#i swear i'm gonna get over my issue drawing guys by DRAWING GUYS
bassicallymaestra · 1 month
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I was looking for reference pictures of guys in scarves for my last drawing and found this amazing picture of Lenny Kravitz in a GIANT scarf and needed to draw Sebastian in it.
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getallemeralds · 19 days
HEEEEYY OKAY SO (YOU TOTALLY DONT HAVE TO ANSWER THIS) BUT. If there was a hypothetical reconciliation between Swears & Friend, how do you think it would go?
(No I am NOT brainrotting over ur little shapes again) (and no I am NOT trying to find new, potential drawing material with them)
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HWHUGHWUGHGGHUGH . ok i definitely had stuff planned out for this at one point but my brain is swiss cheese so im gonna fuck it we ball
friend at one point kinda stumbled into the mindset of "if i want to be a hero i need to be like swears" bc trying to be Themself uhhhh. got them fuckin Blasted in annihilate. among other things. except trying to copy swears / fill in for them when they got shattered did Basically Nothing bc sovereign just kinda Ignored Them and they feel like they made things worse instead
(what friend is good at is. being literally friend-shaped. theyre just a little guy and they try to connect with people and are more emotional rather than physical. this is something i didnt get to explore much but that i would love to riff on more if i ever redid ja&b)
so yknow. eventually in a story arc we didnt do, friend manages to save the day through the power of love ([swears voice] and this really big triangle i found) but still feels like they arent doing anything Right. and it takes swears, who is more action than thought, a bit to finally catch on to What The Issue Is bc even though stuff should be fine now For Some Reason It Isn't
swears is really, really bad at any sort of emotional conversation. their go-to is snarky jabs and irreverent quips and distancing themself from Feelings as much as possible. this is why the duet Get Along Shirt situation was such a nightmare for them bc they kinda Couldnt, or at least not for long. so it would be awkward, and clumsy, but they eventually fumble their way into telling friend that theyre proud of them and never thought any less of them, even with all of the blunders along the way. because friend's got their back! so theyll have friend's in return. and its literally been that way Since They Were Made. theyre a package deal do not separate etc etc.
CIRCLE: ...you mean it? SQUARE: 'Course I do. Why wouldn't I? It's been you and me since forever, and there's no way I would've gotten this far without you. CIRCLE: But I thought... I... I keep getting in the way. SQUARE: Dude, I get in the way of myself, you're not special. --Uh, I mean. SQUARE: Look, even if you mess up sometimes, we always pull it back in the end. (And I think we've established nothing can kill me in a way that matters?) CIRCLE: Only because you fix what I mess up. SQUARE: And you make it so I can be here to fix. Someone's gotta remind me what I'm doing all this for.
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mugeesworld · 8 months
One Piece Fans Green & Red Flags!!
I seen someone do this on tiktok and thought I would do some of my takes😋 this is as a joke so don't take it to heart
Also these are HELLA specific so don't ask how I know I just do ok
The one piece fans that are still in alabaster and instead of watching one piece they are scrolling on the tiktok # of it. +extra points if you're already doing fanart of them.
non binary luffy/chopper fans (quite silly people I enjoy your company. You probably have a saved collection of videos of cats with silly sounds. Don't lie to me ik you do)
Asexual Zoro and luffy fans
Platonic Nami and luffy shippers (ya know like brother sister dynamic)
Female plus size sanji fans (cough cough me. But I've seen all y'all out their. You freaky bitches)
Usopp fans (enough said)
People that love the usopp and Nami bestie duo.
Dadan fans (period)
People that make fanart of zoro and chopper being cute
People that draw robin with that one nose shape and also draw her like that one lady from criminal minds.
Trans men Franky fans (you started wearing button ups over t-shirts huh. Elite style and funny as hell)
Female Franky shippers (Bless y'all. Y'all my favs probably. Making the best edits I swear. Probably looking for a man's like Franky cause you kin robin)
Nami x Vivi shippers (yeah😋)
Introverted female robin fans (hit my line)
Female buggy fans
Trans men zoro fans
FEMALE OR TRANS MASC WHITEBEARD STAN'S (very rare to come across. Y'all great but y'all need to heal your dad issues)
People that don't leave out Franky, jinbei, and brook in writing stuff
People that write for Franky in general.(he needs more love)
Marco simps (brave soliders right here. You really picked that mf? Yeah me you. IT'S ABOUT PERSONALITY OK???)
Sanji fans that actually find his training arc fun and not gross
Female Mihawk stans (naughty gal😼 you like them cold)
You know what?! Any trans masc one piece fan that picked a character and was like. Yep! He's literally me! Im literally him!
Jinbei fans (you guys are either sweethearts or middle school boys(the mean kind)
Brook fans that do fanart. (See cause y'all gonna eat every time)
Bon clay fans that actually like him and don't just make fun of him.
I forgot his name. Umm Coby? I think? Yeah Coby fans.
Rayleigh simps (insert sound *I'm so hungry I could eat at Arby's! She really is hungry!* Me too girl me too.)
Same for garp ^
The people that been making the shanks love actions edits 😋
People that make corecore/hopecore edits of one piece
Ik I've said it a bunch but the drawing community that has been carrying the one piece fandom on tiktok. (Ty for blessing us)
Plus size one piece fans +points if you cosplay
That hot old lady that took chopper in and the hot old lady with Rayleigh fans. (Those two would be such good friends and serve some major cunt. Drawers! Get to it you know what to do.)
People that feel the need to tell sanji fans about Fishman Island every chance they get as if other characters don't have their red flags. I said it.
That one person in every comment section with a luffy profile pics saying the most absolutely rude or embarrassing thing ever like "post the on IG reels" (you are immature and not in a good way like luffy)
Zoro fans that's also like Patrick Bateman for the wrong reason
"Yamato is a woman" ("we'll actually Oda said 🤓" EHHHHHHHH *family Feud buzzered noise.* GET OUT)
People that shit on the one piece live action cast. (specifically the ones complaining about nami and her sister. BOY I OTTA!)
People that talk shit about big mom just cause she fat. Like babes so is your mom....
People that still watch one piece and try to say how much they love it but are racist, homophobic, transphobic. When one of the biggest things for luffy is to not be judgemental. You are not him⁉️🗣️ you are a asssss
Akianu fans.
MOST black beard fans (I ain't forgiving no one for what he did to whitebeard I'm not hearing it)
"Zoro would kill the whole crew for luffy🤓" would you kill your whole friend group/family for your best friend/mom or dad..... I didn't think so.
People that hate on English dub watchers. I'm a slow reader y'all. Plus it's hella funny.
People that weren't at least a little mad about GARPS actions in marine ford.
Nami x luffy. Robin x Law. And robin x zoro shippers. Also Any gross illegal ones with gross age gaps.
Thats all I can think of right now!
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poopyballz28 · 1 year
Collection of poopyballz28 baki idea's and thoughts
While I get back into writing, I thought I'd compile a bunch of stupid thoughts that aren't worth having their own post. This is a pretty long one so please laugh. Also ignore that Kiyosumi rant I don't know what got into me guys i swear
remembering, like, a year and a half ago when I described Kaoru as being built like a garage door. Never forget. I even liked him back then, I DONT EVEN LIKE HIM NO MORE! He's a meanie fo feenie i dunno, the karate boys are better.
me (number one kiyosumi katou fanboy and knower) watching other writers write kiyosumi falling in love with a woman and being super sexually dominate and it freaking me out because I have been blowing his back out in my brain for like 2 years:
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I feel like I don't stress enough how genuinely submissive Kiyosumi is. I don't really write a whole lot of nsfw generally but JESUS CHRIST GUYS LOOK AT HIM. His build is insane where are you guys missing this. Women don't see the visions like I do. They just...cant see it. Perhaps I am too bara obsessed but no...I know the truth about his character...I would know...I'm the number one Kiyosumi Katou fan.....I know....
It's not even JUST his body, ITS HIS WHOLE CHARACTER. uptight, spunky, ego maniacal karate fighter that's super fucked up in the head who puts on this tough, intimidating act but behind closed doors he's a timid, embarrassed, submissive little dick taking asshole with issues that have gone unchecked FOR OH SO LONG. GRAAAHHH nobody sees him as i do ohhhh the LONELINESS how it pains me
yeah sorry guys for...all of that. lets move on to actually funny interesting stuff I thought of.
I was never much of a sporty, working out type of guy so I guess I wouldn't really understand, but whats up with all gym bro Baki fans being obsessed with and idolizing Yujiro and Jack. I just, don't see the appeal. One is a serial rapist and murderer AS WELL as a dead beat father and the other is just a drug abuser. How is that motivating to you people. Why obsess over the virgin Hanma's when you can obsess over the chad karate boys?! But its okay, because I KNOW these people are probably mentally ill, so that's why one day I'm going to open up a HOSPITAL. And a REHABILITATION CENTER for all deranged gym bro Baki fans. Please send funds via my cashapp, $kiyosumiballsucker3000. (thats not a real cashapp guys im trying to be funny)
I'm into REAL characters, that are actually interesting and cool, such as, 56 year old karate veteran and his three autistic and/or mentally ill sons, british, silly highschool girl who causes problems for no one, and not to forget, incredibly (and probably accidentally) gay coded kukendo man who apparently nobody cares about but me. That's right, I'm a REAL Baki fan.
Wondering when I'll expand on that Kureha and Kosho visual-kei band idea. Just THINK ABOUT IT. Kureha on vocals (and perhaps guitar) and Kosho on bass and bg vocals. IMAGINE. Kosho wears beautiful goth makeup and is rocking that deep shade of purple lipstick, AS THINGS SHOULD BE. I will never forgive Itagaki and the anime for removing it. It's just, never gonna happen. The two are in these, fucking, elaborate and gorgeously made outfits christ I'm a fucking genius. Kosho would 1000% wear an elegant (but still incredibly badass) lacy, vkei dress, looking like that fucking mana-sama guy (ourple edition) Ohhhh dude. I need to write some more for this idea.
To all my hardcore artist followers, if y'all want to draw v-kei Kosho and Kureha, I give you free reign over the idea, do your magic.
