#and now everybody who talks to me has to listen to me talk really badly
pastadoughie · 10 months
Do you take voice requests
i mean sure? but also i dont think my voice is nice 2 listen 2 so idk how much people would even want that
i do talk for real when i am explaining voice related things but not rlly anytime else "the beast speaks (for real)" is the tag if u wana hear ig
idk i just dont rlly think it adds much of anything 2 my posts? and im not a big fan of my voice, sooo i probabley wont be doing many
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Wade: Logan!
He turned around and Wade was there on the sidewalk looking at him with that big eyes of his. And so the annoying bastard was running to him as if he was a girl in a romantic movie.
Wade: Wait.
Logan: Whats it?
Wade: I’ve fallen in love. I’m an ordinary woman. I didn’t think such violent things could happen to ordinary people.
Logan: Excuse me?
Wade: I wanted it to be you, I wanted it to be you so badly.
Logan: Woah… I…
Wade: So it’s not gonna be easy. It’s gonna be really hard. We’re gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, you and me, every day.
Logan: Wade, what are you…
Wade: I wish I knew how to quit you.
Logan: Well…
Wade: I could die right now. I'm just… happy. I've never felt that before. I'm just exactly where I want to be.
Wade: You had me at hello.
Wade: I guess when you’re young, you just believe there’ll be many people…you’ll connect with. Later in life, you realize it only happens a few times.
Wade: Listen to me, mister. You’re my knight in shining armor. Don’t you forget it.
Logan: I think I got it.
Wade: I think I'd miss you even if we'd never met.
Logan: I said I got it.
Wade: I hate the way you talk to me, and the way you cut your hair. I hate the way you drive my car. I hate it when you stare. I hate your big dumb combat boots, and the way you read my mind. I hate you so much it makes me sick; it even makes me rhyme. I hate it, I hate the way you're always right. I hate it when you lie. I hate it when you make me laugh, even worse when you make me cry. I hate it when you're not around, and the fact that you didn't call. But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you. Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.
Logan: Oh, my god, what are you even about?
Wade: You could make it true. What are legends anyway but stories about ordinary people doing extraordinary things? Of course, it takes courage and imagination… not everybody has that. I may be an old fraud, Logan, but I do know this: something that two people who are in love create together against impossible odds, can hold them together… forever.
Logan: Oh…
Wade: You liked that one, I see. Good movie, really. No, I… just wanted to say I'm sorry.
Logan: What about?
Wade: You know the whole kind of kidnapping thing, dragging you from your world against your will and I'm really dead sorry we can't fix what happened.
Logan: Okay, two things. One, it wasnt kind of kidnapping, you really kidnapped me. Two, I'm cool with all this, even if it feels very crazy.
Wade: You are?
Logan: Yeah. No hard feelings, actually very good feelings. I'm glad we could team up.
Wade: Oh, ooh. Nice. It's very nice. So, I was wondering…
Logan: Just say it.
Wade: You wanna stay at mine for a while? Just till you, you know, find out where you wanna go.
Logan: Sure.
Wade: I knew it.. WHAT?
Logan: I would like that.
Wade: Really?
Logan: Yes and also someone has to keep an eye on you, so you don't get into trouble, right?
Wade: So you're saying you wanna live with me so you can look at me all the time?
Logan: Well. Thats a way to put it.
Wade: Oh my god!
Logan: Shut up.
He takes hold of one of Wades hands, the one not holding the dog.
Logan: Lets see how this goes.
They start to walk together.
Logan: That first line was from 'Brief Encounter' right?
Wade: Do you like romantic movies?
Logan: You will find out I like a lot of things.
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mswritingthings · 4 months
Big Prompt List 2
"There are a lot of things that I didn't think were possible before you."
"Please don't overwork yourself, please."
"I'll take care of you until you learn to take care of yourself."
"What? I don't have a crush on (name)!"
"Take your time, it's okay."
"That is no excuse for the way they treated you."
"Crying isn't going to solve anything, I need to toughen up."
"Relationships aren't supposed to be problems that you need to solve."
"Every single time that I close my eyes, I see your face staring back at me."
"Always the romantic."
"Where are we going so late?"
"I'll always answer when you call."
"It's getting late, come on to bed. This will all be here in the morning."
"I've never wanted to be with someone like I want to be with you."
"You can't win them all."
"Slow down, we've got all night."
"I love the way that you make me feel. I've never been wanted like this before."
"Can I touch you?"
"My mom used to tell me what it was like to fall in love. Even in my wildest dreams, I never thought it'd be this good."
"I should have known that you hadn't changed."
"Come on (name) would do anything to make you smile, absolutely anything."
"Sometimes, I wonder why I put up with you."
"Hey! You love me."
"Don't listen to them, you're beautiful."
"I just can't believe that you really chose me, that's all."
"Who has you smiling like that?"
"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to mess things up for you, I swear."
"When is the last time you saw (name) smile like that?"
"I feel like myself when I'm around you."
"It gets lonely at night, maybe you should stay over."
"We were cuddling, that's all."
"Did you lock the door?"
"I swear it might not be what it looks like!"
"Are you kissing my (brother/sister)?"
"Oh the horrors! I have to bleach my eyes."
"Stop being dramatic."
"Can I have a kiss too please?"
"Who do you think you are treating this precious angel so badly?"
"I think I might die if you don't get over here and hug me."
"Don't be ridiculous, we are not in love."
"If I asked you to stay, would you?"
"It's only for a few months, and then we'll be right back here together again."
"I don't think I could bear to be without you for even a day."
"Shh, (name) just fell asleep."
"It has been so hard without you."
"Please come back. I'm sorry."
"What do you want from me? I swear I've given you everything."
"You don't love me, and that's okay because I can pretend that you do for now."
"Just let go, it's not worth the pain."
"It's fine, you can just sit on my lap."
"God, you two are disgustingly cute together."
"One day I want to have something like that."
"Babies? Like, more than one?"
"I'd love to get to know you properly if you'd let me."
"You'd think they put the stars in the sky from the way everybody constantly fawns over them."
"Drop it, okay? I'm done talking about this."
"They made you feel small, but you aren't. You matter so much to everybody, especially me."
"Holy shit, I'm in love."
"Come back to bed, it's cold."
"Stop squirming or I'll get the ropes out again."
"Open up for me like a good (boy/girl)."
"Tell me what you want, and I'll do it for you."
"It looks to me like you've got enough holes to go around."
"I know it looks like a lot, but I'll go slow."
"If you need to stop, let me know."
"Take it off. I want to see all of you."
"All of that teasing, just for you to cum so quickly? What a shame, I had much more planned for tonight."
"Shh, that's it, cum for me."
"I think you can take a little more than this, don't you?"
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shortpplfedup · 1 year
Only Friends Character Rankings Episode 6
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Another outstanding episode as chickens start coming home to roost and Sand sets a ball a-rollin' that is gonna roll right over him in the end. In a surprise upset, Sand's mom won the audience vote last week, with Top and Boston tied for second place. You really never know who the Tumblrinas are going to favour from week to week, keeps us all on our toes! Here are this week's highly scientific rankings.
🔺1. Ray (4)
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Let me talk to my friends. It’s his birthday. I’d like to say something.
Ray said NO SURVIVORS and sprayed the entire room at Mew's birthday party, and honestly? Kinda deserved. From calling Sand a whore (OUCH) to reading Cheum for filth for her shitty little backhanded comments, to almost letting the cat out of the Top/Boston bag in front of everybody, our resident mess came for every neck in the building. Boston primed him, Sand aimed him and Cheum lit the match, and it's no coincidence those three got hit with the blowback of his explosion at Top. A seething ball of pain and resentment fueled by alcohol and god-knows-what-else was never gonna fire a clean shot.
🔺2. Sand (5)
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Stop thinking about Mew and focus on me for once. Can’t you really see that I care about you?
Well now we know why Sand didn't blink an eye at Nick bugging Boston's car; he's just as fucking unhinged. Sand, a poor, breaking his own phone just to get his hands on Nick's and that recording (which, by the way, calling the file 'That Car' is really too much Nicholas PLEASE 🤣)...WILD. We've all had Nick pegged as the bunny boiler but Sand might be worse and I can't WAIT because I still believe in that baseball bat. But him begging Ray to give a single solitary shit about him even AFTER Ray calls him a whore in front of a bar full of people...I remain embarrassed on his behalf.
🔺3. Mew (6)
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Cocky much? I don’t even know if we’re gonna last that long.
Ok, when Mew said 'I love the sound you make when having sex' I literally screamed out OH FUCK HE KNOWS and listen, I have been WAITING for this moment. That was a baller fucking moment. You just KNOW Top's blood ran cold. Of course these two aren't breaking up, because couples like this NEVER break up. Game always recognises game. This is gonna be the first confrontation of many. But I'm pretty sure this is the last time Mew is gonna cry about it. Top might have just picked the wrong one. Mew has two moms, pretty sure he knows how to destroy a man.
🔻4. Nick (2)
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I don’t give a shit about what number I am. Screw it. I’m not that into you.
At some point Nick is gonna have to stop threatening to walk and actually fucking walk, but it's clearly continuing to work for him as he and Boston are clearly the boyfriends Boston insists they're not. Dates, couple photos, meeting the dad, tender lovemaking, Boston's deep, dark secrets: Nick's getting it all...except the label he wants so very badly. And now he's shook because he knows Sand stole that recording, and he knows if Boston finds out about it it's all coming crashing down.
🔺5. Cheum (8)
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I’m so happy everyone has a lover. Even a heartless slut like Boston has one.
Girl, you absolutely earned that smoke Ray blew at you. Sly Comment Susie got a minor taste of her own medicine and didn't like that shit one bit. It's all fun and games until it's your dirt under the microscope. Maybe Cheum just learned a lesson about minding her own business a little more, or at the very least keeping some of her thoughts to herself.
🔻6. Boston (3)
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If I was a nice guy, you wouldn’t like me.
A surprisingly quiet week for Ton as everybody else gets so messy he looks relatively drama-free. But under the surface he's still paddling like mad: screwing Nick like a lover rather than just a fuckbuddy to keep him from leaving, clearly not out to his dad but bringing Nick round to meet him (once again using him for free work), pinning Ray so decisively that he causes a full-on meltdown. Though, 'I don't hate Mew'...well that might actually be true, because he's giving more fear than hatred.
