#i only just finished episode 47. and now i’m going to bed
codgod · 1 year
I think we’re officially on the same episode. I’ve been reading your live-blogging stuff (as I am also watching jrwi for the first time) and now you’ve officially overtaken me. Good work 🫡
it takes me like twice as long to finish an episode as the episode actually is even sped up because i have brain problems so i don’t think i’m making it easy to tell where i’m at lol
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i-care-4u · 2 years
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your friend alice recently invited you to be featured in her podcast, and you accepted her request. it was only monday and you had no plans, so why not give it a try?
jack left earlier today to go to the studio and you gave him a quick call, “hi love, i just wanted to let you know that i’ll be out with alice, you might remember her.”
“of course i remember her, she’s your best friend that does that podcast. i hope you have fun babe!”
“anyway, i got to go. see you!” you hung up, and you started the engine to drive to alice’s home.
as soon as you parked your car outside alice’s house, you make your way towards her door. you started knocking her door.
“who is it?”
you deepened your voice, “uhm, delivery for alice!”
alice opened the door and reached for a hug, “it’s an honor to see you again, y/n. come on in.”
while walking towards her studio, alice offered you a drink, “you want water? juice? tea?”
“water is fine, thank you,” you replied. alice ran to grab a bottle of water for you.
before starting, you and alice did some preparations.
“you gotta take some deep breaths and,” alice did some breath exercises with you and exhaled, “let it all out.”
you opened the water bottle cap, “let me take a sip of water real quick.” once you finished, you allowed alice to start the episode.
“hello, hello everyone. welcome to the podcast.” alice greeted. “today we have a wonderful guest, and you may already seen her before on my instagram. if you haven’t, she’s one of the most creative people out there, and i’m warning you, she is the moment.”
you pointed at yourself, “she’s talking about me, i’m that girl!”
alice added, “and that girl’s name is y/n l/n for those who did not know.”
alice and you began making conversation, talking about the busy life and the fun of adulthood. there was endless things you can talk about, and one of the topics was your romantic relationship with jack.
“we see those posts with jack, y/n, but everyone is dying to know, how’s life with him?”
you laughed at her comment, “it’s beautiful. these last couple months were a lot to sink in, but it was fun at the end. every morning, i got to wake up alongside him and he will always tell me that this is the life that he had always dreamed of.”
“you guys are too fucking cute. i’m glad that you enjoyed tour.”
“thank you. right now we’re readjusting to our schedules, and it’s so crazy how one day we’re in milan and the next day we’re in atlanta.”
“how long have you and jack been together?”
“this would be our third year of dating,” you raised hands, thinking about the fans that go deep diving into you and jack’s relationship, “not very exciting news for the fans, but recently me and jack have decided to get a dog.”
“thats exciting! do whatever that makes you happy y/n. it’s you and jack’s decision after all.”
you and alice talked for another twenty-five minutes before she stopped recording due to timely reasons. after the episode ended, you and alice smiled at each other.
“thank you, y/n for being here once again.”
“thank you, alice. it’s such an honor to star in an episode of yours. i feel so proud of you, you’re going places.” alice hugged you one last time before you went back home. it was one of the best interviews that you ever had.
it’s been four days since you recorded the podcast episode with alice, and today was friday, day of the release.
you woke up to see the other side of the shared bed empty. the first thing you did was turning on your phone to see the time. “12:47,” you read.
you went to the bathroom to do what you got to do, skin care, brushing your teeth, etc. when you finished, you went to the kitchen, where you saw jack wearing his airpods max.
“baby, i’m right here,” you hugged him from behind, seeing that he is watching alice’s podcast with you being the guest star.
jack paused the video and showed his screen to you, “morning beautiful, just listening to my daily news.”
his way of words made you laugh a little, “don’t be so old-timey, jack.”
he pleads, “don’t you want me to support you?”
“yeah, but not in front of me,” you look up to jack, face-to-face.
he bent down a little to kiss your forehead, “whatever you say, i’m still proud of how far you’ve gotten. i can’t believe you spoke very highly about me, i feel special.”
“what can i say, i have the best boyfriend.”
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dynyamight · 3 years
meet cute number 47 is interesting!
send me a writting ask
47. Texting the incorrect number but continuing the conversation.
“You got all that, right?” Shinsou asks, readjusting his stance, so others can leave their classroom door easily.
Midoriya hums absentmindedly. He’s still quickly jotting down the last few digits onto his planner. “And, you said tomorrow morning, around 7? At the library?”
“Yeah,” Shinsou shrugs, “Or anytime really. The deadline isn’t until next month, you know.”
“I kinda just want to get it done, as soon as possible.”
Shinsou breathes out a snort. “Figured you’d say that much. Just make sure you got my number. Repeat it, if you need to.”
“No time.” Midoriya drops his bag to the side, shoving his now closed notebook inside. “Thank you! I’ll text you later tonight!” He offers hurriedly, before taking off down the campus halls.
Shinsou’s warning falls deaf to his rushed mind.
He has to run the entire way, in order to graciously catch the last bus for the hour. Sweaty and flushed, Midoriya slumps into his seat in relief. Fortunately, he was able to cop a seat for himself, settling by the window and his backpack right next to him.
Staring out, Midoriya tries to remind himself of the rest of his priorities he needed to do.
He still needed to start on Doctor Chiyo’s online Physiology exam, and gather his notes for the open book portion. It was a bit bothersome to handle tests online, but if the rest of class prefers it, there’s nothing Midoriya can do about it.
Speaking of which, Ochako had requested for copies of those exact same notes, since apparently she barely writes anything during lectures. He wants to suggest to her to just simply take better notes, but alas, he will gladly help her out.
And, finally, Midoriya has to collect reliable, approved research articles for his and Shinsou’s debate, in their argumentative project in Communications. Being assigned “PRO SOCIAL MEDIA INFLUENCE”, while being the most uninvolved people on the internet, Midoriya and Shinsou had a lot of work to do.
Not to mention it was already 18:00 by the time he reached the school’s dormitories. And yet, he needed to shower, make dinner, water his plants, and watch the newest episode of his favorite drama, airing tonight.
University was eating him alive.
Thankfully, he’s able to complete half of his list.
He finishes the exam with a 98%, and quickly snaps the pages of his notes over to Ochako and Iida, making sure to highlight the main topics questioned in the exam. Ochako sends a ‘thank you’ gif, and Iida texts a long, yet endearing message of gratitude.
Midoriya doesn’t have time to shower, instead blasting the TV volume loud, as he waters his indoor plants at the same time. He overwaters them a little bit, busy glancing back at the screen for too long. But, at least he’s able to watch the episode. He pouts when it ends on a cliffhanger, almost drowning his bonsai tree in frustration.
He’s only able to warm up a plate of leftovers, and read through only one research article, by the time it’s already blinking 21:30 on his phone. Sighing, Midoriya closes his laptop and grabs his cell phone instead.
An all nighter wasn’t preferable. But, if Shinsou is working overtime at his late night job, Midoriya supposes he can stay up and keep looking through more articles, until he has at least the required ten.
Flipping open his planner, Midoriya inputs Shinsou’s number into his phone. He adds his name, a contact photo of him sleeping, and finally taps a quick message.
(21:38) < You working?
When Shinsou doesn’t respond right away, Midoriya simply sets aside his phone on his desk. Stretching his arms, he sighs in defeat, now expecting Shinsou to be stuck at work.
He’s never worked at a restaurant, but he bets Friday nights can get pretty busy. And, Shinsou always complains that group outings and dates tend to stay over, even after the place is supposed to close. And, Midoriya trusts his word.
So, by the time his phone dings, Midoriya has been clicking through more articles on social media, bookmarking a few to go over later, as he went.
He lifts his phone, and with a bright screen, a message stares back at him.
shinsou hitoshi (21:58) > Who’s this
Oh, he did forget to specify. But, Midoriya smiles, having a small prank in mind. There was no harm in teasing his friends, let alone Shinsou, who definitely needed a good laugh, now and then.
(21:58) < It's the cutie from your communications class ;)
shinsou hitoshi (21:58) > So, no one
(21:59) < Haha! I guess you’re right about that
(21:59) < Anyways, it’s Izuku! You still working late, Hitoshi?
shinsou hitoshi (21:59) > This ain’t Hitoshi
Midoriya's face drops, blinking. Oh god, did he mistype the number?
(21:38) < Wait, you’re not???
Another text pops up, shortly after.
shinsou hitoshi (22:02) > You got the wrong number
Embarrassment burning his entire face red, Midoriya wishes he could delete himself from the world.
(22:03) < I’m so so so so sorry!
(22:03) < God, I thought I wrote down my friend’s number right
(22:03) < But, I was in this stupid rush to get on the bus that I didn’t make sure
(22:04) < And, listen, if I had missed that bus, I would’ve had to wait
(22:04) < Not like a few minutes wait
(22:04) < Like, a whole two hours wait!
shinsou hitoshi (22:05) > I didn’t ask
Deleting the conversation, Midoriya erases the new contact completely. And instead, he looks back to his planner, and retypes the numbers in his phone onto a new conversation.
Hopefully, he has typed the correct series of digits.
(22:07) < Hey, Hitoshi! It’s Izuku
unknown (22:08) > ...
unknown (22:08) > What the actual fuck
unknown (22:08) > You've still got the wrong number, you goddamn idiot
Slamming his phone onto his desk, Midoriya grabs a pillow off his bed and shoves it in his face. The temptation to scream sounds awfully pleasant, but it’s too late at night to do so. His dorm neighbors would definitely wonder what the hell is wrong with him.
What’s wrong? Oh, he has completely done one of the most dreaded imaginary scenarios in his head; text a complete stranger. Twice.
What was he supposed to do now? Never text back? Delete it? Block it?
How is he supposed to contact Shinsou now?
His phone dings again.
Lifting the pillow off his face slightly, Midoriya eyes his phone warily from his swivel chair.
That definitely wasn’t supposed to happen. Another text from the same stranger sounds a bit unheard of.
After a seconds-long hesitation, Midoriya lifts his phone and opens it once more.
unknown (22:13) > Double check next time
unknown (22:13) > You can fucking wait the two hours, dumbass
Midoriya grows a little irked. He has a bad feeling that his stranger isn’t too friendly, to say that least.
There was literally no reason to text back something so rude.
(22:14) < Well, that wasn’t nice
unknown (22:15) > Wasn’t trying to be
(22:15) < ..Are you always like this?
unknown (22:16) > Pretty much
(22:16) < That’s sad
unknown (22:17) > What’s fucking sad is that I was woken up from my sleep
unknown (22:17) > Because a damn moron didn’t write down the right number
Midoriya winces. He hadn’t even thought about the other person’s predicament, let alone if he had interrupted anything.
(22:20) > I really didn’t mean to do that, I’m sorry :(
unknown (22:22) > Yeah whatever
(22:24) > You should try to go back to sleep, then
unknown (22:25) > I was
unknown (22:25) > But the same moron from before keeps texting me
(22:27) > Who?
(22:33) > Oh.
(22:33) > It’s me, huh?
unknown (22:34) > No shit
(22:35) > Right, of course. My bad!
(22:35) > I’m going to just stop now
unknown (22:36) > Thanks
(22:36) > For the umpteenth time, sorry! ><
(22:37) > Okay, Okay! I’m stopping now, for real
Midoriya desperately needs to call it a night.
After going through his nightly routine, he slips under his bedsheets, exhausted. He sets an alarm for 5:00 on his phone, hoping Shinsou will show up at the library, regardless of the missing confirmation text on Midoriya’s end.
He keeps his phone on awhile longer, swiping through his professors’ emails, before a surprising text notification pops in front of him.
unknown (23:01) > FUCK YOU FUCK YOU
(23:02) > …
(23:02) > What was that for??
unknown (23:04) > I CAN’T SLEEP
unknown (23:05) > AND IT’S YOUR FAULT
(23:06) > What do you expect me to do????
unknown (23:07) > HAHAHAHA OH DON’T WORRY
unknown (23:07) > IF I CAN’T SLEEP, NEITHER CAN YOU
(23:09) > Wait
(23:09) > No, please
(23:09) > My alarm is on my phone, I need it on
(23:10) > I need to go to an important meeting for a group project at 7:00!
unknown (23:10) > Aw, really? :0?!
(23:11) > Yeah! I really do!
unknown (23:11) > Sike. I don’t fucking care
unknown (23:12) > Hope you eat shit tomorrow
(23:13) > ..Why are you like this?
(23:13) > I could literally be a twelve year old, for all you know
unknown (23:14) > I doubt fucking twelve years do group projects
unknown (23:15) > But whether you’re a damn infant, or grown adult, I hate you
(23:16) > I wouldn’t say I hate you. That’s too harsh
(23:16) > But, wow, you are very unlikable :/
unknown (23:17) > That’s the fucking nicest thing anyone has said about me
(23:18) > It wasn’t supposed
(23:19) > Nevermind.
(23:19) > Do you have any friends? Just might as well ask
unknown (23:21) > Surprisingly yeah
(23:22) > Oh, so you also agree. That it’s a surprise
(23:22) > At least you’re self aware :0
unknown (23:23) > Yeah, they are annoying as hell
unknown (23:24) > But, also pretty good people, I guess
(23:25) > Pretty good or pretty dumb?
unknown (23:26) > SHUT IT
unknown (23:27) > Only I can make fun of them
unknown (23:27) > You. Don’t.
(23:28) > You’re right, I shouldn’t have said that
(23:29) > I’m sorry :(
unknown (23:30) > You like apologizing, huh
(23:29) > There’s a lot to apologize for tonight
unknown (23:30) > Still, you don’t have to say it every damn minute
(23:32) > You probably don’t ever apologize
unknown (23:33) > Fuck no
(23:35) > Right, of course
(23:36) > Well, you know what I need to do tomorrow
unknown (23:37) > Unfortunately
(23:38) > What about you?
unknown (23:39) > I’m covering a shift at my shit job at the ass crack of dawn
(23:40) > Unnecessary visual, but I digress
(23:40) > Uh, where do you work?
unknown (23:42) > No. I don’t even know your damn name
(23:43) > I told you?? It was in my first text
unknown (23:44) > Yeah, I ain’t scrolling
(23:48) > Well, it’s Izuku. Midoriya Izuku :)
unknown (23:49) > Great. I still ain’t giving you mine
(23:50) > ?? Is there anything I can know about you??
(23:50) > You know more about me, than I do about you
unknown (23:51) > You know I hate you
unknown (23:51) > That’s plenty
(23:52) > But, I have been staying up for you :(
unknown (23:53) > Because it’s your fault I can’t sleep
(23:54) > You aren’t feeling sleepy yet?
unknown (23:56) > ..Are you
(23:57) > I asked you first
unknown (23:58) > I asked you second
(23:59) > That
(23:59) > Look, it’s almost midnight
(24:00) > Oh, now, it’s actually midnight
unknown (00:01) > I have fucking eyes. I can see the time
(00:02) > And we BOTH have places to be tomorrow
(00:02) > So, let’s just sleep. Call a truce, please
unknown (00:03) > What about my petty retribution
unknown (00:10) > FUCK
unknown (00:10) > FINE
The rest of the night, Midoriya hears his phone go off, but he doesn’t bother to open the messages. Fortunately for him, the time staying awake quickly catches up to his body, the moment he shuts his eyes. And, in an instant, he falls asleep, heavy.
However, he’s jolted awake by the ringing of his phone, the tone alerting him of an incoming phone call. Banging his head on the headboard, Midoriya blindly grabs and answers his phone. “Uh, H-Hello?” He blurts quickly.
“Tch.” A low voice emits, “You owe me, Deku.”
Click. The phone call ends.
Confused, Midoriya hurriedly rubs his eyes open. Running his messy curls through his fingers, he lifts his bangs up, in order to correctly look at the time.
The time was 5:10. And, his 5:00 alarm had been off the entire time.
And, instead, that same unknown number from last night was his saving grace.
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lilypixels · 3 years
...............all of them.....?
It took me an hr to do this....🥲💀
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?
2. chocolate bars or lollipops?
3. bubblegum or cotton candy?
Uhhh cotton candy
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you?
Probably quiet and smart lol I did my school work and was friendly with everyone so I was a favorite and heard all the nice things 🙈
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?
I kinda like bottles more but like the glass ones with the caps that could slice your fingers-
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?
I’m for all but sports lol
7. earbuds or headphones?
8. movies or tv shows?
Shows cause I’m the type to watch an hr long episode vs hr long movie idk why but I’m rarely in mood for them
12. name of your favorite playlist?
Drop the beat (ie songs that are upbeat and I like most)
13. lanyard or key ring?
Hmm...I guess lanyard?
14. favorite non-chocolate candy?
Skittles or twizzlers
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
I had lots I had to read in school but only ever finished a handful lol my favorite I think was maybe Macbeth? I would say Odyssey but I don’t think we read the full thing cause I remember being disappointed about something like that...
16. most comfortable position to sit in?
Sitting with my legs bent up in seat with me in some way
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?
Converse and some nice but cheap sneakers from Walmart
18. ideal weather?
Not too hot, not too cold, mild like before/after a rain (most the time), idc if it’s raining or sunny but as long as temp is comfortable I’m fine
19. sleeping position?
On my side most often
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?
Phone and notebook
21. obsession from childhood?
Oh gosh uhhh I guess my like of dolls maybe? Or obsession with anything ✨unexplained✨ like ghosts, aliens, cryptids, etc
22. role model?
Kim Namjoon lol just kidding (sorta)
23. strange habits?
Ok I know I have some and my friends would be more than happy to point them all out but hm let me think...idk if these count as habits but I’ll never place a mirror facing a bed (this is more superstitious I guess than habit,,,) I can’t stand my food touching, if I have a tray like in cafeteria I have a certain spot for everything and uh my mind just went blank-
24. favorite crystal?
Moonstone, lapis lazuli, and I feel obligated to say garnet cause it’s my birthstone
25. first song you remember hearing?
Circle of Life maybe who knows xD
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?
Walk or clean,,I’m more active and about with warm/nice weather
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?
...stay inside where it’s warm
28. five songs to describe you?
Not this again😭 uhhh idk you tell me ajdbd
29. best way to bond with you?
Indulge me when I go off about things I like or learn 😔✊ I know I’ll talk your ear off and I’m sorry but know I don’t often talk about these things with people so once I start it’s hard to stop,,and it makes me really happy when people do listen to me about these things and send me related items every so often or even look into it themselves to learn more 🥺
30. places that you find sacred?
For some reason this feels like a trick question...um cemeteries and anything with ages of history I guess
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?
Oof do I really have a true outfit?? I have shoes for this which are just black platform sneakers I call stomping shoes
32. top five favorite vines?
I never,,,watched these,,,
33. most used phrase in your phone?
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?
State Farm and McDonald’s, always
35. average time you fall asleep?
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing?
Uhhh that one with the ginger dude (I think it was someone’s yearbook photo??) I don’t remember much else about the meme but it was on ifunny, or whatever the app was, a lot
37. suitcase or duffel bag?
38. lemonade or tea?
Easy, tea
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie?
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?
Dude these questions really testing my brain power here- for senior prank someone put cereal in some bathroom sinks I think
41. last person you texted?
My mom
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets?
I’m gonna say jacket since I wear those often
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?
Hoodie or cardigan
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?
Usually whatever shirt I’m wearing that day and some pj/lounge pants 🤷
47. favorite type of cheese?
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?
I-what kind of question is this? How does one even answer this?
49. what saying or quote do you live by?
What comes around goes around lol (yes I’m a heavy believer of karma)
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?
Lol who knows, probably something dumb me and my siblings were doing or something we watched cause there’s been plenty times of that xD
51. current stresses?
Homework vs free time e-e
52. favorite font?
I like the gothic looking ones but it’s usually not practical to use so idk
53. what is the current state of your hands?
My hands...? They’re fine ??
54. what did you learn from your first job?
How to care for babies and little kids, how to put on a diaper lol
56. favorite tradition?
I can’t remember a particular one off hand but I’m trying to start few new ones like decorating cookies for Halloween uwu
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome?
Uhhhhh like personally or...? Cause we’ve overcome homelessness before, um finishing assignments idk😭 oh maybe bullying?? That’s all I can think of since I still struggle with a lot,,
58. four talents you’re proud of having?
Alright let’s do thisss: creativity (mostly in writing sense), I can bake/cook, I have amazing organization skills and many work places have used that lol (bonus is I don’t mind, I actually really enjoy it, very peaceful), surprisingly good balance all things considered, I’m a quick learner
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?
“I’m too tired for this.”
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?
Good question good question🤔 I don’t think I’d last in any of them/have a terrible side character role so 💀
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?
“Life’s too short to hold grudges.”
62. seven characters you relate to?
Dude this is gonna get embarrassing I can feel it🤠
Itaru, Iori, Sogo, Belle, Simeon (obey me), Nozaki (he’s clueless about romance irl and doesn’t know when someone has a crush on him yet can write romance well enough and yeah it’s me lol), and uhh Swindler/Ordinary Person in Akudama Drive (still can’t believe no one really has names in that anime but the way she gets wrapped in everything felt like something that’d happen to me lol)
63. five songs that would play in your club?
Like nightclub...? I’m skipping this ajdbd
64. favorite website from your childhood?
Probably the Barbie site, me and my sister played all the dress up games almost daily istg
65. any permanent scars?
Appendectomy scars and then looks like I have one on a toe but it’s possible it still might heal...
66. favorite flower(s)?
Nightshade, foxglove, baby’s breath, bellflowers, roses
67. good luck charms?
I don’t think I have any...
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned?
Let me think...I read something once about flowers having ears(?) but like not ear ears just something about having a part that picks up sound waves
70. left or right handed?
71. least favorite pattern?
Lolll animal print I think
72. worst subject?
Physics...the worst science
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?
75. when did you lose your first tooth?
I don’t remember, it probably happened when i was 6. I do remember losing one of my front teeth during my birthday one year and I was happy since the tooth had been loose for some time xD
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?
Chips I guess or just like fried in skillet
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill?
A succulent probably
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store?
Neither ew
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo?
They are both about equally terrible
80. earth tones or jewel tones?
81. fireflies or lightning bugs?
82. pc or console?
I am on pc side now
83. writing or drawing?
84. podcasts or talk radio?
Podcasts I guess
84. barbie or polly pocket?
85. fairy tales or mythology?
Mythology, it’s too fun and chaotic lol
86. cookies or cupcakes?
87. your greatest fear?
Uh,,,I don’t have many fears but I guess one would be falling from a great height? So I would get scared of crossing a bridge and it collapsing or riding a plane and it falling easily
88. your greatest wish?
World peace🥲
89. who would you put before everyone else?
My mom maybe...?
90. luckiest mistake?
I honestly don’t remember but something I do remember is I out semicolon instead of period and turned out to be correct grammar lol
91. boxes or bags?
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights?
Sunlight or fairy lights, I don’t require much either way and prefer more natural lighting
93. nicknames?
Lassie, twinkle toes, Ash, poody butt (by 3 yr old I sometimes watch and play with lol he means it affectionately; I call him monkey butt and it’s catching on slowly instead)
94. favorite season?
Starting to be fall just a little more but I like transition times most
95. favorite app on your phone?
Let’s go with twitter
96. desktop background?
It is a moriarty and gang pic
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized?
2: mine and my moms
98. favorite historical era?
Ooo tough one but I’ll say renaissance as some of the coolest things came from that time
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milknette · 3 years
chapter 06 - anime
水鏡照らす光跳ねて、 今が特別に感じた。
tumblr month: @adrinetteapril​​
links: ao3 | ff.net chapter: previous | next
ADRIEN makes it his mission to introduce Marinette to all the wonders of the human world.
He invites her out to try human activities, goes with her to try different human meals, encourages her to listen and watch various human media:
His most recent point-of-concern— anime.
“I just think it’s an absolute crime that you’ve never seen the in wonder and beauty that is Japanese anemonetion,” Adrien explains, putting on a dramatic face.
“... Japanese what?”
“Animation,” he amends, then noticing her judging expression, continues. “Look, I’m running out of puns! We’re hanging out way too much— I can’t catch up.”