Wouldn't it be fucking hilarious if Yujiro died from like, the most random, insignificant thing in the world.
He's the strongest man- no, creature, in this world. He can brutally defeat animals larger than half his size with his bare hands. He can stop (and probably start) earthquakes at will. He died of a urinary track infection at 37.
Talking specifically about the english speaking fandom here, why do you think Katsumi is so overlooked and underrated. LOOK AT HIM. He is genuinely (I'm serious here) one of the most attractive manga characters I have ever seen in my life. Not only that but he's been through several arcs and has been included in a large amount of fights, HE'S PRETTY MUCH A MAIN CHARACTER YET NOBODY REALLY CARES ABOUT HIM!?! HOW!? On both sides of the fandom, Wattpad girls barely write fanfiction with him involved (thank god actually) and the gym bro's barely make their shitty edits of him (DOUBLE thank god) It's just so confusing to me. He's everything I've ever wanted in a character. Ever-growing strength and morals, an adorable and lovable face, a kind but fierce personality, and not to mention that sweet, sweet rack. Gorgeous pair of tits. Absolutely stunning. need to bend him over.
You ever just be reading a Y/N x Baki nsfw fanfiction and they mischaracterize Baki...in like every conceivable way. This guy DOESN'T UNDERSTAND WHAT SEX IS. BARELY. How are you people so clouded by horniness you completely forget his character. He's an awkward little boy, why are they writing him like a flirtatious sex god?! Baki doesn't know what fucking "flirting" is, he's an idiot. He wouldn't freaking "punish" you in the bedroom guys, if he did he'd be so awkward and stumbling over every other word. AND STOP MAKING HIM SAY SUCH VULGAR THINGS YOU FUCKING FREAKS. Baki doesn't know what "eating out" means, he doesn't say curse words often and most of all, he doesn't. understand. sex. He's had sex ONCE with his wonderful girlfriend and they both barely understood what the fuck they were doing ☠️
How about you guys write him like how he actually is. Wouldn't it be adorable if there was an x reader with Baki where you two have like, loving but awkward sex for the first time and you try to guide him and help him understand in a wholesome way!? Wouldn't that be so much more true to character AND unique?? God, I have to do everything around here. Fuck.
Katsumi playing basketball and pointing at you and going "This ones for you, babe." then completely missing the shot.
Have I ever brought up that Kureha childhood headcanon where I think Kureha would find (or even kill) small creatures just to do little experiments on them and dig in their guts. Kosho walks in like "Nii-chan 🙁 what are you doing..."
Another Shinogi brother hc, I think it'd be hilarious if that blackish-brownish color of Kosho's hair isn't actually his natural hair color, and his real hair color is the same as Kureha's. THINK ABOUT IT THOUGH. He want's to be different from Kureha so he dyes it every now and then to differentiate himself. Plus he thinks it looks totally cool. Sometimes you can see his blonde/orange roots when his hair grows out. And yes, Kureha does tease him about this sometimes. Kosho fucking hates it.
Now that I'm thinking about it, Kureha teases Kosho about, like, everything. His v-kei obsession, his dyed hair, his fighting, everything. Not really a cute or funny headcanon either ☠️ Kureha is literally just a manipulative and judgemental asshole. I whole-heartedly believe that to be true. And in a way it is, I mean he is pretty much canonically like that. Kosho doesn't deserve this. Love that little goth guy, he deserves more.
Thanks for reading all this goofy goober shit all the way through. I'll probably be working on something else by the time you're reading this, so be prepared for content. Love you guys 👍
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theflyingfeeling · 2 years
The Day I Made Joel Hokka Laugh, aka concert report from High 5ive Summer Fest @ Stockholm, 1.7.2022 🖤
By now these are more like diary entries so I'm gonna start by telling how goddamn nervous I was because first of all I had to make my way to the venue all by myself in a foreign city, and when I had done that successfully I had to get nervous AGAIN because holy fucking shit I was gonna meet the boys face-to-face at the signing session? 😵
And like. Where do I even start 😅
..I guess with Niko, as he was the first one in the row to sign the card! As soon as he addressed me I said "MOI" as clearly as I could to indicate I'm Finnish 🤡 Then I, umm, talked about the weather?
mä: Ootteko tarennu
Niko & Aleksi: Ollaan tarettu joo.. (😂)
Niko: Laitetaanko tällane [nimmarikortti]?
mä: Laitapa semmone 😎
(Sorry, my extremely deep and intellectual conversation with Niko doesn't translate to English that well 😇)
And remember how I was low-key planning on printing pictures of our family dachshunds for them to sign? I didn't do that (because my printer wasn’t cooperating 🤣), HOWEVER I did show Aleksi a picture of Osku and Bobby on my phone 😃 ..and proceeded to talk about how old they are and how Osku has had some back issues lately and how Bobby learned to swim last Monday and we just bonded over dachshunds 😭💞
Aleksi: Ai että! Mäyräkoirat on ihan parhaita! / Dachshunds are the best!
mä: Nii onki! mutta välillä vähän itsepäisiä. / They are! But stubborn sometimes.
I don't remember what exactly Aleksi said then but he agreed 🥲
Joonas was also taking a peek at the dog picture on my phone but I didn't say anything to him because I was recovering from the exchange I had had with Aleksi 😆
And then there was Joel <3
mä: Moi :)
Joel: Moi. Oot Suomesta tullu tänne? / You’ve come here from Finland?
mä: Joo!
Joel: M I K S / W H Y
mä: Miksei? / Why not? 😂
Joel: Ei tää ihan mikään Tuska oo mutta... / This ain't quite like the Tuska festival (=a heavy metal music festival theyre perfomong at today)
Joel was SO talkative and it was such a shame I couldn't hear (or understand 😆) half of what he said 🥺🤲
He was wearing a bun when they arrived but let his hair down once the signing started and then tied it up to a bun again immediately after the signing session was over. An important detail, I know lol you're welcome
Tommi, on the other hand, didn't say a single fucking thing in true Tommi manner and used the opportunity (of Joel's talkativeness) to quickly scribble his signature on the card and pass it on to Olli
And oh my fucking god
Like. You've all seen pictures of Olli? Seen videos of him? You all know he's stunning? Gorgeous? Heavenly?
From, like, one, metre away, though? With the sun lighting up his eyes? Him looking straight into your eyes and smiling at you? He is fucking beautiful
In fact, he is SO beautiful, suddenly just THERE in front of me when I had barely recovered from having Joel talk full sentences to me that I swear I lost my consciousness for a second there. I'm not exaggerating, I felt like I was hit by a truck:
He said "moi" (hi)
I said "kiitos" (thank you)
Then I was just. Shaking for about five minutes. The first thing I could make myself say (besides "oh my god") was a dumbfounded "Olli smiled at me?!" 😵😂
I've been grinnning at this interaction ever since 😅
After I had recovered from the thrill of getting to interact with them (safe for Tommi "just some dude" Lalli) and seeing the queue to their table sort of die out, I was like "...I'm gonna go there again! :D"
And I did!! 🙈 to get a signed card for "a friend who couldn't make it" (👋) and Niko was like "sure!" 🥰
It was also cute how carefully and concentratedly Niko writes/draws his signature 😭💖
I didn't say anything to Aleksi this time around because I was gathering courage to talk with Joonas: I told him they should play Den Glider In 😅
Joonas said that it would be convenient since the venue was right next to Globen (the arena where Team Finland won its first ice hockey world championship title in 1995 against Sweden and proceeded to "steal" their official song made specifically for the tournament, the aforementioned Den Glider In). He added that maybe they should use it as the intro song lol (they didn't 😔)
Then Joel asked me to shout "PERKELE" during the show 😂 (which I did! I don't think they heard me though, but at the end of the show I heard the Finnish dudes standing behind me shout "perkele" as well 💙🤍
Joel went on about some (assumably) Finnish band (didn't hear which one) that managed to have a whole arena of people to chant "perkele" at their concert 😅 Joel baby I would've been up for that, where were you?!
..and again Tommi managed to avoid small talk by signing the card as quickly as he could and passed it on again 😆
..*sigh* to Olli 😩
Like, I had planned to break the ice by joking how the first time around I had said "thank you" instead of "hi"
But like. Olli's method of avoiding awkward small talk is clearly to just. Look into your eyes like you're the only person in the universe, smile that stunning little smile of his, and say "moi"
I managed to say "moi" back this time though, but there was no way I could've stayed to, like, actually have a conversation with him 🙈 he is so beautiful?! 😭
I bet they put him last on purpose because I don't get how anyone could recover from his beauty to be able to perfom any sort of human interaction for the following 5-10 minutes 😅
So I got TWO cards with their signatures, and on my way inside the venue I tried to put them in my backpack but I dropped one on the ground and immediately after a member or staff came from behind me and stepped right on Olli's pretty face 🤣 I started laughing at the comical timing of the situation and so did the stranger next to me who witnessed it 😂
And the concert itself? Let me start by saying that it was so..pleasant? In comparison to all the BC concerts I've been to in Finland, all of which have, safe for the time BC was on stage, been rather UNpleasant due to a LOT of teenagers and little kids screaming and disrespecting your personal space 🙄
There was none of that, not even on the first row?! 😭
So yeah. First fucking row. I could literally see the sweat gleaming on Porko's tits 💦
And speaking of Porko it was SUPER fascinating to get to see his guitar playing so up close 👀 that man sure has skillful fingers...
And on the first row you realise even more how there's SO MUCH STUFF happening on stage ALL THE TIME, it's hard to decide what to focus on :')
I feel like I can't actually remember anything, the whole thing was like a fever dream? 😂
Like, Joonas was RIGHT in front of me in all his shirtless glory 💖
Olli visited our side fairly often (so often thay Joonas had to push him away at some point, as I was told afterwards 🤣 (didn't see this myself sadly but I can imagine)), and I feel like Olli and I sang to each other a couple of times, but that could've been just wishful thinking 😇 He def looked into my camera once while singing along but his face is all dark in the video so I have no proof of this lol but yeah. Was an experience 💖
In Jyväskylä when I made eye-contact with him I started giggling nervously, but this time I was brave and held his gaze 😤
And say what you say, Don't Fix Me slaps live 😤
At some point during Left Outside Alone maybe (after I had just stopped filming) Joel was literally walking backwards towards Aleksi's lap/crotch (who had come down to the stage from behind his table) because that's how much he wants to be the little spoon 🥰
That was some time before the Olli/Joonas butt slap that I caught on camera lol
Sadly no Niko/Joonas kiss 😔
If you need to hear Joel speaking literally 3 words of Swedish, hit me up, I got it on video 😁 (and when I say "literally 3 words" I mean LITERALLY "ett, två, tre" 🤣)
There was a moshpit or something during Over My Dead Body, we just barely avoided it by being on the first row lol
"We" as in @thesupernaturalwhovian (thanks for the water bottle!) and @forehead-knife 🖤 it was so nice meeting you, thanks for hanging out!
