#i still have some commentary on it but like. ultimately this is great
lailanihan · 1 year
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she really is the bravest soldier bc i don’t know how someone could a. release something so vulnerable and then b. go sing in front of thousands that same evening
#oh this is about#taylor swift#to any non swifties on board#it's such a double edged sword bc at the same time it must feel so great to perform to a crowd of ppl who love you#so in a way its maybe great that this is all getting out there during tour where she has that outlet#but as much as i know once an artist releases a song it becomes kind of more about what ppl associate it with in their lives#instead of directly connected to them and the mindset/intention they wrote it#but it still feels like it has to be hard to separate the 2 on some level right? like esp when a breakup is fresh?#so u get the weird feeling about performing love songs about a dying/dead relationship#although luckily the setlist doesnt have any of the really deep Joe songs other than lover#but i think bc of its fame that one really probably has become more about other ppl than herself#anyways i am rambling to the max#also not to make someone elses breakup into social commentary but there is so much to be said for this general phenomenon#of men stringing women along in long-term serious but ultimately non-committal relationships#like obv situations change so im not saying that he like. intentionally did this from day 1 bc hes evil or something#but ive just seen it happen alot and its sad#im sure it kind of just slowly became that. but it feels like they probably both could have called it quits way sooner#new motto for women (who are interested in marriage) should be: he better lock it down or i won't stick around#and then actually do it
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nkjemisin · 29 days
Hello NK Jemisin! I'm a huge fan of yours, and I wanted to thank you for writing all of the books you've written, and doing all that you do. You're really awesome and you are doing important work! :) I had a long question, if you have time to answer! What's your commentary on creating fantasy cultures, using real ones as inspiration? You've done this before in your stories, and I wanted to know if you had any guidance on doing it well. I'm writing my first novel right now (fantasy!) and am dealing with a surprising amount of guilt regarding using real cultures as a basis for my fake ones. On one hand, I want to create a really unique fantasy world, not the bog-standard European stuff. It's not only more interesting to me, but I also admittedly want to use my story to help introduce people to concepts that might be helpful in the real world, help readers understand what these real people go through and perhaps inspire change. On the OTHER hand, I don't know if it's 'my place' to do so (I'm Black btw, but I'm not just writing about Black-coded fantasy characters). And I'm worried about representing people in a harmful way, even if it's by accident. I'm even hung up about names! Should I use names from real languages related to the cultures I'm inspired by, or should I just make them up to emphasize that, while yes these people are clearly inspired by real cultures, they are ultimately *their own* thing. I'm really conflicted on this and am hoping you can offer some feedback and/or commentary. Sorry for the long ask. Either way, have a great day and I look forward to whatever work you do next!
If I can rephrase what you're saying here, it sounds like you're concerned about cultural appropriation -- specifically, which cultures you get to "borrow from" and "remix," how much remixing you can do before you've done damage, how to depict people from cultural backgrounds other than your own, etc.
If that's what you're asking, then there are whole schools of thought on how to "appropriate appropriately." A lot of thinking on this has evolved in the past few years, for good and for ill; Own Voices, for example. (The short version: the Own Voices hashtag movement started as a grassroots attempt to get marginalized voices telling the stories of their own cultures, because there's been a nasty trend of only white/Western/Anglophone/etc. authors publishing books about those cultures. The problem? Some publishers and readers started acting as if marginalized writers weren't allowed to do anything but stories in their own cultures -- a restriction, instead of an inclusion/correction. Worse, publishers, etc started using it as a marketing shorthand, in ways that were just... not good. They made it weird, basically.) But I'm still fond of the approach that's in Writing the Other, by Nisi Shawl and Cynthia Ward. It's centered on ethnicity/race, but a lot of its approach can be extrapolated to culture. There's too much good stuff in this book to summarize it easily, but you should read it instead of a summary anyway -- it's short.
I don't see the point of guilt, when it comes to something like this. Guilt is what you feel when you've done something wrong, and admiring another culture enough to want to tell a story featuring it isn't wrong. However, there are things you need to do -- research, conversations, considerations of power dynamics -- to reduce the harm you might end up doing by telling that story as an outsider. And note that no matter what you do, though, you might still end up doing harm. (Even people writing about their own culture can end up doing that.) If you fuck up, apologize, figure out what went wrong, and try to do better next time. That's really all you can do.
And then write whatever the hell you want. There's a persistent pressure on Black writers to only cover certain subjects, certain settings; nah. We get to have range, too. You've just got to put in the work to do it well.
Good luck.
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metamorphesque · 2 years
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These images of circles and circling, revolving around a great center he names God, it makes me think of the cathedral labyrinths of Europe. Or the ancient spiral glyphs carved into rocks and cave faces. I see the circling pathway around some secret center. The road can be bewildering, twisting and turning, keeping us disoriented and uncertain of how near we are, but ever moving inward.
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And that courageous line –
I may not ever complete the last one, but I give myself to it.
We walk the winding path, not out of certainty, but because it is the only path worth walking. Walking that road, quietly, with attention, one foot in front of the other, becomes meditation. It becomes worship. Each ring, whether near or far, is a layer of our lives that is blessed by our passing through it.
Walking the circling path is not only the way to the center, it is actually part of the center. We learn to participate in the center by first walking the path. Obsession with the destination becomes an impediment to reaching it. Instead, by patiently inhabiting each step, we discover the center in ourselves... and our feet naturally end up there, as well.
We walk with our whole selves –
and I still don't know: am I a falcon, a storm, or a great song?
On this roundabout road to God, we question our own nature. We encounter the mystery of self. Who and what are we really? Ultimately, it is in that questioning of a self that eludes definition where we find the still center.
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The quieter we are, the more patient and open we are in our sadnesses, the more deeply and serenely the new presence can enter us, and the more we can make it our own, the more it becomes our fate; and later on, when it "happens" (that is, steps forth out of us to other people), we will feel related and close to it in our innermost being. And that is necessary. It is necessary - and toward this point our development will move, little by little - that nothing alien happen to us, but only what has long been our own. People have already had to rethink so many concepts of motion; and they will also gradually come to realize that what we call fate does not come into us from the outside, but emerges from us. It is only because so many people have not absorbed and transformed their fates while they were living in them that they have not realized what was emerging from them; it was so alien to them that, in their confusion and fear, they thought it must have entered them at the very moment they became aware of it, for they swore they had never before found anything like that inside them. Just as people for a long time had a wrong idea about the sun's motion, they are even now wrong about the motion of what is to come. The future stands still, dear Mr. Kappus, but we move in infinite space.
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Ich lebe mein Leben in wachsenden Ringen, die sich über die Dinge ziehn. Ich werde den letzten vielleicht nicht vollbringen, aber versuchen will ich ihn.
Ich kreise um Gott, um den uralten Turm, und ich kreise jahrtausendelang; und ich weiß noch nicht: bin ich ein Falke, ein Sturm oder ein großer Gesang.
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I live my life in widening circles (set me free)
Starry Night (Vincent van Gogh), Widening Circles by Rainer Maria Rilke (tr. Joanna Macy), Commentary by Ivan M. Granger, The Chartres Cathedral Labyrinth, Ouroboros, 1760  (a photograph by Granger), question mark symbol in Armenian, 지민 (Jimin) 'Set Me Free Pt.2', Letters to a Young Poet (by Rainer Maria Rilke), Ich lebe mein Leben in wachsenden Ringen (by Rainer Maria Rilke)
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syndrossi · 23 days
resonant ch25 dvd commentary
Inspired by @cloud-harasser's ask, some dvd commentary of the latest chapter. No idea how I'm gonna be structuring these, so we'll just meander aimlessly until I settle on a format!
Favorite line: "The crown he had so coveted, she mused, had come to wear him." (Rhaenys)
Mostly because there's so much behind it. Obviously there's Rhaenys's own bitterness over the Great Council and her belief that Viserys's rule has weakened their family. But also how it has, in many ways, weakened Viserys himself. His health, his happiness, his relationship with his family. The crown consumes, if you are not strong enough--and perhaps even if you are.
In general Viserys + the weight of his crown is a subtle (or perhaps not!) theme in the chapter:
"He gladly forgot his crown when it did not suit him, only to brandish it like a sword when it did..."
"Viserys looked from Daemon to her, and then back, closing both hands around his cane, as though it were a scepter."
"His hand found his hair, as though to push back the weight of his crown, his sigh loud in the sudden quiet of the room."
"If Viserys decided to take his supper with only his crown for company, that was his own choice."
The crown constantly isolates and wearies Viserys, which is why he's constantly trying to put it down, and be just Viserys: a brother, a cousin, an uncle, a father. But to Rhaenys's point, he only puts it down and picks it back up when it suits him.
(I always worry that people think I dislike Viserys or am going out of my way to make him unlikeable, but honestly I find his struggle to be a very compelling one.)
Favorite moment: A toss-up between Rhaenys reaching for the wine to deal with this bullshit and Daemon comforting Jon by the hearth.
Favorite dynamic: Rhaenys and her cousins. Rhaenys's viewpoint of them is somewhat frozen in time (moreso Daemon than Viserys), but it's still pretty accurate. Since this story is very Daemon+Jon+Rhaegar-focused, we usually see Daemon in a very positive light, OR we see him as the ultimate villain from Alicent and Otto's POVs. Rhaenys is a fun middle ground. She is able to call attention to / muse upon his faults while still remaining fond of him.
"Quick" hitters:
This was one of the more frustrating/difficult chapters for me to write, because it took me a while to settle into Rhaenys's voice. Her POV is one of the most heavily edited scenes I've done.
I went back and forth between two versions of the boys' disappearance. There's a natural pause in the Viserys-Rhaenys-Daemon conversation (when they're talking about the Princesguard and also the Stepstones) where you could slip a scene break in. I wrote it originally from Rhaenys's POV, which is what we ultimately got, but I also partially wrote it from Jon's before deciding it was stronger to have Rhaenys's perspective. We'll save the secret passage spelunking for another time!
