#i rlly went on a rant sorry lol
arminsumi · 1 year
it's disheartening for writers to see "part 2 when??" comments, you know why?
because there's a lot of effort and thought behind one post. it takes far less time to read than it took for us to curate it.
the idea comes, we pen it down. then we look for inspiration to build upon this idea. we make notes on dialogue, pacing, structure. we highlight important aspects, underline the main feeling and hidden messages and subtle details we want to incorporate. we make sure everything aligns with the character to make sure they're not ooc or two-dimensional. and that's just the beginning stages of one fic idea.
then we write it. now for me, personally, when it flows easily i take two hours to write. but then there are some fics that take months. actual literal months. because the idea does not flow easily, but i hold onto it because i know it has potential. then i write multiple versions, sometimes they're 1k+ and i scrap them, all 1k+ words in the trash, just to make a "better" version which will go into the end post.
then we continue writing it, and some fics that get big wordcounts make us nervous because of all that editing and proofreading we have to do, which alone will take a long time. for me, editing can take more time than actually writing it. i have so many finished pieces in my drafts that aren't published or stay untouched because there's a complex jumble of 5k words that i need lots off energy to meticulously edit. errors, misspellings, restructuring. editing is sometimes such a nightmare that it deters me and then fics get avoided.
then there's the final touches. the banners, the warnings list, the layout, the aesthetics, etc. sometimes making banners takes a long time because of finding the right pictures and editing them too. or finding color schemes/combos that please the eye. a lot of artistic effort goes into post layout alone. there's so many tabs open it's a mess, and i constantly open and close and reopen and close, various sites for various tools to make everything look proper and neat and good for the eye and pleasing to the mind. and let's not even get started on the warnings list. it's probably my least favorite part, because i have to be very careful and proofread with a sharp eye to make sure i don't miss something that could cause the reader to accidentally have an uncomfortable experience.
and then it's published.
this baby post raised in the drafts, something that we put so much thought and care into, and now can you imagine the frown a writer makes at "part 2" comments? this whole post took a long time to make, and to just ask for more makes us feel like we're not satisfying you enough or we didn't do enough even though we did everything. it's appreciated that you enjoy it and want more, but it's still disheartening and even discouraging. imagine if you went up to your favorite author after reading their book and said "when is the sequel?" without saying anything else. it's weird. it makes us feel bad.
so please try to refrain from asking "part 2 when??" and maybe say a simple "i like this because xyz" or appreciate something about the post. even two emojis can give us an idea of how much you liked it or what you thought of it.
reblogs and comments or any feedback on the content we made is so super appreciated. writers want to know what you thought, it's fun to see reactions or understand what aspects you enjoyed. engagement is inspiring and motivational.
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lewkwoodnco · 5 months
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mlm-blues · 1 year
stuck in the horrible loop of 'cant exercise because depressed + depressed bc i cant exercise' it is rlly annoying 🙂
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nereidprinc3ss · 4 months
so um, i wanted to rant in here for a little bit. so far, i have loved your dybmn series and this makes me think that the way you write your characters complexities is so good. i’m a little afraid of sharing this as everyone here seems to love dybmn spencer.
because god, spencer is so unfair and insufferable. reader is insecure but not as unbelievable unbearable as spencer, i understand if i might be misinterpreting this but it was easy to deduce he would be the one projecting his own insecurities on reader.
it annoys me how he won’t give her the opportunity to truly enjoy her body as she wants to sexually engage with him. he claims he wants her and cares for her pleasure but sometimes it doesn’t really look like it, it feels like some sort of manipulative traumatic tactic to actually hold her hostage even though he says he’s not.
it’s contradictory. just because everything went wrong with elle, which is WEIRD considering his whore phase doesn’t gives him the right to expect that much from reader. god, he’s a profiler. he might not be able to actually read minds but i’m pretty sure he’s perfectly capable of picking up clues with his IQ.
specially during her first fucking time with a man. how would he want her to tell him she loves him if she’s still soooooooo inexperienced? literally how? i feel bad for reading it this way but the andromeda chapter fucked me upppp. there were all sorts of theories going on my mind after i read it.
she knows nothing about relationships and is constantly put into the dangerous position of wanting to please him, he never forces her but it’s pretty obvious she TRIES. how is that not enough for him? and it’s not just the sex, he has always had her affection at his disposition (i say this according to the way she’s agreed to accept his invitations to events like the bar or film festivals, the way she’s constantly kissing him without being sexual and always asking for him).
nevertheless, i’m really excited to see how the series will be evolving as they go. every chapter comes up with something new and i love that we’re able to theorize about it. i just really hope we get a big apology from spencer because….
