the LEGO box in front of him to show it off. You sighed, but smiled. “Alright. But maybe you and I should eat this pasta first before we start building.” Wilbur nodded.
“Speaking of water, don’t you think I could teach you how to swim or something?”
“Oh, fuck off with that!”
- i think out of everyone in the family, he understands you the most in terms of how you feel.
- not suicidal, but just generally having depressive episodes due to his ADHD.
- techno’s generally closed off, but started to really open up to you because he wanted to show he cares, even if it meant going out of his comfort zone.
- techno suggested journaling. once a day or once per week, it didn’t really matter. just as long as you could write down your feelings somewhere.
- he didn’t explicitly say it, but he also bought a book for himself so he could do it along with you. although, he more often than not just forgets to write in it until you mention your own journal.
- if you want to be sad and quiet, you can be sad and quiet with him. his room is a safe space for you if you ever need it and you’re always welcome to come in, just as long as you knock first.
With one hand on your mouse scrolling through the internet, and another resting your head on it, you were safe to admit you were utterly and completely bored. Honestly, you thought about taking another nap after your last one, but a knock on your door stopped you right before you pulled the covers over yourself. “Can I come in?”
You rose from your bed. “Come in. Oh hey Techno.”
He gave a simple wave and his signature “Halloo.” He walked right over to you and handed a journal and a ballpoint pen. “I got this. For you.” His stare was sharp but you could sort of tell he was nervous.
“What for?”
“I dunno. Writin’ your feelings down or drawin’ or somethin’. Whatever helps you vent.” He scratched the back of his neck.
“Oh Techno, thank you. That’s very sweet of you.” You gave a slight smile, but saw that he still had another journal in his hand. “You have two journals?”
Techno raised his eyebrow in confusion before looking down at his hand. “Oh this? It’s for me. So we could do it together, I guess.”
You let out a happy hum. “That’s nice. Say, why don’t we go to your room? I want to see your new lava lamp and stuff.”
Techno shrugged. “Sure. I’ve got more stationary too if you want.” He waved his hand before letting himself out the door, with you following not far behind.
hi hope u enjoyed reading as much as i did writing it. this format was new for me but very fun!
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beccascribbles · 4 years
Can i ask for a suna x reader request where the reader is the team’s manager and swear she wouldn’t date another volleyball player after her ex, but suna changes her mind? 👀👀
a/n - this ended up way longer than i intended. whoops. honestly as i wrote this, i forgot all about the original plot. he does still change her mind though! it just became more of a best friends to lovers au (which i’m a big fat lover of). anyway, hope you enjoy :)
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You swore off dating volleyball players the night you turned up at his house, tears rolling down your cheeks and red eyes. Your voice was hoarse when you told him, when you told Suna you would never date another volleyball player. The tears dampened his shirt as he held you, as he listened to you rant.
Suna hated to admit it, but a part of him was glad when he saw you on his doorstep that night. It meant you had finally realised what a piece of shit you had been dating and also opened up an avenue that had been previously shut for him. However, none of that mattered when you were in front of him. Any part of him that rejoiced at your broken expression disgusted him.
"All volleyball players are shit," you sobbed, pressing your face into his chest, choosing to forget that you were currently seeking comfort in the arms of one. "Can you believe he cheated on me?"
"I always told you he was a piece of shit," drawled Suna, rubbing soothing circles into your back. You bit back another sob, landing a light smack to his shoulder.
"And you're suddenly Mr Perfect?"
"I wouldn't cheat on you."
"Well, it doesn't really matter anyway," you sighed, curling into the warmth Suna provided, arms wrapping around his waist. "A volleyball player and me will never be a thing again. Fuck that. I'm not going through that pain again."
That whole night Suna was there to offer you comfort. He let you wash in his bathroom, giving you one of his favourite t-shirts and a pair of boxers to wear to bed. He even gave you his bed to sleep in, saying he would sleep on the floor. You couldn't let him do that, grabbing him by the wrist and pulling him into the bed beside you. Suna was also the one who called your mother, explaining that you were staying at his house tonight.
And, the next morning, you were awoken to the smell of breakfast wafting through the house, walking down the stairs to be greeted by Suna on a video call with Osamu. It was clear Osamu was instructing him on how to cook, something that Suna struggled with.
"Morning, Rin, Samu," you greeted, waving at the phone screen as you stepped into view. Osamu eyes widened slightly at the sight of your clothing. You were still dressed in Suna's clothes, and, if you didn't know why, you would admit your reaction likely would have been the same.
"Ooh, y/n," sang Atsumu's voice, his head appearing at the top of the frame as Osamu pushed him away. "What have ya -"
He was cut off by Suna's barked 'shut up'. In a quiet voice, you stated simply, "My boyfriend, ex now I suppose, cheated on me."
"Did Suna make ya forget all about that loser?" asked Atsumu, his head now back in frame and pushing against Osamu's as he tried to claim the centre of the screen.
"Sumu!" snapped Osamu, shooting him a glare as he gave him a hard slap to the back of the head.
"If letting me cry and rant to him counts, then yes," you sighed, turning away from them and heading to the cupboard to grab a glass.
"Samu," called Suna, looking up from the pan helplessly, "what do I do now?"
He held up the food to show that it was burnt, charred to the point that it was disintegrating. Osamu let out a sigh. "I can come over and cook for ya if you want."
You nodded enthusiastically in the background, letting out an enthused shout. "Yes please!"
"Okay," he nodded, standing up from where he rested on his bed. "I'll be there in a bit."
"Don't bring Atsumu," pleaded Suna.
"I'm comin’," said Atsumu, poking his tongue out at the camera before Osamu hung up. Suna let out a sigh, looking over at you apologetically. His plan for a quiet morning with you to let you recuperate and prepare to face the world again was coming to an end. Instead, you would be thrust back into it with the presence of the twins, especially Atsumu.
You stepped towards him, resting a hand on his shoulder. Wordlessly, he wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you against him. Head pressed against his chest, you mumbled, "I really don't mind you know. I love hanging out with the twins. You know that."
"I just wanted everything to be good for you, you know?" he admitted, resting his cheek on the top of your head. "Are you feeling better this morning?"
"Like you said, he was a piece of shit. I supposed it was about time I realised that."
"Yeah," he sighed, brushing a kiss to the top of your head. "It would've been better if you hadn't been hurt in the process."
"Well hey," you said, looking up at him with a small smile playing on your lips, "at least I know who not to date so don't worry. I won't go running into the arms of anyone on the team to make me feel better."
"You can come to me though," he murmured, voice low. You looked up at him, eyebrows raising in confusion.
"What did you say?" you asked, pulling away and moving across the kitchen to grab a glass from the cupboard.
"Um...," he hesitated, running a hand through his sleep mussed hair. He refused to meet your gaze, focusing instead on a point above your head. "Just that you can run to the twins if you need, preferably Osamu but I suppose Atsumu is good for a hookup. I guess it depends on whose hair you prefer. You've always had a thing for blondes..."
"Rin, I'm going to stop you there," you laughed, holding up a hand and cutting off his tangent. "You don't need to worry. Also, where'd you get the idea that I'm into blondes?"
"Well, your last few boyfriends..."
"Personally, I've always preferred brunettes," you shrugged, heading over to the sink to fill up your glass. You let out a light giggle. "Now that I think about it, it is weird that I always end up dating blondes."
“Evidence of your horrible taste,” he teased, forever thankful that you could take any awkward comment in your stride and put him at ease. It was something so natural to you. In fact, you had grown used to his occasional odd remarks, brushing them under the rug. There were times when you would tease Suna for it, but, most of the time, you let it slide. It was a part of your best friend.
You let out a gasp, holding a hand to your heart in fake shock. But then, you shook your head, face splitting into a grin. “You’re not wrong. Maybe you’ll have to teach me how to find a nice guy.”
“I don’t know if I’m the best choice for that.”
“You don’t know that. You’re always right about how horrible anyone I show an interest in is.”
Suna might always be right, but he was always searching for the bad points of those you dated. Jealousy drove him to overlook any of the good things, like how happy they usually made you the first few weeks you were together.
“Yeah, well,” he admitted, “I’m not necessarily looking for the good things when I judge your boyfriends.”
“You’re so overprotective,” you snorted, dancing around him to take a seat at the kitchen table. He didn’t reply to that, and you glanced upwards, taking note of his furrowed brow. You decided to change the topic of conversation, taking a sip of your water. Before you could, there was a furious knocking at the front door. Suna rolled his eyes as you stated, “The twins.”
“Well done, Captain Obvious,” he teased, ruffling your hair as he walked past you and headed towards the front door. He glanced back over at you. “Are you going to change?”
“Nah, it’s fine. They’ve seen me in worse states.”
That was true, and the fact annoyed Suna whenever he dwelled on it. 
Atsumu, thinking he was being funny, had snuck into the bathroom while you were showering and stole your clothing, leaving your underwear. To be fair to Atsumu, he hadn’t attempted to peek at you in your naked state. It would’ve been difficult if he had tired considering the shower curtain was drawn. If he had attempted to look, he would have been subject to Suna’s wrath, and he had a number of photos of Atsumu in compromising positions that he could release. Suna wished you had just walked to his room and taken some of his clothes. Instead, you had strode downstairs in your underwear, ignoring the looks from the team that Suna had invited over and stood over Atsumu.
“Clothes, now,” you commanded, hands resting on your hips. Suna had been quick to leap up from his position on the sofa, pulling his sweatshirt over his head and tugging it over your own, moving you like a doll as he shoved your arms into the sleeves and pulled it down to cover your lower half. Then, Suna had also fixed a glare on Atsumu.
“You’d better fucking hurry,” he said, the set of his face threatening some kind of consequence. Atsumu hadn’t wanted to find out, getting up from his seat and jogging towards the kitchen, where he thought it would be wise to hide your clothes in a cupboard.
“You’re so irritating,” you grumbled, pulling on the leggings and then removing Suna’s sweatshirt, and throwing your t-shirt on. You held the sweatshirt out to Suna. “Thanks for the cover up.”
“Did you really need to strip again?” he spluttered, blushing furiously as he took his sweatshirt back from you.
“So dramatic,” you sighed, rolling your eyes at Suna’s embarrassment. Atsumu, meanwhile, had looked like a child in a candy store.
“I always knew ya were hot, but damn,” said Atsumu, letting out a low whistle. Though you appreciated the compliment, you didn’t hesitate to give him a hard slap to the back of the head.
“Don’t steal my clothes,” you said, before your lips tugged upwards in a teasing smirk. You leant in. “If you wanted to see, all you had to do was ask.”
It was Atsumu’s turn to blush then, looking away and avoiding your gaze. Both of you were aware your statement was a lie, but he couldn’t help his reaction. Suna watched with his arms crossed, quietly seething. His chest felt tight. Then, you had looked over at him with a bright smile and asked, “You picked out the film yet?”
Suna was jerked from the memory by an increase in the knocking and a loud shout through the door. “Open the fuck up, ya idiot. I’m hungry too.”
“Shut up, Sumu,” he grumbled, swinging open the door. He nodded towards Osamu. “There should be enough food in the fridge but, if you need more, just give me a list and I’ll nip to the shop.”
“I’ll go, too,” you piped up, appearing in the corridor behind him. Atsumu sprinted forward, pulling you into a tight hug which you returned. “Okay, you big oaf. You can let go of me now.”
“If you cry, he’ll let go of ya in an instant,” said Osamu, giving your head a pat as he walked past you and into the kitchen.
“It was one time, Samu,” whined Atsumu, releasing you and following his brother into the kitchen. “I’m great at comforting girls, better than you.”
“I can cook.”
“Yeah, well,” spluttered Atsumu, “I’m hotter than you.”
“We’re identical.”
“Still hotter.”
“Identical. Twins.”
“Just like normal,” you said, grinning over at Suna as he held his head in his hands. Any plans for a quiet morning went down the drain, but, when he glanced over at you to see your smile, he couldn’t deny that he was glad the twins had come over.
That happiness dissipated when Atsumu had been kicked out of the kitchen by Osamu and sent out with you to get the rest of the ingredients. Osamu had insisted that only Suna could be trusted in the kitchen, despite burning what he tried to make earlier. Ultimately, though, Osamu wasn’t going to trust him with cooking. He had simply wanted to talk to his friend, find out what was going through his head.
“So,” Osamu said, taking a sip from the cup of tea Suna had made before continuing, “how is y/n after last night? How are you?”
“I think she’ll be fine,” Suna said, trying to decide how much he was comfortable with sharing. Letting out an exhale, he decided he might as well take the chance to explain how he was feeling. Nothing good came from bottling it up, something that had become all too clear to him when he had almost taken advantage of the alcohol to finally kiss you.
It had been on your eighteenth birthday. Using the excuse that you only turn eighteen once, you had downed drink after drink, slowly growing steadily more drunk, evidenced by the way you had zero inhibitions to jumping up onto a table and swaying your hips enticingly for all to see. Suna had frozen at the sight, the alcohol he had also drunk making him feel slightly braver. He had walked over to you, offering you his hand as he helped you jump down from the table. He leaned in, yelling to be heard over the music.
“You want to go somewhere else?”
You looked at him in confusion, your drunken mind not being able to fully process his request. All you could really concentrate on was the party, the happy buzz lighting your nerves. “Why?”
Suna had drawn in a breath, steeling himself. “I have something to give you. In private.”
The promise of a gift had caused you to loop your arm through his, letting him guide you somewhere else. It barely even registered that he had already given you his present, a beautiful necklace, an ornate and delicate star as the one charm on it. He had pressed a kiss to your cheek after being the one to place it around your neck. In fact, you were wearing it at that moment, the lights glinting off the silver.
“So, what did you want to give me?” you asked under the light of the moon. He reached forward, tracing a finger along the curve of your face. Suna’s hand stopped its movement, cupping your cheek. “Suna?”
He let out a breath that tickled your face. Slowly, carefully, he leaned in, his lips a whisper away before a shout broke through the relative peace of the garden.
Your head turned in the direction, pulling out of Suna’s grip in the process. Atsumu stumbled towards you, slinging his arm over your shoulder. “Come on. I convinced Kita to play ‘Never Have I Ever’ and he’s usually no fun at parties. You too, Suna.”
That moment between the two of you in the garden had been forgotten by you, but it replayed regularly in Suna’s mind. He buried his face into his hands, Osamu’s quiet support enough to prompt him to continue with what he was saying. “I don’t know if I will be though.”
When he looked up, his eyes were unusually vulnerable. There was a hesitation in his gaze, and Osamu waited a moment before prompting, “Why?”
As Osamu began to chop up some of the ingredients, Suna began to speak again. “She swore off dating volleyball players, and I think that extends to me. To be honest, she’s probably only ever seen me as a friend. Pathetic, right? I invest all this time into our relationship. Don’t get me wrong, I love her friendship. I’ll never take it for granted. It’s just frustrating. Do I act too friendly with her? Am I not flirty enough? Why was I friend-zoned?”
Osamu continued cutting, choosing his next words carefully. “She’s probably never thought to look at you in another way. It would make sense she doesn’t want to risk your friendship, Rin.”
“I understand that,” he sighed, “but, what can I do?”
“All you can do is try to show her how you feel and hope she realises you’re the one for her,” advised Osamu. Suna made note of this, though a part of him wondered if it was the best option. In his opinion, Suna was already showing that he had feelings for you. How could he make that more known? Seeing the uncertainty on his face, Osamu continued. “You could always ask Sumu for advice but I doubt it would be more useful than mine.”
It was some time before Suna was able to broach the topic with Atsumu, though this time with more hypotheticals than outright admissions. Your head was resting in his lap, your breathing steady as one of his hands rubbed absentminded circles into your back. You would be the first to admit you hadn’t had the best of sleep that night, falling asleep as soon as the film Osamu had chosen was playing.
“It must have been really boring if y/n’s already asleep,” teased Atsumu, giving his brother a playful shove which Osamu ignored. “She usually stays up out of pity.”
“Whatever, Sumu,” sighed Osamu, hugging a cushion to his chest as he became fully engrossed in what was unfolding on screen. It was hard to rile Osamu up when he was in his element, and, frankly, this film was one of his favourites. It made him dream of running his own chain of restaurants, though without the mafia using it as a front for drug trades.
“Hey, Atsumu,” began Suna awkwardly, immediately getting the other twin’s attention. Osamu was too focused on the film to care what was being talked about around him, something he would regret when Atsumu bragged about Suna confiding in him the whole way home. “Say you liked this girl, but she was your best friend, and swore off dating volleyball players. How would you change her mind and show her how you feel?”
“I’d just tell y/n how I feel,” he replied. “It is y/n we’re talkin’ about, yeah?”
Suna nodded, though the slight frown that twisted his face told Atsumu he wasn’t happy that he had figured it out. Atsumu simply shrugged, giving his friend’s shoulder a squeeze.
“It’s kind of obvious,” Atsumu said, glancing down at the way Suna gently brushed your hair away from your face, his other hands resting against the curve of your waist. “Anyway, she’d appreciate the honesty. No need to show her. You show her how much ya care everyday anyway. It might not change her mind straight away but havin’ it out in the open might help her come around to the idea.”
“Thanks, Sumu,” said Suna, genuinely meaning the words.
“They don’t call me the Love Maestro for nothin’,” he bragged.
“No one calls you that,” shot Osamu, tuning in for that part of the conversation. Atsumu turned to him, scandalised.
“Do too.”
“Name one person.”
Later that day, Suna walked you home, slinging an arm around your shoulder and leaning a bit of his weight on you as you walked. Your own arm wrapped around his waist instinctively to keep your balance. It felt so natural to walk along with him like this, something you genuinely missed when you were dating someone. It just felt disrespectful to the other person to act as you did with Suna while with them. A part of you recognised that the way you acted around each other could be construed as a relationship, but you had never thought to entertain the idea. He was just Suna, your best friend.
You came to a stop in front of your front door, and he released your shoulder in favour of wrapping both of his arms around your waist to pull you into a hug. Instantly, you relaxed against him, arms winding around his neck. When he pulled away, your hands still rested on his shoulders and you smiled up at him.
“Call me if you need anything,” he said, eyes unusually soft as he stared at you. His eyes landed on the necklace around your neck, the star shining up at him from where it rested just above the neckline of your top. “I’ll see you tomorrow but if you need anything, if you just want to chat, call me, okay?”
You nodded, giving his shoulder a pat before releasing him. However, you made no move to step away and open your front door. Suna leaned forward, pressing a kiss to your cheek. At that, he stepped off your porch, turning away from you. “Goodnight.” I love you.
“Night, Rin.”
When his phone rang at two in the morning, he couldn’t say he hadn’t been expecting it. He was. It was normal for you to call him at random times of the night, particularly when you couldn’t get to sleep or had been awoken by a nightmare.
“Rin?” you breathed, voice quiet to avoid waking anyone up in your house. “Um, hi.”
“Morning, y/n,” he mumbled, switching you onto speaker and placing the phone down beside his head. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I was just having trouble sleeping. Um, can you tell me a story?”
“Don’t you think we’re too old for bedtime stories?” he chuckled, though he was already shifting through his brain for a tale he could tell you that had not already been shared.
“We’re still in high school,” you protested, and he could hear the pout in your voice. “We’re not adults yet.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know. Are you ready?”
He heard the sound of movement through the speaker, the sound of you getting into bed and placing the phone on the pillow beside you.
So, Suna began, telling the story of a foolish knight who had fallen for the beautiful princess, a princess who was at home when she was sparring with the knights, when she could forget about all the eligible bachelors from other kingdoms. She was a princess who ate with the Royal Guard, prepared the roster for their training sessions, and offered her support whenever she was needed.
His voice lulled you to sleep, and, before you could question what had inspired such a tale, your eyes had slipped shut and sleep had pulled you under. Suna heard your change in breathing, your soft inhales and exhales slowing until they reached a steady rhythm. He trailed off, reaching for his phone, finger hovering over the button that would end the call. He pulled his finger away, letting his hand fall back down onto the mattress. Suna fell asleep to the sound of your breathing. He could almost pretend that you were beside him.
Your phone was flat when you woke up, and you cursed, hurriedly plugging yours into the charger. You hated being late, hated not knowing what the time was as soon as you woke up. You jogged down the stairs, reading the time on the clock in the kitchen and releasing the tension in one exhale. There was plenty of time. At a more relaxed pace, you continued to prepare for the day.
It was a busy day for you as manager of the volleyball club, something that you were thankful for as it meant you couldn’t dwell on your break up. Even if you weren’t busy with your club duties, the team would provide a distraction. Atsumu and Osamu argued more as third years, the influences of Kita, Aran and the others no longer there to calm them down. Suna was no help, urging them on whenever he could and then documenting the whole affair on his phone to send photos and videos to Kita and Aran later. To be fair, you did little to break it up either, preferring to let them work out their anger. It worked, though Kita insisted there was a better way. If he wanted to come back to Inarizaki and deal with them, he could.
The sound of your phone ringing sent you running back up the stairs, dodging out of the way of a parent that had just emerged from the bathroom. Suna’s name flashed on the screen, and you accepted the call, perching on the edge of the bed.
“I guess we fell asleep on call,” he laughed, his voice rough from having just woken up. “Your phone died, didn’t it?”
“Of course it did, idiot,” you sighed. “Why didn’t you hang up once I’d fallen asleep? You usually do.”
“You sounded cute,” he admitted, glad you could not see the flush that dusted his cheeks. “Plus, I figured you would be smart enough to have it plugged in if I was.”
“Not a valid excuse,” you quipped, resting your head in the palm of your hand. With a laugh, you said, “I panicked this morning thinking I would be late. The coaches wanted me to meet with them before class. You don’t know how pleased I was when I walked down the stairs to see I still had a while before I had to leave the house.”
“Sorry about that,” he muttered sheepishly before clearing his throat. “Is it charged now?”
You glanced down at your phone screen. “It’s at about 20% so it’s probably not going to last the whole day.”
“You can use mine if you need to. It is kind of my fault after all.”
“Kind of?” you questioned, humour in your tone. “Don’t worry though. It should be fine if I leave it off until I need to use it.”
“Just let me know if you need to borrow it, okay?” he insisted. “We have late practice.”
“Yeah, I know, got to make sure you lot are prepared for nationals. No losing to Karasuno this year.”
“Mmhm,” he hummed. “I’ll walk you home, alright?”
“Don’t worry about it, Rin,” you said. “My phone will last till then. Plus, you’ll be tired after practice. I’d be a bad manager if I didn’t make you go straight home to eat.”
“No, you wouldn’t,” he argued. “Besides, I can just eat at your house. Your parents say that I’m always welcome.”
“But then you’ll be going home too late. Won’t your mum be worried?”
“She’ll be fine. I usually stay out late, or are you forgetting the nights I’ve snuck over to yours and we’ve gone on midnight walks?”
“Fine,” you sighed, letting him win this time. “Don’t complain to me if you’re tired at school tomorrow.”
“When am I not half-asleep?”
“I’ll see you at school, Rin.”
“See you.”
There was no arguing with Suna over things like this. He was stubborn to a fault when it came to your safety. You might have been able to convince him to head straight home if your phone was fully charged. When that was the case, he insisted on staying on the phone with you the whole way, not feeling comfortable at the thought of you walking home alone in the dark. Suna wasn’t overbearing. If you honestly didn’t want him walking you home or calling you, he wouldn’t so long as you messaged him when you got home. But, you liked talking to him. That was the simple truth. You enjoyed spending time with Suna, and enjoyed talking to him. It was only Suna who wanted something more.
