#i quit my job and left because i didnt know when the fuck she was comign back
megumi-fm · 4 months
#okay random story time i don't know why im narrating this or how i even stumbled upon this memory rn#but i generally do sad vents in the tags and for a change this is a funny one#so back in highschool (i say highschool but i mean junior college) i used to visit this park near my house a lot#i was an sg kid back then and the thing about parks there is that they're kinda beach-parks and they have the best cycling/running tracks#they're also really massive parks so i used to go often. sometimes bicycling. other times walking. yeah. the park was like my sanctuary#anyway. there are quite a few bike rental areas in the park and there was a cute lil shop next to this one particular rental place#and they sold like biscuits and water and icecreams and stuff and i went there a lot#and on one particular day i went there and there was this guy around my age part timing at that shop#now again this might be culture specific bc i dont see it in india but part timing in uni/pre-uni is pretty common is sg#a lot of shops and restaurants employ teenagers to twenty something ppl for part time jobs... anyway im just adding context#point is that i had walked to the park with my mum that day and she told me to go buy a couple icecreams so i went to the shop#and i saw this guy around my age and like. not to be a simp but this dude was so pretty?#like he saw someone had come to the counter so he looked up and shot a smile and i thought i got slapped by sunlight#i could spend the next several lines going on about his pretty tan skin and his glowing raven eyes but this is pathetic enough so ill stop#anyway he saw me and smiled really wide (customer service smile- i thought to myself) and i smiled back and asked for icecreams or whatever#and then this guy started getting chatty right. so he was all 'you come here (to the park) often right? ive seen you with your bike a lot'#see now. the problem with me is that i always think im bothering people. this poor dude was attempting to make conversation#and i was replying with one word answers#and i wasn't even realizing that he didnt want that. bc he kept asking more questions and i. kept. shutting them down.#then when he gave me the icecream he was all 'are you here alone? icecream alone is no fun... i could keep you company if you want..?'#which. he was being really cute about right. but because im so fucking dense i was all 'oh no i came with my mom actually'#and he went 'aw man' in this really cute but faux sad way which i didnt understand at the time and i left and then#after three full fucking days. i realized this man was tryna hit on me?#and then i went to the park like a week later and he was gone. poof. i even thought of asking the uncle in charge of that place#then i got too embarrassed and chickened out#yeah so turns out my neurodivergence neutralizes any sort of rizz that comes my way#i could've been chilling with a cute boyf rn but no😩 this is my destiny#megumi in the tags
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gh0stsp1d3r · 1 year
Ooo can I please request a Dad!Tangerine x daughter!teen!reader where when he was younger, he had a daughter but he didnt/doesn’t know she exists until she goes looking for him and finds him and Lemon on the Bullet Train. Lol imagine Y/n nonchalantly (but also excitedly) running up and sitting across from Tan and Lem, Tan being like, “Who the f are you??” And y/n being like, “I’m glad you asked… Hi Dad!” I imagine the Twins being SHOOK… Anyways, later on Tangerine being like “What are you doing here???? You can’t be here!! It’s not safe!!” When Tan is confronting The Prince and Ladybug intervenes, instead of Tan getting hit by the bullet, Y/n gets hit because she pushed him out of the way after it was accidentally set off? (She lives but it’s all super emotional and Tan is a panicked dad) Tan being like, “Why would you do that??” Y/n just didn’t want to lose her Dad after only just finding him + Lem being the best, most fun Uncle🥺
I kinda based her off of nimona, I’m obsessed with that movie rn omg 😭
Readers adopted so everyone can read!!! (: Blood, gun wounds
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You quickly boarded the train, looking down at your phone again. It was quite easy to hack into his phone.
You followed it, until you bumped into a tall man.
You looked at him, back at the app, and then him.
“What the fu-“ he started, until he realized that you were a girl, a young one, probably around a teenager. “Excuse my language. You alright? You should really watch where your going.” He said.
“I’m- Im fine. Yeah. I’m fine.” You said, with a small smile.
“Right well.. sorry bout’ that.” He said, and continued to walk. You followed him, beaming in excitement.
You followed him and another man as well, then they both sat down. You sat on the other side, watching them with a large smile.
“You? What do you want?” Tangerine asked, jumping when he saw you.
“Well, I want you to know something.” You pulled out the rolled up papers in your pocket, when they both pointed guns at you.
“Relax.” You rolled your eyes, showing him the paper in your hands. You handed it to them.
“The… freak is this?” Tangerine asked, grabbing it. He stopped himself from cursing.
“You can say fuck you know. I’m not like 10.” You sat back and rolled your eyes.
“Right.. the fuck is this?” Tangerine said.
“It’s adoption papers. You and my mom adopted me.” You shrugged.
“What.. I didn’t agree to any of that shit-“ he said.
“Well that’s not fucking creepy.” Lemon said, looking at you.
“Oh no, it is. But he’s my dad! My adoptive dad technically… If you couldn’t understand all the smart people language on the paper.”
“I’m not your damn dad.”
“Your name is Aaron, you live on 78th street in-“
“Look, lady, I don’t know who the fuck you are honestly, and I don’t know why you’re stalking me-“
“The both of you technically.”
“That don’t make it any better.” Lemon said.
“Right.. well don’t know why you’re stalkin’ us, cause I’m not your damn dad, but if you don’t get away and off this train-“
“You’re gonna stab me? Blow my brains out? Poison me and make it so only a hot way older prince could save me like in Snow White? Cause if you’re gonna do any do the third one. It sounds more fun.” You said with large eyes.
“You’re a fuckin’ nutcase. Jus’ please, let us get out jobs done-“ tangerine started, when Lemon showed him something on the adoption papers.
“That is your signature. Right there. Aaron-“
“I didnt… did I?” He said.
“Not that I remember.” Lemon said.
“My mom said that you left us after you adopted me. I was a baby but… yeah! And she then gave me the papers, and she didn’t want me to go find you but I did anyways. I hacked into your phone, got your location and followed it.” You shrugged.
“I didn’t sign no fuckin’ adoption papers. They must’ve been forged.”
“Well, whether you wanted me or not isn’t why I came. You’re still legally my dad. Your signature on that paper, no?” You pointed to it, and pulled out your phone and showed him a picture of him and your mom.
It was high school prom. And then you scrolled and showed him a picture of her holding you as a child, father not in sight.
“Fuck. She forged my signature? Fuckin’ course she did.” Tangerine mumbled, rubbing his temple in frustration.
“So, dad, what are you doing on this train?”
“We’re working. Where’s your mom? You should really get off. It’s not safe-“
“Oh, relax. It’s a train, what’s the worst that could happen?”
Tangerine and Lemon looked at each other knowingly.
“We needa get you off this damn train.” He mumbled when the white death had hung up, grabbing your hand and pulling you along. He stopped when he came across a girl. He quickly pulled you behind him.
“Oi, I know you! You’re that girl, aren’t ya?” He said, pointing to her.
“Oh my god.” She whispered.
