#i really hope we’ll be able to see this in the next life. praying we can keep wholesome creations and that lost stuff will exist again.
demigodofhoolemere · 1 year
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Forever mourning the loss of Steven getting the Doctor out of the police station by impersonating an officer and claiming the Doctor is a mentally unwell man that he’ll take off their hands because he’s used to dealing with him, all while trying awkwardly to imitate the local accent.
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kagedbird · 6 months
Cicero Loves You, Listener!
TESSDE AU - Dark Brotherhood route
~ [First] ~ [Next] ~ [Prev] ~
I awoke to the same ceiling I’d been seeing for nearly half a month, a pounding in my head once again.
Not seeing Cicero by my side when I looked around, I sat up and pressed my hand into my forehead with a groan. What the hell happened to me? And why did I keep waking up this way?
Deja vu…
Turning once more, I saw a plate full of food and a cup of water settled on the nightstand, alongside a note.
The note read, “Dearest Listener! You had not listened to Cicero! Haha! He warned you you were not yet well enough to be up and whatnot, but he will forgive you as you had been seeking him out for Mother! Such a generous thought from you, my Listener.
“He will be taking care of Mother just outside your door if you find yourself up and I am not there. Do come by! I am certain she would love to see your beautiful face in person! Though I have told her much about you all ready, I am certain she wishes to see it for herself.
“See you soon!
-Your Dutiful Keeper, Cicero.”
I huffed softly, shaking my head slow. Well, that explained things a little. Guess I’d over done it. I just hoped I didn’t make too bad of an impression on his family… though I get the sense that they’re hard to please anyways.
Settling down the note and downing the entire cup of water very quickly, I managed to shimmy out of bed and test myself getting up. It was slow going, but I managed to stand on my feet, and I was pleased.
Grabbing an apple from the plate, really not wanting to take the sweets Cicero seemed to like so much, I bit into it and made my way to the door, poking my head out once more.
I found Cicero indeed kneeling down in front of that coffin from before, settled in a prayer position with his head low. But as I had creaked open the door, his head snapped up and he turned to me, mouth splitting into that smile I began to know so well.
“Listener! Good evening! You were asleep for some time. Did you rest well?”
“Um… sure. We’ll say yes.” I hummed softly, chuckling as I stepped out into the small sanctuary. “What are you doing?”
“Praying to Mother, of course! Come, come, you can pray alongside me!” Cicero offered, shifting to the side to pat where he once kneeled.
“Do I need to kneel? My knees aren’t the best.” I asked, moving closer. I took one more bite of my apple before settling it on a nearby empty plate, wiping my hand on my shorts to rid myself of the sticky juices.
“However is most comfortable for the Listener! It’s what Mother would want!” Cicero replied cheerily, happily watching as I settled down with my legs crossed.
“What… do you pray to her for?” I asked, finally seeing ‘Mother’ in her coffin. That was a dead woman all right. Yikes.
‘Uh. No offense.’ I quickly corrected myself in my head, unsure if she could hear me.
“We pray for her wisdom to guide us to a better life!” Cicero says, clapping his hands together. “With you here to hear her guidance, it’s all the more possible now!”
“Happy to help,” I smiled back, nodding. “She’s only able to talk to a Listener, right? How long have you all been without one?”
“Oh, Cicero isn’t entirely sure about this Sanctuary!” He says, tapping his chin. “Cicero arrived not long after you helped him on the road! And there was no Listener then! But Cicero’s last sanctuary was a handful of years ago. Our Listener died protecting the Night Mother from an attack! Very brave, very brave.”
I paused, frowning. “So… you’ve just been unable to hear her since?”
“Yes! Well— Cicero has never been able to hear her in the first place.” He chuckled a little manically, that strain in his throat again. “But now Miss Allora is here! And all is well in the world!”
I hummed, looking up to ‘Mother’ thoughtfully. What kind of mother just… waits and leaves her children waiting for her? What was the point?
Surely I was missing something.
“Is she speaking to you?”
I jolted, looking over to see Cicero leaning in closer than before, gaze holding me tightly in place. The manic look was amplified in a way— his eyes begging to know.
“Uh— no. I was just lost in thought. I’m sorry.”
Disappointment dusted in his eyes before they flickered back into the mask of joviality. “No worries, none at all! Cicero understands gazing upon Mother and just thinking! He’s done it enough over the years! He has!”
“How old are you?” I asked curiously, stretching my back slightly. It popped and I let out a small puff of relief. That felt good.
“How rude! To ask Cicero his age!” The jester huffed and puffed dramatically, crossing his arms. “...Kidding! Cicero is nearly in his thirties! Getting up there in age, he is!”
“I’m nearly in my thirties… too…” I said, blinking. “Wait. I am?”
“You are?” Cicero asked, tilting his head. “How sad that the Listener cannot even remember. Perhaps praying to the Night Mother or Dread Lord will alleviate the addlement! Cicero wouldn’t want you like he is— with others always calling him crazy.”
“You’re the farthest thing from crazy,” I frowned, gently placing my hand on his arm. “Don’t listen to that kind of crap. You’re clearly devoted to your cause and your family, and it shows. Sure, you’re a little loud at times, but I think I am too. It doesn’t make us bad people, and definitely doesn’t make us crazy. Jeez.”
Cicero is frozen in place as he stares at me, glancing down to my hand. I quickly pull it away, embarrassed for getting so caught up in trying to make him feel better that I invaded his personal space.
“Sorry. We should… get back to praying.”
I’m more unnerved by his quiet response, and quickly adjust my sitting position on the cold, hard floor, before clasping my hands together and closing my eyes in a vain attempt to ignore his continued staring.
Was what I said that strange?
‘This is what I get for trying to be nice,’ I bemoaned in my head, letting out a quiet sigh.
Oh well. Could be worse, I guess. He could be reacting like that woman who tried putting a knife to my throat.
“That pretender…”
I jolt, snapping my eyes open at the voice that pervaded my mind again, looking up to ‘Mother’. She never moved, nothing changed, save for a subtle red glow in her eyes.
“You are in charge of this guild, my sweet Child. My Listener. Fear not your brothers and sisters under Sithis’ arms, for his wrath will quell their injustice well.”
I swallowed thickly, nodding my head. That was… good to know.
‘Is there… anything you need of me, Mother?’ I asked in my mind, unsure if I should be speaking out loud or not. It felt… personal, to have her address me. Secretive.
“There will be a job for you in the future. You are still weak, however. Instead, inform my dear Keeper Cicero that Mother wishes for you to hand out tasks in the meantime.”
“Cicero,” I whispered, eyes never straying from Mother. I couldn’t. “...Mother has jobs for the others.”
I could feel him move next to me, his face nearly over taking my view of Mother. His hands took mine and held them tightly— almost too tight— excitement in his voice.
“Yes? Yes?! What tasks await us? Oh, do not keep the Keeper waiting!”
“A grieving boy in Windhelm cries out to me…”
“He is asking for Grelod the Kind…”
“To be murdered in Riften.”
“A scorned woman in Markarth…”
“Craves the ending of a man named Alain Dufont in Raldbthar…”
“As well as a woman named Nilsine Shatter-Shield in Windhelm…”
“And an Indolent Farmer in Ivarstead…”
“Craves the blood of a pitiful farmer in Ivarstead.”
I feel myself slump forward against Cicero, a cold sweat breaking out over my skin as whatever held me aloft whisked itself away like smoke blown from a candlestick.
Murder. The tasks were about murder.
But Cicero was all smiles as he helped me sit up, beaming so wide, it had to hurt. “Splendid, splendid! To hear her through you— it’s enough to forget all those silly years of silence! Maddening silence! Oh, but it’s all broken now, yes it is! We must tell the others the good news!”
Cicero pulled me to my feet and guided me out of the sanctuary— after thanking Mother for her guidance and closing her coffin once more— and led me out into the main hall of the… whatever we were in.
It felt like a den with how strange the shape of the interior was. I could only hope it wasn’t a den of wolves.
I froze lightly as all eyes turned to us from various places all over the room and carefully kept myself close to Cicero. He had mentioned protecting me before. I could only hope that continued to be true.
Their eyes… it made all the more sense now.
“Looks like the tidbit finally woke up.” The giant man growled out, pulling his sword from the grinding stone he had been using.
“Who?” A small girl asked, tilting her head curiously.
Something inside me ached at the sight of her pale skin and darkened eyes. Violently I am reminded of undead creatures of the night that consume their victims blood until nothing is left.
“The clown’s pet.” The giant man grunted, standing up. “Taking her out for a walk, Keeper?”
“Haha! How very funny of the sheepdog!” Cicero spat back with a high pitched chuckle. “Surely he recognizes the importance of the Listener’s position! Especially! Since Mother has given us contracts!”
“What?” An older man asked, eyes wide. His gaze turned to me, looking me up and down slowly with an agape look. “You heard her speak? What did she say?”
“Oh, Mother dearest had several contracts to dole out!” Cicero said, slipping my tight hand from his to clap excitedly. “Our Listener told them all to me, so that I may in turn share them with you! She is still recovering, the poor thing!”
“Recovering?” A dark, ashen skinned woman asked, frowning. “I could have helped speed along her recovery, you know. I’m not the most adept with healing magicka, but…”
“Cicero had it under control!” The jester interrupted, still smiling genially. I could tell there was an underlying threatening tone, if only from how long I’ve spent in his company alone. Seemed he was very protective of me, in every sense of the word.
Now to know if that was a good or bad thing.
“How do you know she’s really the Listener? Not that I distrust you, Keeper,” a lizardman asked, faintly shocking me from his presence. “But it’s all rather sudden…”
Where the fuck was I? Was this normal? Why did I feel more deja vu?!
“She spoke the Binding Words to me! Oh yes, oh yes! Tried coming straight to me once she heard them, but Astrid held her with a knife to her throat!” Cicero guffawed, looking tickled pink despite my almost murder. “But of course, dearest Mother would not have let it come to that! No, no!”
“She looks weak.” A dark skinned man from the back wall bluntly remarked, biting into my insecurities deeply.
“Quite rude! Miss Allora has been on bed rest for two weeks! Anyone would become shriveled at that point, indeed!” Cicero huffed, ‘defending’ my honour.
“Gee, thanks Cicero…” I sighed, looking away from everyone.
“Of course!”
“Enough joking around. We got contracts? Give them. Now.” The giant man said, standing up and stomping over to tower over me.
I shrunk instinctively, feeling my chest tighten as my vision flickers from man to wolf repeatedly, reaching out to clutch Cicero’s jacket tightly in my hand reflexively. Said jester immediately positioned himself in between us, pressing his back to my front.
“Night Mother requested I hand out the tasks, according to our wonderful Listener! Isn’t that correct, Miss Allora?”
“Mhm,” I forced out, nodding quickly and dropping my eyes to the floor as a shudder ran through my body. My headache was getting worse.
The giant man huffed loudly through his nose before crossing his arms. “Get on with it then.”
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anangelwhodidntfall · 2 years
Admiration: Neyetam Sully
Avatar Masterlist
word count: 1k
Request: Can you do something with Neteyam, that the reader is human but gets an avatar and Neteyam admires her even more than her human appearance
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You were beyond excited when Max told you that they finally had an avatar for you. You had been wanting one for the longest time, tired of having to wear the expo mask every time you left the lab, not being able to keep up with the Sully kids more specifically your boyfriend Neyetam who you wanted to do more stuff with.
"So what happens now that I have an avatar?" You asked Max. 
"Basically we would put you to sleep, and your human body would be like grace's, and we would transfer your memories all over your avatar which can take a week or a year to transfer over depending on you and once you wake up, we'll take you out to the field and help you get adjusted to being an avatar." He said as you nodded your head.
"We found that some people do better if their loved ones are with them when the transfer happens. I can talk to Neyetam and everyone if you need me to." He offered. 
"Thanks, Max, I'm gonna try and talk to them first and see how they react, if that's okay?" You asked him. 
"Of Course, I'm so excited for you kid." Max said hugging you. 
You made your way out of the lab and over to high camp, thinking about how you were going to bring up the whole avatar thing to the sully's and you prayed that they would support especially Neyetam. You just wanted to have a normal life with him and not be considered so fragile, slow, and constantly have to wear a mask every time you went outside on this beautiful planet. 
"Y/n, my child. We are getting ready to have dinner, please join us." Neytiri said to you.
"Actually I was hoping to talk to you guys about something." You said to her already feeling nervous as she called everyone into the tent.
"What's going on y/n?" Jake asked noticing how nervous you seemed.
"Um...Max has me an avatar....and I would like you very much if you guys were there with me while the transfer happened." You said to them.
"Really? How?" Neyetam asked you excitedly.
"Um, I'm not too sure, but I guess him and the other scientists got tired of me constantly complaining about this mask, they finally got me one." You said to him.
"He probably got annoyed with you complaining about not being able to kiss Neyetam outside of the lab." Lo'ak said as you rolled your eyes before Kiri smacked upside his head.
"This is great news sweetheart, I'll definitely be there with you the entire time...just imagine the stuff we will be able once you become na'vi." He said squeezing your hand as you smiled at him.
"Will you guys be there as well?" You asked Jake and Neytiri who had become like second parents to you.
"Of course, we will dear. We're so happy for you." They said hugging you as you smiled.
For the next week, Max had you record videos that would help you once you transitioned and get adjusted to your new body and in between those Neyetam and everyone kept talking about how excited they were about getting an avatar and whatnot. Jake was really helpful with talking to you about what the transition would be like, and how he navigated it, and promised he would be there for you.
"I'm nervous Ney." You said hesitating as you two stood outside of the lab.
"Hey, sweetheart there is no reason to be nervous. I'm gonna be there with you the whole time, try not to think of the negative and more of it like the start of our new life together, okay?" He said to you as you nodded.
"Your right. Alright, let's get this over with." You said to him giving a soft smile as you two walked into the lab where Max was waiting for you.
"You ready y/n?" He asked you as he had you climb up on one of the beds so he could start getting you hooked up.
"Yeah, I am." You said a Neyetam squeezed your hand.
"Alright say your final words, so we can put you to sleep and begin the process." He said once he finished hooking you up.
"I love you Neyetam, so much I just want you to know that." You said to him.
"I love you too, sweetheart, and I can't wait to see you once you wake up, I'm gonna be right here the entire time." He said placing a kiss on your forehead.
For the next week, Neyetam and his family each took turns coming to visit you and talk to you even if you couldn't talk back to them, just so you knew they were there and supporting you during this transition. You slowly opened your eyes and let them get adjusted to the bright lights as you lifted your hand, and saw that you were blue. 
"Hey kid, how are you feeling?" Jake asked making you turn towards him and Max. 
"Good my throat feels a little dry. Can I get some water please?" You asked them as Max went to get you some water, as Jake helped you sit up. 
"Alright now, do you feel any numbness, tingling, or anything?" Max asked as you wiggled your toes and fingers, moving your legs off the bed, and slowly standing. 
"No, I can feel everything. Do you think I could try and walk around?" You asked as they nodded their heads.
Neyetam had finished up his duties and made his way on to the lab to check on you when he saw his dad, Max, and you outside the lab. He stopped in his tracks ducking out of your vision, and just stood there admiring you. You were pretty as a human but it was like all those features had become amplified as a Na'vi, you were so beautiful now.
"Ney! What do you think?" You asked him excitedly as he finally made himself known.
"I think you look so beautiful. How do you feel?" He asked you.
"I feel great!" You said smiling at him as you began showing him what you could do, all while he sat there with a smile on his face watching you.
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taleofturtleclan · 11 months
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“Oh no, no, no, NO!” Dustjump pawed through the herbs frantically, hoping, praying, that she’d find some part of her stores left untouched. There was nothing. No matter how many times she checked, there was still nothing. The strange, shiny blue beetles had chewed through parts of every herb, every leaf she’d had in her den.
This was a disaster. A true disaster. Without the herbs she couldn’t treat Foam’s greencough, couldn’t treat Brokenmast’s sores, couldn’t treat any other ailment a cat might come to her with. What if the greencough spread? What if Brokenmast caught it? He’d been doing so well lately. He couldn’t stand quite yet, but he was able to move his legs. But if he caught greencough… She could barely bring herself to consider it. She could do nothing but watch as the cats around her suffered and died. Just like on the ship. She’d wanted to save her twolegs. She’d tried so hard. But she had been too small to help. She’d thought that, maybe, if she spent the rest of her life healing and helping the rest of the survivors, it would make up for all the lives she hadn’t been able to save. She’d been determined to protect the cats around her, they were all she had left. Now, she couldn’t even do that much. She was powerless to help once again. She had to go, had to find more herbs, clear out all of this mess in her den, store the new herbs higher, off the ground where they’d be harder for the beetles to find. It’s leaf-fall, where am I going to find fresh herbs? Doesn’t matter, I’ll have to find them somewhere, somehow, I CAN’T BE POWERLESS AGAIN– her thoughts were cut off abruptly as she barrelled headfirst into another cat. She hadn’t even realized she’d been walking, hadn’t realized she’d been staring down at her paws. She blinked up at the cat she’d crashed into. Shell. Dustjump felt a mix of relief and shame creep through her pelt. On one paw, she was desperate for the comfort and support of her dear friend, on the other paw, she didn’t want her to see Dustjump like this, a frantic wreck. 
“Dustjump? What’s wrong?” Shell’s gentle mew pulled Dustjump out of her spiral of worry and anxiety. She had to deal with the situation in front of her. It was bad, yes, but worrying about what had happened before and what might happen next did nothing to help in the now.  She took a deep breathe, exhaling long and slow before she answered Shell.
“Beetles got into the herb stores,” she meowed, and was impressed by the calm tone of her own voice. “Shell, they destroyed everything.” She fought to keep the frantic edge of fear from creeping back into her voice. 
“That’s… that’s really bad, isn’t it?” Shell meowed quietly.
“It’s disastrous,” Dustjump admitted. “Shell, there’s little I can do for any cat other than keep their wounds clean without herbs. I certainly can’t treat Foam like this.”
Shell stiffened. “I’ll alert all of our patrols to keep an eye out for any and all herbs. And you and I can go out now, see if we can’t find something together. It’s going to be okay, Dust. We’ll get through this together.”
The use of her nickname calmed Dustjump marginally, but it wasn’t enough to stop the fear racing through her veins. “And if it’s not okay? If I lose Foam or Brokenmast? Or both of them?”
“Then it won’t be your fault,” Shell said firmly. “Dustjump, every cat has seen how hard you’ve been working to keep all of us safe and healthy. No cat would blame you.”
“I’d blame me,” she whispered.
