#i swear i still wanna write ive just been so tired all the time
deartouya · 5 months
watching epic and i do believe the queen and her like royal fairy guard are the ideal dynamic.
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glassjoe · 8 months
I saw your post hihihi, could you write some Aran X reader headcanons? (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠) Like how Aran would act in front of his beloved when he realised he has a crush on them?
hihi ! sorry this took a while, im a slow writer & ive been busy lol
okay so. tried my best. i went with the idea of reader/beloved being someone who works for the wvba but isnt a boxer, left it unspecific.
first few bullets are pre-crush/general hc stuff, then the stuff u actually asked for happens. im still figuring out how i wanna characterise these fucks so if it seems odd or ooc please lmk
aran ryan with a crush | headcanons! gn reader
cw brief mention of alcohol and vomiting. nothing huge, just mentioned in passing but slapped this here anyway. also penultimate bullet point is a bit sexual but again only brief, u can skip over it
Emotions aren't Aran's strong point. Most complex feelings he has are released in the ring--he finds bloody noses and bruised stomachs are far more interesting conversation partners anyway--and the ones that stay rooted deep in his belly are routinely sweat out or lost in the haze of a night on the town. Rinse and repeat ad nauseum. Wallowing in it helps no one, after all.
But sometimes, a feeling in his gut won't get chased away as easily as, say, guilt or grief. A stubborn sort of stabbing, not unlike himself, gets tangled in his belly, too stuck for his stomach acid to burn through when wild nights come back for seconds.
As much as his thick skull in the ring would have you think otherwise, he's not dense. He knows what crushes are, had more than enough in secondary school, and he's not oblivious to it nor the source. He doesn't even know you *that* well--yet--but that's never stopped the heart from wanting.
cont under cut
There's no real "moment" he realises, no build-up, just sitting exhausted after a match well-won, and being now too tired to now fight the butterflies swarming his stomach or stop his eyes from following you as you pass by with a clipboard. He hides his gaze with a swig of water, drinking a bit more aggressively than he needs to and spills half of it, and by the time he recovers you've disappeared. The buzz in his gut doesn't fade, just deflates, and his hand meets his sodden hair with a half-hearted groan. Fuck.
For a while, he tries to shove it down. Where knuckles and bottles don't work, brute force emotional repression just might. "Not ready" to be tossed into dealings of love again, he'll try convince himself. Should that fail it's "Grown men don't have silly little crushes, make a move or get over yourself."
He's not as good at hiding his emotions as he'd have himself think. Just as he can't help a cruel grin in the ring, smiles find their way onto his face before he has a chance to realise he's pleased. What he intends to be a subtle smolder looks more like a hyena after a successful hunt, toothy and wide, with red blood swapped for rosy cheeks. Of course, he then attempts to recoup and snap his head away with an exaggerated frown, leaving you to wonder if he was happy to see you or wants to devour you.
Its embarrassing. He feels like a fawn, unable to properly control himself or function as soon as you step in the room. He swears all he has to do is smell you and his heart spikes not that he'd know what you smell like.
Pre-match, he doesn't want to see you. Or during, really. This suffocating adoration that came from nowhere has choked him enough to messing up in the lowest stake situations--he still gets teased over the time he intended to pass you your drink and full-hand knocked it over in his flushed haste--he doesn't want to risk it coming to bite him when it really matters. He makes a point to not provoke the audience close to staff, at risk of seeing your face--perhaps disappointed, perhaps amused--and throwing his game off.
And in turn, post-match is his favourite time to see you. Though Aran Ryan being calm will happen when pigs fly, the rush of a bout serves well to at least temper his energy a bit. Not as erratic, or bouncy, and a bit more in control of himself. Plus any fuckups can be blamed on muscle fatigue. You dote on him as best you can, he's noticed. Asking if he needs anything, offering to ease the strain rippling under his skin... Another bonus of being all tuckered is his face already being red and sweaty, so he's in no rush to hide flush that creeps up his neck as you fuss over him.
He'll make a show, teasing you for wanting to help, and as subtly as he can try to delve a little deeper, find out more about yourself. Whether you're working his wounds or jotting down on a clipboard, your company is exhilarating. It makes him giggle laugh. The insane cackle of a man has never sounded so nervous.
As he learns about you, as you grow closer and start meeting outside of designated hours, he feels both at ease and more tense. Scared of scaring you off, as he often finds he does, but he still won't dial himself back for your sake. Wants you to see him bear all and like him anyway. So he checks. He does what he wants, does his best to not act too different where it matters, and simply... checks. Waits for your reaction. His intention is to see if he should pursue, so to speak, that you simply enjoy him and his company regardless of his reputation or persona or who he is on a genuine level. As well as if, yeah, he didn't need to yell at that guy like that, that was just uncalled for. He's perhaps not the best judge on that end, though.
Speaking of trying not to act different, well, everyone acts a fool in love. He can certainly try, but an early 20s man in a male-dominated sport? There's at least a few masculinity issues trailing aftet him. He can't help but puff his chest out like a bird of paradise when you compliment him, or flex his arm when you so much as graze it. Simply can't stop himself from saying how he could protect you if you're walking through a forest, or wanting to compare hand sizes, regardless of your size compared to him.
Aran Ryan is still Aran Ryan. While there is an extent of not wanting to scare you off, he's not holding back on the name-calling or insults, no mattet how playful. He may dig too deep into genuinely sensitive areas though. Maybe he's still in denial about this, trying to prove it to himself. Or he's just not that great at boundaries.
He's nearly tripped over his own feet several times. One time you managed to grab his hoodie only to also fall onto his back. Nearly died, he swears. Cushioned your fall quite nicely at least. He'll want to make a lewd joke about it, but gets embarrassed as it leaves his mouth because he gets a mental image so it descends into stuttering and ends up insulting you instead to cover himself. Brilliant work Ryan really making yourself look great.
Aran's a mess of a man. He's all over the place. Stuck between wanting to impress you and staying true to himself unabashedly, and he finds doing both is very difficult. Past lovers compounded that. And as long as his affections remain unrequited or secret, that's not really going to change easily. Maybe its comfort he needs, or just a helping hand. Maybe you should say something...
GOD im so sorry this is SO all over the place i qrote this over several days so my flow wasnt there and i dont wanna put too much effort into thesee. i. need to write down how i charactetise these guys stat so im uh sorry if this is shit. i would have a nicer ending to out a ribbon on but idk how to end bullet point hc stuff so. enjoyyy
AND TY FOR REQUESRTING !!! as much as im bitching this was fun to do !!! and also feel free to send more of these in !! i can do more like this or i can do thise ones that like its a scenario and all the boxers react to it those seem fun
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starliights-shining · 2 years
Party goer.
Pairing: Jazz x reader
Warnings: NSFW, fem word uses,
A/N: this is like 4400+ words and 8 pages in my docs, ive been working on it fro the past week or so. Its not proof read, i simply just dont proof read. I've been preoccupied with RE4s remake coming out soon, but i swear im not ignoring the TF request I have, it'll just take a long time for them to come out. :) anyways enjoy!
Parties, loud music, drinking, the mixing crowd of bots and people. You didn’t really care for them, but Jazz did. When you say a lot of parties, you mean a lot of parties. Ranging from weddings, funerals, battle victories, hell even political ones, Because if Jazz got an invite, he was going with you of course. This party was different. He got his invite from Prowl, but when Jazz brought the invite to you, it said in fancy italics “No Humans!”. 
“It says no human Jazz. I'm not going to some stupid party just to be denied entry or worse bullied.” 
“You won’t get bullied, you’ll be with me. For the last time (Y/N)” 
You were on the couch, You looked at the bot, a disappointed frown on his face plate. The invitation is gently in your grasp, its fancy English writing and other language translations. 
“I don’t know that Jazz, you want me to get all dressed up just to be denied entry or be sat outside the entire time?” 
You placed the invasion on the coffee table. Leaning back into the couch, you were upset. Your lover was basically asking you to get dressed and all just to be denied entry to a party, no, you will not be doing that. 
“You’re acting like I'm asking you to fight in a war, I’m not.” 
“You, Jazz, you're not understanding.” 
You're stuttering over your words, he was upsetting you. 
“I am understanding, if you don’t want to go just tell me the real reason. Is it prowl? Is there someone else you’re avoiding?” 
“I don’t want to be bullied at a party for being me, that's all Jazz.” 
“Cut the slag, (Y/N).” 
You were taken aback, why was he so upset with you. 
“You know what, yes Jazz. It’s You and Prowl” 
You were now standing up, he had finally gotten the same energy match. You were pissed. 
  “I dont want to go to a party, where I sit in a fucking corner by myself, and watch you and Prowl get fucking drunk. I don’t want to sit outside a fucking club or god fucking knows where, while you and your shit cop buddy go inside and get fucked up and hit on. Just go by yourself.” 
You walked out of the living room, hell you were tempted to go for a walk. Instead you walk straight to your room. Locking the door and just sitting on the edge of your bed. How the hell could he just yeah at you like, over not wanting to go to a party that says “No Human.”
You woke up to a knock on the door. Multiple knocking, getting up you opened the door to see Jazz, his smile not wearing as you gave him a tired look. 
“You wanna get ready, and like come with us?”
You stared into his visor, until the movement of Prowl behind him caught your attention. You sighed before motioning your head for him to enter and moved towards the bathroom. He closed the door behind himself, and followed you into the bathroom, leaning against the doorway. 
“Are you still mad at me?” 
His question felt stupid, of course you were still mad at him. He made you feel bad, how would he feel if you made him feel like shit for following directions. You took your clothes off and stepped into the shower. 
“No, just tired.” 
“Tired, tired of me?” 
He laughed, he was trying to lighten the mood, considering he could probably feel the heavy atmosphere. 
“I guess you could say something like that.”
“Alright well, I’ll be downstairs with Prowl, we’ll leave when you're ready.” 
You actually don't know why you're going, you had expressed very aggressively why you didn’t want to go. Yet, the moment Jazz asked you didn’t hesitate. He just had that effect on you, a simple command and you’d do it, but he doesn’t ever want to understand your side. The noise of Jazz laughing took you out of your thoughts, the cold nipping at your skin as you three stood in the que line to get in. You peeked around the bot in front of you to see the line, an arrangement of all all types of people, but not a single human. You straighten up, standing behind the two mechs, an uneasy feeling washed over you. You truly felt like you weren’t supposed to be here. You felt someone bump into you, turning around, you were met with an ugly look. 
“Sorry, I didn’t,” “I don’t care, just watch where you’re walking.” 
They had cut off your apology, completely blaming you for the encounter. The person had tried to step in front of you, assuming the line ended right after Jazz and Prowl. You stepped back in our original spot, looking up at the person and smiling. 
“Sorry, I was actually here before you.” 
Bring your hand up to point at the spot you were standing at, the same spot you’ve been at, right behind the two Cybertronians. Jazz turned around at the sound of your voice. Looking between you and the person. 
“Is there a problem?” 
He placed that ‘I’ll act nice, but am i really’ smile on his face plate. You watched as the person backed up, looking at you with an upset look before mumbling no. Jazz pulled you to stand in front of him. 
“Did something happen?” 
“No, he was just trying to cut in line. Probably because I was human.” 
You spoke, turning around and looking forward. This was the exact reason you didn’t want to come. You weren’t even inside yet and there was already someone trying to start something. All these other space people, some of them look like humans, You can’t tell the difference unless you ask them, and even then some won’t even admit they're human. 
By the time you remember what you were here for, Jaz had already gotten both you and Prowl into the party. 
Jazz bends down to your head level, before speaking. 
“See, we’re in. No need to worry.” 
You looked at him, why the fuck would he say that. He started walking towards an empty booth, sitting you inside. 
