#i think full orcs would split them in half but who knows
eff-plays · 6 months
*tosses a few numbers for that Tav ask meme* 1, 13, 27, 40, 70!
Thank you Nonny I love you ❤
Why did you pick the race you did for your Tav?
Tieflings are by far my favorite race in D&D, followed by aasimar and genasi. There was no other option tbh. I love anything that's half-monstrous but still humanoid enough to let me relate to it on a fundamental level (I can't play dragonborn even though I love how they look, cuz to me that's just a lizard unforch and I find it hard to "humanize" them in my mind? I know it's a weird problem to have but I have it). Anything with horns, tails, claws, fangs, weird eyes ... I just love them!
How does your Tav fight in a combat situation?
Generally, Hira keeps to the sidelines or the back, preferably on higher ground, in order to have better control over the battlefield. They use crowd control and AoE type spells, and buff and debuff as needed. Once they multiclass into pally, they are more comfortable getting up close and personal, but still generally hold a support/protection role instead of being the main melee damage-dealer.
What is their sense of humor like?
This video. And also this video. They flipflop between trying to make others laugh at their own expense and being casually mean for their own amusement.
What is the biggest mistake your Tav ever made?
I don't know if they've made one big mistake tbh, but rather they keep continuously making the same small mistake of lying to others for no reason and never trusting anyone or letting themself get emotionally vulnerable. It's more of a death by a thousand cuts type deal :') If I had to pick one, though, it's probably choosing to spare their sister when not doing that would've kept them in their family and probably entirely changed the trajectory of their life. Whether that's a mistake or not is debatable.
(Free Spot: Ask any question you’d like!)
Gonna use this as a "put any random fact in here". Umm ... Hira is pansexual and has three "types": small, smart women who can beat your ass (gnomes, dwarves, halflings), beautiful and breedable men (elves, humans, tieflings, genasi) and finally: Large TM (anyone big enough, but generally orcs and dragonborn go here). They also have a general ranking of which races are best in bed -- orcs at the top, elves (mainly high elves and drow) at the bottom 😌
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khajiitsly · 1 month
Here is the full text of the character introduction filler to my story! Expect the beginning of the story soon!
no cw immediately but remember to check if anything is triggering! let me know if there is anything i can do better!
The low-lit dwarven architecture of Vlindrel Hall comes alive with the crackles of the fire in the hearth, illuminating the Orc tending to it. His pale green skin glows gold with the light as he stokes the flame, and sets out more firewood. He moves the large logs with ease, splitting them by hand to the size he desires. As he stands back up, he towers over the Argonian that came to warm himself.
“Thank you for this,” the lizard was clear, yet soft-spoken. “And thank you for letting us stay here after that fight with the Forsworn.”
“Of course, little one, make yourself comfortable.” His voice was rough in comparison, deep and gravelly, though his tone was sweet and affectionate. He moves back to the dining table to finish clearing off used silverware. He looks over to the Khajiit in the corner of the room, and the Breton sitting at the table.
“This one is all good, Khajiit has everything he needs.” he purrs, cleaning the jagged, bloodstained sword he holds in his paws. The rag he uses is old, but cleans the blade like new, making the dark colors of the Daedric markings shine as if they just came from the planes of Oblivion.
“I don’t suppose you have human meat for a snack, now do you?” jokes the Breton. The Orc turns to stare at the snickering vampire. “Oh. I suppose you do. Even I try to push that out of my memory.”
The Orc huffs, and moves to the other room. The Khajiit, setting down his shiny sword, stands to join the Argonian by the fire, stretching out his back and arms as he does so.
“This one forgets how cold-blooded you Saxhleel are, this one is sure the colds of Skyrim cannot be pleasant. Your outfit is warm enough, yes? Sly cannot provide his own coat, no, but you should have plenty of padding in those, how you say, head mage clothes?”
“My Arch-mage clothes are plenty warm for the battlefield, but I guess these linens are a little light, the stone here makes this building very cold.” the lizard adjusts his light shirt, noticing how cold he really is.
“This one understands, do not worry. Scouts gets very cuddly at night during Dawnstar’s cold nights. The lizard understands, no?” Sly continues before the marsh-walker can answer, “Khajiit have thick fur to keep this one warm, and those close by. Those feathers do not provide much warmth, perhaps.”
The Breton, watching and listening to this conversation, juts in, “Leave the kid alone, not everyone was born in a desert. Throw the two of you into a lake, and Han-Jei here will swim out easily. You’ll look like a wet mop!”
“This one believes the knife-ear should stay quiet, unless you want Sly to open a window and let some sun in!” Sly spits at the half-elf.
The Breton laughs off the insult, “Your tongue is sharp in Tamrielic, and Dragon tongue! No wonder you’ve spoken your way out of many fights.” He stands to join his friends by the fire, enjoying the calming warmth his vampiric blood lacks. The fire burns brightly, its warmth spreading across the stone room. In the light of the fire, the Breton’s pale skin glows. His deep orange left eye reflects the flames whipping the air, but not as much as his right eye, glossed over and sightless. He looks over at his companions, the white and gray cat looking at the fire, and the lizard staring straight forward.
Such an odd band, the vampire thinks, who knew a Khajiit, an Argonian, A Breton, and an Orc would all be Akatosh’s favored dragonborn? Each of us being a war hero ourselves, but together being Skyrim’s unrelenting force. With how surprised the Greybeards were, I doubt anyone could have predicted this. Sometimes I wonder if those racist Nords are upset that their saviors are all outlanders. Just as the Breton finishes his thought, Han-Jei turns to look at the doorway leading further into the home, just as the Orc returns.
“Mashkil! Need any help with anything?” The young Argonian chirps. The light of the fire creates a bright aura around the greenish lizard. The blue feathers on his head where hair would be glow in the flame as they settle back down from his movement.
The Orc, Mashkil, sighs, relaxing his huge shoulders as he approaches the three by the fire. He towers over the slim Khajiit and Argonian, being a foot taller than both of them and over double their weight in muscle alone. He’s only half a foot taller than the Breton, but it’s still enough of a difference to seem that much more threatening.
“All clean, no need.” He puts a huge, reassuring hand on the lizard's shoulder. “How’s the fire?”
“Fantastic my friend! The warmth is nice on this one’s fur. As warm as the sands of Elsweyr, thank you.” Sly pats the Orc’s hulking shoulder.
Everyone murmurs in agreement with the feline as they huddle together around the crackling flame. They stay there for a bit, enjoying the fire and each other’s company.
As the fire dwindles, they all feel their exhaustion creeping up on them. Each of them exchange yawns and tired looks as Mashkil shows them all to the spare beds he has added specifically for them to crash if need be.
While they all get ready for the night, the ever-curious Han-Jei speaks up, “Degaryan?” the Breton perks up, “Do you sleep in a coffin in your home? Does your husband sleep in the same coffin, or would it be too small?”
Degaryan looks disgruntled at the question, “I only sleep in a coffin when I am at Castle Volkihar, since that is all they have. In my home, I sleep in a normal bed with Farkas. If I am sleeping in a coffin at the Castle, Farkas is not with me. He’s warmed up to me as a vampire, but he doesn’t feel the same towards all of my kind. Werewolves and Vampires don’t always like sharing the night. Isn’t that right, Sly?”
The cat does a small snarl at the vampire from across the room. “This one will not dwell on politics, many battles have been fought because of that. Khajiit’s night business is its own concern. Hircine treats this one with kindness, can you say the same of Molag Bal?”
“Quiet down you two.” Mashkil’s booming voice rattles the furniture in the building, silencing the night-dwellers before they can continue insulting each other. “Sleep.”
Respecting the Orc’s demands, each of them retires to their bed, knowing they’ll need a good night’s rest before heading out to get a new quest. 
Their sleep is troubled. Sly tosses and turns as his beast blood keeps him from relaxing. Degaryan flinches in his sleep as repressed memories play out in his head. Han-jei shakes as the past few months introduce intrusive thoughts and self-doubt every time he closes his glossy blue eyes. The only one of them that seems to get good sleep would be Mashkil, but he never seems bothered by anything. Some of them wonder if he is even haunted by his past, or if he has any remorse for what he has done. Either way, he is a strong ally and a good friend, and all of them respect him so. Even with the lack of sleep they will get, they have to hit the road right away to keep doing their work as Dragonborn, Skyrim’s saviors.
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Wrong End of the Ithilien Stick (Legolas x Reader)
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Requested by: @elvish-sky
could i request a legolas x reader with angst- like she misheard something he said and they have a falling out- but with a happy ending?
A/N: Here you are!! Hope you enjoy :) bon appetit ☀️
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They were hopeless – completely, and utterly hopeless. Most who wished to court did so at the first few stolen glances, but not Y/n and Legolas.
Apparently, a year’s worth of peril on the road did nothing to invoke revelations. The Fellowship journey may have introduced them to one another, but it did nothing to bring them together. No, that was entirely up to them – the worst two to be left in charge of their own romantic fates.
Although, that’s not to say they entirely went their separate ways in the aftermath. Y/n had stayed behind with Legolas, in Ithilien, where they sought to restore the trees.
The whole process was full of cleared throats, deep blushes and shy smiles. Gimli, on the occasions he would visit, rolled his eyes, and groaned aloud.
“Ye still on yer dove dancing, are ye?” he taunted one day.
However, all the pair could do, was look away from one another. Y/n simply felt herself too inferior to his royal status, as to make the first move. Legolas, on the other hand, felt himself too high maintenance to even begin asking her if she minded his princely upbringing.
It was a vicious cycle, but one the four Hobbits sought to destroy, following their next visit.
“So, we are all aware of our roles?” Frodo asked, as the four friends strolled across a wooden bridge, and into the Ithilien forest.
Frodo had enjoyed the distraction, and appreciated the time away from his cooped-up desk greatly. Any chance to rid himself of the journey’s memories, was a chance he’d take.
“Aye!” Pippin confirmed. “Merry and I are tackling Y/n, and you and Sam will handle Legolas.”
“By nightfall, those two will be married!” Merry agreed, nodding resolutely.
However, stifling the Hobbits’ laughter, Y/n and Legolas appeared from nowhere – greeting them by the creek’s bank.
“Who’s getting married by nightfall?” Y/n sweetly asked, squinting under the bright morning sun.
“I don’t mind a wedding,” Legolas added on, smiling down at Y/n. “If it’s someone we know, perhaps we ought to go. Could borrow some cake?”
“I don’t think they’ll be wanting it back, somehow,” Y/n laughed, sharing the Elf’s smile.
Watching as they grinned brightly, and laughed together, the four Hobbits nervously looked at one another.
Oh, how desperately they needed their plan to work. Y/n would shrivel from mortality, before they even had a chance to marry themselves!
“Alas, we’re being rude,” Y/n dismissed, immediately moving forwards to hug all her friends. “It’s been so long since our last visit to the Shire! We’ve missed you all so much!”
“Likewise,” Sam warmly replied, hugging her tight. “We quite enjoyed the trek on over here too.”
“Oh, really?” Y/n excitedly asked, pulling back. “Legolas and I have been working on the trail leading in all year! We finally managed to grow the petunias you sent over as well.”
“That’s wonderful news,” Frodo smiled, now walking in tow with the girl and Elf, as they led them away. “So…speaking of news, has anything as of late occurred in Ithilien? Any news of courtship, perhaps?”
“From whom?” Legolas tightly asked, not at all liking Frodo’s sly connotation.
“Oh, no one in particular,” he lied, sharing a smile with the other Hobbits.
“Of course…” Legolas dismissed, nonetheless answering, as he walked through the botanical gardens. “Well, not to our knowledge, no…oh, but a wonderful pair of deer mated recently! We are expecting fawns any season now.”
“So are we,” Merry grumbled, rolling his eyes.
Having heard, with his Elven hearing, what the Hobbit said, Legolas confusedly glanced over his shoulder. Nonetheless, he merely only creased his features, before stealing a glance at Y/n. He then looked back up front, as they pressed on walking.
“Well, there is much ground to cover,” Legolas changed the topic, glancing up at the glittering trees. “We ought to start here first, so that we can make it back in time to-“
“Actually, Legolas,” Frodo interjected, coming to a halt, and causing the others to do the same, “we were thinking, on the way over here, that we ought to maybe split the group in half, so that we might finish earlier this time?”
Blinking down at the Hobbit, Y/n and Legolas knitted their brows. They then unsteadily looked between one another, before Y/n herself piped up again.
“Uh, sure…we can do that,” she said. “Any reason why, though?”
“Well, we do want to see your restoration project, and permaculture,” Merry began answering, chewing on the end of his pipe, “but, we’d prefer to spend some time with just you two as well. You know, at dinner and such. Don’t forget, we need supper as well.”
Looking between one another once more, and silently communicating, the two taller friends discreetly shrugged.
“Very well,” Legolas sighed, returning his attention to the Hobbits. “Frodo and Sam, you two can come with me. Merry and Pippin, you join Y/n. Oh, and Merry? Discard the pipe – there’s no smoking in Ithilien.”
Upholding both palms in surrender, Merry tucked the pipe away. As he and Pippin began following after Y/n, they both shared a sneaky grin with Frodo and Sam. They each all resolutely nodded at one another, before turning around to face back up front.
“Oh! Oh! Look!” Y/n excitedly pointed out.
Looking upwards, both Merry and Pippin observed a courting pair of bluebirds. They flew around one another, and landed in a little brown nest, high up in a tree.
Grinning brightly, Y/n breathed in the soft spring air.
“Oh, don’t you just love this time of year?” she wistfully sighed. “The courting animals, the romantic lighting, the little boats on the lake-“
“THAT’S IT! I CAN’T TAKE IT ANYMORE!” Merry exclaimed. He clamped his ears tight, with both hands, and squeezed his eyes shut.
“Merry?” Y/n asked in concern, swiftly turning around to observe him. “Are you alright? What’s wrong?”
“What’s wrong? What’s WRONG?” Merry seethed, finally re-meeting her eyes. “YOU ARE, Y/N, THAT’S WHAT!”
“I beg your pardon?” Y/n bit back, looking him up and down with narrowed eyes. “What did I do?”
“It’s more like what you haven’t done,” Pippin elaborated, ever-so-casually. “Actually, both you and Legolas, to be perfectly candid.”
Feeling heat rise to her cheeks, Y/n stammered over her words.
“I-I don’t understand-“ she tried to say.
“Yes, you do,” Merry interjected, using a series of hand gestures to further his point. “You like him. He likes you. It’s been like this since Rivendell – BEFORE we all set out for Mordor, mind you! Somehow, destroying that little ring was easier than getting you two to admit your feelings!”
Y/n was at a loss for words. Had it all really been that obvious?
“Yes, it really has been that obvious,” Merry piped up again, apparently having read her mind.
Slumping her shoulders, Y/n ran a hand along her face, and complained.
“This is really humiliating…” she said. “Do you think Legolas knows too?”
“Y/n, not to alarm you, but I’m pretty sure all of Arda knows,” Pippin winced.
Finding a park bench, Y/n sat herself down in a flush, and groaned.
“Well, whatever am I to do?” she asked, as her two friends each took a seat beside her. “I ought to tell him, I know that much, but I just simply cannot muster the courage.”
“Y/n, I’ve seen you slowly decapitate an orc’s head with a picnic knife,” Merry deadpanned, placing a hand on her shoulder. “I think you can handle telling your one true love how you really feel.”
Rolling her eyes at his choice of cheesy words, Y/n soon reeled them into her lap, where she picked at her thumbnail.
“Aye, that is true, but…” she pressed on, “well, look at me, guys. I’m a commoner, and no amount of true love is going to change that. He’s a prince, at the end of the day…what would everyone think?”
“What does it matter what everyone thinks?” Pippin encouraged, holding her other shoulder. “We, the Fellowship survivors, know above all else just how short life is. You can’t spend it worrying about what others will make of your happiness.”
Seeing the cogs turn in her mind, Merry squeezed her shoulder harder, and urged her to look at him.
“You love him, Y/n…you can’t delay any longer,” he said.
Chewing on the inside of her cheek, Y/n creased her brows. It was true, she loved him, more than anything else. Why should she deny herself that, based purely on what others would think?
“You know something? You’re right!” she resolutely declared. She stood upwards quickly, and squared her shoulders. “I love him, and I shouldn’t care what anyone thinks of my status! I’m going to tell him – today!”
Whooping and hollering, Merry and Pippin also both jumped to their feet. They pushed her along, as she began jogging away, to where she knew Legolas would be.
“That’s the spirit, friend!” Pippin cheered. “Go and tell him! And please make the cake red velvet at the wedding!”
Waving over her shoulder with a grin, Y/n pushed her legs faster, as to find Legolas, and finally reveal her heart to him.
~ In the botanical greenhouse, Legolas, Sam and Frodo all stood around – inspecting the many different pot plants.
“And this one is a young fern,” Legolas explained, holding a tiny plant up high. “I grew it myself from a seedling. I’m hoping it’ll soon have sprouts of its own, and raise a family, and-“
“Oh my goodness…” Sam sighed, folding his arms, and shaking his head. “You really are hopeless, you know that, right?”
“Pardon?” Legolas confusedly asked, lifting his eyes from the fern. “My apologies…if you do not like ferns, I could show you the-“
“Legolas…I think you ought to sit down for a moment,” Frodo interjected, gesturing to a wooden chair in the middle of the greenhouse.
Furrowing his brows, Legolas warily glanced between the two Hobbits. They stood in front of the chair, and folded their arms – very serious, indeed.
Slowly, Legolas made his way on over towards the chair, and sat down.
Instantly, the two Hobbits closed the greenhouse curtains all around, save for one. The only window left open served one ray of sun, which purely basked Legolas, and Legolas only, as if he were under an interrogation spotlight.
Squinting his eyes, and craning his head to move out of the light, Legolas spoke.
“Is the chair really necessary-“ he tried to say.
“Right, let’s cut to the chase,” Sam interjected, standing in front of Legolas with Frodo. “Y/n. You like her. She likes you. Now, why haven’t you courted her, and made beautiful children yet?”
Staring wide-eyed for a moment, Legolas parted his lips. However, swift in his archer’s mind, he soon sighed. Next, slumping his shoulders, Legolas responded.
“I suppose I haven’t been as discreet in my fondness as previously thought…” he mused.
“Not in the slightest,” Sam and Frodo said at once.
Twitching his lips to one side, Frodo softly stared down at his friend, and pressed on.
“Legolas…why haven’t you told her of how you feel yet?” he asked.
Lifting his eyes, and wincing them, Legolas considered his thoughts. He knew how much Y/n enjoyed her freedom, and he knew how restricting a royal life could be. He loved Y/n enough to not impose such a confining lifestyle on her – that was why he held back.
Exhaling again, Legolas knew he could no longer hide his feelings from his friends, and responded.
At the same time, just outside of the greenhouse, Y/n ran up to the door. Stumped for a moment, as to why the curtains were all drawn back, she nonetheless moved closer. However, upon hearing muffled voices on the other side, speaking of her in particular, she halted, and listened in.
“Are you jesting, Frodo? She’s a commoner,” Legolas said in frustration, shocking the girl outside. “Y/n and formalities simply do not mix. How could anyone ever love someone so different from themselves? Nay…I wouldn’t brew that situation.”
Having stumbled backwards in hurt, Y/n felt tears prick at her eyes. She raised both hands, and held them over her chest.
Before she could freely cry, she turned on her heel, and ran away. However, as she did so, she failed to hear the end of Legolas’ sentence, which defined the entire context.
“That’s why I can’t marry Y/n…she deserves better than what I could give her,” he said. “I wouldn’t wish for someone so free to be tied down to someone like me...I’m far too different from her.”
“Does Y/n not also get a say in the matter?” Frodo sincerely asked, studying his friend apologetically. “Y/n loves you, Legolas…you ought to at least give your courtship a chance, regardless of formalities.”
“Aye, Frodo is right,” Sam added on, nodding at his raven-haired friend. “You ought to at least speak to her. It can’t hurt…well, it can, but you’ll never know until you try.”
Sucking on his lower lip, Legolas knitted his brows. He considered his friends’ words, and mulled them over. It was true, he loved Y/n, and he was almost certain she him. Perhaps Frodo and Sam were right – simply talking couldn’t do much harm, could it?
Nodding his head, Legolas met the Hobbits’ eyes again.
“Aye,” he agreed at last. “You’re right, I ought to at least ask her!”
Swiftly standing, Legolas moved out from the chair, and headed towards the greenhouse door.
“We’re proud of you!” Sam cheered, giving a mighty few claps of his hands.
“Good luck,” Frodo smiled, nodding at his friend.
Nodding back once, Legolas beamed bright, and headed outside.
Having run away far enough, Y/n now trekked angrily through the forest. Her jaw was set, and her eyes burning. How could he be so nice to her face, only to say such horrible things behind her back? She cared not, for she would maintain the entire other side of Ithilien, from now on.
She, a commoner, would not dare stay with someone who cares so little for her. However, she soon heard a bright voice calling from behind. Turning around, she spotted Legolas swiftly jogging towards her.
“Y/n!” he called, wearing an excited smile.
The moment he jogged up to her, Y/n grew cold in her stance. She revered him with distrust, and anger.
This did not go unnoticed by Legolas, whose features dropped, and his mind wiped. He now sought to ensure she herself was okay.
“Are you alright?” he sincerely asked, brimming with concern.
Laughable, Y/n thought. How dare he pretend to care – right to her face as well!
“Never been better,” Y/n seethed, turning on her heel.
Stammering over his words for a minute, Legolas shook the odd mood in the air away. He followed after her, and shyly spoke – though, his words were hasty.
“There’s something I have to tell you,” he began. However, Y/n wanted none of it.
“You don’t have to tell me anything, your highness!” Y/n snapped, turning around once more, and angrily pointing at him. “I heard enough earlier.”
“You heard what I said?” Legolas repeated in horror, suddenly feeling his palms grow clammy – for more than one reason.
“Every last word,” Y/n replied, glaring across at the Elf.
Shocked by her attitude, Legolas was simply at a loss. He shook his head at the ground in confusion, and spoke.
“I-I thought you would have understood?” he said, lifting his puzzled eyes once more.
“Oh, I understand!” Y/n sarcastically started, rolling her eyes. “Just like you said yourself; how could anyone love someone so different?”
Truly hurt by her words, Legolas parted his lips. His eyes brimmed in anguish, as all his hopes were suddenly stomped on, and buried beneath the dirt.
“But…I thought that wouldn’t matter to you?” he said in a small voice.
“Yeah, well…I guess you thought wrong,” Y/n replied, scrunching her nose in disdain.
Turning on her heels, Y/n stalked away. Where she was heading? She didn’t know – all she knew, is that she could find some better and more loyal company, with just herself.
Left alone, Legolas stood in silence. What had just happened? She truly did not wish to court him, purely because of his royal status? Very well, then – he could do just as fine by himself.
Matching her anger, Legolas too stalked away, but in the opposite direction.
Sat down in the grass, and enjoying a picnic by the lake, Frodo and Sam basked in each other’s company. Merry and Pippin were off who knows where, and doing God knows what. However, all tranquillity soon came to an end, the moment a furious Y/n stomped past.
Staring between one another, and blinking in confusion, the two Hobbits quickly dropped their sandwiches. They rose swiftly, and chased after her.
“Hey! Hey, Y/n!” Frodo called, jogging to meet with her. “Have you found Legolas yet? There’s something you need to know. We spoke earlier, and-“
“Yes, I know you all talked earlier,” Y/n snapped, now recalling exactly whom Legolas spoke with before. She halted, and glared down at the two friends. “You’re all very good comrades, aren’t you? Well, if you are all such good brothers in arms, how about you go find him instead, and leave me alone?”
Noticing that she made a move to stalk away again, along the edge of the glistening lake, both Frodo and Sam confusedly looked between one another once more.
“I beg your pardon, Y/n,” Sam tentatively spoke up, watching her leave, “but I think you may have the wrong end of the stick here?”
“Oh, no, I think I have the exact right idea,” Y/n seethed, rolling her eyes. “I hope you all had a lovely time, speaking about me behind my back – and just a commoner? Really? We can’t all be from Bag End, Frodo.”
Confused, but only for a moment, the context suddenly clicked in Frodo’s mind. Racing forwards, he held Y/n’s hand, and kept her in place.
“Wait! You DEFINITELY have the wrong idea!” he exclaimed. “I know what you’re angry about, but you have to listen! He wasn’t talking about you in that regard – he was referencing his distress over taking you from your farming life, and placing you in royal formalities!”
“What are you talking about-“ Y/n had gone to say, with a yank of her hand out of his. However, Frodo’s words quickly met her mind, and ceased her tongue.
Well, now that made more sense.
Feeling a wave of shame wash over her, Y/n bared her teeth in cringe, and winced her features.
“Oh my…” was all she could say.
A little further off, but still heading towards the lake, and Legolas could be found in the same situation – however, only a few steps behind.
“You all come into our home, and plant ideas in our heads,” Legolas seethed, striding away from Merry and Pippin, “only to leave poisonous weeds instead! I don’t know what you’ve all done behind the scenes, but you’ve certainly made nothing better since your arrival!”
“Please, Legolas! Just tell us what happened!” Merry begged, struggling to keep up.
“Well, that’s just the thing, isn’t it? I don’t know!” Legolas exclaimed, rolling his eyes. “One minute, the last time I was with Y/n, mind you, and we were happy! But the second I see her again, after she spent her morning with you two, and she turns like the tide on a wintery day!”
“That just doesn’t make any sense…” Pippin whispered, creasing his brows. “When she left us, she was on her way to tell you all about how much she wished to court you, and-“
Halting in his tracks, Legolas paused. Snapping his head over his shoulder, the Elf questioned the Hobbit, who quickly clamped his mouth shut.
“What?” he pressed. “What do you mean she was coming to tell me of courting?”
Looking between one another, Merry and Pippin sheepishly bared their teeth. Figuring the cat was already out of the bag, Merry turned back first, and revealed their agenda.
“Well, we somewhat…nudged…Y/n, to tell you of her love for you,” he said. “Last time we saw her, like I said, she went to find you in the greenhouse.”
Knitting his brows, and mulling the new bouts of information over, Legolas responded through a confused shake of his head.
“But that just doesn’t make any sense,” Legolas continued. “What could have soured her perception, from her journey between you, and the greenhouse-“
The greenhouse.
Having caught his own words, Legolas immediately knew what went wrong. She had thought him to be insulting her status, and he thought her to be rejecting his.