It was such a shame their set was only 40 minutes, it went by way too fast :( Perhaps their next gig in Sweden will be at one of the bigger venues 😌🖤
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looneywanderers · 2 years
What are two random facts about each character?
🥃 Carson "Cuphead" Suramicson 🥃
In the "Cupventures" era, Cuphead often got drunk. It would reoccur a lot, and it would be because of the whole daddy and mommy issues, but it feels kinda 'eh' looking back on it. Now in Looney Wanderers, the only time he ever drinks is if he's having fun with the rest of the group (minus Mugman), or when he's visiting Catreena at her bar. He is fond of alcohol but he's not batshit crazy using it
Cuphead is not depressed despite looking like it. He's just a chill guy. He's actually a really happy person, and (usually) clear-headed, but sometimes though it can be stressful and tiring for him having to deal with his soul being in dept and all. Anyone would be if they were in his shoes. But he's greatful to have the group to support him, even though he does feel a little guilty having a bunch of people drag him out of his problems.
🥤 Michael "Mugman" Suramicson 🥤
Mugman is the type of kid that puts himself to bed instead of relying on an adult to keep watch over him all the time. Mugman is very responsible despite his age, but nonetheless he's still a kid. Meaning he's still vulnerable and innocent to a significant degree.
I think Mugman would really like literature. Maybe he keeps a journal and writes in it a lot, and maybe he writes in cursive too. I think it would be kind of funny to see Cuphead's writing in comparison, seeing how bland it would look compared to his little brother's fancy handwriting.
🖋️ Ingrid "Riddi" the Picasso Toon 🖋️
In the very first stages of Looney Wanderers (aka the era where it was called "Cupventures"), Riddi's original ability was to manipulate fire. This was when I had no world lore built and all the characters just had abilities. That's it. If I recall correctly, I remember roleplaying with @linklovepage during that time, and there was a point where Cuphead threw Riddi into a lake and the entire thing started boiling lol
There might be small changes to Riddi's design in the near-ish future. I plan on dyeing the tips of my hair red, and I also plan to get a septum piercing (Riddi is a persona and I project nearly everything onto them). If you wanna draw Riddi with these features, go right on ahead!
🍰 Ernest the Lucky Cat 🍰
Me and Ernest came up with the idea that if Ernest came from an actual cartoon show, it would be from Adult Swim (which would explain all of the swearing and crude jokes).
There is no particular reason why Ernest's shirt says "Fart." Ernest wanted to put something on the shirt for the design and came up with that, and I just rolled with it. And as for the ribbon on his tail, Minnie Mouse gave it to him as a "cute accessory" for working around the cafe. Ernest tied it on himself, so instead of it being a neat little bow, it's really droopy and kind of weathered from it being nearly never touched since then.
♠️ Bendy the Dancing Demon ♠️
I'm starting to think Bendy can't take his suit off. Since he was just born with it on because of him being made by ink magic, maybe the suit is made of ink magic. I'd think that he can change it to his will, but 90% you're gonna see him in his same ol' suit in canon. Official art is different though, you'll see more variety in there dw :)
Bendy is allergic to cats (yeah... that also includes toons if they get too close.) Oftentimes as a teaser, Catreena drags her tail under Bendy's face, resulting in him violently sneezing most of the time.
🤍 Boris the Wolf 🤍
Boris doesn't like hurting things. He's very hesitant when attacking someone who attacks the group first. Even if it's in self defense, he can't help but feel like he did the wrong thing afterwards.
Boris has a bad memory because of the process of Allison healing him from being corrupted when she went back to the studio to look for Tom. He can usually remember short term things, but a lot of things are a blur when he tries to remember something long-term.
🍾 Catreena the Cat 🍾
Catreena was originally @linklovepage's persona, not an OC. Back in gradeschool, I still remember the day where Ernest asked me to draw him as a cat toon. We've used Catreena a lot throughout rp's and such, but now Catreena is her own character and has grown just into an OC. Now she's not like Ernest at all (also Ernest the Lucky Cat did not exist during the era of Cupventures).
Catreena was originally an OC for Quest for the Ink Machine, who I used to ship with qftim Mugman. At some point it shifted to Allison Angel, since Ernest liked the character (even though she wasn't in Quest). When I made Cupventures I added in Allison to ship with Catreena (I think that's how it went at least). Now the memory of qftim Catreena x Mugman is behind us, and we sure don't plan to bring it back that's for sure. Especially not in Looney Wanderers.
🗡️ Allison the Angel 🗡️
Allison is lesbian. She also let's Catreena nickname her like "Al" or "Ally", but if other people were to call her that, she would correct them and say "it's Allison." These are nicknames that only Catreena is allowed to use on her. She has dated Tom, but that was when she was experiencing comphet. As time grew, she looked back at that and realized she was never actually into men (and no, she's not attracted to Boris).
Allison has a hard time trusting people. She's also often paranoid, and having Bendy around doesn't help. She doesn't trust Bendy at all, and she thinks that he's just there to trick them (which is not the case mind you). She also doesn't like cults...
🌈 Jestö the Clown 🌈
Jesto didn't go through any significant changes in character. The only changes would be his outfit. I'm pretty proud of how the current outfit looks, where as the first one looked less clown-ish and more like he would belong in a marching band. And believe it or not he used to have heart-shaped n!pple covers peeking out of his chest window...
I don't think I've stated this anywhere yet, but Jesto's ability is to change certain parts of his body into all kinds of wacky junk related to circuses (or something like that). For example, he can change his arms into those extendable boxing gloves.
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myriadof-fandoms · 2 years
mimi watches the final
i'm literally gonna throw up
i don't wanna see eddie die but i know i will and i fucking hate everything okay he just wanted to graduate
hoppers back :((((
are they gonna fuck. are jopper gonna fuck. they should fuck. they deserve it.
joyce: romance me
hopper: FOOD
oh god they're flirting i'm gonns cry
chianti 😭😭😭
steve landing in the upside down was hot thank you for your time
yes robin i would applaud for hottest landing in the upside down thank u
steve and eddie teamwork helping robin up good soup
omg dusty debut in the upside down
make him pay 😭
i am so bisexual. walk walk fashion baby. all of you three please break my back like a glowstick
i was not prepared for more billy flashbacks you fuckers
argyle <3
kate bush my beloved
lolololol the murder house nice ahs reference
tom wlaschiha you hot shit i love u
who said this'll do. this'll do just fine. OH STEVE IN S2
where is my surfer boy. i want him back.
they just paid him in weed. canon stranger things plot is a guy being paid in weed.
everyone: preparing for battle
argyle: pizza time
"she was made for an alternative dimension"
robin my beloved
bro you were fine in s1 idk what y'all are on about
(i'm sorry to all stancy shippers you're fine i'm just upset about how this makes no sense in canon)
god fucking damn it i don't want to see this STEVE! WAS! OVER! THIS! i don't fucking care for stancy oh my fucking god
also ich weiß ja nich wie gut er das jetz wirklich macht auf ner skala von 1-10 aber das klingt nach gutem russisch muss ich ihm schon lassen
hi. :) i'm gonna cry
here comes the will and jonathan talk. i just love will so much. he's so soft. just. soft voice. and idc about jonathan otherwise but THAT'S THE BEST BROTHER EVER. and he knows he fucking knows.
bro that was hands down one of the best not even actually coming out- coming out scenes. that's. yeah. jonathan but he's more of a dad to will than lonny ever was.i just love people being accepted for who they are okay i gotta AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
oh jesus christ i dont want max to get more hurt. NO FUCKING HER BROTHER OH NO BRO ARE YOU SHITTING ME THEY ARE NOT SERIOUSLY
this is not the billy content i wanted
my good dudes. did the duffers not watch their own show. bc yes all of this makes a lot of sense. if the relationship of billy and max had still been portrayed as bad as in s2 in s3 but okay.
this dude did not touch erica now did he
stop jumpscaring me with billy thank you
oh well you're all fucked.. i still don't care about the russia plot
daddy sorry daddy sorry
oh no max looks so sad at the snowball being ruined 🥺
let me at jason. just let me. he won't even expect it. i'm kinda tiny. he won't expect much. and then he'll have 22 years of anger issues that fights dirty on his hands.
hey how is this happening at the same time. what the time difference between wherever they are in russia and hawkins. why is it nighttime everywhere.
do i have a combat boots kink. maybe. more at seven.
steve really do be getting choked a lot.
"i'm buying more time" you're being an idiot is what you're doing
oh vecna knows well that's. interesting. and now eleven is the surprise
i like max's outfit
oh dusty no
bro why did no one tell eddie that running away from danger is a normal response IT'S CALLED FIGHT OR FLIGHT AND FLIGHT IS OKAY
actually i'm just not watching this. eddie will be fine. just like billy is. they are dating steve. and bob is alive too he's dating joyce and hopper. wanna hear about murray and alexei.
elmax <33333
damn jamie spent a lot of time in that costume huh
how is max unconscious.. in her own mind..
"he did not make me into this. you did." insert the got me there meme
god the costume department >>>>
so he made the mindflayer. yeah. okay good that's what it seemed like.
i will end them for misusing my boy's lines like this
damn the byler fandom is gonna have a shitty time. they really did you dirty and i feel very sorry. also my baby boy will is suffering but i expected as much so
god yes lucas punch him from me
yep yep yep eddie is fine as long as i don't look
murray my hero. it wasn't divine intervention it was murray.
sure we shooting machine guns with one arm now. totally not gonna backfire.