Shell leaned in close. “I’m not going to let you do that to yourself. Not again.”
Staring back into Shell’s shining green eyes, Dustjump wondered if maybe, just maybe, things would work out. She took a deep, shuddering breath, forcing herself to calm down as much as was possible. “Let’s go find some herbs.”
Dustjump didn’t try to speak as she followed Shell back to camp, a bundle of herbs clutched tight in her jaws. The pickings had been thin, this late in the year. The scraggly clump of daisy that they’d managed to find would be great to help the aches in Brokenmast’s atrophied legs as they struggled to learn how to move again, but for Foam… she had nothing for Foam. He would have to fight this with his own strength. Despair began to close its jaws around her heart. If she lost Foam now, after all he’d been through… Just then, a cold wind rose up from the ocean, blowing hard against Dustjump and Shell as they crested the rise of dunes leading back to camp. The cats crouched down, bracing themselves against the powerful gust. Tidechaser’s words in her den from a few moons ago drifted back to her: …and so, when fate seems grim, remember that Change and his disruptive winds are out there, dashing about, stirring each cat’s life so that no future is inescapable. Dustjump squeezed her eyes shut, pausing at the top of the rise. It was just a story, yes, but it was a hopeful one. And just now, she could use a little hope. If any part of Tidechaser’s story was true… Change, please bring your winds here. Save Foam from this fate that seems so insurmountable.
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legendtraineremily · 1 year
Day 9 of My Pokémon Yellow Nuzlocke Challenge!
A whole couple of real life days have passed without any gameplay, so I’m not counting them in my record.
We’re heading down Route 9 towards Rock Tunnel and then on to Lavender Town. Right off the bat, Belle levels up and evolves into a Weepinbell. Awesomeness! Now to find a Leaf stone to evolve her more later. Crispy had me worried for a minute when he took some Fury Attacks from a couple Beedrill, but he not only handled it like a champ, he also leveled up twice in that one battle, so yay!
We also get an encounter here:
Route 9 Encounter—Nidoran ♂/ Lawrence
Lv. 16
Hp: 41
Attack: 27
Defense: 21
Speed: 21
Special: 19
Barely got 1 step into the grass and boom! here’s a little Nidoran ♂to work with. Now, I already have my Nidoqueen, Lily, but it’s good to have a Nidoking as a fairly comparable back-up just in case something happens (let’s just pray it doesn’t). Anyway, we’ll keep knocking down these trainers and getting stronger on our way over to the entrance into Rock Tunnel.
Yipes! I almost lost Plowboy there to another Diglett! Being faster that your opponent can have its downsides in the case of both using 2-turn moves—I Dig underground, they Dig underground; I pop up and whiff, they pop up and hit. At least Belle and Mike are having a good time ripping apart the other Poison- and Ground-types and gaining levels just fine. Which makes me realize that I’ve been neglecting Zippy a bit. Whoops! Better fix that coming up soon. First, our next encounter comes in a patch of grass above the Pokémon Center next to Rock Tunnel’s entrance.
Route 10 Encounter—Machop/NachoMan
Lv. 16
Hp: 50
Attack: 35
Defense: 25
Speed: 17
Special: 18
Machop is fun as a good early game Fighting-type; though, because his evolved form, Machoke, only has a mediocre base stat total (BST), I would have to find another option before the Pokémon League. Here’s the issue with trade evolutions (Machoke, Haunter, Graveler, and Kadabra require being traded to evolve to their highest stages) and my case—I don’t really have anyone to trade with that I know of. I’m pretty sure my brother didn’t get any of the virtual console games; and being out in the middle of nowhere, it’s a shot in the dark to find someone else who can trade with in my area. Basically, I’ll be able to access a Hitmonlee soon anyway and NachoMan will likely not see much use. Oh well. 🎶Nacho, Nacho Man! Salsa, cheese, and chips; it’s Nacho Man!🎶
Now let’s make sure to heal up before we head into the long dark of Rock Tunnel. The way is dark, it was made by those who are bats, and the Zubat keep it; the way is dark…
Another thing I need to do is pull some positive vibes together so I don’t end up with a Zubat as my encounter because that would be…painful. Oh and knockout this other trainer here for more experience.
Rock Tunnel Encounter—Geodude/Cephas
Lv. 16
Hp: 40
Attack: 30
Defense: 40
Speed: 14
Special: 15
(Charlie Brown voice): I got a rock.
Jokes aside, a rock/ground-type like Geodude could prove useful for the Fire Gym in the distant future. Let’s hope we make it that long; Rock Tunnel is a labyrinthine mess without using Flash.
Yet, we’re made of tougher stuff! We don’t need to waste a move-slot on Flash especially when Gen 1 has conveniently given us the outline of walls and ladder locations. Gen 3 remakes fixed this difficulty issue by giving the player a small little circle of light around your character and leaving the rest black and blank; made it much harder to navigate if you didn’t have Flash on one of your Pokémon. Though the Gen 3 remakes also had a bunch of other fixes and QoL improvements on top of that so, whatever; maybe I’ll transfer my old Pokémon over and do a Nuzlocke of LeafGreen next and get a proper comparison.
Man! These trainers are either just terrible or my team is somehow getting better. Had some problems dealing with some Hikers’ Geodudes actually having Rock Throw finally but then I switched in Lily and punted them into the ceiling. Furthermore, the wild Pokémon are simply EXP fodder for my team as Zubat, Geodude, and Machop all fall easily to Zippy, PlowBoy and Belle, and Mike respectively. Basically, when we hit Lavender Town and Celadon City, we should be in tip-top, battle-ready shape.
So, with a little bumping around and battling our way through, we make it out of Rock Tunnel. There’s a few more trainers here just outside the exit, but I think I’ll save here and leave the rest for tomorrow.
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Conception pt One
A companion to "Sexual Dialliances" and “Yuletide Grief," where Obi-Wan struggles with his asexuality versus the desires to expand their family. 
"God damn it!" Satine yelled, banging her hand on the counter.
Obi-Wan jumped, nearly dropping the pillow he'd been fluffing. He knew exactly why there was a teary, frustrated exclamation from the 'fresher.
He had really prayed that he didn't hear that this morning, this week.
Withholding a sigh and the lingering feeling of failure, Obi-Wan tossed the pillow on the now-made bed and walked into the 'fresher.
"... sweetheart."
"I'm fine!" Satine muttered, wiping at her eyes angrily. Her face was red, the color going down her neck and blending into the pink towel around her body. "It was stupid to get my hopes…my hopes up - oh Obi."
Obi-Wan had come closer while she was speaking and pulled her close. He pushed away the braid her hair was in, letting her bury her face in his fresh tunics and sob. "Don't blame yourself."
"We've been trying for months Ben!"
"...and we'll get there." Obi-Wan tried to smile when she pulled her head back and looked at him. He squeezed her hips, wanting to sound encouraging despite how deflated he felt. "We'll get there."
"We didn't even have to try with Korkie - just take antibiotics for a sinus infection and forget that it can mess up birth control!"
Obi-Wan grimaced, letting her step back and stride back into the bedroom, still upset. What he hadn't expected with this whole 'trying for a baby thing' was the mental exhaustion and desperation that came with it. He felt stuck, like he didn't have anyone to turn too.
Well sure, he had Anakin - but given the twins were a complete surprise and they had barely tried for the next kid…well, it wasn't the best idea. There weren't many other Jedi that had children, and those of his friends that were in relationships… well, they weren't parenting material quite yet.
It didn't help that he was nearly in the Outer Rim, in the Mandalore system, five hyperspace days away from Coruscant.
It certainly didn't help that he didn't particularly enjoy sex, especially the frequency that they were having it. He enjoyed being with her, the pleasure his ministrations brought, the enjoyment and satisfaction it brought her - and it did bring him something, if he were being honest, being able to do that, to share that with her.
…and to actually be trying to create life… He hadn't expected it to take so long. Or get so technical. If he even moved his head to the left he could see Satine's charts and notes stacked on the edge of the counter, the dates for recording prime days of ovulating and -
Tilting his head back, Obi-Wan leaned against the counter and tried to calm himself down. He hadn't wanted to voice his frustrations with his dear partner… she was always so busy managing and amending treaties between Republic planets and former Separatist planets, or trying to regulate hyperspace lanes, or even just managing her own system of hotheads and radicalists.
Shaking his head, he swiped the negative pregnancy test in the trash and went to find Satine.
She had migrated to the kitchen, now dressed in loose brown leggings and a fitted emerald green long sleeve. There was a floor-length shawl draped over one of the dining chairs - probably so she could look semi-presentable if she was called away from her office.
"Any meetings today?" Obi-Wan asked, pouring caf for both of them and adding sweetener to hers. He hadn't slept well during the night - no need for tea when he had too much to read from the Council.
Satine paused from setting the table, her eyes still watering. "Just a few, nothing exciting. Same old."
"Korkie's term as interim senator for Mandalore is ending soon… He told me he's announcing the bid for Senator at the end of the week."
"We're discussing strategy tomorrow - Mon has to remain impartial publicly, but I know her well enough that she would probably prefer him to anyone from the Wren clan that's running. I think even Boba Fett is running?"
Obi-Wan dipped at his caf, watching her move around the kitchenette in their palace rooms. "Korkie and you are beloved by Mandalore… I'm sure he'll be fine. You raised a good young man."
Satine attempted a smile, though it was weak. Putting the bread she had pulled from the counter, she spoke to the toaster: "Do you know what you're doing today, besides Council briefings to read?"
"... just that I imagine, unless something changes. Sundari Public Library is doing a fundraiser and auction for less fortunate libraries in the planetary system… I'll probably swing down to help and talk to the director. We could probably get a financial aid package through parliament if I get the numbers from the library director. I've seen some of those departments - the children's literature is often sorely lacking in many of them."
"A noble pursuit - you're too good for this Galaxy Obi-Wan Kenobi." Satine put the slices on a plate, finding the butter dish and putting both on the table. "Could you get the leftover fruit medley from last night? I put it in the fridge instead of sending it back to the kitchen."
"Sure - ah, there it is. What time will you be done?" He hoped it wasn't until late tonight…
Satine shrugged, focusing on her toast while he sat. "Five? Hoping for an early night."
"We could get it over with," Obi-Wan muttered to himself. Unfortunately she overheard and frowned.
"Get what over with?"
Obi-Wan put down the piece of fruit he'd been about to eat, deciding it wasn't worth it anymore to dance around the subject. They'd done it enough every month. "Sex. Love making. Intercourse. Whatever you want to call it."
"We're… we're trying to make a baby - conceive a child. Kind of need to have sex to do that, Obi."
"There are other ways to conceive."
Satine furrowed her brow, opening her mouth before closing it a few times. "...are you - are you suggesting that we can't - we know everything is fine, I've been pregnant before - "
"Satine - "
"What, are you suggesting surrogacy or IVF or some other - "
"Well it'd certainly be easier - "
"To who? You? I have to carry and fucking create a living being for nearly ten months and endure hours of dangerous childbirth only to have an infant stuck to my breast for the next year!"
With a sigh Obi-Wan stood, abandoning his breakfast. He brought his caf to the sink and dumped it out. "Nevermind, my dear. It's nothing you need to be concerned about." Forcing a smile, he walked back over and kissed the top of her head. "See you tonight."
"Ben…" Satine watched him leave, shoulders slumped as he shrugged on a cloak and left through the doors. Frowning, she stared at the abandoned meal before them, trying to think what could have brought on the argument. She knew he badly wanted more children - to bask in what he missed with Korkie, to raise a family with her, to pass on lessons and watch a new person grow into a thriving individual.
Sitting back in her seat, Satine found herself thinking of the twins. She didn't meet them for a few months, stuck on Mandalore trying to smooth her system and the peace treaty of an intergalactic war. But when she did… Oh, how she didn't want to let them go, holding one or the other or both all night. How jealous she felt, that her friends could have two and how much she'd cried - both of them cried, her and Obi - when they started to discuss children and realize that it wasn't the right time, not yet.
…and that had been five years ago.
They were nearing their forties now, which put her as an older mother. Well, according to the media -
The years had given them time to learn and explore each other again, to -
"Oh my God." With a groan Satine put her head in her hands, realizing why Obi-Wan had been so upset. "I'm an idiot.
The chair screeched as she stood, abandoning breakfast and grabbing her shawl as she hurried to the door.
The door to their quarters opened as she messily palmed it - and the guard outside snapped to attention to look her in the eye.
Satine forced a smile, nodding as she hurried up the stairs and to the second set of doors, which separated her chambers from the rest of the apartments. The guards there opened the doors without a word, letting her hurry through -
Only to see at the very end of the hall, the end of Obi-Wan's cloak disappearing around a corner.
She sighed, squeezing her eyes shut to prevent the tears that wanted to fall.
"My lady?" One of the guards asked hesitantly. "Do you need anything?"
"...no. No, thank you." Patting her pockets, Satine turned around. "I forgot a few things in my haste. If someone could contact the offices and tell them I'll be late I would greatly appreciate it."
"When do you expect the new arrival…time…ma'am?"
Satine didn't answer, walking past them and not bothering to hide the tears streaming down her face.
Her apology would have to wait .
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tarosin · 3 years
the great adventures of y/n, tubbo and jack - we built a boat
requested: yes/no
this is part 10 to the great adventures series
you didn’t actually expect to be filming a vlog with tubbo and jack today, you were spending one of you last days away from home with lani at the beach, not knowing that tubbo and jack would make you join them. you ended up finding several rocks you liked and ran off to pick them up thinking tubbo would like them, so you put them in your pocket. whilst you were collecting rocks, lani was on the phone to tubbo letting him know you were actually at the beach if he wanted you to join him in the vlog.
“wait y/ns there? put them on the phone.”
“they’re in the water.”
“yeah they’re fighting Poseidon, where are you going to be? ill bring them to you.”
few minutes later you made your way to lani drenched in water.
“i fell…stop laughing!”
“im not!”
“you’re eyes are literally watering because you’re holding in your laughter, anyway look what i got you!”
you placed a clear quartz crystal and a piece of sea glass in lanis hand.
“thank you y/n!! wait this isn’t like your other rocks?”
“i know!! it’s clear quartz and sea glass. i felt like you should have it! i think it’s because i won the battle with Poseidon!”
“you fell.”
“shut up!”
“are you staying at ours again tonight?”
“think so… wanna turn the crystal into a necklace?”
lani ended up taking you to where tubbo was, but didn’t tell you what was happening, you only found out when you looked up to see jack recording you and lani.
“hold up, guest appearance.”
“oh hi lani…y/n, guess what?”
you looked down to see the boat.
“oh fuck no!”
you walked away laughing, tubbo followed after you dragging you back to the others.
“they said they can’t wait to go on the boat with us jack!”
“how likely is he to be able to build this?? how likely are me and y/n going to drown??”
“uhm good chances!”
“of what?”
“lani, am i going to live or die?”
you laughed as lani walked away shrugging.
“tubbo how much money did you spend on this…”
“oh great i’m drowning today!”
you stood next to jack tilting your head as tubbo attached the sail to the pole.
“just remember if you two die, i’m in your will.”
“i didn’t write a will.”
“well that was your first mistake y/n did!”
“tubbo gets my rock collection, tommy gets whatever he wants just not the rock collection, ranboo gets whatever tommy doesn’t want, and you get what ranboo doesn’t want.”
a few minutes later you helped tubbo put the sail up whilst jack stood filming you both.
“this looks unsafe..”
“and muddy.”
“it’s unsafe and muddy but we’re trying our best.”
“jack didn’t do anything.”
you stood next to lani trying to convince her to go on the boat so you didn’t have to as tubbo tried to lasso jack. after being told no several times, you stood with jack whilst tubbo began to tie a figure of 8, you watched as tubbo began teaching you how to actually tie a figure of 8 using a really morbid story.
“why was that so morbid?”
“we like death on the tubbo channel!”
“i want to go home!”
the three of you began to carry the boat out to the sea, however you crashed into something straight away.
“could be worse…could have hit a member of the public.”
“i can tell…it’s not good enough but i can tell.”
“my bad T bo!”
“what the fuck did you call me?”
as you were getting ready to go down the ramp, lani looked directly at you and tubbo who were now trying to push each other into the water.
“try not to hit little people in the water!”
“little people…”
“shall we waterproof up?”
you turned around a minute later only to have tubbo holding his phone up to your face after annoying jack with it .
“say hello.”
“hi there , please send help. i’m going to die!”
“ignore y/n, they’re just dramatic..i wouldn’t let them drown.”
you helped tubbo get the boat into the water as jack filmed the pair of you .
“it’s cold.”
“i’ve been in here before…i fell.”
“how cold was it?”
“the weed of the sea is in my feet.”
“ew! what the fuck!”
lani noticed you had all let go of the boat and yelled at you all to grab the boat before it left you all behind, jack, and tubbo got in the boat, however you refused as lani kept yelling that the trailer was on.
“oh we’ve left the trailer on.”
“that’s what lani has been saying.”
tubbo got off to untie the trailer and you stood nervously laughing as the wheel fell off .
“i'm actually going to die!”
“it’s fineee!”
you helped jack get out the boat, so you could all fix the boat.
“he thinks we could be doing better.”
“i think everyone could think that.”
jack got on the boat first, then tubbo, who then helped you get onto the boat.
“off we go!”
for the first five minutes, the three of you sat yelling at each other what you all should be doing to make the boat go forwards.
“i quite like this.”
“we’re not moving!”
soon enough you had figured it all out and waved goodbye to the others after they gave you a thumbs up.
“so now what do we do?”
“to what?”
“god..say your final goodbyes we’re going to die!”
“hey that rhymed, you’re a genius!”
at this point the boat had completely stopped moving, however tubbo didn’t think this was the case, and began trying to turn the boat around as it was apparently going to shore, despite the fact you and jack were telling him you all hadn’t moved.
“so what’s the sail for?”
“i mean jack has a point you are paddling.”
“y/n you talk to technoblade too much.”
“i’ve been saying heh before i met tommy, what the fuck?”
“jack go up to the front, so y/n can sit next to me.”
jack moved and you sat next to tubbo.
“so how long does it take to go to france?”
“ahh you know, about 20 minutes.”
“how fast do you think we’re going bud?”
“on a, on a, on a train.”
“how would you get the train?”
“i don’t think the train can go across this..”
rather than answering that question tubbo decided he made a hit list.
“we’re going to just go through here.”
“…through where?”
“between the people.”
“you’re creating unnecessary danger.”
you and tubbo started bickering about why he suddenly decided that he was going to hit a bunch of people with the boat for no reason.
