#i spend too much time looking at in-game outfits aha
orcawardseal · 10 months
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Been playing a lot of monster hunter so naturally that means a crossover o.o
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notbleachtea · 3 years
First Time With Jotaro
Warnings: 18 and up, no minors, afab reader
Word Count 3.6K
Hey this is the first fanfic I’ve written so please don’t hate it too hard! Everyone is aged up to be legal of course and clearly this is an alt universe since some certain characters show up aha. 
“Hey Kakyoin! Wanna hang out after school? I actually wanted to talk to you about something if you don’t mind?” You asked.
“Yeah sure, I don’t think I have anything going on tonight. Is Jotaro coming too?”
“That’s actually what I wanted to talk to you about.”
“Oh? Okay. We can go out for some ice cream after school then? I’ll pick you up by your locker.”
The school day goes by, you had a hard time explaining to Jotaro that you wanted to hang out with just Kakyoin today, but once you said you had “girl stuff” you needed to do he just decided he’d ask you about it later and let you do your own thing tonight.
“So what did you wanna talk about y/n?”
“Have you noticed Jotaro acting weird lately?”
“Whataya mean?”
“I don’t know, maybe I’m crazy? He just gets quiet all of a sudden when we’re hanging out. Whenever we’re watching movies he doesn’t wanna make out as much. I’m sorry if this is too much! But, do you think he’s getting tired of me?
“Woah woah slow your roll y/n! From what I hear when we’re hanging out, he’s actually crazy for you. I’m not supposed to tell you this but he’s worried that he’s going to mess things up with you.”
“Oh-” you muttered. “I had no idea.”
“Well, how do you feel about him y/n? Like, do you-” he starts to lead on.
“Yeah, I think I love him. I’m too afraid to say anything to him about it though. I’m worried he doesn’t feel the same way about me.”
“Are you kidding? I’m pretty sure he’s felt that way since the day you two started dating. The guy never shuts up about you, and you can always catch him staring.”
“So you’re saying he isn’t going to break up with me next week?”
“WHa-! Why would you think he was going to do that?!”
“Well I don’t know. He just asked me this morning if I wanted to hang out with him next Friday so we could talk. With how quiet and weird he’s been lately I just came to the conclusion he wanted to break up with me but he was sparing my feelings until after my exams next week.”
“Next Friday huh? He did tell me he was too busy to hang out that day. And I remember catching something about Holly and Joseph being out of town next weekend…”
“Wait, so you mean to tell me, he’s trying to invite me over, alone?! Do you think-”
“I think he might want to talk to you about taking things to the next level to be honest.”
“Like, you know-”
“I’m not saying yes and I’m not saying no, but I’m pretty sure he wants to admit he loves you.”
“Do you think he wants to- do it? I mean, with the house being empty, that doesn’t happen often.”
“Y/n, all guys always want to do it. The question is, do you want to do it?”
“Hm, you know what, I think if the moment leads to it, I would say yes. I’m ready to go along with it. I would do anything for him.”
“Well, I guess you have a week to figure out how your Friday night is gonna go hehe.”
“Whataya mean me? You know that you’re going to help me prepare for this, right?!”
“Wha- whataya think I know about this kind of stuff anyways?”
“Well you know Jotaro, and you can help me pick out the right outfits to peak his interest too! How about we swing by the mall after this and pick up something cute? Pleasse?”
“Oh alright, I can’t say no to you anyway.”
You already have the perfect skirt in mind at home. All you need now is a cute top to go with it.
“So Kak, what kind of top do you think I should wear? I think I’m gonna wear my black miniskirt so I wanna get something that goes with that.”
“Oh yeah, he does talk about you in that miniskirt alot.”
“He does??”
“Uhh, nooo I did not say that out loud aha- anyway! I think simple would be the best way to go dontchya think? You could do a black top. Maybe low cut but with long sleeves?”
“Oh yeah that does sound pretty cute! How about this one?”
“Yeah that’s perfect! I’d pair that with the star earrings he got you for your birthday and a pair of hightops and I’d say we're good to go.”
“Well-, there’s one more stop I’d like to make…”
“What else do you need?”
“Well, you know, in case anything does happen, I kinda think, mayybee, ya know, I should have a cute new set just for him..”
“Ohh no you don’t. I know we’re close and all, but if he knew that I helped pick something like that out for you, he’d probably hurt me.”
“Oh don’t be silly! I’d never let that happen, bsides, it’s not like you’re gonna see me in it, I just really need you to help me get the right ones for the occasion! I’ll buy you a new video game if you do.”
“Well, if you promise he won’t hurt me, I guess I can agree with that”
“Yay! You’re the best!”
You and Kakyoin walk into the lingerie store. This place is so unfamiliar to the both of you. You can see the discomfort on Kakyoin’s face just by being around all of this stuff.
“Relax Kakyoin, we'll be out of here real quick, just tell me what you think he’d like.”
“Well, he always gets you gifts with star patterns ahem, so maybe start there.”
“Good idea! Hmm, how about this one!” You exclaim as you pick up the specimen in question. This matching set is black mesh with silver and purple stars all across it.
“You know y/n, something tells me he’s going to absolutely love that one.”
“You think? I wonder why he seems to like stars?”
“Yeah, I wonder…”
Kakyoin walks you home and you continue to talk about the current situation. He assures you that everything’s going to be just fine and not to stress about it.
“Thanks for walking me home Kak, and thanks for everything else today to.” You say smiling and waving goodbye.
“It’s no problem y/n, just don’t forget about that game you owe me.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it. How about we go get it next Saturday and we can catch up.” You chuckle.
“Sounds like a date.”
You’ve got your new set, and you’re really excited to try it on, all while being nervous about the day you actually plan to wear it.
It’s okay. I got this, everything is going to be juuust fine.
Friday morning rolls along. You feel nervous but you put your new outfit on today to give yourself a confidence boost. Jotaro finds you at your locker and comes up to talk to you.
“Hey y/n, I wanted to talk to you about tonight actually.” Jotaro says with wide eyes as he notices the new top you’re wearing.
“Oh hey, what’s up, we're still on for it?”
“Of course, I just wanted to mention that it’s just going to be us tonight. My mom and the old man are going on a trip for the weekend. I was curious if you wanted to stay the night or whatever, it’s no big deal if you don’t want to.”
“A sleepover? With you? That sounds like a dream come true.” You smile, “but if you fall asleep before me, don’t expect to wake up without a mustache now.”
“I’ll take my chances.” He laughed.”
“Yeah I’ll come meet you at your locker after my last exam then! Can we swing by my house first? I’ll need to pack an overnight bag, but then I’ll be good to go.”
“Yare yare daze, you don’t have one already?”
“Oh hush, maybe next time don’t tell me when I’m already at school.” You joked. You figured this whole time he was going to ask you to spend the night, but you didn’t want to look overly eager or tip him off that you've been preparing for tonight with Kakyoin.
Jotaro walks you to your house after school. You go up into your room and pretend to put together a bag for the night. It’d look too suspicious if you walked out already with the bag you had made in preparation for tonight. 
You nervously walk down the stairs to meet Jotaro.
“Got enough stuff?” He asks, looking at your rather large bag.
“Well, I wasn’t sure what I’d need over there so I just figured I’d bring it all haha.”
You walk into Jotaro’s house and your chest starts to feel heavy. You’ve been here a hundred times. But nothing like this was ever going to happen. You take your shoes off and head up to Jotaro’s room to drop off your bag. You notice that he’s already following behind you.
“You know y/n, I actually made a new playlist the other day, I was wondering if you wanted to listen through it with me?”
“Oh! Okay, that sounds like fun! We can sit on the floor of your room and listen to it.”
You get yourself situated in his room and lay down on the floor next to his bed with your legs crossed and propped up onto the bed. He looks down at you and smiles, you’ve never looked so beautiful to him.
“What are you thinking about Jotaro?” You say as you pat the floor next to you.
“It’s nothing,” he replies, only thinking about what the night holds for the two of you.
He lays next to you on the floor and begins the playlist he made.
“So I found a few new songs the other day and they all kind of reminded me of you so I wanted to share them with you. Don’t laugh at me though.”
“Are you kidding? That’s like the sweetest thing ever, but I’ll probably still tease you about this haha.”
“Yare yare daze, why do I even out up with you, now hush and listen to this one already, wouldya?”
The most beautiful song starts to play, you hang onto each word sung through an enchanting melody. 
“What’s this song called?”
“It’s The Ballad of Love and Hate, it really makes me think of you y/n.”
You sit there and listen to the rest of the song with him. You feel him grab your hand giving it a nice squeeze at the important lyrics.
”I’m yours and that’s it, forever
You’re mine and that’s it, forever”
“So yeah, anyway I guess that one makes me think of you.” He says through blushing cheeks. He tries to turn away before you catch him but he wasn’t quick enough.
“......... Jotaro, I love you too.” You reply, squeezing his hand a bit tighter. 
Jotaro grabs you and pulls you on top of him. You stare into his deep aqua eyes, sharing the same lustful look. He gently moves his fingers towards your face to coarse a stray piece of hair behind your ear, and then pulls your head forward in the same instant until your lips are on his. You’ve kissed before, plenty of times, but none were this long or temptatious. You snap back out of your own thoughts to the sudden sensation of his free hand drifting down your back and then under your skirt to grab your ass.
You take in a sharp inhale from the sudden shock, only to reply with more aggressive kissing whilst straddling his lap. You notice something rubbing up against your thighs, an unfamiliar feeling but not hard to figure out. You look up at Jotaro to see him immediately look away, trying to hide his blushing face.
“Y/N, I-I’m sorry, we don’t have to do th-..”
You cut him off abruptly with another kiss.
I was right! I knew something like this was bound to happen. I’m ready.
You can do this. You hyped yourself up all week.
“Don’t be sorry about it,” you managed to sneak out through your locked lips, “I want to do this.” You say quietly yet assertively as you gently stroke his lap with your hips.
You quickly see Joatro’s eyes turn into two pools of lust as he registers the words that just left your mouth. He pulls you into a passionate exchange of tongue and slides both of his hands up your top and under your carefully selected bra. He quickly brushes his fingers across your nipples and you buck your hips sharply against his. You can feel yourself getting wetter underneath your clothes.
“Oh, did I find a sensitive spot?” He says wryly.
You buck your hips again in response and watch as he holds in a sound of his own.
“Oh, are you sensitive too?” You say, poorly holding back a smile.
Jotaro takes your shirt off after asking you if he could. His eyes were immediately drawn to your chest.
“You think you’re clever or something?
Jotaro notices the bra that you carefully selected for tonight. He acts like he is unpleased by it, but you know he loves it. Realizing the thought that you put into this turns him on even more. 
Jotaro wraps one of his legs around yours so he can quickly flip you over, laying you down on your back now, while he hovers over your topless body. Your face fills with red as he looks down upon you. He moves in to caress your erect breast with his tongue. You bite your lips to keep in the noises you want to make. He leaves a trail of burning kisses down your stomach and pushes your skirt up around your waist. 
“Fuck, you’re so beautiful.”
Jotaro slowly starts to slide off your panties without taking his eyes off of yours. The butterflies start to flutter even faster in your stomach. The anticipation is almost unbearable. Jotaro starts to spread your legs apart and you gladly help him. He takes his hand and gently starts to massage around your vagina, trying to figure everything out. As he sensually moves his fingers around he can pick up the more sensitive parts watching how your face reacts to his touches. Getting everything he needed, he carefully pushes two fingers in as you abruptly  arch your back in response. He pulls his fingers out slowly and inserts them back in just as deep, but this time moves his thumb around what he figured out to be your clit. He positions his mouth on top of your clit while he continues to move his fingers back and forth. You’ve never felt pleasure like this before.
You push Jotaro’s head back a little bit and he looks up at you a bit confused.
“I think it’s my turn”
Jotaro sits up and starts to unbuckle his first belt.
“You sure you want to do this?”
“Positive,” you say as he finishes the second belt.
He pulls off his boxers and for the first time you can see it.
Holy shit it’s so big! How am I supposed to handle this?! Just take a deep breath.
You scoot yourself closer to him, and firmly grasp his member. His face quickly tensens up. You start to move your hand up and down his cock. He pulls your head in to kiss you and then subtly notions you to move your mouth elsewhere. You take a deep breath before you give in to his desire. 
You open your mouth and place your lips gently around the head of his dick and lick the tip of it. He drops his head back and lets out a pleasureful sigh. You start to suck and move your head up and down a little bit, focusing on the head for the time being. You start to venture lower until you can’t fit anymore in your throat, and decide to take care of the rest with one hand, using the other to stabilize yourself. 
Jotaro grabs you underneath your arms and pulls you up to meet him face to face.
“Everything alright?” You worriedly asked.
“It’s more than alright, in fact it’s too good. I had to stop you before you made me finish.” He says with a sheepish smile. “Do you maybe wanna move to the bed?”
You move in to give him a kiss and nod your head in agreement. Jotaro sits up and picks you up and sets you down on the bed on your back. He sits down next to you and pulls a condom out of the bedside table and looks over at you.
“You still want this?”
“Only for a while now.”
He rips open the condom and carefully sets it on top of his head and slides it all the way down with shaking fingers. You open your legs just enough for him to kneel in between them. Jotaro slowly lines himself up with your entrance as he doesn’t want to hurt you when he notices your current position.
“Why are you covering your face with your arms y/n?”
“Don’t look! I don’t want to make an ugly face in front of you!”
“What are you talking about? You could never make any face I wouldn’t want to look at. Besides, I want to see your face to make sure I’m not hurting you. I want to see the look in your eyes that lets me know you feel just as good as I do.”
You start to tear up. Jotaro always knows how to make you feel so beautiful. He then takes one of your hands in his while he places the other on your hip as a guide for himself, and you place your free hand on his forearm. 
Jotaro starts to ever so gently push his way in as you begin to bite your lip, holding back all sounds. He pushes forward even more and he can feel your grip on his forearm getting even tighter as he finally pushes all the way in.
“Are you okay?? Do I need to stop? Your nails are digging into my arm.”
You let out a deep sigh and release your grip on his arm. “Oh I’m sorry! Please don’t stop for me!”
He slowly begins to pull back out, watching all the ways your face moves while doing so. He thought he was turned on earlier, but that feeling was nothing compared to this. 
He pushes in again a little bit quicker than before. Your face shows some signs of mild discomfort but you assure him that you’re okay. It’s your first time, you're still getting used to his massive size. 
After a short amount of time passes you both start to get the hang of things and pick up the pace. The little discomfort you felt is now gone. The lewd sounds of pleasure leaving your mouth will never leave his mind.
“Oh Jotaro! Fuck! It’s so good.”
“Ffu- fuck y/n!”
“I think I’m cu-!” right as you’re about to finish your statement, deep waves of pleasure wash over your body. You’ve never felt anything this strong before.
Jotaro tries to push through your own orgasm, the throbbing of your insides making it tighter for him. Right after your own orgasm Jotaro quickly realizes he’s also about to cum and picks up the pace. 
“Oh shit of fuck y/n I’m about to cum to!” He shouts, only seconds later his own wave of pleasure washes over him as he pulls out and flops over on the side of you pulling you into his big arms to come down from his high with you.
“Jotaro?” You ask, “was it good?”
“I don’t think I could ever get tired of this with you y/n, I love you.”
Jotaro gets up out of bed to clean up his mess, while you put yourself back together and into your pajamas. He returns to his room seeing you laying in his bed waiting for him to come back to you.
“Now this is a sight I could get used to seeing.” He scoffed.
“Oh shut up and come hold me already. Let’s watch a movie and go to sleep.”
Jotaro delightfully accepts his orders and wraps you into his arms.
“How about I put an aquarium live stream on, I tend to find those so relaxing to sleep to.”
“Yeah okay! I’ll give it a shot.”
----Meanwhile Somewhere Else-----
“You think Jotaro’s staying out of trouble?” Holly asks.
“Do you think he’s staying out of trouble?” Joseph retorts. 
“Do the thing! I brought this spare camera so you could check up on him!”
“Now Holly, do you think that’s a good idea? He’s a grown boy now, let him have some privacy dear.”
“Pleasee daddy!?”
“Okay fine, but only this one time, you need to give him some space now that he’s growing up.”
“Okay, I promise!”
Joseph smashes the camera to get a single image of the house while Jotaro is alone there. After a couple of minutes go by, the image finally develops and Joseph takes the first look at it. All he can see is clothes strung across the floor and the wrapper for a used condom. 
“Anything I need to worry about??” Holly asks.
“No dear, everything is just fine. Jotaro is a fine, responsible young man.” He answers through a red face.
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Could I request MC being distant with their demon bro S/O and hanging out with their brothers more. The bros don’t know why. Do they wanna break up? Do they need some space away? Do they like another one of the bros more? As they go to talk things out with MC they overhear them talking with the other bros about how they want to plan the perfect date for their 1 year anniversary and need their help in making sure everything goes well. How do the bros react??
Of course anon! Sorry for the late reply, here you go! I just got back from the hospital, aha guess who has sciatica, that might not go away for months? aha aha. 2021 sure is a bang!! (:
Side note I got a free pull on chapter and got a UR but literally nothing on my ten pull not even an SSR that I didn’t own. I only got one SSR. This is luck and so unlucky.
Brothers react to GN!Reader being distant..?
Lucifer was often busy, and he knew that. He stayed up late and had to attend many meetings, but you’d always be so understanding and he loved that about you.
But recently, you haven’t been waiting for him in his office or running to his office with a warm cup of tea, telling him not to overwork himself like normal.
At first he was not super concerned. You must be busy getting your midterms done, and studying! You want him to be proud of you and praise you.
However he happened to go for a break and see you leisurely chatting with his brothers? And not studying? After noticing him, you avoided eye contact and ran.
