#i swear to god it felt so surreal
rwbwby · 1 year
walked past this display in a target while rupaul’s “sissy that walk” was playing on the radio
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this feels like a hate crime
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"I Do"
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Synopsis: You and Simon get married.
Warnings: Tears, swearing, fluff
A/N: don't mind me writing yet another Simon fluff. I'm addicted😭😭
Simon took a deep breath and closed his eyes to try to calm his nerves. Johnny, who was standing beside him, patted him on the back.
"You ready, mate?" He asked his friend, flashing his signature MacTavish smile. 
Simon nodded his head, and started to shift back and forth on his feet. 
"Not getting cold feet are you?" Johnny chuckled, taking in the groom's nervousness. 
"What? God, no. I'm- I'm nervous." Simon looked abashed at his friend's comment. "I just want to see her." 
He looked around to the friends and family who were taking their seats, and this helped calm him. 
The two of you wanted a relatively small wedding, as neither of you were very big on crowded places or big events. It was just a few family and friends, and the location was a small floral garden in the outskirts of Manchester. 
He looked back at Johnny who was still watching him, and smiled. He'd asked the Scot to be his best man, before he'd even asked you to marry him. He knew he wanted his friend to be right next to him, on the most important day of his life. 
Simon's thoughts were cut short at the sound of the music starting, signaling your arrival. 
His breath hitched in his throat at the sight of you, and it took everything in him not to fall to his knees.
You had your hair up with a flower neatly tucked on the side. Your dress was modest, with a lace bodice and long train. You were stunning, and he'd thought you'd never looked more beautiful than you did in that moment. 
Price was walking you down the aisle, with a giant smile on his face. You lost your own father years ago, and John had been such a familial figure to you that you knew you wanted to ask him to do the honors. 
As you caught sight of your future husband, your hand, which was wrapped around Price's arm, tightened, and you felt yourself walking a bit faster. 
Simon felt tears prickling at his eyes, and he swallowed thickly as he tried to compose himself. 
You were no better, the moment being so surreal to you. Seeing the man you've loved for years, the man you were about to marry, looking incredibly dashing in his crisp gray suit.
The walk down the makeshift aisle felt like it lasted a century, and you and Price finally made your way to Simon. John kissed your forehead softly, and handed your hand to Simon. 
"You take good care of her, Simon." He warned, though the smile on his face said that he already knew he would. 
Simon nodded in reply, and turned his gaze to you. "Hi." His voice came out as a whisper, and a stray tear fell down his cheek.
"Hi." You smiled, and bit your lip softly. 
"You look so fucking beautiful, sweetheart." He raked his eyes down the length of your body, taking in every inch of your appearance.
"And you look so bloody handsome." You beamed, squeezing his hand. 
"Everyone, please be seated!" Your childhood friend, Trevor, called out. He was acting as the wedding officiant, something he told you he'd wanted to do for you since you were kids. "We are gathered here today to celebrate the love of Simon Riley and Y/N Y/LN."
The words of your friend fell on deaf ears, as you lost yourself in Simon's eyes. He was looking back at you with such raw emotion, a look unlike you'd ever seen before. 
The two of you lost track of time as you continued staring at each other lovingly, only stopping when Trevor turned to address Simon. 
"Simon? Your vows."
Simon broke eye contact with you, as he moved to grab the sheet of paper he kept tucked in his breast pocket. You could see his hands shaking slightly from nerves as he unfolded the sheet. 
He cleared his throat, and gave you a loving glance before folding the paper back up and putting it in his pocket once more.
"I wrote my vows about a hundred times trying to find what I wanted to say. But as I'm standing here, I realized that I don't need what's written on a piece of paper to tell you what I feel." Simon took a deep breath before continuing. "Y/N. You are my everything. You were the one to show me that life is, in fact, worth living, no matter what I've been through. You've been the light in my darkness, my beacon of hope. You've thawed out this cold heart that I thought couldn't ever feel love again. I can only hope I can be a fraction of what you are to me, to you. If you'll let me, I vow to make you the happiest woman I can, for as long as we both live. I vow to be your protector, your lover, your friend, and whatever else you could ever need me to be. I love you more than you will ever know."
Tears were falling down your cheeks as you absorbed his words. In the years of being with him, he was never this open with you, so for him to say such words had your heart bursting. 
"Y/N, your vows?" Trevor looked at you, encouraging you to speak. 
You nodded as you moved to wipe away your tears. 
"Simon. You are my best friend, and the absolute love of my life. I couldn't have wished for a better partner in this world. I thank you for allowing me to show you the love you so greatly deserve. You are worth so much more than you could ever comprehend. I vow to always love you, through thick and thin. I vow to be the best wife, and partner I can be. And I vow to make you the happiest man I possibly can, for as long as we both shall live."
Simon choked back a small sob as he looked at you. Your words were beautiful, and he felt himself falling even deeper in love with you. It took everything in him not to kiss you then and there.
"Simon Riley, do you take Y/N, Y/L/N to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Trevor turned to Simon. 
Simon held your gaze as he replied "I do."
"Do you Y/N Y/L/N take Simon as your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do." 
"I now pronounce you, husband and wife. Simon, you may now kiss your bride."
Simon beamed down at you, with the biggest smile you'd ever seen on his face. He leaned down and pressed his lips to yours softly. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him in to deepen the kiss. 
Cheers erupted around you, as the two of you lost yourselves in the moment. From beside Simon, you could hear Johnny yelling, "Yeah! That's my boy!"
Pulling away, Simon kissed your nose lightly before saying, "Hello, Mrs. Riley."
"Hello, husband." You whispered back, your smile growing. 
Simon took your hand, and the two of you made your way back down the aisle, passing all of your friends and family shouting good wishes at you. As you walked away from the venue, Simon squeezed your hand lovingly. The two of you exchanged a warm glance, before heading off to start your forever together.
A/N: like Simon with his vows, I rewrote this thing like 100 times😭😅
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evera-era · 7 months
heal me. (pt 3)
ellie williams x f!reader pt 1, pt 2
warnings: nervous/cutesy ellie, fluff, yearning, eventual kissing !!
a/n: no mentions of medic stuff this time bc i wanted reader to enjoy life outside of that. also i’m sorry for putting this off, i just wasn’t sure how i felt ab it </3 but here’s the final part !!
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“Wow… you really do have the whole collection.” You murmur, lightly grazing your fingertips over the spines of Ellie’s comics.
It was the first time you had been to her house. Well… garage. She wasn’t exactly proud of it either, but it was homely.
“Pretty cool, huh?” She says, watching you. “I’ve probably read it about a dozen times already.”
You smiled, turning and looking at her over your shoulder. She shifts on her bed.
“Didn’t know you were a geek.”
“A- A geek?” She stutters, raising her eyebrows. “Wow, okay. Ouch.”
You both laughed, and you bit down on your lip. “It’s not a bad thing. Geeks are cute.”
You turned to look back at her bookshelf as Ellie’s face flushes. She knew you were flirting with her — it was obvious you were flirting with her — but she didn’t know what to do next.
“Mind if I read the second one while I’m here?” You ask, pulling the sandwiched comic out of its spot.
“Go for it,” She says, pulling her converse off her feet. “You can come sit over here. I mean — if, if you want.”
You grinned, spinning on your heel before plopping yourself on her bed. It was soft, and surprisingly comfy.
“Hey, this isn’t fair.”
“What?” She says, eyes widening.
“Your bed. It’s so nice,” You comment, looking up at her. “How do you just casually have the best bed, like, ever?”
The redhead laughs. “That’s a bit of an exaggeration.”
“I’m not even kidding,” You sigh. “God. I could sleep here forever.”
As you turn the page and begin reading, Ellie can’t help but look over at you. You were inches away from her, on her bed, in her bedroom. And you said you wanted to sleep next to her. It felt surreal.
She swears she could probably die happy right about now.
About ten minutes pass, and Ellie clears her throat. “So, uh, how are you liking it so far?”
“It’s really good,” You say, still holding the book up. “I think I could get into this series… if you’ll let me, of course.”
“Y-Yeah,” She says quickly. “Yeah, of course. Uh, whenever you want.”
You smiled gently before looking over at her.
“Hey, Ellie?”
“Do you have a girlfriend?” You ask. “Or… boyfriend? Sorry. Should’ve asked.”
Her eyes nearly pop out of her head. “G-Girlfriend. And uh, no, not currently.”
“So you’re seeing someone?” You question.
“No— No, sorry. I meant… that I don’t have a girlfriend.”
“Oh.” You say simply, before returning to the comic. Her head swarms as she tries to figure out your intentions.
Was that was your way of telling her you liked her? Shit, or were you just being friendly? She couldn’t tell. She didn’t wanna read into it wrong.
A few more minutes pass as she looks down at you. “Um… and you?”
“Huh?” You say, looking up from the book. “Me?”
“Y-Yeah. Do… you have someone?”
“No,” You say. “I’d be surprised if anyone even liked me. I mean… I’m not all that. But you? You get to go on patrol and look all badass and stuff.”
Ellie blushes, looking down at the ground. “You— you look good, too. Better. I meant… better.”
She wants to kick herself. Why does she sound so stupid when she wants to flirt back?
Nonetheless, you took the compliment with a smile. “Thanks, Ellie.”
Ellie gives a thin-lipped smile, desperately hoping she was better at putting her thoughts into words. And that she wasn’t a total dork.
The two of you had spent the next few hours in her room. The sun slowly began to lower in the sky, painting her window blinds a pale shade of gray. You had gone through two comics at most, as you had spent half of your time speaking to her instead of actually reading.
“Alright,” You nudged her knee. “It’s your turn to tell me a story.”
“Alright, alright.” She pauses. “I have a good one. It’s about my friend Jesse.”
“Okay. Shoot,” You reply, looking up at her.
You realized that you enjoyed watching her. More than anyone you had ever met.
There was a sparkle she got in her eyes when she was excited about something, and her nose would scrunch whenever she described something she didn’t like. It was cute and adorable and god, you wanted more of her.
“…And so while me and Dina were sledding, he slips and absolutely busts his ass.” At this point, Ellie’s smiling, making grand hand gestures as she explains.
“I’m talkin’ full on, face first into the fucking snow! It was hilarious, and—“
She notices your staring, and immediately clears her throat. “Uh... are— are you okay?”
“Yeah,” You say, pushing yourself up from the position you were laying in. You scoot closer, so you’re hovering over her face.
“Can I kiss you?” You ask, looking into her eyes. When you’re met with silence, you close your eyes, mentally scolding yourself.
“Sorry… was that awkward?” You cover your face with your hands. “That was awkward, wasn’t it? N-Nevermind. I swear I was listening—“
For a moment, you were worried that maybe you had come on too strong. That just as you began to make a new friend, you had pushed her away, in a rather embarrassing manner. But your fears dissipate when you feel the warmth of her hands on yours.
She peels your hands away from your face, holding them gently. Her fingers were nimble, and rather coarse, but her touch is near electrifying.
“Please,” She whispers, barely audible. And before you have the chance to lean in, her lips have already hit yours.
Ellie’s kiss is desperate; it was something she had been wanting to do since she had first met you. And inside, she’s ecstatic, because she never thought you’d ask her to.
Her lips are warm, and encompassing, and her breath is shallow against your face. She goes slowly as to burn this memory into her brain.
When the two of you pull away, it’s quiet. You were worried if maybe you had changed the dynamic too quickly, but then she speaks.
“I… I really wanted that.” She says softly. You smile, nodding.
“Yeah. Me too.”
You turn your head away in an attempt to ease the fluttering in your chest. Ellie’s eyes are still on you, and she reaches out to brush a stray piece of hair away from your neck.
Your eyes land on the comic cover, and you laugh halfheartedly.
“I, um, barely finished it.” You utter. “The book.”
“Oh,” She says, raising her brows. “You… you can take some more with you, if you want. So you can read them.”
You shrug, looking back over at her.
“Or maybe I can just come back over here.” You add. “So I can read them with you?”
Ellie’s heart skips a beat, and she quickly nods. “Yeah. Yeah, that’s— great.”
You got up from her bed, putting the comics back. When you turn around, you press your lips together, looking off to the side.
“One condition, though.”
“Hm?” She says, looking back over at you.
“I come over as your girlfriend… not your friend.” You say shyly. “It’s my only rule.”
Ellie grins, standing up from the bed as well. She approaches you slowly.
“Well… you’re leaving as my girlfriend… aren’t you?”
“Am I?” You smile coyly, putting your arms around her neck. “This your way of asking me out?”
Ellie nods, face flushed. She thought it was cute, and a little funny, that you had casually assumed she went around kissing people she wasn’t into. She considered herself way too much of a loser to accomplish something like that.
You giggle a bit.
“Okay, then. Yeah, I’ll be your girlfriend.”
Her girlfriend. Her girl. Ellie can’t help but feel fuzzy at the thought of it.
It sounded good — it sounded right, rolling off of your tongue. She truly couldn’t wait to have you around her arm, walking with you around town.
Ellie doesn’t say anything else, merely smiles bashfully as you lean in to kiss her again.
And even though she couldn’t be sure of the future, she’s sure that in this moment, she wouldn’t wanna be with anyone else besides you.
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teapartyprincess4two · 3 months
can you please do a Nick panic attack fic. where either him or the reader (his bestie) has a panic at school and the other helps them calm down. (your choice on how the story goes. xx) love ya thx. ps. you're a great writer!! xx
4 In The Morning- N. Sturniolo
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pairing: Pregnant!reader x Bestfriend!Nick
classification: platonic angst, fluff
warnings: use of y/n, slight cursing, mention of unexpected pregnancy, mention of bullies/ bullying (brief), short
insirpation: request^^ so technically they’re IN school, but I put a spin on this req :P
summary: Your best friend Nick comforts you after receiving some unexpected news.
“This can’t be fucking real.”
A positive pregnancy test rests on your trembling hands, this was never supposed to happen. A meaningless one night stand was never meant to come with actual, irreversible consequences. You were fresh out of high school, unemployed, and in your first semester of college chasing a dream that now felt impossibly out of reach. How the fuck were you going to raise a child on your own?
Nick is the only person you can think to call, he’s in a completely different timezone halfway across the country, but you know he’s the only person who’ll answer on the first ring. It’s 4 in the morning where he’s at, but knowing him he’s probably still awake.
You hold the phone up to your face with one hand, the other occupied with the pregnancy test. The longer you look at it, the more surreal this all feels.
“Hey bestie bae,” Nick picks up on the first ring, just as expected, his corny nickname for you momentarily easing your nerves. A small sniffle escapes your lips, you couldn’t hold it in anymore.
“Girl, what’s wrong?”
Silence. You don’t even know where to start. You trust Nick with your life and you know he won’t judge you, but the moment you admit this out loud it becomes real. As soon as those two words leave your mouth, the truth will be cemented into reality.
“You’re scaring me. What’s wrong?!” Nick reiterates. He knows you like the back of his hand, but even he can’t figure out what could possibly have you this upset. You take a deep breath, attempting to calm yourself down.
Finally, when your breathing is stable enough, you finally speak. Your voice cracks, “Nick—”
“Don’t do that. That only makes me more worried,” he interrupts you. You can hear his bed creaking in the background as he shifts around nervously.
“Nick, I have something to tell you,” you whisper, wiping a stray tear away from your face.
“Just tell me already. You’re actually fucking scaring me and I hate this,” he’s becoming impatient. Nick’s mind is racing with all the possibilities, his protective insticts kicking in.
“Promise you won’t judge?” the pregnancy test feels heavy in your hands. The two blue lines stare back, taunting you as they dangle your future in your face.
“When have I ever judged you?” Nick’s voice is soft, he can tell that this is serious. He’s being gentle with you, almost like he’s afraid that if he comes at you incorrectly you’ll break.
You take another deep, shaky breath.
“Okay, so remember how I slept with that guy?” You chew on the inside of your cheek, desperate for a distraction as you try thinking of the best way to relay the information weighing heavy on your mind.
“Did he fucking do something to you?!” Nick’s mind immediately formulates the worst possible scenarios, each one worse than the last.
“No. Well, yes.”
“Y/n I swear to God! Why didn’t you tell me?!” You can hear the anger in his voice.
