#i sound like im on the verge of tears because my voice keeps cutting and is so cracky
pastadoughie · 10 months
Do you take voice requests
i mean sure? but also i dont think my voice is nice 2 listen 2 so idk how much people would even want that
i do talk for real when i am explaining voice related things but not rlly anytime else "the beast speaks (for real)" is the tag if u wana hear ig
idk i just dont rlly think it adds much of anything 2 my posts? and im not a big fan of my voice, sooo i probabley wont be doing many
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chaersly · 2 years
more than like? | huh yunjin x f!reader
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pairing non-idol! huh yunjin x f!reader
genre fluff??? idk help// mutual pining
synopsis you overhear your roommate, who conveniently happens to be your best friend that you may have feelings for, crying in her room. who would’ve thought she was crying over... you?
warnings IDK mentioned homophobia like once??? not that serious tho (I MEAN THE MENTION OF HOMOPHOBIA NOT HOMOPHOBIA ITSELF!!!!) honestly this is a rlly badly written short fic it feels like i wrote this a long time ago 😵‍💫
wc 1.4k
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(short texts)
hey are you okay? i can hear you crying you know
jen ❤️
jen ❤️
im not the one crying
??? cmon i know u
seen. 00:47a.m.
you wanna talk?
we don’t have to if you don’t want to. i’m just asking
jen ❤️
door’s open
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i knock on her door, catching a soft “come in” before i entered yunjin’s room. i slowly peeked and i found her, knees to her chest, beside her bed on her favourite furry rug. i take small steps as i observe her. her eyes are teary and swollen, a slight tint on her cheeks, and she was biting her lower lip. i sat on the rug next to her.
“hi.” i said simply, like i was testing the waters, checking her condition. she whispered it back, so soft i almost missed it. “she must be struggling a lot...” i thought to myself. i carefully put my hand over her own that rested on her knee, trying to signal to her to hold my hand. she glanced over at me and gave me a boxy lip smile before entwining our hands. “you wanna tell me what’s up?” i ask, trying to make my tone as gentle and welcoming as possible. without even batting an eyelid, she shook her head vigorously. “you... you wouldn’t understand. you’ll judge me...” taken aback, i quickly assured her. “judge you? i wouldn’t. i could never...” i squeezed her hand a little tighter. she sniffed, sounded like she was on the verge of tears.
“no, you don’t get it. many people would hate me for this but,” she sniffs. “but i think you’d hate me the most.”
my heart shattered.
why would she think i’d ever hate her? if only she knew she’d gotten it completely wrong...
“i promise, i will not. pinky promise, okay? you know i never go back on my words.” i reached out my free hand, pinky out, waiting for her to do it back. she stared at my hand, then into my eyes, and i could’ve sworn she looked at something else for a brief moment... and eventually she locked our pinkies.
“so, tell me what’s up. why are you in... this state?” i asked, hoping she wouldn’t back out now.
“i think,” she pauses, lets out a breath.
“i- i think i like...” she pauses again.
“you like someone?” i ask, cutting her off. she shakes her head, but she quickly catches herself. “well, yea? but that’s not the problem,” she looks at me, her eyes apologetic. “i, um, i think i like girls.”
oh, i get it now. as i heard those words fall out of her mouth, my mind went blank. the familiar feeling of butterflies resurfaced, yet this time she hadn’t even done anything. “keep your cool,” i mentally scolded myself. “she wouldn’t fall for you anyway. you guys are supposed to be friends.”
“so, this person... the person you like is a girl? and that’s how you realised?” she nodded in response. i shifted myself, body facing her now. “wait so, you were afraid that i’d be... homophobic?” i mean, why else would she think i’d hate her, right? yet she shook her head and sighed. “no! no... well, sort of? not exactly but... argh it’s difficult to explain. i can’t...”
“why not? why else would you be afraid to tell me?”
“BECAUSE!” i could hear the frustration in her voice. it’s you! i... i like you...” i couldn’t even believe the words that came out of her mouth. huh yunjin? jennifer huh? my best friend jen, likes... me? is the world ending? i could feel her hand tense up, she seemed unsure of whether or not to let go of mine. i squeezed it tight, not allowing her to let go. i rubbed my thumb against the back of her hand.
“do you mean it? i mean, you’re not... joking? this isn’t some type of prank...?” i ask cautiously.
the thing is, i have feelings for yunjin. jennifer huh... i’ve had feelings for her since the moment we became close friends. as time passed, my feelings just kept growing. even when i was annoyed at her, even when i didn’t talk to her for 2 whole weeks, trying to rid myself of these feelings. i thought i had pushed away my feelings, just let her go. but, deep down, they were just growing, slowly but surely, until it all just resurfaced. and i hated it. i hated myself for liking my best friend. i hated that every time i was with her, all i could think about was how she made me feel. i couldn’t help but feel my cheeks burn up every now and then whenever we hung out. i made a promise to myself a few months back that i would try to stop these feelings so i wouldn’t accidentally ruin our friendship. now that she’s telling me she likes me, i don’t know how to feel. and, how can i trust her? what if this is all a prank, and then i end up confessing, and she ends up hating me because she doesn’t feel the same. so many what ifs... plus, this went against my promise to myself. and i absolutely, hated breaking promises.
“of course it’s not a prank! i.. i wouldn’t joke around about something like this...” that’s true, yunjin isn’t the type of person to mess around about her feelings. “i told you... you’d hate me for it. i’m sorry. i know i’m weird for falling for my best friend. i shouldn’t have let my feelings-”
“jen, listen. i, um,” i close my eyes and take a deep breath. “i like you too. and i’m not saying this to be nice or anything, i actually have liked you for quite some time...” i confessed.
my heart was beating quicker than it had ever beaten and i felt like it was going to stop anytime soon. i suddenly realised i’m still squeezing her hand. i loosen my grip, hand almost slipping away from hers, but this time, it was her turn to catch me. instantly, she interlocked our fingers and grasped my hand with the same strength i used on her earlier.
“you, really like me? but i... i thought you didn’t like...” she hesitated. “girls?” i finished her sentence. “yea, i didn’t know i liked them either until... well, you.” i stared into her eyes, and i knew for sure this time that i wasn’t going crazy. earlier on, she had glanced at my lips ever so quickly that i almost missed it, and she just did it again. “now it makes sense...” i thought to myself. my breath was suddenly unstable and my heart started to beat quick again — or maybe it hadn’t even calmed down from a moment ago.
“can i... um...” her eyes flickered down to my lips. without even thinking, i leaned in, lips landing on hers.
this was my first actual kiss, and i know it was hers too. yet, it felt so natural. it was slow, and soft. the way our lips moved in line with the other’s...
i was head over heels for this girl. no, i am head over heels for this girl.
i pulled away slowly, and my feelings were all over the place. i was excited, yet nervous, a little scared, but extremely happy?
“was that, good?” she asked. but i didn’t want it to end so fast. giving her a nervous smile, i responded, “um, i’m not sure. maybe we should try again? to get... better?” she chuckled and her cheeks turned a darker shade of pink.
this time, she leaned into me. again, our lips connected, the kiss slow and passionate. i unlocked my hand from hers and put my two hands together behind her neck. i inched closer to her, quickly catching her lips after she pulled away for a breath. i couldn’t stop myself. it was my first, and it felt so magical. the butterflies in my stomach never left.
we finally pulled away from each other, catching our breaths. when we locked eyes, i could see her whole face turn bright pink and she couldn’t stop smiling. she looked down and covered her face, but i instinctively reached out for her hand. “no, you’re cute.” i blurted, pulling her hand away from her face. she furrowed her eyebrows and let out a small whine. “stop! my face is so red already...” she whispered that last part.
and if it was even possible i felt myself falling in love yet again. and maybe, just maybe, i would break a promise just this once. just so i could feel happy with the one i like... no, it’s... it’s more than like.
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oddaodd · 4 years
· Maimed ·
Summary: Tommy finds out Y/n had to resort to prostitution while he was away at war and doesn't handle it well. 
Author’s note: This was requested by the lovely @idgaf2022  and I just gotta say I fell in love with this request and Im very happy with how it turned out . As always, I wish you all the loveliest of days. ❤️
Warnings: mentions of prostitution, war and an accident with a knife.
“When where you going to tell me?” Came his voice void of all emotion. His eyes piercing through her skin.
“Tell you what?” She smiled. Her mind refusing to believe she knew what he was talking about.
“I was at The Garrison today” he began There was a man, a man I had never seen before. He spun such yarns about you ” he paused and took a look at Y/n’s face. Her smile long gone. She knew what he was talking about.
“At first I though he must be stupid to come up with such stories about my wife in my pub, but then when nobody  believed him, he mentioned the scar you have under your ribs” he spoke pointing at the place where she evidently had a scar.
“Tommy… I..I” But she couldn’t find the words, they were all held back by the knot in her throat.
The war had been hell. Everyone had lived through it differently. Tommy and his brothers and many other men had had to go and fight and Y/n and Polly and Ada and many other women had had to stay behind and run the country while the men were gone. They were dark times abundant with need and scarceness.  Y/n had tried her best to keep her and tommy’s baby daughter, Josephine away from need and hunger. Having just gotten married and had their baby, Y/n had her hands tied. She tried to help Polly as much as she could at the shop but sometimes there just wasn’t enough money which lead Y/n to charging fro her company to the men who didn’t serve. All for Jo’s sake.
When Tommy came back she never mentioned it, ready to put it behind her and every night she prayed for Tommy to never find out. All her customers had been from outside of Birmingham after all.  
“Did you seriously think I’d never find out?”
“No” she began, taking his hands in her shaky ones she wanted to, but she knew she couldn’t hide it forever. “No, but I just… I just didn’t know If I wanted you to know. I felt so ashamed and I didn’t want to bring it up when I knew I would never have to do it again. Things were hard when you left …”
“ It must have been such a sacrifice” he muttered bitterly and snatched his hands away from hers.
“How dare you?” she spat “You have no idea of how hard it was when you were away, the money from the shop just wasn’t enough!”
“Oh I bet” he said sarcastically “You’ve never liked sleeping alone.”
“Thomas...” she warned dumbfounded on the verge of tears. She couldn’t believe her own husband was making her feel like shit.
But he ignored her tone and her hurt features “Needed someone to keep your bed warm while I was away” he spat mercilessly “Or maybe you just missed the feeling of someone between your legs”
At his venomous words Y/n saw her own hand moving in slow motion before it crashed against Tommy’s cheek. She couldn’t handle him to keep talking like that, digging up a past she tried so hard to burry deep down. Her lips parted at her own actions.
When Tommy’s unchanging face fixed upon her again he noticed the tears that had so vehemently threatened to spill had finally succeed in doing so. Triggering a feeling of deep guilt deep within his soul.
“Fuck you” she spoke in a maimed voice. Tommy prepared himself for more verbal retaliation from her, but she left the room without another word and a few minutes later he heard the engine of a car shortly followed by the sound of tires moving on the gravel.
It was only then when Tommy realized he had maybe taken it too far. He wasn’t acting out of hatred. When he heard the bloke talking about how well Y/N felt snd bragging about having fucked Thomas Shelby’s wife, he felt his anger rise to levels he hadn’t known till before that unfaithful night. The man, obviously was dead before Tommy began heading home.
Nasty emotions had been festering in his mind with every kilometer he drove and when he saw Y/n when he arrived home, it all exploded.He was angry, not necessarily at Y/n, but angry at what she had done, angry at himself. He hated that he couldn’t have avoided what lead to Y/n having to do what she had done.
Y/n avoided her husband to her best efforts for the following week. Polly took her and her daughter in when she knocked crying on her door. Y/n couldn’t shake the nasty feelings Thomas had awoken within her. She couldn’t stand more than an hour without breaking into tears and her heart broke every time her little Jo looked at her with worried eyes, ignorant of what she was going through. It wasn’t something a 7 year old should know about.
Polly understood Y/n’s pain and helped her take care of Jo when she couldn’t find the strength to get out of bed.
“Your mummy’s tired. Let’s let her rest”
She had been there with her all along and when Y/n had asked her to keep her secret all those years ago, Polly obliged without question. She knew her nephew wouldn’t comprehend.
Days went by slow, heavy and cold. One Friday evening, pol had taken Jo to the movies giving Y/n a little time for herself.
Oddly enough, she felt like cooking so she made her way downstairs and began making vegetable soup. After half an hour or so she heard the front door opening.
“Was the film good?” She asked loudly hoping to hear the sound of Jo’s voice, but when she heard the footsteps coming closer to the kitchen she immediately identified them as Tommy’s  
“Please go away” she asked in such a broken voice that made Tommy contemplate on going away to not cause her further discomfort, but he stayed because he knew he had to make it right.
“We should talk” he said in an uncertain voice standing at a respectable distance from his wife.
“I don’t want to talk” she spoke shakily. Goosebumps suddenly taking over her body.
“I’m so sorry Y/n, I..”
“You made me feel like dirt” she stated as she heard his footsteps drawing nearer to her with his uncharacteristic apology.
“I spent so much time forcing myself to be alright with what I had to do keep Jo and I alive  and then to try and forget all about it when you came back” a  heavy breath holding back her years as she began chopping a carrot.
“But now you brought it back up and I... I feel so filthy, I’ve showered three times today and I don’t feel any better.” She continued as the first tears rolled down her cheeks.
“Y/n “He began softly placing a testing hand on her waist. She shook it away.
“Look at me” he pleaded
But Y/n shook her head no. Knowing he was in no place to reproach, he respected her unwillingness to look at him and spoke.
“Im so sorry, Y/n. I was selfish and didn’t stop to think about what you were feeling”
Y/n’s body continued to shake with silent sobs
“I now know I was in no place to judge what you had to do to survive and  I won’t ever forgive myself for making you hurt like this”
“Yeah you were in no place” y/n spat with sudden anger as she continued cutting the vegetables with tears in her eyes “Not when you didn’t even stop to ask me and decided to just listen to the part of the story some bloke told you and not...” she hadn’t noticed the force she was putting into her cutting skills until the knife grazed her finger.  
She yanked her hand away from the cutting board with a wince and immediately went to grab a piece of cloth to  wrap her finger in.
“Fuck, y/n” Tommy said coming to her side when he heard her wince. “Are you alright?”
She shook her head no and he knew she wasn’t answering about the cut.
“Please look at me” he tried again and to his surprise this time Y/n did tilt her face to face him.
The sight of her bloodshot eyes tore cracks in Tommy’s heart. And his hands shook a little when he cupped her face, a few tears threatening to spill from his eyes.
“I love you Y/n” he professed looking into her eyes.”I’m so sorry I was so crass about it. And I promise you’ll never have to do that ever again. I’ll keep you safe”
At his words Y/n’s hands went to his. She understood and accepted his repentance, but it did little to soften the pain she felt. Tommys hands then went to tuck a few strands of her loose hair behind her ear his eyes still set on hers.
Y/n then succumbed to the sudden need she felt for his touch and embraced him with uncertain arms. Tommy corresponded instantly wrapping his own arms around her fragile figure.  After a few moments of silence and much needed touch, he asked to her ear if she could ever forgive him.
“Yes” she spoke weakly but she wasn’t entirely certain she meant it. She wanted to forgive him but she didn’t know if she could ever forget his hateful words. Tommy knew it well enough.
@captivatedbycillianmurphy @nyotamalfoy @peakyxtommy @writeroutoftime @lilymurphy03
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© @supervalcsi
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❝ request by @supervalcsi: Dear Aurora, my love, my sunshine, may I get prompt 12 from angst list with Bishop?? Thank you so much my friend! I love you!!! 💕💕💕💕
❝ prompt: “Hear my heartbeat? Just focus on that”.
❝ words: about 1.3k.
❝ a / n: as always, don’t forget to comment and reblog if you liked it!
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“Didn't know where else to go”.
His voice sounds lower than normal, as if he is on the verge of tears but fighting against it. You don't ask him how he knows your address, giving him enough space to come inside your house. Bishop doesn't doubt then, guiding his steps through the door to let you close it behind your back as you turn around to face him.
Sometimes he goes to the bar you work in, outside of Santo Padre, in one of the lost roads to nowhere. The two of you spend the night talking about anything concrete, interchanging words. And you can assure that between both there's some kind of connection since you met.
But tonight, he looks too different than usual. The black bags under his eyes mean that he hasn't had much sleep the last few days. The grown beard melting with his well-groomed mustache let you know that he hasn't taken care of himself lately. Just surviving like a lost soul, in pain for something you don't know. Traveling your eyes to his hands, you quickly notice his reddened knuckles a little bit raw.
Licking your bottom lip, hesitating, you take the first step ahead to taste the waters, invading his personal space. Knowing that Bishop is not going to take one back, you shorten till the minimal distance among your bodies to wrap him with your arms. Trying to comfort him, you hug him as much tightly as you can, feeling the man reciprocating the gesture; clinging himself to you as if you were the anchor that helps him to stay afloat.
Only then, he breaks into pieces, letting the tears run down his cheeks as he rests his forehead on your shoulder. Landing one of your hands on the back of his head, you caress gently his hair, wanting to make him feel better. You're not going to ask if he doesn't want to talk. The interrogatories aren't part of your personality. You're the one who usually listens in silence, and maybe offers some kind of advice. But it's not what Bishop needs, not tonight.
Much to your regret, you pull yourself away slowly, without doing any sharp move. Sliding your fingers down by his shoulders to the folds of the black kutte, you help him to take it off so you can hang it on a chair in the living room. He's following you like a lost puppy, keeping his head bowed. Doing the same with the black hoodie, after unzipping it, you hold his hand to guide him through the hallway towards your room.
The place is submerged under the gloom, only illuminated by some streetlights outside, but enough to see the tears on his face. After cleaning them with your fingers, while he takes off his boots and undoes the belt to throw it somewhere, you give him some space to undress and place his jeans and his shirt on the chair next to the desk.
Once lying down on your bed, you welcome him again between your bare and warm arms, aware that he feels a little better by the way his breathing sounds more calmed. Urging Bishop to rest his head on your chest, you can't help but leave a tender kiss on it.
“Hear my heartbeat? Just focus on that”.
Your voice is honeyed. A soft whisper transmitting him peace. Whilst his arms are surrounding your body and your left one is around his chest, your right hand caresses slowly his cheek; using your fingertips, barely watching the man close his eyes. Soon, his breathing is inappreciable, taking the same rhythm as yours.
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Still half asleep you roll around the mattress, to hide your face from sunbeams, filling up your lungs with the strong manly scent from your unexpected visitor last night. Tightening the grip around you, Bishop sighs more awake than sleep, pressing his lips on your forehead for a kiss that lasts longer than expected. But you don't care. It doesn't bother you. Feels good, after all.
“Should I say sorry or thank you?” His throaty voice slides itself through your ears with sorrow and shame.
“You don't have to be sorry, nor thank me anything”.
The smile curving his lips brushes your forehead softly, slightly jumping your heart for no reason, apparently. Resting your heads over the pillow, without breaking the mess of legs and arms tangled you are, your eyes laid on each other. You don't know what time it is, but he looks more rested than yesterday.
