#i promise you im not ok about them i almost shed tears watching the end of the daycare scene
gopsnippers · 11 months
GHFSGHJKFFAJDJFJHSDKJF (live ruin eclipse reaction)
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shingia · 3 years
Heya. I know this is very angsty of a request, but I saw the fic of characters reacting to their s/o who [tw] relapsed into self harm and was wondering if you would do some for asahi, ushijima, and oikawa?
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hi ! ofc you can honey <3 i hope these will bring you as much comfort as you need, and plz don’t hesitate to dm me if you need to talk to someone, or to reach out for help in any way. here’s a hug for you bcs you deserve it, love you 💗 
also im sorry but i really couldn’t imagine asahi ever arguing with his s/o so i didn’t include this in his fic (he really is too precious)
warnings : mentions of self harm, one mention of blood, some self-depreciating thoughts. please do not read if any of these might trigger something, stay safe everyone <3
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➾ 𝐚𝐬𝐚𝐡𝐢
asahi trusted you blindly. and everyday, he had to make an effort to persuade himself that you trusted him in return. you did of course, how could you not trust the one that had helped you through so much ?
but this wasn’t about trust ; it was about shame. because the last thing you wanted was to find in his eyes the anguish and fear as they were a few months ago. you couldn’t do that to him, yet you kept doing that to yourself.
however, you had the misfortune - which was more of a blessing really - to have a very observant boyfriend who cared about you. and he cared enough to gather the courage to finally ask you about what he had hoped you’d come to him for. sat next to you on the couch, he took the plunge. 
« do you… do you remember when you promised to always come to me if you needed help ? ». there, he had said it. and from the way that his arm tightened encouragingly around your waist, you understood what he meant by this innocent question. he kept speaking : « you know i trust you, right ? i really do. but something tells me that maybe you forgot about this promise recently ».
each of his words was carefully chosen, more than usual. because even if he didn’t show you, he was terrified of messing up. the fact that you were reluctant to answer was enough for him to understand that he had guessed right. but what confirmed it was the single tear that slowly streamed down your cheek.
« oh angel, no, come here. come, you’re ok now… » he spoke in a tone that was more comforting that anything you had ever heard. his arms were wide open for you to snuggle in, and when they wrapped around you, his words replayed once again in your head. i’m ok now, i’m ok now… you repeated internally. and you were, asahi was a man of his words after all.
« i’m sorry for being weak » you finally said after a few seconds of silence, voice half-muffled by his embrace. his warm fingers traced the outline of your face, encouraging you to look up to him. not because he needed to see your face, he already knew it by heart, but because you needed to see his. « weak ? y-you’re the furthest thing from weak. how can i even put it..? you are one of the strongest person i know, and i wouldn’t be half the man i am today if it weren’t for you. 
you wanted to thank him, but exhaustion took hold of your body before any word could leave your tight throat. and when you woke up - two hours later according to the clock - asahi was still there, holding you tight against his heart like a promise to never let go of you anymore.
➾ 𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐣𝐢𝐦𝐚
ushijima hated to waste time and energy on ‘petty fights’, as he liked to call them. but it was really frustrating to always feel like he avoided confrontation ; arguments were necessary in a relationship, and he didn’t seem to understand that.
whenever you got into fights, you were always the only one to get angry, which never failed to make you feel guilty afterwards. and eventually, this feeling of guilt started to become permanent, taking so much place in your brain that you had to sacrifice a part of the self-confidence you had built up the past months. but you didn’t know how much longer you could conceal it.
tonight was the first time you were sleeping together since your most recent fight, the one that had damaged you so badly. and you couldn’t lie, feeling his warmth next to you after about three days spent ignoring him almost felt like a reward. but a reward for what ? you were certainly not proud of what you had done, and you were terrified at the thought that he’d ever notice it. but unfortunately, your efforts to pretend like everything was ok were put to an end in the middle of the night, at about 3 am. something silly, really : ushijima had just turned around in his sleep, and his shoulder accidentally weighed on your wrist, making you hiss in pain. he immediately opened his eyes at the sound, his hand immediately finding its way to your side - he was always a light sleeper with you.
« are you ok ? » he asked, propping himself on an elbow, barely distinguishing your silhouette in the dark. « yeah, just my wrist. come on, let’s go back to sl- ». oh… that wasn’t supposed to be said out loud. it was hard to gauge his reaction since you could not properly see his face, but since he sat on the bed as soon as you interrupted yourself, you understood that it had not fallen on deaf ears. « are you comfortable with me turning on the lights ? » he asked, obvious concern in his voice. saying yes was tempting, because you knew this was a serious matter, but you couldn’t bring yourself to let him see you like this, vulnerable and ashamed.
ushijima accepted it of course, he knew he was not the best with words, so the least he could do was to make sure you were comfortable with whatever he decided to do. « is it ok if i hold you ? » he asked once again, his tone a bit more hesitant. the muscles in your jaw tensed at his words, it was more than ok, or at least you wanted to give it a try, but the worry you had caused him was bringing you back to the familiar feeling of guilt.
however, when he carefully made you rest on top of him like he had always done, something inside you felt healed to know that whatever you were going through did not impact every aspect of your life. his embrace felt the same, so did his heaving chest that rocked your body to sleep every night. surprisingly enough, you did not shed a tear. because the comfort finally felt stronger than the pain, you refused to let anything trouble this moment.
« are you ready to talk about it ? » he questioned, his voice rumbling like a soothing storm in his chest « or do you prefer to wait until tomorrow ? ».
ushijima might have avoided many discussions with you, but this one ? he simply refused to. and if he was more than ready to help you overcome your pain, he also knew not to pressure you into talking. words would come, eventually. but actions were always first.
➾ 𝐨𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐰𝐚
despite his usually confident behavior, oikawa knew he had a tendency to second-guess each and every one of his actions, and to beat himself up quite often.
he could not remember the last time he had felt so utterly disgusted by himself, he was usually more careful with his words. but all it took was one angry outburst from him for you to withdraw into yourself - and he had to fix this as soon as possible.
luckily for him, your relationship was strong enough not to be too affected by this argument - which had not been your first, but definitely the biggest one. however, you had been affected. a lot actually. but you knew better than to talk to him about this, knowing that he would obviously take the blame for your relapse.
but oikawa was attentive, and, clever as he was, it did not take long for him to guess what you were going through when he saw the red-stained tissues in the bathroom trash. it had been two weeks since your fight, and just the thought that he had left you alone with your struggles for so long made him want to throw up.
without wasting any more second, he burst out of the bathroom and made his way to the living room where you were absent-mindedly watching a movie. he would have preferred to have a discussion with you with a clear head, but the sight of the tissues kept spiraling in his head and he was incapable of doing anything else but to pull you in for a hug whose suddenness made you gasp.
oikawa’s hugs were usually soft, with little kisses here and there and a few compliments chuckled in your ear. but today had nothing to do with those. his arms were engulfing your figure in a desperate need to feel you against him, like he was trying to make up for all the time he had left you alone. « i’m so sorry, so sorry baby… can you forgive me ? » he breathed out, his voice cracking with emotion. obviously you knew what he was referring to, how could you not know ? and just like him, the thousand words on your mind only transcribed in your arms wrapping around him, closing the last few millimeters that separated you as you frantically nodded your head yes. 
you did not think he had anything to be forgiven for, and sadly, you also knew that he would continue to blame himself no matter what your answer had been. that was actually your biggest motivation to begin your recovery journey. oikawa needed to know that, from now on, you’d turn to him instead of your old habits. and you wanted nothing more than to make him happy, so, since his happiness seemed to depend on yours, it could be considered a package deal towards a better future, together.
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before you leave, here are links to two mental health support apps that i hope will help you deal what you are going through right now. i know it’s not much but i’ll be the happiest girl if this helped someone in the tiniest way. take care of yourselves ❤️
Calm Harm - Play Store | App Store
Wysa - Play Store | App Store
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@toworuu @catwithangerissues
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sludgeb0mb · 4 years
So, lambert and keira mommy kink?
Its not like lambert doesnt know hes got some hangups, ok? Hell, after everything hed been through its amazing hes only got a few. But fuck if this wasnt the worst one.
Keira knew, almost right from the start, that lambert was missing a sort of guidance. He could have a focused, strategic mind when he was calm, but other times he would lash out like a child. Keiras heart hurt for him, as a sorceress she knew all to well the pain of losing ones childhood.
Lambert had known a lovers touch, but needed the nurturing of one as well. She had been nervous at first, not wanting to be tied down by some man-child, but he wasnt anything like that. He deferred to her at any opportunity and encouraged her to do as she will. It was still in lamberts usual way, a dismissive noise when she suggested he fetch her something, but then returning with it before sundown. The way his golden eyes would shine when she praised him won her over, in the end. He was just too darling to resist.
He was useful. And sweet. And funny. And it was just natural for keira to lean in to her need to care for him, to fill the holes in his heart as best she could.
"Will you be a good boy for me?" Her cock--a soft polished wood with a metal core, was slick against him. The runes carved into the metal inside allowed keira to feel it as intensely as if it were her clit rubbing against him. Lambert whimpered below her, arching his back more to get closer to her cock while nodding into the pillow in front of him.
"I'm being good, Mommy. Please,"
She tutted, Lambert had so little patience, he was always begging for it when theyd only just started. She cant blame him, he was missing this so badly, and the heat pooling in her belly responded to that neediness.
"Okay baby, but remember we go at my pace. You dont ask for more than I give. Isnt that right, sweet?" Her thumb pushed down on the base of her cock, directing it toward his loosened hole, tip circling the rim in a way that had him tense with the urge not to push back even more.
