robyn-goodfellowe · 1 year
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hecksupremechips · 4 months
The way akishinji and ashbella both have dramatic coma scenes and dramatic shot through the heart scenes like we’ve gotta stop meeting like this 😩
#the klock keeps ticking#theres actually so many similarities between these two pairings which is. probably why theyre my favorite pairings ever#like theres shinji and ashton they are guys with long hair/crabby/trying to be cool but theyre lame/emo/fingerless gloves/repressed#care so so deeply about their friends and break their fucking backs trying to protect them but are terrible with expressing their affection#with words so they come off as uncaring and rude/associates with shady people/buried beneath lies they tell to their friends/hate themselves#plans to die alone because they think they dont matter/bad at sincerity/has it bad like really bad for aki/bella#they love aki/bella for their kindness and sincerity and they feel theyre unworthy of it and that theyre a burden#gets [REDACTED] and held by aki/bella#then the aki isabella similarities are like older sibling who works too hard/stubborn/bad at reading social cues#too good for this world/will punch their friends if needed/bad at self care/emotionally repressed/kinda clumsy and silly#when they find out about shinji/ash trying to get themselves killed they get very angry and emotional and have a big confrontation#lose an important family member despite all their efforts to keep them safe/have trouble understanding their own feelings#especially if those feelings are romantic#and like both couples love to argue and bicker but care for each other so deeply its annoying lol and theres lots of miscommunication#cuz god theyre bad at having feelings and expressing them to each other and theyre long term friends#the coma scenes and the shot through the heart scenes are waaaaay better on the ashbella end though thats a given#since the letter has significantly better writing good god lol#like the emotions are very real and they fuck me up so bad then p3 its like. aki cries for 3 seconds and thats all you get cuz god forbid#a character in this series get to like. be written in a satisfying way lol#the letter just works so much better like akishinji would benefit from those scenes but ashbella needs like no work aksjks#plus ‘this is how it should be’ is a line that i fucking hate cuz of how its treated afterwards meanwhile fucking#‘you are going to die ashton frey. and you are going to die alone’ ‘she got one thing wrong though. i did not die alone’#that shit gets me so bad every single time ITS SO GOOD and such a slap to the face#realizing that youve made a grave error and youre actually loved deeply and matter a lot right as youre dying and feeling relieved#cuz you may be dying. BUT YOU DIDNT DIE ALONE YOU DIED BEING LOVED AND CARED FOR#like idk at least his death is able to mean something for him as a character its still a moment of growth#shinji doesnt learn anything he fully dies believing he deserves it and that everyone will benefit from it#god awful writing right there boooo
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sachiko1309 · 6 months
Make me your wife
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Summary: Y/N and her sister got attacked by giant spiders. Luckily Thranduil and his men were near enough to come to their rescue. What Y/N didnt think would ever happen, would be the elven king falling for her sassy and sarcastic character...
Word count: 6606
Warnings: spider attack in the beginning, sass, smut in the end, Minors DNI, this contains adult content!
This was written on request for: @mitsurisu I hope you like it. Sorry for the long wait, but I had much to do at my work. 😅
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I was riding through the forest of the Woodland realm with my sister Leonor. We had set of from Rivendell on the request of Legolas. We had met him after he had helped the dwarves to take back their mountain. He was a very nice fellow, flirtatious and easy going, to the point where my sister had poked me and made fun of me for maybe pursuing him as a potential partner. She had been married to her husband for the last 300 years and was still utterly convinced that I would be happy in a marriage as well.
Nothing I said was driving her from that path and I had given up convincing her otherwise, deciding that letting her talk and ignore it would be the best option. She was once again on a rampage on married life, while I rode besides her, letting my thoughts and gaze wander. A crack deeper in the woods made me listen up. I knew that in those woods there were living many giant spiders, so I silenced my sister. She wasn’t a fighter like I was and if we were in trouble I needed her to listen to me.
“Shut it, Leonor. I think I heard something!” I whispered, but she waved it off. “Oh, come on Y/N. You always see and hear danger everywhere.”
“Its my job. I am a soldier after all. Be quiet, there are many spiders in these woods. I need to figure out if we are in danger.” I growled, my hands already gripping my two swords.
“Relax. There is nothing out there. You know how thoroughly Legolas and the guards clear those woods. He has told us on many occasions.” She sighed, not taking the threat seriously.
Another crack made me draw my swords, telling my horse to speed up. Leonor was quick to follow me and we were now thundering through the forest. I really hoped that it was just the forest doing foresty things and not some giant spiders, but my hope was being denied.
With a loud thud, a dark green giant spider dropped right in front of us. Leonor was just quick enough to steer her horse around it, while I was cut of by the spiders body. My horse shrieked, nearly throwing me off, but I was just able to keep me on its back. “RUN!” I yelled at my sister, making myself ready to face the big monster.
“Y/N!” She screamed, drawing the attention of the beast to her. It got up high enough for me to ride under his stomach, grabbing the reigns of my sisters horse who seemed frozen in place.
Dragging her behind me, I rushed my horse through the woods, hoping that we would be faster than that spider. Leonor took a while to come out of her frozen state, but when she was able to steer her horse again, I gave her back the reigns, now drawing my bow, turning around on my horse to shoot at the giant spider. But it didn’t seem like my arrows really seemed to bother the creature that was chasing us. And to my dismay, I hear the clicking sounds of several more coming through the woods.
They started to catch up to us, our horses slowly but surely loosing speed. And then it happened. We got circled by two smaller spiders dropping in front of us. Our horses freaked again, this time throwing us off their backs and making a run, only to be killed by spiders stomping onto them. Immediately they started to drag them away, probably into their net. I reached for another arrow, realizing, that I had shot every single one of them, without taking down one single spider.
“Fuck.” I let out, throwing my bow to the ground and dragging my swords.
“What do you mean fuck?” Leonor asked and I just gritted out: “Fuck as in we are fucked. I am out of arrows.”
“You shot all of them?” She asked and I wanted to smack her: “No, I threw them away. Of course I did!”
“No need to be so snappy.” She lashed back and I just looked at her with a deadly glare. “Oh yes, we are just about to die and I should play happy fun time with you? Forgive me for feeling a little stressed.”
“Its not my fault, that it happened.” Leonore seemed hurt and I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself. “I never said it was. I am sorry for snapping at you. Its just… Ah forget it. Try to stay close to me, without getting in my way. If we are getting separated, I cant protect you and if you are in my way, I will probably hurt you. Just…” I tried to make it understandable for her. “…think of it as a dance.”
“A dance?” She asked and I could hear she was raising her brows. “Why would I think of this as a dance?” Shrugging my shoulders I swung my sword at the first spider stepping close: “I don’t know. You are the minstrel of us. I was just trying to make it logical for you.”
I didn’t hear what she answered, because my sword collided with the heavy foot of a spider, drawing an ugly screeching sound from it, as I cut through the hard material. Letting my second sword swing higher, I managed to stab it into the thicker part of the leg. Ripping out my first sword, I swung my body around and through the air, landing on top of the spider. I forced both my swords into its head, managing to down it. Jumping off, I faced the next one, but my fight seemed to have no end, as I saw that the ranks were quickly closed again.
A horn being blown and horses thundering through the woods made me catch a new wave of hope and I started to fight back harder, always making sure to cover my sister from any attacks. I heard yelling and arrows whirring through the air and I realized, that the spiders slowly but surely were thinned out. Facing another one, I was just quick enough to jump aside, as it launched for me. Rolling around, I found myself underneath its big body. Not hesitating a second, I stabbed my blades into its stomach drawing it along, as I ran to get out of there.
A mixture of spider blood, gushy intestines and a sort of dark slime covered me, as I stumbled out beneath the tumbling and falling creature. Catching my breath, I stood there for several seconds, trying to regain some strength and to get rid of the slippery mixture that covered me. When I was able to look back up, the rest of the spiders had either been slain or forced away, leaving us and the elves that came to our rescue behind. “Y/N! Leonor!” I heard Legolas yell, turning to look at him.
A sarcastic smile on my lips, I greeted him: “You seem to lack in your mission to clear the woods, my prince.” He gritted his teeth, hugging Leonor, but refraining to do the same to me: “You are as friendly as always, Y/N.” I shrugged, shoving my swords back into their sheaths. “What can I say. I was raised to be a sunshine.” But when I saw his father approaching us, I stopped talking, bowing to greet the king. “My king. I apologize for causing trouble in your lands.”
“No need to apologize. You were right. It seems as if my son isn’t particularly thorough with his task. I am the one in need to apologize as this has clearly endangered you and your…”
“Sister, my king.” I helped him out, still looking down on the ground.
“…your sister. Am I correct with the assumption you came to visit my kingdom?” He asked.
“Yes, my king. We came to visit your son, prince Legolas. He has invited us.” I answered stiffly, looking at Legolas for help. The blond elf just smiled at me and I dared to look at his father the first time. And what I saw knocked the breath out of my lungs. He was gorgeous to say the least.
Tall, strong, handsome. The similarities to Legolas unmistakable. And his blue eyes. Staring at me as if he was reading directly into my soul. I was totally caught of guard by his appearance, not realizing he was talking to me again: “I am sorry. What did you say, my king?” I barely remembered to address him by his title, but he didn’t seem to mind. Smiling at me, he repeated his words: “I was welcoming you to my kingdom. As it seems, something must have caught your attention, my Lady.”
“Y/N. Just Y/N, my king. I am no lady. Just a common soldier of Rivendell.” I corrected him, trying my best to hide my breathless voice. Thranduil looked behind me, the smile on his lips widening. “A very good one, as it seems. You took out two spiders on your own.”
“And I shot all my arrows without them having any effect.” I reduced his praise, not feeling comfortable with the king saying such high words about me. He clicked his tongue. “Ah, arrows barely have any effect on the spiders. Their shells are far to thick for them to penetrate deep enough.”
“I didn’t know, my king. The next time I will come prepared.” I said, bowing deeply again.
“The next time?” He asked with a smirk to his lips and I furrowed my brows: “Yes? Did I do something wrong, my king? If I have insulted you in any form, I apologize.” But Thranduil just grinned at me with a knowing look on his lips, before he turned around: “The next time you visit us, let me know beforehand, so that I can ensure your save journey. A lady like you must not face such beasts under my watch.”
“I can fend for myself!” I yelled after him, this time leaving out his title, as his assumption angered me. He looked over his shoulder, taking in my angry form for a moment, before he answered: “I know. But I would feel better if you were protected by my guards.” Then he turned around, looking at a light brown haired man: “Feren, ensure that Leonor and Lady Y/N have a horse to ride on and have a bath prepared for them.” The man bowed his head slightly. “Yes, my Lord.”
And that’s how I had met Thranduil. That was nearly 100 years ago. 87 to be exact. He had started to court me soon after that incident, sending letter over letter to Rivendell, to the point where even Lord Elrond heard of what was happening. In the beginning I didn’t think much of it, reading his letters as nothing more as friendly correspondence. Until one day he literally showed up in Rivendell, demanding to speak with Lord Elrond himself.
Later on, I was told, that Thranduil had demanded to know if I was forced to work too much, since I didn’t answer every single one of his letters. From then on, our letters turned into a frequent thing, until one day I asked Lord Rivendell to free me from my duties and to allow me to live in Mirkwood. Lord Elrond let me go with a warm and knowing smile, something I didn’t exactly know how to read back then.
But soon, Thranduil and my friendship turned into him making advances until I finally gave in to courting him. Thranduil had pulled every string he had, to get me to fall for him. He made sure that I was taken care off, that I had everything I ever wished for to the point where I literally had to fight him on lessening his extensive gifts, but there was nothing I could do to talk sense into that man.
And now here I was, sitting at the big banquet next to him. We had gotten married. Well technically we weren’t truly married yet, since for elves the marriage was only completed when the marriage was conceived. And to be honest, I couldn’t wait much longer. My friends and family had come to Mirkwood and wished me the very best. Even Lord Elrond had managed to fit in time to spare my marriage a visit, congratulating me.