“I never forget a face, me.”
“I’m so happy to see you both. Please.” She said as he walked towards her, gun still in hand. You quirked an eyebrow and peaked your head out from behind Tangerine.
“There’s this man and he was holding me hostage, he was wearing glasses and… he killed my uncle, and he also killed this other man who I don’t know, just kept talking about Thomas the trains and-“
“Tank engine.” Tangerine corrected, remembering how his brother had always corrected him.
And even though you just met Lemon, you really liked him. He was fun, and he labeled you a character even.
“Right, he killed them both, and then he said he was going to get away with some sort of money. I don’t know.”
“I’m- Im sorry darling, I don’t know who the fuck you are.” He said.
“I’m just a girl who was supposed to get off at Nagoya and then this man-“
“That was fuckin’ ages ago!”
“I know but this man, he just said that he would be a good backup plan and a pretty girl makes a good hostage.”
“Yeah, well he ain’t wrong there, but look keep your fucking knickers on alright?”
“Please just help me, please!”
“Alright, alright, calm down. Get off or do whatever the fuck you like, you’re free to go. Don’t know what you’re doin’ here anyway.” He moved past her when you noticed something on her back.
You looked at the sticker and then handed it to Tangerine who was about to leave.
“It was on her.” You held your hands up in defense when he gave you a weird look.
He looked back at her and turned around.
“Diesel. The absolute fuckin’ worse. Lil’ shit stirrer.” He sighed, you were behind him again now. “Lemon, God rest his soul, could read people, see em’ for who they really are. He was right, there’s been a diesel, running up and down this train, causin’ all sorts of fuckin’ havoc, and it was you the whole time! You dirty little diesel!” He pointed the gun at her. “You made lemon bleed, and lemon never bleeds.”
“Oh my god mr please help me!”
Ladybug looked at you then Tangerine, quickly pulling out his gun and pointing it at him. You looked at Tangerine and back at Ladybug, and you quickly pushed tangerine out of the way, before you could get out of the way, the bullet hit you. Your arm had a fiery pain, and blood seeped through your shirt.
You groaned and sat up, Ladybug staring in shock.
“Oh fuck. I didn’t really mean to do that-“ he said when he noticed Tangerines angry face. As much as he didn’t really want you, or even know you existed, he was responsible for you and he was technically your dad. He quickly attacked Ladybug, and the prince made a run for it.
“You bellend! She’s the one who did all of this!” He said, as he pinned Ladybug down.
“The girl?”
“Yes- obviously the fuckin’ girl!” Tangerine said, you groaned in pain, and that quickly interrupted his fighting. He stopped what he was doing, and turned back to you.
“I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to shoot you, shooting kids isn’t really my thing. Or anyone for that matter anymore.” The man shrugged, sitting across from you. Tangerine was looking around for anything to stop the bleeding.
“Here.” Ladybug mumbled, handing him a roll of guaze he just happened to have.
Tangerine grumbled something under his breath.
“This might hurt, yeah?” He said, looking at you.
You nodded and squeezed your eyes shut, he as carefully as possible, wrapped the guaze around your arm. He tried to stop the bleeding first, then when he found things to, clean the wound, and hopefully get to a hospital or something to get the bullet out.
You held your arm, and he looked at you, sitting next to you.
“Why’d you do that?” He said, trying his best not to sound angry.
“I… I dunno. I just.. didn’t wanna lose you after I just found you.”
Ladybug stared as if it was a movie, a very interesting and heartwarming movie. You both just ignored his existence.
And you missed the way his eyes softened, it was almost as if he was a kid again.
He stared, not knowing what to say.
“Well it was dumb. Don’t do it again.” He paused. “But thank you.”
You smiled widely “So you’re not mad?”
“I’m mad that you would do that-“
You shrugged “You’re my dad whether you wanted me or not.”
“I’ll give you a chance.” He shrugged, you smiled again.
“Yeah. I guess it’s not your fault that your moms a psycho.”
You laughed quietly.
“Does that mean we can get ice cream after this?”
“After a hospital, you mean?”
“Yeah, I guess.” You sighed.
He laughed quietly and stood up again, grabbing your hand and helping you up.
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Seriously, Trailer warning. The Trailer they just dropped is almost offensively stuffed
I'll only talk about it under "read more" because I genuinely think they just straight up gave the entire ending away. So what I'm about to point out and talk about kinda feels like leaks even though they are absolutely not. Its a damn official trailer :/
So think twice before you click read more, I did my job warning you
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The trailer end with this.
That's civilian Marinette seemingly frozen right in front of civilian Gabriel while he is 100% making his wish right now.
It's pink and green, Tikki and Plagg, what else is it supposed to be?
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The trailer also shows Marinette seemingly finding everything out and wearing both the Ladybug and the Black Cat miraculous' at the same time after Adrien gave it up in London, which we know because they also show Plagg flying away with the miraculous by himself
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which automatically turns Marinette into a two-in-one kill if Gabriel gets her, which he apparently DID. Ladybug NEEDED Chat Noir.
And on top of that they also show that Gabriel is Nathalie's nightmare but she's too weak to stop him now. He literally SAYS it.
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So unless Alya, the Resistance and Félix aren't suddenly waltzing in last second to steal Marinette's, Adrien's and Nathalie's job by defeating Gabriel for them and stopping him at THIS crossroad of destiny everything lead up to
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Then we are fucked. Gabriel wins and they just revealed it all in one damn trailer.
I mean, don't get me wrong, the writing has been on the wall for the last 2 seasons - especially season 5 which was pretty much dedicated to Gabriel himself while serving as a second season 1 - so yeah, everything going to hell and Gabriel winning was pretty much the expected s5 ending now since it's been painfully obvious for quite a while already that ever since s4 we haven't been leading up to the original ending of Miraculous anymore.
Miraculous has been a global phenomenon for years on end. They have been talking about 6 season and more of story to tell since before season 2 even started airing.
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As you can see, the tweet is from the 25th of September in 2016. And 2x01 "The Collector" had it's World Premiere on 21th of October in 2017. That's a whole year later!
YES, even though animated shows takes years of development in advance to get done, they absolutely had the damn time to make one more (at the very least ROUGH) concept for season 4 and 5 that follows the same story skeleton of the initial s4 and 5 while keep every episode mostly the same besides adjusting the executions of story and character arcs so it doesnt end with season 5. Meaning all that happened is that on paper there were two versions of season 4 and season 5, which would also explain what the hell is up with the leaked bible.
One s4+5 execution for the case that it stops here as it was planned and the other one for when the story is supposed to continue which is now happening. So S6 onwards can continue what these 2 seasons left out. Which is alot. A fuck ton of a lot in case you didnt notice it by now.
I figured as much about half way through season 5. The only thing that's makes me angry now is that they are giving this much away in the trailer. Since the way the trailer shows Gabriel as the main character is only continuing what all of season 4 and especially 5 have been doing all along. Leading up to Gabriel's victory and the consequences of everything our heros - and everyone else too in the show - never took care of for 5 damn seasons. Which is also a fuck ton of a LOT.
