#i swear they complain about absolutely everything he does they bring up the kick thing at least once a week move onnnnn
drusic · 1 year
bro apologized and said he’d do better and call shit out next time and ppl are still complaining about it like i’m pretty sure most of dttwt only likes dnf now and act like they like sapnap just bc dream said dteam is a package deal
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lxvislxdy · 3 years
Imagine Bakugou x stoner!reader
So... maybe I got carried away, and maybe this turned into more of just you and the bakusquad being besties, but I literally love this concept and will 100% be writing more.
Warning(s): obvious mentions of drug use, and some language. All characters are 18+.
So, let’s say, just for the hell of it, that this is a quirkless!college!au 
just imagine...
- you befriend Sero and Denki first, meeting them in a class, and they love you right off the bat
- you’re personality just meshes so well with theirs, you become bffs almost instantly
- the three of you raise hell in that class, I’m convinced, like RIP to whoever sits near you goofs
- you slowly start to hang out outside of class. maybe it starts as a study sesh, but let’s be honest here. the three of you can’t focus to save your life, and eventually Sero asks if you guys wanna smoke
- and, to their complete surprise, you outsmoke them (Denki later bows down to you, literally, and proposes to you with a ring pop. he’s such a dork I love him)
- this becomes a weekly thing, as it should, and the three of you are practically attached at the hip
- your favorite part of hanging with them is, of course, all their crazy stories about their friends
- so of course they want to introduce you to the bakusquad, and you are just as eager to meet the rest of the group, if not a little nervous
- Denki and Sero assure you they’ll love you (”c’mon, you’re just like us, they’ll adore you!!!”) and they take you out to lunch with Mina and Kirishima
- now, if you thought you, Denki, and Sero was a chaotic trio, just wait until you add Mina to the equation
- Kirishima lives for the chaos and thinks you’re adorable, but the guy has his hands full keeping the four of you out of trouble, that’s for sure
- (when Bakugou’s not around, Kirishima is in charge of the braincell, I don’t make the rules)
- Mina immediately kidnaps you for a girls night, and is ecstatic about having a girl to hang out with her and the boys 
- (SIDE NOTE, Mina introduces you to Jirou, and the three of you are THE baddest bitches around, thank you. the three of you definitely have girl nights and either kick the boys out, or force them to join, face masks and all)
- anyway, you finally get the opportunity to meet Bakugou
- and, as always, he’s in a sour mood. but! you don’t let his grumpiness upset you, in fact, you take it in stride and throw his attitude right back at him
- you aren’t mean, and you certainly aren’t going out of your way to bug him, but if Bakugou makes a snide comment? you better believe you’re throwing one right back at him
- and at first, Bakugou is annoyed, and thinks you’re mocking him. like, who do you think you are? 
- but the more he gets to know you, he realizes that you’re way too sweet to be that mean. you fit right in with the idiots he’s friends with.
- and, to be honest, it drives him nuts. because he likes you. he likes you, and he likes when you snap back at him, and he likes watching you goof off and laugh with his friends
- in true Bakugou fashion, though, you’re convinced he hates you. it’s just the icing on top of the cake when one night you notice that every time you’re there, and Sero lights up, Bakugou disappears 
- when you finally tell Mina this, she laughs. actually laughs! and you’re just like ....what?
- turns out, Bakugou hardly ever smokes with them, and he’s just like that. 
“Trust me, babe,” Mina tells you, “It’s not you. Bakugou just doesn’t know how to relax, he’s got a terrible case of trust issues and a bad attitude to top it off. But he likes you, trust me! He’ll come around.”
- you weren’t so sure about that, but you take her word for it. 
- and then, one night it’s just you, Denki, Mina, and Bakugou, and he stays!
“Someone with a brain has to make sure you idiots don’t do something stupid.” He says, when you ask.
- that night ends up being one of the funniest nights of your life. the three of you are high as a kite, and everything is funny. seriously, you can’t stop laughing!
- then, you find out Bakugou’s birthday is on 4/20, and you have never been so excited in your life (so you say). it’s the funniest, most ironic thing to you
- you go up to Bakugou, grabbing both his arms by the biceps, and are going on and on about it, bouncing on the balls of your feet and giggling, and Bakugou just listens to you talk and he blushes 
- you’re adorable, and he can’t lie to himself anymore, he likes you. he really likes you. and this realization really freaks him out (he calls Kirishima later that night absolutely freaking out, and he has to totally calm him down. Kiri ships it)
- over the next month or two, he tries his best to not give himself away, but it’s so hard. 
- he starts sticking around when everyone smokes together, and sitting next to you during movie nights (because you always fall asleep, and theres a good 80% chance you end up leaning on his shoulder), and he offers to help when you complain about a class you’re struggling with
- and it all comes to a head one night when he gets jealous. 
- he was definitely reading too much into things, but he swears you’re acting clingy with Sero, leaning on his shoulder, and grabbing his arm when you laugh, and playing with his hair. he definitely has himself convinced Sero is making a move on you, and he’s pissed.
- at some point during the hangout, he gets up and storms out of the room, and no one really notices but you and Kiri. after a minute or two you’re curiosity gets the best of you, so you go after him
- he’s in the kitchen, glaring at this plant Denki and Sero have (that is totally, 100% dying, and probably can’t be saved) and he’s pouting
“I don’t think staring at it is gonna bring it back to life.” You say, and he just looks at you weird and asks what you want
- you say you’re just checking on him, and he asks why you care. and you’re just like dude ??? i care about you? hello? we’re friends ??
- and Bakugou, being himself, snaps at you and makes some kind of rude comment
- so you snap back, offended because you’d just wanted to check on him
- and halfway through you telling him what a jerk he is, he kisses you
- he kisses you like his life depends on it, because he’s still pissed off about Sero and, come on, Bakugou Katsuki doesn’t do anything halfway
- and maybe the two of you make out in the kitchen for way longer than you want to admit
- and maybe you laugh and call him an idiot when he tells you he was jealous of Sero
- and maybe Denki catches the two of you, and screams like a little girl on christmas morning
- cue protective Denki and Sero telling Bakugou he better not EVER hurt you... and then crying happy tears a minute later because you’re so cute together
- after that, Bakugou is literally never seen without you by his side. he walks you to class, cooks you dinner at least once a week, helps you study and takes you out every time you ace a test. this man knows your coffee order, and has your schedule memorized, it’s impressive 
- god forbid he see’s you eating junk food
- listen, he knows how Denki and Sero eat when they get the munchies, okay, and that is absolutely not allowed. this man is such a simp behind closed doors, he will literally make you homemade snacks for when you go smoke with the guys. 
- he’s not the greatest with words, okay, but he loves you and he shows it through small things like that. he’s always pushing you to do your best, and bragging about you, and doing little things to remind you how much he cares
- he’s also a little over protective, but he means well, and cmon it’s kinda cute when he get’s jealous, sometimes
- but overall you guys are just the cutest couple. like the bakusquad is absolutely obsessed. (you make Bakugou soft, but don’t tell him they said that)
- and sure you fight over little things every once in a while, but you learn how to handle Bakugou’s attitude quick, and it never lasts too long. 
- if you do have a big fight, you take a step back and let each other cool down, and then you make Bakugou talk it out. he hates it at first, because sharing his feelings is so not something he wants to do, but it does help and he knows it.
- if, on the rare occasion, the two of you have a bad fight you can’t resolve on your own, therapist Kiri is there to save the day
- now, let’s get down to the whole reason i made this au in the first place
- the first time the two of you celebrate his birthday after getting together, he makes it clear that the day of he just wants to spend it with you
- so the weekend closest to his bday, the whole squad goes out and celebrates, but when it comes to his actual bday? Bakugou has a surprise for YOU
- you show up to his apartment, not really knowing what to expect, and this man pulls out a pan of brownies
- yeah, those brownies
- turns out, he and Sero used to sell them in high school
“What? Sero already sold, and I can cook, so we just... did it. It was good money.”
“How could you keep this from me?! Have I told you recently that I adore you?”
He just laughs, “You’re such a dork.”
- so you have the PLEASURE of getting high with Bakugou for the first time
- and let me just tell you, you’re in for a treat
- Bakugou. is. so. clingy. as soon as it hits, you know, because he’s wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into his lap
- he’s speaking so softly?? and he’s just relaxed, and content with holding you and talking about anything and everything, just cuddling with music in the background
- high! makeout sessions! with Bakugou! that’s it, that’s literally it. he is INSATIABLE 
- the man just wants to kiss you, for hours, okay? give him what he wants!!
- he used to get super paranoid, that’s why he doesn’t smoke much, but with you he’s calm and comfortable, and not anxious
- it becomes tradition to make brownies on both of your birthdays, and you look forward to it all year
- and every once in a while, Bakugou will smoke with the squad, and they quickly learn that he can’t keep his hands off of you when he’s high. they tease him relentlessly, and Sero and Denki definitely have asked him (aka whined to him) to stop hogging all your attention
- also, he definitely lights the bowl for you, because he is a gentlemen
- shotgun kisses. yup. that’s all I have to say.
before I get carried away again, this is the end. Thank you for reading! I literally can’t get enough of this au I’m in love with it!! I’ll be writing more of this au soon, hopefully, and my requests are open!! 
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alicanta77 · 4 years
NCT Dream Reaction: You getting your wisdom teeth removed
underestimates you majorly
thinks to himself that he got this, i mean he can handle the dreamies, and there is no way you could be more chaotic than them right?
he kind of forgets that he actually has absolutely no control over the dreamies
and has a horrible realisation when you prove to be MUCH more chaotic than them
getting you into the car was one of the hardest things mark swears he has ever had to do
literally, johnny had driven him and it took johnny literally lifted you up and placing you in the back seat
mark then watched as you began to slap his arms and ask him how he knew superman
as confused and worried for you he is, he can’t help laughing slightly
cause you just look so cute with your big cheeks and wide eyes while you mutter about your boyfriend being friends with superman
mark literally just wants to get you back to yours but has no idea how you’re going to act when you get there
wishes you would fall asleep but you don’t
and when you get back you spend the time asking mark to bring superman back and almost crying when mark said no
but he refuses to leave you to someone else for a second because you’re his baby and he’s going to look after you no matter how difficult you are
he was with you for a few hours and in those hours renjun aged about 50 years
in about five minutes he’s already done
you pinch his cheeks as soon as he arrives and just stare at him
you then proceed to gently cup his face and whisper
“so precious”
and renjun turns to the nurse like “bitch wtf have you done to my y/n?”
and then he realises you’re essentially high as a kite right now and have no idea what you’re doing
asks the nurse what to do and sets his goal as getting you rested
it took renjun over three hours to get you in the car, back home and into bed
something that normally takes 20 minutes max
but you had to stop because the music wasn’t right and you couldn’t be in a moving car with the wrong music
and because your face was puffed up and you couldn’t remember why and you thought you were dying
you weren’t but renjun was beginning to think he was
and a lot of other reason that renjun has blocked out of his memory
just stares at you at the end of the day while you’re sleeping whispering
“how are you this cute but that annoying? you’re lucky i love you”
but he knows, no matter how annoying you are, you’re always going to be his favourite
basically finds himself trying to stop you from doing EVERYTHING you want to
mainly because everything you want to do will get you hurt
and then has to deal with you crying every time he says no to you climbing the eiffel tower
“because we’re in korea... and that’s in france...”
ends up with you in tears on him complaining about how the eiffel tower must be lonely because you can’t go and visit it
and he finds himself promising to take you one day
he has never felt as strong of a feeling of relief as he did when you finally started to become tired
this boy has patience for days and he used ALL of it with you
like you move closer to him and just plop down on his shoulder
first he’s worried you’ve passed out or something
but when he realises you’re sleeping jeno swears he could have cried in that moment he was so happy
but as he watches you sleep he can’t help but place a soft kiss on your forehead
stares at you with MASSIVE heart eyes and just admits that he’s whipped as hell
but he’s also exhausted as hell and falls asleep on the sofa immediately after you
initially he vibed with this
found it the funniest thing on the planet like
entertained all your screaming by screaming back and probably encouraged you to do every stupid idea that came to your mind plus he definitely recorded a lot of it
“i’m gonna sit on the roof of the car on the way home...”
“ok baby you do that”
but when he watches you actually attempting to climb onto the roof he panics and pulls you back down
“but you said i could sit there...” *you giving him the puppy dog eyes”
and he is NOT PREPARED for you to start crying
runs up to you immediately and wipes them away while asking you if you’ll get in the car
relieved af when you say yes
and then freaks out again when you start crying halfway back because there’s a spot on the window that looks different to yesterday
and starts to realise why doyoung was laughing at his when he mentioned this was happening
he literally bangs his head on the wheel out of frustration
“well i’ve learnt today that i am NOT cut out to be a parent”
and yet he will still look after you for as long as you need him to
ok *cracks knuckles*
the motherly instincts kick in
he thinks he’s got this in the bag
just give you cuddles and reassurance and all should be fine
he learns pretty quickly that that is NOT the case
and adapts cause he’s superhuman when it comes to looking after you
does literally everything you ask
you want some fruit
nana’s got it
you want a hug
nana’s got it
you get the picture
the only thing that really throws jaemin is when you cry for no reason
like how is he supposed to comfort you when you think the planet pluto is lonely because it was shunned and cast out for being too small
tries to reassure you but when you ask how he knows jaemin almost just gives up and says he doesn’t
but he uses all his self control and stays calm, gently stroking your head and saying it’s okay
almost can’t believe his luck when he feels you begin to fall asleep
refuses to move you in case you wake up, so instead just keeps giving you kisses and whispering sweet nothings into your ear
is not prepared at all
goes to pick you up from your appointment and bring you back to his so he can look after you
yet was not expecting you to literally scream at him when he walked in the door
ok yes that makes him smile but he’s also incredibly embarrassed
tries to get you out of there as soon as possible
practically drags you towards the car and puts you in
gets worried when you’re staring back at the dentist’s office because he’s starting to panic that he’s forgotten something
but you’re silent so he keeps going
then suddenly
“CHENLE!!!!” *you scream* *chenle almost crashes the car*
“what are you okay?!?!”
he tries telling you that you were meant to but you keep crying
“i’ll buy you a new one!” at this point chenle would buy you anything to make you stop talking
looks over and sees you staring at him happily and his heart melts
nah he knows he would buy you anything cause he’s whipped for you
yeah he calls for help
he thought he would be fine like he could handle whatever it was
but when he watched you pick a banana and then burst into tears because it wasn’t the one you wanted
he knew he would need backup
so he calls jaemin and renjun over
but they’re busy at work so he’s alone
he kind of just gently takes the bananas out of your hand and tries to pick he “right” one for you
and then finds himself with you snuggling up to him murmuring about how he knows you too well and he always gets it right
then you grab the banana and begin to dance around happily and he doesn’t know if he should put music on and join you or stop you
he just has no idea what the best way of handling this is
so he just goes with his instinct and makes it up as he goes along
his main priority is making sure you don’t hurt yourself
so he puts anything he thinks could be dangerous on the highest shelf
and just watches you constantly
is basically very tense and in a constant state of panic the whole time
but by the next day
he promises to NEVER take your normal calmer self for granted again
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kashimos-hajime · 4 years
homestretch of the hard times | g.t.
summary: the eve days of your potential death kinda spurns things to move forward: for takemura, it means confessions. for you, it means making exceptions. and drinks. ‘cause takemura’s the pickiest fucking eater you’ve ever met.
WARNINGS: small spoilers for act 1 of cyberpunk 2077 and references to non-spoiler texts between takemura and v, just fluff, small angst, swearing, idk what else is going on so if there are actual spoilers thats completely coincedental ndlnskfsldnf pairing: goro takemura x fem!street-kid!v word count: 2.6k
a/n: so cdpr did us dirty for not allowing us to romance him (to my knowledge) but he has my mind, heart and everything else so :) listened to the bones by maren morris w/ hozier
part of the tales of a two-bit thief series
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It starts with something straight out of a romance movie: A car crash, saving each other’s lives (well, him more than you) and “Wait, V, I need you.”
You don’t know how you got here, to be precise. There were a chain of events, some absolutely stand up fucking moments on your part, and just… fuckery. So much fuckery and life went to shit.
All you know is the ticking time bomb’s only ticking louder and at this point, the only thing that can silence it at all is the man beside you. Not even the meds Misty gave you can help you now. 
You’re sitting in his car because you called him and he had answered and now… now they’re on one of the off ramps looking over Night City like they own the fucking place.
Maybe you did, once. Ha, maybe back when everything seemed more job to job and not life to life. For a moment, maybe you were in the big leagues.
Takemura doesn’t say anything, even though you can tell he wants to. His hair still pulled into that man bun, collared shirt with not a single wrinkle in sight. Weird how he never looks out of place, not really. Not even with the car crash. Shit, he always looked good.
You think you’re actually gonna miss that. That one semblance of someone being put together that gave you the hope that maybe you could stick it too.
You think you’re gonna miss a lot of things about him—from his stupid complaints about the food here, to his stupid random philosophy texts in the day, to the fact that he eats the ramen you buy anyway without complaint, even though it’ll never compare to what he has in Japan.
The thought that counts.
They don’t even have the radio on, just the dim lights of the car, a window rolled down. You don’t smoke but you feel like you should be tapping a cig either way. You haven’t had the time to just fucking breathe—not with Silverhand breathing down your neck, corpo rats swarming you on all sides. 
Everyone wants a piece of you, it feels like. 
You look at Takemura.
Almost everyone.
