#i see the asks some of the people i follow get and i’m like. woof.
userastarion · 2 years
i am extremely grateful for my lil tumblr community (those i follow and those who follow me) and i love them all and tbh it seems really stressful to have a larger following bc the more people you have, the freer they feel to say whatever they want to you, and i am incredibly grateful to (i hope) have fostered an environment of kindness
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charliemwrites · 9 months
Woof woof yall.
No content warnings
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You’re out in the woods one day, taking photos and going for a little hike. Stupid mental health walk or something; whatever, it’s a nice day and you’ve gotten some good shots. You’re just about to turn back when a huge brown and black wolf lopes out from a nearby thicket.
There aren’t any wolves in England though! Hunted to extinction - it’s why you feel safe bebopping around the forest alone in the daylight. So you see this big fuck-off sized “dog” and coo at the pretty puppy.
“Hello handsome boy, aren’t you just gorgeous! Will you come say hi?”
You do all the right things that you’re supposed to do with an unfamiliar dog but he just barges right through. Trots up to you, nose shoved into your crotch. You startle, bark a laugh, shove at his big stupid head.
“A little forward,” you tease, scratching under his chin, “but it’s better than biting.”
You feel all around his neck for a collar, but no luck. He must be someone’s though, huge blue eyes too intelligent and focused on your words. And his coat is so well maintained, glossy and shedded.
“Do you know how to… sit?”
An adorable head tilt, and the big dog settles onto his hind quarters.
“What a good boy!” you croon. “So smart!”
He licks at your palm and wrist as you scratch at him, huge tail thumping. A canine grin, tongue lolling out as he waits for your next command.
You hum.
“Well, guess we can check if you’re microchipped, huh? Or at least I can get you some water. See if someone recognizes you…”
You make a kissy noise at him. “Let’s go, big boy. Come.”
And to your delight, he falls into step with you. He weaves along the path ahead and behind, but always loops back to you, brushing against your thigh as if to reassure you he’s still there.
You hum as you walk, giggling when you see his ears twitch and swivel towards you. Tease that he should do better if he doesn’t like your version of Jolene.
You only cross paths with two other people on the walk, a pair of guys clearly out for a more serious hike. The dog plants himself between you and them, ears pinning back and a low growl erupting from his chest. You startle a bit, carefully burying your fingers around his scruff in case you need to grab him quickly.
“I’m guessing he doesn’t belong to either of you, then?” you ask.
One of the guys shakes his head. The other gives you an odd look. “He’s not yours?”
The dog barks, loud and rough. You shush him, explain the situation to the hikers. But the dog never stops rumbling and they quickly go on their way, keeping a wide berth.
You huff. “Don’t like men, huh?”
Poor thing. Maybe he was abandoned by a mean owner?
“S’alright, bud, I’ll be good to you.”
He follows you all the way back to your home. And when you open the door, shoulders right past you.
“Ah, shit,” you groan. “You weren’t supposed to come in!”
He gives you an almost betrayed look. You try not to huff in amusement.
“So help me, if you bring nasty things in this house I will shave you. Shave you. You’ll look so silly. Like an overgrown raw turkey.”
The dog turns, trots back to you. You didn’t realize just how big he is until he’s got his big paws on your shoulders. You blink, have to take a step back to brace against the weight of him. In his hind legs he’s taller than you. Really could pass for a pure bred wolf.
A big, rough tongue licks from your jaw to your forehead. You scrunch up your face but end up laying a kiss on his muzzle in return.
“Alright, you big nasty. Down you get.”
You shut and lock the door behind you, brushing leaves and dirt off.
“Okay, shower first,” you say aloud, already tugging off your clothes. “Then we’ll run into town, see if we can track down your family.”
You don’t mind the dog staring, unblinking, as you strip down right there, balling things up to avoid tracking a mess through the house. Nor do you mind him following you to the bathroom, though you do push at his snout when he licks the back of your knee. Just normal dog things, really. They don’t get people stuff like clothes or boundaries.
“Stay out of trouble, bud. I’ll be right out.”
As you wash up, you consider the merits of adopting. Only if you can’t find the dog’s actual family, that is. It’s lonely in your little house sometimes - and a bit spooky at night. A big, protective dog might be just the thing.
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mlmvoreconfessionals · 8 months
Do you have any prompts from any character or any scenario that include tons of disposal?
I think I got some ideas! Gonna use some guys I haven't got asks for yet.
Little paws rub over A.ngus’s gut as it gurgles out wetly. A small, pleased hum escapes the bear, followed by a thick gulp to send the flailing arm sticking out of his mouth down the hatch. A deep huff comes out soon after, his gut growing out another notch with a wet groan. “Okay...I’m full, Bug.” Very full, in fact. That was about ten people--everyone who had been in the video store once his shift had ended. A.ngus can’t see his boyfriend past his stomach, but he can hear G.regg’s snickering and feel his paws pressing into his stuffed belly. “Suuure ya are, Cap’n. It’s not like I’ve seen you eat plenty more than this!” G.regg’s paws push in deeper, and it makes a wet squelch echo out. It also works out a thick belch out of A.ngus, making some of the DVDs on the shelves rattle around. G.regg snickers again and A.ngus lets out a little huff, a slight blush crossing his cheeks. The bear’s stomach is gurgling harshly, some people still squirming enough in there to bulge it out. But already, some of them have stopped moving entirely, and a liquid weight is starting to build up. A.ngus knows G.regg is right. This isn’t one of his bigger meals by a long shot. But he only really does this to appease G.regg, so the size of his feasts are almost always circumstantial. So long as it doesn’t get in the way of his work hours, A.ngus doesn’t mind, though. Plus...the belly rubs always feel nice. A.ngus figures that the other shift clerk might be in soon, and he still has some digesting to do, so he has G.regg help him move out of sight. The adult video section is good enough, with a curtain to give them a bit of privacy. Not that they’ll be doing anything indecent...yet. For now, it’s just G.regg giving A.ngus’s guts lots of attention and loving, helping the gurgling mass break down all of the live meat still inside. And it steadily shrinks back, letting out harsh, loud noises as it breaks down the random and unfortunate customers who ended up being in the wrong place at the wrong time. And with a bit of time, they’re gut slop pumping through the bear’s bowels. A.ngus’s sweater only half fits over his belly, and it’s still sloshing and gurgling wetly. Especially with G.regg’s paws squishing over it and shaking it around, which gets small, bubbly burps from his boyfriend. A.ngus has to take G.regg by the paws to make him stop, and he leads the fox out of the adult section and out the back of the store. There are dumpsters back there and it’s the only thing that A.ngus can use after meals like this. He wiggles his pants down and, with a bit of help from G.regg, gets himself up on the dumpster with his ass over the edge. With a soft grunt, and a good, hard push, a massive log of shit begins to slide out of A.ngus and into the dumpster below. And once he gets started, it’s easy to keep going. The mass of waste steadily heaps up in the dumpster below, bones and clothes baked into the mess and giving it odd lumps that get little grunts out of A.ngus. It rarely breaks off naturally, only doing so when its own weight drags it down. All the while, G.regg is watching from the front, paws all over A.ngus’s gut as he feels it shrink a bit from dumping the weight. Finally, A.ngus lets out a sigh as he pinches off the last of the mess. G.regg helps him down and he pulls up his pants while the fox looks at the leftover mess. “Woof! Look at all that, Cap’n! Hard to think it used to be a bunch of people, huh?” He looks over at A.ngus with a big grin. A.ngus just sighs slightly through his nose and reaches past G.regg to close the dumpster. “You’re very strange, Bug,” the bear says. “Let’s go home. It smells back here.” He takes the fox’s paw and walks off, knowing that G.regg is going to be all over him for the rest of the night. Not that he minds. He’d just rather be somewhere more comfortable when it happens.
Chief Bogo makes no hint about how he feels as he looks over files in his office. One would think that it’s a completely normal day for him and...well, it is. But sitting at his desk with a massive, bulging gut before him isn’t the most usual. It was an employee performance review day, and as usual for these days, some officers had to be...let go. Always a difficult choice, though the chief’s stomach didn’t have such issues making them. A belch rumbles out of Bogo but he doesn’t react to it beyond a slurp over his lips afterward. Tastes like polar bear still, which makes sense, given that’s what went down most recently. He’s fighting plenty hard in there, though if he’d made even half that effort in his work, he wouldn’t be down there in the first place. Most officers who take the plunge kick and thrash like nothing else. They don’t often enjoy being reduced to food, especially to an herbivore. Well, not like that’s going to save the bear, or the other officers who went down before him. Bogo knows that none of them will be moving by the end of the day. Hell, they likely won’t even be alive by then. Bogo sets the files he’s pouring over aside with a sigh and leans back in his chair to start rubbing over his gut. “Well, looks like this is all I get today. See how easy it was to just keep doing your job right? Your fellow officers were able to do it!” Several angry, muffled voices yell out at the same time, impossible to understand with the deep, rumbling gurgling on top of that. Not that Bogo really cares. Anything they have to say doesn’t matter. Once he’s done ‘processing’ these terminations, that’ll be the end of it. Though, he is starting to consider if he should be hiring so many...large species as officers. His gut is massive because of it, and he’s just thankful his chair hasn’t given out from under him. He grinds his paws a bit deeper into his stomach, giving another thick belch into the air. He can feel some faint twitching give into stillness down below. That’s one officer down. Just a few more, who are all waning on their energy. Everyone else at the station knows not to bother Bogo at all and instead be grateful no one else was called into his office. The heavy gurgles that just barely get past the door and the occasional roaring belch still keeps anyone who happens to be within ear shot a bit on edge. A reminder of what happens if they can’t do their job well. At the end of the day, when most officers are coming in for the nightshift, Bogo lumbers out of his office while rubbing over his much smaller, rounder gut. Most officers don’t spend long looking at him as he walks off. Bogo has enough decency to take his business to one of the bathrooms and settle himself down in a stall. Though...after his meal, it won’t make much of a difference. The first heavy log that comes slithering out of the chief’s ass fills the bowl instantly, and the buffalo lets out a snort as he simply starts to raise his ass and keep unloading. The officers he ate make for a very large, heavy mass of dung. The logs are nearly a foot thick and packed in densely, with large, tough bones in each one. The toilet gets smothered in water buffalo shit rather quickly, and Bogo steps forward as he just keeps unloading the mass. He grumbles to himself every time he has to strain and push a bit harder over certain awkward shapes stretching him out. But he’s been doing this for long enough that it’s hardly a challenge for him. The stench he’s making is harder to put up with than actually dumping the men off. By the time the last log is dropping out of Bogo, he’s no longer standing in the stall, instead just outside of it and holding the door open. The pile he’s made is half-filling the space. Half-buried skulls and faded, ruined badges among the other indigestibles means anyone who happens to investigate this stall will know which of their coworkers failed the evaluation. Bogo hikes his pants back up and lets the stall door close as he walks off.
A deep, wet belch echoes across the otherwise silent ship. It’s soon replaced by the sound of deep, rumbling laughter. W.olf O’Donnell gives his engorged gut a few rough smacks, making it wobble slightly and earned a muffled shout from whoever he just hit. He doesn’t really care, showing off a toothy grin. “Well, that’s the last of your crew, M.ccloud,” he rumbles out, glaring down at the smaller fox pinned beneath the weight of his gut. “I told you that birdbrain would taste like chicken. So, whaddya have to say now, hm?” He leans in closer, purposefully pressing down on both his gut and the man under it. It feels good to finally get one over on the massive thorn in his side. That’s why Fox had to be last, had to watch the rest of his loyal and trusting friends disappear down W.olf’s gullet. To really, truly drill it in that W.olf has finally--ptui! “Ack!” W.olf jerks his head back. Fox had spit in his face when he leaned in, and is now mean-mugging the mercenary as he wipes his face off. W.olf growls softly, looking down at the pilot. “Still a child...heh, well, I can do that, too.” His expression turns quickly, back into a smug grin as he leans in again. This time, W.olf opens wide, puffing hot breath into Fox’s face as he gives the pilot a slow slurp with his tongue. “Mmmm...” A pleased sound rumbles out of W.olf. He knew he was right to save Fox for last...but now there’s no more waiting. Even with the rest of the team in his guts, one lick of his rival has his gut growling like a starved beast. So W.olf clamps his jaws down over Fox’s head, ignoring his yells, and begins to swallow. He’d take more of his time but he wanted Fox to get to his gut while his friends were still alive. That doesn’t mean W.olf speeds through it, though. He’s careful to get at least one taste of whatever part of Fox enters his maw as he guzzles his rival down. Even then, it ends all too soon. W.olf’s head is tipped back, maw wide open and drooling, a pair of twitching feet poking out of them. With a growl and a snap of his jaws, he swallows them down, and his gut balloons with a wet slosh as Fox is squished in along with his team. W.olf keeps his head back to let out a howl of victory. It’s short lived as his jaws wrench open in a deep, guttural belch that echoes through the empty ship. A new muffled voice and set of bulges come from his engorged gut now. He puts his paw over the shape of Fox’s face and pushes down on it with a massive grin, causing his gut to slosh and squelch loudly. Everyone makes more noise and kicks around but W.olf just chuckles deeply. “Finally...I’ve got you now, S.tarFox. And I’m not letting you get away this time...” W.olf sits back, leaning against the wall and folding his arms behind his head. He’d sleep if he wasn’t so excited still, watching his guts work. It takes time, but steadily, the wet, churning sounds get louder and harsher. The muffled voices of his meals fade out steadily, growing weaker and harder to hear. The bulges they make shift with less intensity and even begin to sink in on themselves. As time passes. W.olf’s gut grows round and smooth, sounding more liquid than anything. When the first of his meals stops twitching, his gut begins to shrink, and he feels the rest of them give in the same. They soften and melt and die, and each pumps away into him. When he feels the last sporadic twitches fall into stillness, he can’t help but laugh. He’s finally won. The next time someone gets into contact with the ship, W.olf is long gone. But he’s left his mark. A video call starts up, and it’s quite a shock for the caller. In the pilot’s seat is a heap of fresh W.olf shit, thick logs heaped up in a small mountain. Bits of uniform, fur, feathers, and bone can be identified. So can four skulls, each half buried somewhere in the pile. A frog, a hare, a bird, and sitting near the top, a fox. Of course, that’s the easy to recognize bits of the S.tarFox crew. No one else will realize they’re looking at them every time a fattened W.olf makes himself known.
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adultswim2021 · 5 months
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Aqua Teen Hunger Force #89: “Rabbot Redux” | February 8, 2010 - 12:00AM | S08E02
Happy Space Ghost day, everyone! 30 dang years with our great guy. Wow! Seems like as good a day as any to start this shit up again. To the small-yet-still-dwindling number of people who read my shit: Hi! Real life is having it’s way with me right now, so please know I’m instituting a hard-and-fast “will update when I feel like it” rule to this thing for the right-now. So, please don't expect this to be a nightly blog. It'll be more like a "nighty" blog, as in "nighty-night", because it will be angelically and perfectly asleep most of the time. Thank you. 
It’s Rabbot Redux: a fairly unnecessary explanation for what happened directly after the events of the live-action episode. It turns out the Aqua Teens drove their moving van two doors down, to the other house next to Carl’s. Not a lot happens; Neil unpacks while Rick and Vivian fight over which room is theirs. Shake immediately claims the bathroom, not realizing it’s a bathroom. Meatwad gets a luxurious room with a salad bar and a harem.
Eventually Rabbot (from before) shows up with a housewarming gift. He then crushes the Aqua Teens’ house, forcing them to go back to the old house. Schooly D shows up and sings a new theme song (which is also used over the opening sequence). This one calls back a lot of stuff from Rabbot, like Carl working out of the home, and “dancing is forbidden”.
This one isn’t especially groundbreaking, and it’s a little puzzling that they felt the need to write themselves out of that "hole". Normally they’d just ignore stuff like that and relish the show's lack of continuity. Not only did they air an episode between the two episodes (a Christmas special), but they also put it on DVD with multiple episodes between this and the Live-Action episode; I’m guessing in some production order or something. It's striking how little these guys care, sometimes. It's weird to see them dutifully tie up a thread.
This one is fairly funny, though. There’s nothing egregiously bad in it. The biggest smile I did was the part when Shake started berating Frylock about sucking his stuff. Shake is a nasty guy who says rude stuff :)
FOX on Adult Swim bump (January 11, 2010)
Hey, here's something fun and--what luck! I am telling you about it: At this time, Adult Swim was airing episodes of Family Guy shortly after they premiered on Fox, and they had a significant viewership on both channels. In the episode "Big Man on Hippocampus", they aired a fake Adult Swim bumper (intended to mess with Fox watchers) as they went to commercial, making a joke about confusing their viewers into which network they were watching. When the episode aired on Adult Swim, they followed it up with a Fox-style promo instead of their normal bumper. Fun fact: I once spoke to somebody who was writing on an Adult Swim show and they entertained the idea of doing a fake Adult Swim bumper, and asked me if any other shows had done that. I told them "even Family Guy has" because I happened to catch this bit. Took the wind out of those sails.
oh wow she's straight-up married to the mindless self indulgence guy. woof
Hello Mister Swim! What if I called you Mister Swim all the time, like you were Mr. Moviefone? Would that be a treat?