I looked at my now husband, only to find him staring at me already. “You are so beautiful, my little starlight.” He whispered, reaching his hand for mine. I squeezed his hand, leaning in to his shoulder. “How long do we have to keep up this thing, until we can retreat?” I asked, the alcohol in my blood probably pushing me to speak this openly. Thranduil chuckled at my words: “So desperate already?” I smacked him on the chest. “Don’t tell me you aren’t.”
“At least I don’t show it so openly.” He teased me, kissing my hand softly. “Dance with me, meleth.”
Letting him pull me to my feet, he guided us to the dancefloor, pulling me close to his body and I could feel that he was longing for me the same way I did for him. His head sank down to my level as he whispered: “This one last dance should appease our guests. I think they already know what is about to happen, but it is much easier to vanish between dancing couples than from the high table.” I smirked at his words, leaning my head onto his chest. “Is that so, my king?”  I felt him shrug: “At least I suspect it would make things easier for Feren. He always seems to be so stressed.”
“That’s because you stress him, herven.” I answered and the way he stiffened at me calling him husband for the first time, made me smile. “Herven.” He repeated. “Say it again. It sounds so beautiful from your lips.”
“What? Herven?” I asked, putting a soft moan to my words. Thranduils breathing became rigid, as he clearly had trouble keeping the rhythm of the dance. He took a deep breath, before he simply ended the dance pulling me through the other couples. “You know what? Fuck it. I am done waiting.” Once we were far enough away from the others to hear or see us, he threw me over his shoulder, causing me to shriek out loud. “Thranduil!”
“Oh yes. That’s even better.” He grinned, carrying me through the halls and back to his chambers. “I am going to make sure that the only things that are leaving your mouth will be my name, my title and those sweet little moans or yours.”
Thranduil stopped in front of his door, looking at me with what I believed to be fear in his eyes. “Are you ready?” He asked me and I nodded: “Yes.” Taking his hand, I followed him inside. As soon as the door fell shut behind us, he pressed me against a wall, a sly smirk on his lips. “You have no idea, how much I waited to do this.” I didn’t react to his tease, just pulling him in by his collar, desperate to kiss him. His hands wandered to my waist, gripping the fabric of my dress.
I held onto him, still letting his hands wander over my body. “Are you sure, you want to do this?” He asked, his breath fanning down my neck, before he bit down on my sweet spot. Moaning at the sensation that rushed through my body, I tried my best to keep the conversation going: “Yes, I am. I haven’t been so sure about anything in my life, ever.”
“Good. Because I doubt, I would be able to endure the wait any longer.” His husked voice sent shivers down my spine and I had to hold on to his shoulders, to not faint. “You know what this perfume does to me, darling? The whole evening, I could not focus on anything else than you sweet smell. Do you even know, how hard I was all evening?” He picked me up, pressing me against the wall, looking at me with an angry hunger in his eyes. “I should not be commanded by a woman like that, especially not one that does it so easily like you do. It is endangering my reputation.”
“I think your reputation as the King is hardly attacked with you desiring your wife.” Trying my best to fight back against his administrations, I rolled back my head when his free hand opened the lacing of my dress, desperate to feel more of him. “What reputation, darling? Go on. Make your point.”
“The… fuck…” I cursed, earning a chuckle: “That’s very unladylike, darling. I should knock that word out of your brain.”
“You wouldn’t dare to do that. You love my dirty mouth.” I sassed back. He hummed at my words, just holding me tight to his body. “I do. And I want to make sure you are taken care off.” His words made me open my eyes again, leaning back to look at him.
He let me down slowly, still trying to hide his face from me, but I held his head, looking at him, when he let go of me: “No, please tell me. What are you afraid of?” I asked, stepping closer to him, but he just dodged backwards. Tilting my head, I followed him into the living area, effectively backing him into the sofa. When he sat down on it, I straddled his lap. “Are you afraid to be close to me?”
“No…” He breathed heavily. “Yes… I don’t know. I… I want to be close to you, but I don’t want you to feel forced. You know how it is… Wifely duties and all and I don’t want to pressure you into anything, but at the same time I want to feel you, hold you, smell you, taste you. Everything. I am in no place to expect anything from you, so I refrain from giving in to those thoughts too much, because I don’t want to make it too obvious to you, that my needs are currently overruling my consciousness. And now that I am close and… and alone with you, I realize that its much harder than I have thought it would be... I want this to be special to you. I want to be the loving husband you deserve, to let you know that you are my most priced treasure… That I would do anything for you.”
I just looked at him: “Are you… are you rambling? The elven king and man of precise language is rambling and stuttering?”
“Yes.” Was all he said. “And you currently sitting on my lap, dressed like that, doesn’t help my case either.”
“What's stopping you?” Letting my voice drop lower, I leaned forward, rolling my hips shamelessly over his lap. He groaned out, gripping my tighter. “Y/N… You don’t have to do this. I can live with it, if you aren’t ready.”
“Do I look forced, meleth?” I whispered close to his ear, nibbling on it. “Show me what it feels like. Please, meleth. Touch me. Please… be my husband.”
Thranduil let his head fall back, his eyes were closed, as he was definitely on his last straw of mindfulness. “How much do I need to push you, until you give in?” I giggled at his neck, making my way up to his chin and then hovering over his lips. “Would it help, if I lose my wedding dress?”
“You sound like a prostitute…” He gritted out and I just grinned wider. “And? Is it working?”
“Yes. And I don’t know if I like that thought.”
“Which thought? Me as a prostitute, or that I am succeeding to win you over that easily?” I kept on teasing him. Leaning back, I opened up the strings of my dress, pulling it over my head.
He balled his fists at my waist, his eyes forcefully trained on my face. “Both. But I would never let you become a prostitute.”
“Scared to share me?” Still keeping up my teasing way, I just sat on top of him, waiting for him to react. “No.” He gritted out.
“What's it then? Afraid another man might do me better?” Wetting my fingers with my tongue, I let them slide between my legs, stabilizing myself with my free hand on his knee. And when my fingers found my clit, I hummed in pleasure, still watching his face intently. Not reacting to my administrations, he spoke in a very forced tone: “You are my wife. There is no other man. Ever.”
“Hmmm. I like that, meleth.” I sighed, feeling how I grew wetter, so I dipped one finger inside my core, only to then put it to my mouth to lick it clean. “I like it, when you get possessive and confrontive towards other men. The difference of how you treat them and how you treat me, makes me feel special.”
“Does it now?” He sassed and I sighed internally. I finally had him broken out of his restrictive shell. I had my husband back: “Always has.”
“You really want to do this?” He inquired further and I nodded. “Yes. Please. I think I am ready.” Taking one last breath, he gripped my thighs. “Hold on.” Without giving me much time to react, he got up, walking towards the bedroom. “If you want me to do this, I am going to do this properly.”
“I know. Everything else wouldn’t be like you.” I grinned, hiding my face in his neck. He sat me down slowly on the edge of the bed. Then he stepped back, taking off his clothes one piece after the other: “If you are already naked, I shall be too. I don’t want to make you feel insecure.” His words made me blush and I stuttered out a quiet “Thank you.”  
Thranduil came back to me sinking further to his knees. When he was eyelevel with my stomach, he softly kissed it, then down my thigh until he reached my knee. “Lean back and relax.” His voice was rough, his warm breath sending goosebumps over my inner thigh.
“I want to watch you. I need to see you.” I whispered, stroking through his hair. His jaw clenched at my words, but he didn’t say anything, taking my hand and pressing a kiss to it. “If you wish so.” His fingers ghosted over my skin, leaving trails of goosebumps behind. “I will take my time today. I want to take care of you as good as I can.” He whispered roughly, kissing the insides of my thighs up to my core. I was too mesmerized with his softness, his blue eyes burning with love and passion, that I was incapable of answering him.
Then I felt his first finger touch my core and I stiffened up, digging my nails in his shoulders. He immediately stopped, looking up at me, waiting for me to relax. We stared into each others eyes, Thranduil kissing and nibbling on my thighs. “You are safe, meleth. Relax. There is nothing you have to fear.” Taking a deep breath, I focused on his eyes, relaxing as much as I could. And when he felt me giving up my barrier, he kept on pushing his finger inside of me. “See? You are doing great.”
I closed my eyes, the faint sound of his name on my lips and I could feel the familiar feeling starting to grow between my legs. Carefully he added another finger, scissoring them apart, creating a steady rhythm. “Let go, love. You are doing so good. Taking my fingers so well.” He praised me, his voice low and soft like silk. I could feel my blood rush to my face, painting it a light pink shade, my heartbeat thrumming in my ears, that I nearly missed his sweet little murmurs. His mouth wandered all over my thighs, my stomach, and hip bones, until he hovered over my core. “May I?”
“Yes…” I breathed out, moaning, when I felt his lips kiss my sensitive spot. Instinctively I spread my legs further, letting myself fall back onto the bed, one hand still clasping his free arm. “Thranduil…” I moaned, unable to focus on anything else than the man between my legs, lulled in by his sweet touches and soft little praises. “Please don’t stop.” I cried out, not really caring, that it was still the early evening, our windows hanging open, still a hurried humming coming from the big ball room.
“Never.” Was all he answered, slowly finger fucking me. It was ridiculous, how fast he was able to find the sweet spot deep inside of me. I heaved myself onto my elbows, wanting to see him, rather than just feeling him. And the expression that he had on his faze was breathtaking. Full of confidence and arrogance, a slight smirk forming on his lips, when he realized I was watching him again. “You taste so fucking good.” He groaned, raising his head to properly look at me. The shamelessness of him made me gasp out in embarrassment. His face was covered in my slick, eyes wild and hungry.
His gaze flickered between soft love and hungry possession as he was clearly fighting his urges to claim me. And I was absolutely turned on by it.
Thranduils smile grew wicked, when he saw how much I was affected by him. Wiping my slick of his chin, he licked his fingers clean, making a show out of it, simultaneously not stopping his fingers working my core. “You like that do you?” I wasn’t able to answer, just staring him in the eyes. “Answer me, my love, or I will stop.” He teased, some of his usual possessive self breaking through.
“Yes.” I pressed out, his name quickly following, when he curled his fingers perfectly against my sweet spot. Dipping down again, his fingers and tongue kept pushing me further down the road of my orgasm. The knot in my lower stomach starting to grow tighter, my legs wrapping around his shoulders, to keep him in place. I could feel my walls starting to flutter around his digits, another sign that I was close. The strength left my upper body and I fell back onto the bed, pulling his free arm close to my chest, nails digging into his skin. My eyes rolled back into my head as his name rang through the room, when my orgasm suddenly washed over me.
I felt him carefully pull out his fingers, his hands gently covering my cunt, as I just dwelled in the feeling. Tears started to form in my eyes and I tugged on his arm. “Meleth…” I mewled, desperate to feel him. He reacted instantly, getting up from his position climbing onto the bed and pulling me higher into the pillows. I turned around, crawling to the headboard falling to my stomach. “Feel you!” I pressed out, hugging a pillow tight to my chest.
Seconds later, I could feel his warm body hovering over me. I reached out for his hand that was holding his weight, clamping my fingers around his wrists. Sinking down on his elbows, he pressed me down, taking my hands in his bigger ones. The new intimate position making me feel hot and safe at the same time. His strong chest forced me down, chest hair tickling on my back, his thighs caging me in, as he buried me underneath him. “Thranduil…” I whimpered desperately, bucking my ass against his crotch.
He growled into my ear, his lips smothering me roughly, leaving a trail of wet kisses behind. “Please… I need you… Meleth…” I tried again, pressing up against his body, only to be met with him pressing me down further. “By Valar, please… I cant bare it anymore…” Begging for more, I cried out for him the tension in my body so high, that I was sure I would snap any moment.
