#i think about hate sex with azul a very normal amount :)
merakiui · 2 years
Getting hate fucked by a jealous Azul. That idea is so tempting. Any more thoughts on this you'd like to share?
So many thoughts!!!
✧ similarly to how Ursula transformed into Vanessa to charm Prince Eric, imagine Azul changing into one of the other students you seem particularly close to and just,,,, railing you in that form. Or using the face and voice of said student to be so mean and cruel to you during sex that it actually hurts your feelings. Naturally, Azul would never want to hurt you, but this isn't Azul. :) This is (insert student here) who's saying all of these horrible things to you. And if you come crying to him about it, looking for consolation, he'll be ready to receive you with open arms.
✧ or Azul, our resident pathetic loser (affectionate title), who is so frustrated and pent-up that the minute you step into his VIP room he's pinning you to his desk, foregoing the suave gentleman persona he usually feigns and is just ranting so angrily about how it's not fair that you spend so much time with the others, it's not fair that he's an ugly octo-mer who'll never find true love, it's not fair that everyone likes you so much, it's not fair that he has to wait to see you because you're so busy (and so is he)... the list of reasons why it's not fair goes on and on. He'll fuck you so stupid against and on his desk, not particularly caring if it hurts or if it's too rough. He's so caught up in his own anger and jealousy, but the tears that cloud his vision aren't from either of those. Most of all, he's heartbroken to know that you will probably never look at him in the same way you look at others.
✧ oh!!!!! or Azul making the twins hold you down when he fucks you, his fingers digging into your hips with such terrible, painful force. Floyd's in your face, peering down at you with a sickening grin, laughing about how Shrimpy's really made Azul mad. Jade's not very helpful either, delivering sharp pinches to your side to keep you present. After all, this is a punishment of sorts. You're not meant to drift off. Azul will work you towards the edge and pull out just before you can climax, only satisfying himself and leaving you to wallow in emptiness. If he's particularly angry, he'll leave you with the twins, who are more than happy to pick up where Azul left off. :) by the end of it, you'll know better than to avoid Azul unless you like private lessons with the Leech twins.
✧ it also wouldn't be hate sex with Azul if he wasn't guilt-tripping and gaslighting you throughout it. He cries and wails and goes on and on about how he does everything for you. How he's been nothing but loyal and devoted to you. How he loves you so much, far more than anyone else ever could. How it hurts when you're so mean to him (you didn't eat lunch with him). How he would do anything for you because he loves you. How he'd reshape the world just to make you happy, or how he'd slice off a tentacle or two just to prove his undying affections. He's a mess, but he's your mess and he wouldn't want to be anything else.
✧ also also!!! Azul is normally one for sensual, slow foreplay, but when he's in a jealous mood he disregards that altogether and lets his frustrations lead him, which often leads to rougher sex. I like to think that if he's very worked up he might revert back to his octo-mer form. >:D and maybe he's too emotional to care, past the point of no return, so he uses this to really keep you still for him, to mark you all over. Teeth and fingernails work well in human form, but nothing can possibly work better than the suckers on his tentacles. You'll look like his perfect, pretty mosaic by the time he's through with you, marked all over in circular bruises from the harsh suctions.
✧ also thinking about hate sex with Azul and a mer darling, who he always stuffs full of eggs just to keep you vulnerable and dependent on him. You can't do anything without his protection. If you want to leave the comfortable safety of the cove he's confined you to, by all means go ahead. You're in no state to defend yourself against any hungry, opportunistic predators who will most certainly tear into you mercilessly. If you value your life (and all of the babies he hopes will survive hatching, though it's very wishful thinking), you'll stay with him.
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ryuichirou · 1 month
I notice you said that Azul doesn’t like sex very much so I was wondering, who enjoys sex to a regular amount, who can do without it but wouldn’t deny it if it happens, who is practically addicted to sex, etc?
Hi Anon!
At first, I wanted to say that I already wrote a hc post on a topic somewhat similar to this, but then I decided to go through the list again and think about your specific prompt.
The post I’ve written before was about calculating the characters’ degree of sluttiness lol and sex drive was one of the parameters used for this, but being horny and loving sex are probably a liiittle bit different. I’ll talk about both in this post of course, but I’ll still try to add some nuance.