Running a hand over his face, Legolas growled in frustration. Why must love be so hard? Surely, beyond courting, marriage and children, things would be easier, would they not? Well, Legolas wasn’t so certain he’d find out now – not unless he tracked down Y/n in time, before their rift planted roots too deep.
“I need to find her,” Legolas frantically began, looking all around himself. “I have no idea where she’d be – she could be on the other side of the forest, for all I know!”
“Uh, I don’t think so,” Merry interjected, staring behind Legolas with Pippin.
“How would you know?” Legolas confusedly asked, though, his frustration edged his tone.
“Just a hunch,” Merry said again, pointing behind the prince.
Looking over his shoulder, Legolas’ formerly hardened features softened. Y/n stood in the near distance behind him, and anxiously stared in his direction – like a deer caught in the headlights. She chewed on her lower lip nervously, and waited by the lapping water’s edge.
Catching both Frodo and Sam’s eye, Merry and Pippin each awkwardly began stepping away, as did the other two Hobbits.
“Okay, we’re just, uh…gonna go now, yeah…good luck,” Merry said, dragging his younger cousin away.
Swallowing his nerves, Legolas suddenly felt his knees buckle, and his palms grow clammy. Nonetheless, if he was old enough to court, then he was old enough to resolve relationship issues.
Breathing in a shaky breath, and releasing it through pursed lips, Legolas forced his feet across the grass, to where Y/n stood.
Feeling her own heart hammer, and sweat cling to her temples, Y/n shifted on her feet. She frequently looked between an approaching Legolas, and the lake beside her. Was love meant to be this scary? Would it always be like this? Or was this the end?
She figured she would soon find out, for the prince now stood before her.
Both said nothing. Instead, they merely stole glances, like so many times before, and looked at the rippling lake.
The sun basked them in a warm glow, and the wind blowing through the leaves nearby met their ears. Soon, however, a chilly afternoon breeze rolled through, and darkened the sky overhead.
With a shiver, Y/n wrapped her arms around her form. She rubbed up and down, as to bring the warmth back. She hadn’t been wearing a cloak that day, for she figured she needed none. This was, of course, against Legolas’ advisement earlier that morning.
Sensing her cold, Legolas finally studied her again. With a sigh past his nose, he shed his own cloak. Next, stepping forwards, and accelerating both her heartrate and his, he wrapped the green material around her shoulders.
Immediately, the cold of the world was blocked out. It even appeared as though the sun above had made a comeback – breaking through the otherwise grey clouds.
He held her shoulders, as he adjusted the cloak, and secured it over her form. Y/n watched his features, as they creased in both concentration, and consideration.
“Why would you do that?” Y/n asked, after a moment of quiet study – breaking the silence finally. “Won’t you now be cold?”
Although he did not feel the cold the same way she did, Legolas used the moment as an advantage – a hoist to deliver his most inner thoughts, in a way.
“Perhaps, but…I’d prefer you to be warm,” he said, having initially jolted at her sudden words.
“Why?” Y/n tightly asked. She knew why, but she wanted to hear him say it.
Swallowing down his nerves, Legolas slowly met her eyes. They brimmed with nerves, but also adoration – a combination of which Y/n shared. However, hers also bore eagerness, and anticipation.
“Because…” he began in a small voice, swallowing once more. “I…I, uh-“
“Yes?” Y/n whispered, leaning in closer.
Sighing, Legolas buried his nerves away, and did the most un-Elven thing possible. He swept Y/n into a tight embrace, and hugged her warmly.
Shocked for a minute, Y/n widened her eyes. However, she soon melted into his touch, and hugged him back.
“Because, I believe a partner should ensure theirs is okay,” Legolas finally revealed.
“Partner?” Y/n repeated, in a very small voice. “And by partner…you mean?”
“Someone I love dearly, and care about most ardently,” he softly replied, kissing the top of her head.
Stunned by his small gesture for a moment, butterflies fluttered in Y/n’s stomach. She then hid said nerves with humour.
“Well…that is definitely hard to misinterpret,” Y/n attempted to joke. However, her joy overwhelmed her, and she squeezed the prince harder. “If it’s any consolation, I love you too…and I’m sorry for my brash behaviour earlier.”
“Aye, I am as well,” Legolas grinned, swaying her in the sun. “So…this may perhaps be an ambitious request, but…will you court me? Royal status and all?”
“Of course,” Y/n grinned back. “But, will you court me, commoner status and all?”
Smiling brighter, and closing his eyes contently, Legolas continued on hugging the girl by the shore. He then softly answered, whilst the sun basked them both in a placid glow – perhaps a tell-tale of the many good days to come.
“Without question,” he said at last.
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erosofthepen · 3 years
Letters From Amad part. 1
Hehe, I started writing this and was going to originally end it at 3,500 words, but then I realized that the plot was super boring and dry and changed some things... I’m at 6,000 words overall so far so I split it into two parts. I hope you enjoy it.
Words: 3713
Paring: Fili x reader
Warnings: none
Tags: (these are people who just said they’d be interested i guess): @grunid, @elvish-sky, @amelia307, @moony-artnstuff, @sassyscribbler, @fizzyxcustard
The battle was won, the mountain kept safe, and the gold preserved.
Not that anyone was too worried about the gold anymore. No, Thorin had recovered well from the sickness, given the Lake-men what had been promised, and had returned the white gems of starlight to King Thranduil. Yes indeed, everything had turned out fine in the end.
More than fine for you.
The second the orcs had fled the battlefield, Fili, that beautiful lion of a dwarf took your hand, pressed a kiss to each knuckle, and asked for you to marry him. The answer couldn’t have been anything but yes.
So there you were, five months after the Battle, eating dinner with the line of Durin and talking of the wedding ceremony to come. Thorin was especially particular and picky about all the odds and ends of the event, especially since it would be the first royal wedding in Erebor in centuries. So, as he rambled on about the colors of gems and fabrics, Fili held your hand in his. At the beginning of dinner, both you and he knew that Thorin would keep you for an hour at least, talking about preparations.
It’s not as if you didn’t enjoy talking and planning your future wedding, it’s just that the actual ceremony was an entire year and a half away. Dwarrow are notorious for their long engagement period. With the event so far off, you’d just rather devote your time to being with Fili, for once not worrying about wargs or orcs or goblins or evil. Fortunately, you were saved from the conversation by Balin.
“Letters from the Blue Mountains, Thorin!” he said cheerfully, entering the room with a jolly bounce. He placed the letters in front of the mountain king before stealing a biscuit and leaving. Thorin nodded thanks, and examined the seals, a broad grin splitting his face.
“From your Amad, Lads.” Kili, who had been playing with the food on his plate, snapped into attention with wide, excited eyes.
“From Amad?!”
“Aye, here’s yours,” Thorin handed an envelope with a dark blue seal to Kili, and the young prince tore it open rapidly, reading it hungrily. Thorin then handed a letter with a matching seal to Fili, and your husband-to-be released his grip on your hand, opening his letter with the same urgency his brother had.
It was just slightly awkward for you, with each dwarrow at the table reading their respective letters, but you occupied yourself with your stew, occasionally glancing up to watch Fili’s eyes as he read. His beautiful blue eyes displayed excitement, then delight, and towards the end, longing. You had always known Fili was a mama’s boy (Or amad’s boy, in this case), and you also knew that he missed her dearly.
“She’s supposed to be leaving to come here in May!” Kili exclaimed, finishing his letter before his brother and uncle.
“Aye, next month,” Fili agreed, a smile lighting up his features. “How long do you reckon it will take for her arrival?”
“Six months, I would guess,” Thorin replied, mentally re-accounting your own journey, “Seven maybe. She’ll be with a caravan, remember. It’ll take some time for a group that size to get ore’ the Misty Mountains.”
Kili sighed, his shoulders slumping. “That’s much too long to wait.” Fili nodded in agreement at his brother's words.
“It’ll have been twenty months since we’ve seen her. A year and two-thirds.”
“Don’t worry lads, you’ll see her soon enough,” Thorin said, looking over his letter once more. “But in the meantime, I suggest you write back.” Kili scooted out of his chair, rushing out of the room with his letter clutched tightly in hand. Fili got up to follow, but then doubled back, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
“I’ll come to wish you good night,” He promised.
“I’ll expect you,” You replied. He grinned and headed out after his brother.
“So (Y/N),” Thorin began, with a tone that made you inwardly groan, “What type of cut do you think the gems on your marriage robes should have?” You suspected that you might not be back in your room in time for Fili to wish you good night.
Three months had passed since the letters had come from Lady Dís, and the mountain was busy with preparations for the arrival of a hundred and fifty or so dwarrow. It would be the first caravan of many to come.
With the attention of the kingdom now focused on the arrival of the caravan, it proved to be quite the relief to you and Fili. More of Thorin’s focus was on planning for the newcomers, and not combing over details of your wedding ceremony, which meant more time for you and Fili to enjoy yourselves. It also brought on some tasks in which Fili and Kili accomplished together.
The brothers had prepared a room for their mother in the royal wing, and had furnished and decorated it to perfection. All the furniture was made of dark walnut wood, and the rugs and drapings were dark blue in color, made from the finest fabrics that could be found. They had also set about commissioning dressmakers and robemakers to complete a new wardrobe for Dís, even though Fili knew that Dís would prefer to sew her own clothes. Still, the act showed the brother’s devotion to their Amad.
When Fili was occupied with preparing these sorts of things, or otherwise completing his royal duties, you would more often than not find yourself in the library. There were several libraries in Erebor, with the mountain being so huge, and only one of the libraries was cleaned and in use. This particular library was known as the Grand Library, and only twenty or so dwarrow were ever in it at once, so it was lovely and quiet. It was probably your favorite spot in the mountain, especially when it grew chill, as it held an incredibly large fireplace with an assortment of couches and cushions in front of it.
This was exactly where you could be found that day, and it was quite curious to see Fili rushing towards you, a smile on his face and a letter in his hand.
“Amad wrote back, and she sent a letter for you as well!” he said, sitting beside you and handing you an envelope with the dark blue seal of Dís.
“She sent one for me?”
“Why? She doesn’t even know me,” you replied, staring at the slightly crinkled parchment. Fili cleared his throat,
“...I may or may not have written a lengthy description of you in my letter to her.” Well, his statement shouldn’t have surprised you. Of course Fili would have told his mother about the person he planned to marry. But for some reason, the fact that Dís knew about you made you nervous. Fili interrupted your thoughts. “Well, are you going to open it?”
You gave him a small smile before carefully breaking the seal and lifting the letter out of its envelope. As your eyes scanned the page, you noticed that while Dís’s hand was rough, it was still tidy. The letter read:
I am not exactly sure how I should feel about you. My son left me without any desire of ever forming a relationship, yet he wrote to me that he has found his One. He speaks incredibly highly of you, and his description was indeed full of love.
However, do not think I am convinced of your relationship. My sons are precious to me beyond any riches, and I will not tolerate or allow anyone whom I do not approve of to wed either of them. If you truly love Fili, you must prove your love to me. Otherwise, I suggest you abandon any thought of a future with him and leave Erebor immediately.
~Lady Dís, Thrainsdottir.”
If you had been nervous about Dís before, now you were a bit terrified. You realized that, if she was not satisfied with you, Dís could very easily break off your engagement and ensure that you never saw Fili again. The thought was enough to scare you even more than running straight into a battalion of orcs. The dwarf prince himself had been reading over your shoulder, and once you had finished reading, he took your hand in his and squeezed it tight.
“She’s… Well Amad’s just a bit overprotective. She’ll love you once you meet, I know it. Don’t worry yourself over it ghivashel.”
But you did worry over it. You worried over it throughout the rest of your time in the library, all throughout dinner, and when you eventually slipped into bed. After a few hours of uneasily trying to fall asleep, you came to terms that you could at least address your worries if you wrote back.
“Lady Dís,
     I was surprised to receive your letter, as I hadn’t thought that Fili would have written of me. I understand that you don’t yet approve of me, and I think that, if our places were swapped, I probably wouldn’t approve of me either. But I do love Fili, with every single part of my being. He is my world now. It’s actually fairly remarkable to acknowledge that, since before the quest, I hadn’t even known of his existence. But I truly do love him, and would do anything to ensure his happiness and well-being.
I hope you can grow to like me, or tolerate me at least.
In the months following that letter, the worry inside of you didn’t subside. Fili could tell that it was on your mind, and he tried his best to sooth your nervousness, but it didn’t help very much. Much of your time was spent in the comfort of the Grand Library, which seemed to become more in use by the common folk with every passing day. You were seriously considering trying to start cleaning out one of the smaller libraries, just so it would be a bit quieter. Apparently, the rules of a silent library did not apply to dwarrows.
One day, you were sitting in the least used corner of the Grand Library, reading a book about dwarrow folklore, when you were interrupted by an exasperated sigh.
“Good Mahal, I finally found you! Why the hell were you all the way over here? You do know there’s plenty of space near the entrance, right?”
“Yes, but it’s not nice and quiet there. In normal libraries, there’s rules set in place for silence.” You replied, rolling your eyes at the young prince Kili.
“Sounds boring.” He said, plopping down next to you. “Anyways, my Amad sent another letter for you.” He brought out an envelope and you took it and set it aside. “You’re not going to open it?” He asked.
“I am, just not right now.”
“I think you should open it.”
You and Kili held some sort of bizarre staring contest, until you decided that Kili would at least be off your back if you opened it now. The letter read:
It brought me a small comfort to have read of your love for Fili, but it did not satisfy my doubts. Fili has told me much of your history and past, and you indeed seem like quite the character. However, I know my son would have put you on a pedestal to try and convince me of you, so I decided to rely on information about you from a much more honest source. That being my son Kili and my brother Thorin.
Thorin believes you to be an honest lass, with loyalty to match, and he told me he is very sure that you and Fili are the perfect match. My brother is not one to sugar-coat anything, and he is probably the most thickheaded dwarrow in the world when it comes to recognizing romantic love, so his assurances lessened my doubts. Kili on the other hand, told quite a different story.
Kili has told me that you are irritable, witty, incredibly thoughtful, and usually annoyed with him a vast majority of the time. He wrote about a few events during the journey that made me laugh quite a lot. I wholeheartedly support you and his decision to put a toad in Thorin's boot. That was brilliant. However, do not mistake this for approval of you, but know that my initial opinion on you has changed towards the better. My distrust of you has eased.
Lady Dís”
When you finished reading, you turned to face Kili. A boyish grin had split his face.
“I can’t believe you told her about the toad incident.” You said.
“Oh, I told her about plenty more of our mischief as well. I already read her reply to me, she especially liked the one where we put a snakeskin in Fili’s sleeping role.” You couldn’t help but laugh as you remembered that night. That was probably the only time you had really seen Fili freak out. He had thrown the snakeskin as far away from him as possible, before taking his boot axes and chucking them at it. The snakeskin had been shredded, and you and Kili laughed for a good long while.
“I nearly forgot about that one, what fun that was!”
“Aye. I mentioned it to Fili today and he turned as red as a tomato, it was fucking hilarious!”
You and Kili spent the rest of the afternoon recounting your wrongdoings and pranks from the journey, only leaving when you grew hungry. After dinner, you wrote Dís back.
“Lady Dís,
     I’m glad you approved of the Toad Incident, honestly one of my finer moments. Thorin had his head in his arse all day, and Kili and I were tired of it. He completely ignored Gandalf’s advice for the third time in a row. I mean, he’s a terrific leader and has the support of all who follow him, but… sometimes I think someone else should have been making the decisions, as most of his decisions ended up with us being in trouble. But that’s all in the past, I suppose. He’s leading Erebor to prosperity once more.
     As for what Kili told you of me, I can’t say that he’s wrong. I do get annoyed with him much of the time. And very irritated at him. But he’s one of my closest friends, so I guess it balances out. He was reading your letter over my shoulder, and we ended up discussing all our tricks on the company afterwards. We both agree that we shall have to continue them now that we live in Erebor. We were thinking that putting cumin instead of cinnamon in a cinnamon bun would be a lovely surprise for someone.
      I’m very glad that your opinion has changed on me. It’s a bit of a relief, though I know that you do not approve of me yet. I hope your journey is going well, and that you are alright.
In the weeks that followed, you were much more relaxed. The day that the caravan would arrive seemed much less daunting now that Dís appeared less cold towards you. Preparations for the day were in full swing, and about a hundred new rooms and halls had been cleared out and cleaned, as well as the start of cleaning out another library. It was called the Silver Library, and when you first saw it, you were amazed. Even in its abandoned state, it was breathtaking. The marble walls were a lovely rich blue, a nice change from green, and the shelves and tables were inlaid with silver. It was a long walk towards the north side of the mountain, but ever so worth it. Your days were now focused on clearing out the dust, alongside with a handful of scholars and writers.
The work was long and hard, but at least it was a great deal smaller than the Grand Library. The writers told you that this would be the best library to find peace, as the books here were all about history. The Grand Library hosted books from metal-working to children’s tales, hence why every sort of dwarrow could be found there. The Silver Library was a place for dedicated learners who appreciated the quiet now and again. Perfect.
Four weeks after the work had begun, it was looking nearly finished. You had spent the entire afternoon scrubbing a row of shelves, and unfortunately getting dust all in your system. A bath and bed were most welcome when night came ‘round.
After washing up, you found another letter had been placed upon your pillow, along with a note. The note was from Fili.
‘I missed you today, amrâlimê. My Amad sent another letter for you. Rest well.
The letter read:
We can both agree that Thorin is not the best decision maker. But there’s only so much one can do when he’s the first-born. And now I know not to trust your cooking. Or, at least I will force my brother to try it first, just to make sure it is safe for eating. I almost pity him now, that he had to put up with trouble from Fili, Kili, and yourself during the journey. But then again, he’s had it coming for a while.
The road to Erebor is long and rough, but nothing that I cannot handle. I’ve done it before, as a child no less, and I can sure as hell do it again. Hopefully though, it shall be the last one I shall have to do. We are almost half-way around Mirkwood now, another month and a half and I will be able to see you in person. I look forward to meeting you.
Before retiring to sleep, you picked up your quill to write to Dís for the third time.
“Lady Dís,
     I am happy your journey is going well, and that you are nearly here. I am really excited to meet you. Fili hasn’t stopped talking about you for the past week. He says that you’ll be here in four weeks or so. The weather is getting much colder, and the Lake-men in Dale say that the winds aren’t promising. Keep safe and warm, and I wish you the best for the rest of your travels!
No more than two weeks later, you received her reply.
I should think this will be my last letter before meeting you in person. I have been able to see the mountain for the last few weeks and it makes my heart warm to know I am close. I am not worried about the cold, the elders agree that the snow will not fall hard for sometime.
We plan to arrive on November the Nineteenth.
Every dwarrow in the mountain was bustling with energy now that the caravan was only a week away. Fili and Kili were beyond excited, dragging you to the secret door to see if you could spot the caravan in the distance. It was just visible, a tiny spot by the forest that had many ant-sized dwarrow moving about.
For the next five days, Fili and Kili would find time to come up the platform with you in tow, seeing how much closer the caravan got. On the sixth day, the dwarrow had stopped roughly in between Laketown and Dale.
“I don’t like the look of those clouds,” Fili commented, his blue eyes turned grey to reflect the sky.
“Mean neither. But they’ll clear tham in time,” Kili replied, hands fidgeting with his talisman.
The next morning, you woke to find a note on your dresser.
             Kili and I went to the caravan, our patience to see our Amad has worn thin. Don’t worry, we’ll be back by tonight.
All my love,
Well, you hoped they were having a good time. It wasn’t until you had made your way out of your chambers, bundled up warm, that you heard the news.
“Did ye hear? More than a meter deep!”
“Oh aye, fresh powder, as far as the eyes can see, and still falling!”
“One has to wonder how the caravan will fare. There’s wee ones traveling.”
“And old ones.”
With every word the dwarrow spoke, you felt your heart sink even further. Your pace picked up and soon you were running to the dining hall.
Thorin, Dwalin, and Balin were all discussing the caravan when you entered the hall.
“We’ll have to send out help to hurry them along,” the King said, “We’ll wait for a break in the snow and send out a group.”
“We should probably have ponies ready for the children and elders, they won’t be up for trekking through the snow.” Balin said.
Thorin nodded before noticing you hurrying towards them.
“Ah, (Y/N). Where are the Lads?”
“I was just coming to see you about that, Fili left a note this morning.”
Thorin raised an eyebrow.
“They went to the caravan.”
Thorin groaned and pinched his nose. Dwalin spoke up.
“The night watch said that two dwarrow in hoods went out last night. About three hours before the snow started up.”
“Mahal damn them!” Thorin cursed, “The two should know better!”
“I’m sure they’re fine Thorin,” Balin replied, “They can travel quickly.”
“Not quickly enough to make it halfway to Laketown during a blizzard!”
“We can send out a search party,” Dwalin said.
“No, we can’t risk any more dwarrow getting stuck out there. When the snow breaks we’ll go out and look for them. And send help to the caravan.”
You were ready to shout at them. If Fili and Kili were out in the blizzard, they could need help. Even if dwarrow’s blood ran hot, it didn’t run hot enough to keep warm in a blizzard for hours on end. Balin seemed to notice your anguish and smiled in your direction.
“Fili will be alright lass, we’ll find him as soon as the storm breaks.”
You blinked and shot a glare at Thorin before turning away and leaving.
“What did I do?” You heard him ask before exiting.
“Only Mahal knows.” Dwalin replied.
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idjitlili · 4 years
Fili x reader
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Imagine making a flower crown and making Fili wear it. Knife hiding . Douche legolas , he thinks he has a big dick. Fili , kili, thorin survive the battle of the five armies.
A little cringe, all my imagines are ngl, this is my longest fic.
Word count:2923
You were apart of the company, in which you had just arrived at Beorns house. He seems to like you because you weren’t a dwarf nor orc. You had asked him if you could pick some of his daisies from his garden, he allowed you too,telling you help yourself.
You were had became very close to the princes, and Bilbo. You were very sarcastic,like Bilbo ,Bilbo would defend you in any situation with his sassy comments. Although,you had grew to like Fili very much, you knew you didn’t have an chance with him, as one day he would be king. You were a human girl, you weren’t from middle earth you had nothing to offer the prince.
That didn’t stop you from liking him, no matter how much you wanted to drop your feelings.Did I mention that you called Bilbo , Dildo Gaggins, well you did. You had only explained to Fili what it meant , he thought it was hilarious. You both didn’t dare to tell Kili in case he told sweet Bilbo. Kili couldn’t keep anything a secret.
But right now you sat in the grass , in Beorns garden,making a flower crown out of large daisies. You had made it like a daisies chain just with giant daisies ,as you weren’t sure how to make an actual flower crown. The blades of green grass tickled your bare calf’s, up to your swimming trunks. Don’t ask why you just thought swimming trunks were better than actual shorts. The company were surprised with your clothing choices, not being like anything they have ever seen anyone wearing.
Your hands worked restlessly on the crown, you knew who you wanted to gift it to. It didn’t take long, as you really wanted to get back inside before the bees started chasing you , or Thorin lectured you on safety. That he wouldn’t be able to keep you safe if he didn’t know your location. He had a thing with keeping you safe, you knew there wasn’t many Darrowdams left but they were plenty of female men left. You just didn’t understand it , to be quite honest.
It was early in the morning you hadn’t slept that night , you were restless that night. you told Bilbo that if anyone asked you were just getting some fresh air , but you weren’t sure if he had listened he was barely a wake at that point. It was getting brighter by the minute. You were full aware that everyone was awake now, from the noise coming from the house.
You were about to stand up and head inside,but a soft thud came from beside you. You jumped, and turned your head to see Fili smiling at you, you frowned. “You made me jump.” You grumbled. “Hey I’m sorry , I just came to see if you was alright and hadn’t runaway.” He chuckled.
You told feel the a gush of wind it you harshly , as the sun hit you warming you slightly. “ and where would I run away to? It’s not like it can get home.” You were slightly grumpy from having no sleep, yet Fili was quite joyful. “I thought you might’ve found an elven prince.” He smirked. “Damn how did you know?” You gasped , you had finished the flower crown , lifting it up in your palms eyeing it as did Fili.
“Did you get any sleep last night ,y/n?” He questioned eyeing your h/c hair that the sun brightened.“...yes.” You picked at the strands of grass avoiding his gaze. “So you been out here all night?”
“No only for a couple of hours , it was too yuck in there. Bombur needs to lay of the cheese.” You gagged at the thought of last night he chuckled at your response. “I agree.”
You turned to look up at Fili , with the flower crown in hand you eyed his golden Maine, damn he doesn’t have a crown but he’s a prince. “I made this for you, will you wearing it,Fili?” You questioned nervously he smirked looking at it and you blushed face. “..you made me a flower crown..?” He admired your affections he did like you well more that you knew.
You frowned in disappointment going to stand, “fine I’ll give it to kili instead of you don’t wa-“ “NO I want it.” He interrupted you, you giggled in delight of his outburst, you kneeled I front of him. Damn you wish it was to blow his horn. Sorry. You placed the crown upon his head gently.
He smiled at you , “a crown for a prince.” Fili looked so cute with it upon his locks, he smirked at you words.”thank you y/n, I love it.” He pulled you up to your feet , and embraced you into a hug with you happily returned. “Come in we are leaving soon.” He spoke pulling away and dragging you in by the hand.
Once you arrived inside you dropped his hand , and walked over to Bilbo, the company smirked at Fili. Bilbo was eating some sorta food.”Well hello master Gaggins , I hope you didn’t have a sausage, I would hate for you to choke.” You smirked down at the hobbit. He gasped now figuring out why you had called him that. He was about to say something before Fili and kili walked over to the two of you.
“Oh Fili I love your flower crown, it’s compliments your hair.” Kili gushed,Fili grumbled at his brother.
“Oi, you are jealous that I didn’t make you one, kili. “ you smiled at the brunette prince.
“Yes I am, why did he get one?” Fili was intrigued for your answer, kili frowned that he didn’t get one. Typical really if you think about it.
“He was the first one to come talk to me,now I must make sure all my stuff is packed for our journey.” You spoke leaving them , Fili frowned lightly.
And soon you were off to Mirkwood, only to be attacked by spiders then saved by Dildo, then attacked again then saved by elves. You stood next to Fili and Kili as they searched you for weapons, a elf came towards you to search you. Thorin almost bit his throat out with his eyes as the blond elf searched you.
“Uh mister elf?” The elf was about to search to u before looking you in the eyes, nodding. “Are you a prince by an chance?” You smirked at Fili as he gasped remembering your conversation. “Yes, I am legolas son of Thranduil.” Your mouth gap open “it is nice to meet you, wow I have met three princes now. Totally awesome dude.” You smirked up to the princethat just nodded at you , continuing to search you receiving glares from Thorin ,Fili and kili.
