#i think aout him a lot
reggiestein · 1 year
Interesting licorice cookie fact: he loves food. Any time hes shown with it its generally treated as a big deal for him (and that 1 time he literally cried happy tears over it)
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(for the first one its too long to add but this whole bit he goes on to talk to his fans on his story but he keeps getting distracted by the food🙏)
In the Cake Shop event, every time he asks for a cake, he always asks for a lot of toppings. Never a little, never a specific amount, always a lot.
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(i have a point abt all of this but i think its cute and in-character that hed always go for the overzealous choice of just adding a bunch of something rather than a sensible amount. also side side note i think its a cute contrast to pomegranate, who always knows exactly how many toppings she wants)
In ovenbreak, when you give him a Licorice Skull Candy, he responds with "This is all for me, right? I'm not sharing!" (Something ill ADD once i find a SCREENSHOT OF IT😡💥)
In the Cake Shop event, (again, in the story) he's really stingy with his cake, and hates the idea of sharing it with anybody
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Also licorice is canonically noticeably skinny
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Sad licorice cookie fact: when people don't consistently have food (due to neglect, poverty, etc.) its typical for them try to hoard food when they do have the opportunity to get it, even if they're no longer in a spot where they need to do that. Its common for them to take more than they need if its available, usually in an attempt to save what they won't eat now for later.
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butchdykekondraki · 1 year
oh boy tag raent time. im ill
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canthavetoomuchchaos · 7 months
Not a bad kid
Set in teenage years.
Darlin + David
I strongly follow the "Darlin and David are siblings" thingy. This is set when both are around 14 ish.
Tw/Cw: mentions of abuse, fear, injuries, brief mentions of dying,
David and Gabe are sleeping, that is until they both hear frantic knocking at the front door.
David is sound asleep, snoozing away under his blanket, his dad in the next room over doing the same. Both are awoken by fast, frantic, and harsh knocking on their front door. David sits up blearily and walks to his door, waiting for his dad to pass him so he can follow.
"David, don't come down until I know who it is alright?" David nods and waits. Gabe opens the door and immediately a person is falling into him. He grips their shoulders, eyes wide as they are frantically begging for his help. Gabe is quick to shut the door.
"David- come down here, get the first aid kit under the kitchen sink, quickly." He's calm, carefully carrying his young pack member to their living room, setting them gently on the couch, ignoring the thought that their blood and the mud is ruining it. They're still crying, clinging to his shoulders, but they're frantically muttering now. The same thing, over and over and over again.
"I'm sorry- 's not my fault- didn't study hard enough- please, please I didn't mean to." Gabe is mortified. They're like this because of a bad grade on something? Or is he hearing wrong? David returns with the first aid kit.
"David, come sit by their head, keep them awake if they start to fall asleep. They may be concussed." David does as his father requested him and sits by their head. Gabe, very gently, starts to peel away their drenched shirt, pulling it up to get a view of their abdomen. Cuts, bruises and scratches, along with long healed scars are all over their skin. He presses into the biggest wound on their side, steadily oozing blood. He barely hears David gag. As he presses against them they let aout a very sharp yelp, he can hear their wolf slightly come through it. He looks up about to apologize, but they look horrified that they even made the sound in the first place.
"'m sorry- I didn't mean to- I was just- please don't hurt me. I didn't mean to growl-" David takes the liberty of trying to soothe them, doing what his dad does to him when he's sick, running his hands along their scalp. They freeze but withing seconds they are leaning into his gentle hand. Gabe continues his work on their wounds.
About fifteen minutes later Gabe is almost finished when David tenses from his quiet, almost one-sided conversation.
"...Dad...Dad you gotta hear this." His face is sombre for a fourteen year old. Gabe frowns and leans towards them.
"can you say that one more time? You mum ked a little there. " David asks them quietly. They frown and speak, this time slightly louder than before, attempting to help him understand.
"...got a c- on a math test. My parents were.....not pleased to say the least. That's why I'm like this. My....dad...chased me here. I don't know if he's still here or not, I don't think he'll try to come inside though.." they're breathy, and tired, but they enunciate perfectly.
Gabe freezes, his mind reeling, their dad did this to them? This child is beaten bruised and bloody because they got one bad grade? For the first time ever in the history of the Shaw wolf pack, there will now be a banishing of a wolf. This child will stay, they aren't safe at home. This actually helps explain a lot of their behaviors, constantly being quiet, keeping away from the other kids, flinching if Asher is just a little too loud. It all makes sense.
"Kid, I know you live with your dad, is there anyone else there besides you and him?" He's cautious, voice a low, gentle timbre. They shake their head.
"just my stepmom, she eggs him on, doesn't help. wont miss me if I die right here, she hates me anyway" Gabe fails to hide his frustrated expression, glad their stable and their eyes are closed as they relax and relish in the safety of his house.
"I'm glad you came to me, kid. You won't have to go back there ever again. I swear on it." His face is set in a tense but gentle expression. He turns to David.
"take them to the guest bedroom, give them some clothes, they may not fit but work with what you've got please. " David nods and gently helps the young wolf. They both pause as Gabe speaks
"your tough kid. Like a tank, stay that way." They nod and continue their way upstairs with David's assistance.
While they are upstairs Gabe grabs his phone and calls his beta (I can't remember Ashers dad's name if it was ever mentioned so here's a random one) Daniel. He picks up quickly and Gabe explains the situation, Daniel is quick to ask if Gabe needs his help. Gabe denies and asks him to please schedule a formal pack meeting for tomorrow afternoon, all wolves required to attend. There's a small yell from upstairs and he's quickly hanging up.
"David? Everything alright up there?" He's on the bottom steps, carefully making his way up. David pops his head out, a small grimacing smile on his face.
"they shifted, their injuries don't seem to have transferred as harshly but they jumped on the bed and I think it hurt a little. They're fine though. I think." Gabe nods and ruffles David's hair.
"let them rest, you can go to sleep, I'm gonna stay in here with them, the door will stay open all night if you need anything." David nods, a small confused frown on his lips.
"why're you staying with them? They'll be sleeping." Gabe smiles at his young son's confusion.
"because if they have a nightmare or wake up randomly, I want them to know where they are and that they're safe. Now go to sleep." David nods and gives his dad a brief hug, leaving to his own room down the hall.
The next morning Gabe is making breakfast as Tank as he has decided to call them, stumbles into the kitchen. They freeze as they realize he's also in the kitchen. Their eyes widen as their bleary, sleep ridden eyes don't comprehend that they're not home.
"I'm sorry, I woke up late, I'll have breakfast done really quick I promise. You don't have to-" they are cut off by Gabe gently laying a hand on their shoulder.
"hey, it's okay, you're not at home anymore kid. You don't have to do anything right now. Go sit on the couch, watch some TV." They hesitate but listen nonetheless. Gabe sighs and continues to make food, not surprised in the slightest that his son is sleeping in.
Later, as Gabe is getting ready for the pack meeting, both kids come up to him, curious. David is the first to speak up as Tank catches their breath, side sore from their wound.
"where are you going dad?" Gabe looks up from his combat boots, his face set. He's mentally preparing for the meeting.
"Got a meeting, scheduled it last night." The kids frown, confused. David, again, speaks up first.
"..can we go?" Gabe hesitates and looks to Tank.
"...will you be okay? You'll stay by me the whole time." They think for a moment, then nod. They haven't spoken since that morning.
"alright, get your shoes on. Let's go." Both kids scramble for their shoes, trying to get them on as fast as possible.