“Thank you,” you tell him quietly, with difficulty. It’s hard to get through your words without thinking Silverhand’s behind your back, mocking you. You’re so fucking tired. “It hasn’t been easy.”
He doesn’t respond. He’s too busy looking at one of the cars nearly collide with a pedestrian. You could’ve laughed. You used to make fun of the shitty drivers in Night City, knowing full well you’re one of them.
You get chased by a couple of cops, rules start to bend.
You used to wonder why you never left.
Then, you actually left, and you realized that hell, you can take the person out of Night City—can’t take the Night City out of a person.
Atlanta fucking sucked, but maybe you should’ve stayed there.
But then, a tiny voice whispers as you look out the window to the fresh night wind. You never would’ve met him.
It’s funny, you think. To come back and get a brain tumour in the shape of a rocker who can’t fucking touch anyone who loves him, who he loved, only for you to fall in love with a corpo you can’t fucking touch at all because… because there is no time left. It just isn’t fair.
“I used to be a corpo kid,” you confess, looking at him with a wry smile again. That catches his attention. He looks at you with those eyes that scrutinize you, interrogate you, peel you apart to your bare essentials and you have to look away before you can’t control your face anymore. God fucking damn it. “Not when it mattered, obviously, but… I remember what it was like. Grew up hating every single on of them.”
“Your parents were Arasaka?”
“Mhm. Security division.” It’s like your eyes are magnetic to his because when you blink, you find yourself regarding him again. Your fingers play at your lips. “Counterintelligence. I was supposed to go into that, too. Big dreams.” 
“I see.”
“Yeah, then my parents were tried for treason and murdered, so I got thrown out. That’s it.” Your hand falls away. You pick at the chipped nail polish on your thumb. “Never told anyone that. ‘Cept…” Jackie. Well, he’s fucking dead, now. “‘Cept you, now, I guess. Guess some corpos aren’t so bad.”
The corner of his mouth pinches up like he’s flattered and you can’t help the pleased warmth spreading through your chest. 
“Should I be honoured I am one of the few exceptions you have made?”
“Well, I don’t make exceptions often, so…” You grin slyly. He looks away just as you catch a flash of his smile growing. It’s a nice smile. You wish you saw it more often before the end of the road. Maybe it’s one of the regrets you have, too. “Yeah, maybe you should feel special.”
“C’mon, Takemura. Humour the walking dead, yeah?” You stretch against the leather of his car seat with a pleased sound. “I’m spending what time I have left with who I want to. Can’t ask for much better than that.” A quiet hangs in the air as you melt against the black leather and you look at Takemura who’s staring at the wheel with an intensity you don’t often see. It makes your gut squirm. 
“And I? I am one of those people?”
You lean on one hip and look at him, bending a knee and resting an ankle on your thigh. He looks at you with an uncertainty—an uncertainty you’re sure echoes in your eyes.
It was business, then it wasn’t. Maybe it never was.
“Yeah. You’re one of the few on the short list.”
“Exceptions again.”
You laugh. “Yeah. You’re an exception to most things, I think. Weird, that.”
“How so?”
“Ah, I don’t know. I’ve had family—still do, ones that matter, you know. Just… no one ever like you, Takemura. Drives me crazy.”
“The feeling is mutual. Your mocking brings you onto thin ice, V.” His fingers tap against the steering wheel. The engine’s off so it seems more fidgety than anything. Weird. You never noticed he fidgeted before. Maybe he’s nervous?
About what?
“I must ask you something.”
“If you have a future, what do you see for yourself?”
Your eyebrows shoot up. You frown and pick at your flecking nail polish even more, looking at your hand and focusing more on that so you don’t have to answer your question. His eyes burn into you and you swallow, trying not to act like you haven’t thought, in regret, at night, about a hundred million fucking times the possibilities they could’ve had together.
You’re not about to say all that.
Instead: “Settling down with the family. Mama Welles, people at the Coyote.” You blatantly don’t look at him when you add, “Others. This has been enough action for a lifetime.” You rest your hands on your lap and chance a glimpse at him. He’s looking away from you, out the window on his side, and you shift in your seat. “How about you? You must’ve… had dreams. Before all this shit went down. You make it out of here and then what?”
When he looks at you, your heart nearly cracks at the sadness in his eyes. He smiles, but there is no strength, and his eyes are darker than the night surrounding them.
“I would go to the countryside, just as I’ve always wanted. Leave this, all of this, behind. Rural Japan is beautiful, so a small town would suffice where everyone knows everyone. We do favours for one another. It is community. Nothing like here.” His lips pull into a tiny frown. “When I was a younger man, I wanted a daughter,” is all he says. “I believe I could have been a great father, so perhaps… perhaps one day.”
“A daughter? Not a son?” you ask curiously, and he almost chuckles. You can’t help the faint smile on your face. 
“If my daughter grew up anything like her mother,” he explains with a slight glance towards you, “I would have more hope than a son who was like me.”
You frown.  “You’re not a bad man, Takemura. Any son like you—with your code of honour, your shitty selfie skills—no one’s gotta a chance.”
He merely scoffs in response. Again, with the you mocking him. It’s a wonder he lets you.
“But really, that sounds… nice. A daughter, a wife.” You drum your fingers against your knee and his eyes dart to yours, click like they were always destined to meet, and your lips part. Words stall on your tongue and you want to speak but in the dim lights, you are lost in the darkness of his eyes. Something comes, something goes, and you barely croak out, “Whoever marries you will have to deal with so much of your shit that the kids have to turn out alright. The complaining, for one. Picky eater for another.”
This time, he does chuckle and you swallow a breath at the sound. “Dealing with it comes with practice, V.”
“Is that so?”
“Shouldn’t you know?”
“I—“ For once, no funny retort, no witty quip shoots out of your mouth, and you realize that there is an implication—an intricate dance where they’re struggling not to step on each other’s toes and nearly failing at every turn, yet somehow, it works because they’re dancing, and it’s quiet, and it’s… it’s peaceful.
Shit, you’re getting a load of this. When’d you become a poet?
“I guess I should know,” you finally say. “Never understood why I got so giddy whenever I saw your texts, you know, seein’ your name flash on my phone.” You laugh bitterly. “Guess I know why, now.” He’s silent and you don’t look at him. You look at the dashboard where you’ve kicked your feet up a dozen times, the glove compartment that still has your sunglasses inside.
“Thank you for everything. Shit’s a little… more bearable, I guess. When you’re around, that is.” The words come out stilted, awkward, but your heart is so heavy in your throat you feel like you’re going to choke. You look into your lap, your whole body incinerating under what you’re sure is the most judgemental glare of your life and you just hope to fucking God this man says something, does something.
Holy shit. You’re going to die of embarrassment. Didn’t even think that was possible.
Then, a loud sigh. A sigh you’ve heard often enough beside you right before a gunfight or when he has to eat the food you ordered for him or even the nights when they’re exhausted, bruised, and just plain tired right before going to sleep where they lay on the floor.
It’s exasperated, a how on earth did we get here, a very annoyed again, you’re so fucking stupid, and you’re still running through your list on what this particular sigh can mean before a hand gently takes hold of yours. Your eyes dart to his, blinking and he stares at you like you’ve just stabbed him. Your heart is fucking racing in your chest, pounding like thunder. His fingers fold over and you realize, as you interlace fingers, that his skin is burning at your touch. 
Or maybe, it’s the other way around.
They sit there in silence, not looking at one another, looking out windows, parts of the car, everything but each other, and when he squeezes your hand, you close your eyes and swallow your heart.
It’s over.
“V,” he murmurs, voice so deathly quiet and raspy in your ears that your gut clenches. You turn to watch him. “Tell me that you will not stop fighting.” You swallow your breath as his eyes flicker from your own to your parted lips. He inhales quietly and you swear you can feel his heartbeat pulsing in his fingers in your grip. “That this is not all for nothing.”
“It isn’t.“
“Then I was right.” His eyes flutter back to your gaze and he tilts his head. Wisps of fine hair escaping his manbun brush over his nose and you reach up on your own accord, swiping it behind your ear. You lean over the console, your elbow digging into the leather and, tentatively, you trail your fingers down his jaw, hold his face in your hand. “I am… what is that phrase you use so often?”
“Royally fucked?”
“We need to expand your vocabulary.” You smile nefariously as his other hand reaches for your chin. He pinches it lightly, thumb stretching up to brush over your lips and your face freezes at his touch. “But yes. Royally fucked. I wasn’t wrong when I said I needed you.”
“I think that meant a whole something else back then,” you whisper rawly and he smiles sombrely. His thumb leaves your mouth to brush your cheek, his eyes fixing on you as if he’s trying to memorize aspects of your face: the arch of your nose, the bow of your smile, the way your brow wrinkles. “Meant more business-like.”
“I did. And now, I believe the terms have changed.” He arches an eyebrow. “Are we at a mutual understanding, V?”
“Yes.” And I hate that we are. Your hand along his jaw lifts to wrap around his wrist. “Consider that feeling mutual, yeah? It goes both ways.”
“I will.” Another small smile graces his lips. It makes him look younger every time and you rub your thumb over the back of his hand. 
“Do you wanna grab something to eat before you drive me back home for some shuteye?”
“The choices here are atrocious, V.”
“Then, drinks,” you propose, letting go of his wrist. He lets go of your chin, and turning to face the front, you kick up your feet on his dash. He stares at you for a moment then sighs because there really isn’t anything he can do about it. Nor, do you think, he wants to. You squeeze his hand and send him a silly smile. “How about drinks? I wasn’t hungry anyway.”
“Are you paying?”
You eye him incredulously. “Who do you take me for? You?”
He snorts and the engine roars to life with a flick of his wrist. He grabs the wheel dominantly and you swallow at the way his fingers wrap around the handle. “The Afterlife, then?”
“Or, we could make it rustic.” You pull his hand into your lap playfully and run a thumb over his knuckles. His eyes flit over and you send him a smirk. “I know Mama Welles doesn’t like you, but the Coyote’s serving cheap. Happen to like me there.” He begins to pull out of their little overhang and he nudges their joined hands into your abdomen, silently telling you to buckle in. Rolling your eyes, you mumble out a ‘boomer’ underneath your breath before letting go of him and following orders.
He settles a hand on your thigh and squeezes. You hang an arm out the window. 
The wind’s running through the car, he has the radio on low, and they’re easing through onto the highway.
Your chest is lighter than a feather, mind’s quieter than a ghost.
You’ve seen scarier deaths, dealt a lot more. You know that silence is a bigger killer than most bullets.
But here you are now…
“I’m changing this,” Takemura says. “This music is terrible.”
…Shit, maybe life isn’t so bad, ending the way it is.
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Hi there! Can I request Dick Grayson x fem reader where they’re training and one thing leads to another and the end up having some sexy time
warnings: smut // fem!reader.
word count: 1.9k
Omg I’m so sorry this is so late!! Hopefully it’s hot enough to make it up to you!!
requests are open!
Announcement coming tomorrow (titans related)!
•:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:• ☾ ☼ ☽ •:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•
Ever since the Titans found out that their old enemy, Dr Light, is back in town, everyone had been pretty on edge. Dick had us all training harder than before; longer hours, tougher fighting and weapon training. One thing seemed to impress him — and even calm him a little — is the persevering determination that I possess. Each time he’d walk past the training room, he’d peak his head in and see me beating up a boxing bag or throwing knifes at the wall or even working with the cross bow. I was new after all and felt that I needed to get up to speed with everyone’s training skills. 
Dick had been tense and agitated all night. Him and the Titans — excluding Jason, Rach, Gar and me, of course — were going down to the stadium to fight Dr Light. The rest of us sat around the Titan Tower. Jason was pacing around the living room, where we all sat, complaining about Dick not taking any of us seriously. Rachel, who seemed to have zoned out ages ago, was scrolling through her phone and not even bothering to look up at Jason. Which left Gar and I to converse with Jason. 
•:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:• ☾ ☼ ☽ •:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•
“Where’s Dr. Light?” Jason snickers at Dick. 
“Jason,” Rachel warns. 
“A little stealth job on a guy who shoots what, head lamps? I mean, half the city’s on fire and still no sign of Dr. Light,” Jason scoffs as he approaches Dick.
“Not the time Jason,” Dick replies sternly, yet exhaustedly. 
“Look, I don’t take orders from you anymore, man.” Jason steps closer to Dick, both of their jaws are clenched and we all knew this wouldn’t end well. “I do what I want, when I want.” 
I roll my eyes at Jasons remark. This kid thinks he’s older and more experienced than he is. I love him, but I think he doesn’t even have the slightest clue what we’re up against. No one does. 
Jason puts a hand on Dick’s chest, stopping Dick from walking past him.
“Get out of my way,” Dick said lowly, causing Jason to sigh. 
“I think you got it all wrong. You’re in my way. Yeah, and maybe you need to see a retirement package, huh?” Jason turns away and looks at us. His knuckles crack as he balls them into a tight and angry fist. Turning back to Dick , Dick says a serious “Don’t” almost as if he was warning him. Jason ignores him and swings his fist toward Dick, but Dick takes it and thrashes him down on the ground. Jason whimpers as he hits the ground. 
“Shit. Here,” Dick reaches his hand out apologetically towards Jason, who just slaps it away angrily. Jason stands up and snarls at Dick before storming off, pushing past Dick as he does so. 
•:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:• ☾ ☼ ☽ •:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•
“I hope you’re wearing gloves with that, don’t want you to hurt your hands before you’ve even started fighting the guy,” I joke, slowly walking towards him in the training room. Dick turns towards me. His breathing is still fast and heavy. His forehead is beaded with sweat, making the strands of hair stick to it in the hottest way. He looks me up and down discreetly, his lips turning upward into a smirk before frowning again. Dick couldn’t let me know that he was infatuated with me. He knew if I got hurt that he’d only have himself to blame. Sometimes he thinks that if he can be as detached as possible, it wouldn’t hurt. Problem is, he already is. 
“If I wanted an audience, I would’ve asked,” he snarls; his voice raspy through his panting. 
“Not here to watch. I just came to see if you were alright,” my warmth seems to cause him to drop his guard a bit. His shoulders relax and both his fists and jaw begins to unclench. 
“You know, I’ve been quite impressed with you recently. I know coming here must be hard, but you really put the work in. I’d love for you to show me sometime,” Dick smirks. “But for now, I’ve gotta blow off some steam.”
“How about we fight each other. I could do with another practice round for today,” I suggest, hoping that he’ll oblige. Dick shrugs and nods for me to come closer. 
“Grab the sword,” he instructs, as he takes a wooden sword-like weapon. “Show me what you’ve got then.”
Bringing the sword up, I position myself in a fighting stance. I squint my eyes at him, waiting to see if he’ll make the first move. After a second later, I charge at him, kicking his sword before swinging my sword down to his legs. He catches it with his weapon, pushing back and blocking every move. I round-house kick his side, causing him to be caught off guard. With my sword still clenched tightly in my hand, I break his wooden weapon in two. 
“Smart move,” Dick smirks, cocking an eyebrow in astonishment. Swinging his, now two, weapons at me, I block every move. Finally, I corner him, holding my firm stance with my sword pressing under his chin.  
“So, really,” I pant. “Are you okay?”
“It was a hectic night,” he sighs. “I didn’t handle it so well.” 
“I’ve been there, it happens to the best of us,” I reply back, before being caught off guard by his arm knocking my sword out of my hand. In my quite pathetic attempt to punch him, he grabs my arm and flips me to the floor. Letting out a small grunt, Dick mumbles out a ‘sorry’. His arm extends out to help me up, but I pull him down, causing him to fall next to me. We both erupt in a fit of laughter before I kick his wooden sword out of the way. 
“Oh, we’re still going are we?” He snickers, trapping my body under his. Dick’s hands pin mine on each side of my head. He’s so close to me that I can feel his hot breath on my face and neck. 
“What’re you gonna do now, huh?” His voice low with anticipation. I didn’t answer. We stayed like that for a few seconds before his lips smash onto mine, catching me off guard for about the millionth time this night. My heart is beating so fast I’m sure he can feel it against him too. Flipping him over, I straddle his waist and take my shirt off, flinging it across the room. Leaning down again, I plant needy kisses on his neck, feeling his hands glide up my back. Tingles spread across my body as I felt Dick unclasp my bra. Items of our clothing were flung around the room in an attempt to rid them as fast as we could. We both need each other and we both know it. 
Dick kisses up my neck while I grind on his now uncovered cock, and a whine slips through his lips. 
“ride my face,” he instructs in a low growl. Crawling up his body, I begin to feel nervous as I straddle his face. But all those nerve seem to disappear the second he touches me. There is something about Dick’s touch that just makes me feel safe. His hands reach up and grip my hips, holding me down against his mouth. I grind my clit against his tongue, letting out quiet whines while my eyes roll back in pleasure. Dick’s tongue rapidly flicks at my clit and laps up each of my folds, completely immersing himself in the taste of me. 
“Fuck, oh my god,” I moan softly, trying hard not to be too loud. I feel his tongue tease around my entrance before pushing in only slightly. Dick’s hand slaps my ass, causing me to let out a little yelp. I giggle as I lean back and press my hands against his stomach to hold myself up better. His eyes connect to mine and a tingle can be felt in my stomach. I’ve never seen such passion in his eyes before. His eyes are usually hard and cold; the anger, hurt and burdens are carried in his eyes. But right here in this very moment, they’re different. Brighter, yet dark with want. 
