#i spent my whole day off running errands and now i have to go back to work and then do more errands on my next day off wiwiwi
ianthesmells · 11 months
i am sooo soooo soooooo tired
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Stray Kids Reaction || Putting Lotion On
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Mature audience only, even though this is not smut it still has some explicit/mature themes, minors DNI
⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - August 2023
It had been a while since you and Chan were last intimate, with everything that had been going on at work for you and between his schedules neither of you had made a lot of time for each other until tonight. The two of you had spent the entire day together, gone on the most romantic lunch date and even a nice night in on the sofa nothing could have been better. But it was now that was sticking in Chan's mind, you'd asked him to apply some lotion to your back and his fingers were working magic on your skin as you let out the softest whimpers that were like music to his ears.
"Thank you, baby," you hummed tiredly before rolling over onto your side and snuggling into the sheets, Chan was left a little stunned as he stared at where you had originally been sitting.
"What? You're going to sleep?" His voice cracked slightly as he watched you get comfortable. How could you just go to sleep after turning him on so much with the simple task of putting on lotion,
"Yeah, I have to be up at 4 I have a meeting. Aren't you?" You let out a small giggle, You knew he had to be at work early in the morning and even though his sleep schedule was bad you still had expected him to try and get some sleep.
"No...I-I have a problem." You rolled over a little to face him and he was blushing deeply, you frowned a little at him and he shifted to hide his crotch,
"Chan? Did you think I was asking you to do that so we could..."
"Yes." He answered since you were struggling to find the right way of asking him this question,
"Baby, I- I thought you'd be too tired," You sat up, reaching your hand out and placing it gently on his shoulder as he blushed even more. Was he a pig for just assuming that you'd sleep with him? It had been so long he was practically ready to beg for you,
"I'm never too tired for you," He met your gaze slowly and you smirked at him, leaning closer and gently placing your lips on his neck.
"Well in that case, how about I help you with your "problem"?" You whispered before biting down on his ear softly and dragging him closer to you.
"I've had the most stressful day," you mumbled as you walked into the shared bedroom to see Minho sitting on the bed waiting for you.
"What happened?" He chuckled, his eyes lingering on you as you walked around in nothing but a towel after your long shower. The two of you would do this every day, you'd catch up about work and sit and bitch to one another about everything that had been bothering you.
"One of the interns passed out and smashed their head on the corner counter. I'd rushed him to the hospital but only after getting blood everywhere. Then my boss wanted me to run errands all day," you mumbled before Minho stood up and made his way over to you, smirking at you in the mirror.
"How about I make you feel better?" He suggested with a darkened look in his eyes.
"Yeah? How?" He simply winked at you before reaching for your favourite brand of moisturizer and pulling the towel off your body. 
"Go and sit on the edge of the bed," Your whole body was heated up with the sudden attention but you moved to the edge of the bed, sitting down and letting Minho work his magic on you. 
The whole time his hands gently massaged the moisturizer into your skin you couldn't help but get more and more turned on, your whole body shivering with desire for him. But just as quickly as the touching started it had stopped and you let out a small whine of protest,
"I have to go, I'll see you in the morning though." Minho kissed your cheek and you stared at him,
"We have the Pyjama party ASMR video to shoot tonight...I told you about it." You stared at him completely dumbfounded, you thought his applying lotion was his way of getting you ready to be in the mood and now all of a sudden you were being left high and dry
"But I thought you were...g-getting ready to, you know?" You gestured toward you both and then back to the bed and he chuckled a little.
"You thought I was trying to turn you on? Baby we both know I don't need lotion for that," He winked but you didn't even entertain him with a giggle, you glared at him as he smirked and left you alone promising to make it up to you tomorrow.
When you'd suggested rubbing lotion into Changbin's skin he'd been a little taken aback by the suggestion but he wasn't going to turn it down, even now as you massaged the moisturizer into his skin he was letting out small whimpers and moans. It was turning him on a bunch and he knew you knew what you were doing to him, it had to have been the whole reason you'd suggested this "pamper night" to him in the first place.
"I'm going to go and shower," You told him as you finally finished putting the last lot of lotion into his skin, gently placing a small kiss on his shoulder as he let out a small whine of protest.
"You just spent all that time getting me hard and now you're leaving?" He stared at you as you made your way to the ensuite door, freezing when you heard him asking this.
"I did what?" You giggled a little, looking at him as you began to notice the pitch in the sheets and you bit down on your lip a little.
"Come on, don't tell me you didn't intentionally turn me on. We both know the kind of game you're playing," He winked at you and it felt as though your whole body was on fire. The two of you hadn't been intimate for a while, things had just slowly fizzled out and you'd placed that down to work stress or other complications in life.
"I turned you on?" You whispered a little shocked, all you'd done was apply some lotion to him so that his skin wouldn't begin to go dry or crack in places.
"You didn't mean to?" There was a complete switch up in Changbin's behaviour, the once cocky man was now blushing and whimpering as he tried to explain himself to you.
"I didn't mean I wanted to...I-I just...I thought that was your intention, we don't have to-" He could barely finish his sentence before you kissed him deeply and roughly, practically throwing yourself into his arms as he took your clothes off.
Hyunjin was letting out a small whine as you applied pressure to his thigh, his eyes squeezing shut as he tried to ignore the cramping that was happening. All week long he'd been in pain with a sore thigh muscle and you'd been doing everything you could to make him feel better, Tonight seemed to be a little bit different, the cramping wasn't so bad but he was getting majorly turned on whenever you pressed the lotion into his skin.
"Hyunjin?" You giggled as you noticed his shorts beginning to grow tighter with each passing second and he looked down at you with a smirk on his lips.
"Sorry baby, I can't help it when you have your hands on me like this." He let out a small whine and your whole face heated at the sudden thought of him getting turned on just by your touch.
"I'm doing this so you won't be in pain." You reminded him, that the lotion you were applying had some soothing abilities and was supposed to stop muscle aches from the first use,
"I won't be in pain if we have sex though." He teased, running his hands over your shoulders as you slapped his hand away from you,
"You're such a pig," you teased, softly pushing him to sit down on the edge of the bed and work your hands on his thigh again, smirking as he continued to let out small whimpers of your name.
"Let me work my magic and I'll see about giving you what you want afterwards." You teased him.
Jisung had been over the moon with excitement when you'd asked him to put some lotion on your back and arms, he'd started slowly with your arms and as he got to your back he'd begun to try some techniques he'd had done to him during a massage. The whole time he had this giant smile on his face, the thought of getting to make you feel good was making him so happy, not to mention he knew why you'd asked him to do this. The two of you had been too busy with work and your job to make time for being intimate with one another but tonight was your night off and you could finally spend some alone time together.
"There baby, all...done..." He frowned when he heard some soft snores coming from your lips and he moved to the side to see that you were out cold in front of him. How could you have fallen asleep through that? He was doing everything he could to turn you on, just like he thought you'd wanted.
"Babe?" He whispered, softly shaking your arm as you grumbled in protest, squeezing your eyes together as you tried not to blind yourself with the light.
"What?" You mumbled a little annoyed that he'd woken you up after you'd just gotten to sleep but you looked at him to see him blushing brightly.
"Why did you fall asleep?" You laughed a little and sat up on the bed, It was almost 10 at night and you were tired, it was no wonder you'd fallen asleep.
"Because it felt good?" You shifted off the bed and went to hunt for some PJs you could go to sleep in,
"But I thought you'd asked me to do it for you...as a form of foreplay?" You froze in place and slowly turned around to face your boyfriend who appeared to be looking a little confused.
"I-I just needed help with lotion." You giggled a little at the thought of him thinking it was your way of asking for sex, it was adorable.
"But if you're that horny Jisung, I can help," You smirked as you stood in front of him, slowly sinking onto your knees and running your hands up his thighs as he stuttered and stumbled to find the words to say.
The entire time Felix had been pampering you he'd been trying to keep control of himself but it was getting harder and harder with each passing second. His hands were sitting on your hips as he leaned in closer to you, 
"Lixie?" You giggled when you felt his lips on the back of your neck, your whole body shivering at the sudden attention you were getting from him. You'd asked him to put some lotion on you because you'd been feeling a little dry lately but you hadn't expected this,
"What?" He chuckled softly, his hands slowly running down your thighs as you let out a small whine of his name, he knew that your thighs were your weakness.
"What are you doing?" You whispered, your body slowly turning to face him as he winked at you,
"Giving you what you wanted, baby."
"I wanted lotion," You nodded at the bottle that was now discarded next to him and his whole body burnt with embarrassment. 
"You didn't want to have sex?" He stuttered a little and the two of you were now stuttering messes as you stared back at one another, a little shocked at where this had gone. It wasn't as though the two of you had never had sex before but it was still a little embarrassing for you to talk about so openly.
"Well...Y-Yeah but I didn't suggest lotion for it to lead to it." You slowly leaned into Felix and kissed him gently,
"But now you've gotten me in the mood, don't stop." You begged, biting down on his lip gently as he smirked at you. 
You'd been sitting on his lap the whole time as you applied some lotion to his face to "keep his skin hydrated" but Seungmin could see right through you. He knew what you were trying to do and in front of all of the boys? He couldn't believe you were being this adventurous with him tonight. The two of you were spending the night at the dorms and were sitting in the living room with everyone when you suggested the lotion to him,
"Let's go to the bedroom." He whispered to you as you frowned,
"I promised I'd do this for Jeongin," you whispered back to him, Everyone was focusing on the movie that was playing and you didn't want to interrupt them.
"Hell no." He said suddenly and rather loudly causing eyes to fall onto you both as you frowened.
"It's just some lotion-" You tried to speak but he cut you off. There was no way Seungmin was going to let you sit on Jeongin's lap and do the same thing you had just done to him.
"You're not doing to him what you just did to me."
"What did I do to you?" You barely had time to ask when you were suddenly being ground down against Seungmin's crotch and your eyes widened.
"I didn't mean to...I-I thought I was just doing your skincare." You whispered to him as his eyes darkened a little.
"You knew exactly what you were doing." He mumbled as you shook your head at him, there was no way you were going to fuck under the same roof as 7 other men.
"No, and it's not going to happen tonight," you told him before tapping the tip of his nose and getting up from his lap, going to sit beside Jeongin so you could moisturise his face next.
Jeongin watched in fascination as you got all of your supplies ready for the night, your lotions waiting on the vanity for you.
"You want some lotion?" You questioned when you noticed his eyes watching you the whole time. His heart raced as he stared at you, you were standing naked in the bedroom and his mind was racing at all of the things he wanted to do to you. The two of you hadn't had sex in a while since he'd been on tour and tonight would be the first night together in a long time.
"I'd love some." He blushed, stripping down so that he was naked and you smiled to yourself, letting out a small giggle as you began rubbing the lotion into his shoulders. Slowly leading your hands down his arms and chest making sure you got all of his body and that his skin was properly hydrated. As soon as he was done you smiled proudly of yourself and moved away from his body.
"Done. I'm hopping in the shower, do you wanna go and make a hot drink?" You said as you headed to the bathroom, noticing your boyfriend's mouth was just hanging open,
"You're just going to shower after turning me on?" He was blushing, trying to hide his boner with a blanket that was on the bed and you let out a small giggle,
"I turned you on?" You wondered how you'd only applied some cream to his skin it wasn't as though you were doing anything particularly raunchy.
"I thought that was what you were meant to be doing?" He suddenly blushed as he watched you closely,
"No...I was just applying some lotion to you." You studied him for a second before smirking to yourself,
"Come and join me in the shower though,"
"But you just applied lotion." He didn't know why he was suddenly so bothered, he should have jumped at the chance to get in the shower with you.
"I can put more on you after," You smirked grabbing his hand and dragging him into the en-suite with you.
Tagline: @chiisaiblog @hanasonmi @sw33tnight @taestannie @acciocriativity @scarletemeterio @halesandy @aerastus @laylasbunbunny @critssq @lensfilm @btsiguess-kpop @djeniryuu @backintomykpopphaseagain @choisoorin
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billthedrake · 9 months
Note: This is a hypnosis story co-written with @josmith1718
The next day, Dad and I had a lazy Saturday. I usually woke up early, but I slept like a log especially after dad's insatiable appetite after being under. I woke up and saw I was in bed alone. I stretched and made my way downstairs. I was wearing only boxer briefs when I came to the kitchen and saw dad making a whole breakfast spread, "Morning, bud. Can I get you anything to drink?"
"Morning dad, what time did you wake up?"
"I've been up for a while. Woke up so refreshed." He smiled and gave me a kiss before asking me again, "Drink?"
"Uh, I'll have some orange juice."
"Okay bud, sit down, I'll get it for you."
Dad was very happy this morning. He was wearing an old baseball tee and shorts that were being eaten by his ass. I was spent from last night but seeing the sex god in this kitchen making me breakfast was giving me a second wind.
"Here you go son. What do you say we have a nice cookout today? Weather should be good; we can put some steaks on the grill and have some beers."
"Sure dad, but you are in the sun all day, I thought you would want to spend some time in the A/C."
"Well, we could do something else if you want." He smirked as he saw my hardon.
I reached down and tugged at my loose shorts, playfully showing off my endowment to Dad, but also pinching the base a little bit to tame the beast.
"It'll probably be better if I wait." I said.
"Waiting isn't your strong suit, buddy," Dad smirked.
"Nah it isn't," I admitted. I was about to ask whose fault that was but I reflected at how great my father was. I was the luckiest guy in the world. "So... cookout?" I asked. I knew if we stayed in that kitchen, I'd be initiating sex. And last Saturday we didn't leave the house till after noon...
Dad went to get dressed to run his errands to the grocery store. I offered to hit the hardware store for charcoal and some other stuff we needed. Surprisingly, bagged ice is cheaper there, too, so Dad asked me to get a bag or two so we could set up the cooler for the beer.
I was in and out of the big box store pretty quick. I don't know if it was the hypnosis, but I was in a weird mood that morning. Almost giddy with excitement of seeing if Dad was gonna put out for me later, really put out. Maybe I had some misgivings, too. I mean, Dad had brought up the hypnosis route and found the Company, but maybe I was too excited by the idea of reprogramming my loving father.
As I tossed the stuff in the back seat and as I started the car, I wondered about maybe my approach with fucking Dad was wrong. Maybe it wasn't just mental. Hypnosis was one thing, but he would need to get used to having something in his hole.
I took a little detour home, to where one of the adult sex stores was. Hopefully the ice wouldn't melt too much. I'd only been to this store a couple of times, the first time when I turned 18 and a buddy dared me to go as some sort of stupid high school ritual. The other was soon after that, when I heard a rumor you could get a no-strings blowjob in one of the booths. I went in, but chickened out.
Now, I went in and made a beeline for the vibrators and butt plugs. I was not a small fry and Dad would need some practice, even if he was under when I used the toys on him.
I found a beginner sized dildo and picked up an enema bag. I looked for a smaller sized butt plug. Even the smallest looked like it might be a challenge for a newbie at bottoming, but I picked it up too. With a naughty thought I eyed one of the bigger plugs. It would take a hell of a lot of hypnosis to get my tight virgin father to fit that inside him. But the idea turned me on like mad so I bought it too.
I made my purchases and headed back home. Dad was already putting away the groceries in the kitchen, as I went upstairs with my toys and hid them until I needed them.
I'd barely stashed them in the back of my sweaters in the closet when Dad walked into our bedroom. "I'm gonna hit the gym, Kyle," he said, peeling off that baseball shirt. God, here comes my hardon again. But Dad seemed oblivious to that as he went to root through his drawer for his workout gear. "I'll fire up the grill when I get back, OK?"
"Yeah, Dad," I said.
He grabbed his stuff and then paused to look at me. Maybe he wasn't so oblivious to my excitement after all. With a grin he sauntered over and stepped up to me, leaning forward to kiss me gently. It was hot, a lot of soft tongue as Dad and I made out in our bedroom.
His free hand was on my flank, feeling up my muscle beneath my T-shirt. "Nice, son," he grinned. "I can tell you've been hitting the gym too, buddy," he smirked. I worked out during my lunch hour at a corporate gym near my office. I usually enjoyed taking Saturday off.
"Gotta keep up with my old man," I smirked back. I reached down to undo my shorts, but Dad stopped me.
"Save it, buddy... it'll be worth your while, I promise." With that, dad pulled my shorts up and gave me a parting kiss, “Try to keep your hand away from that dick.” He said as he left the room. I did not know it was possible but I was even harder at that comment.
The food smelled great as dad sat next to me to let the meat cook on the grill. He had continued to wear the same workout clothes except for the sweaty shirt. He was showing off a good pump, I'd say, his perky nipples saluted me and his calves looked exceptionally delectable. If I was not so hungry, I probably would have tackled him as soon as he walked through the door.
"So how do you feel about the hypnosis, son?" Dad asked as he took a sip of his beer and sat next to me.
"I was hesitant at first but if it makes you happy, Dad, I'm game but, how about you? Did you feel different when you were under?" I asked. I kept putting the old man under and never even thought of asking if it was enjoyable.
"Not just me, son. Remember what you told me, if we're both not into it, we don't have to do it." He held his gaze on mine, "But I will be honest, if it'll help us... me... I want it."
I nodded and smiled at him. He reached and patted my thigh before answering the second half of my question.
"And to answer your question, I didn't feel anything. It felt like I fell asleep and when I ‘woke up' I felt refreshed. I hope it can help me to be able to give you what you want but if not, it's helping me to feel relaxed at least."
"Did you remember what you did when the man from the Company put you under?"
"No. We were talking and then he was telling me we were done. Whatever I did, I don't think it was embarrassing but I did feel good afterwards."
We ate, we tanned, and we had some more beers. It was a nice relaxed way to spend the weekend. Dad worked hard and in my own white collar way, I worked hard too. It was nice to lie in the backyard and think about nothing.
I had my eyes closed and tried to keep everything out of my mind. I just heard the sizzling of the grill, dad whistling, the light chirping of the birds. Suddenly, I began to think about the hypnosis and started throwing wood. It was a hot idea, having my dad do anything I wanted, bend over, and let me rim him or ask me to fuck him as matter-of-factly as he did when providing me with his oral services. I was maybe hoping it was a one session kind of deal and then Dad would be lifting his legs for me. Yet, he'd put off sex, even more than normal. I wondered if he needed more reinforcement or if I needed to expedite the process.
The more I thought about it, the more I decided I'd put him under again and take dad back to the white hallway. As soon as we went inside, I was determined I'd be putting him under again. I wanted to get in his ass but didn't want to do it prematurely. As I went through the motions of helping him clean and put away things, I was formulating a script in my mind of what I was going to say and do. I had to think of the Protocol the Company provided, and how reinforcement could help tap into Dad's inner psyche.
"That was great." Dad said as we were putting away the last of the leftovers in containers. I admired his hairy frame now that he had gotten a tan on his chest and back. A shame he didn't go shirtless at work, I'm sure he'd get more contracts showing his body off and he'd had an overall tan.