Marinette finds herself laughing. “I mean, we could hang out less if you wanted to.”
“No!” He argues; says it a bit too loudly, really, as she evidently looks taken aback by his reaction. “I mean,” he coughs. “I just found someone to watch anime with me. You’re not getting off the hook that easily.”
(Adrien looks proud of himself. “Cool, I haven’t used that one yet!”)
She rolls her eyes, then stretches back upon the bed. Adrien casually sits on the chair, propping his head back upon the back rest. “So, what human torture show are you putting me through this time?”
“You say that like you didn’t cry over Moana.”
“If you did not cry while watching Moana finally accept herself and proclaim her love for both the sea and her people then I do not trust you—.”
He laughs, then nods in understanding. “It is a pretty good Disney movie,” Adrien points out. “A lot better than the earlier films.
“You mean, unlike the Little Mermaid?” Marinette responds dryly, visibly cringing in distaste. “The only thing that film got right about us mermaids was that we really don’t like mingling with humans. Ariel would be a one-in-a-million. And insane, probably.”
“So you’re Ariel, then?” She pointedly glares at him at even the mere suggestion of it, and he raises his arms in fake surrender. “I meant your interest in the human world! You are with us now, after all. And I like to think that you enjoy my company.”
“Eh,” Marinette only says offhandedly, lips tilting up the slightest bit at his unimpressed expression. “But I sure wouldn’t be the type to sell my soul to a— well, they don’t even exist, evil sea witch, just to flirt with someone. Especially one that’s human.”
“Yeah, you don’t need to do something as dramatic as sell your soul to get a human to fall in love with you,” Adrien says easily.
And what exactly does he mean by that?
“I— uh,” she flounders, takes a deep breath in, then shakes her head. “Anyway! What are we watching?”
(Yes, a smooth change of topic.)
“I figured that we could watch one of my personal favorites.” He grabs the remote and presses play on the stream— a pun that goes over his head and not hers, which makes Marinette truly wonder if she is spending too much time with him; if she’s already thinking of puns without even thinking about it.
Instead, the mermaid nods absentmindedly and decides to try and sit through the first episode— at the very least, to have him leave her alone. (Though the real reason may be that she just wants to spend time with him; though she’d never admit it.)
In any case, the decision doesn’t matter: because they end up binge-watching the entire series.
And Marinette cannot stop crying as the final scene cuts into view.
Adrien had somehow made his way to the bed halfway through watching, as she leans against his arm while staring helplessly at the screen.
“That’s it? It’s over?!”
He smiles in slight amusement, then nods. “Come on, it’s a sweet ending. And it ties up everything nicely.”
“No, it was perfect but I— I’m just,” she trips over her words, evidently conflicted and frustrated over the finale. “It’s done, right? There aren’t anymore new episodes or anything?”
“Nope,” he replies easily. “That’s all of it, since you inseasted on watching everything this morning.”
“What do you mean ‘this morning’, it’s only like 8PM—,” she pauses as he shows her his phone screen, the time 3:47 PM displayed front-and-center. “It’s almost 4AM?!”
She pauses, looking outside to see the moon slowly fading from view. “No but I— last time I checked it was— how did that happen?”
He’s full-on laughing now, and grins. “Power of anime; it gets you hooked, so you won’t be able to sleep until you finish all the episodes. Then you basically black out and only realize how many hours have passed when it’s already over.”
“You’ve introduced me to a cursed medium,” Marinette only mutters, running an exhausted hand down her face. “I’m supposed to be studying today.”
“Come on,” he says back, tilting her head in his direction. “I’ll help you out. This is for Mme. Mendeleiev’s class, right?”
At that point, she belatedly notices their altogether compromising position: lying together on her bed, his arm guarding her neck, and their faces only a few inches apart (she can see the green in his eyes: notice how they perfectly capture the shade of nature on land— beautiful), and almost falls over as she takes a quick step back.
The fact that she had been in such close proximity with a human, for an unknowable amount of time, makes her panic. The fact that it’s Adrien effectively makes her panic even more— though of a notably more intense variety and degree.
(She refuses to expound on the feeling.)
“Yeah!” Marinette finally manages to splutter out, before getting herself off the bed as quickly as possible and making her way to her backpack. She pats it awkwardly. “Have a lot of research to do if I want to ace that test.”
Adrien only stares at her for a moment, smiles, and she feels her mermaid-heart threaten to burst out of its chest. She doesn’t know how to explain the feeling, but Marinette finds herself thrown into overdrive when they’re together; unable to even conduct the most basic functions when he gets too close.
It’s absolutely inconvenient and irritating.
But she finds that it strangely feels good as well.
“You’re going to study now?” Adrien only asks, once again waving his phone in her direction. “It’s 4:00 AM, you can study later,” he says. “You just watched almost twelve hours of anime in the span of a day— that’s too much screen time for your brain.”
“But I’m not tired!” Marinette tries to argue, which would’ve held more basis if she hadn’t evidently swallowed down a yawn that tried to escape her throat. “As her TA, you can’t have Mme. Mendeleiev’s worst student failing her test, right?”
Adrien sighs, standing up and walking over to her. Once again, he’s at an extremely close distance, and Marinette’s almost confident that he can hear her not-heart beating.
He looks at her, and they hold eye contact. “I may be her TA, but I’m your friend first. So go and rest, Marinette. I’ll help you as soon as you wake up.”
“Fine,” she says resignedly, before walking over the bed. “What about you?”
“Well, I was just planning to hop over with you on your bed and—,” noticing the panicked expression on her face, Adrien laughs. “Kidding. Nino lives nearby, so I’ll probably crash at his to make it easier on both of us when I come back.”
“You don’t have to come back, you know,” Marinette responds, suddenly feeling the slightest bit guilty about keeping him in the area. “I mean it— I can do it myself.”
“But it’d be easier if we did it together, ” Adrien only points out. “Besides, you’d be getting help from her star student. I don't think that's something you can pass up on.”
“Ah right, the star who caused an accident to some poor faculty member for leaving water trails all over the outside of her classroom.”
He grins. “I seem to recall that being someone else’s fault,” Adrien hums back. “I was just trying to help out a friend.”
“Oh, so we’re friends now?”
“I’d be open to taking it to the next level,” He responds just as easily, echoing Alya’s statement from weeks ago.
The weight of her words don’t even dawn on her after a minute— with the panic consequently weighing in.
“Anyway,” Adrien continues, “I’ll be going ahead, so you have no excuse but to rest.” He slings his backpack over his shoulder, then nods to her lightly. Sea you later, Marinette.”
“You’ve used that already you know that right?”
“I think it’s a classeac,” he says easily, then opens the door. “I’ll come back in a few hours, okay?”
“... okay.”
He smiles, one last time, before the door effectively shuts, and she’s left to her own devices.
Marinette calmly walks over to her bed, then flips over to lie down on it.
She remembers basically cuddling with him over these sheets.
And then she screams into a pillow.
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trensu · 4 years
Episode 47: The One where JGY Gets Kinky with WWX and NO ONE Likes It
so our boys are still wandering around yunping and wwx is trying his hand at being matchmaker
he starts asking lwj if there's any female cultivators that *insert list of traits here*
they're still walking ahead of wn, who looks distracted by smth idk what
lwj: what for?
he asks as soon as wwx finishes listing off traits
It’s off-screen tho so we don't get to see his expression
But this is lwj we’re talking about and we all know how he gets when wwx so much as implies interest in other people
wwx: it's not for me!!
and then he goes on to say how wn is all grown up now and probs can't spend the rest of his life third-wheeling them
wwx looks back and sees wn surrounded by children while lwj is still facing the other way
and i only mention this bc once wwx sees wn with the kids, wwx reaches over and PHYSICALLY TURNS lwj around by gently grabbing him by the shoulders
wwx: following me like this, is not an appropriate life for him. According to the bro code, i def need to find him a partner
this is actually so sweet tho, wwx doesn’t want his buddy to be lonely!!
wwx: hanguang jun, what do you think?
lwj: *nod*
wwx: at least, he needs to make some friends
wwx: lan zhan, i think sizhui is a perfect candidate
wwx doesn't dwell on lwj's abrupt departure bc when ISN'T lwj abrupt, right? 
After wwx rescues wn from the children, he tells him to go wait at the inn while he and lwj continue to investigate. 
wn goes all Sad Puppy about it.
but wwx doesn't see it bc he's already running towards lwj "lan zhan, wait for me!"
Small interruption to say that i really really enjoy watching our boys walk side by side?
we're constantly getting shots of their backs as they walk next to each other and even if they weren't EPIC SOULMATES, it’s still like, aesthetically pleasing.
Oh look, they found out that jgy's deed was to a Temple of Doom
or okay, a standard religious temple but considering what goes down in there eventually, i think Temple of Doom is a pretty accurate name for it
lwj mentions he senses a magic circle hidden in the temple and they proceed to talk plot stuff
but i'm just so distracted by their pretty faces
mostly wwx's, but lwj also has a pretty face
blah blah plot blah
it's decided they need to come back at night when it'll presumably be empty
now wwx is politely questioning a monk
wwx: Asks Clever Plot Related Questions
me: *dreamy sigh* so pretty wwx, so pretty
ooooh, wwx's Clever Plot Related Questions reveal that the monk is a FRAUD. 
idc about it or why he's a fraud but i just wanted to demonstrate HOW SMART MY SUNSHINE BOY IS. he’s got beauty AND brains!!!
cut to next scene and IT'S NIGHT TIME
wwx, lwj, and wn are approaching the Temple of Doom
lwj stops wwx from getting any closer to the doors with an outstretched arm
then lwj gets closer to the doors and kind of just...lobs a bit of his blue spiritual energy at the door
turns out it's warded! no getting in that way
so wwx says they'll get in through the courtyard or smth and tells wn to stand guard
wwx: i am half a wreck but we still have hanguang jun~
we get some alone time with wn who notices some ominous black clouds rolling in so he takes off to investigate
And that dumb dog is leading my precious brat of a son straight to the Temple of Doom!!
now we cut to our boys spying over the wall and they see a whole bunch of random dudes with bows/arrows
wwx is thinking to himself: why is jl here? why didn't wn stop him? naughty kid, leave quickly with the dog!!
we get a close up shot of wwx's eyes here and i'm mentioning this for two reasons
1) wwx has beautiful brown eyes and everyone should take a moment to be grateful for this close up of them
but, more importantly
okay back to the show i guess
jl manages to pull himself up BUT OH NO, THEY'VE GOT AN ARROW AIMED AT HIM
we see wwx gripping his bamboo flute 
and in the next second the bad guys loose their arrows at my bratty son!! HOW DARE THEY
wwx thinks fast and flings his flute at the incoming arrows and one of the arrows oh so conveniently splits the flute so it's unusable now
wwx: jin ling, run!!
now our boys are getting shot at and it's super stressful
but wwx and lwj leap off the roof (wwx does a fancy flip bc ofc he does) and wwx starts flinging talismans everywhere like nbd
they're smoke bomb talismans apparently
so smoke bombs right, and we see somebody walking calmly through it
our boys land on the ground and get ready to start fighting
lwj has his bichen drawn and pointed directly at jgy but he hasn't made a move yet bc wwx is being used as a human shield!!
jgy: i advise master wei not to whistle. it doesn't matter if the flute is broken. but if a finger or tongue is lost, that would be tragic
he says it with a fake, condescending concerned expression
wwx gives a little huff and says sarcastically: you have a good point
eeww, we hear the garrote creak as jgy starts walking backwards 
and wwx has no choice but to follow BC HE'S GOT A GARROTE AROUND HIS NECK
lwj keeps pace with them, sword still pointed at jgy BC HELL NO HE'S NOT GONNA LET HIM TAKE MY, I MEAN, HIS WEI YING AWAY
oh, side note, we get a nice peek at some decorative etchings along bichen’s blade, kinda like suibian’s red line, except they’re pale silvery blue
Have they been there the whole time?? HOW DID I NOT NOTICE??
I blame wwx’s beautiful face for distracting me at every turn
Anyway, the etchings are pretty, whatever they are
Jgy is like don’t even THINK of trying anything hanguang jun!!
at that, lwj stiffly lowers bichen and he immediately gets surrounded by jgy's henchmen
the expression on lwj's face!! this is him scowling up a storm
since this is lwj's face we're talking about tho, there's only the slightest downward pull at the corner of his mouth. 
his eyes, on the other hand, his eyes are glowering fiercely
wwx tells lxc not to feel so bad about being tricked bc after all jgy is the best at what he does 
now wwx and jgy are doing that thing i love, you know the trope?
when the good guy and the bad guy speak to each other lightly, casually 
As if no one is actually poised to get murdered or anything
with an implicit acknowledgement of each others' immense skill
And they exchange notes as to how the good guy discovered the bad guy’s nefarious plot and the bad guy taking it as constructive criticism for future evil endeavors
Good stuff, good stuff
as they do this, jgy keeps his eyes pinned to lwj, who is the only real threat to him right now
wwx: since we’re completely at your mercy how’s about you tell me what kind of treasure is in the Temple of Doom?
jgy: the price to satisfy your curiosity is high. are you sure you want to try, master wei?
he says all falsely regretful
look i hate jgy with every fiber of my being, but i do appreciate this sort of banter
unfortunately it gets interrupted by some henchmen dragging in my bratty son!!!
jgy gives jl a sweet benign smile, with dimples and all 
which kind of cracks me up tbh, bc it does not mesh with the fact that he's got wwx by the neck here
jl: uncle jgy!
jgy: 'sup a-ling?
wwx: what's wrong with you, kid? why'd you come here at night??
that was totally just a reflexive indignant response to wwx's tone, i love it
bc it's not like his one uncle is threatening to murder his other uncle or anything important lololol
and for all the dog lovers out there, to really hammer in how evil jgy is, jgy orders his henchmen to go murder fairy
my bratty son is very upset by this
lxc comes in here and is like, hey, jl is just a kid!! and also your nephew!!!
and jgy is all like, ofc i know he's a kid and my nephew! what do you think i'd do?? kill him???
well, i mean, you did murder your own infant son
i can't imagine killing your teenage nephew is that big of a leap for you, jgy
and then he goes right on to say that hey nephew, if you run or scream, probably something awful will happen to you so maybe don't do that
oh now we cut to the inside of the temple and people are digging into the floor
wwx is wondering what the heck jgy is looking for
then he looks at lwj and with just a twitch of his eyebrows indicates that OMG JGY IS DISTRACTED AND THERE'S AN OPENING FOR AN ATTACK, GO FOR IT LWJ
or at least i'm assuming that's what that eyebrow twitch meant bc lwj catches it and leaps into action
he raises bichen and dives towards jgy aiming to cut his head clean off, it looks like
but jgy sees it coming in the last second and jerks wwx in front of him. 
bichen stops just barely an inch or two away from wwx's bleeding neck
wwx closes his eyes in disappointment  bc they had been so close! 
and now he just looks so upset bc he thinks he’s ruined their chances by letting jgy use him as a shield
jgy: hanguang jun, put bichen down now. do you really want to kill master wei?
and omg wwx's face his eyes are red and teary, wide open and pinned to lwj as we all watch lwj obediently lower bichen
wwx: lan zhan, don't listen to him!
my sunshine boy's brow is all furrowed and he sounds desperate here
wwx: i have never blamed you! lan zhan, you go first to find reinforcements!
Lwj looks him straight in the eye and shakes his head no for everyone to see
bc nothing will tear him away from wei ying, not again, not when he finally got him back after 16 long long years.
jgy: great! Next, please sheathe bichen
there's a slight twist to lwj's mouth as he sheathes bichen angrily 
but he did it with no hesitation 
the sound fx team really made the shing-clack sound of it very prominent here
i'm assuming to emphasize how lwj is briskly and willingly de-fanging himself in order to keep wwx alive
wwx pants a couple of times (bc lwj is putting himself in danger!!) and his beautiful beautiful face twists into a snarl
wwx: jgy, don't go too far.
jgy: is it too far for you already? next i even want hanguang jun to seal his own spiritual power by himself. what would you call that?
wwx's eyes widen like, no, no don't
and we get a shot of lwj who is the picture of grim resignation
he knows that as long as jgy has that garrote around wwx's neck, he will do anything he asks of him, anything at all
wwx protests but jgy just tightens the garrote
lwj sees that happening and immediately locks down his spiritual energy
(side note to say that i really like the sound effects and the motions they choreographed for the "locking of energy" thing here. It’s really cool)
wwx: lan zhan…
lwj presses his lips into a firm line in response
oh and now there's a convenient thunderstorm TO SET THE MOOD I GUESS?? 
jgy is like, hey guys let's move this inside so we don't get rained out. no worries, if you do what i say i totally won't maim and/or kill you
cut to inside the temple
creepy breeze? Check
eerie candle lighting? Check
highly contrasted cool colors vs warm colors? Check
jgy also likes his classic villain tropes, it seems i wonder if he and xy compared notes on that...
jl is sitting next to lxc, clutching his sword
meanwhile lxc keeps his eyes closed like maybe if i refuse to see what's happening, it'll make it not be happening!
Which, hey, we’ve all been there! 
okay, maybe not this exact same scenario, but still! Totally a valid coping mechanism, probably.
and on the other side of the room we've got our boys sitting shoulder to shoulder against a pillar together
wwx: lan zhan, you don't have to do this. that year....you owe me nothing
Aka, it’s not your fault i died. You don’t need to atone for anything!!!
lwj takes in his words for a moment
lwj: i don't think i owe you.
he says it so seriously
wwx: so why did you do that??
lwj looks over to him
lwj: it's what i should do.
some mood-setting stuff happens
you know, creepy wind slamming open doors, blowing out candles, that sort of thing
huh, he's got an unconscious nhs with him
wow he just drops nhs on the ground like a sack of potatoes, rude
blah blah evil plotty exchange between evil master and evil subordinate blah blah
blah blah emotional confrontation between jgy and lxc that idc about blah blah
ugh gross now su she is approaching wwx and lwj and is talking to them all smugly condescending
i want to hit his face with a brick tbh
wwx just rolls his eyes and lwj looks off to the middle distance bc this insect is not worth his time or attention lololol
god that chip in his shoulder that he's got for lwj is really getting annoying
ss: i just can't stand his attitude, as if he's better than everyone else!!
idk about “everyone else,” but he's definitely BETTER THAN YOU, YOU GREASY LITTLE COWARD
lol wwx gets offended on lwj's behalf (bc lwj has yet to acknowledge su she at all)
wwx: when did lan zhan say he was better than everyone else?
awwwwww!! lwj sneaks a glance at wwx when he starts to defend his honor. that's so cute!
wwx: iirc, in the great big book of lan fam rules, there’s one that says "don't be arrogant and prideful"
jl: how do you know the principles of gusulan so well?!
wwx frowns all sulky and taps his nose adorably
wwx: i have transcribed it so many times that i memorized it.
jl: why did you transcribe the principles of lan??
wwx: do you think it was my choice? that (and here he glances at lwj from the corner of his eye and lwj is side-eyeing him and it's hilarious) was my punishment
jl: shame on you!
he says it all haughty and adorably irritated and turns his head away sharply. it's GREAT
After that, wwx is going on about how lwj has had that indifferent expression on his face his whole life and he can't really help it, it’s not bc he’s snooty or whatever ss thinks
and he continues to blabber on in that way he does
ss gets all mad and moves to strike him with his hand
and quicker than a blink of an eye, lwj puts bichen (still sheathed) between wwx and ss 
He glares at ss like, just try it, i dare you! and doesn't put bichen down until ss lowers his hand
i would like to point out that ss still relented to lwj even tho lwj HAS NO ACCESS TO SPIRITUAL POWER 
as soon as ss backs off, wwx runs his mouth again, i love it
There’s a bit where wwx says, "i'm not afraid of death, i just don't want to die"
which i guess is some kind of word play in their native tongue? Idk
wwx goes on to explain it but idgi; either it doesn't translate well or i'm not bright enough to understand it, lol
anyway, this all culminates to ss drawing his sword to kill wwx for being annoying
lwj does not look impressed lolol but you can tell wwx thinks it's pretty neat 
(not that he'll ever admit it bc you never admit those sort of things to your little brother, LOL)
jl is so happy to see him!
jl: uncle!
jc: you're calling me now? you know how to call me now? why did you run away a while ago?
and jl looks away with that yeesh expression kids get when their parents start in on their scolding lectures
wwx: lan zhan!!
lwj calmly lifts his arm so wwx can cower behind his billowing white sleeve
jl is commanding fairy to bite ss and as wwx is cowering, he's ALSO encouraging fairy to bite ss
(which really just means that, while wwx will probably never get over his phobia of dogs, he might eventually be able to get used to fairy maybe)
lol ss goes running with fairy hot on his tail
then we cut to wwx who notices how he's clinging to lan zhan's outstretched arm and gets embarrassed
he gently pushes the arm down and gives it a pat and smiles bashfully at lwj
fun fact, this scene is the reason i started watching the show, i saw a gifset of this little exchange here and was like, THAT'S AN ADORABLE SMILE ON THE MOST BEAUTIFUL BOY IN THE WORLD
and now some henchmen try attacking jc and jc whips them away with zidian and is generally just looking AWESOME
then lxc warns him about the Evil Magic Music
so jc's solution to that is to grab a random sword with zidian and chuck sandu into zidian and then scrape the two swords together?? to block out the music with super irritating noise, i guess???
lol even lwj is wincing at the racket
you know what, i'm gonna ignore the weirdness of this makeshift solution and just enjoy how cool zidian looks
now jgy is monologuing at jc and it's boring
lol, wwx leans over to lwj while that's happening
wwx: seriously, he talks like xy
he is not impressed by it lololol
both jc and jgy hear him and give him a Look and wwx puts on an innocent face
jgy starts picking at jc's emotional wounds and complicated brotherly feelings
jc starts getting defensive and snappish
lxc: don't answer him. he's good at talking. 
so at least lxc is learning from his mistakes here, that’s good!
jgy switches tactics and starts in on wwx and his complicated brotherly feelings
but wwx responds with, hey man, i already know jc hates me so that isn't gonna work
oooooh, now jgy is revealing how he heard that jc was running around lotus pier asking ppl to unsheathe suibian
wwx's eyes get all wide and surprised
he throws a desperate look at lwj
wwx: my sword? didn't i give suibian to wn??
lwj doesn't answer but wwx realizes that he hasn't seen wn carrying suibian lately
and he starts frantically asking lwj how suibian ended up with jc and why the heck would jc ask others to draw suibian
wwx: has he drawn it by himself??
pretty sure he knows the answers to all those questions and is basically asking lwj to tell him his suspicions aren't correct
lwj: wei ying, calm down
jgy notices wwx's reactions and pushes on bc he's found a weak spot and he's def gonna exploit it
he's like, oh yeah, i also heard you were able to draw suibian from its sheath, jc
wwx's face is full of dread as he realizes what happened
he starts blinking back tears and he's getting all shaky bc this is his nightmare unfolding before him
he gives jc a sarcastic bow and keeps picking at those wounds
wwx jerks forward as if he was going to try to shut up jgy, but lwj holds him back bc honestly, what was wwx going to be able to do anyway?
jc staggers back as if physically wounded
wwx's eyes are red with tears bc this was never supposed to happen
jgy chooses this moment to attack and now we have a sword fight
we get a shot of lwj and wwx here
wwx is squirming in his seat like he wants to intervene but knows that he can't
Lwj is keeping a close eye on wwx, ready to stop him the moment wwx tries to sacrifice himself for jc (again)
in the middle of their fight, jgy suddenly flings his sword right at lwj!!
lwj tries to raise bichen but it's not gonna be quick enough
jc sees this and dives towards lwj and manages to block the sword
lwj looks at him in shock, which is understandable bc jc doesn't even like him
he could've totally just let that sword slice him in two and been guilt-free bc hey he's in the middle of a life or death battle himself, you know?
but he didn't! he took the time to protect lwj 
For his efforts, he gets wounded (like mortally wounded) and now he has another reason to hate lwj lol
Anyway, jc can't do much now except channel all his spiritual energy into the wound so he doesn't, yknow, DIE
wwx is watching him with worry
here comes su she, all bloodied up 
lol looks like fairy was able to tear into him a bit. what a good doggy!!
now i guess the henchman were able to finish digging or whatever, WATCH HOW MUCH I DON'T CARE ABOUT THAT NONSENSE
Let’s check in on our boys instead
wwx and and lwj share a look 
and all i can think is omg look at how close their hands are, if they each shift just a couple inches they'd be holding hands!!
