#i saw fanart he showed on stream and it changed me
dervampireprince · 10 months
you know who i am but i'm still too shy to hop off anon.. curse u social anxiety. anyways, you gave me toontown and musical brainrot, thanks! i didn't think i'd thirst over a cog but pacesetter & high roller though.. *insert goober emoji here* - 🧋
for those unaware as a subathon reward i played toontown corporate clash with anyone in chat who wanted to join in last night and it was really, i'm glad people joined in.
toontown was an mmorpg run by disney and i played it a lot as a kid, it's the only mmo game i ever played, and there's some fan projects that keep it alive and i got into playing corporate clash this year. and i picked corporate clash over rewritten because i heard it crashed less and well... they have their own ocs, their own new original cog characters that weren't in the original disney game and well...
this is who sold me on getting the game (which is free btw):
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this is rainmaker and i love her. look at her. she likes stomping in puddles and alone time but dislikes mean people and socialisation. me too girl, me too. apart from the puddles thing.
and then once i got the game oh boy. then i got changed. cos this man sauntered down the street and nothing was the same again. if you were in the stream you saw me and my partner both being um unable to contain ourselves when he appeared.
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this silly guy is duck shuffler, he talks with a lisp, his head is a slot machine, he has pointy lil teeth and his tongue sticks out and i wish i could tell you why we like him but i can't. there's no reasons. he's just an experience. asjkhdgaksjdha.
also high roller is the fused form of duck shuffler and major player.
but yeah also the fandom seems mostly lgbt+ and neurodivergent and the game itself has pride clothes you can put on your toons and the fanart people make is really cool and yeah! they had a makeship plushie of duck shuffler that of course i had to preorder and i will show him off in all his glory when he arrives.
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other honourable mentions for cogs who can get it are
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the original design of count erclaim, not the redesign sorry just my opinion and you know i love vampires but i really don't like the redesign for the count of the bloodsuckers i don't like their headshapes or how they look at all.
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scapegoat. firestarter. and oh woah lady in a suit of armour: gatekeeper.
of the og cogs before i found corporate clash's ocs the ones i would have put on this list were bloodsuckers (look i've always liked vampires), the mingler (for the frank n furter vibes), loan shark, hmm maybe legal eagle.
corporate clash has so far redesigned all of the lawbots and replaced the leader of them, Chief Jusitce / CJ, with the new Chief Legal Officer and while i like corporate clashes ocs idk if it's just my nostalgia talking but i prefer the original designs over the redesigns and i miss cj.
but the most important character from my toontowning childhood is still here so i guess thats whats most important
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i will always love you flippy
anyway. thats my toontown rant.
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opinated-user · 2 years
Lily Orchard Accusations Masterpost (response)
“Lily wrote pedo fic!”
This references an old fanfic called “Scars” that skewered and condemned the brony fandom’s romanticizing of abuse and their excusing of pedophilia. Was hosted on GDrive, and then angry bronies edited it to have underage sex scenes into it and reposted it to other sites under the name “Stockholm” using the same tactics they’d developed harassing a teenage girl for not liking their rapist Celestia comic.
Scars was written in 2012, discarded and disowned in 2014, and rebooted in 2018 to be an original story about trauma.
first lie. see EssenceOfThought’s video that include a clip of LO’s saying “i can’t do (a video) on Stockholm, i wrote that one.” more than that, there are multiple clips circuling around about LO talking about stockholm, showing fanart for it or referencing written facts that only ever happened on that series. @lilysstreaminghiglights​ has another bunch of clips of LO openly talking about her writing process behind stockholm and referencing ships she only wrote on stockholm. her character spectrum, that she still references to this day, was originally an OC from this fanfiction. it takes a lot more effort to believe someone misteriously wrote Stockholm (that is a long series of multiple fics, not just one) and pin it on LO than believe LO wrote it when she was an adult and doesn’t want to take accountability for it.
“Lily encouraged a friend to groom a minor!”
This refers to FireRose, an awful real person ship the Brony Analysis Community was encouraging that I was pressured to go along with under the threat of harassment. I was previously deluged with death threats by one of these people for not liking Team Fortress 2 and it had been to first time I had been harassed en masse so I was intimidated into complacency. I immediately denounced the people involved once I escaped from that mire of toxicity and fled. The only surviving relic of this is an old post on Josh’s blog, who naturally never reblogged the denouncement because duh. My blog itself was purged of all posts in 2018. After 5 years (this took place in 2013) I naturally didn’t think such an old relic would be dug up but I guess you should never underestimate the obsession of a stalker.
see EOT’s video for more references and screenshots proving this incident. nobody bullied LO into saying “they won’t be for long” when someone pointed out that the person involved was a minor. LO said that out of her own free will.
“Lily is a zoophile!”
A furry drew furry porn and blamed it on me.
refering to Patch. here’s a video of him talking about it, providing multiple screenshots of LO approving the art and paying for it. also includes Patch expressing that he felt pressured to be more and more sexual while interacting with LO because he thought that was the only way to be a good friend to her. “furry porn” also doesn’t fully covers what the porn actually was. it was a drawing of a bunch of dogs SA Evelyn, the OC of Lizzy that LO later stole, recoulered and barely changed her name when Lizzy mentioned taking possible legal actions since her character is copyrighted. at the time that these transactions were taking place LO would complain a lot behind Lizzy’s back about how sexually inactive she was and how LO wanted more sex from her. more on this later.
“Lily groomed a minor!”
A 16 year old got around YouTube’s age verification to access an 18+ stream and saw my boobs.
what she fails to mention is that she promoted a 18+ stream on a SFW channel and then failed to explain to said minor why exactly it was 18+. on youtube 18+ content can refer to sexual jokes, mentions of sex, LGBT+ issues or irl violence, but never porn. pornographic material, including naked bodies with the end goal of titilating anyone, are forbbiden so that 16 had no immediate reason to assume that LO would do that during stream. see EOT’s video for evidence.
“Lily abused her exes!”
I have three exes these people refer to. One of them emotionally abused me for years, raped me several times, and toyed with my head out of a sick need for control, and swatted me. Her actions nearly drove me to suicide.
Another allowed her mother to verbally abuse me at every turn without protest.
The third ended the relationship on a very innocent misunderstanding and we’re still friends.
i guess this is official confirmation that she isn’t on good terms with Carousel, who she brings up later.  in all fairness, the only one of her exes that has come forward with allegations of abuse (more specifically, emotional abuse, being pressured into engaging in sexual activities that she already said no to, which included drawing NSFW art that made Lizzy uncomfortable and LO still has to this day, and cheating) was Lizzy. but that doesn’t mean that she is the only person that has allegation of similar nature against her. Patch is one, @britts-galaxy-brain​ was another. they were both friends of LO and found themselves manipulated into giving in to her sexual demands.
“Lily suicide baited her ex!”
I was suicidal after my ex’s extensive abuse.
you were suicidal publicly on a platform where everyone could see it. Lizzy then called for a wellness check and LO has called that swatting ever since, adding up a story of being abused by the police but also saved by a convenient lesbian police woman who just happened to be there.
“Lily faked being trans to get in a lesbian’s pants!”
Putting aside the fact that this is blatant TERF rhetoric, I came out as trans two weeks before ending that friendship. And I’d already been in her pants years prior.
the mention of a “terf rethoric” is going to be really funny in a bit. but how curious she didn’t mentioned what friendship she’s talking about. maybe she doesn’t because then she’d have to admit that was @britts-galaxy-brain​, that they were still friends when LO came out, recieving full support from Brittany, and despite the multiple guiltripping and manipulation tactis that she attempted to do, while catfishing as someone else, LO never met Brittany in real life. the bringing up “been on her pants” is still a gross details that nobody needed to know. side note: i don’t actually support this theory either. i don’t think it does anyone any good.
“Lily dated an 11 year old boy!”
This was in 2003. I was born in 1992. He was a classmate. This accusation rose after I talked about my first childhood relationship in 5th grade.
this is the first time i ever heard of this claims. nobody cares.
“Lily dated a 17 year old girl!”
This was in 2008. Same story. I was the younger one in that relationship. This is why the dates events happened are important, people.
again, never heard of this before. i don’t know why LO felt strongly enough about these two points to bring them up before.
“Lily abused a fan for drawing her fanart!”
Said fan drew me in an extremely harmful way almost immediately after I made a post complaining about how people would draw me in that way. This fan was a long time viewer and knew this already. Though I apologized for lashing out and the fan apologized for doing it in the first place, said fan went on to harass me anyway.
see Opal’s video on this situation to get their side of the story. i saw it all while it was happening so i can confidently say this is all mostly lies. LO never apoligized to Opal nor Opal knew that her drawing would cause such a violent angry reaction because LO famously refuses to have a clear guideline of what kind of fanart she prefers. Opal did apoligized to LO, twice, and LO doubled down as many times she wanted to frame Opal as a awful person, all the while having blocked Opal. unless Opal was doing something behind the scene, they never harassed LO either and LO has never provided any evidence of this. the reason LO claims that Opal is harassing her is because they have two videos providing further evidence that LO did wrote Stockholm: 1, 2. the fact that she wants to framme Opal as a harasser  is because she doesn’t want to public to know about it. side note: Mangakamen also did his own video referencing the situation and pointing out how abusive was the response of LO.
“Lily groomed her partners!”
Both my wife and my ex girlfriend have been the subjects of these accusations. My wife is 29, my ex girlfriend is 22.
Lizzy and ginger were both 19 when you first dated them. ginger talked themselves about how they were a fan of LO since they were 17 and were quickly accepted on the “inner circle” of LO when reaching 19, which also quickly turned into a relationship. ask yourself why LO doesn’t bring ginger’s age up.
“Lily romanticized suicide!”
This refers to a story idea where two old women pass away within a week of each other.
lie. LO said that Rey would commit suicide after the death of her partner and, more horrifying than that, that she talked about it to the rest of her family and they all agreed it was a good idea. for weeks LO argued that this was very romantic and rey was old anyway.
“Lily holds lewd streams for her mostly minor audience!”
7% of my audiences are minors according to Google Analystics. The streams were age gated. YouTube requires an ID verification to access them. They are also no more raunchy than an episode of Family Guy.
7% is not 0 and as long there isn’t 0 you have no excuse not to think about them. the first stream where LO flashed the audience wasn’t age gated. Youtube requiring ID only happens in certain countries, from which she never clarified a majority of her audience comes from, not world wide. here’s a clip of her showing her personal spank bank on a stream that wasn’t age gated. here a clip of many followers of LO talking about how they followed her since they were minors. here a clip of LO disregarding people being uncomfortable at being shown porn. here a clip of LO trying to set up a irl meeting with a fan for sex. here is a clip of LO claiming she sucked her wife off during stream. here a clip of LO claiming to be completely naked while streaming. this is not raunchy content, this is encouraging a hypersexual environment where she knows children could be. other factoids that i couldn’t find a clip of so take with a grain of salt at your discretion:
-LO lamenting that she couldn’t flash everyone on stream because one minor mentioned being a minor on chat.
-one of the flashing incidents happened with MO, who did it too.
“Lily called a Jewish Woman a Nazi!”
I criticized the way Steven Universe bends over backwards to get along with fascists, a worrying trend many leftists are getting into. I never called Rebecca Sugar a Nazi. I called her a suicidal idiot.
LO made a almost three hours videos constructing the narrative that Rebecca Sugar is a nazi sympathizer and then offering a weak passive “i didn’t say that but i wouldn’t blame you if you did”, all the while misrepresenting the show, the character of Sugar and straight up lying to support her narrative. on her blog since then LO popularized the trend of calling SU a name that ties back to nazis.
“Lily doesn’t consider antisemitism worth talking about!”
After the 4 year long harassment I recieved for criticizing Steven Universe, I decidedly avoided talking about the antisemitic tropes of The Big Bang Theory and Harley Quinn, both of which have Jewish creators.
i’m not sure what she’s even saying here. SU also has a Jewish creator. what she said doesn’t work as a response to the claim either. the claim was “LO doesn’t really care about antisemitism” and LO defense was “no, i don’t, you’re right.”
“Lily hates women’s sexuality!”
I said Reylo was bad, straight women’s fixations on serial killers was bad, and that Bayonetta was Hideki Kamiya’s fetish fuel.
she also has erased the sexuality of bisexual women she doesn’t like by calling them straight and in some cases that they have “a straight woman’s taste on men.” the judging women for their sexuality is very much still misogyny, even if those women are straight and they like characters that you don’t.
“Lily hates sex workers!”
I said “Sex work is work.” I am also a former sex worker.
i have nothing for this one. 
“Lily fetishized black women!”
I dated a black woman, and then made a black OC that I thought was cool, and got excited about a few black characters that I also thought were cool.
LO also said that Hunter (a character she won’t shut up about) would be “inherently more interesting” if he were black. she made a comic where rey crushes exclusively on black women. even if none of this is enough to convince anyone of anything, LO still showed anti-blackness when she painted the black people who called her out for making them uncomfortable as vultures and stalkers not worth listening to during a stream. many of her claims are constantly debunked by her own streams. why do you all think she deletes them?  more than that, it’s pretty weird that the first thing she says to the claim of fetishization is that she dated a black woman. those are not mutually exclusive facts.
“Lily is racist!”
I have had a few slip ups in the past. I have apologized and made strides to do better. I have said many times I don’t begrudge anyone who is still angry about them.
she won’t blame anyone for being angry at her because of her “few slip ups”, but she’ll still minimize it on her “accusations masterpost”. if it looks like contradictory and like she isn’t really sorry it’s not for nothing. one of those “slip ups” was admitting to keep repeating a song that contained the n-word on it.
“Lily misgendered a trans person!”
This refers to Essence of Thought, a right wing Youtuber whose gender I was unaware of until recently. She came into my stream chat to hurl verbal abuse over me not taking her bullshit seriously and I said “Dude fuck off.” The chat then mocked her until she left.
here’s a clip of LO misgendering EOT during a stream and saying that she deserves it because she acts like a dude. anyone can see EOTS’s channel to see at a glance that she’s not right wing at all.
“Lily is a TERF!”
I don’t like the Q slur
queerphobia is part of the terf rethoric that before she thought was bad enough to ignore all together. but this one time she can spread part of terf rethoric because it’s LO and only LO is allowed to do that.
“Lily mocked a trans woman’s voice!”
I did the Valley Girl accent reading out one of Contrapoints’ idiotic tweets.
this is just an admission of transphobia. 
“Lily is faking her ethnicity for clout!”
I am a light-skinned indigenous woman who won’t provide evidence for her ethnicity to random white people on the internet.
a “indigenous woman” who has no connection whatsoever to the Nation she claims to be a part of, has any respect about their cultural practices or has even attempted to connect to other indigenous people outside of her own family before.
“Lily’s avatar is brownface!”
My avatar is lighter skinned than me.
this is her avatar as it is currently:
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this is a selfie of LO: 
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what do you think?
“Lily hates Japanese people!”
I said anime was shit.
LO also said that anyone who cares about Japanese culture or language has a fetish for it, and that the entire Japanese language can be entirely replaced by English without missing anything important.
“Lily generalized all anime fans as pathetic weirdos!”
That’s not a crime. Maybe if y'all weren’t so evangelical I wouldn’t think you were weird. Anime fans are like vegans.
i honestly don’t care.
“Lily has accounts on porn sites where she favourites shotacon!”
The only supposed proof of this is an account with a similar name to a TVTropes user that some people think is me because *checks notes* they edited my TVTropes page and didn’t fill it with all of the accusations covered on this list. Fun fact by the way, you’re actually not allowed to fill a creator’s TVTropes page with irl drama. That’s why it was locked lol.