“Nick he didn’t do anything to me. I’m fine, I’m just…” your voice trails off, how were you supposed to tell your childhood best friend that you were pregnant?
“You’re just…” Nick tries squeezing the information out of you, he’s desperate to know. You’re so close to hanging up or even making up an excuse to ignore reality.
You bite the bullet, deciding that prolonging this didn’t change the truth. “I’m pregnant.”
Silence fills the atmosphere for the second time that night. Nick is both in shock and disbelief, and he feels a wave of sadness wash over him at the revelation.
“I was NOT expecting that,” he whisper shouts in disbelief, he doesn’t know what else to say. He isn’t judging you, but he is extremely concerned. I mean, you’re both just kids, and even if it’s definitely NOT his child he still feels an overwhelming sense of responsibility over it already.
“I don’t even know what I’m gonna do,” you whisper, the tears forming at your lash line. You’re one blink away from sobbing.
“It’s gonna be fine… we’re gonna be fine,” Nick replies, attempting to console you before you have a full breakdown. It’s no use.
“It’s not gonna be fine, Nick! I’m pregnant and I barely even remember the guys face! I’m in college for fucks sake! We’re not even mid-semester and I already fucked up,” you exclaim through loud sobs. Usually Nick would feel extremely uncomfortable listening to anyone cry, but you’re his best friend. If anything he wishes he could grow wings and fly to you so that he could engulf you in the biggest, strongest hug ever. His heart is breaking for you.
“Fuck! I’m gonna be the worst mom ever. I don’t even have a job, how am I gonna buy diapers? Where am I gonna live? With my parents? Dude, I still haven’t even told my parents. Not like they’d ever wanna talk to me again after this,” your words are coming out a mile a minute. You were start to overthink, every excruciating detail only adding to your unease.
Nick can’t get a single word in, your anxiety fueled rant ringing through his ears as you realize that the worst is yet to come, “Oh my God, I still haven’t told my parents. My mom’s gonna kill me! She’s gonna tell my dad and then he’s gonna cut me off and then I’m gonna be homeless AND pregnant!” The more you think, the more inconsolable you become. The cold bathroom tile hits the back of your head as you throw your head back.
“I’m gonna have to drop out, get a job, find an apartment and fucking tell this RANDOM guy that he’s gonna be a dad. What am I even gonna say? ‘SURPRISE! HERE’S YOUR BABY!’ I’m so fucked, Nick. I’m so fucked…” your breathing is erratic, the hysteria causing you to enter an anxiety attack. Nick can tell that everytime you breathe your sobs and hiccups inhibit you from taking a full breath.
Your eyes are shut tight as you clutch your chest, attempting to regulate your breathing. The wind is being knocked out of you, you’re hyperventilating and the snot that bubbles in your nostrils doesn’t help either. Mascara runs down your red face; you’re a sad, hopeless mess.
Nick finally gets a word in, your loud sobs being the only sound coming from you. “Y/n, listen to me. Take a deep breath… Everything is going to be fine!” He listens as you do as instructed, breathing in deeply before releasing a shaky exhale.
“I know this is hard and I can’t even imagine how you’re feeling, but I know that you’re scared,” he continues, pausing briefly to gather his thoughts.
“I want you to know that I’d NEVER let you do this alone, EVER. We’re gonna figure this out, I’ll fly over there tomorrow if I have to, but we’re figuring this out.” No one has ever put their life on pause like this for you before, it almost seems unreasonable and selfish for you to allow it.
You’ve calmed down significantly, your loud sobs being reduced to quiet whimpers. “You don’t have to do that, Nick.”
“You’re right. I don’t have to, but I want to. I’m gonna buy the ticket now, but you get some rest okay?” His voice is soft and gentle.
You know he’s tired, but you really need a friend right now. If you hang up, you’re sure to cry until there aren’t any tears left. “Can you stay on the phone with me?” you ask hesitantly, already feeling like a bother for calling at 4 in the morning.
A small, sad smile forms on Nick’s face, “Of course, anything for my bestie bae.” The corny nickname makes you laugh, the first sign of happiness since you called.
Every shared childhood memory is playing in Nick’s mind from the time he met you, to the time you defended him from high school bullies. There’s no doubt in his mind that you’re going to be an amazing mother, even if the circumstances are completely unexpected.
“Y/n?” he picks at his bed sheets, flicking pieces of lint onto the floor.
“Yeah?” you slowly get up from the bathroom floor, gently placing the pregnancy test on the sink before walking into your room.
“You’re gonna be such a good mom,” he admits. You crawl under the billowy comforter, bringing it up to your neck for some form of comfort. Nick’s words are reassuring and you feel so grateful to have a friend like him.
Suddenly it all doesn’t feel so scary.
A/n: this was honestly (loosely) based on my relationship with my best friend. I hope you enjoy hunny bunches!
luv ya! Thx for the req!
P.s ur the best anon for this request xx
- L.A.M.B👼🏻💗
taglist: @nicksmainbitch @sturniololovers @mayhem-72 @worldlxvlys @gnxosblog @meg-sturniolo @creamoncreamoncream2 @mattnchrisworld @sanyi5 @lustfulslxt @whicked-hazlatwhore @tworosesblackthorn @mxqdii @fawned01 @junnniiieee07 @sturniolololover @missriddle03 @k-l-a-w-s @hearts4chris @maryx2xx
note: if you want to be tagged in my fanfic related posts, you can access my TAGLIST and comment 💐
note: requests are open, I will be writing as many as possible because you guys have sooo many good ideas. Please be patient 💗✨
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vauxxy · 5 months
the sun ⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊
luke castellan x child of dionysus reader
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ABOUT - you come clean to luke over a bottle of wine as you stare at the sky.
A/N - part two!! this is written from the readers perspective this time :P might write the prologue sooner or later idk
WARNINGS - alcohol consumption, kissing, crying, swearing i think?? but idk i don’t remember
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two hours later, and you and luke were staring at the lake as you sat together, the bottle of wine now half full.
the other few demigods that came along now were either swimming, or too drunk to stand, or talking amongst themselves.
you didn’t expect to be sitting with luke alone; nor did you expect the conversation to be so fun.
but then again, you didn’t care if the conversation was good or not. you wouldn’t even care if he was calling you names or simply ignoring you.
you had learnt that to love is to make sacrifices, and you had 4 years of first-hand experience.
the air was relaxed and easy, and the conversation was interesting. the fact that your rival was sitting right next to you, sharing a bottle of wine, felt surreal.
luke said something stupid and light hearted as you giggled quietly, taking another swig of the bottle. your breathing slowed down a bit as you turned to look at him.
“are you feeling tipsy yet, castellan?” you asked quietly, the moon hitting the side of your face in the most angelic way.
your hair was almost as bright as the starts at this point- your lips stained red due to the pigment of the wine and the irritation caused by drinking from the bottle.
“tipsy?” he scoffed, grabbing the bottle from you and taking a sip. “even if i am, no way am i admitting it to you.”
the warm breeze blew through your hair, the moon’s light bouncing right off of it and illuminating the area. he stared at you as you sat next to him, your eyes wide open as you stared out at the lake.
you looked magical.
“you really are beautiful.”
your head turned to face him, your lips slightly parting in shock at the abrupt compliment.
‘luke castellan said i was beautiful?!’
you felt your breath hitch, your cheeks turning red- but you couldn’t tell if that was from the alcohol or from his compliment.
“yeah, you’re tipsy,” you whispered playfully in an attempt to brush off the comment.
you sighed, ruffling your hand through his hair before taking the bottle from him.
“shut up,” luke scoffed, looking away from you in embarrassment.
you laughed dryly, leaning your back against the grass and staring up at the stars.
“no, i wont shut up,” you argued, a big smile on your face.
“castellan said i was beautiful!” you exclaimed breathily, giggling quietly as you kicked your feet against the grass.
the corner of his lips twitched into a smirk for a moment. “i really hate you, you know that?” he laughed, taking another swig.
“besides, no one will believe you,” he teased, nudging you playfully.
you shook your head, pressing an index finger against your lip as you made a ‘shh’ sound.
“i’m not going to tell anyone. your words are gonna be my little secret,” you whispered, looking up at him as he continued drinking from the wine bottle.
even under the moonlight, he still shone like the sun.
‘i guess that’s why luke and i clashed. he was the sun, and i was the moon.’
“you’re going to drive me insane,” luke mumbled, passing you the bottle of wine.
was he blushing? his cheeks were certainly more red than before, and he couldn’t maintain eye contact with you anymore.
you retracted your finger from your lips, letting out a dry chuckle.
you sat back up, grasping the bottle of wine and taking a large swig.
“yeah, what do you expect? my dads the god of insanity, castellan,” you retorted playfully, a smug smile plastered across your face.
you were the moon and he was the sun- it was a simple yet poetic description of their long, complicated rivalry. maybe if you were a bit more sober, you could come up with a less stereotypical comparison. but you were not sober, so the moon and sun it was.
you were his rival, but it was starting to feel like something more. the banter between you two was becoming more romantic, the tension more evident. or maybe it was all just in your head.
luke chuckled as you took another big swig from the bottle of wine, and for a moment, everything felt perfect.
it felt like everything you wanted for the past 4 years was finally happening.
you put down the bottle, looking out at the reflection of the moon twinkling on the lake as you took a deep breath in.
“do you ever see something and think ‘oh, that’s me’?” you asked, suddenly turning around to look at him.
luke was caught off guard by your sudden question, pursing his lips as he turned to look at you.
his brows faintly rose as he watched the moonlight gleam off of your eyes, hair, and lips. “what do you mean?” he asked softly. luke’s eyes darted to yours briefly, only to go back to looking at the moonlight as it hit the lake.
you looked back over at the moon, feeling a strange sense of comfort overcome your being.
“it’s like… i’m the moon. i am her,” you said.
“but i’m also the arctic fox, and the glow in the dark star stickers castor stuck on the roof of the dionysus cabin, and the tulips and the lily of the valley and- it’s like…” you mumbled, pressing your fingers against your lips as you let yourself get lost in thought.
“like i’m made of all these little things i see and feel close to.”
luke’s eyes burnt into yours as you spoke, taking in ever word you uttered. you would’ve forgotten he was even there if it weren’t for the sound of him breathing.
“and what am I?” he finally spoke, his voice soft as he leaned forward to look more closely at you. the moonlight casted a glow on your face as the breeze blew your hair away from your eyes. it felt so natural to be here with him, in the dark, with the moon.
you smiled at him coyly, your cheeks red and your vision a little warped from the alcohol. you took another swig, thinking over his question.
you passed him the bottle, your fingers grazing against his momentarily as you stared at his face intently.
“you’re the dandelions. you’re the orange slices, the quiet dog sitting by the window,” i said quietly, taking in his features.
“you’re the sun.”
he paused. it looked like he had just been punched in the gut, overwhelmed by the sudden sentiment.
luke looked away suddenly, blinking quickly as his jaw clenched tight. he took one deep breath, and turned to look at you again.
“that’s bullshit, and you know it,” he snorted. it seemed like the alcohol had made him a little too confident. you furrowed you brows in response, crossing his arms as you waited for an explanation.
how could he not look in the mirror and be blinded by the sight of himself?
“look at me. i’m no sun. i’ve got all these scars and bruises all over me, i’m too destructive.”
he rolled his eyes, looking down at the grass defeatedly.
you shrugged your shoulders, taking another swig of the bottle.
“yeah, but you’re the sun,” you repeat blankly, a soft smile still on your face.
“you’re the sun; scars and all. too hot too touch, too bright to ignore.”
luke froze at your words.
he shifted uncomfortably as he felt his hands shake. your eyes took in his stressed appearance, feeling a little embarrassed at your sudden outburst of praise.
luke was embarrassed by how much his body was betraying him. for the first time in his life, he didn’t want to say whatever witty response would get under your skin. he was completely at a loss for words- and you could tell.
but either way, you decided to play nice.
you paused, staying completely silent. suddenly, you started giggling, shaking your head awkwardly in an effort to make him feel less uncomfortable.
“sorry about that. i just realised how stupid that sounded,” you chuckled, looking back over at the moon.
luke looked a mess. his cheeks burned red, and his heart pounded faster and faster.
“shut up,” he growled. “you’re going to make me act weird.”
you turned your head away from the moon to look back over at him, your eyes narrowing in confusion.
“huh?” you furrowed your brows, taking the last sip from the bottle.
“you already act weird,” you teased, gently pushing his shoulder playfully.
you playful push and the feel of you touching him suddenly made any rational thoughts of his go completely out the window.
“okay, but this is different,” he grumbled, leaning his back against the cold earth and closing his eyes, his breath even and steady. “you’re making this weird.”
you pouted, laying down on the ground next to him. your head was inches away from his, your hair grazing his face as it messily fell over the grass.
his face turned towards yours as you stared up at the stars, thinking over his statement.
“how?” you asked, your speech a little slurred.
“just…” he sighed, looking up at the sky. “it’s not that complicated. i’m your rival. we’re not meant to be…like this.”
luke paused, looking back over at you for a second. he thought you looked so pretty with the moonlight casting beams of light on your face. he could’ve looked at you like this for hours.
you rolled your eyes, staring up at the sky.
“are we even rivals anymore?” you asked, resting your hands on top of your tummy.
“i mean, we used to be when we we like… 15. but we’re 18 now, and things are definitely different. less hostile,” you said, breathing quietly.
“fine, we’re not as vicious as we used to be. but it’s still a rivalry. you’re too competitive.”
you stayed quiet, processing his words.
he was right. you were too competitive.
that’s why it would never work between you and him- but it was also why it did work.
your stubbornness and his attitude fuelled the ongoing rivalry between you two for years, the only thing that ever weakened the conflict was time.
time wore you two down as you matured, replacing foul insults with witty comebacks and substituting sarcastic compliments with genuine praise.
but it was still a rivalry.
he leaned towards you suddenly, opting to change the subject with a teasing comment. he lightly tapped your forehead. “you’re drunk.”
you giggled, rolling your eyes as you playfully pushed his hand away.
“no, you’re drunk- look!” you abruptly cut yourself off, gasping at the sky.
“it’s the little dipper,” you exclaimed breathily.
it had been years since you had seen the constellation; considering camp half-blood was only protected from new yorks monsters, and not new york’s light pollution.
luke glanced up at the sky, blinking as he saw the constellation.
“yeah,” he grinned as he looked back down at you. “i’m just surprised you can tell in this state of mind.”
luke chuckled as he looked into your eyes. they had a dull shine to them- they looked tired. his lips twitched into a playful smirk as you shrugged your shoulders.
you smiled softly as you turned your head to look at him- a few stray pieces of grass in your hair.
“maybe it’s ’cause when i drink i get all observant and shit,” you said simply.
your eyes darted over to scar on the right side of his face. it had been there for years, but you never seemed to get tired of looking at it.
it was like a river- or a permanent teardrop stain. and it was gorgeous.
luke watched you with a smug grin as you stared at his scar, noticing how much you seemed to adore the sight.
“yeah,” he smirked. “you get so observant that you start talking about me being like the sun.”
you rolled your eyes, letting out a dry breath as you looked into his eyes.
“you’re not like the sun, you are the sun.”
you slowly reached your hand out to touch his scar, your thumb tracing over the shape as your lips slightly parted.
you definitely would’ve never done something like this sober.
he didn’t fight against the warm gesture, his cheeks turning red as his brown eyes widened at the sensation. your touch was soft, and his skin was so smooth.
maybe he loved you back? maybe all that sacrifice and competition wasn’t for nothing?
the desire to come clean was suffocating you. you needed to say it- he needed to know.
you cupped his face in your hands, the alcohol putting you in a trance.
‘sober me is gonna really regret inviting luke to drink with her.’
you continued rubbing your thumb over his scar, looking into his eyes.
“luke,” you whispered, getting lost in his features as you laid still on the grass.
“i’ve loved you since we were 15.”
he was dumbfounded by her sudden confession. your heart continued pounding so loudly that you could no longer hear the quiet sound of his own heartbeat.
“… you don’t have to say anything,” you said softly, continuing to stare into his eyes.