🔻7. Top (1)
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I get anyone I want. What about you? Who do you get?
Oh how the mighty have fallen. Top spent the episode feeling totally smug as he finally won the game and is basking in his spoils, swinging his dick around, feeling like King Shit. And then Mew played that recording and LOSER TIME. I have the distinct impression that Top hates to lose...
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borderlinebox · 2 years
hii i don’t know if your requests are open rn if not just ignore this! but if they are i wanted to request chishiya x reader with social anxiety :)
Chishiya with S/O who has Social Anxiety Hcs!
Pairing ; chishiya x reader | a/n ; Honestly this was great asf for me to write cause i have social anxiety too. | warning ; fluff, comfort, a bit of teasing chishiya, a little trailed off, not proof read, season 2 spoilers
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chishiya would understand your situation.
but I think he'd be a tad bit annoyed with you as well.
both of you met each other in a game and you were forced to team up with somebody
you were too reluctant on going up to somebody and decided to wait until everyone had a partner or you'd go to the last person who was available
or they'd go to you
like chishiya
from afar, chishiya would have already noticed you weren't the one for social gatherings
since you were kinda squinting at everybody in mild disgust, fear and anxiety
brows furrowing as you bit the bottom corner of your lips and fumbling with the insides of your pockets
yeah you were probably fucked
chishiya would come up to you smoothly, figuring out a way to not startle you
you'd prolong a small 'uh' and quietly return his introduction, not wanting to shake his hand
honestly through out the entire game, he was the one who talked
and he barely talks!
he was just explaining what the games probability would be and making out tactics
you definitely know what he's talking about about but you didn't say much other than a small hum
chishiya would then turn to you and be like 'you understand dont you?'
being torn from either replying because you think that he'd think you were stupid and not replying because.. of the same thing
but later on he'd find out you're actually quite clever and/or strong.
you just prefer to keep it low key
now we all know chishiya doesn't normally chat with others
but since he thinks you were competent as being his partner in that game,
expect as many waves that you'd have to awkwardly return
that's why when he found you in the beach he was honestly quite surprised
like how tf did you get in there
chishiya knows how smart/strong you really are, you just didnt like everyone around you nor you wanted them to think badly of you
when you become something of 'friends'
he'd subtly praise you by giving you an awkward thumbs up when you're doing good
has to watch you mentally make a list of the food you want from the buffet so that you wouldn't look dumb when picking food
or anything like that
honestly it kinda hurts him to watch you
but wouldn't show it (now added with concern for you believing that he's judging you)
but but but
chishiya actually thinks there's perks to you social anxiety
like, well, mentally listing stuff down and fixating on details in order to make his plans work
he also admires your acting skills when you try to get away from social situations
again, really good asset, just a bit too terrified
once you start becoming comfortable being by his side, he's very patient and would listen to what you'll have to say
also has to reassure you that he understands your opinions (omg rare)
soon enough you'll almost be like a whole new person and chishiya now has to deal with this puppy
he knows all the things that ticks you off or triggers the anxiety
would comfort you by helping you escape to somewhere less crowded
oh oh oh
and if you both like each other
neither of you is going to confess
chishiya is busy being a tsundere and being in denial
hile you're sulking in anxiety AND denial
kuina literally has to come out and put both of you in a candle lit dinner it's so goofy
it's so painful for her to watch both of you pine for the other
she's practically clawing her eyes out
once you guys get together, chishiya tells you to keep it a secret
which you could definitely do.
and oh my lord when arisu and usagi come by
the anxiety is once again high
and even higher when people start killing each other
you're standing there all cool, arms crossed, watching the many cctvs
and kuina and chishiya start subtly accusing each other that they are the witch
you'd start having a breakdown internally but you're standing there like its all goody gum drops
i think im trailing off
either way, chishiya would definitely just tease you how your anxious
but he'll tell you everytime that you're gonna be okay
plus holding hands when y'all are hiding
him coaxing you for anything sometimes
he'll not say but he'll be pretty honored that you became comfortable with him
honestly he would treat you like how he treated ippei (with extra credit)
and again, he'll just subtly praise you
soon it'sprobably gonna be a habit in his system
if you know what i mea-
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mysticstarlightduck · 1 month
Character Aesthetic Deep Dive Tag!
Let's go with Saoirse Richards from Scrapyard Boys for this one!!!
Rules: Make a moodboard with your character's aesthetic, a playlist that fits their vibe, "badly summarize them" (like, talk about their personality, but funnily), etc. It absolutely does not need to be super detailed!!!!!
✦ Character Aesthetic: Saoirse Richards, WIP -Scrapyard Boys
♡ Moodboard ♡
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♡ Playlist ♡
Are You Satisfied? - Marina & The Diamonds
Was I meant to feel happy That my life was just about to change? One life pretending to be The cat who got the cream Oh, everybody said, "Marina is a dreamer" People like to tell you What you're gonna be is not my problem if you don't see what I see And I do not give a damn if you don't believe My problem is my problem that I never am happy It's my problem, it's my problem on how fast I will succeed Are you satisfied with an average life? Do I need to lie to make my way in life? High achiever, don't you see? Baby, nothing comes for free They say I'm a control freak Driven by a greed to succeed Nobody can stop me
Things We Lost In The Fire - Bastille
Things we lost to the flames Things we'll never see again All that we've amassed Sits before us, shattered into ash These are the things, the things we lost The things we lost in the fire, fire, fire These are the things, the things we lost The things we lost in the fire, fire, fire We sat and made a list Of all the things that we have Down the backs of table tops Ticket stubs and your diaries, I read them all one day When loneliness came and you were away Oh they told me nothing new But I love to read the words you used These are the things, the things we lost The things we lost in the fire, fire, fire
O.D.D - Hey Violet
I should never listen to another voice But my own Now I've grown up, now I know That when I'm tryna be myself it isn't so simple Anymore Some days I wake up I just wanna hide under the covers 'Cause no matter what I do I'll never be like all the others I'm a little O.D.D Most people really don't get me I'm the girl in the back of the class Blank stare, don't care, don't ask I'm a little O.D.D I see the way they look at me I can hear it when they talk that trash Saying "Any minute she gon' crack"
Mind Games - Sickick
Once I'm in there ain't no letting go, letting go Watch me turn your mind into my home Now that I'm in there's no letting go And your emptiness begins Once I grip onto your mind and soul And your brightness starts to dim Sin after sin you won't feel no more You've lost your trust again I know you wish you could let me know That you're praying for an end
Welcome to Wonderland - Anson Seabra
Welcome to Wonderland, where should we go There's a tea party along down the road Make an appearance and maybe they'll sing us a song Dancing through a dream underneath the stars Laughing 'til the morning comes Everyone that leaves has a heavy heart Oh, Wonderland I love Nothing around here is quite as it seems Not sure if anything's real or a dream And the only thing sure from the start Is the song that's inside of your heart Don't let it leave If this was a dream, then at least I've got Memories for when morning comes Now that I must leave with a heavy heart Oh, Wonderland I love
Boo Hoo - Neoni, ft. RIELL
When you start a fire and hide the matches Been down that rabbit hole Swore I would never go Back to bad habit's, I'm through Around and around we go sick of the vertigo Abracadabra, screw you White lies, red eyes, I've had enough Fake nice surprise, I've had enough White lies, red eyes, I've had enough Fake nice surprise Boo hoo, you don't like me, well That's good for you Boo hoo, say you're over it, well That makes two Throw your pity pity pity party Bring your friends, but you got nobody You, you don't like me, I don't like you Boo hoo
Numb Little Bug - Em Behold
And the world it feels too big Like a floating ball that's bound to break Snap my psyche like a twig And I just wanna see if you feel the same as me Do you ever get a little bit tired of life Like you're not really happy but you don't wanna die Like you're hanging by a thread but you gotta survive 'Cause you gotta survive Like your body's in the room but you're not really there Like you have empathy inside but you don't really care Like you're fresh outta love but it's been in the air Am I past repair A little bit tired of tryin' to care when I don't A little bit tired of quick repairs to cope A little bit tired of sinkin' There's water in my boat I'm barely breathin' Tryna stay afloat So I got these quick repairs to cope Guess I'm just broken and broke
♡ Badly Summarized OC ♡
A brilliant young telepath/telekinetic superhero fueled by coffee, candies and spite, as well as a truckload of pizza.
Puts her intellect to good use by creating the most unhinged plans and somehow making them work! Is the Gremlin Mom Friend.
Is terrified of fire because her father's business partner burned down his lab with him inside. Now doesn't know how to feel about the fact that one of her best friends controls flames.
She's probably a bit more childish and naive than the rest of the team but is sharp-witted and funny all the same. Also! Out of the starting members of the Gang, Saoirse is the only one who was born in serious wealth, though she lost it all.
If someone fused a black cat and an orange cat into one and turned them into a human being, that would be Saoirse.
Can speak a lot of languages but most of the cast doesn't know until she randomly starts spouting fluent words in foreign languages in a situation where that's required. (Cue the classic: "We didn't know you spoke [language X]!" followed by "... But you never asked?")
Gives suspiciously good relationship advice but has never dated before.
Loves a grunge style and absolutely revels in a goblin-core aesthetic, plus adores watching the chaos unfold from behind the scenes.
Has a deeper voice than one would expect, which often also sounds coarse when she's bored or focused.
Sleeps like a rock and could potentially sleep through the end of the world. Counts scientific facts instead of sheep when she can't fall asleep.
Can crawl and climb basically anywhere. This has nothing to do with her powers - she's just uncannily agile and stealthy, to the point she jumpscares her friends often lol.
Source for pictures: Pinterest
Source for music/songs: Spotify
Tagging (gently): @sleepy-night-child, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab,
@winterandwords, @eccaiia, @sarahlizziewrites, @illarian-rambling
@agirlandherquill, @anoelleart, @ray-writes-n-shit
@the-golden-comet, @writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @forthesanityofstorytellers
@i-can-even-burn-salad, @cakeinthevoid
@lassiesandiego, @thepeculiarbird, @clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams
@wyked-ao3 and OPEN TAG
Taglist for Scrapyard Boys below the cut 🧪
Scrapyard Boys Taglist (-/+): @ray-writes-n-shit, @sarandipitywrites, @lassiesandiego, @smol-feralgremlin, @kaylinalexanderbooks,
@diabolical-blue @oh-no-another-idea
@cakeinthevoid, @clairelsonao3,
@the-golden-comet, @urnumber1star, @ominous-feychild, @anyablackwood, @amaiguri, @lyutenw @finickyfelix
@thecomfywriter, @the-letterbox-archives, @differentnighttale @wyked-ao3
Let me know if you'd like to be added!