You hoped he stayed away from your vagina, no one knew you kept a hidden knife there. You gasped when his hands reached your sides, you wore only a t shirt, and you were ticklish. He continued to in his hands down your sides, making you cry in laughter. Damn dude, he stopped immediately. “Sorry it tickles .” As the elf gave you a half smile, this made Fili bubble with anger that this elf was allowed to touch you. “why does a women travel with pigs?” He questioned you , you smirked . “Because I have no where else.”
You replied quickly, looking at your feet.”Why?” Damn this vampire bro didn’t quit. “Magic causes some shit , and poof I am in this strange world.”the prince was confused by this, but just nodded, he was going to ask his father about it.
He walked towards Fili , eyeing his flower crown, scoffing. “Oi princess I made that.” You spat at the elven prince, Kili laughed at your term, and Fili felt butterflies in this stomach. “You court this dwarf?” He laughs at you. You scoff angrily “hey blondie,first he’s a prince like you, plus I rather have a dwarf than a twig elven princess, If your dick is as thin as you. GOD. Is it even there.”
This caused all the dwarves at laugh at you , legolas face lit up in anger, he leaned down to your ear and whispered “I would love to prove you wrong, but I am afraid I would split you into two.” You shrugged in disgust ,” thanks for the offer but I’ll stick to the dwarf that doesn’t have to use a wooden dick.” You clutched onto Fili , who happily pulled you close to him. Before legolas ordered for you all tohave your hands binded.
Legolas has brought you all to the cells into Mirkwood. He had told his father there was a women along the pact of dwarves and that you should be stuck in with them too rot aswell.
You turned to Fili in the cell, “damn I’m glad I didn’t runaway with that ass.” Fili laughed , “me too.” He spoke sitting on the stone fall, gesturing for to sit too. “I can’t.” He looked at you confused. “Why not.” You didn’t amswer you just reached up the leg of your swimming trunks pulling a knife out carefully. He gasped at your action, you flung the case of the knife on the floor ,that protected your vagina from being spilt opened.
Luckily you had clearly the knife and case in boiling hot water , so you wouldn’t get an infection. “That w-was in your v-v..” you giggled at him sitting next to him, you yelp at the harsh contact with the floor.”yeah I know, it hurt.” You passed him the blade , he inspected it, he could only think hot damn.
“How did it even fit?” He questioned this blade was 9 inches long , two inches wide.
“That’s what she said. I don’t even know how it did.” He goes back to hand it back you shake your head “I’m not skilled with any sort of weapon, you keep it.” You smiled at him, he wrapped his arm around you pulling you close to him , embracing you on the cold floor. “Thank you and thank you for back there that meant a lot to me y/n.”
“Like I was going accept that pricks offer, he said he was gonna spilt me in half with his thick cock.” You laughed into filis chest, he burst out laughing with you stroking your hair. Before he could say anything more Bilbo had came to your rescue, you and Fili stood up swiftly and he grabbed your knife with him.
You clutched filis hand as Bilbo lead you into the cellar , and ushered you all to get into the barrels. Kili looked at the knife questioningly as did the rest of the company, “y/n” he spoke quickly. They all looked at you there wasn’t anywhere you could hide that knife. You shrugged “I hid it my vagina.” Bilbo gasp, yet Dwalin looked at You proud “good on you lassie!”
Bilbo was the next to speak “ yes this is a lovely conversation and all but we do not have time right now.” He spoke urgently. After that everyone had gotten into a barrel. Soon enough you were all dumped into the water, soaked , and being chased by elves. You spot legolas straight away “oh hey princess, MAYBE you should’ve searched my vagina next time for knifes.” You shouted towards him , pointing to the knife Fili held , in which he nodded at legolas, legolas gasped.
After the barrel ride, you had reached an bank to be threatened by Bard the bow man. He agreed to take you all to lake town, but smuggling you. It was suggested that you were to pretend to be his girlfriend because you couldn’t fit fully into a barrel. Fili wasn’t happy at all of course. Then all the dwarves and dildo had to climb up through the toilet , in which Fili asked you to keep his flower crown safe.
You stood in bards living room waiting for the dwarves , you were freezing from only wearing a t shirt and swimming trunks, bard had let you borrow his coat to hid your weird clothing. You had already given that back. You snapped out of your thoughts when the groans of dwarves entered your ear drums. You looked up to see Bilbo soaked , he was given a blanket by only of bards daughters. “Damn Bilbo you really are a dildo now , you are all lubed up all you gotta do is go up a vagina.” You smirked down at him he frowned at you muttering “you are worse than the dwarves” before walking off.
You looked up to spot Fili who was already walking towards you, once he reached you he gave you a large grin. You grabbed the crown from your pocket , placing it upon his head. He pressed a kiss to your cheek. You smile at him, lovingly. You felt a tug at your hand , you look down to see Bards youngest daughter Tilda smiling up at you. “Miss y/n?” She asks , “yes tilda.” You bend down a little to her level holding her hand, Fili watching in awe.
“ did you make that?” She questions pointing to the crown on filis head, you nod. “We don’t get many flowers here.” She spoke sadly before whispering into your ear so Fili not anyone else could hear “do you like that dwarf miss?” She giggled , as did you. “Yes I do.” She giggled again excitingly. “If yo u come back here one day would you bring me a crown?” She questioned again, smiling hopefully, you looked up Fili who already gently pulled the crown from his head leaning down to the child placing it upon her head. “You can have this,princess.” She giggled pulling to both into a hug ,”thank youuu.” She spoke happily.
You stood from the floor, “I’ll make you a new one in erebor. You are true prince.” Smiled just embracing him this time.he tighten the hug pulling you closer from your waist. “What did she ask you?” He asked smirking into your shoulder,”now that’s a secret prince.” You spoke pulling away to see Bilbo who was smirking and wiggling his eyebrows at you.
After the battle of the five armies , Thorin had offered for you stay in erebor , with him , Fili and kili. Since you had no home. Bilbo was staying in erebor for a week, you were given a room with clothes , and gowns that fit you. You were actually able to bathe, today you wore a green tunic and some pants, you had been sat in some greenery in erebor.
You began crafting another flower crown for Fili, once you had completed it , you had brushed the dirt from you. You started heading towards filis chambers gently grasping the crown in your hands. Once you had reached his door , you gently tapped your knuckles against the wood knocking a couple of times.
Soon the door was opened by a surprisingly dressed Fili, he looked like he had just woken up and rushed ready. Good for him. “What can I help you with y/n?” He yawned. You reached from behind your back to reveal the crown. “I told you. I would.” He smiled he allowed to place it upon his head. “thank you.” He spoke leaning towards you to press a kiss to your cheek. He blushed. After that you smiled and began to walk away, but his hand grasped your wrist. “Wait...” you turned to look at him.
“I-ive been meaning to tell you that...uh.” His face was beet red, he couldn’t hold your gaze,you held onto his hands. “ you can say anything to me Fili, unless it’s mean,because I will cry.” You smiled at the dwarf.”no ,no , it’s not mean. I just really like you not as a friend” your face blushed in shock , a prince liked you. “Damn bro I like you too.” You jumped to embrace him.
“Really?” He asked with a sparkle in his eye,”why do you think I made you them crowns and said I wanted a dwarven cock and then latched myself to you?” You smirked at Fili, lust filled eyes, he laughs lightly.
“Can I court you y/n l/n?” He asked cupping your cheek, you nodded in response. He brought his mouth to your ear, and whispered “may I kiss you?” You nodded nervously , you both leaned in , wrapping your arms around his neck and he pressed his soft lips to yours pecking them before pulling away. “Damn thanks for being my first kiss dude.”
“You are very welcome , now come in so I can braid your hair.” He led you in with his arm around your waist, shutting the door.
“Are you going to braid my pubes aswell?” You questioned the blond prince smirking.
“Only if you braid mine.”
“ mine are too short anyways.”
Extra bonus:
“Kili I call Bilbo , dildo Gaggins. Because a dildo is a fake dick that people use to masterbate with. And because he’s so short he is a whole dildo. And Gaggins is because he goes to thorin and gags.”
“Why does he gag around thorin?”
“Because he’s sucking him off.”
“O h.”
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sockablock · 4 years
Temporarily de-aged (like, preteen/teen) Fjord and found family with the M9?
They gave him Yasha’s feathers to use as a blanket before quickly turning around to confer.
“—not actually cold, though. I mean, we’re underground—”
“It’s the principle of the thing. For, like…for the shock, or whatever.”
“The shock?”
“Beauregard has a point. I would feel pretty shocked as well.”
They furtively glanced over their shoulders. A skinny lump shifted beneath the cloak.
They turned back around.
“Gods, he’s so small—”
“It’s actually kind of cute—”
“Like a beanpole—”    
“But his head, it’s…it’s so big—”
“And it’s been a while since we’ve seen him tusk-less,” Caduceus mused. “Do you think we should be worried?”
All of them fell silent. And, from behind their backs, came a cough.
“I, ah…I’m really sorry to trouble you all, but…where am I? And, um…who are you?”
Jester was the first to spin around. Beau and Caleb both winced, but neither were fast enough.
“We’re the Mighty Nein!” she declared. “And we’re your friends, silly! Your best friends in the world!”
The scruffy little half-orc only looked more apprehensive. He took a step back, brow furrowing, nearly tripping over the edge of Yasha’s cloak.
“My, uh…my what?”
“What is the last thing you remember?” Caleb asked.
“And how old do you think you are?” Beau added.
Fjord hesitated, carefully weighing his options.
“I’m…I’m old enough,” he said slowly. “Old enough to defend myself. And, I’m sorry again, sirs and madams, but I don’t think I should…be talking to strangers.”
“I’m Jester,” said Jester, as if that meant anything, “and if you know my name, we aren’t strangers, right?”
Fjord did not look like  he agreed. His eyes darted around the chamber, glancing over a worktable he no longer recognized, the husk of an arcane circle he didn’t remember triggering.
Nott tugged on the edge of Caleb’s sleeve. “You should Friends him,” she hissed, “I’m sure that would work.”
“Er…perhaps not—”
“I can stun him,” Beau whispered. “Want me to try tha—”
“I’d really rather you didn’t!”
They all looked back up again and saw that Fjord had scampered back. His feet were bare on the cold flagstones and he held the shawl closer, as if to keep warm.
“I…I really don’t know who you are, and I…I don’t think I’m comfortable being here.”
“But, Fjord,” Jester protested immediately, “we can’t just leave you here—”
He stopped. His posture faltered.
“How do you know my name?” he asked.
Jester threw her hands up. “Because we’re your friends! You just…look, there was this magic spell and now you’re a baby—”
His face flushed instantly.
“I’m not a baby!”
“—but it’s alright! As soon as I get Greater Restoration back, we can fix you up, lickingly-split.”
“It is lickety-split,” Caleb said mildly.
“What, really?”
“Ja, it can be confusing.”
“I also made that mistake,” Yasha volunteered. “It happens to anyone—”
Fjord cleared his throat.
“You people are insane,” though this declaration lacked his earlier barbs. “I’ve never met kidnappers as weird as you.”
“That’s ‘cause we ain’t kidnappers,” Beau sighed. “You’re lost and alone and afraid, yeah? We’re just trying to get you home.”
The teenager paused. “Home as in…the asylum?”
“Home as in…wherever you would like to be,” Caleb said.
“We’re staying in the Cormorant’s Roost now,” Caduceus added. “If you want, you can hang around there for a while. At least until you know where you want to go.”
Fjord’s shoulders lowered slightly.
“R…really? You won’t take me back?”
“No,” said Nott. Her gaze was glued to his. “We’re not going to take you anywhere you don’t feel welcome.”
“And you can keep my shawl if you like,” Yasha added. “It is very warm.”
Fjord’s eyes went wide. His cheeks colored slightly, but he drew the cloak close.
“I’ve never seen feathers like these before.”
The corner of Yasha’s mouth quirked up. “They are a special kind. From the winged beasts of Xhorhas.”
“The what?”
“We’ll tell you on the way, are you coming or what? Oh, and call me Beau,” she held out a hand. “My full name is Beauregard, but the short version’s enough.”
Fjord blinked twice. He glanced over the crowd of people. They were definitely well-armed, and well-armored, and looked strong, but…something about them…and the way that they spoke…
He held out a hand. He grasped her palm.
“And you’re sure you’re not kidnappers?”
“I can cast Zone of Truth on everyone if you like!”
“Zone of…what?”
Nott grinned back at him from his other side. The two of them were almost eye-to-eye.
“It’s a magic spell,” she said, and winked. “She learned it from a god called…Button-beard.”
Fjord snorted. “Oh, no way! That’s got to be fake, no god would ever be named something like that!”
Nott’s gaze twinkled as they trailed behind the rest. “Oh, you’re a sharp one. And you’d be surprised at how many people fall for tricks like that!”
Ko-fi in bio✨ | Finished 5k fic prompts right here! 💜 Requests Are CLOSED!
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blankdblank · 3 years
Hobbit Soulmate Pt 34
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“Gimli!” Andy said making you smile and accept his hug on the way into the building for the table read, “Almost didn’t recognize you. Can’t wait to see you blonde.” He murmured with a wink your way sharing that he knew that you were going to be the lead for a while now having been working so close with Peter on this project already in just the research phase. “Peter should be along shortly to meet us early birds. Looks like we’re here first.”
“Oh that’s good, then we can pick our seats, shuffle others around and just cause mayhem.” Making him chuckle to himself and lead the way into the room he’d been in before for the earlier table read. Once inside the room closest to a banquet hall in your mind you eyed the cloth coated tables in the shape of a square set up with binders on them at each padded wooden seat appearing to be small wingback style dining chairs and name places for each actor around where Peter would be seated. Around the table you strolled reading off the names from the numbered gunners, pilots, crew members and various other speaking extras feeding into the actors from various sections of the film.
The executives from the start of the film interacting with Jack were grouped along with the police who would come to fetch them at the docks feeding to Adrien and Colin Hanks who would be beside Kyle Chandler playing the lead actor in the fake film inside this one. The few supporting actors acting as camera crew took up the final spots by them as you sat across from them in the middle of your side just past the actors from the theater Ann works in. On your right Andy sat with Jamie Bell leading off the other ship based crew members including Thomas Kretschmann, Evan Parke and Lobo Chan. The final spots on the cast for speaking extras on the film would be folded in on the set to keep them from waiting around all day for only a few lines, a spot you knew well from some of your roles.
Andy with a grin eased out your chair for you making you giggle and ease between the front of it to fit into the gap to sit as he scooted it in for you as all the chairs were close together and hard to squeeze between. “Thank you,” Into the back of your seat you settled your jacket you shrugged out of adjusting your black t shirt under the baggy grey cardigan Richard had left you that with a ruffle of your hair that had your curls settling at their own whims around your face and shoulders they barely reached.
Into his own chair he eased grinning to the woman entering with glasses in a tray she was settling at each seat while another entered with water bottles. The opening of your bag on your lap drew a glance your way from them and Andy in settling his chair into place watching you bring out a bottle of v8 you settled on the table then shifted your bag at your side. Flashing him a quick sheepish grin you said, “Lee bought two cases before he went to Canada and forgot he couldn’t take them with him and this is the last one. Have to drink them or they’ll go bad on me.”
“No judgments here,” out of his bag he pulled a bottle of pineapple juice making you giggle, “Lady Love has me on a juice cleanse, whatever that is. Read it somewhere and I don’t think we’re doing it right cuz we had a full English each morning since and bacon wrapped pork fillets and buttery salty boiled veggies for two days now and all we drink is pineapple juice.”
That had you giggle again, “I don’t think that’s how you do it either. I think it’s meant you only consume fruit juice and no food as a sort of fasting regimen.”
“Bugger that, don’t you tell her that,” making you pretend to lock your lips, “Think she just got swept up with the coupons.”
That had you pointing at the bottle in your hand, “Came home to split eight cases of this stuff because they were on sale for ten cents, not even a huge sale.” Making him chuckle, “Still can’t believe you ran off and got married on me.”
“No one knew, something about relatives and a scuffle with the mead would have had our clans clashing not to mention my mum would have wanted the big Catholic shindig and we were not for that so pop to the courthouse and back. Saves so much time and then I took her to Aruba, burned about most of my backside off in the sun but she loved the bits around my snake peeling self coming out of the shower in the mornings.”
“True love,” you teased making him chuckle and join you in taking sips of your drinks.
“How’s your fella?”
“Cold, got him up in Northern Canada for part of his role, so he’s cold and grumpy and can’t wait for me to be back. Only have a few weeks when I get there till he’s off to Europe for the rest of his role. But then we go to England for more cold to Spring scenes for North and South.”
“Ooh, do they like your hair color now?”
“Yes, they did mention they love the shade so this one will work and I have a friend who knows a good salon I can get my roots touched up when I need it, brows too. I do like it when I am in bits of sunlight when we can get it cuz it glows a bit golden.”
“If only we had more sun,” making you giggle again. “A shame to dull your glow.”
“Just wait till I go platinum the girls say I will be other worldy.”
“No doubt on that.” He said glancing over eyeing Thomas walking in with Evan Parke, both who paused seeing the new face at the table beside Andy. Turning his head Andy grinned saying, “Hey guys, you haven’t met Jaqi yet.”
“Hi,” you said with a wave in their walk around the room to their seats near your, stopping to shake your hand then move to take their seats.
Evan said, “I’ve seen you before.”
Andy said, “Beast of Bards.”
Thomas shrugged out of his jacket, “Yes, you changed your hair.”
“Ya, had to lighten it for my next projects. Should be easier to go blonde after them.” You looked to Thomas saying, “My friend said the Pianist was pretty good.” And to Evan you said, “You were on Alias too, right?”
Evan grinned nodding, “Yes, my brother and I have seen your film twice, must have taken some time to learn those dances.”
You smirked saying, “Not really. They gave me a couple weeks to memorize and tweak them to the Director’s fancy.”
Thomas said, “You said your friend has seen the film, you don’t like war films?”
“I do, haven’t gotten to seeing yet. By the time I was still long enough to watch it they’d dropped it to disc, and I don’t have a dvd player yet.” That made Andy chuckle and you rolled your eyes reaching for your bottle for another sip, “Lee is looking into one for his place in Canada, so I might be able to mooch off his while I’m there. His brother’s got a copy of it we could borrow.”
They both settled into their seats as you took a sip flashing a wave to Jed Brophy and Rick Baker coming in next who grinned waving back in recognizing you right away, Jed who you had worked with in the trilogy in your time as an orc and other extra roles. “Figured Peter had something up his sleeve,” Jed said easing off his jacket to take his seat.
The executives were next while Rick continued the conversation with Jed from the path in after his greeting you. Jim and Ric, both who found their seats engulfed in their own talks until Peter came in with a smile seeing you by Andy, pausing to give you a hug from the side on his way to his seat to ready his things still on the phone with Fran helping on a solution to a wardrobe issue with their little girl and boy. The Vaudeville theater actors came in next curiously glancing your way until they could shake hands and take their seats on your free side to Jamie Bell’s own entrance with a creeping smile noticing just who was in the formerly emptied spot. Leaving his coat on his seat he said, “Oh my gosh, I haven’t seen you in so long!” Softly you giggled at his gentle hug around your shoulders, “I am so glad you’re here! I can’t wait to see what sort of stage routine they give you.”
“Well I can’t wait to see what sort of fun you’ll get up to in this film while I’m off in my slip and silk robe being chased by dinos.”
Andy chuckled, “Dinos and me.”
“Yes, not to mention getting kidnapped, loads of fun.” Making Jamie chuckle and shift for his seat seeing Peter glancing your way in hanging up his call.
The in film ‘film crew’ came in next with the police actors as well with Colin, Jack and Adrien next. The first two who greeted the guys around the table and paused at your quick wave and anxious grin their way. Jack however broke the silence pointing at you post mutter, “Purple,” in a gasp he excitedly added, “Beast of Bards! You were kick ass!”
“Thank you,” you giggled out glancing to Adrien in his apparent locked stare of confusion.
He glanced to Peter as Colin said, “Well you’ll no doubt be able to out last us after a role like that. Dancers have amazing endurance.” Settling into his chair as you grinned a bit wider at Andy’s hushed chuckle.
Adrien asked Peter, “You picked a teenager? She’s got to be what, sixteen?”
Jamie said, “Jaqi’s older than me.”
Drawing the elder actor’s eye a moment only for them to shift back to Peter, “Rest my case.”
“I’m not a teenager, two more years I can legally rent a car,” the second half you said to Andy who chuckled again.
Thomas asked, “There is an age limit on car rentals here? I never knew that.”
Peter said with a grin, “Well you’re two years past being able to rent one in New Zealand. If we didn’t already drive you everywhere you could at least.”
Adrien looked to you, “The Bard film that’s a dance film, there’s next to no dancing in this film. You sure you’re up to it?”
“There’s no call for piano playing for you I could ask the same thing,” parting his lips to your comeback and grin adding, “Congrats on the Oscar nom by the way. Youngest guy to get one if you do win, haven’t seen it yet but I hear it was good.”
Peter jumped in, “Jaqi here was already signed on to be Naomi’s stunt and possibly scream double and is more than qualified for anything we toss her way.”
“Ooh, I’ve got juggling mostly on its knees, but my friend said she’d help with any other trick shots and whatnot as I hit them in rehearsing.”
Peter grinned, “I knew you could master it in no time.”
Jamie said, “I always wanted to learn to juggle, you can teach me later.”
Adrien huffed and took his seat and the binders were opened revealing a legal pad and pocket of pens and pencils that you pulled out to rest on your lap to be ready for notes on any and everything. Right up front once the introductions of the segment to the Depression era New York City you and the theater group testing out the sort of accent that Peter had helped you to find on your last lunch together at your place when he’d signed you to this new role. The naïve impression you gave was played to and through those sections you caught Colin and Jack smirking especially at how you were blending right into the script and even paused to note a few subtle changes you suggested on the lines to Peter who agreed to each as they flowed better.
Jack’s intro came next with his fingers raised to Andy’s standing in for the fruit stand owner you stole an apple from with hold of your wrist growling his lines to your pretend stunned self merely trying to squirm free. He offered a coin to the stand keep and you were free to join him for the meal at the diner where your open mouthed pause to his nipped lip grin your way post request of your dress size he stammered out that he was one of the men she could trust in the business, a Producer. Through focusing on you the still staring Adrien nearly missed his cue for his opening lines in Jack’s character trying to trap him into traveling with them. From his frustrations at being trapped Kyle flowed in between conversations of the crew including Jamie’s faked pocketing of his pen post scribble of his pen leading to Kyle producing his comb to fake some posed faces teetering you on the edge of giggling.
Peter said, “Now, alone in her cabin Ann Darrow has a rehearsal of her introduction to Jack Driscoll.” He winked your way, “Make it awkward. Make me squirm.”
That had you giggle and take a moment to ready your grin and flow into the failed tries to greet said playwright she was a huge fan of, Andy chuckled however as you smiled to Colin’s comment post intro of your flub in assuming Preston is Jack Driscoll. “Oh this is going to be so awful day of. I’m already antsy.”
Jack raised his fist with a nod, “Go hard, for all of us awkward butterflies.”
Giggling to yourself you brushed your curls back only to have them fall again around your face as you readied and smiled wider in a nervous blush to Colin who kept his face as still as possible holding back his laughter until your embarrassed retreat from the room for the guys to banter. On the ship you got some great notes for your scenes with Kyle, who you’d seemed to bond over the adoration of the history of film from the era to blend into your acting styles to be over the top. Noting each between glances to Adrien in your few scenes with him where he seemed to still be troubled in pulling out of is doubts on your being the right one for the job.
Post island arrival Peter said, “Now, to keep from spoiling your voices I say we skip the screams, plus I’d hate to startle the neighbors if you gave it a go Jaqi.”
“Party pooper,” you muttered making him smirk at your lifting your bottle to finish it off. The guys through their scenes to gather up a posse to search for Ann you popped out to the attached bath and back again in more than enough time for a scene with grunting Andy. The shouts for Ann were more half hearted giggle inducing readings of the name making you cover your mouth with both hands the longer their disastrous explorations went on until you gave Andy a hug at his death scene as Lumpy.
The scenes after the return to the city were mainly descriptive of what was occurring between the less verbal end of the film.
“How is your apartment shopping going up in Canada, ticking all the boxes?” Andy asked in the small break as the man to take the orders for lunch arrived. And the grin and wave you returned for his was not missed by the still staring Adrien across from you honed in on all you apparently did even in the break.
“We found some cute things for it. Nice couch, armchair and a bed, it’s on the floor but it’s a bed, no sign of a table yet.” Making you and Andy chuckle, “And we found this cute cabinet, well I say cute, I love it but it must have been in a fire or something the doors and drawers are all stuck. So Rich is determined to try and pry it open for me and clean it up a bit.”
“That’s good, give him something to distract him.”
“Honestly, aren’t there more pressing things to be focused on than conversations on furniture shopping?” Adrien muttered to himself but loud enough for the both of you to hear, though it didn’t pause your conversation.
Peter however said after getting off his phone, “Lunch is underway then our surprise for you is all lined up.”
Smirking at the excited Director you asked, “Is this a take a picture sort of surprise or more of a dangle you off a ledge sort of surprise?”
Peter chuckled with the few here who worked with you on the trilogy and replied playfully, “We are not in New Zealand yet, leave the ledge dangling to home turf.”
Curtly Adrien gave his order handing over the menu in his hands without a care watching you as those between you ordered in kinder tones while your turn to order from the young man had the actor huffing again as you said, “Hank, Shoppet still hanging in there?”
“Oh ya,” he chuckled out, “Figured out it was the wind chimes setting the feathered fiend off each night. Likes ‘em in the day time still so we just knot them in a sock.”
“Well that’s good news,” Adrien sighed and you smiled taking the hint he thought you were smiling too much and taking too long with the delivery guy granting Andy some more time to decide himself along with a few others behind him. “Oh don’t mind him,” you said after Hank’s glance and momentary gauge on the irritated man staring you down, “He’s not always a pretentious ass,” the words dropping jaws across the table, Jack and Colin’s especially who bit that back or covered their mouths with their hands like a few others to your right, “He’s just being method.” The words relaxing Hank who’d seen you picked on enough in school and was readying to say something.
Hank looked at him saying, “Nailed it,” only doubling the state from the now fuming actor.
Smiling still you handed over the menu saying, “He’s supposed to find me vapid and too naive to be taken seriously.”