I originally had Jon bestow the name of his hatchling in this chapter when he introduced him to Rhaenys, but this wasn't really the appropriate place for Daemon + Rhaegar to react to it, so it got moved to 26, which is all about dragons! (The chapter is literally called "Dragonkeeping"!)
It's subtle, but Rhaegar latches on to Rhaenys hard as the first Targaryen woman he's encountered. Hugging her almost choked him up, and he was upset when she announced she'd be leaving soon.
Cut partial Jon POV scene in the secret passages (standard disclaimer that this is raw/unedited lol:
“Are we lost?” What Rhaegar had assured him was a five minute walk through tunnels beneath the holdfast to emerge in a small crypt on the edge of the garden—one of many for Queen Rhaenys, whose body had never been returned to her homeland—had become fifteen minutes of navigating tunnels that ended abruptly or in doors locked behind chains, or switches that did not work. “Much has changed,” Rhaegar said, fixing the latest dead end with a betrayed glare. “Or changed after, I suppose. Some of the tunnels must have been extended later, and chains removed.” He frowned in thought. “During the Dance, perhaps? It is not known how Aegon escaped the Red Keep.” Their plan to sneak to the king’s chamber in support of their father, exchanged in hushed whispers in Princess Rhaenyra’s chambers, was beginning to look doomed to failure. Jon followed Rhaegar back to their current tunnel, where his brother exhaled in frustration. Their hatchlings, who were entertaining themselves by zipping along the dark corridors, did not seem to mind. In fact, they seemed to rather enjoy the cave-like interior of the rougher-hewn spaces. Rhaegar held his torch up, their only source of light, turning to peer down each side of the tunnel. “There is a small passage near the tunnel to Flea Bottom that leads to the Queen’s Ballroom within Maegor’s Holdfast. I did not want to use it, because we will have to cross most of the holdfast to reach the king’s chamber. We will be spotted before we reach it.” “How far?” Jon asked. “Another ten minutes. We are on the opposite side of the Red Keep right now, nearer to the Tower of the Hand.” Jon grimaced. By the time they reached it, Laenor would almost certainly have raised an alarm, but the same was true of returning to the passage leading to Rhaenyra’s chamber. Then he remembered Rhaegar’s story from before. “Aren’t we near where the dragonglass mosaic is? Beneath the Tower of the Hand?” Rhaegar turned to him in surprise. “You wish to see it now?”
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flightfoot · 7 months
Marinette Completed Angst Fic Reclist
I know some people really like this genre, so I figured I'd make a list for it! These will obviously all be completed, and none of them will be bashing fics, and PLEASE don't rec any fics on this post that are bashing fics, I don't want to see them.
Some of these will have my own commentary about the fic attached to it, for if I've put them on a previous reclist where I had that commentary written out. But a lot of the older fics won't.
For a fic to count for this, the angst Marinette goes through can't just be her being upset about what someone else is going through, though the angst of the fic doesn't only need to be hers, so long as she has her own angst which is a decently prominent part of the fic.
one does not love breathing by @wackus-bonkus-maximus
All of Paris watched as Hawkmoth murdered Chat Noir, taking the Black Cat Miraculous for himself. Ladybug swears revenge, but her enemy—and every miraculous in his possession—disappear without a trace.
Six years later, a new team of villains launches an attack for the last remaining Miraculous: Volpina, armed with new powers; Queen Bee, with questionable loyalty; Argos, the new holder of the Peacock Miraculous; and Cat Walker, who Ladybug hates the most.
Takes place after S4 - Strike Back.
This is a simply phenomenal fic. You get to explore a lot of different perspectives, like Felix, Kagami, Marinette, and Adrien’s, just to name a few, and see their different thought processes and plans and priorities, and how it can cause their plans to collide with each other, even when they all ultimately are aiming for a good outcome for everyone. The characters are pretty complex and can mess up at times, even when they’re doing things (or not doing things, looking at you Luka) with the best of intentions. It was a joy to read and a real nail-biter the whole time, I actually wrote a fic for it halfway through just to resolve some of the tension for myself, One Does Not Love Shadows.
It also features the version of Luka I’ve connected best with to date, as he feels like Luka, but also is a lot more fleshed out, and can make some major errors while simply trying to avoid missteps. It’s helped me get a better handle on a character who I’ve generally had a lot of problems with really understanding.
It is an M-rated fic, though I think Wackus is being overly cautious on that front. There’s no sexual content and I wouldn’t put the violence or gore above a T-rating, so I wouldn’t let the rating scare you off.
you don’t even know me at all (but I was made for loving you) by @ladyofthenoodle
They didn’t remember each other. The hospital told them there’d been an accident—brain damage—but Alya had told them the truth, later. Who’d they’d been to each other. What they’d given up, and why. But even with their memories of each other gone, Adrien and Marinette are still inextricably tied together—by law, by their social circles, and by their hearts. And in the apartment they share, there’s only one bed.
Yep, it’s the “there was only one bed” trope XD! I especially love how it was used here, how Adrien and Marinette are strangers now but they had a whole life together, and they pine for each other even without remembering, and how Marinette just can’t believe how in love with her Adrien is even though he doesn’t remember her. I loved the emotional turmoil the two of them went through together in the fic, and the resolution, it’s great!
fine line by @bbutterflies
“Catwalker?” Loveybug asks. “Hmm?” “Do you remember… what happened before us?” “What do you mean?” “Before we were heroes. Was there someone else?” Catwalker goes quiet for a moment. “I don’t know,” he finally says.
This is a surprisingly angsty take on the Loveybug AU. Here, since the Loveybug and Cat Walker transformations are so unnatural, they’re having negative side effects on Marinette and Adrien, causing them to be constantly exhausted and even to get amnesia the longer they continue using them.
do you think I have forgotten about you? by @roseinaugust
Based on the song ‘About You’ by The 1975. Memory Loss. Told in alternating time lines, one leading up to and one dealing with the aftermath of Marinette relinquishing the Miracle Box and the guardianship. Marinette struggles with her life after losing her memory, though there is a persistent voice that calls to her that always seems just out of reach in her memory.
Beautiful memory loss fic here, with seeing Ladybug’s and Chat Noir’s relationship before she gave up the Miracle box, juxtaposed with the present day, when Adrien is only a stranger to her. I could really feel how Marinette was struggling with navigating these new circumstances, with her friends seeming to expect her to remember, to be who she was to them, to Adrien especially, before, and her just… not knowing whether she can do that. It’s got a happy ending though, for those who are concerned about that.
Our Tales Are Endless (That’s Why I Tell Them) by @joonapeach
Marinette lives a simple life - one surrounded by pretty dresses, fresh macaroons, and the calming view of Paris. It’s a life she thinks she has always fit in. And yet sometimes, when a certain boy comes by her shop with a flower and a new adventurous story, she can’t help but wonder if there’s something else she’s missing.
This was a truly gorgeous story. It’s the classic “Marinette gives up the Miracle Box and loses her memories” storyline, exploring her life two years later. Even though she’s had time to heal and recover, she still feels like she’s missing something, something big. At least Adrien’s stopping by regularly to tell her stories about Ladybug and Chat Noir, even if she doesn’t understand why they resonate with her so well.
I (Wish I) Knew You by @buggachat
University has been hard on Marinette. Making new friends and maintaining her grades is a lot easier said than done when she has to disappear at odd times to fight akumas. She's struggling, and with Alya away with family and Adrien painfully out of reach, she's never felt lonelier.
If only she could talk to someone who really understood her struggles... but it's not like Chat Noir would know anything about loneliness. Right?
Nice aged-up Ladynoir fic here! Marinette’s struggling with losing friends and lovers because of her flakiness due to her superhero activities, until at last she breaks down. Thankfully, Chat Noir’s there at least - and it soon turns out he’s got problems of his own that he’s been hiding.
There’s some fluff and angst, it’s mostly just the two of them navigating life, dealing with their feelings and talking things out.
If I Let Myself Love You by @uptoolateart
It’s hard to be a normal girl with a normal life when your mother has terminal cancer. And when fashion model Adrien Agreste moves back to Paris and wants to be Marinette’s friend – or maybe even more – her life is turned upside down again.
How can she risk opening her heart to love when her whole world is falling apart? Especially when Adrien is hiding a dark secret of his own….
- COMPLETE FIC – updates on Sundays
*** No kwamis AU - 100% Adrinette. About half of it is fluffy and half heavy. Please read tags for trigger warnings. ***
This fic can be rough, definitely pay attention to the tags. There’s no villains in this story, it mostly centers around themes of dealing with illness - both being sick and having a loved one who’s terminally ill - and death, grieving someone who’s lost, and how difficult that can be. It can get pretty gut-wrenching at times, especially as you slowly discover more layers of what’s really going on, what both Adrien and Marinette are hiding, both from others and from themselves in order to help cope with their circumstances. But they still move forwards together, regardless.
Between the Heavens and the Embers by @readersmoon
Everyone in Paris remembers the fateful night of January 16, when the city was attacked by the most powerful and destructive akuma ever created. The assault, which lasted for hours, resulted in the death of 439 people.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng was among the casualties.
Years later, Adrien hasn't been able to move on, haunted by the memories of her broken body. So, when the opportunity to leave Paris for a while presents itself, he doesn't hesitate. But this trip might end up giving him more than he ever dreamt of.
This is a fantastic fic, though a serious and a dark one - make sure to mind the tags, and it’s M-rated for a reason. Vee - or rather, Marinette - is going through a horror story here. Imagine finding out that your life is a lie, that everyone you thought you could trust was manipulating you, that you were just being continually gaslit for years. 