i’m keeping this one:
thank u so much for taking the time to share ur thoughts!! I rlly appreciate it lovely!! and honestly i don’t think you’re alone in disliking dybmn spencer😭 he gets a lot of hate!!
me explaining stuff abt reid below👇 there are reasons for him being the way he is it’s not ALL inexcusable i promise!!
he is honestly probably more insecure than reader. one thing a lot of people have asked me is “how does it make sense for him to be so traumatized from what happened with elle and still have slept with a ton of women after” and honestly psychologically speaking it’s really not a reach that he would have done that! often when people are really insecure about themselves they seek reassurance and validation from other people, and sometimes they go about getting that validation through sex! i imagine since elle he’s never had a real committed romantic relationship and it’s all been very casual hookups, sometimes w the same people but never breaching into romance territory (don’t mention maeve idk if she’s canon or not in dybmn universe lol)
and I don’t think he’s holding her hostage, he just truly can’t imagine that she loves him back. and if you think about it he has every reason not to. his affection hasn’t been reciprocated or received well for most of his life (elle, his dad, his mom, jj (sorry for bringing up jeid)). even if you’re receiving all the input that someone likes you, if you hate yourself enough you’ll go to crazy lengths to not believe it.
i agree that it’s not super healthy, but he knows that! in my mind that’s actually why he told her on the phone that they didn’t feel the same way—he was trying to essentially be like hey girl you should know im pretty sure you don’t like me as much as i like you, and that’s fine, but if it makes you uncomfortable then we should talk about it because i don’t want you to feel like there are terms and conditions on our relationship that you didn’t understand.
also it might be helpful to realize that in some ways spencer really is not more experienced with romantic relationships than she is. he had a situationship with elle that never went anywhere and a bunch of hookups (and maybe maeve but even if that happened it was like a fake relationship lmao they were e dating and I don’t believe he really loved her but that’s a post for another day). but he doesn’t know how to exist in a healthy relationship with a partner who really cares for him any more than she does. most of dybmn is from readers perspective and she FEELS that he’s way more experienced but that experience is pretty much limited to sex which is obviously a big hang up for her so not surprising that she focuses on it so much and his experience seems so vast. but yeah romantically he is also a late bloomer and fairly stunted. he’s kinda figuring it all out for the first time just like she is!
so anyway that was me defending reid for four paragraphs!! but also maybe he’s just an asshole idk men suck why am I defending one of them
thank u again for giving me an excuse to talk abt this!!! ily
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annielocalgodkisser · 2 months
i just read the english willy fake tumblr posts and i thought. What if there was a tawog themed one. so enjoy this little thing i made. Lol
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🐍 slithery-samantha
OK SO. i went to my classmates house since he and his brother invited me over to play some games and while we were hanging out he goes “oh yeah have you met bob?” and im like. “who the hell is bob????” so he takes me down to his BASEMENT and turns on the light and there’s a FUCKING GUY??? EATING COLD TOMATO SOUP??????? the guy starts getting all pissy and tells us to go away and we do. and im just like “DUDE WHY IS THERE A GUY IN YOUR BASEMENT???” and this BLUE MF tells me “oh he just lives there” ????? DO HIS PARENTS KNOW SOME GUY IS LIVING IN THEIR BASEMENT???? WHATTTTT.
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🐍 slithery-samantha 🔁 slithery-samantha
ok since that post abt my classmate having a guy in his basement was getting SO MANY NOTES i’m posting an update lmaoooo. i’ve been going to his house more and hanging out with bob and apparently HIS NAME ISNT EVEN BOB??????? it was something like ross or rod i can’t rlly remember (sorry dude💔). he said he was living in their basement because he was supposed to be their arch nemesis or something and they kinda just???? let him live there???? he also went on a big rant about how everyone forgot about him which lead him to go to this place called the void where he had to escape from. nobody even bothered to look for him and now he feels like he doesn’t have a purpose in life so now he acts “evil” towards my classmates to feel like he has one. also he really likes watermelons
🐍 slithery-samantha
#average person living in elmore
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🐍 slithery-samantha 🔁 👁️ eye-spy
👁️ eye-spy Follow
ok A LOT of people have been tagging me in a post made by @/silthery-samantha about some guy living in their classmates basement- and this might be a wild stretch to take but whatever
there was an alleged missing childrens case in elmore about a year ago. i say alleged because literally NOBODY KNEW WHO THE KID WAS. nobody knew their appearance, age, name, nothing. the only reason why the police even investigated was a call from someone anonymous about the situation.
but because of the lack of evidence of the missing kid even EXISTING, the case was cut short and the police made an official statement about it, and nobody really bothered to look for whoever this missing kid was, since they thought the kid wasn’t even real and thought it was just some wild goose chase that lead to nothing
from the update post they made, this person said they were “forgotten by everyone and nobody bothered to look for them” which could imply some Really Dark things.
im REALLY sorry if this is a really wild stretch to take, but it was in my mind and i needed to get it out.