As they arrive to the Den, Gabe reminds both kids to stay close, this is a serious meeting and there wasn't supposed to be kids in the first place. As they walk in, Tank's parents both rush up, fake relief written across both of their faces. Gabe pushes Tank behind him, standing tall. A harsh glare pointed at them. He makes sure that his eyes say all that need to be said. 'you will not touch this child ever again.'
Gabe guides Tank and David to the front of the room. Reminding David to keep a gentle grip on Tank, as their still slightly hurt. He walks up to his podium, clearing his throat and waiting for silence. As the silence falls his eyes land on Tank's dad, specifically his hands, bruised knuckles, cuts here and there along his arms, and a very painful looking wolf bite on his bicep. Tank sure gave a fight before running. He took a breath and started to speak.
"I'm sorry for calling this meeting on such short notice, but it has come to my attention, that some pack members do not seem to grasp what parenting is meant to look like. [Tank's parents] I have the unfortunate duty of dishonorably banishing you from my pack and any Shaw land or property. I want to make this clear to everyone in this pack, I will tolerate a lot. I will never tolerate abuse of any kind." He turns to Tank and beckons them forward, they stand, walking slowly toward him, their face still badly bruised and the cuts now scabbed.
"this is Tank. Your child. You will no longer be allowed near them, nor will you have custody of them. I will take them as my own. You are never to return here, and if I hear that you have, you will be reported to the department. Thank you, goodbye." He dismissed their parents. The two hesitates, then Tank's father lunged, yelling harsh words and horrible names at them. Gabe shifts, a giant wolf now standing over the fallen child, as he snarls, his beta shifts as well, gently using his snout to push the children away, whilst keeping an eye on his Alpha in case he needs assistance. As the father backs down, backing away, he continues to yell things a child should never have directed at them.
Later when they get back to the Shaw house they are laying on the cold kitchen floor, the chill helping soothe the ache in their side. They have a content smile
The end was a little rushed but oh well!! Hope you like it!!
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galaxythreads · 1 year
Foegive me of this is a question you've answered in the past but, what are your thoughts on the scene at the beginning of Avengers 1 where Loki sort of doubles over/trips on his way out of the SHIELD base and it's never addressed?
Also thoughts on the canonicity of various myths to the MCU Loki backstory?
no worries, I don't mind answering questions twice. My blog is long and tales tales, so I understand if people don't want to hunt for answers and just reask stuff.
as far as your question goes,
SCREAMING SCREAMING SCREAMING. Do you KNOW how much I LOVE that SCENE (the answer is no because I haven't talked about it) but I LOVE THAT SCENE! That is THE scene to me. I love everything about how carefully it's handled because what you have to look for is SUBTEXT here, because the Avengers was written in a way that forces you to think. It doesn't lay everything out for you, it's intended you come to your own conclusions.
The Avengers trusts you and that is a very strange thing for media now. It's pretty rare to find one that doesn't treat you like an idiot.
Breaking this down:
The first frame with Loki is of him kneeling. That is the first thing we learn about him. I want you guys to remember that the introduction of a character is HUGE. It tells us the most important things for us to know about that character right now
So what do we need to know about Loki RIGHT THEn. Right at the start of the movie?
he's smart. He opened the portal with the Tesseract, from across space, and teleported himself to another planet. This is something no one has replicated (using an infinity stone from across space). Loki is said to "know it's workings like they never will" which says a lot about him.
Loki was GIVEN the scepter by the Chitauri, but if you watch that opening opening scene, it looks more like it's being forced on him than him GLADLY taking it. (There's this half second where the Other waits to make sure Loki is actually going to hold it. Loki doesn't reach for it until he has to. One of the most powerful objects in existence and it practically has to be shoved into his hands) Look how close their bodies are. Like bro???
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-okay, then Loki comes through the portal and he is KNEELING. so the first, and I mean the VERY FIRST thing we need to know about Loki is that he is in the subservience of someone/thing else. This gif below is artwork of that moment, but still. Like. who do you think he's kneeling TO? Well, the opening scene of the Avengers showcases that the Other is kneeling to Thanos, Ergo, using the subtext trust that the director/writers have given us, that means Loki was kneeling to Thanos before he came through the portal.
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And then, Loki comes out like a hunted animal, but he legitimately does not remember he's holding the scepter until Fury points it out to him. You can see him look down at it in confusion. And okay, WHY is he confused? I remember watching this for the first time at 14 and going huh, that's kinda weird he forgot he had the weapon. What this is trying to tell us is that this is not a familiar weapon to Loki AND -- it is doing something to him. It's emitting that same misty thing that it does when Loki possesses someone later. That wispy smoke is always so interesting to me because of the implications. The scepter doesn't do that unless it is FRESHLY possessing someone. And what do we know about Loki TWO SECONDS AGO?
he was kneeling to thanos.
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Anyway, so Loki gives his name, is not a well man, and the scene you're actually referring to is this one:
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which GETS ME EVERY TIME. I could talk aout this scene for hours. The implications of it. (Also if you've read my work YSFSLWFTCA, that man who grabs Loki's back is Nathan Swenson ;)
So I've been getting professional acting training for about 6-7 months now and one thing I have learned is that nothing makes it in the movie by accident. The director has to approve it, the editor, the producer, up the whole food chain. This was not Tom Hiddleston sneezing and then them keeping it in the movie because it's funny. So this was put in on purpose. They WANTED you to know that Loki isn't okay. And a scene like this would get like what? idk 3-6 takes at a minimum, which means that they flimed this ON PURPOSE 3-6 times. Tom Hiddleston was instructed to do this ON PURPOSE. That guy who approaches Loki's back was told to do that ON PURPOSE. Loki was supposed to be shown to be a mess physically. Like. Then they go and KEEP doing this later, when Loki can't get into the car and can barely keep himself upright. Loki doesn't start to look "okay" until Germany and even then he's not doing amazing.
What's interesting to me, beyond the obvious implications toward bodily harm - torture! :) - is the timing. Loki immediately topples when Clint hands the Tesseract to Selvig. There's something about Clint doing that that seems to cause him physical pain. That could be a coincidence, and I bet it is because it's not brought up again in the movie that the Tesseract exchanging hands gives Loki physical pain, but it is interesting.
Another interesting point is that Clint looks away, Selvig doesn't care, but that sheild agent Immediately moves up to put his hand on Loki's back to support him. And Loki doesn't flinch. That always struck me as weird, right, because even people who don't have trauma flinch when someone touches their back and they weren't expecting it. And Loki clearly wasn't? So why didn't he twitch at least a little? Tom Hiddleston is too good of an actor for that to be a mistake.
So to me that means that Loki just... doesn't have feeling in his spine at that moment. Or he was in too much pain to even register it. Loki was clearly tortured with some type of heat. If you watch him in this scene he's displaying all the signs of heat exhaustion. So I kinda think that maybe Loki got burned so badly on his back before this happened that he just... doesn't feel anything anymore. It had to have been recent for walking to nearly send him toppling, but Loki's back is a source of issues for the entire movie.
That is why this scene is here from a directing perspective. to SET UP Loki's back problems. The extent of them are left vague, but I think when Tom Hiddleston and Joss Whedon sat down to talk about Loki for the Avengers, one of the things they must have agreed on was that Loki was not in good physical condition and they planned to show that THE ENTIRE MOVIE. I don't know if they talked about torture or Thanos, but they talked about SOMETHING.
But I just...idk. That guy grabs Loki's back to support him in an effort to help and it's just so interesting to me. Because how does the mind control WORK then? Selvig is obsessed with the Tesseract. He almost seems possessed by that rather than Loki. Clint goes completely silent and doesn't do anything except the mission. THIS GUY immediately comes to take care of Loki, and Loki himself is ruthlessly efficient with one goal in his mind. So it's interesting. Subtext! :D
So what do I think about this scene. I think that Loki was tortured and his back is giving out and I LOVE THIS SCENE BECAUSE IT IS SO DARK BUT TRYING NOT TO BE.
