#i really do have some kinda sickness that makes me not able to sleep
robynshaikucorner · 10 months
My fading illness,
It left me a shiny gift:
It's insomnia.
Tonight is restless,
Overwhelming heat and cold
Leave me suffering.
My thoughts drifting,
To the one whomst I miss most…
He thinks of me once.
Was it even once?
Did he give a mental glance
In my direction?
My hopes, "yes", are no longer.
The truth, "no", left them all killed.
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aajjks · 10 months
please please PLEASE! (m)
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synopsis. He’s a determined man, and he knows a magical word, please.
warnings. ännöyïng köö, hë häs göt thë fättëst crüsh ön yöu, përsuätïön, bêggïng, tsündërë yn, evïl bräïnêd köö, cütê köö, mänïpülätïön, cöcky köö.
He is kinda cringe but yk yolo.
note. HEYYYY I already miss him so.. I wrote this in like 37 minutes.. kinda rough kind of cringe but you know… and based on the interactions and reactions, this will get this may become a little Drabble series. OK OK NOW ENJOY. AND PLEASE SEND ME SOME FEEDBACK OR ASKS THEY MAKE ME REALLY HAPPY.
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When are you ever going to agree?
Do you know that he cannot sleep because of you? Do you know that he’s not even able to eat without feeling sick to his stomach, ALL BECAUSE OF YOU.
You are very evil. Jungkook thinks that you are very mean, insensitive! You are evily beautiful, frustratingly sexy and awfully perfect.
He HATES you.
“You evil woman! I hate you!” He’s crying, he’s devastatingly frustrated right now. He has been persuading you for a month. But you still haven’t agreed.
He looks up at you, you look bored. He’s on his knees, his hands resting on your thighs, he’s got tears in his eyes, “JUST ONE DATE!” He chokes out.
He’s looking at you constantly, but it doesn’t have an effect on you, you’re looking at your nails while he’s begging you. “I said no.” You shrug, he scoffs. What is your problem? He’s hot. He earns well. AND HE LIKES YOU A LOT.
So why won’t you give him a chance?
“JUST ONE DATEEE PLEASE.” he sounds really cringe and desperate. He’s a grown man. But he’s on his knees, begging you. “Ynnnnnnn!” Are you enjoying this? he’s sure.
He doesn’t mind entertaining you, but… he really wants you.
“Yn!” He whines, he’s even tired of crying and screaming. His throat feels dry now. He stares at you dumbfounded. You are one stubborn woman.
But he’s also very stubborn, and he knows you very well, your reason to not go on a date with him our date is very ridiculous in his opinion..
He rolls his eyes. You are about to say it.
“No kook. You’re my best friend.”
Of course he’s your best friend, that is the problem.
“BUT I LIKE YOU.” He argues back, biting his lower lip, he doesn’t know how to get you to agree. Even though he knows you very well… he’s not sure.
But one thing is for sure, he won’t stop annoying you until you agree.
You don’t reply, still looking at your manicured nails. They take his attention as well, distracting him. They are a pretty color of brown, with a gray sparkly French tip.
He loves your hands so much.
“FINE.” Jungkook pouts. “because of you, I’m gonna die alone.” of course guilt tripping has to work. You’ll have to agree now.
He has been your best friend for the longest time ever, and he knows that you cannot see him sad. He’s liked you for as long as he can remember.
And you know that very well.
“Yn… you make me very sad.” He turns his eyes away from you. And he feels your gaze shifting to his face. He can feel the heat of your gaze suddenly.
He smirks.
He feels kind of evil, but he’s gotta do what he’s gotta do.
“Y-You know I’ve liked you for the longest time! A-AND IT CAN BE KIND OF WEIRD TO DATE YOUR BEST FRIEND, BUT… just one chance.” He speaks in a very low sad tone.
Crossing his hands across his chest. And then he hears you sigh. “You are a very evil man, kook.” His ears perk up, you are definitely about to agree.
His hard work is finally starting to pay off. Maybe begging you for the last couple of weeks… was worth it after all. He’s got a goofy smile on his face, you can’t see it because he’s turned his face away from you.
“Ugh… don’t give me the silent treatment… I can hear your pout.” he is sure you’re rolling your eyes right now. The thing is that you both know each other very very well.
That’s why you are perfect for each other.
Go on… go on go on!!!
“Okay fine. UGH DON’T MAKE ME REGRET IT.” You say, finally giving in.
And at the speed of light, he turns his head, almost breaking his neck. Jungkook is looking at you with wide eyes. His mouth is agape.
Did he hear you right?
“SAY THAT AGAIN!” Standing up, he giggles. Clapping his hands like a toddler. He knows he’s annoying the fuck out of you right now, but a man’s got to celebrate.
“OH MY GOD YN Thank you I promise you won’t regret it and you will want to date me every single lifetime of yours.” He smirks, his changing from desperate to cocky in 00.0 seconds.
He winks at you while you give him the middle finger.
“You are going to want me so bad after this. I WON.” He Throws his hand into the air, doing a dramatic pose.
“Now I’ve gotta go!!! GO TO PREPARE FOR THE DATE. It has to be perfect. Bye bye ynnnnnn!!!! I love you.” He blows you a flying kiss before yeeting out of your home.
You just hope you won’t regret this.
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percyluvr · 4 months
hi! can i request child of apollo reader with a cold/is sick x percy jackson who takes care of her lovingly even though theyre just friends? kind of like that lyric in apple cider "even if we're just friends, we could be more than that." thank u hehe!!
percy jackson x reader summary: you get the flu and percy takes care of you wc: 613
You told yourself that you would not, no, could not get sick. The number of campers coming into the infirmary was increasing daily, and you weren't sure why. It happened every year around the beginning of summer. Probably due to the influx of new campers, you thought.
But of course, whenever you promise yourself something, the exact opposite happens, and now, here you were in the Apollo cabin with your best friend, Percy, taking care of you.
When you had first gotten sick, you thought it was just some common cold, and thought it would be a little weird to have gotten a cold during the beginning of summer, you figured it was just due to the changing of the weather and you would be fine within a couple of days, but of course with your luck you had gotten one of the worst cases of the flu that any of your siblings in the Apollo cabin had ever seen.
You'd begged Percy to not try to take care of you, since he'd most likely get sick too, and it would be worse than you, since he wasn't an Apollo kid, but of course he wouldn't listen, insisting that he needed to take care of his poor best friend who was suffering so deeply, his words not yours. You begrudgingly accepted his help, because honestly, who can resist Percy Jackson when he's giving you puppy eyes? Not you, apparently.
"You wanna know what I think?" Percy says, breaking the small moment of silent before you inevitably cough up a lung again.
"Not really."
"Too bad. I think that you're sick because you overwork yourself all the time."
"I said I didn't want to know what you think."
"And I said too bad. Seriously, you need to stop overworking yourself, or you're going to keep getting sick like this. It's like, scientifically proven or something."
"Okay, whatever. You're not a doctor, I am. I think I know what's good for me."
"You think. Emphasis on think."
You roll your eyes, and Percy goes back to laying his head on your shoulder, which you had told him numerous times not to do.
"Percy, seriously. Stop getting your face so close to mine, you're going to get sick."
"I don't care. I want to be near you, and maybe my charm and good looks can help you feel better."
"Not how that works, but sure, if you say so."
"I do say so."
You roll your eyes for what feels like the six hundredth time, and put your arm around his shoulder.
When you begin to cough again, Percy jolts up and runs over to the cabin in the corner, getting out a large bag of cough drops. He picks your favorite flavor out, and grabs your water bottle. He then hands both of them to you.
"Hey, I kinda like you being sick." You raise an eyebrow. "Okay, stop. That's not what I mean. I just mean that I can finally be your personal nurse, and not the other way around. 'Cause you're always healing me, but I've never been able to help you back, and now I feel like I can."
"Aw, Percy, that's actually really sweet. I'm glad my suffering is making you happy."
He rolls his eyes in response and sits back down on the bed next to you.
"I know I'm sweet. I'm also going to ignore the other thing you said," he says, putting his arms around you and bringing you to lay your head down on his chest.
It doesn't take long before you're deeply sleeping and using his chest as a pillow while he gently strokes your hair.
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stars1997 · 3 months
Would you be able to do a cute scenario where y/n is ill and Matt Rempe comes to take care of her?
Not feeling so well so I kinda need the comfort lol
Thank youuuuu🥺
Taking care of you
Matt Rempe Fluff
Matt Rempe x Reader
(Not edited)
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You have been sick for the past few days now. You don’t know what it is, but it has really drained you.
You have been resting in bed. Not really getting up unless it’s to go to the bathroom.
Matt has had a few practices and games but when he’s done he’s over at your apartment taking care of you.
when matt finished his game today sent you a text that he was coming over. He knew that you weren’t going to be up but on the off chance that you were hi thought that it was bet you knew.
When he unlocked your door and stepped inside the first thing, he could hear was your snoring. He let out a little laugh. He makes his way to your room. Sitting down on the edge of the bed next to you.
He brings his hand up to your forehead, feeling around your face. He rubs your cheek with his thumb.
 “Babe?” you slowly open your eyes.
“You need to move out from under all these blankets. You’re heating up.” you nod your head. But you don’t move a muscle.
“Honey you’re going to overheat. Why don’t we go take a bath. You haven’t left your bed in a few days.” He pulls the blankets away from your body. You let out a whine in protest.
“I’m cold and I’m tired. Let me sleep.” You try to pull the blankets back over your body but he stops you. he gets up so now he’s standing over you. his arms slide under your body. He lifts you up, your head leaning on his shoulder.
“I don’t feel good.” you mumble as he makes his way into the bathroom.
“I know. I’m here to take care of you. we are going to get you into the bath then I’m going to heat up some soup. I stopped by the store on the way here and picked up your favorite.” Your head lifts off his shoulder.  
“You got me tomato soup. Are we going to have grilled cheese with it too?” he nods his head.
“Yes, I got stuff to make grilled cheese too.” you smile before laying your head back on his shoulder. He sits you down on the toilet then moves to turn on the tub. You reach over and grab some toilet paper to blow your nose as he fills up the tub.
“We are going to take a bath, eat some food and then I’ll let your get back to bed. How does that sound.” You blow your nose again before looking over at him.
“Can we watch a movie together?” he smiles at you, moving to stand in front of you. he leans down and kisses your forehead.
“Yes. We can watch whatever you want. Now let’s get you undressed and into the nice warm bath.” Matt loves taking care of you. you love it as well. But most of all you just love that he loves it.
He tells you all the time that he loves doing things for you. Brushing your hair, making you food, painting your nails even though he’s not good at it.
The bath was nice. It felt good to get the few days of grossness off you. you and Matt are now sitting on the couch. You just finished your soup and grilled cheese. Matt takes the bowl from you and brings it to the sink.
You decided to put on The Office instead of a movie. you know matt loves the show and you love watching him laugh at the jokes. He sits back down on the couch. You were quick to snuggle into his side.
It didn’t take long for you to get tired. You were struggling to keep your eyes open. matt pulled you so your legs were wrapped around his body you face resting on his chest. He grabbed the blanket next to him and pulls it over you.
“Good night baby.” He kisses the top of your head. Your eyes fully closed as you drift to sleep.
When you woke up the next morning you were in your bed. You feel a lot better today than you did yesterday. You search for your phone on your nightstand almost knocking a glass off it. You look over to see a note and a glass of water.
Good morning baby,
I made you some eggs and bacon, it in the microwave. I also cut up some fruit for you as well. Make sure you get out of bed today. You really need to start moving your body so you can get better. Also make sure you drink the water. You need it. I love you so much and will see you after practice.
You smile, putting the note back on the nightstand. you get up out of bed grabbing the glass of water and make your way to the kitchen to eat the food he made you. when you get to the kitchen you look at the time on the microwave to see that matt should be back from practice any minute now. Just as you grab the food you hear the door unlock.