LO fails to mention: 1- they were 3d rendering of not only shotacon, but many other material of worse nature. one of them involves what looks to be a irl girl naked opening her mouth and that picture in particular haunts me to this day. 2-those two accounts misteriously dissapeared very, very soon right after they were brought up to the attention of the public. one of them had reached 800+ favourite images before being deleted. 3- the account without the 3d renderings that Brittany discovered has been years in constant usage, but all activity on it stopped suddenly the moment she brought it up to the public until very recently.
“Lily hates south east asian people!”
I didn’t want to watch a video about Lindsay Ellis.
reference to a series of videos made by Xiran Jay Zhao with the collaboration of multiple southeast asian creators. the first video only mention Lindsay Ellis briefly but it’s actually about Disney and the way they handled the SEA representation on the movie Raya and the last dragon. LO just showed here that she prefers to hate more on a white woman than hear about what SEA people say about their own representation. similar to how she much prefers to hate on a white traumatized teenage boy that appreciate the afrolatina main character.
“Lily is fatphobic!”
I mentioned trying to lose weight a few times.
LO also thinks this is “thick”:
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gladiolidiaries · 2 years
We know George uses TikTok a lot and he even sees edits of himself on his for you page (unless he was seeking it out) because after the chess stream in March with Karl, Sapnap, and Tina he pulled up his phone to show Karl an edit of them doing their special handshake to music right before stream ended. So maybe George and Dream saw the edits of them interacting during Twitch Con that picked up on some “vibes” and decided to gatekeep because they didn’t want attention drawn to it because their friendship first and foremost is for themselves and not anyone else’s “content”.
Okay that's an interesting theory and one that I have thought of before. I think it could potentially make sense, but I wonder how they would decide that together. Like stopping to pander would be a big change in their behaviour online. This is making me think of the "couple of besties" tweet from Dream. I feel like deciding that would be a bit of an awkward conversation, assuming that they are not actually romantically involved. I feel like for this theory to work, we need to think of DNF as being actually involved together right now, and then it becomes a bit like Phan or Larry with hiding their relationship.
I think it's possible that either one of them or both were uncomfortable with people noticing very small details about them during TwitchCon. But I feel like if they decided that Dream would have stopped liking DNF fanart. Not sure though.
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apompkwrites · 3 years
reader impact || first meeting
series masterlist characters: xiao, albedo genre: fluff summary: a game has been released entitled genshin impact, consisting of otherworldly abilities relying on the basic elements of nature. the game follows the story of an interdimensional traveling twin in search of their other half. along this journey, they meet different characters that live in this world. including you. notes: have i read a few genshin impact x game character reader stories and impulsively decided to make one too? maybe. you can't prove anything. i don't know if this will be a series but we'll see :D
xiao's playthrough -
xiao, named as alatus on his streaming platform, has made himself known as a gaming streamer with an awkward personality and blunt words.
he's the type of streamer who wouldn't have a set type of game and would, instead, play whatever his viewers recommended.
valorant? sure, he'll try it out.
hitman? why not?
animal crossing? it's a complete 180 from the other games, but sure.
when one of his viewers recommended genshin impact, he was quick to say yes and search for the game.
once the game finishes downloading, he quickly begins the game.
once the opening cutscene passes, he compliments the overall aesthetic of the game, pointing out the smaller details such as the footprints made by his character and the sound their clothes make when they move.
as always, his expressions are quite monotone to a point where it seems nothing draws his attention towards the game.
one of his mods, however, knows xiao well enough to where he knows which character he would like.
they convince xiao that the game is worth sticking with towards the second half of chapter 1, act 1.
he doesn't understand but he trusts his mods so he promises to continue.
it takes a few hours, especially because of the grinding, but a few streams later he's finally made it.
after fighting a one-sided argument with cloud retainer, he immediately begins his trek to the wangshu inn. and yes, trek, he enjoys walking/gliding through the world of teyvat rather than fast traveling everywhere.
he walks up the stairs to the top floor of the inn, resting his hands in his lap as the cutscene begins.
"to the blind, everything may not be as it appears..."
xiao is normally stoic during games, even ones with scenes made to fluster the player and catch them off guard.
but not this time.
once xiao's character is faced with yours, he just stops. his chat is spamming messages, asking if he's okay and if he's actually emoting for once.
he just stares at your character for a good five minutes.
and trust me, at least half of his viewers clipped that.
"... who are they?"
that was his only question after those minutes of silence. never before had he been attached to a character within the first few minutes of meeting them. his mind is racing and all he can think about is how amazing your character design is and how nice your voice is and how cool your character is and--
oh right, he's streaming right now...
anyway, the more your conversation goes on, the more he loves your character.
you're just so sassy and snappy but he loves you either way.
once you turn away with your back towards the camera, he just stares.
he stares at the intricate tattoo on your exposed arm and the mask hanging off of your belt.
and then you're gone.
his face drops so quickly and his viewers are very quick to point it out. he grimaces once paimon starts talking and he's very tempted to just speed through her dialogue.
he just wants to see you again.
once he hears from verr goldet that you've never smiled (at least around her), he immediately turns to the camera and says, "we better make them smile in this game."
once he finds out about your favorite food, he's already asking his viewers if he's able to get the recipe for it.
the next time he gets to talk to you, his face just lights up once he sees your character standing on the balcony.
however, once his characters tell you about rex lapis's death, his heart sinks when he hears how sad your voice becomes, even if your tone is still as harsh as before.
he gets all sad again when the quest ends and he has to wait to unlock the next archon quest.
he ends the game there and decides to spend the last few minutes talking to his viewers.
"i'll stream genshin again soon."
his viewers all know it's only because he met you.
albedo's playthrough -
albedo often does art streams and the occasional science-y stream.
if he does games, he mainly uses them to admire the art/mechanics of the gameplay.
genshin impact was one of those games he decided to play on his own solely because of the beautiful scenary.
(and the opportunity to draw more characters).
he's definitely the player that cares about elemental reactions above all else. pretty much every character he uses is built for elemental damage instead of physical.
most of his genshin streams are him walking around teyvat and pointing out the scenary.
he was definitely excited for the dragonspine event because that meant a better view of teyvat!
what he wasn't prepared for, however, was the reveal of a new character: you.
he isn't too into looking at the updates for genshin on his own, so he didn't find out about who you were until his stream asked about it.
he decided to react to the newest updates live since his chat seemed excited to hear his input.
once he pulled up the latest update details, he spent a few minutes talking about the new subzero mechanic.
but once he scrolled down to the characters... OH BOY
he's able to keep his composure but he definitely spends longer talking about you.
he almost gasped when he saw you were the chief alchemist of mondstadt.
combine that with the fact that you rely on elemental damage instead of physical...
your honor, he's fallen hard.
he'll put a countdown on stream to when your character and event drops, even on his non-genshin streams.
speaking of those streams, on the week just before your event, his streams will all be based around you and the information he's seen on you.
his art streams will consist of you and how he thinks your attacks will work just based on the description (he purposely avoided all pictures of your attacks for this stream).
his science-y streams would probably be based on your element.
once your event drops, that's the only thing he'll stream until it's over.
your assistant used to be his favorite character to play as but they just never clicked. it's not like he hates your assistant, it's just he didn't immediately fall in love with them.
his party definitely has your assistant in it, though.
he would have normally taken his time to look around dragonspine and admire the new scenery, but he couldn't help but speed through it until he finally gets to see you onscreen.
once the cutscene officially introduces you in front of a canvas, he's internally panicking.
you like art too?! and science?! how perfect can you be?!?!?!
he will genuinely feel bad when he scares the hilichurls because he knows that that's what you were sketching.
"who are you? why did you alarm them?"
even when you tell him you've finished sketching, he wants to make it up to you :((
if he were able to, he would've lured more hilichurls to let you sketch more.
some people in his chat would probably spam him to skip your dialogue because it's so wordy, but that's the exact reason why he listens to it all.
he likes listening to your character ramble on, especially because you have a soothing voice.
anytime your character does their idle animation where you give life to something, he will always let it play. even if your dialogue is finished before the animation, he would not progress until it's completed.
once your character asks for help, he would immediately agree before you finished your sentence.
man just wants to spend more time with you.
he likes staring at the tattoo on your neck whenever the camera is close to you. he just thinks it's really pretty on you.
once your other nonplayable assistant begins talking, he'll skip through the dialogue. he doesn't care if it goes more in depth into this world's alchemy, he just wants to hear it from you.
"hmm, looks like the potion's ready. i'll try a little first."
"please don't..."
he doesn't want you to try it just in case it hurts you :(
anytime he is allowed to walk freely with you around, he'd definitely put his traveler character next to you for a few minutes and just let you two stare at each other.
someone asks him why he spends a few minutes doodling on his desk when you talk.
he shows them the notebook that he had been writing notes in. it's filled with little doodles of you and some more information you give on the world of alchemy.
for future streams the involve you, he'd set up another camera to show the notes and doodles he's making about you.
sometimes he'll spend a few minutes on a single section where the camera is focused on you just to recreate the picture in the notebook.
he absolutely loves whoever planned out the camera angles because of how cute you look in every one of them.
he definitely gets a bad vibe from rosaria when she hints at the fact that you may be using alchemy against him.
he will defend you and alchemy to his grave!
that one scene where you create a flower in front of you is one he will always treasure.
he makes sure someone clipped that moment just so he can draw that, make it a print, and put it on his wall.
since most of his viewers most likely consist of artists, he will encourage them to draw you and send him fanart. he will put them all on a wall and dedicate every picture that goes there to you.
"if i one day lose control... destroy mondstadt... as well as everything around it..."
"will you be there to stop me?"
"wait... no."
if people were only listening to that portion, they would still be able to hear the pout on his face.
he'll end the game there but change his stream into an impromptu art stream.
he will only be drawing you in nice situations to distract himself from the fact that there is something going on with you.
"hm? what do you mean something's wrong with (name)? i have no idea what you're talking about."
poor boy's in denial...
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showtoonzfan · 2 years
I know this is a criticism that almost EVERYONE has said by now, but man, neon was NOT the correct color keys to use for Alastor’s song.
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Who knows, maybe people weren’t bothered by it, because I certainly have seen many fans draw fanart of his neon version and say his song sequence was amazing, and I will admit, this isn’t necessarily.....a HUGE issue, it’s one of the smaller critiques, but I will say it’s an important one because it is just HILARIOUS how the mark was missed here. It’s clear Viv loves neon, as it’s showcased in Helluva Boss as well, and of course, I have nothing against neon either, and I will admit this isn’t bad to look at, the blue colors are nice to see after so much damn RED from this pilot, but it’s just....not the right character for this pick. I know people have heard this so many times, but I feel like the other reason Viv used neon was simply because Dr. Facilier from “The Princess And The Frog” used it in HIS musical number as well. I think we all know that Alastor is a rip off O-OH I mean “INSPIRED” by Dr. Facilier, and it shows as they’re both from Louisiana, both associate with Voodoo, both make deals ect. I don’t mind Viv taking “inspiration”, but just because you love neon so much doesn’t mean you need to use it all the time, ESPECIALLY with a character from a time period where COLOR IN FILM DIDN’T EVEN EXIST YET.
So yeah surprise surprise, if viv wanted to do this old timey musical number, black and white would have fit, or even these old vintage colors:
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This color filter was also used in old film at that time. It would have been so cool if Alastor had this old timey song with the scratchy film filter over as he sang and danced but.....nah let’s go with neon.
Also if I’m going to critique Al’s song in general, or at least the VISUALS, when I first saw the shot of Charlie and Al holding hands and wearing 1920’s clothing during Daria Cohen’s animation stream (because she was one of the people who did animation for the pilot) I thought that during Alastor’s song, we would be taken to a bunch of different locations, like maybe we’d see a city with flashing lights, maybe in a beach area, on a ferry boat, something like that where the backgrounds changed from location here and there, I thought it would have been interesting and visually striking, but instead we’re kinda just.......stuck in the hotel. Now to be fair the song ITSELF is about the hotel, but what we’re given visually isn’t really anything that special. Maybe it would have been grander if they showed Al and Charlie get pictures taken of them, and demons cheering and lining up to see the hotel. Then he could show the other sinners the life of luxury, like Husk at a casino, Angel on a stage, basically just eye catching various locations similar to how Charlie’s song was visually, BUT that’s just me.
But yeah, putting THAT aside, not ganna lie, his song wasn’t needed even if I wanted to see this big musical number with him. For one it’s short as heck, and two it’s kinda just there to have more pretty animation so we can see him sing. I’ve seen some people say it would have been better if Alastor sang Charlie the song to win her over, because in the actual thing he already DID win her over so it’s honestly pointless and yeah I agree. Maybe instead they could have had Charlie hesitant on letting him help, so he sings this big song explaining what HE would do and how the hotel would be if he joined. That would have been better, but instead he just sings......because he’s Al and Viv WANTED to have him sing. In fact, I don’t know if anyone knew this, but in a livestream (don’t ask me to find it because I have no idea which one) Viv confirmed that Alastor originally never HAD a song, she only did it because her friends really wanted to see him sing so......yeah. But ehh, what we got wasn’t bad at all,it just wasn’t needed really, and if you did want Al to sing, I’d much rather have it the way I explained lol.
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kylie-writes-stuff · 4 years
pairing: corpse husband x reader (female)
words: 1,714
requested?: no (send some in tho pls :) )
plot/summary: felix invites his friend, y/n, to play among us when they need an extra player. her and corpse get along well
authors note: so this isnt that good and i know a lot of corpse fics use a similar plot. i just wanted to try to write for corpse. hopefully things i write for him in the future are better. let me know what you think tho! also i really wanted reader to be best friends with karl bc i love him sm. uh every swiggly line is like a small time skip. this was written late at night btw and i didnt take much time to go over it
You sat up from laying down when you heard your phone ring. You looked at the caller ID.
"What's up Felix?" You ask with a small yawn.
"Aww, how sweet," You hear in the background.
You giggle and ask, "Is that Sean? Hi Sean!"
"Yeah, we're playing Among Us and need an extra player. You down?" Felix explained.
"Sure, just give me a few minutes. See you soon, whore"
"Bitc-" You hang up before he can finish.
You got up and turned off your TV, going to get ready. 
You quickly tweet out that you're going live and say something on your insta story as well. You start your stream and slowly watch people flood in.
"Hey everyone! How are you guys doing?" You wave and smile, reading the chat.
"Everyone doing good, awesome! And i'm sorry to anyone having a bad day. I hope i can brighten it a bit!"
"Okay, sorry i didn't give you a further notice. I didn't even know i was gonna stream. Felix invited me to play Among Us so... here we are!"
You quickly join the discord and pull up the game, putting a cover over where the code goes.
"Hello?" You ask as you join the call. A chorus of greetings came your way.
"Karl!" You smile brightly.
Karl Jacobs was a good friend of yours. You would play on the Dream SMP sometimes. When you would, it would mostly be you being stupid with Karl and Alex, also known as Quackity. You were even a well know citizen of El Rapids.
"LET'S GOOOOO!" He yelled, making you laugh.
"Hey (Y/n), do you know everyone here?" Sean asks you.
"Um," You quickly scan through the names, "no, i don't think so."
You recognized names but you only personally knew Felix, Sean, Karl, and Ethan.
"Oh my god! Your voice is so cute!" Pokimane exclaims.
You giggle softly, "Thank you Poki!"
You're voice wasn't high pitched or anything like that, you just always spoke very softly and calmly. You were also a bit quiet.
Felix introduces you to those that you didn't know.
"There's one more person we're waiting for," He says.
While everyone waits, you and Karl run around each other's little characters and make jokes between yourselves. You mute yourself to read donations every once in a while.
