#i said i would focus on school but oh well the demons
chapter 2 of Lance/Logan just dropped!!
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cosmicstarlatte · 2 years
Thong (Obey Me!)
━━━━━━━━━━ ✦ ━━━━━━━━━━
You decided on a scandalous thong for the day and decided to have some fun by teasing your ♡favorite♡ demon. At RAD. How does he react?
minors/ageless/blank blogs dni or get blocked :c
»Characters: Demon Bros + Dia + Barb
»Tags: ⚠️🔞NSFW , Possessive, Flashing, Some Humor, Smutty-ish, GN Reader/MC
»Notes: Few days late but I hope everyone had a good Valentines day! You are all loved ♡♡♡
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You visited him in his office and "accidentally" knocked a few papers off his desk. You bent down to pick them up.
His eyes widened briefly
Wondered if you did that on purpose
"Luuucifer? Are you okay?" You smiled slyly
So it was. This human is something else.
He leaned in close and whispered in your ear
"Careful now. If I find out anyone other than me saw what I saw, there will be punishment in store for you."
He smirked and rubbed your ass for a brief moment before giving a gentle smack sending you onto your next class
He saw the flustered look on your face and was quite content
Lucifer: 1 You: 0
He invited you into his study later that night though
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You met up with Mammon at your locker. You decided to reach down in your locker to get something.
Took off his uniform jacket and tried to cover you up
He was a blushing red mess
"Whaddya think youre doin' wearin' that! Here of all places! Anywhere even! No! I won't allow it!"
Was conflicted [Mammon cannot compute]
He was so turned on but upset thinking about if anyone else saw your thong!
He was so bothered he made you miss class
You two spent it in a secret cozy closet where he kept kissing/biting you all over while whispering "mine!"
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Oh poor unsuspecting Levi. You decided to tie your shoe in front of him.
Let out a small yelp
Immediate nosebleed
Wasn't sure if he should say something ...or just keep staring intensely
Okay he kept staring
Let out a small groan when you adjusted your thong and winked at him
Seriously!? Teasing him at school!? He should've stuck to online classes!
Skipped your shared class to go jerk off in the restroom
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You invited him after school to the library to study. While looking for books, you went for all the ones on the bottom shelves.
Could not stop staring while you browsed
Wanted to tell you your thong was showing but decided against it...since no one else was around he was going to enjoy it
He is a demon after all
Studying was hard after that
He found himself daydreaming
Was a little embarrassed he couldn't focus
"Who knew such a small piece of fabric could affect you?" You teased him
Ah so you knew...
Grabbed your hand and led you to an empty classroom for some fun
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You sat in the back corner of class with Asmo. You "accidentally" dropped your pencil and bent to get it.
He gasped
Now that is sexy
He was absolutely mesmerized
He passed you a note complimenting your choice of underwear that day
Kept heavily flirting all of class
He might have convinced you to skip the rest of your classes for the day for other activities
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You invited Beel to the snack machine (RIP your wallet) and bent down to get his snacks.
Really caught off guard by your thong
Thought it was sexy as fuck but shook his head to clear his mind
Quickly told you it was showing
The growl he made wasn't his stomach but his throat when you said "Oh maybe it was meant specifically for you?"
He jerked off later that night to the thought of you doing other things exclusively for him
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You were excited to see how this bad boy would react. You walked up to him and smacked his textbook on the ground, then picked it up in a dramatic fashion.
Well that was obviously intentional
But no complaints here...niiice
He snapped one of the strings/waistband
"Okay you got my attention. It looks good on you. It'd look better on the floor though."
Yeah he wasn't going to hold back his thoughts
"How about we visit the attic later? Just me and you?"
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So calm, so collected. But only you knew what a naughty demon he was. You went in straight for the kill and briefly flashed him in his office before running away.
-Sighs- That human is completely dangerous.
Shut down the school while he offered a reward to anyone with your whereabouts
It didn't take long
Collected you in his demon form and carried you to his office
"You know what you do to me. Now look what you've done little one."
Barbatos had to cast a silencing spell and canceled the rest of his meetings that day.
I love an impatient feral diavolo,  sigh
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You guys had a little thing going on, but could you actually affect *the* butler? You were curious enough to try. You saw him heading your way and decided to tie your shoe.
Briefly surprised
Well...that's tantalizing
He cleared his throat and politely told you of your fashion faux pas
He took note of your slight disappointment
Oh so it was meant for him...this will be fun
He leaned down and whispered in your ear, tucking something into your hand
"Maybe nothing is better."
You peered in your hand and it was your thong!
He chuckled at your bright red face as you ran towards the restroom
He sent you a text: "I surely hope my visit tonight will be welcomed."
I like to think we won ?? 😩
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yersang-dreams · 5 months
Herrschers are still called Herrscher here, since a Herrscher can bend the laws of reality and space I'll just say Reader will be on par with the True Dragons. Rimuru here is a True Dragon, the Honkai still exist here ig and some spoilers for Part 2 of the HI3. (If you already read the LN or WN, I have short memory so there is gonna some errors).
AU: Cross-over
Characters: Rimuru Tempest
OS/HCS/IMG: Head-Cannons
Genre: Fluff
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Oh boy, he was surprised when you came back from defeating the Herrscher of Domination since he thought you would lose, you were just on par with a True Demon Lord while the Herrschers were in par with the True Dragons
He and his people will be surprised to see you back with a new profound power and new look too! They were very VERY worried when you said you were gonna fight HoD
Let's just say Rimuru was proud that you are slowly growing, and becoming mature throughout the years
Your blue flames are much more hotter than the Hell Flare that he and Benimaru uses
When the Octagram heard about your rise of becoming the Herrscher of Flamescion they were surprised as well! They never expected you to become a Herrscher that was on par with a single True Dragon?
Yeah they're surprised for a few until they start praising you mostly Milim and Ramiris boasting—
Herrscher of Finality
When they thought you being the Herrscher of Flamescion of Jura Tempest was enough but Rimuru never you would actually become a much more powerful Herrscher!
Again you have matured and learnt to understand everything in the world, you were just an naïve girl whose dream was to become the greatest and here we are
Rimuru is clinging and boasting how powerful you have become and mostly making you an representative of Jura Tempest Federation when he isn't present
Unfortunately—When you said you have to go to the moon to fully seal the Honkai made him sad cause he never expected this
Although he understood knowing the Honkai was a threat to the whole world, and that you are the last Herrscher to ascend
Rimuru would find ways to talk to you until he actually found out that he can just visit you on the moon in his free time
You proudly spoke about Senadina, saying that she is an intelligent and sweet girl who loves her friends dearly
Deja Vu eh?
Anyhow, he was happy that you also somewhat became a teacher like Himeko, it sure is a feeling of deja vu to you and Rimuru.
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WAAAA I'm sorry for the late post, I got a high fever and had to deal with some problems but I managed to finish this in my free time! I'll finish the other two wips in my free time! and expect less updates and slow updates than usual since I'm on my 4th grading in high school and I would want to focus cause we are near graduating.
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sloth-artstudio · 3 months
Expansion, Part 2.
((TW: Angst moments and tears ahead.))
~Flower Fruit Mountain, a hour after discovery.~
A small tornado formed in from of the house the Monkey King had built over 13 years ago after his first one was destroyed by the Azure Lion. The winds disburse to reveal the matriarch of the Demon Bull Family, Princess Iron Fan, and standing beside her is a small dark furred monkey child. Iron Fan looks down to the young girl who hadn't said anything but a "hello" to her since she picked her up from that human and demon school her parents signed her into, nor was the child saying anything now.
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"Mei-Yue," Iron Fan spoke. "We're here now. Your father is waiting for you."
Mei-Yue, the little six eared monkey, didn't say anything in response, she only nodded at her aunt. The princess gave a saddened front at the silence of her niece. She'd been quiet since she picked up from the school her brother-in-law was insistent on letting her attend. Speaking of which, the door to the house swung opened, revealing the smiling face of Wukong peered out. He appeared to be tired.
"Thank you again, Iron Fan. Mac and I have working our tails off getting everything ready for our new 'guest'."
The Princess gave a smirk to the retired hero. "Oh it was nothing too special. After all you know how much I adore my beloved niece."
The rust colored furred monkey rolled his eyes at the Celestial before him; Of course she would call his daughter 'her beloved niece', even though she could've consider her only son a 'beloved' (He wasn't allowed to say throw her past mistakes back at her unless she absolutely deserved it). Speaking of children, Wukong turned his attention to the nine year old dark furred cub standing beside Princess Iron Fan, giving her a warm smiling, noticing the girl's blank expression.
"Hey Lil' Tiger," the reitred king greeted, "How was school today honey? Ya make any new-"
Before he could finish his question, Mei-Yue walked passed her father without saying a word, she didn't even acknowledge him. Wukong stared as his daughter walked towards her room.
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"Well that's concerning." The old king muttered, he turned back to the Celestial at the front door. "Did something happen at the school we need to know about?"
"I was actually about to ask you if something happened here that was upsetting her." Iron Fan responded. "She been quiet since I got her; She didn't even smile at me. Me! Her favorite aunt and mother figure."
The Stone monkey gave a loud 'HAH'. "Ah I didn't think you could be funny, Fanny. But everyone knows that my sister Ma is her favorite aunt and mother figure.". Iron Fan gave Wukong the sourest scowl.
"Regardless, Macaque and I will see if she's up to talking, maybe we can get an answer."
"You better."
With that, a tornado formed around the Celestial, then just as it came, the tornado dissipated, and Iron Fan is gone. The monkey king frowned at the spot the Celestial once stood. Oh Buddha how he hated his sworn brother's wife, but he wasn't gonna focus on her empty threats, he had a more important priority. One being a certain Celestial Primate eavesdropping on him.
"You know, you're sworn sister is a real pain at times." claimed Wukong as he peered down at the darker shadow that encompassed his own. He stepped to the side as Macaque emerged from the shadows, smirking at the rust monkey.
"You're the one who let's her get to you. I was just here to make sure you two didn't start fighting again." Macaque affirmed. "But aside from that. I think we need to address to elephant in the room, or rather our usually bubbly daughter not being herself."
"I couldn't agree more." Wukong sighed. "Do you think that Shang kid's at fault for that?"
Macaque groaned in frustration at the name. "Sweet Buddha, I hope not. That kid is an asshole, and his mother ain't any better, constantly saying her brat's angel.".
The rust colored monkey chuckled at his husband. "Going on a bit of a rant, eh Macky?"
The dark furred glared at his husband.
"C'mon, I think Mei-Yue went to her room."
Macaque strided towards the the hallway leading to the bedrooms.
"Note to self:" muttered Wukong as he followed suit, "Watch what you say around your pregnant mate. He will get snippy."
In the bedroom of the Monkey Princess, Mei-Yue sat on her bed with her favorite stuffed rabbit wrapped in her arms. Her focus was on a picture frame on her bed. The picture inside was of her adoptive brother MK holding Mei-Yue when she was baby, her older sister figure Mei squealing in joy, their friend/her sworn cousin Red-Son looking over MK's shoulder, at the bottom frame was a saying carved into it. The carved words read 'Welcome, Little Sister'.
The soft knock emanated from the other side of the bedroom door, shifting the child's attention to it. It was her fathers on the other side, she knew that much.
"Moonbeam?" her baba's (Macaque) emanated from the door. "Can we come in please?"
There was silence from the girl's room. The Celestial Primates looked at each other with concern painted on their faces.
"Maybe she fell asleep." Wukong subjected.
The doorknob turned and door was pulled open by a tired looking Mei-Yue, the usual sparkle in her eyes was absent. Doing their best to mask their worry, the men gave their daughter a soft smile and knelt down to her level. Macaque was the first to speak.
"Hey Dumpling. How was your first day at school?"
Mei-Yue shifted where she stood. "It was fine, I guess."
"Are you sure? Because you didn't say hi to us when you got home."
"Y-Yeah, I'm-..."
The girl just shut down and stared at the ground, clenching her stuffed rabbit.
"Did something happen at the school?" Macaque questioned his daughter. "You know you can tell us when something's wrong, right?"
The only response he got was a shrug of her shoulders. Keeping his resolve, Wukong reached out and placed a gentle hand on his daughter's shoulder, finally getting her to look at them.
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"Sweetheart, whatever is going on, we can help you go through it." The Stone Monkey consoled his young daughter, giving her a warm smile and the reassurance her needed. But his smile faded when she spoke up.
".... Am I gonna be alone forever?"
Both parents looked at their daughter
"I- I beg your pardon?"
"Dumpling, who told you that? Was is that Shang kid that's been giving you trouble?"
"No. He's not even in my class this years."
She took a deep breath in, then slowly exhaled before she spoke.
"Today in class... my classmate, Yao, was talking about his birthday party his parents are throwing fir him, and that his oldest birthday was coming up and-"
"And you're upset because you weren't invited?" Wukong questioned.
"No! Lemme finish!" Mei-Yue barked at the Stone Monkey as he held his hands in front of his chest.
"Okay, Okay. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt. Please continue. "
"Thank you. As I was saying, Yao's birthday was coming up and his older brother was home to visit and celebrate his birthday and I didn't think anything of it. But then my other classmate said that she and her sister got to go camping this weekend. Then recess came and I wanted to play with the twins, Ming & Lian, but they said I couldn't play with them because..... it was a twins game and I don't have a twin..."
Her breathing was start to become hitched and she was trying to fight back the tears that were forming in her eyes, trying her hardest not to cry if front of her fathers. Macaque's expression grew from worry as he
"I tried to not let it all get to me, but....."
"Mei-Yue, you don't have to continue-"
"But when I was waiting for auntie Fanny, my friend Winnie told me that her big brothers were happy that she that she made it into the junior basketball team..."
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A sob escaped from her mouth, the tears began to fall as she tried to wipe them away. She clenched her rabbit plush tightly as if it were a life line, too afraid to let go.
"I didn't wanna think too much about it, and-.. and I know you guys love me and your happy, and you need me to be happy... But... I didn't realized how alone I really am until Winnie said that, and... and......."
"Lil' Tiger-"
"And I hate it. I hate that I'm the only kid here. I hate that I have no one to play with after school, I hate that can't share my toys with anyone, I hate that I can't make up games with anyone but my cousins, I hate how empty home is even though you wouldn't leave me here alone, I hate not having a brother or sister here with me, I Hate Being Alone!"
She lost her resolve. The young monkey let out her pained cries. She no longer fought the tears, or held in the pain... She let it out...
In that instant, Macaque pulled his daughter into a tight hug and let her cry while he tries to fight back the tears that were forming. Wukong joins in the hug, gently stroking his daughter head to soothe her as he did so many times before, all the while both men were trying to fight their own tears back.
"No, no, no, no, no, no. You're not gonna be alone, hon. Daddy and I would never let that happen to you in a million years." Macaque soothed Mei-Yue as she buried herself in his chest.
His precious daughter's muffled cried only grew louder, and it made his hearts break. He knew her pain. He and Wukong knew it too well...
To Be Continued in part 3....
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justmeinadaze · 1 year
We're A Family Part 15 (Steddie X You)
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Warnings With Some Notes: Dads Steddie and Mama Reader, Stevie gets yelled at by parents during a parent/teacher conference that Y/N overhears (the dad refers to her as a whore and slut a few times through out the story), these three do talk about having another baby which leads Steve to talking about his worry of people in the town, Daisy's dad causes a scene in their house, SMUT (spanking and slight overstimulation), fluff, and angst.
Dylan and Y/N talk about him and Ro not being planned. The men in the Munson-Harrington household all struggle with personal demons that are mentioned through out this story. They have grown though and know no matter what they can handle anything together <3.
Word Count: 5788
“What? Why are you looking at me that way?”
Kierra sighs as she shrugs before leaning back in the booth across from yours. “Y/N, you know I’m always on your side. No matter what. You’re my sister, my best friend, and I love the hell out of you. That being said…”, her eyes look up to meet your slightly annoyed ones. “I think what Steve is feeling is fair.”
You fold your arms as you pout while she continues. 
“Come on. It’s not like he’s ever hid from you that he wanted more kids. You three had always talked about having another baby using his stuff, ya know? And of course, he’s thinking about it now because Aurora’s not technically a baby anymore. Dylan will be starting high school soon. His asshole father and our evil mother are always reminding him that biologically the kids aren’t his.”
“So this will fix that?!”
“And if we go by that logic we technically aren’t married. They remind him of that to. What, maybe, he needs an actual wife now.”
“Well, now you’re being ridiculous.”
“Don’t do that, Kierra. Don’t treat me like I’m mom!”
“That’s not what I’m doing and I know you know that.” You both exhaled as you took a long sip from the drink in your glass. “Y/N, he’s not…commanding…you to give him a kid right now. It sounds like he just wants to have a conversation about it. At least give Steve and Eddie that.”
“I’m sorry I snapped at you.”
She grins as she lightly kicks your leg under the table. “No worries. You know I still love you.”
“Hey, mom. What are you doing here?”, Dylan asked as you walked up to the school. 
“Steve asked Ed to come get you because he has a meeting after school but he already had plans so alas, you get me.” He grins as you hand him your keys. “Go wait in the car and I’ll be right there, okay?”
You smile as you watch him run out the door before heading to Steve’s classroom. 
“…and I’m not going sit here and be lectured by some deviant!”