“Babe! So, of the guys heard you were sick and got you a few things.” You look over to see his arms filled with bags of stuff.
“Now let’s go through the bags I want to see what you got so I can steal some of it.” You laugh. Setting the plate down and making your way over to him.
“I love you.” you stand on your tippy toes to try and kiss his cheek. But you still can’t reach him. he drops the bags on the ground as he leans down to kiss you on the lips. you pull back quick.
“Stop I’m going to get you sick. And you’re always a big baby when you’re sick.” You laugh again as he frowns but it quickly turns into a smile.
“Oh, you know you love me. And it just means that I get to spend more time with you.” He leans down to kiss you again. and this time you don’t stop him.
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isak-dot-gov · 4 months
I'm gon' make you feel it
A/n: Uh hey. This is the first time I'm posting on here so I hope you like it. Kinda nervous btw. Also not proofread.
Word count: 2226
Summary: Months after you and Rhea break up, your best friends decide to take you out for a night in the city after not seeing you for a while. while there, you run into Rhea and the rest of the Judgement Day.
Warnings: Suggestive(nothing actually done tho)
My masterlist :)
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“Y/n, come on. We haven’t gone out in so long,” I heard Jasmine say.
“She’s right, y/n/n, you’ve been MIA for so long now. Please come out with us,” Eve says.
Jasmine and Eve have been my best friends since the three of us were in the first grade. We were placed at the same table in the classroom’s seating chart on the first day and we’ve been friends ever since. They have been with me through all my highs, lows, and everything in between. From celebrating birthdays and acing tests to comforting each other through heartbreaks and family troubles, our bond has only grown stronger. We've shared countless sleepovers, road trips, and late-night talks that have made us inseparable.
Tonight they were trying to get me to join them on one of our ‘late night adventures’. Basically what would happen is that we would get ready to go out and hit the city with zero plans or expectations on what we would be doing or what the outcome of the night would be. Sometimes it would be going from one club to the other and sleeping over at one of our houses. Other times it would end with us getting matching tattoos. The most recent one of these nights was about six months ago, a month after I broke up with Rhea. We got tipsy, went to a trampoline park and I ended up getting a brand new set of nipple piercings. To say these nights were some of the most fun I’ve ever had would definitely be an understatement.
“Girls, I don’t think I’m up to it tonight. I’ve been so busy with work lately,” I said with a tired sigh. Ever since Rhea and I broke up, I’ve thrown myself into my work as a way of avoiding the feelings I not only had for our situation but for her as well. Rhea and I broke up seven months ago after a huge argument. She felt that I shouldn’t be having so many female friends and that I could potentially be cheating on her with one of them, which was completely untrue. The reason I had so many female friends was because I was in an all-girls school for my whole primary and highschool, because of this women have always taken up the majority of my social life. Unfortunately for me, Rhea had always been the jealous type and no amount of reassurance that I gave her ever seemed to calm the green monster that tended to take over whenever I hung out with people she didn’t like. Getting to the point where I was willing to let her go was hard, but I was able to do it after Jasmine and Eve showed me exactly how unhealthy we were together.
I was a wreck for a few weeks after the breakup. Rhea would constantly call, so much so that I had to turn my phone off and only have it on during the hours that she spent working because I knew she tended to stay far away from her phone during those hours. I never wanted to leave the house and I barely got any sleep in. Thankfully, my best friends got sick of it quite quickly and made me start coming out of my shell again.
“Girl, that’s exactly why we should be going out tonight,” Eve says.
“Let loose a little. Give us 30 minutes of your time. We promise if you really feel uncomfortable after that time we’ll go to my place and watch a movie or something,” Jasmine says.
“Promise,” my best friends say in unison. 
“Ok ok, I’ll do it,” I say with a smile.
“Fuck yeah!”
Two hours later and I’m sitting on a bar stool with my friends on either side of me and my third drink of the night in my hand. We reminisce on our primary and highschool years when four people enter the bar and completely shift the atmosphere in the room. I notice the bartender slightly shift her posture and briefly check herself in the reflective wall that stood behind her, facing those sitting in the bar. After she does so I hear a familiar voice next to me say and my high spirit for the night is immediately crushed.
“Uh can I get two whiskeys on the rocks, a gin and tonic, and a martini?” Damian, Rhea’s friend and fellow Judgement Day member, says next to me. I freeze and shut my eyes tightly, while doing so, I hear Jasmine and Eve fall silent and keep their eyes on me. Once I open my eyes, I notice their eyes on me as they carry sympathy for my current state.
“Oh hey, y/n. I haven’t seen you since…” he trails off and I can hear the cautious tone in his voice as he stops himself from saying anything that would make me uncomfortable. I always preferred Damian over the rest of Rhea’s friends, he always felt the need to make sure I was ok and in moments like these, I really appreciated him for it.
“Hey, Dami. How have you been? What brings you out here?” I saw with a strained smile. I have no idea why I feel this way or why I’m acting this way towards him. He never did anything to me, in fact, all he’s ever done was look out for me.
“I’ve been doing alright. Judgement Day’s going to Wrestlemania, so we decided to go out for drinks as a way of celebrating,” he says with a soft smile. Soon after, the bartender brings the drinks he ordered for him and his friends with a flirty smile and a wink. Uh, ok I guess.
“Anyways, I’ll hopefully see you around. I’ll tell the rest you say hi,” he says.
“Oh you don’t need to…” I start but he walks away before I get to the end of my sentence.
“Well that went better than I thought it would,” Jasmine says obliviously. Eve and I shoot her side-eyes as she gives the two of us a genuine smile, the Essence blush she’s wearing showing on her cheeks a little more due to the lighting in the bar.
“Do you want to leave, y/n. We don’t mind if you do,” Eve says compassionately.
“No no. We were having fun. I don’t want to leave yet,” I say and genuinely mean. I haven’t felt this free in so long and I would be damned if I let Rhea’s presence in this bar ruin that freedom for me.
My friends both give me light nods and we continue with our conversation. As the night continues, one of our favourite songs from our highschool years, ‘No Hands’ by Waka Flocka Flame, starts playing. The three of us immediately get hyped and start making our way to the dance floor to dance. The start of that song marks a streak of throwback songs from the DJ and we continue dancing for a while. As we do so I feel multiple pairs of eyes on me, when I look up I notice Rhea and the rest of her friends watching me. I make eye contact with each of them one by one before my eyes focus on the girl whose whole being makes my heart dizzy. She has an attentive look with a hint of longing in her eyes as she undresses me with them. With the new found confidence in my system brought by the many drinks I've had tonight, I find it in me to wink and decide to give her a show.
‘Feel It’ by Jacquees starts blaring through the speakers and my friends and I huddle up onto each other by our fronts and backs. I’m in front with Jasmine right behind me, her left hand on my left hip and her right hand on Eve’s right hip and Eve’s hands on both of Jasmine’s hips. We start swaying together to the beat of the song and sing along. At the position I’m standing at, I have a clear view of Rhea’s booth on the upper level of the bar. She’s sitting forward with her elbows on her knees and a drink in her hand as she watches me intensely. The chorus of the song starts and I start swaying my hips in circles as Jasmine and Eve take it as a sign to follow my lead. The three of us move in sync as the song continues. I get a little too into the song as a few minutes later I feel Jasmine’s hand remove itself from my hips and two, much larger, hands replace hers on either side of my hands.
“You two wouldn’t mind if I borrowed your friend for the night, would you?” 
My girls take a moment to look at me for reassurance in the response they’re going to give and I nod lightly as a sign of telling them I’ll be ok with her.
“Oh sure, Rhea. Take her home in the morning and don’t do any weird shit,” Jasmine says as she turns her attention to Eve.
“Call us if she starts acting up,” Eve says, sending a glare with her blue eyes to Rhea. I nod and feel Rhea pull me by my waist to the exit of the bar. We walk to her car slowly and in silence as the heels I chose to wear tonight start proving to be harder to walk in. Rhea quickly got impatient with my instability and swiftly lifted me up bridal style before making the rest of the walk to her car. She opens the door to her passenger seat and softly places me in the seat before closing the door and climbing in at the driver’s side.
“You’ve never done that before,” I say as she pulls out of her parking spot and makes her way to her house.
She looks at me briefly with confusion and says, “What do you mean, y/n?”
“You’ve never opened the car door for me. That’s a first.”
“Huh. I guess it is,” she says.
As I look around in her car I notice a bright pink hair tie on her wrist. Without thinking I point at it and say, “Where’d you get that? I like it. Might just get one.”
“Sweetness, this is yours. You left it at mine after you know what happened,” she says.
“Yeah. Oh,” a moment of silence passes before she says, “How have you been, sweetness. We haven’t spoken in a while.”
Fuck. There’s that Australian accent that I’ve never had the self-control to resist.
“Uh, um, I’ve been good. I mean, as good as a person can be after a break up. You know, I don’t think you should be calling me that,” I say.
“Calling you what, sweetness?” she asks.
“Sweetness. It does things to me.”
She chuckles lightly before she says, “It does things to you? Whatever could you be talking about, my love?”
I tilt my head back into the headrest of the car as I exhale deeply. “Don’t play dumb with me, Rhea. We both know you’re way smarter than that. Don’t act like you have no idea all the things you do to my body by simply being this close to me. This isn’t a good idea and  we know it isn’t.”
“But I’ve missed you,” was her only response.
“I know, Rhea. And I’ve missed you too. You know that,” I say.
As she parks in her driveway she turns to me and asks, “Then why did you leave me?”
I turn towards her and respond, “We weren’t good for each other. You know that. I know that. We were only pulling each other down by being together.”
She gives me a tight lipped smile before saying, “What do I need to do? I can be better, I promise I can. I know I wasn’t a good girlfriend in the past. I was a dick. We both know that, and even when you tried to make me feel secure in our relationship I still pushed you away and blamed you for all my insecurities. I just need the chance to prove that to you. I don’t think I can hand any more time away from you, baby. Take me back. Please?”
This is a side of Rhea I’ve never seen before, and I chose to proceed cautiously because of that. She has always had the ability to use her words to get what she wants from people. However, something in the way she was looking at me made me feel like she was being sincere and my heart couldn’t help but fall for her all over again.
“Fuck I missed you,” I say as I capture her lips with mine. The kiss started out softly but turned hard and passionate really quickly. Rhea held onto me extremely tightly as if she was afraid I’d vanish at any moment. Her hands travelled to my waist and squeezed tightly, earning a breathy whimper from my lips.
“Rhea,” I said in a moan as her lips found their way on my neck.
“Mhm, baby? Tell me what you need,” she said.
“Please take me your house and fuck me.”
“That I can definitely do for you, sweetness.”
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oneweirdbookaddict · 2 months
Are you still doing fic requests? I've always had this weird headcanon that Four eats four times as much as a normal person (cuz he's four people lol). What if he was too shy to tell the others that he eats the equivalent of half the team's food so he's starving himself? What if he and Wild were buffet buddies? The possibilities are endless! Feel free to go angst or fluff or humour, or to ignore my ask altogether! Love your work~
Hey fun fact this was supposed to be fluff 😂
I’m always doing requests! I love doing them, so if anyone has any I’d be thrilled to write it!
Thank you, lovely anon! I hope you like it!
1695 words, warnings for malnutrition? Kinda? Accidental but not really starving yourself? Eating issues? And one (1) very brief, undescribed mention of vomiting. Let me know if anyone wants me to add something!
Four hides it well, in the beginning.
When they’re still fresh in supplies, coming across towns on a regular basis, they’re in the woods where he can sneak off and find some berries or fruit if he’s lucky.
The others catch him snacking, and he shrugs it off as a personal preference to snack during the day instead of having full meals.
And it works.
For a while.
Until they stop coming across towns, they leave the safety of the woods, and they’re running low on supplies.
At first, he tries saving the food Wild makes from breakfast, stretching it and eating on the road until lunch, doing the same with his lunch, and then stretching out dinner until he goes to bed.