🐍 slithery-samantha
what ! 😃
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ok im ending it there since. i have no other ideas lolllll
sorry if this isnt rlly canon accurate to tawog it popped in my head a bit ago so i didn’t have the time to fact check everything ! ^_^
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golbrocklovely · 20 hours
im someone who’s slightly on the fence about malia, i don’t have any super strong opinions on her, to be honest.
im not a fan like a lot of ppl are bc.. what is there to be s fan of? she doesnt make content of her own rlly & we know next to nothing ab who she is in terms on interests and personality.
i dislike the lying she did in terms of that whole onlyfans thing, but i understand why she did lie.
idk i feel like ppl who are obsessed with her are moreso a fan because they wanna appease colby & get on his good side. they dont actually like HER they want his approval.
i definitely think there are fans that are purposefully pretending to love malia just to get in colby's good graces/get noticed by him. that's for sure happening. but i don't think that's all the fans that act like they love her.
(went on a bit of rant, so my bad lol)
i think the reason why malia has certain fans acting like they love her is the same reason why someone like charlie d'amelio blew up when all she did was do popular dances: she's pretty. pretty privilege gets you super far online. i also think malia has a nice aesthetic and that too is why ppl like her. and then on top of that, she's an extension of colby bc she's his gf - so now she's even """"better"""" than she was before. plus i think in some ppl's heads if colby is dating her, she must be a good person bc they doubt he would date someone terrible.
my thing with her is that if you don't have any feelings towards her/are indifferent, that's totally fine and understandable. we don't know her that well. but to hate her is dumb. she just posts her little tiktoks and makes an insta post once a while. what is there to hate about her? you know literally nothing, so why hate?? if she's truly that boring, what is there to hate on?
interestingly, the onlyfans situation pisses me off in a weird way. bc i have to ask, what does the fandom gain from her answering it truthfully?? or really, why was the question asked in the first place?? bc clearly it wasn't being asked in good faith or bc fans were genuinely curious. no, it was being used as a gotcha question. bc a good chunk of us all saw she had a onlyfans link in her bio before colby started dating her. i remember seeing it. but reality is… what does her admitting to having one at one point prove?
it was a double edge sword for her either way. if she tells the truth and admits to having one, a - the fans that hate her will call her a slut, a whore, a sex worker and say she's weird for selling her body online and that's why colby shouldn't date her. or b, "omg she's promoting her onlyfans to colby's underage fans, she's a freak". i foresaw both of those outcomes happening instantly. her saying "no i don't have one" is the best case bc it ends the conversation. so what if she "lied"? who cares? it was a dumb question being asked at her frequently just so her haters could use it as a point against her.
also clearly colby doesn't give a flying fuck and a half that she had one, whether she posted on it or not, bc he was following onlyfans models for YEARS. so… highly doubt he was upset that she had one at one point lol
sorry if i sounded a bit angry at you - i'm not. i just think the onlyfans situation is an annoying thing her haters bring up as if it's proof she's a terrible person or something. like "omg see she's a liar" as if we haven't all lied before. dear god lol
also - and i might as well get this off my chest bc it's about this situation too - is that a group of fans that were hell bent on her bc of that question tried to see if her onlyfans existed still so that they could sub to her bc they 1, wanted to make fun of her for her body and 2, wanted to shame her. and on top of that they were all MINORS. so not only would that have been illegal, it's also double fucked bc body shaming her does literally NOTHING except make her feel like shit. and all of this bc she's dating colby. it has nothing to do with her personality, and has everything to do with shaming her and making her "understand" she doesn't deserve him. when in true reality, this fandom doesn't deserve snc at this point bc of this type of behavior.