“but i just wanted you to know.”
you slowly retracted your hand from his cheek, turning over to lay on your back again and stare at the stars.
luke stared at you blankly, his lips parted in shock as he realised what you said.
the silence was killing you, forcing you to come to terms with the reality of the situation.
he was quiet for a reason, wasn’t he?
“you don’t love me,” he said softly. “you’re drunk.”
you shook your head, your eyes fluttering closed as a soft smile emerged from your features.
“no, i do love you,” you whispered, reaffirming the drunken confession.
his hands gripped his arms tightly, trying not to let you see how much your words were shaking him up.
“if you love me so much, then why do you constantly challenge and compete with me?”
you shrugged your shoulders at his question, opening your eyes and looking back over at him.
“it’s the only was i can get your attention, i guess.”
you and luke had always competed with each other- it was no wonder the competitiveness evolved into a rivalry. you just wanted his attention, and he wanted yours. you both wanted to so desperately be seen by the other, and neither of you would admit it.
a deep sigh left his lips as he thought, closing his eyes to try and make sense of things.
“well, you’ve got my attention now,” he murmured.
you laughed dryly at his comment.
“yeah. i do,” you sighed, your chest rising and falling with each slow breath you took.
‘he doesn’t love you, idiot! why’d you have to say that? now he’s not gonna give you any attention, because it’s gonna be awkward!’
“anyways,” you mumbled, looking back up at the sky. he pursed his lips as he watched you, furrowing his brows at the sight of his rival all defeated and wistful.
“why won’t you look at me?” luke’s voice was soft, pleading; begging you to see him.
you sighed, continuing to stare up at the sky defiantly.
“i already know what you look like. spent so long staring at your face, i don’t need to look at you,” you explained breathily, letting your head sink further back against the grass.
“… and i don’t think i want to see how you look right now. i’d like to imagine you all happy instead.”
his eyes widened and his jaw unclenched at her words. you were content with staring at the stars, not even acknowledging what he said.
“please, look at me. look at me when you speak to me.”
his words were firm, but emphatic enough to cause you to give in.
you rolled your eyes, letting out a quiet sigh before turning to face him.
“i’m looking.”
luke stared into your eyes, his body frozen as he watched your breath rise and fall. it seemed like he had no clue what to say.
you sighed, your eyes gazing over at his features.
seconds passed that felt like hours, your thoughts racing as you lost yourself in his pretty eyes.
‘you’ve fucked it. it’s ruined. it’s done!’
‘gods, i’m never drinking again. sorry dad.’
you suddenly closed your eyes, letting your hands cover your face as you turned on your side- bringing your legs up to your chest as you let your hair protect yourself from everything that was going on.
you suddenly let out a quiet sniffle, muffled by the way you were hiding yourself in your limbs.
luke’s eyebrows knitted together in confusion at the sight, his thoughts blanking as he heard you… crying?
he had never seen you cry before, unless you were acting with the apollo kids, or trying to garner sympathy, or foolishly trying to make your dad feel bad for yelling at you for sneaking out.
your palms became a little wet as you cried softly, trying your best to fight back against your emotions.
“sorry, i don’t know why i’m crying,” you whispered.
“i don’t know what i expected either.”
you quickly wiped away your tears, looking back up at him. “pretend i didn’t say anything,” you said quietly, your voice hoarse.
you heard luke sit up and scoot over to you. suddenly, you felt him gently wipe his fingers under your eyes.
“your eyes are a little red,” he murmured, letting his fingers trail down your cheeks.
you groaned in response, your cheeks turning red as he wiped away your tears.
“obviously,” you sighed, choking back more tears as you closed your eyes again.
your nose was red and damp, your eyes bloodshot. your breaths were short and sharp as you continued fighting your feelings. but it was a loosing battle.
luke let his fingers trail your jaw, then your neck. this only caused your to cry harder, the feeling of his fingers against your skin only reminding you of what you do desperately want but can’t have.
“luke…” you whimpered, opening your eyes to look back up at him.
“shh…calm down,” he said softly, his fingers beginning to trail her lips. luke’s breathing became erratic as he leaned in, closing his eyes and grazing his lips against yours.
he suddenly pressed his lips forcefully against yours, his arms wrapped around you as he held you close against his chest. your back lifted off the grass, willingly leaning your chest against his as you kissed him back.
you could hear the sound of his breath picking up as he deepened the kiss.
you brought your hand up to cradle the back of his neck, holding a handful of his hair between your fingers.
your fingers twisted into your hair, his mouth becoming more demanding with love and need and longing, and everything else he’d felt towards you.
your other hand reached up to caress his scar, running your thumb over the permanent imperfection.
but it wasn’t imperfect; it was beautiful.
your breathing slowed down as your tears became silent, your body melting into his as the kiss continued.
he slowly dragged his lips away from yours, kissing the side of your neck as he held his hands against your back to keep your torso upright.
you sniffled as he kissed your neck, your arm wrapping around him as you held him close.
he finally pulled away, taking a deep breath and looking at your flushed features. you were still holding onto him tightly, your arm wrapped around his shoulders.
your eyes were still closed as a tear slid down your cheeks. luke wiped it away gently, causing you to slowly open your eyes again.
“luke,” you whispered, your eyes silently pleading with him as your pupils dilated.
“please, luke. i need to hear you say it.”
luke paused, letting the request linger in the air for a bit. his breath hitched as he looked into your red and wet eyes, his thumb gently tracing your cheek.
"say what?" he whispered, their eyes locked as they sat there in the grass. he was shaking, and you could tell.
“tell me you love me too. even if it’s a lie,” you whispered, gently running your hand through his hair as you looked into his eyes.
his lips touched yours again, quickly kissing you before slowly pulling away.
“I need you. I will always need you,” luke said- but it wasn’t what you wanted to hear.
your breath hitched, your eyes threatening to cause a flood.
“… but do you *love* me?” you asked, your lips slightly parted as you searched for any sign of affection or love within his deep brown eyes.
his breath came out of his lungs harshly as his eyes widened. he stayed silent for a moment as he looked at you.
“yes,” he whispered. “i do.”
“say it,” you demanded, sniffling as you rested your forehead against his.
“say it. say it, please,” you begged him, your hands clinging to his shirt in a desperate attempt to convince him to love you back. “say that you love me- all of it.”
he smiled softly before leaning in towards you, the action of you pulling on hos shirt revealing his collarbones.
“i love you. i love you, i love you, i love you.”
luke’s hands gently gripped your waist as he spoke, his eyes locked with yours.
you turned red, your breathy shaky as you pulled him in for an urgent kiss. you wrapped your arms around him, pulling him even closer than before.
‘jesus christ, if my dad saw me now…’
actually, he might be proud. dionysus is the god of wine, insanity and fertility first and foremost. and hes my dad more than he is the camp director.
luke kissed you back, pressing his body against yours and letting his hands slide to grasp onto your hips.
you ran your hand through his hair, your fingers racing circles into his neck as you kissed him frantically.
your lips were probably swollen at this point, and you didn’t mind paying the consequences for having luke be so close to you.
luke’s hands glided up your body, his fingers grazing over your skin. his hand went to hold your back, pulling you even tighter against him.
he kissed you harder, more intensely, his mouth devouring yours.
you could hear his breath hitch with every kiss.
you moaned softly into the mouth, your limbs tangling as you searched for more. more of the feeling of his body against yours, more of the warmth of his hands against your skin. more, more, more.
you continued kissing him for what felt like hours, before slowly pulling away- now a panting mess with red cheeks and swollen lips. you stared into his eyes, your lips slightly parted in shock.
and he did that to you. he stared down at your lips, almost as if he felt proud of what he had done.
your swollen and red lips were like a trophy. you had won- he loves you.
luke licked his lips, savouring the taste of you before speaking. “gods, your lips are red,” he said, kissing your cheeks.
you laughed nervously, overly flustered by how softly he was kissing your cheeks.
“shut up, so are yours,” you retorted, wiping your mouth- but the red was imprinted upon your lips and it most definitely was not coming off anytime soon.
luke couldn’t help but find himself laughing at your mannerisms. the way you nervously wiped your lips as if the redness would come off with a single swipe of your fingers.
you sat in silence for a moment, simply staring into his eyes with a bashful smile. you had him. he had you.
and he was so bright.
even when sitting under the dark night sky, the sun was shining- burning your skin. and you were basking in it.
you’d let yourself get their degree burns if it meant you got to feel the sun against your skin.
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hamiltonaf · 1 year
Ferrari Fangirl | Kylian Mbappé
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Pairing: Kylian Mbappé x Female Reader
Requested: Anonymous
Word Count: 1.3K
Warnings: Jealousy / Possesive
A/N: Being a F1 girly, I thought colliding my 2 favourite worlds would be fun. Should I do more F1 x Football oneshots like this in future ? Let me know. Hope you babes enjoy .xoxo
Summer break was finally here and I couldn’t be more happy right now to spend more time with Kylian. The past month has been hard being away from Kylian for so long and only seeing him about once or twice a week, but it’s okay because hard work pays off and luckily my summer break synchronised perfectly with Kylian’s.
The start of the summer break couldn’t have been more surreal when Kylian had told me about 2 weeks ago that we have an opportunity to attend the Spanish GP. Internally I screamed, actually remembering back to that moment I believe I started screaming over the phone. Kylian knows about my love for F1 from when I was much younger. I became so used to multitasking for so many years that attending Kylian’s matches and watching F1 on my phone was normal, or even on days when I never attended, I’d have both the match and race playing simultaneously.
I have been to a race before, but with my family. Attending a race with Kylian and having paddock passes made it all the more special. Kylian specially mentioning that we were going because of me literally melted my heart, I’m very very lucky. I love this man so much.
This morning we started off on the wrong foot when Kylian saw my very obvious Ferrari fan outfit. “You look amazing especially in that skirt, but you have to change” he said as he eyes me from head to toe. “What ! Why ? What’s wrong with what I’m wearing ?” I asked confused. “First of all, that skirt is very dangerous. Secondly, if you were lost in that paddock, they’ll return you to Charles or Carlos rather than me” he said as he stared me down. “And how is that a bad thing ?” I teased. “Babe don’t even start” he said. “Ky I literally don’t have anything else to wear right now because this was all I had left here at your place. Besides that, we’re running late” I said as I grabbed a hold of his hand and pulled him along with me.
“You’re doing this on purpose” he said as he placed his hands on my waist. “Am not. Now please don’t start otherwise we’re not going to leave here anytime soon” I warned and just then he nuzzled his face into my neck to place soft kisses. “Ky you can’t, we have to go” I giggled as I then ran away from him to get to the car. I wasn’t prepared for the amount of media that was at the airport or in the paddock. The large crowd was actually giving me anxiety but thank god Kylian held my hand the entire time and gave it a squeeze from time to time to reassure me. I honestly haven’t seen the paddock this busy in a while, I guess due to so many other footballers attending fans are going crazy. Don’t blame them.
My heart was actually racing and I felt the sweat start in the palm of my hands when we were getting closer to the Ferrari hospitality. Oh my days. “Are you okay ?” He asked as we entered the hospitality. “Yep I’m fine” I smiled and huffed. We were guided by staff to meet both Carlos and Charles. Deep down I was freaking out and my inner fangirl was screaming.
Kylian greeted both Charles and Carlos before I did by shaking their hands. Just as I greeted Charles first, he took me by surprise to kiss both sides of my cheek. French greetings. Carlos had done the same. I swear I was on Cloud 9. I could just tell by Kylian’s body language that he was jealous but was trying not to show it. Even through those sunglasses, I could feel his gaze burning into me.
Both Charles and Carlos were so sweet, just as I imagined, as they gave us a tour through the garage, explained their steering wheel and allowed us to jump into the car. I was quite smitten by Charles since I’ve been a fan since he was in Sauber.
Carlos was busy talking to Kylian whilst Charles helped me step into his car with the help of his hand. I stole a glance at Kylian and might I say he did not look very happy. I didn’t mind him because this all still felt unreal and I was trying to take everything in as much as I possibly can, it’s not everyday that I get to experience the life in the paddock.
Eventually Carlos and Kylian had joined our conversation since Charles was explaining the chassis. When it was time for me to hop out of the car, it only then occurred to me that it was not going to be easy considering I had heels on and a skirt. Well shit. Charles had first offered his hand for me to stand up, the difficult part was jumping out of the car with a skirt. I guess Charles had put two and two together as he placed his hands on my waist whilst I placed my hands on his shoulders, carrying me out of the car before settling me down.
“Merci beaucoup” I said to Charles, as Kylian then wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me beside him. He smiled in reply. Eventually we had to leave the hospitality to go to the paddock lounge to wait ahead of the race. Kylian still hasn’t said a word to me but his grip was still firm on my waist until we were seated in the paddock lounge. “What’s gotten into you ?” I asked during the few minutes we had alone. “I- nothing” he brushed it off since Neymar walked over to join us. Perfect timing Ney. I sat for a while opposite them, occasionally Kylian and I stealing glances at each other, eventually I got up and walked over to the balcony.
After some time Kylian and Ney stepped onto the balcony and stood beside me. Kylian stood close beside me whilst leaning on the glass. I continued looking ahead at the track as if I was studying it whilst Kylian was looking at me. “It’s rude to stare” I said whilst not looking at him. “What happened earlier…jealous ?” I teased as I turned to look at him. “Me ? Jealous ? No” he laughed. “I think everyone in that whole room knew, especially Carlos and Charles” I crossed my arms over my chest. “If I’m being honest, I was just thinking how did I let you leave the house with that skirt on. I wasn’t ready to fight” he joked.
“You know what’s the joke here ? You bought it for me” I stifled a laugh. “So that means you wear it when we’re alone” he said as he leaned in closer to say lower. “I doubt anyone cared to notice what I wore today” I shrugged. “Trust me, they noticed” he rolled his eyes. “Aww but babes theirs nothing for you to be jealous about. If it makes you feel better, Charles and Carlos aren’t my crushes for today” I smiled proudly. “Hmm I wonder who is” he grinned. “It’s Lewis silly” I said seriously. His face dropped into a straight line as he looked away. “Ky you’re literally so cute and funny when you get jealous” I said as I cupped his cheeks and made him look at me.
“Lighten up babe, I’m joking. I only have eyes for you, it would take a lot for you to get rid of me because I’m not going anywhere” he stood up straight as I wrapped my arms around his neck. “That’s what I like to hear” he grinned as he closed the gap and connected his lips with mine.
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pwacifistxo · 6 months
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“your my dream girl” ✮ — Manjiro Sano → tokyo revengers. F!reader
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༘⋆ In which mikey can’t keep his eyes off you .ᐟ (he’s so cute pls)
tw: swearing.
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⋆ “Sometimes i wondered how i ended up dating him. Him who is a gang leader, him who eats a lot and is childish, Mikey. Don’t get me wrong, l love him more than anything in this cruel world. But now that I think of it, sitting alone in my bedroom at 2 am because my mind is still awake, it actually baffles me more than anything, you know? It just didn’t feel real. No it felt surreal. God he was such a pain but he was the sweetest boy when it came to me so it didn’t matter right?”
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— The faint glow of the moonlight from your window emanated a silver glow onto the room you dwelled in, the clock beside your exhausted form on the nightstand read ‘4:30 am’ now. Seriously you were thinking so much you didn’t realise how late it had gotten. Fuck your mind was killing you, can’t you just fall asleep already?!
ring ring .ᐟ
The familiar sound of your phone vibrating almost immediately dragged you out of your thoughts making you jump and sit upright, sighing heavily as you looked around for your phone until you realised you were laying on it.
With a dramatic groan you ran your fingers through your messy hair and your droopy pupils drifted to the bright screen and the familiar name that read ‘mickey mouse<3’
Why in the hell was he face timing you at this hour? You shouldn’t even be surprised because it was so typical of him to do shit like this. He also sent 80 more messages.
You got up and made your way to the bathroom setting your phone on the shelf near your sink, answering it in the process of tying your hair back because you might aswell get ready for school right?
(After brushing and washing your face) As you were setting up all the products you needed your gaze flickered to him and he had the biggest grin on his face, like a child who had just gotten an overload of candy for Halloween.
“Y/n!” Mikey squealed and you grimaced turning down the volume of your phone because he was being too loud and it echoed in your bathroom.