But then he’s aching with hunger all day.
So he tries eating the full meal, which… well, helps for a little bit. Then he’s starving again.
Either way, he’s practically starving himself.
He didn’t think the effects would be… this bad.
But he gets lightheaded, dizzy, any time he moves quickly he’s convinced he’s going to either pass out or throw up for a second.
Once, in the middle of the night, he woke up shaking uncontrollably. Blankets did nothing- he was shaking until his muscles ached and he was so nauseous.
Somehow, he’d managed to crawl out of his bedroll, stagger far enough away from camp to throw up his dinner, swear Hyrule to secrecy, and go back to sleep.
The others notice, of course. He must look terrible, he feels terrible, he’s so hungry, all the time, and the lack of proper nutrients to his body makes him exhausted.
They’re convinced he's sick- which… maybe he is. Technically. He’s not… healthy.
Wars always looks at him with an understanding glance when it comes up, never arguing with him.
Just always finds a way to sneak him an apple, or even an orange if they find a tree across the massive plains of Wild’s Hyrule.
So he’s not surprised, that when the awful shakiness comes back again, this time in the evening as they’re getting ready for bed, Wars knows what’s going on.
He’s leaning against a tree, ignoring the rumbling of his stomach, fighting to focus on the book in front of him.
His head keeps drooping, though, eyes falling shut, until he dips too much and jolts right back awake.
“Goddess, Smithy, just go to sleep. You’re clearly exhausted.” Legend jokes softly, sitting next to him.
His stomach growls. Loudly.
He doesn’t feel well.
“Hey, you hungry? Four?” Legend feels his forehead, arm wrapping around him when he groans softly.
Wars glances up at them, standing.
The veteran digs in his bag for a moment before sighing. “I’ve got nothing to eat.
Wars produces an orange from out of nowhere, peeling it and handing him a slice. “You alright? Just hungry?”
He accepts the orange, popping into his mouth with a shrug. “I… just feel… weird.”
Wars nods, handing him another couple slices. “I get that too. Low blood sugar- your body isn’t able to release enough glucose into your bloodstream, causing all sorts of adverse effects.”
He nods, finishing up the orange.
“Sugary foods help. Pretty much any fruit, juices, honey. Oranges are my go to.” The captain smiles gently, handing him a cup of water.
“Thank you.” He says quietly, already feeling a ton better.
Wars nods, patting his shoulder before moving away again. “I’m off to sleep, need anything else?”
He shakes his head, getting another smile.
“Alrighty, if you need anything, you can wake me up. I got another orange or two in my bag, too, if you need.”
“Thank you.” He says again, and gets a salute from his friend, making him smile.
He’s a nauseous, shaking mess the entire next day.
He manages a few bites of breakfast, giving up when he feels like puking and gives the rest to Legend.
When the shaking starts right before lunch is served, his heart sinks.
But he hands Wind his lunch with hopefully unnoticed shaking hands, the sailor accepting it without too much questioning.
They continue walking, after their lunch break, and he’s shaking so much he keeps stumbling.
The sun bears down on them, the day warm though there’s a nice breeze.
“Wild?” He manages, drawing unwanted attention to himself. Wars is already making his way toward him. “How long until we reach that stable?”
“If we go fast, we can make it tonight.” The champion says confidently.
“Are you alright?” Time asks, voice ever so steady.
“Just a bit lightheaded. I’m alright. We can keep going.”
Everyone just stares at him.
“I’m alright. I’m fine- not even dizzy. I swear. Wild said we needed to get going, let’s go.”
Though they’re concerned, the thought of a real bed and maybe a warm meal pushes them to accept his request and continue down the road.
“Do you need to eat something?” Wars asks softly, hand reaching out.
He bats it away, stomach growling as if on cue.
He feels his cheeks flush up to his ears, not meeting Wars’ eyes.
“He didn’t eat lunch.” Wind rats him out, frowning at him. He throws the sailor a scowl.
“Why not?” The captain asks immediately,
“He’s been shaking all day, too.” Hyrule points out softly.
“I’m fine. Really. Just-”
“Smithy, I need you to be honest.”
“Hungry. I’m hungry.” He sighs, fidgeting with his hands.
“Well… yeah, you skipped lunch, Four. Why’d you do that?”
“We don’t have enough to feed us all.” He mumbles, not looking at the captain. “I wanted Wind to eat.”
“And breakfast?” Legend asks with a raised eyebrow.
He doesn’t answer that one.
Wars gives him an oddly gentle look, reaching into his bag and sighing slowly. “I’m out of oranges.”
“I’m fine. Really.”
“Four, you’re really pale. You sure you’re just lightheaded?”
His feet drag, Legend gently wrapping an arm around him. “Easy, Smithy, you need to sit?”
“No- no, I’m fine-”
“I think your blood sugar is low again, buddy.” Wars says gently, taking his hand.
Feeling his pulse, he realizes.
He frowns up at the captain, pulling his hand back. “I’m fine.” He repeats for what feels like the hundredth time.
He gently pushes away from Legend, stumbling immediately, both the veteran and the captain jumping to steady him, and he sees the twin looks of concern before he hits the ground and passes out.
“Four, time to wake up, bud.”
Pain. Throbbing behind his eyes, skull pounding.
“You need to eat something, or the medic is gonna shove a tube up your nose to feed you. That’s going to be very unpleasant, Four.”
“Speaking from personal experience, yes. Very uncomfortable.”
Even with his eyes closed, he can tell it’s bright.
Painfully bright.
“Link, kiddo, we need you to open your eyes.”
A gentle hand in his hair.
He squints in the harsh light, eyes watering immediately.
“Hey… there ya are, you scared us pretty good, kid.”
He blinks, still squinting.
Eyes finally finding the rancher, who looks worried.
“ ‘m’nota kid.” He slurs out, hearing a small laugh.
“Yeah, he’s alright.”
“We’re gonna prop you up, can you drink some water for me? Wild’s making some food, we managed to find a deer to hunt for some stew.”
He obediently sips the cool water, the light slowly turning less painful.
“Small sips.” Wars reminds him gently, taking the cup away for a moment. “Eyes on me? Good.”
The captain eyes him, looking for something that he doesn’t care enough about to find it odd. He’s hungry and he’d like the water back.
“Four. Where are we, do you know?”
He blinks, wondering if this is a trick. “Wild’s world?”
A nod. “Remember what happened?”
“I… erm. Passed out.” He does remember that. Oops.
He tries to reach for the water Wars is still denying him, though the limb feels much too heavy to lift.
“Water?” He asks weakly, getting awarded another drink.
“Four, don’t chug it, you’re gonna make yourself sick.” Wars chastises him softly, taking the water again.
He makes a protesting noise that makes him sound like a child.
“Food’s almost ready, bud, can you wait a minute?”
His eyes flick to Twi, nodding.
Which makes his headache worse, slowly rubbing the bridge of his nose.
“How you feeling, Smithy?”
“Tired.” He mumbles honestly, leaning back against Twi’s chest. “Head hurts.”
“Hungry?” Wars asks gently. “When’s the last time you’ve eaten enough food to be sufficient?”
His eyes flick away despite himself.
“I need… more food to… suffice.”
Wars frowns.
“That’s why I had snacks all the time.” He explains, still looking at his knees. “Then… I ran out. And we got low on… everything, so-”
“You haven’t had enough food to suffice you in weeks?” Wars interrupts, giving him the water back when he reaches for it. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
He sighs slowly as the group all glances up at him.
“I didn’t… want to cause problems. We’re all hungry, making sacrifices.”
Wars nods understandingly, patting his knee awkwardly. “I understand.”
“He does.” Time agrees, shooting a glance at the captain with a small smile. “And you’re a hypocrite, Captain. You’ve skipped more meals than he has.”
“That was different!” Wars defends himself. “We were feeding an army, not nine people!”
Time raises an eyebrow.
Wars looks away, ears flushing.
“Ignore him. He’s lying.” The captain mutters, and he manages a shaky laugh.
“He’s not!” Wind calls, making the group laugh.
“Here, this is ready.” Wild says gently, approaching him with a bowl of stew. The look he gives is all too understanding.
“I had to eat a lot more than your average person after I woke up. Guess it was a side effect of not eating for a hundred years.” The champion says, though, pressing a bowl into his hands.
He nods, looking down at the food. “Thanks, Champion.”
“Anytime, Smithy. Now eat- you need it, man.”
“Goddess knows that right- there’s no way you weigh any more than forty five kilograms.” Wars chimes back in with a grin.
He has to smile, rolling his eyes as he takes a bite.
Thanks for reading! Any interaction is appreciated :)
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angellettes · 1 year
─ synopsis. based on the song "awkward" by SZA; Ethan and you are best friends but friends with benefits too. some specific words comes out that makes it a bit awkward
─ notes. didn't think this would get sm attention i luv u guys♡ genre/warnings..18+ nsfw content (minors dni).. mutual pining, best friends with benefits to lovers, oral(f receiving),handjob(but it's kinda interrupted), fluffy smut, tons of kisses, creampie, cowgirl, porn with plot, non gf! ethan because we all know how that went, fluffy ending, not proofread
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Loud music blasted throughout your ears as you walked around, looking for your best friend. It was halloween night and you were moderately drunk with the haze of the alcohol taking over, you decided to look for Ethan to mellow out, and just have a conversation with a decent person instead of some douchebag frat boy who was trying to get in your pants and take advantage of you being tipsy. You had to admit you were pissed with the guys here, and you couldn't find Ethan. you were contemplating on leaving and just going home to watch a scary movie until you fall asleep, until you heard your name being called. You whipped your head around to see who was calling you, only to see your friend who you had been searching around for what felt like forever. "There you are I was looking for you." you said with an inflection in your voice, expressing your twinge of annoying of not being able to find him. "Yeah, sorry about that. Chad was holding me up this whole time. He kept trying to get me to hit on some girl, but I wasn't very interested." of course Chad would do that. You looked at him trying to cover up the slight jealousy you felt, even though he hadn't talked to her, the idea makes you sick. "Hey Y/N, are you ok?" you snapped out of your thoughts, and looked at him giving him your attention. "Oh yeah I'm good. I feel a little tired I might go home." his eyes widened a bit and although it was dark in the room and the only see the dim colorful lighting surrounding you, you could still somehow see his blush spreading actually his face."Do you mind if I walk you home" "yeah sure, I would like that" you replied with a smile. you both walked together talking while walking to your apartment. The conversation flowing freely as the sound of cars pass by and the chilly autumn air runs through your hair. The vibe is comfortable and nice, and you really don't want it to end. You finally get to your apartment and ethan gives you a hug goodbye. You quickly stopped him before he walked away. "Ethan wait!" he turns around and looked at you wondering what you wanted. "can you please stay? you can spend the night if you want" you say tugging at the sleeves of your sweater nervously with a rosy flush on your face. He looks at you with a look of adoration in his eyes, and that same pink flush on his cheeks. "Yeah, I would like to, that would be nice" he says walking up the stairs to get to the door. he approached you at the door with a smile. you let him in, and left him to get comfortable in the living room so you can change after giving him clothes he left last time he was there. as you were going to change you looked into the mirror, thinking about why you were thinking of sleeping with you best friend again. It was hurting you being best friends with him, being friends with benefits, and also having strong feelings. You wished you could tell him how you felt but things were complicated. You and Ethan had been best friends since middle school, always being there for each other, always stuck at each other's hip. One drunk night led to several Rendezvous for sex but it got more difficult with the intimate meetings making the feelings you had for him since middle school. You didn't want to ruin such a precious bond. if he doesn't feel the same way because if you messed it up you would hate yourself for it. You finally snapped out of it and got dressed into sleep clothes, and washed your face of all the stressors, and dirt of the day. You walked into your room to get blankets, and saw Ethan looking as if he was admiring the decor of your room. He turned around to see you there jumping a little. Stuttering over his words as he tried to explain himself "S-sorry I-I-I was just looking at- I like the way your room looks" he said. You let out a laugh at his stutter and let him know it's fine. You both walked back to the living room with blankets and pillows. "Hey Y/N, I'll sleep in the living room" he said as he started getting comfortable on the couch" you looked at him with a grin on your face as you got comfortable with him.
