#i see people discuss this shit in that fandom too whatever
littlemsterious · 1 year
ok so, like, the lore of demons and angels? beelzebub and uriel and hierarchy and fallen angles and all that?
where’s that from? is that in the bible? cause i was raised in church and i never got taught any of that.
where do i go for all that?
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martyrbat · 10 months
a female character isn't allowed to be a character that is also female. she isn't allowed her own agency and complex motives nor any deeper emotions without it being centered around the male cast around her or a child. even if she's not a mother, she remains one because she could always potentially become a mother or she is the ‘mom character’ to the men/children around her and her actions MUST reflect that. if they don't, she's labeled a selfish bitch. if she is an (actual) mother than that's all she is—she isnt allowed deeper characterization or discussion because thats all she'll ever be, that's all she was made to be. male characters are allowed to be fathers (lireral or in the sense of providing for the people around them) with deeper feelings but a mother? never a mother.
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penguinsfly · 7 months
I unfortunately saw something I didn't want to see and that was my last straw. I'm fucking doing this.
Let's establish this first. Alastor is stated in the show to be asexual that is not up to discussion. He is also very heavily implied in the same conversation to be aromatic. 'An Ace in the hole' being used in context of him being with Charlie is also implying his aromanticism.
If that's not enough then here is Viv speaking about his romantic orientation. It's pretty clear despite the fact that afterwards she said it's okay to headcanon whatever (it's not but I will get o that later) that he is written purely as an aro ace character.
On top of that going by Alastor's interaction with Angel from the pilot and the first episode it is clear that he is sex repulsed. Not only that but on the fandom website he is stated to be touch averse with two sources which you can check out on the website.
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Hazbin hotel wiki, Alastor page
Now we established that Alastor is canonically Asexual, Aromantic, Sex Repulsed and Touch Averse
As I also am all of the above I'll try to explain everything to the best of my ability as simply as I can.
Aromanticism and Asexuality.
I'm probably targeting the audience that knows those terms but regardless I will explain it anyway.
Aromantic - people that experience little to no romantic attraction towards any gender
Asexual - people that experience little to no sexual attraction towards any gender.
Little to no
Asexuality and aromanticism are spectrums in which people can feel certain attractions towards people but those attractions are less occurring or are defined by personal connection.
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Diagram from AVEN website
However some people are at the end of the spectrum, they never felt attraction and that's valid. Alastor was stated to be aroace he wasn't written as demi or as gray he was written as aroace as in the end of the spectrum. His repulsion and not giving shit about romance or sex speaks for itself.
I do understand that everyone wants to be represented but it's so important to understand that aroace people are one of the most underrepresented queer groups in the media.
And I'm not here to scream about how I want my fav character to be just like me I don't care for it I'm way too confident in my orientation to rely on that however I'm tired of explaining to people what asexuality and aromanticism is just to receive 'are you sure' or 'you'll change your mind' or 'its not real' or the community favourite 'you'll find the right person' no I won't I'm not looking thank you very much (I just smile and nod to be polite and I'm sick of it).
'Harmless' buts like: 'He might be on the spectrum', 'AroAce people can still feel attraction' hurt the final outcome for all the people on the spectrum not only strictly aroaces because it allows people to write one shots with 'Demi Alastor' that falls in love in 2000 words because he is 'demi' (spoiler alert: they don't understand what that label means). It's just a cover, an opening, sneaky way to disregard his orientation, feel good about themselves and move on. Newsflash there is no moving on for aroace people it's our life.
Shipping is just harmless fun right? Usually yes but not in this case. In the same way its not okay to ship gay characters with genders they are not attracted to.
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It's erasure and since there is much less people identifying on aro/ace spectrums then there is gay or bi people our voices are being silenced. Not to mention that gay people received support from entire LGBTQIA+ community over the years in contrast to aro/ace specs who to this day are told that we are 'not queer enough' or 'not oppressed enough' often by other queer people.
And finally... FINALLY we get cannon Aro/Ace character that is clearly not interested in romance and sex. Character that beats stereotypes of boring and timid aro/ace people and what's the first people do? They ship him. Alastor's storyline provides so many points to be explored like 'what is his backstory', ' what's about his deal', ' how does he fit in in the found family trope' , 'does he care about hotel guests' yet people choose to write about the only thing that he is not interested in. As a heavily repulsed person that used to be horrified about the fact that I'll have to fall in love with somebody at some point before I found out what aro/ace is I find it repulsive and trust me he would too.
But Viv said it's okay!
Its the same point once again. What if Viv said that it's okay to ship gay Angel with woman. She doesn't have authority to say shit like that.
Queerplatonic relationships
I can't tell you not to do it I don't think he would be necessary interested in it but for fuck sake do your research and try to understand what queerplatonic means before you use it as a cover to shamelessly ship him. Respect the fact that he is sex repulsed and touch averse and you're fine.
Why can't you just avoid it?
First of all I shouldn't have to. Alastor's orientation should be respected in the fandom like any other orientation is. Second of all I've tried. I tried to only look up AroAce Alastor tag I've blocked over 80 people on tumblr alone (I just counted) to avoid to see anything that could trigger me and I'm not talking about slightly shippy posts or fanarts I'm talking about full blown disregard towards his orientation. Guess what it didn't work!
Archive of our own where do I start. I've used this website for over a decade and I could probably count days I didn't go there on my fingers. I'm fluent in AO3 I know which tags I should block. I know how to skim thorough the summary and tags to see if I'm interested. I've seen shit I'm a shipper I've been on ao3 for ten years but never had to mentally prepare myself to face queerphobia as I click on the tab.
Just use aro/ace Alastor tag.
