#thanos x tony stark
Please ignore any plot holes
so after the Thanos snap 50% of a everyone dies.
So what if they all go to the Infinite Relams
King Phantom is now swamped with billions of dead people and piles and piles of paperwork so much so that he vows to get revenge because of all the all nighters
Or because someone he knows died in the snap.
So five years later, he hears about the leftover Avengers’ time travel plot and basically begs tells Clockworth to go and interfere to help him get revenge.
Naturally, because Danny is basically his son King he goes and help.
And there is no wayyy that Danny would let Natasha and Gamora die and stay dead, so naturally they become alive again (maybe liminal?)
And comes the final battle and Danny gets very involved, helping Strange bring them back and whatnot.
But what if, instead of Tony snapping, Danny does.
And because he’s king and already dead, he doesn’t die. So Tony lives and everyone returns.
BONUS: what if everyone that returns is now a liminal???
BONUS BONUS: what if Danny never shows his face and the victorious Avengers are scrambling to figure out who the hell snapped and brought Gamora and Natasha back to life???
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ironshieldchild · 23 days
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you guys asked for more of these
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lesbian-deadpool · 2 years
Y/N: For years, we made fun of Steve for saying he wants a vacuum for Christmas every year, but we finally got him a nice Dyson and you know what? He's walking around, vacuuming every room, muttering "this is a game changer". Say what you will, but the man knows what he wants.
Y/N: Tony would always insist, "No, no, no, we have to get him something he'll ENJOY" and this is frankly humiliating for him. He just discovered the "max suction" setting and he's happier than he was when we defeated Thanos.
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lospaziobianco · 1 month
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by Brandon Peterson
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Tony really used everything his suit and body could offer when facing thanos alone. he fought until he physically couldn't fight anymore.
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braveclementine · 2 months
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Warnings: None
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own my OC Elizabeth Lightwood. I do not condone any copying of this.
"This is the Asgardian refugee vessel Statesman. We are under assault. I repeat, we are under assault. The engines are dead, life support failing. Requesting aid from any vessel within range. We are twenty-two jump points out of Asgard. Our crew is made up of Asgardian families. We have very few soldiers here. This is not a warcraft. I repeat, this is not a warcraft."
Elizabeth didn't know what to do. She was hiding her children behind her, while also trying to hold one of them at the same time.
Halfdan and Astrid were behind her, only eight years old. They both looked so much like their father, though Astrid had straight black hair unlike Halfdan's curly hair. They both even had his blue eyes and Halfdan had the point to his chin and Astrid had his smile.
They were holding the two of the two-year-olds: Tove who was female and also had Loki's blue eyes though Elizabeth's brown hair and Hogun who she had named after her best friend on Asgard and had been Tove, Hogun, and Sages' god-father. And now, he was dead.
The entire ship was on fire and she was crouched down. She had tears in her eyes, looking across the ship to see the brave fighter, Heimdall, laying down on the wreck in pain, bleeding.
"Hear me and rejoice." A new voice said, a voice that belonged to one of the invaders. He walked past Heimdall and Elizabeth clutched Sage harder in her arms, the little two year old girl, her eyes wide open, but she didn't cry. "You have had the privilege of being saved by the Great Titan."
Elizabeth often had trouble holding her tongue, especially when she was passionate about something or someone she loved. But she bit down hard, tasting blood, because now as not the time to get sassy.
"You may think this is suffering. No. It is salvation. Universal scales tip toward balance because of your sacrifice."
There were more of the alien creatures, walking around, over dead bodies. She kept a hand on her sword and she knew her children were behind her, with knives in their hands. They would fight, but they would all die. And she didn't know how to protect them.
Loki was standing in the front, with Thanos in front of him. He was the only one standing, in fact, his back to her.
"For even in death, you have become children of Thanos."
Thanos was standing over Thor now, who was unconscious on the floor. "I know what it's like to lose." He addressed Loki, as the others moved around, stabbing the Asgardians that were still breathing on the floor. Elizabeth tightened her invisibility spell as much as she could like Loki had taught her, but she wouldn't be able to hold it much longer, not for six people, even if five of them were children.
"To feel so desperately that you're right, yet to fail, nonetheless." He bent down, picking up Thor with one hand. Thor choked and moaned in his grasp. Elizabeth could hear Astrid crying quietly. "It's frightening. Turns the legs to jelly. But I ask you, to what end? Dread it, run from it, destiny arrives all the same."
They were pointing a weapon at Loki's head now, all of them surrounding Elizabeth's husband and soulmate. She had to throw an arm out to stop Halfdan from rushing them with his knife, though she wanted to do the same.
"And now, it's here. Or should I say, I am." Elizabeth saw the purple gem that was already in his gauntlet. The first of six infinity stones for him to have.
"You talk to much." Thor grumbled, blood pouring out of his mouth. He'd lost an eye in their fight with Hela, they had lost so much in the fight with Hela. And now, they were losing everything. All of the people. Soon, the Asgardian population might be wiped out of existence completely.
"The Tesseract. Or your brothers and wifes' heads." Thanos said. Elizabeth's breath hitched when Thanos pointed at where Elizabeth was hiding the rest of her family. "I assume you have a preference."
"Oh, I do." Loki said. "Kill away."
Thanos pressed the gem to Thor's head and one of the lackeys immediately approached Elizabeth's corner. She wasn't sure if it was a lucky guess or if her shields were down, but she decided to act.
Thrusting Sage into Astrids' arms, she dropped the spell completely, lunging at the monster in front of her. The two of them immediately started combat, their swords clashing against one another. She was strong, far stronger than anyone Elizabeth had ever fought before, even T'Challa in his vibranium suit or Tony in his titanium one.
"ALL RIGHT, STOP!" Loki shouted.
"We don't have the Tesseract." Elizabeth could just barely hear Thor say as Thanos stopped what he was doing to him over the clashing of their swords. But she couldn't stop her fight with the woman in front of her- if you could even call her a woman. "It was destroyed on Asgard." There was a pause and then, "You really are the worst brother."
"I assure you, brother. . . the sun will shine on us again."
Elizabeth pushed away from the woman, retreating a few steps to come to Loki's side, holding a hand out at her kids so they would stay put.
"Your optimism is misplaced, Asgardian."
Loki immediately retracted the glowing cube in his hand, "Well, for one thing, I'm not Asgardian. And for another. . . we have a Hulk."
Loki tackled Thor out of the way and Elizabeth shielded her kids as Hulk came through, bashing Thanos over and over. Loki came to her immediately, wasting no time in pulling her into a deep, passionate kiss.
"I love you." Loki whispered. "Forever."
"I love you forever." Elizabeth choked out, kissing him again.
Hulk was defeated far to easily for Elizabeth's liking. Thor attacked him when Hulk was down and was immediately captured in metal by the Squidward looking dude.
Elizabeth glanced over and Heimdall met her eyes. He nodded slightly to Hulk and she understood immediately.
"Get to Hulk." She whispered to her children and they went quietly, making their way to the Hulks' side.
"Allfathers." She heard Heimdall start to say. "let the dark magic flow through me one last time."
Elizabeth couldn't look at Heimdall as he started to activate the Bifrost. She met Thor's eye and knew he understood. But Loki was gone, scheming she was sure. She let out a pained cry, wanting to see him one last time. The rainbow light started to envelope her, "LOKI I LOVE YOU." She screamed as loudly as she could, before she was gone.
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"NO!" Loki heard Thor scream as Heimdall was killed. Loki breathed in, almost shakily. At least his wife and children were safe. And they would be able to alert Midgard of the doom coming to them. His wife and children were safe. That was all that mattered. "You're going to die for that."
Ebony Maw lazily swiped his hand so that the metal clamped over his brothers mouth. He lifted a finger to his mouth, "Shh."
"My humble personage." Ebony presented the Tesseract to him. He knelt, "bows before your grandeur." Loki watched as Thanos took off his armor. "No other being has ever had the might nay, the nobility to wield not one, but two Infinity Stones." Thanos plucked the glowing cube from Ebony Maw's hand.
"The universe lies within your grasp."
He crushed the cube in hand, blowing on it gently like it was hot, before lifting the blue stone between his fingers, glass tinkling to the ground. He placed it beside the purple one, a blast of blue energy going through the ship.
"There are two more stones on Earth. Find them, my children, and bring them to me on Titan."
"Father, we will not fail you." The womanly one said, as all of them bowed.
"If I might interject." Loki said quickly. "If you're going to Earth, you might want a guide. I do have a bit of experience in that area." He said with a smile, hoping this was all going to work. He was the master of lies and manipulation, but he had never done them on a Titan as powerful as this one. Nay, a Titan as powerful as this one that had controlled him.
"If you consider failure experience." Thanos said slowly.
"I consider experience, experience." Loki retorted. "Almighty Thanos, I, Loki, Prince of Asgard. . . Odinson. . ." He looked over at Thor, hoping he knew what he was doing, "the rightful kind of Jotunheim, god of mischief," He let the dagger form in his hand behind his back, "do hereby pledge to you, my undying fidelity."
He knelt, as though bowing, before thrusting upwards, his knife aimed for the throat. But blue energy stopped him, just inches away. Thanos didn't even look fazed.
"Undying?" Thanos questioned as he grabbed Loki's wrist, the blue fading as he lowered the stone, "You should choose your words more carefully." He twisted Loki's wrist so that he had to drop the weapon, before lifting him up by his throat.
It was a different sort of pain from dying before. Or coming close to death anyways. The air was gone completely from his lungs and he could already feel a sort of pressure against his forehead. And on top of that, he could suddenly feel Elizabeth's screaming pain through their bond. That she knew he was dying. And it was hurting her.
"You. . ." He choked out, kicking his legs a little. He struggled to get free, but he could not. "Will never be. . . a God."
And then Thanos snapped his neck.
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"Seriously, you don't have any money?" Stephen asked, dressing in a T-shirt and jeans as he and Sam walked down one side of the grand staircase, hand in hand. He was talking to Wong, a fellow sorcerer, as he walked down on the other side.
"Attachment to the material is detachment from the spiritual." Wong responded.
"I'll tell the guys at the deli." Stephen chuckled, "Maybe they'll make you a metaphysical ham on rye."
"Oh. Wait, wait, wait. I think I have two hundred."
"Dollars?" Stephen asked while Sam chuckled, used to the banter now between the two wizards.
"Which is?"
"Uh, buck and a half."
Stephen sighed, "What do you want?"
"I wouldn't say no to a tuna melt."
Suddenly, they heard a huge crash behind them. They all covered their heads with their hands and then turned around. Stephen's cloak came around and Sam saw the Bifrost light not unlike that of which Thor and Elizabeth often had used to travel to and from Earth, but hadn't been seen in almost two years.
They all raced up the staircase, Wong already firing up his orange shields.
Sam looked down to see Elizabeth on her face and Bruce on his back, turning from green to normal. There were also two kids who looked like they could be anywhere between seven and ten, along with three babies.
"Thanos is coming." Bruce gasped.
"Bruce! Elizabeth!" Sam shouted, dropping down into the hole with them. He quickly checked that the babies were all breathing.
"He's coming." Bruce said again.
"Who?" Stephen asked.
"Elizabeth?" Sam asked, rolling her over now that he knew the kids were alright.
She rolled over and he saw that her face was tear stained and blotchy. "Sam." She sobbed.