As for Adrien, Alya, and Nino... well, none of them took Marinette’s “death” all that well, especially Adrien. Finding out that she’s been alive all this time, in these horrible circumstances, and they had no clue... it’s hard on them as well.
I love how this fic goes into how much trauma everyone has even after the immediate danger’s dealt with, you don’t just walk off this kind of experience, especially with how many years this lasted.
in case you don’t know me tomorrow by @thelibraryloser:
“We live in a crazy world where pieces of our lives can be erased like they never even happened. I just wanted to memorize this moment so… so I could keep it, if that makes sense.”
Adrien’s heart gave a little flutter. She wanted to keep this moment, meeting him. She wanted to keep… him.
“I understand exactly what you mean.“
In a world that has created a way to selectively delete memories, no moment is truly safe. So how do you hold on to something when the memory of it is gone? And how do you keep fighting for someone when you’re the only one who remembers?
This is a SEVERELY underrated fic. It’s got some shades of “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” in the world, though the plot is very different - the memory erasure ain’t willing. 
Basically, the first few chapters are establishing Adrien’s and Marinette’s romance, and then the rest of the fic is dealing with Gabriel being an absolute DICK and using any means at his disposal to break them apart. It’s fantastic and I highly recommend reading it!
hella enchanted by @xiueryn:
Years ago, Marinette’s father died and she was left with her awful stepmother. With magic forcing her to obey every command, she lived as a servant and gave up hope. When a man appears, searching for the very fairy that blessed her, Marinette decides to give life one more try. AU.
(a different ella enchanted au.)
Even though it’s a one-shot this one is pretty long, clocking in at over 30k words. Absolutely worth a shot, though. The first third is basically Marinette dealing with being pushed around because of her “blessing”, and the other two-thirds is just some adorable fluff of her and Adrien touring the country together. 
Echoes of You by kittinoir
In the day time, she's Marinette - a normal girl, with a normal life. A normal girl, with a normal life. A normal girl, with... Not Season 4 Compliant; please, no spoilers
balancing act by fictionalinfinity
“Besides, being Ladybug always came first. It came before school, friends, and sometimes even family. Now it had to come before her health. Marinette had a duty to Paris. She wouldn’t let them down.” Or, being both Ladybug and the Guardian starts to take its toll on Marinette. - the epilepsy au literally no one asked for
Some Days by @merrygreenie
Some days are worse, and others are a little better, little by little and day by day. Marinette Dupain-Chen is learning how to live her new normal after living in confinement and being tortured by Hawkmoth. She is thankful to have her friends and family to support her. And a very special Chat who loves her very much. *This story contains scenes of violence and torture this is a whump fic*
This fic has some great angst, but be warned, it's not kidding about the violence and torture. Honestly, it should probably be rated M instead of Teen, given that while the fic mostly takes place after Marinette escapes and while she's recovering, we do get a detailed flashback to her torture.
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the-phantom-author · 2 months
also i know i’ve been super MIA but i’ve been on my popstar!gf shit 🤞🏻🤞🏻😔😔
i’ve been thinking that maybe when hasan went to disney w fear& she goes to because they literally love her and want her to do something gahdammit go outside!! stop writing!!! (cue hamilton lyrics “WHY DO YOU WRITE LIKE YOURE RUNNING OUT OF TIME WHY DO YOU WRITE LIKE YOU NEED IT TO SURVIVE!!!”)
and they didn’t actively put her on camera like not purposefully but she would be seen holding hands w hasan or he would have his arm around her shoulder in the background and fans were like OMGGGG we miss her!!!!
she slowly started making some super small appearances on stream, maybe she’d just come and sit with him, she’d put her feet in his lap while she’s out of frame and writing in her journal, always new lyrics. chatters can see he’s rubbing her legs or feet or whatever
maybe when he has something non political on to watch she will come and sit, and just rarely speak but it’s always so funny when she does, she just kinda sitting back and letting him lead and just enjoying sitting w him and his hand on her thigh (not that he doesn’t do it off stream but its always nice to be touched by hasan)
one night she walks in to sit with him but it’s a night that shit is really popping off in politics and he’s started having so many maggots (MAGA followers, that’s what i call them🫶🏻) and the hate and criticism starts and the disrespect because she’s a woman, she’s much younger, her career and dating life, literally anything, and hasan is PISSED after the stream. he saw the chat, he knew you did but you’re always great at ignoring that stuff. but ultimately hasan is like no, i don’t want you on any streams right now
which angers her because um hello she can make her own choices he can fuck right off with that
and it makes him angry that she isn’t listening and understanding his side
they have a few days of pouting, space, but inevitably he misses her and he knows neither of them communicated it well so she comes over and make up and ⚡️make up⚡️
so it’s back to not being on stream but hasan IS NOT going to allow his stream to become a place for hate to fester for her. all of these chatters saying that shit?? permabanned, you’re done.
when it’s something super important like say when the election is actually happening, she will make the rare appearance and he’s closing chat for the duration or having mods go through and approve/disapprove of each comment
to sum it up::::: they’re still the hottest couple known to man and boy does he engage in pda and she still has so so many people that love her. she just needs space from the public eye.
Maggots is insane
The amount of small blips of her that chat gets to see in the Disney stream. Like, if Fear& can't get their gay to come, they might as well get popstar!gf, who is a close second.
They see glimpses of her, on the small word ride, she goes with Will to watch the fireworks, at the gift shop, sharing snacks she's bought from the vendors, ect ect.
And yes, smaller stream appearances, especially when hasan doesn't have a guess, she's just beside him with her journal, he mic is one, just incase she ever wants to say things, so it's no uncommon for chat to hear her mumble lyrics, or for her random no filter commentary.
She gets so upset by his banning of her in his stream room, if only because it makes her feel like hasan doesn't trust her ability to know how she's feeling about things. It does evolve into a fight/argument between the two of you. You take yourself and your cat and leave his place for a bit. It's a lot of silence on both of your ends. Hasan, as much as he likes to communicate about those kinds of things, feels like he's justified and doesn't want to be the first to cave. And popstar!gf, she knows that she is right. He caves first. And yes, the two of them do makeup and /make up/
Her making a full camera appearance! Chat is down and heavily moderated. She's on camera, and in Hasan's chair, hasan is next to her and not the main focus.
They are both happy and healthy and hot as fuck. All is right for that moment in time, even if she does go back to being offline afterward.
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Book 6, Episode 1: Startouched Analysis/Commentary
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Gotta love how it opens with Ripples in the water reflecting the stars. Go read the short stories if you don't know what I'm talking about.
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Aaravos hesitates before crumbling Viren which is the funniest shit to me. This hurts more though, having seen the whole season.
Gotta love how Terry basically said Viren just ran away to go die like an angsty teen.
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He got a new son to orphan les goooo
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I find the framing of this pretty interesting. Viren is still in the dark while Claudia is standing in the light. You'd think it'd be the other way around. Perhaps it symbolizes how he has come to terms with his dark side, and is going to face it. While he leaves Claudia who, hopefully, can still be redeemed. Because ultimately this isn't her fault, it's his. He's the dark one.
At first I thought it was cruel for Viren to leave Claudia, but I've come to a realization. Claudia is better off without him. He is the reason she's done all this, and nothing will change if she keeps having to save him. She needs to let go. I'm not sure if this was intentional on Viren's part, but he made the right choice nonetheless.
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Man, what is it with this show and blindfolds? So far they have showed up in Harrow's little flashback speech, on the Celestial elves, and here. Is this anything??
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I was expecting to be annoyed by the baitlings' presence in this season, but they didn't actually get in the way much. Glad the writers read the room. They were mostly just used to fill the comic relief void that soren has left.
Also, I love how Jason Simpson still managed to weasel his way into the High Council through Barius, since Viren isn't exactly, yk, in that position.
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THE TABLE, CALLUM. THE TABLE!!!! Bro really be like "it's remarkably easy to buy a Novablade in central Starscraper."
Also, the way Rayla says "pearl" sounds like "peril."
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They play Aaravos's little motif-melody-thingy throughout this scene. Yk, from I See You and Follow my Lead. Glad to cross that off my bingo card.
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You can't see it here but the eye-movements in this scene are great. I think the animation and lighting really shine in this season. Pun intended.
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Barius doing some casual baking at like 1 AM or something. Bro got insomnia /j. I mean, who are these for? They don't have fridges so they can't save em for long. Maybe Callum got him some sorta magical fridge. Or- wait- maybe they do have, like, a primitive fridge. Was that a thing? Oh actually, maybe Callum and Rayla just go to bed early. Lmfao
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And there we have it, the first Viren-Callum parallel of the season. Just like episode 1 of season 1, he barges into the King's bedroom.
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Alright, so. Other than this line being hilarious, I'm thinking the frustrating switcharoo that turns the latter half of the season into a bloodbath happened here. Was pretty foolish of Callum to think the pearl would be safe with him on his way out.
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Ezran is saddened by everyone's departure. I'm not sure why, but it's worth noting.
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They pretty much have her say "my dad is gone" just so that using this clip as a trailer wouldn't spoil anything lmao. I've been waiting to say that since Wondercon.
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And now Claudia is the one leaving, as she steps out of the purifying light of the setting sun. Everyone, please give Terry a round of applause for continuing to love her despite this.
And now for the credits:
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These are similar. Opeli is from the credits of this episode, and Harrow, from the credits of one from Season 2.
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We need this to be a shirt.
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Ahhh so Aaravos isn't the only Startouch elf with a star on their chest. I might be a little late to noticing that. Idk.
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One last thing. Is it just me or is the outro song a little different? Music people, help me. I must know.