“Now, Prowl and I have some things to attend to. Stay here, if anyone asks, you're waiting for someone.” 
You nod, placing your hands in your lap. Before Jazz leaves he places a kiss on your forehead, causing you to look over at him, he smiles, snaps one of his servos before pointing a finger gun at you. You watched as he disappeared into the crowd, this is exactly how you thought it'd go. Being left in some strange club, while he goes off to go god fucking knows where. A waiter came up to your table asking if you wanted anything, considering you knew you’d be there for a long ass time. You ordered yourself something, anything to keep you occupied. The last thing you wanted was to think about your situation. 
The waiter brought the drink out and after a few sips you just ended up swirling the liquid around. The mix of human and cybertronian alcohol mixed into a light neon blue. Maybe this was just part of the every plan, drag you out to a party and have you sit alone. You can't seem to figure out what comes after that, some random person hits on you or the Prowl keeps you company until Jazz comes back. The simple thought of having company while sitting here just kept creeping into your mind. 
You were left with your own mind, something that can pull your moods up or down with just simple thinking, but considering you’ve been at this party for some time and no one seems to notice or care, it was time to just relax. You leaned back in the booth, your head resting on the stuffed leather as you closed your eyes. Pulling your drink close to you, but keeping your hand on it. You know closing your eyes in a foreign place isn’t the greatest thing to do, but who really cares, you didn’t want to come here anyways and hopefully Jazz or Prowl would return soon. 
You were just getting comfortable when you felt a knock on the table. Your eyes open to see the familiar blue visor. He smiled at you before sitting around from you, a drink in hand. 
“Whatcha doin?” 
His tone was playful, it seems like his drink was really getting to him. 
“Sitting here,” 
You reply as you close your eyes again. 
“I don't know, it seems like you were sleeping.”
“I was just resting my eyes.”
You lifted your hand up moving it around in front of your face in a shade gesture. 
“That's bad because anyone could slip something into your drink.” 
You shrugged, you knew he was right but you really didn’t want to admit he was, you were still upset at him. So instead you acted like you didn’t care. 
“And then they’d kidnap you, my beautiful girlfriend.” 
He was sweet talking you. He knew you were still upset at him and the thought of that simple just couldn’t exist within him. You didn’t respond, if he knew the true reason he’d recommend leaving, and you really like the drink you have and you're super comfortable. 
“Now, tell me, why are your eyes closed? Is it the lights? Thinking about getting me in bed already?” 
God now he was asking questions and his questions were getting out of hand, so you acted like you couldn't hear him over the loud music and chatter. You finally decided that keeping your eyes closed would mean no looking at Jazz, so you lifted your head. Making eye contact with his visor while pulling your cup up to your lips. 
“Is there something I can help you with?” 
You just wanted to know what he wanted, disturbing your peace in your small corner booth. He looked taken aback, he placed his free hand on his chassis and let out a dramatic gasp.
“I just wanted to see what my beautiful girlfriend was doin, am I not allowed to be with you.” 
You rolled your eyes, is this really how he was trying to get on your good side? 
“And now you’ve seen, Don’t you have things to attend to, like,”
You paused looking around the crowded room, your eyes scanning for anything that looked of interest or be of interest to Jazz. You saw multiple people dancing, a group of girls getting drunk and being hit on by some space robot, the DJ trying to keep up with everyone's requests, the bartender yelling at someone for hitting on her, and then your eyes landed on Prowl. The cop sat with a lady at the bar, that was your goat out, Jazz would see Prowl finally getting some and then it’d be enough to convince him to either wingman for him or leave with you. You lifted your hand with your cup in it, your index finger pointing towards the bot.
“Like Prowl, He seems to have found himself a lady.” 
Jazz whips his helm around, searching the bar for the bot.
“I don’t believe it.”
He trailed off as he turned back to you. Now was the time he’s supposed to get up and go talk to them, get her to fall in love with his close friend, but for some reason, he doesn’t. He leans back into his spot in the booth, taking a sip of the drink he harbored. A sly smile on his face as he watches your face. 
“Was that your plan to get rid of me?”  
You sighed, downing the last bit of your drink. You shifted your position in the booth, Placing your arms on the table as you leaned in. He leans in himself, that same smile on his face. Your eyes trail from his visor to his lips and then down his chassis and finally to his servos. Your eyes flicking back up to his visor and then back to his drink.  Learning a tad bit more and smiling. 
“Yeah, kinda hoped it would work, maybe I could get you to leave me the fuck alone.” 
You said his smile fading as he started to move back to his original position, your hands swiftly grab his cup, It being slightly larger than yours, as you bring it up to your lips, taking in the liquid. You thought it tasted ten times better then whatever the fuck you hand before.
“You little,” 
he was cut off as you got up from the booth, placing the cup back on the table. Since Jazz wasn’t going to wingman for Prowl, you thought you’d do it. Walking towards the bot, you felt a pair of metal arms wrap around you . 
“Where do you think you're going little miss.” 
Jazz’s voice being heard a little too clearly in your ear, you giggled, leaning back into him. You moved to grab his arms.
“I wanna go tell Prowl that we’re leaving,” 
You lied, the original plan being thrown out the window the moment Jazz grabbed you, the same thought about how you’d do anything for him. 
He hummed his response letting god of you and settling for just holding your hand as you dragged him towards the bot. As you got closer until you got the attention of Prowl, You put on your brightest smile and gave a big wave.
You drew out his name, His optics met your eyes. 
“Jazz and I are going home, I thought I’d tell you just in case you were to leave later and couldn’t find us.” 
He nodded, after getting confirmation you looked towards the lady, smiling before turning back to Prowl and waving. You turned around and started to leave. Walking through the crowd of people and to the door, you could feel the occasional squeeze from his servos. 
The feeling of the cold night breeze hit your face hard, shivering as Jazz moved to stand next to you while letting go of your hand. Fresh air never felt better, a deep breath coming from you, eyes closed relaxed. It seemed like the headache you had while in the building disappeared the moment you stepped outside. The noises of cars and other city noises take over your ears. 
“Soo, what do you wanna do now,” 
He paused, you opened your eyes to look over at him and smiled. 
“I know you didn't actually want to go home, come on, you look too good to just go home.” 
He moved his servos in a gesturing motion towards your outfit, yeah you did like your fit and did think it was kinda too early to go home, but you didn’t need him to know that. 
“We could just go for a walk, see what we see.” 
You suggested, bringing your hands up to the sides of your arms, the chill of the air seeping to your bones. You started in a direction, the bot following behind you. You could hear the sound of whirling from his intake. 
“Got anywhere special you wanna go?” 
He moved up to walk next to you, a smile on his face plate as he analyzed your reaction. The city was large, and you could practically go anywhere you wanted. So you thought, trying to come up with something cool other than just going home. Cool, something cool for Jazz to enjoy. He could just enjoy your company, but the idea of a walk didn’t really seem to interest him whatsoever. 
“It's okay if you don't have anything to do. I already dragged you to that party,” 
He paused, he was thinking, your eyes met with his visor. Your reflection looking back at you in the shiny blue material. At that moment, you thought you could look at yourself for the rest of your life through that visor, a visor brighter than the blue sky. You didn’t practically like looking at yourself, but this time, you thought you could do it for hours on end. Your eyes trail down to his lips for a split second before looking back at his visor. The cold air seemed to hit your body differently at that moment, almost lighting a fire of lust within you. 
“Hello, (Y/N)? Y’a there!” 
Jazz moved his servo in front of your face, breaking you from your trance. Your hands came up to your mouth in a cupping motion as you blew hot air into them, a desperate attempt to warm up. You could just take one and tell him you’d like to go home, but who knows what’d go down if you both went home with the amount of alcohol in your systems. Maybe that’s what made going home so exciting, the thought of desire and being under the bot you so desperately love. 
“I’d like to go home, it’s getting colder and I didn’t dress for it.” 
You stated, the idea to cover the real reason for going home with freezing being the only thing keeping you going. 
You both arrive at your house, the bot standing behind you while you fiddled with your keys to get the door unlocked. You opened the door to be met with the warmth of your home and its familiar comforting smell. The sigh coming from you is a signal of home. You had walked further into your home, forgetting about the bot who was behind you. You just wanted out of your clothes, the redistricting fabric from the dress and the heels you wore that was making it feel like you were walking on pins and needles. 
When Jazz looked up from closing the door you were gone, the faint noise of your heels going up the carpeted stairs . 
“Slow down, pretty girl.” 
He called out, as he started following you. It didn’t take long for him to catch up, walking into your bedroom to see you standing next to the bed, one hand placed on the mattress and slightly bent over as your other hand reached for your heel that was kicked up. He leaned against the door frame watching you, arms crossed over his chassis. 
Once you got your heels off you dug your feet into the carpet, the feeling getting you to sigh in relief, no more heels. Both of your hands were now planted on the bed and your head hanging down, all you needed was to get your dress off and then get a warm bath and your night would be complete. Complete? I’d be complete if you could get Jazz on top of you. Your thoughts were cut short when you felt a pair of servos on your waist, his digits playing with the fabric of your dress. 
“You look too good in this dress, just for it to go to waste. Don't you think so?”
You could feel him pulling you into him, your back meeting his chassis as his helm rested on your shoulder. You’d be lying if you didn’t agree with him, you looked too damn good in your dress just to give it up in a matter of seconds. His servo was traveling downwards, stopping at the hem of the dress. He took a deep breath in, his servos playing with the end of your dress. 
“I’ve thought about you in this dress since we left.” 
His servo moved to your inner thigh, and moved upwards towards your panties. A whimper left your mouth, his digits started to move from your clit to your entrance, he wasn't even in your panties yet. 
“Yet, I still don't know how i want to fuck you.” 
The dirty talk was getting to you, fueling the fire of desire and want within you, and with how close to your pussy he was, it was getting hard to stay patient. HIs digits moved the fabric of your panties aside, his digits circling your clit and occasionally going down to circle your entrance. A moan leaving your mouth, he was picking speed up and then slowing down in a steady pattern. If he kept this up, you’d be a moaning mess by the end of the night. 
“That feel good, enjoying yourself baby?” 
He spoke in a mocking tone. Of course it felt good, but you weren’t going to tell him that. He finally fully put his digits in you, rubbing against your walls before deciding to go in a scissoring motion. There was no more holding back, your head leaned back against his shoulder plating, and you did not stop moaning. 
He paused, taking a moment to fully enjoy the sounds you were making, and change his pattern fingering. 
“I’d say you're enjoying it a little too much, it's gettin’ a little too tight. Getting close aren't ya.”  
All you could do in that moment was nod and whine out his name. The knot in your stomach is getting tighter and tighter by the second. 
“Yeah, let's speed this up.” 
His servo on your waist goes to circle your clit, you were already trying to last longer then you wanted, but you guess that is out of the window now. The sensation from his digits in you and circling your clit was getting to much, your hands came up to grab his helm 
“Jazz, please.” 
You were able to get out in between moans and whines. The knot was going to break any second now, and you wanted to be vocal about it. 
“Yeah, come baby.” 
You did just that, came all over his digits. His pace not once slowing or stopping, a steady pace as you rode your high out on his servo. Wiggling and grinding your hips into that same servo in an attempt to keep the high longer. 
“Don't worry, I’m not done just yet.” 
He moves to help you out of the dress straps and moves it down below your breast, servos moving to play with the flesh, pitching one nipple and rolling the other with his digits. A sharp gasp came from you, He pulled you into him, this time it was more aggressive as he littered your neck and jaw with kisses. 
“You're so pretty, you know that.” 
He lets go of you and pushes you face first into the mattress. 
“Pretty enough to take my spike.” 