"you know what? let's have a sleepover here in the living room, and just stay up all night eating, talking, watching movies, stuff like that, you know?". You put on a stab movie but you guys weren't even really paying attention because you were both talking the whole time about random stuff. You both started talking about music and what artists you both liked "what's your favorite song right now?" he asked with a smile that hasn't left his face the entire time he was there. "my favorite song right now is awkward by SZA but I'm also like obsessed with any cigarettes after sex song lately" you said with a small smile. You enjoyed his company, when he talked about his interests, and classes. Just him being around was your favorite thing. "Hey, let's listen to some music" The TV had been long turned off throughout your conversation. he played his playlist. The first song that played was Awkward by SZA....This is the song you think of when you thought of Ethan. The song that describes your feelings. you tried to cover your blush with the blanket as you cuddled closer to him and you looked at eachother. next thing you knew he was leaning in closer....and you were too.
this is deeper than friendship
The line echoes through the room as your lips met eachother. He leaned you back onto the couch, as you kissed. His kisses almost felt loving but maybe it was your own delusion. He looked at you asking you for permission. you nod as his gentle father kisses trailed down to your neck and behind your ear. You took off your clothes as he took his off as well. He trailed his kisses farther ,kissing and kneading the fat of your tummy with such gentleness and fervor. He kissed your thighs gently, holding your thighs apart wrapping his arms around them gently squeezing occasionally as he licked a stripe up the lips your pussy. Gently kissing and running his tongue along your clit, as your fingers met his dark chesnut curls running it between your fingers. Your pleasure running through your body with gasps, and light moans escaping your mouth. He let out a deep moan into your pussy, as he grinded his hard cock into the couch, just trying to get some type of friction. His saliva and your wetness dripping down your ass and onto the couch, as your fingers grasp his hair a little harder as your chest heaves, gasps leaving your mouth with moans as you moan and cum all over his tongue. He sits up about to put his pants back on but you stop him. You let a fat glob of saliva dripping from your mouth onto his cock. You stared up at him as you rubbed your fist up and down his cock, rubbing your thumb over the tip as you went up over the top. he let's out a deep moan with some words you never thought would come from his mouth "fuck, I love you so much " your stroking stops. and you stare at him with shock in his face. He looks at you finally realizing what he just said and you saw how he started getting soft probably from the fear of you reaction. He starts putting his clothes back on and covers up. "Sorry, I made it awkward" you let him know it's ok but he doesn't seem to be convinced. "I'm just gonna go". you start to panic at those words. "wait no Ethan please don't go!" you shout as you grab his wrist trying to stop him from leaving. "at least stay here and sleep" you look at him with doe eyes as if you're begging him to stay "alright" he puts his stuff back down and gets back on the couch. The silence is loud but you'll reassure him in the morning and ask for his true feeling to see if those words weren't just from the heat of the moment.
The sunlight of the morning shined through the curtains as you woke up realizing you were alone on the couch. He left before you could wake up. You eyes start to dribble tears as you felt his words were only from the heat of the moment. He was Your best friend and he cared about you, you knew that but these flings meant nothing. you weren't anything to him besides a friend, and you would never be anything more than that.
The first few days after that in class he just wouldn't talk to you but as days were going by he distanced himself even more. hanging out with different people, sitting at different seats, not even texting you good morning or good night anymore...You lost your best friend just like how you were avoiding.
This distance between you both was making you insane. After days and days of crying until you got a massive headache and your eyes became bloodshot red, you finally grew the confidence to do it. You were going to tell him your feelings. You got dressed in something nice but casual quickly and stormed out of your dorm in a hurry. You quickly jogged down the street to get to his dorm. As you finally got to his dorm you knocked on the door rapidly. His roommate, Chad opens the door. "Oh hey Y/N, If you're looking for Ethan I'm already leaving anyway" he said with that big toothy smile. "Ethan Y/N is here for you!" he yells out to Ethan before leaving. Ethan starts walking to the door to greet you. His eyes are red as if he's been crying. "what are you doing here?" he asks with a congested voice. "I needed to come and see you. This distance is driving me crazy. I just wanted to say some things and get clarity on the other night" His eyes widened a bit. He opens the door wider to let you in, with that look of slight sadness still on his face. He closes the door behind him as you got comfortable on the couch. "Listen Ethan, I'm sorry I didn't respond to what you said the other night. I was shocked, and nervous. Truth is that I have had feelings for you ever since middle school. You were always there for me and I never told you because I don't want ruin what we had. you're my best friend, and if this was how I lost you then I would hate myself forever. I'd rather lose you telling the truth than lose you to a miscommunication of words." He sits with you and looks you in the eyes. There's that look again, The look of adoration and admiration.The look that you always looked past but now realize maybe it was genuine. "Y/N, the words I said the other night slipped out during the heat of the moment but they were genuine. If I had the chance to had told you how I felt without all this distance it would've been better but I didn't want to ruin what we had either. The feelings I've had for you have always been there and I never was true to myself about them because we're best friends and we were just having sex with no strings attached. I was too embarrassed to face you after that though. I mean how could I face you after the way you stared, it just scared me. I'm sorry for not explaining why I wasn't talking to you." you stared at him with a slight smile. Your eyes were tearing up. He leaned in to hug you and you hugged back, with a smile on your. You laughed a bit as you wiped your tears."Can I Kiss you, and hopefully show you in other ways my feelings, to make it up to you?". There was so much sincerity, and emotion in his eyes, emotions you don't even think you've ever noticed. You nod your head, almost immediately being pushed onto the couch as he presses his lips against yours with fervor, and love. Kisses become more desperate, and you quickly flip him over beneath you. You start removing your clothes and his, lips still connected as he ran his hands along your skin. He kissed down your chest and stopped at your nipples sucking them into his mouth gently as your fingers ran through his curls and sighs left your mouth as you kissed his neck. "Please Y/N just let me inside. I need you" he whimpers out to you, looking you in the eyes with love and passion. As you slipped him in, you shuddered with pleasure. He let's out a loud, whiny moan as he thrusts up into you, kissing you as he thrusts in and out with your hips rocking back and forth to meet him. "Oh my God Y/N I love you so much! please, please, cum with me" he says with desperation forming in his voice as that tight, contracting, feeling builds up in your abdomen, getting ready to release. "Ethan please cum inside me" you say hugging onto his shoulders, whispering into his neck how you oh so badly wanted him to cum inside. He thrusted up harder and faster, the only sounds heard in the room being, wet skin slapping, and both your moans and whines. He grabs your face, turning you to look him in the eyes as you both cum.
His mouth goes agape as he makes a few more strong thrusts into you, before pushing his hips up into you and holding them there as his hot, warm, cum fills you up. Your eyes roll back and you shudder as a loud moans escaping as a final strained moan cums out before you gush all over him. You take a moment to take a breath before you're both looking eachother in the eyes, laughing together as you press your foreheads together. "So Ethan, are you hungry?" you ask with a grin on your face, until you both burst out laughing at a loud growl coming from your stomach. "Yeah, we should go get something to eat" with chuckles in his sentence. You sighed again as you pressed your forehead against his once again, giving him a long passionate kiss. Your fingers running up his neck and caressing his cheek, as his hand gives a soft, gentle, loving grasp on your neck rubbing his thumb along your jaw as your lips form together, fitting perfectly together.
"I love you Ethan Landry"
"I love you Y/N L/N"
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please do not plagiarize, translate,or repost my work.
finished- April 1, 2023 , 4:05 PM
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ovaryacted · 6 months
(Tw:pregnancy, labor & delivery)
Ok first things first. You tell him you’re expecting a lil’ baby, he 1) cries. And 2) panics because he doesn’t know if he’ll be a good father and 3) ultra panics because he deals with bioweapons, mutant causing viruses and other biological nightmares, what if that shit passes onto his kid???
Dude is WIRED for weeks until he finds out that the baby is healthy. No weird biological mutations at all. Just a baby. (Side note, kinda sad, he misses the first ultrasound photo because of a mission and probably cries)
When you start showing a baby bump, he absolutely gets thrown in love all over again. He always loves his s/o but something about seeing them round with HIS baby just flips a switch in his head.
First time he feels baby kick? He’s amazed. He’s never felt anything like it. He’ll start kissing your baby bump and probably crying. (I can imagine he cries a lot during your pregnancy. Probably more emotional than you tbh)
When you go into labor, he does a good job at pretending to be calm. He’s internally screaming, panicking and feels sick the entire time, but he doesn’t show it. He holds your hand and lets you squeeze it as much as you need. The dudes been shot, stabbed and smacked by monsters, he probably doesn’t even feel it if you crack a finger.
When he hears his babies first cries, he lets out the shakiest, sob and laugh ever. It’s a noise of relief, pent up fear, and happiness all at once. The sight of the baby getting put on your chest is permanently seared into his mind. I’m talking core memory.
And when he gets to hold his baby, another core memory is created. Seeing their lil nose. Their lil face. Hearing their lil cries. Again, he cries too.
Leon demands paternity. At least a month to be with his s/o and child. What’s the government gonna do? Fire him? He’s one of their, if not, THE best agent they got. They fire him, they’re down a fucking legend.
I’m gonna say, I feel like Leon is so….in a honeymoon phase, he completely disregards himself for you and the baby. You need to sleep and heal after giving birth, so Leon takes 100% care of the baby until you’re physically able to. The problem? He forgets to sleep at all, and damn near passes out after like, day 4.
He catches himself, so the baby ain’t hurt, but the dumbass at first goes “man….i need to sit down. Maybe get some water” but the moment he sits down he clocks the fuck out.
The baby cries and he wakes up again, but this time, it’s you holding the baby, cooing and soothing them. The sight alone makes him emotional again.
I just have a lot of feelings about dad Leon.
-angsty anon (enjoy another thesis)
AWEE YES DAD LEON THOUGHTS! I know you sent me this a little while ago but I still wanted to answer because I absolutely love thinking about Leon becoming a father and how devoted and protective he becomes. Bye, I'm going to cry.
Leon gives me the impression that he will be anxious throughout his partner's pregnancy. He'll become more overprotective if he isn't already, and the hovering habits will start to show very early on. He'll be attentive to your needs, but will almost smother you out of concern. Asking about whether or not you took your vitamins, if you slept enough, if you needed something from the store, if your cravings were satisfied.
Sometimes it does annoy you, but it's really just the influx of hormones pumping through your body. You reassure him constantly, reminding him that he's a good partner and he's doing enough, and you know his worrying is a good thing because it means he cares that much.
I also see him wanting to be nearby constantly, like a shadow, and Leon is just always there. He doesn't let you do any of the labor at home, he wants you to focus on sleeping, eating well, and being healthy. The last thing he needs is for you to be stressed out or unhappy because he knows that isn't good for the baby, and he also doesn't want to piss you off because he's been warned about how cranky a pregnancy can make someone. He does the laundry, cooks, cleans, helps you out with your nesting and always has a reassuring hand somewhere on your body, mostly on your lower back.
He's there at every appointment no matter what, he's not missing it for a second. But if it's really a hassle and he has to go on a mission, which you support and fully understand, he'll tell Hunnigan to keep a close eye on you or for a close friend to go with you during your appointment. He just wants to make sure you're not entirely alone.
Once your belly expands and his T-shirts no longer cover most of your body, Leon is all over you. There's something about seeing you so full, waddling into the kitchen and looking into the fridge for a snack that makes him smile and happy. He's also the type to always want to have a hand on your belly, even in his sleep, and likes to run his thumb over the dark line that goes all the way down your abdomen. I like having this headcanon that whenever the baby moves too much and is kind of giving you a hard time, he puts a soft hand over your stomach and gently talks to them until they calm down. Leon has this natural calming presence that is very much needed during your pregnancy, and you tease him about how your baby will be attached to him the moment they're born.