"Hey, whoa, it's okay." He said, pulling her into a hug. "Elizabeth, whose Thanos? And why is he coming here?"
But she couldn't answer, to distraught. He looked over at the oldest boy. "What happened?"
"Sam, let's get them out of the hole." Stephen commanded. Sam quickly handed the babies up to Stephen and Wong and then helped Elizabeth out. Bruce got out himself and then Sam.
"Thanos attacked our ship." The boy, who said his name was Halfdan said. He was trembling, looking like he wanted to cry. He clutched a little girl in his arms. The elder girl hugged Elizabeth tightly as both of them cried. "He killed everyone, except us, Uncle Thor, dad, and Heimdall. Heimdall got us to safety but. . ." Halfdan rubbed his eyes. "Mom has been crying and. . . she screamed as we were falling. I think our dad. . ."
"It's okay kid." Sam said gently.
"And he's coming here, the man who did this?" Wong asked sharply.
The boy nodded.
"I'm going to kill him." Elizabeth said, staggering to her feet suddenly. "I'm going to kill Thanos."
Sam wrapped his arms around her, "Elizabeth wait. Just wait. You have your kids, we need to get them to safety first."
"They're safe here, aren't they?" Elizabeth hiccupped, but sank down on the steps, burying her face in her hands.
Stephen looked over at Sam, "Is there anyone on Earth?"
"Y/N, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, definitely Bucky Barnes. But the only ones I know you can get into contact with are Y/N and Tony."
"I can portal her straight to the Compound." Stephen nodded. "Um, Elizabeth?"
Elizabeth looked at him, wiping her eyes. "Y-Yeah?"
"Is it okay if you take the kids to the Avengers Compound? Y/N Stark is there with her children and Tony should be there as well. Rhodey too."
"Um sure." She whispered, standing up.
"Alright." Stephen said, creating a portal onto the grounds of the Avengers Compound. Elizabeth picked up a child and left through the portal.
"Hey," Sam said suddenly. "I'm going to go with them. If there really is a fight here, Tony has the phone to call Steve and the others that are on the run. If I can get to the phone sooner-"
"Okay." Stephen said, pulling Sam into a kiss. "I love you."
"I'm staying with you guys." Bruce wiped his own eyes and Sam looked at him. "Thor. . . Thor is gone too, I think."
Sam squeezed Bruce's shoulder. "I'm sorry."
He nodded, "I'll. . . we'll kill this fucker."
Sam nodded and then hurried into the portal after her.
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Tony had gone on a run with Everleigh that morning. Y/N of course, had to stay on the Compound with their newly born son Arlo.
"How about we go and get some ice-cream, now that we've finished our run, huh?" Tony asked his nine-year old daughter, panting a little. "You know we have our favorite ice-cream spot down around the corner."
"Then it's just around the corner, not down around the corner." Everly laughed.
"Very true lovebug." Tony chuckled.
Suddenly, he heard a very loud, professional voice ask, "Tony Stark."
He started, turning and Everleigh stopped by his side. "I'm Doctor Stephen Strange." He saw a man wearing blue robes with a red cape standing there. A portal- he assumed that's what it was- was behind him. He could see a broken staircase behind him as well, "I need you to come with me." Tony just stared and Everleigh grabbed his hand, "Oh and uh, congratulations on the new baby, by the way."
"I'm sorry," Tony responded quickly. "I thought Stephen Strange was Sam's doctor soulmate, not. . . whatever you are."
"We need your help." The man didn't respond. "Look it's not overselling it to say that the fate of the universe is at stake."
"And who's we?" Tony demanded. He then turned shocked when Bruce came to stand next to the wizard person.
"Hey, Tony."
"Bruce." Tony said, voice laced with surprise. Bruce came to stand in front of him, shaking his head. Tony could see his eyes were laced a little red and he asked, "You okay?" And then Bruce hugged him tightly.
Once he had settled down a little, wiping his eye with his thumb, Tony knelt near Everleigh, "You know how to get home to mommy, right?"
"Yes Daddy." Everleigh said solemnly.
"Good." Tony said firmly. "Then you run as fast as you can to her, understand?"
Everleigh nodded.
"I can portal her to the compound." The man said, opening a second portal which showed the Compound. Tony could already see Y/N far in the distance, talking to another woman.
"That's Elizabeth." Bruce explained, "Her and her kids. Long story short but Loki's dead. All the Asgardians are dead."
"Go." Tony said to Everleigh, who scampered through the portal and ran towards her mother. Then he followed the wizard and Bruce back inside.
He sat on a couch in what was known as the New York Sanctorum, watching another sorcerer show off some astral projections and tell a story about the infinity stones.
"At the dawn of the universe, there was nothing. Then, Boom. The Big Bang sent six elemental crystals, hurtling across the virgin universe."
There were so many corrections Tony wanted to make in the speech, but he kept quiet.
"These infinity stones each control an essential aspect of existence."
Each one was highlighted as they named it.
"Space." Strange said.
The one inside of Vision, Tony made note.
"And time." Strange said, looking down at the necklace thing he was wearing, opening it up to reveal the green stone that was inside of it.
"Tell me his name again." Tony demanded. He hated seeing Bruce so broken like this.
"Thanos." Bruce said. "He's a plague, Tony. He invades planets. He takes what he wants. He wipes out half the population. He sent Loki, brainwashed him. The attack on New York, that was him."
"This is it." Tony whispered. "What's our timeline?"
"No telling. He has the Power and the Space Stone." Bruce said. "That already makes him the strongest creature in the whole universe. If he get his hands on all six stones, Tony. . ."
"He could destroy life on a scale hitherto undreamt of." Stephen finished.
Tony stretched against the banister, "Did you seriously just say 'hitherto undreamt of'?" He asked.
"Are you seriously leaning on the Cauldron of the Cosmos?" Stephen retorted.
"Is that what that is?" Tony asked, letting go quickly as he felt something like fabric hit him. He gave Stephen a look and then said, "I'm going to allow that."
"If Thanos needs all six, why don't we just stick this one down the garbage disposal?"
"No can do."
"We swore an oath to protect the Time Stone with our lives." Wong replied.
"And I swore off dairy but then Ben & Jerry's named a flavor after me." Tony retorted. "So-"
"Stark Raving Hazelnuts." Stephen said in what almost sounded like an ashamed tone. . . but it couldn't possibly have been.
"Not bad." He responded.
"A bit chalky." Stephen said slowly.
"A Hunk of Hulk of Burning Fudge is our favorite." Wong informed Bruce, who looked utterly confused.
"That's a thing?" Bruce yelped.
"Whatever. Point is, things change." Tony responded.
"Our Oath to protect the Time Stone cannot change." Stephen said. "And this stone may be the best chance we have against Thanos."
Tony responded with, "Yeah, so conversely, it may also be his best chance against us."
"Well, if we don't do our jobs."
"What is your job exactly? Besides making balloon animals?"
"Protecting your reality douchebag."
"Okay, guys. Could we table this discussion right now?" Bruce asked almost angrily. "Thor is dead. Loki is dead. Mine and Elizabeth's soulmates are gone. Forever. The fact is we have this stone. We know where it is. Vision is out there somewhere with the Mind stone, and we have to find him now."
"Yeah, that's the thing." Tony said uncomfortably.
"What do you mean?" Bruce asked.
"Two weeks ago, Vision turned off his transponder." Tony replied. "He's offline."
"Tony, you lost another super-bot?" Bruce sounded so disappointed in him.
"I didn't lose him. He's more than that. He's evolving." Tony replied.
"Who could find Vision then?" Stephen asked.
"Shit." Tony hissed. "Probably Steve Rogers."
"Oh, great." Stephen muttered.
"Maybe. But. . ."
"Call him." Bruce demanded.
"It's not that easy." Tony said, looking at Bruce over his shoulder. "God, we haven't caught up in a spell, have we?"
"The Avengers broke up. We're toast."
"Broke up? Like What? Like the Beatles?"
"Cap and I fell out hard." Tony muttered. "Sort've."
"Not quite true." Stephen interjected. "The Government made them choose and they all fought each other in an Avengers Civil War. Half of them like Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, and Sam Wilson are on the run. The other half like Y/N Stark, Scott Lang, and Clint Barton are on House arrest."
"Either way, we're not on speaking terms." Tony grumbled.
"Tony." Bruce begged, near tears, "Listen to me. Thor's gone. Thanos is coming. It doesn't matter who you're talking to or not."
Tony sighed. He had always carried the phone on him, no matter where he went, just in case. Never thought he was actually going to need it. He flipped it open. "Flip phone." He muttered in disgust. He paused though, as he heard something.
He looked around, things slightly rattling. Stephens black hair was moving slightly in a wind. "Say Doc, you wouldn't happen to be moving your hair, would ya?"
"Not at the moment, no."
What kind of answer was that? When did he move his fucking hair then?
Car alarms started to beep outside, they could see people running past the doors of the Sanctorum, and could hear screams outside.
Tony was the first one out the door, opening it up, and then headed in the direction that people were running from. A woman and a man bumped into each other, both of them falling. He quickly helped the woman to her feet and she kept running without a word. A car crashed into a pole.
"Help him." He ordered.
"Wong!" Stephen shouted.
"Got it."
He put his glasses on. "F.R.I.D.A.Y. what am I looking at?"
"Not sure. I'm working on it."
"Hey! You might wanna put that Time Stone in your back pocket, Doc." Tony said, before taking off into a run.
Tony saw what basically looked like a flying donut in the sky. Chocolate, maybe some orange sort of goop inside of it.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y. evac anyone south of 43rd Street." Tony ordered. "Notify first responders."
Strange did some sort of spell, which stopped the wind. Tony looked over his shoulder at the wizard and he winked at him. Tony raised his eyebrows in acceptance and then looked to see where a blue light had beamed two creatures down from the sky. One was extremely tall and buff, with heavy armor. The other was thin and shorter, but looked a lot like a squid.
"Hear me and rejoice. You are about to die at the hands of the Children of Thanos. Be thankful that your meaningless lives are now contributing-"
"I'm sorry. Earth is closed today." Tony shouted, interrupting the monologue. "You better pack it up and get outta here."
"Stonekeeper. Does this chattering animal speak for you?"
"Certainly not. I speak for myself." Stephen said, stepping forwards, doing some really cool, dramatic, somewhat stupid hand motions to create shields, "You're trespassing in this city and on this planet." Wong did the same shields on the other side of him.
"He means get lost Squidward!" Tony shouted.
"He exhausts me. Bring me the stone." Squidward said and the stomping brute creature started towards them.
"Banner, you want a piece?" Tony asked.
"Mmm, no, not really." Bruce responded. "But when do I ever get what I want?"
"That's right." Tony responded back. "I know it's been a while. It's gonna be good to have you, buddy."
"Okay. Shh. Let me just. . . I need to concentrate here for a second." Tony looked at him skeptically. He was green at the neck and knuckles, but nothing more. "Come on, come on man."
"Where's your guy?"
"I don't know. We've sorta been having a thing."
"It's no time for a thing."
"I know!"
"That's the thing right there. Let's go."
Stephen looked at him in expectation. "Dude you're embarrassing me in front of the wizards." Tony said.
"Either I can't or he won't." Bruce responded.
"It's okay. Hey, stand down. Keep an eye on him. Thank you." Tony said, realizing the emotional stress of losing his entire family on the soulmate side probably was a lot. He thought it would fuel the Hulks rage, but perhaps he was wrong.