"You are the grill master, dad."
"You flatter me buddy." Dad rubbed my shoulder, as he stepped by me. I watched him walk down the hall, and even as he was out of my sight, the sound of the door closing suggested to me he was taking a piss.
It seemed the perfect chance to catch him unaware. That approach seemed to work the first time and if he was easily put under then, it should be no issue now. I put the food away as quickly as I could and then I walked down the hall to wait outside the bathroom for him to come out. I heard the flushing of the toilet followed by the start of dad washing his hands and whistling as he cleaned up.
"Hey buddy... you gotta go...?" Dad began as he opened the door but at the sound of me saying “power down” he stopped mid-sentence. He went from animated to emotionless in one swoop. His face was drained of emotion, his arms fell to his sides, and he looked past me, as though there was a point behind me, he needed to concentrate on.
"How are you feeling?" I asked.
"Relaxed..." Was dad's monotone response.
"Remember what I told you about Kyle?"
Dad nodded and said "Yes..."
"Repeat to me what you learned about Kyle and what you need to do."
"Kyle does the fucking, to show him I love him, I have to let go and give him what he wants..." He responded. Once again, I smiled, "What does he want?"
"To fuck me." Dad responded, determined. As he finished his thought, I saw how he began to breathe a bit faster, and his cock began to swell up. The shorts he was wearing were flimsy and nothing hid what was happening down there.
"That's right. When this finally happens, you will give him happiness and he, in turn, will bring you pleasure. Your son will be happy, and you want to make your son happy right?"
"That's all I want, my boy to be happy." He was more determined with his response.
"Extend your hands and hold on to me, we are going back to the door in the white hallway." He extended his hands and I reached with mine. I held on, feeling the dampness on his skin.
"Walk with me as I count to five. Once I reach five, we'll be at the door."
"One... we're walking down the corridor," I slowly walked us to the bedroom where I had stashed the toys I would be needing, "Two... you are feeling relaxed and calm knowing your son will never cause you pain or hurt you," I passed a couple of framed pictures of us at a camping trip and from both of my graduations, "Three... you are closer to the door, remembering what you saw there, getting you excited..." At the threshold of the bedroom, I said, "Four... the door is at arm's reach, you want to open the door, right?"
"Yes, I want to open the door." Dad responded a bit breathlessly.
"Good... five, reach for the doorknob and open the door. What do you see?" I let go of his hand momentarily and saw him reach to the imaginary door to open it.
"I'm in bed with my boy... He is on top of me, getting ready to fuck me... My son looks happy..." Dad began to smile warmly as he saw the scene.
"He is very happy, but you can't bottom for him yet, why?" I caressed his hand.
"Men don't get fucked." Again, determined. I knew we would need to work on this now if we were going to get anywhere.
"Look at yourself, Brian. You are a man. Look at your muscles, your hairy torso, strong legs, are you not a man?"
"Yes, I'm a man."
"Keep looking at the scene in front of you, is your son inside you, fucking you, making you feel good?"
"God... yes, he is fucking me, making me feel pleasure." He tightened his grip on my hand and his breathing increased. He wanted to be able to give his boy this, the pleasure that he would experience was secondary at this point. All he wanted was to be a good daddy and take care of his boy's needs. He wanted what he saw.
"And as he is doing this... are you changing at all?" I asked, looking at dad's face to see if there was any resistance to what I was inferring.
Dad looked confused at this. I continued to caress his hand and pushed on, "Did you become less of a man?"
Again, confusion, his brow creased as he thought of it. I answered for him, "No you didn't. Look, Kyle is still fucking you, bringing you pleasure. He is fucking a man, not a woman. Say it, Kyle fucks men."
"Kyle fucks men..."
"Again, with conviction."
"Kyle fucks men." I moved his hand to my cock, and I moved my free hand to his, "Hold Kyle's cock and ask him who he fucks."
Dad looked at me as though trying to look through a fog and asked, "Who do you fuck?", his hand lightly gripping my cock like he did when he was ready to give me a handjob. I fished out his cock and began to match his grip and stroking motions as I answered.
"I fuck men, dad, not women, just men. Hairy, muscular, masculine men. Men that work construction, that have a tan from being in the sun working hard, muscles from moving heavy things all day." I said this as I stroked him.
"God, son..." he whispered to himself.
"Brian, who is getting fucked on the bed?" I asked, getting a thrill calling him by his name.
"I am..."
"Are you a man?"
"So, say it, I'm a man that gets fucked."
Dad's voice was direct and unwavering. A pure expression of his unconscious. "Men don't get fucked."
Jesus Christ. Back to square one.
I let go of his dick and thought for a second. What would the Protocol suggest? I don't even remember where the idea came from, but I remembered something about triangulation. Shifting the focus. "Brian.... Listen carefully to my voice.”
Dad looked at me with unwavering concentration.
"You are past the white door now... where only my voice matters."
"Your voice."
I felt his grip on my cock get tighter, now playing with it, then stroking it. Fuck, this felt good.
"When you are awake, Brian, and you worry about not being a man, you can listen to my voice and it'll relax you, helping you let go for your son."
I spread my legs and let Dad openly stroke me. The more I talked the more eagerly he tugged at my dick. "You know what that voice will be telling you?"
He shook his head no. Like an eager student studying for a test. Aww God, his hand felt amazing. This man, even under, only had one mission and it was to bring me pleasure. I had to bite my lip and take a deep breath before I continued because I didn't want to shoot yet, I needed to see this through.
"That voice will be telling you that anytime you don't feel like a man, to think instead about Kyle. Your son—" God, Dad's hand was driving me crazy. I wasn't normally a hand job guy, but this head fuck was messing with mine in its own way. "—and how manly he is." I finished my train of thought in a raspy voice.
"Yes, Kyle is a man." Dad responded determined, proud even. The same way he would when bragging to his buddies about me for something.
"Good," I said. "And because Kyle is a man, you do not have to worry about yourself. Just listen to that voice...Dad." My breath was getting shorter. I reached out and began stroking Dad's cock as he did mine.
"What does that voice say, Dad?" I stopped calling him by his name and reverted back to ‘Dad.' I wanted him badly and calling him Brian, while naughty at first, was not as personable as ‘Dad.' The man raised me, taught me so much. Now it was my turn to return the favor, as it were, and teach him new things. Things that would bring him pleasure.
"That voice is saying Kyle is a man." He was sweating a bit, his nipples were perky and his cock throbbed in my hand.
"What do men do?"
"Men fuck.”
"What is going to help you be able to be your son's bottom daddy?” I was stroking dad hard, and he was too, we were both lost in the moment. I don't even know when it was the last time, I called dad ‘daddy' but I had just said it and if I was not in the edge of shooting, I was when dad responded.
"Listen to the voice... allow Kyle to make me his bottom daddy." The combination of seeing dad zonked out, his words and his hand on my cock, I shot my load, some of it landing on his hand and floor. Dad, in turn, shot all over my hand. Like father like son, both shooting our loads at the idea that I needed to fuck him, and he was going to allow me to.
We were both breathing hard and as we both caught our breath, I looked at dad and with some clarity instructed him to close the door. Dad used his free hand and simulated closing the imaginary door. I continued, "You are a man that gets fucked, keep that in mind. You still can't bottom for Kyle, but you want to, desperately. You want to get pleasure, you want to make Kyle happy, but you need to prepare for it. You will ask Kyle to help you. It'll be scary but put your trust in your son, he loves you, he is here for you, he is going to make sure everything you do for him, is returned with pleasure tenfold."
"I trust my son." No hesitation at all. That made me really happy that dad have trust in me.
"And he trusts you. He loves you very much." I kissed his cheek and felt the stubble, it was the weekend he hadn't shaved since Friday.
Dad smiled and continued to stroke my spent cock, bringing it back to life, "Once you come out of this state of relaxation, at some point tonight you will ask your son to help you. You will ask him what you need to do, what can you do to get ready. You will only feel pleasure once it happens. This pleasure will make you feel comfortable getting played with and fucked by your son, Kyle. Understood?"
"Yes... I want that... I want Kyle to play with me..."
"He wants to play with you too. Now, you are going to wake up when I count to three. When you wake, you will not realize you were under but will retain all instructions and suggestions. You will also not find it weird that we are here covered in cum. You will find it hot and want to shower off the remnants of it before we head downstairs, and watch T.V. Understood?"
"I understand."
"Good, let's wake up. One... Two... Three..."
Life came back to dad's eyes, and he smiled when he saw the mess we had made, "Shame I didn't get that load in my mouth but can't cry over spilled milk, right buddy?"
I smiled and he closed the gap and gave me a kiss, "Let's hit the showers, son." I nodded and followed him as he dragged me to the bathroom without letting go of my cock.
We showered, made out under the running water, and then saw a bit of T.V. before we called it a night. As we were getting ready for bed, dad looked at me intently, "I love you so much, buddy."
"I love you too dad." I smiled and threw a pillow at him. He caught it and then stroked it a bit, almost as if he was arming himself with courage.
"I really want to give you everything I can, son. I'm a man and I shouldn't be scared to ask for help so here it is.” He took a deep breath, “Help me."
"Dad, anything you need, you know I'm here for you." I responded. I sat on the edge of the bed and dad came to my side and sat next to me.
"I want to be your bottom and I need to know how to do that. I don't know if hypnosis will help but in case it does, I need to prepare myself... but I don't know what I should even do first." He sounded determined but innocent all at once. I bit my lip as he said that, damn, I was once again throwing wood.
I moved a bit, trying to hide what was growing between my legs and at first, I was not sure if dad noticed but he definitely did when he got up and used my name, "Come on Kyle, I need your help. Tell me what I need to do to prep for when I finally give it up." He sounded annoyed that I would choose his vulnerable moment to be a horndog.
"Sorry dad...” I grabbed a pillow and put it over my crotch, “You need to clean yourself out and then practice. It's not much to it. Here..." I got up, covering my crotch making dad more annoyed.
“Take the pillow off, I already know you're horny,” he growled softly.
I blushed and nodded and went to get the toys. I pretended to take a while to look for them as though they were there for a long time and brought out the enema bag, "Here you go dad, this is an enema bag, you use this to clean yourself out."
"So...I fill this with water and then..." He mimed it not wanting to say it, blushing as I nodded my head.
"I can help you if that would—"
"I'll do it alone buddy. We may shower together but I draw the line with you watching me shit out poop water."
"Alright, I'll be here dad. Take your time, it's not a race."
"How long do I do it for?" He asked as he walked towards the bathroom.
"Until the water you push out is clear."
Dad was gone for a while. My cock deflated as soon as he left. Dad's mere presence had that effect on me. He could be standing perfectly still and I'd want to jump his bones. As he cleaned himself, I ended up working on emails and getting them scheduled to be sent out Monday morning. I even folded some laundry as he stayed in the bathroom. I didn't hear much other than the occasional flushing. After a little over half an hour, I heard the toilet flush again and dad come back to the room as I was putting away some clothes.
"If we were to do the deed, I'd have to do that every time?" He was red and sweating. God only knows what he did in that bathroom, but I didn't think it would take that long.
"We can get a bidet and a proper douche, you know, to be cleaner down there." I smiled at dad.
"Fuck, buddy... I have never been in the bathroom this long ever but honestly, I never felt so clean." I couldn't deny my need to be with dad. I grabbed the folded clothes still on the bed and put them on the chair in the corner of the room and ran towards dad. He held me and we began to make out. He held me tight, his shirtless frame on my clothed one. He pulled the shirt off and I began to play with his hairy chest.
As the kisses became more needy, my hands began traveling slowly down towards his ass, something he would not let me do before. The man had his hangups and one of those things was not getting near his hole. I kissed, sucked, touched, caressed and loved every part of my dad's body but his ass... that was something I wanted to explore at length but never could.
"Son..." He began as my hand caressed his ass.
"Dad please, I won't go in, I just want to touch it." I said, going back to kissing him deeply. Dad moaned into my mouth and let me explore. Fuck, that furry ass was making me bone something bad. Dad slowly lowered my shorts and began to play with my cock, "Fat executive cock..." he hissed.
We were both enthralled by what we loved on each other's bodies. I scooted up in bed and let Dad suck my dick some. I had to urge him to go slow at times and finally pulled him off. I didn't want to cum in his mouth, though I could read Dad's desire to get off that way. He loved having my dick in his mouth and loved swallowing my cum.
I got back down so we were face to face, naked in bed together. But as I got on top of him, almost a classic missionary position, I felt Dad's body jerk and shiver beneath mine. Like he got a cold spell.
"You OK, Dad?" I asked.
He nodded, gulping. "Yeah, son... it's just... fuck!"
He got another shiver. I realized it was the hypnotic suggestion, giving him that excitement when I was on top of him. I humped his cock and we made out. Dad was moaning into my mouth and clutching at my back and then my arms. Pulling me in, wanting nothing more than my weight on top of his.
"You're such a fucking stud, son," he whispered as we finally broke that kiss and looked into each other's eyes. Dad was vulnerable and yet totally alive. Turned on. Fuck, this was gonna happen. Maybe I wouldn't even need the toys.
I kissed my way down, feeling my father shiver as I enjoyed the feel of his fur and his aged brawn. I went further, pushing Dad's legs back. That didn't get resistance but almost immediately his hand was on my head, stopping me.
"Can't son," he said. Not apologetic. Like, freaked out just from the fact I was gonna rim him.
"Power down," I said.
Dad's body relaxed, almost to the point of going limp. I even had to hold his legs in place, splayed back. I could see his squeaky clean pucker. Maybe this wasn't the Protocol, but I wasn't gonna waste a clean dad hole like this. Not after dreaming about it all day.
"When you were awake, how did you feel Brian?"
"Horny... then nervous."
"I understand... but, I'm going to share a secret with you that'll make the nerves fade away. You want that, right? You can speak freely”
“Yes, I don't want to be nervous for my boy.” I smiled. It must be hard for him. A man that has lived so long with this notion and wanting to get rid of it, knowing that it'll be a pleasure for him and his lover but unable to.
“Can you keep a secret?" I whispered, looking up from his hole. Damn, I wish I didn't have to do this right now. I was ready to rock his world. Nevertheless, I persisted.
"Yes." His voice was quiet, obedient, determined.
Damn, I was rock hard. This whole thing with dad recharged me in a way that I was ready to shoot again if dad helped me out. "You are a special man, Brian. Some men only have one pleasure spot. Their cocks. You have four."
"Four?" he said, a bit surprised with a hint of confusion.
"Yes, four. You've already found two. Your cock, and the back of your throat." I reached and caressed his cock a bit.
Dad's dick surged hard again when he felt my hand and my voice, the words and their meanings sinking in.
"You like when Kyle tickles the spot in your throat, don't you Brian?"
"I do," Dad answered.
"It's pure pleasure for you."
"Yes," he said.
I ran my fingers along his leg hair as I scooted in. Dropping my voice to an even more suggestive register, I continued, "You have a spot like that deep inside you, Brian. Deep in your ass."
His face grew questioning, but he nodded.
"So deep only your son can reach it. Kyle is the only man who has the key to unlock that spot for you."
"Kyle is a man." No hesitation.
Fuck, my cock just spurted some pre on to dad's furry belly.
"You know why he has that key?"
"Because Kyle loves me." His smile grew with his response. I loved this man.
"Yes, Kyle loves you and he wants you to feel that intense pleasure deep inside you."
"I am a lucky father."
"You are a lucky man, Brian. Because you have one more pleasure spot. Your asshole craves stimulation."
"You want Kyle to make that spot feel good, too."
We'd see if this works.
"Ok Brian, continue to listen to my voice. I am going to count to three. You will not realize you were under, but you will continue to follow all suggestions and instructions while you were in this state. Once you wake, you'll feel alive and happy and allow your boy do what he wants, you trust him. You want this. Understood?”
“I understand.”
“Let's wake up, handsome. One... two... three...”
Dad's body tensed beneath mine and he let out a breath. It took him a half second to refocus, but he smirked at me.
"You're hard as a rock, buddy," Without missing a beat he responded as though he hadn't been under.
I nodded. "You get me that way, Dad." I attacked his chest again with my lips then started the process of kissing lower. We'd see if this worked. I slowly got to his cock, kissing it before I went lower.
Dad was hesitant, I could feel his body stiffen but then I pulled his legs back again and he let me.
I saw my prize, that beautiful daddy hole winking at me, inviting me to love it. God, I wanted that more than anything, to show how good my tongue could feel in there... before something bigger went in.
"Son please..." He whispered. He knew it was going to happen and was nervous.
"I'm here dad, please trust me, let me make you feel good just like you make me feel good."
"I trust you son... I trust you completely." He bit his lip before reaching for his legs and raising them on his own.
"Aww fuck, dad..." I said and before he changed his mind, I dove into his ass and began to kiss it. I was in heaven, after so many years, I was rimming him, and it was amazing.
"My fucking God!" Dad cried. Unprepared for the sensations, he let out a moan and spread his legs wider. "Kyle! Buddy!"
"Yeah? Like your son eating this ass?" I asked as I pulled back to look up his furry beef and into his handsome face.
"I think so..." He opened his eyes, then watched as I dipped back in again to lick his entrance. "Yeah... that's it.... I love it, son. Keep going, eat your dad's ass, buddy."
"Thank you, dad, thank you," I muttered into his hole. I responded enthusiastically and began to really eat him out. Dad was moaning, his nipples were hard, his cock throbbing. The man had denied himself this feeling for too long, and I was happy and lucky to be the one giving him this pleasure.
"Eat me out, son, God your tongue is slithering in there." He was now bucking his hole against my face, almost riding my mouth. I still didn't know how much of this was the hypnotic suggestion or his body naturally feeling good from my hitting his spot but either way, I was not going to question it. Right now, I was going to enjoy myself and really give dad the full experience.
I moaned and nodded, really pushing my tongue into that nice, clean hole, wiggling it around before retreating to tease the pucker.
"My executive stud," Dad grunted, "Showing his dad how good it is to have him playing with his ass."
‘His ass,' fuck that made me double my efforts before I reached for his cock and began to play with it.
"Yeah buddy, play with it, that ass is yours, all yours stud. Fuck, you got me so hard, son." Goddamn, my father was contracting his abs and thrusting that vulnerable cherry hole up against my munching mouth. This was out of control in the best way.
Thank you, Tech Bro, I was getting everything I ever wanted. Never would Dad have let me do this before, and now he was encouraging me to play with his amazing dad hole. This guy at the Company knew what he was doing, and Dad and I were proof of it. I would recommend the service to however many people I could and leave a great Google review.
My man was now a moaning mess, sweating profusely, his nipples hard, his cock dripping precum, I wanted to concentrate on his pleasure and not mine. My cock would explode in my shorts for all I care if it meant that dad would love this enough to let me play in there whenever I wanted.
I pushed my tongue deeper in there as I felt his hole begin to open and suck on my tongue.