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orecana · 11 months
Danganronpa: Fruitless Survival
Park sunghoon x male reader
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Hello everyone It's Orecana here! this took me a while to write because i had to think of the evidence and trials but here we are. I hope you enjoy it as always.
Warning: this fic contains
excessive blood
Y/n is really grumpy having to walk to school on this Monday morning. why did monday has to come so fast? he yawns exhaustingly as he finally arrives at school. He noticed something unusual though. where is everyone? It's already 7:03.
He enters the school and looks around for any signs of school staffs or students. He spotted someone waiting by the school gates. He hurries over to see a handsome young adult. judging by his face and uniform, he's probably not from here.
y/n: "hello who are you?"
The young adult looks up to him and smiles. Y/n felt a small blush creep up.
sunghoon: "I'm a transfer student from korea. i'm attending the school today. uhhh is this normal?" y/n: "No.... It's definitely not normal."
y/n felt a sweat down his spine, where is everybody?
y/n: "i-i'll guide you around, uhhh." sunghoon:"sunghoon. park sunghoon. I'm 20 years old." y/n: "well then sunghoon-hyung, i'll give you a guide around the school."
sunghoon follows y/n as he gives him an overall detailed guide about the school. they also talk about some stuff and each other.
y/n: "this is the auditorium where everyone meets for announcements or school events."
he opens the door only to be met with all of the missing staffs and students looking around the auditorium. he looks at all of them confused.
y/n: "what are all of you guys doing here?"
Everyone: "the principal wanted to announce something i don't know"
A buzzing sound was heard and everybody look at the huge tv screen in front of them. an adult with brown hair appears and smile menacingly.
Orecana: "hello everyone! Orecana here to tell you all such wonderful news. You are now participants in a killing game isn't that great?"
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(photos of how i imagined myself to look like here)
(i think i draw bad on paint so i did a hand drawing one)
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Noises of protest is heard everywhere as the once quiet auditorium is now filled with loud chatter. the person called Orecana doesn't seem to be please with this and screams in a loud booming voice
Orecana: "SIlence!"
everyone in the room quiets as the inhuman figure takes a deep breath
Orecana: "unless you want what happened to your dear principal, i suggest you obey and do as i say. you want to see that badly? then look up."
y/n hesitates, his whole body is shaking as he knows what he will find if he ever looks up but sunghoon places his hand on y/n's shoulder. y/n looks behind him and see sunghoon nod his head while smiling warmly. he squeezes the handsome male hand as he looks up to see the principal dead and pinned to the ceiling.
Orecana: "now that everyone know the situation they're in, let me give you a simple motive to start off. whoever killed someone will get 10000000 dollars for free."
a lot of complains arrupted but then someone else happened. anybody who protested had a spike pierce through their heart from the floor.
Orecana: "i hope that the last 16 of you will listen to what i say, you can stay in the newly installed dorms on the third floor and no leaving the school because that is against the school rule~. Enjoy the killing game!"
the tv closes as y/n looks at the surviving students. they all looked so scared. Everyone looks at each other back and forth.
Y/n takes a deep breath before turning around and hold sunghoon's hand, reverting back into his bright persona.
y/n: "i almost forgot to mention in this school we don't tell our family names in fear of it being used against us and we all have ultimate talents. i'm the ultimate Babysitter."
sunghoon felt a bit scared about y/n's switch in personality but he sucked it up. It's not the most concerning thing right now.
sunghoon: "well I'm the ultimate ice skater."
y/n: "well sunghoon hyung, i'll just wait for you here at the door while you get to know everyone, while it might seems useless at a time like this but it would be awkward to not know whoever it is that we're surviving with right?"
sunghoon: "i suppose you have a point."
sunghoon walks toward a white hair girl who is standing with her arms crossed.
sunghoon: "hello?"
She turns around and sunghoon was shocked at her visuals. She is very beautiful it might even rival his visuals.
??: "oh? who are you? i don't think i've ever seen you here before"
sunghoon: "i just transfer here today."
??: "really? such bad luck, you transfer to a killing game."
sunghoon: "what's your name? i'm sunghoon, ultimate ice skater"
Alice: "call me Alice. The ultimate model."
Alice huh.
sunghoon: "it was nice talking to you."
Alice: "it was nice as well. see you later."
i decided to approach a guy who is talking among 4 other students.
sunghoon: umm....
???: "this must be the new kid."
????: what did you guys do? he look so nervous.
?: i did nothing?
Sunghoon just watch as they argue back and forth. It wasn't until a large cough comes from a girl that had just came, shut them up.
??????: i leave for 1 minute and chaos happens. I'm terribly sorry for them.
sunghoon: oh no it's fine. but i would like to know your names.
Jackson (not wang for clarification) : Name's jackson, ultimate swimmer.
Yukari: My name is yukari and i'm the ultimate archer!
Scott: My name is scott and I'm the ultimate game developer.
Yuria: My name is yuria, the ultimate botanist and usually the person who stops these guys from trouble.
Keita: that's not true and you know it yuria! anyways My name is keita! I'm the ultimate Librarian.
All of them introduced themselves except for one girl who was sitting on a seat. she was just listening to music.
Keita: c'mon Reina. introduce yourself to him.
the girl who was called Reina shot a glare at keita that made him jump. She look at sunghoon as he awkwardly stands there.
Reina: Reina..... Ultimate Weapon master.
Sunghoon: I'm the ultimate ice skater. my name is sunghoon.
Jackson: anyways back to our discussion, it was obvious that i won that last game.
Yukari: you...win? what a joke.
then those 2 started arguing again while yuria tries to stop them. sunghoon just awkwardly walks away from them.
they're.... a pretty lively group.
sunghoon sees 2 boys rubbing each others hands for comfort.
sunghoon: are you guys okay?
They look at sunghoon. They look at each other before looking back at sunghoon.
??: not really, we've just arrived here and all of a sudden we are on a killing game.
sunghoon looks at them in sympathy. not everyone can act positively.
sunghoon: i actually also just transfer here as well.
?: sucks to be us huh?
they laugh a bit.
Hiro: My name is hiro, you can call me the ultimate comic artist.
Keitaro: And I'm keitaro, The ultimate photographer.
sunghoon: Sunghoon, ultimate ice skater. It's nice meeting you two.
They talked for a bit before sunghoon left them to find the last batch of students to talk to.
Luckily he spots them near the door entrance, talking with y/n. y/n giggled
'it seems he's close to them.'
Y/n: oh hey sunghoon. meet my friends. c'mon guys introduce yourselves to hyung.
the girls and boys look at me.
Dahyun(not twice): hello I'm dahyun, I'm the ultimate therapist. feel free to talk to me if you have any trouble.
Sayuri: I'm sayuri. The ultimate pastry chef. hehe
Rose(not blackpink): R-rose. I'm the ultimate painter.
Amiya: I'm Amiya! I'm the ultimate Doctor. please come to me if you are injured.
Takashi: My name is Takashi. The ultimate bar attendant at your service.
Sunghoon: I'm sunghoon. the ultimate ice skater.
Y/n: wanna hang out with us sunghoon? we can show you the school along the way as well.
Orecana: actually there's no need for map tours.
Everyone looks behind y/n as Orecana appears out of thin air.
Orecana: i totally forgot to give everyone their monopads. these will be your phones from now on, just no call function. you still have your phones for that though but no funny business ok. the moment you call the authorities, you die.
Everyone felt a chill down their spines. this is their reality now.
Orecana: I'm gonna go now, I'm gonna miss an episode to my favorite drama soon. happy killing!
He went out the door as a tense silence fill the room.
Sunghoon: uhh about that hangout sure! i would love to hangout.
y/n instantly brighten. The group stares at him dumbfounded as y/n clings around sunghoon and drags him out the door. he peeks his head in.
Y/n: you guys coming or what?
They scurry outside the door to follow y/n and sunghoon as they enjoy their time bonding briefly forgetting their situation.
*time skip*
They hear the monitor static and Orecana appears on it.
Orecana: It is now 8 p.m. you may now return to the dorms but you can stay up late if you wish, just don't sleep anywhere besides your dorm room or you'll be penalized.
the group look at each other when they hear the announcement.
Y/n: i guess we should stay in our dorms.
They go to the dorm rooms and opens their monopads to know which one is theirs.
Y/n: sunghoon! we're next to each other!
Sunghoon smiles knowing this, even though they only met today sunghoon felt a bond with the younger boy. it turns out dahyun and takashi rooms are also near them which they were glad of. after bidding each other farewell, they go into their rooms.
sunghoon lays on his bed as he scans his room. they model it according to his talent. The killing game.....
his heart fills with dread about tis new information. he hopes nobody kills each other. he decided to try to sleep after changing into comfortable clothes. He did fall asleep, quite peacefully because of today's hangout which he thought about lovingly. He really do hope nobody kills each other.
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cecilysass · 2 years
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The Caller You Are Trying To Reach (1/1)
Read on AO3 | Rated Mature | Tagging @today-in-fic
He hasn’t been able to reach Scully all day, and it’s making him behave badly. She’s free to do what she wants on a weekend, obviously. She doesn’t have to tell him, even if she usually does.
He calls her cell. He gets a message saying the caller is unavailable. He tries again. He decides he’s going to stop calling for a while and do his laundry or go work out, but then fifteen minutes later he can’t help it, he’s trying again.
On the twenty sixth time, she picks up on the third ring.
“Hey,” he says, keeping his voice casual, but it sounds unconvincing even to him. “Where are you?”
“No,” she says. “Where are you?” There is a repetitive dinging sound behind her he can’t place.
“I’m at home. I have been all day. I’ve been calling you,” he says, trying not to sound annoyed. “Listen, Scully, I had an idea I thought we should look into about the Ganz case— the brother’s bank account? Maybe we should see if there are any other examples of—”
“What?” He frowns, trying now to hear better. “Are you okay?”