The sound of his shuffling around behind, as you took your panties off and hiked you dress up above your hips, why not give him better access. He smacks his spike against your pussy, causing you to let out a dreamy sigh. After that he didn't waste any time, pushing his spike straight into you. His servos are going to grab your hips immediately after, his grip tighter than any other time. His pace was steady, he occasionally flexed his digits. He let out a few grunts here and there, but nothing was louder than your moans. 
“Primus, you take my spike so good.” 
You felt your walls clench down on his spike, now he really knew what dirty talk did to you. His servo came down with a smack, the noise jolting you from your haze, his pace picked up, and a loud groan came from him. 
“Yeah, keep that up baby. You might get me to come first.” 
He lifted your hips up and fucked into you, his grip brusing the soft skin. You knew there'd be some sort of imprint tomorrow. His spike felt like it was kissing the knot forming. You guessed his grip on your hips wasn't enough, because he had now moved one of his servos to grab the dress, bunching it up in his hand and holding onto it like he was in a rodeo and fucking into your pussy, and god you were enjoying it. Every little noise coming from you sounded like you were in a porno. 
“Yeah, you like that pretty girl.” 
His pace quickening, you felt like you were going to crumble, once that knot snapps you’d be no more, and that time was coming quicker and quicker by the second. You whined to jazz, he whined back at you. 
“What is it, you're gonna come?” 
He knew he was making you feel good, because god you were making him feel good.  You nodded the best you can through the movement from his pounding. 
“Oh primus, I love how you can’t control yourself,” 
His free servo coming down on your ass, that signature smack. He enjoyed watching the way your ass jiggled from the hit, he liked watching just like your boobs, the way they both jiggle, but more importantly the way he saw your skin move like waves when he brought your hips into his. God not only was your pussy intoxicating to him your entire being was intoxicating. You smile, the way you hand fit in his, your kisses, the simple way you looked at him, it was like watching you fall in love with him every time. You were far too intoxicating, just like his own brand and he just couldn't get enough. 
“If you wanna cum, I’ll let you, just one request.” 
Your arms are stretched in front of you on the bed, gripping the sheets beneath them.
“Anything, I’ll do anything,” 
You were practically moaning out your response, you’d simply do anything to come, to feel the warm welcome of hot desire. 
“Tell me who you belong to.” 
His free servo was now gripping your waist, pulling your hips to meet his thrusts every time. His grunts were starting to be more consistent, he was close. Far closer than you thought he’d be. You thought about his request, any other time you wouldn’t even think twice to say it. You thought about it like your life depended on it, but you really didn’t care. He's yours right now, not buried in someone else right now, he was buried deep in you, and that was simply all you needed to know. 
“You, I belong to you Jazz.” 
You grip on the sheets tightening. 
“Come on, keep it up. Gotta have everyone hear this. Can’t have anyone trying to take you now.” 
His servo let go of the dress now both on your hips, as he was hunched over, Spike going in and out with lewd noises as you both almost went over the edge. 
"Yours, I'm yours jazz.” 
You were almost not able to get your words out, you let out a few more moans before you crumbled, the last moan being dragged out as Jazz released into you. He let out a groan, thrusting his hips into you a few more times before stopping. The only thing heard within your bedroom was both you and Jazz trying to catch your breaths. 
“You're always so good.” 
You laughed, taking your time to recollect yourself before speaking. 
“Of course, You’re all I ever wanted.” 
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harventheblorbo · 2 years
Hi,I really like your work.So can I get a fanfic about optimus prime with a human reader,where the reader is struggling with the fact that optimus chose jack over them to guard the key to vector sigma.(optimus is the guardian of the reader and the reader blames mostly themselves for being too weak and regretting every past traumatic experience they shared with optimus.They dont blame jack or optimus.)The reader tries to hide it bcs they dont want to embarrass themselves(as they see it) any further in front of optimus,but the thoughts that everyone dislikes them creep up again and so they become distant and try to make themselves very quiet/serious(they think of everyone as an enemy who finds them annoying again).
Also optimus reaction to that,what would he do?But in general angst with comfort(maybe an explanation as to why optimus didnt chose them).
Sorry if its too long or something doesnt fit the rules of the blog(couldnt find them😂)
One shot of TFP Optimus with a reader that can't understand why Optimus choose jack to guard the key of vector Sigma and not them!
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Containing; Optimus Prime
___ is gender neutral and human
Warning; Angst, and swearing.
One shot Summary; ___ can't wrap their head around that Optimus picked Jack to protect the key to vecter sigma but some special bot notices.
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When Optimus gave Jack the Key, my heart shattered. Why? Why was I so upset that Optimus gave Jack the key? Was it because maybe I thought that Optimus thought as me as too weak? I couldn't blame him if he did.
I didn't wanna ask Optimus because I was just too embarrassed. What if he got too nervous to tell me and told a lie? I mean I don't think he would but still it kinda hurts. I mean there has to be a reasonable explanation. I put my pencil down and closed my notebook. My therapist had been recommending that I should do journaling so I can have my head clear.
I mean it worked a little bit. But to be honest I think it just made me seem more awkward. The Video game buzzed and I heard Jack and Raf exclaim how the other cheated. It was a 2006 game that Ratchet bought so I doubt that Raf would know how to hack it anyway. Miko tapped me on the shoulder.
"Hey ___, do you by chance have the answer for number 3 on our homework?" Miko asked as she sat down next to me with her homework. "Yeah, it's 8" I replied. To be honest, I haven't been feeling the best recently and felt tired.
"Thank you!" She yipped and ran off after writing the answer down. I did anything to help them as I thought I was responsible to do it since Jack had to do it all the time. But to be honest, I think my whole life is going to shit
But I don't wanna really bring it up to someone. What if I burden them? And who would be the right person to talk to it about it? Ratchet is always so grumpy and would brush me off. Arcee would just ask me to go away or something like that. Bulk head is too nice and I think I would overwhelm him. Ultra Magnus wouldn't be the best to go to for anything. So for now, I just keep quiet. Like I always have.
As the days pass, I realize how distant they have been with me. But then again Ive been distant with them and I think it's for the better. No one has really been talking to me. And whenever they do, its awkward and uncomfortable and small.
I don't really care anymore. I don't care about anything anymore. I can't tell if I'm pissed off or just pissed at my self for being a fuckin fool. I guess I was too late to realize when Optimus was more or less observing me throughout the week until I saw him walk up to the risen area for the humans.
"___? Is it alright if I have a word with you?" I heard Optimus's voice and looked up at him. His optics whirred a little bit and saw how focused he was. "Sure... What's up?" I replied. There was no one around so It was a perfect timing. "I'm sure I can speak on behalf of everyone and say that we are worried for you ___" There was brief science. I nodded to let him continue talking. "You've been distant to everyone. Even the children and it's worrying us. Tell me what's wrong. Please" Optimus leaned a little bit forward as I walked up to where he was.
"Well to be honest, I've been upset about the fact that you chose to give Jack the key..." I explained with a upset tone. Im honestly embarrassed to even be saying these words. I can feel my hands sweat as I fidget with my fingers.
Optimus blinked and pondered on what he was going to say. "I see now." He remarked. "Your wondering why I gave Jack the key and not you, I'm I correct?" Optimus asked. I couldn't do anything but nod my head. "___, the only reason I chose Jack to protect it was because Arcee asked me to." He explained. "Oh..." I quietly stated.
I kinda chuckled. "Well thanks for clearing it up" I thanked him as I looked at him fully while I scratched the back of my head a little. He simply nodded with a slight smile.
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crescencestudio · 6 months
after i noticed the enchanted demo release i did a whole ass lap around the house and when i tell you im so close to biting my table every time the scenes change... THE ATMOSPHERE?? THE ART??? THE ENTIRE THINGYS?!?! i wanna bundle this all up and like,. absorb it, eat it even. I played through it straight, no pause no nothin'. im REPLAYING IT even and trying not to run laps around the rooms here. my brain chemistry has been altered. i saw the divine. i am not the same person i was like 2 hours ago. the love, the skill, the gui, the art, the writing the all of it, it's amazing, divine even. like, i want this painted on my ceiling. like im not joking i want this entire game painted on my ceiling.. i remember playing the very first demo and being FLOORED bc hello??? banger plot banger characters whats not to love (the #gayforkayn from like 2 years ago has a whole section in my heart LMAO). and now the enchanted demo is release, and im still so in love no even more in love with the game. seeing the work being done on alaris has been the one of the highlights throughout the time ive been around, and im so happy for you! so a big congrats to this milestone and all the work that has been done to get here! im writing this in a like half awake moment so dunno how much makes sense and also im sorry if this got long i swear it wasnt like this when i started. i be remembering and writing but the enchanted demo gives me the best shakes someone could get. but seriously, i can feel the love that went into this. my heart and soul are happy, and once again a massive congrats to this milestone and every bit of work done to reach it. the entire demo has so much love poured into it and every little piece of the game just makes me get those good shakes in my heart (if that makes sense). (I also did not mean for this to get a little bit long but, im just so proud and happy for you)
KARMA U R ONE OF THE OGS….. i literally remember u still from like the two years that have passed since the first demo. IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY TO KNOW U LIKE THIS VERSION TOO!!!!
revamping everything has honestly been a crazy and Extremely Tiring experience. i never would’ve imagined two years ago i would’ve been able to replace everything i have. the different vfx (snowblossom my beloved), text effects, assets, and just everything took up so much time to replace. a lot of times i wondered if it was even worth it since the changes felt small. but i rly do feel like seeing the end product now, it feels so different from the og and in a way the demo is a reminder of how far i’ve come on my dev journey compared to the og release 😭
so thankful as always for the ppl (new and old) who have watched over alaris’s development. it means a lot to know the ppl who have played the new demo can see how much work has been put into it and like it 💖 i sometimes get self conscious comparing alaris to intertwine since a lot of new ppl came here bc of intertwine. but its def moments like this that remind me how special alaris is to me just by virtue of it being my OG project. like this is literally my child
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gontagokuhara · 5 months
I feel so paranoid on my pointy objects reread™ especially after the rewrite storm because I'll see something like 5 chapters after the rewrite and think "I SWEAR this is different baz freaking writes did u change this OR LIKE AM I JUST BLIND what is happening" to be fair it is 4 am for me and I need sleep (I graduated on the 2nd and I woke up yesterday at 6 P.M. I was SO tired)
Anyway this was only started bc I got to the fabled komaeda call and it said "as if someone hit him" and I'm like "SOME-ONE??" FYMMm I THOUGHT THAT SAID "SOME-THING"??? (I literally feel like this is my ultimate karma knowing how much I go back and edit my fics when I'm bored LMFAOO) Anydots its freak brain hours so please forgive me if this comes off as a wee bit psychotic ❤️ I did finish the 17k behemoth chapter and it literally made me crazy and want to reread the whole thing again I loved it!!!💀 okay bye gn zzzzzz
what started as a silly little fanfiction miming my blorbos around as little demigod guys has somehow morphed into a 225k+ word (likely nearer 300k by the end 😭), conspiracy-theory-filled, saw trap of an adventure for those most into it (myself included). talk about an interactive experience!