“so loud— my parents are asleep y’know?” I whisper yelled but I couldn’t help the smile that creeped up on my face at just his excitement on seeing me when he did everyday.
“I missed you thoughh” He whined dragging out his words, but he obliged his voice quieting just as you told him, watching as you organised your stuff.
“I missed you too, I expected you to be asleep though. It’s really early.” You mumbled obviously focused on making sure your stuff were in the right place since you had a lot of time to get ready.
“came back from doing gang shit.” He joked and you just now noticed that he was wearing his toman jacket that draped over his shoulders on top of the white loose shirt he wore.
“Fantastic way to put it.” You replied sarcastically laughing softly at his childishness as you observed him throw up gang signs to the camera. Your focus however returned back to doing your skin care, gently rubbing the condiments onto your face your eyes fixated on the mirror.
‘5:06 am’
Silence, just silence could be heard right now as you were brushing your hair in the mirror. Your eyebrows furrowed at the odd change but you brushed it off not expecting anything of it, maybe he went to sleep? You couldn’t be bothered to check right now.
“5:20 am”
Wait, it was getting really weird, if he was asleep you would hear the quiet snores seeping through your phone speaker. That’s what your thoughts told you. You weren’t worried; more like concerned, they were pretty much the same words but concerned just sounded better in this situation.
“5:40 am”
Okay seriously, what the fuck was he doing that got him so quiet like that. Your curiosity got the best of you and you set down the serum you were previously using on your face. Glancing at the bright screen.
Was he sleeping? No. Eating dorayaki? No. Annoying Emma for fun while she was sleeping? No. His void-less eyes were staring straight into the depths of your soul through the camera. His blonde locks falling over his face. He must’ve untied his hair while I was busy.
You couldn’t tell what he was thinking or how he was feeling, his face was pretty much blank but after you called his name a few times to regain his attention you instantly noticed his soft lips twisting up into an adoring smile.
Oh, he was admiring you this entire time.
“You’re creepy.” You muttered adjusting your phone to an angle in which it wouldn’t fall.
“You’re beautiful.” He replied his voice increasing in volume slightly almost like he wanted me to hear his exact words.
“I love you.” You said breaking out of character instantly, your eyes softening, knowing you couldn’t keep on with your sarcastic comments because he always knew how to bring out the best in you
“I love you more y/n, lemme pick you up yeah?” Mikey said not even bothering to grab his hair tie as he immediately got up and grabbed his device quietly stepping out of his room careful not to wake up his grandpa or his sister.
You nodded, humming in response so he knew you had agreed holding your own phone and returning to your room not forgetting to switch off the light of your bathroom.
You watched inaudibly as he puckered his lips and pressed a kiss on the camera before ending the call before you could even react or utter a word left with the nostalgic feeling of butterflies he only gave you that blossomed inside of you. —
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꒰ა❤︎໒꒱ — ˗ˋˏ All While Mikey was rushing out of the door, not caring about his disheveled look to go pick up his girl. ˎˊ˗
༘⋆ thank you for reading lovelies! Enjoy your day and remember to eat, drink and get rest. <33
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orcasoul · 10 months
Oh Baby!
Summery: Pedro Pascal and reader are in a relationship. Pedro's career is sky rocketing and reader also has a demanding job. Throw in an unexpected pregnancy and well...... shit!
Warnings: Swearing, Pedro being and not being an asshole (you'll see). Use of Y/N.
Italics indicate inward thinking.
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Gripping the edges of the bathroom sink, you take slow, deep breaths to steady your breathing, while your mind is going into overdrive. Your chest feels tight and your legs are like jelly. Slowly you raise your head to stare at you reflection in the mirror. You don't even feel like yourself right now, almost like you're having an out of body experience. Reality suddenly feels foreign to you, like you're trapped in a surreal dream. But this is no dream. It's real, oh it's definitely real. The two red lines on the four pregnancy tests sitting on the under sink cabinet can attest to that! "Shit," you mutter quietly, still looking at yourself in disbelief. "This can't be happening." It wasn't supposed to happen . You'd been on the pill for two years and always used extra protection if you had antibiotics. You were always so careful, but careful obviously wasn't careful enough. How would you even begin to tell Pedro that you're carrying his baby? How would he react? Your mind keeps replaying one specific interview of his you'd seen. "I don't even have kids. And I'm not gonna!" His words exactly.
He'd mentioned to you once that his hectic work schedule doesn't allow time for kids, and honestly it wasn't high on your priority list either. Your job as an editor is very demanding and sometimes trickles into your home life. Both you and Pedro had grown accustom the stresses and scarifies you've both had to make over the past couple of years when it comes to your jobs, but you'd both made it work and were happy and comfortable together. But adding a baby into the mix just seemed impossible. You try to remember your last period but you'd been so busy with work lately that you hadn't even noticed you'd missed..... shit, two! Two periods. It was only the past few days of constant queasiness and dizzy spells that led you to suspect what you'd hoped wouldn't be true. But here you are, the "truth" staring right back at you. "Oh my god," you whimpered while rubbing your hands over your face, "Fuck, what now?!"
You try your best to keep it together but you can't contain the rush of different emotions that are encompassing you at this moment and the tears begin to fall. It's exhausting trying to process everything you're feeling; fear and uncertainty but also a gravitation and protectiveness you've never felt before. This baby was certainly not planned and you couldn't deny that you wished the tests were negative, but knowing that it's definitely there has awakened an instinct in you that has always been present but dormant, just waiting to be unleashed. How is it possible to want and not want it at the same time? Will Pedro want it? Will he be mad? Pedro had been away for two weeks filming for a new advert and had a photo shoot straight after so he'd be away for another two weeks, at least. You both video called each other every day. You'd always looked forward to it but the thought of today's impending call left your stomach in knots! There was no way you could tell him something so life changing over the phone. You'd just have to keep it yourself until he gets home and try your best to act normal when talking to him.
It turns out pretending nothing had changed wasn't that difficult for the next week. Maybe it was because of the distance and the fact that you could make up an excuse to end the call when your anxiety began to creep in. But in one week's time he'd be home and you know it'll be harder to act nonchalant around him, especially now that your lower belly has started to swell slightly. Slight enough that you could blame it on junk food if he noticed, but it's only going to get bigger. After a long day at work, you finally get to relax for the evening, settling down to watch one of your favourite shows. Leaning back into the settee you found yourself gently smoothing your palm over the curve of your abdomen, wondering just how much would change in the coming months and how Pedro would take the news. You still struggled to get your head around it yourself but now that you've had time to think, you know there's no way you'd get rid of it, no matter what happened. Well, I have one more week to figure out how I'm going to tell him, you ruminate..... or so you thought.
"Y/N I'm home." Pedro called out as the front door slammed shut. You shot up off the settee faster than a rocket as Pedro walked into the living room with a wide grin. You stood frozen to the spot as he dropped his bags and rushed over to you, picking you up in a tight hug. With the fervour of a man touch starved he kissed you as if he hadn't kissed you in years, deep and sultry. You instantly dissolve into his mouth, wrapping your arms around his neck. "Wow," you whispered breathlessly as you pull away to look into his eyes. "Missed me that much, huh?" You teasingly ask, trying to sound as though your heart isn't beating a million miles an hour. "What do you think?" he relied with a smirk, setting you back down. "How are you home so soon?" You hope your question did come across the wrong way. Of course you're thrilled that he's home. You always loved it when he returned home earlier than expected, and it happened so rarely that usually you'd be on cloud nine, but this one time you wished you had that week. A week where you could prepare for every eventuality. "We were ahead of schedule for once. I thought I'd surprise you instead of calling ahead." Your silent stare made Pedro chuckle, his soft eyes creasing at the corners. "That surprised, are you?"
You suddenly realise how off your reaction must seem to him and quickly collect yourself before he can think any more of it. "I just wasn't expecting you so soon. Great surprise though!" you smile genuinely as you tip toe to kiss the end of his nose. "I really missed you. How was it?" "Oh you know, early mornings, late nights, hours of hair and make up, retake after retake, blah blah blah....," Pedro trailed off while waving his hand in the air dismissively. "How have you been sweetheart?" He asked while stroking down the curve of your back. I've missed you like hell." "Yeah I've.... I've been fine. Works been fine." Your voice ever so slightly, nervously shook at his question, making you cringe inwardly but luckily he didn't seem to notice your change in tone. "Well, you go unpack and I'll make us something to eat," you offered, trying to keep your composure, even though you felt like a deer caught in headlights. As Pedro heads to the bedroom to unpack you hurry into the kitchen and pour a glass of water to quell your nerves. Not quite the same effect as alcohol, you huff inwardly.
You get to work preparing Chilean Avocado sandwiches, as it's one of Pedro's favourite foods. But after only a few seconds you are hit with a strong bought of nausea from the smell and lunge towards the sink, making it there just in time. After violently retching up what not only felt like the contents of your stomach, but also every organ in your body into the sink you are startled by a warm and gentle hand rubbing your back. "You okay, baby?" "Oh fuck!" You turn swiftly, wiping your mouth with a tea towel. "Uh... yeah... must be a virus or something. It's going around. My sister's kids had it last week." You hated lying to Pedro. Well, it was half a lie; Your nieces and nephew did have a bug last week but you know that this is definitely not a virus. Pedro looked at you with a creased brow, clearly concerned. "Why don't you go lie down? I'll take care of this," he suggested, looking over at the ingredients on the kitchen counter. When he realised you were making his one of his favourite's he turned to you with an adoring smile.
"Aww, you were making my favourite sandwich, thank you darling." "Anything for you, baby," you lovingly reply, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "I think I will go and lie down for a bit." you concede. "A bit" actually lasted until the next morning. Your body felt heavy and exhausted as you dragged yourself out of bed for work. The next three days were hard going. The morning sickness began each morning from the moment you woke up, getting stronger every day. Pedro became more and more worried asking, no begging you to call in sick for work. But each day you'd insisted you didn't feel that bad. The truth was you felt like shit! The unabating nausea and fatigue left you feeling on edge, knowing you can't keep this a secret for much longer. He's going to figure it out any day now or at least suspect, your anxious mind keeps telling you. By the evening of the third day Pedro couldn't take the worry anymore. "You've been ill for three days Y/N," he observed, uneasily, while sitting beside you on the bed, his hand caressing your cheek. "If you're no better in the morning you have to see the doctor." His face betrayed the apprehension he's feeling. "Ped, no I'm fine-" "You're not fine and you're starting to worry me." He cut you off in an urgent but not angry tone. "I'll drag you there if I have to." "Okay, Okay. I'll go," you groggily reply with a small smile. Relieved, Pedro leaned down to kiss your forehead. "Get some sleep baby. I'll check on you in a bit."
And with that he walked out of the room, leaving the door ajar. You closed you eyes and sighed. You knew this time would come. The time when you'd have to spill the beans, as they say. You weren't entirely ready for it but you have no choice now. You know he'll make you go to the doctor tomorrow and you can't use work as an excuse to worm your way out of it since it's one of your days off. You have to tell him tomorrow. The next hour was spent pondering what you would say to him and all the different ways he might react. Eventually, exhausted both physically and mentally you drift off into an uneasy sleep.
"You're what?!" Pedro's voice reached a pitch you didn't realise he was capable of. His earthy brown eyes were as wide as saucers and his jaw hung slack. Your eyes dart to your feet as you feel your cheeks burn and your fingers begin to tap the sides of your hips in anticipation. "I'm.... pregnant," you repeated, voice shaking. "I don't know what happened. The pill has never failed in the past-" "We'll it fucking has now, hasn't it!" He shot you a choleric look. "Or maybe you just weren't careful." "Excuse me?!" You snapped back with furrowed brows. "Don't you dare blame this on me. I never missed one pill and we always used extra protection when needed. You know that!" "I don't know anything right now!" Pedro shouted through his hands which were now rubbing his face in exasperation. "Well I didn't make this baby all by myself so don't put this all on me!" Hot tears begin to cascade down your cheeks despite your best efforts to hold them back. "I just.... FUCK!" Pedro cried out, booting one of the kitchen stools, making you jump.
"We can't do this. I can't do this." "Well it's too late now," you huff at him with your arms folded across your chest. "Not if we don't want it to be," he stated flatly. Your eyes widened and your heart clenched at his cold demeanour, causing you to instinctively place your hands across the small swell of your belly in protection. "I'm not getting rid of it Ped. I.... I can't," you exclaimed. "Y/N," Pedro sighed, shaking his head "This would change our lives completely. Neither one of us has the time for such a huge commitment and-" "I don't care," you cut him off sharply, fixing him with daggers. "I'm not getting rid of it. If it means I have to work part time then it's something I'm prepared to do." Pedro threw his head back to look at the ceiling, seemingly annoyed at your obstinate determination. You continue, "Weather we like it or not this is happening and we need -" "No it's not." He quickly stated, with finality. You stare at him dumbfounded. "What?!" "I'm not doing this. If you want to keep it you'll have to do it alone. I never wanted this and you know it." He returned your own words to you with clear contempt.
You open your mouth to say something, anything but words have now failed you. Your brain is unable to form a coherent sentence as the realisation of his words hit you like a punch to your gut. You feel numb as your heart shatters piercing your soul. He can't mean it! He's just upset, you try to rationalise internally, still to shocked to speak. Pedro turned away from you, grabbed his car keys off the kitchen island and stormed to the front door. "Make sure you're gone before I get back," he demanded in an emotionless tone. Seeing him walk away from you, immediately loosened your frozen tongue. "Baby wait!" you sobbed after him as he slammed the door shut without a backward glance. You instantly drop to your knees on the cold kitchen tiles, embracing yourself as your grief becomes unbearable. Your head begins to spin as you try to suck in deep breaths. It's no use. The despair is now consuming you, seeping into every crevice of your being, gripping you and tearing you apart. "Y/N?" You continue to sob. "Y/N?!" The familiar voice sounds muffled through your tormented cries and you can feel phantom hands gently shaking your shoulders. "Y/N?! Baby wake up, wake up. Look at me!"
You gasp as your eyes snap open. You are met with concerned caramel eyes, glowing in the dim lamp light. Pedro was leaning over your body, holding onto both of your shoulders. "It's okay. It was just a bad dream," Pedro soothed you while cupping your cheek. The feel of his warm skin against yours brought a sense of calm to your confused and distressed state, helping you to catch your breath. He sat up, slowly pulling you up with him. "Jesus Christ, you scared the hell out of me. What the hell happened?" he asked nervously as he wiped away a mixture of cold sweat and tears that had soaked your face. "I...," your voice gave out as you realised it was nothing more than a nightmare and the man you love is right here beside you. "I... can't remember." Your voice didn't sound convincing at all, and Pedro's raised eyebrow told you that he wasn't convinced either. "You're pretty shaken up sweetheart. You can tell me." "It's just a blur now." You choke out, wrapping an arm around his broad, tanned chest and leaning into his shoulder. "Okay," Pedro replied, still sounding unsure. He wrapped an arm around your shoulder and you snuggle into his neck as you both lay back down. You wrap your arm and legs around him like a baby koala, desperate for some comfort and reassurance that he indeed hasn't left you. "I've got you," he whispered, while holding you firmly and stroking your hair. "Let's go back to sleep."
The sunlight spills in as the curtains lazily blow due to the partially open window. Your eyelids are heavy from the lack of sleep. Groaning you turn to the bedside table to check the time. 11:30am. "Shit," you mumble while rubbing the sleep from your eyes. You never sleep this late. You throw the quilt off and sit up slowly, the nausea returning as you do. Downstairs you can hear Pedro in the kitchen. "Okay, let's get this over with," you sigh, knowing you can no longer avoid the inevitable. As you approach the kitchen you stop and lean against the door frame with your arms crossed. Pedro's back is to you and you take the opportunity to just watch him, appreciate him and contemplate just how much you love him. A small smile tugs at the corners of your mouth as you just absorb the mere presence of him. But as soon as the smile appears it evaporates as the nausea increases momentarily, pulling you back to the here and now, reminding you of what you must do. In a few minutes everything will drastically change for the both of you.