“Two days ago… I lost someone important to me”.
“I'm sorry, Bish”.
“Yeah, me too. But things happen for a reason, isn't it?”
Briefly nodding, you're able to see him smiling again. A sleepy grin disappears after a short second. Closing his eyes again, the man sinks his face into the crook of your neck, holding you closer under his grip to his body. The soft gasp escaping his lips, after taking a breath of your sweet smells, makes you giggle because of the tickles.
But that bubble explodes when your phone rings. Normally, no one calls you before two at noon and it couldn't be this late.
“Don't answer, please…”
“Just lemme check who it is”.
Tossing a hand over your head, palming the nightstand until finding the phone, you place it in front of your head. Unknown number. You don't recognize it. Frowning confused, you poke Bishop's cheek to make him look at it. Seems like he recognizes it by the way he has to roll his eyes. Lying on his back and grabbing it, he slides his thumb over the screen to pick up the call.
“It's Obispo”.
“Jesus fucking Christ, brother, I'm too fucking old for these games. Been looking for you since yesterday morning, about having a heart attack”.
“Don't be dramatic, Taza… How the hell 'you have (Y/N)'s number? Actually, how the hell 'you know her?” Looking at you, the only thing you do is shrug confused. You haven't heard about this man in your life.
“I know you better than yourself, you should know it already”.
“I'm going to hang up”.
“Hey, hey, wait! You okay?”
“I was fucking okay till you call, enjoy my seat today”.
Not giving the man at the other side of the speaker the chance to respond, Bishop finishes the call, leaving the phone on the nightstand behind him.
“How did you know where I live?” You can't help but ask, showing up your curiosity.
“I went to the bar, hoping you were there. But your boss told me you were free, so I ended up threatening him to earn your address. He didn't want to tell me”.
“Maybe he thought you were a psycho”.
“Or a Mayan”.
“Yeah, that gang of Chicanos is pretty crazy too”.
“I hate that fucking name”.
Hearing Bishop laughing for the first time in a week makes you feel some nice shivers traveling your body, resting a leg over his lap and fitting your body to his.
“I came to you because you always cheer me up. No matter what. And I don't know how you do it, but I don't want you to stop”.
Lying by his side and placing a hand on the back of your thigh, to keep your leg over his, the Mexican slides his free arm under your neck with so much care.
“I like to see you happy, to see you smiling. It isn't something I can avoid”.
“What else you can't avoid?”
“The desire of asking you to stay”.
“I'm going to stay if you want me to stay”.
“What if I ask you to kiss me?”
Leaning towards you, the response doesn't wait. At first, Bishop just presses his lips against yours. A soft cramp that bristles your skin completely. Soon, your lips start to move slowly in sync, tasting each other, cutting off your breathings. It is better than you have fantasized sometimes while talking with him sitting on the bar and sharing old whisky in the small hours. And he feels good too, even if he continues carrying the sorrow because of his recent loss, knowing that he has won you somehow.
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GENERAL TAG LIST: @mayans-sauce @peoniarose @destynelseclipsa @band-psycho @myakai13 @petlaufeyson @-im-fantastic- @horsesandwolvesaremyanimals @rocketqueen @rosieposie0624 @ellyseveronica @Jessprins13 @diaryofkali @ravenmoore14 @starrynite7114 @kenbechillin @miahelen @monkeyluver4546 @sheeshgivemeabreak @jadesamhart @rawrlittlepanda-95 @megapeacelovemusic-blog @katsav17 @skits90s @wildsould1221
MAYANS MC: @multiyfandomgirl40 @countryash345 @skyofficialxx @lovebennycolonmiguelgalindo @bellisperennis0 @chibsytelford @trulysuccubus @purrrrfect @witching-hour @leathercladmenfics @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @queenbeered @sesamepancakes @gemini0410 @pinguinstudiert @oscars-wifeyyy @meteora-fc @lozaa94 @arveeee @joupym @hanster1998 @missswritings @arana-alpha @lucillewinchester @theocatkov @telfordlowmans @tclaerh @aurelie-celine @spideysimpossiblegirl
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nobodycallsmerae · 3 years
Hey, I hope you’re well! 🙃Can I ask #7 and #32?
Hi hi!! I'm fine! I hope you're doing great too!! I've written another shot based on prompt #32, (which im quite proud of) and you can find it here. You haven't mentioned a pairing, so I'm just gonna write for bbrae :)
I humbly tried to dabble into the holy world of office romance. You should see my manhwa reading list. My last 6-7 webcomics are filled with office romances XoX
'What? But I've been working overtime for the past twelve days!' He whined, practically on the verge of tears.
'Well that's tragic,' The vice president rolled her eyes. 'But you are my secretary now, and you have to be competent in what you do.'
Raven Roth had no idea how she'd gotten herself into this situation.
She was the vice president of a successful company, an accomplished and respected 28-year-old woman, but now she was stuck here, in her office, arguing pointlessly with a man-child.
Her old secretary (and only friend) Kory Anders, was on her honeymoon, leaving Raven with.. Him.
‘No “buts” Mr. Logan,’ Raven cut him off. ‘The company is going through a critical time now, and I want every employee to give their hundred percent. And you-’
Sometimes she wondered why she didn’t just fire him, but, truth be told, even if he was messy, and lazy, and was definitely not used to working behind the table, 27-year-old Garfield Logan was actually quite good at what he did.
And also that her old secretary had personally hired him, and Raven did not want to deal with an angry Kory Anders.
‘M-Mr. Logan are you…?’ She looked at her now secretary, who had slumped shoulders and was looking downwards.
‘How do you expect me to work like this?!’ He finally snapped, looking up at her and walking closer to her desk. ‘I get sleep for a grand total of three hours a day, I haven’t had a proper meal and have been practically living on caffeine and I don’t have any plants in my new apartment!!’
‘Plants…?’ She raised an eye-brow.
‘I just needed a third thing, okay?’ Gar cried out. He took a few deep breaths and with his chin touching his chest, his shoulders began to shake.
‘Mr. Lo- Logan are you… cryi-’
‘Yes! Yes, I’m having a mental breakdown right now!’ He exclaimed, looking up at her with tears in his eyes. ‘You may be perfect, Ms. Roth, but I am not! I’m nowhere near perfect, and I’m trying my best to keep up with you here. I’m trying my best, I swear, but I can’t anymore. You’ve ought to give me a break. If I had a girlfriend, I bet she’d want me to quit.’
‘..Well, you don’t have a girlfriend…’ Raven quietly muttered, feeling kind of guilty all of a sudden.
‘Because I’ve been working for you the whole time!!’ Gar yelled, watching her wince as he did.
He finally exhaled, and calmed himself. He stepped back, and suddenly, a professional aura surrounded him, which made Raven blink twice.
‘..I’m sorry Ms. Roth.’ He regarded her. ‘I’m sorry for behaving in an-’
A quite peculiar, but not not-good sound made him stop in his tracks, and in front of him, he could see his superior…. Laughing?
Gar had worked for Raven Roth for almost a month now, and he had never even seen the sides of her lips turning upwards, often making him wonder if they were fixed in a slight frown. But now, in front of him at 10 pm, The Raven Roth was laughing her heart out. Gar blinked, and even rubbed his eyes, wondering if he was hallucinating, because, truthfully, the scene in front of him was… making his heart flutter.
‘I-I’m sorry Mr. Logan..’ Raven said between laughs, covering her mouth with her hand. ‘But no employee has ever talked to me like that before… I would say that you’re almost being… cute.’
‘Well.. of course they haven’t,’ Gar coughed, trying to hide his obvious blush. ‘They’re practically working zombies…’
‘Heh, well you know what,’ Raven sighed, rolling her stiff shoulders into her plush chair. 'You can go home for today… But, I need those papers present on my table by next Monday. Understand?'
'Yes, Ma'am!!' Gar happily exclaimed, saluting her.
‘I may say… you’re being quite perky for someone who was whimpering not two seconds ago.’
‘Heh.. yeah, about that..’ He blushed, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. ‘Can we just pretend the last five minutes of our lives never happened?’
‘Even the time I told you to wrap it up for the day?’ Raven slyly played along, not knowing what had gotten into her… but not disliking it either. ‘Okay, then, get the files from-’
She looked at him, pouting like a cute little puppy which was kicked in the- wait…
Raven Roth didn’t think things were cute, let alone other humans. She didn’t go around swooning over other men like some women, but what had invaded her thoughts right now?
Well, she did say that the puppy was cute… that had to count for something, right?
‘It’s okay, Mr. Logan, you may go. I was just messing with you.’
‘Phew.’ With a hand on his fine chest, the secretary let out a sigh. Wait, fi- ‘And also, now that we’re off the clock, please, you can call me Gar, Rav-’
‘And you may call me Ms. Roth.’
‘Ms. Roth.’ He smiled. He slightly bowed his head as a silent greeting and walked out of her office.
Raven thought about continuing her work, like she’s been doing every single night-
‘Mr. Garfield?’ She called out, surprising herself as she did.
‘Si?’ Gar immediately popped his head back into her office, almost as if he’d been standing in front of the door the whole time.
Now that he was looking oh-so intently at her, she blushed. And the last time the vice president had blushed was probably(?) when she was in kindergarden…
‘I.. J-just.. I wanted…’ Raven stumbled, making Gar raise his eye-brows with disbelief. ‘Just.. ah, thank you. I.. I needed this. This may seem a little out of character for me-’
‘A little?’ He teased.
‘Okay, well,’ She huffed. ‘This may not seem like myself, but..’ She sighed, almost bashfully fingering the folders on her table. ‘You know I don’t have many friends, everybody knows that. There are only people who are more-or-less fearful of me because of my designation. And ever since Kory went on her… vacation, I have just been working without a care in the world. But… this, whatever weird little confrontation we had right now… it was refreshing. I really needed that laugh, honestly,’ She chuckled. ‘So.. thank you.’
Gar’s face was colored red, and she was almost sure it mirrored hers, but he just smiled. ‘Anytime.’ He winked. 'And.. I'm your friend now! So don't hesitate to come to me anytime you're in need of a pal.'
Raven awkwardly smiled and got back to the task she was doing on her computer.
‘Umm.. Ms. Roth, aren’t you gonna go home too?’
‘Huh, me? No.’ She shook her head, stifling a yawn. ‘I have this presentation to be tak-’
‘What? But today is Friday.. You have the whole weekend ahead of you! You should take a break!’
‘No, Mr. Loga- Garfield, it’s okay.’ He'd taken a seat on one of the chairs in front of her table. ‘You should go ahead...’
‘Oh, Ms. Roth..’ He sighed. ‘If you take a break now, and get a decent good night’s sleep while you still can, you’ll be refreshed and will be more energized to do your work later on; which will make your work even better! So.. what do ya’ say?’
Gar smiled at her, but he seemed dumbfounded once he saw the expression on her face. She was blushing, very heavily, and Gar wasn’t sure if he’d done something which made her face flush. He raised an eye-brow, to which Raven shyly responded by pointing towards her desk with her eyes. As he looked down at where her eyes were pointed, he saw that his hands were covering hers, almost in an affectionate way.
‘Ahem.’ He pulled back at once, his face flushed with shock and embarrassment.
Raven tried regaining her composure, flattening the front of her suit as a distraction and trying to not concentrate on the warmth that was still lingering on her usually cold hands.
‘Well, Mr. Logan, I thank you for your concern, but…’ The VP sighed, eyeing the files on her desk, thinking back on what had happened a few moments ago. Raven wasn’t the kind of person to reconsider things; She had a schedule and she followed it accordingly. But she also wasn’t the kind of person who’d be easily flustered around people, blush (so many times!), or have such… inappropriate thoughts about a co-worker. (Raven believes “cute” is highly inappropriate.) She also made a mental note to go for a health check-up soon, because she wasn’t sure if her heart was supposed to be beating so fast. Or be missing beats.
‘..I’m going to say something and regret it real quick.’ She mumbled. ‘Okay.. have it your way!’
‘Sweet!’ Gar laughed. ‘Seeing as we’re the only people left, let’s head out together!’ He suggested before walking out.
Raven looked dazed for a moment, but then quickly sorted through the files and folders. She organised what she needed and what she would take a look at later, and sighed at her empty table.
Rummaging through her bag, she looked for her car keys. ‘Shit.’
'You okay?' He called out to her. 'Whoa, that was so cool!' She heard him say to himself as his voice echoed through the empty office.
'Nothing, just..' She exhaled. 'I locked the keys in the car, and my spare keys are at home...' She looked frustrated.
'Oh man...' Gar stood at her door, looking down. 'Uhh, can't you just call up your butler or something?'
'It's almost 11 at night, Garfield.' She let out a long sigh.
'Wait.. but can't you rich people like, call your butlers anytime and they'll be present?'
'What do you think this is, a no-budget fanfiction?' Raven rolled her eyes. Her head was laying on her clean table, and Gar couldn't help but blush after seeing her look so laid-back in front of him. 'Well, I can call them, but I wouldn't want to disturb them. Besides, I can just call a cab for now.'
'Or I could give you a ride!' Gar abruptly suggested.
'Umm?' The woman awkwardly raised an eye-brow, not able to find her words to reply to him.
'I mean..' He started, scratching the back of his neck. 'I was the one who suggested we wrap up for the day, and I'm here with you now. If anything were to happen to you, it is really unsafe now, late at night, I wouldn't help but feel responsible. So let me-'
'Garfield.. I-' Raven blushed. 'I don't think it will be suitable for me to accompany a co-worker like this... And also if people think there's an ulterior motive-'
'I don't have any ulterior motives, Rae.' He smiled. 'I'm just a concerned guy looking out for a friend.'
'Very well... Thank you, Garfield.' She looked down at her table, trying to hide her flushed face. 'Also, nobody calls me "Rae".'
'Yes ma'am!' The secretary smiled and walked out to his cubicle to get his things, leaving Raven alone in her office.
Right then, Raven Roth knew something had changed. Be it the atmosphere or herself, she wasn't sure, but something had definitely changed between her and this Gar Logan.
Maybe it was just one-sided; maybe it was because nobody had made her laugh like that, (even though he didn't do it on purpose.), maybe because no one else had ever suggested her to leave her precious work and get sleep. It could be because for the first time, someone had talked to her as Raven (...or Rae) and not “Vice President, Miss. Roth”. Or probably because it was the first time somebody had cared for her enough to stay back and offer a ride.
She wasn't sure why (or what exactly), but she knew something had changed... and in the deepest, darkest corners of her mind, Raven selfishly hoped it didn't change back.
‘You ready?’ He reappeared at her office, bowing a little melodramatically as he caught her eye.
'Yeah…' Raven smiled. 'I'm ready.'
Believe it or not the whole meltdown-in-front-of-lady-boss thing is based on a real incident lmho.
Anyway, I hoped you enjoyed this!! Please share your thoughts :>
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Fake Redemption Dabi x Fem! Reader
Another depressive read from a depressive writer. Boom ta da Dabi x Reader who clearly needs help. Please No minors, even if this isn’t sexual it’s still meant fo adults.
Word Count: 2088
But TW!: Abuse, drugs, cocaine, abuse and more abuse, depressive triggering shit
She knew.
It was a terrible idea. She however accepted that idea. It didn't matter if it was the worst idea either. She wanted this.
The cold air whipped into her face as if someone just threw a glass of water filled with reality onto her. Why was she going? Why did she think she deserved it? That last thought caused a strained laugh to spill from her almost blue lips. 
Thankfully nobody would see her laughing at her own self at this time at night, standing next to the bus stop. She wasn’t even waiting for a bus, it was just another distraction for her. Taking her time was only delaying what was coming.
Ring! Ring! Ring!
Pulling her phone from her pocket, she looked at the name calling her, her lips curling into a sneer. “Impatient to get this over with huh?” mumbling to herself, she silenced the call and continued on the dark road towards the only place she knew would get her what she wanted. No. What she needed.
Walking there was the part she hated the most. It gave her time to rethink, to go over her thoughts repeatedly until she hated herself more for it. 
Finally getting there felt like a redemption, a false one, but a redemption indeed. Looking at her goal, the rusted iron door to an old worn down factory that screamed ‘Stay away!’ only enticed her closer. Raising her hand she knocked three times slowly and waited as she heard the heavy footsteps on the other side.
The door creaked open to reveal what she had been waiting for, a man who would have caused children to cry and mothers to scream at one glance of his jet black inked face and arms. “You could have answered my call, doll” The man who referred to himself as Dabi drawled out his eyes narrowing down on her.
“Could have, but didn’t,” She responded tiredly yet a tone of anxiety seeped through her voice. Shrugging, Dabi side stepped letting the woman enter before slamming the door shut and locking it to make sure no one would be interrupting tonight. “You got everything?” She asked as she walked over to a small wooden crate, one of the few only items left in this abandoned building. Sitting down she turned her eyes to Dabi who nodded with a smirk and walked over pulling out a baggie with white substance coating the insides.
“I got everything, all yours doll. I also made sure no one will be around till morning. Are you sure you want to do this again?” He asked, his godly blue eyes staring into her own eyes made them both pause. Now normally, he couldn’t give a rat's ass who he made dealings with but this frequent customer of his had his curiosity. She wanted something nobody has asked of him ever. Not willingly anyway.
“Yes. I doubled the payment as well, I need this to last a while,” She stated matter of factly before shrugging off her coat. Dabi’s eyes couldn’t help but peer down at her arms covered in bruises. He hated to admit it but the swirls of yellow, blue, green, purple, and even black were beautiful to him. Maybe he was biased, since he was the one who had put them there.
“You know I don't usually ask about anybody’s business, but I’d like to know. Why do this to yourself?” He couldn’t help but ask as he watched her smile up at him like a lunatic. He knew better though, she was only faking the smile.
“Wouldn’t you like to know Mr. Dabi?” She responded keeping her edge of mystery and teasing as he threw her the bag of snow which she caught with two hands. Opening the bag she eyed the substance and once satisfied she pulled out her phone and her debit card. Cutting lines silently, she didn’t bother to acknowledge her supplier, still staring at her with amusement. “It’s just not everyday a pretty woman comes knocking and asks for some supplies as well for her dealer to absolutely beat the shit out of her to go along with it. I prefer beating the people who owe me money, not pay me money,” 
“Funny isn't?” She retorted back as she rolled a dollar bill from her wallet into a fine tube before lowering her face but not before she looked up at Dabi through her eyelashes, “However I don’t go around asking anybody to beat me up you know? You just happen to be a very handsome man who knows how to hit the spot just right,” Her laughter filled the cold room for a moment as Dabi couldn’t help but chuckle a bit himself. “You intrigue me, dollface,” Was the only response she got before she put the dollar tube up to her nose, expertly inhaling the lines she had set up.