Throatily he chuckled and added your menu to the others, “Good luck with that,” he aimed at Adrien then stepped behind you saying, “get you your usual.”
The rest of the table ordered as Peter tried not to smile as you had continued to talk to Andy again and then when Hank had left Adrien leaned forward on the table before him saying, “I’m still waiting.”
That turned your head and you smiled clenching his brows tighter, “Food shouldn’t take long, they have an excellent service record.”
“For an apology,” he grit out, “You told him I was a pretentious ass.” The other actors glanced between the pair of you like amused schoolyard children watching the beginnings of a fight.
“Everyone heard you,” he fired back.
“You told him you were being a pretentious ass, I told him you were being method.”
“The difference?” he retorted through smirks and restrained snickers.
“Everyone has ears,” you replied and his brows dropped in the vague answer. “This is a business of reputation, don’t limit your pool of possible job offers.”
“My agent is doing just fine getting me job offers no matter the troubles you have with yours.”
“I don’t have one.”
“How do you not have an agent?” He scoffed back.
“Old fashioned way, making friends and pounding pavement.”
“Well we certainly won’t be friends.”
“Famous last words,” Andy chuckled out lifting his bottle for a sip making him scoff again.
Adrien repeated, “We are not going to be friends. Naomi made a mistake dropping out.”
“I agree.” You said stunning him, “But she found a better project in her eyes. I suppose you’ll just have to make do with little me from New York.”
“I’m from New York, you are not from New York, clearly by the voice alone.” He said waving his hand your way, “I don’t care if you’ve lived here a few weeks to research, that doesn’t count. I was born here, raised here, my parents teach in college here. And just which corner below the Bible Belt did you saunter up from?”
That had your smile spreading and saying, “Oh bless your heart, is this your try to scare me off? Cuz it’s not going to work I’ve met sheep less cooperative than you. Name’s Jaqi by the way, I was born in Texas but I moved to New York when I was seventeen after a year in England for University.”
“So two days ago?”
“Whatever you say cupcake you big flatterer you though I’m not nearly old enough to vain about my age by a score at least.”
“I am not your cupcake,” he fired back to your chuckle inducing nickname causing others to continue watching this battle progress. “No flattery, no nicknames, you can call me Mr Brody.”
“This is going to be so much fun,” you said propping your chin on your fist leaning closer to Andy who was close to losing it. “I’ll break you down, ‘I defeat my enemies by making them my friends’.”
“Who fed you that line?” He retorted in a mumble lifting his water to drink from.
“Abraham Lincoln,” his brow inched up and you said, “Former President-,”
“I know who Lincoln is.”
“Don’t know, been so long since you got out of school, Mr Brody,” that made Colin sputter a bit in sipping his own drink at your playful pauses at each syllable of his name, “Might be getting a bit fuzzy around the edges.” That made Adrien scoff again and you said, “In fact let’s make a bet. When I break you down to being friends with me I get to take a picture of you in a platypus costume.”
“Epic,” Jack muttered behind his fist feigning confusion when Adrien looked his way.
The latter who looked to you asking, “One, why? And two, where the hell are you going to find a platypus costume of all things?”
“Just think in a few months when I wear you down I get to have a picture of possible Oscar award winning actor Adrien Brody in a platypus costume just for little me.” The smile on your face made others chuckle while you added, “Leave the logistics to me on the costume I got connections, cupcake.”
“Such as?”
“Never met a Drag Queen Pageant contestant have you?”
“You know Drag Queens,” he looked to Peter saying, “Who does she associate with?”
“Some fun people, you’ve obviously been missing out cupcake on some of the most extravagant affairs you couldn’t dream of.”
“Doubtful,” he replied and you turned your head at Jamie’s hand patting the table.
“Young and the Restless!” He exclaimed, “I knew I recognized that delivery guy from somewhere. Am I right?”
You nodded, “Yup, we traded tips, I overhead of an audition on the subway and he slipped me a note after a movie night out on one for a commercial a while back. Always wanted to be a floozy pool boy slash hopeful novelist working for some heiress.”
Colin asked, “You get the audition?”
“No, they wanted someone taller and less busty something about sliding a roll of tape off the woman’s chest.”
Adrien, “How do you even hear about a part on the subway?”
“Cell phone conversations. Someone screwed someone’s uncle and then knocked up another person’s ex and they got kicked off set and they needed to fill in a slot for the show. Everyone has ears. One of my best tips came from a hot dog vender back when I was in school. Helped his son study for midterms and he keeps an ear out when the big producers head out for lunch.”
Adrien, “Get an agent.”
“I borrow my Mate’s from time to time across the pond. He’s pretty awesome.”
Adrien sighed and Jack cut him off asking, “Did you do that dance scene on a wire? When you dropped back in the splits off those guys shoulders playing your violin?”
“No, I had two spotters crouched down, the wires would have impeded with the dance and the other dancers. Plus cranes weren’t really in the budget.”
Jack, “Must have taken months to get that right-,”
Adrien said, “Wait, you were playing the violin and were flipping off someone’s shoulders?”
Andy, “You should watch the film.”
Jamie nodded, “It’s so good!”
Peter asked, “When is that Daredevil film out again?”
“Couple weeks,” you answered, “And I have no clue how that’s going to be. They just quilted the whole thing.”
Thomas, “Daredevil, like the comics?”
“Yes,” you answered, “They’re doing that and an Electra film from Marvel.”
Colin, “And you’re in the first?”
“Stewardess and a few other slots in a coffee shop. Filmed it when I was doing the Beast film and they jostled my role around a bit to fit the changes they made.”
Andy cut off any possible comment to say, “Plus there’s that other film with the evil tooth fairy you’re in our soon.”
Kyle said, “How do I always miss out on good monster movies?”
“Darkness Falls.”
Craig, “That’s what that film was about, I just caught the back of the promo at the last film I watched.”
John said, “You seem to really be on a thriller kick.”
Lunch arrived and in the clearing of the table Peter smiled stepping into the hall at the conclusion of another phone call. Though in his return your lips parted eyeing Fay Wray walking through the door who smiled looking over all of you. For nearly an hour once she shared all about her own experience in the original 1933 King Kong film before each of you got a chance to talk with her about your own roles in the film. Hanging back listening carefully through the others her grin doubled as you wriggled free from your seat to take your turn with Adrien watching you both like a hawk and others watching him and his amusing expressions in doing so.
“Jaqi, I have been just aching to talk to you. Pearl spent years sharing all the tiny details on you with me, you come here now,” That had you giggling at her hands waving you over to claim a warm hug making Adrien’s brow twitch wondering how you knew one another. Once apart she said, “I want you to know how proud she was of you especially after those leeches of hers moved her away. And that performance at the Tony awards, flawless, we didn’t stop talking about that for months after. She’d have been so happy to have seen you on the big screen, after you took such good care of her. I bet she shared all about our adventures while we worked together on my sitcom.”
“She did,” you said with a smile, “Shared so much about all her adventures too, let me in on all the juicy gossip and tons of tips for my performances with orchestras too.”
“Well she would know all about that,” she said delving into the best tips she had for you and your role until when her daughter said it was time to head home again to beat traffic. From her bag however she pulled out a duo of picture frames she passed to you making you smile. The first Mrs Henderson when she was younger meeting the late King George beside the invitation she was given to perform for the Royal Family. The second her invitation to the Oscars at her nomination for the award she was up for composer for the score to a film. In catching her eyes again she pat your lower arms with a loving smile to your misty eyed fight not to cry, “She wanted you to have these. The rest of her memories have been tucked away somewhere safe from being sold off, keep those close, and one day you can trade up when you do better than the both of us did.”
“I highly doubt I could ever play for King George though,” you teased making her chuckle. “Can’t best her in that.”
“No you can’t,” she said adding a slip of paper to the frames, “You need me you know where to call, sweet girl.” You nodded and she claimed another hug and made her way out with her daughter who stole a hug of her own glad to have met the person behind the stories she’d heard for years since you’d taken charge of care for her best friend.
Colin, “You know her?”
Peter while stunned himself remained silent letting you answer the burning question held by all, “My old neighbor up until a few years back she had Alzheimer’s and I did her shopping and cleaned up around the place trading for stories of the films, shows and orchestras she’d worked on.” Looking at Peter and said, “The winter we met while I was gone her kids moved her to a retirement village and my landlord gave me her old place that was bigger than mine. They had a story she died few months back.” Glancing at Colin again you said, “So not knowing her exactly in person, more the era.”
Adrien, “They pay you to take care of her, the kids?”
You looked him over and said, “We have no lift in my building and the shops are blocks away, some of us were raised to keep an eye out. She was family, never met the kids.”
Peter clapped his hands, “So, I think we meet up tomorrow separately, the Vaudeville crew and those working in the mock stage play to get that work started. And for those of you still anxious to get to New Zealand as a tradition on the campground we have been filming the Tolkien Trilogy we are having a cookout to start off filming on the right foot.”
Pt 35
Hobbit – Soulmate - @evyiione​​, @deepestfirefun, @rhaenaatargaryen, @anastasialovers
X all Rich. A - @abiwim​, @deepestfirefun​, @thestorybookmistress
X Lee P - @tigereyesf​
All –
@himoverflowers​, @theincaprincess​​, @aspiringtranslator​​, @thegreyberet​​, @patanghill17​​, @jesgisborne​​, @curvestrology​​, @alishlieb​​, @jogregor​​, @armitageadoration​​, @fizzyxcustard​​, @lilith15000​​, @marvels-ghost​​, @catthefearless​​, @imjusthereforthereads​​, @c-s-stars​​, @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore​​, @mariannetora​​, @shes-a-killer-kween​, @ggbbhehe4455
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avaria-revallier · 4 years
Chapter 7: A soft landing
Chapter 1 -start here
Chapter 6
Bella hurried back to the clearing as fast as her injured leg would let her. The bag with the herbs pressed against her aching ribcage.
When she reached the clearing she could only spot Dwalin and Nori. The thief was about to leave while Dwalin only stared at his back with an unidentifiable expression. Did she miss something?
“Dwalin? What happened?” she asked from behind him, feigning ignorance.
Of course Gandalf had showed up. The trolls turned to stone and the others were on their way to inspect the troll hoard. They wouldn’t have much time to rest. Maybe a few hours before Radagast turned up and with him the orcs and wargs. Luckily, she had already grabbed her backpack when she fetched the herbs.
“Bella! Let me get Oin to check you over. Where does it hurt? Come here, sit for a moment! Are you thirsty? Shall I get you some water?” Dwalin grabbed the bag from her arms and gently nudged her to a log nearby.
“I am fine, really. Just bring me to the others. We are no longer safe here.” Determined, Bella grabbed onto her brother's forearm.
She was half leaning on him and half dragging him into the direction Nori went off to earlier. Bella was right, he realised. They were no longer safe. If the trolls had come down from the mountains then even the main road was no longer safe.
Together they made their way toward the cave Fili and Kili had spotted. Gloin and Nori were busy burying a small chest. A smile stole itself on her lips. That small stinking chest had given her quite the headache back in Shire. So much gossip over such a small amount of gold. This was nothing compared to the treasure hall of Erebor.
Sitting down near the entrance, she held her face up in the sunshine. The warmth made her forget the pain in her body for a while.
A shadow fell over her and as she opened her eyes she stared directly into the deep blue eyes of the dwarven king. Bella took her time examining his face. He would look so much better with a smile on his face. Instead, he was frowning once again.
“How may I help you, master Oakenshield?” giving her best not to wince while standing up she asked him with a steady voice.
This whole situation was new for her. The dwarven king had never really cared for or about her before. He had even wanted to leave her with lord Elrond! Truly strange… Well, it might have been her fault as well as she had stuck to Gandalf for the better part of their travels before and only kept whining about her home and all the comforts she had to leave behind. How shameful of her! They had lost their homes and hadn’t left them willingly.
A pang of guilt hit her stomach. She had been so wrong in the past. This was a good enough reason to improve the present. She would have to improve herself to change their fate and hers at well.
“Well,” he started, averting his look from her intensive staring, “Here! Just take it… Might be your size.” He rumbled low while shoving a small leather sheath in her arms.
Sting. He had found her trusted traveling companion. The small sword lay reassuringly in her palm.
“Thank you.” she breathed.
Joy flooded her heart and mind. Later, she would blame her further actions on her brain malfunctioning at that very moment.
“Thank you so much, Thorin!” lunging forward, she embraced the stern king, giving him a big kiss on his cheek before happily making her way towards the grey wizard.
Thorin stood there. Petrified. Did she just? She did… She…
A muffled snicker followed by the thudding sound of a hand colliding with the back of a head confirmed his fear. She did!
‘Oh Mahal! This was more than confusing. Were hobbits such affectionate beings? Yes, that must be the case. She would have done the same for every other member of the company,’ his own train of thoughts made him angry.
“Nori! Gloin! Hurry up!” he grunted down the cave, turning his back at his nephews.
Those two rascals were still snickering and hiding the fact rather poorly. Bofur on the other hand laughed openly. Dwalin looked at him as if he had been the one kissing the lass. Mahal, how the burglar had already changed his cousin.
Dori, Ori and Gloin returned, having packed their rations and gear. Sadly, only four ponies and Gandalf's horse were left. The rest must have bolted when they had been busy fighting and, well… trying not to get eaten.
He would have to tell Ori once again to leave the record for this day blank! He wouldn’t need to be reminded of the shame when he had to cry out that they had parasites…
A crashing sound and loud cursing made him draw his sword and whirl around to face the possible threat head on.
Bella smiled. It had been ages since she had seen the brown wizard. He was still the same Radagast she remembered. A bit skittish, but full of love for the animals around him. The rabbits pulling his sled had always fascinated her. Curious, she stepped nearer. One of them lifted its head, looking into her eyes.
The dwarrows were still discussing whether to trust the newcomer or not. Sure, Radagast might have made quite the entrance, screaming and cursing, and the stick insect in his mouth along with the nest in his hair were rather off-putting, but he was a kind soul and not one to be corrupted.
The rabbit nuzzled its head into her hand and after a short while she was surrounded by the furry lot. They were gentle as if they knew of her injuries. Suddenly, the ears of their leader perked up and his nose twitched nervously. The wargs. How could she forget that?!
“Watch out!” she managed to scream, before the first ugly monster broke through the bushes and launched at Thorin.
It was killed quickly and now everyone shifted their attention towards the approaching enemy. Well, not all the attention. Gandalf shouted at Thorin and Thorin shouted back at Gandalf demanding to know who else would have known about their quest. She saw the look the leader of the company gave her. It made her heart freeze.
“I will draw them off!” Radagst offered.
“These are Gundabad wargs!” Gandalf warned his friend.
“These are Rhosgobel rabbits. I’d like to see them try!” the brown wizard puffed proud.
They ran and hid. The ponies were nervous and Bella's heart pounded against her damaged rib cage like it had been doing once long ago. This was exciting and nerve-wrecking, but it made her feel alive!
At the very moment when Thorin nodded at Kili to shoot the approaching warg together with its rider, Bella nearly jumped out herself. She was more than ready to take on the enemy once again. Dwalin held her back by gently grabbing her arm. He was right. Kili could handle this. He was an amazing archer and a great fighter. He needed this experience to grow. It would be good for him.
“Where are you leading us?” she could hear Thorin’s whispered question towards Gandalf.
Thorin surely wouldn’t like the answer and Gandalf knew this fact as did Bella, so he kept silent. They came closer towards the large rock formation that marked the entrance to the secret passageway into the hidden valley. Well, the last few hundred meters were open terrain. There was no way to hide anymore. Running would be the only option.
She prepared herself mentally for the pain that soon would be raging in her entire body. Each step had sent a wave of pain through her body, but the occasional breaks while they were hiding made it easier to catch her breath. The last part on the other hand would be not as forgiving. Maybe they would be lucky and lord Elrond would suddenly appear, together with his hunters.
Taking a deep breath, she readied herself to sprint whenever Thorin would give the signal. Without a warning, two tattooed arms lifted her off the ground and placed her on the last remaining pony.
“Why d-” Thorin's signal interrupted her question.
Kili and Fili slapped the frightened pony to encourage the poor thing to run even faster. Howls, barks and several orders cried out in black speech followed, leaving the rabbit sled alone.
The pony was definitely faster than she would have ever been on foot, injured or not. Still, it was way too frightening to break through the two wargs ahead, let alone blindly jump into a small opening between the stones. Panicked, the steed looked around, searching for a way out. A warg used this chance to jump at them, its jaw wide open. In a split second, the pony decided between being eaten by a warg and jumping into a cave, the cave being the winning option.
The sudden movement made Bella lose her grip and she slipped off of the back of the pony, landing on her backside. An arrow flew past her, grazing the warg’s ear. This distraction gave her enough time to scramble back onto her feet and limp as fast as she could towards the passageway.
Kili cursed while Fili changed his direction, running past her. Thorin cursed as well, but far more creatively than his nephew. Dwalin roared while swinging his battle axes. ‘How she had missed this before?’ she wondered, Bombur and Bifur had already vanished into the opening. Bofur helped Ori and Dori while Nori sent another one of his knives flying before jumping down as well. Balin had the nerve to lecture his brother not to be reckless and ‘cut the crap while you are still able to’. Oin and Gloin must also already be down there as she could hear them shouting for the others to come down.
Dwalin turned around, a grim expression on his face, grabbed Kili and Fili, each on one arm and jumped down as well. Thorin was still waiting for her at the entrance, his sword ready. Bella quickened her speed and prompt stumbled, falling into the dwarven kings arms and pulling him down with her.
She landed rather soft on top of Thorin. Her eyes tightly shut, she didn’t dare to move. Carefully, she opened her eyes slightly, only to look into the King's face. It was rather dark in the cave. She wasn't able to make out the expression on his face. In a rather poor attempt to separate herself from Thorin, Bella placed her hands on his chest. She tried not to think too much about how muscular he was. Slowly, she started to separate herself from him, wiggling around trying to find a position that wouldn’t hurt too much. Bella tried not to put any weight on her injured legs or any other parts of her that were hurting. Well, the only part not hurting at the moment was her head, but she could feel a headache rising.
Two big, strong hands on her hips made it impossible for her to move any further. The dwarven King had held her down in this rather shameful position.
Thorin took this chance to search her body for injuries. He grunted, displeased as she flinched under his touch. Somehow it made the King angry to see her hurt. And somehow, it felt nice to have her near. Bella started shifting again. She didn't know what exactly she was supposed to feel at this particular moment. It felt great to be able to be so close to him. But at the same moment, she felt a pang in her heart. This was not her Thorin. And this was not right.
She opened her mouth, ready to give him a piece of her mind when a growl from behind interrupted her. In the first second, she thought it was a warg, but then the growl evolved into a wave of dwarven curses spoken in Khuzdul. Gently, two arms wrapped around her from behind, easily lifting her up from Thorin. She recognised the tattoos on the arms. The warmth on her hips disappeared. Her body reacted to the sudden cold with a shiver while her heart winced to be separated from her One.  
Her brother held her protectively in his arms, standing with his back towards his king and putting himself between her and Thorin. She knew that dwarrows were protective, but she never thought that Dwalin would defy his king. This was a completely new experience for her. She didn't want to be in between the two of them, she didn't want to be in between anything. If she hadn't known what would have come next, maybe she would have stayed with Lord Elrond.
A furry body slid down into the cave, taking all the unwanted attention of her and presenting a way for Thorin to hide his embarrassment.
How in the world could he have let down his guard in such a critical moment? His palms still felt the softness of her body. There was something familiar in the way they touched, but he was quite sure he had never seen the hobbit lass before. Still, when Dwalin separated her from him, he wouldn't have liked anything better than punching his best friend in the face and getting back what belonged to him.
To get his mind off those strange thoughts, he shifted his attention towards the dead warg. An arrow was plunged into the throat of the monster. Separating the arrow from the body, he inspected it.
“Elves!” he spat out.  
As if to answer his angry grunting, the sound of a horn broke through the cries from outside. The company started fidgeting nervously, looking for a way out. Up and out of the cave was not an option and Thorin nearly sighed with relief when Bofur shouted that there was another way. It was a narrow pass seemingly leading deeper into the mountain, but it was rather bright, so maybe, just maybe, they had a chance.  
The passageway was too narrow for Dwalin to both carry Bella and fit through it himself at the same time. So, he had no other possibility than to walk behind her, lending her a helping hand and steadying her whenever she staggered. Whenever he wasn’t fast enough to catch her and, as a result, she would crash into a stone wall with a hollow thump, he would wince. Not being able to help her nearly drove him insane. His mood dropped with every passing second.
Seeing how Thorin looked at her with that worried, sad and longing look made him angrily clench his fists. He had no right to ogle his sister like that!
“It is as beautiful as I remembered.” She mumbled under her breath.
Dwalin wouldn’t have heard it if Thorin hadn’t lifted his head as soon as she opened her mouth. Both of them looked at each other in confusion. Had they heard right?
In front of them, a beautiful valley lay. The valley of Imladris where  the last homely house was. The tattooed warrior grumbled a curse in the wizard’s direction. To guide them right towards those damned elves! Thorin seemed to have the same thoughts. He finally stopped looking at Bella and glowered at the grey-hatted man.
Why must dwarrows be so bloody stubborn, wary and suspicious of each and every person they meet?! Bella had found herself in the middle of a small circle built out of muscles, sharp axes and rumbling growls. She could only shake her head at their overprotective behaviour. Lord Elrond would have never allowed harm to befall his guests. Here, in the last homely house, they would be just as safe as in Beorn's hut. A smile lightened up her face as she thought of the large man who was gentler than anyone could have ever imagined.
She shifted her attention back when the sound of a horn sounded in the distance once more, announcing the return of the elven king. The circle tightened around her even more. Gandalf watched their actions with amusement and when Bella locked eyes with him he chuckled at her distressed expression.
Thorin muttered something to Dwalin, too quietly for her to understand. But the two dwarves nodded in grim agreement, not letting the elves out of sight.
Lord Elrond returned with his hunters not a second too late. Lindir seemed a bit troubled by the gruff and dirty company that appeared on their doorstep. Led by Gandalf the Grey of all people! The exchange of greetings, compliments and courtesies gave Bella a chance to remember the lessons of elven language she had all those years before.
“Lord Elrond, it is good to see you again. May I request to visit your infirmary?” fighting her way out, she glared at Fili and Kili trying to pull her back.
The dark-haired elf lifted one brow at her request spoken in elvish. The pronunciation was not bad and gave evidence that she had been learning the language for quite some time. Lord Elrond looked at Gandalf. It was a  long, questioning look. The wizard only shrugged and searched his pockets for his pipe weed.
“Of course, little one. But you have to promise me to tell me all the exciting details of your journey over dinner. We hadn’t had a hobbit here in forever, and especially not one traveling with the dwarves, no less.” He smiled, waving Lindir over.
The king’s attendant picked her up with ease, earning a surprised and an acknowledging squeak from the hobbit and an angry uproar from the company. Threats, insults and crude curses were thrown at the elves until Gloin stormed forward, swinging his weapon to daunt the elf holding Bella. It didn’t work. Lindir only looked down at Gloin with an unchanged countenance.
“Food,” Bella hurried to say, “he offered us to stay for dinner, freshen up a bit and rest.”
The adrenalin slowly vanished from her system. The pain returned, stronger than before, and Bella wished for nothing more than a hot bath, a change of clothes, some food and a soft bed.
Dwalin stepped forward in an intimidating manner. He pushed Gloin aside and straightened his back. With his arms crossed, he looked up and, in his eyes, she could see the gleam of an idea. The idea to kick Lindir into the hollow of the knee and snatch her from his arms.
“What are you planning to do with my sister, elf?” his voice was deep and threatening.
Lindir only raised an eyebrow, looking down he smiled coldly, “If you happened to notice, your ‘sister’ is seriously injured.”
Dwain’s hands twitched as if he wanted to deliver the first punch. Right in that moment Fili and Kili appeared on each side of the warrior. They looked determined.
“We will come with you.” Fili decided, while Kili nodded agreeing, “Can’t let you alone with them!”
Bella smiled. It was not convincing and far away from reassuring, but from her position, held by Lindir, she was finally taller than all of the members of the company. They looked worried up to her, big pleading eyes and protective sternness in their faces. They meant it, she realized. Tears started to fill her eyes, not out of pain, but happiness. Even Thorin fidgeted from one leg onto the other, trying his best to not meet her eyes. He stared at Lord Elrond, but still observed her out of the corner of his eye.
“That is very sweet of you, but I do prefer to bathe alone,” Bella chuckled.
Her chuckle quickly changed into a cough and a few drops of blood blemished Lindir’s perfectly white robes. The elf frowned displeased down at her. With a sharp nod towards his king, he hurried off to the healing quarters, taking her with him. Over Lindir’s shoulder, Bella could catch a glimpse of Thorin’s expression. Was that jealousy hidden behind the usual frown?
Chapter 8
General things:
If you want me to tag you as well, please just send me a message.
If you like what you have read consider reblogging my story for others to enjoy too.
I am always open for asks and requests for shorts of our favorite dwarrows!
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nightbringer24 · 3 years
Oathmark: Battlesworn and Oathmark: Oathbreakers.
So I have the two new supplements for Oathmark. Both are very different things, and they each add their own unique thing to the base game.
Battlesworn... while it’s a supplement, I feel it’s more of a supplement that works best if you’re playing a campaign and unique missions outside of the ones presented in the main book.
The main draw with Battlesworn is that, during the course of a campaign you can give units that perform exceptionally well in combat battle honours. Now, it seems like a little gimmick thing to make them more unique, and it is. To start with. But, as you give your unit more battle honours, up to three, you increase their points costs by 10% (rounded to the nearest whole number) for the unit, but not including characters like champions (so, by the example in the book, a unit of 19 Elven Spearmen is 418 points. If you give them a battle honour, that increase to 460 points, a second battle honour increases their points costs to 506, and a third increases that to 557). This makes them expensive, but each battle honour they have means they can reroll activation rolls, attack rolls, morale rolls, etc., so you can keep them in the fight longer. 
Battlesworn also adds to the game which, again, work best as being used in a more linear campaign: engineers and boats. Being a unit of 5 to 10 models, engineers allow an army to build fortifications on the field, destroy enemy fortifications and to also build temporary river crossings. A boat... is a boat, though they’re only split between two types: small (3-man crew) and large (4-man crew). At the most, a boat can hold two units, so for a example a large boat can hold a 20 man unit of archers and a catapult, while a small boat can hold a captain and a spellcaster. Again, these are definitely more in use with campaign games though you can come up with unique stand alone missions with them. You can do stuff like attack from the boat to land via a landing force, or just fire arrows or catapults from the boat to shore, or even boat-to-boat combat.