"Yes, please mommy I wont be greedy, I promise." His voice sounded watery, as if he was going to cry already. Keira wouldnt be swayed by his tears, though. She knew when to be firm with her boy.
Keira pushed into him, just enough to allow the head of her cock to get past his rim, sighing as the magic of the toy allowed her to feel the heat of him. Lambert didnt bother holding back his moan, too focused on trying to be good and still for keira. He was whining deliciously, and as keira slid further into him it became drawn out, his voice fraying as she reached the hilt.
"Thank you, thank you," he was babbling into the pillow he was holding on to, whole body shaking with unspent energy while he waited for his mommy to fuck him. Instead, keira ground her hips against his ass, feeling the way his fur tickled her sensitive skin. Lambert was so masculine, all rippling muscles and dense, dark body hair, but when he was like this he was just her boy. Sweet and gentle and ready for her whenever she wanted.
She fucked him at a maddeningly slow pace, small thrusts that rubbed her cock over his prostate constantly while she held his hips in place. Lambert was leaking precome all over the sheets, but keira had already planned on washing them. Each slow drag felt like heaven for her, she didnt have to worry about shooting off or going soft after coming, so she could take her own pleasure at the slow build she preferred, though she knew her boy wanted more. He was sweating with the effort of it, and she leaned over his back to run a hand through his hair, causing her cock to be as deep inside him as possible. Lambert shuddered as her nails ran against his scalp, fresh tears springing to his eyes from the frustration of too-slow pleasure and her gentle touch. Her tits were pressed against him, the feeling of them so foreign with the feeling of a cock inside him. He felt cared for, but also like he was being forced to endure a punishment, and it was too much. He began crying in ernest, trying his best not to writhe on her cock even has his hole tightened around it.
"Whats wrong, baby? I thought you wanted whatever mommy gave you." Her voice was sickly sweet, unable to refrain from mocking him just a little so she could watch him cry harder. She could feel the way he tightened on her cock, trying to get more pleasure from the slow fucking.
"I-I do mommy, but," he sniffled, trying to gain composure. That wouldnt do, keira thought, and she slammed into him exactly once, her hand in his hair balling into a fist. He practically screamed, hiccuping as he tried to breathe through his sobs.
"But what, baby? If you dont like it, mommy can get you a nice plug to sit on." She wouldnt, of course, the hot clutch of him was too good to pull out. but his reaction was worth it, a hand flying up to cover the one in his hair, holding it there.
"No, no! I like it mommy, I do! Please dont stop." The poor thing sounded absolutely miserable, but she reached down to pat his cheek affectionately, making him relax a bit.
"There you go. I know whats best for you, dont you forget." He shook his head, kissing into her palm with reverence. It was a heady feeling, to have such a fierce, independent warrior reduced to this on the end of her cock, one that keira didnt see herself giving up any time soon.
She resumed the torturously slow grind of herself into him, feeling her own muscles twitch and clench as her pleasure built. She reached down around lambert, her hand ignoring his cock completely to stroke and fondle his balls. They were incredibly tight, had been drawing up since she entered him, and she loved the weight of them in her palm. Lambert gave a low moan like a man in pain, and she could feel the slick of his pre smear across her wrist. Fuck, she was getting close herself.
Nimble fingers stroked the smooth skin behind his sac, pressing as she bore down onto his prostate. Lambert jolted, his body uncomfortably hot as he endured her touch.
"Mommy, please, Im close." Lambert could barely get the words out between his tears, and keira barely bit back her moan in time. She removed her hand, giving a light slap to the head of his cock and enjoying the startled noise that came out of him.
"Didn't you promise not to be greedy? If youre a good boy and make mommy come, then Ill let you. If youre bad and you cant stop being greedy, then you get nothing. Will you be good and make mommy come?" Lambert was crying so hard he couldnt respond, but nodded. She stroked her hands soothingly down his back and sides, waiting for him to catch his breath.
"Thats my good boy, there you are. I know its hard, but you are doing so well for mommy. Here, im going to get ready for you." Keira pulled back, sliding out of lambert and making him gasp at the loss, his cute hole clenching around nothing. She reclined onto the bed, supported by a few of the many pillows they had amassed. Lambert dutifully held his position, though the shaking of his body told her that it was killing him.
"Come here, darling." She called to him, managing not to look surprised at the speed in which he turned to face her, crawling up her body and placing sloppy, desperate kisses wherever he could reach. She guided him until he was positioned over her cock, looking at her with red, puffy eyes and wet lashes. Her stunning little boy.
"Go ahead baby, remember that this isnt for you until after mommy gets to come." He nodded, lowering himself onto her cock so fast that he winced, but gave himself no time to adjust as he fucked himself on it. She pulled his hands forward to grab her tits, holding onto them with his thumbs pinching her nipples against the lower knuckle of his index finger. She smiled at him, watching him shakily try to return it as he used himself to get her off.
And gods, it was working. The magic of her toy allowing her to feel every movement, her pleasure had been building and now it was ready to crest, and her gorgeous boy working hard for her sped it along. His cock was nearly purple, bouncing with the rest of him and totally untouched. His balls looked close to bursting with how tight they were, and she knew he was so close he must be teetering on the edge but was holding back because she had told him to.
It only took a moment more until keira was coming, hips snapping harshly up into lambert as she did, the bedding below them soaked with her slick as her cunt clenched around nothing. She fucked into him a few times, riding out her high as lambert panted and whined above her. His favorite thing in the world was to please her, but watching her fall apart while he had to wait was a unique form of suffering. Keira knew this, and waited until the last of her aftershocks had faded before running her hands along his furry thighs, feeling them twitch and strain under her touch.
"Good boy, you did so good helping mommy come. Do you want your turn now?" He nodded furiously, but didnt move. She hadnt told him to.
"Go ahead baby, you deserve it. Let me feel you come on my cock." Lambert shed more tears, this time in relief as he fucked himself onto her for his own pleasure. Keira was a bit oversensitive, but hardly had to endure it as lambert came across her stomach without ever touching his cock, fully seated on her and grinding the head of her toy in the perfect spot. He managed to moan out a "thank you, mommy," as he shuddered and came, but it was barely intelligible.
Anytime they fucked like this, lambert was asleep almost the moment his head hit the pillow, barely able to clean himself up as he drifted off. That was fine, he had worked so hard to listen to her that keira didnt mind. She kissed his temple before getting up to remove and clean her toy. When she crawled back into bed, lambert was cuddling close to her, making her feel dwarfed by his size as he wrapped his big hands around her waist. She carded her own through his messy hair.
"Did you like that, baby? I wasnt too mean to you, was I?" He sleepily shook his head, nuzzling against her neck.
"No mommy, s'good. Thank you." Keira smiled to herself, feeling boneless and sated and stupidly enamored with her boy.
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izukult · 5 years
the stages of mourning △ {p.p}
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warnings / i’m SORRY ok this is sad bitch hours. angst, swearing, death death death, kinda vividish descriptions of death!! she says fuck like 8009482849293929 times
summary / he couldn’t come home every time.
word count / 5.5k (i POPPED off)
notes / PROMISE i give it a somewhat tranquil ending i’m sorry. also please read this it took me so long i put so much TIME INTO THIS. ALSO I COULDNT FIGURE OUT HOW TO DO THE READ MORE THING BC IM STUPID AND I FORGOT IM SO SORRY @ EVERYONE WHO DOESNT READ THIS PLS DONT HATE ME
[gif is not mine]
when you watched peter parker die, you pinched the skin on the back of your hand; you almost believed it was a nightmare because the physical pain was drowned out by the sight before you.
“peter- peter listen to me, hey-” your knees scraped on the cement of the road, small patches of your blood sliding onto the ground, melding into peters. “hey, it’s me. it’s y/n.” your hand was shaky as it came into contact with his shoulder, “it’s y/n.” you slowly pulled off his mask, grimacing at the discoloration of his face. his breathing was slow, heavy, as he looked at you. you could tell he was struggling with trying to close his mouth, and right when he did, he immediately coughed, gagging and spitting blood onto your torso.
“‘m sorry,” you shook your head, bottom lip quivering.
“no- no, pete, it’s okay. don’t be sorry. it’s okay,” your other hand came under his head, lifting him up slightly and cradling him like a newborn. “you’re okay.”
he smiled, as much as he could, and his eyes lazily scanned the area around you. he looked at the rubble and the indented car and other such mayhem around him. “did we do it? did i do it?” you nodded, clearing your throat to cover a sob.
“you did it, pete. you always do it.”
“spiderman always does it.” he grinned, wincing and shutting his eyes as tight as he could. the gashes on his stomach almost seemed protruding and he had marks of purple from previous encounters of asphyxiation. he clearly had broken ribs, and from the way it was bent, you could tell his left leg was broken. you didn’t look at that, though. instead, you looked at the way his hair still parted perfectly itself.
“no. no, you did it. peter parker did it.” he lifted a hand, almost pathetically, and lightly squeezed your arm.
“always did it for you,” and your heart wrenched. you let out a bark of a sob, your breathing becoming rapid. you wanted to close your eyes, rest your forehead on peters shoulder like you had so many times before, but you made sure to keep looking at him. looking at how he breathed, how his eyes held so much light even as he was dimming. you swiped your thumb over his cheekbone, smearing blood that had formed at another of his miscellaneous cuts.