Images from last night's dream flash before you, making your heart race slightly and your palms sweaty. A part of you knows deep down that Pedro would never treat you so cruelly and walk out on you, but it would be a lie to say the dream didn't shake you and make you feel somewhat apprehensive at this moment. "Hey darling," Pedro smiles as he turns to see you idling in the doorway. "How long have you been standing there?" "Not long," you shrug with a wan smile. He set his coffee mug on the counter and walked over to you, wrapping his arms around your waist. In return you run your hands up his arms, gently holding onto his triceps. "How are you feeling?" He asks with a creased brow. "Okay." An obvious lie. "Why didn't you wake me?" "Figured you needed some extra time since you didn't sleep much last night. I felt you toss and turn all night long." Worry and unease laced his voice. A few moments of silence pass before you clear your throat. "Baby, can we talk?" "About what?" he enquires with trepidation. "Just come with me," you exhale softly as you lead him by his hand into the living room to sit next to you on the settee.
With a deep breath you turn to face him, and feel your heartbeat quicken while twitching your fingers in your lap. A nervous habit of your that Pedro knows all to well. He places his soft palm over your fumbling hands to calm you. "You're making me nervous Y/N. Please just tell me what's wrong," he all but begs you. "I uh... I don't know how else to say this so I'll just say it..... I'm pregnant." Shock adorns Pedro's features as his hand slips off of yours. The cold feeling of emptiness where his warm hand had just been resting caused your breath to catch in your chest. You couldn't hold his gaze any longer and dropped your head, anxiety threatening to consume you. You wait with a sense of dread for his possibly angry or fearful reaction but are caught off guard when he delicately takes both of your hands in his, causing you to look up at him in anticipation. "Are you sure?" He whispers, his voice shaking slightly. "Yes," you nod. "I took four tests...all positive. I'm so sorry...." You began to ramble, "I didn't mean for this to happen. I don't know how it did. I know you never wanted-" "Hey, hey shhhh.... take a breath." Pedro cooed as he pulled you into his chest, cupping the back of your head with one hand and smoothing up and down your back with the other.
You begin to weep desperately as the past weeks' tension and worry finally break through the mental and emotional dam you had built within. "I'm sorry," you wail into his shoulder, chest shuddering as you try to regain some semblance of self control. Pedro cradles both of your cheeks in his hands and pulls you upright to look into your weary eyes. "Why are you apologising? Last time I checked it takes two to make a baby. You are no more responsible for this than I am, so please stop saying you're sorry." Your breaths become less laboured as his thumbs smooth small circles over your cheeks, the action soothing and reassuring. "It's just.... I know you never wanted kids..." You begin in a slightly exhausted tone. "I just don't know what else to say except.... I'm sorry." Pedro takes a a deep breath. "It's true I've never seen myself becoming a dad, and I never would have purposely had a baby," you look down and nod in understanding, feeling guilty for putting him in this situation. "But..." He tilt's your chin up to make eye contact with you again. "If it was going to happen, I'd only want it to happen with you."
The sincerity of his words took you by surprise. "Really?" You ask astonished. "Really." he assures you. "Is this why you've been acting so strange and been so sick lately?" You gulp and nod once. "How long have you known?" "A couple of weeks," you confess quietly. "And you kept it to yourself all this time?" It was more of a statement than a question. "You should have told me straight away. You never should have had to go through this alone," Pedro said with a hint of sadness in his voice. "I was scared" You admit somewhat timidly. "I was scared of what this would mean for us. I was scared because I want to keep it." Pedro smiled softly. "You know I'll support you no matter what, right?" "I know." A relieved smile made it way onto your face. "Was what happened last night anything to do with this?" Pedro questioned while reaching for your hand. "Yeah, but it doesn't matter now." You try to shrug the question off. "Tell me. I wanna know." "You.... you got angry," you shifted uncomfortably in your seat. "You blamed me, told me I'd have to do this alone and... you left."
Pedro's shoulders slumped as you finished speaking. "You didn't think I'd actually do something like that, did you?" The hurt in his voice was clear and it broke your heart. "No! no of course not," you cut in quickly. It wasn't a lie. You know what kind of man Pedro is and that he'd never hurt you like that. "I guess it was just all the stress and worry coming out in that dream. I know you and I know you love me. I know you'd never do anything like that." His face visibly relaxed hearing you confirm what he already knew to be true. "I do love you, baby. I know this is a huge change but we'll make it work. I promise." "I just don't want you to ever resent me or feel trapped-" "Shhhh..." he gently interrupted. "I could never feel that way, okay?" His voice left no room for any doubt. "I love you so much," you exclaimed, eyes beginning to fill again, but this time from relief and happiness. "I love you too, darling," Pedro whispered as he pressed his lips to yours. After several seconds he pulls away to look down at your belly, noticing the tiny bump through your pyjama top for the first time. "Can I?" He asks almost shyly. "You don't ever need to ask," you laugh with adoration. You take his hand and gently place it over the swell of your belly, watching as his eyes widen in amazement. "Wow!" He breathes out in awe. You both look at each other, eyes conveying the love you have for one another and now for this little one. The stress that had plagued you for the past two weeks began to dissipate like fog being burned away by the sun. The uncertainty of such a life altering future hung in the air but you know that together you can both handle whatever that future brings.
Oh Mama A Continuation
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notroosterbradshaw · 2 years
In which Rooster comes home, established relationship. No smut, just fluff. Some swears. But it’s the Navy, goddammit!
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“Holy shit, they just know how to make an entrance, don't they?” your sister grinned, pointing at the entrance of the Hard Deck as you looked up at all the commotion at the door. The hoots and hollering of “ROOSTER!” and “MAV!” as they entered, appreciating the love, adulation, laughter, high-fives and handshakes. They were back.
Rooster first, walking in like he was walking a runway, Mav proudly on his heels. Standing on the base of the bar stool to see through the mob, you didn’t know whether to laugh or cry as before your body moved, ducking and weaving through excited patrons, past the cheering of your one and only.
He stopped mid-strut and carefully slid his aviators off into the collar of his wifebeater, slow and purposeful, surreal like a movie, as you slowed and he opened his eager arms to you. "You are a sight for sore eyes," he murmured quietly as Mav clapped him on the back and continued through the throng to Penny at the bar. You bolted into his strong arms and he enveloped you wholly, your feet losing touch with the ground. He lifted you into his grasp like a constrictor. “My God,” he whispered in your ear, nose nuzzling. His strong palms gripped around the back of your ribs, pulling close so you felt like you were one, as close as humanly possible and he left a single kiss on your lips.
Neither of you cared about the catcalling and whistles around you because none of that noise mattered. All sound died and all you could hear was the other’s breath.
”The audacity of you not telling me you were coming home,” you threatened, pathetic and lame in his arms as he kissed you deeply.
He hummed in response. “I know,” he whispered against your lips. “And I apologise. But damn I love surprising you," he added, a little breathless himself. Breaking the kiss broke your heart, you had missed his taste, as he peppered kisses around your face, the bristles of his well-maintained moustache tickling and teasing all at once. He refused to miss an inch. ”I’ve missed you so much.”
You gently caressed his face, making sure he was all before you in one piece, your knuckles grazed his light scars, traced around his dark brows, his tired eyes fluttering closed and he sighed. "Feels so good," he shuddered lightly in the quiet of you both, he was a sucker for your touch and it brought him to his mercy many a time. Encouraged, your fingertips fluttered across his cheekbones, down his once-too-many-times broken nose and to his lips.
“I’m so glad your home,” you told him, unable to hold back the tears and single sob from months of loneliness of Bradley on tour. It never got any easier. Whether you were friends or lovers, his time away from him aged you. Changed you.
Releasing you gently, he used his thumb to guide the tears away. “Oh, sweetheart, don't cry. I'm here now," he cooed, lowering you to the ground, hiding you from onlookers too keen to witness your happy misery. "I got you, I'm here. I'm home," he repeated, his hands pressed into your back, hoping to claim you and bring your face back to his. "You okay?"
"I'm okay," you promised, taking a deep breath before bubbling into a sheepish giggle. "So fucking embarrassing."
He put you at arm's length and guided you to a slow pirouette, distracting you. “Oh, my,” he licked his bottom lip as he watched you blush under his hot gaze. "And I'm the lucky bastard that gets to take you home?"
Your emotions were a mess, he took the lead to distract you... with a feast for his eyes. "Undecided," you taunted as he smiled, an action that could cause mass casualties to anyone in its reach - still affected you the same. A little snicker escaped his lips.
"That smart fuckin' mouth."
After all these years, he still found a way to make you melt. He was all around you with an uncanny knack to overwhelm every single one of your senses. His eyes were dark and full of desire, his cheeks flushed from the heat of the room. But never a damn dark blonde tendril out of style. Your gaze dropped to take him in. The wifebeater was just too tight over the straining muscles where you could see the lines of the ridges of his chest and abs below it. He took such good care of himself, always in peak optimum condition and gee, you were lucky you were able to share it with him. You are almost salivated thinking about getting him all to yourself later.
A less-than-traditional black shirt strained over his strong back and well-worked biceps, a look so satisfyingly, sexily Rooster. The jeans glued to him, knowing what (or lack thereof) was underneath so poorly hidden as your bodies remained tight. But his musk had your head was spinning. A hint of clean laundry, freshly showered, your coconut-scented shampoo (so he'd gone home to find you first, you realised. Sneaky bastard) and he knew you were putty under his hands. “Have I got time to serenade you before I take you home? Got big plans for you tonight, sweet thing.”
You blushed into his chest, his chuckle vibrating against your flushed cheeks. God, his voice and sweet nothings had you transfixed. It was like he wasn’t real. He belonged to the sky… but he was all yours, here on earth. It was times like this you knew all eyes were on you, asking themselves what you had that they didn't... the attention of Rooster Bradshaw. And after all these years, you didn't know either.
He unwrapped himself from you and walked away, taking his shades and putting them back over his eyes, the familiar curve of his ass hypnotising you as he gripped the power to the jukebox, tossing it away unforgivingly. The jeering that came with it still caused you to grin behind your hand as Rooster kicked a leg over the stool to sit. Wide and taking up all the room, he stroked the dusty keys, unused in his absence.
"Knock it off," someone from the pool table howled. "Rooster's at the keys!"
And just like that, the crowd of adoring fans quieten. There were a few traditional songs the crew around here lived by - lost loving feelings and great balls of fire, but tonight was different. "Rooster is at the keys," he concurred with some appreciative cheers. You took him in, the sun-kissed blonde in his dark hair, those motherfucking traps to the curve of his back as he hunched momentarily back and curled back to gaze at you. "See that pretty little thing over there? Yeah, y'all do. I'm sure a few of you fellas have thought you could get her number tonight." he mocked with a chuckle, tinkling some notes. "How'd that work out for you?"
The sheer arrogance of him to boast you were his.
"That's the love of my life right there," he eyed the keys, unable to meet anyone's gaze in his moment of honesty. It wasn't his usual schtick in front of his friends and they all knew it. You meant something to him and if they were unclear to now - "She comes home with me. Just me..." another flutter of the slender fingers over keys.
"What about the heavens?" someone joked, not catching the change in the bar.
"I love the skies. The clouds, the speed, the adrenaline. But all that is comes second," he grinned widely, thankful for the joke to break the tension of the eyes on him and taking in the adulation, lapping it up like a big puppy dog.
God, he was made for it. The patrons, both military and civilian, were just putty in his hands and he fucking well knew it. The theatrics were in his blood.
"A lot of you know us. Together, before we finally opened our eyes to what was before us. Wasted a lot of time... And this song," he played the first few keys and you about died. "Means a lot to us. So if you don't mind, I'm going to make this about you, babydoll," he winked and you could swear, you saw the room swoon.
"My love must be a kind of blind love... I can't see anyone but you - "
The Navy loved a fucking ditty and you bit back a smile as Bob, dear Lord, sweet Bob, Payback and Fanboy joined him. They brought the 'sha bop - sha bop's' and those around Rooster started joining in, singing into their bottles of beer, Rooster's well-trained back-up.
Feeling a hand on your lower back, Maverick led you front and centre to Rooster as he crooned, "Are the stars out tonight? I don't know if it's cloudy or bright... I only have eyes for you, dear," he nodded his head for you to sit on his knee, fingers leaving the keys to wrap his arm around you and kissed you long and deep as the bar continued their impromptu sing-a-long.
"I love you," he whispered against your lips, his grand gesture leaving you breathless. "Maybe millions of people go by, but they all disappear from view... And I only have eyes for you..." the crowd continued their boisterous song and Rooster's eyes desperately searched yours, a small, shy smile clouding his features for your reassurance as the crowd roared and the world returned to normal, back to the bar, back to drunk flirting, back to yelling at the pool table, jukebox roaring back to life.
Just you and your Rooster lost together. No one else existed.
"That was amazing. I mean, I'm mortified," you held his face as he giggled, that was truly music to your ears. "But I loved it," He could be told a thousand times a day he was wonderful, but only one opinion ever mattered to him, and that was yours (Mav's a very, very distant second). Kissing him tenderly, you whispered, "I love you. I'm so happy you're home." You pulled his shades off, needing to see his eyes and for all the tease and performance, they were soft and he nodded.
"Me too, babydoll but I need you to myself now," he murmured, a little dreamy. "It's been a long few months. I need to hold you," he licked just behind your earlobe and you damn-near trembled. "Touch you, kiss you... make love to you."
Your skin scorched under his touch and shot back to reality as ice-cold glass touched your bare shoulder and you jolted. "Another round, lovers!" Hangman dumped cold beers in your hands before a blonde distraction took his attention.
"One more," you let him. His friends needed to see him, download the tour, the missions, the danger. In full, not the condensed versions he gave you that still scared you silly, regardless of his redactions. Flying was all you'd ever known to be true of Rooster... but it was the one thing that scared you the most too. You liked him close, two feet on the ground.
"One more," he promised. "Then we get outta here."
"My sister is over there," you told him politely, as she raised her bottle to him from the bar, phone in the other hand, giggling and swooning for your both with your friends.
"Oh, my God!" you could read her squealing lips.
"Oh, fuck," he muttered. "I've been pawing all over you since I walked in."
"It's okay. I'm sure she's not going to report back to Grandpa," you reassure him. Of course she would.
"And just when Viper was starting to like me too."
"Yeah," you gave a meek grin. "He still doesn't like you, Roost."
Shoulders slumping, Rooster sipped his beer. "Because I get to have sex with you, I bet that's why. Must be hard for him to think a stud like me gets to de-file his youngest granddaughter," he replied, unable to contain the smile that grew by the second.
"I hope and pray... he does not think of us having sex. He's 92."
"I hope I'm still thinking about having sex with you at 92," he continued, a shit-eating grin cast full across his face.
"You'll be lucky to fuck me beyond 34 at this point," you sighed, hopping up and leaving him with the bird.
"As long as I die between your legs, baby then I shall die happy," he called after you gleefully.
Rooster croons The Flamingos - I Only Have Eyes for You
A/N: the tag list no longer exists. To keep up to date, give @notroosterbradshaw-library a follow x
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strniolo · 11 months
ocean breeze || matt s.
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summary: you & matt take a night drive to the beach and talk😨
a/n: this is my very first fan fic so apologies if it’s badly written lmk what u think :)
part one | part two
you and matt had always clicked. obviously, chris and nick were your best friends but matt? the two of you connected in different ways than how you did with his brothers; whether it be through music, anxiety, or something completely random as… well you get the idea.
recently, you’d realized that you had feelings for him. he made you smile every time you were with him and, as much as you didn’t want to admit it, he made you blush too; but he never noticed, at least you hoped he never did. as of now, you were sitting in his gaming chair while he was on his bed; the two of you mindlessly scrolling on your phones. you realize it’s 10:32, meaning that both of you have been on your phones, in silence, for approximately 2 hours. luckily, you didn’t mind sitting in silence with matt since it was never awkward. you just appreciated his presence and assumed he did the same.
“wanna go for a drive? we’ve been like sitting here since 8,” you ask
“oh wow, uh yea sure,” he responds as he runs his hand through his hair, “want me to drive? i don’t mind”
“no it’s okay, plus i want to; but i get aux since you never let me” you say grinning as you get up from his chair and go to grab your keys from the kitchen.