"the beginning of the end." stranger things really is in its infinity war era
not to be horny on main but maya hawke's hands
jfc nancy with a shotgun. i'm normal about this
oh god the sound and effects. the sword. the fire. i can't.
do i just skip the next scene. i really don't want to see eddie die.
bro. my good dudes. there was no need to kill this metalhead too. NO NO NO NO NOT THE MY YEAR
.. you know what. yeah okay killing the one character with a future makes sense bc it's more heartbreaking BUT YOU CAN STILL SUCK MY DICK
all the awards to caleb
HEHEHEHE JASON IS DEAD ngl that did bring me great satisfaction sorry i know he was a kid too but he did start a witchhunt for eddie and people still act like billy was the problem
elmax elmax elmax elmax elmax elmax
there's more to life than stupid boys yes there is and not only because mine are all dead
oh damn the people are running huh
why is anybody smiling
okay steve lives at least i was right about that
why is karen so shocked oh i guess her son okay yeah makes sense
karen wheeler is a good mum sorry
the picture they put the picture up he is reading stephen king to her oh my god that's love
i wanted billy in a hospital not max
i'm gonna throw up
okay at least we can still count on steve harrington and his jeans
they volunteer. babies.
okay you know what i too would have a crush on vickie. and i have a crush on robin. where do i sign up i just AHH I GOTTA GAY
oh jfc they need to date WAS WAS WAS BOYFRIEND AND SHE RAMBLES and fast times it's boobies i need to lay down. this is so cute this is so gay i need to lay down. they are flirting
i am steve steve is me
not wayne oh god not the poster i can't not this sweetheart dustin i just no
[mr munson weeps] yeah so am i
how will i ever move on
alright maybe the el and hopper reunion can fix me
imagine being argyle. like you befriend this dude. and then you end up in this hellhole of a town.
no fucking hell. they're really gonna go stancy. after all. i can't. this is not seriously gonna happen
of course will can feel him HE WAS VECNA'D
oh god it's the coke bottle
i never thought i'd be be happy to see mike with hopper
yep hawkins is fucked
i think henry might be a little pissed off
i fucking said it ends with the gates
alright.. so everyone acted as if we lost half the cast.. and sure this ending is. something. but bro don't scare me like this for nothing
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realmidnightwaffers · 11 months
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Also some info about this lil' guy:
Their name is Alien. They are an Alien. They/them mainly but also he/him
Agender, pansexual with a male pref
Is 22 years old
Weight: 207 Height: 5''11
Has over 25 eyes. <-~~~~~~~Canon soon but yes
Loves their pjs frfr 😍 (and has a secret teddy)
Achlie 100%
Chaotic Evil But has good intentions (half the time at least...)
Was originally a random color palette test on a school tablet
Has a small thing 4 CL but never does anything really (not gonna do it tbh)
Hates their old life. All of it. Every last spec.
^also even tho no one says anything and they don't know that there doing it, Alien does cry a little when thinking about their past life
Has an ED and does SH but only sometimes.
Sharp teeth. Very sharp teeth
^Same for their tongue, it's actually spiky even If I forgot to draw it
Fav band is MDI (Mindless Self Indulgence) but does not support the child grooming. I do not either. That is fucking gross.
Daddy issues.
Mommy issues.
Sisters issues.
And legal issues too!
Loves the cirrus (Remember that now)
Has only had 1 romantic partner ever.
When no one is around, They like to do their hair. (And dolls hair too)
Voiced by me! The maker of this world! The God if you will!
Has A eye behind both ears.
Covers Their eyes Because of Their social ranking on their home planet
Alien writes C.L. letters about the most random shit when at a bar.
^C.L. Does read them for no reason just cuz he does enjoy reading whatever the fuck drunk Alien was to tell him.
Alien is a natural blonde but dyed it.
In a scene I wrote randomly, You get to know that Alien can uncap their tentacles to produce a blinding light.
Alien has a gunshot wound in their upper right arm
Upon receiving a phone, Alien made a youtube channel and posted life updates
^Might make this a ref in a ep tbh
Loves the one show on the TV but doesn't know the name so they just kinda go up to either FE or RE to point at the TV and say "the homosexauls please" FE understands them but RE most the time does not.
Has drunk the contents of a lava lamp whilst drunk. Enjoyed it.
Learned to sew just to be cool (talking about the cape[no one liked it])
Alien was a bullied gifted kid in school frfr
Has a switch. i dunno where or when but yes.
^^^^^btw the show isn't real I'm gonna make a show in a show
When Alex (Crazy Clown) is introduced Alien immediately befriended him. Not remembering the past just yet x)7
Are people really reading all this? If so Thank you so much!! This means the world to me! I plan on working on this until I die! I just need the motivation [and money] to animate this all...But That's alright cuz Me and My friends are working on the script and have recently decided to make the show longer for some background character action! Princess and Buff will def be getting their own episode! And The cirrus workers as well! I'm just so happy cuz I know that I mean something. Even if no one ever reads this, thank you.
This was a lot holy shit dude.
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vannybarber · 3 years
The Prenup
Summary: After four years of being together and finally being engaged, Chris wants you to sign a prenup.
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Chris Evans x Reader
Warnings: angst, swearing, chris getting his ass handed to him, a lot of pain.
Part Two Part Three Part Four Final Chapter
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Scrounging through the little desk in the corner of Chris and you's bedroom, you hear him let out a boisterous laugh.
He was watching some movie and there was a certain part that he found so hilarious. After 4 years of watching it with him constantly, you still don't get what's so funny. But it makes him happy so that's what matters.
You were searching for the wine opener so Scott could get his middle-aged-4-kids-divorcee vibe on. You cleaned the other day and stuck it in there after a nightly dose of freakydeaky from Chris, which consisted of wine, whipped cream, and a many different forms of chocolate.
After what seemed like forever, you find the corkscrew and grin at your accomplishment. You take one more look in the drawer out of habit and you spot a big orange envelope with Chris' name on it. Being the nosy curious person you are, you take the envelope out and get a good look at it. You see the words Prenuptial Agreement in bold and your heart drops.
Chris had proposed to you 9 months ago and you were happy beyond words. After being together for 4 years, he finally put away his commitment troubles and made you his fianceé. And now you find out he's going to get you to sign a prenup. A fucking prenup.
You look around the room at loss for words. You were angry, hurt and confused. After 4 years of being together, he doesn't have faith in his own judgment that you guys would be together forever? You both have been through literally everything. There isn't one thing you don't know about each other. Your relationship was rare and it was special.
After moments of contemplation, you decide you would confront him on it. There's no way you could carry on the night and sleep after this. Not until you get your answers. Closing the drawer, you take a sharp breath and exhale before walking out the room. You get back to the dining table where Lisa and his siblings surrounded.
"Here you go Scott" you say slamming the corkscrew on the table in front of him. He looks up at you, puzzled. You glance at him then at Chris and he's looking at you just the same. Evidently your tone matched your movements because everyone went silent. You draw back and put both hands behind your back and huff.
"Babe, are you alright?" It was Christopher talking to you now. Your attention goes to him and your lips are in a thin line. Refraining from blowing up at him, you force smile on your face and change your tone of voice.
"What do you mean, honey? I'm fine." You should leave the acting to Chris honestly. That's definitely not your field of expertise. Shifting on your right foot, you stare at him. He shuffles and tilts his head with a knowing look.
"Spill it Y/N. What's up?"
"The flames when I burn this damn house down." So much for not blowing up. You snatch the envelope in front of you and chuck it on the table. Everyone watches the exchange and the envelope fly to the table. All their faces change from confusion to shock and even more confusion.
Chris didn't even need to look down to know it was the prenup. His eyes went from you to the wall. Guilt written all over it, you almost wish you gave a shit. You wonder how long he was going to keep this hidden from you. No need to wonder now.
"You want to explain to me why you have a prenup?" You place your hand on your hip and roll your neck at him.
"I got that for us."
You swear to everything you wanted to lunge at him right then and there. 'I got that for us'. Why do people always use that excuse for everything? They weren't thinking about you, just themselves and expected you to go along with it.
"You got it for us? I know you didn't do this on your own. Who put you up to it?" You look around the room. Scott has his hands up shaking his head. Carly and Shanna both let out a quiet "not me". You look at Lisa who had this look of hurt.
"Chris, you tell me everything. How did I not know about this? Why didn't you tell me?" Well now you know she didn't suggest it. You feel slightly guilty for letting it cross your mind, but you had your reasons.
"Ma, I had my reasons. I kept it hidden because I didn't know how I felt about it myself" he says rubbing his face and fixing his hair under his cap. Still didn't answer your question.
"Christopher, who put you up to this? Tell me now!" You're getting fired up by the minute. You have an idea who it could be too.
"Megan. She thought that it would be smart to consider. Just to protect me."
"Megan." Your voice is laced with absolute venom. "You know Chris, she does a good job keeping you out of trouble and bullshit so you're not all over the tabloids, but sometimes, her ass is too much!"
Chris is never in the news for anything negative. He's always minding his business and moving quietly. Megan is a great publicist, but she can be pretty overbearing about his personal life. She gave you side eye for like the entire first year of you guys' relationship.
"Baby, she was just looking out for me. You know how it is, women getting with you for your money. Guys loose half of everything they have when getting divorces."
You can't even believe it.
"I am not 'women'. I'm your fianceé. We've been together 4 years, Chris! After all this time your material things come before me?" Tears are puddled at your eyes now and your voice is cracking. This catches his attention.
"I told you from the start Chris, that I never cared about your money! Never have and never will. I am used to not having much. I'm not money hungry or concerned for having top tier everything. I've learned to settle."
"Y/N, I didn't mea-" you slam your hand on the table, making everyone jump. Chris shuts his mouth.
"I'm. Not. Finished. I am not marrying your bank account. I'm not marrying your cars. I'm not marrying your house. I don't give a damn about any of that shit. And you literally are still concerned about all of that?" Your face is wet and your nose is runny. You wipe your nose and cross your arms.
"It's not even like that!" Now he's getting upset. For literally nothing. This is his fault. "It's just in case it doesn't work out, we don't need to deal with all the extra mess."