“oh, sweet, sweet peter parker.” you remember that your voice was a hoarse whisper. at the time, it felt like that was all you could get out. you couldn’t speak louder or you would both shatter. at this point, people were gathering. to your disinterest, cameras were pointed. and, typically, you would’ve stopped them but right then all you could do was look at peter. “i love you so, so much.” and he smiled, he smiled that signature peter parker grin, clad with slightly broken teeth and a crinkle at his eyes. and then he convulsed. and his breathing sounded like hiccups and then it sounded like nothing and the brown of his eyes was almost a gray and they wouldn’t stop staring at you.
“peter-” you felt your heart stop, for just a second. your eyes widened, and you moved both your hands to his shoulders immediately. “peter, hey, peter-” you shook him, his corpse, slightly. “peter, please-.” and the sobs started to wrack your body again. you heard natasha’s gasp faintly over the pounding of your head, and you were sure tony had tried to pull you back but you jerked forward, back to the boy you loved.
“peter, please- please close your eyes, peter.” you shook him a little more, your wheezes erratic and your teeth chattering against each other. “peter, close your fucking eyes. this isn’t funny.” but he didn’t. he didn’t and you knew he wouldn’t. your shriek was louder than the commotion of everything around you.
“no.” your shook your head, maneuvering your arms under his back. “no no no-.” you lifted him up and regretted it as you caught a glimpse of what used to be him fall into the cracks of the ground from his stomach. you turned your head to the side, away from peter parker’s broken, perfect figure, and wretched until you were just dry heaving and sobbing and you didn’t know what was your blood and what was his but your tears were mixing into it. “no, you- you’re-.”
tony grabbed you again, gently trying to guide you from peter- from your peter.
“kid, you-.” you snapped your head to him, tears stains on your now pale skin. “he’s gone.”
“no. no!” you glared at him and you knew you shouldn’t talk to tony fucking stark like that but you didn’t care. “he’s fine. shut the fuck up.” you still held your broken boy in your hands as you looked at tony. “he promised- he-.” your body ruptured into sobs again.
“he said after this we’d- we’d just go home and watch- he promised we’d go to the compound and have a normal fucking night and this wouldn’t be a big fucking deal.” your eyes were wild and your face was scrunched. nothing about you was beautiful in this moment. “he promised.”
“i’m sorry.” never had you seen tony so deflated; never had you seen a town so deflated. suddenly, the air felt different, and the world felt darker. there was no more peter parker to light it anymore.
you turned back to him and sucked in a breath. “oh, pete,” you kissed his forehead, moving to each of his temples. you pressed three soft, pure kisses on his cheeks and nose, letting his blood become a lipstick that he had said was his favorite shade on you. when you kissed him, finally, his lips were starting to cool. they were chapped, as always, but they didn’t have the warmth and energy he radiated. this time, when you kissed him, his hands didn’t move your hair or rest on your waist, but they stayed down. this time, when you kissed him, there was none of him pulling back red and breathless just to look at you. this time, when you kissed him, there was nothing. your forehead pressed with his and your tears gave him the warmth that he was missing. “you promised.”
you littered your body with bruises to match those that peter had; learned all the defenses that could’ve saved him.
handling peters death wasn’t something you we exactly doing. your body was weak; holding out on meals, drinking nothing but caffeine, and overworking daily.
you’d grown accustomed to falling asleep under the pressure of peters arm. you listened to his heartbeat instead of music- once you’d joked that since he was attuned to your heart you should memorize the tune of his-, and used his body heat as a blanket. now, when you closed your eyes, your body was too cold and too hot. now, when you closed your eyes, you saw how blank he became. now, when you closed your eyes, you remembered beating the almost defeated doctor octavius until he followed peter. now, when you closed your eyes, you felt the horror you’d felt when you realized you’d killed him.
your jaw was clenched, teeth grating against each other. your eyes were slits, glaring at the black clad bag. you lifted your hands in a right, left, right formation before following with two immediate left jabs. you stopped taping your hands the day after peter died. you let the sand in the bag crack your skin, push your knuckles inwards, bend your fingers slightly and never cried about it. you never cried. after the first night, you didn’t shed tears unless there was other water for them to blend with.
you hadn’t spoken much about him after that day, besides at his funeral. there was no one who knew peter parker as well as you, and it only felt right for the person he had loved the most to say a few words. and that’s what you did. you said a few words. because, honestly, you could talk about peter parker for hours. you could talk about the way his hands were calloused everywhere except his palms, or how when he laughed his right eye shut more than his left one. you could talk about how he once talked about the flaws of the back to the future trilogy for eighteen minutes and then rebutted his own argument for twenty six minutes. you could talk about how it took him twice as long to fall asleep on his back than it did on his stomach or every difference between his varied tone of voice. you could talk about how he carried the world on his shoulders and still let other people take the credit. but you would not talk about his fall, or his failure. you knew he wasn’t to be spoken about in such a manner, so you uttered as little as you could about his death.
you left his funeral early. after everyone found out he was spiderman, you were getting constantly bombarded with apologizes and praise. peter parker couldn’t even be a regular boy in his own death, and you felt the ceremony was too public.
you couldn’t bare to see him buried, either. part of you, all of you, was still hoping this was a big misunderstanding. that your boy would run to you, wrap you in his arms, pick you up, kiss you, tell you it was okay and that he was there. when you started to understand that he wasn’t coming back, when the shock started to wear off, you changed- your heart filled with more malice than it had before, and every time you touched something you felt that it should break under you. you were angry.
you punched the bag a few more times, throwing your all into in a rhythmic dance before your infuriation started to bubble over again. you hit it with improper form, spontaneously and full of rage. you felt your thumb turn backwards but you pushed farther, letting the sound of the bone cracking mix in with the dull sound of the leather. your vision blurred and you yelled, hitting it more with your fists vertical now, until you were pulled back and wrapped into someone’s arms.
you heaved, looked down, saw the gore from your finger stain their shirt, and pushed them away from you. you didn’t say a word as you panted, let your vexation deflate slightly and stared at the wall past the person.
“kid,” you jerked your neck, your eyes meeting tony’s. you silently, desperately, willed him not to say what you knew he’d say next. “you’ve got to stop, this isn’t good for you.” you swallowed slow, the burning of your throat- the sting of soreness- reminded you that you were alive and peter was not. “he wouldn’t want you to do this.”
and you laughed. at first it was just an exhale, a sarcastic ‘fuck you’ of air, but then it evolved. it turned into a full bodied laugh, your back leaning down in a terrible posture with your arm positioned on your stomach. you stumbled forward, used tony for support, as your chuckling stopped. there had been no sign of a smile on your face. you were eye level with tony, and you kept your hand on him as you looked at him directly.
“don’t tell me what peter would’ve fucking wanted.” your tone was harsh and you pushed yourself away from him- or more him away from you- and your vision glossed over.
“he wouldn’t want this, y/n.” your eye twitched slightly before you closed them both altogether.
“you know what he wanted, tony?” you took a step toward him, “he wanted to impress you.” you pressed your finger into his chest. “he wanted to be good enough for you,” you couldn’t get rid of the scowl on your face. “he was fine as the kid in the fucking pajamas. he was fucking happy.” your voice broke, and you cleared your throat, which seemed to be a common habit now.
“you did this to him. you brought him into stuff he wasn’t fucking ready for.” you knew it was cruel. you knew tony already stomached some of the blame. but you stood tall and clenched your hand into a fist, even your broken thumb, your eyes looking into his, almost challenging him.
“you need to get some sleep,” you scoffed.
“running away from your problems again, stark? how many people have you fucking killed, besides peter?” tony didn’t say anything. he didn’t snap at you, he didn’t apologize, and, more than that, you noticed he didn’t have any hint of emotion on his face.
“it should’ve been you, or at least me.” your breathing was hallow and you turned your torso, your legs still planted and threw a hard punch, wincing at the contact, before turning back to him. “but this stupid fucking team of egoists who think they’re better than every other goddamn person took a fucking child- he was just a child- and made him do their fucking work.” you exhaled through your nose, another quiet laugh spilling from your lips.
“you killed him! all of you did.” after you screamed the first sentence, tears started to pool in your eyes. it was the first time you’d cried in front of someone since you lost peter. you took a step closer and maintained eye contact as you spat on the mat near his feet. “and all of us are going to hell for it.” you walked past him, towards the door, and left past traces of your hands on the punching bag to rot.
“peter idolized you. he lost his life for you, so the least you could do is have a little fucking respect and not act like you know what he would’ve wanted for me.”
peter used to joke about how good of a lawyer you’d make when you argued, and the thought consumed you for about six days.
“come on, strange,” you pleaded. his arms were crossed, and he hadn’t even bothered to dignify you with a glance.
“no,” you groaned, your eyes rolling. you were still on edge- still at snapping point, still broken- but you had been focusing your energy into an attempt to bring peter back. you had been surrounded with superheroes and magic all your life so you’d figured there was bound to be someone who could tinker with necromancy.
“i’m just asking you one favor-” stephen stopped moving and turned to look at you. even though his face was blank, he had the evident dr. strange ‘not-in-the-mood-for-your-shit’ aura.
“a favor? you’re asking me to bring someone back from the dead. not only does that go against every one of my teachings as a doctor, but it could also completely obliterate this universe’s timeline.”
“obliterate it? really?” you had disbelief in your eyes which glazed over the hope you were trying to hide.
“yes!” stephen brought his arms to his sides. “peter’s dead.” his tone softened slightly, his sympathy wrapping around your shoulders like a blanket. “i’m sorry.”
you exhaled, shrugging your shoulders, and trying to stop yourself from acknowledging the pressure that formed at your waterline. “no, don’t be. you’re right. he’s just dead.” you gave him a tight lipped smile.