The sound of someone yelling caused you to pause just outside his door.
“I’m not lecturing you, Mr. Osborne. I’m just trying to convey that your daughter seems to struggle a lot more with the material than others in class. She’s very smart. She just needs some extra help.”
“Oh, and are YOU going to pay for that, Mr. Harrington?! Especially since I know for a fact she doesn’t need any ‘extra help’. Maybe if you would focus on being a better teacher instead of that whore and freak maybe my child would be better educated.”
A chair rolled back as you heard Steve exhale angrily. “I think we’re done here.”
“Um, what about…Daisy’s grade.”, a woman asked.
There was a long pause before he finally answered. “Mrs. Osborne, she’s passing but not enough to get into those AP classes next year. If you and your husband insist on not finding a tutor or something that can help her…there’s not much more that I can do.”
“Maybe it’s time we talk to the principal.”, Mr. Osborne sneered.
“Maybe it is. I can give you his number and we can set up another meeting.”
The man mutters things under his breath as Mrs. Osborne offers a small thank you to Steve. Both parents exit the classroom coming face to face with you. 
“Oh. Hey, Y/N. I…we…didn’t know you were, um, here.” You watch with angry eyes as her husband stalks past you down the hallway and out of sight. “Daisy had fun with Dylan at the dance. He sent me some pictures. They are so cute together!”
You subtly nod before crossing your arms. “Lori, did you know my son helps your daughter with her homework sometimes?” She blinks in your direction before shaking her head. “There are times when she comes over after school and they study together. Of course, they can’t do it all the time; Dylan having baseball and Daisy in gymnastics but… Those times he is able to help her? She gets a higher grade.”
“Steve’s right. She’s a smart kid. It’s just she seems to struggle to retain the information especially when she’s anxious. I wonder why that is.”
“LORI ANNE! Are you coming or not?!”, Mr. Osborne shouts down the hallway. 
You shrug as you lean against the wall behind you. “But what would I know? I’m just the whore married to the freak and deviant.”
As soon as the sound of her heels disappear, Steve casually comes to lean in the doorway. 
“That was good. Maybe you should be a teacher.”
“Naw. That was just my counseling degree you saw at work there. Dealt with a lot of parents like Daisy’s I’m afraid.” You glance in his direction taking note of how exhausted he looks. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m alright. What about you?”
“I’ve been better.” Steve immediately looks you over with concern. It’s one of the many things you love about them both; their concern and protectiveness of you. You imagined it took all his strength to not punch Daisy’s dad in the face for calling you and Eddie names. 
“Is there anything I can do?”
“I was thinking that, maybe, the three of us could talk tonight about…you know.”
He sighed as he shoved his hands in his pockets and looked down at the floor. “We don’t have to. I mean, not much point if you can’t even say the word baby.”
“Steve, I’m trying here.”
“Yeah, I understand. It’s really fine, Y/N. Like I tried to tell you before. It’s just something I was thinking about. If you’re not ready it’s fine. We can wait. Look, I still have a couple of things to do before I can leave so…I’ll just see you back at home, alright.”
Before you can answer, he turns away from you and heads for his desk.
“Ok, princess, let’s see what we get here.” Eddie rolls his D & D dice as Aurora sits at the little table Wayne made for her in her size while she picks at the snack on her plate.
“17. Alright.” He leans forward and grabs a note card from the vocabulary set Steve bought to help teach her words. It was the metalhead’s idea to put a spin on it, allowing him to grab a card at random. “What’s this?”
“Good job, my angel.” He rolls again and grabs the corresponding card. 
“Girl.” Ro points to the image and then herself. “Rara girl.”
“Yes ma’am, you are.”
“Beep, beep.”, she mimics absently before taking a bite of her snack. 
“Who’s that?”
She grins as Dylan comes around and ruffles her hair. “Din bra-der.”
“Is Dylan a boy or a girl?”
“Big boy.”
“Way to go, Ro. Mom, I’m going to go upstairs till dinner.”
You nod before coming to sit on the floor beside them and Eddie bends towards you to give you a kiss. 
“Ew, daddy!”
“Hey, ew you, kid.”, he smiles as he gives you another peck. “Are you alright, baby?”
“Daisy’s parents were giving Steve hell when I showed up.”
“Sounds about right. I’ve never liked Nathan. He kind of reminds me of my father.”
“Yeah…I told Steve I thought the three of us should talk about the other night…”
“You mean when you freaked out about the idea of having another kid?” He laughed when you shot him a playful glare. “Honestly, sweetheart, not much point if you can’t even say the word.”
“I swear to God! Are you two on the same frequency or something??”
“Usually.”, he smiles. “I’m always open for a conversation.”
“Hey, weirdo.” You grin at him as he steps outside and sits beside you on the steps of the back porch. “How’s Daisy?”
“She’s…she’s ok. Upset but ok. She said her parents have been fighting all night.”
“I’m sorry, baby. You know she’s welcome over here anytime if she needs an escape.”
“How are you, mom?”
“I’m okay.” He raises his eyebrow at you making you laugh. “What?! I really am.”
“Fine! Ya little pain in the butt.” Your smile slightly fades as you talk to him. “Steve wants to have another kid.”
“And you don’t?”
“I don’t know, weirdo. I mean, we all just got settled into this routine, we see each other a lot more than before. We’d have to move because I’m not going to make either of you share a room with a screaming baby.”
“I wouldn’t mind.”
“I know YOU wouldn’t but I would.” You quickly sneak a glance at your son before looking out into the yard. “How would you feel about another little one running around?”
“I think it would be cool. I was an only child for a while there so I wouldn’t mind more siblings in the house.” His concerned eyes shift over your frame, debating on if he should continue. “Ro and I were accidents, right?”
His question startled you as you turned to fully face your son. “No, Dylan. You and Aurora weren’t planned but you definitely were NOT accidents.”
“Yeah, no, I get that. I just… imagine how different it would be for you and our dads to plan one this time. You get to be excited for once instead of scared.”
“Dylan Marshall Y/L/N—”
“Ah.”, he cuts you off with a cute little smile. “It’s Munson-Harrington now. You have to scold me properly.”
You smirk as you narrow your eyes at him in jest. “Dylan Marshall Munson-Harrington.”
“There you go!”
You both laugh as you pull him into your arms. “Baby, I was ecstatic when I found out I was pregnant with you. Seriously. I fell in love with you the moment I saw your little blob on the ultrasound; you and Aurora.”
“We love you to, mom.”
“Don’t ever let me hear you say that you were an accident. You hear me?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
As you both reentered the house, Eddie was patting Ro’s back as she slept on his shoulder sucking her thumb while Steve stood at the sink washing the dishes from dinner. Dylan bid them a quick good night before heading up to his room.
Sighing, you drunk in the vision of the man in your kitchen. He still looked extremely exhausted but more than anything he seemed sad. Your sister was right, it was fair for him to be feeling what he was feeling and he never once tried to push you on the idea of having more children. When you three found out about Aurora, at first he reacted negatively but he more than made up for it, there for you 24/7 throughout your pregnancy and after she was born. No questions asked. 
Steve had been the same with Dylan all those years ago. Anything your son needed he offered a helping hand where he could and genuinely enjoyed being there for you both. 
He probably wasn’t even going to present you with that “Baby #3” note until you yourself brought up being ready to have another baby. Steve just wanted to be prepared when the time came up. Yet you reacted out of panic, like he was saying it’s either this or nothing. You immediately shut him down and out instead of just talking to him about how he felt.
He deserved more than that; they both did. 
Eddie watched as you crossed the living room and headed towards the other man’s side. He turned off the water, reaching for a dishtowel to dry his hands before finally turning to look at you. Steve exhaled heavily and you abruptly wrapped your arms around his waist, pressing your face into his chest. His strong hands held you tighter to his as he rested his cheek on the top of your head.
“I heard Nathan Osborne gave you the third degree today.” Eddie grinned in Steve’s direction from his place on the floor as he strummed his guitar absently. 
“I wouldn’t say ‘third degree’ but he was definitely an asshole.” Steve, who was doing crunches, fully sat up to wrap his arms around his knees. “Said I need to focus more on teaching than being a deviant with my whore and my freak.”
“Wow. Rude. I don’t belong to you. I’m my own freak.” Eddie jokingly sized him up making the other man laugh.
You grinned to yourself in the bathroom as you listened to them talk. You loved hearing them speak to each other when they thought you weren’t listening. It had gradually gotten flirtier as the years passed as they got more comfortable with crossing that friend boundary and entering lovers. Sometimes you wondered if at some point they would have gotten there on their own if they hadn’t met you. You imagined so with that energy they had always had between them. 
“How hard was it for you not to punch him?”
“Pfft, God. You have no idea.” Steve tipped back down onto the carpet and continued his set. “Y/N verbally gave them something to think about though.”
“Ooo, baby! You badass. Comin’ out swinging with that sassy attitude.”
Turning off the bathroom light, you smiled as you came to sit on the floor beside them. 
“Just Lori. Nathan pushed past me before I could say anything. Dylan says they’ve been fighting all night so, I don’t know, maybe she finally told him something.”
“I hate that for Daisy. She can always come over if she needs to.”, Eddie smiled as he reached to move your hair to the side. “What are you thinking about, babe?”
“Dylan asked me if he and his sister were accidents.” Steve sat up again as the metalhead fully moved his guitar to the side. “I’ve genuinely never thought about it before…that neither of the kids were planned. I don’t know how that translates to me basically having a panic attack at the thought of having another but…”, you laugh as they flash you a smile. “Steve, I’m sorry.”
“I mean, no reason to be sorry, honey. I meant what I said. If you aren’t ready, we can wait. It’s not a big deal.”
“It is to me because I know our parents put you through hell because Dylan and Ro aren’t biologically yours—”
“Hey now. No. We aren’t going down that road. Those two kids out there are OURS, mine and Eddie’s. I don’t give a fuck that they aren’t ‘pure Harrington’s’ or whatever bullshit my dad wants to spout around town. I don’t want you to agree to have another baby just because you feel like you owe me something. I’m not going to lie, Y/N, I’m really fucking tired of having this conversation.”
“No, Munson. I mean we adopted Dylan, both kids have our names. What more do I need to do to prove to you that I see them as my children to? IS it me? 
“I have never once doubted that you love those kids. I just feel like it hurts you to be reminded.”
“Yeah…but not in the way you think. It hurts me that there are people out there who are going to tell them the same thing and it will hurt them. It hurts me that ignorant people like our parents and the Osbornes will never be able to understand that I would die to protect those kids. If I could shield them from all this bullshit, I would. Those are the kind of things I worry about when THAT particular topic of conversation comes up.”
“How about this?”, Eddie interjects. “How about we start slow? One stressful situation at a time. Maybe we can start looking into bigger houses and see if we can even afford that. If we can’t there’s no point in even having the baby talk.”
“How big are we talkin’?”
“Well, Harrington, your parent’s house has like a billion bedrooms. How much do they pay?”
“First off, calm down, it’s 5 bedrooms. Second, they bought that house in like the 80s. Houses were a lot cheaper back then.”
“They also live on an expensive side of town.”, you add before softly smiling to yourself. “I always wanted to build my own house.”
“Like…with your two hands or?”
“No, you goof.”, you giggle as you lightly reach out to kick Eddie with your foot. “Like design it and have it built. When we were growing up, my dad used to say that was something he wanted but his idea was more extravagant. ‘We’ll have the bowling alley here and the theater there.’” You glance towards Steve as he grins at your comment before crawling over to climb into his lap. 
“What about this one?”, you asked Steve as you both sat at the kitchen table looking up houses online. Dylan and Daisy were across from you two working on an assignment for another class. 
Eddie was feeding Ro as she sat on the countertop, kicking her legs with a big smile on her face. 
“I like it. This is only four bedrooms though. I thought you wanted another so Ed can have a man cave for his guitars.”
“Oh, sure. Blame me like you won’t be keeping things in there as well.”
“That’s fair.”, you giggle. “I like it because it’s kind of out near the countryside of Hawkins. Away from people… Plus we would be a little closer to Wayne.”
“And further away from your mom and my dad?”, Steve whispers as his fingers caress your arm as you nod. 
“This area still isn’t far from the school or Ed’s shop—”
Pounding on the front door startled everyone causing both men to immediately shift into protective mode. Steve headed towards the sound, sighing aggressively as he peered through the peephole. 
“Kids, upstairs now. You to baby. Don’t argue with me.”, he warned as your mouth opened to protest. Dylan and Daisy head up the stairs as you take Ro from Eddie and follow them. 
“Mr. Osborne, how can I help you?”
“Where is my daughter?! I don’t want her in this house anymore.”
“She’s studying with Dylan. Your wife dropped her off a few hours ago—”
“I don’t care! She’s MY daughter to and I don’t her exposed to you people.” The man barged passed Steve to search the house shouting her name.
You wrapped your arms around Daisy as she stood there staring out into the hallway towards the stairs and began to cry. 
“It’s ok, sweetheart. They won’t let anything bad happen. I promise.”
“Ah, hello Nathan.”, Eddie sarcastically greets him from his spot at the bottom of the staircase. The man tries to push past him but the metalhead successfully blocks his path with his arm. “See, I’m not the teacher and you’re in my house where my kids are so I have absolutely no problem knocking you out if you try that again.”
“I want my daughter NOW.”
“Mr. Osborne, I need you to calm down. I’m not going to let her leave with you if you continue behaving this way.”
“You’re not going to LET her, Mr. Harrington.”, he laughs. 
“That’s correct especially if she doesn’t feel safe leaving with you.”
“Daisy is safer with me than with you freaks. I don’t give a fuck what my wife says…the last thing I need is my daughter thinking being a whore is ok.”
Eddie took long strides forward but Steve quickly came between them as he glared at the other man. 
“You’ve barged into my house uninvited smelling like alcohol and insulted my wife. I’m asking you nicely one more time to leave or else I will call Hopper.”
“Daisy, honey, wait…”
The girl stepped out of the room and forward so her dad could see her, you quickly following to grab her arm. 
“Daisy! Get down here right now! We are going home.”
“Daisy, if you don’t feel safe you can stay here till we get a hold of your mom.”
“It’s ok, Mr. Harrington. I’ll be ok.”
You watch with sad eyes as his shoulders deflate. They glare at each other as she grabs her things and heads towards the front door. 
“You keep that boy away from my kid or else—”
“Or else what?” Steve stepped forward till he was hovering just above the other man’s face. “Finish that sentence, Nathan. Please. Threaten my son so I can finally knock you on your ass.”
Mr. Osborne scoffed before abruptly turning and grabbing his daughter before heading out the door. As both men turned to glance up the stairs, they find you sitting on the top step with your arm around Dylan as you both gaze back with sympathy. Aurora is sitting between her brother’s legs one step below him as she plays with her fingers.
This is their family. Eddie and Steve both grew up with a Nathan Osborne in their house. He was a good reminder of where they had come from and how far they had come. Both men started out alone until they found each other. It was just the two of them for so long till they found you and Dylan before Ro came along. 
“You ok, kid?”, Steve asked.
“Yeah… I just hate she has to go back home to that. Are you guys okay?”
“Well, won’t make it on my top 10 Saturday evenings but…” Eddie grinned as you three laugh. 
“Grrrr.”, Ro growls as she points to the door.
“Excuse me, who are you trying scare, honey?!”
Aurora crawls down slowly on her butt before reaching up so Steve can lift her in his arms. “Boy…grrrrr. Gashhhhhh. Gashhhhhh.”
Dylan cackles at his sister’s sound effects. “She’s making Darth Vader noises.” He mimics her sounds more clearly and she claps at his understanding. “She’s essentially saying Daisy’s dad is mean.”
“Look at you. Kid is the baby translator.”, the man smiles as she giggles and bonks her head against his. 
“Let’s do it.”
After putting the kids to bed, you climbed onto Steve’s lap on the couch interrupting the show he and Eddie were watching.
“What’s happening now?”
“Let’s try for another baby.”
The metalhead turns off the tv as they both turn to look at you. “Sweetheart, if you aren’t ready—”
“No, no. I mean, after looking at houses and us going over things…seeing how you two are…” Your fingers come up to caress the man’s cheek. “I watched you two defend us…not just us but Daisy to. It just reminded me that no matter what happens we’re safe with you. We’re in this together. We can make it all work.” Steve pressed his forehead to your own. “I’m sorry for panicking and snapping at you before.”
“No reason to, honey. I get it. We’ll just take it one day at a time, okay? It’s going to take a couple of weeks for the birth control to stop working right? We can use that time to look at some of the houses we found. After today…I like the idea of being out in the country.”
“I wouldn’t mind being closer to Wayne.”, Eddie admits. “So, what a minute. If we’re doing this the fun way…that means I can’t cum inside of you for a while?”
You giggle as you lean into Steve’s neck. “Yup. Sorry, baby.”
He flashes you a wicked grin as he promptly stands up and reaches down to throw you over his shoulder. “Well, I better fill you up as much as I can beforehand. Come on, Steven.”
The other man didn’t need to be told; he was already following you both up the stairs. You smile as he tosses you onto the bed and promptly climbs on top of you, clinging his lips to your neck. As quickly as he could, Eddie tore off his clothes and yanked down your pants, bringing your panties with them. 
“What’s your rush?”, you laugh at him as he lifts you further up the mattress and positions himself between your legs.