The main thing with Battlesworn is that it expands on the campaign setting with three unique military expeditions that follow more a story settings. With three options to choose from: exploring an ancient temple, securing a magical flower on a mystical island in a giant lake and a battle in a cavern supposedly filled with gold behind a waterfall, each expedition, split between three parts, with endings that are dependent on who wins (it’s hard to explain in this format with straight up copying each text), and each expedition you win gives you the territory the expedition was sent to to add to your areas in Region 5 of the territory list, and then each territory gives you benefits.
As you’d expect, you also get extra spells for each race and there’s also new aquatic creatures to go with the supplement too. Admittedly though, there’s nothing wholly amazing to say about them, but I’d love to see a picture of a ‘mammoth freshwater shark... with tusks... and is constantly emaciated’ just to see what that would look like.
In a game that lets gamers play with elves, dwarves, orcs and goblins, and dragons and ogres and trolls alongside humans in a fantasy setting, it only seems right that the Undead be feature in it. And Oathbreakers delivers it, not just for use in simple single games but also in campaigns too.
Like the base races, each unit in the Undead roster has their own territory they are recruited from in a campaign that you add to your kingdom with each successive victory.
The army list for the Undead is as follows, and like my original Oathmark army lists post here, I’ll be including the name of the region each unit comes from and any unit marked with a * means you can only have that unit if your capital is this piece of terrain during a campaign, and again, you can only have one general in your army.
Revenant King* - Necropolis
Revenant Prince* - Necropolis
Revenant General* - Necropolis, Cursed Burial Ground
Revenant Captain - Necropolis, Cursed Burial Ground
Revenant Champion - Necropolis, Cursed Burial Ground, Catacombs
Revenant Warrior - Catacombs
Revenant Linebreaker - Catacombs
Revenant Cavalry - Sepulchre
Revenant Chariot - Mausoleum
Necromancer* - Cursed Burial Ground(Levels 1-5), Dark Towers (Levels 1-3)
Skeletal Champion - Necropolis, Cursed Burial Ground, Mausoleum
Skeletal Soldier - Necropolis, Cursed Burial Ground
Skeletal Spearmen - Necropolis, Cursed Burial Ground
Skeletal Archer - Necropolis, Cursed Burial Ground
Ghoul -  Graveyard
Skeletal Light Catapult - Tomb
Skeletal Ballista - Tomb
Wraith - Barrows
Corpse Fire - Ash Wastes
Vampire - Crypt
Barrow Worm - Endless Tunnels
So, just going from the list, you get a lot of horrible, nasty ghoulish fighters to add to your army. As all of these units fall under the Undead rule, which means that they pass all morale tests, also when they are hit with attacks from units with bows, after your determine how many arrows hit, you half that number, rounding down. Also, all the Undead units, barring the Necromancer, have the Uncaring special rule, which means that if the unit is in combat and must make a morale test, it automatically passes, however, it takes additional damage equal to each full -2 modifier to the morale test, such as being hit from the sides, larger number of casualties, etc. A lot of the units also have the Unthinking special rule, which means that you only need 1 dice to roll to activate them instead of the regular 2, however, if they’re in range of a unit with the Command rule, then it’s increased to 2.
Using Undead in armies alongside the living is definitely a thing that you can do in Oathmark. In fact, the setting kind of promotes it. Even the description of the rulebook on the North Star Figures website sells it as such:
Some armies will use dark magic to summon the souls and corpses of traitors from the past, while others will recall the spirits of loyal warriors that gave their lives and willingly fight again.
And Undead units can definitely serve as a lynchpin in an army, though because they are undead, they suffer some drawbacks to using them in an integrated army, especially one where it’s the living lead by an undead character. Not huge drawbacks, but noticeable, mainly in that living units cannot receive morale or activation rolls from Undead characters. No-one likes following a corpse...
But people do like following grand and powerful heroes into battle, and in Oathbreakers, you get the ability to turn any unit in your army into Legendary Units. Essentially, if you think a unit or model has done particularly well in your campaign, and you follow the points given in the Oathbreakers supplement, you can turn them into Legendary Heroes by assigning them Heroic Traits. This can be something like giving a spellcaster Arcane Knowledge (the spellcaster can cast any spell from its spell list, even if the figure does not know the spell), a captain a Signal Horn (the figure’s command range increases to 14 inches for one turn when attempted to activate additional units), or a unit of spearmen Stand Your Ground (whenever the unit or figure is forced to make a morale test, the unit/figure automatically passes the morale test). There’s even bits about what you can do if your Legendary Hero is captured, wounded, or killed.
Again, like Battlesworn, Oathbreakers contains Military Expeditions to go on to expand your kingdom and your kingdoms army resources, wealth and territory. And the new territory list included in the supplement are designed to compliment the Battlesworn and Legendary Heroes. All of these are more mystical than the ones in Battlesworn, revolving heavily around encounters with the Undead and also places that are magical in nature and have bonuses for healing wounded heroes, increasing the range of archers, or strengthening the resolve of your armies.
And that’s all I have to say about the supplements for Oathmark, Battlesworn and Oathbreakers.
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jq37 · 4 years
The Report Card – Fantasy High Sophomore Year Ep 9
Bad Kids Family Reunion
Can you believe we’re on our last episode for the year? I feel like we just started! We may not have another episode until January, but we left off on a doozy this week so let’s get going. This ep is basically split into two parts: The bulk of the Bad Kids in the Land of the Lomenelda and Adaine in Catheldriel Tower. In the ep, we go back and forth a little, but I’ll just summarize each part separately to keep things simple. 
Lomenelda Family Reunion
As you probably remember, last week the group decided to teleport to the Land of the Lomenelda because Catheldriel Tower was too secure to get into directly and because The LotL is both close by to the Tower but also the ancestral home of Fabian’s mother’s side of the family. 
Once they arrive, they see it’s basically the most stereotypical elven forest ever. Pristine woods, beautiful animals, haunting music. Fig puts a clove cigarette on the ground as an offering to a deer that she thinks might be her creature (which she still hasn’t paid for as far as I know) which brings out an elf named Telemien to tell her to stop littering. Telemien is very Elrond-esque and he has all the classic elven traits--long-winded, breathy speech, weirdly inflected words, turning into sand to be dramatic. He also happens to be Fabian’s grand-dad. 
Gilear rolls very well on his diplomacy check and, combined with the fact that they’ve brought family, the group in welcomed into the forest with open arms. Fabian fills his grand-dad in on why they’re in his neck of the woods and Telemien informs him that the Abernant family has been disgraced, Adaine’s mom was found guilty of treason (though he doesn’t know the exact crime) and fled, and their land has been seized by the Court of Stars. While the Lomenelda are generally apolitical, Telemien doesn’t have a problem saying that he has a low opinion of the Abernant family and Anguin especially is an amoral, power-grabbing, sonuvabitch.  
Riz, who is shouldering the entire responsibility of keeping the Bad Kids on task since Adaine is currently locked up, rolls to see if anything weird is going on in the forest and we learn that the Lomenelda basically just drug their teenagers with magic grapes and sad music to keep them chill and not horned up (something he finds iffy until a day of herding his friends towards a very time sensitive rescue mission at which point he’s like maybe this guy is on to something). Still, Riz warns the group against eating anything, which is always a good rule of thumb when you’re dealing with fae-adjacent nonsense (and Kristen does ping faint fey/celestial energy when she casts a Detect Evil and Good).
Fig and Riz are willing to leave for their rescue mission pretty much right away but the group decides to get a full night’s sleep first so they can regain spell slots and stuff. Ragh goes to flirt with some elf teenagers and Tracker reminds Kristen that they need to have a chat vis a vis Garthy and Sandra-Lynn. So, four episodes after the fact, Kristen finally tells Tracker that Sandra-Lynn hooked up with Garthy but she does it in such a blase and offhanded way that I assume was an attempt to sell it as not a big deal to Tracker to prevent a trip to the doghouse. It’s not the strategy I would have suggested and clearly the dice agree with me because she hits double Nat 1s on her persuasion roll. Tracker gives her another shot to give the real reason why she kept the info from her (besides “I didn’t wanna tell a lot of people,” which is such weaksauce). Kristen says that “so much was happening” and just Tracker stalks off. 
Fig, having seen Tracker leave in a huff, asks what just went down and Kristen tells her. Fig takes Kristen’s side and is appreciative that Kristen was willing to let her mom’s business be her own business. Kristen decides to give Sandra-Lynn a heads up that Tracker knows what she did. Sandra-Lynn is distraught enough about the situation that she makes the mistake of briefly giving Kristen whisky before wising up and sending her to the Van, sans alcohol.  
Fig talks to Gilear who, if you remember, also noticed that something was up with Sandra-Lynn and Garthy. Fig doesn’t give details but basically confirms it and says that at least he can take solace in the fact that him getting cheated on was probably more on her than because of anything he did. Gilear responds by telling Fig a little about Sandra-Lynn’s short-lived adventuring career: Apparently, Sandra-Lynn was a rising star in the adventuring world back when she went to Aguefort but her career was thrown off the rails when she joined a party as a replacement and ended up romantically involved with one member of a couple. The couple was very powerful and the one she was with didn’t treat her very well. Eventually, she was kicked out of the party and her name was smeared by the couple. After that, she couldn’t really find another party to join which is why she works for the Ranger Corp now. Gilear knows who the couple in question is but declines to tell Fig.
And the Kristen/Tracker trainwreck continues. Kristen gathers flowers for Tracker and finds her sulking in wolf form. Kristen did a decent job on the flower picking but whiffs her persuasion roll with another Nat 1! Tracker says that Kristen is always going off about being introspective and doing the right thing, but sitting on this, paralyzed with inaction was just as much of a wrong choice as taking an action and, also, it just plain sucked. Kristen kind of tries to “yes, dear” her way through the lecture but then gives Tracker the flowers in such a way that implies that eventually Tracker will get over it which Tracker does not care for at all. She stalks off for a second time.
Fig decides to tell Telemien that Gilear is dating Hilariel (his daughter) and they leave to take a walk and talk about poetry. Gorgug (who is very exhausted by all of the elven nonsense going on) goes to the Van and asks Ayda if she can cast Sending for him to Zelda. After accosting him (you can take the girl out of the pirate city and so on I guess) she says she’ll do it for 150 gold. The message essentially says, “Hey. We’re safe. Sorry about screwing up. I’m working on it. Miss you.” He rolls Persuasion with disadvantage and a 12 gets him left on read all night. 
Tracker has cast the Moon Haven spell and everyone (except Gilear) piles into the Van. Kristen, who’s sleeping alone tonight for obvious reasons, walks into Ragh’s room and sees that he has brought a high elf teenager. She quickly leaves to give him privacy and then decides to take Adaine’s room for the night. While she’s awake, she notices that Gorgug is still awake too. He says he messaged Zelda and he hasn’t gotten a reply yet. Maybe it’s a time zone thing? Kristen is pretty sure it isn’t a time zone thing. Gorgug also notices that Kristen came out of Adaine’s room and not Tracker’s. They hug it out over both being in the doghouse with their respective partners.
Fabian, who had previously failed his Con save with an 8, gets to re-roll because of the super fine, elven forged, 800 thread count sheets he brought into the Moon Haven (that Riz refused because it seemed inappropriate while Adaine was in jail) and he got a modded 20, finally getting over his levels of Exhaustion. Our boy isn’t back to his old self but he’s getting there.
In the morning, Riz is very anxious to leave and very over all the elven and Bad Kid shenanigans. Ragh is also very ready to leave, but that’s mainly because he wants to escape his (first ever) hook-up who is a liiiitle too into him being a half-orc if you know what I mean. Kristen decides to give one of her classic, patented, inspiring speeches which is just a glorious trainwreck that’s half public apology, half total ramble, 100% uncomfortable for everyone involved. Then, she offhandedly asks Telemien if he can see Kalina in the photo. He can’t but, guess what? She can. She freaks and asks Tracker to hug her cause she’s freaking out. Tracker obliges until Kristen pushes her luck and asks if she’s slept off being mad at her, at which point she up and leaves for the THIRD TIME. Even Fig is like, “Yikes, girl.”
Ayda isn’t sure if this is a good time (it’s not) but she got a reply back from Zelda. Zelda said that she couldn’t answer because she was at a party and says trying to build a cell tower is crazy. “It’s all whatever Gorgug. I don’t blame you.” The gang walks Ayda through the nuance of the text and why the prognosis is looking negative on the Zelda front. She offers to hurt Zelda for Gorgug. Gorgug appreciates the sentiment but declines. Ayda also says she can research Planeshift for Fig once they’ve rescued Adaine. 
But back to the matter at hand. Telemien explains the defenses of Calethriel Tower: It’s defended by a lot of arcane spellcraft that will protect against most magic attacks but is vulnerable to physical attacks which the elves would see as too base to defend against. All of the defenses are powered by Elemental Pylons (which are basically like power transformers). Also, Gilear tries (and fails) to ask for Hilariel’s hand in marriage by inducing vomiting in himself which makes slightly more sense in context but only slightly. 
When they get to the edge of the valley where the tower is, Kristen sees that the Pylons are pretty far away from each other (like, miles away). There’s no way to hit both towers and then get to Adaine before someone realizing something’s up. The group mentions that they’re also supposed to be breaking out Aelwyn but Fabian is a lot less gung-ho about that part of the plan than he previously was, pre-existential crisis. They talk it out for a while and end up coming up with the following plan: The hirelings will go to one Pylon to destroy it. Gorgug, Fabian, and Riz will destroy the second Pylon at the same time. Once the Pylons are down and the magical defenses are weak enough that they can use magic without it being countered, Fig (disguise expert), Kristen (in case Adaine or Aelwyn need heals, which they will), and Ayda (who has teleportation and invisibility spells) will go in and get the sisters. Then, everyone will meet at the Van and teleport out (or at the very least, get together to plan a different way out). 
Abernant Family Reunion
Meanwhile, in Calethriel Towel, Adaine is having a Day. She’s been put in a Torture Orb which isn’t that bad for the time being but it is very annoying and Boggy is pretty upset. She’s actually not being prevented from casting spells because the elves wouldn’t expect her to have slots yet and she can’t really regain them without trancing. She can sense that the prison is full of permanent magical effects (powered by the Pylons she doesn’t know about) which is unusual since those are really hard to achieve. 
The elves’ hubris in not completely stopping her from casting spells works out to Adaine’s favor. She casts Dispel Magic and needs to hit a 15. She gets a 19 and her orb disappears. Unfortunately, that sets off an alarm. She needs to hide but she’s not exactly Riz. She decides (to my immediate delight) to hide in Aelwyn’s room. She only rolls a 6 but that only means that Aelwyn clocks her when she rushes in, not the guards. Speaking of the guards, on a 15 perception check, Adaine can see that there actually aren’t a ton of security mages. It just seems that way because they can immediately teleport to wherever the problem is from these doorless archways. 
Anyway, Kier rushes in with some green, 8ft tall, magical construct guards. As she does so, Aelwyn motions for Adaine to stay silent. Kier asks Aelwyn if she knows where Adaine is and Aelwyn basically says, “How should I know?” (which is a question and not an outright lie, smart in case any kind of lie detector spell was running). Once Kier is gone, Aelwyn telepathically messages Adaine (which is a cantrip she’d be able to do even without spell slots) and asks if Adaine has any spell slots left they can use to escape. Adaine says she has 4 first level spell slots and her frog, but her spellbook was taken (as was her jacket). Aelwyn says it was probably taken to the vault on the first floor but it would have been locked down because of the alarm was triggered. Then she and asks if their mom found her and Adaine said she did, briefly.
Up close, Adaine can see more clearly what she glimpsed for a second when she was brought in. Aelwyn is doing BAD. She’s shaking just from the effort of keeping upright and having trouble putting together thoughts. Completely unprompted, Adaine tells Aelwyn that nobody deserves the torture she’s going through and that it’s barbaric and undeserved. Aelwyn immediately starts tearing up (as much as she can being so dehydrated) and says that she can’t remember exactly what it is that she did--both to the world in general and to Adaine specifically--but it was also barbaric and undeserved. She apologizes and is self aware enough to realize how messed up she must have have been that it took months of literal torture to get her to a place where she realized that she had things to apologize for--even though she can’t really remember what they are at this point in her mental deterioration. Adaine, in turn, is aware enough to realize at this point that their parents didn’t just screw her up; they screwed up Aelwyn too by treating her like the golden child. Aelwyn reflexively defends their parents, saying that they tried their best and that they were just trying to make them better by having high expectations but Adaine, who’s had a year of therapy to unpack her trauma, gently rebuffs her. “Expectations without love? What’s that?”
At this point in the conversation, Aelwyn starts repeating herself like an NPC that’s run through all their scripted dialogue options. Adaine realizes but is very patient with her until she’s found and brought back to her cell. However, her cell is close enough to Aelwyn’s that they can message each other. She also uses Ray of Frost in her Orb to make a kind of Slip and Slide to keep her spirits up and she’s able to avoid taking a level of exhaustion in there.  
Later, Kier comes in with Adaine’s dad so they can talk. And by that I mainly mean so he can talk at her because she still wants nothing to do with him. Anguin tells Adaine to stop being stubborn and just do what’s asked of her to avoid execution. She also doesn’t know how he is OK with how they’re torturing to Aelwyn. He says she’s being a drama queen since Aelwyn committed treason and she’s not being literally physically beaten or injured. Adaine starts trying to respond to that and then decides to just demand a lawyer. Anguin thinks she’s being ridiculous because things like lawyers and democracy are Solesian concepts and ridiculous, unlike Falinel’s totally normal system government which involves immortal dancers and moon phases.  
Adaine, in probably the most high-elf-y display we’ve seen from her, formally curses her dad in the name of the seas and the moon and sun. Then she casts Tasha’s Hideous Laughter on her dad (wasting one of her very few spell slots in a very in character way) because she truly cannot help herself. After Kier quickly dispels it, she demands to see the Solesian Ambassador. But you’re a citizen of Falinel, says Kier (though she can’t hide that the threat gets to her a little). Yeah, but I go to Aguefort, says Adaine. As soon as his name is invoked, a hologram of Aguefort pops up like Clippy and says, “Hey, it seems like you’re F’ing with one of my students. Now, I’m the baddest bitch that’s ever lived. Do you want to do this the easy way or the hard way?” Kier smirks and chooses the hard way. The hologram blinks out, an alarm starts going off--
And that’s where we end for the year! 
*Note: Anguin and Adaine also were contenders for Detention and the Honor Roll respectively but it would have been for basically the same things as last week so I chose other people. 
Kristen for The Worst Apology Ever
I’ve been concerned about this whole Sandra-Lynn/Garthy thing blowing up since it happened, man. I read the writing on the wall. And I knew, if she didn’t get ahead of it, this was gonna splash back on Kristen. And then she decides, not only is she not going to get ahead of it, she’s gonna actively jog further behind it? Truly wild. 
And it’s even crazier because, yeah, it would be an awkward conversation to have but it wouldn’t have reflected badly on Kristen (who didn’t do anything), just on Sandra-Lynn. And, yeah, not great for group dynamics but, you know what’s way worse? Tracker being mad at Kristen AND Sandra-Lynn. Tracker’s not even so mad on her Uncle’s behalf as she is about how Kristen decided to handle the situation which, yeah! Duh! How did you think cutting your girlfriend out of the loop would go?
And, listen, a lot actually was going on. The Fabian ordeal then Ragh got possessed, Riz got ambushed by Kalina, they fought Wicklaw again and Adaine got kidnapped. All of these things happened very close together than they’re all #1 Priority type things. She for sure had time to tell Tracker (and should have) but it wasn’t the most pressing thing going on. There is an apology that includes the words “there was a lot going on” that actually works but DAMN, this was NOT it chief.
Honor Roll
Aguefort for Having his Students’ Back 
Listen. Aguefort is a crazy, mercurial, semi-feral agent of chaos who I would never leave children in the care of.
HOWEVER, when he comes through he REALLY comes through and man did he come through for Adaine.
Of course, it remains to be seen what his help will actually look like but he gets this spot for bringing a spot of hope into a pretty terrible situation in a very cool way. Well, that and the Drama of It All. 
Also, I’m just relieved he’s at least somewhat keeping track of the child assassins he’s sending out into the world.  
Random Thoughts
Adaine Re: Boggy: He’s with me how dare you?
Brennan says near the end of the ep something like, “I didn’t think we were gonna spend a whole episode dunking on eleves,” but, honestly? Valid. I really can’t stand elves in most media (even though I usually play elves or half-elves) because they’re so pompous and holier than thou and constantly talking about how fleeting everyone else's lives are. It drives me nuts. Moonshine in Naddpod is my favorite elven archetype in anything because she totally inverts the trope. 
“I can’t believe I’m half this.”/”You are not half this these are high elves.”
I love how Fig has absolutely no concept of how this “make me a creature” thing is supposed to work. Does she think Aguefort is just gonna release it into the world without telling her and she has to just, like, find it? Not that that doesn’t sound like something he might do, but still.
Gorgug gets so sick of the insane elven pronunciations and talk about how he’s gonna die at 20 and general nonsense that he has to go lie down in the Van which is The Mood.
Fabian receiving a long, elven greeting from his grandad and then giving the most kid-like response--“Yeah so I’m in high school and I have a school project I need help on and it’s like 60% of my grade”--was very funny.
A couple lore points from this episode:
Fabian’s grand-dad crafted a sword for the king of Falinel 3000 years ago which is why he was gifted the land they live on.
Calethriel Tower was originally a monument by a grieving widow to her husband died in war with Highcourt 500 years ago.
For more detailed physical descriptions and info on the lore, you can check out jamiebluewind’s post on that here.
And then you can also find new character descriptions here and transcripts of the two big RP scenes in Calethriel tower here and here. 
And I just wanna give another big shoutout to @jamiebluewind who saved me a lot of backtracking with these descriptions/transcripts. I really appreciate the effort it takes to do that and it’s a super useful resource to have.  
“Sheetsmith” High elves are truly insufferable. I’m with Gorgug on this.
I love Fig’s continuing efforts to be Gilear’s cheerleader. Their relationship is so great and it’s come a long way. I also love his brief moments of insight and competence (like, lol, remember in ep1 when Fig disguised herself as her mom and he drove her to school anyway? I loved that) so I was really cheering for him when he successfully did his diplomat stuff at the top of the ep and during his talk with Fig.
Fabian saying he wants his V-Card “removed” like it’s an infected appendix or something. I’m curious to see what, if anything, he says to Aelwyn when they see each other again, seeing as they’ve both hit rock bottom since the last time they met--which, to remind you, was at an insane house party where they were both at like a 14 out of 10.
I think it’s really great that, despite how much the Bad Kids clown on each other, they’re all super patient with explaining social nuances to Ayda. And I love that even though Ayda is pretty unclear about what the appropriate response is to anything, she is pretty ride or die but quick to rein it in once someone talks to her.
“It’s probably fine if Gilear has a grape.”
It’s very important for me to note that the funniest thing that happened this episode was a player action, not a character action and it was Siobhan--after about an hour of sitting in relative silence as the rest of the group did their thing--pulling out a present for Brennan--a set of Sugar and Dice Candy Dice. “So you can eat your fucking dice!” Amazing.
Brennan, as Telemien, recited some poetry and either Brennan just had that memorized or he was freestyling poetry with a consistent meter and rhyme scheme which is just too much for me to handle rn.
Kristen’s “inspiring” speech included the line, “Friendship is thicker than water and we need water to live.” Classic Kristen.
I truly cannot wait for Hilariel to re-enter the story. I want her takes on so many things and I want to know what her relationship with Gilear is like so so so bad. I wonder if he’s gonna tell her what happened with her dad. I didn’t really get the sense that she and Telemien stay in touch very much. But, in fairness, I don’t think she’s kept up with anything/one much in the past 20ish years. Imagine a wedding arc. Now that I’ve thought of it, I want it more than I can imagine. You know Fig would appoint herself Best Man.
The friend group thing where someone says your name wrong once and you pray it doesn’t become A Thing, even though someone’s already in the process of changing the group text title to that. Anyway, you know everyone’s gonna be spelling Fabian’s name Fah-Bee-Ahn in their group text for the foreseeable future.
Fig Re: Gorgug using the Pirate Sending Spell to Zelda: You can end with raunchy promises.
What party was Zelda going to in the Red Waste mid-quest? Was there even really a party? Or was it maybe a Gold Gardens type thing? Based on my experiences being a teenage girl, I would not be surprised if that text was written by committee. 
“She’ll come back?”/“Sure.” 
Kristen taking Adaine’s vacant room was such an evocative image. I can see it perfectly. Just her curled up alone in this immaculate room with little Adaine-y touches, sad about two things.
The Bad Kids in the forest had maybe the biggest Teenager energy that I’ve seen in any episode of FH so far. Like, that Tracker/Kristen argument alone.
“If you wanted me to build a cell tower I would do it immediately and I would know how.”
I don’t know if there really haven’t been many Kristen and Gorgug scenes or if I’m just forgetting but I loved their one on one in this ep. They’re good scene partners. 
I also really liked Gorgug’s talk with Ayda who has been a great addition to the squad. And I love how easily she jumped from, “You’re a good person from what I’ve seen” to that John Mulaney sketch where he’s like, “That guy sounds like he sucks. Do you want me to murder him for you?”
Brennan gave everyone some XP this ep so they’re very close to level 9. Lol at everyone suggesting they Fight Club each other to grind the last bit they need.
“My friend is kidnapped and the rest of my friends are just dancing and eating grapes!”
Telemien’s abject revulsion to the point of throwing up at the operation of a gun (which is why Gilear induced vomiting before asking for Hilariel’s hand btw) was a Choice on Brennan’s part.
“The body protects itself and secretes more hit points.”
Telemien offers to get the best eleven eyesmiths (sure) to make Fabian a new eye and it shouldn't even take long. Unfortunately, in elf-time, that could mean anything from 1 - 100 years.
WHY CAN KRISTEN SUDDENLY SEE THE SHADOWCAT? WHAT IS GOING ON? I’m like thisclose to thinking that it actually is transmitted through bodily fluids like some people were saying. But, seriously, what’s changed since last time the picture was taken out? This was post argument with Tracker. Is that a factor? Or does it just feel like it might be because it was the last major thing to happen before she was able to see it? I want to sit down during the break and make, like, a conspiracy theory board to put together all the data we have on this so far because I feel like every single new piece of info we get is something unexpected but I falso eel like we’re gonna hit ourselves when we realize what it is. 
