#i personally think adaine is aroace
cryptic-corvids-blog · 5 months
something something adaine has always struggled with feeling like there is something wrong with her, that she is not enough, that she is wrong somehow. she starts making friends and tries to unlearn the idea that she is hard to love and not worth the effort. then there’s a boy who might have a crush on her, who seems sorry for what his party is doing, and she doesn’t know how she feels about it. but no, he was just using her, because why would anyone care about adaine abernant? something something
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cxlandine · 6 months
things that make me sad this week
golsum has -3 to charisma despite being a realtor because he's a flesh construct so he looks scary and people don't like him
no matter how nice he is all flesh constructs have a charisma score of 5
he's banished because of his charisma score and then the teens that did it laugh about how uncharismatic he is for a realtor
everyone encountered in the house is a monstrous race - ghost, vampire, frankenstein, werewolf - instead of just making monstrous versions of npcs they took the ones that already sort of fit and took away their personalities
fabian came to alone in adaine's room surrounded by her blood
brennan said not to touch the items and i think fig full-on ate some of that cottage cheese
cassandra was trying to send them home to mordred manor in elmville and messed up
kalina was around when cassandra got married meaning ankarna had shared custody and everyone knows lesbian exes that own a cat together are more committed to co-parenting than most actual parents
kristen heard a wolf howl somewhere in the house and she probably assumed it was tracker, remembering when she turned in the nightmare forest
baron knows that riz fears his friends finding out that he's aroace and they keep teasing him about dating baron so when baron says they're mistreating him he's actually kind of right
and riz tries his best to explain the situation while not giving too much away because if he doesn't then baron will explain the situation in his own words
fig doesn't live in the piano bubble anymore
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who-is-there · 4 months
Too many sappy headcanons and aus, time to make a list of how I think the Bad Kids flirt with their crush (this is all barely a headcanon, it’s just how I interpret how the Bad Kids act around someone they like).
Riz-Aroace. Does not get crushes. He is very good at knowing when someone has a crush on him, but is so bad at talking about it that he usually just ignores it and hopes it goes away.
Adaine- Does not get crushes easily. If she ever got one, it doesn’t usually affect her enough for her to do anything about it. She freaks out and gets embarrassed upon realising her feelings, but unless she talks with the other person often, it usually stays in the background. Doesn’t actively pursue anyone, she is far too busy, but would be flattered.
Kristin- Used to be incredibly flustered by anything remotely close to romance. Having Tracker as her first girlfriend got rid of that pretty quickly. She still flusters, but can usually power through it. Gets short-lived crushes pretty easily, but doesn’t act on them. Has achieved the true goal of only having WLW hit on her.
Fabian- Tries to act cool. Isn’t. He usually doesn’t realise he likes someone until they do something about it, and then tries to overcompensate for lost time by being really suave. Eventually he’ll forget that it’s a big deal and go back to bring regular Fabian, who is effortless cool in a kind-person way.
Fig- There’s a sweet spot between ‘not sure if they like me’ and ‘dating,’ which is where Fig shines. She gets more confident, without being worried about the relationship. Before and after, she gets unsure about it, which she used to cover by disgusting as other people. Ayda is slowly helping her learn to keep that confidence into the relationship.
Gorgug- Is almost the opposite of Riz. Has no clue who has a crush on him, but when he knows? He’s almost accidentally smooth when talking to them. He was more awkward in freshman year, and even then sort of fell face-first into a relationship with Zelda. His awkwardness seems to attract other socially-unsure people, but his ability to match their energy puts them at ease and be a bit more confident.
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ghostlyeris · 4 months
may I provide a penny for your Inkblade thoughts? the people have to know!