But yeah, banger episode, banger season, banger show. Imma be doin' these for all the season 6 episodes. At this rate, they will all have more words than Fallout Equestria. /j
Alright, time to take my meds. 💀
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sandytree1 · 10 months
Criticism of Blue Eyed Samurai
Well, I just watched Blue Eyed Samurai. Been spotting several positive clickbait thumbnails of it, so even though I didn't have high expectations based on the trailer, I gave it a go. And well, it was what I feared it was. I still enjoyed it though! And it's an engaging story, just not what I wish it was. Anyways, I wrote a comment on Reddit about it, which I thought I'd repost here.
Edit: I ended up going in and reordering some paragraphs under headings, as people on Reddit replied to by comment. Noticing people are nitpicking the historical accuracy of my commentary, which wasn't really what I was concerned about. It's more that certain cues in these stories make me expect certain things.
The main point of much of this text is to look into what makes Blue Eyed Samurai a noticeably American story, by comparing it to other jidaigeki stories with a similar setting made for and by Asian people, and stories set in Asia made by Americans (for Americans).
🚧 NB! I'm still working on the text. Text marked in cursive are just notes, so please ignore them for now! 🚧
Asian stories
So, this isn't the first time we've gotten an Asian story told by Americans (for Americans). And that in of itself doesn't necessarily make the show unwatchable. Beyond the cases of whitewashing and yellowface in Hollywood, we can also find a few love letters to Asian media.
For China, we have Kung Fu Panda, a love letter to Kung Fu movies with a Chinatown aesthetic. For Asian ethnicities overall, we have Avatar the Last Airbender. And for Japan, we have stories like the Ghost of Tsushima and Shogun.
As a period drama fan, what I expect coming into these shows are generally other pieces in the same genre, that is Asian stories told by Asians. Perhaps due to the lack of any relevant Asian American genre. In the case of Blue Eyed Samurai, I was expecting a jidaigeki more in the lines of Azumi, Oshin or Princess Kaguya. However, I felt that Blue Eyed Samurai fell short, even by the standard of other Asian stories told by Americans for Americans.
Overall, the story's theme is two fold: action and feminism.
Action and martial arts
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While Blue Eyed Samurai throws around words like samurai and honor, it doesn't appear to actually understand what these entail. Instead, it feels like it only focuses on the superficial badassery of it. In contrast, Ghost of Tsushima did a great job with its Japanese localization. Although some parts was a little bit off still, they salvaged this by centering their themes around bushido culture and made references to terms used there, and the visuals references Japanese aesthetics of the transient seasons and impermanence, which is commonly used in haiku poetry. It features seasonal environments such as ginko leaves, reed, maple, and spider lilies to mention some. The same can be said for Shogun, which is more about the tension being lost in translation, and where especially Mariko recited actual Japanese poems at several occassions.
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Meanwhile, Kung Fu Panda also has the tropes and artefacts of Chinese wuxia story, but it is ultimately based on Chinatown. A theme park-esque idea of China designed by and to cater to white people, as a Chinese American defense mechanism. Yet, it stands on its own as an American love letter to Chinese kung fu films.
In the west, many use Kung Fu Panda as an argument for successful orientalism. However, Accented Cinema points out, it may have more to do with China's own failure in representing themselves, and that Kung Fu Panda's lesson was just what China needed at that time: To stop doubting and to learn to love themselves. Even in the face of the traditional Chinese fantasy genre (wuxia and xianxia) losing foothold in Asia, they can still stay themselves as a new generation reinvents the genre. And the new stories coming out of China seems to have taken this classic hollywood message to heart.
I'll use this opportunity to shoutout some stories by China to come out of this new era: The Legend of Hei, the White Snake, The Untamed, Black Myth: Wukong, Genshin Impact, etc.
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In contrast, Blue Eyed Samurai has the same attention to detail when it comes to the artifacts of a jidaigeki story. But it falls short, because it lacks in as meaningful a message as Kung Fu Panda had, and somehow lacks in the tropes (or whatever it's called?) that you'd expect to see in a jidaigeki. Instead, it focuses on superficial badassery and western feminism, and it feels like it clearly caters to white people's ideas and desires.
But overall, great choreography and compositing, engaging story and characters ... Blue Eyed Samurai is good, but does veer into the uncanny valley for me, which I know was an issue Asians had with ATLA. Guess I felt it a little bit more with Blue Eyed Samurai due how much (unrealistic) violence and (meaningless) sex is glorified, and made me question what exactly the overall moral message of the story was supposed to be beyond simply "revenge plots are cool but also destructive." As somebody else said, it's giving "guts and tits for the people."
I was hoping for something like Azumi
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I do not mean that I wanted Blue Eyed Samurai (BES) to romanticize bushido and samurai. However, I did want it to explore these concept, because they made such a big deal out of it. The closest comparison I can make and what I was actually hoping for when going into BES, was something more like the manga Azumi.
The main character of both series, Mizu and Azumi, are similar in several aspects. Both are orphaned women who grew up to become fearsome assassins, whose sworsmanship is so incredible that they're able to fight off hordes of men singlehandedly. Additionally, both are mixed race, though where Azumi only has blue-ish eyes, Azumi has actual blue eyes. Additionally, both work as assassins during the sakoku policy, though while Azumi lives around the time of Tokugawa Ieyasu in the 16th century, at the start of the policy, Mizu lives further along in the 17th century.
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Azumi is a gritty look into (among other things) both shinobi and samurai that does not romanticize either, and has won an award for its exploration of these concepts in relation to buddhism. In fact, everyone in Azumi suffers. The only one who is perhaps glorified is Azumi, who many critics compare to a boddhisattva.
Throughout the story, Azumi works to not become too attached to earthly comforts, but still suffers because of her attachment to her companions. As Azumi completes her pruning missions for her boss (the Buddhist monk Tenkai), she accumulates a lot of bad karma in the form of endless waves of people pursuing her for either revenge, the bounty on her head, the thrill of defeating a master swordswoman, etc. Because of it, 90% of her closest companions SPOILER die, and many of her friends are raped or permanently maimed, and has to deal with the trauma and practical inconveniences of it. Often because they are caught in the crossfire between Azumi's targets or those who pursue her.
By the end of the story, Azumi still ends up making new companions like usual and her boss continues wanting to send her on pruning missions. But she decides to leave them all behind, so that those she cares about will not be affected by her bad karma again. She knows she will have to stay on the road indefinitely and will never really be able to enjoy the comforts of settling down, because of her pursuers. The series makes the buddhist argument that earthly attachment in general causes suffering, and Azumi is enlightened by abandoning those attachments and by facing her karma, although that does not mean she will not end up with a violent death. The story ends openly with Azumi wandering off into obscurity.
Mizu is not a samurai
We could argue that she is a ronin, but then she'd technically must've been serving a lord as a samurai in the past. She should be at least be a tiny bit concerned with chivalry; At least enough to discuss or talk about it, which we know isn't the case. Mizu is closer to being a shinobi/ninja, since her goal is to assassinate her 4 maybe fathers. Another thing Mizu shares with shinobi is that both are often criticised by samurai because of their penchant for ambushes and lack of concern for bushido / warriors code. Yet she breaks the mold of being a shinobi, since she doesn't really sneak around in (civilian) disguise and will openly brawl her way through a dojo and into a fort. In this aspect, Azumi is much more like a shinobi.
While Mizu's motivation is simply revenge for the injustice she and her mother suffered at the hands of the gaijin faction, in Azumi the motivation is to prune the country like a bonsai tree off individuals which may threathen a new age of peace, and prevent the country from slipping back into the civil war that marked the Sengoku period.
But where characters in Blue Eyed Samurai is heavily protected by plot armor, allowing Mizu to be an almost invincible pin cushion, no one is safe in Azumi and injured characters requires months to recover and heal from cuts.
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While writing this, I recalled that in episode 5, they interjected a story about a samurai marrying and fathering a child with a woman who descended from an enemy clan. He kills both her and their son, which turns her into a onryō. Mizu being an Onryō works, but I am left questioning how this fits into the story beyond its symbolism, as there's been no explicit supernatural elements in the story. Mizu is bullied for being the (devil) spawn of a quote "white devil" in childhood, I think it would be more interesting if they called her a "white ghost," since onryos (which could represent Mizu) are a type of vengeful female ghost. Furthermore, Taigen often compares Mizu to a dog, esp. when she does not live up to the samurai standards he holds her to. Not sure where that fits in either..
So the statement about samurai criticising shinobi was called out as orientalist. This was my reply:
As for orientalism, I guess Blue Eye Samurai is being orientalist then, which I was kinda feeling while watching but didn't really put into words. It's pretty stereotypical to connect Japanese with honor and samurai after all, contributing to why I felt the show was very American.
In the sense of samurai simply meaning warrior, then we can consider Mizu a samurai. But Taigen (and Akemi) connects being a samurai with honor and complains about fair play. By making this connection, he invokes bushido/chivalry and excludes people who ambush others like assassins from the definition of being a samurai, and by extension criticises assassins like ninjas for not shying away from "dishonorable" ambushes. To restore his honor, Taigen wants to arrange a formal duel and even writes up a challenge letter (hatashijou), which makes sense in terms of the dojo trope. But well, the series does contradict itself a lot in favor of cool one liners, and what it means to be a samurai or knight has changed throughout history.
Time period
Some people began nitpicking the historical accuracy of my commentary, which wasn't really what I was concerned about. I am open to artistic liberty. However, with BES it was a little bit harder, since they made so many historical references and leaned into the jidaigeki genre, but then broke it in ways that came off as uncanny to me. Looking back, I guess this uncanny feeling was the orientalism letting itself be known, though I couldn't put it into words back then.
As jidaigeki is a subgenre of historical stories, certain cues does make me expect certain things. Like when I see an English-speaking gaijin as the antagonist, I would make the connection that this story is probably set sometime after the Americans forced Japan to open up for trade in the 1800s. Yet this expectation is then contradicted when I learn that no foreigners are allowed in Japan yet due to the Sakoku policy, which makes me wonder what this Irishman is doing here all alone centuries too early and how he even managed to climb to such a powerful position while being so isolated.