“fine you take control y/n!”
“tubbo you were going to kill them!”
“that’s just part of the sailing life!”
you just stared at tubbo shaking your head slightly, trying to process what just happened, then all of a sudden tubbo got up and put you in charge of controlling the boat. you were surprisingly good at it, which was lucky for tubbo and jack who were now leaning out of the boat claiming that they were hiking. they only stopped when the boat began to go faster and noticed you had no idea what you were doing.
“y/n is going to be the reason we crash!”
“yeah i will!”
“why do you sound happy about that?”
“eta france?”
“any second now.”
you decided to focus on making sure the boat was going where you wanted it to go, whilst the others yelled out to the sea occasionally yelling phrases in french as they claimed they could see the french. well you think tubbo was yelling phrases in french, however halfway through you were convinced he started just yelling things in a french accent as he revealed he didn’t actually know french, resulting in jack asking to go to russia as he knows russian.
“y/n, sail is to russia!”
“you know what i don’t wanna drive here you go jack it’s your turn.”
“we’re sick of this shit aren’t we y/n, jack take that…you’re on the wrong side switch sides with us.”
you all swapped sides and you and tubbo sat with your arms around each other instructing jack how to sail .
“yeah, yeah, yeah.”
“thats good now turn us and we’ll be in the wind.”
“we’re about to catch the wind.”
you all swapped sides again and tubbo whispered in your ear, as you sat next to him, about making the boat capsize so jack would go into the water, jack ended up doing a lot better than you and tubbo did, and you all actually started going pretty fast. however, there was absolutely no way you’d get to land any time soon. you sat laughing with tubbo whilst jack yelled about how he was a fisherman, and that’s why he was doing so well and how he studied their fins so he could find out how fish swim.
“for a £50 boat it’s done us well, look we’re sailing, the water cleaned the boat.”
“we havent died.”
“im a little wet, but not too bad.”
“must be nice.”
“oh yeah you fell earlier.”
“they were fighting Poseidon.”
“they probably found a rock they liked and went to get it but it ended up in water.”
you all ended up catching the wind and tubbo decided to make you and jack do reaction images.
“help girl, i don’t know how to sail.”
“okay jack your turn, drive and film.”
“hey look i’m filming and driving!”
“no film me and y/n!”
jack filmed the pair of you, tubbo had his arm around you to prevent you from falling out of the boat as you had a habit of leaning out the boat to touch the water. you had no idea what to do so ended up copying tubbo, the pair of you took off your hats .
“tips fedora…what do you want to name our boat?”
“no way..”
it was around now you and tubbo claimed you were all drifting out to sea, and to just let the wind take you wherever it wants to, whereas jack claimed the boat wasn’t moving at all. you pointed at a boat which was moving a lot quicker than you were.
“he stole our wind.”
“we’re stranded jack,y/n.”
you noticed lani and waved out to her.
“jacks sailing, hes getting sailing tips from my cousins!”
“great can he take us to land?”
“i hope we don’t capsize..”
“why would we?”
tubbo looked at you and you nodded back at him.
“hey jack we’re gonna tip this boat!”
and with that the pair of you stood up and began tipping the boat over whilst laughing.
“tubbo i’m about to fall!”
tubbo grabbed your hand keeping you up on the boat with him, you both even managed to get back in the boat without getting wet.
“no, if i’m in you have to be in too.”
jack pushed tubbo into the water tubbo then went on to pull you into the water with him.
tubbo helped you onto the boat first as this was the second time you ended up in the water, and you were quite clearly cold, he got on after you. you sat on the boat as he filmed the outro and jumped back into the water. once jack ended the recording, you reached out your hand to tubbo helping him back onto the boat. the way back to shore was you and tubbo clinging onto each other trying to warm up, and the three of you making shit jokes, and enjoying each other’s company. you even made a few more plans for when ranboos in the uk. few hours later you had said goodbye to jack and went back to tubbos house, tubbo let you shower first while he stayed with lani as she streamed.
“chuck your clothes outside the door, i’ll put them in the dryer whilst you shower. you can change into these.”
tubbo gave you a hoodie from his merch collection that would be dropping soon, along with your pyjama pants, 30 minutes later you sat with lani whilst tubbo went off to shower, lani ended up finishing the stream after 15 minutes.
“wanna make the necklaces lani?”
“i’d love to!”
not long later tubbo joined the pair of you.
“oooh tubbo i got you some more rocks, they're over there with your phone.”
you ended up making a couple of them into necklaces for him, so the the three of you had something to help you remember the day.
“y/n, i hope you’re enjoying your stay, youll practically be living here for a few month soon.”
“wait their parents said yes?!”
“what are you all talking about?”
@dumb-chaotic-bi-energy @uselesssapphickitten @l0ver0fj0y @etheriaaly @xx-smiley-xx @hawarun @kylobensgirl @cawcaw-pretty-thing @reverse-iak @renleicrashed @augustine-is-joy @c1loudee
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positivelyholland · 3 years
would you write something with chris x teen!daughter reader where she's really sick and he's super worried?
Pairing: Chris Evans x Daughter!reader
genre: hurt/comfort
warnings: sickness, hospitals, mentions of death (but no one actually dies), worried!chris
reader pronouns: she/her
summary: when your case of the flu becomes a lot more serious, chris gets extremely worried
What’s poking my arm? you thought to yourself. You went down to check your arm, and found you were hooked up to an IV. You looked around, confused, and saw a bright hospital room, with nurses currently checking your heart rate with a rhythmically beating heart monitor.
You try to remember what happened and why you’re in the hospital, but all that came to your head was the memory of the suffering you’ve been going through the past few days, and how you had the worst case of the flu in your life. You were so confused, why am I in the hospital, I wasn’t THAT sick. You looked around to also see your dad who was holding your hand with the most fear-stricken face you’ve ever seen him have.
“Dad?” you tried to talk to him, but your voice was barely a whisper. “What happened? Why am I here?” you started getting nervous, and your voice was full of fear, of which Chris noticed making him need to try to calm you down, although he was the farthest thing from calm.
“Shhhh, don’t worry, Peanut. You’ve been really sick. You passed out from your fever so I decided to take you here, just to get you checked out because it was way too high” he told you.
“Do they know what’s wrong with me yet?” you asked him, referring to your current situation.
“They have a few ideas. They’ve already run some tests and depending on the results of those they might have to do a few more. But don’t worry, it’ll be ok,you’ll be ok” if you weren’t so sick, you probably would’ve picked up on the fact that your dad was trying to convince himself of his own words too, but you were far too tired to hear the concern that overtook him.
Chris really didn’t know if you were going to make it off that hospital bed, neither did the doctors. The thought of losing you absolutely terrified him. You were everything to him. You were his pride and joy, the light of his life. He didn’t know what would happen to you, and that thought scared him sick. He had told his entire extended family to pray for you, and although your family wasn’t very religious, he was desperate. He has even posted on his instagram for you, in the hope to get his fans to pray for you too. He needed you to stay alive.
“Evans” a nurse called out with a knock on the door to your room, which was how they alerted a patient that they were coming into the room.
“That’s us” your dad responded. He glanced over at you, and the state he saw you almost made him cry. You had an IV hooked up to your arm, a tool on your finger to monitor your heart rate, a big thermometer in your arm to make sure your fever didn’t get too high, just to name a few. Any parent seeing their child in a state like this would be heartbroken, and Chris was not exempt from that.
A nurse walked into the room. “We’ve discovered she has a medical condition. It’s not life threatening if you treat it right. Where you guys didn’t know she had it, you weren’t able to treat it. But now that you know, we’ll teach you how to take care of it, and she should be ok” the nurse told him, which was a little relieving for him, but he needed to ask one more question.
“Will she live?” he asked bluntly, and that’s when the tears fell. He had that thought, but saying it out loud is what broke him.
“Yes, she will. Now that we have a diagnosis we’ll be able to treat her, and then she’ll be able to go home with you tomorrow night” Chris felt a giant weight lift off his shoulders. She’s going to live, he thought. He felt so relieved that his daughter wasn’t leaving him, and could go home with him just the next night.
~~~~ The next night ~~~~
You were feeling so much better. The doctors had given you some medicine which helped you go back to being your normal, cheerful self. you were excited because you got to go home tonight. You had been in the hospital for 3 days total, and your dad stayed by your side the whole time.
“You ready, Peanut?” he asked you as he grabbed the bag of stuff he’d been using for himself the past few days.
“Yep, let’s go!” you chirped. You slowly got in your dad’s car and he drove you guys home. You mostly discussed how to take care of your condition properly.
As you arrived back at your house, your dad grabbed your bags from the trunk of the car and opened your car door for you. Although you weren’t extremely sick anymore, your newly-diagnosed condition made it so you couldn’t do everything yourself, meaning he had to help you with a few things. He opened the house door for you, and you walked in. You decided to go take a bath, since you hadn’t in a few days. As you walked up to your bathroom, your dad couldn’t help but shed a few (happy) tears at the sight of seeing you back home and healthy. He was so grateful you won the fight against this sickness. Although it isn’t over, he knew you were strong, and this isn’t a battle you’re going to lose.
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marvelouslytrekking · 3 years
The Code
Pairing: Din Djarin/gn!reader Summary: Mando leaves specific instructions not to leave the ship while he is out on a hunt. Disobey those instructions leads to very terrible consequences - will Mando make it back in time? Word Count: 3232 Warning: Mention of blood, pain, knife, torture, canon-typical violence A/N: I decided to see if the Whumptober prompts inspired anything and here this is.... days 1, 2, & 3 all in one! The specific prompts used were: 1: Bound 2: Gagged 3: “Who did this to you” I hope y'all enjoy! Also don’t forget Feedback Feeds my Soul
Main Masterlist | Other Din fics 
You knew that you should have listened to him, he told you not to leave the ship but you wanted to find something other than the terrible rations to eat. You thought that you would be fine. You made sure that the kid was secure in the ship, and you made sure that the ship was in your line of sight, you’d be able to get back to it if you needed.
Everything had been going well, you had found some fruit that was growing and from what you could tell, was edible. You had begun picking the fruit, excited to see what all you could make with what you were finding.
You heard a branch snap, but it wasn’t from your own feet. You scanned the area, surely it was just an animal but you suddenly got a sick feeling in your gut, and knew you needed to get back to the ship. You would just need to engage ground security protocols once you were onboard and both you and the child would be safe.
You had turned to head back to the ship, but it was too late. You saw that they were closer than you, there was no way for you to make it onboard before they did. You didn’t even have to think, the decision had been an easy one, you used the remote controls to engage the protocols, locking the child in the ship when the hunters wouldn’t be able to get to him. It would buy him time until Mando could get back and kill them off.
You then tried to hunker down, they hadn’t seen you yet and you had hoped that it would stay that way. It had bought you some time. You watched from the foliage as they tried to get in the ship to no avail. You felt relief knowing the child was safe, though that relief was only short lived as you suddenly heard movement behind you.
You whipped around quickly, trying to get a blaster shot off but he was faster than you expected and managed to dodge the shot, which just meant that you had signaled the others to your location. You were luckily fast enough to rip your arm panel with the controls for the ship off your arm and shoot that. You got one good step on it too before a blaster shot hit your thigh.
You crumbled to the ground from the pain of the close range shot, you desperately tried to focus on getting out of the situation or fighting your way out of the 5 men, but before you could find your footing again, the man’s foot was on your shoulder, painfully pressing it into the ground. You still tried to get a shot off at him, but he was easily able to pry your blaster from your hand.
“He sure picked a feisty one.” The hunter chucked before grabbing you by the shoulder and pulling you upright. You were surrounded by 2 other men before you were fully upright, one on each side of you, dragging you back towards the ship.
“She destroyed her controls.” The first man told the others, lifting the destroyed band.
“That’s fine, her biometrics should open the ship using the panel at the door.” Another pointed out. You were never more thankful for how paranoid Mando was, while your biometrics were required to get to the controls, to undo something like ground protocols, or really anything, a 6 digit code was also needed. And only you knew your code.
You probably should have let them figure that out themselves but you couldn’t help but laugh at them.
“What the fuck are you laughing at?” He growled.
“Oh, just that even with a big ass head, you have a tiny fucking brain.” You chuckled. Your insult only earned you two fingers pushing into the wound on your leg, making you cry out.
“Not laughing now.” He smirked, happy with his work. He didn’t waste his time forcing you to the panel, pressing your hand to the reader. You could feel how smug he was when the light went green. There was a moment of anticipation, then the code boxes popped up and you felt the anger and annoyance that he felt realizing what had happened.
You felt the blaster pressed into the back of your head as he took a step away from you. “Open that door right now or I will shoot you.”
“If you kill me you’ll never get in.” You pointed out. You knew that the next few hours or days, depending on how long Mando took, wasn’t going to be pleasant, but you had no plans on giving them that code. You would rather be killed. “Go ahead and shoot me now, because it does not matter what you do, I will never give up that code.”
You turned around slowly, looking down the barrel of the gun, directly into the man’s eyes. You refused to let him think he had you scared, you wanted him to realize that he would fail, that you would die before even thinking about giving up Mando or the kid.
“We’ll see about that.” He locked eyes on you, lowering the gun only slightly. “Tie them up,” You were quickly grabbed and dragged over to a tree that was near the entrance of the ship, you were bound to the tree tightly, a little wiggling told you that you weren’t getting out very easily.
“Alimar! Can you get that damn door open?” The man you assumed was in charge asked the smallest man, who was beside the panel.
“I am trying sir, but the security is very tight and I am afraid that one wrong move and it will just lock down more.”
“Well don’t make a wrong move. I want that damn door open before The Mandalorian gets back here.”
“Now you, you’re going to make his job unneeded and you’re going to tell us your code.”
“Again, not happening.” You rolled your eyes at him. Your answer earned you a swift and strong fist to your gut. You groaned at the pain but straightened yourself.
“Fine, stop, the code is 654321.” You said, making yourself sound more out of breath then you were.
“Don’t enter that!” The man in front of you shouted to Alimar, who was about to enter it as if you would give up that easy.
“Is that the code you enter to warn your little mandalorian? You think I’m that stupid?”
“I guess you’ll never know if I ever even give you the right code or if what I say will do any number of things, from warn Mando, to locking it down further, to self destroying the ship.”
“You wouldn’t risk the kid’s life.” He glared at you, but you could tell the wheels in his brain were turning. He had to think of a way to get you to give him the code, but he had to be able to be sure it was the right one.
“Well I guess that just leaves the hard way. Can’t trust you until I can break you.”
He wasn’t lying, he had no intentions of going easy on you. He had started by changing your position, tying your hands on a branch that happened to be at the perfect height above your head. You knew this position left you much more vulnerable, and he took full advantage of that.
He started with his blaster, a shot to your shin, followed by asking for the code. You gave another random combination of 6 digits. He then walked away, towards the panel, he would examine it, then walk back. A shot to your forearm, followed by the same question. You gave another 6 numbers. He walked away, only to come back, this time with a knife.
He gave you a deep cut on the outside of the thigh that hadn’t been shot previously. You hadn’t been able to hold in the screamed pains you had been letting out after each infliction, which only seemed to make the man in front of you smile.
You didn’t know how much time had passed, but you did notice the sun beginning to set. He started to leave you alone for longer periods, which was good. You weren’t sure how many more you were going to be able to take. You were just praying that Mando would be back soon.
Even if you didn’t last much longer, you also started to worry about their resident mechanic. You kept your eye on his progress and were scared that he could actually manage to get through the door.
It had quickly become dark, the only light coming from the lights on the ship. You could tell it was also cooling down as well. You tried to ignore the shivers that were running through your body but there was no use.
“Shit!” You heard the man who had been on watch utter. “Boss! We got a problem, he’s here.”
“Fuck!” The man in charge frantically looked around trying to figure something out. You were about to let out a scream, something to warm Mando, but right as you opened your mouth, one of them shoved a cloth into your mouth.
“Not gonna happen.” He tightened it around your head, making sure you weren’t able to spit it out to warn Mando.
“Good, all we need to do is hide, when he gets here, he’ll be distracted with them, and by the time they can even try to warn him, we’ll jump him.” Their leader told them. They were quickly to gather the little they had and find themselves spots that they would go unseen.
You just prayed that Mando would catch their body signatures through his visor first. If he noticed them before he noticed you, then he would have a chance of fighting them off. If their plan went their way, and he was distracted by you, there was a chance they could overpower him.
You heard your name being shouted, you turned your head to see Mando, his focus solely on you. His helmet never left you, even as you shook your head viciously, trying to get him to look anywhere else, but he was in front of you quickly.
Mando was looking you over, you could feel the anger and tension that was radiating from him. Though at the moment all you could think about was warning him. You were trying to yell through the gag, but it stopped anything comprehensible from coming out.
“Who did this to you!?” Mando asked, a sharp edge to his voice, one that sent a shiver down your spine. He was quick to untie to gag, realizing you were trying to say something.
“Behind you!” Was all you could manage to get out as soon as the gag was undone.
He only had a moment to turn around and realize that he was faced with exactly who did this. His blaster was fired off before he even fully had time to process what was transpiring. His shot landed, though you were sad to realize it took down the least threatening, the mechanic.
He begins to go for the other four men, but one manages to kick his blaster out of his hand, he is left trying to fight all of them with just his hands. You tried to get out of your ropes again, to no avail and were left to watch in panic and he tried to fight them all off. He had been knocked to the ground. Not one, but two of the men on top of him holding him down. You watched as he went to use his flame thrower on his arm to get them off him, when the leader was quick to step down hard on his wrist, stopping his ability to get the flames anywhere that would be helpful.
You watched in panic as he thrashed around, trying to gain any leverage but he was outnumbered. The leader got the third man to take over holding his arm down. The two men on top of him shifted slightly, just enough so that their leader could bend down in front of Mando.
“It looks like you aren’t as sharp as everyone says.” He taunted. “I was expecting more of a fight, I didn’t think that you cared about anything under all that metal. But looks like all it took to take down the great Mandalorian was capturing his favorite little companion.”
“Leave them out of this!” He seethed, thrashing more at the mention of you.
“Oh, but why would I, when we had so much fun today while you were gone.” He smiled disgustingly. “Honestly surprised they are even awake with all I put them through today.”
His attention flickered to you for a moment, he was quick to notice you looked more panicked now than you had all day and he realized he might have just hit the jackpot.
“You know, I always wondered what you looked like under that tin can. I bet you are hideous, it’s not some creed that keeps that helmet on, but more that you are just so ugly no one would want to look at you.” He began to bend down towards Mando. If he had been thrashing beforehand, now he was frantic.