“So,” asked Atsumu, slinging an arm over Suna’s shoulder yanking him closer, “when are ya goin' to tell her?”
“Tell who?” asked Osamu. The look Suna shot him made him nod his head in realisation. “Ah, y/n… Wait, tell her? What happened to just showin’ her how you feel?”
“If that was going to work, it would’ve already,” said Atsumu, puffing out his chest proudly. “As Suna and I discussed, comin' clean and confessing is the best way forward.”
“I hate to say it, but he had a point Samu,” agreed Suna, sliding out from under Atsumu’s arm. “Anyway, I’m not going to tell her anytime soon. She’s had enough to deal with. She doesn’t need her best friend confessing to her straight after a rough break up. It’s almost nationals time as well. Confessing might throw off the team dynamic and I don’t want to ruin that.”
“I think you’re just being a pussy,” declared Atsumu, lips quirking upwards in a teasing smirk.
“I think you’re being smart,” said Osamu. “Wait until the best time.”
All Suna had done, was continuing to do, was wait. However, he made a concerted effort to be there for you more often, being the shoulder you would lean on for support. Unknown to you consciously, a part of you had begun to reciprocate Suna’s feelings. On occasion, it would be you who would reach out for him, locking your pinkies together and sharing a secret smile across the lunch table.
Over the course of the next few months, there were many late night phone calls, which quickly transformed into video chats. He listened to you, helped you work through the residual feelings from your break up. Being cheated on had left you feeling inferior, and Suna had been there to build you back up.
One day, you turned to face your friend Reo, hardly believing the words that fell from your lips. “Tell me honestly. Do you think I’m falling for another volleyball player?”
“Another one?” she questioned, raising an eyebrow. Then, the realisation finally seemed to hit her and she let out a gasp. “Suna?”
“I don’t know,” you sighed, resting your chin on top of your open palm. “Am I just projecting? Do I really have feelings for him or am I just craving that kind of emotional connection with someone? Plus, it’s Suna. He’s my best friend.”
“Is that all he is to you, though?” she questioned, studying you. “I know he’s your best friend, but I am too. Who did you seek comfort from after your break up? Who do you fall asleep with over the phone every night? Did you ever act the same with people you were in a relationship with that you do with Suna? I mean, I know you haven’t kissed him or anything but you are more physically affectionate and open with him than people you’ve been in a relationship with. I know you’re going to be stubborn about this, say that’s just how you’ve always been, but I want you to think about how you treat each other. If you want my honest opinion, I’d say the feelings have always been there, especially on Suna’s part.”
You blinked at Reo, taking in what she was saying. It made you contemplate, think back on specific moments in your friendship with Suna where it was possible you had crossed some invisible line that you weren’t supposed to. But every moment with Suna felt so natural you couldn’t pinpoint where the line would be, let alone when you would have crossed it. It became clear to you then. You had feelings for Suna Rintaro. There went your vow to never date another volleyball player again.
If only Suna had realised you had made this realisation already. He could have stopped planning out how to confess to you with Osamu and Atsumu, their idea involving him reducing his contact with you until everything was prepared. That fact itself was easier said than done, and they couldn’t control what he did in the quiet of his home (which was find any excuse to phone you and talk to you).
That night, he asked you, “Can you be ready for one in the afternoon tomorrow? I have something planned that I hope you’ll like.”
“Sure,” you agreed. “I have something I want to say to you as well.”
He felt anxiety grip him at your statement, fearing the worst. His fingers tightened around the phone, his breath catching in his throat. You could hear his struggle through the phone and reassured, “Don’t worry. It’s nothing bad, at least I hope you don’t think it is. I’ve just finally realised something and want to tell you in person.”
"Okay," he breathed, though the knot of anxiety in his chest didn't loosen. "I'll see you tomorrow. Have a good sleep. Love you."
"Night, Rin," you replied, feeling your heart flutter slightly at his words. The words had been said before in passing, but always with Suna firmly placed as a friend. "Love you too."
At one the next day, you were sat waiting for him on your front step, fiddling with your phone in your hands. You had just spoken to Reo for advice, her words soothing your nerves. She had told you it was clear that Suna wanted to admit something too, and, for some reason, having that knowledge outlined for you by another put you at ease.
Seeing him approaching, you rose from your seated position, gesturing for him to wait for you on the pavement. Suna came to a stop, holding out his arms for a hug. You were quick to relax into his hold, arms giving his own waist a squeeze before letting go. Smiling up at him with unusual silence, you asked, “Can I tell you something before we go? I just think you deserve to know.”
He hesitated. A part of him was curious, wanted to know, but the rest of him feared that your news would ruin what he had planned. Suna wanted to confess to you before you revealed whatever you had realised. “Um, can I show you what I planned first? It’s kind of important.”
You raised an eyebrow, wondering how it could be so important that he didn’t want to hear what you said. At the nervous look in his eyes, you took his hand, giving it an affectionate squeeze. “Okay. Let’s go.”
Still holding his hand, you pulled him after you, moving with confidence though you had no idea what direction Suna wanted to take you in. He pulled you to a stop, shooting you a smirk. “Wrong way, idiot.”
“It’s not like I can read your mind,” you sighed, throwing your arms up in exasperation. You gave him a grin. “Want to take the lead?”
“With pleasure,” he said, choosing to release his hold on your hand and drape his arm over your shoulder. In response, your own wrapped around his waist and you fell into step beside him.
The sight that greeted you was unexpected and took your breath away. It was oddly beautiful in a simple way, something no one had ever thought to put together for you before, despite its relative simplicity. You looked up at him, mouth dropping open in shock and disbelief. “You really went through the trouble of setting up a picnic for me?”
“Well, yeah,” he replied. “You said you always wanted to go on a picnic with someone you love. I figured I counted at least a little bit.”
“You definitely count,” you said, giving him a slight nudge with your elbow. “I’d probably rather do this with you anyway. On another note, who made the food? Because you can’t cook for shit.”
“Osamu might have helped a little bit.”
“Just a little bit?” you teased, smirking up at him.
“Maybe more than a little bit, but that doesn’t matter.”
“Whatever you say, Rin,” you grinned, wandering over to sit on the blanket. He sank onto the floor beside you, leaning his side against your own. You relaxed against his warmth, letting your head drop against his shoulder. His own head dropped to rest against yours, his hand reaching out to hold yours, tangling your fingers together.
For a moment, you sat in silence, cherishing just being together. Suna cleared his throat, breaking the silence. “Before we eat, I have something to say to you. Can you promise whatever I say to you won’t change what we have right now?”
You looked up at him with concern. “I promise.”
Suna drew in a deep breath, releasing your hand and moving to sit in front of you. You let yourself miss the warmth of his body pressed against you, knotting your fingers together as you allowed your eyes to meet his. The hesitation in his face was clear, and you reached forward, resting a hand on his knee.
“Just tell me,” you reassured, smiling at him softly. “Nothing can change how I feel about you.”
“Okay,” he sighed, reaching forward, and clasping the hand you had rested on your knee. In that moment, he went for the bluntest approach. “I have feelings for you.”
You blinked over at him in shock, your grip on his hand tightening. That hadn’t been what you were expecting to hear, but hearing the words made your heart flutter. It made it so much easier to admit what you had finally realised. “I have feelings for you too.”
“Wait, you do?” said Suna, eyes widening in shock. This was far more than he could have hoped for. You nodded slowly, unable to help the own smile that pulled at your lips in response to his own.
Suna moved closer to you, letting his hand come up to rest against your face. He cupped it carefully, his thumb brushing against your cheek. Slowly, giving you the option to pull away he leaned in, only to let out a small gasp in shock when your hands gripped his top and pulled him towards you, pressing your lips against his. His hands slipped into your hair, holding you in place as he deepened the kiss, letting out a low groan of satisfaction at the feel of your hands slipping under the material of his top and rest against his bare skin.
“Fuck,” he breathed, pulling away to rest his forehead against your own. “You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do that for.”
“Hope it was worth it,” you giggled, leaning forward to brush your lips against his. He captured your lips once again, kissing you softly, delicately.
“More than worth it,” he sighed, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you into his lap. You fell into his chest, ear pressed against his beating heart. It was still racing now, even though you had accepted his advances. You lifted your head up, pressing a kiss to his jaw.
“Want to eat the food Samu made now?” you questioned, turning in his hold and resting your back against his chest. His stomach let out a low grumble. You leaned forward, grabbing a plate of food and letting out a giggle. “I suppose I’ll take that as an answer then.”
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shoyosthighs · 3 years
1 Month Challenge
Hinata Shoyo X f!reader (SMUT 🔞)
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Sum: A challenge came up by Hinata before he leave for a month of intensive volleyball training 🤭 (timeskip MSBY Hinata)
Warnings: +18 MDI, dirty talk, unprotected sex, oral receiving (both ways), hard edging, dirty talk, daddy shoyo, 69, hard orgasm deny, creampie, basically really filthy smut
Word count: 2504 words
Author’s Note: Its been 8 years since I last written smut HAHA please spare me 😭 Im loving timeskip buff hinata currently and this plot is something similar I saw on p*rn so I decided to write it 🤭
“Sho! Have you packed all your stuff?” You shouted from the kitchen from you and Hinata’s apartment. Preparing breakfast for him before he leaves for his intensive training in Brazil with the MSBY team in an hour.
“Yes baby” Hinata whispered in your ears from behind while snaking his arms to your waist and pressing you to his chest. “Can you pass me the soy-sauce, I made your favorite” you kiss him on the cheek while preparing his favorite Japanese rice with raw egg and soy-sauce.
“What did I do to deserve you baby” he wipe his fake tear smiling at you while passing you the soy-sauce.
“Baby girl, remember to take care of yourself okay? I will be back in a month. I know your college exams are coming soon but without me reminding you to eat you wouldn’t eat, so please remember to eat okay?” You nodded while pouting, didn’t really want him to leave.
“I will tell Yams to check up on you too” he side-eye you, knowing you will forget to take care of yourself once you indulge yourself into studying. “You’re so nagging haha” you pass him a cup of ice chocolate while ruffling his hair.
“Anyway baby, before I leave let’s come up with a challenge?” he asked while helping you wash the dishes and drying it. He pulled you to the couch and sat down while pulling you onto his lap, straddling him.
“What’s up your sleeve again?” You run your hands cupping his head from behind and play with his fluffy orange hair. “You see, I will be gone for a month and we won’t get to fuck” he said in a teasing voice. Knowing him, your high sex drive boyfriend for 2 years he will be having this dirty thoughts 24/7.
“And yeah what about it?” You rest your cheek on his chest and hug his waist instead. “Don’t touch yourself for a month, and when I come back I will breed you till morning” he smirk at you. “Hey not fair, what about you?” Knowing his horny ass he will probably run to the bathroom to finish himself off, “Both of us, it’s a challenge for both of us”
“I am up for it, but can you?” You tease him back. “You bet” he kiss you on the lips while carrying you into your shared bedroom, breeding you for the last time before he leaves for training.
It was already the 3rd week since Hinata has gone for his intensive training in Brazil, he had been sending you photos of himself shirtless almost everyday, but a prominent outline of his hard dick is seen on this jersey pants in every picture.
my ninja sho❤️: Im sooo horny baby🙁 i wanna ruin you so bad 😘
you: shoyo… HAHAHAHAA just how hard are you 🤣🤣🤣
my ninja sho❤️: Just you wait, 1 more week and you won’t be able to walk after im done with you 🙃
you: 🤭🤭🤭🤭
Truth to be told, you was so close to touching yourself and relieving yourself, but you really wanted to see how long can you hold onto it. You busied yourself with studying, playing the new game you downloaded, eating lunch and having tea time with Yamaguchi in the cafe that you, Hinata, Yamaguchi and Tsukishima like to hang out in your free time. Yachi and Kageyama joined sometime too but Yachi has moved to Osaka for college and Kageyama was busy with travelling because of his volleyball career.
“So how are you coping without Shoyo?” Yamaguchi stop scrolling his phone, looked at you while sipping his frappe. “What do you mean?” You acted blur, you know what Yamaguchi was implying. But you didn’t want to remember anything of Hinata that will get you riled up.
“Oh come on, you two are the second horniest couple I have know. Well Tsukki and (tsukki’s gf name) being the first” he laughed since all of you had been friends since high school years.
“Not saying anything~~~~ don’t ask anymore before I tell your girlfriend you wanna get it” you smiled not hiding the intention of killing. “Jeez ok ok im kidding” he laughed while seeing his girlfriend of 4 years outside the cafe. You and Yamaguchi then meet her outside and walked home for a movie night.
Hinata had just landed into Japan, after getting into the van with the team he texted you to let you know that he will be home in 2 hours. You were eating dinner when your phone pinged, you replied him with a ‘Okie hurry up 😭’ you had missed him, 1 month without hugs from him was quite depressing for you, the house seems quiet without him singing loudly while showering.
You had brought a white crotchless underwear to surprise him, you quickly showered, change into an oversized white t-shirt and slip on the lewd panties. You turned on the tv while watching the 7pm show that you had been chasing since last week.
Time passed by quickly but you were getting sleepy, so you grab your blanket and wrap yourself on the couch snoozing off for a bit, thinking to have a 10 minutes nap before Hinata comes home. But your snooze was interrupted by Hinata’s loud “MY LITTLE BABY!!! YOUR FAVORITE ABS IS HOME!!!”
You jolted awake and rush to jump onto on Hinata, wrapping your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist. Luckily your shirt was long to cover your ass because Hinata’s quick reflex supported them before you could fall. “I miss you so much baby” you whispered lightly while peppering kisses around his neck.
“I miss you so much too” he put you down on the floor and wrap his arms around your waist and kisses your forehead, nose and lips. After the small reunion, Hinata was in the shower and you were on the bed thinking about the steamy night that was about to happen. Just before Hinata went to shower he whispered “Prepare to be ruin by my cock tonight my little slut” this little cheeky tangerine, you thought as you clenched your pussy getting excited.
Hinata’s hands were running up and down your body as soon as he came out of the bathroom naked, “What? Im gonna fuck you anyway, why bother wearing clothes hehe” he chuckled when you glance at him in disbelief. He was kissing you slipping his tongue in to taste you while pulling off your t-shirt, he knew you didn’t wore any bra so he when straight at sucking your nipple while toying the other, his other hand going straight down south, wanting to feel how wet you are outside your panties but was caught by surprise when he touched skin.
“Do you like my surprise?” you said softly to his ear. He glanced up at you, “You are driving me crazy holyshit” he pushed you down onto your shared bed, brought both your legs up and spread your thighs wide to look at his surprise. “You are so fucking wet, you’re literally drenched” he move down collected some of your arousal and show it to you, “Sho, stop it. It’s embarrassing” you cover your face with both hand. Who knew not touching yourself and not cumming for 1 month made you this wet just by kissing your boyfriend.
“If you don’t move your hands away now, you won’t be getting any dick tonight” he said sternly. You were quick to remove your hand and he chuckled at how desperate you are. “You better not hold back your moans if you want to get fucked tonight you little slut” he turned your hip sideways, slip your panties off and slapped your ass, you moaned feeling yourself clenched again. “Do you hear me?” Hinata slapped your ass again when you didn’t answer, “Yes daddy” you whimpered, feeling extremely horny by how Hinata is treating you. Its really been awhile.
Hinata placed you back on your back and spread your legs again, hands holding onto the back of your thighs and diving into your drenched pussy, “Oh fuck daddy it feels so good” you clench your fist onto the bedsheets, back arching. You had been eating pineapple for the past 3weeks in prepare for today, “Why do you taste sweeter than usual baby? Did you had pineapple or what?” He lifted his head up to look at you, man the sight of him wet chin, wet lips full of your juice. You just nodded and clenched your pussy feeling the lost of touch, Hinata look down and the sight of your cunt clenched while juices dripping down made him want to just take you right here right now, but he steadied himself and dive back down to your pussy slipping his tongue into your tight pussy, tasting everything you have to offer.
Not even a minute had pass but you were writhing under Hinata, “Im gonna cum daddy” you whimpered, arching your back and grinding your hips into Hinata’s face desperate for the first orgasm after a month. You almost screamed when Hinata lift his face off your wet aching pussy, “Tonight you are gonna cum on my cock and only my cock” you whimpered a small yes daddy, panicking a little. When Hinata is serious he won’t hesitate to deny you orgasm and you wouldn’t want that.
“Now come and suck daddy off before I fuck your brains out” he lay next to you and you didn’t hesitate to take his already hard cock around your hand slipping the head to your parted lips, Hinata glances sideways to see you still dripping from your pussy, he tapped your ass and you turn back to look at him, lips still on his cock. “Sit on my face” knowing he loves 69 you quickly lift one of your legs and drape it over his head. Shifting your drenched slick infront of his face you move your mouth down to take Hinata’s warm cock into your mouth, “Oh fuck, your mouth feel so good” at this point Hinata wants to see how long he and you could stand denying orgasms before snapping.
You were a hot mess above Hinata, he had denied your orgasm 5 times while you had denied him 3 because you took slower stroke to work him up. Your pussy is literally drenched and sticky, you really couldn’t take it anymore its starting to hurt and you really need to cum, “Daddy please fuck me I need your cock” you turned behind and look at him. “My favorite” he lift himself up and you got on all fours facing the headboard, back arched with your cheeks squish onto the pillow. “Please daddy i am so wet for you, I had been a good girl, I want your cock please”
Hinata thinking he too couldn’t hold it back anymore line up his cock up your pussy lips rubbing up and down to tease you for a bit, he chuckled when you whimpered another please daddy and slip in all the way. You were so tight despite how wet you was prior to the foreplay and its driving Hinata crazy by how warm and wet you felt. “Holyshit baby you are so tight and warm”
You couldn’t think straight, all you could think was if Hinata were to move a few times you will cum soon. He slowly slip out dragging his thick cock veins around your walls and then slamming it back, “Fuck daddy im gonna cum” he continue to slam his cock into your pussy and then pull out completely and look down at your pussy, you were literally sobbing by now you clenched onto nothing and grind your hips wanting Hinata to just fuck your brains out.
You subconsciously slip your finger between your legs to relieve some tension on your pussy but Hinata hold your fingers by your folds, using his hand he guide it and circle it on your hole, you whimpered at how drenched you were, “Look at you wet and horny for me, since you’re being such a good girl daddy won’t hold back anymore okay” He line his rock hard cock back on your pussy and slip in, “I want you to cum hard on my cock okay” he leaned down and you nodded, preparing for his brutal thrust. At his 5th thrust your pussy had clamp down his cock and had you squirting all over your leg, you didn’t had the chance to tell him you were coming, Hinata had to pull out and watch you squirt all over the bedsheet and thinking how fucking hot you were currently.
“Look at you, so desperate to cum that you squirted all over our bed. What a little slut” he was gripping your ass and had continued his fucking your brains out. Your pussy is clenching onto him for the 4th time cumming hard on his dick and he had emptied 3 load of cum into your womb by then, holding you down while shooting his load into you. He weren’t kidding when he say he wanted to breed you.
Your lower half was sore by midnight, Hinata was now lying down with you on top of him grinding and whimpering at how hard he still is, both of your cum making your lower body full of white stains. “Sho- I-I can’t-t im gonna cum again” you grind harder onto his cock while throwing your head back, “Me too baby” he thrust up and hold your hips making you fall to his chest taking in the loud skin slapping and wet squelching sound you both produced, “Shoyo omg please please please harder im so close” he feel your walls clenching hard on him again and you cum hard onto his cock again for the nth time tonight while he shoot his almost nonexistent cum into you again, he really unloaded everything with nothing left. Soft moans filled the room as you lift yourself off his finally limped dick and plopped yourself beside him catching your breath.
“Stay here while i prepare the bath for you okay” you gave him a tired smile and close your eyes for a bit still feeling your body hot from the activity. Hinata came back and gave you a kiss on your sweaty forehead and carried you bridal style to the bathtub filled with warm water with your favorite bath bomb scent.
Hinata was at the MSBY locker room the next afternoon for their short meeting/training regarding an upcoming match. He was shirtless was trying to put on his training jersey when Atsumu gasped, “HOLYSHIT SHOYO WHAT HAPPEN TO YOUR BACK?” All he could do was smile sheepishly and said “My little cat scratch me”
You weren’t spare either, you had to call Yamaguchi telling him you were sick the next morning because of how sore you were and you were literally limping even going to the bathroom. And had to cover the hickeys around your neck before going to school.
(A/N:It’s literally almost 4am here and Im also drenched after writing this fic, I HOPE YOU ENJOY 😭😭😭 reblog and comments welcomed ❤️)
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devildom-drabbles · 2 years
Short Story - Exchange
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Characters/Ship: Satan x MC Word Count: 690 Warnings: None, just a fluffy short story =)
A knock sounded on the door, pulling MC out of their mindless scrolling on their phone and up from their cozy position in bed to see which one of the demon brothers was seeking them out this late at night. Considering this individual didn’t just barge in and even waited for them after knocking, they were able to narrow down who it could’ve been, so it didn’t shock them too much to find Satan at the other side of the door. What did surprise them, however, was the trace of nervousness in his features when he greeted them.
“I didn’t wake you, did I?” Satan inquired, readjusting his hold on the book in his hand.
“No, I haven’t gone to sleep yet,” MC assured him. “I’ve just been on my phone. What’s up?”
“Well, to put it simply, I don’t have a room to sleep in tonight. Would it be all right if I stay here with you?”
“Sure, I don’t mind, but... Did something happen to your room?”
The question prompted Satan to direct his gaze to the side as a hint of red dusted his cheeks, avoiding MC’s puzzled stare. “...It happened.”
Before MC could ask what he was referring to, a lightbulb went off in their head. They had to bite back a teasing grin at the realization and from how increasingly embarrassed Satan was becoming during this pause in their conversation. “Your huge ‘Leaning Tower of Books’ finally came crashing down, huh?”
“You could put it that way, yes,” he admitted. “It’s such a mess in there now, and I don’t have the time or patience to clean it up, especially with how many cursed books are within the pile. But listen, don’t you dare tell Lucifer--or any of my brothers--about this. The last thing I need is to hear their smug ‘I told you so’s’ if they found out. I’m going to reorganize everything tomorrow, so none of them will even know it happened.”
MC couldn’t help but chuckle at Satan’s reaction to his predicament. “Okay, your secret is safe with me.” They noticed him relax upon hearing their answer, and they stepped aside to allow him entry into their bedroom before shutting the door. “So, what do I get in exchange for helping you out?”
Satan flashed a confident grin as the two of them walked further inside the room. “I thought you might ask that, so I’ve already prepared my end of the bargain.” He waved the book he had been holding since he first arrived between both of their faces. “Do you know what this is?”
“One of the books that toppled on you?” they replied with a smirk.
“Ha ha. Very funny. Look closer.”
Satan offered the book for MC to take. The human’s eyes widened while a short gasp escaped their lips once they read the title, bringing great satisfaction to the demon. “No...! Is this really...?!”
“That’s right,” he said with a nod.
“How’d you get this? No, when did you get this?”
“Just this afternoon. I was able to find a copy at a second-hand bookstore outside of town with the help of my network of acquaintances. I was going to surprise you with it when we meet up in the library tomorrow, but with my current situation, I figured now would be a better time. Will this make us even?”
“Absolutely! Ooh, can we read some of it before we go to sleep?”