That completely shattered you. In case it doesn't work out. He actually has thoughts that your marriage couldn't work. What would even cause that? You guys don't even argue. You don't even remember the last time you did. You've learned to understand what each other needs and mastered that. What is he on about?
"You know what the sad part is? Us not working out crossed my mind in, like, the first year of our relationship. And I decided that if we did get married, and God forbid we divorced, I wouldn't take anything from you."
He looked at you like he just found out he wasn't the father of your baby.
"Yeah, Chris. That's your money. You made it, not me, so why would I ask for any of it from you? You gave me an amazing relationship and thats enough for me."
"Oh my goodness." Everyone directs their attention to Scott. "So you wouldn't want anything from the divorce?"
"Of course not! I came in this relationship for him. Plus a make my own money. I don't need anyone else's."
You had your own business. Many employees at different buildings in Boston. You didn't have much growing up and you were proud of yourself for not having to worry about financial issues. Chris liked that you had your own thing going and didn't have to adapt to his life and depend on him financially. And he still got a prenup.
Feeling like you were gonna cry again, you rub your temples and take deep breaths to prevent it. But you failed and started crying more. Chris got up and moved to stand in front of you.
"Baby, I'm sorry I upset you. I thought you would be okay with this. Like you said, you don't care about my money so what's wrong with the prenup?" His hands were on your sides, but not for long as you shook them off of you.
"What's wrong with it? What this is telling me is three things. You have doubt that our marriage won't work out, you think I might change my mind and ask for alimony, and that your money comes before me."
"I..." he struggles to form words. You take this chance to get out of there.
"I really don't want to be here right now." Chris looks up and grabs your arm.
"Babe, you don't need to go. Where the hell are you gonna go?" You turn and grab the envelope from the table. You open it and pull the papers out, shoving it in his face.
"I'll go to a hotel or something, but I'm not staying here if this is the shit you're trying to pull with me." You turn the paper to you and look in disgust. You scan over it and your eyes fall on the dotted line where you need to sign. Beside it is where he needed to sign his.
Well not anymore.
You read over his signature on the line. Chris Evans.
He signed the prenup already. Now he was just waiting for your signature. He really was leaving you zero choice.
"You signed it already??" Everyone at the table head snapped up. Shanna gasped and covered her mouth. Lisa mumbles an "oh no" under her breath.
"So you were just going to bring it to me and expect me to sign it with no fight, huh?"
Chris says nothing, but his face is red. You don't wait for a response and walk to your shoes and your bag. Already having everything in there, you slip your shoes on and walk back to Chris.
"Just a heads up, you brought this on yourself."
You whip around and walk to the fireplace. You chuck the papers and envelope in the blaze and turn back to him.
"You can forget about that damn prenup, cause I'm not signing it. As a matter a fact, you don't even have to worry about that because there won't be a chance of us divorcing." You force a smile and clasp your hands together. Lisa and Scott rise from the table panicking.
"Babe, no-"
"Forget the wedding, this engagement and all of it. You can take this fucking ring too." You pry the ring off your fingers and throw it at him. It hits his chest and falls at his feet.
"I'm not marrying you."
You turn on your heel, grab your purse and jacket, walking out the door, leaving the Evans' speechless.
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Was this too dramatic? I have my own opinions on a prenup, but maybe it's not as big as it seems? Idk🥴.
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nappingwithyuuji · 3 years
i ain't got no time if you ain't beside me
Chapter ten! (yay)
Previous - Next - Masterlist
Summary: You are a faceless youtuber who does Sims4 and ranty vlogs, but somehow you end up playing a game with your friend Rae and then things get 💕💕💕
Warnings: tw swearing, tw mental health stuff (corpse), tw health (corpse)
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The tight knot in your chest still making you dizzy from worry about Corpse, but seeing as that he isn’t answering you decided to try to calm yourself by buying stupid stuff for your apartment.
“What’s up, you guys!” You chime out as the chat slowly fills with new viewers. “Hi! I hope everything’s going alright tonight for all of you!” You hug your knees to your chest as you go over the list of things you need to buy tonight.
“I’m not gonna lie to you guys,” You say as you open Etsy on your computer, “the main reason I wanted to stream tonight's that I just wanted an excuse to buy new plushies.” Chuckling at yourself you write down the list on the bottom corner of your stream so that your viewers could also see. “Ya’ girl need some comfort right now, ya’ know?” You try your best to push down the feeling of longing to see if Corpse is doing okay as you say that.
You start with looking for a teapot because the old one you had had broken so many times that it was basically 80% glue. The issue about this was that you couldn’t decide between an old timey grandmother styled teapot with a vintage flowery pattern or a clear glass teapot that had hand painted flowers that looked more cottagecore-y.
While you let your chat decide on a poll you go and tell your chat how you were re-watching Adventure Time for the hundredth time because you found out it was available on HBOMax.
“Sure, it's because it's on HBOmax… not cause you literally sang that duet with Corpse the other day… simp.” Read a comment on your chat, and you couldn't help but curse how Corpse seemed to always pop into everything you did.
“You should get the clear one.” Speaking of the devil. His voice sounds crackly and rough, as if it were playing on an old vinyl record, making you immediately jump in your seat, flinging your legs from the chair and stubbing one of your toes with your desk.
Your cursing seems to make Corpse laugh, but you know him well enough to sense the tiredness in his voice. “What the fuck, Corpse? What are you doing in my stream?” You squeak in between your curses from the pain, to which he continues laughing.
“I saw that you were alone in the call and I wanted to apologize for earlier.” He mumbles, you’re tempted to play like you wouldn't forgive him, but you already saw your chat going batshit crazy and you didn’t feel like adding to the chaos.
“It's okay, Corpsie.” You say in the softest voice possible, pulling at the strings of your hoodie, “I’m sorry I couldn’t watch a movie tonight, but you’re welcome to stay and buy shit with me!” You make the simping sign with your hangs, touching both of your index fingers together with your thumbs pointing up.
“Oh, yeah, let’s do that, baby.” You smile as you catch him up on the list of things you want to buy in this stream and you two settle on your first item, the clear teapot. Next on your list is plushies, which is how you start searching for one of those cursed Earl of Lemongrab plushies you’ve seen on the internet.
“Oh my Gods, Corpse! Are you seeing this?” You squeal as you find a Valentine’s Day Card that says “I find you acceptable.” with a little drawing of a Lemongrab smiling. “I know that it's pretty basic bitch but awww!”
A short giggle coming from Corpse fuels your next comment, “I want to get this for you, Corpse! You are my basic bitch and I do find you acceptable!” You are about to laugh with him but his response makes your blood run hot.
“Only acceptable, huh?”
Although you have a million of calm and flirty responses coursing through your mind, you panic and say, “Well I'm not here to inflate your ego, Mr Husband! You know you’re hot, don’t play me.” Even though it can be read as playful banter, you feel your cheeks fill with color because of the truth of your statement. Even though Corpse only turned on his video on special or random locations, his sight always seemed to leave you breathless.
After adding the item to your cart and begging your chat not to buy it because there were only a few of them left, you two laugh about the random Adventure Time items you find.
“I need to get this!” You exclaim loudly when you find a hat that looks like Lemongrab’s head, it’s so horrible but you can't resist buying it just for the joke of it. “Look! There’s a matching Gunther the Penguin one!”
“Matchy matchy, huh?” You throw your head back with laughter but add both items to your cart.
A/N: this one is a shorty shorty one, huh? i loove shopping streams so i had to write at least a lil short part with it heh. if this chapter does well i might post the next one tomorrow (sat). also, im still trying to work out what's wrong with some of the tags in the taglist so pls don't come at me if you didn't get the notif! once again, i urge y'all to track "#if you aint beside me" just in case!
P.S: the 500 followers special is a wip but it's definitely coming! in the meantime, dont be shy and come talk to me about corpse!
Tag list (OPEN) : @sophiasrant, @rexit-mo, @sometimesicanwright, @socially-blue, @scorpios-echos, @gaysludge, @fairysums, @4444444-z, @bakugonua, @mishisamess, @lukewearingbeanies, @butterfly-skinnylegend, @boba-tea1206, @clubfairy, @moonlightlullaby (def not freaking out about that last tag…), @azlinh, @doodszs, @clxwnkid, @officiallyunofficialperson, @alice-went-away, @cherry-piee, @backseat-serenade-dizzyhurricane, @secretsandwriting, @penguinhope, @letsloveimagines, @catsrdabestsocks101 , @goddessofwaifus , @doodszs, @clxwnkid, @serosmissingtoe, @4444444-z, @just-a-sad-donut, @geologii, @duhitztrinidy,, @browneyedgirl365, @shoutaizawas​, @mell-bell, @astream-ofconsciousness, @lukewearingbeanies,
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feyda-forever · 2 years
I'm Panromantic, Lith-Omnisexual, Ambiamorous and Non-binary (ik that's a lot of stuff, it's like my little collection of trophies lmao, use just pan and nb if it's easier for you).
I like cats, music, the color brown and a grey weather, I dislike social situations (like having to speak in public/to a stranger/someone not close to me, or being in a crowded place),I draw a lot and I have a bad habit of biting the skin near my nails, uhm I don't think I have a good habit- I mean I try to have my stuff always organized (keyword : try), and, surprise surprise, I have cats (although I would like to have weird animals like snakes and spiders lol).
I have adhd.
I'm a taurus and INTJ (6w5).
So... I have to choose a character now right...? Jeff the killer.
HELLO :D, Congratulation for being the first person who've send me a match up. And if your confused, you can choose a character yourself but also you can let me choose a character for you. I was struggling a little bit with the sexualities, but I was able to understand them all (kinda) and it was a fun experience シ︎.
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Jeff the killer-match up
A relationship between a romantic person x someone who has no idea over what romance is? Interesting...
He's not someone who will love a nother person at the first sight, but i never said that he's not gonna take interest in you at the f̰ḭr̰s̰t̰ sight.