Yeah, it would be a nice treat. Thank you for being so nice to me.
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robo-writing · 8 months
torgal is such a little cheeky pup bc i know if he had to watch clive brood himself to death over infatuation and end up crumpling like forty confession missives that were all supposed to be to u, he would just pick up the bin containing them all in his mouth and speed jog to ur room so that clive can’t realise what he did and get them to u.
big ass wolf pawing at ur door so u can open it enough for him to barrel in before clive spots where he ran off to and plonk the bin infront of u. doesn’t leave until he signals to u to read them before then trots off thinking he’s cupid incarnate
“Torgal, what is this?”
You look at the ecstatic wolf in your room, his tail wagging as he holds a garbage bin in his mouth, fit to burst with the amount of trash in it.
You give him a questioning look, to which he unceremoniously drops the bin in question and barks, leaving a mess across your floor.
The floor is littered with crumpled paper, and for some reason Torgal hasn’t left yet, still wagging his tail and looking at you expectantly. You move to grab a broom but he blocks your exit, barks at you a few more times until you back away and stares at the pile.
“Torgal, come on now I have to—“
Another bark, he grabs a piece of paper and noses it towards your feet. It’s at this point you realize that whatever he wants, it has something to do with whatever’s been thrown away.
“Fine, I’ll look at the damn thing,” you grumble, and his tail wags even harder.
“Torgal!” Clive yells, running after the large hound to his best effort, but he simply cannot keep pace with such a fast creature. Exhaustion takes hold of him, his breath coming short as he makes his way to your room where he’s sure Torgal’s ran off to. He has to find Torgal soon, or else—
He finds you in your room, Torgal sat patiently by your side, and a sinking feeling sets in, followed by dread when he realizes the familiar off-white of parchment in your hand.
Maybe you haven’t read it yet, but that’s wishful thinking. Your eyes are practically glued to the letter, dozens of others just like it strewn across the room. When you finally lift your head after what seems like eons your eyes immediately lock with his. He tries to think of an excuse, anything to explain but you speak before he can even attempt such a thing.
“Clive…did you write these?”
He shakes his head no, his voice trapped in his throat, but you don’t buy it for a second.
“I’ve known you long enough to know your handwriting,” you say, waving the damning evidence in the air as you step forward. “You wrote this, didn’t you?”
A silence so loud it could deafen a man. You were not asking, you were telling, and by his lack of response he knows he’s been caught.
“I—I’m sorry—“ Clive says, unable to muster a sentence. He’s faced monsters that most people wouldn’t live to tell the tale, even gone against eikons and yet your silence strikes fear into his heart that immobilizes him, makes his heart beat like a drum in his chest.
The tiniest little smile graces your features. “Your eyes remind me of the crystal seas, your hair as soft as the finest Dhalmekian silks, your voice as gentle as the birds that sing at the first sign of dawn.”
You continue to recite the letter as Clive stands mortified. Once you’re finished you fling the paper to the wayside, attention fully on him.
“I’m guessing the other letters follow the same pattern, yeah?”
A nod, his eyes fall to the floor as your footsteps get louder and louder, close enough that he can see your legs in view.
“Clive, look at me,” you ask softly, and after a moment he obliges. He expected to see anger from you, or maybe confusion, but there is nothing of the sort. Your hand slowly reaches forward, as if to coax a scared animal, and once you’ve seen no resistance, rests itself on the heat of his cheek.
“What you said in that letter, was it true?” You ask.
“Every word.”
This is the one time that he answers without hesitation, the one thing that he is confident about. No sooner do those words pass his lips does he feel your own connect with his. First surprise, then desperation grab him tightly as he follows the taste of you, hands frozen still at your sides until you guide them towards you, where they hold you tight to him like a vice.
There’s a silk thread of spit that connects the two of you, out of breath and yet Clive still chases after you as you speak, breath fanning his face.
“I feel the same.”
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Not everything is black and white…
She was white and tan and full of life…
Took you by the hand with those puppy dog eyes…
She’d always understand you when tears arrived…
head on your lap with a contented sigh…
Time for a nap said with a smile…
An upward look of the gentle kind…
Reading your book, reading your mind…
A dance of her brow left to the right…
She won’t let you down, be with you all night…
A dog’s intuition is a beautiful insight…
They’ll give you their love, lay down their lives…
Bring it back pup after a throw of the ball…
Tempt her with cheese if you’re expecting a recall…
Off the lead, on her walks meeting people…
She’s finding her voice and talking like a beagle…
Over the cliffs in the fields when it’s sunny…
You take in the views, she’ll chase the bunnies…
Turning towards Barney to see if he’s coming…
She’ll stay up front now they’re both running…
Up with her tail and down with her nose…
There’s a sniffer dog out there in beagle clothes…
Over the fields and into the meadows…
Chasing the foxes back into their borrows…
Into the distance, parting the long grass…
She picks up a scent and follows it fast…
We wont get her attention or to do she’s asked…
Off the beaten track and on her on her own path…
Who’s that puppy as I open the door…
Trotting up the hallway on her chunky snow paws…
A face without fangs, feet without claws…
She’ll lick you to death, down on all fours…
Show her the treats, she’ll show you her appetite…
That’s the only time you’ll ever see her bite…
Polishing off dinners in the blink of an eye…
She’s not concerned about her dress size…
Come for a run, let’s shed all the pounds…
Beer belly’s aren’t a good look for hounds…
The queen of the custard creams, wearing the crown…
A face full of chips…look what she’s found!?
wear the cap and smoke the pipe…
Sherlock bones is on the case tonight…
Out in the shadows and under the street lights…
Cracking the code is extremely precise…
Chanel for dogs is the sloppiest of fox crap…
Where can you find some, she’ll draw you a map…
Under the fence, squeeze through the gap…
Out with the hose, turn on the tap…
She couldn’t have found a larger amount…
If shit was currency there’s plenty in the account…
In for a penny, in for a pound…
Gotta do it properly this time around…
Maybe today we’ll bump into Toby…
Do you think he likes me and wants to get cozy…?
Even though he acts like he doesn’t really know me…
Get me his number, I’ll call him on his moby…
He’s always got a bottle in his mouth…
What do you think that’s all about…?
He won’t let me touch it, its just not allowed…
Do you think he’s giving me the run around…?
Tell me the truth, do I look fat in this…
Is that why I can’t get Toby near a mattress
It’s the strappiest I’ve got and completely backless…
I’m a hundred percent natural, no fillers or plastics…
I’m using my charm, trying out tactics…
He’s obviously gay or one of the spastics…
He won’t trade a kiss for one of his catches…
Can you wean me off him with nicotine patches…
Maybe he’s just not into fat chicks…
I wear it proud like the flags and badges…
I don’t like dogs with beards or moustaches…
He’s not the only boy for me on the planet…
Alongside the river, woof at the cows
I tried a swim here once but nearly drowned��
Instead of doggy paddle I’ll look for a mound…
Past the stile there’s crusty pats on the ground…
Lift the lids and sip from the cups…
Salmonella isn’t a thing that affects pups…!
Ready made stew tastes a million bucks…
What’s the worst that can happen, I’ll only get hiccups…!!!
Give me the recipe I can’t get enough…
This must be heaven, I think I’m in love…
Free food on tap from the arse of a calf…
I’m not sharing with you or slicing it in half…
Covered in camouflage, straight up on the bed…
I’ll pretend I can’t see you if you object…!
When beagles are hiding they’re hard to detect…
I know I’m invisible because I just checked…!
If I wasn’t so hefty I might have crept…
It’s been a whole couple of hours since I last slept…
If these are your pillows I’m afraid this is the theft…
When I moved in with you there were terms to accept…
I’ll lay on what I like and add fluff to the pile…
The moult is on autopilot, it’s airborne for miles…
On the sofa, all over the tiles…
You can wear my coat, it’s always in style…
Lucky for you there’s plenty where that came from…
Buy some get some free, the sale is on…
The farts are a giveaway, Yves Saint Laurent…
The same fermentation is at the bottom of your pond…
Share in the snacks or I’ll muke from the gums…
Give me your Big Macs and poppadoms…
Where do you get those kind of treats from…?
If you let me loose on those it could be a problem…!!
I still remember the day you came and got me…
You’d already named me Molly…….
You went onto the internet and searched for me…
You took a week off and stayed home to support me…
I knew I was destined to be happy…
Nobody could’ve loved me the way you loved me…
You moulded me in your hands like putty…
I want you to know I’ll always be your puppy…
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handelplayssims · 1 year
One hour until school in which we aren’t going to follow Autumn today. Enough time to get some breakfast. Whims for Freddie are to meet someone new, which is tied to his aspiration, and to brag about possessions. But I am waylaid from doing those because a song I like is on the radio that he turned on for breakfast. And I gotta listen to my song! (It’s Zumbray from the Romance station) We got Augustus Cooper dropping and wanting to be Freddie’s best friend. Eh. I’m not really spending so much time with ya so...no thanks! I mean, we know only one trait, after all. Still I get to know him and welp, now we know he’s a bro. We can have a bro-friendship!
ACK! BILLS. Bills of 18 thousand. WOOF. Cheated in money but DANG. Annnnd now Freddie is bitter towards Augustus for feeling he’s a creep. Yeesh. Going to set him to meditate to try to ease his mind before the party. Anyway, while I’m not able to do too much with Autumn’s crush on Sidney and her friendship thing before the party, might as well send some messages in Social Bunny Dms. Oh! And take days off of school! Whatever vacation time I have gathered up during the school week, hopefully five days but perhaps less, I spend on Summer Vacation for teens and kids! We got four, the fourth being earned today but I got three days left of summer work week to do!
Party time! Time to get people dancing, drinking, and even more drinking with the keg stand! First since people were gravitating towards the music, I fulfilled the dancing goal of the party. Then I focused Freddie on keg drinking! All the keg drinks all the time! Autumn, meanwhile, focused on getting food for herself. And also got a teenage pop up of heading out to an R-rated flick! Easy enough to sneak away, in the chaos of this party. Freddie was in a flirty mood for ages so I roved my eye around who to see who is the ‘hottest’ dude and picked up J Huntington. And I had my first kiss in a party! How fitting!
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And gold party achieved! Our reward? A sweet keg. Right into the inventory it goes! Autumn is back and before she goes to bed, she makes another lifestyle review, this time about media production! ...which is not even what’s she supposed to do for her job. Whoops!
Neighborhood Watch!
Tyrell Carlise in the Carlise household is now a Floral Organizer in the Floral Designer career.
Let’s try for another day. The siblings are making breakfast the day after a fantastic party. Ah fun. And Freddie is grumpy because...he sent a message to his sister being rude to her. ...I think it’s supposed to be the other way around buuuuut ah well. He’s mad and so ANGRY WORDS SHALL BE SAID! Argue over who is better! Oooooh, Freddie won the argument! Interesting. Anyway, going to lower their friendship to just friends at this point rather than good friends. And both are hurt towards each other. Autumn has itchy skin from an ailment. -checks online resources- Cold showers are evidently recommended. (Also medicine but eh) Sidney has dropped by and wants to become besties! OHMYGOD YES! Annnnd he’s flirty! Now might be the time! Reveal crush! AYE! Romance bar get! And we got asked out to Prom as friends. Oooooooooo! Anyway, time for a tried and true way of romancing someone, flirting over chess. Freddie still wants a new purchase so I got him a new tabletop decoration. And I’ll set him to DANCE!
Oooooooh! Autumn has a whim to ask out her crush! Let’s go! Nearby is a pool, a bar, a cafe, a bowling alley and a sketchy park. I think I’ll go for the pool! We’ll keep things casual first, do the friendly goals and then BAM! First kiss!
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BAM! And now he’s our boyfriend! ...really wish I could post about that on Social Bunny. At least I got a flirty tag. And let’s ask to prom properly! As a proper prom date! So yeah, lots of romance socials, lots of love and flirting and now these two are boyfriend and girlfriend!
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Also nabbed this. And now she’s smitten. Aww. Also hungry. Time to head back home! (Would go to the restaurant next door but eh, it’s experimental food. That’s for ULTRA SPECIAL occasions.) We come back to a sleepy Freddie. To bed! And after food, sleep for Autumn as well. What a day this one had been!
Neighborhood Watch!
Brindleton Bay: The Hough household has moved in.
Case diggs in the Diggs household has died. Shockingly, Case botched a repair and was electrocuted.
Windenburg: The Farley household moved out.
Kalama Kahananui in the Kahananui household has died. No cliffhanger here; Kalama slipped when rock climbing.
Armand DiAggro in the Dimaggio household left his job as an Investigative Journalist in the Journalist career.
Busy busy!
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johanine · 2 years
Jo’s Diary- Murloc Encounter
Hello shiny, glittery beautiful diary! You are crisp and clean and ready to get DESTROYED by stickers and gel pens! Eeee! I wanted to start documenting big moments in my life, so today I decided I would recall the memory of Murglgles before it gets too fuzzy! --- Today was the first day of training with The Cast Company! I’m still not sure how I got here, one minute I was cleaning up Hidden Delights booth at the job faire, the next minute I was handed a waiver from a murloc named Theadore. I’ll tell ya, that Sal guy was a real salesman! AND sailsman heehee! Anywhoo, the training was ROUGH! Almost as rough as the time I fell off my pink bicycle and into a pond before I knew how to swim. But that time I wasn’t entirely in fear for my life. Today was the first time I was genuinely concerned about my life. Theadore was a very nice young murloc, but his family is NOT! When I arrived in Dalaran for the event, I was greeted by an assortment of kneecaps and bloodthirsty, ravenous murlocs! Some had daggers and knives and improvised weapons! Others had fists! MASSIVE BALLS OF RAGE AND ANGER! Some were nice though. The other members of the Company were able to dismiss the murderlocs with a swift kick or scolding, but they did not respond well to my ferocity. I tried really hard to deal with the problem myself, it’s embarrassing enough to have to ask for a step stool everywhere, I didn’t want my new friends to think I’m a baby. So I grinned and bared it and cooked up a super duper humdinger of a revenge plan. After the event, I sprang into action. You see, I followed the murlocs back to their murloc fortress. I moved real quiet through the brush, imitating the gait and shadowy step of Ranek (he’s one of the cool people that lead the Company! He’s also an investigator and kind of sneaky sometimes). I must’ve done a dazzling job, the murlocs had NO IDEA that I was hot on their fishy trails! Except I accidentally followed a nice murloc home to his residence and got attacked by a giant creature. It resembled a pug, it smelled like a pug, it woofed like a pug, but I know what a pug looks like. That was a BEAR! Luckily at that point, I was close to the murloc fortress, I could determine it by the cries of MURGLGLGLGL in the distance. I followed the sound and peeked into their habitat. What I saw still haunts me. There were some murlocs having a tea party, some murlocs sharpening their KNIVES, there were corpses of stuffies and dolls everywhere! I almost high tailed it out of there but I was so close to my goal! I located their den sleeping area and snuck over to it. The stupid creatures were too busy being horrible to notice! I carefully extracted several glitter bombs from my bag, and that’s when I noticed one nest was occupied. In the corner off by itself was a tiny nest with one egg in it. I could hear Evil Jo whispering to me, “Kick it. It’s abandoned anyways.” I snickered at Evil Jo and thought she had a fantastic idea! I giggled and marched toward my victim. Good Jo kicked in and reminded me that I should be nice and considerate to the murderlocs. But the Light giveth and the Light taketh away, right? I decided to do some taking away. They had already nearly taken away my pigtails! I paced around the nest, looking for the absolute bestest angle to launch my assault. I firmly planted both my feet on the ground and visualized me kicking the egg and it erupting into a gazillion shards of nothingness, then teleporting as fast as I could back to Stormwind. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I opened my eyes and swung my leg back as far as I could, then gained as much yeeting force as possible and swung forwards towards the egg. My left leg went clear over the egg and my right leg swung out from under me. I fell backwards and konked my head on the hard packed dirt and went lights out. I don’t know how long I laid on the ground, but when I came to I was still alive. Four fingers on each hand, two hands, two feet, ten toes. I was in good shape! The murlocs were still murderlocing and I got up to make a hasty exit from my botched evil plan. A mental note was made to maybe disregard Evil Jo in the future. That’s when I realized The Egg was gone. The nest was empty with no sign of the egg. I wasn’t too terribly invested in The Egg and still had priority one of making a quick exit. I picked up my bag and got the fel out of there! Er, tried to. I picked up my bag and noticed it felt a little heavier than before, and MOVING! A grey murloc poked his teeny tiny baby head out of the opening. It had bits of shell on it’s head and cookie crumbs on it’s mouth. I let out a shrill AAAHHH!! and the murloc let out an alarmed MURGLGLGL! raising both of their tiny murloc handsies in fright! This alerted the murder of murlocs (I’ve decided a group of murlocs is called a murder) and they began running towards me! I hastily ported as quick as I could, murloc bag in tow. I escaped and landed back in my apartment with my new friend. They seemed content to hide out in my bag, provided the cookie stash was regularly replenished. Murglgles has proven to be low maintenance and easygoing, probably because they did not have time to be corrupted by the Murderlocs. They were also able to intercede on my behalf to let the Murderlocs know that I am not a threat, toy, doll, or cursed statue. I am very thankful for their diligence in controlling their murdermates. I have since made friends with most of the murlocs and enjoy working with them!  ~Jo There is a bite mark at the bottom of the paper denoting Murglgles’ signature. _____ Thanks to Dixis Fizzpump for the Murglgles Origin Story idea!