absolutely anon! i don't have a full analysis since i'm waiting for part 2 of the finale to drop before i make one (still holding out hope for that rat grinder revivication) so instead have some headcanons while we all wait for the finale together
the crush was absolutely real. freshman year oisín thought adaine was the coolest thing since sliced bread but was always too nervous to talk to her. post shatterstar, that crush got warped into bitter resentment over adaine never noticing him, but somewhere deep down he still just wants her to think hes cool
the first person adaine went to talk to her new crush about was riz, hence his deep hatred for oisín, a dude he's never talked to. riz was super supportive, albeit a little uncomfortable, and as soon as adaine turned away he started crafting an intricate revenge plot in case oisín ever broke adaine heart. he's disappointed, but not surprised, that he has to use it
part of the reason adaine was so hurt about the heel-turn was the fact that this crush actually made her feel normal for once. sprinkling in some of my aroace adaine agenda, but for the first time ever she thought she found someone that could actually make her feel something romantic, the way a "proper" high schooler should. unsurprisingly, after this is all over, adaine goes back to riz to talk about it
the little apology in the cafeteria was genuine. oisín wasn't going to at first, but when he overheard adaine defending him despite having no reason to do so, something other than rage and resentment broke through for the first time in a while. he wasn't just apologizing for the cafeteria, but for everything he had already done and was about to do
aaaaaaand if oisín survives, their senior year is TENSE. adaine is hurt, and even though oisín apologized at the end of junior year, she's still on guard around him, waiting for everything to be another big joke on her yet again. oisín on the other hand still has that crush, and is doing his damnedest to give her the space she needs while also doing his best to make up for everything he did
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saingirl101 · 4 months
Okay had some time and shitposts to really think about the finale of FHJY
I literally have rewritten this post several times thats how complex it feels.
Spoilers under the cut
First off I love that potential threads are hanging in the air particularly for adaine and kristen.
Character wise kristen ironically could have been the most complete storyline after FHSophY however with how Ally played her this season i think narratively she is the bad kid who absolutely needs a continuation for her story - tracker, bucky, her messy enemiess beebees ship, her parents, the whole buddy/bobby dawn thing, FUCKING KALINA, like the way brennan ended the season its like he's T-ing up another narratively perfect season for kristen.
Fabian, our darling boy makes several strides in improving himself and several steps back in other ways. I for one would die from laughter while he deals with having a GF, his mom, step father and grandpapa all living in the same house with a new elf baby (and also potentially stepsibling Fig).
Adaine - godamn what a fantastic narrative season as well, her confidence this season was so hot and siobhan continues to just be a dream TTRPG player. Like she's been killing it with her character decisions, impeccable comedic timing, and knowledge of the game out of the park for literally the past year and half.
Riz, like my god, such a perfect season for him and getting to see his character growth as well. He's also literally the hottest he's ever been and while I am sad he is aroace so i cannot make an OC to smooch him, he's just so fucking ool it doesn't even matter. ALSO RIZ YOU HAVE MULTIPLE QUEER PEOPLE ON YOUR TEAM YOU CAN DEFINITELY TELL THEM YOU ARE AROACE KING.
Gorgug, wow what a fucking season. Zac always kills it with his characters but besides the bit in freshman year I don't know that I ever clicked with gorgug as much as I did this season. He also had an amazing arc all those nat 20s in the last stand, the nat 20s to get them the academic help while he took on four years of school in one year, using his aertificer stuff to help take down his literal nemesis and the person whose put him down for years.
And now we come to fig and my controversial opinion. I still feel like despite them trying to T-up this possibly being emily's fairwell from playing fig I don't feel like narratively it makes sense. theres just still so much in the air and I would love to see her relationship with ankarna grow and blossom. Also despite the talk theres just so much left unresolved between her and sandra lynn. That said I'll be sad but understand if emily plays another character if they do ever make FHseniorY. THAT SAID, BRENNAN YOU OWE ME A SEASON OF GILEAR SHENNANIGANS. FIG DID SAY SHE MIGHT MOVE INTO SEACASTER MANOR, LET HER PULL LOONEY TOONS SHENNAIGANS TO PREVENT FABIAN FROM MURDER THEIR NEW SIBLING.
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askthebadkidz · 4 months
Here are the first, second, and third results of our polls for the Bad Kids + Baron orientation (Kristen not included because She’s just a lesbian canonically)
First: She’s just Adaine (44.2% of 292)
Second: Queer (13.7% of 292)
Third: Aspec (2 or more identities) (12.3% of 292)
shoutout to the two people who said Biromantic Demisexual. I don’t know if you were actually the same person but it’s funny to me either way.
First: Bi (34.8% of 299)
Second: She’s just Fig (29.4% of 299)
Third: Pan (16.4% of 299)
Most comments on this one either agreed she was Bi it that she was just Fig. Amazing, 0 notes.