(long so everything else below <3)
but seriously first of all CONGRATS ON GRADUATING!?!?!? COLLEGE GRAD GANG
second of all LOL there haven't been any major changes since the big rewrite storm (which was basically a year ago now? ZOINKS) but i do know what ur referring to with that nagito line shift. his previous behavior in his office tearing his hair out + the line shift was meant to convey a little clearer that when he's stressed/upset/terrified he hurts himself (unintentionally, like with the hair example) (but also intentionally, in him hitting himself over the phone in an attempt to calm down/focus enough to plead with the kids). in essence i fucked him up a little more because i think about him So much and i needed to slip more of my characterization of him in bc Im insane <3
I LOVE U LMFAO UR SO REAL ABOUT SILLY HOURS im sure u already did but GO TAKE A NAP!!!! and take breaks during ur reread i wrote the damn thing and reread it constantly (always editing typos i find i am........) and it still takes me days to work through. this ask was perfect timing bc my body's been malfunctioning a little bit so ive been pushing pointy objects time to the wayside (also for better reasons too i've been not writing but wrist pain got me fucked up </3) but this ask has me zazzed again so THANK U!!!!! congrats again and as always come back if u wanna yell at me about this fic anymore I LOVE U!!!
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velvetporcelain · 9 months
no thanks, i'll walk.
hello. it's me. again. I'm here and that says something, it means I want to say something but dont know what, and i need the creativity of writing mixed with the movement of thoughts to help soothe me.
I have my headphones on, which helps with the over stimulation. My mind is so crossed fired.
I think about everything all the time. everything. good thing I'm not an alcoholic, I think would start as a good drunk, living in the moment. But then I would turn into a bad drunk, living in yesterday.
I dont like living in the past. I wake up everyday trying to be a present as I can. Routine takes over, but I go against the grind. I am the grind. When there is no movement, I dont know how to be still. stillness is my suffering. idle suffering. it is why I like to come here and document my thoughts. it's healthy for me to read, but I never come back here to read this shit, because that's what it is, bullshit.
I'm convinced no one knows what love is. everyone wants to be repaid, and that has proven over and over again to end in tragedy, something we happen to be good at.
it seems humanity is really good at doing bad things. that's all we hear about yeah? evil. death. homicide. war. drugs. --- fuck me man. can you imagine if we only talked about the good. would more good happen? would we all be unprepared? would be forget about mortality for a fucking second? what happens when we remember how to live, or what it's like to be alive? why do we have to be so sadistic?
do we leave the holy things to the church? ha. I need ton do more diving on religion in general. theology, is it? yeah I wanna know. when was the first church built and what did they do there? how has this ritual continued for thousands of years? lol can you tell that I have been idle? my mind is a vampire. thirsty, so thirsty. And right now? it's just what I need.
lately I haven't been do much of anything. I feel a bit defeated from the last few months if I'm honest. there have been so many things I had to reverse in my thinking patterns. These kids cant get the best of me because I am always at my best, even when I'm not. there is no in-between for me. It's either I'm learning or teaching. there is no low. Low points do not exist for me. Only neutrality. Idling.
I cant believe how advanced we are. I cant believe that year after year we keep making the same fucking things. that just do more ridiculous and useless shit. More shit for us to reflect the artificial intelligence in it all. They want us artificial, that's why it's becoming easier to spot who is actually still human. I am lucky to have found few, and that's all you need, a few, I would even swear but just having one. you only need one human that makes you feel human, not artificial, or disguised. I'm tired of looking for reassurance in a world that is never sure of anything. again, detaching from the out come. ive been really proud of the progress I have been making, it moves slow because there are so many of us, I have to observe the adaptation process, take mental notes and adjust where I need to, or act according to personality. It's why I think I can rule the world. It's why I love being a woman. I live for community, togetherness, and cultivation.
how poetically unnoticed women go. they are noticed in all the wrong ways. I feel bad for the ones who are always under the spotlight. I really always do wonder if they are truly happy. Maybe the ones how have escaped it all. Hollywood loves its corruption. lol, if that paragraph was a map it would be all over the place.
I'm doing okay. I think.
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jaeminslattes · 3 months
IVE BEEN GOOD TOO i’m seriously enjoying my summer holidays and meeting w friends and all and i’m gonna go summer job hunting next week so yeaahhh 😸 i hope you enjoyed your trip to your home country too 🥹❤️
ALSO I FELT YOU ON THE GROWING OUT OF KPOP STUFF me and oomf on here have been talking about it too 😭😭 i swear i don’t think i’ve actually watched any kpop content and the only stuff i see is from my twt timeline, which i don’t even tweet much on anymore as well cos it just feels like i’m forcing the tweets 😓 football and youtube really got me like sorry haechan i lowkey want hamzahthefantastic more rn.. still tuned in for the music tho (barely because i’ve been listening to western music more too 😭😭😭😭) HAECHAN YOURE LOSING ME!!
YOU SOOOO AHOULD IF YOU WANT TO SERIOUSLY!!! if you have doubt just check the tags for the fandom that you want to write for and see how the usual engagement on that stuff is!! i 100% support you in it, whatever you do :w another oomf also stopped writing for nct and has moved to f1blr so atp don’t be too worried about switching !!!
ANYWAYS ILY I MISSED YOU DONT GET IT i think its gonna be almost a year since we’ve become mutuals on here too, pretty cute 🫂❤️
IM SO HAPPY FOR U BAEEE IM SO SURE ITS FOING AMAIZIGNNGGN !! i hopw u get a job thats easy i donr want u to tire urseld fast 😞
NO LIKE IM SAYINGGG im starting to think it was a pha- [GUNSHOTS] ok but like not phase??? i do listen to kpop time to time or when i get a few songs on my fyp and i feel like the phase was obsessing WITH the groups, not their music, since ots js music in another language. AND I AGREEEE TWT IS WHAT IS KEEPING ME UPDATED AB KPOP 😭🙏🙏🙏 i also be forgetting to listen to kpop sometimes, i feel like its cause im surrounded by ppl who dont listen to kpop so eventually when u dont have ppl to talk to it about smth u kinda grow out of it?? I UNFERSTAND U GIRL DOYO IS LOSING ME TOO 😭🙏🙏🙏
f1blr.. 😅😅 fun fact im into f1 too and i was thinking ab also opening a f1 blog but theres sooo many vlogs i wanna open: a marvel one, a f1 one, dc one, & a harry potter one but i also wanna post on my kpop blog but the message app i have SUCK and it demotivates me sooo much 💔 BUT TJANK UUU SO MUCHHH URE THE BESTTTT MWAH
man i love talking to u like this lets do ir more often :3
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pinkadork · 6 months
One day words will stop being exchanged and knowing you're more likely to be relieved than devastated or even a bit bummed is sending me
Like okay
Pause for a minute
Lets be real my tumblr page is like my public diary or whatever and like
Idk i look at shit and its sad how much through the entirety of this shit therapy or not ive been trying to see more than my side and be able to see my faults for what they are while also doing something about it but i swear im either villaianized or pacified by you in any given moment and then its like im both a dumb ass for wanting you so badly was and i feel like my feelings get overshadowed bc the bpd and oooh i take meds now, and you still treat me like like an abuser and thats what you tell people. And i just wanna stop feeling like I'll never be able to enjoy anything fr ever again. Even at my best i still have you on my brain when it feels like you're doing everything to erase me and then make me feel like thats the right response. I fucking hate this shit so much its like i sit here and I'm fine and then i keep fucking setting myself off with how upset this makes me. Like nigga i live in my aunt basement, i work in a fucking factory, im a fucking temp worker nigga , and yet and still my stupid ass is worried about who? Trying to figure out how to get right for who? Pathetic as shit.
I know you wouldn't do the same bc you didnt.
I'm so frustrated. it's unbelievable. I keep wrapping my head around how bs this all is, or how i swallowed how angry certain shit has had me.
Again nigga its been months and i know for a fact the same shit is being peddled.
You doing your thing is whatever but doing so and then trying to undermine the fact that itd hurt me (which you later admitted to trying to do anyway) nigga fucked someone then was like "i mean we broke up like 6 months ago so i did good right lol" fucking first of all at 6 months vs 5 years make it make sense, second of all it let me realize that the second time we tried when shit felt "so right" mesnt nothing to this nigga it was a good two months which for me made the breakup reset and st the time this happend made this like 4 months but as you can see by me writing this out who the fuck other than me cares about some weird shit like that. Regardless its like i have to be either high as hell or always working now more thsn ever to not walk into the very accessible highway.
I accepted that i ruined my life but holy fuck did you make it worse
I am forever sorry about how shit ended and every rude outburst ever spouted from my lips, any time i made you feel any negative way, but my brother in christ i didn't and dont deserve this shit and sometimes it really bothers me that i love you the way i do. You act scared of me like im obsessed but i feel like im going mad bc it was like you made me this way. From jump, the constant vc, the way youd make me feel insignificant or like i wasnt enough, and then have the nerve to try and make it a thing about my insecurities that yes i told you about but fuck.
I feel so dumb because i actually would wait until you're ready because i feel deep in my core that i fw you for life type shit. Its always gang shit whatever. I love you and want things to be okay regardless to how i feel .
Fuck im tired
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nemeseos-noctua · 4 years
Hi! Could i request hcs for Diluc and Xiao with a reader who is shy? Thank you!
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𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: xiao, diluc (separate) x gn!reader
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: a few swears in diluc’s! (it’s like one or two)
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒: this is actually my first tumblr post.... ive been super busy with school, sports, and other stuff. sorry! ill try to write more in the future! (constellations has been doing everything so far since i still dont know how tumblr works lol)
also, these are stupid long... and for what.
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adventuring was a lot for you to process
okay, so maybe having your own Benny’s Adventure Team was not great while traveling through Dragonspine and Liyue
too many of everything
you ended up getting really beat up.
after passing through Mingyun Village, you could see Wangshu Inn and decided to stay there until you were healed up
you always found comfort in the night sky, so you went out there every day
It was your fifth night staying at the inn before you saw a short male standing on the balcony where you would usually be. Strange. You’d never seen anyone like that before.
You seemed to have caught him off guard when you started to approach him since he jumped a little. 
Taking a closer look at his face, you studied it a bit. He had golden eyes and dark teal hair that seemed to frame his face perfectly, accompanied by lighter streaks of the same colour.
Pretty... you thought, completely entranced by this strange man (boy?). 
“Ah, sorry. I’m probably disturbing you... I’ll go now...” 
He blinked. 
god he’s in love
not even romantic love but he loved you like the past adepti
xiao would see so many couples over the years that he’s been at the inn and absolutely hated them, but this?? 
okay it’s a different type of love but damn it felt nice
You started to turn and walk back to your room before hearing his voice.
On the outside, you were cooler than a cucumber. The inside? Chaos. Millions of thoughts raced throughout that little head of yours. 
“Only if you’re fine with it...”
Turning back around, you took a few steps forward before noticing that he wore a lot of accessories on him. One of them being a mask that resembled one of the Vigilant Yaksha’s in that one book you read as a kid. Probably just a fan or something.
You reached the balcony, taking a spot next to him while also keeping some space between the two of you. Leaning on the balustrade (the railing of a balcony), you rested your head on top of your arms.
A comfortable silence was placed in the middle of the two. A silent breeze blew, adding to the mellow mood. 
“What brings you here?” the pretty stranger suddenly inquired, gaining a small jolt from your serene state. “Did I scare you? My apologies.”
“Oh, uh, it’s nothing...” You lifted your head to look out at the lands of Dihua Marsh. Seeing Dragonspine in the distance gave you a chill. Those were not the greatest memories. The small movement didn’t go unnoticed by the boy.
“You’re an adventurer?”
“Oh... yeah, I am... I’m not that experienced yet, though...” 
for SOME REASON... this man felt even more inclined to protect you
you still had a fair amount of bandages wrapped around your limbs, so it was clear that you were injured
but he did not.
he has restraint.
he is a good boy.
“I met a traveler that wasn’t very experienced either.” This fact shocked you. So he has been here for a while... but why hadn’t you seen him before? Does he just... disappear into thin air..?
the answer is yes
he does indeed do that
but that’s besides the point.
“Oh... that’s nice...” 