You hear the discord chime, signaling that someone joined the call.
"WAIT CORPSE! DON'T SPEAK YET!" Felix yelled. "We have a new player. This is my friend (Y/n), say hi to her"
"Hello (Y/n)," Corpse said. You were taken aback by how deep his voice was but you didn't show it.
"Hi Corpse! Nice to meet you!" You said happily.
"Okay, how is she not freaking out?" Bretman said, making everyone laugh.
"Uh, (Y/n), do you mind letting me have black? It's cool if not.." Corpse asked gently.
"O-oh sure, no problem." You were usually black with the pink flamingo hat, but you ran over to the little computer and changed your color.
"Simp," Ethan mumbled, knowing you never switch from black.
"Thank you," He said, then the game started.
The word “Imposter” appeared on your screen in red, yours and Corpse's characters underneath.
As the game started, you thought no one could hear you so you spoke to your chat. "His voice was so deep, what the fuck? Holy shit that was hot, i'm gonna-"
"(Y/n)," Rae laughed, "You know we're playing proximity chat, right."
You blushed as you realized and said "Ha, anyways..." and ran to start faking tasks.
You ended up in electrical with Karl. "(Y/n)! My good friend, my buddy, you would never kill me right? Haha..." He said.
"Of course not, Karl! My good friend, my buddy. Why, I'm not even imposter," I said as i quickly dipped into the vent and back out, making him laugh.
I decided to show him because I knew Karl wouldn't say anything, and it's funny.
"Oh that's good then. Are you sure you're not imposter?"
"Mhm, pretty sure," You said, going back in. As you came out, Sykkuno walked in and froze.
"Uh, (Y/n)?"
"Fuck... Karl run! Go!" You said, Karl starting to leave. You walked closer and quickly killed Sykkuno then vented to security.
"That was close..." You told your chat.
You saw Corpse as you made your way around the map and walked into navigation.
"Hey, Corpse, how ya doing?"
"Ah you know, good. Just being crewmate and all."
You stifled a laugh, "Oh yeah I feel that, buddy."
"Yeah because there's no way that i'm imposter. No way i could be faking tasks and there's no possible way you could be the other imposter" He said quickly.
"For sure. Hypothetically speaking, though, if you were imposter, how many people would you have killed by now?"
"I would say probably around two."
"Interesting," You said right before a body was reported. It was Sykkuno's. Felix and Rae were also dead.
"WHAT!" Corpse yelled.
"Where was the body at?" Sean laughed.
"Uh I found it in electrical," Bretman said.
"I'm pretty sure Karl was in there earlier."
You calmly said, "It's not Karl, I was with him for most of the round."
"How do we know the two of you aren't imposters?" Sean asked.
"I was alone with him, he would have taken the chance to kill me."
"No, he's your best friend."
"He's also ruthless,"
"TRUE! SO TRUE!" Karl yelled.
"So skip?" Corpse asked.
Everyone agreed and the voting was skipped.
The next round, I spent with Ethan. He was pretending to be mad at me because Sean said Karl was my best friend.
"What happened to Blue Boi Buddies, huh?!" He exclaimed.
"Neither of our hair is even blue anymore!" You argued back.
You were in reactor with him when Corpse and Poki walked in. He hit the lights and you took it as a sign to double kill. He killed Poki, you killed Ethan, and the two of you made your way to electrical to help fix lights.
You and Corpse went the opposite direction of reactor after the lights were fixed, Karl going with you.
Poki's body was reported. That double kill only left you, Corpse, Sean, Karl and Bretman. You only needed two more kills.
"I still think it's Karl and (Y/n)," Sean said quickly.
"I was with (Y/n) the whole time," Corpse said, "In fact, I think it's you."
"That does make sense. Why so quick to accuse others, Sean?" You ask.
"It's not me!" He yelled.
"I actually agree with Corpse and (Y/n)," Bretman said.
"I was with you!"
We all voted for Sean, him voting for Karl. Sean was ejected.
When you load into spawn, you wait for the kill cool down and kill Bretman, saving Karl.
"Victory" appeared on your screen.
"God damn it!" Sean yelled.
"Good job, (Y/n)," Corpse said lowly.
You smiled, a slight blush on your cheeks, "You too Corpse."
"Their voices go together and they're a fuckin dream team? What have i done...," Felix sighed.
A few more games went by. Most of them you and Corpse spent together, whether you were both crewmates or if one of you was imposter.
You really enjoyed his company and you actually got along with him pretty well.
"(Y/n), before we get serious, I have one question to ask you." Corpse said as both of your characters stopped.
"What's that?" You giggled.
"Do you know Bingus?"
"Bingus? As in, our lord and savior, Bingus?"
You could hear the smile in his voice, "It's settled, you're my wife now."
This made both of you laugh and your chat go crazy.
Eventually, people had to start leaving. You said your goodbyes to everyone and left the discord call and the game.
You set stream to where it was just your face cam.
"Guys, what should we do now?"
You saw some people asking what time it was for you.
"It's 3 AM right now... I’m not tired though.” You had been streaming for a few hours; You never even noticed how late it got.
People in chat were yelling at you to go to sleep, making you chuckle.
“How about we do a quick QnA, then at 3:30 I go to bed. Deal?”
You watched as the chat filled with questions. They obviously seemed to like the idea.
“‘Who is your best friend? Karl or Ethan?’ Neither, Alex Quackity. Next question.” You answered quickly.
You laughed, “I’d like to clarify that that’s a joke, i love all my friends equally.”
You answered more questions. Some were from new viewers asking basic questions, some were about future streams and videos. 
“‘How do you feel about people shipping you and Corpse?’“ People are already shipping us?” You laughed, “I’ve said before that I’m okay with shipping, as long as the other person is too. I think it’s funny.”
You continued to read chat. “Wait, we’re trending?”
You checked Twitter and “#(your and corpse’s ship name)” was trending in the US.
You laughed as you scrolled through the tag, “Oh this is so funny.”
“Fanart already?! You guys are so talented!”
You read chat, looking for more questions. You saw people telling you that it’s 3:30.
“Okay fine, a deal’s a deal. I hope you all have, or had, a great day and I’ll see you guys later. Depending on what time it is for you, you should also get some sleep. Stay hydrated, love you!” You ended stream.
You scrolled through Twitter as you laid in bed, liking fanart and dumb memes. Also replying to a few of your friends’ tweets.
karl :) @/KarlJacobs_
@/(your username) what the honk ?
*clip of you saying Quackity was your best friend*           
You liked the tweet and replied, “karl no,,, look away,,,”
You continued scrolling, feeling your eyes get droopy. Your eyes fell closed but quickly opened when your phone vibrated. It was a DM. 
From Corpse.
You two had followed each other earlier.
Corpse: hey (y/n), just wanted to say you’re really cool and i’d love to play again with you soon 
You smiled, a light blush spreading across your cheeks, and replied.
You: i’d love to, corpse
Corpse: ok, see you soon ‘wife’
You: back at ya, ‘husband”
Corpse: :)
You: :)
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withcolebrock · 4 years
I Drew That
Corpse Husband x fem!reader
Summary: Corpse finds out that Y/N has a drawing of him as her background
Warnings: swearing :)
Word Count: 1,818
Author’s Note: I’ve spent weeks trying to write this piece :/ I just couldn’t find a way to make it how I wanted it if that makes sense but I tried my best. This idea was very cute because I can totally see this happening lol. Especially with like the whole flirty voice thing Corpse has been doing with like Brentman and like James and stuff haha. I hope you guys enjoy it!!
Tonight was one of the many nights that she was playing Among Us. It had taken over her life, a flood of success followed her once she had played with Sean and Felix. She had gained over two hundred thousand subscribers on her YouTube channel. It had changed her life for the better, in many ways.
For the last three rounds, it had been strict imposter wins. Felix won two of those. Everyone was shocked when it was him the second time, Felix was getting great at the game. The group then decided to switch lobbies because Felix was throwing a fit about getting imposter too much. It was the usual group of Felix, Sean, Poki, Rae, Sykkuno, Leslie, Toast, Dave, Corpse, and Y/N.
Over the last few months everyone in the group had gotten a lot closer. Especially Corpse and Y/N. After the first time they played together, a lobby Sean had created, they had talked for hours after the first game they played. This had continued almost every time they had played  Most of the time, Corpse would be editing his videos while talking with her. It calmed him as he worked. She would be working on her art or scrolling through Pinterest or Tumblr.
They had even FaceTimed several times, where Corpse revealed his face to her. He made a big deal out of it, saying a whole monologue before he turned the camera to his face. She followed in pursuit being very dramatic as well. Whenever they would talk he would play her his music, waiting to see if she liked it. She loved any song he put out, despite it not being her usual music taste.
One night she was scrolling through Tumblr and found an artist who was drawing Among Us players with their little characters. One particular character made her smile and her heart flutter slightly. It was an amazing drawing of Corpse and his little character sitting on his shoulder. It was an art style she was familiar with, she loved supporting smaller artists. It was the cutest thing she has ever seen. Weirdly, it perfectly described him. She loved it so much, she decided to keep it as her phone Wallpaper.
The round started on Mira, where Y/N was a crewmate again. Throughout the whole night, she still hasn’t gotten imposter. “Dammit,” she groaned at the screen. She stood still at the start of the map, waiting to see if anyone would fake tasks at the start. Everyone ran off, not doing them. She quickly followed.
After a long thirty seconds lights get shut off. She ignores the emergency and continues doing her tasks, she stood by the vending machine when Felix killed her. “It’s fucking Felix again!” she leaned back in her chair groaning. She covered her face with her hands. “He’s gotta stop killing me first,” she shook her head. She tried to hide how annoyed she was.
Her body was called by Poki, she was the only dead one. “Oh my god,” Poki said once the screen popped up.
“Y/N no!” Rae yelled, “You guys, she’s died first the last three rounds,”
“Wait really? Oh Jesus, sorry Y/N,” Sykkuo said, a breathy laugh leaving his lips.
“I’ll protect you next round, Y/N, I promise,” Corpse said. Y/N tried to hide her smile and the heat rushing to her cheeks.
“We’ll avenge you, Y/N!” Sean yelled. Soon after everyone grieved her death they began asking each other where they were. Everyone had a solid alibi making it impossible for them to figure out who did it.
“Guys, guys, Y/N died first the last three rounds right?” Toast started, everyone hummed, “Who was imposter these past few rounds?” he explained. Everyone gasped.
“You really think I would kill her first three rounds in a row?” Felix tried to defend himself as the voting time clock turned red.
“You’ve done it twice already!” Sean yelled, voting Felix. Felix was saved since half of the group skipped. She floated around the map trying to get her tasks done quickly so she could talk to her chat without holding back the rest of the group.
She glanced towards her chat, reading a few questions, she shifted her gaze to the game and thought about the questions. “I’ve been working on a cute little animation for you guys, I might do another art stream with you guys. Only if you guys want it, of course.” she read through a few more questions while answering them, while she waited for the meetings to end.
Once all of her tasks were done, she began to talk about her art and fanart. “Yeah, there’s an artist on Tumblr, they are amazing, they deserve so much more recognition,”  she explained as she showed them her lock screen with the drawing of Corpse; without thinking about her chat being curious as to why it was him. Turning her phone back towards her, her eyes widened as realization dawned on her.
The chat began to flood in with questions, begging Y/N to tell them why she had Corpse’s drawing as her background. She chose to ignore the question and continue talking about her own art and showing fan art. Despite trying to change the subject, she sighed dramatically. “Chat, there’s no reason why Corpse’s character is my background, the artist is just good, stop talking about it,” she giggled as the victory screen popped up on her screen.
“Felix what the fuck!” she unmuted in discord. He began laughing as he began to defend his actions. “No, no it doesn’t matter if I know your liar voice, Felix-” After about five minutes of everyone talking the next round started. She was a crewmate again, “I feel like I’m bugged,” she groaned as she started running around doing her tasks. Corpse’s little black character was following her.
“Looks like I got myself a little body guard,” she smiled as she spoke. They walked passed the medbay room, as Corpse moved his character dramatically. She rolled her eyes as they both walked into the medbay room. She didn’t have medbay, but she sat waiting for Corpse to finish. They continued doing tasks together until a body was called. It was Sean’s.
“Y/N’s cleared I was with her the entire time,” Corpse said confidently into his mic. She said the same about him. Poki was acting a little weird during the call, which made Y/N a little suspicious of her.
When the lights were shut off Corpse was killed by Poki, and he groaned as his body was killed immediately. Poki called out Y/N right away, saying that she was with Corpse the whole time. Corpse glanced towards his chat, finally able to try and read everything everyone was saying. His eyes lit up as he saw her name flash the screen several times.
One person kept spamming the chat saying, Y/N’s has your Among Us character as her background, he smiled as he read it. He knew exactly what the picture was, “Oh really?” he hummed as he continued reading. Everyone was saying how nervous she got when they kept asking her about it. He pressed his lips together nervously. He decided to drop it for now, but he was curious. He looked back up to the screen and began to listen to what was happening during the meeting.
“...You really think I would spend this whole game marinating Corpse for me to kill him in front of Poki? What about that double kill that happened, there was no way I would’ve done that if I was with him.” Y/N explained, over Poki trying to defend herself.
“I think she’s got it guys,” It was down to Toast, Y/N, Sykkuno, and Poki. Everyone quickly voted for Poki. The Victory screen popped up. “I knew you had it, Y/N,” Corpse said as everyone started shouting into the discord.
After a few minutes of them discussing the round, they decided to switch over to Polius. “Hey, Y/N, can I ask you something?” Corpse asked, the group quickly went quiet.
“Sure,” she giggled.
“My chat keeps saying you have my character as your phone background, is that true?” he asked, teasingly. He smiled widely. The entire group started cheering while teasing Y/N and Corpse.
Her mouth dropped open as she tried to find a way to explain it, “Well, uh,” she cleared her throat, “I do actually, it was great art, what was I supposed to do?” she laughed.
“Oooo, someone has a little crush,” Sean teased, Felix quickly joined. The rest of the group was simply laughing along. Corpse stayed silent while the group was teasing Y/N, and Corpse for that matter.
He pulled up Y/N’s Twitter and began to scroll through her feed to find the perfect drawing. He took the drawing that Y/N did of her own Among Us character. It was a drawing of Y/N holding her little character in her hand. It was his favorite piece of art she has done. Mainly because she drew it while on FaceTime with him. He quickly changed it to his iphone background, he glanced back towards the screen, seeing if the game started. He took a screenshot of it and immediately texted it to Y/N.
“Y/N, look at our messages,” he said simply into his mic. The group slowly stopped talking as they waited for Y/N to open the message.
“Corpse, I’m scared,” she whispered, everyone started laughing.
“Just open the message,” he giggled.
She sighed dramatically while she pulled up the messages with Corpse, seeing the screenshot. Her lips fell into a pout as she saw it. “I drew that,” she mumbled into the mic.
“You did,” he whispered, as he felt heat rise in his cheeks. He loved hearing her voice. “It’s my favorite,” he continued.
“Corpse,” she whined as her eyes began to tear up. She didn’t know why, but her heart felt so full. “You didn’t have to do that,” she mumbled, readjusting herself in her chair. She shifted her gaze towards the contact name, Corpseyyy.
“Of course I did, It was beautiful art,” he muttered while he looked back towards his phone, admiring his new phone background.
“Is this..a possible.. New relationship starting?” Sean whispered dramatically into his mic.
“It sounds like it,” Rae interjected. Corpse rolled his eyes dramatically, but he didn’t oppose the idea; neither did Y/N. Rae quickly started the game, letting the tension ease between everyone. Corpse and Y/N got imposter together.