I do and let me tell you people can't tag for shit or they just pretend to be clueless at this point. Besides see this?
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there is more ff with Alastor/reader (disgusting) than there is Alastor with his canon orientation and to play the devils advocate for arophobic people there is more Angel/Alastor then his stated in the show sexuality. I understand that fandom goes back before the show was aired but Viv confirmed his orientation back then too.
I could go on and on bout different issues and maybe I will in the future but I'm not wasting anymore of this weekend on it. I'm ready to answer any questions as long as they are respectful.
I'm aware that he is a fictional character, it doesn't affect him in any way whatsoever but it does affect aromantic and asexual people keep it in mind.
If there are any mistakes grammar related I'm not sorry I'm fluent in English (not my first language) but I took 3h nap in between and I'm sleep deprived.
Have a nice day.
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[ content warning: discussion of in-canon sexual abuse ] Maybe it’s just because I’m not too active in the ALNST fandom and mostly observe from afar, but I think this fandom brushed aside way too quickly the fact that Till was sexually assaulted. I have never seen anyone talk in depth about like, what that actually means in terms of his arc and the storytelling of his character. Which I find deeply, deeply upsetting because holy fucking shit.
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This man right here has been told, basically his entire life, that not only is he himself not worthy of being treated as a human, but that his body is not his body, but a piece of property that can be owned. And whoever owns his property can use it for whatever, and however they wish. Now, dehumanization is nothing new or unique in this world, obviously. The very concept of Pet Humans is dehumanizing by nature, leaving all six of our main characters as victims to it, even those who are more well-off like Mizi. But Till is a specially fucked up case almost distinctly unlike the rest, because he is actually treated like a fucking dog.
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(x) Ivan: If you keep rebelling like that, they won’t ever remove your collar you know? Till: This annoying bastard… — Ivan: I told you so, didn’t I? You didn’t listen? Till: This annoying bastard... (translation courtesy of @leiikos on youtube)
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An unruly animal who needs to be leashed up and put in it’s place. Animals, as is common knowledge, are not on the same level as a human being. But they are ordained to follow the commands of those above them. And if someone (thing) isn’t doing as it is told…
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It deserves to be taught better. But I’m getting ahead of myself. This is the mindset that has followed Till his entire life by the ones who were supposed to take care of him. He is not human, even less human than the existing inhuman. He is a pet, even more so than the other pets, an animal. A thing. Property. Something to own. And the best thing about owning something?
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You gain the ability to do whatever you want to it. Till’s body was not his from the start. It was used as something to toy around with, experiment with, to train and train and train, presumably for his whole life. His body, his skin, his flesh and bone and blood, it was all nothing more than a plaything. So what if he screams? Just ignore it. Or don’t. If this competition has taught us anything, voices have the most value of all. On top of it being reinforced that Till is not deserving of humanity, he is also not deserving of his bodily autonomy. People are free to do whatever they want with his body because it’s not his body, it’s theirs. And that brings us, finally, to the scene itself
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He can’t sing her song, he refuses to. This isn’t the first time he’s refused to do something, far from it actually. What was once an innocent puppy with dilated hope in his eyes has grown into an angry, disobedient mutt. And we know what happens to an animal that refuses to do what they’re told. But there’s something interesting about dogs, or rather about the ones they descended from, the wolf: When the circumstances call for it, they will bite the hand that’s supposed to feed them.
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And here is where I intrude to remind you that this is the only time we see anyone physically fighting back against the aliens in the confines of Alien Stage. We see Hyuna and Mizi fucking up aliens in All In, but that was after they had escaped from the cage. And you could make a case for Mizi trying to escape the grasp of the guards that grabbed her in Ruler of My Heart, but from what we saw she didn’t actually lay a hand on them and more so just tried to force herself out of their grasp. though if you disagree with me on that that's fine Here though? Till has this bitch’s face grabbed into his palm with a bottle in hand ready to smash it directly in between it’s eyes. I consider this to be the first act of physical violence shown against the aliens within the uncomfortably tight enclosure. And it’s triggered not because of anything personally done to Till, which on its own could probably fill a list that reaches the ground. But because of the prospect of Mizi being dead. Till knows that this place is shit, that his life is shit. Said so directly on his profile.
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Dislikes: Everyone, including Guardian Urak (translation courtesy of @kh47uo on twitter)
But he stays regardless because Mizi is there. If Mizi is dead, Till has absolutely nothing to lose…Right?
I can almost imagine him thinking: There’s nothing you can put me through that’s worse than every other way you’ve hurt me. …But there was. Oh there was.
A final, disgusting message to the pet to put him back in his place. Back on his leash. Making sure he will never forget where he stands for the rest of his days.
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And that is really what the sexual assault of Till represents to me. It is a cruel reminder to Till that fighting back is impossible, having hope, being free, it might as well be a fool's fantasy. He will always be less-than-human, less than anything. His body will always be the property of the ones that were supposed to protect him, claimed, and then used used used until it’s worn out and dead.
And the aliens chose to exemplify that fact in the most direct way they possibly could.