*time skip*
with the windows down, music blasting, and empty roads, this is the thing you absolutely loved. matt being there was a plus. yea you loved hearing his laughs and “decent” singing, but you loved the night more; and that’s saying a lot. you loved how the moon dimly lit up the coast as you drove. how the breeze lifted your hair up, even if it wasn’t the most flattering. you let matt know where you guys were, and you walked down the stairs together to the sand. barefooted, you ran towards the water.
“what are you doing? your sweats are gonna get soaked!” the boy yelled
“can’t hear you!” you shouted. even though you could hear him clearly, you didn’t care. the two of you were alone on the beach and it felt surreal. the feeling of wet fleece from the inside of your sweatpants, unfortunately and grossly, gave you a reality check. for a moment, you regretted your decision to go in the water. to quote matt, your sweats were in fact soaked. regardless, you ignored it and instead motioned him to join you.
“im not doing that. it’s way too cold.”
“oh cmon it’s not even that bad and clothes can dry to counter your point from before”
he hesitated but ultimately decided to give in. slowly, he took steps into the calm waters.
“i thought you said you couldn’t hear me?”
“yea well,” you grabbed matt’s hand to help him towards you. “i might’ve just ignored you” you continue while laughing.
he playfully pushed you in response, but used a little too much force; seeing as you flopped backwards, hitting the sand below the water harshly.
“oh. my. god matt.” you stare at him in disbelief as you get up.
“shit i- that wasn’t on purpose i swear!” he says backing away from you, hands up in front of his chest. the two of you immediately laugh at what had just happened.
“that was insane, here’s your payback” the water hits his back and he slightly jumped from the coldness.
“you’re lucky you fell, otherwise i would’ve actually thrown you in for that.”
“thrown me in? that’s literally an act of violence”
*time skip* (kinda)
you both made it to the dry sand, sat down, and just watched the waves hit ground. after a while you placed your head on his shoulder, mind you it was terrifying to do, but he gently tilted his head to meet yours, sending relief all throughout.
“can i tell you something?”
“always, what’s up?”
you take a deep breath before speaking:
“alright well first this is making my anxiety go through the roof and i have no idea how to say this and im scared of your response and now i just feel like im rambling and you can probably tell what im trying to say but let me just restart.” at some point you lifted your head from his shoulder and now you were looking directly into his eyes which did nothing but make you even more nervous.
“ok,” you look down at your hands toying with your rings, “i, guess i like you” you say in a whisper. “no i do like you i dont know why i say guess” you awkwardly laugh trying to make the conversation a little less uncomfortable (it didn’t work). “uh yea i mean you make me smile and i always laugh when im with you and feel…” you pause, expressing your feelings was never your strong suit. “…i don’t know. just like nervous i guess? not in the negative direction, to make that clear. and i really do get it if you don’t feel the same, it’ll just be a realllllly interesting drive home but i don’t want me saying this to change our friendship because i really do appreciate it and i hate how i said really like 4 times but um yea! there’s what i wanted to say i literally now regret everything i’ve said.” you slowly turn your head to look at him only to find him already looking at you, wide-eyed. not the best sign.
finally he said something:
… part two?🤘
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yagirlwrites · 11 months
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Hiiii!!! We back with another TSOAGB blurby blurb! This one is set the morning after The Punishment of a Bad Boy and it's super fluffy and a lil naughty too (no actual smut tho) 😜🥰💗
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Reader
Hope you like it! Let me know your thoughts and if you'd like more blurbs about these two idiots💞
Series Masterlist
My work is my own; it’s not to be copied, transferred or translated. Reblogs are welcome! Happy reading!🥰
He woke that morning feeling content and happy. He could still feel her warmth, her arm still wrapped around him, head on her chest as the easy rise and fall of her breathing lulled him into a peaceful state of mind. He nearly fell asleep again, too scared to move to wake her. But he was too excited to have her there, too many thoughts running through his head to fall back asleep.
Last night? The best night of his life, he would swear it. Seeing her like that, feeling her, touching her, tasting her - it all felt so surreal, like he dreamt the whole thing. But her heartbeat under him and her arm holding him was more than enough to remind him that it was indeed real. She was real. They were real. And that last thought made him feel so fucking happy he couldn't breathe.
She stirred under him then, pulling him closer as if making sure he was still there. He was. Of course he was. She could feel him on top of her, his smell surrounding her - reminding her she was in his bed.
She laid a sweet kiss at the top of his head, eyes still closed and she felt him moving. When she blinked her eyes open she caugh him now looking up at her and fuck, her breath caught in her throat. He looked so beautiful she couldn't believe he was real.
His big eyes and rosy cheeks and his plump pink lips in a smile and God she was a goner. She couldn't help but smile back, still blinking herself awake. He hadn't moved or spoken, he was just looking at her. It made a blush rise on her cheeks and she felt warm all over. He was trouble.
"Mornin'" she finally broke the silence, her voice gravelly from sleep and he swore it was the hottest thing. She was staring right back at him now, a glimmer in her eyes he was sure was reflected in his own. She was trouble.
"Good morning." He mumbled, voice deep and raspy and she swore it was the hottest thing. Her hand found her way to his hair and she gently pushed it off his forhead, soft fingers in fluffy hair and a content moan leaving his lips. She could feel that stirring in her belly and she needed to calm down before she let herself get lost in him again.
"How are you feeling?" Her question broke the daze he was in, only slightly. He seemed to always be in a daze around her, he couldn't help it, didn't even want to.
"Good. Good. You?"
"Yeah me too."
Somehow they ended up right back to staring at each other again. Right untill the sound of a stomach rumbling broke the spell again. Giggles left them, smiles seeming permanent now.
"Was that you or me?" He asked looking at her with bright eyes.
"I honestly don't know." They laughed again and he rolled off of her. He looked over at her again and he couldn't stop the beaming smile that broke on his face.
"We should probably get up, huh?" She asked with a smile that made butterflies erupt in his stomach.
"Mmm I don't wanna." He mumbled and buried his head in her neck again as she laughed under him. She placed a kiss to the side of his face and poked his stomach with her finger.
"We should get up, baby." He sighed into her skin and nuzzled into her warmth.
"Do we have to?" He knew the answer but he wanted to drag it out. He wanted to have her with him as long as he could. And then an idea popped into his head.
He pulled back to look at her, suddenly seeming sheepish and she quirked her brow at him.
"Do you wanna... Do you want to get breakfast, maybe?" She could tell he was nervous, it made her heart clench.
"Yeah. Yeah, I'd like that." She gave him a reassuring smile and he couldn't help himself. He leaned down and kissed her. A deep kiss, that stirred them both awake quickly. She pulled him in, licking at his bottom lip untill he let her in and they got lost in each other all over again.
It felt like forever had passed by the time they broke apart, catching their breaths but so fucking happy. Making out was a great way to start their days, they both decided. Rafe's stomach growled then and the moment passed. She smirked at him, they figured out who it was after all. He was flushed and excited when he spoke next.
"There's this diner, a short drive away. They have the best breakfast. Let me take you?" She smiled at his excitement and nodded.
"I'm driving though." He scoffed and rolled his eyes at that.
"You're such a control freak." He teased and she quirked a brow.
"That so? I didn't see you complaining last night. Or the night before for that matter." He blushed crimson then and she smirked. They both knew she won that one.
She got out of bed then, wearing nothing but his t-shirt and undies and he could feel himself get flushed and bothered all over again. Her wearing his clothes, her sleeping in his bed, it made him wish that he could make her his. How amazing it would feel to be able to wake up to her every morning, or kiss her whenever he wanted or just be with her. Just be. He'd love nothing more than to have her stealing his clothes and leaving her mark all over his life. He remembered the marks she left on his skin now and his whole body grew hot. He was both dreading and anticipating looking in the mirror. He knew he looked a sight.
She was changing now, stripping from his clothes. He felt a pang in his chest seeing her take his shirt off. But holy shit she took his shirt off. She was only in his boxers now and God he could feel himself get hard at the sight. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
She was looking for her bra that ended up under the bed and when she straightened up with it in her hands she caugh his eye. He looked hungry. Not for food this time, tough. No, the way his eyes were running over her body told her everything she needed to know about what he was thinking. What he was hungry for.
It took some effort for her to turn around and away from his lingering gaze and finally put her bra on. She didn't look back at him untill she was wearing her dress again and once she did she found him in the same position, with the same look in his eyes.
He was in a predicament. He knew he needed to calm down and think about literally anything other than the way her body moved against his, the way her skin felt under his fingertips, the way she looked like a goddess when she climaxed or the way she sucked on his fin- anything else! But man it was so fucking hard when she was so fucking perfect and he couldn't get enough.
She was standing there, looking at him now. He knew she knew what he was thinking, knew she caught him staring but he didn't care. He couldn't find it in him. Not when she was so gorgeous and in his room.
Her voice broke his train of thought then.
"Are you gonna just sit there or are we going to get breakfast?"
Like it was so easy. Like she didn't have him hard as a rock by stripping in front of him not 2 minutes ago. Like she didn't know how he burned for her still. Burned for her all the damn time. Burned. Scorching. Fire. Her.
"Rafe." Her voice was half amused half exasperated. He blinked slowly up at her, still caught in this constant daze she had him in.
"Hmm" he mumbled and she rolled her eyes then. She really was hungry now and he was too. She just wanted to get going already. She knew if they stayed there with him looking at her like that any longer she'd lose it and they wouldn't end up eating for hours. Food. Think about food, she told herself. He needs food.
"Rafe, come on. Get up." She ordered now. No more distractions, the clock was ticking.
He begrudgingly got out of bed, and she could see him in all his glory. She managed to contain a growl that threatened to spill. Fucking hell. He was perfect; tan skin flushed, a flame in his eyes and his dick standing up rock hard. Shit. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Fuuuuuck.
She groaned then and it was as if her body moved on its own accord. She grabbed him by the back of his neck and slammed her lips against his in a hungry, desperate kiss. His arms encircled her as he let her tongue into his mouth. She kissed him like the starvation she felt was all him. Food entirely forgotten then. All she could think about was his soft skin and his irresistable lips and his body under her traveling hands. She bit his lip and squeezed his ass, pulling him flush against her and he let out an embarrasingly loud moan at her actions. He was absolute putty in her hands and he loved every single second.
His dick twitched between their bodies, pressed so close together they might as well be one. But before they could take it any further Rafe's stomach growled loudly again and he wanted to cry at the interruption.
She chuckled and pulled away from him and he tried to pull her back in, wanting to ignore it. But she couldn't. He was hungry, he needed food. This could wait. Even though it took every ounce of willpower she had she stepped back from him and faced him with a stern look. He was gulping.
"Baby. You're starving-"
"Yeah, for you." He mumbled and tried pulling her into another kiss but she kept him back with her hands on his chest. He groaned in exasperation and she gave him a sympathetic look.
"We need to go. We need food." He was giving her puppy dog eyes as if that would deter her but he should've known better by now. Once her mind was made up that was it. And as she looked at him with that stubborn cock in her brow that made him wanna scream cause she looked so sexy, he let out another groan and she knew he was accepting his fate.
"Look we can just grab something from the kitchen, we don't have to go-"
"No! No, I wanna take you to breakfast." She nodded at his response.
"I just need to..." he trailed off looking down and she had to surpress her grin. He could see the amusement in her eyes, though he appreaciated the effort not to embarrass him.
"I'm just gonna take a quick shower." She nodded and leaned up to press a quick kiss to his lips.
"Okay, baby. I'll be here."
She gave him a reassuring smile, like she knew he hated parting from her and wanted him to know she wasn't going anywhere. It made butterflies erupt in his stomach again as he made his way to the bathroom, picking up some clothes on the way. She made herself comfortable on his bed and when he reached the door he looked back and saw her there; all pretty in his bed. And he groaned again, having to force himself to leave her there when he wanted nothing more than to fall to his knees and beg her to let him taste her. But he knew she wouldn't. She was stubborn like that.
His shower ended up lasting a good 20 minutes. As cold as it may have been his body still ran hot and he had to take care of himself. Didn't feel great. Getting off by himself in the shower when she was a door away was incredibly frustrating. He managed to cum after a while but it wasn't satisfying.
When he stepped out of the shower he finally took in his appearance in the mirror. The marks that lined his neck were deep purple - she really did a number on him. He nearly got hard again just looking at them; remembering how it felt when she made them. But he resisted. He had to admit he liked having her marks on him. It was silly perhaps but it felt like she had claimed him. He was hers and now he had physical proof of it. He blushed crimson at the thought and shook it off, wrapping a towel around his waist and making his way back to his room. Back to her.
She was sitting on his desk chair when he entered, looking at the pictures on his wall. She smiled when she saw him and his heart fluttered. God, she was beautiful. If he could make her smile every day for the rest of his life he could die a happy man, he'd swear it.
She had been inspecting the pictures above his desk before he came in. She had looked around his room, not snooping just observing. It felt like him. Smelled like him. The photographs were of him and his friends, his sisters and a few of them were location shots - pink and orange hues of a sun setting against the sea, a beautiful beach and moon reflecting on water. They were stunning.
She turned to take him in then and almost cursed because he was all wet and only wearing a towel. The sight of his wet hair slicked back and drops of watter sliding down his skin - she thought this moment should be captured in a photograph. He was stunning. And she was feeling hot all of a sudden. She needed to get it together. Breakfast. That was the plan.
He was ruffling through his closet looking for something to wear when she spoke.
"These are beautiful. Did you take them?" He turned his head to look at the photos she was pointing at.
"Oh. Yeah, I did." He had an almost shy smile on his face as he said it.
"You've got a great eye." She sent him a grin and he couldn't help but reciprocate.
"Why thank you." He laughed and she swore if she could hear that sound every day she wouldn't get sick of it.
He dropped his towel then and put on a pair of boxers and she had to physically turn around not to jump his bones right there. He was so hot it gave her whiplash.
When she turned back around he was wearing pants and fumbling with a shirt. She took in his toned arms and the way his biceps clenched as his hands worked on untangling it. Then her eyes went to the hickeys on his neck and she could feel a burn in her stomach at the sight. He was wearing her marks and it made a little jolt of pride run through her. How silly. But she liked seeing him all marked up. They suited him. So gorgeous.
Her train of thought was broken by him pulling his shirt over his head and she shook hers to clear it. She busied herself with putting her shoes on while he finished getting dressed. The way her body responded to him was getting embarrasing.
He gave her a bright smile as they finished getting dressed and grabbed their stuff to head out. He held his hand out to her, looking sheepish and she grinned as she grabbed his hand. She pulled him into her and before he had a chance to be confused she pulled him down into a sweet kiss. It was warm and intimate and both of them could feel butterflies fluttering around their chests in that moment.
When she pulled back he was looking at her and it was in that second, between the kiss and his eyes, that her feelings hit her - full blast. He looked like he was in love and she had to remind herself to breathe. She needed to chill and stop putting pressure on them both by overthinking. So she let him lead her out of his room, fingers intertwined and hearts too.
Mack was groaning on the couch, clutching his head in his hands when he saw Rafe come down the stairs.
"Bro, what t'hell are you doin' up so ear-" his words broke off when his eyes landed on her. His mouth turned up into a smirk and Rafe let out a heavy sigh, knowing what was about to come.
"Mystery girl!" The volume of his own voice making him wince in pain. No hangover would stop him from busting Rafe's balls though.
"What a lovely surprise." He was half way to getting off the couch when Rafe slapped his hand down on his shoulder - causing his already wobbly legs to give out and he fell back down.
"Dude what the fuck?" He moaned out as Rafe forced a smile and squeezed his shoulder tighter.
"We're just on our way out, actually. Won't be back a while." Rafe quickly spoke and grabbed her hand in his again, ready to pull her out of that door as soon as possible.
Mack was grinning, about to make a no doubt very inappropriate comment, but then his face fell.
"Wait! You'll be back for the thing, yeah?" His voice slightly worried and the obvious confusion on Rafe's face was only feeding into it.
"The thing! Poker! The poker thing! It's tonight, man!" He was erratic and it took Rafe a second to realize what he was talking about.
"Oh, shit..." Rafe sighed, exasperated. He ran his hands over his face, thinking. How could he get out of this?
"Don't even think about bailing on me, man!" Damn Mack and his ability to see right through him.