I would be more surprised if he didn't win now and S6 onwards isn't getting out of Gabriel's wish reality. That's all the show (and Ladynoir in particular) have been leading up to for quite a long time already.
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starfilled-galaxy · 3 months
why do me fusi and their sister keep accidentally getting into the most insane roleplays on toog 😭
@bananacat76 you already know all of this but ill tag you anyway
talking ab roleplays under cut bc its long :3c
first time was that kel was the manager of gino's and got into an argument with omori because he only served orange joe and keep sitting on the counter. something appeared and everyone ran out bc holy shit this place is haunted, and kel quit his job as manager. anyway they fought outside while mari was trying (and failing) to keep them from fighting. eventually omori and mari went home and kel was like "man i hope i dont get reported to the police for killing the old manager and then taking her job..... OH SHIT IS THAT THE POLICE???" (he got put in jail) then hero comes across mari and sunny talking at their house and is like "hey do you guys know where kel is? he's missing..." and mari's like "oh last i saw him he was at the plaza" "i just checked there tho?" "you did? um, well he got into a bit of an argument so maybe he went somewhere to cool off?" "ah, well he normally thinks the secret hangout lake area is calming so he might be there" "alright, how about we come with you?" "oh uh sure!" so they look by the lake and do not find kel, right before hero leaves mari gives the run-down to hero ab the argument with omori and kel then they all go home sunny threatens to kill himself by jumping down the stairs. he does not hero gets a call from the police and tell him that his brother is in jail for committing murder. he then finds kel's journal with the most recent entry confessing about his murder (and littering potatoes everywhere). hero is like what the fuck so he goes to the park to clear his head, where mari and sunny find him again mari talks with hero while sunny. does stuff. such as stabbing potatoes hero tells her about how kel was a murderer and he's really sad and stuff then in the middle of the convo at some point hero gets FUCKING POSSESSED....... by..... kel's evil twin brother "jel" he turns to mari and smiles "so anyway wanna go commit murder with me?" "what.... why...." "idk sounds like fun" "HERO WE JUST TALKED ABOUT THIS MURDERER ISNT FUN" "yes it is?" "NO ITS NOT??" during all of this sunny is still stabbing potatoes and fusi (mari) is occasionally going out of character to do the basketball YUH sound sunny goes home and hero and mari continue their convo "well if you dont join me you're gonna be my next victim" "...what" he pushes her to the ground "join me" anyway mari refuses so hero chases her like some fucking horror movie scene until she gets home to call the police and locks the door with sunny and hero still outside. hero attempts to scare sunny but sunny has a knife and he doesnt wanna get stabbed. sunny stabs him anyway and he bleeds out. mari's like "oh my god what did you do" and takes him to the hospital, where he wakes up and uh talks with mari while having no memory of when he was possessed they leave the hospital and then the roleplay ends bc we didnt know where to go from there lmfao
second one, still ongoing, is that mari stole hector and had him be a backing dancer on a stage while she did a ted talk ab the respawn button. then hector got... stuck in the floor somehow so i had to reset character (die), and sunny saw. and then kel shows up and is like "mari what did you do with hector?" and she's like "oh sorry i just wanted to use him for a bit, but i can give him back now. sunny can you go get hector?" and sunny's like fuck hector is dead i cant tell kel... so he's like "uh uh uh um uhhhhh i saw. hero. and i gave hector to him. and he said something about going to a dog park. so he wont be home" and kel is like "oh ok :D" and goes home then he gets there and sees hero "you're back already?" "i never left??" "huh? sunny told me you went to a dog park with hector?" "no????" "HE LIED????" and then sunny to mari "HOLY FUCKING SHIT HECTOR'S DEAD MARI WHAT DO I DO"
oh also there was one time that was really short that was set in headspace where basil and omori were watering flowers but then hector (rock) kept jumping on the flowers so omori killed him, then kel shows up and is like "hey where's hector" and omori's like "uh uh maybe go check where he was last time you lost him" "oh yeah orange oasis! ill go check there!" basil and omori come along then kel gets hit by the train to orange oasis and dies then hero shows up and is like "hey where's kel i think he ran off again" "oh um. he got hit by the train. um. he's toast. we're gonna need life jam" "oh damn" and then hero also got hit by the train
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basedstoutland · 4 months
I am at my fucking limit with this stupid ass job I am stuck in right now. 'Oohhhh you can't call in sick too many times especially during the weekend because it puts us behind!' Fuck you, assholes, I really was sick. Instead of any concern or sympathy after I ask if I'm trouble they lay that on me. I have been stuck working weekends (and I do mean stuck stouck. I have tried asking for time off during the weekend. I'd say the only time I got it within the past near 6 months is a few weeks ago and that had to have been some fucking miracle.) And then they've been making me work by myself during the weekend as well ever since my coworker who was also forced to work that time (except I know for a fact that she was allowed to have weekend days off) left for complicated reasons. I ask nearly every day if even going to have help that day and all they can say is that they're trryyyying to find someone new for the department. The last person who wanted to work in this department during my hours turned it down cuz she didnt want to work until 10pm. Like bitch me too, the cuk! I didn't want to either, but I guess I'm with these bullshit hours! Fuck this stupid job. Fuck every person that's part of the reason I'm in this mess to begin with. Fuck me for feeling guilty about definitely considering quitting. I hope the place crashes and burns when I leave. I just need to figure out how to. I've finally got an actual resume figured out but...god the process of actually applying to places is fucking brutal it's ridiculous. Why do half these sites want to me to make an account to just to apply there!?
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ramonag-if · 2 years
[Its just me ramblin about the new chapter you dont have to post this or even read this... this got longer than intended]
Thats what I said out loud when I read the scene with dear mom cause damn even I was flabbergasted. Like I read the random crumbs from Patreon readers so I thought I could handle it but... I could not.
Honestly, if it was me, I dont think I could handle a conversation with her after the prison break, I would probs be balling my eyes out behind my friends, my buddies, my homies [I wanted to read the friendship scenes] cause that was one hell of a talk I would not willingly be in. Like she only thought about fixing the relationship when she saw you in Ishari. AND she brought her kid with her!!! How could you do that??!?! You didnt speak to your kid for 20 YEARS and you thought it was the best time to introduce each other.
It may sound weird but I also never thought Ahlf was a bad dad. He just seemed like a regular asian dad to me. Emotionally constipated, but at least still tries to push thru the constipation you know. Doesn't really succeed but he broke out a sweat. A+ for effort.
My god, Salyra... How was it possible to never even mention your kid in 20 years? I couldnt even shut up about my dog to some random strangers. And it wasn't even my dog, it was my neighbours! The best shih tzu you could ask for honestly. So glad 7 year old me took shitty photos of her that ended up being developed by accident and till this day is still stored in my family photo album.