“Stop!!” You screamed, grabbing the leader and Mando’s attention. “Stop! I will give you the code, please, just leave him alone,”
“Is that all it takes to break you? You don’t want to know what he looks like? Afraid he will have to kill you after you know?”
“I think I have made it pretty clear today that my life is not what matters here.” You sighed, “Just leave him alone and I will give you the code.”
“Don’t!” You heard him beg you, but your heart was shattering, you refused to allow these men to break Mando of his creed. A creed that you had witnessed how seriously he took. You would not be a part of that happening.
You locked your eyes with his visor, hoping that you were meeting his eyes. “I’m sorry, I can’t watch them hurt you.”  
“Good.” The leader smiled, standing up over Mando. “Now no games. If the code you give me does not open that door, then I will take that helmet, kill your precious Mandalorian slowly, and make you watch. Then I will blow my way through this ship anyway and get the kid, and leave you to die. Do you understand?
“Yes. No games, just promise you won’t hurt him.” You pleaded.
“You have my word.” You knew the word of a hunter like him meant nothing, and when you noticed that Mando’s free hand was reaching slightly for a blade in the side of his pants, you realized you had a plan, one that gave Mando the time he needed to get the upper hand.
“Okay. My code is 827364.” You sighed, you gave the right number up until the last digit. The panel would light green for every correct digit, meaning that until the last moment, he would think that you were right. But you also knew he had to untie you because your bioscan would have timed out. This would hopefully allow you to give Mando some form of help, though you had minimal strength left in your body, you would try.
“Fuck.” He marched back over to you. “Don’t even think of trying anything.” He told you as he untied you from the tree. You realized just how weak you were when you nearly collapsed. You saw Mando twitch at seeing just how bad of shape you were in, but now neither of you had time to do anything about it.
“Looks like you won’t be doing anything even if you wanted to.” He smirked, practically dragging you to the ship panel. He pressed your hand to it, reading your signal. Once he was no longer in need of you, he threw you to the ground away from him.
You groaned as you hit the ground. Watching as he entered the numbers you had given him. You realized he had made a mistake when you saw a blaster that was in your reach.
You put all your effort into stretching just enough to grab it without signalling to him or the others what you were doing. You saw him tap the last number and as soon as the panel turned red you let your blaster shot go off.
The man whose foot had been holding Mando’s hand down was suddenly stumbling back, and hit the ground. Mando wasted no time, his arm coming up and the flames engulfing the two men holding him down.
They screamed in agony as they rolled off the mandalorian. He got to his feet in record time and before the leader could think to retaliate against you, a knife was plunged into his chest.
Mando marched over to him and was above him as he stumbled back into the ship. Without a word he rips the blade out and stabs it back in the other side. The knife is out of him again, this time finding a place in his stomach. Next his thigh, until finally he has enough and with a quick swipe, the man’s neck is sliced open. He tried to helplessly grab at his neck but within moments he was bleeding out on the ground.
You heard three more blaster shots before Mando was in your vision. “You’re okay, you’re going to be okay.”
You tried to nod, tried to stand up, but your body had given up on you. “I’m sorry.” You managed to get out. If you had only listened to him, you would have been in the ship and not put all of you in such danger.
“You don’t have anything to apologize for.” He told you softly as he wrapped his arms gingerly under you. “Let’s get you patched up.”
“I could have gotten us all killed.” You whined at the pain as he lifted you.
“But you didn’t.” He sighed. He was trying to hold in the worry and anger that was still coursing through his veins. The pain and anger he felt seeing you tied to that tree, the last thing he was worried about had been his creed, and yet, you had. You refused to let them take away something that you didn’t even fully understand and he couldn’t help but love you a little more for that.
While that anger and worry could lead him to taking it out on you, you had disobeyed him, but you also risked your life for him and the child, and he couldn’t be mad at you for that. Instead he left all his anger to the men that were dead outside the ship.
He was as careful as he could be with you as he finally unlocked the ship and walked you up the ramp and quickly laid you on a cot so he could begin to patch you up.
“You saved us.” He adds softly as he notices you slip into sleep. He hoped you would sleep through the worst of the treatments if he was being honest, once he was sure you couldn’t hear him he added, “You saved me.”
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waitimcomingtoo · 3 years
Try Everything
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader enemies to lovers!
Read the series here!
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You weren’t his girlfriend.
He knew you weren’t his girlfriend. In fact, it was entirely his fault that you weren’t his girlfriend.
And yet, he saw you leaning towards Bucky every time he closed his eyes.
He had no right to get mad about what you did with Bucky. He knew he had broken up with you, and that meant you could do whatever you wanted. But no matter how many times he told himself that, he still felt a searing hot jealousy when he thought of it.
Despite his jealousy about the Bucky situation, Peter was still determined to get you back. He knew he messed up by breaking up with you, and now he had to fix things.
When he saw you on Monday morning at your locker, he put his plan in getting you back into motion.
“Hey.” Peter greeted you with a shy smile. You stayed silent, which is what he feared would happen.
“Are you still giving me the silent treatment?” Peter asked you.
“Are you still giving me the silent treatment.” You mimicked his voice while moving your hand like a puppet.
“Okay. That’s good.” Peter nodded. “We’re making progress.”
You glared at him before shutting your locker and walked away.
“Y/n.” Peter whined and followed you. “Don’t walk away.”
He was able to catch up to you before you went into your next class. He didn’t want to touch you, so he stood in front of you to stop you.
“You know you’re gonna have to talk to me at some point, right?” He asked. “Our lockers are right next to each other and we have multiple classes together. And summer is coming. These next few weeks are the last we’ll have together. Don’t you want to hug me once you cross the stage at graduation? Or do you want to spend these next few weeks pretending the longest relationship you ever had never happened?”
You stayed silent, knowing Peter was right. You didn’t want to leave for college knowing the two of you were enemies again.
“Please.” Peter said quietly. “You can’t just act like I’m not here.”
You looked at him for a long time, sparking hope inside him that you were going to forgive him. Finally, you cracked a smile and shook your head at him.
“Watch me.” You said before bumping his shoulder to move past him. Peter felt his heart break all over again as your footsteps sounded further and further away.
The next morning, Peter was back at it again with trying to talk to you. He saw you at your locker and immediately went to his.
“Good morning.” Peter smiled at you, but got no answer.
“Please, Y/n. It’s been weeks.” He frowned. “And I’m not particularly thrilled with you right now either but we need to talk.”
You wondered why he was mad at you, but you didn’t say anything.
“I fucked up.” He admitted. “I shouldn’t have broken up with you like that.”
You shut your locker and looked at him for a moment. He fought the urge to take your books from you the way he used to and act like everything was fine.
“You know how I said you’re right about once a month?” You asked him, reminding Peter of when you were first trying out the relationship.
“Yeah?” He said hopefully.
“You just hit your quota for the month.” You patted his chest and walked away from him. Peter let out a huff and walked to his first class, which of course, he had with you.
“Good morning, class.” The teacher greeted as you took your seats. “Since summer is coming, I’ve decided to give you a final project instead of a final. I’ll be picking your partners again.”
Your heart stopped for a moment when you heard the announcement. The first time she assigned partners, you ended up with a boyfriend. You could only imagine what would happen this time. Peter shifted in his seat behind you, telling you he was thinking the exact same thing.
Your teacher began to list off the partners and your anxiety built every time your name wasn’t called. The number of available students that weren’t Peter was getting lower and lower.
“Ned, Eugene, you’ll be working together.” She read off her list. You shut your eyes and prayed that you and Peter wouldn’t be matched.
“Oh no.” Ned gulped and looked at Flash.
“Oh yes.” Flash winked at Ned.
“Peter, Y/n, you’ll be working together again.” Your teacher read, knocking the wind right out of you. Peter smiled a little, happy that he’d have an excuse to talk to you.
You, on the other hand, were less than pleased. Your hand immediately shot up and you spoke before being called on.
“Can I please have a different partner?” You asked. Peter let out a sigh and rolled his eyes up to the ceiling. The class, who had just gotten used to the fact that you and Peter were a couple, looked at each other in confusion.
“Why?” The teacher asked. “I thought you two had worked out your differences?”
“I thought so too.” You said sweetly. “But since my current partner has proven to be unreliable and a major A-hole, I don’t think I can trust him.”
Peter’s jaw dropped, feeling that dormant feeling of competition with you returning. If you were going to act like that, he was too.
“I also want a new partner,” Peter said as he raised his hand. “Apparently my current partner ran around to others partners when our project ended.”
“What the hell are you talking about?” You asked as you whipped around in your seat.
“Y/n. Language.” The teacher reprimanded you.
“I’m sorry.” You apologized. “I just don’t think this partner is right for me. I’d rather be on my own.”
Peter let out a humorless laugh when you used the very words he said to break up with you.
“Right. Like you were on your own in the kitchen the other night?” He shot back.
“What?” You whipped around again. “What are you talking about?”
“You know exactly what I’m talking about.” Peter hissed.
“No, dingus, I don’t.” You taunted. “That’s why I’m asking.”
“I’m talking about you filling yourself up with fossil fuel the second we break up”. Peter snapped.
“Fossil fuel?” You asked. Your eyes widened when you realized he meant Bucky. “Oh my God. You watched the security tapes? Are you stalking me?”
“I wouldn’t have to if you were mature enough to answer my calls.” Peter shot back.
“If you two are so inclined to have this conversation, you can continue it outside of my class.” The teacher cut in. You suddenly remembered that you were in class and had an audience watching your fight.
“Fine. I’ll leave.” Peter said as he picked up his backpack.
“Yeah.” You laughed. “He’s good at that.”
“You’re both leaving.” The teacher said. “Now.”
You grabbed your backpack and marched out of the classroom with Peter close behind him. You never turned to look at him, but you could hear his heavy footsteps behind you.
“We need to talk.” Peter called after you.
“I don’t want to talk to you.” You grumbled.
“Then how are we supposed to work together?” Peter asked, stopping in his tracks. You stopped too and whipped around to see him.
“We’ll do it on Einstein’s photoelectric effect model.” You stated. “You can do the research and I’ll write the paper. We won’t have to see each other anymore than we have to.”
“But I want to see you.” Peter said quietly.
“Oh, you do?” You folded your arms. “Is that why you broke up with me?”
“I didn’t think it would be like this.” Peter sighed. “I knew you’d be mad, but you’re acting like I don’t even exist. I know I broke your heart, and I’m really sorry about that, but we have a lot of history, Y/n. You can’t just pretend I’m not here.”
“Yes, I can.” You shrugged. “It’s easier when you don’t talk to me, though.”
Peter folded his arms as well, staring at you with fuming anger as he thought of what to say. To him, you were being unreasonably and immature. He knew you were upset, but he couldn’t fix things if you didn’t give him a chance to.
“Did you sleep with Bucky?” He blurted. It wasn’t the way he wanted to ask you, but he was at a loss for any other words.
“Oh my God.” You groaned and started walking again. “We are absolutely not having this conversation.”
“Could you please stop walking away?” Peter’s asked as he followed you. “I’m trying to talk to you.”
“I don’t care.” You said as you sped up. “I don’t want to talk to you.”
“Y/n.” Peter whined and began to jog to catch up. “Since when did you walk this fast?”
“Fuck off, Peter.” You called back.
“Let me talk to you.” He ran and stood in front of you again. “What were you doing with Bucky?”
“None of your business. You’re not my boyfriend, remember?” You raised your voice. “You forfeited any right to have an opinion on my life when you broke up with me and couldn’t be bothered to give me a reason why. Do you honestly think you’re allowed to be mad about Bucky? Because you’re not. I moved on, Peter. You should too.”
You tried to move past him but he blocked you.
“But with him?” He asked sadly. “You knew I was insecure about him.”
“And you knew I needed communication in a relationship.” You shot back. “And yet, we ended up on completely different pages. I don’t like being caught off guard, Peter. You knew you were gonna break up with me at lunch, didn’t you?”
“Yeah. I did.” He admitted.
“That’s what I thought.” You nodded. “But instead of talking to me then, you lied to me and told me everything was fine. You’re such a dick. I can’t believe I ever loved you.”
Your words cut into Peter like a dagger. He physically stumbled back from you as your words sunk in. His eyes fell to the ground and for a moment, you felt guilty. You almost reached out and pulled him into a hug, craving his touch after three weeks without it. Instead, you shifted your backpack on your shoulder as you fought the urge to forgive him.
“Email me your research by next week.” You said before you thought it through. “And do me a favor?”
“Yeah. Anything.” Peter nodded hopefully.
“Don’t talk to me.” You smiled tightly. “Thanks.”
You turned and walked away from Peter, tears falling from your eyes the second he couldn’t see you anymore.
When his efforts to talk to you in school failed, Peter went to plan b. He went to your house right after school and knocked on your door, impatiently waiting for you to open up. Soon enough, he heard the door click and was met with your unimpressed gaze.
“Oh my God.” You groaned when you saw who it was. “You can’t just show up here.”
“And you can’t open the door if you didn’t look through the peephole first.” Peter shrugged. “What if I had a gun?”
“Do you?” You asked sarcastically.
“No.” He answered. “But you wouldn’t know that because you didn’t look through the-“
“What do you want?” You cut him off. Peter shut his mouth and let out a sigh. He knew you won’t any excuses, so he got right to it.
“I was lying.”
“Oh, great.” You smiled sarcastically and tried to close your door.
“I never fell out of love.” He continued as he held your door open. “My feelings never changed. I love you just as much now as I always have. I promise.”
You took your hand off your door when you heard this. This information changed everything for you but left you even more confused than before.
“Then why did you break up with me?” You asked quietly.
“I couldn’t sleep the night you came to my apartment after that man attacked you.” Peter began. “Or the night before. I couldn’t stop thinking that being with me meant you’d never be safe again. I broke up with you to prevent people going after you for being my girlfriend.”
“That’s ridiculous.” You scoffed. “I can protect myself.”
“That’s exactly what Ned said you would say.” Peter realized.
“So you talked to Ned about it and still broke up with me?”
“I wasn’t thinking straight.” Peter shook his head. “I just needed to know you were safe.”
“Well, I think that’s stupid.” You said simply. “And slightly narcissistic to think people care about Spiderman enough to go after his girlfriend. It’s not like you’re Iron Man or anything.”
“Are you kidding me? How is that-“ Peter cut himself off when he noticed the slight smile on your face.
“You’re teasing me.” He realized.
“Sorry.” You said unapologetically. “Habit.”
“It’s okay. I deserved that.”
You nodded in agreement and pursed your lips. Peter knew you well enough to know when you were trying to come to terms with something. He could only hope the fact that you hadn’t shut the door yet meant he was forgiven.
“Whats wrong?” He asked you.
“I’m angry that you broke up with me and lied about why.” You told him.
“I know.”
“But I’m less angry because I would have done the exact same thing.” You continued, making Peter lit up with newfound hope.
“You would have?” He asked as his lips twitched into a smile.
“You’re Spiderman. And I love that. But I love Peter Parker more.” You told him. “And if the roles were reversed, I would’ve done everything in my power to keep you safe. I’d probably do something more than what you did, but that’s just because I’m a better person than you.”
Peter laughed at your joke, missing your dry sense of humor after three weeks of silence.
“You’re not that good of a person. You fucked my coworker.” He reminded you.
“I tried to fuck your coworker.” You corrected. “But I failed so I’m basically a saint.”
“You failed?” Peter lit up. “You didn’t sleep with Bucky?”
“No.” You admitted. “He turned me down.”
Peter’s cheeks puffed up at his tried his hardest to fight a smile.
“Don’t laugh.” You pointed a finger at him.
“I’m sorry.” He burst into laughter. “But you were rejected by a terrorist. That’s so embarrassing.”
“Shut up.” You smacked his arm. “He didn’t reject me. He was being a gentleman.”
“He’s also a hundred years old, you grandpa fucker.” Peter mumbled.
“Leave me alone.” You whined. “I’m still mad at you.”
“I know.” Peter’s laughter died down. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you how I was really feeling. I should’ve communicated better. I know how important that is to you.”
“And I’m sorry I told my friends you had a micropenis.” You mumbled.
“That’s okay.” He nodded. “I deserved that.”
“And that I had to fake it every time.” You continued.
“Okay.” He liked that one a little less.
“And that you’re on steroids.” You mumbled.
“You’re pushing it.”
“Sorry.” You chuckled, and he couldn’t help but smile back.
“I’m sorry too. And I meant everything I said. I never stopped loving you.” Peter told you. “Did you stop loving me?”
“I tried to.” You admitted. “But even when I hated you, I always loved you more.”
“So are we okay?” Peter hoped. Your smile dropped suddenly, and Peter’s heart went with it.
“No, Peter.” You said quietly. “I don’t think we are.”
“Why not?”
“How do I know this isn’t gonna happen again? It’s a valid concern, to think that people will go after me because of you.” You told him. “How do I know you won’t break up with me every time you think I’m in danger?
“I won’t do that.” Peter promised you.
“You just did.” You reminded him. “What makes you think you won’t do it again?”
Peter grimaced, knowing his answer was not what you were looking to hear.
“I hate to say this, but I don’t know.” He confessed. “I just think I won’t.”
“Well I don’t know if I can be in a relationship with someone who “just thinks” he won’t break up with me.” You said as you folded your arms.
“I think you should.” Peter pouted. “I think it would be fun.”
“Or how about this? Maybe I agree with you.” You shrugged. “Maybe I don’t want to date you anymore because I don’t want to be in danger.”
“What?” Peter sputtered. “Since when do you ever agree with me?”
“Since now.” You decided.
“Then we’ll make a compromise.” Peter suggested. “We just won’t be seen together while I’m in the suit. And I’ll get Mr. Stark to make you some travel sizes weapons so you can protect yourself. And he can put a tracker on you like he has a tracker on me. And we can figure out-“
“Hm.” You cut Peter off and took your time looking him up and down.
“What’s wrong?” He panicked. “Is that not enough?”
“I’ve just decided that I don’t like you anymore.” You said simply. Peter let out a sigh of relief when he realized you were joking.
“Don’t even start.” He warned.
“I can’t be with you.” You shrugged. “I’ve fallen in love with Bucky. Its the criminal record. I just can’t help myself.”
“Yes you can”. Peter insisted.
“No. His thunder thighs are calling me.” You tried to shut the door again. “I can hear them now.”
You stepped back into your apartment, and Peter took a step in. He cupped your face in his hands and spun you around, pinning you against your front door.
“If you want to get rid of me, you’re gonna have to try harder than that.” He mumbled as he brushed your bottom lip with his thumb.