He was concerned and knew something was up. He would confront you, but it seems like you did not want to talk to him. Did he do something wrong?
He started taking a few breaks, and sort of stalked you. He was getting annoyed and was going to finally corner you, until he heard Mammon very loudly shout out this was going to be the best anniversary date.
Asmo was also clapping and cheering talking about how cute/cool you would look for your anniversary date for Lucifer. It finally clicked.
He chuckled to himself as he walked back into his office and quickly finished off his work, after being in a good mood. He’s been so busy recently he failed to realise your anniversary was so soon.
When your first anniversary date finally came, he was calm and collected. Before you could even tell him the plan, who pulled out some flowers and chocolate, giving you a chaste kiss on the forehead.
He was having a really bad day, losing all of the money he just earned, and wanted to cuddle you.
You were nowhere to be seen, so he waited for you on the couch, seeking your warmth as soon as you returned.
However, you came back with Beel,, and Lucifer,, and Belphie... why??? Why would you hang out with those guys?? On a Saturday?!
He pounced and cuddle you, and chased off his brothers. He cuddled you in front of the door, and wouldn’t let you get up for twenty minutes and kept mumbling “you’re my human!”
After head patting and backrubbing, he sat up and got off of you. You gently got up and told him you’ve got things to do, but you’ll cuddle later.
Later never came, but you talking to his brothers did. Why weren’t you giving him attention? You were his! He was your first! And that includes first to talk to about your day!
It was completely accidental, but while he headed to your room to cuddle, he heard you pleading with Lucifer to not be mean to Mammon for awhile, and to help make your date smooth.
He thought you were asking Lucifer on a date, but then he heard his name, and one year anniversary.
Fuck. He forgot that existed. Wait wait wait. His human is setting up a date? He’s so proud.
You already know that he knows because he’s utterly confident approaching you and puffs out his chest and swings his arm around your shoulder,
He thinks he’s so sneaky, but you all knew that he knows. If that’s the case, he may as well get his snuggle time back now.
You would go to Levi’s room every evening after dinner just to hear him ramble on about his newest merch, or to cuddle him and give him an abundance of affection.
However, recently you’ve said that you needed to focus on your grades a bit, since you were failing, so you’ll make it up to him when it’s over.
Of course he didn’t question it. A normie like you still has to occasionally study. He was going to play some horror games he recently bought, so it was for the best.
He was so absorbed in his games he didn’t notice you haven’t stopped by for a week, or that your grades weren’t even bad. That was until..
“Shit.” He hissed as he reached into an empty drawer. All of his emergency rations were gone, so he’d have to leave his room to fetch somemore. He begrudgingly made his way to the kitchen, where he found you laughing and joking with his brothers.
He didn’t enter, only watch through a small creak in the door and let his mind go wild. Did you hate him? Why are you laughing? Is mammon actually funny? Why are you nodding? Why is there that excited look in your eyes?
He ran away back to his room seething with rage. He was jealous, yet afraid. A thousand thoughts went through his head, to the point he was ignoring you when you approached him.
You were concerned, but it made your job easier. Though, this made Levi angrier and caused him to doubt himself more. Why weren’t you chasing after him??! It’s obvious he wants you to ask him what’s wrong.
He finally marched to the living room, his jealousy outweighing his self-doubt, and was about to confront you. Until he heard Beel say he got the reservation at a cat-maid cafe downtown.
What? And then he heard Mammon say that he found the figurine of a limited edition Ruri chan you were trying to get for your anniversary.
Shit oh man. Levi forgot about your anniversary. He thought you said you didn’t want to do anything?? He’s keyboard smashing while his face goes red, running to his room.
Are you really doing this for him?? A yucky otaku?? Is it true you actually live him? His jealousy instantly cleared and he became giddy, and then worried about what to get you.
On the day of the date he fidgeted a whole lot waiting for you to ask him, and nearly shouted yes as you told him you wanted to go somewhere. He fell in love with you again.
Immediately suspicious when you refused to spend time with him. Thought you were mad at him or tired of him, due to his anger issues.
Gets angry when he sees you talking to his brothers, or walking with them in between classes. When did you get so close with them?
He’s not one to hide his feelings, so he was going to ask you what’s going on, he’s not playing a cat and mouse game with you. If you don’t love him anymore, just tell him. And at the very least don’t let it be Lucifer who you love now.
Your anniversary was coming up and he knew it. He didn’t want to waste his time planning something for you two if you were going to break up with him.
He was entering the living room to confirm your feelings with you when he hears Lucifer tell you where you could get one of Satan’s favourite spell books that he’s wanted a hard copy of since forever.
He hears Beel tell you of good restaurants, and understands. You were doing that cliche things that happens in books.
He chuckled to himself for not being a great detective on this case, and observed you from a distance. Happy looking at you, who thinks they’re so sneaky.
On the day of the date he completely one ups you, whatever gift you gave him was nothing compared to amount of love he showered you with, and he even played stupid.
“I’m so hurt, I thought you’d break up with me on our anniversary.” You panicked and tried to reassure him and watch him laugh.
Honey, do you REALLY think he’d forget your anniversary, or think his brothers are a thing to worry about? He’s the prettiest out of all of them! What’s there to worry about?
He catches on very early that you were planning to make your anniversary special. He can just feel your love for him, even when you’re distant.
He knows the only reason you’d communicate with all those annoying brother’s of his for more than five minutes and ignore him is if you’re asking about him!
He overhears you talking to them about them when he comes back from shopping one day, which confirms his suspicions.
It’s a good thing, since he can freely go shop for you. He buys a ton of stuff because your cute face keeps popping up in his head, and how cute you are planning a secret date for him because you love him.
Your cuteness might even rival his. While you finish up setting the date, he’s preparing himself. The night before he goes all out with his beauty products, cucumbers, face mask.
He even anonymously leaves you a bunch of beauty products. Of course it had to be Asmo though, since there was glitter everywhere, and a bunch of hearts on a note that said “anonymous”.
The next day he wore his cutest outfit, an adorable crop top and sweater, with his designer bags and boots, he looked like the absolute queen he is.
From the gift you got, you assumed he knew. And from his look, he knew. It was just amazing how you seven really thought Asmo, the king of love, would not remember the anniversary of the one person he’s ever actually loved, not just for their body, but for their personality.
Would be insulted if you didn’t do this for him. You’re just so adorable!! He also forces you to change your outfit to match with him, and absolutely uploads a ton of selfies saying matching and couple goals!!
You told him you were busy, and that you couldn’t spend as much time with him as usual. He was super supportive like you have a life too!! Go ahead!! I love you!! Don’t worry!!
But then he sees you hanging out with his brothers a lot and laughing and having fun and his aura just radiates the “):” face.
Did you not want to spend time with him? Is it because he ate part of your wall? Were you tired of him?? Did you not like big boys anymore??
He looked super sad and depressed and you wanted to cry and squish his cheeks, but didn’t want to ruin the surprise. You forced your heart to be closed so you could make him happy later.
He knew your anniversary was coming up and wanted to do something special!! But did you subtly hint you no longer loved him and not even attempt to do an anniversary food binge with you?
It clicked when he walked in on Asmo shoving clothes in your direction telling you to pick out your favourite one, so he could match you and Beel for the day of your date.
His entire entity went from “):” to “:)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” He just mentally said I love you.
He just melted to your touch in the few moments you would stay together. He couldn’t hide how much he loved you and wanted to squish you afterwards, with his big soft hands. But he had to resist.
You thought he was touch deprived, but were so glad to see it wasn’t the case!! And that he actually had a surprise for you!!
On top of all his meal coupons he’s saved on the past decade, he covered you in kisses and snuggled with you!!
Your date was cancelled because he just ended up cuddling you for so long, it was afternoon by the time you made it to the door.
He was asleep a lot, so he didn’t notice at first. But each time he fell asleep with you, he woke up with empty arms. Sometimes even in his bed and alone.
Made him kind of pissed, because he liked how squishy you were. Your stomach was a great pillow, and he could hear your heartbeat when he laid his head on your chest. Your thighs were also plush and smooth.
Then it finally made him pissed to the pissiest degree you when you said you couldn’t sleep with him.
He was throwing a tantrum later when he saw you talking to his brothers. He was going to murder all of them if they did not sleep with one eye open.
One of these days he knew he was going to stab Lucifer in his sleep for being a little bitch, having to exist and breathe oxygen, but now the others are up on that list. Maybe not Beel, but he was still angry at him.
It was an accident, but he heard them talk about your one year anniversary, and heard Beel ask if you were getting enough sleep from how often you’ve been going out to prepare.
He’s like,, what one year anniversary? Is it a human world celebration?
Oh. He just said your one year dating anniversary. He is dating you.
He forgot that existed, people celebrating relationship goals. He’s never dated anyone. He doesn’t like people in general.
He huffed due to how you refused him and always left, over a small deal. It’s just an anniversary. But since you’re so excited he could let it go.
He napped a whole lot, and it came to the date sooner than he expected. You were all dressed up and he combed his hair and took a refreshing shower.
This is true couple goals, he didn’t look like he just rolled out of bed for once, and it was just to make you happy. He even gave you a little pillow!!
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hcneymilkks · 3 years
Currently thinking about what it would be like to date Kyotani (Maddog), Tsukishima, Kenma, Ennoshita, or Semi.
Here are my date headcannons:
Walk in the park with his dogs
Getting ice cream
Ooh a picnic too
But also those late night convenience store runs
I imagine if he has a car you both would be getting food at a 24hr diner or those diner drive thru's
And then doing those drive in movie nights
Okay so really basic but a museum date
But also spending time at a cafe. Each of you ordering a drink, sitting down to get some work done or reading a book
Oh! Going to the record store to listen to different types of music would be cool
Headcannon he plays an instrument....not sure which one but maybe piano?
Yeah. Listening to him play piano and he's trying to teach you
Definitely going to the arcade
Or those 24hr gaming cafes
But back to the arcade. You both try and win plushies that remind you of each other.
Playing the racing game betting on the loser who's going to buy dinner
Look I'm just saying he might lose so he can pay for you like a gentleman
But then can also be petty and win. Your choice aha
Naps and cuddles too as a date. He might still stay awake but likes having you in his arms.
Yooooo ok so this is gonna sound so basic ahh
But i feel like he fits the romantic dinner trying to impress you on the first date type of thing
But then he also complains about the price so you both ditch the fancy resturant to eat at a family owned ramen place.
Because ramen is good. And so much better than a tiny slice of meat.
A road trip date sounds fun! Its not about the destination but the laughter and loud singing.
Stargazing too under a big oak tree on top of a picnic blanket with a view overlooking the city
Musician Semi lives rent free
So he takes you to a street performance or those performances in the bar? Either one works
But at the street performance he leaves you....to play some songs with his band.
He will not stop staring or winking at you.
After that I'm thinking you go get food from street vendors and take late night blurry pics
Shopping dates! Where you both pick out an outfit for each other!
Boba dates too in those cute outfits.
You both like to match in a way (shoes, jewellery, keychains, etc.)
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tags: @babyworld
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luciferloser · 4 years
Brothers reacting to a parent MC
as always the reader is GN
When you first arrived in the Devildom with a small child resting on your hip, Lucifer was one of, if not, the most composed out of the brothers. Paying no mind to the toddler that was burying their face into your neck, he began his speech about you being selected for Diavolo’s programme and your upcoming year in the Devildom.
When you moved into the House of Lamentation, you discovered that everything the miniature version of you needed had already been provided. “If anything is missing, please, do not hesitate to ask for it. While your child may not technically be a student here, they are still going to be provided for during your stay here.” Lucifer declared, standing tall in the doorway.
“Ah, no I think everything I need is here, thank you Lucifer...” you trailed off as you noticed your child had made their way over to said demon, and was using his leg as a climbing frame.
Glancing down at the toddler, he looked to you as went to pick them up, silently asking for your permission. When he received the nod of approval, he picked up your child and rested them against his hip. “Let’s hope you’re a lot less problematic than the last child in this house was.” he mused, already spotting the similarities between you and your child.
Glancing at the strange men in front of you, your baby nuzzled their head even further into your neck than they already were. Leaping up from his seat, Mammon shouted “Oi! I thought we already had a human student, so why’s there two over there?” 
After Diavolo introduced himself and all the other formalities were out of the way, Mammon soon realised the baby in your arms was nowhere near old enough to be a student at RAD and was a mini version of you that had to be even more protected than you were.
“So, what can the lil one do, anyways?” Mammon asked, as he sat down on the edge of your bed, eyeing the baby in the cot warily.
“Honestly? Not much because they’re only a few months old, although they’re getting pretty good at rolling onto their back!” you chuckled, looking fondly at your child. 
“Huh, doesn’t sound that impressive to me. When Satan was a few days old, he was already shattering windows with his scream. But either way, can we make money from it?” taking one look at your alarmed face, he scrambled to add “Aha I’m just kidding! The Great Mammon wouldn’t dream of putting the little tyke in danger!” 
There was certainly never going to be a dull moment with Mammon around...
It wasn’t until you had moved into the House of Lamentation that Levi even realised you had a child. During your induction, he was too busy playing a newly released game on his DDD to even notice the small human clutching at your clothes. When you first received the text from the otaku; telling you to come to his room, you asked if it was okay for you to bring your child along while you got used to your new home. 
Now, when you said child, Leviathan assumed you had a pet or something, because that’s what normies call their pets, right? So imagine the poor boy’s surprise when you had a two-foot-tall lookalike standing beside you. 
“OMG this is just like that anime I watched ‘My new housemate has a tiny doppelganger and they’re both from a different realm!’” He exclaimed in delight, tugging the both of you into his room. “But anyways, that’s not what’s important right now, I called you here for a specific reason, so come in before people start to think I like being associated with not just one, but TWO normies!”
Maybe this otaku has a soft spot for normies after all. 
Taking in the sight of you with a child clinging onto you like a koala, Satan on the outside didn’t show much of a reaction. However, internally, he was rather excited. All of his brothers had a hand in raising him, but he didn’t have anybody to return the favour for. He has also read a few parenting books so he’d like to think he’ll be able to provide some assistance. 
“Oh sweetie please stop crying, there’s nothing to worry about. Nothing’s going to get you in the night, not while I’m here.” You were currently in the process of trying to put your child to bed in your new home, however, your child had other ideas. 
Hearing a knock at the door, you winced when you saw Satan stood their with ruffled hair, in his nightwear. Preparing for the scolding you were about to receive from the Avatar of Wrath, the string of apologies died in your throat when Satan breezed past you to kneel beside your child, where they had flopped in their bed in their tantrum. 
“Hey kiddo, having trouble sleeping?” He muttered to you child, smiling gently when they nodded, rubbing their eyes. “Well, how about a bedtime story, unless of course you’re too old for them?” chuckling lightly at their sudden change in demeanor, Satan sat down on the floor by their head. “Well then, buckle up because this one used to knock me out like a light when I was a kid.” With that, the blonde began his story about a powerful angel and his 5 brothers’ fall from the Celestial realm. Your child wasn’t the only one who thought the bed time story was immensely interesting. 
After the light faded away and the demons took in the sight before them, Asmo was the first to react. Squealing in delight at the small child resting in your arms, the Avatar of Lust was awestruck. “Oh my Diavolo they’re almost as cute as me!” 
Clutching your child imperceptibly closer to you at the strange man’s outburst, you questioned where you were and who each of the men in front of you were. After recovering from the initial shock of the situation you now found yourself in, you were still quite hesitant to hand your child over to the man who introduced himself as Asmodeus. 
It took nearly a month before you trusted the Lust demon enough to let your toddler spend time alone with him unsupervised. However, after your child came back from their first shopping trip together, you couldn’t deny that your baby had never looked so happy before. Smiling down at your beaming child, you cooed “Okay, what did Asmodeus treat you to?” 
At that question, your toddler and Asmo wasted no time in tugging you into his room to show you all the amazing outfits the pair had bought. You had no doubts that your child was going to be the best dressed child the Devildom had ever seen.
Because his dinner had been cut short for this council meeting, Beelzebub had food on his mind even more so than usual. As a result, he couldn’t help it when he blurted out “ooh snack time” when he spotted the baby in your arms that was swaddled up in their favourite blanket. Gasping at the tall demon in fright, you quickly hid your baby against your chest. No matter how big he was, he certainly wasn’t going to make a snack out of your child.
Unsurprisingly, Beelzebub wasn’t your first choice when it came to a babysitter for a while. However, after your bedroom wall was destroyed and you and your baby had to stay with Beelzebub while it was being repaired, you realised just how family-oriented the redheaded demon truly is. 
Your baby was now at the age where their lungs have the capability of waking the dead, or in your case, a rather large demon. Before you could even finish wiping the sleep from your eyes, Beel was already up and beside the cot where your baby lay. Fearing the worst, your parental instincts went into overdrive. Yet, just as you were about to leap to your child’s rescue, you paused at the sound of Beel’s soft murmuring.
“Hey there, you really are tiny aren’t you? But for someone so small you sure can produce a lot of noise huh? As much as your screams don’t bother me, I’m sure the person who spent all day looking after you would like some rest now, okay? Tell you what, if we both go back to sleep now, we might wake up early enough to have a pre-breakfast snack! How’s that sound?” 
It was at that moment, you realised that if a demon that large can pacify your child with his words alone, he must have a pretty big heart.
Belphegor didn’t meet your child when the rest of his brothers did. Because of that, he tried to avoid you and the toddler that was never too far behind you. That wasn’t the only reason Belpie kept his distance from you, he felt guilty for what he did to you. Even though you had already told him you had forgiven him, he was afraid the same thing would happen to your child not that he would ever do so deliberately.
The first time he was left alone with the miniature version of you, he was taking a nap in the lounge. He opened his eyes to see two large doe eyes looking straight at him. Jumping slightly, he sat up and mumbled “where’s MC?” 