“Oh my god finally,” Y/N said into the mic as she started faking tasks, “Chat, please stop saying I’m blushing, you aren’t helping,” she giggled as she continued the game. She raised her hand to her cheek, feeling the warmth.
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miodas-dr-imagines · 4 years
Mondo, Fuyuhiko, Gundham, and Kazuichi with a fem! Ultimate Streamer s/o
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I’m doing fine, Anon, thanks for asking! I saw this in my inbox and it was such a cute request I just HAD to write it. Like, I don’t think you understand how much I enjoyed writing this. Dude.
I know you said they were in the process of falling in love, but I was halfway through writing this before I realized I was writing them as if they were already in a relationship with you. It’s cute though, so...wack. Hope it’s fine.
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-Mod Ibuki <3
❈ Mondo Owada ❈
You bragged to your viewers all the time about how you had a hot biker boyfriend.
“So then we started dating, and I was like, ‘Poggers, dude!’ No kidding, he’s so hot.”
Someone in chat said, “Please...show us the lad.”
You shrugged. “Alright, bet. Wait here.”
You left your chair, everything was quiet for a bit.
When you came back you hopped into your chair, your arms wrapped around Mondo’s neck, sort of pulling him down with you.
“This is Mondo! He’s an amazing boyfriend, I simp for him so hard.”
Chat exploded, everyone was screaming.
You chuckled. “I think they like you, Mondo.”
He...didn’t exactly know how to respond, but he guessed that this was a good thing.
❈ Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu ❈
Fuyuhiko was never with you while you were streaming, but that didn’t stop you from teasing him on stream.
“He’s so short, it's so easy to, like, pick him up bridal style. He doesn’t like it when I say he has a baby face, but he’s super cute, and I adore him, so…”
You always started gushing about him whenever someone in chat mentioned him.
“So are we ever gonna see your boyfriend or… 😳”
“Oh my gosh, wait, now that you mention him-” then you proceeded to go on a tangent.
He probably heard from Kazuichi or Ibuki that you called him cute in front of hundreds, maybe even thousands, of people.
Because those two would definitely watch your streams, change my mind (jk you can’t).
He was kinda upset, but he couldn’t stay mad at you for too long. He loved you. <3
❈ Gundham Tanaka ❈
Sometimes one of the Four Devas would wander into your room on their own while you were streaming, and of course, everyone wanted to see the cute little hamsters.
One day you brought Cham-P on your stream and people in chat started chanting, “CHUNKY BOY!”
After that, it sort of became an inside joke amongst your fandom. Whenever you showed your audience Cham-P, someone would start the chant, and it was all downhill from there (in a fun way).
Someone in chat asked you a question about hamster care, so you responded honestly.
“I don’t know, actually. These aren’t my hamsters, they’re my boyfriend’s. I keep tabs on them while he’s out doing other stuff.”
“Wait you have a boyfriend”
“Obviously she has a boyfriend my guy, look how pretty she is”
“Oh, shoot,” you said. “I never told you guys about Gundham. He’s my boyfriend, he’s the best! He’s not here right now, I’ll probably bring him on next stream. Y’all are gonna love him, I promise.”
❈ Kazuichi Souda ❈
This dude was constantly on stream with you, at this point he had become part of the brand.
You guys were always super cute, kinda like Drew Gooden and his wife Amanda.
Sometimes he would infodump about something, you and the viewers just sat and listened ‘cause he was so gosh darn adorable!
Your fans totally shipped it.
“Yo if my future partner does not give me Kazuichi vibes I don’t WANT them”
“Hey is it cool if I draw fanart of you two?”
“Kazuichi I need you to tell your girlfriend that she is the luckiest girl in the world I don’t think she understands how amazing you are”
You gasped dramatically, pretending to be offended at that last comment.
“I understand! He’s my little Sodapop, I wouldn’t trade him for anything!”
He always got super flustered whenever you called him ‘Sodapop.’ He just couldn’t believe you loved him that much!
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kittifersgarden · 4 years
Pairing: Todoroki Enji x F Reader
Word Count: 4082
Warnings: PURE FLUFF, talk of redemption and Endeavor’s mistakes, there’s a slight panic attack from him too.
A/N: Some comfort for divorced!Enji. I wanted some smoot but it just stayed on an awkward courting which I’m okay with. Maybe a part 2? For now it’s just hurt/comfort pretty much. Fanart in banner was made for me but tried to make it as non-specific as I could.
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Focusing on the warmth radiating from the pot in your hands helped calm your nervously racing thoughts as you made the trek from your car to the door of the large traditional style Japanese house before you. Even though you had a pretty solid scapegoat if things went south, you couldn’t help the thundering pulse in your ears deafening you from the birds chirping around you. 
It was actually a much larger bird that had “pushed” you to be there in the first place…
“Ready for some morning tea? Endeavor-San got kicked out of his own building after his sidekicks threatened to all walk out!”
The coffee mug headed to your lips stopped abruptly in shock from Hawks’ oddly playfully made statement. “W-what?!”
“Yeah, he has a hell of a cold but kept trying to deny it and they weren’t having that.”
Rolling your eyes, thinking something far more sinister had happened instead of… wait. “Enji’s sick?” 
“Yeah. It’s a shame too. Fuyumi-San lives so far away now and has her work and all so he’s at home... all alone.” He dragged out the last part rather dramatically with a heavy sigh. “Probably unable to even cook for himself…”
“Hawks.” You groaned softly, placing the mug down next to the phone on the counter where the overgrown bird’s voice came from. 
“Whaaaaat? I’m just keeping you up on the news.” You could basically hear the grin on his lips as his voice turned to pure saccharine to play up the false innocence.
Mumbling out a curse, you looked down at the phone with a heated glare. “If he’s mad, I’m blaming you!”
And while Hawks had laughed and said he’d take the blame, you couldn’t deny what really urged you on was the thought of Japan’s Number One Hero sick and alone. 
Todoroki Enji frequently visited your family’s restaurant for quite some time, telling your father that he enjoyed the traditional food and the quiet atmosphere that the other customers respected. After your parents retired and you had taken over, Enji’s visits didn’t decrease and often complimented you on how well you handled the reigns. 
Over the past six months things started to change between the two of you and you definitely noticed. It started when he came in right before closing and bought the most expensive sake there. After a few drinks he admitted to you that he just purchased his family a new home and they would all be moving into it except for him. He had told you he hoped it was for their own good and the sad smile that accompanied that statement made your chest hurt.
More nights like that came where he stayed drinking and talking as you quietly listened. He told you about the divorce he gave Rei, how obtaining his lifelong dream was nothing like he expected it, and how he felt like his whole life was spent in a haze that he was jerked violently out of. It was all heartbreaking really for all parties involved, though it really sounded that they were all on a road to healing. A long and no doubt hard road but it was still a good start nonetheless. 
It was around that time that Hawks started visiting your restaurant when Enji’s office told the winged hero where he could find their boss. The two of you struck up a quick and easy friendship after that and once again you noticed a change in Enji. For some reason though, no matter how very attractive the blonde was, you found yourself mentally cursing him when he interrupted the peaceful moments you and Enji shared on a now daily basis. Maybe it was because you didn’t like how observant the birdman or how he was quick to mention how good you seemed to be for Enji during this difficult time in his life. 
Which all lead to Hawks calling to give you the news on Enji’s condition right away. He knew you’d take the bait and take it you sure did. 
Exhaling slowly, you reached the door and shuffled the bag hanging from your wrist to hit the doorbell with your elbow. While it wasn’t public knowledge where the Number One Hero lived, there were a few times you had to call a cab for him after he drank just a bit too much and he easily gave up his home address. You hoped he wouldn’t be angry that you used the knowledge to show up now. 
The deep growl from behind the door caused your heart to crash into your ribs like a bowling ball would strike pins. You shouldn’t have been so nervous; you knew him! He insisted you called him just “Enji” instead of “Todoroki-San” or “Endeavor”! Even though you knew this was an entirely different setting with him than what you were used to, you didn’t realize it would be this much.
All thoughts were gone when the door opened before you and your breath caught in your throat. 
Oh hell. 
There stood Todoroki Enji wearing a thin dark blue robe, his usually spiked hair was half down and pieces stuck to his lightly sweat sheened forehead. His usually bright turquoise eyes lacked that fierce light though they opened in surprise as he looked down at you. 
Muttering your name in a bemused and dreamy tone which sent a shiver right down your spine, he cleared his throat with a brief cough smothered into his arm. “What are you doing here?”
“I, um… okayu.” So lost taking in the sight before you, your own breathless words escaped without meaning to before you were able to snap yourself or of it. “I mean, I heard you were sick and brought okayu.” Holding up the pot with a smile, you still felt your nerves on edge as he continued to stare at you in shock. “E… Enji?”
Endeavor, meanwhile, was trying to wake up from this too real fever dream. He had been dozing on the couch while watching the afternoon news when he heard the doorbell, but he never would have expected to see you standing there! Your words slowly sank in and he placed a hand on the side of his face. This was really happening?
“‘m sorry. I, uh… but you shouldn’t be here.” The hurt look that crossed your features had him quick to continue. “N-no, I mean that I’m sick and you really shouldn’t be around.”
Visible relief has your shoulders relaxing as you scoffed gently. “Oh please, I’m not worried about that.” 
A quiet laugh easily fell from his lips. “No, you wouldn’t. Well if you’re sure, come on in.” 
Moving from the doorway to let you pass, Enji still couldn’t fully fathom what was happening. This beautiful woman he saw on a pretty regular basis was at his home with a pot of rice porridge. He only saw you in the restaurant wearing a kimono and your hair done up to keep up with the traditional setting the restaurant had. Seeing you in a pair of shorts and light shirt fitting for the hot summer day with your hair in what he assumed was your more comfortable style was shocking to him as well. 
Leading you to the kitchen, he kept glancing over at you as he still tried to process everything. “How did you find out?”
“A large bird told me.” Your lightly laughed reply was met with a deep groan from him. Of course Hawks found out. “I think Burnin’ told him.” You thoughtfully added while placing the pot on top of the kitchen counter. “Those two do seem pretty close.”
“Oh god.” Enji sighed deeply. “I wouldn’t even want to know.” The rustling of the bag that had hung from your wrist and ended on the counter caught his attention. “What’s that?”
“Oh um… I wasn’t sure what you had so…” you smiled down at the bag before pulling items out. “Tissues, some medicine… I wasn’t sure what exactly was wrong so I just picked up a general one. Some of those cooling head strips and throat spray. Oh! And some kuzumochi.” 
Your gaze stayed on the items in the bag as you spoke, though his never left you. How long had it been since anyone besides Fuyumi had taken care of him? Not even his own mother…
“You didn’t-.” He started but stopped as his hand went to run through his lifeless hair. “This is…” What could he even say?
You decided to take pity on him and pushed down the lingering nervousness you felt. “Have you eaten today?” The very uncharacteristic look of guilt he made when his head bowed and eyes shifted was far more suited for a puppy dog. “Well you shouldn’t take medicine on an empty stomach so why don’t you get comfortable and I’ll set everything up for you?”
“Y-yeah….” This time his reply came out weak because he was stunned at your change. Not just that but what you brought… it was all so thoughtful. “I set up in the living room to watch the news. I’ll be in there.” 
The smile and nod you gave him set him in motion though it started to feel like he was trudging through mud. His idea of “set up” was just bringing out a pillow and light sheet to the oversized couch. The half empty box of tissues he found had been dangerously dwindling already and the medicine he found had expired a month ago; all of it adding up to put him into a depressed state rather quickly. Having you show up was definitely a breath of fresh air. Still something in him wickedly teased that this all might still be a fever dream...
“I brought some movies too. You told me you didn’t have any streaming services but remember you mentioning a BluRay player.” Your voice trailed in from the kitchen as he settled back into the little nest he made. “Damn, actually I left those in the car.”  The clanking of dishes and the closing of cabinets as you acquainted yourself with the kitchen was indelibly soothing to him as he nestled into the couch. 
Please don’t wake up from this fever dream…
“Enji?” A cold hand fell into his head and jolted him from the sleep he started to slip into. Seeing the very worried look on your face made him frown. “You’re burning up!”
“I always am, angel.” His deep voice tumbled out with a chuckle and he wasn’t quite sure why your face turned about as red as he was sure his was. “Don’t worry. That’s just what happens to us fire users.” He groaned when he sat up, seeing the tray you made him sitting on the table. 
Your voice was shaken like it had been when you first arrived and he was about to ask what was wrong before he felt a burning pressure build up behind his eyes. Cursing softly, he quickly grabbed up the remaining tissues to catch two violently monstrous sneezes. 
“Damn.” The playful laugh that left you made him chuckle before saving his breath to blow his nose. 
“Ugh. Exactly.” Sniffing hard, he threw the tissues into the small garbage can he moved by the couch for such use. “Sorry about your ears.”
He felt the couch shift next to him as you sat with the tray in hand. “Nah. After fifteen years of knowing you, I’m pretty used to them. Here.”
Handing him a bowl of the okayu, he smiled when he noticed the ginger honey topping. He ordered this dish from your restaurant a few times but since the last time was so long so the fact you remembered... “Thank you.” Sitting up better, he took a hold of the spoon in a large hand as the smile stayed on his lips. “Fifteen years, huh? I remember the first time I found the place was by complete accident.” He paused to take a bite of the porridge, humming approval in his throat. “Really good.”
While you were still quite shocked at what he had called you, you thanked him quietly before listening as he began to reminisce. 
“The billboard charts were announced that day so I was mad at the world. Heh. Like always. Shoutou was just a newborn and things were getting really tense here so I didn’t want to come home just yet.” He paused to take another bite, chewing thoughtfully a moment before swallowing. “That’s when a girl no more than a teenager came running down the street and nearly right into me. She stopped to apologize before rushing off to an older couple behind me telling them the man left his wallet in the restaurant.”
Your eyes widened as you listened, gripping harder onto the cup of cold water you grabbed off the tray for him. 
“It was just such a nice little scene that brought me out of the dark thoughts that were plaguing me so I asked the girl when she headed back where she worked.” He stopped to let out a rumbling laugh. “It was strange that she didn’t even seem to recognize me though I was already pretty popular by then. Normally I’d be irritated by such a dumb thing, as I was at everything back then, but at that moment I actually liked not being Endeavor and followed her to this incredible building. It was so peaceful and I just felt calm for the first time in… I can’t even remember how long.” 
When he paused to take another bite, you placed a hand on his hot arm to grab his attention, silently offering him the water. He thanked you and took a long sip before placing it on the table. 
“This seemingly hidden little oasis which brought a stillness to me was owned by a quirkless couple and employed their quirkless daughter. I still think that’s the reason I felt so calm, it was just all so… pure.”
When he passed for another bite, you tried to gulp down air as the surge of emotions rushed through you. With a thundering pulse, you started down at your hands resting in your lap and let his deep voice rumble through you. 
“Fifteen years. If I knew then what I know now…” sadness pulled down his features which were oddly cheerful when recalling the memory, making your hand move back to rest back on his thick arm. 
“Isn’t fifteen years better than never?” You asked gently, giving him a smile when his eyes finally landed back on you. 
He returned your smile with his own. “You were always too wise beyond your years.” That made you laugh softly, and still he nodded. “You’re right, of course. But all that damage I caused during that time…”
“Uh, Enji.” Clearing your throat, you thought he was being a little too open now. “You can take the medicine now.” Grateful to have a distraction and hopefully something to knock him out, you started to reach for the tray but a large heated hand grabbed your arm to stop you. It wasn’t a rough action, actually he handled you like a piece of fine china, it was only enough to bring your attention back to him. 