“Well I do love a challenge.” You smiled under his thumb. “I bet I could-“
Peter didn’t let you finish as he pressed his body into yours and shut you up with a kiss.
“You talk too much.” He mumbled against your lips before going in for another kiss. You gripped the lapels of his flannel to pull him closer, but pushed him away suddenly with your eyebrows furrowed.
“Fuck.” You exclaimed with an angry huff.
“What’s wrong?” Peter worried as he took his hands off of you.
“I just remembered we have another fucking project to do.” You grumbled.
“That’s what you’re thinking about right now?” He laughed in disbelief. “Our school project?”
“You’re laughing because you weren’t the one who did most of the work last time.” You pointed out.
“Can you please stop talking so I can kiss you?” Peter whined. “We can worry about that later.”
“But we have to at least start-“ Your sentence was once again cut off by Peter’s lips, and this time, you were glad he shut you up. You were finally back together and you had deeply missed his touch.
The project could wait.
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persephones-wren · 3 years
heyy! Could I request a Kaz brekker and reader fic where shes really sensitive and kind and the opposite of him and they're dating but he seems to be spending more time with inej planning a heist and reader gets jealous and during the heist she saved inej from a bullet, getting hurt in the process and tells Kaz,in a delirious state, that shes happy she saved inej for him and everyone helps him plan a picnic for her while shes healing and suprises her? Its quite a long request but it would be wonderful if you wrote it!! thanks💕
Ends of the Earth (Kaz Brekker x Reader)
Hope you enjoy reading! I had a lot of fun writing it :)
Warnings: reader gets shot, that's about it?
Genre: Angst to (minimal) Fluff
Word Count: 2126
You’re not sure how you could have ever expected him to return what you felt for him.
You and Kaz were essentially opposites- he was a hardened criminal, you were more of a person who just ran with the wrong people. He was mean and commanding, you were sweet and endearing. Where he’d kill people with no hesitation, you’d probably be torn over it for the rest of your life.
Though the Barrel seemed to have no room for someone as kind as you, you had found yourself to fit fine along with rest as someone to watch over the rest. Your skill of memorization was appreciated when Kaz needed to reflect back on a certain part of the plan, and besides, having someone counteract his cruelty was appreciated by the others.
Sometimes, like now, it was hard to be a part of the Crows. Watching Inej stand by his side, watching them work together like well-oiled parts of the same machine, it was bittersweet. You couldn’t help the jealousy that overtook you, but kindness was ingrained in you. You couldn’t hate him. You couldn’t hate Inej.
“So we’ll take them out there. Inej, I’m going to need your backup here.” His voice snaps you back into the moment.
“Got it.” She nods.
“Before then, though, You’ll be stationed here. Y/N, I’m going to want you to stick close to her. She can fight for the both of you in case anything goes wrong.”
You’re useless, you berate yourself. You’re going to need Inej to save you. Maybe if you could defend yourself the way she could, he’d like you more.
“That should wrap everything up. We’ll meet at the usual spot tonight. We’ll take transport there and sneak in. From there, everything should go according to plan.”
Night quickly falls, and you’re all gathered.
“To reiterate, I’m going to go grab the paintings. Inej and Y/N, stick together and communicate when it’s safe. Jesper, you’re going to shoot out the lights when signaled, and make sure that carriages are ready when it’s time. Wylan, wait it out here with him. If all goes to shit, blow this place. Clear?”
Echoes of agreement echo from around you, and you nod. This should be an easy heist.
“Y/N, c’mon. Let’s head over this way.”
Inej takes your wrist and leads you to the edge of the building. Her stare is intimidating as she surveys the building, before turning back to you.
“I’ll scale the walls, and then I’ll use the rope to pull you up. We can wait on the top of the building for a bit, before slipping in through a window. That okay?”
Damn her for even being considerate to you. And you still have the nerve to be jealous over her. Her and Kaz are so similar- they’d be perfect for each other.
You still can’t find it in your heart to be completely happy about that.
“Y/N? You alright?”
“Huh?” you snap out of your reverie, and give a bashful smile. “Yeah, that’s good. I’ll spot you. Hopefully I’ll be able to get up there…”
Inej throws you a reassuring smile back. “You’ll be okay.”
You watch with awe as she scales the building with no issue, truly living up to the nickname she had been given. She’s nearly invisible as she reaches the top, you note. She’s incredible.
You wait on the ground patiently as Inej lowers the rope, before you hear voices.
You stare up at her, wide-eyed, before running and diving behind a tree.
“The wine good tonight?”
It’s a guard. Your heart rate quickens, and bring a hand over your mouth. Quiet your breathing. If they catch you, you’re dead, and you’ll be the dead weight of this mission.
“I don’t know, haven’t had a drink yet. Maybe once everyone’s gone. Ha! The Stadwatch won't penalize me if there’s no guests to guard!”
“Yeah, that’s the spirit! All we have to make sure is no scum tries to steal the painting.”
“Like anybody would dare show their face here.”
The other guard laughs, and you wait with baited breath as they finally round the corner.
You check both directions, before you quietly slip out.
“Inej?” you’re quiet and slightly shaken. Death and capture was always palpable on these missions, but it had come swinging at you quicker than you had expected. “You still there?”
“Yeah,” her voice comes from above. “I’m here. You’re fast on your feet. Good thinking.”
“Thank you, and thank you for waiting.”
The rope drops down for the second time, and you take a hold of it, pulling yourself up with a bit of her help. Your hands finally grasp the ledge of the building, and Inej extends one of her hands to help pull you up. You’re hauled onto the rooftop, and though it’s a bit ungraceful, you’re okay.
“Thanks,” you whisper.
“No problem.”
Your eyes are both directed on the walkways below.
“You scout out for guards down there, and I’ll check for guards in the windows? We should signal to Kaz soon.”
You keep a careful eye down below, hearing Inej scurry to different window points. You watch as she slips to one of them, peering through.
“Just our luck,” she mutters cheerfully. “This window’s fine. Let’s open it. I’ll go first, but send a flare for Kaz. I’m going to need that window open as soon as that flare goes up.”
“Alright.” You take a deep breath, before shooting the flare off. Inej thrusts open the window and pulls you in behind her.
You watch a figure walk past the doorway. That should be Kaz, and now, he should be slipping past you to go to the next doorway to take the painting-
“To the roof again, now-” Inej says, and starts to step out behind the boxes, and the figure turns back.
That’s not Kaz.
A click.
She’s going to be shot.
You’re acting on pure impulse and nerves when you shove her aside, and the bullet pierces through your shoulder. You crumble, and Inej tries to keep you from completely collapsing.
You grit your teeth. You’re trying not to let tears stream down your face, but everything hurts and Inej is over you and she’s saying something but you can’t hear her-
You try to force yourself to sit up, and you see a cane poised to hit the guard over the head. You turn away, and thank your murky hearing that you can’t hear the scream that emits from the guard.
“What happened?” His voice is losing it’s cool quickly.
“She was shot by the guard, I don’t think she’s quite registering it-” Inej’s voice is more panicked, but she forces herself to be analytical. “She’s going to need treatment, and quickly.”
“Okay,” he breathes in sharply. “Okay. Go down the hall, grab the paintings, and meet Jesper by the transportation. I’ll get her out.”
Inej dashes down the hall, and he takes in your state. Your pupils are blown wide, and you’re trying not to cry, but it hurts.
“Kaz,” you breathe out. “Thank the Saints. Is Inej okay?”
He frowns at that. What about Inej? Inej was fine, you’d been shot. Did you have no self-preservation instincts?
“Inej is fine,” he mutters.
“That’s good,” you sigh out. “That’s good. I don’t quite think I’m going to make it out here alive, so just in case I don’t, I love you. Though I’m glad she’s okay, for your sake.”
His frown deepens. “I’m sorry? For my sake?”
“You’re in love with her. She with you. You guys can live your happy ending. As happy as the Barrel can get, anyway.” Your smile is slightly delirious, and he knows you’re not thinking rationally.
“Stop talking.”
“I’m sorry, are you mad at me? Please don’t be mad at me. I didn’t-” you cough, “think I’d die, but if it’s for you and Inej, then I think it’s worth it.”
“Nobody is worth your life,” he nearly yells. “You’re not going to die, Y/N. I won’t allow it.”
“Please, just let me stay here. They’re going to find you if you don’t.” “I don’t care.”
He’s pulling off his jacket and carefully using it as a tourniquet for your shoulder.
“Can you walk?”
“Kaz, please-”
“Can you walk.” It’s a statement, maybe a threat.
“Maybe- maybe with a bit of support,” your words are weak. You’re running out of time. “The world looks sideways, though- face it, Kaz, I’m not going to make it. I don’t want to be dead weight, your touch aver-”
“I’m not going to combust into fucking flames if you lean on me! Goddamnit, let me help you!”
His anger startles you. You hold back more tears as he pulls you up. At least he took the care to pull you up by the other arm. “Okay.”
The world is spinning and his face isn’t clear, and time seems to speed up as both of you go through the hallways, finally meeting Jesper and Inej in the courtyard.
“Bloody hell,” Jesper mutters.
“Go. To the White Rose. Nina should be able to do something.” Kaz leaves no room for argument. You’re passed out now, and he’s almost thankful you can’t feel anything as the carriage rushes through harsh weather and bumpy roads.
I don’t quite think I’m going to make it out here alive, so just in case I don’t, I love you.
Were you that oblivious? Did you think he was in love with Inej? How could you be so blind?
How could you sacrifice yourself so he could live what you thought to be a “happy ending”?
You didn’t plan it, did you?
He carefully takes off one of his gloves, hovering his hand over your forehead.
You’re still warm.
He doesn’t believe in Saints, but now, he’s almost praying to them that you’ll be okay.
Please be okay.
Inej glances at Kaz, standing over her in the White Rose.
She’s been out for days at this point. Nina could only do so much, with whatever corpse-like power she’d gained. The rest had to be natural healing.
Inej clears her throat. “She’d go to the ends of the world for you. For your happiness.” Kaz remains still.
“Don’t make her do so again.”
Your eyes flutter open, the brightness of the room nearly rendering you blind.
Your shoulder hurts like a bitch, but besides that, you’re alive.
Happiness and heaviness fill your heart at once. You’re alive, you’re okay. What had you said to Kaz in your state?
Hopefully nothing stupid.
“You’re awake. I’m glad.”
Kaz’s voice comes from the edge of the room. He’s leaning on the wall, cane in hand. When was Kaz upfront with his emotions?
“Yeah. How long was I out for?”
“A couple of days.”
“Days?” Your voice cracks. “I didn’t think it was that bad.”
That’s a lie. You thought you were dead, for sure. He doesn’t have to know that.
“...Right.” He’s skeptical, but pushes himself off the wall and makes his way over to you. “This may be a bit early, but would you want to go for a walk?”
“Sure.” Is he kicking you out of the Crows? Why would he want to go on a walk just after you’ve woken up? You’re screwed.
He waits for you to stand, and then you’re both walking side by side, into the gardens of the courtyard. He doesn’t say anything, just leads you to a small place under an apple tree. A picnic blanket is spread out, with a small basket laying on top of it.
Your eyes widen in surprise, and a brief smile flashes across his face. “Nice, isn’t it?”
“Kaz- what is all of this?”
“You said you loved me.”
Horror paints across your face, and you lower your head in shame. “I’m sorry, I didn’t, I wasn’t thinking. I’m sorry, I know you love Inej, that- was a bit unprompted of me, I’m sorry-”
He blinks at your rushed words. “Y/N. I’m not in love with Inej. She’s part of the Crows, as are you. Though- if you mean it,” he clears his throat, “that you love me- then take this as a surprise first date.”
Your expression morphs into a shy smile. He’s probably not ready to say it back. It doesn’t matter. He feels the same way.
“Happy first date, then.”
You’re both talking and eating, small smiles on both of your faces, a stark contrast to the harsh atmosphere of Ketterdam. It doesn’t matter to him. You’re alive, you’re safe, and you’re with him. You’d go to the end of the world for him. He’d do the same for you.
He loves you.
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im-whatchamccallit · 3 years
Fixed On//ATEEZ (OT8)
Pairing: ATeez (OT8) x Fem!Reader (Non-romantic)
Genre: Slight angst, psychological if you’re paranoid enough, majority fluff
Warnings: Mentions of stalking
Word count: 3.4k
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You told yourself it was the lack of sleep from the three days you spent studying for your finals catching up to you, that the shadows you saw in your peripheral and the faint footsteps you heard behind you as you drowsily ran errands were simply hallucinations. You told yourself it was all in your head, but how could you believe that now that you were aware of him?
You had simply gone out to grab groceries, just a seven minute walk from your apartment that wouldn’t take any more energy from your already exhausted body, just craving a home cooked meal before crashing for the next two days. But you could practically hear his breathing as he circled around you in the produce section, feel his eyes staring at the back of your head while you selected a pack of beef and, now, you could see him clear as day as you trailed down the empty streets. You were tempted to stay in the grocery store to stall him, praying he got bored and left, but you made the mistake of going at 9:30 at night, the cashiers urging you to go as they closed at 10. Not a problem, you could just head home, right? But you couldn’t, the looming fear he’d find out where you lived making you whimper in distress. To add insult to injury, you left your cell phone at home because you didn’t think your trip would take so long and most stores were closed now, the street lights and your two bodies the only signs of life in the silent night.
You’d been walking for almost twenty minutes now, passing by your apartment reluctantly with aching feet and a spinning head, your eyes brimmed with tears as you tried to push on in case he caught up to you and hoping your $15 beef hadn’t gone bad by now. You need a miracle, something to ease your anxiety and get you home and away from the unidentified man. And, in the midst of your unfortunate predicament, you saw it: a 7-Eleven.
Your body picked up speed as you rushed inside, the place bright and lively despite only you and the cashier being present and the radio playing softly in the background, the tightness in your chest disappearing with each passing second. You gasped softly at the sound of the door’s chime, your head darting to see the hooded figure from before stepping inside and making an abrupt turn to the candy aisle. What now?
You tried to stay natural, moving to the fridge to pick out a soda that you didn’t want, glancing over to see the man adjacent to you mindlessly picking up bags of chips only to put them down once again, looking in your direction every so often to make sure you haven’t moved. And you did, floating about the store with no destination and him still on your tail, the teenager behind the register not caring as the both of you played a game of hide and seek that left your safety up to fate.
It seemed like you were hopeless but, for some reason, you were starting to get luckier as the night progressed, the door chiming and the boisterous chatter of men filling the fairly spacious convenience store.
“Get anything you want, we’re charging it to Hwa’s card.”
“Like hell you are! Pay for yourselves!”
Laughter followed the bickering of two of the guys echoed off the walls before they spread out, some going in pairs to different sections and some on their own, but the one standing alone in front of a rack of limited edition snacks just so happened to catch your gaze first. He was tall, wearing a coat that looked cute on him but made his upper body appear to be broad and muscular underneath, his face blank and firm as if he’s never smiled a day in his life. He was scary, and perfect.
Yunho’s lips were threatening to form a pout as he struggled to choose. Would he rather have a snack form Japan or Indonesia tonight? Both looked so good but he couldn’t bring himself to choose.
“I’ll get both.” He said under his breath before grabbing both bags, gasping loudly as a pair of arms wrapped tightly around his waist.
“Oppa, I thought you had work tonight!” You squealed in a faux happy voice, smiling brightly up at the wide and horrified gaze the man gave you.
“Some guy’s been following me for a while now. Please, just pretend you know me.” You said in a hushed tone, smile faltering as you glanced over to the fridge you once occupied, the eyes you had feared all night staring directly at you, a soft whine leaving you as you peered back at the strange man you latched yourself to, praying he saved you in any way he could.
You gasped as he wrapped his arms around your shoulders, pulling you until your head was flush against his chest, his once stoic face now adorned with a content smile.
“I texted you that I was free but you didn’t respond! I really wanted to see you tonight.” He said in a cute yet teasing tone, your head thrown back to see him smiling down at you, giving a subtle but clear wink to let you know he was on your side, your eyes stinging as you tried not to cry in the unknown male’s arms.
“How about we go grabs some snacks and head back to my apartment? I’ll pay.” He said with a gentle smile, your head nodding reluctantly.
You both made your way to the back of the store where his friends continued to joke and bicker, Yunho’s arm not leaving you for a second although his smile was gone now, eyes still puppy like yet hard.
Considering he was a fairly large guy, it was easy for the others to catch on to his presence but, upon turning to face their groupmate, they found themselves more focused on your meek appearance hiding safely under his arm. You could feel your face burning in both embarrassment and unease at the way they eyed you and the man.
“Who is this?” One asked, his hair a beautiful royal blue and eyes just as sweet as your large bodied savior’s, the way our eyes immediately diverted from his causing a few to laugh but the way you gasped in horror as your eyes locked with your almost hour long stalker, body trembling as you opted to look at the ground. You just wanted to go home.
“This is…. Princess! My girlfriend!” Yunho said, suddenly realizing neither of you knew each other’s names.
“If he’s holding you hostage, blink twice.” Another spoke, his eyes cat-like and face sculpted to reveal his dimples as he smiled playfully at you.
“Why’s it so hard to believe I can get a girlfriend? Bunny, go pick out something to eat. We’ll wait for you so we can pay.” Yunho said affectionately, giving a reassuring squeeze to your shoulder at the way your eyes widened in fear at him, his head nodding you onward as he silently told you he had a plan, eyes never leaving you as you cautiously moved to the glass casing filled with pastries.
“Seriously, Yunho, who is she?” Seonghwa asked, voice low as the other watched you closely. You were holding two plastic grocery bags filled with vegetables and meat, you were probably a university student based on your lazy but comfortable choice of clothing. Nothing about you seemed alarming, but your sudden introduction as Yunho’s girlfriend was enough to make them suspicious.
“Look at the guy in the hoodie. She said he followed her here.” He said in a hushed voice, the unknown man creepily moving close by you before closing in on a sealed pack of donuts but giving you a once-over now that he was close enough to get a better look at you.
You felt your jaw clench as to not cry out for help and set him off. He was only a few feet away from you now, able to grab and harm you just by extending his arm if you dared to alert anyone. That wasn’t a risk you wanted to take.
“Did he follow her car or something? Why would she stop here?” Wooyoung asked.
“Obviously she didn’t drive. She would’ve left her bags in her car if she did.” Yeosang responded, a few of their eyebrows knitting together in confusion.
“Wait, but the only grocery store nearby is almost ten minutes away.” Jongho chimed in.