“I said shhhhhhhhhhh. No more talking. Talk, talk, talk…” She pauses dramatically. “…talk.”
His face goes slack. “Scully.” Alarmed, he stands up from his couch. “What’s going on?”
“Too. Much. Talking. Mulder. Fox.” Her voice drops into a syrupy lower pitch. “You can do other things besides talk, you know.”
At the sound of her words his mouth has slowly fallen wide open. He’s hit with a number of strong reactions that he can’t quite get a handle on. Part of him wants to burst out laughing, but he’s not sure this is funny. “Where… are you right now?”
“I’m at the hotel. Waiting for you. Where are you? I’ve been looking and looking—” She is interrupted by the sound of someone’s voice, someone’s low post-adolescent masculine voice. “Thanks, cutie.” She giggles in a breathy, throaty way Mulder is certain he has never, ever heard from her, in all the six years he has known her.
“Mulder, somebody just told me I was a beautiful woman,” she whispers loudly. “He walked all the way across the casino to tell me. He has a shaved head, and I sorta want to go over there and rub it.”
“The … casino?” Mulder’s mouth is completely dry. Fear has started to ramp up. He begins to pace back and forth across his living room. “What casino? What city are you in? Have you been drinking?”
“Las Vegas,” she says. “You told me to come to Las Vegas, you goof.” Her voice goes sing-song. “I always do what you tell me, don’t I, Agent Mulder?”
“I didn’t tell you to—”
“Everybody keeps asking me if I’ve been drinking,” she says petulantly. “The bartender. The man at the bar. The other man at the bar. The … other man at the bar. But I haven’t had a single drink, not even one! Just an autopsy.”
“An autopsy? Why? Who did you—”
“I want a drink,” she announces. “Gin and tonic. Wait, what happened to the bar, Mulder? It was here a second ago.” Her voice goes distant. “I might need to set you down and look for the bar.”
“Stay on the phone,” he begs. “Scully, is it possible you’ve been drugged?”
“I’m going to tell you something you don’t know about me. It’s an important secret. Shhh.” She lowers her voice. “I’m really, really good at getting men to buy me drinks at bars. Did you know that?“
“Uh, no.”
“Are you surprised?”
It seems more than remotely plausible that men would want to buy Scully drinks at bars. “Not exactly, no.”
“Do you know my trick?”
He hesitates. “No.”
“I’m a flirt.” She laughs in that ridiculously breathy way again, and it seems to be aimed directly in his ear. “Melissa said I was a tease. But no, no, no! Not a tease. Just a flirt. I used to be the best flirt.”
“Scully,” Mulder says, keeping his voice level, but starting to feel decidedly frantic. “What I really need you to tell me is the name of the hotel you are in.”
There is a pause. “When a man buys you a drink at a bar, sometimes he thinks it means you’ll go home with him. Have sex with him …” A stage whisper. “Fuck him. Of course it doesn’t always mean you want to fuck him.” Her voice shifts to that low, dark molasses quality again. “Sometimes you want to, Mulder.”
Mulder smacks his head into the palm of his hand. Too, too many reactions, not all virtuous. “Jesus, please tell me, what’s the name of your hotel?”
“I could go home with someone if I wanted to,” she sounds almost defiant. “Any time I want to. I could right now.”
“Scully.” Mulder’s voice is as steady and firm as he can make it. “I know you could. Jesus Christ, I know you could. But you’re definitely incapacitated. Please don’t do anything—just stay on the phone with me, okay?”
She groans in apparent frustration. “Why don’t you ever let me have sex, Mulder?”
He wills himself not to analyze that statement too carefully. “You’re not yourself. Let’s try to figure out what’s happening here. Do you see a sign saying what hotel you’re in?”
“How do you know I’m not myself?” she whines.
“A sign on the wall, maybe?”
“You don’t know what I’m like.”
“I know you, don’t I?” he says in exasperation. “You don’t normally act like this. Is there a sign—”
“That’s a lie. I do normally act like this. What am I doing? Talking on the phone with you. I talk on the phone with you alllllllll the time. Constantly. I am acting like myself.”
“You don’t normally want to have sex with strangers in bars, Scully.”
“That’s a lie, too,” she says. “I do. Want to. Sometimes. Sometimes I might sit in a bar and think, maybe I will let that man buy me a drink. He’s tall and good-looking, and he could take me home and throw me on the bed and fuck me until I can’t see straight.” She laughs again, full on.
“Oh,” Mulder manages, his voice strangled.
“But do you want to know a secret, though?” She doesn’t wait for an answer. Another stage whisper. “That’s not what I think about the most.”
“That’s not what I think about at night. And in the bathtub. And … lots of times. Do you want to know what I think about?”
He really, really does. He one hundred percent does. But fuck it all to hell, he knows he needs to change the subject. He can’t be the guy digging for titillating information when she’s like this. And Jesus Christ, he can’t lose sight that her safety is possibly at risk. He’s got to get his head out of his dick here.
“Scully,” he says, clenching his jaw in frustration, “please forget about that, please, and help me figure out where you are. I just really need to know the name of your hotel.”
“I don’t remember the name,” she huffs. “Stop asking. Why aren’t you even curious about what I think about? Don’t you even care?” She sounds disconsolate.
“Can you find someone to ask? A concierge desk maybe?”
“Why don’t you even want to know my secrets?”
He sighs. “I just think you’re going to find it embarrassing later,” he says quietly.
“Will I?” She giggles again, and although he prefers Scully with her faculties intact, he does appreciate how much this version of Scully laughs. “Why would I be embarrassed?”
“Because, well.” He gulps. “Your sexual fantasies are just usually something that you keep private. I think it would bother you that I knew what they were.”
She whispers. “But you’re curious?”
Yes. Yes. Very curious. He chooses his words carefully. “Not enough to make you uncomfortable later.”
She groans again, and the sound is so prolonged and low, right in his ear, that it adds to the growing problem of Mulder’s inappropriate and shame-provoking arousal during this emergency phone call.
“Scully, scan the room,” Mulder says. “Look for someone wearing a uniform that might have a hotel name on it.”
“I’m walking to see better. There are so many people here,” she says. He can hear the murmur of crowd sounds around her. “Oopsy—I didn’t mean to bump into you, cutie. You have the cutest little cowboy mustache, you know that? What did you say?” There’s a pause and some muffled talking. “Noooo, I can’t do that right now, I’m on the phone with Mulder.”
Mulder freezes mid-pace. “What did he ask you to do?”
“He was having a little private party he invited me to,” she whispers. “But I’m doing your thing now, Fox, so I can’t go.”
Mulder feels sweat beading on his forehead. “This is very, very important. Listen to me. Don’t go anywhere with anyone,” Mulder says, gesturing emphatically with his hand, although she can’t see him. “No private parties. Stay in public, stay on the phone here.”
She yelps. “Ouch, stop.”
Mulder jumps. “What? What happened, Scully?”
“That lady bumped into me,” Scully complains. “Too many people.”
“I don’t like this,” Mulder mutters. “I don’t like the crowd. Go to the perimeter of the room. Avoid other people.”
“I can’t talk to people?”
“Are you walking out of the crowd?”
“I always do what you tell me to, Mulder,” she says in a husky voice again. Her tone changes. “But Mulder, you never let me do anything fun, not like I used to do. You are such a … what’s the word Bill’s friends used to say? You’re such a cockblock.”
“It’s so unfair,” she says, another whine. “I never go out. I can’t date anyone.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he says. “I have no authority over you. You can date whoever you want, Scully, when you aren’t incapacitated.”
“Ohhhh, that’s not true,” she says, a low laugh. For a moment she almost sounds like herself. “Nooooo.”
“Can you imagine what you would do?” She starts giggling. “You would make a face like this…” She pauses, still giggling, presumably demonstrating his face, a demonstration Mulder can’t see. “You would throw a temper tantrum.” She giggles again, even snorting a little.
“Okay, okay,” he tries, “that’s not—”
“But it wouldn’t be funny,” she interrupts. “It’d be sad. Because I don’t like to see you upset. You’re my Mulder.”
Mulder touches the phone lightly. “Hey,” he says softly, stupidly moved by her childish statement. “You’re my … Scully, too.”
“So no sex, Mr. Cockblock,” she exclaims loudly. “No sex with anyone. Not with men from bars, and not with you either.” A deep sigh. “Never, ever, ever with you. Even when it seems like it might happen, it doesn’t.”
He’s shocked into complete silence.
“Mulder,” she whispers. “I see someone dressed like Elvis in a what-do-you-call-it-suit. The people in space. Who travel in a ship? Pointy ears?”
“Star Trek,” Mulder says automatically, still numb from the previous statement.
“I knew you would know,” she says triumphantly. “Elvis in a Star thing suit. He’s dancing.”
“Scully… when you said…” he starts.
“When I said what?” she says. “When I called you a cockblock?” She giggles.
“No,” he says. “Never mind.”
“Can I ask you a question, Mulder?”
“I guess.”
“Do you have any sexual fantasies?”
Mulder paces back and forth a little faster, shaking his head. This is a nightmare. “Of course, Scully. You know about the videos that aren’t mine.”
“Ohhhhh, I get it, yeah,” she says knowingly. “Big tits, big hair, fakey fake orgasms. Like those girls in the group shower one? Who all scream in the exact same way every time? Why the exact same way?”
He pauses. “You’ve watched the group shower one, Scully?”
“But noooo. Not what I mean. I mean real fantasies. About real life.”
“I think most people have real life sexual fantasies,” Mulder dodges.
“He doesn’t want to say,” Scully announces conversationally to someone, presumably an innocent bystander. “He thinks they’re private.”
“Well, yeah,” Mulder says, flustered. “I think most people would say they’re private.”
“Mulder,” she says, her voice again some sexy, dark-hued parody of her normal argumentative work voice, “I’m not talking about most people. I’m talking about you.”
“Scully,” he protests pathetically.
“Maybe you need an example,” she suggests.
“No, no,” he says hastily. “No examples.”
“What about one … where you stop the car? And you get out of the car to flash your flashlight in the dark trees, but it’s nothing, and you’re very frustrated. So we come back to the car but instead of getting in, you keep talking and you …. press me up against the side of the car and you’re speaking to me, close, and you have me pinned hard. And ohhhhh, there’s your breath on my neck.”