He stepped forwards, pulling the strings of his jacket, then tapping the new arc reactor on his chest. He took his glasses off as the suit seemed to melt onto his skin, the helmet coming over his face. He lifted his shield in time to counter the attack with the brutes club, before bashing him with his fist. Light jets came from his back, shooting a beam of energy that sent the brute flying backwards, which Squidward flicked away easily. The beams went back into Tony's suit.
"Where'd that come from?" Bruce asked in excitement.
"It's nanotech, you like it?" Tony asked, "A little something I-"
Suddenly he was sent skyrocketing as the ground underneath him shot up. He swooped around through the wizards, blasting the car that was sent their way.
"Gotta get that stone out of here, now." Tony said.
"It stays with me." The angry wizard said.
"Exactly. Bye." Tony said, then flew towards the aliens. He dodged the concrete walls, but was hit by something metallic and powerful enough to send him all the way back to where he'd been running earlier with Everleigh.
"Tony, you okay?" Bruce's voice called out, footsteps pounding on the ground as he ran over. "How we doing? Good? Bad?"
"Really, really good." Tony said sarcastically from where he was laying seven inches down in the dirt, back against a tree. "Really good. Do you plan on helping out?"
"I'm trying. He won't come out." Bruce responded.
"Hammer." Tony pushed Bruce out of the way, then tried to beam the brute with his laser, but his shield blocked it, cutting down trees instead with backlash.
Tony was suddenly stopped by being crushed by a hammer, by a very slender figure in a red suit. "Hey man!" The kid greeted the alien cheerfully. "What's up Mr. Stark?"
"Kid, where'd you come from?"
"A field trip to MOMA." He responded as he was picked up and tossed across the park. It gave Tony a chance to fire a laser beam up his side.
"What's this guys problem Mr. Stark?"
"Uh, he's from space. He came here to steal a necklace from a wizard." Tony said and the two of them continued to fight the brute. Tony watched Stephen fly by, seemingly unconscious or something. "Kid that's the wizard. Get on it."
"On it." Peter said, taking off after Stephen.
After a few minutes, he heard Peters' voice, "Um, Mr. Stark, I'm being beamed up."
"Hang on, kid." Tony said, extremely stressed out. He tried fighting the metal contraption around his body. The brute ran at him with a sword, leaping, but before he could come down on him, a portal opened up and the brute fell into a snowy tundra. Wong cut the portal off as he lunged upwards, the hand being cut off.
"Wong you're invited to my baby shower." Tony said, before blasting off the ground and taking off after the kid and wizard. "Give me a little juice F.R.I.D.A.Y." His feet melded together into one big booster to give him some extra speed. "Unlock 17-A."
"Pete you gotta let go, I'm gonna catch you." Tony instructed.
"But you said save the Wizard." Peter argued. "I can't breathe."
"We're to high up. You're running out of air."
"Yeah." the kid gasped, "That makes sense." And then suddenly, "Mr. Stark it smells like a new car in here!"
"Happy trails, kid." Tony hovered over him. "F.R.I.D.A.Y. send him home."
"Oh come on!"
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foolisholivia · 6 months
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tried my hand at a little digital scrapbooking. 😌 had fun making this. definitely going to do more
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heckcareoxytwit · 9 months
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A preview of Thanos #2
The new Illuminati move on Thanos to prevent him from destroying the Earth as part of his quest to reclaim his beloved Death, which means it’s time to bring in the biggest gun they’ve got: THE INCREDIBLE HULK!
Written by: Christopher Cantwell Art by: Luca Pizzari, Ruth Redmond Cover by: Leinil Francis Yu, Sunny Gho Page Count: 28 Pages Release Date: January 3, 2024
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swan-of-sunrise · 2 years
Endgame (Chapter Two)
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Summary: Armed with coordinates and a solid battle plan, the Avengers hunt Thanos down in the hopes of retrieving all six Infinity Stones to bring the Vanished back, but are quickly met with a shocking discovery.
Pairing: Steve Rogers X Reader
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings/Disclaimers: None
A/N: This chapter’s on the shorter side but if you know what’s about to happen then you already know why (obligatory heads-up for sadness and angst in this one lol) Thank you for reading, I hope you all enjoy!
Chapter Two (Previous Chapter)
“Looks like you’re one of the ones with an added leg-up on this mission, hot-shot,” Natasha commented, casting a wary glance over at the towering Benatar while they waited for Rocket and Nebula to finish up their last-minute repairs to the spacecraft. “I’ve done a whole lot of things as a Black Widow, a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent and an Avenger, but I can’t say that I’ve ever traveled through space before.”
(Y/N) cracked a small smile as she fastened the last of her Asgardian armor over her new tactical suit. “Well, imagine you’re on the world’s fastest roller-coaster in the middle of a kaleidoscope and that kaleidoscope is trapped in a 9.5 magnitude earthquake, and that’s sort of what it’s like. Oh, and there’s a slight chance that you might pass out; that’s what happened to us after we escaped Sakaar and traveled to-” As she spoke, Natasha shuddered and Steve’s face paled, so she thought it best to quickly backtrack her words. “That’s only when you’re traveling through a jump-point, though! Normal space travel’s just like flying in a Quinjet or a helicopter, only the view is much prettier than anything you might see here on Earth and spaceships are a hell of a lot safer than a damn helicopter.”
“When I was a little kid, I always used to daydream about going to space…” The super-soldier sighed as he tugged his finger-less gloves on, the sorrow filling his features telling her that he was thinking about Carina. “Never thought that something like this would finally get me there.”
“Ship’s ready, humies!” Rocket announced across the manicured lawn of the Avengers Facility. “We just gonna stand around staring at each other all day or what?”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes at the raccoon’s attitude but followed Natasha and Steve as they boarded the Benatar for the first time. The trio took their seats in the second row of the spacecraft’s roomy flight deck, sitting in front of Rhodes and Thor and behind Rocket and Carol while Bruce and Nebula were seated on the lower level; for the first time in three weeks, the Asgardian didn’t look away when (Y/N)’s gaze met his and judging by the hint of a smile he gave her, he was feeling confident in their plan to acquire the Infinity Stones from Thanos and bring the Vanished back.
The spacecraft’s engines roared to life and once all of them fastened themselves into their seat harnesses, Rocket piloted them off the ground and up through the skies towards the planet’s upper atmosphere. Noticing how both Steve and Natasha were tensing up in nervous anticipation, (Y/N) nudged their shoulders and rested her hands palms-up on their shared armrests in an open invitation; the spy immediately latched onto her hand without taking her eyes off the flight deck’s viewport ahead but Steve was slower, tightly threading their fingers together and bringing their joined hands up to kiss the exposed skin above her engagement ring. They shared a knowing look before glancing over at Carol as she remarked with a reassuring smile, “Trust me, you get used to it.”
“Easy for you to say, Danvers, you glow and fly around shooting plasma bolts out of your fists for a living…” Natasha grumbled under her breath and (Y/N) bit back a smirk of amusement.
When Earth began to grow smaller through the flight deck’s viewports, Rocket turned around in his seat to address all of them. “Okay, who here hasn’t been to space?” Steve, Natasha and Rhodes all raised their hands. “You better not throw up on my ship.”
“Approaching jump in three…” Nebula called out as Steve’s hand gripped (Y/N)’s with a bruising force. “…two…” Natasha held her breath and braced herself against the back of her seat. “…one!”
The Benatar shot through the jump-point at breakneck speed and they were encased in swirling shades of blue and purple, speeding through space so quickly that all the stars around them appeared as fleeting streaks of white light. (Y/N) glanced over at Steve in time to watch his azure eyes widen in awe and despite the seriousness of their situation, she felt herself smile at the endearing sight. The moment they exited the jump-point at their final destination, however, her smile fell; the spacecraft hovered in orbit before the orange-colored planet where Thanos intended on living out the rest of his days, happy and satisfied in the knowledge that his plan to balance the universe had succeeded. He won’t be happy for very much longer, she thought as her jaw clenched tight, not if we have anything to say about it.
“That’s my cue.” Carol unclasped her seat harness and disappeared into the bowels of the Benatar; moments later, she appeared outside of the spacecraft and her voice spoke through their comm links. “I’ll head down for recon.” The captain flew off towards the tranquil planet while the rest of them finished planning and preparing for their impending fight with the Mad Titan.
(Y/N) had gotten up to help Natasha reboot the newly-repaired Hulkbuster armor for Bruce and was in the middle of adjusting her worn golden-yellow cloak when she saw Steve staring down at the familiar faded photograph of Peggy Carter pasted into the lid of his old compass; several years ago, she would’ve felt a pang of jealousy at the sight but now that she was older and their relationship had matured, she understood Steve’s connection to the remarkable woman and that there was nothing to feel insecure about. Throughout her groundbreaking life, Peggy Carter always seemed to know just what to do and if (Y/N) were being honest, she’d give just about anything to hear Peggy’s advice if it meant they’d win against Thanos and succeed in bringing everyone they’d lost back.
Natasha, who also noticed Steve and the weathered compass clutched tight in his hand, pursed her lips as her green eyes filled with sympathy. “This is gonna work, Steve.”
“I know it will.” After a moment, Steve closed the compass lid and looked up at the spy, the barest hint of fear in his gaze and a wavering edge to his voice as he continued. “Because I don’t know what I’m gonna do if it doesn’t.”
(Y/N) crossed over to where her fiancé sat and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, pressing a kiss onto his jaw before nuzzling into his neck and listening to his steady heartbeat. “I promise that whatever happens down there, sweetheart, you won’t have to face it alone.” She tightened her hold on him as he leaned into her embrace. “I love you.”
Steve sighed and maneuvered his head so he could kiss her lips. “I love you too, sunshine.”
“No satellites, no ships, no armies…” Carol’s voice announced through their comms and they all turned toward the spacecraft’s viewport to see her fly up to it. “No ground defenses of any kind. It’s just him.”
(Y/N) and Steve exchanged a look as Nebula’s raspy voice filled the flight deck. “And that’s enough.”
The Benatar’s thrusters activated and Rocket piloted the spacecraft down through the planet’s upper atmosphere and into its clear blue sky littered with snow-white clouds; it was a tranquil planet, covered in trees and grass and peppered with stunning waterfalls of crystal-clear water, and (Y/N)’s blood boiled in rage at the thought of Thanos retiring to somewhere so beautiful after committing such heinous atrocities throughout the entire universe. The raccoon landed the spacecraft behind a dense forest of trees, out of sight of Thanos’ small hillside farm but close enough to journey there on foot, and they wasted no time, gathering their weapons and making their way through the trees towards their destination.
“Nice retirement project.” Once their group stopped by the trees bordering Thanos’ crops, Carol squared her shoulders and turned to face them as her body began to glow with cosmic energy. “Let’s pay this loser a visit, shall we?”
Carol shot off into the sky and blasted her way into the Mad Titan’s spacious farmhouse while Rhodes and Bruce followed in their respective armored suits; the sounds of battle echoed throughout the once-silent farm as all three heroes worked to restrain Thanos, and the rest of them began making their way up the path to the farmhouse. Once Rhodes gave him the signal through the comms, Thor burst into the farmhouse and Thanos bellowed in pain as the Asgardian severed his gauntlet-clad arm off with Stormbreaker.