Gaijins as antagonists
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Why an Irishman as the gaijin antagonist? It'd make more sense if it was a portuguese or dutch. If Blue Eyed Samurai is set in 17th century Edo Japan, it's a long time off when the Americans forced Japan to put down the sakoku policy, and even then, why Britain/London? If anything, Japan and Britain liked each other enough to form an alliance for their shared fear of Russia.
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Why not other colonial powers who were actually active in Japan and Asia overall at the time (the Dutch) or the ones who caused Christianity to be banned during the sakoku (the Portuguese).
My first thought of a precedent goes to Konishi Shizune, the Christian revolutionary leader in Azumi who's also mixed race like Azumi, which is based on the historical Amakusa Shiro.
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(Depictions of Gaijins: Americans during postwar Japan in Hajime no Ippo. Senator Armstrong in Metal Gear Solid)
Japanese in Europe
With Mizu heading to Europe, I came across people discussing the plot armor and how Mizu wouldn't stand a chance against the guns nor London police. It came off as kind of white supremacist, and the entire thread was locked because of unsolicited opinions from outsiders.
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To be fair, Japan had guns too at the time. According to Netflix themselves, Blue Eye Samurai takes place in the 1600s. If that's the case, it means that the guns were mostly muskets, rifles and pistols which took time to load, so people did still use swords even in Europe. And only a century earlier in the 1500s, when Dreamwork's El Dorado is set, people would still use firearms and crossbows side by side, and Oda Nobunaga also used firearms in his own warfare during the sengoku period.
Also, the police didn't exist yet, since the UK police were created in the late 1700s. As for the London battalion or royal guards storming her, it'd either amount to when she was stormed by the hand claw guys. The plot armor in the first season was a lot imo even then though. But sneaking up on them depends on the terrain and context, so I can see it happening.
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Furthermore, it's not unrealistic for Japanese people to travel to Europe, because there's historical precedence for this. In 1613, Hasekura Tsunenaga was sent on a diplomatic mission to negotiate with the pope and the king of Spain, and some of his men even stayed behind to form the Japon clan in Spain. The expedition took 7 years, and ironically enough, once he returned, christianity had already been banned in Japan. The people who still kept the Christian faith in spite of this came to be known as kakure kirishitan.
Debauchery means it's for adults ..
The way characters (esp. Mizu) will throw out badass oneliners as if on a treadmill, only to contradict exactly what she said as short as 5 seconds later does mess with my suspension of disbelief.
The story also goes into protitution and patriarchy, though it also felt superficial to me. If anything it feels like an excuse for fan service, similar to Game of Thrones in a sense. Like they know that sex sells, and that's what "the audience really wants." That said, again I enjoyed both GOT and Blue Eye Samurai, even though some may laconically break the former down to "dragons and tits" and the latter to "guts and tits".
Token representation
Mizu's apprentice was born without hands, which could have brought about an interesting exploration of disability. But instead, he's relegated to being a quirky sidekick and comedic relief..
BES is an American story
Blue Eyed Samurai has all the visual motifs of a Japanese samurai story (jidaigeki), but the tropes and logic is extremely American. It does get the artifacts and set dressing of a jidaigeki story right (surprisingly accurate at some points), which is why it triggered the uncanny valley for me sometimes. When certain artifacts and set ups appeared, I expected it to follow certain tropes I'm used to from jidaigeki, but it didn't really do that.
Patriarchy and gender roles
While I understand and appreciate your critique, I don't think the narrative is grounded in realism. It's more like expressing the need that women do have to see themselves in the shoes of a physically invincible protagonist. Also the motivation isn't simply revenge - what has happened to Mizu has convinced that her very existence is suffering. She's internalized the hate to an extent that it no longer matters whether she lives or dies. She will slowly change as a person and her motivations will also change, which I hope we get to see . All the characters are somewhere trying to rebel against their gender roles, and that I feel is the 'message'. Also as far as the right antagonist to show goes, Fowler seems an indictment of British colonialism a few centuries too soon, but his attitudes aren't unfamiliar. At all.
Blue Eyed Samurai doesn't explore the concepts it references or markets itself with, but seems to throw them around because samurai and honor sounds cool and is a stereotypically Japanese/Sinosphere thing. Instead it'd rather explore gender roles and patriarchy. And the character Blue Eyed Samurai primarily uses to explore these themes with isn't the titular protagonist, but rather Princess Akemi.
But Akemi's struggles with patriarchy, also comes off as more a Western suffragette story than a Sinosphere one.
The Princess as a Caged Bird
Other stories about gender roles and patriarchy in ancient Japan to which we can compare this to is probably Isao Takahata's Princess Kaguya, though this one is probably set long before BES in the Heian period.
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Like in Kaguya, the ohaguro set is presented as a symbol of oppression for Akemi. However, instead of being explicitly oppressed by outside forces like Akemi, Kaguya is instead pressured by societies and her father's idea of what a princess should be to become happy. Throughout the film, Kaguya questions what it is all for and even counters against her governess that "a princess is not a human then!"
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Princess Kaguya as a roadside flower. To be plucked in a moment of fancy, and neglected once savored and bored. Merely a trophy to be won and stowed away in a display cabinet.
The film explores what makes life worth living, by exploring the difference between humanity and moon people.
Filial piety. Fulfilling your own dreams through your offspring. Showing off achievements to relatives (accumulating merit).
Geisha and maiko in contrast to the Oiran of the red light district. Streetwalkers. Prostitution - the world's oldest profession.
Oda Nobunaga's younger sister in Nobunaga Concerto and Azumi.
Hypergamy. Tradition of men being adopted into the wife's household. The Fujiwara clan of the Heian period, who continuously married their women into the imperial family for generations. Attitudes around cheating and monogamy (Genji Monogatari).
The Fallacy of the Stereotypical Asian woman
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Oshin - Resilience and endurance.
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Asian women as firecrackers. There's a reason why the stereotype of Tiger Mom even came to be, because Asian women and people in general are not weak and strictly submissive, although they are often mistaken as doormats.
Honne and tatemae
Yamato Nadeshiko
While writing about this, I ended up going on a tangent about Asian women, which you can read here: The Fallacy of the Stereotypical Asian Woman.
Gender roles in Genderbender
Kaze Hikaru
Torikaebaya Monogatari, where a brother and sister in the Heian period is gender mixed at birth, to fulfil gender roles they're more "suited" for according to societal expectations. Another Heian period text about a guy who crossdresses as a woman to get close to a woman he has a crush on.
Gender fluidity has been the norm throughout most of history.
A wolf in sheep's clothing
I guess the show is more concerned about gender roles and patriarchy. I'm actually not all that concerned with historical accuracy, but I couldn't help but be thrown off by how it felt like vastly different time periods (and thus different expectations in terms of jidaigeki tropes) were meshed together. I still stand by that the show is a very (overseas Asian/) (Asian) American narrative, which made it uncanny how accurate it still was in terms of getting the artefacts etc. of a jidaigeki right. Sort of like a "wolf in sheeps clothing," though that doesn't make it a bad thing. For example, Akemi feels more like a Western suffragette, rather than an Asian feminist. Yet the ohaguro set etc. may be a reference to Isao Takahata's Princess Kaguya, which is about feminism.
The story came off as stereotypical to me. Yet it does get the artifacts and set dressing of a jidaigeki story right (surprisingly accurate at some points). I did cringe at some points or feel the uncanny valley, but again overall the show was engaging and enjoyable.
I've enjoyed other orientalist stories before, such as Kung Fu Panda and Avatar the Last Airbender. I've also enjoyed occidentalist stories like mohuan and isekai. Yet something with Blue Eye Samurai made me cringe sometimes. Comparing it to the others I've mentioned, perhaps it's because it's set in a more non-fantastical setting as opposed to a jianghu of sorts idk. Blue Eye Samurai is still entertaining though, and may be the start of a new genre.
It's hard to explain what it feels like for people who don't have the same cultural references, so here's an example of occidentalism. I noticed that when Genshin Impact (a Chinese game) released the new Fontaine region where they decided to mix Britain, Italy, France etc., which people claimed is just plain weird haha. But Fontaine has still been well received regardless it seems. On the other hand, I still cringe every time I see Senator Armstrong in Metal Gear Solid.
Historical references
Random, but here's a list of different artifacts and set dressings that appeared in the show. The little theatre play about the ronin and his wife uses kurogo (black clad actors) to manipulate the dolls, which was novel to see. Previously I've mostly watched kurogo being used to manipulate perspective such as in this Matrix Ping Pong skit and the Tokyo 2020 pictogram opening ceremony. Traditionally, Kurogo is used in Kabuki to create special effects and are supposed to be invisible to the audience.
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Mizu's husband uses a naginata, which is basically a spear. Although also used by warriors in general, it was often used by women.
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trekmupf · 1 month
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The Court Room Drama AU ⚖️
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Great episode to show important parts of Kirk's character
he really is affected by any death under his command and cares for his people deeply
he's really trying his best with Jamie and stays kind to her throughout
The way Kirk refuses to let the others in the bar be vague about what's going on and wants them to be direct and honest, just like he tends to be (unless it's for a ruse); instead of escalating the situation he leaves
he holds onto his beliefs not only ethically but in himself as well – he knows what he did and sticks to the truth instead of taking an easy way out, even though the situation seems hopeless
The first time we see how decorated Kirk is within Starfleet- really one of the fleets finest. Also the way Cogley frames Kirk's decorations is so well done.