“if you’re not going to help me, i’ll find someone who will.” you hadn’t been able to get any progress on the whole ‘zombie parker operation’. you’d tried everything from lab tests to pleading with some aliens- who tried to kill you shortly after.
you’d never been an overly religious person. you didn’t go to church every week and you didn’t pray before every meal. after seeing all the things you saw, watching people get murdered and assaulted and the people who attack just for the laugh, you got weary with the idea that a god could be real.
at peters funeral, you didn’t show a hint of emotion at the ‘he’s in a better place now’ comments or the ‘god took him to rest with his family’ notion. while it was a nice thought, you felt that peter parker resided in the spot on the street where his soul left him. in your mind, peter lived on through the kisses he’d left on your cheeks and the echo of his laugh through the compound at three am.
after everything, you could only assume god was dead. but, desperate times call for desperate measures.
you’d wound up in peter’s untouched room. your eyes glazed over with a mist and a wet breath fell in sync with a tear. you walked over to his dresser, the rustic wood covered in an array of random shit that peter just couldn’t clean, and looked at the stack of pictures he had of you and him, or just you. your finger traced over the print of his hair; you don’t know how long you held the photo, but when the tears started to slide off of it- form puddles on the lamination-, you placed it back down. you moved to his bed, sat down and inhaled the scent of his pillows.
you looked up at the ceiling peter had definitely tried to do tricks off of. “god?” you cleared your throat. you felt stupid, childish, trying to talk to something you never worshipped before. “hi, uh, it’s me.” your voice was saturated with tears, thick with saliva, but you chose to ignore it. “i know i’ve- i don’t really- i don’t really necessarily do all the things you’re supposed to do when- uh- that you want me to do, i guess.”
you bit your cheek, clenching the cotton of peters pillowcase. “so, if you’re real, i don’t know why you’d do anything for me. i’m not- i’m not really a good person.” you shut your eyes tight, bringing your knees up to your chin. “but peter? peter was good. as good as you, if not better. all he wanted was to help people- he died helping people- he died.” you shook your head, your eyes opening and glancing back at the popcorn material of the roof.
“if you’re real, if you’re hearing this, i beg you. please, bring him back. somehow. please, just keep him safe, he just needs to be safe.” your voice cut off and you didn’t bother to try to bring it back up. you knew it was foolish, that this wasn’t how it worked, but you waited for a voice or for a sign. you don’t know how long you waited, or how long until any hope left your body. you don’t know how long it was until you fell asleep in peters sheets, staining the place you used to lay together with your tears. you don’t remember being covered in a blanket by tony or the looks of pity- empathy- from the other avengers. you don’t know anything else about what happened that night other than the fact that after that you knew peter was gone.
when peter was out patrolling, you often stole his sweaters. the feeling was almost like he was giving you a warm hug, pressing into your skin lightly. after he died, you tried to pretend the little things were him as well.
it only took you about two weeks to go back to school. you knew you had to go back sometime, that just because one life stopped didn’t mean everything else did. people at school looked at you differently now. they gave a softer image to you, bit back every word to make sure it was okay to say. they held your tired eyes in their hands and tried to make sure you didn’t break.
you’d stopped eating, almost completely. unless someone forced you to eat, which sometimes you’d still denied, food was out of the picture for you. overall, your hygiene went down in general. you weren’t doing your homework, showers became less and less frequent and your biggest habit became sleep. so, school was a big step (so was stepping at all).
you sat at your desk next to michelle and ned. peters death hit them both pretty hard, but it didn’t seem to have the same effect as it had on you. all of your class, you’d try not to look over to the empty chair that peter parker used to sit in every day; and when you would look that way, one of them would squeeze your hand. they’d ground you enough so you didn’t float away. but with current circumstances, that was just enough.
flash approached you, clearing his throat and offering you a weak smile.
“hey,” you looked at him, eyes almost permanently stained red, and offered the closest thing you could to a welcoming grin.
“i- uh-” he paused. you could see him bite down on his bottom lip, which was slightly more chapped than peters used to be, watch as he pondered over his next sentence just as everyone else around you did.
“i- i like your sweater. it’s sick.” you didn’t need to look down at the sweater to know what he was talking about. your heart clenched, the fabric that slipped slightly past your finger tips suddenly starting to feel like it was trapping you.
“thanks, it was peter’s.” and there it was, in the open. it was peter’s. the lines of color on the gray sweater were fading and the star wars print had started to chip, but peter still wore it religiously around the compound. “i- i took it from him one day and just never gave it back. didn’t have the time.” the air felt thick. it was hard to swallow, even harder to come back out. you could see the regret on his face, the guilt and the pain.
“he- he was really- i’m- i feel bad. i treated him like shit.” he ran a quick hand through his hair and you nodded.
“you did. don’t worry, pete’s a forgiving soul.” you shrugged, placing a hand under your chin to still your jaw so your teeth wouldn’t chatter.
“he was a good dude.”
“yeah, he was.” you didn’t realize you’d started crying until you felt the warmth on your face. at this point, you hardly recognized when you cried. you felt almost blank, and when you weren’t you just missed him.
“alright, bud, that’s enough.” mj. she protected you, looked out for you, and she was going to end the conversation for you.
flash mumbled an apology, or maybe a condolence, and left back to his seat and you moved to wipe away the tears. mj placed a hand on your shoulder, rubbing her thumb lightly to try to calm you.
“he didn’t mean anything by that. it’s just flash, yknow? he can’t tell a mome-”
“do you think i should’ve given him back his sweater?” your eyes were wide and the precipitation from them amplified their shine in an almost sick way.
“peter. do you think he was mad i kept his sweaters?” your nerves started to build up and if you’d had the energy to hyperventilate you would’ve, instead your breaths just came out heavy and slow. “i could’ve done so much more, yknow?”
“hey,” she tried to cut you off, bring you out of the spiral you were falling into.
“no, i’m serious. i- i remember when i got this sweater. he’d just swung right out the window- no reason to hide the identity anymore, yknow? everyone knows- anyway, he’d just left and i already missed him so much. i was so fucking overdramatic.” the laugh that bubbled in your throat erupted as a sob and you felt so stupid for doing this in class but you were wearing peters sweatshirt and he wasn’t there to kiss your cheek or play with your hair or call you his pretty girl or anything and he’d never be there again so crying felt like an okay response.
“i always got so scared when he’d leave, that he’d end up dead and alone out there. he wasn’t alone, though. i was there- i was there and i couldn’t save him. i- i’d missed him so much and i loved this kid so fucking much and there was this stupid fucking sweater that smelled like old spice on steroids and i just- oh my god, i miss him so fucking much.” your breathing had quickened now and everyone was looking at you and you were just looking at the empty chair.
“i shouldn’t have taken his clothes. he’d always make jokes, maybe they weren’t jokes, about how pretty soon he’d have nothing to wear and i shouldn’t have taken his fucking stuff, i shouldn’t-” you paced yourself, letting out a single even breath.
“do you think he knew?” mj didn’t say anything. no one said anything. they just watched you. they felt your pain from your body, from the fabric. “think he knew how much i loved him?” you wiped the tears from your face once more. “god, i hope he did.”
“of course he did.” ned spoke up this time. you could hear his heart in his voice; you could hear everyone’s heart in their voice. queens had lost spiderman, midtown had lost peter parker, and you had lost your family. “you made it disgustingly obvious.” you forced out a laugh and turned your attention to ned, who cracked a smile at you. “it’s not your fault.” you looked at him and the guilt you’d placed behind poorly sewn cotton came bursting through the dam and ned knew you meant so much more.
“peter would never have thought it was your fault.”
“i know.”
“he knew what he was doing.”
“i know.”
“and he loved you so much while doing it.” and you did grin. your fingers closed around the end of the sleeves, and you looked down at the thing that most closely resembled the boy you loved.
“i know.” you were tired; everyone could see you were tired. so, when the two asked to take you to the nurses, no one disagreed. your feet were slow as you walked, your eyes barely bothered to stay open anymore, and you felt like you’d lost your personality in the cracks of the road that day. you knew you’d lost your soul there. when you were sitting on the makeshift bed in the health room, waiting for someone to pick you up, you closed your eyes and brought the hem of peter’s sweater up to your face. you breathed in, felt the tears fall again, and this time allowed them. your mouth didn’t move from a straight line and you felt almost a consistency of numbness but you imagined peter there next to you, telling you you were going to be just fine.
“i love you.” and you stayed like that until someone came for you.
the one time peter tried to take you on a picnic, he had to go for his spiderman responsibilities. you weren’t mad, you ended up just looking at the city from the balcony when he came back, but you never got around to the task.
it had been 46 days since peter parker died. over a month since he’d said his last word, laughed his last laugh, kissed his last kiss. slowly, with time and so much pain, you were coming back to life.
you missed him every day, sometimes ignoring it was impossible and you’d break down- fall apart at the seems-, but you were getting better at holding yourself together.
you looked in the mirror, flattening your hair with a hand, pressing it down, and nodded a little. you looked at the outfit and huffed out a breath of air. “i think this was it,” you knew it was, you remembered the photos, but you still asked yourself. you informed someone you were leaving, where you were going, and made your way.
it was your first time visiting peters grave since his funeral. seeing the tombstone was almost too much for you.
Here Lies
August 10, 2001 - March 4, 2019
Beloved hero, nephew, and friend.
Long live Spiderman.
your breathing cut off as you read, and for a second you felt an anger at the last part, but you knew that was part of him. it was a big part of him, and of course it was going to be recognized. because it was still peter parker and peter parker was spiderman. you placed the basket down and crouched down to touch the stone.