Witnessing MC’s excitement from this gift caused a pleasant warmth to surge through Satan’s body, overpowering the wrath that constantly lurked within him and making his stomach bubble with amusement until he was gently laughing out loud. Very few things could affect him in such a positive way, but MC always managed to do it with ease, without trying or even knowing. Perhaps that was why he was so willing to do anything--like acquiring the book that they’ve been searching for nearly a week to find--that would hopefully bring them this same wonderful feeling that they naturally gave to him.
“Of course,” he agreed to MC’s request, basking in their joy. “I’d love to.”
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titanicsimp · 3 years
A lonely spot for two
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Pairing: Zeke Yeager x Female!reader
Genres: Smut
Warnings: Sexual content including; vaginal sex, oral, creampie, semi-public sex. Zeke acting kinda sleazy.
Summary: As the daughter of a Marleyan general, seeing Zeke could mean the death of you both. But even as hidingspots are growing slim, he isn’t willing to stop your little affair.
Shudders from both the cold and your nerves run over your body as you skitter over the barely lid streets of the Eldian zone. The band that gives you a fake Eldian identity around your arm keeps slipping, having been intended for a man far larger than you. You wish all this sneaking around could stop, but you know that could never happen.
The fact that you kept seeing Zeke was incredibly stupid. Eldians and Marleyans did not mix, so if anyone found out about your secret rendezvous with him you would both suffer horrid fates. Both of you knew the danger full well, but it stopped neither of you of seeking each other out.
What had begun with stolen glances while you dropped things off for your father at meetings, now had you shadely meeting up with Zeke in a secluded alleyway.
“Zeke?” You whisper.
This is the spot where he told you to meet him, you are certain of it, but the darkness is so thick you can’t spot him in the long alley.
“Over here.”
You sigh in relief when you hear his voice and make your way towards it.
Zeke’s leaning against one of the brick walls, puffing away at his cigarette. When you’re close he gives you a lopsided smile.
“I would offer you one, but I doubt you’re willing to commit two sins tonight.”
You purse your lips. Ah, it’s one of those nights. “Hello to you too, Zeke.”
You give him a look as he continues standing against the wall with his cigarette. “Did you find a spot?”
He throws his cigarette to the ground, stomping it out with the bottom of his boot. “Yeah, you’re standing in it.”
Surprise washes over your face and you look around in horror. He can’t be serious, a dirty alleyway?
“What’s wrong? Too lowly for a Marleyan?” He asks, provoking you on purpose.
“You know that’s not it.” You’re jaw tightens. Damn him for making you feel bad right now.
Zeke chuckles and saunters of to you. “I’m just teasing.” He puts a finger below your chin, raising it up. “Not being able to see you these past days has been exhausting. Have you not missed me?”
You sigh. You can’t stay mad at him right now. “I have, a lot.”
He gives you a smile. “Then this is okay, isn’t it? Just for once.”
You nod slowly in agreement and he pushes you with your back against the wall. His lips brush over yours as he continues holding your chin, and you feel your body come alive at the slight intimacy.
A noise makes you snap your head to the right, eyes wide. Luckily there’s nobody there, a piece of cardboard merely bumping into things as it’s carried by the wind.
“What if somebody sees us?” You question worriedly.
Zeke shrugs. “Should be fine, they’d probably just think you’re a prostitute.”
Displeasure is clear on your face at his comment.
Before you can protest, he presses his lips fully to yours. He gives you a sloppy kiss, his tongue forcing its way into your mouth and his lips moving wildly against yours. You grab onto his jacket and get pulled in regardless of your displeasure.
Not having been able to touch Zeke for almost a week had made your anticipation for tonight worse than usual. It had been hard to keep your mind in control during the day and stop it from drifting to him fucking your brains out.
He pulls away from the kiss and his cock twitches in his pants at the look of want on your face. “Seems like you don’t mind. Tell me, is it because you’re my little whore?”
You feel heat rise to your cheeks.
Zeke’s hand drifts from your chin to your neck, running his fingers over the length of it. “Come on, say it.”
You swallow down the embarrassment. It’s not that you don’t enjoy it, but you’re still not used to talking dirty like this. “I-I’m your little whore.”
He gives you a satisfied smile. “Good girl.”
You feel proud of yourself for pleasing him.
“Now, get on your knees.” He tells you with a predatory grin.
Doubt makes you glance around the alleyway. Gods, you’re really doing this here aren’t you.
With a last glance for reassurance at Zeke, you drop to your knees. The cobble street feels harsh against your knees, even through your skirt.
He hurriedly unbuttons his pants, pushing it down with his underwear just far enough so his cock is freed. A groan leaves his lips when he rubs the head against your lips. “Look at you...”
You obediently wrap your lips around his cock after he gives them a tap with it.
“You’re a real sight.” Zeke tells you and tangles his hand in your hair.
You suck on his cock, twirling your tongue around the head while doing so. You feel ashamed at how much you missed the taste of him.
The hand in your hair is joined by a second, and as he takes the back of your head in his hands you know what’s coming.
Zeke pants heavily as he pushes your head forward, forcing you to take his cock down your throat. Tears sting at the corners of your eyes and you silently curse him for being so big.
He chuckles as he feels you struggle to take him that deep. To get him back, you wiggle your tongue as much as possible against the underside of his cock, making a groan interrupt his chuckling.
You brace your hands against his hips to keep some control as he starts moving your mouth up and down his cock harshly. You feel his muscles clench under your hands multiple times, telling you that’s he’s trying to keep himself from cumming.
Without warning, Zeke pulls your mouth off of his cock with a pop. You gasp and take in air, wiping the saliva off of your mouth.
“I’m not wasting my cum in your mouth.”
You shoot him a look. Bastard.
Lust and impatience are clear on his face as he drags you back up by your arm. He spins you around, resting your front against the wall.
“Zeke!” You yelp in surprise as he flips up your skirt and pushes aside your panties.
“You’re soaked.” He notes as he runs his fingers through your wetness.
You shiver as his mouth comes right next to your ear. “Does sucking me off get you that much?”
“Please.” You whimper and put your hands against the cold wall.
“Please what?” He ask and you can hear the grin in his voice.
You bite your lip as his fingers play with your cunt, teasingly dancing over your entrance.
“I want you.” You tell him desperately.
His fingers poke at your entrance more intendly. “You want my fingers or something bigger?”
Gods, if you weren’t so turned on you would slap his glasses off of his face. “B-bigger.”
Zeke laughs contently at your answer. His fingers leave you and he instead grabs his cock, rubbing it up and down your cunt, coating his length in your slick.
You bite your lip to muffle your moan when he pushes himself into you, sheathing his full length inside you in one go.
“You take me so well.” He praises you from behind, his hands finding your hips.
When he pulls out and thrusts back in with a wet clap against your ass, you feel truly dirty. Zeke doesn’t seem to care as he starts fucking you from behind without hesitation.
Your own reservations are quickly forgotten at the feeling of him stretching and filling your cunt. Those few days without it had been so dire that you’re worried you might be addicted.
His name leaves your mouth a bit too loud when he kisses the back of your neck.
“Ssshh, you don’t want someone to hear, do you?” He whispers against your neck.
You shake your head. “N-no! It just feels- ah- so good.”
One of his hands leaves your hips, instead coming up to cover your mouth. You pant heavily against his hand as he continues slamming his cock into you.
Wetness drips down your legs and you feel them shaking lightly after Zeke keeps on fucking you fast and hard for minutes. You’re getting close, and you bite down in his hand in preparation.
Instead of saying anything, he bends his knees slightly and snaps his hips against your ass in this adjusted angle. Your scream is silenced by his hand as you cum violently on his cock.
Your legs start feeling weak as the waves of your orgasm course through your body. Zeke’s grip on you is firm, and for the first time tonight you’re grateful for the sturdy wall in front of you.
His pants and groans start sounding more choked as he starts approaching his own orgasm. His hand leaves your mouth and he pulls your face to the side to kiss you.
You eagerly moan into his mouth as his hand rejoins the other on your hips. With his full strength available again, he holds you tightly as he slams into you hard.
His pace is erratic, only spurt on further by your squeezing walls. You make out with him feverishly as he rams his cock into you over and over. You’ve already cum and he still has you this desperate.
Zeke’s tongue leaves your mouth and he bites your bottomlip as he cums inside you. You choke back your mewls as both the sting at your lip and the sensation of feeling his hot seed filling you make your walls squeeze even tighter around him.
He gives a few more lazy thrusts as he continues cumming, his breathing just as ragged as yours.
“I need to see you again tomorrow.” He tells you after he’s finished cumming.
Your throat feels dry when you speak. “A-alright.”
Zeke pulls out of you and tugs himself back in his pants, adjusting his clothes.
You squeal when he slaps your ass before adjusting your panties and skirt.
“Come on now, this is below your rank.” He teases you as your skirt drops down to cover the mess he made.
You give him a weak smile after you’ve turned around. “Seems like you enjoy putting me there.”
He grins and pulls you close by your waist. “Oh I’m more than enjoying tainting the poor general’s daughter.”
You roll your eyes and press a quick kiss to his cheek. “Yeah yeah, how about you taint my ears with some government secrets then? I want to know how your days have been.”
Zeke frees you from his arms and plucks a cigarette from his pocket. His face lights up when he flicks on his lighter, betraying the slight flush on his face. “I would love to.”
Tag: @pandorasbox126 🥰
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seriouslysnape · 3 years
To the Limit
Severus Snape x Fem. Reader
Warnings: Slight smut. Use of safeword. Language.
Request: Hi! Can u make Severus × Reader when the reader use the safe words for the first time because idk maybe it's too much for the reader that day or smth else you like..Thankyouu 💕💕 love ur writings btw ❤❤
A/N: Here we gooooooo. Reminder, everything is consensual.
Word Count: 2,947
“Okay, darling. Whatever you want.”
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Severus has always been flexible in the bedroom. Yes, Severus Snape is versatile in the sheets and has more love making skills than you originally would’ve given him credit for. Sex with Severus can range anywhere from slow and careful where praising your body is his main objective, to fucking you so mercilessly that stars are dotting the back of your eyelids with each hard thrust.
Sometimes, you don’t have to establish what kind of theme your sessions will take on. If Severus comes home angry from a long, obnoxious day then you very well know that a rough fucking will get it out of his system. When you’ve just watched one of your favorite romantic drama Muggle movies that have sent you into tears, he knows that something more unhurried is in order so you are reminded of how much he loves you.
Other times though, there isn’t really anything that determines the kind of sex you’ll be having. If the mood is right for both of you, then you often will just figure it out from there. 
Severus’ return on Friday night from a long week of classes was coated with his desire for you. You could practically feel the hard sexual tension radiating off of his whole being. From the moment he walked in the door, you knew what tonight would hold for the both of you. More than likely, it’d be a whole lot of rutted fucking and orgasms until neither of you had any stamina left to give. Normally, a seed of excitement would be planted and begin to grow in your core at the thought of being touched by him, but you didn’t feel it this time. 
It had been a bad week to put it simply. Work was weighing you down and you had taken more hits than you were used to in a five day time period. Exhaustion had riddled you, and stress has gotten the best of you. Emotional breakdown was the only way you could describe how you were feeling. You really weren’t feeling up to what Severus wanted to do. However, you couldn’t bring yourself to deny him when his hands and lips were on you, moving to all his favorite places on you.
His voice was silky smooth in your ears as he uplifted you with how he had been thinking about you all day, and how he wanted to be with you when you weren’t around. It wasn’t Severus’ fault that you had a bad week, and it surely wasn’t all his fault that he was this turned on. The way he gripped your legs with his strong hands was an indicator that he wanted to go well into the night, which your tired state wasn’t a fan of. But you loved Severus, and you always wanted him to be happy and well pleased. So you figured you could handle a couple of coarse rounds to satisfy him.
Oh, how wrong you were.
Once access was granted, Severus leapt onto you without hesitation. A tornado of clothes being removed whirled around the room, your shirt and pants ended up on complete opposite sides of the room. Hot and unruly kisses were shared, marks were left on your necks, and no part of you went unattended. 
Admittedly, the first orgasm was actually enjoyable. Severus’ fingers were knuckle deep in your needy cunt and pumping vigorously as he found all the best spots. The strenuous activity melted some of the week’s stress from your conscience, your mind being stripped of all your worry as it clouded with ecstasy. Severus thrived off of the moans and noises of delight that he was drawing out of your throat, perfecting his movements to give you an even stronger release. Severus worked you to your finish as you came around his fingers, slicking them with arousal and relief. 
He left lazy kisses over your breasts while you took a moment to recover, preparing yourself for the next round that was undoubtedly on its way. Tiredness had plagued you long before Severus had even walked through the door, and you had suddenly been robbed of even more energy, so you were confident that you might not get a proper orgasm this second time. But the moment Severus slid you onto his dick and stretched your walls the way only he knew how to, you knew that you were going to cum whether you felt like you could handle it or not.
It wasn’t that you didn’t want to. You loved seeing Severus so enraptured in waves of pleasure and gratification, but you were beyond fatigued. Still, you bounced up and down on his lap over and over again, your already sensitive clit throbbing with each rub of his fingers. Severus’ other hand guided your hip movements to meet the way he thrusted up into you, hitting your g-spot just right.
When you came this time, your sound of release was more of a strained cry than a content sound. Severus didn’t seem to notice, since he was too focused on the intoxicating feeling of filling you with his own finish. You popped off of him before he was even emptied out, the rest of his fluids landing on your inner thighs. You fell onto the bed next to him, your breathing much heavier than usual. 
You were totally tuckered out with absolutely no hope of another round. Your muscles ached and your bones were wiped out. Although, you felt a queasy feeling of despair when you saw that familiar look of lust in Severus’ eyes. He spoke lowly, his voice echoing in your ringing ears.
“I’m not through with you yet, love.” He purred.
Usually that would’ve sent a whole mess of arousal through you, but you were too worn out. But Severus usually didn’t last more than three rounds, so this would for sure be the last one. You thought you could push through so he could at least get his release, but this third go round wasn’t a good feeling for you at all.
With your arms above your head and the pillowcase below your head in your fingers’ death grip, you turned your head to the side to fight through his persistent hard fucking into you. On a better day, you’d be all over this and relishing every moment. But now your eyes were screwed tightly shut in discomfort, for each time you opened them Severus would only be able to see the whites of your eyes. The thumping heartbeat in your ears was deafening and your entire body was stiff and rigid, but not in a good way. You wanted to tough it out so at least Severus could finish, but it was just too much for you tonight. 
You had to tap out.
“Polyjuice!” You squeaked out, your voice raspy.
In an instant, you saw any expression of lust wiped straight from his face. He pulled out the millisecond that the word registered in his head, his face stricken with worry and concern at the first time use of your agreed safe word. Severus’ heart dropped at your whimpers of displeasure, his brain reeling and raking over what had gone wrong. 
“[Y/N], what’s wrong? What happened?” He asked frantically.
“I-I just...”
Shaky breaths and uncomfortable whines were the only noises you could seem to make. You sat up from where you were laying down, bringing your knees to your chest and hiding your face as you began to cry. Your emotions were all over the place, and it didn’t help that you were overstimulated and overworked. Severus went to pull you to him, but withdrew his hand. Upsetting you further would absolutely crush him, but he needed to know that you were okay.
“Can I touch you, darling?” He whispered out.
The yowl of approval was enough for him to feel fine with carefully wrapping his hand under your arm and dragging you across the mattress to where he was kneeling on the middle of the bed. He pulled the covers over your skin to keep you from getting cold from the loss of heat from being active. You buried your head into his bare chest, your tears leaking and falling down his skin. 
“I’m sorry, Sev. I’m really sorry.” You sobbed, your hair sticking to your sweaty skin.
“No, no, no. Don’t ever be sorry for telling me to stop when you’re not comfortable,” He reassured; “I didn’t hurt you, did I?” 
The shake of your head brought relief upon him, but he was still worried. He rocked you in his arms until your sobs died down enough to where you were coherent. Severus was getting ready to ask you once more what was wrong, shifting you so he could see your face. When moving you, his hand accidentally brushed against your swollen, sensitive clit and you wailed out pathetically. Severus’ pale face went even whiter.
“Oh, my love...I worked you too hard, didn’t I?” He queried.
Severus would always admit that sometimes he’d get into the zone and completely drown everything else out. He wouldn’t really be able to tell how hard he was pulling in and out. It was rare, but from time to time you’d have to ask him to soften his thrusts or slow his pace when he got too rowdy. But you had never asked him to stop completely until now. He feared that he had seriously pushed you over the edge this time.
“It’s not just that.” You confessed with a sniff.
Severus had drawn your head back to gaze into your bleary eyes. The tear tracks being swiped away with his thumbs as he cradled your face. 
“What is it then, sweetheart?” He asked with wonder.
A fresh set of salty tears pooled and fell down your cheeks, but for a different reason.
“I’ve had a horrible week. Nothing has gone right,” You explained croakily; “I wanted to make you feel good and I thought it might make me feel better...but I’m just exhausted and I couldn’t handle it tonight.”
You fell apart into another set of choking sobs and gut wrenching cries, prompting Severus to bring you back into his chest. He stroked your skin and left kisses so light that they were ghostly. 
“It’s alright, angel. I wish you had told me before that you weren’t feeling up to it,” He consoled; “You’re worth so much more than sex. I want you to tell me sooner next time if you’re uncomfortable.”
Your nod of understanding offered a wash of comfort over him that you were calming down steadily. He hated that this happened. He knew that was the whole reason for your established safe word for when things went south or things got dicey. He just never thought you’d ever have to use it. He felt absolutely terrible. 
“I’m sorry, Sevvy. I really wanted you to get off, I just-”
“Please don’t apologize for this. This is my fault. I should’ve seen how tired you were and how I was being overly hard,” He said; “I’m the one that should be sorry.”
The sniffles from your nose had increased as you tried to flush down all the drainage from your crying. Your tears had stopped as you sat up from his body, wiping at your cheeks with the back of your hand. The red blotches in your puffy eyes were pinging at Severus’ already guilty conscience. He saw the littered hickeys across your neck and breasts, and how your lips were swollen from his severe kisses. He had rocked your burnt out body to the max.
“I’ll tell you what. How about we go get cleaned up, and then we can get into bed. Then you can tell me about your week if so wish.” He suggested, cautiously guiding you off of the bed.
“I think I just want to get a bath and get some sleep.” You said, barely able to stand on your wobbly legs.
“Okay, darling. Whatever you want.” He smiled softly, hoping it’d offer you some kind of solace. 
Severus ran you a hot bath, filling it with all of your favorite scents and smells. Your stance was still despite your shaking legs, and you seemed to be staring off into an endless trance. You slipped into the tub when it was ready, sinking down just below your nose under the bubbles. Normally, Severus would be sitting across from you or you’d be snuggled up on his lap, but he wanted you to have some space for a bit. You were honestly too tired to object. 
He simply casted a charm to freshen himself up, finding and selecting his favorite pair of sweatpants and soft shirt for you to change into. Your eyes were closed, and you had just begun to drift off to sleep when he re-entered the bathroom, changed into some casual day time wear, despite how late it was.
“Here are some clean clothes for you, pretty girl.” He remarked, setting the folded sweats and shirt on the end of the tub for you to get when you got out.
You only gave a light nod as a response, your eyes following him as he stood awkwardly. He was unsure of what to do for you now. He thought that you might want the bedroom to yourself for the night, which was fine because he wouldn’t be able to sleep knowing he had pushed you so hard anyway. He placed himself on the floor by the tub, sitting with his legs criss crossed over one another. It was quiet in the room, the only sounds were the occasional gentle splash when you moved your leg or arm. His eyes were still full of worry, and he was kicking himself big time now.
“I’m so sorry...” He breathed out, running his fingertips dragging leisurely your damp arm that you had resting on the ledge of the bathtub; “I never meant to hurt you.”
“You didn’t hurt me, Sev. I promise.” You responded, wishing he wouldn’t take this so hard.
When it came to you, Severus took everything to heart. There weren’t many things in the world that made his heart beat with a purpose. You were the single person that allowed him to want to get up in the mornings. The thought of hurting you was enough to break him down. If he could have it his way, you would be indescribably happy with every passing moment of every day. He never wanted you to feel anything other than joy. 
But he knew that life would never allow it.
Your eyebrows dipped when you noticed his attire, wondering why he wasn’t in his own sleepwear. It was much too late for him to go anywhere.
“Where are you going?” You questioned, your voice thick with weary.
“I’m going to go back to the school. I have some grading to do.” He half-lied.
It was true that he did indeed have a stack of papers to be assessed, but that wasn’t the real reason why he felt like he wanted to leave. Severus Snape grading on a Friday night when he had the opportunity to be cuddled up with his lover? He’d choose you every time.
Now you felt bad for causing him to scurry off. You wanted him there with you regardless of what had happened.
“Severus,” You called out tenderly, reaching for his face; “I don’t want you to leave.” 
A genuine look of doubt flashed over his features as his head lulled into your hand.
“I think it would be best if you got some good sleep tonight. I’ll just be in my office so if-”
“Stay with me. Please?” You requested, the thought of sleeping without him was disheartening.
A sigh of awe expelled from his chest. He couldn’t say no to your puppy eyes and slightly pouting lower lip.
“Okay, okay.” He agreed.
“I think that some boyfriend snuggles will make me feel a whole lot better.” You spoke rather cheekily.
He hummed affirmatively. The sound of nestling up with you was impossible to turn down. He took your hand from his face and kissed your palm gingerly, holding the warm skin to his lips for a brief moment. He eventually stood from the floor, but stopped when you held your arms up.
“Help me up?” You asked with the first genuine smile of the evening.
He chuckled, obliging and lifting you effortlessly from the tub. The warm towel was heavenly as you dried off, changing into the clothes that Severus had left for you. Severus went and changed as well, laughing to himself when he exited the closet to see you already curled up. 
The sheets draped over him easily when he laid next to you, waiting for you to nuzzle up to him. He held you close and flush to him, thanking his lucky stars that you were okay.
“My sweet girl...” He hushed out, noting that you were just seconds away from falling asleep; “I love you.” 
You mumbled out a sleepy “I love you” in return before drifting into a deep slumber to snooze off the night’s drama. Severus, as expected, didn’t sleep much that night to ensure that you were sleeping soundly and comfortably. He still felt dreadful, even after you had told him over and over that he didn’t hurt you. The weekend to follow was filled with Severus doting and cherishing over you every chance that he had, trying to make up for what had happened. You were the light of his life after all.
And he prayed that he’d never see that flame go out.
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lvyu · 3 years
to have and to hold until you disappear
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. . ♡ ・゚ghostbur x reader, past wilbur x reader
⎯ warning(s): semi-detailed for wilbur's canonical death and the explosion, a mix of sadness of happiness, brief scene and description involving a breakdown, swearing
⎯ wc. 4.4k
notes: woo! little story for @.quackisinnit and their 1k special, congrats to them :) i used prompt eight! ("i love you but i dont know if you feel the same.") and i actually really enjoy how this turned out– also explosion scene isn’t accurate to streams!
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happy reading!
my love,
i couldn't sleep tonight, this ravine is quite cold after all. all alone in this cold, dim, sorry excuse for a room. it's been weeks and yet this feeling, this feeling as though i've been misplaced, never ceases.
god, look at me.
once a man in power, reduced to an outcast. funny, isn't it? i doubt if you saw me now you'd love me the same. 'my wilbur' you always called me, right? i wonder would you still call me by that name? would i still be your wilbur, even after i've left you all alone?