(Y/N) exchanged an anxious look with Natasha and gripped her blaster’s shoulder strap as they followed Steve up the steps and into the farmhouse; inside, Thanos was kneeling on the floor and being restrained by Carol and Rhodes, while Bruce held him at repulsor-point and Thor brandished his blood-soaked battle axe. Rocket was the first to reach the severed arm but froze in shock when he flipped the heavy limb over to reveal six empty settings where the Infinity Stones once rested. “Oh, no.”
(Y/N)’s heart jolted in her chest and she glanced up to meet Steve’s eyes, an unsettling feeling beginning to form in the pit of her stomach; her emotions were reflected in her fiancé’s face but he did his best to bury them as he turned to face Thanos. “Where are they?”
When Thanos didn’t immediately answer, Carol’s glowing arm tightened around his neck. “Answer the question.”
“The universe required correction. After that, the stones served no purpose beyond temptation.”
“You murdered trillions!”
Bruce shoved the Mad Titan across the room, where he landed hard on the ground and spat out, “You should be grateful!” The Hulkbuster’s metal fist slammed into his charred purple face and stopped him from saying anything more.
Natasha’s green eyes shone with unshed tears and her voice shook as she took a step closer to Thanos and repeated Steve’s question. “Where are the stones?”
“Gone. Reduced to atoms.”
With her panic steadily rising, (Y/N) impulsively slung her blaster’s strap off her shoulder and aimed the weapon directly at Thanos’ smirking face, unbothered by the sudden threat of violence she found herself displaying. “We know you used the stones two days ago, so tell us where they are. Now.”
“I used the stones to destroy the stones. It nearly killed me, but the work is done…it always will be.” Her blood ran cold as the Mad Titan’s self-satisfied smirk widened, obviously relishing in their growing dread as they realized what had happened. “I am…inevitable.”
Hot tears formed in (Y/N)’s eyes as he repeated the same words he spoke to her back in Wakanda and she forced herself to look away, her knuckles tightening painfully around her blaster and her breath coming out in uneven puffs while all around her, the others were struggling to grapple with the seriousness of their situation. “W-We have to tear this place apart, he has to be lying-”
“My father is many things,” Nebula interrupted Rhodes’ rambling, her gaze trained on Thanos as a grim expression overtook her features. “A liar is not one of them.”
There was a subtle shift in Thanos’ demeanor and he looked up at his adoptive daughter with an emotion akin to pride written across his face. “Thank you, daughter. Perhaps I treated you too harshly.”
The sudden sound of Stormbreaker slicing through the air barely made (Y/N) flinch, her body entirely numb as she watched the Mad Titan’s decapitated head roll across the farmhouse’s floor. The others were in various states of shock, with a horrified Rocket being the only one to break the heavy silence engulfing the room. “What did you do?”
“I went for the head…” Thor replied, his voice shaking with grief and his eyes filling with tears. Without looking at any of them, the defeated Asgardian turned and walked out into the field of crops, his bloody battle axe still clutched tight in his hand.
Nebula, with the blood of her adoptive father speckled across her face, knelt down beside his severed head and closed his vacant eyes. Natasha and Rhodes were crying silent tears while Rocket sat on the farmhouse’s steps and buried his face in his hands, and both Carol and Bruce were at a loss for words as they stood and stared at Thanos’ body. (Y/N) hadn’t realized that her blaster was still raised until Steve’s hands came into view and gently pulled the weapon out of her bruising grip; her own hands were trembling as she covered her mouth and her shoulders shook with suppressed sobs, the feel of the super-soldier’s arms wrapping around her waist from behind proving to be the final straw. (Y/N) spun around and buried her face into Steve’s chest, her muffled cries echoing throughout the farmhouse as his own tears dampened her hair.
Steve held her against him even when her legs lost their strength but no matter how tight his grip on her was, there was nothing he could do to prevent her heart from shattering as she grappled with the knowledge that they’d lost. Their friends – some of the only family that either of them had – and their own daughter were truly gone forever, all because of Thanos.
“I am…inevitable.”
A/N: I mean...you know I had to do it, right?? Lol at least we all know that things will eventually get happier for them both! Thank you all so much for reading and commenting! I’ve created a Spotify playlist inspired by this series, and I’ll be updating it every time I upload a new chapter. Enjoy!
Spotify Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5L6MERx3PIydW3FyNPqYvl?si=6e6119bc3e8b49d0
Chapter Three
“Endgame” Masterlist
Tagging: @mrs-obrien​​​​​​​​​​ @lahoete​​​​​​​​​​ @awkward117 @cminr​​​​​​​​​​ @natdrunk​​ @momc95​​​​​​​​​​ @savedbystyle​​​​​​​​​​ @miraculouscloud @awkwardnesshabitat​​​​​​​​​​ @marinettepotterandplagg​​​​​​​​​​ @mangosandmimosas​​​​​​​​ @supersouthy @benakenalove​​​​​​​​​​ @brooke0297​​​​​​​​​​ @hufflepeople​​​​​​​​​​ @becausewelie​​​​​​​​​​ @outoftheregular​​​​​​​​​​ @junipermurdock​​​​​​​​​​ @ladydmalfoy​​​​​ @mads-weasley​​​​​​​​​​ @username23345 @crist1216​​​​​​​​​​ @capswife​​​​​​​​​​​ @lilmschild​​​​​​​​​​​ @avngrsinitiative​​​​​​​​​ @crowleysqueenofhell​​​​​​​​​​​ @y-napotat​​​​​​​​​​ @mary1raven​​​​​​​​​​​ @groovy-lady​​​​​​​​​​​ @ljej95​​​​​​ @innersublimefury​​
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riotinyellow · 1 year
kingpin should've happened before thanos
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ghostsoapgirl · 2 years
Can y’all recommend me some good avenger x reader fics ? I don’t care who the character is I just need some good avenger stories.
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eufezco · 3 months
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How is it that Steve's departure only drove you further apart? How was it possible that the only thing left between you after all was hatred for each other? Maybe these questions could be answered in a therapy session or in a night together.
bucky x fem!reader (angst, smut with plot, lovers to enemies to lovers) + no use of y/n. english isn't my first language (!)
—James, condition of your release, session now.
You looked at Bucky and he looked back at you, pressing his lips together and starting to walk after his therapist, annoyed.
—You too, young lady.
—That's okay, I can wait here with Sam.
—It wasn't a request. Sam, you have front-row seats for the show if you like—. The demanding tone in her voice surprised you and you had no choice but to follow her.
The therapist sat down at the table and opened her notebook. You and Bucky were at the other side of the table, sitting next to each other and in front of the woman. You didn't look at each other, you had not even shared a word. Sam, who was leaning against the wall behind the therapist, looked at both of you and shook his head. Steve was right when he said that you were both equally stubborn.
—So, who would like to start?
—I don't even know what I'm doing here. This is ridiculous.
—Yeah, I agree —. Bucky added.
—See? Making progress already —. She waited a few seconds to see if either of you would like to talk but you and Bucky remained silent. Dr. Raynor sighed, if it was already difficult to deal with him alone, it would be twice as difficult to deal not only with Bucky but also with a copy of him as a woman. —It is my job to make sure you're okay. And yeah, this may be slightly unprofessional but it's the only way that I can see if you're getting over whatever's eating at you.
You huffed a laugh and Bucky rolled his eyes. Whatever's eating at you? What could possibly be eating at you? There was nothing that-
—So, why don't you both start by telling me what kind of relationship you had with Steve Rogers?
Your expression changed completely when you heard his name. Bucky looked at you out of the corner of his eyes, Sam's eyes also went to you as he tensed his back when Dr. Raynow brought Steve up out of nowhere. Bucky decided to start talking but you couldn't hear what he was saying, you could only focus on how tense your jaw was, the knot in your stomach, and all the anger you were feeling.
Just as it was a relief for Bucky to think and talk about Steve, it hurt you. There was never anything romantic about your friendship with Steve, it was purely based on your devotion to him and your mutual admiration and respect.
When you lost Bucky and Steve crashed into the ice, you had no reason to live but before your heart stopped beating, Howard Stark found you and injected you with the serum. And when you woke up there was only Steve, seventy years later and just as confused as you, living in a century that did not belong to you.
You were together during the whole process of readjusting to your new lives. For Steve, you joined a group of people who called themselves the Avengers and fought against the god of mischief in New York. For Steve, you were almost killed by a robot in Sokovia. For Steve, you fought the Winter Soldier. For Steve, you sided against Tony Stark, the son of the man who brought you back to life, and for Steve, you fought, lost, fought again, and won against Thanos.
They say there is no worse heartbreak than that caused by a friend and Steve Rogers stole a piece of your heart when he left.
—Thank you, James. What can you tell us about Steve? —Dr. Raynor asked you.
You shook your head, your eyes fixed on one spot. The feeling of betrayal when Steve didn't return within the five seconds set by Bruce still haunted you. —I will never forgive him.
Bucky shook his head as well, he turned to look at you. —You know, Dr. Raynor? I've met her for more than seventy years now and one thing that hasn't changed about her is how selfish she is.
—James, we are not here to make value judgments about the feelings experienced by the other person.
The condescending tone in Bucky's voice made you close your eyes and take a deep breath before you talked. —You were captured by HYDRA, tried to kill us, then went into cryogenic sleep and disappeared with the snap. I don't expect you to understand what I'm going through since you never lost Steve because you never had him.
—He was my best friend! —Bucky raised his tone and turned in his chair to look at you.
—You don't even remember a single thing of him before he became Captain America!
Sam called your name. That wasn't Bucky's fault.
—He left because that was the life he fought so many years for! That's the life Steve deserved!
—He was my best friend too! We were together all these years while you were killing people and I had to watch him go! —You did the same as him. That was the first time you looked at each other since the session started and you were yelling at each other. Sam didn't miss any part of the argument, he was with his arms crossed and paying attention to everything you were saying to each other. How could two people who had loved each other so much end up like this?
—Okay, that's enough —. The doctor stopped you before it went any further. You and Bucky rested your backs on the chair again, defeated, and your eyes focused on the therapist. —Since this isn't working, we're going to do an exercise. It's something I use with couples when they're trying to figure out what kind of life they wanna built together —. The doctor added. Bucky rolled his eyes and you closed yours while shaking your head.
—You are acting as if you were never a couple —Sam said.
—Back in 1940.
—Yeah, eighty-two years ago.
You both said at the same time.
—Come on, turn around, look at each other.
Both of you hesitated for a few seconds but finally turned to face each other. His blue eyes were fixed on yours, it was difficult to keep eye contact with him.
—The exercise is called Everytime I look at you and consists of saying something that you feel or see in the other person every time you look at them. Why don't you start?
As you looked at Bucky, you could see the young soldier, wearing his new uniform proudly and hanging a copy of his dog tag around your neck. Looking into Bucky's eyes you felt again the last kiss he gave you before falling from the train, you heard his last laugh before he was brainwashed by HYDRA, you could even feel the caress of his fingers on your skin before the vibranium covered one of his hands.
—Every time I look at you, you have that lost puppy look on your face, asking for people's sympathy. I can't even look at you because every time I do, your mere presence reminds me that Steve's no longer here and it makes me want to fucking die, and sometimes I wish-
Sam called your name and you stopped talking before you could finish the sentence. Bucky's eyes never left yours. You were saying all that to his face.
—Let her finish, Sam —. Dr. Raynor said.
There was a silence.
—And sometimes I wish you were gone instead of him.