I dont think I would be able to sit thru the meeting with Salyra there lmao, I probs would bring Crown in as my emotional support animal. Maybe he can give Salyra a good hard glare for making MC go thru this shit.
I wonder how our family in Vinia would take the information? Damn, author you really made me go thru so much in one chapter. You really did a great job writing. I'm sorry for this long ass post, I forgot it's 1 Feb and didn't prepare myself emotionally.
I shall read and answer this because I do love rambling myself 😋😆
I really do love complicated parents in fiction and I really wanted people to realise that not everything is quite clear cut, especially since for many, Ahlf was the somewhat worse of the parents considering his reluctance in becoming a father.
Salyra definitely made mistakes and in a way, she might be a little too hopeful for a huge happy reunion with the MC. She isn't quite aware of what the NC went through, so all she sees is just an older version of the 5 year old child she left behind 😅
You definitely will get to see the Vinia family react to Salyra by Part 3 😊 They'll all be feeling some sort of way, mostly the MC's uncle because Salyra's decision to remain in Ishari routine really hit him hard 👀
Thank you for the long post!
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Gallowglass (1993)
Triggerwarning: Suicide, Physical Abuse, Violence
Summary: Joe (Michael Sheen) was just released from a mental hospital but his foster parents wont take him back home. Desperate and having nowhere to go he attemps to commit suicide but is saved last minute by Sandor (Paul Rhys). Joe is now devoted to his saviour, who uses this to his advantage by further manipulating Joe up to the point where he aggrees to help kidnap a young woman.
Spoilers beyond this
Starting off with a punch in the gut (litterally)
Found this a bit uncomfortable to watch. Not necessarily because its bad, but because is portrays a very abusive relationship between Sandor and Joe. It’s proper fucked up, so that is kinda the point. Joe is almost obsessed with Sandor, constantly excusing his horrible behaviour and actions. You very much believe that Joe would do anything for him. It’s genuinely scary to watch.
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Sandor saves Joe
After they successfully kidnap the young woman they where after it turns out Sandor isn’t after a ransom, but is in love with her and wants to free her from her (as he thinks) miserable life. She rejects him which he, after some drama, accepts. However Sandor ends up killing himself the same way Joe tried to earlier, by throwing himself in front of a train. And because he’s a total bastard he does it right in front of Joe. (poor guy can’t catch a break)
Throughout the series are short clips of Joe explaining the events in hindsight This shows a very different aspect of the character it’s almost jarring. But in a good way. You very much get the sense that this whole story scarred him even further, but he also seems more mature and reflected. In the end we see that he might be talking to a therapist (maybe even in a prison?) so I like to think that at some point in his life he manages to set himself free from that past trauma. “Tilly said Sandor was bananas, off the wall, after lunch…there seem to be a lot of words for mad. I told her never to say it. He wasn’t mad, he was just in pain…I know all about that, don’t I?” - fucking shivers down my spine The way he delivered that line, fucking genius. If you dont wanna watch the whole series, watch this one scene it’s so good. (it’s somewhat at the 44 minute mark of episode three)
The performances of the lead actors are way more convincing than I expected, it’s the most interesting part of the whole series imo. Joe starts off already broken and by the end he’s absolutely fucked up. He gets completely corrupted by his saviour to the point of kinda assuming his persona after Sandor died. Thats a pretty interesting dynamic and it left me feeling a bit icky afterwards.
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I havent read the book but even with the great performances of the actors something about the story didnt quite capture me. Like the suspense was built up, but the payoff wasnt quite there. Maybe the stakes arent high enough? Idk something about the overall story couldve been pushed a bit more…
Anyway idk if this was Michaels very first time acting in front of a camera, but considering this was very early in his career he did an exeptionally good job. Michael has this way of completely disappearing in his characters its amazing to watch. And it blows my mind that he could do this so well already when he was just like 24 I think?
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Joe calls the woman they intend to kidnap "the princess", after a story Sandor told him
His acting combined with Paul Rhys gives a very convincing dynamic. If it wasn’t for them this would’ve been an absolute bore.
Would I recommend watching this? Maybe, If you don’t have a problem going through a few unconfortable scenes and a overall mediocre story. If you absolutely want to see Michael play a very broken, fucked up young man, sure! There’s some good acting in it so at least it isnt boring. Just prepare for violence and some uncomfy stuff.
(Horrible Hair dye job, Sandor)
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iampikachuhearmeroar · 4 months
y'know i watch a lot of dave ramsey on my fb feed, ever since my parent sent me the video where a young couple had $750,000 worth of student loan and other debt. but like. although most of their advice is relatively okay/good for saving up and getting out of debt, the one piece of advice i take issue with today, mostly bc i feel like being pissed about something is "just get any job before you get THE job! you need work and money TODAY and also a side hustle if you have free time to watch netflix between 3 other jobs!"
like. i have been TRYING to just get ANY job for a year now, ever since i left my shitty and toxic asf traineeship/cadetship..... that made me so fucking anxious and stressed that i crashed my car so bad that i bashed in my back windscreen, my boot/trunk and knocked off my back wheels and exhaust pipe (and i also destroyed their multilevel parking.... and i refused to follow up on their building insurance to fix. ALSO my car is actually fine. my insurance fixed it lmao. it took like 3 whole months).
i've been trying for the past year ever since my shitty overly critical, controlling and micromanaging boss completely ruined my chance of a good stable job where i got BUMPED UP from trainee to a full admin assistant during the interview process..... all because i REFUSED to listen SPECIFICALLY to her and hr to be a disability/community support worker bc "tHeY'rE sOoOoOo DeSpErAtE fOr WoRkErS wHy DoN't YoU cArE!!!!????" and "SHE HAS THE WRONG PERSONALITY FOR ADMIN!!!!!" et al.... that she called me to demand to know EXACTLY what jobs i was applying for directly after she gave that bullshit reference report so she could guilt me to "use your (my) giving heart." *enter every tag rant i've made about this sitch on this hellsite here*
where people, performance and culture told me to get assessed and medicated for anxiety and depression. where one of the course coordinator ladies of the cert IV in housing course i did as part of this program told me to "hurry up and get assessed and medicated for ADHD bc it's ruining your KPIs and business performance!" bc i went too fast through my assessments for her to help me..... and "YoU'rE NoT fIgHtInG fOr YoUr CaReEr HaRd EnOuGH!!!!" whenever i got told both by my manager and my mentor that any chance for me to move up or do anything for my assessments was "not relevant to you" (even in TEAM MEETINGS!) and "just accept it's not in YOUR journey with us!!!". and finally where another coworker kept asking me if i had some undiagnosed disability that i hadnt told them about.... on the way to one of the very seldom inspections that i was SUPPOSED to be doing by myself, by the end of the program. but they continually barred me from doing. how the fuck was i meant to stay here and do anything successfully and healthily in this toxic ass workplace???