First: Bi (33.9% of 239)
Second: ‘I only know that there is something wrong with him’ (17.6% of 239)
Third: He doesn’t know (13.4% of 239)
Most people agreed it was a combination of the above, but shout out the the person who headcannons him as straight because it’s funny.
First: He doesn’t realize he’s supposed to care (35.1% of 291)
Second: There is no way he knows (31.3% of 291)
Third: Bi (19.9% of 291)
Literally amazing. Everyone agreed that he either doesn’t know or doesn’t care even if they headcannoned him as something else. He has more important shit to worry about.
First: Aroace (of course) (65.6% of 314)
Second: some other kind of aspec (9.6% of 314)
Third : Three way tie between ‘He is so scared’, ‘What would make him into the sexy rat’, and ‘alloace’ (5.4% of 314)
I honestly don’t know why we put Riz on this polls? He’s obviously aroace, but we were very tired when we made these.
First: They only love Riz and they are only capable of loving Riz (52.7% of 237)
Second: they’re whatever Riz is but worse (13.5% of 237)
Third: Two way tie between ‘I think they have a disorder of some kind. Something went wrong here’ and ‘I think they’d actually be, at least, aphobic’ (9.3% of 237)
I knew the first option here was gonna win but I’m honestly surprised the disorder one is even in third place. Congrats Baron, some people think you have a some kind of brain problem.
-Mod Fig
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rebuke-me · 8 months
my predictions for the romantic relationships in fantasy high junior year, mild spoilers for the first episode
kristen: trackerbees is doomed. they're long distance and cannot handle it. firmly believe that they're already broken up by episode one and kristen is in her "first lesbian break up" arc. i think she's gonna also have a hey mamas lesbian flirting experience that's going to be incredibly embarrassing for everyone involved. support her deeply for that tbh.
fig: her and ayda are doing well but maybe I'm manifesting this. they have to confront the fact that they care about each other but want to be individuals. they look at trackerbees and go maybe let's not do that.
gorgug: I'm partially through the seven which takes place during junior year for them I believe but I think. they'll be okay. i think zelda and gorgug are gonna be fine, I just wanna see more from them. don't care if its positive or negative I just wanna see them so badly.
fabian: had/has a messy fwb thing with aelwyn that turned out terribly and everyone hates. learning to not be so obsessed with his external appearance. so so badly wants to be flirted with and is not, in fact, flirted with. ecaf is very bad for him.
riz: wants so badly to NOT be flirted with and is, in fact, flirted with. he's hot now to people and he hates it. npcs keep flirting with him and he runs the other direction. they flirt with him in front of fabian and theyre both massively upset by it.
adaine: she has a moment of awkward flirting with an npc bc her friends encouraged her to shoot her shot bc she thought they were kind of cute. she hates it and decides never to do that again. lives vicariously through her friends relationships. (if she does get a romantic interest they've gotta be the coolest person ever for me to budge on my aroace coded adaine)
bonus ideas: ragh gets a boyfriend this season who does not fetishize him. jawbone/gorthalax/sandra lynn/garthy o'brien are in a weird polycule. hilariel and gilear get engaged. (i also want it to happen that the bad kids get the wedding invitation mid quest and have to rush back to the wedding).
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alliepretends · 6 months
been thinking about your post on aromanticism and fandom with riz, and before i say anything else, i want you to know that I 100% agree with you. my primary interaction with fandom is through ao3 and fanfiction, and the heavy focus on shipping and romance has shaped what fandoms i choose to actively read fanfiction for: because I do not want to read romance heavy stories, I'll interact with fandoms/fanfic on a much higher level for fandoms that contain a large amount of gen works, regardless of how much i enjoy the source content in comparison.
within d20 fanfic, out of the 1167 fics with the Riz Gukgak character tag, only 89 of those fics have the aromantic asexual Riz Gukgak tag, and within the 95 fics total that have the aroace Riz tag (apparently there are fics with the aroace riz tag without tagging him as a character?), 18 of those 95 fics are tagged with Riz/Fabian, but only 12 are tagged Riz Gukgak-centric. In d20 fic overall, Riz/Fabian currently comes in as the most written relationship, with 365 fics. The highest written platonic relationship is Adaine & Aelwyn, who are sisters. As someone who personally, also does not like fabriz, queerplatonic or otherwise, and primarily enjoys reading about platonic relationships, this is, not gonna lie, disappointing to me.