“I’ll give it a moment to kick in and we can start, yeah?” Dabi only nodded before kicking another crate close to the one she was sitting on and sat across from her,” How about after we finish up here, you and me go for a drink? My place?” He offered to which the woman sat still as she looked at him in disbelief. “We’ve met up numerous times, fucked once or twice, smoked or did lines once and twice, but every time I always had to beat you till I wasn’t sure if you were breathing or not. But me asking you out to drink is shocking?” Dabi teased after getting no response with a smile before he received a nod.
“Fine, I suppose that's alright,��� She agreed and both her and Dabi sat in silence for a few moments before she started to feel the rush come to her veins. Energy began to flow through her as she stood up and walked to the middle of the spacious factory room signaling Dabi to follow to which he did. Turning around to say she was ready was only met with a harsh punch to her cheek which had her huff out in surprise. No noise spilled from her lips as her head cracked to the side. Kicks, punches, spit, and anything else Dabi could do to her, she felt for the past hour. It felt painful of course, but so freeing. It was just what she needed. She longed for some type of touch, something to pull her from the edge of slipping through the cracks of insanity and this…..oh yes this was her redemption. 
Everyone always left her, friend or lover. Parents or teachers. She was always given up on or abandoned. She couldn’t figure it out. Years of being neglected as a child to now being seen as nothing but a waste of ‘potential’, whatever that meant, had her come to realize a false truth. She was the problem. Now deep down she knew it wasn’t that. She never did anything. She only had hateful parents, fake friends, teachers who just couldn’t care for their less paying jobs, and lovers who needed a quick fuck bring her down to this level. But she needed a reason otherwise it would hurt more. She decided she was the problem. She didn’t communicate enough. She was the one who didn’t try harder, who kept trying till something worked. It was all her fault and now to this day she seeked her false redemption.
She loved the sound and feeling of Dabi’s knuckles cracking against her face, the way his heavy boots collided with her ribs giving off a satisfying thump, or the way he spat on her with a loathsome look in his eyes. She loved it all because she knew at the end of the day he wouldn’t leave her. He wouldn’t neglect what she wanted, no what she needed. He was always there. That’s why she kept coming. The pain, the feeling of adrenaline, the focus of someone else on her was what she loved having.
She felt free, as if this was going to lift her out of her shithole of a life. The sad fact however is once it began it also ended. Lying on the cold cement ground, heaving deep breaths of air in her lungs as the drugs still pumped through her veins wasn’t enough. She wanted more. Pushing herself up with shaking arms, she tried to stand up to face more. The fresh bruises on her face screaming in the beautiful vibrant colors couldn’t be felt to her. No she could never feel the after effects for a while but she can feel the impact. It was powerful enough to get through the drug that way.
“M...More,” She breathed out looking up to the onyx haired man who simply had taken out a cigarette and started to smoke. “I think you’ve had enough for-”
“It’s never fucking enough! I need more! Please...im begging you,” She screamed out, her voice echoing through the facility as Dabi stared at her in shock. She never screamed at him before. In fact he’s never heard her raise her beautiful voice to anyone. She knew she looked pitiful, he could tell with the way her face started to scrunch up in shock from herself. Taking a deep drag of his smoke, he squatted down so the balls of his heels were firmly planted into the ground.
“Hey...look at me,” He gently muttered as he helped her sit up before his eyes bore into her own. “That's enough. Here, take a hit,” He offered to which she took, her pupils still large and round as she looked back at him, “Listen, after a while I kind of started to figure you out. You don’t need this to feel something you know. You don't deserve to do this to yourself,” He started to which she looked at him with wide eyes, tears starting to pool threatening to spill over.
“You don’t know that,” She simply stated in a hurt quiet tone. “No, I don’t. But you know what I do know? People who do deserve this don’t do this to themselves. They bring it out on others. I would know that at least,” Dabi responded lightly, “You come here every three days. Every three days you pay me to do this to you. Every three days you get yourself so fucked up and get me to beat the living shit out of you and for what?”
“It’s the only thing I have Dabi! I want to fucking feel something for christ sake! Don’t I pay you enough?”
“It’s not about the fucking money anymore!” Dabi roared back, causing both to be silent for a few seconds before he continued, “It’s about the fact that I’m starting to feel like shit doing this to you. Dealing you shitty drugs is one thing, but beating up a woman who’s so pathetically on the verge of not caring for her own life anymore is something else,” He spat more harshly than he meant to. Sighing, he reached out and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear,” Doll, I don’t want to be the reason you want to end it. I want to be the reason you start something more. I hate to admit it but after a year of this shit I can’t help but start caring for the mystery woman who like to have her ass get kicked,” He laughed to which she couldn’t help but join in a little.
“Why?” Was the only response she gave to which he shrugged, “You’re cute for one thing, but from the times we fucked, drank, smoked, you show something more than this. I want to see more of it. If you really want to feel something then let me show you another way,” He offered, holding his hand out. 
Staring at him then his hand she took it with a small sigh,”I...I don’t know but...I’ll try,” She agreed to which Dabi smirked, ”That’s all you gotta do. Try,” He said, happy to finally have her do something other than this. If only she knew that though his sweet words and handsome promises of something better was still a fall. This man wasn’t good, healthy either. A shady drug dealing and maybe even murderous bastard he was but still, to her right now he looked nothing but an angel. Oh but if she only saw in the shadows how broken and fallen his wings actually looked. 
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Chapter Two. Pt One
After two years in Azkaban for how he treated you he was finally free. The only thing keeping him going was you. Now finally reunited with his Rabbit he thinks things will go easier for him. But Draco is struggling mentally and refusing to ask for help.
W! Heavy Ptsd, mental freak outs. Hearing voices, blood, bruises, cuts. Draco trying to convince himself he’s fine. Refusing to ask for help. Mental instability. The voices are the Dementors
Tags. @khemz1312 @squeaky-ducky @goofygobber @dracoslittlesunflower @trashyvicks @rosiehufflepuff @dracmalf0y-dm
It was him.. He found your shop , hes out .. hes.. He looks so broken, hurt, tired.
“Draco!” you ran over wrapping your arms around him crying hard into his chest trying to talk but nothing was making any sense. He was really here, after so long you could finally feel him against you , hear his heartbeat and feel his breathing on your head… but.. His heartbeat was slower than it should be and his breathing seemed to be staggered, was he trying to hide it ? Draco pulled you in closing his eyes just taking it in. He made it, alive.
She doesn't love you
We love you Draco
Come baaack...
His breathing started to hitch.
Shes second guessing this whole thing.
“Draco?” you rubbed his chest so he would look at you. “You okay?”
The man shook his head getting rid of the voices and cupped your cheeks in his palms. “Is it really you, Rabbit?”
You giggled leaning into him. “I was going to ask you the same thing.”
“Can we sit down?” he asked you looking around the shop not seeing anyone.
“Yes, wait here just gotta close up” gently you let go of him to go flip the OPEN sign over.
She hates this
Draco leaned on the counter holding his head. “Sshhut up….” he whispered.
You are not welcome here…
“Yes i am….”
Biscuit hopped over to the mans shaking hand to lay its head on it and the voices started to fade away. The man looked down to see the brown rabbit staring at him wiggling its nose. “I..” he flipped his hand over to scratch at the rabbits chin. “I cant tell her...this happens.”
You returned with a big smile on your face. “Aw he likes you already ! “ you picked up the rabbit holding him with one hand.
“Where did .. you get him..” Draco took your other hand following you up the stairs of your shop.
“The twins, graduation gift.cheeky bastards” you giggled nuzzling your cheek on the rabbit. “I love him though, hes helped a lot.”
“Huh? Yes?” you sat Draco down in the living room and put Biscuit on his pillow.
Are you going to show her?
It might scare her.
He shook his head and started to unbutton his dress jacket. “I need to .. show you something.”
“Okay, whats wrong?” you joined Draco on the couch watching him pull his dress jacket off with shaky hands. “ Draco..?”
“Yes..?” his undershirt was pulled over his head .
“Your really shaky -..”
The bruises were a deep purple; they were all over his chest as if someone had been kicking him repeatedly in all the same spots. The middle of his chest, the lower half by his stomach and his arms around his shoulders.. All purple. Around his elbows had scratches from elbows to wrists that did not look good at all; they were sporadic red lines in all directions. His nails were short with red under them that seemed to not go away. His neck was full of cuts and his hands had cuts on them as well. You picked up one of Dracos hands to see his knuckles. Deep purple with fresh blood.
Told you the cuts would open…
Shes scared….
He wasn't looking at you, just breathing hard and whimpering. “M’fine..”
“Stay right here okay?” you got up hurrying off into your restroom.
She ran away from you
Your not the same person you once were
You cant fit in
Come back….
He shook his head but they just got louder.
Come back…
Come back…
Come back…
“Shut up…” Draco leaned on his knee holding his head up with his hand staring at the sleeping rabbit. “..b-b--biscuit…”
The rabbit opened an eye to see Draco on the verge of a breakdown. He got up hopping over cautiously so Draco could pick him up and set him on his lap.
He exhaled heavily once the voices left…
You had returned as well with some medicine and health potions. “Here, these will help, i made them” you held up the purple potion to him . “just drink this..”
Draco took the flask in a shaky hand drinking the sweet tasting liquid, he felt his body aches fade away and saw you wrapping up his knuckles. “I cant heal the bruises but.. “
“Do you still want me……”
His hand cupped your cheek after putting the flask down. “Even if i look like this..”
“Draco id want you no matter what.” you kissed him. “Promise.”
He leaned into you heaving heavily. “Of course you would rabbit.”
Your arms wrapped around him to rub his back, his breathing was still off to you.. “Draco..what happened in..”
“I dont want to talk about it… not yet.” he cut you off fast. Dropping the conversation.
“Alright alright.. Lets go to bed instead.” you got up taking hsi wrapped hands in yours leading him up to the bed, Biscuit had hopped off Dracos lap to go back to his pillow to sleep.
It was a small room but you liked it, Draco ditched his pants, socks realizing he would need clothes . He looked at the bed staring at it for a long time. This would be the first night not in a cell…. In two years..
Its not the same
Don't you miss the cell?
Draco dug his hands in his hair, closing his eyes. “Shut up.. Leave me alone.”
We are a part of you now Draco.
We will never leave..
You came over moving the blanket down for him and pulling him over , your eyes down.
“Rabbit? Whats wrong?” he tipped your chin up seeing your sad face staring at him.
“The-the last time we … shared.”
He pressed you to him squeezing very tight. That night, that awful night , he was his worst.
Even she remembers that….
Draco shook his head and leaned down to press his forehead to yours looking in your eyes. “Rabbit, I promise. I will never do that again.”
You waved your hand around ”i know.. Im just.. I want to “ you could not help but laugh. “ i want to snuggle.”
Draco hitched out a chuckle and kissed your forehead. “Oh Rabbit, of course.” you followed Draco into the bed and he pulled the covers up and laid your head on his chest. Soft.. comfortable.. Warm. it had been so long for him.
“Draco.. The light”
“Oh.” reaching out he grabbed the long string , his arm around you squeezed your shoulder as he pulled it making the room very dark. You snuggled into Draco and he did the same, running his fingers up and down your shoulder staring into the pitch black ceiling. This was not like the first night.. You were so scared of him.. Would not even face him in bed or look at him. Hes still amazed you stayed all night.
A couple hours later. Draco was still awake holding your sleeping body.
Its dark isn't it ?
Draco shut his eyes, breathing slightly hard.
Remindssss us of the cell
Do you miss the dark..?
We miss the dark
“Leave me alone…”
But why? Dont you want to see us?
“ i want you to get out of my head..” his hands found his hair.
Do you think you can get rid of us on your own…?
His breathing was picking up, when he opened his eyes all he saw was darkness staring back at him, the room was starting to spin.
At least in the cell you had the moon…
The one light …
“Go … aa a- away…”
He got up in bed carefully laying you back down on his pillow.
She does not love you.
“Yes she does..” he got out of bed stumbling in the dark hitting the wall. “She does.. She loves me” he stammered out to the hallway feeling around for the light switch flipping it on. “Dammit Draco.. Your fine.. Pull it together…”
Are you sure…?
You can hardly walk..
“I just need some water… ignore them..” he shook his head, getting a small moment's peace. Draco found the kitchen slamming a cabinet open grabbing a glass. His wrist hit the sink turning on the water, he held the glass under getting the water more on his wrist then the cup.
You cant do things on your own anymore
The water was turned off and draco lifted the very shaky glass up to his lips while drinking .
Shes going to tell you to leave………
The glass shattered in Draco's hand waking you up to see the bed empty and the light on. “Draco?” quickly you got out of bed getting to the hallway just to stop when you heard him.
“I'm fine! Just needed some water…” his hands were bleeding . “go back to sleep Rabbit..”
“But.. I heard something.. Are you sure?” he heard your footsteps .
“Yes, Rabbit. Go to bed.” he tried to sound like he used to , when he had you under his finger in school. It must have worked because he heard you turn around and go back to bed. Draco leaned over the sink watching his tears hit the broken glass . “i … i cant tell her….”
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ratanslily · 4 years
pairing: bryce lahela x f!mc (Dr. Theia Valentine)
genre: angst but with happy ending.
about the fic: im just giving bryce's premium scene some closure ♡
inspo: this post by @ofpixelsandscribbles
a/n: I've never written for my mc before oof i hope i did her justice!! honestly this fic was so rushed (like all my fics lmao, i write on impulse, not meticulous planning and its a self indulgent fics so i dont rlly expect people to read because i kinds wrote it for my own sanity)
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"We should do this much, much more often"
Bryce looked around the on-call room. So much changed, the beds, the technology,  the lights... and maybe them. or maybe he was the one who changed.
Theia smiled and took his hand in his, beckoning him to accompany him back to the party. He slowly removed her hand away from his and took a step back. his face grew serious as he said,
"its.. probably not a good idea"
"its just.. I don't know.. just go ahead, without me, I dont want to draw attention to us."
Theia could tell there was much more to Bryce's strange behaviour. Ever since they started their third year, she could see something was wrong with him, something was troubling him. but when they'd get intimate, all worries would go away and he'd get back to his normal self.
so what happened?
"so it's all a game to you, isn't it?"
"you don't need me.. you just want me to satisfy your needs"
"No, Dr. Lahela.  listen to me.", Theia raised her voice as her eyes started glistening with fresh tears.
"was it all a game to you? I thought we had something special.. something unique.. something homely.. when you dropped your fries just to kiss me..when you comforted within these same 4 walls, when we longed to feel each other when I was sick, when you walked me home after the funeral.. I guess I was a fool, I was just a distraction to you, wasn't it?"
she turned on her heels and made way to the door. Before her hands could even touch the handle, she felt Bryce's shaking hand on her shoulder.
"Theia.. please. please stay."
"what for?"
as much as she wanted to resist, she turned back to find Bryce on the verge of tears, with a face full of longing for her.
Bryce never hated anything more than the sight of Theia in pain. tonight, he made her cry.
He never meant to hurt her. but he always knew this day would come, especially since they started their third ywar of residency. He knew she and him would end up on different paths.
so why try? why grow close, just to fall apart? kiss, just to say goodbye? make memories, just to move on and forget them?
but he fell,  he fell hard for her. against his best wishes. he found himself caring more for her rather than himself. he found her tears as his own. maybe more painful than his own. when he found her alone on the floor, crying all by herself, he couldnt stop himself from comforting her, feeling the same hurt as she did. they grew closer faster than he imagined, but he loved every second of their relationship.
the day he saw Theia behind the glass walls, trying to reach for him, he aligned his hand on hers, with a glass wall between them. he needed her more than ever in that moment. that night, when he sat by her side, close but not close enough, he felt it.
he felt it surging thru his veins.
he felt love.
but he didnt admit it, for the fear of rejection.
he thought of himself as someone who was easily replaceable, someone who was just a second option to others, never the priority.
little did he know, all Theia wanted is, him by her side, no one else. She never thought of him as the second option, but as the only option.
Theia softened at the sight of him holding back his tears and silently cursed herself for being the reason behind his tears.
"im sorry for being so loud, but tell me one thing, Bryce. Do you even need me anymore?"
her words struck him right in the heart.
"if you dont have any answer, I'll go. I'll never bother you again.."
He looked right into her eyes, feeling more vulnerable than ever.
As the tears gently rolled down his cheek, he said,
"I need you, Theia. I need you by my side. I need you to be by my side at every moment of my day, not just at fancy rich parties, but by my side when i wake up to find you curled up in the sheets,  when I make coffee for us and you scoff at the amount of sugar i put in our latte, when there's something on my cheek during lunch and you offer to kiss it off. when i have trouble sleeping at nights and you offer to cuddle me until i feel safe. when i hate the movie you pick, and doze off with my head of your shoulder. I would always need you. But.. what if.. one day.. we don't need each other anymore?"
"what if one day.. say when you've completed your third year here and get a job in a place far away, away from me, away from us. what if there's no "us" anymore? what if you find someone better? what if one day, i end up badly heartbroken, if you ever do so? better keep my distance to lessen the pain, isnt it? Im replaceable, after all."
She couldn't believe the words he said, the feelings he was going through. She felt more horrible than ever for lashing out at him when he felt all of this.
She held his hand, and guided him to one of the beds.  they sat down together,  with her head on his shoulders. Tonight, roles were reversed, she was the one comforting him.
"I didn't know you felt all of this, and im sorry that I misjudged your behaviour."
she rubbed his arms, soothingly and continued,
"I dont know how to tell you this, but i can never go away from you, ever. for physically we may be apart but emotionally and mentally,  i find my home and my residence in your heart. I just-"
she took a deep breath.
"I just love you so much. I dont want you to drift apart from me. and from us. I maybe  a doctor and such sentimental stuff may sound crazy, coming outta my mouth but, I just want to make one thing clear."
she carefully removed her head from his shoulders and turned to look at him.
"Dr. Bryce Lahela, your name is engraved in my every heartbeat. Other people may try to change it, but I know they're gonna fail, as I don't love anyone else apart from you. Do i make this clear?"
Bryce's lips curled into his classic beautiful smile as he started to speak, but Theia cut him off.
"and you better not call yourself replaceable next time, or im gonna punch you so hard."
she playfully punched him, earning a hearty laugh from him.
"Now, now Valentine, would you give me the mic to talk?"
She nodded and he continued.
"I don't think I expected a love confession to be in the very room we hooked up, ans honestly its kind of iconic, though i expected a few roses and all that glam..."
".. but you're enough to make my heart leap with joy. No roses needed, no chocolates required."
he took a moment to choose his words,
"I may be good at giving prep talks and all that stuff, but wow, I suck at this. Its probably cause i never did this before.. so let me get to it.. I love you too, Theia."
Theia crashed her lips into his for a fulfilling kiss as they both shared tears of joy,  finally confessing their love after 2 years of pure longing and messing around.
"Whew, who thought these simple 4-5 words would be so hard to say?"
She simply nodded as she wrapped her hands around his for those precious moments of bliss and joy.
yes, the walls, the beds, the room and the infrastructure around them changed, but they were still the same 2 people as from before,  with the same love and feelings in their heart.
and no amount of change could ever change that.