Riddle – normally, he doesn’t even think about it, he is rather pure; but I feel like he is the type to almost get addicted for some time once he figures out what it is and how it works. It’s like opening a Pandora’s box... But he will calm down eventually. Probably. He hopes so. Sex makes him extremely nervous, but he feels so satisfied and weirdly happy afterwards...
Ace – in general, he is a very horny “masturbates at least once a day” type of guy, so he is probably obsessed with sex. The moment he gets access to sex, he won’t be able to think about anything else for quite some time. It’s partially due to him being young, but he will probably keep his horniness intact even as he gets older...
Deuce – pretty much as addicted as Ace, but unlike Ace, he is going to calm down overtime a little bit. He thought he had a sex thoughts + masturbation addiction problem back when he was a delinquent, but now it’s gotten worse somehow. I guess that’s Ace’s bad influence... if these two are a couple, they probably have sex most frequently out of the entire school. He’s a rabbit, after all...
Trey – it’s not like he’ll die without sex or anything, but he is more into it than people think. This is why he had fun here and there during his first year at NRC; people were into him, and he didn’t mind it too much if it didn’t lead to anything more than sex. I feel like he would still do something like that these days because sometimes he kind of craves it, but for the majority of time he’s ok!
Cater – he craves sex, and then when it happens sometimes feels weird about it, i.e. when it feels too intimate and personal (one would think he would expect that from sex of all things). But when it’s good, Cater enjoys it a lot, and he wants to have more good sex. He is the type to whine about it sometimes actually.
Leona – very into it. He could go weeks without having sex, but it almost feels as if he is just trying not to look like a nymphomaniac lol As if anyone would judge him for that. After these “breaks” he demands sex multiple times per day sometimes.
Ruggie – he himself thinks that he isn’t all that into sex at all, but it’s mostly because he is the resident of one of the horniest dorms: boys from Savanaclaw sniff and hump each other all the time, and Ruggie really can’t relate to that. But in actuality, I’d say he likes sex quite a bit. He is good at it, he gets pleasure from it, a lot of times he gets something out of it as well. Still, he won’t die without sex.
Jack – the first time Jack has sex he’ll get scared by just how much he loved it. He would hate how he wouldn’t be able to think about anything other than sex... he has periods during which he is obsessed, and it’s very difficult for him to keep it together. But then after he calms down, he judges those who complain about wanting to have sex. Kind of hypocritical of him.
Azul – like I already said, he doesn’t like sex all that much. He loves it much more when he is in his merman form though, both because he doesn’t suffer from his lack of stamina this way + because he is hornier this way in general, it just feels right. He also has periods during which he wants to have sex more often, but those are rare; in general, Azul wouldn’t mind not having sex for months or even a whole year.
Jade – he is still kind of an enigma to me lol Somehow Jade feels like someone who wouldn’t care about sex at all and wouldn’t have it for years. But it’s just about sex on its own, unfortunately for everyone else sex implies a lot of things that Jade finds interesting and would love to both explore and practice. So uh... In terms of having just regular sex with someone under the blanket – he doesn’t really care?  
Floyd – probably no surprises here, but he is the most addicted one out of the three mermen. Sometimes he isn’t in the mood, but for the majority of time if something remotely sexual happens, it’s like his brain switches to a separate mode, and doesn’t switch back until Floyd is satisfied. Floyd’s appetite is huge.
Kalim – very into it. The only reason for him not to have sex every single day is because sometimes he miraculously gets distracted. Still, he adores physical touch, anything that implies having fun with someone or being close in a very special way, especially if this is someone he loves. He is the type to get clingy and make sad eyes because he really really really wants to do it, even if they don’t really have time...
Jamil – a bit similar to Ruggie because he is surrounded by horniness and would probably think that he doesn’t want to have sex ever, but there are still aspect of sex that Jamil genuinely enjoys whether he wants to admit it or not. He probably won’t die without having sex, and right now he is either overstressed or oversexed (thanks Kalim), but if he is left alone for quite some time, he might start craving it a little bit.
Vil – he loves sex, this is why he has to actually remind himself that too much of a good thing is bad, this is why he always wants to pace himself and his partner. Sometimes he spends longer periods of time without having sex (I keep mentioning it in every Vil-related hc post lol but this is his “no sex until the event/important date” thing), but by the end of those he is in a pretty desperate shape. Also, just because he thinks that he is responsible and paces himself and his partner, doesn’t mean that he won’t ever give in when Rook wants to have sex with him out of nowhere. After all, he wants it too. He’ll scold himself later.