His hands were roaming over my body, when he suddenly grabbed my arm, twisting me around. I shrieked and he instantly pulled back, skidding back to the edge of the bed, hands raised. “I am sorry, darling. I let myself go. Forgive me.”
“Its alright, Meleth. I trust you. I just didn’t expect this.” I smiled at him, reaching out for him. “Come back. Please.”
“What if I hurt you?” He stayed at the end of the bed.
“You wont hurt me.”
“You don’t know that!” He nearly yelled; the stress clear in his eyes. I gulped hard, seeing him irritated like that send a shiver down my spine. Taking a deep breath, I forced the unwanted thoughts out of my head.
“I know that you would never willingly do something that would harm me in any way. And that is all you can do. I trust you with all my life and I want this, meleth. I need this. Please. What can I do to make you believe me? To help you to trust yourself with me?”
“Promise to tell me, when its too much, or when I hurt you.” He rasped, slowly coming back to me, leaning his face into my hand.
“I promise.”
“Thank you.” He whispered, kissing my palm, before he sat back on his ankles, opening his breeches and I couldn’t help but stare at him.
His cock sprung free, hard, and tinted in a light pink shade, a drop of precum already crowning on his tip. “Fuck yes…” I breathed, staring at his manhood, not realizing, that he moved again, ridding himself from his breeches, crawling towards me again. He forced me to lay back down on my back and I just wrapped my legs around his waist, pulling him flush against my core. That caused him to grind his hips against mine, eliciting a soft moan from my lips. I just clung to his body, squirming against his touch. “So needy.” He mused, kissing his way down to my breasts, taking one nipple between his lips.
Him sucking so delicately on my nipple, let me jolt in pleasure. I could feel his hard cock pressing against my thigh, twitching in anticipation. Supporting all his weight on one hand, he looked at me one last time, waiting for me to give him my consent. Nodding I bit my lip, bracing myself for what was about to come. He guided his hard member into me, very carefully easing his way in. I was still incredible wet from my previous orgasm, but I wasn’t prepared to take him, my body tensing up at the intrusion, making him stop mid movement. “Are you alright, darling? We don’t have to…” But I shook my head. “Go on. I want this.” 
Once he bottomed out, he stayed sheathed like that, distracting any thought I had with kissing me, until my head spun. It didn’t take long for me to grow accustomed to him, my hips starting to roll against him. I held onto his shoulders, looking him deep into the eyes. “I love you.” Thranduil nearly crumbled at my words, closing his eyes and groaning lowly. “Fuck me… That’s the hottest ‘I love you’, you have ever said.” Giggling I blushed. “I doubt that.”
“Not that it isn’t incredible to hear you say it in any other situation, but this… this just hits different. You trusting me like this... This memory will forever be my heaven.”
“You old romantic.” I groaned, but my smile betrayed me, him bending down for a kiss. “Always for you.”
Slowly he started to move, setting a slow and steady pace, fully set on pleasuring me as much and long as he could. My walls started to accommodate him more, relaxing around him. I hummed at the sweet feeling that started to spread through my body, my head sinking deeper into the pillows. “Yes…” I sighed, closing my eyes, just holding onto his upper arms.
“I love you, darling. Just relax and enjoy.” His words were water on a hot stone, instantly fogging up my mind, a light veil covering us.
He bent down to my neck, kissing it, nibbling onto my shoulder and a short worry of being marked up by him shot through me, but when he managed to hit my sweet spot, that worry got kicked out of my mind again. “Thranduil!” I yelped, digging my nails into his arms even more. “Do it again.” He growled against my skin, his teeth nipping on the sweet spot right under my ear. “Let me hear how much this pleasures you.” I complied to his demand, babbling before I even managed to filter anything that left my mouth: “Please… Give me more… I need more. Make me your wife, please… This feels so good. You feel so good. Claim me, please… meleth.”
“God, Y/N.” He moaned. “You are going to be the death of me…” The way he was so affected by it, only fed the tingly feeling in my body, spreading it to my limps. The tension in my lower stomach now growing bigger with every second, causing me to produce a guttural moan. I clasped my hand in front of my mouth, my gaze wandering towards the open balcony door, but Thranduil didn’t seem to mind one bit. Quite the opposite. He let out a growl, taking my hand away again. “Let them hear. Let the whole kingdom know, that you are my wife.”
Shifting his weight, he leaned back on his ankles, raising my hips, while fucking me deeper into the mattress. The new position caused him to hit a particular deep spot inside of me, pushing all the air out of me in a loud cry of his name.
“Say it again, little one. Let everyone know who you belong to.” He darkly smiled at me, his thrust not faltering one second. “So beautiful. So perfect for me. Taking my cock so well.” Praising me, he didn’t let go of my eyes. “Keep your eyes on me, bereth. I want to see you, when you come.”
I couldn’t help but stare at him, mesmerized by him, not able to resist the drawl he put into calling me his wife. His wife. That title alone did things to my mind, I wasn’t prepared for. The knot in my stomach was about to pop, threatening to pull me under. And by the way he was grinning, he knew. Knew from the way I shivered, the way my walls fluttered around his length. “Go on, my starlight. Let go for me. I wanna see those beautiful eyes roll back in your head. Wanna feel how you twitch around me and make a mess on my cock.” He spurred me on. And on cue I came.
My back arched from the bed, eyes rolling back inside my head. I shivered in his hands in pure bliss of my orgasm, his name ringing through the room loud enough, that I was sure even the soldiers standing guard on the southern entrance were able to hear me. This orgasm was hard and fast, crushing into me like a rogue wave. Thranduil still kept his pace, thrusting into me, roughly praising me: “That’s it, darling. Ride it out. You are doing so good. Looking so fucking beautiful.” And I could feel my cum leak on his lap, drawing lush sounds from my core.
“Meleth!” I cried out, now completely kicked out of reality.” Crying out in desperation I reached out for him. Thranduil gave into my pleading, leaning forward again, pressing me down with his full body, effectively caging me in between his hot chest and soft mattress. “Yes…” I mewled, wrapping my legs around his waist, feeling him thrust much deeper into me. I was again babbling absolutely unfiltered: “Don’t stop, meleth. Makes me feel safe. So good. Thank you.”
“Of course, darling. Everything for you.” His voice sounded strained and I realized that he was close as well. “Its okey. You can let go.” I tried to get the words out straight, but another moan rippled through me, him groaning, desperately gripping a pillow. “No. I am not finished with you. I want you to come with me.” The pure determination and love in his words, striking me deeply, so that I couldn’t help but, whimper again. I earned a soft bite on my shoulder, followed by more praises: “Fuck yes… I love it when you do that. Taking me so well, moaning for me in such beautiful tones.”
Sneaking a hand between us, he pressed two fingers on my clit, sloppily rubbing circles over it. I clenched around his cock as an answer, goosebumps spreading over my skin, as he forced the fire to burn up in my body once again. A shiver ran down my spine, my walls fluttering around his cock, my legs wrapping around him even tighter. It spurred him on to fuck me even harder, his fingers moving faster, the sloppy kisses on my neck now closer to love bites than anything else. I started to shake uncontrollably, my body overwhelmed by the desire and stimulation that he had and still was administrating.
“I got you.” He rasped out and it was all I needed to hear. I came again, succumbing to a shivering mess underneath him, clamping down on his cock. “Fuck, Y/N.” He groaned and I could feel him twitch inside of me. The feeling of his hot seed shooting up my core made me whimper desperately and I couldn’t help myself but to think about what it would feel like to carry his child. Slowing down his pace, he rode out our orgasms, smothering every bit of skin with wet kisses. He was breathing hard, trying his best to catch his stance again.
Pressing me close to himself, he rolled onto his back and I was now lying on top of him. “You did so good, meleth nin. Took me so well. I promise I will always love and protect you. You are everything to me, the only thing I would give away everything I own for without batting an eye.” Listening to his sweet ramblings, I let the tears roll from my cheeks, cherishing his love and the sweet intimate moment between us.
To my dismay, it was interrupted far too quickly, when I felt the mixture of my slick and his seed trickling out of me. Wriggling in his arms, I tried to find a comfortable spot, but the stickiness just got worse. He was quick to realize what was the problem. Pressing a kiss to my head, he rolled around again, getting up from the bed. “Stay there. I will get something to get you cleaned up.”
I just watched him scramble through the room and come back with a bowl of water and a wash cloth. He looked so incredible hot like this. His hair messy and disheveled. Eyes still glowing with desire. And when he saw his cum seeping out of me, I believed to see his gaze grow even darker. I sighed loudly, catching his look with mine: “How was I ever able to deny me such pleasures…?” He laughed at my words, slowly sinking to the bed and cleaning me up with soft little touches. “From now on you will never have to. Whenever you need me, feel free to come and get me.”
“Even when you are in a meeting?” I asked and he smirked at me: “Especially then.”
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-Star crossed- Chapter 2
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Pairing- Oc!reader(afab) x Logan Howlett
Words-4.5k(sorry this is long)
Reader is 28 while Logan is 33 (obviously appearance wise)
Summary- it’s been nearly 2 years since Cora(reader) and Logan both lost eachother in their own universe, both broken, angry and hated amongst their people, They would do anything to see one another again, little did they know that day would come sooner than expected, and shatter their hearts into pieces and drive their long hidden desires to the surface ….will they be able to forgive themselves for their past and finally be together? Or will the universe just tear them apart once again?
Warnings-( this chapter contains dark material) mentions of death, blood,gore, mental heath and murder/I also suck at writing mysterio and really don’t know his characters personality so bear with me, I’m just using him for the plot )
other warnings- 18+ (smut) in some later scenes/chapters… tension!!!! ./trauma/ no use of y/n I will be using a name but I won’t be describing any appearances! / Logan is aged down to be atleast in his early /mid 30s in this story / will add more warnings when needed.
Logan had been sitting at the table that was dimly lit by a small overhead light, he had his head down, a bottle of whiskey sat on the table in-between his hands that also lay quietly on the hard surface, he sighed and looked up at the plain white wall ahead of him, casted in a shadow. He'd been like this almost all day, ever since he moved out of Wades apartment and got his own a few down he barely had any distractions, his mind was left to wander, and it always wandered back to you.
Back before he came to this earth, this is how he spent most of his days, alone in his apartment or drunk and alone at a local bar, but even they didn't want him, matter of fact they hated him, blamed him for everything, made him feel like utter shit to the point he started to believe the reason all his friends were dead was his fault. it wasn't...well, at least their deaths weren't by the hands of Logan, while yours.... yours was...and it ate at him every single fucking day.
Logan slammed the bottle of whiskey down on the table, its contents spilling onto the surface, tears swelled in his eyes and his hands gripped the bottle so hard it was ready to shatter at any given moment, today was the 2-year anniversary of your death, and every year he spent it alone, drinking his life away. he littered himself in guilt and pain and blamed himself for losing you, although your death wasn't what many would think, no, they only believed what they saw...what people didn't know, was that mysterio was behind it, and the real story was oh so fucking tragic.
-2 years ago, (logans origin earth)-
When the humans attacked, Logan made sure they all paid for what they did. He killed them all, murdering them one by one, some deaths painful and slow while others were quick and easy. He blacked out, went on a rampage, and there was no stopping him, alteast thats what he thought. See, there was one person the humans forgot to kill off, someone who wasn't there when they attacked, someone who was on a solo mission and came back home to a blood pool of some of her closests friends, and a trail of human blood that smelled of Logan. Her name was Cora Melbourne, a member of the xmen for around 5 years before they were all taken out.