It was getting late. The moon was starting to lower back down and the lids of your eyes were getting heavier and heavier by the minute. You let out a yawn, but it was muffled by your head being buried in your arms once again.
“You should go get some rest.” You hummed. 
Then, a thought popped into your head.
“If you don’t mind me asking... what’s your name?” 
Even though you weren’t facing him, you could feel his piercing gaze on you. It wasn’t uncomfortable at all, but gave you a feeling of protection.
“Xiao.” You mouthed his name to yourself silently. It was nice.
“Goodnight, Xiao. I hope that we can do this again soon.”
“Goodnight to you...”
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you were a cryo catalyst that tried to fight against some cryo slimes alone
hint: that was a bad idea
my favourite elemental reaction was immune!
literally... you couldn’t even do anything to them
and you were getting beat up. 
for plot convenience you were at the lake next to Dawn Winery
At this point, you’d been fending these slimes off for around a quarter of an hour now and you were getting tired now.
Your dumbass tried to drown them in the lake but forgot that they immediately froze any moisture underneath them. You tried attacking them but everything you could do was inflict the freeze effect (against CRYO slimes). 
You literally could not do anything. Time to get frozen to death!
Suddenly, a big fire bird swept up the slimes that had been occupying you for the last 20 minutes or so, effectively taking them out. 
At this point, the only thing that kept you standing was your adrenaline, which quickly ran out as you dropped to the ground in exhaustion. You let out a sigh, finally free from those damned slimes. You will have your revenge one day... just not today.
While you were resting on the ground, your saviour had been standing there, watching you calm down. And so you looked up to be greeted by probing crimson orbs, which definitely startled you.
Your saviour was.... Master Diluc. Master Diluc Ragnvindr, wealthiest man in Mondstadt. Him. In front of you. 
“OH! I, um, Master Diluc! What brings you here?” 
“I was taking a stroll around the winery and happened to see you in your own predicament.”
You attempted to stand up, though your legs failed you as you only flopped back onto the dirt. 
diluc doesn’t wanna admit it but that was unbelievably stupid, cute, and endearing
okay and what if this emo boy doesn’t like people
he still has feelings too >:(
“I’ll stay here with you so you won’t get attacked again. So relax.”
Mans was telling you to “relax” while you were in the presence of a literal typhoon here. He was so brooding and scary-looking all the time that you couldn’t even try to relax.
A few minutes pass and the sound of water rushing was the only thing keeping you two company. 
It was nice to enjoy nature, but the tension between the two of you was still higher than ever.
To break this silence, you had tried to stir up some small talk.
“The weather is nice today, huh...”
He grunted, which seemed to be a regular response of his. You started to notice this after a few questions like “how’s your day been” or “have any plans today?”
Not that you were genuinely interested. You bet that he could tell that you were trying to make it less awkward by responding at all, but it just didn’t help at all.
You were probably sitting for a good 10 minutes before deciding to stand up again, in which you were successful. But could you walk back to the city?
That was debatable.
You definitely felt and looked unstable, so being the gentleman he was raised to be, Diluc reluctantly bent down and slung your shoulder over his.
The height difference between the two of you was pretty big, so he ended up just carrying you to his place. As goofy as it looked, it got the job done.
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― riri ✨
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mxthtea · 3 years
dear god help me i have so many baal drafts i hope the baal brigade is fed bc of this,, still no banner, i'll make it soon i swear ive just been so lazy -
based on the adamant hc i have of baal liking back hugs!! bc i do what i want :)
(modern au) baal x gn!reader warnings: physical contact (hugs), i stand by baal calling her s/o darling pls dont hurt me, written before baals release, grammar + spelling mistakes, lowercase writing, tell me if i forgot any description: you sneak attack baal with a back hug!! and then.. she does the same ?
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baal was cooking when you decided to sneak up behind her and give her a hug. not like it was an uncommon thing that you've never done.
"baaaaal," you whined.
"yeeees?" she turned around and gave you a formal hug.
"mmm.. whatcha makin?"
"what is it?"
"surprise," baal gave you a slightly smug smile.
"rude! i wanna know."
you tried to sneak a glance but to no avail, baal dragged you out of the kitchen to sit down on the couch.
"just wait and i'll be done soon," with that, she walked away.
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then you had continued to repeat that.
whenever baal was standing and facing away from you, you'd walk over and wrap your arms around her waist. she'd turn around, kiss you, then go back to doing what she was doing.
the only time you wouldn't is when baal was really wrapped up into something. you didn't want to scare her after all.
she never did return it though... not for a while at least
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you stood at your front door, fumbling with your keys. you had just gotten back from an outing with friends that went way longer than you had planned. the sky was dark and street lights were on.
finally getting the door open, you walked inside and looked around to see if your girlfriend was around. didn't look like it though. she must've fallen asleep.
you went into the kitchen for water.
out of nowhere, you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist.
"welcome back, darling," baal muttered.
"oh, hey baal," you drank the water and turned around to face baal. "i thought you had gone to sleep."
"did for a bit, then i heard the front door open n' knew it was you."
baal looked.. cute like this. her hair out of a braid and a bit messy from bed.
"speaking of which, are you going to bed now?" baal asked.
"yeah.. i enjoy being out with my friends but i'm also tired."
baal nodded as she unwrapped her arms and grabbed your hand. the two of you walked back to your room together and laid down.
"sleep well, darling," baal muttered.
"you too."
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chokemeanakin · 4 years
Heyyy first wanna say that I love you!! 💜❤️🤎🧡💙🤍💚🖤
Next, I’ve been really sick lately, like haven’t been bail to take down food for a solid week, and in and out of hospital for the last two weeks, so could you please write up an Anakin small fic or head canon or just anything with a really sick reader, but she finds it hard to exsept help? Your fives have been keep me alive I swear haha
YOOO IVE BEEN WANTING TO DO THIS FOR WEEEEEEKKKSSS you literally read my mind !!! 😆😆😆 (also I’m so sorry that you’re terribly sick, I’m sending you all my love and I hope you get better soon. I love you too boo thang ❤️) HERE WE GO:
(Also fun fact whump is my area of expertise so if this gets to be really long I apologize — it’s just hard for me to narrow stuff down, anyway, enjoy)
Anakin x Sick (fem) Reader Headcanons:
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Gif from @swprequels
The minute you get sick, you immediately shut yourself into your room and hide from the world.
You hate people seeing you at your worst, most vulnerable state. So weak, and needy, and messy and in pain. You’ve always been the type to push people away, no matter how sick you get, because you just can’t let them see you like that.
But like.... imagine you’re new to the temple or something. You haven’t been there for very long, and you still don’t really know your way around. And you wake up at night with the worst stomach pains, like writhing around in bed and crying and begging higher powers for any kind of relief sort of pain.
And you somehow manage to wrench yourself onto shaking legs and dig through the bathroom cabinet, only to find that you have no medicine that can help you.
The next logical step is you go to the medbay, but you have no idea where that even is. And so you’re left to drag yourself down the halls to the only other person who you can think of to help you, the only other other person you want to see right now.
Anakin opens the door shirtless, rubbing sleep out of his bleary eyes. You wish you could feel worse for waking him up when he was obviously sleeping, but your stomach is twisting and turning and a layer of cold sweat is forming over you and you need his help. So you swallow your pride and stand there as he asks, “Y/n? What’s wrong, baby?”
He doesn’t hesitate as he gently ushers you into his room, holding you up as he leads you to the bed. You’re glad, because you don’t think your legs can hold you up for very much longer. And he’s kneeling in front of you, taking your face in his hands and wiping away your tears as you clutch at your stomach and tremble beneath him.
“I-I don’t feel good,” is all you can manage before wincing at a particularly painful stab, shuttering as the nausea worsens.
He’s so worried, eyes scanning over every inch of you. He’s less soft now, and more action as protecting you and figuring out what’s wrong is his first priority.
“What hurts?”
Everything hurts, but you settle with the most pressing offender. “My stomach.”
His eyes drop to your arms, which are wound around your middle like you could squeeze the pain away. You’re hunched over, shivering violetently, skin pale in the darkness. Very obviously sick, although now he has to decide whether it’s bad enough where it warrants a visit to the medbay. His heart twists painfully.
“When did it start?”
“A couple hours ago.”
“Did you eat something?”
He’s rubbing his thumb along your cheek, capturing each cold tear as they’re occasionally squeezed out of your eye.
“Not that I know of,” you whisper. “I had the same as everyone else.”
“Okay,” he says after a moment, then stands. He keeps one hand gently cradling your face as he reaches behind you and pulls the blankets back. “You wanna lie down?”
You want to say yes, but suddenly you’re hit with a particularly excruciating twist of the stomach, and you know it wouldn’t be a good idea. If you move even slightly, you’re pretty certain you’ll be spilling your dinner all over the floor. The thought has you moaning slightly, curled even further into yourself, shaking your head. “Can’t.”
“Alright. That’s okay. Do you think you’re gonna be sick?”
A terrible wave of embarrassment washes over you, but you force yourself to nod.
Anakin doesn’t even have to ask to know that you won’t be able to make it the bathroom. He wouldn’t want to subject that to you anyway, knelt on the cold tile floor before the toilet. No, he wants you to be as comfortable as possible.
So he takes his garbage can and makes sure it’s clean before setting it on the floor or in front of you, in case you need it quickly. You’re hanging your head, sweating and shivering and whimpering every so often as the pain builds and builds and washes over you in waves.
“It’s okay,” Anakin sits beside you, hand rubbing your back in grounding circles. “Focus on your breathing. It’ll pass soon.”
You stay there with him like that for a long while. At one point, you’re begging him for some pain meds, or anything that can take the pain away, but he has to refuse because you’re just going to throw them up anyway. He feels awful saying no, because you begin to cry again and lean forward.
He senses it right before it happens. With lightning reflexes, he snatches the bin off the ground and holds it under you just as you begin to get violently sick.
It’s not pretty, and that thought is knocking at the back of your mind as you clutch onto the rim of the bin, emptying your stomach over and over and over, barely able to catch a breath before you’re hit with another round.
Anakin sits right next to you through it all, dragging his fingers along the nape of your neck to gather your hair over one shoulder, rubbing soothing line and circles into your back, hushing you and telling you to let it out, that you’ll feel better once it’s over.
He’s right about that. Throwing up scares you, and you hate it with everything in you, but for the time being you feel a little better. Once your food stops forcing its way back up and you can finally breathe, there’s a moment where the awful stabbing pain in your stomach is quiet and you can open your eyes and lift your head.
“You think you’re done?”
You take a moment to assess your nausea, not wanting to be hit with a surprise attack and make a mess all over the floor. But for the time being, your stomach has settled and now you’re left as a trembling, weak, shell of a human, barely able to sit upright on your own.
You nod and wipe your mouth, disgusted with the contents now on the back of your hand. Your pajamas have been soaked in sweat, and you’re sure you look absolutely disgusting. You’re too weak to care a whole lot, but the shame still bubbles up in your chest.
Somehow he’s got a glass of water, and he’s handing it to you so you can swish and spit. “Small sips, angel.”
Anakin sets the bin down, running his hand over your hair once more before standing. The loss of his warm presence has you shivering violently, teeth clacking together. “You want a bath? Or do you just want to go to bed?”
You don’t think you’d be able to sleep with your clothes stocking to you like this, so you choose the bath. He kisses your forehead once, saying, “I’ll go run it now. Stay here in case you get sick again.”
You nod and he leaves, the sounds of the faucet turning and water splashing into the bath sounding from the bathroom. He comes back to help you up, hands fitting right onto your disgusting sweaty and vomitty body as he half carries you to the bathroom.
And then he helps you get undressed, lowers you carefully into the water, kneels by the side of the tub and holds your hand.