“Gone shopping with Uncle Luci.” the toddler stated, raising their arms at him “Can I nap with you? Your brother’s told me you like to nap.” 
“Uncle Luci, huh. I thought kids hated nap time?” Belpegor quizzed, tilting his head slightly.
“I dunno. I’m tired and you always are.” your child shrugged stepping closer to the tired demon. 
“I mean, you’re not wrong, kid. Come on then, let’s take a nap.” Belphie smiled pulling the tiny human on top of him and tugging the blanket over the top of them both.
You came home about an hour later, to find the two curled up on the sofa together. Who says sleep doesn’t help people to bond?
will post a second part soon for the undateables because my mind is already simping over Barbatos with a child 🥴🖤
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simpingforsoftboys · 4 years
Haikyuu as Things Me & My Friend Groups Do In Roblox
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Atsumu (+ Osamu)
Atsumu has been obsessed with Dance Off for god knows how long and gets pissed off when people refuse to follow the theme
Don’t even get him started on when people team and vote for their friends- regardless if they fit the theme or not
Mofo will convince Osamu to play with him and have them on the same team- wearing matching outfits and shit
Literally goes “ok third dance on the right in 1 2 3-“ and will get angry if Samu messes up and makes his character dance out of sync
Suna + Miya Twins
Murder Mystery Hardcore and Flee the Facility are their go to
Tsumu gets real invested in the game and will be lowkey hurt if either of them kill him
“Tf Samu what kinda brother are ya-“
Osamu doesnt gaf and has gotten real good at sneaking glances at Atsumu’s screen
In MM, Suna deliberately points fingers at random innocent players, claiming they’re the murderer- and laughs when the sheriff shoots them
Suna’s also the type to have all the hidden rooms locations memorized and will camp out there if he’s feeling lazy
It doesn’t matter if Osamu is murderer or sheriff, he’ll still target Atsumu
In Flee The Facility Suna and Osamu will team up and follow Atsumu around and sabatoge all the computers he hacks
They also team with the beast and stand and watch Atsumu when he’s captured- taunting him
Atsumu gets so mad and it’s hilarious
Suna never saves anyone when they get captured- even Osamu
But he’ll be upset if no ones rescues him
“Hurry up and rescue me- I am literally dying wtf.”
His voice doesn’t really rise in volume but it will change to a higher pitch out of irritation
Suna is very quiet when he plays and will mute his mic
When he’s not feeling serious about playing he’ll go run up to the beast and juke em and stuff for lolz
When he’s beast he’ll camp the computers/survivors
Osamu is that one player who will either be a saint and save everyone or refuses to help anyone
It really just depends on who he’s playing with
He’s the type to get pissed off when the last survivor waits by the open exit in order to irritate the beast
Spams chat to urge them to hurry up
Never types in caps but makes lowercase look threatening
He’s the kinda beast that will actually play fair and go after the remaining survivors once he captures one
Atsumu is that one lvl 30 something player but still manages to play like a total noob
Messes up when hacking the computers cuz he gets distracted then blames it on his internet lagging
Osamu calls him out for lying
“Yer such a liar tsumu my internet aint laggin yer just shit at this.”
Also the type of player to forget his volume is maxed out and gets scared when he hears the beast music
The last survivor that Osamu hates- and stands in front of the door way to taunt the beast
Atsumu hates being beast and will immediately leave the game if he is beast- much to Osamu’s chargin
Bokuto, Kuroo, Kenma, Akaashi
Kenma convinces them to play the roblox version of Paranormica (ghost hunting game)
Bokuto always has to carry the lantern because for some reason the game always decides that the ghosts hate him- and only him
Bo also carries the spirit book, because it doesn’t need to be equipped to be used
If he see’s ANY writing he will straight up drop the thing and run over to kuroo, telling him to “forget the box and bring the bird” (Kuroo has to carry the bird and the spirit box)
If the bird dies Kuroo starts whisper screaming “oh fuck no not today satan” and will run out of the place back to the van asap
Bokuto panics too and will run after him, telling Akaashi to run and leaving Kenma in the place without light (hopefully the fuse hasnt blown out by then)
Since he has the spirit box, Kuroo is also the first to be sacrificed once the ouija board starts saying some weird shit
This dummy thought angering the ghost further (by saying its name) was a good idea and will get himself killed
Kenma is me basically
He’ll carry the nightvision cam and emf reader and will periodically alternate between the two
Once he see’s something sus though he’s all like “time for a tactical retreat” and will run outside w/out telling anyone else
Every man for himself
It dont matter if the ghost isnt aggro yet- he aint takin any chances
Can be heard quietly debating with himself about what type the ghost is- even if he only has 1/3 clues
Akaashi usually sticks with Kenma- sorry Bo but kaashi dont f with ghosts, not even for you
He has the fuse and a crucifix- his job is to be Kenma’s support
He occasionally weighs in on the ghost type debate
Tbh he hates this game with a passion- it never fails to give him anxiety
Oikawa & Hanamaki
These two play Fashion Famous together
Iwa and Mattsun totally make fun of them for it
Oikawa takes this game way too seriously
Will follow the theme to a T and bought all the game passes 💀
Makki doesn’t have robux so he has to stick to the free sections
If he’s feeling like a troll he’ll follow Oikawa around and wear a similar outfit and everything to irritate him
Kawa is not happy and insults him in chat- other players report him for bullying and he gets banned for a few days
Seijoh 4
These guys play Bloxburg together 💯
They have their own roblox group so thats how Makki got the 25 robux needed to play
Again Oikawa has all the game passes
He, Mattsun, and Makki all spend their time building a giant castle with secret underground entryways that lead to hidden prisons
They like to rp (roleplay) and kidnap unsuspecting players
Mattsun and Makki built a strip club together
Iwaizumi is the money maker and is always working aha (either at the grocery store as a cashier or pizza delivery guy)
The three idiots roleplay dramatically in the chat for attention 💀
Iwa’s so over their shit
Okay I spent an hour listing these while simultaneously watching The Good Doctor (and there’s poly representation in the new season omfg I love it!) while taking a break from my homework- now I gtg get started again bye.
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tory-ben-hi-shelton · 3 years
my favourite quotes from code
"Okay, pal." Ben gripped our captive at both ends. "Count your blessings that my friend here is a total softy."
It'd been nice fishing alone with Ben. The two of us didn't spend much one-on-one time together, and he often went mute when Hi and Shelton were around. Probably because those two never let anyone get a word in edgewise.
"Don't be such a baby." I teased. "They're practically lap dogs."
"Lap dogs won't rip your face off. Or eat you."
"All in all," Shelton said, "this is a tremendously dumb game."
"You're a dumb game." Hi shot back.
More dramatic moans, but the boys stopped what they were doing.
"Fine." Hi.
"Whatever." Shelton.
"One time." Ben held up a single finger. "One."
"This game is popular?" Ben was sitting on his tackle box in the shade of a large Elm. "Sounds pretty nerdtastic to me."
"We can't all practice birdcalls like you."
"Honey, in my day a young lady didn't speak to her elders like that. We were taught manners." I was about to further reduce her opinion of my upbringing when the shade to Kit's office rose.
Kit once said I terrify him. He meant it in a good way. I think. Pretty sure.
"Tory!" Whitney squealed. "He's going to attack!"
"Maybe." I walked into the kitchen and snagged a diet coke from the fridge. "Try to protect your throat."
"Later." Jason tossed a head nod to Hi and Shelton as he passed them. The Two Stooges clumsily returned the gesture.
Shelton drifted back to my side wearing a sly grin. "That was smooth, player."
"Shut it."
"I know." I signed, turned. Ben often knew what I was thinking.
Shelton rapped a short sting of characters just above the signature: Hemxvivobz
"That's useful." Hi said. "Sounds like a sex position."
"Like everything you do is cool," Hi snorted. "Still have that ninja costume you wore to my twelfth birthday party?"
"Ben, that's brilliant."
Suddenly, the boy was all blushes.
"No big deal. Easy, really."
"We have got to work on our decision making process." Shelton was shaking his head. "Right now we just follow Tory over every cliff."
"Oh, boohoo." I mocked. "Get moving."
Already handsome, flaring took his attractiveness to a whole new level. His coppery skin practically glowed in the evening light. I turned quickly, surprised by the colour rising to my cheeks.
Ben took a breathe, seemed to realize how hard he was clutching me. His hand dropped as if burned.
"Come on Shel-Dogg," Hi stuck out a fist. "After everything we've done, the dark shouldn't scare you anymore."
"And yet, it does." A moment passed, then Shelton reluctantly bumped Hi's fist.
Terrified, I lunged towards my wolf dog. An arm circled my wait and dragged me to the ground.
"Just follow my lead." Code for: I have no idea.
"Very nice," I said. "I wasn't aware break dancing was back in style."
"Now you are." Hi popped open a bag of Bugles. "I also do a killer mime."
Ben smiled for the first time all afternoon. It was nice to see. When he deigned to flash his pearly whites, Ben went from sullen boy to charming young man. I much preferred the latter.
"What happened?"
"A crazy female line backer pummeled my chest." Hi grumbled. "She's still pinning me to the ground. And she isn't as light as she might think."
Their Cinderella run had made Shelton and Hi popular with the older kids. The two were joking and talking trash, seemingly holding their own. For some reason, this made me proud. What an odd thought.
Without thinking, I launched myself at Ben, catching him off guard. The weight of my body knocked him over backward. Never hesitating, I jumped on his chest and started slapping his face.
Ben was slouched in the copilots chair, too dizzy to stand.
"He's no good for you," Ben said abruptly. "Doesn't deserve you."
"Just be quiet." Soft. "We're almost home."
Ben's eyes were slits. "That guy, he's..." His hand rose, fell. "Dime a dozen. Doesn't know anything. About you. The real you."
Mercifully, Ben trailed off. In moments, he was snoring.
Hi and I headed for the lot. I hoped Wimpy and Vomitasaurus and gotten their acts together.
"Off-limits." Shelton muttered. I chose not to hear.
"I could kiss you, Tory."
"Some other time."
"Choir practice?" Ben rolled his eyes. "Perhaps your worst cover story ever."
Hi grabbed Shelton by the cheeks. "You, sir, are a genius." He leaned forward to kiss eachother one.
"I try." Shelton flailed as Hi his first sloppy smacker. "Man, get off me!"
"Problem? Why?"
Hi looked at me strangely. "We're a little busy Friday night."
"Busy? Doing what?"
The boys exchanged a look. Hi snorted.
"I don't know about you," Shelton said, "but I'm escorting my friend Victoria to her debutante ball."
"Fine! I won't go anywhere else alone. Ever again. Scouts honour."
"You're not a scout," Hi pointed out. "No loopholes, Miss Brennan."
I nearly ground my teeth. "On my honour as a lady, Hiram."
"Excellent! I accept."
Hi lifted the heavy cream envelope penned with my name. "What's this?"
"Oh, that." Could anything matter less right now? "You guys are gonna love it."
I passed along our invitation to the Claybourne Manor. Their groans drew every eye in the room.
"Ben, stop the boat."
He looked at me funny. "We're in the middle of the ocean, Victoria."
"Jason's my friend," I said quietly, "but he's not a Viral. He's not part of my pack. He'll never mean as much to me as you do."
Ben's eyes snapped to meet mine. He stared at me intently. I felt my cheeks burn.
"And Hi and Shelton, of course." I added quickly.
"Of course."
"We're always one step behind. Running straight into whatever direction the Gamemaster points. He's owning us right now. Scripting our every freaking move!"
Abruptly Ben was beside me, his hand finding mine. "Later, Tor."
Voices intruded from far away.
"Oh man, she really did it this time!"
"Should we call a nurse?" Panicky. "An ambulance?"
"And say what, exactly?" hissed a third. "That our friend passed out after some bad telepathy?"
I considered running away. Joining a travelling circus. I had a savings account, and a tiny trust fund courtesy of Aunt Tempe. I could probably get as far as Singapore before anyone noticed. I'm very resourceful.
Hi, naturally, had opted for flair. His tux was crushed purple velvet with tails, accented by all white silk—tie, vest, gloves and suspenders. He completed the outfit with a freaking top hat and cane. Whitney had nearly fainted on seeing him.
Ben lurched forward to catch my elbow. "Jason will escort her."
Unable to speak, I thanked him with my eyes. "You'll do great," Ben whispered, patting my hand. "Just picture them all in their underwear." I gave a decidedly unladylike snort.
"Don't choke, Boat Girl."
I almost laughed. "Step off, bitch."
"Oh, we're, um playing a pretty serious game of Dungeons and Dragons," Hi stammered. "I'm, like, the head ... unicorn master, and Tory has to find my magic... beans. Seeds."
Hi cracked the door. "Ladies first."
"Why, thank you, sir."
For the hell of it, I dropped into another formal curtesy. The boys snickered. Then, straightening their soiled garments as best they could, gave me a polite round of applause.
"You okay, Tor?" Shelton had a sandbag on one shoulder, hauled up from the beach. "We don't have time for an ER run."
"We could amputate," Hi suggested. "Shelton, get the whiskey."
"Comedians, both of you."
"I dreamed it."
"Aha! You dreamed it." Hi yawned and rubbed both his eyes. "I think it's time we get you medicated."
"Good thing we're Virals," Ben said.
Our eyes met. He actually smiled.
"I'm with Tory," Ben said firmly. "To the end."
"Thank you." I felt a rush of affection. When it really matters, I can always count on Ben.
I stared at Ben, aghast, incapable of speech. My friend. My confidant. Trusted above all others on earth.
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leejeongz · 4 years
jealous cravity
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📌omg thank u for the compliment 😭 i hope u like this! also i’m sorry for any repeats of gifs from other reactions!📌
while waiting for serim to finish his game, you decided to watch some videos on youtube to kill time. the first video on your suggested was an allen fancam and being the supportive cravity fan that you are, you put it on. serim could just hear the song and he smiled secretly while facing his PC, he was so happy you liked their music. he stopped his game early just to come and cuddle you for being so cute since you were watching their stuff when he realised what you were actually watching. he pulled back from the hug he was about to give you and sat for a second, contemplating his next move. he wasn’t sure if being jealous was justified right now, but he was. he pouted visibly, rolling over to not face you on his bed and so you asked him what was wrong.
“that’s an allen fancam” he stared as if you didn’t know. “but i’m your boyfriend, you should only focus on me”. he was acting so childish you didn’t even know if he meant it, and to be honest neither did he.
you stopped the video and went to your history, where lots of serim fancams sat. you flung your arm around his chest and showed him your phone with all the videos of him on it, laughing into his ear. “see, idiot, i do watch your stuff” you kissed his cheek “and anyway, why would i watch you when you’re sat right in front of me?”
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“last night, i had a really weird dream” you said while sitting opposite your boyfriend allen. he looked up from his breakfast and indicated for you to tell him what happened.
“well there were these weird robots around and it was terrifying” your hands were flying around everywhere as you got deeper into the story. “but luckily, jungmo was there and he saved me” you smiled and finally put a spoonful of cereal into your mouth, suggesting that you had finished.
“that’s cool,” allen said, no emotion in his voice. he went back to eating in silence. a few minutes passed before he looked up at you again. “why wasn’t i there to save you?” he pouted a little.
you thought for a bit, you weren’t really sure why. he went back to his silent eating, knowing that you had no valid answer. he couldn’t help but be jealous at that time, why wasn’t he the good guy in your dream, why did it have to be jungmo?
later that morning he realised how childish and silly it was for him to get jealous and the silent treatment finally came to an end. he found you wherever you were and kissed you on the cheek, following it up with a sincere apology for his reaction.
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he knew you had a soft spot for seongmin, he did too, that wasn’t a secret either. you were spending this halloween with jungmo and his friends. usually you spent it with your younger siblings yet they felt “too old” to go out trick or treating yet “too young” to go to parties. the boys decided to have a small party, with you and some of their close friends invited. you were already changed in your cute carrot costume (that matched with jungmo’s pea costume) when you arrived, greeted at the door by seongmin, who was also in his costume, of course it was a bunny. it took way too long for the pair of you to realise the connection between your costumes but when you did, you pair wouldn’t shut up about it.
“jungmo, look, a bunny and a carrot!!” seongmin exclaimed, excitement clear in his voice.
“aha cute” he said with a gentle smile. he didn’t want to ruin your excitement so he chose to somewhat play along. you expected him to find it funnier and so you questioned him about it when you were alone later that evening.
“what was that all about?” you asked to which he looked at you in bewilderment “aha cute” you mimicked him.
“your costume goes with mine not his” he said sternly “what was the point in us two matching if you’re just going around telling people you pair have the matching outfits? i’m in a pea costume for goodness sake, you think i wanted to be a pea?” he seemed really worked up about it but looking at his reflection in the mirror of his room made him laugh which was a relieving sight for you.
“please stop telling people about your matching costumes, i wanna make this ridiculous look worthwhile” he pleaded, less angrily this time.
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you were absolutely drenched from an impromptu water fight that lasted pretty much the whole evening. since you didn’t bring any spare clothes with you, woobin said you could grab his t-shirt from the drying rack back at the dorms. when you and your boyfriend got there, he went to his room to give you some privacy while you changed. when you told him you were decent, he came out and saw you stood there in a massive oversized pink t-shirt, minhee’s massive oversized pink t-shirt.
“do you like it, i think it suits me,” you said jokingly while modelling it for your boyfriend. his face said absolutely not, not the reaction you expected to be honest.
“i’m not sure. i don’t think that shirt is for you.” he said without thinking. “can you change? i’m a little uncomfortable''. you had no idea what he was talking about, you thought maybe you stepped out of line. he went back to his room while you changed, putting on a hoodie that you knew was his. meanwhile, what he'd just said hit woobin like a tonne of bricks. he rushed back out (luckily you were dressed enough) “i was uncomfortable because it was minhee’s, not because you didn’t look good. my jealousy took over my mouth, i’m sorry!!” he stopped and looked you up and down “although you do look better in my clothes” he confessed.