Cora or should we say a varient of you, were absolutely horrified when you came home... you wondered why the signal went quiet before you returned and now you know why. All your friends were gone, dead, brutally murdered and left to rot on the floor, you felt sick, enraged and heartbroken, you wanted to get revenge on the fucking assholes who did this to them, they didnt deserve it, none of them did. You looked around and in the far right corner you could see a body, one that resembled you a bit, it was creepy to see but you managed to take your eyes from it….thats when you saw another…
you fell to your knees when you saw one of your best friends' corpse lay quietly ontop another. "Storm?...." you choked out, you began to sob violently, bringing her cold lifeless body into your arms as you rocked back and forth, holding her close and stroking her long silver hair as you did. "What did they do to you…." you cried, caressing her face and moving a few pieces of hair from out the way, she was always so beautiful.....you suddenly started looking around at the rest of the bodies on the ground; rogue, jean grey, cyclops, johnny , everyone....they were all dead "no…no no no no no" you wailed, shaking your head, hoping this was all just a horrible fucked up dream, but once you came to the reality that it wasnt a dream you carefully set the body back down to lay in her original position, you stood up and shakily looked around even more, looking for someone in particular...
“oh god, please...please dont let him be here" you begged in between cries , you stepped over lifeless bodies, some of your friends and some of humans torn or blown into pieces. You felt as if you were going to throw up, surprised on how you didnt already. You kept looking around, you head shooting from one side of the room to the other. God blood was everywhere but still no sign of Logan. You went upstairs and there were more bodies sprawled out in the hallway, but still no sign of him, you were starting to have hope he was still alive when something on a tv in one of the rooms caught your attention...it was a news broadcast, people were running the streets, bodies lay cold on the hard concrete, and a picture of Logan was plastered on the right side of the screen. Your heart dropped to your feet, Logan must have made it here before you did and instead of crying about it, he did something about the deaths of his friends, and god, were you afraid of what could happen next.
You immediately began to turn around to make your way towards the steps, you knew you had to find Logan, you were the only chance the humans had, and you were the only one who could calm him back down to his senses, you always were. You were all he had left.
You shuffled through the bodies trying to step over them without stepping on them, but someones arm got in your way and you fell on your face "ah fuck" you coughed out , pushing yourself back up, but when you raised your head to see Infront of you, the only thing in view were a pair of legs...you froze....then began to look up, and as your eyes scanned the person Infront of you, they widened in fear, your breath hitching and words getting stuck in your throat. Storm, the woman who's corpse you had just held in your arms not even 5 minutes prior stood before you, she didn't say anything instead she just looked down at you, a disgusted expression plastered on her face... "no-" you finally forced words from your mouth, your eyebrows furrowed in confusion "y-you're dead...how..." but before you could finish your sentence the woman finally spoke "You let us die.." her words were cold, emotionless, "why weren't you here??" you felt a lump form in your throat when hearing those words come from your best friends mouth "this is all your fault and now you're going to be the reason Logan suffers now too" you were too frozen in fear and guilt to move "n-no...I'm sorry, if I knew, storm I swear...I would have been here I would have died with you all trying to save you" your words were broken cries, barely understandable. "I'm gonna help Logan....I'm going to get him to stop you know I can" you argued but the woman shook her head "it's too late"
and with those words the illusion created by a sickly , very much hated villain wore off and kneeled down infront of you
"you..." you seethed through gritted teeth. Mysterio, the man you hated with every fiber in your being was kneeled before you, a smug smirk on his face
"wolverine is going to suffer....and you... are going to help me" mysterio, began to laugh like a maniac, and you only spit at him "i would never help you hurt anyone, especially not Logan, YOU FUCKING BASTARD" you got angrier with every passing second, from seeing your friends dead to being tricked with illusion and finally after being told you were going to help hurt the man you love you snapped, laughing, earning a confused look from mysterio "you think im going to help you? youre out of your fucking bowl headed mind you fucking freak" you had noticed one of your knives on the ground next to a humans body not too long after mysterio revealed himself, you hastily grabbed it brought it down into the mans with immense speed. While trying to pull the knife from his side you took the free oppurtunity to get back onto your feet, catching him off guard but before you could use your abilities on him he was much quicker, and with a swift motion you were thrown back into the wall
“Fine!” He scoffed, finally pulling the long knife from his side “we’ll do this the hard way” and before you could even get up and process what happened he was gone. Once you were back in your feet you were full of rage and ready to kill whoever was in your sight, you ran down the stairs and out the front door, you needed some place quiet where you could think , a place where you could focus on where you wanted to go…you needed to teleport to Logan but with mysterio fucking with your mind it was harder than some may think. “ damnit Logan, where are you?!” You fell to your knees in the gravel and closed your eyes trying to imagine where he could be , trying to get any type of sense on where he was….you kept trying and trying and trying until …”GOT IT!” You yelled. It was weird tho…you found him easier than you thought you would but that didn’t matter now you needed to get to Logan as fast as possible.
-a few hours before Cora arrived-
Ever since you left on you mission Logan hadn’t really been to the x-mansion much. Of course he loved his friends but he was more so focused on you when he was there unless there were bigger matters, but today was the day you were coming home and he couldn’t have been in a better mood, he’d been fucked these last few days, getting in drunken fights at the bar, arguing with your local mutant hating human , and basically making the xmen look like ravaged freaks because of his uncontrollable anger. He never really wanted to be part of the xmen, he didn’t want a team but when he walked through those doors that one fateful day all those years ago and spotted you, how could he leave? He was infatuated from the start and once he got to know you he was hooked
…he just needed you right now, the one person who could always make him feel so much better, the one person who could make him calm and collected even on his worst days…Logan made his way down the path, his arm out the drivers side window and other hand on the wheel, but when he saw the signs and litter on the ground as he pulled up to the mansion he could feel his heart drop. Logan made his way out the car and onto the gravel, his eyes narrowing and metal claws unsheathing after sending something was very wrong. Logan slowly walked towards the front entrance, blood leaking from the front door he looked down and then back up raising his fists , claws ready to attack before kicking the already opened door open even wider, pouncing inside ready for a fight..but what he was faced with was much worse than anything he had imagined… all of his friends were sprawled out on the floor, dead.
He was at a loss for words, his fists falling to his side, he frantically looked around, soon collapsing by the nearest body, the one belonging to Jean Grey, a woman he was close with ,trusted and even had a thing with in the long past. He had held her body on his lap, claws retracting back into his skin. Logan didn’t say anything he just began to cry, holding the woman’s body close to his , his cries loud and painful. He held her a little longer before his mind went to you, he had hoped you didn’t make it home yet, maybe he could save you from the horror he’s had to face right now but when he got up and looked around, scanning the many bodies that’s when his eyes landed on one in the far corner. Logan could swear his heart stopped beating in that moment, when he saw you. Your body sitting lifeless up against the wall, your hair covering your face and blue tank top soaked in blood. His knees felt weak, he could fall any moment but knew if he did he wouldn’t be able to get himself back up. Logan trudged through the many bodies before finally collapsing next to what he was 100% sure was yours, it was your face, your clothes , your smell everything, there was no mistaking it . This time, his eyesight became blurry as tears formed and he grabbed your body and brought it to his, he didn’t want to let go he didn’t want to accept that this was you ….”I should have been here..” he croaked between cries. “I should have been here for you, I shouldn’t have left” his words could barely be recognized between his sobs, Logan felt so broken, so angry , he felt like he had nothing to live for anymore like ….like he could kill everyone, every single person who was responsible, no matter age , gender, race or anything, he was going to kill then all, make them suffer like they’ve made him. Logan’s face was wet with tears, his hands were covered in blood and his clothes were stained with it too, but he didn’t care , he couldn’t leave you, he didn’t want to leave you. “I’m so sorry Cora..” he muttered, his fingers brushing the hair from your closed eyes, he admired your resting face, one he’s admired many times before…you were just so beautiful to him…he leaned down a placed a kiss on your pale lips, bringing your head back into his chest as he held you close again. Words couldn’t even describe the pain Logan was feeling right now, losing the woman he loved, knowing that he could have saved her if he had just been there, if he hadn’t been so stubborn. He could have killed those assholes as soon as he saw they tried to lay a single fucking finger on you. But you know what killed him the most…he never even got to tell you how he truly felt. How his heart ached whenever you were away, how he felt so soft and happy around you, how that kiss you two shared that night before you left made him realize that he was in fact Inlove with you and when he wanted to tell you you were already gone. ….
He stayed like that with you in his arms for almost an hour before the sadness turned into hate and rage, before he knew what he had to do. He had to kill them all. Logan sat you back up how you were prior “I’ll come back for you bub” he whispered to your lifeless body, “I promise I’ll bury you somewhere beautiful, somewhere worthy of you” and with that he was gone and out the door, claws unsheathed and face stoned with a look of hatred. Logan got back into his car and rode back into town. His rampage was just beginning.
Mysterio revealed himself from behind a bush as Logan was out of view. He calmly walked back inside, stepping over the dead and made his way to the body by the corner although now, this person wasn’t you, yes they had your clothes on but the face was different , it wasn’t yours….and it never was…. “Good job” he whispered and then made his way back out waiting for his next victim to arrive….what Logan had saw…was all just an illusion.
After you found out where Logan was it made it easy to open a portal to him. You got back on your feet and closed your eyes, your arms outstretched infront of you as you slowly began to whirl them into a circle, a golden spark following your movements until a full circle was made and a opening appeared in the center. “I’m coming Logan” you said as you opened your eyes, you stepped right through and before you knew it you were in the middle of a desolate street, you wanted to gag at all the bodies of innocent people were sprawled out on the ground, some completely torn in half. You knew this was all Logan’s doing.
“LOGAN!!” you called out, your voice had a hint of worry in it, scared you may be too late.
You started looking around for any sign of him, he has to be here somewhere this is where the portal took you. “LOGAN PLEASE, ITS ME CORA !! LOGAN I CAN HELP YOU JUST COME TO ME PLEASE” You scanned the streets and alleys until you looked straight ahead….you stopped in your tracks and narrowed your eyes to make sure you were seeing correct and thankfully you were. Logan stood about 20 feet from you , his shadow was all could be seen in the night but you knew it was him by the claws protruding from his knuckles. “FUCK , LOGAN ITS ME, IM SORRY I WASNT HERE FOR YOU” You yelled out to him , your voice breaking as you tried not to cry “BUT IM HERE NOW AND WERE ALL WE HAVE-“ you stopped talking when you saw a figure come into view behind Logan, one you knew very well…Mysterio…
“LOGAN BEHIND YO-“ but before you could finish your sentence Logan was charging at you at full speed, like an animal , like a predator going after its prey …it terrified you. “RRAAHHHHH” his voice was deep but loud, it sounded almost like a roar, one coming from a ravaged animal. You were frozen in fear. You never saw him like this atleast not towards you. His fist was raised in the air and came blaring down at you but you managed to dodge it last second, snapping yourself back and throwing yourself into the ground next to you. “what the fuck-“ you coughed out leaning over to catch the breath you just nearly knocked from out of yourself , before making your way back to your feet before Logan could turn around . He came charging at you again but you picked up a metal bar laying on the ground and used it to defend yourself. You didn’t know what was going on, he obviously wasn’t himself and that’s when you remembered mysterio….and the fucking body that looked like yours, it all started to connect. “Oh fuck..” before you could finish your thought you were thrown back to the ground, being easily overpowered. You shielded his claws from your face by clashing the metal bar against them in attempt to hold him back but god was he strong. “LOGAN ITS ME, ITS CORA!!!” You tried to convince MYSTERIO , HES MESSING WITH YOUR HEAD” You tried to reason with him but it was useless. “SHUT THE FUCK UP, CORA IS DEAD” He spit ,He thought you were dead and thought the real you was someone else. It all made sense. Mysterios little plan was going just like he wanted, he said you were going to help make Wolverine suffer…and he meant that by having him kill you.
You finally had enough and used your free hand to create a swift movement, throwing Logan back with your force only it didn’t keep him down long, only long enough for you to get back up and create a quick force field around yourself so you could think of something to do. Your attacks against him were useless he was too strong , you had to get him in a weak point ,you had to knock him cold out to give you atleast enough time to take mysterio down and get rid of whatever illusion he has on Logan.