...do you get lonely in l'manberg without me by your side? i know i haven't let you visit or even know where i am, but all in do time, my love. all in do time.
[ ⋯ ]
it was funny to you, really.
how wilbur had felt abandoned and betrayed by those he trusted most, yet in the end he was no better. when he pushed that button, when he begged to be killed, he had successfully managed to both betray and abandon those dear to him in a matter of minutes.
it was funny how your last words to him were, "and please... don't do anything stupid, will." how he promised that he would never do such a thing, kissing your forehead before you walked into a war and he prepared to do something so, outrageously stupid.
but by far the funniest thing was how the universe allowed you no time to grieve your lover's death.
ghostbur's introduction was sudden and to put it kindly, a little unnecessary. you were one of the last people to meet ghostbur as well.
you had gone to live with phil for a little, you knew him well enough, and locked yourself away in a room for a couple of weeks after it happened. nobody mentioned that wilbur, well some part of him, still somehow existed and still walked the earth as a ghost.
in retrospect, perhaps that was a good thing. phil knew before you and had purposely avoided the topic of ghostbur, aiding others to do the same.
in the few weeks you'd stayed with him, it became apparent that even the mere mention of wilbur would leave you in tears, inconsolable for hours.
it was just too soon.
eventually you decided you needed to move out of phil's house, feeling too much of a burden. he understood and offered to help you build a new place which you gladly accepted. he let you go off to find an area to set up first.
he regretted not going with you.
[ ⋯ ]
ghostbur didn't venture out of new l'manberg often, but when he did it was to collect cornflowers for his blue or ingredients for his potions.
he didn't bother to let anyone know before, he didn't think people would miss him. the more he thought about his negativity, he realized how silly it sounded. people's faces lit up when they saw him, because he was just such... a beam of happiness, wasn't he?
but if he stopped working, stopped moving and thinking for just a second, he could still feel his heart ache of loneliness.
“this looks okay, i think...”
that voice,
“don’t know much about.. land finding, i should have asked phil before i left.”
he adored that voice, he loved that voice.
“it’s sort of dull looking, but i can change that!”
...why? why did he love it so much?
[ ⋯ ]
“this is the dullest looking thing ever, will.”
he gasped, faking a hurt look. “it’s not! you’re just jealous!”
“ah yes, i’m so very jealous of...” you looked down at the sweater in your hands. “...this very yellow sweater that looks like if i put it on i would die of heat.”
wilbur snatched the sweater back from you, pouting. “you’re so, so mean.”
you hummed, laying back down on his bed, will following your lead. “if i’m so mean, why hang out with me?”
“you know i’m only joking..
i adore you.”
[ ⋯ ]
you were... you were his! his love, his entire world, that’s why he loved your voice so much!
ghostbur tended to act on his emotions with little to no thought, especially if those thoughts could lead to painful memories. his excitement over the possibility of meeting his alive self’s lover overwhelmed him, not even thinking of the likely harm it would cause.
a sudden wave of happiness and calm washed over him the moment he laid eyes on you, one of the few moments he’d truly felt at ease since his appearance. a bright smile formed on his face and in an instant he rushed over to try and hold you. he wasn’t quite sure what compelled him to do so.
perhaps the memories of you flooding back, or just the selfish desire for more of this calm he felt.
everything was suddenly so cold, you were suddenly so cold.
then you heard your name and thought you were hallucinating, so you turned around to find the source of your sudden chills and voice.
you froze.
seeing the person you love again, a person who was supposed to be dead, six feet in the ground, is not something someone can prepare for, ever.
any progress moving on or healing will vanish in seconds, and wounds will open up once more. one could have a lifetime and it would not help ease the confusion, the fear and the anguish you'd feel.
"will..?" your voice was quiet, but luckily he was closed enough to hear it.
"actually, i'm ghostbur, alivebur and i are..." you didn’t give him the chance to finish.
"no, no, no, no..." he unwrapped his arms from shoulders and backed up cautiously. "you died, he died, wilbur died, please stop it..."
a string of 'stop it' and 'why now, god why now' fell from your lips. soon, you had your arms wrapping around your head, as if shielding yourself, eyes closed, uneven breathing.
in and out, in and out, in...
in... in.. wh... wilbur, no, out, it's out.
not him, he wasn't here, he'd never be here again. its in and out, in and out, not.. not..
in, out, in, out.
your breathing only increased and ghostbur was completely clueless. "please don't cry... please, why are you.. please."
[ ⋯ ]
"will, please for the love of whatever god, stop crying, please. it’s a little distracting."
he winced, tears continuing. "easy for you to say, you're not the one with a big fucking cut on your arm." you frowned.
you knew it hurt, of course it did, they got a pretty good hit on him. wilbur was furiously wiping his tears away, but more and more came. "it hurts. lovely... i hate pain so much."
you smiled at the nickname and pressed a kiss to his knuckles. "look, will i know it hurts," he whined. "...but i really, really need you to be still for a minute to finish this up, okay? look, you can squeeze my arm if that helps you."
"im going to fucking squeeze your arm to death."
you smile,
his tears stopped.
[ ⋯ ]
he hated this, ghostbur hated this so much.
you weren't supposed to react this way, why were you crying? he wanted you to stop crying, he didn't want to see you crying. it hurt, it hurt him so much and he couldn't explain why.
a few seconds and you were on the grass, completely gone, his pleads falling on deaf ears. he looked around, looking for something, anything to help you.
“don’t know much about.. land finding, i should have asked phil before i left.”
he didn't know what happened after he went to get phil. ghostbur could barely speak when he found phil, unconsciously clutching multiple blue, but fortunately it only took your name for phil to realize what had happened and have him frantically asking where.
he heard a door creak and turned around to see a tired phil leaving your room. quickly he turned back around to face the window, softly stroking his blue. phil sighed and took a seat next to him.
"you didn't come back for a while. it's already dark, phil, so silly, coming back after dark." he handed phil a piece of his blue.
he thanked him and glanced back at your door. "it took some time to calm them down, will."
ghostbur traced a little heart on the fogged up window.
"phil, it hurt."
he looked at the heart his son drew.
"it hurt to see them cry."
[ ⋯ ]
“would you like some blue? i should’ve given you some last time.”
ghostbur wasn’t exactly sure why you wished to see him, but he was happy nonetheless. he put the blue in front of you and gave it a little pat as encouragement.
phil watched the scene from the other side of the room, just out of worry. it’d only been a week since you first met him and you’d been locked in your room ever since, but the minute you came out you had asked him to bring ghostbur, needing to talk to him. he was shocked at your request and asked you to reconsider, but you were fixated on speaking to him.
“you...” you looked down at the blue clump he’d placed in front of you, covering it with your hand. “ghost..bur, i want to.. i want us to be friends, of some sort, if that’s okay... is that okay?”
he stopped fiddling with the blue in his hands and jumped from his seat. "do you mean that?"
you paused for a second and looked at him, taking everything in, and nodded.
and it was cold again.
and you were cold because he was hugging you again, giggling happily. "i'm happy, thank you... oh!" he parted from the hug and pulled out a white flower.
"it's not blue, but it's still pretty!"
he really wasn't... wilbur, was he?
"thank you, ghostbur."
a shaky sigh left you, and you pulled your knees to your chest as best you could. ghostbur wished you and phil a nice day, and he left saying he had some fatherly business to tend to. he took a seat across from you, where ghostbur sat not too long ago.
"he's not him, you know that, you need to know that."
you twirled the daisy around between your fingers, focusing on it. "i wonder how long it'll take for this flower to wilt. want to place a bet, phil?"
he grabbed your hand, stopping your motions. "tell me you know it's not him. tell me you're not doing this because you think you can be with him like wilbur."
[ ⋯ ]
"did you know daises supposedly symbolize purity and innocence?"
you looked at the flower in your hand and pressed the head to your lips. "and you're giving this to me because im just oh so innocent and pure?"
wilbur scoffed and closed his eyes. "please, you're just the opposite of pure. a complete menace, really."
he felt you moving his hair and opened his eyes, seeing you laying on your stomach, trying to tuck something behind his ear. "hello, no boundaries, when did you get here?"
you sat up, proudly smiling.
he loved that smile.
"shut it, i was just trying to make you prettier." though he hadn't looked or asked yet, he knew you put the flower in his hair.
"well, do i?"
yeah, he did.
"as pretty as a princess, your highness."
you laid back down next to him, facing to look at him. he wasn't smiling, but he looked relaxed.
he looked happy,
and that flower was good on him too.
[ ⋯ ]
it looked so sad, ripped from the ground.
“i can barely say his name, phil,” you spoke in a hushed voice. “and when i do i feel like i can barely breathe anymore.”
he let let of your hand and sat back, silently urging you to continue. “do you think that maybe if i talk to him, it’ll help? because phil, i don’t want to feel like this forever because it hurts and i’m so, so tired. i know you’re hurting too, so please... please just let me try.”
you pressed the head of the flower to your lips, waiting for his response. you knew he wasn’t wilbur, and he wouldn’t ever be wilbur, but you couldn’t avoid him or moving on forever.
he sighed and headed towards his own room. “if you want to, but don’t push yourself too far.”
“i could say the same about you.”
ghostbur was kind, though he did seem childish and forgetful. since you told him you wanted to be friends with him, he clung to you day in and day out. he spoke about all kinds of things, sometimes he would ramble for hours about a few animals he saw in the forest. his home was neat and tidy, surrounded by books and potion making stands. it almost reminded you of your shared home with wilbur not long ago, though much smaller and lacking a key component.
in the few months you’d spent together, he’d also recently grown fond of holding your hand. to be more specific, he enjoyed interlocking your pinkies together.
it hurt when you touched, and that wasn’t even considering the fact that he was always so cold. if anything, that was what hurt least. after the first time, you strayed away from his touch as subtly as you could. moving away when he touched your shoulder to pick up a flower or removing your hand from his to wave to a passerby.
but it didn’t hurt as much anymore.
you’d been held before, of course you had, but it’d been a while since it hadn’t been out of pity or shared pain. when ghostbur hugged you it was because he wanted to, because he enjoyed you and your company. it was something you hadn’t felt in a long time, and it was as wonderful as you remembered.
he was cold, freezing almost, but somehow when he hugged you it felt warm.
“i have found a flower!” you jumped, nearly dropping the blaze powder on the floor. you put the powder on the stone counter and let out a sigh of relief, seeing it was only ghostbur.
between both his hands he held a flower, and you heard him congratulate himself quietly. “it’s a white tulip, at least i think it is,” it was actually, he was right. “here... you.. go!”
ghostbur tucked your hair behind your ear and placed the flower delicately. “i hope it doesn’t fall. you can adjust it to make it better, though.”
you smiled and thanked him, going back to the potion.
lately, you’d been helping him make his invisibility potions, along with others that he enjoyed experimenting with. his favorites to make, besides invisibility, were night vision and instant harming potions. he didn’t let you help him with the harming potions, insisting they were too dangerous to handle.
“don’t touch that, you’re gonna hurt yourself.”
[ ⋯ ]
“will, i have made just about every single potion you can think of, i think i can handle this one.”
he grabbed your hands and walked, making you walk backwards too. “and i have helped you with all of them just about a dozen times, and i once ended up unconscious and bleeding for a day.”
“that is,” you pulled him down by your connected hands and kissed him softly. “because,” again. “you’re kind of stupid.” last time.
he chuckled and wrapped his arms around your waist. “stupid?”
you nodded.
“i’m just so,” he lifted you up and squeezed, causing a scream from you. “stupid, right?”
though you couldn’t see his face, you could tell he had the biggest grin on his face. such a dumbass, you thought, though you couldn’t help but laugh at his actions.
[ ⋯ ]
“i’m almost done with this batch, if you need some right now.” ghostbur shook his head and hugged you from behind, both to hold you and see what you were up to.
he enjoyed times like these.
when you were in his little home in the sewers of new l’manberg (“i promise it doesn’t smell, i’m fine, bur!”), helping him with his tasks or reading with him. he enjoyed seeing your smile too, seeing you laugh and getting to hold you. they were small, some domestic-like things, but they made him the happiest ghost.
you’d been happier more recently, too.
he loved that.
he could still remember the day he met you, your shaking and cries and the complete terror and panic he felt. it was odd to him, usually he forgot unpleasant memories, but he could remember that day so, so clearly. it still made him upset to think about it, but before he could go too deep, you’d typically show up with a smile on your face to greet him. somehow always managing to fix all his worries and doubts, reminding him that it was in the past.
that you were here with him, and how you could so easily allow yourself to feel happy with him.
and he loved how you made him feel so happy in return too, like he was walking on the soft clouds in the sky. often by just doing the littlest things, no grand gestures ever needed.
he felt a small poke at his side and looked back towards you. the potions had long been put away and sorted into their place. instead you sat on the counter, holding a beat up old book and looking at him with curious eyes.
"what d'you think about when you disappear like that?" you asked.
he blinked and looked towards the floor in confusion. "dis...appear?" it was his turn to be curious now. ghostbur didn't disappear, as far as he knew anyways. he didn't disappear, did he?
noticing his incoming panic, you waved to get his attention. "wait, wait, no, i don't mean literally disappear, bur." he shifted his gaze back to you. "i just mean you look lost in thought a lot, i was just wondering what you thought about."
ah, he knew what you meant now.
"well, you mostly, sometimes friend or fundy and phil, but you mostly." and oh, that caught your attention.
a part of you told you to leave it alone, tell him that it was good to know or to just say okay and switch topics. but another part of you was curious, almost desperate to know what he meant by 'well, you mostly', and what better time than the present?
if there was one thing about ghostbur, it was that he was honest to a fault.
"what do you mean by mostly me, bur?"
he opened the book in your hands and opened it, 'aww'ing at content inside.
"bur?" you carefully grabbed and moved his hands away. "what does mostly me mean?"
"um..." your hands were warm, he noticed. "well, i think about you a lot." you nodded, but continued to hold his hands in your own.
"or do you want to know what.. i think about? i'm sorry i don't– can you ask again?"
the truth was that he did know what you meant, but he wasn't sure if he wanted you to know what the answer was. playing dumb always worked at getting him out of an uncomfortable situation before, but something told him you wouldn't let him play dumb this time.
"that's what i meant, yeah."
there was no out this time, was there?
he wasn’t stupid.
sure ghostbur was an amnesiac, and sure he was the silly little comic relief character, but he wasn’t stupid. he understood the weight the phrase ‘i love you’ carried, he understood how messed up his feelings for you were, and he understood how badly hearing those words in a romantic sense, coming from ghostbur of all people, would damage you.
the two of you came so far since then, and he cherished that more than anything in the world.
he remembered every little thing about you, since the day he saw you looking for a home. ever since that day, slowly, memories would come to him. memories of you, of your relationship and friendship. every argument, every touch, every smile and laugh.
was it really so awful to want that again...? was it selfish?
he knew you were calling out for him, he had ‘disappeared’ again, he knew he had. perhaps if he waited long enough, you’d drop the topic and he wouldn’t have to ruin anything.
perhaps he wouldn’t have to lose you again.
but when he looked at you, so much warmth and care in your eyes, how could he lie to you any longer? for how longer could he keep up his facade, keep lying to you, to everyone and himself that he didn’t wish to call you his once more.
“i remember everything when it comes to you, do you know that?” he speaks so quietly, barely audible, looking at the floor. “and i don’t know why, i forget everything, but when it comes to you i just can’t.”
truthfully, he had scared you a little, going away for so long, but you brushed that aside and continued to listen. “and i try, i try to forget when you cry or we have an argument. i couldn’t understand why for the longest time, you know? i thought i was broken even further than i already was, but i was wrong.”
you paused, curiosity gone in an instant. “bur, you don’t.. have to if you don’t want to, we can drop it.” you had already heard this years ago and you knew what came at the end of the confession, you knew what would happen at the end of the story, you lived that story.
[ ⋯ ]
smoke filled your lungs and you coughed, trying to wave it out of your face. one second you were trying to shield yourself with niki and fundy and the next you were laying on the ground, weak and bruised. there was a constant ringing in your ears, and it was so fucking annoying, you just wanted it gone.
someone lifted you up, they were talking to you, at least you think they were. over all the ringing it was near impossible to hear anything more than a muffle.
with a hand still clutching your arm, you tried to walk back, only to trip and immediately fall to the ground again.
“no! hey, we need to be careful,” it sounded like fundy, but dust from the crumbling debris left you blind. “can you hear me now?” you nodded and looked up to see fundy, just as you thought you would.
with his help, you steadied yourself and looked towards the stands, only to see a gaping hole where it should be. looking down you saw stone and andesite, any chairs or pathways long gone.
“fun.. fundy?” you looked to him for answers, but instead he stood, staring at a little hole in the mountain, fear and shock on his face.
before you could look at what he was looking at, he looked back and tried to push you away from the scene. you protested, trying to get him to leave you alone, claiming you were old enough to see whatever damage had been done. faintly, you heard tommy and quackity’s yells and froze.
you shoved fundy’s hands off you and ran as best you could where tommy stood, stumbling and crashing on the harsh ground. but even from your position you could see him. you could see both of them, and you could see the shiny, bloody blade through wilbur’s abdomen.
and everything went still, and nothing felt real anymore. you couldn’t feel, couldn’t hear anything. the only thing you could do was see– see the horrific scene of wilbur, your wilbur, dying in front of you.
then the world continued as if nothing had happened.
there was screaming and cries in the back, and you felt yourself being grabbed, but nothing really seemed to matter.
‘don’t do anything stupid, will’
it was a simple request and he promised he could never,
he promised.
[ ⋯ ]
you lived that story, and you didn’t want to relive it– you just couldn’t live it again.
“i’m broken, i think i forever will be, but you... you help in a way.” he was holding your hands now. “and i know i can’t ask you to reciprocate, or even wish to be near me, but please, let me admit this once and for all to you.” tears were falling down both of your faces now, and it burned him so bad, but he could mope about it later.
you only lowered your head in response, but you didn’t back away from his touch, instead bringing him slightly closer to you.
“i do adore you, i won’t ever stop, but what hurts the most is that i love you, but i don’t know if you feel the same.”
there are little things in life that hurt more than true heartbreak. it’s not like a burn from spilt hot water, it’s not a cut or stab from a sword, not even like being engulfed in flames. because when burnt or stabbed, you know the pain will end soon, whether by healing or death, but with heartbreak there is no set time for an end or even when the healing will begin.
the day wilbur left was the day everything fell apart. your only wish was to hold him, to go back and time and say you were there for him, no matter what thoughts he had. that he wasn’t crazy as everyone else said.
life’s unfair, it always has been and will continue to be. no do overs, no magical wishes could be granted.
but the day ghostbur brought you a daisy and set it on phil’s kitchen table for you to have, you started to believe that perhaps you could rebuild everything again, recover from the shitshow wilbur had left.
rather than will, ghostbur was here now, and he would be until he wouldn’t be. you pulled him into a hug which he accepted, and stood there with him for a while, doing nothing but holding onto each other. his sobbing only worsened as yours calmed down, but you merely reached to stroke his hair to calm him.
you knew your answer and he did too, he knew it from the moment he’d realize just how far he’d fallen.
but he just wanted to cherish you for a little longer,
and all you wanted was to cherish him for a little longer.
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dongofthewolf · 3 years
Hiii! Can I request no.9 from the cliché prompts and fake dating au?
Making Amends
Abby Anderson x Reader
Prompts: 9. “There’s only one bed and we sleep as far away as possible from each other but wake up cuddling” 18. Fake dating au
Warnings: swearing, fluff, hint of angst, Owen and Mel slander (sry I had to)
No pronouns are mentioned for the reader
Link to the prompt list here
A/N: Both tropes are literally my favourite things ever and it was so fun to write so ty for requesting it. It ended up way longer than I intended so uhhh yeah hope you enjoy LOL (esp if you requested it)!!
“What the hell Abby?! Have you been telling people that we’re dating?” You had cornered Abby into a secluded hallway, trapping her against the wall with your finger on her chest accusingly.
There was a flicker of fear in Abby’s eyes as she chewed on her lip nervously. Abby was considerably stronger than you and you probably looked like a mouse trying to intimidate a lion, but you didn’t care.
Abby couldn’t meet your burning gaze, all she replied with was a prolonged “Uhhhhhh”.
“Abigail Anderson, answer me right now or I swear to God-” It was rare for you to whip out her full name. And maybe it was kind of a cheap move, but it was a cheap move that almost always worked.
“Fine!” Abby interrupted, letting out a short sigh and preparing herself for the worst. “I kind of told Owen we were dating and I'm pretty sure he’s been telling other people.”
She said the words as quickly as possible, closing her eyes like a bomb was about to go off. Your reaction wasn't far off to say the least.
“You what? Why the fuck would you tell him we’re dating?” There was venom in your words and Abby flinched just slightly.
You were angry, incredibly so. You and Abby have always been close friends, or more so you had been until she started dating Owen. At first it was small things; cancelling plans or leaving early because she was busy and you completely understood. It’s not like you didn’t want her to hang out with him, and obviously you wanted her to be happy, but eventually it got to a point where she hardly ever spoke to you. Aside from the occasional greetings in the busy stadium, it was like you guys had never even been friends.
Now, after completely ignoring you for the past months, she decided it was a good idea to tell people that you guys were dating? It only seemed right for you to be pissed off.
“I just... Everyone kept looking at me like some sad puppy dog because I broke up with Owen, which normally I can handle. But every single day I kept getting the same sad fucking looks and I couldn’t take it anymore, so I told them I was seeing someone. I never mentioned your name but they kept prying, and prying and you were the first person that popped into my mind. I’m really sorry Y/N.”
You didn’t say anything at first, instead you looked at Abby without a hint of emotion on your face, and even less in your tone when you did finally speak. “Why didn’t you tell me you guys broke up?”
Abby paused, she didn’t know what response she was expecting but it definitely wasn’t that. “I um, I figured you knew. Pretty much everyone in the stadium knows.”
“Yeah well… I didn’t.” You were quiet. A part of you was angry and annoyed, but another part of you pitied Abby. She had never been one to lie, especially about something as petty as this.
Before you could think of something to say, Abby broke the silence. “Listen, I know you probably hate me right now, but I need to ask you a small favour.”
“Seriously?” You nudged Abby’s chest, pushing her into the wall again. The pity quickly dissipated to nothing, leaving you once again with a seething rage.
“Look, I know things between us haven’t been ideal but-“
“Haven’t been ideal?!” You interrupted, the absolute ignorance in her words tipping you off the edge. “Abby, you threw me away like I was trash! We were friends and you left me to hang out with Owen. I didn’t even know you guys broke up because you don’t tell me shit anymore!”
“I’ll do anything Y/N, okay? I’ll do your laundry, clean your room, I’ll even take your shifts for patrols.” Abby’s hands were on your forearms as she spoke. “Please just do this one thing for me and I’ll spend the rest of my life paying you back.” There was sincerity in Abby’s face, a hint of desperation too.
You paused. What could Abby possibly want so badly that she’d be willing to do all this for you? Even though you were angry at her, you’d be lying if you said you weren’t just a little bit intrigued.
“I’ll do anything Y/N, please. There must be something that you want.” Abby pleaded, absolute seriousness in her eyes.
“What I want is to never see you again.” Your finger was pointed at her chest again, poking her lightly.
Immediately you could see the hurt on Abby’s face. Okay, maybe that was a little bit harsh (and kind of petty) but you weren’t just gonna let Abby off that easily. Not after everything she’s done.