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“can i get my cardigan back? i forgot about my interview today” you text him. “sure, it’s in my room on my bed” he replied almost immediately. he was practicing while some of the others slept but you had a key anyway. you let yourself in and went to his room, knocking and entering hoping not to disturb his roommates if they were in there. you began searching through the thousands of clothes wonjin had thrown all over his bed, getting startled when woobin came in. “can i help you, y/n?” he inquired, standing at the doorway. you told him about your cardigan and he began to look with you, although you weren’t really looking, too busy laughing with each other. you never really knew how funny woobin was given that the only time you saw him was at the dorms, and then he was always busy, but he made you laugh until your sides hurt this particular morning. you finally found the cardigan about 10 minutes later, and tidied the room together like the good people you are.
the front door to the dorms shut and you heard around 4 of the boys scurrying around to get some water. you and woobin both stepped out of the room to see what the kerfuffle was when you saw wonjin looking a little down. you went over and discreetly asked him what's wrong.
“i made them leave early and rush over here so i could help you look. i didn’t realise you already had assistance” he pointed at woobin who was oblivious to what was going on. “i wanted to help you look. not anyone else” a big pout was present on his face.
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“y/n~” minhee started. you knew when he started a sentence with your name that the question was going to be one that he wanted a specific answer to. “who was your first bias in cravity?” he asked expectedly. you sat and thought for a while. you didn’t know whether to tell him the truth or tease him for a bit. you opted for the latter because why not!?
“serim” you said confidently. he looked around to see if serim was anywhere nearby before going on to jokingly insult him.
“that guy? the guy who’s like 4cm tall? you must be joking me right?” he started to argue. he didn’t pick up on your teasing and started to get quite defensive. “you know i was in cravity from day 1 right? your boyfriend? do you remember me? i was almost the leader, you know?”
as much as he tried to continue with a joking tone, he was actually a little hurt inside, and he didn’t really hide it well. he’d stutter every once in a while and his impulsive way of talking was unusual for him. you knew you should put him out of his misery right away.
“i’m joking. it was actually you!” you hit his arm while saying so.
if looks could kill you’d have been out cold in that moment. “i really thought your favourite was serim for a second then, not that i was sad or close to tears or anything, i’m not bothered, but, wow you really did that to me?”
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”who’s that?” hyeongjun asked while you scrolled through your saved posts on instagram, trying to find the meme you wanted to show him.
you scrolled back up to locate the picture he was talking about. “it’s taeyoung, he literally posted this yesterday” you clarified, tapping it to show him.
he looked at you with his puppy eyes and stuck his bottom lip out “why have you saved a photo of him?”
“uhh” you didn’t want to tell him the truth and expose taeyoung but you felt like you had to at the time “he wanted me to subtly show my friend because he really likes them and he wants them to think he’s cute… i guess” you answered honestly.
hyeongjun let out a huge sigh of relief, he didn’t fully take in what you said but he knew you didn’t save it because you thought he was cute. he never knew he could get so jealous before now, but there was something about seeing another boy in your saved pictures that he just really did not like.
“i really want them to get together to be honest, i think they would look good together, don’t you?” you showed him a photo of your friend who he’d met on multiple occasions.
“huh?” he asked in bewilderment, he really wasn’t listening to your explanation...
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you were sat drawing at your desk in your room while your boyfriend, taeyoung, sat and played his game on your bed. your incoming call did not gain his attention yet the familiar male voice did once you’d answered it.
“who?” he asked quietly, trying to not interrupt your call.
“wonjin” you whispered back to him.
he relaxed himself back onto the bed, yet he was anything but relaxed. what did wonjin want? why didn’t he just call him, he knew you were together. his face didn’t hide his jealousy either, even when you put the phone down.
“what is it” you asked, noticing his disgruntled face.
“why did he call you?” he asked, “seems a little secretive to me” he jumped straight to conclusions. he sat up once again, waiting for an answer.
“it’s not like that and you know it,” you said in response to his outrageous accusation. “if you’re going to be like that, why don’t you just leave” you said in an even pettier tone than his.
“i don’t want to leave” by now, the argument had clearly turned into a joke as his initial jealousy had disappeared.
“good” you said in a sarcastically stern voice.
“good” he replied in the same manner, putting his game away and opening his arms for you to hug him.
(there’s about 4 gifs of him on this whole site omg 😭)
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the boys and some trainees were all sitting in a circle when you arrived with some take out food. there was a clear space between hyeongjun and his friend so you sat there after placing the food in the middle of the circle. seongmin felt a little hurt but he understood why you did that, despite his efforts to force the others to make space for you in your absence. what didn’t sit right however was when he looked up and saw hyeongjun feeding you a piece of food. he attempted to stay quiet, which was successful for about 3 seconds.
“hey” he shouted over to you pair while trying not to cause a scene “what are you doing?” he questioned. he was a little mad, but he still sounded cute.
“y/n wanted a try of my food but i knew they’d take it all without me feeding it to them” hyeongjun jokes. “pig” he said in an unmistakably sarcastic tone while looking at you.
seongmin appreciated the sarcastic comment yet didn’t appreciate the clear flirting hyeongjun was doing. “y/n, you can sit here, jungmo will move, won’t you?” his eyes burning into jungmo’s soul.
you couldn’t not go and sit next to him and he spent the rest of the evening giving hyeongjun the evils.
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gifs aren’t mine
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over-a-new-leaf · 4 years
self-care 101 (covid-19 period)
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Since we’ve rolled round to another May bank holiday, I thought it’d be nice to share some tips with you. As a homebody, and someone who will do absolutely ANYTHING to avoid one specific boring activity, I’ve racked up quite a long list over the past few years. Obviously, I’m no professional - but I find these help. There’s no specific chronological order to these - just pick and choose as you like!
Get out of bed!
Or lie in if you need to. Whatever makes you feel good
Start off the day with some yoga or meditation, or basic stretches
Or pray for a bit if you’re religious
Make your bed: tuck your sheets in, rearrange your pillows, etc.
Brush your hair and tie it up nicely
Pick out a cute outfit - could even be your favourite PJs - and lay it out
Go take a soothing shower, or a bubble bath
Use a bath bomb, get some nice candles if you feel like it
Put on some nice music to relax to
Try out a new hairstyle or style your hair the way you would if you had somewhere to be!
Slap on some makeup, why not? :) 
Floss your teeth, or maybe use that teeth whitening formula you never picked up again after using it for the first time
Pick out a recipe for a hair mask or face mask and put it on
Before doing any of these, make sure they suit your hair & skin type
E.g. if you have frizzy and dry hair, use a moisturising and rejuvenating mask vs if you have sleek, straight hair - use a volume-enhancing mask. Same goes for your skin - evaluate whether you have dry skin, oily skin or combination 
Stick to the recommended leave in time! It can be extremely difficult to get out later otherwise
Or make your own mask! There’s tons of recipes on YouTube and Google :)
Make yourself a nice breakfast
Breakfast smoothies are amazing! A really simple recipe I use contains a few spoonfuls of oats, handful of fruits (e.g. blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, grapes), honey / sugar by taste and yogurt.
Or a nice bowl of your favourite cereal
Avocado toast - there are so many different varieties of this online, and I bet you’ll find that you like.
A fruit salad!
Eggs done the way you like
A full English if you’re feeling ambitious
Workout for an hour or so
This doesn’t have to be really equipment intense or challenging if you don’t want it to be
Some YouTubers I recommend: Chloe Ting, Emi Wong, Fitness Blender, MadFit, Blogilates, Yoga with Adrienne, etc. 
Don’t over exert yourself. Take longer than the recommended break time between exercises if you need to
Grab a new book, or a book you just enjoy reading
You can browse through Spotify for any playlists to listen to while reading - or use a playlist of songs you like
Listen to some music you like
Or discover some new music using Spotify’s ‘Discover’ feature
Preferably something that lifts your mood!
Pick out a recipe you’ve been meaning to try and just make it!
Dance around the house to some music
This can also be a sort-of-workout!
You can try learning a routine
TikTok dances are so stupidly fun
Maybe get a friend on vid-call and learn a dance with them
Make some TikToks
Or duet some on the app!
Get out a new bottle of wine - it’ll make you feel boujie ;)
Or your drink of choice - I’m not big into alc so I usually love a cool mint lemonade or iced coffee
Sit outside if the weather is nice
Or even if it’s rainy! I particularly love rainy days
Go for a walk around your neighbourhood
Do some grocery shopping! It can be surprisingly fun when you’re in no rush - plus, that’s a task off your future to-do list
Go meet a friend - stand at least 2m away and have a chat
Or text/ call your family / friends
Houseparty is great to use because it’s got games that you can play together if you’re not big on talking
Watch that TV series / movie you’ve been trying to get round to
Play with your pet, if you have one!
Do a cute lil photoshoot
Put on a nice outfit and take some nice pictures using the timer
Pictures with your pet
Or take pictures of your surroundings when outside
Or of the new dish you’ve impulsively made
Grab a pretty notebook
Start a bullet journal
Or a diary!
Do some journalling using journal prompts online
One really simple activity I really like is writing out 3 things that made my day :)
If you’re a poet or writer - write write write!
Maybe take the first step towards starting a blog (like I did last week, aha)
Play a musical instrument 
Or pick up something you haven’t played in a while
Try learning some basic chords online
Or just play your favourite music if you’re a professional
Sing along to your music!
Search up some online webinars and virtual events to attend
Lots of professional webinars on LinkedIn, even Facebook at times
Live museum and art gallery tours on Google!
Try some meditation
Headspace is a great freemium app, among others
Use a guided meditation from YouTube
Create a Pinterest account and start making boards
These can be pretty pictures
Or things you’ll have in your future house
Workout routines
Even more self-care recommendations
There’s this activity where you put your playlist on shuffle and draw what comes to your mind when you hear each song
Or just search up an image online and draw it
Doodle in your bullet journal / book if you have one
Embroider/ stitch some of your old clothes
Plenty of tutorials online!
You can stitch in some cute images :)
Try a new podcast 
There are so many to explore on Spotify under the Podcasts section
Or watch something on YouTube
Learn something new if you feel like it
Pick up a subject area of interest and search it up on YouTube
You’ll get so many results!
Reorganise your house / room
Put on some music to jam along to while doing this!
Or just tidy all those papers off the desk
Reorganise your drawers
Fold your clothes
Dust any surfaces - super satisfying!
Maybe spice up your furniture placement
Try moving things around - be careful not to strain yourself
Do some laundry maybe
Yawn, but can be satisfying once you’ve done it!
Purge your wardrobe of any old clothes
You can donate them to charities
Or sell them on apps like Depop
Do some online shopping
Be careful not to spend too much though! :)
Download a photoprint app and get some pictures printed
There’s a lot of apps that offer you __ amount of free prints with delivery costs - not a bad deal!
You can finally make a photowall / collage
Try some scrapbooking 
Get out some old newspapers and magazines and cut out any pictures of words that particularly catch your eye
Make pretty lil collages or spreads with them
Reorganise your digital folders
E.g. bookmarks on Chrome
Saved folders on Insta
Email folders
To Do lists
Give them pretty names so you’re more likely to use them in future
Catch up on some much needed sleep 
Afternoon cat naps are actually lovely!
Make yourself some tea or coffee and just sit by the window with some music
Cliché and niche, but makes you feel calmer!
Try some chai recipes online if you’re into relatively milky tea or trying out new recipes
I’m not a big fan of chai ^ which is surprising as an Indian, but my family and friends love it soo
Do something with your family / roommates
Movie night!
Group dinners (even better - themed dinners!)
Or a fine dining wine night (bonus points if you dress up!)
Board games night
Or just games night e.g. charades, Headbandz, Psych (app)
DnD - never tried it but sm people have recommended it!
Make some TikToks
Sit around and chat
This is random but you can make PPTs about things you like and present them to each other - good for shit n giggles :) 
Play an old online game e.g. Fireboy and Watergirl!
Create each other in the Sims 
Organise some friendly competitions :)
Truth or Dare? 
Look at star sign stuff with them - whether you believe or not, it’s an interesting thing to do nonetheless
Do Enneagram tests - extremely interesting and scarily accurate from my personal experience
Experimental cocktails maybe!
Some DIY arts and crafts!
Pitch a tent outside
Or make a pillow fort inside
Speaking of which - pillow fights!
Karaoke night
Or set up your own club - make a playlist, get some strobe lights or turn off the lights and get everyone to switch on their phone flash and just dance around. Get some drinks if you want as well!
Have a BBQ - great to do especially in the afternoons or early evenings!
Have a date night if it’s just the two of you :)
Have a picnic outside
Text someone something nice!
Win-win for the sender and the recipient :)
Great chance to reconnect with someone
Cleanse your devices & social media profiles
Change your profile pictures, bios
Archive / delete some pictures (we’re all guilty of this)
Maybe restart your account if you haven’t used it in too long, have too many random followers or just want to start afresh
Check your phone storage and delete stuff accordingly
Change your wallpaper / theme
Back up old pictures and delete them off your device 
And that’s my list for now! I might add to it later if something comes to me but I hope you guys enjoy this! :) 
Image credits:
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themaskedwriter · 5 years
Clue: this canadian loves all the avengers but peter parker and steve rogers can mess her up. Soon to be studying business in university (just like y/n in this fic) and also got lost on a university campus once (just like steve in this fic)
Summary: 3 times Steve thinks you’re absolutely beautiful, and the one time he tells you
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader
Warnings: fight scene with mentions of guns, violence, and blood; some cursing; mentions of drinking alcohol
Word Count: 5640
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The first time Steve Rogers thought you were absolutely beautiful was during one of Tony’s parties.
Before that day, Steve had never seen you dolled up before. Dressed in your fighting suit you looked great, but dressed up for a party? An absolute goddess. He decided that he liked it. A lot.
You were an Avenger, however, you never spent much time in the tower having to go to university and such, and when you did end up at the Avengers tower, you were always suited up and ready for a moment’s call. So when he saw you that day wearing a burgundy lace dress that was somewhat form fitting, with makeup to match, he was absolutely blown away. You were wearing a black blazer on top which seemed to be a size too large for you, but Steve thought it made you look more attractive. Sure, it wasn’t as fancy as some of the outfits the other ladies in the room were wearing, but it suited you. And he found himself liking it a lot.
“You’re staring, man,” Sam pointed out.
Steve looked at Sam.
“No, I’m not,” he denied, averting his eyes to the bar counter and chugged the rest of his champagne in hopes of getting some liquid courage to talk to you. It wasn’t doing much to get him drunk, though. He didn’t even feel tipsy. Works of his super-soldier body, he supposed.
“Steve, I think you should talk to her before one of the other guys in this room gets to her. This is your chance,” Sam encouraged.
“My chance to what?” he asked his friend dumbly. Sam rolled his eyes.
“You know what? Keep playing dumb. I’m calling her over,”
“What? No-” Steve tried to stop Sam from calling you but it was too late.
“Hey, (Y/N)! Over here!” Sam waved his hand and you saw both of them. Your face contorted to a smile of relief as you saw the two men, making your way over to the bar counter.
“Hey, Sam. Steve,” you greeted the two men. “God, I thought I was going to be standing around like a loser the whole time.” An anxious laugh escaped you. Up close you looked absolutely breathtaking. Your perfume smelled amazing, like flowers or something equally as nice, and Steve felt like he’d be okay with dying if he could smell your scent in heaven as well.
“You look beautiful,” Sam complimented, and Steve noticed how you smiled shyly and your nose scrunched up a bit in embarrassment.
“Thanks,” you said modestly. “You both look great too.” Your eyes flickered to his, and Steve felt a breath get caught in his throat. Sam elbowed him, motioning for him to say something.
“Hey, what’s the colour of a burger?” Steve blurted out. You looked at him a bit confused, and from the corner of his eyes, Steve could see that Sam looked absolutely disappointed. Whatever, he thought. His fault for calling her here in the first place when he knows I become an idiot around her.
“Uh… I don’t know. What is it?” you asked.
“Burgundy!” Steve exclaimed. “Just like your dress, which is beautiful by the way.”
“Oh, um, thanks, Steve,” you said dumbfounded. Your fingers found the hem of your dress, which ended above your knees and you pulled it down. Immediate regret settled on Steve and he wanted to slap himself. Who the hell makes a pun, and a bad one at it, when trying to flirt?
“Sorry, that was bad,” Steve said. He spun around in his bar stool so that he didn’t have to see your face, and ordered another champagne.
“No, it was fine. Kind of funny.” You giggled a bit, but Steve didn’t know if it was a pity laugh or a genuine one.
Probably a pity laugh. She probably thinks you’re stupid, Steve thought to himself. The bartender handed Steve his champagne, and he took a huge swig of the bottle before turning back to you.
“Well, um, where did you get your dress from? It’s really nice. I think I said that already.” Steve winced as he rambled and Sam was shaking his head. Right. Steve was making this so much worse by blabbing on.
“Oh, I actually got it from, uh, H&M,” you said embarrassed. “Not the most fanciest store, but I mean, I’m still a part-time college student. I can’t be spending my tuition money on a dress for Tony’s stupid parties, even if there are potential employers here.”
Aha! A conversation topic! Steve thought. Finally, there was a chance for him to not sound dumb.
“Makes sense. Well, the blazer does make it look a bit professional,” Sam commented.
“Yeah, I tried my best,” you said shrugging.
“Where do you study?” Steve asked. “Or, well, what do you study?”
“I go to NYU,” you answered. “I’m studying business. Tryna maybe become the female Tony Stark, if you know what I mean.”
“Really?” Steve asked distastefully. The mention of your role model being Stark of all people, made him frown. You laughed lightly at his sour face.