"I'm on the edge, buddy... ready to cum for my executive stud... shoot for my boy..." That was hot, I got off his ass and crawled until I was on top of him, "I love you dad, so damn much."
"I want to shoot my load for you, I want to give you my load, buddy."
"Shoot for your son, dad, shoot for your man." I kissed him again. He didn't object to tasting my lips fresh from his ass. I slipped Dad some tongue before pulling back. I wanted to rim him more.
Going back to his ass, I doubled my efforts, just as my hand gripped his cock as I began to stroke him.
"Give me that load, dad, shoot for your stud, show him what a good dad you are."
"Fuck son, fuck, fuck, eat me out.... You're working my spot, son," Dad grunted.
I nodded and increased the speed of my strokes. A combination of my tongue work and my hand on his cock, Dad moaned and then I felt his cock expand and shoot his load. I continued to stroke until I felt dad's hand on mine.
"Fuck, son...fuck..." He was shaking. I kissed his ass one last time before I let him lower his legs. Scooting up, I lay next to him, my cock hard as steel. We were both catching our breath. Dad had his arm over his eyes, like he was recovering from a marathon.
"How do you feel dad?" I asked as I laid my hand on his chest. His hairy chest was damp from the sweat, and I could feel his heart beating hard.
"Damn..." He responded before he laughed, "That was... amazing. So intense, I never... All I can say is.... fuck..."
I smiled and grabbed his head. He lifted his arm and looked at me, "Was it everything you hoped for?" He asked in a sultry voice.
"And more, dad, c'mere." He smiled and we kissed. We stayed kissing until he realized I had not shot, "You didn't cum?" He asked concerned.
"This was about your pleasure dad." I responded honestly.
"I'm such a lucky bastard. Let's get in the shower, son, I'll take care of you there."
Before bed, I pulled out the dildo I'd purchased.
"What's this?" He asked, chuckling, nervous as he saw me bring the thing out of the packaging.
"You washed yourself, now, we need to train your ass to get used to having something up there."
I was undeterred and I looked at him before saying, "Trust me, dad."
He bit his lip and nodded, "How do you want me?"
It was difficult but after rimming him again, to calm his nerves though it was more for me, I lubed him up and ran the dildo along his ass lips.
"Oh!" he grunted. I grinned and gave him a determined look as I ran the toy over his sensitive spot. The more I ran it over his ring, the more he seemed into it, and I watched him get a boner again. I took the cue to push it in. It wasn't too big, but it was enough.
"Easy son, I'm cherry back there." He urged, reaching down to grip my forearm. Dad has a strong grip.
I nodded and concentrated on just the inner part of his sphincter, eventually working an inch in and out, giving my old man time to get used to it. All in all, we both worked to get this next step completed. A compromise between my desire to see Dad penetrated and his desire to focus on the pleasures in his anus itself. We would both get a good night's sleep after our efforts this evening.
I was getting hard, and I stroked my cock in one hand while I used the other to diddle his hole.
Dad let out a grunt and another inch of that fake cock slid inside him. The suddenness tripped my wires.
"Fuck!" I gasped as a load shot out. Since Dad had sucked me off an hour before, it wasn't the heaviest cum, but it was bigger than I expected.
I thanked him with a kiss and pulled out the dildo, laying it on the nightstand.
"That was incredible, Dad," I muttered as he pulled my body to his, “I'm glad bud... and it was good for me too.” We fell asleep soon after, dad holding me in his arms.
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takenbypeter · 1 year
Nothing Like Ross and Rachel
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Adam Warlock x reader
Words: 1259
Authors Note: kinda continuation to A New Form Of Intimacy but it still makes sense on its own
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You didn’t know what you unleashed after that first kiss with Adam, but it seemed like now he found any and every opportunity to connect your lips together.
You enjoyed kissing him just as much as he did you, but sometimes you found it to be a little much.
For example, when he’s running out to complete a quick, and I mean quick errand, or when you’re going out just to greet Cosmo.
Though most of the time you did find the whole scenario absolutely adorable, especially on days when he would visit, excitedly telling you about all the good that he performed during the day. It could be the simplest of deeds; helping someone with heavy items, or helping an animal, and after telling each story he’d then wait with his golden lips puckered slightly and you’d of course lean down to meet them.
Because, how could you say no to that face, plus like mentioned before you truly didn’t mind too, too much.
But because of this, you decided it would be quite amusing to play a little joke on him. It was simple, all you had to do was avoid kissing him. How hard could that be?
Adam arrived at your living quarters that night at his usual time but this time as you opened the door to greet him, instead of your typical kiss, you quickly hugged him in an embrace. If he found this odd he hid it well as he easily adapted, reciprocated your hug.
You hastily pulled him to your bed which you did almost every night. He got cozy under the covers as you turned the radio on.
Quill had given it to you as a gift the last time you all dropped him off on Earth and you were honestly truly grateful for the gift, especially since you’ve been missing television these past few years that you’ve spent on Knowhere.
With the radio though, of course it was only sound that would be emitted but you two considered that more than enough, still finding the entertainment very enjoyable.
Recently you two have gotten into Friends, with you claiming it was one of the top ten most iconic sitcoms to come to, and together you’ve been listening to it each and every night. And of course if at any point Adam found himself stuck on a mission you would always fill him in the next day.
As you got everything you needed you finally ran to your bed where Adam was already waiting as he held the covers up so you could fit in his arms. As you crawled in between his sturdy yet welcoming arms he puckered his lips a little and although you noticed it you chose to ignore, instead saying, “this is my favorite part!” You shouted, as you began to sing along to the theme song while doing the claps.
You tugged Adam’s arms, crossing them around you as you lay your head on his chest. You would find yourself laughing every now and then but noticed that Adam would just chuckle lightly, seeming to just follow your lead.
You noticed Adam’s fingers start to rub the tiniest of swirls against your arms. And then after a few moments he then relaxed his hands resting them around your upper arms before he squeezed them twice.
You made a point not to react.
Adam, still not picking up on anything, leans down pressing his lips against the top of your head to which you scrunched up your face, “Adam please. I’m trying to listen,” you said, making sure you were firm in your words.
And with that all his actions stopped and he was no longer laughing when you laughed. You were actually feeling a little bit of guilt.
Feeling conflicted, you decided to take the opportunity to use the bathroom and get your thoughts together.
“I have to use the bathroom, I’ll be right back,” you said as you gently pushed against his chest. Adam reached out, keeping you from distancing yourself too much.
You glance at him and were met with puckered lips as Adam clearly was waiting for a kiss goodbye.
Instead you pressed two fingers to them before successfully separating yourself from the boy, “Adam I’m just using the bathroom,” is what you said and you watched as his lips curved into an obvious pout.
“What if something happens?”
“Then I’ll just call you for help,” you said and all Adam could do was watch as you left the room.
In the bathroom you truly couldn’t decide if you should continue this whole prank that didn’t seem to be funny anymore, or if you should just end it.
Eventually you came to decide on the latter and exited the bathroom.
As you came to the main area you noticed Adam was now sitting upright in the bed with his arms pulled to his side as he stared off into the distance.
“I’m back,” you sang as you walked closer to where he sat.
Before you could explain yourself he asked the question, “are we on a break?”
The question caught you off guard for a split moment as you sat at the edge of the bed. “I’m sorry, what?”
Adam pushes his hands against the cushions and shifts himself so he’s facing you. His eyebrows are curved in the center with clear worry written on his face as his eyes are wide. “Rachel and Ross fought before they went on a break. Are we on a break?”
“We’re not on a break.”
“You won’t kiss me! Did I do something wrong? Did I make you mad? Are we fighting?” His mind seems to just be coming up with more questions just as he expels them and you have to cup his face to bring his attention back to you.
“Adam we are not fighting, and we are most certainly not breaking up…unless…” your brain suddenly wondered if he thought of the possibility before, “you want to?”
You didn’t think it was possible but his eyes got even wider, “no, never!…do you?”
“No of course not! This was just a stupid prank I’ve heard about. I thought it would be funny but now it’s just upsetting.”
“A prank?”
“Yes, a joke…” your hands finally leave his cheeks as your head ducks down, beginning to feel awful about the whole thing you’ve put him through, “I didn’t mean to make you feel like I was mad…I’m sorry.”
You didn’t expect him to become this upset, but in all honesty you completely understood his reaction. Truly it wasn’t even that funny of a prank.
You were really just feeling awful sitting there having upset both him and yourself but now Adam was the one to cup your own face, his golden fingers lightly resting against them.
He tilts your head up and you look into his eyes for a mere moment before he pushes his lips into yours.
You comfortably give in, matching his movements before you both distance from each other, but Adam kept his forehead against yours, “I’m just glad you still love me.”
You grinned, giving him a quick peck again, “I never stopped,” you reminded.
Adam pulled you back into his arms as you two resumed listening to the episode.
“I can’t believe you thought we were Ross and Rachel, those two are very toxic together. If anything were like Bananahammock and Crap Bag,” you added.
“Who?” He asked not having gotten that far in the show yet.
“Oh you’ll find out.”
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thewayitalknj · 2 months
Part 3 ;  A continuation from my blurb which can be read here.
Quick Notes - Well, I wanted this to be the final part but I felt it was getting too long so...Enjoy! :)
Your baffled. Bewildered. Unbalanced. Because in this moment, you realized, once again ; you are left alone with Eddie.
"What do you mean they left?" You began to walk closer.
"They..." He shrugs. "Left."
"And where did they go, exactly?"
"Okay Eddie, this isn't making any sense nor do I understand. Why would they leave us..." You grit your teeth. "...alone?"
"Maybe they had some errands to run back in town. They really didn't go into detail."
You step up to the counter, taking a seat across from him. "At 9am?"
He shrugs, again.
"They just said they were going to be out of the house for a few hours."
"How will we know they're safe-"
"I'm sure they'll be fine." This whole situation is odd and off to begin with. Why would you friends leave you alone...AGAIN...after you kindly asked them to STOP?
"Okay, okay fine." You step off your barstool chair and make yourself a cup of coffee, turning to Eddie. "So, what do we do today?"
As much as you were annoyed with your friends once again pulling another trick, you were in a way thankful. You've always had this small daydream of spending the day at Lovers Lake with Eddie and now it's happening. Thank your lucky stars.
Hell you were even thankful your alarm woke you up so early. You spent the first part of your morning drinking coffee while watching Saturday Morning Cartoons.
You spent the afternoon swimming, eating lunch by the dock.
By midday afternoon you found yourselves on the kids playground, kicking your legs as your swings took you higher and higher.
"Are you gonna jump?" Eddie yells from your left.
"Only if you do!"
"Alright then. 1....2...3!" You both leapt into the air. You landed on the sand first with Eddie trampling over you, both of you laughing hysterically into the humid air. "We still got it after all these years huh?"
"We sure do." As you look up at him, he looks down at you. Even with the overcast clouds above Eddie's eyes still sparkled with the bit of sunlight left.
You've never been this close in proximity before, it almost feels like time stopped. You both begin to catch your breath as he moves himself closer, and closer and closer. Just as your noses touch, eyes closed, mouths just inches away ; thunder claps across the sky and the rain begins to fall.
"Shit, come on!" Eddie screams as he helps you up, both of you sprinting back to the cabin. As you enter back in you switch on the lights and grab some towels from the spare closet.
"Well that could have been worse." Just then the lights flick a few times and then drown out. You both share a look ; "....I spoke too soon huh?"
"Guess so. Are there any candles in there?"
You lit a few candles, made a makeshift lounge in the middle of the living room filled with blankets and pillows, had cereal for dinner. You thought the almost kiss was long forgotten, that maybe it was just a spur of the moment type thing.
After playing every board game you could find, you now found yourselves playing 2 Truths 1 Lie. Anything to pass the time at this point.
"I feel like it's been forever. What time is it?" You asked, shifting your position.
"It's past 10 now."
"Okay, it's your turn."
"Alright...I stole a cassette tape from Ralph's Record Store-"
"That's true, because it's happened on more than one occasion."
"Okay damn-"
"You're gonna have to try harder than that Munson. I know you too well."
He rolls his eyes as he thinks. "When I was 8 I took in a stray cat and hid it from Wayne until he found her in his laundry. Had to give her up because Wayne swore he was allergic but I think he was lying."
"Hm, what color was the cat?
"Gray, with white on her face."
"Her? So what did you name her?"
"Ha nice. Okay. One more, what's the last statement?"
Eddie thought to himself, the whole reason everyone left was for him, for you. It was his idea, why would he back out now?
--The Night Before--
“Dude, you gotta tell her.”
He knew, he always knew how he felt about you ; and now he feels like a fucking idiot.
"Wait, tell her what?" Steve perks up, looking around the room. Everyone's eyes went from Jonathan to Eddie in an instant. "Oh shit, please tell me he means when I think he means."
Eddie slowly nods his head.
"You're in love with her?" Nancy whispers. He nods again. "Did, anyone know?"
"Just Jonathan and Argyle." Eddie answers, pointing to his friends.
"What?! Why didn't you tell us?!" Robin exclaims. Everyone "SHHHH's" and looks upstairs.
"Because you and Steve can't keep a secret and Nancy would have just told Jonathan anyhow. Argyle just...I just knew he wouldn't tell anyone." He looks down at the floor, ashamed he never said anything in the first place. He should have, they were his friends. But you were his best friend.
Argyle speaks up from the counter while popping in a marshmallow from the pack you threw down earlier, "Yeah and it's been hella hard. I've been rooting for you since we started leaving yall alone together every time we hung out."
That's when Eddie's head shot up. Looking up at his friends, one by one. "And that is exactly what you're going to do."
Everyone looks at him confused. "Do...what?" Robin questions.
"What you always do, leave us alone."
You snap your fingers in-front of his face. "Eddie? Hello? You still there? Come on it can't be that hard to think of a third statement-"
"I'm in love with you."
Quick Notes - Part 4...Coming Soon?
Click Here to Read Part 4
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thegettingbyp2 · 1 year
I Didn't Say You Had to Stop
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You’d spent the whole day running errands and getting housework done while you had the house to yourself while Austin was busy with a day of press interviews. You made sure that you got everything done as quickly as you could so you’d have an hour or two to yourself before having to get ready for the date that Austin was planning on taking you on that evening.
You were curled up on the sofa, reading your book, when you heard the front door close and Austin’s steps stop in the doorway to the living room. You heard a soft chuckle come from his lips when you didn’t lift your gaze from your page before his hands landed on your legs and moved them to rest over his lap as he sat down.
‘How was your day?’ you asked, a soft smile playing on your lips as you still didn’t look up from your page.
‘Exhausting,’ Austin replied, amusement colouring his tone, ‘you going to look at me today by any chance or is that book more interesting?’
You quickly looked up, grinning at him before leaning in to press a kiss to his lips. ‘Hi,’ you spoke against his lips, pulling away just as Austin’s hand came up to cup your cheek to deepen the kiss and settling back against the arm of the sofa, turning your eyes back to your book.
‘Is that how we’re playing it tonight then?’ Austin said with a chuckle, his hands sliding up your legs, fingers slipping beneath the hem of the shorts you were wearing. He moved his body closer to yours as his lips began to leave a trail of kisses along your jaw and neck. Your eyes fluttered shut for a second at the feeling and you let out a breathy sigh that had Austin chuckling against your skin.
‘I’m trying to read,’ you teased.
‘I know. I didn’t say you had to stop, did I?’ Austin replied as he started to kiss your neck with a renewed vigour, nipping at your skin and leaving marks you knew you’d have to cover up later. With his head still buried in your neck, you felt his hands push your shorts and panties down your legs until you were able to kick them off of your ankles before he moved his body down until he was between your legs. You made to close your book and set it to the side, ready to give your whole attention to Austin when a sharp click of his tongue stopped your movements instantly. ‘You wanted to read, so you’re going to carry on reading that book until I’m done with you.’
You whimpered at his words and nodded, bringing your eyes back to your page before you felt Austin’s tongue connect with your pussy and your head immediately fell backwards. ‘Keep reading or I’ll stop,’ Austin spoke from between your legs, waiting until you moved your head back to your book before continuing. His lips wrapped around your clit as he started to suck gently, your legs already shaking on either side of him. The hand that wasn’t holding your book moved to thread into Austin’s hair, the feeling of your nails lightly scratching at his head causing him to growl into your pussy, the vibrations catapulting you into your orgasm. Your vision blurred as your hips began to move as if they had a mind of their own as Austin moved his hands to pin your hips down, holding you firmly in place as he licked you through your orgasm.
Panting, you let your body flop back down onto the sofa, a grin working its way onto your face as Austin began to move back up your body. ‘So, can I get back to my book now?’ you asked, teasing him once again as you tried to calm your breathing down.
‘Fuck the book,’ Austin growled, taking the book from your hands and throwing it down onto the floor as he crashed his lips onto yours. His tongue immediately pressed against yours and you couldn’t help the whimper that escaped your lips when you tasted yourself on his tongue. He slipped his hand between your bodies as he pushed into you. Your legs came to wrap around his waist as his arms wrapped around your body, keeping you still as he began to thrust into you.
‘Why did you think it would be a good idea to ignore me, hmm?’ he cooed down at you, smirking when he realised that there wasn’t a thought going through your head. ‘Didn’t you miss me? I missed you all day and I’ve been so excited to take you on this date, but now I’m not sure if you deserve it.’
‘I did miss you,’ you practically sobbed, bringing your hands up to cup his cheeks, pulling his face closer to yours. ‘I always miss you when you’re not here, I’m sorry Austin!’
‘I know baby,’ Austin replied before flipping you around until you were laying on your front on the sofa, squealing when you felt the harsh slap Austin landed to your ass before pushing into you again and starting a brutal pace that had your breath being pushed from your body with every thrust. ‘But you still need to be punished, baby, it’s not nice to ignore me.’
You cried out when you heard Austin groan and felt his head drop onto your shoulder as his orgasm washed over him and he kept himself pressed inside of you. Feeling close to your second orgasm, you began to whine gently, trying to shift your hips only to be stopped by Austin’s tight grip on your hips. ‘Do you deserve to cum, beautiful?’ Austin spoke against your head and you were baffled that he was still withholding your orgasm from you; being used to the soft, loving side of Austin that always came out straight after sex.
‘No,’ you mumbled, resigned. ‘Can we still go on our date? I promise I’ll be good,’ you asked hopefully.
Austin chuckled and pressed a gentle kiss to your shoulder. ‘You really think I’m not going to let you cum before taking you on a date? You know me better than that, my love,’ he said before slipping his hand between your body and the sofa until his fingers made soft circles on your clit. ‘Cum for me, baby, there you go,’ he cooed as your body tensed underneath his as you came around his cock that was still nestled inside of you.
Once you had both settled back down, Austin carefully pulled out of you and turned you around so he could press a gentle kiss to your lips. ‘I’m sorry if I got a bit carried away there,’ he said sheepishly.