As Bucky looked at you, he could see the young lady he fell in love with even though everything he remembered about her was gone. The sparkle in that girl's eyes could no longer be found in yours, but he couldn't forget how your eyes shone as he wrapped his arms around your waist to dance. Bucky did not forget the sound of your laughter when he told you that he would marry you after the war, even though he was totally serious.
—Every time I look at you I don't recognize you. You have changed for the worse and I'm not sure if I like this version of you. You are mean, you don't allow people to get close to you and you hide and say that it's Steve's fault for leaving. But let me just say...
Bucky could see how you dealt with sadness by turning it into anger, he knew it because he did the same thing. Your jaw tightened and you closed your fists so hard that your fingernails dug into the palms of your hands. You didn't want him to say it, but at the same time, you couldn't wait to hear it.
—... that being a bitch isn't going to bring him back.
As soon as Bucky finished the sentence, you got up from the chair and left the room slamming the door. He didn't react to you leaving, he just sat in the chair asking himself the same question as Sam. How did you come to this? How could two people who had loved each other so much end up like this? Sam tried to go after you but he could not keep up with your super soldier speed so he went back to the police station with Bucky and gave him the same look of disappointment that Steve would have given him.
That same night someone knocked on your front door.
You thought it would be Sam because he had been calling you nonstop since you left and you had been ignoring him all day long but when you opened the door, you found Bucky instead.
He took a step closer to you to go inside your house and your hand connected firmly with his cheek. The skin on his face burned right where you had hit him and your body was blocking the doorway. He was just as angry as you were so he gave you a strong push on your shoulders. You managed to keep your balance and he managed to get inside the house and close the door behind him.
Bucky towered you with a challenging attitude, keeping eye contact while forcing you to take a few steps backward. You, despite being shorter than him, did not lower your head. Your breathing was heavy, the tension was too much, you wanted to hit him again and you wanted to say worse things to him than what you said in the therapy session.
When you raised your hand to slap him again, he grabbed your arm with his vibranium hand and squeezed hard enough for it to hurt but you did not give him the pleasure of expressing the pain. The tension was overwhelming. There were only two ways to solve this, either he would let go of your arm and start a fight that wouldn't end until both of you were on the floor exhausted and bleeding, or...
Your bodies collided as you pressed your lips together. Bucky held your face with both hands while his lips devoured yours as your hands pulled on the hem of his shirt. He lifted his arms so you could take it off and in that moment you took a few seconds to admire his well-defined abs. He leaned in for another kiss but you pushed him by his shoulder, strong enough for his back to hit against a wall of your house and crack it. Before he could complain, you connected your lips with his again.
Bucky's fingers closed around your neck as a response. Your mouth opened against his lips, trying to get the air that he was keeping from reaching your lungs and Bucky's tongue went pass your lips.
You took a big breath of air once he let go of your neck and he began to unbutton your jeans. He would never admit it but he made sure that you were okay and that he had not taken it too far, especially when your hands went to his shoulders to keep your balance due to the dizziness. And when Bucky thought he had control over you, your fingernails slid painfully from his shoulders to his abdomen and he groaned.
Bucky threw his head back against the wall once your finger sneaked into his jeans and wrapped around his cock. You moved your hand cruelly slow, he had his eyes closed as he bit his lower lip to hold back his moans. You ran your tongue along his collarbone until you reached his earlobe. —I fucking despise you —. You whispered in his ear. He let out a moan and immediately clenched his jaw again. You felt his hips thrust into your hand.
—Fucking same, doll —. Bucky muttered through gritted teeth.
He brought his hands to your ass and squeezed it as he helped you to wrap your legs around his body. Your lips met again as he walked you to the big wooden table in your living room where he helped you to lie down. Bucky pulled his jeans down enough to free his hard cock while you opened your legs to him. He noticed the wet spot on your panties and you noticed the red marks that your fingernails had carved on his chest. As he pulled your panties to the side, your fingers ran over those marks and Bucky hissed.
The head of his cock was more than enough to stretch you open. You repositioned yourself at the table, now sitting up on your elbows to watch as he pushed himself inside of you. You thought he would give you a few seconds to get used to the feeling, but he didn't stop until he was balls deep inside you.
—Now you take it. Make it up for that attitude —. You whined at his words and Bucky rested his forehead against yours while his hips thrusted into yours.
You encircled your legs around his waist and hooked your ankles over the swell of his ass while he kept slamming his hips into you. At that point you couldn't even think straight, he was hitting all the right spots to make your mind foggy. His pace remained fast and hard, and you thought about the serum running through your veins and how you both could keep up with that pace all night long.
Bucky tucked his head into your neck and whispered the filthiest words into your ear, his hands were on your thighs, squeezing your flesh lustfully, he pulled his dick all way out and then pushed in again until his balls were against your pussy. Your fingers tugged his brown hair at the root, getting moans from him because of your tight grip as it encouraged him to fuck you even harder. If that was how hating you felt, he wanted to hate you for all eternity.
When he heard you moaning and whimpering uncontrollably, when your legs fought to close and squeezed his body, when he felt your nails digging into the skin of his back, Bucky pushed your legs up, hooking your legs over his shoulders, and kept fucking you in that position until it became harder and harder for him to keep going because of the tightness of your pussy. You came screaming his name and spasming around him, Bucky came a few seconds later, with a deep groan that made his chest vibrate and emptying himself inside you.
The next morning, when his alarm went off, Bucky was alone in your bed. He took his time to take a shower and grab something from your kitchen for breakfast before he left. Bucky walked to his therapist's office, trying not to give much importance to what happened last night and especially trying not to think about all the horrible things you said to each other earlier that day in front of Sam and Dr. Raynor.
When he entered the office, Dr. Raynor was not alone. Bucky almost apologized and closed the door again, thinking he interrupted someone's session, but then you turned around in your chair and looked at him. He looked back at you, surprised, from the doorway.
You were already inside, now it was up to him to decide whether to go in with you. Bucky didn't have to think about it, he closed the door behind him and sat down in the chair next to you. You wanted to give yourselves a chance, for your sake, for Steve's sake, and for trying to get back what you two once had.
—Let's try again, shall we? —Dr. Raynor asked with a smile.
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just-aake · 4 months
Dyeing to See You Again Part 2
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Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
Summary: Sequel to Dyeing to See You Again. Is it reasonable to believe that you would ever see someone who has once again disappeared from your life?
Warnings: light fluff, light angst
Words: 2046
Ohio - 2018 (Before the Snap)
Your fingers fidget with the flip phone in your hand. Only one number is in the contacts of the device. 
She had given it to you in case of an emergency or any trouble, but at the moment, you’re afraid that she’s the one who’s facing trouble right now.
After Natasha left, you were unable to fall back asleep, the unsettling feeling in your chest remaining despite her comforting and reassuring promises. 
To distract your mind, you decide to start your day early, doing mindless tasks around the home and then the shop when the abrupt news alert brings you to where you are now.
Your finger hovers above the call button hesitantly, your brows creased in worry as you return your attention to the tv. 
The news shows the devastation of the attack on the streets of New York earlier today, followed by the announcement of the disappearance of Tony Stark.
There’s no mention of any of the other Avengers, so you hoped that meant Natasha wasn’t there. 
However, there hasn't been any new information for hours now. 
You watch as the news anchor repeats the same things once again.
“Relief and emergency personnel are still on the scene, finding and tending to the injured. We’ll continue to provide updates as the situa—”
You stand up in shock as the person on the screen suddenly disintegrates into dust, disappearing from before your eyes. Immediately, the newsroom dissolves into a clamor of panic and screams.
Then the screen goes black.
Your paralyzed reflection stares back at you as you try to understand what just happened. 
Recovering from the shock, you quickly press the call button without hesitation, needing to contact Natasha.
You begin to pace anxiously as the phone rings. When the line goes to voicemail, you bring your other hand up to press against your lips in a nervous gesture when you freeze.
The automatic voicemail message plays in your ear as you watch your raised hand slowly disappear.
Swallowing hard at the sight, you release a shaky breath as the phone beeps. 
You try to keep the fear out of your voice as you speak, hoping that Natasha is okay and will hear your message.
Soon after, the phone drops to the ground with a thud, the salon now empty of any presence.
~~~~~~~ ⧗ ~~~~~~~
The atmosphere in the quinjet during the ride back to the Avenger Compound is somber and silent as the remaining members of the team attempt to recover from their loss. 
Everyone dragged themselves defeatedly through the compound to the communal area where Steve decided to address the group.
“Be prepared to move soon. We need to check how much damage and effect Thanos caused and see who else is…” Steve trails off, his hands tightening into fists against the table.
“Gone,” Thor finishes for him, slumping into one of the chairs, continuing solemnly. “They’re all gone.”
“We don’t know that,” Steve stresses.
The others began to speak up with their comments and opinions. 
All but one. 
Natasha strides silently past everyone, heading directly to her room. Without pause, she goes straight to the bag she had yet to unpack since returning to the compound after rescuing Wanda and Vision.
Her hands are shaking as she rummages around, trying to find what she’s looking for before ultimately turning the bag upside down and dumping all of the contents onto the table. 
The flip phone finally appears, sliding to a stop at the edge of the table.
Natasha quickly grabs and opens the device. 
A message pops up on the screen, stating she has one new voicemail. 
Her eyes lock on the time that it was sent, and she swallows nervously upon realizing when you had called her.
Hesitantly, Natasha presses the button to play the voicemail and raises the phone to her ear to listen. 
A shaky breath comes through the static, and then she hears your voice.
I love you, Natasha
A thud follows soon after before the voicemail goes silent and ends.
Painful fear grips Natasha’s heart as she pulls the phone in front of her, desperately scanning the screen for any additional messages from you. Finding nothing, she immediately presses the call button. 
“Come on,” Natasha whispers urgently to herself. “Pick up, Y/n. Please pick up.”
The phone seems to ring endlessly before eventually going to voicemail. 
Natasha presses the call button again.
And again.
Time passes in a blur.  
Eventually, her door opens, and without looking up from her crouched position on the ground, Natasha knows who it is.
She keeps the phone clutched tightly in her hand, pressed against the top of her head defeatedly. Its screen displays the numerous failed call attempts to you.
“We need to get them back,” Natasha states determinedly, looking up, her eyes still glistening with tears. “Whatever it takes.”
“We will,” Steve promises.
~~~~~~~ ⧗ ~~~~~~~
Ohio - 2023 
You let out a surprise gasp as you watch the surroundings change around you. 
Your salon is now empty of its products and supplies, and the chairs and counters are covered with sheets, protecting them from the layer of dust accumulating on top.
It looked as if nobody had been in here for some time.
Remembering what you were doing earlier, you brush off the disorienting condition of the room and search around, trying to find the burner phone to contact Natasha, but you find that you don’t see it anywhere.
Confused, you wonder if you may have left it at home. Stepping out of the shop, you are met with people on the streets and sidewalk, some with surprised exclamations and others with confused expressions like yours.
Eventually, you find out what actually happened. 
The blip. 
The five years lost.
The death of Tony Stark.
And of Natasha
That’s the only news you heard about her since your return.
With the Compound gone and no way to contact any of the other Avengers, you know as much as any other ordinary civilian.
Despite it all, this feeling of not knowing is not new to you. 
After all, Natasha had done the same thing when you were younger, disappearing without a trace. And against all odds, you had the chance to see her again.
Who's to say this time is any different?
So, you wait. 