Before you knew it Logan was at the force field ramming himself into it with all his weight. He was weakening the shield around you with every thrust of his body, his full strength outdoing yours, it was a matter of time before he had you down again but this time you’ll have the advantage, you had a plan.
Logan gave one last punch and your force field was down, you on the other hand got up and spun around, and before Logan could even make his way to you , you had his feet off the ground and arm outstretched as if you were holding him yourself. “I’m sorry Logan but this is the only way” you say in a stern but saddened tone. You used the arm you were ‘holding’ him with and swung it to the right, his body following and crashing into a pile of rubbish, fortunately for you though he must have hit his head hard because he was out cold but you knew he wouldn’t be down long and you had only a limited amount of time to get mysterio out of the way.
You turned to him, you were furious out of your mind, your eyes started to glow and your feet left the ground , your hands twisted into small circular motions together creating a ball of electricity. You wanted him dead and that’s just how you fought. It took a lot to get him weakened but you managed in the short time. Once you finally had him up in the air, trying your best to avoid his mind games you finally spoke “ITS OVER” you dended, your fist squeezing tighter, his air flow being cut off but that didn’t stop him from uttering his last words
“You’re right Cora…But not for me” and before you could comprehend what he said you felt the cold metallic claws enter through your back and exit through your stomach, a sharp agonizing pain following behind it. Your telekinetic grip on mysterio slipped and your hand fell to your side, your knees buckling under you; You couldn’t help but look down, the claws of the man you loved being twisted and pulled from out of you. Your body began to feel cold as blood gushed from your abdomen…the only thing keeping you up was your grip on Logan’s arm….
Mysterio was gone before logan realized it and the illusion he had on him faded, quickly coming to realization to what he just did. Cora’s knees buckled under her Logan following her down to put her in a more comfortable position, his hands started to shake as he realized you were dying . “N-no…” he choked out, he didn’t mean for this…no this couldn’t be her, she was already dead…he saw her…he..”Cora, C please stay with me, I-I’ll get you help, stay with me baby please” the pet name slipped from his mouth, his tone was desperate, pleading for you . Logan looked around and saw the mess he had made, deep down he knew no one was coming to help..why would they? He began to cry, and not just a simple sad melancholy cry but one full of agony, pain and sorrow …one that ached the hearts of others when they heard it because he knew…he just killed the only woman he’s ever loved.
The girl grabbed his free arm, her bloodied hand stained his skin, Cora smiled, blood spouting from her mouth. She knew she wasn’t going to make it but she needed to make sure Logan knew she didn’t blame him. “I-I’m sorry…” she coughed out “I-i s..should have never left” Logan only shook his head, shushing her, not wanting her to use her last moments to apologize to him. “I can’t lose you..” he murmured between cries “L-Look ,stay with me okay?” He picked her up but she only groaned in pain as he tried to move her. He fell back to his knees setting her carefully back how she was , in his lap, resting in his arms. “This-“ she began to cough up more blood this time, her chest heaving, trying to fill her lungs although she knew it was pointless. “ this wasn’t your- your fault Logan…I-i know you….youd never hurt me…” Logan watched as Cora began to tear up, using the last of her strength to cup the side of his face with her hand stroking his cheek softly with her thumb “that’s why I fell in love with you” Cora brought Logan’s head down and planted one last kiss onto his lips…one they both wished they could savor more and before he could even lift his head back up her hand went limp, breathing came to a stop and her eyes fluttered closed. She was gone.
“N-no no CORA?!” His eyes widened in fear as he tried calling out for her but to his absolute horror she didn’t respond, she wouldn’t move and her body was all dead weight. Logan had to experience the pain of losing her twice in one night, his heart felt as if it couldn’t handle any more hurt or else it would explode. “Cora please….please don’t leave me alone…” he begged as if she would respond “I love you too” those last words he whispered in her ear, hoping somehow someway she would hear him but he knew she didn’t. His Cora was gone…and it was all by the hands of him.
He buried her body by the pond where they had their first kiss. It was a special place to Logan and he knew she’d be happy there, she woukd always drag him down there on nice days, going on and on how she loved this spot to where he bang to love it too. He visited her grave everyday until wade found his way to him, bringing him back to the earth he’s on now. The earth where he can’t even go talk to Cora if he wanted, usually he’d do that when he was sad, she’d always have the answers to his problems when she was still with him. And his being near her even if it was a grave brought him peace when he needed it.
-present time-
Logan finally snapped back to reality, his thoughts consuming him. When he lifted his head he noticed the glass bottle that once sat in his hand was now shattered into tiny little pieces scattered on the table, the cuts in his hands healing almost instantly. He remembered how his variant of you loved to watch his wounds heal, it always made you feel better about him getting hurt. Logan smiled to himself, the good memories are the ones he wishes he was only left with, god he missed you more than anything. He’d do anything just to see you again.
The taller man finally got up out of his seat, cleaning the mess he made prior before grabbing his jacket to leave his apartment building. He needed another bottle of course, even if he had a moment of clarity he knew the sadness would come back quicker than expected. Once he arrived the liquor store he bought 2 bottles of whiskey and left, the cold air surrounding him, it was the same weather as the night he lost you…Logan began to get lost in thought again, popping another bottle open until…
“the fuck..” he muttered when a body came flying his way, landing on the ground infront of him, begging for help before passing out. Logan’s brows furrowed and he was confused, struck even…. until he looked up to see a sight he thought he’d never see again in his lifetime….
There you were…Cora Melbourne…alive and healthy not even 10 feet away from him. Logan swore to himself he had been drinking too much, he was hallucinating there was no way you were standing right infront of him. He swore he felt his heart skip a beat, almost forgetting how to breathe. Seeing you again aroused feelings he thought he’d never feel again for anyone. You oooked so powerful , so beautiful , and just the exact same as the day he lost you, the bottle of whiskey slipped from out of his hand and onto the ground, creating a loud shattering noise to vibrate through the quiet air, then it happened, you noticed him and he wanted to say something, he needed to take the chance to get you back even if it wasn’t really his you….he couldn’t lose you again not after seeing you like this….he noticed your face, it seemed you felt the same way he did and before either of you could say anything…the portal separating you two, closed. And once again Logan was left alone , yet now…he feels a glimmer of hope spark in his chest…there was a way to you…and he felt so close yet so far from seeing you again.
( a/n: Hii!! This is a pretty long sad backstory chapter for Logan but I really needed to give insights about their past! I hope you guys enjoyed!)
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What do you think of obito? Do you think that, if given care and time [writing wise], he could be redeemed?
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This is no hate to obito fans at all, but i genuinely hate that man. I don't even care that he was manipulated. not a single character reacted with enough anger, you cannot tell me gai wouldn't be fucking PISSED for kakashi because HE saw how guilty and suicidal kakashi was. HE dealt with the aftermath. (also if he knew obito helped with the uchiha massacre and the 9 tails attack..... gai, obliterate this bitch). kakashi would have been so angry both for himself, his fallen comrades and friends, AND MOST OF ALL rin. Rin's name being used for his delusions. naruto befriending him when he killed his parents was fucking bonkers as well.
But what REALLY made me angry was making rin know about everything he did and not having a SHRED of anger or disgust towards him. rin would hate him and deserved so much better than being an object for obito to obsess over when she didnt even like him like that
Every other character has handled loss, he lost 1 friend and flew off the handle
I hate so much about the war arc but this is probably top 2. I genuinely wouldn't have hated it as bad if everyone wasnt making him their BFF at the end and then died without putting in any substantial work. The lost potential too, he could have been a great antagonist if everyone wasnt sucking him off at the end and calling him a HERO
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bungone · 2 months
Actually no im not done because I know it gets talked about a lot but Lolita is such an interesting piece of media; not just the book itself but people's attitudes towards it.
like, first off, there's the actual author (nabokov) who goes out of his way to talk about how childish, mokeyish, immature and whatnot Dolores is in the most unnappealing possible ways, and then specifically said that he didnt want the kind of cover that every single fucking published edition of Lolita has?? With girls who are either being sexualized or very obviously having "a good time" which is absolutely not what Dolores was doing in the book?? I really, really, don't think anyone who designs these covers has even opened the first page because what. the. fuck.
It's so obvious that my man Humbert Humbert is an unreliable narrator, but gee, I guess we learned to take everything we read at face value, and also everything that comes from a protagonist's mouth as the "correct" way of viewing things, both in the book and in real life?
And even then, maybe, just MAYBE I can excuse the people who talk about how the book is fucked up because it's "glorifying pedophillia".
Maybe they had a really shitty english teacher. At the very least, they're reading it and understanding that the actions of Humbert Humbert aren't okay? They got to the halfway point. Maybe their education sytem failed them.
Maybe they had a really shitty high school english teacher that never taught them the skills necessary to understand this kind of writing. Maybe they're just dense, that's who they are as a person, and it would take someone going out of their way to point it out for them to consider the possibility.
But then there's the fucking apologists?? Like, putting aside the whole Dolores being 12 (which, yeah, is akin to putting aside the whole book, but bear with me for a second), Humbert Humbert not only kidnaps her (illegal), lies to her for a long time about her mother (not illegal but generally shitty), but is implied to have committed murder (illegal, not sure if implied is the right word here because it absolutely happened and everyone knows it), and sexually abuses Dolores (very illegal). These are crimes. He is a criminal. Say what you want about the justice system these are crimes that absolutely should be crimes.
He's clearly not an upstanding citizen, and I fail to understand how some people look at all his behavior and go "oh yes, the the man who killed a woman and kidnapped a 12 year old girl is just misunderstood, and he did those things for true love" like fuck no.
I like Lolita. It's an objectively good book. The quality of writing (high quality, I mean, I normally hate first-person writing but I actually liked Lolita), it's a great psychological horror piece that doesn't rely on things like shock value and overused tropes. The characters are all multi-dimensional and frankly, act realistically. But that's all it is. A psychological HORROR piece. It's not romantic. If anything, it's meant to make you sympathize with Humbert, and then you're supposed to take a step back and be like, "Wait. Why am I sympathizing with him? I'm not a pedophile." Because yeah, he's a complex character but that only goes to make him realistic in terms of the kind of pedos that exist in real life.
Pedophiles are people too. Mentally ill people, really, really shitty people who need serious help, but reducing them to "not human" only makes them an "other", which makes you forget that on the outside, they look like normal people. That have friends and family and go to school or have jobs and order coffe and read in libraries and yeah, maybe you sat next to one of them an entire year in organic chemistry. They're not weird stalkers that hang out in bushes in parks. Some of them, maybe, but not all. Nowhere near all.
man that derailed fast.
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fuglyjeans · 9 months
Ok the first time I watched bojack horseman season 6, it sent me in a pretty bad depression spiral. But I just watched it again for the first time in almost 4 years, and it actually fills me with peace. I think I thought the show was saying no one can change, really; bojack will always be just some shitty selfish horse. He can try to do better, but he can't change the lives he's ruined, or outrun the consequences, and he'll always slip up. That made me so sad.
But now i see it more like... yeah hollyhock cut off contact, bojack goes to prison, Diane implies they'll never speak again, Princess Carolyn implies she won't work with Bojack again in the future etc. But at the same time all of these characters still express love to bojack and thankfulness that he was in their life. Even Todd is really kind to bojack in the final episode, despite having every reason to ignore him forever. They draw boundaries as they should. But there's still compassion.
Even though bojack has arguably lost absolutely everything, he's still able to find a little joy in prison putting on a play. And those people will still probably say hi to him from time to time... and after he gets out of prison, who knows, maybe he'll make more progress and find new people, start better relationships. He was already on the up and up... he relapsed, but honestly that happens. Before his relapse he'd been sober for like a year which is pretty amazing.
bojack is messy and his progress is slow. He's deeply flawed and no one is obligated to stay in his life, no one has to respect him after all the shitty things he's done. But what brings him true peace is being honest with himself about that... no memoir or dream role or Oscar win or long-lost sister or university can replace the peace of just being real. Taking accountability. I think by the end bojack is at least starting to realize that and commit it to memory.