Fig is very ride or die for Adaine this whole episode. She basically had no spell slots but was ready to go after Adaine right away, she offered to go in to get her alone as a “one woman Adaine retrieval team” while everyone else dealt with the Pylons, and when Ayda said Adaine was her best friend, she was like, “Well Adaine is kinda my best friend.”
“By the transitive property, are we best friends?” [Yes] “I grow richer by the day.” I love her so much. 
Even though Telemien is like more than a thousand years old, he’s apparently never met a goblin because he calls Riz a “strange, green, mouse thing.”
Riz: Who among us hasn't killed someone?
That "on mushrooms" bit had big "cell tower" energy.
Gorgug: Your grandfather is pissing me off.
Siobhan, to Lou who just Rolled an 8 on His Con Save: We're gonna get you new hands for Christmas. 
“It’s Gilear’s day baybee!”
I loved Riz and Fig teaming up to give Gilear as much help as possible for his botched attempt at asking for Hilariel’s hand. “Did he just call himself a throw-up boy?”
If you think about it, it actually is extremely funny that Adaine would demand a lawyer. She’s lived in Falinel almost her entire life but she studied abroad for one year and all of a sudden she’s like, “I have rights!”
Gilear very specifically said that Sandra-Lynn was with, "a member if the couple" and not which one it was. That was such an intentionally vague phrasing that I'm surprised Fig didn't call him on it. Also, I'm curious whether Fig actively knows who it is (maybe a teacher at school) or if he just knows she would go track them down for shenanigans once she had a name.
Also, speaking of Fig, wild that her Catfishing of Dr. Asha is one of the only relationships standing at this point. 
OK, I ate my vegetables now I get to talk about Abernant Family Drama.
Those of you who have been following me since I became active in the d20 fandom probably know that one of the first things I wrote were a series of meta-bordering-on-drabbles about what a future relationship between Adaine and Aelwyn could look like because, from episode one, my thought was, “There’s not one messed up sister in this house, there’s two.” I have been on the Abernant Sisters Against Their Parents train since S1 y’all and I thought it had a decent chance of happening but then Aelwyn’s iconic S1 episode happened and we learned she was working with Kalvaxus and she got thrown in jail so there wasn’t much time for development from her.
But then, it became clear that the Abernant family was gonna be all up in this arc and I got excited again. I mean, I tempered my expectations. The confrontation could have shaken out in a couple of different ways. And I would have enjoyed watching Adaine verbally destroy two family members instead of just the one, don’t get me wrong. But y’alllllllllll.
I thought Adaine and Aelwyn would put aside their differences and end up on the same side eventually but I wasn’t expecting Adaine, with absolutely no prompting, to take the path of compassion so quickly and absolutely. And, in turn, I didn’t expect Aelwyn to be as apologetic and forthright as she was. And, man, her whole situation is heartbreaking. The idea that you were so messed up that it took a year of torture to be able to recognize that you were living such a fundamentally flawed life? And then reaching that point but at the cost of your stability and the information needed to make things right? Literally not knowing what’s real and what your fevered brain has made up? That’s so tragic, man.
And Adaine was so gentle with her. The patience as she started repeating things and the kindness as she firmly cast away any remaining delusions Aelwyn had about their parents and upbringing. I am so constantly upset by how well the cast in general but Bren and Siobhan specifically just spit out these fully formed masterpieces that I would need to take a full hour to think through before even opening a Word Doc. It’s really magical.
I have no idea how much mental damage a healing spell can fix, if any, but I’m very interested to see what an even slightly more stable Aelwyn looks like, post all of this. Like, say she gets completely stable due to a combo of therapy and healing magic over time. What is her personality even like at that point? Does she revert back to a version of her old personality but with the acid aimed at someone who deserves it? Does she start from scratch from this baby deer learning to walk place she’s at right now? 
Very good DM move from Brennan to have Adaine’s low stealth roll to be Aelwyn noticing her and not the guards so we still got the Aelwyn confrontation and not a quick and frustrating capture. 
Aelwyn asked Adaine if, “mother found you,” which makes it sound like she checked in with Aelwyn before she fled. I continue to be very interested in the clues we’re getting to what that woman is up to. Maybe Aelwyn knows more info that the gang could get once she’s a little better or via a detect thoughts or something similar.
I want Anguin to look me in the eye and tell me to my face that not letting someone rest for a full year and not letting them eat or drink and literally keeping them on the brink of death isn’t torture so I can jump through the computer screen into Falinel and strangle him with my bare hands. Like, boy, you’re not even going to go with, “This is justified torture?” You’re gonna say it just straight isn’t? Man I can’t wait for the Bad Kids and/or Aguefort Himself to get sicced on this bastard.
OK, I don’t wanna end on a point about Anguin so, instead, think about Adaine and Aelwyn keeping each other company from nearby cells via the Message cantrip. Isn’t that bittersweet? Closer than they’ve ever been but physically separated and it took literal torture for them to get there.
Oh! And, actually, I almost forgot but this is also a good note to end on. Shoutout to Adaine for switching from Elven to Common when talking to her dad, just to be that little bit more of an annoyance to him. You gotta rebel how you can. 
That's it for 2019, guys! We don't have another ep until January 8. Have a good New Years in the meantime and I'll see you then!
No Nat 20’s were rolled this ep. Gorgug rolled 1 Nat 1 and Kristen rolled 2 (or three if you count the one she rolled with disadvantage).
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vampire-kaelthas · 4 years
As the Dragon Falls
Hi its a rewrite of this from a while ago. Enjoy again, like last time CW for blood, violence, and death.
The valley was in chaos. No, chaos wasn’t the right word for it. Insanity was what had gripped the valley, it was what was controlling the armies. What else would drive them to act this way, to kill and maim thousands of others Ravis wondered. 
There was blood everywhere, making the ground slick and causing mud puddles to form. No matter if the soldier was alive, they were coated in mud. Everyone was, there was no way to have survived the hours of fighting without getting dirty. There was no telling people apart, there was only fighting for your life, for the chance to go home. 
The healers disappeared an hour after the battle started. They were placed in the back of the lines, to be protected until needed, but they didn’t even stay that long to help. It seemed that as soon as the battle got too rough, too dirty, the healers were called back to wherever they came from to wait this out. Maybe they would return to help, but Ravis didn’t think so. He didn’t have much hope.
Ravis stood near the edge of the battle, looking at the soldiers fighting around him. There were bodies around him, evidence that the last few minutes had not been easy for him. But no matter how many fell to his blade, more kept coming. For every 1 Thalmor they took down, 5 more of Tamriel’s soldiers fell. It didn’t make sense. It was well over half, nearly all of Tamriel against the Thalmor, but that didn’t matter. Every single orc, redguard, nord, imperial, breton, dunmer, argonian, even the bosmer and the khajiit, even if every single person fought against the Thalmor, they wouldn’t win. The Thalmor had sided with the Daedra. 
Somehow, they managed to make a pact. At what cost, Ravis wasn’t sure, but they must’ve been pretty desperate. He wasn’t even sure which Daedra, for all he knew, it was multiple. It didn’t surprise him as much as he had hoped. Years ago, he felt the moontide shift, and he decided to cure himself. It was never good when you could feel the bond to the Daedric Prince you were bound to shift. His choice was a good one too. While he and the rest of his pack that had cured themselves stayed sane, the ones who refused to cure themselves had turned against them, joining the Thalmor against the rest of Tamriel. He never thought he would be the one to put a blade through Aela, but that was before she tried to rip his throat to shreds. She had been acting strange before then, more fidgety than usual and asking if it was necessary to fight the Thalmor, and asking why they couldn’t just surrender. That was the first clue to Ravis something was wrong, Aela didn’t back down from a fight. 
Ravis shook his head, clearing his thoughts and refocusing on the battle in front of him. He didn’t need to get distracted and end up with his arm cut off. He scanned the battlefield, trying to look through the mass of bodies, searching for his commanders. After he couldn’t find them, he moves through the battle, dodging both friend and foe. He reached a more empty spot, searching for the commanders yet again. When he spotted one, he stepped forward to get to him to ask what to do, what the plan was after so many people dying. As he did, he felt a stabbing pain in his chest. No, not quite a stabbing pain, but more like someone was ripping a piece of him out. He doubled over, kneeling in the mud. It took all his willpower not to puke. He wasn’t able to focus, his eyesight blurry from the pain. Everything hurt, but it wasn’t him in pain. 
He snapped up, panic taking control. Oh gods. Kaidan where are you? he thought. He lost sight of Kaidan a while ago, when they split up to do more damage to the Thalmor. Once he found Kaidan again, he would never let him out of his sight. He started to slowly make his way through the crowd again, trying to power through the pain that was steadily growing worse and worse. He paused and looked around again, finally seeing Kaidan, maybe 200 feet away. Ravis made his way over as quickly as he could, coming to a halt as he watched an Elf drive a sword through his husbands chest.
He couldn’t describe the emotion he felt at that moment. It was just pure agony. He took off running towards him, not paying any attention to the Elf standing near him except to hit him in the head with his sword.
Ravis slid in the dirt, the tears already streaming down his face. “Oh Gods, Kai…” Ravis said, cupping Kaidans face in his hands. 
Kaidan looked up and smiled weakly. “Hey there love. I knew you would find me. Before…”
Ravis started to shake his head, the tears coming faster. “No, don’t talk like that. You’ll be okay. There has to be a spell or something that can help you.” But as soon as he said that, he knew it was a lie. A sword had gone through Kaidans chest. No spell, no potion, no prayer, nothing could heal that.
Kaidan started to cough, blood spattering Ravis’s face. “Love, you know the truth. No spell nor potion can save me. Those swor-” cough “had poison on them. On most of the swords. That’s why the healers pulled back, they were useless.”
Ravis was sobbing. “No! No, you’ll be okay. There has to be some way, some cure to save you.”
“Ravis,” Kaidan said, his voice getting quieter and quieter, almost covered by the sound of battle around them. “Don’t cry for me. I don’t want my last memory of you sobbing over my dying body.”
“Don’t talk like that! Don’t accept it so easily! You’ll be okay! I promise I-I’ll make sure you’re okay!” Ravis sobbed.
“Please don’t cry… I told you, all those years ago, I would be your sword and shield, till the end of my days, across the world. Here we are. You’re still here, still alive.” cough “I did my duty.” He lifted his hand and brought it to Ravis’s face, wiping a tear away. “All I ask for you my love, is to finish this. Do not let my death, and thousands of others deaths, be in vain. I” the coughing grew louder, and more rough, as blood started to drip out his mouth “will see you again in the afterlife, surrounded by lilies and snapdragons. I Love You, My Roaring Dragon.” Kaidan closed his eyes, let out one last breath, and let his hand fall to the mud. 
Ravis kneeled there in the mud, watching the color fade from his husbands skin. All that love, that joy.. that hope, all of it that Kaidan had.. gone. He had never quite understood what it was like to lose someone, and at that moment, he wished no one would ever go through it again.  It was if a part of him was gone, a part of him he needed to live, to survive. Ravis felt hollow. Empty. He had nothing left. It was as if he had been thrown back into that damned Thalmor cell, with his branding fresh on his back, feeling the worse he had in his whole life. Abandoned. Alone. But this time, no one was going to find him, no one was going to save him this time from being alone. Kaidan was gone, and he wasn’t ever coming back. 
His guide, his light. His love. Gone, with the single thrust of a sword. 
Ravis let go of Kaidan’s hand, it already going cold. He pushed himself up, out of the mud. He refused to fall to the Thalmor like that, to be sitting there to be taken without a fight. He was to honor Kaidan’s wish, no matter what it cost. 
He walked away from his husband, leaving him in the mud, surrounded by bodies. Ravis swore to himself that when this was all over, he would personally take Kaidan’s body home, to make sure he was buried among the tree’s of the Rift. 
Ravis could feel a sort of calm spread throughout his body, relaxing his taunt muscles. Something in his body knew where to go, guiding him to an unknown location. It guided him through the battlefield unscathed. It was as if he was invisible, a ghost drifting across the field. Part of him panicked, feeling as he lost control of his actions. He couldn’t fight against what his body was doing, couldn’t resist as he continued to walk up a hill. He couldn’t even control his breathing.
The more he walked, the less he remembered. He couldn’t remember why he was sad, where he was, who he was. It all seemed to fade away… like.. he couldn’t remember. All he could remember was a face, with red eyes and a tattoo, but it blurred. He couldn’t keep his attention on it, and watched as it faded away from his mind. He became nothing, no name, no thoughts. An empty shell. 
That empty shell made it up the hill, watching what was left of the battle. The Thalmor, whatever that was, was obviously winning, their Daedra obliterating the rest of the fighters. This is all pointless the shell thought. There is no reason to keep this going. This isn’t fun to watch.
If anyone had paid attention to the lone figure on the hill, they would’ve seen the shadow of a dragon slowly rise from behind them, engulfing the figure. The dragon let out a shattering roar. In the moments after, there was silence. There were no screams of mercy, of anger, of sadness. There was no noise at all, for everyone had vanished. The valley was empty, save for puddles of mud, and a patch of snapdragons and lilies.
When Ravis opened his eyes, he saw red and orange leaves above, swaying in the wind. He sat up, and looked around. It was similar to the forests around his house, but yet, not. It seemed more ethereal, more mystical. He stood up, walking towards a clearing in the trees, a clearing full of wildflowers. There was another figure in that clearing, one with messy long black hair. They turned around at the sound of Ravis’s footsteps.
Ravis stopped, memories hitting him as soon as he saw the figures face. “Kaidan?”
The only response he got was a bone breaking hug. “Oh Ravis,” Kaidan sobbed, “I thought I would never see you again. I- I’ve been waiting so long for you.”
“I didn’t think it was that long…”
“To you maybe. But to me, it was eternity. But, you’re here now. And I am never letting you out of my sight.” Kaidan let Ravis go, and reached out to hold his hand. “Now, lets go home, my dragon.”
“But what about Tamriel? We need to-”
“We don’t need to do anything. There is nothing for us to do. The Gods took care of them. Don’t you see what this means? We can live in peace now! We don’t have to save the world anymore! We’re Free.”
Ravis shook his head. He held up his hand, using his nail to trace where the tattoo should be. “No Kaidan, I can’t do that. My destiny is to save Tamriel, and it is far from saved. I would feel guilty if I abandoned them.”
Something passed over Kaidans face. “Why won’t you listen to me? I said, Your Job Is Done. Why do you care about that world? It was never nice to you. It scarred you, beat you, it killed your friends, your family. It killed your sibling in front of you! It gave you no mercy, why do you still care?”
Ravis froze. He never told Kaidan what happened with his siblings. In fact, he told him he was an only child, that his parents didn’t want any more. “How do you know that.” He asked.
“What do you mean?”
“How. Do. You. Know. About. My. Siblings.”
“You-You told me. During the-”
“I never told you. I told you I was an only child. You shouldn’t know about them. Unless,” Ravis tilted his head, “You aren’t Kaidan.”
Kaidan, or whatever it was, dropped Ravis’s hand like it burned him. “Be that way.” it snarled. “Go back to your world, the one that spits at you and throws you up. I try to save you, and you say no. You won’t get a second chance.” The figure turned around and started to walk away. 
“Wait! Where’s Kaidan? Is he here!” The figure didn’t stop walking. “Come back here! Tell me where he is!” There was no answer, only something hitting Ravis in the back of his head.
The first thing Ravis noticed is that he was wet. And smelled of dirt. He could hear footsteps around him, and soft whispers. He cracked open his eyes, squinting from the light. He tried to sit up, which got the attention of whoever was around him. He waved them away, looking for Kaidan. 
He didn’t expect to turn to his side and see his sword, in a pile of snapdragons and lilies. 
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mythopoeticreality · 4 years
For the reader asks: What do you wish more authors in your fandom would write about?, - What reader or write do you think most deserves a high five?, and Tell me a headcanon (and who you wish would write it)?
Ohh! Awesome! Just the questions I wanted to answer too! xD Thank you, you wonderful nonnie for sending me these!^^ I umm…I might get a bit long-winded here so bear with me….>.>
What do you wish more authors in your fandom would write about?
Oh dear…you just gave me free reign here to give you my fannish wish-list anon. Do you realize what you’ve done?!
Okay, no but, these are some of the ideas and characters I’ve most wanted to see more explored for such a long time now, so this might get a bit long as I’ve been thinking about some of these things for so long, so…let’s split this up by fandom:
More Tinfang please, definately! Probably my most obscure fav here,but he has so much potential? I mean, he’s this haf-fey pied-piper type figure and I just need like…all of the fic of him outwitting orcs and robin-hooding it up across Beleriand just basically ruining Morgoth’s day in his own small ways xD I love the idea of Tinfang being this folklorish figure amongst the elves, and I’d love to see more of that.
On that note: More Middle Earth Fairy Lore in general. Yeah I know most of this stuff is only half-canonical at best and pretty obscure, coming from the Book of Lost Tales, but still, it’s just fun? Again, I love the idea of elvish folklore, especially pre-Valarin folklore and I’d love to see more of it, and incorporating some of these older Lost Tales era ideas is such a great way to do it? Besides, the addition of fairies answers an age old question in Tolkien Fandom:
“…they were born before the world and are older than its oldest, and are not of it, but laugh at it much, for had they not somewhat to do with its making, so that it is for the most part a play for them…”
TELL ME THAT DOESN’T SOUND LIKE TOM BOMBADIL TO YOU!?! Case closed. Tom Bombadil is a Fairy.
Asside from Tinfang and Fairy lore, however, There are a couple of things I’d love to see more of in this fandom as well.
More Amlach would always be a blessing.I don’t really see why he is so often overlooked as a character either. Here’s this guy, he’s like, ‘Okay, I’m maybe not so cool with these Elves dragging us into this war of theirs that I certainly didn’t  sign on for’  but then Morgoth comes along, and sends one of his servants to impersonate him while he’s away. Amlach finds out is all ‘What?! You stole my face?! Oh it’s personal, now…” and then goes to find Maedhros and becomes one of his vassals to fight against Morgoth. He has to be one of my favorite Men in the Legendarium, and I can’t help but picture his relationship with Maedhros to be just…so full of snark. He’s not awed by these elves after all, he’s just here because Morgoth’s an asshole. Honestly, I can’t help but feel that if Amlach feels like Maedhros is wrong about something he will speak up about it. And..Maedhros actually appreciates that? Amlach’s honesty, I mean, maybe not the snark all the time xD I just want to see more of that relationship, and it’s development, blossoming into some kind of respect and friendship between the two. Basically Amlach is awesome and I want more of him.
Finally, I’d love to see more Eönwë/Mairon stuff? This is my ship! The whole tragic lovers-to-enemies dynamic that they could have going? Those moments where Sauron came begging to Eönwë at the end of the War of Wrath and things almost, almost looked like things could have been reconciled, where everything stood on a knife-blade and a held breath? YES, I am here for that. And yeah, I’m a sucker for redemption fics, so I’m here for AU’s where Sauron actually did turn around and seek the Valar’s forgiveness as well.
Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell:
*slams fist on table* More JSMN Crossovers! I mean, the King’s Roads literally go everywhere, and I can’t be the only one who sees the potential there! You’ve got all of fiction and reality open to you! For instance: 
Send Childermass off on the King’s Roads exploring Faerie and Looking for a way to read Vinculus, and have him stumble on into the DC Universe to run into John Constantine! They can be Snarky Northern Bastards together and deal with Fairies and Demons and Magic! 
Have John Uskglass wander into Wizarding New York in 1926 and meet Credence Barebone! Can you imagine what that would be like? The Raven King meeting this orphan kid who grew up in pretty much the exact opposite situation to himself, In a world where magic is kept a secret, and who had to spend his life suppressing this magic he had? What would be going through John’s head in that moment? What would be going through Credence’s? Can the Raven King take Credence under his wing, get himself a new apprentice? He should. That would be really cool. 
Oh, or what about Strange and Norrell while they’re trapped in the Pillar of Darkness? Send them to Valinor! Imagine the reactions of the Elves and the Valar at the approach of this huge Tower of Midnight. What New Sorcery of Morgoth’s is this? Is this the arrival of some new evil into their realm, like Ungoliant? Imagine this army of Elven warriors – the very same ones that Durring the War of Wrath fought to take down the source of all evil in Middle Earth – all lining up and preparing for battle…only to discover a pair of fondly squabbling academics
Or you know what? We don’t even need the King’s roads for crossovers! One of the things I’ve been most wanting to see in this fandom is a Sandman/JSMN crossover just…focusing on the relationship between Uskers and Morpheus? Like, I could totally see Oberon’s Favorite Foster Son as having encountered the Lord Shaper over here during his time in Faerie? And just, as a being of Faerie, as a Magician, as a Legend in and of himself, he totally has this connection to Dream? And honestly….why wouldn’t I want to see these two being Melodramatic and Goth and Awesome together? I’d really love to see how they’d interact. (Crossovers involving Daniel would *also* be amazing too of course and I’d really love to see John dealing with the feelings of knowing but not knowing Daniel, of interacting with someone who is at the same time so much older and so much younger than himself. How weird does it have to get to begin to stretch at even the Raven King’s own standards for what is “normal?”) 
Other crossovers I’d like to see: John Segundus and Arthur Weasley hanging out because that would be just…the most adorable thing. And Also Henry Lascelles and Lucius Malfoy, because they just kind of deserve one another really xD
Asside from Crossovers I’d really love to read more things focusing on just the general history and world building in JSMN? I want to see like, the effects of magic on things like the Interregnum and the Restoration! I want to see what sort of History Play Shakespere wrote about John Uskglass and How opening night went! (You Know the Raven King showed up,watching from the shadows. You just know it.) I want to see Isaac Newton as a Magician, dammit! (speaking of that last one I got this lovely fic around Christmas Time about that very thing and I am eternally greatful for it, and y’all should go read it)
And honestly, more fics about the Aurate Magicians and John Uskglass would be amazing? I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: I want an entire series of novels dedicated to the Aurate era of Magic. I want *all* of the medieval politics and drama. How does John Uskglass interact with say…Emperess Matilda or Henry V? How does magic change things and introduce new issues that have to be delt with? Also…the characters of this time period just *fascinate* me. Yeah, John Uskglass, but also Thomas of Dundale? William of Lanchester? Catherine of Winchester? Donata Torrel and Margaret Ford and their troop of women magicians? Thomas Godbless? Walter De Chepe? Lookit. I just need *all* of the stories about the Aurates.
Oh, and one more thing: No 80′s AU JSMN fandom? I am Dissapoint. I need John Uskglass hanging out in Le Phonographique as is only his natural habitat ;P 
What reader or writer do you think most deserves a high five? 
But there are so many awesome people in both my fandoms? I mean Just going off of the top of my head…
@jordenspuls and @somepallings just seem like all around really cool people and it’s always a delight to see their back-and-forth crossing my dash (even if most of the time I’m too much an awkward nerd to say anything myself) Not only that but they’re also really awesome writers and if you like Johnsquared you should definitely check out both of their work!^^
@ohveda is also super-cool and is also an awesome writer, especially– again – if you like Johnsquared. Also, it always makes me smile when I see a comment on one of my metas, because we’ve always had nice discussion in the past. 
Of course I’ve gotta mention @regshoe here, for loving the Raven King as much I do, for always being an awesome person to talk to and for writing such amazing fic as well as comments in my own stories.
And on that same note, theseatheseatheopensea is another amazing writer in JSMN fandom (seriously, the writing is just georgous. Go read that Isaac Newton story.) and always leaves such lovely comments in my fic as well!^^
Finally, @thearrogantemu and @prackspoor have both written some of my favorite Silm fics.
Tell me a headcanon (and who you wish would write it)? 
Okay, so for most of my headcanons and ideas I don’t actually have an ideal writer in mind for any of them. I’d just really love to see what would happen if anyone took them up and ran with them.
That said, because I cannot provide any actual writers for these headcanons, I will give three each from each fandom to make up for it 8D
The Silmarillion/Tolkien:
  More Fairy Lore from Arda: Before encountering the Valar the elves would often leave out small offerings to appease the fairies and spirits of Middle-Earth. A few berries, a piece of meat from a good hunt, a dish of milk left out on the doorstep. After meeting Oromë and going to Valinor, the offerings became more craft-oriented and were said to be for the Valar, rather than the Fairies. Many – especially amongst the Vanyar – stopped leaving out offerings all together, seeing them as relics of the misunderstandings of the past, too pagan a tradition to continue with. MírielÞerindë, however did continue to leave out small scraps of brightly embroidered fabric as a tribute to Vairë whenever she began a new project. Fëanor continues on in this tradition, leaving a small wire spiral out on his workbench whenever he starts something new – not for the Valar or to keep the Fairies from interfering – but as a tribute to his mother.
Curufin is actually the best rider and horsemen amongst his brothers and taught Celebrimbor to ride 
Arien and Sauron were actually really close before Sauron’s eventual betrayal. Being some of the few Fire-spirits who remained on the side of the valar gave them a particular bond, and  Mairon was someone for Arien to turn to when the feelings of grief and betrayal that her brothers – The Balrogs – left her with grew to heavy. Well that was untill…
Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell:
Catherine of Winchester actually didn’t start out as a particularly impressive Magician. Actually, if anything, magic was fairly difficult for her at first. Where she was impressive was in her dedication to her craft, and her shear stubbornness in it’s pursuit was what actually impressed the Raven King enough to take her on as a student (this one is actually a fairly new headcanon for me, but there is something about the idea that I find so appealing…)
Thomas of Dundale is actually a huge nerd when it comes to Arthuriana and tales of Chivalry. He was actually kind of having a bit of a fanboy freakout when he first learned Chrétien de Troyes wrote a song about him. xD More seriously though, tales of Knights and Brave Deeds were what he grew up on before being stolen away to Faerie, and during late nights in the Brugh, when neither of them could sleep, Thomas would keep both himself and John entertained with the old stories his nurse used to tell him. Sometimes he even thinks of himself and John as a kind of reversed Arthur and Merlin. 
William of Lanchester was actually one of the Raven King’s apprentices in his youth. That first week within John Uskglass’s company was one of the most frustrating experiences in William’s life, and by the end of it he well and truely hated John Uskglass and his particular manner of doing things. It was just so much the opposite to William’s own approach? He swallowed it down and pushed on anyway, because he did want to learn, but he ranted to Thomas (who he got on with brilliantly from the start) a lot about John during those early years of their relationship. Thomas helped him stick it out, Thomas gave him space to vent and honestly? Thomas helped smooth things over between William and John when they clashed the most. “He takes growing used to. But he’ll grow on you, if given a chance.” Thomas would say to him. William would just scoff. “Yes. Like a fungus.” Yet by the end of his apprenticeship, William found himself as one of the Raven King’s most trusted advisers and closest friends – and the thing that surprised William the most? When he realized it, he wasn’t surprised at all.