He sweared that he'll make anyone regret living in world at the first place if they disrespect you, including himself
Well since there's a possible chance that you might fell in love with another person other than him {ig that's what ambiamorous means, sorry if I'm wrong tho :( } and the fact that he has trust issues, you have to make him believe that your not gonna leave or betray him
You two are very different, but you still managed to form a strong relationship together. Like even though you struggle with ADHD your still trying to organize your daily life but jeff is that type of person who just keep on going with life without bothering himself to look back and solve his problems, so basically he just ignore them all. lol.
One of your favorite Times is when the both of you guys are just chilling with the sound of your cats and a calm music playing in the background.
You don't like public speaking? Hope your ready to get teased by this guy, like alot...
Yeah he might act shitty but i can just imagine you being in the middle of a class or having to speak infront of crowd and his there, watching you, listening to every words that come out of your mouth. it can be creepy for a while but after getting used to it, you might get less nerves than usual. Idk its up to you ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
If you guys have been in relationship for a long time he might actually show his soft side to you ᵃⁿᵈ ᵒᶠ ᶜᵒᵘʳˢᵉ, ⁱᶠ ʰᵉ ᵗʳᵘˢᵗ ʸᵒᵘ ᵉⁿᵒᵘᵍʰ.
-someone has a girlfriend i see
-They. are. my. partner. You got problem with that?
-nah, nothing...
-ˢᵒ... ʷʰᵃᵗ'ˢ ʰᵉʳ ⁿᵃᵐᵉ?
-there. name.
-Babe ❤︎
-Nothing i just wanted to call you babe ꨄ︎
-hay babe look at this!
-what is it jef- HOLYSHIT IS THAT A CHAMELEON?!?!
-Yap, i remember once you said you like weird shitty animals so...
Sorry if i made any mistakes, again its the first time I'm making one of these and it was a new experience for me. hope you enjoyed it. ♡´・ᴗ・`♡
(Please send me feedback if you don't mind)
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littleoldrachel · 3 years
"how much did you drink?"
for the utterly wonderful @gumnut-logic who asked for how much did you drink? with virgil and scott from this prompt list. tysm my lovely 💚💚💚💚 this ran away from me a bit and i am Not Sure but i hope you still enjoy!
[if you wanna prompt me, hmu! but beware i am slooooow]
Scott slinks through the sliding doors, relishing the cooling sweat on his skin as the sky begins its raspberry ripple across the tropical island. His dawn runs are the only time he gets to really be - he loves his family with everything he has and more, but that half hour with just the consistent crunch of earth beneath his feet is his own perfect sanctuary.
And goodness knows he needs it after the past couple of days.
A flash of Alan’s terrified face as the grapple line gave way and he’d plunged -
Scott screws up his face, crumpling the image like one of Virgil’s discarded “rubbish” (read: brilliant, if rough around the edges) sketches.
Speaking of which, it’s time for Scott to do the rounds and check in on his sleeping brothers.
There’s Alan, sprawled haphazardly across the floor of his bedroom - the only sign of his near-death encounter in the careful bandaging around his forearm (“I can too still game like this, Scott, I’m not balancing the controller on my wrists??”). Gordon too, is starfished on his duvet, but beginning to stir as fractured sunlight dances across his room.
Virgil, however - most unusually - is not burritoed in blankets, which sets Scott’s choir of alarm bells ringing. He hesitates, then sighs, patching through to Thunderbird Five even as he makes his way to Virgil’s studio (also empty).
“John?” he asks quietly, because John works on an unpredictable sleep schedule that gives Scott more stress than he cares to admit, but he would like John to be sleeping right now.
“John is sleeping, Commander. May I be of service?” EOS’ voice is more than a little grating in comparison to the bird song that floats through Virgil’s open windows. Scott resists the urge to grit his teeth - he is trying, okay?
“EOS. Hi.” He rubs his chin, eyes catching on the top sketch of Virgil’s messy pile: Thunderbird One streaking across a stormy sky mid-lightning strike. “Can you tell me where Virgil is?”
“Virgil is in the hangars, where he has been for the last thirteen and a half hours,” EOS says primly.
Scott’s head snaps up, even though there’s nobody there to stare at. “What? Did he fall asleep down there?”
“No, Commander, he is very much awake.” There’s something in her tone that riles him up, a pre-rehearsed nature to it, but he deliberately sets it aside for Future Scott. He’s given a curt thanks to EOS before he’s even registered that he’s striding down to the hangars, concern driving him with a speed usually reserved for rescues.
He hears Virgil before he sees him, a loud swear and a clatter of tools as he’s rounding the corner into the workshop.
Virgil is kneeling over a workbench, picking glumly through the jumble of parts skidding across the surface. Dark brows knitted tight, skin pale beneath fluorescent white lights, a graveyard of abandoned mechanisms, drained mugs, and scraps of graph paper all around him.
It comes out a little sharper than intended, slicing through the silent workshop and causing Virgil to start violently.
"Scott! What are you doing here?"
"I came to ask you the same thing?"
"I'm…" Virgil gestures vaguely at the chaotic work surface. "Fixing."
"Have you had any sleep?
Virgil frowns. "I'm fine, it's not that late yet."
Scott stares, concern steadily rising. Virgil is known for losing track of time when absorbed in a task, but only usually with his art, and only for this period of time when he's upset, working something through, or...
Only then does Scott take in the way Virgil's hands tremble around the pieces of metal in his fingers, the jittering beat of his leg like helicopter wings, and slight dampness of the unstyled waves of hair across his forehead. He blinks at Scott, squinting a little in that way that Scott knows means a killer headache is brewing.
Methodically, the Commander of International Rescue surveys the room, searching for the source of the issue. His eyes land on the culprit: a coffee-stained jug, completely drained save the dregs of coffee grounds plastering the sides of the container.
It’s a big jug.
Scott swears.
“Virg. How much did you drink?”
Virgil’s eyes dart all over, not resting for a second on Scott’s face. “I - I don’t know. I just had some whenever I got tired and now I’m-” He wrings his hands, sending metal parts spilling from his palms.
“But why? What the hell were you thinking?” Scott’s tone is chiding, too harsh, and he makes a deliberate effort to reign in the reprimand that’s rearing up inside him.
“I just... “ Virgil swallows, meeting his eyes for a moment, looking away at the disappointment there. “I just needed to understand what happened to the grapple lines. To make sure it doesn’t happen again.”
Oh, Virg.
Scott softens, Commander melting back into Protective Big Brother because he gets it. God knows he gets it. He steps towards Virgil, wraps a hand around his elbow, feels it shake beneath his touch.
But why like this, Virgil?
“For thirteen hours?”
Virgil blinks and the genuine surprise in his eyes is enough that Scott accepts that this wasn’t a deliberate act of self-destruction and that loosens the anxious knot in his chest a little.
“I didn’t mean -”
“I know.”
Virgil ducks. “I just needed to find out -”
“I know.”
Virgil bites his lip, and Scott knows the image of their littlest brother’s panicked face is stuck on repeat in his mind. Scott closes his eyes, allows the video to roll in his own head, and the pain that rips through his chest has him tugging Virgil into his arms for a hug. Big as he is, Virgil is never one to say no to a hug, and he folds himself into Scott’s chest with a sigh. Scott can still feel the tension thrumming through Virgil’s body, and he instinctively tightens his grip.
Trust Virgil to hurt himself with his bean-juice addiction. Frankly, they’re lucky this hasn’t happened before with the amount of the stuff he pours into his body.
“I know I’m not having a heart attack, but -”
“You know I love it when you begin a sentence like that -”
Virgil tries to laugh but it comes out a little shaky. "Shut it, you." He rests his head on Scott's shoulder. "My heart is going so fast it hurts. Feels like a goddamn panic attack."
“What the hell have you done to yourself?”
“Mild caffeine overdose,” Virgil’s voice comes out muffled. “Sorry.”
“Mild. Caffeine. Overdose.”
Virgil laughs again, a little surer this time and pulls back from the hug. “I’ll be okay. Just gonna feel horrible for a bit, I think.”
“You think. Let’s see if Grandma agrees.”
“No! Let her have her time away - this is - it’s stupid. I’m fine.”
Scott gives him a Look, but Virgil glowers right back.
Scott loves him, but Jesus, does he wish he could trust Virgil to be honest with him about his health.
“Don’t make me set you up in the infirmary. You know I’m not bluffing.”
The glare intensifies. “I’m fine, Scott.”
Scott resists the urge to roll his eyes with a truly Herculean effort. “I want to do a scan, just to be sure.” “Scott -”
He plays the trump card (regrets playing it at the look on Virgil’s face, but needs must). “I could have lost Allie too, Virg. Don’t make this harder than it is.”
Virgil sags. He taps his watch. “EOS?”
“Yes, Virgil?”
“Please can you pull up my vitals for my dear big brother to fret over?”
“Of course, Virgil. Though I don’t understand why you want Scott to fret, he seems grumpy en-”
“Thank you, EOS.”
A holograph flickers into view, and Scott scans them, relaxing slightly at the lack of danger. Virgil’s heart rate is too high, as expected, and he’s dehydrated and exhausted, but otherwise, he really does seem okay. Still, Scott knows how dangerous dehydration and exhaustion can be, and more to the point, so does Virgil.
“You’re a stubborn idiot, you know that, right?”
“I learned from the best.” Virgil’s smile is teasing, but he’s okay, and Scott releases the breath he didn’t know he was holding.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Sure, Scooter, whatever you say.” Scott glares. “Right. You’re grounded for at least a day -” To his credit, Virgil only looks a little crestfallen. “- And you’re going to rest.”
Scott can practically see the cogs turning in his brother’s mind as he seeks a loophole or way to escape, but for now, he’s going to ignore it. Another problem for Future Scott, poor guy …
“Let’s go. Up to the lounge, now.”
“I should clear up -”
“Nuh-uh. Lounge. Now.”
Virgil lets out a loud sigh, and with much griping about leaving the workshop messy for Brains, leads the way up to the lounge. Scott follows closely, eyeing how Virgil’s feet drag with exhaustion even as his fingers tap away with restless energy.
Scott deposits him on one of the couches, tosses a throw over him, and resists the urge to tuck him in, but only because -
“I’m not sick, Scott. I’m okay! This isn’t necessary,” Virgil calls after him. Scott returns seconds later, a glass full of water.