“You’re talking about … me and you?”
“Yes, silly,” she says. Her voice turns breathier. “And then your mouth is on my neck, moving down, and it’s everywhere, and I’m gasping, and you pull off the buttons of that white silk work blouse—”
“Oh my god,” Mulder says. His mind is way too quickly following her scattered thought process, filling in details easily where she has left them out.
“Do you like that one? Because I have others.”
“Uhhhh,” he says. “That one is just fine.”
“I like the getting fucked against the car idea,” she whispers confidentially. “Skirt pulled up, panties down, shirt wiiiide open, bra hitched up, back against the metal, you’re kind of grunting, those lips crushed in my ear.” She sighs luxuriously. “Is that everyone’s fantasy, or just people who spend lots of time in cars with you, Mulder?”
He’s now got his palm on his stiff crotch, unwisely running it back and forth. It’s not the time, he really shouldn’t, but he has always had a weakness for phone sex, and this is Scully, it’s Scully. He can’t think straight any more.
“Yeah, yeah,” he says, tightly. He’s trying to get it back together.
“What do you think?”
“I think— I think it sounds…”
“Oh Mulder, yours probably are in the office all the time, aren’t they? You love the office sooooo much. With all the files.”
“You’re not … entirely wrong,” he says in a miserable voice.
“The desk?” she says huskily. “Is that it? Bent over?”
“Among others, sure.” He’s whispering, and he knows his cheeks are burning.
“You see, I guessed,” she says. “Not very imaginative, Agent Mulder.” She giggles again.
“Trust me,” he mutters. “I’m plenty imaginative. Imagination is not the problem.”
“You know,” she says in a low, liquid tone, “I wish you were here right now.”
His heart is thumping. The sultry sound of her voice sends blood rushing straight to his cock. He runs a finger down the side of the phone.
“I do, too,” he says, keeping his voice even with great effort. “Because… I think you need my back-up. And these things you’re saying, well, obviously they’re affecting me, I can’t hide that, but I don’t know if I’m really talking to you or whatever drug is in your system.”
There’s a pause. “You know, you’re just plain … sweet, Fox Mulder.”
He rolls his eyes and shifts weight between his feet, feeling like a teenager getting a compliment. “Come on, Scully. Give me a break here.”
She gasps into the phone, and he practically jumps to the ceiling.
“Mulder! Look! Look! Do you see who it is?”
“No.” He’s trying to readjust his pants. “I’m on the phone, Scully. I can’t see.”
“It’s Frohike,” she says excitedly. “He’s looking for someone. Maybe he’s looking for me, Mulder. Melvin! Yoo-hoo. I’m over here.”
“Frohike,” Mulder repeats. He narrows his eyes. “Frohike.”
“Yes. Is that Byers with him? Nooo, I don’t think so. Where did Byers go?” she says. “I think Hickey sees me, Mulder! I can’t wait to talk to him.”
“The Gunmen are with you,” he says grimly. And their days are numbered, he thinks.
“Of course they are, silly,” she says. “They’re the ones who brought me up to speed. That’s a funny phrase, isn’t it? Up to speed. Whoosh!”
Mulder hears Frohike’s urgent voice in the background. “...looking for you everywhere, Scully. Where have you been? Who are you talking to?”
“Hickey!” There’s a shuffling sound, and Mulder imagines that her arms have probably gone around the little man, no doubt giving him the thrill of his life. “Frohike, it’s Mulder. Want to talk to him?”
There’s a pause. “That’s Mulder on the phone? Right now?”
“Get on the phone, Frohike,” Mulder bellows into his phone, so loudly the window panes in his apartment vibrate.
“You don’t have to yell,” admonishes Scully.
“I’ll talk to him later, Scully,” Frohike’s voice says in the background.
“Frohike, what the fuck are you guys doing–” Mulder shouts into the phone receiver.
“Shhhhhhh,” Scully says. “Shhhhhh, you need to calm down, Mr. Crankypants.”
“Okay, okay,” he says to Scully, modulating his tone. “Just ask him if—”
“Listen, I’m going somewhere with Frohike now, okay, Mulder? He says it’s important.”
Mulder lets out a frustrated exhale. At very least he’s certain the Gunmen will prioritize her safety, although apparently he can’t be sure they won’t put her at risk for stupid reasons.
“Fine,” he says. “But give Frohike this message for me: I expect a full and a detailed explanation from him within twenty minutes…or I’m reporting the abduction of a federal agent, and every available member of law enforcement in metropolitan Las Vegas will be out searching for the Three Stooges, including every two-bit traffic cop and park ranger.”
“Waaaaaay too long of a message,” Scully complains.
“Uh, I heard,” comes Frohike’s voice nervously in the background.
“I mean it, Frohike,” Mulder says, raising his voice again so Frohike can hear.
“Hickey, do you know what Mulder said? He said—”
The call clicks off abruptly. Dial tone.
Mulder stands in the middle of his living room floor, phone in hand, unable to do a single thing.
The following day
Mulder leans against his kitchen table, phone cradled under his chin, scowling, listening closely to Scully’s explanation.
“It doesn’t take much to imagine the potential uses of the anoetic histamine,” Scully is saying. “Suggestibility, mind control. It’s troubling, to say the least. I’m going to write a full report when I get back.”
“That’s a good idea,” he says neutrally. “And you yourself were injected with it?”
“I was, yes,” she says. “I don’t remember very much of those hours, but evidently I presented as though I had been drinking a lot. I’m sure it was… humiliating. The whole experience has been unpleasant, to say the least.”
“And you’re okay? It sounds potentially unsafe, to be drugged up, suggestible, wandering around a Las Vegas hotel.”
She huffs a sigh into the phone. “The Gunmen claim I was safe the whole time. Trust me, Mulder, I was ready to throw all three of them out the penthouse window when I figured this whole thing out.”
“What time is your flight back, g-woman? You need a ride from the airport?”
“Sure, thank you – it’s around seven.” She pauses. “So Mulder … you and I didn’t speak on the phone yesterday at all?”
He bites his lip, hard. “Why do you ask?”
“I don’t know,” she says. “I just felt like I might have remembered something about that. It’s a little fuzzy.”
“Hmm,” he says. “The memory effects sound interesting. Something for your report, I guess. So what’s your flight number?”
A heavy sigh. “We did speak, didn’t we?”
He rubs his forehead wearily. “Yeah.”
“It was … bad, wasn’t it?”
“Come on, Scully,” he says lightly, “we’re all friends here. Who among us hasn’t acted badly while drugged?”
“I can’t decide if I want you to tell me about it or not.”
“You don’t,” he says with finality. “Please trust me on this. You don’t.”
“Tell me just one thing I said, just to set my mind at ease,” she begs. “One thing so I can feel like I have some idea.”
He squeezes his eyes shut. “All right.” He can hear her taking a breath in anticipation on the other end of the line. “You’re apparently very good at getting men to buy you drinks at bars. Not because you’re a tease, but because you’re a flirt.”
“Ah.” She exhales. “Okay. That’s not so bad. A little embarrassing. Not horrific.”
“No. Not so bad. See?”
“My flight number is 4543. I’ll meet you at the downstairs entrance like usual,” she says. He thinks she’s about to hang up, but there’s another pause and he can hear her inhale. “Mulder?”
“You held back, didn’t you?”
“Please just drop it, Scully.”
“Something else,” she says. “Please.”
“I really wish you wouldn’t–”
“Loss of memory makes me nervous.”
“Okay,” he relents. “Okay. I know. I get it.” He considers for a moment. “Here’s another. Let me think about how to put this. Here goes: I thought Frohike was the only friend I had who was borrowing my videos that aren’t mine, but apparently I was wrong, because you were able to describe choice details from a scene.”
“Oh,” she says. “Oh.”
“There you go.”
“That’s more embarrassing.”
“They’re my videos, so not especially embarrassing to me.”
A pause. “The neighborhood cheaters one?”
“Nooooo,” he answers. “The group shower one, but holy shit, Scully. Just ask before borrowing next time, okay?”
“Mulder,” she says, “did I say other inappropriate things… things that…?”
“Nothing to be embarrassed about,” he says, and means it. “Nothing. Really.”
“The very fact you know what kinds of things I mean,” she says, her voice small, “makes me think that I did, and that I should be embarrassed.”
He considers how to put this. “You didn’t say anything that I couldn’t have said to you.”
She doesn’t say anything for a moment. “You’ve flirted in bars to get drinks?”
“No comment,” Mulder says primly.
“You’ve practically taken your shirt off in a diner to get the last piece of pie from a waitress,” she says, “so I guess I can see it.”
“You’ve got nothing to be embarrassed about, Scully.”
“Okay,” she says. “Thank you, Mulder.”
“So that’s that,” he says, a businesslike tone. “And I’ll see you at the downstairs entrance of the airport tonight.”
“All right,” she agrees. “And on the drive home, maybe you can tell me about all those imaginative office sex fantasies you have.”
She hangs up the phone.