“By car. If she walked, that would be almost 25 minutes.” Mingi concluded, their bodies running cold at the realization, taking in the severity of your situation.
You tried to seem casual, to make sure he was unaware of the sudden initiation of eight strangers planning to get you away from him as quickly as possible but, in the midst of your overthinking, you managed to wander off to the back of the store, eyes locked on the stands full of ramen in both impatient anxiousness and genuine wonder. There’s no doubt the beef you bought was no good at this point, and that constant walking you’d done really built up your appetite. You couldn’t let the boys pay for you, especially after offering their protection to keep you safe. But, you had your wallet on you, and you had to get in line with them anyways so they can pay for their snacks, so why not grab dinner for yourself while you were at it?
You mindlessly searched for the one you usually ate, even wondering if you should grab two in case you were hungry later while shifting to hold both bags of food in one hand, almost missing the set of eyes on you. Almost.
It felt like before when you were in the grocery store, body freezing as you listened closely but this time aware of the threating presence, only unaware of how close he was now. You slowly let your body rise, not wanting to let your guard down as you finally heard footsteps, the faint chatter of the boys snapping you from your daze as you tried to hurry back to them, yelping as you crashed into a warm body before you.
You held your breath, peering up cautiously before seeing a familiar and bright smile, his jaw slim but chiseled. He was the stranger’s friends, and he was cute. If you weren’t so worried about getting the hell back home safely, maybe you could’ve gotten a better look at each one to see if they were all this stunning.
“Uhm, P-Princess,” Seonghwa cringed at the pseudonym, not sure why Yunho couldn’t just ask for your actual name to begin with.
“We’re getting ready to pay. You got everything you need?”
You glanced at the bowl of instant ramen before nodding, Seonghwa eagerly taking it from your hands to leave it unoccupied, but that didn’t last long as he grasped it to guide you beside him, your sides practically touching. It was a bit confusing, it made you worried that your act would be found out by the mysterious guy following you. But Seonghwa was no idiot, his observation skills heightened since he was brought into your escape plan, trying hard to not send a glare to the creep standing in the place you were moments ago. If he hadn’t noticed him moving closer, who knows what would’ve happened to you.
“Hey, ready?” Yunho asked you softly, your head nodding once more as they began to hand their items to the still disinterested boy behind the register, your eyes examining their mannerisms.
You were a little wary about blindly asking for their help but, from the way they immediately took on the task to protect you by staying at your side, and even now as the short but equally as model-like blue-haired guy complained that he thought they were using ‘Seonghwa’s’ card, only to be met with teasing ‘Thank you, mom’ chants from the remainder which left him looking a bit disgruntled, you knew they were nothing to fear.
You moved forward as they trailed on to the side, setting down your ramen as Yunho kept his place next to you, moving to pull out his wallet but you immediately snatched your hand from Seonghwa’s wanting to give a quick apology but needing to pay before he had the chance to.
“Don’t worry, I can-“
‘It’s only a dollar, Princess, it’s fine.” Yunho said while handing cash to the man, a faint warmth creeping to your cheeks at how casually he used that newly established nickname.
You thanked the man as you grabbed onto yet another bag for the night, all of you eagerly leaving the store and into the parking lot, the suffocating atmosphere now dissipating into relief as you took in a breath of fresh air. That man didn’t follow you out, the ambience felt so light and fun with the group of men joking ahead of you as they walked to a van with a very bold ‘ATEEZ’ on the side, your jaw nearly hitting the ground.
You’ve heard of their group, their music everywhere yet never had the time or desire to actually look them up, which would explain why you didn’t recognize them immediately. Although, the cat-eyed one went viral not too long ago for his charismatic dancing and now, watching him and a tanned guy with a mole beneath his eye he pointed and referred to as ‘Woo’ laugh at something said by the blue haired man while the tall one, one that resembled a prince and fairy all in one, and one that looked scary until he showed a smile so sweet it managed to make him look more youthful, you realized they were all hot. And suddenly the intimidation you thought you were free from came rushing back to you.
“Hey,” The sudden voice pulled you from your thoughts, a yelp leaving you as you faced the first one you met, his smile falling a bit but recovering just as fast.
“Didn’t mean to scare you. Just need to know your address so we can take you home.” He held up his cellphone and a navigation system, your eyes wide as you looked between him and the bright phone screen. They could’ve honestly left you there once that man stopped pursuing you, yet they were still looking after you.
“Or I could call you a cab. We know you probably don’t want to be around a ton of strangers right now.”
“N-no! Thank you, so much, I’m just really thankful I found you guys.”
“Hey, it only cost us a dollar to help you, and I don’t think any of us would feel right just leaving you to protect yourself from that guy.” Yunho said gently.
His tone and eyes were telling you he was being sincere, not that you needed any more convincing to trust him or his friends. Not to mention he was right about you needing a ride home, reality kicking in that you still didn’t have your phone on you and, if your groceries weren’t completely wasted by now, you still had some time to save them.
With a small smile you took his phone from his hands, typing in your address and passing it back to him, your body turning to match his as you head towards the van, the faint sounds of the boys arguing over who would drive and all agreeing that none of them wanted to, leading to an intense game of rock-paper-scissors that Yunho gladly stayed out of, a small giggle threatening to erupt from your lips.
“By the way, you guys don’t feel like strangers. Especially with your group’s name plastered on the side of your car.” You joked, a simple ‘Ah’ leaving him as you stared at you with a smirk, almost a silent way to say he’s discovered your dirty secret.
“You know, at first I thought you were a fan or something and that’s why you came up to me. I didn’t think I’d be right.”
“Uh, actually, I don’t know anything about you guys. I didn’t know you were ‘ATEEZ’ until I saw, well, that.” You gestured back to the vehicle where the boys began to disperse and enter the car, but the loud and bitter comments of them not wanting ‘Mingi’ to drive filling the air followed by an authoritative ‘Do you wanna do it?!’ from the blue-head. Were they aware of how unintentionally funny they were?
“Well, in that case, I’m Yunho.” He smiled, a genuine one that made you breathe out in contentment.
“I’m (Y/n).”
Your introduction was brief, followed by a silence that was neither comfortable nor uncomfortable, lingering in the air as you both made it to the van, easing your way inside and finding a seat next to the blue-head and prince-faced boy, giving a small nod and smile that he shyly returned, the three boys behind you too preoccupied in their phones to acknowledge you and, suddenly, the silence gone as Yunho spoke up from his awkward position of setting up his phone to the dashboard, the faint voice of the navigation arising in the background.
“You should introduce yourselves to (Y/n)!”
“Her name’s (Y/n)?” The one in the driver’s seat asked as he started the engine, peering to you from the rear view mirror with bright eyes before putting the car into drive.
“My name is Mingi.”
“I’m Seonghwa.” The guy from the passenger seat said to you as he turned to wave.
“I’m Choi San.” Cat eyes said from behind you, giving a dimpled smile that you easily returned.
“I am Jongho, and this is Wooyoung.”
“Hey! I can introduce myself!” You jumped slightly at the boom of ‘Wooyoung’s’ voice, giving a bewildered look at how fast he went back to his calm and charismatic self.
“I’m Wooyoung.” He reached his hand out to you, which you slowly took as you tried to calm down the giggles bubbling inside of you.
“Yeosang.” The one beside you said meekly, not giving you eye contact as he scrolled through his social media.
“And my name’s Hongjoong!” The blue-haired guy said, giving an enthusiastic wave that was slowly swallowed by the oversized sweater he wore, your breath caught in your throat from how cute he was.
“It’s nice to meet you all and, thank you, so much, for helping me tonight.”
“It’s no problem, we just wanted to make sure you stayed safe.” Mingi stated. You would’ve thought his deep voice would be drowned out by the van’s engine but you heard him perfectly.
“But what made you think we weren’t the creeps? You’re probably in a car full of murders and you don’t even know it-“
“Shut the hell up, Wooyoung, you’re scaring her!” Seonghwa yelled from the front, a hand landing on top of your head to give a small ruffle, your eyes following it to Hongjoong who peered past Yeosang’s head to see you.
“Don’t worry, we’re all good guys.”
“He’s lying! He yells at us all the time!” Jongho whined with a pout, slowly letting it grow into a smirk as Hongjoong glared at him playfully.
“Because none of you listen!” Hongjoong snapped back, an amused laugh from San echoing through the vehicle.
“Oh no, dad’s mad.”
“I’m stuck with ungrateful kids, of course I’m mad!” You couldn’t help but laugh, their bickering growing by the second as the car ride progressed.
It was funny how quickly they forgot there was a stranger riding with them, having conversations that you couldn’t understand about an idol life that you had no part in, Yunho attempting to remind them of your presence to make you feel included, eventually leading you to discuss university life that they couldn’t quite understand and, as mundane as it seemed, was still a bit entertaining.
You could see the familiar street light with a poster for part-time employment at the nearby seafood shop taped to it, signaling you were approaching your apartment a lot sooner than you expected and, as relieved as you were to finally be home and to relax from the horrifying encounter you had, you didn’t want to leave.
These boys, as loud and strange as they were, were peaceful to be around and a comfort you didn’t know you needed. You weren’t really aware of ATEEZ, who they were or the music the produced, but you knew they were good people, and maybe this night was enough to keep your mind fixed on them.
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peaceisadirtyword · 3 years
Heathen VI (Ivar/Edlynn)
A/N; Hello!♥️ I’m back after a short, holiday break! And even if these next weeks are going to be chaotic, I will try to keep posting Heathen once a week as I did before! There’s only another four (five with this one) left until the end👀, so I hope you enjoy it a lot🥰 I didn’t have time to reply to your comments on last chapter but I read all of them and I’m so happy to see you’re liking it🥺 thank you so much, it means the world🙏🏻 took a bit longer to finish this one because I wasn’t too convinced but I hope you like it too♥️
Warnings: smut ( 👀), talk of feelings, my cringey writing, Ivar is the best, mentions of alcohol, violence, sex and talk about arranged marriage and religious things!
Words: 4823 (will I ever stop)
Heathen Masterlist
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gif belongs to @therealcalicali​
"We could move here" Harald pointed at the map. Hvitserk followed his finger and pressed his lips together. Maybe a bit risky, he thought, but he didn't dare contradict the king because of strategical differences, that was Ivar's job "It's closer to the sea, and it would be easier to run away if the saxons decide to attack us once we don't have the saxon girl as leverage"
"It could be" he nodded, as he waited for Ivar's opinion. But as the minutes passed and his brother didn't say a word, Hvitserk raised his head to look at him. 
Ivar was sitting in front of him, with a drink on his hand, but looking away. He didn't seem to be even listening to what they were saying, and when Hvitserk's eyes followed his gaze, he understood why. 
His lips curved on a small smirk and immediately turned to look at Harald, who also seemed amused to have caught the ruthless Ivar the Boneless sneaking glances to a lady. 
Edlynn was sitting on a cut tree, not very far away from them, and her eyes were fixed on a book that Hvitserk had seen on Ivar's tent. She only had a couple of guards with her, and her wrists were untied, giving her much more freedom than Hvitserk ever thought Ivar would give her. 
"Ivar" he called his name, making him turn his head with a frown, almost like he was annoyed by his interruption "Are you listening?"
Harald held back a laugh when Ivar blinked, somewhat confused, until he spotted the map and the pieces the king had moved, and seemed to get out of his trance. His cheeks reddened softly, but he pretended not to realize as he scrutinized the map, trying to remember what had changed since Edlynn stepped out of the tent and his eyes wandered off. 
Hvitserk raised his eyebrow. He already knew what was going on, since he caught Edlynn leaving the tent with swollen lips more than once and had seen them sleeping together, with her face hidden in Ivar's neck. But at first he thought his brother was just having some fun, not falling for the saxon girl. Those glances said otherwise. 
"It would be risky" Ivar cleared his throat "I don't think Alfred would attack us once Edlynn is with him" 
Harald raised his head again. Edlynn? He didn't know when Ivar started calling the prisoner by her name, but found it amusing. 
"Then what do you propose?" Hvitserk tried to ignore it, but he would ask his brother about it "Shall we stay here?"
"I think we should move a bit closer to the boats, but not like it seems we're retiring" he shrugged "But it's your decision, king Harald"
Harald had gotten used to the mocking tone whenever Ivar said his title out loud. He didn't really care, it had started to sound like a joke to him too. 
"I will think about it tonight, and tomorrow we'll decide" 
But just when he was about to stand up, maybe too eager to go back to his tent, a guard approached them. 
Edlynn pretended not to realize he was staring. Neither of them talked about it but both of them seemed to think the same: no one should know of their... Affair? She couldn't help but blush whenever she thought about it. Well, she didn't even know if it could be considered an actual affair. There had been kisses, some more innocent than others, Ivar had touched her body in a way no one had in her entire life, she had let her hands wander down his strong arms and chest, but nothing more. It was still a sin, something she didn't want people knowing. Edlynn would be mortified if someone heard about it, about what she was doing with a... Heathen. 
But the thing that alarmed her the most weren't the kisses or the caresses, not even the fire that Ivar awakened in her, but the warmth that expanded through her chest whenever she saw him, the smiles, the little laughs, the reddened cheeks... She couldn't think about anything else that weren't his blue eyes and his pouty lips, nor could pray in peace without remembering how soft his hair was under her fingers or what a beautiful smile he had. Every night she promised she'd stop, that she wouldn't let herself fall in love with him, but sometimes, especially under the furs and between his arms, she thought there was nothing she could do now. 
It was temporal, Edlynn tried not to think about what would happen when she had to go back to her family, to Lord Edmund, the man who was supposed to be her husband. Would she ever feel the same with him? Probably not, and the thought saddened her. It was such a beautiful feeling she wished she could carry forever. 
Even if it was hard, and even if she knew many people in the camp suspected it, Edlynn tried to act like nothing had happened. They barely talked to each other in public, but she noticed he was always close to her, or at least close enough to be able to watch her. She liked that. 
Edlynn was reading, but she hadn't turned the page in what felt like hours, too focused on the glances that certain man threw her way and on hiding her blush. Until someone else approached the three men that sat down not too far away from her. She raised her head, interested, as the man seemed to carry important news. Even if she had understood their language, she wouldn't have heard anything, as the noise of the camp was too loud. But she could see the king with a big smile, celebrating something. And Ivar had frowned and his eyes were now fixed on the ground at his feet. 
When he finally looked her way again, he ignored the silent question on her eyes and looked directly at the guard that stood next to her, pointing to his own tent with his head. And Edlynn was practically dragged towards it. 
That night they celebrated. The reason was still a mystery to her, but Edlynn tried to ask every single person that entered the tent, from Brianna to Hvitserk, without receiving any answer. She could hear the happy screams and laughs, and figured it couldn't be bad, right?
At least not for them. 
A shiver travelled down her spine when she thought about her family, would they be alright? Had those heathens killed them?
And then Ivar came back. 
His eyes were bright and Edlynn figured he had been drinking too. His movements were slow, and let himself fall on the bed with a grunt, letting his crutch go before rubbing his face with his hands.
"Hello" Edlynn raised an eyebrow, why do men drink so much if they feel bad afterwards? 
"Hi, princess" he muttered, grunting "How was your day?" Ivar sat on the bed, sighing. It had been a long day, and it seemed it would be a long night too. 
"Clearly not as interesting as yours" 
He raised an eyebrow, but didn't turn to look at her. 
"I was trying to negotiate" he shrugged "And king Harald negotiates better when there's ale" 
"Negotiate what?" Edlynn narrowed her eyes, moving a bit closer to him. 
"The saxons will agree to our terms" the messenger smiled proudly as he delivered the news "They will pay, and give us land and time to settle" he nodded "In exchange for the saxon girl" 
Harald's laugh startled Ivar, who stared at the messenger intensely.
"Of course they will!" he celebrated, nodding his head and patting Ivar's back softly "You were right, once again" 
He shot him a fake smile, which faded as soon as the king turned to Hvitserk. He thought he'd have more time, that asking for such a ridiculous amount of gold, land and a truce would be too much to give for just one girl, and that the saxons would try and change the terms. That would've given him weeks, even months. His eyes went back to where Edlynn was sitting, and silently told the guard to take her away. 
"The saxon king said they shall wait for us in the battlefield to make the exchange, and that the girl must be unharmed and well, otherwise they won't give us what we asked for" 
"Thank you, my friend" Harald patted the soldier's shoulder with a bright smile "Go, eat and rest, tonight we'll celebrate" 
Hvitserk didn't stop looking at Ivar. He noticed how he clenched his jaw and licked his lips repeatedly. He felt his own lips curving on a smile, but just slapped his head playfully. 
That night they did celebrate. Everyone sang, drank and ate next to the king, around a fire. Another victory, thanks to Ivar. But Ivar didn't seem too keen on participating on the celebrations.
"What's it, Ivar?" Hvitserk sat next to him as he saw him pour the ale on his horn for the fifth time "Aren't you happy to get rid of the saxon girl and get paid for it?" he chuckled, but his brother didn't laugh with him. 
"I just think..." Ivar clenched his jaw again "Maybe the price is too low" 
"Low?" Hvitserk raised an eyebrow "We didn't think they'd agree, it's too much, that price would fit a queen, but not a noble girl" 
"Yes but they did agree to it" he shook his head "What if... What if we ask for more?" 
"They would say no, and the negotiations would continue, we don't want that" his older brother frowned and shook his head, taking another sip from his horn "Because we don't want that, right?" 
"No" Ivar replied maybe too fast, and then scowled "It's just that I don't think we've benefited enough from holding her captive, she's obviously more important than we thought" 
"Well, dear brother, if I'm honest, I think you've benefited quite a lot from having her here" he chuckled, patting Ivar's leg softly. His brother widened his eyes at him, but managed to hide his surprise and go back to scowling.
"I don't know what you're talking about, Hvitserk" 
"Sure" he laughed, shaking his head "Sure, you don't know, but it's quite obvious, Ivar" he shot him a soft smile "I can't blame you, she's pretty, innocent... I thought you didn't like saxon girls" 
"Shut up" he rolled his eyes, but Hvitserk saw the little smile he tried to hide "I'm not trying to keep her here, I just want to make sure we get the deal that benefits us the most, that's all" 
"Fine, I believe you" this time it was Hvitserk's turn to roll his eyes "Tell Harald, then, but I don't think he will agree" 
"I was waiting for him to get drunk" Ivar shrugged, making his brother laugh. 
"Good luck then" Hvitserk winked at him before getting up "Want advice?" 