His fever flushed face searched yours a moment before taking a slow breath. “I’ve done terrible things, angel. Bringing Rei into a quirk marriage and having children only to create a legacy stronger than All Might. I never thought about their feelings or even my own besides the fact that I just had to pass the Number One.”
“When I did pass him, I felt so empty and I wondered why. Why did I push my kids away and force Shouto so hard with intense training at such a young age? Why did I let such a thing consume my entire life?”
“I’m a monster, angel! I’ve hurt so many people and I have no idea how to fix it, not for myself but for them. Removing myself from their lives was a good start but I don’t know what to do now. And I like you. Oh god, I really do. I don’t think I actually enjoy talking to anyone other than you. And I think maybe I can be happy because that idiot bird tells me he thinks we’d be good together but I don’t deserve that happiness. I’ve caused so much pain that I’d need lifetimes to fix it before I deserve to be happy! But what if that just hurts you?! I can’t-!”
“Enji. Stop.”
As he went on the more he got worked up, his breath becoming chopped and panicked, his flushed face gleaming more as sweat slid down his cheeks. 
No. That was tears. 
“Look at me. You’re not a monster. A monster never realizes what they do is wrong. A monster will blame everyone for their mistakes and you’ve never done either.” You moved a hand to the side of his strong jaw, keeping your breathing level as he started to match it. “Of course you deserve to be happy. I’m sure you don’t feel like it now but think about it; what good will it do for you or your family to move on while you just torture yourself?”
When Enji started to shake his head, you weren’t expecting the painful sob that suddenly escaped him, his hands resting on your arms pulling you in as he buried his head into your collar. Beyond shocked at his actions, you could only pet a hand through his red strands while he cried it out. You were sure he never let himself mourn for the loss of his family or even for the monster that he once was. You thought that might have been the reason he drank so heavily some nights, trying to use the alcohol to break the wall his pride had put up. 
After a few minutes of holding him and petting down his hair, his breath started to even out and his grip that moved to your back began to loosen. 
“Thank you.”
His normally deep voice sounded like it had been dragged over gravel when it came out, rattling your whole body with each symbol. Instead of diving into any of the new information that he let out, you helped move him so he could sit back up. 
“Of course.”
Enji was quietly docile after the little meltdown, finishing his food as you tried to put one of the cool gel strips on his head. His fever was worrying even with his second attempt to reassure you that it was part of having his quirk. It was only when the gel strips started to literally melt to his skin did he chuckle softly and give in. 
“Maybe it is worse than I thought.”
“Hmm… you should get into a cold bath.” you suggested softly while trying to get melted gel out of his hair. 
“Shame. I would prefer a sponge bath instead.”
“Wh-?!” Shifting back slightly with wide eyes and a fresh blush, he chuckled deeply which only made you  grow more concerned. “Okay, you need to get better since you’re really freaking me out now.” 
The flame hero let out a soft laugh. “Well, even though I actually said it, I can assure you I would be thinking it when I’m well.” His blazing turquoise eyes meet yours and you felt your breath catch. He was serious. 
“Well, since I owe you the truth back… I definitely wouldn’t mind giving you one.” Your eyes shifted to his insanely built body as your lips pulled up into a smirk. When you looked back at his face, it was rather satisfying to see his own blush spread across his face as his Adam’s apple bobbed slowly. “However… you really need a proper cool down, not to heat up more.” Your finger ran down his strong nose which twitched in response. 
“H-hey…” sniffling and rubbing the reddened tip, he started to stand but stopped. “Uh, maybe you could start it? I need a minute here.” He cleared his throat loudly as you got the hint, a giggle bubbling in your throat. 
Biting your lip, you only patted his shoulder with a nod before heading to the bathroom. Being away from his stifling heat would also help clear up your own increasingly foggy mind and you certainly could use a breather.
Watching the water fill the tub, thoughts swirling through your mind like the water you watched both intensely and not at all. Everything he told you about his family, about how he saw himself… You still had no idea what happened exactly but you were sure that when he was better he would finally explain everything. 
Still, you stood by your convictions; he owned up to his mistakes and were starting to try and fix them. Who was to say he didn’t deserve finding his own happiness as well? Not that you’d be the one to tell him that Hawks learned from Natsuo that Rei had already been seeing someone rather seriously for the past few months. They all deserve happiness and to put the dark past behind them where it belonged. 
A fierce sneeze that echoed down the hallway jolted you from your thoughts abruptly. First things first! Heading back to the living room, you laughed when a second sounded and you caught Enji folded in half with his face pressed into a bouquet of tissues. 
“You alright?” Your hand carded through his hair to pull his attention back to you. 
“I think the medicine is starting to work.” At the incredulous look on your face, he chuckled deeply and shook his head. “Sure it doesn’t sound like it…”
“You pronounced medicine ‘bedicid’.” 
“Alright, I concede.” With a deep groan he stood up from the couch and started down to the bathroom. Pausing to rest a large hand on the wall and turn back to you, a gentle smile graced his flushed face. “Thank you, angel. I mean it, I was in a pretty dark place before you came and… I truly appreciate everything.”
“It’s my pleasure, Enji.” 
He seemed to laugh quietly, the mild disbelief mixing with the lit of happiness clearly before he resumed his trek to the bath. 
The rest of the day was rather domestic as you cleaned his dishes and put away the leftovers. Straightening up the living room, you retrieved the movies and put them out for him to pick. Enji had emerged from the bath looking much better and feeling… well not as hot as before and he was rewarded by agreeing to use your lap as a pillow. It had only taken five minutes of hair petting that loud snores started to fill the house. Oddly, they didn’t bother you as you only continued playing with the scarlet strands with one hand while browsing your phone with the other. 
The text from Hawks that came in made you pause the “match three” game you messed around with. 
“Well you didn’t call to yell at me so I can only assume you’re still there. Don’t worry about your place, I told your employees that you were doing work for me so you got the next three days off to take care of the big guy. And hey, I know it’s just moving out of that really weird time for him and even though you’re closer to my age than his, I still think you’d be really good for each other. Damn! Have you ever seen a text this long?! I’ll let you get back to it~ let me know if you want me to drop off anything!”
“Damn bird.” You quietly laughed as you looked down at the sleeping face of Enji. He looked so peaceful when his powerful features were softened by the deep sleep he was in. “Thanks Hawks.” 
“Mmmm.” Enji seemed to agree as his head rubbed on your thighs, his large arm that wrapped around your knees pulling in to nestle closer to you. 
You had no idea where the future would lead, but you couldn’t help the hopeful thought that the two of you officially started a trek down what would surely be a very rocky road. A road that, while rocky, would smooth out and yield to a beautiful and scenic scene. It was all part of life, after all. And you really wouldn’t mind sharing both the ups and downs with Enji at your side.
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everylastbird · 3 years
Hawks from mha!
First impression: The first time I technically saw Hawks was during an art stream, and the artist was making h0twings fanart. At the time I'd watched BNHA and had read some of the manga, but iirc stopped reading around the time of Eri's character introduction. So mostly I was like "What a cool character design, I love birds and bird-people!!"
Impression now: Baby, baby bird. My son boy! Light of hope!! I've said it before in a few tags, but he really is suuuuper up my alley as far as characters go. A lot of my faves tend to be characters who have had a really shitty go of it in life, but still come out of those experiences with an open heart and a genuine desire to help others. I admire that trait a lot, and I think Hawks embodies it beautifully.
Favorite moment: I love a lot of his moments, but my favorite is probably the flashback interaction he has with the HPSC following his and Endeavor's fight with the High End. He gets so quietly *angry* when he was told that they picked him specifically because they thought he could just disregard civilian lives for the sake of infiltrating the LOV. And it makes his (super cool) rescue of 70+ people during the fight even *more* epic in hindsight, because now we know he did it against orders, because he wasn't willing to compromise on his morals, even if it cost him the mission.
Idea for a story: At some point I'd like to get around to writing a fic where Hawks was rescued from the HPSC and their child hero training program by Eraserhead and a few other pros. The bulk of it would actually be set in his first year at UA as a student, working to heal from the emotional and psychological damage inflicted on him by his time training under the HPSC.
Unpopular opinion: I don't get much of a kick out of the 'he eats fried chicken all the time!' jokes. Like, his favorite food was described as just "chicken", at least let the guy have some variety in what *kind* he's eating all the time.
Favorite relationship: ...Endeavor (Speaking of unpopular opinions, lol). I enjoy it as it is canonically, especially for what it shows about Hawks. He is willing to support anyone in their attempts to improve themselves, as long as they are willing to do so, and I think that's a wonderful trait. It's interesting, to me, that for as much as he's looked up to Endeavor every since he arrested Hawks' abusive dad, he still sees him as a man that *needs* to change (and he'll help him get there because he's a pusher!). I also enjoy endhawks romantically, messiness and all. They really support each other a lot in canon, and it was probably the most surprising thing to me out of everything involving Hawks as I caught up on the series. I wasn't expecting the oddly soft moments, and the open vulnerability. Like, I literally did not see hints of ANY of their interactions on initial surface browsing of what I'd missed of BNHA, probably bc h0twings was very much at its peak back then, haha. I was also talking to a friend about it and came to the dawning realization that their dynamic reminds me of KuroFai (a Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles ship), which is one of my oldest OTPs. And I'll admit, I'm weak for a good size difference.
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Favorite headcanon: bird feet, Bird Feet, BIRD FEET, BIRD FEET, BIRD FE-
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fiction-fun · 3 years
Fanfiction request?? Power Rangers? If you're still doing it, :)
Sometime in the future of the time force, Jen reminisces her memories with the rangers, looking up a wall of memories, that has pictures of her and the rangers together. (It's based on a fanart i drew) the rest of the premise and story and everything is on you!!
And if you don't wanna do it, it's okay!! But thank you so much ofr listening!!!!
Hey! I am so so so sorry this took so long! I really hope this is something like what you wanted!
Fandom: Power Rangers Time Force
Pairings: past Jen/Alex, past Jen/Wes, otherwise none
Words: 1773
Warnings: None, well general Power Rangers drama
*With Jen*
Jen stared off into the distance as memories washed over her. She smiled faintly as a certain memory danced to the front of her mind.
It was the first time she had met Alex, and although even thinking his name still sent a tinge of pain through her, she still loved remembering the happy times. Like when he helped her, in the beginning. She had just joined the academy and she was a nervous wreck. But he saw in her a potential she didn’t see in herself, and helped guide her through the difficulty that was the academy and allowed her to grow.
Jen let out a small sigh, not sad exactly more wistful. Another memory flooded back to her and she shifted her grip on her helmet.
After a while Alex and her had started dating. Getting onto the same team had been like a dream, even with Alex as her superior officer. She worked hard until her and Alex could stand side by side in strength and reputation. Alex managed to capture the villain Ransik. They both, Alex and her, had attended his trial. And once he was convicted without the threat of Ransik Alex had proposed to Jen, and her accepting without hesitation.
Jen stopped for a second shaking her head, her hands shaking around her helmet even as she gripped it tighter. In her rapid hazy thoughts, she failed to hear the sound of the time portal closing.
Then one day Ransik escaped, they had been waylaid during transport and Ransik had escaped. The team had tried to chase him down but arrived in time to see Ransik shoot down Alex and jump into a time portal. Jen and the rest of the team, Lucas, Trip and Katie followed after him, on the orders of their fallen leader.
Jen let out a shaky breath and reached up to wipe her face, from the tears that had slowly been trailing down.
Meeting Wes had only set off anger in her. The pain of loosing Alex so recently and then having to go to their past and finding someone who looked exactly like her lost love. It unsettled her and upset her.
She took a deep breath, dwelling on the thoughts of how her…friendship…relationship…with Wes started, the journey and path made it an experience she’d never forget. Alex reappearing in the middle of everything didn’t exactly help the matter. Her brain started playing out another memory for her.
Alex appeared in front of them and immediately started reprimanding them for ‘Not following the rules by the book.’ she found herself questioning, did she still love Alex as much as she had? He wasn’t the same person she had fallen for, the carefree, kind and gentle man she had fallen for in the academy had been changed into a bitter and stern man. To a point shed almost call him cruel in his words and actions. But Wes who had shown them all nothing but kindness even if she hadn’t always been the nicest. Alex had immediately taken Wes’s Chrono-morpher back angrily telling him he wasn’t needed, and with his father injured like he was Wes had just left. Dragontron had been a new battle and they knew they were overwhelmed especially with Lucas rebelling against Alex’s harsher leadership. This in turn had led to Katie and Trip to confront Alex and force him to hand over the Chrono-morpher. Wes with the help of Trip, Katie, Lucas, and herself immediately went into battle against him and with Wes working with them it made the battle seem…almost to easy.
She smiled softly as more memories washed over her playing almost like a collage of images in front of her eyes. One memory swam forward and she felt the fear grip her stomach as if it had just happened.
Her fists slammed against the metal and glass of the ship as it took off. Trip was besides her as Lucas and Katie tried to get the ship to stop. Nothing they did seemed to matter. Ransik had attacked, his final battle, and to protect them Wes had locked them in their ship and forced them back to the future. Arriving in their time, the year 3000, they found Alex and all of them demanded that he send them back, that they had to go back to help Wes and Eric. Alex kept denying sending them back, even telling them that Wes ultimately dies in this battle. But that just makes them want to go back even more, and with the time rift over Silver Hills it’d be easy for them to get back. Jen finally makes the last move that ultimately sways Alex to send them back, she gives back his ring. This was the final proof that they’d do anything for their new friends and Alex told them to take Time Force MegaZord, as it was likely the only thing to be able to make the trip.
Jen gave a sigh as the rest of that memory played out not hearing the portal opening behind her.
They got back to the past in time to help Wes and Eric but only barely. Jen managed to lure Ransik away from her injured team, to a warehouse where Ransik immediately attacked who he thought was Jen, only for it to be Nadira. Realized who he had just hot Ransik immediately surrendered, not willing to risk injuring his daughter again. Jen in stunned silence arrested him, still looking at were Nadira was crouching protecting what she could barely make out to be a small baby. After that, things had to move fast, she finally admitted to Wes that she loves him and he returned it! But Jen and the other Time Force Rangers had to return to the future to place Ransik in prison. Jen and Wes shared one kiss they’re first but not last. Jen gave him her Time Force badge before leaving and watched him until they entered the time vortex to go back to their own time.
Jen shook her head; she had been in contact with Wes since then. Not often but she had, she really wished he could be there now. She sighed and shook her head again that wouldn’t be possible not after what happened when she left after hunting down the mut-orgs with the Wild Force Rangers.
She smiled at Wes as he showed up, obviously excited about seeing her. That is until she had told him she had already been there for two weeks. The. He was upset because she hadn’t told him that she was back in his time. He had gripped for a while before finally he just smiled and hugged her; they spent that night cuddled together on the animarium. The next morning, they split up into teams to go find the mut-orgs. After stopping the reaction in the reactor and taking down the remaining mut-orgs, Jen and Alyssa having taken out one already, they all returned to the floating island in the sky for a picnic. The next evening when Trip, Lucas, Katie, Ransik, Nadira and her had to return to the future Wes pulled her aside. He told she meant the world to him, but that he couldn’t handle the long distance. It was to much for him, she understood it would be too much for anyone. They parted nicely but it still stung to think about for her.
She smiled sadly as the memories washing over her started to slow down a bit.
Trip had ended up going back to his own home planet after the mut-org mission, but he kept in touch with his friends and teammates. So, when he got word that the Time Force powers and Morphers were going to be switched out for better powered ones, he knew Jen being an instructor and most attached to her current Morpher would be the one most affected. The others still did cases but less so then Jen. He immediately grabbed Circuit and found a ship that would take him back to earth, reaching where Jen was, he saw her totally out of it. He stood next to her watching the emotions play over her face he could almost tell each memory that she was reliving. He made his decision to go get the others, when he saw a tear trail slowly down her face. In a second, he had a time portal open and had headed to Lucas, the one closest to them in the time stream.