“Dick, I’m gonna cum,” the faintest whimper slips through my lips as I feel his tongue give my clit more attention and rapidly flick against it again. My body shakes above him and I swear I can feel him smirking against me. A small squeal escapes my lips as I cum on his tongue, feeling nothing but absolute bliss. Dick laps up every last drop, wanting nothing more than to savour every bit of taste he could get. If that alone doesn’t say something about his need and want for me, than I could never know what does. 
Shuffling down to sit on his stomach, I lean down and kiss him, not caring if his mouth is covered in my wetness. 
“do you want me to ride you too?” I tease, reaching behind me to jerk him off slowly. 
“yes,” he breathes out, closing his eyes for a moment to enjoy the feeling of my hand on him, before opening them back up again. I shuffle further down his body and line myself up. Dick’s hands snake down from my waist to my hips, giving them a gentle squeeze either as reassurance that everything here in this moment is okay, or as a reminder to himself that this might by the last time he’ll ever get to hold me like this. My hands rest themselves on his shoulders to balance myself. A groan passes through the both of us as I sink down onto him. 
I waste no time in slamming my hips into his. A smile creeps on my face as I watch his face contort with pleasure; the feeling of my pussy around his cock already has him at a loss for words. Leaning down, I press my lips against his. Almost immediately, dick wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me down further into him. It was like he was completely starved of all touch, and I were the only one to provide him with it. A giggle slips past me again as I sit back up against him. I rest my hands on his thighs, thrusting myself harder onto him. Dick sinks his teeth harshly on his bottom lip to suppress a moan, but fails. He lets out the most hottest sound I’ve ever heard; a mix between a moan and a grunt. Dick’s hands press into my hips again and grips it so tightly, I’m sure they’re gonna leave a bruise. I moan as he holds me down against him, feeling him thrust up into me roughly. 
“fuck,” I whimper, closing my eyes as he fucks me faster. Feeling myself lose balance, I lean forward and press my hands against his stomach, feeling his abs tense from the pleasure.
“are you gonna cum, babygirl?” Dick asks, his hand snaking around to my clit. I nod and bounce myself faster on his cock. Suddenly, everything just feels so intense I begin whining. Dick pulls me down and holds me against him while he thrusts up into me harder. 
“it’s okay, I got you. Let it go, baby,” he soothes, letting out a moan as he feels my walls pulse around his cock as I cum. Again, my body is almost convulsing above him from how strong and powerful the orgasm is; whines and moans are now uncontrollable, but neither of us cared. Dick came from just watching me cum, and his arms never left my body; just having me pressed against his chest, especially naked, is all he could ask for.
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seungisms · 4 years
most to least likely to be my boyfriend i mean mtl to cook for you🥰
you wouldn’t even have to ask this man to cook food for you, as soon as you show any signs of being even remotely hungry he’ll be at the oven whipping you something up. the type to make you breakfast in bed just because and always has dinner ready for you when you come home from a stressful day. he even has a designated apron for cooking that says ‘kiss the chef’ cause he does it that often - he thinks it’s hilarious even though you’re keen to disagree. he LOVES baking sweet treats - always ignores your complaining on how you’re going to get fat with everything he makes and shuts you up with a kiss and reminds you that he doesn’t care what weight you are, as long as he gets to spoils you he’s happy 🥺 100% housewife material.
he’s not the best chef in the world but that doesn’t mean he won’t spoil you with his less than mediocre cooking. specialises in pankcakes and waffles - he’ll make sure to draw a small smiley face and messy hearts in syrup to make up for the burnt edges though :’) he always makes a point to stop by your bedroom whenever you’re studying or catching up with work to slip a small plate of snacks, knowing you forget to eat when you’re stressed. cooking is one of his love languages, whether it’s half burnt noodles or baking chocolate brownies on a whim at 3AM because you said you’re the tiniest bit hungry - everytime he’s whipping something up for you in the kitchen he always makes sure to put an extra cup of love in it, just for you.
hyunjin cooking for you is a rare occurrence but when it does happen you better believe he’ll go all out. it’s always on days you don’t expect it too - you could be planning to sleep in a little before starting your day of doing nothing and this man will surprise you with breakfast in bed. he makes a whole show out of it too, visuals are extremly important to him so expect a small little flower beside your meal with a pretty post-it remind you how much he loves you. something about cooking brings out the romantic in him. but don’t expect his hard-work to go on unpaid - he’ll whine at you all day to smother him in kisses cause he was spending half the morning ‘salving away in the kitchen’. literally the only reason he cooks for you is to get free forehead smooches in the end ಠ_ಠ
another one that expects to be repaid for his efforts. he’s actually really good at cooking but won’t do it very often. only gives in when you nag at him and beg him with your doe puppy eyes to make his mums recipes on date nights. makes sure to roll his eyes but turns away with a soft smile on his face cause he loves how cute and whiny you become when you want something. the type to hold whatever he made you above your head and demand a kiss before you get it - he’d honestly rather let you starve than get no smooches 😠 he won’t admit it but he secretly loves cooking for you, seeing your face light up as he brings you homemade food makes him fall in love with you all over again.
only cooks for you when you beg him and even then he’s not the best at it. it’s always simple things like butter noodles or soup and he swears he’s a mess when he’s in the kitchen but seeing how much you love it when he does cook for you makes him wanna get a full-time job as a chef. he’ll be the first to admit he’s a simp, especially when the other boys are teasing him back at the dorm while he’s preparing you meals for the next-day, already knowing you’ve forgotten to do so in your haste to get your studying done. writes loving messages like ‘don’t forget to hydrate and eat these disgusting absolutely delicious sandwiches in school or else i’ll come over there and kick your ass <333’. not at all confident in his cooking abilities and only does it cause you love it so much.
he actually learnt a lot from his mum and aunties growing up but given his busy schedule and neverending rehearsals he hardly has any time to cook for you. but when the occasion calls for it he’s fully prepared. he has all your favourite recipes memorised perfectly and likes to surprise you with them on days such as your anniversary. he also loves cooking with you in the kitchen, something about spending that time with you as food is sizzling on the oven is just so personal and quiet to him - nothing like the bustling and vast life he’s become so aqqauntied with. cooking for you means some relaxing, homely time for him so he makes sure to do it in his free time as much as possible.
this man cooks once a year and it’s on your birthday. he curses whatever god there is out there cause he’s always in charge of baking you a cake which never goes well. by the end the kitchen is a complete mess, he’s covered in chocolate head-to-toe and the writing on the cake is less than perfect. he almost always gives up halfway through, but he knows how much you love when he cooks for you and how personal it is to you. seeing your loving smile when he presents the messy cake to you every year never fails to turn him into mush, and he realises why he even steps foot into the kitchen in the first place. you better give him some extra lovin’ the next day for his efforts though or he’ll make a point to whine at you the entire day 😤
he never cooks but that doesn’t mean he’s not good at it. little shit holds out on his abilities cause he wants to tease you. will literally make a whole batch of brownies only to cut the tiniest little bit for you with a note reading, ‘enjoy cause this is the most you’re getting.’ he’s just joking though and will give you more later sometimes. most of the time he’d just much rather order takeout and spend the time bonding with you - cooking in the kitchen reduces time he could’ve spent cuddling into your chest so he refuses to do it. he’ll only really give in if he’s feeling extra romantic and wants to surprise you. he’s never one to complain when you cook for him though 🙄
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nhlandotherimagines · 4 years
Everything About You- Mitch Marner
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@natbarzal @anastasiyaigorevnadobrodevskaya @jonnytoews19 
And they blurbs continue! Here is number 10 of the Up All Night series, with the one and only Mitch Marnie ❤️
I had a lot of fun writing this one, but just a heads up it contains a lot of crying, infidelity (not by Mitch or Y/n but still), anxiety/panic attacks, loss of a loved one, and of course some friends to lovers fluff in there too! I hope you all enjoy it ❤️❤️❤️
You know I've always got your back, girl, so let me be the one you come running to, running to, running
Today has not been your day at all. Work totally kicked your ass, and now this! “Isaac what the hell?” Your voice cracks a little, but you can’t bring yourself to be embarrassed. All you feel at this moment is rage, because your boyfriend of two years is sitting in your shared living room with some other girls’ tongue down his throat.
“Y/n! You’re home early!” He practically pushes the girl to the floor in an attempt to look innocent.
“Oh I’m sorry! Was that inconvenient for you? Please ignore me and go back to business, I’ll just be in OUR bedroom!” You’re yelling now, moving with purpose towards your bedroom. Slamming the door behind you, you pull your phone out of your pocket. Eyes filling with tears, you press on his contact as fast as you can trying to keep your composure.
“Hey Y/n! What’s up?” Mitch’s voice is sing-songy like it always is, but today it does little to make you feel better.
“I need you to come get me...” your voice trails off as your whole body begins trembling. “Isaac c-cheated and I just, I need to go. Please.” You’re crying now. So much so that you don’t register much of Mitch’s response, aside from him promising he’d be there soon.
“Where is she?” Mitch is angry, you can hear it from down the hall. Mitch doesn’t get angry though, and you quickly realize this might become a much bigger problem very quickly.
“Get lost Mitch.” Isaac spits at him, and your breath hitches in your throat. You don’t make out the words that leave Mitch’s mouth next, but you do hear a crash as your feet carry you towards the front door as fast as they can move.
“Mitch don’t!” The words leave your mouth faster than you have time to take in the scene before you. Mitch is gripping the collar of Isaac’s hoodie, and has him pushed up against the wall. Both men turn to you when they hear your voice, and you’re thankful, because it looked as though Mitch was ready to swing. “Please let’s just go.” Your voice and eyes plead with Mitch, and it has his heart breaking. He lets go of Isaac, but not without giving him a shove first.
“You’re not going with him.” Isaac announces, sending Mitch a dirty look.
“Watch me,” you shoot back at him before turning to Mitch. “Can you come help grab my bags please?”
And he does. The whole while Isaac cursing and swearing under his breath, and you easily ignore him. That is until you’re slipping your jacket and shoes on. “I don’t see what your fucking problem is! You’re the one whoring around with the entire leafs roster.” His words have you seeing red, and thankfully Mitch can read you like a book. He wraps a hand gently around your bicep, but hard enough that in your attempt to lunge at Isaac he holds you back.
“For the record asshole, Y/n hasn’t so much as looked at anyone on the team in a suggestive way. So some time in between being a dipshit, get your facts straight.” Mitch’s voice is cool and collected, and it eases your mind as he pulls you and your bags out of the apartment.
As you make your way to Mitch’s car, you feel numb. The whole situation runs through your brain over and over, but somehow you remain emotionless. Slipping into the front seat, you wait as Mitch loads your things into the back. You’re so in your head, you barely notice him get in and start the car.
“I’m sorry I called you, but I didn’t know what else to do.” Your voice is hardly above a whisper, but Mitch hears you loud and clear. He immediately pulls the car back into the spot he just pulled out of, slamming the car right back into park causing your body to jerk forward slightly.
“Do not apologize to me, are you serious?” You turn to him, and he sends you a sad smile taking your hands in his. “I am so happy you called me! I want to be the person you call when you need something. Anything! I will come running anytime anywhere if you need me! Do you understand?”
The emotions that you hadn’t been able to find just moments ago find you now in full force. Tears steadily stream down your face, and all you can do is nod as Mitch pulls you awkwardly into his chest. The centre console digs into your ribs, but the pain doesn’t compare to the ache in your heart. Besides, in the comfort of your best friend’s arms, you’ve never felt more safe.
I see it's just a matter of fact, girl. You just call my name, I'll be coming through, coming through, I'll keep coming.
Living with Mitch was the easiest, yet hardest, thing you’ve ever done. Your plan was to move back home to your parents place, but Mitch pouted and complained about not being able to see you. So after hours of lighthearted arguments, you decided to stay. You fit well with Mitch, but there is one thing that is starting to become an issue. His teammates.
“Where’s your girlfriend?” Will chirps the moment Mitch and a few of his teammates arrive to pregame before going out for drinks. Somehow Mitch’s place always gets offered up as a place to host these get togethers. Sure, you love all the guys, and they are your friends too, but the whole ‘girlfriend’ chirp was getting old fast.
“Still not his girlfriend!” You call out, peaking around the corner to let the boys know you’re in the kitchen. You got a head start on the drinking, and are currently pouring yourself a hefty glass of wine.
“Great, so you’re free to go on a date with me then.” Will winks at you as he leans against the counter beside you.
“Absolutely not!” Mitch pipes in before you even can formulate a response. Everyone’s head snaps towards Mitch, and his cheeks seem to turn a shade darker. “I’m not letting her date any of you, she could do a million times better! No offence Willy.”
“Oh none taken.” Will manages to get out while stifling a laugh.
The bar was packed, you knew it would be. You had insisted you would just stay home, because it was the boys night to celebrate their win, but Mitch wasn’t having it. So here you were trying to find your way to the bar for another drink. Bodies all around you, bumping into you, spilling drinks, and it felt hard to breath.
As your hands start to shake, you abandon the idea of another drink and instead turn to head back towards the group. Your breath hitches in your throat as you turn to see a sea of people. You try and push your way through, but with every step you begin to feel smaller. Your entire body begins to shake, every small brush of a limb against you has your head spinning. Panic sets into your bones, as your heart begins to race. Your eyes frantically scan the crowd looking for Mitch, as you begin wringing your hands together anxiously.
“Shit. Shit. Shit. Where is Mitch?” You begin muttering to yourself. Obsessively repeating his name to yourself as if you’d forget who it was you were looking for if you stop. Of course you had to ask him to hold onto your cellphone for you!
Tears sting your eyes, and the anxiety wracking your body manifests itself into fear now. It feels as though everyone is staring at you like you’re crazy, and you don’t feel safe here. Unable to find your bearings in a room that seems to be spinning around you, you do the only thing you know how to. You call out for Mitch.
His name falls from your lips, and you know how pathetic it sounds, but you don’t care. You’re just praying that he hears you, so you call out for him again. “Mitch! Where are you?!” People are definitely staring now, but you feel like you’re moments away from passing out.
A hand grips your shoulder causing you to jump back. As you whip your head around to see who grabbed you, your eyes are met by a very concerned Mitch. You fall against his chest, and he holds you close as you try to not fall apart.
You barely register the fact that Mitch is leading you through the crowd, aside from the fact your feet are moving. You still have your face pressed into his chest as the two of you step out of the bar.
“Hey what’s wrong?” His voice is soft as he runs a hand through your hair softly. You can’t respond with words. Instead you squeeze your fists tighter in his shirt, as your body begins to tremble against him. The tears, mixed with your makeup, will surely stain his shirt, but you can’t stop. “Woah! Shh don’t cry, it’s okay I’m here.” Mitch rubs your back in slow circles as you desperately cling to him. You stay like that for awhile, but soon enough you come to your senses and feel like a total idiot. You pull away from Mitch abruptly, and turn away from him aggressively wiping at your face. “God I’m sorry Mitch! I’m such a baby!” You groan. You’re angry at yourself, and super embarrassed. So much so, that if it weren’t for the fact your phone was still in Mitch’s pocket, you would have just ran away.
“Y/n?” His voice sounds so unsure, yet so soft. You can’t bring yourself to look at him just yet, but you do turn back towards him. “I shouldn’t have let you go to the bar alone, I’m sorry. Did someone hurt you? Because I swear to god I will go in there and fight for you no questions asked.” He adds a little chuckle at the end, but his tone gives away the fact he’s telling the truth. You have no doubts Mitch would fight for you, it’s why you love him.
Holy shit. You love Mitch!
“N-no one hurt me Mitch I just, I don’t know. I got overwhelmed, and scared. I didn’t have my phone, and I couldn’t find you a-and I just shut down. God I’m so stupid! I’m an adult and I can’t even get a drink for myself.” You stare at your feet, willing the tears away that once again threaten to fall down your cheeks. In a moment, Mitch has your face in his hands tilting your head up, forcing you to look in his eyes.
“Stop that.” His eyes are looking into yours like he’s trying to read your mind. “You are so far from stupid! I’m sorry I didn’t find you faster, I’m sorry I let you go alone. You’re okay now though alright? Let’s go home yeah?” You nod, but neither of you dare to move. His face is only inches from yours, and you use this moment to just take him in. He’s absolutely beautiful. His hair falling over his forehead, his perfect skin, his blue eyes, his lips. He’s perfect. You realize you’ve been staring at his lips a beat too long when he licks his lip. The action pulls you from your daze, and you let your eyes wander back up to his, which are focused on your own lips. Your breath catches in your throat as his eyes meet yours again.
“We should go.” You awkwardly clear your throat, completely ruining whatever that was. Mitch slowly drops his hands back to his sides, shaking his head lightly.
“Yeah let’s go.”
On the other side of the world, it don't matter, I'll be there in two, I'll be there in two, I'll be there in two
Loss is something that everyone will experience at least once in their life. You have had your fair share, but none to date hurt quite like this one. Losing someone so close to your heart, and being completely alone. Your family all in a completely different province, your best friend is in a completely different country playing hockey, and you are laying completely still. Unable to move from the spot you collapsed into after the conversation with your mom.
Death wasn’t new to you, but being alone certainly was. So all you could do was cry.
You only lift your head from the pillow when your phone rings. A picture of you and Mitch flashes on the screen, letting you know he wants to FaceTime.
“Hey Mitch, how was the game?” You ask after accepting the call, but keeping your camera off.
“The game was good... did you not watch it?” He asks, rightfully confused, because you had told him you’d watch it.
“Oh well uh- something came up I’m sorry.” Your excuse is poor, but not entirely untrue. Mitch might have even let you away with it, if it weren’t for the small sniffle you let out at the end.