“Drink all of this. And then have these.” Scott drops two electrolyte tabs beside Virgil. “Now excuse me, but I’m going to consult a qualified medical opinion before I believe you.”
“I am a qualified medical opinion -”
“- Who hasn’t overdosed on caffeine this morning.”
Virgil scowls. “I’m never going to live this down, am I?”
Scott returns with Gordon, whose concerned professionalism quickly morphs into a shit-eating grin when it becomes apparent that actually, Virgil - for all his brilliance and talent - is an idiot.
But he’s surprisingly gentle when he fetches Virgil another glass of water and suitably soothing as they take a calm stroll around the flatter paths of the island to help Virgil burn some restless energy. The waft of pancakes draws them back into the lounge where Scott has stacked up thick, fluffy pancakes that melt on their tongues and warm them inside out.
By now, Virgil is visibly less shaky, and Gordon’s concern has dissipated to the extent that he blatantly steals three pancakes off Virgil’s plate. To be fair, Virgil probably doesn’t need six pancakes, but still. It’s the principle of the matter.
Scott - bless his heart - has also queued up the latest series of the ocean documentary that Gordon and Virgil gush over, but that Scott himself finds mind-numbing. The three of them squash together on one sofa, chomping pancakes and squabbling over blankets as the sun rises on another beautiful day.
Alan strolls in, nose first and still half-asleep. “Pancakes?” he says hopefully.
He catches sight of Virgil and seems to shake himself awake immediately. “Virgil? What the hell are you doing up?”
“Language,” Scott says thickly, the effect lessened by the mouthful of pancake and chocolate spread inside it.
“What the heck,” Alan waves a dismissive hand. “It’s barely ten, Virg?”
“Tell him what you’ve gone and done,” Scott says, because damn straight is he going to hold onto this one the next time Virgil’s yelling at him for taking a stupid risk. Well, at least I can drink coffee without poisoning myself, Virgil can just hear it now. .
“I drank too much coffee,” Virgil tells the ceiling.
“Sorry, V,” Gordon says, his smile wicked. “Allie didn’t quite catch that.”
Virgil sighs. “I overdosed on caffeine,” he says loudly.
“That’s a thing?!” Alan splutters. And then he bursts out laughing and Virgil wants to glare because he’s exhausted and his head is throbbing and there’s an anxious wriggle in his chest that keeps poking at his limbs.
But he also thought for one terrible moment yesterday that he wouldn’t get to hear that laugh again. The relief is infectious.
It never takes much to set Gordon off, but cracking Scott is a true victory, because for a second, the lines around his eyes crinkle with something other than stress.
Alan sets himself up with pancakes (far too smug that he’s allowed the chocolate spread on his where Virgil was only allowed syrup), and plonks himself down on Virgil’s right, bandaged arm and all. Whilst Gordon and Alan quarrel over species of tropical fish, Scott looks over at Virgil, raising his eyebrows. Are you okay? it says.
Virgil smiles and nods.
Inevitably, Scott and Gordon are called away on a rescue, just as Alan has grown tired of the nature documentary and is demanding something more exciting. Virgil consents to the first movie Alan picks out, because he’s too busy watching Gordon fly his beloved ‘Bird away with an expert hand.
God, he’s so tired. His limbs are heavy and aching from the tension of holding them in place all night and his head pounds in beat with his too-fast heart..
He’s utterly exhausted. If only his mind could get the memo. Instead it careens between thought processes: the grapple lines, his failed calculations, the disaster zone he’s left the workshop in -
It doesn’t matter though.
Because Alan’s alive and that’s all that matters.
Alan, whose gentle hand snakes through Virgil’s hair in a tender, soothing way that plucks at the knot of anxiety in Virgil’s chest, whose ministrations are a blessed, momentary pain relief for his sore head.
It’s dark when he wakes, though he doesn’t remember his overwrought brain finally giving into sleep. His limbs no longer feel like they’re spasming out of control and his head aches with a more manageable pain, but he’s still drained. On the floor next to him, Alan is snoring at the centre of a nest of blankets - at least two of which Virgil is sure were wrapped around himself before...
He raises his head to look for his water glass, and nearly jumps out of his skin at the sight of his oldest brother standing in the shadows, watching. He’s still in his uniform, which suggests Thunderbird One just docked - presumably her engines through the open patio doors are what woke him.
“What the fuck, Scott?” he hisses.
“Sorry,” Scott says, though he doesn’t sound particularly apologetic. He moves into the light, and repositions Alan so that he can rescue one of the blankets for Virgil once more. “Go back to sleep.”
“Did the rescue go okay?” Virgil asks instead, relieved at Scott’s easy nod - and relatively clean, dry appearance.
“Gordon’s heading back now, all good. And no issues with grapples today, thank God.” Scott’s voice is low but Virgil still flinches from it.
“I’m going to find out what happened, Scott, I swear -”
“I know you will.” Scott’s voice is so firm, so strong that it momentarily steals Virgil’s breath how much faith Scott has in him. "I know you’ll figure it out, Virg. But you don’t have to do it on your own. You and Brains will work on it and find a solution, John’s going to identify the person responsible, and EOS will make sure they can never do it again. But it’ll be when you haven't overdosed on caffeine. Do you understand?”
It’s the kindest of reprimands. The same kind of pleading why won’t you just take care of yourself tone that Virgil finds himself using more and more on Scott these days, but with so much understanding and love, Virgil finds himself blinking back tears.
He can only nod and Scott steps back. “I’m going to go shower. Get some rest, Virgil.”
Scott turns to leave and Virgil forces himself to muster up his barely replenished energy reserves. He snags Scott’s sleeve, “Scott - thank you.”
Scott smiles a smile that’s just them, soft and trusting and concerned. “God knows you’ve looked after me through far worse hangovers than this. But don’t you dare do this again, Virg. I mean it. Don’t make me confiscate all the coffee on the island, because you know I’ll do it if I have to.”
“I know you will.”
Scott runs a hand through Virgil’s messy waves fondly, letting his hand rest at the nape of his neck where the headache pain is regrouping. “Sleep, Virg.”
And he does.
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azurethevampire · 3 years
Bickering children
A/N: Okay, so if you didn't already realise, I'm super exited for the new Falcon and the Winter Soldier series and with Bucky and Sam's bantering and stuff in the trailers, I started thinking how it would affect my oc who is Bucky's younger sister and this thing came to my mind. It's just a quick drabble written in one go but maybe someone will enjoy it. Sorry it's not a reader-insert one but maybe I'll change it later :D
Fandom: MCU
Words: 615
Characters: Bucky Barnes, Erika Barnes (oc) and Sam Wilson
Erika lifted her gaze from the sketch she was shaping onto a page of her sketchbook as her brother walked in her room. 
"Whatever you're going to ask the answer is no", she said. "Especially if it has something to do with Sam."
Bucky sort of looked like a kicked puppy at that. Dammit, Erika thought. She was the younger sister – she was supposed to be giving that look to him! Quickly, she turned her attention back to her sketch and added another stroke of pencil. It didn't quite look like the person she was trying to draw but it would get there. Hopefully.
"He's driving me crazy, Erika!" 
Erika let huffed out a breath and rolled her eyes.
"And don't roll your eyes at me, young lady!" 
"I will stop rolling my eyes when you stop acting like a five-year-old who doesn't want to share the sand box with other kids."
Bucky sat down on Erika's bed and crossed his arms. "The guy's impossible", he said. "I don't know how you can be friends with him." 
Erika couldn't help but grin at that. Not too long ago Sam had told her he didn't know how it was possible that she was related to Bucky. 
"What? Why are you laughing, doll?" Bucky asked, eyebrow slightly arched. 
Erika decided to give up finishing the sketch for now and closed her sketchbook before turning to face her brother. 
"I swear to God, you and Sam are worse than you and Steve", she commented as she stood up and headed for the door. 
There she opened the door and revealed Redwing hovering over the air. Looking straight at the camera in the little robot, Erika let out a groan. "Sam!" 
"You know what!" Erika said. She couldn't believe Sam – the person who had been so much help to her years back when they had searched for Bucky with Steve and she had still dealt with all the things that had happened with HYDRA in her past – would spy on her and Bucky like a child! 
Actually, who was she trying to fool? The way these two had been bickering from the start was a clear sign of something like this happening in the end. 
"From now on, I'm Switzerland!" 
"Kid, you did not just quote Twilight on me", Sam's voice suddenly came from around the corner, the man appearing a moment later. 
Bucky appeared on Erika's doorway. "What is twilight?" 
"Not important", Erika said. "And yes and no, Sam but that is not the point. You know what? You two are on your own; I'm leaving here." She started walking away.
"Don't be ridiculous, doll. Stay."
"Where are you gonna go?"
Erika turned so that she was walking backwards. "Anywhere! You two are driving me crazy by driving each other crazy. Until you stop acting like idiots, I'm not staying with either one of you!"
"But I'm your big brother", Bucky protested. 
And at the same time Sam said: "But I'm you best friend." 
"And they say that I have issues", Erika muttered as she rounded a corner, leaving the two men stare after her. 
"This is your fault", Bucky said. 
"How is it my fault? You are at least as much to blame!" 
"No, I'm–" 
"Shut up, both of you or I will drag you down to... - I don't know, couple's therapy myself!" Erika's voice carried from the hallway. 
"We're not a couple!"
"Glad to know you can at least agree on something!" With that comment Bucky and Sam could hear the front door close behind the young woman who in Bucky's eyes was very much still the little girl he remembered from eighty-some years ago. 
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eremiie · 3 years
hiii eremiie! first of all congratulation for your 500 follows you really deserve them! sending youuu all the hapiness you need!☺️☺️
I hope it's okay if I send you a request for a matchup (i already made one with apimpnamedlo and alert-arlert and they were so good, i just found them so cool😌).
i'm a 19 yo girl with short brown hair (kinda like mikasa?), brown eyes, i'm 5'4”.
I'm a sagitarius, my personality type is INTP and i'm a hetero person.
i'm shy, smile and laugh a lot, verryyy stubborn, honest.
((i have zero trust in myself but wellll)), but i'm very open-minded and i think i try most of the time to be nice.