Thanos' immediate response to something not going his way is torture and he knows Loki. Knows him well enough to pick his brother out of a crowd in Infinity War and leave him alive until the end. Knows him well enough to make his death personal. Strangulation is a crime of passion. Thanos hurt Loki and he knew Loki, and the idea that Thanos made sure that Loki wouldn't see the torture coming - by doing it to his back/spine - is just an extra layer of awful. Thanos left Thor alive. On purpose. He could have killed him. He didn't.
That was Loki's punishment. Leaving Thor alone. Because Thanos knew that would hurt him the most.
But Thanos also chose to kill Loki, and in infintiny war, while hunting the stones, Thanos doesn't make any unnecessary bodies. Which to me, means that Thanos had to kill Loki because he saw Loki as a threat.
So anyway, somehow I'm talking about Loki and Thanos again, who are my favorite horrible duo and I love talking about them because their relationship is so so messed up. I wish that the Loki series had DONE something with Thanos and Loki, but they didn't. :/
But why Loki's back? Like Thanos started with Loki's head in the post-credits scene of Thor 1:
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why did he move to Loki's back? Also the fact that Thanos was having Loki hunt down the Infinity Stones through astral projection and/or enchantment is just so messed up and I love it. Wish it had been explored because THIS ^^^ was the giant beast I wanted poked at in Loki season 1.
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tsukii0002 · 1 year
Lesson 11 Solomon thoughts.
A little reflection on Solomon's feelings (my headcanons)
Warning!: Lesson 11 spoilers and long text.
This lesson has left me thinking about many things....
Solomon has feelings for us, after I don't know how long, he had found someone who cares about him, who loves him and sees him as an equal. After a long time he wants a person, he wants us by his side and he wants to be the same for us. But no matter how much he wants it, he can't have with us what we have with the brothers, no matter how hard he tries he will never be as close to us as the seven demons.
And he knows that, if we had to choose between him and the brothers, if we had to choose between the Devildom and the brothers, between ourselves or the brothers, we will choose the brothers.
That is why he wants to make us promise that, in a hypothetical conflict, we will choose humanity, not him, but humanity. Is humanity what unites us, what we share with him and not with the brothers. He wants to make us promise that in a place where it is forbidden to make any kind of promise, which we will know later thanks to Thirteen. I think it is because in this place, where all knowledge arises, if a promise is made it has to be fulfilled no matter what or how.
He wants us to promise him, in a place that will surely make us keep that promise yes or yes (a fact that he is aware of and we are not). He says he is jealous that there are parts of us that he doesn't know about, but that the brothers do, it's not something he can erase, so he had to make sure that when the time came, we would stay by his side. Just as he also expected us to use the grimoire, but once again our priorities are clear, and that promise that should have been for him in the end is, again, left to the brothers.
I feel that Solomon feels a great inferiority complex towards the brothers aout us, because no matter how much he loves us, no matter how much we are the closest thing he has to a family, for us, our family, our home will always be the brothers. Even in a past where we are strangers to them and not to Solomon, those seven demons are more important than he is.
The game is taking some very serious and dark shades, it looks like it will present us with real crossroads and situations in which not everyone ends up happy, I will suffer a lot … I love it.
If you have made it this far, thank you very much for reading and sorry for the bad grammar 💕.
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oodlyenough · 3 months
oblig dual destinies post
i finished the base game of dual destinies today, as in, everything but the dlc case. but the dlc case i assume is kind of a, er, side adventure that won't change much about my opinion of the main narrative, so here we go. spoilers for the first 5 cases
well that wasn't very good was it
things i did like
number one top spot MVP honourable mention goes to aura blackquill. aura is a great character, extremely my type of character, and her story was pretty interesting. every time aura was on screen i was having a good time. i cannot believe they hid the best, canon ace attorney toxic yuri in its worst game (that i've played so far). obviously wish we saw more of aura, more of aurametis, and more of aura with athena, but what we did get was honestly pretty good and much, much more explicit than i ever expected this franchise to get. i am a dog being tricked into taking a pill because it was hidden in a spoon of peanut butter.
i also liked athena. i was predisposed to like her because all the major female characters in this franchise start with a buff for me, but i did think her over the top exuberant competitive go-getter attitude coupled with the PTSD flashback sprites were a pretty good combo. i think she was unequivocally the star of this game, and i think we should have played her for a lot more of it. her power is goofy as all hell and mood matrix isn't a great minigame, but, well, uh, it's dual destinies i have to adjust my expectations somewhere.
i like that phoenix got his badge back. i can critique all the ways it played out, because you can critique just about everything in this game to the moon(rock) and back, but like. fundamentally. i like this choice and i'm glad it happened. i also like that we got to see edgeworth and pearl and got a letter from maya. it seems obvious this is the franchise trying to course correct after a rough reception to aa4, but frankly i don't really care, because i do think aa4 fucked up there. i liked aa4 and i think it was a better game than this; i also think it's quite a bummer of a game and in many places a middle finger to fans of the trilogy, so, i'll take the olive branches DD is offering me. 🤷🏼‍♀️
fullbright started off annoying to me but i did warm to him. there's one bit in case 3 where he and athena just cheer "in justice we trust!!!" back and forth that made me laugh. i thought the idea of the big bad being the friendly cop was pretty good. more on that later.
turnabout academy was dumb as hell (affectionate) and i liked it and the npcs were mostly really fun and/or funny. i love you aa5 klavier you hot washed up mess. somehow dual destinies made me more invested in klavier than aa4 did.
things i did not like
where do i start
jk, actually, the first place to start is Why The Hell Can't I Play This Game. writing and characterization and everything aside, this game is SO disinterested in being a game. i can't click stuff. characters autonomously solve puzzles on my behalf without even giving me a second to think of them. the minigames are reduced. investigation days are dull because i can't click anything. it weakens the characterization of the player and the companion character because you don't get their inane chatter. characters don't react to evidence being presented in interesting ways.
the attention to detail and love that went in to so many facets of the trilogy that made it so beloved are just not present here. i don't know what the issue was, rushed dev time or what was going on, but the wrong corners were cut. i made a separate post aout this example because it's so galling: in 1-4 if you try to present the photo of gregory's body to edgeworth, you get custom dialogue where maya intervenes and tells phoenix off for trying to show miles his dead dad. in 5-5 if you present photos of aura's murder to athena she reacts with the same generic disinterest dialogue she gives every other piece of evidence.
the characterization of the returning characters, ie not the ones new to dual destinies like athena and co, is at best watered down and one-note, and at worst out of character. i said i was happy to see edgeworth, and i stand by that overall; but his behaviour in the trial in 5-5 is like madlib edgeworth dialogue, half-hearted fanfic rather than anything to convince you it's a character who lived through the trilogy. phoenix is dumbed down and it's particularly noticeable coming off of aa4, where NPC phoenix was a fucking galaxybrained 5D chess puppeteer who was always one step ahead of everyone, and now he's like, incapable of making basic deductions. all dual destinies phoenix knows is eat hot chip be bisexual and bluff. boring, weak writing. he barely even reacts to trucy being kidnapped. perhaps because trucy is no longer a character and instead is just one extended "teen girl says the word panties" joke.