“Y/n are you crying?” You see the concern written on his face, as a fresh batch of tears start falling. “Please turn the camera on.”
You listen to him, no energy left in you to argue. As you see your face pop up on the screen you immediately regret it. You look awful, and Mitch’s eyes soften when he sees you. “I’m fine Mitch I just- Mom called me, and I’m just having a rough night. It just sucks being alone.”
“Is everything okay?” He questions, but you can tell he’s trying not to be pushy. All you can do is shake your head, more tears falling down your face. Mitch feels his heart break in two as he watches you fall apart on his phone screen. “I’m coming home.”
“I know you’ll be home tomorrow night, I’ll be okay. I’m sorry I’m such a mess.” You aren’t sure how you manage to string coherent sentences together, but you do. You feel silly telling Mitch you don’t like being alone, it’s not his fault he has to travel so much for work.
“No I’m coming home now. I’ll be there in 4 hours okay? Just hang in there for me alright?” You look at the screen and realize Mitch is frantically throwing things into his suitcase. After he manages to stuff everything into the suitcase he zips it up and looks back at his screen. You still haven’t responded, so he speaks again. “4 hours, and I’ll be there. I promise.”
And he kept his promise. 3 hours and 56 minutes later he crawls into your bed and holds you until you fell asleep.
I still feel it every time, it's just something that you do. Now ask me why I want to.
“Wow he’s really smitten with you isn’t he?” Audrey, Justin Holl’s wife gushes. You had just filled her and the other WAGs in on why Mitch had flown home for you just over a month ago.
“He’s a really great friend.” You smile shyly, eyes searching for the topic of conversation himself. When you find him, he’s smiling at you, him and Justin leaning against a wall both sipping beers. You send him a small wave, and he winks back at you.
“Oh come on! A ‘really good friend’ doesn’t pack up a work trip on a moments notice and fly home to you like that. This boy is totally gone for you! Honestly I assumed you two would have gotten together by now.” Audrey gestures between the two of you dramatically, and your cheeks heat up.
“He doesn’t like me like that.” You insist. If they could feel how fast your heart is racing though, they’d know just how badly you wanted what they were saying to be true.
“What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?” Mitch asks as he closes the apartment door behind him. You have just gotten back from Justin and Audrey’s and you’ve hardly spoken a word to him.
“Just thinking.” You mutter, hanging up your jacket and throwing your keys on the desk.
“Care to share with the class?” He chirps, smiling widely as he hangs his coat on the hook next to yours. The moment is so incredibly domestic, and your stomach is doing somersaults at the thought of it.
“Just something Audrey said.” You pause for a moment unsure if you really want to tell Mitch what’s really going through your head. “Can I ask you something?” You flop down onto the couch, watching him over the back of the couch as he grabs you both a beer from the fridge.
“Shoot!” He grins, handing you a beer and taking a seat right next to you. He pops open his beer, and leans back against the couch throwing an arm around your shoulders. He looks at you expectantly as he takes a sip of his drink.
“Why are you so nice to me?” His brows knit together in confusion, so you choose to elaborate. “Like I get that we are friends, best friends even, but you go out of your way to always be there for me. Stepping out on work to fly home to me because I’m sad, isn’t really something a best friend does. So why are you so nice? I don’t need you to take pity on me if that’s what this is. I don’t want to be a charity case.”
Mitch sits forward on the couch now. His arm no longer around you, instead both elbows are planted on his knees. He’s picking at the label on his beer like it’s the most interesting thing in the world. This isn’t a side of him you see often. Mitch Marner is nervous.
“It’s not like that at all! You aren’t a charity case!” He still hasn’t looked at you, and the distance he’s putting between you has you panicking.
“So tell me what it’s like. Come on Mitch, what’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?” You tease, bumping his shoulder playfully with your own. Your attempt to lighten the mood even just a little works momentarily, as a small smile breaks out on Mitch’s face.
“You really want to know why I do all of that stuff for you?” His eyes search yours now, hoping he finds the answer he’s looking for. He’s hoping that you are ready to hear what he has to say, and when you place your hand on his arm with a smile he knows it’s going to be okay. “It’s because I love you.”
It's everything about you, everything that you do. From the way that we touch, baby, to the way that you kiss on me. It's everything about you, the way you make it feel, new. Like every party is just us two, and there's nothin' I could point to. It's everything about you.
“Mitch-“ your voice is a warning. Or maybe it’s a plea. Even you aren’t sure, because your heart is in your throat right now.
“I’m serious. I love you. I think I always have, I mean what isn’t there to love? You always make me feel important, like no one else matters and I’ve been trying so hard to make you feel the same way. To make you feel like you’re worth it, because you are so worth it. I love everything about you. I love how funny, sweet, strong, and caring you are. I love how you are just so you. There is not one single thing that made me love you, it was everything. I’m sorry if this is weird for you, but I’m just being honest.” His whole body seems to relax a bit after he finishes speaking. It is almost as if you can see the weight lifting from his shoulders. A weight you hadn’t realized he carried with him, and you want so badly to apologize to him. Tell him you’re sorry for not realizing sooner, and that you wish he hadn’t carried that weight for you. You want to tell him you’re not perfect, and that he has you all wrong. Mostly though, you just want to tell him you love him too.
The only way you know how to tell Mitch exactly how you feel about him isn’t by telling him all of those things with simple words, you have to show him. So, taking a deep breath, you lift your hand from Mitch’s arm, and place gently on the back of his neck. You gently dance your fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck, and you feel a shiver pass through him. He slowly lifts his eyes to yours again, and without another second of hesitation you’re pulling him into you.
When his lips reach yours, you kiss him with all you have. You pour yourself into him in hopes of showing him how grateful you are for him, and how much you love him. He smiles against your lips, as he pulls you into his lap. He hugs your body to his own, and you grip his hair like you’re scared to let go.
After kissing for what feels like forever, but also not nearly long enough, you pull away to catch your breath. Your foreheads are pressed together, both of you breathing heavily, and both sporting mile wide grin.
“Wow.” Mitch breathes out, causing you to giggle. “Add that to the list.”
“List?” You ask curiously, sitting back in his lap to get a better look at him. His hair is messy, lips swollen and red, and his eyes have never looked more blue.
“The list of things I love about you. The way you kiss me, I can add that to the list of everything.” The happiness you feel in this moment has you feeling warm. Sure, maybe the way you found Mitch wasn’t conventional, but there was a reason you called him all those months ago. However it happened, you’ve never been more happy to call someone yours.
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arsenicxarcana · 3 years
m5(4?) helping you rehabilitate banished lucio
or rather reacting to “hey i brought this hobo home can we keep him”
(tending towards nadia’s/THD)
oh you poor sweet summer child, what have you done
may lock him up in the dungeons at first, to make sure he can’t try anything
hope you like loud goat wailing that can be heard across the palace because the absolute LAST thing he wants is to be isolated again
you have to convince her he’s in no state to answer for his crimes like this, not yet, let him recover a little first - all he wants right now is a warm bed and someone to care about him, not taking over vesuvia
(and if this changes you can put him right back in jail)
this does not change, he’s mostly interested in staying close to you
for the most part she remains hands-off, just authorizing various acquisitions for him like any other guest
he will sometimes try to give her little gifts, usually food/wine or little trinkets left outside her door like a cat bringing dead mice
she takes them when no one is around
she may catch him at this one day, and they have a little talk through the crack in the door because he’ll bolt if she opens it
“i’m sorry” “i know. i can’t forgive you” “i know”
this becomes a thing, usually late at night, sitting by her door and telling her things, bringing her more specific gifts based on any troubles she might have had, asking her for advice about making you happy
eventually, maybe, you might even be able to convince them to take lunch together, with you sitting between them as a trusted shield
he WANTS to say absolutely not, not in a million years, he doesn’t deserve the kindness, especially not yours
he WANTS to send him right back to the realms himself, or call the guards, anything to keep him away from you
but he is a doctor, and helping is in his nature
and it’s obvious to anyone with eyes that this poor bastard needs help
and he knows what it’s like to be alone and uncertain of your future
lucio treats him as if they were already old friends, something that seems to endear and rankle him
at first he says he’ll only check him over to make sure he’s not hurt or sick, then you’re on your own, he washes his hands of this nonsense
then he says maybe bring him back around later for another check-up, just in case he missed something the first time
then he says that maybe you two could stick around for a little while, it looks like there’s a storm on the horizon
then he says the room above the clinic is open, most of the time, he’s much too busy to sleep as much as he should, if lucio needs somewhere to lie low for a bit
then he says actually there’s my place in south end, a bit more accommodating but no less abandoned, that might be a little more your speed
and then you find yourself all three coming back from a night on the town, crashing higgledy-piggledy in and around julian’s bedroom, a tangle of limbs and drunken laughter
julian attempts to cook breakfast for you afterwards, with mixed results
(just because lucio will eat it doesn’t mean it’s edible)
he trusts your judgment
not this time, please put that thing back where it came from or so help me
i don’t care if he doesn’t want to go back he can’t stay here, not in this house, not after everything he’s done
there MAY be a fight and it MAY get ugly
either asra storms tf out or they kick both of you out for the night before he can do something stupid
they feel bad as hell, at least for you
if you’ve been kicked out, you take lucio down to the rowdy raven and set up together in the spare room above the bar (and he’s probably crying bc he’s about 75% sure you’re going to get rid of him for Causing Problems)
if asra left, you let lucio have the couch but you’re not about to sleep until asra comes back (crying less, still awkward as hell)
finally, either way, he comes to apologize
but he really, really doesn’t want you to keep the goat and pls think of an alternative? why does it have to be you?
“i’m the one that put him there in the first place”
you don’t! have to feel bad for that!! look at him he’s fine
(lucio currently all but hiding behind you and holding your hand tight, making the saddest little face)
“i can’t just abandon him again, asra. i couldn’t bear it”
oh, curse your good nature
they love that about you but right now it’s the bane of his existence
you tell asra he doesn’t have to forgive him, or even like him - just help me get him back on his feet, pls, just trust me
god. fine. but he sleeps on the couch. and the minute he’s no longer pathetic his ass is out the door
faust stop chilling on his shoulders i swear to god--
she doesn’t have the old history, but she remembers the recent history (stealing your body and being a dick), so she’s still gonna be hostile
there will probably be at least one physical brawl
will probably definitely make him cry
feels bad about it
pepi seems to trust him for some reason (bc fuck you n*h) and she trusts pepi so it can’t be all bad??
gonna put his ass to work in the vegetable garden if he’s expected to stay in her cottage, which he might because it’s close to the palace (but far from people)
he might complain but honestly this is nothing compared to the realms
in return he gets good food, a warm bath, and a pillow pile shared with you, portia and pepi
portia will definitely help you socialize him, especially if you’re not that extroverted yourself, taking him on trips into the city
once he feels more comfortable around her they feed off each other’s energy until they’re one big mass of chaos
you regret your life choices
her cuddly, affectionate nature lines up nicely with his touch starvation and they often become inseparable at the bed time or other soft, quiet moments where you’re just in each other’s company
lmao nah
unless this man finds the hobo first AND feels bad enough to not just leave his ass alone in the forest, good luck with getting him to help you with this
your memory privileges are absolutely revoked goodbye
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azucanela · 4 years
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SUMMARY: In which Mina Ashido gets sick of the pining turned avoiding, so she decides the best course of action is to steal the Janitor’s keys and lock her idiotic friends in a closet until they sort themselves out. 
WARNINGS: kissing, pining, stealing, references to events in season three, damn?
A/N: i was considering using another gif and realized that bakugou’s hands literally SMOKE after he uses his quirk
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This was the last straw.
Mina had been observing Bakugou for a while now, and she had determined a few things. First of all, Bakugou does care, he just has his own weird way of showing it, his concerns were laced in with his insults in an attempt to prevent others from noticing that he cared. Even though he would complain about the presence of Mina and the rest of the Bakusquad, he’d never outright kicked them out of his room. And when they needed help, with anything, he’d be there. Studying happened to be something they did together frequently, and though Bakugou insisted on insulting them every five seconds, he was actually a fairly good teacher. Then again, Bakugou also sought to be good at everything.
The second thing Mina had noticed was that actions like this were far more pronounced whenever he was with Y/N L/N. It seemed the girl made him, ‘soft’ to put it simply, not that Mina would ever say that out loud, seeing as she wanted to live to see another day. But it was clear in the way he encouraged the girl, pushing her to work as hard as she could, and yet when she overworked, he was there to keep her from the edge. It had been pretty obvious the day he’d offered Y/N his lunch because she’d forgotten her own, and sure, his offering was couple with a few insults about how foolish she was to forget her meal, but it was an offering nonetheless. 
It was then that Mina began to wonder if Bakugou could feel things other than anger. She’d tried to ask him herself, but he’d simply blushed furiously and begun cursing her out. So, Mina hatched her plan to try and get him to admit feeling something for Y/N. She’d send Kirishima to ask him about it, only for the boy to come back with holes blown into his clothes by Bakugou’s infamous explosions. Then, she’d tried to get Kaminari to hit on Y/N, to gauge Bakugou’s reaction.
That didn’t end well for Kaminari.
Prior to beginning her effort to bring the two together, she’d gone to Y/N to determine if the possible feelings were mutual. Though the only answer she got was, “I don’t see why it matters, Mina.” Which Mina had a feeling meant, “yes I do, but I doubt Bakugou would like me back since he has his sights set on being a hero.” Not that Mina needed confirmation, she just would’ve preferred it, though the few times Y/N had offhandedly mentioned Bakugou in conversation were confirmation enough. 
But no, watching Bakugou, seated closely beside Y/N as he explained the homework that had baffled her, Mina knew that whatever Bakugou felt for Y/N, it was far from platonic. He hadn’t cursed, hadn’t called her an idiot or some other crude name, hadn’t teased her for not understanding the concept they’d been learning in class all week. No, he’d simply told her to shut up and listen as he explained. If Mina had made such a request, he would’ve told her to start paying attention in class, or to quit being such a damn idiot. 
This, this was the last straw. Now, this definitely wasn’t Mina’s brightest idea, I mean, who in their right mind would lock Bakugou Katsuki in a closet? Nobody. And yet, there Mina stood— with keys she’d asked Sero to... borrow from the school janitor— ramming the keys into the keyhole and locking the door behind Bakugou and Y/N. Mina refused to watch the pair pine for each other any longer. If they wanted to simp for each other mutually, then they would do it as a couple.
Also, Mina just loved to play matchmaker with her friends. 
“LET US OUT OF HERE RACCOON EYES.” Bakugou called out, fist ramming against the door as he glared at the girl through the door, not that this was possible. 
He could hear Mina begin to laugh as she simply replied, “sort yourselves out and then I’ll let you out.” All the subtle hints of their true feelings disappeared after Y/N accompanied Midoriya and his friends to save Bakugou, Mina was fairly sure that Bakugou was avoiding Y/N at this point, though she couldn’t come up with a good reason why, aside from the kidnapping itself. So now, she would force them to make up, and hopefully confess their feelings. 
The tension was getting tiring for everyone in their class. 
This only serves to anger Bakugou more, and Y/N seems to take notice of this as Bakugou feels her hand come to his shoulder, he can’t help but hate the way he relaxes as he turns to see Y/N, shaking her head, “Calm down.”
“Yeah, Katsuki, we’ll be back in an hour. Have fun, lovebirds.” Mina could vividly recall the day Y/N had accidentally called him by his first name, the boy’s cheeks had become a bright red, but when Y/N tried to correct herself, he shut her down almost immediately. And yet Mina couldn’t even remember the last time the two had even acknowledged each other now.
These words earn a growl frmo Bakugou, who is moving backwards to aim his palms at the door, hoping to activate his quirk and blow the door down, only for his back to hit Y/N. “I don’t think using your quirk would be the best idea.”
“Well do you have a better idea?” She was right, if he used his quirk, it could easily do more harm than good. Bakugou wasn’t sure how reinforced the doors of the school were, especially in light of all the recent attacks, he also didn’t want to pay for any damage he did. That and he could easily end up harming Y/N in the process.
She exhales deeply, hands moving to his shoulders to force him to turn around in the small closet and face her. “We wait until someone comes by, the janitor will definitely be looking for his keys.” 
Bakugou evades her gaze he turns to glare at the locked door once more, “what if no one comes by and we have to wait for those idiots to come back?” Y/N shrugs, looking behind her before moving to sit on the ground, just for Bakugou look back to her incredulously, “what the hell are you doing?”
“Getting comfortable.” Y/N brings her knees to her chest, resting her head on top of them as she continues, “it’s not like she’d free us until we sorted ourselves out.” The words come out harsher than Y/N intended, but she was annoyed at the way Bakugou had been treating her recently, the way he was obviously avoiding her.
The boy before her grimaces, but settles down against the door nonetheless. The closet isn’t that large, Even with his knees bent, there still isn’t much space between him and Y/N, who had taken to staring at one of the many cleaning products in the room, rather than him. “There’s nothing to sort out.” 
A bitter laugh escapes Y/N as she returns her gaze to him eyes narrowing, “you’ve been avoiding me for weeks and there’s absolutely nothing to sort out?” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He grumbles out, averting his eyes from her cold gaze. 
And suddenly Y/N is grabbing one of the boxes of tissues on the shelf beside and and throwing it at Bakugou, hitting him square in the chest because of his spread legs. “What the hell?”
“I’m gonna keep throwing stuff at you—” She picks up another item, this time a spray bottle, “until you are honest with me.” Comes her response, throwing the item, only for Bakguo to catch it, placing it down beside it.