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glassartpeasants · 4 years
Crying In The Club .8
Yandere!Overhaul x F!Reader
*Part 1* *Part 2* *Part 3* *Part 4* *Part 5* *Part 6* *Part 7* *Part 8*
Warnings: Yandere overhaul, angst, non-consensual touching, blood & gore, torture, death, sassy reader, some sexual references 
A/N: Yeah It gets kinda gruesome in this chapter so lol. But as a warning I will put a warning *GORE* before it truly begins. I was just in the mood for some good old gore.
@hello-lucky-luka @winchester-wifey
Another meeting, another hour of torture. You couldn’t believe it. After 6 months of being with your boyfriend, thinking all the horror was gonna end, you were dragged back into the devils lair. Not only was he actually a sociopath but this man fully believed that he could convince you to love him. As if.
How could you love someone who hurt you in horrific ways? He lowered your self esteem until it was practically nothing by the time he let you go. You had only gotten it back a little bit when (????) came into the picture. You couldn’t help but cry the night you were brought back here. How could you be happy knowing the one person you felt safe with was dead all because of some psychotic man who believed you were his.
A gloved hand on your thigh ripped you out of your thoughts. You tried not to tense up and show that the feeling was unwelcomed. Which it was. You felt his thumb rub up and down your thigh while he was talking to some random crime boss. You looked around the room uncomfortable as you were the only woman in the entire area. It felt as if all eyes were on you. They were undressing you with their eyes. You could tell by the way the two younger men that licked their lips were looking you up and down. It seems that you recognize many of these people from when you use to go to the meetings before you left.
It looked like many of the older men had learned their lesson since not one of them looked in your direction. But the younger men seemed to be new. You refused to show weakness and go crawling to Overhaul for some sort of safety. So you decided to do the next best thing. Show them that you weren’t gonna stand to be looked at like prey.
“Can you two men stop looking at me like Im a piece of meat? This is a professional meeting and you acting anything less then professional. Plus I’m taken.” You cross your arms while glaring at the two men with hatred. Everyone was silent as they all looked at you. Surprised you had said anything. You weren’t going to let some horny men look at you like that.
“You know Overhaul, you should teach her not to say anything. This is a professional meeting after all.”
“Pfft, professional meeting? Last time I was in a meeting like this, all you disgusting men couldn’t keep your eyes off of me. Shame your guys wives doesn’t know your checking out younger women.” You smirk. Idiots be wearing wedding bands on their fingers. Listen you were no mobster but its pretty common sense to not show any weakness. Especially something as crucial as a wife or husband.
No one said a word. You stood your ground, you showed you weren’t afraid of these people. But you weren’t gonna lie, You were bat shit terrified. All these men were so much bigger then you were. 
‘Keep the confident front! Don’t show any fear!’
“How did you-”
“The wedding bands on your fingers.” All the men looked at their fingers realizing you had caught them. They then looked at you before they grumbled. Well everyone except the two younger men.
“Well sweets we don’t have any wedding bands. Hey Overhaul, you willing to sell that pretty thing over there?” Your eyes widen. Did these men really think you were just some toy to be pawned off? You did not miss this at all. In fact you fuckin hated this.
Before you could growl at them Kai had sen’t them a glare. He grabbed your hip and brought you in between his legs. His right arm snaking around your waist.
“No she’s not for sale. Let’s continue this meeting before I lose my temper.” Well this did not go the way you thought it would hot damn.
You sit on the couch near the back door. Watching as the older men leave with their tails in between their legs. Even if you would never admit it, Kai is much younger then most of these men. So if they were to fight him, they wouldn’t have a good chance in fighting. But the younger men, you don’t know for sure. Speaking of them you didnt see them leave the compound.
“Miss (Y/N), Overhaul had requested your presence in the basement.” Your breathing hitched as a feeling of dread washed your entire body. What did you do? You had only been back for 3 days! You couldn’t have done-
Oh yeah.
‘How could I completely forget about how I just dissed those men. Oh im so mega fucked.’ You breath lowly in fear of what would happen to you. Damnit you should have just been quiet and took it. Now you were gonna feel his wraith. Why did you do that? 
You follow the man towards the basement where you heard Kai’s voice talking to someone. Was it Hari? No couldn’t be. Hari’s voice held a bit more of a sweeter tone. At least to you. This voice was similar but you couldn’t put a finger on where you heard it before. Think, think, think damnit-
The to men from the meeting.
Your eyes grow wide as you walked down the stairs and heard the door close behind you. The creaking of the wooden stairs seem to ring in your ears as your eyes slowly adjust to the darkness. Your legs jelly as you fear what you might see. What could Kai be doing to those men? Even if they were a little creepy they had probably learned their lesson when Kai had screamed at them when you were leaving the room after the meeting.
Once your feet met the concrete floor of the basement your eyes wide at the sight before you. 
Right in front of you was the 2 men, tied in chairs, face bloody. You could have sworn some of their teeth were missing.
“Aw my lovely angel. Look, now they can never say anything to you. They don’t deserve to see your beauty. I’m proud of you for showing me which disgusting creatures were looking at you.” Kai said as he up behind you. He settled his chin on the top of your head. You see his beak coming off from the top of your head. His hands rubbing your shoulders gently, moving his thumbs in circular patterns.
“You stupid bitch! Were in here because of you-”
“(R/N) cut of their tongues. No one speaks to my angel in such a way.” You gasped as you backed up. Trying to escape the scene that was about to unfold. But you couldn’t Kai had grasped your chin and made you watch as a subordinate of his grabbed the tongue of one of the men before a sickening rip followed as the other man screamed. Blood gushed out of his mouth as the man coughed. Struggling not to choke on his own blood. 
The other man suffered the same fate followed by the familiar rip. Tears were rushing down your eyes as you felt bile rise up in the back of your throat. Kai looked down at you and saw the tears and gushed out of your eyes.
“Aw angel why are you crying? Is it because you know they’ll never say such vile things to you again? Your welcome for protecting you.” Kai softly spoke as he nudged his head in between your shoulders. You felt like you were watching a horror film but in 3D. 
The mens blood covered the tops of their shirts as they cough it all up. The men looked on the verge of passing out. One of them looked at you with a glare causing you to lift up your arms to cover your eyes. Your lip quivering in fear as you hear a pop and the gurgling screams of the men in front of you.
3 more pop sounds came and you were flinching every time one pop had came. You move your fingers to the side and see the men with their eyes gauged out of their sockets.
You couldn’t take it anymore. You vomited all over the ground as the men screamed even louder. You couldn’t see it. You didn’t want to see it. You were about to run out of the room before you slipped on your on vomit and hit your head against the concrete floor.
You open your eyes only to be greeted by a blinding white light. You move your arm to cover it so your eyes don’t sting. You flutter your eyes a bit before looking around your room. A pure white room that looked like a hospital room. You groaned. Was it all just a bad dream? I mean you did go to the hospital the day before you got kidnapped again. 
You smile a bit, thinking it was all but just a dream. You could go back to your loving boyfriend, you could eat with him and just enjoy his presence. You missed him dearly. The thought of him got your heart pumping harder and harder. You couldn’t wait to see his cheeky smile and that cute little mole on his chin.
Just as you were about to get up from the bed and go home, your thoughts were snapped when you heard the familiar voice of your captor. That meant that this wasn’t a dream. No, this was a living nightmare. You hadn’t dreamed this, it was real. Your boyfriend was dead and you were still in the clutched of the devil himself.
You let out a little whimper when you moved your head a bit. You gently touch the side of your head wincing at the pain. The sudden thoughts of what happened earlier scratched into your head. You shiver at the thought of what else could’ve happened while you were out. 
“Ah my darling angel, your finally awake. Is your head okay? Nasty gash you had. Since you fell in your own vomit I had to give you a bath. I never thought you would be even more beautiful then you already were.” Your eyes widen. He had changed you?! That means he saw everything! EVERYTHING!
Your cheeks grew red in embarrassment as you try and turn your head away. Only for Kai’s gloved hand to bring your face back to his.
“Aw my angel, don’t be embarrassed now. It’s not like I will never see you like that again. Trust me my love, one day you’ll be crying my name.”
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You can’t leave
This is a toxic relationship with Kai Anderson
I will be adding warnings
A/n: this is my first fanfic type thing so ofc it’s not going to be the best! Please no hate :)
Warning (s): blood, knifes and abuse
Word count: 1k
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It was 2:11 a.m I woke up to the sounds of screaming. It sounded like it was coming from the basement, Kai always told me I should never go down there I didn’t know why but I wouldn’t dare to go. I laid there in Kai’s bed crying for a while wondering where/what Kai was doing. This time I felt like this was my only chance to go, at least get a little peak. I quickly jumped out of bed and tried to not to make any noise. Soon as I made it out of the door I ran for the basement stairs. Before I could put one foot down I felt something grab me hard, my heart dropped. I was so nervous to turn around but when I did it was Kai’s sister Winter.
“What the fuck are you doing y/n”
she slowly let go of my arm
“I- I was going to see what that noise wa-“
Winter quickly interrupted me “y/n you know you’re not allowed to go down to there...Kai will hurt you, now go back to bed”
“I’m so sorry Winter please don’t tell Kai” I whispered.
She rolled her eyes and went to the basement herself while locking the door behind her. I ran back to Kai’s bed and cried praying Winter didn’t say a word to Kai
It was morning I woke to Kai stroking my cheek “wake up princess go brush your hair or whatever you have to do, Winter is making breakfast”
He planted a kiss on my forehead, smiling back before Kai walked out. Wondering why he was in such a good mood I just ignored. I brush my teeth, put my clothes on and walked to the kitchen.
Winter greeted me with a fake smile I knew something was wrong I could feel it. Kai looked over at my arm and noticed there was a bruise.
“What happened to you arm?”
“Um I’m not sure” I replied, I looked over at Winter noticing her face turning red.
“Don’t you fucking lie to me y/n”
“wha- what are you talking about Kai”
“don’t be fucking stupid, I’m going to ask again, where did you get the bruise” Kai shouted
I flinched but I knew I couldn’t lie...
Quickly Winter spoke up, ”me kai I pulled her arm a little too hard last night I’m sorry”
Winter quickly ran out the room, and I was so scared my stomach dropped. Feeling Kai’s dark eyes staring at me, I got so nervous avoiding to look up, he grabbed my face forcing me to look at him which led with a slapped to my face. I felt my face burning as I let out a soft whimper.
“Y/n I know what you did last night a little birdie told me all about it... so tell me again what your plan was.” I didn’t respond
“So you’re not talking?” Kai laughed right in my face “you’re pathetic you know that? How about you go to Winters room while I go think of a punishment. Shake you head if you understand”
He was still grabbing my face pretty hard. I couldn’t really move, Kai knew this so he let go of me and walked out the door.
(winters room about an hour after kai left)
“You can talk y/n it’s ok i promise I won’t tell Kai”
“You literally told Kai about what happened yesterday Winter I can’t really trust you anymore.”
“Y/n he fucking heard you he heard the door what the fuck do you want me to do?..lie to him? I can’t do that”
“Whatever winter” I replied giving a small attitude
“Give me you pinky I want to ask you something”
I hesitated a bit but we locked pinkies anyway.
“Are you scared of Kai?”
I laughed at her thinking that was the most obvious question. “yes”
“good, Now meet me at the at the basement stairs tonight I’ll sneak you in”
right when Winter said that the front door opened. She got back on her laptop as I just sat there. Kai pulled me by my hair forcing me up
he pulled me close and kissed me.
“Did you behave for me today doll? If you did I’ll give you something special”
I smiled “yes sir”
he laughed “good. Now winter, was she good?”
“Get out”
Now that Kai and I are alone in his room he pulled me on top of him.
“Show me how much of a dirty little slut you are”
I got off of him and said no, his jaw clenched as he left out a soft laugh.
He slowly unbuttoned his shirt, never taking his eyes off me. “Please y/n just a kiss”
“Kai i said no”
“Fine what else do you want”
“You to love me” tearing up I instantly regret what I said.
“Y/n what do you mean? Do I not love you enough?” He mocked
“Forget it” I cried
“Go to sleep it’s 11 o’clock, I’ll tuck you in”
Kai gives a kiss on the forehead after he tucks you in his bed whispering “now listen to me. Do not leave this bed no matter what you hear...now good night my lovely”
It was 2:57 am when I woke up to more screaming I remember what winter said, Kai was gone again I knew he was there, I just knew he was doing something horrible but I had to see for myself. It stopped...I tiptoed to Winters room.
“Winter..Winter..Winter” she wouldn’t move so I shook her.
“Oh my god I’m sorry y/n I forgot about that thing come on”
“wait Winter have you been waking up to screaming lately?”
“Stop being dramatic y/n I bet it’s just Kai watching tv downstairs”
“you never know Winter it just makes me worried”
Winter opens the door and pushes me in, I see a group of people all standing in a circle looking at me in clown outfits. I backup slowly to the steps noticing winter isn’t there anymore she set me up..
I’m so fucking stupid why did I believe her
I cried yelling out for Kai as loud as I could. I tried beating on the door trying to get out but something was blocking it, I should’ve listened to Kai about the basement. One clown started coming to me I wanted to pass out but I screamed..nobody came. A clown was reaching for their mask as if they were talking it off.
It was Kai how could he do such a thing to me.
“she can’t help you she’s the one who set you up. God y/n you’re so stupid” Kai said.
“N-no please don’t hurt me” I backed up in the corner putting my knees to my chest.
“We’re not here to hurt you.. we’re here to hurt him” A female voice spoke up, she was wearing an elephant outfit
“hi-him?” I stuttered
“the man in the chair, his name is RJ he didn’t listen so now we’re killing him” Kai laughed
“this is a cult doll, this is my big secret.”
“Kai can I just go to the room please I promise I won’t bother you anymore” my voice shaking
“no. you’re going to kill him with this”
my heart dropped, I screamed, I got up from the corner I was backed up in and walked to Kai slapping him in the face.
“You shouldn’t of done that you bitch” Kai punched me. I fell to the ground crying while everyone just stood and watched, my nose was bleeding
I begged for forgiveness
***TW: knives, cutting and blood*** “get the fuck up and take this or it’s you instead of him”
Kai waved the nail gun in my face I tried to get up but I just couldn’t, the blonde girl that was in the elephant outfit ran to help me but Kai yelled at her telling to get out, he grabbed me by the arm pulling me up pushing me onto the man.
“DO IT” Kai shouted
I pressed the nail gun the man in the chair. Crying so hard I could barely breathe anymore
“I’m so sorry” I whispered
the nail shot through his head. The guy in the chair RJ and I both screamed at the same time. I fell to the ground dropping the gun with me I felt Kai touch my back, he squatted down next to me
“see baby that wasn’t bad was it”
“fuck you Kai” I yelled out,
he laughed “well then now it’s your punishment you brat” Kai made everyone leave.
It was just us
Now scared I felt like throwing up we were alone..me, Kai, and RJ’s lifeless body. I didn’t know what Kai was going to do with me
“baby I’m so sorry don’t hurt me...please” I cuffed Kai’s cheek
“i want you to suffer” Kai said with a big smile he pulled out his knife
“K-Kai baby..what are you doing”
“pull up your shirt” he said forcefully trailing his knife down my body from my throat.
Gasping as he started carving letters on my stomach I kicked and screamed wanting him to stop
“shh shh it’ll be over soon I promise”
I threw my head back jerking and moaning in pain. Kai placed one hand over my mouth making sarcastic jokes asking if it hurts when he knows it obviously does.
“This is what you get for being a bad girl, I told you to not come down”
I started to hyperventilate, I stopped making noise because I knew it wasn’t going to help any.
Feeling Kai’s fingers trace over the cuts he made. Blood was everywhere he removed his hand from my mouth I didn’t dare to make a sound.
He laughed and put his bloody fingers in my mouth
“do you wanna see”
I shook my head no violently, Kai didn’t like that so he kicked me and dragged me out the basement. I felt paralyzed wondering where he was taking me
We got up the stairs, he was dragging me into the bathroom.
“W-what are we-“ I couldn’t finish my sentence it felt like I was dying.
Kai ripped all my clothes off “I’m cleaning you up baby” he said as he while stroking my hair.
He stood me up and told me to look in the mirror “you’re so pretty y/n look at your tummy”
I couldn’t move my head at all I didn’t even want to look but I did. The statement ‘did you learn’ was written across my body
“WINTER” I yelled as loud as I could Kai shut me up real quick by putting a knife to my throat.
“Get in the bath I need to clean you”
“w-will you hurt me?”
He didn’t say anything. Just stared waiting for me to get in I slowly limped grinding my teeth together from the pain of the hot water. I looked over at Kai and he was crying...he fell to his knees putting his face in my arms
“I’m so sorry- I’m so fucking sorry” he sounded like he actually meant it, he was upset but I didn’t care. I watched him cry as I was on the verge of passing out.
“Y-y/n hey wake up” Kai violently shook my head.
I don’t know what’s happening to me I keep going in and out of reality kai grabbed the washcloth gently going over my body acting like he just didn’t do this horrible thing.
“Stop Kai please”
“s-stop what I- I love you”
“n-no you don’t” i uttered in a very low weak voice
I woke up with Kai by my side in his bed I couldn’t remember a lot from the night before other than what happened in the basement. I was wearing his clothes but I don’t know how I got into them but it didn’t really matter. I tried waking Kai up by rubbing his forehead, his eyes began to slowing open. He pulls my head towards him and kisses my nose. The first thing he asked was if my stomach was ok I pulled up my shirt noticing someone wrapped me up.
“No Kai”
“look y/n I’m sorry I really am but..you know now”
“what are you talking about? Know about wh-“
“the cult y/n I’m sorry but I don’t trust you”
“Trust me with what Kai?”
“The secret...I have to kill you”
“are you serious” i gave a fake laugh but kai didn’t.
“K-Kai” this was wrong he’s never joked like this. “stop with the joke it’s not fucking funny”
Kai gets closer to me as I get off his bed trying to reach the door. When I try to run he pulled me and threw me on the bed.
Trying my best to fight back he got on top of me with his hands wrapped around my throat. All I could think about was why is he doing this. Kai mumbles words as I struggle for air.
“I love you, I’m sorry, forgive me” Kai kept repeating those words.
I was losing my hearing, breath, and vision. Everything was distorted but I could still see figures
Winter.. Winter walked in
my weak arm tried to grab her in hopes she would stop him.
She didn’t
She just looked
I took my final breath as I watched him kill me with Winter by his side.
A/n: Hi guys I’m glad you make it this far I hope you enjoyed it just know this is my first so sorry if my grammar and sentences were off!
please no hate :)
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kyber-kisses · 5 years
Don’t Come Looking (Part.3)
Dean Winchester x Reader
Warnings: Labor, cursing, some good ol’ demons, Dean holding a baby (because that's a fucking warning)
Summary: After months of staying hidden and not seeing your family, You are finally reunited, but not in the way you exactly expected.
A/n: Im sorry it took me so long to get this out lovelies, writers block is no joke. I just hoped it lived up to all of your expectations. Anyways, I hope you enjoy and feedback is greatly appreciated! SPN taglist is open.
