#i shouldn’t speak
jentlemahae · 1 year
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ROSÉ / TYPA GIRL (230916)
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toffoliravioli · 11 months
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im not gonna say anything….
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amid-fandoms · 27 days
i’m so obsessed with how phil reacts to compliments. “yes!” “i do!” absolute icon you should be confident and love yourself we don’t lose our shit over you for nothing
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this dead poet wishes you a happy suicide prevention day!
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berternies · 1 year
so obsessed with the fact that every single person at this wedding was up to something absolutely unhinged. like we started off with aniq planning to propose at someone else’s wedding and i was like well that doesn’t seem like a good idea. and then it turns out that was actually easily the least insane plan that anyone had.
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reddamselette · 2 months
valgrace except it’s a scream au. the group is invited to rachel’s lake house and it’s greek myth themed so they’re all dressed up in tunics and chitons, wearing gold jewelry and eye catching makeup that gives a hint of who they went as.
they all drink and eat to celebrate the life of their fallen friend bianca and lee. the city has been on edge since the killings, no one knows who or why and by typical teenager fashion, they throw a party away from the city.
it doesn’t start kicking off until some of them are missing. will went out to his car to grab something but never came back, thalia was in the garage gathering more drinks from the cooler, percy had gone swimming but he wasn’t around either.
and it wasn’t until jason visited one of the room to change his shirt after a terrible mishap with a beer keg that he finds a ghostface mask in a bag. a bag that belongs to leo.
his heart nearly threatens to stop working when he closes the wardrobe doors to see leo standing there with his arms crossed and a head tilt.
“what’s the matter, jacey? you look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
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moonshynecybin · 27 days
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potato-lord-but-not · 2 months
i just had a dream where i painted this moisthur art piece but it was in the style of those ancient greek paintings you see. and in the painting arthur was essentially cannibalising moist (canon (sorry)) and then i presented my pride and joy to you and you were all like “wow yk this changes all of my opinions on everything! moisture should 100% be canon now” and yk so you like casually hit up your besties harlan and terry pratchett because of course youd just casually be friends with both harlan and terry pratchett and got them to agree to make a crossover episode that would kinda be like the non-canon Christmas special but instead of christmas it was moisthur
i felt this was really important to share this dream i just had with you
that’s insane, I wish I had enough influence to convince Harlan and the ghost of Terry Pratchett to agree to make such a masterpiece of a train wreck
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i-d-e-g-a-f · 5 months
i ache for katara so deeply, she deserves so much better than her canon fate. i cannot express in words how much her story and how the fandom views/treats her physically hurts me
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apollos-boyfriend · 1 year
there is NOTHING i hate more than people who don’t understand peter pan trying to make it edgy and/or making the entire thing about the peter-wendy romance. die die die die die
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velvette-hussle · 6 months
Lowkey, I wish Vox had answered Valentino when he asked him which gun made him look sexier. He didn’t even need to verbally do it, he could’ve just pointed and I would’ve been satisfied.
It just tickles me that he’d care enough to pick - and finds the imagery of Val with a gun attractive enough to have a preference, period - while also still completely vetoing Valentino’s whole plan to storm the Hotel (or whatever the fuck his dumb ass thought he was gonna do).
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EDIT: Here’s the picture for reference; and also the answer is obviously the bigger one because it matches his wings (not that I necessarily find Val sexy, but still).
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valyrfia · 1 year
im afraid the brocedes brainrot has taken me. childhood friends who banded together because no one else liked them who spent years growing up together and helped each other to set up their karts and went on holiday together then ended up at a team (bought for them) before getting to f1 and living their childhood dreams and becoming teammates and outright saying that nothing could get in the way of their friendship only to be proven wrong in the most slow, agonising and horrific way possible and suddenly all those childhood secrets that you share become important weapons in a war against your arch nemesis as you turn an entire team against itself and you can’t eat can’t sleep all you can think about is beating your enemy, your rival, your best friend, your closest confidante and the fallout of the civil war that raged inside your team, inside your friendship, and inside your own head is so toxic and absolute that you can barely say each other’s names years later all you can manage is thinly veiled apologies on TV or declarations of love and remorse to the entire world except the one person you hurt the most and you’re adamant that even though the world whispers in quiet remembrance at the destructive nature of this war they have no idea what really went down or how completely you destroyed each other.
oh and also throughout all this you lived in the same apartment complex and take the same elevator and you do still.
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midnight-chevy · 2 months
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no one fucking talk to me i’m gonna spend the rest of the day in mourning
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doctorsiren · 8 months
Kurain School Of Channeling implies other schools.
I suggested an AA6 thing but maybe just make up a school of Channeling for Nick
why can’t he be a special little boy (he’s older than me why am I calling him that) and train with Maya :3
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mappingthesky · 22 days
nymphia is perfect in the most mesmerizing glittery superstar sort of way that shouldn’t be possible and it’s actually absurd to witness
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dog-violet · 9 months
I feel like a lot of ppl don’t see that kousano is so interesting because of how they conflict with one another not because they’re like both mean women or something. for me it’s all about how on the surface they’re a bit alike and would probably get along but when it comes to their deeper beliefs they completely clash and that’s what makes it so angsty good. also the fact that their backstories parallel one another but had opposite outcomes is so compelling to me. Yosano was trapped and traumatized under Mori’s control but she was able to escape her situation. Kouyou was trapped in the mafia by the previous boss but her failed escape attempt only furthered her belief that people like her can never escape to a better life. which ofc is exactly what Yosano did. they’re each other’s antithesis in that sense which is why I love exploring their potential dynamic cause I think they would really ruffle each other’s feathers but respect each other at the same time. also there’s the fact that Kouyou straight up hates love because the one time she chased it she was only left further traumatized and so she closed off her heart (but ofc we see through her relationship with Kyouka that she can’t completely stop herself from caring about anyone) and all of the angst potential that creates. I could go on forever
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