Y/N is already moving to grab something else off the shelf as Bakugou begins to protest, “hey—Hey! Cut it out.” Y/N is already throwing an unopened bottle of hand soap, which Bakugou dodges, glaring at Y/N as he hears it hit the door behind him. “Y/N, I swear if you—” she doesn’t break eye contact as she reaches beside her for another object, only for Bakugou to launch himself forwards and grab her wrists to prevent her from continuing her assault. “Stop.” There’s a tone of finality in voice, but Y/N disregards it as she begins to speak.
“You ready to talk yet?” She makes an attempt to yank her hands from his grasp, but Bakugou’s grip remains firm as he holds her. “Because I am sick of this, Bakugou.”
He pauses, brows furrowing as his grip on her wrists loosens and he releases them, “what did you just call me?”
“Your name.”
Bakugou is scowling now, falling back into a seat, though he’s no longer pressed against the door as he replies, “that’s not my name and you know it.” 
Y/N can’t help but scoff, “first names are reserved for people who you care about.” He’d barely been interacting with her these past few weeks, ever since his kidnapping. Y/N had a feeling that had something to do with his behavior, but she’d assumed he had needed space to process, until space turned into Bakugou avoiding her entirely. She’d confided in Mina about the possibility once, and the girl had simply told her to confront Bakugou. 
That was easier said than done.  
“Do you really think I don’t care about you?” He asks, disbelief clear in his voice as he watches her, “Y/N, you could’ve died going to save me like the damn idiot you are. And what would I have done?!” 
Y/N inhales deeply, bringing her hands to her face as she begins to speak once more, “Bakugou-”
“Don’t call me that.” He snaps, looking away from her, silence engulfs the pair as Y/N stares at him, still processing his words when he decides to continue, “I thought things couldn’t get any worse, but seeing you there? ” Bakugou runs a hand through his hair, tugging at it as he contemplates what to say next momentarily, before looking back up at Y/N, “I’ve never felt more horrified. So don’t you dare say I don’t care.”
Y/N is about to respond when the small light above them began to flicker to nothing, effectively darkening the room. Y/N can hear Bakugou rise to a stand, hand coming to the wall and ficking the light switch a few times, only for nothing to happen. Her breath hitches as she grabs the edge of one of the shelves, rising to her feet as well. “Do you think the power went out?” 
Y/N can hear the way Bakugou inhales shakily, causing her to reach out for him, hand meeting his chest. Y/N could’ve sworn she could feel his heart beating as her hand fisted at the material of his shirt in an attempt to bring him closer to her. “You don’t think it;s an attack do you?”
“It’s not, this is just an old light.” She assures, pulling him closer, something Bakugou doesn’t fight. “Bakugou.” Y/N mutters, trying to garner his attention, she can’t see his face right now, and he seems to have gone completely silent save for his breathing. “Bakugou,” she repeats, brows furrowing from his lack of response. “Katsuki, listen to me.”
A hand comes to her arm, grasping it tightly, “what?” 
“Your quirk— do you think you could make an explosion small enough to light up the room and not cause any damage?” Seeing as they were in a room filled with highly flammable chemicals, it was a gamble, but Y/N had a feeling this would do more good than bad. 
He doesn’t respond, simply removing his hand from her and taking a step back, Y/N can hear a small crackle as the room lights up spottily, small explosions at Bakugou’s fingertips. His brows are drawn together, attention focused on his hand that was now lighting up the room, 
Y/N found herself bringing her hand to Bakugou’s forearm as she moved closer, causing him to look up at the small explosions faltered. “See?” She mumbled, “we’re safe.” Y/N is rubbing small circles in his arm as she looks up at him, meeting his eyes.
“You don’t know that.” 
 Shaking her head, Y/N replies, “are you calling me a liar?” She brings her free hand to the back of his neck, hand tangling with the hair at the nape of his neck.
“I didn’t say that.” He grumbles, the small explosions now steadily brightening the room. “And be careful, idiot.” Bakugou tries to pull away from her, worried that the explosion could harm her, but Y/N doesn’t accept this, grip on his hair tigtening. 
She scoffs, eyes narrowing as she looks around the room for something that could help them escape the closet, to no avail. Y/N fails to notice the way Bakugou’s eyes trail over her, watching as her face is lit up by the glow of his explosions. When Y/N turns to look back at him, she doesn’t expect his eyes to already be on her, and can feel the her cheeks warm.
Their eyes lock and and Y/N finds herself moving closer to Bakugou, he makes no attempts to stop her this time, but Y/N can see red blossom on his cheeks in the glow of his explosions, which were beginning to become more infrequent. It’s not until the explosions come to a stop entirely that Bakugou presses his lips to hers, his warm hand coming to her side as he pulls her closer. 
Y/N’s hand leaves his hair to grip his other arm, just for Bakugou to force them to switch places without his lips leaving hers. He forces Y/N’s back against the door, only for her to pull away, mouth gaping open as Bakugou’s lips find their way to her neck as he breathes heavily. 
“That was a very sudden change of pace.” Y/N mumbled, a small laugh escaping her. 
Bakugou grunted in reply, playfully biting at Y/N’s neck and causing her to swat at his chest gently, before looking back up to her, not that either of them could see much. Despite this, Bakugou’s hand finds its way to Y/N’s face gripping her chin as he brings her into a much shorter kiss, “you’re my girlfriend.” 
It wasn’t really a question, mostly because Bakugou wasn’t asking, but it wasn’t a demand either. Even though she couldn’t see him, Y/N could practically feel Bakugou’s eyes burning into her, awaiting a response, whether it was an agreement or not. 
“Okay, Katsuki.” 
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A/N: well that escalated quickly, also i hate editing kjashkjdahskjdh
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TAGLISTS[lmk if you wanna be added or removed via reply or askbox]:
BNHA: @shawkneecaps​​ @beifongsss​​ 
BAKUGOU KATSUKI: @hadespleasesteponmyneck​
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ladykissingfish · 3 years
The Akatsuki at Karaoke Night
Being a group of insatiable killers is hard work, even in the best of circumstances. Like anybody else, the Akatsuki is constantly seeking out ways to unwind and de-stress during their off time. One day Konan goes out and comes back excited; a local tavern hosts a karaoke night every week. The others are reluctant at first, but this quickly becomes one of their new favorites pastimes. Drinking, eating, singing; what could be more fun than that?
Has to be really drunk to get up on stage and sing. Like, incredibly drunk. Like how-is-he-still-standing-drunk. When in this state, there’s one song that he’ll sing and one song only: “I’m A Barbie Girl.” Nobody in the Akatsuki knows why he chooses this particular song, but everyone has to admit that it suits him. He’ll take his hair out of his ponytail and have it cascading down his back, he’ll tie up his shirt in a front knot, and, if she’s wearing them, will borrow Konan’s heels to wear. And he’ll always try and drag Sasori on stage with him to sing the parts of Ken (C’mon, Danna! You’re literally like a doll, hm!), but Sasori will only comply if he’s in a really good mood/there’s not that many people around. Despite his intoxication he’ll actually sing beautifully, so much so that he’ll receive requests for encores; which he’ll do, until the booze catches up with him and he falls head-first off the stage and into someone’s (usually Tobi’s) lap. Won’t remember a thing the next day and feverishly insist that he’s never even heard of “some weird Barbie song”.
EDIT:: After days of this being on my mind I can also believe that Deidara would sing “Before He Cheats” by Carrie Underwood(?) and stare directly at Sasori the entire time even though they’re not really dating they‘re “in a situation” and even though if they WERE dating Sasori isn’t the cheating kind but he’s listening to the lyrics and noting how intensely Deidara is singing it and his face is just 😳
He only goes because the others insist that he does. Honestly, this guy has a severe allergy to anything Fun. Chances are he’ll bring one of his puppets with him to work on/modify. He mostly refuses to get on stage and sing any songs of his own, BUT he’ll use his chakra strings to control his puppet and have it dance along on stage to a song of his choosing, that he has one of the other members sing for the puppet (giving them a taste of ventriloquism). The song he likes his performers to do most frequently is “Dancing With Myself” by Billy Joel; this must be his favorite song because he always silently mouths along to it as it plays. If literally nobody else is there besides the rest of the Akatsuki, he sometimes “makes” Deidara join him for a duet; he’s particularly fond of “Don’t Go Breaking My Heart” by Elton John, although he and Deidara always fight over who sings the part of the girl.
It’s dangerous to let Tobi sing in front of people. Not because he’s bad at it, but because ... he’s good. Startlingly good. His voice changes completely from a goofy childish timbre, to very deep, and smooth, and mellow. There are sea legends about sailors being lured to their deaths by the songs of sirens, and the same principle seems to be at work here. Waitresses will drop their trays, people walking will run face-first into each other, and the area around the stage will be packed with men and women alike trying to get as close as possible to him. The fact that he sounds like that but won’t make his mask off makes him even more mysterious and alluring. His song of choice? “Unchained Melody” by The Righteous Brothers; which brings tears (and swooning) to the eyes and minds of anyone who hears him. After the song it’s like someone flips a switch, and he goes back to the weirdo that the Akatsuki knows and tolerates, seemingly completely oblivious to the chaos his singing caused. He also enjoys having drinks with his Senpai, as the alcohol makes the blonde much more friendly towards Tobi than he usually is; however he can’t keep up with the amount of booze Deidara can put away, and he feels sleepy after just a few beers.
As with most group outings, he’ll complain about thinking everything is stupid. His religion prohibits the consumption of alcohol, so he’ll occupy himself with eating lots of food and “lovingly” heckling his fellow Akatsuki members when they get up on stage. Once in a blue moon he can be persuaded to get up and sing himself, although again this is a complete rarity. He has no real music preferences and will usually just flip through the available choices until he finds something he knows the lyrics to. Tries to pick songs with a lot of swearing in it, which he won’t bother to bleep out and will instead scream out at the top of his lungs (which often results in the whole group being threatened with getting kicked out). Sometimes, though, when he’s in a more mellow state of mind ((a rarity for Hidan)) he’ll get the urge to do a duet (because that takes the pressure off of everyone staring only at him) and can convince Konan to go up with him. Their rendition of “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough” always brings the room to its feet, and gets them thunderous applause. After the song Konan will blush and kiss his cheek, which Hidan pretends to act embarrassed about (but is secretly thrilled by). His favorite song to do solo, however, is “Sympathy For The Devil” by The Rolling Stones, which he ... really ... gets into.
Mostly comes out with the others as a sort of chaperone; making sure they get home safe after drinking, and trying to prevent them from blowing all their money on the “outrageously priced” food and drinks. Karaoke isn’t really his thing, and neither is being on stage in front of people. However if he’s in a decent mood, and there aren’t that many people around, he can be persuaded to get up and sing. He sings the most amazing rendition of “Ain’t No Grave (Can Hold My Body Down)” by Johnny Cash; his deep gravelly voice and slow speaking pitch are absolutely perfect for it, giving everyone listening goosebumps. Kakuzu is also a skilled guitar player, and sometimes he will sit on stage and play the guitar bits of certain songs for other Akatsuki members singing, “But I’m taking my fees out of your next paycheck.”
Surprisingly, this is one activity that the plant-man enjoys engaging in with the others. He’s not much of an alcohol drinker, and “human” food isn’t really his thing, either; but he loves to hear the others do their best at singing. It takes a lot to get Zetsu up on the stage himself, but when he does, he’s a fairly decent singer. He’s able to change the pitch of his voice quite effortlessly, so that it intend sounds as if two people are singing, instead of one. His song of choice is a long one: “Bohemian Rhapsody” by Queen. It takes a lot f stamina to get through this, but Zetsu always finds that half the time he can’t even hear his own voice with this one, as everyone in the place sings with him (because seriously, who alive doesn’t know this song?). But it’s not all fun and games; Zetsu will always be scoping out the crowd, discerning who the most intoxicated people are. He’ll lure these poor souls into the alley out back, and gave himself a tasty little snack. He tries his hardest not to let the others catch him doing this, though, as this is supposed to be a fun and stress-free night for all involved.
Konan and Pein
This whole thing was her idea, yet, unless it’s a duet with one of the others, she’s very reluctant to try and sing on her own. Thinks her voice is “nails on a chalkboard”, although everyone vehemently disagrees with this perspective. Never has to bring any money with her to the bar, because all of the boys will take turns buying her food and drinks. She goes crazy for fries of any kind, and can eat carloads of these alone. Konan is exceptionally beautiful, and she will be mercilessly hit on from the moment she walks in until they all leave. Well, not always — the boys ALSO like to take turns acting as Konan’s bodyguard, and protecting her from anyone who tries to come within three feet of her. They hide their more vicious tendencies for when Konan’s not paying attention, because they know she wants a relaxing evening, but still: there’s been quite a number of guys escorted out of the bar by Kisame and Hidan, that mysteriously never return. When persuaded to sing, almost anything she chooses will be an Amy Winehouse song, as this is her favorite artist. Her favorite song is “Wake Up Alone”, which moves her fellow teammates (Pein included) to tears. Joins Kakuzu as helper to make sure everyone gets home safe and sound. Pein doesn’t like singing, and does not want to sing ... but Konan always manages to convince him to be a good sport at some point in the evening. But the song he picks is disappointingly predictable: “Pain” by Three Days Grace. Expected, maybe ... but he puts real heart and soul into his rendition, nearly falling off the stage with his enthusiasm. As with all group outings, Nagato loves to experience everything through the Pein-body’s eyes, and spend time with this makeshift family of his.
One of the biggest drinkers, but something (perhaps his half-animalness) makes it near impossible for him to be totally drunk, no matter how much alcohol he consumes. Sometimes he’ll make a deal with Kakuzu: Kakuzu will scope out other drunks in the place, inform Kisame of their whereabouts, and Kisame will hustle them for money in either drinking contests or pool games. He’ll split the money with the old guy, making both happy. When it comes to the karaoke aspect, Kisame doesn’t really like singing, or being in front of a crowd; but decides to be a good sport and do a song lIke the others. He can sing almost anything (he has a wide vocal range), but he really seems to favor love ballads. His favorite is November Rain by Guns n Roses, and the rest of the Akatsuki is shocked at how damn soulful he sounds singing it. If not singing or hustling drunks, he likes to spend some quiet time with Itachi, buying him snacks and coaxing the thin ((TOO thin, in Kisame’s opinion)) young man to eat.
Is quiet and shy by nature, so naturally things like karaoke bars aren’t really his deal. But Kisame always insists that it’s good for him to get out ((out of the hideout and out of his head)) and socialize once in a while, so he goes. It’s the same deal as Konan, almost, where women flock to him and hit on him for nearly the entire duration of his visit. However, the group doesn’t act as a collective bodyguard for him, as the majority of them feel like he’d be better off, as Hidan delicately puts it, “If the fucker just got laid.” But Itachi doesn’t seem interested in anything like this; he’s polite to those who approach him, but so closed-off that eventually they give up. When one particularly persistent woman wouldn’t leave him alone, Itachi resorted to grabbing the person nearest him (who happened to be Deidara) and telling the admirer that he was his boyfriend. He even put his arm around the guy’s waist, squeezing him. Deidara went along with it, but after the woman left he angrily informed Itachi that he’d “blow your ass up if you ever try something like that again, hm!” That’s what he SAYS, but it should be noted that he blushes quite hard for some time afterwards. Itachi was only ever convicted to go up and sing one time, and it was a duet with Kisame. The song was “Under Pressure” by Queen and David Bowie. At the end of the song, Kisame was beaming, and Itachi had more admirers than ever clamoring for his attention. Not used to late nights so if they’re out past midnight will usually fall asleep sitting at the bar, and be carried home (and put into bed) by Kisame.
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fantastic-bby · 4 years
ATEEZ vs. college
Pairing: - 
Genre: Headcanon 
Word count: 1.7k
Warnings: Swearing
Tumblr media
Fine arts major with performing arts minor
Has a slightly scuffed sleep schedule but it’s decent
But has a routine that he follows most of the time 
Always on time for class and pays attention like his life depends on it
Gets teased by Mingi a lot 
Shares an apartment with Seonghwa 
Covered the apartment in cute DIYs bcs he wants to make the place more homely
Spends his money on artisan coffee at the overpriced café on campus 
Teacher’s assistant 
He’s very patient when it comes to tutoring students
President of the performing arts club and is usually the director for plays bcs the professor in charge trusts him a lot
Usually sticks to traditional scripts but likes to go a little bit more original whenever he feels like it
Uses the same tote bag everyday (one he made himself)
Dresses in whatever he’s made himself because he thinks they’re cute and he wants everyone to see his creations
Has to wake the others up for class he complains that it’s annoying but he still does it even though no one asks him to
Practically lives in the fine arts building bcs he’s there all the damn time until he has to go home
Finishes his assignments on time 
“Hwa, is this cute?”