“I’m just dying to feel you, princess.” His body leans over yours as he rubs the tip of his length through your folds making you moan. “Can I? Can I feel my cock inside of you, baby?”
“You know you don’t have to ask.”
Eddie smiles as his lips gently press against yours. “I know. I just like hearing you say it.”
Your fingers run through his hair before taking hold of his shoulders. “Yes, Eddie. I want to feel you inside of me.”
The man bit his bottom lip as his head hung and he pushed himself into your entrance. You searched for Steve, finding him off to the side, already naked, and stroking his cock to the sight before him. After motioning for him to come closer, he crawled onto the bed beside your head, and reached down to lift off your shirt. 
As soon as you were free of its confinement, you reached for him, making him groan when you guided his cock into your awaiting mouth.  
Eddie pushed up on his knees, lifting your legs further around his waist as he thrust into you. With half-lidded eyes, he watched as Steve’s own beautiful orbs fluttered closed as his jaw went slack. His palm tenderly caressed your cheek before sliding down to your bouncing tits as he kneaded and played with your nipples. 
The metalhead aggressively reached for the back of the boy’s neck, tugging his lips to his own. As they kissed, Eddie’s pace slowed as he pumped into you hard and deep.
“Oh…oh my God. F-fuck.”, you mewled.
Steve moaned loudly, his kisses becoming sloppy as he held the other man’s face tightly against his own. You repositioned your head so you could suck on his balls while you stroked him with your hand. 
“Fuck me!” Eddie rapidly covered his mouth but he shook his head, pushing it away as he leaned his forehead against his husband’s. “Fuck, that feels so fucking good.”, he whispers.
Steve licks the tips of his fingers and brings them down to your clit, rubbing in fast circles as Eddie tries to match his pace. You try keeping any part of your mouth on him that you can but you struggle as you hurtle towards your climax.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck. Y-yes, Eddie, baby, please.”
His head collapsed lazily against Steve’s shoulder as he rolled his hips into yours, your body shaking as you came, him following after as your pussy clenches around him. 
As you try to come down from your high, you notice them exchange a glance with a knowing smile and before you can say anything, the metalhead’s arms are wrapping around you, and flipping you over till you’re on top of him.
“Whatcha doin’?”, you giggle as he smiles, wiping some of the sweat that had accumulated on your face.
“I did say I wanted to fill you up as much as I could beforehand.”
His eyebrows coyly raise in your direction. “What? You don’t think you can make me cum again?”
“I didn’t say that.” Eddie pushed up on his hands and you looked behind you when you felt a hand touch your body. Steve winked as he pushed you forward slightly making you grin when your nose grazed the mans underneath you. “I just… don’t want to hurt you. I know how sensitive you both are after you cum.”
To prove your point, you gently lift your hips, gliding your pussy along his cock and his eyes close as he hisses at the stimulation. After licking his lips, he craned his neck, bringing his lips to yours.  
“I don’t mind a little pain.” With his knees placed on either of the Eddie’s legs, Steve gripped one of your shoulders while using his other to guide himself into your ass. “If anyone can make me cum more than once this quickly, it’d be you sweetheart.”
Your arms cling to his neck as you begin bouncing and pushing back between them. The man behind you meets each of your moves with a thrust of his own and you promptly see stars. 
“Steve…just-just like that. You both always—fuck—always feel…” You struggle to finish your sentence, words leaving your brain as you gaze down at Eddie’s face. 
His eyes are squeezed shut as he murmurs through gritted teeth. Steve sees it to as he reaches over you caress the man’s lip with his thumb. As you lean forward to hear him better, his arms move causing him to fall flat on the mattress as he grips your hips. You and the other boy adjust more on your knees making you groan as both men push deeper into you. 
“Ed? Are you okay, babe?” He nods as he grumbles something you can’t hear. “I-I can’t hear you, sweethea—oh!” Eddie startles you as his palm comes down hard on your ass.
“Hard-er.”, he growls but not in an aggressive way. His tone is rough but it’s dripping with a need you’ve never heard from him before. That mixed with him spanking you had your cunt constricting around him tighter and he moaned at the feeling.
You did as he commanded, grinding your hips as hard as you could against the two of them, bending down to balance on your own arms for more leverage. The man underneath you spanked you again except this time you felt Steve’s cock twitch inside you as he grunted. 
“D-do it again. I think—mmm—I think Stevie likes watching you spank me.”
Without saying a word, he did again and the other boy tugged at your bicep, pulling you flat against his chest. You yelped as Eddie’s thumb flicked against your nub and you were grateful when Steve covered your mouth as you whimpered loudly behind his palm. 
You couldn’t hold back anymore as you came causing the metalhead to release a strained fuck as you spasmed around his cock. They both chased their highs, Steve coming first as his face pressed into your shoulder and grunted as he came inside you. 
Eddie followed soon after, filling your pussy for the second time. The man behind you carefully pulled out but as you tried to do the same the other boy clung to your hips. 
“Baby, I…I love the enthusiasm but…you can’t go again.”, you panted as you grinned. “Not right now.”
A small smirk painted his lips as his eyes remained closed. “I’m…kind of embarrassed to say but…I need you to wait a minute, princess.”
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, yeah. I’m fine. I’ve just never tried that before. Usually, we take a break if we go a few rounds. I, uh, it hurts a little.”
“I told you.”, you sing. 
“Are you ok? It’s okay if we sit for a minute, right?”
“Of course. Did you enjoy it?”
“Did I enjoy making love to you till I can barely move after? Yes, sweetheart, I’d say I did.”, he laughs. 
“Did you like what he did?”
Eddie exasperatedly giggled harder as he placed his hand over his heart. “Jesus Steven. You were so fucking quiet I forgot you were here.”
“Yeah, that joke never gets old.”
“Hey, I’m a dad. I’m allowed to make jokes like that now.”
“Did I like what?”, you ask.
“Him spanking you. I don’t think we’ve ever done that before.”
“Hm, handcuffs and spanking. We’re becoming regular BDSM heathens.”, Eddie jokes as Steve rolls his eyes. 
“Can she answer a question, please?”, he teased.
“I don’t know. Baby, give it a try.”
When you lightly hit his chest, he captures your hand with his own and holds it to him. 
“I did. I think you liked it more though.”, you softly smile as you use your other hand to caress his chin. 
“I like anything you two do together.”, his head dips slightly as he fidgets with his fingers. Your smiles grows, realizing that’s most likely why Aurora does it. “Not just sexually either. At the school, I was watching you two dance and I just got this sense of pride, you know? You’re both funny, sexy, sarcastic, strong… like what are you doing with me?”, he chuckles under his breath. 
“May I move now?” Eddie nods, gripping your hips as your both hiss and wince at the feeling. You crawl towards Steve and without hesitation he pulls you into his arms. “This is the second time this weekend someone I love has said something that just blows my mind. What are we doing with you? Baby… what would we do without you? Ow!” You both look down to see the metalhead cleaning between your legs. “Excuse you. Can I finish being all romantic and junk?”
“I’m not stopping you.”, he chuckles. “Plus, it’s a good distraction for me so I don’t smack him on the back of the head. ‘What are you doing with me’ he asks.” Eddie shakes his head as he tosses the rag towards the hamper in the corner of the room.
“You can’t talk cause you’re the same way! I know sometimes you wonder.”
“Not with you two. Not anymore.”, he smiles as he jumps back into bed. “I DO sit back at times and wonder what these kids are doing calling ME dad.”
“Ok, we need to have a family discussion because the men in the house are saying things…”
“Oh, calm down.”, Steve grins. “You worry and think about things you shouldn’t be either. We literally just had an argument about it yesterday!”
“I’m a mom. I just want everyone to be happy.”
Eddie reaches behind him and turns off the lamp before wrapping his arms around your waist and nuzzling his face into your shoulder. “I’ve never been happier. I love you both and those kids. I can’t wait to meet this new one whenever he comes.”
“He? I’m not even pregnant yet and we’re already taking guesses.”, you giggle. 
Steve’s arm slings over you both as his other slides above your heads. Your palm reaches behind him, lightly rubbing his back like you know he likes. 
“I think we’re going to have a boy to.”
Your eyes start to become heavy as you feel the blanket fall over your skin. “Hmm… you’ll have to think of name.”
A laugh escapes his throat at the thought. “I came up with Aurora. I think Eddie should come up with the baby’s name.” The metalhead’s steady breathing told you both he was already knocked out. “Honey?”
Steve places a tender kiss on your forehead as he feels your fingers behind him gradually stop moving. 
“I’ve never been happier either.”
@adequate-superstar @kalinaselennespeaks @alienthingstwo
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@justmeandmymeanderingthoughts @3rriberri
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the-moon-lullaby · 1 year
Okay, I spent an early morning reading this wonderful blog (seriously, you really do it well), and I wanted to place an order too. It's always nice and interesting to read other people's HC's, sometimes even debate about it, and honestly you seem like a great person to talk to.
By the way, I read below that you were busy with college exams, I hope they are over now and you are free of this Hell. If unfortunately not, my condolences, but good luck.
Anyway, my request is very simple: based on my bad night, since I woke up because of a nightmare... I wanted to see Candy waking up in shock, because of a horrible nightmare, and her first reaction is to call her boyfriend to try to calm down. Oh, it could be on HSL.
The HSL Boys' reaction to Candy having a nightmare
N/A : Hiii ! Thank you for being so sweet, it means a lot ! I feel horrible that you had to wait so long for your request to be done but there we are. I hope you like it still ! (Also I hope your nightmare wasn't too bad and I wish you nothing but sweet dreams darling) 💕
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𝙽𝚊𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚎𝚕 : 
Nathaniel can be a light or heavy sleeper according to how tired he is 
Yet, if Candy starts speaking, crying or even screaming in her sleep, that’s more than enough to wake him up with a little fright 
Now, depending on how intense and how affected Candy seemed to be by said nightmare, he’d start shaking her up immediately and would probably freaks out a bit if she’s yelling in her sleep or if she can’t stop crying
If it’s not that terrible, he’ll try to gently pull her close and caress her hair, hoping that this should be enough to comfort her and allow her to sleep more peacefully 
But if he doesn’t hear her and  it’s Candy waking him up, give him a few second and he’ll handle the situation (I have the feeling that Nathaniel is easy to wake up in the way that his brain is functional straight up after being awoken and slay honestly, that couldn’t be me)
(or if Candy’s calling him in the middle of the night on his phone, he’ll be woken up by the ringing, which according to Nath’s personality is probably the most basic one, without offense. You know the Apple default wake up alarm ? Surely it is that one and oh boy, if there’s a top ten of the things you don’t want to hear in the middle of the night it’s totally one. I would personally rank it above the sound of a demonic entity, that how much I can’t stand it anymore) 
He’ll listen to Candy rant about her nightmare (whether irl or on the phone) and would try his best to reassure 
He’d avoid saying basic things like « it was just a bad dream » because yes, that’s the point, it was that bad. So instead of trying to diminish the things he’d try to be more focus on validating her like « I understand why you were so scared » (even if the nightmare was about something he’s not afraid of) or « Do you want to keep talking or you’d rather if we talk about something else ? » (And he’s ready to talk about anything you like if it can bring peace to your mind)
(If Candy’s calling him, he gets a certain feeling of pride washing over him, even if she’s waking him up in the middle of night it doesn’t matter, he feels great about being the person she thinks of when she needs to be comforted. And it makes sense since it’s who Candy is to him as well)
If it happened while she was staying over and if she can’t stop crying, doesn’t want to talk about the nightmare and no matter how many hugs and sweet words he offers her seemed to make her feel better, he’ll get up and go get a glass of water and Blanche (because every time he feels down, petting and cuddling with her makes him feel better so bring the cat, maybe it’ll work for Candy too) or if they’re on a call, he’ll FaceTime so she can see Blanche
He doesn’t mind staying up until late if she doesn’t want to go back to sleep right away even if they got to go to school the next day (he’s used to be sleep deprived anyway with the amount of all-nighter he pulls to study so don’t worry he can handle it)
𝙻𝚢𝚜𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 : 
Honestly, Lysander sleeps like a baby most of the time, which means he is neither a heavy or light sleeper and he doesn’t get nightmares that often (or when he does, it mostly sad ones and it’s understandable since he went through some major loss in his life. He might also get nightmares where he gets hit by a car since it happened to him and there’s some trauma that went along with it)
But the fact that this happens so rarely to him can explain why he doesn’t know how to right away to comfort Candy went she going through it
No matter the nightmare, even if it doesn’t seem to be an awful one, he’ll wake her up. Just in case
He wouldn’t say much though and simple take her in his arms, planting kisses on the top of her head and try to lull her 
He wants her to know that she’s safe so he rather acting on it instead of trying to find words that would probably end up sounding absurd 
If he receive a call from Candy in the middle of the night, it’d wake him up but also got him confused since it’s pretty unusual for her to call him at this hour without warning
He’d freak out a little because of it 
When Candy tells him about it, he’ll be more focused on why she felt so scared rather than the thing itself (if that makes sense ? It’s like, if we found the root of the problem then we can get rid of it instead of just trying to make her feel better temporarily)
If Candy and him are physically together in this situation, he’ll get up and invite her to do the same so they can improvise make hot chocolate or simply some tea 
They’d have to be quiet though because chances are that Leigh is sleeping in his room
If he sees that talking about the nightmare doesn’t help, he’ll try to distract Candy by telling her about stories (probably little myths and legends from where he is from that could be comforting since Lysander is a countryside boy. Idk if that’s the case everywhere, but from where I am from, there’s plenty of little tales like that and I can totally picture our boy paying interest to them)
Or he would tell her stories about his childhood on the farm (because even though he kinda stopped having nightmares as he grew up, when he was little it was an other story)
Overall, he’s very calm and that itself is reassuring and comforting. Also he emphasises on the point that he’s glad Candy woke him up as she could never burden him and it makes him happy to be there for her as the romantic man he is 
𝙰𝚛𝚖𝚒𝚗 :
The only reason Armin wouldn’t be up in the middle of the night is because Candy is staying over and he went to bed with her 
Otherwise, he’s up all night playing games, watching animes or googling the most random things ever (you know these questions you ask yourself at 3AM and even though having the answer to it will not change anything to your life but you feel like you have to know ? Happens to him all the time. It makes me think, could he have ADHD ? Perhaps, but he surely got some symptoms even if he doesn’t)
Also, he’s a heavy sleeper so he might not hear Candy having a nightmare unless it’s getting loud and his reaction to it : panickkk
He’d just cluelessly shake her up because what else is he supposed to do ? 
Unlike (his bestie) Nathaniel, his mind does take some time to be functional after waking up so he’s confused, Candy’s confused (and scared/shocked), everyone’s confused, it’s a mess
The brief conversation they had before Armin gets to pull himself together is absolutely chaotic because of it (like Candy is absolutely terrified and he’s just like « huh ??? What ??? WHAT IS IT ?? »)
They’d sit up in bed and he’ll listen to Candy explaining what had happened and he finally gets it (why do I feel Armin is the slow friend ? Also completely out of topic but I’ve been rewatching some Buzzfeed Unsolved episodes and am I the only one that can imagine Shane and Ryan’s dynamic as Armin and Nath’s ? Like Shane as Armin and Nath as Ryan. Ok, that was not the request but I needed to say it)
I think his first reflex would be to go grab something to eat. And since the twins’ parents seem to be the coolest, I bet their house never lacks snacks (I’m envious). 
Armin raiding his parents’ kitchen at every opportunity he got is basically canon at this point
I feel like Armin’s way of comforting people is by trying to make them laugh so when Candy tells the whole with more detail he’d comment on it just to have a little giggle out of her 
He might very well ask her if she wants to play a video game or watch a movie (maybe a Ghibli one because they’re the epitome of comfort and no one can argue about this. Yes, I am a big fan of Ghibli movies)
In the end, Armin is the perfect guy when it comes to lighten up the mood and even though he’s not sure about how you should comfort someone properly, he manages to do an excellent job and Candy’s nightmare feels far away now as he so easily put a smile on her face (and he does so by simply existing, what a flex)
Now if he receives a phone call from Candy and that she’s isn’t by his side, he immediately picks up because as I said, he pulls all-nighters all the time so chances are that he isn’t asleep 
He’d FaceTime her right away and overall, he’d act the same way except that he can’t raid the kitchen for her on this one 
𝙲𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚎𝚕 : 
He’s a heavy sleeper, no questions asked. Even worse than Armin so once again, for him to be woke up by Candy having a nightmare, she got to be very loud or to wake him up herself 
And if she does, she’ll scare the shit out of him because he was unprepared and he needs time to collect his thoughts when emerging from his slumber (I feel like coma would be a more appropriate word lol)
Which is why if Candy calls him after a nightmare he might not hear his phone ring (or that could also be like this guy constantly leaves his phone on « Do Not Disturb » because guess what ? Most of the time, he do not want to be disturbed by anyone or anything - even though Candy’s the exception because he’s whipped but that’s a whole other story)
But if he sees that he missed the call in the morning, be absolutely certain that he’ll feel terrible (even more when Candy tells him about why she called him because he’ll deny to death but he would have loved to play the white knight and be the shoulder she can lean on during tough times. Metaphorically in this scenario but still, he’s much more of a romantic that he likes to admit)
Yet, if by any chances he wasn’t asleep, he’ll catch the call and he’d be confused and worry at the moment he hears Candy being so upset 
He’d be like « c’mon little girl, take a deep breath, it’s okay » (and since it’s late he has his tone affected by tiredness that makes his voice more deep and calm. Idk if you can picture it but I think there’s a difference in people’s voice according to what time of the day it is and I think that « night voice » exist)
Surprisingly, Castiel handles the situation really well. He’s calm and composed which is obviously the best attitude to adopt when trying to reassure someone 
Whether it’s on the phone or in person, he’ll let out some sweet words, even gets a little cheesy dare I say and would tell her how much he loves her as he sees how that calms her down (don’t mention his cheesiness afterwards though because otherwise he’ll never allow himself to be so open about his feelings with you and next time you need to be comforted, GET COMFORTED ON YOUR OWN. That’s what you get if you make fun of him - but why would you when he’s being so sweet though ?)