But no, we're going to have an emotional discussion instead
wwx: did you know about it?
lwj gives a very reluctant nod
wwx: when did wn tell him?
lwj: while you were knocked out
also omg they're having this conversation and jc is literally only 3ft away
wwx: that's how we left lotus pier??
lwj: wn is very sorry about that
look at lwj being a bro and sticking up for wn!
wwx: i've told him time and again to never speak of it
jc: never speak of what?
and here they seem to realize that yeah, hello, everyone can hear their conversation
they look at jc all surprised
*facepalm* guys, guys, i get that you both get a little wrapped up in each other sometimes, but c'mon
But we still got quality times with our boys, and some fun times with jl and jc, so i guess that evens the scales!
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Banished (Part 47)
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~Banished Master~
Paring: Bellamy Blake x Reader
Word Count: 11K (heh... how long does this take y’all to read, I stg)
*Based off episode 4x02 of the 100, Heavy lies the Crown*
Bold Italics are Trig
As for Praimfaya, its already making its way across the globe. A couple, man and woman crossing the desert in Europe, found it out the hard way. Their bodies were covered in burns, as they tried to find sanctuary. The man collapsed, his partner falling with him as she panted, trying to get him to respond to her but he wouldn’t answer. She let out a sob, barely able to make a sound from her dried throat. At an odd sound, she pulled herself up, trudging atop a sand dune to look upon pyramids.
But along with the structures a wave of radiation came upon her. She let out a scream as the radiation took her over, her skin burning off as she fell to her knees and her body was swept away.
6 months, starting now.
ALIE’s chip had made its way from Polis before you managed to destroy her. One victim, Ilian, living with his family on a farm, introduced a new level of pain to his family. He wasn’t in control of himself, ALIE in his head and working him like another one of her puppets. His mother sat tied, tired and bleeding against the sheep’s corral, her arms drawn apart like she was on a cross. Her ragged breathing was worsened as she looked up to Ilian approaching her.
She tried to speak. “Demon…” She muttered as her voice tore through her throat. “Where’s my son?”
Ilian paid no mind to her question as he held out a chip for her, barely a smile on his face to offer comfort. “Take it mother.” The woman’s cried out as Ilian pulled the chip away and kept it in his fist. He left his mother, heading to a boy, his brother, kneeling as his mind explored the City of Light. Ilian’s mother begged him, pleading for him to spare the life of his brother, but ALIE wouldn’t allow it. A knife was pressed to the boy’s throat by Ilian’s hand. “I’ll stop when you take the key.”
ALIE stood next to him, watching the scene carefully. “Do it. She’ll break.” Without another plead, Ilian cut his brother’s throat, gasps for air and one last breath came from the brother before he fell to the ground.
His mother cried out for the loss of her family. “He’s with father in the City of Light.” Ilian assured her as she looked to her husband, his life taken just minutes ago much like his sons had. “Take it mother.”
Another refusal.
ALIE had one last trick up her AI sleeve. “Put the knife to your own throat.” Ilian followed her instructions, his mother starting to thrash about as she begged for Ilian to lower the knife. Just before ALIE was to tell Ilian to slice his throat, she was distracted. “Y/N. Don’t.” She flickered away, leaving Ilian standing there, waiting for a command. The moments passed, his face stoic as his mother tried to get him to come back.
“You don’t ease pain. You overcome it. And we always will.” Without a moment’s hesitation, you grabbed the kill switch, pulling it and ending it all. No more ALIE.
Ilian let out a gasp as the knife was pulled from his throat, his heart racing at the thought of what might’ve happened. He looked down at the blade, his brother and fathers blood stained the metal as he looked to his mother, her head falling to the side as he rushed over.
“Mother!” He yelled and used the knife to cut her bonds. Her eyelids felt heavy, too much of her strength been used for sobbing and she barely had any left to live. “Help!” Ilian screamed. “Help!” He’s screams were for naught as the only ones around were his family, his brother and father both lying dead in their field and his mother joining them slowly.
“Ilian.” His mother mumbled, placing a hand on his cheek to pull his face to look down. “Avenge me.”
Ilian cried as his mother took her last breath and he pulled her into his chest, kissing her forehead as tears fell down his face. He tried to hold himself, losing his entire family broke him and he let it out, his scream ringing through the air as he clutched the useless key, vowing revenge on those who brought the City of Light to them: Skaikru.
In Polis, a week after ALIE’s demise, Kane and Abby were enjoying the simple things. They laid in bed together, post coital bliss etched on their faces as they panted.
“You are a terrible influence.” Abby whispered to Kane, moving her head to look at the man next to her. She rolled on top of him, her fingers tracing over his bare chest. “Roan is expecting me.” Kane nodded and Abby kissed him before grabbing her shirt and throwing it on. He watched with a smile as a different form of happiness than he felt 5 minutes ago took over his body. Abby removed her wedding ring from where she placed it for safe keeping, hesitating while holding the band that tied her to her deceased husband.
“Abby.” Kane whispered, putting his arms around her shoulders. She leaned back against his body. “Jake is a part of you.” He reminded her, taking the necklace from her hands and putting it back around her neck where it belonged. They smiled at each other, Abby leaning over to give him one last kiss before she had to leave. “Go. The King’s waiting but be careful. The tower’s safe, but we’re in dangerous ground here.” Abby nodded, pushing some of Kane’s hair out of his face before leaving the room to attend to Roan.
On the ground, outside the tower, a group of Trishanakru men sat together around a table, Ilian sat with them, his face stone as he stared at the wood in front of him. “The king protects Skaikru. Why?” He asked the ambassador next to him, Rafel.
“Because he is their puppet, Ilian.” Rafel told Ilian, getting the boy to turn his head and listen. “And anyone who protects the people who did this are as guilty as they are. Roan of Azgeda will hear me. As your ambassador, I have the right to challenge him. Single Combat.”
Octavia stood hidden in the shadows, listening as Rafel promising revenge on Skaikru and the king.
“I want justice, Skaikru did this, not the king.” Ilian told him, his jaw clenching in disgust at the mention of Skaikru.
“Do you want revenge for your family? When Trishanakru controls Polis, you will have it.” Rafel held a cup up in cheers, Ilian and the other men slowly following. “I promise when the King’s head falls, Skaikru falls with it.”
The doors to the throne room opened and Roan was led inside, his head picking up as he looked upon the throne and Echo standing to the side.
“Welcome to your throne room, my King.” She greeted. Roan didn’t say anything, walking past her as he looked about the room. “Now since the lift’s been repaired, I’ve doubled the guards on every floor.”
“Expecting trouble?” Roan stopped her, raising a brow.
Echo sighed. “I trust only Azgeda. Your mother taught me that, the people loved her for it.”
Roan stood in front the throne and turned to face the spy. “Our people feared her.”
“Because she was fierce and ambitious.”
Slowly taking a seat, Roan shook his head. “My mother’s ambition and her disregard for Lexa’s alliance got her killed.”
“If I may, why do you insist on ruling as Lexa did if its not the best for our people?” Echo asked. Roan hesitated. He couldn’t tell her of the world’s destruction, who knows what a spy would do with that information. “At least tell me there’s a reason.”
He didn’t get a response formed before the door to throne room opened and Kane and Octavia pushed themselves inside. “Forgive the intrusion, your highness. May we have a word?” Kane asked, glancing to Echo who narrowed her eyes. “Privately.”
“You can wait, just like all the other ambassadors.” She spat at Kane.
“Echo.” Roan caught her attention. “Leave us.” She spun around to look at him, confused as to why Skaikru would be given the special treatment. “Please.” She followed the order of her king, leaving Kane and Octavia alone with Roan.
“You were right to be concerned about Trishanakru.” Kane told him once the room was cleared. “Rafel is gonna challenge for your control.”
“Bold move for a new ambassador.” Roan pointed out, knowing Trishanakru isn’t fond of him as King. “Let him come.”
“With respect, you’re still recovering.”
“The law says you can choose someone to fight in your place.”
“No.” Roan shot Octavia’s idea down. “The clans would never accept someone who hides behind the law or someone else’s blade.”
“You’ll lose.” Octavia said simply, gesturing to the wound. “Lexa kicked your ass without a bullet hole in your chest.”
“We should cancel the gathering.” Kane stepped in, sending a look of disapproval to Octavia. “Delay it until you’re strong enough.”
“No.” Roan objected, leaving the duo to silently bicker as he walked away. “Letting the clans have a voice keeps the peace here. Azgeda holds this city through force alone, and the flame won’t keep the clans at bay forever.” He sat into the throne, showing his power over the Skaikru ambassadors. “If they unite against us, we could lose, and if we lose-“
“They come for Skaikru.” Octavia finished Kane gulped quietly.
“And the radiation will come for us all.”
Kane shook his head. “No one has to die. The point of our arrangement is to give us time to find a solution that will save everyone.”
“And how is that solution coming?”
“We’re working on it.” Kane assured him, having no clue of your advancements towards a proper solution. “In the meantime, I’m here to keep you in power. Let me talk to the ambassador.”
“Go ahead. Talk.” Roan allowed Kane. Kane turned around, beginning to walk towards the door before Roan’s voice stopped him. “But if you fail, I’ll have no choice but to fight.” Kane hesitated before nodding, sparing Octavia a look before leaving and heading to the Trishanakru ambassador.
Things in Arkadia weren’t going as well as you hoped. You, Bellamy, Raven, Clarke, and Monty were held up in a room, racking your brains to come up with a solution. You leaned against the window, staring at the falling rain, thunder and lightning accompanying it. It was hard to believe in a few months, this very rain could kill you.
“We’ve been at this for two days. There has to be something we’re not thinking of.” Bellamy groaned, moving from the drawing board over to you. You hadn’t pulled yourself away from the window for almost twenty minutes. He’d be more worried if he didn’t know how stressful this was. Bellamy leaned against the wall and you could see him from the corner of your eye, but you made no indication. He sighed, running a hand over his face. “What if we could reach the nearest nuclear reactor?”
Raven scoffed at his idea. “I told you the meltdown started months ago. There’s no magic button to turn them off. Today isn’t the black rain but it will be soon.” Clarke looked to the window, Bellamy and you perched in front of it. She caught Bellamy’s eyes before looking at you, your eyes unmoving from the rain. Water dripped in through the seals as Monty glanced to the ceiling. “That’s why we need to focus on riding out the radiation, finding someplace safe and big enough for all 500 of us.”
Her words brought you out of your rain watching and you narrowed your eyes to her. “And what about everyone else? I made a promise to Roan. We save everyone.”
“That’s why we need to tell everyone!” Raven stressed as she took a step closer to you, Bellamy and Clarke, trying to get her point across. “Crowdsource it. The grounders might know if there’s another Mount Weather out there.”
Bellamy looked to you, his voice softer than before as he watched you lean back on the window, tilting your head upon it. “You think they’d tell us?” He asks you, knowing that if they grounders knew anything, you’d be the one who’d be aware.
“I doubt it. We tell them that they’re dead if we don’t figure this out then the coalition is over, Roan falls and we’ll be dealing with grounders at our gate.” You told them all, firmly believing destruction will only come from crowdsourcing.
“Then just tell our people.” Raven argued. “I need more minds on this problem.” You held your head in your hands, hiding a yawn as you rubbed from your eyes to your temples. “On the ark, people volunteered for the culling because they were told the truth and given a choice.” Monty turned around, bracing himself against the table as he watched water drop into a bucket he placed earlier. Raven turned to Clarke. “A choice your dad died for.”
Clarke furrowed her brows and clenched her jaw. “You think I’ve forgotten that?” She spat.
“Okay, we’ll tell everybody the truth,” Bellamy broke the tension between the two girls. “as soon as we find a viable solution. Without it, it’ll cause a panic.”
“That’s it!” Monty yelled out as everyone turned to him, you even pushing yourself into the group as Monty spoke. “Alpha station survived in space for 97 years through elevated radiation levels and extreme temperature fluctuations. Sound familiar?” He asked you all rhetorically. “All we have to do is patch up the ship.”
A silence fell around the group as Bellamy and you exchanged a glance. “What are you saying?” you asked Monty, wanting to make sure you were understanding what he was getting at.
He looked to you, a small smile making way on his face. “I’m saying, we’re standing in our viable solution.” You all looked around the room, your viable solution sounding more and more better as each moment passed.
“Alright then.” Raven grinned, nodding to Monty. “Let’s get to work.” They started on what was needed, making a list of things to fix as you sighed in relief, moving back to look out the window.
You were going to do this. This was going to work.  
“Hey.” Bellamy whispered as he joined you at the window, much closer than he was before. You didn’t mind though, feeling him glance at you. Bellamy didn’t have to look long to notice the bags under your eyes and the way your shoulders drooped. “When was the last time you had slept?”
You chuckled under your breath, looking at him with a smile. “I think I got a few minutes in last night.” You said honestly. You barely have gotten more than a few hours since that day you went in the City of Light, the stress of everything piling on your plate just kept you up and as much as you tried, you couldn’t sleep for long.
You shook your head at Bellamy, knowing the talk about needing to sleep was coming. “I’m fine, I really am. We have our solution. Let’s just make sure it works, then I’ll sleep.” He looked just as tired as you when you took a second to study his features. “Besides Bellamy, you look like you need it just as much as I do.”
“How about, we both get some shut eye.” You both glanced back, seeing Monty and Raven working as Clarke stood next to them, watching over their work and providing a voice on occasion.
“I think we’re supposed to be helping.” You told him, bumping his shoulder with yours. He frowned as you tried to hide another yawn.
“Get some sleep.” Monty’s voice called over to you and Bellamy. You both turned, seeing the three of them watching you with knowing smiles. “You both need it.”
Bellamy looked at you, raising a brow as you rolled your eyes. “You sure you don’t need our help?” You asked, hating that you were leaving them to all the work.
Raven nodded. “We’re sure. You’re no use to us tomorrow if you pass out from sleep exhaustion.”
“Tomorrow?” Bellamy questioned.
“Yeah, tomorrow.” Monty nodded. “We need a working hydro-generator to store water and the only working hydro-generator is in Farm Station.”
“And that’s where Bellamy and I come in?” You understood. Farm Station landed in Ice Nation territory, getting there without running into said Ice Nation is a mission all on its own. You needed to be awake, not worrying about whether you had enough strength to aim your bow. You bit your lip, to try not to yawn, giving up when it proved a struggle. “Fine. Sleep it is.” You relented.
Bellamy smiled when you gave in, both of you saying goodnight to your friends before leaving. The halls were quiet, most Arkers fast asleep as you headed to your room. “You think this is going to work?” You asked Bellamy.
He didn’t say anything before sighing. “Monty and Raven know what they’re doing.”
You stopped walking, grabbing his hand to get him to join you. “But do you think this is going to work?” You looked into his eyes. Bellamy didn’t know what to say. You wanted to know if he thought there was a chance you’d all survive. He didn’t say anything though, and you got your answer. He didn’t know. You looked down the hall, seeing your door as you took a breath. “Goodnight Bellamy.” You whispered, letting go of his hand. Bellamy looked down to his hand, immediately feeling the loss of your touch before looking up and seeing you walk away.
“Goodnight Y/N.” he mumbled after you, staying in that spot as you disappeared behind the door. He half contemplated turning back to help the others, content with getting you to sleep, but you wanted him to sleep too. It was only fair. He headed straight to his room, groaning at the sight of his bed. He didn’t bother turning the light on as he pulled his shirt off and fell onto the mattress to try and get some sleep.
You were exhausted as you laid in bed, barely bothering to change out of your jeans but putting a tank top on instead of the long sleeve shirt and jacket you wore. You could hear the rain outside your window, the constant pounding slowly lulling you to sleep.
Your eyes flickered closed in the darkness, and the rain started to disappear, the sound instead replaced by a faint whispering.
“Y/N…” it said quietly. You stirred in your sleep, hearing it again. “Y/N…” Its breathy voice repeated in your head, getting louder and louder until it was screaming. “Skaikiler!”
You bolted awake, throwing yourself to sit up as your breathing become frantic and heavy. You turned your bed lamp on, glancing around the room for the cause of the voice. Your room was empty, you were completely alone and the only sound you could hear was the rain once again.
“What the hell?” You mumbled, trying to calm yourself. The voice was gone, and you tried to think back on it, but it didn’t sound like anyone you knew before. You tried to ignore it, turning off the light and burying yourself in the blanket, but you couldn’t close your eyes, the thought that the voice would return was unsettling. You groaned, throwing your legs over the side of the bed and grabbing your jacket. You covered yourself before walking out of your room, your door slamming behind you as you froze.
You knew you needed to sleep, Bellamy told you that much. You’d go outside for a breather, but it was raining, and raining and tired doesn’t usually make for a great mission the next day. You started walking, your feet taking you wherever they wanted and soon enough you ended at Bellamy’s door. If he was asleep, knocking on the door might be mean, he did need sleep too. Before you could even consider another option, you were knocking. You scolded yourself, hoping Bellamy wasn’t in there sleeping.
Bellamy was struggling to get to sleep as well, every time he tried his mind wanders, often coming to you. He tried to empty his mind, but it was no use, no matter what his thoughts remained. The knock on his door made him awake fully, not having expected anyone to come this late at night. He assumed it was Clarke to tell them they needed him for something. He groaned, pushing himself off his bed, turning on his lamp on the way up. His feet padded silently against the ground as he opened the door, not expecting to see you on the other side.
Your eyes were wide as the door was pulled open, a shirtless Bellamy in front of you as you looked away, feeling like you shouldn’t have just checked him out. When you finally looked back at him, you thanked that he hadn’t caught you, a yawn escaping him. “Y/N?”
“Sorry. I uh…” You stopped yourself. What were you doing here?
“You couldn’t sleep either?” He asked as you shook your head, happy to know it wasn’t just you. Although something tells you that he didn’t have voices in his head. “Come in.” He nodded towards his bed and stepped aside, letting you into his room. You stood there awkwardly, unsure of what to do as Bellamy fell back into bed. He looked at you, raising a brow. “Come on, you still need to get some sleep.” You laughed, chewing on your lip and walking over to the bed. You were about to climb in before you remembered your jacket, pausing and turning off the light before pulling your jacket off. Bellamy didn’t say anything, watching your figure in the dark before you started to climb in. You laid on your side, facing away from Bellamy. You could feel him behind you, you knew he was staring at the back of your head.
He scooted closer to you, you doing the same and moving backwards until his body pressed against yours, more warmth coming from his chest than a blanket ever could’ve provided. His arm began to encircle your waist before slowly pulling away. Bellamy wasn’t sure if it was welcomed, he didn’t know if he already over stepped with sharing a bed. You didn’t say anything and grabbed Bellamy’s hand, bringing his arm back around your stomach. He grinned and pulled you even closer. Suddenly his thoughts stopped taking over his brain, the feeling of you next to him was enough for Bellamy to fall asleep comfortably. You fell asleep too not long after, hearing Bellamy’s breathing in your ear and the voice didn’t make another appearance that night.
Morning came faster than you thought as the morning sun came though Bellamy’s window. You moved in your sleep, now laying on Bellamy’s chest with his arms around you. You didn’t know if Bellamy was awake, picking your head up and placing your chin on his chest. He woke up a few minutes ago, watching you sleep peacefully. You didn’t look nearly as tired as you had last night, the extra hours you had spent with Bellamy asleep doing you both favors. You gave him a lazy smile, receiving one in return from him.
“Morning.” He spoke, his voice deeper and gravelly in the morning, obvious he slept well.
“Morning.” You whispered, stretching out your legs. They hit Bellamy’s and neither of you stopped them from getting tangled together. “How long were we asleep for?” you asked, hearing the days chatter begin outside Bellamy’s room.
Bellamy shrugged, not pulling his eyes off you. His eyes moved down from your face, seeing the scars on your body. There was a familiarity in this moment, the last time you and Bellamy woke like this you had just had sex for the first time. He left you for Pike. He wasn’t going to do that this time.
You caught his eyes moving to your scar on your shoulder, that one from the panther as you shifted. You reached over for your jacket, thrown on his bedside table and pulled it on. When you broke the comfort between you two, Bellamy was confused and wanting to stay a little longer with you, but when you grabbed your jacket, he knew what was wrong.
“Hey.” He said, pushing himself up to sit against the wall. You paused and looked him before slowly pulling your jacket the rest of the way on. “You don’t have to hide them from me.” He told you, reaching out to grab your hand. You swallowed, pulling your hand away before he could reach. He furrowed his brows. “Y/N?”
“It’s not you.” You admitted, refusing to look at him.
He waited for you to go on, but you hadn’t said more. “What’s wrong?”
You shook your head, offering a smile. “It’s nothing. I’m fine.”
“No. Something’s on your mind, the same something that made you grab your jacket.” He reached for your hand once more, this time you allowed him to grab it. “Talk to me.”
You took a second, trying to find the words. “It’s dumb. I’ve lived with my scars for years, but when I was in the City of Light…” you stopped yourself, letting your eyes closed as you thought back to the City, staring at yourself in the building once again. Your scars were gone, you looked… normal. You opened your eyes again, blinking away the thoughts as you realized Bellamy had gotten closer, an arm pulled around your back as you both sat with your legs off the edge of the bed. “They weren’t there.” You blurted out.
Was it wrong to want to look like that again?
“I told you it’s dumb. Especially with everything that’s going on. My problems are-“
“Important.” Bellamy cut you off. He squeezed your hand. “Your problems are important Y/N and I promise you, we’ll get through this. We’ll survive.”
You smiled at him, feeling your cheeks heat up as he rubbed your back. “I’m holding you to that.” You both chuckled. “We should probably get going before someone files a missing people report.” You joked as Bellamy chuckled and both of you slowly got out of the bed.  
Checking in with Clarke, Raven and Monty, they explained the plan of retrieving the hydro-generator, you and Bellamy bringing along a group, specifically Monty, Harper, Miller, Bryan, and you two. It was yours and Bellamy’s job to bring Miller and Bryan up too speed and after a good 10 minutes, you were getting somewhere.
“Raven says we can get it sealed in a month.” Bellamy told them, your head nodding as he spoke. “The Ark is our Ark.”
“I get it.” Miller stopped him, processing the plan. “So, we freeze dry the meat until we can grow our own food, oxygen scrubbers, but how do we store enough water for 500 people?”
Bellamy looked to you, offering you the next explanation. “We don’t.” you took over. “That’s why we’re heading to Farm Station.”
Miller scoffed and knotted his brows. “Why the hell would we do that? That’s in Ice Nation, you know that better than anyone.”
Bryan groaned in pain as he stood up, the three of you looking at him in concern. “You just said it. We need a hydro-generator and Farm Station has one for crops.”
“Think you can get us there?” Bellamy asked Bryan before Miller interrupted.
“No way. Find another machine.”
“There aren’t any, Miller. Without it we’d barely, last a year. 5 would be impossible.” You told him, running a hand over your face. Miller considered it, looking in between you and Bellamy.
“Fine. I’m in, but Bryan stays here. His leg’s still healing.”
You looked at Bryan seeing him send a look to Miller before addressing Bellamy and you. “I’m in too.”
You knew he was only going because he wanted to prove he could, but that was only more dangerous. “Good. We leave in an hour.” Bellamy said as Miller scoffed, wondering why he even tries with his boyfriend. You followed Bellamy out of the room.
As soon as you both were gone, Miller grabbed Bryan’s attention. “You don’t have to do this.”
“Yeah I do.” Bryan told him, shaking his head. “Since Octavia murdered Pike, I’m the only one left who knows where it is.”
“Why are you defending him? Pike was a dictator!”
“He was elected chancellor, and if you don’t care about that, he kept me alive for three months.”
“Then why did you help us turn him over to the grounders?”