So what if he screams? Just ignore it. Or don’t. If this competition has taught us anything, screams have the most value of all
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2024 commission pages time babeyyy!!!!
long list of things i won't draw under cut!!!
no pedophilia, incest, queerphobia, racism, ableism, or any other similar kind of disgusting and/or illegal topics
this also means i won't draw any ships involving related characters or a minor and an adult. i don't care if they're fictional, i don't care if you age them up, i don't care if it's a 400 years old in a 10 years old body, i don't care if they're step-sibilings
fandoms i won't draw:
all are censored so this doesn't show up in the tags. thanks tumblr
H.arry P.otter or anything else written by Joanne
V.ivziepop's works
A.ttack on T.itans
H.etalia and C.ountryhumans
and generally "controversial" fandoms tbh
ships i won't draw:
i can't stress it enough i'm not drawing any pedo shit or zoophilia or incest Go Away
anything involving IRL people, unless i have proof it's you and your partner
canonically gay characters in hetero ships
everything else is more than okay. canon ships? crossovers? oc x canon? ocs smoochin??? pppspspss
i love ocs i love oc x canon i love oc x oc please let me draw your ocs BUT REMEMBER THAT I WON'T DRAW:
OCs of fandoms I already said I don't draw
redesigns of OCs you don't own. I also need proof
also i'll always need a reference for your OCs if you want me to draw them. I'm not making them from scratch. I also accept picrews, videogame character creations and actual pictures of clothes, hairstyles and whathaveyou as references!!
no noncon. Ever
no NSFW or gore art involving IRL people, animals or children
i generally have no problems drawing gore stuff but let's discuss beforehand to see if I would be comfortable with your ideas or not
NO FETISHES. don't try to sneak in feet stuff or diapers or whatever you're into either. i've been on deviantart i know better. just ask someone else for crying out loud
artistic nudity counts as NSFW; some blood and beaten up characters don't count as gore
Know that I'm allowed to always deny your request before getting paid, depending on my comfort on the topic or your behavior when requesting it.
don't push me too much, don't try to sneakily ask for fetishes, don't request a fandom that might involve loli crap.
if you're in doubt, ask before requesting anything!!
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olderthannetfic · 11 days
Okay, I need advice: I'm in a very tiny fandom (like less than two dozen active people and everyone knows each other) and one of the women in it is kind of freaking me out.
We became mutuals because we had some good discussions on some of the characters we liked, but I soon became sort of uncomfortable with a lot of her online behavior whereas simultaneously she's DM-ing me more and more.
She's one of those people who's a hardliner on the issues she cares about (mostly feminism- and SA-related) while talking over people when it comes to issues she doesn't care about (mostly racism and related things). And I see a lot of her trying to intrusively police how other people talk/act, derailing people's posts, arguing with people online over the most stupid shit (where not even her own opinions come off as overly coherent - this week she'll argue something along the lines of "men are evil" and the next she'll argue that people are "demonizing masculinity" - I'll add for clarification that she's not a TERF and supports trans rights but boy... Does she sound like one sometimes) and then digging through people's profiles to find and publicize minor transgressions and bad takes, passive-aggressive vagueposting, and going into mental breakdowns over the most innocuous of online interactions.
TBH she scares me. As someone who suffered through toxic people getting overly attached to me, I genuinely sometimes get a physical reaction when I see her lashing out on the dash.
And she keeps initiating conversations! And sometimes I don't reply or bring the conversation to a natural closure and she keeps at it, or sends me random fics of hers to read that I don't have the heart to tell her don't interest me or whatever. And recently when she disagrees with something I reblogged she direct messages me to rant about it - with a lot of sort of indirect language because she doesn't want to offend me but I can see the intent. The last couple of times I replied politely because I cared about clearing misunderstandings on the topic but next time I'm just gonna tell her I dislike it when she does that.
I really want this person to stop interacting with me, to be honest, and all my polite hints to the effect go unnoticed. But the fandom is so small I feel awkward and uncomfortable about unfollowing or blocking her. I don't think she's too bad of a person, she just comes off as very... Mentally ill, I guess? And since I've tried to be polite so far I feel like it might come out of left field for her?
TBH I feel like something about her behavior also triggers some kind of freeze/fawn reaction inside of me that I don't often get and consequently don't know how to deal with.
So I need impartial advice because I don't see the situation clearly myself
To summarize, a person who is a walking red flag wants to be friends, and you can't easily ghost her because the fandom is small.
I think you have to accept that there is no low-conflict way out of this.
That's what's holding you back, right? You don't want more drama and you know it's coming. I think you already know in your heart of hearts that you need to get away from her even if it's a pain in the ass.
Step one is to stop responding to her DMs. That will probably make her reach out more, but you should keep not responding. If she escalates and attacks you over it, block her.
The more you offer reasons or try to gently hint, the more that will encourage her. I don't think that's true of everyone, but I do think it's the case here. This is both because it doesn't sound like she's good at perceiving or respecting boundaries and because she inspires a bad lack of ability to assert boundaries in you.
I agree that it's unfortunate that you can't stand up for yourself or tell her plainly when she's out of line, but since you can't and that probably won't change any time soon, you'll need to protect yourself a different way. Sometimes, we just have to avoid people who are bad for us even when it's an us problem. (And here, whoaaaa red flags, so I don't think it's just a you problem anyway.)
There are many sad, lonely, needy people in the world. Some of them are officially mentally ill in some way with a diagnosis. Some just need things they aren't currently getting. That sucks...
But it's also not your job to fix.
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voxofthevoid · 4 months
Do people not understand that the shit writers/artists get in fandoms is cumulative?
Not that it's a fandom-specific issue, but that's the context I'm currently concerned with.
This has been on my mind for the last few weeks, thanks to some discussions I've seen on Reddit and a recent slew of negative experiences I've had myself, but the kicker was a comment I got yesterday that boiled down to how it's "irresponsible" of me to publicly put entitled commenters/bookmarkers on blast because others might see it fit to go harass them. A fair enough point, albeit one I have no sympathy for. It certainly doesn't help that the comment itself was holier-than-thou bullshit that started with how the commenter "empathized" with my frustration.
I crossed frustration months ago; I'm at nuclear fucking fury.