Your eyes are closed and your head is pounding, achey and queasy and tired. You know you have to wash up, but you can’t seem to lift your arms.
So he does it for you 🥺
Squeezing some shampoo into his palm, gently rubbing it into your hair, using his hand to shield your face as he carefully washes it out. Running his hands over your arms and the top of you chest with soap, lathering you up and then rinsing again. And then he’s squeezing water out of a cloth, running the damp material over your face to clean it of sweat and sick.
And when he’s done, he stands and promises to be right back as he takes the bin full of vomit to the communal bathrooms, dumping it out in the toilet and then washing it in the showers. It’s early hours of the morning so no one is there, but he’d do it even if people were looking at him like he was crazy. 🥺
And when he comes back, he helps you out of the bath and bundles you up in a big fluffy towel. Runs it over your skin and dries you up, and helps you stand as you request to brush your teeth.
And then he brings you back into the room and helps you dress in some of his clothes, a pair of his sleep pants that he has to tie the string extra tight so they’ll stay up, and roll the cuffs up to your ankle about 10 times until you can walk without tripping. And he’s also got some sleep shirts that he’s never worn, and you swim in that also so he rolls up the sleeves until you can see your hands.
And now all you want to do is fall back into his pillows and go to sleep, but he asks you to hold on a while longer so that he can get you some meds. And he has you take some pills, encourages you to drink some more water, (“slow, baby”), and then he helps you lie back and get comfortable.
And if you wake up later in the night to get sick again, he’s waking up right along with you, holding you and hushing you and being the sweetest person you could ever ask for.
In instances like this, you can’t help but need and accept his help. And he doesn’t mind giving it, in fact he wants you to come to him. Anything that brings you pain, he’ll destroy.
And he’ll make sure you eat as much as you can, and that you’re drinking water. Constantly asking you how you feel, if there’s anything he can do. Runs a cold cloth over your face to soothe the fever, and massages your aching muscles until you’re all better.
The voice he uses when you’re sick 🥺. He knows that any noise can hurt your head, so he lowers his voice and it’s so smooth and deep and rumbly. So soft and gentle 😭 the sweetest voice bc his baby is in pain and he just wants to take it all away 🥺🥺
In other cases where you’re sick, like you have a cold, you’re more stubborn. You shut yourself away as soon as you get the first symptoms, denying any hint that you might be getting sick, until suddenly he realizes he hasn’t seen you in days and stops by to find you buried under covers, surrounded by tissues, all lights off in your apartment, sleeping fitfully.
And so he’ll sigh a little, clean up your apartment and then sit and watch over you. When you wake up, you’ll groan and burrow deeper into the covers and demand he leave. But he’ll just tell you to be quiet and drink this water.
Demands you tell him the moment you feel sick next time, even though he knows you never will. And then when he gets you some medicine and food, your cheeks are red with embarrassment and fever as you bashfully accept them.
But ofc you’ll get over it soon because Anakin’s here now and you might as well be miserable in his arms. So you push the covers off your overheating body and reach across the bed for him, practically falling into his lap from where he’s sitting on a chair by your bedside.
And he just simply catches you and strokes your hair and hushes you as you bury your wet eyes and flushed cheeks into his chest, sniffling pathetically.
“You’re okay, sweetheart,” he’ll promise, and hold you in his warm arms and rock you until you fall asleep.
Getting sick on Republic Cruisers is the worst. When that happens, you’re either on your way to or back from war. And so usually people are busy and running around, or exhausted and beat up. The ship is cold and everyone has their own problems to worry about, but you feel like ass and you just want to be alone with Anakin.
He feels awful when he sees you, and will order everyone out of the pilot’s room. And then he’ll clear the passenger seat off, urge you to sit down, wrap you up in as many blankets as he can find, and when he can only find a couple, he’ll sacrifice his Jedi robe. And you’ll nuzzle deep down into the cacoon of blankets and inhale the scent of Anakin’s robe, fall in and out of consciousness as you’re lulled to sleep by the soft sounds of the ship.
Anakin wishes there was more he could do for you in these instances, but the food isn’t good and there’s not usually any medicine. So he’ll keep a hand on your knee, or let you hold his hand in your lap as you sleep, and he’ll send a little surge of peace and soothing energy through the force and into you.
Will 100% find an excuse to carry you off the ship when you land, and then spend the rest of the day lying with you and tending to you and trying to make you feel better 🥺
He’s so caring and so protective and sweet. His gentle side really comes out, because his #1 thing is that he needs the people he loves to be safe, so if an illness is hurting you he will do anything he can to take the pain away.
Yes, he can’t take care of himself sometimes. But the minute you’re feeling a little under the weather, suddenly he has a PHD in medical science and he’s nursing you back to health like an expert 🥺
Also he’ll never deny you kisses when you’re sick, even if you warn him he might catch it, he just hushes you and kisses you softly on the lips. Then on the chin, then the nose, then the forehead.
Will always brush off your inability to accept help. If you say “no” or “leave me alone” or “I’m fine go away” he’ll just roll his eyes and plant himself there. Bc no matter how stubborn you can be, he’s even more.
And when you keep apologizing, obviously feeling awful for having him take care of you, he’ll just hush your worries and hold a tissue to your nose and go “blow.”
And then he’ll stay with you and watch over you until you’re all better. And even when you get back into the swing of things, he’ll watch over you like a hawk while you’re recovering 🥺🥺
You might get shy and ashamed and embarrassed when he tries to help you, but he doesn’t mind. You’ll just have to come to accept the fact that he’s always going to be there for you, to help you and hold you and make you all better ❤️
Sweet boy is so good to you 🥺🥺🥰
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h2bakugou · 4 years
Heh bitchhhhh 🥴🥴🥴, can i request a bakugo x reader. The reader has a showstopper quirk were they can make people break out into song and dance and when kidnapped by the league they force them to preform “ive got a dream” from tangled. P.s play bloxburg with me 🥺👉🏼👈🏼
a/n: heyyyy bitchhhh, lmfao yes, thank you for drafting this idea to me in my bedroom, and we can play bloxburg soon. i had so much fun writing this omg, 
the song is from tangled so credit to tangled for most of the dialogue/song!
summary: upon running into the league of villains, you and bakugou decide it’s best to just try and get away instead of staying and fighting, but your quirk is going to affect all in the area.
key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / showstopper - your quirk
warnings: swearing, fluff, angst, this is a certified crackfic brought to you by my sister’s amazing brain.
wordcount: 1.7k
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It’s a pretty average day, nothing crazy happening. for a grade in class, you’ve been assigned to patrol near campus.
And you were paired with none other than your crush, Bakugou.
The tension between the two of you was palpable, but it was a battle between knowing if Bakugou was aware of your quirk or not. You were worried.
As the tension settled, thickening with every passing second, every breath feeling harder to push out than the last, Bakugou was tired of the silence.
“Oi! Say something.” Bakugou’s harsh voice cut through the silence like a knife. It was unexpected, and it startled you. You looked over at him and cracked a smile.
“Sorry! I’m just thinking, what exactly are we looking for on this patrol?” You ask, deciding it was best to not worry if he knew about your quirk or not, he was in your class, surely he had to know.
“It’s a patrol. We’re not looking for something specific dumbass. We’re looking for anything out of the ordinary.” Bakugou’s words weren’t meant to hurt you, in fact, Bakugou began to think about if what he had said had been to harsh.
He’d been suffocating the feelings of a crush toward you for a while, and this patrol with one another didn’t help. Kirishima nor Kaminari were here to keep him grounded, he was going to be a mess.
A few screams caught your attention. Darting over to the noise, a lady was running away from an alley. Glancing at Bakugou, the two of you rushed in, not expecting what you saw.
The light from an open door illuminated a portion of the alley at the end, the rest shadowed in darkness from the buildings looming above.
Stepping into the lit room, the door was harshly shut and locked behind you, your eyes focusing on none other than the League of Villains.
“Shit.” You cursed, staring at the group of rag-tag villains with dangerous abilities.
“Well isn’t this ironic.” Tomura Shigaraki trotted over, standing oddly, almost hunched over as he scratched at the side of his neck.
“That can’t be healthy.” You whispered, cringing at the unnerving sound of his fingernails scratching against his raw skin.
“Bakugou wait!” You pulled him back from lunging at the group, taking a step back away from them.
“We gotta stop them! What are you doing?” Bakugou yelled, glaring at you.
“Do you really think we can stop all of them at once? That’s suicide! Think dumbass!” You hit the top of his head lightly with a fist and groaned.
“That’s my line!” Bakugou grunted, looking back at the league. Shigaraki stood up straight and sighed, flexing his hand.
“What ideas do you have?” Bakugou hated asking the question, but he couldn’t use his. He’d cause to much damage, and structural damage to the bottom floor would cause the building to collapse.
“I have one but-”
“Then use it!”
“I can’t! My quirk it’ll-” You knew this was going to happen.
“I’m getting tired of your bickering. Dabi-”
“Use your quirk and stop wasting time!” Bakugou shakes you, gripping your shoulders harshly. It hurt but you activated your quirk and all the lights went out.
A single light shone down and Shigaraki stepped forward. He wasn’t moving on his own accord, and everyone was just watching as you raised your hands, seemingly controlling him like a puppet.
As music began to play, Shigaraki began to sing.
“I’m malicious, mean, and scary. My sneer could curdle dairy. And violence wise, my hands are not the cleanest.” Shigaraki’s eyes were wide, still conscious of everything that was happening, he was unhappy with the events unfolding.
The rest of the league sat immobile as they watched the scene unfold, Dabi trying to hold back a laugh, Kurogiri being ultimately curious, and Toga happy as can be.
“But despite my evil look, and my temper, and my hook, I’ve always yearned to be a concert pianist.” Shigaraki was moved over to where a piano sat, coincidentally still in pretty okay shape. Guess hiding out in yet another bar had its perks.
“Can’tcha see me on the stage performin’ Mozart? Tickilin’ the ivories ‘til they gleam. Yep, I’d rather be called deadly, for my killer show-tune medley, thank you! ‘Cause way down deep inside I’ve got a dream!” Shigaraki’s fingers danced across the keys, always having one on each hand raised as to not decay the entire piano.
It was you controlling him playing, not him at all. Shigaraki had never touched a piano in his life, yet it was very interesting to seemingly be able to play it perfectly.
“He’s got a dream! He’s got a dream!” The rest of the league joined in, singing along with him.
“See I ain’t as cruel and vicious as I seem! Though I do like breaking femurs, you can count me with the dreamers Like everybody else, I’ve got a dream!” Shigaraki ended his verse off with a groovy riff on the keys, the spotlight jumping over to Dabi.
“I’ve got scars, and lumps, and bruises. Plus something here that oozes. And let’s not even mention my complexion.” Dabi stepped forward, his hands pointing out parts on his body.
“But despite my extra toes, and my goiter, and my nose, I really wanna make a love connection.” Dabi’s eyes widened as he sang the words, your fingers wiggling around, controlling his movements.
“Can’t you see me with a special little lady, rowin’ in a rowboat down the stream?” Dabi sat on a stool and mimicked rowing in a boat, continuing his verse.
“Though I’m one disgusting blighter, I’m a lover, not a fighter! ‘Cause way down deep inside I’ve got a dream!” Dabi jumped up form his stool and stood in the middle of the room.
“He’s got a dream!” The league sang.
"I’ve got a dream!” Dabi continued.
“He’s got a dream!”
“And I know one day romance will reign supreme! Though my face leaves people screaming, there’s a child behind it, dreaming. Like everybody else, I’ve got a dream!” Dabi danced his way over to Shigaraki.
“Magne would like to quit and be a florist!”
“Kurogiri does interior design.”
“Twice is into mime, Toga’s cupcakes are sublime!”