‘No, I loved it,’ you replied, running your thumb along his cheek bone, your heart swelling in your chest as he turned his head to press a kiss to your palm before looking back down at you with nothing but love in his eyes.
‘You still want to go on that date?’ he said, intertwinging your fingers together.
‘I’d like nothing more,’ you replied, beaming up at him. ‘I did miss you today, you know?’
‘I know,’ he replied, kissing you softly once again. ‘I know because I felt the exact same way.’
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zairene · 11 months
THE CAR WINDOW. nanami kento
* ˚ ✦ synopsis: while you’re out running errands, you approach a random car window to adjust your appearance not knowing there was someone watching from the inside.
* ˚ ✦ genre: fic, 1.2k word count !
* ˚ ✦ author’s note: gonna lean more into a jjk blog for a bit !
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it was an average day.
you were low on some cleaning supplies in your home and decided that today would be the day you finally dragged yourself out of your bed to go to this damn store. it was the same routine every time. you went to the store, bought what’s off your list, then spent some time “eye-shopping” which meant in your terms to buy everything you see and spend way more than intended.
but this time, you were not about to repeat this habit of yours. you will get in the store, get what you need not what you want, and get out. that’s it. that’s what was on your mind when you got out of your car. you could hear the sound of your keys dangling as you fiddled to lock the doors of your car. you were speed walking in the parking lot determined to make your goal a reality.
but to your luck, a fly decides to invade your personal space which leaves you waving your hands like a lunatic and frantically patting your face down. now, this was not out of fear but more out of annoyance. and when the fly finally realized that it’d done enough torment to you, you were slightly embarrassed but realized that amid your freak out your hair was out of its side part and the part of your hair you’d been neglecting to fix was on display for any bypasser to witness.
on instinct, you walked to a random car window and began to fix this monstrosity of a mess this stupid fly had caused. too many thoughts were running through your mind to even realize the stranger peering through that same window from the inside.
to your horror, the car window winds down and you freeze. you come into eye contact with a man. a blond man with eyes so heavy, that they could probably carry all of your grocery bags in one trip. he sighed deeply and ran his hand through his hair. “are you done?” huffed the annoyed man.
“oops.” was the only thing you could manage to muster in that situation as a wave of shame washed over your body.
“‘oops?’” he repeated.
“i mean…” you facepalmed. “i’m so sorry, sir. i didn’t notice that you were in your car.” you stood up completely disregarding your looks at this point.
“sure. now can you get out of the way? i have things to do and i don’t have the time to deal with trivial matters such as this.” you were shocked at the blunt but rude statement.
“excuse me?” you crossed your arms. “i get that i blocked your way but it wasn’t intentional, and i apologized.”
“or you should’ve paid more attention, and maybe we wouldn’t be in this situation, yeah?” your eyes widen. you were not about to put up with disrespect this early in the morning.
“well, who shit in your cereal this morning?” you scoffed.
“nobody ‘shit in my cereal,’” he mocked, “i’m just annoyed that you blocked my way without any consideration that maybe someone was in the car.”
“it was a damn expression! there was no need for you to be so rude. all you had to do was say it was okay and we still wouldn’t be here!” at this point, you were heated. the coarseness from this man had made your mood a whole lot worse than it already was. “you know what, i don’t have time for this. good-fucking-bye.”
you walked away from the car, not wanting to listen to anything else he had to comment about your actions. needless to say, that single-handedly ruined your day. and it didn’t help when you ran into this man once again at the same store, in the same parking lot but only about a week later.
this time, you were just here to see some things you could buy for your house since you were bored and your friends were busy. you were just walking when a voice rang out behind you, “hey!”
you turned around to see the same man from a few days back. you rolled your eyes and turned back around. you weren’t exactly excited to deal with his shenanigans again. but this time, he was persistent. “wait!” he yelled again, seemingly getting closer. you stop in your tracks and sigh deeply—loud enough for him to hear. you swiveled around on your heel to see him again.
“what do you want?” you said in the same displeased tone he had when he first met you. he shuffled on his feet, looking slightly lost on what to say. for someone who was just telling you to basically fuck off the other day, he looked quite adorable from the way he looked nervous trying to spit out what he had to say.
“look…” he struggled to maintain eye contact, but still looked at you anyways. “i’m… sorry about what happened the other day.“
“oh really?” a smug look grew on your face.
“yes, really. i wasn’t in a good mood and really tired—“
“i wasn’t either and i was only running on a few hours of sleep. next excuse?” you quickly retorted. he furrowed his eyebrows.
“i don’t have any. it was extremely uncivil of me to act toward you in that manner, especially since it was merely an accident.” you raised an eyebrow.
“oh really? anything else you wanna say?”
he sighed. “yes, and that i’m seriously sorry for this. and because of the way i acted…” he paused, figuring out a way to word this next statement. “i was wondering if i could treat you to lunch sometime soon.”
“and what makes you think i’ll say yes to that?”
“i have to make it up to you somehow, correct?”
your eyes widened. now that was a surprise from him. with the way he presented himself, it looked like he struggled with saying the word sorry. maybe you had justifiably misjudged his character. i mean, he was very attractive. tall, quite muscular with nice short blonde hair that framed his face. his jaw looked like it could slice through any tension that was clear in the air between you too, with plump pink lips to match.
his looks weren’t the only factor that somewhat swayed you to agree, it was also the apology and the way he wasn’t phased by your comments and came back with the right words. so, he isn’t that bad after all, you thought.
“okay.. sure.” you smiled. you pulled out your phone from your back pocket and opened the ‘phone’ app, opening the keypad and giving the phone to him to suggest that you wanted his number. after a few seconds of tapping, he gives you your phone back and you go to save his contact. you quickly grasp that you never got his name.
“oh, i never got your name. what is your name?” you looked up at him, it seems he forgot too. “right. nanami. n-a-n-a-m-i.” he spelled out for you as you typed. you nodded.
“well, okay nanami. my name is y/n, it’s nice to meet you.” he gave you a small smile. “it’s nice to meet you too y/n.”
“i’m gonna go, i have things to do. i’ll text you later.” he nodded and you turned around again but this time in a better mood than you were in before. you had already walked about a few feet when you heard a yell.
“wait, how is your name spelled?”
“you’ll figure it out!” you yelled back. waving your hand goodbye.
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wanderersbell · 2 years
If requests are still open , how about the reader inviting Scara to their teapot (could be traveling companion reader who also owns a teapot, but do whatever you want, i love your ideas!!!) and the reader furnished an entire room for him? it's suited to his likes too :o tysm!!
a realm for him
wanderer x gn! reader
genre: fluff
warnings: none
word count: 2528
a/n: okay listen i may have gotten a bit carried away with this and made it way longer and sappier than i was intending, but i spent forever decking out my whole teapot for him so i loved this idea sooo much (❁´◡`❁) tysm for the wonderful request, enjoy!
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getting the state of your teapot to be as lively as it is now was no small feat. 
day by day for weeks on end, you’ve slowly worked at filling each empty corner with little towns and lush scenery, all of which are based off of your traveling companions favorite spots in sumeru. one island is reminiscent of a small fishing village, fenced off and framed by local shrubbery and flora, as well as some small crop gardens already growing with tiny seedlings. the second island is decorated as a beautiful scenic forest, with trees and plants and gazebos and fountains all connected by a subtle stone path that lead through to the third island. 
and the third island, after much contemplation, is decorated as a tiny inazuman shrine, bordered with towering cherry blossom trees and eye catching blue glowing flowers that create an almost mystical ambiance. you weren’t sure if reminding him of the place where he came from was a good idea, but figured having a small piece of home away from home might be the one way he can actually enjoy the view of inazuma. the sights here are much different from what he saw in tatarasuna, much more welcoming, so you figured it was worth a shot and swore to yourself that you would take it down immediately if he doesn’t like it. 
and, your personal favorite part is the main building decorated as a tea shop on the inside, with a tasteful mix of interior inspiration from every region you’ve visited thus far, all mushed together to create an eclectic little space for him to come and enjoy the different teas you’ve started collecting in secret. 
in fact, all of this was a secret. the wanderer had yet to catch on to the actual reason behind your insistence to collect extra materials while you travel together, and the time you spent in your teapot was time he spent off running errands and assisting lesser lord kusanali, so nothing was out of the ordinary as far as he was concerned. 
but, after a few finishing touches like street lamps and wildlife to make everything feel less lonely, you were finally done. it was finished. every square inch of your teapot fully furnished with things you couldn’t wait to show the one you had in mind when doing it all. 
when the time comes for you to finally bring him there, you’re way more nervous than you were expecting to be. what if he doesn’t like? hates it, even? what if your design choices are wrong and the vibes are off and-
“well,” the wanderer’s voice drags you out if your thoughts, smooth and grounding. “are we going in or what? how does this thing even work?”
right, it’s too late to turn back anyways. the golden teapot hovers in the air between you from where you stand on a riverbank together, and the man next to you has his arms crossed with an unimpressed frown as he waits for you to respond. it’s cloudier than usual today, the sky a soft shade of gray in the background, and you shiver a bit both because of nerves and the lack of sunlight before clearing your throat. 
“it uh- transports me in as soon as i open the lid. just…” you trail off, contemplating whether or not you want to say anything before you bring him in. “just grab onto my hand so we’ll both go together.” you blurt out instead. it would take you both in regardless, but this was the first excuse out of your mouth, and you want to curl up and become invisible at the odd look he gives you. he can tell you’re up to something, but hasn’t figured out what quite yet. 
“okay.” he agrees easily, slotting his hand against yours. his skin is cool to the touch and his grip firm, and you’re reaching out to rip the lid off of the teapot before you can start thinking too much about the way it makes your heart jump into your throat. the both of you are transported to the inside of the device in the blink of an eye, arriving right before the main building where tubby dozes away inside of her own pot. 
his first thought it that it’s… big. bigger than he was expecting. his eyes automatically go to the structure behind him and he wordlessly goes to grab the handle of the door but you’re quick to tug the back of his shirt to stop him, shaking your head softly when he turns to give you a questioning look. 
“we’ll do this last, let’s go take a walk first.” 
his eyes follow yours in the direction of the other islands that are just visible in the distance. he can’t make out any details yet, much to your relief. 
“what’s out there?” he asks with poorly concealed interest while following you down the steps of the building and towards the first island. you give him a sly smile that you hope masks the way you’re freaking out on the inside. 
“you’ll see.”
he raises a brow at this but stays silent. this island is the small fishing village, based off of the one you both visit regularly, the one where you first met the mysterious wanderer and your journey with him began. he feels a sense of familiarity as you lead him over to the straw hut in the middle, noticing the crop gardens off to the side and giving an approving hum at the sight. 
you watch him closely the entire time, zeroing in on every minuscule change in his expression and feeling your chest swell with pride at the way his eyes soften. he can’t help but to remember the day he met you, the way you would flat out ignore him every time he tried making a dig at you then turn around and be as sweet as ever to the local kids at the village, and he has to bite back a fond smile at the memories. 
“well?” you peer up at him hesitantly. it’s more than obvious that he likes it as he looks around like he’s already trying to familiarize himself with where everything is, but still, you want to hear him say it. 
“well?” he parrots, meeting your expectant eyes. he pretends to think for a moment, just to leave you hanging for a bit longer, and then, “it’s nice, but there’s no fish.”
you instinctively frown and open your mouth to tell him to stop being so picky but pause just as the first word dies on your lips. with a sinking feeling of realization, you look around you and confirm that yes, there is indeed no body of water, therefore no fish. 
“oh.” you say dumbly, and the stumped look on your face has a laugh bubbling up in his chest. you can’t fight back the smile that creeps up on you even though he’s laughing at your expense and give him a lighthearted shove before leading him away to the next island. 
“how did you manage to forget the most crucial part of a fishing village?” the wanderer teases, catching up to you in a few long strides. 
“i didn’t forget, that’s just not a furnishing option in here.” you explain. 
when you reach the second island, you remain quiet again and wait for him to take it all in and make a comment himself. his eyes widen a fraction in awe as you both step underneath the canopy of trees and wildlife, the bright colors of flora and fauna and the blue accents on the towering gazebos on each side all working together to make a botanical haven that he can’t tear his attention away from. 
within only moments of being in there he’s already spotted a handful of his favorite plants and flowers, ones with meanings that stuck with him throughout his life, ones that you held onto and remembered and planted here. 
you watch with baited breath as he absentmindedly reaches a hand out to brush his fingers against the low hanging leaves beside him, eyes flitting from place to place and noticing something different each time. there’s a look akin to childlike wonder on his face, and when his attention finally falls back to you there’s a tiny genuine smile playing at his lips that makes you ache to reach out and hold him. 
he’s so, so beautiful standing underneath of the lush trees and flowers, and unbeknownst to you, as he holds your gaze, he’s thinking the same thing in return. your excitement to bring him here and show him this leaves him with a warm feeling blooming in his chest, an appreciation for you that he fears he’ll never be able to properly express. 
“ready to keep going?” you ask softly, as if speaking too loudly will ruin the peaceful atmosphere. 
“there’s more?” the look of surprise on his face has you chuckling breathlessly while you continue the path forward. 
this is the part you’ve been looking forward to and anticipating the most, and as the final island comes into view, you can feel him stiffen beside you. the giant cherry blossom trees are visible even from the distance, but his step doesn’t falter and he keeps up next to you so you take it as a sign to keep going. 
his presence beside you stays strong as you approach the shrine and step into the field of glowing flowers, and you watch out of the corner of your eye as he takes in the familiar pink trees and red painted wood with a complicated emotion swirling around in his irises. he doesn’t look angry though, so you finally feel your shoulders relax and allow yourself to enjoy the scenery as you walk along the path. 
in his own head, the wanderer is… puzzled. this island is so out of place inside of your sumeru themed teapot, and yet, the care and effort you put into it makes the other ones small in comparison. the shrine is grand, sleek, and high quality. the trees are placed perfectly so that the breeze carries soft pink petals down with it, dancing around you two in a beautiful airborne waltz. 
the flowers, the same ones that grow in chinju forest, cast everything in a gentle azure glow, one that when he looks at you is reflecting an ethereal light over your features. somewhere deep down inside of him, he feels a bit of sorrow clinging onto him, bringing with it the memories of a place he left behind long ago. 
but next to that is the all consuming feeling of happiness that he tries so hard to convince himself he doesn’t feel when he’s with you. in this special place of yours, filled with your hard work and thoughtfulness, he can no longer deny himself the truth of how wholeheartedly he cares for you. you, who’s staring back at him with a kindness he’s never known as you give him new memories to associate with the sights of his homeland.  
you still can’t decipher the emotions on his face, but you can tell they’re good ones and that he’s contemplating something deeply, so you let the silence hang comfortably in the air as you walk side by side all the way back to the entrance and to the main building, the part you’ve been saving for last. he says nothing the whole way back, granting you the chance to appreciate the comfort something as simple as walking with him brings you. 
when you finally make it to the main island and ascend the steps of the building, he snaps out of his reverie and raises a brow at you questioningly. “what’s inside?”
“it’s nothing much,” you lie with a mischievous smile adorning your face. when you open the door and let him in he realizes he really, truly has fallen hopelessly for you. 
it’s a tea shop. for him.
there’s no denying it, there’s no other explanation he can give himself because he knows you don’t care much for tea. that means-
this whole teapot, every single island, was for him.
you watch with a huge grin on your face as the wanderer splutters and blushes when it all finally hits him. nobody has ever done this much for him, not without a price at least, but you never ask for anything in return from him so he’s almost literally short circuiting while trying to figure out the proper response. 
“why did you- what…” he takes a grounding breath before trying again. “why do all of this?”
you smile softly and shrug. “because i wanted to.”
he opens his mouth to say something else, likely to prod you for a legitimate reason as to why, but you cut him off before he gets the chance. “look around first, i want to know what you think.”
he wants to argue, but bites his tongue at the clear eagerness on your face and clicks his tongue in fake annoyance as he takes in the contents of the room. he walks around for a few minutes, observing the things on the walls and shelves, scrutinizing the chinaware, poking the souvenirs you’ve collected from other regions, until finally he stops at the cabinet that houses the tea collection. 
“open it.” you say hurriedly. he gives you a fake suspicious raise of his brow but complies and tugs the door of the cabinet open, a sharp intake of air following immediately afterwards as he instantly recognizes the labels. 
“this is…” he trails off in disbelief. 
“the tea from the shop you keep staring after longingly in sumeru city? yep, sure is.” you confirm mirthfully, skipping over to stand next to him and watch him take a container down to turn around in his hands. he’s struggling to process this, to accept this much kindness from you when he knows he doesn’t deserve it, not in the slightest, but the proud gleam in your eyes doesn’t get lost to him and he knows you’re anxiously awaiting his response. 
“i don’t know why you would bother with this, and go through all of this effort,” he starts tentatively, placing the tea back in the cupboard so he can turn to fully look at you. “but i can acknowledge the work you put in and promise i will put it to good use.”
your expression falls slightly at his formal tone of speech. “and?”
he frowns hesitantly and averts his eyes. “and… i like it. or whatever. it’s really nice.”
your triumphant grin is almost blinding when he meets your gaze again and he shakes his head in silent exasperation. though he doesn’t know how, or when it’ll happen, he swears to himself that somehow, someway, he’ll repay you for this. he’ll find a way to show you how much it really means to him, how much you really mean to him. 
but for now, sitting together in your shared realm with some freshly steeped tea, for the first time in centuries, he feels at home. 
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ghostofhyuck · 8 months
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Cause I don't know how it gets better than this
You take my hand and drag me head first
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“You’re too excited.”
“Of course! It’s been so long!”
“It’s only been a year.”
“You’re ruining my moment Jisung,” you couldn’t help but roll your eyes at your boyfriend who seems to be unfazed with your attitude. Jisung continued driving until you saw the familiar road that leads to your home.
Finally, after a year of being out of the country, you’re finally home! You missed your family, your hometown, and of course, your boyfriend Jisung who had to endure a year of phone calls, messages, and video calls.
Jisung parked the car in front of your front yard and you immediately jumped out of the passenger seat so that you could knock on the gates to inform your family that you’re here.
The gates opened and you were welcomed by your bone-crushing hug from your family. Your siblings are eager to know what you’ve bought for them as souvenirs while your parents just wanted you to go inside and eat the meal that they prepared for you.
Jisung followed you quietly, helping you by carrying your luggages and bags back and forth from the trunk of his car.
“Jisung, stay here for a while okay? Join us for lunch would you?” your mother said, patting the taller guy’s back. Although you two have been childhood friends and lovers for years, he still gets shy around your family.
“It’s fine auntie, but my mom asked me to run some errands,” he apologised then he looked at you, smiling apologetically. “I’ll pick you up later okay? Go rest for a while.”
“It’s okay! I want to rest too, go now!”
“Bye, love you!” Jisung tells you one last time before bidding goodbye to your family.
“Ah, that little kid never changed,” your mother comments, making you smile.