*With Trip ~ back to the top*
Getting to him hadn’t been easy, but convincing him to come get Katie Wes and Eric with him had been easy. Back into the time stream for Katie, they got her and Wes and Eric easily, although the last two did have to make some arrangements before leaving.
*with everyone*
The five of them reappeared behind Jen as she seemed to shake herself out of her memories.
“Hey Jen!” Trip called softly.
His sudden voice surprised her and made her jump and turn around, her eyes going wide as she took in the whole team.
“Hey, what are you all doing here?” Jen asked still a bit stunned to see them there.
“Well, someone.” Lucas paused for a second to point at Trip. “heard about the power refit and came to see you before coming to get us. Said something about you ‘needing friends for support’ although he could have chosen a better time to come get me. The middle of enemy territory not the best time.” Lucas said a small smirk.
Trip rubbed the back of his neck but Katie interrupted him before he could speak.
“At least he didn’t catch you in a…hmm…personal situation.” Katie said good naturedly with a gentle smile.
Trips face darkened scarlet and even Lucas turned a light red.
“Honestly he interrupted a meeting I was happy to leave” Wes said with an easy-going smile.
“Speak for yourself! I was having fun running the newbies through training.” Eric said with a smile of his own.
Jen couldn’t help but laugh as she walked the few steps over to her team, no her friends. They all shared hugs and told stories. Jen knew even with things changing, some things never would. She smiled softly feeling Wes’s arm land on her shoulders. They might not have ended up together for obvious reasons, but she knew he’d always be in her corner, and she in his. The team had become friends and from friendship had born a family that nothing, not even something so minor as 1000 years could break apart.
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shiyoneko · 3 years
[TL Summary] Hanasaki Miyabi Marshmallow Reading (4/8/2021)
Get To Know Hanasaki Miyabi!! I’ll do QnA Marshmallow! [Hanasaki Miyabi/Holostars]
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I reccommend watching the stream too!
He first greets the fans by telling them it’s been cold lately. After a cute head swaying and the usual KonbanMiyabi~, he then mentioned how there are new people who starts watching him lately, or maybe even those who had following him for long, and might not know who he is – for he doesn’t know himself much either, said by him – and he direct this stream for those who wants to know him more deeper.
There are many marshmallows sent to him and he might unable to answer it all.
 ・The mallow sender is very fond of Miyabi’s cuteness; The part of him that shows how good he is at games, the part of him that is nice to his Hanamigumis, the part of him that likes Temma a lot, the part of him that can’t read kanji well… The more they see him from different angle the cuter he looks and they wonder how can he be so cute and what is Miyabi’s own definition of cute.
Miyabi answered with how he doesn’t actually aiming to act cute, he’s just living as he is. He just showed how he actually is. So he concluded that probably he’s probably being cute just by living. He described it with how you usually saw a beautiful flower blooming on the side of the road and thought how cute it is.
Tho, he doesn’t like it if he’s being praised cute too much.
By re-reading what the mallow sender thought of him as cute, he said maybe to this person’s eye, he’ll probably be forgiven for almost anything at this rate; even if he ate his food messily and can’t clean it by himself, or when he got very fat, the sender might just think of it as cute.
Chat: I wouldn’t like messy eating… Miyabi: Yes! That’s how it should be. I think I’ll be a goner if you all don’t get angry for what I did wrong. So you all should get angry to me if I got overboard, okay. I think human is like that.
Comment: Then please don’t mute yourself when you’re sneezing Miyabi: That is one of the only thing I will never do.
Looks like even if we throw him red SC, he won’t change his mind.
 ・The sender wants to know what kind of bag that Miyabi usually use when he go out.
He answered, when he was in elementary school he used a aqua blue and white backpack with a strap of stuffed Disney character doll on the side. After he entered middle school, he felt a little embarrassed wearing it and decided to use a shoulder bag. He sometimes still use shoulder bag until now. And now, for some reason, he goes back to occasionally using the aqua blue and white backpack. He likes how it can hold many goods at once. And what he usually use now is a red, white, and blue colored backpack. And he still bring the same stuffed Disney character doll. He also said he put the Kyomu Suzume keychain too.
His mother had said to him that wouldn’t his age doesn’t suit for him to still hanging around a character doll on a bag, and he replied with “But I like it!!” In the end, his interest is still the same from when he was a kid.
Chat said that dolls has no age limit and he agrees. He also imagines a situation of him meeting someone wearing the same character doll strap and will quietly say in his heart “Ahh, you too huh. That doll is cute, I understand~!” and wouldn’t it be exciting to see someone who brought the same goods as you!
He also imagines a future where people with Holostars goodies glancing at each other’s merchandise and form a conversation of fellow Holostars fans, and said how exciting it will be – tho since Holostars had released their own goods, he find it possible to do even now –
 ・The sender told him about the new Among Us map and wondered if Holostars will play it again.
Miyabi answered this question vaguely by saying he’s preparing for things and told us to wait for it.
  ・The sender has bought food from convenience store a lot lately and wondered about Miyabi’s recommended convenience store items.
Miyabi answered with how he likes and often goes to buy stuff from convenient store. He mentioned how there are many types of convenient store, but the one he goes the most is Seven Eleven. He recommended a section beside the onigiri section, in the French bread section where you can find bread with cream cheese and salmon filling. Tho, he mentioned how it depends on the place whether they stock the same food or not. The next on his recommendation list is salad with pork shabu-shabu, and he also recommended season-limited food and drinks, like zavas cocoa and the likes. He also recommended flank steak. Also microwaveable squid, or those that could be use as side dish like smoked salmon. And spicy dried squid. For the drinks, he recommended cola. He told of normal occurrences he usually had where, despite all of the food and drinks mentioned before, when he reached the cashier he’ll eventually buy more goods and the total price would be over 3K. And after he got home, he’ll eat it all in just a day. Especially if there’s an update to the game he played.
Chat: And this is how you gained 5kg weight… Miyabi: Stop it everyone! It’s supposed to be membership-only secrets!
In the end, he admitted it and said he would like do a diet. He said if there’s a convenient store nearby, Temma will definitely go there too but alas there’s none near his house.
 ・The mallow asked him what does he likes from Temma.
Since it’s embarrassing for him, Miyabi decided to keep the answer in membership-only content. Instead, he told the viewer to ask Temma what does he likes from Miyabi.
 ・The mallow asked what kind of clothing does he usually wear when going outside, and who’s the most stylish out of all Holostars members
Miyabi said he often wears parker and mentioned how he likes checkered pattern. His pants and shirts are mostly checkered. (Tho, not all full-checkered) He also used to wear jeans, but the jeans he bought last year no longer fit him and realized that he’s gaining weight. As for the stylish member, he mentioned Astel is a stylish one. He also mentioned Shien is also stylish, but both Astel’s and Shien’s style are different kind of stylish. Aru-san’s is just Aru-san-like. He doesn’t know much about Temma’s yet, since the two rarely met offline. Miyabi said how Shien’s style is able to bring out his personality with a sense of adultness and not too eye-catching. The other day when they both went out, Miyabi saw the sneaker Shien was wearing and it was white-purple, and he felt a strong Kageyama Shien-ness from it. In the end, he keep glaring at Shien’s shoe. Miyabi said he likes shoes. When he wanted to ask Shien where did he bought the shoe so he can bought the red-yellow one, chat told him that it was a birthday gift from his fans. When chat asked about shoe size, he refused to tell it since he doesn’t want people get surprised if they knew his shoe size is bigger or smaller than what they imagined.
To conclude the answer about what does he wear when he goes out, normally he doesn’t go out much either so there’s not much of it. He mentioned that he has about another 9 of the same white shirt he’s wearing right now and regularly changed it based on time and circumstances (refers to his 2D model, not his rl shirt)
Chat suggested him to buy outfits online. Miyabi said that if he were to buy clothing, especially shoes, online we can’t measure out the size for our size. Shoe size can also change depends on the maker/designer. He doesn’t do online shopping unless for things he really wanted.
He likes Nikes. When he was gonna search for a particular item, he didn’t realized his browser was on the stream screen. He panicked and quickly closed it, and said that now everyone knows he usually uses Yahoo search engine.
 ・The mallow asked about is his character setting of not being able to be 18 is the same being forever 17
Miyabi said it’s a very important question. If he told about it, he might be erased from this world. He leave to viewer’s own imagination.
 ・The mallow asked does he likes chocolate mint or not. Miyabi: Now then, question! Does Hanasaki Miyabi likes chocolate mint or not!
*drums roll*
Miyabi: The correct answer is………………………..I really really like it!
When he goes to Baskin Robbins, he usually orders chocolate mint too. Chat: Then, that means I need to fight Miyabi Miyabi: Why?! I don’t want a fight. Will this be a world-scale war?
Some chats said that they really hate chocolate mint, and Miyabi said that it’s not nice to bluntly said show your hate, especially if they’ve never tasted it before. Chat linked it with coriander (teasing about Miyabi’s curry topping stream) and Miyabi said coriander gave him another different punch that sent him straight into a temple. When chat said that he will someday conquer coriander too, he’ll maybe try going into temple and eat it there to see if he can do it. Or other alternatives of eating stuff based on coriander and not eating it straight as a topping, just like there are people who didn’t like the actual tomato but are fond of tomato sauce.
Chat: I’ll be waiting for the coriander picnic at temple Miyabi: I need to search for temples that can support streaming first then ww
 ・This marshmallow asked what words he usually use when he does egosa.
Miyabi checked his recent search bar in twitter and mentioned みやびくん (Miyabi-kun),  ゆるすた(Yurustars), 花岸 (Hanakishi), ホロスタ(Holostars), 花咲みやび (Hanasaki Miyabi), 花咲の森 (Hanasaki Forest), 住人スタンプ (Hanasaki Forest’s Residents Stamp), 花見組 (Hanamigumi), モンハン (Monster Hunter), モモコブロッサム(Momoko Blossom).
When he checked the Momoko Blossom word, his eyes fell upon a fanart that depicts Momoko Blossom gijinka and showed it on stream. He said its really really cute and showed his Miyabi-ness, especially the ribbon part. He decided to RT and liked it. He also wanted to see more gijinka of other forest residents too. Miyabi mentioned that he always like gijinkas. He showed another cute fanart on stream and thanked the author.
 ・The mallow asked whether Miyabi is a streamer that tends to remember his fans or not.
Miyabi said that he quickly forget people’s names, but if the person came to his stream a lot and commented, he’ll tend to remember them. Also people who mutter on Twitter a lot, draws fanart, and other stuff. If he see a new name on his stream he will know that they’re newcomers too. He encouraged people to comment more during his streams so he can remember their names.
Chat also mentioned that they usually remember other viewers’ names.
 ・The next mallow: I love you, Miyabi
  What did you eat for dinner yesterday?
Miyabi answered that he ate Jiro Instant Ramen at 3 am, but he can’t remember what he ate for dinner. He’s able to remember Jiro Ramen because it left a huge guilty feeling in him for eating it at midnight and could possibly make him gain more weight, especially he’ll sleep after that. Miyabi mentioned that Jiro Ramen also has vegetables in it. A chat said that sleeping after you fill your tummy is the best and Miyabi agrees. Apparently he drinks all the soup too and is guilty for adding up more fat for him to burn.
A chat recommended him to store the soup for the next day and then add rice and eggs on it, and said it’s enough for 2 portions. Miyabi said it’s a great idea and will try it next time.
 ・The next mallow asked is it annoying to send a letter to him every month.
Miyabi answered not at all, in fact he wants fans to send him one every day. Chat said that the letters are most probably gonna be compiled and sent at the same day. Imagining that, Miyabi becomes a bit scared. A chat asked whether the content of the letter will be checked by management before it reached him, and he answered yes. So there are instances that if management finds the letter dangerous, they might block the sender. Temma and Shien had told him about how great season-based letters are and Miyabi agrees. He mentioned that his letter will be compiled in the office and sent to him once every 3-4 months. He said that the last time he received his new batch of letters is a week or two weeks ago (judging from this stream’s date, it’s probably about April 1st or March 25th) and the letters he received that time were new year greetings. And so, if fans wanted to send regular letters, he suggested sending it every 3-4 months. He mentioned that his, along with Holostars, will have 2nd anniversary soon and he said he will receive a batch of letters that time too.
 ・Next mallow asked him about foods he recently hooked into.
Miyabi answered that lately he’s been buying soy milk. When couldn’t finish all the milk, he’ll put them in dishes like hamburg and annin tofu. He’s been trying to make soy milk-based dishes. A chat asked what does soy milk taste like, and Miyabi described it as tofu being squished and mixed with a bit of sugar. He also said soy milk hot pot is great. It’s a hot pot with a soup of soy milk with consommé, with chicken breast meat and Chinese cabbage put in it, also put a bit(?) of cheese in it and it’ll be super delicious. He reminded us that we shouldn’t put too much cheese for such a healthy dish. He said he’s been trying to cook by himself lately and made omurice, tho the dish he’s good at making right now is still instant cup ramen. He really likes cheese and would put them into hot pots, mentioned how it’ll taste great with tomato hot pot. He tried to not do that too much, thought.
He shared a story of where he tried experimenting what ingredientsb suits pasta more to his liking, and found out about ochazuke-no-moto pasta recipe. He claimed it as delicious and everyone should try it too. After you boil the pasta and drain the water, you put it in ochazuke-no-moto soup and warm it. It’s also cheap. He said he made it a lot when he was in middle school, but not recently.
 ・The next mallow asked about Miyabi’s first impression on other Holostars members, like their fashion impression. They also wanted to know Miyabi’s fashion as well.
Miyabi said that the first Holostars member he had met offline was Roberu. He described his first impression on Roberu as… still Roberu. When he was alone waiting for everyone while looking at his phone, Roberu suddenly greeted him with his usual tone, while Miyabi was all surprised and greeted politely. The next member he met was Rikka and Aru-san. He described Aru-san as… still Aru-san. His character model wear a pretty uniform-like clothing, but the offline Aru-san he saw wore a more free style clothes and Miyabi thought “So Aru-san can dress like this too.” He also wore masks and glasses and to Miyabi it was a bit scary and didn’t believe it was Aru-san at first ww Rikka’s is just Rikka. The next members he met is Astel. Miyabi said he was scared when meeting him at first “This is… the aura of an extrovert! This is bad!” Miyabi’s introvert radar rang danger signs ww But after Miyabi talked a bit with him, he realized Astel is stil Astel. On the way home, he got on the same train as Astel and talked about the future for a bit until they both reached their own destination. The next member is Shiepi. He said he likes Shiepi the most. They both likes the same thing and able to talk about the hobby, and Miyabi could talk with Shien more easily. He could feel more calmer when he was talking and being beside Shiepi. The last members he met are Izuru, Temma, and Oga. Miyabi described Izuru as the one who is much kinder and calmer than others. Mentioned how Astel Izuru are usually loud when they stream together, but offline Izuru is very quiet, he’s like a cat. Sometimes Izuru whispered to him that the town is scary, and Miyabi finds it cute. Miyabi said his walking pace is fairly slow, Izuru would sometimes turn at him and asked if he’s tired. Even after Miyabi told him to go on ahead, Izuru adjust his pace and walk along with Miyabi. It is a surprising side to him. As for Oga, Miyabi described him as someone who has big bro energy. His build is big too, but despite that he keeps tries to keep talking in a friendly matter to Miyabi, and is very kind. The last is Temma, but he doesn’t really understand him yet. When he first met him offline, Temma was very nervous and he couldn’t talk much with him. Miyabi mentioned that he met offline with the others are not personal, and was actually a Holostars offline meeting, so he didn’t have much time alone with Temma to understand him further. When he glanced at Temma, he always looked like his gaze was heading towards somewhere far away. He was shaking in the corner. Miyabi tried talking to him, but both of them were very nervous. Next time Holostars do an offline meeting again, Miyabi is determined to properly talk to him.