“Fine…” Abby paused to contemplate her next words, wiping the sadness from her face. “Fine, after tonight if you do this thing for me, we’ll never have to see each other again, I promise. I just need you to come to this party with me. We don’t have to talk or hold hands or anything and you can spend the whole night hating me, but I just need you there.”
“I-“ You couldn't do that. You couldn’t just pretend and lie to all of Abby’s friends for a whole night… Could you?
“Please Y/N. It’s embarrassing, okay? When we broke up, Mel immediately jumped in to fill my space. Everyone knew it and I had to pretend like I didn’t care so people would stop treating me like a wounded animal. If they find out I lied about you? I don’t think they’ll ever stop seeing me that way.”
You looked at Abby and felt a tinge of sympathy, she looked so sad and desperate, and for a second you even considered it. One night couldn’t hurt, right? Wait, no.
You mentally slapped yourself, trying to snap yourself out of it. You were not going to give in that easily. Nope. This was Abby, the same girl who threw away your friendship like it was nothing, and you were not going to let her use you like this. Not even while she’s looking at you with those sad, blue eyes. Nope, you’re mad, you’re angry, you’re-
“Fine.” Fuck.
“Yes! Thank you, thank you, thank you.” Abby’s eyes lit up as she wrapped her arms around you, lifting you into the air while she let out a breath of relief.
What did you just get yourself into?
“I can sleep on the floor, it's really no problem.” Abby offered, there was a slight nervousness in her tone as she stood in front of you shifting her weight on the balls of her feet.
“Abby, that’s stupid. It’s not like I’m infected or something.” You huffed, reaching for the box of matches to light the candle next to you.
Sometime after the party there had been a power outage and the entire WLF base went lights out. Meaning there was no heat and most annoyingly, no lights.
After a night of uncomfortable looks and even more uncomfortable conversations in which you spent most of the party trying to avoid Abby’s friends, she was walking you back to your room when everything suddenly went dark.
The both of you practically crawled to your room before you could locate a light source of some kind. It had been an hour since the power went out and you insisted that Abby sleep in your room, for… safety purposes.
You shook the match till it was out, suddenly you were thankful for impulse buying those candles last week.
“It’s fine, I’ll just crawl halfway across the stadium until I find my room. No biggie.” You couldn’t tell if she was joking, but something in you felt like she would actually do it if you didn’t insist she stay here.
You sighed. “Just sleep here Abs, it’s easier and I’m offering. Plus, I don’t need you army crawling across the entire WLF base. It’s hard on the arms, even for someone as strong as you.”
“You think I’m strong?” Abby smiled teasingly and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes, looking away as you tried to hide the small grin on your face. God, it was hard to stay mad at Abby.
“Shut up and take the bed.” You could tell Abby was reluctant but she still plopped herself onto your bed. She sat awkwardly on the edge, unsure of how this was going to work.
You tried to ignore Abby’s weird energy as you buried yourself beneath the covers. It took a minute for her to actually lay down in the bed but when she did, she was careful to keep her distance. It was pretty funny (and pretty cute) how unsure she was.
After a few minutes of silence you heard Abby whisper your name softly, almost like she wasn’t sure if you could hear her.
Nuzzling your nose into your pillow you whispered back a small “Yeah?”.
“Thank you.” You could hear the genuity in Abby’s voice, how grateful she was for such a simple act and suddenly it hit you, you didn’t want her to leave you alone. You missed this—missed Abby.
Instead of responding you nudged her foot lightly with yours. It was something you guys had done as kids, like a silent way of saying “I’m here.”. Under the dinner table with the Fireflies or during training when you first joined the WLF; it was an unspoken thing between the both of you. An action that spoke much louder than words possibly could.
The both of you laid on opposite ends of the bed, your backs turned to each other. You shifted under the sheets before finally finding a comfortable position, you fell asleep that night to the steady sound of Abby’s breathing.
You were first to wake up, confusion washing over you when you felt your head rising and falling. Why the hell was your pillow moving? Then it hit you; it wasn’t the bed moving, it was Abby. Your head lay resting on Abby’s chest, her arm over your back while your limbs were wrapped around her like a giant stuffed animal. The sound of her beating heart was soft in your ears and you could feel her breath coming out in steady increments, blowing lightly against your head.
You weren’t sure what to do about your compromising position. It was already too late for you to leap out of her arms and a large part of you didn’t want to move anyways. So you decided to pretend to sleep until she woke up. That way you wouldn’t have to decide what to do, she would.
Abby woke up shortly after you, you could tell she was awake by the way her breath hitched in her throat upon noticing how you guys were situated. However, instead of jumping out of the bed in a panic, Abby didn’t move either, and it took everything in you to not open your eyes.
After a few moments of stillness, you almost thought she had fallen back asleep. It wasn’t until you felt a light touch on your temple that you realized she was awake. The touch so light you nearly missed it when Abby brushed a small strand of hair away from your face.
Then slowly, Abby pried you off of her and you nearly let a small groan slip from your lips when you felt the absence of her warmth. She gently rolled you over, covering you with the blanket before walking into the bathroom.
That’s when it happened: the ache. A sharp, jarring ache in your heart that you only felt with her— that you haven’t felt since the two of you were best friends. It had left you when you and Abby stopped talking, but it returned just the same when you witnessed the tenderness of her actions. You never thought to put a name to this feeling (and maybe a part of you didn’t want to), but it was near impossible to ignore it.
You couldn’t possibly be harbouring secret feelings for Abby, right? You tried to distract yourself from these thoughts, it was way too early to be worrying about these things.
Feigning tiredness you rolled off the bed and headed towards the bathroom. You knocked on the door and when Abby opened it you noticed she was in the process of redoing her braid.
You leaned against the doorway as you watched her skilled fingers work. “Abs?”
“Hm?” She replied as she tied off the end of her braid.
“I didn’t really mean what I said to you last night… about never wanting to see you again. I’m sorry.” You picked at your thumb anxiously, eyes wandering around the room, looking anywhere but at Abby.
Abby turned to face you, letting the braid fall to her side. “You don’t have to apologize Y/N, I deserve it. I didn’t even hesitate to leave you when Owen and I started dating, and I was-“
“Stupid?” You finished for her, looking up from the floor to meet Abby’s gaze.
“Stupid. And for what it's worth, I’ve really missed hanging out with you Y/N, even if it is under these circumstances.”
“You know… I think I know a way you can make it up to me, if you’re still up for it?” Abby looked at you with a raised eyebrow and you noticed the corner of her mouth curling into a small smile.
“Oh yeah? What would that be?”
“You see, there’s this guy that’s been trying to ask me out for weeks even though I keep rejecting him.” You gave Abby a tiny grin as you continued. “Well, maybe if he found out I was dating a certain soldier who could pound his ass into the ground, then he’d leave me alone.”
Abby nodded her head nonchalantly as she took a small step towards you, crossing her arms across her chest. “You know what’s crazy? I think I have just the person for you.”
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graykageyama · 3 years
dream come true.
synopsis: when you fall in love, you fall in love deep. they become your world, while you became theirs. they’re your dream, and you are theirs. but all it takes is a change of heart to change the courses of your dreams, and maybe only one dream can come true. 
pairing: Suna x reader
genre: angst
word count: 3k +
Part 2: but you were my dream, too
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“And then Atsumu never saw it coming. So he was running from his fangirls right? He ran like he was running away from an apocalypse. As stupid as he is, he never saw it coming. He ran straight to the gym and when he opened the door, he triggered the trap. Dude, got the whole floor wet.” Suna laughed hard as he tells you about his day - well trying as he can barely get the words out.
You glance towards his direction and you just cannot believe that this man is your boyfriend - he looks so ethereal under the glow of the street lamps lighting your way home before the dusk completely envelops both of you. With his gym bag slung over his shoulder and his other hand warming yours, his head tilted back as he tried to catch his breath, this was another rare moment where Suna -your Suna Rintarou- is completely carefree, defenseless and well, just him. His piercing, slanted eyes which usually intimidates most people, are now closed. Even with his awkward hair style still damp from practice, and hunched-over posture, you still think of him as your Mr. Perfect.
You’ve been  together since the start of your third year in high school, and honestly, this is so far your best year. Being friends with him and the twins since first year of highschool, you can’t help but to just fall for him. Despite his usually cold persona, he is always so sweet to you. He makes sure to walk you home everyday, since he always asks you to watch him at practice. It’s amazing really, how he can transform to this scary, intimidating middle blocker into an adorable fox always seeking for your affections. He loves it when you hand his towel, or maybe dry his hair with your gentle touches. You know he secretly loves how you cheer for him even in practice games. You also know to yourself that you would want to do these things for him even in the far future. Even if it would mean you would have to sacrifice your dreams to become Suna’s perfect wife, you know that you’re going to stay with him for the rest of your life. To become Suna’s number one fangirl is now your dream.
“Y/N?” Suna calls out, interrupting your thoughts. “Watch this. Ain’t he stupid?”He laughs again as he shows you the video clip of Atsumu being drenched with water, and his face flat on the floor. “Yeah, he is. He falls for it every time. Smart athlete on the court, but in reality, he’s pretty stupid. Kita-san and the other alumni must have had a hard time in handling you three. ”  You laugh along at his story. “He misses Kita-san though, the dude cries when he remembers how Kita-san took care of him when he got sick.”
“Well, Tsumu can be a baby sometimes, that’s why we love him” He faintly slows down his pace as he asks, “Come to think of it Y/N, I’ve never seen you cry. I mean, I wouldn’t want to make you cry or anything, but even when we were still friends, you never cried.”
Pinching his side, you giggle “I cry too, dumbass. I’m human too.I don’t know though, I just don’t cry easily I guess.” You shrug. “What about you? I rarely see you in tears, too.” You tease as you poke your tongue out. He smirks as he looks over at you,”I don’t easily get affected by my emotions and honestly I don’t need too, sweetcheeks. There’s no reason too. I always win.” He lets out another hearty laugh, as you think. That’s true. No one can really beat and outwit Suna. Maybe only the french fry from Karasuno, but I guess no one can easily faze him.  
Suna lets go of your hand as you both stopped in front of your house. He clasps your hands together with his one hand as he places the other on the top of your head, “I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah? Rest well, Miss I-don’t-easily-cry.” Placing a tender kiss on your forehead, you shut your eyes. This had been your routine with your boyfriend ever since you got together, but you would never wish for anything else to replace these moments.
As you both graduated from Inarizaki, you decide to follow your dream - your Suna - and support him as he aspires to be a professional Volleyball player. You go to a University near where he is training so that it would be more convenient for him to fetch you. Life goes by quickly. Your boyfriend trains hard day and night and hones his skills and game sense. You study a business course to help you land a good job, a job that can still be pretty flexible to work with according to Suna’s. You rarely see your boyfriend nowadays, but no doubts cross your mind as you are assured that you were Suna’s one and only, his love of his life. Whenever you think otherwise, you try to remember these evidence of his love and assurance.
You closed the door as you said your goodbyes to your mom. It pains you to see her get cheated on by your dad, but you couldn’t do anything about it. You sat on the couch and hugged your knees together. Forcing your eyes shut to keep you from crying and sharing her pain, but alas - your tears betrayed you as it streamed down your face.
How can the guy you loved for so many years, easily replace you?
Suna saw your broken state as he gave you a warm hug. He didn’t say anything, but you’re comforted by his silence and the small circles he rubbed on your back. You looked up at his eyes and cried, “It’s so scary, Rin. How one day you’re hopelessly in love with your best friend for so many years, but then they suddenly act like you are just trash - disposable, replaceable, and no longer wanted. They were so perfect in my eyes, you know? But why did he cheat on her? He just gave up in the middle of solving their problem. Why? I’m scared, Rin. Will that happen to us?”
Suna tilted your head to maintain the eye contact you had initiated. With his soft voice, he said “No matter what happens, I will never hurt you, leave you, and will never make you cry intentionally.” He wiped away your tears, then placed his hand on top of your head. Kissing your temple softly, he assured you. “I will never go away, no matter how rough it may become. Every single day for the rest of my life, I will be by your side.”
You both try to make your relationship work, spending all of your free time together. He is still the Suna you loved. Always affectionate to you alone, and always caring about you.
Things are going great to the both of you. You are now in your last months in university, and Suna gets scouted to play for the EJP Raijins, a V. League Division 1 team. You are so proud of your boyfriend. He is finally reaching his dreams, and your dream of seeing him so successful is also coming true. You understand how he puts more effort in his training, with him usually coming home to dim lights. But you try your hardest as his girlfriend to warm up the dinner you have prepared for him earlier. With only the kitchen lights lit, you always wait for your boyfriend to come home, to greet him with a kiss even if it is past 11pm. This is just the life of a professional athlete, and you, as his partner, should adopt this life too.
“Y/N baby, no need to wait for me. I’m not coming home tonight. Coach offered to let me sleep at his place since we’re just really fatigued from the hard training we had today.”
This slowly becomes a habit, and you are getting frustrated over the lack of attention you’ve been receiving. You understand this was his job, and he needs to work hard with the season coming up soon. But does he have to be away for almost every day of the week? You rarely get to see him now, with most encounters only at night. He’d usually go home at 1 am, and when you’re lucky, you get to feel your lover’s intimate touches again. But before dawn cracks up, he's out on his training again, and who knows when he’s coming home.
“Hey, Rinnie. I miss you so much babe, and I know you’ve been training really hard, but I’d like to spend some time with you.” You approached your boyfriend as you saw him packing his things up for training. “Maybe I could go by your gym and visit you! I could make some packed lunches for you and your teammates too, and maybe I can finally meet them.”
“I’ll try Y/N, I can’t say much now with our new training schedule.” He utters out rather coldly, while shoving his equipment down his gym bag.
“Ohhh okay. But are you able to come home early on Wednesday? Just for one night, pretty please? You’re rarely home these days and I--”
“Well, I just can’t laze around right? I’d have to work hard in order to feed the both of us. Can you stop being clingy, and act like a more understanding girlfriend. It’s getting pathetic how you’re acting like I’m not doing this for the both of us.” He zipped up his bag and slings it over his shoulder. He went up to your frozen state, and gave a light kiss to your temple. “Look, I don’t really want to fight. I’m sorry. But please be an understanding girlfriend for me, and stop being extra clingy.” He walked up to the door, and left - leaving you to blame yourself for being another burden to your partner. Although he said some hurtful things, he says he’s sorry right?
You love routines, and it makes you feel your life has a structure it has to follow. But this new routine was not one you would wish to have, to be honest, you did not know when did your old routines fall out. Suna’s rarely home, if he used to go home once a week, now, he only goes home to pick some of his clothes, makes love to you if you ask him to, and leaves the next day. His texts are getting drier each day, even taking hours to reply to yours. You’re scared. Even his words don’t seem to assure you now, he feels so far away. He’s slipping through your fingers, and you know you need to do something to keep your relationship together.
“Rin love, can you go home tonight? I just really miss you terribly, and honestly, I’ve been craving your touch for so long. Come home tonight, love.” (Sent, 2:51 PM)
“Ok.” (Received, 4:30 PM)
You’re ecstatic. You’re finally going to spend time with your boyfriend after such a long time. You prepare his favorite dinner, and you choose to wear his favorite nightgown for you. As you hear his steps outside the apartment, you greet him with your sweetest smile.
“Hi, Rinnie. I’m glad you’re home” You give him a tight hug, as you offer to take his gym bag.
“Let’s get this over with, Y/N. Go now to the room, I’ll just wash up.” He mutters as he steps out of his shoes. You stand frozen, as you suppress the tears forming in your eyes. “I made dinner, Rinnie. Your favorite, actually. Come eat with me? ” You try to invite him again, holding his hands as you try to lead him to the kitchen.
“Ï’m a busy man, Y/N. What more can you ask from me? You said you wanted my touches and love, right? That’s why I’m here. I need to go back to the dorms immediately, and honestly I just want to have it over with.”
“Rin,” you called out. “Can you at least spare me some time and attention that  you have been refusing to give me over these past months? All I’m asking is to spend time with you. I’m even trying my best to make time for you. Why are you like this?”
The eyes. The eyes you never had thought would frighten you as much as it did to the other players in the court, pins you down. Suna glares as he seethes through his teeth, “Make time for me? You don’t even have a job yet after graduating a few months ago. You stay here, enjoying your life as I worked hard to keep this up. You are demanding too much from me, Y/N. And now you are asking me for my share in this relationship? Well aren’t you one selfish woman.”
You cower away from his gaze, but you still try to express your frustrations. “I never asked for an expensive life. I just wished to be with you, Rin! To support you with your dreams.” You lift your head to meet his gaze.  “I’ll always try to take care of you, Rin. You are my dream. Seeing you pursue yours, makes me feel as if I’m accomplishing my dream too. But all I’m asking is for you to still treat me as your favorite girl, your partner, and I can give back ten times more than what you can give me, just please give me the small attention and love I have been craving for.”
“Well, sorry to disappoint you Y/N, but you’re the least of my priorities now. And aren’t you pathetic? Sacrificing your dream to support mine? You’re just lazy to pursue yours, and you’re just leeching off of me. I’m so disappointed in you, Y/N. You’re getting more pathetic each day.”
“I wanted to go and look for a job, but how could I when I don't know how you are lately? How is our relationship lately? It’s like it’s hanging by the thread now, Rinnie.”
“Well, just cut the damn thread, then!” He forcefully slams the counter as his eyes snap backs to yours. “Ï can’t deal with this right now. If you keep on acting up Y/N, just stop. Have some pity over yourself.” Suna picks up his things, and leaves. Shutting the door as hard as he could, the loud bang conceals the sound of your shattered heart.
Weeks go by slowly as you patiently wait for your boyfriend’s return. He wouldn’t leave me right? He promised .He promised.. Scrolling up to your text messages, you reviewed the texts you’ve sent him.
“Hey Rinnie, I’m sorry for the things I’ve said. I hope you’re taking care of yourself, babe.” (Sent. April 13, 8:53 AM.)
“Hey baby! Please don't skip your meals, and drink lots of water too! Drink your water, bitch!” (Sent. April 14, 10:14 AM.) You slightly smiled as you reminisced how both of you loved to tell that to each other after hearing it from a famous personality, finding it amusing and adding it to your routine.  
“Call me whenever your free, okay? Don’t forget to rest in between, Rinnie. I miss you.” (Sent. April 14, 8:42 PM.)
The text messages go on for two weeks, still with no replies from your Rinnie. As you are cleaning the apartment, you hear the awaited notification tone ring. You immediately grabbed your phone and checked out the notification. But it was not from Rin, it was from your friend from university calling you up.
“Hey, Y/N-san. Congratulations to Suna and his team for winning the pre-seasonal tournament. It’s all over the news right now.” Akaashi exclaimed over the phone. Your heart leaps upon hearing your boyfriend’s name. Rushing over to see the news for yourself, your heart flutters as you see your perfect man - in his wet jersey while holding the medal wrapped around his neck as the reporter angled the microphone in front of him. Your perfect man responds casually and smug, as usual.
I’m so proud of you baby. Always had, and always will. I knew you could do it, Rin.
But your thoughts are interrupted as the reporter asks, “Is there any special someone you would want to celebrate this victory with, Mr. Suna?”
Suna looks over at the camera and he smiles bright. Brighter than the ones you’ve seen when you were with him during these past months. “Yeah, actually I do.” He replies as he smiles back at the reporter. “She’s just the best and I’ve been training really hard for her, you know? Gotta make my baby proud.”
The spark of hope ignites within your heart upon hearing those words. Even when doubts clouded your mind, you still never fail to have faith in him. You always believe that everything will be perfectly fine, and your Rin will always stay by your side. He said he’ll never go away, and you know that you’re here to stay.  “I will never go away, no matter how rough it may become. Every single day for the rest of my life, I will be by your side.”
But what you see next finally wakes you up from your own self-deception. Suna Rintarou. Your Rin. Has his arms around another girl as he smiles back again to the reporter. “She’s the girl I’m talking about.” As if it wasn’t enough, Suna placed his hand on top of her head and placed a tender kiss on her temple.
I’m supposed to be that girl, that should have been me.  I should be the one greeting you back from your training. I should be the one with you as you receive your recognition. That should be me. That used to be me.
Even though it hurts, you stare at the couple in front of you and see how Rin was just casually cool and okay, as though he wasn’t the cause of your heart breaking.
All this time. While you have been fixing your own shattered heart, someone else is mending his - no, there was nothing to fix as it has been replaced. It’s so unfair, how can you be so fine? All the fights we’ve gone through, I even deceived myself that I was being a burden to you. Convincing myself to no longer bother you as it may faze you and your performance, too. It takes so much for me to just go through the day, and live for you, for us. But I guess you’re my dream, right? You win again, Rin. You always did.
Dreams do come true, they said. But it seems only your dream came true. And it’s wonderful to see you reaching your dreams, love. Even if it meant that my dream won’t come true.
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A/N: HNGHHH, I am sorry for Y/N becoming so heads over heels over him, which is why she’s hurting so much!! But reality’s a bitch, there really are people who be martyrs for love :<  Would love to hear you thoughts uwu reblogs, likes, comments, asks and messages are very much appreciated! There will be a part 2!! Will try to post within this week, after doing my requirements T.T .  
Message me or send an ask if you want to be tagged for the update! <3
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Sorceress (Loki Oneshot)
Summary: Loki comes to stay at the Avengers Tower while you are away on a mission. He becomes quite interested in you when he learns you wield magic similar to him and Doctor Strange.
Pairing: Loki x F!Reader
Word Count: 5,260
Warnings/Disclaimers: Anxiety issues, brief mentions of blood loss and injury, Wanda being an awesome friend
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You wound your way into the kitchen and flipped on the electric kettle. Gathering your mug, you pulled out your calming tea blend. Today was the first day of the semester, and it always made you anxious. You felt like you had not rested one bit over the summer break. It probably didn’t help that Fury had sent you on a mission for most of it and you just returned yesterday, but there wasn’t much you could do about it. Just keep moving. This was your life now.
You went over the mental checklist in your head. Syllabus, notes, handouts...
“And who might you be?”
The low, charming voice ripped you from your thoughts, causing you to jump and almost knock over your mug. Swinging around to face the intruder, you found Loki the God of Mischief hovering closely behind you. You had forgotten about Thor contacting you on your mission to tell you Loki would be kept at the Tower for his punishment. Tony made him call you, something he did when he was afraid of you being angry. You had heard Tony coaching Thor in the background of the call.
“Don’t do that!”
He chuckled, taking a step back. “My sincerest apologies.”
You folded your arms and took in his appearance. He definitely did not look the same as he did on the news when he tried to take New York. From the images you had seen, his eyes were wild and sunken and his face gave off a sense of malnourishment. The god standing before you now looked healthy with bright not quite blue but not quite green eyes that held a sprinkle of boyish mischief. Maybe Thor had it right about the possible mind control.
“Shall we start anew?” He bowed lightly, delicately taking the fingers of your right hand in his, forcing you to uncross your arms. “I am Prince Loki of Asgard.”
Oh no... Boyo was laying it on thick.
Nervously clearing your throat, you introduced yourself.
“A lovely name, my lady. May I ask why I have not seen you here before?”
He was still holding your hand. You could feel his energy pushing against yours. Was he trying to test your abilities?
“I was on a mission overseas. Just got back last night.”
“That is a shame. I would have preferred your presence here when I first arrived.”
You heard the click of the kettle and pulled your hand away to pour the hot water in your mug. He seemed almost disappointed by the loss of contact.