I have been writing for JJK since November 2022. I have been warding off entitlement and actual harassment since December 2022, which was when I started posting, and the frequency and variety of this garbage have notably increased since January of this year. It's been one and a half years of shit after shit after shit in this fandom alone.
Do you think this doesn't add up? Do you think my tolerance is infinite?
The vast majority of my readers are kind, warm, lovely, and supportive. I have a solid network of friends, within and outside fandom, who can talk me down from the worst of it. On top of this, I'm a spiteful dick whose reaction to negativity, whether weaponized or ignorant, is to write more of whatever pissed those whiny fuckers off. This is why I haven't packed up my toys and gone home.
And the spite and love are both still going strong, but there's also 18 months of steadily growing anger. The stuff I share on Tumblr is only the most egregious of the lot; you have no idea how much bullshit I silently delete or address quietly and civilly. Guest users, registered users, anon asks, direct messages—I have received some manner of shit from every one of these avenues on Ao3 and Tumblr.
I handle most of it quietly. Like hell am I willing to be told I should shut up and eat the rest of it too. Whether that's irresponsible or outright hostile, I do not care. Actions have consequences, online or offline.
I do not owe pity or grace to people who'd try to tear me down. I will not be taking the high road.
And if that stance is unpalatable to any of you, the block button is free.
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urbestestwindgod · 20 days
tw for discussion of rape and all and a hot take i guess
ok i dont rlly like to get serious or anything on this blog but i just wanted to mention that even if it was left up for interpretation if calypso raped odysseus or not, the stuff she still does isnt okay. like she still holds him captive, she still harasses and tries to coerce him after knowing that he is married and doesnt want her. she holds him captive KNOWING IT MAKES HIM SUICIDAL. thats not haha girly things that called being an abuser. yes, holding someone captive and trying to manipulate them out of suicide (as opposed to support them) is abusive.
i know she has a pretty voice but like, did you think jorge would cast a random untrained smoker from an opium den to play her so we know that this isnt a good character? and also you can compliment people’s designs of calypso without being ok with rape, because its just a design, but when its “shes my wifey” and “ii love her” its suddenly not like any other epic villain simping because the thing is she isnt a god sinking his ships or lighting bolting his crew to death; shes sexually abusing him (i am also not going to debate if sexual harassment is different from sexual abuse because its not. even if she never raped him she was still trying to coerce him and harassed him; which is abusive)
if there’s anything i dont fuck with its sexual misconduct. rape, harassment, abuse, all of it. dont give me that shit. the only thing that irritates me more than “haha id dropkick that child in self defense” is any victim blaming or pro rape statement that i displeasurably have to hear. like back to “her voice is so pretty” or just “shes so pretty” hey yea thats what most male rape victims are told. that she was so hot though, so he must have liked it. shes not “just a girl” shes an abuser.
now i know people where a little peeved that jorge removed rape from the circe saga; but i think its reasonable why he did. the epic community is very connected and always has memes for the situations odysseus is in. which, when its haha his friend was killed by a cyclops, or his crew was killed by an angry father, or his men where turned to pigs, or haha hes sad at whatever fantastical situation hes put in; we can laugh at it. because not only is it not real because its a story, but also no one has ever been through that. no ones ever faced off a cyclops in a cave before.
but people have been raped. men have been raped and heard the whole “shes so pretty and sweet thoo”. thats real. and with the circe saga jay knew that putting in rape, so early in too, that it wouldn’t be a plotpoint that fit in because that isnt an epic misfortune they face! thats a real situation; not the men to pigs and sea witch stuff, but being pressured and coerced into sleeping with someone? that is a real situation that real people are put in.
and i know male sexual assaults are iffy to people somehow. so lets say that a woman was in odysseus’ place and circe/calypso were men. does that make it worse? because both are bad. i dont fuck with rape towards ANYONE. regardless of gender, i dont think in 2024 we still should be debating is men can be raped
but back to jorge; i think he was brave for making love in paradise go how it did. i think even implying rape was a brave choice for the musical; especially with a very unserious and jokey fandom (not saying its not also serious but still) but even if you interpret that calypso never touched him. in the odyssey she did, and how tf do you LIKE a character who in the source material was a rapist? shes not “allowed to do bad” shes not “just a girl” shes a predator, and idn something about seeing her get support despite that reminds me of people like my uncle, my brother, my friend’s stepdad, a classmate or two. my uncle being able to have a restaurant, my brother having “a bright future” a certain classmate who got a girl pregnant and then went on to go to prep school. while she carried a child from a random guy in another state. you can support and joke about poseidon from epic and all, but when you start talking about calypso the same way you aren’t invalidating odysseus because hes not real. but you are invalidating countless real life victims.
and these are bold words from someone who isnt even mad about zeus of all people, because i know the culture he was from and i know that he was a metaphor/symbol to said culture. but the odyssey was a story with characters who survived by virtue of extending past that cultural bias. i can pull away from the odyssey as a piece of its time and understand that calypso wasnt probably seen as a rapist back then because the term didnt apply, but as a character i hate her like i hate theseus
and i know calypso was technically a goddess but that didnt mean much for her except immortality and being able to sexually abuse better. she wasnt worshipped (to my knowledge?) or exactly metaphorical. and epic is a modern retelling; so modern standards apply; shes a predator. i wont be taking any counter points because like i said dont do me with that shit
tl;dr your support for fictional rapists extends to what real victims have gone through, and check your lust because backing up every pretty voice/face is a rape culture classic
also im not saying that if you like calypso youre a pro rape asshole, dont think that. but i am saying youre not helping anyone and more hurting than anything by treating a character who is a sexual abuser like just another fantasy villain
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Hey Inanimate Insanity fandom, want to hear a crazy theory I came up with while thinking about episode 16 in the shower? (spoilers under the cut)
As you know, the latest episode reveals that all of the contests (except Bot, probably Bow, and maybe Dough) were actually created by MePhone4, and it's all-but-stated that this is the in-universe explanation for the gradual change in how they look over the course of the series; MePhone simply kept upgrading their models, so to speak, and making them look better. Now, here's the thing about that: There is one major character (other than Bot) who we can say with absolute, 100% certainty was not created by MePhone4, and that's, of course, Steve Cobs. After all, he's MePhone's creator, and you can't create your own creator (unless you're pulling some kind of weird time travel shit). However, consider the following: This is Steve Cobs in his debut episode,
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this is Steve Cobs in the gemory flashbacks in episode 13,
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and this is Steve Cobs now.