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jayflrt · 7 months
i know this is kinda random but it has to do with fate tour kinda? i went to fate tour in dallas in oct last year and ended up dropping 2/3 of the friends i went with because i realized how toxic they were during the trip lmao 😂 one of which id known for like 17 years and honestly im like wow enha really did that for me 😁
u probs dont care but i just felt like its funny to think ab like with parasocial relationships i joke about it obviously like oh yeah sunghoons my man we’re married with four kids but obviously im JOKING but with them apparently its not funny? but then they make the same jokes im suddenly not allowed cuz thats “HER man” like be so fr
sorry i felt like ranting a bit but like at least i saw chaconne live lmao
omg that's so terrible 😭😭 i thought the boyfriend/husband jokes were just jokes why did they take them so seriously?? yeah i rlly cannot stand ppl who get possessive over idols like it's not that deep LOL 🥲 i hope you're doing better now anon and happier without them!! :')
omg no i totally get you 🤧 i think enha is the only group that has this problem in the fandom too, at least from the fandoms i've been in!! i had gcs with internet friends for the nct and svt tours and they were all soooo lovely and we all got excited for each other over seating + having the same biases and such! then comes the fate tour and i join this engene gc and oh my god 😵‍💫😵‍💫 i literally thought my head was gonna explode bc a war broke out every time someone had the same bias (which happened very often considering there's only 7 members!!!) at one point i was like omg guys...... i don't care this bad 💔 and then i got accused of not being a real jay stan?/&;!/@; crazy
chaconne was so magical irl i'm glad you got to see sunghoon serving cunt on stage 🙏🙏
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jiminrings · 3 months
im still on jungkooks side sorry not sorry. i mean yes he’s the same person who celebrated his old relationship anniversary with his ex and all that yadayada (i wouldn’t even forgive him but that’s something she choose to do and now has to deal with) but what i kind of find hypocritical is how come yoongi has the chance to stay in their life even though she didn’t date him but that’s a person who still had romantic feelings for her and was ready to ask her out and im sorry but i do not believe her when she said she would choose jungkook everytime because she can‘t know that. i mean if someone tries to say yea but he’s nice and helps both of them well so was jungkooks ex? she wasn’t rude or anything so why does he get to be in their life and say these things/do these things that shouldn’t be his job as a FRIEND because that’s the job of the husband/father. i also totally understand that jungkook was afraid the second time telling her what was going on and what not but this just means to me that he truly has no one other than his wife to speak out freely without getting judged by anyone. i mean she has jimin, seokjin and yoongi so why is it that she gets to talk to them about their business and nobody bats an eyelash to that childish of act instead of just ranting to someone that’s NOT someone who had romantic feelings for you and always makes your husband insecure and no not everyone has to work on themselves to get away from those feelings etc bc simply why? yoongi isn’t someone important that’s a coworker of her so why not stop taking to him? i totally understand his insecurities because hello? why do you speak to yoongi about your marriage? what makes you different from his ex who spoke to jungkook in the past? there should be boundaries or he should gtfo. don’t get me wrong im not saying i don’t see jungkooks mistakes but nobody can tell me that she’s selfish simply because she works 24/7 and that with her friends but jungkook takes care of the baby and watches the wall ALONE? wtf lol nah and also what does her enemy have anything to with her? that’s work what if he never becomes this chance again all because he choose to STAY AT HOME ALONE AND WATCH HIS KID instead of doing work for a bit and coming back while feeling accomplished to have done such an amazing body of work? i simply do not care if he works with her enemy because there’s always going to someone you don’t like and you can’t always turn everything down just because that person hurt you. why does she always question his loyalty as if she was any better? plaid into that situation ship with yoongi and jungkook didn’t say shit and now SHE wants to talk about boundaries/loyalty lmao?
sorry went off (im on my period 😂) if you couldn’t tell it’s not me hating on her it’s just me saying that she’s a hypocrite but still loved it you writing is amazing!!! 💚🫶🏻
HEE-HEE DON'T BE SORRY AT ALL BAE!!! phase 3's rlly meant to be a moral dilemma fic jus like how phase 1 went :D YOU'RE RIGHT THOUGH!!!! also exactly :( the very existence of 478yoongi is a double-edged sword (that hurts jk the more that it benefits oc) n he represents the very flawed n maybe complex (?) idea that oc would have a fail-safe if in case it doesn't work out 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️ i don't day this to imply that it's NOTTT gonna work out or that oc would cheat or anything, but what i mean is that i agree w u that almost every time, if not always, jk n oc's relationship isn't equal!!! anyway i love ur take n i don't have all the words rn bc my brain is fried from driving all day so i'll elaborate soon !!! mwah do not apologize at all love yew
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crazylittlejester · 4 months
Time-Master Sword anon
I saw yo ur post abt the anon list and I’m so happy that you think abt me a lot :D also I hope your nausea goes away that’s the worst :( (take care of yourself and get some medicine if you haven’t already)
so umm on the x men there’s this couple of Cyclops and Jean grey, but plot twist this one’s a clone (the clone is referred to as Madelyn Prior)
so Cyclops and Madelyn have a baby but this baby named Nathanial Summer but gets kidnapped by Madelyn Priors creator Mr. Sinister and is put in this green stuff that’s a techno virus (which kinda ends up saving him if you know Nate Grey) but the techno virus is killing him and the only cure is in the future so bishop (who can only take the infant Nathan) takes him to the future where he can keep the techno virus under control with his powers where he can be trained by mother askani which turns out to be his sister. And during the events of the tv show (og x men show) Cable (Nathan) basically meets his parents but they’re not his parents yet bc they haven’t had Nate yet. And he’s also older than them (Which in the show (x men 97) is such a good scene when they find this out) anyways in the new show (x men 97) he meets them again and cyclops and Jean grey are like ‘holy shit that’s our son! Why didnt he tell is tho :(‘
So that’s their relation ship right
and my ass really went “Wow this Nate guy really sure is just like how Time and Wars are lol”
(So basically in this au Time is nathan
Warriors is Scott/Cyclops
and Jean grey/Madelyn prior I was thinking could be hw Zelda
and Stryfe (Nathan’s clone) could be dark link)
I have other roles for the chain including a Mask variant bc there’s another Cable/Nate but i think I ranted a bit to much lol
also you should watch x men 97/nf its really good and you don’t need to watch the old show to understand it :)
(sorry if this is unorganized I’m rlly tired rn lol)
i do feel a bit better now!! I think i just needed to lay down for a While
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battampria · 4 months
haii.. (🤍) for ask game
HIHIIII!!! I was originally gonna rant about hex haywire but ain't no one gonna read that.. so take him instead!