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My Burly Love Chapter 5
Alright, I got it done. The picture credit goes to @umetakenoko, who has the most amazing artwork, please go check it out. It’s stunning!
Chapter 4
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Chapter 5
I was sad to leave Rivendell behind, because there I knew we were safe, and I was getting some training in. I knew that once we stepped out of Rivendell, training would be put on the back burner. I valued the one on one time I had with Dwalin. I could hardly get that outside of training. I sighed as I knew we would be thrown to the wolves once on our journey again.  
We were traveling for a couple of days when we came across the mountain pass. As the day started to come to a close, angry black storm clouds started to gather. This looked like a horrible storm, nothing like the deluge we encountered earlier on in the journey. The pass was narrow and with the wind and rain pelting us, it was a miracle we were making any progress. Lightning lit up the sky as the mountain shook. Bilbo almost fell off, but Dwalin had quick reflexes and caught him. 
“We must find shelter!” Thorin shouted over the noise of the storm. Dwalin pointed somewhere in the distance. 
“Look out!” He yelled and I ducked against the rock face, grabbing hold of Dwalin’s cloak to keep myself from falling off the steep edge of the cliff. A huge boulder was hurtling its way towards us. It hit the mountain directly above where we huddled, a cascade of small rocks and pebbles bouncing and falling toward us. In the midst of all this, Dwalin reached back to make sure I was still there.
Balin stepped forward and pointed at the sky, “This is no thunderstorm! It's a thunder battle! Look!” A giant stood up from nearby and ripped a chunk of rock off the mountain. 
“Well, bless me! The legends are true! Giants; stone giants!” Fili called out. They continued to throw rocks at each other, the debris continued to fall on us. We tried to take cover as much as we could on a narrow path. Out of nowhere the ground beneath began to shake and it split, “Kili, Kili, grab my hand!” They were separated moved farther apart as the giant stood to full height. One of the other giants came over and head-butted the giant we were on. It fell back into place and Thorin, Oin, Gloin, Kili, and I scampered onto a safe part of the path. We stood watching as the giant stood back up ready to fight. A third giant came out of nowhere and punched our giant. 
“No! No!” I screamed as the other half of our company was crushed between the giant’s knee and the mountain. Kili grabbed me to keep me from lunging forward and falling. I was fighting against Kili as much as I possibly could, I think my heart shattered when the rest of them were crushed, however, I could only think of Dwalin. The giant managed to stand up straight and none of them could be seen. I watched as the giant fell unceremoniously onto the narrow canyon floor. I scrambled over to where they were and just around the bend they were all hanging on for dear life. I counted heads, and realised we were missing Bilbo. 
“Guys, we’re missing Bilbo. Where is he?” I yelled kind of panicked. 
Everyone started to look around for him. “There!” Fili yelled spotting him over the edge of the cliff, hanging on for his life. Everyone gathered around him, trying to pull him up. Finally, Thorin had it, and hopped down the side of the mountain and pushed him up. Dwalin helped Thorin up, who was pissed he had to save Bilbo.
“I’d thought we’d lost our burglar,” Dwalin said. I was standing next to him looking over Bilbo to make sure he wasn’t hurt. He was merely shaken by the near-death experience. 
“He’s been lost ever since he left home. He should never have come. He has no place amongst us.” Thorin replied Bilbo looked hurt by what was said. I gave Thorin a dirty look and went back to tending to Bilbo. “We need to keep moving.” 
We started back up the path, but I was so upset by what had happened that I was shaking the entire way up. At one point I grabbed Dwalin’s cloak, to make sure that I didn’t fall. 
“Ey, lass don’t worry I won’t let ye fall.” We finally made it up the hill and into a small cave away from the raging elements. I looked around and saw how exhausted everyone was. We all laid out our bedrolls and got ready to sleep. Thorin assigned Bofur to the watch. I laid down betweenh Bilbo and Dwalin. I don't know how long I was asleep when I felt Bilbo get up. I opened my eyes and listened to him and Bofur talk. Bilbo wanted to leave, to go home, he missed it. I understand I miss my home too, but something about being here with my friends felt just like home too. Maybe not quite exactly the same, but it was close.
I heard sand shifting like there was something moving. Thorin sat up, “Wake up! Wake up!” Before anyone could even respond, the floor opened up and after a moment of being suspended in the air, we plummeted downwards. I swear I was plummeting to my death. We all landed in a heap of elbows, knees, and beards. I couldn’t distinguish one dwarf from the other. I sat up and was greeted by the face of some greyish purple chin. I stared at the warted created with disgust and fear. 
“What is that?!” I shrieked and pushed myself backward away from it. Even more of them rushed forward. Dwalin grabbed me and pushed me behind him. He tried to fight the creatures that came to grab me. There was no way he could have won, there were too many of them. He finally relented and made sure that I stayed behind him, holding my hand. They grabbed everyone and guided us over these rickety bridges that I swear, could not hold all of our weight. Whenever we went over one, I squeezed his hand a little tighter. We made it to this area where there was a giant Creature sitting on what looked like a rickety throne. Under his feet was a pile of smaller creatures. 
“Who would be so bold as to come armed into my kingdom? Spies? Thieves? Assassins?” He got more crazy at the end. As they were talking I leaned into Dwalin
“What are these things?” I asked. 
He turned his head slightly and whispered, “Goblins.” my eyes widened and I stepped back again. He was about to bring out something called a mangler. Thorin stepped forward to stop this. 
The great goblin was surprised by this. “Well, well, well! Look who it is! Thorin, son of Thrain, son of Thror, King under the mountain. Oh! But I’m forgetting you don’t have a mountain, and you’re not a king. Which makes you nobody really. I know someone who would pay a pretty price for your head. Just the head, nothing attached. Perhaps you know of whom I speak, an old enemy of yours. A pale orc astride a white warg.”
 “Azog the Defiler was destroyed. He was slain in battle long ago.” Thorin responded with disgust.  
“So, you think his defiling days are done, do you? Send word to the pale orc, tell him I have found his prize.” The goblin responded and his scribe scooted away on a zip line. He continued to shout at his minions, telling them to bring some things up. As they were doing this, he started singing. “Bones will be shattered, necks will be wrung, and you’ll be beaten and battered, from racks you’ll be hung. You will die down here and never be found, down in the deep of Goblin-town.” They brought the devices up, and some of them were rather terrifying to look at. I stepped closer to Dwalin and grabbed his cloak. 
He glanced back at me, with a raised eyebrow. “What are those? Am I going to die here? I’m not fit to be tortured.” I whispered to him. With my hand on his back, I could feel him sigh.
 He turned towards me, “Lass, don’t ye worry about a thing. Ye will not die, and ye will not be tortured.” I had tears gathering in my eyes, they were threatening to flow out. “Lass, as long as I am alive, I will protect ye with my life.” He grabbed my arms, pulling me into him. “Nothing will happen to you. I swear to Mahal.” I didn’t know much about their culture, but I knew that swearing to Mahal, was a very serious thing. I smiled and leaned into him, finally feeling safe for a brief moment in his embrace. 
I looked up at him, directly into his eyes, “Thank you Dwalin.” I thought for a brief moment about giving him a kiss on the cheek, but before I could do anything the head goblin gave out an ear-piercing shriek.
“I know that sword! It is the Goblin-cleaver! The Biter! The blade that sliced a thousand necks!” He was scurrying away from Thorin’s sword. He looked like I do when I see a mouse. Balanced on his throne, standing on one foot, the body turned, pointing at the thing like it was emitting toxic gas. It would have been comical had we not been in a life-threatening situation. “Slash them, beat them, peel them, kill them all!” They started to thrash the whip harder against us. The pain was debilitating. I felt the split on my back and knew I was going to have scars. He then turned on Thorin, “Cut off his head!” It was chaos, the dwarves started to fight against the goblins even more, and out of nowhere BOOM! 
Just to the right of the throne came a blinding white light. Goblins went flying everywhere, and I collapsed onto the ground. I sat up, and a shadowy figure was walking towards us. Upon closer look it was Gandalf. Gandalf was here!
“Take up arms.” He commanded, when we didn’t pop up immediately he began to yell some more. “Fight! FIGHT!!” We all fought to get up, and while we worked to gather ourselves, Gandalf started swinging. 
“He wields the Foehammer! The Beater! Bright as Daylight!” The Great Goblin hollered. Bombur stepped up and started to throw the weapons to their respective owners. I pushed the goblins away from me as much as I could, seeing how I still don’t have a good handle on how to wield my weapon. It was pure chaos after that. We stood there fighting the goblins off until Gandalf found a way out, and we followed him. 
We ran over the bridges, and I had to fight my hardest to not fall off. The Great Goblin popped up out of nowhere and swung at Gandalf. The dwarves caught him from falling and pushed him back up. Gandalf poked him in the eye, cut his stomach and his neck. When he collapsed on the bridge it shook it loose, we went sledding down the side of the chasm. The walls saved us from dying, however, when the Great Goblin fell on top of us, I thought I was going to die. He was so heavy, it was awful. Some of the others managed to get out of the rubble easier. I was struggling, so Dwalin came over and helped pull me out. I smiled in thanks to him, we didn’t have time to converse.
Kili let out a yell, and we all looked up. Those goblins were like a million baby spiders coming down the wall. I let out a scream and turned to help the others get out of the rubble. 
“There are too many to fight! We don’t stand a chance.” Dwalin said looking at Gandalf. 
“There’s only one thing that will save us, daylight,” Gandalf said and we headed towards the exit of the chasm. We were running for our lives, and they were hot on our heels. We made a mad dash and believe it or not, I’ve managed to build up some endurance over the course of this trip. We came flying into the clearing. It was downhill, and we were coming out fast. I tripped over a tree root, that I didn’t see. I reached forward and grabbed onto Fili’s coat. He just so happened to be in front of me. 
“I’m sorry. I tripped.” I squeaked out when he turned to look at me. 
“It’s fine, don’t worry.” We finally came to a stop and Gandalf took a headcount. We realized Bilbo was missing and I started to panic again. 
“Curse the halfling, now he’s lost?” Thorin bellowed out. Then a fight erupted between the company, all arguing about who he was with, where he was. “I'll tell you what happened. Master Baggins saw his chance and he took it. He has thought of nothing but his soft bed and his warm hearth......since first he stepped out of his door.” He looked to the side, and I rolled my eyes. He has had no faith in him the entire time. I think he’s wrong, Bilbo will come back. “We won’t be seeing our hobbit again. He’s long gone.”
“No, he isn’t.” Bilbo literally appeared out of nowhere. I looked around, trying to figure out where he came from. 
“Why did you come back?” it was accusatory. 
“Look, I know you doubt me. I know you always have. And you're right, I often think of Bag-end. I miss my books. And my armchair and my garden. See, that's where I belong. That's home. And that's why I came back. Because......you don't have one. A home. It was taken from you. But I will help you take it back if I can.” I smiled and walked up Bilbo giving him a hug. 
“I’m glad you’re here. I knew you wouldn’t leave us.” I pulled back and held him at arm's length giving him a sincere smile. We heard the thundering steps and turned to look up the mountain. 
“Out of the frying pan…” Thorin said. 
“And into the fire. Run!” Gandalf yelled guiding us further down the mountain.
Chapter 6 
Tag list: @fentah, @reignofglitter, @perseny-blog, @xxdragonagequeenxx,  @captainrainbowpanda, @hufflepuff25
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monstersandmaw · 5 years
Modern orc boy x female reader (nsfw)
Edit which I’m including in all my works after plagiarism and theft has taken place: I do not give my consent for my works to be used, copied, published, or posted anywhere. They are copyrighted and belong to me.
So this idea came up a few days ago, namely that a big boy in a grey suit was spotted, and it sparked the idea for an orc in a suit. I cannot resist an orc in a suit, and wrote this! He was given the name Dragh by the person who sent in the original ask, and I have their permission to post it and tag them now! So, @slashersheadcannoandimagines I hope you enjoy your idea in a story!
This one hasn’t been previewed on my Patreon, unlike literally all other big stories that get posted on here, because it’s for/inspired by someone on here. I realise it’s also been a while since I’ve posted anything. I’ve been in creative hibernation for a while, but I’m slowly emerging. Anyway, here’s 4.5k words of tattooed orc boy, running a sophisticated vineyard! Featuring satyr bestie, a half-orc half-sister, a blue-haired tiefling, a centaur, and a lilac-skinned goblin, all of whom I need to write stories of their own for one day!
“So… my friend runs this gorgeous vineyard out in the country, and they do wine tastings and stuff…”
“Yes,” you said slowly, drawing out the vowel and feeling the slow stretch of a smile creep across your lips and light up the corners of your eyes. Tam was always up for an evening of boozing, and honestly, you weren’t exactly one to say no to fun either.
The satyr grinned, knowing he’d got your attention already. “Well, this friend of mine just so happens to be a really big orc…”
You cocked an eyebrow sky wards and folded your arms. “Male orc, by any chance?”
“How did you guess?” Tam grinned cheekily, his curly, nut brown hair quivering as he laughed and shook his head. His thick, knobbly horns curled tightly around his elongated ears, chunky as ram’s horns, and his hooves danced in amusement. 
Currently he was wearing little more than a soft grey hoodie, his caprine lower half bare, the end of the hoodie just crinkling up over the white flash of his tail, and though you were a little more covered up, you were dressed in similarly casual clothes, lounging on your sofa with a glass of wine in your hand at the end of a working week.
“So, just why are you telling me about this massive male orc who runs a vineyard?” you asked, letting the pale liquid swirl around the glass in your hand.
Tam chuckled and spoke more normally again, leaning back against the sofa cushions and tucking his relatively big hooves up beside him. “Dragh had some kind of fancy hen party booked in for tomorrow, but they cancelled on him last minute. He’d got everything prepped and ready to go, but the wedding is called off, and they cancelled. They lost their deposit, and instead of just cutting his losses there, he’s invited a small group of us over to enjoy it all instead.”
“That’s very nice of him,” you said, frowning.
“Yeah, well, that’s Dragh,” Tam snorted. “He’s always been one to treat his friends…”
“How come you’ve never introduced me before?” you asked. “I mean, we’ve been best friends since Uni, and you’re only now thinking of taking me along - obviously with the intention of setting me up with this orc, I might add - after all this time?”
Tam’s pretty face split into a wicked grin. “You never asked if I knew any handsome orc boys!” he laughed. “Besides, I thought I was your one and only…”
“Tam,” you said seriously. “You are about as gay as I am straight.”
He took a sip of his wine and then mimed stabbing himself through the heart. “Alas, woe is me,” he mock-wailed. “I am consigned once again to the role of gay best friend…”
You simply raised your eyebrow at him again and took a deep draw of your wine.
“Honestly, it never really came up. Anyway, you were with Tomas for so long…” he said, his gaze flickering towards you at the mention of your ex. “I know him through a friend. You know, Seymour?”
“Tiefling, long blue hair, more graceful than God?”
“That’s the one and only,” he said, starting to speak even more quickly than usual as his excitement mounted. “I’ll tell him you said that. Anyway, yeah, I know Dragh through Seymour, who actually knows Dragh’s half-sister better than he knows Dragh himself, and now you’ll know him through me. You are coming with me tomorrow, right?”
“Am I invited?” you asked.
“I’m inviting you…”
“Does he know?”
“Sweetheart, if anyone deserves a day of boozing in a fancy vineyard, it’s you,” he said, tossing you a meaningful glance. Your last relationship had ended badly, well over three months ago, and you still found yourself lamenting the large, minotaur-sized gap in your life, but you’d moved on as best you could. It hadn’t been right, and both of you had seen it coming. Still, that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt to end things.
The next morning you picked Tam and Seymour up and drove them about an hour out into the countryside. Rolling, south-facing hills were sparsely dotted with farmhouses, and as the summer sun climbed, you began to relax a little, leaving the stress of the city behind.
Seymour was tall and almost silent, but he allowed Tam to natter away at him in the back seat while you wound the window down and inhaled great lungfuls of the fresh air. Yes, it was nice to be out of the city. Perhaps you did need a change of scene after all. Dammit, Tam was always right…
You’d picked your nicest summer dress, though you remained perhaps a little self conscious about the curve of your hips and the extra weight you’d put on around the middle in the last six months or so. Taking a deep breath, you decided that you weren’t going to let even that dampen your mood, and as you drew up at the main stone gates of the old vineyard, you caught sight of an engraved slate sign set into the warm, golden stone wall of the vineyard. Garlanded at the base with summer meadow flowers, it read: Three Oaks Vineyard, and through the wide mouth of the entrance gateposts, visible on the hill opposite at the end of the snaking, downward sloping drive, you could see the three ancient oaks that gave the land its name.
“It’s gorgeous here,” you murmured as you drew up five minutes later in the gravel courtyard behind the old farmhouse buildings and cut the engine.
“Yup,” Tam giggled, slithering out and shaking the stiffness out of his compact muscles after being crammed in the back of the car for over an hour. Seymour sighed and stretched, rolling his neck out, his long, cobalt blue hair falling down his back in a thick ponytail. They both had hoofed feet, which was less common for tieflings, though Seymour’s legs were more like those of a deer than Tam’s chunky goat legs, and Seymour’s long tail, leonine hung behind him in a graceful curve like a cat’s, as though balancing him perfectly.
You admired your two lovely friends for just a moment before the door to what was clearly the reception area opened and a half-orc stepped out of the former storage and cellars building, and beamed broadly at the three of you.
“Seymour!” she said, spreading her muscular arms wide. She wore a form-fitting, but not obscenely tight, pencil skirt and a pale, loose-fitting, sleeveless blouse that showed off her gorgeous, strong figure just perfectly. Her skin was a pale, almost apple green, and you saw as she approached that she had a smattering of darker green freckles across her cheeks and the bridge of her nose. Her plum coloured lipstick set her other minimal makeup off perfectly, and she threw her arms around the elegant tiefling and drew him into a warm, familiar embrace. “So good to see you. I’m so glad you came.”
He turned and waved a hand to introduce you first, and then he turned back to face her and added, “Shell, I believe you already know Tam.”
“Yeah, we’ve met once or twice,” she said. “How are you?”
“Oh, I’m good,” Tam said. “Listen, thanks for letting us take over this failed hen-do or whatever…”
She laughed. “Dragh’s been wanting to do something with just a few friends for a while - this turned out to be the perfect opportunity.”
“So who else is coming?” Tam asked as you all followed her towards the main building, an old French style farmhouse in crumbling sandstone, with sage green shutters flung wide to let in the summer light.
“Maya said she would come,” she said, holding the modern glass door open for you all to file inside. “And Fern too.”
“Perfect,” Tam said, though you knew neither of the names. Seeing this, Tam added with a glance back over his shoulder to you, “Maya is Shell’s girlfriend,” he explained. “A big-ass beautiful centaur, and Fern is a friend of hers, I think?”
The half-orc nodded, but if she said anything after that, you lost it in the white noise that filled your brain at the sight of the orc that was standing  in the reception room beyond.
He wore a pale, silver-grey suit, and a white shirt beneath, unbuttoned just enough to be casual without being obscene, and the tattooed black feathers which you could just glimpse beneath his collar made you want to see the full extent of the artwork immediately. His black hair, perhaps unusually for an orc, was buzzed close above his thick, tapering ears, and cut relatively short over the top, though with enough length to create a soft wave that was just begging to have fingers run through it. There was an attractive flash of white that ran from the middle of his widow’s peak and was swept back over his head as well. He was certainly unusual looking in all the best ways.
He smiled as you entered, and approached you with his enormous hand extended. “Welcome,” he smiled. “I’m so glad you all came.”
You shook his hand - though it might have been more accurate to have said that his hand engulfed yours and you watched it disappear while trying not to let yourself groan aloud. His skin was a deeper olive green than his half-sister’s, but there was a similarity to them about the eyes, namely the warm brown colour and the little crinkle at the corner that hinted at mischief and a cracking-good sense of humour. You introduced yourself and said you hoped he didn’t mind you tagging along.
“Mind?” he chuckled, “Quite the contrary, I assure you,” he said. He had a rich, deep, warm bass voice, and a slight, lyrical accent you couldn’t quite place. “Come through, all of you. I’ve got some welcome drinks and nibbles prepared for you already.”
“A man after my own heart,” Tam grinned, elbowing you in the ribs.
The back of the farmhouse had been converted into a beautiful, glass and steel space. The small, intimate restaurant area had perhaps only four or five tables, and a wall of glass overlooked the sloping lawns of the garden and the vineyard beyond. Your feet faltered as you saw the gorgeous scenery beyond, stuffed full of verdant plants, and while the others headed over to the bar, which was made of a huge, vintage wine barrel and a stunning slab of polished heartwood, you stepped over to the window and gazed out, entranced.
A quiet footstep beside you preceded the appearance of the hulking form of Dragh in the periphery of your vision, and you jumped softly and laughed.
“Sorry,” he chuckled. “Didn’t mean to startle you. Here,” and he held out a glass of sparkling wine in an elegant flute, explaining a little about what it was. He gently chinked his glass against yours, and said quietly, “I’m glad you came along.”
“It’s so beautiful here,” you murmured, and he nodded. “How long have you had the place?”
He took a deep breath and smiled, his conker-brown eyes drifting off towards the sunny horizon. “A long time now,” he said. “I inherited it from parents when I was just eighteen. You can imagine how well a big city orc doing a business degree at university took that…”
You cocked an eyebrow, not wanting to make assumptions.
“Yeah, not well,” he chuckled. “Luckily Shell is older and wiser than me, and I gave her half of the shares of the place, and she took care of it for me til I finished studying. I’ve been working here with her ever since.”
“You’ve clearly put a lot of heart into the place,” you said. Your eyes snagged on a few buildings at the edge of the vineyard, and you nodded at them. “What’s down there?”
He smiled. “Shell’s idea - we needed to diversify a little, so we’ve got guest accommodation too. We do bed and breakfast from Fridays to Mondays.”
“Wow, what a place to stay,” you smiled.
“I’ll show you the cottages on the tour of the grounds in a minute. Come,” he said, stepping back and placing his hand lightly on your back, his huge palm resting politely between your shoulder blades and making you shiver at the warmth of it.
You headed over to the beautiful array of canapes and chatted with the others for a while, but honestly, it was Dragh who held your attention most. You found, interestingly, that his eyes often found their way to your face, and when they did, you found your cheeks heating, but all he would do would be to offer you a gorgeous smile, and continue his conversation politely. Damn though, his shoulders looked incredible in that silvery grey suit, and you could tell his biceps beneath were as solid as stone.
It was only when you realised he was looking at you again, and that everyone else has gone quiet, that you knew you’d zoned out and missed something. “I’m sorry,” you blushed, “I was miles away. What’d I miss?”
Dragh chuckled kindly, eyes twinkling. “I suggested a tour; you ready?”
You nodded, humiliated at your absentminded behaviour, and followed everyone else out into the dry heat of the summer day. Dragh walked beside you as he took you to the various parts of the vineyard, showing you the vines growing, the grapes almost ready for harvesting, and telling you stories of protecting them from late frosts with the help of a local witch in the middle of the night.
You never tired of his beautiful voice and his gentle gestures, and while Seymour and Tam wandered off with Shell to greet the others, you stayed with Dragh in the lower vineyards.
“Let me show you the cottages,” he said. “We redid them not long ago, and I’m really proud of them.”
“Sure, lead the way,” you smiled.
They were indeed gorgeous, with modern, cosy furnishings and white-washed yet warm interiors. Compact log burners promised heat in winter, and the thick stone walls provided welcome shelter from the strong summer sun outside. “I can see why you love them,” you said.
“If you want to stay after today,” he said, “You’re more than welcome. I know said he Seymour was going to drive you back, but if you like, you could stay here and I could drive you tomorrow…”
“Really? But… I… I couldn’t afford to -”
“No,” he laughed, “I wouldn’t ask you to pay for it!” he snorted. “No, I’m offering it to you. My gift.”
“Why?” you blurted, which only made him rumble that deep-chested laugh again.
“Can’t you tell?”
You flushed and he offered you a quiet smile.
“But if it’s too much, I’ll back off. I can be a bit much, I know, but… I like you, and if you go back tonight, I might not get another chance…”
“Chance to what?”
“Flirt with you,” he grinned, his tusks flashing.
“Oh,” and then you began to giggle. “I’m sorry,” you said when he started to look first confused, and then a little hurt. “No, I’m sorry, I’m just… out of practice, clearly. I broke up with my boyfriend about three months ago, and we were together for four years, so… I’m rusty. I’m sorry. I’d like that.”
“Well, that’s a relief,” he said, still smiling. “C’mon. You came here to taste wine, not listen to me bumble my way through flirting with you.”
He steered you back up to the main house, where you all spent the remainder of the afternoon lounging around, laughing, chatting, tasting small glasses of incredible wines, and nibbling local cheeses and handmade snacks. Maya joined you with Shell mid-way through the afternoon, her large, fetlocked hooves clopping on the patio as she moved about. Fern turned out to be a waif of a goblin, with thin limbs, pale lilac skin, and enormous ears and eyes. He grinned cheekily at you though and you liked him instantly.
But it was Dragh who held your attention the most. As the sun began to set, Shell started up a barbecue, and you ate and talked until you felt your eyelids beginning to get heavy. Seymour and Tam said they were going to head back, and asked if you were ready to go, but you blushed and said that Dragh had offered you a bed for the night in one of the cottages.
“Oh did he now?” Tam chuckled quietly as you stood at the edge of the ring of firelight on the patio, the central fire pit casting flickering shadows around the gathered group of mellow friends, new and old. “Good.” The short satyr gave you a hug and tugged Seymour away once they’d said their goodnights.
Maya and Shell slipped away not long after, with Fern practically vanishing into the dusk at their heels, leaving just you and Dragh alone.
“Did you have a good time?” he asked as he checked that the barbecue coals were cool enough to leave.
“I did, thank you.”
“Not too much to drink?” he asked, casting you a sideways glance.
You shook your head. “You paced it perfectly,” you smiled. “And that elderflower cordial that Maya brought was beautiful.”
“She brought it for Seymour because he doesn’t drink, and she didn’t want him to feel left out.”
“I was surprised that he came along when I found out he’s t-total…”
Dragh shrugged and then laughed, “There is more to this place than the wine, you know…?”