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His design has changed, too. If the design-changes are an in-universe result of MePhone4 upgrading the appearance of his creations and not just out-of-universe artstyle evolution, then shouldn't there also be an in-universe explanation for how Steve Cobs' design has changed?
Well, let's put a pin in that for now. There's another mystery to discuss before I present my theory. It's a mystery that, unlike Steve Cobs' design changing, is one you've likely actually thought about: What is Me?
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Despite Steve Cobs saying he got bored of Me, it's highly unlikely that Me isn't important. Too much attention was drawn to it, it doesn't resemble any real Apple product, and a person in the audience during the musical number describes it as "groundbreaking, world-shaking mythology", indicating it must do something really impressive. More to the point, though, its name is highly peculiar. Why just "Me"? Either Cobs is out of ideas for names, or there's something very significant about Me to warrant such a strange name, and the most obvious reason I can think of for why Cobs would call it that... is if it somehow literally is him.
My theory is that Steve Cobs is not actually the glasses-wearing corn cob man we know him as. At least, not anymore. He has uploaded his consciousness into whatever Me is, and the "Steve Cobs" we see throughout the series is just some kind of puppet body controlled from a distance by the real Steve Cobs, aka "Me". That's why his appearance notably changes over the course of the series; just like the people created by MePhone4, this fake puppet Steve Cobs started out not looking quite right, and its appearance had to be upgraded over time. Furthermore, I believe the Steve Cobs seen in the gemory flashbacks is him before uploading his consciousness into Me. That's his original body, hence why it looks better than the Cobs seen in episode 8 despite predating it timeline-wise. By the time of episode 8, he had uploaded himself into Me, but the technology was still flawed and not able to render him quite right, hence his notably different appearance in that episode. When he says that he "got bored of it", that's a sort of technical truth used to obfuscate the real truth. Yes, he's "bored" of it - because he has been Me for years and, knowing him, is at this point probably craving to upgrade to something even greater, but that doesn't mean Me isn't still something very important to him. And now, he's trying to make this Me technology commercially available to the public, which could mean one of two things; either he's giving other wealthy elites the power to also upload themselves into their own personal Mes (plausible, but from a writing perspective such a plot point wouldn't really serve much of a clear narrative purpose) or all of the Mes he's selling contain his consciousness and he's trying to spread himself across the whole world in some kind of world domination scheme.
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shitswiftiessay · 9 months
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So Taylor’s team has put out YET ANOTHER article about gaylors and Taylor’s sexuality in an attempt to distract the public from her association with the Mahomes family who just paid to let Jackson avoid felony charges for sexual battery.
I discussed this obvious distraction tactic the other day so I’m not going to get into it much here..
but I just find it incredible, how stupid Taylor’s fans are, that they can’t see the obvious wool being pulled over their eyes. OF COURSE they are going to talk and argue nonstop about these gaylor articles, because they have the attention span of skittish dogs. Swifties are going to let Taylor get away with possibly helping a sex offender to walk free because they’re too busy arguing about her fucking sexuality.
You think Taylor gives a SHIT if people thinks she’s gay or straight or neurodivergent? She’ll let you believe she is whatever you want her to be as long as she can make MONEY off you. She doesn’t care.
But she + her team is using the “gaylor” topic (which is always a hot button issue in that fandom, bound to cause arguments) to make her fans stop talking about her sketchy association with Jackson (the sex offender) and Brittany Mahomes (the woman who went on a rant to defend the sex offender on social media).
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stormblessed95 · 1 month
Hi Storm,
You were the first account I followed here and I’ve been through almost every post relating to member dynamics on your masterlist.
I’m finding this very hard to articulate but you’ve always said if you receive asks that are respectful you will indulge. I am making a lot of effort in trying to phrase my sentences in such a way that they do not offend and would like to apologise in advance if they do. It is not my intention.
Some time ago, there was discourse on your page where you said jikookers have bullied you and did not support you when you were being bullied. I am not sure when that was. I’m sorry you went through that. You put in a lot of effort to write the member dynamics posts and it’s quite shocking that people don’t respect it, value your effort and then bully you.
During that discussion you said something along the lines of jikookers becoming like taekookers as they allow the abuse of Taehyung. You said the fandom back in the day allowed Taekookers to fester because they didn’t take a harsher stand against what they were doing. I am paraphrasing or maybe I didn’t get the gist of it.
I don’t think jikookers or any other sub set of this fandom is anywhere near Taekookers. The reason is that most ot7 are Taekookers. When the fandom allowed hate against jimin, it gave rise to the most vile fandom and it is the largest part of army’s even today Jimin and his family get bullied and called all names and it’s is allowed because no one can shoot 90% of the fandom down and all those who allowed it are responsible for that shit show.