apollo... lmao... i hate to say it but i don't think apollo should've been in this game. i think his fans would be right to say that he deserved a sequel and that was what was set up by aa4, but all he does in this game is compete for the spotlight with athena, and lose. athena's story is the main story of this game and it is hindered by the detours DD has to take to include apollo; apollo, meanwhile, doesn't even really get anything of substance. we see him mourn a friend we never met and go off on a sidequest we don't partake in. the rift between the WAA would be really interesting if they... wrote it better, or let it sit longer, or let any character react to it for longer than ten seconds.
which gets to the most frustrating thing about this game: there are a lot of pretty good ideas here, hidden under layers of uninteractive "gameplay" and clunky writing that misses its emotional beats. the dark age of the law is a hilarious term but the justice system in AA IS super mega fucked up and that's a fine subject for the game to tackle, until they start pretending it's somehow *new* and that for some reason a prosecutor being convicted of murder was the final straw (ignore all the OTHER prosecutors who were convicted of murder in the golden age). the finale case you can practically FEEL capcom breathing down its shoulder, desperate to right the ship of the IP, scrambling to put together pieces that worked in the past.
but despite athena's backstory being probably the most compelling part of the game, it's hard to shake the feeling that we're getting a remix of turnabout goodbyes, except, well, worse. and that feeling is exacerbated by phoenix and edgeworth, who lived that case, never having or expressing any feelings to suggest they ... lived that case. on paper, edgeworth prosecuting a child who killed a parent by mistake is really interesting! but DD doesn't do anything with it. i actually really like fullbright being the phantom, and if i hadn't been spoiled by fandom, i think i would've been surprised. but that twist is undermined by the reveal that actually the character we knew was ... um... an amorphous shapeshifting blob with no independent identity, there's no sense of real betrayal between him and blackquill bc he's not a real person and blackquill was lying about trusting him so like ... who cares...
in conclusion
i see a lot of the shared DNA with investigations 1, and i have a lot of the same complaints. fun new characters, albeit underwritten; disappointing characterization from returning characters; in aai i found the puzzles frustrating, whereas here they felt nonexistent. at least aai1 had really cute pixel art and let me click stuff, though. shrek meme they don't even have investigating.
i am saying aai1, because i haven't played aai2 yet, and fandom swears up and down it's way better. but i have to be honest. what are the odds that of the four ace attorney games this guy wrote, three of them suck and one is a banger... i guess i'll find out in september when the port comes out :P or maybe when i play SOJ next i'll love it too. stay tuned
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beatrixstonehill2 · 7 months
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"When my daughter Holly first posted this picture alongside her new girlfriend, Giselle, I kind of figured something might be up. Her father and I actually decided to put a wager on whether or not Giselle fantasized about making Holly detransition. He thought I was being paranoid, but the second I met Giselle something seemed off. She kept asked me if Holly's cock was always so small and how gorgeous it'd be if she took supplements or 'something' to help it grow. I asked her what this something was and she just shrugged. The next day she was over, and Holly went to the bathroom, I went up to Giselle and told her, playing dumb, that I 'researched' ways to help Holly's cock grow. With my hubbie in earshot, I told Giselle that Google said my Holly could just go on testosterone. I said I had no idea how that would impact a trans girl like her but it's definitely worth a shot! Obviously anybody that knows about this stuff like Giselle clearly did would correct me and tell me doing that would detrans Holly and make her into a boy with a set of big estrogen-fattened boobs.
Giselle just smiled and said, 'Wow, that sounds great. I know Holly is a bit self-conscious of her penis but I think I can help her learn to love it, especially if it's really big!' My husband got up, grumbled to himself as he walked to his wallet, got out a fifty and handed it to me. Easiest bet of my life. Unshockingly, Giselle detransitioned Holly. It started slow, convincing our daughter to be more masculine, cut her hair, consider a beast reduction because her breasts 'make her look heavy', which was an ironic thing to criticize her about considering Giselle turned out to be a feeder. She slowly convinced Holly to stop wearing makeup, to not worry about painting her nails or feminizing her voice. I think Holly likes to be led, so having Giselle to boss her around probably doubled to help motivate her to care a lot about her relationship and to not have to worry about being ultra fem 99% of the time like she felt she had to after transitioning.
Before we knew it, Holly's voice dropped, we saw a giant bulge form in her shorts, she got constant erections she struggled with, and she started fondling her cock whenever she saw curvy girls or pregnant girls or a girl with big boobs in public or on TV. She became really crass and immature out of nowhere, very unfeminine, and we caught her masturbating to really hardcore pornography. She used to just watch lipstick lesbians kiss and scissor, now she was watching hugely pregnant girls get gangbanged as the men piss on them and beat them up for fun. We could only shake our heads and accept that Holly was at long last becoming a man. She started growing out a beard and complained about have big boobs, which she used to love.
Soon she looked nothing like a girl.... and before long Giselle was pregnant with quintuplets. Giselle bossed Holly, now Hunter again, around. She demanded sex from him constantly, teasing him, giving him blow jobs in public places. She'd even bring up his erections loudly when they went out and complain that Hunter 'expected her to deal with it' right then and there, although Hunter would protest and say it's fine, Giselle would always make a scene on purpose like Hunter's cock just had to be tended to, now a whopping fourteen inches.... Giselle's officially had almost twenty kids from our detrans son, and she feeds him like a pig. He's well on his way to 400lbs. She smacks his belly and plays with his body, utterly craving it, we can tell Giselle loves making Hunter fatter by the day and brags aout the feeling of his weight and big belly against her as they fuck. We aren't mad that Giselle made our Holly detransition, we're just disappointed she didn't put up a bit of a fight--nope! She just rolled over, dropped the feminine body she worked so hard for and let herself become an over-fattened bull who only exists to keep Giselle the cow pumped full of cum. No more interest in style, being pretty, fashion, looking her best. Nope! His only interests now are sex, masturbation, and cramming as much food down his throat as possible..... He's so submissive and dumb you can tell he's actually still a girl deep down. Totally hopeless. But we'll still love him no matter how fat or depraved he gets."
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therapy-ghost · 1 year
I had to ask my dad cause I keep forgetting it.😭😭 He said it was Asperger’s but a news article said it’s an offensive term so I don’t know what it’s called and neither does he. (I finished asking but I googled what the new term was, and it’s Asd I think. Google didn’t explain it well😫)
But the request is Reader is dating Freddy Freeman, but like is low-key obsessed with his alter ego, Captain Everything. It’s all they talk about when Freddy mentions heroes. So with the help of Billy, he has Reader meet his alter ego. (Reader doesn’t know they the same person, if it’s not clear) Just a lot of fluff cause I love Freddy so muchhhjjjjjh
Hello again! I was wondering when you were going to be back and what type of writing you wanted and this is not what i was expecting(in the best way possible)!!! Warnings; meantion Autism(Im sorry if ive depicted it wrong in anywayT-T), swearing, im hoping no OOC, longer then usual one shot... and tell me if theres anymore warnings to add!.
GN!Reader x Freddy Freeman
From a young age; your parents, teachers and class mates saw you as strange; always bringing up that one topic that yuo would always bring up whenever you could, and sometimes it was fun, but eventually those peole started to not want to talk to you.
When you reached middle school; You had found yourself a community online that would rant about the very topic you had grown fixed on, Superheroes, thats all they would talk about.
It was your save place where you can place yourself in your own world and rant forever on who's a better hero; Superman or Batman? Obviously Batman!
but in the end you still found yourself lonely in the sea of online friends, cause well... they were online, and sometimes you would be stuck in the real world where you couldnt talk to them.
But that was untill you meet Freddy Freeman; a crutch wielding superhero maniac who instandly caught your attention(And maybe even your heart) in sciences.
And Freddy was not gonna lie when saying that you did the same.
The two of you started to hang out; most of the time with the company of Billy who always felt like he was third wheeling even if he was in a whole other building.