But oh the moment you go into labor? It's all hands on deck. He's been prepping for this, reading books on pregnancy and childbirth, wanting to be your rock in the process but when you tell him your water broke, his mind doesn't work. He'll be the type to say "Don't panic!" as he's panicking and you have to remind him to take the hospital bag he's prepared months in advance.
The birth itself is a harsh and grueling process, but Leon helps you see it all the way through. He does not leave that hospital room, doesn't let the nurses kick him out, and stands his ground as your advocate. You're both scared at the thought of welcoming a whole new life into this world, and he's right next to you, holding your hand and whispering words of encouragement and praise in your ear.
Leon hates seeing you scared, hates seeing you hurt, but it really is all worth it the moment he hears that shriek of a baby's cry fill the room. It's the most beautiful thing he's heard, he doesn't care if the high pitch of the violent scream makes his ears hurt. For the first time in months, he feels like he can breathe again.
Seeing this bundle of joy all wrapped up in a pink blanket and pink beanie makes him cry, that new baby scent he's heard so much about before fills his nose and his chest aches from so much love. He doesn't need to verbally tell you that he's proud of you, that he's happy, that he loves you. It's written all over his face and from the way he can't seem to take his eyes off his daughter, he knows what this different kind of love feels like.
Leon Kennedy is a selfless guy, and every time he glances at his baby, he sometimes sees flashes of Sherry when she was younger or even Ashley when he went to go save her in Spain. It's not necessarily a bad thing, but that same urge to protect this life with every fiber of his being comes in full force.
He thinks he develops a new level of fear and paranoia, taking over damn near every duty that was involved in raising a child. He wants to help you recover, allowing you to get your sleep and your physical strength back as he takes care of your baby girl.
He does everything at the expense of his physical health. He can't sleep most of the time and wants to be ready for when his daughter cries at 2 am until his lack of sleep starts to beat his ass after two weeks. Sure, he's on parental leave to help you out and to bond with his child, but you often find him fast asleep in the rocking chair, neck craned at an awkward angle that will irritate him later on. You come towards him and wake him up, his body jolting awake and ready for whatever threat comes his way until he blinks and sees you.
"Is she okay?", he says groggily, dark circles around his eyes and his hair an unruly mess. It was sweet seeing how the first thing he wondered about when he woke up was his daughter.
"Yeah, she's alright, still asleep. You should go to bed baby, I can watch her", you tried to get it through to Leon that he needs to rest too, not just you and your child.
"I could use a nap", he caves, standing up with a groan and rubbing the back of his neck the way you expected him to. Despite being half asleep, he gives you a sweet kiss on the lips and walks out of the nursey. "Wake me up if you need me", he mumbles before leaving the room entirely.
You don't wake him up, not for a couple of hours at least so the migraine that's pulsing in his head wears off. Leon doesn't care if his body goes on complete shutdown, anything you both need, he'll be there ready to do whatever is necessary to make your family dynamic function.
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base0h · 1 year
If you were in the hospital
a/n - I’m in the hospital so this is absolutely perfect 💪 kinda self indulgent sorry
Warnings ⚠️ - g/n reader, sick reader, modern au, I bully kidd even when I’m sick (don’t worry I’m not too sick to bully him)
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- this asshole wouldn’t fit through the damn doorway 💀 and he would be the person the other patients were complaining about
- “Um. Nurse? There’s this red haired guy who threatened to kill me earlier?” -random innocent person
- jokes aside, he would stay with you and get you whatever you need. Aggressively.
- “Hey Kidd, I need some water.”
- “Kidd! Ask nicely-!”
- poor you 😭
- he would try and sleep with you on the bed but his fat ass can’t fit 💀 bro is too big for that
- he would also invite killer if that’s ok with you, killer is a better caretaker than him obviously
- he would be helping the nurses politely and making sure you were comfortable
- Kidd would literally threaten the doctor to come and check on you or else he’d kill his family 😭😭😭😭 pls save this doctor
- when the room gets super quiet, he’d ask the literal most random ass questions so it doesn’t get awkward but it gets more awkward after he asks them
- “Does your ass itch? Mine does.”
- “WTF KIDD?!”
- 💀💀💀💀
- He snores really loud so you’re probably not going to sleep very well, but knowing he’s there with you is comforting at least
- bro wakes up the other patients in other rooms 💀
- if Kidd is there, killer’s there too- they’re inseparable and also Kidd would die if killer and you weren’t there trying to keep this dumbass alive
- killer would be telling Kidd to shut up every five seconds as he should
- all in all, a 0/10 hospital experience, but a 10/10 emotional support experience 👍
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- let’s just say this time, he’s not your doctor
- trust me, he’d be there before you even arrive in the ambulance 💀 he has everything you need
- changes of clothes, your favorite blankets, water bottles, stuffed animals, movies, literally everything
- he’d be the one who’s talking with the nurses and telling them what to do 😭 the poor doctor became his subordinate
- it got kind of annoying, but he asks a TON of questions almost every minute or so
- “Are you feeling nauseated?”
- “Dizzy?”
- “Do you need to go to the bathroom?”
- “What’s your name, and where are you right now?”
- yeah he’s just worried, go along with it
- he’s the type of guy to literally never leave and just stare at you the entire time, it’s creepy
- “Law, you staring at me is not helping.”
- “I- wha-?! Fine. I’m just worried y/n.”
- “Okok! Sorry- you can stare at me- don’t sulk and turn emo in the corner!”
- “I’m not EMO!”
- “Yeah you kinda are.”
- Law is the definition of emo 💀 he can’t lie about it, and he can’t hide it, it’s just natural
- even if you don’t want to, he’s going to help you walk around the hospital room, just to keep the blood flow going
- he knows that even though you’re not supposed to move around a lot, walking a little bit is good
- law will not sleep at all- he will continue to stare at you as you sleep, it’s creepy 😭
- literally law: 👁️ _ 👁️
- it’s amazing how you were able to sleep with him staring through your soul, I commend you for that
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- my man is THE WORST when it comes to you getting sick
- he looks everything up on google and gets the worst results
- “S/o has a horrible stomachache.”
- “Cancer.” -google
- “S/o feels dizzy.”
- “Cancer.” -google
- oml poor ace 😭
- he rushed you to the ER, and almost crashed into 80 cars on the way 💀
- trust me, they moved out of the way
- the doctors hate him because he thinks you have some crazy disease when in reality you just have a really bad flu
- “I’m telling you! It’s appendicitis!”
- “Sir- it’s the flu- please calm down.”
- “I’M CALM.”
- no he’s not 😭
- very confused by the machines
- “Ace. It’s an IV. It’s so I don’t get dehydrated.”
- called sabo and started freaking out to him 💀
- “Ace I’m sure y/n is not dying. Calm down.”
- you sure abt that ace?
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- I can confirm that he is never calm when it comes to your health and safety
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- he wouldn’t know what to do, but he’d follow you and stay with you for the entire time, so don’t worry about that
- he’s like law, and would stare at you literally every second that you’re there
- “Zoro you don’t have to stare.”
- “I dunno- what if you start having a stroke?!”
- my guy doesn’t know that you’re not an old, senile elderly person 💀
- he would fall asleep on you while holding your hand, since he’s been so worried, it kind of exhausts him
- it’s adorable though
- he snores, but it’s cute that he fell asleep holding your hand just tight enough to let you know he’s there with you 💜
- if you ever needed help getting some water, a heat pack for your stomach, or literally anything? He’s got you covered
- but if he has to leave your room for it he might not come back. Ever.
- as you were watching tv about some crash a couple miles away, you saw a green haired guy in the background that looked oddly familiar
- he seemed to be buying a water from a vending machine
- when he turned around you almost broke the tv remote in half
- “ZORO?!”
- nah this idiot 💀 y/n I suggest you put some kind of leash on him
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a/n - zoro needs to eat the gps gps no mi 😭
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crushedsweets · 10 months
How would the other pastas/proxies react if Toby died during a mission?
Writing on my phone in the car 10 mins before my shift forgive me… finished during my lunch break…
Tim would try really really fucking hard to pretend he doesn’t care all that much. He’s already lost plenty of friends/colleagues (directly or indirectly) to the operator and slenderman, and he always treated Toby like he was a pain in the ass, but like. Him and Brian took Toby in when he was just 17-18, he tried to make him a better man, the two of them have done abhorrent shit together and had to return to the cabin like nothing happened. He’d cry, spend long hours thinking about Toby, thinking about how much of a dick he was to the kid. But he’s strong . Kinda
Brian wouldn’t try to pretend he doesn’t care, although he is in a very similar boat to Tim. Took him in, guided him, hurt him - he would probably be the one to set up a grave of some sort for Toby, whether or not they even have his body to bury. The rest of them wouldn’t be able to do it
It’s possible that Kate wouldn’t even find out for a long fucking while. But she would cry, and mourn, and she would start going back to the cabin and she would sleep in the attic (Toby’s room) and it would be shitty. Toby was the only proxy to treat her like a person and they were both outcasts in their own right, both being the closest to perfect vessels slenderman/the operator could get . So it would suck ass.
I think Natalie would just die too. Ok not really but he was the first person to really just. Take care of her. And she really trusted that he would never ever leave her, not like everyone else . She would be angry, pissed beyond belief and she would cry and scream and throw around any of the gifts he’s ever gotten her and smash some shit he’s made her - and it wouldn’t be fair, and she would regret it, and hopefully someone would be there to pull her back before she legitimately fucks it all up, but she can’t get rid of that anger. Like Kate, she would go to the cabin. Being there too long gets her really bad slender sickness, she’s not immune like the others, but she doesn’t really care. Everything hurt so bad anyway, the screaming and crying already brought her nausea and migraines. Her and Kate would just silently lounge around his bedroom for hours everyday. Natalie is a tattoo artist with little to no tattoos bc commitment issues is a big thing for her, but she would get a little something to honor Toby
Jack would mourn . Toby used to bring flowers to his mom for Mother’s Day, because Jack couldn’t bare to be in a 10 mile radius of his family. He would try to host something for people, just invite them over and make some food and try to talk and have comfort. Only Natalie and Nina would come by choice, not because the rest don’t care but it’s just something they can’t handle to do. Kate might get dragged along. It would be painful and uncomfortable and probably just result in an argument of sorts, depending on how far along Natalie is in the grieving process . He would visit the grave Brian made for toby quite often.
Nina would be constantly crying, all the time. She’s had shitty men after shitty men in her life, the only good guys she’s had were her father and brother and she went ahead and left them behind to go seek out Jeff - but Toby was good(to a point, obviously). He was rough around the edges but he was protective, he took care of her, he defended her even if she didn’t deserve it. She and Natalie would probably have a few intense arguments because they’re two sides of the same coin in their grieving , with Natalie having constant explosive anger and Nina having long, drawn out grieving and sobbing. It would be a bit much for both of them. She would mope around her apartment for a long while.
BEN would also be pretty sad, but not nearly as much as the rest. He would talk it out with Jeff but wouldn’t cry, wouldn’t mourn , would just keep going. Jeff wouldn’t give a shit, would say it was bound to happen and to move on
Ann and Lulu would be pretty bummed out too, but Ann moves on pretty quickly. For Ann it’s more so a sad “Aw but he was fun”… lulu is too lost in her own head to spend too much time on it, but she’s undeniably sad when she’s reminded
Sally would also be sad, but similarly to BEN, she would move on. Cry to Jane about it and cope. Jane would think it’s sad, but she wouldn’t dwell on it either - she wasn’t close to him, she only knew him in passing whenever Sally got lost in the forest.