Bryan stared at Miller; the answer obvious in Bryan’s head. “To save you, Nate.”
Miller didn’t say anything, his arguments falling short knowing Bryan sacrificed Pike because he loved Miller. Miller pulled him in for a long loving hug, whispering sorry in his ear.
Monty went looking for his best friend, checking his room, the dining hall and the hangar bay before walking outside, the sound of pitchy singing coming from the middle of the camp. Monty grew confused, following the sound before seeing Jasper in the shower, scrubbing his body and singing along to the song stark naked in the camp, his only covering being a curtain surrounded the shower. Monty put his hands on his hips, watching his friend from afar before coming forward.
“Woah.” Monty said as he got closer, discovering Jasper’s naked body with a hand placed to hide Jasper. “Nice cap.” Monty called out, his hand still up and remaining up until Jasper was wearing clothes again. “You know you’re wasting our drinking water, right?”
Jasper just chuckled, continuing to use the loofah on his body. “You know we’re all going to die in 6 months, right?” he retorted, running the water over his face.
“Not if we find what we’re looking for today.” Monty tried to sound confident, knowing that finding the hydro-generator was huge.
Jasper scoffed, continuing on with his shower. “Oh please. Tell me about another pointless task Clarke has roped you into doing. Or better yet, don’t. I don’t want to keep anymore of her secrets.”
“We’re going back to Farm Station.” Monty moved on. “Why don’t you come with us.”
Jasper shook his head and turned off the water. “Monty.” He said and held his hands out. “Look at me.”
Monty turned away, using his hand once again to not see Jasper’s nakedness. “I’m really trying not to.”
“I’m fine. I’m having fun.” When Monty interrupted him, Jasper sighed. “I’m not going to kill myself.” He assured his best friend. “What’s the point?” He grabbed his towel, wrapping it around his body and smirked. “But if you want to cheer me up, while you’re at Farm Station, get that weed we stashed? Behind the wall of your old room?” He smiled at Monty, holding up his hand. “Come on. Don’t leave me hanging!”
Monty held up his own hand, both of them bringing their other hands up to high five themselves, their own special high five. Monty tried to hide his own smile as he pointed at Jasper and walked away, headed to meet you all at the hangar bay.
“Hey, you want a hug?” Jasper called out jokingly as Monty chuckled.
You lifted up a backpack, tossing it to Miller who put it in the rover, getting ready for your Ice Nation trip. You hoped that it would be a clean trip, but things don’t usually go your way.
“Battery’s full.” Bellamy said and you turned around to see Clarke walking over. “If we’re lucky, we won’t have to stop to discharge.”
Clarke nodded, pulling out Roan’s Ice Nation seal. “If Roan’s seal works the way it’s supposed to, we’ll be even luckier.” She muttered and handed it over to Bellamy. “If you get in trouble, just show this.”
You tapped Miller’s leg, telling him you’re going over as he nodded. “You can still come with us.” You told Clarke who shook her head.
“I can’t. Arkadia is just plan B. We need to find a solution that saves both us and the grounders.” You knew she was right. You promised Roan his people would be safe and protecting just your people wasn’t the way to do that.
“We save who we can save today.” Bellamy said, looking more at you than Clarke. He knew if anything went wrong for the grounders, you’d blame yourself. You were the one who made a promise to Roan.
“We should get going.” You reminded them. Bellamy nodded telling the others to load up.
“Hey, be careful, okay?” You nodded at Clarke’s words before heading to the rover, sending patting the side of it before climbing into the front seat. Bellamy joined you, sliding into the front seat and away to Ice Nation you went.
Bellamy parked far from the fallen ship, up on the hill as you all clambered out of the rover. “This is as far as we can get.” He called out as everyone approached the ledge, looking out at Farm Station. “From here we go on foot.”
“We get the hydro-generator and get out.” Miller instructed. “We don’t want to stay any longer than we need.” The ship was daunting, just like Alpha Station but covered in snow. Miller looked into his binoculars, his face falling instantly. “Guys, we have a problem.” Bellamy brought his gun up, looking into the scope as you all crouched down.
“What is it?” you asked, not able to see that far without help.
“The barn’s not empty.” Miller muttered over to you as your head dropped. Of course, it’s not empty, that would make this a million times easier.
“They moved in.” Bryan spoke in disbelief. “If it’s the same guys who attacked us, with our guns, we could take them.”
“We’re not here to fight them.” You said looking down at the Station. “We need the machine, if we don’t then Ice Nation will be the least of our troubles.”
You picked your head up, turning to see Harper with an arrow drawn to her back. You aimed your own bow as Ice Nation grounders came out from the trees, all aiming their weapons at you and your friends.
“Weapons down. Now.” Bellamy told you all as he lowered his gun, Monty and Harper following. You and Miller hesitated but ultimately listened, leaving Bryan with his gun up.
“Bryan now.” You told him, placing your hand on the barrel gently, the boy allowed you to bring his gun down, watching the woman in front of you stare at you.
Bellamy pulled out the seal, showing it to the woman. “King Roan of Azgeda sent us.” The woman took the seal out of Bellamy’s hands, looking it over. Bellamy and you exchanged glances, but once Bellamy was looking away, the woman used the seal, hitting Bellamy in the head with it.
“Bellamy!” you yelled as he hit the ground unconscious. You were by his side, turning him in your lap to see him unconscious. You brushed his hair out of the way, checking for any injuries.
“Take their weapons. Let’s introduce them to the chief.”
A bow was placed to your head, stopping your movements. “Get up.”  A man said, nudging your head. You looked up at him, slowly moving Bellamy off your lap. He was staring to wake up, groaning as you shifted and stood up, raising your hands in the air.
The grounders tied everyone’s hands in front of them, leading you all into the Farm Station. You and Bellamy walked side by side, grounders grabbing your shoulders and shoving you and your friends to the ground. The seal was presented in front of you and Bellamy.
“Where did you get this?” The Ice Nation Chief asked Bellamy. You stayed quiet, glancing back at all your friends and seeing their equally pissed off and scared faces.
“King Roan. Skaikru and Azgeda are allies. He sent us to get a part of the ship, a machine.” Bellamy explained to him. The grounders obviously didn’t believe him as the Chief turned to the woman who knocked Bellamy out.
“King Roan hasn’t returned to Ice Nation in 3 years. The Banished Prince is not my king.” She told the Chief who pocketed the seal.
“You know Queen Nia is dead.”  You spoke harshly. They looked at you, narrowing their eyes. “That ‘Banished Prince’ is the rightful ruler of Ice Nation. Whether you like it or not.”  The chief pulled out his knife, making you realize no matter what you said about Roan being king, it wouldn’t be enough. “Look, if we were coming to take this place back, we’d of brought more people. You know that.”
Bellamy watched you, only understanding bits of what you were saying. The Chief came to you with the knife, tucking it under your chin and pulling your head up. “Just because you speak our language, doesn’t make you one of us, Skaikiler.”
Why did they always assume you wanted to be like one of them?
“Let’s get this over with, Davika.” The chief spoke to the woman before yanking you to your feet, cutting the rope binding your hands before doing the same to Bellamy.
“Release them.” He told his people who listened, all cutting your friends loose. Bellamy stepped closer to you, looking at you to make sure you were fine, and you nodded. “Where is this machine for the king?”
At Arkadia, Raven managed to get a few people to help with the ships repair, telling them that they need to get the ship ready for the winter, not for the worlds end. She sent the workers on their way. She looked up, seeing Clarke walking her way and shook her head. “There is so much work to do and I get a total of 5 volunteers to help me?”
“It’s a start.”
“I can’t run this repair on my own Clarke!” She tried not to yell and alert the others. “Even if I had complete mobility, or even if Sinclair was still alive.” Her voice dropped at the mention of her mentor. “Who the hell am I to give them orders? I’m not the chief engineer.”
“And I’m not the chancellor.” Clarke shook her head slowly, shrugging her shoulders. “Yet, here we are. For what it’s worth, there’s nobody I trust more to do this than you.” Raven looked up, taking in Clarke’s words. “As soon as Bellamy and Y/N get back with the machine, we go public and get you the help you need.”
“Am I interrupting?” Jaha spoke to the girls as they turned around, seeing the man join in on their conversation. They looked at each other before Jaha spoke up again. “I used to be an engineer. I supervised the redesign of sector 5.”
“And how many people died in sector 5 during the culling when you sucked the air out of their lungs?”
“42.” Jaha said quickly, not taking Raven’s spite. “Would you like to know their names?” Raven scoffed and stormed off, leaving Jaha and Clarke to talk before Clarke stopped her.
“Raven, we could use the help.” She reminded the engineer who stopped herself, turning around with crossed arms.
“You know he made me cut my wrists to force your mom to take the chip, right?” Raven recapped. “He searched for the City of Light. He brought ALIE here. He showed her how to overcome free will.”
“Yes.” Jaha knew what he had done. “Those are my sins and I have to live with them.”
Raven scoffed. “You wanna help? Go sort the scraps.” Jaha nodded as Raven finished her storming off, glancing at Clarke before following the Reyes instruction.
The chief led you through the halls of the Farm Station in a line. “Since when does a grounder know how to power on a spaceship?” Monty pointed out as you overheard. He had a point, grounders wouldn’t know that.
“No talking.” Dakiva said as she shoved Monty forward on her order. You were stopped at the end of the hallway, the door leading into the engine room closed as you waited. Bellamy reached behind himself for your hand and you took a step forward, hiding your joined hands between your bodies.
The door was opened, and you were led inside. “Slaves!” The chief shouted. “Eyes down.”
Your breath was caught, staring out amongst the Ice Nation’s slaves. They were Farm Station.
“What is this?” You muttered to the Chief who just sent you a glare.
“Do what you came here to do.” Your eyes landed on a little girl, her face covered in grime and you started forwards, wanting to check on her but Bellamy stopped you, shaking his head. You looked back at her, her eyes locking on yours.
He was going to leave them? He couldn’t just leave them. There were kids here! Teenagers! They don’t deserve this.
Monty pointed out the generator for all of you and Chief began bringing you up. The stairs.
“Riley?” Bryan’s voice caused you to turn around, seeing him look at a ‘slave’ down the line. Riley turned back around, his back to Bryan as Bryan approached him. “Riley! We thought you were dead.”
“Bryan, don’t!” Bellamy yelled as the two of you rushed back down the stairs. The chief pushed himself between Bryan and Riley and you grabbed Bryan, stepping in front of him as Bellamy stood next to you.
“Only the machine. The rest is ours.” Their chief told you. You felt Bryan move from behind you as you stopped him, staring down the Chief before Bellamy pulled your elbow and you all went for the machine.
Roan grunted as he swung at Echo with his sword, dodging swings of her own as they sparred. He slid on the ground to avoid a strike, rising to his feet and kicking her knee out. But when he raised his arm in the air to swing down at her one final time, he groaned out in pain, his bullet wound stopping him from delivering the blow. He leaned forward, supporting himself on the sword before Echo kicked the sword out and held hers against his neck.
“Damn it.” He groaned, pushing Echo away.
Abby called out from the side of the room, stepping forwards. “Let me take a look.” She pulled down Roan’s shirt, looking at the scarred skin. “It’s healing but you need more time.”
“I don’t have time.”
“Why did you accept this challenge? You’re a king, make your own rules.” Echo told Roan as she watched him pick up his sword, groaning as he bent over.
“I told you. I won’t be that kind of king.” She swung her sword, engaging in their match again until Roan strained his chest again. He moved his sword to his right hand, using that arm instead to attack back on Echo. Echo had the upper hand as she struck Roan in the shoulder, kicking his stomach and sending him the floor in pain. He clutched his injury, gasping as Echo stood over him.
“I would be honored to take your place in this fight.” She extended a hand to him, but Roan pushed himself up without the help.
“I will not run from this fight.”
“Echo’s right.” Abby said, putting her opinion in. “I didn’t save your life so you could tear yourself apart again.
Roan narrowed his eyes at the women. “Since when are you two on the same side? If you can’t help me, then why the hell are you still here?”
Abby didn’t say anything, instead choosing to leave like he wanted. “This fight can still be avoided.” Echo said once Abby was gone. “Protecting Skaikru gives the other clans an excuse to challenge you. Let me care of it. Let me do what your mother would’ve done.” She started her attack again as Roan ducked, yelling no to her. “Then please, tell me what Skaikiler could’ve offered you. What deal could she offer be worth losing the fate of your people?”
“A chance to survive the end of the world.” Roan finally told her. “That’s what they’re offering to us. Soon Praimfaya will come again and destroy everything. Skaikru is trying to stop it.”  
Echo’s face fell. “My king, they’re lying to you. They’d say anything to save themselves.” Roan shook his head, wanting to believe his trust in you was rightfully placed. “Let me prove it to you. Send me to Arkadia.”
“Your only concern now should be helping me win. Once I do, you may go to Arkadia. Prove my trust in Y/N is deserved.”
Echo quirked her brow. “Y/N?” she questioned her kings use of your name.
Roan paused. “Skaikiler.” He corrected himself before swinging his sword, not letting Echo get another word in before they were sparring again.
Rafel and Ilian and their men sat around again, Rafel sharpening a knife as he spoke. “Once I have accused Roan of crimes against our people for protecting Skaikru, he’ll demand proof. Ilian will be out first witness.” At Rafel’s words, Ilian looked to him, seeing Kane and Octavia walk their way over Rafel’s shoulder.
He pushed himself out of his chair, the other men doing so as well. Ilian held his knife behind him. “Ambassador, may we speak in private? We know you’re planning on challenging King Roan.”
Everyone was watching, even those not previously involved in the conversation. “Leave us.” He told everyone. “Ilian, stay.” Kane and Ilian both took a seat, Octavia staying for Kane’s protection.
“I’d like to ask you to reconsider.” Kane started, using his kindest tone.
Rafel laughed in his face. “Ask? After everything your people have done, you expect diplomacy?”
“Skaikru is not your enemy.”
Ilian slammed his hand down on the table, removing it to the show the chip laying upon the surface. “Skaikru made me murder my entire family. I have no one left.”
Kane offered an apologetic frown. “I’m sorry for your loss, but the chip technology affected every clan. You blame Skaikru for the City of Light, but shouldn’t you credit us for destroying it as well? After everything we’ve suffered, why should we spill more blood?”
Rafel smirked as he looked towards the younger boy. “You see Ilian. The King can’t fight. Otherwise his minions wouldn’t be trying to stop us.”
Octavia stepped in, leaning forward and towering over Ilian. “If the King wasn’t hurt, do you really think this coward would give a crap about your family?”
“Since you landed here, your people have done nothing but rip our world apart!” Rafel shouted, stopping Octavia from saying the obvious truth. He looked to Kane with a scowl. “Reap what you sow, ambassador. The time of Skaikru is over.”
He walked off and Ilian stood up, grabbing the chip and following behind him. “Well.” Octavia frowned watching the two walk away. “That went well.” Kane scoffed, leaving as well as Octavia glared at Rafel, knowing what she had to do.
Clarke was struggling. Plan B was a great plan if the hydro-generator pulled through, but to save everyone like you promised Roan? That was seeming to be impossible. There were just too many people.
“Damn it!” Clarke yelled, swiping her work off the table and burying her head in her hands. She was trying to focus, really just clearing her head in hopes it helps, but she couldn’t as music started getting louder from somewhere in the ark.
She knotted her brows, taking a look at the population sheet she had before needing to find the source. She stormed around the ark, heading outside and seeing a mess of kids, all of them standing around, drinking, or kicking a ball. Clarke was stunned, walking through the masses and arriving at Jasper, hanging onto a rover with the music on the highest volume.
“Can we talk?” Clarke called up at him, getting the boys attention as he stopped singing along to the music.
“Sure.” Jasper told her, jumping on the rover and following her. “I’ve got about 6 months. What’s up?”
“I’m trying to make sure we get more than 6 months, which is why these people need to get back to work.”
“I didn’t force them to stop. I guess they think it’s the end of the day, not end of days.” He took a sip of his drink, Clarke shaking her head in disbelief.
“Don’t you want us to survive, Jasper?”
“No, I don’t want us to survive.” Jasper said simply. “I want us to live.”
“If we don’t repair the ship, none of us will get that chance.” Clarke spoke quieter, trying to get her point across.
“And what about free will? That’s why Y/N destroyed ALIE, right? So why don’t you tell them all the truth?” Jasper gestured to the people, his voice getting louder as Clarke shushed him. “Let them decide what they want to do with their last 6 months. What are you so afraid of?”
“We can’t just go to them with no solution. People will Panic.”
Jasper nodded and faked a laugh. “Spoken like the council that sent 100 kids to die on the ground.” He backed away from Clarke, talking a sip of his drink and singing along to the music, leaving Clarke figure out a solution by herself.
Moral at the Farm Station was down as you all worked on removing the hydro-generator. Well, Bellamy and you stood off to the side, while everyone else who knew what they were doing was working.
“We can’t just leave them.” Bryan muttered, the 6 of you keeping your voices quiet to not raise suspicion and have grounders overhear.
“We’re in the collation, Y/N do you think the King would free them?” Harper asked, glancing out of the corner of her eye.
You bit your lip, thinking about it. “Roan’s people don’t respect him, but it’s our best bet.”
“They’re right.” Bellamy agreed, stepping closer to the group. “We try diplomacy first. If that doesn’t work, we come with reinforcements for the slaves.” He looked at Bryan, knowing he disagreed with the plan that put his friend at risk. “After we take home the machine, right?” Everyone nodded their heads.
The little girl who you wanted to help earlier walked in between you and Bellamy carrying a pitcher of water. As soon as she passed you, she dropped a cloth onto the ground and kept walking. You looked around, trying not to get caught as you stepped on it moving it towards Bellamy to hide it.
“Bell, look down.” You whispered in his ear, pretending like you were helping with the machine. He looked at you in confusion before glancing to the ground, seeing you remove your foot and uncover the note. He didn’t waste a second to crouch down at pick it up, reading it quickly.
“They’re moving them tomorrow.” Bellamy read from the note and stood up, looking back to see you hide your worries.
“We can’t wait.” You told them. If you didn’t get these people out of here, who knows what would happen to them.
“Are there any other exits?” Bellamy asked.
Bryan shook his head. “No. It’s completely sealed. Came down from space in here because it’s the most secure room in the ship.
“It’s designed that way in case the hydrazine blew.” Monty added. Bellamy’s eyes widened.
“What?” You asked, trying to figure out if you missed something.
“We have a bomb.” He whispered, realization dawning on all your faces.
Miller was the first one to speak up, opposed to the idea. “The end of the world is coming, and you want to use our one chance of our people’s survival as a bomb?”
“Not all our people.” Bryan pointed out, glancing at his brother in disbelief. “Riley?”
“I vote take it home.” Miller argued with his boyfriend.
“No, we blow it up.”
“I’m with Bryan.” Harper agreed and sides were beginning to take place. “I know what it’s like to be locked up and afraid. You didn’t leave us in Mount Weather, and we can’t leave them here.”
“Can we build another machine?” You asked Monty, knowing soon a decision was going to come and despite the outcome, people will die.
“Are you kidding? The techs way too advanced.” Monty shot your idea down. You groaned quietly, trying to think of anything.
Bellamy grabbed your hand and squeezed before releasing it. “We have 6 months. You’re telling me Raven can’t figure out another way to make water?”
“Yes.” Monty pressed. You looked around slowly, hoping you all weren’t drawing eyes. Monty sighed. “Look I know you want to make up for the things you done, we all do, but we need to think big picture here. We’re talking about the human race. We need to get this machine back to Arkadia. It’s the only way.”
“It’s two-two, guys. Bellamy? Y/N?”
Your eyes fell on the little girl before you saw Bellamy looking at you. “There are kids here, Bellamy. She can’t be any older than I what I was. I can’t leave them.” Bellamy nodded, grabbing your hand once again and telling the group the plan to save them all.
As soon as the Hydro-generator was free, Monty, Bellamy, Harper, and Bellamy carried the hydro-generator out of the room. Each of them had a hand on it as you passed by the Farm Station people. They looked broken, everyone watching you all, but you kept your head down, looking up only as you passed by the girl once again.
The door closed as you exited walking behind everyone next to Bryan. You heard it shut before Miller lost his hold the generator. “Watch it Miller!” Bryan shouted ahead.
“Wait, wait! Just set it down here!” Monty instructed as the other three listened, letting the generator onto the floor. He bent down, activating the bomb as you and Bellamy locked eyes, preparing for the next few seconds. “Now!”
You turned to the grounder next to you, the same one who held a bow to your head earlier and threw your fist into his face, sending him to the floor in one swing. You were about to run before another came behind you, grabbing your fist to keep from you punching him but you threw your elbow up, hitting him in the nose and sending him backwards.
“Y/N!” Bellamy shouted as you looked up, seeing everyone run back into the other room. You jumped over the bomb, grabbing Bellamy’s hand as the bomb started ticking.
“Kill them!” Dakiva shouted as Bellamy and you grabbed the door, pushing it closed together.
The bomb exploded, taking out most of the ship except the room you were in. The Chief didn’t waste a second before coming after your friends and you, swinging his axe at Miller before Bellamy body checked him. The chief groaned out in pain as Bellamy and Miller started beating him together.
“Stop! Stop!” Bryan shouted as he pulled Miller off. You thought he wanted him to die, that was the plan. Harper kicked the man in the head, and you had to admit, it was a nice kick. “This isn’t your kill! This is Monty’s kill!”
Everyone fell silent, looking at Bryan. “What are you talking about?” Monty asked, stepping out from behind Harper.
“This is the man who killed your father.” You were all in shock. This was Monty’s kill.
He picked up the chief’s axe, holding it his hand as he tried to control his anger.
“Monty, you don’t have to do this.” Bellamy tried getting Monty to listen, but you grabbed his arm, pulling Bellamy back next to you.
Monty didn’t even look at him. “Yeah, I do.” He lifted the axe above his head, grunting in anger as he repeatedly drove the axe into the chains next to him, freeing the slaves. You were proud of him, he didn’t need to kill his father’s killer. Instead, he let Farm Station do it. They needed their revenge more than he did.
Clarke walked into Raven’s workshop, looking around for said engineer. “Raven?” She called out, not receiving any response from Raven, but from Jaha.
“Polyethylene silicon elastomers.” He said, pointing to the barrels next to him. “We don’t need that to survive winter or a grounder attack. What are we really preparing Alpha Station for?” Clarke didn’t say anything, unsure how to approach this. Jaha chuckled, tossing his tools down. “Heavy lies the crown.” He told her. “I know the burden of keeping a secret you think is going to destroy your people.”
“You locked me up.” She stopped him. “You floated my father.”
“Now you understand why. No leader starts out wanting to lie, imprison or execute their people. The decisions you face whittle you down piece by piece.”
Clarke didn’t want to admit it, but Jaha knew what he was talking about. “What do I do?” She asks, needing any advice.
“I’ll tell you what I told your mother after the culling. We make the best decisions that we can with the information that we have, then hope that there's a forgiving god.” Clarke listened, but she knew you all needed more than a forgiving god.
Abby stood by her window, looking down at the city of Polis as her door opened and in walked Kane.
“Can Roan fight?” He asked her, needing to know how much trouble they were in.
Abby shook her head. “It’s too soon.” Based on today’s events, Roan was in no condition to fight anyone.
Kane groaned, letting his head fall. “One simple task and I’m failing.”
Abby comforted him, caressing his cheek. “No. You’ll figure it out.” She assured him, but Kane saw past Abby’s confidence.
“What’s wrong?” He asked, his turn to comfort him.
Abby shook her head, pausing before answering him. “There’s nothing more that I can do for Roan.”
Kane nodded as he understood. “You need to go back to Arkadia and Clarke.” It hurt him, but he knew Abby needed to leave. He caught sigh of her bare neck as he pushed the hair of his way, furrowing his brows. “Your necklace?” Jakes ring no longer sat upon Abby’s neck. Kane pulled Abby into him, kissing her goodbye as he held her.
Octavia walked in the dead of night wearing a black cloak to hide herself amongst the grounders. She took a look around her, making sure she wouldn’t be caught as she walked into Rafel’s home.