“Why? Still the same Jisung who taught me how to ride a bike?” you joked.
“Yeah, still the same Jisung who was shy when he picked you up for prom,” your father teased.
“Oh my god, not that one!” you exclaimed, making your family burst into laughter.
You spent the remaining time of the day sharing stories about your out-of-the-country experiences with your family. Truth to be told, you couldn’t help but keep smiling the whole day because you’re back home. Everything feels so warm especially because the people you hold dearly are here.
Exhaustion didn’t hit you until you lay down on your bed. Your mother even changed the sheets just so you could sleep comfortably. They didn’t remove the posters on the wall, the designs and trinkets that you think will brighten up your room. Seeing that your childhood home hasn’t changed, you drift off to sleep.
You woke up and realised that it was already night, your room was dark and quiet, making you get up from your bed and open the lights of your room. You scratched your eyes due to the blinding lights, aimlessly walking around your room and trying to sink into you that you’re finally home.
Your eyes caught the polaroid of you and Jisung during your prom night. You laughed as you saw how ugly your prom dress was and how tacky Jisung looked at his oversized tuxedo, but it was cute and you two looked so young. It reminds you of how long you two have been together.
Speaking of Jisung, you fished out your phone to check if he has any messages to you and to your surprise, there’s none.
Perhaps he was too busy with their store. You know how much his family relies on him and him having the time to pick you up at the airport means that he managed to take time for you.
It’s not like you’re in a rush, you know that both of you have a lot of time in this world, so you decided that this day can be a time for your family. Dinner was great and you couldn’t help but cry in glee because it’s been so long ever since you ate your mother’s home-cooked meals.
Around eight in the evening, Jisung sends you a message.
“At this hour?” your father asked warily.
“Oh come on now, it’s not like you’re used to it,” your mother interferes, glancing at you and smiling. “Just make sure to get home by twelve.”
You only smiled at them and went out. You decided to wait for Jisung outside rather than inside, you hugged your body for warmth as you remember how chilly it can be in your hometown during night.
“Look at this idiot,” a jacket draped around you making you turn around.
“We could’ve just waited for tomorrow,” you told him, taking off the jacket and wearing it in a more comfortable manner.
“But I miss you,” Jisung confesses, and one thing about your boyfriend is that he seldom uses words. “And don’t you want a bit of reminiscing? Just like when we were young.”
“Well, I hope that the convenience store is still open at this hour,” you giggled.
“Of course it is! Shall we?” he holds out his hand and as you hold onto it, he kisses it first before tugging you away.
“Since when are you this bold?” you raised an eyebrow.
“I’ve always been like this,” he confidently said.
“No you’re not, you’re my shy boyfriend who’s too nervous to hold my hands during our first date,” you taunted.
“I was seventeen, give me a break,” Jisung laughs.
You only laughed as you two continued walking around. Jisung was right, it was the perfect time to reminisce. You couldn’t help but remember back when you two were younger, you two would sneak out late at night to buy food from the only open convenience store around your place.
Nothing has changed and yet as you look at Jisung, you see the small five year old Jisung who became your first friend in the neighbourhood. Now he's a brooding man who’s a foot taller than you, with his deep voice and good looks, you couldn’t help but to let out a laugh.
“What’s funny?” he asked, confused.
“Nothing,” you told him. “I’m just glad to be back.”
Jisung lets go of your hand and places his arms around you, pulling you closer to him and proceeding to kiss the top of your head.
“Me too, I’m glad that you’re here again.”
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honey-comb-xox · 7 months
Greened out
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Nick Sturniolo x male!stoner!reader
Warnings: Weed, greening out, throwing up, peer pressure, driving while high (don't do that brothers!! Be safe!) - sorry if i missed anything pls lmk if I did!!
A/n: y’all be gentle w this one it’s my first actual writing that isn’t a joke 😭
Summary: y/n greens-out 😶‍🌫️
Y/n sighed as he leaned further back in the lawn chair he found himself in about 3 hours ago. The hot summer air in L.A. was completely different then what he was used to in New York, for some reason it just made blunts hit 10x better.
“Dude you gonna hog that shit or fuckin pass it” 
Y/n snaps out of his daze and keeps the smoke circle going, it had been a stressful day. The majority of his day so far has been spent running errands, bringing Nick back and forth to the post office for Space Camp orders, and making sure the Triplets didn’t starve while signing cards for their 6 mil merch drop. It doesn’t sound like a whole lot, but it was definitely draining. Hence the predicament he’s in now.
“Bruh I got one more blunt! Who’s up for a third?”
“Nah man i’m good i gotta drive back to Nicks soon” 
“Dude look it’s skinny as shit you’ll be fine, unless you’re pussy”
“Seriously man, i’m not falling for your shit right now”
Y/n did in fact fall for his shit again. Which has led him to his current predicament of how the hell he was supposed to get home, if this was any other area in town then he’d just leave his car. But of course it wasn’t and on top of all that there was not a single sober person he trusted to drive his car to Nicks. There’s really only one option…
“Alright guys I think imma head out” Y/n groaned while stretching up
“Be careful driving back man!”
Y/n sighs as he starts his car preparing for a long ride back home.
Y/n stumbles out of his car while trudging up to the front door. After messing with his keys for a few minutes he finally finds the key Nick gifted him a couple of weeks back. 
“Nick! I’m back!” Y/n exclaimed
“Hey! Matt and Chris just went out to get dinner. Did you eat?” Nick says going in for a hug.
“Nah I just got back from Jetts place”
“Yeah I can tell. How much did you guys smoke?” Nick coughs from the stench of weed radiating of off Y/n
“I don’t know…like three, 2 ½ blunts” Y/n responds nonchalantly 
“THREE? Please don’t tell me you drove back here right after”
“Well I didn’t really have a choice. I couldn’t just leave my car there” At this point that ‘mini’ blunt is starting to hit a lot more than Y/n expected it to. Nick keeps rambling on, but this all goes through one ear and out the other because now it’s either he focuses on what Nicks saying or not throwing up.
“Are you even listening to me right now? You know what, whatever just tell me what you want from Canes so I can tell Matt and Chris”
“Nah I’m good I think, I actually gotta go to the bathroom real quick” Y/n paled. The thought of food was enough to send him over the edge.
Nick looks questionably at his boyfriend, but then brushes it off and rolls his eyes. The moment of silence is broken by groans from the bathroom.
“Babe you okay?” Nick hollers
Y/n doesn’t respond. 
“Babe!” Nick shouts once again
Again no response. Nick runs to the bathroom to find his boyfriend curled up near the toilet.
“Oh my god! Babe are you okay?” 
Y/n only groans in response. Nick sits down and rubs his back soothingly. Y/n goes to turn to Nick only to find the room rapidly spinning around him which only furthers his nausea. This carries on for another 5 minutes.
“Oh my god. I’m never smoking weed again” Y/n whines while slumping against Nick
“Yeah right, I’m gonna go grab you some water and your toothbrush from my room” Nick laughs
Y/n nods, while adjusting his position to lay on the cold tile . 
“Aww poor baby” Nick says smugly 
“Oh shush” Y/n says as he sits up against the bathtub 
“Seriously though, are you okay?” 
“Yea, I mean I’m still a little dizzy but the nausea is gone” Y/n yawns as he curls into Nick.
Chris runs up to the door without waiting for Matt.
“Dude seriously! Not even gonna grab the drinks or anything?” Matt hollers from the van.
“I getting the door for you, duh” Chris says meekly 
Chris goes back to the van to grab the drinks from Matt, and holds the door for his brother.
“Nick!! We’re back! We got food for Y/n too!” Matt yells as he passes the stairs.
“Matt look at this” Chris whispers 
Matt sets down the food on the counter, and heads over to Chris. The boys have their heads peeking into the bathroom only to find Nick and Y/n peacefully sleeping against the bathtub all snuggled up together.
“If they don’t wake up in like…thirty minutes then we’ll wake them up so their food doesn’t get too cold” Matt whispers to Chris
Then a sudden flash comes from Chris’ camera with the image of Nick holding Y/n in his arms sleepy glaring as his brothers. 
A/n: okay how was that? Again please be kind it’s my first time writing smth like this but if you have any tips for me i’m definitely open to suggestions!!
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The Grim Reaper's Guide to Breaking Every Rule of the Universe /// Chapter 2
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Bruh. My back is HURTING from being hunched over my laptop lol. For some reason I've managed to shit out this next chapter at the speed of light, but I'm back at uni and deadlines are picking up so I can't guarantee another one for a couple weeks. ANYWAY - ALASTOR HAS FINALLY MADE AN APPEARANCE. Not in person yet, but he's here (in spirit). I also apologise to anyone not from Yorkshire, I've used some of our slang from there and it may not make sense, but MC's embracing her Northener crave for violence.
Summary: When touring America for the sake of it, you go to stay with your aunt in New Orleans for a while, taking up a peaceful part-time job restoring objects. But a few weeks in, a package arrives containing an old radio that's seen better days, along with a note seemingly written by someone who thinks they could fist-fight the Devil.
What you didn't know, was the hell of a path that was now set out in front of you. Not fist-fighting the Devil, but instead a very smug radio host who would have no problem spending the rest of his days driving you up the walls.
But two could play that game.
Tags: Demiromantic-Asexual Alastor x Demiromantic-Asexual OC/Reader - 1920s/30s New Orleans - fluff - angst - EXTREME slow burn - crack - Violence (It's Alastor what else)
Word Count: 6800
Warnings: Period-typical sexism, Period-typical attitudes towards neurodivergency, Swearing, Descriptions of murder and dismemberment. MC'S RACE IS DEFINED DUE TO PLOT REASONS (also because she is based off my OC)
Taglist - comment or message to be added!
Now available on Wattpad and AO3 (please let me know if links aren't working)
< Chapter 1 // Chapter 2 // Chapter 3 >
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PART 1: Chapter 2
Another box for my trinkets it's trinketville.
Meraki (Definition): To put something of yourself into your work. (Noun)
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New Orleans, Louisiana, USA – Thursday, 7th November, 1929.
The first four months of your new apprenticeship had you thriving more than ever before since arriving in the US. The last time you had felt this joyous and satisfied you were nearly eighteen, the tickle of the long grass on your cheeks as you laid in the meadow at the height of spring, holding the bunch of wildflowers against the kaleidoscopic swirls of the evening tones of the sky above you, admiring the way the lowering sun hit the petals and the small bugs that floated around with its golden highlights. It was one of the few times you had managed to bring your racing mind to a stand-still; no voices; no random lines of songs in your head playing on replay; no worries about the chores you were procrastinating or the book your friend had recommended weeks ago that you were yet to touch. You remembered the feeling of the summer dress you wore, the texture of the leather messenger bag beside you gifted by the old woman who lived further down the lane of the village. She used to babysit you when your parents would travel to York days at a time for work or personal errands. You loved to skip down that lane, with your hand running along the rough stones of the ancient stone walls that lined the lanes of your little village you had spent your whole life in – also lining your mind with the cuts it gave you as you tried to climb over them with the twins over the years.
The routine of working at the repair shop had brought the blissful feeling of stability back, the hectic frenzy of travelling from hotel room to hotel room, checking your tickets a thousand times to make sure you were on the correct train platform, then checking again. You no longer had to worry about travel dates that would leave you feeling paralysed from doing anything else.
Mr LeBlanc had been an excellent teacher and manager, drilling skills into your mind since you stepped into the shop for your starter shift. It was certainly an experience: opening the double doors to a vintage collector’s dream, an antique emporium filled from floor to ceiling (and on the ceiling). Ralph had brought you behind the counter, to a room in the back that he gleefully revealed to be concealed by a door disguised as a bookshelf. The workshop hidden behind was every antique restorer’s sanctuary, and it was certainly yours. Drawers lining the walls filled with every tool that could file, chip away, or apply anything you could find. In the centre was a large wooden table – thick, sturdy planks covered in chips and splatters of paint and adhesives used over the years. This table would be the place you would spend the next four months, your hair tied back by a patterned silk bandana, Ralph showing you how to work with materials from wood to porcelain, metal to textiles. You would pour over books you had pulled from Mr LeBlanc’s bookshelves until late into the evening, until he sent you home with them in your bag, and you protected them with your life as you returned on the trams (or ‘streetcars’, as Americans called them) in the evening light.
Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, he taught you everything he could, and you absorbed it all at the speed of light, your mind soaking up every piece of information like a dry sponge. By month three you had been given the go ahead to work on your first object from a customer – a small, spindly regency era chamber table belonging to a local gentleman. All it needed was some chips to be filled and repolishing, allowing Ralph to be confident enough in your abilities to complete it correctly. Your results came out on top, both Ralph and the customer being satisfied with your work, and you received the praise gleefully, along with the hefty tip the gentleman handed you over the counter. To you, everything was going fine and dandy.
Until October hit.
Apparently there were plenty of warning signs, according to most. They knew this was coming, your aunt knew this was coming. It was what she had said when you sat with her on the steps of the front porch.
“Shops are going to start disappearing.” She said, keeping her gaze ahead as she watched the cars sputter by. “With the rate this is going, I’m going to have to pull the boys out of school and get them working – I can’t keep the walls of this house up by myself.”
It had sent chills down your spine when you had picked up a newspaper, the words ‘Wall Street’ and ‘Stock Market Crash’ staining the pages for weeks. You put your mind and body into helping Mr LeBlanc, desperate for him to keep his business up and running. Unfortunately, as prices dropped, less people wanted to splurge the extra cash on something nice and antique, so you both lowered prices where you could, even going to lengths to hammer fliers to every street-post that advertised restoration jobs for any household item, promising customers that they would save money on repairs instead of buying it new.
It worked more than you thought, and it brought in enough income for Ralph to scratch by. He was also grateful you hadn’t asked for a raise to cope with the financial crisis, flat-out refusing when he had tried to hand you some tips he had received.
It was just the beginning of December when Ralph had called the house phone as you were getting ready for work. Ollie had yelled up the stairs to tell you and you scrambled down in your work trousers with your nightgown still on. Grabbing the phone, you listened to a raspy Mr LeBlanc as he told you he had falling ill with the usual winter flu. Unfortunately, being 63 meant that he was more susceptible to the illness, and was unsure if he would recover. If he did, it would still take a while, so he had asked you that morning if you were capable of running the shop solo. You had instantly said yes, refusing to let any sidetrack be his business’s downfall, so, with your head held high, you walked to his house, picking up any essential documents that he said you would need, and kept the shop up and running to the best of your abilities.
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA – Friday, 6th December, 1929.
It was the Friday of the first week of December when you were an hour away from closing. You had been lucky that it had been pretty quiet the last few days, allowing you to settle into working your first ever Monday to Friday and getting to know the everyday things that were essential to keep the doors open. You had brought an armchair behind the counter – the gap between the counter and the wall was spacey enough for you to fit the chair and a small side table.
After not seeing any customers for over an hour, you had wandered off to the small side kitchen hidden by a Persian rug hung over the doorway to fetch yourself a warm cup of tea and a slice of carrot cake that Agnes had slipped into your lunch bag that day. Returning to the front, you placed the food and beverage on the side table, and sank into the chair, propping your feet up and delving into the book you had bought a few months ago.
Your eyes were drooping by the time you finished the tea and cake, and you rested your head on the back of the cushion, lowering your eyelids shut but remaining awake, knowing you had to get up soon in order to close in a half hour. Though the sudden sound of the shop’s bell chiming had you shooting out of your seat like a cat on a hot tin roof.
Scrambling to your feet, you scooted over to plop yourself on the counter stool, fixing yourself to look as presentable as possible as you faced the person entering. It was the mailman, stomping his boots to rid of the snow from the mild blizzard outside on the shoe rug by the door whilst holding a semi-large parcel under his arm. You recognised him from his rounds of the area, normally dropping off the odd parcel here and there for Ralph. Making sure the curls you had pressed into your hair overnight weren’t flattened at the back, you straightened out the silk scarf tied round the front of your head, flicking a curl out of your eye, and faced the man with a warm smile, to which he returned. He was a tall, young looking lad, older than you, but youth still shone in his eager eyes as he approached you.
“Afternoon ma’am,” he greeted, tipping his snow patterned hat. “I apologise for the snow on the floor, m’fraid the storm doesn’t seem to be letting up anytime soon.”
You waved him off, assuring that you were going to be cleaning up soon anyway. He inquired about Mr LeBlanc’s whereabouts, and you explained that his illness wasn’t letting up any time soon.
“Shame,” he said. “I know you’re probably not getting overrun, but it still must be complicated being a young woman running someone else’s business – especially near Christmas, having to trek home in the cold and wet by yourself.”
“Oh, it’s quite alright.” You laughed with a shake of your head, trying to not let your frustration show at the thought of him doubting your skills because of your gender. “He’s given me everything I need, and I can deal with the weather just fine. Wet and cold is the norm where I’m from.” Changing the subject, you gestured to the half-damp parcel still under his arm. “Is that addressed to Ralph or the shop?”
As if suddenly remembering the reason he was here, he quickly hauled the parcel from under his arm and slid it onto the counter.
“It’s for the shop.” He explained, gesturing a gloved hand to it. “S’pose it’s a last minute repair for a Christmas gift or somethin’.”
Placing your hands on either side, you slid the large square box towards you. Standing up from the stool, you peered at the top. Brushing off the half-melted snow, you read the handwriting that ornately spelled out the address - this was probably another repair.
The parcel itself was probably the neatest you had ever seen anything wrapped. The parcel paper was thick and expensive, the water and snow running off without leaving any trace behind except for a slight sheen, and the edges were folded so crisp and perfectly shaped and flat you wondered if whoever had wrapped it was human. Tied round like a present was a thick twine, looping into a bow directly in the middle of the top. You admired the dedication of whoever had put in the time to wrap this, running your fingers over the corners only to jerk them back slightly as the folds were so sharp they felt like they were slicing at your skin.
Looking back at the mailman, you thanked him for the delivery, and hoped him safe travels back home. Tipping his hat at you, he turned away with a farewell, and the bell chimed again when he opened the door, dipping his head against the wind as he faded into the white wall outside.
When the howling wind finally allowed the door to shut, you began the closing routine, knowing that there wouldn’t be anyone else today with the severity of the weather outside. After locking the exits and pulling the shutters closed and the blinds down, you kept the shops lanterns on as you lifted the hefty parcel with a grunt and shuffled through the hidden doorway into the workshop.
Sliding it onto the table, you got to work opening it up, pulling the twine bow free and taking some small hand-held shears to slice open the glued down folds to reveal a cardboard box.
Pulling the thick brown paper and twine out from underneath, you chucked them onto the other workbench pushed against the wall to the right. Placing the shears down, you pushed your fingernails between the gap of the serrated cardboard and swung the flaps open. Inside was a lot of loose cotton wool, and you reached in, removing the protective layer and chucking it onto the table whilst simultaneously thanking whoever had spent their time padding the box out. This uncovered a semi-large shape swaddled in a maroon-coloured knitted blanket, and you reached your arms in deep to wrap around the object and haul it out.