 ・The next mallow asked where would he go when Miyabi and Temma went outside together.
Miyabi said it’s probably restaurants and such. Mentioned that the only personal offline meeting experience he had was with Astel and Shien when they go to Disney together, and the only member that he met offline just the two of them is only Shien, watched the new Fate: Grand Order movie. With Temma, both are probably will be too nervous to talk to each other and made it awkward, so they’ll bring a third-party, Aru-san to come with them and have lunch together. He said it’ll be much more easier to talk if there’s more people.
 ・The next mallow asked Miyabi to beg cutely so the sender could give him pocket money and spoil him more and more.
He has a side of losing interest of doing something when he were told to do it, so he apologized that he won’t do it. He do likes and wants money but directly asking for it to his viewers felt wrong, so:
Miyabi: …Give me money, please. Ww
Chat: *Superchats Shower
Miyabi thanked all of the superchats and said he’ll use it as funds for Hanasaki Forest.
 ・The mallow sender noticed that there’s many bird-like creature in Hanasaki Forest and asked what kind of bird does Miyabi likes
Miyabi answered with bird thight, bird liver, bird skin, bird wings, parts of birds that could be eaten. Was surprised that they weren’t talking about birds to eat, but living birds in general ww
He said that a warbler has been living nearby his house and he often heard it’s chirps, and start liking warbler. He also likes penguin, chicks, and sparrow. He likes cool-looking birds like eagle and owl. He mentioned that when he was still in elementary school, he kept a pretty big peacock. It was gone when he graduated. He wanted to try eating a big fried egg using ostrich eggs and wondered how many servings he could make with just using one egg.
 ・Next mallow sender noticed how Miyabi chooses his word carefully in minds of the person he talked to and could sense kindness from it and is awed by it. They asked whether that kindness of him is just natural or he tried to be as careful as possible when talking to people, and said they wanted to communicate to people as kind as him.
Miyabi said that it could be coming naturally from him, but there’s one point in his life that made scared of people to the point he couldn’t go outside of his home. That made him developed a personality that tries to observe the person he’s talking and finds out what could possibly make this person happy and sad and angry, and tries to blend in with the people around him. He don’t know if this could be called kindness, since all he wants to do is get along with everyone and don’t want any fights. He has confident that he can befriend newcomers easily with this trait and he might be the best to read the room. He said by being afraid of people and observing them that probably we could get less fearful of them.
But because of this, he also said that collabing with Holostars members are quiet difficult. But he decided that it’s fine for him and thought that it’s one of the good part of Holostars.
 ・The next mallow mentioned that Miyabi always changed his (L2D) outfit not bounded by the current season and asked if there’s any particular reason when he wanted to change outfit, or is it just depends on his mood.
Miyabi said that he didn’t think much of it. He decided on the spot what kind of outfit he’ll use before stream starts. Tho there are times where he wanted to fit his outfit with the theme of his stream, like marshmallow reading such as this might draws in more new viewers who is curious of him so he want to wear his default outfit, or when he plays horror games he’ll use casual clothing like his summer outfit to give a feeling that he’s playing at home.
That was the last mallow! He said that it’s still not enough and he plans to do more at a later date. There are still many mysteries of him that he himself still doesn’t know too. For those who want to know more of Hanasaki Miyabi’s charm, he encouraged you to watch his streams more.
 Thank you for reading~
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the-space-lady · 4 years
I think it is time to say Goodbye.
Hello! Mod here, Tataia. I’ve come to make an announcement about the-space-lady and edgy-frenchman.
From this day on, I will not be updating these blogs anymore. I will be closing the inbox and delete all unanswered asks.
Don’t worry! They will still be up, you can come back to look through everything as many times as you’d like, but don’t expect any new posts in either blogs.
Now, we all know already that these blogs have been on an never ending hiatus, and it showed no signs of updating regularly like back in the day. So, let’s have a little (okay, kind of long) chat, about how this blog came to life, and how I am happy and thankful with everything that came from it.
Feel free to not read this at all, because it is kind of a long read.
If you have any questions, please send an ask to my main blog, @tataiafurquim​, and follow my twitter where I’m the most active, also going by the same username.
Three years ago, 2017, for the first time in the Brawlhalla history, there was a new legend leak! It was a picture taken with a phone of a monitor screen which showed the character selection screen in Brawlhalla, of the next legend in the default pose (the one that every legend has before getting their signature poses once they’re released); that was the first time everyone saw Artemis. BMG didn’t even announce her on dev streams by that point. The picture was shared in the r/Brawlhalla discord server, and, Calamari-Pop herself had tagged me to see it in one of the text channels, saying, ‘look! female Orion!’. Since I started playing the game, I’ve always been an Orion main, and once I saw Artemis for the first time, I felt like it was love at first sight.
I was instantly hyped for the character, while most people were complaining that ‘BMG had run out of ideas for new legends’, I couldn’t wait for her release, she was so beautiful, I never felt so hyped for something like I did for Artemis. I was probably the first person to make fanart for her and post it on r/Brawlhalla. People’s opinions on Artemis were very 50/50. People didn’t like her because ‘it’s just female Orion’, others genuinely liked her, and were excited to play with the next scythe legend.
I didn’t have many friends at the time who were into Brawlhalla, so for me the hype was kept mainly to myself, and of course, through my art. The picture we had of Artemis was very poor quality, so a lot of early art was missing a lot of details, but I didn’t care; I just kept drawing the only thing that was bringing me happiness.
I was a 14 year old when all of this happened, school was being very rough on me, back in the day I used to struggle so much to study, it was a pain to focus and learn, I’d always give up and go back to video games and art. My grades were horrible, I felt like my personal friendships were kind of faling apart, and so with my family. The only light at the end of the tunnel I had at the time, was the idea of making an ask blog for Artemis.
At first, I was skeptical. What if it flops? The Brawlhalla community wasn’t very active in other social medias, it was small, but everyone was close and if something big was announced, the word would spread fast. I mean, it was worth a short. Worse comes to worse, I delete the blog and move on. Ask blogs weren’t as popular as they were either.
I had claimed the URL even before Artemis was announced in a dev stream, so the blog was ready to go. I remember waiting a little more than a month when the patch of her release was finally online, and I did my move of announcing the blog in every social media I could, and so I waited for the community to show up.
And they didn’t stop coming! It was ask after ask, I was so happy, this little blog was my escape from the real world. Answering people as Artemis was honestly the most fun I was having during that year. And I could also draw her as much as I’d like! The blog was growing, and so was my audience of people who was genuinely following me for my regular art. Even when I was grounded because I did bad on a test, I still answered people with drawings made on paper.
Needless to say, this blog was definitely, a start for me in the Brawlhalla community. “Are you the person who draws a lot of Artemis?” “Yep! That’s me!” It was great, I felt like I was finally becoming someone somewhat important in a community like I always wished to, drawing what I loved, and people loved it. I even met my soon-to-be boyfriend through it!
But of course, that didn’t stop what was happening outside of the computer screen. Things were going even more downhill the more I focused on the internet and forgot about real life. It was helpless; there was no way I was passing that school year, I’d have to repeat it. My parents had decided that maybe one of the issues was that, my old school, was one of those schools that go really hard on the students, and that was not my place. So, the next year, 2018, I changed schools for the first time.
I’ve always had really bad anxiety. On the first day in the new school, you know what I did? I drew Artemis. What a surprise to nobody, but for me, this was my moment of realization, that this space lady from a fighting game, was my comfort character. This possibly canonically evil woman who wants to kill my main because of some fucked up shit he did in the past, was my comfort character. I was depressed? I drew Artemis. I was happy? I drew Artemis. I was extremely pissed off?? You guessed it! I drew Artemis! It is likely that a lot of pieces I made of her that I’ve posted online, were created from strong emotions I had while I drew it. There’s a lot that I didn’t even post either.
In 2018 I was still updating the blog, but I was also focusing a lot more on school. I was managing to get good grades, I made new friends, had new experiences, and my relationship with my family was getting better. Of course every year has its ups and downs, but overall, the important part, was finally being taken care of; I passed the school year, and then I passed again, and I passed again! I have just one more year to go, and hopefully, in 2021 I’ll be done.
Setting that aside, as the blog grew, my audience online did so too. My art improved, I’ve become, for the lack of a better word, an important member in the community. A lot of people have seen my art, and some of them probably don’t even follow me!
Today, I am a Brawlhalla Partner, I have a wonderful boyfriend, incredible friends, an amazing relationship with my family, and I am now hoping for a bright future of work ahead of me, and it was all thanks to this ask blog of a fictional character who I deeply loved. I would have never made it where I am today without Artemis, without Brawlhalla, without all of you. I could ever be thankful, and all I can give you all is more fanart of this amazing game that has completely changed my life, and with how Brawlhalla has been growing? Keep an eye on this one, it’s gonna get big.
Thank you so much everyone who has supported me over the years, and followed me more than just Artemis content. The updates on the blog have stopped because I’ve been focusing on other things. trying out new stuff and focusing on myself to become a better person and artist, creating my own stories with original characters, which I’m excited to share with all of you.
Anyway, take care, whoever read this far <3 Hopefully 2021 will be a better year for everyone.
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this isn’t a malicious ask, but i’m just genuinely curious what your take on crankiplier is when you take into consideration that
1) ethan has given his fans explicit permission to ship him with people and write fanfiction as long as they don’t harass him with it
2) mark has reblogged a piece of crankiplier fanart
3) they’ve flirted or interacted in a way suggesting they’re attracted to each other purposefully for the fandom’s response,
exhibit a) when they called one of their bits “queerbaiting for charity” (mark petting ethan + calling him a good boy + feeding him fruit snacks + eskimo kissing for donations on a charity stream)
exhibit b) mark saying he thought about kissing ethan onstage during tour (i assume because the fangirls would’ve gone nuts)
exhibit c) in general, knowing that jokes about getting married, dating, implying a sexual relationship, etc. would cause fan speculation but proceeding to include them in videos regardless
i’m not big on shipping real people either, and we should all certainly do our best to keep that part of the fandom low-key, but like. the circumstances here are much different than septiplier. i wouldn’t shame anyone for this one
Ok so as I said, I’ll try to address each of your points. Thank you for being willing to talk with me, I hope you’ll take into consideration the points I’m going to make. 
1) I’ve seen those posts, and while it is true that Ethan has said these things, it was (correct me if I’m wrong) a while ago and his position on this may have changed since then. I know that isn’t a real convincing point, but you also have to agree that Ethan in particular is generally very permissive towards his fandom. But his permissiveness should not be taken as a free pass to ship him whenever you want. If a parent says you can go out with friends, that doesn’t mean you can go to Junkie Jimmy’s house party. Just because you have been given permission to do something doesn’t mean it’s a good idea, or that you should.
2) Again, correct me if I’m wrong (because I haven’t seen the post), but a lot of ship fanart (especially controversial ship fanart) tends to be pretty ambiguous due to the nature of shipping. Unless said fanart was undeniably ship art, it’s very possible that Mark simply saw a cool piece of fanart and decided to reblog it without checking the context of it. If anyone knows what post this is, please tell me so I can figure out if that might have been the case.
3) This is probably the biggest point I’m going to make here, so I’m going to put it in bold. It’s never ok to ‘speculate’ on real people’s lives with regard to their interpersonal relationships. Ever. Full stop. It is not the job of content creators to tailor their content to leave out parts that would ‘cause fan speculation’. They’re real people, not characters whose every interaction is available for debate. They’re not ‘suggesting’ anything. They’re just people who live their lives and are comfortable in their friendship with each other. People do that. And it’s not the job of anyone who doesn’t know them to decide their relationship. You don’t know them. None of the shippers here or anywhere else know them. And using them for your own fulfillment, sexualizing them into lovey-dovey caricatures of themselves, is truly and simply morally repugnant. 
Your points rely on suggesting that Mark and Ethan are purposely ‘riling up’ the fanbase by making content that ‘suggests’ crankiplier, but the truth is that either a. it’s a joke between friends (your own friends probably mess around with each other in the same way. I know mine sure do) or b. the shippers are reading way too far into simple interaction.
I’m not trying to be a stickler about these things, but when it comes to real people shipping, it’s not about saying ‘ohh you can’t ship that’ just because you can. I’m not saying it just to ruin anyone’s fun, or to be ableist towards people with hyperfixations (I have ADHD. I know neurodivergent people can still be ableist, but that’s beside the point), or anything like that. I’m against crankiplier, and all rpf ships, because they rely on sexualizing and purposely misconstruing interactions between people. Real people, with lives, and thoughts, and relationships with their loved ones. Real people with boundaries that must be respected. 
And it’s no coincidence that most of these ships tend to be mlm. It’s a symptom of toxic masculinity that people can look at a healthy friendship between two men and say ‘they can’t be that close without being gay’. It’s not your place to interpret that. 
So here’s my message to rpf shippers: leave them alone. Ironically, by being gross about their relationships, you only drive these people farther apart because they begin to believe that anything they do will be sexualized by shippers. I saw it happen 4 years ago. It can, and will, happen again.
To those with hyperfixations: I hear you. I was there, once. I learned to change my trajectory a little bit to focus only on fictional characters (by zealously reading YA novels about dragons. If it works, it works.). I know that’s waaaay easier said than done, but if you make a real commitment to yourself, you can find a way. And maybe, in a few months, your old ships won’t be so enticing anymore.
And to those who choose to harass and send death threats, on either side of the argument: stop. You’re not helping anyone. One day, the fandom will come together and say that there is no place for rpf shipping here. But every aggressive comment pushes us farther apart. 
I know this sounds ironic, coming from me, but I don’t have any hate towards those who rpf ship. You are not a bad person. What you are participating in, however, is ethically wrong. You must know that. The only people in this entire circumstance that I harbor any ill will towards are the people who continue to insist that rpf shipping is right. That somehow they, as fans, get to ‘speculate’ on the relationships between others. They who continue to show disrespect towards the very content creators they claim to support so much. And I refuse to support that.
Thank you for sending this ask and allowing me to elaborate on my stance on these things. I know this is unlikely to change anyone’s minds about it, but it’s all worth it if even one person can realize that they’re supporting something they shouldn’t be supporting. And to those people: it’s ok. Trust me, we’ve all been there.
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autumn-foxfire · 4 years
The thing i noticed when i look at dabihawks fanart n read through your expiriences with the meta part of the fandom is that a lot of people seem to lean on dabi side of the dabihawks conflict. Like its hawks who has to make changes to earn dabi. Its hawks whos turned it a villain, its hawks who forgives or even thanks dabi for what he did. Actually i dont think ive ever seen art ro read a fic (but to be fair im extremly selective in fic reading) where dabi is the one to apologise and try to earn hawks
N i think this sorta makes sense because for a lot of dabihawks shippers, dabi is probably their favorite out of the two. That also makes sense cuz hes been around longer n has appealing design so it makes sense that people would try and fit hawks around dabis narrative instead of vice versa. They find dabi more likable n more interesting so its his side they want to explore.