nny aka johnny the homicidal maniac!! :3 pronounced as "knee" !! *airen goes rambling under the cut*
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I found him randomly on my pinterest and went "omg he looks so cool" and searched him up and I think its pretty sad on how much I've read his wiki in the span of a month (this is the 4th or 5th time now but it's mainly his quotes) he's just.. SO COOL BRO.... he's also from those medias that, at max, only like 5 people know and I am proudly one of those 5 people!! but some of his quotes hit me hard.. 3 are serious and 1 is just silly LOL heres sum of em ;P
" I wish... I wish someone would just switch me off and... fix me. "
" Just because we've similar interests does not guarantee you're going to like me! My foot in your ass is a good example of that. My delusionary hell does not agree with yours!! "
" I can't let you go. We've begun something lovely, and, as with all things that start, it, inevitably, ends! The beginning is always so fine!! But decay soon follows. A degeneration into the tired old situation. The rot sets in. This way, there is only the beauty of the start! "
" —In these moments, you can tell they're not regretting having hurt you. They regret doing it to your face. They get so loud. They make so much noise. I try to wait until I'm off of the room before I start laughing... A blur... of... sweating... screaming... human... drama... but, every once in a while, they say things that sound like words. They make me think about what I'm doing. The noises make me uncomfortable. So uncomfortable that... sometimes... I wonder... why I don't just get myself a pair of earplugs. "
hes genuinely a nice character i like reading upon once in a while.. I rlly want the comic of it, but idk where 2 get it.. and I don't have money... I could ask my mum or dad to buy it for me on amazon but like I dont wanna hear their annoying yaps. SPEAKING OF, SORRY FOR YAPPING I JUST REALLY LIKE HIS CHARACTER..... EUEUEUGHH..
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minhosimthings · 5 months
Hi, so just a disclaimer, I AM A MINOR (14) so it is completely up to you if you'll answer this. I want to clarify that I only interact with your and other sfw posts, I'm not rlly comfy with seeing nsfw post since it just makes me feel icky lmao, anyways. ENGLISH ISN'T MY FIRST LANGUAGE, sorry for any wrong spellings, typos or anything incorrect.
So another warning, idk where this actually classifies as, but to put it in simple, slightly creepy teacher.
So, I have this IT teacher. I know him since, the obvious, he teaches at my school and I was also in coding class in 7th grade, which he was the supervising teacher for that extracurricular.
In 7th grade, back when I was still in my coding class, he called the kids up one by one to sign the attendance paper to make sure the kids were all there and when it was my turn, he asked me questions about why I decided to join, it would've been normal, but the thing is, he only asked me. No other kid in the class which already made me slightly warry of him for that.
He also would would pay more attention to me and my friend in the class (one of the few only girls in the class) and would just check in on us a lot more than he would with the guys.
Another thing is that, when I first went into 7th grade, my sister (who used to go to my school) warned me not to get too close to this IT teacher, since even when she was in school he paid "special attention" to a few kids (specially female).
Another interaction was earlier in 8th grade (the grade I'm in now), I had his class and he came up to my desk, leaned into my ear with a hand on my shoulder, and whispered "you should join coding again this year, it's a good learning opportunity for you", and ofc as the logical person I am, I felt disgusted bcus why did he have to go so close??? (And I ended up joining English club after that lol).
The most recent one that happened was around a month ago. My parents hadn't picked me up yet, so I was waiting on the second floor of my school near the teachers lounge, playing a game. Now this IT teacher walked pass me, greeted me slightly while asking what I was doing then he went to the teachers lounge, he came back out and walked closer to me and then leaned in too close for comfort towards my face, just to look at my screen and asked what I was playing, then laughed and walked away.