“Tony isn’t as bad as people make him out to be,” you stated. “I’ve always looked up to him as a kid. He offered to get me into MIT and pay for everything but I felt bad just taking money like that. I’d rather have a job and work to pay for school than have Tony pay for everything. So he gave me a job as an Avenger. I’ve been here ever since, and honestly speaking, I owe Tony a lot.”
“Wish he was that nice with everyone,” Steve grunted. You giggled and god, Steve could listen to you laugh for hours and not get sick of it.
“He loves you, that’s why he gives you such a hard time,” you reassured. Steve just gave you a small smile. There was a moment of awkward silence. Shit, what do I talk about now? Steve panicked. She probably thinks I’m so boring. Steve’s mind raced, yet he made no effort to speak. He simply stared at you. Your eyes flickered around the room.
“Do you want something to drink?” you finally asked, breaking the silence. “I’m sure Tony has something besides champagne and expensive alcohol here. Have you tried cheap college beer before?”
“Uh-” before Steve could even answer, he was interrupted by the devil himself.
“Hey, dear, you’re here! Why didn’t you come to say hi?” Tony spun you around and pulled you into a hug. You giggled and hugged him back. Steve tried not to feel too jealous of the way you and Tony were hugging each other. He shared a glance with Sam, who was smirking.
“You were busy,” you were saying to Tony as you pulled away from the hug. “I didn’t want to bother you.”
“Sweetheart, you could never bother me. In fact, I think I needed you to break into those boring conversations with 60 year old men.”
“Well, those 60 year old men are who I plan on working for, Stark. And you’re almost at their age too,” you joked.
“Hey!” Tony scolded, though he was joking. “Watch your tongue young lady!” You laughed and even though your laugh was the best sound in the world, Steve didn’t like the fact that it was Tony out of all people that was making you laugh like that.
“Falcon. Cap,” Tony greeted the two after finally looking at them. His hand lingered on your back and Steve couldn’t tear his eyes away from the sight. “I’m gonna steal her from you two for the rest of the night. Not asking for permission.” He whisked you away, and you looked over your shoulder to throw a small smile and wave.
Steve sighed and turned back around in his seat to face the bar. He chugged the rest of his champagne bottle and slammed it onto the bar counter a bit too hard.
“Dude, you really need to step up your game,” Sam stated.
“I told you not to call her here,” Steve grumbled. “I act like an idiot around her.” He was really starting to feel miserable now. Steve raised his hand, ready to ask the bartender for some more alcohol, but Sam slapped Steve on the back and stood up.
“You ain’t getting nowhere by drinking all this alcohol. You can’t even get drunk, man! Get up, we’re gonna find you a girl for tonight.” Sam began to pull him up and despite being a heavy super soldier, Sam seemed to pull Steve’s weight with ease.
“I really don’t want to do that,” Steve grumbled, but Sam wasn’t listening.
So he tried. He really did. Steve tried to get to know some girls, maybe even flirt with them, which wasn’t hard considering they were falling at his feet with just one word. However, he couldn’t get you out of his head. You out there in the room, greeting guests and talking to people with Tony, looking as beautiful as ever. He just couldn’t get you out of his damn head.
The second time Steve thought you were absolutely beautiful was when you had your interview.
It was your internship interview at Tiffany and Co. headquarters. The only reason Steve knew about it was because it was the only thing Tony would talk about for weeks.
“Holy fucking shit, I’m freaking out!” You walked into the penthouse suite where mostly everyone was hanging around. You were wearing black dress pants that hugged your legs, a white collared dress shirt that was tucked into your pants, and a black blazer. The same blazer you wore to the party some weeks ago, Steve noticed. You looked like you were ready for a business meeting except the formal look was killed by the backpack you were hanging off one of your shoulders.
“What’s going on?” Sam asked from his seat on the couch. “By the way, you look smoking. Future CEO is in the house!” Sam whistled. His words made some kind of anger boil in Steve’s stomach. God, why was he getting jealous over a stupid compliment?
“Where’s Tony?” you demanded, paying no heed to Sam’s words. You dropped your bag to the floor while your eyes littered around the room trying to find the genius.
“He’s probably on one of the other floors. Building something or doing whatever it is that man does,” Sam said. You made a face at Sam.
“Thanks. Very helpful, Sam. Friday, where’s Stark?” you asked the AI instead.
“I’m here!” he announced before Friday could answer. Tony grabbed your arms, spreading them wide and looking you up and down. “Oh dear, you look like a hot mess.”
“You’re glaring,” Natasha mumbled from where she was seated beside Steve.
“No, I’m not,” he denied, but he was a damn liar. He tried, but his eyes refused to tear away from you and Tony.
“Honey, that white shirt is too plain! You need to wear something nicer, something that pops and makes you look hot,” Tony critiqued. “Why did you even bother dressing yourself, I have an entire outfit already bought for you.” Tony began to drag you away and you let him. Steve watched as the two of you disappeared down the hall.
“Be careful, Rogers. You might burn a hole through the wall if you keep glaring that hard,” Natasha teased.
“Steve, are you really doing this again,” Sam sighed. Steve turned to look at his friend.
“Doing what?” Steve asked dumbly. Sam and Natasha looked at each other and shared a look. Steve knew they were going to be planning something so he spoke up. “Don’t guys. Don’t try to set anything up, okay?”
“Mhm, party pooper,” Natasha murmured, rolling her eyes. Steve could feel his own annoyance creeping up on him, but he chose to not say anything.
“Mr. Rogers is right,” Vision spoke up. “We mustn’t interfere in his love life.”
Steve sent a smile, though it was forced, to the android. Then he returned to the book he was reading before you had walked in, ignoring what the others were discussing.
Steve didn’t know how much time passed before Tony walked back into the room with you on his arm.
“Ahem, ladies and gentlemen, I present to you (Y/N) (Y/L/N)!” Tony announced. Steve’s head perked up. There were some whistles from Natasha and Sam, but all Steve could do was stare. You were wearing a totally different outfit than what you had initially been wearing. You had on loose black dress pants with a ribbon tied at the waist, holding it up, and a light blue blouse that was a bit figure hugging. Beautiful, his mind told him.
“I feel very uncomfortable without a blazer,” you muttered to Tony, but Steve heard it.
“You don’t need a blazer. You just need to look good, which you do,” Tony argued. You rolled your eyes at him.
“Y-you look, um, nice,” Steve blurted out. He immediately winced at how dumb he sounded. “I mean, you always look nice but, uh…” he trailed off, not really knowing how to save himself anymore. You gave him a sheepish smile, probably out of pity, and Steve wanted to bury himself in a hole.
“Thanks,” you spoke softly. Tony looked at him, a smirk on his face, and Steve knew instantly that Tony must have figured things out. Shit. Steve cleared his throat and turned his attention back to his book, pretending to be reading once again. He could feel the stares of everyone in the room.
“What time is your interview?” Wanda asked from the couch.
“At 2:45,” you answered. From his peripheral vision, Steve saw you go to your bag and pull out your phone, probably to check the time. “It’s 1:28, but I think it’ll take me a while to head there with New York traffic.”
“I’m driving you,” Tony stated. Steve’s head shot up. You looked at Tony bewildered.
“No way. I’m driving myself,” you said in disbelief.
“Too bad.” Tony went to your bag, shuffled around a bit, and pulled out your keys. “I have your keys, so I’m driving you. It’s final.”
“Tony, what the actual fu-”
“I’ll be waiting downstairs,” Tony interrupted. Everyone watched as he went to the elevator and stepped inside. He winked at you as the doors closed. You turned back to look at everyone, disbelief written on your face.
“Did he really just steal my keys because he wants to drive me to my fucking interview?” It was a rhetorical question, but Steve spoke up.
“Maybe it’s for moral support. You were pretty nervous when you came in.” Steve bit his lip anxiously when your narrowed eyes looked at him.
“Moral support? He’s gonna make me lose the job before I even get it!” You snatched your bag up from the floor and stormed to the elevator, waiting impatiently for it to come back up.
“Nice one,” Sam whispered.
“Shut up,” Steve grumbled.
“Hey, maybe go down in the elevator with her. This is your chance, man. Go get your girl!” Sam grabbed the book from Steve’s hands and pushed him off the couch. Steve stumbled as he got up and made his way to you slowly. He turned around a couple of times and nervously looked at Sam. In return, Sam gave him that stupid smirk.
“I’ll go down with you,” Steve said when he approached your side. You looked up at him, eyes squinting a bit in confusion.
“You don’t have to. I’m fine by myself,” you answered.
“I know, but I’ll give you moral support if you think Tony can’t.” A snort escaped you, and Steve didn’t know whether you were laughing at him or what.
“Okay, Steve.” The elevator dinged as it arrived and Steve let you step in first. He saw Sam mouthing ‘good luck’ from where he was sitting on the couch. In return, Steve stuck up his middle finger.
“Woah!” you gasped as the elevator door closed. “Didn’t know you had that kind of an attitude, Cap.” The way you said ‘Cap’ really made him feel a certain way. Steve could feel his face already heating up. This was a terrible idea.
“Um…” he could barely form any coherent words.
“Joking,” you chuckled. “Sam probably deserved it. Anyways, sorry for snapping at you earlier. I’m just really nervous for the interview. It’s this prestigious company, and honestly, I’m scared that if they see Tony they’ll hire me because of him. Not because of me, you know what I mean?”
“Yeah,” Steve answered. You didn’t say anything else, just simply tapped your foot on the ground and twiddled your fingers. It was silent for the rest of the ride down, lame elevator music playing while Steve tried to think of something to say.
The elevator dinged once again, indicating that they had arrived on the ground floor. Steve turned to look at you and saw that you were already looking at him. You looked amazing, absolutely breathtaking in your outfit. Steve just wished he had the guts to say something, anything really.
“Thanks for coming down with me, Cap,” you smiled. You patted Steve’s chest and headed out. Steve was speechless, he couldn’t move or speak for that matter and his skin tingles where your hands touched him. Maybe it was for the better that you didn’t turn back to look at him as the elevator doors closed.
The third time Steve thought you were absolutely beautiful was when you were on top of him.
Okay, so you were on top of him, but not for the reason that his boyish side would have wanted. He was on a mission. Him, Sam, Natasha, Clint, a bunch of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, and of course, you. The five of you were assigned to scope out a potential Hydra base and possibly shut it down with the help of the other agents. It was an easy task, something Steve had done multiple times before and shouldn’t have messed up on, yet he did. He screwed up pretty badly.
The mission had initially started off well, Steve already having relayed the plan of action to the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. It was simple. The base was on a boat so first Natasha, you and him would do a quick scan of the area. Then the agents would come down, each group taking a different spot on the boat. Together, they’d eventually make it to the centre of the boat where information was being stored, and Hydra agents were hiding out. Sam and Clint were to keep watch from above, the two of them staying on the jet with a few other agents until backup was needed.
It would have been quick and easy if that stupid Hydra agent hadn’t tried to flirt with you in the middle of the fight.
Everything started smoothly. Natasha, Steve, and you had made your way down the jet and onto the boat. You looked great in your stealth suit, your mask covering most of your face, and the suit hugging your figure, but Steve tried to not let that distract him.
“Clear from the west wing,” you spoke into his earpiece.
“Same here in the east and south wing,” Natasha said.
“North wing looks clear. Alright, agents come in,” Steve ordered. He didn’t wait for them to come down onto the boat. Steve immediately headed for the door and went down the stairs as quietly as he could. He almost wanted to laugh at how stupid the Hydra agents were. If they were going to hide their cover under the disguise of a cruise ship, they could have at least put in more effort to make it seem like this was a party boat.
“Agents are all on board,” you spoke. “I’m heading down.”
“Be careful,” Steve said. It was directed mostly to you. Steve could hear talking going on, gradually getting louder as he reached the bottom of the stairs. He pulled himself closer to the wall, listening to what he could. Then he opened the door on the bottom of the stairs and went in. It was a room full of people and maybe Steve should have asked for backup before he went in, but he was Captain America for god’s sake. He didn’t need backup.
“Fellas,” he greeted at the shocked agents in the room. Then he launched his shield, knocking down at least a dozen of the agents. They came to their senses, each grabbing guns and weapons and starting to shoot at Steve. He ran back up the stairs, the agents chasing after him. “The meeting room is clear. (Y/N), Natasha, one of you go check it out with the other S.H.I.E.L.D. agents,” he spoke into his earpiece.
“Steve? What the fuck did you do?” he heard your worried voice ask, but he couldn’t answer. He spun around on the step he was on and kicked the agent that was behind him, on the chest. He fell backward, taking down a few other agents with him as well. Steve turned back around and continued running up the steps.
“Steve! Answer me, you idiot!” you exclaimed.
“Just-” Steve felt someone grab his ankle and he fell with a grunt. However, he managed to get back up quickly. He snatched the gun from the Hydra agent that had knocked him down and smacked his shield on the side of the agents head. Then he fired the gun at the other agents chasing after him. He ran up the final few steps and burst out onto the deck of the ship. “Backup!” he yelled into his earpiece.
“Steve, you absolute moron!” you shouted. Steve didn’t have a chance to say anything because he was being ambushed. He launched his shield out again, successfully knocking down the first row of agents, but it was like there really was a whole cruise ship’s worth of Hydra agents in here. He thought he was done for, but then he heard gunshots and an entire row of Hydra agents fell.
Steve turned to see who it was and it was you. You did a flip and kicked an agent in the face, knocking him down. Behind you, a few other S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were fighting their way towards Steve as well.
“Who’s downstairs?” Steve shouted. He knocked down an agent and slammed his shield into another’s face.
“Natasha!” you called back. Steve heard you grunt as you pulled out a knife and started slashing at agents. Most backed away, however one snuck up from behind and pulled you into their chest. He grabbed your mask and ripped it off your face, holding a gun to your head and having you in a chokehold.
As soon as Steve saw the position you were in, he panicked. He slammed his shield into an agent, knocking them down, and snatched their gun. He fired it at anyone that came in his way, using both his shield and the gun to make his way to you.
“So this is the pretty face behind the mask…” the man said. He trailed a finger down your face and you glared at him, struggling to kick your way out of his grasp. The man chuckled. “Oh, sweetheart, it’d be a shame to kill you. Perhaps I’d take you for myself first before-”
“LET HER GO!” Steve yelled. He launched himself at the man, not even thinking about the gun he held in his hands. As you were knocked to the side, Steve slammed the man to the floor. He didn’t even think twice before raising his fists and beating the living hell out of the man. A gunshot fired and Steve felt a searing pain on his shoulder. He hissed as he fell to the side.
Steve could hear shouting and yelling all around him. He wanted to get up and continue fighting, but he couldn’t feel his arm. His ears were ringing loudly and Steve searched around wildly to see where you were.
“Stop moving, you idiot,” you hissed. Steve felt a weight on his abdomen and he saw you on top of him as he lay flat on his back. He didn’t fight you when you pulled out gauge from your suit and began to wrap his shoulder temporarily. He was starting to feel lightheaded with all the blood he was losing and as Steve knocked out in the middle of the fight, the last thought in his mind was how beautiful you looked on top of him. Even though your face was filled with worry and you were basically a mess with your hair all out of place and your suit mostly ruined, you were beautiful. Then it was dark.
The one time Steve told you that you were absolutely beautiful was when he paid you a visit.
Okay, so he didn’t mean to actually end up at NYU. It was a week after the mission where he messed up his shoulder. He knew he had been reckless, but he didn’t expect Nick Fury to have him put on temporary leave from missions. It was stupid, and Steve tried to argue, but he was arguing with Nick Fury who listens to no one. Not even Captain America.
So there he was, all alone in his room in the Avenger’s facility, bored out of his mind. He couldn’t train or go for a run unless he wanted to be put on sedatives, nor could he do anything around the building.
“You should go explore New York,” Sam said to him one day while they were eating breakfast. “This is your chance to explore the city and see how much it’s changed, man. Stop being so miserable.”
Steve simply grunted as he sipped his coffee. But he had to admit, it was a pretty good idea. At least he wouldn’t be holed up in the compound, bored out of his mind.
So he headed out, strolling through New York and taking the subway to anywhere.
It was when he was standing on the subway platform and heard the conversation of a few kids who looked around 18 or 19 years old when he remembered. They were complaining about school work, how they hated their professors so much, and that it was pretty dumb that they wasted so much money on tuition to go to NYU when they had to teach themselves everything. Steve remembered that time you mentioned you were studying business at NYU, and instantly decided that he would be heading there.
He followed the kids, which truth be told wasn’t the weirdest thing he had ever done, but it was still pretty uncomfortable. He felt like a creep the entire time.
When he started noticing the various purple signs that said NYU, Steve figure he had found his way so he entered one of the buildings. There were students milling about and Steve felt extremely out of place.
“Excuse me,” Steve called to one of the passing boys. “Do you know where the business building is?”
“Um,” the boy squinted his eyes in thought for a moment, “this is the arts and science building. You’re gonna have to go all the way back around the campus, past the park, and there’s a bunch of red buildings there. It would be one of those.”
“Oh,” Steve said. He was completely confused, hadn’t the slightest idea as to what the boy was referring to.
“Good luck, man. This place is huge. Feel free to ask anyone else for directions on the way. I have to get to class.” He patted Steve on the shoulder, his hurt one, mind you, and went on his way. Steve winced in pain, touching his shoulder and rolling it slowly to somewhat ease the pain. It was moments like these where he wished the super-soldier serum made him invincible as well. He hated the pain of the bruises and cuts that came after missions and fights.
Steve flexed his shoulder once more before heading out of the building. The spring sun warmed him up as he walked. He tried his best to find the building and even asked around some more, but it was as if he was in the Labyrinth. The more Steve walked, the more lost he got.
When Steve realized that he had been walking in circles, passing by the exact same Starbucks for the fourth time that day, he gave up. He entered the coffee shop and went in, wishing he hadn’t stepped out of the Avengers facility at all. The new times were terrible, he hated how much change had occurred in the span of 7 decades.