I feel that this is completely different for me because hawks is my no 1 best boy. Like before hawks bnha was the kind of show where i would say 'oh i like the characters but none of them are mine fav' like id say shouto, shinsou or jirou were my favs mostly based on aesthetics or recognizing pieces i usually like in characters in them, but those pieces never being strong enough for me to say this is my fav bnha character like id say izaya is my favorite durarara character or ranpo is my favorite bungo stray dogs character. And then bam. Bird Time. Like when i first saw hawks i think the most i thought was 'damn thats a cool design' but as we got more of him he very quickly became the character i loved most and wanted to see more off.
Dabi on the other hand i was never really interested in. Like he was cool n all but overall i didnt really care for him until the touya theory dropped and until dabihawks. For me hes perfectly fine, i dont dislike him or anything but i like him most when hes involved with other characters i like, like Todorokis n Hawks. Like even now after a good while on Dabihawks juice id still stay hes not my fav villain. That would probably be Toga, Geten (as little as we get of him) and honestly mr compress just for being an evil magician i need more mr compress
So the fact that hawks is my fav means that unlike ppl whos fav is dabi i focus more on how can dabi earn hawks. How can dabi get better, would he ask for help, would he quit villainy, would he apologize. And most importantly would hawks accept him back.
Makes me feel like amongst dabihawks shippers theres simply two different streams that would probably get annoyed by each others content n feel like the other is spoiling their fav character.
Like i sure as fuck get annoyed when artists i follow for dabihawks start talking about how hawks should have been a villain n how hawks is actually an evil murderer while the league has a point n is poiting out that the heroes will save only those who dont fight back. No really thats a take i heard, lets just forget muscular, mustard, moonfish, gentle, the yakuza and ALL FOR FUCKING ONE who were all arrested perfectly fine without fighting back. But of course these people dont mean saved as in arrested, forced to rexamin their own behavior and work to be better people, they mean saved as in i want my favs to be coddled and patted on the back and instantly forgiven and even told they were right all along and they are the most special a good. Geeze
I fuckin went off subject so hard this is less of an ask n more of a rant now. The only good thing about seeing all those bad takes is that every time i see one my motivation to write a dabihawks story where dabi faces concequences, and they actually have to hash the whole villain hero ideologies thing out, grows stronger
...I’m sorry, I wanted to answer this sooner but wanted to get the smaller asks out of the way first T-T
But yes! That’s been my experience when it comes to Dabihawks as well. Not many people focus on Hawks side of the conflict and instead tend to make him the agressor in the relationship when they want conflict (it always tends to be Hawks who upsets Dabi for example, or Hawks will say something insensitive towards Dabi or do something that upsets Dabi). Not many people treat them as a pair, they just tend to focus on the Dabi angst more then the Hawks angst or angst experienced by the both of them (I like to call that the Dabias and many people suffer from it in the Dabihawks shipping fandom I’ve found).
I like reading stories like this too, from time to time, but I’m just tired of all the stories or comics or fan art being Hawks the bad person in the relationship with him having to apologise and make it up to Dabi. Especially when in canon it’s Dabi that has treated Hawks pretty terribly (he almost got him killed by lying to him about when he was going to release High End and he almost killed him during the raid, meanwhile Hawks hasn’t anything as horrible towards Dabi except hold him at knife point but that was more for his own protection then to threaten Dabi).
I feel like I’m just bitching because people don’t wrote fanfiction to my specifications but you’d be grumpy too if your favourite character always gets the short end of the stick in work that is supposed to be about the pair of them being a couple.
Also don’t get me started on the stories that make Hawks “see the light” and join Dabi’s side after he maimed him, some even going far as to have him thank Dabi for what he did. It just reeks of the Dabias and I absolutely hate. Let Hawks experience trauma you cowards, especially trauma that we know was caused by the hands of dear old Dabi.
I wish more work would try to reform Dabi as a person instead of having Hawks become a villain (especially because works that usually have Hawks become a villain tend to ignore the horrifying plans the League want to commit or acknowledged them but fool themselves into thinking Hawks would actually be down for all the BS). I think it’s more interesting to see a bad person try to change, it’s why I’ve enjoyed Endeavor’s character arc despite not liking him as a character. Like sure, I don’t mind bastardization arcs too but they have to be done with character I can see it happening too and Hawks isn’t that type of person.
(In fact it’s such an interesting source of conflict that Dabi and Hawks are very resolved people. They’re not likely to change their ways for anything but I don’t really see people explore that even though it’s the perfect source for angst).
I’m so tired of villain stans who wanted Hawks to become evil (and then wanted him to validate their murder favs). I want more stories where Hawks puts his foot down and Dabi realises he wants to be a better person for him (it’s in those stories I could actually see him bonding with his family again too because right now Dabi is a man with no qualms with breaking his family apart for his revenge).
I just wished more people would let Dabi face the consequences of his actions too. Like if you’re going to make Hawks suffer for what he did (even though I roll my eyes at the thought) then Dabi who has done much worse should be suffering ten times over.
Make it make sense.
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stillebesat · 5 years
White Lies (2/5)
Sanders Sides: Deceit, Virgil, Logan, Roman, Patton Sequel to Little Lies Blurb: Deceit has been stuck in his ‘role’ as Dilyn for almost a year now. It’s about time he changed that. Fic Type: Hurt/Comfort, Tiny!Sides Inspiration: From @yay-cats9‘s wonderful Fanart she did for Little Lies. <3 Again thank you for the artwork! I love it! Overall Fic Warnings: Deceit, Negative Self Talk, Panic/Anxiety Attacks 
To Catch Up: Chapter 1
Such a child. 
Dilyn rested his head against his knees, pressing his burning eyes against the soft fabric of the circus tent of a cape, breath hitching no matter how hard he tried to gain control of himself.
Such a fool.
Fresh tears welled, running down his cheeks as he sniffed, rubbing mucus all over his grown up uniform, shivering in the darkness. 
He’d been an idiot to believe--believe that wishing on a stupid star of Roey’s making would--would change him back. 
Some Gatekeeper, unable to tell your truths from your lies. 
And hadn’t wishing on a fake star been one of the bigger lies he’d told to the others when they were younger? 
Dilyn hunched his shoulders. He’d been a child too long. Been caught up in the act. Been--been believing that a stupid little wish would--would--
Thomas doesn’t need Deceit. That’s a Fact. 
A soft whimper left his lips as he curled up tighter. He would--would need to head back inside soon. Get---get back to bed like--like the good Dilyn was supposed to be. Not Le--let--the others--th-they couldn’t kno-know that he’d--tried--tried this stupid wishing thing. He shouldn’t--
“Dilyn?” A familiar voice asked in a low tone. “What are you doing--” 
Dilyn stiffened. Virgil. How long had he been up here?! He couldn’t see him like this!
He grabbed at the air in a knee jerk reaction to silence Anxiety. To get him to--
It doesn’t work for them. 
Dilyn dropped his hand before finishing the gesture, his heart dropping into the pit of his stomach.
He hadn’t been able to silence the Big Four since--since---
Dilyn whimpered, squeezing his eyes shut.
Some Gatekeeper. 
There had been a time when the barest hint of being willing to silence him would have sent Annie fleeing from Deceit’s presence. 
Some Gatekeeper. 
Dilyn choked back another sob, burying his head deeper into the folds of his cape. Those days were long gone. Annie rarely cowered since he’d joined the Light Sides. Since he’d been accepted by Thomas.
Thomas will never accept you.
You’ll be a child forever. 
He tensed as Virgil sat down next to him. Why was he still here? Annie didn’t care about him. He only went along with disguising himself as Deceit in order to protect Thomas from the Others. He should be back downstairs celebrating the New Year with Roey, Morey, and Logie. 
He should be celebrating that Deceit wasn’t there to terrorize and ruin the night. Ruin another year. 
“You remember when we used to come up here as kids?” Annie asked as the banging of pots and pans below finally faded away. 
Dilyn’s breath hitched, his fingers digging into the tent that was his cape. “No.” He lied, gritting his teeth to keep himself from saying more. If he didn’t talk to Annie then he would have no reason to stay and would leave him alone. 
Virgil scoffed, tapped his fingers against the boards. “I’m surprised.” He remarked. “You were the one who brought me up here when we were…what? Five?” 
Five? No. He’d tried to do so back then, but Annie had been far too entrenched in the subconscious to convince him that year. “Six.” He whispered. 
It had been a nightmare getting the darkling up here. Each step had taken an eternity to take because Anxiety had been convinced that every shifting shadow was one of the Big Three descending on them to banish them back into the subconscious away from Happy Little Thomas. 
“That was the first year I saw Creativity’s Star.” Virgil shifted, his arm brushing Dilyn’s as he settled more comfortably against the bars of the balcony. “You told me that if we wished hard enough, whatever we wished for would come true.”  
Such Naivety.
Dilyn sniffed, rubbing his nose against his cape as he reluctantly lifted his head, resting his chin on his knees as he watched the last sparks of the star vanish. “I lied.” He whispered. Because that was what he--what Deceit did. Lied. Again and again and again. Telling the others what they wanted to hear, telling them what would give them hope because he too had been foolish enough to believe that they wouldn’t always be in the dark. Always be in the subconscious. 
He knew better now. 
Annie huffed a laugh, his tense shoulders relaxing as he slid down the banister, his head now more on level with Dilyn’s. “I don’t think you did. At least not as much back then. I mean, you wished on it too.” 
It didn’t work back then either. 
Dilyn choked on a sob, scrubbing roughly at his eyes. He’d known better back then, why had he--
Some Gatekeeper.
He’d been little too long, gotten sucked into the delusions children easily believed. “Imma fool. Wishes no come true.” 
“Not all of them no.” Annie looked down, fiddling with the strings of his hoodie. “And the ones that do...don’t always…” He licked his lips, shrugging a shoulder. “...they don’t come true when we want them to, but when the time is right.” 
When the time was right? When the time was RIGHT? He vividly remembered telling that same stupid sentiment to Annie right before he’d left them for the light sides. And now Annie, no now ANXIETY of all people had used those words to defy Deceit. To leave despite Deceit’s strong argument otherwise. And it had worked for him. It had WORKED and---not--not---
You’ll never be liked by Thomas. Admit it. He hates you. You’re no Virgil. You don’t get redemption. You get to be a freaking CHILD. 
“NEVER.” Dilyn practically spat the word, tearing his too large hat off his head and flinging it at the balcony door. 
Thomas will NEVER like you.
You failed.
Some Gatekeeper. 
His eyes burned as fresh tears streamed down his cheek. “Never. NEVER. NEVER COMES TRUE! IT NEVER--” 
Dilyn turned shoving his face into Virgil’s side, unable to keep it together anymore, he sobbed harder, clinging to Annie’s hoodie like the helpless pathetic child he was. “Nevernevernever.” “Whoa--whoa. Hey.” Annie wrapped an arm around him, holding him close. “Dee--” 
“It’s Dilyn.” He bitterly corrected. He would always be Dilyn. He was nothing else to Thomas now. Not after a year! “Deceit’s gone. Powers bye bye. All unwant--”
Virgil inhaled sharply, holding Dilyn closer. “You’re lying.” 
Dilyn growled, shoving away from Annie’s side. “I STILL SMALL!” He yelled, pushing to his feet, gesturing at himself. “I HERE A YEAR, VEE AND I STILL SMALL. TOMMY DOESN’T WANT ME. DOESN’T NEED ME.” He glared at Virgil, stomping his foot. “HOW IS THAT.” His voice cracked. “LYING?!”
“Hey.” Vee sat up, pulling him back into a tight hug, rocking him back and forth “Hey. No. Dee. No. It’s not like that.”
How could he believe that? HOW? 
Dilyn whimpered, digging his fingers into Virgil’s jacket, shivering as the wind picked up, easily sending a cool gust through his oversized clothes. “Tis too.”
“It’s not. You don’t think….” Vee exhaled, rubbing his back. “That me wishing the same stupid wish every year was...pointless? You don’t think after ten years I had stopped believing Thomas would ever accept me? That all my work was for nothing?”
But it hadn’t been. Virgil had been accepted. His stupid wish had come true. 
He’s better than you. Of course it would come true. Thomas likes him. 
Vee, squeezed him, running his fingers through his hair. “Your wishing isn’t pointless. You will be yourself again, Dee. You’ll...grow up. Thomas will...will learn to--”
Learn to what?
Get rid of you. That’s what. Thomas doesn’t need Deceit anymore.
 The lump in his throat grew bigger. Dilyn pressed his face harder into the hoodie. “He loves me.” He choked out.
“He hated me too.” Virgil said softly. “You know that.” 
Yah. So? 
“But look how that’s changed in the past year.” 
Dilyn huffed a bitter laugh, curling up in Vee’s lap. Sure. Annie had changed a lot. Revealing his name, upgrading his clothes, changing the Big Three into the Big Four with the others accepting him as necessary to Thomas’s functions. But that was different. “That...you.” He whispered. “You...liked. All Tommy’s fans like you.” He’d seen the feedback in the videos. Seen the fans wanting Virgil to be loved by the others. The fans had loved Anxiety from the very beginning. While Deceit--Deceit--had-- “I’m...I just…” He raised a hand to his scaled cheek.
What more did you expect from a Dark Side?
Only pure evil would pretend to be Morality.
You’ll never be liked by them.
They hate you.
They always will.
Virgil pressed his warmer hand against Dilyn’s, rubbing his thumb gently against his scales. “You’re doing what I did when I first showed up.” He said. “Making a bad first impression. Thomas will come around. More of his fans will come around. I mean...you’ve convinced us as Dilyn that you’re not that bad of a guy. It just takes--”
He groaned, jerking his head away from Vee’s hand. “Time.” He practically spat, fingers clenching on the drawstrings of his hoodie. It just takes time. Just a little more time. Another day of being small, another month of being a child. None of the others had been small for this long though! How did they know anything? “How. Much. Longer. Vee?” He demanded. “How mucher more?” He sniffed, rubbing his nose against the cape. “I small a year! I wanna…” Dilyn dropped his voice, “I wish….”
Let Deceit Rise.
Just let me be…me. 
Virgil reached out resting his hand against the scales one more, a small smile playing on his lips as Dilyn leaned into his touch. “That you were big? That you were Deceit again?”
He flinched, ducking his head. “It’s dumb.”
Virgil gently lifted his chin back up to meet his eyes. “I don’t think so.”
Why--Tears again filled his eyes. “But you should.” He whispered, voice trembling. “I do.”   
Vee exhaled, chewing on his bottom lip, dark eyes searching Dilyn’s.
Dilyn frowned, fidgeting under Annie’s stare. “What?” He finally snapped, poking him in the nose, unable to take the scrutiny.
Virgil wrinkled his nose, pulling back out of Dilyn’s reach. “Nothing.” He huffed, shaking his head. “No, you thinking something. What?” 
“Just…” Virgil shrugged. “Your role as Dilyn. Maybe...it’s time to end it.” 
End it? Dilyn scoffed. END IT? He could only end it if he was BIG again. And that was NEVER going to happen. He was powerless. ”Why? All clear. I small. Forever. The End.”
“Well…” Virgil moved him off his lap “I was thinking that I can’t make you big again, Dee.” 
Dilyn rolled his eyes, hugging himself in an effort to stop shivering. “Duh, Annie.” He grumbled. If any of the others could have made him big again they would have already done it! It wasn’t like the Big Four actually wanted him around. They were just tolerating him to protect Thomas from the others. 
Some Gatekeeper.
Dilyn looked up, frowning as the night sky behind Vee seemed to waver. “But?” 
Virgil smirked, raising his own hand in a similar gesture to Deceit’s silencing one, the inky darkness behind him surging forward as he completed the movement to engulf Dilyn in pitch blackness before he could blink. “You can still be Deceit.”
To Be Continued Chapter 3
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