You tilted your head up, exposing your neck as you gazed at the summer stars above you, and hummed softly. “Mmm, so I see,” you said.
When you looked back at him, he was staring fixedly at your throat. “Gods,” he murmured. “You’re so beautiful…”
Your lips hitched into a nervous smile, and he set down the wineglass he’d been holding in one hand, and rose gracefully to come and tower over you. He leaned in close, giving you every opportunity to back away or ask him to stop, but when you did nothing but gaze up into his endlessly warm eyes, he closed the distance between you and pressed a kiss to your lips.
He tasted of wine, but then again so did you, and he slid his fingers around to the back of your neck and cupped your head as he kissed you, his eyelids fluttering shut. His lips were firm and confident, but the kiss ended all too soon as he pulled himself upright. He held out his hand to you, and you slid eagerly enough off the wall where you’d been perched, letting him pull you to your feet.
He walked you back down the slope towards the cottage, and at the door he hesitated. He was still wearing that beautiful suit, and you licked your lips as you stepped over the threshold and turned back to face him. “You coming in?” you asked, and he waited just long enough for you to smile again before following you inside.
Dragh nudged you gently against the wall as he kissed you again, his hands roving over your body, savouring the softness of you and moaning beneath the kisses. He shifted his attention and began to kiss down your neck, his tusks digging in almost painfully as he mouthed gently at you.
His hips rocked against yours and you felt how hard he was getting the longer he lavished attention on you. His breath left his lungs in uneven rasps, and he set his hands on your hips and drew back a little to look at you. His pupils were blown wide and he stared at you with glassy eyes. “Tell me you want this,” he growled. “If you don’t want it, I’ll stop, but if I keep going much longer, I might not be able to…” His ears shifted slightly, not being as expressive as a goblin or elf’s, but still showing a little of his uncertainty.
You reached your hand for his rough, if shaven, jawline and caressed his cheek with your thumb. He purred another growl into the quiet space between you, his eyes rolling closed with a groan.
“I want this,” you whispered.
He lost no time in herding you into the bedroom and pressing you down into the bed. He sloughed off his jacket and tossed it over a chair, and you felt the breath leave your chest at the sight of his taut body beneath. Muscles strained attractively against the fabric of his shirt, and as he smiled almost shyly at you, he began to unbutton the shirt. Frustrated, he pulled it over his head, and you gasped audibly when you saw the tattoos beneath.
A massive gryphon stretched from his left pec, over his shoulder, and its inky wings came to rest halfway down his forearms.
“Wow,” you murmured, and he smiled.
“You like it?”
“Yeah. It must have hurt like a bitch though,” you said, glimpsing the ink on his waist too where the gryphon’s taloned hind feet finished. “Turn around?” you asked, and he did, looking back at you over his colossal shoulder, watching you admiring him.
“That’s a sight I could get used to,” he rumbled softly.
“What?” you asked, shuffling up the bed as he turned back around and came to lie down beside you, trailing his fingertips up your leg and making you shiver with a touch light as a spider’s shadow.
Dragh smiled, a slow, lazy, adoring smile, and you bit your lip. “I could get used to you looking at me like that,” he clarified.
“I don’t think I would ever get used to the sight of you though,” you rasped. “You’re gorgeous.”
“Thanks,” he smiled, laughing a deep and genuine laugh. “I work hard…” he went on, kissing your shoulder almost affectionately. “Most folks think orcs are just born looking like this, and yeah,” he added, causally sliding his huge hand beneath the fabric of your dress and enveloping your entire thigh in his grasp, “We have it easier than most do, but…” he parted your legs with a gentle gesture, and you just lay back and let him, finding it hard to concentrate on what he was saying now. “But I do take care of myself.” He lowered his lips to your inner thigh and kissed you. “Let me take care of you now…?” he asked.
You gasped as his tusks dug into your thick thighs, and your head lolled backwards as pleasure swept over your whole body, sliding beneath your skin and setting every inch of you tingling. “Yes!” you whispered, breathing hard.
He had you naked in a matter of seconds, laying you back down tenderly and gazing at you until you nearly barked at him to stop staring. He leaned forwards and cupped your breast in his hand and kneaded it gently, moving his mouth to your nipple and kissing, sucking, and tugging on it until you were almost in tears from how good it felt.
Dragh ran both his hands down your body, leaving your nipples cold and overly sensitive in the cool air of the bedroom, and he sank his flat, orcish nose to your sex and nudged against your throbbing clit before lapping over you with his thick tongue. The sound that escaped him as he tasted you was like no sound you’d ever heard before, and as he returned his attentions to your wet folds, he made it again and again. He circled you and laved his tongue up and down over you until you were giddy and breathless, begging for more.
“Please,” you gasped.
“You want me inside you?” he asked, and you risked a glance down to see just how big he was as he sat up a moment. When you nodded, he grinned. “Gimme a second then.” You turned your head to watch as he drew out a condom and ripped into it. He rolled it slowly down his weeping, thick length, and you groaned as you watched him handling himself. He was huge, as most orcs apparently were, with a thick vein running along the length, and as he turned back to face you, he grinned. “Ready?”
An inarticulate grunt and a nod were all you could manage, but he smiled and lined himself up, rocking his hips teasingly back and forth to stretch you, rubbing the tip of his cock against your clit until you thought you might just come from that alone. Almost, but not quite.
“Please,” you hissed, and he smiled.
“You tell me to stop if I’m too much, ok?” he crooned, bracing one hand beside your head and sliding himself into you. He stretched you gloriously wide, but he didn’t know you’d been in a relationship with a minotaur before this, and were more than used to taking a big cock. Even so, the feel of him left you gasping. “Oh gods, you’re perfect,” he crooned suddenly as he sank all the way in, hilt deep. The girth of his cock stretched you until you thought you might break, but when you bucked upwards into him, he took it as a sign that you were ready, and he began to move his hips again.
He picked up a steady rhythm, growling and grunting with pleasure as his cock filled you and you clenched tightly around him. He shifted his thumb to your clit and stroked you in time with his thrusts, feeling you tightening around him with each pounding heartbeat, until you grabbed his muscular neck and came hard, waves of sparking pleasure sweeping through you.
You came so hard you drew his own orgasm from him, and he emptied into you a moment later with a bellow and a roar that left your ears ringing. “You’re so beautiful,” he murmured, his consonants slurring, his eyelids heavy with pleasure as he tried to look at you through the daze of his orgasm. “Is this real?” he added a moment later.
You laughed, and he withdrew, rolling onto his back and sorting himself out while you lay there and let your eyes drift closed for a moment. Deep contentment washed through you, and you took a steadying breath. You felt him leave to slip into the bathroom, but were barely aware of him returning. The mattress dipped as he sat on the edge and laid his hand on your thigh. He murmured your name, and you opened your eyes groggily to see him sitting there, now wearing his tight, black boxer briefs again.
“You want me to go?” he asked in a whisper.
You shook your head, and he smiled, climbing into bed beside you and pulling the sheets over both of you.
You drifted off to sleep not long after that, with his body pressed tightly around yours.
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session 15 notes
Ok true crime as in my new addiction is true crime podcasts specifically about serial killers
Back to the session
 After getting a bit of a reality check from durnan about the supposed strength and power of the xanathar guild…
Protected our home w glyphs of warding
Last day of our contract
Spell is set to fade soon
Asyna is feeding ot
Ot looks at asyna like he's a cornered animal
"ot here's some meat"
Why is krystal roasting me about my lover
He wants poison
Ot is calling his jailers idiotic
Oh no aerana might be spilling beans
I really shouldn't be allowed to play games
Because I will always turn to the chaotic evil character
Aerana isn't giving anything up
Theo tells us about the plumbers who came over last night
Aerana is going to typ, rest of party is staking out house
Shifts to watch ot, adam takes front, asyna tower lookout (it's foggy tho so perception check at disadvantage, 9; city looks a little eerie in the fog)
Cel puts immovable rod across cellar door
Ot is suspicious whenever cel comes in
"you cannot fool me xanathar"
Cel making theo a new cloak
Ot asks cel when he'll turn him into dust
The xanathar can turn ppl into dust
Flare ?
Is flare the brain boy ?
I don't like the energy we've created around the word "enlightenment"
Cel rolls 18 insight check
Ot doesn't think cel is cel
Cel is gonna just vibe witth him
Sorry didn't mean caps but too lazy to fix
Everyone else
Adam in front hissing at neighbors and cats, 7
Hears pavement scuffle, someone approaches and reddish gtray beard person w non-descript gray cloak approaches; trench
Doesn't remember cellar and plumbers guild coming by night before
Trench says he can help
Help get bar open
Used to drink there a lot
Gets parchment and quill with ink
Rolls insight to see if bar was only thing he wasd interested in, 13, trench seems v interested
Works in surveillance, protection
Gives him cel and theo's name "5 copper please"
Gets 5
Adam picks his nose
Theo patrols entrances
13 for perception
Overlaps path w adam's
Aerana to typ
Afternoon when there
Similar pattern to those there; frequent patrons
"if I'm making up words, it's not really hitler"
8 perception
Place feels open, not as packed as it usually is
Still feel sensation of cold from the well
Wizard w pointy red hat a regular
You see goliath wizard talking to a dwarven woman
Aerana sees an elven man (bard) w "ugliest guy you've seen in your goddamn life" dom says but only after we point out he looks like legolas, tuning a lute
Sense you've seen him before
The wellllllllllllllllll
It is better told by a bard
Some patrons old and strange, others just like to drink
But ritual in the storytelling
Durnan built
Talking in elvish
Place formerly not too populated
But one of durnan's ancestors came over to build upon it and discovered the well
Network of tunnels underneath
20 for history check
Familiar with some of what he's saying
Parents would throw you into the undermountain if you were bad
Undermountain = stirs weird memory in your head
Being told as a child stories of undermountain
Deep dark fearsome place
Mt waterdeep wizard came here once named hallister the black cloak
Hallister - ppl don't know where he was from / if he was real but legendary
Brought apprentices trained in magical arts
Tunneled on peak of mt waterdeep
Legend of undermountain could not be verified as truth
Durnan's ancestor came to typ
Climbed into well
"I wouldn't bring this up around him" - doesn't talk abt
When ancestor returned was fabulously rich
Split money with best friend
Built typ
Occasionally engages in ritual of going
No one truly knows what lies in undermountain but there's something there bc some return but most do not
"it might just be the sewer" - "but don't tell anyone I said that"
Differing renditions
Some say durnan was the one with magical powers and killed everyone in there, or more nuanced speaking only of tragedy of those who return who come back fearful or returning with smaller parties; others talk more of hallister and argue over his life; every night a different story
Ask if he knows anyone who's come back
Gestures to half-orc in corner playing variation of solitaire; great celebration when he returned, he came back with riches
He is a regular
21 history check
Familiar name
"Deepest dungeon of them all"
When sewers were built many passages abandoned bc other halls + passages found, many teams from cellars and plumbers guild died during construction of the sewers
Prisoners often thrown into "undermountain"
Says even tho he's here most days there's still stuff he doesn't understand about it; new community reforged every night
At some point durnan talking to wizard and having a conversation which is odd ? Eventually wizard looks at aerana (old man) skinny pointy red hat
Wizard squinting at aerana then turns back to conversation
Try talking to half-orc
Interesting plated beard almost like that on dwarves wrt ornamentation; jewelry running through it
Wiry half-orc
Not skinny but muscled
Weird tattoos covering one side of his face looking like they change a little bit
Balanced a little precariously
Ask if he wants to play a two-person card game bc he's playing solitaire
Ask for his favorite game, Skipper (slapjack)
Dexterity check
5, 20, 10
First round you lose, his fingers have strange looking rings beautiful but rough-worn bands of steel or other heavy metal
Second you win
Third round he takes
"say not many people can beat me in that game"
"luck favors the bold"
In the well
Hell but now look at him can gamble all he wants
City of balder's gate
Large city rough place to grow up
Turned into rough child living on streets
Says his name is Sand
Balder's gate warlords make life difficult so he decided to leave
Was found in youth by someone who turned his anger into smth holy
Ran into thieves and plunderers of forgotten relics, became brother and sister and decided to take on deepest dungeon of them all
Horrible things - asks if you've heard the song
The yawning portal song
Not many people know the full tale
Was taught to be skeptical (it's in his nature or maybe his name)
Not sure how long he was in there or didn't know when he was in there
No light
Tunnels are confusing and without it would've been lost; found room with throne with snakes for arms
Great hallway with ancient trap
Living things also in there; all manner of beasts and creatures; ppl don't come back bc of those
Killed goblins down there but after the things he's seen and after the things he'd had to do could've gone with killing a few more goblins
Advice ? Some will sell maps of what they found or what they think they've seen; anyone can tell u abt beasts down there
Durnan wouldn't lower us down
Durnan doesn’t send ppl to their deaths
Durnan lowers people he deems worthy
Strong brave smart fast bold enough or some combo
But even then not everyone comes back
It's a place of death
Not buying him lunch lmao
Has broken into dangerous old elf dungeons like in the ones up north and would do it again if he could unsee some of the things he saw down in the well
A place of death but things move in the shadows w tombs down there and tunnels for miles hallways great and tall, treasures, beasts keeping it for themselves
Ask about tattoos
Gift from master
The person who saved him in balder's gate
Steeped in magic of shadows
Powerful bc he is strong but qi is stronger still
Aerana gets back home but starts to rain heavily
Ppl still patrolling
Sees drow ? W purple colored eyes silver-ish hair hiding weapons under his cloak steps up and says "pardon me" and asks if adam's seen a cat
Large cat - would've know if saw it
Adam sends drow to trench
Adam gives him good up and down look, can he see weapons ? Carrying two cinotaurs ??? Sinotaur ???? Adam rolls insight for cat
14, seems like he's talking abt a cat
Heads off to trench
Asyna in watchtower guessing ppl's names
Cel and theo switch
Theo says hi to ot, ot curled up in corner
Whispers "hey ot what's up"
Says he should've gone with his gut on the day theo arrived
"dark elegance" "the way you glided into the room" - ot on theo
Ot says he knows how the xanathar pays theo
"I guess seeing you was a realization of my deepest fear" a fear he couldn't name or place or knew he had but out of the darkness theo stepped forward
"I'm curious . How long do you leave your victims like this"
Ot starts to cry and says he would beg her to keep him in this place
"this voice you're using I find it sweet"
"I just don't want to wake up before the end"
Theo is gonna get him food
"the poor dead tiefling told me yesterday"
7 insight
Theo does not know what's happening
Says the water theo gives him looks real
Looks at the wall drinks some water
"and it tastes real"
We kinda fucked ot up LMAO OOPS
"I know that you don’t have a heart… but if there's any chance that anything I've ever said or thought about you could take root in your soul"
Theo says she'll consider his request
Sits there for a half hour then asks if that's her real name
"nithlur" or smth like that
"where'd you hear that"
In his head lmao
What if this is like
A tapeworm
In his head
"what does knowledge taste like"
Asks if it's a feeling or a thought
Theo says it's a feeling
Ot says whatever knowledge is it's valuable to the right thing
Wonders if he can take a nap
Gonna take a nap
Adam forgot he made ott think he was dead
Aerana is taking over for theo
Adam takes first watch
Perception check, 22
Raining ohp so at disadvantage gotta do it again
New roll, 12
Rain is still falling
Hears a weird noise coming from outside the house
Uses thaumaturgy to boom voice saying "wake up"
Everyone sleeping wakes up
Goes toward sound
Hears weird growling noise
Goes semi-toward noise w pyrotechnics prepared; darkvision does he see anything
Sees shape
It's not the cat
Unfamiliar, looks like it's flying but more like it's floating
Bobbing up and down in air
Creature w large glassy eye and sagging mouth w lots of sharp teeth
Sticking out from form are eyes attached to a slug protruding off it w glassy eyes hanging off it
Intense stench making icky moaning noise
Adam shits his pants
It's big
The size of its mouth is human size
I've been listening to serial killer podcasts all day
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Humans are Space Orcs “A Sunny Day on Earth”
Alright guys, this one ended up a bit more serious than I intended, and I’ll have to do damage control later on, but I hope you like it. I have been loving the comments questions and messages you have been sending, so feel free to send more. Plus the fanart is the absolute BEST! Have a great day, and I hope you enjoy.
It was very pretty, blue and green glass orb swirling with big swatches of white and grey. Sunny pressed her face against the window as Earth grew in her vision. Captain Vir and Krill sat in the pilot and copilot seats as they approached speaking to each other over headsets as the roar of the engines rattled through the cabin. She was forced to buckle herself in as they careened towards the atmosphere. The Captain was a very good pilot though and kept their entry at the perfect angle, breaking into the stratosphere slowing the ship to a coasting speed as he spoke to one of the lading towards through his headset.
The shuttle was rather small, so he was cleared to take it to a designated landing zone of his choice.
The captain turned autopilot on for a moment and turned to look at Sunny, “Look Sunny, I know I promised you that we would do fun things while here, but my family is kind of….. Wary of the Drev after the war, so it might be best if you hang out in or around the shuttle when I’m with them. Can you do that?”
Sunny shrugged, a human expressive gesture she had picked up, and turned her head to look down at the passing forest. It was more beautiful than anything she had seen before. She had never seen anything like these trees, they were so green, and such pleasant colors for a death planet.
They banked over a low rise, cutting over a wide basin. Below her, Sunny could see signs of civilization, roadways cut in strict grids across the lush landscape, small settlements of houses peered up through stands of trees. Small ribbons of water trailed across areas of open grass. Captain Vir called in the position of his landing to one of the towers cutting low over the trees before setting down in a small clearing amidst the trees a few hundred yards away from one of the settlements.
Using two peddles and two joysticks, he lowered the craft to a soft thud on the grass before cutting the engines leaving the group of them in silence. Krill peered out the window likely scanning for something likely to kill him.
Captain Vir moved to open the hatch filling the cabin with a wash of crisp mountain air. Sunny tilted her head back to breathe in the fresh smells allowing the warm breeze to run across her skin. Vir grabbed a duffle-bag and unclipped the dog from her seat allowing the creature to bolt off into the woods. Vir clapped Sunny on the shoulder, “Take a look around stay safe, and I’ll be back in an hour or two, sound good?”
She nodded excited to go explore the forest. Krill floated behind Captain Vir as he cut into the trees leaving Sunny standing alone in the long grass of the meadow. Turning her head towards the sky Sunny took a deep breath and fell back into the grass staring up at the delicate eggshell blue of the sky. The smells were incredible.
She lay there for what felt like hours napping softly in the gentle touch of the star overhead. When she finally decided to roam around, the clearing had enough strange life to entertain her for hours. She found a strange flower behind the shuttle and examined it for a moment before moving around to the other side and then stopping dead in her tracks.
There were three small creatures standing in front of her huddled together. They were maybe about krill’s height with wide human-like eyes but oversized heads and short limbs. Sunny stepped back rising to her full height.
And the creatures let of a piercing scream.
They sat outside laughing and talking. The entire family was here ranged around the backyard as groups of children played towards the fringes of the yard. Captain Vir leaned back on the lawn chair enjoying the rays of an earth sun and breathing in the clear mountain air.
A sudden round of cheering broke around the yard and he opened his eyes to see his brother David and his fiancée walking down the stairs into the backyard. David was grinning his fiancée had on an awkward smile.
Vir cheered with the rest of them cupping his hands around his mouth, “It’s about Damn time!”  
The rest of the yard laughed, and he received a rap on the back of his head from his mother, “Adam! Watch your mouth.”
He rubbed the back of his head, “Sorry mom.” But he was grinning when he said it. Krill sat with the children at the back of the yard having been forced there by Vir’s niece. She had recently moved from her princess phase into her superhero phase and was dressed up like Spiderman from the head down. Her mother hadn’t let her wear her mask.
David walked across the yard towing his Fiancée, Jordan, behind him. Vir got up and hugged his brother.
“Glad you could make it.” David grinned
“Glad you finally wised up.” He peered around David at Jordan, “Finally managed to knock some sense into him.”
Jordan was about to answer when, an ear splitting scream rocked the house.
Everyone turned towards the woods as three of the children came screaming from the trees half crying half gasping as they sprawled into the grass.
“MONSTER!” One of them yelled through his tears.
Vir felt his body go cold.
His father was already in motion whipping a shotgun from the nearby shed to storm into the woods engaging the pump with a crisp snap-snap. Vir bolted from his spot next to David and raced after his father. “Dad wait!” Just at the edge of the yard, he caught his prosthetic on the edge of a tree limb and went sprawling. His dad was fading further off into the forest, and the other members of the family were beginning to follow after. Vir leaped to his feet and raced through the foliage keeping his eyes on the ground in order to keep from tripping. He broke into the clearing just in time to see his dad frozen a few feet away.
Sunny stood in front of the shuttle blue metallic armor glittering in the sunlight.
She looked confused.
“DREV BASTARD!” His father roared voice full of more hatred than Adam had ever heard. He pulled the gun to his cheek.
“NO!” He dived forward tackling his father to the grass just as the shot went off missing Sunny by a good seven feet as the two sprawled into the grass. His father struggled underneath him gun lying feet away in the grass. Vir was thrown to the side father rolling on top of him fist pulled back. He paused looking confused to see his son there.
“Adam, what the hell?!”
“Get back in the shuttle Sunny!” Vir yelled ignoring his father.
The rest of the family was filtering into the clearing now just in time to see sunny back into the shuttle and close the door behind her. There were gasps of shock. David stepped in front of Jordan. Parents grabbed children. A barricade of humans formed around their weaker members. Adam shoved his father from him and scrambled to his feet turning his back to the shuttle and his front to the line of assembled humans.
Jeremy stood with his girlfriend just off to the side, “Adam, what the hell is that.”
He squared himself up, “Her name is Sunny and she’s a member of my crew.”
“You let a Drev become a member of your crew.” Thomas growled incredulous.
“Yeah, I did now BACK OFF!”
Thomas stalked forward craning his neck around his brother, “COME OUT YOU F****NG COWARD. LET ME SEE YOUR FACE.”
Vir shoved his brother viciously back, “Knock it off, Thomas.”
His brother’s face grew red, “What if she was in the war, she could have been the one who did it Adam, the one that took your leg.”
Captain Vir went very silent just then balled hands shaking.
“See you know it.”
From behind him Vir watched his mother push from the crowd, her eyes were wide with anger and fear, “Adam…. What aren’t you telling us?” When he didn’t answer she continued, “I remember you telling your therapist that…. That the THING that hurt you had blue armor. Did that creature hurt you, Adam”
He felt his body flush red, “How could you.” He whispered, “THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE PRIVATE.” His voice cracked
The entire clearing erupted.
Sunny sat with her back to the door knees to her chest listening.
She turned her head to the side peering out the window. Vir stood there trying to push away his brothers blocking the doorway from his mother.
Sunny felt her stomach tighten she tried to cover her ears with one pair of hands as their voices echoed and throbbed inside her head.
“DON’T YOU THINK I KNOW WHAT IT DID?” Was he really crying? His cheeks were wet with something, but he didn’t care. He grabbed Jeremy by the front of his shirt and shoved him violently from the shuttle ramp. He landed on his back with a gasp wind knocked out of him. Thomas took a step back. David and his fiancée stood almost shell shocked at the edge of the clearing.
“DON’T YOU THINK I KNOW ALL OF THIS…… WHY…. Why do you have to…. Make it so hard for me, when it already was.” He snarled cutting off a sob angry that he couldn’t just keep his cool. He turned to look at his mother, “How could you…. Do that.”
“I did what I thought I had to help you get better.” her voice was trembling with the strength of her emotion.
“And I AM…. I can…. Be with her as a friend…. And I can trust her. Why do you have to take that away from me?” He felt lightheaded. It was just so loud, his heart hammered in his chest. The crowd broke for a furry four legged shape trailing Krill behind it.
He realized only a minute later that he was sitting on the ramp back to the door not understanding just how he got there. Waffles stood in front of him blocking him from the rest of the humans keeping his attention focused on her as he tried to calm his breathing. The moment anyone tried to approach she stepped in their way with a warning.
The clearing was silent.
Sunny sat on the floor of the shuttle hands over her mouth to keep from making any sounds. She felt like she was being squeezed from the inside, suddenly the bright blue planet wasn’t so bright anymore. Words shouldn’t make her feel his bad, should they? And to know that, her friend was still scare of her, that probably hurt the worst.
She had never thought of herself as a monster.
She peered out the window. The voices had died down again and most everyone had been cleared back towards the house. The only one left was a dark-haired human who resembled the captain in the face. he walked over and Sunny listened in on the conversation.
Vir felt David approach and sit next to him. He kept his arms wrapped around the dog trying to just breathe slowly. Waffles did as she was trained to do, and it helped.
“I’m sorry…. I ruined your wedding.” his hands were shaking horribly. He could see their faces in his head, reproachful, fearful. He held the dog closer.
“Adam, I’m not getting married till next week, and even if it was today, I’m not mad.”
Vir paused, “You’re not?”
David shook his head, “No” A soft chuckle, “I’m actually proud of you.” A hand rested on his shoulder, “To do something this tough, to forgive someone like you have. No one should be mad at you for that. And...., I’d be willing to meet her. If you trust her than I do too.”
A soft tread of footsteps on the forest floor, and another person sat next to them.
Vir looked up surprised to see his father sitting next to him. The older man usually grey, silent and stoic, but now he seemed ashamed. His old grey eyes glistened a little more than they usually did, “I’m sorry son. I didn’t mean for this to happen, and if this is what you think is best, than I trust you too.” A tear trail down his cheek, which he quickly wiped away. 
Vir took a long deep breath.
It had been quiet out there for some minutes. Sunny peered out the window… no one.
Hesitantly she reached out and engaged the release mechanism on the door. It hissed open with a quiet pop. Three humans sat with their backs to her, and as she stepped out, two of them turned to face her. She dropped her head a little stepping sideways from the ramp and into the grass. The humans followed her with their eyes as she circled around front.
The humans craned their necks up to look at her.
Captain Vir gave a forced, tired smile “Sunny.” His eyes were red
Sunny slowly lowered herself into the grass, sitting like the humans just at their eye level.
The dark-hair human on the right cleared his throat awkwardly, “Sunny….. That’s a nice name. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
The old grey human didn’t say much eyes wide gripping the edge of the ramp with white knuckles.
Sunny paused, and then held out a claw like she had seen humans to for each other, “And you are.”
The human seemed surprised as if he hadn’t expected her to be able to speak, “I uh, David.”
“David, it’s nice to meet you too.”
He took her claw, and they shook hands.
Welcome to earth, Sunny.
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