Rook – absolutely addicted. Would only survive without sex because he is a survivor by nature, and if a whole-ass tiger didn’t end his life when he was lost in a jungle back when he was still a kid, lack of sex also wouldn’t. But it feels just as deadly sometimes..!
Epel – another little rabbit; I think he is pretty much the same as Ace and Deuce. To Epel, however, sex is also about feeling cool and mature, and he loves this feeling a lot. He is pretty obsessed, I would say, and would probably love to spend an entire day in bed with someone special.
Idia – it’s always funny to talk about him because he is our main porn star, but I really don’t think Idia is into sex at all. He doesn’t plan on losing his virginity, and if he isn’t a virgin, he doesn’t mind not having sex at all and just playing games together with his partner. He could get horny of course, but in very specific cases + he would never initiate things. In general, Idia thinks that sex is overrated. And also has severe anxiety about it.
Ortho – kind of obsessed?? In a weird way because to him it’s a research thing, but also sex is such a big topic in all kinds of media, such a huge source of drama, anxiety and happiness for a lot of people. Sex is everywhere, and Ortho wants to figure it out and experience it fully! So he would ask for sex a lot. If we’re talking about real!Ortho, he’d still be much more into sex than Idia. Unlike Idia, he doesn’t have severe anxiety about sex, and he loves intimacy with someone a lot.
Lilia – obsessed, but also doesn’t have as much steam as he used to, which is still too much fucking steam for the majority of non-fae people. Lilia is the master of sex, and he loves it a lot when he gets to either learn new things or have fun with someone new. Which doesn’t mean that he doesn’t have some stuff that he is used to and loves doing! Sometimes Lilia thinks that he should probably chill with all this sex stuff, but then ends up having sex two times that exact day. Oh well.
Silver – he isn’t super into sex, but he loves both a physical sensation and emotional satisfaction that it brings. Silver loves it when he knows that he’s made someone feel good. So I’d say he wouldn’t usually initiate anything  himself (there are some exceptions), but he would also almost never refuse when someone wants to have sex with him.
Sebek – he wants to hate sex so much. He wants to be revolted by it sometimes because it really, really messes with his head. He is similar to Jack, but somehow even worse because while Jack calms down every now and then, it’s like Sebek’s body is trying to drive him insane, and his brains don’t help either because his thoughts keep wandering off somewhere... he would think that after having sex he’d get better, but nah, he’d only get worse because now he knows what sex is all about and desperately wants more.
Malleus – it’s not like he is addicted to sex, but he loves it. He loves both the sensations and the connection between two people that it implies, but he mostly craves the latter. It’s not like he has to be completely in love to have sex with someone, but he craves chemistry and adoration, so just any dick wouldn’t suffice. And if such a thing isn’t there, Malleus would easily stay away from sex for months, years, centuries... He would rather suffer from his body aching and pining for someone than let anyone take him just for the sake of scratching an itch.
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I had a thought. These men (boys) are in college and thanks to most teens these days the age people lose the “V card” is getting younger... so I thought some of these boys including teachers have lost it so I thought I would do a headcanon on how many, and why I think that.
Also if some I don’t think have a why plus how many lovers they’ve had sexual or not.
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Body count 0
Lovers 0
We all know it’s because people fear him that he doesn’t have a lover
Body count 20+
Lovers 25+
He’s how old? And If he’s not a vampire but a fae then he can probably shape shift. Either way he’s had quite a lot of lovers in his time
Body count 0
Lovers 2 maybe
He doesn’t seem like the guy to care but I bet a couple people have asked him out and he’s accepted, but it didn’t last long because he’s a guard of Malleus and that’s very important
Body count 0
Lovers maybe 1 (Didn’t last more then a couple weeks)
A lot of people have confessed to him, but either A. He didn’t realize or B he goes on about Malleus like he’s God or something and that person is totally turned off
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Body count 5-7
Lovers 4
Knowing him and being a prince he could probably just have his way with a couple people without being in a relationship. He’s never really felt that emotionally invested in someone so that relationships aren’t that long.