Liu doesn’t know Toby well so he wouldn’t think much, but Nina would cry to Liu about it a lot and it would be pretty depressing for him too. Just by watching how it affects Nina
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Guess's on How Sasappis died.
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Sasappis is the last ghost for us to learn his death. Sass is very private (undead) person, and we have been given no real/clear hints to his death. His ghost power (To enter into the dreams of the livings) could easily correlate to him being a story teller, and not necisarly "He died in his sleep, after catching a sever fever, that also caused him to have very strange dreams. Note I do not believe that Sass died of a fever. They would have incorporated some sign of it into his character. He would be more tired, feel more cold, possibly have a "unexplainable sweating problem". He also does not have any vibsiable gaping wounds, like Pete, Flower, or Stephanie, so that rules out death by attacker. So the question is how did Sass die
Now he could have died of some kind of sickness, but I do not think it is very likely. For one thing he is implied to have had a sudden death, just days before an important tribal ceremony he was planning/supposed to take part in. Correct me if I am wrong, but wouldn't most sickness take a period of weeks, months, years to do him in. A second thing again he isn't really sickly in the the show. All the cholera ghosts are flushed and still hacking. Issac will sneeze and mention stomach pains. But Sass seems fine, so if he has any kind of sickness then he has been masking it for 500 years. That is really sad.
He also could have could died if he went walk in the woods one night and fell from a cliff or out of a tree... but if that happened well that is kinda anti-climactic for how long we had to wait. I would rate that on the same scale as Thorfinn dying because he went walking with his helmet, through a storm and was struck by lightening. It is just a case of him not being as careful as he should have been. Not nearly an impressive follow up to Alberta or Hetty's more recently revealed deaths.... But you could make it more sad. Sass and his crush Shiki are implied to have died in the same year. Sass says that when they were alive, he was ghosted by Shiki after gifting a freshly killed deer to her family, as a jester of love. What if that was because Shiki actually went missing (i.e. died) shortly after, and Sass went out to search for her?
Another death I have considered was a food related one. A detail of Sass's character is is the most in love with food smells (the closest they can come to eating) of all the ghosts. He hangs out in the kitchen whenever Jay is cooking, consistently begs Sam and Jay to cook more of his favorite smelling food: pepperoni pizza, and I am honestly half expecting him to move into the barn once Jay's restaurant opens... What if Sass's love of food is actually a hint at his death? Maybe he had an allergy and accidentally ate something he was not supposed to? Or, maybe he had diabetes or some other dietary need, a crop or the meat from a particular animal, and Sass died when it was wiped out or disappeared. With so many people in the U.S. having dietary issues, and the countries known love of food, I could see the show choosing to write an episode on dietary importance, and the need for people from all walks of life to have access to healthy food.
My finale theory is one I have actually gotten off Tumblr, from the people who are fans of both the CBS and BBC series. Some people are suggesting Sass got bit by a poison snake or something and died from the poison venom. The puncture marks are small enough for Sass to be able to conceal with his clothing. Apparently something of the similar nature happened to BBC's Kitty? And I actually know a really good way to blend that into Sass's personality and a possible reason for why he became a ghost. Sass as mentioned loves stories and is a gifted story teller. But also as mentioned he is very private person who gets nervous about speaking in front of crowds. A week before the tribes festival Sass's father gave him an eagle's feather, which was believed to help bring confidence and courage. But what if Sass was still nervous/afraid afterwards. What as the days got closer got more more nervous/afraid, until he decided to do something reckless and stupid, to prove to himself that he could be brave. Something like walking through a more dangerous (poison animal infested) part of valley, telling himself "If I can brave this I will have no reason to be afraid of anything anymore". While that would not be the most exciting death, it would be very tragic, and it could set up "Overcoming the fears he had as a living", all of them, as Sass's unfinished business. Essentially, he would need to become a more rounded and confident person. Note that seems to also be Pete's unfinished business. Sass and Pete are roommates, and we have had at least a few really nice episodes exploring their relationship. It would be really cool if that continued to him and Pete having to teach themselves the same thing, but in different ways.
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fxchild · 10 months
The Switch
Miles Fairchild x fem!reader
Chapter nine: Make you stay.
Miles pov
I think it's been one- no. Two weeks, since Y/n had that.. encounter? It's not like we had sex or anything but I definitely didn't expect to make out on her bed until Flora came banging on her door complaining about a nightmare, while Y/n forced me to hide under her damn bed on the cold floor for half an hour while she made sure Flora went to sleep and didn't bother us again. I was kinda glad we got interrupted if I'm being honest. Even though Y/n pounced on me like a lion to a gazelle, she seemed pretty nervous whenever I kissed her too hard or if I touched her leg. Believe it or not things have been even more awkward than before when we were constantly nipping at each other and now I'm starting to miss the fighting more than the dry tension in the room.
Anyways, I've got about fourteen days to make things less awkward and for her to stay with us for the summer. I heard her talking on the phone a few days back, thinking about taking up a different job in California. Her teacher recommended it or some shit, get into a better college. She's not going to Harvard I know that for sure.
Something that's been pissing me off is that Quint has been messing with her head so now she sleeps with the door off and the lamp lights on. I asked him to lay off but it's not doing much. I've been trying to sneak in to make sure he's not fucking with her in her sleep or anything. She's only sixteen like me after all, he shouldn't be messing with kids our age, especially the ones I want to stay.
Uhm, another thing is that I've been out of it for a day or two. Like my throat is pretty dry and I've had a wicked headache. I swear to god if I wake up tomorrow with a cold I'm gonna be pissed.
Your pov
It's been about two weeks since Miles and I had that half-assed hookup. Ever since then it's been so awkward. We can't even speak to each other now for more than two sentences before getting freaked out and forgetting what we were talking about. I mean, it's easier to focus on Flora and her work, but at the same time it's boring without being able to pick a fight with Miles. I miss our back and forth bickering because at least it kept us talking and occupied. I have fifteen days before I go back home for the summer, I really wanted to stay but I've gotten more job offerings in new places and I want to go out and explore. Plus, spending the summer in some creepy ass house, with a boy who can't even be in the same room as me for five minutes doesn't seem like the ideal summer. I feel bad for leaving Flora, and I guess Miles because they are all alone with Ms. Grose, who is lucky if she can live another four years. But I need to put myself first, that's what's important. I just wish Miles would talk to me before I leave, because even though we snap at each other, he's been growing on me. I'm not saying I like his stuck up asshole personality but I see how he is with Flora and I sometimes wish he could be able to open up to me like that.
This morning I woke up to the sound of projectile vomiting. I figured it was coming from Flora's room since she ate a lot of chocolate last night. I ran to her room to check on her to find her still asleep in her bed. Then I realized that the puking and groaning was coming from Miles room. I debated on leaving him there to take care of himself since he thinks he's grown and can take care of himself but then I remembered the time I was drunk. The way he drove me home at 2am and stayed outside my door all night in case I felt sick again. I walked into his room and knocked on his closed bathroom door.
"Miles, it's just me. I'm gonna come in okay?" I say as I hear him groan and spit into the toilet. I open the door to see his face almost glued to the toilet bowl, gasping and throwing up. I sit next to him and rub his back, grabbing a few sheets of toilet paper so he can wipe his mouth when he's done. "Get it all out, that's it.." I whisper to him as he continues to gag.
When he finishes he grabs the toilet paper from my hand and wipes his mouth, flushing the toilet. I let him sit on the floor with his back pressed against the wall for a moment as I grab a washcloth, drenching it in cold water. I put it on the back of his neck as he tries to stand up. He walks over to me where I'm putting toothpaste on his toothbrush and handing it to him.
"Make sure to brush your tongue too." I put the cap back on his toothpaste. "I'm gonna get you a new shirt, there's a little bit of puke on it." I point to the spot on his shirt. I walk out of his room and open his closet, looking for an old shirt in the piles on the floor. Miles walks back into the room and curls up on his mattress with his washcloth in his hands. I didn't even realize he came back into the room until he spoke up and groaned.
"Jesus it's fucking freezing in here.." I turned around to see him shirtless, breathing heavily and laying down. I grab a random green shirt and walk over to his mattress.
"No Miles, sit up you have to let your stomach settle for a bit." I prop his pillows against the wall and help him sit up a bit. I let him put his new shirt on and pulled the covers up to his waist. I felt his forehead and winced at his temperature. "Miles, you're really hot." I sighed and bit my bottom lip trying to think of how to take care of him.
He let out a chuckle and wrapped a hand over his stomach. "I'm hot? Thanks.." I frown at him since this isn't something to be joking about. "Not funny." I say with pursed lips and put the washcloth on his forehead.
"I'm gonna go to the store to get you some medicine. Flora used it the last time she was sick. Do you want me to pick you up something?" I put my hands on my hips and waited for his response.
He sat there for a second to think, "Am I even allowed to eat anything? Like I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to eat when you're sick." He tilted his head, squinting his eyes.
"You're allowed to eat Miles but only if you feel up for it. I can pick you up some grits, or popsicles? Do you sound up for that when you get your appetite back?" I rub the back of my neck, giving him a sympathetic look.
"I'm not hungry..I-I don't care okay? I'll be fine by tomorrow." He shakes his head and waves his hand in the air.
"Okay, well I'm still going to the store because I'm not putting up with your whining later. I'll be back in an hour okay?" I shrug and ruffle his hair lightly before trying to smack my hands away.
I brush my teeth, grab my keys and put on some slippers. I head out to the car to start for the store.
Miles pov
She couldn't have taken any fucking longer to get back from the store could she? I'm sitting in my bed, trying my best for an hour to hold my stomach until she comes back but it's getting too painful. I ran to the bathroom throwing up nothing but stomach acid. I was panting and almost crying from the pain, it felt like my stomach was twisting. Y/n hears me gagging and rushes into the bathroom to rub my back and hold back my hair. When I'm done, there's tears in my eyes from the pain and she gives me this stupid sad look like she feels sorry for me or some dumb shit. I sit on my bathroom counter as she hands me my toothbrush again. She opens up a small can of Gingerale and puts it on my nightstand.
"You don't have to drink it now, but if your stomach feels funny again try some. It works trust me." She smiles and feels my forehead again to see if my fever had gone down a little. I sit there under the covers with my head against the wall as Y/n sits at the end of my mattress reading a book.
"What's that?" I say weakly, motioning to the book. I catch her attention and she smiles. "A book?" She giggles trying to be funny or something.
"Yeah, no shit." I chuckle and she gives me an unamused look. So apparently I'm not allowed to be funny anymore I guess. "What's it about?"
"It's about a prince trying to find his princess through a dream. It's really cute." She gets up to sit next to me on the mattress, showing me the blurb.
"Oh.. fantasy?" I mutter out as a question.
"Yeah, I like fantasy. You don't?" She tilts her head to look at me, tabbing her book before closing it. I shrug, "I mean, it's not bad but I just can't ever get into it."
"Well maybe that's because you haven't read a good one." She smirks, and for a second I feel like we aren't talking about books. I shook my head and stayed silent for a few minutes.
"You know, I usually get sick in the summer." I give her a side glance. I lied, I never get sick. This was the first time in probably a year and a half I've gotten sick. "I mean, who's gonna get me a cold washcloth and rub my back when I'm throwing up?" I smirk at her slightly.
"Ms. Grose?" She jokes and I roll my eyes.
"Be serious Y/n. She's so old I think she's gonna kick the bucket any day now. And when she does that, who's gonna help me take care of Flora? I don't have any parents you know." I sit up more and turn to face her, putting my hands in my lap.
She sighs and turns to face me. "Who said I was leaving?" She gives me a confused look.
"Y/n I heard you on the phone. I mean California seems nice, but is that what you really want?" I give her a dead eyed look and raise a brow.
She studies my face letting out a deep breath, "Miles, you don't even like having me around. We fight all the time, why do you want me around?" She shakes her head and leans back a little bit.