“hey, pete.” you opened the basket and grabbed the flowers you’d had placed at the top, and left the handful of daisies you’d brought at the base of the marble. “i’m sorry it took me so long to come see you,” you could envision him saying it was okay, that he was just glad to see you at all, and you shook your head. you had to stop hiding in figments of him.
“i thought- i thought we could finally have that picnic?” you let out a quiet laugh, your hand tracing the lettering. “i wore the same outfit, brought the same food- made it the way you’d wanted it.” your exhales were choppy as you started to empty the basket and you whimpered slightly as tears started to fall again.
“i miss you so much, peter.” your eyes were closed, tears moving from your face to your neck, but a small smile tugged at your features. “i say that so often. i hope wherever you are, you’re happy now.” you moved and opened a cart of strawberries, grabbing one. “everyone at school misses you. everyone does.” you took a bite from the strawberry, swallowing it quickly as you remembered something.
“oh!” you wiped your mouth, rubbing the juice from the strawberry on your leg. “there’s a day for you now? like a remember spiderman day thing. there was a vigil, too, it was supposed to be really beautiful. i didn’t go- i couldn’t go.” even though he wasn’t there, even though you felt yourself breaking all over again, talking to him through dirt and stone made you feel the most natural and at home you’d felt since his death.
“saw flash weeping over you, man.” you finished that strawberry and let out a little laugh. “we all love you, parker. i’ve been checking up on may. so has happy, if ya know what i mean.” you laughed again. “sorry,” you played with your fingers, a nervous habit you’d had most of your teenage career.
“i hope we meet again, peter. i know we will.” and as you looked at this stone and all the other stones around, all the memories came back so strong. every moment you’d ever had with peter. you remembered the way he breathed late at night, every time he’d tripped while looking at you, all the stupid fights you’d had, and the dumb ways he’d apologized. every utterly domestic thing about peter came back and it was too little for him. it wasn’t enough to be his whole life. “i think you and me could’ve been forever.” you nodded, chewing the inside of your bottom lip. “in a way, i think we will be.”
you kept a hand on the stone. “you were worth the whole fucking world, peter.” you kissed the rock, which may have been gross but you didn’t really care at the moment. “i’ll think about you, always. i do think about you always.” you remembered how soft his face was under your hand or the way when you were sad he would hug you so tight and so strong. “you’ll always be my favorite boy.” how he looked at you like you were the most gorgeous thing he’d ever seen every moment he saw you. “you’ll always be my favorite hero.” the way he gripped onto your hand when you were never. “i can’t wait to see you again.” you hoped that your tears wouldn’t have any help in the process of eroding the gravestone, but you knew tony would have it fixed if it had so much as a dent.
“i promise i’ll come by more often.” you meant it. you’d continue to come by, visits never getting less frequent. going there was your way of still being connected with him. you went at least once a week, always with a recap and thoughts of him. when you got older, you realized life was moving and you had to move with it. you’d still come by when you could, but visits seemed to hold to maybe once every month or every few months. but, you always thought of peter parker, at graduation, on your wedding day, when raising your children. you saw peter parker’s face in the beauty of the world and heard his laugh in music. and you thought of peter when your time finally came, when you were finally reunited with the boy you kept in your heart all your life.
but, in that moment, you just looked at the daisies and the food. “but, enough about that. let’s finally have this picnic, pretty boy.”
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afterthelastreset · 4 years
Krisei Zodiac Event Aries Week
Aries Zodiac Sign Info Gotten From:
“The first sign of the Zodiac, Aries are the trailblazers. Passionate and independent, Aries will never do something just because everyone else is doing it—a Ram needs to be 100 percent committed to the task at hand. Competitive to the max, the best way to motivate an Aries is to turn something into a contest. Aries will put everything they have (and then some) into winning. Loyal, smart, and impulsive, they always have multiple projects on their mind, and won't be satisfied until their work, social life, and personal lives line up exactly with the dream life they've envisioned. Those who are drawn to magnetic Aries may have trouble keeping up—but if they can, they'll have a friend for life.”
🔥Aries Week
Day 1: *when Susie Dares you on a blind date*
The candlelights were lovely tonight. Shining brightly against the otherwise dark room, making shadows dance across the walls and adding a certain flare to the whole scene. The few rays of light that didn't make the darkness dance were shining off the small pile of food in front of them, making them hungry. But he couldn't care less about those food right now, right now he was more nervous about the real gem in front of himself.
The monster’s white fur sparkled against his beautiful  face, delicate pink eyes fluttered those lashes at him and if he wasn't already sitting down, he would've fallen over from nerves alone. Luckily being frozen meant he didn't have to worry about sweating in front of him. He had a whole new other set of worries though. Like did he put everything together ok? Did Susie warn him enough? Did she give him the right wine for this thing? Oh gosh he hoped she didn't give him apple juice. Not that the goat monster seemed to mind though. He was smiling that beautiful grin of his.
"I must say, Kris. I wasn’t expecting to be asked by Susie to meet a man in such a dashing suit.~" He glanced down to the wine bottle in his hand before back to him and giving a chuckle. Making him smile his nervous grin wider, "I never suspected you'd be one of such class.”
Kris chuckled nervously and pulled at the bowtie around his neck, "U-Uh. Y-Y-Yeah, I honesty didn't know if you'd agree to g-going out with a plain old human like me. ...UH! N-Not to say y-you're selfish or anything!" His face became more scared when he had realized what he had said. Holding his hands up. "I-I just meant that you might not have wanted to g-go with me since you're way out of my league...U-UM! N-Not saying you're one of s-s-shallow and stuck up nobles! Because obviously you're not!"
The monster chuckled at his obvious flustering. But not in a bad way, on the contrary. He thought this little scene was absolutely adorable. And the lengths he went through, though not as fancy as other dates he went on, it was still so sweet how he went through all the trouble of putting this all together just for him. Kris froze when he heard the dark prince chuckle but Ralsei didn't look mad in the slightest.
"It's quite alright.~ I must say the set up has been quite sweet thus far.~"
Kris stared at him in disbelief. "Y-You..You really m-mean it?"
He chuckled again. "Yes, and I can’t wait for this to happen again.”
“D-Don’t worry. That’s a promise.”
Day 2:*boldly taking the first kiss*
One moment.
That's all that it took. One small breath moment to have the two freezing up and staring at each other in silent shock. The two silently stared at each other for what seemed like forever- ....It wasn't supposed to happen you know. All this time just going through the steps together, gracefully gliding across the ballroom floor all alone..It was just supposed to help him learn, not to start gazing into each other's eyes for weeks on end in private after hours, admiring his strength. His booming laughter. His slowly steadying grace to the movements he was asked to teach the giant monarch. It was never supposed to come to a folly such as this. What cruel entity up above thought it'd be a great idea to push them together and set thing strange fate? If he had any sense, he would excuse himself, pretended it never happened, and move on with their lives...
His paws slowly gripped tighter around him and one look already told him he couldn't get away even if he flung his whole body forward. Not that he wanted too anyways. Eyes slowly closing. The giant paws gently bringing them closer. And in a last flee from sane thinking or any other life boggling mysteries about this whole thing-
They kissed.
Day 3:*taking that bold leap forward and taking your relationship to the next level*
Bells toiled with the distance and blinding white decorations coated the entirety of Card Castle's halls. One could smell and taste the sweet smell of the decorative flowers and the amount of deserts on the table nearby. OH what a wonderful delight to the senses this fine day was. And it was all the better for the two who's the entire celebration was for. One couple who's hardships and difficulties were no match against their hope. WHo's love despite the impossibilities that should've been there to begin with, wasn't shattered or gone away. Oh! They were tested for sure. Thick and thin. With tears shed, labored sweat, and much fighting for it. But still gained none the less. A testament for the outstanding bravery they had faced all for this one important day they had only dreamt of until now.
But with the rings slipped on his fingers. The smile on his face. The happy tears making the make up drip down his cheeks. Happy sobbing and awes from watching crowds. There was only one thing he could possibly say to something like this-
"I do."
Day 4: *boldly choosing to leave your own world to live with the one you love*
The warm bed hugged their bodies as they curled up to each other. The soft pillows and mattress was supposed to bring one comfort along with the blankets in times of rest. That was their job. That's what they were supposed to do wasn't it? The comfort of sleep was supposed to be a relaxing experience to have for all. But unfortunately sleep didn't come easily tonight, not when the one next to you was tossing and turning, and eventually woke you up with his grumbling and kicking. Oh no it simple wouldn't do at all. Not just for his own sanity, oh he could worry about that later, but the giant next to him. He couldn't just leave that be. Oh that would simply not do at all.
Currently the supposed to be silent room was alive with soft humming and little mumbles of sobs and chokes. The larger of the two had himself buried within the comforting embrace of the much smaller man as he continued to let out the sorrows of that night.
"I miss him, Ralsei. I-....I sometimes f-feel like..I betrayed her with this!"
He shushed the human. Patting his back, "No, no thou didn't. he would've understood. he wouldn't have thought bad of you."
"I-I d-don't-..."
He shushed him again, letting the two of them slightly rock back and forth. “You’ll be alright. Im here to help you."