When he takes the stand he is 100% sure of his actions and himself. We know that Kirk admits mistakes when he makes them, and this instance isn't one of them
Shaw in context of being Kirk's ex confirms again that he really likes smart and independent women and respects them, even after a relationship ended
Kirk has good knowledge of engineering as well
Shatner's acting in the episode is really great – he can do these subtle emotions and Kirk's character so well
Also the fact that his crew trusts him, each in their own way, and know that he wouldn't do this. 100% ride or die crew
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McCoy making it clear that he stands behind Jim from the first scene with Shaw onwards; Also Bones' southern charm gets me every time
Shaw is a great character: she's much more than just an ex, she has her own believes and goals and is competent at her job; also the tension between her and Kirk rising because of her duty to her position as prosecutor, when their relationship itself as exes is fine
Actually this is how I imagine Kirk being with ex partners, very nice, lovely and amicable.
Cogley is a great character as well: very adhd smart guy vibes, initially strange but when the hearing starts he goes off and is so competent and passionate!
Proper intro of the dress uniforms! (honorary mention of Kirk's slutty wrap top, of course)
Spock and Bones serving during the hearing in said uniforms, absolute kings. Everyone looks so good in this episode.
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Even though said before Spock's defence of Kirk deserves it's own point. His argument is so vulcan and suits him so well, and his trust in Kirk as a person doesn't waiver for a second during the entire episode
The same goes for McCoy (also DeForest's voice during the courtroom scene is VERY nice)
Finney is another one of Kirk's nemesis, I mean how many nemesis can one guy have, Kirk is literally the ultimate ex no one gets over (looking at Movie 2)
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This episode shows once again that Starfleet isn't as cleancut as it seems and has problems – Stone offering Kirk a way out when fully believing that he made that mistake and killing Finney is questionable at best
Great episode for further world building: we learn more about Starfleet itself (it's actually the first time the name is dropped), we meet other crews, other ships get named and we get some backstory about Kirk
Even though we have multiple sets this was supposed to be a bottle episode and it shows. Set mostly on a starbase (unlike most episodes that are about new planets), the characters are in focus
Great commentary made from a 60s perspective but still relevant today: the “infallible” machine vs the fellable human. We have three people vouching for Kirk's character in court vs one video and one computer log. The people get immediatly questioned whereas the computer is factual until Spock's proves it's wrong. The idea that mashines and computers make less or no mistakes compared to people is still relevant, see the whole debate about self driving cars.
Also Cogley's speech about human rights and machines not having those rights works really well in the context (will get interesting in TNG)
Generally the acting and interaction of all characters really hold the narrative until the twist in the end
Despite the serious subject the interpersonal moments and the way Cogley works provide some tension relief
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I just love the way Spock sits in the captains chair here. No notes.
Jamie can be exhausting
Shaw as an ex shouldn't work this case (even though she's shown as 100% professional and capable)
I know why it's done for the narrative but resolving this serious situation with a fistfight is wild
Kirk shirt rip (I mean this is the rippiest shirt so far)
Technically Evil AI (as the concept of computers gets explored)
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If I let go of a hammer on a planet that has a positive gravity, I need not see it fall to know that it has in fact fallen. - Spock, believing in Kirk
"Mr Spock, you're the most cold-blooded man I've ever known" "Why, thank you, doctor" -Bones & Spock
Spock's, McCoy's and Kirk's testimonies
A great character driven episode that focusses on Kirk as both a person and a captain as well as his relationships with the other characters. The interesting question of computers being fallible as well as a personal betrayal while Kirk's future is on the line make for a good and gripping narrative.
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pinazee · 5 months
Scary Sherry, season 1 finale!
Best. Episode. Of. Season. One. (Should i rank them?)
I love Goochberg (Mercedes Ruehl)! I wish she would have come back also. Like once every season she shows up in Lassies life somehow, wreaking havoc but ultimately teaching him something about himself like they did this time. Which, by the way, Chief Vick 1000% did that to get Lassie out of his own ass haha
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Shannon woodward did a phenomenal job as alice bundy. There was so much depth to her character, you could really feel the pain she was in. This is something Psych also does very well. They have their comedy bits sure, but for the most part they don’t forget that a dead body was a person first. Like in Forget Me Not, they humanize our victim by telling us the woman who died liked to play scrabble with her friends. And Shawn has repeatedly said may they rest in peace, which seems small, but i think it shows they respect the subject matter for what it is. Im not saying they’re perfect, but considering this show is 90% jokes, it’s nice that their 10% drama is handled with such care.
When this scene plays, I only watch James because i watched the commentary and he said he could barely get through this scene and you can see him trying not to break haha
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It’s interesting that Gus is over at Henry’s so often, to the point that he’s almost like his second kid. Theres two reasons i think this happens 1. Shawn asks him to come over so he won’t have to be alone with his dad. 2. Henry and Gus have an unspoken agreement that because Gus is supporting Shawn so much financially Henry is paying him in food. Like child support lol it’s also interesting that they’ve reached a point of family dinners essentially. I wonder how much of this is Shawn feeling a sense of obligation because it’s his dad, how much of him still seeks his acceptance and approval, and how much is him trying to bury the hatchet. And then on Henry’s side i wonder how much is him recognizing that he could do better, how much is trying to rebuild this relationship (that he probably blames himself for destroying though i doubt hes even admitted that to himself), and how much is simply needing Shawn for the exposure to cases again.
And we get quite a bit of character development for our cops. Lassiter sees how his perception of self doesn’t match with what he’s putting out, Juliet experiences some real personal danger and handled herself. And that end scene, was such a great small gesture that showed us despite their history, Lassie is part of the group.
Final note: Look, at how perfectly executed this scene is! The running, the screaming, the jumping, pretending to be brave, and the cherry on top putting his hand through the open window!!!! Dying. Dead. Resuscitated. Choked on laughter. Died again.
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tylered-up-in-blue · 1 year
Response to “The Magic Trick You Didn’t See” / The Coffee Theory
I, like many people in the Good Omens fandom, have already read the big essay “The Magic Trick You Didn’t see” –which blows up the coffee theory that’s been circulating on my twitter page to greater heights and big claims. I have some thoughts.
First of all: I think that the original essay has a few details wrong, essentially because it falls into a kind of utilitarian perspective with the whole magic show metaphor. The thing is –sometimes details which are left hanging, or themes which are shown to be important, don’t always tie up somewhere. Sometimes they’re there because they’re interesting, or poking at intrigue –trying to get you to notice and note down for later, rather than evidence of one ultimate solution that’ll be revealed as a holistic great plot. Also “I didn’t think the writing was good in this moment” isn’t very convincing to me, I’m sorry.
But –I do think that they were onto something. I hesitate to make any grand claims, like “Maggie isn’t real,” or “The Metatron is editing the book of life,” because -to be honest- I don’t trust myself to put my name to something as big as that, and I don’t want to erase my favourite thing about Good Omens: its whimsicality. But I will say that there are themes and notable elements which I think will be important later and hint at some larger fuckery (if you’ll excuse the OFMD reference) going on, so consider this a kind of rejigging of the theory to be a more thematic approach that lays out things I just thought were interesting under an more open-ended (or flip-floppy, depending on how you take it) idea:
Something was going on this season which will be revealed as a Heavenly plot to split Aziraphale and Crowley up by the end. It worked. And the person to reveal the greater plot will be Muriel.
I’ll write down first of all a list of things that have been introduced to the world of Good Omens which I think are important, and highlight why one of them sticks out to me. Then I’ll work on a thematic basis of what things are shown to be worth narrative focus/presuppose S3. The first two themes are very much commentary drawing on the essay I’m responding to, and the second two are more my own ideas –certainly the fourth.
Okay, so: there are introductions to the Good Omens-verse which are clearly there to expand our world for later use. I don’t know if all of these things will come up again, but by the end of this season we know:
There are Nazi (and possibly more) zombies running around London.
There is a gun in Aziraphale’s bookshop -in case it’s needed. 
Heaven is interested in keeping things quiet, and they will fiddle with memories to do so. Erased memories can be “stored” in things/creatures.
There is a thing called “The Book of Life” that if you’re written out of, you NEVER EXISTED. (It can be edited, too, presumably.)
Crowley is possibly the most powerful being in the show. “Half a tiny miracle” ends up being enough to resurrect someone 25 times over, and his attempt to stay calm after a little tiff with aziraphale results in draining the street of electricity. Also he created the entire universe. (coming back to amend this with the fact Neil said he got going just "that tiny corner of space" -but I still feel there is significant evidence to say he is very powerful:) )
I lay these out because they’re just good to have noted down, really, and because they’re definitely GOING to be important. ALSO because the last one makes sense for the greater aim to be breaking up the ineffable husbands. Emphasis on Crowley’s power –and for their shared power– sets up a REAL threat for what we KNOW will be the basis of s2: The Second Coming. If you’re Heaven, and you want the second attempt at an apocalypse to be successful, you’d be stupid to let the two celestial beings who were meddling in the whole averted-apocalypse ordeal last time to just be AROUND for it. Especially when one has the ability to stop time!!! You’ve GOT to break them up. 
Theme 1: Investigation (Muriel!)
Investigation is a fun little theme in s2: Aziraphale goes full detective mode. He loves the clues, he’s in his little trilby investigating. All the marketing was very investigative and invites the audience to pay close attention. And there are SO many little easter eggs. From The Colour of Magic appearing to Gabriel reading the first lines of Good Omens –even as small as a Terry Prattchet impersonator speaking over the tannoy in Hell, or the film in The Resurrectionist being chosen specifically to play because there’s a scene where Jimmy Stewart talks to a fly. 