Eventually you two had asked each other out on the very same date and proceeded to believe you had a psychic connection; Match made in heaven to be more accurate.
And right now; after 3 months of you to being officially a thing, were laying on the floor of him and Billy's shared room ranting about hero's, like you always did.
"-Come on! he's dark, mysterious, most likely rich, and has a most of gotham and maybe even the whole world fearing him; you cant say that superman in better then Batman when every villain and civilian knows what his weakness is but doesnt even know where the heck batman is majority of the time" You argued with Freddy, who laughed at your statement and nodded a bit.
"Ok you have a point; but Superman in the man of steel, and whats batman? A depressed man in an emo cosplay that scares people by being a furry-" Freddy's statement made you gasp and hit him on the arm.
"How Dare You!" You playfully yelled; Freddy laughed at this.
"Fine; next is... Shazam or Captain Everypower?" Freddy asked, sounding a bit more excited aout this one then the others.
"Oh come on, am I a fucking joke to you; Captain Everypower all the way!" You cheered abit, sitting up, which Freddy followed along with doing.
"A-And why is that?" He asked in a nervous manner, which you didnt notice, all you did was stand up and get really excited.
"He's funny, he's powerful, he's decent on the officiency level, he's quick with his job, he puts people before himself; and like, you Shazam does the same thing but whats sets them apart is that Captain Everypower is just so much better looking" you made a fainting motion at the end of your rant.
Freddy's excitment in your statement went unnoticed by you once again as he nervously figgeted in place.
"-And it would be so cool to meet him! I bet it feel like a dream to be around him! And to touch his skin; Ive always wondered what bullet proff skin feels like!" You fanned over captain everything "Wouldnt it?" You sat back up and got really close to Freddy, who was panicking on what to say.
"O-Oh you, he's a r-really cool guy; met him a few times, great guy-"
"Does This Mean You Know Him!" You squealed in excitement.
"Y-Yeah, we're practically best friends" Freddy lied, bullets of sweat rolled down his face as he tried to to stumble over his words to much.
"Why didnt you tell me?" You asked Freddy.
"Because h-he wanted it to be a secret; and I was like why, and he was like cause its for your safety" Freedy shakely explained.
"But Why now?" You kepted asking questions to get the answers you needed.
"um....Be-because... He has agreed t-to meet...you" He lied through his teeth, only digging his own grave of regrets more.
You froze, shocked as to what he was say but to stunned to see through his semi-lies.
Um.. are you-"
"Oh My Gosh! Freddy! Thank You! You Are So Cool!" You cheered, jumping at him to get a big hug.
"n-no problem"
"When do I get to meet him? where? what time?" you asked frantically.
"Uhhh... tomorrow, after school, the convenience store down the street; O-of course if h-he's free that is" Freddy shakely answered; making you stand back up and cheer in glee.
"Oh I cant wait: I need to head home but I will see you tomorrow!" And with that you rushed out of the house.
"Wow, that was something" Billy walked over and leaned on the door frame, watching as Freddy panicked.
"What the fuck have I gotten myself into.... Can you help me?"
"Nope" Billy said
The next day you basically floated down the hall you were so happy; and it was very clear to both Billy and Freddy as to how excited you were.
"How did you get me in this plan again?" Billy asked.
"Cause you care for me and I care for the fact that Captain Everypower has a super fan that is hot" Freddy whisper yelled to Billy, who sighed.
"Fine: so the plan is that distract superfan while you get out of school and ready for the little rendez-vous?" Billy asked, making Freddy nodded as the bell rang for the last class of the day.
They nodded to each other and walked off.
The bell hadnt even rang and you were running out of class, to excited to meet Captain Everypower.
You rushed down the hall and to the front door, but before you could get off school grounds, Billy Baston appeared infront of you.
"Hey... um...." Billy hadnt though of a distraction.
"Oh Hi Billy" You Happily said"Whats up?"
"Um...whats got you so smiley?" He asked as he watched behind you as Freddy walked off school grounds as quickly as possible.
"Im going off to meet Captain Everypower" You said with pride, making Billy fake a surprised expression.
“Wow, thats really cool-“ Billy nodded.
“Yeah! well, i have to get going! Bye!” you cheered as you almost bolted off.
“W-wait! Um, Freddy wanted me to tell you that he is unable to make it to the meet up you are having” Billy covered up, panicking a bit more at you excitement.
“Oh, why?”
‘Shit!’ Billy mentally cursed.
“Well, um, he’s-“
“He’s helping me with a projected in art” Darla came butting in the save the day, leaving Billy in relief.
“Oh well, tell him ill see him later; Bye you too” You then ran off; leaving Billy to really let out a sigh of relief and walk home with Darla.
You waited patiently by the convenience store, waiting the arrival of Captain Everypower in his bright blue super-suit and curly hair that reminded you of Freddy’s in a way.
You were almost jumping down the street at how exhilarated you are for this encounter with the hero and types of questions you would attack the hero with; where did he get his powers? What’s the suit made of? What’s it like to fly? What its-
Your thoughts were interrupted by wind crashing down behind you, you turned yourself to see a very frantic looking Captain everypower.
He looked around a few times before spotting you, then straight into himself out.
“Evening citizen” He said, putting his hands on his hips as he broaden his shoulders.
You were gonna faint at how cool this was.
“I heard from my very good friend, Freddy Freeman, that you, my friend, are a fan of me” He confidently walked over, but not with out stumbling a bit; which concerned you.
“Are you ok? You look tired; Do you need to site down?” You frantically asked.
"O-oh yeah, just was off saving the day and s-stuff before coming here" He waved you off, but his responce excited you.
"What type of 'saving the day'?" You asked, almost jumping at him in curiousity of the question.
"Well, some man tried to steal a womans bag and i stopped it, sent him to jail" He proundly said, making you fan over his actions.
"You are so cool!" You yelled out.
These conversations went on for the next 20 minutes; talking about cool superhero stuff and the best ways to take out villains.
But sadly he had to go, and so did you.
So he bid his good bye and flew off, leaving you as a stuttering mess of excitment and the fact that you believed that it was all a dream.
You made your way to Victor and Rosa's place in a dreamed dazed at meeting captain everything, skipping and humming to yourself with a big smile playing on your lips.
You knocked on the door and Victor answered.
"Hi, Freddy's just up stairs if you need him" He stepped out of the way as you nodded, making you way up the stairs of the home and into Billy and Freddy's shared room.
Freddy was laying on his bed, looking tired as he mumbeled to himself about something when you walked in.
YOu threw yourself down beside him, which obviously made him jump.
You hugged his waist tightly; "Thank you thank you thank you so much" You said, kissing his cheek as he becomes very embarrsed.
"N-no problem... I bet he enjoyed his time with you very much" Freddy said, pulling you close as Darla and Billy watched from the door way.
Thank you so much for the request and your patience, I really hope you all enjoyed it.
If their is any request you want the fit onto my request list then pleasse dont fear to send it in.
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blackllghtshadow · 8 months
Could I have a fluff, maybe with Karl Heisenberg?
Maybe you can write Karl Heisenberg is working at his factory and the reader gets hurt in his factory and he takes care of the injury?
So this is my first request, yey hope you like it.
The injenier's way to treat a injury
Warning: +18, descriptive, a bit of fluff, it talks aout injuries so if you are soft, dont read this.
It's been sometime since you moved from Dimitrescu Castle to Karl’s Factory, the place was large and a lot of times you were staring at all the body’s that were moving around the factory being carried by large machines to become what Karl calls Soldat's, your work at the factory was getting new body’s for Karl to transform so his “little” plan of making an army would be successful.