“It’s about time, pour the wine.” Rafel told her, unknown to who it really was in his house as he ate. When no wine was poured, he looked up surprised to see Octavia standing there. “What the hell do you want?”
“I’m here to ask you one last time to back down.”
He kept eating his food, picking it apart. “Are you trying to frighten me, little girl?”
Octavia walked around the table, coming closer to him. “If your problem is really with Skaikru, not Roan, challenge me instead.”
“You’re not worthy of my blade.” He laughed at her.
“I came here to change your mind.”
“You can’t. Trishanakru will have its justice.” Octavia picked up the long skinny dagger on the table, twisting it in her hand before forcing it through Rafel’s ear. Rafel’s speak was cut immediately, his head falling onto the table as he died.
“Long live the king.” She said and pulled the weapon out of his ear, cleaning up the blood on the dagger as well as the blood dripping from his ear, leaving no trace this was a murder. She pulled her hood back on, walking out of the deceased ambassador’s home.
The 13 clans met the next day, Rafel’s threat of a challenge looming over Kane and Roan’s head. Kane and the other ambassadors entered the throne room and Kane approached Roan right away. “Please, it’s not too late to cancel.”
“You failed.” Roan said as he sat upon the throne. “We do this Azgeda’s way. Single Combat. Take your seat, ambassador.” Kane wanted to say more but decided against it, moving back into his seat. Roan looked around the room, his eyes falling upon an empty seat for the ambassador. “Where is Rafel kom Trishanakru?” No one answered but the door opened to Echo, marching to Roan and whispering in his ear. He nodded as she stepped away. Roan glanced at a confused Kane before standing up. “The Ambassador was found dead this morning.” Gasps went around the room as Roan went on. “His heart stopped.” Everyone bowed their heads along with Roan. “May the spirits of the commanders guide him safely home.” Kane looked towards Octavia, not needing much to go on to know she killed Rafel. “Let us begin.”
Ilian turned his head, looking to Octavia behind him. “You going to kill me, too?” He asked her.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Octavia played dumb, making Ilian mad as he turned back face front. She extended an arm forward, putting it on his shoulder. “I’m sorry about your family.” She told him before pulling away and leaving the clan meeting.
The ride back to Arkadia was rough, the back of the rover filled to the brim with people as you sat up front with Bellamy and bags on your lap. Bellamy came to a stop as you all climbed out, not saying a word about the mission. Miller and Bryan were already out when you managed, overhearing a bit of their conversation of whether or not Miller thought it was worth saving them. You moved around to the back of the rover, helping people alongside Bellamy. Seeing Alpha Station was a shock to them, they probably hadn’t seen much being in chains.
Bellamy and you helped Riley down, watching his hip as he clutched it in pain. “Riley?” Clarke called out as she approached, confused as to where all these people were coming from.
“Clarke.” Riley whispered before they hugged.
“I can’t believe you’re alive.” She told him, pulling away to look at him.
“I am now.” He turned around, both of them watching you and Bellamy help the little girl and a woman out of the rover.
The little girl clutched the back of Bellamy’s jacket after he helped her down. “Get Riley and the others to the med bay. Tell them we’ll take them to their villages in the morning.” Bellamy told Monty. He started to lead the girl to Riley who stuck out his hand, but she pulled away and ran to you.
You gasped in surprise as she wrapped her arms around your waist, hugging you tightly. You stood there, unsure as what to do before slowly hugging her back. The look of shock on your face remained when she pulled away, letting Riley lead her away.
You hadn’t seen Raven approach, too caught up in your hug before she spoke. “Where is it?” She questioned, not seeing the hydro-generator in the rover.
“We didn’t get the machine.” Bellamy told her, sparing you a glance.
“It didn’t survive the landing?”
“No, it did.” You jumped in. “But we had a choice. Bring the machine or save them.”
“Oh, we are so screwed.” Raven muttered shaking her head.
“We have time. We’ll figure it out, but I’m not sacrificing any more innocent lives.” Bellamy defended himself.
“You just did.”
“I made the call, and I’ll live with it.
Raven scoffed. “Yeah, and you’re not the only one who has to live with your call, as usual.”
You stepped up, tired of this conversation. “Stop! Both of you! You weren’t there. This wasn’t just Bellamy’s call, it mine too. Do you wanna look that kid in the eyes? Go tell Riley that you think we should’ve left them for dead.” You pointed off in the direction Riley and the girl left.
The three of them looking at you in shock as Clarke nodded. “Ok.” She turned to Raven, her voice lowering. “How many of us will the ship sustain without a hydro-generator?” You felt Bellamy’s hand on your back as Raven answered, telling her not more than a hundred. You all sighed, looking out at the people you and Bellamy saved and the people that needed to be saved. “What am I supposed to tell the people now?”
“How about the truth?” Raven suggested, unsure as to why this was even a question. “Crowdsource it, like we talked about.”
Clarke looked to you and you nodded. “Call for a general meeting.” She told Raven who took off. You and Bellamy stayed back with her.
“What are you going to do?” Bellamy asked.
Clarke paused, thinking back on the advice Jaha gave her. “Hope that there’s a forgiving god.”
The meeting was started as soon as everyone was rounded up, Clarke stepping up to address everyone as you stood off to the side with Bellamy and Raven.
Clarke explained everything, all about what ALIE showed you and everything about Praimfaya. “So now you know the truth.” She told them. “I know you’re afraid. I know you’re angry, but when Y/N shut down ALIE, she knew there would a way to get through this together.” Heads turned to look at you, but you didn’t stare back, choosing instead to focus on Clarke’s speech. “Alpha Station is that way. Every single one of us will survive on this ship.”
Your mouth fell open a little. “She didn’t just…” you whispered, looking at Bellamy who nodded. You should’ve known Clarke wouldn’t tell the truth.
She finished up her speech, asking for volunteers and promising them they’ll survive.  She left her spot, joining the three of you.
“Nice Speech.” Sarcasm obviously came from Raven’s voice as Clarke took a deep breath.
“Sometimes hope is more important than truth.”
“Your dad would be so proud.” Raven scoffed at her.
Clarke narrowed her eyes. “You wanted workers. You got them.” Clarke was right, there was a bunch of people who were now volunteering to help. Raven sent her a glare before leaving, leading the volunteers to the hangar bay. The three of you watched her leave.
“We save who can save today.” Bellamy told you both, repeating his words from earlier. You looked up at him, giving him a thin smile before looking to the rover. Your stomach as you caught sight of someone standing there next to it, someone who definitely shouldn’t be there.
You couldn’t believe your eyes and you shouldn’t have because the moment you blinked, she was gone. No one else having seen anything. You cleared your throat, blinking your eyes a few times more as you looked around, your sights landing on the rover in hopes of what? That your deceased friend would be there?
Clarke and Bellamy started walking away but your feet were planted in place. Bellamy paused, seeing you not move. “You coming?”
You looked at him, nodding your head. “Yeah… yeah, I’ll catch up.” You told him. He didn’t say anything as he kept walking taking glances back at you.
You brought your hand up to the back of your neck, feeling the spot where the flame was inserted. The flame? Lexa? The voice?
What the hell?
A/N: Well it’s been a while! Feedback is greatly appreciated and yeah, especially since it’s been a few weeks since I posted Banished. 
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aspiring-ginger · 5 years
Forget-Me-Not Ch.1 (Jaskier x Reader)
Summary: Y/n is a college student who stumbles into the world of the witcher. Part 1 of ???
Warnings: Depression, mental illness, swearing
Word count: 2,823
Pairing(s): Jaskier x fem!reader, platonic Geralt x fem!reader
A/N: Hi guys!! I’ve recently fallen deep into the witcher hell! Having read many modern girl in Thedas fics for dragon age, I figured I’d try my hand at a modern girl in the continent sort of fic! This is my first fic so I apologize for any errors. Feedback always appreciated! Enjoy!
Masterlist I Next I
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You stood up from your spot on the bed with a stretch, wondering how long you’ve been caught up in your work this time. Final exams were coming up and you knew you needed to study quite a bit for that one damned class where the professor just hated your guts. You scoffed at your understatement.
“Hates the whole world and the concept of fun itself, more like”, you grumbled to yourself as you collected various notes and papers strewn about the blankets.
It was nearing the end of fall semester of your second year of college, so time was quickly ticking by until the time came for you to choose your major. You opted to go in undecided, with a plan to get as many generic classes over with first. Frankly, you still had no idea what to choose, and you thought it was ridiculous that you were expected to decide the fate of your whole adult career just based on a few classes. 
You checked the time, 1:47 am. Stuffing everything back into your backpack, you debated whether you should just call it a night and go to bed, or stay up for just a little bit longer doing something you enjoy before bed. You knew it was probably a good idea to go to sleep but you just couldn’t help that itch in your brain that needed some fun. Netflix released their newest series The Witcher which you were very excited for, and had gone and played all of the games in preparation and to get a feel for the world. Obviously you fell in love with the story and you couldn’t wait to watch the show, but you had shown some restraint and restricted yourself from watching any of it until after finals were done because, let’s be honest, you knew you would get sucked in and binge the whole entire thing instead of studying.
It wasn’t too late at night, there have definitely been much later nights this week, plus you had done such a good job actually studying instead of putting everything off until the last minute….. it wouldn’t hurt to watch just one episode, would it? You glanced around the room, noting that your roommate wasn’t there. Right. She said she was studying with her boyfriend and wouldn’t be home that night. “Studying”. You shrugged and changed into your pajamas, then hopped back into bed with a laugh. All your friends had been talking about this show and now you could actually participate in their conversations! You quickly settled in, switched on your tv, and started the first episode.
Your mind was absolutely racing. What a great way to end the season!! You’d been on the edge of your seat waiting to see what would happen to Tissaia and Yennefer, and your heart just melted at the sight of Geralt and Ciri finally meeting. You grabbed your phone to text your best friend all about it when- 
“Oh FUCK,” Your lock screen showed the time, 10:03 am. You missed your fucking 8 am class, the one you had just spent all that time studying for, because you did the exact fucking thing you promised yourself you wouldn’t do. Thankfully it was only a review day before the final, but it was the last review day before the final, and you still had questions on the material. You groaned and slumped down in your bed, burying your face into your pillow. 
’Such a fucking idiot, I cant believe this is fucking happening,’ you thought, tears of frustration welling up in your eyes, ’of course I would do this, this is just so me. Fucking stupid and dumb and worthless and-’
Your spiraling thoughts of self loathing were interrupted by your roommate opening the door and slipping into your shared room. You reluctantly picked up your head when you heard her call out your name with a sigh.
“Really (y/n)? You fall asleep studying again? You really should set an alarm or something, didn’t you miss your early class or whatever?” She asked as she plopped down on her bed, kicking off her shoes. “I know you were super stressed about studying this year but jeez- oh come on. Netflix? Really? What happened to ms ’I’m going to do such a good job studying this semester and kissing professor what’s his face’s ass so I get a good grade’?” She mocked.
Your cheeks burned as you tried to subtly wipe off the tears streaked down your face “Look I actually have been doing a better job at keeping up with my work and everything this semester, so I can stand to take a fucking break every once and awhile!” You huffed
Your roommate rolled her eyes and scoffed, “Seriously? Haven’t you missed like 15 classes or something? Just stop kidding yourself and accept that you’re just not going to get that good of a grade, dude. Plus can’t you just play the whole depression card and get like, an extended deadline or something? Pft, I wish I could have something like that. My life would be sooo much easier. Ugh. Whatever. I’m going to take a nap, I’m tired. If you need to cry go do it somewhere else or I will throw a pillow at you," 
You flipped her off and got out of bed. You still had 2 more classes to go to, and those review packets weren’t going to do themselves. You got ready with a sigh. It was going to be a long day.
You sat down on a bench outside, having just finished your last class of the day. It had been pretty miserable as you predicted, your brain just absolute mush after staying awake for so long. Your temper was definitely shorter, and you had snapped at your friends way more than you should have. You had just paused to take out your earbuds and put on some music for the walk back to your dorm, when you felt a pit settle at the bottom of your stomach. You knew you definitely needed sleep, but that wouldn’t explain your sudden feeling of unease. You sat up and glanced around you, but nothing seemed out of the ordinary. It was only late afternoon but already dark out, and there weren’t many students around. You put your headphones in and adjusted your coat, trying to ignore that feeling and started your walk back home.
As you walked, you could have sworn you saw someone following you out of the corner of your eye, but each time you turned around there was nothing but the usual barren trees and dull leaves covering the sidewalk. You reassured yourself that if somebody actually was following you, you’d be able to hear them crunching the leaves behind you. Even though you were listening to your music. Right. Everything was fine.
You nervously fiddled with the straps of your backpack as you paused to double check behind you. Again, there was nothing there, but you still had that sinking feeling in your stomach and it had only been getting worse as you kept going. You felt the hair on the back of your neck stand on end, and you could’ve sworn you heard something rustle the leaves behind you- you whipped your head back around and there was still nothing. It then crossed your mind that even though it was dark, there definitely should be people around. Classes should be ending and students should be walking home, but there was no one. You began to pick up your pace, going into a nervous jog. Your building was almost in sight, just a few more minutes and then you’d be safe- a hot bolt of terror hit and you broke into a sprint. You didn’t dare look behind you as you ran, you didn’t even know why you were running but you had a feeling that you should. You felt hot breath against the back of your neck and something claw against your back. You pushed yourself to run faster, your blood pounding in your ears along with your music. 
Your feet stomped across the sidewalk, almost there you could almost see your dorm! These damn leaves were everywhere, so many that you couldn’t even make out where the sidewalk ended and the grass began. Your foot slipped, ankle rolling as you fell face first into the leaves. You scrambled back up and continued running, your headphones now hanging around your neck. You spat out leaves as you cursed, weaving between trees that began to slow you down. Wait. Trees? You glanced to where various classrooms and dorms should’ve been, now replaced with thick, dense trees on all sides. You still heard the- the thing, whatever it was, behind you. You felt it’s hot sickly breath on your neck. You could smell the rotting stench of decay and blood. You heard it’s ragged panting and inhuman whine. It’s claws swiped at your back once more, and you seethed in pain. Your ankle was on fire and you didn’t know how much further you could run. 
Suddenly you heard the distinct sound of metal clanging behind you, followed by a wet squelch. You turned your head to look, still running forward, daring to get a glimpse of what possibly could be chasing you. You caught a flash of silver and black and brown before you collided into a tree and everything went black.
You heard muffled conversation when you briefly regained consciousness. It was loud and rushed and sounded like arguing? You couldn’t make out any words so you tried to turn your head in the direction of the noise, but found that task much more difficult than you thought. You huffed at the fogginess of your mind and the shouting came to an abrupt stop. Though you couldn’t open your eyes, you felt the presence of someone in front of you. You heard a murmur of something you couldn’t quite catch- and you slipped back into a deeper sleep.
When you woke for the second time it was a lot quieter than the first. You could hear the crackle of a fire and the wind rustling through leaves above, and smell the smoke from the fire and the damp earth below. There was also a soft melody coming from somewhere to your left, chords plucked out on an instrument you couldn’t quite recognize. You could also hear the grating sound of metal on metal. Was someone sharpening a blade? You groaned as you tried to sit up. Though your body felt stiff and your head full of cotton balls, your muscles responded accordingly. The music came to a stop as you blinked awake.
"Uhh, Geralt? I think she’s awake now, for real. Could you please not use your witchery magic on our mysterious guest so we can actually, I dunno, talk to her? Ask her some questions? Instead of just rushing ahead with your steel or silver- oh alright then,” A voice called out, and you heard the crunch of footsteps coming towards you.
You looked to the source of the voice and found a brown haired man holding a funny looking guitar standing in front of a log near a campfire. You rubbed your eyes and realized no, that wasn’t a guitar but a mandolin? Lute? Some weird instrument, so he must’ve been the source of the music. He was dressed in a dark blue matching set of… some sort of renaissance costume? His jacket was undone and he wore a plain white shirt underneath, the top of which was unlaced so a few strands of chest hair poked out. His loose yet tight fitting pants were tucked into a pair of tall leather boots. He sure looked committed to his costume, even holding a quill in his other hand.
Your attention was quickly turned to the man approaching you. He had long silver hair, half pulled back, and was dressed in all black. His outfit matched the same renaissance theme as his friend, though less showy and more practical. His tight leather pants, rolled up sleeves, and very realistic looking sword were certainly eye catching, but what drew you in the most were his eyes. They were a bright golden color, and his irises had a slight curve to them that almost reminded you of a cat’s. You realized that they must be cosplayers who already have costumes from the new show. They were both very high quality, and the special attention to detail was amazing.
The Geralt cosplayer knelt down in front of you, his hand gripping your shoulder tight.
“Who are you and where did you come from?” He demanded with a very accurate impression of the Geralt voice.
“I-I uh,” you cleared your voice “My name is (y/n) and I’m from (hometown). I was just walking back from class to my dorm when this thing started chasing me and I was running and- wait, what happened to it? Where am I? And why the hell are you guys dressed like that what’s going on?! Is this some sort of prank or something? Or- or a photoshoot? I don’t understand,”
You tried to scooch back away from the strange man, but his grip stayed strong and he just narrowed his eyes. 
“Oh the Ekimmara? Geralt already delt with it, my lady, don’t you fret. You’re safe now with us,” The Jaskier lookalike piped up from his log.
The Geralt sighed, “Yes, the Ekimmara is dead. You reek of magic and your clothes are strange, yet I can sense that you’re not a mage. Who are you?”
You had to admit, their costumes were amazing and their impressions were flawless. They even looked strikingly similar to the real actors.
“Look I already told you. I was at school, something chased me, and I woke up here. I’m already having a shitty day with my classes and college bullshit, and I just want to go home. Your cosplays are very nice, but I really don’t have time for this,”
“College? As in Oxenfurt University? I’ll have you know I just graduated from there before running into Geralt here, but I can’t say I recognize you. Are you perhaps in more art and painting classes? Although I am, of course, a master of the seven arts- poetry and song are much more my strong suit,” The Jaskier said, walking up.
“Jaskier,” Geralt warned with a glare, removing his hand from your shoulder.
“Look I get it! You really have the characters down. Can I please just go home now?” You shifted away from Geralt. You realized you weren’t wearing your coat, instead it had been draped across you acting as a makeshift blanket as you sat on a bed roll.
“Characters? My lady, are you alright? See, Geralt? I told you to go easy with the axii nonsense, now she’s confused.” Jaskier exclaimed with a scoff.
Geralt narrowed his eyes at you and put his sword down. 
“What? I’m not confused!” You protested “You even have the Jaskier attitude down perfect. Can I go now? Or you at least tell me where we are?”
“You know my name? How do you know who I am, I haven’t even introduced myself yet! I know I’ve played at many of the local taverns, but I would’ve recognized a face so lovely as yours,” Jaskier tried to mask his unease with his usual flirtatious remarks.
Geralt held a hand up for Jaskier to stop talking “Who do you think we are, and what do you know of us?”
“Well that’s easy,” you scoffed. “You’re dressing up as Geralt of Rivia. You know witcher, white wolf, travelling with your best friend Jaskier. And then you would be Jaskier-or Dandelion but I think you’re aiming for more Jaskier.”
Jaskier looked stunned, while Geralt pressed further “Dressing up as?”
“Yes. Cosplaying, whatever term you want to use. And you’re doing a great job acting like them too, but you can cut it out now. It was cool, but now it’s just getting old." 
"So…you think we’re acting? Playing the roles of Geralt and myself? We’re not characters, we’re real. And I’m not his best friend. A friend definitely, but he would never admit it. What do you know us from?”
“The Witcher. The show, the games, the books. They’re super popular again. I think it’s even back on the charts for top selling fantasy or something." 
Geralt and Jaskier exchanged looks.
"Geralt, why don’t you show her something to prove that you’re the real deal. Something only a witcher could do?”
Geralt raised his hand and traced a symbol in the air. A small ball of flame appeared in his hand, which he stretched out towards you. You could feel the heat from the fire against your skin and you looked at the two men in shock.
“What the fuck?!”
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agerefandom · 4 years
Books and Pigments
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(art by @sparrowinged​, story written for @sparrowinged​)
Fandom: Critical Role
Characters: Regressor!Caleb, regressor!Jester, featuring Mama!Nott, caregiver!Ford, and the rest of the Mighty Nein in the background (Beau, Yasha, and Molly)
Words: 3,000
Summary: Upstairs, Jester gives Caleb a bath and they both find the process nostalgic. Downstairs, the others discuss ‘somechildren,’ people who never fully grow up. They’re well-known in Wildemount, but much more accepted on the Menagerie Coast.
Content warnings: ‘Little’ is used as an adjective, but not a noun. Caleb’s backstory is briefly alluded to, as is memory loss from trauma. There is drinking (done by adults). Nott is considered a mother and is referred to as such.
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Note: I’m only on episode 47, please excuse any backstory gaps!
Nott was the last to join the table, crawling onto a chair and grabbing a drink that was already on the table, downing most of it in one go.
“Nott!” Molly greeted her from the other side of the table, raising his own tankard to her. “Are the others not coming?”
“Jester has insisted on giving Caleb a bath,” Nott said once she was finished with her beer. “I left him in her capable hands.”
“Capable at many things,” Fjord pointed out. “I hope she’s feeling kind this evening, or Caleb may be in trouble.”
“He’ll be fine.” Nott crawled partly onto the table to drag a plate of meat towards herself, tucking some of it into her pockets. “He does have magic, after all.”
“So does Jester,” Beau said from across the table. Nott flapped a hand at her dismissively.
“Caleb is better.”
“Okay, but if the two of them were in a fight,” Beau started, leaning forwards.
“Jester would win,” Yasha finished.
Nott glared at them both, crossing her arms. “You don’t have enough faith in him,” she said reproachfully. “He’s a very powerful wizard!”
“Yeah, but have you seen Jester’s biceps?” Beau asked.
Nott gave up on the battle in the interest of fitting as much ham as possible into her mouth, and the conversation moved onto arm wrestling shortly after that, shifting with the usual chaos of the Mighty Nein’s evenings off.
Meanwhile, upstairs:
Jester was gentler than Caleb had expected, double-checking the temperature of the water and adding another half-bucket before gesturing for Caleb to undress. She hovered around him, snatching his clothes as he removed them and folding them to lie on the bench by the door. Once he was naked, she ushered him towards the washtub.
Sure enough, the water was perfect as Caleb sank into it, not hot enough to scald but warm enough to turn his pale skin rosy as it met the surface.
“Look at your freckles!” Jester cooed, poking Caleb’s shoulders as she bustled around him, preparing the soaps. Caleb hunched forward, self-conscious despite himself. They had all been in the public baths together, and had helped each other with their armour many times. Nevertheless, he was aware of his scars and spots, and didn’t appreciate Jester’s wandering hands.
“Relax,” Jester ordered, as if sensing Caleb’s wandering thoughts. “I am a good girl, I can keep my hands on task.” This was apparently all the warning she deemed necessary before dumping a bucket of lukewarm water over Caleb’s head, plastering his hair over his face until he spat it out of his mouth and tried to push it back.
“Leave it!” Jester’s hands batted Caleb’s away, and she guided him to lean against the edge of the washtub, combing his hair back with sudsy hands. “You’ll just get it more dirty with your stinky fingers.” Caleb was about to protest her wording when she started to dig her fingers into his scalp, and he abruptly found himself melting into the touch. He had not had someone else wash his hair for a very long time, not since far into his childhood. He closed his eyes, although he wasn’t sure if he wanted to chase the memories or push them away. Parts of his childhood had been missing when he’d returned to himself, gaps in his memory that led to disorienting echoes like Jester’s fingers in his hair. Jester’s voice brought him back from the confusion, humming a quiet tune that Caleb did not recognize.
Caleb found himself drifting through the rest of the bath, with Jester’s hands shielding his eyes from the suds she rinsed out of his hair, guiding him from position to position so that she could rub sweet-smelling lotions into his hair, his cheeks, his back. She even washed the bottoms of his feet before smearing a handful of soap into his palm and gesturing for him to finish the rest of his body. Through every motion, her humming got louder, until she was singing little pieces of foreign songs to herself as she brought over the final bucket of water.