Day 5:* Ralsei makes a bold move to contact the human*
It'll be ok just breath. Everything was going to be alright. There was totally not a chance this was going to blow up in his face, and he had zero chance of really embarrassing himself again in front of a potential hero. Yep! All he had to do was relax and not do anything to embarrass himself as always. YES! EVERYTHING WOULD BE TOTALLY FINE!!! He gave a couple more big gulps of air into his lungs as his body did the usual totally not nervous habits of tapping his foot, and wringing his hands together as he nervously kept staring up at the large door awaiting the approaching two. There he was....The hero. Well heroes but he wasn’t looking at the tall lady. Instead at the handsome hero of sparkling red eyes and fair blue skin as he walked towards the dark Prince. Ralsei could barely speak. Thank goodness his embarrassed face was hidden by the cloak. He swallowed the lump in his throat and spoke.
“Greeting Heroes...”
Day 6:* Kris contemplates his own family and the one he grew up with*
How does one decide another's worth? How does one predict another's personality or their impact they leave behind? Well unless you can see into the future and know for sure what you're dealing with then you're in for surprises. Which is what happened to him not too long ago. He could admit(just to himself) that he never expected to be surprised by someone he originally perceived as an easy pawn to his own needs. He never expected to be the one drawn to something so opposite of himself. But here he was, one moment minding himself the next-
The small child happily laughed and hugged the other man who was holding him. A strange family to one seeing it from the outside, but one he was more comfortable and familiar with over time. One he had to learn to accept but it was worth it in the end. But that brings up another question. What exactly made up a family? Most would picture a small house with a picket fence, a mom and dad, and a little boy and girl running around. But truth is it's not always that simple. Family is beyond blood or marriage.
It's who's always making you smile and there for you.
Day 7: *A kiss during a play is a forward move*
*Highschool drama club au*
The bright lights on the stage was almost blinding to the eyes of the ones on stage, and the audience but they weren't important right now. The glowing white light reflected perfectly off the two as they stood there wrapped in each other's embrace. Of course to the audience this was just another act of the school drama clun, and the ridicules costumes they were wearing for said performance were uncomfortable, but the way they was being held. The way the dashing prince's outfit fitted him. The way the white light shined off his beautiful features, no matter how artificial this role was, was absolutely breathtaking to them.
His handsome smile and fluttering eyelashes were to die for.
"And so. The Princess was safely returned to the Kingdom of Monsters," the narrator shouted somewhere on the stage to their right, but they barely paid attention. They were more focused on what the last part of the play script meant for them and their beautiful goat prince afterwards. "And the brave Prince was rewarded with her hand in marriage. They spent the rest of their lives together and lived happily ever after!"
The audience cheered in celebration and internally so did they when the prince finally got the oh so awaited kiss that was so rightfully his. It seemed like years before they pulled apart staring into each other's smile.
"Happily ever after, My Prince.~"
"Happily Ever After to US, Kris.~"
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billyboyblue · 5 years
Sorry. Fluffy. 16. Stucky!!
Thanks so much for the prompt! I hope i did these boys justice. 
Stucky~ The thought of losing you scared me
Steve couldn’t help himself from watching the rise and fall of Bucky’s chest. It was steady and deep from sleep, and something about the hypnotic ebb and flow soothed something deep in Steve. It was a habit he couldn’t seem to break, not that he’d even been trying. Not really. 
Waking every night before even the first vestiges of light was so common an occurrence that it was now his sleep cycle. 
Having Bucky back was the greatest gift he could have ever believed possible. A person could only receive so many miracles in their life, right? A man could only hope the pain of loss would only lessen in time. But to have been given his life back,to be given Bucky back, was an unfathomable blessing, that he’d now received three times over. 
The days and months after the victory over Thanos, were a scramble of recovery, mourning and reconstruction. The earth was saved, the universe was saved, but all Steve could see through the rubble of ruin had been Bucky’s exhausted face. His tired smile and quiet ‘Stevie’. Made the wonder of the victory finally sink. The wave of euphoria had been enough to make him fall to his knees, face buried in Bucky’s shoulder, crying tears of relief, of sadness, of mourning. 
Almost a year later and still Steve found himself waking before the birds and the dew just to watch the life affirming vision of Bucky asleep, happy, safe. his hair was as short s before the war. cropped and buzzed usually but the long locks of winter were shed months and months ago. Steve had been so taken aback by the sight of Bucky leaving the bathroom nine inches of hair shorter. 
The change had made Bucky look younger, softer, freer than he had since they had found each other again, and although he’d seen trepidation in Bucky’s eyes as he revealed a new look. His gruff chuckle as Steve lifted him and spun him around, like a cheesy romance movie was the sweetest sound Steve had heard in years. 
“You keep staring at me and you’re gonna use up all my pretty.” Bucky spoke up, eyes still closed and breathing unchanged but smile half blooming on his lips.
“Impossible, been staring at you for a hundred years and your mug is still prettier than mine.” Steve answered, smiling as he settled back down, wrapping his arms around Bucky, breathing in the undefinable scent of Bucky and pressing a kiss to his nape.
“Well its not like that’s hard.” Bucky mocked as he settled back into Steve’s chest, hands twining with Steve’s.
“You’re a bully. Here I am, declaring your beauty to the gods and you mock me. 
“Hmm, what you were doing is checking to see if I’m still here instead of getting some shuteye before Clint’s barbecue. You know he asked us us to help set up the bouncy castles? Castles, plural!”
“Please, I know you volunteered as soon as he mentioned one of Laura’s cherry pies as reward.”
“Oh, you heard that did you?” Bucky asks, unrepentant. “im not sharing with you. I love you Stevie, but that pie is too perfect.”
“Yes I heard it, and you can keep the pie you baby.” Steve said with a chuckle. “And its fine really, Nat wanted me to swing by the compound to pick up some of the new kids. Apparently she promised them a Cap day if they passed their training.”
Bucky snorted, “Right, Nat promised them.”
“I may have given her the idea but it was her idea to make it today. Get them feeling the team love as fast as possible I guess.”
“Tony’ll be thrilled. Did you hear him last week going on and on about the spider-kid’s graduation and full ride? He’s completely obsessed with getting those guys in fighting shape.”
“Mmm, well you know Tony and retirement are barely acquainted.” Steve said, breath whisping Bucky’s nape.
“Yeah, i guess.” Bucky’s voice was deepening in sleep but his hands stayed tight around Steve’s. “So what’s got ya up at ass crack?”
“Nothing really, promise,” Steve assured when he heard the doubtful grumble from Buck, “Just like making sure your here.”
“I’m here Steve, I ain’t going anywhere.”
Steve didn’t want to point out that Bucky had said those words before. So many times. Steve though, even after a century of knowing better, knowing that those kinds of promises were dangerous to make and futile in the end, believed Bucky without hesitation. 
“I remember when you got me off that table in Europe Stevie. I remember the sound of your voice that night when you showed me who you were now. Who you had become while i was a thousand miles away. And the one thing i remember the most was the thought of losing you scaring me to my bones.”
“Losing me?” Steve asked surprised. “But, you-”
“I wasn’t worried about me, punk. seeing you in that uniform a foot taller, was one thing. Seeing those men follow you into the worst fights of their lives because of the faith they had in you, well that was another thing entirely. I remember staying up some nights after the others conked out and watching you sleep. Trying to find the boy i left behind in the man in front of me. Feeling in the pit of my stomach, that somehow, I’d already lost you.”
“It’s okay, it was my own hang up and it took me long enough to find you again after the train that nothing could make me feel like your right here. That your hands are right here, holding me, keeping me safe, keeping me loved.” Bucky, tapped Steve’s hands to loosen and turned in the circle of his arms. “So it’s ok Steve, if you need to wake up and watch me, kiss me, fuck me, to know that I’m right here, that i will never walk into a fight without you by my side. then you so that. You deserve to know that your world is safe.”
Steve’s eyes burned as he stared into those baby blues that made Steve swoon way back when, and he knew the world would keep for another day, and that all he had to do was keep it wrapped in his arms.
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artisticallys · 5 years
              omg hey... what’s going awn  ?  i havent dont an intro in soooo long i dont even have anything fun or interesting to say about myself errrrrr my name is sam  !  i use they/them pronouns we big chillin.... im real bad at answering messages but i get to them eventually i schwear. yep that’s all if anyone wants to plot or whateva just lmk okie  ?  there’ll be a tl;dr at the bottom before plots if u dont wanna read all this it’s a lot-_____-  without further adieu may i present miss scout kang.... 