“That’s not an answer, asshole”
Language and literature major 
Is the only one with a good sleep schedule
Has a routine he sticks to
Never late to classes but zones out sometimes when he’s really bored
Has to wake Hongjoong up whenever he pulls all nighters studying for tests
Works at the library because it’s quiet and he moves around a lot which gives him a lot of alone time 
Has to kick Yunho out a lot
Drinks expensive artisan coffee with Joong
Part of the nature club and has plants all over the apartment bcs he thinks they light up the place
Everyday is a different bag and all of them are super stylish and also seem to hold everything
Has to bring around things like tissues, bandaids, water bottles bcs he cares for his friends
Dresses well all the time even if he wakes up late 
Part of the campus heartthrob line
The entire campus fawns over him even the single professors
Spends most of his time reading books wherever he’s comfortable usually the park or whatever bench is the most calming
Finishes his assignments early and submits them early
“But hyuuuuuung”
“Yunho, if you don’t get your loud ass out of here—” 
Nutrition major with a dance minor
Does not have a fixed sleep schedule, he sleeps whenever he pleases 
His routine is nonexistent
He does whatever he wants whenever he wants but actually isn’t that reckless
He just doesn’t really have a routine
Late to class and also doesn’t seem to be paying attention because he’s preoccupied with a funny meme that Mingi sent him
Is usually the first to be awoken by Joong and always waits for his hyung to hang up because he doesn’t want to accidentally cut him off mid-sentence
Shares an apartment with Mingi
Drinks convenience store coffee 
Sometimes he visits the library just to tease Hwa usually gets kicked out by said man because he’s being loud
Works part time at a bakery where the owner hired him because she thought he was really sweet
President of the swimming club
Has one bag for everyday use and it’s the same black backpack with random pins on it
Wears cute fuzzy sweaters when it’s not hot and wears plain t shirts when it’s too hot for sweaters
Spends his time at the swimming pool with Mingi
Finishes his assignments right before the deadline
“Yunho, darling, how long have the muffins been in the oven?”
Computer science major
Does not give a single flying fuck
Sleeps whenever he wants
Does whatever he wants
No one ever sees him in class but he still gets good grades
Drinks at least 4 cups of cheap coffee everyday which makes everyone wonder how his heart is still alive
Even though he sleeps at any time, he always wakes up on time and never answers Hongjoong’s morning calls because he thinks it’s funny
Shares an apartment with Wooyoung 
He has a job but no one knows what it is because he’s never told anyone they just know it’s something he does online
Usually has to wake Wooyoung up
He just walks into his room and repeatedly calls his name until he wakes up leaves if Woo doesn’t wake up at all
Uses a simple black backpack with nothing on it 
No one on campus really knows anything about him because he strictly sticks to his circle of friends and no one ever sees him on campus unless he’s at club events or meetings
President of the robotics club 
Spends all of his time in his room when he’s not on campus
Dresses in smart casual outfits (blazers, slacks, sneakers, t shirts) 
Is never seen doing his assignments but he still manages to finish them on time 
“Woo, look  this robot I made”
“Holy shit, that’s so cool!”
“Be careful with it!” 
Majors in dance 
Also kinda doesn’t give a fuck 
Shares an apartment with Jongho 
Has the most fucked up sleep schedule 
He sleeps at like 7 pm right after classes and wakes up at 3 am (like his brain is programmed on another time zone)
Picks up Joong’s morning call whenever he feels like it
Comes to class on the dot but sometimes just doesn’t show up at all
President of the dance club 
Drinks whatever coffee he can get his hands on
Spends most of his time in the public dance studio and sometimes rents the private rooms because he wants alone time 
Dresses in t shirts and sweats because he wants to be comfy
Is part of the campus heartthrob line 
The girls, the gays and the theys are in love with him and love watching him dance
Volunteers at the local pet shelter because he wants to spend time with the cats 
Likes to go to invite himself into WooSang’s apartment where he bothers Yeosang who pretends he’s not there because he couldn’t care less 
Doesn’t have a bag 
He manhandles his laptop all over the place because he really doesn’t care that much his laptop is a beast tho it handles all the shit San puts it through
Finishes his assignments whenever he wants
“San, you should be nicer to your laptop”
“It’s fineeee” 
Medicine major 
Doesn’t ever seem to sleep 
Like ever
Disappears and reappears out of nowhere most of the time
Whenever he disappears, no one really knows where he is and he never picks up calls everyone thinks he’s finally sleeping
Because he’s always awake, Yunho always comes into his room to see Mingi either vibing or literally doing anything but sleep
Comes to class but is always doing something else
Prefers tea over coffee 
Always picks up Joong’s morning calls and greets him really loudly just to bully him 
Part of the swimming club with Yunho 
Works part time at the music studio because he likes being able to use the studios when there’s no bookings
Barely has to try to get good grades bcs his brain is so sexy big
Always filled with energy 
Is also really strong and quite unaware of his strength 
Dresses in v casual baggy clothes and always looks really comfortable
Uses his height to tease Joong and holds his coffee above his head 
Playfully wrestles Jongho regularly
Has a cute orange messenger bag that he uses all the time 
Finishes his assignments minutes before the deadline
“Whoever holds their breath the longest wins”
“Mingi, we’re not five”
“I don’t care, Yun. It’s fucking fun”
Culinary major
Is always asleep 
Bothers Yeosang during the day 
Has a very relaxed routine that he somewhat sticks to
Likes to break into Yeo’s room to bother him but usually gets a book thrown at him 
Wakes up to Joong’s morning call but likes to go back to sleep afterwards
Always in class but no one knows whether or not he’s paying attention
The neighbours know when he’s laughing but he doesn’t care because he’s happy 
Works part time at a café 
Refuses to give discounts to any of his friends because he tells them he won’t get money that way except for Yeosang bcs he has a soft spot for his best friend
Vice president of the dance club 
Dresses in casual layers (t shirts, loose button ups, jeans, sneakers)
Part of the hearthrob line
The girls, the gays and the theys love his laugh
Likes to drag San out of his apartment to do anything 
Has a cute pastel backpack that he takes a lot of care of bcs he loves it 
Spends most of his time in the culinary building bcs he wants to learn new recipes so that he can cook for his friends 
Does his assignments last minute and has missed the deadline a couple of times
“Yeosang, try this” 
“Mmm, can I spit it out?”
“You fucking—” 
Sports major with a vocal minor 
Also has a decent sleep schedule 
Drinks only coffee and protein 
Doesn’t have a routine unless it involves him going to the gym 
Early to class and pays attention most of the time
Wakes up on time so he answers Joong’s morning call just to say hi to both of his hyungs
Works as a personal trainer at the on-campus gym because he likes helping people work out
Asks San to sit on his back while he does push ups at home
The two of them are always working out together 
President of the wrestling club and the entire campus absolutely fears him 
Always wins wrestles against Mingi but only because he knows more technique Mingi thinks it’s not fair
His love language is aggression
Likes to playfully bully his friends to the point where even they’re slightly scared of him
Dresses casually 
Has a dark blue backpack that he’s had for years and is in need of a replacement
Spends most of his time at the gym or just working out in general if he’s not practicing singing
Finishes his assignments a day before the deadline 
“Make sure you’re not using your back when you’re lifting things”
“Dude, I don’t even know what muscles I use when I walk”
“You’ll figure it out” 
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bloomyn · 4 years
phonetics ; kagami taiga
pairing: kagami taiga x f!reader
wc: 2.2k
synopsis: there’s something about three syllable sentences that worm their way into your heart.
featuring; minor unrequited love, grammar, other girls that aren’t you, bad characterization, a whole lot of being dumb, and a happy ending
-> i wrote this in two hours during my peer tutoring class please don’t murder me; i saw .5 seconds of him during the netflix trailer and busted the phattest emotional nut
This is how your story begins
You’re five and on the top of a slide, it’s sticky with sweat and electric on your skin but you can’t go down, not yet. There is no way you’re going to give the kid behind you the satisfaction, not until he says please. 
“Say. it.” you demand, your hands gripping the side of the slide tighter. the space between his eyebrows scrunch together, like an inchworm, the type you learned about in class only a few days ago. “just say it. it’s not that hard. only one syllable.”
Your mother would scold you for that sass, but she’s too far away to hear and quite frankly too far to see your current predicament. 
“No. see, that’s one syllable.”
And yes you know that violence is never the way, (that’s also what you learned about at your school, the same day as the inchworms), and that maybe there is a verbal way to resolve this agreement, but the thing is, your five year old brain is tired of using words. and so this is the part where you resort to fists, tiny fingers that gripped the side of the slide ball up slowly and then.
The sky is down. down? and no your hands aren’t on the slide they’re trying to brace your fall from down the slide and all you can see is a muddled red face before you hit the ground crying. 
Here’s the thing about parks, technically, technically, their public property. So that means, technically, technically, just about anyone can show up and play. It’s terrible. It’s especially terrible when the only person on the playground to play with is also the one that pushed down the slide (quite aggressively! you might add) only a week ago. If there was ever any violent tendencies that lay dormant in those tiny hands of yours they might as well have been awakened. 
But instead of fighting, or attempting to fight, someone who looks like they could be the kids mother ushers said kid in your direction. 
and instead of a “No.” being spit in your direction you get an, 
“I’m sorry. Three syllables, see. I said it.”
and a hesitant hug, awkward and gangly.
And so it begins. 
“If you’re going to be stupid like this I’m going to stop showing up.” you sigh, taking a seat on the bench, cringing at the scent of sweat and rubber. Beside you, a messy bundle of red hair lays splayed on the hard metal, a rough hand wiping the sweat out of his face. “Hello, is Kagami home? Or do I really have to stop showing up till you remember you need me. ”
A groan leaves his chapped lips and an arm extends across your lap. “ Did you bring it at least?”
You surrender the plastic bag, watching the steam rising from his body melt the ice. It’s disgustingly sensual and for a split second you can almost imagine what the girls interested in him think. Unfortunately they’ve never seen him like you have, bloody noses and sweat, black stains from the court staining his dirty clothes, and just going through middle school in general. It sends shivers up your arms. Gross. He pushes himself backwards, lifting his head up onto the hem of your skirt.
“You’re just so sweaty, all the time.” you sigh, wiping a handkerchief across his forehead.
The sight of the two of you is one to behold. 
It’s always been to Kagami at least, which is a surprise considering that the only things he really cares to look at anymore is game highlights and illicit magazines that he really only gets away with buying because of his height. To be fair it’s not like he really reads the magazines anyway, not without getting distracted, not without the guilt that comes with thinking of you, during, ah, certain periods of time. He’s gross, he knows, and here you are, walking a mile in the summer heat because his ankle was too dead to get ice and there’s no one to watch #2 if he leaves. (fucking Kuroko he swears)
He can see the soft outline of your jaw like this, laying down. He can see the way your tongue casually glosses over your lips and and the way it seems like you're blinking in slow motion, he can see your lashes gently brush your face when you blink. It’s a goddamn sickness. 
Now usually, when this happens, when this wave of amorous nausea fills his head he does what he’s best at, absolutely destroying the court. But in the few steam filled moments between his attempt to get up and realizing he has to get up or he might vomit hearts all over the floor, you’ve already pressed the palm of your hand into his shoulder.
“Don’t think you can get up, stupid. Your ankle looks like a purple yam for goodness sakes. Gross. ”
He’ll hold onto the spare bit of affection in your words till you give him more, which you will, because you’re like this. Stubborn and loving, and always seemingly annoyed with him. He won’t mind, he never does. 
It’s not until the end of third year that he realizes he does, he does mind. He minds all the damn time now. 
“Don’t complain now that I’m not giving you all my attention,” you had scolded, “You’re the one with a girlfriend Ka-chan.”
“You don’t even bring me ice anymore!”
A shitty retort indeed but, true nonetheless.
“Kagami,” you had warned, “It might not be a great idea for me to bring you stuff anymore. Think about your girlfriend! How is she going to feel, another woman bringing her boyfriend what he needs.”
There was no response back this time. In his defense, Lisa hated the smell of basketball, “it sticks to you!”
Which he thought she might’ve considered before confessing but, semantics. There was nothing wrong with Lisa, she might’ve been everything he looked for in a woman. Hot, decently smart, very, very good looking on his arm, and she loved the attention too. Except her lips were too sticky, and she hated the smell of the gym, and he could go on and on making up petty excuses because she wasn’t the one who demanded that he say “please” on the playground. 
(He’s just picky!) His brain argues!
It takes three more girls until he realizes they’re not you. 
There is a brief moment in time where you fall for Kagami Taiga. There is a moment so small it slivers past you in the form of iced plastic bags and steaming windows in the gym. But the moment isn’t so small that no one around you notices. It isn’t so small when your best friend goes through three different girlfriends in a moment that doesn’t even make it through a set of nails. Not one nail chips.
It’s an odd moment. Only, at the end of this moment, there is no return to normalcy, there is no getting over it, there is another one waiting for you to leave those chipped nails and iced plastic bags behind.
It starts with praise and glimmer pop of jealousy.
“Absolutely not.”
“ You can’t argue an opinion you can’t even have, Taiga.” It comes out nastier than you want and you kick yourself for it. He catches it, the grimace waiting on your face and the quiver in your eye. The two of you are waning, stuck to your respective places in his living room, movie paused. There is a chance you will cry, but a more realistic chance that this will end in useless fight, that the aching silence between the two of you will become your shield against a barrage of his angry glares. 
This might be the only chance you ever feel what it’s like when he’s in the zone, except you're not a five man team (with subs) , you’re a teenage girl with goddamn feelings. It’s the playground all over again, but this time you won’t be pushed.
“He’s a fucking player.” his voice raises at the end and the tense in your calf sharpens. “He’s a disgusting shitty haired player, how are you being so stupid right now?”
By the time he’s done he’s yelling. The two of you have argued sure, but never... not like this. 
“I’m allowed to be dumb sometimes!” you breathe, “ Look at you Taiga, how you are not the same as him? It takes you weeks, days, to get a new girl. How in the world are you even qualified to be talking to me about this.”
It takes half a second for his eyes to narrow, sharper than his looks and for a moment you stagger back. It takes even less time for you to grab your bag and leave. 
You’re not angry, not for the right reason. This boyfriend is going to end in heartbreak, it’s a given, even Kagami knows this. But you can’t help yourself, this might only be a blip in time, it won’t matter in a year right? It won’t matter when Kagami finds himself wrapped around another girl, too busy to even remember what day of the week it is. 
And it kills you. 
You’re killing him. 
There is never a moment where everything is clear, unless he’s playing one on one, but this isn’t him versus you. This is him versus himself, a freaky nightmare he only dreamt about in middle school; and you’re not someone he wins by dunking on. It’s the type of win where he has to lose a little bit of something too. The type of win that he’s been avoiding. 
Your house has been the same for years, flower boxes on the front porch, a few twigs on the lawn, less than a thousand steps from his own place, somewhere he could sleep walk to. It’s never bothered you, he was your best friend, how could you complain about living so close?
Well, you’re complaining now. 
“I’m sorry.”
His eyes are drilling into the ground, fingers fidgeting like a boy, like a child who’s never had to say sorry before. Even so, you love him, so you relent, allowing yourself to lean on the doorway, absolutely oozing casually (ty?) (ness?) You can’t think.
“Three syllables. Thanks.”
The visible sigh of relief warms your achy breaky heart and absolutely tears into your soul. The grip on your heart he holds falls loose, unveiling the mismatched pieces that you’ve been forcing together for years. And for a moment you feel weak to it. 
“ You should,” he starts, gnawing on his bottom lips this time, “be with who you want. So, I’m sorry.”
It’s exasperating, but even if it is, Kagami Taiga is the most stubborn man you know so these words no doubt are being pulled out like teeth and you love him all the same. 
To Kagami’s surprise (and disappointment), a year later you are still quite in love with the man you call your boyfriend. But to his own sick delight, the two of you are fighting (again).  
“So you’re here.”
You nod, pushing the door to his bedroom open and slipping yourself under his covers. If he was anyone but himself he might’ve looked down, seen what was going on and promptly collapsed onto his knees. But, willpower is a strong suite of his (thank god), so he takes a seat on the foot of the bed.
“ Kagami, you can say it.” you mumble from beneath his covers. At your words his eyebrows scrunch and his knuckles tighten around the blanket. You’re not provoking him, just asking for the honesty he carries on his shoulders. 
“Ah, well.”
You shift the blanket off, propping yourself against the headboard. It’s only then that he can see the old tear tracks down your face.
“ I’m glad you’re here ya know. With me. Here.”
The last part is a whisper, one you catch. 
One you can only sigh with.
“ You can’t say that Kagami.”
“It’s true.”
It feels like a lifetime has passed by the time you gather the courage to look up at him, up at those deep red eyes that give away every emotion that passes through him. You don’t think can hurt you, not anymore than he has. Not with the hands that have held you up and stuck bandages on your knees and not with the heart that cared for you so deeply. He wouldn’t dare. 
But the sun is setting between the two of you, and the radiant glow only illuminates your features. You have to remember that he is only man, only human, and humans are easily seduced into stupid things by the sun.
“ I love you.” 
The delicate words aren’t voluntary, nor are they forced. It’s the space inbetween that pushes someone in the right direction, whether they know it or not. 
“ Three syllables Taiga.”
He watches you untangle yourself from the bed and take your place beside him. Carefully, he drops his hand in your lap, palms up and clammy. Slowly, you place your hand in his, taking up the space between his fingers. 
“Four syllables. That’s what you get.” you shake, squeezing his fingers. 
It takes him about two seconds to understand what you mean.
And he does.
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omgrachwrites · 4 years
The Princess and The Duke - Chapter Eight
Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader
Summary: As the   Princess of  Spain, you were always supposed to marry King James of   England to make  an alliance between Spain and England. When he marries a  woman at his  court for love, you are married off to his best friend, Sirius Black the  Duke of Bedford to keep the alliance. However, the court is riddled  with secrets and a rebel in the North starts to rise against the Throne. Royal AU.
Warnings: fluff, angst
Words: 2719
Disclaimer: These gifs doesn’t belong to me and I’m so sorry if this French is wrong!