Laying it on the table, you pushed the box and wool out of the way, and gently began unwrapping the blanket, mindful that some repair jobs may start out with several shattered pieces that you certainly didn’t want to accidentally drop an lose amongst everything. Coming to the final layer, your nails slotted through some of the holes of the knitting and clacked against what sounded like solid wood, and slipping the material off, you had your first look at your new potential project.
It was an old radio. Well, not that old, considering radios had only been in circulation for a decade or so, but it was one of the earlier models, the features you recognised from when you visited the county Mayor’s house when you were in your early teens. It was shaped with a resemblance to a cathedral arch, the wood panelling around the edge looking like pillars that began swirling and spiralling into gothic patterns the closer you got to the top. These patterns decorating the fine grated material that covered the speaker, and a few dials were situated on the bottom half, and you immediately noticed one was missing.
Pulling a stool over, you sat down to get a closer look, and you noted down the damages that came to light. It had obviously been looked after over the years, but, as always, people are prone to accidents, and this radio seemed to have gone through a few. Apart from the dial that was missing, there was a large split down one side, between two of the panels, and scratches and slight dents from where it had obviously been dropped. Grabbing your notebook, you jotted down your initial observations, before diving your hands into the left over cotton in the box to search for anything that could assist you.
To your luck, you found a small linen bag about the size of your palm, that you untied to reveal the missing dial and a few pieces of wood that had come off in some areas. Returning to your notes, you were just about to start a proposal form for treatment when something caught your eye. Looking over to the blanket you had put to the side, your eyes landed on a fancy looking envelope.
Reaching over, your fingers clasped around the paper, the material just as thick and expensive feeling as the parcel wrap, and you brought it towards you, careful not to elbow anything in the process, because if they could afford fancy radios and paper during this crisis, then they certainly were expecting you to repair this with equally expensive standards. Holding the paper up you read the loopy handwriting on the front of the envelope:
To  the Owner.
Turning it over, you pried the even fancier wax seal apart as gently as you could as to not ruin the paper, and opening the flap, you reached in to slide out a folded piece of parchment. Unfolding it, you began to read the matching, loopy words.
December 4 th, 1929
Dear Owner,
I do hope this package finds you well. I am delivering this fine radio to be repaired at your establishment, as it belongs to my dear Mother and I would be overjoyed to have it completed in time for Christmas. Unfortunately, it has suffered its fair share of drops and bumps, but from what I have heard from others in our beloved city, you should be able to do an excellent job. The outside is obvious with what needs to be done, but there are areas within the interior mechanics that require some repairs. Now, I would take it to the radio shop, but the man who owns it is oh-so unpleasant, and would take weeks to be returned.
I am sure you would be happy to take on this challenge, for my mother’s sake, and that you will do a splendid job.
Mr A. Boudreaux
You blinked. Then furrowing your brows, you read it again. And again. Did this guy want you to not only fix up the look of his mum’s radio, but magically know the ins and outs of radio technology? You shook your head, then did a quick once-over of the words scrawled onto the page. Yep, he wanted you to do a Frankenstein and completely resurrect the old thing.
Placing you elbow on the table, you rested your chin on your palm as you stared at the wall covered in tool across the room. There was no way you could do this, not without Mr LeBlanc still ill – though even if he was here, you didn’t know if he had any knowledge on radios. Sighing, you rubbed at your face tiredly, not caring if you smudged the mascara on your lashes, it wasn’t like anyone was going to walk in on you with panda eyes anyway. Letting out a prolonged groan, you came to the final decision of what to do.
Trudging back into the shop, you quickly made yourself another cup of tea, before snatching some of the letter paper and an envelope from under the counter. Slumping back onto the stool in the workshop, you placed the paper in front of you whilst reaching into one of the drawers attached to the table to grab a pen, then, taking a moment to think of what you were going to say, you began writing.
December 6 th, 1929
Dear Mr Boudreaux,
Thank you for your enquiry. As much asI would love to fulfil your request, there are some issues regarding certain stages of the repairs. Mr LeBlanc, who owns the company, has taken ill this last week, and it is not yet known when he will recover, and I am the only member of staff he has employed at the moment. Unfortunately, I am not experienced in radio mechanics, and strongly advise that you come and collect the radio and take it to be repaired at a radio shop.
The radio can be returned here for outer repairs, but I am afraid that is the only option I can offer you at this time. The radio will be ready for you to collect from 9am on Monday morning. I do apologise for the inconvenience.
Signing the first letter of your name, along with you surname, you read over what you had written. Satisfied, you sealed it in the envelope and got to work wrapping the radio back up. Quickly taking a candle, you took a peek in between the crack in the wood, the light shining on the innards. You definitely had no chance of fixing that, if the absolute mess of dislodged coils, wires and metal pieces inside said anything. Reluctantly you placed it back in its box wrapped up and padded with the cotton, before taping it up and re-glueing the parcel paper and twine back in place. It was a shame that you had to reject the request, the payment for the repair would have benefited you and Ralph quite a bit, and it made you feel awfully guilty to prevent someone’s gift for their mother, but it was out of your control. So, with the guilt hanging over your head, you pushed the parcel into the corner under one of the tables on sale.
Doing one last round of the shop, you extinguished the candles dotted around and flipped the light switches off except the main one by the door. With your coat and gloves on, you made sure the scarf was wrapped tight round your neck before grabbing your bag and did one last sweep of the place. Glancing in the corner, you took one last lingering look at the sorrowful parcel that sat under the table, but quickly snatched your eyes away, and grabbing the keys, you flipped the final light switch and stepped out into the cold, looking for the nearest post-box with the letter grasped in your hand.
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA – Monday, 9th December, 1929.
Monday came rolling round as usual, and you began your usual weekday routine of washing and dressing yourself before heading downstairs for breakfast. Scooping some scrambled eggs onto the toast on your plate, you trudged from the kitchen to the dining room, the slap of your bare feet on the tiles echoing through the wide hallway.
Shuffling through the doorway, you sat opposite Ollie, who, by the looks of it, was still waking up as he shovelled buttered toast into his mouth with his head still lying sideways on the table. Reaching over, you slapped the handle of your fork against his ear that stuck out from between his loose, dark curls, and he let out a whine as he sat up to face you with one eye glued shut, the other barely open, bread hanging from between his frown.
“You’ll choke eating like that.” You said as you scooped egg into your mouth.
Ollie dropped the toast from his mouth onto his plate. “Good.” He mumbled. “S’better than Miss Sammie droning on and ooonnnn about nonsense.” He flopped his head back on the table.
“Well enjoy it while you can.” You snorted. “If this crash gets any worse Mum will be pulling you both out to find jobs. And I know you two wouldn’t last a day in the workplace.”
He jerked his head back, scrunching his face in offence. “Like you would be any better.”
You deadpanned. “I’m currently working 9 -5, Monday to Friday, dumbass.” You jabbed back in annoyance, throwing a piece of crust at his forehead.
“Shit, forgot about that.” He grumbled, but perked up suddenly. “Yea, but you’ve only been working full time since last week!”
You chucked another crust. “Running a shop full time on my own – something I’ve never done before??”
“Still.” He retorted, shrugging his shoulders.
You had opened your mouth to retort, but stopped halfway as Allie’s voice echoed through from the kitchen.
“There’s been another one!” he called out, almost excitedly, the thumping of his feet vibrating through the floorboards as he practically sprinted into the room with the morning newspaper grasped firmly in his hands. The two of us jerked back as he slammed it onto the table.
“Amuver!?” cried Ollie, voice muffled by food, though he quickly swallowed it. All evidence of his tiredness now gone, he snatched up the paper and brought it right up to his face. “It’s barely been a week!”
“I know!” Allie replied, his voice rising in volume every time he spoke. “At this point it could end up happening every month!”
You looked between the two of them confused since you couldn’t see what Ollie was reading. “What could happen?” you asked, perplexed.
The two of them froze, turning to stare at you. Their eyes darted to each other, before Ollie lowered the newspaper and spoke.
“…The murders?” He revealed, as if it was the most obvious thing.
You blinked, then looked between the two, more confused. “What murders?”
“What!?” Allie cried, bracing his hands on the table as he leant over it, eyes wide. “You’ve been gallivanting round town for seven months and don’t know about thee murders??”
You leant back slightly at the sight of your cousin’s crazy expression, and slowly shook your head. “I’m uh – not one to read the newspaper often.” You explained sheepishly.
He gaped, clearly shocked at your lack of knowledge about the subject. His head whipped to where his brother sat, and his hand reached out and snatched the newspaper from Ollie’s. You quickly moved your breakfast out of the way, saving your food from being flattened as Allie slammed the paper down and began aggressively prodding at the headline on the front page. Swatting his hand away, you read the giant words printed above a photograph of a lake you didn’t recognise.
Suddenly intrigued, brought the paper closer to read the front column.
Tragedy strikes again in New Orleans as the remains of county barrister, Paul Morgan, were found on the embankment and in the water of Lake Cataouatche by visitors to the area. Morgan was reported missing last Wednesday by his wife, Martha, when he failed to return home for two days after a night out on Monday with his colleagues. It was reported that Morgan’s body was dismembered, and his head took several hours to locate. However, certain body parts are still missing, therefore the lake has been closed off to the public for the foreseeable future. Police are calling in and searching for potential suspects, and give their condolences to Paul’s close family and friends, stating that they are working overtime to bring the killer to justice and prevent any further deaths. Due to the nature and severity of the crime, it is possible that this is another victim of who the public dubs ‘The Bayou Butcher’. The Sheriff strongly encourages people to stick to an early curfew and remain indoors after nightfall, as the safety of the public cannot be guaranteed at this trying time. (More on Page 5)
You went to flip through, but the paper was pulled out your hands by Ollie who wanted to read it.
“You know what I’m thinking?” Allie hissed excitedly as he lowered himself onto the chair at the head of the table between you both. “This could be another Axeman!”
Ollie gasped, eyes sparkling. “Shit, it could!”
You perked up. “Another Axeman? How long has this guy been around?” you asked as you brought your breakfast back in front of you.
Allie turned to you, eyes shining in excitement. “The first body was found in 1927 – and the rest have been popping up every 2-3 months, but this is the first time there’s been two in less than two weeks!”
You narrowed your eyes in thought. “How do you know it’s all one guy?”
At this question he seemed to get more excited, practically vibrating in his seat as he gestured to his twin. “Ollie and I have been collecting newspaper clippings on every murder that’s happened, and we’ve tried to eliminate any outliers – like, different weapons, ones that are bleedin’ obvious who did it – the rest all have the same MO: they never find the whole body.” He yammered on at light speed, emphasising each word with a loud thump of his finger prodding the table. “Sometimes it’s not obvious, I think they try to throw the police off by going for something small – like a finger – but there’s always something missing, and we know it’s them.”
You frowned. “Them?”
He shrugged. “Could be a woman.” You raised an eyebrow. “What!? I don’t discriminate! Women can be scary!” You slowly sat back in your seat, staring your cousin down. He pointed at you as he looked at his brother with wide eyes. “See!? You wouldn’t be surprised if she dragged a body in?”
Ollie swallowed the food he was chewing. “I wouldn’t be surprised if she caused the second Great Fire of London because someone stole her food.” He said nonchalantly, before casually returning to his toast.
“Exactly!” cried Allie. “No wonder the government wants you all nice and buttoned up in a strait jacket!”
Dropping your fork with a clatter, you looked up at him in shock, mouth hanging open. He froze, quickly realising what he had said, and his face slowly scrunched up as he cringed.
“Too far?” he squeaked meekly as he glanced at you. “Sorry.”
Pouting, you glared silently before picking your fork back up.
A few moments of silence passed, before Ollie decided he had experienced enough of the dampened mood. “You know,” he began, catching your attention again. “We think the body parts aren’t just missing for the sake of it.”
“Oh?” you tilted your head, intrigued again.
He looked you directly in the eye. “We think they’re eating them.”
Your eyebrows shot up. “Oo yummy, like a cannibal?” you queried, eyes darting to Allie, who perked back up, nodding. “So… there’s a cannibalistic serial killer running around New Orleans?”
Allie pointed a finger. “Serial killer, yes. Cannibal, possibly. We don’t actually have any proper evidence for that. I’m also going to skip the ‘yummy’ part, cuz I know you would never willingly consume human flesh.”
“You would be correct,” you confirmed with an amused smile, before glancing at the two. “Has mum ever suggested that you two should consider joining the police force?”
All you got were two matching cheshire grins in response.
After cleaning up your food, and disappointing the twins because no, you didn’t bring your serial killer books to America with you, because you didn’t want to be judged by the luggage inspectors on the ferry, besides, Jack the Ripper got a little boring after a while.
Even though it was interesting to learn about the current events of the city you were staying in, the subject of said current events did end up putting you on edge when you travelled to work that morning, with you clutching your bag a little tighter, and intensely staring down anyone who looked at you a little odd on the tram. It even got to the point where you had stepped off the tram, and spent the ten minute walk between there and the shop glancing down any alleyways as subtle as you could, even though you knew you would spot anyone against the white snow that reflected the morning sun into your poor, suffering eyes anyway.
Unlocking the shop doors, you stepped in, stomping the snow off of your boots on the mat before picking it up and shaking it off outside. Crossing the threshold of the room, you ducked under the rug into the kitchen, shrugging off your scarf and coat and hanging them up on the pegs.
You were just dusting off the old grandfather clock that was slotted between the shelves of smaller antique clocks when a knock echoed through the shop. Jumping slightly, you lowered the feather duster in your hand and looked over your shoulder to see the same mailman from Friday waving at you through the window in the door, his smile growing as you made eye contact with him . Placing the duster down, you quickly strode over to the door, twisting the locks before pulling it open and sticking you head through the gap.
“I do apologise Miss,” he began after you said hello. “I hate to interrupt you whilst your still getting ready to open, but my boss handed some priority mail to me – said I had to get it to you as soon as I could.” He held a letter out in front of you.
Frowning, confused, you slowly reached out and took the letter from his hands. “Okayyy…” Turning the letter around you came across some very familiar hand writing:
‘To Mr LeBlanc’s Employee.’
“Oh god.” You groaned quietly, your shoulders slumping. This could turn out to be quite nasty if this was going the way you thought it would.
The mailman glanced between the letter and your very prominent grimace. “Is everything alright?” he asked, concern shining in his eyes.
“Yea! Yea,��� you breathed, glancing around the street with the dwindling hope that your client would show up to pick up his parcel, but the letter in your hand said otherwise. “Everything’s fine. Just some very small business issues.”
He glanced at your face again, and went to open his mouth, but hesitated, seemingly switching what he was going to say. “Well, uh, I hope everything goes well, ma’am. I’ll see you around?”
You nodded, still staring down the street. “Yea, sure. See you around.” You said distractedly. Quickly giving him a strained smile, you stepped back to close the door, and the man tipped his cap at you again before strolling away.
Walking over to the counter, you slumped onto the stool with a groan, chucking the letter down in front of you. Leaning your elbows on the surface, you rested your forehead against your palms as you glared at the words inked onto the paper. The way it was addressed to you already screamed passive-aggressive, and you hated confronting anything or anyone with a passion, and you certainly didn’t want to confront this Boudreaux guy because you denied his mum a Christmas present. With a loud whine, you slammed your head onto the counter before blindly patting the surface until you felt the thick paper and slowly dragged it towards you. Sitting back up, you held the seemingly innocent envelope in front of you, and stared at it for a couple more moments, before you couldn’t take it anymore and tore it open.
December 7 th, 1929
To the Employee of Mr LeBlanc,
I hope this letter has found you in post haste. I am deeply upset that you lack the skills of radio repair, after all it is a growing medium that most should be learning at this point. Therefore I have come to the conclusion that I will refuse your rejection. The fliers you put out stated very clearly that you could repair ANY object, and it would be very disappointing for people to hear that it no longer has that skill to offer, since the only other option for radio repair during these trying times is a very unpleasant experience with that owner I mentioned.
I do hope my Mother’s radio will be fixed on time, I do hate to disappoint her. If Mr LeBlanc does not recover within the period, or you have any queries about the repair, please call the number I have written below.
Best Wishes,
Mr A. Boudreaux
If your mouth hung open any further than you would be catching every insect that resided in the swamps surrounding the town.
Was this guy fucking for real??
You scoffed slightly. Then again. Eventually you scoffing spiralled into manic laughter as you guffawed at the audacity that this man thought he had. With wide eyes, you slammed the paper down back onto the counter, staring over at the wall because if you looked at those words any longer you would probably end up tracking this man down so you could shove his mother’s radio up his ass along with the fat metal rod that apparently already resided there.
Taking a deep breath, you pushed back the stool and stood up, deciding you needed you reset your mind before the first customers came in. Marching back to the kitchen, you spent the next five minutes sat in the middle of the floor, waiting for the kettle to boil as you very angrily stuffed the blueberry muffin you had brought in your mouth. You glanced at the clock and pouted as you realised you only had 15 minutes before you had to put on your best customer-friendly expression despite the metaphorical grey cloud that thundered above your head.
Thinking for a moment, you shot back up, chucking the muffin case as you strode back through to the counter, and snatched the letter up, marching back to the kitchen over to the rotary phone on the table in the corner. Picking up the handset, you pressed it to your ear as you spun the number written out on the paper in front of you.
It rang for a moment, and you tried to picture the man who would – hopefully – receive your call. You expected to hear the gruff voice of some 50 year old, that would start yelling down the line about how incompetent you were, especially when he found out you were a woman, before you heard a crackle as it was picked up and a polite and much younger sounding “Hello?” came through.
You froze for a moment, your vision of some rude, old guy whooshed away at the voice of a much younger, more spritely man, and you pictured someone like the mailman, until you heard a louder, drawn out “Hellooo?”, the man on the other end seemingly becoming amused at your lack of response.
Snapping yourself out of the character builder you had in your mind, you quickly spoke. “Hello, do I happen to be talking to–”
“Oh, I am sorry, my dear.” You blinked as you were interrupted. “But I do believe you’ve accidentally called an American number!” The man said chipperly, though there was a condescending undertone – his amusement clearly growing at the thought of your apparent mistake. You guessed it was when he heard your accent.
“I- what?” you stammered down the receiver.
“Oh you poor thing.” He simpered over the line like some fake grandma comforting you after you tripped over. He was clearly having fun – you could just picture the fake pout he was putting on. “Like I said, I’m afraid you have the wrong number.”
No, this was definitely the right one. His attitude over the phone matched his attitude in the letter precisely.
You could hear him being to move to put the phone down, and you quickly called out. “WAIT NO!!” you cried, on the verge of an outrage. “I definitely put the right number in! Now, am I or am I not speaking to a Mister Boudreaux?”