"Dude, I just-"
"No!" Mack interrupted, now getting up with significant effort.
"No way. You're not bailing! The whole thing was your idea!"
"I don't think that's techincally true..." Rafe trailed off, but he knew his friend was right.
Theta Poker Night - a new tradition Rafe had suggested when the brothers were trying to find ways to make cash. It seemed like a good idea at the time. Get all the rich kids on campus, pour some good booze and take all their money. A fool proof plan. Untill the man of the hour got distracted by his "Mystery Girl". Mack was not having it.
"Dude you and Aiden are the best players we have and I'm pretty sure Aiden's last win was entirely owed to beginners luck! Do. Not. Blow this for us!" Mack was shaking his shoulders now, trying to convince him he's serious. The stakes were high. The money pot so good. There's absolutely no way Rafe can abandon them now.
Rafe was groaning. This is the last thing he wanted to do today. He wanted to spend the day with her. Not in a sausage fest ripping off frat bros. He wanted to be with her. Just her. Always her. Fucking fuck!
"Mystery Girl!" Mack yelled out facing Jade then.
"Can you please tell your boyfriend he cannot abandon his brothers in their hour of need?"
Y/N had been observing the interaction with feigned nonchallance but infinitely curious. Mildy amused as well, perhaps.
"I'm sorry, are you talking to me?" She pointed to herself and Mack looked at her incredulously.
"My name isn't Mystery Girl." She was fucking with him.
"Oh I know. But Rafe refused to tell me your name so that's just what we call you now."
"We?" Y/N questioned, holding back a smirk.
"Yeah. The frat brothers. We have a poll going. My money's on Diana." He gave her a toothy grin, and she knew he was joking.
"How much money are you losing?" She smirked then and he laughed.
"Damn it! Break a guy's heart." Rafe couldn't handle this interaction any longer.
"Yeah it's very funny. But we do need to go now." He pushed Mack away from her and pulled her back towards the door again, hoping to be done with this torture.
"Have him back by four, Mystery Girl!" She chuckled and waved at Mack, throwing out a "No promises." over her shoulder as they finally left the house.
The sweet promise of breakfast and the whole morning together filled them both with warmth and anticipation. His hand in hers fit so well and it made her tummy fill with butterflies as she followed him back to her car. Butterflies. It seemed childish but it rang true. He was trouble and she loved it. He had a blush on his face as they walked hand in hand down the streets, together, for anyone to see. It was making his head spin. She was trouble and he loved it.
Taglist: if anyone wants to be tagged in future work let me know; @r0und3bitch @illicitfixations @mentallynot-here @wishing-i-was-rafes-princess @goldenjo @emeloyy @kanib45 @clinelyn @magnificantmermaid @hey-sunrisee @mannstarkey @harringtonstudios @totallynotkaibiased @popcrone818 @bookaholics-stuff @zzzina7 @fangirlwithlou @namelesssav @rafesxgold @cmac-writes @malfoytargaryen @alinaharlow @mveggieburger @theyluvmesblog @withbeautyandrage @sierrahhh @harrys-humble-housewife @piceous21 @vifuckingp @ditzyballerina @xoxo3m1ly @jessmaybank @mutual-mendes @palmwinemami
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part 2
Read part 1 and part 3 here:
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Summary: Y/n heads over to the Salvatore residence to deliver some books, expecting to find trouble, being the odd one out and everything, she doesn't expect his name to be Damon Salvatore. What happens when things get a little more intense once she's caught red-handed?
Warnings: Swearing, alienating friends, traumatic experience, uhh self-doubting MC? Plot point Elena, mysterious supernatural stuff (so, the usual)
Word count: 2k
I could curse Bonnie Bennet for her terrible timing. Finally, something interesting happens to me, Y/n, for a change and off he went, evaporating from the living room like hot steam in a sauna. God it was hot in here. Damon Salvatore had been drunk, he'd pinned me to the couch and kissed me, we'd fought like usual - I'd insulted him like usual- and then the inexplicable happened. I heard his thoughts. One thought to be specific, "I don't like lying, Y/n." What had that meant? Sure, the guy was attracted to me for some reason that was a cruel joke of fate, but he loved Elena! The girl I hated more than I cared to admit...
It was all so surreal. I was barely wrapping my head around it before I heard Bonnie bustle into the living room. I watched her absently, she came down the steps, threw a log onto the fire like she owned the place. Perfectly judgey, as Bonnie often was.
"Earth to y/n? I came in here five minutes ago, aren't I supposed to be the spacey one?" She smiled at me, it almost reached her eyes. Almost. "Did you bring the books?" She asked. And suddenly I was back on Earth.
"Uh, yeah, yeah." I sucked in a breath and sat up straighter on the couch. I could still feel the tingle in my lips, where he'd gripped onto my waist, where his lips had been against my ear... "So, these books. Prolly not the most legible. They've been tucked under some rock in the town library while my mom and I were traveling." Books. I was here to give Bonnie books, not think about whatever the hell let me read the leather-clad mosquitoe's thoughts. "Some of it's in Scandinavian I think. Mostly memoirs." Stop. Thinking. About. It.
I felt myself blush as Bonnie came over and sat next to me on the couch. She stared at me, almost like she was staring through me. I watched her grapple with something to say. I noticed the nervous clamp of her slender fingers in her lap. She wanted to talk to me about something important then, but didn't know how to say it. I groaned inwardly, in the last 6 months that I had been back in in this dogeball court of a town, where every second neighbour was something that could kill you, the main entourage that was the Mystic High popularity club always only looked like that when-
"Can I ask you something about Elena?" Bonnie tried. Her. That was the curse of having the enhanced ability of perception, I knew what was about to irritate me before it came out of the person's mouth.
"Sure. Shoot." I cringed. She sighed, straightening her shoulders.
"What happened between you two? One day,the four of us were best friends. The next.. you were off with your mom traveling the world. I know something happened, but neither of you will talk about it, so I just-" She was becoming breathless as I stopped her. The eagerness for answers tainting her rational sense of social courtesy.
"- Bonnie, I'm not ready to talk about it. If Elena isn't either then that's that. Besides, it's my business. It has nothing to do with anyone else besides Elena," I felt my throat clench," and me." I didn't remember standing, but I was. I had walked behind the two wingback chairs next to the fireplace and up the stairs. My feet were taking me to the front door, and honestly, I couldn't blame them. "I'll see you later Bon." I said her nickname like one of us still thought we were friends, I didn't believe that person was me.
"But we're your friends! We always have been, you and Elena shouldn't have been so secretive in the first place! We could've figured things out... Come on Y/N you've been back in town 6 months and we've barely said a word to each other. It's always about saving Elena. I know you aren't helping us because of her." I felt my jaw clench and my fists ball. I'd always been a 'fight kind of gal', I'd be loathe to hit Bonnie square in the face, but the thought crossed my mind.
"Bonnie, enough. I'm not your friend, I'm not a kid anymore. Don't treat me like one. I'm not on trial, I don't need to be. Especially with you." I looked at her, I saw her flinch, my gaze must've been harder and colder than I thought. "I'm helping Elena because it's important. I got mixed up with the Salvatores just as much as you did. Klaus is not a force to be reckoned with."
I put my hands in my pockets. Backing up to the hall, I had an airy look about my stride and my face was one of plastered lightheartedness, but I was shaking. "Enjoy your study session from hell. Call me if you need a translator. And tell Stefan whatever Caroline wanted me to tell him." She looked broken hearted as I turned and glanced over my shoulder. My heart twanged, but it was better this way. No one liked to be around the girl that could see everything. That's what I told myself.
I was wandering. A habit I had picked up in Italy. The streets were beautiful there, hours of aesthetic entertainment, for free. Mystic Falls wasn't as entertaining. There were trees, I sighed and glanced to my left, and trees. I shook my head and chuckled at the absurdity of it all. I was angry at Damon, how can he just kiss a girl like that and- and then speed off like a bloodsucking coward. Drunken bastard.
Truth be told, it was a good kiss a very good kiss. I felt disgusted with myself for enjoying it, he came onto me, but at the same time; there was this static tension between us. We bantered, he tried to eat me, I shot him in the foot. It wasn't very poetic as attractions went, but it was there. It was something I couldn't really explain, but it was almost as though it had been there ever since I met the guy.
I stopped walking. There was an old stump on the side of the road. It looked about as good as a chair in the woods can get. I heaved myself onto it. My legs were tired from all the fast paced walking. I'd probably have to turn around soon and head back to the boarding house for my car. It seemed like such a waste to let all these feelings cloud my judgement. Damon, Bonnie, Elena... It was more than I could handle today. I put my head into my hands, letting myself sink into my lap.
I'm 16 and I want to retire already. I laughed at the thought.
I shot up, there was a rustling in the thick underbrush. Footsteps, male, moving faster, heartbeat- wait, what?
I pinched the bridge of my nose, not again. "Hey speedy Gonzolez. Find your tail between your legs in the last half-hour?" I asked with a bitter twist to my voice. I picked up a pebble and threw it in his direction. I heard him catch it.
"Aren't you full of it today." He said it with a questioning lilt to his voice, I knew he meant it with a threat carved into his cadence. He walked around my stump and stood in front of me on the road. "Had to get sober." He shrugged at the statement, like he'd simply just said I was a girl and he was a guy.
I raised a brow at him. "Are you a clone or something? An alien trying to take over the stupid little town of Mystic Falls."
He smiled. "Not much to take over."
" All aliens need to start building their hybrid cloning nests somewhere."
"Ew." He grimaced.
"It's true. The TV done told me sir. I saws it wit' my own eyes." I imitated a southerner a little too well. Damon told me as much. I told him to shove it. He sat down cross-legged in front of me. He put his hands under his chin and stared up at me expectantly. I recoiled slightly. "Okay seriously, who are you and what have you done with duchebag Damon Salvatore?" He shrugged again.
"Dunno, but I feel like I should ask you something." He looked contemplative and very, un-Damon-like.
"Well ask away hot shot. And then go away." He was just staring at me, scrutinizing me. "Okay that's getting a bit creepy now" I felt like a frog jumping into the frying pan. I shifted and sat up straighter. "Okay I'll bite, what do you want to ask me?"
"That kiss..." He seemed lost in thought again. "What you heard me think, i felt it." I scoffed.
"Obviously bat-boy. You jumped away from me like I set you on fire." He cocked his head at me.
"You know I can't actually turn into a bat?" He was almost amused.
"Boo, reject bat-boy. What, you a Friday batch vampire? No love for the poor guy with the terrible fashion sense?"
"Hey!" Good, at least he changed his expression to something slightly normal, or whatever was 'normal Damon'. "Insult my style, I rip your throat out." I leaned forward on my knees.
"Why? It's not like you care what you look like." I looked away from him, "or what you do to other people." All of a sudden I felt heated. "You can't just kiss a girl and blame it on being drunk. Either pine for Elena or get a real girl, don't be a dick and then come out here and stare at me for some creepy fucking reason. And FOR GODS SAKE DAMON, stop staring at me..." His piercing blue gaze remained unwavering, passive and increasingly alarming.
"Can I kiss you again?" He asked. I was confused.
"I- you- what? I- no, wait. What?" He sped over to me. His black hair feathered out across his face, his lashes were long and fluttering, even though he still stared at me with those swirling ice pools, there was something in his gaze. It was almost soft, something that made those icy eyes appear as blue as the open sky. It made me feel- free. "Yes."
He was on me in a second, the fire, the passion, that hot burning sensation pressing into my lips. His hands roamed my lower back, he gripped my waist so hard I thought be could snap me in two right there. He probed my lips apart with his tongue, asking permission for entry. I allowed it, God help me. Suddenly I was pinned against a tree, he brought my thigh up and pressed it against his hip. My stomach exploded into little butterflies, my heart felt like it might give out at any second. All of a sudden my arms were wrapped around his neck and I was pulling him closer. I moaned into his mouth as we moved around each other, matching our rhythms.
We shouldn't be doing this. It was a thought, just a simple passing thought as I allowed myself to give back into him. He pulled away from me, breathless as I was. He looked at me, eyes deep and intense. I recognized that look in his eye. "You heard that didn't you?" He only nodded.
Then he was off of me and 3 feet away. I felt him put up all his barriers, brush his jacket down with his hands and turn up his collar. Like nothing ever happened. He stared at me coldly, calculating. "We need to go."
I blinked. "Where?" I was still Damon-ed out. My brain wasn't working like it should've been.
"Georgia. I think I know what's happening to us, and if you have any sense you'll want to stop it." He looked like a pillar, tall and unwavering. I was going with him, it didn't matter what I said or how loud I screamed.
So all I said was, " What's happening Damon?" I could hear the exhaustion in my voice, I could feel the darkness spreading through my consciousness .
He walked over to me, letting me lean my weight into him and I began to see spots. He sighed, the same tiredness I was feeling weighing on his breath. "I think it's a vampire thing. We have to get a move on before the, uh, the coven moves on." He was fighting whatever this was better than i was.
I couldn't get words out. My body went limp. What vampire thing?
I think our souls might be bonding. I heard him reply in my mind. Then the darkness swallowed me.
Hey!!! Thank you so much for reading.
This is a long one I know. But I felt like some regular screening for teenage drama needed to be added in. I know this is kind of filler, but oooo, what's Y/Ns secret end game? And why's Damon being so sketchy?
Requests are open!
Comment and let me know what you think of the story so far!
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ittybluebell · 4 months
The Glue Trap (daredevil g/t)
Finch is stuck in a glue trap that Matt forgot about. He rushes to save them.
Tiny was silent.
It wasn't uncommon - there was the odd time they went down to another apartment, a result of Matt lacking in the goods department.
Suspicious, Matt did another sweep. No, he found. Tiny was still here. They were… quiet. Not moving. Somewhere under the stairs to the roof. Their heartrate was elevated. Their breaths were quick, stuttering, with an undercurrent of sniffles. They sounded all too much like someone Matt wouldn't second guess saving out on the street.
Tiny grunted under strain. There was a strange sound under their feet, like mud.
Matt jolted as if electrocuted. He forgot a trap.
What followed was Matt lunging for the loose floorboard. He tried to estimate how long they'd been stuck. Since he left this morning? The pungent scent of glue wisped into the air and guilt twisted inside him. How could he forget? Were there others? How long had Tiny been there?
There was still food in their stomach. The smell of strawberry and wheat cracker was fresh on their breath. Matt felt a tinge of relief, replaced by guilt again - not nearly as long as he'd feared, but any length of time was too long.
Tiny's reaction was one of their squeak-yelps and a subsequent stabbing.
Matt hissed, "Ow," and flinched back when something sharp stung his finger. Tiny made another motion to defend themself and Matt withdrew his arm. "Y'know, most people don't attack the person trying to save them," he said, mildly put out. He understood he was an actual, literal giant here, but give him some credit.
Alright, so he should have announced his intentions first - that was on him.
Matt said, "I don't want to hurt you. I'm trying to help."
"The hell you are!" Tiny bellowed with all the ferocity contained in their little body. It was an unexpectedly Herculean amount. "Who set the traps in the first place, huh? Then you come in tryin' to snatch me up like a damn claw machine. 'Help' my ass!"
"I'm trying to help. I'm sorry about the traps - really, I am. I thought I got all of them out. I'm truly sorry. Will you let me fix this? Without stabbing me again? Please?"
A contemplative silence fell over the two. It was only respectful to ask: as someone who'd been stabbed and shot and hit more times than he could remember, Matt could handle a poke or two. But he didn't like being grabbed without his consent - why would someone who's just a few inches tall?
What even was that weapon, a nail?
…he should update his vaccines.
"You don't plan to lock me up and reveal me to the world for fame and wealth or ship me off to scientists that'll experiment on me?" Tiny asked suspiciously.
That was… shockingly specific. And all completely valid concerns. "No."
"I'm not. In God's name, I swear I'm not lying. Would I be trying to gain your trust if that was my goal? Why would I bother?"
"I guess… you just don't want me to stab you again."
"Oh, for- I owe Foggy several apologies if this is what he deals with."
Tiny agreed to let him help after admitting they were prepared to die anyway - ouch - and that being captured by a 'bean' - what? - really couldn't be worse. A win was a win and Matt didn't argue, reaching under the floorboards to rescue them.