So! Investigation is fun! It’s important. And my favourite part of the essay I’m responding to is definitely that about Muriel. I think that all this build up to the detective-vibe is going to cumulate in their s3 role. Essentially: I entirely agree that they are coded as the one to blow open this whole case in S3. The police costume and giving them The Crow Road are certainly suggestive–but more than anything, leaving them in charge of the bookshop (full of Aziraphale’s diaries and books and everything) props them up perfectly to earn the promo they got for s2. Because I’m not sure about you, but my mutuals and I were shocked that the NYCC scene (“hello hello hello, I’m a human police officer!”) didn’t happen until episode three. From the way the promo was going (character profiles, trailer etc.) I thought Muriel would be in s2 WAY more.
They also make a HUGE point of how Muriel is considered “nobody.” They say it themselves, they’re called “the dull one” by Metatron.
They set them up perfectly to solve this later.
Theme 2: Memories and Stories:
Memory! Another theme! –memory that can be tampered with, contained, erased and returned.
Heaven is willing to meddle with and erase memories if necessary. They are, then, SUBTLE.
There is no God narrator.
There is a statue immortalising a very real Gabriel (somehow/for some reason –Gabriel was also involved in its making?) 
My favourite part of season 2 was definitely the minisodes. The costumes, the settings –I was so surprised to find the horses and carts in ep 3 were CGI in the X-Ray! They look so good! I loved how every single flashback was incredibly vital and interesting to expand on Aziraphale and Crowley’s relationship –that convo on the rock in ep 2? WOW. Stunned. Anyway, not to go on.
I completely disagree with the conviction that these were edited. I think that, to the contrary, these memories are (IF there’s something going on with temptation/persuasion (more on that later) and The Book of Life) are ENTIRELY real. And the reason for that is highlighted in the very essay: each memory is tied to a physical record of it happening. The Book of Job; the Polaroid in ‘41, and Aziraphale’s diaries. This is not to say that there aren’t still gaps: where was the “I’m sorry” dance of ‘41? If Aziraphale wasn’t drinking in 2500 BC then when did he start? Just little things like this.
This is the thing: stories, words, are vital. The challenge that they gave the guy who did Sherlock (I can’t remember his name I’m sorry!) –it’s talked about in the X-Ray– was to have words pop out in 4 different ways across S2. This a fun stylistic choice, but it also gives words narrative attention, so ties in with all this. Without God to narrate, narratives and accounts are left to the characters within the world. It’s fun and important both. So is the spelling stuff. Maggie can’t spell, neither can the demons. (She may be a demon herself –I’m not entirely convinced it’s this simple, tbh, but Aziraphale’s miracle not working on her in ep5 is definitely a red flag.) Anyway – it’s also interesting.
With all this, my idea that Heaven/Metatron had been planning the aziracrow divorce from the beginning might mean they’re tampering with The Book of Life –it also could mean that they’re ABOUT to do something weird with Aziraphale’s memories, or all these pieces are going to become very very helpful for Muriel’s investigation.
I really do wonder what this role of records, memories and narratives will come to, but I have a feeling it’ll bleed into s3.
Theme 3: Food
Crowley was the reason Aziraphale tried food in the first place. I just wanted to put that down because of course he was, but also it is deeply INSANE that he INTRODUCED AZIRAPHALE TO THE CONCEPT OF EATING. God, David was right. They really don't exist without each other.
This is kind of the point I make with food here: it’s a HUGE theme in s2, largely just to emphasise the fact that it’s powerful.
For some reason (jokey or otherwise) eccles cakes can “calm you down.”
Aziraphale becomes significantly bonded to Crowley by eating the Ox in ep2. Later, Crowley is “as strong as an Ox." –fun little echo.)
They drink the same wine as always in ‘41 –they share no wine in s2, just the sherry and whiskey respectively. They also don’t share a meal, which seems interesting. I personally think that it’s to do with consumption being a metaphor for queer desire, and the absence of it being a sign of C/A being on “their own side” in s2. Crowley abandons temptation as Aziraphale abandons attempts to “save” Crowley. –-Or it may mean something else!
Crowley drinks laudanum and it makes him go lala. It ALSO makes him turn tiny, then giant, and he does something kind –kind enough to get him dragged off to hell and tortured so badly that he’s asking for holy water as “insurance” 40 years later.
That fucking oatmilk almond coffee. Okay. So if food is powerful, this has weight. From the colour of it being weird against the background to the fact (to quote my dear friend Jey) “nobody fucking drinks almond syrup!!” –I’m sure you’ve see all this going around. Almonds are obviously very poison-coded, and considering the above point I smell something strange. (I don’t believe it was quite a case of drugging per say, but more metaphor: Aziraphale is being tempted. He’s being manipulated, and drawn back into the culty office world of heaven.)
So what we know here is that food is powerful. An important metaphor and force (especially for aziracrow.)
Theme 4: Resurrection
OKAY: so, this is the most original of my listing in these themes. I am so interested in this resurrection thing they’ve got going.
The Resurrectionist pub: where Gabriel and Beez come to their plan. We see that The Dirty Donkey is a lift to heaven (which NOT enough people are talking about) –so what about The Resurrectionist? What power does it hold as a space? Why is the legacy of Mr Dalrymple important?
Why did (wee) Morag’s eyes glow briefly? Is she a zombie now?
Zombies exist. We know this. They’re also tied to the concept of consumption, which is cool.
Heaven measures miracles by Lazarii.
Gabriel, in one of his flashes of prophecy, says: “there will come a tempest (...) the dead will rise from their graves and wander the earth once more.”
These are all cool. Thematically, it seems that being raised from the dead is going to be something big. I’m interested in this, considering that after Gabriel said the above mentioned prophecy my good friend Jey said “hold on, is this going to be about The Rapture?”
Now: we know that “668: Neighbour of the Beast” was supposed to be set in America. Whether it actually is or not, I don’t know, but I think that if it is about a second coming on American soil, The Rapture feels VERY pertinent. The dead are the first to rise and be with God in The Rapture, but all believers join them: and they join them permanently. In some versions, there is a period in which Christ rules the earth. All very fun and interesting prospects for s3!
Where this leaves us:
S2 is the “bridge” between 1 and 3, in Neil’s words. It’s the “romantic filling” of the sandwich.
I would argue that some seriously tough bread started with “oh Crowley, nothing lasts forever,” but hey ho, that’s the very ending of the season. I just want to talk about coded language/draw on what I’ve just said to talk about how we’re set up for the structures of s3:
Heaven is a CULT. A serious cult. From the (temptation) manipulation of the coffee, to the man at the pub calling Gabriel a “mason” –which I’m assuming he means freemason– to the frankly INSANE smile on Michael Sheen’s face as the credits roll (also sickening lighting there)– they are a big threatening cult, and that is going to be important. I think it’ll just get increasingly so.
FurFur and Shax have it OUT for the ineffable husbands. Like they are NOT fans. And they seem to also be buddies now so… not great news.
In The Scene </3 Crowley stops himself short of saying he’d like to spend eternity with Aziraphale, and instead asks him to “go off together,” just like s1 –I think their language is going to develop hugely in s3. It’ll go back to being the space they “carved out for themselves,” only further.
And finally: a bet. The last time we see Crowley, he’s in a car full of plants because he’s carrying “their side” away with him. I am willing to bet –not that this is a hottake or anything– that it’ll end, as it began: in a garden. S3 will end in the garden of their South Downs Cottage !!!
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gemsofthegalaxy · 3 months
As a new Zelda fan, do I think Tears of the Kingdom and Breath of the Wild are better than the older games, Ocarina of Time, Twilight Princess, etc.? No. I can absolutely respect and understand why people love those games so much, I played a decent amount of Ocarina of Time myself and while it was frustrating to play it was also very intriguing and fun. After quitting it, I watched a whole 13 hour or something gameplay no commentary video so I could still see the rest of it played out, because it's a great fucking story.
I do not think recent Zelda games are better than the older ones. I simply think they're more playable to me and, presumably, a wider audience. Some people complain about how easy the combat has gotten, others, like myself, still find it more than challenging at times. I think it's partially because I've now gotten used to the language of Zelda puzzles, but I've found the ones in TotK the most enjoyable yet, because I have to look it up so much less than I used to- I don't know if they've made the solutions easier, too, but I have a much better grasp on how to read the hints both the characters give you and the situational ones.
I personally and perhaps selfishly hope they continue to make Zelda games that I find accessible, whatever that means. I know some people want them to move back towards older formulas because they miss that style and I don't begrudge them at all, I can understand why they like the traditional dungeons and more linear story, but I personally like the open world. I also like the more lighthearted settings, even for the sorrowful storytelling, so while I know people want a really "dark" Zelda, I don't care much for that.
Ultimately... which side Nintendo will choose is not something any of us actually have control over, so I don't see the point in fighting about it.
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laroserie · 9 months
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— character : Atsushi Nakajima - Akutagawa Ryuunosuke
— content : x gender neutral reader - polyamorous relationship between Atsushi, Akutagawa and Reader, reader is referred to as 'you'
— authors note : second writing for the second week of december - again publishing this on the deadline but it's fine ! hope you enjoy :)
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— It was not surprising to learn that neither Akutagawa nor Atsushi ever did any of the typical holiday activities. It was expected, after all one was quite literally an orphan and the other … was Akutagawa. But as Christmas was coming, you thought 'why not have them experience it, this year ?'.
And it wasn't a bad idea, it was sweet and cute, maybe a bit cringe but who cared ? Well - Akutagawa did, you first tried to have them wear ugly Christmas sweaters that you had sew a few years back, Atsushi gladly accepted, he didn't care much that it was 'ugly', truthfully he found it somewhat cute.
But Akutagawa wasn't thrilled, when you handed him the sweater smiling and looking at him with hope filling you eyes and Atsushi next to you smiling too, - while wearing the sweat. He sighed and just said a simple 'no.'. A simple, cut and dry reject. He was not going to wear a stupid, ugly sweater.