You try to return to your usual routine of life from before and you wait, holding onto the hope that the people who truly mean something to you will return.
One evening, as you’re going to take out the trash, you open your door and pause in surprise when you see a familiar red-haired girl standing there.
Her hands are clasped in front of her, fidgeting slightly with nervousness, and her expression carries the same apprehension as when you first met her, though now her eyes appear more haunted and wounded than before.
“Am I still welcome here?” Wanda asks hesitantly.
You invite her inside with a warm smile, offering her a safe refuge in your home.
You’ve heard about the rumors and gossip of the events surrounding Westview and what supposedly happened there.
However, you’re not one to judge or speak about things you don’t fully understand, so you don’t bring it up in any of your conversations with her.
Over time, Wanda tells you about the final battle. 
About the things she learned from the others during the missing years. 
About Natasha’s sacrifice.
The knowledge of what happened fills you with sadness, yet you still cling to the hope in your heart.
When Wanda decides to leave one day, you give her the location of a cabin in a remote area that belonged to one of Natasha’s secret stashes of safe houses. 
You’re sure if Natasha was here, she would’ve wanted to provide Wanda with someplace safe.
Some time after, one morning, as you approach your shop, you spot a blonde-haired girl peeking through the window, examining the building curiously.
Her face looks familiar, and you try to recall where you remember her from before your eyes widen slightly in realization.
She turns around at your call, scrutinizing you critically, before relaxing her tense posture.
“Now I understand why Natasha spent all of her time in this area.”
You invite her inside, and the two of you bond over your shared memories of Natasha. 
Though Yelena was young when she lived undercover as your neighbor, she tells you that she remembers you and your friendship with Natasha. 
Of how happier Natasha became after you entered her life. 
In return, you share with Yelena about all the things Natasha told you about her and about how much she loves her little sister. You tell her how Natasha’s blue hair when she was younger was supposed to be blonde because Natasha wanted to match with Yelena’s, and how she chose to go blonde after their reunion. 
After reminiscing about the woman you both love, Yelena tells you about the tombstone dedicated to Natasha at the cemetery near your old home, surrounded by flowers, gifts, and messages from everyone who loved and valued her.
Your heart both breaks and warms at the thought.
That information should have been enough for anyone to give up and find peace with Natasha’s fate.
But you can’t. 
Natasha had promised you that she would return, and you had promised to be here when she did.
So, you wait and you hope.
A year passes by in a blur, and you’ve somewhat returned to the simple life you had before. 
Things in the world also return to normal with the exceptions of the usual news alerts of aliens, alternate dimensions, time travel, and magic. Hearing all of that, anyone would believe that anything is possible in this universe.
It was one late evening when the bell above the door chimes lightly. 
“Sorry, we’re closed,” you say, without looking up.
A sharp intake of breath echoes in the room, followed by a pause before a voice asks, “Even for me?”
You drop everything in your hand, freezing at the familiar voice. 
Turning slowly, your eyes fall upon her face, a small smile gracing her lips. Her hair is longer now with the return of her signature red color and a hint of blonde at the ends.
A shaky exhale escapes from her as Natasha looks at you too with a fond gaze, as if also trying to memorize every feature of your face. She swallows hard and greets.
“Hey, Y/n.”
“Hey,” you reply instinctively in a breathless whisper, moving slowly closer as tears form at the corners of your eyes. 
Stopping in front of her, you reach up slowly to touch her face, still in disbelief at the sight of her, but you pause in your action, searching her eyes. 
For you, it’s been over a year since you last touched her, but you know it must’ve been much longer for her.
Natasha nods, giving you the reassurance you need.
One of your hands gently cradles her cheek, and she leans into your touch, her eyes closing as a peaceful expression forms on her face and she releases a soft breath of relief. 
Your other hand moves to her hair, your fingers gliding through the strands with a sad smile, and you take a deep breath to choke back the tears threatening to spill.
“Your hair’s two different colors,” you comment lightly.
Natasha lets out a sad chuckle at your words and opens her eyes to meet yours, giving you a tiny teasing smile.
“Well, you said you had a soft spot for redheads. I figured you’d like me better if you saw me like this when you return.”
You can’t help but laugh softly in disbelief as you bury yourself into her, unable to hold back the sobs anymore at the fact that she’s here. 
Natasha wraps her arms around you tightly, her head tucked close against you. She presses a soft kiss against your head and whispers, “I’m sorry it took so long.”
You shake your head at her apology, replying firmly, “You came back. That’s all that matters.”
Her arms tighten around you, pulling you closer as if afraid to let go.
“I’d do anything to see you again.”
~~~~~~~ ⧗ ~~~~~~~
a/n: Thank you for reading! Initially, I didn't have a part 2 for this, but you all liked the first part, so I wanted to give them a happier ending.
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scarltzwitch · 1 month
❥ Summary: On what seemed like an ordinary night, Logan Howlett and Elena Stark meet by chance in a bar. After Logan steps in to protect Elena from a stranger, an unexpected connection forms between them. As they start seeing each other more often, their relationship catches the attention of the Avengers, who are surprised to learn that Logan is not only from another universe but also has extraordinary abilities and has won the heart of Tony Stark's daughter.
❥ Genre: Logan Howlett x Elena Stark ( Fem!OC )
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The bar was full of life on a Saturday night, with laughter and the sound of clinking glasses filling the air. Logan was in a corner, his gaze fixed on the drink in front of him when everything changed. It wasn't the first time Wade had convinced him to go out with his group of friends to places like this, but this time, fate had something in store for him.
Elena was a beautiful young woman, of medium height, with her chestnut hair cascading down her back. Her oval face, delicate jawline, and defined cheekbones were on display. The young Stark was looking for a breather with her friends and her father after a day full of chaos. The world had been hard to recover after Thanos' attack, but it wasn’t impossible, and the Avengers deserved a great rest after saving the Planet and the Universe. Wade Wilson and his group of friends also needed a break after their exhausting battle against Cassandra.
After a few drinks, the Avengers, along with Tony and Pepper—Elena’s mother and now Tony's wife, also known as Morgan's mother, who was Elena’s younger sister—had decided to retire to their respective rooms, leaving the brunette alone, as she had decided to stay a little longer. She loved the place her father had chosen.
Half an hour later, the young Stark decided it was time to go home. She got up from her seat to head to the counter and pay, but unexpectedly, a man approached her with the intention of bothering her and ruining her evening. After trying to make the guy leave, Elena felt cornered. She had drunk a bit too much, but she was still aware of what was happening. Logan, without hesitation, decided to intervene and with his characteristic growl, managed to pull the young woman away from the man who was harassing her.
“She said to back off,” Logan warned as he grabbed the man by the neck, but that didn’t stop him from throwing a punch at the guy's face, scaring him off.
Elena, moved by the situation, clutched her purse tightly and looked at the man who had helped her. She decided to make the first move. “Thank you, you didn’t have to do that, but thank you,” she said with a slight smile, admiring the man who had come to her rescue. He was quite attractive, almost too good to be true. Logan merely nodded in response. After that silent exchange, Logan started to leave, but Elena stopped him.
“Would you like to stay a little longer?” Elena asked with a sincere smile. “I don’t usually invite strangers, but you just saved me from a pretty uncomfortable situation, and I feel like I owe you. So, what do you say?” she asked hopefully. Logan looked at her for a moment, as if weighing whether he should accept the offer. He usually didn’t get involved with others, especially someone much younger than him and from a world so different from his own. They returned to the bar, where Elena ordered some beers and a few snacks to accompany them. The atmosphere of the place was still lively, but now, with the company of the man who had saved her, everything seemed much calmer for her. They sat together at a table, and while they drank what the young woman had ordered, Elena couldn’t help but study him discreetly. He seemed tough, with an imposing presence, but there was a softness in his eyes that intrigued her.
“So... Do you come to places like this often?” Elena asked, trying to start a conversation. Logan took a sip of his beer while watching Elena, noticing the interest in her eyes. “Not much,” he replied in his characteristic gruff tone. “Only when Wade convinces me to go out.”
Elena smiled, surprised by the simplicity of his answer. “Wade? The weird guy I saw you come in with earlier?”
Logan shrugged. “Just needed a change of scenery. What about you? What made you stay after your family left?” Elena took a sip of her drink before answering. “I love this place. My father used to bring me here, and it brings back good memories. After everything we’ve been through, I needed a moment of peace.”
They shared a comfortable silence, interrupted only by the noise of the bar. Elena noticed how Logan’s hardened expression softened slightly. “Thanks again for stepping in,” Elena finally said. “I don’t know what I would’ve done if you hadn’t been there.” Logan looked up and, for the first time that night, gave a faint smile. “It’s nothing. I’m glad I could help.”
Elena leaned forward a bit, showing genuine interest. “Would you like to tell me more about yourself? I have a feeling you have some interesting stories to tell.” Logan looked at her, considering whether he should open up a bit more. The sincerity in her eyes and the warmth of her smile made him feel more at ease. “Maybe. Though I won’t make a habit of it.” Elena smiled broadly, accepting the challenge. “That’s fine. Sometimes, it’s nice to have an unexpected conversation with someone new.”
As Logan and Elena started to see each other more often, it wasn’t long before the news reached Tony. Although Elena tried to keep their relationship discreet, her father always had a way of finding things out, and soon, the word that she was dating someone began to circulate among the Avengers.
One day, while the group was gathered in Stark Tower, Tony, with his characteristic flair, casually mentioned, “So, it seems Elena has a new friend... a certain Logan Howlett.” The mention of the name caught everyone’s attention in the room. Natasha raised an eyebrow, Steve stopped reviewing his reports, and Thor, with his hammer in hand, let out a hearty laugh: “And who is this bold man who dares to court Stark’s daughter?”
Tony, with a mischievous smile, responded, “That’s the interesting part. Apparently, he’s not from our universe according to her. And... he has metal claws. He’s some sort of mutant, I think, like Wanda and Pietro.”
The room fell silent. Wanda was the first to speak, her tone one of genuine surprise: “Metal claws? You mean like a mutant?” Tony nodded, and before they could delve further into the matter, Wade Wilson, who had apparently been eavesdropping on the conversation from the hallway, burst into the room with a mischievous grin. “Oh, this is going to be fun! I’ve been waiting for this moment since I found out.”
Before anyone could comment further, the young Stark walked in with Logan, who was hooked to her, his arm linked with hers as the rest of her friends followed. “Sorry, sorry. He can be a bit... odd,” Elena apologized with a smile. Wanda didn’t hesitate to be the first to hug her, but the rest of the room’s attention turned to the man accompanying her, surprised.
“Excuse me? Who are you, and what are you doing with my daughter?” Tony asked, surprised, with a glass of whiskey in his right hand and his other arm around Pepper.
“Tony, honey. Let him introduce himself, please? You’re Logan, right?” Pepper asked with a slight smile, trying to lighten the tension. Elena murmured a thank you in gratitude, to which the blonde nodded.
Logan nodded without saying much, standing firm. Thor was the first to break the tension by approaching them and giving the mutant a friendly slap on the back. “So... I’ve heard you’re a warrior from another world with much more experience. It seems I have competition—and with claws, I hear. Strange, but interesting. I think you and I will get along well.” Logan barely reacted, but Elena noticed how his lips curved slightly upward.
Steve, for his part, crossed his arms and looked at Logan with a mixture of respect and curiosity. “So, you’re a veteran? Not many can say that in this room.”