If Candy is by his side in this scenario, he’ll shelter her in his arms, hold her tight to keep her grounded and will gently rub her skin, hoping that the repetitive movement helps her to calm down
Now if it’s not enough, he’ll ask her if she wants to get up (and that means a lot coming from him because he’s probably exhausted) and go get some water or even go on his little terrasse for a few minutes to enjoy the refreshing air of night 
He might not say much since his mind isn’t the clearest at this precise moment (doesn’t know what to say) but he makes up with his touch and by carefully listening to Candy as she tells him all about the nightmare and as goes done from the adrenaline rush caused by the fear
Could bring Demon if she wants to (Animals are the best emotional support, I’ll never let go of this idea)
𝙺𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚗 : 
Kentin is a light sleeper but it wasn’t always the case. It started when he arrived at the military school and his « comrades » used to pull pranks on him while he was sleeping. Therefore, he kinda has this habit of sleeping with an eye open one might say (when you think about it, it’s basically ptsd and that is tragic. But Kentin’s a tragic character in a way and that is unfortunately pretty much overlooked)
When hears Candy sobbing, talking or even screaming (if so his reflex will be kicking in and he’s now wide awake ready to fight the threat. He’s too sweet and too pure), he starts by waking her up and before asking anything, he cups her face and try to make sure she knows she awake
He wants her to know that whatever nightmare she was having, no matter how terrible, it is now over and she’s completely safe by his side 
He’d dry her tears, trying to help go back to a steady breathing and only when she’s a bit calmed down, he’ll ask about what happened 
I feel like Kentin is good at dealing with nightmares for the sole reason that he has them often and a lot himself. Considering what he’s been through and how much he repressed his feelings, it makes sense and honestly he deserves better
He’ll make Candy sit up and hold his hand while he listens.
He’ll try to hide his glistening eyes since he doesn’t want Candy to think she’s making him sad but he can’t help it.
We know how much he cares about her so seeing her upset is enough to make him upset as well 
If Candy’s calling him instead, he was probably asleep but as soon as he heard his phone ringing, he picked up (he was awoken by the singular alarm he picked for Candy)
He’s frustrated he can’t be there with her but he also feels pride swelling in his chest. The idea of Candy counting on him to calm her down in this situation makes him feel like a big boy lol
He might FaceTime or not, depending on if she wants to see him or just hearing his voice
He doesn’t mind staying on the phone all night if it’s with Candy. Therefore she can take all her time to talk about her nightmare or anything really because he’s not bothered by it in the slightest 
If they’re at his place, he’ll reveal his secret stash of cookies and will offer some to Candy (sweet boy)
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There we go ! I hope it's not that bad but I've been gone for so long (much more than I expected, sorry again about that) I felt like I am rusting. Do not be surprised if you see some edits on the posts in the future (idk if I am satisfied with it or not, I got the feeling that I could do better).
Also I really went big on the personal thoughts on that one and it's probably because I am loosing my mind (because yes I started a summer job and it's in a factory. Your girl is making nuggets for basically eight hours straight and has to wake up at 4 AM in the week to do so. And each time I wonder WHO SENT ME THERE ? and the answer is me because we live in a capitalistic society and I have bills to pay now that I am a big girl.) But Live laugh love as they say 💀(who really says that though?)
Anyway, I wish you all a splendid day and see you soon (for real this time, I hope) !
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🍙Cooking Class🍥
Meeting Single Dad! Osamu Miya
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Single Dad! Osamu Miya x Single Mom! Yn (female reader; she/her pronouns)
Warnings: fluff, a small Miya child raised by Osamu and Atsumu 😅
AN: This is an Anon request! I named the children because it was easier than saying “your son” all the time! Also the request is a little different then the direction I went in, I honestly love this request so I left it open to a potential pt. 2 👀
Oof- being a single mom is HARD
Trust me, I know 🥰
But once again this isn’t about me, this is about You
Our fearless, strong, kind, beautiful, intelligent YN
Emphasis on the strong part because as a single mom, you sure need alot of strength
You work your butt off during the day, working full time and juggling your sons daily schedule
At night, you cook dinner, clean, help your son with homework, bedtime, bath and repeat
It’s literally a never ending cycle of work for you my love
If you’re lucky, you’ll get a night free or maybe even get a chance to relax with a glass of your favorite alcoholic beverage
But most of the time, your focus is solely on your son, Akira.
You had him relatively young and he’s approaching the age of 8
He’s a busy, active boy who has alot of friends, does well in school and is an overall good kiddo
It makes you feel so good when people praise you for bringing up such an awesome son 🥰
This is important to remember YN because sometimes raising kids is literally like raising demons that just crawled out from the pits of hell and have never been introduced to civilized society
😮‍💨 sorry about that long and very detailed description but tell me I’m wrong
I’m definitely not
This fact often hits home when your son asks you one question in particular…
“Hey mom, when are you going to find a boyfriend?” Akira asks innocently
“Umm well, like I’ve said before, I don’t need a man and I’m doing pretty well on my own,” you say with a smile
Your son ponders for a second before saying
“Ok so then why do you keep saying to your bestie that you wish you had a man?” He says as you gape at him
“First off, stop listening in on my conversations! Second, while it would be nice to date someone, I’m just really busy,” you say, hoping this will deflect all future questions and move on to literally any other subject
It’s a pipe dream Yn keep up 👏
“Well my friend Gao says his dad said you were hot and would date you,” he says as you turn to stare at him once again
“I’m not dating any of the dads at your volleyball practice Akira!?” You said as your son just shrugs
“Plus none of those dads are even good looking,” you say as you throw the dish towel down on the counter
It’s true that your dating life had been less than spectacular as of late
Oh sorry, it’s never been spectacular 😅
You’d been on your own since Akira was born, having not been on a date in literal years due to working and your commitment to parenting
You signed as you walked out of the kitchen, Akira’s attention now turning to a book he had been reading
“Maybe it’s time I do something for myself,” you say as you head to your room
And that’s what brings us here, to the doorstep of a cute little Onigiri restaurant known as Onigiri Miya
You had seen an advertisement for cooking lessons in the local paper, having registered online
You walked into the restaurant, the doorbell chiming
The restaurant was small and cozy, but the smell permeating the air was heavenly
You looked around, noting no one else in the store
“Hey, just a second!” A voice shouted as you turned to the doorway
“No rush, thank you!” You respond standing in front of the menu
The options were spectacular and all looked beyond amazing
“Hey sorry about that wait,” a tall, handsome brunette man said coming out from behind the kitchen door
“Oh it’s not worry! I’m a bit early it seems,” you say, smiling
The man stared at you, eyes raking in your form from top to bottom
You were dressed rather casual for a summers evening, shorts and a nice top with a pair of comfortable shoes
“Im YN by the way,” you say, smiling and extending your hand
“Umm Osamu and don’t worry, you aren’t early or late, you’re my only sign up for the class,” Osamu says as your eyes widen
“Oh my god really? This is such an amazing class and you’re telling me I’m the only sign up?” You said as Osamu nodded
“Yep but no worries! Come on back and we can get started,” he says as you nod and make your way around the counter, “Wash your hands and we can get stared. Do you know anything about cooking?”
“I mean, I wouldn’t say im completely a novice,” you say as you dry your hands
“Ok so a beginner,” Osamu says as you interrupt him
“Hey! Give me some credit! I know how to boil water ok? Im at least intermediate,” you say as Osamu chuckles
“Ok so we can skip the boiling water lesson then,” he says as you smile and stand next to him
Osamu stiffens as you stand there looking up at him with your big eyes
You were so cute and sweet
You face was perfect from your eyes to your nose, your hair immaculate and your body flawless
“Ok let’s get started,” he says as you hear the door chime
“Hey dad!” a voice shouted
“Kenji what the hell are you doing here? Where’s Sumu?” Osamu says as you watch the little boy, around your sons age walk into the kitchen
“I’m right here chill out!” Another voice yells from the door as a double of Osamu but with untoned hair walks in
“Well hello there,” the untoned blonde says as he walks up to you
“Sumu what the hell? I told you I had a class tonight! You were suppose to keep Kenji until 9,” Osamu says as he sighs and looks at you apologetically
“Wait that was tonight? Oh shit, I totally forgot! I have a meeting with Sakusa and Bokuto,” Sumu says as Osamu rolls his eyes
“Hi there, I’m Kenji,” the little boy says to you as you smile and meet him at eye level
“Hi! I’m YN, it’s very nice to meet you!” You respond, shaking his hand
“Hey you’re really pretty! Are you dating my dad?” He asks excitedly as you snicker, Osamu’s face heating up at the question that just emerged from his sons mouth
“Kenji no! She’s a client of mine who is taking a cooking class,” Osamu says
Kenji looks from you to Osamu, “is cooking class a secret word for something?”
Sumu belts out a laugh as Osamu kicks him, causing you and Kenji to both laugh
“No, your dad is teaching me how to make onigiri,” you say, “it’s my sons favorite so I want to make it at home with him.”
Osamu looked at you as you smiled back at him, he would have never known you had a son at your age
“Oh cool! How old is he? Does he play sports?” Kenji asks as you smile and nod
“Akira is 7 and he does! He just started playing volleyball,” you say as Kenji’s eyes light up
“I play volleyball too! My dad use to play in school too!” He says as you smile
“Hey what about uncle Sumu!” The agitating voice interrupts
Kenji just rolls his eyes as Osamu smirks 😏
“My uncle Sumu plays setter for the MSBY Black Jackals,” he says
“His very SINGLE uncle that is,” Sumu interrupts
You 👉🏻😐
Kenji 👉🏻🙄
Osamu 👇🏻
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You giggle as the twins fight and Kenji grabs a stool to help you
“You should bring your son here sometime,” he says as you smile
“I think I will! He’d love that!” You say as Osamu watches you interact with his son
He can’t say the picture didn’t melt his heart just a little, seeing Kenji getting along with someone so well
Too bad kids give very little reprieve
“You should go on a date with my dad,” he says as Osamu nearly chokes on air
You giggle and continue prepping
“I don’t know how your dad would feel about you setting him up,” you say and Kenji shrugs
“Uncle Sumu says he needs to get laid,” he says as the room goes still
You try hard to contain your laughter as Osamu slowly turns to glare at Sumu
Sumu run 👉🏻😗 🎵
“Well would you look at the time! See you soon kiddo and it was nice meeting you Yn!” Sumu says, running from the restaurant before he receives a career threatening injury
“I know what we could do, maybe you and your dad could meet up with me and Akira for a playdate?” You say, looking at Kenji
His eyes light up, “ohhh yes can we dad?!”
Osamu watches your gorgeous eyes light up, the sweet smile on your face melting all of his restraint
“I don’t see why not,” he says as Kenji cheers
“Ok it’s a date then!” You say, looking for Kenji to Osamu
“Yeah, it’s a date”
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bjfinn · 4 months
"Beetlejuice"/"Deadbeat"/"School of Rock" crossover
(Beej's monster form inspired by the artwork of @stinkyhorsebitch)
"A dinosaur??? "
"Yeah," the voice on the other end said. "Well, I don't really know what else to call it."
"Maybe you should call Animal Control," Pac replied. "I don't know nothing about dinosaurs."
"You handle ghosts and shit, right? This thing's gotta be some kind of spirit -- I mean, dinosaurs are extinct. And I don't think this ... whatever it is was ever a real animal in the first place."
"Uh, yeah -- so I've heard. A-about dinosaurs, I mean."
"So can you help me?"
Pac sighed. "Yeah, I'll come take a look. Wait -- it's not like ... fifty feet tall, is it?"
"No -- six and a half, maybe seven feet tall. And, uhh ... it's wearing ... booty shorts."
"Booty shorts?"
"Uh, yeah -- black-and-white-striped booty shorts. And it's got green hair like ... like a horse's mane. And big, uh ... boobs -- like a fat guy."
Beej, Pac said to himself. He sighed. "I'll be right there."
He hung up and dialled Dewey's number. "Did you know about this?" he asked when his friend answered.
"Know about what?"
"Beej is at the museum -- he's a dinosaur."
"Wh-what? What are you talking about?"
"Apparently your 'brother' decided to take the initiative -- he's there right now, scaring the crap outta the night watchman and the museum director!"
"You sure it's him?"
"He's wearing black-and-white-striped booty shorts. You know any other spirits with the same taste in fashion?"
"Jeez, that fuckin' asshole!" Dewey swore. "Okay, okay -- gimme ten minutes to get dressed and get to your place."
Pac and Dewey stared in amazement -- their buddy had become a ... the only word either of them could think of was beast. His head was rather canine in appearance, with sharp teeth and glowing green eyes in the dark purplish fur, and on either side of the jaw were three fat, black-and-white-striped tentacle-things.
Beej's body was covered with fur -- dark purplish on the back that striped the lighter mauve on the sides and front, and as the night watchman had told Pac, there was a horse's mane of green hair running halfway down his back. His front paws bore razor sharp talons of pale green, and his back ones had cloven hooves. His tail was a thick slab of muscle.
And he did indeed have big man-boobs and wore booty shorts that showed both his bulge and his rump to best advantage.
When Beej saw Pac and Dewey he grinned -- well, he opened his maw and flicked his purple-striped tongue at his buddies.
"Hey, guys!" he rumbled. "Good to see you! Glad you could make it!"
Pac grabbed the "dino" by the foreleg. "What the fuck are you doing?" he hissed. "I thought we decided that our first gig would be something small, like a house -- not the freakin' American Museum of Natural History! "
"Hey, go big or go home, I always say," came the reply as the demon returned to his usual human form.
"Jeez, Beej!" Dewey said. "A heads-up woulda been nice! How'd you know Pac'd get the call, anyway?"
"The night watchman was watching that show you were on -- "PopChat". Must've recorded it. So you woulda been the first guy he'd think of!"
Pac was surprised. "He was watching the show? Man, I didn't think anybody watched local daytime talk shows, much less record 'em to watch later!" He looked at Beej. "Did you see any of it? How did I look? I was kinda nervous at first, but I tried to keep it together."
"You looked hot," the demon told him.
"Beej," Dewey said, frowning.
"And that guy Jimmy's hot, too!"
"Beej!" Dewey snapped. "Focus!"
"Okay, okay!" Beej said. "You don't have to get mad! Jeez! Can't a guy appreciate another guy without it being a big deal?"
"This isn't about that, and you know it!" Dewey shot back. "I don't give a fuck about that! What I do care about is you going off half-cocked without telling us!"
"Oh, and you're so freakin' perfect, aren't you? Mister Schneebley! I saw a chance and took it -- just like you did! Pot, kettle, black! So there! " And he stuck his tongue out at Dewey, who raised his fist threateningly.
"Guys!" Pac roared. "Knock it off!" When the two of them had settled down, he said, "All right. We're here now -- let's just do this and get it over with. I gotta open up the newsstand in the morning."
"It's showtime!" Beej grinned, and once again transformed into the raptor-like beast.
"Hey," Pac said, "what's with the booty shorts, anyway?"
"I had to make sure you knew it was me," the demon dino replied. "I thought about just having the stripes on my body, but I figured that was too ambiguous." He turned around, modelling the shorts. "Whaddya think? Do they make my ass look fat?"
"Your ass is fat," Dewey chuckled.
"So's yours," Beej replied affably.
"Is everything okay?" the director called from the end of the corridor.
"Uh, yeah," Pac called back. "We're just, uh ... just setting up our equipment!" He looked at his two companions. "Okay ... now what?"
Dewey turned on Beej again. "See? This is why we need a plan, dumbass!"
Beej stuck his tongue out at his friend. "Just follow my lead!" he growled.
"What are you gonna --" Pac began, but the demon had already vanished.
Dewey heaved a sigh. "Let's go find him," he said.
"You know," Pac commented, "I blame you for this."
"Me??? How is this my fault?"
"If you weren't friends with him I wouldn't have to deal with him."
Dewey chuckled. "Yeah, I guess you're right."
They started down the corridor to the dino room, figuring that was where Beej would most likely be. There was a loud, screeching roar followed by a crash, and they ran in to see the demon beast perched astride the fallen T-rex, biting the fossil skeleton's neck. At the sound of their entrance his head whipped up, and he fixed them with a predatory gaze that sent shivers down their spines.
I'm sure glad real dinosaurs are extinct, Dewey thought.
The demon leapt down from the T-rex and came towards them, the hooves on his hind legs clicking against the tiles. When he was no more than five feet away he stopped and hissed loudly.