i've tried for a fucking year to get "just any job". be it from kmart to fucking heavy labouring shift work at the local steelworks.... bc i am fucking desperate.... to even a support worker in the last couple of months. that i didnt have good ref reports for (and quite understandably so this time bc this job is basically like rudimentary nursing which i've NEVER been interested in). but again i was desperate. and i wanted to test shit boss's/shit HR's hypothesis that it was "an instant job! it'll be so easy for you! bc you're so nice, and giving, and down to earth, and friendly!!! all it is, is making friends all day with your interests!! what the perfect job for you!!' ma'am i am NOT 18 like your son that you keep referencing whenever we talk about this. i am 27/28 (at the time). why the fuck are you SO condescending, belittling and supercilious?
i have been trying for a fucking year to get any fucking job possible.... when it's literally impossible.... when even rudimentary/entry level jobs like working at kmart or woolies or even as a door greeter/customer service person at a local bank; come with test after test after test after test...... that give you results like "you have big dreams and we can't help you achieve them!" or "you have NO emotional regulation and intelligence, and resilience skills whatsoever. why did you even apply to work for social services?! goodbye." or "you don't know what INNOVATION means bc you're too scared to try or come up with new ways to do things." shitbot.AI for social services. you're a government agency. you're the LEAST innovative fucking business in the ENTIRE country.... for personality readings. batshit insane multi-tasking tests like this one:
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i NEVER pass these tests, whether they're the standard personality test or the psychometric tests like the one pictured, or the system thinking ones... fictional staff IM chat ones; etc etc etc. FOR A FUCKING SEWING/ARTS/HABERDASHERY SHOP. the list goes on and on. where you only have 30 seconds to get every little bit of it right in 20 questions. i failed that screenshot test big time for the local bank. bc i can't math and i felt way too rushed.
there's so many job descriptions you have to dodge bc they don't list salary properly (eg monthly figures i've seen for writing jobs or one for working for influencers i saw last week) OR even AT ALL..... instead sometimes they just "profile salary match" bc they don't want to pay jack fucking shit. overly presumptuous and fucking patronizing as all fuck small business owners who are SO FUCKING sanctimonious about the supposed importance of working in a FAMILY OWNED small business as opposed to a MuLtInAtIoNaL where apparently "you can just go home and forget about work! not HERE!" that's such a massive red flag. since they think that, from the outset, they have the RIGHT to treat APPLICANTS like they have shit-for-brains for 85k a year...... and begging for this specific attribute in the JD from applicants:
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that hey. maybe it's not fucking worth applying for that and losing my sanity over ANOTHER god-awful boss and a 2hr commute to work (ie it was in southwestern sydney which is a 2hr commute for me where i live). also, as a caveat. who the fuck has had stable employment since 2020???? since the worldwide fucking pandemic??? where so many industries have laid off droves and droves of employeess??? and it's still happening?? like ok given this was as a HR admin support position and i assume a lot of HR people had career stability during the last 4 years. but also. what the ACTUAL fuck.
i am TRYING to get any fucking job possible. but it's hard to take some jobs seriously. these are the attributes of some influencer advertising/marketing firm and one of their "KPI's/company values was "honor" and was like "honor the vibes and the company" or whatever the fuck i found on indeed last week:
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it's also hard to take some admin jobs seriously. for example, a local wealth management firm DOESN'T list the salary of a customer service/admin/whatever the fuck else they called it "rockstar/superstar"position..... that DEMANDS the desired candidate does the job of the equivalent of 6 other people in their branch whilst ALSO doing the admin work of their two other regional offices. what the fuck is the pay for this position??? why won't you list it??? is just THAT GOOD AND HIGH???? or just THAT LOW AND AWFUL???? fucking list it, you dumb cowardly bastards.
again, i've been trying to get any job for the past fucking year, that i've finally started to slightly dumb down my resume by finally deleting my advanced diploma of marketing. it's a daily fucking struggle to not go feral and start bitch-posting on my linkedin about how fucked up the job market is. but obvs i can't do that when have Shit HR and other people from my first job lurking on my LI feed. or start a tiktok parodying the goddamned motherfucking mindfuck tactics of the useless fucking job market before throwing my 12 year old laptop out the fucking window. "just get any job" is NOT possible anymore when that "just any job" in retail or call centres (although rip me for leaving after barely a month bc a shitty call centre i worked for in feb/march this year REFUSED to fix a backend issue on THEIR END but kept blaming it on me and it ruined my training period).... are just so mind fucky and tiring that it's straight up NOT even worth applying.
it's straight up not worth applying to a job that some local social service org sends you directly on seek (or maybe another job site) bc they think you fit the profile for a traineeship in business admin. only then, when you apply you're marked "unlikely to progress" bc you decided to list your desired salary at the higher end (apparently) of the trainee pay grade in australia (50k) bc you believe you shouldn't be expected to stay at 45k for TWO MORE FULL YEARS during that traineeship (with a vain hope that hopefully, HOPEFULLY, they'll keep you on at the end of it)... bc you NEED to start paying off your student loans automatically through your pay. BUT. oh no. that was too high of an ask for your quals/experience apparently. they WANTED you to low ball at 45k (or even lower) and be happy about it. so they reject you. when THEY sent YOU the job.
it's not worth trying to get "just any job", when famously even food chains in the US, like i think it's panera bread (and also walmart) are using 2 hour avatar-esque personality tests to screen ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE out of the pool except for like 2 people. every second job i get suggested on linkedin is just applicant pooling websites (or straight up scams where the pay is ONLY listed in US $$) where businesses just straight up ignore your applications bc they forgot they even made an account on it (imo) so you HAVE to make an account on THEIR actual site..... when some dumb-ass career-advice-fluencer on my fb feed (and the tik of the tok) tells you that's exactly how you get your application ignored, while flogging THEIR applicant pooling and job searching/resume writing AI advice software website.
"just any job before you get THE job", my fucking ass. this no longer fucking possible. and also cut the shit about overworking yourself to death with 10,000 different side hustles. bc that's exactly how i i nearly fucking died in 2020 at 20 fucking 5 in hospital with a stomach tumour..... after TOO MANY years of uni where the supposed importance of "innovative systematic entrepreneurial flair go-getter thinking of the future" was being espoused to me on the fucking daily. like dgmw, i know people are doing side hustles in these fucked up high cost of living times (and also im actively thinking about doing door dash since NO ONE is bothering to hire me)... but god the "if you have time to have down time with netflix why arent you filling your time with 15 side hustles to get your net worth to 1 million bucks??????" is fucked up. let people NOT work themselves to death outside of the mandatory 2 full time and 1 part time or casual or any other mix of jobs that people just need to fucking SURVIVE today.
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SO we get parts right? Parts can be anything from nuts and bolts and washers to brackets and lights and wire harnesses and mufflers and engines and whatever. they all fall under the category of "parts"
and when we need parts, there's a channel of sorts that it goes through. if i'm low on something, can only build ~5-6 more of our Things, then i tell my managers. my manager then tells the Parts Supervisor what part, how many we have left, and how many Things we can build before we run out (<- not always the same as how many we have left, because some Things get different parts so it just depends on how many of that type we're building) the Parts Supervisor then either 1. Gets a Parts Person to bring the part off we have or, or 2. Orders the part from the warehouse if we don't.