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gakucchis · 14 days
my story about ♡being cyber bullied by the love live fandom even though i didn’t do anything♡
this has nothing to do with obey me and i doubt anyone will read this but.. who wants to know the story about how the whole love live fandom in 2017 was bullying and harassing me?? alright alright calm down everybody if you wanna know sooo badly
my account name for ig back then was dagashimanga/honokasmanjuu. i really just wanted an account to share my love live obsession with and shitpost.
if you were around back then, you remember the most famous love live confessions account on ig and all the DRAMA it came with. like so so much went down there it was hilarious. anyway, i was friends with one of the admins, her user was christmas.eli.
she was like one of my first internet friends. i live in germany and she lived in france, so sometimes we’d talk like the whole night. we were super close.
until… KAYLEE happened.
now, if you were around back then… you know who tf that is!! it was a (presumably) 10-13 year old girl who would have tons of accounts (talking 20+), all very girly and feminine, super pink, etc. she would either wanna be your friend or hate you to death, and often times when you wouldn’t become her friend or wouldn’t do the right thing, she’d hate you, stalk you, harass you, everything. blocking her didn’t work.
so, one day, i was her victim. idk how it started, but something set her off. she harassed me, texted me, created an account called honokasmanjuuu and copied my posts word for word lmao
a few days later, i took a nap and woke up to see my ig BLOWING up. what the hell happened? well, kaylee fabricated a screenshot of the worst thing you could do in the love live fandom: scam someone of their sif account. she sent it to the love live confessions account for awareness, and guess who approved and posted it? my dear christmas.eli!
my account was full of people telling me how horrible i am, how i deserve to die, etc. people found my private, real life account, commenting there, using my pictures and spreading them (mind you i was 14), telling me how ugly i am, how ugly my art is, even photoshopping me on a pig lmao
i texted christmas.eli and told her it was fake and asked her why she would do this to me instead of talking to me first. she absolutely hated me and told me to block her. my irl best friend (to this das mwuah) even tried explaining it to her but she didn’t want to hear any of it. the bullying got so bad, i deactivated any accounts i had — it was full on cyber bullying. i couldn’t listen or watch anything love live related because it was so traumatizing at the time.
i created new accounts, where one girl even texted me, and after talking to her she trusted me and felt sorry for me, before also turning on me and telling the confessions account my new user. i quickly deleted the account and started anew, without anyone except my irl friends and like 2-3 mutuals.
funny thing though: my new account actually grew quite a bit, and one day, christmas.eli followed me even. nobody knew who i really was because i kept private information at bay and started using an internet name (which, to this day!!, is ria ♡). and… i actually became her friend again, acting like i was someone else lmao.
she was close with two other girls, all three had big accounts, and one day the other two girls posted a screenshot of my account because i said something along the lines of most men only using male sa victims to minimize female sa victim awareness (which is true!). they called me a sexist who doesn’t care about male sa which is just as bad.. girl where did i say that….. anyway, i was only bullied for a day so ig it’s okay!
if you’ve read this far, wow, congrats. if you know me from back then (dagashimanga, honokasmanjuu, gakucchis and now gakuwucchis (you can follow me, but not very active)) let me know! also let me know if you bullied me too, no hard feelings unless you’re one of the three girls. because then i wish you hell on earth!
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drama--universe · 2 years
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Requested by anonymous: Hi i saw ur request open and i was wondering if you could do a jealous lu sicheng x female reader. Like it could be maybe in the middle of training and reader has been hanging out alot with her friend yang their neighbor it made sicheng mad and jealous they ended up fighting and reader cried... Something like that but i was hoping you give it a happy ending please thank you!
Pairing: Lu Si-Cheng x reader
Word Count: 679 words
Warnings: curse words, fighting
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Si-Cheng couldn't help be annoyed, watching you talk to someone on the phone. He was training, but it still annoyed him that he didn't have your attention for almost 40 minutes now. He watched you giggling on the phone, your feet kicking every now and then as the other person, who he knew was Jian Yang, said something. It was obvious to everyone that Si-Cheng was getting angry, after all he never really liked Jian Yang to begin with and now said man was constantly talking to you.
As if he was not fuming, the second he heard his name drop with a casual shrug from you, he lost it. He slammed his keyboard, letting his mouse go and clash to the ground. Everybody flinched at the sound, even you did as you lowered the phone. Si-Cheng usually didn't get angry fast and even if he did get angry, he never showed. Yet now, he was practically steaming as he threw his chair back harshly and left the room stomping.
Then everyone turned to you.
You quickly got the hint and hung up on Jian Yang before walking outside, first sticking your head out to see where Si-Cheng was. When you spotted him, you walked out of the house and towards your boyfriend.
"Si-Cheng?" He turned his head before sighing loudly, turning around again. "What's wrong?" You asked and the scoff he let out kind of startled you, making you step forward to comfort him in any way. Instead you were pushed back, stumbling as you tried to regain your balance.
"What is your problem?" You almost screamed at him and he scoffed again, turning to fully face you. "You need to ask? You really need to ask?!" He screamed back and you flinched back slightly as he screamed, not ever having heard him raise his voice. He didn't seem to notice as he continued.
"Do you really think it's normal for you to constantly be talking to Jian Yang? You spend more time with him than me these days! Hell, I haven't been alone with you for a month now because you're out with him!" He continued to scream at you and you grew quiet as you stared at him.
"We're just friends-" "Just friends?! Since when do people drop their significant other in a second for just a friend?! That's not even talking about the fact that you have gone his way at the most ridiculous hours at night! You call that just friends?!" He continued to scream and you felt tears welling up in your eyes as you listened to him, partly out of annoyance and the other part because he was screaming at you. You couldn't even scream back at him, a part of you was getting immensely scared of how angry Si-Cheng had become.
Si-Cheng had stopped screaming, but you still couldn't hold back your tears as they now rolled down your face freely. It was like something in Si-Cheng snapped as his face relaxed before he realized that he fucked up badly. He started to apologize for yelling, but he kept distance nonetheless to not freak you out or scare you more. He lowered his stance, almost kneeling on the ground as he kept apologizing.
You sniffed softly, the tears had stopped running as you reached for Si-Cheng's hand. He quickly held your hand, softly rubbing the back of your hand begore standing up.
"I'm so sorry for yelling at you." He mumbled and you pouted, hugging him tightly. "Me and Jain Yang are really just friends... We talk about you most of the time." You chuckled and he pushed you back with a frown.
"You talk about me to him?" "Well, it's more like I rant to him for about an hour..." You chuckled again, awkwardly scratching the back of your head before grabbing his hand again.
"Anyways, let's do something now. We need to spend more time together now." You said and he could only smile before nodding.
You waisted no time and pulled him behind you, thinking about where you could go while your boyfriend tried to keep up.
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sokoal · 8 months
The thing is lewis barely arrived and they are already giving him the full credit for ferrari changes.
I mean ferrari restructuring started by firing binotto and a bunch of people, getting Fred and fred getting enginners from mercedes and red bull. All of that is before lewis.
The rumors about ferrari possibly having an engine advantage in 2026 are all already there as well for a while and its very likely that lewis deciding to move to ferrari is because he knows they are ahead, so is not like he is the one making ferrari ahead?
And yet he is already getting credit and praised as the new schumacker.
If Ferrari does indeed improves, I bet people will give the full credit to lewis who came save the clowns of ferrari, despite the fact the team is already doing the work. I mean just the fact the updates in 2023 actually workerd. It also said they actually listen to Charles feedback for once, but of course any improvement of the car is now going to be attributed to lewis.
Even if charles ends up being the one winning a wdc instead of Lewis, they will still give the credit to Lewis for saving ferrari.
When he just did the easy thing, which is moving to the team that seems its going to be strong next. Just like he did in other instance in his career.
And at the same time this happens, charles is being talked like he was nothing or did nothing. So its very understandable that his fans are upset
But this is not true! Lewis is the "plus one" not the "first one" at Ferrari. He can just help them move forward, not he is the God who start the whole change, and everybody knows that! When Fred joint the team there were negative sounds like "hahh months spent but nothing changed" or "Fred is useless, it is still clownarry" really frustrated me. Such changes takes years! Fred has a vision and thank god Elkann is a good partner in it. They rebuild the whole team and it's a looooong process and of course Charles plays major role in this.
This is what convinced Lewis as well, not the big money or that he can continue his stuff just like before. He really curious about 2026 and he would love to participate in it, but Merc didn't give him the opportunity.
Lewis has nothing but goodwill and he really likes and respects Charles as hell (and vica versa) why the fans can't see it? Ferrari will have the strongest line up ever, is it not enough? I'm a bit worried about Lewis because if something won't go well, he will come out of this situation very badly. But I'm excited at the same time, can't wait to them fight on track, fair, strong and beautiful moves. Charles won't miss a thing.
Media always need drama and circus, but who the f. cares. They exactly know what they do and this is most important thing.
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Felix Yusupov on Rasputin's confessions
!! content warning for sexual abuse !! the passage containing this will be highlighted in red
"Really, you have a great deal of common sense, my dear boy," he declared one day. "You understand everything right away. I'll have you appointed minister, if you like." The offer took me aback; I knew how easy it was for him to carry out his promise, and I was horrified at the thought of being known as the protegé of such a man. I laughed and answered: "I'll give you my help willingly, but please, never dream of making a minister of me." "Why do you laugh? Perhaps you think I can't do what I say? I can do anything and everything I like, and everyone obeys me. You'll see. You'll be made a minister." He spoke with such assurance that I felt extremely uneasy. I could already imagine the general astonishment when the appointment was announced in the newspapers. "I beg of you, Grigori Yefimovich, do nothing of the sort. What kind of a minister would I make, anyway? And what's the use? It would be far better for me to help you secretly." "Perhaps you're right," replied Rasputin, "have it your own way." He continued: "It isn't everybody who thinks as you do; most people who come to me say 'Do this for me, do that for me.' Everybody wants something." "And how do you fulfill these requests?" "I send them to a minister or some other influential person with a personal note. Sometimes I send them directly to Tsarskoe Selo. That's how I hand out appointments." "And the ministers obey you?" "Every one of them!" cried Rasputin. "They all owe their positions to me. How could they disobey me? They know very well that if they don't obey me, they'll come to a bad end... ." After a moment's silence he continued: "Every one of them without exception is afraid of me. All I have to do to enforce my will is to bang my hand on the table. That's the way you aristocrats should be treated. You're filled with envy because I walk about the palace in great clumsy boots. Every one of you is a mountain of pride, and it's pride, my dear boy, that breeds sin. If you wish to please God, you must, above all, stifle any feelings of pride."
Rasputin burst into cynical laughter; he was tipsy and in a confidential mood. He went on to disclose his method for fighting pride. "And that's that, my dear fellow," he continued, smiling strangely. "Women are worse than men and have to be dealt with first. Yes, this is how I proceed: I take all the ladies to the public baths, I just say: 'And now undress and wash the muzhik.' If they put on airs, I have a good way of convincing them and ... they soon swallow their pride."