Feeling a bit nervous, Elena stepped forward, holding Logan’s hand. “He’s different, but I think he’ll fit in well with us. And well, he’s... important to me.”
Before anyone could respond, Wade interjected with his usual humor: “Of course he’ll fit in! Plus, it was about time this team had someone with a bit more claw—and, by the way, a delightful loudmouth mercenary like me!” Everyone, even Logan, couldn’t help but laugh at the comment.
With the tension now eased, the Avengers, along with Elena and Logan’s group, sat down to chat and get to know each other better, sharing stories and jokes. The initial surprise quickly faded, and while they knew Logan wasn’t what they expected for Elena, they also recognized that he was someone they could trust, especially if he shared a close relationship with Tony’s daughter.
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Hi! I'm so sorry for the delay, but I wanted to do my best with this one-shot. It's a way for me to practice with writing, thank you so much for trusting me with your idea. I loved it. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
— Lily. 💜
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laiahernandeeezzz · 3 months
I'm here, moya lyubov'
Paring: Yelena Belova x fem!reader
Words: 1.6K
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After the compound was destroyed thanks to Thanos, Pepper offered Y/n and Natasha to live with her. At first both of them were reluctant given the loss of Tony Stark in the battlefield, but after Pepper told them it would also help her to feel less alone and to cope with it while taking care of little Morgan, they accepted.
So after Tony's funeral, they installed themselves at the house. It was easy, their things were completely destroyed by the fight. The three of them quickly fell into a routine. While Natasha put her focus on finding out where help was extremely necessary, and contacting the heads of the countries, to see how they were going to proceed after everyone came back, Pepper placed her mind on accepting her husband’s death, and tried to organize anything under the Stark’s name: selling, giving places to people who needed it…
Y/n happily took house chores, helping with cleaning clothes, plates, making lunch and dinner, and also looking after Morgan. Of course Pepper was there for her daughter, but in all honesty, Morgan loved playing and spending time with Y/n, so she was happy to do so.
However, even though she was adapting to her new life pretty quickly, her nights were spent without any sleep. She spent them trying to find anything that could be related to her girlfriend’s location. Yelena Belova was introduced to the team by her sister after they reunited. There was where Y/n and her met, instantly feeling something between them.
Their relationship wasn’t easy at first. Yelena was a bit -very- jealous of Y/n relation with Natasha. After all, they had spent more time together than the sisters, so she acted cold and quite rude with her. And, although Y/n quickly accepted that Yelena was attractive, she refused to be nice to her if the widow wasn’t with her.
The whole compound was aware of their constant bickering, but even they could tell there was something much bigger, but still, they decided to stay on the sides and not pay much attention to them. Natasha, on the other hand, was desperate with the girls’ stubbornness, and really wanted to tell them to stop that nonsense, that was impending them to really know what they wanted. 
So, that’s why, after a few months, she locked them in one of the thousand rooms the compound had, and told them that they would stay there until they solved their differences. Natasha knew her little plan had two outcomes: either they ended up killing each other or kissing. You can guess which one was the result. The red-headed decided that after an hour, they would’ve done one of those things. When she opened the door, she was pleased to see them hugged, looking lovingly at each other -making Nat sick-, and kissing softly. 
Slowly, the other Avengers found out of their thing, after some months starting to officially date, not passing the opportunity to tease them all the time. Especially the spy, who constantly told them that they ended up together thanks to her, them being too stubborn -and stupid- to realized their feelings. The couple never admitted it to the older woman, but they were amazingly grateful. 
That’s how Yelena spent almost a year with them on the compound, all while Melina recreated the serum, with the help of Tony’s and Bruce’s labs. Once they got it done, she took off to free some widows, with the help of her Red Room friends, if someone could call them that. The goodbye was hard, the girls not knowing exactly when they were going to see each other again, but they promised to see each other again. What they weren’t expecting -or even imagine it- is that an alien had plans to erase half of the universe.
At first, when people started to disappear, Y/n was convinced that Yelena hadn’t been one of them, that in a few weeks she would have her girlfriend back in her arms. Weeks turned into months, and months turned into years. It had been a year, when Y/n reluctantly realized that the blonde spy wasn’t coming back. For some days she thought Yelena may have just bailed on her, that had decided to live her life alone, but deep inside knew that something was really wrong. 
That was why she had spent the last few years searching for her. During the blip they were looking for everyone that had disappeared, but after the world was once again restored, she didn’t stop, with Pepper and Natasha’s help. Her nights were based on searching for some weird action or movement out of the ordinary, some attack of some sort. 
She just had her girlfriend’s name, as well as her friend’s Sonya and Melina’s, and she was fully conscious that they changed passports constantly in missions like that. Fucking trained spies. However, she never gave up. She kept and would keep looking as long as she had to. With the days, hope diminished, but it had become such a routine, that she couldn’t sleep or function if she didn’t do it. 
Not sleeping was affecting her functionality as a person, but she kept her good face for little Stark, especially when she was left alone with her. Pepper and Natasha had left the house to run some errands pretty early in the morning. Morgan was playing in the living room, while Y/n cooked some lunch for them, not knowing exactly when the older women were supposed to be back. 
Y/n finished arranging their plates, as she called Morgan, “Baby girl, time to eat!”. After some seconds, she called her again, and went to look for her in the living room, but the place was empty. Calling her name out loud, she started to panic, that kid is going to kill me. When she got to the entrance, she saw that the door was slightly open, and she quickly ran outside, “Morgan! You know, we don’t go outside alone!”.
Realizing a shaky breath, she saw the little girl hugging her mom, as the redhead took some bags out of the car’s boot. “Oh, thank god. Morgan, don’t ever do that again! By the way, where were you? You left like hundred hours ago”
“Oh, don’t be dramatic! We just went to pick up a package” Natasha teased her, as the backdoor of the car slammed shut. Y/n was quite confused at this point, brows furrowed and eyes fixed on the back of the car, still not being able to see who that mysterious person was. She quickly found out, though.
Some blonde strands of hair peeked as the person reached the front part of the car, rounding it to come to the front of the house. And Y/n stopped breathing. As soon as they locked eyes, Y/n knees gave up, and she fell to the floor, tears streaming down their eyes. 
Yelena was alive and in front of her. She couldn’t see much through the tears, and suddenly her breath started to run short. Her chest felt tight, her chest moving quickly trying to catch as much oxygen as possible, but still, it didn’t seem enough. She was starting to panic, when she felt soft fingers caressing her cheek. And then a soft voice. 
“Hey, hey, breathe with me, here” Y/n’s hand was moved to Yelena’s chest, “I’m here, detka, I’m here with you”. Her vision started to become clear, as her breath started to slowly become back to normal, Y/n focused on taking deep breaths. “How… How are you here? I’ve been searching for you for months”
“You don’t really think you were the only one searching?” At that point, Y/n was fully calmed, eyes running through Yelena’s face. She looked exactly the same since the last time they saw each other. The spy was cleaning the drying tears, her thumbs softly caressing Y/n cheeks. 
“But, how? You left no traces for me… How did you find me?” Of course Y/n was happy her girlfriend was back, but at the same time, she was extremely confused, because she had spent weeks non-stop looking for her, without any success, and it wasn’t like she, herself, had also left any trace to follow. 
“Natasha… You know, she’s been helping some governments, and there are always pictures of them. It was easier to find her, so I traced her, and she led me to you. You also were nowhere to be found” Y/n looked away from those green eyes, for the first time, seeing how both older women looked at them, smiling and with wet eyes. Y/n thought that it had been a long time since she had seen Natasha so emotional. 
“I haven’t got out of the house a lot, to be honest. I had barely enough strength for it, and if I had some it was destined to your search or to little Stark there… I can’t believe you are finally here”
“I am here, and I have no intentions to leave for a while… Although maybe we could go somewhere just the two of us, beach, cocktails, bikinis…” Yelena almost started to cry when she heard Y/n’s laugh again. She had never thought of finding someone, all thought of love eliminated in the Red Room, yet she was here, in front of a woman she couldn’t love more.
“I love you so much Lena”
“And I love you too, moya lyubov'” Y/n didn’t hold herself any more and connected their lips, both of them sighing at the feeling. They had been apart for too long, and both girls promised themselves to never let that happen again. 
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braveclementine · 2 months
Back Together
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Warnings: None
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own my OC Elizabeth Lightwood. I do not condone any copying of this.
"Tony? Are you okay? What's going on?" You asked as you spoke into the phone.
"Yeah. I'm fine." Tony responded. "I just think we might have to push our um pretend restaurant reservation back."
"Why?" You asked in a warning tone, looking at the TV screen. Elizabeth was laying on the couch, staring at the screen with hazy eyes. She hadn't stopped crying once since she'd gotten here, the waterworks alternating on and off.
Rhodey was there, trying to help with the kids. The two older children were talking with Everleigh in hushed tones in the corner. Sam was there too, looking a little skittish of Rhodey almost, but not quite. Rhodey hadn't tried to arrest him yet at any rate.
"Just cause I'm probably uh, not gonna make it back for a while." Tony mumbled.
You closed your eyes in understanding, and also a little bit of apprehension, "Tell me you're not on that ship."
Rhodey looked over at you.
"God, no. Please tell me you're not on the ship." You said, cradling Arlo in one arm as he slept there.
"Pumpkin, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I don't know what to say."
You closed your eyes. "Just. . . God Tony please. Elizabeth just. . . I can't lose you."
The connection was getting worse with the phone. "I love you." You whispered as you heard F.R.I.D.A.Y. say, "Boss, we're losing her."
You closed your eyes, falling backwards into the couch, holding Arlo tightly to your chest. He needed to be safe. He just had to.
🎃 :::::  🧡  ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━  🧡  ::::: 🎃
Wanda was curled up under the covers of her bed, wearing Visions white shirt and a pair of his boxers. They had just finished having their nightly round of sex and he was pulling the drapes back now while she had a cup of tea.
He let out a small gasp that sounded almost as though it was in pain. Wanda looked up. "Vis? Is it the stone again?"
She slid out of bed and walked over to where he was standing. He was in his human form at the moment, the way he usually was these days. But the yellow stone glowed out on his forehead and he screwed his eyes up and clenched his teeth in real pain.
"Hey." She said, sliding her hands up on his face. His other hand came up to cup hers and he tilted his mouth so he could kiss her palm, before pulling her hand a little closer to kiss her palm again. They he placed the part he'd kissed to his forehead.
"Tell me what you feel." He asked softly.
"I just feel you." Wanda whispered back.
And he bent down to kiss her.
Later, they went walking down the street, holding hands, "So there's a ten a.m. to Glasgow which would give us more time together before you went back."
She was trying to get more time, knowing that he was alternating between staying at the Avengers Compound and sneaking to see her.
"What if I miss that train?" Vision asked in a slightly teasing tone.
"There's an eleven o'clock." She responded.
"What if I missed all the trains?" Vision asked, turning to face her at the stop. He smiled a little and then asked, "What if this time, I didn't go back?"
"But you gave Stark your word." Wanda frowned a little. As much as she wanted to spend more time with Vision, she also didn't want him to get in trouble. Even if they couldn't contain him, he would go like a normal person.
"I'd rather give it to you." Vision responded.
"Well, there are people who are expecting me too, you know?" Wanda asked quietly. Steve and Nat would often have her travel with them so that they could all stay together and all stay on the run. "We both made promises."