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If you could use one word to describe the last few months, that was it.
They had been the longest few months of your life. Every minute you weren’t near Dean, it felt like time moved slower. It was lonely moving around by yourself, (then again, you weren’t really alone.) the first few days after the boys had taken off, you stayed with Donna. After that, you took off yourself, ping ponging back and forth across the states, staying low and under the radar, making sure no monsters or demons caught your scent. You never stayed more than a month in one place. The risk of something catching up to you was too high.
Meanwhile, Dean was moving at the speed of a bullet train. When he wasn’t actively cutting off monster heads, he was nose deep in research, looking for the next case. Sometimes he was looking for a new case before he had finished the one he was working on. In the beginning, Sam tried to tell him to slow down- but it was no use. Eventually the younger Winchester gave in and offered his help. Cas wasn’t far behind after that.
Dean had made a promise to you, and he was going to keep it. He was going to do everything he could to make the world a safer place for a child. For his child.
*. *. *. *. *.
With a sigh you leaned back on the porch swing you were currently residing on, feet grazing the stained wood of the porch. The sun had just disappeared beyond the line of trees as a warm breeze tickled your skin. You were glad you were some place warm. You didn’t tend to do well in the cold.
The place you were currently calling home was a place from your childhood. . . More like from a summer from your childhood. You had only been here once, during Fourth of July when you were around twelve. It was a big farm house, nestled in the countryside of southern Georgia, complete with a massive wrap around porch and garden. It used to be a vacation home for your family. . . But that was a long time ago, back when they were all alive.
You would like to think that maybe in another timeline, in another life, you could have lived here, really lived here. One where you could have lived a calm life, free of monsters and blood and every holiday was celebrated and backyard barbecues happened year round.
Before you could fall deeper into your fantasy land, you phone rang, the cracked screen lighting up with Deans name. A smile spread across your face as you swiped to answer, holding the device to your ear.
“Y/n?” Deans voice crackled out of the speaker, gentle and soft.
“Hey, you. Was waiting for your weekly call.”
“Yeah, sorry for being a little late. I fell asleep at the library table.” He admitted, and you could only picture him rubbing the sleep off his face.
“Again? Dean, there’s this thing called getting a good nights rest, you should try it sometime.” You sighed, rubbing your temple as you looked down at your growing belly.
“I’m fi—“ there was a pause as Dean yawned into the speaker, only making you roll your eyes.
“Sure you are. Do me a favor and go to bed. Really don’t feel like hearing you snore into the phone.”
“Seriously, I’m all good. Enough talk about me. How are you?” He asked, his tone laced with a hint of worry. He always asked that, and he always sounded worried.
You paused, trying to think of the best answer to give him that wouldn’t have him worrying more, “I’m fine, apart from the fact that this child I’m carrying keeps kicking the shit out of me every morning at four.” You sighed, hand coming to rest on your belly.
“Oh, that sound like a lot of fun.” Dean chuckled, the sound making you smile.
“You know it.”
Your smile didn’t last long as your mind went through the past months. You felt so lonely, and Dean? Dean was missing so much. The first time the baby kicked, a massive smile covered your face, until you realized Dean had missed it. It was the same with the ultrasound.
“Y/n, you still there?” Deans voice, pulling you back once more.
That’s when you felt the first tears forming in your eyelids, “Yeah, yeah. Sorry, I just zoned out for a second.” You admitted, rubbing your temple.
“Hey, don’t apologize. It’s fine.” He spoke quickly, trying to assure you.
There was another pause from your end as you battled with your mind, trying to find words, “Dean?”
That’s when the dam broke, the words leaving your mouth in shallow sob, “I really miss you.” You choked, “And I’m really sorry for leaving. I’m such a fucking idiot.” feeling the tears finally escape your eyelids, you let out a sigh.
On the other end, Deans face fell, his eyes snapping shut as he hung his head in defeat, pressing the phone closer to his ear. “Hey, don’t say that, and like I said before; don’t apologize. You were doing what you believed to be right.” Hearing your shaky voice on the other end was breaking him. All he wanted was to be next to you, holding your hand.
“I should have just gone back to the bunker with you when you found me. If I had done that, you wouldn’t have missed out on all these little things.” You added, shifting in your seat so your elbows could rest in your knees. “But I think the real main reason why I didn’t go back was because I knew that if I stayed in the bunker, I would have wanted to still go on every hunt you and Sam could find. Hunting has been my life for as long as I can remember. Seeing you and your brother work cases would be the equivalent of taunting a dog with a piece of meat. Plus, nine months in the bunker would have driven me insane.” You admitted, waiting in silence for an answer from Dean.
“Why didn’t you say anything sooner?”
You let out another sigh, falling back into the porch swing, “To be honest, I didn’t really realize it until just now. I think I’m on Dean Winchester withdrawal.”
A small grin tugged on Deans lips as he rested his elbows on the table he was currently seated at, “oh, the the worst type of withdrawal. We should fix that.” He mused.
“Soon. I promise. And then your kind of stuck with me. . . and a baby.” You chuckled.
“Doesn’t sound so bad to me.”
Your smile grew as you took in the last few moments you had talking with Dean, “Goodnight, Dean.”
“Goodnight, y/n.”
*. *. *. *. *.
Three weeks later, you learned two things very quickly.
One, going into labor is not fun.
Two, it is especially not fun when you have to drive yourself to the nearest hospital while it’s happening.
The sun was beginning it’s decent as your car tore down the empty back roads, the nearest hospital plugged into your GPS. Of course you had to pick a place to lay low so far from a hospital while you were so close to your due date.
Terrible choice on your part.
The headlights from your car quickly illuminated the next sign, telling you that you were over halfway there.
Everything was fine. Everything was going to be just fine.
And then your phone rang, knocking your senses off even more. Quickly swiping, you brought it to your ear, unable to stop the deep breaths you were taking to get air into your lungs.
“Hey, what’s up?” You breathed, letting out a light yell as another contraction racked your body, your face tensing up in pain.
“Y/n? You alright?” Deans worried voice almost echoing through the vehicle as he quickly spit out the words.
Your grip on the steering wheel tightened as you tried to fight the pain, your foot pressing further down on the gas, “Yeah, so about that, funny story-“ you let out an airy chuckle, “I’m in labor.”
You could tell Dean was in the impala because you heard the squealing of tires as clear as day through the phones speaker, along with a muffled shout from Sam telling Dean to give him a warning next time.
“I’m sorry, your what?!” Deans voice cracking as he yelled.
You let out another strangled yell as another contraction hit, “in labor, yeah. Surprise.” You panted.
On the other end Dean was looking at his brother, the fear in his eyes becoming incredibly clear.
“Y/n, where are you?! And this time you better fucking tell me!”
“Uh, Fa-Fayetteville Georgia.” You stumbled, squinting at the next sign you passed. “I’m driving to the hospital now.”
“I’m sorry, you’re driving?!” Dean sputtered, eyes widening with each second, making Sam believe he was in the verge of a panic attack.
“Oh, I’m sorry, would you like me to pull over on the side of the road and deliver this baby myself?” You fired back, white knuckling the steering wheel as you did.
“Damn it, just get to the hospital. We’ll be there as soon as we can.” With that he ended the call, throwing his phone into Sam's lap.
Within seconds, Dean was yanking the wheel of the impala and making a sharp u-turn on the road they were on, making Sam's head collide with the window with a thunk. In another few seconds, Dean was climbing over the speed limit and shooting down the interstate.
The only thought in his mind was getting to you.
*. *. *. *. *.
After a lifetime of hunting, you had been thrown, punched, slapped, knocked out, stabbed, shot- the list could go on.
But labor made all those other things seem like a walk in the park.
Labor fucking sucked.
You couldn’t recall pulling up to the hospital, and you definitely didn’t remember the medics helping you inside.
One minute you were in your car, the next, you were propped up in a hospital bed, screaming bloody murder, which was mostly a long string of curse words. The contractions were awful, hitting you like a truck every few minutes, white hot pain taking hold of every limb in your body, coating you with a layer of sweat.
You knew no concept of time in those very long hours. The pain muting all other senses. You were almost surprised when the doctor began telling you to push.
Where was Dean?
Where was Dean?
Blinded and so preoccupied by the pain you completely failed to notice the flash of black eyes as one of the nurses passed by. . .
*. *. *. *. *.
With the speed the impala was going, Sam swore he could feel himself being pushed back into the leather of the seat. The car probably looked like a streak of lightning as Dean blasted through the south, hands white knuckling the steering wheel.
“Is she gonna be okay?” Dean whipped around to look at his brother, eyes glazed with fear and begging for reassurance.
“She gonna be fine, Dean. She’s the strongest person we know.” Sam nodded, giving him a small smile.
“okay, okay.” Dean mumbled to himself, nodding his head as he turned his attention back towards the road.
Long story short, Dean made what should have been a twenty three hour car ride into a clean twelve. He was surprised the wheels weren’t smoking as he gave one final tug to the steering wheel, the back end of the impala swinging as he pulled up to the front doors.
Sam barely had time to regain his bearings before Dean was yanking the keys out of the ignition and tossing them at Sam. Dean was oblivious to most of his surroundings as he threw open the drivers side door and vaulted out of the vehicle, slamming it shut behind him and rushing through the sliding glass doors, leaving Sam behind.
Jade eyes quickly locked on to the woman behind the front desk and Dean was running forward, placing his hands firmly on the counter.
“I’m looking- I’m looking for Y/n Y/l/n.”he panted, eyes desperate and still very much filled with fear.
The woman simply nodded, swiveling in her chair as her fingers flew across the keyboard, pulling up your name and room number.
As each second ticked by, Dean grew more impatient, pacing back and forth until he was leaning over the counter, “Okay, is there maybe any way you could do this faster?” He shrugged lightly, still out of breath.
The woman looked up at him through her glasses, staring daggers into him before turning back to the screen, resuming her search.
“Dean Winchester?”
The sudden voice sent Dean spinning on the spot, eyes settling on the nurse walking down the hallway towards him, her hair pulled into a tight ponytail.
“I’m sorry, do I know you?” He stepped forward, now ignoring the other woman behind the desk.
The nurse let out a light laugh, shaking her head as she tucked a clipboard under her arm, “No, but y/n was saying that a flannel clad man might burst through the doors.” She gave him a smile, motioning with her head to follow her back down the hall.
Deans eyes narrowed momentarily, not fully trusting the woman in front of him. He stayed close on her heels though, his mind taken up with thoughts of you.
It had been so long since he had last seen you. You and your big y/e/c eyes, and contagious smile. Every fiber in his being was itching to see you.
Pushing one of the buttons to the elevator, the nurse turned slightly to look at Dean, “you know, your wife is quite a badass.”
The hunter froze momentarily before stepping into the elevator, “Oh, uh- she’s not my-“
“Oh, well anyways, she’s quite the powerhouse. Never seen anyone like her.” She grinned.
For the first time in awhile, Dean smiled, even if it only was for a second, “Yeah, she’s one of a kind, easily the bravest person I have ever met.”
There was silence for a moment as the elevator shifted, And then the doors slid open, and Deans eyebrows knitted together in confusion, the uneasiness in his gut skyrocketing.
There was no way you were being held on this floor of the hospital. It looked like it was in the middle of a renovation, scaffolding and tools littering the area, the lights dull and flickering.
And the very strong scent of of sulfur.
As his hunter instincts kicked in, he whipped around, only for a solid figure to harshly slam into him, knocking him out of the elevator.
Dean stumbled, trying desperately to regain his balance on his feet as he patted himself down, hoping that Ruby’s knife was somewhere in his jacket. Thankfully his fingers wrapped around the blade and he was whirling around, weapon raised as the nurse advanced, eyes filling with an inky black.
“Come on, can I please just catch a break?” Dean sighed, flipping the knife as he stepped backwards, “kinda in a rush here.”
The demon smirked, swiping her leg out in front of her, knocking Him to the ground quickly, the knife sliding across the linoleum tiles and away from his hand.
He barely had time to move before she was straddling him, pinning him firmly to the floor, a wicked glint in her eyes.
“Okay, now this was too easy, I was hoping for a bit more of a fight.” She laughed, Dean struggling violently against her hold, making her grip tighten.
“Why are you here?” Dean hissed, his head lifting from the floor, eyes blazing as he stared up at his attacker.
“Why do you think? For your sweet baby girl of course.” She smiled, letting her nails dig into the flesh of Deans wrists as she felt him pause in his struggle, eyes ever so slightly glazing over in surprise. “Oh, you didn’t know? Oopsy. . . .”
“If you have touched either of them, I swear—“ Dean growled, only to be cut short by one of her hands slamming down over her mouth, rendering him silent.
“You’ll what? Kill me?” The demon raised an eyebrow, “because I don’t exactly see you getting out of this one, and once I’m done with you, I’m gonna take a trip down to y/ns room and do the same thing to her, and then I’ll take the little ankle biter.”
Dean felt his heartbeat thundering in his chest, his blood boiling as he clenched his jaw, still trying to fight desperately against the demons hold, “How did you even find her?”
“By pure accident actually.” She shrugged, “I was working a crossroad deal a town over a few weeks ago, when I caught a glimpse of your sweet little y/n. She was just going about her day, grocery shopping I think- “she smiled again, feeling Dean writhe under her, “been keeping an eye on her ever since, waiting for the right moment to strike-“she paused, eyes shifting to look at the clock on the wall, “Which should be soon, seeing as she’s been in labor for quite awhile now.”
That’s when the anger in Dean bubbled over quickly, and he was thrusting his head forward, slamming it into the demon chin and successfully sending her falling backwards, clutching at her face. The hunter rolled, hand fusing the blade once more before rushing forward and driving it into her chest.
“Think again, you black eyed bitch-“ Dean breathed, watching firmly as the demon sparked, only slumping to the floor when he yanked the blade back out.
At the same time, the elevator dinged, doors sliding open to reveal a very surprised and confused Sam. The younger Winchesters eyes falling from his brother to the corpse in front of him.
“What the hell happened?”
Wiping the blade over his jeans, Dean stepped over the body, handing the weapon over to his brother, “demon. How the hell did you find me?”
“Uh, I went to y/ns room briefly, saw that you weren’t there, thought something had happened,” Sam paused, eyes going back to the demon, “which clearly, it did-“
Upon hearing your name, Dean snapped back into focus, remembering why he was there in the first place, eyes widening as he drew in a breath, “Y/n, is she okay?”
“Yeah, from what I saw briefly-“ there was another pause as he read his brothers expression, shoulders relaxing, “Go. I’ll take care of this and meet you down there. The two of you have been apart for too long already. . . She’s on the third floor.”
Giving Sam one last look, along with the demon on the floor, Dean gave him a small nod, sucking in another breath before rushing into the elevator, and rapidly pressing against the proper button that would take him to you.
That elevator ride was the longest of his life, and he found himself pacing the interior until the doors rolled open once more, revealing a bustling hallway.
This time though, he kept his guard up, watching each set of eyes he passed until he found a nurse that he knew he could trust, quickly asking them where he could find you. They quickly pointed him down another hallway, and he was off again.
It felt like another lifetime had passed by the time his eyes fell on your room number, his breath catching in his throat as he froze in front of the threshold, the door already propped open.
He couldn’t help that his eyes began to glaze over with tears as he stood there, it had been months since he had last seen you, seen your smile, your eyes. So much had happened, and in all those months, it had felt so empty without you.
The lights in your room were turned down low, your back facing him as you laid slightly on your side, the much smaller form almost completely hidden by your own.
Dean didn’t know why he was frozen, why he was afraid to enter, but here he was.
“Are you just gonna stand in the doorway, or are you gonna come in?” You spoke softly, already knowing full well who was behind you.
Hesitantly, Dean stepped into the room, taking slow steps towards your bed, even though all he wanted to do was rush forward and pull you into a bone crushing hug.
And then his eyes finally found her, and Dean Winchester was a goner. Wrapped in a bundle of blankets and tucked gently against your chest was the cutest baby he had ever laid eyes on. He hadn’t even held her yet, and she already had him wrapped around her finger.
Tearing your own eyes away from the small human nestled against you, you locked on to a very familiar set of jade eyes, ones you hadn’t seen in a very long time, which only made another round of tears pool up behind your lids.
The hunter let out a breath he didn’t know he had been holding, giving you a relieved smile, “Hey, Sweetheart. You miss me?”
“You know I did.” You quickly nodded, letting tears trail over the bridge of your nose before turning your eyes back to the infant besides you, your index finger being grasped by the smallest hand you had ever seen. Shifting, you moved to cradle your daughter against your chest, “you wanna meet her?”
Dean found himself speechless again as he sidled you next to your bed, nodding. You gave him a soft smile as you once again shifted, allowing him to take the baby in his arms. In that moment, his heart instantly melted, shoulders relaxing as he let out a light chuckle, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. She was so small, so fragile- and he never wanted to let her go.
“Nice work, baby mama.” He chuckled again, eyes moving to meet yours.
“Thanks, but I can’t take all the credit,” you grinned, propping yourself up more on the bed as Dean sunk down to sit besides you, “she’s got your eyes, you know.”
“Then let’s hope she has your smile. . . “ Dean slowly fell silent for the millionth time, completely in awe at the small bundle cradled against his chest, “does she- does she have a name yet?”
Resting your chin against Deans shoulder, you glanced down at the small child in his arms. “I really like the name June.” You hummed, allowing her to latch on to your finger again, “but if you don’t like it, we can keep brainstorming.”
“No, no! It’s great, she’s great.” Dean smiled, turning his head to press a kiss to your temple.
“Almost like that Beatles song you hum all the time, the one your mom loved? Hey Jude.” You added, watching as Dean gave you a starry eyed look.
“What? Why are you looking at me like that?” You drew your eyebrows together, pulling back in slight confusion.
“I really missed you.”
Your face fell at his words- you couldn’t help it. It just reminded you of how lonely the last few months had been, and you felt so ashamed. “I’m so sorry. I never should have left. It was a mistake. I was selfish, and because of that, you missed out on things you should have been there for.” You admitted, allowing yourself to sink back against the bed.
“Woah, hey, stop apologizing. You are not selfish, and sure, even though I missed out on some things, I’m here now- I’m not gonna miss anything else. . . You’re stuck with me, y/n.” And then he was leaning forward, as much as his position would allow, and sealing his lips against your own.
He had missed you. God, he had missed you so much. . . And you had missed him- probably even more.
The moment he pulled away, his eyes were back on June, almost missing the sad look on your face as you gazed back down at her.
“Hey, you alright?”
You shook your head, tracing the pad of your thumb lightly over her small cheek, “you know, I don’t know it was possible to love something this much, and to be honest. . .” You took a deep breath, “a part of it feels awful. All I want to do is protect her from the world, keep her tucked away so she’ll never be hurt. . . But that’s not possible, and that just breaks my heart.”
Dean felt his face fall as he listened to you. He understood what you were saying, he felt it in his gut. “Well, we can do our best.” He nodded, resting his head against yours, both set of eyes glued to June.