“Mr. Compress knits.”
“Giran sews.”
“Muscular does little puppet shows!”
“And Spinner collects ceramic unicorns~!” 
"What about you?” Shigaraki steps toward Bakugou who’s eyes widen in surprise as they quickly dart to you and then back to Shigaraki.
You were controlling everyone, the only downside to your quirk, is everyone in the area is affected. You control those in the room, even Bakugou. You just hoped he wasn’t going to hate you after this.
“I’m sorry me?” Bakugou asks, staring at Shigaraki. Dabi steps forward too.
“What’s your dream?” Dabi asks, pulling him into the center of the room where the spotlight shone.
“No, no no, sorry boys, I don’t sing.” Bakugou replied coolly. You stifled a laugh as he stared at you.
The league glared at him as the music kicked up again.
“I have dreams like you, no really! Just much less, touchy-feely. They mainly happen somewhere warm and sunny!” Bakugou began to sing, dancing around the bar.
“On an island that I own, tanned, and rested, and alone, surrounded by enormous piles of money!” Bakugou laid on the bar counter, propped up on his side as he pretended to relax on a beach.
“I’ve got a dream!”
“I’ve got a dream!” The rest of the league joined back in singing, while you pulled Bakugou off the counter, still controlling the others. You had to get out of here while they were still distracted. The song was almost over.
“She’s got a dream, he’s got a dream, they’ve got a dream, we’ve got a dream!” The league sang together.
“So our diff’rences ain’t really that extreme!”
“Call us brutal!” Shigaraki started.
“Sick.” Dabi added.
“Sadistic!” Twice and Toga sang harmoniously.
"And grotesquely optimistic.” Kurogiri sang, his voice was surprisingly really good.
“‘Cause way down deep inside, we’ve got a dream!” The league was singing together again.
You pulled Bakugou out of the bar and helped him down the alley as the two of you ran away, heading back toward the campus to let the heroes know.
“I’ve got a dream!” Shigaraki started again.
“I’ve got a dream!” Dabi was next.
“I’ve got a dream!”
“I’ve got a dream!”
“I’ve got a dream!” Kurogiri, Compress and Twice joined in.
“I’ve got a dream!” Toga smiled as she joined in. She was having a blast.
“Yes, way down deep inside I’ve got a dream!” They all joined in for the last line as the music faded out.
The lights returned to normal and everyone was able to move on their own.
“What the fuck!” Shigaraki cursed, shaking his body out as a chill raced through him.
“That was horrible!” Dabi groaned, staring at Shigaraki.
“I didn’t know you could play the piano!” Toga rushed over to Shigaraki.
“I can’t.” Shigaraki glared at the blonde girl.
“And who knew Kurogiri could sing so well!” Twice laughed.
“Never speak of this to anyone.” Shigaraki groaned, taking a breath from the entire show.
- - -
“Why’d you make me sing?!” Bakugou groaned as he held your hand, pulling you into the main campus building.
“My quirk affects everyone in the area. I didn’t have much of a choice. You had to do something or it would’ve messed up.” You sighed.
“Whatever. I guess it wasn’t so bad.” 
“You have a nice voice.” You compliment him. Bakugou’s cheeks twinge red as he thinks about what you just said.
“It was kind of funny to see them all sing and dance like that huh?” You question, gripping his hand a bit softer, your own face heating up as he runs his thumb across the back of your hand.
“It was something alright. Let’s just get this dealt with. And don’t you dare tell anyone about this!” Bakugou stops, pulling you into him.
“I won’t, I promise!” You smile, looking into his crimson eyes.
“Good.” Bakugou’s eyes flick down to your lips and then back up to your eyes.
He pulls you in for a quick kiss, his lips locking onto yours for a few seconds before pulling away.
“Or that.” He pouts, huffing his cheeks as he returns to walking, leaving you stunned as you slowly catch up, excitement bubbling inside you.
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lucky-peoqle · 4 years
unwanted guests | d.m.
pairings: draco malfoy x hufflepuff!reader, somewhat platonic!weasley twins (fred is pretty flirty😁)x hufflepuff!reader, platonic!cedric diggory x reader, and platonic!zacharias smith x reader.
summary: y/n the hufflepuff american student promised her housemates, cedric and zacharias, that she would watch them practice for their next match, she was accompanied by the infamous gryffindors, the weasley twins. as watching her house, she starts hearing whooping and hollering, she soon gets annoyed with the group of slytherins and confronts them.
warnings: some swearing, blood, pansy bodyshames reader
a/n: hello, ive bee super busy with school !! im currently obsessed with hp again :) hope u all enjoy this,, its a bit longer than usual. this is set during goblet of fire !! :) very unedited and kinda rushed :/ sorry
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the temperature was pretty cold on this particular fall day, as the y/h/c hufflepuff sat outside, writing in a journal she kept, looking up to answer her housemate and one of her best friend, cedric diggory's questions.
"so, will you come? zacharias thought it would be a good idea," he said, motioning to the blonde hufflepuff boy who was watching from afar.
"hm? oh, uh, sure! if it makes you two happy," she looked up from her journal, smiling at the brunette, then the blonde.
"great! i'll tell him when we get to lunch."
and with that, the bell rang, making the other people outside with you get up and head inside to the great hall.
the two of you got up, and started making your way to the great hall, colored robes passing you by. "did you ever open up the golden dragon egg?" you said, looking up at him.
"yeah! that reminds me, i have to tell harry about that. thanks," he smiled.
you smiled back, "potter? you're telling him how to open it?"
"why not, y'know. it's the least i could do," he shrugged.
"that's so sweet! i'm glad you two are getting along."
by now you were in the great hall, walking past the gryffindor table to your table, making eye contact with the golden trio and weasley twins as you passed by with your best friend.
you were in the same year as the golden trio, meeting them the first day on the train, them finding you american accent amusing, but they got use to it pretty fast. then they introduced you to ron's twin brothers, fred and george, they were drawn to you instantly, poking fun of your accent from time to time.
last but not least, you met cedric. you met cedric in the common room your second day of hogwarts. you had drifted to sleep, one of you housemates cats curled on your lap, and cedric had woken you, helping you back to bed. ever since then you had been best friends ever since.
you took your sear next to cedric, zacharias smith, another close friend of yours, sat across from the two of you.
"zach! good news, y/n is coming to watch us practice tomorrow," the brunette smiled brightly.
"great! i can't wait to show off to you, maybe it'll make you fall for me instead of that weasley twin," he said jokingly.
"who? fred?" she chuckled, "zach, you're kidding right? freddies just a friend. sure we flirt, but that's what friends do, right?"
"you have a weird interpretation of friendship y/n/n," zach stifled a laugh.
you rolled your eyes, turning your head towards cedric, who was looking at the ravenclaw table, that was standing next to your table. you followed his eyesight that was met with cho chang.
"ced is making googly eyes at his girlfriend again," you laugh, making him turn his attention to you.
"so what? don't act like i didn't see you smiling at fred weasley."
"i smiled at all of them! fred and i don't have feelings for each other," she huffed.
"suree," zacharias said in a sing song voice.
you shook your head, poking your food around your plate, looking across the ravenclaw table to the slytherin table. you saw draco malfoy joking with his friends, his cold grey eyes drifting to meet your warm y/e/c ones. his eyes grew colder once they finally met yours. you softly smiled at him and his eyes grew softer, and he quickly turned his attention back to his group of friends.
'huh, weird,' you thought, turning your attention back to cedric and zacharias.
the day quickly passed, ending like it always does. going into the hufflepuff common room, it being filled with muggle and non-muggle type plants, the warm fireplace going. you made your way up to your dorm you shared with hannah abbott. changing out of your robs and falling asleep quickly.
you woke up, the warm fall sun peeking through the window of your dorm. you looked over at hannah, who had been awake but reading, it was still a bit early so breakfast wouldn't be ready yet. it was saturday after all, so no need to worry about classes.
"morning," you mumbled tiredly to hannah.
"good morning!" she put her book down, "i came back late last night from study with ernie and you were out like a light!"
"yeah, last night was kinda of tiring," you chuckled, sitting up, "why are you up so early anyway?"
"i thought we could go down to the great hall together, we've been so busy and rarely get to talk, why not catch up on our way down there yeah?"
"sure! that sounds lovely," you smile, getting up from your bed.
the two of you got ready for the day, putting on your hufflepuff robes, and made your way down to the common room. only a few people were sat in the common room, a few waving and bidding you good morning as you passed by.
you two walked out of the common room and head up to the great hall. "so how have you been?" hannah asked beside you.
"i've been well! busy with getting cedric through the tournament, y'know..."
"yeah, that must be though."
"it isn't actually! im extremely proud of him, i know he'll win this."
"i really hope he does! finally a hufflepuff getting the recognition they deserve," hannah smiled.
"newt scamander is pretty cool," you smiled, "i take great pride in being as the same house as him."
hannah shrugged, "yeah, very interesting man, he is. isn't loony lovegood related to him?"
"don't call her that, she's very nice. but, i believe so, in some way."
by now, you're in the great hall, making your to your table. you continue to chat till hannah departs from you to sit with susan bones and leanne, who were chatting amongst themselves.
you quickly find cedric, who was chatting with justin finch-fletchley. you sat next to him and started putting food on your plate. he heard you and turned your attention on you.
"good morning y/n/n," he smiled brightly.
"good morning ced, how're you?"
"great! excited for practice today."
you two chatted for the rest of breakfast, by the end of it, you were stuffed. you looked at the slytherin table, remembering the look draco malfoy gave you. you spotted him, he was talking to crabbe, goyle, and pansy, laughing, smiling, he looked happy.
draco turned his head to answer someone's question, while doing so, he caught you staring. you blushed brightly, hesitating before giving you a smile. he returned the gesture with one of his iconic smug smirks.
you looked away, turning your attention to cedric, "practice starts soon, i should get ready. see you out there?"
you nodded with a smile, and he smiled back, getting up and leaving the great hall.
you got up after a bit of thinking, and made your way to your common room to grab your journal and scarf, since it would be chilly out.
once you did so, you made your way back up the stairs, going through corridor to corridor.
you were walking in peaceful silence, until you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist, and lift you up, spinning you around.
you let out a laugh as the two head headed boys laughed loudly, "fred weasley! put me down!"
"what's the magic word?"
"no, but close enough," he said, dropping you, making you land on your butt.
"ouch! fred! george! what were you thinking?"
"we weren't! so what are you up to?" george chuckled.
"i'm going to watch cedric and zacharias practice," you smile, "wanna come? i wouldn't mind the company."
"sure!" the boys said together.
you're little group of three walked to the quidditch posts, your yellow and black scarf clashing with their red and yellow ones. fred had thrown an arm around you shoulder.
you sat down in the middle of the twins, fred's arm sitting around you. you were right, it was chilly, but it was nice. this was your favorite time of year.
you watched as cedric and zacharias flew around, catching the ball or passing it to another teammate. zacharias caught sight of you, and winked, motioning to the arm around your shoulder. you just stuck your tounge out in response.
the time you spent was fun, until a certain group of slytherins decided to crash the practice. you rolled your eyes as the began to yell and laugh at them, distracting the players.
"ignore them," george said, "they have no brains, nor can they play fair."
you chuckled at that, "you're right on that one."
the four slytherins were still yelling, it was very annoying. fred and george reassuring you to leave them alone and they'll get bored and leave soon.
you kept your temper, watching your house practice. it was going fine, until draco yelled something towards cedric that made your best friend look at him, the ball hitting him right in the face, knocking cedric off his broom.
you gasp as you got up quickly, looking over the railing, watching cedric get up from his spot on the ground, wiping his now bloodied nose.
you turn to malfoy, who was staring in disbelief, but always laughing. pansy parkinson was shrieking out laughter, it hurt your ears. you walk up to the four, george and fred calling out to you to stop.
the four turned towards you, laughing still.