“I heard from Wanda that it was pure chaos for a while. She practically begged me to abandon the mission and come home,” you chuckled. “Don’t know if that would have done any good though.”
Taking a sip of your still brewing tea, you realized Loki had retaken the step back from earlier and was nearly looming over you. You regained that space, heading for the door.
“Well, it was nice to meet you, but if you’ll excuse me, I need to finish preparing for class.”
You rocketed out the door before he had a chance to respond.
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You flopped on your bed after taking a portal home. Your closest friend Wanda was there to greet you.
“So how are all the magic newbies you ditched me for?” she teased.
You huffed a laugh. “Same old, same old. College freshmen who think they already know everything. They’ll be in a world of hurt in the coming weeks.”
“At least being an adjunct professor has its perks, right?”
“Yeah. I have some semblance of a life.”
You both started giggling at that.
“Are you still going to eat with everyone for dinner tonight?”
“I don’t see why not. Today was only day one of classes. Nothing to grade yet.”
“Maybe Loki will chill out then.”
You casted Wanda a concerned look. “What do you mean?”
She rolled her eyes and sat up on the bed. “Ever since Thor mentioned you could wield magic, Loki kept asking when you would be back.”
“Huh,” you mulled. “Guess that would explain this morning.”
“This morning?”
You nodded and hummed. “Yeah. I was in the kitchen making tea when he showed up.”
“You talked to him before me?!” She shoved you playfully, feigning hurt feelings.
“Because I totally planned it,” you laughed.
“So what did you think?”
“You mean other than tall, dark and handsome?” You paused as she snickered. “He’s alright, I guess. He was being overly nice.”
Wanda scoffed. “That little... Okay. So, when he wasn’t holed up in his room or the library being all nice and quiet, he kept making all these snarky comments to everyone. Then, there was the pranking... He saved that mostly for Tony though.”
“So what you’re saying is to keep my guard up because he could go bipolar on me.”
“Great... This is going to be fun... How long is he staying?”
All you could do was groan and hide your head in your pillow.
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Dinner was suffocating to say the least. Loki joined the team in the dining area, apparently a rarity for him, and they were not happy about it. Well, it was mostly the original team members, the ones who fought against Loki in the Battle of New York. The newer members like you and Wanda, while not fond of him either, couldn’t care less. Thor seemed to be the only who was content, shoveling food down his throat, unable to read the room with a silence so palpable and deafening.
This is... awkward. Wanda spoke to you through her mind, something she usually did when she was uncomfortable but still needed to express herself.
No kidding. I’m thinking about ditching.
Aren’t you hungry though?
Starving! But I can’t eat like this. I’ll come back down in a couple of hours for something. Maybe I’ll watch a movie til then.
Room for one more?
With half your plate empty, you excused yourself and disposed of the scraps in the kitchen. Steve, who usually fussed at you about your not so great eating habits, did not say a word. Sneaking some snacks for the movie from the kitchen, you went back to your room to wait for Wanda who popped by about ten minutes later.
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You woke with a start, stomach growling and gurgling. You blinked away the sleep from your eyes and looked around. Wanda was long gone. You guessed she went back to her room after you fell asleep at some point. She was at least nice enough to turn off the TV before disappearing.
Your belly rumbled, again. Reluctantly leaving behind the warmth of your blankets, you stumbled to your feet and hobbled to the kitchen. You reached for the light switch, the kitchen being too dim in the low lighting left on at night. The lights turned on before you could find it.
“I was wondering when you would arrive.” Your name slid off Loki’s tongue like silk.
Letting out a breath, you tempered your scowl. “What made you think I was coming down here?”
“Aside from the dinner you barely touched?” he chuckled as he traced a finger across the counter. “Well, it can be considered rude to hold a private conversation from such a small group of people.”
You shouldn’t have been surprised by a magic wielder being able to see what other magic wielders are doing.
You folded your arms. “It’s definitely considered rude to eavesdrop.”
“That is quite true.” His signature smirk graced his face. “Although, is it really eavesdropping when I did not listen to what was being said? I merely sensed the exchange of energies.”
“Sure...” You didn’t believe him, but you would let it go for now. It’s not like you two had said anything damning. You just needed to be a bit more careful moving forward. “Now would you be so kind as to stand aside? I would like something to eat, and you’re blocking the fridge.”
“My apologies, but perhaps I may be of better service to you with,” he snapped his fingers, “this.”
The leftovers from dinner instantly appeared piping hot on a plate.
“How did you-”
“Come now. I thought you were a sorceress,” he smirked teasingly.
There was the ego you were expecting.
“I can manage the same end result,” you pouted. “But... the steps leading to it would be different...”
“I could always show you how.”
That grin and those alluring aventurine eyes would be the death of you. You wanted so badly to say yes. While you had the schooling and moved on to helping others, there was still so much more to learn. To say you were eager would be an understatement. The problem was you just met this Trickster God. How could you trust him so soon?
“I... I appreciate the offer, but maybe another time.”
You tucked some of your hair behind your ear. Why did you feel guilty for turning him down?
“Of course. The offer remains standing. Enjoy your dinner, Sorceress,” he replied, his disappointed voice betraying his stoic demeanor.
With that, he swiftly left the room. Yeah. You felt bad. Maybe you would find a way to make it up to him.
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Weeks later, and you were frustrated beyond belief. The last lesson you attempted to teach was going nowhere. You needed help, and you needed it now.
You sprung from your room with your notes and textbook and practically sprinted to the library where Loki could usually be found. You were right. There he was lounging with his back to you on one of the couches amongst the books, reading Dante’s Divine Comedy.
“To what do I owe the pleasure, Sorceress?” He didn’t even look up from the text. Not a good sign.
Taking a breath, you answered, “I was hoping I could get your help with something.”
That got his attention. “Oh? Would you not rather ask that Strange fellow the others prefer to associate with.” he scowled.
Great. Of course, he had to be in one of those moods today. His mood swings were to be expected but the timing was difficult to predict.
“Pff. The last time I asked him for help, he was a total ass. Just because he trained with a master overseas for a short period of time and has a photographic memory does not mean he fully understands every magical concept.” You brought your rant to a halt. You could say so much more but doubted anyone wanted to listen.
“Well, someone who sees that charlatan for what he truly is,” he snorted, snapping his book shut. “Now, pray tell, why would I assist you when your magic is so similar to his?”
Adding fuel to the fire. The rant was back on. With a huff, you came around to the front of the sofa and dropped your supplies on the coffee table, taking a seat next to him.
“You really want to get me started, don’t you? Look, I have been practicing and studying magic since I was child before I even knew what I was even doing. Hell, I’m still learning. That will never stop. I have worked my ass off to get this far. That’s why I get frustrated with Strange. He never believed in magic until it could help him in some fashion, and then he’s deemed a ‘master’ so soon after starting. Admittedly, yes, I am a bit jealous. However, I would not change how I have learned because it has allowed me to dig deeper and understand more.”
You inhaled deeply, signaling the end of your monologue. You had not really meant to go that far with it, but it was too late now. Your words hung in the air as Loki studied you.
“What do you need assistance with?” He flashed you a grin.
You silently screamed with relief. “Okay, so there was a theory I was trying to teach yesterday.” Flipping open the textbook to the right page, you brought your notebook and pen to your lap. “The students just aren’t getting it.”
Loki leaned over the table to read the book. “Magical Exchange: The Equal Exchange Theory...” His eyebrows could have rocketed off his forehead with how surprised he was. “This is an elementary subject.”
“It is a 101 course,” you shrugged. “I just don’t know how to explain it better. I’ve not taught a class that had issues with this before. This particular group has proven... Difficult.”
“Have you attempted a more... Oh what do you mortals call it,” he hummed. “A more ‘hands on’ approach?”
You sighed and unconsciously tapped your pen on your notebook. “Yeah. I tried to improvise like that when the text did nothing. It just made things worse.”
“I see...” His lips drooped into a frown. “Perhaps a new perspective is required.”
“You read my mind,” you teased, winking at him. You still had not forgotten that first day. “So if you were teaching this, how would you go about it?”
Clearing his throat, he picked up the text book and lounged back on the couch. An anxious silence droned on before he finally spoke again.
“This text describes the various classifications of what is considered Equal Exchange, yet there is little on what does not qualify.”
Loki proceeded on his own mini-lecture about the experiments performed by both mortals and Asgardians, many of which ended in failure due to the lack of Equal Exchange. One ended up being about the Philosopher’s Stone, a topic you had already learned quite a bit about. You scribbled notes as fast as you could, filling up a good quarter of your notebook when he had finished.
You chewed on the end of your pen while looking over your notes. “This could work. Between these explanations and showing some examples, they might grasp what all it means.” Letting out a tired sigh, you looked up at him with full sincerity. “Thank you, Loki. I owe you one.”
He chuckled deeply, sending shivers down your spine. What was he up to?
“There is one favor I wish to ask of you in exchange.”
You blinked deftly. “And what might that be?”
Taking your free hand in his, he gently swiped his thumb across your knuckles. “I merely ask for a dance.”
“A. Dance?” That was not what you had expected.
“Yes. Stark is holding one of his... illustrious parties next Saturday.”
Oh crap. You had purposely forgotten about that. Parties were not normally your thing.
“R-right! I forgot...” you mumbled, swiping your hair behind your ear.
“All I ask is one dance. Would that be acceptable?”
You gazed into his eyes where a dabble of insecure hope hid. “I... Yes. That would be nice.”
Your face felt like it was on fire when he kissed your knuckles, whispering, “Excellent,” before he helped you to your feet and gathered your belongings.
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Saturday seemed to arrive all too quickly. Anxiety pulsated through your veins most of the day. Why were you so nervous? It was just one dance.
You sucked in a breath as you took in your appearance in the mirror. The off-the-shoulder, malachite dress hugged your form just right until it flowed gracefully from your hips to your knees. A silver pendant and heels tied off the look. You looked... Good. Better than you had anticipated. Now if you could just calm yourself down.
All those people, people you did not know for the most part would be there, too. Tony always invited so many guests no one else knew. But you also wouldn’t be alone. The whole team was going to be there. You would not be alone. One party should be manageable.
A knock at your door tore you from your spiraling thoughts. With a half-hearted sigh, you meandered to the door and open it to find Wanda and Vision. Wanda must have sensed your distress. She took one look at you, told Vision she would meet him downstairs, gave him a chaste kiss and stepped into your room, closing the door behind her.
“I-I don’t know if I can do this, Wanda.” You sat on the edge of your bed, thoughts of nausea swimming in your head.
She said your name with such resolution, your gaze snapped up to hers. “You can do this.”
“I don’t-”
“Don’t start. One, you look gorgeous. Two, you’re a professor AND Avenger. You teach in auditoriums and fight bad guys for a living. This party should not be a problem.”
“Small auditoriums...” you mumbled, earning you a look.
“Three, Vision and I will stay nearby. If any weirdo tries anything with you again, we’ll be there.”
Because you needed to remember the one party where some drunk rando was getting too handsy, the one where you had trouble controlling your abilities because you did not and do not like crowds. Tony, Steve and Wanda had to extract you after kicking out the drunk moron. That was your last party.
“I don’t want to be the third whe-”
“Shush. I’m not done.” She waved you off. “And four, once you have your dance, you can get the hell out of there. Okay?” She smiled sympathetically.
You nodded and looked at the floor. Wanda took you by the shoulders and forced you to stand.
“Alright, now breathe with me. Ground and center. Breathe. Raise your shields. Breathe.”
Doing what you were told, you started to feel better, the deep breaths helping the most.
“Okay. Let’s get going. Remember, you can do this.” She guided you towards the door.
“Right... I can do this...”
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I can’t do this...
You leaned on a wall out of the way, sipping on a light cocktail that you had hoped would keep you calm. It didn’t. Between the flashing lights, pounding music and the chaotic array of energies emanating off the guests just made you want to crawl in a hole and bury yourself.
Wanda and Vision were out of your sight but you could still sense them nearby. They’d be there in a blink of an eye if you needed them, but you didn’t want to ruin their fun. It also did not help that Loki was nowhere to be seen. At first, you thought he and Thor were getting ready, but that thought was thrown out when Thor arrived fashionably late alone. Maybe Loki decided the whole thing was a waste of time and backed out of coming. Yeah. That had to be it which meant you could bug out of here early.
“There you are, Sorceress.”
Never mind. Just as you had moved to the bar to set your glass down, Loki showed up behind you. You spun around, dress flowing out as you did. He looked taken aback with his cheeks slightly flushed. He muttered something under his breath but the music and chatter drowned him out.
“I’m sorry? I didn’t catch that.”
He just shook his head, smiling as he reached out a hand for you. “Would you care to join me on the balcony?”
Balcony?! Why didn’t you think about going out there? It would be so much quieter.
“I would like that very much.” You took his hand and let him lead you outside.
The balcony was so much better. The doors muffled the incessant beat of the club music along with the yelling guests. You took in a deep breath, taking the chance to glance at Loki and appreciate his look.
Yup. Still attractive in Midgardian clothing. His designer suit looked as though it was made only for him, the black color matching his curling hair that brushed past his shoulders. The green tie brought out his eyes and made them seem more saturated like an emerald. You definitely appreciated the new style.
“You’re staring, Darling,” he chuckled.
“Sorry. I’m so used to seeing you in your Asgardian garb,” you flushed. “T-the change is not unwelcome though. You look great!”
Great. Where were your words when you needed them most? And did he call you “Darling”?
“Thank you, my dear. Now, about that dance...”
That’s when you realized he was still holding your hand.
“What about the music?”
“I have something better planned than the noise Stark has chosen.”
He pulled you close, one hand encased yours while the other placed your free hand on his shoulder before snapping his fingers and keeping you close by the small of your back. A record player appeared playing Merry-Go-Round of Life.
“Shall we?”
You smiled and nodded, “Yes.”
Loki swayed with you along the length of the balcony, leading you into spins in time with the music. Neither of you had said a word since you started moving, but you did not need to. Everything was perfect. You felt like you were dancing on clouds amongst the stars. All of your anxiety had melted away. Needless to say, you were disappointed when the song ended.
“I do not suppose I would be able to convince you for another dance?”
Loki held your hands in his as he pulled back. He seemed just as disappointed as you.
“Well,” you mocked contemplation, “That wasn’t part of the original agreement.”
The soft grip on your hands loosened even more.
“But, I don’t see why I can’t make an exception, especially seeing how your explanations went over so well with the students. I haven’t thanked you for that part,” you smirked and with a golden flourish of your hand, changed the music on the record player.
Loki’s grin put the starlight to shame as he brought you back to him. As one song ended, one of you would switch it out to keep the music going.
Neither of you knew how long you were out there for. It had to have been more than a couple of hours since Tony was the one to break up your private party.
“Reindeer Games, Magic Hands! Pack it up! Party guests have already left!”
Both of you grimaced, hating your nicknames. Regardless, Loki led you back inside. Wanda and Vision had stayed throughout the party while you were on the balcony, and gave both of you these little knowing looks as you passed them. Ignoring them, Loki walked you to your room.
“Thank you, Loki. You made the night much more enjoyable,” you smiled brightly.
He smiled back, playing with the fingers of your hands. “I am happy to be of assistance, Sorceress.”
A moment of silence and you stepped forward, thinking of something a touch bold. “You know, if this were to become a regular occurrence, I might be persuaded to show up at Stark’s parties more often.”
A low chuckle reverberated in his chest. “That could be arranged.”
“I hope so.” You leaned on your toes, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. “Thank you, again.”
You slipped past your door so quickly you didn’t notice the lightly dusted blush on Loki’s face.
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Today was not a good day. Scratch that. It was a terrible day. Some senior in Advanced Summoning got cocky and accidentally summoned a few large, irate creatures from the Fae Realm. With you being an Avenger and working for the school, it was no surprise you were chosen to handle the situation. Killing would have been easier, but you could not bring yourself to do it. It’s not their fault they were ripped from their home and dropped in an unfamiliar world. You were able to open a portal and send them back but not without sustaining a critical injury. You were barely able to close the portal before passing out from blood loss.
You woke up in the medical wing of the campus, a fog clouding your brain. You felt the dull pain in your side where one of the creatures had swiped its claws whenever you tried to move.
“Oh! Please lie still!” A healer came rushing over. “You don’t want to reopen the wound. We’ve done all we can to heal you without overloading your body.”
You just nodded and rested your head on the pillow. Looking at the window, you noticed how dark it was.
“What time is it?”
The healer looked at you nervously. “A little after 10PM.”
Groaning, you sank into the pillow more. “Do you know where my phone is? I need to make a call.”
The team knew your schedule, and they were going to flip, especially Loki. You two had grown attached to each other since the start of your balcony dances (there had been at least six so far). The status of your relationship was in limbo, somewhere between friends and romantic partners. Neither of you seemed to know which way to go.
The healer left the room momentarily before rushing back in. Handing you your phone, she warned, “Now, your phone started going off non-stop since about six this evening. We had to answer just to see if it was important and if they could wait until you called back. Th-the man on the other end. He was.. Not. Pleased. He started demanding to know where you were...”
“I understand,” you cut her off softly. “If I could get some privacy please, I will call him.”
She nodded and headed to the door.
“And whatever else he said, don’t worry about it. I’ll make sure he behaves.”
The healer pursed her lips and closed the door behind her. What the hell did he say to her?
You picked Loki’s contact in your phone. He answered in barely one ring, calling out your name. “Norns, are you alright?! Where are you? What happened?”
“Loki, I’m fine. I’m still on campus. There was a little mishap that I had to take care of. Got a little banged up in the process, but everything is okay.” You added that last part quickly.
“A little mishap? You should have returned hours ago. Please, allow me to bring you home.”
“Loki, the school only allows faculty members and students on campus. The wards make sure of that. And despite the constant demands, even Fury and Strange have not been granted access. They don’t even know where to look. Besides, you’re on lockdown. Remember?” You tried to reason with him, but knew he would not give up so easily.
He pleaded your name. Lately, he almost always stuck to pet names for you, only using your name when he was truly upset. “Please... I need to know that you are in good health.”
“I am, Loki. I will more than likely be back at the Tower in the morning.”
“Not tonight?” His pout was clear even over the phone.
“It’s late and I doubt the healers would let me check myself out at this hour.”
“I- Alright.” The defeated tone in his voice made your heart break.
“I’ll call you in the morning, okay?”
“Goodnight, Loki.”
As you pulled the phone away to hang up, you heard him call your name.
“I... I will see you tomorrow.”
You hummed with a smile. “See you tomorrow.”
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It was early morning when you finally left the campus. Loki didn’t answer his phone, so you left him a voicemail instead, fairly sure he knew how to access it. Cell phones still were not his strong suit, but he was getting better.
Stepping through the Tower doors, you were greeted by Happy who gave you the world’s most gentle bear hug. He had Friday let the others know you were headed up.
“By the way,” he yelled to you as you stepped in the elevator. “Loki was up all night worrying about you. You should go talk to him.” He winked at you.
You just shook your head as the elevator doors. When they reopened at the common room floor, you were greeted with Wanda tackling you before she dragged you out.
“Loki told us something went down at the University. What happened?!”
She pulled you into the common room to one of the sofas.
“Some moron was trying to impress a girl in Advanced Summoning. Brought in some undocumented creatures from the Fae Realm.”
“Of course... Now you were hurt? Where?” She started looking you over.
You lifted your shirt just enough to show the heavy bruising on your side. “The healers did a decent patch up. Just have to deal with this for a couple days, and then I’m good.”
“I wish I could help, but healing is not my forte.”
“Don’t worry about it. I’m fine,” you smiled reassuringly, letting your shirt fall.
“Fine is not how you would have been classified yesterday,” a low voice came from behind the couch, startling you.
“L-Loki! I thought I had told you not to do that!” You clutched your chest, taking a deep breath.
“Darling, may I speak with you? Alone.” Loki gestured for you to follow him.
You squeezed Wanda’s hand apologetically. “I’ll come find you later.”
Loki led you out, down the hall and into the library. He didn’t say a word until he sat you down on the couch next to him, gaze on his lap.
“Loki... I-”
“Dove, what were you thinking taking on those beasts on your own?” He clutched your hands tightly.
“I didn’t have much of a choice. I’m one of the few stateside who is trained in battle magic,” you pleaded.
He was upset. It was obvious. Your heart shattered with how he looked at you, fear and worry melded into one.
“You could have called for assistance.”
“Loki, we’ve been over this-”
“Would they not have made an exception with their students in danger.” It was a statement. He was right about that.
“If there were time, yes. They needed to be dealt with immediately.” You tore your hands from his grasp and cupped his face for him to really look you in the eyes. “Loki. Everything turned out alright. I’m still here, and I’m okay.”
“And yet you almost were not.” His voice was so quiet, you barely heard him. “I... I do not...”
You stroked his cheeks with your thumbs, encouraging him to go on. He pulled one hand away to hold while leaning into the other.
“Just be more careful from now on. Please.”
“Of course.”
“Promise me.” He squeezed your hand.
“I will. But first.” You took your hand from his face. “Finish what you were saying.”
He froze. “I am not sure what you mean.”
“You cut yourself off three times within twenty-four hours. You always finish your sentences. Now. What were you going to say?”
He still was not used to being caught, his initial confusion evident in his eyes which then darted about the room nervously. You sighed, and with a golden flourish of your hand, the library doors shut and locked.
“There. No one to walk in and disturb us or overhear.”
Loki was silent. He stared at your hand that was intertwined with his, then met your eyes.
“I do not know what I would do without you,” he whispered, bringing you into his arms in one fluid motion, your head tucked under his chin.
The scent of cedar and sage filled your senses as you returned the embrace and carded your fingers through his hair.
“Well, that’s not something you need to think about. I’m not going anywhere,” you responded softly. “Promise.”
He hugged you close, pulling you into his lap. His chest rose with a deep breath before he kissed the top of your head.
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kakashiswilloffire · 3 years
Congratulations on a 100! Can I request a female reader and a scenario where Kakashi discovers in a very shocking way that his s/o is pregnant? Please don't mind not writing if it bothers you. Stay hydrated and have a nice day regardless!🌸
thank you for the request!! hope you enjoy!!
A Kunoichi's Suprise
words: 1.9k
kakashi x fem!reader, fluff, reader is pregnant
“I do hate to do this to you, but you’re the best choice. There’s not an Inuzuka available who has the security clearance necessary, which makes you the only ninken-user I can assign this to.”
Kakashi nodded and shrugged, brushing off the unspoken apology. “I understand, it’s no issue.”
Tsunade pursed her lips into a thin line, nodding solemnly. “If it wasn’t so time-sensitive, I’d put someone else on it, I swear.” She tucked a loose strand of her silvery blond hair behind her ear and shuffled the papers on her desk, bringing a personnel file to the top. “And to accompany you… Again, I’m really sorry, but she’s the only one who makes sense. She was in the area most recently out of all available jonin and her weapons expertise makes her the best candidate to accompany you.”
His eyebrows dipped together in mild confusion. He would have requested this partner if she hadn’t been assigned—he agreed fully that they would make the best team for this recovery mission. Shaking it off, he nodded again. “Sounds great, Lady Fifth. Anything else?”
Tsunade let out a breath she had been half holding and leaned back in her chair. Tonton gave a relieved squeak and Shizune pulled her closer to her chest. The Hokage dragged her hands across her eyes, then leaned forward on her elbows.
“Glad you’re taking this so well. I thought you’d at least argue about your fiancé going with you, if not objecting to being sent on a mission right now at all.”