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﹤𝙺𝙸𝙼 𝙲𝙷𝚄𝙽𝙶𝙷𝙰, 𝚂𝙷𝙴/𝙷𝙴𝚁, 𝙲𝙸𝚂𝙵𝙴𝙼𝙰𝙻𝙴﹥; * - hello SCOUT KANG. long time no see. i know a lot about you. like how you're TWENTY TWO, how you're a GAME DEVELOPMENT major,  and in fact.. how you KILLED YOUR TWIN BROTHER AT HIS REQUEST AND LIED TO YOUR FAMILY ABOUT HIS PASSING AWAY TO STAY IN THEIR GOOD GRACES. would be a shame if it got out, wouldn't it ? so let's play a game. 𝚃𝚁𝚄𝚃𝙷 𝙾𝚁 𝙳𝙰𝚁𝙴 ?
ok so yeaaaaah her secret is kindve a lot ! we gone get there... but first i gotta discuss her childhood u kno ? set things up <3 scout was born to 2 vewy loving parents with a twin brother. there were complications in the pregnancy some medical shit i cba to research but basically her brother wasn’t getting all the nutrients he needed to develop with a good immune system. scout was born two minutes before him, he never let her forget it with his hag jokes and she never let him forget when it came to calling shotgun. 
as i said her brother was born with an auto immune deficiency it left him in a place to get sick very, very often. almost anytime he caught the flu he was hospitalized and generally his life was lived through a glass case from the outside world. and oddly enough it made scout feel trapped too as he was her twin flame, they were the best of friends and wherever he was she wanted to be. there came a time where his health plummeted drastically, doctors weren’t sure he’d make it and the pressure of it all finally cracked down on their father
not being able to watch his own flesh and blood rot away in a hospital bed he took his chance to get out while he still could and vanished into the night never to be seen again. scout remembers hearing an argument between her parents before pretending to be asleep when he came into her room and gave her a final kiss on the forehead and secured her blankets about her body.
it was a shock, really, when her brother pulled through and was somehow stronger than ever. an elaborate hoax was curated by their mother but scout knew, and deep down she thought her brother knew too. but it’s hard to give life to such a grievous monster and so it stayed in a grave.
life went on, doctor and hospital visits became routine and her brother never let things get in the way of living his life. in high school they were quite the pair. mostly it consisted of conversations about where they wanted to run off to after graduation, who their dream spouse was ( he always wanted to marry the student body president while scout had dreams of marrying some degenerate *her brothers words* ), things theywanted to do before dying. they wrote that stuff down on an old study guide scout was using to cheat off of for ap chemistry....
which was something she did often as early middle school days, her mother planted the seed of her going to medical school. to find a way to help people like her brother and at first it was a welcomed idea, do good for people like the one she loved more than life. time went on though and the pressure to have a 4.0 to get into a good premed school with tuition help was mounting. it made dreams that had been forced upon her to morph into something ugly but there was no hopes of standing up to her mother, not when she was already looking forward to such a future. but scout didn’t have the best work ethic when she wasn’t really invested in something, she was smart yeah but that just... wouldn’t cut it and she found that out real fast
her scenes changed quickly during the summer of junior year. her brother had fallen incomprehensibly ill, worse than she had ever seen him and the fear she had as a child slowly crept back, licked up her neck and nested on her shoulders making a home there. reports came back soon enough and he was diagnosed with leukemia. at first it was manageable, some chemo and radiation should do the trick, they said. then it became bone marrow transplants and blood transfusions and fluid drips. she was the first to volunteer, obviously as his twin, for marrow transplants, blood, any organs he might need. 
desperation came in the form of a crying mother after news that he wasn’t going to live past christmas came. it came to scout as her mother accused the doctors of knowing nothing and doing nothing for her son. and it lastly came to her brother when he had been going through these treatments for 2 years and he still could feel how his soul was rotting away. how he was just a carcass in a paper thin nightgown. 
it was then he proposed the idea they travel and cross things off their bucket list and scout both ready to escape greyed walls and sterile affections as well as their small town agreed, readily. took every penny she earned from working, even opened up a gofundme for this trip and was lucky. things went well, so well in fact, that the pair forgot that half of them had one foot in the grave already.
until one day his pain became unbearable, too much for him to handle anymore, and he asked scout as she was helping him into bed after an attempt at leaving the house that day. it was hushed, whispered in shame and fear. had what he just said really happened? was the summer sun getting to be too much? it wasn’t until he had cleared his throat and said it with his chest, “i want you to kill me.” 
call her wrong but she actually laughed. retracted from him with brows creased and a confused laugh slipping out. there’s no way he could be serious. but when he didn’t laugh too she knew he meant it and that’s when she knew she had a choice to make.
it took a week of pondering the thought before she came to the conclusion that she’d end her brothers suffering. they spent the next few days doing something that haunts scout to this day really: planning the best way for her to kill him. for her to end her twin flame. 
their last night together was something memorable, spirits were shared and tears were shed. he left her with only 2 promises to keep.   1. never reveal to anyone that she ended his suffering and 2. to stop letting their mother decide scout’s life and future
she didn’t go to his funeral. didn’t want to replace what she had left of him with what was in that coffin, spent the night drinking homemade sangria and watched star trek. his 2 favorite things. 
this obviously didnt go over well with her mother, went even worse when scout announced she had dropped from pre - med and planned on becoming a video game developer. she was called an embarrassment, a failure, and that she would end up nowhere. and for a while she believed it, still does. 
she got really lucky though when the streaming community got more recognition and now she plays video games for a living and attends classes to make good games. 
scout grew up w a really sick brother, their dad left, and scout basically became her brother’s keeper. was forced into studying shit she had no interest in and when her brother had enough suffering asked her to take his life, which she did. now she streams video games with hopes of making her own and somehow finding her mother’s love again. 
got the songs it’s you & bang bang stuck in my head rn maybe some romance shit off theeeees? dunno...
dudes... some people who knew her AND her brother growing up like maybe they went to hs together idk maybe they’re like girl what ever even happened...
ex’s yupppp gimme
her bestest friend(s) maybe even shares her world w them u kno? im in it...
maybe something unrequited or like some sort of clueless sheet who knows!
frenemies...? like enemies that actually just have some weird tension they gotta get through :kissing:
literally anything u think scout would be good to fill like if u got any wcs?
OMGGG wait last one. i really want someone who her brother was in love with or like had feelings for and shit got crazayyyy after he died we can discuss
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thatfoxnamedfinley · 6 years
I’ve just seen Avengers: Infinity War for the third time. Let’s talk about it.
There are SPOILERS AF under the cut as well as rabid fangirl thoughts. STEER CLEAR OK if that’s not your shit. Thank you.
- IT OPENED WITH A BANG. The Russo Bros obv did not give ONE (1) fuck about the emotions of anybody cause it starts off intense as SHIT. Showing us the stakes of the movie and the power of it’s villain by having Thanos not only destroy Asgard, but also incapacitate The Hulk and then kill ( is he really tho ?) Loki. 
- Speaking of Asgard, I was VERY impressed with Thor’s arc this movie. He was great. His emotions as he was talking to Rocket, he was laughing and smiling while he was trying not to cry and when he listed off how many people in his life that have died, I got emotional. That shit really got me.
- GAMORA. OMG. Her storyline. She shines so much. Her and Drax. He got so many funny lines in, he had me CACKLING at WHY IS GAMORA and I CAN TAKE IT and BUT MY MOVEMENT IS SO SLOW. When both he and Gamora ended up perishing (Gamora’s death hit me harder the second time I watched it, and it hit me HARD the first time), I almost cried.
- ‘WAKANDA FOREVER!!!!!” - T’Challa before running into battle. Chills.
-That was one of the greatest cinematic experiences I’ve had. I was so on the edge of my seat with how much was going on at all times. I was overwhelmed, really.
-I’m glad Nebula was back. I really LOVED her growth in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2.
- Scarlet Witch and Vision. WHAT DEVELOPMENT MY WORD. They were PRECIOUS. So REAL that when it came time for what Scarlet Witch had to do, I saw the pain in her eyes. As Vision was whispering “It’s alright,” to her and she destroyed him FUCK but then Thanos really fucked it up didn’t he, I FORGOT he had the Time Stone for a second
-ALL. THE. BATTLES. So chaotic but just so WELL DONE and I could see everything that ws going on. Like SHIT MARVEL YAL REALLY JUST WENT FOR IT DIDNT YOU
-Tony. Stark. TONY STARK. That’s my BOI right there. Everything about him this movie was just so FUCKING good. I LOVE him. Not everyone does, but after this movie, he won over so many people who try to hate him for no reason (I have hours of ammunition to #ProtectTonyStark). The Russo Bros really allowed a lot of Tony Stark’s character to shine without losing his sass. He was ALLOWED to tell Squidward to go home but also tell Doctor Strange that he didn’t know what to do because Thanos has been in his head for 6 years. He was ALLOWED to show how powerful he was when he made Thanos bleed but also allowed that moment of grief when he was clutching the hand covered in Peter Parker’s dust crumbled body. 
- Was NOT expecting them to kill as many as they did. I really wasn’t. The ending was so traumatizing.
-Doctor Strange has such cool ass powers. His illusions were so trippy to look at. 
- I LOVED THE DEVELOPMENT OF TONY AND STRANGE’S DYNAMIC. IT WAS HONESTLY AWESOME. From ‘douchebag’ to ‘Tony’, their evolution together was nice. Their personalities boucing off each other was great.
-Speaking of Doctor Strange, we all understand why he gave up the Time Stone to Thanos right? He said he saw 14,000,605 alternate paths to Thanos, and in only ONE of those do they win. He told Tony before they landed on Titan that he would NOT save Tony OR Peter if it came to the safety of the Stone. But he GAVE UP THE STONE. To spare Tony’s life. Saying “Tony, it was the only way.” Tony is needed in the destruction of Thanos. In the scenario that they do win, Tony Stark is neccessary. And thank goodness too, because I REALLY THOUGHT Tony was gunna die.