So then why are people and yes, most are Jikook stans, why are they called out if they so much as criticise Taehyung for some of the things he does? Did he have to join a Jikook show? No, did he have to post those pictures during muse? No. Did he have to name call Jungkook every single live? No. Does he visit fandom spaces? Yes. He sees the shit that goes on in there. Yes. He has sued people because he supposedly wants to stand for those who cannot stand for themselves but is ok when his fans call his fellow member a slut? Can you all not be objective enough to criticise him for this behaviour? Not everyone will like everyone you like, but you are an ot7 army so you should be objective enough to accept criticism too. But instead you shut everyone down? That’s a bit harsh don’t you think?
I say all of the following with respect, I promise. My intention is not for this to read as harsh or rude in any capacity. I'm making this disclaimer now because I know sometimes, it's hard to get tone in text. I'm being straightforward and serious with you. And my tone is meant to be one of kindness, softness and respect while being serious and rather blunt about it.
Anyone who tells me that they didn't see the hate campaign that reigned against me last year is either lying, or brand new to Jikook Tumblr. Or you took a 2 month long break and only came back after I was on hiatus, which then, if you checked my account at all, you still would've seen it. I guess the last option was that you just never checked my page until I came back. I'd much rather if anyone would bring it up, just be honest. Yeah, I saw that, I was silent, my bad, it was a mistake. Or it wasn't a mistake, I agreed with your haters and I'm still just here because I want your content. Whatever it is, I would much rather the honesty. Idk which of these categories you fall into, if any, but why bring it up just to try and discredit my feelings about jikookers and toxic behaviors being allowed to fester? I stand by what I said. You don't have to agree with me. That's your prerogative. I have never tried to tell people how to feel, I've only ever said that I will curate my space and use my block button freely to stop from seeing opinions I have no desire to see.
True OT7s are not taekookers, follow better people. Idk what else to tell y'all about that. When I say toxic behaviors being allowed to fester, I mean that taekookers way back when weren't nearly so bad as they are now. It used to be the same petty bullshit that so many shippers are now pulling. Except it never got checked, so it grew and festered and boiled until it's now as bad as it is with taekookers. If you don't stop the same petty revenge toxicity in Jikookers now, the same thing will end up occuring. And I don't want to see anyone complain to me in a few years about it, because all I'll be able to say is I told you so.
The last part of your message dear, just reads as essentially asking permission to be hateful towards Tae. Idk if that was your intention, but it's how it comes across to me at least. It's not criticism. There is stuff we can be critical about towards our idols, BTS included. Nothing you listed is worth criticism and is just things his antis use to bring hate against him. It's the same thing that tkkrs do. Nitpick stupid stuff to give themselves a reason to hate on Jimin. It's not worth it. And you will be a happier person in long run if you stop trying to hate Tae and just hate the antis that are the ones responsible for their own behaviors.
I'm not shutting anyone down (this is also the phrase that makes me question if you truly "don't know anything about me being bullied") I am saying I won't tolerate any kind of hate speech on MY blog about any of the 7 members. (even if you don't think it's hateful, on my blog, I have the right to decide what is and isn't discussed. Other blogs will draw different lines in the sand, and you can find GCs, or Start your own blog where you can say whatever you want. That's the beauty of the Internet.) You can do whatever you want in your own spaces. I personally, want nothing to do with it. I have bigger fish to worry about it. I'm here for BTS, all 7 of them. And I'm more concerned about k-media and the harassment our boys suffer from them and antis of all kind. Way more than I could ever pretend to be concerned about Tae talking about one of his best friends.
And again, I sign off with this whole thing respectfully, and with the hope that you also, take no offense to the way I phrased anything. Even if you disagree.
~ Storm 💜
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leaves-fall-down · 1 year
Hate to say it but the overlap of "has a fanbase that heavily values their writing abilities" and "has a fanbase that deliberately detaches/miscontrues/borderline insults/fetishizes the singer's identity and inspiration from their artistry in an effort to pretend the music is closer to what the fans think they should be" venn diagram is not only just a straight up circle, but has taken over many of the same musicians and the fandoms overlap with each other to such an extreme extent that it sometimes becomes exhausting to consume any of their music as independent artists and then discuss them, let alone seeing how a lot of these artists have a "collective" fanbase that treats them all so bizzarely. Like do y'all not see the pattern with how you always feel some need to focus on certain "nicer" aspects of musicians' identities and entirely disregard others, or be all weird about it when you do acknowledge it? I'll provide examples, hopefully you'll see what I mean.
Tamino is an Egyptian and Lebanese man, at the same time he is Belgian, and that influences his art and it's so weird to just focus just on Persephone and his more "western" songs, or compare his nose to just a bunch of western white men. Hozier is Irish and inspired by Black American musicians who make political music and it's weird when you guys pretend he's just the fairy bog boy, which tbh you also likely wouldn't be saying if he was from Pennsylvania or Manchester or whatever, you're absolutely doing it with him because he is Irish, plenty of other artists write nature themes and don't get that weirdness put on them, you're doing it because he is Irish. Ethel Cain is a Southern American and writes from that very specific experience and has religious themes that influence her music and isn't just some "backwards" "hick" "redneck" (in a derogatory, insulting sense) girl that a lot of you clearly view "people like her" down south as. Måneskin has written in English since the beginning of their career, clearly takes inspiration from English and American musicians, and isn't entitled to write in Italian just because you think they should or because their native language ~fascinates~ you as an english speaker. Mitski often writes from a very VERY obvious perspective of being an Asian American woman and yet so many of you pretend that her songs about that experience are innately applicable to all of womanhood when they clearly aren't. They just aren't. They are about her experience as an ASIAN AMERICAN woman.