However, like you said, it IS incredibly important for the aroace people who DO want to have/see qprs represented to get that! I want them to have it, and im incredibly happy for them that they do! yes, it's not something that i would enjoy, (it just doesn't align with my interpretations of either character) but like you said, a lot of aroace people find qprs to be an integral part of their experience, and seeing stuff get represented is so, so important!
this brings me to my actual point: you talk about how fandom falling in with your (and mine, i agree. you've encapsulated how i feel about riz.) point of view, this would end up alienating other aroace people who don't share the same view, or experience in their identities, and I don't want that either! The thing is, to me at least, that's just not how fandom works! Yes, in canon, if they confirm riz to be aroace (please please please please please) they will end up giving him one singular experience. it's impossible for him to represent all the wide and varied and wonderful ways for him to be aroace in canon, but that's what's beautiful about fandom for me! The metaphor you used for fandom was fighting over a bone, and while I definitely understand why you feel that way, to me, I cannot see it the same way at ALL. For every single individual person who watches fantasy high, there will be a completely different interpretation of each and every character, and all of them will be true. The thing is, when we're talking about Riz as an aroace character, well, there are not a lot of aroace people just in general, and fewer of those aroace people are going to have the same point of view, and there will be less fan-created content centered around this part of his identity as a result.
The solution, because there is one! is not to fight over the bone, or give up the bone, or keep the bone for ourselves, because there is no one bone. The beautiful thing about fandom, when the character passes from the creators hands into ours, is that there are infinite ways to interpret the character, all of them true, and when you don't see enough representation of the interpretation you have, the solution is to take YOUR interpretation and share it with the world. Write fics! Write massive text posts! Encourage and lift up the people who create things you DO relate to! Share what this character is to you and what you want him to be, and while it may not be a large percentage of people, you will find people who feel/have felt the same way you have. You're already doing it. You did, after all, reach me. I guess my point is, be the change you want to see in the world?
I understand that your whole point was about how fandom is so heavily romance focused and how that's frustrating, and maybe this isn't what you want to hear, maybe you just wanted to have a nice little complain (complaining and sharing your frustrations is good for the soul) and that's totally okay. I'm simply an optimist, and you seemed kind of doomy about it, so I just wanted to let you know that there is hope, and community, and people who feel the same way that you do, and hey, maybe if we work together we can create small pockets of fandom that can give you and everyone who feels the same way the aro rep they want to see in the world.
(I am so sorry for how long this got. um. sorry. thank you for putting up with me, I hope you have a wonderful day!)
It's lovely that you have such an optimistic perspective on this. And I hear you about wanting fandom to be a place that has space for a multitude of interpretations, but I think you're kind of missing my point. This goes beyond what you're saying, but it's something I get frustrated about in every fandom I've been in. There's a tendency for fans to want to ignore that fandom is a culture. That fan behaviors are shaped as much by cultural trends within fandom as by the desires of individual fans. Those cultural trends can be really harmful. But because fans often tend to treat fandom as a space outside of culture, and tend to act as if each individual character/ship/fandom is only made up of people having a personal engagement with the text, it becomes very difficult to address the problems that are deeply rooted within fandom culture. And those problems in fandom culture are reflective of the broader cultures of which fandom is a subculture, but they are also built, exchanged, and cultivated in a unique way within the subculture. That's how oppression works, relatively few people are actively trying to hurt others, but people all want to see their actions as independent from a larger cultural context so they don't have to worry about how they might be contributing to a culture that hurts people. It's why fandom, a space historically made up primarily of women, spent a very long time shielding itself from any accusations of sexism (which ran and continues to run rampant in fandom - as seen in everything from how female characters are treated to how m/m ships are forced into heteronormative tropes) by pointing to the failures of the source material. Despite the same problems occurring across the majority of fandoms regardless of the source material. And despite the justification not really holding up when one examined how many one-dimensional male characters fandom was happy to flesh out. I'm not a POC and I don't want to speak for POC but I've read enough critiques of fandom by people of color to know that racism (of all kinds) is an equally rampant problem in fandom.