"Come on, Flora will miss you. She'll be upset that you aren't coming back. I mean she really loves you, fuck, she wants you to be her mother! She needs you, Y/n- I-I need you okay? I can't even take care of myself while I'm sick and you expect me to take care of myself, a whole property and a little girl? I mean, jesus, what do I have to do to make you stay?" I spurt out quickly, motioning my hands everywhere with dramatic tones.
She smiles for a moment and grabs my hand, "You just did." She gives me a sincere look, like we finally came to an agreement. I let out a relieved sigh I didn't even know I was holding and she giggled. "Why do we fight so much? Everything would be so much easier if we just listened to each other, you know?" She asks even though she sounds like she already knows her own reason.
"I think you know why I do it.." I look at my red candles I caught her staring at one day in particular when she first came into my room.
She looked at the candles then back at my eyes. "Because you don't know how to treat people?" She barely whispered out. She looked into my eyes for a moment before speaking once more. "I only pick fights with you cause I think you're kinda cute." She admits, leaning back again.
I raise a brow, "You think I'm cute?" I chuckle and she let's go of my hand, she's trying to bite back a smile.
"Yeah, you're cute. So what?" She smirks and we stare at each other. I think we were both waiting for one of us to do something, anything. But no one moved or spoke. After a moment of my silence she got up and put the covers back over my waist. "You should get some rest, it's not good to stay up when you're delirious." She gave me a dejected look and turned off my lamp.
"I'm not delirious." I grab her wrist gently and assure her.
"You're sick, Miles." She gives me a stern tone, and eyes me down to let go of her wrist.
"I know what I'm saying, Y/n." I gulp and give her the smallest smile I could muster and let go of her wrist, laying back into the pillows. She slides a hand on my forehead and it goes into my curls. She kissed my forehead and walked to the door.
"Get some sleep, call me if you need anything okay?" She gave me a sad smile and walked out of the room.
Now she was just confusing me because did she just reject me without either of us talking about dating? I don't think I asked her out but I think I wanted to. I want to I really do, but how the hell am I supposed to do that when she can't take me seriously? I better get over this damn sickness soon.
Hi hi! It's fxchild back again with another chapter! Sorry if this is bad I had to rewrite it THREE times because it kept god damn deleting. This took me 2 hours and 15 minutes to write (I timed it yes) so hopefully you enjoyed it. Plsplspls if you did not see my other post to put some requests in because this will be one of the last chapters until Mr. Fairchild finishes his story. I literally do not care what you ask me to write as long as it's not acc insane. If my requests don't work PLEASE dm me I will answer because no one texts me like ever ! Anyways, I love you guys so so much 💕 thank you for continuing to motivate me to write.
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necroromantics · 4 months
Turns out its Mental Health Awareness Month this month.... So since yall know me and my tendency to yap about mental health issues, I'm going to share some of the ways I express mental health in my Creepypasta AUs (Cryptpasta AND Laundry and Taxes, mostly just for Toby and Clockwork). Its kinda long and a nonsensical ramble.... Enjoy
-Nina was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder when she was 15 after a visit to the psych ward due to attempted suicide after a bad fight with an online boyfriend of hers
-She's very desperate to be loved and cared for, and intensely fears being abandoned to the point she'll put herself in harms way in an impulsive attempt to get people to stay in her life, or care for her, or want to be with her
-She has so much love to give to the point it overwhelms her, and tends to come out of her in forms of jealousy and anger outbursts, and desperate attempts to make people stay, because Nina wants love, and to give love
-Nina is also a very loyal friend who is very ride or die. She knows what its like to be left out, abandoned, betrayed, and she couldn't imagine doing that to the people she loves
-Clockwork also has BPD, she was going to be treated for it during her stay in the psychiatrist hospital when she was 16, before she killed her family, but never got around to it
-Her BPD presents a bit differently than Ninas. Her fear of abandonment and betrayal causes her to push people away entirely, and she struggles a lot with splitting
-She goes from thinking fondly about someone, to thinking they're the worst person in the world who does nothing but hurt her, because hating someone is much easier than risking loving them to her. Clockwork struggles a lot with making and keeping friends, because she can't trust anyone, and she tends to push people away at the tiniest fault as a way to protect herself
-Toby is her Favourite Person (FP), but she tries her best to beat this attachment to him down. Luckily for her, she's stuck with him, and he has zero plans of betraying or hurting her in any way. She tends to split on him a lot though
-Clockwork struggles a lot with anger and emotional dysregulation, she tends to view things in black/white, all or nothing, and is very impulsive. Because her emotions are so overwhelming and guttural, Clockwork struggles to be able to express them at all, and has a very bad habit of beating all her feelings down
-Toby was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder when he was 15 after experiencing his first manic episode, where he got into a really bad fight with his dad, ran away from home, and got sent to a psychiatric hospital where he was given proper treatment
-After becoming a proxy, he didn't have access to treatment anymore, and a combination of stress, Slender Sickness, and a lack of sleep, causes him to have more frequent and intense episodes
-During his manic episodes he is very euphoric, always on the move, talks non-stop to the point he doesn't make any sense, has racing thoughts, is insanely energetic, rarely sleeps, and is much more aggressive and irritable. They usually last one or two weeks, but if they're really intense and he's experiencing psychosis, Tim or Jack will get him medication from some victims to regulate him
-His depressive episodes feel like death for him. He isolates himself, always in bed, oversleeping. He's so tired all the time, lethargic and moody, irritable. Toby doesn't want to talk to anyone, he tends to lose all hope and humour, everything seems so heavy and bleak, like every bad thing he's ever done and been through has finally caught up to him
-On really bad days, he'll struggle with suicidal thoughts, where Jack or Brian will talk him down, and Clockwork will just sit quietly by him so he knows he's not alone, because even if it feels like the world is ending, it never really is
-Toby also deals with issues associated with Antisocial Personality Disorder, though he was never officially diagnosed because proxies don't really have psychiatrists
-Toby struggles a LOT with empathy, and is generally an insensitive prick who has a very hard time genuinely caring about other peoples lives or problems. To him, its all about self preservation, every man for himself, and if he's capable of handling his own issues then he shouldn't be expected to coddle "weak people who cant handle their own". This stems heavily from beliefs he learned from his father, and certain mindsets he utilizes to help him get by in his life as a proxy
-He also greatly struggles with appropriate emotional responses, and morality. He doesn't understand why most things are deemed "right" or "wrong", and thinks people are dramatic or care too much for having strong morals on things. Toby says what he wants without and regard for societal norms or rules, things he wasn't really taught anyways
-Toby is also in a constant battle for freedom. At a young age he was made to feel small and powerless, which caused him to constantly feel like he's fighting for power and control in his life. He tends to fulfill these needs by putting others down, or starting fights with people because he always needs to defend himself
-This also makes him a very practical and loyal friend towards the people he's fond of. He's very much an "acts of service" guy because he values his freedom so much, that he's willing to spend his time and effort and give up a little bit of freedom to the people he likes. He's a ride or die friend, and he always encourages people to stand up for themselves and do better for themselves
-Laundry and Taxes is an ongoing fanfiction Im writing about what life for the Creepypastas (mostly Toby and Clockwork) would look if they were suddenly transported to a world where nothing bad happened. No murder, no Slenderman.
-It's very personal to me and is about getting better and healing from trauma and mental health issues, and forgiveness, and reconciliation
-I think during mental health awareness its important to bring awareness to the facts and struggles someone might have, but also the recovery. Which is what Im gonna get into here
-The story follows Toby, who constantly struggles with his pride and "me vs the world" mindset
-He learns how to ask for help, how to put his pride aside and seek out support from the people around him. He learns how to open up and trust that people will be kind to him, and that the world isn't as bad as it seems
-His recovery is, as all good things are, insanely difficult and horrible and painful and messy, but theres a lot of focus on how worth it everything is, and how all of that gritted teeth effort, because Toby has no other choice, ends up amounting to something
-He has to face the mistakes he's made, the hurt he's caused, the guilt he pushes down. He has to learn how to be kinder to himself and others. Toby grew up in a world where he believed that it was written from the start for him to be a "bad person", and then he was forced to face the fact that he was the one doing the writing, and he has the ability to write something new for himself
-He also has to face the fact that healing isnt linear, and that the world isn't always a safe, happy place, and Toby has to learn how to handle these things in ways he never did before. Because recovery is all about learning
-The same goes for Natalie, who struggles with her past trauma, and everything she's done, and what has taken from her at a young age
-She learns how to forgive herself, and how to make peace with her anger, and how to be kinder to herself and others as well
-Natalie goes through a lot of the same realizations Toby does, and even though she spent her whole life alone and pushing people away, slowly, she starts to open up to people too and she learns how to challenge her thoughts and distrust. It's a long, difficult journey with her facing her family and her trauma and her guilt and anger, but Natalie learns that there's an entire life of peace and quietness outside of her head, outside of the past
-She learns it's okay to lean on others a bit, and that they wont hurt her, and that it's okay to feel the things she does. Natalie faces her own grief, and how suffocating it is, because its the only way she can face love too
-It takes her longer to get on track to healing because she's spent her entire life running from her problems that she never really knew how to face it, or what to do when it catches up to her. But she does get on track, and she does face her past, and that little girl in her head who's scared all the time, and how angry she is, and how loud everything is, and she becomes able to hold that little girl in her arms and sit with her for a moment
-And then, Natalie learns how to make peace with the world, and for once, she has a weird sort of hope for the future
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loveyjeongie · 6 months
Little!Momo Hcs
hi!! I haven’t posted much of anything in quite a minute so I thought i’d share some thoughts about little momo from this au I have (still working it out) :)
Momo is one of the members who regresses fairly often, she’s only usually big when she’s able to suppress it for times when she’s working but even then she happens to slip sometimes during schedules and has to be brought back to the dorm
She slips between ages but its only ever between 1-5 and she’s more frequently 2-4
Momo is autistic and also nonverbal when regressed
The girls have learned that when she regresses she doesn’t really understand korean very well, so if mina or sana aren’t around it gets difficult to communicate with momo albeit they try their hardest with the little bits of japanese they do know
This causes a lot of miscommunication tho because momo will get frustrated and upset that no one can understand her and vice versa :(
Mina takes care of her the most and is her primary caregiver among the girls, but everyone helps out a lot
Since momo doesn’t communicate verbally, mina got her a bear themed notepad (she loves bears) to write words or draw pictures to help them understand what she wants
They always make sure its nearby with one of those crayola orange markers bc its the only color she’ll write in (they bulk bought 100)
They also have communication cards that chaeyoung drew and had sana write with momo in both japanese and korean so it helps the other members as well
She’s a clingy baby :( she likes to play but other times she will cry a lot until someone picks her up and holds her, and will get really fussy when she’s put down again so she’s always kept very close to someone else
Jeongyeon got her a special weighted blanket that is only about 2 lbs and when she’s feeling very overwhelmed they wrap it around her and it calms her down a lot
Momo doesn’t like sitting on the couch or chairs bc she gets scared of being high off the ground without someone holding her, so they have a special area decked out on the living room floor with soft cushions and pillows, and the girls will sit with her there instead
Bedtime for momo is rough as she deals with a lot of nightmares, and after going through a handful of really terrible long sleepless nights they decided she’s not allowed to sleep on her own anymore
Mina sleeps with her most nights and momo is a lot more fussy when mina is busy or overseas for work but she doesn’t mind sleeping with any of the other girls as long as they make sure to stick to her routine as closely as possible
If she is going to bed with one of the other girls they have to facetime mina until she falls asleep otherwise she wont sleep
When she still has a really hard time during the night, they’ll wrap her up in her blanket and bring her out to her area in the living room and sleep with her there
She’s not extremely picky with food but she’s very specific about what she eats for breakfast in the morning because she wont eat anything else besides dry cereal and a bottle of slightly watered down orange juice
Her favorite member to have take care of her besides mina is jihyo :]
Jihyo even started taking extra japanese language classes to help her communicate with momo better
One of her favorite things is when jihyo holds her while singing songs from a playlist they made for her
Also when sana and nayeon play or stim with her, it makes her feel less nervous about doing it alone
She really likes animals. Even if sometimes the girl’s pets become overstimulating she loves seeing them and playing with them its really cute
Since momo is constantly on the floor they need to clean the dorm twice a day bc she’ll get sick if they don’t… the cleaning stuff scares her tho so they have to give her headphones and take her into an empty (already cleaned) room :(
this is kinda long, but if you want me to make a part 2 (I have lots I could talk about) or have any questions about any of it/want me to talk abt anything specific feel free to send me asks :] i’d love to talk about her
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verfound · 20 days
FIC: "A Good Surprise" (MLB; Lukanette; LBSC Lukanette Month 2024)
@lovebugs-and-snakecharmers is doing a Lukanette Month for September 2024, and we all just kinda tossed some prompts in the disco to compile a list?  We ended up with 71 prompts, so I decided I’d roll some dice to pick a prompt, do a twenty minute (ish, bc we all know sometimes they run away from me) sprint, and try to get some short fics out this month?