The last two rlly freaked me out bcus he got rlly close. He hasnt done something extreme and just got to close a couple of times, the whole of the 9th and 8th graders basically label him as the "creepy teacher". Idk what I should honestly, everytime I go to school or have his class I always feel scared tbh, I also can't rlly do anything either. He hasn't done anything extreme and I don't have any prove of anything. Do you think I'm just over exaggerating this whole thing? I mean he might just a be a lonely or wants ppl to have him as his favorite teacher.
Sorry it's so long, and it's completely fine if you don't wanna answer.
-🌙 anon
Hi anonnie. Yeah that's fine if you only interact with my sfw posts! Thank you for clarifying your age 😚
That...is so messed up bruh. I don't think that's what a teacher is supposed to do, that's basically on the line to sexual assault and that's extremely pedophilic.
I don't think you're exaggerating this baby, you need to complain to the school board or someone because that is just messed up, there are a lot of ways he could get people to have him as their fav teacher and this is NOT one of the ways.
No baby it's alright, you can rant to me whenever you want 😊
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harrysfolklore · 5 months
honestly… idk why swifties hate joe sm like we rlly don’t know if he did anything (but we do know that she really loved him) but most swifties hate him bc he wanted to be private with it which i can’t rlly blame him for seeing how everyone treats taylor’s spouses
he’s also a very active speaker on what’s going on in palestine and posted abt it on her (tays) bday when he knew everyone would be going on his page. he’s one of the only celebrities i’ve seen consistently talk about palestine which is more than taylor has done (i can’t rlly blame her for it bc of her status but at the same time even liking a pro-palestine post would suffice)
also looking back at it, olivia wasn’t rlly that bad harry fans just hate women… like don’t get me wrong whatever happened on dwd was terrible but i don’t necessarily think she’s a bad person she just liked a guy (i mean it’s harry who wouldn’t?) and ended up fcking up a movie with so much potential
sorry for the rant lol i just had to say something
honestly i don’t hate joe, it sucks that from what we know he didn’t want to commit fully to taylor and that’s why things went wrong but let’s be real, i only knew him for being taylor’s boyfriend so now that he’s not her bf anymore there’s no reason to either hate him or defend him like my life depends on it
and yess it’s such a good thing that he uses his platform to speak about palestine !!!!!!!!
and regarding olivia… she always gave me the biggest ick (i SWEAR that it’s not for the fact that she dated harry, i never had a problem with harry’s gf’s before) there was something about her that felt sinister 😭
dw don’t apologize i enjoy talking with you guys :)
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wakandabiitch2 · 2 years
I watched Ms.Marvel today for the very first time.All six episodes within a span of 6 hrs and...
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She is my girl.Go argue with a stone (Marvel ISTG DONT EVEN THINK ABT IT-)
Idk if it's just me who hasn't seen many posts and tweets yet but why do I see nobody talking abt the show and HER?? Iman Vellani did a very good job ONG LIKE I WANNA PROTECC™ AND HUG HER ANY MOMENT I CAN
I know that representation has always mattered but I understood it on a very deep level today.The joy I felt everytime I heard the people in the show speaking in Hindi and Urdu...maaaann I literally teared up everytime!! "haan chalo beta"🥹🥹🥹 The way Iman portrays Kamala is sooo good and how proud Kamala's Ammi and Abbu were in the last episode GAWD I COULDNT STOP CRYING I'm not kidding ok??Proud best friends,proud brother I WANT AAMIR TO BE MY BROTHER TOO BYE- proud parents,proud community IT WAS SO NICE TO WATCH 😭 Iman is a bundle of cuteness and I will never get over her SHE HAS MY HEART and OMGGG THE WEDDING DANCE GEEZ I LITERALLY PLACED MY PHONE ON A TABLE AND DANCED ALONG TO THE MUSIC and the ILLUMIN-AUNTIES LMAOOOO 😭 and hearing Desi music which were included here and there in every episode MAN THE EMOTIONS AAAANNND TO TOP ALL OF THIS (for me)....