"Don't fall in love" he ignored him "That doesn't end well" 
Ivar finally gave up, and went back to the tent, in need of some peace and maybe the soft touch of the woman that sat on he bed behind him. Harald didn't listen, and they kept celebrating. 
"Your king agreed to our terms" he said, finally turning his head to look at her. Edlynn wore another dress they had found for her, with her auburn hair loose, and she looked so beautiful Ivar had to blink a couple of times. He wanted to see her reaction, would she be happy? Or would she feel as weird as he had been feeling all day?
But instead she looked confused. 
"What... What does that mean?" 
"That means we'll meet them in a few days and I will let you go"
Edlynn gasped, but instead of feeling relieved and thankful, eager to see her family again, to see Mildrith, to go home... She looked into those ocean eyes and only felt a strange emptiness inside her. 
I must be insane, she thought as she crawled closer to him. Ivar's eyes didn't left her face, almost like he was waiting for her to smile, laugh and sigh in relief. 
Edlynn didn't do any of those things. 
"Aren't you happy?" he gulped. 
"I... I suppose I am" she muttered "But..." 
I know, he thought, nearly desperately. He couldn't describe it either. 
"You'll go back to your castle, you'll marry your lord, you'll be with your family and will have a church to pray to your God every time you want" 
"Yes, but..."
"Wasn't that what you wanted?" he sounded sharper than he intended. 
"I don't want that anymore" Edlynn scowled "I don't want to go back and marry, I don't want to spend my days sewing, gossiping with other women and praying"
Not so long ago, she wouldn't have even imagined she'd say those words, that was her life, a life she had enjoyed and lived happily. But now... Now she had tried other things, new things... Was it that bad to want to keep them?
"I know it's my duty" she continued, the tears threatened to fall down her cheeks, but she held them as she had been taught "And I know I will have to do it someday but I... I will miss you"
Ivar looked away, clenching his jaw again and hoping she didn't see the tears filling his eyes. The thought of entering that tent and finding it empty, without the familiar presence of the annoying saxon girl praying or reading, of spending his nights studying maps alone instead of the books in latin Edlynn would read for him, or talking about the Gods, about the adventures of Thor and Loki or the golden apples of Idunn was... Not what he wanted. 
Not even the possibility of conquering England was helping. 
He felt Edlynn getting closer, and her small hand, with her soft fingers that had never held any kind of weapon, touched his shoulder. Ivar felt dizzy, but couldn't know if it was because of the ale or because of her. 
"I will miss you too" 
The words left his lips before he could hold them back, and when he raised his head to look at her, Edlynn had the biggest smile on her lips. She almost made him smile too. 
"I... You could come and visit me someday?" she muttered, biting her lip "My friend Mildrith would love to meet you, she's obsessed" 
Ivar raised an eyebrow. 
"Do you think your father or your husband would let me visit you? You're supposed to hate me" 
Edlynn's smile faded. 
"I don't hate you" she tilted his head in an adorable way, and Ivar had to look away again "You were a bit mean at first, but you're not like they say you are... And he's not my husband" 
"Yet" he shrugged "What do they say about me?" 
Edlynn giggled, shaking her head.
"Mildrith said you're the Devil, in a human shape, that you are ruthless and... I heard you drink blood and eat human flesh" 
Ivar couldn't help but laugh. 
"I don't eat human flesh" he scowled in disgust "Do you think I could be that Devil you talk about?"
Edlynn took a deep breath, and her fingers caressed softly his cheek. 
"You could be" she said, nodding slowly "You're smart, ambitious, ruthless, but also beautiful, like a fallen angel" Edlynn blushed "You do tempt me to sin"
Ivar smirked, humming in delight. She had a lot more to say about his looks, but decided to keep it to herself to avoid feeding his ego. 
"And you would invite me, the heathen who tempts you, to your home with your father and your husband?"
Edlynn blushed again. 
"He's not my husband" she repeated.
"But you're going to marry him, princess, he will be your husband soon, unless..."
His eyes fixed on the axe he had next to the bed, and Edlynn gasped and punched his arm. 
"Don't even think about it!"
Her reaction amused Ivar, who shook his head laughing. Even if he wasn't actually joking. 
"Lord Edmund is a good man, a good christian, he will take care of me" she said quietly, almost trying to convince herself "And it will be a good thing for my family"
"From what I've seen, princess, you don't need anyone to take care of you" he sighed, leaning to undo his braces. She smiled at that, feeling that warmth fill her body again. It was a huge compliment coming from him. 
When he finished taking off the braces and removed most of his clothes Edlynn was already under the furs, her eyelids felt heavy but she forced herself to stay awake. She wanted to enjoy every moment she had left with him, knowing she wouldn't see him again. They still had some days, though, that comforted her. 
Ivar nearly moaned when he finally was able to lay on the bed. His eyes had been a bit more blue that morning, so it had been a difficult day. Edlynn watched him in silence, amazed by the perfection of his features. How could he be the Devil when he looked sculpted by God? He was too beautiful to be impure, but then again, he was a heathen. Her mind went back to his wife, and a strange pang of jealousy stroke her. What would he do if she kissed him now? 
"It's rude to stare, princess"
Ivar had an amused smirk on his lips, which only grew when he saw Edlynn's glare. 
"Remember when I said I'd miss you? Well, I take it back" 
That made him laugh. 
"Go to sleep, little one" he muttered, already closing his eyes "Maybe I can teach you some more archery before you leave, but only if you rest" 
He could hear a little gasp and imagined her excited smile, but didn't open his eyes until he felt her crawling closer to him and leaning her head on his shoulder. When he did look at her, she was already ready to sleep, with her eyes closed and breathing slowly. 
"Good night, heathen"
Ivar couldn't help but smile, too. 
"Good night, princess"
Ivar was cold. He stirred in his sleep looking for the source of warmth he was missing, but opened his eyes when he couldn't find it. 
The bed was empty, he frowned and pawed at the furs, confused. Where is she? 
The thought of her escaping made him more sad than angry, and he was nearly gasping when he finally spotted her. Edlynn sat on the wooden stool next to his table, studying the paintings of one of the books he had at the dim light of a nearly melted candle. 
"Sorry" she pouted, looking at him with widened eyes "I didn't mean to wake you up" 
"You didn't" he groaned, rubbing his eyes "What are you doing awake? It's the middle of the night" 
He couldn't hear anything outside the tent, only the hushed voices of some guards, and it was still dark. 
"I couldn't sleep" she shrugged. 
"Come back to bed" he nearly ordered, narrowing his eyes at her. Edlynn held back a laugh as she closed the book, leaning in to blow the candle before making her way back to the bed. Ivar watched her as she crawled under the furs and laid back, with her eyes still open. 
"It feels strange to go back and marry someone else"
Ivar frowned in the darkness of the tent. 
"What does that mean?"
"You're the first man I shared the bed with" she muttered "The first man I kissed... The first touching me. I always believed that man would be my husband" 
"I'm also the first man that made you a prisoner" he teased, and Edlynn rolled her eyes with a small smile. 
"I don't think you understand"
"Then tell me"
"I want you to be the last, too" 
Edlynn bit her own tongue after saying it, taking a deep breath as Ivar turned to look at her. She nearly regretted it, but... Why hide it? They probably wouldn't see each other again. She was just telling the truth, like a good christian.
"You don't know what you're saying" 
His answer confused her even more. 
"I... We're on different sides, princess" he sighed, and held himself back from reaching out to caress her cheek "I am a heathen, remember?" 
"But you're good to me" she pouted, and Ivar nearly leant in to kiss her "I've seen you talk about your Gods with passion, laugh with your brother, I've seen you bonding with your men and even stroking horses... You're not the monster they talk about, at least not now... You treated me well... As well as you can treat a prisoner, I don't see how you're different from any christian man I know"
Ivar couldn't help but smile and lean his forehead against hers, his fingers tingled, desperate to touch her. He felt a faintly familiar warmth inside his chest. 
"You have to go back home, princess" he insisted "You'll forget about me and will learn to hate me again" 
"I will never hate you" she muttered, and then there was silence. Ivar nearly thought she had fallen asleep again, and kept relaxing against her body, listening to her breathing.
"Ivar" it was the first time he had heard her saying his name, and it sounded so soft with her voice... He looked at her, who had her eyes fixed on his Mjölnir necklace "Kiss me?"
It sounded more like a question than a demand. Edlynn wasn't nearly ready when she felt his strong hand around the side of her neck and his lips pressed against hers. She sighed in delight and kissed him back, grabbing his arm shyly. She had missed his kisses so much... What would she do without them? 
Ivar deepened the kiss, making Edlynn moan quietly and mover her hand to his face, cupping hit softly until her fingers touched his hair. Ivar's hand roamed down her body, settling on her waist and nearly touching her ass. Things were getting out of control, and Ivar didn't know how much he could keep things... Like that. 
Edlynn moved even closer, and now he could feel her breasts against his bare chest. Ivar sighed and smiled against her sweet lips, tightening his grip around her waist. They broke the kiss to breathe, and Edlynn smiled brightly at him before leaning in to kiss him again. 
"We can stop whenever you want" he groaned as her thigh pressed against his cock, making it twitch. 
"I don't want to stop" she replied, frowning, and he nearly laughed. 
Edlynn was serious. She had heard about it more than once, her whole life everyone assured that it was painful and not enjoyable at all for women, but everything Ivar did in that moment felt good... Why wouldn't that feel good then?
"I thought you weren't allowed to do this" he panted as Edlynn's lips landed on his jaw softly. Her kisses were shy, inexperienced, innocent... Completely different from Katia, Freydis or Margrethe, the only women he had ever kissed, but just as effective. 
"I'm not" she giggled "Should I stop?" 
"No" Ivar groaned and tightened his grip on her waist. If they stopped now, he was going to go crazy. He had tried to erase her body from his mind since he saw her in the river that day, and he had failed. 
"I want to do this" she muttered, interrupting their kisses to look at his eyes again "Because I've been told men like it, a lot" she blushed, but the darkness hid it "And I want you to remember me"
"Trust me, princess" Ivar squirmed under her, his body reacting to her closeness "I was going to remember you anyway"
When they kissed again, he tugged at the skirt of her dress, nearly moaning when he finally was able to touch her bare skin. It was soft, warm, and Ivar felt her stiffen when he caressed her leg. Her hand traced the ink lines of his chest as his lips traveled down her neck, Edlynn gasped and let out a shaky breath, biting her tongue. She was supposed to be silent, right? 
"Women can also enjoy this" he said against her skin, his fingers reached her inner thigh and Edlynn's muscles tensed under his touch "Want me to show you?" 
He smirked when she nodded shyly. Edlynn was biting her lip and looking down in curiosity, even if she couldn't see his hand approaching her sex. Ivar wasn't too sure of what he was doing, but kept reaching until he finally touched her, and Edlynn let out a strangled sound and he quickly looked at her. She had closed her eyes and her nails were digging on his skin. Ivar kept caressing her folds until he reached the place that made her jump and moan loudly. 
Edlynn quickly covered her mouth as Ivar smirked with pride and started circling his fingers as his brothers had said more than once. He would have loved to go down and kiss her properly, but didn't want to scare her so soon. 
When Ivar finally pressed two fingers to her entrance, Edlynn opened her eyes, looking both aroused and confused at the same time. 
"Relax" he whispered, reaching to kiss her softly "How does it feel?" 
She was gasping, but managed to reply with a small moan and a frown. 
"Weird" she muttered "But... Good" 
"Good" he nodded, and increased the pace, making Edlynn moan again and grab his arm "I've got you, princess" 
She was shaking between his arms as he started curling his fingers inside her, enjoying the way her walls clenched around them and the incoherent moans she let out. His hand was covered with wetness, and finally Ivar retrieved his hand, making Edlynn whimper in protest. 
But he needed both hands to tear that stupid dress apart. 
She gasped and blushed when he finally was able to throw the pieces of fabric away, to reveal her entire naked body to his eyes. Ivar growled and his lips collapsed against hers again. His hands were everywhere, touching her breasts, her belly and her ass at the same time, and soon his mouth followed them. She nearly felt overwhelmed, where she expected pain and discomfort she only got pleasure, a different kind of pleasure, and she needed more, so much more. 
Ivar finally pushed her to lay down on the bed, and moved to crawl between her legs to keep kissing her. 
"Want me to fuck you, princess?" 
Edlynn widened her eyes, but her legs tightened around his waist and Ivar put his pants down just enough to free his cock. He enjoyed the surprise on her face when she saw it, not used to women being impressed by him. 
"Look at me" he muttered, noticing how she grew nervous "Do you trust me?"
Edlynn allowed herself to get lost into his eyes again, nodding slowly and grabbing his neck as he pressed into her slowly. Ivar needed all of his willpower to keep a slow pace to avoid hurting her too much. She scrunched her nose in pain and closed her eyes. Ivar wasn't an expert, but he knew that, for women, it was painful the first time. Her little shrieks of pain brought back some not very nice memories from his own first time. 
"Hey, princess, open your eyes" he stopped moving, even if he was already shaking from feeling her tight walls around him, when Edlynn obeyed, she had tears in her eyes "Am I hurting you too much?" 
She shook her head and licked her lips. 
"Just a bit"
"I'm sorry" he kissed her temple and let out a shaky breath "I promise it gets better" 
His own eyes were fluttering and he could barely stay still. 
"Keep going" she muttered "I'll be fine"
As he started moving again, Edlynn felt the pain fading slowly. It didn't became pleasurable, like it had when he had used his hand, but it became more... Tolerable. She even felt some pleasure, and it wasn't as bad as she thought, in fact, she enjoyed the way Ivar muttered some strange words in Norse she couldn't understand, and how he moaned and sighed against her skin. It was truly a sight, to see him with his eyes closed in pleasure, enjoying her body in ways she never thought anyone would. 
When Ivar finished, he captured her lips with his again, drowning the sounds they both made as he finally stopped moving. His forehead rested against hers, and their hands were intertwined. None of them said anything at first, enjoying the feeling of being so close, and Ivar let himself hide his face in her neck, sighing. How was he going to let her go now?
Tags:  @mblaqgi​​ @alicedopey​​ @lol-haha-joke​​ @hallowed-heathen​​ @naaladareia​​ @tephi101​​ @captstefanbrandt​​ @love-hate-love​​ @titty-teetee​​ @readsalot73​​ @moondustmemories​​ @therealcalicali​​ @blushingskywalker​​ @gruffle1​​ @justacripple​​ @heartbeats-wildly​​ @letsrunawaytotomorrow​​ @inforapound​​ @sallydelys​​ @hellogabysblog​​ @winchesterwife27​​ @hecohansen31​​ @youbloodymadgenius​​ @xinyourdreamsx​​ @funmadnessandbadassvikings​​ @tgrrose​​ @lovessce​​ @tootie-fruity​​ @didiintheblog​​ @alexhandersenx​​ @belovedcherry​​ @fantasydevil2002​​ @xceafh​​ @astrape-the-weatherwitch​​ @destynelseclipsa​​ @momowhoo​​ @mcrmarvelloki​​ @nanahachikyuu​​ @valopz​​ @mrsalwayswrite​​ @poisonous00​​ @whenimaunicorn​​ @heavenly1927​​ @seeking-a-great--perhaps​​ @nukyster-blog​​ @alexhandersenblog​​ @synnersaint​​​ @yummycastiel​​  
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melodyofthevoid · 2 years
we already talked in dms but if you wanna post it,,,
“i can’t lose you again!” with arran and felix :0
Mmm good good good
Felix never failed to tease Arran about the ever present paradox of his hobby of choice. How was it that he was so frightened of germs, and yet would garden and get his hands covered in dirt. Among worms and bugs and all manner of “unclean” things. And Arran really didn’t have an answer for that, it was… hard to explain. 
Still, he loved to garden. He just- he hated to do it like this. Again. 
With all the care he could muster, Arran potted the rosemary, still in its fragrant stage, looking at his selection. It was one of the more plain plants, but it was low maintenance, and could deal with the more direct sunlight of Felix’s current room. The others would require… a lot of work on his end to keep pretty, but they’d liven up the place. 
It would work this time. 
It had to work this time. 
One by one, he moved the pots from the gardens into the space, calling on a handful of the gardeners who he’d grown close to over the years to assist. 
He set them all just right, where at any angle Felix would be able to see them, and eventually (he hoped, he prayed) pick their flowers for himself. 
Arran glanced back at his fiancé, sleeping still on the bed. Chest rising and falling regularly, but body making small motions. Moving on its own. Felix was so still in the mirror, the longer he was trapped. 
But he was fine now. Or… would be fine. Eventually. 
The physicians had no real explanation for why Felix slept so much, and the few resources Arran requested from Montal offered little in the way of explanation either. To the best of his estimations, Felix hadn’t existed for almost a whole year and a half. Keeping someone bedridden for that amount of time would lead to fatigue, so this was a shock too. 
Question remained though, how long until he recovered. If- no, when he recovered. When. 
When not if. 
When. Not if. 
His little garden would bring life to the space and to Felix, and Arran would tend to both. Ancestors willing. 
Turning the last blooms towards the sun streaming in through the windows, Arran left the plants to stand beside Felix. A traitorous, ever present piece that whispered soon. That the specter of cold was around any corner, waiting to strike. Arran shook his head and spoke, to chase away that whisper. To fill the space. 
“Wake up soon you idiot, it’s still too quiet and you’ll miss another flower festival. I swear they made the food worse when you- when he trapped you. It wasn’t the same. But it’ll be great this year, and next year. It will be.” 
A knot formed in his throat, unable to be cleared with a cough. Arran continued anyway. 
“I can’t- I can’t lose you again, Fi. You’re going to get better. We’re- we’re going to walk down the aisle together, you’re going to go out and sail again, we’ll- we’ll have a life. I just-“ 
He pulled up a nearby chair, trailing off as he sat down and leaned over onto the bed. Curling his hand around Felix’s. He got a small shift in return, the familiar warmth a comfort and an ache all at the same. He missed this. Arran missed this. Missed Felix. So close, as he’d been in that mirror, and yet still. 
So far away. 
“Father, if- if you can please lend Felix strength- I can’t- I thought he was lost to me before, and I hope he can heal,” Arran left out the though of how his father never did leave that bed again, “So we can fulfill our dream. Please.” 
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five-rivers · 3 years
Changeling Chapter 1
A DP Fae Au fic. I've been promising you this for so long XD. I can hardly believe I'm finally delivering, even if it's only one chapter for now.
Chapter 1: In the Beginning, There Was an Offer
They studied legends. According to those legends, today, Beltane, was a time of renewal, of birth, of fertility.