I listened in horrified silence to the abominable account which followed, the details of which are impossible to repeat. I was afraid to interrupt him, and, as he talked, he emptied glass after glass. "But why aren't you drinking?" he asked. "Are you afraid of wine? Yet it's the best of medicines; it cures every ill and isn't made up in a drugstore. It's a God-given remedy to strengthen body and soul. Wine makes me conscious of the tremendous power the Lord has bestowed on me. And, by the by, do you know Badmayev? There's a real doctor for you, who knows how to make up his own remedies. As for fellows like Botkin and Derevenko, (*Physicians of the imperial family.) they know nothing. Badmayev uses herbs provided by nature herself; they can be found in forests, in fields, on mountains ... God makes them grow, that's why they have divine properties." "Tell me, Grigori Yefimovich," I asked with some trepidation, "aren't the Tsar and the Tsarevich treated with these herbs?" "Most certainly they are. She herself and Annushka see to it, but they are afraid that Botkin will hear of it. I tell them constantly: 'If one of your doctors ever hears about my remedies, it will go very badly for the patient.' So they take great precautions." "What kind of medicine do you give to the Emperor and the Tsarevich?" "All kinds, my dear fellow. The Emperor is given a tea which causes divine grace to descend on him. His heart is filled with peace, everything looks good and cheerful to him. And anyway," continued Rasputin, "what kind of a Tsar is he? He's just a child of God. But you'll see how we'll settle things later on. Everything will be for the best then."
"What do you mean, Grigori Yefimovich? What will be for the best?" "You are too inquisitive, you want to know everything ... when the time comes, you shall know it all." I had never seen Rasputin so communicative. Obviously, so much wine had loosened his tongue. I wanted to seize this opportunity to learn as much as possible about the plots that were being hatched. I then suggested that we should go on drinking. For a long time we silently filled our glasses. Rasputin drained his at a gulp, while I only pretended to drink. After finishing a bottle of very heavy Madeira, he staggered to the sideboard to fetch another one. I filled his glass and feigning to replenish mine took up the conversation where we had left it: "Grigori Yefimovich, do you remember having said some time ago that you wanted me for an ally? I'll help you with pleasure, but you must tell me more about your plans. You've just said that there will soon be more changes; but when will that be? And why don't you tell me about them?" Rasputin stared at me intently; half closing his eyes, he said after a few moments of thought: "This is what is going to happen my dear fellow: enough of this war, enough bloodshed. It's time to end this slaughter. Isn't Germany our brother too? The Lord said: 'Thou shalt love thine enemy as thine own brother.' That's why the war must cease. He constantly opposes this; she won't hear of it either. Someone is certainly giving them bad advice. But what does it matter? If I give an order, they'll have to do as I say. But it's still early in the day, everything isn't quite ready, "When we've settled this matter, we'll make Alexandra regent during her son's minority. As for him, we'll send him to Livadia for a rest. He'll be glad to go, he's worn out and needs a rest. Down there, at Livadia, with his flowers, he'll be closer to God. He has enough sins on his conscience to atone for. A whole life of prayer wouldn't be enough to atone for this war. The Tsarina is a very wise woman, a second Catherine the Great. Anyway, she's been running everything lately, and, you'll see, the more she does, the better things will be. She's promised to begin by sending away all those chatterboxes at the Duma. May they go to the devil! Look at them, they have decided to rebel against the Lord's Anointed. Well, we'll give them a sound drubbing. They should have been sent packing long ago. All those who have found fault with me and complained will come to a bad end." Rasputin grew more and more excited. Under the influence of the wine, he forgot to keep a watch over his tongue. "I'm like a hunted animal," he said. "All the aristocrats want to destroy me because I stand in their way. On the other hand, the masses respect me because in spite of my caftan and heavy boots I've managed to become the Sovereign's adviser. It's God's will. God has given me this power. I can read men's most intimate thoughts. You have common sense, you will help me. I can arrange for you to meet certain people ... it will bring you a lot of money. But perhaps you don't need it, perhaps you're richer than the Tsar himself. Well, you can give the money to the poor! Everyone is the happier for a few extra pennies."
Each of my visits to Rasputin convinced me more and more that he was the cause of Russia's disasters, and that if he disappeared the diabolical spell cast over our Tsar and Tsarina would vanish with him, It seemed as though fate had led me to him so that I could see for myself his evil, destructive role. So, why wait? To spare his life only meant increasing the number of war victims and prolonging the country's miscry. Was there a single honest man in Russia who did not sincerely wish for his death?
source: Lost Splendour by Felix Yusupov, chapter 22
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anab-starr · 4 months
The List of BG3 OC's... so far
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Resist-o-Durge: Oona, The Ghost Spider of Bhaal Szarkai Cleric of Eilistraee/Monk
Born of a ritual where an Underdark cult force-fed the flesh of Bhaal to a drider. She was then unceremoniously dumped above ground at the doors of an Eilistraeean church. Oona grew up with love, compassion, and a firm belief in redemption no matter the crime.
When the Slayer came for her, she razed the Church to the ground after murdering everybody inside.
Canon: Loves Gale Besties w/ Shadowheart & Astarion Hasn't killed any of the named drow. Nere, Drouin, Araj, Minty... all safe!
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Yes that includes "he's drow enough" Kar'niss. She just knocked him out, dragged him somewhere safe, and left a moonlantern beside him for when he came to.
Crazy Fanon: Has a li'l Gortling daughter. I imagine the reunion would be Gortash bringing her to his office after she gets rid of Orin and being like "I mean you could kill me instead of helping me, but wow that would really upset OUR CHILD." Oona doesn't know this but the baby is exactly what caused her to rethink her Absolute plans. She didn't want to destroy the world for Father anymore, she wanted the world to be worthy of her Gortling! And maybe she could convince bae to just settle for Archduke of Baldur's Gate! She went to Moonrise Towers to talk to Ketheric about her second thoughts since she felt he'd be most apt to listen whether or not he agreed.
And that's when Orin struck.
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Embrace the Durge (for now): Edeva the Black Tiefling Rogue/Assassin
I wanted to do a tiefling version of Origin Durge, I just love the creepy white and red look. I don't know her background yet, I just know she has one rule: TIEFLINGS ARE OFF LIMITS. Everyone else is fair game, but when she walked in on Lump the Enlightened eating a tiefling, she went berserk. She also did not allow Lae'zel to be mean to Zorru.
But those Gnolls... were SO COOL.
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Anyway, here's what I have of her: Canon: Crushing on Karlach, no besties yet :( unless you count Sceleritas Fel? Does NOT like Raphael, very much scared of him, even though she's the one who gets that good Devil-D in all my RaphxTav fanfics ^^;; Crazy Fanon: She's Orin's #1 hype gal, believes in her art skills, beat the absolute snot out of Sarevok for, as she puts it, "being mean to my girl". I figure, Sarevok is the driving force behind manipulating Orin into replacing Eva as Chosen because the thinks this Absolute Cult stuff is a waste of time and he feels Bhaal has better uses for Edeva.
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My very first Tav, Meadowlark High Elf Druid/Circle of Spores
She's a Bard and a Druid, a happy woman with an 8 year old son who was playing with friends when the Nautiloid showed up. She hopes her kid's ok, neither one of them expected her to be kidnapped and tadpole'd. She did send word via the grove that she was alive and getting home ASAP.
She's giving me wicked Mommy vibes, which is why I felt she should have a child already. No romantic prospects at the moment with how badly she mother-hens her companions. She's especially protective of Lae'zel because of the gith's youth and naiveté.
That being said, she's crushing heavily on Barcus Wroot, and she hasn't met fellow druid Halsin yet...
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Funny thing is, she's inspired by someone else's character! A long time ago I was in a Dragon Age fanart group on FB and someone created a mage named Meadowlark. The inspo pic the person used was of an absolutely gorgeous Turkish model. When I saw this face mod (Vamperen's Head's 2.0 I believe) I thought "omg that looks like Meadowlark!" and decided to make her a Tav.
Crazy Fanon: Her son is still in Baldur's Gate waiting for her... just not at home... :/
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sushigal007 · 7 months
Just finished watching the LA Avatar, still enjoyed it quite a bit, will probably watch it again. Thoughts under a read more in case people are avoiding spoilers.
Some things landed better than others - I do genuinely like that it's not a scene-for-scene remake, and I'm not sad to lose things like the desecration of the Northern Air Temple, or Aunt Wu's 'you will marry a powerful bender' prediction, or The Great Divide (lying to everybody makes my problems go away!). I like that this Aang takes things a lot more seriously. Suki awkwardly flirting by putting Sokka in a headlock was something I didn't know I needed until I saw it, Teo was utterly adorable and Zuko getting smacked about the head by a furious bystander genuinely made me laugh. Zuko and Uncle Iroh were great, far and away my favourites.
Of course, it was not without its flaws. I'm disappointed we lost Jeong Jeong, it was important to see that people in the Fire Nation disagree with the war too, and while we did get with the rebels, it was something the Gaang needed to learn too. I have no idea what they're trying to do with the Fire Lord and Azula here, the thing about Azula is that she was perfect and she knew it, she had absolute confidence in that, and that's why she was so badly thrown when Ozai turned on her in the finale. Undermining her confidence and pitting her against Zuko right now feels strange. I still don't like how toned down Zuko's scar is. Could've at least lost the eyebrow. And WHY didn't they learn any waterbending!?!?
But my biggest problem, one that I've seen a lot of other people mention too, is that Katara has been completely watered down. Where's her righteous fury, where's her passion? Even when she was fighting with Pakku, she seemed more concerned than angry. The only times she really felt like Katara were when she was arguing with Sokka. And I'm really not a fan of how her bending only improved after she was given pep talks by boys. Bah. Hopefully that's something they'll listen to and take into consideration for S2, and maybe then we'll get the girl who deliberately got herself thrown into prison so she could bust them all out - we got the secret tunnel in this one, so it could happen.
Anyway, tl,dr, it was better than I was expecting, better than the movie, and better than the comics. Not perfect, but then, the original was not without its flaws too. I would like to see it get a season 2, because it is different, and I want to know where they're going with the changes. I know the original had 3 seasons, which is generally Netflix's limit, but who knows with Netflix.
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stormruff · 1 year
Crossover: Marvel Cinematic Universe and Euphoria.
Warnings: drugs, curse, overdose, daddy issues, and if I forgive other sorry.
Bruce would be Professor Hulk/Smart hulk.
Rue is MJ's sister.
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How did this all happen? Niether you know. as a child your father abandoned you when you were five. Despite being created by a billionaire genius, you still had problems. Everything piled up, the hatred you had for your father, the Bullying you suffered from Flash Thompson and Liz Allan for not being like them. As much as Peter and Mj picked their fights, it wasn't enough.
But your life change when you met Rue, she understand you,she introduced you to drugs, she gave you a direction.