Dewey nearly shit his pants. The demon craned his neck toward him and sniffed. "Ohh, fuck!" Dewey whispered. "Beej! I-it's me -- Dewey! Your brother -- remember? Oh, God -- please please please remember ..."
The demon's tongue snaked out and playfully licked Dewey's cheek. "Relax!" Beej said, smiling as much as his bestial form would allow. "I know who you are -- you're my buddy! I'm just havin' a bit of fun!"
"You fuckin' ASSHOLE! " Dewey roared. "You scared the SHIT outta me! "
Instantly Beej returned to his human form. His hair was purple, and his face was a study in regret. "I-I'm sorry," he said.
Dewey grabbed him and hugged him fiercely, the two of them laughing and crying simultaneously. "I ... I thought ... I thought you'd lost yourself," Dewey said.
Pac watched them, smiling ruefully. They really are brothers, he thought. He cleared his throat. "We better get started," he said. "Beej, what's your plan?"
"Just follow my lead and make it look good," the demon replied. "And don't forget, I'm still me." He resumed his beast-form and let out a bloodcurdling screech.
"Uh, okay -- let's get rid of this thing!" he said loudly, in case the night watchman was nearby. "Uh ... Ex-Lax ego Pompeii!"
Dewey looked at him in confusion.
"What? I don't know any actual Latin, okay? Besides, it's just for show."
Dewey nodded. "Okay, uhh ... Marie Kondo ex ad hoc senator!"
Beej screeched again, and he spun around and took off running down the corridor.
"Julius Caesar!" Pac shouted as they headed after him.
"Uh ... um ... Feliz Navidad!" Dewey yelled.
Pac looked at him. "That's not Latin!"
"It's close enough!" Dewey replied.
They'd arrived at the entry hall, where Beej had the museum director and the night watchman trapped under the front desk.
"All right," Pac said. "Let's finish this!" And he raised both hands. "Caveat emptor! Ad astra per aspera!"
Beej played his part, screeching and writhing in pretend agony as flames began to lick at his feet.
"Adeste fideles!" Dewey shouted.
Beej wailed as the tongues of fire travelled rapidly up his legs and over his fur, consuming him, his slit-pupilled eyes glaring at them the entire time. Just before he vanished the demon winked at them.
They reunited at Dewey's apartment, where he and Pac split the take between them. Beej, of course, had no need of money.
"Two and a half grand each!" Dewey said. "Not bad!" He looked at Pac, and then at Beej. "I feel kinda bad, though -- I mean, it's a lot of money for a fake exorcism."
"Hey!" Beej said. "Don't go soft on me, bro!"
"I'm not! It's just --"
"Yeah," Pac nodded. "I kinda feel the same way."
"Oh, jeez!" Beej moaned. "Listen to you two! Look, think of it as ... like gettin' paid for a good performance. Like actors."
"Except we're the only ones who know we were acting," Dewey pointed out.
"Dewey's right," Pac said. "We ... we can't keep it."
Beej scowled. "Well, you can't give it back -- that'll just get you guys in trouble."
"Okay, look," Dewey said. "Uhh ... how 'bout we just keep what we need? We can ... I don't know ... give the rest to charity, or something?"
"Hey, that's a great idea!" Pac grinned.
Beej rolled his eyes, sighing loudly. "Fine. You guys do what you want with the money -- all I care about is keeping up with my demon skills!" He looked at both of them in turn. "So ... what's our next target?"
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insanitybl00m · 4 months
Heaven’s Not Close in a Place Like This
Chapter Three - Bolas try to help--
Phil could hear the yells of Bolas from the hallway.  shared the same class for their last class of the day and Phil was always subjected to trying to wrangle the other members of their group into a semblance of calm.
“I have to take care of an egg with Mariana for fucks sake!”
Phil walked into Baghera and Slime about to break into a fistfight. Jaiden was taking bets with Cellbit and Foolish.
“Oi! You two! No fighting on school grounds. You have any grievances you take them out later!”
Baghera shrugged back on her jacket. “He started it.”
“I don’t doubt that.” Phil said with a laugh as he sat down next to Charlie. “Who did you guys end up with?”
Foolish beamed. “Vegetta! We called our egg Leonarda777! Her name is Leo for short.”
“Of course he somehow managed to be partnered with his boyfriend.” Slime muttered.
“Huh? What’s that? Someone wishing their ex would want to get back together with them? Who knows maybe you two will finally make up!” Foolish teased, his grin was shark-like.
“He’s a bitch! I don’t want to get back with him.” 
Phil moved on. “And you Baghera?”
“I got partnered with Etoiles,”
“Etoiles is probably the best person to be partnered with, he will spend hours on something to get a slight advantage over others.”
Her eyes shone. “I know right? Our egg Pomme is the most precious girl!” 
And they went around the group, rambling about their partner and their eggs. Some point after Slime broke into a rant about Mariana for the fourth time Phil turned on his phone and went straight to his contacts.
Philza: Hey this is Phil. I just checked my work schedule. I should be free after school tonight and Friday. 
Missa: Awesome! We’d also have to do one set of tasks over the weekend then. Sunday works best for me ^w^
Philza: I can’t do Sunday it’s the only day that’s completely a non-negotiable
Missa: oh! I’m sorry! I’ll figure out how to get some extra time for Saturday. Soulfire typically does these big group hangouts at the mall but if I’m going to be honest they kinda overwhelm me
Philza: believe me if I could get out of it I would. I do not want you to have to rearrange your schedule
Missa: you offered to do it with your work, I’m just getting out of an extra hour of hanging out at the mall hahaha
Philza: thank you
Missa: Ofc! It’s not an issue!
Jaiden waved her hand in front of Phil’s face, officially pulling his focus off of his phone. “We’ve been saying your name for the past three minutes.” 
“Sorry I was messaging my egg partner–”
A chorus of ‘ooos’ filled the room. “Philza has a crush~” Baghera cheered. “Oh I love love!”
“We were figuring out when to meet up to take care of our eggs.”
“So a date?” Foolish asked. Him and Baghera high-fived when Phil sighed.
“Not a date, it's literally just for a project.”
“Sounds like a date to me,” Jaiden said, shrugging off Phil’s noises of shock.
Phil said. “He’s a member of Soulfire!”
Jaiden, Baghera, Slime and Foolish looked around. “He’s not Bad right?”
“...well no–”
“Then there’s no issue!” Baghera said excitedly. “Bad is who we hate, not the rest of soulfire right?”
“But they’re all friends with that muffin fucker!” Foolish yelled.
“Not all of them! Tina’s really ni–”
“No she’s not! She’s a vicious demon!” He yelled again, letting laughter emerge amongst the rest of the bolas group.
“Tina’s sweet, and besides even if you have some dislike for her because of some shit that happened in the past Niki is really nice, she tries to make up for the stuff Bad does.” Phil said.
“See, you're even defending some of Soulfire!” Baghera said. 
Phil was quiet when she pointed that out. “You’re all adhd but for some reason he managed to capture your attention— seems like there’s something there to me~”
“I’m leaving for university in three months. I’m getting out of my parents house and—“
“We’re all going to crash at your place for sleepovers!” Foolish interrupted.
“I will be in a dorm room, those things are tiny.”
“Foolish he’s changing the subject! Dumbass!” Jaiden yelled.
“Oh right-“
“Alright.” Cellbit stood up. “Fuck off, give him space.” He kicked Slime out of his seat next to Phil and shooed the others away. 
Slime started a fight with Jaiden which promptly distracted them.
“I get your hesitation about opening up to a member of soulfire. Trust is hard for the two of us.” Phil let him keep talking. “I have no doubts that you can figure out a solution to this.”
“A solution to having a member of soulfire as my team?”
“Yes, Niki and Tina might be nice but not all of soulfire is like them.”
“Not all of them are as terrible as Bad.”
Cellbit sighed. “Would you rather me teasing you about a crush? I’m trying to help here—“
“I officially met him last period—“
“Officially? You’ve noticed him before?” 
“He’s a part of soulfire of course I noticed him. Missa’s the one always right next to Bad.”
Cellbit gave a small chuckle. “Well good news for you, he always seems terrified of Bad. Bad news though he’s close to Bad.”
“He’s not close to Bad. He defended me, you know? He stopped me from punching Bad in the mouth.”
“Don’t let a pretty boy distract you from your goal.”
“He’s not going to distract me. It's a school project, Cellbit.”
“I know, I just worry for you. You don’t talk about it when things bother you and it’s not healthy. Last time you punched Etoiles so hard he had a black eye.”
“Etoiles can take it.” Phil said, looking at the floor. He still felt bad about it despite Etoiles saying he deserved it.
“We aren’t punching bags Phil. We’re human too. We all need to be vulnerable at times. I’m here for you.”
“I know mate.”
“Keep your guard up but don’t be afraid to be yourself.”
“Ok, yeah. Advice time over, fuck off now.”
Cellbit laughed and quickly managed to distract Jaiden.
Missa: Where do you want to meet up tonight?
Phil: yk the park between school and the mall?
Missa: the one with the big skatepark? My friend skates there
Phil: yeah that one. You wanna meet up there?
Missa: that’s great I live about a five minute walk from there
Phil: oh cool!
Missa: you want to walk there together? We could drop our bags off at my house before heading to the park.
Phil: I’m giving my friends a ride back to their place first sorry
Missa: its not an issue haha
Phil: so meet you there at like 5?
Missa: yep!
Phil: see you then
Phil thought about what Baghera and Cellbit said. They were joking about him having a crush on Missa, right? Cellbit did call him a pretty boy and that’s true. Missa was pretty but he could say that without having a crush. 
The project was the first time he had a full conversation with him. And Phil was only interested because he needed to get things done. Missa was cool, from what Phil knew of him but he was still a part of soulfire. Cell was right about one thing though, Missa is friends with stupid ass Badboyhalo.
And Bad was not someone you just became friends with. Maybe when they were younger but now? Now Bad became friends with people because of how they could help him. If Missa was Bad’s friend that meant that Missa wasn’t as sweet as he looked.
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geralt-of-baevia · 2 years
Begin Again: Chapter Two
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Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three
Summary: When Penny starts working at AFC Richmond as their new head photographer, she catches the eye of a certain mustached, happy-go-lucky, head coach of the team. But can their spark endure through the season’s pressures and the demons of their past?
Pairing: Ted Lasso x OFC (Penny Fletcher)
Word count: 2.3k
Warnings: Uhhh, nudity, accidental seeing of said nudity, language, etc.
A/N: I love me a slow burn, but I don't know if that's what this is gonna be yet. 😝 Thank you to everyone who read the first chapter! I'm excited to get this story really going.
Beta: Thank you to @midnightswithdearkatytspb for proofreading again 💕💕
Tiny Tag List: @tegan8314 @rosesheerio (Let me know if you want to get added!)
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My first week at Richmond AFC was in some ways like being in school again, and I gained about 30 new close friends. All of the players were exuberantly nice, and by the end of the week I was treated like one of the guys. It was nice to be somewhere where I felt so loved and cherished, it wasn’t something I was used to. 
Thursday afternoon was set for me to try out my hand at taking playing shots to practice for their games. I was excited to finally get some action shots of the guys since I had spent most of the week taking photo of the facility and clubhouse. This was the first I was finally getting to photograph the guys, the real thing I was excited for. 
I walked out onto the pitch with the players, but stayed back at the sideline. I took out my camera and took some candid photos of their comradery as they filed onto the green. As I clicked away, I was completely oblivious that someone came up to stand next to me. 
“Are things bigger or smaller when you look through that tiny window on the back of that giant contraption?” 
I jumped at Ted’s voice, pulling my camera away from my face and trying to focus on him as I readjusted my eyes. 
“Well, this lens, from this perspective at least, makes them smaller,” I said with a smirk. 
Ted and I hadn’t gotten to interact all that much over the last few days. We said hello to each other every time we passed each other in the hallway, and occasionally had small talk before or after the day, but not a whole lot other than that. Although, every time we did talk the conversations got longer, and we would both always linger after our talks, like neither of us wanted it to end. 
“But if I had this other lense here on my hip,” I said, gesturing to the lense on the left side of my holster, “if I put that one on it would look like Sam was just as close to me as you are right now.” 
“Well damn, I didn’t know being a photographer was like being a wizard!” Ted said with astonishment. I laughed. 
“Oh, you have no idea! I can then put them on the computer and make stuff disappear. Like zits, scars, people!” 
“People?! That escalated quickly,” he said with a laugh.
He nudged my shoulder with his own, looking out at the pitch at the guys. He had on a pair of brown Ray-Ban sunglasses, a matching AFC tracksuit, and a dumb white visor. I shouldn’t think something like that on him was attractive, but I did. And him nudging my shoulder ever so much made my heart beat like crazy in my chest. 
“Yes, people, Ted,” I said as I shook my head, looking at the back of my camera and clicking through my photos. I felt him take a half step closer to me and peer over my shoulder. 
“Man, you really are talented, Penny,” he said, his voice a little lower this time, and more serious. 
I felt a shiver go down my spine as his chest pressed against my shoulder when he leaned in to get a closer look. It took everything in me not to relax against him. He was so warm and smelled like fresh laundry and sandalwood and grass. I tried to focus on the back of my camera and not how my body seemed to grow hot and numb. 
I swallowed hard. “T-Thanks Ted.” 
“Coach! Penny will send us those photos this weekend, you can look later,” I heard Coach Beard say from behind us. Ted immediately jumped, placing his hand instinctually on my arm before taking a step back. 
“Yes Coach! Penny, it uh-it was nice to talk to you.” I looked up at him as he addressed me, nodding his head before following Beard to the pitch. I giggled a little as I noticed he was holding his clipboard no longer at his chest, but lower now as if to cover himself. A part of me hoped that was because of me. 
Towards the end of practice, I had gotten some really good shots and I was excited to see them. The coaches had to go see Ms. Welton about something, so it was now just me and the guys fooling aroun. As I was looking at the back of my camera again, Jamie got my attention.  
“Oi! Penny! I wanna try out this new slide thing, do you think you could get a wicked picture of that?” he asked after jogging over to me. I shrugged. 
“Sure! Let me just get into position.” I walked across the sideline and in line with him but about ten yards back. I crouched down and held my camera up, framing him for his slide. 
“Whenever your ready, Jamie!” I shouted to him. 
First Jamie was running towards me in the viewfinder, then suddenly I was being crashed into, my camera flying through the air and landing in with a crack. I laid there, more worried about my broken equipment than the pain I was feeling in my side from where Jaime collided with me, or the fact that I was now covered in mud from head to toe. 
“Penny! Oh my god, are you okay!?” Sam was the first to make it over to me, his face hovering over my view of the sky above. Soon the rest of the team was surrounding me before I could even think of getting up and seeing the damage. 
I pushed myself up into a sitting position, motioning for the guys to back up. “I appreciate the concern gentlemen, but I’m fine. Just very muddy now.”
“Oh Miss Penny, I’m so sorry…” 
My head snapped around to see my camera in Dani’s hands, my lens cracked down the middle. I sighed before looking down and seeing the lens that was on my hip no longer there, but now a few feet away and broken as well. I groaned, rubbing my face in my hands. 
“Penny, I’m so sorry. I promise I’ll buy you a new whatever you need. I’ll replace everything,” I heard Jaime say somewhere in front of me. I looked up to see him crouched in front of me, he was covered in mud too. His words were genuine, I could tell. 
“That’s very kind of you Jamie, because I wouldn’t be able to replace it otherwise,” I told him with an awkward laugh. A small smile formed in the corner of his mouth, and he extended a hand out to help me up. 
After assessing the damage to my lenses and camera body (that ended up also breaking), Jaime told me he was going to leave practice and go right to a shop and get me my replacements. I looked down and saw that I was completely covered in mud, and I’m pretty sure it was in my hair as well. Sam came over to me and placed a friendly hand on my shoulder. 
“The other guys and I talked, and if you would like to, you clean up in our locker room. We’d be glad to stay out here and play longer. Also, Dani and I are offering some of our extra Richmond clothes for you to change into. You can bring them back tomorrow,” he explained, a big smile on his face. Sam had one of the kindest hearts I had ever met, and I appreciated his offer. 
“Actually, that would be great Sam. Could you show me?” 
He nodded before we headed into the clubhouse and he showed me the showers. We stopped at the lockers so he could give me the spare clothes he had mentioned before, and get me a couple of towels as well. When I finally passed a mirror I got to see the damage done: mud traced through my hair, contrasting against my dirty blonde color. Mud all over my chest and neck, all places that would need to be scrubbed.
“And don’t worry Miss Penny, the guys and I will all stay outside until you’re done.”
I thanked him again, truly appreciating not having to walk home filthy. As soon as he was around the corner I began stripping out of my dirty sweatshirt and jeans, excited to get the mud off of me and warm up. I turned on the water and once it was hot enough I got underneath the stream, the hot water rushing over my head and down my body, immediately warming me up. 
I looked around the giant shower and found some random men’s 2 in 1 to wash my hair and body with until I could get home for a proper shower. The scent was strong, filling up my nostrils and the shower room: I would definitely need to shower again when I got home. Once I felt the mud was sufficiently off of me and the water ran clear, I turned to face the shower head and just basked in the warm water for one last time. 