Perfectly simple setup. Absolutely nothing can go wrong.
Except, of course.
We just got a New Parts Supervisor. She's not new to the job of PS, just to our line. Everybody can't fucking stand her.
because like. she just never orders the parts. she has told us many things regarding this. the one that pissed both me and my manager off today was I was low on a part. I think I had like 4 left and they dont go on every Thing, but we were building quite a few of the ones they DID go on, so I told my manager i needed it and she called it in. 2 HOURS LATER, I only have 1 left that I'm about to use, and i can only move 3 times before i need another. I tell my manager, she calls it in.
you know what the PS said to us???
"I didnt order it, if I'm honest"
we were VERY lucky that it didn't end up stopping our entire line bc thankfully someone somewhere else had some but like..? we asked for it 2 hours ago. and it took until we were OUT for her to go "haha lol whoops sorry I forgor"
it's just. apparently all of the area managers have complained about this to our Supervisor. I don't know who I need to bitch to in order to get her fired but istg I need to find out cus she is so bad at her job. She actually has caused us to be line down MORE THAN ONCE. I ordered a part at the beginning of the night. Halfway through the night we call it in and THEN she goes "oh well we don't have any. Whoops, looks like the warehouse doesn't either :/ what a pickle" and we had to go home bc of it.
how does this women still have a job, I don't know. but I'm going to commit crimes about it.
Like ma’am that’s you’re entire job. What were you doing in those two hours? Like seriously what were you doing?
I’ll commit crimes for you. This lady sounds awful omg.
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nova-skittle · 1 year
my little guy!!!!
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lmaoo i didnt do the postcard thingy bc uh,,, i'm lazy :) yall will get a full ref at some point dw!!! hes a little groundskeeper/in general fix-it (or try to) guy around Gem's place!! also helps at the dwarven keep when given the opportunity. favorite pasttime is in fact scaring people. just by showing up! original template by @ink-ghoul here (fuckin hell took me a while to find it smh) expect more hermitcitizen brainrot soon :) details abt my lovely guy under the cut
so this is roo!! yeah thats me :) roo beGAn life as your ordinary villager in stratos (ok thats a lie! theyre a little fucked up, nobody really knows what species they are but they were raised villager!) when he got older he began working as a bookbinder and bookkeeper, in a building that was very close to the center of upper stratos (from the ground), meaning every day as they were walking home, roo would see those in upper stratos flying about. naturally, if you live your entire life watching citizens of upper stratos with their wings (and some very lucky citizens of lower stratos gain them), picking feathers up off the ground and saving them to make quills, you honestly get quite jealous. roo did the extremely rational thing and stole a pair- they climbed into upper stratos, and they might've been sitting there as a sacrifice to a certain god, but hey. they were left there for the taking, and roo had come from a farming community- he felt like the wings had been left there for him specifically. they were very broken wings after all. roo hid the wings, and saved up to get some mending and unbreaking books- knowing villagers very well can get you some solid discounts. of course, when those of upper stratos found out, nobody was happy. roo just like,, slipped into the rift when nobody was looking! they got hired by gem because she seemed the nicest, and was looking for someone to take care of the cherry tree. roo figured, coming from farmers, that they'd be fine at taking care of an already grown tree, but uh- they hate gardening. dont tell gem. they mostly wing it and do odd jobs around the base and surrounding bases so nobody really knows what the hell they're up to. he'd work at decked out but hes a fucking coward :)
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imstraight · 2 years
well ig since i walked out i can spill the real tea at my last job
extreme racism
extreme sexism/misogyny
extreme homophobia/transphobia (a supervisor targeted this trans girl who was so sweet)
sexual harassment on a daily basis. i reported it often and was laughed at. didnt really help that the worst of it was coming from managers/supervisors. so many incidents including getting groped by an 80 something year old dishwasher over the summer
cut hours with a promise we’d be back to full time (never happened the salaried bitches got a 1k bonus for sending 20 people home daily) none of us were approved for partial unemployment and couldn’t eat or pay bills
dishwashers got paid meals. cooks did not. we were threatened with termination if we ate uhhh it was called stealing. but we got a free shift beer which no normal person took! we were hungry and most people weren’t even 21
call out sick? no that’s a write up. you were expected to come in still and have a manager send you home. (this is why i walked out i just came back after 2 viral infections that almost killed me and my dr sent a note and i had medical paperwork as proof) any absence would be held over your head including covid, not coming in during a travel ban, etc…
begged for a raise. i did not get a raise. i was the only person with a soup talent. i can make a mean soup. i was told “i didn’t give enough back to the company”
do you care about your family? not allowed. your life was supposed to be just work
13 hour shifts at times no recognition no nothing
phones were not allowed to be even in your pocket (new rule riiight before i left) scary shit bc i watched my friend have an extreme family emergency and i had to step in and take her home
managers got fired for sexual harassment ONLY if they were caught with multiple minors. no adult accusations were believed
sick time that you would get in trouble for using
filthy work environment
expired ass moldy food
someone sent out a blade in salsa a customer actually found it idk how we weren’t shut down and no he didn’t get in trouble he just blamed someone else
food was sent out either overcooked or extremely undercooked
gas leak (i almost got fired for calling osha over the summer cause everyone was getting sick anyways it was still a problem when i left)
we had a fire one day on a GAS STOVE and my coworker was screamed at for grabbing a fire extinguisher. it was rusty and he couldn’t pull the pin. they got it out with corn starch 😺
drinking on the job (im not a buzzkill but it was extreme and these people would drive home hammered)
you want a raise? you have to fuck a higher up for that. this girl was fucking a supervisor and they got caught on the property multiple times. she got a raise. a girl who busted her ass working did not get a raise and she quit after she found out (she was very nice)
need flexibility because you have personal obligations? no you’re not giving enough back to the company
unpaid vacation that rarely got approved. over the summer i needed 2 days off for getting my college shit set up and my bf’s bday. i let this manager know over 5 times with notice. eventually i was tired of being ignored and went around her and sent a mass email to everyone else reminding them i would not be there. it was not a request i was NOT going to be there. they didnt like that too much
managers would regularly come in 30+ mins late. i had to step in and get shit set up for the day write out lists and get a good idea of what we had stocked (which was not my job)
FAVORITISM if you were a white man you were golden. all minorities were treated like absolute shit
good employees were threatened with termination over everything. they did not need a reason to fire you. they just did
harassment in general i almost got into full on fist fights trying to defend myself after people came at me
hr cared about the company. owners cared about the company. management cared about the company. they did not give a fuck about employees at all
no one had manners this bitch almost knocked me out with a door she dropped a box on my head. she never said “behind, sharp” yk all the common kitchen etiquette. i was advised by a manager to stab her?