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bbdaydreams · 3 years
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Protective Boyfriend Rindo
a/n: I felt soft but also wanted a couple laughs so enjoy.
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Character: Rindo Haitani
Summary: 3 scenarios of how Rindo would be a protective boyfriend.
Warnings: fluff
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❁ Rindo barks when he’s too tired to be bothered
❁ He would join you on your spontaneous grocery store runs in sweats and an oversized shirt while you’re in casual clothes ready to take on the day
❁ He doesn’t completely enjoy the task but comes along so he could help you
❁ You’re filling the cart up while he’s following you and in charge of pushing it around
❁ Tired as always, he’ll lean his head down onto his crossed arms and let his eyes rest as you stand in the middle of the aisle trying to decide what snacks to add to your purchase when Rindo senses a presence coming towards you from the end of the aisle
❁ Keeping one eye open he observes the man and doesn’t appreciate how he’s clearly checking you out right in front of him so he lets out a low growl, making you turn to face your mullet haired boyfriend in confusion
“Rin, what are you-”
“Hey there pretty, I couldn’t help but see you from back there and I just wanted to ask if you wanted to go out sometime?“
“Bark, bark.”
“Excuse me?”
“Bark, ruff! Grrr,” he continued, now raising his head up to look directly at the man.
“Is he with you?” The guy asks, not sure of what to do in this situation.
“Uhhh… yeah,” you answer, taking some steps over to your weird boyfriend to attempt to ask him again what on earth he was doing.
“I’m out.”
The guy left confused as ever from Rindo’s shenanigans, still trying to process what had just happened.
“Did you just full on bark at that guy?”
“Yeah. I didn’t feel like talking to the guy but I also didn’t want him to mess with you so I decided to mess with him,” he responds, still looking at the guy retreating. Turning to look up at you, he notices the small smile on your face. “It was pretty funny trying to watch him take it all in though, wasn’t it?”
You let out a giggle and shake your head to agree with him. “Yeah.”
He’ll smile after that and reach out one of his hands to tug on yours. “C’mon, let’s finish up here.”
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II. Cover You
❁ Just because he’s protective of you doesn’t mean he restricts you from doing what you want
❁ You want to wear an outfit that’ll show off your curves? Go for it
❁ Wanna wear something so revealing that you know that if you move in a certain direction you could potentially end up flashing some people? Go for it
❁ Who is he to stop you?
❁ Reason being it’s your body
❁ But mostly because if someone tries something he would just fight them. He can and he will.
❁ But he can’t be around you 24/7
You and Rindo were currently on a date at festival in the evening. Walking around, having fun while playing games which led to Rindo winning as many prizes as he could for you and indulging yourselves with food from the stands. Everything was going great but regardless, nature calls.
“Shit, c’mere,” Rindo speaks, holding onto the multiple plushies and heading over towards a bench. You notice him placing them on the bench while leaving a spot in the middle. When he finished he turned around and started lifting his hoodie off him while still leaving his shirt. “Here, put this on.”
“Put this on.”
“Excuse me? What happened to me being able to wear whatever the fuck I want? What happened to Mr ‘oh I’m Rindo Haitani I’ll break the limbs of anyone that even lays a hand on my baby’?”
Moving quick, he bunched up the hoodie with his arms and stretched it before putting it over your head. It happened so fast that you didn’t even have a chance to react. “You are and I would do that in the blink of an eye but here’s the thing,” he responds, finishing tugging the bottom hem down your body only to stand back up and place a kiss on the shell of your ear. “I have to to go the bathroom,” he whispered like a child making you laugh and poke his chest to get some distance between you two again. “I can’t leave you alone looking hot as fuck when I’m not around. I don’t want to risk anyone bothering you so just wear this until I come back.”
Looking at him you roll your eyes playfully and take a seat on the bench like he asked. “Alright, go piss.”
“Can’t. Not only do you look hot, but now you look adorable too. How do you do that?”
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III.Holding You Tightly
❁ Another thing Rindo would do is try to be as close as possible to you in crowded areas
❁ Typically you’d hug his arm as the two of you walked or just did some simple hand holding to not lose each other
❁ But sometimes he just had to wrap himself around you
Riding the train home, there were no empty seats so you were both standing and holding onto the railing to keep steady. Reaching the next stop, it felt like the amount of people around you had doubled which led to Rindo instinctively pulling your back against his front with one of his arms while using the other to still hold onto the ceiling handle.
You were nearing your stop and luckily it was gradually getting less packed as time went on giving more room to move but it was still considerably crowded. At the following stop someone had accidentally tripped from rushing to get on which caused a small chain of people bumping into each other. And almost into you.
Acting fast, he spun you around so your face was in his chest while also spinning himself around so you two could switch positions. He tensed up to prepare himself for the impact while holding you close to prevent your head from hitting against the wall. Hearing the voices around him ask if the initial person that fell was okay he looked at you and did the same.
“You okay? Didn’t get hurt right?”
“I’m fine. Thank you, Rin.”
“Anytime, Babe.”
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kkusuka · 4 years
Love your writing and I adored your thick af gf head cannons. I was hoping that you could do a part two with the following characters; Ushijima, Semi, Akaashi, Oikawa, Sugawara and Futakuchi? Thank you!
part one
part 3
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Ushijima Wakatoshi
Just the fact that ushijima had a girlfriend set some people off
But the fact he had a girlfriend like you??
No way
No possible way
How did that even happen?
I’ll tell you
It was not the most romantic by any means
It was a totally normal day at Shiratorizawa, classes were fine, but on his way back to his last class he was in a crowded staircase
And you just happened to be wearing shoes that didn't fit and somehow were coming undone every five seconds
What i am trying to say is you fell backwards onto him and he you a hand full off ass and another hand of boob
you apologized, he was shell shocked (and kinda turned on)
And you two just moved along, until tendou got word of what happened
Which led to him getting the full story from the man himself then forcing ushijima to ask you out two days later.
You agreed, duh, and thus began the “ushijima gets everything” mantras
He's not that protective with what you wear considering either everyone knows you’re his girlfriend or he's standing next to you the entire time you're wearing it.
But, he does take notice of a lot of your clothes, uncaring or not, he’ll try to talk you out of wearing some things
like tight dresses, which is pretty much every dress
With the exception of sundresses!
If you wear a sundress he’s putty in your hands, just slip on the dress and you can literally just walk on him, and he’ll let you
Also sundresses are the reason you know his horny language
Considering he is not a man of words, he takes a more physically approach
As in he will grab you by the waist, pick you up and just walk away
Maybe uttering a “we have to go”
Or there are times that he’ll just put you on his lap or have you straddle his thigh
No words, no thoughts, just thinking about how soft you are.
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Semi Eita
Semi is a cuddle bug, and you can’t tell me he isn't 
So seeing you at one of their games, specifically the one that he was playing and doing great, he knew it was you
Once he slithered his way into your life he asked you on a date!
That night was th efist day he realized that he wasn't the only one who thought you were the hottest person on the planet 
Que the beginning of protective Semi!
He's the “I trust you, but i don't trust them” linda guy
But the good way 
He lets your wear all the dresses and leggings (bc they usually don't stay on for too long) 
But when he does, he's on you, shoulder to shoulder walking, hand in hand, arm around the shoulder 
Just to let all those creeps know your his <3
(it is also not below him to buy you a choker (aka a collar) with his name on it) 
He is the handsy king 
He’s a good mix of groping you to heavan, and telling you how beautiful you are 
He’ll pry his hands into your thighs and press you into him 
He shoves his face into the crook of your neck 
He also doesn't really care if anyone sees, he’ll do it during parties, in his dorm with his roommate, during practice breaks 
Or he ruts into you in the hallway 
Everyone sees it, you know it he knows it, you guys just don't really care 
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Akaashi Keiji
you knew him as Bokuto's friend and he was content with that 
but eventually you guys caught feelings and bokuto just decided to play god
Akaashi, as much as he tries, is not completely rid of emotions 
And all the pretending makes it really hard for him to see you in more than a few outfits 
The uniform, how have you not been dress coded yet? 
One time it seemed especially short and he just turned around and faced the wall until the bell rang
or when you were rushing and just wore spandex and his old jersey to one of his games 
he had to get taken out so he could catch his breath
aka just looking at you made him a mess
and that time you wore leggings and a crop top to a movie date 
and he had a hard on the entire night
(but it was below him to ask for a handjob in public even though he desperately wanted to ask) 
considering he’s turned on when you do literally anything 
He has formed a “i have to tell her i'm turned on, but i don't want to say it out loud” system
First is the staring 
He just looks at you from wherever you are and he follows you with his eyes. Hell look down your body and think out your previous bedroom activities 
Second is the touching
He’ll come up behind you and just stand there. Rest his head on your shoulder and rub up and down your sides 
Third, and finally, is the whispers 
He has his head there for a reason, if you just ignore him (which is hard) he just starts telling you all the things he wants to do to you. And he’ll remind you about how you begged for him last time and how easily you cu for him
Basically he just makes it impossible to ignore
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Oikawa Tooru
Imma just say: the reason you got with this guy is because he practically begged on his knees for it 
Everyday, everytime you passed him he would tell you how amazing you looked and how you would be such a good couple
Y’know, pretty + sexiest girl on the planet = power couple! 
It's basic math! 
And eventually you gave in and he was ecstatic! 
You were his!!! Him him him his!!!!!!!!!
Honestly, i think he’s the type to match outfits
So he doesn't care what your wearing because he always looks like you belong to him anyways 
But that being said, if he doesnt have something to match, you can't wear it 
What a diva 
There is one exception to this
A royal blue, v-neck, off the shoulder, skin tight, mid-thigh dress
You didn't have that thing on for two minutes before he was ripping it off. 
You guys were a no-show to whatever event you were supposed to be at 
He’s far more vocal about when he wants to have sex 
Sometimes he’ll just yell across the room that he wants head
But you have Iwaizumi to hit him in the back of the head and put him in his place 
He will bend you over something and fake bang you
Or he’ll pull you onto his lap and have you ride him
He’s just really horny and somehow seems to get what he wants when he wants by just being a persistent bastard
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Sugawara Koshi
He’s your biggest hype man! 
You could be wearing a potato sack and hes be smiling as clapping telling you how great you like 
He’s like a facebook mom, he takes pictures of you all the time and just brags about you to everyone 
He also takes the best instagram photos 
He ever so slightly makes you wear more modest stuff (not that it matters) 
But it does help with some of the rando’s who try to get with you  literally every time you go out 
You also seem to be a catcall magnet
And HE barks back at them 
Like “bark” “woof woof” kinda bark 
Every time, he has not let anyone pass
Now a horny Koishi is just like regular Koshi but every so slightly more snappy
But he mostly just attaches himself to your rear and just sits 
He’ll stand behind you and grind or he’ll rock the both of you back and forth so it looks slightly less like he’s trying to bang you
But if you’re teasing him alot he’ll just grab you and take you to your room or another room and just bang 
Either way he’s getting what he wants 
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Futakuchi Kenji 
This guy shows you off!
He wanted everyone to know that you are his and his only! 
He’s a lucky guys and wants everyone to know it 
He isn’t to controlling of what you wear but that doesn't mean he doesn't get turned on
(he does, and fairly easily) 
Any kind of booty short
They frame your ass like the fuking Mona Lisa, it should be illegal. And how they accent your thighs and make them look so soft and cuddly 
Short-ish dresses
I'm talking mid-thigh, frilly, like the type that people take the panty shots from. It's just that they are always shorter in the back and sometimes he can see your panties under them. 
One time you were making something in the kitchen with one of them on and he just laid in between your legs and just started….from the floor…...up to your panities 
(like a creep)
Any many other random articles of clothing, but those two just seemed to set him off the most. 
He’s demanding horny boy 
He wastes no time in just grinding on you and telling you how much of a whore you are for getting turned on. 
He also has no shame in doing in while people watch
Waiting is such a hassle and if he could just fick you in an alley he’s going to
Let all those jerks see who you love <3
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forever-rogue · 3 years
Idk if you’re still taking Bucky requests, but I came across a quote and I feel in love with it because it just screamed Bucky to me. It read: “there is nothing as beautiful as seeing someone who has been unlucky, finally being loved so effortlessly by the right person” if this sparks anything in you, I would love to read it 💜
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Pairing | Bucky x Fem!Reader
Word Count | 1.9k
Warnings | dad!Bucky, slight language, slight suggestive theme
Masterlists | Bucky, Main
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Bucky bit back a yawn as he closed the car door and headed towards the front door. The smell of spring, the freshly mowed grass and blooming flowers overwhelmed his senses along with the warm summer sun hitting his skin. This was nice, he realized, the calculated simplicity and domestic nature of it all. He hiked his bag on his shoulder, the gold in his vibranium arm glinting brilliantly in the slowly dying light of the day. He didn’t bother to hide it anymore, somehow long past that part of his life. At one point he never thought he’d reach that point in his life and now he had the world in front of him. 
Walking up the stairs, he smiled to himself as he could already smell something delicious cooking through the open windows. In a vain attempt to keep the household from falling into complete and utter chaos, he slowly opened the door and tried to tip-toe inside. He managed to get about two feet inside and kick off his work boots before he heard an exciting squeal followed by a few loud woofs. 
The pitter-patter of two small feet and four paws quickly reached him as Falcon, the trusted family dog, and Emily, your oldest daughter, ran down the hall towards him. Any stress he had remaining quickly melted away at the sight of two of his favorite beings as they almost knocked him over in their rush. 
“Daddy!” an excited shout was followed by another bark. He bent down and scooped the small girl in his arms, the weight of the world off his shoulders as she wrapped her little arms around his neck, “hi daddy, you’re home!”
“Of course I am,” he propped her on his hip and studied her sweet little face. She took after him with his dark unruly hair and ocean eyes, but the rest he swore was all you, especially that sweet smile, “I’ll always come home to my sweetest girl. Did you have a good day, baby?”
“Yeah,” she nodded excitedly as he brushed her hair out of her face and pressed a kiss to the top of her head, “mama and I painted and then we planted some new flowers. She said she picked them out because they reminded her of you!”
“She did, did she?” he couldn’t stop the grin that spread from ear to ear as his heart fluttered in his chest. Even to this day you still managed to make him weak in the knees and set off butterflies in his belly. He held Emily tightly in his grip as he bent down to give Falcon a few pets, causing the dog to rub against his legs as he wagged his tail, “what would I do without my little hellraisers?”
“Mama says that’s a bad word!” Emily looked at him with wide eyes and he chuckled softly before holding a finger to his lips.
“It’s our little secret,” he whispered as she nodded, “do you know why this secret is okay?”
“Because it’s not gonna hurt anyone,” she asked as he nodded. She gave him a wide gap toothed grin as he set her back down, “will you play with me later, daddy? Falcon wants to have a tea party!”
“Of course,” he promised his daughter as she held tightly onto his hand, “now go and get cleaned up for dinner. It smells like it should all be done soon.”
“Okie dokie,” she dropped his hand and motioned for Falcon to follow her instead, practically bouncing up the stairs. 
Bucky sighed in content as he shook his head before slowly making his way into the kitchen where he was sure you were. He found at the island, brows furrowed in concentration as you chopped vegetables for the salad. Your baby boy was slung around your chest, and despite the commotion from Bucky’s entrance, he was fast asleep. A lump welled up in his throat as he watched the sight. It would be nothing special to most people, but to him it was everything.