Just as I turned to face away from the water, I opened my eyes to see Ted walk by. We both froze as he and I made eye contact, and I watched as his eyes trailed down my wet, naked body, and then back up to my eyes again. I could have covered myself, I could have screamed or shrieked at him to go away, but I just froze. 
After what felt like ten minutes of just staring at each other, Ted finally broke the silence. “S-Sorry, Penny.”
He started to take a half step towards me, and then immediately turned on his heel to head back the way he came, stuffing his hands in his pockets and turning his gaze to the ground. 
Even though he was gone, I stood there for another couple of minutes, still in shock as the water beat against my head. Eventually, I turned off the water, hurriedly dried off, and got dressed in my borrowed clothes, grabbing my dirty clothes to put in my bag. I could have said goodbye to the team or told them I was leaving, but I just wanted to get home. I didn’t even care that my hair was still wet. 
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Once I got to my flat, I ran upstairs and shut the door hastily, leaning against it. I rubbed my face vigorously in my hands, the vision of Ted’s face staring at me not wanting to leave from behind my eyes. 
“Um, what the fuck happened to you?” 
I lifted my head to see my roommate Jo standing in the kitchen, a cuppa in her hand. 
“What do you mean?” I asked sarcastically, dropping my bag to the floor next to me. 
“You’ve freshly showered because your hair is wet and you reek of men’s shampoo, you’re wearing an AFC Richmond tracksuit that’s too big for you, and you wouldn’t have dropped your bag like that if your camera and stuff was in there, just to name a few,” she said with a smug smile. Her eyebrows snapped together, “now tell me what happened.”
“Can I tell you after I shower the man scent off of me? I actually kind of hate it.”
I should have known better than to think Jo would let me shower in peace, following me into the bathroom, her tea still in her hand. 
“Do I get no privacy, Jolene?” I asked her as I began to strip out of the blue and red tracksuit. She sat down on the toilet and laughed, shaking her head. 
“Of course not, Penelope. Now, shower so you tell me what happened at work today,” she said, sipping on her cup. I rolled my eyes and giggled. 
I hopped in the shower and told her about what happened, both Jamie breaking my camera and then Ted seeing me shower. 
“Wait, wait, wait. I’m sorry, but what the fuck did you just say?” she asked almost heatedly. I laughed as I heard her almost spit out her tea. 
“Yeah, he saw me completely stark naked. Naked as the day I was born and I was showering too! I think I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m completely mortified.”
“Okay, so what did you do when he saw you?” 
“Um, nothing? I just stood there like an idiot.”
The shower curtain suddenly pulled back to reveal Jo staring at me with a shocked face, and instinctively I covered myself. I mentally kicked myself at that moment, why couldn’t I have done that with Ted?
“Well, obviously you wanted him to see you naked,” she said with a sly smile. 
“Why do you say that?!” I asked, almost offended at her words. 
“Um, because I’ve seen you naked a million and one times and you just covered yourself,” she said with a knowing look. I scoffed at her and turned around to not face her. “Also, did he see the tits and bits half or the bum half?”
I whipped back around to face her and she had the most devilish grin on her face. 
“Can you please go back to your seat on the toilet? I’d really like to finish showering and I can’t with you staring at me.”
“Fiiiiine,” she said with a roll of her eyes. She dropped the shower curtain and disappeared. 
After a moment of silence between us, I sighed before telling her, ‘It was my tits and bits.” 
“Oh, that definitely went in his spank bank then.”
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yuriko-mukami · 4 months
Her Calamity Dark 01
Beta reader: @ruki-mukami-dl
Chapter Selection
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The cafe was cozy and offered a wide selection of different types of sweets. So, the place couldn’t have been more perfect for Yuriko to meet up with Elizabeth who had been sneaked out of the Sakamaki mansion. Well, perhaps “sneaked out” wasn’t quite putting it correctly, since the zombie girl wasn’t a prisoner. She was still allowed to come and go as she wished most of the time. Though Yuriko wondered if the Sakamakis truly let her Elizabeth see Tsukinami Shin, a Founder whom the girl had taken a liking to. It seemed rather unlikely. Hence it could be that Elizabeth had to do a little creeping around after all.
Yuriko bit into a cupcake filled with cream and dark chocolate. The soft and bitter tastes exploded on her tongue, tingling her senses perfectly, but her thoughts traveled back to the moment she had seen her friends last time. Right after the escape from the Kitsune village.
I wonder if they’ll come after Yuuto and me. Yuriko sighed and tried to focus on the cupcake. But maybe Shin made sure they would leave us alone. It seemed he has a special connection with the Kitsune.
Yuriko had already known that the Kitsune had made some kind of deal with the Founders. Before the summer vacation, she had found a book in the school’s library, and she had been reading it more and more. While most of the content didn’t say anything about the Kitsune, there were several tiny hints that the foxes in the Demon World were tied to the Founders.
“Are you going to stare into the void for this whole time, Yuri-Yuri?” Elizabeth’s voice sailed into Yuriko’s ears. “Do you already miss Ruki so much?”
Blinking, Yuriko lifted her gaze. “Eh? But… he only left yesterday.” She shook her head so fast that her light curls danced around her face and tickled her cheeks. “I mean… Of course, I would prefer him to be here with me, but I’m not worried. He has visited Eden before. He’ll come back soon.”
“I’m only teasing you~” Elizabeth took a huge bite from her pie. “Mhh, thiz iz perfect!”
“Umh…” Yuriko smiled, her cheeks getting hot, and whirled ice cubes in her glass of iced tea. “Anyway, how have you been? Anything new?” 
“Nothing much…” Elizabeth stopped, pondering. Her tiny fingers patted her porcelain white cheek before starting to play with her ebony strands. “Things have been a bit calmer after Yui came back. It’s good that Shu went to get her… Though, I’m sorry about Yuma’s bedroom.”
“Well, from my understanding, he burned it on his own…” Yuriko still wondered what had been going on with Yuma. Oh, how she wished that he could be happier. “But I’m glad that Komori-san is back with Shu-san. It was terrible to listen to her pleading…”
“I believe you. Now, she is spending most of her time taking care of Shu while all he does is laze around…” Suddenly, a light sparkled in Elizabeth’s eyes. “Actually, did you know that Shu left for Eden as well?” 
“Eh? Really?” Yuriko blinked. Ruki hadn’t mentioned that the eldest Sakamaki had also been invited into the meeting with Karlheinz, who was both the Vampire king and Shu’s father, but also Ruki’s… great benefactor as he expressed the matter. Yuriko liked to think that this intimidating man was Ruki’s adoptive father, and while she was a bit afraid of the said king, she was still happy that Ruki had at least one parent who cared about him.
Still, it was a bit odd that Ruki hadn’t mentioned anything that Shu was going with him. Hadn’t he known about it? Yuriko shifted in her chair. She had other things to worry about. It was possible that Karlheinz simply wanted his eldest sons to pay a visit and nothing more.
“Yes, it’s true. Yui was a bit taken aback because of that… and I suggested that she should have come with us here. But then Reiji said she doesn’t have the same kind of arrangements as I do. So, she had to stay in the mansion.”
Pressing her lips, Yuriko sighed. “Maybe it’s because she is Eve. They have to keep a close eye on her. She is the most important woman in the world.”
“It’s stupid. She should be allowed to live her life as she wishes. If she is that important, they should treat her like a queen, not like… hmph.”
“Mhh… but we can’t do much about it. I guess it’s her destiny or something.” Yuriko couldn’t say she completely understood the whole Eve and Adam thing. Even after the explanation from Ruki, she still couldn’t put her finger into it. Why there was a need for Eve and Adam? Why the new species were such an important matter? In the end, both Komori Yui and Sakamaki Shu were two people in love, and that was all that mattered. 
Sipping her tea, Yuriko listened as Elizabeth went on about how she had tried to convince Sakamaki Reiji to let the Komori girl come with her. Yet, Reiji had been as strict as ever, not minding at all Elizabeth’s reasoning.
While the girl was talking, something hit Yuriko’s nose. She took a deep breath, glancing around. Yuuto? But no, she couldn’t locate her brother. Instead, she saw two males who stepped into the cafe and stood out with their ivory-shaded hair, almost like Yuriko’s but they had no blueish tips. Two pair of amber-yellow eyes locked with hers, making her stomach churl. 
The Kitsune from the Demon World!? Yuriko was about to choke on her iced tea. Her heart took a leap. But… but… they can’t do a thing! This is a public place… And wait? Didn’t Yuuto say that he was the only one with white hair there? Then… I’m imagining things. That must be. They are just foreigners…
“But that’s enough of that… I want to know about you and that handsome man you brought from the Demon World!” Elizabeth suddenly giggled.
Yuriko blinked, coughing the tea when she heard Elizabeth mentioning the place she had just been thinking about. It took a while for her to understand who her friend had asked about. “Yuuto?” 
“Yes, yes. I want to meet him soon again. He seemed cool and he looks so much like you, Yuri-Yuri. He has the same fluffy hair as you.”
“True… not even our mother had the same fluffiness in her hair. It was always long and straight.” Now, that Yuriko stopped thinking about that fact, she realized it was true. Her father, Keisuke, had much fluffier hair than her mother. Perhaps, Yuriko and Yuuto had inherited this one trait from their father. Of course, Yuriko also had his eyes… but she knew that it was possible to bring out her amber-yellow fox eyes too. 
“Oh… your mother…” Elizabeth swallowed. “I’m so sorry about her. Did you… have… a funeral?”
Shaking her head, Yuriko felt how a tight ring squeezed her heart. She had only said her personal prayers and talked with Yuuto a bit, but that was all. In the eyes of the world, Tsukino Hisoka was still missing, and there was nothing Yuriko could do about it. She couldn’t go to tell the officials that Hisoka was dead, killed by the Kitsune tribe in the Demon World. Probably, Keisuke hadn’t done that either… wherever he was right now.
“It’s okay, Eli-chan. I’m okay… She has been gone for years now. This changes nothing.” Of course, that wasn’t completely true, but it was all Yuriko could say at that moment. She didn’t want to think about how Hisoka had been distant for most of her childhood and then finally left for Yuuto. Perhaps, Yuriko’s mother had always been mentally with her brother. Just like her father’s heart too.
I wasn’t wanted…
“Oh no… Now, I made you feel bad. I’m sorry, Yuri-Yuri. I didn’t want to ruin our moment!” Elizabeth darted up from her chair. The feet of the seat screeched against the floor as she pushed it back and hurried to Yuriko, wrapping her arms around the Kitsune woman. 
Yuriko shoved her glass aside, enveloping her friend’s tiny body as well. She pressed her face into the silky hair even though the stink of death tickled her nostrils the second she did so. She would never complain about it.
“Eli-chan… don’t worry so much…” Yuriko placed her palms on Elizabeth’s shoulders, nudging her friend into an arm's length. “Everything will be fine. And I’m happy with Ruki. Now, I have a future and a new life. I don’t need to look at what has been left behind.”
Curling her lips up, Yuriko traced Elizabeth’s upper arms, reaching for her forearms and finally hands. She laced their fingers, clenching hers slightly. As she lifted their hands, Elizabeth’s sleeves slid down, revealing her skin.
Yuriko blinked. 
Punctual marks. But they were singular and in Elizabeth’s crook of the arm. As Yuriko looked more carefully, she realized that both of Elizabeth’s arms were like that. And there were faded bruises too. 
“Eli-chan…? What is this?” Yuriko raised her friend’s arm more, staring at the marks. Those didn’t look like Vampire bites unless the said Vampire was missing a fang.
“Nothing, nothing!” Elizabeth yanked her hands from Yuriko’s grip. She hurried back to her seat, slipping in it and pulling her tea closer. “Absolutely nothing.” She tugged her sleeves down.
“That didn’t look like nothing. What happened?” Yuriko gave her friend a sharp glance. “You can tell me, Eli-chan.”
“It’s just…” Elizabeth started to squirm. Her gaze turned inwards just before she let it sink into the void of her tea. “My aunt… You remember that she made a deal with the Vampire king?”
“Yes, with Karlheinz-sama.”
“Right. Well… the deal was that…” Elizabeth swallowed. “I must give my blood to Reiji. I’m not quite sure what he is doing but I think it’s some kind of research for Karlheinz.”
Yuriko frowned. Why would the Vampire king want to study the zombie blood? And it didn’t seem that Elizabeth was willingly participating in all this.
“That’s why… I must stay with them. They will keep me safe. No one is allowed to come after me or they will get rid of the chaser. And I’m paying with my blood.” Elizabeth smiled, yet Yuriko was sure that the gesture was forced. “It’s a bit like Ruki and you. I know you’re giving your blood to him, and he gives you protection.”
“Eli-chan, that’s completely different. I love Ruki… and he loves me.” Yuriko sighed. “Or… or have you fallen for Reiji-san?”
“What?! No, no, no! I have no such feelings! Don’t say such things, Yuri-Yuri! Someone could hear us and misunderstand! Then we would be in a deep mess!” Elizabeth’s eyes turned into wide pools as she shook her head. “It’s just an arrangement and I’m okay. There is nothing bad about wanting protection. And that way I can spend time with you too.”
“I… I believe you…” But Yuriko truly didn’t. She had no idea why Karlheinz would want the zombie blood, but it sounded ominous. If Elizabeth had told that she was giving her blood out of love, Yuriko would have accepted that without doubts. But this was something else.
Can we truly trust in Karlheinz-sama? I know, I shouldn’t think like that since he is so important to Ruki but… I can’t help it…
“You better.” Elizabeth crossed her arms in front of her chest and glanced at Yuriko. Then suddenly her face lit up. “Yuri-Yuri! Did you hear the news? The shooting star during the day?”
Yuriko blinked. “Eh? I… haven’t watched or read any news recently.” She couldn’t recall any mention of such an incident. But she had been busy with her own matters, so it wasn’t that odd.
“Yui actually saw it! She was looking out of a window and then she saw the star falling. She thought it was near to the Mukami manor but perhaps she was wrong since you don’t know about it…” Elizabeth tilted her head to the side and took a sip from her tea. “It must have been bright since it was visible during the day. I read the news, and they said that the officials couldn’t locate it later. Such a mystery!”
“Yes, sounds like it. Maybe we should become detectives and solve it~” Yuriko giggled, grabbing her glass again and relaxing. Elizabeth almost jumped up and down in her chair. “Yes, yes! You know, I read this detective story…”
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The minute Elizabeth disappeared around the corner, Yuriko pulled out her phone and started texting. 
Shin, did you know that Reiji-san is taking Eli-chan’s blood? He’s not biting her but using instruments and the blood is used for research. I can’t do anything about it… but I thought you should be aware…
Pressing the send button, Yuriko sighed. Had she just done something bad? She probably shouldn’t mess with her friend’s relationship, but she couldn’t help being worried about what she had just learned.
“Yu-ri-ko-chan~ Already texting Ruki-kun? You know he can’t read those messages before he is back in the Human World.” A whisper with a teasing note on it almost made Yuriko jump. “Also, I’m offended. You should have texted me that you’re already free. Now, I had to hear that from a familiar. Rude, Yuriko-chan!”
Pushing her phone into her bag, Yuriko arranged her face and turned around. Yet, she couldn’t hide the heat that coursed up her cheeks when she met the eyes that reminded her of the sky on heated days like this. “I… I’m sorry, Kou-kun… I was going to text you next.”
“Next? That won’t do. I should be your first priority now that Ruki-kun has gone to Eden.” Kou leaned in, staring directly into Yuriko’s eyes. “I brought you here and I let you hang out with M-zombie-chan. It’s give and take but it seems you are only taking, Yuriko-chan. I can’t have that.”
Shifting, Yuriko took a step back, but Kou grabbed her wrist, not letting her wander any further away. She swallowed, trying to gather her thoughts. She had to admit that Ruki’s brothers were still a bit terrifying at times… and Kou especially was tough to read. “I… I can cook for you when we go back home…”
“Tempting~ But no, that’s not what I want…” Kou yanked Yuriko’s arm, making her stumble so badly that she hit her body against his. Hastily, she pressed her palm on his chest, straightening up. 
“Then… then what…?”
Kou tilted his head, chuckling while showing the tips of his fangs. “What do you think, Yuriko-chan~? Ruki-kun isn’t here now, so I think we should have fun of our own. You know how he is… always so strict and telling us what we can do and what we can’t do. But now, he can’t say anything if… I’ll have my way with you~”
“Oh my gosh!” Yuriko clapped her free hand over her mouth, gazing around. A couple of people glanced at them while walking past, some of them shaking their heads. She even noticed the foreigners from the cafe standing close by, glaring at Kou and her. An unbearable hotness washed over Yuriko. This was so embarrassing. They were being a bother to everyone else but not only that. She absolutely wouldn’t give Kou what he wanted from her. Yet she didn’t know how to get out of this situation. Kou was almost acting like… like Sakamaki Laito back when he… But of course, this was different. Right? “Kou-kun… I… I…”
“You can’t say no, Yuriko-chan. You are in debt to me and now it’s time for the payment~” Kou smirked. “Your face is telling me that you can’t wait for it either. Come on, let’s go.”
“No! I’m not coming.” Yuriko pressed her heels on the street with all the strength she could gather. “Ruki… Ruki is the only one… who can do that.”
“Eh? Are you serious, Yuriko-chan? That’s so boring! That way you’ll never get the true experience…” 
“I… I don’t need it. I only need Ruki.”