“Yeah, we can.”
Another pause.
“I’m sorry that I didn’t get here earlier, but trust me when I say I flew fifty over the speed limit almost the entire way.”
You let out a yawn, eyes blinking slowly as your tiredness only settled in more, “I’m not surprised at that, and it’s alright. Sure, it was the most painful thing I have ever experienced, and my voice is practically gone due to the amount of screaming and yelling I did,” you shrugged, falling back against the pillow, “but hey, I survived.”
“Well, you are a survivor, you probably made this all look like a walk in the park.”
You couldn’t help the chuckle that left your lips, “I wouldn’t say that, but thank you.”
There was a knock on the door, making both of your heads spin around, conversation falling silent, replaced with small smiles.
“Hey, Sam.”
“Y/n.” The other Winchester stepped into the room, striding up next to your bed, “sorry I didn’t say hi earlier, had to go find this idiot for you.” He smirked, slapping a hand over his brothers shoulder.
You and Dean both watched as Sam's eyes lit up at the sight of June, drawing in a small breath.
“That’s alright, and you are welcome to hold her if you want. . . That is if Dean is willing to hand her over.” You raised an eyebrow at the man perched next to you.
His face fell momentarily before he caved in, “fine.” Getting up from his spot, he rounded the bed, passing the small new-born over to his brother, taking extreme care as he did.
“You drop her, I drop kick you out the door.”
“I’m not gonna drop her, Dean. God, trust your brother at least a little.” Sam sighed, adjusting his arms as he looked down at June. “She definitely won the gene pool.” He smiled.
You didn’t have time to get in any words before Dean spoke up, “I know right?!” He exclaimed, nodding, “We have the most beautiful baby ever!” Extending a hand, he allowed you to high five him, his grin wide and happy.
This man, you swore-
“Sam, how many panic attacks did he have on the way here?” You tilted your head, raising an eyebrow as you tried to change the subject.
“Bold of you to assume he had multiple. It was more like one long ass panic attack. Pretty sure he broke the steering wheel with how hard he was gripping it.”
“Okay, that a bit of an exaggeration-“ Dean tried, “I was fine.”
Looking up from June, Sam raised both brows, “Dean, we both know that’s a lie.”
Dean pressed his tongue against the inside of his cheek, slowly nodding. He definitely had not been fine. He had been consumed with panic, and he would be lying if he said he hadn’t felt like throwing up a few times.
But he was here now, and that was all that mattered.
There was another wave of silence and then he was stepping forward again, motioning at his brother, “Okay, you’ve held her long enough. Give her back.”
You smiled, watching as Sam rolled his eyes, surrendering June back to Deans arms, his eyes lighting up the moment he was holding her again.
June already had Dean wrapped so tightly around her finger that it was almost hilarious. He deserved something good in this life, and this was it.
“Dean, you alright?” You slowly questioned, swearing you could see his eyes gloss over as he nodded, ever so slightly rocking June in his arms.
“Yeah, yeah, still just getting used to this and all.” He admitted, walking back over to you and finding his place once more on the bed.
You let out another yawn, trying desperately to rub the sleep from your eyes, catching Deans attention.
“You should get some sleep. You need it, and we arent going anywhere.” He promised, one of his hands reaching out to squeeze yours.
You wanted to fight him on it. You hadn’t seen him in months and the last thing you wanted right now was to close your eyes.
But you were so fucking tired.
You caved, nodding slowly, “I’m glad you came looking for me.” You mumbled, eyes slowly blinking shut.
“Always. I gotta protect my girls.” Deans smiled, eyes shifting between you and June, seeing you already asleep.
Never in a million years did Dean Winchester ever believe he would get anything like this. That he would be this lucky, yet here he was.
Dean rose from the bed once more, pressing his lips softly against June’s forehead, letting them linger for a moment as he lived in the moment. She was so small, and so breathtaking. He still couldn’t quite believe he had had a part in creating her. He was so used to destroying thing, that even the thought of creation alone left him speechless.
“You sure you’re alright?”
Dean almost jumped at the sound of his brother, momentarily forgetting that he was there.
Dean smiled again, feeling the infant grab onto his index finger. “Yeah. You still carrying that ring I told you to hold on to for me?” Eyes darting back to your sleeping form, heart swelling.
The End.
SPN Taglist:
@a--1--1--3 @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce @music-is-all-i-need @agusdoti @callmekda @jordangdelacruz @orphiceseum @andthatsmyworld @marvelfangirllll @fandomnerdespressourself @gladiosamicitias @castielsangelsx @lxstgxrl-ck @tis-i-the-wayward-idgit @amendoise @phoenixuprisingsstuff @ericalynne007 @kaitlaitlaitl @neerness @totallyluciferr @supernaturalenchanted @dolanfivsosxox​ @familybusinesswritingbro​
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Kid!Queen: Wish Upon A Star
Tw: Child Abuse, Child Neglect, Domestic Violence
7-year-old Roger stood on his tippy toes peering out the window he grabs onto the window sill to see better the window blew his hair it had to only be 10 at night. He sighs and looks up to the sky squinting, "When you wish upon a star. Makes no diffe'ent who you are. Anything your heart d-desires. Will come to you.." Roger sings softly gripping the window sill. He hears his father and mother downstairs having their famous police getting called arguments the whole house seems to shake when they argue. Roger has been wishing since he was 3-years-old, at least his singing has gotten better.
Roger whimpers and looks towards the starry night sky, his blue eyes sparkle seeing a nice shiny star in the sky it seemed to shine brighter than all the others, "I-I wish daddy will leave mama alone... I-I can't take her boo boos anymore.. I hurt.... I-I also wish for a p-prince t-t-to come and get me. I-I want to be l-like Cinderella!''
He heard a scream of pure agony come from downstairs followed by a sickening thud, "ROGER, COME DOWN HERE!!" it was his father's voice Roger shudders and grabs his favourite blanket the one his mother made him.
"It sounds like he had too much adult juice" Roger thinks as his little body scampers out the window his blanket tied around him like a cape. The chilly fall air makes him shiver and the makeshift cape flutters weakly, "ROGER!! I'M GOING TO SNAP THAT FUCKING NECK OF YOURS WHERE ARE YOU??!!"
Roger tears up, "N-No, no." his foot slips and he goes soaring off the roof he twists and turns in the air. Roger covers his mouth many thoughts run through his head like who's going to protect mama, who's going to cook dinner if he's gone, who's going to clean the house, who's going to hide daddy's bottles? Roger thankfully lands in the neighbor's bushes and he only has a few scrapes and bruises, he looks up to the sky a sniffling mess. He thought all about the times he's wished and wished for daddy to go away and he hasn't, all the times he wished for someone to come save him... And then it clicks for his young mind, "I-Its all lies." he kicks at the ground with his bare foot kicking up some dirt, "W-Wishes isn't real." he cries and runs.
He didn't know where he was running too. He just keeps a grip onto his blanket and flees into the night his tiny body shakes adrenaline racing through his small body still. He stops at the park where he stayed at so often to get away from the noise, to get away from world war three. Roger shudders and sits on the bench wrapping the blanket around himself, his feet a muddy dirty mess with grass stuck to them. The chilly air made him shivering and shake.
"H-Hey!" a light nearly blinds him and the blond covers his eyes a little scared,
"Hey watch where ya shine that!"
A boy with tan skin steps out of the wooden area a big clunker of a flashlight in his hands he was followed by a boy with curly hair that was getting to be neck length on him, "You're new." the tan boy says, he had to be roughly 10 or 11, looked starved and in need of a bath.
The curly haired boy peeks over his shoulder, "I-Im B'ian."
"R-Roger." the blond sticks his hand out wether he was blushing from the cold or the boy, Roger thought Brian was very pretty, like a girl. Maybe this was his prince and the older boy was Brian's servant.
"Im Freddie." the tan boy tells him butting in.
Brian rolls his eyes grabbing the flashlight from Freddie, "Come on lets take him to ou' place."
Freddie takes Roger's hand and holds Brian's free hand. They walk hand and hand through the woods Roger clutches his blanket tighter to himself the woods look scary the tree shadows look like looming hands about to strangle him like his father did. Roger feet starts to hurt from the sticks and rocks, he believes he's gotten cuts on them but Roger's feet were numb from the cold by now. As Roger takes in more kf his surroundings he realizes he's never been this deep into the woods before, and he saw some new creatures he never saw before, like an owl who flew away once they got too close. As Roger drifts into his thoughts he bumps into Freddie's back the three stood outside a abandoned looking hunter's cabin, "Y-You live here?" Roger asks softly kinda amazed.
''Me, Brian, and Johnny live here." Freddie explains as he "unlocks" the door was a wooden key, "Johnny we're home!"
A three or so-ish tot lays in a makeshift crib teddies and plushies surround him. He nurses on a green turtle theme paci he looks happy to see his friends are back but he looks weary of Roger.
"Johnny this is Roger. Roger this is Johnny."
Roger waves and Johnny clings to his plushies.
"He has uh, Brian what's that big word again?"
"Aspergers." Brian tells him.
Freddie snaps his fingers, "Yeah, ass-burgers!"
"No it's asper-," Brian rolls his eyes, "Forget it.'
"You said ass!" Johnny's tiny voice pipes up.
"So did you." Freddie giggles.
Johnny gasps and looks offended at himself he cross his arms and pouts.
Brian giggles and goes to him, "Does someone want num-nums?" Brian asks picking up Johnny with a struggle.
The toddler nods and bounces in Brian's arms making it even harder for the 9-year-old to carry him to the kitchen area.
"Well welcome to our home. Hopefully you can stay." Freddie says slinging an arm around Roger's shoulders.
Roger felt his face blush and looks away, "Yeah hopefully."  He removes bis blanket laying it onto one of the hay beds. Roger looks at Brian and his wonderful curls, pretty eyes, charming smile and then to Freddie big ears, dark cat like eyes, and messed up teeth reminded Roger of a donkey off of Pinocchio. Roger determines his prince, it was going to be Brian. Roger thinks back on what Disney taught him, princes are tall, skinny, nice teeth, and are white. So Roger picks Brian to be his prince since Freddie can never be a prince.
Roger watches as Brian helps Johnny feed himself. The tot struggles a little the poor boy seems to shake a lot and always looks to be on the verge of tears.
Brian helps Freddie make a small dinner of eggs stolen from a farmer and stolen meat from the butcher.
Roger was coloring then he looks up at them, "Do you watch Disney?"
"I use to." Brian said, "Then things got bad.. But now I'm here!"
"Yeah me too." Freddie says.
"Do you think princesses have babies?"
Freddie looks to Brian amd shrugs, "I guess."
"If I ever have a baby I'll name them Sam or maybe Rosy, or maybe Greyson?"
Johnny pipes up, "JJ!"
Brian giggles softly, "If I have a baby I'll name them Nicole if they're a girl for a boy, maybe Micheal? James?"
"If I have a kid," Freddie pipes in, "I'll name them Oreo."
"Why?" Roger asks.
"Because I'm hungry."
The room goes quiet after that. They eat and clean up,  Freddie goes over to the corner of the room once the kitchen stuff is done.
"Come on lets get ready for rest." Freddie says pulling out stolen toothpaste and toothbrushes from a bag, "Its 1AM."
Roger gasps, "That's the longest I've ever stayed up!" he bounces on his heels and ignores his body pain.
They all brush their teeth outside spitting and rinsing with well water. It tasted disgusting to Roger but the other boys didn't seem to mind. Freddie held Johnny's head and forced his mouth open as Brian scrubs Johnny's tiny teeth, "This is the only way." Freddie tells a stunned Roger, "He's also got his first loose tooth. "
"That's cool, my daddy made me lose my first tooth."
Freddie and Brian look at him in stun silence and Freddie noted how empty Roger's mouth was of teeth.
Roger whimpers and hurries back inside the "cold becoming too much for him". The other boys come inside moments later, "Night night, Johnny." Freddie says tucking him in. Roger watches as Freddie sings the boy to sleep he had a amazing singing voice, maybe Freddie was looking for his prince too? Roger got to share a hay bed with Brian the boys share Roger's blanket along with a blanket Brian had. Freddie and John shared one too, John gets cold easily now and they couldn't have him getting sick again.
After Brian put out the fireplace and snuggles into his blankets, long after Freddie and John were fast asleep, Roger rolls over and faces Brian.
"Hey, Brian?" Roger asks softly hearing John and Freddie's snores.
''Huh?' Brian replies sleepy.
"I know we only met hours ago."
He could feel Brian's hazel eyes staring at him, "W-Will you be my prince?"
Brian cuddles up to him nose in his hair, "Sure p'incess." there was no teasing just Brian trying to be caring.
Roger snuggles into him and closes his eyes he kinda felt happy. "Maybe wishes do come true" Roger thought, "I did get a prince and daddy's gone.."
Roger felt warm lips kiss the top of his head, "Night p'incess."
Roger smiles and snuggles closer to him relaxing, "Night prince.'' and he fall asleep feeling safe for the first time in his young life.
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orange-waterfalls · 5 years
I'm Havin' Feelings Fer Ye
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Captain Magnum x gender neutral!reader
@lovefor-xreaders ty for the prompt!
A/N: Guess who has no life and wrote an entire 2,000 word fanfic all in one day? THIS ASSHOLE! im so fucking bored guys, please, this is all I have. Send prompts. Uh... Rated T for cursing and violence. I think mostly angst, fluff at the end.
Word Count: 2.3k
You danced around the ship with some of the other crewmates to shanties the captain sang. You found treasure! You actually found treasure! You had honestly expected to die at some point… but you didn't! And you found treasure! That was wonderful! You were starting to think the heist wasn't such a bad idea! Even though Mark's… gone… you'd be alright! You had treasure! You'd be alright…
Captain Magnum watched you as you danced around, a smile present on your face. It made him feel all weird inside… he'd lived long enough to know what love feels like… probably. This was not it… he didn't think… he honestly didn't know. But when he watched you spin and kick your feet and laugh… he felt real happy…
You danced for a while before you eventually got tired and sat down, panting. The captain and the crew were messing with the treasure. Picking it up and letting it fall back into the chest, examining it, biting it…
These people were weird…
You held out your hands for your share of the treasure, since you were being patient. He looked to you and set a small coin in your hand, curling your fingers and patting them. You squinted at him, wondering if he's actually serious. He seemed to be, since he headed to his quarters immediately after. You frowned, looking at the coin. You'd talk to him about that later…
Captain Magnum felt a bit bad about only giving you a coin. What else was he supposed to do? You might've left if he gave you more treasure! He couldn't have that! Then again… that seemed a bit manipulative… eh, you'd be fine. He sat down in his chair and thought about you.
You were an enigma to him.
He'd felt this way before… but it was so… prominent this time… why was he so fond of you? It's not like you were special! You just had beautiful skin and sparkly eyes and the most stunning smile he'd ever seen and...
Goddamnit, he was in love…
He sighed, wondering what he was going to do about this, when he heard a sharp knock at his door. He jumped a bit, not expecting anybody since it was pretty late. He stood up and walked over, opening the door. You were standing there with your arms crossed. He was going to greet you, but you looked pissed. He wondered why. Then, you held up the coin.
"Are you kidding?" You asked accusingly. "I'm your first mate, you trust me enough to choose where we go, and you give me this bullshit?" You started walking towards him. Despite the height difference, he felt a bit intimidated by you. He stepped back.
"Listen, I be th' cap'n. I already told ye, me share be more fair than others," he stated. You glared at him and he felt his stomach drop. "Ye knew wha' ye were gettin' into, ye can nah be angry," he crossed his arms. You sighed.
"Fine. Whatever," you mumbled as you left the cabin. He opened his mouth to apologize, but nothing came out. He closed his mouth again. You were already gone anyway. Nothing he could do about it now. He'd get some sleep and you'd be fine in the morning.
It had been a few days since you found the treasure. You weren't talking to Magnum. He kept glancing at you as you were swabbing the deck. Your smile was replaced with a frown. It was less of an angry frown and more of a sad frown, but it made him feel just as bad. He waited a while to talk to you because he didn't want to mess it up. He eventually decided that it was a good enough time to do so, and he walked over to you.
"Mornin', first mate! How did ye sleep?" He asked. You paused for a moment, but you didn't answer. "Uh... 'twas a bit windy last night, huh? Glad we got all th' loot inside..." you still didn't look up, but your frown got tighter. He patted his hands on his legs and sucked in a breath. "Wonderful weather we be havin'?" You finally stopped mopping and turn to him.
"What do you want?" You asked, exasperated. He frowned.
"Are ye okay? Ye seem upset…" he commented.
"Oh, no yeah I'm totally fine!" You scoffed. "My best friend's dead, the guy who killed him won't even bother giving me any sort of compensation, I may never see my family or friends again, but sure I'm fine." You stated, mopping vigorously. Magnum sighed and looked at your face. You looked like you were on the verge of tears. He opened and closed his mouth, trying to find the right words.
"I... I be sorry. I'll give ye more treasure if... If ye promise ye won't weigh anchor…" he finally managed. You stopped and turned to him slowly. His eyes widened. "No, no, no! Ye... I didn'... um…" he gulped as you raised an eyebrow at him.
"Uh-huh. Go on. I'm waiting." You demanded. He took a deep breath.
"I... I find ye endearin'... 'n I wants ye t' stay... wit' me... specifically." He said. Your face softened a bit, to his joy. He smiled.
"I… have people back home." You said. His smile fell. "I can't just… leave and… not tell them anything…"
"Then tell 'em! Write 'em a letter or somethin'! That would be fine!" He said desperately.
"What am I supposed to say? "Hey, guys! I eloped with a 7 foot tall pirate and am now sailing the seven seas as his first mate"?"
"...yes?" He said, unsure. You sighed and looked down. He held his breath, waiting for whatever you were going to say next.
"What am I supposed to tell his family?" You asked softly. He took a deep breath.
"I... I dunno. 'n... I be mighty, mighty sorry about wha' I did t' yer friend... But... I... I be... I reckon I be in love wit' ye…" he said shakily. You looked up at him, your eyes widened. You could see a tint of red on his suntanned cheeks. He avoided your eyes for a bit before you chuckled. He looked at you. You smiled at him warmly. He returned it.
"I…" you began, blushing. You were cut off by the sound of a cannon.
"Avast! Prepare to be boarded!" A voice boomed from above.
"Oh, God, not again," you whined. Magnum reached out to put a hand on your shoulder, but another cannonball whizzed past you two, making you fall in different directions.
"Ye hide. I'll take care o' this," he instructed. He unsheathed his sword as you hid behind a nearby barrel, watching him to see if he'd need any assistance.
"Who be thar? Show yourself, yellow-bellied cur!" He yelled. You blinked, processing what he said. "Yellow-bellied cur". Huh. That was new. You heard wood creaking behind you and ducked further behind the barrel. You slowly rose and saw a man standing in from of Magnum. He was taller than you and had an average build, and was wearing a pirate outfit. His clothes looked… cleaner and more fancy than Magnum's. He was holding a sword and had a peg leg.