There are other artists y'all do this sort of shit to too (mainly Black ones!!) and it's absolutely annoying as shit to see that you can't just appreciate their identities for what they are and still need them to be closer in proximity to you and your identity or needs to "fulfill" something for you as an outsider, to the point of being delusional about the fact that this is all first and foremost their music and that it operates with their identities and they're all fantastic writers because on various levels they're being vulnerable about their identities and selves. That's not to say you can't pull your own meaning from the songs they write or whatever, but when discussing the artists themselves a lot of you are showing your asses with how you view "people like that" and how even though you're not being weird or bigoted in an obvious, deliberately mean sort of way, a lot of you still have shit to unpack and look at before you engage with them and their stuff. I mean Jesus christ even the most surface level understanding of erasure, fetishizing, and sterotypes can show what y'all are doing subconsciously, I'd hate to see how you talk about these people's identities when it's someone you don't see as both a product yet (parasocially) a friend, but is instead someone you hate.
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super summer sale bc i did a woopsies!! more rules under read more
no pedophilia, incest, queerphobia, racism, ableism, or any other similar kind of disgusting and/or illegal topics
this also means i won't draw any ships involving related characters or a minor and an adult. i don't care if they're fictional, i don't care if you age them up, i don't care if it's a 400 years old in a 10 years old body, i don't care if they're step-sibilings
fandoms i won't draw:
all are censored so this doesn't show up in the tags. thanks tumblr
H.arry P.otter or anything else written by Joanne
V.ivziepop's works
A.ttack on T.itans
H.etalia and C.ountryhumans
and generally "controversial" fandoms tbh
ships i won't draw:
i can't stress it enough i'm not drawing any pedo shit or zoophilia or incest Go Away
anything involving IRL people, unless i have proof it's you and your partner
canonically gay characters in hetero ships
everything else is more than okay. canon ships? crossovers? oc x canon? ocs smoochin??? pppspspss
i love ocs i love oc x canon i love oc x oc please let me draw your ocs BUT REMEMBER THAT I WON'T DRAW:
OCs of fandoms I already said I don't draw
redesigns of OCs you don't own. I also need proof
also i'll always need a reference for your OCs if you want me to draw them. I'm not making them from scratch. I also accept picrews, videogame character creations and actual pictures of clothes, hairstyles and whathaveyou as references!!
no noncon. Ever
no NSFW or gore art involving IRL people, animals or children
i generally have no problems drawing gore stuff but let's discuss beforehand to see if I would be comfortable with your ideas or not
NO FETISHES. don't try to sneak in feet stuff or diapers or whatever you're into either. i've been on deviantart i know better. just ask someone else for crying out loud
artistic nudity counts as NSFW; some blood and beaten up characters don't count as gore
Know that I'm allowed to always deny your request before getting paid, depending on my comfort on the topic or your behavior when requesting it.
don't push me too much, don't try to sneakily ask for fetishes, don't request a fandom that might involve loli crap.
if you're in doubt, ask before requesting anything!!
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bombingqueen · 11 months
Wincest Recs Part 2
patchwork scars (1000 words) by Anonymous
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Supernatural
Additional Tags: weirdcest, Biting, Love Bites, Non-Sexual Kink, Mild Painplay, discussion of incest, Possessive Dean Winchester, Kinky Gen, Light Sadism, Light Masochism
This thing—kink, sadomasochism, whatever it is between them—goes both ways.
This is the kinkiest shit I have ever read and they didn't even have fuck.
unlike lovers (4300 words) by Anonymous
Chapters: 1/1
They’re not like that, and honestly it’s part of the problem, because how can you say ‘I want to spend the rest of my life with you and only you, like a lover would’, without all the connotations of a long-term relationship? It’s unconventional.
Then again, nothing in their lives is conventional. 
Funny story. I spent weeks searching for this fic because I thought I had dreamt it up but nope I finally found it. It's cute.
Deprivation (3339 words) by fogsrollingin
Chapters: 1/1
Takes place around S14E5 "Nightmare Logic."
Sam's stressed. He's forgetting to eat and people keep waking him up the minute he salvages time for some shut-eye.
Dean's there for him.
When You're Not Here (37459 words) by raziella
Chapters: 5/5
Fandom: Supernatural
The third time Sam Winchester comes to school with bruises, Mrs. Davidson decides it's time to intervene - before it's too late.
This is pretty much true gen despite how the fic is tagged. It involves social services and it has some outsider point of view.
What I've Done (1185 words) by Amoreanonyname
Chapters: 1/1
He wasn’t going to say anything more about it. He could tell, Dean was happy to see him, but wasn’t going to humor this topic. Dean, young Dean would jump to obey John, to answer John’s questions, but this was an older Dean who was more loyal to someone else now. More loyal to his brother. John wasn’t the priority here, and he realized with another guilty jump in his stomach that he never should have been.
I enjoyed that John remained composed and did not choose violence like other fics I have read where he discovers the extent boys relationship.
Nothing Safe Is Worth The Drive (382 words) by angelszn
Chapters: 1/1
Dean came home from Hell to a demon-blood-addicted little brother. He takes it in stride.
If you like some dark!weirdcest then this is for you. Dean is very accommodating.
save it for a rainy day (917 words) by according2thelore
Chapters: 1/1
Dean has a wad of money hidden in his bag. It’s folded into a skin mag that he bought in Duluth, which itself is folded into a tube of socks. He calls it his Sammy Stash. Dad and Sam don’t know about it. It’s a stack of crumpled bills he’s earned through hustling at pool and hoarded from short-term jobs he’s worked, pressed flat as they can go to look as inconspicuous as possible. It’s for one very specific purpose, in the same way Dean’s entire life has had one very specific purpose.
Well, this was a gut punch of epic proportions.