Translation: apporter l’accord afin que nous puissions être fait avec ces envahisseurs anglais - bring the agreement so we can be done with these English invaders.
A/N: I hope you guys enjoy this part, please let me know what you think and let me know if you would like to be tagged! I love you all! xxx
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Chapter Eight - A Tale of Two Countries
Sirius and Y/N had barely been in England for six months before they were sailing back across the channel to France. King James wanted the summit to take place in England but Francis was adamant that he wasn’t leaving French soil. Sirius expected the King to disagree with Francis but James graciously agreed. Perhaps, James wanted to put Francis in a good mood before beginning their agreement.  
However, Sirius wasn’t complaining, if it wasn’t for his love for the King then he imagined he would stay in France for the rest of his days. Sirius had missed the rolling green countryside of France, he had missed the way that the air smelled after the rain and he had missed the perfume of the blooms from the wild flowers that they found on their trek through the endless forest.
The Duke was worried about his wife though, he had hardly left her side for a second of the voyage, and he could tell that she was uncomfortable due to her pregnancy. He wanted to make sure that she didn’t want for anything, even if she wanted the stars in the sky, Sirius would plunder heaven for them. He had to make sure that he protected both his Duchess and his unborn child.
Though, Sirius had rarely seen Y/N this happy as she rode through the woods Sirius smiled as her giggle and exclamations of joy echoed through the trees. Y/N smiled at him as she reached over and took his hand; bringing it to her lips as her other hand was wrapped tightly in the reins. He flushed at her gentle touch.
“I’m so happy to be back, Sirius, if only for a short while. Spain was my first home but I always felt alone there. I never felt alone here, not for a second, not even when I was against you.”
An indescribable wave of love washed over him as he looked at Y/N and saw just how happy she was, “you’ll never have to feel alone Y/N, I promise,” he grinned and glanced at the winding road for a second. It was there, through the trees that he noticed the different coloured tents and he knew that they were close to the campsite where the summit would be taking place, “we’re almost there, my love,” Sirius heard Y/N release a deep nervous breath and they rode into the unknown together.
The campsite was vast and heavily populated, Sirius swallowed back his nerves as he dismounted before helping Y/N off her own mount and they walked behind James to meet King Francis.
“Your Majesty,” James spoke through clenched teeth as his household sank into deep bows and curtseys, “allow me to introduce my Queen, Lily,” Francis inclined his head as he kissed Lily’s hand, “allow me also to introduce Sirius Black, the Duke of Bedford and his Duchess, Lady Y/N of Spain.”
Francis’ eyes glittered jovially as he pressed a kiss to the inside of Y/N’s wrist and Sirius had to hold himself back. When Francis shook Sirius’ hand he noticed the mirth that encompassed Francis’ handsome face and Sirius raised an eyebrow in a silent question, “my dear Y/N, once the celebrated Princess of the Castile, before you had to settle for a Duke so beneath your station, you are most welcome here,” his accent was deep and rich, laced with mocking.
Sirius’ jaw clenched at his slight and he could feel the anger radiating from his wife. He gently pressed a hand against her lower back, he loved her fiery attitude but they had to stay on Francis’ good side. England would not survive an invasion from France, even with Spain at their backs. Y/N relaxed and Francis almost looked disappointed.
“Shall we get to business then?” he gestured to the inside of his tent, allowing his guests to enter first. Though James entered at the same time as Francis, like an equal.
Sirius noticed Y/N looking around the sickly sweet smelling tent with a mingled look of interest and fear, he wanted to hold her and tell her that everything would be okay. Unfortunately, there was work to be done and a bargain to be struck.
When everyone was seated and had been given a goblet of honeyed summer wine, James turned his attention to the man who called himself the King of France, “where do we start?”
Francis let a cocky smile grace his face as he slouched back in his chair, lazily running a hand through his hair. Such arrogance, “let’s make this easy, Bedford can keep control of his lands here in France,” he bowed his head graciously at Sirius. Sirius tried not to grimace, he concentrated on the warmth of his wife’s hand on his knee, “as long as you don’t use the men stationed there to bring an attack upon my beloved France.”
James cleared his throat as he leaned forward, folding his fingers together, “and how can we guarantee that you won’t bring an attack upon England?”
“A fair question,” Francis nodded, “I’ll send a moderate army of men, as I understand it, you’ve been at odds with Scotland for quite some time now and now this talk of rebels in Cumbria,” he tutted, shaking his head. Sirius wondered how the news got as far as France, “you need all the men you can get, and it’s not much good only having Spain to defend you. No offense meant, my Lady,” he bowed his head at Y/N.
Y/N’s lip curled and it looked like her eyes were on fire, it seemed as though Sirius’ Princess didn’t care much for the French King. The two Kings negotiated until the sun set and Sirius was getting a headache from all the incense that filled the room. It seemed to Sirius that Francis was holding something back; he wasn’t laying all of his cards on the table. It could not bode well.
“Before we sign the treaty, there is one more thing to be promised, words are not good enough and I think it would be beneficial to the both of us. I have a Prince and a Princess barely past infancy so I propose a marriage contract,” Lily stiffened at the mention of children and she exchanged a worried look with James, “but I am not a picky man, any child that comes from your Majesty’s union will only be half royal, if you’ll excuse my words. Would it not be simpler to have an arrangement where we know a child with royal blood is certainly coming?” his eyes flickered over to Y/N and his gaze dropped to the swell of her stomach.
Sirius fought back the urge to dive across the table and grab the French King by the collar; there was no way on heaven or earth that he’d be giving his child to France. For the first time that afternoon, anger disappeared from Y/N’s face and her eyes welled up with tears and an expression of desperation came over her face.
“You want my baby?” her bottom lip quivered as she gripped Sirius’ sleeve so hard that Sirius thought the material would tear, “Sirius,” she whispered beneath her breath as she glanced at him with desperate eyes.
Sirius kissed her forehead and wiped away her tears with his thumb, he couldn’t bear for anyone to hurt her. With a flash of red hot fury, Sirius glared over at Francis, “absolutely not, no! I refuse,” he growled, resting his hand on Y/N’s stomach, gazing down in wonder as he felt his baby kick against his hand for the first time.
“That’s out of the question!” Lily fired up at once, tossing her flaming red hair as she narrowed her eyes at Francis, “Lady Y/N is not the Queen! The burden to promise you a child does not rest on her, I’m not yet pregnant, it’s true but rest assured I will have a son.”
Francis considered the Queen with a ghost of a smirk on his face, “and you can be certain of this?”
“I swear upon the cross that there will be a son,” she said without flinching. A gasp travelled through the room and Sirius’ eyes widened, that was an enormous claim to make. Swearing upon the cross was no small thing.
Francis looked taken aback for a second before an ugly look came over his face and he pointed a finger at Y/N. Sirius’ blood ran hot and he was about to rise from his seat but Y/N stopped him with a gentle hand on his knee.
“Rest assured, if the Queen is lying, then I will have a royal child from England or there’s no deal,” he turned to the servant at his elbow, muttering rapidly in French. Sirius could understand it perfectly, “apporter l’accord afin que nous puissions être fait avec ces envahisseurs anglais.”
As soon as the treaty was brought and signed by both Kings, Francis clapped James on the shoulder, announcing their newfound friendship. It was something for James to be proud of; his father had never managed to sign a treaty with France. Francis was smiling so brightly that it was almost like the past ten minutes hadn’t happened, like he hadn’t launched an attack on Y/N.
As soon as the meeting was concluded, Y/N was the first one to depart from the incense infused tent with a swish of skirts, “Y/N,” Sirius called out hopelessly as he got to his feet.
Lily stopped him, “she needs some time, I’ll see to her,” Lily tried to smile as she squeezed his hand.
Sirius nodded and let the Queen go, even though his entire body was screaming at him to go after his wife. All he wanted to do was comfort her.
You didn’t know how long you had been wrapped up in Lily’s arms but you guessed that it had been a while. You had cried all the tears that you had in your body, soaking Lily’s silk dress and now your eyes felt red and sore. It must have been the pregnancy hormones because you had never been like this – not even when you had left Spain – you never wore your emotions on your sleeve like this.
In the past, if someone had dared threaten you or your family, then you would have fought back, you had the spirit of a stallion. Though, in the smirking and mocking glances of the French King, you turned into a withering flower. You had even run away from your husband, like a scared little girl.
A smile graced your lips as you felt your child kick against your hands, it was a funny feeling, it was like it was telling you that everything would be okay. It was then that you knew you had to stay strong for your child and your husband both. If anyone threatened them again then you would rage against the threat like a burning inferno. You sat up; rubbing your sore eyes, smiling when you felt Lily’s hands cupping your cheeks, the cool metal of her rings soothed your hot skin.
“I’m going to go to Sirius; I should have gone to him before. I’m sorry Your Majesty, I’m sorry for being a blubbering mess,” you grimaced, feeling a little embarrassed.
Lily shook her head, “there’s nothing to apologise for, and you comforted me after that awful witch lied about the fate of my future child. Are you sure that you want to leave?” she smiled kindly and you nodded, thinking of your poor husband.
“Whatever I’m feeling, he must be feeling it to, it’s his child too,” you rested your hands against your stomach, “I have to go to him, goodnight Your Majesty,” you kissed her cheek before you stood up and departed from Lily’s tent.
The campsite smelled of a hundred burning fires and the long grass was cool against your ankles as you made your way to your tent. Sirius had been sitting on the bed with his head in his hands and he looked up as soon as you walked in. His hair was tangled more than usual, his eyes were wild and there were crescent shaped marks in his palms where he had been digging his nails in.
You smiled gently as you sat beside him and cupped his beautiful face, his eyes watched you as you gently trailed your fingers down his skin and rested your thumb on his plump lower lip. You giggled softly as he pressed a kiss to your thumb.
You wanted to remember this beauty forever, you would love him till the day you died, “I’m sorry that I didn’t come to you before.”
He shook his head before he pressed his forehead against yours, “don’t apologise, my darling. I know how much that bastard hurt you.”
You giggled as you pressed a kiss to his lips, “promise me that when it comes time for our child to marry, they can marry who they choose. They can marry for love,” that was all you wanted for your child, to find a great love like you did.
Sirius nodded, his fingers tangling in your hair, “I promise,” he pressed a kiss to your forehead, “come with me,” he helped you up and you frowned at him as he led you into the night.
“Where are we going?” you asked as Sirius helped you onto his horse and he got behind you, wrapping his arms around you as he gripped the reins.
Sirius kissed the back of your neck and you felt him smile against your skin, “I want to cheer you up,” he said simply before riding through the forest.
Beneath the light of the silvery moon, the forest seemed like a whole new world. The moonlight streamed through the trees, casting everything in silver, it was magic. Sirius rode for about half an hour and you recognised the way he was going, you recognised the noise of the trickling stream and the smell of growing fruit.
Sirius beamed at you as he helped you from the horse, the moonlight shined around his head like a halo and you were certain that he couldn’t get any more beautiful than he looked right now. He kissed you passionately, leaning you against a tree, his hands travelling down your body, you giggled into his mouth as you pushed him back slightly, raising an eyebrow at him.
“Did you bring me all the way out here just to have your wicked way with me?” you grinned, stroking your fingers across his smooth cheek.
Sirius laughed, smoothing a hand through your hair, “no, but that idea is certainly tempting,” he pressed a last kiss to your lips, “I wanted to bring you to the place where I knew that I loved you, even if I didn’t say it,” he kissed your hand and led you through the cherry blossom trees and you gasped in delight as you gazed at the beautiful hidden chapel, washed with silver light.
“This is where we got married. You knew that you loved me on our wedding day?” you smiled, wrapping your arms around him; it was so amazing that you had managed to find this man.
Sirius nodded as he cupped your cheek, his eyes searching your face, “I knew that I was done for when I saw you walk down the aisle, you looked so beautiful, you are so beautiful. I never thought that I could love anybody as much as I love you and I feel I don’t tell you often enough. I want our child to be as lucky as we are; I want them to find someone who would love them so desperately, just like I love you. I’ll love you till the day I die Y/N.”
You hadn’t realised that you were crying until the warm liquid ran over your lips and you smiled up at the beautiful man who was baring his soul to you, “and I’ll love you till the day I die, plus one day. You are everything to me Sirius, I love you.”
Sirius grinned as he pulled you closer and kissed you until your head spun, you never wanted to part from him. You had found the one person you had been waiting for, for your entire life.
@smiithys​ @elayneblack​ @amelie-black​ @siriuslyjanhvi​ @pregnant-piggy​ @lindatreb​ @mabelle-cherie​ @hxrgreeves​ @britishspidey​ @mads-bri​ @classicrocketqueen​ @sxtansqueen​ @hufflepuffzutara​ @missmulti​ @bruxa0007​ @ourstarsailor​ @fific7​ @galwithbluethoughts​ @2410slb​ @sunles​ @krismeunicornbaobei​ @theincredibledeadlyviper​
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bangtanpromptsfics · 3 years
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dialogue prompt #1: “Is this illegal?”
pairing: jungkook x reader
genre: f2l, fluff
word count: 1,590
warnings: alcohol consumption, swearing
summary: jungkook is in love with his best friend who would date anybody but him
a/n: these are meant to be for writing practice. feedback is greatly appreciated. it's really short but I hope you like this!! prompt is inspired from pinterest.
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“Is this illegal?”
Jungkook realises you are dumb, especially with all that alcohol from the party, or more so even without it. 
He takes a sip of his beer and tries to construct a safe sentence which won't come out as rude.
“Bitch”. Well he tried. “You want to rob someone? That too his Balenciaga jacket? ”
You are referring to Namjoon who is busy chatting up girls with his dimples and loads of knowledge, for which he is mostly known. Redefining sexy or something on that line. 
He was hosting this party for reasons you don't remember now anyways, it has something to do with his never ending list of achievements. And he basically invites most of the population of college. I mean free drinks so, whatever. 
“I'm cold Kook, and his jacket looks so warm. He didn't give it when I asked him politely, so let's steal it”, you slur, shifting your body weight around enough to not have your face planted on the floor. 
“You asked him? ”, he squeaks. “You can have mine”, he is removing his denim jacket in the next second, with a look of amuse of course and drapes it over your shoulder, “feeling better?”
“Yes!”, you begin to chime, “It smells like you too!”
Jungkook’s cheeks warm up instinctively. Though sometimes you are a pain in the ass, especially drunk, he had never complained about it. He shoots death glares and unpleasant nose scrunches of course, but nothing more. He'd been your friend for so long, so he should've been used to the random appreciation you give him. He should be immune to your flirty laughs, the way you look absolutely endearing with his hoodie on your small frame and definitely not clench his fist in jealousy when you go out for dates. 
Probably a very cliche best friend in one-sided love story, but he feels so much more complications than that. He was going to confess ages ago, but since you are dumb as I said, would jump around random guys, scare them off with your mouth and wonder why you are single. 
At times he wants to blow a punch to his face, like now, for being so crazy about his best friend, and being limited to only give you some sort of bro love until it's alas the final year of college and he completely misses the chance when you go to Paris for career. 
“Talk something Kookie”, you bump shoulders together to catch the boy's attention who is in deep thought. He was indulgent in walking you to your dorm, and it reaches by ten minutes, and he really just want to fucking kiss you before you go, but he can't. 
He faces you when you rest your face on his shoulder. “What are you thinking about hm?”, you ask. 
“Nothing”. Liar. 
“Well then I have something to say”, you remove your face and gaze on the ground, feeling a little sad already. 
For a second he is hopeful and he doesn't know why. “What about?”
“Yesterday’s date”. Ouch. But as always he is trying his best, “Oh totally forgot about it. How did it go? Any luck? ”
“He stood me up. That asshole didn't even show up. I guess he just wanted sex”, you kick a pebble out of frustration while Jungkook wants to kick his face. It breaks him that he doesn't stand a chance to show you how much you can be loved. That you are more than the body all boys crave and go. 
This time he kicks a pebble, and it jumps fairly up to land on some car’s window. 
“Careful”, you chuckle, “I don't have money for concession”.
“Y/n, why don't you understand when I say someone is playing you? I always warn you, but you choose to do your bullshit anyway”. He is aggressive, but he's just sad; broken. And even though you get it, it sets you off. 
“I am trying to find my soul mate”.
Jungkook couldn't help but laugh out loud, he thinks you are so innocent, so naive to let people run you over because of how soft your heart is. He even bends a little to catch his knees to support himself. 
“What?”, you scoff, crossing your hands across the chest. 
“You want to go on a date?”, he asks. And it takes him off guard too, more than you. But he seemed confident for the first time. Probably because the sober you doesn't remember the drunk you even in the slightest, or perhaps he thinks it'll go right. 
“Date?”, you repeat, “With you?”
“Like… right now?”
“Yes”, he puts out his hand, waiting for you to join hands. 
What's the worst thing that's going to happen anyways? It's Jungkook, that one person who would give his life to protect you. 
He doesn't say anything for the rest of the walk. It's a bit rushed because he can't simply wait. A whole thunderstorm is rushing inside his veins and he wants to make everything about this just perfect. So perfect that you forget about every date you have ever been too. 
This is surely not the best date he had planned if he ever took you out, but it sounds alright on his mind and wishes it does the same on yours too. 
After a stroll, you're waiting for Jungkook behind some rented building. He returns with a ladder; enough to make it to the first floor. 
He makes sure to stand behind you and assure your safety. The rest of the way up was stairs, several tiring floors and heavy breath. 
He observes your face forms an ‘O’ out of surprise. 