I also think it's tempting to feel like post-rehab bojack is all better, he's a new bojack, it's unfair that the reporters and interviewers come after him to ruin his life after he'd just fixed it. He's not the same as Vance Waggoner!! But that's the thing.. even though it's hard, even though it feels unfair, bojack still has the choice to do better. He didn't have to do the 2nd interview. He didn't have to teach at hollyhock's school without asking her if that would be weird. He didn't have to do Horny Unicorn, he didn't have to go back into that party after reading hollyhock's letter. He didn't have to go on one last bender, break into his old house, call Diane and nearly kill himself. It's understandable that he did. It's painful and horrible. But every single time, he could have chosen to walk away, ask for help--maybe not from Diane or PC or Todd, but surely Mr Peanutbutter or he could have just checked into the ER for monitoring. And that would feel sad and humiliating and lonely but he would survive and come out knowing he didnt ruin things this time, even if he felt alone. Its ok to be alone. But he didnt do that... so even though i understand why "new bojack" fucks up again.... it WAS all still his own choice.
I could talk abt this show forever lol God
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dekusleftsock · 1 year
Hi! I wanted to talk a little bit about something that pissed me off, so if you dont want to deal with that then feel free to ignore the ask! There are mentions of SA.
I accidentally ended up seeing this anti toga post that talks about how she is terrible queer representation using 1. the loving animals line and 2. her killing others because of her impulse.
Basically they argue she is a sexual predator as killing would be like being denied to have sex with her or a representation of her SA others, and that the resolution seems to be feeling sorry for her and giving her what she wants, and that it leaves queer ppl in a bad look as sexual predators and even zoophilic (them saying they already had a bad vibe from the intro of the little bird?? Thinking its directly sexual confirmed by these leaks). Im so angry at this.
I think its clear Toga feels confused about what love means, as she says she loves many people but its clear every single one of them makes her feel and act differently -she doesnt love Jin like she loves Tsuyu, or the bird, or Stain, or Deku, or Uraraka.
Is it so strange to think she can be confused about it WHILE being queer?? Also seeing her love as a sex driven impulse is weird in my opinion -yes blood and cannibalism r used this way in media but she's not looking for sex ever, just to be liked and loved.
I swear I have seen yandere characters get a better treatment than her even when they end up causing more harm without reasons backing them up even.
What do you think of that perspective?
So I actually think that the zooiphile thing actually adds to the queer allegory. No i dont think toga wants to fuck animals and no I don’t think that’s she’s ACTUALLY a zooiphile.
But I do think that the REASON horikoshi made her that way is because… zooiphilia is a dirty thing that people don’t like to talk about. Toga is the same; she’s the dirty conversation her parents don’t wanna have.
And she’s attracted to blood! I don’t think that she wants to date or have sex with a bird or something, just that she’s attracted to it because it has blood and she can’t change that. I don’t think togas love is misplaced or anything, in fact I think she’s got the best handle on her love at all. I think that she just generally uses the very forward term of “love” for everything because that’s just how she is. A forward, blunt, and extreme person. She’s exploding with feelings even different types of love!
Personally, I’m surprised to see all these toga haters randomly appearing out of the wood work—and it’s probably because she’s actually got a chance with Ochako. It just surprises me yk, like people either didnt really care for her before or they thought she was a cool villain. Now that she’s herself and NOT a cool villain… you all suddenly wanna chase her down with pitchforks? Hm. Interesting.
People LOVE a queer tragedy; and toga is in the perfect situation to be one. Togas boob grab wasn’t even intended to be predatory/sexual towards ochako, she was angry and using it to grip onto her and stab her repeatedly. It was a symbolic way to describe Togas feelings of “becoming a real villain”, or in the sense of the allegory, “becoming a real queer predator”. The fact that people have taken this and actually made it about her BEING a queer predator is SO IRONIC!
Also… sucking blood doesn’t equal sex what. It’s intimate in the way kissing is intimate, it was literally compared to it.
ANYWAY… monsters and vampires and the horror genre as a whole has ALWAYS been queer, it’s always been about being deviant and exploring topics like cannibalism and, yes, zooiphilia, because we CAN TALK ABOUT THEM. GUYS ITS NOT THE END OF THE WORLD. Toga isn’t fucking animals, she’s not pretending she’s in relationships with animals, she’s vaguely attracted to them.
I saw this yt video a while ago talking about this whole Twitter debate about whether zooiphilia was as bad as eating animals. And personally, I’m not vegan or vegetarian, but it’s something I never really thought of before. And he brought up a good point that originally went to my head when I heard this question asked!
My thought was “Well zooiphilia isn’t natural, but eating animals is”. Well, being a PARASITE is also natural, we naturally want to consume, we naturally want to be selfish, and the fact that we have the foresight and intelligence to STOP ourselves from being those things is important for our survival. And there’s a ton of other arguments to be made and points to be had, but really, we should be able to ASK THOSE QUESTIONS AT ALL! We should be able to confront those things instead of shunning it away and putting it in a little box we aren’t supposed to talk about.
I just think anyone who is trying to label toga as “bad queer representation” or as a “sexual deviant/predator that Ochako is afraid of” have other biases/reasons to believe those things. That, or they have a very narrow mindset that doesn’t allow them to question the morality of cannibalism or any unconventional love for that matter. Unconventional ideas at all tbh.
Jeffrey Dahmer went crazy because he was eating people raw a lot of the time, and also he was just generally fucking crazy and a bad person. How about we consent to your body being eaten!
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roseworth · 10 months
vote in my poll boy but also im gonna skew my own results by giving my opinion. here’s my personal ranking of rose writers
sean mckeever: FRESH HELL <3 literally THE rose book. also tt03 #57 slayed. he ALMOST gets knocked down on the list because a) the fucking shitshow that was terror titans and b) he backtracked on like 3 different character arcs as soon as he started writing tt and it pisses me off. but he redeemed himself with fresh hell
geoff johns: i hate johns so much. but he solidified sooo much about rose as a character that he has pretty much the definitive rose. what he did completely defined rose's relationship with her father and her attitude towards the titans/being a hero in general. whether they realize it or not, every rose writer after johns is writing his version of her. as much as i hate him he is one of the best rose writers and i will stand by that
christopher priest: i have not made it a secret that i love ds16. there are some aspects of his characterization that i dont agree with but for the most part he killed it tbh. hating her dad but still coming back to him, loving her brother but still keeping him at arms length, HOSUN!!! HER HMONG FAMILY!!!!!!! ily priest
ed brisson: SLAY. the only reason he's not higher is because i dont like the fact in general that she chose to be on stormwatch (she would not do that), and he used baby rose in ktr and didnt even mention lili (and DID mention that foster family. im still mad). other than that!!! everything about her struggle to be a good person in batb was soooo good, and so much about ktr was so good for her <3 thank u mr brisson
marv wolfman: i feel a little bad not ranking him higher given that. he created rose. but she doesnt really do much in the issues he writes. which is fair given that she was a new character that was just made to hang around on the sidelines at the time, so theres not a lot to judge in his writing. but he definitely laid the foundation that johns expanded on, and he was the one that made her so uh thnx marv
jt krul: i wish he had gotten more time :( i wish he had gotten to do whatever he was planning with lili, i wish we could've gotten to see more of his rose. his rose was def a different take than before given that she was more... mellowed out ig? it was a lot more lighthearted, just her hanging out with the team, being an older sister to damian (<3), and looking for her mom. hes not my fav just because i like it when shes a crazy bitch instead of a normal girl, but i completely understand why people like his rose. not to mention tt03 #77-78 slays so unbelievably hard
jay faerber: NANNY ROSE <33333 i love love love rose in titans 99 <3 this version of rose is DRASTICALLY different than any other rose, which is the reason hes in the bottom half, but i like it in the sense that its nice to know that she was just hanging out in between the two worst things to ever happen to her (her mom dying & slade drugging her). rose with roy and lian lives rent free in my head every single day of my life i love it so much, also that issue with rose & toni was so fun. titans 99 rose you will always be famous
adam beechen: he is going to hell for what he did to cass but for rose? he was fine. he helped with that one really good wilson family arc (tt03 #43-46), and wrote the only pre-52 rose & jason interaction (#47) so he gets points for that. and batgirl 2008 was pretty good for rose. but unfortunately he just didnt make enough of an impact on me to be ranked any higher
matthew rosenberg: unfortunately im mentally ill so i have a detailed explanation of what i think of rosenberg's rose but the short version is: i like him, he writes a good rose. its fun, shes well-written for the most part, but there are some :/ parts about it to me. i think if he continues writing her he'd be ranked higher but for now hes sitting pretty near the bottom of the list
devin grayson: i used to really like devin grayson's rose but. i have since changed my mind. it doesnt feel like rose. this is NOT the rose that stabbed her eye out because she thought slade was disappointed in her! shes too Quirky Girl here even though this is theoretically during the period where shes being drugged (honestly. i dont think grayson actually knew about the super soldier serum. and if she did it does not show) and we've seen rose in this era in tt03 and bg00, and this arc does not read as the same character at all. it was a good arc for her, and she had a lot of good moments here! but the characterization overall wasnt great
joshua williamson: i won't go on a whole tangent about the way williamson writes but. he has no sense of character voice, his characters all feel like blank slates to get the plot across, there are no character decisions being made besides what's needed for the plot. theres not a lot that i can put my finger on and say that its bad, but there are so few choices being made that its hard to say anything about his rose. to put a completely different character in rose's place in robin 2021, all you'd have to do is switch a few words around. williamson uses a vague idea of who a character is to guide what he wants them to do, and all his characters come out shallow. his rose wasnt BAD but it wasnt good at all
scott lobdell: every day i blow on a dandelion and wish for scott lobdell to kill himself
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Would you say BDtH is supposed to continue that particular tradition of "being a challenge for the reader", or are you coming at it from something of a different angle than that?
good question!
i think the answer is definitely "somewhat", like. i don't think the stuff that exists in bdth right now is especially challenging - there is some playful homestuck-classic misdirection going on. but i do also think there's those kinds of filters, like. the first person i remember ever vocally bouncing off of bdth bounced off of it because i killed off the sprites.
and in a story that exists in an environment where "this character died because the author didnt like them and didn't know what to do with them" is actually an extremely valid read on the material in question, i think the decision to do so hits weird to some people. like, make no mistake: i love the sprites! i love what every single sprite does for the story. and i think that comes through in stuff like rose being compelled into matrimonial action by the memory of jasprose or jades long-running heartbreak over davepeta.
and in a way, that could exist as that challenge, but i think most of all i've come to start treating bdth as both a combination of a toybox and an autopsy, a way to play with and pick apart the pieces and see how they work and to what end, and raise those pieces up to the level of direct text rather than let them remain in subtext, its part of what "existing in conversation with the original work" means to me.
like, i'm not passionate about the same things most homestuck fans are (most of all, i really adore act 6 in its entirety, which puts me out of lockstep with 95% of homestuck fans) but i do think homestuck fans *could* like the things i do about act 6, it just takes someone doing the leg work of expressing *why* they would like them and not having that be lost under the current of fandom hegemony. like.
relationship drama, identity crises, existential thoughts on the nature of culture and the way you exist both inside and outside of it simultaneously, these are the core ideas of homestuck, and i think these are things homestuck fans actively reject thinking about in favor of theorycrafting sburb builds like its fucking world of warcraft
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avo-kat · 9 months
its so strange…. this game didnt change me. it was like…. normal. natural. i was able to kinda play myself. be silly and crazy and stupid and pathetic. and kim stood by. and ppl were a bit weirded out or thought i was stupid or even made fun of me, but? it was still fine! i still solved the case. i still connected to people. i even laughed w ppl i thought were jerks. i managed to befriend ppl who wanted to beat me up. this game allowed me to be my pathetic self and still do my thing. its so awesome i wanna cry. nothing is gonna compare now no other rpg can do that. damn. im not a hero… not a saviour of the world…. nope, just a pathetic, sad guy who gets high and drunk and threatens to kill himself but who can also help people. in small ways. its so…. real. i really like how they did the characters.