He miserably plopped himself into a free seat when he heard a familiar sounding voice.
“-I know! And then he called on Therese and she said the answer and Leonard turns to Brian and is like ‘SEE?!’ I nearly peed my pants, I was laughing so hard.” He turned around and recognizes you seated a few tables away, your back facing him. Embarrassingly enough, Steve could recognize your voice and giggles anywhere. He was that smitten.
“Hey, don’t turn around now, but there’s some blond dude staring at you,” one of the girls sitting with you says. Steve caught her gaze and mentally cursed.
“Wha-” you spun around and your eyes instantly lock. Steve freezes, feeling like he can’t breathe. Your eyes widen and Steve can see the instant panic in them. “You know what? That reminds me. I have to head out now.” You grab your bag and stand up from the table.
“Is that your secret boyfriend? He’s kinda hot,” the other girl states. Steve can feel his ears turning red at the comment.
“Shut up, Mia,” you hiss. “Bye, guys.” You’re heading towards him and Steve stands up, thinking you’re coming to him because you’re looking him right in the eyes. But then you brush past him and head out the door.
“(Y/N)!” Steve calls as he runs out the door behind you. You ignore him and keep walking until you’re away from Starbucks, in a small pathway between two buildings.
“What the hell, Steve?” you snap. “Why are you here?”
“I was just, uh…” He doesn’t know what to say because Steve just notices how you’re dressed in a somewhat baggy, purple NYU hoodie and black leggings. Even in something as simple as that, Steve can’t help but find you absolutely beautiful. You look warm and homey and it’s the exact feeling that Steve needs at the moment.
“Steve?” you ask again. Your voice is softer this time.
“Sorry. I just- I was getting sick and tired of being in the compound all day and all alone, so Sam was like, ‘Hey! Why don’t you go around New York and discover the place,’ and I thought, ‘Wow, that’s a darn good idea,’ so I left. Then on the subway I heard some kids talking about NYU and I remembered that you studied here so I decided I’d come to pay you a visit ‘cause it’s been a while, not that I’m in love with you or anything, haha, that’s weird, let’s pretend I didn’t say that-” Steve was blushing red with his sudden confession.
“Steve, it’s okay,” you giggle, but Steve’s on a roll.  
“-I come down here following those kids and I was trying to find the business building, but I got lost. I even asked for directions, but I couldn’t find my way out, so then I saw Starbucks, which by the way, I passed like 4 times because I was going in circles, and- Wait, what are you doing?” Your warm palms are cupping his face and it’s not doing anything to make his blush go away. He
“Steve,” you say firmly. Your thumb caresses his cheeks and Steve shivers. “It’s okay. There’s no need to get worked up.”
“I-I’m not-” he stutters. You cut him off.
“I never knew you talked this much,” you giggle. Steve feels faint. Your face is really close to his, and his eyes, which have a mind of their own, drop to your lips.
“I…” Steve trails off because your face is approaching his. His eyes close on their own accord and the next thing he feels is your lips against his. His hands are weak by his sides, and his legs almost give out beneath him. He stumbles back into the wall of the building behind him, breaking the kiss.
“Sorry, I probably shouldn’t have done that,” you say, wiping your lips with the back of your hand.
“God,” Steve says, his voice weak and almost coming out as a whine, “you’re so beautiful.”
“Oh.” This time you’re blushing.
“I just- Maybe you don’t feel the same way, but I like you so much, (Y/N). You’re so perfect.” Steve’s heart is pounding and now that he’s confessed everything, he feels like he might die because what if you don’t like him back?
“I know. You were so obvious about liking me,” you giggle. Your hands hold onto his arms. “I like you too, Steve.”
His heart nearly burst at the confession. A surge of confidence flowed through him and Steve launched himself forward, pressing his lips against yours.
Sure, he was Captain America and had been injected with the Super-Soldier serum which supposedly made him bigger and stronger, but Steve never felt more vulnerable than he did at that moment. He felt like Steve Rogers, the skinny and weak 16-year-old boy in Brooklyn who was usually found in alleyways getting beat up, except this time he was on Cloud 9 and he was kissing you.
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migleefulmoments · 5 years
More Crissmyglitz Wedding Guest Angst: part 2
OMG they won’t let it go. Crissmyglitz-Guest Gate. The ccers are still obsessing over the #CrissMyGlitz guest list. As I pointed out in my first post (X), every single photo posted in round one of Crissmyglitz-Guest Gate was taken while Darren was working. That’s right, every single photo the tinhatters presented as “Darren and a real friend” was taken at work. For a fandom who constantly remind the world they are astute and ALWAYS PAYING ATTENTION TO DETAILS, it was a supermassiveblackhole.  
In part 1 they presented Elvis (X), Alan Cummings (X),  Jenna Ushkowitz (X), Laura Osnes (X). In part 2 they added Jane Lynch, Matt Bomer, Matt Morrison, Kevin McHale, Lena Hall, Ricky Martin and Edgar Ramirez.  Idk what was worse, that they didn’t learn any lessons after part 1 or that the fandom egged them on in utter delight.
Keep on.
I love your guys’ game 🤣🤣🤣 
I like this game  
(This got SUPER RIDICULOUS LONG so under) 
This is the LAMEST shade ever thrown and they were eating it up. Abby spent her Sunday adding to the nonsense and trying out sarcasm. She brought up the algorithm nonsense again and I can’t stop shaking my head.  The fact that it’s easier for them to believe that someone wrote an algorithm to determine the guest list for Darren and Mia’s wedding rather than simply to acknowledge that they don’t really know Darren at all is absurd. Rational people would see Darren’s guest list and realize that they got it all wrong.  Rationale people don’t see wedding photos and spend 7+ months proclaiming it’s all fake because he clearly is much better friends with former coworkers, Edgar Ramirez and Lena Hall than he is with Jennifer Coolidge and Pamela Aldon based entirely on the fact that nobody posted social media pics with Jennifer or Pamela. 
Mysterious absence part 2- Let’s do this…
(see part 3 (X) for further information)
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(Opening Hedwig LA 11/16 from Lena’s IG)
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(From Lena’s Twitter and Instagram July 28, 2016 (X). They were Flying to perform at DNC see pic below) 
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(AGAIN- same night as #1-Hedwig’s opening night LA 11/16)
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(Dec 12, 2016-I don’t know the context of this one. It is obviously her photoshoot and he popped in for a pic.  See below: another pic from this photoshoot posted to her IG. This is actually a nonword photo)  
ajw720:guess the algorithm eliminated her for joking weekly that DC had all the privileges of homosexuality but none of the responsibilities…… 
(Oh ho ho ho...the shade of it all).
chrisdarebashfulsmiles: Probably.
ajw720: Or perhaps it eliminated her as when D was kissing her on stage, he was giving his PBB the finger?  Remember that time 
(No, actually I don’t because that is nonsense. Darren flipped someone off from stage? Right because that is such professional. You believe that perfect, well-mannered Darren Criss would flip off his fiancee while working? That’s very inappropriate behavior during working hours, especially in front of a big audience of people- each with a cellphone. It’s also very risky to flip off the woman he is engaged to- the cc secret might get out.  If Darren is terrified to come out and terrified to breach THE Contract, why would he risk if all just give Mia the bird? Giving someone the bird is hardly a satisfying diss for anyone over the age of 12).
flowersintheattic254: Maybe the algorithm excludes those who like way too many posts on that had Ch/ris in them? 
(OMG- Lena “liked” some pics of Chris....a pig just flew by my window. It’s almost like Hollywood is a small town and people know each other. 
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(No dates so it’s impossible to know what the context of the posts but that is typical of the tinhatting- they aren’t concerned with accuracies)
leka-1998: When the difference in chemistry is undeniable even in pics that show nothing but hands, that’s probably an issue. 
(I have never in my 51 years heard someone claim a married couple had no chemistry as evidenced by their hands in a photo taken specifically to show off their nail polish or that a PR photo for a Broadway show showed more chemistry than the actual couple. I mean seriously?)
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(I will give this one to them as as personal photo )
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(Is “hand chemistry” a thing? I’m only speculating here but is the degree of hand chemistry a function of the depth finger-penetration-on-finger-penetration?  Cuz.....that would make total sense amiright?)
cc-still-going-strong: Keep on.
I love your guys’ game 🤣🤣🤣 
ajw720: Seriously is that his wife on the left…..oh 
(hahahah nice try Abby, you have every single photo of Mia memorized- its actually a very sweet photo) 
(I can’t with this entire post. She wasn’t invited because he kissed Lena on stage as per the script? Oh wait- no- she was not invited because he kissed Lena on stage and he flipped off Mia (how they know he is flipping off Mia is anyone’s guess. I like to imagine he is flipping off the tinhatters). But wait- is he actually flipping off anyone? No, no he actually isn’t because that would be terribly unprofessional. Darren is at work and his bosses would not appreciate him flipping off anyone the audience. No actor who wants a career is going to  flip off someone in the audience while just-fingers crossed- hoping the message is received by the intended person and not a critic or investor.). 
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(Work Pic. He is NOT giving anyone the finger- his finger is actually just in the shadow from Lena’s outfit). 
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(Lena is working: As for Mia banning Lena from the wedding- in a recent post by Lena,  she talks about catching up aka they don’t haven’t spent much time together lately and notice the Mia hashtag) 
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(The tinhatters like that she alls Darren wifey but in fact she calls all the Hedwig’s “Wifey”. She has a lot of Hedwig photos on her social media- the vast marority are NPH).
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(Lena’s Christmas photoshoot as mentioned above)  
(I probably should have led with this but I wanted to prove them wrong in all the ways possible  Lena was busy on February 16, 2019 performing at Lincoln Center. She may have very well been invited. See my update (X) 
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 leka-1998: Yet another person missing on February 16
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(PR for ACS: A photoshoot for promotion aka PR) 
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(I am not sure about this pic. Darren posted it on his Instagram and Edgar responded  “love you brother”- that’s sweet and all but what does it prove- nada. I am sure they really had a great time together filming ACS and felt close, but they haven’t maintained that relationship-at least not publicly -since they end of awards season. I’ll give the tinhatters half a point for this one- but  bear in mind- I’m being generous because it looks like a PR pic) 
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(PR for ACS; ”GQ Style & Hugo Boss Celebrate Amazing Spaces”- see photo below). 
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(PR for ACS Emmy: This is from the 2018 Emmy “For Your Consideration” on 3/19/18.)
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(PR for ACS. This is hilarious....so Edgar is doing a red carpet interview and Darren walks by him and Edgar walks away with Darren. OKAAAYYY-what does this prove? Again, they are at a work event- so far all the pics with Edgar are from work events except maybe 1) 
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(PR for ACS- photoshoot. While the sentiment is sweet, Edgar hashtagged it #ACS and #Emmys. OMG how much ccproof do you need to understand that this is PR? ARE YOU PAYING ATTENTION? Me think not cuz he freakin’ tagged it for you and you still don’t understand that it was promotion for the Emmy. He-lar-E-ous!)   
chrisdarebashfulsmiles: I like this game 
(of course you do- it’s catty, bitchy and pointless.  I’m glad it makes you happy because this has been eye-opening as to the extend that you are collectively super bad at separating Darren’s personal life from his work life) 
ajw720: @leka-1998​ this friendship seems very contrived to me, constantly calling each other brother, they aren’t nearly as close as say D and J/ennifer C/oolidge or B/en F/eldman or P/amela A/ldon…………… 
(Ohhh ho ho ho sooo funny. It’s so funny I forgot to laugh...har har har aha  Since Jennifer, Ben and Pamela actually got invites to the wedding, it is clear that they are indeed close to Darren or Mia, soooo the joke doesn’t actually work. As for Edgar being his closest friend because he called him “brother” during a big ACS promotion push-I’m not feeling it.  What is so baffling to this “stupid stan” is how the tinhaters CAN’T SEE the details right in front of their faces.  The Darren-Edgar love-fest was hot and heavy during the promotion of ACS and then it stopped all together...THAT is the definition of PR. I am sure they actually did like each other during the production of ACS, but when the project ended they both moved on to other projects and other friends. I’ve had coworkers -and I’m sure many of you have too-that I adored and I never wanted lose the connection we shared while working together but alas, the romance fizzled after we no longer had the workplace in common. Obsessing about the meaning of the almost-2-year-old photo of 2 strangers is pretty silly)
ajw720: The Algorithm is a very scientific way to figure out the wedding guest list-no doubt it knows who D is closest to and would not lie….. 
(The problem is simple- there are no social-media pics of Darren (or Mia) with Jennifer, Ben, or Pamela which means, according to the cc-logic that it didn’t happen-aka they aren’t friends. In order to explain why the trio were in fact, at the wedding, the THE Algorithm was created. This Algorithm is a very scientific way to figure out the wedding-guest list-no doubt it knows who D is closest to and would not lie. The cc posse hate it when they don’t know what is going on Darren’s life which is why we are talking about a fake “CrissMyGlitz Invitation” algorithm 7 months after the wedding).   
ajw720: @chrisdarebashfulsmiles It is seriously my new favorite game and there are so many people that the algorithm eliminated.
(Seriously? There are what- 2 or 3 photos that aren’t definitively traced to work This game isn’t working out the way the posse believes it is. This is however, THE definition of confirmation bias clouding their judgment).  
ajw720:Poor KM didn’t make the cut either. Perhaps his invite was eliminated by the weird algorithm for tagging d at his 30th right below c, yet d not pictured? He clearly considers d a good friend as he invited him to the party.
(Did Kevin suggest he was devastated to miss the destination wedding of his former coworker? Kevin and Darren went out with their former-Glee castmates maybe once or twice in the last four years- they are hardly besties. I don’t remember Kevin and Darren as being particularly close while Glee was in production. They are literally former coworkers.)
(Kevin inviting Darren to his birthday party doesn’t indicate that he “clearly   considers d a good friend”. It seems like I remember the party was a surprise party?) 
ajw720: Thankfully I think they’ve made up as d had no problem straddling him recently.
(OMG seriously? They are former coworkers in which some level of friendship exists. Darren straddled his leg while sitting on a very crowded seat- he wasn’t riding Kevin while they had sex in public.)
(ARE YOU PAYING ATTENTION? Darren invited the Glee peeps that he has consistently been close to over the years - Max, Harry and Chord).
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ajw720: So many mysteries. But hey D&M’s new straight couple besties, Al/len & his wife, made the cut!
(Nope, no mysteries at all. Darren simply cared more about inviting people that mean something to him and Mia rather than those who mean something to the tinhatters.)
flowersintheattic254:  @ajw720 I expect old habits die hard with K and D. They were always flirty and fun. Maybe Mr and Mrs Le/ech are stricter regarding lap sittering. That’s probably why (nods head).
(nods head and wonders if tinters were drinking early on Sunday because this thread is petty, dumb and not at all funny or clever.) 
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ajw720: @flowersintheattic254​ they are WAY too comfortable together, way more chemistry than D has with his bride.  I’m thinking that was the algorithm’s issue.
(Comfortable? Chemistry? WTF, he looks like he is passing a kidney stone and Kevin is coaching him through it.) 
flowersintheattic254: @ajw720 especially when you consider that the only similar pose with M has D holding his own arm to his chest. No chemistry at all!!!!
(Do you guys actually believe the nonsense you write or did you give up on 2/16/19 and you're just blowing smoke up each other’s ass now because I gotta tell you, the second-hand embarrassment is really uncomfortable now)   
 flowersintheattic254:It’s the pic on the boat with the fam. Can someone add it as I cannot find it?
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ajw720: Not even close, if i didn’t know, i would say KM&DC were the couple and i t think the algorithm knew.  It is magical how that algorithm works.
(Ooooh right...it’s so confusing, I can totally understand your befuddlement!) 
(In all seriousness, watching this fandom’s toxic nonsense is like watching Kellyanne Conway and Lindsey Graham defend Trump’s baloney.  Everyone knows they are full of shit but we are powerless to stop it. The damage they are doing will take years to repair- if not decades)   
(Oh....Will you look at that. That is a screenshot taken from a video that is actually cute and shows a smitten Darren cuddling with Mia. Color. Me.SHOOK) .  
standingoutsidethefire: I thought of another ..
That the algorithm just didn’t seem to include ...
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standingoutsidethefire: Clearly these two don’t have any affection for each other
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standingoutsidethefire: Not friends at all
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standingoutsidethefire: I get why MM wasn’t included ..I really do 
(Maybe a personal- photo though likely at an show or industry event)
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ajw720: Hate each other
(Once again, almost all -if not all - work pics)
leka-1998: “He’s just a really, really good, grounded person, and I think someone who I’ll probably always be friends with.”
- M/att B/omer
(Holy shit, Matt said something nice about Darren when asked about him by during an interview... no doubt when they worked together either on Glee or ACS) 
(According to Bride’s Magazine, “How to Make Your Wedding Day About YOUl” June 2017. 
5. The guest list is one of the most difficult decisions. Should you invite your mom’s work associate? Great Aunt Gertrude whom neither of you have met? Everyone from the gym? Communicate communicate communicate. One piece of tried-and-true advice is ALWAYS invite the person who said nice about you to the national media. You won’t regret it and most likely that person will give you the best gift).  
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(Work event) 
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(Work event)
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(Wait -isn’t this Blaine and Cooper?)
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(Work event)
Leka-1998: But the great algorithm said no.
ajw720: My understanding is they despise each other, cannot stand to be in the same room together. 
(Nobody ever suggested that).
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ajw720: #funny #so many of the univited #queer
(seriously “#queer”? No, not cool)
True they have clearly and from the beginning disliked each other intensely.