And this issue of fandom as culture was what I'm talking about with Riz. The discourse over Riz's aromanticism frequently gets heated on this website. And I wanted to make a post exploring why that is. Because while discourse about any aspect of fandom can get heated (we're all emotionally invested here), I felt a particular weight of baggage in this discourse that I thought was worth attempting to bring to the forefront. There is a culture of romance-centrism in fandom. There is a culture of devaluing friendship (found family is great, but in my opinion, it has also become a way of talking around the devaluation of friendship in fandom spaces). There is a culture of characters only getting fic or analysis written about them if it fits into the context of romance or into a romance-dependant context of family. And so the baggage that I was trying to draw attention to with my post is that cultural baggage. Someone shipping fabriz may feel unfairly attacked by the desire of many people to keep romance away from Riz ("it's just a ship," "it's just me projecting on to the character," "it's just fandom, we're all supposed to have fun here.") And I wanted to point out the cultural hostility toward aromanticism in fandom spaces that makes viewing Fabriz that way impossible for someone whose spent any time observing and struggling with the broader culture of fandom. My metaphor about being thrown a bone was more an acknowledgment that being aromantic in fandom is always hard and that our options are limited trying to address this cultural problem by just talking about one character does leave a lot of people out. But this is the problem we have and the character we've got.
You're right that I was kind of doomy and gloomy about it. I'm not a person who likes to put myself out there in fandom. I'm fundamentally a lurker. This blog originally existed as a practice in positivity and contributing my own ideas. But after I left the fandom I started it for, I didn't come back to it. And it took me feeling mad about something for me to be motivated enough to post again. I already kind of regret it. But my intention wasn't just to have a good complain. My intention was to make the case that this particular discourse has a deeper cultural weight within the subculture of fandom. One that, if not considered properly, can easily allow people to shrug off their own role in building that culture. And it's a culture that is actively harmful for people who live romance-free lives (whether they are aromantic or not). I don't need there to be less romance in fandom. I just need there to be more space for characters like Riz to be allowed not to engage in it at all and still be considered worthy of fan attention.
Anyway, this is preachier than I like to be. I do appreciate that you are trying to bring optimism and empathy to fandom. But I also hate to be misunderstood. So I hope this clears up my point for you.
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My Favourite Tags / Reblogs of Round Two
Yeah sorry this one's long
#the yogurt man deserves this
Loose Duke did NOT hide for nearly an entire season in a spaceship’s vents, personally haunting Emily Axford the real person’s mind, to lose. - inkytrinket-irii
#loose duke is the only npc that gets better the less you see him
#hell yes! BIM SWEEP!#all the calroy girlies see his canon artwork and run for the hills. pathetic.#that man is a slice of cake and he’s sexier than any pink​​​-haired twink you could possibly draw
#chose calroy bc of that one monologue that out of context makes a crown of Candy sound like the most intense historical war period piece#to ever exist#also bc I did not watch sophmore year
#calroy sweep are you kidding#the gayest slice of cake to ever live
#hardest decision of my life 5ever#shit in your mouth vs watch me shit? how could i ever decide between those two?#(it was calroy easily)
#voted ox just so it's not a complete wipe. he's a Good Boy and i'm love him#but he doesn't stand a chance against the unhinged all-consuming-devotion dykery that is wuvvy
#i love garthy but Aelwyn has been giving me brainrot for the padt few months#the kind of character you want to snap in half and then cry about it
#it’s tough because aelwyns whole deal makes me cry#but on the other hand garthy is hot as hell
#ough this is hard#on one hand aelwyn is v complex and is central to adaines development in fhsy#on the other hand... garthy's voice is hot as hell and they are chill as hell#i GUESS ill pick aelwyn. im just saying i hate asmr but if it was garthy i think all my stress would melt away
#GUYS COME ON I KNOW GARTHY IS HOT BUT.#LOOK AT HER#SOPPING WET CAT OF A GIRL ALSO REMEMBER WHEN SHE WALKED INTO A LUDICROUS PARTY#OF HER OWN MAKING#SMASHED TWO BOTTLE OF LIQUOR AND MAGICED THAT SHIT STRAIGHT DOWN HER THROAT???#she is so everything to me Adaine in the first minutes of the campaign immediately tries to murder her#she shut down her mind to survive torture and kept her personality in a black box only her sister could open#sibling relationship of all time guys
#i love them both#but it has to be john feathers#most guy of all time despite literally being a bird
#if you're not gonna beat up a bunch of angels to give your wife tax advice don't even look at dale
#WHY is esther losing!!!#justice for my girl#my girl has the only braincell in NYC#released from her curse and immediately jumps the hot firefighter#nothing but respect
#one of the very few acoc characters i'll vote against without hesitation#ESPECIALLY for baron my god i love that little freak
#baron you funky creation from aroace fear
#i love dr lugash so fucking much#but you really put him up against annabelle cheddar? the most dyke 5ever?#i love her sm
#lugash would want you to vote annabell#because he is lgbt ally
#why does raghs art have him dressed as a dad at a barbecue#actually you know what he IS gay and it makes sense for him to be that flavor of gay
#plug's gonna lose a poll the same day he's gonna die- tomorrow
#Wilma!!!#or did y'all forget our education on docking
#vote caramelinda my god she deserves this win#also she's canonically lesbian. dyke rights.