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I HAD TO PLACE MY DEVICE DOWN FOR A MINUTE TO PROCESS THIS and the other south indian languages too and OMGGGG THE SONG FROM LINGAA in the first episode I CAN TALK ABT THIS AND THIS ALONE FOR DAYS like I know it's just the title and just the beginning of the song BUT IT'S A WIN FOR ME and hey!!Mr.Farhan Akhtar looked dashing might I add....but Waleed,you will be missed.Thank you ❤️‍🩹
Kamala Khan rlly said "Your new comfort character coming right through" AAAAGGRHRHHHH I will give my life for her when it comes to it- and her powers are so beautiful to look at I MEAN THE VIBRANT COLOURS??!! 😩🤌✨️
And Sadie.KAREN.Deever.I WAS SO MAD WHENEVER SHE SHOWED UP Barging into a mosque JUST LIKE THAT??She was humbled very well at the end tho felt very satisfying😌
Yeah,no,nope.I'm not gonna leave this site without talking abt my boy and my tech wizard BRUNO ("Brian"😭💀) CARELLI you absolute cutie pie TEAM BRUNMAL FOREVER 😍🥰😘❤️✨️
omg what did I come up with -
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Look at his face...must protecc™ 🥺🤏
Almost shifted to team K&K (iykyk) and then Najma and the "Clandestines" showed up,everything went downhill and there we go - "Jalebi baby" playing in the bg when he came out of the pool and Nakia and Kamala going "Masha allah" I GIGGLED- ngl when he and Kamala held hands and their powers glowed together AAGHHHH😩🦋🦋 I was like KISS KISS KISS but Bruno showed up lmfaooo sorry I laughed -
NOT TO FORGET Hasan and Aisha OMFGG sunshine boy and grumpy girl at first sight SO TRUE 😭❤️ Hasan saying that he couldn't blame baby Sana for looking at Aisha like she was magic GOOSEBUMPS AND 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋
Nani,Ammi and my girl bonding 🥹🥹🥹
Ammi said "She's not short.The dress is too long" my heart was so happy and then AUNTIE RUBY came in and she said that she was short and ammi agreed to it too and I was like "Typical" 🙄😮‍💨 It's always the aunties lol
The scenes which showed the after-effects of the 'Partition'...I can't 💔💔💔
I could go on and on abt this show but I ranted too much already so - 😃✌️🚶🏽‍♀️🏃‍♀️
(Pics - from Pinterest)
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mangoposts · 9 months
i just have to tell someone bc i literally can’t tell anyone irl abt this(rant)
Back in july my friends and i went to dollar general for slime supplies(lol) and as i’m looking for the glue i run into this really cute boy. I thought he looked familiar and mistook him for someone else from the neighboring town and never really thought about him again.. until fast forward the 1st day of school and i notice there’s a new kid (i live in a small town 😭) i’m like wait i’ve seen this kid before. it’s the boy from the store!! I tell my friends that i think he’s cute and the next day i find his snap, i add him and notice something new on snap map
He’s my new fucking next door neighbor
I’m in denial so i look out my window and the first thing i see is him playing basketball.. I’m like no shot.
He asked if i was his neighbor at a football game and i was like well yeah. He was like cool and kept talking about wanting to egg my house
but then over the weekened my (now ex bff) was going through a “terrible” break up and basically ditched me to go hang out w him and group of friends and i was like wtf!!! i told u i thought he was cute!!! and she was like i’m sorry just going through something and wanted to get my mind if things ☹️(she didn’t do anything w him but i fucking hate her fake ass)
idk my friends always catch him staring at me in lunch but i’m such a pussy i can’t turn around and say something. We got seated next to eachother in a class not too long ago and we talk here and there. But what rlly did it for me was when he started hanging out with my fucking brother. like really. my brother.
His reposts r wild, shit like “i wanna tell her idk how she would react though” “i would drop everyone for this relationship” but i don’t see him hanging around any girls likes he’s been home this ENTIRE break so i’m like who tf u talking abt???!!! (pls be me) and then he changed his pfp to i❤️latinas (i am latina!!!)
In conclusion i am borderline stalking him through my window and idk what to do bc i think he’s crazy cute but i’m so shy and can’t do anything abt it!!!!help💗💗(i get to see him tmmr at school bc winter break ended😍)
BITCHHHHH GO TALK TO HIM WTF ARE U DOINGGGGGG THATS UR MAN like stop you can’t just be next to him all day and say nothing. Ur making me insane
I also think my neighbor is hot and i literally go outside to talk with him whenever he lets his dog out like don’t be shy talk to ur hot neighbor
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I am so sorry if this may sound ignorant (I have been doing online school for about 3 years now and havent really been around many people my age for a while so I don't know if this plays into my question or not)
I have 2 questions
1. I use the pronouns she/her (it's just what I have always been comfortable with) but I prefer to were more masc or boy stereotypical clothing I guess you could say. Now I do like girl clothes but not as much. I think im just confused if it's a body thing or a gender thing because I like masc clothes so much since they just fit my body better I definitely feel more comfortable in them, but I also like to wear fem presenting clothes as well that may be more form fitting. And you know sometimes I want to put on a suit and strut around in it and sometimes I want to put on a dress it just depends.