"what do you want, l/n?" draco asked.
"you ass! cedric could have gotten hurt! he's never done anything to you! you distracted him on purpose so that you wouldn't have to face loosing to him in our next quidditch match against slytherin!"
"and so what? it's not like you can stop us from coming up here during their practice," pansy laughed. "you're just a pathetic little hufflepuff, well i wouldn't say little... your robes make you look fat."
you took a step back, you had always been insecure about your weight and body image. you began to tear up. george and fred too far away to hear what was going on. you opened your mouth to defend yourself, but nothing came out except a small squeak.
pansy, crabbe, and goyle all let out shrieks of laughter. you couldn't let them see you cry, so you ran. you heard shouting behind you. draco yelling something, and the twins shouting after you, following you.
you had lost them though, finding yourself in moaning myrtles bathroom. you said down the wall, letting out sob after sob. you sat there crying for a while, until you heard someone come in.
"leave me alone, you're unwanted here." you choke out, looking away from them.
"sorry about what pansy said back there, i told her since the start of third year, you were off limits."
you turn around, seeing the platinum blonde slytherin. "off limits?"
"from us bullying you, she's been jealous of you since."
"jealous? of me? what are you talking about?"
draco took a seat next to you, "i've fancied you for a while, just never had the courage to tell you. i thought you liked one of the weasley twins honestly."
you shook you head, "or were you just too ashamed to tell me since im a pathetic hufflepuff?" you sniffed.
"what? no, no! that's not it, i was just scared. I didn't want to be rejected, i guess."
"the thing back there with cedric, you're an ass for that."
"i know, i didn't mean for him to get knocked off his broom, i deserved to get yelled at."
you sat in comfortable silence for a while, not knowing what to say. pansy's words making their way back into your thoughts.
"pansy was right."
draco laughed, "about?"
"me being fat, my robes look horrible on me."
"don't say that! y/n, you're on of the most beautiful people i've ever seen walk this earth," draco said looking over at you.
"why the sudden urge to tell me about your feelings?"
"because it felt right... like yesterday and this morning, you smiled at me and it felt like it was time," he sighed.
you smiled over at him, and grabbed his hand. he intertwined your fingers and smiled back. he began to lean in, until his lips met yours, fireworks going off. you pulled away, your face bright read.
"who would of thought, me, draco malfoy, slytherin prince, dating a hufflepuff..."
"the world works in crazy ways," you smile, "i'm glad you came looking for me."
"so am i, y/n, so am i."
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transhoverfish · 3 years
ive been watching a bunch of ghost hunting shows lately and now im just thinking about the mercury II and/or aurora being haunted
BRO i actually have a ghost au that i never finished writing?? 4546b is DEFINITELY haunted!! i vibe with ghosts!! i might rework the au a bit bc i made it before bz released and rewrite it again sometime,,,, i keep adding to my subnautica fic pile 😔✊
WELL ANYWAYS if u wanna read my very short very unfinished (as in pleaee excuse the grammar and spelling mistakes) haunted ryley fic its under the cut! i might have posted it before but i dont remember so in that case here it is again LABDKABRJ
"Are you here to play?"
He slowly opens his eyes, but sees nothing but darkness, as if they were still closed.
"Who are you?"
He recognizes the voice. He's heard it plenty of times before. He doesn't know who the voice belongs to. He can only hear it in his head, when his guard is let down enough to let it in. He wishes it would leave him alone.
"Where are you?"
It further questions him, and he cannot answer. He's only vaguely aware of where he is: his bed. In his base. His base he set up by himself, alone, in the middle of an endless ocean.
Whoever is calling would never find him. Nobody ever would. Nobody ever has. Nothing but crashed ships and bodies remained on this planet. He was utterly alone with the wildlife.
The voice repeats its questions. Asks more and more until his head is pounding with words that don't mean anything, with questions he does not have the answers to, with panic and bitterness and helplessness.
"You have to help." The voice commands.
He doesn't know how to. He's not sure he cares enough to figure it out. He's not sure he wants to do anything more than sleep. He felt tired all the time now.
"You have to help." It repeats, louder.
The words play over and over in his head, blending into one another he hears nothing but a loud noise, devoid of any discernible language.
Frustrated with another failed attempt to communicate anything back, he tries to shut the voice out entirely.
And when he blinks his eyes open again, he sees the white ceiling of his base. Hears the faint buzzing of his water filtration from the next few rooms over.
His head still aches terribly. Groaning, he gives up on any more sleep, fearing the voice will return. He leaves the habitat, unsure of what else to do.
He built it on one of the islands. It felt nice to leave it and step onto land instead of water. The Aurora almost doesn't look destroyed from this far away. He can almost pretend everything's going as planned, and the rest of the ship are just somewhere else on the planet.
But then he looks down a hill, and sees the broken remains of a habitat that is not his own, that is not built by anyone on the Aurora, and he stops being able to pretend.
He stares at the base now, and he knows it's unfair, but he can't help but be bitter and blame them. If the Degasi had never come here, neither would the Aurora have. He wouldn't be here, alone, with no way for anyone to help him. His friends wouldn't have been here.
You seem upset.
He freezes, and turns around. He doesn't see anything.
He's used to hearing a voice in his head, usually when he's dreaming. But only a single voice. The same one.
This voice was different. Oddly familiar, but definitely not usual.
It wasn't asking or pleading for anything.
"Hello?" He tries calling out. Silence follows.
Maybe he's actually hallucinating at this point. He feels really tired. Maybe he should just try to sleep again. He knows he wants to. Something stops him from heading back to his bed, something telling himself to stay where he is.
LIKE I SAID VERY SHORT. i swear ill start working on my fics again soon 😔 hope u enjoyed if u read this far!!
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beann-e · 4 years
Ocean Waves Can Calm A Fire
Akaashi With An Energetic S/O
your body moved up and down as you jumped softly on the couch trying to contain the energy you had bubbling at the surface your brain screaming at you telling you the same thing it always did
‘ to do something go do anything you dont want to sit here go bother someone do something ‘
you jumped up as you made you way to the room at the end of the hall opening it without knocking accidentally slamming the door into the wall as the male behind the desk in front of you jumped before raising his face to look at you
“ s-sorry — but did you know that bunnies also express happiness by jumping around and flicking their heads and feet “ your voice came out loud as you smiled widely
the man in front of you smiling softly before speaking calmly rivaling your own loud voice “ that’s a nice fact y/n where’d you find that “
you jumped up on the balls of your feet rocking back and forth “ google — they always have a bunch of stuff — hey babe I didn’t know you even had this many books in here “ you moved to run you hands over all the spines head turned sideways reading the names
he smiled as he moved to get back to work thinking to leave you to yourself while he finished up his last minute things “ oh god look at this one it looks old“ you opened it as dust flew out “ and boring “
akaashi’s head moved to look up at you again as his eyes furrowed ‘ it’s only been 5 minutes ‘ he thought as he looked between you and the table that held almost all his books from the bookshelf thrown across it ‘ how did they get through all the books on the bookshelf ‘
“ ooh and this ones about writing techniques — why read about them your a great writer already — why is writing so hard anyway — I mean is it hard for you babe “
he moved to stand walking over to you quietly as he pulled the book from your hand slowly rubbing his hand down your shoulder to your forearm before plucking it away and then moving to put the books back on the bookshelf in his office “ no akaashi what are you doing I was looking at those “
“ were you looking at them all at the same time — or even right now “
“ no “
“ then let’s put them up so they don’t get the house messy ok “ you pouted as you moved to sit at his desk “ don’t be sad y/n you can look at them later —when i’m done i’ll help you find one that’s interesting to read with a cool design on it and not so dusty “
you smiled as you looked at his computer “ woah look at all these tabs you have open — I didn’t even know a computer could have these many open at one time “
“ yeah their all for work baby — I have a lot to do “
“ oh no i’m sorry am I bothering you I don’t mean to — I just got a burst of energy and I — I didn’t know what to do and I wanted to see yo-“ he moved over to you as he moved the chair to face him
“ your fine I swear y/n “ he directed you up “ come on up up up — I gotta finish what i’m doing “
you jumped up quickly as he sat down holding his arms out to you for you to sit down you agreeing and sitting down hearing the typing from his computer as he scooted up to the table . Your body moving around every so often his breath in your ear as you felt your foot going to sleep and body get a ping sent through it mind lighting up as you smiled and wiggled your way on his lap
“ what’s going on y/n —you ok“
“ I just — “
“ you want to get up baby “
you wiggled out of his grasp trying to pull yourself out as he opened his arms “ ok go ahead “ you moved out of his hold as he went back to working you seeing his glasses falling down his face pushing them back up as they fell again
your hands moving to push them up again as he smiled at your constant losing battle with his glasses his hand grabbing yours and squeezing in a loving way “ here y/n why don’t you go find something to do just for a moment until I can give you my full attention ok “
you smiled as an idea popped in your brain “ ok “ his hands getting to work as he let his eyes roam over the screen trying to see how much he had left only a little while longer and then he’d have the ability to give in to your entergetic antics.
His eyes moving slowly to face you as you walked in again holding the speaker in your hand blanket wrapped around yourself in a fake dress and a smile plastered on his face oh how he wanted to give you more attention than he did he always hoped you never found him boring seeing as though he’s never had as much energy as you
Even in highschool he thought he’d lost his chances with you when he went to get your number in the crowd at a game and bokuto stood next to him your eyes always flickering over to the slightly taller male before they would fall on akaashi’s with a polite smile
He remembered how he was going to say nevermind and allow you to just talk to bokuto until you finally spoke asking bokuto the question he thought he would dred and feel sad over for weeks
“ ok so ive been debating on saying this but — I just can’t help it “
bokutos eyesbrows raised in a wide smile in interest to what you would ask
“ you seem so fun really really fun—I saw you during the match and right now your giving off energy waves and I feel like our vibes connect we have to hangout please can we go a ball park or maybe even laser tag please “
you smiled widely as bokuto screaned “ hey ! akaashi I like them their fun and they complimented me—I wanna go on you guys’s date youll let me right akaashi —so I can have a friend like me —“
you smiled as you turned to akaashi “ i’m so sorry if that seemed like I liked him more than you —I just I don’t have very many people who don’t get annoyed because i’m energetic and to see someone exactly like that with a friend who can put up with it —makes me think that I may have a chance with you if you’d allow me to go on a date with you —even though I — i’m a little surprised that your interested in me “
you smiled “ that —you think —that i’m not to much“
akaashi whispered down to you under his breath happily thinking back on the memory
“ your not too much — you never are — your exactly what I need to keep me from sinking into my thoughts “
he watched as you were gliding across the floor In front of the desk happily singing while he watched hand propped up under his chin
your movements slowing as you moved the blanket to wrap around your shoulders still singing to him
“ y/n come on” he said quietly waving his hand towards him “ come on my love come lay down “
“i’m not tired “ you pouted and rolled your eyes as you climbed onto akaashi’s lap straddling him head against his shoulder smile on his face as he leaned back in his chair holding his arms around you cradling you like a baby hands rubbing small circles into your back as your breathing slowed
“ sleepy y/n? “
“ mmhmm “ you let out as you found yourself falling asleep in your boyfriends arms that you always seemed to fall into when you ran out of energy he always caught on to it when it happened because all your motions would slow and he would know that you’d tired yourself out
he kissed your head softly as he moved to close his laptop taking you to the bed and climbing in next to you hugging you tightly to his chest as he closed his eyes your body heating up from his own and the two of you claiming your space in each other’s dreams
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