Also, I wear a lot of black clothes, i study the history of art and archeology, oh and im french😉, i looooove horror movies but seen that i have a loot of issues with sleeping, I stop watching them😔, i practise archery! i love to draw and play video games!
basically i'm like an adult child, i say some dumb shit a lot (without trying please i try to be smart but failed everytime😭), i try to be organised and failed a lot.
hmm i also have a hard time expressing my feeling and a hard time to accept them from others.
even if most of the time i think i'm a soft person, when feelings or just interactions with others come in the game I just switch to an angry baby bear? (im so dumb help)
but when (few) people are able to approach me, i'm all love and maybe a little clingy.
i think i just need someone reassuring and fun to live with.
((is the fact of being horny all the time count? no? oh well i didn't say anything then))😂😂
I really hope i didn't forget anything (and hope that it wasn't too long or annoying and that my english was okay🥺) and i wish you a happy dayyyyy❤️❤️❤️
first of all thank you so much, and i’m sending happiness back as well, i hope you like this matchup💓
jean kirchstein.
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i match you up because...
let’s start off with the fact that he’s an aries and you’re a sag, which pair well together despite both being fire signs. on top of that your mbti’s make up where the other lacks, in other words they are somewhat opposite. your shyness is somewhat an ego booster for jean, it gives him an opportunity to somewhat “protect” you and have you cling onto him which he finds pride in and finds it cute, and who doesn’t like a laugh and smiley person? real talk, your stubbornness/anger/hard time accepting feels are all negative on his part, it’s gonna lead to a lot of arguments because he can also be stubborn and let his anger get the best of him, but what can overcome that is the way both of you love hard and will cling to each other; so apologies will come quick. he respects your honesty and doesn’t mind that you aren’t organized. both you have your dumb moments and brain farts together so that isn’t a problem neither. you might be an over thinker and fairly open minded but jean doesn’t even need words to reassure you that he wants you and likes you; have you seen the way he somewhat flaunt his love for mikasa so shamelessly? you don’t even have time to second guess your relationship because he is always doing something to prove you relationship. when you are having doubts he gives his reassurance in his own jean way; it comes off as quite aggressive and misunderstanding but he means good, i swear.
you and jean have sex a lot. like a lot, i don’t make the rules
he likes to wrap and arm around you to show off to his friends when you start getting shy in public
as soon as you start doubting yourself he is on your ASS; “what? why would you even think that you’re literally so gorgeous😡???”
you guys agreed on something so dumb one time and then realized how stupid you both sounded and burst out laughing
he gets really clingy and possessive of you, especially when you guys are around friends (cough eren cough)
one time you got in a really bad argument and he apologized profusely like 2 hours later and took you on a date
you actually get him so flustered it’s hilarious, like when you compliment him or are just being sweet he just like gets so cute and gets butterflies🥺
your runner up was connie!
i hope you enjoyed your matchup! let me know how i did<3
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that-bajan-kid · 4 years
Boku No Hero Academia Chapter 258 SPOILERS
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I have a really bad feeling about this.
We get a flashback to Hawks one week after the hospital tip. Twice is still going to Hawks for help with the whole liberation ideology thing.
Someone, idk who, is narrating about how it took Hawks a month to figure out the different ranks of PLF.
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I don't like the fact that some of these guys are stronger than the heroes. Twice is the only one without a partner. THEY HAVE OTHER HEROES AMONG THEIR RANKS. How's that convo gonna go down when the to sides meet?
Hawks is giving some pointers on what Twice should say to the OG LA members while thinking about how royally fuck everyone is if the PLF makes the first move.
Apparently there's some tension going on cause some of the lower ranked members don't like the new ranking system very much. Hawks can use that to his advantage. Just subtly start some beef with in the ranks and watch the chaos unfold from the side lines.
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Well isn't that just lovely.
The more I see All Might in these chapters, the more I feel like he's gonna die and that it's gonna be as horrible as Nighteye predicted it would be. And that scares me.
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FuN. When Hawks says "he will take over" does he mean Shigaraki are Re-deastro? Cause if he's talking about Re-destro I think Shiggy would have something to say to that.
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Hawks was here thinking "Damn I need to watch out for Twice since he got over his mental issues and is super OP now." but after spending time with him he realised Twice is actually a pretty chill dude.
Does this mean Twice might get a shot at redemption? Probably not but a girl can hope.
So apparently during one of their tutoring sessions Twice let it slip that Shiggy was undergoing surgery to become super OP cause Hawks is such a nice and trustworthy guy and totally not a double agent or anything.
Anyway, Hawks somehow managed to relay that info to the heroes without getting caught or raising suspicion and now I'm thinking Hawks is probably gonna die. When the heroes show up at there front door they're gonna know it was Hawks who tipped them off.
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He's gonna die. All Might is gonna die. There's no denying it now. Honestly with all these red flags I'd be surprised if he didn't die.
Also that kid holding an Endeavour doll but choosing to draw inspiration and confidence from All Might's statue is hilarious.
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I swear to All Might if Aizawa or Mic die I'm going to fucking loose my shit.
Wait if Aizawa, Mic and the other U.A. hero course teachers are here then who's teaching the kids?
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Never mind.
They're evacuating the residents. Shit's about to go down.
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DID THEY BRING THE WHOLE HEROICS COURSE INTO THIS?!?!? Cause I'm seeing faces I don't recognise. I see Nejire-chan but I don't see Suneater. Is he hanging back with Mirio and Eri? God this is gonna be an absolute train wreck, isn't it?
So, war is upon us. I have two theories on how this might go down.
While all the heroes/ heroes-in-training are in this city, some of the villains are gonna go after All Might at U.A and kill him while he's trying to defend some students, who end up dying anyway cause angst. The school won't have that many pros around since it looks like most of them are gonna be fighting the war, and Horikoshi has been pushing the "All Might is gonna die soon" narrative pretty fucking hard these last few chapters. Some students are gonna end up dying and Shinsou is gonna have a hero moment that, hopefully, won't end in him dying too.
The heroes evacuated the wrong city and the villains attack a different one. A shit ton of people die before the heroes turn up. Some of the kids end up dying and society completely loses faith in the heroes ability to protect them. Also Shigaraki kills All Might and Midoriya looses an arm.
But those are just theories! Manga theories!
Until next time
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eitelle · 3 years
Ahh hi i hope im not too late to the event :) i would like a haikyuu matchup, any gender is fine!
Uhh, i still don't know if im intp or infp but i'm a capricorn sun, sagittarius moon and taurus rising. my pronouns are they/she
i'm 5'1, i have brown shoulder-length hair that is half bleached, and pale skin with freckles!
My favorite color is black, and my favorite food are strawberries with chocolate.
I'm an introvert, i tend to get really anxious in public spaces so i avoid going out alone lmao. When meeting new people i'm nervous at first and i don't talk much, but with friends i trust i get more confident and talk a lot more.
I think i would need someone who can listen to me, since i could talk a lot about my interests 😭
i'm always drawing, so if there is someone i like i would express my love by drawing them since i'm not good with words ✌
And i think that's it. If i am actually late just ignore this ask bc that would be embarrassing 😕🤞 have a nice day !
HI LOVE!! tbh u werent late if anything im the late one since im so late to this ask bye- its like 2 months later n i still have this im gonna kms /j
ok so anyways ive matched you up w: miya osamu!!
ok so some hcs
he always thinks hes the forgotten twin n he lowk has trust issues from people saying “no ur my fav twin!! atsumu” so he doesnt even rly like words!!
he also expresses his emotions n love through his food so ur art will never go underappreciated with him
he also loves physical touch tho n deals w his brother and suna a lot so he knows ab introverts AND extroverts so he knows hoe to get u out of uncomfy situations ;DD
he often had to hear atsumu ramble so hes a vv good listener but he knows when to push u a lil bv he can read people vv well, yet another reason why words arent needed!!
sometimes people forget ur dating bc yall both lowk dont like pda but yall r in love so who tf cares?
he loves yalls height difference
he gets to ramble to u while u draw so u can focus on him n not any intrusive thoughts since sometimes that can cause ur hand to shake n thats the worse
he likes laying his head in ur lap
he can always read u so hes like a rock for u n hes p big n beefy so hes just like always there n thats amazing
he def like has ur art in his restaurant pls. (w consent ofc bc consent is seggsy)
idk why but i feel like yall have a shit ton of those reversible octopus plushies?? idk SJJSS
yall r literally such a hot couple
also me n my husband by mitski (but like when u dont psychoanalyze the lyrics n take it as some cute thing) is yalls theme song i dont make the rules 🤚
u guys have promise rings WHSGSH
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also why were the gifs all atsumu not osamu 🤨⁉️ i typed in miya osamu or sum shit like that. wow this is osamuphobic tbh 😐☝️(ps: manga timeskip spoilers ahead)
“osamu where are you taking me? dont run me into a pole babe HAHSHSHS” you giggle as your crazy boyfriend osamu miya drags a blindfolded you across the city where a rose petal and candle decorated restaurant (his restaurant) awaits with your fav food.
“ok ok i wont i swear. ok now here we are, open your eyes baby,” your boyfriend encourages.
as you open your eyes you see your favorite food in a romantic setting, completely unrecognizable as osamus restaurant and you over your mouth with your hand. “oh my god, ‘samu this is so much. what even is today? its not a anniversary right?” you question wondering how you scored such a thoughtful boyfriend.
“no its not y/n, i just thought youd like this gesture more as we havent spent as much time together :)”
“well consider this gesture appreciated i love it and i love you samu.” you say knowing how ooc it is but he deserves to hear it after all this.
“damn baby today was supposed to make you cry not me!! you ruined it >:(“ he jokes with you, teasing how flustered you got after proclaiming your love (not the first time tho might i add)
“well im sorry mr. better twin,” you tease right back.
the rest of the night is filled with laughs, smiles, love, and happiness for you and your lover.
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no artbreeder 😠 but i found this!! so... YEAH SJSHSJ
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TUMBLR IS BEING N ASS AND ISNT LETTING ME PIST THIS BUT HERE U GO I HOPE U ENJOY!! (also the fish thing is osamu dropping a piece of fish on his lap picking it back up blowing on it n trying to feed it to u. thats so nasty)
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