Read on Ao3
04 September 2024
Prompt 32: Stars (A)
Marinette was exhausted.
The door closed behind her, perhaps a bit louder than it usually did when she flopped against it and slammed it the rest of the way.  She thought about announcing herself, letting Luka know she was home, but if the door hadn’t made it obvious…she sighed and flopped her head back against it.
Her feet hurt.  Her ankles were swollen.  She had a headache.  And her newest salesgirl, a sweet girl still in lycée who was ok with customer service and absolutely hopeless with a needle, had eaten the dumplings Sabine had dropped off for her lunch.  And if Marinette hadn’t been seven and a half months pregnant and grumpy (hormonal) to boot, she might have forgiven her for it.  Gen was sweet enough, but those had been her dumplings.  She had been too queasy to eat them the day before, and she’d been looking forward to them.
…Jocelyn had casually suggested she fine her as she’d handed Marinette the takeout menu for the bistro down the street, but Marinette was trying to be understanding.  Kind.
She was better than that, dammit.
“Darning?” Luka called, and she sighed as she pushed herself off the door – or tried to.  He popped his head out of the hallway, grinning when he saw her.  “Finally.”
“…I will cut you, Couffaine,” she grumped.  He was chuckling as he walked over to her, the sound warm and gooey like chocolate chip cookies fresh from the oven.  She smiled as it washed over her – and then as he was beside her, pulling her up from the door and into his arms.  She melted against him, at least as best she could with her stupid belly in the way.  “…better.”
“Welcome home,” he said, kissing her temple.  “Dinner’s in the oven.  Joce called and said you might be hungry.”
“…tattler,” she harrumphed.  He chuckled and nudged her back, and when her head tilted towards him he stole a kiss.  She sighed against his lips, smiling.  “…ok.  Making up for it.”
“I have a surprise for you,” he said.  She groaned at the words: she was thoroughly sick of surprises by this point.  She was going to scream if he opened that door and another baby shower was waiting behind it, she thought as he started walking backwards, leading her towards the…nursery.  Because it wasn’t a guest room anymore, was it?  It was a nursery, or the starts of one.  It wasn’t quite ready yet, and she was a little anxious about that, but he assured her they still had time.  “I found something amazing for the baby.”
“…Couffaine amazing or Dupain-Cheng amazing?” she asked, frowning, because the last time he’d said that he’d ended up sleeping on the couch for the night.  (Well.  Part of the night, because she hadn’t really been able to sleep with him out there and not tucked around her.)  He chuckled and stopped outside the door, turning back to her to kiss her again.
“Harmonika amazing,” he murmured against her lips.  She rolled her eyes as he led her into the darkened room, towards the rocking chair she’d set up in the corner.
“We are not calling her that,” she said.  “I like Harmony, but I draw the line at bluegrass instruments.”
“It’ll grow on you,” he chuckled.  He sat her down in the chair, and she rolled her eyes.  “It’s a Couffaine tradition, Marinette.”
“That your mother started,” she huffed.
“Tradition,” he chuckled.  “Now.  Close your eyes.”
“…Luka,” she sighed.  He kissed her forehead and squeezed her hands.
“Close your eyes,” he said.  “Please?”
“Fine,” she huffed, but only because he was so cute when he asked like that.  She settled back in the chair and closed her eyes, and the next thing she knew he had dropped a large bundled something in her arms.  She frowned and started to open her eyes, but he laid a hand over them and clicked his tongue.
“Ah-ah-ah,” he tutted, tapping her nose.  “Not yet.”
“What am I holding?” she asked, feeling the bundle.  It felt like the throw she usually kept on the couch, rolled and bundled up to represent…”Luka, is this supposed to be our baby?  Star, she’s not gonna be this big for ages yet!”
“Humor me,” he said.  He sounded like he was on the other side of the room.  She heard a click, and then a gentle whirring.  “Ok, I think…yes.  Now.”
She opened her eyes, and then she sucked in a breath.  She almost dropped the ‘baby’.
It was beautiful.
The lights were still off, the shade on the window drawn, but the ceiling and walls were covered in thousands, millions of tiny stars.  She noticed a projector sitting on top of the changing table – they’d have to move it, because surely it couldn’t stay there when they’d need to actually use that table – casting the little pinpricks of lights all over the room.  She was reminded of photographs she had seen of the desert at night – or of the few times she had actually been to space, as Cosmobug.
It was breathtaking.
“I was going to get those old glow in the dark stars you can stick to the ceiling,” he said as he walked back over to her.  He stood behind the chair and laid his hands on her shoulders, his smile warm as he looked up at the ceiling.  “This seemed better.  What do you think?”
“I love it,” she said, looking up at him with a watery smile.  She was going to start crying again, she just knew it.  He was so dumb like that.  “I love you.”
He knelt beside the chair, pausing to kiss her on his way down.
“I love you,” he said.  When he was settled, he pressed a kiss to her belly.  “Both of you.”
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sinning-23 · 23 days
Unique(Soft/Odd AOT Headcannons)
Uhhh so i finally finished AOT and that ending absolutely wrecked me and I cant stop thinking about it sweet jesus. So, here are some nice lil headcannons to fix my soul lmao. ALSO if you have sent anything through my ask box please know it is in the works and most of them are just incomplete drafts! Thank you for your patience! Anyway,
-Eren gets sick surprisingly often. It's very odd. You'd think he would be immune to shit like that but it's not very often he's not somewhat 'sick'
-Like, he always has congestion,and when it clears up its only for a week or two before its back to square one.
-He has three birthmarks on his lower back and they look like the little shocked emoticon
-He can touch his tongue tot he tip of his nose.
- When Eren gets flustered you can see it on his knuckles and the back of his neck.
-Eren is double jointed
-Armin had reading glasses he keeps in a case in his pocket at all times.
-Armins eyes look almost clear when you look at them in the right angle/amout of sunlight
-He has a very pretty singing voice, and he does it only when he's very deeply focused on something.
-He has very pretty hand writting, in fact a lot of his comrades ask for him to write things down for them because its so neat.
-He has very soft and slender hands and his fingertips get red when he's cold
-Armins hair actually has a bit of a curl to it but it flattens in the heat
-Hes very good with plants/gardening
-Picked up embroidering and will occasionally dabble, reminds her of her mom
-Mikasa has a very high body temperature, she is never cold and just constantly warm, she tends to have sweaty palms as well
-Very rarely will you be able to see Mikasa's pupils because her eyes are so dark and her pupils are always very dilated.
-She smells faitly sweet. Always has, can't pinpoint exactly why but it is definitely a thing she has noticed.
-Mikasa has a few grey hairs, there are about 4-5 and are spaced out in her hair but when you find one its not hard to miss because of the contrast.
-She really fucking likes bread...like a lot.
-Has pretty poor balance. He is always mis-stepping or leaning, its like his equilibrium is off.
-Doesn't really like his facial hair but doesn't go out of his way to trim it, can never seem to find the time or motivation
-Reiners hands are very large, like very wide. There's a lot of things that look a lot smaller in his hands compared to everyone else.
-Lactose intolerant
-Reiner often gets the chills/goosebumps
-Is kinda embarassed about his big his but is...like sometimes he struggles to get his pants up and has to jump to get them on.
-Will forget to duck down before he goes into a room and will his his forehead on the door frame
-He scars really easily and his knees are very dark because he would skin them a lot as a kid
-He's awar of how tall he is but he's very good at hiding in smaller spaces. If there's a sliver to a crack to slide between he can do it no problem.
-Bertold chooses to stay quiet most the timebecasuse he can be very mean in his head, and he doest like making others feel bad despite his innermost thoughts being very rude/blunt.
-Is a lot stronger than he lets on, carrying certain things is no problem for him and its a little off-putting
-She is an avid sleep talker
-Annie thinks her best feature is her hair and nose
-Her back will often lock up on her but she had trianed herself ot get used to the shooting pain. No she wont tell anyone about it
-Annie has a comfort hoodie and she gets a lot more anxious if she doesn't have it on her person in some way, shape, or form
-She bites her fingernails to nubs
-Annie has really dry skin and hates the sensation of lotion so she just, won't use any.
-fluent in pig latin
-Connie snorts when he laughs
-He gets really motion sick so he doesn't like to do any like extra tricks n shit when he's in the odm gear.
-Connie is actually pretty flexable and can fold all the way in half
-He's really good with horses and other kinds of livestock. He is so skilled in fact that he can ride most horses without a saddle
-He can dislocate his shoulder and has used to to prank Jean and Sasha many times. He thinks its hilarious.
-No one brings it up but Jean has an accent. It’s faint but it’s there, especially when he’s feeling a strong emotion.
-He was really ducking chunky as a baby. Like….he had little rolls and it was adorable.
-Jean is asthmatic
-He can draw really well, in his free time he sketches.
-He really likes cookies.
-Jean is bilugual, he only really mumbles stuff under his breath and wont tell you when he said.
-She cries a lot. She can’t help it, a lot of stuff just makes her emotional.
-She once grew her hair past her but and did the big chop before she enlisted. Yes she misses it sometimes.
-Sasha can’t walk in heels.
-She is a bit of a klepto…and she really can’t help it, sometimes she doesn’t even know she’s doing it until she’s long gone from the place she took the item from
-Sasha still has her baby blanket in perfect condition as well.
-Sasha can’t swim.
-He is a ya bit insecure about his eyebrows
He cracks his knuckles a lot and Levi hates it. He cannot stand the sound and will stare him down when he cracks them
-Needs glasses from time to time when reading
-Erwin had a surprising deep voice as a child.
-He has a little bit of a sweet tooth
-Keeps emergency money in his shoe( a tip from his dad that he always uses)
-Levi can hold his breathe for about a minute
-He has amazing peripheral vision. Its almost impossible to sneak up on him he is always looking and can just see things around him very clearly.
-Levi can write in cursive and has pretty handwriting like Armin. But he won’t help anyone write anything.
-Levi always makes sure his nails are neat. He can't stand dirty fingernails.
-He has grey hairs like Mikasa does
-Hanji always smells like chemicals.
-Hanji is actually blind as a bat and needs glasses prescription updates very often
-They almost always know when someone is being dishonest. It's like a sixth sense
-Hanji has an older brother but they don’t talk or keep in contact anymore.
-Hanji had a collection of teeth. Key word had. (Levi had something to do with it)
-They can see a broader spectrum of color and no one believes them!
Authors Note: I haven't written for AOT in forever so this was a nice little treat for myself. I literally grew up watching AOT, it is a comfort show and a staple of my childhood lol.
On another note, KINKTOBER is fast approaching so I will be mainly focusing on trying to get those fics whipped up before next month! I also turn 21 next month so I'm busy party planning and getting ready to absolutely destroy my liver lol. Anyway love you sinners! See ya next post! <3
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