benefits? nonexistent. i did get covid relief for 40hrs which they didn’t want anyone to know about. i told everyone (we were encouraged to come in with covid just wear masks)
annoying ass rude ass people that wanted to mansplain everything even if they were in different departments LOL. i cussed out people on a daily basis. it got to the point grown ass men were afraid of me because they didn’t expect me to fight back
good workers were threatened the shitty ones were promoted
and much more!
honestly fuck that place with everything in me. i have been debating on blowing them in for labor laws and sooo much illegal shit. they would get shut down for many incidents i didn’t get into
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star-firework · 2 years
if twit is gone, i will have to use a blog like a real blog.
so anyway,
im a warehouse manager now and i got an employee who i feel like im in an abusive relationship with
he out of nowhere said "so some fat, ugly Samoan man won a miss america pagent and he identifies as a woman and you KNOW no one believes that shit!" and that caught my ear and made me stop and ask him why he brought that up cuz there was just no relation to what we were doing
he got defensive and when i asked him to not talk about things like that (cuz we just hired a new guy we dont know his opinions and also its not allowed int he work place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) the moterhfucker yelled at me and told me that IM "the problem and silencing" his opinions
i asked him to not use combative language and then he said "YOURE using combative language!!!" like a toddler yelling at his mom
i felt like i was on fox news or something, dude listened to so much joe rogan, he just melted in front of my eyes?
i was especially 'triggered' because my recently viral-on-reddit-infamous-homeless-attacking-ex-boss deany boy used to go on long, endless, anti trans rants when i was the only one working with him and i waslike what the fuck!!!!!!!!!! the fuck you care so cuking much about trans people in everything, shut up you old bastard dean
your donuts made my stomach hurt and you keep cream cheese in the fridge so long it turns green and when i went to throw it out, you told me to wipe off the green mold and put it back. you also keep the raw bacon on the top of the fridge of everything definitely not raw. you reuse gravy for days on end to the point i think theres weeks old gravy still being eaten. your wife broke 3 crock pots out of anger for some mundane thing and acted like a high school mean girl when she was in charge and made us remop a floor up to like 4 times because she didnt like how there was a "sheen" on the floor.
my employee just fucuking blew up at me and then he walked out and didnt return for 3 hours, i was at the point of thinking "well ok, guess he actually just quit?"
He returned and didnt talk to me and left without a word. The next day he called out and only said: "Sick. Out. Indefinitely."
What the hell does indefinitely mean after a blow up?
Poor choice of words or a bad way to vaguely quit?
i told HR and made them call him after he didnt text or show up the next day
i was ready to move on and already got an interview set up to fill in when we are already in crisis mode at work lol
then the bastard texts me at 5 when im about to go home and he is furious that HR was calling him. he said "if you have a problem you say it to my face, im coming in tomorrow sick or not"
i felt threatened and scared because when he gets mad, he gets mad and testosterone fueled rage and i dont know if he would get physical
he also was like "am i supposed to be looking for another job!?"
i was so scared of his reaction i was thankfully able to call hr and have her walk me thru how to text this maniac back
i really dont want to work with him ESPECIALLY now
but somehow the company wont fire anyone so this behavior is still cool and no one has balls, i dont have balls and guess i have to continue workingand managing a manchild who is going to be set off at anything
i also have to somehow figure out how to get a meeting with him, me and HR without it sounding liek an interogation because he is so easily defensive
we were cool and i have even been to his house and met his wife and had beers with him and another manager and then it felt like in one instance it just got all washed away because he wanted to rant about trans people?????????
i am so confused!
i also have thrown up soooooooo much this past year from stress, jfc. im finally losing weight but from a very very bad reason and very very unhealthy way that is painful aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
still dont know whats gonna happen since this dude is planning on coming back tomorrow and i have an interview w someone we meant to replace him after he was MIA
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ithisatanytime · 1 year
2hollis - all 2s (official video)
i just had one of the funniest best public encounters ever and im not gonna do it proper justice but i was smiling all the way home, a little background first, the local tobacco store ive been frequenting for years, is entirely staffed by jewish employees, i can just tell by looking at them and the way it is and im basically never wrong about this, its also the only place i have had a job interview for in my entire life and didnt get a call back (lol), there is a female to male transgender working there, basically just a jewish chick with short hair and no parental guidance and we are on good terms right my predjudice is not personal i knew she was jewish and her politics from the jump just by looking at her but thats fine she seems nice enough. it was her and two visibly jewish males working behind the counter, i made my purchaces and told them to put in “chad mcqueen” so i could get my discounts and said “even though thats not my name” because years ago they put me in as chad as a joke because im a fucking chad. this girl who wants to be called “henry” unsurprisingly said im gonna change the format here just so its more legible, “henry” will be H for henry and ill be “j” for jake lol
H “i think names are stupid”
J “yeah i cant think of one practical use for people having names”
H “we already have -”
J “numbers?”
H “yeah numbers”
J “i think we should just have our numbers tattood on our forearms and we should all live and work in a big camp!”
another employee chimes in “the best part would be the showers!” we all laugh
J “you dont like to gamble do ya henry?”
H “no”
J “i figured, i like that we dont pick our names, but i like to gamble, if its not destiny it doesnt count i like things to be as random as possible”
H “well my real name is alexis but our last name was heinrich which our family changed when we left from russia to germany
J “so your family is russian jews?”
H “ yeah”
J *does an obnoxious victory dance because i fucking called it*
H “but they changed it because of the war”
J “what war”
H “incredulous stare”
J  * poker face*
H “world war 2″
J “what about it? something happen”
H “the holocaust”
J “im surprised they didnt get put into internment camps here in the states, lots of italians and germans were put in camps in the states besides the japanese but you never hear about that for some reason”
at this point the atmosphere has shifted, the other employees are visibly jewish as well and were listening in
H “they dont tell us about most history, 99 percent of history just the one percent that makes white cis males look like the best in the world”
J “that sounds like quite the task”
H “it is”
J “i agree did you know that george washington was black? also beethoven? adolph hitler was black as well, and white people were invented by an evil scientist named yakub! black people built this country
all the employees voice their agreement i shit you not
J “see the roads out there? cotton, the building were in? cotton, my shirt? polyester!”
that gets a laugh breaking the tension a little but i dont let that last
J “i heard somewhere that they cremated six million jews! thats not possible it takes over an hour to cremate even a single corpse under ideal conditions with modern equipment under impossibly ideal circumstances, it would have taken them forty years to cremate six million, so they say some were cremated and others burned in open fires but was it fifty fifty, forty sixty, they never say! and also there was a nazi platoon whos just it was to dig up all the millions of bodies at the end of the war so they could be burned, its absolutely rediculous dont you think?
everyone is in stunned silence i look them all dead in the eye and smile and say have a nice day and strutted out of there like fucking john travolta. like i said i cant do it justice but i was laughing all the way home. i dont have anything against them personally, but i will use your perferred pronouns and call you whatever you like, but i wont let you disparage my people and deny their history to my face.