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ajw720: But see @leka-1998​ there is D calling him handsome, we don’t want to have anything that even hints at d talking about a boy in that manner at the sham mockery, i mean nuptials……………….  Because D is the STRAIGHTEST MAN ALIVE!!!!!
(OMG,,the sarcasm isn’t working).
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could you do a pidge/reader imagine where they go to the space mall all domestic together n shop n stuff!!? thank u 💕💕
I LIVE for domestic loveliness omg I am so excited for this
“Didn’t you say that everything that could go wrong did go wrong last time you were here?” I asked nervously as we walked into the surprisingly normal looking space mall. From the crazy way everyone had described their last trip here I was expecting … I wasn’t quite sure. Something like a black market that wouldn’t look out of place in star wars? Not this upper middle class suburbia looking place. I actually half expected to see a starbucks and a victorias secret.
“Yes well last time we were on a mission and in true paladin fashion had to make a fool out of themselves,” She responded with a scoff and very conveniently forgetting that she had waded around a fountain to buy a game system she couldn’t play. Lance sure hadn’t and had made sure to give me all the details before I left. I figured I would be kind though and just smile knowingly to myself.
“Besides last time none of us had any money. Luckily it doesn’t take very long to hack into a monetary system completely electronic based. So now we are practically the richest people in the galaxy,” she added mischievously, a certain devilish gleam in her eye when she held up something that looked similar to a credit card except it was clear and full of wires from the look of it. I couldn’t help but remember how excited she had been to have the task of making it when I asked if she could take me here after hearing so much about it. In fact I doubted she actually wanted to come back so much as she wanted to show off her skills but I didn’t mind. It was just nice to spend some alone time with her and act like semi normal teens.
“Well this just means you get to buy me whatever I want,” I teased hooking my arm through hers and sticking my tongue out at her. She responded with a small blush and scratched her cheek muttering something about that being the general plan. I beamed up at her before taking another look around the large shopping center. None of the stores were familiar and it was all kind of intimidating if I really thought about it longer than a couple seconds. So my first reaction was to not think about it and to just rush right into the first open door that we saw.
At first look it was a bunch of nonsense, just flashing lights and off beat music that almost at once made your head feel like it was caught in a vice. Then as I was turning around trying to find the exit I realized what we had stumbled upon and I burst out laughing. “Oh. My. God. This is the alien hot topic,” I said with almost too much excitement as I saw the familiar pop culture references (though non of them I actually recognized since you know space) plastered on shirts and the teenage worker with brightly colored hair and piercings I didn’t even know the name of.
“Oh quiznak I think you are right,” Pidge said snickering as she ruffled through a bin of bargain items. She held up a shirt with four arm holes to herself “I’m not sure what ‘Shut up its sprangdorf’ means but I get it,” she said tossing it to the side. We then proceed through the store with way too much glee for a couple of people who didn’t understand any of the references or bands plastered along the wall. We each took our turn trying to find something more ridiculous than the last until we were each decked out in the most eye bleeding outfits imaginable.
We had just gotten to trying to put everything back where we had found it, though trying to find the places was hard since we didn’t understand the names of the shows, when I came across the best thing I had ever seen. “Pidge you have to look at this,” I said with awe, all the other items abandoned on a nearby shelf “they have an EARTH SECTION” I screamed bouncing on the balls of my feet, my whole body wiggling with the excess energy.
“This is it,” Pidge said her eyes growing even larger than her glasses “we have found the most perfect thing in this entire mall. Real question though do they have meme shirts? Cause if they do I think Lance’s closet needs a complete new wardrobe.” I giggled at that flash in her eye she got whenever she was hatching a plan. It was an almost manic look but it was so full of passion that it was infectious. It was an ocean of intensity that was intoxicating and I was willing to jump into every time. She may not rest til her plan was done but no one else who was around her would either cause they wanted it done for her just as she wanted it done for herself. It was that passion that pulled me in deeper each time I saw it.
 “You know I think that he would love that and i also think that Keith wants matching best friend shirts with him,” I added rummaging through the racks and pulling out neon colored couples shirts with a smirk of my own. Pidge brought her hands to her face and I was surprised that she didn’t float off the ground. “They are more perfect than I could have ever imagined,” she said dreamily reading the comic sans print that said ‘99 Problems’ and ‘Ain’t 1′ respectfully.
The next hours was nothing but a pleasant blur of giggles, changing room doors and the crinkle of shopping bags. It turns out that no matter where you went in the galaxy that people wanted the same non sense that they did on Earth and it was surprisingly comforting. A little slice of home that could make them feel like normal teenagers having a normal weekend together. It was something that I could only dream of usually and yet here I was living the dream as we crashed down into an empty booth.
“I half expect my mom to call me and ask if we need a ride back,” I laughed my hands reaching out to her side of the table which was slowly being covered with gadgets and books she had got. She seemed to be looking for something but my eyes were growing sleepy and the happiness of the day seemed to be dragging my body into fatigue. I got a curt nod in response and heard her grumble before tossing herself into the sea of bags. “Pidge, dear, what are you doing? We have time to go through this back on board,” I said stifling a yawn as I tried to make sure nothing fell from her garbage mountain.
“No I got something and I need it now,” she said with gritted teeth and a flurry of curses in several alien languages. Well at least her studies seemed to be getting on nicely in the very least. Then with a fire lit in her eyes she reemerged and held a small box in her hand high above her head. “Aha! Here open it hurry,” she said frantically, her eyes burning a hole into the table, suddenly very still for all of the fuss she had just been making.
“Okay, okay geez,” I said taking the box, not even thinking much of it at first. It wasn’t like Pidge was the sentimental type so it was probably just something I had gotten mixed up in her stuff or I had dropped. So when I opened it and found a delicate length of fabric inside that was a soft shade of green. Some where between the color of jade and forest light filtered through dark green leaves. “A scarf … with your lions color,” I said gently picking up the scarf and feeling its softness against my cheek.
“You can always take it back if you don’t like it, I kept the e-receipt,” she said with a small gulp and tinkering with her watch nervously. “But um I thought maybe it might be nice if you had something like that. You know how royalty would wear the color of their favorite knight? Or vice versa? Well paladins are kind of knights and uhhhh you’re kinda my royalty in a weird way I guess? So I thought it was appropriate anddddd I wanted to get you something nice okay?” she finally managed to say in a long sigh like the words were painful to get out. It was the same way I looked when I practiced a long speech and still managed to mess up.
It was the cutest thing I had ever witnessed. I scooted through the booth to sit next to her and slung my arm over her shoulder. “I think that it is perfect and very us,” I breathed into her hair with a smile. She linked our fingers together and saw a relieved smile relax her features. “You know I think it is. Maybe I am better at this then I thought,” she said leaning against me casually, trying to hide the rosey hue lighting up her skin.
“You’re just perfect,” I muttered back kissing her hand and promising myself that green was going to become a staple in my wardrobe.
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ilsa-makes-things · 8 years
"What Are You Supposed to Be?” Character Design in Dagorhir
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A kender knight errant giggles in the woods battle.
We often neglect character design in Dagorhir (or Belegarth, Amtgard, Darkon, and other LARP-y games where the focus is on fighting and we play one character for years on end). Rather than consciously asking “how can I convey who my character is through my physical appearance?” players often slide into wearing the same old tunics, pants, and accessories as everyone else. Much to my shame, I’ve been the fantasy character who dresses like a generi-Viking and then gets miffed when people ask “what are you supposed to be?” That changed when I took a theatre costume design class. The revelation that I could start with the ideas I wanted to convey (ie, “this character is colorful and eccentric-- how do we translate that into their clothes?”) vs individual items (”well, I already have this tunic-- I guess I’ll have to make it work for my kit, somehow”) changed how I think about character design. 
Thinking about character design let me deliberately and effectively overhall my entire aesthetic. I like my kit a lot more, now, and I think more Dagorhir players would feel the same way if they front-loaded their design process. 
If you’re having trouble figuring out your garb, then, consider designing your kit like you’re costuming a character for a stage or film production. 
Front-Load Your Character Design
I built my “Dragonlance kender” kit piece by random piece for years, and it never added up to a cohesive whole. Every fantasy character hates hearing “what are you?” or “what are you supposed to be?”, and I used to get that a lot.
 Now that I’m front-loading the design process people successfully “read” my kit a lot better. Strangers at the ren faire call me “Tasslehoff,” and new Dagorhir acquaintances burst out laughing and call “watch your pouches!” when they see me pass holding my hoopak, one of the clearest identifying “props” my character carries. Front-loading character design means thinking before you build or acquire pieces of kit, rather than trying to add items that don’t work with the “look” you’re trying to build.
Let’s think about this like we’re designing a stage production. One of the first things we should do is ask what you want to convey to the audience about the character. If this were a play, our audience would be the people putting their butts into our auditorium. Since Dag is live-action and immersive, your audience is your peers. Either way, the first time someone sees your kit, they should be able to make some inferences about you. How wealthy is this character? How much of a conformist are they? What time period or profession do you want to portray? If your design conveys nothing much (or worse, you have to break character to explain your kit or justify the absence of something that’s not there— ie,"I am an elf-- I was just cursed to lose my ears!”), then your design probably needs more thought. *
Case Study: Spud the Ranger
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Dude looks like a ranger-- but WHY? HOW??
All of that is a little overwhelming, so let’s boil it down to one important question. Say an average player sees your kit for the first time. Without ever speaking to you (and, because they don’t care, without minutely examining every detail of your kit— the family crest etched onto your belt buckle is for your own satisfaction), a stranger should still be able to say, “aha, that guy is ______,” and be decently close. What do you want that blank to be? What do you need to include in your kit to make them say that?
Your "blank” could be something super obvious like “that character is a dwarf!” or “that character is an Uruk-Hai!” Successfully portrayed, not half-assed dwarves and successfully portrayed, not half-assed Uruk-Hai have really clear physical markers— they’re easy to “read,” provided you know that the beard/axe or fangs/White Hand are the identifying traits. My kender-kit falls into this category: as long as you’ve read Weiss and Hickman’s books, the topknot, hoopak, pouches, and furry vest say “kender” to you.
If your character is something that doesn’t come with easy “markers,” you might have to back off a little and go for something more general. You could pick a fantasy archetype and pick “that character is a bard,” or “that character is a raggedy peasant” or “that character is a knight,” or you could pick something even less concrete, like “that character is evil,” or “that character is more interested in having fun than conforming.” Any choice is valid-- the key is to define it to yourself and build your kit around it, rather than have your hodgepodge kit accidentally define it for you.
Let’s say we’re designing a character for Joe Newplayer. We’ll call Joe’s character Spud.
Joe Newplayer knows that it is gauche to corner his fellow players and tell them, in the third person, that Spud is a ranger who has some werewolf traits and has lived by hunting ever since he was exiled from his hometown, so Spud is going to try to convey this, instead, through costume (and later, through in-character roleplay). Good egg, Joe!
The very least Joe wants our audience to be able to say, of Spud, probably, is “aha, this dude spends a lot of time in the woods.” Going for “this dude is a hunter with a dark past” or “this dude has some weird canine traits” is a little harder, so that could be something to build up to (or, again, express through in-character roleplay).
What would help convey “dude who spends a lot of time in the woods”? Joe, having considered this a bit, might be tempted to start listing individual clothing items he wants to buy-- cloak! Hood! Some dope-ass boots!-- but I would encourage him to hold back. Rather than listing individual clothing items, start with some elements of design, like line, mass, color, texture and movement. Start by thinking about your design as a whole, not by over-focusing on individual pieces, and your costume will be more coherent, unique, and effective.
The Elements of Design
Do we want Spud to appear bulky or slender? A confident character might take up a lot of space, while one who hopes to fade into the background might be drawn more tightly in. Should Spud’s silhouette be shaggy, many-corner’d, or streamlined? What sort of textures are right for a dude who spends a lot of time in the woods? What sorts of colors? Should the materials Spud wears be light and floaty, heavy and stiff, or something in-between? WHY?
Hold off on the internal character reasons for any of the “whys” (ie, “I have this cloak because my mother made it, and she died, so I wear it to remember her”) and keep your focus tight to the audience. Joe might choose a silhouette that’s top-heavy with fur or leather shoulder armor and tapers down to through the lower legs, which very quietly suggests the lean lone wolf. Joe might chose muted, natural colors (which might say that the character wants to fade into the woods), or weirdly clashing or worn-out ones, which might say (though this is getting rather too subtle, but that’s his choice) that he doesn’t care about clothes or society’s expectations (or perhaps that he’s colorblind— canine attributes! ;) ) Joe might distress his fabrics suggest a character who’s down on his luck, or add lots of layers to imply that he carries everything he owns on his back because he doesn’t have a fixed address.
Remember that each choice you make will inform the physical experience of wearing the costume, too. A costume that the actor can’t move in is bad design! What does this character need to do in their clothes, and how do the elements of design you established above intersect with that? Do they need to physically carry all their worldly goods? Will they sleep or fight in this outfit? Will they need help donning their fancy clothes? No matter how independent and stand-offish your traveling female thief is, she’ll probably need help lacing up a back-fastening corset, so ponder the physical realities of the garments you might include, and ask if they fit with your big picture.
If this is overwhelming, pick one adjective and build your design around that, instead. Do you want people to see your character as, primarily, tough? Independent? Scatterbrained? Confident? Timid? Otherworldly? Brainstorm how your adjective could bleed out onto their clothing— not just by giving them individual props (this character is tough because he wears lots of knives!), but by thinking in terms, again, of audience impression (this character is tough because he wears hard textures and has no extra frills!). Grab a print-out croquis (try here) and do some drawings, like you’re making paper dolls. (It’s okay if they’re shitty. Mine are hilariously bad.) How can you make a character look confident, tough, timid, or otherworldly using shapes, colors, and textures, rather than building up from individual items?
For more insight on how to do this, consider reading more about costume design for film and stage. This is a good, quick crash-course in how to start thinking about character design. Give it a shot!
In Conclusion
Start from the ground up and ask what you want to convey to your “audience”— ie, your fellow fighters. The result will be more coherent than if you build stuff up, piece by piece.