It was not supposed to be… this. Their dreams weren’t supposed to be crushed today. Not under this sun, not under these blue skies and among softly blooming flowers.
This kind of news should have come with rain. It should have come with storms.
Maddie wiped tears out of her eyes and Jack patted her on the back. The air smelled sweet and dusty at the same time. The bench was uncomfortable.
“We could try adoption,” said Jack. He sounded shocked, too. Drained. His voice was pulled taught over a great hollowness. “Lots of people adopt. We can- can do some good in the world, maybe.”
Maddie sniffed and cried harder. She’d wanted her own children, and Jack knew it. Adoption was all very well and good, but at this point the suggestion felt like some consolation prize, and she felt terrible for even thinking it was, because Jack was right, it could be a good thing, and…
She wanted children. Her own children.
“Excuse me, I believe I can help.”
There was something about how he said that, about how the voice wound and slipped through her ears that had Maddie’s head snapping up. The man who stood to the side of the bench wore a long coat with a deep hood. Symbols, symbols that Maddie had spent hours, days, weeks, researching were stitched into the fabric. His eyes glittered in the shadows. The fingers of his hands, clasped in front of him, were too long, their coloring faintly lavender, as if they had been dipped in ink and retained the stain even after they’d been washed clean.
This was not a human.
“How?” asked Maddie, feeling hope drip back into her limbs even as Jack tensed behind her. “How can you help?”
“We shouldn’t have done that,” said Jack as they drove home. “We really shouldn’t have done that. Maddie, they’re evil, there’s always a catch and it’ll always be looking for a way to push us into it.”
“The catch is in the open,” said Maddie, leaning back against the seat of the car and closing her eyes. “It isn’t as if it’s in the fine print and we’re going to stumble into it. We have one, and then I get my tubes tied, or you get snipped, and we go on with our lives.”
“What if we have twins? Triplets? Maddie, we should have talked about this.”
“There wasn’t any time,” Maddie said defensively. “I had to decide right away.”
“What are we going to do if we have twins, Maddie?”
Maddie bit her lip, her eyes opening without her full permission as she thought. “We know how to deal with things like him.”
The car jerked just a little to the right as Jack failed to suppress his flinch. “Do you remember our work on motivations? On why they take artists, musicians, children?” he asked. He forged on without waiting for an answer. “Creative sterility, we called it. For this one to be able to cure sterility, he has to be powerful. I don’t think nails in pockets and inside-out clothing is going to stop him.”
Such protections were hit and miss to begin with. One faerie might hate bread, another might love it. The sound of bells would drive off one, and another would wear them in their hair. Even cold iron was no guarantee against them.
“We’ll have to find something better, then,” she said, firmly.
Maddie laughed. Not a twin. A single child showed on the ultrasound monitor. A girl. A beautiful baby girl. Perfect.
On the other side of the bed, Jack sunk into a chair, obviously relieved. “She’s healthy?” he asked the OB/GYN.
“Completely,” she said. “This is quite the miracle the two of you put together here.” She shook her head. “We must have gotten something wrong during our examination. I can’t even begin to tell you how sorry I am to have put you through all that, and I won’t blame you if you wanted to find a new doctor.”
“It’s fine,” said Maddie, patting the woman’s arm. “It happens.” Yes, being approached by a powerful fae just ‘happened.’ “The important thing now is to make sure there aren’t any complications.”
They made sure Jazz was born on a Sunday, with two middle names, one of which Maddie made sure to forget. They scheduled her baptism for as early a date as possible, even though both Jack and Maddie were as lapsed as it was possible to be.
Jack had his surgery only a month later.
They were safe. They had won.
The family of three snuggled together on the couch. Well, Jazz snuggled inasmuch as a newborn was able. They watched TV.
“Jack, dear,” said Maddie, roused to awareness by a news story about a rising young businessman. “Is that our Vlad?”
Jack blinked at the screen. “I think you’re right,” said Jack. “I haven’t seen him since college. I don’t think we’ve talked to him since college.” He frowned. “Did something happen? The three of us used to be so close… He was the only one in the whole folklore department that would put up with our theories, do you remember?”
“I don’t know,” said Maddie, trying to remember. “It was like he was there one day, gone the next.”
“Do you think he’ll mind us getting back in touch?”
“Only one way to find out.”
(As it turned out, Vlad did not particularly care to get back in touch.)
Jazz was not a normal child.
She saw too much. She understood too much. Her teeth grew in early. She learned how to get the milk out of the fridge at about the same time she learned how to walk. Her eyes were too large, even for her age. She didn’t start talking until she was almost two, and when she did, it was in complete sentences. She took to responsibility like a duck to water. No, she demanded responsibility, from waking up the family in the morning to answering the door. She loved rules and games, and the rules of games.
But they had never raised a child before. Perhaps this was simply how they were. Perhaps this was within the expected variety of humanity.
Most importantly, Jazz was theirs. Completely.
Maddie was not terribly concerned when her period missed a few days, or even when it was late by a week. But when it started pushing two…
She bought a test.
It came back positive.
Danny’s birth was different from Jazz’s in almost every particular. Instead of being infused with a sense of joy, proceedings were overshadowed by dread. Jazz had been born in a hospital. Danny would be born at home, behind every ward and protection Jack and Maddie could conceive of. The midwife they hired was more than used to odd belief systems and threw a few of her own traditions in as well.
It couldn’t hurt.
It didn’t help.
After the birth, Maddie held Danny in her arms. He’d been born in a caul, which had been slightly alarming, even though Maddie had known that it was a thing that happened regularly, and that, by most accounts, it was lucky.
He was such a tiny little thing. Smaller than Jazz. Which made sense, he was a little premature.
“I won’t let anything happen to you,” she promised him, whispering into the silky, wispy curls on top of his head.
Someone knocked on the door. Maddie jerked her head up, even though the front door wasn’t at all visible from the basement. Jack flinched hard enough to drop the towels he was holding. The midwife froze.
“Hospitality,” croaked Maddie. Those rules were always humanity’s first defense against the uncanny. Don’t want something in your house? In your life? Don’t invite it in.
Although, she had arguably already invited in the fae they were worried about. Hence all the other contingencies.
The knock came again. And again, louder.
Jack let out a sigh of relief. “It can’t get in,” he murmured. Then he smiled, broad and bright. “We just have to wait it out.”
Maddie nodded, tears in her eyes. The knocking continued. This was far from ideal, obviously, but she’d been half expecting the fae to simply rip through the wards like tissue paper.
Perhaps the theory that more powerful fae were more bound by custom, more vulnerable to their weaknesses, held water? She and Jack had always dismissed it as fanciful, but they’d never been able to gather evidence before.
Then, a sound that made her heart stop.
“I’ll get it!” called Jazz, childish voice muffled by distance and the obstacle of the floors above. She’d been told not to answer the door when Danny was being born, to wait patiently in her room, but for all her unusual maturity, she was only three.
Faster than she’d ever seen him move, Jack bolted for the stairs, pushing aside several pieces of furniture and medical equipment in his haste. He took the stairs four at a time and nearly taking the door off the hinges.
He wasn’t fast enough.
“Who are you, mister?”
“Me?” said a voice Maddie had prayed against ever hearing again. “I am your uncle, my dear. Did your parents not tell you about me?”
Jazz tipped her head to one side and stared up at the man, making her eyes extra big. She knew it made a lot of people uncomfortable when she looked at them like that, so she treated it as a kind of test.
The man smiled, kind and patient. He was kind of funny looking, but in a good way.
“No,” she said finally. “Are you Mommy’s brother or Daddy’s brother?”
“Ah, you already know about uncles, then. I was worried I’d have to explain. May I come in? I would like to greet your little brother, as your parents promised I could. I have gifts for both of you.”
Jazz liked gifts. “Okay,” she said. “But I dunno if Danny’s been born yet. Mommy said it can take a while. And I dunno if he can have gifts, yet. He’s gonna be really little. That’s what all my books say, and also the internet.”
“Jazz! Don’t!”
Jazz turned to see her Daddy skid around the corner, just as her uncle stepped across the threshold.
“Not quite on time, I fear,” said uncle. “Young Jazz has already let me in.” He patted Jazz on the head. She ducked away and stuck her tongue out, like she always did when Daddy did that. “Having greeted my niece, I would like to see my nephew.”
The fae did walk past the rest of the wards as if they weren’t even there. It didn’t even break them, just ignored them. Some of them he even commented on, as if approving.
He gazed down at Danny with his otherworldly eyes. The midwife had retreated to the corner of the room, refusing to look at what was happening. Jack had attempted to attack the fae with his bare hands, only to be pushed away with something approaching gentleness by an invisible wall. Maddie didn’t know where Jazz was. Upstairs, somewhere, hopefully.
“So beautiful,” the fae said, brushing Danny’s forehead with his off-color fingers. Faster than Maddie could react, he had a pair of scissors in his hand and was cutting off a lock of hair. “A lovely child.” The lock of Danny’s hair disappeared into the fae’s coat.
If Maddie didn’t know better, she’d call the expression on the fae’s face love. But she did know better. Love was as incomprehensible to the fae as fae laws were to humans, so she’d call it by its true name: avarice.
She tightened her grip on Danny, as if she could keep the fae from plucking him from her arms.
“Not now,” said the fae, after another moment. “Soon, I should think.” It ran a hand over Danny’s head. “Soon.” The fae looked up, meeting Maddie’s eyes. “I will return,” he said, “in one year.”
“For what?” demanded Maddie, unwilling to get her hopes up.
The fae blinked slowly. “For his birthday.” He tilted his head. “To determine whether or not he is ready. Perhaps, also, to visit my niece.”
“You stay away from Jazz!” snarled Maddie. “You have no claim on her.”
The fae merely shrugged, then smiled, slyly. “She does, however, have a claim on me. I promised her gifts, before your husband whisked her away.”
“Gifts,” repeated Maddie, hoarsely.
“For the sister of my child, yes,” said the fae, voice and face as calm and even as ever. “Would you ask me to forswear myself?”
“Then,” said Maddie, “you can leave them here, with us.”
“You will give them to her?”
“Yes,” said Maddie, through her teeth. She did not say how long she would let Jazz be in the presence of these ‘gifts.’
“Very well, then,” said the fae, pulling a number of boxes out from beneath his coat. “One year. Be prepared.”
And, with that, the fae faded from view, as if he had been an illusion all along.
Danny was still with them. Their son was still with them. Still theirs.
“One year,” she said, breathless. “Only one year.”
“One whole year,” corrected Jack, rushing to her side. “You’ll see, Maddie. Next time, that fae won’t know what hit him!”
“One whole year,” echoed Maddie, weakly.
“One year to prepare,” said Jack. “Look what we did with half that time! We’re Fentons! We can do it!”
“We can do it,” breathed Maddie. “One year. We’ll be ready.”
Jack nodded, firmly. “We’ll be ready.”
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andreafmn · 3 years
Collision - Chapter 2
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Word Count: 1,477
Characters: Female Reader Uley Character, Sam Uley, Allison Uley, Charlie Swan, Bella Swan, Seth Clearwater, Billy Black, Jacob Black, Emily Young, Paul Lahote, Harry and Sue Clearwater, Leah Clearwater
Story Description: (Y/N) Uley is back home after being away for four years. Her life at it’s first standstill and she is taking this time to find out who she is without school. But she never thought that coming back to the reservation would turn her whole life around. In the midst of secrets and mystery, a man crashes into (Y/N)’s and her life will never be the same.
*DISCLAIMER* I do not own in any way Twilight, all credits of the pre-established characters, script, and storyline belong to Stephanie Meyer and Summit Entertainment. The only thing I own is Uley Reader insert, any upcoming characters, and her storyline, as well as her effects in the others’ story line.
Chapter: 2/?
A/N: There’s no Cullen’s in the first chapter, we’ll see them soon though. Also, Esme is in the story but her and Carlisle are not together romantically. If you enjoy my writing I’ll also be posting them in AO3 and Wattpad along with other stories (I also hope to start taking requests if ya’ll want) Hope you enjoy and all constructive criticism is encouraged.
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Chapter 2
The next day she awoke at half past ten. She looked at her bedside clock flustered, knowing she had wasted almost all morning. She could smell breakfast already prepared and her mother downstairs doing some light cleaning.
She hurried into the bathroom and took a small time to finish her morning routine, flying down the stairs. Allison laughed as she noticed her daughter stumbling with hurry down the stairs, clearly heading to the door.
“Eat some breakfast before you go, darling!” Allison shouted as she swept the floor of the dining room.
“I’ll just get some on the way,” (Y/N) said as she put her jacket on, seeing in the distance dark clouds adorning the sky.
“I made you a sandwich so you can take it with you and a travel mug filled with coffee.”
“Thanks, mom. You’re the best,” (Y/N) kissed her mother’s cheek and grabbed the food from her hands.
“And be careful on the streets, the tires haven’t been changed on the truck and the roads are supposed to be very slippery today.” Allison called out to the girl who was almost completely out of the door.
(Y/N) barely heard her mother’s warning as she jogged up to the truck parked on the driveway. There was a sandwich hanging from her mouth as she backed up and sped to the main road. It was quite a long ride to Port Angeles, and she wanted to be back before dark. She spent the ninety-minute drive listening to background music and noticing how the sky changed from blue to dark grey to a lighter grey as she passed and left Forks. She rarely visited the neighboring town, listening to the stories by the elders gave her enough reason not to. Unlike most of her friends and even her own brother, she believed the string of words that they sewed. There were so many things that were unexplained in the universe that it would be ignorant of her to not believe that the supernatural could exist. Although, the past four years she had started to disregard the tales as made up stories, not being able to prove that they were veracious.
Once she arrived, she parked in front of an antique store and started perusing through the various stores in the strip mall. Before she knew it, five hours had passed. Her feet were sore from walking back and forth, her arms were read from all the bags she had carried, and her head was hurting from a lack of food. It was already five in the afternoon and (Y/N) was ready to go home. She got back into the truck and started her drive back home. An hour into the drive the sky darkened more than it should’ve, and heavy rain cascaded from the clouds. Her vision was impaired from the thick droplets and her heart was beating hard, scared of what could jump out in the darkness.
(Y/N)’s worries were confirmed when a deer jumped onto the street and had her swerve the truck. The car spun for some seconds and slid off the road, crashing into a tree. The girl’s head flew forward on impact and connected with the steering wheel in front of her. Her vision blurred and her headache grew exponentially. She could hear her name being called from far away but couldn’t distinguish whose it was. As it came closer, she could finally make out the frame of the sheriff, Charlie Swan. He was speaking to her, but no words registered in her head.
Charlie moved closer to the truck and tried to open the door, but it wouldn’t budge. The sheriff reached into the open window and carefully tried to retrieve the wounded girl. She wasn’t in the right mind and in this rain an ambulance would take too long to get here. He laid (Y/N)’s head on his shoulder as she mumbled incoherent words, then reaching his arms under hers to pull her softly. He was careful not to scrape her body too much against the broken window, laying down his jacket first to cover most of it. Charlie tried his best to see amid the harsh rain, praying to whatever being was controlling the weather to stop. The blood that was gushing from (Y/N)’s forehead had washed off as soon as her head had exited the car but it didn’t stop flowing. After what felt like hours, the sheriff had the teenage girl in his arms and carried her to his cruiser. Turning his emergency lights on he sped as carefully as possible to the hospital.
He felt the ride eternal as he heard the hurt girl in the back of the car moaning in pain and noticing the shirt he’d wrapped around her forehead was soaking up too much blood. As he neared the bright lights of the hospital, he slowed the speed down as to not slam on his brakes and cause more damage to (Y/N). He carefully grabbed her limp body and entered the hospital. It seemed like the emergency room had a slow night, but he only brought trouble. 
“I need some help here!” Charlie called out, worry laced in his voice. 
“Sheriff Swan, what happened?” A nurse asked as she accompanied the team wheeling a gurney for the unconscious being in the officer’s arms. 
“This is (Y/N) Uley. She hit her head in a car accident, I assume her car swerved as she avoided an animal in the street. She’s been unconscious since I got her in my car. When I found her she was barely coherent.” 
“Okay, why don’t you wait for us in the waiting room. We’ll let you know as soon as we have some news.” The nurse smiled. 
All Charlie could do was nod and sit down for a second, later pulling out his phone to dial Allison Uley’s number. 
“Sheriff, to what do I owe this pleasure,” Allison chimed. 
“It’s not good news, Allison. (Y/N) has been in a car accident.” Charlie could feel the panicked energy coming from the other side of the phone. Close to this time last year he had gotten news that his own daughter was hurt through a phone call. “Now, Allison, I know you want to speed off to the hospital but I would advise you not to. The roads are really bad over here and we can’t have you both admitted.” 
“But I can’t leave her alone,” she sobbed. “I need to be there for my baby.” 
“I know, but she won’t be alone. I’m gonna stay here until she’s good to go and I’ll take her back to your house. Now don’t you worry, you know she’s a strong one.” 
“I know,” Allison sighed an air of defeat. “Alright, just please keep me updated on everything. Doesn’t matter how late.” 
“Will do. I’ll have my buddy pick up the truck and leave it at Billy’s.” 
“Thank you, Charlie, so much.” 
“No problem, Allison. Try to get some shuteye, it looks to be a long night.”
And a long night it was.  
Thankfully, (Y/N)’s injuries were minor and she would be able to leave as soon as she woke up. Charlie spent all night in the hospital, calling a friend to drive (Y/N)’s truck so that Jacob could see if it was worthy of repair and leaving a message for his daughter that he would not be coming home that night. The nurses were nice enough to bring the officer a blanket and some coffee as it seemed he wasn’t going to leave and come back the next morning, keeping his promise to Allison that he’d stay beside her daughter. 
Once a room was given to (Y/N), Charlie managed to catch up on a little bit of sleep on the armchair next to her bed. The girl slept even through the morning light that slipped through the window that woke the sheriff up. He updated Allison on the persistent status of her daughter. Once again, the nurses showing kindness by bringing him a cup of coffee as he waited for (Y/N)’s eyes to open.
(Y/N) was engulfed in darkness during what felt like a second. She tried fluttering her eyes open but was met with a painfully bright light and a pulsating headache that rang through her body. Her eyes closed once again to try to minimize the discomfort, to much avail. She barely remembered what event befell her to end up in this situation, but she could hear she was not alone.
“Are the lights bothering you, (Y/N)?” Sheriff Swan spoke, noticing the girl had awoken. She promptly nodded and he stood up to turn off the lights as the room door opened. “All right, they’re off now. Hello, doctor.”
She tried opening her eyes again and was met with the most radiant eye color she had ever seen.
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