You looked so beautiful, even in your sweatpants and t-shirt with your hair a chaotic bun as you hummed to the baby under your breath. You looked tired and he felt bad for a moment; leaving you with a toddler and a baby was a ton of work and he would have gladly stayed home with you and helped, but you were insistent that he work if he wanted. You’d never hold it against him, he knew that.
As soon as you sensed you his presence in the kitchen, you turned to him and gave him a soft smile, and his own features softened even more, “hello, my love. I’m so glad you’re so home!”
You set down the knife before slowly making your way over to him, careful not to disturb the baby as he immediately leaned down to kiss you. Your whole body was practically humming from his touch as you stole you a few more kisses, “rough day? You should have called me and I could have come home, honey baby.”
“It wasn’t bad actually,” you promised, watching with nothing but adoration in your eyes as he stroked Stevie’s chubby little cheek, “the chaos duo was on their best behavior today and the little one has been sleeping most of the day. I think he wore himself out from all his fussing last night.”
“Miracles do happen,” he laughed lightly as his hand went to your face and he gently stroked your cheek. You grinned at him, keening into his touch like a cat to the sun, “you are so beautiful.”
“Shut up,” you playfully pushed his chest before hiding your face behind your hands. Funny, how even after all this time he still managed to make you feel nervous and shy, “I’m in my ugliest mom clothes which I’m pretty sure these sweats have permanent puke stains, I haven’t showered today and I look like I haven’t slept in five years. Hardly beautiful.”
“You are the most gorgeous woman I have ever laid eyes on regardless of all of that,” he insisted softly, reaching for your hands and pulling them away from your face. Your whole body flushed with pleasant warmth as you looked into his eyes, “and I love you more than anything in this world.”
“You’re just saying that ‘cause I let you knock me up twice,” you joked as he playfully rolled his eyes, “god, Bucky, how do you still make me feel like this?”
“Like what?” he asked as he slowly moved to undo the sling from your chest and take the baby from you. Stevie made a few small sounds before cuddling up on Bucky’s chest. 
“Like I’m still falling in love with you every day,” you whispered as you leaned in and let him wrap arm around you as well. He kissed the top of your head before sighing in content, “I guess I am. We’re a little different every day - we’re definitely not the same fools from when we first met, huh?”
“I mean, we’re married and have kids, and the whole you know, typical suburban thing going on,” he teased, “so I’d say we’re pretty different. But you’re still my favorite pain in the ass.”
“James!” your eyes widened before the two of you broke into a fit of giggles, “I will get you back for that later!”
“Oh, I definitely count on it,” he promised, “now, go and take a few moments to yourself, shower or whatever, and I’ll finish dinner and get the kiddos and Falcon settled.”
“Whatever would I do without you, my love?”
“I think the better question is what would I do without you, honey baby?”
You blew him a little kiss as you all but ran towards the stairs in order to fit in a quick shower. Sometimes even ten minutes of peace and quiet would suffice. Bucky watched you go with a soft smile on his face, before turning his attention back to his softly cooing son, “your mama’s the best person in this entire world, I hope you always know that.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“What?” you could feel Bucky’s eyes on your back as you brushed your teeth in the bathroom en suite. He was sitting in bed, winding down with some television as he waited for you, “I can feel you checking out the goods, Barnes.”
“That’s because I am,” you could practically hear the cheeky smirk in his voice, “it’s not wrong to admire, is it?”
“You’re too much,” you dried your face off before making your way back over to him. He offered you a lazy smile as he pulled back your side of the blankets and made room for you. You were only wearing his shirt and a pair of old cotton panties but he was watching you like you were the best in this world. Because to him - you were. The end all and be all, “James? What’s wrong, honey?”
“Nothing,” he whispered as he immediately reached for you and gently pulled you into his lap. You made a small sound of surprise but easily gave into his touch, “nothing at all. I’m perfect.”
“Hmm,” you leaned in and pressed a light kiss to his plump lips, gently tugging on his dog tags, “me too. I don’t know if I’ve ever told you this, but I kind of like you a lot.”
“Is that why you married me? Had two kids with me? Got the dog?” he raised a brow as you carded a hand through his dark locks, scratching lightly at his scalp, “I bet it was all for the dog.”
“He didn’t hurt,” you joked, gently stroking his cheek, “but you aren’t so bad either. I love you, Bucky. So much. I hope you know. I hope you know you deserve this, everything we have - the whole world.”
“I…” he paused for a moment, suddenly feeling overwhelmed as you showed him so much tenderness and delicate love, “I love you too.”
“Hey,” you put your hand under your chin and turned his face up towards yours, “I mean it James Buchanan Barnes. You have been through so much, so much that other people forced on you, and you deserve happiness. You deserve all the happiness this world has to offer. I know you have some bad days, and I understand that, but I want you to know I will always be here for you and I will always love you. You are my best friend, my husband, the father of my children, you are my everything.”
“I don’t deserve you,” he took your hand in his and pressed a gentle kiss to your knuckles.
“Yes,” you insisted softly, “you do, James.”
“How about for one moment you hush up,” you pushed him back against the headboard and pressed a few gentle, lazy kisses to his lips, “and just listen to me. And let me love you.”
“I love you, honey baby.”
“I love you too, James.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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artaefact · 4 years
a letter in roses.
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—wordcount: 8k+
—genre: FLUFF, romance, CEO au, valentine’s day au, husband!taehyung
—pairing: kim taehyung x f reader ft. florist!hobi, baker!jimin & ???!jk
—rating: 18+
—warnings: cheesy fluff, taehyung wants the tea, taehyung is kinda a hazard in the kitchen, yeontan being a little rascal, suggestive themes, swearings
—summary: Since it’s the first time celebrating Valentine’s Day with you as his wife, Taehyung goes the extra mile of preparing something special for you. After all, he has managed to run a billion-dollar worth company. So, preparing handmade delicacies should be simple enough, right?
author’s note: this is part of the bangtan pastries collab hosted by @suhdays !! AND ALSO ____ and [Name] are two different ocs so hopefully it’s not confusing !! happy reading everyone 💖
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© artaefact 2021. All rights reserved. Copying, reposting, translating, and modifying in any platform or by any means is NOT permitted.
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Valentine's Day. The day where people spend time with their loved ones, either going out to celebrate or spending quality time together at home. Just anything to bring a smile to their loved ones' faces.
Taehyung used to question this annual occasion—a lot. What is truly the purpose of this day? Don't you have to make your loved ones happy all the time? What difference does it make to celebrate it on this "special" day and on a typical day? Or, in other words, it was a complete waste of time and energy—is what he used to say.
For many years, Taehyung's only companions on this day are paperwork, meetings, and... more paperwork. So, it's not surprising how disinterested he is at the thought of celebrating Valentine's Day.
But today, he barely can stifle his smile and contain his excitement throughout the morning conference. The minute when the meeting ends, he strides out of the room and heads straight back home.
His employees had stared at him in awe after he announced that everyone can leave work early today. Everyone wonders what has gotten Kim Taehyung so excited on Valentine's Day until they remember that he is, now, officially a husband. Taehyung no longer frequently locks himself in his office until past midnight dealing with documents and phone calls. Not when you're waiting for him at home. Sometimes he'd even cut his work hours short if he deems himself deserving just to see you faster.
Everyone can see how utterly in love the boss is with his wife. Just the mention of your name is enough to grace his usual stern expression with a soft smile.
So, it's not surprising that an annoyed sigh emits from Taehyung's lips when his work phone dings just as he steps out of the elevator on his penthouse floor. Taking out his phone, he reads an urgent message that some part of the meeting's presentation details have not been mentioned to him earlier. For once, Taehyung wishes work can give him a break. Today is supposed to be a special day, after all.
Shoving his phone back into his pocket, Taehyung walks into his home. Soft jazzy music plays from the living room, along with the tinge of coffee fragrance wafting in the air, ebbing his growing annoyance away. He takes off his dress shoes before entering even further, knowing full well how his wife would make him clean up if he stains the Persian rug you received as a wedding gift. With a pair of home slippers covering his feet, he emerges from the front hallway to the living room as he shrugs off his navy pinstripe suit jacket and loosens his tie.
Taehyung hears the rapid padding of pawsteps first as a fluffy friend appears out of the kitchen, greeting Taehyung with a woof and an excited wag of his tail, scampering to his owner. Smiling, Taehyung crouches to give Yeontan a backrub as the pomeranian revels at the affection.
After a few moments, he walks to the kitchen—Yeontan still excitedly following—where the smell of coffee grows stronger. He finds you sipping on your morning coffee and scrolling through your tablet—perhaps, reading the latest news—as you sit on the bar table of the kitchen.
Sensing his presence, your head turns to the doorway. “Hey, you're back.”
“Mhmm… Finished my meetings earlier today.” He closes the distance, giving you a kiss on the cheek. “You ate breakfast already?”
You nod. “Have you?” He shakes his head. “You go change, I'll whip up something for you.” You place your tablet down on the counter. “Are toasts and eggs, okay?”
He nods in response.
Standing up from the barstool, you are about to make your way to the counter when your husband stops you. “You haven't given me a kiss ever since I've arrived back home.” He pouts, arms circling your waist to keep you still.
You chuckle at his antics. Cupping his face between your hands, you place a chaste kiss on his lips. “There.”
“More please.” And you comply, placing another, and another…
You move your hands down, placing it on his chest when he releases his hold on your waist, cupping your face, finally giving you a deep kiss. Your heart is on the verge of bursting at the touch of his lips. Granted, you both shared kisses so many times, but each and every single one never fails to spread warmth in your chest. And you love to see his dazed expression or his bright smile afterwards.
After a few moments, you pull away, grinning. “Okay, go change.” Your smile so bright Taehyung just can't get enough as he still clings to you. “I have an appointment today before our dinner date.”
Taehyung raises a brow, now realising that you're dressed up. “Where might you be going?”
You simply poke his nose with a secretive grin. He pouts at your lack of response, watching you move behind the counter. You take out two slices of bread—putting them in the toaster—and eggs from the fridge.
With a soft smile on his face, Taehyung goes to the bedroom and freshens up, quickly changing to his usual home attire. He comes back to the kitchen donning a white shirt and a pair of shorts, finding you already setting up the plate on the counter.
He stops at your side, watching you place the scrambled eggs near the toast. Then the moment you're done, he wraps his arms around your shoulders.
“What's gotten into you today?”
“Can't I shower my wife with love?” He nuzzles his nose to the crook of your neck.
You laugh softly. “Alright, alright. Now, let me just—” You place the plate on the counter, Taehyung still embracing you. “—put this. And… Do you want strawberry juice?”
He nods eagerly. You open the fridge (yes, with Taehyung is still clinging to you) and take out the cut-up frozen strawberries before placing them in the blender and pouring some water.
“Go eat, baby.” You face him after turning the blender on. “I'll be with you in a minute.”
Taehyung gives you a kiss on the cheek then moves to sit on the bar table where you have placed his breakfast. After you place a glass of strawberry juice near him, you sit next to him.
“What are your plans for today?” You ask, resting your chin on one hand.
“Hmm…” He sits straighter, swallowing the food in his mouth. With a teasing smirk, he faces you. “Well, I was planning to spend the whole day with my lovely wife. But unfortunately, I can't do that until our dinner date.”
“Should I cancel my appointments today…?” You actually look worried, and Taehyung blinks.
“No!” He says almost too quickly. “I mean— It's okay, really. We'll have our dinner date. Plus, I have another meeting to attend to soon.”
“Thought you said you were done with work today?”
“Something else came up,” Taehyung sighs in annoyance, remembering the text he received earlier from one of his employees. “I have to make a few calls. But I wouldn't miss our first Valentine dinner date after our marriage.”
You chuckle. “Alright, I should call taxi—”
Taehyung stops you. “Y/N, you know you can use my chauffeur, right?”
“The taxi's fine—” You yelp as Taehyung tugs you close to him, causing you to nearly sliding off from your seat. Placing your hands on your husband's broad shoulders, you steady yourself.
“Love, call my chauffeur, hmm?” His voice turns low, and you fight back a shiver. “I know you're still getting used to this—” He motions towards the whole penthouse. “—but at least, let me make it easier for you today, yeah?”
Inhaling a sharp breath, you nod. “O-Okay.”
A sly grin decorates his pretty lips at your agreement. “Good.” Straightening yourself, you climb down the stool. Taehyung places a chaste kiss on your lips, and you are still in a daze at the sudden change of his demeanour. You walk out of the kitchen and reach the end of the hallway. While putting on your shoes, his face peeking from the living room, and he pipes, “Don't be late for dinner!”
When the front door closes, you place a hand on your chest — on top of your still pounding heart. You let out a breath, and a smile curls up on the corner of your lips.
I swear he's going to be the death of me.
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After you leave, Taehyung is left alone to his own devices. He goes to his office space with Yeontan following on his trail. Turning his laptop on, he glares at the screen. Work seems to follow him wherever and whenever despite having worked his ass off. But he’ll ensure that nothing will ruin your date night today.
Taking a deep breath, he turns on his camera, not even bothering to change out of his home attire. Taehyung’s expressions have said it all as one of his company’s branch managers who messaged him fidgets on the screen under his stare.
“What else are we missing?” His voice like the calm before the storm. “I thought the meeting earlier today has been concluded.”
“I forgot that there are some things that…” The manager rambles on, and Taehyung can sense a headache looming.
Taehyung rubs his temple as the manager finishes prattling. Sitting up straighter, he advises, “I’m going to say this only once, you work in this position to oversee the marketing branch of my company. It is your job to ensure that all the little details for today’s meeting have been presented. So, this type of incident will not happen again. Do I make myself clear?”
The manager nods rapidly.
“Good,” Taehyung leans back on his leather chair. “Now, is that all?”
Again, the manager nods.
After ending the call and answering a few more emails, Taehyung emerges out of the office room and plops down the couch with Yeontan in his arms. He stretches his neck to the right and left, ear to his shoulder. The pomeranian rests comfortably against his chest until the doorbell rings, surprising the poor dog.
Ah, Taehyung almost forgot. He coos at the stunned dog, a light giggle escaping his lips before putting Yeontan on the dog bed, right beside the living room’s couch. “Stay, I’ll be back.” Then he walks to the door, peeking through the peephole as a grin appears on his face. Opening the door, Jimin and Jungkook pop in with smiles on their faces.
“Hey man, long time no see.” Jimin wraps his arms around Taehyung, patting his back. “How’s it going?”
“It’s rare for you to call us nowadays,” Jungkook comments after giving Tae a hug as well.
“Yeah, I’ve been working my ass off.” Taehyung sighs and locks the door.
“Where’s Y/N?” Jimin emerges out of the hallway, and he crouches as Yeontan approaches him in the living room. “Hey, buddy. Long time no see.”
“What the hell? He’s grown so much, hyung.” Jungkook follows suit, petting the pomeranian and letting out the giggle when Yeontan playfully licks him.
Taehyung clears his throat. “Y/N is out for an appointment, and you guys need to help me.”
“Right,” Jimin stands up, recalling the text Taehyung sent him a few days ago. “So, I think we can finish in around three hours? It’s only six pastries—”
“One hundred forty three,” Taehyung corrects.
Jimin blinks rapidly, processing his friend’s words. “Are you insane? We’ll need so much ingredients for that, and I’m guessing not even your gigantic kitchen can store—”
As if on cue, the doorbell rings again.
“Ah, it has arrived,” Taehyung muses, opening the door once more to reveal a delivery man with a cart full of packed grocery ingredients.
“Delivery for Mr Kim.”
“That would be me.” Taehyung signs the tablet before letting the delivery man unload the boxes. After a few minutes, the boxes are stacked near the hallway. Taehyung turns to his friends, “So, should we start?”
“Wait, are you seriously planning on baking a hundred forty three pastries?” Jimin’s expression still shows none other than horror. “That’s impossible.”
“Nope,” Jimin shakes his head. “That won’t work. Not even if we have more people to help.” Taehyung’s shoulders noticeably droop. Jimin puts a comforting hand on Taehyung’s shoulder and adds, “Look, we can opt for a lesser number of pastries and arrange them. It’ll look great! Plus, knowing your extra ass, I bet you still have something else planned.”
Pursing his lips, Taehyung mumbles, “Well, you’re not wrong.”
“So, we’re settled,” Jimin lets out a relieved sigh.
There’s a funny look on Jungkook’s face as he watches the whole scene unfold. Taehyung raises a brow at the younger one, who responds with a shake of his head. “I thought you lost your mind, hyung. As someone who runs a billionaire company, I thought the stress is finally getting to you.”
Taehyung rolls his eyes before he realises, “Wait, aren’t you working somewhere else now?”
“Today’s an off day for me,” Jungkook shrugs, walking alongside Taehyung to the kitchen. “So, I figured after knowing Jimin hyung is coming here, I’d tag along.”