Cracked (282 words) by Linden
Chapters: 1/1
It was October, the season of frost and the early dark and the slow soft dying of the year, and John’s world was ending.
These Stanford Era fics are trying to kill me. Seriously.
Through the devil softly (4888 words) by siamesedreams
Chapters: 1/1
It's like walking with a permanent veil in front of his eyes, everything's blurry. He can't tell if the world around him is real, or not, if he's in Dean's arms or if he was in the Cage all along.
An infernal cursed amulet? Chief would know what this is. I'm going to have him touch it. (2441 words) by fogsrollingin
Chapters: 2/3
"What could go wrong?"
This is incomplete but I think it does the job. It's told from an outsider's point of view. This fic and the one above deal with Sam's hallucinations.
Sins of the Father (1434 words) by Amoreanonyname
Chapters: 1/1
It’s true what they say about parenthood – it causes you to look at your own parents, and their choices, a bit differently. Though for Sam, perhaps that was for different reasons.
Sam, as a parent, reflects on his three parents, living day-to-day, and trying to parent when your soulmate has died.
Flowers facing the sun (2087 words) by StripySock
Chapters: 1/1
Dean is sick as hell, and Robo!Sam is the closest thing he has to comfort.
swallow my breath and take what is mine (4636 words) by according2thelore
Dean Winchester wakes up and it’s dark. John Winchester stands sentinel in a cemetery. Sam Winchester’s hands are bleeding. A story in three parts.
Or: John Winchester has a new training exercise for his older son.
This was fucked up. I liked it and I lowkey can see this happen if John lost his mind somewhere on his journey to Azazel.
It Goes Like This (36085 words) by sprinkles888
Chapters: 8/8
It goes like this: They both say yes. And somehow, the world doesn't end. With little else to do, Sam and Dean take hold of an opportunity that comes their way—taking charge of a diner in a small Iowa town. But, even as the hubbub of the diner fills their day, the nights of fighting back the archangels in their heads will drive the two of them closer than ever in an effort to keep the apocalypse continually on pause.
Meanwhile, the residents of Lageme attempt to understand the two new, weird guys who took over Darla's.
This is an odd fic but it's worth a read. The struggle to remain in control was done really well. A good portion of the fic is from the perspective of an outsider.
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charmac · 4 months
thank you for talking about how annoying sunnytwt has been lately. i literally feel crazy reading some of these people’s opinions… for some reason in the last few weeks there’s been an uptick of people completely misunderstanding the characters
I jump on the chance to blame Tiktok all the time, but considering how many people recently admit they started watching Sunny because they saw Macdennis Tiktok edits.. that is the leading cause here. And I love a fun ship edit as much as the next guy, but it seems like Macdennis edits and random out of context clips (and probably tweets that leave the neighbourhood too) are bringing people into the fandom under the guise that everything we discuss here is woobification headcanons and fanon, because bingeing the show once-through with your phone in your face doesn’t give you an even remotely-close understanding of the depth and complexity wrapped into every episode of Sunny, and I’m sure is actually extremely offputting.
There is a reason Sunny is seen as a cult show and only averages around 300k viewers every season.. Many people just genuinely don’t like or enjoy, let alone understand, the kind of dark humour, commentary, and heavy meta the show (and the relationships in the show) revolves around. A chunk of new Sunny Twitter users clearly got really into Macdennis/one of the characters and then got hit with the cold hard reality of what the show is, and instead of recognising Sunny isn’t for them and bowing out, they strapped on extreme woobification goggles to still enjoy what they were introduced to via fanon as if it's all canon.
Now it seems like half the active fandom, if not more, exist this way and don’t understand that the characters are never going to be good people and the relationships are always going to be fucked up and toxic, and the central theme will always be about abuse and that’s the point and that we like that
And this isn't me just assuming these things, but that myself and others continually try to engage with new people who show signs of not understanding this concept by explaining how and why the things they’re complaining about happened in canon and why those things are actually true to who the characters are and genuinely, every time, we end up getting privately quoted if not blocked.. lmao
And that’s whatever, if you’re actively choosing to shit on canon in favour of your random headcanons, we don’t need to see each other’s Tweets, but the fact that I know Rob and other members of the Sunny crew are seeing the craziest takes imaginable is honestly what bothers me.. because it’s just embarrassing 🤦‍♂️
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dropthedemiurge · 7 months
I've seen things after SOTUS extreme actor harassment, I've been here through BMF "hate watching flashmob" and you know what, this year I will actually stop tolerating BL fans (at least on tumblr) who don't even have the decency to just ignore things they don't like and who think bullying someone is a good fandom sport, and start calling out. No matter if you believe clickbaits or you're a proud member of celebrity witchhunt or just don't believe people and situations can change, whatever, I really don't want to see KristSingto hate if - when - they will come back with another BL series.
Peraya fans have been waiting and hoping for KristSingto reunion for years, they wanted it themselves for so long as well, and we've unfortunately encountered way too many people who don't use their braincells and who encourage others to follow their footsteps when making derogatory comments about (mainly) Krist or Singto who they don't even know about, or their shows. For years. Some even go to talk shit and laugh right at his face. What the hell.
Maybe don't ruin someone else's parade and don't turn a nice community lake into a swamp. If you consider yourself a good person who can have an opinion "I just don't vibe with this person/show", watch it unbiased, be open minded and if you don't have a full picture, ask fans of the actual story or do research and read proper compilations about him instead of blindly stacking your opinions on repeated echoed insults from yt and tiktok. And if you aren't willing to be open minded and rational, well, let the fans celebrate and stick quietly to your swamp.
It's really no fun to gather around to discuss something and slip on poop piles thrown around for no reason. What happened to civil discussions?
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