"Who are ye callin' a yellow-bellied cur?" He said in a low, rough voice.
"Obviously you, shitlord!" You said, quickly covering your mouth with your hand afterwards. The man turned and looked at you. He raised an eyebrow, smirking. You suddenly felt… violated.
"Well, well, well. Wha' 'ave we here?" He chuckled. "I may jus' keep ye fer meself." You laid your hand on a revolver.
Magnum tightened his fist around the hilt of his sword and swung. The man blocked it and stumbled back.
"Ye lay a hand on them, ye're dead." He growled. The man smirked and tried to jab at his side. Magnum managed to block it in time. The two captains went on sword fighting for a couple minutes while you stayed behind the barrell. The other man's crew was on the ship fighting the rest of yours. You felt a bit useless, so you grabbed the revolver and aimed towards the other pirates. You grazed two in their legs, and nailed one in the shoulder. You lost track of Captain Magnum after a while. While you looked for him, you heard something land behind you. You yelped and spun around, seeing the invading captain.
"Ahoy thar, darlin'," he smirked at you. You held the revolver up to aim at him. He scoffed. "C'mon, darlin'. Thar's no needs fer that. I won't hurt ye… Much."
"Go fuck yourself," you snarled.
"Such naughty language fer such a sweet thin'." He laughed. "I'll 'ave fun wit' ye."
"Oh, yeah, that doesn't sound creepy at all. Great," You sighed. He took a step towards you and you cock the gun. "Don't move, asshole." You warned.
"Oh, come on now." He chuckled. "We both know ye're too soft t' shoot me. So, why don't ye-" You shoot. The bullet hits him in the side. His eyes widened as he stared at you in disbelief.
"Something about me, captain," you set the gun down and walked over to him as he fell to the floor. "My best friend is dead. I'm feeling a bit pissed. And I have shot a man before." You got on one knee and leaned down next to his ear. "I'm not as soft as I look." You stood back up and walked back to the middle of the deck.
Captain Magnum was frantically walking around. The crew looked okay, so you sighed. The captain heard and spun towards you. He smiled widely as he ran over and enveloped you in a hug.
"Oh, thank Poseidon. Ye're okay. If I had lost ye I... I... I dunno wha' I'd do!" He stammered, petting your head. "Ye're okay, right?" You smiled and hugged him back.
"I'm alright, Captain," You whispered. He sighed and held you for a while before the previous first mate cleared his throat.
"'tis real touchin' 'n all, but we should prolly repair th' ship." He suggested. Magnum turned to him, glaring.
"Ye interrupted a bondin' moment t' tell me that?" He glowered. You bit your lip to keep from laughing. The crewmate opened his mouth to respond, but almost immediately closed it and started picking up pieces of wood. The other crewmates followed suit.
"We should help them," you declared. Magnum looked at you, his eyebrows knitted together.
"But do we 'ave t'?" He asked hopefully. You smiled and pulled away from him. Despite wearing a couple layers, he could feel the absence of your warmth. He sighed and helped clean up.
It took a while, but you all managed to clean up the deck. You'd probably need to buy more wood to repair the boat, but you figured it'd be fine. It was dark now and everyone had retired to their quarters. Except for you. You sat on the deck, staring up at the stars. Magnum left his quarters to check on you. He got worried when he saw you weren't asleep. He walked over to you, ruining the mood a bit with how loud he was. He dropped next to you with a loud creak of the floor. You didn't look at him.
"Ahoy," he greeted.
"Hi," you responded bluntly. You both sat there for a moment while he came up with things to say.
"Are ye okay?"
"Okay. That be good." Silence. "Wha' are ye doin'?"
"Just… stargazing."
"Okay. Why?"
"Felt like it."
"Oh." More silence. "Are ye thinkin' about 'im?"
"Do ye want t' talk about 'im?"
"No. Not tonight. Maybe another time."
"Ok... 'tis a tad cold tonight."
"Yeah. I guess so."
"Me cabin be th' warmest... If ye... Wanted t' sleep in thar... Wit' me... That would be alright…" You whipped you head towards him surprised. He noticed your panic. "Or not! That be fine too! I understand. Sorry fer botherin'. Goodnight!" He started to stand up, but you took his hand. He looked at your interlocked hands, flushed, then back at you.
"That would… that'd be fine." You said shakily. "I just… want to stay out here a bit longer."
"Ok," He nodded and plopped back down. You retracted your hand and tucked your knees to your chest, looking back up. He continued to look at you for a second, smiling, before looking back up. You chuckled.
"He loved space…"
Captain Magnum could listen to you talk for hours. You start talking about stars, then about Mark, then you get to talking about your other friends and family. He listened to everything you said because he knew it was important to you. You started to yawn after 45 minutes and you leaned on his arm. He froze in place, not wanting to bother you. Eventually, he looked down at you to see if you were asleep. Once he confirmed you were, he effortlessly lifted you up and carried you to his cabin. He gently set you on the large, warm bed. He wasn't planning on getting on it with you. You weren't there yet. You hadn't even told him you loved him back. He couldn't in good conscience get into a bed with you. He sat in his chair and looked at you. You were so…
"Gorgeous," he said under his breath. You cracked an eye open.
"Right back at you," you slurred. He blushed. You held out your arms. "Come into bed," he blushed deeper.
"No, I don't reckon I should…" He tried to say. You whined and he just couldn't. He stood up and carefully climbed into the bed with you, making sure to keep a bit of space between you two. That was pointless because you immediately turned over and snuggled into his chest. He gently moved his arms to embrace you tightly. He set a small kiss to your head and just lied there, wanting to treasure this moment.
Your eyes closed again as you heard him say "I love you". You smiled.
"I love you, too."
If I didn't say it before SEND PROMPTS
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hadesgirl1015 · 5 years
Something in Between pt.4
A/N: Alright, warning. Word barf! It's been over a year since I last updated this story. Classic writer's block and a cruel thing called life and adulthood. Sorry if it took that long. I'll try to come up with the next part as soon as I can, but for now I hope y'all enjoy this. It's angsty though.
It's been a couple of weeks since you last convinced (or at least tried to) Sebastian to give Hannah a chance. So far, you could say they get along pretty well.
You felt bad not being able to see Sebastian or have a decent conversation with him, but you need to settle a lot of things before moving away. You would send him a text here and there, but nothing more. He would try to call but you couldn't answer because you're at an appointment. You would call back but he would already be filming.
Ok, so, you don't feel bad. You feel terrible. The longest ever you had no contact with Sebastian was 7 hours. That was because he was on a flight to London and you were not with him because you got the flu.
But you figured this is good "practice" from being away from each other.
Oh my gosh! You thought to yourself. It's not like we're dating. Get a hold of yourself Y/N!
You decided to visit the set of TFAWS. It's your last week in the U.S and dropping by wouldn't hurt. You thought so, at least.
"Yo Pringles!" a voice from behind you called out as you were walking towards the trailers. You didn't have to wonder who it was as. Only one person calls you that.
"It was one time Mackie! Let it go." You said with a mix of amusement and irritation im your voice.
"And miss the chance of teasing every single time? No thanks." He said coming up to arms open for a hug.
You hugged him but of course slapped his arm real hard when you ended the hug.
"Ow! Seriously woman!"
You blew him a raspberry.
"So what brings you here? Aside from the obvious." He said with a teasing grin.
You gave him a look before answering, "To say my goodbyes in person. You know. The usual."
"So you're actually leaving, huh?"
"Yup. I guess I am."
"He didn't say anything?" Anthony asked with a curious look.
"About what?" You asked eyebrows furrowed.
"I guess not" he said under his breath "Well it's great you dropped by at least I got to see you too."
"It's great seeing you too Mac."
"Should I go tell him?"
"Oh no! You don't have to. I'm going to his trailer anyway and I'll just tell Hannah. I don't want to interrupt any ongoing filming."
"Suit yourself. Anyway, Godspeed young one." With that he left you and you made your way to Sebastian's trailer.
Weirdo. You mumbled to yourself and thought he didn't hear
" Right back at yah, and love you too!"
" Don't forget to always have his things ready like the essentials and stuff, yours too, like an emergency kit. Just in case if there's sudden filming in secret locations. You know, Marvel stuff. And-"
" Y/N!" Hannah said in a high voice with a slight amused and teasing look.
" He'll be fine. We'll be fine. So just try chill, we don't want panic before or during take off."
"Thanks, Han. It's just-" you couldn't continue what you were going to say and just sighed.
"I know, babe." Hannad said and gave you a long and tight hug. "Are you sure you don't want to see him? I mean he can just go to your place before you leave."
"I'm not at my place anymore. I shipped most of my things and sold the rest. There's no reason for me to stay there anymore."
"Are you sure? Do you really not want to see him?"
NO! I really want to! You thought to yourself but you couldn't risk it.
"Yup! It'll just make things harder. And besides what needs to be said already has and I said my goodbyes to the others, so yeah." You said with a heavy heart. Once you and Hannah let go from the much not so needed but needed hug, you gave her an envelope.
" Give this to him? Please? But make sure he reads it when I'm gone. "
"What's the point i-" you cut her off by giving her hand a squeeze.
"Alright" she signed. "I swear, the both of you are mean to be." She said shaking her head.
" What are--- Anyway, thank you. I guess I'll be seeing you around?" You told with a bit of sadness.
With one last hug from Hannah and a look around the trailer, you stepped out of the trailer that held memories, and that's all they'll ever be.
Sebastian ran as fast as he could in hopes to catch you in the trailer. He knew something was off when Anthony was being extra on set today. Okay, it was normal but he was extra animated and he spoke in a voice that was higher that it was supposed to. Turns out he was trying to keep his word of not telling Sebastian you came by but excited because he really wanted you and Sebastian to see each other.
"Where is she?" He said said the moment he opened the door to his trailer causing Hannah to jump off her seat, nearly causing her to spill her coffee.
"Gods! Seb! I almost burned myself." She chastised.
"Sorry, but where is she?" He said frantically looking around the trailer.
"If it's Y/N you're looking for, well she's not here."
"Wh- what?" He asked surprised and still catching his breath. "But- but, Anthony said she-"
"Yes. But Seb, she already left." Hannah said with a deep sigh.
"What? How long? Where? Maybe -"
"Half an hour ago.' Hannah said sadly. Sebastian was about to reply when Hannah spoke again. "I know you want to go after her, but we both know she's probably packed and sleeping somewhere else where no one can find her before her flight. Plus, you can't just leave set Sebastian."
Sebastian was on the verge of tears. How could he lose you? How could you come over and not say goodbye? How could he not stop you?
"I'm sorry Seb. She wanted you to have this though." Hannah gave Sebastian the envelope.
Sebastian reached for it and held it in his hand. It had his name written on it with your delicate handwriting that he recognized immediately.
With a sad smile he thanked his assistant and walked over to his reading chair and sat staring at the envelope in his hands.
Without a word Hannah left the trailer to leave Sebastian with his thoughts.
At the sound of the door closing that was when Sebastian's walls came crashing.
Something In Between Masterlist
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luna473 · 4 years
Water Attracts Lightning // Zuko X Kasami (OC) [FF]
Kasami’s P.O.V
It’s been about 4 days since Zuko brought me in. It’s a good thing his healers are of high level experience, if not I’d probably be a lot worse off right now. I still get sharp pains in my side at the site of my cut, but all of my bruises and burns have been healed.
“Kasami?” Zuko opens the door and peaks his head in. “Are you up?”
“Yeah, just give me one second.”
I finish brushing my hair, along with braiding one loose strand on the side. I put my hair behind my shoulders as it falls down to my waist in slightly curly waves. I put on my water tribe outfit, but I quickly realize that its way too hot in the firenation to be wearing these fleece covered North Pole clothes.
“Actually, give me a few minutes.” I laugh sheepishly as I grab the scissors.
I cut off one of the long sleeves of my white water tribe top. I crop it and put it on, the bottom resting a few inches above my belly button. I take the warm fleece off of my blue and white skirt and cut a slit up the right side. I put on my necklace and my traditional tribe bracelets, one on my upper arm and two around my wrist.
I put on my most prized possession, an Air Nomad bracelet that Aang gifted me for my birthday. He knew how much I loved Air Nomads and their culture. I guess thats why Aang and I formed a really special bond. I love all of my friends but he was there for me when no one else was. I consider Aang my best and closest friend. I spent almost all of my childhood reading ancient Nomad scrolls, scriptures, and books. Besides training with water and swordsman masters, of course. It was amazing to have someone else, a real Nomad, to be best friends with.
I hope Aang and the others are okay.
Suddenly, an idea pops into my head.
I walk out to see Zuko waiting outside my door, he studies me, glancing up and down before speaking.
“Took you long enough.” He says, leaning against the wall.
“Well I wouldnt of had to remake all of my clothes if it wasnt like 90 degrees here.”
I cross my arms across my chest and blow a strand of hair out of my face.
“Let’s go.” He begins, “We have a lot to do today.”
“Actually, I need to do something first.”
Zuko groans and runs his hand through his hair.
“What is it?” He snaps harshly, clearly annoyed.
“I need to enter the spirit world.”
“The spirit world?!” He shouted, an exasperated expression on his face. “Why do you need to go into the spirit world?”
“Okay well, first of all, calm down and stop shouting.” I started, unamused by his behavior. “Since Aang and I are the only ones out of our group who can enter the spirit world, we promised to find each other there if we ever got separated.”
Zuko massaged his forehead and sighed deeply.
“Kasami, we don’t have time for this!”
“I’m going to do it either way, Zuko.” I glanced away sadly and looked at the floor. “They probably think I’m dead. I have to let them know I’m here and that I’m coming for them.”
“Fine, but make it quick.” He began walking away. “If your not back to the ship in an hour, you can find your own way back.”
I jogged back into his villa, and decided to go sit on the beach to meditate. I sat down, closed my eyes, and pressed my fists together. I focused on my breath for a while, and in a few minutes I notice the landscape around me was beginning to change. My soul felt like it was lifting out of my body, although it seems scary, it always felt the most amazing during the transition from the real world, to the spirit world.
I opened my eyes to see that I wasn’t at the beach anymore. The sound of waves turned in to the sound of leaves and branches flowing peacefully in the wind.
“Come on Aang, where are you?”
I made my way over to our favorite spot, a flower garden beneath a giant bonsai tree. The four nations’ symbols carved into it’s trunk. I sat and waited, until suddenly, I heard footsteps nearing. My eyes shot over to the sound, a familiar face with blue tattoos making his way towards me.
A huge smile plastered across my face, I ran as fast as I could over to him. His arms already open, waiting to receive his hug.
“Im so glad you’re alive, Kasami.” He peered down at me with a concerned but elated expression.
“Are you guys okay?” I walked around him, searching for cuts or bruises. “Are any of you hurt?”
“We aren’t hurt too bad, don’t worry. If Sokka would just shut up once in a while maybe he wouldn’t get in trouble so often...” He trailed off, rubbing the back of his neck.
I balled my fists and my jaw clenched.
“Aang, please don’t lie to me. Tell me what’s happening to you guys.”
He sighed and glanced down at the floor.
“Katara can barely stand and Sokka’s got bruises all over him.”
“And you?” Tears well up in my eyes as I look up at him.
“They keep me chi blocked. I can’t reach the Avatar state.” He began, his voice quivering and tears beginning to fall down his face. “I’m the Avatar and I can’t even save them.”
“Aang, please. Do not blame yourself.”
“How can I not? I’m supposed to bring balance and peace to the world.”
“Everything is going to be okay. Thanks to you I made it out of there alive. Well, just barely, but Zuko found me and-“
“Wait, Zuko?”
“I fell off of Appa trying to escape and I fell in to the woods on Ember Island.”
“Where does Zuko fall into this?”
“Well he was on vacation and he happened to be out at the time. He found me and brought me back to his villa. Zuko and his healers basically nursed me back to health.”
“Fire Lord Zuko? The one gave you your sca-“
“Yes Aang.” I interrupt his sentence, not wanting him to finish it.
“Speaking of Zuko, I have to go.” I wrapped my arms around Aang and squeezed him tightly. “If Im not back at the ship soon, I’ll get left behind.”
Aang hugged me back and squeezed me even tighter.
“Im coming for you guys. I’m going to get all of you out of there,” I let go of him and put my hand on his shoulder. “I promise.”
We said our goodbyes and I returned to the real world. I opened my eyes to see Zuko sitting right in front of me.
“Oh, uh, sorry! I was just making sure nothing happened to your body while you were in there.”
“Like how Katara was protecting Aang the night of the North Pole invasion before you showed up and stole him?” I remarked sarcastically.
“Hey! I said I was sorry for that!”
A slight smile tugged at the corner of his lips, before I started laughing at him.
He got up, dusting the sand off his clothes. He reached his hand down to me, offering to help me up.
“I can get up myself, thanks.”
I rose up off the ground and dusted my own skirt off.
We stood in silence for what seemed like forever, just staring at each other.
“Ahem.” I cleared my throat and broke eye contact. “We should probably, uh, get going.”
“O-oh, yeah. We have a lot of preparation to do.” He gestured at me to walk with him as he started making his way back to the ship.
“Lets go.”
Zuko’s P.O.V
Kasami stands in front of me, the sunset perfectly hitting her face. I never noticed how beautiful her eyes were. She’s got two different colors. Her right eye a light shade of blue, matching the Water Tribe insignia on her necklace. Her left, a vibrant and light shade of green, like the leaves of a white dragon flower. My favorite. The sun only enhancing their color, they continue intrigue me. Sadly she looks away. I seemed to have gotten a little lost in her eyes, but I quickly return to reality when she clears her throat.
“We should probably, uh, get going.”
“O-oh, yeah. We have a lot of preparation to do.” I add as I begin walking back to the ship, Kasami trailing close behind.
We’ve been on the ship for a couple hours now. We haven’t spoken a single word to each other. I go out on the deck to find her playing around with some water. I catch her smiling as she whips it around her body, the water flowing gracefully wherever she points her hand. I make my way over to her spot on the floor, but as soon as she notices me her smile fades.
“Have you heard of blood bending?” I asked, taking a seat right in front of her.
“Yes.” She raises her brow. “Why do you ask?”
She glances at me with suspicion.
“I’m only asking because It could help us a lot. You know, when we’re trying to save our friends.”
“I’ve only ever tried it once, but I’m still trying to figure out if it was a dream or not.” She answers, rubbing her temples.
“Why don’t you try it?”
“Well, I don’t really have anyone to try it on.”
“Try it on me.”
“Zuko, are you crazy?” She looks at me, clearly distressed. “I’m not going to blood bend you!”
“Kasami, do you have any idea how powerful we could be together? You have to try!”
“I mean, uh, when we rescue the others. Ya know, you with your blood bending and me with my lightning?”
I point my finger up at the sky, a tiny bolt of lightning sprouting from it, buzzing sightly with electricity. The color immediately drained from Kasami’s skin and terror overtook her face. She backed up, her eyes wide with fear.
“K-Kasami? What’s wrong?”