“You don’t know it if you don’t try it out~” Kou winked. 
“But —”
“Come on, I’ll even buy you a dress that will impress him~”
“I can’t —” Yuriko blinked. A dress? “Are… are you talking about… shopping?”
“Of course, I am. Just what were you thinking, Yuriko-chan?” Kou let go of her wrist, still chuckling. “Now, I get it. Ruki-kun must like that dirty mind of yours. Come on, let’s go get you a dress to match it~”
When Kou moved toward the mall, Yuriko couldn’t do anything else than follow him, for Ruki had directly told her to listen to his brothers and always stay with either them or their familiars. Kou had left one to monitor the meeting between Yuriko and Elizabeth while he had… Actually, Yuriko didn’t know what Kou had been up to in between but she decided it was better not to figure that out.
“So, have you visited any shops with, Ruki-kun?” Kou stepped in from the sliding doors, and Yuriko hurried after him. Refreshing coolness swiped her skin in the instant, making her inhale deeply.
“Mhm! Yes, he took me shopping for some spring and summer clothes earlier.”
Kou stopped, glancing at Yuriko from head to toe several times until not even the air conditioning in the mall could help her. The Vampire shook his head and clicked his tongue. “That skirt is way too long for your legs. You should show more of your skin. And that T-shirt… Haa… We’ll be here for a long time. You better hope I won’t get thirsty.”
“I’ll buy you a melon soda!” Yuriko gazed down at her skirt. Too long? But Ruki had said the length was perfect. And what was wrong with her T-shirt?
“Seriously, Yuriko-chan?” Kou sighed as Yuriko voiced out her thoughts. “You have some good assets there. You should use them to your advantage.”
“Yes. To get what you want from Ruki-kun.”
“And what’s that?”
“Am I supposed to know that?” Kou shook his head again. “So dirty mind, yet so innocent. I can’t believe it. Come on!”
Grabbing Yuriko’s wrist again, Kou walked her through the entrance hall and to the escalator until they reached the fifth floor filled with brand shops and lingerie stores Yuriko had never visited, for she knew perfectly well she couldn’t afford anything from those. With Ruki, she had gone for better and more expensive shops than she had used before… but Kou’s choices were the next level. And Yuriko didn’t want even to think about how much she would owe Kou if she allowed him to buy anything for her from these boutiques.
“Look at these, Yuriko-chan~” Kou continued in a small store with dresses Yuriko hadn’t even dared to glance at before. Such short hems and much lace, almost see-through material with revealing necklines.
“I… I… I can’t wear those!” She tried to take a step back.
“Oh, you can… Just pick up your favorite and see if it fits.” Kou started to go through the racks, hoisting clothes from here and there, giving Yuriko a glance in between. “You want to seduce Ruki-kun or not? Hurry up!”
“I… never said I wished to do… such a thing…” Yuriko took a short yellow garment but pushed it right back to its place when she saw it was open from behind leaving the carrier’s butt bare.
“Don’t think we don’t know what goes on behind those closed doors. You should show your master how much a good girl you are~”Oh – my – gosh! Yuriko wanted to sink through the floor. Yet she couldn’t escape this abyss. Somehow, she needed to survive it, and it was becoming clear that if she didn’t choose something, Kou would do that in her stead. And there was no way she could wear something he had decided for her.
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In which Riddle almost learns about the bubonic plague and Dora the Explorer becomes a fucking demon
When you approached riddle, he first thought you were going to tell him whatever stupid thing his two troublesome first years were doing.
His second was that you were going to fight him, judging by the look on your face.
"Riddle. Can I ask you something?", but you didn't do any of that. Instead, you had a serious expression on your face, which only served to put riddle on edge.
"Sure. Just be sure to make it quick. I have an unbirthday party to plan for", he really didn't. Unbirthday parties were on all on a schedule to be carried out (when he felt like it), and the next one wasn't supposed to be for another three weeks.
You didn't need to know that though.
You just smiled in response to this, a little bit strained which sent riddles nerves in a slight frenzy.
What was happening right now? What did you want?
"Oh. This is actually about the unbirthday party", oh boy. Here we go again.
Riddle could feel his patients start to run thin as he put on a tight smile. People complained endless about how he ran things. Especially the unbirthday parties.
It had cooled down a bit since...his incident, but he still got more than his fair share of complaints from the Heartslabyul students.
He took a deep breath. It was from you. It was probably nothing major. You didn't really seem to care much about what people did at the parties as long as you could eat.
Just smile riddle. Be polite. That's all you need to do.
"Yeah. Well, kind of", your smile only got more strained.
Oh my, who pissed you off? Did he have to collar Ace again? Sevens he hoped not. Honestly, it was getting embarrassing at this point.
Why did he hear music? It wasn't like anything he'd ever heard before.
He couldn't understand any of the words? His gaze darted about every which way before it settled on you again.
You didn't seem to hear it.
"Yeeaaahhh. So. Remember before your overblot?", ....The strange music was immediately forgotten.
No perfect. He didn't remember his overblot. Who would remember that horrible, horrible, taste of ink as it forced its way up you throat and threw your blood stream? Clouding every little thought that you had and making you just drown in your anger until it was nothing but pure RAGE.
Honestly, you said these words like they were nothing.
Like they weren't some kind of forbidden taboo amongst the dorm- No. Amongst the school.
As if those words had no effect at all.
And yet here you are, bringing it up so casually. If you weren't there (and in very real danger) yourself, he would most definitely not be responding as politly as he was about to.
"...yes. Yes i remeber my overblot perfect", unfortunately for him, you were there, and consequently, you get a pass.
Your smile on got more strained. And the music only got louder. He could now vaguely make out the words in a language he'd never heard before and....was that old trade?
"Great. You know how you used to run unbirthday parties?", you still didn't react to the music that seemed to be coming from absolutely everywhere, so he tried his best to ignore it and focus on your conversation.
....Although, he was going to be honest here. He still didn't exactly know what this conversation was about.
"Backpack Backpack"
Riddle flinched. Sevens, why did that sound like it was right next to his ear?
All of his senses and survival skills he'd learned from idias video game talk he'd heard him say in passing were screaming at him to run.
"Yn..what exactly is the point of this"
"Do do dodo do dor-"
Radio static cut the voice off before it said anything else.
"The mouse riddle. This is about the mouse", and all of the sudden, the fake joy and the faux smile were gone. Replaced with seriousness and a look in your eyes that held a plethora of emotions. Ranging from disappointment to anger to concern.
A chill was sent straight down his spine.
Just what in the sevens true names was going on?!
He didn't know what to think about it.
...was he going crazy?
(Was he going mad)
No! No...
He didn't want to think about this. So he didn't, opting to just ask:
"The mouse?"
"Yeah, the mouse. This is about the mouse riddle. You had a MOUSE. in the TEA POT!", ...ah?
Riddle sighed. Somewhat relived. (It did nothing to put him at ease. The music was getting louder.) So that's all this is.
Ok. He can deal with this. He's had complaining over the small details of the unbirthdays before.
He could handle this.
"The queen of hearts rules dictate that-"
"Riddle. Riddle look at me."
Ok. So you weren't having that apparently.
"You had a mouse, a dirty fucking mouse-"
"It was quite clean actually", never in all his life did he think he'd have to defend a mouses cleanliness, and yet here he was.
"D̷̡͕͇̺̖͍͖͔͚͖̈́̂̎̆̍̅̎͑̄̋̋̑̅̀͜ͅö̷̜͍̮̫̦̘̞͑͋̾͊͆́̎̔̈́̓͋̐̓͜͜͜r̵̡͖̹͚̰͙̪̞̠͙͗͌̈a̶̡͓̪͇̤͙̞͕̲̲̺͆͂̏͐̈́͑͗̇͐ ̷̢̛̹͒̈́̓̉͑̕D̸̩̏̒͂̀̏͆o̴̮̊̆̈́́̈̄͌̈́͊͆̕͝͠r̷̨͙̬͎̼͈̠̜̙͌̏͌̀̀̾́̅̓̈́͗͆̓̄̕a̷̡̦̟̣̣̦̜̱̬̮̿̇̽͛̎̅̓̀̕͘͝ ̸̧̱̳͕͚̓̽̏̈́̈́̋͂̿͆̓͘̕D̵̙̬̥͕͔̑̆́̀̊̑̏̉͝ơ̶̛̜͇͔̝̠̿͜r̸̖̺͈͎̥̦͕̙̩̝̯̀͗͌̎̆̓͌̏̓́͘ą̶̝̲̫̓͛̊̓̅̊ the explorer"
He flinched again. He really wished he'd learned old trade before he came to NRC
"-in the filled fucking tea pot that yall drank from", you were getting more and more erratic (and the music was only getting louder)
Take a deep breath.
"Yes? Did you expect us to not drink from it?"
You blinked. Once. Twice. Three times.
"..bro what"
You were waiting for him to say sike. You were waiting for-
Dora the Explorer to come out of the woodwork and say "can you spot the liar? Can you spot the liar? Can you spot the liar? Is he to the left, or the right?", but none of that happened. And you could feel your anger rising.
...where did that thought come from?
"Are you trying to spread some brand new fucking disease?! This is some bubonic plague type shit!", did he not remember any of that history?
Unfortunately, in your anger, you didn't see the little shadow that bolted across the room. All you could see is riddles confused and concerned expression, like you were the one that was out if his damn mind.
Why did he look so creeped out?
"....", Riddle didn't respond. He was looking somewhere behind you, his eyes kept darting from one place to another like he was looking for something.
"I means seriously riddle, think! One day you're gonna send these students home and then Whoops half of Europe just died! and now you have biological warfare because Genghis Khan decided he was just that extra! "
"I.. I don't think I'm following", his voice sounded so fragile and unsure that you actually stopped for a minute.
...maybe after your scolding, you can make him some milk tea with honey.
But still, you came here to scold him, so that must come first.
"What the hell. Do you mean. You don't think you're following"
Riddle seemed to snap out of whatever...state he was in a bit and looked at you.
"What exactly is the bubonic plague? And what's europe"...what the fu- ohhhhhh wait.
"...oh yeah", you looked away suddenly embarrassed.
No wonder he was acting like he didn't know. He didn't.
You took a breath. Ok. So this was a magical world right? So maybe this kind of thing just-
Riddle made a cut off scream. Forcing you to look up.
You froze.
His skin was a deathly pale color, and his face was now contorted into one of simple, sickeningly raw horror.
And he was looking behind you.
Riddle had wanted this conversation to end after the first sentence. He wanted this day to end after the first minute of waking up. He wanted the stupidly cheery and childish old-trade music to stop after the first note.
Everything felt wrong. Nothing felt real. The people felt artificial and everything he did just felt weird.
Then the music happened.
The tunes and, from the little he could make out of the old trade that was moving too fast, lyrics seemed cheerful, peppy even. But it also had an underlying energy of being...wrong somehow.
And it never stayed in the same place.
It was right behind him. It was to his left. It was to his right. It was in his head. It was al around him. It just mad him want to scream "where is it?!"
Then, the shadows appeared.
It was small. Smaller than him, and like the music, it was always moving around. But it never moved before he could notice it.
And now..
Just now, hovering just behind your left shoulder, was a little girl with a silver monkey perched ontop of her head.
Both were covered in blood, and neither one had eyes.
The girl opened her mouth. And riddle suddenly found himself in the rose maze. You were nowhere in sight, but riddle had the feeling he'd see you in deeper into the maze.
Despite having no eyes, the girl seemed to be staring right at him.
Through him.
And her voice....
Why did it have his mother's voice?
Her monkeys lips pulled back to reveal human like teeth, (way too human like teeth) making a few indistinguishable monkey sounds that sounded distorted and seemed to cut off and continue every few seconds.
The girl outstretched a mangled hand to him, which contained some type of parchment, parchment that was covered in her own blood.
Don't ask him how. But he already knew what this paper was.
A map of the rose maze, and a map to you.
Her lips curled back.
Her teeth were covered in blood.
"Soy Dora"
Riddle screamed.
... I just want to say I don't know what happened with this. It was supposed to be crack and then it just became....this.
On another note, you and ruggie getting high and doing a few criminal acts is almost done. And that request that I've been trying to figure out how to write is finally getting started. So look forward to those ig. They're coming out soon.
Also @4e7her . This is my true identity. I am not, in fact, batman. I'm his weed dealer.
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restwellsoon · 1 year
Hello 👋 for your token of sleep project I would like a daydream prompt with Jason Todd demon AU where he is an incubus and the f reader has accidentally summoned him yet she is super stressed out and needs some relief. Ps. I hope your having a great day or night.
Oh boy am I feeling this as I've just started my grad program while still working full-time. Feelin' like actual death right now.
Thanks for participating and I hope that you have a great day/night as well!
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Minors and ageless blogs DNI!
Pairing: Jason Todd x F!Reader
Warnings: Demon AU, smut, slight degradation
/ "There you go," Jason encouraged, watching carefully at the fine movements of your body as he readied it to take him. "Keep breathing. It's okay. Let out a curse even. Fuck? That's what I'm trying to do, sweetheart, just be patient. You can't handle this all at once."
You said a quick prayer to God-any god that would listen- to help you pass your midterms, or at the very least give you the strength to get through the last twelve pages of your paper.
The eerie rustle of papers made your skin prickle as you looked for any source of wind. The window was closed. Your fan was off. The bedroom door had been closed for hours as your roommate gave up, deciding to indulge in hedonistic procrastination instead of keeping their nose buried in a book all weekend.
"God?" You asked, in half-jest and half-hope, your delirious mind looking for any excuse to take itself away from your computer screen.
"Already? We haven't even gotten to the good parts yet, sweetheart," a voice drawled from the darkness beneath your desk.
Reflexively, you scooted back, computer chair wheels swiveling wildly until the back bumped into the foot of your bed. You scrambled off the chair and into your bed, a stupid thought of hiding beneath the covers running through your mind.
The voice crawled from its den, and at first, it was nothing more than hunkering darkness. Each step it took towards you gave it shape, and you sat paralyzed, watching as you saw the face of your end.
Under the dim lighting of your lamp, you saw chiseled muscle and horns. The sharp glint of his fangs were lost as you focused on his face-strange and unknown yet more alluring than frightening. Your mind glossed over his nakedness to be enthralled by his splendor.
"Who are you? What are you?"
"Is it tacky to say, whatever you want me to be?" The being seemed amused by his own joke and only became serious when he realized you weren't laughing with him.
His thumb stuck back to the pile of books behind him before crossing his arms sternly. "You summoned me." He elaborated after your blank stare. "The sigil?" Your bored scrawlings? "The prayer?"
"So you'll help me pass my classes?" His uncertain hum wasn't convincing.
"Or at least help me study better?" He shrugged.
"Will you at least help me out with my job or pay my rent, so I can focus on school?"
"Look," he spoke, "I'm an incubus. Call me Jason. Best I can do is give you post-nut clarity. Take it or leave it."
With a sigh, you weighed your options. The demon seemed useless, but who knew what a clear head could do for your productivity. You gave in with an annoyed 'Fine.'
He grinned, smile stretching to show off two precious dimples. "Atta girl. Smart decision. See, you hardly even need me." In a blink, he was in bed with you, making quick work of your clothes. "But I'm grateful all the same."
His kisses trailed up your legs as they spread for him wider than you were willing to admit. To your relief, he said nothing, only grinned as he buried his nose in your folds. Jason's fingers worked in sync with his tongue, drawing out your sweet nectar as it collected on the base of his knuckles.
After a few minutes, he rose, broad shoulders flexing before he sat back to look at his work. His index and middle finger spread apart to look at your hole. "A tight fit, but we can make it work," he mumbled more to himself than you.
His cock was ribbed with thick fat veins and narrowed down to gently arrowed tip, the end drooling with opalescent pre-cum. He gave his cock a few pumps, its length growing an extra inch for good measure as heavy balls lightly swayed.
"I don't think it'll-" You tried to interject, but your thought was lost as the head entered and teased, rubbing against your clit as you body ached for the demon.
"There you go," Jason encouraged, watching carefully at the fine movements of your body as he readied it to take him. "Keep breathing. It's okay. Let out a curse even. Fuck? That's what I'm trying to do, sweetheart, just be patient. You can't handle this all at once."
Five frustrating minutes later, his length was buried inside you, and Jason wasted no more time to fuck you, resting his ankles on his shoulders as he worked.
The orgasm was noticeably longer than others you've had and seemed to drain the life out of you as you tried to catch your breath. Jason was unaffected-chipper even- as he laid beside you.
"So what's that post-nut clarity telling you?" Each human was different after all.
You checked the time before looking back at your books and computer. You had work in three hours and your paper was due in six.
"I'm already fucked," you admitted before straddling his great lap. "Might as well enjoy it."
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A Token of Sleep | event / Jason Todd's Masterlist / Rest's Main M.list
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Demon slayer Hashiras + Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Inosuke, Kanao, and Nezuko - College AU headcanons
Still bored, wanna write something different for once. So here's my take on the demon slayer college AU
Muichiro is rather quiet and aloof, but it's mostly because of his memory problems.