The washing water had become quite dirty, and Jester rinsed Caleb’s body with the last fresh water as he stood up from the tub. She wrapped a soft blanket around him and tugged him out of the bath with a giggle. Caleb followed where she led, feeling pleasantly distant and oddly content.
Jester sat him on a stool and started to comb out his hair, making tiny braids as she sang those little snatches of simple but unfamiliar songs.
Jester had been singing for long enough that her speaking voice almost startled Caleb when she put down the comb. “Do you want to take a nap?” She ran her hands through his hair. “Or I could give you a haircut.”
“Nap,” Caleb said quickly. It was the preferable of the two options: Jester had been gentle enough with the comb, but he didn’t want to test their luck with a sharp blade near his ears. “Nap is good.”
“Naps are the best,” Jester corrected, pulling Caleb off the stool and towards the door without sparing a glance at his clothes. “Come on, let’s go!”
“Clothes,” Caleb managed to protest.
“Who needs clothes?”
“Me!” Caleb managed to pull his wrist free of Jester’s grasp and scoop up his abandoned clothes with one arm. His outer layers and everything important were back in his room, but he didn’t want to leave things in the bath room to get taken.
“We’ll get fresh clothes in your room, but I want to nap in my bed,” Jester said, in a tone that invited no challenges. Caleb nodded and followed her down the hallway, watching Jester’s skirts swish as she skipped past each door, her tail bobbing behind her. She stopped outside of Caleb and Nott’s room, gesturing for Caleb to go in and get changed. Caleb wandered into the room, sat down on the bed, and decided that he didn’t want to get up. The warm water of the bath and the gentle washing had made him too sleepy, and there was no way he was budging.
“Caaaaleb,” Jester whined from the doorway. “I want to go to my room!” Caleb ignored her, leaning back on the mattress and wrapping his blanket tighter around him. It was soft and perfect and he wasn’t leaving, no matter how loudly Jester protested. “Caaaaleb!!” Although her voice was rather disturbing the tranquility of the room. “Nap in my room! Get your clothes!”
With a huff, Caleb rolled sideways off the bed and managed to collect a few items of clothing, stumbling towards Jester in the doorway and accepting the hand she had stretched out towards him. She pulled him down the hallway and into the room that the girls shared, shutting the door behind them before jumping at the double bed with an impressive leap and rolling across it in a blur of petticoats and skirts.
“Sleepover, Caleb!” Jester popped back up to sitting, and patted the bed beside her enthusiastically. Caleb wandered over and she pulled him down on the mattress with a little more force than necessary. It was very comfortable, Caleb acknowledged. Maybe even more comfortable than the bed in his room. He wiggled back and forth to get himself properly wrapped up in his blanket, and then let his head rest against the covers of the bed. Jester was arranging herself beside him, wrapping one arm over his swaddled side and pulling him back against her. She was inhumanly warm, impossibly cozy, and as she started to hum a quiet song, Caleb felt his eyes drifting closed.
“Oh, that was nothing, remember the time that she decided to drop a box of manure on that priest of the Allhammer?”
“Y’all think Jester is a troublemaker now, you should see her when she’s feeling little,” Fjord offered to the discussion. “No one is safe.”
“Jester’s a somechild?” Molly asked, leaning forwards. “I’m surprised I didn’t realize sooner.”
“Oh yeah. She isn’t little often.” Fjord finished his drink and wiggled it in the air for a refill. “Sweetest thing but a handful for anyone. I met her when she was little, actually.”
“Are somechildren more common where you come from?” Nott asked.
“Yeah, the Menagerie Coast is a lot better about them,” Fjord said. “Nicodranas has a whole district dedicated to them, and it’s the loudest part of the city. Empire kids come there all the time for a break, I hear.”  
“Most of the Empire’s not big on them,” Beau confirmed. “Never understood why, I think they’re sweet. And it doesn’t stop Jester from being the most badass tiefling I’ve ever met—no offence, Molly.”
“Jester can have the baddest ass as long as I have the sweetest,” Mollymauk laughed. “Also, I bet I could take Jester in a fight.” Beau made a doubtful sound. “What, don’t believe me? I’ll go and get her now, settle it here.”
“Fuck yeah!” Beau sprang to her feet. “I’ll come with you and get her.”
“Two gold on Molly,” Nott muttered to Fjord.
“I’ll take that bet. He’s gonna go easy on her.”
“You clearly don’t know him well enough,” Yasha interjected. “He doesn’t go easy on anyone over the age of fifteen.”
“Either way, I think we’ll be spending our bet money repairing the bar if we don’t convince them to take it outside,” Fjord pointed out, and made to follow the two who’d already left. The others brought their drinks, but trailed obediently up the stairs to watch the outcome.
“They only need to drink every few days, and retrieve much of their hydration from the plant matter they consume.” Jester giggled at Caleb’s fancy words, focused on the drawing that she was working on. “They can eat up to seventy-five stones worth of vegetation in a single day, but do not kill the trees they feed on.”
“They eat stones?” Jester asked, reaching for a different colour.
“Nein!” Caleb laughed. “Die bäume! Leaves!”
“Ohhhh.” Jester added a rock anyways in the grass. “Keep reading!”
“Um… The trees of the area are best known for their wide leaves, and their layered appearance.” Caleb’s voice was different when he was reading, his accent lighter with the care he used in pronouncing each word. Jester looked critically at the tree she had already drawn and was about to start on another one when the door opened.
“Here they are!” Molly’s voice came from behind her.
Jester turned with a smile, putting down the stick of pigment that she had been using to draw. “Hi Molly! Caleb is teaching me about South Marquet! Have you ever seen a giraffe?”
“Can’t say that I have, sweetheart.” Molly leaned himself against the doorframe, all sparkly and pretty. Jester wanted to draw a star on his cheek, but she would have to wait until he was asleep, probably. “Have you?”
“I saw one in a cage once! It looked like this!” Jester showed Molly her drawing.
“Hmm, that’s pretty neat.” Molly came closer to look at it. “You’re a very good artist, Jester.”
“I know I am!” Jester had to lean around Molly’s legs to look at Caleb. He was curled up on the bed with a pile of blankets around him, a big book open on his lap. He’d stopped reading when Molly came in and now he looked like he was trying to hide himself in the blankets. “Caleb, what are you doing?”
Jester received no answer, only a muffled squeak from the pile of blankets. She pushed herself to her feet, ready to go extract her friend from his hiding place, but Fjord walked in the door and she froze, tucking her hands behind her back and puffing out her chest.
Fjord’s gaze travelled over the room before landing on her, and he sighed. “Jester, you know you’re supposed to come and find me when you’re little.”
“I’m not!” Jester protested. “I’m big!”
“Uh-huh. Because I know for a fact that big Jester wouldn’t be very happy to get pigment all over her nice blue dress, and tends to use paper like a big girl, and not draw on the walls of an inn that she’ll have to pay for.” Jester glanced back at her drawing, which was indeed on the wall of the room.
“That was Caleb,” she tried. “I didn’t do it.”
“Oh.” Fjord nodded understandingly. “And did he get pigments on your dress as well?”
“Yep!” Jester bobbed her head. Thank goodness, he was going for it! Maybe Caleb would get in trouble and she would get to watch.
“Alright.” Fjord got really close to her, all unfairly tall and wide and green. “Let me see your hands.” Jester hesitated, but when Fjord put his hands out, palms-up, she obediently put her hands into his. He traced the lines of colour on her palms, showing where she had held the sticks of pigment. “That’s what I thought.” He dropped Jester’s hands and she hunched her shoulders, embarrassed at being caught in the lie. It wasn’t her fault! Fjord was just really smart. That was why he was going to the Academy when they got there!
“You ready to be honest with me?” Jester nodded her head wordlessly. “That’s good. Are you little, Jester?” Jester couldn’t help pouting at the question, but she nodded anyways. “Thank you. And why are you supposed to come and get me when you’re little?”
“Cause it’s dangerous,” Jester sighed. “And I could get hurt.”
“That’s right.” Fjord put a hand on the top of her head, right between her curved horns. “We’re visiting the Empire right now, and they aren’t as friendly as in Nicodranas, so it’s important to stick close.”
“Okay.” She didn’t know why they were visiting the stupid Empire anyways when people in Nicodranas were so much more fun. Stupid Empire. Stupid Fjord.
“Where’s Caleb gone, anyways?”
Jester lifted her head to see that Molly had left the room at some point, and Caleb had effectively hidden himself in the blankets, with only the still-open book poking out from the pile.
“He’s playing hide and seek!” She shook off Fjord’s hand and bounced towards the bed. “Caaaleb, I’m coming to find you!” Caleb stayed quiet, but Jester knew where he was. She pounced on the pile and sure enough it squirmed underneath her, trying to push her off.
“Lass den Quatsch!!” she heard Caleb protesting, and she rolled off with a giggle, helping him remove the blankets. Once Caleb was revealed, he was pouting, his hair a staticky mess from the struggle.
“Found you!” Jester pulled him in for a hug and he allowed it, wrapping his arms back around her. When she finally released him, he wriggled backwards into the blanket pile again, pulling one around his shoulders. Caleb sure liked blankets a lot!
Jester glanced over her shoulder at Fjord, who was watching them curiously without saying anything.
“Do you want to play with us? You can hide next if you want!”
Caleb made a sound like a deflating balloon and flopped forwards, his blanket covering his head.
“Stop that!” Jester pulled him back up to sitting. “You’re not supposed to hide anymore, I found you.” Caleb whined, tugging against Jester’s grasp on his blanket.
“Caleb?” Nott appeared in the doorway as if summoned by the noise, and was pushing Jester away before she could even blink.
“Hey!” Jester protested, trying to get back to Caleb.
“You were hurting him!” Nott accused, standing between them. She was eye-level with Jester like this, with Jester kneeling on the bed, and she looked super mad and scary.
“I wasn’t! He was hiding!”
“Mama?” Caleb’s voice was quiet, but Nott immediately turned to him. “She’s nice.”
“Okay. I believe you.” Nott gave Jester a second look, still not looking very friendly, and then swept Caleb up in a hug, her arms and legs wrapping around his shoulders and torso. Caleb buried his nose in her shoulder, and Jester subsided onto her butt, letting them have their moment.
“Do you want me to send them away?” Nott asked, her voice quiet. Jester was still close enough to hear the question.
Caleb shook his head, and Nott detached from him, lowering her feet to the mattress and keeping one hand on Caleb’s cheek. “Okay.”
“I understand why you were asking about the Menagerie Coast now,” Fjord said from behind them. “Didn’t realize you were a caregiver.”
“Mother,” Nott corrected him, stroking clawed fingers through Caleb’s newly clean and shiny hair. “I did tell you that he was my boy.”
“Right, right.” Fjord nodded. “I’m sorry for intruding, I didn’t know he and Jester were playing together.”
“He was telling me about giraffes!” Jester said, pointing to her art again.
“He’s a very clever boy, isn’t he?” Nott sounded proud. Jester thought she was probably a really good mom. She could tell those kinds of things about people.
“He can read all kinds of books and he doesn’t even sound really funny most of the time when he’s reading!” Jester said. Caleb made a ‘hmph’ sound. “I mean, he doesn’t sound funny at all ever!” she added. “He’s really smart.”
Caleb’s hands reached for the book, pulling it onto his lap and hugging it to his chest.
“Would you read to me again?” Jester asked, scooting forwards on the bed. “I was really enjoying it.”
“Do you want some paper for your illustrations this time?” Fjord asked, already holding it out in her direction.
“Yeah!” Jester stretched her arms out and waited for Fjord to bring it over. “I can make you more pictures!”
“Mm-hm.” Caleb opened the book and spent a few seconds flicking through the pages before settling on one, looking up and waiting for everyone to settle down. Fjord closed the door and took a seat on the floor by the bed once Jester’s paper had been delivered, joining the audience for Caleb’s story. Caleb glanced nervously at him, and then up at Nott standing beside him.
“You are very good at reading,” Nott told him. “But you don’t have to.”
Caleb cleared his throat, put one finger under the line he was reading, and started again. “The trees in the region are best known for their wide leaves and layered appearance.” Jester started on her drawing, all four of them settling in for an unplanned quiet evening.
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serena-hart-09 · 3 years
A Story’s Analyzation Chapter 8: Normal Day~ It’s a normal day~ It’s only a normal day~
Summary: Mc talks with Solomon... and also bonds with Leviathan and Beel. *sigh* finally.... the grand entrance of the “new character” really shocked me.... Well, anyways I hope you like this chapter! As always have a great day ahead!
A long sigh leaves from Lucifer’s mouth as he looks at the perpetrators of the scene, Mammon and Beelzebub. Mammon positively looks like a scared animal and Beelzebub looks like a kicked puppy. He begins as he sighs for the hundredth time, “So, how did the kitchen and Mc’s room end up like this?”
This meaning, completely destroyed.
Mammon lets out some ‘ums’ and ‘ah’s as he stutters while trying to explain. It is Beelzebub who finally give him a concrete explanation, “Mammon ate my pudding, the one that I specifically labelled as mine. I saw him eating and I lost…. My composure….” He looks down, guilty, as he finishes his explanation.
“…I see.” Lucifer thinks for a minute as he looks at the now disinterested Mc, who was laying down on the love seat of his room looking up at the ceiling, actively ignoring everyone in the room. In their own world. Mc hasn’t said one word since the incident and quietly followed him with his two brothers in his room…..
“Mc.” He calls them. He is then met with the most tired face he has seen in his life. As if they are tired from just breathing. He coughs, to avoid laughing in this situation, “You will be living in Beel’s room for the time being until the kitchen and your room are repaired.”
“Ok.” They say simply, they then continue looking up at the ceiling. ‘What has happened to this human?’ he thinks. The room is silent after the lukewarm response.
Silence is not forever, you know?
“OI.” A certain demon of greed shouts to get the attention of the other people in the room.
“No Mammon.” Lucifer cuts before he can say anything.
“But I haven’t even started!”
“I know what you will say, so, no.”
During this, Beel looks at the human with curiosity. As he feels something is out of the place. Something that should have happened, regardless of the situation… ‘A pact. A pact with Mammon….’ He thinks as he continues looking at them…. And then back at his brothers who are still….. fighting? Having a conversation? Debate? He wasn’t sure as he was tangled in his thoughts…about it all….. at the surface it didn’t made sense….  Why should he be worried? At all? This means that it is good that Mc doesn’t have a pact with his brother for his protection?
It didn’t made sense…
He looks back at Lucifer and Mammon….
They are still going on…
He should probably stop them…
“Mammon its okay I will live in Beel’s room as planned…”
All the brothers look at Mc. They seem far too disinterested for some reason…
They look at Beel with a tired smile, “So, can you help me bring my stuff from my room?”
“Yeah, sure.” He smiles, forgetting the thoughts he had before.
There was a lot of stuff that was not damaged….
Currently, Beel was helping them move some of their stuff like clothes, other daily necessities and stuff. While the stuff that they won’t use everyday but will use it when needed were kept in boxes.
“Beel.” He looks up from his work to see his brother, Leviathan.
“Lucifer is calling for you; I don’t know for what but he says he wants to meet you in his study or something.”
“Ah, ok thank you Levi.” He smiles but he is ignored as Leviathan looks at one of Mc’s stuff and lets out one of his big infamous ‘WOOOOAAAAAAHHHH’s.
“That’s- that’s the limited-edition booklet of TSL!” Leviathan runs towards the book like its his last food in Devildom. “Ahhh, I always wanted this! I lost the chance to get it 4 years back and now its in front of me!”
“That is Mc’s stuff.” Beel tells him with a straight face.
“It’s their stuff.”
“No way! This can’t be that normie’s!”
“Who said I am a normie?”
A voice comes from the door, its Mc who is looking at Leviathan as if a mother was giving her child, The StareTM . “Plus, don’t you think it is rude to touch other people stuff without their permission?”
Levi looks away in embarrassment, “I-I mean, I was just surprised is all…”
“Alright. What about the ‘normie thing’?”
“Um-uh I thought that you were a normie….”
“…Do you like the TSL series?”
“Huh? Of course, I love it!”
“Oh? Who’s your favourite character?”
“The Lord of Shadows! He is the best!”
“I know right! I love his character development too! Like how he went from a cute and shy baby to confident and responsible!”
“I know! I like his friendship with Henry!”
“Oh, my Devildom! Me too! Eyyyyy! High Five!”
Though, no clap was heard….
“Eh…. Leviathan?”
“…” He looked away, blushing. “I-I should go… Or else I’ll miss the latest episode of ‘Oh no! I’ve been trapped in a game and the game master is after my soul so I must break some rules of the game to annoy them and escape with my lover and his family to the real world!’”
“Oh…. Um is it new?”
“Yeah just last week it aired its first episode… um so…. i-if you need my help… you can uh-um call me!” he runs away hiding his face in his hands.
“What was that?”
“I don’t know either, but it was very cute! Hehe!”
Beel looks at them smiling.
“Uh Beel? Didn’t Lucifer call you?”
“Oh. Alright.”
Ah, it is quite peaceful..
A very familiar scream was heard in the class. With the scream however, there were gasps and many disappointed sighs….
Mc sighs again while looking at Mammon, it seems he some how chanted the spell incorrectly and now he has turned into a cat and in a dog, now in a rat… The professor seems to try his best to remove the curse…. Though it’s impossible as Mammon is jumping everywhere in panic….. Satan too is trying to help him with no avail….
They sigh again….. as the class is now in chaos… their morning had been chaotic their afternoon? Well, with their reaction for this situation….as if something more chaotic happened resulting, into them being numb to their surroundings. It seemed that at this point they wanted to go home or die… either works for them. ‘Is their anything else that I have to see today?’
“Why are you sighing so much? What is he? Your disappointment of a child?”
They look up, back straightening.
‘This guy…… Of course….’
“No, I am just tired.”
“Hm… Well, it seems that class won’t return to normal for the next 47 minutes…. How about we talk?” he sits beside them…. A little too close.
“No thanks. I have way more better things to do than talking to you.”
“Oh~ come on. Just a little chitchat?”
“No.” they try to get up from their seat.
…They can’t? Mc looks at Solomon in shock, his smug face is all that they need to understand..
“You cursed my seat?”
“Hehe…. It seems you are not as naïve as I thought you were…” he smirks at them.
“Oh? Did I disappoint you?”
“Not at all.”
“….What do you want from me?”
“You know that very well…” he moves himself near to them…. So much that they are one would think that they were kissing… he whispers in their ears, “I want a pact with you….. that’s all I want…”
“….and you think I will give it you?”
“Of course not, best things come with a price….. well, what is yours? Tell me.”
“Your heart or soul then.”
“Playing hard to get?”
“I am just stating my price….”
“You know I can’t give you that.”
“Then the deal is off.”
“Is there something else that you want?”
“There has to be.”
“Tch. I already told you I’m not interested.”
“Hm…. I am sure you know the reason very well.”
“Aww, are you still mad at me?”
“Oh? Was I not very clear?”
He only laughs, “It’s alright, maybe one day……. I’ll be able to convince you or maybe fate will, who knows? Truly who knows of the future, right?”
“Shut up.”
Both of them look up to find, Lucifer staring intensely at Solomon.
“You should sit a little away from Mc.” He speaks in a threatening voice.
“Oh, good evening Lucifer! Why are you here?”
“A certain idiot cursed himself. So, I am here to clean the mess. Now, move.”
“Alright. Alright. Mc, Lucifer, have a good day.” And so, he leaves the both of them alone.
“Oh, well, you did request the favor from me so-”
“Let’s go and help Mammon.”
“Shit, did Mammon just turned into a monkey?”
He looks at said monkey…. This will take while, huh?
 “Ah, Diavolo. Good evening.”
“Good evening to you too, Mc. I am sorry if I disturbed you.”
“No, not at all I just finished my homework so I was already free.” They say stretching their arms. Today they had a lot of homework it was all easy so it didn’t take them much time.
“Though, its quite rare for you to call me.”
“Ah, yes I wanted to call you regarding my-”
“Your sister? I understand. When do you want to meet?” they were glad that they were alone. Beel said he was going out to run an errand and also to go to Madam Scream’s promising them that he will bring them one of his favourite shortcake.
“Its just….. Why do you know my sister?”
“…..I think that discussion needs to be done face to face, Diavolo
“…. You are right.”
“Is there anything else you wanted to talk about?”
“….Yes.” ‘He sounds serious…’ they think ‘must be something important..’
“So, what is it?”
“Mc….. Are you and Lucifer finally dating?”
“Diavolo…. Why are you so hellbent on matchmaking Lucifer and I?”
“Because you two look cute together!”
“Alright! We’ll meet each other again on Friday after classes!”
They sigh setting their D.D.D. down on the bed.
Something….. feels out of place….
Their neck… feels like its burning….
It feels good…..
So good….
So warm…..
They moan.
It feels so-
Wait what?
They touch their neck just to feel nothing…
What was that?
They go to the bathroom to wash their face they look in the mirror-
They had a giant mark on their neck…… which very suspiciously resembled that of one of the brother’s sigil…….
But then in a flash it disappeared…
Was it the sigil that was doing weird things to them before?
‘What is happening?’
… There was one man- I mean Demon who could answer them…. Without being overly suspicious of them… and then obsessively observe them on a daily basis….. the one that seemed like he was mentally stable…..
So, they walk to his room and knock gently on his door.
“Oh? Mc? Did you need help with something?”
“Ah, yeah…”
“Come on in then.” He smiles softly.
They turn around to look at the eldest.
“I was searching for you….. I wanted your help with something…… if you are free, would you please come in my study with me?”
“Um Lucifer I-”
“They are not free, Lucifer. They needed my help with something… about curses right?” he smiles at them though his words are full of venom.
“Oh? Maybe I can help you, Mc?”
“Uh no Lucifer…. This time only Satan can help me….hehe…” they smile apologetically.
“Anyways, Mc come in. You, get back to your work.” He looks at Lucifer, bored.
“Excuse me?”
And then Satan slams the door on Lucifer’s face.
“I always wanted to do that! Hahaha!”
Both of them laughed for 2 minutes straight.
“Anyways… what is it you want my help from?”
“Ah, yes, I wanted you to talk to you about something. Its, -“
Then, only static was heard….
They tried again…. And even then only static was heard… again….
They look at Satan and he looks like he is frozen in place, like a statue.
They took a deep breath…
“Satan could you teach me more about History of Devildom?”
“Of course!”
This seemed to work, huh.
‘What is really happening?’
“Satan?” they look at him and now… he is only staring at them?
“Hm? Oh yes, sorry I-”
“Its ok. So, let’s get this over yes?”
It’s weird….
Its….. wrong…
It has been a while, Reader did you enjoy the story so far?
Oh? its slow? Well, many stories need a lengthy plot to progress forward you know?
So, did you finally find the clues I gave you in the story?
Good. Because you will need them. Even the ones in the future chapters…
That fool… he finally entered in here huh?
Reader, don’t worry that psychotic idiot won’t do anything to you…….
For now.
That man is an idiot, after all, he is chasing after you, the person beyond this screen.
Not the Mc, not the “Reader”.
You, Y/N.
Hm, or rather, [Name] or [reader name] are also some ways to refer you right?
He is nothing but puppet controlled by someone else…. Yet he thinks that he has broke those chains…. Poor soul, he does not even know that he is still being controlled.
But who am I to change one’s fate?
I am not a God nor a Demon nor an Angel….
To be honest, he still is struggling to write/talk, sometimes talking in codes…..
He will fail….
No matter what….. that is certain….
And then, he will go back to the same scenery that he hated so much……
Understandable, because he was all alone…..
In his world, he alone came to know the truth after all.
Even if he is playing the role that is given to him he is merely doing it get in contact with the Mc………
Next time, maybe, it will be him you will meet….
But let’s hope Tohei comes back too…. They are worried about you…..
Maybe, they know that the interference is him.
Please be Safe…
All of us would hate it if something were to happen to you…
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nerolith · 4 years
It’s your fault that I am mean now: all the oh lalala questions please~!
1. Top turn on? Being shown I am wanted. I should add by the particular individual that wants me and I want them is a top turn on.