"Not to each other. Wanda." He placed his hands on her shoulders. She loved and hated that he seemed to tower over her, but loved it even more, "For two years, we've stolen these moments trying to see if this would work and-" He tripped over his words and then said, "You know what, I'm just going to speak for myself-"
"It works." She answered.
"It works." He echoed.
"It works." She repeated, nodding and smiling, happy. This was what she wanted all along, but wasn't sure if it was something she deserved.
"Stay." Vision whispered. "Stay with me."
When she didn't answer, he quickly backtracked, shaking his head, "Or not. If I'm overstepping-"
But Wanda walked past him, staring at the TV that was playing in the window behind them. It showed the destruction of New York, the alien spaceship that was over them. "What are they?" Wanda asked in a shaky voice.
"What the stone was warning me about." Vision answered.
They watched the news change, saw how it was reporting Tony Stark as missing. Wanda caught her breath in her throat, immediately thinking about Y/N, Everleigh, and Arlo. Vision turned to her, catching her hand, kissing the back of it. "I have to go."
"No, Vision." Wanda said, her voice still shaky, trying to become firm. "Vision, if that's true, then maybe going isn't the best idea."
"Wanda I-" He suddenly cried out in pain as a large spear was shoved through his stomach. He was lifted into the air on the end of it, shifting from his human form back to what he looked like as a robot.
"VISION!" Wanda screamed, immediately calling up her magic. Vision was flung off the end of the spike, rolling on the ground.
She was hit in the back, sent flying through a window. She leapt up on to the top and saw they had pressed some sort of blade against his stone. She sent them flying with her magic, lifting Vision into the air. She flew into the air and carried both of them over into a neighboring courtyard. She helped Vision to his feet.
"The blade." Vision panted, having trouble walking, "It stopped me from phasing." He slid down against the wall.
"Is that even possible?" Wanda asked, kneeling in front of him, hopping they couldn't find them here.
"It isn't supposed to be." Vision said. "My systems are failing." Wanda tried to heal his wound up with her magic, "I'm beginning to think, we should have stayed in bed." He suddenly pushed her out of the way, being rammed by one of the new creatures.
He flew through the air, trying to fight the creature off.
"Give up the stone." He growled at him, while he could hear Wanda fighting someone else down below, "And she lives."
Anger took over, Vision wrapped his hand around the aliens throat, and pushed off from the wall he was being held against. He punched the alien and then tried to use his light beam against him. The weapon blocked it somehow, amazing alien technology. He was hit with his own light in the stomach.
The alien was upon him immediately, once again trying to take the stone out of his head. The alien turned and he heard Wanda's voice, "Hands off." She blasted him through the window and then took Vision and used her magic to fly them into the sky.
They were blasted from the air and they crashed through the glass ceiling of the train station. Vision groaned as he rolled across the floor. "Come on. Come on. Come on, you gotta get up." Wanda begged him, lifting him up by the arm. "You gotta get up. Come on. Hey." He slumped against the railing. "Hey, we have to go."
He shook his head, cupping her face. She was bleeding across her forehead. "Please. Please leave."
"You asked me to stay." She panted. "I'm staying."
Wanda stood in front of Vision as the two aliens crashed through the ceiling. A train ran behind her and she suddenly felt a familiar presence. She turned to see a dark shadow standing on the other side of the train platform.
The female alien tossed her spear at him, which he dodged and caught at the same time, before stepping into the light.
The glorious.
The handsome.
The radiant.
. . .
Um, Sorry.
Captain America.
. . .
Wanda smiled as Sam crashed into one of them, though she hadn't remembered him being with them before. Steve threw the trident weapon to Nat, who ran behind the woman, knocking her legs out from under her while Sam fired his rockets into the male alien.
Nat threw the trident at the woman, who caught it. Steve picked up the spear, blocking the woman's kill thrust.
The three of them knocked the aliens to the ground.
"Get up." The woman growled.
"I can't." The man said.
"We don't wanna kill you, but we will." Nat said.
"You'll never get the chance again." The woman said and they were suddenly gone, a beam of blue light lifting them into the sky. The spear also left Steve's hand, even though he hadn't let go of it.
"Can you stand?" Sam asked. He seemed jittery, Wanda noticed, though he was here.
Vision was helped to his feet by Sam and Wanda, "Thank you Captain."
"Let's get you on the jet." Steve nodded.
"Now, I thought we had a deal." Nat said once they were safely on the jet, the door closing up behind them, "Stay close, check in, don't take any chances."
"I'm sorry." Wanda said, sitting next to Vision on the Quinjet. "We just wanted time."
"Where to Cap?" Sam asked.
"Home." Steve said.
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"Still no word from Vision?"
Elizabeth was hiding as she spied on the holographic meeting going on between a board of the Government and Rhodey. She knew she was probably on the wanted list too, but she wanted to hear what was going on. And besides, she didn't have anything else to do.
"Satellites lost him somewhere over Edinburgh." Rhodey said.
"On a stolen Quinjet with four of the world's most wanted criminals."
"You know they're only criminals because you've chosen to call them that, right, sir?" Rhodey asked, pointing at him.
"Go Rhodey." Elizabeth muttered under her breath.
"My God, Rhodes. Your talent for horseshit rivals my own." General Ross grumbled.
"If it weren't for those Accords, Vision would've been right here." Rhodey argued. Elizabeth finally stepped out, walking silently up to Rhodey's side. He glanced at her, but said nothing. General Ross narrowed his eyes at her, but continued to address Rhodey.
"I remember your signature on those papers, Colonel."
"That's right. And I'm pretty sure I paid for that." He was still wearing braces, which Elizabeth felt guilty for. She hadn't had much time to heal him before she had to get back to Asgard and escape the German police. She had offered to heal them again, only a few hours ago, but he said he felt better like this.
"You have second thoughts?" General Ross asked in a slightly threatening tone.
"Not anymore." Rhodey said, and looked over at the entrance way. Elizabeth looked up dully to see Steve, Natasha, Wanda, Vision, and Sam there. Sam had left to go and find them, a little help from a wizard named Wong. He quickly slipped between Steve and Nat, coming over to her side and pulling her into a hug.
She relished the hug, but turned her head so she could still see what was going on.
"Mr. Secretary." Steve greeted him. He had a beard now and his hair was more brown than blond. He looked good in his outfit, Elizabeth noticed offhandedly. It was a little tighter, darker in colour.
"You got some nerve." Holographic General Ross said, walking towards them. "I'll give you that."
Nat was blond now, a little bit on the thinner side, perhaps even a little bit more muscular. Her hair was shorter as well and she looked like an entirely new person from the last time Elizabeth had seen her- and fought her.
"You could use some of that right now." Nat responded.
"The world's on fire. And you think all is forgiven?"
Elizabeth snorted quietly.
"I'm not looking for forgiveness." Steve responded. "And I'm way past asking for permission. Earth just lost her best defender. So we're here to fight." He took a step forwards, "And if you wanna stand in our way, we'll fight you too."
"Arrest them." General Ross said and then pointed at Elizabeth, "Her too."
"All over it." Rhodey said sarcastically, hanging up on the holographic call. There was a beeping sound. "That's a court martial." Then he smiled. "It's great to see ya, Cap." He held out his hand and Steve shook it.
"You too, Rhodey."
Rhodey hugged Nat, "Hey."
Elizabeth looked over at Wanda and Vision and she pulled away from Sam. Her body started to shake and she knew she was going to cry any second now.
"You guys look like crap." Rhodey informed them.
"Well the hotels weren't exactly five star." Sam retorted, looking after Elizabeth.
"Well, I think you guys look great." Bruce said awkwardly and everyone looked over at him. He chuckled awkwardly as well, "Yeah, I'm back."
"Hi, Bruce." Nat whispered.
Elizabeth stopped near Bruce and looked at him. Tears were shining in her eyes. He gave one last awkward wave, put his arm around her, and the two of them quickly walked off.
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Steve couldn't stop looking at Elizabeth. She was in the back of the room, rocking a little girl that she called Sage in her arms. She had Loki's black hair, but Elizabeth's eyes. Actually, all of the kids except for Tove, who looked the most like her mother. Halfdan was the spitting image of his father however, even at the age of eight.
He could almost imagine Elizabeth's pain because it probably mirrored his own when he was certain he lost Bucky. It had been such a pain that had ripped through him. . . and that wasn't even for his death. But it had been bad enough Steve was certain he had died. And with Loki actually dead. . .
Y/N was there too, already dressed for battle. Tony had been missing for a while, along with Stephen- Sam's soulmate. The spider kid that had fought with them was rumored to be on the ship as well.
"So we gotta assume they're coming back, right?" Rhodey asked, looking at the hologram of the aliens that had attacked Wanda and Vision.
"And they can clearly find us." Wanda said.
"We need all hands on deck, where's Clint?" Bruce asked, looking at Natasha.
"After the whole Accords situation, he, Scott, and Y/N took a deal. It was too tough on their families. They're on house arrest."
"Whose Scott?" Bruce asked.
"Ant man." Steve answered.
"There's an Ant-man and a Spider-man?" Bruce asked. Steve felt bad for the man. He'd just lost his soulmate too and had been missing in space for two years as the Hulk only. Bruce paused for a moment and then said, "Okay, look. Thanos has the biggest army in the universe and he is not gonna stop until he gets. . . Visions stone."
"Well we have to protect it." Nat responded.
"No, we have to destroy it." Vision spoke up from where he was leaning against the window, looking out. "I've been giving a good deal of thought to this entity in my head. About its nature. But also its composition. I think if it were exposed to a sufficiently powerful energy source," He walked closer and closer to Wanda with each word, "something very similar to its own signature, perhaps, its molecular integrity could fail."
"Yeah, and you with it." Wanda whispered. "We're not having this conversation."
"Eliminating the stone is the only way to be certain that Thanos can't get it." Vision said.
"Until he gets the Time stone and reverses time to this exact moment where you destroy it and then gets it anyways." Elizabeth responded.
"That's too high a price." Wanda argued over Elizabeth.
"Only you have the power to pay it." Vision said, cupping Wanda's face. It was to intimate for Steve, his attention returning to Elizabeth. She was looking at the floor instead, tears falling down her face.
Wanda walked away from Vision and so he spoke, "Thanos threatens half the universe. One life cannot stand in the way of defeating him."
"But it should." Steve spoke up. "We don't trade lives, Vision."
"Captain, seventy years ago, you laid down your life to save how many millions of people? Tell me, why is this any different?" Vision asked.
Because Vision still had something to lose, unlike Steve. Sure, Steve could've lived out a life with Peggy, had kids, but without Bucky he wasn't sure he wanted it. He could see Bucky again.
But Vision still had Wanda. Still had a future with Wanda, if possible. If everything worked out. That was the difference.
"Because you might have a choice." Bruce spoke up before him. "Your mind is made up of a complex construct of overlays. Jarvis, Ultron, Tony, me, the Stone. All of them mixed together, all of them learning from one another."
"What are you saying?" Pietro asked at the same time Wanda said, "You're saying Vison isn't just the stone?"
"I'm saying that if we take out the stone, there's still a whole lot of Vision left." Bruce responded. "Perhaps the best parts."
"Can we do that?" Natasha and Y/N asked together.
"Not me, not here." Bruce shook his head.
"Well you better find someone and somewhere fast." Rhodey ordered. "Ross isn't just gonna let you guys have your old rooms back."
"I know somewhere." Y/N said.
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