This day is not different from the others, you stand there watching as the machines in the fabric work on transforming the corpses to undead soldiers, As you stand there watching transfixed on it, you hear the gears turn and the corpses being dragged through the place, after what seems an eternity you snap out of the sight and make quick work of laying the new corpses you got in one of the machines,As you were doing so, your eye catches in one of the undead guards that Karl has walking around, its body grotesque with all the changes that Karl did to it, you stop your work looking as the undead guard walks around the place seemingly without direction, sometimes you wonder how is it that they don't malfunction or something, you stare at the undead corpse when suddenly the undead soldier turns its head to you, you freeze at the sight, its eyes are lifeless but its movement’s are so light, like if it were alive, you step back at the sight as it start to move towards you, the smell was also a problem, the stench making you want to turn and barf, your brain screaming for you to turn and run out of the place, but the fear has you stuck in place, you stare at it like an idiot as it gets so close that you can see every detail on the thing, after 10 minutes the Soldat finally moves away, your heart was hammering in your chest, and you couldn’t blink, you turn to walk out of the place to get some fresh air, but instead you slam head first to a metal beam, you step back still processing, as you step back you bump your shoulder to another Metal beam and then fall hard on your ass, as you go back to your senses, you hiss at a sharp pain that runs through your shoulder, at that moment you hear Karl’s voice, “What is all that noice?” As you look to one of the corridors, you see Karl walking confidently towards you.
You don't know what he's thinking, he removes his sunglasses as he gets a good look at you sitting on the floor, he has the urge to laugh but that is, till he notices the red color that seeps through your white shirt, in two long strides he is next you, crouching to be at your level, “what happened?” he said coldly, like trying to control his anger, why was he so angry all the sudden? you thought to yourself, he picks you up and carries you to his office, after sitting you on his chair, he grabs your shirt and reaps the fabric like if it were nothing, “fuck” he curses under is breath as he looks at your damaged shoulder, he turns pacing around the room, looking around like a madman, your shirt hangs at a funny angle on your body, you look down at your body and that is when you realize that your breasts were out to say hello to the world, you blush covering your chest area, holding your breath at the pain that couses moving your arm, Karl comes back in the office, power walking tward’s you, he growls as he sees you moving your arm, Don't move It he growls at you, you never seen him like that, you always saw him so relaxed, he takes you arm careful to not juzzle the injury, he doesn't look at your exposed chest or at your blushing face, he seems to only have eyes for the wound, you feel the air thicken and suddenly a peace of metal comes floating from a corner and uses a lighter to make the metal go red, you swallow when you see him do that, “there are other ways to prevent infection on a injury” you rush to say, he looks at you and a deep growl comes from deep his chest, it seems he is going to burn your flesh, he reaps a peace of fabric and stuffes it in your mouth, he tie’s you to the chair as you shake your head your eyes pleading for him to think of other ways, “there is no other way sunshine” he whispers, his eyes pained, with that he presses the burning iron on your wound and your eyes wide at the stabbing pain, you head goes back, slaming your head hard to the wall, you scream for dear life but your screams are muffled, tears run down your cheeks, after a moment everything goes black, suddenly find yourself blinking your eyes open, you are in Karl's arms, he is rocking you like a father would to its child, “I’m so sorry” he whispers as you have the urge to throatpunshing him because he overstepped a line, you glare at him growling ready to kick his ass for what he did. “You need to rest” he says unbothered by your dead gaze on him, you just get up and after killing him 20 times with your gaze you walk to your room to rest.
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starry-blue-echoes · 2 years
Au where echos act 0 isn't like knee height but like. Normal egg sized. Koichi gets to yeet as a treat.
This also eventually translates to him having a wicked throwing arm and precise aim.
okay so this kinda blew up in the DMs and at first I was going to take screenshots and put them here but then the joke kept getting longer with more pieces so now I’m just going to share the highlights-
so as mentioned, Act 0 is now the size of a regular egg, but there are also 12 eggs and they have a carton :D
the Eggchoes are essentially indestructible, and Koichi has one hell of a throwing arm
when Kobayashi attacks Koichi's family, instead of awakening any power Koichi panics, throws one of the eggs and knocks the guy out
Sheer Heart Attack gets dented and Kira also gets pelted with eggs
the eggs can technically hatch, but each egg hatches into a different Act and they're Really Really Small
Koichi ends up being given one of those really high power slingshots specially made by the Foundation. Sometimes he uses it to launch the hatched Echoes into the air because they think it's really fun
Koichi doesn't tell Jotaro what's going on in Italy because the man deserves a break, but is accidentally pretty ominous aout it and when Jotaro asks how things are going he just says "don't worry about the kid, I've got everything handled," and then when Rome happens Jotaro is just booking it over
Mista and Koichi bonding and the Echoes and Pistols becoming close friends-
the Echoes and Eggchoes are revealed on the boat after Giorno leaves with Mista because the little guys were getting restless, and Koichi accidentally drops the bomb that is "oh, I was a passerby when I was 15 and sorta almost died when the arrow shot me. My Stand User friend saved me, and as a result my soul kinda shattered into fragments which became Echoes :D" which they..... really don't know what to say and also Bucciarati is suddenly a lot more worried for Mista
It's Tough Being A Single Mother Of Twelve When You're A Teenage Boy
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docholligay · 6 months
tumblr is being difficult in new and exciting ways today (can't see any posts on mobile and can't reply to any posts on desktop) but I just wanted to say thank YOU for the Bojack essays!! I always really love getting to see you talk about things you're passionate about, and you did such a beautiful job of breaking down how raw that episode is, the ways that it highlights how messy death and grief can be. the gut-punch of: your dying mother doesn't see you, but this random teenager at the Jack in the Box does. augh. now I've got to go rewatch it!
I'm so glad you liked it! It is such a great episode, and all the little details of it kill me every time. I have no idea how many times I've seen it, but enough that i can recite parts of it.
And yes! One of the things that i think is so good and tragic about the episode--and I can't remember if I said this--is that he comes back to AGREEING WITH HIS FUCKING FATHER, saying that it's good his mom taught him that no one was looking out for him, and there never was, and there never will be.
And, not a few minutes before, he was talking about this teenager, giving him a free churro. She had the power to do absolutely nothing at all, and yet she extended this tiny act of grace toward him, something her manager probably wouldn't even approve of, and he can't see that as some fucking statement at the divine nature of humanity, and how we DO for each other, face to face, and that's the fucking...beauty of the world. Sure, your mom wasn't there for you. That's plenty of people's fucking story. But, you focus so much on what was done TO YOU, that you can never see the things that are done FOR YOU.
There would be people there for you, if you weren't so bound and determined to poison the fucking well every day of your life.
Anyway, yes, I have a lot of feelings aout this episode ahaha
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crumboat · 2 months
Tell me the nonsense!
yeah ok
(Tw, wilbur soot mention under the cut, its only as a character, and does not discuss his ... behavior.. to put it lightly, as a cc)
so like, ive been reading this one fic and its an sbi fic (mc rpf, including Ph1lza, Tommyinnit, Technoblade, and Wilbur Soot)
(Heres a link, if you wanna read it w/o spoilers, also check the tags, i havent mentioned everything, just like, importent plot points <3
And its a royalty au
And and and! Uhm its about tommy being the prince next in line (bc wil ran away on his corrination, and tech was a general in war) and the stress that came with it and how it shaped his personality
Bc he felt incredibly abandoned when 1. His mom died, 2. Will left weeks later, 3. Techno had to leave bc War or something idc, and 4. Phil, his dad, got UBER sick and tommy had to take care of the king's duties at FOURTEEN or twelve, i dont 'member
Then! Like 3 years later, phil is fine( the sickness lasted like...2 weeks) but hes distant ever since his wifes death, and wilbur returns but he like, thought everything would return to normal so he got pissy when tom was like. Pissed at him for leaveing. For 3 years. so now Wils a bitch whos like, trying to get a reaction out of tommy (to the point of public humiliation, and purposely treating ranboo(well get to that) really nice amd calling him 'brother' while treating tom like shit )
And then,,, uh his family replaces him ( they bring in ranboo(whos a commoner- which pisses off tom bc hes unintentionally SUPER disrespectful) and over the course of the fic treat him MUCH better than they treat tommy) so his like 'fuck that' and becomes besties w a foreign prince- dream.