((apparent triggering confession next, move on to the next point if you dont like the first sentence))
- I left shipping Thanos and Tony. I know. I KNOW. I KNOW, OKAY?!?!? I didn’t want to. I didn’t even ship them the first time I saw the movie. Probably cause I was so freaked out with what was happening. This is perhaps the one ship I’ve shipped that I don’t want to ship. Maybe because he knew who Tony Stark was. Told him he was smart, that he was “cursed with knowledge.” Then he told Tony he respected him. Then he pet Tony’s head (honestly that made me ??????????????? inside and probably what sparked this shit tbh). AND. I was LOOKING for it on the third watch because I THOUGHT I saw it the second time; as Thanos was talking to Tony, Thanos shed a tear. Out of his left eye, after he told STark he respected him with his hand on Tony’s head. HAlf of humanity will still be alive, he said. Watching Tony and he shed a tear. I SWEAR TO YOU do look for it next time if you think you’ll go watch it again. I was like WTFFF IS THAT????????? Idk idk yal I’m so confused, and I’m TELLING YOU that I’ve never felt so bad about shipping before because IDK WHY I SHIP THEM. As I left the second tiem watching it, my brain was writing an alternate scene to that scene. IDK IDK IDK idk idk idk idk idk idk
- I still ship Tony with Steve. I CANT WAIT FOR THEM TO MEET AGAIN. It’s inevitable, right? I know they havent spoken in 2 years, but this will force them to meet. And they fell out hard from Civil War. What will be their first words to each other? Who will speak first. Will Tony make a joke, look around and pretend he still doesn’t feel hurt? Will they hug? Will they still clash? I don’t feel like Cap is the guy that holds a grudge like that, if anything he will react based on how Tony acts. Will he ask forgiveness? Does he even need to? Did they miss each other? AFter all, Cap entered the fold when he was contacted after Tony went missing, saying “You just lost EArth’s best defender.” PHEW fam PHEW
- As Tony Stark has always been and will always be my favorite Avenger, I felt such pride on the third watch to confirm that the largest reaction out of each audience was when Thanos stabbed Tony. Loud, palpable gasping. One low conjoined sound of “OOOOooooohhh!!” echoing in the theater. Twice someone screamed. The attachment we feel to them all is immense, right? We’ve all been together with Tony Stark the longest, and that impact was so satisfying to feel on a grand scale like that for me. Whether you love Tony Stark or not, EVERYONE felt that fear of him dying in that moment. Hell, so many people were dead by that point that it WASNT IMPOSSIBLE. I cried the first time. I had to furiously wipe tears so I could keep watching the screen; I didn’t want to miss anything. I needed to see Tony’s end if that’s what happened; I owe him that. In case it’s unclear, Tony Stark is my favorite fictional character of any medium.
-omg when Gamora said, “you promised” before Quill went to shoot her, I was SHOOK fam omfg. And also when Gamora went to commit suicide before Thanos could throw her into the canyon....I REALLY felt Gamora’s story this movie. I know I said it earlier but it was GREAT.
- *mocking tone* “I am Groooooot.” everyone: WOAH THAT ATTITUDE (LOL I DIED)
-I was PISSED at Quill for fucking up the plan. THEY ALMOST GOT THE GAUNTLET OFF THEY WERE SO CLOSE and he messed it up....I get why tho and by the end I couldnt even fauult him for it, but in the moment I was PIISSSSSSSSSSED.
-The ending was.............honestly satisfying. It ended cliffhanger-y but not an IMMEDIATE, OMFG WHATS GOING TO HAPPEN cliffhanger.
Whata good movie omfg. I still don’t know where it ranks for me, Top 5 for SURE. Seeing is this many times, the story holds up, the humor holds up, the character work holds up, the pacing is seemless. It was SO GREAT. It was darker too, and I loved that.
What are yal’s thoughts?
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onlyjihoons · 7 years
a/n; congrats to jihoon for being accepted into uni;-;-; and btw pls pardon the mb that was the closest thing i could find to college jihoon in my laptop
masterlist// requests are open
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major: theatre/acting
wanted to take up aerospace technology, but decided to go for his real passion instead
got in through rolling admission, didnt have to face the stress of college entrance examinations
however a very talented actor, able to shed tears in 30 seconds
havent had his first kiss despite acting since five,, and people are shook lol
has looks crafted by the acting gods, visuals made for acting
able to pull off both bad roles and good roles
honestly very friendly and humble young actor, seniors are certain he will make it big in the industry one day
will greet classmates and lecturers good morning and bid them goodbye
lowkey enjoys classics like romeo and juliet, lord of the flies, julius caesar, animal farm 
does well in the prose section in tests because he reads widely 
actually a well all-rounded student, perfect 4.0 gpa in every semester
took up ballet in high school oops and hence knows every scene in ballet classics like sleeping beauty
sings and raps decently, a good dancer too,, a literal golden child lol
but below the perfect boy surface,, jihoon is an avid gamer who always occasionally stays up till the wee wee hours of the night to play games
like overwatch sorry guys that’s the only game i know
sometimes will arrive to class late, hair in a mess and last night’s pyjamas 
but at the end of the day he does well in everything without even trying so the lecturers just let him be
you didn’t even know why you took up theatre,, maybe its because you scored an A in literature during your college entrance exams
communications was too controversial for you anyway
you had zero to little acting experience, the only experience you had was pretending to be sick in school
like jihoon, for the prose section of tests you would score full marks most of the time
but drama section was your pitfall
not that you couldn’t act, but you had a fear of being on camera
selfies with friends are fine, but you just don’t like your pictures being taken in general
one day, your lecturer gave out an assignment, apparently it’s paired work and your partner has already been chosen beforehand
you liked pair work, and honestly one of the only ways you can pull up your grades for the drama section
once you received your assignment, you read the name below yours in bolded itallic,
park jihoon
you sighed, you were afraid of being a burden to the golden student, since he already has secured his own distinction anyway
you were acquaintances with jihoon, but not that close to be friends either
“y/n!” jihoon settled into his seat beside you, “i’m glad we are partners, at least you won’t be like some of the girls in this class…”
you smiled weakly, thankful that he didn’t have a bad impression of you already, “what about them?”
“they always wanted to add a kiss scene in the plot, just to kiss me, its just, ugh.” this was the first time you’ve seen jihoon getting annoyed, and you found it cute honestly
“that’s gross, but don’t worry, i wont make you kiss me, i don’t think you’d want to either.” you patted his back, and you swore that you saw a tinge of hurt in jihoon’s eyes momentarily 
“thanks y/n.”
for the first 2 days, you and jihoon practically breezed through the prose section, sharing your favourite scenes of the classics
“romeo and juliet was a good ending”
“no, they should’ve ran away with each other”
despite conflicting ideas the both of you worked well together and became much closer than before
at first you thought jihoon was a little bit of a tsundere, but the more you knew him, the more goofy he seemed
like how he liked penguins, and has a few penguin stuffed toys on his bed
and you also learnt that jihoon used to do classical ballet in high school, which was lowkey a surprise for you
then came the drama section, the both of you decided on romeo and juliet
wow im so basic sorry guys
you didn’t force jihoon to kiss you too, so the both of you just settled with jihoon putting his thumb in between the both of your lips
or almost kissing
bahbam y’all “kissed”
jihoon told you it was a method actors use so that they don’t really kiss the actress,, and he pulled out that card for all of the girls who wanted to kiss him lol
he even was super sweet about the whole thing, asking if you were uncomfortable and stuff
you always said you wouldn’t but your heart would race whenever he did a tiny bit of skinship like hugging or holding your hand
ultimately, it was just for the grades, right?
jihoon had the biggest crush on you ever since the both of you were in the same class
he was just scared of approaching you, scared that you would think he’s trying to get into your good books
so he was really excited when the lecturer announced that you were his partner
and when you said “i don’t think you’d want to either” to the kiss he was lowkey slumped bc it meant to him that you thought of jihoon as a normal friend and not something more
so on the day of the drama showcase, jihoon could sense your nervousness
usually you were ok but today you werent
“what’s up y/n? are you not feeling well?”
“i have a phobia of being on camera,” you wrung your hands together, “sorry jihoon, i’m bringing down our grades–”
“no, y/n, look at me.” jihoon made you face him, his features gleaming under the light, “we’ll overcome this together. i promise.”
jihoon then swooped down and kissed your lips, which definitely took you aback
“just imagine the camera isn’t there, and there is no one in the classroom except us.” jihoon smiled, as if the kiss didnt happen
you were definitely calmer than before, weirdly, and nodded.
when it was you and jihoon’s turn, he gave your hand a small squeeze 
it went pretty smoothly, with no camera-fright for the first time
until the kiss scene, jihoon actually kissed you for real
and the whole class was shooketh bc park jihoon,, kissing a girl for the first time?? wowzers
in the end, both of you got your As and you got yourself a boyfriend out of it too
honestly jihoon is more of a homebody than you think
he would want to stay at home rather than go out on dates
so he would invite you over to his dorm, to watch movies or just cook for him lol
sometimes he would ask you to play games with him too, but you’d fail
he would be somewhat addicted to his games too, so you have to get through all means and ways to get his attention back on his work
dont be surprised if he calls you at like 3am telling you hes hungry
and you only read it the next morning
“did you see the message i sent you?”
“i sent it at 3am and it said 2 ticks…”
“you’re gaming again?? YAH PARK JIHOON”
“hahaHAHAHHAHAHAHAH yes im sorry babe please forgive me:
has his designated seat beside you in every class
sometimes the lecturer has to call him out for being too clingy to you and its embarrassing when everyone just has their attention on the both of you
save this clingy baby please
will help you hold your notes,, and sometimes clean up with you at your dorm or home
your mother loves him already even tho she only met him through facetime
likes to go to find all the ramen stores in the vicinity and try all of them out
also likes taking pictures of you when you dont notice
and sets it as his kkt bg
your contact in his phone is saved as baby girl💓💕💖💗💘💞
and his contact saved on your phone is baby boy❤💙💚💛💜
you know those boyfriends who treat their girlfriend like theyre their entire universe? yup thats jihoon
and like his eyes light up whenever he talks about you its just so endearing
likes to be the big spoon when cuddling just so he can engulf you in his arms
hardly gets mad but even if he does its not that serious and over something stupid like him losing his notes or something
jihoon knows where to draw the line, when you need to study he tries not to disrupt you
keyword: tries
overall, a clingy but sweet koala as your bf, you could never ask for more
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