Kakashi jerked his head backwards and to the side, scanning over the Sannin with his single vibrant, gray eye. “I’m sorry if I gave you the impression I like to argue with superiors, Tsunade-sama. That’s really more Naruto’s thing.” She snorted, and he took it as a good sign. “When would you like us to head out? Thirty minutes?”
Immediately, Tsunade shot him down. “She needs a medic to look her over before she can go into the field. I’m happy to do it myself. Her training with her team ends at noon, right?” She glanced at the clock, then gestured to Shizune. “Send Kotetsu or Izumo to pull her, we can’t wait that long.” With a quick nod, she ducked out of the room. “Meanwhile, you can go pack bags for you both. Be sure to grab her med pack, I’ll probably need to give her a bonus prescription or two for the journey.”
At this point, Kakahi’s confusion could no longer be dismissed. Why would his fiancé need extra medication for a mission? He had just seen you when you left to meet your team of genin, and you hadn’t mentioned anything. Maybe the stomach bug you had had a few weeks ago had been worse than you let on?
“Sorry, prescriptions? Are we facing potential poisoning?” He tried, looking for an explanation.
Tsunade shook her head firmly. “Anything is possible, but I’m not concerned about it.” She ran her hand backward through her hair, shaking it gently toward the ends and letting it fall out of the way. “More concerned with making sure she’s getting the correct nutrients. I’ve been working on the nutritional value of shinobi rations, but it’s hard to find something that’s shelf stable, lightweight, and compact without just being food pills.”
Kakashi agreed, a debate he had heard on nearly every long term mission. “So you’ll give us both supplements, fair. Should we do my physical now while we wait on my fiancé to arrive?” He relished the words in his mouth, the phrase “my fiancé” almost a dream to him, even still.
She gave a bemused chuckle, glancing the scarecrow of a man up and down. “Why, you have some kind of boo-boo you need me to kiss?” Tsunade returned to the paperwork on her desk, shuffling it again and pulling the shinobi copy of the mission details file out, holding it out to him. “I trust you to get whatever nutrients you need after all these years of life, Bakashi,” she teased.
He didn’t move to take the file. “What’s going on?” he demanded, as respectfully as absolutely necessary. “What’s going on that she needs a medical check and extra medication to travel on a mission? Why did you think I would object to being paired with her? It’s not our first mission together, not even since we got engaged. What am I forgetting?”
Tsunade didn’t react to his interrogation, continuing to organize paperwork and leaning down to pull open a drawer in her desk, sliding his and your personnel files inside. “The fetus, maybe?” She offered, waving a hand like it was obvious.
The what?
For a moment, Tsunade could almost hear the cogs grinding in the shinobi’s head. You passing him every drink that had been pushed on you in the last few weeks, the stomach bug that he had never caught, and the uptick in morning meetings you had.
Then the cogs were brought to a halt, and the whole world froze. The blood running through his body was ice cold, and he felt his fingertips and forehead tingling. Were you really pregnant?
Was he, Kami forbid, going to be a father?
Tsunade swore, knowing she shouldn’t have said anything violating medical confidentiality, but with the pregnancy already being in the second trimester, she had no idea that you hadn’t told Kakashi yet. “Listen, Kakashi… just sit down, okay?” She looked around, swearing again at the reminder that this damn office had no chairs outside of the one she occupied.
She jumped up, crossing over to Kakashi and pushing him forward into the chair behind the desk. “Breathe, Kakashi, come on.” She shook him gently, then lightly slapped his cheek. “Come on, soldier. You’re Kakashi of the Sharingan, master of a thousand jutsu, pull it together.”
He flatly refused.
The door to the Hokage’s office opened, Shizune and Tonton leading you in. You took a moment to take in the scene of your fiancé hyperventilating behind the desk, the Hokage herself swearing and trying to get him to make eye contact and pull air into his lungs. Then he saw you, and he paused, fear in his eyes.
“Is it true—I mean, are you—love, are you pregnant?” He choked out.
Your hand flew to your mouth as if to put the secret back inside. You knew you’d have to tell him eventually, but you had wanted the moment to be right and he had been so busy with his missions lately. He didn’t know it yet, but you had rented a room at a nearby onsen for next weekend, making sure to get a room with a private bath and windows high enough that no onlookers could see inside so that he could comfortably remove his mask. That would’ve been the way you preferred he find out, when rather than dessert, you slid the sonogram across the table after dinner. Instead, you nodded.
“Yes, my love,” you whispered. “I’m pregnant.” Instinctively, your hand rested over the part of your stomach that had begun showing this last week.
He seemed to melt into chair. “Kami… we’re going to be parents?”
You nodded, a small laugh breaking from your chest. “Yes, Kakashi, that’s the plan.”
Slowly, he gathered himself, standing up and delicately walking around the desk to the doorway where you remained. “I… You want this?” He sniffed hard, blinking twice and taking your hands. “You want to raise a child with me? This child?”
You tilted your head to the side, feeling hot tears sting your eyes. You knew he had issues with his self worth, and that would be something you would focus on for the next few months so he’d be ready for your child.
“Of course, ‘Kashi. There’s no one I trust more, no one I think would make a better father. I can’t imagine doing this with anyone else, and I’m thrilled that I get to do it with you.”
His wiry frame jolted as though he’d been shocked, and the threw himself into your arms, allowing his fears and shock to leave him through tears. Tsunade and Shizune averted their eyes, doing what they could to preserve your privacy. Tonton oinked in solidarity. After a couple of moments, he stood again, wiping dry the parts of his face not covered by salty, wet fabric. He then hooked a finger into the mask at the side of his nose, yanked it down, and brought you into a deep kiss, warm hands wrapping around you and pulling you close.
After the surprise, you let yourself dissolve into him, allowing yourself to be swept into his emotional display. He pulled his face back after a few beats and beamed, smiling as widely as you could remember seeing him grin. Then his mouth was back on yours, this time for just a second, then a firm kiss to your forehead before he secured the mask again. Turning to face the Hokage, he wrapped his arm around your back and held you close.
“Tsunade-sama, all due respect, can Pakkun handle this? I’ll send him with anyone you’d like. Naruto, even, I don’t think he’s doing anything tonight. I can send the whole pack. I can brief Gai, or Tenzo, anyone? And if you need a weapons expert, I’m sure Tenten is more than qualified.” You giggled, watching your fiancé ramble to the leader of the village. “It’s just, I’m going to be a father, and she’s pregnant with our child, and I’ve gotta say, I don’t think we’re going on any missions for the next, say, 18 years? Well, maybe some D ranks. We’ll see.”
As Tsunade opened her mouth, he cut her off with a pointed, “How’s the progress on the Konoha Orphanage coming along? They prepared for one more? Cause I’m not letting anything happen to either of us, for this child’s sake.”
Tsunade glared, but was startled out of the shouting match she was gearing up for by Shizune chuckling. Betrayed, she turned to her companion.
“I mean, this is the reaction you anticipated him having, Lady Fifth,” she giggled.
She slammed a fist on the desk, although with an intense amount of restraint given that the surface was not even dented. Finally, she looked up with a glint in her eye.
“I think Hana Inuzuka gets back this evening. I can give her twelve hours to rest and then she and Tenten, along with Gai, can probably handle it. This time.”
Kakashi was already on his way out the door, pulling you behind him in a firmly clasped hand, before she had finished. He called out a thanks over your shoulder as you left. Together, you giggled as you entered the streets of Konoha.
Your fiancé spun in circles, laughing freely and spreading his arms out. “We’re starting a family!” he shouted to the sky. You knew you would both continue to take missions with this child, and that was a conversation for another time. For now, though, you were content to spend eternity watching the love of your life giddily relish in this moment.
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illfoandillfie · 3 years
Kinktober Day 3: Bukkake
Kinktober Masterlist | Regular Masterlist
Pairing: Primarily Ben Hardy x Fem!Reader and Lucy Boynton x Fem!Reader + also Lucy Boynton x Rami Malek + Gwilym Lee + Joe Mazzello
Words: 4,881
Warnings: bukkake (obviously), oral sex (f receiving), 69ing, cumplay, vibrators, some overstimulation, degredation (being called a slut).
A/N: This is something of a sequel to The Dinner Party. As soon as I saw bukkake was an option for day 3 I knew I had to do something with the borhap boys and then I’m too much of a whore to leave out Lucy so here we are lmao.
The day after the dinner party was a mostly quiet one. Ben treated you to a massage which was very appreciated, and then spent the rest of the day showering you in affection, ignoring your protests that you should be thanking him since he’d helped you live one of your biggest fantasies. You spent a long while talking about it too, going over everything in more detail now that you were in a better headspace to think properly. You talked through the emotions the scene had brought up and how close it came to what you’d been imagining. Ben confided which parts he’d liked most and which parts had made him worried and how he’d come close to safe wording once, when Joe had been spanking you. But for the most part he’d enjoyed it as much as you had and you agreed that neither of you would be opposed to something similar happening again. Although you also agreed that if it was a one-off event that would be okay too.   
Everyone remained in London for some weeks though it was hard to organise a group hang out again. You did meet up with everyone individually – Rami and Lucy joined you when Ben bought tickets to the ballet, you met Joe for dinner and drinks, and played a round of golf with Gwil – but it was difficult to find a time you were all free again. And not for lack of trying. It just seemed as if half of you were always busy at any one time. Lucy kept pushing though, eager to see everyone again, and eventually the planets aligned. A meeting fell through here, a lunch was rescheduled there, and all of a sudden everyone was free. There was some back and forth in the group chat about where to meet but eventually it was decided that your place would serve best again. It felt as if everyone was being careful not to reference the last time they’d all come over. It had felt like that every time you’d seen any of them. The most anyone had said was that dinner had been nice and it was good to catch up. But neither you nor Ben were keen to be the ones that brought it up either. For one thing you didn’t want to seem as if you were fishing for compliments, but there was also the uncertainty about far they’d read into such a comment. But even with the slight awkwardness, neither of you had any complaints about hosting everyone again.   
There was a lot less to prepare this time around, just a small afternoon tea rather than a full dinner. Ben did a run to the store to pick up a few necessities like milk and bread and a bag of apples so you could whip up a simple teacake. You had a quick tidy-up but didn’t need to go to the same amount of effort you’d required to set up for the dinner party. You didn’t have to worry about moving the furniture around, or dressing provocatively, or digging out sex toys, or anything like that. And when everyone arrived you sat around the living room on whichever chairs were available with mugs of tea or coffee, chatting casually, and snacking on sandwiches and cake. Some wine and bottles of beer got opened but that was as raucous as the afternoon seemed likely to get. At least, until an hour or so in when there was a lull in the conversation.   
For a moment all the talk seemed to stop. It wasn’t awkward or uncomfortable. The silence was perfectly tolerable if a little odd considering how many of you there were. You were just about to ask Gwil how the project he was working on was going when Lucy spoke up.   “So that dinner party was fun.” She said, her eyes flicking from you to Ben and back again.   There was a chorus of agreement from everyone else and you giggled, knowing they were all thinking about what it had felt like to fuck you. Ben slowly lowered his beer bottle without it having reached his lips fully and your heartbeat sped up, wondering if they’d have more to say.   “I just have one small regret about the night,”   “Oh?” You felt as if every cell in your body had frozen in anticipation, wondering what Lucy might have regrets about. Had she disliked something that had happened?   “Well,” Lucy took a sip of her wine as if to fortify herself a little, “I wish we’d made out more. We could have made a show of it for the boys.”   Your body had started to work again but at twice the speed, your stomach somersaulting at the suggestion. You tried to keep your voice level, “Y-yeah, that, um, that probably would have been fun.”   Ben’s head had whipped around to look at you and in your peripheral vision you saw Gwil and Rami exchange looks. The same thought was on everybody’s mind but they were waiting for you. Slowly you turned to look at Ben too, already able to see the excitement in his eyes, “What do you say Benny? You okay to watch Me and Luce?”   “Uh,” he cleared his throat and nodded, “Yeah I’d like that a lot.”   “Rami?” you asked, sure he’d already have talked it through with Lucy but wanting to give him a chance to voice any discomfort, “Do you mind if I kiss your girlfriend?”   He chuckled softly, “No, I don’t mind at all.”   “Okay,” you glanced again at Lucy who had eagerly watched the whole exchange, and then back to Ben who nodded at you and took charge of the situation.    “Right. Lads, help me move the furniture a bit so the girls have some room. Babe, go and get a couple of blankets or sheets or something so that we don’t end up with spunk in the carpet.”   You hopped up and hurried to the bedroom as everyone else began rearranging the furniture. Lucy followed you and, to your surprise, so did Ben. He grabbed the pillows from your bed, pulling their covers off so they could be replaced with fresh ones as you dug through the cupboard for some clean sheets.   “Right, what did you ladies have in mind?” he asked softly as you all busied yourselves.   “Well, I guess, maybe me and Lucy will make out-”   “More,” Lucy cut in, “Not just making out, I want to fuck you.”   You gulped, “Okay. Me and Lucy will fuck and you guys can all watch and jack off over us. How does that sound?”   Lucy nodded enthusiastically, “That’s exactly what I was thinking.”   Ben’s eyes flicked between you but he nodded, “That's what I assumed. Just to be clear though, nothing else?”  “What did you have in mind?” Lucy asked slyly, “I’d be up for blowing you guys too if you wanted.”  Ben laughed, though his cheeks flushed pink, “I wasn’t suggesting anything. In fact, I was going to say it’s probably safer if we put a no touch rule in place. I mean if you want things to be more like last time, obviously I’d be into that and I know Y/N would be too.”  You nodded agreement.  “But this is very spur of the moment, and a lot of planning went into last time. I’d at least want to talk to Rami about offering any, well,”  “Any of our holes?” You suggested, making Ben flush more.  “Yes, that.” He said with a small laugh, “It’s probably better if it’s a look but don’t touch situation. Unless you had other ideas.”  “No, that makes sense,” Lucy said, “I did talk with Rami about it already but the idea of me being shared around wasn’t brought up, it was just about everyone watching me and Y/N.”  “Then I think it’s for the best if we stick with that.”  “Yeah, whatever you guys are most comfortable with,” Lucy said, “As long as I still get to play with Y/N’s cunt.”  Ben smiled at having such a statement addressed to him, but he could see your excitement at the idea and was happy to agree on your behalf.    “Right well, I’m going to go make sure Rami knows whats going on. Why don’t you two go and get these sheets spread out, make it comfy for yourselves, and then I’ll go over the rules so everyone hears them and we can get started.”   You pulled Ben into a quick kiss, “Thanks babe. Love you.”   “Go on, go set up.” He laughed, handing Lucy the newly covered pillows, “Who knew we had two sluts in the group.” 
By the time you returned to the main room it looked quite different. The coffee table had been shifted aside, butting up against a wall out of the way. The couch, arm chair and a few spare seats from around the dining table had been rearranged too, creating something of a circle. Ben pulled Rami aside and you were momentarily distracted watching them chat, until Lucy threw a pillow at your head to get your attention. Laughing again, a little giddy with excitement, you helped her spread out the sheets, laying the pillows in the centre. She observed what you’d created with her hands on her hips.   “There, that should do. How you feel about toys? Got a double ended dildo we could use?”   “Ummm, nothing like that. Theres a regular dildo though and a vibrator. Plus y’know, cuffs and paddles and that.”   Lucy shook her head, “What about that one with the remote we used on you last time?”   “Yeah, I’ve still got that. What are you thinking?”   “I’m thinking the boys could control it. And maybe grab the other vibe too?”   You agreed and hurried back to the bedroom as Ben gathered everyone’s attention to explain the rules of the evening.    “So Lucy and Y/N have graciously offered to be tonight's entertainment but there’s to be no touching involved. You are allowed to talk to them, give them suggestions, make comments about them, call them derogatory names – the same sort of thing as last time. And, of course, you’re encouraged to enjoy yourselves fully and have a cheeky wank while watching them. As long as you keep your hands to yourself. Um, what else,” Ben paused as he watched you re-join Lucy in the middle of the circle, “There is lube, if you’d like to use it. And if you are going to cum, try to aim for the girls or at least the sheets and not our furniture or carpet. Of course you can also-”   You stopped listening as Lucy tugged you down to the floor, situating herself above you so she was straddling your waist. She grabbed your wrists as you reached out to touch her, pushing them over your head and pinning them against the floor as she leaned down to kiss you.   You couldn’t help but arch into her, Ben’s voice calling you a slut still ringing in your ears, as you tried to deepen the kiss. 
Ben had long stopped talking, all four of the guys completely focused on you and Lucy. You were vaguely aware of the sounds of them getting comfortable as Lucy let your wrists go. She sat up straighter and drew her dress over her head, revealing the matching bra and panties she wore.    “Came prepared?” you asked which just made her laugh.  “Now you,” she said, shuffling back so she could strip you too. You hadn’t put in as much effort with your underwear, not having expected to show it off for anyone other than Ben, but someone still let out a long low whistle of appreciation.  Lucy giggled as she resettled herself on your hips and leaned down to kiss you again, distracting you as her hand reached for the vibrator.   You jolted as she pressed it against your clothed clit, holding it there until you let out a soft hum of pleasure. And then, just as soon as it had started it stopped. Lucy sat up again and looked around at the entranced men, all of whom seemed to be a little dazed.   “Well c’mon boys. We wanna see your cocks.”   There was a sharp intake of breath and then you heard zips lowering as each of them complied with Lucy’s request.    She just grinned at you.  
You had enough time to glance around and see Ben in one chair, slowly stroking his semi-hard dick, before Lucy surprised you with the vibrator again. She held it against you, turning up the speed of the vibrations and using the tip to draw circles over your clit as you squirmed underneath her. Rocking forward Lucy let out her own soft hum of pleasure as she rubbed herself against the vibrator too.  From somewhere above you came a soft groan from one of the boys, though it was hard to tell who exactly when Lucy was once again adjusting the speed of the toy. She turned it up a notch, the buzzing getting louder as the speed increased, and held it firmly in place. Her other hand rested against your thigh so her back was arched slightly as she rocked against the toy, both of you keening and moaning softly as it drew you towards the edge.   You came first, mouth falling open as you shuddered with the orgasm, but Lucy kept the vibrator in place until she’d reached her peak too. She didn’t take much longer than you did but it was long enough to have you whining as the pleasure teetered on the edge of pain. You felt nearly breathless as she shut it off and put it aside.  
Looking up at your captive audience, Lucy asked, “What would you fellers like to see me do to the slut next?”  It was quiet for a bit. You waited, still trying to catch your breath, to see if anyone would comment on your fate.  After a moment Joe spoke up, “I think you shouldn’t throw stones in glass houses Luce. You’re as much of a slut as Y/N.”  Lucy laughed, “Fair point. So then what would you like to watch two sluts do?”  Joe didn’t even pause, “I think you should 69.”  “That does sound fun,” Lucy said, already reaching for your knickers, “Someone unclasp my bra for me?”  You let her work your underpants down your legs, watching as Joe happily stood up to help Lucy with her bra. She shucked it off and stood to remove her panties which gave you time to rid yourself of your own bra, leaving you both naked.   The next thing you knew as you settled back against the pillow, was Lucy lowering herself over your lips and the salty sweet tang on your tongue as you licked along her wet slit.   She hummed in response, and rocked against you, cooing about how good you were and how you were going to make her cum again, encouraging you to delve deeper and taste more of her.   “I said 69 Luce,” Came Joe’s voice and then she lowered her head to your pussy too, her breath warm as she lightly licked along your lips. 
Knowing that there were so many eyes on you was definitely a turn on, especially when you could hear the boys. They made comments about you and Lucy, calling you good sluts for keeping them entertained, grunting about how hot it was to watch as they stroked themselves. And then there was the sound of their strokes too, hands on skin, occasionally assisted by the wet of lube or spit. You could hear their hisses and hitched breaths mixed in with Lucy’s own sounds as she spread your lips with her fingers and lapped up your juices. The only problem was that Lucy’s ministrations were too light. Her tongue and lips felt nice as she traced them along your slit and flicked against your clit, but you wished she’d be a little firmer or faster. To compensate, or maybe in an attempt to demonstrate what you wanted, you sucked harder, pressed your tongue more firmly to her cunt. Which just made her climax sooner. She moaned when she hit her release, still bent over you but breaking contact so you were left wishing she’d just keep going.   She rode out her orgasm on your face and then sighed with satisfaction as she crawled off you.  “Lucy,” you pouted, wiping your mouth, “I didn’t finish.”  She clicked her tongue and mockingly pouted back as she knelt between your legs, “Boo hoo.” Her fingers lightly traced along your lower stomach, making you shiver, “You already came once, isn’t that enough.”  “I’d prefer more.”  She let her hand trail lower, down to your clit, “Hmm, my mistake.”  And then all of a sudden she was pressing two of her fingers into you, making you gasp. With her free hand she spread your lips open, offering the others a clear view of her fingers disappearing into your hole, all the while teasing you for being so wet and so desperate for more.  You moaned as she adjusted her pace, speeding up, fucking you hard and fast with her two digits, but it wasn’t enough to get you close to orgasm.   “Please,” you whined after a little while, but Lucy only laughed, continuing to finger you in the same way for a few more strokes before suddenly pulling out.  
Before you could so much as open your mouth to swear, Lucy was pushing something new into you.  Your voice cracked with your moan as she turned the egg on, the vibrations hitting all the spots Lucy hadn’t hit before. You were aware of Lucy kneeling over you as you writhed on the floor, unable to escape the constant stimulation. But, as you drew closer to the edge, it became harder and harder to take in what was happening around you. You were vaguely aware of one of the boys groaning but otherwise you were completely oblivious to the rest of the group, entirely consumed by your cunt and the release you’d so craved washing over you. Even when Gwil stood up aimed his cock at you, rapidly jerking himself until his semen painted your stomach, you barely had any clue it was happening. No one had stopped the egg, no one had slowed it. You gasped Lucy’s name, trying to tell her it was becoming too much but she didn’t answer. It wasn’t her fault though. You were too distracted to notice that Joe had gripped Lucy’s hair and pulled her around to face him. As you clutched at the sheets and wailed to god, Joe was groaning through his own orgasm, one hand holding Lucy in place so that not a drop missed her face. You only became aware that Lucy no longer had the controls when Ben shoved her down and told her to suck on your tits. Whoever had taken the controller from her, or picked it up when she dropped it, was kind enough to slow the vibrations to a less consistent pattern but they didn’t turn it off. Instead you experienced brief moments of piece between the harsh seconds of high intensity vibrations. And on top of that your nipple was enveloped by the warm wet of Lucy’s mouth. Joe’s cum spread from her cheeks and lips to your skin as she mouthed and kissed at every inch of your breasts. It must have made for a nice show because before long Ben was splattering his seed over Lucy’s back as Rami sprayed cum over your neck and into your mouth as you opened it to scream through another orgasm.  