You lived two lives. From a side the sweet Y/n Banner, with a bright future ahead of her, an Avenger. On a other side, Y/n Banner, a druggie, nerd, popular.
With the return of his father things only get worse he is not very present, but when he is, he gets to be "invasive". And finding out about his adventures with Rue would put everything in jeopardy.
— Hey druggies! — you arrive in the alley near the school with a backpack.
— the dirty talking about the badly washed — Fezco says lighting a cigarette.
— I'm still not — you sit down —Rue — you hug the girl who hands her the heroin.
— not cocaine? — Rue says
— I haven't touched this beauty in over two weeks — you inhale the substance
— And where are you been? — Ash indaged
— she has to keep the good girl profile — says Eliot — next news: the avenger Y/n Banner is a junkie — he laughs.
— First: It would not be y/n banner — you say — It would be the daughter of scientist Bruce banner has toxicology problems. Go to hell. — you arch your head back — Rue, the pin — you were referring to the cocaine that is delivered to her.
— Is it weird that we only know who you really are? no shadows. - Fezco says looking at you.
— They know a sweet girl, who puts up with anything. — you look up — Everyone hides something. Everybody lies.
— I lie to Mj that I like her boyfriend — rue says with a laugh.
You loved those moments together, they turned into nights.
— y/n how can you hide all this from your father? —Fezco breaks the laughter
— he has his life, he doesn't care. As he never cared, he abandoned me, forgot my fucking existence, and now he comes back wanting to be my father.
— I wanted my dad to come back…— Rue says
A noise was heard. You stop what you were doing.
— did you hear that? says Ash the most sober of them.
— you don't have to be sober to listen. - Eliot stands up.
The noises intensified, the steps started to be heavy, soon you were on your feet.
— What the fuck is going on? - Fezco says looking at you who shook Rue's hand while trying to pull the gun that was kept in the backpack.
— we'd better run away... what if it's the police? - Ash said nervously. Everyone agrees Fezco and Ash are the first to leave. Soon Eliot runs off.
— Rue go. — you say but she squeezes your hand even tighter — you go first — you point the way for her to follow when you see a shadow getting bigger — Rue! - you scream she tries to run but she stumbles.
— Well, Well, Well who I find here... —says the figure as Rue backtracked — Y/n Banner... What are you doing here? — your chest rose and fell.
— abomination... — you were apparently calm but your voice was cracking — what do you want?
— may your father pay for what he did...
— I only take it up my ass because of him! — you discreetly move your hand to the backpack — but if you want to kill me, let her go.
— and where is the fun in that? — he laughs
You manage to reach at least one explosive and throw it in Emil's face. You help rue to his feet, draw the pistol and throw the backpack on the floor. Rue climbs on top of a trash can near the wall and jumps over it. So you do the same.
You run down the alley until you reach the sidewalk. You stopped for five seconds until you heard the sound of Blonsky breaking through the wall and running after you.
— I know a place. — says Rue and you follow her down the sidewalk until you're in the middle of the street. — he's catching up with us. — you look back and see the Abomination coming closer. you shoot the hydrant next to Blonsky which slows him down then you shoot the power wire that falls on top of it.
You arrive at an alley that Rue guided you to. She goes up the fire escapes quickly followed by you.
— where are we going, Rue? — you said
— hide. — Rue says running upstairs — owes me two pins — you look back and see Blonsky crashing down the stairs causing the stairs to bend
— run! — You run to the roof of the building. — Perfect Rue! We are going to die!
— look! —Rue Points to a space below the pipes, it was small but you would fit. Rue crawls under the pipes and you follow.
Rue would squeeze your hand as you heard the monster's footsteps approaching, you tried to look calm but you were terrified, but deep down deep inside you wanted him to find you, the only reason you didn't get sober was because you thought only in suicide.
— We're going to get out of here and we're going to get high together Rue, I promise… — You bring your face close to hers when they hear the roar of the Abomination. He passed by all sides while you were very silent.
He got close to where you were, fear took over you. He was getting closer to the point where his footsteps were winding in her face.
He got close and it looked like he was going to burst the pipes, until something pulled Blonsky out of there. Rue tries to scream but you cover her mouth, making her scream muffled. The noises and punches ceased and again steps turned towards you still a bit of heroin in your pocket you reached and placed it in your hand. If you were going to die, you would die stoned. You inhale the powder together and a smile comes to your lips and a kiss would ensue.
— Y/n? — a familiar voice called you, making you mumble.
— Shit! I fucked up.— you whisper looking at Rue who comes out of hiding first. You follow her. — Dad.
— Are you god? — your dad asks and you nod -- Y/n, What you doing in Queens? 
-- I came to study with Peter, MJ and her sister in this case here. — You point at Rue. Your voice was a little cracked from the drug.
— Miss Jones — Bruce greets Rue who nods. — Well, I think better, you came out your home. He will wake up faster.
— I kind of live in this building. So I'm coming down, see you tomorrow and pay me huh? — rue  opens a door that leads directly to the apartments.
You and your father walked down from the terrace, where you were trying to look sober, when clearly the last thing you were...
— since when do you met Peter's sister-in-law?
— And does it matter? — you said harshly, your life didn't matter to him. And the drugs made you too sincere.
 — matters a lot. - Bruce says stopping immediately and you didn't stop. You weren't having the discernment for that. — Y/n, tell me the truth now. I know you're lying, because Peter is in the tower with MJ -- your heart was about to burst out of your chest when you felt Bruce coming after you, you ran as fast as you could as he was about to reaching you realized the alley you were in before the confusion and remembered that before everything Ash sold you several substances... it was today that you died of an overdose. So a shot at the lamppost delayed his father
When jumping over the wreckage of the wall you saw your backpack and took it and hid behind a car and began to inhale the heroin bag by bag until he lost his sense of reality. Your life was over, what moral would the avengers give to a drug addict now? You'd spend days in a fucking toxicology clinic and then die of an overdose.
You've thought about killing yourself every day, but you've never felt more like it than now. The drugs were burning your neurons more and more leaving you half dead. Bruce screamed his name louder and louder while you laughed or moaned softly.
Bruce saw your shadow and ran towards it.
-- Y/n you will... -- Bruce tries to scold you but he sees you in that situation -- Y/n you will... Oh my God. -- He tries to get you on his lap, but you push him away.
-- What?! -- you laugh -- are you caring with me? 
-- I will always care about you. -- you laugh again, but you look at your father with a look he's never seen before.
-- don't joke! -- you turn the eyes to the ground -- where are you been when I needed you? Where are you been in my worst moment? Who give me the hapiness? Was it you? No. Was Rue, Always been Rue. -- you stagger to your feet and Bruce put his arms around you. -- But do you want know the truth?! Do You want to know the fucking truth?! -- your body was shutting down, but you had to keep going, you had to say it. -- I felt the Euphoria. - Bruce noticed a greenish in his eyes. A greenish he knew. you laugh and fall into your father's arms.
-- Y/n?! -- Bruce looks down at his passed out body in his arms -- Y/n speak to me, please!
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midasinc · 2 years
eponine and bahorel headcanons:)
beloveds, ofc
-canon era eponine has really bad tinnitus from gun-fight incident in the inn when she's an early pre-teen, before they move around. when it flares up really badly she gets these awful migraines and vertigo, so she keeps a lot of these little hiding places around where she can go to curl up on the bad days. this also goes hand in hand with my autistic eponine hc, because she has to find hiding places for meltdowns and bad moments too
-so in both canon and modern era, both eponine and cosette are autistic. under the thenardier's care, cosette is consistently reprimanded for portraying any autistic traits and they kind of try to beat it out of her. eponine learns to mask really early but isn't even aware of it. as far as she's concerned, cosette = bad. so the things she does are too. eponine makes fun of and contributes to that sort of abuse while masking so fucking hard subconsciously because she doesn't ever want to be like cosette
-in modern era, eponine gets really irked later in life when she meets cosette again and cosette is really outward about being autistic. it really bothers her and she almost dislikes her more until she snaps one day at cosette for stimming with her hands. cosette just sort of frowns and asks why it bothers her and eponine isn't really sure why. she thinks for a moment and says that if she were to do it, everybody would stare and think she's weird but if cosette does it, 'nobody cares'. cosette pauses and asks if she wants to try it, since it's just the two of them and nobody else is around to look and judge her. eponine begrudgingly tries it and... yeah. it's nice. just doing a little stim with cosette makes her feel safe. cosette is a major factor in helping eponine come to terms with her autism and being able to get a diagnosis, which feels really fucking relieving like a heavy weight that she didn't even notice was there finally got lifted
-anyway what im getting at is autistic eponine and cosette solidarity
-modern era eponine also wants to be really femme. she steals those teen girl magazines and she's really embarrassed of them but she keeps them in a box under her bed so she can read them at night and imagine herself in pretty skirts and makeup and whatever. it's something that she's weirdly ashamed of but cant explain why
-can era eponine is similar. when she can she likes to draw the pretty dresses that she sees ladies out and about wear. they aren't great drawings, but eponine likes making them a lot. it makes her imagine being a woman that she doesn't think she'll ever be
-this is a hc i use a lot but i still wanna talk about it, so he has tourette's in both canon and modern era. his ticks are more subtle now that he's almost 30, but he still has smaller physical ticks that affect him
-modern bahorel is a big dvd collector. he has a whole bookshelf in his apartment that's filled with dvds and he refuses to listen to people who tell him that it's a dying industry. he's anti-streaming platforms and only watches his movies on discs. it's a principle he believes in
-he'd also be a really big fan of the clash. train in vain (stand by me) is one of his favorite songs ever and he likes to put the whole london calling album on whenever he's working on something
-canon era bahorel wears a locket. his mistress gave it to him and he's awfully proud of it, so it's always around his neck. i think bahorel is endearingly loyal for her
-he's also really pressured by his parents to be a lawyer. he comes from a rural agriculture background and his parents are expecting him to become successful and rich so he can help support them and his older sisters back home. it's a lot of pressure and bahorel is just not interested in scholarly shit at all so he keeps procrastinating in graduating while also being too pressured to drop out. he jokes about it and makes other people laugh, but he opens up to his mistress about it behind closed doors. it's nice for him to be able to actually voice the pressure he feels from his family and be met without judgement. by the time the barricade arrives, he has his mistress promise that her brother will marry one of his sisters so somebody else might be able to help support the family
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