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that-1-url · 4 months
my d20 fantasy high bad kids lgbt head canons for pride month
if you don't agree i literally do not give a shit because they're my head canons bby!!
I will provide definitions at the bottom for the lesser-known terms in case there's something people r unfamiliar with and to provide clarity
Gorgug (my favorite character):
Pronouns he/him; gender wise he's cis but like, in a non gender conforming way (someone said "boy but gently" and I think that's 100% accurate). personally, I head canon him to be biromantic aro, sex-favorable ace. (every month of the year!)
Pronouns she/they/fae, but if you use others she won't care. genderfluid, if you try to gender them one way they will say fuck that and "correct" you just to make you sweat lol. (I think that might be called genderfuck actually) biromantic and bisexual!!
Pronouns he/him, cis male, but make it dapper. romance-neutral and sex-repulsed aroace.
Pronouns they/she in high school, but as they get older eventually just use they/them. Non-binary but they got school so they aren't worried about that rn. romance positive, sex-repulsed aroace. They experience alterous and platonic attraction!!
Fabian Aramais Seacaster (I had to put his whole name lol):
Pronouns he/him, Bigender/genderflux, mostly masc presenting but sometimes he likes to step outside gender norms and just do whatever the fuck he wants and i think that's beautiful. Biromantic and bisexual as well. (+Achillean)
Pronouns she/they, female of center non-binary. Butch lesbian!
sex-favorable: someone who may engage in sexual activity even if they do not have any desire for sexual activity, for example to please a partner.
genderfuck: changing up gender norms/roles to say "fuck you!" to the statis quo
alterous attraction: a type of attraction that is neither entirely platonic nor entirely romantic, best described as desiring an emotional closeness with somebody.
achillean: men/men-aligned love men/men-aligned
female of center: people who identify with a feminine gender expression; whether or not they were afab or consider themselves a woman.
i did copy paste some of the terms and i got them from here.
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danburys · 5 months
okay, ships: parker/hardison/eliot and uhhhh *spins wheel* ayda x adaine
ahhh THE ot3
vomit / don’t ship / ok / cute / adorable / sexy / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell
i am once again thinking about their compatibility, what they've done for each other, who they are........................... Man......
ooooooooh, adaine/ayda!
vomit / don’t ship / ok / cute / adorable / sexy / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying /i will ship them in hell
i love this dynamic, but aroace adaine is my comfort hc for her so i don't personally ship adaine with anyone. it's a great ship in the abstract, though!!
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i need to hear. your bad kids gender & sexuality hcs. please
oh my goodness i would! scream about these! goin alphabetical,
adaine: questioning for a While but pan, i think? definitely acespec. she/her
fabian: TRANS AS HELL. i personally write him as transmasc (he/him) because there's Something about being told How To Be A Man and then realizing actually i can do whatever the Hell I want, but transfem fabes is also a vibe because? goin through a whole arc about toxic masculinity and then just. Not being a dude? hilarious to me. his romantic orientation i think less about- straight or pan probs? though i Vibe with demisexual fabian!
fig: trans she/they. short as hell and the most androgynous person you're gonna meet. she's bi. to me personally <3
gorgug: bi gorgug real (during pride month) he/him. you know that meme about the dude who wears a shirt that says to ask about pronouns and then he explains that his pronouns are he/him? those vibes.
kristen: lesbian they/she, maybe just they/them after some time. she's very queer and very gender to me and i think the gender hits later than the sexuality
riz: that is my aroace guy right there :D he/him. i can vibe with the trans but he's cis to me personally :| he's struggling enough with his sexuality to have actually Understood His Gender
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