“Oh! Do pardon me.~” He practically sing-songed. Oh, so now he was willing to listen? “Yes that is I, and to who do I owe the pleasure to be called by an English dame such as yourself?” the fake flirtatious tone had you picturing the faceless man laid on his front, kicking his legs as he twirled the coil between his fingers. You pushed that amusing thought down, however, when you caught sight of the piece of paper in your hand.
“I got your letter.”
“Ah,” It was like a switch was flipped, the man’s tone darkening slightly. “I see.”
Rereading the words this guy had put down, you could barely control yourself, and you pictured the time your mother had marched you down the lane to the house of a boy in your school year. That boy had given you a large bruise on your forehead, and instead of telling you that he did it because he fancied you, your mum decided to give him and his family the verbal lashing of your life. ‘I’m not raising you to snap at the slightest pressure like those London lasses, my love’, she had said, ‘You’re gonna go down kicking and screaming like it’s the last thing you’ll do’.
And that’s exactly what you’re gonna do.
“Right,” you began, your Yorkshire accent coming on full force. “I’m gonna need you t’ open yer lug ole, lad, cuz I dunno how you lot do customer service over here in America, but bein’ passive aggressive t’ someone who’s literally done nowt to deserve the absolute shite you’ve just given me makes you out t’ be a right knob’ead, you hear me?” You reprimanded. “If you don’t get your arse down to the shop by the end of the week, I’m putting ya mum’s radio down as unclaimed and selling it t’ the next person I see!”
You quickly slammed the phone down, too fuming to hear anything that Mr Boudreaux had to say. The only reason you felt a little guilty was that you knew nothing about this guy’s mum – she could be the sweetest woman in the world, and you just up and went and threatened to sell her possession! Though, with the way her son behaved, you would be surprised if she turned out to be just like him. Ugh, then you would be dealing with two of them.
Letting out a sigh, you picked up the phone again, instead dialling the phone number pinned to the corkboard on the wall. It rang for longer this time, and when it picked up you received a very loud coughing fit. When it died down, you finally spoke.
“Ralph I need your help.” You groaned, plopping yourself down on the spindly chair next to you with a defeated sigh.
“I’ve got the worst customer in the world.”
Does uh, anyone want more memes?
I hope you've enjoyed what I've given you so far, and I do apologise for the sudden dialect change, I was desperate for MC to finally speak the way I do lol. See you soon for Chapter 3!!
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nogenderbee · 9 hours
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ ℙ𝕣𝕖𝕥𝕥𝕪 𝕒𝕣𝕔𝕙𝕚𝕥𝕖𝕔𝕥 ₊˚ˑ༄
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ @miya-akane request: To celebrate me getting kaveh, can you write an oneshot bout kaveh with fem s/o that would gush over his beauty everytime and everywhere to anyone (basically a simp) cause i love how pretty he is
Perhaps even showing off like 'i have the prettiest boyfriend in the whole world and you cannot argue with that' and etc
Also YESSS hihihi I swear I had so much fun writing it >w< So hopefully you'll like it too!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ fluff
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It was a normal day at first... you were just getting your work done around Sumeru city when you noticed your boyfriend arguing with his roommate. Kaveh seemed to be a bit irritates as he walked away, so you made it your mission to catch up to him!
"Kaveh!! Wait a second!"
You ran after him yelling throguh whole city, some people even turned to look at you two... And so did your blonde boy~ He was a bit shocked to hear you though...
"Y/N? What are you doing here?"
He stopped in his tracks to look at you and wait patiently for you to come over.
"Oh I was just out running some errands~"
You chirped and quickly threw your hands at him as soon as you came closer to him. Hugging him closely, not hiding how much you missed him.
"Have I told you before how pretty you are~?"
You began again as you looked up at him admiringly. He was so pretty after all! His face was so perfect... his hair was soft... and gosh, those mesmerizing eyes!
"Hehe~ I believe it was yesterday~"
He answered your question, reminding you how you spent whole hour yesterday spoiling him with compliments because you had to go different ways, since it was already midnight...
"One day too long!"
Quickly excusing yourself, you leaned in to plant a few kisses on his cheeks, keeping your hands at the back of his head to keep him even closer. Your voice was filled with sweetness and love too~ And he could sense it!
"You're just so... ADORABLE!! Your cheeks are so soft... and I could play with your hair for decades!"
He on the other hand quickly got flustered despite preparing himself mentally not long ago for what's about to come. His cheeks got slightly more pink and he had problem keeping his hands steadily around you when he was actually melting right now...!!
His hands were still at your sides but he was holding you so gently that you wouldn't have slightest trouble pulling away if you wanted. He tried his best to appear calm since you were in public, but he was doing a horrible job so far... And of course, you noticed it.
"Awwwh~ Look at you! Your cheeks are even cuter now!!"
You poked his cheeks as you pointed out the blush he was having on his face, which only made it deepen.
"Y/N... everyone's looking at us..."
"So? Everyone would agree you're so pretty anyway!"
"Yes but- can we please move it to somewhere private?"
He asked seemingly begging fate to let you agree to move it anywhere else than middle on the city, as you are now. And it seemed to listen to him for once!
"Sure~ My place?"
"Sounds perfect."
He quickly agreed to your offer despite the fact he was supposed to buy some resources for his new architecture project... Right now, he only wanted to move this little scene somewhere more cornered so both his reputation wouldn't get hurt and so he could enjoy your attention only to himself~
@bleachtheidiot - come get your architect beuty~
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here to stay | rhett abbott x oc
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Summary: Tessa gets Rhett a gift she worries is too much. (wc: 1960)
Requested: YES by @oneelleandaneye
Warnings: just rhett and tess being couple goals, mostly fluff but it takes a sharp suggestive turn at the end there it is literally not my fault rhett abbott is a dog
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Finishing up the wrapping with the last bit of tape, Tessa bit her lip anxiously. 
It wasn’t his birthday and it wasn’t even their anniversary, either. Hell, they hadn’t even reached six months, let alone one year, of dating. As she stared down at the blue and white striped paper, she wondered if she should just forget about it. Hide it until a more appropriate date or just return it. 
God, but she spent so much money on it. Custom made to her specifications, hand crafted by a guy out in Montana who still did it the traditional way like the old cowboys. Of course, Rhett could never find out how much money she actually spent on the gift. He would put up a fuss about how it could have been spent on something more important than him. Literally anything other than himself. Speaking like it was a simple and immovable fact that he didn’t deserve that kind of treatment. With those blue eyes downcast and cheeks flushed and a slight shake of his head — sincere in his denial and assertion. 
Part of her wondered if he would react that way even if he didn’t know how much she spent. 
Maybe this was a dumb idea after all.
With a sigh, Tessa got up from the floor and picked up the wrapped gift from the coffee table. Hiding it was probably her best option now. Deep in a closet somewhere where he couldn’t possibly find it — and maybe she would forget about it as well. 
But then, just before she could mentally decide which closet in her little cottage Rhett was least likely to go snooping through, there was a knock at the front door. Most likely her mother coming over to check if she needed anything to tide her over for the weekend, snacks or drinks or, most likely, if she wanted to walk over to the main house to spend the day. 
Gift still in hand, Tessa pulled open the door with a greeting ready and waiting on her tongue. It died right there in her mouth however, when she saw who was really on the front porch. 
“Rhett,” she said, trying not to sound so shocked that he was there. “Wh-What are you doin’ here?”
Brows furrowed, he quickly looked down at his phone then back up at her. “Sorry, this a bad time? Y’said I could come over whenever, so…”
It was ten in the morning on a Saturday. And it warmed something in Tessa’s chest that he would want to come over this early and spend the whole day with her. That he would stand on her front porch ready to leave at her word but so eager to stay. Booted feet shuffling on the treated wood and blinking down at her rapidly from beneath the brim of his trucker hat. He wanted to be with her. Not even doing anything, they made no plans. Just hanging out together, maybe running some errands because she desperately needed to restock the snacks she kept hidden in her room at the Boy’s Home. Somehow domestic and somehow so natural and good that sometimes it scared her. How easily things came between her and Rhett.
She gripped the small gift still clutched in her hand tighter. Maybe that was why she was so nervous to give it to him. 
What if this was finally the thing that messed it all up?
“No, this — this isn’a bad time,” she finally answered, opening the door wider and moving out of the way for him to come inside. “Jus’caught me off guard, s’all.”
Rhett smiled sheepishly as he stepped through the doorway, plucking his hat from his head and hanging it on the hooks just inside. Running a hand through his hair, he nodded his head towards her hands with a grin. 
“Wha’s that?”
Tessa looked down at the little wrapped box as she clicked the door shut behind him. “Uh…It’s um…”
She looked back up into his expectant face, eyebrows raised in a nearly amused way while he toed off his boots, trying to think of some lie that would keep the gift from him for just a little bit longer. It’s for one of the boys? It’s for my dad? Her brain screamed at her to say something, anything, to get him off her back. But with his hands on his hips and slight narrowing of his eyes, she knew she was done for. They both knew she was shit liar anyway. He wouldn’t have believed her even if she had been able to come up with something and finally wrestled it past her lips. 
With a sigh, she held it out to him and muttered, “S’for you.”
“Me?” he questioned on a chuckle, pulling the gift from her fingers almost reluctantly. “Why?”
“No reason. Just…Got the idea n’couldn’t let it go ‘till I…Yeah…” she replied honestly. 
His smile was small and shy as he turned the present around and around in those big, calloused hands. Like he was looking for the timer to a bomb that would go off when he ripped the paper. He kept his eyes trained on it as he meandered over to the couch, shoulders hunched.
“Jus’cause?” he asked as he slowly lowered himself onto the cushions.
“Yeah. Jus’cause.” Tessa followed after him slowly, sitting down next to him on the couch and keeping a bit-lip silence until he started tearing the paper away from the box. “I hope y’like it. I-I know y’re supposed t’win’em, but I jus’thought…”
She knew if she kept talking it would turn into a ramble. A proverbial vomiting of words that would leave Rhett feeling overwhelmed and unsure how he felt. Saying whatever it took to get her to stop talking even if he didn’t really mean it. So instead, she watched anxiously with her arms wrapped tightly around her torso as he finished off tearing away the wrapping paper. As he lifted the lid from the box and took in what was carefully tucked inside the protective styrofoam casing.
“Oh,” he muttered quietly as his blue eyes like cloudy days scanned the gift.
It was a belt buckle. The silver plating shiny and new. Engraved into it was a stylized sun and a bull’s horn on either side. From all the imperfections and the attention to detail, it was clear that it was handcrafted. Rustic in its design, old school. Rhett traced his thumb over the line work but didn’t take it out of the box still sat lazily over his spread thighs. 
Tessa felt her expression drop, her heart sink into her gut. “You don’like it.” 
“No, no —” he immediately answered, glancing over at her quickly then back down to the buckle. “I jus’...How much’d you spend on this?”
And there it was. That sincere denial and assertion. With those blue eyes downcast and cheeks flushed and a slight shake of his head as he continued to look at the gift. She could practically see what he was thinking. How he didn’t deserve this. How she should have spent her money on something else. Anything else. How he hadn’t earned it. 
Where did he learn that love was something that had to be earned? Where did he get the idea that he didn’t deserve to be treated to nice things?
From her experience, she knew where he learned. And it twisted up something angry and sour in her gut that forced the corners of her mouth to turn down. Apples never fell far from trees in Wabang, and sometimes it was the trees that were doing the throwing. Because it was clear to her, as she watched him waiting for her answer on the price, that he did like the gift. Despite all his hesitations. He wouldn’t stop looking at it. Tracing his thumb over the rough edges of the etching.
He might not have earned it the way he had all those other buckles she saw lined up on his dresser, but he wanted this one.
And she wanted him to want it freely. 
“Doesn’matter how much I spent,” she finally said, tucking her legs up underneath herself as she scooted closer to him. “I jus’know…Y’always call me sunshine n’y’always say I’m y’r good luck charm before a ride so…Jus’a little bit’a good luck sunshine t’carry around with ya.”
Rhett finally turned his head to look over at her, a lock of dark hair curled at the end falling into his face. He chewed his bottom lip, eyebrows furrowed as he studied her like she was about to change her mind at any second. But her mind was set, and so she smiled. Small and reassuring as she reached out and tucked that stray hair behind his ear like she knew he liked. 
“You sure?” he questioned quietly.
“Positive.” Then she quickly added on, “I mean, y’don’have t’wear it if ya don’like it, obviously, but I jus’thought —”
But Rhett was quick to cut her off as he pulled the buckle from the box. “No, I love it. It, uh — reminds me’a you.” 
Tessa felt her cheeks heat up as he turned the buckle over in his large palm, inspecting the blacksmith’s symbol on the back. That was what she was hoping for, even though the thought of it still sounded weirdly conceited to her. They didn’t get to spend much time together with her busy and consistently changing schedule with the Boy’s Home and him trying his hand at more out of state rodeos. But this way, he could carry around a piece of her always. Could bring him good luck even when she couldn’t be there. Could maybe keep those buckle bunnies from oogling what wasn’t theirs.
“Good, m’glad y’like it.”
Without another word or thought, Rhett got up from the couch. Tessa felt a heat pool in her belly, and in her cheeks, as she watched him. One handed, he undid his belt and slid the old buckle he was wearing off. She swallowed something thick as he put the new buckle on his belt and redid the clasp.
Like her own claim on him. Her own mark.
He turned to her once he felt it was centered, those slightly too tight jeans hugging his thighs and hips on full display with his fingers perched on the leather of his belt. Right in front of her face. She had to stop herself from rubbing her thighs together at the sight of her sunshine sitting pretty and shiny right above his zipper.
“Whaddaya think? Look good?” he asked, looking down at the buckle then up at her with the most sincere expression. 
Christ, he had no idea what he was doing to her.
“Mmmhmm,” she hummed with a nod.
“What?” he chuckled lowly. 
Her throat was suddenly too dry to really speak. Tongue too big to form the words as her eyes kept flicking back and forth between his expectant smiling face and the buckle he now wore. Tessa never thought she could be possessive until this moment. But there it was, rearing its ugly head as she thought about everyone seeing him wearing it and knowing what it meant.
That he was hers.
Rhett Abbott was hers. 
With his quiet way of speaking and passion and kindness and sincerity so loud she could nearly see it. With his big hand, rough and warm, cupping her cheek and gently forcing her to look up into his face. 
“Y’like it?” he asked again, softer and darker all at once, an understanding taking hold of his face. 
“Yes,” she squeaked breathlessly.
A small grin ticked up the corner of his mouth, and he nodded his head down at her as he said, “Show me, sunshine.”
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m0rbidmacabre · 11 months
Kinktober 2023 - Day 22 – Threesome 
Terzo X Dew X Reader 
Summary: Terzo sends Dew to find the new sister that has just arrived at the Abbey to invite her dinner.  You find Dew the more interesting proposition and accept just because Dew will be there too.   
Warnings: Threesome, Oral Sex, Chaos. It Might be love.  
Notes: this is long, and no i am not sorry. haha.
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Terzo was ever the flamboyant chaotic Papa, he oozed charm and charisma. Leaving many siblings and ghouls wanting to share his bed. When he wasn’t on tour with the ghost project, he was often found seducing his next bedding partner. Terzo loved the company of others especially when it meant he could get what he wanted from them which was more than often sex. They were always fully committed to pleasing him and he just as much to them, leaving many of the siblings yearning for nights with the young Papa.   
Dew was on guard duty for Terzo today, the fire ghoul loved his Papa, he really did but he often couldn’t take listening to whatever conquest Terzo was currently committing. Dew was the most ambitious one out of his pack, he oozed the ‘go away’ angsty feeling to the outside world but he had a glint in his eye that said he could make you his at any moment, should he want too. He spent most of his time with his loyal pack mates and Papa. They were enough for him. This was fairly common for fire ghouls, he had the strength, the angst and the loyalty of his pack and this was all he needed. Dew had been told about you from the other ghouls in his pack, the one Terzo was currently trying to bed, and it piqued his interest that this might be a challenge for him. He was told you were different to his normal conquests, it had him intrigued enough to place a bet with Swiss on whether Terzo would be successful or not.  
Today was just like every other in the abbey, it was a slow day. Terzo had just met you, a new sister of sin to the church, you were a bookworm and spent 90% of your day in the library helping out the other sisters with sorting ancient texts and Terzo was fascinated by you, you didn’t understand why. Maybe it was because you were a new form of pray, and something he had never had before. He first noticed you during a midnight mass he was heading, the moment came for unholy communion and as you were going to your knees before him, when you lost your balance and nearly fell in front of the whole clergy who was watching on almost losing your habit in the process but you made a quick recovery, one that made Terzo smile. He noticed you were not graceful at all, as you took the communion, maybe it was the fact you had almost ended up on your arse in front of the gazing eyes looking on. It fully amused him and from that moment he knew that he wanted to get to know you better.   
“Dew,” Terzo called out from behind his desk “Would you mind running a little errand for me?”   
Dew looked at him and replied “sure, boss. I could do with stretching my legs anyway, what do you need?”   
“Please could you go up to the library and see if the new Sorella is there? And if so, could you ask her to join me for dinner in my quarters? Tell her to dress nice” Terzo beamed  
Dew rolled his eyes. “Sure, I guess so” . He didn’t sound happy about it. Despite the fact he had been a clergy ghoul for some time now since Terzo summoned him. He hated interacting with humans, they were simple beings to him, beings that were too fragile to his liking but being one of Terzo's ghouls this was unavoidable.  
When Dew arrived at the library you were stood towards the back in the restricted section, trying to clean some of the dust that had gathered on them. It was a dirty job, but you loved working with books and where pleased to have been asked to help out in the library even if the dust set off your allergies.   
You were stood cleaning one of Primos ancient books from the restricted section that was clearly older than anything you had ever seen before, the leather of the spine was cracking, and it had a thick layer of dust settled on it, you were deeply immersed in your work, not paying attention to your surroundings. Dew noticed you and slowly made his way towards you.   
“Sister,” he said as he reached you. You didn’t hear him, Dew sighed in annoyance. “SISTER, excuse me?!” he repeated loudly this time, shocking you out of your work. You lifted your head to see the fire ghoul standing in front of you. He was handsome, striking. He had his shirt-rolled up to his elbows and the tight  
jeans didn’t-leave much for the imagination. Not your average ghoul. You met his gaze as you rubbed your nose that had been assaulted by the dust leaving it looking like you had been heavily crying “Erm... Hi?? Dew, right?” you blushed. He nodded his reply.  “Sister are you ok?” he said shocked at your appearance, trying his hardest to make it sound like he didn’t care, but failing . “I’m fine Dew, the dust... I have allergies” you gave him a soft smile as you sniffled.   
“Ok, ok...” letting it go but still looking concerned for your well-being, remembering why he was here he proceeded “Papa asked me to find you, he wanted to know if you would join him for dinner tonight in his private quarters”  
You looked at him, thinking for a second. Did you really want to be another of Papa's conquests? You had heard the gossip from the other siblings about how free-thinking Terzo was about taking people into his room. Often siblings saw it as a rite of passage into the church but from what you could tell it also brought jealousy from his previous partners.   