2. I am very confused about my sexuality lol. I don't think I realized people could even be more than what society had already deemed as normal and around the age I would have probably began to explore my sexuality covid hit and everything went online. (For reference I am about to turn 16 and would have been 13 when the pandemic hit) I feel the same when I see an attractive female as I would an attractive male (this goes for anyone really if I find them attractive I can feel attraction to them, whether it's a platonic, romantic, or sexual attraction genuinely don't know) I also am fine reading sex scenes but whenever people talk about it in person or if I watch it on tv that's when I get uncomfy and I genuinely can't see myself having sex with someone (idk if that will change or not) but im fine with seeing myself being in a relationship and cuddling expressing my love for a person and sometimes kissing (it depends)
I am so sorry that this was sooo long and all over the place my brain is all messy when I don't plan things out before I write or say anything, and you don't have to answer of course this was just me ranting about how I have no clear thoughts as to who I am yet and it feels good to get it off my chest lt even if you don't answer or even see this.
Thank you genuinely it feels good to talk.
No need to apologise!! I’m here for u :] That’s good, I’m glad writing this ask helped you feel better—try and write shit down sometimes, even if it’s just hastily typed into a google doc and immediately deleted. Shit’s magic honestly.
Preferring or liking masculine clothing doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re transgender. Like obviously it’s a possibility but it’s not like, oh I like pants instead of skirts that means I’m a guy!! You could be trans or you could just be a girl who likes different types of clothing.
My advice is like, don’t sweat it too much, and just do what makes you happy. If you like masculine clothing, fucking go for it!!! I’m sure you’ll slay 100%!! If you wanna wear form fitting stuff, go for that too!! Just. Do what makes you feel like yourself, and do what makes you feel happy, don’t worry about labels and am-i-trans-am-i-cis and all that, kay? Just Vibe!!!!!!
I’d suggest you consider mspec labels, which means attraction to multiple genders, labels like bisexual and pansexual, or just plain old bi and pan might be good for you!!
You can look into the asexual spectrum, which is basically all sexualities that aren’t like 100% allosexual (allosexual means like. most of the population and how they experience sexual attraction.)
Yes, attraction can be confusing. And yes, it’s possible the stuff you feel might change. Maybe you’ll feel sexual attraction someday, or maybe you never will!!
But go with what you like *now.* If bi feels good, go for bi! If asexual feels good, go for it. If you wanna change it later, that’s okay!!
I’m gonna give you my standard new shoe advice—yknow when you have rlly shitty old shoes but you’re used to them, and when you get new shoes you’re like wtf these are really weird, but then you eventually realise they’re much more comfy and you were just used to the shitty old ones?
New labels can be kind of like that. So like, if u try a label and it feels Weird, ask yourself if the weird is a “this is the wrong shoe size” weird or a “i need to break this shoe in” weird.
Hope I could help you out!! Sending my love, and I hope you find what makes you feel happy and feel like yourself!! Have an amazing day <333
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inzombniia · 1 year
tw // emetophobia(?)
vent post lol
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i was going to post this last night but i got um. sidetracked. (ó﹏ò。) by some rlly funny shit like istg it almost cured my summertime sadness i even cleaned my depression room 2day hhaha, last night i just made it my pfp and threw this into the drafts
im bouta go on a small rant so ill just tuck it away here ↓
i literally hate summer, im sorry i just cannot. maybe its the fact that i have no job and no car so i cant go anywhere. other than begging someone to take me shopping, im stuck. just me and the internet lolz and occasionally my friends but i havent responded to most of them which is kinda my fault (ꀬ⏖ꀬ∴) i shld probably do that...
im so much happier and mentally stable in sweater weather... maybe cus im a december baby LMAO
i think the amount of time i spend on my phone and computer are starting to catch up with me, apparently theres a thing called "cybersickness" and dude the name alone sounds cool asf ‼️ but yeah i also have vertigo and a lil sleep deprivation on top of that so. i just constantly have the urge to vomit but physically cant no matter how hard i try so i just drew myself doing the things i cant do <//3 and yes thats me lolz
however !!! i think i might actually start working at chuck e cheese... no one in my area says anything bad abt working there so i have high hopes that i could enjoy it, might have to visit it this weekend before i apply just to see if its any different from last year when i went
૮꒰ྀི˶˃̵ ^ ˂̵˵꒱ྀིა
tw // sh implied i guess
edit never fucking mind its not okay nothing is okay i wanna rip my guts out why me why what do i even do anymore it doesnt make any sense why do you have to make everything so hard for me.
"oh i feel so alone" good. i hope it stays that way u selfish prick
how does it feel to rip away my goals. i had this all planned out and its perfect for what i plan to do in life
its like you do this on purpose. you want 2 see me suffer. u want 2 see me fail. over and over and over. is this fun for you?
i relapsed because of you. i hope ur fucking proud of me
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