Now dream was great, and he helped tommy, and they called eachother brothers!! But it turns out- dream was fae. And now tommy feels betrayed (idk it was a lot more nueanced than that) bc he had like, spied on him and whatever while in animal form.
There was some section where wil like, snaps out of assholeery bc tommy snaps and throws something at him and idk makes him scared) so now wils nice ig
Sorry this fic is really long (like 40 chapters) and idk how to express how much i love something other than info dumping
Ok so, then wil, tommy, and fundy(wils kid- turns out he got hitched while he was gone for those 3 years- with a commoner which is- like not great for his reputation and is partially why he is not the crown prince anymore) all go on a carriage for Diplomatic Reasons (idk i think theyre visiting a diff kingdom) and they get stuck in a snowstorm in a small town. They end up staying w some old cowgirl in her lil cottage (shes actually like, a proper farmer she takes no shit and is built like a bull) and so tommy learns common people manners <33 its really fun cuz hes undercover as a commoner bc they didnt want to get assassinated <33
Idk i really love the fic so far<333 tahts aout how far i got
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ourlittleforever · 1 year
today is kind of Bad and I am thinking aout Caleb. I miss him lots.
I bet he'd give such good hugs. He'd hold me tight and in that low, gruff voice, tell me everything is gonna be okay, puppy, you're safe, I've got you. he's so tender with me. so gentle, so loving, my protector.
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creatures01lover · 2 years
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That was a perfect halloween
michael myers x reader mndi/ all characters are over 21
For as long as I can remember I have always loved Halloween, of course I don't get as excited about it anymore, but I still loved the date and it was exciting to think about what I would do and how I would dress up.
When I moved out of my parents' house, I moved to Haddonfield. I had always heard from other people that it was the most "exciting" place to be at that time of year so I guess that, I also got a little job that helped me pay for my stuff, good thing I made some friends and got to enjoy my halloween with them.
today would be the first time I would celebrate halloween here so I was very excited to get back to doing all the activities I had planned, I had even picked out a cute but sexy costume, I had planned to go out partying, maybe go drinking and dancing and come home late as usual, what I didn't count on was that I would be imprisoned.
I was getting ready and finished preparing what I needed for my costume.
I chose a Little Red Riding Hood costume, I was finishing putting on the heels I would wear, they were very nice heels I had just bought, naturally I would have worn something lower but my friends told me I couldn't, so I listened to them.
When I finished getting ready, I saw that I had received a message from my friends, so I opened it, it was a message they were aout of my house
I heard the car horn and excitedly left my room while I grabbed the basket that complemented my costume. I got to the door, grabbed the keys and went out. I ran to the car as I waved to them. "Ready to go?" she said "obviously, I'm ready for anything". and with that we left on the way to the party we were talking about anything, until one of my friends mentioned that hopefully this halloween wouldn't be ruined like it used to happen in the past years, I didn't understand anything, why would it be ruined? they kept tallking about it and i could hear them mention something about a serial killer I decided to ignore the topic and when we finally arrived at the house where the party was, I didn't know many people from the party but that didn't matter, I was there to have fun.
I went to get a drink to start the party, I was dancing with a lot of people but none of them called my attention enough, I don't remember how many beers or glasses I had, but I got bored so I decided to go back alone, I said goodbye and left.
On my way back I ran into a man who had a burnt white mask and a mechanic suit that seemed to be stained with blood, he looked like a tall and strong man but at the distance I was from him I could not be sure of anything, I heard a noise at my side so I turned to look but I saw nothing so I returned my gaze to the front and there was no longer that guy. I soon reached the front door of my house and while I was looking for the keys in the small basket I was carrying, I felt someone's gaze on my back and I started to get nervous, when I found the keys I quickly opened the door and entered, when I turned to close the door, I ran into the guy I had seen before, before I could close the door completely he forced his way in while he grabbed me by the arm and pushed me inside, while struggling I realized he had a knife in his other hand.
I was going to die, I was too young to die, I had not lived anything until now, as I could I let go of his grip and ran in the direction of the kitchen I could not let him hurt me, I took a knife and turned in the direction of the door.
I didn't hear anything or see anyone so I calmed down and that's when i felt something hit my back and when I hit the floor I let go of the knife and it slid away from me, soon I felt a hand grab me by the neck and pushed me to the ground, I could only feel the way his knees pined my legs while keeping them separated, it was scary and i didnt wanted to be there, this shouldnt be the way I die so the only solution was to try and free myself from him but how.
i was trembling what was he gonna do, I was sudenly suprised by the feeling of a hand trailing from de base of my neck down my back and the way it reached the edge of the skirt and how it slipped under it, I could feel how his hands would grop my ass roughly. what was his plan, this maked no sense to me
suddenly he flipped me on my back with keeping hold of my both wrist, he pulled my underware down with force that´s when i panicked and tried kcking him of me, he dodged all of them and pinned them to my chest, I could see his eyes trough the holes of the mask and noticed the way they had darkened, he had blue eyes.
he ripped part of the lace that was in the costume to tie my wrists, so he could use both of his hands, he kept my legs pinned close to my torso,
I could feel his gaze on me I started to move, it was getting too uncomfortable to bear, but it seemed to bother him which only made him hug me tighter and I could feel his hand grabbing my thighs, pontro let go of me and I could notice how he started to unbutton the mechanic overalls he was wearing, it seemed that underneath he only had a white t-shirt that fit him I could notice the muscles as it stuck to his body when he moved.
I soon saw how he lowered his overalls to his hips, I could notice how his erection was marked on the fabric of the boxer he was wearing, I couldn't help but think about how it would feel when that went in if it did, wait what the fuck am I thinking, I shouldn't feel good, I shook my head to get those thoughts out of my mind.
I had to avoid this or I would remember it for the rest of my life, something could happen to me, nothing assured me that it wouldn't kill me after it finished with all this, so I decided that if I couldn't do anything I had to scream it was the only and last option.
I screamed or at least for a moment he heard me and as fast as he could he covered my mouth, he knew it would be a problem, so he took his knife and directed it towards my throat, a few millimeters from my throat he was threatening me so I decided it was better to wait.
so he roughly turned me around this time I had my face to the floor and my hips up, he spread my legs apart with his knee roughly as he accommodated me to his liking, I soon felt the tip of his member at my entrance and he suddenly he bottomed in one motion,
I could feel his gaze on me I started to move, it was getting too uncomfortable to bear, but it seemed to bother him which only made him hug me tighter and I could feel his hand grabbing my thighs, pontro let go of me and I could notice how he started to unbutton the mechanic overalls he was wearing, it seemed that underneath he only had a white t-shirt that fit him I could notice the muscles as it stuck to his body when he moved.
I soon saw how he lowered his overalls to his hips, I could notice how his erection was marked on the fabric of the boxer he was wearing, I couldn't help but think about how it would feel when that went in if it did, wait what the fuck am I thinking, I shouldn't feel good, I shook my head to get those thoughts out of my mind.