I get up and walk over to her. I reach my hand out but she stumbles back till she hits the railing of the ship.
“Don’t!” She yells, turning away from me and putting her face in her hands.
“Please..Please don’t d-do that again.”
“Don’t do wh-“
“The light...the lightning.”
Her voice and her hands were shaking, she sounded like she was on the verge of tears.
“oh.” I whispered as I peered down at my hands, ashamed that I had just scared her so badly.
“I promise you, I wont ever do it again.” I said in a hushed tone. “I know you might not believe it, but I am so, so sorry for hurting you, Kasami.”
She looked back at me, her eyes were glossy and full of tears. She was too full of pride to ever let them fall in front of some one else.
“I’m so sorry.”
My own tears threatened to fall. I looked down at my feet. Suddenly, I hear her walking towards me. Kasami stood only a couple inches away from me. She looked up at me and smiled. I took in the beautiful sight in front of me. Her eyes sparkled in the moonlight as she looked right into my own.
“I want to believe you, I really do.”
“It’s okay if you don’t now. I’ll prove it to you.”
Immediately after finishing my sentence, she flung her arms around me pulling me into a tight hug. I wrapped my own arms around her and pulled her in tighter, letting a tear fall from my cheek.
“I guess I can give you chance, figuring how you saved my life and all.” She whispered into my shoulder.
I pulled away slightly as we held each other. She raises her hand to my face and caresses her thumb across my scar.
“I know I’ll never be able to make it up to you, but I’m going to try my hardest.” I whispered softly between the two of us, our faces only inches apart.
“Fire Lord Zuko, we have arrived.”
The captain snaps us out of the moment we shared, and we let go of each other.
“O-oh, Thank you Captain.”
“Its been an honor serving you, Fire Lord.”
He bows to me and walks off.
“Well, we better get going.” I turn around to see Kasami still staring at me with a slight grin on her face. She nods and we make out way onto the mainland.
“Welcome to the heart of the Fire Nation.”
The moonlight shone down upon the Fire Palace as the light of torches all across the nation could be seen for miles. The music playing and people dancing certainly piqued Kasami’s interest. This is the biggest smile I’ve seen on her yet. She really is beautiful.
Sokka’s P.O.V
“Katara how long is this gonna take?!” I pace around my cage, staring at Aang.
God, I feel like an animal.
Ever since our cages were moved into the same room, he’s been trying to contact Kasami in the spirit world. After being told she was “taken care of” a couple nights ago we’ve all been frantic about trying to contact her. Unfortunately, none of the attempts have worked. Im starting to believe his words.
“Sokka! Shut. Up.” Katara growled at me. “Stuff like this takes peace and quiet!”
Suddenly, we hear Aang groan as he comes back into consciousness.
“Guys,” Aang beamed at us with a grin. “She’s alive!”
Katara and I both let out a huge sigh of relief.
“Shes with Zuko, she said she’s putting together a small team of elite people to help her rescue us.”
“Woah, woah, woah. She’s with Zuko?” I looked at him, clearly shocked. “She always said she hated him.”
“Well, he actually saved her life when she escaped that night. She was almost dead when he brought her in.”
“Shes okay now though, right?” I ask, my face of shock quickly turning into concern.
“She’s perfectly fine now. We’re getting out of here soon, don’t worry.”
I took a deep breath, the first one I’ve been able to take in days.
“I’m just glad she’s alive.”
Kasami’s P.O.V
As much as I want to trust Zuko, part of me is terrified. I know in my heart that I need to hear him out and give him a chance, but a small part is screaming at me to run. I’ve never allowed myself to be this vulnerable with someone, ever. I better play it safe. Keep a safe distance, don’t get too close. I won’t allow myself to get burned again. Never again. Not like last time.
Zuko walked me in to the Fire Palace. Despite its dark and dreary appearance, it really was beautifully crafted and designed.
“I think we should assemble a small team.” I begin, walking around the room. “I’m thinking Suki, Ty Lee, Mai-“
“Mai will not be joining us.” Zuko interrupted sternly.
“What? Why? Shes one the best fighters I know!”
“She will not be joining us, thats final.”
I glared at him. What was that all about?
“I’ll bring my good friend Kahn. Hes an excellent fire bender,” Zuko stated.
“Are you sure we can trust him, Zuko?”
“Would I bring him along if we couldn’t?” Zuko gave me a slight smirk.
“Alright Zuko,” I replied, putting my hands up defensivly. “but if he screws up, its on your ass.”
I smile up at him. Zuko gives me a small chuckle. I think that may have been the first time I’ve heard him laugh. It was a cute one, slightly raspy but nonetheless wanted to make me laugh along with him. I hoped I could make him laugh more often.
“Lord Zuko?” A familiar voice spoke out from the doorway.
I ran up to the Kyoshi Warrior and wrapped my arms around her.
“I missed you so much!”
She plants kisses all over my face, causing me to scrunch up my nose and giggle. Even though me and Suki had a rocky past, we always managed to pull through together. She’s an amazing friend, extremely loyal, and will fight with me to the end.
“So I heard were going on a little mission, correct?”
“Thats right.” Ty Lee chimes in, stepping delicately as she makes her way across the room. She spots Suki and I, squealing as she runs over, engulfing us in a huge group hug.
“Its so good to see you girls!” Ty Lee beams as she releases from our hug. I give her a small smile.
“I can’t believe were all together again, It’s been far too long for my liking.”
“Well yeah! You’ve been traveling the world with the Gaang and that hottie Sokka!” Ty Lee gushes, earning a glare from Suki.
“Hehe, sorry...”
I notice Zuko from across the room, his face looks exactly like Suki’s. Angry...with a splash of jealousy. I quickly shake it off and focus my attention back to my friends.
“Hey, did I miss the party?” My eyes shoot over to the deep, unfamiliar voice. His tall silhouette gaining my attention. The shadow steps into the light, revealing his face. Which is not too bad in my opinion. I’m not one to blush, let alone gush over a boy I just met, but when he made eye contact with me I could feel the heat from my cheeks growing red.
“You must be Kasami,” He grinned, walking over to me. “I’ve heard quite a lot about you.”
He shoots a glance at Zuko, winking at him. This earns a glare from Zuko but I can still notice the red on his cheeks before he turns away.
“Oh you have?” I ask, glancing over at Zuko with a brow raised.
“Only good things I hope.”
“Very.” He smirks.
His dimples are so cute.
I’m snapped out of my infatuated stare by Ty Lee and Suki’s giggles.
I laugh it off and walk over to the conference table, closer to Zuko.
“Alright guys, let’s get down to business.” I state, everyone picking a seat.
“How can we be of service?” Suki inquires, fanning herself.
“Aang, Katara, and Sokka have been kidnapped and are being held hostage.” I begin, earning shocked looks from the girls and Kahn. “What we do know is they’re being held on a small piece of land close to Ember Island.”
“The only island close enough to Ember Island is Yangchao Isle. It only has a couple tall buildings, mostly warehouses.” Kahn adds.
“Great,” I close my eyes and remember the events of the night I escaped. “The place where they’re being kept is heavily guarded. I almost died trying to escape.” Zuko glanced over at me, shooting me a reassuring smile.
“We were attacked by four men in masks, I’m guessing they’re the masterminds behind the whole thing.”
“Do you remember anything significant about their appearance?”
“Sadly, No. Just that there was an earth bender, a fire bender and a water bender.”
“What about the fourth one?” Ty Lee added.
“He just...stood there.”
After the meeting was over, we all agreed to meet at the rendezvous point the next day at 12 AM. Its the dock of a small island right next to Yangchao Isle. We decided to split up and prepare for sneaking in with our teams. Zuko and I, and Suki and Ty Lee. Kahn decided to work alone. He said he was going to dig up all the information he could on the Isle and the four masked men who took us. With everyone gone, that just left Zuko and I.
I notice the beautiful pool in the back, just waiting for me to jump in. I sprint to my room in the Fire Palace and quickly pull out a bikini from one if the drawers. Red and black...not quite my style but It’ll have to do. I slip it on and grab a towel, throwing it over my shoulder.
Making my way to Zuko’s room, I notice the door is slightly open, giving me a great view of Zuko. There he stands, shirtless, bouncing in place while pretending to play the guitar and humming a song. A song that seemed all too familiar.
“Secret, secret, secret, secret, tunnelllll!!”
He sings the last part of the tune out loud, causing me to let out the laugh I’d been holding in for far too long.
“Long enough.” I muster out as I’m doubled over, unable to contain my laughter.
When he starts giggling along with me, I can’t help but look up at him and smile.
There’s that laugh again.
“Wait, why don’t you have any clothes on?” Zuko asks, trying not to stare.
“Well, I came over here to ask if you wanted to go in the pool with me?”
His straight face turned into the biggest smile I’ve seen on him yet.
“We might as well have some fun before we, ya know, possibly die.” I said, laughing between my words.
“Don’t say that.” Zuko chuckles.
He splashes me, soaking my hair.
“Oh you’re gonna regret that!” I shout at him, bending a huge bubble of water right above his head.
“Wait wait, Kasami NO-“
He shrieks as I release the water, soaking his entire body, clothes and all.
He looks over at me with a devious smirk, but before I realize what he’s up to, he swiftly runs up behind me. He goes to push me in the pool, but not before I can grab him and pull him in with me.
We spend the rest of night swimming and laughing. Forgetting the events of the past week and the plans to come, we enjoy each other’s company. Who would have thought I’d be here, with the Fire Lord.
After getting out of the pool we lay on his couch, in front of the fire. Despite being in the Fire Nation, the Palace was extremely cold. Unlike the Airbenders and Firebenders, I am unable to warm myself with my breathing. I shudder, goosebumps rising along my tan skin. Zuko takes notice and pulls my body closer to his, wrapping his arms around me. His body was warm to the touch, mine was cold, freezing, even. Soon enough, we both fell asleep. My head resting on his shoulder and his head resting on my own
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colonel-insomniac · 5 years
Flowers. That's all Patrick can see littering the bathroom countertop and sink. Yellow and blue petals scattered about, some even delicately resting on the tiled floor. Stupid unrequited love. That was what had him rushing to the bathroom. It was a tickle in his throat that never really disappeared. Not to mention the fact that flowers were quite literally growing in his lungs. Okay, so many people assume Patrick doesn't really think of anything, but he does. Bobby, his best friend in the whole world, and crush of the past couple years. Although, now that Pat thinks about it, it could've spanned longer than a couple years. Anyways, that’s not exactly the issue. The issue is the flowers. He has to get rid of the pretty petals; almost all of them are splattered with drops of blood, and he doesn’t want anyone at all to know about this dilemma. Currently, there’s a box under his bed, almost filled to the brim with flowers and their petals. Patrick’s not really sure what he should do once it’s completely filled. Maybe start another? Regardless, the only way to stop the flowers from suffocating him from the inside, Pat has to gain Bobby’s love. And that’s apparently not going to happen. Bobby’s not really looking at Pat in a way that’ll calm the flowers, and besides, he’s in a relationship. Or was. Two weeks ago Bobby was in a relationship with some random guy Patrick doesn’t even remember, and came back to their shared apartment on the verge of tears. The night was spent in Patrick’s mess of a room, a red nose and puffy-eyed Bobby curled against Pat, clutching a tissue in his sleep. A tub of cookie dough ice cream discarded on the floor beside them. Pat had to fight relentlessly against the urge to cough up flowers, and ultimately failed, optin to sweep them under the pillow. Bobby probably wasn’t even thinking about getting in another relationship, anyway. He spent yesterday finally getting rid of that guys stuff. He had Pat drive them to his one story suburban house while Bobby carefully scrawled a message on an index card. He wouldn’t let Patrick see what he wrote, and when he knocked on the door and ran back to the car, leaving the box on the doorstep, he had Patrick drive off. Pat wanted to see the guy, see the face of a guy who lost the best person to ever grace their beach town, maybe even the whole world. But he did what Bobby wanted. Drove them back to their small apartment, and had to cough into his left hand, pushing the petals in the pockets of his shorts. Bobby looked at him questioningly, probably ‘cause Pat just kept coughing, but Patrick just smiled at him, a little sad at two things: the first being that he’ll never be the recipient of Bobby’s love, and the second being at Bobby’s slightly red nose. And so now here he is, alone at night, in his bathroom, cleaning up the mess his lungs created. Or maybe it was his heart’s fault for falling in love in the first place. He shook his head, flower petals clutched in his hands. If he didn’t stop thinking about it, he’d just keep coughing the darn plants. No, the best thing to do would be to finish this task and then maybe pop some popcorn and settle into his bed and maybe watch a movie. But not a rom-com. Something action packed, to take his mind off of a certain ginger-haired, short boy, with so much optimism it almost knocks Patrick down and out cold. He needs to watch that movie. What movie, though? There were so many options to choose from, but he was leaning more towards a Marvel movie, maybe one of the Avenger’s ones. Those were hardly ever focused towards romance, which made it perfect. “Pat?” Bobby’s voice made Patricks head whip towards his bathroom door in panic. “I- uh, I’m in the bathroom.” He stood up quickly to turn the lock. “Oh, okay! I was wondering if you maybe wanted to watch a movie or do something? I’m kinda bored.” Patrick can’t believe he let himself slip up this bad, he thought Bobby was sleeping, which gave him a chance to just let all the petals escape. “Yeah, of course…just let me finish cleaning this—” Shoot. Pat really messed up now. He could feel the blood draining from his face as his heart fell into the pit of his stomach. He heard Bobby’s footsteps approach the door, turning the knob in an attempt to open the door. Good thing it was locked, Pat thought. “Pat? Did you throw up? Let me come in to help clean. I can also make you some soup? Or do you want water?” Pat half wanted to laugh at Bobby’s overreaction, but he bit his cheek instead, reminding himself of the situation he was in. This time, a whole flower came out. It was blue and yellow in some sort of marbled effect, and of course, drops of blood. “No, it’s alright, I got it.” His throat hurt. Usually it was just petals. A whole flower couldn’t be a good sign. “Patrick, please just let me in. Please, I wanna help.” Patrick could hear the desperation in Bobby’s voice, which matched the desperation and panic he felt clawing in his throat. There was nothing he could do, he had to let him in. With a sigh, Patrick stood up, and unlocked the door, swinging it open. The whole time, the flower head was in his hand. Bobby flicked on the lights, flooding the bathroom in white light, and gasped. “Patrick? What…?” He turned and looked at Pat’s face, which was grim. “Is this…?” Patrick nodded. “It’s called the Hanahaki disease. When you love someone and it isn’t reciprocated. Flowers grow in my lungs and this is what happens, because they don’t love me back.” Patrick watched as Bobby looked at the flower in Patrick’s palm. Patrick started to say something when Bobby gingerly picked the flower off of Patricks hand, examining it closely. “Who is it?” He whispered, focused on the flower now, feeling the silky petals of the flower between his fingers. His blue eyes flicked towards Patrick when the latter didn’t respond. “Is it…me?” He asked, and Patrick nodded. There really wasn’t any other option for him but to admit. “But I know you just got out of a relationship and you don’t want anything. And I know you also don’t like me that way.” Upon seeing the broken look on Bobby’s face, he hurried to add, “It’s fine. Really! I’m okay with this.” “But Patrick—” “No seriously, you don’t have to worry, it’s not so bad. It’s not that many, anyways.” Patrick could tell that Bobby was thinking about earlier in the car, about that night two weeks ago, about all those times Patrick coughed and wasn’t sick. Bobby was piecing everything together. “Patrick—” “Don’t even think about it, let’s watch that movie. Now, which one did you wanna watch? I was thinking Avenger’s, but it’s whatever you want. I’ll go make some pop—” Bobby cut off Patrick’s train of rambling when he climbed onto the countertop, grabbing onto Patrick’s shoulders and bringing him so close to Bobby that their noses were almost touching. “Patrick, there are flowers in your lungs. I know about the disease. It all makes sense now. That’s why you kept stuffing your hand in your pocket earlier in the car. Everytime you coughed, you coughed petals, or flowers, and stuffed them in your pockets, right?” Patrick nodded, still looking into Bobby’s eyes. “Oh, Patrick,” Bobby pulled the taller one into a hug, which Patrick confusedly reciprocated. “You should’ve told me.” “But—” Patrick started to argue, but Bobby cut him off. “Patrick, I can’t believe this. I’ve been thinking these last two weeks about our friendship. I love you so much but you already knew that. But neither of us knew exactly how much, but I figured it out.” Pat’s head bobbed back, still confused. “These past two weeks have been so weird for me, but it’s always been you, you’ve always been there for me. And I couldn’t help but realize that every single time I got in a relationship, I always compared them to you. I didn’t notice I was doing that, and I couldn’t figure out why, either.” “I don’t under—” “That was, I didn’t figure it out until I head this sound on TikTok earlier. It was a sound that was supposed to get you to realize who you truly love, and when I instantly thought of you, everything made sense.” Bobby stopped, taking a breath. “Look, I know I haven’t known about your feelings or my feelings but I do know that I love you so much. Everything about you makes me happy, and you make me look forward to the future. I just—” Bobby’s train of thought was cut off by the feeling of Patrick’s mouth on his, and the flower fell to the floor. Patrick could feel the flowers in his lungs disappearing. He felt lighter, happier, and when the two broke apart, Patrick’s eyes were glassy. The two let the silence surround them, they drank up the mere attention of the other. Minutes passed by, and Patrick was stunned to find their hands touching. Pat was breathless at the touch of Bobby, and Bobby, who never took silence well, tilted his head down a little, looking up at Pat through his lashes and stated “So, about that movie….” Pat couldn’t help but snort and ruffle Bobby’s hair. “Dork.” Bobby grinned, “You love me, though.” “Yeah I do.” Patrick dragged Bobby off the countertop. “Just let me clean this up really quick, you make the popcorn.” Bobby nodded and left the room after placing a kiss on Patrick’s cheek. Ten minutes later, Pat was carrying the box of flowers and petals out of his room when Bobby asked to look. Patrick was reluctant, but seeing Bobby’s face pretty much begging Patrick had Pat sighing and setting the box down. Bobby held onto Patrick’s hand tightly as he opened the box’s top. “Oh Pat.” Patrick could see Bobby’s eyes tearing up. He knew Bobby was feeling guilty, but he didn’t know that Patrick was dealing with this, and Patrick was quick to share those thoughts with Bobby, who had to be drawn into a hug. “You’re so sensitive, sunshine.” Patrick said, and felt his face heat up when Bobby pulled away to look at Patrick with wide, enamored eyes. Bobby’s face was practically sparkling in Patrick’s opinion. The next thing he saw was Bobby sailing towards him, knocking Patrick over, and they laid on the ground. Well, Pat did, Bobby managed to catch himself, and held himself up over Pat’s face. He leaned in and quickly kissed Patrick before getting up, and claimed the popcorn wouldn’t taste as good cold. Patrick laughed, watching Bobby walk away, knowing he would always come back. Because they loved each other, and people who truly love each other will always come back, in Patrick’s professional opinion.
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