“I see.” Taehyung sets the sack of apples on the floor beside the main kitchen counter. Jimin is already rummaging through the kitchen for empty bowls to place the necessary ingredients for the pastries. Meanwhile, Yeontan sniffs the sack of apples curiously, nudging it when the apples tumble down, scattering on the floor.
Putting the bags of cinnamon and sugar on the marble counter, Jungkook mutters, “...And now, I’m already regretting.”
✧༺♡༻∞     ∞༺♡༻✧
You watch the snow-covered trees and sidewalks in a passing blur as Taehyung’s chauffeur drives you to the town’s famous flower shop. After turning to the familiar corner of the street, a few minutes later, you arrive.
Tightening your coat tighter to yourself, you climb out of the car, taking your handbag along with you. As soon as you go through the glass door, the owner greets you. “Y/N! You’re finally here!”
“Hobi!” You greet him in a friendly hug. “How have you been? You look great!”
“I’ve been good!” He motions for you to sit on the chair at the front counter. “Just finished arranging all the bouquets for today, and finally have some peace and quiet until the truck returns, then I have to load the second batch of bouquets.”
“You sure having a busy day.” You sit on the wooden chair. “Is ____ here already?”
He shakes his head, but his eyes are filled with mirth. “She’ll come visit later, she has something to do now. So, let’s start on your thing first.”
“Oh! Did you get it?”
Hoseok nods at your question, moving back behind the cashier counter, and crouches down as he rummages through his things. “Here,” he hands you a miniature of a cherry blossom tree inside a small sealed plastic.
Your eyes light up. “Hobi, it’s perfect!”
He smiles at your reaction. “What are you going to use it for?”
“For this.” You take out an empty snow globe from your bag. “It fits perfectly.”
“Well, you did insist for me to get the right measurements.” He chuckles, watching curiously as you unseal the plastic to take out the cherry blossom tree. “If it wasn’t for my fiancé, I would’ve gotten it wrong. She literally measured it down to precision.”
You laugh, placing the tree on the uncapped snow globe. “That’s what I love about her.”
“Me too,” he giggles before clearing his throat, still smiling. “And what bouquet would you like?”
“It’s for Tae. So...”
“Hmm…” Hoseok purses his lips. “Usually, people would go for roses, tulips, and carnations for Valentine’s Day.”
You ponder for a moment, weighing your options for the perfect bouquet for your husband. “I’ll go with carnations, roses, and baby’s breath.” Hoseok nods, eyes calculating as if picturing the bouquet you’d like.
“Is it okay if I use your counter for a while to assemble this?” You point at the snow globe and miniature on the counter.
“Sure~” Hoseok chirps, striding to the buckets of flowers a few steps away.
Then as if on cue, the front door opens. “I hope I’m not late…” ____ smiles at the sight of you, then her gaze shifts to her fiancé briefly, whose eyes are already on her. “I bring the supplies,” she places a bag of arts and craft supplies you requested in front of you.
“Thank you!” You beam, excitedly giving her a hug before rummaging through the bag. “You really brought everything.”
“No problem.” She ruffles your hair affectionately. “I understand that you had to keep this a secret from Tae for the time being.” Then she turns to Hoseok.
“Hey, baby,” Hoseok grins, opening his arms, his glove-covered hands full of picked flowers. She responds with a smile of her own, wrapping her arms around his waist. “Missed you,” Hoseok mumbles into her hair.
She rolls her eyes, “We just saw each other this morning.”
“Missed you every moment,” Hoseok replies cheekily.
You smile to yourself, hearing their exchange as you work on the snow globe. Taking the glue from the bag, you gingerly apply it to the bottom of the miniature cherry blossom and then stick it to the flat surface of the snow globe. You hold it in that position for a few moments before letting it go to dry.
____ once again stands beside you as Hoseok continues to work on the bouquet. She curiously observes what you’re doing and comments, “Did you come up with this idea?”
You nod. “Yeah, I thought of creating something special for him. After all, it’s our first Valentine’s together as newlyweds.”
Not a minute later, Hoseok already calls for his fiancé from the wrapping table on the other side of the room. “Babe, can you please help me with these?”
____ gives him a glance. “You’re just making excuses to be near me. You usually have everything under control.”
Hoseok wails in vain. “Pleaseee. Usually, I’d have Jungkook helping me. But ever since he’s gotten so busy with his new job, I haven’t been able to find another part-timer. So, I thought you’re helping me today.”
Failing to stifle a smile, ____ mutters a quiet ‘he’s so needy’ and then moves to help whatever Hoseok requires.
You chuckle hearing their banter. Just listening or watching them has always strangely brought warmth inside you. They treat you as their younger sibling, or even their child at times, but you can’t bring yourself to be annoyed at the treatment. Not when you know how they genuinely care about you.
Despite not tying the knot yet, they are the ones who made you believe that soulmates (or at least something really close to it) exist. And you hoped it’ll be the same for you and Taehyung.
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Taehyung prides himself in many things—running his billion-dollar worth corporation, doing art, and gaming. He’d like to say that there are still many hidden capabilities that he has yet to discover. However, in the recent light of events, he is close to admitting that talent in the kitchen is a definite no.
“No! What are you doing?!” Jungkook gapes at the smashed apple in Taehyung’s hold, its juices dripping down onto the counter. “You’re making a mess, hyung! And you aren’t supposed to cut like that! Are you trying to commit a murder?”
“I thought this is how you cut it open...” The man in question mumbles, staring glumly at his work.
“No,” Jungkook groans. “You do it like this.” He slices the apple in half easily.
Right. Another aspect that Taehyung seems to lack is the ability to follow or listen to instructions. His primary instinct is either to go with the flow or dive right into whatever he’s facing. Hence, it’s still a work-in-progress since following others is just not his forte—
—except you. Your lilting accent whenever you speak, or even subtle actions, Taehyung follows you easily. One of your little habits—taking deep breaths whenever your emotions are getting the best of you—Taehyung has picked up that so effortlessly.
Like how currently, he’s taking a deep breath to not let his rising frustration get the best of him.
“Like this?” Taehyung attempts the way Jungkook cuts the apple—cutting it in half, aligning with the stem and core, then trying to slice it thinly.
Jungkook nods, observing Taehyung. Jimin, on the other hand, stifles his laughter as he assembles the apple slices on the pastry sheets. The blatant impatience in Jungkook’s face grows more and more apparent at Taehyung’s skill—or, rather lack thereof—in dealing with a knife. “Okay, I think it’s better if I do the rest of it,” Jungkook takes the cutting board, and the apples left. “You can help Jimin hyung do the pastries—shit!”
One of the apple pieces—a chunk, to be precise—rolls off the plate and falls onto the ground. Jungkook’s eyes widen in horror as a fluff of black and brown fur zooms past his legs and picks up the fallen apple as quick as lightning.
“Yeontan, no!”
So, while Yeontan munches happily on his newly-attained snack and a string of curses escapes Jungkook’s lips, Taehyung snatches the cutting board back. He resumes slicing the apples slowly. He’s a man with determination, after all. He’d like to be the reason his wife’s eyes light up with glee as she tastes the apple roses pastries he put his heart into.
Jungkook fusses in the background, “Can dogs eat apples?”
Jimin, now, can barely contain his laughter at the unfurling of the whole scene. “Well… I think so.”
“You think so?” Jungkook groans, quickly fetching his phone from the living room. He furiously types on his phone and googles: can dogs eat apples. “I will not be responsible if Yeontan falls ill and— Oh, thank goodness.” He lets out a relieved sigh. “It makes healthy snacks for them instead.”
“Yeah, it does,” Taehyung replies nonchalantly. “I usually let him have a piece or two without the seeds.”
Jungkook grumbles. “Why didn’t you answer me in the first place then? I panicked—”
“Cuz it’s fun to watch your reaction,” Taehyung and Jimin said in unison.
“And it serves you right...” Taehyung adds, mumbling.
“Screw you guys. I’m not helping with this anymore.” Jungkook crosses his arms, pouting.
“This is for my wife, you know,” Taehyung reminds him, “And remember how my wife is close to Hoseok’s fiance—”
Jungkook picks up the knife in record time.
✧༺♡༻∞     ∞༺♡༻✧
You stare at the finished snow globe in satisfaction, capping back the glycerin and distilled water bottle tightly. Then after you’re confident that everything’s all settled and cleaned up, you tilt the globe a few times to make sure the content is all set and doesn’t spill.
The cherry blossom tree stands tall as tiny leaf-like cutouts of pastel pink cascade through the liquid in slow motion, like real falling cherry blossoms.
“Wow, it’s so pretty,” ____ comments after she helped Hoseok with the bouquet.
You grin at her compliment before placing the snow globe in an empty black gift box. “I hope Tae will love this.”
“He sure will,” ____ muses, watching you tie the gift box. “You know he’ll love anything you give him. And—”
“Babe, can you help me get some ribbons?” Hoseok asks from the wrapping table across the room.
“Sure,” ____ chuckles, grabbing a basket of colourful ribbons under the counter and handing it to Hoseok.
“Can you help me tape around the edges?” Hoseok lifts the bouquet of flowers, gaze pointing at the bulk of stems. ____ complies, following his instructions before wrapping it with cotton paper.
You stand up from your seat and move closer to the couple. At the sight of the assembled flowers, you gape, “Now, that’s pretty.”
“I’m glad you like it,” He chuckles, tying the wrapped bouquet with a ribbon. “And we’re done!” He hands you the bouquet.
Taking a closer look at the vibrant hues of red, pink, and white, you stare in awe. “I love it!”
After bidding Hoseok and ____ goodbye, you step out of the shop with the bouquet and gift box in hand. Taehyung’s chauffeur opens the door to the car, and you climb in quickly to avoid the cold weather.
“Where would you like to go, Mrs. Kim?” The chauffeur asks as he drives.
“The bakery please. It’s a few blocks away from here.”
You hum to yourself a soft, happy tune. Just imagining how your husband would react has your heart fluttering and giddy. Wondering what he’s up to, you take out your phone from your coat and press on his number.
The familiar ring buzzes a few times until he answers. “Hey, baby.”
“Hey,” you smile. “What are you up to?”
“Hmm? Uh, nothing?” He answers, then you hear the sound of clanking and familiar whispers in the background.
“Tae… What are you doing?”
He hums. “Well, I thought I should clean up the penthouse before our dinner tonight.”
“Oh,” you giggle. “Did you really call Jimin and Jungkook to help clean up our place?”
Taehyung mutters a curse under his breath. “W-Well, they are willing to help. So, why not?”
“Usually, you’d call the usual cleaning services. Plus, isn’t Jimin’s bakery busy today?”
“Unfortunately, not this time, sweetheart. I’ve prepared some things tonight and I don’t want people nosing around.” Taehyung explains. “And Jimin says his girlfriend got it under control.”
You let out an amused chuckle. “Alright then.” Glancing out the car window, the pastel pink store is nearing. “I need to go now. See you tonight, baby.”
“See you soon, my love.”
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The smile never leaves Taehyung’s face as he puts his phone back into his pocket and walks back to the kitchen. Jungkook is still cutting apples while Jimin cracks some eggs into a bowl.
“Was that Y/N?” Jimin spares a brief glance as he whisks the eggs.
Taehyung nods. “She asked what I was doing.”
“Nothing at all…” Jungkook mutters under his breath, arranging the sliced apples on a plate and putting them in the microwave.
“I heard that,” Taehyung narrows his stare at the younger one. “So… How are things between you and her, Kookie?”
Jungkook falters. “Uh, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Ah, yes, do you know I just met her in my meeting a few days ago?” A teasing smirk curls up on Taehyung’s lips as Jungkook pouts, still arranging the second batch of apples.
“Don’t fight you guys.” Jimin groans. “We’re not even halfway done with this!”
Taehyung opens his mouth to complain, and Jimin cuts him off. “So, you’re going to prepare the muffin tray—” Jimin instructs Taehyung. “Then Jungkook is going to help me with the pastries.”
“Can I help with the pastries instead?” Taehyung watches Jimin pouring cinnamon and sugar into another bowl. “Jungkook can prep the muffin trays.”
“Are you up for it?” Jimin raises a brow. Taehyung nods enthusiastically.
“Alright. But make sure to follow how I do it.”
Taehyung smiles giddily and stands beside his friend. He follows every action Jimin does: brushing egg wash on the pastry, sprinkling cinnamon and sugar on the dough, arranging the apples, and rolling it into a tart.
“So, how’s things so far with Goldilocks?” Taehyung questions once he gets the hang of arranging the pastries.
Jimin lets out a sheepish chuckle. “That’s her pet goldfish’s name, you know.”
Jungkook places the muffin tray after he preps it. “And she made me carry the whole tank back home…” Jungkook grumbles, recalling the past event.
Taehyung shrugs. “Then Ms. Shooting Star.”
Jimin fights back a blush on his cheeks at the mention of that. “I’m beginning to regret telling you all that.”
Taehyung wiggles his eyebrows with a teasing smirk.
“We’re both really busy these days, and we said to take things slow since her parents are a bit complicated, but nothing I couldn’t handle.”
Jungkook chuckles, “Says the one who had a mental breakdown right before Christmas dinner.
Jimin glares at the younger one. “Look who’s talking. I wonder if you’d ever grow the balls to admit your feelings for She-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named.”
“I don’t have feelings for her.” Jungkook mutters, looking away.
Taehyung nods. “Well, then. That’s good to know. One of my business partners was asking about her the other day. I thought I’d introduce them. “
Jungkook rolls his eyes. “Great, now you’re playing cupid?”
“Not yet. But I got one in mind who’s very interested in her…”
“Please, don’t.” Jungkook whispers, gritting his teeth.
“What was that?” Taehyung asks with an open hand behind his ear.
“Please, for fuck’s sake. Don’t introduce any of your friends to her beyond business interest.”
Jungkook blinks before he rambles, “I mean it’s going to be creepy if someone that’s fifty years older hits on her—”
“Oh, no. I can guarantee he’s not that old. In fact, he’s still a bachelor. Maybe a few years older than us. And—” Taehyung recalls, rolling the last apple rose pastry and placing it on the muffin tray. “—come to think of it, she did ask me about him once...” Taehyung trails, noticing Jungkook’s blank expression at the information. “Oops, I think I wasn’t supposed to say that.”
✧༺♡༻∞ ∞༺♡༻✧
“They all look so good,” you mutter, scouring through the vast chocolate choices under the display glass.
[Name] shoots you a smile. “Take all the time you need. The cafe isn’t open today, so it’s not that busy here.”
You glance around the bakery briefly. “I can tell… No wonder Jimin is with Taehyung right now.”
“Mhmm…” [Name] nods; she leans forward on the glass display, chin resting against one palm.
“Are you okay spending time here alone…?”
She shrugs. “I was promised a date in the winter market tonight. So, I don’t mind���” The sudden ringtone of her phone cuts her off. “Wait, gimme a sec—” You nod as she picks up her phone. “Mochi?”
A chuckle escapes your lips at the cute nickname.
“No, I can’t go there right now. It’s still too early to close up.” She glances at the wall clock. “Huh? What do you mean Jungkook left?” Your gaze shifts up from the sweet displays to her worried expression. “Oh, okay.” She drums her fingers on the counter. “I’ll talk to him if he goes here. Bye— yes, love you too.” She presses the disconnect button.
“Is everything okay?” You ask curiously.
She responds with a nod. “You know the usual, Taehyung and Jimin teases Jungkook too much and now, he’s gone off to blow some steam.”
“To where—” The door to the bakery slams open, and there a huffy Jungkook appears.
“That was fast,” [Name] sniggers at her best friend.
“Not in the mood,” Jungkook pouts, sitting on the closest table to the cashier counter.
“They giving you a hard time?” [Name] places a steaming mug of hot chocolate on his table and tilts her head slightly.
Jungkook huffs once more, sipping the drink carefully. Honestly, he doesn’t even know what got him so worked up. He’s used to all his hyungs’ teasing, but...
“Tell me about it,” [Name] places a steaming mug of hot chocolate on his table. “After I helped Y/N with her chocolate.”
Jungkook blinks, now realising that you’re standing awkwardly in front of the glass displays. “Hey, Y/N.”
“Hi, Jungkook,” you greet him back and turn to look at the desserts again. “And uh, I’ll take this and this…” You point out all the chocolate you’d like, earning a nod from [Name].
As soon as she’s done packing the chocolate box, you bid them farewell and exit the bakery with your heart fluttering in anticipation and excitement.
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The peaceful atmosphere in the kitchen ceases the moment Taehyung’s phone dings when a text notification appears. Taehyung—who was busy admiring his final work on the muffin tray—takes a glimpse of his phone’s screen on the counter. “Oh no.”