It was a surreal experience for both parties. Feeling a tiny, human body fit in his hand, and for Finch, a massive hand wrapping around them. They were stiff as a board, bracing against fingers as wide as their torso. For every borrower, this was the worst case. This was the nightmare that made children hide under the covers. A human had discovered them - was holding them. Finch resisted the urge to bite and scrap and do anything in their limited power to free themself. A second hand pressed down on the edges of the trap and then Finch was being pried off. The glue was reluctant to let them go and threatened to claim their boots as a prize. Finch squawked and fought to keep them.
"Shit," Finch blurted. "Oh, sewers. Fuck me running. Mother of termites. Pissberry."
The glue released. Matt lifted both borrower and trap out of the floor and rose from his prone position.
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froody · 1 year
When I was a freshman in high school, somebody kept placing bomb threats against the school. They never figured out who it was but they were fairly certain it was one of the student body. Every time it happened they’d do the same thing, evacuate the student body for the next few hours and call the authorities to search the school top to bottom for explosives. Our parents couldn’t pick us up because of the lockdown so we’d all be trapped on the football field or in the auditorium of the middle school next door for hours. We got to fuck around and hang out with our friends, effectively giving the would-be terrorist positive reenforcement. By the 3rd time it wasn’t scary anymore. It was just kind of funny that they couldn’t figure out who it was and that everybody had to take it so so seriously. It was probably just a dude who really hated one of his afternoon classes. Eventually his hubris became too much and he called in a preemptive bombing/shooting event for a Friday in February. Like 70% of the school didn’t show that day, administration later made it an excused absence. I was one of the kids who’s mom felt they were acceptable loss and sent anyway. There were more cops than students in the school that day, I swear to god. They were nodding at you in every hallway holding a gun.
That was terrorism guy’s last hoorah, his magnum opus. Never was another bomb threat called. They never figured out who he was. If they had devoted 20% more effort to investigation instead of optics and turning the school into a police state, perhaps they could have stopped it after the first call. It was such a surreal experience.
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cho-aaacho · 7 months
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Masterlist I Archive Of Our Own
Tags : Romance, Slow Burn, Slow Build, True Love, Angst, Fluff and Angst, Fluff and Humor, Soft Gojo Satoru, Designer Gojo Satoru, Alternate Universe.
Summary : Following the harrowing event with Kashimo Hajime, your late boyfriend, that led to his untimely departure from this world, you embarked on a quest to mend your wounded heart.
But just when you thought you had managed to leave the past behind, a mysterious meeting with Gojo Satoru sent your world falling down. His smile, the way he graced his gaze upon you, and the magnetic allure of his presence sealed your heart to your past life with Kashimo Hajime.
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"Haji... me-chan?"
Never in your wildest dreams did you imagine meeting him in your life again, never thinking that you could see him once again. Your heart raced rapidly, beating so hard that it made you sweat. It was as if God had played a trick on you and placed you in a difficult situation, and it felt so surreal.
You reflected, gazing deeply into his presence, trying to draw him into your universe and reach him through your connection. You immersed yourself in a tranquil evening, stumbled upon reality, and daydreamed. The cold sensation hung in the air, floating like a lullaby at midnight.
The man in front of you frowned; his expression maintained a friendly connection, but you could notice that he was trying to hide his confusion. 
"Hajime-chan?" He inquired. "Are you mistaking me for someone else? Eh, I'm not Hajime!"
Suffocating. You leaned back, and a cruel twist of flashback collection meandered into your mind, evoking your bad memory.
Oh... of course he wasn't Hajime. How could you think he was Hajime? 
Because Hajime is...
"My name is Gojo Satoru; I thought Nanami already told you my name." With a twinkle in his eyes, he tapped your shoulder playfully. "Has he forgotten about that? Oh, but just leave that alone. Why don't you sit down so we can start our conversation?"
He winked. "Eh, where's Nanami? I thought you were with him."
...already died.
You clenched your fist, trying to calm yourself. But the world around you seems like a black veil without anything bright around you. Oh, how could it be?
With a shy smile, you lift your head, gazing at that face once again, scanning that face for a moment, and trying to solve your puzzle. 
"I'm sorry, it's just slipped in my head. I don't bring my glasses; that's why I am confusing you with someone else."
You lied. A perfect lie. Those words just hanging between your heads trapped you in a beautiful lie.
Satoru giggled, but this time you could sense that he wasn't forcing his laugh. You could feel his care in the air. You swear to God, his smile is a warm smile that you've never seen from a man like him. Too friendly and feels like you are already close to him. 
His azure orbs resembled the blue sky fixated on you, inviting a seductive warmth, and then he allowed his eyes to roam over the entire cafe, drumming his nails to the wooden table and humming.
With a gentle grace, he shook his head and giggled. "Uh, no need to apologize! We are here because Nanami is asking us, correct?" He paused and sipped the tea. "But isn't it quite unusual for Nanami to keep us waiting this long? Do you know where he could be?"
"I don't know; I'm sorry."
Too many questions, and Satoru makes you nervous even more, like trapped in a web of his magnetic presence.
You have no idea if he could notice your gesture, your anxiety, or the way you looked at him with such a gaze. He could be irritated, or perhaps he is already angry but hiding it behind the facade of his charming side.
He breaks the tension. "Oh, don't be so nervous around me. I don't bite; except if you ask me to bite you."
He was giggling with closed eyes, warming your presence with his cute smile. The atmosphere was full of Satoru, full of his vibrant yellow, so warm, yet you struggled to divert your focus. You try to distract it by drinking your coffee, but the liquid seems to linger in your throat, which makes you frustrated. 
You're just freezing like a stupid girl, amazed by how he did that in front of you. Satoru's smile, the way he gazes at you, the way he talks to you—all of this only makes you remember him. Hajime.
But... why were you meeting Gojo Satoru in such situations? Leaving such a pain in your memory. How could it be? Is your fate laughing at you right now?
What would Satoru think when he discovered this truth? Does he know the resemblance between him and your late boyfriend? Your fear of being labeled a freak or, worse, gnawed at the edges of your consciousness.
You can't blame Nanami Kento, do you? It's not fair to blame him alone, because deep down you knew it wasn't his fault. Your fate with Satoru is already written by God Himself. After all, Kento isn't the one responsible for your own emotions.
"Hey," Satoru started, sweat beading on his forehead as he stared intently at his phone. His eyes met yours with concern. With a sigh, he said, "It seems Nanami has some trouble in his office."
"I'm sorry, but why? Nanami said he would come here and bring us the designs for our products."
"Well, you don't know Nanami very well, do you? He's a workaholic, and his annoying boss keeps him in the office all day long. I wanted to show him my design too, but now I can't brag about my design to him."
He escaped an irritating sniff, pouted his lips childishly, and was wrapped in an air of irritation as if he were bathed in a flame of anger. His eyes wandered to the entire cafe as he ran his fingers through his tousled hair.
"Well, we couldn't barge to his office, were we? So how about we do something to satisfy ourselves?"
"What do you mean, Gojo-san?"
"Uh, I mean—yeah," he paused, trying to find the right words to charm you. Despite his sweet-talking nature, he struggled to find the perfect words to amaze your presence.
"Listen, I think we need to exchange our numbers, and I'd love to know where you live. For the time being, I'd like to meet you once more, and we could discuss our project without Nanami. What do you say?"
But why does God place these feelings in your heart? Does He have the right to do so when you can't act upon them?
No... you can't.
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ealvara7 · 23 days
I Saw Beetlejuice the Musical on Tour!!! 🪲 ✨️
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Ever since I got more into musicals, I told myself that I wanted to go back into a theatre at some point as an adult. I only ever recalled going when I was in elementary school... which has sadly faded in my memory.
Lo and behold, I learn that the Beetlejuice Tour was coming to the James M. Nederlander Theatre! I figured now was the perfect time to go see it!
When I initially got into Beetlejuice the Musical, I didn't think that I was going to like the Tour cast as much as Broadway's, but over time, I grew an appreciation for them, and it got me excited to see the cast in person.
I do not regret this decision one single bit.
For this post, I'm going to mainly focus on my personal experiences at the theatre, both in and out of the show. If you'd like to hear my thoughts on the main story and set changes in the Tour, please check out this post! This is still gonna be quite lengthy, so I will be leaving this under a "read-more".
Thank you for reading! ✨
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I got tickets to go see the musical on the night of the 22nd. My plan was to go check out the merch stand before I sat down to watch the show, because I did not want to get up during intermission. I was able to do that with half an hour to spare! I felt so relieved because I honestly thought that my mom and I were running late-
Unfortunately... Jackera Davis did leave the Tour after performing in Kentucky... so I did not get a chance to see her. I did, however, get the chance to see the new actor for Skye - Madison Mosely, and she is lovely!
I did get to see Justin as Beetlejuice and Isabella as Lydia! It was genuinely so surreal to me that for both Prologue: Invisible, and The Whole "Being Dead" Thing, I just... froze up? It was like... reverse stage-fright, like the realization just hit me that these actors could quite possibly see me, because I was sitting up front by the left orchestra-
Aside from Justin as Beetlejuice, Isabella as Lydia, and Madison as Skye, I also recognized the following:
Will Burton as Adam
Jesse Sharp as Charles
Sarah Litzsinger as Delia
Abe Goldfarb as Otho
Brian Vaughn as Maxie Dean
It was difficult for me to tell who Juno/Maxine Dean was because of the makeup, but looking back at the cast on the official site, I'm pretty confident at this point that it was Kris Roberts. I had a similar confusion with Miss Argentina, but I did get to meet Hillary Porter at the stage door, so it was easier for me to deduce that it was her-
I noticed right away that the actor playing Barbara wasn't Megan McGinnis, so I decided to look back at the cast list after the show. With it and some extra help from Instagram, I was able to find out that it was Lexie Dorsett Sharp! I honestly loved her performance as Barbara! She's not afraid to be silly, and I also felt that she played off of Will and Justin's performances very well!
Something that I really enjoyed about being in the left orchestra section was that I was not only able to see a couple of technical moments happening offstage (such as an individual holding up the long arm that gives Beetlejuice a microphone), but there where moments where I can hear the actors saying certain things that weren't picked up on their microphones. One example of this was during That Beautiful Sound. Lee N Price, who played the pizzaman, was being puppeteered by Beetlejuice, and I swear, at one point I heard him go, "Oh my god!" Even though no one else in the back could hear it, our section most certainly did, and we got a kick out of that reaction-
The show went on pretty much as I expected up until Adam and Barbara wake up from their electric shock... I had been focusing on Barbara up to this point because I wanted to see how they set up the fire trick on her hand and... it never happened? Instead, right after Adam asks, "Why... can't I feel my pulse?" Barbara tries to feel her own and begins to panic, continuing the rest of the scene as it usually is.
I also noticed that Beetlejuice pockets Lydia's note, rather than burning it. It made me realize that the team were most likely not allowed by the theatre to use pyrotechnics in the show. Considering where the James M. Nederlander Theatre is located, it begins to make a lot of sense...
During the scene after Fright of our Lives, Justin (as Beetlejuice) just goes off on the line, "I know that, Barbara!" It goes quiet for a bit, then he pretends to sob for the line, "No one's like me... that's the problem." It all culminates to Will (as Adam) slowly walking up to him, with Justin quietly and emotionally saying:
"Get the fuck away from me!"
The audience, myself included, completely lost it. I originally thought that this might've been a mistake, but according to one of my Discord friends, this bit has been going on for a couple of shows now. It's completely new to me, so it caught me off guard the when I saw it. It's the little things that always fascinate me when watching different performances of the same musical, boots or not-
The rest of Act One was pretty much the same! Something I did find interesting, however, was that near the end, rather than people cheering after Beetlejuice says the line, "It's showtime!" It was when he says, "Can everybody see me?!" that people really started roaring. It was a nice change of pace, and added to the impact of his line right after. The audience in that show was surprisingly very nice! I heard a lot of cheering from fans, especially during the scene where Adam kisses Beetlejuice.
Now, let's talk about Isabella Esler! My Discord friends have said some nice things about her, but I wasn't so sure what to expect coming into this show. The more it kept going... the more it became clear to me what they were talking about.
Isabella puts a lot of emotion into playing Lydia. She genuinely gives me the impression that the death of her character's mother put a lot of weight on her, and yet... that doesn't entirely stop her from being a spunky, rebellious teenager. For me, the peak of her performance is when she sings Home. I don't think I've ever really seen an actor that has perfectly nailed that weakness and despair that Lydia would be feeling in this scene...
Except for Isabella.
Her performance genuinely gave me chills, and as someone who is also Latin American, I couldn't help but feel proud... I can now say with great confidence that Isabella Esler is my favorite Lydia, with Jackera Davis being my very close second! 💖
Act Two was pretty much the same as I remembered it, however I'd like to give my attention to one of Justin's now famous lines in the show:
“Look, I only joke because I see myself in you… later tonight.”
According to one of my Discord friends, while there are moments where Justin is able to keep his composure after saying that line, there are other where he... just loses it and starts giggling.
I was extremely fortunate to see the latter.
I believe what happened was that the audience reaction to the joke was so big, that it began a bit of a circle effect - with Justin losing his composure, and the audience just having a ton of fun and clapping, then it repeats. It went on for quite sometime, but finally Justin was able to focus and continue going-
After curtain call, I remembered that the show shoots out streamers, so I grabbed a green and black one! I now have two big streamers to pair with my Broadway one!
(Update: I found a silver one after watching the show on the 26th! I now have a complete set!)
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After I left the theatre, I went around the back. There was one thing left I wanted to see before we went home...
The Stage Door! ✨️
As mentioned prior, I did get to meet some of the actors at the stage door! I didn't say much beyond a, "Hello!" and, "Thank you!" to each of them, not only because it was really dark and I wanted to meet back up with my mom as soon as possible, but because I didn't want to take up too much of the actors' time. The only actor that I was able to make some small talk to was actually Isabella, who complimented me on my outfit!
At first, I thought that stage dooring just wasn't going to happen because there was not a lot of people here... but eventually, a line of people began to form, and a few of the actors were starting to come outside! It honestly wasn't as crowded or intimidating as I expected it to be, and I was very relieved about that!
I knew right away after getting tickets that I wanted to get my Playbill signed by as many people in the Tour cast as I can meet during stage door! This was the only opportunity I was going to get to have the Tour cast sign this specific Playbill, and to actually be there adds a huge layer of sentimentality that I honestly wish I had for my Broadway cast Playbills.
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I was in awe by how quickly many of them came out! I made sure to bring my own silver markers, just in case! It ended up coming in super handy because the majority of the actors who were signing things at stage door didn't seem to have one...
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One thing that I was super excited about when I got my Playbill signed was because I was actually there, I could confirm which signature belongs to which actor!
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Admittedly, it took me some time to mark down each signature because I was not 100% familiar with the actors, but thanks to the cast list on the official website (as well as in the Playbill itself), I was able to match up the faces to who I specifically remember signing my Playbill!
I almost lost the identification of some of these signatures, but I was actually able to remember them based on some conversations I heard going on behind me! For example, Abe reenacted one of his scenes as Otho with another fan (the one where he greets Delia, to be more specific) and Janisse had mentioned to another fan that this was his last week with the Beetlejuice team, something I distinctly remember from one of the Instagram stories the day before I saw the show! Will's was super easy because he was the only one that signed my Playbill in gold (he actually offered to sign it with my silver marker, but I told him gold was ok)!
One last thing I would like to share is two of the pages I scanned containing all of the cast members in my Playbill! It was one of the things I was curious to look at when I opened it, and it was very interesting to compare with the formatting of my other Playbills!
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That's pretty much it for my time at the show! ✨
It honestly went by so fast... it made me wish that I had more time to take it all in because I genuinely enjoyed being there that night! Luckily, I did end up getting another ticket for the 26th, but after that... who knows when I'll go back to a theatre?
I'm so glad that I decided to go, because Beetlejuice the Musical has become my all time favorite musical, and I don't think it would've been the same if my first musical to go see as an adult wasn't my all time favorite.
It is a memory that I will cherish forever and is quite possibly one of the greatest flexes I will ever have as a fan.
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