At the rooftop of this building sits the most beautiful view of the city and thankfully starry sky to make things better. 
It's Jungkook’s self-reflection space to be exact. There were things he shared with you of course, you were each other's shoulder to cry on, but ever since he caught feelings for you, he is just afraid he'll end up ranting into a sudden confession and ruin the friendship. 
So he found other ways to cope. You however were convinced that it was some sort of “change” over time. Everyone changes and you believed it was just something of that sorts. 
“It's so beautiful! ”, you grin, “How come you never bring me here you meanie! ”, you smack his arm as you sit down on the ground beside him. 
“I was going too! ”, he fights back,  rubbing his arm. 
“This is a perfect date”, you begin after some moment of silence, “how come you don't go for relationships!? Girls will be so happy to be treated this way! ”
The first part of the sentence makes his chest warm out of pride, but it collapses to where it was before as you end. 
He just knows you'll never know how he feels unless he just says it, without beating around the bush. 
He doesn't say anything and instead gets up to take two cans of beer he had hid somewhere. You are way past your alcohol limit and acting knowingly for once, you reject. 
He opens his and chugs down half of it in one go. 
“Woah… hey Kookie you alright? ”, he flinches when your palm presses against his shoulder. 
“I want to kiss you really bad”.
Bad line of start. 
Your cheeks burn and turn vibrant shades of scarlet, expecting anything but that. But the more you continue to look at him, the more ethereal he looks; attractive, and someone definitely not deserving of petty friend zoning. 
He feels a pair of lips on his cheeks, startling him. He turns around to see your face breathtakingly close. 
He is really slow, studying every clue you give, once he is certain he is doing this with consent, he places both of his palms on your cheek and leans in. 
Jungkook wants to pinch himself because he thinks he is sleeping and it's just another one of his blissful day dreams. But when you nibble on his bottom lip, he thinks maybe not. You are really here, hands on his hair and kissing him. He holds your head more firmly as he begins to dominate the kiss, ambitious to let you know what he had been thinking about you for the past several years. 
His lips are flushed and glossy when you break off of him, but hands still on his body, on his shoulder, taking your time to catch your breath. 
“Y/n...I hope it's clear now. I like you. Like… . I really like you. And it had been killing me for years whenever I see you going behind other guys, sleeping with them just because they agree to take you on a date. Please Y/n, will you give me a…chance”.
Since the author had enough of Y/n’s dumbness as well, the story continues with Y/n accepting him, realising how blind she was. 
You feel already intoxicated by his lips so you give it a peck and hug him, “Yes Koo. And I'm sorry, for all this, and thank you so much for this date, I am looking forward to our second one”, you beam. 
He finds it cute how you think soulmates exist. He doesn't know about all that. He just knows you can make him happy and every heartbreak for you was worth it. So he smiles and nods, nothing conveyed after, until he takes you back to your dorm and kisses you one last time for the day. 
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Thank you so much for reading!!
Original Content of ©bangtanpromptsfics
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vagrantblvrd · 3 years
Okay, so I can’t stop thinking about the AU where Jaskier somehow ends up working in a Geek Squad-esque department and has to deal with these witchers who bring in mangled/otherwise destroyed phones and the whatnot AU?
Like, the witchers aren’t completely technologically impaired right because the thing about living through who knows how many innovations and whatnot over the years but they really don’t make stuff the way they used to.
(Jaskier maybe sit through a semi-rant on the subject a time or two while processing whatnot for the witchers who have brought him yet another mangled bit of tech orth a fair bit of money and did he know they used to make them of sturdier stuff???)
Geralt is Geralt, all hm’s and hm’s and usually :( although there have been moments of >:( and an especially rare :| which is the closest to the teeny tiny smile Jaskier gets on a good day or when he says something that amuses Geralt enough to visibly show it. (An actual :) is something to be treasured for days afterward and gets Jaskier gentle ribbing from his co-workers because his relationship with the witchers and Geralt in particular is high entertainment for them, but yes.)
Lambert is a delightful asshole who came in all >:(((((((((( after Geralt mentioned there was a new face in the Geek Squad-esque group, one who got him a new phone in spite of the most recently mangled one being out of warranty and suchlike. Didn’t even ask why it smelled of swamp water and may or may not have had bits of swamp...gunk in its insides and anyway.
Jaskier clearly made an impression on Geralt and he’s like but why, though, and comes in intending to be That Customer - and indeed is through the entire ordeal.
Makes Jaskier go over the fine print in the warranty and whatnot when he brings in some horribly mangled bit of shiny tech - a tablet or some such that clearly cannot be saved and is just barely under warranty. A day later and he’d be out of luck, right?
And while it’s covered by the warranty it’s also just old enough the store doesn’t carry it anymore - been discontinued or whatever - which should be fine, right? Jaskier can set Lambert up with the newest model or other equivalent and everything should be fine, but no, no.
Lambert gets this glint in his eye and is like, oh, I’m not going to make things that easy for you, buddy, and goes off on this...whatever about how he liked the version he had - doesn’t want or need the added features on the new one even though they actually are pretty nice, just because he can.
And of course he came in on one of the days Jaskier’s usual supervisor is off and the one who’s had it out for Jaskier since day one is working. Positive Jaskier has done nothing to deserve being moved from overnight stocker to Geek Squad-esque team member and looking for the smallest reason to get him fired. (Or at least kicked back to overnight stocker and then fired for some other reason no one can call them on.)
This supervisor who is hovering, just waiting for Jaskier’s Retail Voice and whatnot to slip so they can pounce and Lambert might not know the details about it all, but it’s pretty damn obvious the supervisor doesn’t like Jaskier.
So he’s like, “Okay, but...” whenever Jaskier brings up a new avenue of convincing the asshole to just say he’ll take the new tablet and gtfo already, pls you asshole, pleasant smile on his face and gritting his teeth the whole time.
Just as the supervisor has had enough of watching Jaskier dealing with this stubborn customer and clearly failing to meet their needs, Lambert is like “Well, I really did like my old tablet, but I suppose this one you’ve been trying to sell me on for nearly half an hour will be adequate, probably,” like Jaskier’s got him at gunpoint or something.
Jaskier is like oh, excellent, sir, what a wonderful choice sir, you are totally my favorite customer sir!!!! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD while also being like >:(((((((((((((((((( to Lamert’s clear amusement and whatnot.
After the deal is done and the bastard’s on his way out, Jaskier is like !!! when he sees Lambert stop in front of the assole!supervisor sure he’s going to complain about Jaskier. To his surprise though, Lambert’s just, all “Oh, he was so helpful! Answered all my questions!” and so on and both Jaskier and the asshole!supervisor are taken aback because that was not what they were expecting?
And then Lambert’s like “I only want to deal with him when I come in here,” to which Jaskier is ah, okay because he gets Lambert’s game now, and the supervisor is just okay, well, I have no control over that unless you come in on days he’s working, but you can bet I’mm make sure it happens if you do, haha.
Which more or less seals Jaskier’s fate on that angle, and absolutely what Lambert intended, and anyway, asshole.
Later on, after they’ve had enough such encounters that Lambert isn’t suspicious of this oddly helpful person at the store where they buy most of their consumer electronics he’s like, >:DDDDDDDDDDDDDD when he comes in nd Jaskier’s like >:(((((((((((((((((((( if you really wanted to help me out here with the asshole!supervisor you’d buy an extended warranty or whatever and Lambert rolls his eyes and scoffs because those are scams and he’s not an idiot, and anyway, he knows Jaskier doesn’ really want to shank him out back behind the store with a rusty knife the way he threatened one time because Lambert is a delight, okay, an utter delight.
Jaskier side-eyes him so hard for that and is like, oh????? So then Lambert won’t mind meeting him out back on his break? Asking for a friend, you know, no other reason. Strangely, Lambert does not.
(Mostly because of that time Geralt fondly told the others about Jaskier shanking a monster out back by the store’s loading dock when Geralt was a little bit bleeding out and in a bad spot and anyway, yeah, no, thanks, Lambert wasn’t born yesterday okay.)
But you know who is an actual delight that Jaskier loves to see come into the store?
Aside from Geralt???
The man is sweet and polite and holds actual conversations (not a slight against Geralt by any means, it’s just. Sometimes it’s nice to talk to someone at work who isn’t a coworker or a horrible customer and so on) and otherwise doesn’t give Jaskier headaches.
(Though there was the one night after closing and rare time when the store would be clsoed the next day for a holiday or whatever so no night crew coming in. Jaskier was trying to get his car to start when Eskel showed up all bloody and half-dead and Jaskier was closest. Also his phone was broken and no way to contact Geralt or anyone else and how was Jaskier at first aid, asking for a friend and all.)
Jaskier’s favorite encounter with Eskel at work is when he calls Jaskier asking if he can help with a tech issue. Mangled laptop and files he wants to get off the harddrive you know, but ~sensitive file that have to do with the witchers and their work.
They all pretend Jaskier knows absolutely nothing about any of it, even though he’s patched all of them up at some point or they’ve saved his life from some monster or other and there really shouldn’t be any pretense about it all?
It’s one of those days where work is slow and the other Geek Squad-esque people are out on house calls and won’t be back for a few hours or called out sick or whatever.
And this, okay, this is something Jaskier convinced one of them to teach him or he taught himself through Google and YouTube and anyway, he can do the file transfer magic stuff for Eskel, no problem.
Tells him as such and to come by before anyone gets back from the calls so he can handle it himself without anyone looking on and all, so he does, right?
Jaskier lets Eskel in the back room with him while he works, and they have a nice little chat and catch up on what’s new in their lives and all that.
Jaskier is like oh, ew, gross because some of the files he salvages for Eskel are photo documentations of past hunts - for science!!1! - but also ooh, what was that hunt like???
(Accidentally clicks on some or some other reason for him seeing what the files are or just file names and anyway, shhhh, let me have this.)
Because curiosity and also songs and Geralt enjoys being difficult on purpose and Jaskier’s never sure how much Lambert tells him is complete bullshit, and anyway. Eskel’s the nice one. Usually.
Also, though, also.
There are so many photos of Geralt and Lambert, Vesemir and Ciri and certain sorceresses and suchlike, and it’s adorable and sweet and wholly expected?
To Jaskier’s forever joy and delight there are at least two entire album’s worth of freaking goat pictures.
(Well, okay, goat and horse and whatever other animals these withcers have in their lives and so on.)
It’s adorable as hell and Jaskier makes these little squeaky noises of pure awww at the sight of them, okay, because Lil Bleater and whatever little terrors Eskel has known and clearly adores.
He’s like staring straight ahead and all everything’s fine and normal and whatnot while Jaskier is like omg and she’s so cute and omg Eskel, omg.)
Withcers may not be able to blush or whatever, but you can sure as hell bet he would have been blushing up a damned storm if he could and Jaskier also knows that and is just.
Charmed, okay, he is utterly charmed by this big soft dork and swears he won’t tell anyone even though the people who matter obviously know as well, and anyway, anyway, he gets this soft little smile for it and his heart is like oh, oh no, because Jaskier’s kind of gone on these idiot witchers okay.
(After the discovery of the goat pictures Eskel starts sending new ones to Jaskier who always gets that look people get when presented with adorable pictures of animals and this warm squishy feeling because oh, oh no, indeed and anyway, yes, because idk what pairings/ships i even want this to be anymore but just soft feelings all over the place even with Lambert, the bastard. XD)
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beware-of-you-98 · 4 years
Domestic JJ x Emily During the Fall
Coincidentally, fall is both Emily and JJ’s favorite season
JJ likes how pretty DC looks during the fall
Her block is covered in trees with leaves of varying shades of orange, red and yellow
And the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, so the sidewalks are often covered in a liter of colorful leaves and bright pink petals
Emily likes fall simply because she can wear her suburban lesbian turtlenecks without people staring
(If she wears her turtlenecks in 90+ degree weather, that’s her business, okay?)
She likes the cool mornings and nights
She likes the whole fall aesthetic (something about the warm colors constantly around during the season makes everything seem oddly domestic and homey)
Emily is always cold no matter what season, but she’s always so comfortable in fall because she can tuck her hands into her sweaters (or coats if she wears them overtop of her outfit) and wear thicker, warmer pants to the office
She can wear her fuzzy socks to bed!!!
And, yes, as soon as the season changes from summer to fall, she’s in her favorite pair
JJ still wears short sleeved shirts or skirts, much to her girlfriend’s disbelief
(She always insists she won’t get cold, but somehow always ends up in Emily’s jacket or working at her side by the end of the day)
(Emily starts wearing hoodies to bed and drops them off at JJ’s office for her to wear when she does get cold)
(It always puts a huge smile on her face when it’s nearing the end of a long work day and she gets a glimpse of JJ in one of her oversized hoodies)
(It’s certainly worth the amount of teasing she recieves from Derek and Spncer for being “whipped”)
JJ loves wearing Emily’s hoodies
She knows it’s so cliche, but they smell like her girlfriend and it comforts her
(If someone were to ask JJ to describe it, she would say that Emily smells like home, sweet and familiar)
Emily will never, and I mean never admit this out loud, but she loves pumpkin spice drinks and treats
She never drinks coffee, but one of her weaknesses is definitely a PSL from Starbucks
JJ brings her one every few days, leaving it on her desk in a travel mug covered in cartoonish ghosts
JJ likes warmed apple cider with cinnamon
Emily figures this out early on in their relationship and learns how to make JJ’s favorite cider from scratch
Yeah it’s a huge pain in the ass and she swears she can still smell apples weeks later
And fresh cinnamon sticks are hard to come by during the fall because everyone and their mother must buy them in bulk because no store within 25 miles has any
(Emily ends up borrowing some off of Rossi, though, so it works out in the end)
Besides the end result is amazing
It makes JJ happy and really that’s all Emily cares about
(Her favorite mug to drink it from is a present from Emily with a cartoony jackolantern printed on the ceramic with the words “let’s get lit” underneath)
(She blames the mom in her for loving the awful pun so much, but really it’s because it’s so cheesy and Emily gets a kick out of it)
The first fall Emily spends is just with JJ and Henry and she’s very perplexed when the two start piling up the fallen leaves on the ground and then jumping into them
She doesn’t get it (she never really got to do things like that as a child)
JJ’s like “nope, unacceptable” and persuades Emily to jump in a huge pile of leaves
Emily feels like a fucking child after diving into a pile of dead leaves, but JJ and Henry’s giggles are infectious and what the hell it’s fun
They jump in leaves for hours, only going inside when their noses and cheeks are red from the cold
Emily gets them all a glass of steaming apple cider (Henry’s excited because he gets to use a grown up mug)
Then they all snuggle on the couch, JJ tucked up against Emily’s side with Henry squished between them both, and turn on Halloween movies
Henry’s favorite is ParaNorman or Hotel Transylvania
Emily’s is The Nightmare Before Christmas (she knows the words to every single song)
And, sue her, but JJ’s favorite is Halloweentown
She thinks it’s absolutely adorable and she’s always excited when it’s on
(Only the first one, though)
(JJ was not a fan of Return to Halloweentown)
(When Michael is old enough to form his own opinions and thoughts, Halloweentown also becomes his favorite movie)
She and Emily don’t really watch the horror movies that air during the Halloween season (they see enough real gore in their line of work, and that’s more than enough thank you very much)
Once they try to watch Final Destination 2 but end up switching the channel within the first few minutes
The concept is too ridiculous and the gore is too in your face for either of them to stomach
(Besides, Emily is really weirded out that the main character in the movie looks exactly like JJ if she were a brunette)
(JJ doesn’t see the resemblance)
Honestly, if you were to ask them what their favorite thing about fall is, both would immediately answer that it means a new season of Halloween Wars
The perfect way to end their week is cuddling up on the couch under a thick quilt with glasses of wine while watching The Cooking Channel
(They’re both completely in awe at how the artists and bakers create such amazing displays out of just pumpkins and sugar)
They often conflict on who they want to win (neither one of their picks has ever even made it to the final three, much to both of their dismay)
(And, yeah okay, maybe they both only watch Halloween Wars so they can come up with unique ideas when they carve their own pumpkins)
JJ’s pumpkins are always super cute and simple, but she makes use of all the pumpkin scraps to create whiskers or ears
Emily’s visions for her pumpkins are always way too ambitious, so she always ends up with a pumpkin carved all to hell with no decernable shape to her carving
(One time, JJ helps her carve a witch into her pumpkin and she’s so happy and so proud of it that she leaves it on the porch for weeks and weeks afterwards)
They both love helping the boys with their pumpkins
One time, JJ and Emily hold a friendly competition to see which team comes up with the more creative pumpkins (youngest vs oldest, so JJ’s with Michael while Henry teams up with Emily)
JJ and Michael make pirate pumpkins
(Michael gives his pumpkin an eyepatch and a “gold” tooth)
(it’s honestly adorable)
(JJ’s pumpkin has a “parrot” except she couldn’t find a toy bird that would work for her so it’s an orange worm on a string)
Emily and Henry make their pumpkins look like the teenage mutant ninja turtles
(Henry’s is Donatello and Emily’s is Leonardo)
And, well honestly, no one can pick which team did a better job so they all decide that their reward is four amazing pumpkins
(JJ’s porch definitely looks a lot cooler when she puts the pumpkins out for Halloween)
The best moments are honestly the ones where they all gather out on the porch swing, snuggled up together and drinking warm cider, or eating freshly baked cookies, as the sun sets
JJ and the boys practically smother Emily so that she’s never cold
It’s sometimes uncomfortable as hell, but Emily never complains because she’s content to just be with the people she loves the most
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