“Will you be their Dew?” You answered, not wanting to deny your Papas company.   
“I’m on duty all evening sister, I will be with Papa till morning” his eyes glinting at you in confusion at your answer.   
“Ok then” you smile, maybe Dew will be able to protect you from the clutches of Papa Terzo. “Tell Papa to send you to meet me at my room at about 7? I would feel more comfortable if someone accompanied me, I’m still not sure where I’m supposed to be going”   
“I'm sure that will be fine sister, oh. He also asked that you dress nicely. Whatever that means” Dew smirked at you.   
You scrunched up your face in embarrassment and let out a slight giggle.  You weren't one to normally dress nicely, you where normally covered in dust, or had some sort of questionable dirt on you.   
“See you at 7 Dew,” you said to him. Dew nodding in agreement, turned on his heels and headed back to Terzo’s quarters to give Papa his answer.   
Arriving back at the room Dew was thinking to himself and wondering why you were so interested to know if he was going to be with Papa this evening. Thinking about it more he did find you a little attractive for a human even though your face was all red from the dust, the others had been wrong about you... Maybe you weren’t Papas normal type of partner, but you were his, Intelligent, well kept, a little shy but with a quirky spark to you.   
“Papa, the sister accepted your request. She asked if I could accompany her here from the dormitory's this evening and she is still unaware of where the Papel suites are. She said about 7pm. Is that ok?” Dew said a little comfortably to Terzo as he walked back into the office coming to a halt Infront of the desk.   
“Of course, Dew, we wouldn’t want the Sorella getting lost now would we” Terzo grinned, looking like he had just got all his presents at once on Christmas morning.   
As evening rolled around Dew had had a pretty noneventful day, he spent most of it wondering about why you would be so intrigued in him, but he was trying to not let his thought distract him from his work.   
“Papa, I should go collect the sister” Dew said looking up from his watch  
“Ok Dew, don’t be long... I’ve had word that dinner is almost ready, it’s Fettuccine Alfredo if she asks ” Terzo replied.   
Dew leaves and heads towards the dormitories, he picks up your scent the moment he reaches them and can almost tell what room you were in.  He sighs as he approaches the door, shakes off his nerves and knocks. Opening the door Dews eyes widen as you stand there a long plunging black dress, your hair flowing freely over your shoulders settling just below the breasts.   
“Oh HI Dew” you say gleefully. “How did you know what room I was in, have you been following me?” you smile the cutest smile, trying to make him smile.  
“Ghoul nose, we can often pick up scents of people we are common with” He smiled.   
“Oh, I read about that when I was doing some research. It’s pretty cool” You smiled  
She had been researching Ghoul behaviour? Why would she do that?  Dew thought to himself. Dew trying to keep his mind calm, just smiles at you in reply.   
“Shall we? We wouldn’t want Papa to think I was trying to make him wait” you giggle.   
You walk towards the outer grounds on the way to the Papel suites together, “So Dew, what interests you? What makes ghouls tick? I’d love to know more” you say to Dew as you interconnect your arm into his.   
Dew looks down at his arm as you wrap yours around his and looks shiftily at you. “Well, we are all different. Me personally, I like to read, knowledge is power after all and I also play guitar in the ghost project, both are equally important to me”   
Thankfully for Dew, you had just arrived at the Papel Suites as he answered you, you look over to him as he opens the door to the room for you. “Sister, please...” He says as he guides you into the room. Removing your arm from his, hoping Terzo didn’t see that his date was wrapping her arm around his, not that Terzo would be upset but Dew didn’t want to push him.   
“Ahhh Sorella, you’ve arrived. You look stunning, sister” Terzo says gleefully, taking a small bow Infront of you being ever the showman. “Please, come with me...” He takes your arm and guides you through to the dining area. You take a sly look backwards to see where Dew was standing, noticing he had stood beside the door with his arms crossed. Looking ever the picture of strength.   
Terzo walks you to your seat and pulls out the chair for you “Sit sister, please” he says to you as you sit, and he pushes the chair in for you. Smiling as he walks to his seat and sits himself down.   
“Thank you, Papa,” you reply, as you pick the glass of wine up that was already waiting for you. You take a look around the room and notice that it is filled with art from all decades.  “This room is extraordinary, the detail in the artwork is just stunning” you smile, trying to make small talk.   
“Si, if these walls could talk sister. They would have more than history to talk about” He smiles behind his wine glass, flirting already.   
Dinner arrives and is placed in front of you, “Mmmmm Pasta” you smile gleefully, thinking you’ve just hit the jackpot. Pasta is one of your favourite dishes.  Terzo smiles at your little cute exchange, and he noticed Dew was smiling too. Terzo knows Dew well enough, they had been bonded for a while now... He had never seen you smile at a human before. This was Terzo who never missed anything when it came to human interaction, not when it was someone he wanted to bed.   
Terzo looked at Dew and shot him a smile “ Dew, would you like to join us?” Dew looked over and notices the carnal smile on Terzo’s face. Dew starts to wonder what Terzo is planning.  
“Not while I'm working Papa” Dew replied “Please, please Dew... It's fine... Sit" Terzo said.   
Dew walks over to the table and sits down knowing full well that Terzo wasn’t going to let this go, “Wine, Dew?” Terzo says to him.  
“No Papa, not tonight” Dew replies waving off the wine glass he was offering.  
“So, Sorella... How was your meal?” Terzo turns is attention back to you.  
“Beautiful Papa, I couldn’t get enough.” You smile and shoot a look at Dew who was sat with a stern look on his face.  
Terzo smiles “As I bet you are aware sister, my reputation for having sisters in my Papel suites is quite the talk of the Abbey. I have a proposition for you both, would you mind if Dew joined us in my suite this evening? “  
You look at Dew wanting to see his reaction “Well Papa, its eccentric to think I would want to join you in your suite tonight. What makes you think I would be one of those sisters?” you smile that sweet smile that Dew saw earlier. Dew likes the way you pair your naughty side with your sweet side. An angel in the skin of a demon.  
Dew smirks behind his hand knowing full well you are trying to torture Terzo, and it was hilarious.  
Terzo's Eyebrow lifts in intrigue, the smirk still on his face he decides to start questioning you “Well sister, why would you have agreed to join me otherwise? Was It Dew, was that the reason you agreed?”  
You push back your chair and stand to your feet and move towards Terzo, stopping right in front of him. “Maybe it was Papa” you say twiddling with his collar, and casting a glance at Dew as you move into kiss Terzo. Kissing Terzo passionately, you look at Dew. “Maybe he interests me” you reply. Dews eyes widen as you he watches your heated exchange with Terzo that feeling of carnal lust forming in his stomach.  
 “Dew, come here” Terzo shoots a look at Dew. Dew gets up and stands behind you in front of Terzo.  
“I have a few rules of play” Terzo glances at Dew. The ghoul tilts his head and listens “You don’t cum inside her, that’s for me tonight. I am her Papa. You can make her orgasm as many times as she can handle. Si?”  
Dew nods in agreement and takes a step closer to you placing his hands around your hips, taking in your scent he dips his head into the nape of your neck and kisses you hard, all the way up to your ear, lapping his tongue around the most sensitive part. He’s been wanting to do this all evening since he saw you in your dorm and you can feel his heat. You let out a little moan, to let Dew know just how much he excites you. Terzo with wide eyes stood watching from between your legs as the ghoul devours your neck and he moves in to kiss you. He kisses you deep, and hard and rolls his tongue into your mouth... As if to tell you without words that even though Dew is here, your Papas tonight. You return your tongue, sliding it over his as Papa pulls back. His pants now tented with his clear lust for the both of you.  
Terzo meets your gaze, as Dew slides your dress down your shoulders leaving you naked. He continues to bite and nip at your neck, hoping he is soft enough not to leave a mark. Dew was worried, his strength was far more than a human and he was losing all his senses just from feeling your naked butt against his groin. “Sorella, you are stunning” Terzo says with a wicked smile , “Isn't she Dew?” He asks the ghoul. Dew lifts his head from your neck and moves his hands to your ass “Yes Papa, she is” as he catches a cheeky squeeze. You smile through doe eyes. “Dew, do you think we should stay here or move to my bedroom” Terzo asks “Bedroom Papa” Dew replies grunting as he feels you push back onto his cock, and he quickly turns you around and kisses you lifting you, wrapping your legs around his waist as he carries you to Papa's suite. Terzo follows, giggling the smirk ever present on his face.  
Dew lays you down on the bed, you run your hands over the silk sheets underneath you as Terzo lays down next to you and Dew stands kneeled between your legs. Terzo moves into kiss you, moving his hand to your breasts and rolling your nipple around between his fingers, feeling you arch your body into his kiss. Terzo lifts his head up, continuing to move your nipples around in his fingers and looks at Dew knelt watching the whole correlation between you, Dew was rubbing his pants knowing full well he wanted to be free from the confines of his jeans.  
“Dew, go ahead” Terzo says to him. Dew grunts moving in to kiss your knees and down towards your core. He slides his fingers through your slick and finds your clit and begins to rub in circle motions. Matching Terzo’s speed with your nipples. Terzo leans back into kiss you and proceeds to bite. Leaving another mark on the other side of your neck to where Dew had left his. Dew moves in, licking your clit with his rough tongue, sending your senses flying as his spit and your wetness collide. You can feel yourself building, Terzo and Dew could see it too.  
“Dew, how does she taste” Terzo asks.   “Amazing Papa, the best ” He grunts into you as he slides a finger inside you, sending you into your first orgasm of the night. You begin seeing stars as you reach for Dews hair to grab onto pulling him in ever so closer just to chase that high. Dew pulls away as Papa Drags Dew to the side of him and they both kneel next you kissing as hard as they possible could; Both still intently high from your orgasm. Papa moves to the button on Dews jeans and undoes them for him, helping release the ache he's feeling. He then turns to his own pants and unbuttons them, removing them as Dew removes his own. You lay and watch them, heated intently.  
Papa looks down at you, clearly itching to catch his own release. “Sister are you ready for me” He asks you. You look at him, nodding. “On all fours, please” He asks nicely, positioning himself behind you. Dew moving to face you, while Terzo Runs his fingers up your back. “Please Papa” you beg him. As he thrusts inside you, just as quickly as you moan. Your eyes roll back as he does, trying to keep your eye contact firmly on Dew. Dew moves closer pushing a finger into your mouth, letting it slide around your mouth and returns it to his cock and places your saliva around his cock that was already glistening with precum.  
“Dew, Please, my mouth” You moan through Papas thrusts. Dew complies moving his cock into your mouth, and you begin to take roll your tongue around him as you feel his hips arch pushing himself even deeper into your mouth. Terzo picks up the pace thrusting even more, chasing his own lust as he pushes deeper to find your sweet spot. You moan against Dews cock, as Terzo hits it. In that moment both of them lose all sense of reality and thrusts and push into you. Dew reaching his peak first pulling out of your mouth before he cums. Grabbing his cock in his hand with a swift speed he finishes against his hands, moaning for your head as he leans into you to steady him as he cums. Terzo’s thrust get harder and faster, just as your orgasm builds again, and you both reach your orgasm together. Terzo filling you with his hot liquid, that you clearly earned... You all lay on Terzo's bed trying to catch your breath as you notice Dew move closer to you and grab your hand.  
Maybe the fire ghoul had more than an interest in you or maybe this is the start of something interesting. Dew didn’t care, he just needed you.  
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raccoonfallsharder · 7 months
What if Rocket went back in time himself to help the other guardians?
thank you so much for sending this my way, you perfect golden pancake ♡ i've been rolling this around in my head for days now - what a jewel of a thought. there are so many possibilities.
because when all is said and done, i think it's foolish to imagine that rocket didn't figure out how to tame pym particles while he was on terra helping with the snap. by the time the universe was saved and he had his friends back, he'd have figured out where and how to harvest the little subatomic sparks. countless restless nights would have been spent reverse-engineering pymtech.
hell, way back when rocket had first seen the machine tony and bruce had patched together, he'd been intrigued for all of a whole five minutes before identifying at least thirty-six ways he could've improved efficacy. the machine looks all shiny and fancy, but rocket's no stranger to narcissists with big budgets. after all, he knows better than anyone that a rapid-evolution chamber will only make monsters if your glycosylated salts and beta-microseminoproteins ain't right, no matter how many resources you throw at it.
(to be honest, rocket is actually quite annoyed that the avengers - whom he has privately nicknamed the scavengers, after hearing red make a crack about him eating trash - had him and nebs running errands for danvers this whole time. he could've been figuring out better ways to make this whole time-travel situation work, with more precision and less risk of like... running out of pym particles. morons.)
so anyway, point is, once rocket has all most of his friends back (and that's the problem, isn't it), he starts tinkering with pymshit. the guardians eventually settle (more or less) on knowhere and amidst thirty other insomnia-driven projects that include both the bowie and a massive ocular cannon for the skull, rocket's also messing around with pymtech and wakandan nanomachines, and he's marrying them all together in some big, messy, rocket-original creation - complete with duct tape he smuggled off terra.
if anyone had asked - and nobody but nebula does, to be honest - rocket would've told them it was a good thing he'd never had alone-time with doctor strange. he'd heard the stories from pete - about what the time wizard had said. only one possible outcome where we win. well, that's all very well and good for the doctor and his friends. red and stark had chosen to sacrifice themselves.
but what about gamora? she'd never had the frickin' option.
this time-travel project is the first thing rocket's intentionally hidden from nebula in years - other than his origins on halfworld, anyway. but he can't risk her finding out and trying to talk him out of it because she thinks it's unsafe, and he can't risk getting her hopes up if he can't get gams back. plus, she might tell pete, and that would be a whole different nightmare.
so, late one night on only a thimbleful of sleep, he finishes. his plans get interrupted by the mess with the high evolutionary, and then he has to put off using it because he's the frickin' captain or whatever (talk about sleepless nights) and then finally - finally - there's a gap where he thinks he can go. he'll come back, and no-one will even know he was gone. it's a time machine, after all. he climbs in, and he settles against the vinyl seat and takes the controls in his hand.
she handles like a fuckin' dream.
he gives gams the heads-up. strategizes with her. checks back with the future where he lives and learns that at least in this universe, there are now two gamoras: the moral compass currently on terra meeting pete's grandpa, and the snarly time-travelling ravager who rocket has also started to develop a grudging affection toward. pete's happy. nebs is happy. both gamoras are happy. and knowhere starts to feel a little like home.
but sleep still doesn't come. the nightmares are still there. and rocket starts to think maybe he doesn't have to stop with gams. groot might've chosen to sacrifice himself, but rocket figures - maybe he didn't need to. maybe that can change.
but i can imagine how that conversation would go.
you gotta figure something else out, our rocket would tell groot the elder, and groot would say something like, i am groot?
and rocket would say, there's gotta be another option. you gotta live. i want you to meet your kid.
and groot would say, i am groot?
and rocket would say, uh, yeah, you got a kid, and then he'd try to explain, and groot would say, i am groot. i am groot. which basically means, it sounds like you are my child's father, and i won't risk taking that from either of you. this is the light i choose to follow.
i gotta save you, rocket would say, holding the words in his teeth, unable to give them up. i gotta save you, and lylla, and teefs, and floor -
and groot would stop him with a very gentle i am groot, which, to translate, is something like, and how will that change things? will i never find you, little mammal? will you never find our current family? how will they ever meet each other, or escape the kyln, or overcome all the things you tell me they are meant to overcome - without you? where will the galaxy be if the you I know isn't part of it?
i am groot, he adds, which kind of means, you underestimate how very important you are.
and so this new, second trip won't lead to anything tangibly changed in our rocket's universe - not in any way that an outsider would notice, or see. but those moments, to say good-bye, to say i miss you, to say i don't really think you're an idiot and i love you -
they change something inside rocket.
and when he returns to knowhere, he's finally able to sleep.
taglist ♡ @evolvingchaoswitch ♡ @glow-autumz ♡ @wren-phoenix ♡ @suicidalshitstick ♡ @pretty-chips
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victimeyez · 2 months
HELLO I am alive (mostly) and wanted to provide a little update on life and story progress.
Okay, uh, to try to summarize a whole lot of shit, I have been insanely busy. Partner and I were hunting for a new place, got new place, all the stress of moving one place in-state and another across state lines. New place was NOT what was promised on every account and has revealed itself to be a miserable little death trap. 
Now we are living out of suitcases and boxes while voraciously hunting for a new place so we can move AGAIN. I work 45 hours + 30 min commute each way, so I have about 4 hours a day to house hunt, view houses, clean, run errands, rest, food prep, socialize, and write. I have weekends off, but I have timed obligations every day of the week. 
Because of all the craziness, writing has had to take a back seat to make way for “trying to plug a sinking ship while on it” emergency procedures. This has slowed my writing progress significantly, and I’m continuously disappointed by my progress. However, I look back on my time spent, and find none wasted. I’ve just been overwhelmed. 
I am hoping we will have the new place secured + initial move complete within the next week or two, and then we’ll be able to unpack at a more relaxed pace. I am eager to get my life back. 
As for the actual writing, I have struggled with keeping a consistent schedule due to additional factors. I lost a beta reader who contributed a lot due to an unfortunate disagreement, and my writing goes much smoother when I have a few people I can bounce ideas off of.
I also will be writing, think “oh I’m almost done”, and then get additional ideas of what I want to do and what needs to be described. At the end of the week, I usually find myself at an impasse. Do I hurry up and close the scene so I can post the chapter on time, or do I take the additional time to really write this the way I want? I want to be timely with my updates, and setting a posting schedule for myself has really helped to keep me going. It’s important to me. It is also important to me that I write a story that I enjoy writing, and a story that does not compromise on any qualities that people enjoy. If people are reading for the pain, then I want to provide indulgent scenes of pain. Would the story still be worth reading if I cut half of my ideas just so I could publish on time? I don’t know. I would hate to skip out on any qualities of the story that people enjoy reading, because that’s the whole point!
I don’t really know what to do. I don’t want to dissolve my deadlines because they have really helped keep me driven, but I also don’t want to produce rougher and shorter pieces just to try to maintain the pace. I consider all of this story to be a rough draft, and hope to better refine it later on, but I still want to show writing that has gone through significant edits and thought. 
I value the opinions of other writers and readers. I’m thinking about what I want to do to make this work better. Maybe I could do more polls and things with different ideas I have so those who would like to vote can have a say, but I don’t want to spam folks on my taglist or reveal potential spoilers to anyone who does not want them. 
Anyways, this is just to try to explain myself a little bit I guess. Comments, thoughts, messages, replies, smoke signals, and carrier pigeons are all appreciated if anyone has suggestions. Thank you, thank you so much to the people that read my little stories and put up with my erratic schedule. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate it, it really means the world to me. 
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