even compl jerks. you cant hate all of them completely. they are people. some of them are stupid fucking racist people. some of them are very nice and v lowkey racist people. some of them are huge jerks but justified cuz they care about one thing a lot. this game is a love letter to humanity
spoilery below
and i LOVE how basically EVERYTHING i did mattered. every thing! every single thing! even if it seemed stupid and pointless and like a waste of time! talking to those two old guys playing boule? it mattered!
and i loved how.... real the people were. all of them. they really were. i think a lot of people would have written a lot of these characters very, very, very differently. i was mad that evrart was that way. but he was real. and that made... everything, every conversation, every decision more real, because everything was complicated, just like in real life. theres ideology and political theory and theres reality. theres a really, REALLY nice old lady. but shes racist. lowkey. but she is. and thats.... its disappointing, but its real, you know? what are you gonna do? stop talking to her? but shes so nice. and theres an interesting quest. these conflicting feelings - so real! just like in real life. do you stop talking to your nice neighbour because she made a racist comment? its messy. and then you meet complete jerks and you already write them off, you are basically waiting for your chance to "pay them back", but hey, look, they are actually decent.
the secret is like.... getting to know them and learning about the one thing they care about the most.
and you can go and try to build communism (wooo, 0.0002%!!) and you meet these young guys, its just. yeah. thats exactly how it is. fucking beans.
and the thing is: you gotta work with them. all of them. even the jerks. even the corrupt assholes.
because you cant burn bridges with every bad person. because they are all part of society, whether we like it or not. and its not like you are without fault. ur a fucking pig, as some love to point out. thats done. cant change that, no matter how much u want to, lol. the past is the past and u gotta move on.
and u can talk all u want all day long. what matters is what u do.
i keep thinking about cindy. standing on the outside hallway, looking at the city, at the people - people she hates. right below the radical youth hangout. thinking about the perfect, perfect slogan. and the two communist students, judging her for not being educated. in the end, shes the one who does something.
anyway. its nice to play a game where u are the literal incarnation of karl marx. (its canon, okay?)
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tears-of-boredom · 1 year
okay im going to find out how different genshin is rn. i dont have money for zelda games so the knockoff gacha version will have to do. if its not horrible still. sorry i just fucking hated kind of everything about sumeru. i mean the aranaras where cute, but their quest line was literally the only one i cared about. and the restrictiveness of it all started to piss me off. you couldnt really do shit. cant catch big animals. cant interact with like anything in the world. cant even buy cooking ingredients with the small ass stock. cant lower the rendering distance. cant do quests because "a character is busy with another one of your quests", like what even is that. just hide the models if you don't want the player to see double of a character. also I really hate the animation that happens when you go to the menu/tab thing. I hate how the counters on choosing stacked objects accelerate. i hate how every character looks the same. I hate how you cant skip dialogue efficiently. i hate the arbitrary limitations in the teapot realm build mode. I hate the pointless dialogue options. I hate how the bounty enemies spawn near other enemies. i hate how the hilichurls have been proven to have sentience but the player has to continue killing them. I hate how limited the "difficulty mode" chooser is. i hate the way you have no indication on if a surface is climable or not. i hate the way trees show no indication when you've gotten all the wood that you can from one. i hate how pyro characters get cold just as easily as others, and how fire from their abilities does not affect the cold meter at all. I hate the way boss enemies cant be hit multiple times in a row, and need a pause in between every hit for them to register. i hate the way ley line blooms have no visible count down to their dissapearance, despite there existing one. i hate how they made a single new bait for every fish in sumeru. I hate how the map doesnt show underground areas. i hate how boss enemies take forever to complete their wake up animation, making surprise plummet attacks impossible. i hate how they're getting kids addicted to gambling. "Fresh and Tasty Chop Suey!". "We'll grill your entire fish!". "Fengen's Ironmongers". "Moonpies! That's what I'll make him!"...
have they released a new nation yet? im most excited about the hydro nation probably. I don't have much faith in pyro, and cryo aka uhh i forgot the name...wtv so i feel like cryo will be too story focused that you won't really get chances to do things on your own. I mean id like some old ass, fancy ass, russian empire stuff. maybe we'll get female characters that dont wear booty shorts and thigh highs. perhaps we'll get slavic faces. although thats just wishful thinking. i doubt that they'll spend money on any more player skeletons lmao. although they really arent doing shit with the models either. actually yeah, even if they didnt want to pay someone to make new skeleton rigs, they could definetly do a lot more with the models than what theyre doing now. like genuinely it would not be hard to alter the models to make each one at least a bit unique. like please dont continue to do that smooth skinny dolls with little noses ass shit. also why are their faces so bare. most there is is when the hair covers a part of their faces. but like,, tattoos? smudges? freckles? moles? scars? birthmarks? piercings? like literally anything omg.
i dont have any faith in HoYo to have fixed any of these tbh. i just like having games that have routine things you can do every day, with no big consequences if you miss a day or a week. ill see what updates i can find on it. ill probably download it either way, even if it still sucks and feels tiring. ill delete it if I hate it so much.
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muthmergya · 3 years
Hi there! ik you already did a demon!reader x genshin impact but can I please request 1 where reader is a succubus demon? like- they didnt get cursed or something- they is ARE a one.
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Warnings- smut, heavy smut, bondage, slight degradation, public sex, oversimulation
↬characters childe, diluc ,zhongli, xiao, scaramouche, kaeya.
Succubus fem reader!
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Ohuhuu~♡ the harbinger~
The crazy sadists man who would wander the woods every night to go on a killing spree on every single creature he lays eyes upon
Somthing he would like to say "releasing my anger"
So like anyother night, tartaglia was on his usual killing spree in the middle of the darkened forest.
When all of a sudden a smooth silk type of voice muses through the sheer quiet forest
Completely infatuated with such singing, tartaglia finds himself getting sucked into the direction of where it was coming from
Making sure not to cause any noise he soon finds his form hiding behind a huge tree, as his eyes shameless ogle at the women.
Who seems to be bathing in the river as she muses to song
Ohh how utterly beautiful she looked under the moonlight as she rinses her naked body
Her body which was fully visible to tartaglia. He felt so utterly hypnotized, his dick was harded the moment he had seen her and was now begging to be released from his pants
He felt as though this air was trying to suffocate him everything felt hot, he wanted to rip his clothes off and then fold the women before him as he used her to his liking
Something was so utterly wrong, he was aware but he didnt wanted to back down so y'all know what happens next-
Nsfw ahead↴
"It's dangerous to bath in an open river at night is it not~♡"
Musing as he reveals himself from behind the trees making his way towards your form, which was quick to duck under the water to hide away.
To bad he already saw all of you.
"Such a beautiful lady like you~♡ c'mon don't be shy rise from the water! I'll make you feel wonders~!"
Exclaiming shamelessly as his uttery drowned by lust self walk thr the shallow water to approach you.
Poor guy.
He thinks that you're afraid. A sluttry smirk appearing on your face as arise from the water making your way towards him, taking him completely by surprise.
Humans~♡ so easy to lure in-!
"Aren't you straight forward!"
And now all of that brings us to here. The present in which tartaglia is getting his brain fucked out, screaming crying begging in all types of ways just so you would finally stop oversimulating him.
Poor poor man, he thought that wandering around in the forest that was rumoured to be a home of a succubus was a good idea.
Now look at him, tied down with ancient demonic chains as he s forced to orgams almost every 2 minutes.
All his begs fell to deaf ears as you keep bouncing on his cock making him see star every moment.
Ohh what an easy way it was to have your sweet meal walk straight to you. You first had planned to let him go after fucking his brain out but after realising just how utterly sweet his pleasure was.
You might as well make him your dog now.
What a weird day it was for the dark-knight hero
He felt as though he was getting watched all day long.
And he was sure that whoever that was watching him, had to be really fast because every time he turned his gaze all he would see was a rushed black entity.
Which truly did startled him, so instead of going back to his manor he chose to go to a small village house in the middle of mondstad's outskirts as safer option
Choosing to spend the night there he settles in the bed only to hear more noises once more
Nsfw ahead↴
"Who's There!"
His voice roaring through the shallow walls as he points his claymore at the now open window.
After the cold silence a slender figure of a women soon appears into thin air
A beautiful women wearing a white see through gown.
Completely surprised diluc nearly looses his balance and falls but soon recollects himself only to turn his gaze away from her
"W-what is your p-purpose with me?
Strutting as he stills points his claymore at her.
The air around him felt so different all of a sudden everything felt hot. And the picture of her body couldnt leave his voice.
"My! How rude of you to point a weapon at a lady!"
Her smooth voice musing as her slender fingure traces at the top of his claymore, taking slow steps towards him making him back away
"D-dont come closer"
Appearing to act tough diluc tries to make eye contact with her only for his eyes to once again wander off her body as his harden cock soon becomes viable through his pants.
"Aww! Would you look at that~♡ your buddy likes me"
Exclaimg in her sluttry voice she corners him to the bed and guidng his hands to put the claymore away
"Say~ diluc-sa-ma♡ you're aware of what creature I am are you not?~ so how about we enjoy ourselves for the night~!"
Before he even got the chance to respond you wrap your hands around his neck pushing your long enlarged sluttry tongue down his throat as your and his chest collide and push him down onto the bed.
Now! Onto the present
Loud high pitched moans and loud groans and grunts along with wet slapping sounds echo through out the room as the succubus and the human indulge in adultery.
Both lost in the sweetness of pleasure, diluc being utterly under your spell and seeing stars with every thurst and you enjoying his lust and pleasure as your sweet meal while also enjoying your own pleasure.
Oh such a forbidden night it is
"Kiss never tell~♡"
Zhongli the yanwang dijun the god of war himself.
And you his little slut succubus obeying to all his wishes and everything he says
Truly such a whore you were lusting over your own God but after all you were a succubus so what did he even expects
But a contract is a contract so here you both are-
Nsfw ahead↴
"You whore!"
Exclaimg thr harsh breaths as he slams into you once again making you see white all over.
Oh what a joyful yet punishing night it was.
You thought seducing him while he plans on about a war was a good idea and now look at you
Bend over on his throne as he uses you.
Well I Mean good for you! Because to you this was no pushiment at all afterall you were a succubus this is exactly what you crave.
Tongue lolled out, eyes rolled back as saliva drips down your chin. With zhongli harshly grabbing into your hair to support your form.
Absing your little hole.
You being utterly drowned by both his and your pleasure keep on chanting the same mantra over and over again.
"Fuck me~!fuck me fuck me!Fuck me!fuck me fuck me!Fuck me!fuck me fuck me!~♡"
Ahhh yess~
The curious yaksha
Let's just say he was doing his job of conquering demons when all of a sudden a succubus came in his path to show him the wonders of a women's body.
Nsfw ahead↴
"N-no- stop! This is forbidden!"
Trying to push you away as his hot mess of a self tries to recollect himself
Meanwhile you ignore all his pleas and rip his thin clothing off, sucking and biting down on his nipples and then sucking all the pleasures from him.
"You- have -no respect for the adepti~!"
Annoyed you shove your tongue down his throat making him chock on it.
"Shut it silly yaksha"
"More~!! Please give me more!♡"
Loud uncontrollable moans come from xiao as he is drowned by pleasure.
Endless tears falling down his face including his saliva.
Your walls suffocating his dick, and you also leaving marks all over his body while bouncing down onto him.
Obliging to his requests you go faster and harder making him see stars at how tightly your pussy clenchenges around him.
Pussy do be hittin different when you haven't felt a women's touch in a thousand years.