When the egg did stop, you were panting for air. Lucy was on her knees again, facing away from you and giggling as she drew her fingers across her cheek and licked them clean, clearly putting on a show for the boys.   “You guys really must like seeing us be so slutty,” she laughed and you saw Ben and Gwil nod in unison. Gwil was already hard again, slowly stroking himself once more though Ben clearly needed some more time to recover. Sitting up, you glanced around and saw Rami watching you as Joe examined the controls of the egg. An idea had already formed as to how to get some revenge upon Lucy and so you held your finger to your lips before either Rami or Joe could give you away. Joe winked and Rami broke into a smile as you reached out for the discarded vibrator and quietly shuffled towards Lucy, her back still marked with Ben’s cum. Of course, both Ben and Gwil spotted you creeping up but they held their silence, Gwil telling Lucy to open her legs a little wider as if it would help get him off again. She obliged, her focus entirely on his weeping cock as she absentmindedly touched her pussy.   “I know I’m not allowed to touch you,” Gwil said, “but I think it would be alright if you helped me out, don’t you?”  “I suppose that would be okay,” Lucy said, hesitating for half a second before drawing her wet hand away from herself and reaching up to grasp Gwil’s cock.   It gave you the perfect opportunity to close the distance between you and to press the tip of the vibrator against her hole,quickly pushing it in as you turned it on. It didn’t come up against much resistance, wet as she was.   “What the f-oh!” She gasped as you thrust the buzzing toy in and out of her, adjusting the angle until her legs tensed and she moaned. And then you held it there as she dropped her hand and tried to bat you away. You tutted in her ear and told her you were just repaying her for what she’d done to you, beginning to properly fuck her with the toy, keeping it angled to hit whatever spot you’d located that she clearly enjoyed. The sight of you pumping the vibrator into Lucy’s pussy as you reached around to palm at her breasts obviously worked for Ben, his cock getting stiffer before your eyes. You heard Joe and Rami move towards you as well, though you couldn’t see how eagerly they watched as Lucy cried out and came.  You felt very pleased with yourself for about a second before the egg jolted to life inside you again and you matched Lucy’s cry with your own, your hand slipping from the end of the vibrator. It stayed inside Lucy for a little longer, her cunt clenching so hard that it kept the toy in place, but before long it had slipped from her, still buzzing where it lay on the sheets.  Joe still held the controls for the egg and adjusted them constantly, making the egg buzz higher and lower and stop and start so that you were barely feeling it beyond brief bursts of pain tinged pleasure.  “Fuck that was hot,” Gwil grunted, his thumb spreading precum over his tip and down his length, “Both of you sluts looks at me.”  You dragged your eyes up to his cock, watching how his fist sped up as he got closer and closer and then finally came again, making sure to hit you and Lucy’s chests. 
There was a cheer as you felt yourself be manhandled into facing Lucy. She winked at you and bent forward to lick the cum from your tits, keeping it on her tongue so that when she kissed you, you could taste it. It mingled with her saliva and yours, streaked over your lips as Lucy deepened the kiss, making sure her tongue met yours so she could share every drop. What sperm had newly been spread over Lucy’s chest soon smeared across yours as she pulled your in close, your nipples brushing as you got drunk on her kiss. You were still feeling buzzes from the egg inside you though you doubted Joe still had the controller since the pattern was no longer as random. However, Lucy had no toy shoved inside her cunt to keep her on edge. Instead she manoeuvred so that her pussy pressed against your thigh, leaving a wet trail where she dragged it over your skin.   You automatically lay a hand on Lucy’s back to hold you steady, inadvertently spreading the cum that had been left over her.   That did it for Ben who grunted as he dripped more cum over you and Lucy as you made out.  “Go on Luce, pin the whore and grind your cunts together.” Rami suggested, clearly enjoying seeing his girlfriend on top of someone else.   She didn’t need to be asked twice, gladly pressing you to the sheet again and climbing on top.   All you could do was whine at the inconsistent vibrations within you, looking up as Lucy pressed her pussy against yours, their slick mixing as she gyrated her hips. And then you felt it. Lucy had reached for the still on vibrator that had fallen from her. She pressed it between you and at the same moment, whoever now held the controller for the egg vibrator turned it up so that you felt the buzzing from inside and out. You screamed at the combination of sensations, pinned under Lucy and unable to escape.   Lucy was moaning too, getting off on you. And you felt a sticky kind of wetness as Rami’s orgasm landed on your mound. Lucy used her fingers to spread it across her pussy and then continued to grind against you, the white of his release adding to the creamy wetness that already existed from both your cunts.   You were the next to cum, unable to hold off as the egg got louder and faster. And then Joe who didn’t seem too fussed about aiming for either of you. His cum spilt onto the sheets around you but neither of you noticed. You were too busy whining as you once again became overstimulated and Lucy was entirely distracted by her quest for a final orgasm. By the time she reached it you were nearly crying, but thankfully she shook with her well earned climax and then slipped from you to lay on the floor.  
Ben had already zipped himself away and was quick to catch the vibrator and turn it off as whoever had the controls mercifully switched yours off as well.  You hissed when you tried to move, the egg still rubbing the sensitive spot but Ben hushed you and gently removed it from your pulsing pussy.   “Joe, Gwil. D’you guys want to get everyone some water?” He asked, though it wasn’t really a question.  They agreed and you heard their footsteps disappear through the doorway. Once they’d gone, Rami helped Lucy up as Ben helped you, leaning in to kiss your forehead softly.  “Are you both okay?” Rami asked, concern written in his features.  Lucy said yes as you nodded and, satisfied, they assisted you towards the bathroom, letting you each lean against them as you walked slowly.  Ben tried to insist on helping you clean up but you told him it was fine and shut the door so that you and Lucy could run some warm water and clear away the evidence of your debauchery.   Lucy laughed, seeming less worn by the second, as you scrubbed her back clean with a flannel, “That was a lot of fun.”  “Yeah it was. Really glad you suggested it.”  “Good. I was a little worried you wouldn't go for it after last time.”  “Are you kidding? Me and Ben were both kind of wondering if anyone would want to do something like that again. But we didn’t want to just ask for it in case it seemed like that was the only reason we’d want to hang out.”  “Think it’s safe to say everyone would be on board if you ever suggested a dinner party again.”  You laughed too, “Yeah, I think you’re right. 
Rami knocked on the door as you were washing yourselves so he could return your clothes to you and by the time you were both redressed the living room was almost back to normal. The chairs were still rearranged but no one seemed too bothered by it. When the boys realised you and Lucy were coming back, a round of applause broke out. You laughed, a little embarrassed, but gave a bow as if you were completing a performance, Lucy joining in beside you. She made her way to the couch where Rami sat, curling up and laying her head in his lap as she finally relaxed. You found Ben, sure you weren’t going to have the same emotional reaction you’d had to the events of the dinner party but wanting to be near him just in case. He was in an arm chair so you climbed onto his lap, resting your head on his chest as he wrapped his arm around you.   You felt tired and a little sore but very very satisfied and your heart was nearly bursting with how lucky you were to know such a wonderful group of people.   Ben’s hand was warm and heavy where it rested on your side but you didn’t mind. It was comforting. As was the gentle rumble of his chest as he spoke, laughing with Joe about something as if there hadn’t been an interruption 
Taglist: @labessieisallama @deakyclicks @jennyggggrrr @drowseoftaylor @hannafuckingsucks @i-cant-hangout-im-drumming @queenmylovely @ilovequeenmorethanyou @johndeaconshands @borhapbois @stardust-galaxies @cherries-n-rocknroll @rogersslave @scorpiogemini
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cjsinkythoughts · 3 years
FATWS One Shot #7 - Revels
Word Count: 2921
Warnings: Cursing, That’s All, it’s a Really Tame One Shot
Setting/Characters: Party Scene in Avengers: Age of Ultron; Lots of Characters so I’m Not Gonna Name Them All
A/N: I know…it’s very late. I wanted to have it out on Friday, but I dunno, guys. My motivation as of late has been very low. I finally decided to just sit down and write tonight. So here it finally is!
This one is pretty mild compared to others. There’s a few feeling things in here, but it’s mainly just the reader hanging out with the team. The ending’s written a bit weird, but I didn’t know what to cut it off because the writers did a nice job of making the Mjolnir scene flow into the scene with Ultron’s appearance, but I didn’t want to write the whole fight with Ultron, I just wanted the lifting scene.
Listen here, though! Prepare yourselves to be conflicted even more with Steve! I made it a lot more…touchy than I was planning on. Don’t come at me! It needs to be done! This’ll be one of the last ones focused on Steve like that though. The next one is reader and Wanda bonding and then after that I don’t have any more planned for AoU, so we’ll be going to Civil War, which is where reader meets Bucky officially. So Bucky’s coming soon!
I’m gonna update my WIP List and - maybe - my One Shot list and post those later, along with a poll because I dunno which series I wanna start on next.
Thank you all so much for your patience, understanding, and support! As always, not beta’d, so please excuse the mistakes, all are mine! Be kind to yourselves and others! Enjoy and stay tuned!
FATWS Series Masterlist
cjsinkythoughts Masterlist
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Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.
You set your bag down and looked at your phone, vibrating from where you just left it on the counter. You looked at the time and squinted. Seven. You supposed it wasn’t too late, but you weren’t expecting any calls. 
Tired, your feet dragged as you moved across the room to get your phone. You were helping Fury set up the Helicarrier again while still remaining “dead” to everyone. It was the last thing you were doing before joining the Avengers full time. You were a bit hesitant to be in the spotlight after all these years, but after much pressuring from your team, especially a certain blonde, you finally caved. It was time for a change anyways. It might even be good for you.
Speaking of blondes, Bubba flashed across your screen, a picture of him with some scruff that you took one day in spite of his protests because you’d never seen him with a beard before lighting up behind the contact name.
You answered it, rubbing your eyes with the heel of your hands as you did so. “Hi, bubs. What’s-”
“Where are you? I miss you. Are you coming soon?”
You chuckled at his whines, an eyebrow raising as you processed his words. “Whaddya mean? I’m at my place. Where am I supposed to be?”
“Honey!” You giggled at his groan, finding it amusing how childish he could be at times. “The party? Tonight? Remember? You promised you’d come. I don’t wanna be here without you.”
“Oh shit,” you hiss out. “That’s tonight?” Moving across the kitchen to check your calendar, you scrunch up your face when you see ‘Avenger’s Tower 6 pm’ written in the square. “It’s Saturday. Aw, Stevie. I totally forgot.”
“Oh. So…are you - are you not coming, then?”
Frowning at his fallen tone, you shake your head. “I’ll be there. Just…give me a bit.”
“No, no. It’s okay. You sound tired. You don’t have to-”
“I’m on my way, Steve. I did promise after all. I’m an hour out.”
You could hear his surprise in his voice. “An hour? You’re not in D.C.?”
“I’m a little bit upstate. Just in a safehouse while I help Fury work on something.”
He let out a contemplative hum from the other side of the line. “That secret project you still won’t tell me anything about?”
A smile appeared across your lips as you walked to the bedroom to change into something a little more appropriate, settling for a comfortable romper instead of dealing with a dress. “You know I can’t, bubs. You haven’t told anyone, right?”
“No ma’am.”
You giggle softly. “Alright. Thank you. You’ll find out soon, probably. It’s almost done. Promise.”
“Then you’ll come live here? With me - the team, I mean? I miss you. The team missed you. On the raid.”
“Oh yeah. How was it?”
“Get here and I’ll tell you.”
You laughed, shaking your head. “I’m coming, I’m coming. See you then, bubba.”
“Okay, honey. See ya then.”
It was nearly nine when you got to the Tower, but any party thrown by Stark didn’t end until at least ten, so you knew you were fine. Just…fashionably late. A concept you knew Tony understood and you wouldn’t hesitate to remind him if he brought it up.
You were pleasantly surprised by how tame the party was. Sure there were a hundred people you doubted even Tony knew, but no flashing lights, the music wasn’t blaring, and no one was grinding on anyone. Everyone was just talking, drinking, and having a good time.
“Hey! There you are! Capsicle said he called you, but that was hours ago!”
Speak of the devil. You grinned and let Tony pull you into a hug before taking the drink he offered. “Yeah, well, I had a few things to do today.”
His eyebrow quirked up. “A few things, huh? Anything I should know about?”
“Nope!” You popped your lips and gave him a smirk. “Not everything’s about you, Mr. Stark.”
“Yeah, well, we missed you this week. Fun raid.” He looked you up and down and nodded, gesturing to your outfit. “Alright, you know what? I accept this. This is okay. Not what I had in mind, but you pull it off.”
You laughed, shoving his shoulder playfully. “It’s comfortable, okay? Where’s Steve?”
The billionaire rolled his eyes and gave you a look. “Don’t worry your pretty little head. He’s over playing pool with Wilson. C’mon! I wanna get you drunk and complain about my perfect, heroic, billionaire life to my favorite teammate!”
“I just need to tell him I’m here.” You snicker. “And don’t let anyone here you say that. I don’t want my rep to become Tony’s favorite.”
He chuckled with you and gave you another squeeze. “Alright, alright. Come find me later, though. I do have something I need to show you.”
You shook your head, already knowing where the conversation was heading. “Tony! No! I don’t need a suit! Thank you, I appreciate it, but I’m really okay. I like fighting in sweatpants.”
“Fine!” He huffed out. “But at least let me show you some designs I came up with. I put a lot of hard work into them, you know.”
Tapping his chest, you nodded. “I’m sure you did. I’ll come find you and you can show me, but that’s it.”
He smirked, drawing an ‘x’ over his heart with his finger. “Cross my heart.”
“I’m serious, Tony!” You point at him as he started walking away. He just blew a kiss towards you, making you laugh and roll your eyes again.
Turning, you scanned the room for the pool table where, supposedly, Steve was playing with Sam, who you had no idea was gonna be here. You’d been helping him out with the whole James - Bucky, you reminded yourself - Barnes thing during your free time. No such luck yet. The man was literally a ghost, even for you.
You couldn’t stop the smile on your lips when you finally caught sight of him, his brown leather jacket hugging his shoulders a grin on his face as Sam talked to him about something. Quickly making your way over, your arms wrapped around that ridiculously tiny waist, crossing over his stomach. You felt him tense at the sudden contact, before he relaxed at a kiss to the nape of his neck and spun around.
The beam he gave you made your heart flip, his muscled arms winding around your neck. “Y/N! You made it!”
His boyish excitement made you laugh. “I told you I’d come. Hi, Sam.”
Sam nodded and waved. “What’s good, Y/N?”
“Who’s winning?” Slipping out of Steve’s hold, you leaned over the table to study the games process.
“We just started a new one.” Steve informed you. “Wanna join?”
You raised an eyebrow at him. “You sure you wanna be embarrassed in front of all these nice people?”
“Oooh!” Sam winced. “Smack! Alright. Put your money where your mouth is, Y/L/N. Ten bucks says I win.”
“You’re on, Wilson.”
A few more drinks, a couple games, and thirty extra bucks later, Tony called you over impatiently. Steve gave you a questioning look as you heated up, Tony waving his arms dramatically and shouting your name. God, he’s so embarrassing.
“He wants me to look at suit designs.”
Steve frowned at your explanation. “I thought you told him no?”
You chuckled. “I did. I’ll be right back, bubs.” After kissing his cheek, you head over to Tony. From there, you end up bouncing around from teammate to teammate, laughing and joking around with them.
Until Steve dragged you back with him again. “Excuse me.” He interrupted you, Clint, and Natasha’s chatter, grabbing your elbow and taking the drink you had in your hand. “I’m stealing you.”
“C’mon, man! It’s called sharing!”
Natasha laughed and nodded in agreement with Clint’s statement. “Everyone’s gotta have a turn, Rogers.”
Steve hummed, walking backwards and pulling you as you giggled in amusement. “You just had your turn, Romanoff.”
“Sorry guys.” You shrugged when the two looked at you incredulously. “Captain’s orders.”
“Damn right.” Steve nodded firmly.
“Watch your language!” Clint shouted with a pointed finger.
You raised an amused eyebrow at Steve’s groan. “Your language? They do know that you have, quite possibly, the worst mouth on the planet, right?”
He sighed, pulling you to the side of the room and wrapping his arms around your waist. “It’s something that happened on the mission. Which you would know if you were there.”
He blinked innocently at you. “What?” At your pointed look, he let out a sigh, dropping his forehead to your shoulder. “Did I do something wrong? Is that why you’re avoiding me?”
“Who said I’m avoiding you?”
“C’mon, honey.” He lifted his head, his eyebrows furrowed together. “Don’t hurt me even more. I know you have.”
You shook your head, lips turning down and hand raising to cup his cheek. “Stevie, I’m not. I promise. I’ve just…I’ve just been busy.”
He pouted. “With Fury?”
Giving him a weird look you shook your head. “No. I mean, yes, but I’ve also been helping Sam out with your friend while you help the team with the rest of the HYDRA bases. You know that. What’s going on with you?”
“I’m sorry.” He sighed, ducking his head to your shoulder again. “I’ve just missed you.”
“I know, bubba. I’ve missed you too.”
The real truth was you had been avoiding him. Not on purpose. Kinda. You just felt something different around him. Something you’d never dealt with before. And you didn’t want to deal with it now, so you haven’t been. It was why you were so hesitant about becoming a full time Avenger. Well, that and the fact that you’d been in the shadows for a decade and you weren’t sure how well you’d do in the light.
“Where’s Sam?”
“He had to head home. Long drive. His excuse, not mine.”
You gasped in offense. “And he didn’t even say bye?! Rude!”
Steve chuckled, his nose brushing against the skin of your throat, breath tickling your collarbone. “I’m sure he’ll call you in the morning or something. Apologize for leaving so abruptly.”
You hummed, swallowing the lump that suddenly appeared in your throat. “Tell me about the language thing. What happened?”
He groaned, but straightened and told you about him accidentally scolding Tony, before he proceeded to tell you about the rest of the mission, including the Maximoff twins. 
“Why is it that war always seems to breed more war?” You asked with a sigh.
“They’re just kids trying to do what’s right.”
“We all start out that way, don’t we?” You shook your head. Kids. they shouldn’t be fighting in a war. They shouldn’t have to deal with that. “It’s just a shame.” Your voice is muffled by his shirt after you pressed against his chest.
“Yeah.” He sighed out. “Wanna go get a drink?”
Pulling back from him and looking around, you noted that most guests had already gone and it was dwindling down to just the Avengers and a couple allies. “Yeah. Wanna sit down too. I’m kinda tired.”
“Alright, honey. Let’s go sit down.”
It wasn’t even half an hour later when you were all sitting around the middle of the room, everyone else having gone, but Dr. Helen Cho, Rhodey, Maria, and the team. You were in the same boat as Helen, who was basically passed out on an armchair. You’re legs thrown over Steve’s lap, stretched out to let your feet rest on Thor’s thigh, who was on the chair on the other side of the captain. You were hugging Steve’s arm, your head resting against his shoulder, a small smile of content across your features as you listened to the team banter and tease.
You started laughing at Clint’s comments towards Thor’s hammer while spinning the drumstick he had for whatever reason. “Ah, whosoever be he worthy shall haveth the power! Whatever, man! It’s a trick!”
You and Steve exchanged amused grins as Thor challenged Clint, who stood up with no hesitation and headed to the hammer.
“This is gonna be good.” You chirped, taking the bottle Steve handed you as the archer stopped in front of where it was placed on the table.
Clint stuck his tongue out at you, before turning back to Thor and gripping the handle. He tugged for a moment, grunting, before laughing in slight embarrassment. Chuckling, you snuggled closer to Steve’s side, your eyes feeling heavy. He turned his head to nose your temple and kiss your cheek.
“Oh brother.” You giggled, sitting up with interest as Tony stood up and unbuttoned his suit jacket.
“Alright, so if I lift it, I-I then rule Asgard?” Tony asked in clarification, slipping his hand through the strap.
“Yes, of course.” Thor confirmed with an amused smirk, shooting you a wink when you nudged his knee with your foot.
Tony braced himself, setting his foot on the table. “I will be reinstituting prima nocta.”
You rolled your eyes, scoffing. “Oh God, Tony.” Steve squeezed your knee with a slight chuckle as the billionaire tried lifting it to no avail. You gave him a weird look, watching him leave the room, before turning to Steve. “What’s he-?”
“Alright! Let’s try this again!”
Another fit of laughter left you and the team when Tony strutted back in with his Iron Man glove on. And when that didn’t work, Rhodey joined him with his War Machine glove. 
Your eyes were watering and you tried holding in your laughter, but you couldn’t help it, pressing your face into Steve’s arm to muffle the sounds. You felt his shoulders shake with silent chuckles, which didn’t help your own.
When Bruce went up, an awkward silence filled the air after he tried Hulking out, but then you started laughing again.
“Your turn, bubba.” You nudged the blonde, who gave you a look, before shrugging and patting your thigh. 
“You gotta get off then, honey.”
You rolled your eyes but swung your legs off him, letting him stand up. He rolled his sleeves up, stepping up to Mjolnir, a few encouragements from the team, before pulling on the hammer. You thought you saw it shake a little, but Steve yanked some more and it didn’t move, so you figured you were imagining it.
Steve sighed and let go, putting his hands up in surrender with a grin like the good sport he was. Thor laughed. “Nothing.”
You shrugged at the super soldier who plopped back down besides you as the others tried getting Natasha to go up. “You tried.” 
He raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms and leaning back. “Well if Romanoff isn’t going…your turn.”
“Wh-what?” Your eyes went wide.
“I did it.” He gestured to the hammer. “Now you gotta.”
“Hold on, hold on. We didn’t agree on th-”
“Honey.” He gave you a little pout, cocking his head to the hammer. “C’mon. Just a tug.”
You narrowed your eyes, but your lips turned up and you straightened off the couch. “This is peer pressure. Captain America, everyone.” He chuckled as you stepped over to Mjolnir. “It’s not gonna work.”
Tony snorted. “Not with that attitude.”
“C’mon, Tones. If none of you could.”
The billionaire shrugged with a grin. “Never know if you don’t try.”
You deadpanned at him, gripping the handle and trying, in vain, to pull it. You didn’t put nearly as much effort as everyone else. “Wow. Look at that. What a surprise.”
“What was that?! You barely touched it!”
Giving a shrug, you started back to your seat. “I’m guessing if you’re worthy or whatever, it wouldn’t take that much to lift it.” You fell onto the couch, your head landing in Steve’s lap as you looked upside down at Thor and pointed at him. “But I do have a question for you.” The god looked at you in interest, gesturing for you to continue. “What does worthy mean? Like, what makes a person worthy to lift it? You couldn’t lift it a while back - I know, I read the files. SHIELD agent, remember?” You added when you saw him open his mouth to question you.
You blinked at him curiously, tilting your head, watching as his brow furrowed. Tony cackled and clapped at the silence in answer. “Oooh! She got you! All difference to the Man Who Wouldn’t Be King, but it’s rigged. And the lack of response to Y/N’s question just makes it more obvious.”
“That’s not what I meant-”
“You bet your ass.”
You rolled your eyes, letting it go as Maria teased Steve about Clint’s foul language. “Did you tell everyone about that?” Tony ignored Steve’s question and continued to ride on Thor and his hammer.
“Why are they trying to make sense of it?” You questioned, highly entertained, but also very tired, turning to press against Steve’s stomach.
“It’s Tony. I couldn’t tell you. C’mere.” Steve shifted you so that you were sitting up, but he was holding you more comfortably. “Try getting some sleep.”
You hummed and nodded against him, but a high pitched whine made you wince and stand up, Steve unconsciously standing a bit in front of you. A suit of Tony’s, damaged with wires hanging down and oil leaking out or places that didn’t have metal keeping them in, came in and you inwardly sighed at the bad feeling tugging at your gut.
So much for sleep.
All Works Taglist (Open):
@happygoreading @bibliophilewednesday @breadqueen95 @marvelettesassemble @w-wolfhxrd @the-larry-romance​ @abitofeverythinggg
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