But at the same time, he's still a kid
Therefore he wouldn't be in college yet, but I'd imagine he'd probably graduate early and more than likely take a gap year before attending college
If he were to attend college right out of high school, he'd most likely study diagnostic medicine so he can help people get to the root of their problems
A gentle soul, as we all know, she's also able to see the good in everyone in every aspect of their character
But she's also been through a lot in regards to trying to find a suitable husband that can meet her needs. I would imagine she wouldn't want anyone else to go through that
Therefore I think she'd take up psychology with a focus in relationship or pediatric counseling. She seems like she can work well with children (have you seen her with Nezuko in her child form? IT'S SO WHOLESOME-)
He's the snake hashira, so naturally he'd gravitate towards reptiles or working with animals in general
I'd imagine he was that really smart kid in high school that never really applied himself so it took his counselor really bugging the shit out of him to at least go to community college
So he gave in, applied to a few colleges he was recommended, and got into a good vet school
He works specifically with reptiles, mainly lizards and snakes
This one is rather self explanatory tbh, however I wouldn't say she'd go with nursing or becoming a doctor at all
Given the time period of Demon Slayer, a lot of natural remedies were used, especially in taisho era Japan
So I'd imagine Shinobu would go on to get into an Ivy league college to become an herbalist.
I think she would do this to honor her parents, mainly because they were herbalists themselves.
Seeing as how Gyomei is particularly religious, and has connections to orphanages, I'd imagine he would want to work with children
He would probably go on to be a social worker, basing his studies to concentrate on working with secondary school kids
Like, yes he loves kids of all ages, but I think because of people like Tanjiro, Nezuko, Zenitsu, and Inosuke, he'd be more apt to work with teenagers
it's either that, or he gets a degree in theology
I don't think that he'd go to college, at least not right out of high school
He'd more than likely join the military, specifically the Army or Marine Corps., his sense of duty would probably explain why he signed a four year active duty contract with them
However, while in the military he'd more than likely have an MOS like infantry or maybe a combat engineer
If he were to go to school, he'd probably go on to study something like criminal justice or criminal law, since his sense of justice is also very prominent
This man would more than likely be extremely indecisive as to what he wanted to do post-graduation
However, because a lot of his breathing styles have to do with sound and music, I think he'd go for a music degree or maybe something along the lines of sound engineering so he can become a producer
Although, I don't doubt he's thought about trade school to become a cosmetologist or a barber of some kind
Oh yeah, he also met his wives in his first year of high school, and have been with them ever since <3
Sanemi is 100% bloodlusted, mans will fight anyone and anything if he could
But with that said, I think he'd go to school for forensic psychology
I think he'd be so fascinated with the criminal mind that he'd want to work with them to get down to the root of why they committed a crime. Hell, maybe he'll try and help them be rehabilitated
But in all honesty he might just be a true crime geek and want to pull a Dr. Spencer Ried-
The soft spoken man graduated with Rengoku, and went into the military with him. They did the whole enlistment process together, swore in together, even went through basic training together
His MOS would probably be a SERE instructor, he wants to make sure people can defend themselves the right way
As for if he goes to college, he'd probably work towards a degree in psychology with a focus in PTSD, which also plays in hand with survivor's guilt, something he struggles with himself
Oh, did I mention that after Senjuro tapped out Rengoku from basic training, Rengoku tapped out Giyuu from formation? The brotherly love is strong with these two-
He would probably follow in Rengoku's footsteps and join the military right out of high school
I'd imagine him being in the Marine Corps., I mean come on the extensive training for being a demon slayer may not be the same as the Marines but damn if it ain't intense-
If he were to get a degree while in the Marines, he'd probably follow in Gyomei's or Mitsuri's footsteps and become either a social worker or therapist
His MOS in the military would probably infantry, or maybe a chaplain since he's a good listener and can keep a secret if he needs to
He drinks his respect women juice, and he's definitely a bit of an emotional person
However, because of the fact that he did brave through all of that thunder breathing, I wouldn't doubt he'd go to school to be a meteorologist.
I mean, it makes sense since he's been electrocuted by lightning during his training before final selection. So he'd probably want to keep people informed
And no, we're not going to mention the cute girls he works with at the news station-
Given how she was kinda, uh, turned into a demon. I would imagine she'd get a dual degree, one in psychology and one in demonology.
Like, yes she'd be a therapist but also somewhat of a religious leader. Taking into account her clients religious and mental health needs, and finding a way to combine their faith into their treatment while not being pushy about it
Because she was transformed into a demon, I'd imagine she was home schooled for a while by Tanjiro so she could continue her education
This girl would work for y e a r s to get her degrees and would probably graduate when Tanjiro gets out of the military, and he would absolutely surprise her at her college graduation
He was raised by boars, not to mention he lived in the forest for practically his entire life
So I don't think he'd just go to college, but he'd probably join a park ranger force as well!
His degree is in ecology with a focus in conservation. He loves the forest and doesn't want to see it go so his fighting spirit would come in strong with this path
he'd also get Tanjiro, Nezuko, and Zenitsu annual passes for the national parks because he's sneaky like that for his high school friends-
This sweet girl definitely graduated early thanks to Shinobu's guidance
She'd probably get her degree in pediatric nursing, seeing as she's extremely gentle and good with kids
She didn't have a lot of friends coming out of high school, the only ones being the Kamado siblings, Zenitsu, Inosuke, and whoever Shinobu has as friends
Overall she's a sweetheart and we love her sm even though she may not talk much throughout the series-
And... done! Felt good to get those ideas out into the open, now there are no thoughts, head empty. Let me know what you want to see next!
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meowcats734 · 10 months
(prompt response) The ritual would be much easier to complete if his "friends" weren't cooking with the sacrificial knife and rare spices...
"Welcome to Ritual Magic 201," Mr. Ganrey said, tapping his cane on the floor as he walked down the rows of chairs. He was old, arthritic, and practically blind, and had probably been disqualified from fighting in the war for at least one of those reasons, but at least he could still help by training up the next generation of soldiers to throw into the grinder. Whoopee.
Still, despite my misgivings about the Silent Academy's less-than-noble intentions, I couldn't help but be excited for today's class. School was a lot less lonely with Lucet and Meloai to hang out with, and RM201 was a lab class; we didn't get to choose our partners for ourselves, but the class only had twenty or so people in it. Odds were we'd be spending quite a bit of time with each other.
Plus, this was the first course I'd taken at the Silent Academy that went beyond theory and into practice. I'd spent the past few weeks grabbing every attunement I could get my grubby little hands on, and I was itching to try them out.
No more helpless running and hiding from every threat. No more getting outmatched at every turn. This Cienne was growing claws, and the next time the world tried to bite me in the ass, I was going to swipe back.
"In light of recent events," Mr. Ganrey said, as if he was referring to a sports match and not a war, "we've decided to rearrange the curriculum a little. Topics such as realspace-anchored soul manipulation and memory-aided spell foci were deemed too theoretical in a time when we need immediate results, and as such, the first half of this course will focus on the creation and empowerment of friendly soulspace entities. In other words, the focus of today's lesson will be the summoning and binding of demons, angels, and other extraplanar creatures."
Meloai raised a hand, but Mr. Ganrey didn't see, despite looking straight at her. I grimaced. Mr. Ganrey's mundane eyesight was nearly gone, so he relied on his soulsight—but even though Meloai's soul fragment was beginning to grow in complexity, it was still tiny in comparison to a born human soul. I wouldn't be surprised if Meloai was entirely invisible to the poor teacher. 
"Please disperse to your assigned seats," Mr. Ganrey continued. In the corner, Iola and two of his new friends snickered as Meloai patiently kept her hand in the air.
"Just ask the question," Lucet whispered.
"Hm? Oh, okay. Mr. Ganrey?" she asked.
"Raise your hand first, Meloai," Mr. Ganrey said. More laughter from Iola's corner.
"I am," Meloai said, unperturbed.
Mr. Ganrey paused, adjusted his glasses, and cleared his throat. "Mm. Ah. Yes. Well. Your question, then, young lady?"
"I'm a soulspace entity myself—is what we're doing today going to be hazardous to me?"
"What planar domain?" Mr. Ganrey asked, absent-mindedly.
"Insecurity," Meloai said.
Mr. Ganrey shook his head. "The projection of the vectors of happiness and insecurity onto each other is present, but small. Don't assimilate any soul fragments you sense, but you should be otherwise fine. Alright, class, hop to it."
To my disgust, my assigned lab seat was next to Iola. Ugh, the man was worse than Odin. At least they'd left me alone after they'd stranded me in the Plane of Elemental Falsehood. I still had no idea what that was all about.
Iola waggled his eyebrows at me as I approached the lab desk, which held a utilitarian kitchen knife, a small, caged vole, and a bundle of sweet-smelling joyweed.
"If it isn't my favorite Redlander," Iola drawled, his elven halo pulsing in time with his words. "How're you enjoying my sloppy seconds? She's terrible in bed, isn't she?"
"I wouldn't know. Unlike you, I have a modicum of respect for other human beings. How're you enjoying the draft? Still begging to be let onto the front lines?" I shot back. The corners of Iola's eyes twitched as I brought up the draft—he'd been all too eager to go out and start killing people until the Academy told him that they weren't sending barely-trained students out to war. 
"The goal of today's class will be to create, empower, and summon a minor Demon of Happiness," Mr. Ganrey interrupted. "As you should have learned from Elemental Theory, demons, like all soulspace entities, are comprised of the memories of the dead."
"Wonder what kind of demon would pop up if I used this on you," Iola mused, tapping the knife on the desk.
"Dunno," I said. "What do elves summon when they die?"
"Over the centuries," Mr. Ganrey continued, "this has resulted in many a cult or nation deliberately inducing certain emotionally-charged memories in human subjects, then slaying them in order to form or feed demons of their desired emotion. Demons of Fear were a particularly notable historical example. However, memories are not a uniquely human notion, and in the modern day, human sacrifices are not needed to create such entities. We will be creating such an entity by training non-sentient animals to associate certain memories with joy, then sacrificing the animals and feeding the resulting, joy-charged soul shards to the entity that coalesces as a result." 
Huh. Made sense. To my left, Meloai raised her hand again—this time, Lucet raised her hand as well, so that Mr. Ganrey would see. "Yes, Lucet?" Mr. Ganrey asked.
"Actually, that was me, sir," Meloai said. "I have a question. By the first law of thaumatology, souls cannot be destroyed."
"Only changed in form," Mr. Ganrey agreed.
"So when we feed these soul fragments to a soulspace entity... or when, in general, a soulspace entity consumes a soul fragment... what happens?"
"An excellent observation," Mr. Ganrey said, "but one that is outside the scope of this class." Meloai pouted as Mr. Ganrey walked down through the aisles. "Now, in order to form the associated memories, we will have to perform some mundane classical conditioning upon the test subjects..."
The lab began, the small class of twenty laboring to form an association in the voles' tiny minds between the ringing of a bell and a sensation of sudden joy. To my surprise, Iola was a natural when it came to associating reward with a stimulus. Or punishment, for that matter, not that that was part of the lab—he just seemed to delight in watching the vole flinch whenever he snapped his fingers after the third time he'd struck the poor creature while doing so.
My budding attunements gave me greater insight into the soulspace of the vole, so I could tell when the vole's soul bloomed with dewdrops of joy at the ring of a bell, even when no herbs were supplied to follow it up with. Not wanting to let Iola have the dubious honor of sacrificing the vole—knowing him, he'd drag it out just to watch the poor thing suffer—I slit its throat with the sacrificial blade, killing it instantly.
The rest of the class was still catching up to Iola's freakishly good conditioning abilities, which left me some time to wait. I was going to ask if we were supposed to get started on a second vole when Iola picked up the corpse of the sacrifice and... started... cooking it.
Through my newfound suite of attunements, I could see the outlines of the spell he was using. Though joy normally manifested as dewdrops in soulsight, Iola's was something... different. Feverish, sickly, somehow. He pumped it into the vole, the dewdrops accelerating to terrifying speeds as they neared its body, and the vole's body started smoking. Was he... was he cooking the vole with light? Was that even possible?
"What... what are you doing?" I asked, faintly nauseated.
"Hmm?" Iola started skinning the vole with the sacrificial knife. "I'm hungry. Want some?"
"No!" I shuddered, turning away as he rolled up the joyweed into a rough lump and ignited it with a focused beam of light, then tried to smoke it. I was pretty sure he miserably failed by the spluttering that ensued, but I didn't want to know. 
"You should all be done with your voles by now," Mr. Ganrey said. "Fanwyn, you killed yours too early. Iola, take that out of your mouth."
Iola took the magically-cooked vole out of his mouth, scowling, as Mr. Ganrey stepped into the center of the room. A small metal box stood on a dais.
"None of you, with the possible exception of Iola, are capable of opening a sustained rift into the Plane of Elemental Radiance," Mr. Ganrey said. "As such, I will perform this part myself."
The dewdrops that Mr. Ganrey used weren't the strange, sickly, endless torrent of joy that flowed through Iola's soul. But they were far, far more controlled. I watched as the tiny droplets of joy were, somehow, compressed, becoming dense, almost-solid specks before being flung into the metal box.
There was no sound when the rift opened. But the beams of pure, unceasing light that slipped through the cracks at the corners were painfully bright to look at, and I instinctively turned away.
Mr. Ganrey rang a bell—the same bell that we had used to train the voles—and waited for one heartbeat, two. The terrible light from within the box began to fade.
Then he opened the box's door.
A small, chittering vole made of pure light was sniffing around in the center of the box. When Mr. Ganrey rang the bell, its head perked up, and it scampered onto Mr. Ganrey's arm to reach it.
Moments later, the period bell rang, and the Demon of Joy scampered away in search of another, larger bell to follow. Mr. Ganrey tried to grab at it, but the nimble little creature effortlessly avoided his grasp. He rubbed his forehead, grumbling to himself, before regaining his composure.
"That concludes today's lab section on demon summoning," Mr. Ganrey finished. "Be back here the same time tomorrow." He paused, sighed, and added one last thing.
"Oh. And five points extra credit to anyone who can track down that damn demon. We'll need it for tomorrow's class."
This prompt was written by my Patreons!
Soulmage is a serial written in response to writing prompts. Stick around for more episodes, or join my Discord to chat about it!
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sunghoons-mole · 1 year
Angels & Demons (Teaser)
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GENRE // college au, non-idol au, badboy!hyunjin x reader x goodboy!jeongin
WARNINGS // fluff, angst, eventual smut
it's going to be hard to focus this semester with the angel & devil on your shoulders...
The boy on your right caught your eye first.
He was cute, and quiet. His dark hair was perfectly placed, as if he had spent forever in the mirror this morning placing each strand on his forehead. His bag looked like it was ready to burst, most likely due to over-preparation for class. A phenomenal student, no doubt. Probably got excited to walk the back-to-school aisles when they popped up. A real goody two shoes type of boy... you always had an eye for those. Easier to take control of. Easier to corrupt.
You walked over to the empty seat on his left, dropping your bag and sitting as he began writing the assignment on the board in a notebook, even though it was the first day and class hadn't started yet. He might be good to get friendly with - for the nights you forget to do your homework. To make studying a little more exciting...
As if sensing your stare, he turned his head a little, his eyes meeting yours in the process. You put on your sweetest smile. "Hi. My name's yn."
His cheeks quickly became flushed, seemingly taken aback that a woman would introduce herself to him. He dropped his pencil to shake your hand. "Yang Jeongin. Nice to meet you."
The red never left his cheeks as he turned back to his notebook and continued copying the assignment. How adorable was he? This should be fun...
Just then, you heard someone clearing their throat to your left, and the chair screeching against the tile as it was dragged backward.
Yang Jeongin was a cutie, a real sweetheart. But the boy to your left was gorgeous. His hair was dark as well, but where Jeongin's hair was combed and cut, this guy's hair was shoulder length, wavy in all the right places and pulled into a half-ponytail in back. Where your new friend Jeongin's button-up and tennis shoes were straight and tidy and formal, this man wore a sleeveless black top and some shit-stomping boots.
Not that you were complaining, because his bare arms were making you feel things.
"This seat taken?" he said, not bothering to wait for your answer as he sat, leaning back and very clearly checking you out. He had no school bag, nothing with him except a sketchbook and a pair of earbuds that started in his ears and disappeared into his pocket. He winked at you, then pulled a pen out of the sketchbook's coil binding and began to draw.
"Hey. My name is-"
"Did I ask?" No one would have guessed he was checking you out seconds earlier, because his demeanor had already switched to careless, throwing words at you without even looking up from his sketch. You held your breath and turned to face forward, getting the message.
"Hwang Hyunjin," Jeongin whispered next to you. "Don't mind him."
Don't mind him. But oh, how you wanted to.
He was the boy out of any bad boy romance novel, and - having read plenty of those books - you knew where that would take you. But god, was it tempting as hell.
Casting a sideways glance, you tried to study Hyunjin's features without drawing his attention. The irony of how pretty he'd be as a sketch was almost comical, considering he probably had never tried to do a self portrait. Looking down at the page and seeing a rough outline of a girl, you wondered if you'd ever see the other pages in his sketchbook. Maybe he was sketching a girlfriend, and you'd never get to know anything more about this man.
Why did that make you want him more?
When high school ended 4 months ago, you wished that meant the end of school altogether. While all your friends were excited for college life, you dreaded having more school ahead of you.
But with the angel on your right shoulder and the devil on your left, maybe it would be more entertaining than you'd anticipated.
Your first semester of college was going to be... something.
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