Ahh yes another one of the harbingers
The 8th of the fauti harbingers who was petroleum around the inazuma grounds at sheer night time
Only to become the target of a succubus
Nsfw ahead↴
"It's to much! I -I beg! You stop~!"
His desperate and pathetic pleas cut off once more by his own orgasm.
Ahh another orgasm which felt so good but also felt as though it was gonna be the death of him
Poor guy he doesn't even remember how he got into this situation all he knows is he followed a women who reeked of a sweet aroma into the forest whom had then flirted with him.
And then next thing he knew was all he could think about was her body her words her face and sheer lust towards her and then boom! He pushed her down into a nearby bush ripping her clothes apart then touching her everywhere.
And one thing led to another and now she was on top and using him literly fucking his brains out making him cum every 2 seconds, taking untmost pleasure and joy in all noises and faces he makes. While also -
making sure he drowns in his own pool of cum
Ohuhuuhh~♡! The calvary captain!
Ok like I've written so much bout him being the top one but now we gon turn them tables
So like no thoughts just kaeya screaming and begging you to stop while you fuck the literal life out of him.
Nsfw ahead↴
A loud scream escaping him as he once more orgams.
Poor man was in a literal mating press getting his dick used by the succubus above him as she laughs down at him. Mocking his begging form.
"Aaww~♡ is the poor Calvary captain senstive?~! Don't worry I'll make sure to make you loose your mind!"
Another crazy laugh escaping her as she mocks his pleading and teary eyes and goes down on him once more.
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Yanwang dijun is basically zhongli's God name.
So yeah this was the first part of the act of sluttry event I hope y'all enjoyed it!
also anon I apologize if you didn't like the reader being top and all I thought it'll be better to make the reader top since she is literly a demon.
@rinnieren hoe come get yo food.
And now I'll be goin to sleep since it's 2:22 am and my head fukin hurts. Also ignore them spelling mistakes I didn't proof read this cuz it's long af.
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rottingsparrow · 2 years
Oh boy oh boy here it is my thoughts on Lore Olympus episodes 1-10 I didn't include any pictures because I'm figuring out how I wanna do this also im tired but here it is:
Episode One: Stag, You’re It
Why the title
Minthes hair like connects to her head without a line not bad just a comment
Hades’ sharp ass nose but I enjoy the colors, not super bright yknow
Hera looks so cool but also like snatched almost unnaturally
She is a god tho so
Zeus lets goooo such a solid color imo
Im sorry but artemis’ hair is a lil ugly
Love that all the main characters are snatched /s
Episode Two: Who is She?
And Persophone is now 3 shades lighter ok
Also like i hate the dress Artemis gives persephone it ugly
Persophones hair changed lengths like 2 times but maybe im seeing it wrong
Also artemis if she doesnt wanna be here leave wtf
How is. How is hades holding his drink
Zeus changed colors king
I understand lighting and shading but like. Damn
Ok so if Poseidon hates Odysseus does that mean the events of the Odyssey already happened
Ep 3: Who is She pt 2
LMAO what is hades’ nose
Why did she have random parts w/ no color not a complaint just curious
“Short sighted” Do we ever see him wear glasses again
Zeus’ lil. Hair thingies keep disappearing
“Honestly i think she puts Aphrodite to shame” wow comparing women/hj
Seriously tho like. why
Ep 4: Who is she pt 3
Idk why she does random scenes where the characters are all like just one color. Not bad per say but weird
Gives artemis huge boobs and in one panel they are either smaller or gone
Artemis bestie if that one thing distracts you from your friend you gotta get ur priorities straight
“Hey kiddo wanna have some real fun” ew
Omg purple eros
So much hair
Did she just give her hair powers so she could draw diff styles lets be honest
Ep 5:
Aphrodites hip angle is so sharp it could kill me
“Friggin” makes my mind go to supernatural and i dont appreciate it
Omg shes a cinnamon roll shes so adorable and gorgeous and yet sexy and *i get shot*
Mother emotionally guilting her son omg its my life
The listen panel. Haunts my dreams
Why does she have so many different painting/coloring styles
Ep 6
W hy do they stand like that persephone pls
Love demeters colors tho
This is. This is the metaphor for the maidenhood thing right
Thats how i always saw it
Wow persephone you just woke up and you look so pretty wowww woww
Rachel rachel please does her hair have bangs or not just choose
I do actually like the panel with cerberus, persephone, and hades its nice
Ep 7
Cerberus is so cute
Hades shut the fuck up
The coat is cute
Persephone get off the counter this isnt ur house
Whos minthe? Stop being nosy damn
Didnt really have much to say bout this one
Ep 8
Why are both their eyes open i know they arent in love but that so weird right
Is his dick out or is she just naked on him
“Salutiations” old man
Every second i read persephones eyes get bigger
“I would pay you a salary to barge in on every single aspect of my life” is actually cute however. You literally just met her she hasnt even introduced herself
I dont understand why he thought she meant sex idk
I like that his business card has diff names for him
Ep 9
Persephone giggling over that is kinda weird imo but whatever
Persephone please pic a face shape
“Come here puppy” look. Look at her face. Wtf
Train ur dogs hades smh
We never see like any of these dogs fuck you rachel i want dogs
“Let the unionize see if i care” haha so funny haha wow so. So funny. Hades ur such a character
Why is her mouth so high up in this one panel
Hehe puppy
Man in bushes
Ep 10
Why does he have so many cars he doesnt need em
The little :p panel is cute
Stop yelling hades
Persephones hair is looking bad rn ngl
I love the colors of the underworld tbh
Rachel please go in depth on how you travel there between realms i am so curious
Artemis randomly gains bangs
I know her hair was flowing but her bangs are too short to completely disappear
Why do his eyes randomly turn red honestly
Goodbye thank god
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pinkrooms · 3 years
yeah i know we all hate twin peaks season 2 but. i still really need to complain about it. the way there is like almost NO reaction to everyone finding out leland raped and killed laura makes me sooo fucking mad every time because not only is it just a stupid reaction to learning something so horrifying but it makes what would have been the entire climax of the series fall flat. the show was always about laura and who killed her and when they finally find out everyone is just like hm ok . i feel like some people could brush off the lack of reaction as 'oh well the whole point of twin peaks is about how a community will ignore the awful things going on in its underbelly' but on god that is just SHITTY writing. at the very least, if that were even the intended message, donna would have had more of a reaction -- i mean discovering your childhood best friend was being raped by her own father, the father you interacted with so often, who you hugged and laughed with.... who murdered three girls your own age.. that should fuck someone up. even if donna was a completely selfish person (which she's not) it makes someone think like 'wow that could have been me. i could have been his next victim'." AND dont even get me started on sarah palmer. she just kind of ? disappears??? like hello she clearly knew something was going on but chose to ignore the signs so she didnt have to deal with it-- but then the truth comes out and shes forced to face it. its such a basic and expected and logical falling action . i mean like LOW HANGING FRUIT.... how idiotic do the writers have to BE.!?!?!? they really just threw out every single character arc, theme, and connection to laura's murder in favor of making stupid little romcom arcs with random new characters with no depth or importance whatsoever. it would honestly be utterly unwatchable if there weren't a few lynch-directed episodes thrown in there. also the way they did throw in some very essential plot points regarding the black lodge etc is infuriating bc like i dont want to sift through all this fucking bullshit to figure out what the symbols in the owl cave mean, which you need to know to understand any of fwwm or the return. UGH anyway fuck network television.
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wheelbrough · 2 years
hmmm. my review that nobody asked for.
all in all. i think its safe to say. majorrrr disappointment on literally every single front. except like, robin and vickie i guess.
bloodbath? carnage? gonna sit and stare for a while after finishing? baby. none of that is true. actors are professional liars. everything that happened this season felt like a whole lotta nothing. the russia plotline dragged onnn and onnn and the cali gang were totally sidelined and stancy? in 2022? there goes steves arc. so many relationships juuuust down the drain.
i hate that its eddie who died. i liked eddie, yeah, but gaaaah i cant get OVER it if youre gonna go around saying its time to kill off some of the main cast just DO THE DAMN THING!!!! people have been waiting for steve to die since like season 1 man. kill him. commit to killing max. commit to killing hopper. kill nancy! jonathan! i dont care who just dont create another side character just to kill him. im pretty sure they split s4 into 2 volumes one for the money slash hype two it was a way to like. make people get attached to eddie. so him dying would feel like a main cast character dying. there were so many good opportunities to kill steve. i dont want steve to die, im just saying. PLUS eddies death is not mentioned at ALL after the fact with any of the gang, like ???? i get max is in the hospital but he was mike and lucas and dustins friend and everyone bonded with him youd think theyd show a little bit of mourning rather than just.ignoring it. focusing on max. ?????
and the wayyyy he died like they could have hopped back to hawkins and if the bats started to leave just fall in lure them back hop right out. eddie running to the bats makes no sense especially because as he was being killed the people he was trying to protect are being strangled by vines. so. completely pointless. this final battle was incredibly lame and his death was just so anticlimactic.
im upset abt byler bc, while i didnt think it would actually happen, i thought, idk, will would have some importance? mikes not that stupid. hes a dumb dumb idiot (affectionate) but he’s not blind and it really makes no sense to craft the byler narrative like this UNLESS theres an Actual Good Scene in s5 of will like coming out and mike being a good friend.
and like i get that steves relationship with dustin is special but come on he’s friends with the other kids too and that is just so consistently ignored. he and robin and nancy and jonathan know all these kids and have for a Long Time and its just always dustin with the older guys and. where is my steve and lucas or steve and max or robin and max or hell even robin and mike dynamic. they hang out i know they do. show it to us. and dont show us stancy. dont show us steve wanting six kids and an apple pie life with nancy of all people. like i get long time yearning, i am a big fan of that actually, but with stancy... especially the way their relationship ended!! you cant retcon that. nobody wants it.
quick side note too like steve was just... okay? after being choked twice and having his insides eaten? never mentioned again? theyre so weird with physical injuries. dustin got his stupid little limp but steve is never shown to be hospitalized or even checked out and his choking bruise rash is just. gone. after two days. yeah, no, i dont buy that. its just him being ignored and forgotten in the narrative.
AND  THEN we spend all season watching incredibly stretched out narratives with all the separate groups. and we dont even see them all together. only some of them. i get that season 5 is supposed to pick up immediately after (? it has to, right?) but where was that moment of everyone coming together with one piece of the puzzle to make things make sense. the different plotlines didnt connect. if youre gonna make the story focus on the plotlines and not the characters then at least try and make the plot cooler, you know? it just felt. weak. like marvel movies feel. oh goody another fucking monologue.
and now im just being nitpicky but eye personally am not a fan of the jokes abt hopper being skinnier slash not fat. i needed to lose weight or im not fat anymore (to el) or you shrunk like no shit he lost weight. he was in a RUSSIAN PRISON being fed moldy bread for EIGHT MONTHS. that just what this show needed. jokes abt starving making someone look better slash healthier. they dont outright say he looks better, i’ll give them that, but it is 1000% implied that its a good thing he lost weight, mostly brushing over the STARVING IN A RUSSIAN PRISON aspect of it.
and even more nitpicky the one good thing of robin and vickie? yay another skinny white girl. more skinny white lesbians. hoo ray. wheres that bechdel comic abt why dont they show anyone like us?
vecna looked stupid. there was too much for shock value. where was argyle in the last scene? abandoned in the woods? murray? like its full on 7 am right now and i am. i knew id be disappointed. i knew i would. and i am! this show has lived long enough to see itself become the villain.
however. mike is my baby. steve is my baby girl. i love robin and i love lucas and i love jonathan and argyle and joyce <3 and mike again hes really just my idiot baby boy i love the characters and i am looking forward to seeing the, frankly, much better alternatives other people come up with. duffers :( stop trying to outdo yourselves. you cant. you dont want to. sigh.
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