Jimin takes the muffin tray off the counter and sets it in the oven. “What?”
“Jungkook just texted me that Y/N is coming back now.”
“Huh?” Jimin’s eyes widen. “But the pastries aren’t done yet!”
Another ding resounds through Taehyung’s phone.
Jungkook: Good luck tryna hide the pastries :P
“He can be annoying if he wants to...” Taehyung mutters under this breath at Jungkook’s retaliation.
“Well, we did hit a nerve by talking about her...” Jimin sighs, crossing his arms.
Taehyung snorts. “The kid needs to get it sorted out as quickly as possible. He sometimes just needs a push.”
“He still needs time,” Jimin counters, shaking his head. “Not all people have it easy in admitting their feelings.”
Taehyung mulls for a minute and nods in understanding. “I guess I shouldn’t push him too hard. But for now, I should find a way to distract Y/N,” Taehyung searches for your contact. “How long do you think we need?”
Jimin mentally calculates the time. “Like forty minutes to an hour?”
“Okay,” Taehyung clicks on your number. He clears his throat once you pick up the phone, “Y/N? Hey, baby, I might need help picking up something...”
“Oh, sure. What is it?”
“I need your help to pick up a cooking book I’ve been searching for…”
“...Cooking? Since when you’re interested in—”
“Look, I’ve been trying to find a new hobby and I thought why not cooking? Jimin recommended me to try it.” Taehyung blabbers, his heart beating fast. “And it’ll be fun if we do it together, right?”
“Okay.” The amusement in your tone lights up his face into a shy smile. “Send me which book you’re looking for and I’ll check with ____ if she has it. Just hope she and Hobi haven’t gone out for their date yet.”
“Thanks, love. I owe you one.”
He can hear the smile on your voice as you respond, “I only accept payment in kisses and cuddles.”
Taehyung chuckles fondly. “Consider it done.” Once you end the call, Taehyung checks the pastries in the oven, mumbling, “I hope that would keep her busy for a while.”
Jimin nods. “The first batch is almost done. But the second one—an hour should be enough...” He trails, voice filled with uncertainty.
“It has to be enough.” Taehyung picks up the dirty bowls and dumps it in the kitchen sink. “It should be...”
Jimin helps clean up the counter, even ensuring that there isn’t a trace of flour on the floor before he checks his phone briefly and pockets it back in his jeans. He moves near the oven—hands covered by the oven mitts—and tentatively takes out the first batch of apple roses pastries from the top rack and puts it on the counter.
“Let it cool off for a while and then you can hide it in the fridge or a container. Oh, and how will you plan to arrange the—”
Taehyung rinses off the remaining utensils—taking his washing gloves off—and rummages through the cabinets, taking out a heart-shaped platter.
With an unamused expression, Jimin blinks a few times. “You just have all kinds of things in your kitchen, do you?”
Taehyung shrugs. “Y/N came across it the other day and thought it was pretty. She didn’t buy it, so I bought it instead.”
A flabbergasted laugh escapes Jimin’s lips as he shakes his head. “Well, I better get going now. I don’t want to be late for my date tonight.”
“Thanks for your help, man. Couldn’t have done it without you.”
“That’s what friends are for, yeah?” Jimin walks out to the front door and wears his coat before giving Taehyung a farewell hug. “And you should apologise to Jungkook too. He’s probably still having his pity-party in my bakery.”
Taehyung nods, opening the door. “I will.”
After Jimin left, Taehyung goes back to the kitchen. He puts one leg and the other over the pet barrier he set to prevent Yeontan from stealing any more fallen ingredients. Said dog is whimpering in front of the kitchen doorway until the front door clicks. Then he hears the familiar footsteps of his wife.
So, of course, things aren’t going according to Taehyung’s plan today.
✧༺♡༻∞     ∞༺♡༻✧
After retrieving Taehyung’s desired cookbook, you arrive in the lobby. You stop by the receptionist desk to hide the gifts and tell them to bring it up to the penthouse at your call around seven in the evening.
The moment you step through the door, the sweet smell of cinnamon fills the air. Taking off your boots and coat, you call out for your husband. “Tae? You in here?” You head towards the kitchen to find it barricaded by Yeontan’s fence barrier. “What the—” You lift one leg over the barricade, and your other leg follows. You stride to the refrigerator to get a drink, only to find it blocked.
When you glance down, there your husband lays—his long legs blocking the fridge—with a strained smile on his face, looking absolutely winded. “You’re back.”
“My goodness, what happened here?” You crouch, helping him sit up. “Did the cleaning go wrong?”
Taehyung shakes his head, leaning against the refrigerator. “Everything’s well. Just… Resting… For a while.”
“Are you okay?” You tilt your head. “I’m gonna get you some water—”
Your husband stops you, leaning in to give you a peck on the lips. “Hi.”
An involuntary shy smile appears on your face. “Hi there, do you mind scooting? I want to get a drink.”
He shakes his head again, winding his arms around you. “It’s okay... I’m— I’ll take it for you.”
“Hmm? But you can barely even move, Tae…” You reach out, moving a stray hair from his handsome face.
“I can…” he pouts, grasping your hand on his hair to kiss your palm. “Just give me a minute.”
With a teasing smile on your face, you reach for the refrigerator handle again and attempt to open it when your husband stands up.
He’s definitely hiding something, but luckily he’s cute. “Alright…” You muse, watching his attempt to keep you from opening the fridge. But you suppose you’ll comply with his conspicuous actions. “I’ll wait in the living room.”
After you head out of the kitchen, Taehyung opens the fridge—releases a breath as he takes out a water bottle—and closes it again. He goes out to the living room, finding you giggling as Yeontan playfully licks your face on the couch. The sight brings warmth inside Taehyung’s heart as he strides closer and sits beside you, handing you your water.
“Thanks.” You let Yeontan down from the couch before taking the water bottle. While you drink your fill, Taehyung lays his head on your lap, letting out a contented sigh as you weave your fingers through his dark locks. “What time is dinner again?”
Capping the water bottle, you glance at the wall clock in front of you. “So… Two more hours. I gotta get ready.”
“Hmm…?” Taehyung opens his eyes. “But we’re celebrating here...”
You let out a quiet laugh. “You said you want to reenact our first date.”
Your husband blinks once, then realisation falls upon him as he groans in embarrassment, sitting up. “You’re actually considering it?”
“Why not? It’s a cute idea,” you giggle. “It’s only between us both.”
Facing you, he questions, “It’s not too cheesy or anything?” Uncertainty is evident in his gaze.
“Of course not.” You grin, encircling your arms around him. “I love that idea actually.”
He lets out a sheepish chuckle. “Then I’ll see you in two hours?” Taehyung bites his bottom lip—a habit when he’s nervous—but he still holds your stare. “I’ll use the guest bathroom to freshen up. So, you get the bathroom all to yourself.”
“Oh? We can share as usual—”
“But that won’t fully reenact our first date, you know, before we’re living together—” He rambles, eyes darting everywhere, but you. You, on the other hand, fail to stifle a smile at his flustered state. Nodding in understanding, you stand up. Taehyung grasps your wrist, causing you to turn to him. “No kisses for me?”
You lean down, levelling your face with his, with a teasing smirk. “I don’t kiss on the first date, handsome.”
“You know what, on second thought—”
“See you later, baby.” Escaping his clutches, you go straight to your bedroom for your “first” date with your husband.
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Taehyung has never been this nervous before, well, ever since your wedding day—the moment you walked down the aisle with a beautiful smile on your face that he needed to pull himself together before he turns into a sobbing mess and—
Okay, the point is, Taehyung has presented business plans, his company’s valuation, and other significant matters in front of hundreds or even thousands of people. He managed to stay calm and collected in every presentation—full of confidence as he moved across the stage with ease.
But when it comes to you? He wonders where did all that confidence go. And you’re just one person. The one person who he had promised to cherish and love, and—
He lets out a deep breath, staring at himself in the guest bathroom mirror. In a deep burgundy suit, he does a once-over at his appearance before the sound of the doorbell rings. He rushes out and ushers the staff, who brings a decorated table in along with the surprises he prepared.
A few minutes later, when all is set, he knocks on your bedroom door, straightening his suit jacket in nervousness.
The moment the door swings open, Taehyung’s throat goes dry as he gapes at you, adorning the same black dress you wore on your first date. Your eyes momentarily grow wide as well at his choice of outfit—the same one he used on the first date—before bursting into a giggle. “Wow, we do think alike…”
Snapping out of his trance, he nods. “And you still look breathtaking as ever.”
“Stop stroking my ego.” You move closer to him, looping your arm through his as he leads you to the living room.
“You know I can’t help myself,” Taehyung chuckles.
A gasp escapes your lips as soon as you see what has been prepared. The whole room is lit up by candles—some real, some fake—yet, there are no other words than to describe it as beautiful. The couch and coffee table has been set aside, and in the middle of the living room, a candlelit table stands with meals for two prepared on it. Your gaze falls on the bouquet of roses Taehyung has in hand.
“It’s beautiful,” you mutter in awe.
Taehyung grins. “A hundred and forty-three roses for the love of my life.”
You gape, taking the bouquet into your arms. “A hundred forty-three?”
“It means ‘I love you’.” His gaze is full of emotions. “I don’t know if I’ll ever live up to be the man of your dreams. But I can continue—” He takes your hand in his. “—to love you even more as we spend our lives together.”
Your gaze is glassy and unreadable. Then you blink your eyes rapidly, looking up at the ceiling. “Damn it, Tae. I’m using makeup.”
Placing down the bouquet on the coffee table, you reach out for the tissue, dabbing your eyes carefully before fanning your hands.
“Oh no, don’t cry—”
“It’s your fault for making such a speech. You know how emotional I get when you do that.” You dab your eyes more as Taehyung wraps his arms around your waist from behind.
“Oh sweetheart,” Taehyung coos as you face him. You stare into his loving gaze for a few moments before you clear your throat. However, as if on cue, the doorbell rings. Taehyung furrowed his brows. “Expecting someone?”
“Wait here.” Pulling away from his hold, you rush to the door. The moment you return to the living room with presents in hand, Taehyung gapes as you hand him the bouquet and gift box.
“What is this?” He observes the gift box curiously, then admires the flowers. “It’s beautiful.”
You sit on the couch, patting the space beside you. Taehyung follows suit, placing the bouquet on the coffee table before untying the gift box’s black ribbon before his breath hitches in his throat.
With trembling hands, he lifts up the snow globe carefully. “It’s… Isn’t this where we met?”
You nod. “Just so you know, I couldn’t wish for a better person to be with,” you start. “I think some part of me has always known that you’d be the man of my dreams. Ever since you spilled strawberry juice on my shirt.”
It takes him a few moments to process your words as his eyes shift from the snow globe to you; a chuckle passes his lips. “First, that was an accident. And do you… really mean that?”
Taking his free hand on yours, you lace your fingers together. “I married you, didn’t I?” Your wedding rings gleam softly, reflecting the light of the burning candles in the room.
“Made me the happiest man alive.” He recalls the memories of falling cherry blossoms, spilled strawberry juice and frantic apologies-turned-laughter. A soft smile appears on your face after putting the snow globe back on its box. He turns to you. “I really want to kiss you right now.”
You raise a brow at him. “What’s stopping you?”
“You don’t kiss on first dates.”
“Well…” You lean closer to him. “I think I can make an exception for the man of my dreams.”
Taehyung exhales, “Thank heavens.” He cups your face gently, clearing the remaining distance between the both of you. No matter how many times you kiss, it never fails to send his heart beating a tad faster or put a smile on his face. In other words, Taehyung is head over heels in love with you.
After a few moments, you pull away, and he chases after you, but you place a pointer finger on his lips. “Dinner first,” you remind him.
He sighs in defeat, lips turning into a pout and nodded. Once you both finish dinner, you lean back on your chair, patting your stomach. “That was a nice meal.”
“I have one more surprise for you.”
Your eyes widen in surprise, “What is it?” With a secretive grin, Taehyung stands from his seat and makes a beeline to the kitchen. You can hear the fridge opening and closing before your husband walks out of the kitchen with a—
“Isn’t that the platter I saw a few days ago?”
Excitement is written on his face at your realisation, placing the platter in front of you. You let out a gasp at the sight of the neatly-arranged apple rose pastries.
“I made it myself,” Taehyung beams. “Jimin and Jungkook came to help a bit.”
“A bit?” You tease, shooting him a glance before setting your gaze back on the pastries. “These look almost too pretty to eat.”
Taehyung drags his seat to your side and plops down. Anticipation is apparent in his eyes as he watches you pick up a pastry and bites into it. Another gasp escapes your throat at the burst of sweetness spreading across your tastebuds. You stare at him in shock as you chew.
“So?” He waits for your response. “How does it taste?”
“It’s...” You swallow the remaining pastry in your mouth down. “Really good.” Taehyung’s eyes twinkle at your compliment. “I’m… Wow,” you breathe out, utterly speechless. “So, this is why you wanted to start cooking?”
He blinks, with realisation dawning upon him, then he scratches the back of his neck in embarrassment. “Actually… That was to keep you distracted for a while. I wasn’t done baking the pastries yet.”
Snorting, you lift another pastry in front of your husband’s mouth; he bites and chews for a few seconds. And stops.
You furrow your brows at his odd reaction. “What’s wrong?”
“Shit—” Taehyung rushes to the guest bathroom without another word. Placing the half-bitten pastry on the empty plate, you follow suit and find your husband retching on the toilet bowl. Once he’s done, he reaches for a mouthwash. “I think—” He gargles the mouthwash then spit into the sink. “—that one is still undercooked.”
“Oh, no. I’m sorry. I didn’t know—” you ramble, watching Taehyung wipe his mouth with a paper towel, then washes his hands.
He cradles your face with his dried hands. “It’s my fault. I didn’t check if all the pastries are fully baked. I’m sorry.”
“You okay, now?” Your voice sounds uncertain, hands covering his bigger ones.
He nods reassuringly. “It’s not that bad. Maybe I was over-exaggerating— oof.” You poke his stomach in retaliation as he giggles.
“You had me worried.”
“And you’re still a worrywart.” He rubs his nose on yours affectionately. “My adorable worrywart.”
Your gaze falls on his drenched shirt (and luckily, he already discarded his burgundy suit). “Your shirt is ruined now.”
“Hmm...? Oh, dear,” he feigns worry, leaning on the marble sink—his palms on your hips. “Now, what do we do? Do you wanna—” You roll your eyes at the teasing glint in his eyes. Knowing what he’s up to, your fingers unbutton his shirt, leaving him flustered at your sudden movement. “W-Wait—!”
You pull the collar of his half-unbuttoned shirt, leaning forward to have his face so close to yours. Both your lips just millimetres away from each other. Voice dropping into a lilting whisper, you purr, “Let me make it easier for you today, yeah?”
Shivers run down Taehyung’s spine at your familiar words. “Is this payback because of this morning?” You shrug and finish unbuttoning his shirt. His lean chest on display to your eyes now. “Or is this just an excuse to get me naked?”
A teasing smirk curls up on your lips. “A bit of both.” Then you wrap your arms around his neck, closing the distance between you—lips claiming his own.
Humming in approval, Taehyung winds his arms around your waist. Fire ignites inside you as you pull away briefly. Your husband turns you around, settling you on the marble counter of the sink while he stands between your legs.
Your dress hikes up to your thighs, but you can’t bring yourself to care. Not when the man of your dreams drags his luscious lips across your jaw and trails down your neck. Your breath hitches when he kisses your sweet spot; fisting his opened shirt by the shoulder as he rains kisses on your collar bones, nipping on it.
“Tae—” You breathe out as he hums in response, tugging the zipper on the back of your dress down. “—kiss me, please.”
And he complies, claiming your lips.
Tangling your fingers through his hair, you let out a sigh as he trails downward once more, scraping the skin of your throat with his teeth. Tugging the straps of your dress off your shoulders and letting them pool on your waist, he lets out, “You’re gorgeous.” He places a kiss on the juncture between your neck and shoulder. A soft whimper emits from your throat. “So damn gorgeous. And all mine.”
Tracing his jaw—half-lidded gaze staring at him—you whisper, “Why don’t we take this somewhere else more comfortable?”
Almost instantly, he lifts you up in his arms—your legs winding around his waist, arms around his neck—heads out of the bathroom and lays you gently on the bed. You discard your dress as it falls in a heap of silk on the rug. Then you tug off Taehyung’s shirt as he climbs on top of you.
“You’re spoiling me so much today. Thank you,” You mutter, holding your husband’s face in your hands.
“Thank you, my love. What I did today, it’s the least I can do,” He stares back at you with so much love, leaning down to kiss you softly. “After all, I’d do anything to make you smile.”