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thoughtsbeewild · 1 year
Leave of Absence Director still employed?
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fusion-ego · 1 year
sick of the drama that always ends up happening at this job man
like i love this job cuz it's easy and cuz i enjoy being able to at least be Helpful Person-Adjacent, but i am so. SO. sick of all this stupid shit happening
like i bitched at length to my friends about it already this last week so i'm not going into it now on a tumblr post but to condense it all we'll just say that i have a blood feud with the assistant director now (who is 70 and woefully unqualified for the job, something that could have been avoided if they had just hired me for the role when i was interested in it and already doing the work anyway), half the board has beef with one the residents over a letter she wrote in order to vent, i'm now working 4 days a week instead of 3 because the old saturday employee got fired for missing like half her scheduled work days (because she's like 60 and has been sick off and on) since march and i already agreed to take it in case this happened, and now we have a resident who is CONVINCED the rules do not apply to her who i just do not want to fucking deal with except i'm going to have to explain the confrontation we had last night to my relief today and potentially get in trouble for cowing to the resident because i didnt want to deal with her
i'm overnight staff now which means my wheelhouse is just watching the shelter at night and for the last WEEK every single shift i have worked has had some kind of drama attached to it! something i thought i left behind when i QUIT and got myself the fuck out of the administrative portion of this job, except apparently not, because everyone always gets me involved
is it so much to ask that when i am already not doing well mentally, i get to actually have a few of my cherished quiet shifts?
you know, the shifts i would normally be having, where i get to work at like 9:45PM, i maybe say hi to a resident or two, i get updated on the general lack of information for the day, and i speak to no one else at all until the residents start getting out of bed around 6:00AM?? the shifts i actually like working because they don't stress me out or land me in fight mode because some entitled-ass woman decided to call me 'little girl' to my face while threatening to call the cops if i didn't let her go out to smoke after curfew?
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beachcavejim · 1 year
Trading Standards,Violence and Stupidity
It all started on a cold and frosty Friday morning. I had managed to get help writing up a CV in order to apply for work and handed it out in various locations, a small newspaper shop got back to me the same day. After arriving for what i thought was an informal chat about the job i was whisked behind the till and told that the job is cash in hand £6 per hour ,this is significantly lower than standard minimum wage. I was a bit freaked out at this as its clearly not legal but i really really needed some extra money in my pocket, especially since i have always refused to sit in a doorway and beg people for there money, it feels so shameful and i just cant bring myself to ask people like that. So after being yanked behind the till and shown how to use it in a very quick and simplified way, i was left alone in the shop to do a 6 hour shift, this got incredibly stressful very quickly for a multitude of reasons including not being shown how to use the lottery ticket machine or pay out scratchcards , how to change the paper in the card reader,the till and the lottery machine, also not shown how to refund a card purchase in case of accidental overcharge or even what the refund policy was if they even had one haha. The first 3-4 hours passed by quite smoothly ,the only thing that annoyed me was the amount of children trying to get me to sell them vape pens. I bent over to tie my shoe and when i stood up straight again, there she was , the boss of all Karen's. As she stood there you could feel the disgust and eagerness to complain about something on her breath, those insanely wide eyes filled with fire and rage to the point she was almost trembling, she had the classic Karen hairstyle and along with that she had five children in tow, God knows if they were all from the same father but i very much doubted it. That is when she began to speak , i could smell the vodka and cigarettes on her breath instantly from the first words out of her mouth that was also pierced in many places that she clearly never cleaned since they were saturated with crusty yellow stuff all around them. Her voice filled the entire shop as she began to scream. "WHY DIDNT YOU SELL MY SON A VAPE HE DOSENT NEED ID BECAUSE HE HAS MY PERMISSION TO USE THEM, SELL ME THAT ONE RIGHT NOW!" she said, pointing to a box of vapes behind the counter. I tried to explain that just because he has your permission does not mean i can break the law and serve them to a minor. So in comes the second round of shouting and screaming, by this point all of her kids were wrecking the shop , picking everything up and just dropping it on the floor. The second bit went something like this. "WELL IM NOT A MINOR SO SELL IT TO ME , OR I WILL CALL TRADING STANDARDS OUT TO INVESTIGATE YOUR SHOP YOUR JUST A DUMB CASHIER ANYWAY , YOU MUST BE STUPID IF YOUR WORKING HERE ,I BET YOUR POOR TOO" So i begin to try and explain that i cant lawfully serve her for a product that is for people over 18 years old when i have reasonable cause to think that it will be given to a minor , then the 3rd go in the vodka and ciggies scented wind tunnel starts. " WELL FUCK YOU , IM CALLING TRADING STANDARDS , YOUR GONNA GET FIRED FROM YOUR STUPID JOB , I HOPE YOU LOSE IT ,I HOPE YOU SUFFER AND LOSE YOUR HOUSE , I HOPE YOU DIE"
She then stormed out of the shop screaming more insults at me, the only things going through my mind at that point were that trading standards wont give a shit what she says because i did the correct thing by not serving her so knew i was fine there, secondly i was thinking "you hope i lose my house? your a bit late that happend in 2013, thirdly was to try super hard with grounding techniques as to not fly off the rails into a manic PTSD episode because when this happens it puts not only me in danger but possibly other memebers of the public too. So i closed the shop shutter for 5 minuets to gather myself and calm down a little. After doing this i opend the shutter again , it was open no more than 5 seconds when a guy comes in screaming me down claiming i told his wife to fuck off and die after she tried to buy a vape, she had clearly just told him i said to her what she said to me because she knew she was in the wrong or she wouldnt of needed to lie. This was incredibly scary having been the victim of multiple violent attacks , one of which i got stabbed in and nearly died , as well as SA on multiple occasions, these attacks are the cause of my extremely bad PTSD. So when this guy came in i was so scared it was gonna be another attack and i was sadly right, it was another attack, he jumped behind the counter and grabbed a fist full of my hair , it was very long because i can rarely afford a haircut. He then proceeded to slam my head into the tobacco stand behind me several times before punching me in the face multiple times , by this point my mouth was pouring with blood with teeth all over the floor , i was then thrown to the ground before he ran off, strangly he didnt steal anything. After i regained conciousness properly i just shut the shop early and went to the hospital , i was severly concussed and i kept getting confused and lost even though i knew the hospital was only 20 mins walk away it took 2 hours to get there, they couldnt do anything for me apart from asess the head injury to make sure there wasnt a brain bleed then sent me on my way with instructions to visit the dental hospital as soon as i can, so now half my top row of teeth are totally gone forever, Talk about a crazy first day lol, i never went back. i hope you enjoyed reading this one , dont be afraid to use the ask me anything button on my page , this will be good to think of ideas for the next one , im thinking about one of my tales of when i was in rehab or one about some of the mad situations i ended up in during my LSD binge back in 2014, im 708 days clean from drugs and alcohol today , still sucks to be homeless tho. love to you all JIM
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