Next time, I put my own neck on the chopping block as we look at how I built up my Ilsa character using some of these elements of design. ‘til then, tell me what YOU do to design your character! :)
*There’s an argument in favor of subtlety— you probably don’t want to look like a cookie-cutter ranger— but the failure state of “subtle” often “incoherent” or “muddled.” Pick your poison. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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ayyoitsalex · 4 years
Chapter 2 - Bay Bay Boy
Making sure all three of our kids gets the adequate attention they need and deserve is a struggle for Sam and I. It's hard especially when they all have interests that don't really intersect anywhere. I feel now both Cole and AJ need some time to feel a little bit special since it might feel like Sam and I are always taking care of Charly. Both our guys are being champs about it and not complaining much, but I can tell sometimes they wish they had some more of our attention. So Sam and I made it a point to take days where one of us spends the day with one of the boys so they have our undivided attention to do something they like. This time it's Cole's turn, and we're doing something even I'm stoked about. I am an absolute freak fan of wrestling, but problem is no one else I know really can relate. Sam will tolerate watching it with me and she'll be entertained, but it's just not something she'll watch on her own. Cole is with me in my fandom. It's nice to have something to bond over since none of his other interests are things I understand. So for our day I had bought tickets to a live event in San Diego. It's not something that's gonna be on TV, but still we're going to be ringside to see our favorite stars. -Saturday morning- I sat up in bed next to Sam who was still asleep. I was just scrolling through my instagram feed, enjoying the little time I had where no one needed anything from me. I was so excited for the show I could barely contain myself, but I had to keep it from Cole until it was time. It was around eight-thirty to my surprise Charly hadn't cried out for anyone to let her out. *CRY I spoke too soon. I hoped she would calm herself down, but to no avail. I had to get up before her crying ended up waking up the boys. Sam stirred next to me so being the good wife I am, slowly got out of bed as not to wake her up too. When I walked into Charly's room I checked to see what was the matter. Low and behold her pink blankie was on the floor. "What's wrong my girl? Do you need mama to get blankie?" Charly nodded still crying. I handed her the blanket which she clutched close to her body. "Do you want to come to mama's room?" She held her arms out, so I picked her up to bring her back. When we got there Sam had woken up and her eyes widened at the sight of Charly. "Is that my Charly!" Sam smiled holding out for her. "Good morning sweetie, and good morning to you too love." She kissed both of us before cuddling Charly on the bed. The small giggles from Charly always made me smile. I crawled back into bed, Charly between both Sam and I. She curled up next to Sam looking at what Sam was doing on her phone. Slowly Charly's eyes started batting slowly before falling back asleep on Sam's chest. *Beep My phone rang next to me with a text message from Elizabeth. "Hey! busy?" The message read. I answered back; "No just relaxing in bed. About to make breakfast soon for the family. What's up?". Elizabeth answered back quickly. "Mom and dad left me at home to hang out with aunt Haley and aunt Alana. YOURE MY ONLY FAMILY LEFT." I laughed quietly to myself. "Okay dramatic, you can come over here and help me make breakfast." Before I could even set my phone down I had gotten another reply. "Well..I was already hoping you'd be awake..so I'm already here LOL." Elizabeth never fails to make me laugh at how crazy she is. I walked downstairs leaving the sleeping Sam and Charly to let in Elizabeth. She stood at the door coffee in one hand, phone in the other, and dressed in sweatpants and a hoodie. While she might look like a carbon copy of mom their personalities could not be more opposite. Elizabeth is definitely the wild child of us all, and could not give two fucks about what anyone thinks. "Looks like someone had a fun night at mom and dad's." We hugged before walking into the kitchen. "Aha if by fun you mean did laundry for free and ate food that I didn't buy then yeah totally." "I remember those college days. Atleast you can drive home on the weekend." I opened up the fridge. Elizabeth sat down at the counter keeping me company.  Cole walked donw sleepily before parking himself at the table awaiting food. Sam soon followed with Charly, setting her up in the high chair. "Good morning Cole!" Elizabeth said sweetly sitting next to him. He simply nodded his head and yawned again. Looking slightly annoyed Elizabeth took a short breath. "I SAID GOOD MORNING COLE!" She said directly in his ear before putting him in a headlock. "AGH! GOOD MORNING AUNT LIZ." "What's that? I can't hear you." She proceeded to noogie him as well as Sam and I looked on. "I SAID GOOD MORNING AUNT LIZ!" "Oh okay didn't hear you at first." She kissed his cheek as he fixed his messy hair. "See it didn't have to be so difficult. I'm a simple girl Cole, I just want my nephews to say good morning like they love me. Y'know like they should." AJ jumped off the stairs gliding into the kitchen chipper as always. Elizabeth looked hard at Cole. "Well good morning AJ." Elizabeth said with her arms held out. "Morning auntie Liz." He hugged her tight and even gave a kiss for good measure. Again she turned her attention to Cole. "Y'see that's how it's done there buddy boy." Cole rolled his eyes. I plated up breakfast for the boys and Elizabeth, while stirring a bowl of oatmeal I'd made for Charly. I parked myself directly in front of her determined to get her to eat. I held the spoon out in front of her and it was like I was holding a dirty sock in front of her. Charly turned away from every which way the spoon came from. "Charly you need to eat. See look mama likes it." I took a fake bite to entice her, but no luck. I turned to Cole. "What about brother, see he thinks it's good." I held the spoon to him hoping he'd play along. I mouthed please to him, and he obliged with a bite. "Mmm see so good." There it was, now she wanted it all for herself. I winked at Cole. "Good girl sweetie all finished." I set her out of the high chair to watch a show on tv to keep her occupied. When we we finally finished breakfast it was almost ten. "Hey AJ when you're done can you start taking a shower and getting cleaned up please?" Sam asked from the sink washing the dishes. Cole looked over at me slightly confused. "What about me mom?" Cole asked Sam. AJ stopped from going upstairs to hear the answer as well. "Mm well I'm taking AJ and Charly to the zoo today with nana Renee. You and mommy are doing something else." "Where we going?" Cole turned to me. "Well I was hoping to keep it a surprise but I just can't help myself." I took a deep breath. "We are going to see an NXT show today! We are ringside!" Cole's mouth dropped open and he didn't move for a solid minute before running laps around the living room excited. I knew I'd made the right call. Both Sam and Elizabeth laughed while filming Cole frantically run around chanting "N-X-T". "Aw Cole gets a day alone!" AJ pouted slightly. I looked over at him and waved him over. He walked over slightly dejected before standing in front of me. "Look AJ, this is just something Cole and I like that we get to do together. Like remember when we went to that baseball game last month?" "Yeah but-" "Ah no buts AJ, this is a day for mommy and Cole. Besides you know you'll have fun at the zoo with me, your sister, and nana." AJ nodded his head and continued to head upstairs. "Hey..well if you guys are going to the zoo. Can I come?" Elizabeth asked.   "Sure! I'd love an extra set of hands I'll even spot  your ticket." Elizabeth went to hug Sam. "BEST SISTER IN LAW EVER! I'm gonna head back to mom and dads then for a minute to change. Gotta put on something cute." "Aha I'm telling Sophia  you said that!" Sam laughed. Elizabeth just shrugged her shoulders before heading out. I helped Sam finish cleaning up before getting Charly. I brought Charly upstairs to get her cleaned up and dressed for Sam. Digging through her closet I tried to decide what would be nice for her to wear for this warm day. I settled on an animal themed shirt with some shorts for her to be comfortable. I walked her over to our bathroom to get a quick bath. Charly loves being in the water but hates when it's time to leave. She'll just start screaming before finally just accepting it. But for those few minutes of her just yelling next to my ear it's pure torture. When we finally got back to her room I laid her on the changing table all wrapped up cozy in her towel. "Alright let's get you all changed for mama so you can have fun seeing all the animals." She struggled while I tried changing her into clothes and diaper before just giving in to me. It was all finished when I dried and brushed her hair. "There all clean and cute. Let's get your bag all ready so mama has everything she'll ever need." I packed an extra set of clothes, diapers, wipes, and sunscreen into our backpack. "AJ!" I called out. He walked over to the door and stood before me. "Take this downstairs to the car please." He took the bag along with the keys I had in my hands. I checked in on Cole in the next room to see how he was doing getting ready. To no surprise it was taking slowly. "C'mon bud gotta hustle here. Take a shower and get dressed. Or I might just have to take aunt Liz with me instead." The vague threat got things moving.  Sam took over with Charly to give me a chance to get myself ready. I knew exactly what I wanted to wear. The undisputed era shirt with black jeans and nikes is probably one of my favorite outfit choices. I just feel so cool. Sam looked at me modeling in front of the mirror while holding Charly. "I still can't believe you've convinced me to name our sons after wrestlers." Sam smirked. "It wasn't my intention but you've gotta admit it's funny. Besides if it was really on purpose Adam would've been first then Cole." "Touche. You're just lucky I liked both of those names and didn't use my veto." "I'm so excited babe." I jumped up and down giddy. "So glad he's got something to bond with his mom about. I can't find myself interested in other things eight year olds like." "Yeah it's rough, but hey atleast there's this." Sam started to leave with AJ and Charly. "Okay we're gonna get going. I'll text you when we're on the way home." We kissed before saying bye. "Go say bye to mama." She nudged AJ and leaned Charly over to me while still in her arms. "Mm have a fun day babes." -Driving- We approached the arena and I could see how visibly excited Cole was. "Ready bud?" I asked. He shook his head vigorously. When we made our way into the arena my first idea was to get him a new shirt. "Alright Cole which one?" He scanned the wall of merch and finally pointed his finger. The concession worker picked it up and handed it over to Cole while i paid. He put it on immediately and turned to me. "How do I look?" I smiled. "So cool dude. and that is undisputed." He smiled big at me before giving me a hug. A collective awe from the wwe universe around us made me feel good. I walked around like the best mom. Being in a wwe crowd is like nothing else I've ever been to in my life. It's not like a concert or a regular sporting event, or even a play. It's so fan interactive. Cole and I watched the matches intently screaming as loud as we could whenever we could, chanting along with the crowd and trying hard to get picture with the superstars that would pass by. We were hoping for one in particular, and that was the champ. Then we heard the ominous "SHOCK THE SYSTEM." and we knew what time it was. Cole jumped from his seat and cheered his little heart out. Despite him being the bad guy, Adam Cole is the cool bad guy you just want to be like. When he got into the ring, Cole and I knew when it was time. I pulled my phone out to capture what was going to happen next. Adam Cole got into the ring and stood in the very middle. He threw his hands up and the crowd in attendance roared alongside him "ADAM COLE BAY BAY". When the match ended, Adam Cole marched around the ring and slapped hands with fans at ringside. Cole and I both screamed to get any sort of his attention. Apparently the matching undisputed era gear caught his eye and walked over to us. Cole held his hands out and he stopped in front of us. "What's your name?" He asked Cole. Cole sat there starstruck before answering. "..Cole..Cole Ryan.." He smiled back at Adam. "Like that part of your name. This your mom?" He asked. Cole nodded. "Well she's obviously raised you to have very cool taste." He knelt down near us and unbuckled his championship. "Hold this for me." He draped the title over Cole's shoulder. I couldn't believe what was happening. I was so incredibly happy for Cole. We snapped the picture together then Cole handed the title back. As a parting gift, Adam took the undisputed era arm band off and gave it to Cole. "Cole Ryan bay bay" He said before walking away. Cole fell asleep on the drive home clutching the armband. I felt like tonight I'd done something right as a parent giving my son an experience he's never going to forget. When we got home I carried Cole up to his room, and just laid him in his bed. Sam was still up with Charly on her chest while she watched tv with the sound off. I climbed into bed with them. "He looked like he had an amazing time." Sam said leaning her head on my shoulder. "He was so happy babe.." "Such a good mom." She kissed my forehead before I ended up falling asleep myself. -Monday- I was at my desk in the middle of the day grading papers, but still thinking about the NXT event. I just wanted to be back there. My phone lit up with a number I didn't recognize. "Hello?" I answered confused. "Yes is this Mrs. Ryan?" A voice asked. "Yeah who may I ask is calling please?" "Hello ma'am this is Principal Granger over at Oceancoast elementary. We need you to come down as soon as possible." "Oh my god is everything okay?! Are my sons okay!" I began to panic packing up my things to leave. "Yes this is in regards to your son Cole he is okay. There's been an incident that we'd like to discuss when you arrive here." "I'm on my way." I drove like a mad woman to the school, and I'd already texted Sam that something had happened. When I got to the office there was Cole sitting in the hall with a defeated look on his face. I knelt down in front of him. "Hey sweetie. Everything okay?" He shook his head. "Wanna tell me what happened?" He shook his head again. The principal signaled me into the office. "I'll be right back Cole." I walked in with another parent sitting in the chair opposite of the one empty one. "What's going on here?" I asked as calmly as I could. The other woman leered at me as what i guess was her attempt to be intimidating but I couldn't care less. "There was an altercation between Cole and another student in his class. While neither one is willing to disclose as to what that was we do know there was a scuffle. We do not tolerate that here. However seeing as it is their first incident I'm willing to allow you parents to deal with it. Another incident like this and there will be repercussions." We both nodded and proceeded out. The other parent and I didn't say a word to one another, but I just walked back to Cole. "What happened Cole?" Finally he looked up and opened his hand to a torn Undisputed Era arm band. He sniffled hard and tried to hold back but small tears streamed down his face. I hugged him tight before taking the arm band into my hands. "It's okay Cole..I can fix it." I memorized the face of the woman in the office. This wasn't the last time she's seen me, and that is UNDISPUTED.
0 notes
tumbleon · 7 years
Another birthday, same place
What does getting older mean? 
When you are young, change comes at lightning speed. Milestones are mere months apart, from learning to walk, talk, read, vote and everything in between—the nature of the sun, geography, the heartburn of love unrequited, how to drive, the right to open credit cards, rent a car, buy porn and cigarettes. In comparison, milestones in your late twenties and thirties are far fewer and farther between.
Before moving to Christchurch five years ago, I had changed cities, neighbourhoods or just flats about every six months. Now I have lived not only in the same town, but the same flat for five years. I got a dog. My life is now filled with familiar beats and routines. What makes a year, then, when everything looks roughly the same from the one before?
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Jarvis cools off in the South Pacific Ocean during a springtime trip to North New Brighton in Christchurch, New Zealand, October 2013.
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Taken earlier that day? Nope, same location one year later, November 2014. 
One of the risks of getting older is that your tolerance for being bad at something declines. This can be seen as a good thing; it suggests an appreciation of quality. Your taste is developing; your behaviour aligns with your evolving aesthetic preferences.
On the other hand, it can become a crutch that can encourage leaning too much on your strengths. The willingness to risk failure recedes. Your ego takes over. You fear the frustration of going back to square one and starting again.
That was what I admired about my best friend Mary.  Although Mary and I are both American, we first crossed paths in Christchurch four years ago through TradeMe when Mary responded to our flatmate listing. 
We killed a lot of time together.
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Mary and I find Flat Man at a roller derby game in Christchurch, New Zealand, October 2013
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Flat outing to watch the All Blacks smash France in Christchurch, New Zealand, November 2013
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Mary and I in our best op shop threads headed off to a dance thrown by the Avon City Rock and Roll Club. Outfit coordinated to match Jarvis, who seems more impressed with Mary. Christchurch, New Zealand, September 2014
A few years back, Mary became inspired by her mother’s foray into guitar back in Pennsylvania and signed up for lessons in Christchurch. I watched as she sat in the lounge of our flat and struggled until her fingers formed habits. She was willing to be bad at something again, like a kid. Her comfort with her own vulnerability inspired me to pick up a guitar again, no longer frozen from having barely touched it for the last 10 years. I didn’t critique myself for being bad as I played with Mary. It reminded me that music is the most fun thing that two friends can do. I even relaxed enough to remember and show her the few things that I knew.
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Hanging out with sisters, dogs, and guitars in Diamond Harbour, Christchurch, New Zealand, November 2014.
“You lost your inhibitions,” our flatmate Winston mused. 
Mary and I wouldn’t necessarily play every week, but we would always meet up. That element of the ritual was religious. We poured glasses of hot water with lemon, red wine, or whiskey, depending on how we were feeling. We talked about life and love and loss and wrote down the bits that seemed to have a nice cadence. Sometimes we held our guitars, sometimes we forgot and just got drunk instead. We wrote dozens of pieces of songs and melodies, which gave us a glowing, happy buzz. We never bothered to finish any of them. 
At times it seems like the only meaning of life on an island is to enjoy and take pleasure in the moment. Spontaneous meetings and deep friendships can look the same at first sight, so you never quite know whether a novel chance encounter might dissipate that day or become one of the longest threads of your life. Timing matters. It can make the difference between crossing paths and entering lives. 
Back in August, I only knew our bandmate Ray through some workmates. We planned to get a coffee when I came down to Wanaka with Mary for our annual ski holiday.
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Mary and I at Treble Cone in Wanaka, New Zealand, a year my car didn’t break down. 
We had made it to the top of the Treble Cone car park and shut off the car when steam began pouring out of the hood.
“Well,” I chirped. “Anyone got AA?”
A promise to catch up with Ray for a coffee turned into a plea for my dog and I to stay with her family until my car got fixed. They took me in with open arms. Jarvis and I stayed for five days. Ray and I found a quiet peace in each other’s presence, and often embarked on thoughtful conversations. 
Ray stared into the distance after hearing that Mary and I played together. “That’s cool,” she said, unwrapping her lips from her vape. “I’d love to get back into playing music.” Music had been her first love in childhood; long instilled by her music teacher mother. She too had left it behind in her twenties to pursue other things. Now, she was reconsidering. A soft glow came over her face. “You know that feeling when you are playing with people, and all of a sudden the music starts going somewhere on its own, and you don’t have to think about it anymore, and everyone is on the same level?”
My face dropped. What Mary and I did could be best described as melodic analysis, which often involved little to no playing. I wanted to slowly pass a hand in front of Ray’s face like Obi-Wan Kenobi and say in a low voice, “These are not the droids you are looking for.”
Ray was keen on moving back to Christchurch. There was a room going in our flat when Ray moved back to Christchurch a few months later. She took it.
Jenny and I had met five years before, though it took us four hours in a car together to remember that. Our boyfriends’ bands played a gig together; I went to her house for a barbecue. Although we met, both of us walked away relatively unchanged. It was only when our paths crossed again in Dunedin as flatmates that we started to spend long stretches of time together. 
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Jarvis chilling on the front porch of the flat where Jenny and I met (again), North East Valley in Dunedin, New Zealand, June 2017. 
The night of the Pixies concert I drove Jenny back up to Christchurch and asked if she played music, too.
“Not really,” she said. She played drums once or twice, but she was pretty bad. “Although,” she conceded, “after four or five times of being really bad at it, once I sat down at the drums and it just started coming out of me. My limbs were moving without me even thinking. I was like, ‘Oh my god! I can do it!”
“My band is looking for a drummer,” I said.
“I’m not a very good drummer though,” she conceded. “I don’t keep in time.”
“Neither can we,” I replied. “Sounds like you would be perfect.”
Two weeks later Brenda asked whether I knew any bands that could open for her band when they came down two months later for a gig at the darkroom, in June. None of us had ever played a set of original music live before. We measured the length of the songs that were near finished. In theory, we could do it. Mary and Ray were living in Christchurch; Jenny and I in Dunedin. Occasionally we came together in Christchurch to practice. 
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Band poster for The Biscuits’ Christchurch show for their Rise 7″ release tour, with support acts Les Baxters, Instant Fantasy, and us! June 2017
The week before the gig, I was still in a panic. Things as simple as standing, holding a guitar, playing a guitar and singing into a microphone proved difficult to coordinate. Before I had wondered why microphone stands had two halves and bent. It makes sense as soon as you are standing behind one that doesn’t. I had to stand so close to it my guitar knocked into the stand. It was so distracting, not a single note I sang was in tune.
A few days before the show we threw in a melody I had come up with a few weeks earlier while riding mopeds around Hawaii with Geof. When I found on the piano back in Christchurch, Ray and Mary loved it and asked if it could be put somewhere in the set as an interlude. I wasn’t nailing the solo every time that I played. 
“Guys,” I pleaded. “What are we doing playing live on Friday night?”
“It will be fine,” Ray said in her zen way. “We can do this. We just need to run through them a few times. Look how far we have come.”
We ran through our first song again. “That time sounded better,” Brian said. 
The night before the show I was a bit more relaxed. “This is so cool,” I said, looking around the room at my friends. “We’re all taking each other somewhere none of us have been before.”
“Thank you for doing this,” I said to Ray as we mingled in the kitchen the morning of the show.
“It is really cool,” Ray agreed. “It’s been so good getting back into music again. Playing with you guys has changed my journey. Even my mom was saying, ‘It’s so good that you are playing again!’ And now I may study it…”
I smiled. “It’s wonderful to be a part of that return for you.”
In New Zealand, the passing of time can seem like one long endless day.
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Floating the Avon with friends in Christchurch, New Zealand, 2015
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Taken the same day? No, two years later in February 2017, the year we decided to float the Heathcote – a far worse idea.
What is the meaning of time when life can at times feel like Groundhog Day on an island? 
It reminds me of a Maori saying my little sister fell in love with when she came over for a year. 
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My little sister and absolute favourite person in the world Holleigh out on a walk in the Port Hills with Jarvis and her students, Christchurch, New Zealand, August 2015 – the only year she was in New Zealand.
“He aha te mea nui o te ao. He tāngata, he tāngata, he tāngata.”
What is the most important thing in the world? 
It is people, it is people, it is people.
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