You chuckle at that, poking his nose. “I love you.”
He holds one hand of yours and kisses your palm. “And I love you.”
The remaining articles of clothing find themselves in a heap on the floor as your husband reminds you of your wedding night—making love to you into the late hours of the night.
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“Don’t go…” he mumbles sleepily, keeping his arms around your naked waist.
“Tae, let me go, I just need a drink—” you wriggle in his hold to break free. “—my throat is really dry—” And your husband has the nerve to chuckle at your words. He lets out a pained groan as you poke his stomach (maybe a bit too hard), and finally, he lets you loose.
Climbing off the bed, you pick up his shirt and don it quickly. However, the moment you step out of the bedroom, an unpleasant smell wafts through your nostrils, and when you reach the living room, you gape in horror.
“Yeontan!” You shriek at the sight as the said perpetrator waddles towards you with his round innocent eyes.
Your husband emerges—bare-chested and in his boxers—out of the bedroom at your alarming shriek. Once he sees the scattered dog waste across the marble floor, he mutters, “I think we ignored him for too long.”
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author’s note: i’ve decided to add another character (YAYYY CEO!taehyung) in the same universe as baker!jimin, florist!hobi and ???!jungkook (feel free to guess what he’d be 😙)!! thank you for reading and as always feedbacks are appreciated !!
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angryschnauzer · 4 years
Your sat in the park enjoying a coffee, reading your book., when a big dog comes bounding up to you. He looks like hes trying to get you to follow him, so you do. He leads you to his person, who is lying on the ground, holding his ankle. "Are you ok? Can you you put any weight on it?" "I might be able to, could do with some help tho. If that's ok?" That's how you and henry met, when you were his knight in shining armour
Finally, an unoccupied park bench came into view and you settled down with your book, resting your coffee on the seat as you searched for your place in your book. You didn’t get long for your lunchbreaks at work, so you were eager to get back into the make believe world of Witchers and Monsters and all things magical. 
Absorbed in your book you were only faintly aware of people walking past, of dogs on leads sniffing around the bench before being urged to follow their owners, and finally in a lull in the lunchtime wanders your little piece of the city park was quiet. Just the birds and the wind in the trees. As you read quickly you heard a thud and groan, glancing up but not hearing anything else and just presumed it was someone else in the park where the paths intertwined the trees.
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The sound of a dog barking mere inches from you sprung you from your imaginary world causing you to drop your book, letting out a tiny squeal of shock when you saw the massive ball of fluff sitting in front of you, his head higher than your knees;
“Jesus Christ, where did you come from?”
The massive dog stood and padded its front paws impatiently, turning around before barking again, and it was only then that you saw that its harness wasn’t just for walking it, it was a service dog, and its lead was still dragging behind it;
“Where’s your Mummy?” The dog cocked its head as if confused; “Your Daddy?”
He barked and jumped, quickly shoving your book into your jacket pocket, your coffee long forgotten, and grabbed its lead, letting out a yelp as it started to run into the wooded park of the park;
“Okay okay, slow down a little, we’ll find your Daddy”
The massive dog dragged you through the woods, the earth slippery where it had rained that morning and you struggled to keep up. You were out of breath when the dog barked again and you heard a pained voice call back;
“Oh thank god” the voice came back; “Over here, by the stream”
You let go of the dog lead and let the dog run ahead, and finally the owner came into view.
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“Oh my god! What happened to you?” you asked-come-shrieked as you slid down the stream bank, thankfully catching yourself on the tree roots before you carefully stepped into the cold ankle deep water of the stream and waded to the other side where a very muddy yet very handsome man sat on a fallen tree.
He pointed to the top of the bank;
“Well we were running along the path up there, when someone saw a squirrel” At the mention of ‘someone’, the dog lowered its ears and let out a whine; “Next thing i know i’m being pulled at a right angle, Kal here takes off downhill and lets me slide down 20ft of bank and into the stream... and i’ve fuck my ankle”
Immediately you dropped to your knees, the legs of your scrubs soaking through as you gently held the ankle the man had pointed to;
“Can you you put any weight on it?"
"I might be able to, could do with some help tho. If that's ok?"
“We’ll have to walk along the stream, about 20ft around the bend there’s a small footbridge we can climb up onto”
Having wrapped the guys arm around your shoulder, you helped him hobble along the stream, thankful that it had been architecturally planned in the 1920′s and had a concrete floor, and with a surprising amount of upper body strength the man had pulled himself up onto the small footbridge before extending a hand to you;
“No, you’re injured!”
“My ankle is injured, my upper body strength is still fine Darling” he grinned, and with a squeal you were lifted up until you were sitting next to him. 
You’d called an ambulance once you were out of the stream, the crew arriving quickly and able to park nearby, coming running down the path and smiling when they saw you;
“Can’t get enough to helping people when you’re on shift, you do it on your breaks as well now Nurse?”
It was only then that the man you’d helped rescue realised you were in uniform;
“You’re a nurse?”
“Yes. Well technically physiotherapist. At St Thomas’”
Before you could explain any further the ambulance crew were assessing the man, helping him to hobble up the steep path as they couldn’t get the stretcher down it. You grabbed the lead of the fluffball that had alerted you and the two of you followed his Dad up the steps.
Sitting in the back of the ambulance you smiled as the man introduced himself;
“I’m Henry by the way”
“Its nice to meet you”
“I’ve got to say its handy Kal here found you, he’s pretty useless most of the time”
You ruffled the big dog’s fur on its head;
“Oh all he did was interrupt my coffee and book, he did ok”
“What book are you reading?”
You pulled the book from your jacket, groaning when you saw it was now soaking wet and the pages were sticking together.
“Oh, The Witcher Series? I love those ones!” Henry grinned; “Perhaps, as your copy is ruined, i can send you a replacement?”
A week later the internal mail arrived at your office, and you were surprised to see a parcel that had been sent via Royal Mail. Opening it you saw the cover and smiled, a small note clipped to the front;
“To say thank you for rescuing me. Would love to replace that coffee you missed if you’d let me? Love Henry xxx” and it had a number written clearly beneath it.
Thinking ‘what the hell’ you sent him a text, thanking him for the book and asking how he was doing, smiling when you saw the reply;
“Resting up but getting cabin fever. Know of any good coffee shops around Kensington that are accessible if you’re on crutches?”
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ohheyitsokay · 3 years
part 3 of the ‘hey batter batter’ series
pairing: Francisco Morales (Frankie, Catfish) x reader
wordcount: 2k
warnings: extremely mild mentions of sex, unwanted advances that don’t get far (not by Frankie)
summary: it’s a Triple Frontier baseball au - trust me, you don’t need to know anything about baseball.
In this chapter, we learn that a ‘strike’ is when a batter misses the ball when he swings, even though he shouldn’t have. And some strikes don’t just happen during baseball.
“Jimbo, I'm here!” You called as you kicked the door closed behind you, arms heavy with grocery bags. Your grandfather would be in the living room, no doubt impatiently waiting for you to unload so you could watch the baseball game together. It was a few states away, which meant the two of you could enjoy evening on the couch with affordable snacks and air conditioning. Games in person were more exciting, but climbing all those stairs wasn’t great for his knees, and it was nice to chat with him without the roar of the crowds.
There was a faint squeak to his favorite rocker, and you unloaded half the bags onto the coffee table – his favorite treats – before tossing the rest haphazardly into their places in his little kitchen. You raced the commercials, listening to the final advertisements with one ear as you hurried to get yourself settled, even though he was always happy to chat with you during the game. For these times with him, you hated to miss even a moment. The chair to the left of his was yours, newer and softer and it would have been the perfect evening, eating and catching up with your favorite man.
Except this was the first real opportunity for him to grill you about your unexpected lunch with his heroes. 
There had been laughter in his voice when you had tried to call him afterwards, and he had told you he would wait to hear the story. To him, even over the phone you couldn’t hide how flustered you were, just moments after Francesco’s eyes had been in yours. All things considered, he had been more than patient, so as you fidgeted and you kept your eyes on the screen, you told him what had happened as casually as you could.
It was the top of the first inning – the very beginning of the game, and his boys were mostly crowded into the dugout. Their fingers were grabbing fistfuls of sunflower seeds or pulling on batting gloves or hanging on the wire, watching as Will walked up to bat. There was a fun country song playing, and it was surreal, thinking it had just been a few days since he had tossed a chunk of fried food into the air and his brother had caught it in his mouth. James thoroughly enjoyed you story, laughing and for once not lecturing you about leaving them alone to live their lives. He seemed approving, proud of you for taking a change, and proud that the boys from his favorite team did his favorite granddaughter well. You answered this questions and indulged his excitement over the little things, trying not to reveal too much of your own daydream fodder. Thinking of Francisco’s eyes as he laughed at the Miller boys, you grabbed a pillow to give your hands something to hold onto, to ground yourself.
The camera panned over to Tom adjusting his cap and without thinking you winced. When you realized that James had caught the movement, you winced again.
You had to explain, then, the biggest detail that you had glossed over – the only one that would disappoint your grandfather. The outfielder had looked at you with confidence and hunger in his eyes. His fingers on your hand left cool, invisible lines, slimy like residue of the stadium cup holders.
James listened with sad eyes, before he was reaching over, gently squeezing your hand, and asking about Will’s family in town to find out if he knew a relative. It was kindness - changing the topic, rewarming the memory as he coaxed out more details of their interactions with you and each other, making you blush and laugh and smile.
The discomfort that had been lodged in your heart regarding the athlete  lessened as you remembered that they were all human. It had been clear the other players respected him, maybe even looked up to him, and that had to be good for something. Even though it had just been a lunch, a single moment in time, the assessments of a group of open hearted baseball players already held weight on your opinion.
As you began to tell James about a joke Santiagio had told, you noticed that Tom’s turn had come and gone, and he had struck out.
Every professional sports group had a second team, full of people who pushed papers and cleaned locker rooms and handled press conferences. One of these people was a woman who was in charge of sorting through and organizing special fan appearances.
Flipping through applications and mail, she would have hardly noticed the broad shoulders and hazel eyes of the man who entered, had he not kissed her breathless the night before.
For all they were on and off and she knew he was a player in all senses of the word, she couldn’t help but stand, and let his hands find her hips as he pressed into her.
“Hi, Tom,” she whispered, already dazed and adoring as his beard scraped at her neck, warm and insistent.
“Hey, babe,” he returned, absentmindedly, squeezing her hips before pulling away. There was something about his eyes, the way he held his head, like his shoulders were comfortable bearing the weight of others, like he’d prefer it that way, that made him seem like a natural born leader.
She knew him better. He had the crowds and the rookies and the managers and even his brothers on the team wrapped around his fingers - the perfect mentorship allusion, but she knew. There was another side to him, a darker side, filled to the brim with pride and arrogance and power. Of all the men who flashed smiles as they shook hands and carried kids on their shoulders for photos – he was the one who preened the most. There was a hunger in his eyes, even greater than when he’d love her, when a chance came for him to do an extra interview, put some senior input in, or take a newbie to his first after party.
Still, she loved him. Too much, maybe, but her mind whispered not enough, and she hungrily took what ever he would give her. There were always flowers and jewelry and coveted high-status sex in his apologies, anyway, and she knew he’d always come back to her, eventually. She knew better than to guess.
“What can I do for you?” she asked, star stuck in spite of it all, but knowing there must be something. His “cousin” had stocks in the team, or a certain string needed to be pulled. There was always something. 
When he asked for the number of a girl from a few weeks ago, there was an all-too-familiar twist in her gut.
“Tom, you know that information is confidential,” she whined, masking her fear, turning back towards her desk. It was infuriating how disarming, intoxicating, and how solid he felt behind her, how smooth his words felt on the shell of her ear.
“It’s for Benny, babe, he’s got it bad for her,” it was a lie, but she didn’t know it, and the knot in her stomach loosened a little. His hand slipped under her blouse and it came undone, submitting entirely to the façade.
“Let me help the little guy out.” For all his charisma, she wanted desperately to believe he was sincere, so she did. Her hands started steady as she opened a thick binder and began flipping through the glossy dividers. She moved as slow as she could, hopelessly savoring his touch, knowing when it was gone, the unpleasant feelings would be just as strong.
But it didn’t take long to find you number and hand it over, and exchange more heated kisses and half promises before he slipped out.
The woman settled in her chair again, fingers tracing the letters of your name, the knot reforming below her breastbone. She reached for her phone, telling herself it was a courtesy, to give you a heads up.
When a player was about to steal second base, you always wondered if Santiago Garcia could tell, without even looking. If he could feel it in his bones, or if the hairs on the back his neck rose, against his sweat.
If he could, that was exactly how you would feel now, walking into the bar to see only Tom Davis waiting for you. The building was dim, strategically chosen by Will, allegedly, so they could drink in peace. As before however, there was no hiding the silhouette of a man like him, not when he was oozing confidence like sap from a tree.  
When he had called you, it had been so shocking you had agreed without thinking. It was surreal, but like following a trail of candy through a forest, not at all like the knights in shining armor of before.
He swung his arm around, cocky smile across his face, and you shook his hand.
There could not have been a more awkward boundary made, but he laughed it off as you considered turning tail and running. It was ridiculous, but you couldn’t help how guarded you felt alone with him, so you turned to the polished woof of the bar and ordered a lemonade. It would buy you time, anyway, to reassess. 
You had always thought of baseball players as beer guys, but he had a short glass of something gold and expensive, as if he were trying to prove a point. Slipping onto the stool next to him, you set your bag in between you like a wall. He was broad and he pulled close, making you almost press against his side, giving you the opportunity to realize his skin almost cold. Slow sips reminded you that there was no basis for your feelings, and you were the one being strange. 
It wasn’t bad, talking to him. You chided yourself internally, thinking you made unfair assumptions. Really, he was a nice guy. He talked highly of his friends, even defending their lateness, taking the blame for the mix-up. It felt like one of those interviews your grandfather would watch sometimes, the way he could go on about himself and somehow tell you nothing at all. Fighting your instincts to give short, guarded answers, you found yourself sharing about your life more than you expected. Not a lot, but not nothing either.
It was awkward and nice, not unlike a first date and when his large hand covered yours, it didn’t feel half as slimy as before.
A spider’s web was feather-light, so subtle it was almost impossible to feel until it was too late.
His eyes were sharp and deep and certain as he shifted closer, and you felt dazed, despite all the alcohol you hadn’t consumed.
When he leaned in, though, a thought struck you. With his deep hazel eyes, the perfect beard, and tanned skin, he looked like a prince. Not our prince, though, it was just someone else’s fairytale.
Clarity and your own confidence warmed you like a jacket one rainy day, and you touched Tom’s cheek, holding his face at enough of a distance. You shed the web before it stuck and something flickered in his eyes – doubt, maybe, or something like fear, as you spoke the most prominent thought on your mind. 
“What about Molly?”
When he heard you, again speaking words that weren't meant for his ears, warm pride shot through his chest.
That’s my girl.
Of course you weren’t, but it felt like you were.
You turned to him like you knew he was there, hand leaving Tom’s stunned face to wave at the grinning catcher.
Frankie had been at war with himself across the bar as he looked towards the two of you, heart wrenching. He had seen from the far side the room first how close you were to the other man. It was unreasonably terrifying to see that you weren't immune, to see you consider his friend. Then he saw how non responsive you’d become to Redfly, how politely you regarded him as he lathered on the charm. By the time he reached the two of you, he found you fully awake, handling it yourself.
When the woman had called you, her voice had betrayed something. It was formal conversation, just admitting she had shared your contact information, and disclosing that it was Tom, and he’d made it clear you guys were friends. Her tone, however, told you she was territorial and jealous, but also desperate, longing. It felt right to get out of the way – that’s what you and she wanted and you sort of thought that’s actually what he wanted, too. He was moving away from you, still processing, trying to play off the moment, and even more than pity, you felt a touch sad for them.
Still, you were impressed you were able to manage yourself. It was the same confidence that had filled you when you stood up for James, a confidence that came from a feeling that whispered something good was coming, something well worth the boldness.
When you felt a warm presence at your side, you felt even more sure. It felt wonderful, the way Francisco was looking at you. It was too early to read into it, but you were sure you wanted him to look at you like that again - like you were capable of telling mountains to move.
You smiled up at him, relieved, and he couldn’t help but beam back, wanting to hug you. He wasn’t feeling quite brave enough yet, but there was a resolve settling in his heart. There was no way he was going to leave your side tonight. 
The other guys came quickly. Each of them was excited to see you again, and you pretended not to notice them shooting confused glances at Redfly when he slipped outside to spit on the ground and stare at the sky. 
It didn’t take long for him to rejoin you, anyway, and his shoulders seemed lighter, his eyes just a little more thoughtful. 