2. Last time you had sex with the opposite gender?  Few weeks ago.
3. Last time you had sex with the same gender? That is even longer I was in my early 30's
4. Last time you masturbated? Every day. Usually in the shower easy clean up haha.
5. What’s the weirdest thing that has turned you on? Dammit... The thought of having sex on top of a horse while it wanders in the back nine.
7. What’s the weirdest kind of porn you’ve watched?  Pirate porn haha.
8. How often do you masturbate/have sex? Sex isn't often. I masturbate everyday if I am up for it.
9. Have you ever taken nude pictures? Close enough to being nude?
10. Dom or Sub? I'm Dominic Toretto
11. Is pain a good thing? Only if there is a want for it.
12. Do you like biting? Hahem I do.
13. Do you like scratching? Not skin breaking hard.
14. Are you slightly horny right now? I'm a guy what does that tell you? Haha.
15. Are you very horny right now?  Haha
16. Do you like face fucking? If the other individual was into it.
17. 10 of your biggest turn ons?
Dammit again, 10? Should I give a novel of exactly how to turn me on? Haha
Don't most of these questions give away turn ons?
18. Do you cook naked? I have and likely will again.
19. Do you like foreplay?  Love it.
20. Have you had a vaginal orgasm? Erhm no.
21. Do you like sex with women? I do.
22. Do you like sex with men? I do.
23. Would you have sex with a trans* person? Yes, a feeling is a feeling.
24. Do you like your nipples played with? Sure? Can't say I've had it done to really know. Haha.
25. Do you like your lips bitten? Of course, it releases the excitement don't you think?
26. Do you like to kiss with tongue? I do.
27. How often do you masturbate? Wasn't this established already? Haha.
28. Have you masturbated while someone else was in the room? Hm I haven't.
29. Would you have sex with a married person? If they were married to me.
30. Would you have sex with a couple/multiple people? That would depend on how my partner would feel on it. Being single? Not sure to be honest haha.
31. Do you go outside naked? If it was private setting where I could I likely would.
32. Do you like being woken up with sex? Never had it happen, perhaps start with oral.
33. Do you give oral? I do.
34. Would you let someone eat off of you? Haha what? Sure? If they wanted to?
35. What is the youngest/oldest you would sleep with? No younger than 30 and up that is just a number. For the most part.
36. Do you like having drunk sex? I haven't been drunk in years I don't know.
37. Do you enjoy wearing lingerie? No.
38. What is your favorite thing about sex?  From start till finish and after.
39. What is your favorite sexual setting? Basically anywhere as long as we are both sexual? Haha?
40. Would you ever fool around in a movie theater? Given the opportunity why not?
41. Would you ever make a porno with your bf/gf? Likely not.
42. Would you ever do a photo shoot in sexy clothes for your bf/gf? Sure?
43. Do you like it rough or sensual?: would depend on the mood and treatment of it. Haha.
44. Do you prefer to be with the opposite sex or the same sex? or both? It is all on who I like and gain that feeling for doesn't matter what their sex will be.
45. How often do you get drunk and have wild, crazy sexy with a complete stranger? Never.
46. How do you feel about one night stands? I am not against them. Sometimes they happen.
47. Do you prefer to make love or fuck? Both
48. Have you ever watched porn while having sex? Yes.
49. How long do you usually fore-play before doing the deed? As long as the moment calls for it.
50. Do you like kissing during sex? Yes.
51. Does size matter? Erhm.
52. How many sexual partners have you have in the last month? 1
53. What does your favorite foreplay include? The usual, toys.
54. Have you ever done anal? If so, did you like it?  I've given it and I like it.
56. Do you ever worry about how you’re pleasing your partner? Listen to them? Listen to their body and you should have a problem.
57. Could you live without sex? No.
58. How long does a typical sexual episode last for you? Again depends on the person and mood.
59. Do you like to perform oral sex? I do.
60. Do you like to receive oral sex? I do.
61. Have you ever taped yourself in the act? Never.
62. Have you ever had a 3-some? 4-some? 5-some? I haven't.
63. Have you ever been caught in the act? Also no.
64. Have you ever had sex while on drugs? I do not do them.
65. Would you let other people watch you have sex live? No.
66. Do you ever have sex in the shower? I have yes.
67. What was the biggest age difference with a partner? 10 or something like that.
68. Do you feel your up to par in bed? With out a doubt.
69. What was your most embarrassing sexual moments? I don't have any surprisingly I know haha.
70. Do you like having sex in cars? If so, driver seat, passenger, or back? I'm very tall so it would be where ever is more comfortable.
71. Do you wear protection as often as you should? If I need too I will.
72. Do you prefer to sleep with someone older or younger than you? Does that matter?
73. Have you ever done bondage sex (chains ,whips, etc.)? I've tied a individual down before.
74. Can you remember who gave you the best sex of your life? That isn't for the world or myself to name.
75. If you could sleep with ANYONE, who would it be?  That is confidential between myself and if the other individual knows or not.
Ţhåņķ ýøů
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sea-side-scribbles · 4 years
Fanfiction: Sympathy For A Downer
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22737214/chapters/70950861
Chapter 47
It was still nighttime when the stream of memories finally released him. The house was quiet, only his own breath blustered in his ears. His glass was empty, but his head was full of thoughts. Everthing he had revisited now demanded an appropriate reaction, but Nick had no idea what to do. He only felt a heavy weight on his chest. The night is ruined, he thought, and he felt tempted to silence his misery with another dose of Joy. But he didn't want to make it worse. He had wanted to make it better.
When he left the kitchen and made his way upstairs to his bedroom, he tried not to make a single noise. He wanted to keep the peaceful silence that made his surroundings look invulnerable, as if at least in this precious moment nothing bad could happen. In front of the bedroom door he stopped, listening in awe. Then he fetched a pen and paper from the side room and wrote a message to Morrie, that he shoved through under his door.
Some time later he sneaked through the dark and dank town, that was his second home by now. It still attracted him, even though the person he had been looking for was now sleeping in his bed. Perhaps he hadn't been looking for Morrie, he wondered. Perhaps he had been looking for his sense, his ability to make the right decisions. Or he had been trying to run from himself. He didn't know what he wanted now. He only believed that there was nowhere to run anymore. Instead, walking around aimlessly was exactly what he needed. He knew the routes where he was most likely safe from the patrols and drones. And just in case, he carried a bottle of brandy with him.
"Strolling around at night again?", asked the Bobby who was really hard to avoid. Fortunately, Nick got along with him. "I was hoping you'd feel better now, Mr. Lightbearer." "I'm alright, Constable", Nick replied. "I just thought you might miss me." Saying this, he pulled out the brandy and handed it to the man, who was visibly delighted. "Well, I can't deny that I miss attentive Wellies like you. One is so alone in these eventless nights." He opened the bottle. "But you're going home now, right?" "Of course", Nick said with a confident smile. Then the bobby surrendered himself to the brandy and forgot about the whole endeavour. Nick passed by him and walked into an alley that led into a small park. Scurrying through the meadow, his footsteps were much quieter. At a favourable spot he sat down in the grass and looked up to the starry sky. Why can't I do anything right?, Nick asked himself. A trickle of tears ran down his cheek.
He remained like this, with his hands clawing the grass, and trying to get rid of all the unnerving thoughts in his mind. Then he felt something. It was about time he took his next dose of Joy. Pulling out the package, he considered to take two pills. But after musing for a while, he only took one out and put the rest away. The pill was as black as the night. He popped it and soon he was given the pleasant, vitalizing feel of a new Joy-phase, while the stars twinkled in all colors. Slowly, he relaxed.
After sitting around like this, he again felt something different. As if someone was approaching him. Even though he didn't hear any sound. He dived deeper into the grass, searching the park with his eyes, but he didn't find anyone. Now certain that it had been an illusion, he sat back up and looked at the stars again. "You really have sharp ears", a quiet voice suddenly said. "Only your eyes fail you." Nick jumped and span around until he stared into a shiny silver mask. "James", he gasped. "My goodness...I didn't hear you. I only felt that someone was there." James smiled a secret smile. "In that case you have trustworthy feelings." Nick's hearbeat slowly calmed down. "And you are a trustworthy agent. As soon as the golden calf breaks the rules, you're on the scene. How did you find me?" "I simply followed the trail of alcohol." "Hey", Nick faintly protested, "It was only a present for a good friend. That's not a crime, isn't it?" "No. I figured you made him rather happy. That's a virtue." Nick smiled. He liked that agent who took liberties with the rules.
"Come here, join  me if you don't plan to snitch me. Unless sitting in the grass is too vulgar for a classy man like you." James didn't seem to mind because he promptly accepted the invitation. "Looks like you're in a good mood tonight, beacon of hope," he said as he sat down next to him. "Oh...", Nick sighed. "It's the end of my time. That's making things easier." James eyed him. "What gave you that idea?" "I remembered more of my past", Nick answered wistfully. "You are right, this stuff really helps." He tapped the package of Joy in his jacket. "I got my past back. And you know what? I didn't change one bit. I'm in the same shit as before. I made the same mistakes without knowing." He blinked. The tears wanted to come back. "This time it's even worse. I'm hurting  two wonderful people." He shook his head. "I'll end up all alone again. And this time I won't get a second chance." "You forgot something, Nicky", James said softly. Nick looked at him. "You're not alone. Not this time."
Nick gulped.  A storm was raging in his chest. He felt like he should give in to it. Carefully, he leaned sideways, into James' direction, and laid his head on the other man's shoulder. It was comfy, and when his cheek touched the fabric of his suit he felt a cozy warmth spreading inside his body. Tensely, he waited for James' reaction. First, the man didn't move, so Nick assumed it bothered him, and now there would be awkward silence between them. But then he felt how James leaned his head against his and relaxed. He gave him a sense of conversance he had thought he would never feel for another person again. Perhaps he was still able to find new friends. Perhaps his fate wasn't as set in stone as he had believed. He wasn't alone. And the stars twinkled at him.
"It's a beautiful night, isn't it?", James whispered. "Oh, yeah...I haven't seen such a clear sky in a long time", Nick affirmed quietly. "Would you like to have a walk?" "An illegal walk?", Nick giggled. "With you?" "The illegal ones are the best." "Huh...yeah, I'd like to", Nick said and slowly lifted his head. They got up and left the park. Soon, Nick's thoughts were wrapped into a pleasant, untroubled fog.
He was standing in a dark alley, motionless, watching closely how James finished his work. "Do you want to hold it, Nicky?", the other man suddenly asked and showed him his shining, sharp cleaver that was dripping with blood. Nick cautiously accepted it. He noticed it was heavier than he had imagined. The blood that was dropping on his hand was warm. "I think I held it before", he said to James, who eyed him. "Do you know how to use it?", the man asked and put an arm around him to lead him closer to the lifeless body on the ground. Nick followed, knelt down next to the body, just like James used to do it and inspected it. Asking, he looked back at James. "Go ahead," the man said and gave him an encouraging smile. Nick raised the cleaver and took aim.
Light was blinding him, yelling and the noise of applause were roaring in his ears. Nick blinked. He was standing on a stage, but the audience didn't look at him. A second later, Uncle Jack entered the stage from behind a heavy curtain, solemly smiling. "Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to a new episode of 'Love Wins'! Today's candidate is no less a figure than Nick Lightbearer himself!" Now Jack gestured towards him, drawing the attention to him. Nick waved and blew kisses, trying to hide how confused he was. "I promise you, today's guests will give you a very thrilling episode," Jack announced happily. He made an expansive gesture towards a corner. "On the left side we have: Nick Lightbearer's great love, the light of his life, the title holder Morrie Memento!" The audience cheered when Morrie arrived on stage and walked towards Nick. Nick's heart missed a beat. He had a bad feeling, but Morrie didn't seem to mind. He confidently winked at him, with his head proudly raised, and looking gorgeous. "On the right side: the man who stole his heart, the king of his dreams, the challenger Arthur Hastings!" Now Nick's heart raced when Arthur walked on the stage, looking a bit shy amongst all the fuss, and awkwardly waving at him. Nick would've loved to jump up and yell at Jack to stop the show. He didn't like the way Morrie glared at Arthur. But something paralyzed him. "Oh, yeah, this is gonna be one hell of a fight!", Jack rejoiced. "But this wouldn't be 'Love Wins' without a special guest." Oh, no, Nick thought. Whos next, Virgil? "Let me introduce you to...you know what? Let's cut this short. See for yourself!" The man who walked through the curtain was wearing a black suit. His face was covered by a mask with sharp edges. His eyes blazed at Nick him from underneath it, glowing red like blood. Nick screamed now, but his voice was drowning in the cheers of the audience.
A second later he found himself in a room that looked familar, but before he could look around someone was pressing him down. "Stay down," that someone hissed, then they whooshed past him. Nick closed his eyes and tensed, waiting for the fight to break out. But it was quiet. So quiet that Nick dared to take a look again. He saw the man who had pressed him down, searching the room. Then the man turned around. "No one there," he said and sat down on the bed that Nick had apparently slept in. "We're alone. It was just a bad dream, Nick." His hand carefully touched Nick's back. "A...Arthur?", Nick stuttered. "Yes, it's me," the man said, looking tenderly at him. Nick jumped up again. "Where am I?" "Ssshhh...In your tunnel...Our tunnel...It's alright." "The tunnel...", Nick sighed, sinking back into the pillow. "Yes, you came back." "How long did I sleep?" "Not for long, you just had a nightmare after all", Arthur joked, then he furrowed his brows. "Aren't you happy to see me? Didn't you want to come here?" Nick froze. Arthur hung his head.
"I'm sorry. I thought...when I saw you lying in your bed...I thought you wanted to visit me. So I laid down next to you. I didn't mean to bother you." Nick now acted just as quickly as after the nightmare. He hugged Arthur tightly. "It's alright", now he sad, as if they had swapped their roles. Looking into the other man's eyes he tried his most charming smile. "I was just puzzled...It happens to me a lot. Please don't worry about it." He hugged him again. "You can join me whenever you see me lying somewhere. Except when you see me in a grave, then you don't have to follow me." It had slipped out of Nick's mouth. Arthur made a choked noise that sounded like the hint of a giggle. "You have quite a morbid sense of hurmor for a Wellie." "That's because of the crazy life I'm living...Sorry." Arthur didn't answer. He looked like he was hesitating and pondering. Then he pecked Nick's cheek. Nick was melting. Arthur was so shy. The kiss had felt like a question. Nick pulled him closer and kissed his black hair that was a bit tousled. Now that he was here, he couldn't just run off. Arthur was so happy to see him after all. Nick decided to spend time with him before he would start back.
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the-angry-pixie · 4 years
Just a buttload of questions
I was tagged by the lovely @jessiohhh. Thank you chickadee. Took me forever to finish, but I got there. :D 
Apparently this is to help you get to know your tumblr peeps better. 
Gonna put most of these under a cut to save y’alls dashes.
1. Do you prefer writing with a black pen or blue pen? I guess if I had to choose it would be black. I don’t know why. A good black ballpoint is a lovely thing to have.
2. Would you prefer to live in the country or city? Depends what stage of my life I am in. I want to retire to the country but otherwise wanna live in the city.
3. If you could learn a new skill what would it be? To sew and make clothes. Gosh how different my life (and my wardrobe) would be if I could fix clothes, alter clothes, MAKE clothes. I want this skill so much!
4. Do you drink your tea/coffee with sugar? Don’t drink coffee. My tea has half a sugar. I worked my way all the way down from two sugars and I’m proud. :)
5. What was your favourite book as a child? My Dad used to read me Enid Blyton books when I was little. My favourite series was probably The Naughtiest Girl in the School series.
6. Do you prefer baths or showers? Definitely showers. I want to like baths, but whenever I take one I just feel sweaty and gross.
7. If you could be a mythical creature, which one would it be? A fairy. I’ve been obsessed with fairies since I was little.
8. Paper or electronic books? Probably electronic books. Easier to read and travel. 
9. What is your favourite item of clothing? Gosh I don’t know. I literally sat here thinking about it for a couple of minutes and I can’t pick a favourite. I guess by default it falls to the item that I wear the MOST which would be my black combat boots. I wear them almost constantly.
10. Do you like your name or would you like to change it? Nah I tend to think Laura is a bit boring. I like my middle name Eileen though.
11. Who is a mentor to you? I’m kind of without one at the moment. Thats just the situation my current life is in right now. 
12. Would you like to be famous and if so, what for? I would like to be “Author Famous”. Like have soooooo much money, and dedicated fans who like my work. But nobody recognises me in the street. 
13. Are you a restless sleeper? Yes.
14. Do you consider yourself a romantic person? No, not in the conventional sense.
15. Which element best represents you? I wish I was earth but I would say probably water. Can be dangerous or calm. Flexible. 
16. Who do you want to be closer to? Hmmm I feel bad that I’m not closer to my godson. But ya see, he’s an annoying lil shit. At least the stage he’s going through right now is really obnoxious. So spending time with him is just... not fun.
17. Do you miss someone at the moment? All my Canada friends.
18. Tell us about an early childhood memory. I’ve talked about early childhood memories on here a lot. I don’t want to repeat a story so lemme think a moment..... I remember being obsessed with pressing buttons when I was younger. I mean, most kids are. But you see my family lived on a dairy farm, and in the dairy where we milked the cows and stored the milk there was like... a WALL OF BUTTONS. And levers, and switches and other doo-dads. And like... I just wanted to press them all. But I wasn’t allowed. Obviously. Only at certain times during the day would my father call me over and lift me up so I could press one particular button. So yeah, I remember that. “Helping” my Dad in the dairy and being excited whenever I got to press the buttons. I never even got old enough to learn what the buttons did before we moved off our farm. :(
19. What is the strangest thing you have eaten? Hmmm, probably escargot. Snails. They were delicious.
20. What are you most thankful for? My newborn nephew.
21. Do you like spicy food? Yes. But spicy food does not like me.
22. Have you ever met someone famous? Yeah last year I was working on a feature film that had a Disney starlet working on it.
23. Do you keep a diary or journal? No way. Too hard. The only time I keep journals is for really important stuff that needs documentation. Like a medical journal when I’m sick. Or an anxiety journal when my GAD gets real bad.
24. Do you prefer to use a pen or a pencil? Pen I guess.
25. What is your star sign? Libra
26. Do you like your cereal soggy or crunchy? Bit of both. If you can get a mouthful with both then thats like... bliss.
27. What would you want your legacy to be? Do I need to want it to be anything? Cause I don’t. Like I don’t really care all that much. Maybe I will later in life.
28. Do you like reading, what was the last book you read? I dont think its accurate to say I like reading when I literally never do it anymore. Except for fanfic. I listen to audiobooks a bit. I just finished listening to The Stand by Stephen King.
29. How do you show someone you love them? Cuddles, I’m a cuddler.
30. Do you like ice in your drinks? Yes.
31. What are you afraid of? Wasted potential and never really getting where I want to get.
32. What is your favourite scent? That smell after a sun shower. Everything is wet and the sun is making it evaporate into the atmosphere. Love that smell.
33. Do you address older people by their name or surname? Not to be cheeky but like, context is a thing. Depends on the context.
34. If money was not a factor, how would you live your life? Not terribly different. I would still work. I guess I would travel a lot more. Since that is something that I would love to do but can’t because I don’t have the funds.
35. Do you prefer swimming in pools or the ocean? Theyre both the same level of scary to me. Yes, I suffer from an irrational fear of pool sharks. So I guess I would go ocean because at least with the ocean you have the surf waves to make it fun.
36. What would you do if you found £50 on the ground? Look around to see if someone had dropped it, then if there was no one, pocket it.
37. Have you ever seen a shooting star? Yes. Last time I went camping there was a meteor shower. Wait, do they count as shooting stars? If not then no.
38. What is the one thing you would want to teach your children? Compassion.
39. If you had to have a tattoo, what would it be and where would you get it? I want to get a bunch of babies-breath flowers tattooed in the middle of my back. Its so specific because I plan my tattoos for a long time before I get them.
40. What can you hear now? The fish tank filter at my brothers house.
41. Where do you feel the safest? In my bedroom. In my bed. Laptop and phone and kitty nearby.
42. What is the one thing you want to overcome/conquer? My fear of relationships and emotional intimacy.
43. If you could travel back to any era, what would it be? I honestly don’t know. There are a lot of cool places (but like, usually only if youre in the upperclass). Ancient Greece maybe? Jane Austen era? Woodstock? I can’t decide.
44. What is your most used emoji? This lil dude. 🙃 I prefer it to the regular smiley face.
45. Describe yourself using one word. eclectic
46. What do you regret the most? Not having my mental health issues diagnosed at an earlier age.
47. Last movie you saw? In the cinemas? A Beautiful Day in the Neighbourhood back in January (actually got my wallet out and looked at my ticket stubs). Just in general - I watched The Florida Project last night with my bro.
48. Last tv show you watched? My Little Pony. Been watching episodes to help me fall asleep.
49. Invent a word and it’s meaning. Derp-a-derp. My bro and I have been saying that over the last few days when we can’t remember the word we are trying to say. Like “go get me the derp-a-derp” or “what was I saying about the derp-a-derp”. Its a good placeholder.
Annnnnd imma taaaaaaag.... like I said, this is a long one so no pressure (it took me like a week to get through all the questions).... anyway I tag @hichie, @thepragmaticrebel, @heavensdick and @serendipitous-magic.
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criminalgirl · 4 years
I was tagged by @veronaprincess! Thank you^^ It took a while I finished it but it was fun~
1. What is the color of your hairbrush? It's black with lighter blue.
2. Name a food you never eat. Organs
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold? Too warm
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago? I was watching Your Name Engraved Herein.
5. What’s your favorite candy bar? White Bueno (okay, I love every type of Bueno)
6. Have you ever been to a professional sports game? Yes, I went to basketball matches. Also, I was on DTM (car race) 3-4 times.
7. What is the last thing you said out loud? "Sorry, I will turn it off in a minute."
8. What is your favourite ice cream? Lemon. Always lemon since I was a little kid.
9. What was the last thing you had to drink? Water
10. Do you like your wallet? I guess. It's useful and it has a nice color.
11. What is the last thing you ate? Pear
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend? Hmm, I think not. The last time I bought any clothes was a month ago, maybe.
13. What’s the last sporting event you watched? Figure skating
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn? Salty or buttery. Let's do both.
15. Who is the last person you sent a text message to? My friend
16. Ever been camping? No, I haven't.
17. Do you take vitamins? Not really. Sometimes some Magnesium when I have cramps. And C vitamin when I catch a cold.
18. Do you regularly attend a place of worship? Nope.
19. Do you have a tan? I'm white like a dead body.
20. Do you prefer chinese or pizza? Of course Chinese.
21. Do you drink your soda through a straw? No, that's not eco-friendly. Only in the cinema.
22. What color socks do you usually wear? White or black lately.
23. Do you ever drive above the speed limit? Not yet. I mean, I don't have driver license yet.
24. What terrifies you? Hurting the people I love and care about.
25. Look to your left, what do you see? Clothes (my room is a mess, not gonna lie)
26. What chore do you hate most? Hanging the clothes or put them into the wardrobe.
27. What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? *I'm in love* this is my first thought most of the time i hear Aussie accent. (Hi Felix and Bang Chan^^)
28. What’s your favorite soda? Sprite or Cherry Coke. But Sprite.
29. Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? Well, I don't have a car yet, not even a driver license so go in. But I guess I will hit the drive thru after I get my driver license and car.
30. What’s your favorite number? 7 (although it wasn't helpful on my last exam xd)
31. Who’s the last person you talked to? My friend
32. Favorite meat? Duck
33. Last song you listened to? Before you go cover by Donghun, Wow, Jun of A.C.E and while I will continue answering it will change... Sweet Chaos by Day6.... And now 90's love by NCT U
34. Last book you read? When you ask me where I'm going by Jasmin Kaur
35. Favorite day of the week? Currently Frigay because most of my ongoing shows have a new episode on this day.
36. Can you say the alphabet backwards? I think so, slowly. Maybe with a few mistakes.
37. How do you like your coffee? With lots of sugar and milk. And iced when I have the chance.
38. Favorite pair of shoes? Every single pair I have. I only buy the shoes I fall in love with.
39. Time you normally get up? 9 or 10 am. I would like to make it 8 but my sleeping routine is so f... messed up:)
40. What do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? Sunset, because hard to see sunrise when you're asleep at that time xd
41. How many blankets on your bed? 3, for scientific purposes only lol because I've never ever used all of them at the same time.