Atsushi and you could beg him for decades, he still could not budge - or at least that's what he thought. Atsushi puppy eyes and you incessant whining, and preaching of holiday tradition made him break and he took, more like snatched, the sweater from yours hands and slides it on. But it wasn't without a few 'I will never wear this again.' and 'I can't believe I'm doing that'. He indeed, did that again, and maybe wore his sweater the most out of the three of you.
After the first step of your plan, 'Having Atsushi and Akutagawa experience the wonders of cringy stereotypical holiday shenanigans' was done, you decided to start the second one, which ultimately was one of the easiest one, simply watching those silly holiday movies while snuggling up in a ton of blankets.
You already did that, multiples time whenever your boyfriends schedules could permit it. It was just like a regular movie night, - expect with holiday ones !
And it was indeed easy, the hardest part was probably to listen to Atsushi and Akutagawa commentary about what the characters were doing and why it was stupid or bad or didn't make sense. But it wasn't that much.
What was really difficult was the third part of your so called 'plan'. Making gingerbread, not even a gingerbread house even if it was your plan at first, you realized quickly that making a gingerbread house with your two beloved could be probably impossible.
The two of them were not exactly great in the kitchen. One was very messy and ended up making a mess of everything and the other thought he knew better than the recipe itself.
It was fun to see them struggle and fuck everything up but having to be the one fix it up was a different story. Trying to stop Akutagawa from adding one too many eggs and telling Atsushi to be careful with the flour was energy draining. You couldn't complain much as you were aware of their kitchen related issues and still wanted to go with your plan.
At the end you all had fun - to some extent cleaning up everything was awful - and it was all that counted. And the gingerbread wasn't even that bad ! A bit too sugary, because Akutagawa insisted that there wasn't enough sugar in the mix but it was honestly okay.
And that make you come to the fourth and last step of your plan, decorating a Christmas tree, you took out of the attic your old Christmas tree as well as a box full of decorations and placed it in a corner of the living room in your shared flat. It a fun regular holiday activity that you thought could be very simple to execute, well wrong.
The two man had an interesting sense of decoration - Atsushi insisted on putting multiples bauble onto one singular branch of the tree and Akutagawa thought that intertwining multiples garland together. You didn't intervene or tried to change the way they decorated the tree but you couldn't help but ask if they were sure about it - to which they both answered 'yes'.
One thing they both agreed on what to put the star ornament at the top of the tree - probably because they saw it on multiples tree outside. And they gave you the honour of doing it, considering you were only watching them from the side while they worked on decorating the rest of the tree.
Once you finished putting up the ornament, you took a step back and looked at the tree, it was a overcrowded in some place and felt very messy but it was endearing.
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transmutationisms · 1 year
Would love if you have any thoughts on Kendall and Roman’s sibling relationship because they’re also my favorite together with Kendall and Shiv but in contrast to Ken and Shiv I have no real thoughts on what makes them interesting as a team. They’re just little guys to me and I like when they don’t fight! So would love to know if you have more intelligent thoughts on their dynamic because it really is interesting to me
ok i was curious whether episode 9 would pick up the threads of their dynamic that this season has played with more and im sooo glad it did. what works about kendall and roman as a pair is that they're the two logan picked out for male successor, and they both fail at that role but in different ways. kendall really wants to be logan; his eulogy was at least honest about that. he sees logan's entitlement to the world and the power and access that wealth granted him, and kendall wants that for himself. he speaks about logan as someone who "acted", ie contrasting the active masculine with the passive feminine. this is a dichotomy he learned from logan.
roman on the other hand wants others to perceive him as being as good as logan, but he doesn't actually want the things that defined logan. when he had the opportunity to pitch himself as ceo in season 2, he suggested co-running the company with logan. he likes being wealthy and he finds power intoxicating, but when he actually has it he's overwhelmed and doesn't like the responsibility. he's much happier trying to make himself the power no. 2 to some daddy figure or another (logan, gerri, mencken). roman can't fuck with his dick whereas kendall can; roman presents his dick to gerri as an object for consumption, whereas kendall is baffled when naomi asks for a dick pic because he doesn't relate to his body as an object of desire. in logan language, this all points to how roman assumes the more passive, submissive, feminine role naturally, whereas kendall gravitates toward logan's idea of masculinity and domination, but is consistently a flop in actualising those ideals.
'living+' was maybe the first episode where like, a majority of the tension comes from the roman-kendall compare/contrast, honestly. roman is trying to imitate logan, but also hates doing it and wants kendall to stop him and put him in his place. meanwhile, kendall is trying to imitate logan in a different way, where he's trying to put on a great show and literally solve the problem of death. he doesn't stop roman because he sees roman's firing spree as a demonstration of strength rather than as roman foundering. ultimately kendall succeeds in making his insane presentation, but ends the episode still struggling because nothing he does will ever actually earn him logan's approval (the #1 washing away in the sand), whereas roman chickens out of kendall's disneyland messiah thing, and ends up in the car alone listening to his deepfaked father denigrate him again.
'church and state' also plays with their dynamic, where roman starts as the triumphant son but then embarrasses himself by displaying affection for his father, and ends up getting ditched by mencken and referred to as a crying (female) pig; kendall, on the other hand, loses his family and his assistant in the first five minutes, then delivers the eulogy, tells roman off for being too submissive in his relationship with mencken, and ends up in a position that's strategically advantageous if emotionally dangerous. i like how these two episodes play with roman and kendall's different relationships to logan and the language of strength. they're each baffled by the other's desired position in the hierarchy; also, whereas kendall is ultimately willing to sacrifice roman for his own pursuit of power, roman wants power more as a way of being close to his siblings and getting their approval. so the ways that kendall and roman misunderstand each other can really open up a broader exploration of logan's worldview and the show's commentary on the family as a part of capitalist productive logics.
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sarnai4 · 6 months
Friend For All
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This is something I've been thinking about for a while now. In my opinion, Dagur is the only character who could actually have an amazing time hanging out with every member of the Dragon Riders. I don't even think the Riders themselves can say that. Please, hear me out. I know they're friends, but they're a friend group. This is an important distinction because how often do you really see Fishlegs and the twins just having a ball together? (That "wedding" doesn't count because the poor Ingerman was not enjoying himself.) What about Snotlout and Astrid just genuinely having fun without anyone else there? You really don't get that. So, I'll try to explain why I think Dagur could do this. (Spoilers probably. I'll just use the warning to be safe.)
Dagur and the twins could have chaotic fun. It's probably unsafe for anyone around them, but no one else is matching their pure insanity. All three of them have this combination of sometimes just doing things to mess with people or just doing something that then causes problems by accident. Still, I think they'd have fun. They can try to out prank each other (think Loki Day). They also still know how to be serious when the time absolutely calls for it, so they could have less silly times too. Ultimately, I think their best times together would be when they're just causing heck for the world and laughing together about what they've done.
Dagur and Astrid could enjoy the more warrior/protector side of life. I think there would be a healthy competition. Astrid was in charge of keeping the Edge secure with defenses and Dagur snuck on several times. He might even end up being the tester for her new security systems. I could see her trying to make things to keep him out and him being fine seeing how close to death he comes while still trying to break in. Also, since Astrid's got that drill sergeant thing going on that we saw in "Team Astrid," I could see her being curious what types of training he has his soldiers do. They might even trade ideas back and forth to have the strongest fighters.
Dagur and Fishlegs is a friendship I have wanted to see more of ever since "Family on the Edge." They were so adorable geeking out together about Gronckles. They're such an odd buddy duo because they seem like complete opposites, but I think it could work. Fishlegs wanted a spa area and are we really going to say Dagur wouldn't love that? Mr. Meditation and Fruit Baths? Yeah, he'd happily tag along for a spa day. Then, they can geek out more about Gronckles or other things like this. A personal headcanon I have which adds to this is I believe Dagur is pretty well-read. There are little things like him knowing about the third eye, French, how to make the antidote for Nadder venom when he got shot (since they didn't have dragons on Berserker Island), etc. So, I feel like he and Fishlegs might have more things to nerd over than most assume. Dagur even was impressed by Fishlegs's thirst for knowledge. Maybe they could discuss the different topics they've read and studied. Study buddies! (Sorta)
Dagur and Snotlout are a duo I think would be amazing. Like with Fishlegs, there were episodes where I just knew I wanted more of them together. Seeing them fight off traitorous Berserkers, then start providing commentary to Hicctrid in "Mi Amore Armorwing" were some great moments to me. The reason I think they could work is that I feel like they'd be good influences on each other. (Actually, I already have a story out on AO3 that dives into this called "Means We're Friends.") Dagur is himself and always will be. Even in RTTE, there's a part of Snotlout who still wants to be who others...namely Spitelout...think he should be. Dagur could help him learn to just be whoever he really is and not care what anyone else says. Also, Snotlout is more sensitive than he'd ever admit, so I think he'd be able to help Dagur in those moments when the Berserker is just clearly not picking up on how to respond properly in situations to avoid weirding everyone out. They could also do a bunch of sparring together too and get into random things for fun like how Snotlout started narrating Tuffnut's search for Chicken. I definitely think Dagur would've joined in on that.
Dagur and Hiccup...well, of course. They're brothers and friends, so that's a given. These two are going on the wildest adventures because Hiccup will never really stay put and Dagur would get bored if he did. There's that fun protective side too. Anyone around them knows that if they mess with Hiccup, they're dying in the most horrific ways possible. Plus, we'd have to throw in some big brother advice moments from Dagur to help Hiccup out with becoming a chief in the future. We've seen the redhead offer advice to Hiccup before with not letting revenge consume him. We've also seen Hiccup offer some comfort with things like their search for Oswald. So, you'd get the more adventurous/fun side of the friendship along with the more serious moments.
On Monday, I'm going to publish a series of oneshots set both in and out of their universe to show how these relationships could work. Considering Monday is April Fool's, I just knew which group I had to start with...(It's out now and called "Just One of the Riders.")
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