The group as a whole accepted you into their fold like they needed you, like each one of them had missed you when you were gone, like you missed them, like you belonged there from the start.
You had no idea how long the daydream would last, but in that moment it didn’t feel like it mattered at all. Collecting stories for James even faded as a priority as you just enjoyed the feeling of the glass in your hands, the laughter in the air, and teasing the men like they were just boys. Even after the last half hour, it was easy to trust Will’s sincere tone, and Ben’s eager blue eyes. The others were grounded at your side, steady and comforting - you felt yourself open like a flower to the sun. 
There was something about the shape of the catcher at your side, safe and warm, like his presence was reaching for yours, aching with yours. Through the stories and the jokes you relished it, and his eyes made it clear that you weren’t alone. And even though the universe made it abundantly clear that you had no idea what would happen next, you didn’t feel any need to hurry. Fate seemed to know what she was doing.
In the darkness of the bar, only Santiago’s eyes saw Frankie’s hand find the small of your back.
@fangirl-316 @scribbledghost @writeforfandoms @beautyagegoodnesssize
hey batter batter taglist:
@icanbeyourjedi @studyofawearymind @hnt-escape @athalien
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princesssarcastia · 3 years
2021 Harry Potter Fanfic Primer
im here to point fingers at the incredible authors that have enabled my new interest in HP content.  im still conflicted and upset about it, tbh, but for now we’re leaning into the curve.  we’re getting out our shovel and finding out just how deep we can make the hole we’re in.  hand in unlovable hand my beloved <3.  anyway, these fics are wonderful, their authors are wonderful, and you should go read their stuff. if there’s a star next to it that means im losing my mind over it and always will be.
Creatively Maladjusted, by elumish on AO3, 101k  (they also have a wonderful writing advice blog on tumblr, @elumish, which I recommend following if you are a writer) 
A very excellent re-telling of harry’s first year at hogwarts if he were sorted into Slytherin, plus some more not!fic or piecemeal re-tellings of his second and part of his third year.  Harry, in this, has a slightly different trauma response to growing up with the Dursley’s.  He’s a bit quieter, and the signs are a bit more obvious to the people around him, and I enjoyed that immensely. 
Honestly, if you’re going to get sucked into something you have absolutely no business getting sucked into, elumish is the way to go, their fic is incredible. their teen wolf fic is also immaculate, if you’re so inclined. 
Dissonance, by ImpishTubist on AO3, 2.5k (@impishtubist on tumblr)
Set during fifth year.  Oblivious!Harry has always been a delightful trope when well executed, and this is well executed.  Plus, some angst between Remus and Harry over what Umbridge has been doing to him.
I would certainly recommend a lot of ImpishTubist’s other hp work on AO3, like Lacuna.
blow us all away, by rexcorvidae on AO3, 23k (@rexcorvidae on tumblr)
In progress (like, updated last week in progress).  Currently in the beginning of Harry’s first year.  Fem!Harry, Indian!Harry.  Hagrid puts Harry in touch with Remus when she has questions about her parents, and they become reluctant, traumatized, angst-ridden pen pals who keep missing each other’s true intentions like ships in the night.  hot DAMN do I love this fic.  there’s hints of the way the dursley’s treat Harry peaking through in her letters, and I appreciated the attention to “hmm, her experience as a girl of indian descent in britain under the thumb of a bunch of white people who like being Normal may not have been gucci”
Definitely comb through the rest of their HP fic, too, I may or may not have gone feral over it.
Where the Heart is, by silver_fish on AO3, 15k (@kohakhearts on tumblr)
Woof.  This one said, “hey, harry was probably SUPER depressed in the summer after fifth year.  like, clinically.  maybe someone should do something about that.”  Fuck yeah.  Then this one said, “that someone was Snape.”  You all know my opinions on Snape; generally, Bad.  But damn if this fic didn’t wholly convince me by the end of it.  I thought it was a very realistic way for Snape to start seeing Harry as a person all on his own, and not a proxy for Snape’s angst over James and Lily, respectively.  The angst is wonderful, the ending is even more so.
*bernie sanders voice* I am once again asking you to read through the rest of the author’s HP fic.  a lot of them have similar themes; there’s actually a great one with Molly that i’m not reccing here, Wonder.
☆Bindings, Bindings, by Quietlemonhush on AO3, 60k (@quietlemonhush on tumblr)
WORDS CANNOT EXPRESS TO YOU HOW MUCH I ENJOYED/AM ENJOYING THIS.  If I had to pick a single fic and say “you, it’s your fault I’m stuck here,” it would be this one.  Anyway Lily in the afterlife is So Very Angry about how Petunia is treating Harry, and how Sirius is rotting in Azkaban, and how Remus is alone, that she literally brings herself back to life and drags James and Regulus with her.  All three of them are there to chew bubblegum and fix everything that went wrong after they died—and would you look at that, they’re all out of bubblegum!  There’s only Fury left.  That inciting premise is very crack, but every moment after that is very much not crack.  Lily and James love harry more than anything, the way a child should be loved; James and Sirius have the epic friendship of a lifetime; Sirius and Remus have staggering amounts of resolved sexual tension and take turns keeping each other in check; Regulus, though he realized that Voldemort and his family were shit before he died, is still unlearning all his racist bullshit and, also, years of trauma.  Actually, they’re all traumatized, but hey: now they have one another again and not a damn one of them seems inclined to let go anytime soon.  Quietlemonhush went, “hey, HP has a lot of Awful people in it, and a lot of Righteous people in it, and many of them are Very, Very Powerful; also, love is the most powerful force in the universe” and i said “hell yes tell me more right now.”  And then they did!
Quietlemonhush writes Sirius/Remus in a way that makes it sooo much fun to devour, so the rest of their HP fic is most certainly worth a look, if that’s your thing.
Rebuilding, by Colubrina on AO3, 113k (@colubrina on tumblr)
Hermione/Draco (*shrug emojis into the abyss* yeah, yeah, like none of us have ever been there before).  Takes place during Hogwarts 8th year, and while the beginning is, IMO, a little unfair to Ron, it gets much better.  Tells the story of Hermione and Draco clearing the air, learning to like each other, having some hormones over each other, and then falling in love.  Also tells the story of Hermione and Theo Nott becoming friends; the story of how every single 7th and 8th year student is fucked to hell by the war and the Carrows; the story of how they start an emotional support group about it and all become friends; and the story of, what the hell do you do with yourself after that kind of trauma?
I’ve been dipping in and out of Colubrina’s HP since before I was even on tumblr; I actually found them in those dark yesteryears when the only fandom interactions I had were on fanfiction.net.  Of such fame as Green Girl, which is an HP fic staple, and has also written a lot of wackier, crackier, and darker things than that.  If you don’t take yourself too seriously, I highly recommend many of their big HP works, though I imagine it’ll press some people’s buttons.  Colubrina’s work really does take up a corner of my mind whenever I’m in an HP mood, and will take up yours if you let it.
☆ all waiting is long, by shuofthewind on AO3, 149k ( @shu-of-the-wind on tumblr)
This is so well written that I can’t stop thinking about it.  It is occupying my mind when I lie awake at night, you know?  It’s one of those.  Hermione messes with something she probably shouldn’t have in Grimmauld Place, so when Sirius is sent through the Veil in the Department of Mysteries, she gets thrust into an alternate universe...in 1975.  Instead of handwaving it away, shuofthewind actually gets into the mechanics of it in a way that makes sense, to emphasize that hermione is never going home.  ever. The world she finds herself is shifted slightly to the left, quite a bit darker, but in a “the author is treating the idea of a society-wide conflict over blood purity much more seriously than JKR ever did” way, not a sensationalist way.  Now, Hermione has to grapple with all her grief at losing everyone she’s ever loved or known, the moral/ethical/magical implications of sharing what she knows about her future in an alternate world, and, you know, a goddamn war with people who want to murder her for being who she is.  This Hermione is smart, and she’s kind, and she’s powerful, and she’s making real friends.�� If you hate JKR’s guts I’d go read this right now, because it delivers in all the ways she failed us.  It’s plotty, its got great world-building, and it pulls back the white curtain on the wizarding world to show you that, like real life, it’s multicultural and full of queer people...and the discrimination that comes with both.
shuofthewind write epics, mainly for the MCU, and I’ve read some of them a looooong time ago, so this fic kinda seemed out of left field for me but im SOOOO GLAD it exists.  If you want MCU fic you can sink your teeth into, go for it, but alas, they do not have any more HP fic (.......yet?)
Speak Now [+] Listen Now, by mrsfrizzle on AO3, 33k altogether
Harry reaches out to Remus for support because Umbridge is getting to him with her literal torture.  Remus, being a former professor, former mandatory reporter, person who loves Harry and has since he was born, and all around good man, tells Harry he has to tell someone, or Remus will.  It’s everything any adult looking back on that time in HP canon ever wanted, which is for an actual adult to say “what the fuck, those are literal chidlren” and then do something about it.  Then, a far more dangerous task: Harry trusts Remus enough to go to him about the Dursleys.  Harry and Remus’ relationship develops SO WELL, and there’s a bit of exploration about how Sirius may not exactly be guardian material, because he did in fact spend 12 years of his life getting tortured instead of growing up.  I think I’m actually going to go reread this right now, because it speaks to my id.
they do have some other HP fic which did not appeal to my hyperspecific wants, but may appeal to some of yours.  I think they’re also a published author, there should be a link on their profile page.
chase the stars, by Duskglass on AO3, 101k (@felix-duskglass on tumblr)
When Harry is five years old, a picture of him ends up in the Daily Prophet, and Sirius Black, Terror of Ministry Officials Touring Azkaban everywhere, gets a hold of that issue.  He then, in order: breaks out of Azkaban; crosses the countryside to Surrey; Finds Harry: Kidnaps Harry; Breaks Into Remus’ Apartment; starts processing (or maybe just acknowledging) his trauma from Azkaban, the war, and his childhood; and pines after Remus.  It’s a little plotty, and deals a lot (sometimes through flashbacks) with the specific awful things that happened to Sirius—largely because, after years in the constant presence of Dementors, those are nearly literally the only memories he has left.  It’s a wonder he’s got the strength to love Harry and Remus at all.  But then, maybe it isn’t.
This is a Very Serious Fic, but the rest of Duskglass’s HP work is actually just cracky enough to tickle your funny-bone, while still making you think “okay but why couldn’t we have done that in the first place.”
So!  That’s it for recs, for now.  These are all things I’ve found and read in the last month; if any of y’all are interested in my old HP recs, let me know and I can make a post for that, too.  While I’m still very conflicted about my choice of current fandom, I am not in ANY way conflicted about my taste in fic and authors.  Send these guys some love, read their fic if you’re so inclined, and leave some nice comments at the end of it.
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I just heard that you're doing requests!!! I already love your content and fully agree that Natsuo Todoroki is King~!!! If I may bother to ask a request? Just all the hcs you want to write about Ice Man bc it's getting to June where I live, and I don't mind cooling down~
Tera, my beloved, I'm going to be honest I literally fucking screamed upon seeing this request!!! I’ve been reading your fics before I even had like an acc here, so we vibin :) Also after the day I’ve had I need some fucking Ice man in my life n hopefully doing this will help me write my way out of the writers block that has been plaguing me for months!!!!
Future Blue here to say I had up to like all done last night and then my internet ate shit and I lost everything after 5. smfh. Woulda been done last night but the loss of my writing got me fucked up lolololololol. N e way
Warnings: cursing obvi, uh like nsfw for a hc or 2, my unorganized hcs that really follow no succinct line of thought and might not even be actual hcs???????
So Natsuo, 
There is not a thing I wouldn’t do for this man, bc honestly after all the shit he’s put up with he deserves the world and then some. But I digress.
1. I think he’s a hesitant but attentive boyf. Like he seems like a genuinely friendly dude but I think it’d take him a while to properly warm up to someone enough to date them. And even then I think he might struggle to open up to his partner about anything like, emotionally. Not to say he’s entirely emotionally closed off or anything but somethings are just harder to trust people with. The main thing being his familial issues. And of course that’s were most of this stems from. 
Now for the attentive part. His family dynamic has set a precedent on what not to do in a relationship so he’s always hyper aware of the things he or his s/o does, trying his best to avoid making any of the mistakes his parents made. Of course if he finds the right person he’ll be surprised to find that having a non-toxic relationship can be less stressful than he thought. It’s like a huge weight was just lifted from his shoulders.
2. He’s fucking hella romantic. Like he’s shitty romance movie romantic. He’s out here trying his best n woof. Gimme gimme. On date nights he pulls out all the stops. Sometimes it’s a nice classic dinner date at a pretty nice restaurant downtown, or it’s a picnic in the park at noon, or it’s stargazing from the roof of his or his s/o’s dorm/apartment/house, or driving out to a beach just for a long walk at sunset, or road trips to nowhere in particular. I could go on, I really could but you get the gist.
3. He’s got shitty pickup lines for days. Whenever I say shitty I mean like “god I hate it but at the same time I love it” kinda shitty. But yeah he likes to see his s/o’s reaction to his stupid pickup lines, whether they get flustered, or die laughing, or groan and make a snide remark, he’s here for it. Shoot one back at him and he get’s so absolutely red. Mans wasn’t ready. Mans will never be ready.
4. This just came to me but let’s be honest a lot of us here, myself included, have some sort of fucking daddy kink and like, I get it obvi but in this situation never call this man daddy. I feel like for him that is an instant turn off. I’m sorry to everyone I’m letting down but sometimes daddy issues don’t lead to a daddy kink. 
5. But on the topic of kinks I think this man is pretty vanilla, he doesn’t scream “freak” to me, you know? Just normal amazing sex. Oh but he does enjoy hella praise both receiving and giving.
6. Hopping off that train of thought and onto another I think he kinda tries to keep his s/o as far away from his family as possible. He doesn’t hate them (when I say them you know i mean everyone except Enji bc he avoids that man like the plague and like keeping his s/o far far far away from that man was a given), no he just likes to have something so utterly untouched by his family issues. Mans needs a breath of fresh air.
-These next 2 I think will veer off from being hcs a bit and just like shit that I like to think about in general. Does that make sense? Who knows lololol. N e way. I like to think a lot about two aspects of this man, well 1 aspect of the man himself and one....dynamic? It’ll make sense in a few so just hear me out. 
7. Ok so like I saw this post somewhere eons and eons ago. It was long before current manga events, maybe around the time we’d just gotten Natsuo in the manga. My memory of this post is hazy at best so bear with me as I stumble over my thoughts. Obvi at this point in time we had little to nothing on this beautiful, beautiful man, so people were left to theorize. So this one post, was really that shitty meme where it’s like “small brain if you think such n such, bigger brain if this, n galaxy brain if this, etc., etc.” Where in essence it was like, “He probably has a weak ice quirk but what if some sort of ice based healing quirk or no quirk at all!” N i think about it a lot to this day. I don’t believe that either of those are true but I do think it is absolutely immaculate food for thought so uh do with that what you will.
8. I guess this is back on hc territory but Natsuo isn’t picky with who he dates, as long as you’re not an asshole he’s kinda set, good to go. Now most of the fics for him you’ll see are like “ay yo, you’re another college hoe or like you’re just a civilian” but like what would the dynamic be if he dated a hero?????? I don’t think he hates heroes but his father has definitely had an impact on his view of them. He’s not enamored with them like I guess the rest of the population is so what if hero s/o?????? Perhaps?????? Have I suddenly had a fic idea??????? I like the idea of Natsuo with a like super popular Pro hero s/o or with like a super lowkey underground hero idk this whole post has been me spitballing shit.
9. Back onto proper hcs, it’s a common one that mans runs cold and ugh pls yes. It is also June rn and while the past few days have been cool and sexy the weeks prior had been hellish and on top of that I despise summer so give me all of that. Mans is your personal ac, he’s not opposed to his s/o just spending a hellishly hot day laying on top of him as they watch garbage reality tv.
10. Can we talk love language? Physical touch. He just radiates that energy. Probably touch starved, obviously due to you know what. But yeah definitely a hard physical touch. (Which is actually my least favorite love language considering I’m quite ✨𝓣𝓸𝓾𝓬𝓱 𝓻𝓮𝓹𝓾𝓵𝓼𝓮𝓭 ✨but hey I’m not here to project I’m just here to tell you what I see n therefore think) He likes to be touching his s/o like 24/7. Out in public shopping or some shit? Holding hands, linked pinkies, arm around the shoulders or waist. At home? Sheesh be ready to be smothered bb.
TLDR: What a man 🥵
I think I’ve gotten most if not all of my thoughts about our beloved ice man out. I hope you enjoyed my nonsensical ramblings :)
Have a good morning/afternoon/night!!!!!
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