Body count 0
Lovers 3
He’s a boy with a heart believe it or not. He’s had a couple when he was younger, maybe even one that his younger siblings got him into because he liked his friend, but it soon ended realizing that they were better off friends. (Can relate)
Body count 0
Lovers 0
He doesn’t have time to think about love, he’s busy working to survive and worrying about himself. Thanks to his sense of family and loyalty he’ll eventually think about it, but probably later in life.
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Body count 0
Lovers 1
One girlfriend in elementary school... does that really count. She told him she didn’t love him anymore after like a week (in like first grade) His little heart was shattered.
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Body count 2
Lovers 2
He doesn’t seem like the kinda guy that would seek anyone out and with Kalim being him, Jamil has no time to spend on his lover. So they probably left him because of it.
Body count 15+ (maybe a little more)
Lovers 20+
He’s a rich boy. And based on the culture Disney was inspired by for the Aladdin movie, it’s 100% normal to have multiple lover for a man even at the same time. It’s called a “Harem” sounds familiar right? At the time of the game he does not have any lovers. Sorry to my friend who loves him...But it’s probably right...
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Body count 0
Lovers 7
I’m not sure why seven but he CAN’T not have had a lover and he wouldn’t have to many. The body count is zero because he’s to prideful to let someone touch him in that way, he would never let someone taint his body (unless it’s ya know “Yuu”).
Body count 1
Lovers 3
The one body count is just because I don’t see him having sex a lot, but I don’t think he’s a virgin. And as for lovers, even though a lot of the fandom hate him some people think he’s hot and there’s nothing wrong with that. He’s had a couple lovers because he’s attractive, and is interesting.
Body count 0
Lovers 0
He lives in a town of “Older people” as he put it, so the people there... well let’s say he wants someone his own age to love. He hasn’t really been any other place really outside the town he lives in. Btw he does know what he’s doing. People paint him as this sweet little dainty thing, but thats just not the case. As a teen who has really no one his age he totally watches videos on his phone some times when allow so he knows what he’s doing.
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Body count 0
Lovers 2
That’s a “maybe” two because I imagine he’s had lovers before he came to night raven but with his personality and insecurities he probably ended the relationship in the early stages. Body count is because he’s insecure about his body still so he doesn’t want anyone to see him.
Body count 2 (ended soon after)
Lovers 4
The relationship ended soon after sex because this boy is sadist and probably likes BDSM and some times people aren’t into it so their not together.
Body count 11
Lovers 1
He’s in it for a sex and you can’t tell me otherwise. He seems like the kinda person that likes the sex more then the love and intimacy of it. He’s got a high drive to and most of these are one-night-stands.
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Body count 0
Lovers 0
Mother said “No, now study” He’s never thought about love... That’s what he want’s you to think but he thinks about it the same amount a teen would. He just wants a one true love, he wants someone to comfort him and to love him no matter what. But he kinda gave up after coming to Night raven because if it hasn’t happened yet what’s the point in hoping then.
Body count 0
Lovers 2-4
He’s definitely have a couple lovers before. He’s the kind of guy that pours everything into the love he gives and makes treats for them. He’s the “mom” friend too so what’s not to love about him. He’s a virgin because he’s to shy to initiate the first move, but I’d it ever did happen he would he so shy then.
Body count 1
Lovers 2
One male and one female. He strikes me as a bisexual so he’s probably only just experimented with the two of them so see. The female lover he didn’t feel all that sexually attracted to but loved her and was romantically attracted to. As for the male he was the opposite, but he still felt some romantic attracted to. I’m lead to believe through some dialogue he leans to the gayer side of the Bi spectrum.
Body count 0
Lovers 0
This boy was a delinquent before Night Raven he was out skating and causing trouble for others he wasn’t focused on love. Plus he’s literally to shy to talk to girls so that’s a no.
Body count 10
Lovers 8
(yo I held the “8” to long and it said 88 I was like “damn that’s a lot of people” Any way back to the post)
He’s been around, it could be multiple reasons, lonely, bored, depressed, and thing goes. And yes he’s probably had a relationship with a follower/fan on Magicam. He want’s to fill his heart even if it’s temporary for only a couple weeks or just a day to feel loved and validation.
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He’s Asexual, but Panromantic (I think that’s what it’s called). He just doesn’t seem like the person who cares about sex, also he has no lovers but he’s still attracted to people.
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