I had to avoid this or I would remember it for the rest of my life, something could happen to me, nothing assured me that it wouldn't kill me after it finished with all this, so I decided that if I couldn't do anything I had to scream it was the only and last option.
I screamed or at least for a moment he heard me and as fast as he could he covered my mouth, he knew it would be a problem, so he took his knife and directed it towards my throat, a few millimeters from my throat he was threatening me so I decided it was better to wait.
so he roughly turned me around this time I had my face to the floor and my hips up, he spread my legs apart with his knee roughly as he accommodated me to his liking, I soon felt the tip of his member at my entrance and how I didn't even have time to get used to its size because as soon as it crossed the tightest part of me it started to move as it pleased, in an abrupt and strong way, I felt how it stretched me, it was too much, but it felt so good, it was a mixture of pleasure and pain that I couldn't describe and as soon as everything started, the pain diminished until I only felt pleasure, it felt very good, too good.
he was jackhammering his hips against mine in a brutal pace, he reached so deep, thats what it took, i was a moaning mess way too soon, his dick reached all the good spot inside me and it was so long and thick that i felt so full with him inside me, i started feeling the pool of pleasure that formed in the pit of my stomach , i could feel myself start to clench around him, i was gonna cum, wanted to cum so so bad, but before i could do it, he stoped and changed positions this time. i was faceing him in a mating press and without slipping out he started his rough pace again, and again that knot started forming again, i was cockdumb, and oh it felt good, by this point all that came out of my mouth mas moans and whines, everything i said came out slurred
"s´good, please dont stop" i was having the time of my life, and just like that he was rearranging my insides, but i needed more i was so close again "harder please harder" and just like that he started fucking me imposibly harder, it only took a few more thrusts for me to cum so hard on his dick, mi gummy walls clenched around him, i felt how he came filling me up with his cum.
he pulled out and picked me up in his arms while i was trying to calm down my breathing "that was good mikey, thank you" i snuggeled in his chest, he was going upstairs, "i just want to sleep right now, lets just go to bed love"
yep, michael myers was my boyfriend, and i came up with this idea, i meeted him after 2 month here, but thats not the storie for today
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its fitting its kirby day cause today my animation on youtube reached 1k views <3 i really dont have the words to describe how thankful i am~
anyhow some sketches i got and bits from my curretn wip video essay (im more then halfway through my initial draft!!!) the fic "being a knight is easy" by @/azzie_tangerine under the cut
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anyway i wanna talk more about my process on my curretn wip, bassically to make iteasier on me i diecided to just do a re-read taking notes of litterally whatever comes to mind along the way, some of it is complete unrelated nonsense, some of it is just noting a specefic thing i liked, some are vague start ups for something to think more into, and others are more fledged out paragarpahs of anaylsysis, bassically i was just typing in the notes app but now im switching to google docs cause it keeps lagging sdafnksd anyway once i finihs the main first draft then ill start working on organizing everything and cutting out the side rambles, after its more organized i can work on more actual anaylsisi writing, decideding when an excerpt or quote is needed or not and actually making it a script, im not sure how many drafts ill have
anyway, heres the snippets ive found that are more comprehensive
"we've reveiewed hw the battles are written this one is very different as kriby is feeling confident now but there is a snippet of text in it i want to bring to attention
"Fluff said it was okay to be forgetful, it was a part of him. And sometimes, accepting something won’t work is better than trying to force it… right?"
i would like to note the word acceptance and the phrase "it was a part of him" sense are other protag has a part of him he needs to accept, its small and aubtle but it really neat how are 2 povs segments are so intertwined" (note on battle scene in chapter 15)
"okay also this part is very much a me thing but i really want to point it out because it would be a fun scene to adapt to a visual medium, probably animation rather than comic but i love a challenge but there's a scene or two where metaknight talks about knight stuff to kirby while they like, go through different stances, the point is it would be super fucking fun to adapt to animation, if i do ever adapt this fic as a comic or something than i do thing the dialogue of this scene would probably be one with more changes sense in a written medium this had more writing to like, start the scene where as in a visual format it would be more seamless for the act to have less words to start it and expand and shorten some parts of meta's dialogue to match with the comic flow, as word bubbles are very much a part of comic art" ( i didnt note what chapter it was form god damn im gonna have a lot of editing to do later)
"i think one thing this whole fic does really well BUT ESSPECIALLY helps scenes that need more tension in them is the variety in length of paragraphs, okay i really hate when people complain about fanfics without paragraph gaps cause like, i get it the writer is just tryin to get their ideas down and share them and honestly fuck it i know im in the minority here but ive always found that often these fanfics arent at all bad because i can feel that the author cares aout it and had an idea and all that, BUT.... i do think that paragraph gaps are a storytelling tool on their own. its like an extremely watered down version of panel layouts, emphasis on extremely watered down because panel layouts are a LOT like a LOT a LOT, so much more than some people realize but it has a similar effect in the sense that it impacts the sense of the passage of the time and it creates a sense of rhythm but most of all it can create emotion and communicate through the empty space" (on the first battle scene i think)
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mrfelixfischoeder · 1 year
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Ship Name: Sweet Tooth Love Language: Physical Touch (Olena & Toki), Words of Affirmation (Olena)
more info under the cut!
When Toki and Olena met, they were kind of drawn to each other naturally - as friends at first. Quiet ones, that live in the guitarists' shadows. It was so easy for Toki to talk and talk to Olena, and she liked having the gentle aura around her. She fell first, hard, but Toki was blissfully ignorant to her feelings.
Olena actually hits on Toki a lot, but he is aware their contract says no fucking - so he thinks she's just being nice. But hey! They have a lot of fun together anyway, and Olena never really holds it against him.
However, Toki always has had some sort of feelings for her. It all comes to a head when they're on one of their many outings (they take a lot, no one ever notices they're gone; it's a gag in season 3). Olena expresses interest, again, in him and he suddenly decides: screw it. And they start dating secretly. They've been together longer than any of the other in the gang.
It's a mixture of mothering Toki and also being his soft equal; I dont think he ever expects her to mother him (and he seeks that out in Cal anyway), so it's nice to not have any expectations? He makes her happy!! It's so unusual for her.
They test the waters of sitting close to each other all the time. Holding hands, and they start just being unstubtle because usually, no one pays attention to them. Charles is miffed, but lets it all happen cause it could be a lot worse. It becomes the norm for Toki and Olena to be attached at the hip.
During Doomstar Requiem, when Toki gets kidnapped, Olena goes rogue and disappears to hunt him down. She's known to haunt the streets, kidnapping many Revengencers to gain information. She meets up only with Charles in this time to feed back what little info she can get - and helps Nathan, Pickles and Murderface through the crowds and hold off the Masked Assassin (with Calypso) while they find Toki and Abigail.
Toki has very few worries in the relationship. Thinks they'll get married, have 4 kids, it'll all go FINE! Cause it HAS to. because his curse can't take her. She's perfect. And to be honest, Olena so far hasn't died, though there's a lot of close calls. And she's reacted to her own childhood trauma by thinking she's not worth anything that ISNT given to her by specific people (her parents, Zorya, and Ursula after trusting her). She thinks their relationship isn't worth thinking aout the long run. But, hey, it's lasting now. It's lasting again. It's lasting forever. (a phrase she and Toki start using consistently whenever she admits she's having anxiety).
And it does last. They get married immediately after aotd.
Olena takes him to raves, but he can get overstimulated so tends to follow her around with silenced headphones on. She's living her best life tho and he likes that and likes holding her hand and dancing with her.
template made me rosenkow but has deactivated - here is a reblog with all the template options!
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