42. Describe your kitchen plates. We have two sets and all would contain 6 pieces. But I broke one from the square ones.
43. Describe your kitchen at the moment. Clear and empty (it's 1.30am)
44. Do you have a favorite alcoholic drink? I don't really drink alcoholic drinks so I don't know. From what I know I would say Rosé.
45. Do you play cards? Yes, I play with my siblings.
46. What color is your car? I don't have one yet. But probably my baby will be red🍒
47. Can you change a tire? I guess no. Maybe soon
48. Your favorite state or province? I don't have one
49. Favorite job you’ve had? I was working in a pharmacy in summer 2019 for 1 month and it was amazing *-* my co-workers were so kind and just simply the whole thing was so cool. I would like to work there more >^•~•^<
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oediex · 4 years
49 Questions You Have Never Been Asked tagmeme
I got tagged by @jarakrisafis a while back and since I liked theirs and @felassan‘s replies so much, I figured I’d do it.
Uhm, I guess I’ll tag @blarrghe, @lovegoesalongway, @sleepbeliever, @localwhiskeylez​, @silverslitherer and @spontaneoustangent. If they’re up for it. Always fun to get to know people better.
1. What is the color of your hairbrush?
Well, it’s bamboo, so I guess it’s light brown. It’s completely worn, though, I need to get a new one.
2. A food you never eat?
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold?
Neither! I guess I know how to dress myself? When I sleep, I’m usually too hot though.
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago?
Feeding my babies.
Tumblr media
5. What is your favorite candy bar?
I... don’t have one? I don’t eat candy. Love chocolate, though. As dark as it gets.
6. Have you ever been to a professional sporting event?
No. I find it quite boring. Would have more fun doing the sporting myself.
7. What was the last thing you said out loud?
Telling the dogs to come back inside so I could go back to my nap.
8. What is your favorite ice cream?
Chocolate-flavoured and cruelty-free.
9. What was the last thing you had to drink?
Orange juice! I usually drink orange juice with my meals because it helps with iron uptake from my food. :)
10. Do you like your wallet?
I do, actually. One wallot, for my cards, is actually a little sleeve that once held sugar beans, which are given in Belgium when a child is born. And the wallet that holds my cash is a little sort of folding coin pouch with a clickety lid? Kind of like this. But with a different pattern. It was probably a gift or a souvenir at some point in my teenage years? My previous wallet, which was made from a drink carton and given to my by a couchsurfer, (and that I really really liked as well, by the way) truly started falling apart at some point (I really held on to it for a long time but then my coins started falling through the holes, so I had to admit that was the end), so I needed to find a new wallet and didn’t really want to buy one. And then I found these two little pouches that I’d kept around for a while without using them but thinking they’d be useful someday, and I found that one was perfect for my cards and the other for my coins! Wow, who’d have thought this question would get the longest answer???
11. What was the last thing you ate?
I made gazpacho for lunch. :) And then I had some ‘fun cereal’ (as my ex-housemate used to call his unhealthy cereal) as a sort of dessert.
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend?
No. I haven’t bought new clothes in years. I buy almost all of my clothes second-hand. If we’re counting that as new clothes ... yeah, it’s still been a while.
13. The last sporting event you watched?
Ha! Like, on tv? Okay, I guess a couple of years back, when I lived in England, a friend invited me to come watch the finale of Wimbledon? I think?
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn?
There’s no such thing.
15. Who was the last person you sent a text message to?
My dad. My parents came around to bring something on their way to the zoo that’s around my corner. 
16. Ever go camping?
We used to go on a camping vacation every year when I was a kid. I don’t really do vacations anymore. I enjoy being at home. :)
17. Do you take vitamins?
Is iron a vitamin? I take those sometimes. I’ve also taken vitamin D in the past and in the winter I might take some once a month. So far, I haven’t had to take any vitamin B12, somehow my body has enough stored or something? We’ll see what the test says in a couple of months. Last year’s blood test, my doctor also said something about my calcium being a bit low, so might have to take that one soon as well, if that’s still the case.
18. Do you go to church every Sunday?
No. Never did. Technically I’m catholic but I don’t take communion anymore when I’m in a church for weddings or funerals.
19. Do you have a tan?
Omg, no. I’m so pale people often ask me if I’m feeling okay.
20. Do you prefer Chinese food or pizza?
PIZZA. The cruelty-free kind. I don’t mind Chinese food, though, especially since I’m vegan. Give me all the vegetables!
21. Do you drink your soda with a straw?
I don’t ever use a straw.
22. What color socks do you usually wear?
I rarely wear socks because I’m usually barefoot... When I do, they are a variety of colors and patterns. Usually, when I need some new ones, I put them on my Christmas/birthday list and see what my family comes up with. Once, when I was a teenager, my parents bought me Harry Potter socks and to this day, those are the coolest socks I’ve ever owned.
23. Ever drive above the speed limit?
I don’t drive, so no.
24. What terrifies you?
The fact that I’ve started lowering the dose of one of my antidepressants. I’m very very scared to fall back into a depressive episode. I’ve been episode-free for 2 years now.
25. Look to your left what do you see?
The back of the couch I’m lying on. The book Year of Wonders by Geraldine Brooks is lying on top of it, because I’ve just finished it. It was excellent.
26. What core do you hate?
So, I think this is meant to say “what chore do you hate”, so I’ll just answer that question. I don’t enjoy cleaning the bathroom. It’s a lot of work. The rest of the house is fine.
27. What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent?
Well, currently, as I’ve been watching The Good Place with my housemate, it reminds me of the part of that show that takes place in Australia.
28. What is your favorite soda?
Soda is a soft drink, right? I really like cola. But I drink it rarely. I prefer the organic kind they have at the farm where I get my vegetables. I really like Coca Cola too, but I don’t like the company so I try to avoid buying that.
29. Do you go into a fast food place or just hit the drive through?
I never ever go to a fast food place.
30. Who was the last person you talked to?
The dogs that live in my house, when I told them to come back inside. See question 7. I mean, in a way, those two questions are kind of the same?
31. Favorite cut of beef?
The kind that doesn’t exist.
32. Last song you listened to?
Pfoo, probably something by Billy Lockett?
33. Last book you read?
Year of Wonders by Geraldine Brooks! It’s a book about a village in the 1600s that goes into quarantine (voluntarily!) when the plague arrives from London in a box of cloth. It’s based on real events! The village’s name is Eyam. Look it up. :) Next book I’ve already started is the last book in the Earth’s Children series by Jean M. Auel, The Land of Painted Caves. I started the series about a year ago!
34. Favorite day of the week?
All days are the same to me. :) I guess I like weekdays, because then I have the house to myself (well, excluding the dogs that live here and the foster kittens that might be hanging around too.)
35. Can you say the alphabet backwards?
I can, actually. I once had to do this as a challenge at a Scouting Summer camp and I can do it ever since. In English I’m a little slower than in Dutch, though.
36. How do you like your coffee?
37. Favorite pair of shoes?
No shoes. Barefoot is the best.
38. At what time do you usually go to bed?
Around 10pm.
39. At what time do you normally get up?
Around 8 or 9. I bring my housemate’s kid to school.
40. What do you prefer - sunrises or sunsets?
Sunsets, because I’m usually not around for sunrises.
41. How many blankets are on your bed?
Currently, just a duvet sheet (without the duvet) and one blanket. By winter time, I want to have figured out how to use multiple blankets instead of a duvet, because I always get so hot while I’m sleeping and I hate it. So I want to get rid of my duvet.
42. Describe your kitchen plates?
Well. Only one of the kitchen plates here is mine? All the others are my housemates’. So the one that is mine has a ladybird on it. It was a gift once. I like ladybirds.
43. Do you have a favorite alcoholic beverage?
Wine. Mostly red. Sometimes white. Never rosé.
44. Do you play cards?
45. Can you change a tire?
On my bicycle, I can. I don’t do cars.
46. What is your favorite province?
Can’t say I have one.
47. Favorite job you ever had?
Teaching philosophy at university. :)
48. How did you get your biggest scar?
Well, when I was about 8, I was cycling down a hill with my dad on my way to a Scouting meeting. For some reason it was just me that day - I guess my sisters didn't have a meeting that day or mine was on a different day than usual. And so we were cycling down the hill and going very fast, like in the 30s km/h. I remember my dad commenting on that. And at the bottom of the hill, a pedestrian path was reintroduced, where beforehand there was only a cycling path. So as I was a kid, I moved to go cycling on the pedestrian path. And there was a little difference in height and somehow my wheels slipped and I fell really hard on the sidewalk. I remember sitting on the doorstep of a house there with my dad. I was crying very hard. And I had cuts and bruises all over. One of those bruises was on my hand, on my wrist. About the size of a £2 coin, but oval, not round. It wasn’t bleeding, but it was grazed pretty deeply and you could see the blood was just underneath the skin. We cycled on to the Scouting meeting place, because it was pretty close by, where they cleaned me up. They asked if I wanted to stay then, but I didn’t, so we cycled back home and I spent the rest of that day resting in the garden in the sun. I vividly remember this. Anyway, long story short, that became a pretty big scar. A part of my skin that was always a bit darker than the rest. Kind of looked like a birth mark. Now, at 31 years old, it’s pretty faded, but since I know where it is, I can still see it a bit.
49. What did you do today that made someone happy?
Well, I’ve mostly been home alone. But, I did make my foster kittens pretty happy by feeding them. :) And they make me pretty happy with their cuteness and cuddles.
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incarnateirony · 5 years
S15 Spec/Discussion
So when the SPHT came out we all got to talking and I had some Thoughts(tm). Some of it is wildly speculatory but potential and interesting. I love the thinkie beans in my server. 
I love our little roundtable of speculation and meta that routinely crops up, sometimes I feel like we should record it and make a podcast.
Charlie BreadbutteryYesterday at 9:34 PM
IM YELLING SO MUCH YELLING “you cant do this to the fans!” “i can do anything. im a writer.” FUCKING CHILLS
Leaf is a kittyYesterday at 9:36 PM
Jared's evil smirk has murdered me
Charlie BreadbutteryYesterday at 9:38 PM
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:38 PM
So we have Sam in a white suit MoC
Charlie BreadbutteryYesterday at 9:38 PM
btw chucks lame ending is hilarious
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:38 PM
The colt
CastielYesterday at 9:39 PM
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:39 PM
CastielYesterday at 9:39 PM
I came out of aladdin to that
Charlie BreadbutteryYesterday at 9:39 PM
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:39 PM
Adam and most likely Michael taking in a diner Talking
CastielYesterday at 9:39 PM
Psfuck what anybody says the new aladdin is amazing
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:39 PM
Scruffy endverse Dean
CastielYesterday at 9:40 PM
I jave never Ever Seen such masterful seaming of cartoonverse cgi To real actorsHoly fuck me
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:40 PM
Leaf is a kittyYesterday at 9:40 PM
CastielYesterday at 9:40 PM
Leaf is a kittyYesterday at 9:40 PM
CastielYesterday at 9:40 PM
Leaf is a kittyYesterday at 9:41 PM
CastielYesterday at 9:41 PM
Yeah i intend to watch on pc when i canIm mobile rn
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:41 PM
And of course the crypt door being held shut with a screwdriver As direct14.10 parallel
CastielYesterday at 9:41 PM
Like we literally just left aladdin hence the yelling Yes yes Ive got him Im the cage Etc
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:42 PM
GlorifiedFanboy Is that not what I said friggin months ago?!
CastielYesterday at 9:42 PM
On brand a+ dean from whoever wrote that Ill guess Bobo or buckner For glorified fanboy line
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:43 PM
What? Do they read our tweets?
Charlie BreadbutteryYesterday at 9:43 PM
CastielYesterday at 9:43 PM
Bobo reads mine a lot?
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:43 PM
I stg I heard that line and almost screamed
CastielYesterday at 9:43 PM
I never did upload his nerdy video to me in hindsight
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:44 PM
Interesting that they didn't use a single shot of Alex
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:44 PM
No AlexAt all
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:44 PM
So it's not gonna be just a hallucination with burnt out eyes No Billie either
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:45 PM
No empty
CastielYesterday at 9:45 PM
No its full on chuck villain framing its my sound of war vid with s15 footage dhdhdhd
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:46 PM
Yeah well it all blended into inky black at the end But that's hardly conclusive
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:46 PM
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:46 PM
Since that happens a lot in trailers
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:46 PM
Maybe that’s for later in the season Or Maybe it’s a big secret
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:46 PM
10 bucks says they abandoned the Cas deal And that's the hill I die on
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:47 PM
Bc that’s how they fight Chuck? They can’t abandon that already It’s too fresh
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:48 PM
To me it read as a gateway to the Empty getting Jack
CastielYesterday at 9:48 PM
Placing bets now. Ep 1-3 is deancas tension over mary and jack and feeling distanced from the winchesters leaves eps 4 and 5. We know he works with sam at least briefly in 6. Deancas reunion in 7 midseason scheduled for 8 or 9. Deancas resolution then
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:48 PM
Before they knew for sure
CastielYesterday at 9:48 PM
Midseason finale whatever theyre keeping in the door
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:48 PM
That it was their final season To possibly stretch the plot accordeon
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:49 PM
Maybe final battle is with the empty and not chuck
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:49 PM
But now they've lost the need for a middle man ie Cas Nah
CastielYesterday at 9:49 PM
Id need more than a promo trailer to figure out if resolving cas is midseason or endgame
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:49 PM
Is amara coming back?
CastielYesterday at 9:49 PM
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:50 PM
Dabb confirmed it's early
CastielYesterday at 9:50 PM
And deans weird old friend
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:50 PM
She wasn’t there either
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:50 PM
Yeah 15.02 I think Or 04? Very early
CastielYesterday at 9:50 PM
Its as much a mood piece as a trailer
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:50 PM
Was that Becky talking to Chuck?
CastielYesterday at 9:51 PM
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:51 PM
I think so
CastielYesterday at 9:51 PM
You cant do this to the fans
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 9:51 PM
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:51 PM
It sounded like her
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 9:51 PM
It’s her
CastielYesterday at 9:51 PM
We knew she was coming back Well
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:51 PM
CastielYesterday at 9:51 PM
Speculated educatedly
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 9:51 PM
I’m so mad! I was just about to go to bed!
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:51 PM
When even the crazed fangirl looks sane by comparison
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 9:52 PM
And they dropped this
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:52 PM
Yeah I’ll never sleep now
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 9:52 PM
CastielYesterday at 9:52 PM
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:52 PM
Nah I'll head to bed in a few
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:52 PM
No. No sleep
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 9:52 PM
I’ve gotten no sleep the past three days
CastielYesterday at 9:52 PM
Points if they still frame it for a swipe at the bronlies like all the other becky jokes
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:52 PM
I find the fixation on the fan angle a bit weird
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:52 PM
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 9:53 PM
It seemed framed that way to me Min
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:53 PM
All the bronly jokes pls
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 9:53 PM
But maybe I’m just reading it with my own bias
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:53 PM
But it's only 2 pieces of Chuck dialogue so
CastielYesterday at 9:53 PM
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 9:54 PM
And he’s a melodramatic fuck
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:54 PM
I’ll forever want to refer to him as “glorified fanboy” Put it on a shirt
CastielYesterday at 9:55 PM
God imagine chuck bringing back kevin as his prophet to take down his word as the gospel of winchester is designed to end only in being felled, and only by the glory of god. He cant finish off his own book to print the new gospel
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:56 PM
Here to say fuck you chuck
CastielYesterday at 9:57 PM
What if we big bounce and he dubs adam the new michael since we saw jack. Can convert humans to angels
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:57 PM
Megalomaniacal Michael?
CastielYesterday at 9:58 PM
Kicking down the castles in his own sandbox as revelations told before, before men found the new gospel of the glory of god. Revelations might not be a prophecy. It may be history.
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:59 PM
CastielYesterday at 9:59 PM
Wildly speculatory and just playing but
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:00 PM
Oh the adam Michael idea
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:01 PM
I'm very glad about Chuck being in early episodes Adam is 100% gonna be Michael Cause all the summaries made it sound Like they weren't utilizing him
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:03 PM
It does sound like OG Michael is gonna be a real issue and it makes sense for it to be Adam
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:03 PM
Tumblr media
CastielYesterday at 10:09 PM
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:10 PM
Yeah but he'd still be Adam and not Michael Just
CastielYesterday at 10:10 PM
if michael is useless to chuck as is, which he may or may not have been lying about MAKEA NEW
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:10 PM
Archangel Adam
CastielYesterday at 10:10 PM
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:10 PM
Oh Doesn't fit with the pic above tho
CastielYesterday at 10:10 PM
Find another Eve. Oh look universal big bounce and I have a new mythology jazz hands Or better a Lilith Also this is literally unstoppable force immovable object logic if chuck can't destroy the human soulzapping the winchesters to death is just a stall game of exhausting futility they've proven they will inevitably doorkick down every afterlife or wherever they're cycled to what if there's like a hilariously extreme mystery spot where you see mini adventures out of whatever afterlife but eventually justtruncated to ridiculous extremes Chuck: -_-
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:18 PM
Like that's a given with all the scattered bits. Either Lucifer Sam and MoC Dean etc become big plot points Or they're part of Redux Mystery Spot
CastielYesterday at 10:18 PM
side eyes hidden mytharc uh
CastielYesterday at 10:18 PM
I really hope we didn't get the MOC Dean thing too close rip
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:19 PM
Why did you have to connect those two promo subplots for meW h y
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:20 PM
Also Cas next to that burnt up body I hope it isn't just Victim Of The Week
CastielYesterday at 10:20 PM
I'm wondering about the "arrogant betrayal" promo line on ep... 3 is it?
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:21 PM
CastielYesterday at 10:21 PM
Is it gonna be meaningful or is this like
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:21 PM
CastielYesterday at 10:21 PM
bringing back Sergei
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:21 PM
PR vagueblog
CastielYesterday at 10:21 PM
from his Byzantium bullshit
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:21 PM
The BL ep is 15.02 tho
CastielYesterday at 10:22 PM
authors sometimes soak up impact of -- oh no
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:22 PM
CastielYesterday at 10:23 PM
okay so let's pretend say, bobo or whoever wanted to finish up buckleming's plot point, or at least partially since it's the tie up season, but they knew they had to write misha out for a few episodes and with deancas tensions driving Cas away already, throwing out a Going For Revenge That Will Backfire spin before storming out for a few eps
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:24 PM
But then it would be Dean not being able to forgive the "betrayal"It's gotta be something else Watch it be like
CastielYesterday at 10:24 PM
the betrayal vague blog is about sergei in that thing
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:24 PM
Kevin working for Chuck
CastielYesterday at 10:24 PM
it's the phrasing "arrogant" that catches me
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:25 PM
Most vague summaries hardly fit the actual plot points anyway It's just to sound mysterious
CastielYesterday at 10:25 PM
no but it would be easier to simply not apply an adjective "Castiel deals with a betrayal" is still vague
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:25 PM
Yeah but adjectives give oomph
CastielYesterday at 10:26 PM
arrogant is an odd idea for even the vague bloggiest vague blogger to tilt towards after skimming the content so I really doubt it's like kevin being forced to betray them or something like thatso unless it's about chuck himself, unlikely just too early for that level of RAAA
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:28 PM
Oh right didn't Misha say Cas struggles with this new Chuck reveal
CastielYesterday at 10:28 PM
well yeah thats kinda a duh
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:28 PM
I think the arrogant betrayal is in reference to Chuck
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:29 PM
So maybe it's just oddly phrasing that Yea
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:29 PM
It’s a kinda weird phrasing imo
CastielYesterday at 10:29 PM
like on the one hand cas knows Chuck isn't father of the year so I think on a personal level it's not surprising, it's more the existential level for him previously chuck was a shit dad that was just trying his best in a world far too easy to do his worst, even as god, thinking he was generally trying to be inherently good
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:30 PM
I hope Megatron comes back :)
CastielYesterday at 10:30 PM
that last scrap of faith is also kind of critically attached to his very existance because if god is evil and part of this cruel design what has his entire pre-winchester existence been, and even waxing and waning through it in his time with them
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:31 PM
Yeah I think deep down part of his core sense of self is the idea that he comes from the side of good
CastielYesterday at 10:31 PM
the fundamental loss of "god is good" is kinda quantifiably huger to him, whereas the humans more will have to grapple with "What is free will, did we ever have it"
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:31 PM
And this rips that away
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:32 PM
Unrelated but the promo sorta Nulls the early human Cas idea
CastielYesterday at 10:32 PM
yeah I noticed that, but it was odd
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:33 PM
Yeah I agree
CastielYesterday at 10:33 PM
i'm putting down at least foreshadowing then
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:33 PM
Unless they pulled all of the Misha footage From like ep 1 and 2
CastielYesterday at 10:33 PM
or chuck playing with the light switch for shits and giggles
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:33 PM
He does still have that shotgun
CastielYesterday at 10:33 PM
we know cas has his coat back in like
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:33 PM
Watch Cas come back from his sabbatical
CastielYesterday at 10:33 PM
idkwe've seen him with it back
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:33 PM
With his grace ripped out
CastielYesterday at 10:34 PM
put it in a karambit i mean what
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:34 PM
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:34 PM
NOT SURE MISHA CAN HANDLE THAT Like on a pure choreography level
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:34 PM
Are you suggesting Misha isnt grace itself?For shame
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:35 PM
Not at all COUGH He has a cat-like agility
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:35 PM
CastielYesterday at 10:38 PM
KSJDFksjdf I think younger misha could have but knowing he's always at risk of blowing out his hip probably not so much now like I feel that limitation in my soul
GarthToday at 6:17 AM
Okay so I don't think Amara is a made up character. I think she is Chuck's sister for real (or whatever they claim as siblings) but he used his story to trap her. Help fuel his plot.
Dean WinchesterToday at 6:17 AM
Like to me personally the option of Amara being made up has the best potential for an IC Chuck plot twist Esp since I still hold the idea that he lied about the universe going splat with his death"Writers lie"/"I'm a writer, I can do anything"
GarthToday at 6:18 AM
Well he did admit he's a liar rubs hands together This is gonna be so much fun
Charlie BreadbutteryToday at 6:19 AM
Dean WinchesterToday at 6:19 AM
And that would be a Dabb level retroactive canon ramification Which is sorta his thing
GarthToday at 6:19 AM
Mwahahahaha and he said said to Becky while she went on about "you can't do this to the fans!"
Charlie BreadbutteryToday at 6:19 AM
they make sense at least
Dean WinchesterToday at 6:20 AM
But I'm not sure they wanna go the route of Stripping a female character of her entire agency for male pleasure But I don't see a whole lot of options on how they take Amara out of the playing field Unless Chuck deadass eats her for the joint Godhead
GarthToday at 6:21 AM
Honestly he just might
Dean WinchesterToday at 6:22 AM
But that's like DBZ power level bullshit
Dean WinchesterToday at 6:26 AM
AU!Dean who's a baddy pls
GarthToday at 6:26 AM
Damn trailer successfully tripping us up
Dean WinchesterToday at 6:27 AM
Deadass just have pull the jackass from the 5.04 reality Maybe that's why Lucifer Sam is tied to a chair as well Like Chuck just put him in white clothes to paint a big target for endverse!Dean And it's actually just Sam
Charlie BreadbutteryToday at 6:28 AM
yeah that was my thought too
Dean WinchesterToday at 6:28 AM
GarthToday at 6:28 AM
We're just throwing things out there and laughing It looked like it might be
Charlie BreadbutteryToday at 6:29 AM
GarthToday at 6:29 AM
But the new building is throwing it off
Charlie BreadbutteryToday at 6:29 AM
GarthToday at 6:29 AM
Something else could have been built thoIt's been yrs
Dean WinchesterToday at 6:29 AM
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