#i think i should be able to finish the random fic i just started
aparticularbandit · 10 months
not as ahead on fics for this month as i'd hoped to stay - i've got something already done for tomorrow, but yesterday and today i didn't finish stuff, so i'm only that singular day ahead.
hoping to get further ahead - or at least to STAY that day ahead - but. we'll. see. ><
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pleasantangelpaper · 1 month
Knight In Shining Glasses (Ford Pines x Reader)
Chapter 1: Raspberries, Royalty, and Rock Bottom
Okay so. I love Stanford Pines, but there's not a lot of fanfiction for him, and I think there should be! Anyways, probably won't write smut for this because I want to maintain the gender neutral reader, but I may do oneshots with this vision of Ford.
Also this is probably bad. I'm not an amazing writer. lol. I also had no clue how to start this. Anyways silly little twist ending, but this fic is still for Ford, just wait.
As I came to my senses, I felt the cold hard earth pulling me to the ground, and a strange sensation on my face, almost like something wet was caressing my face... is that a pig "EUGH," I jumped up in fear as the seemingly harmless creature stared into my soul with its beady eyes. "Oh Waddles, there you are, you've almost missed your tea party with- Oh! Hey y/n!" A small girl with a very colorful sweater spoke quickly and excitedly. I immediately recognized her as Mabel Pines, grand niece of Stanford... or well Stanley Pines of the Mystery Shack. I still haven't met the real Stanford I suppose. "Mabelllll are you almost ready for this tea party thing, I want to go play D&D& more D with Grunkle Fo- oh hey y/n" The other mystery twin ran out of the shack, clearly annoyed with the tea party ordeal. "Uh, kids, could you ask an adult in your house if I can come in and use your phone?" I asked, still not remembering how I got to the mystery shack. Maybe if I called a taxi, I could go home and retrace my thoughts. "Oh, the shack's open right now, you can go ask Soos," Dipper stated as he pointed at the sign that said 'Mystery Hack'. I thanked him and Mabel and ran to the door of the shack. How could I have ended up at the mystery shack? Before I could finish my train of thought, I ran into a strong force. "Heh.. gotta look where you're goin kid," the older gentleman said. I recognized him as Stanfo... Stanley Pines. "Sorry Mr. Pines, it's just, can I use your phone?" I begged and hoped the man wouldn't ask for money in return. "Depends... do you want to buy anything..." The man squinted his eyes at me. I reached in my pockets and pulled out all of the cash that I had, 5.76$....oh.... This can't get me a phone call, let alone a cab. I looked at the man in despair as I turned around. As I began walking to town, I started thinking of how I got here. It all started when I left Greasy's diner. I was holding some leftover raspberry pie that my friend Lazy Susan had given me. Walking towards my house, I remember feeling watched. The feeling grew more and more intense, until I turned around and realized I was being followed.... by GNOMES??? "Hello ma'am, I'm Jeff, and on behalf of all gnomekind, I'm gonna have to ask you to hand over that pie," the little man stared so intensely, I didn't feel like fighting, so I handed him the box of pie. He opened the box, inspecting it. "This is heavenly, how would you feel about becoming gnome royalty... is that look of fear on your face a yes... I feel like I'm getting a yes," With the shock on my face apparent, I screamed and ran the opposite direction. "Get them!! Soon we will have our spouse!" "SCHMEBULOCK!" "WHAT HE SAID" The gnomes all yelled out different things as I ran for the hills. I prayed that gnomes wouldn't be able to hurt me, but I also knew there were powers in numbers, so I continued to run until I got to a clearing in the woods. Exhausted, I sat down on a stump to catch my breath, but when I looked up, I knew I should have kept running. A giant mass of gnomes towered over me with Jeff as their leader. I took what I thought would be my last breath as I prepared to succumb to the darkness, "Stay back gnomes! What have I told you about harassing random people to be your monarch," A masculine voice sounded through the woods. I was in such a state of shock I passed out, but before I did, I saw a glimpse of the man that saved me, gray hair, glasses, and a familiar face... Stan?
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kingkatsuki · 1 year
Sealed With A Kiss | Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
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Didn’t think I’d write anything for Bakugou’s birthday and then a random idea popped into my head and I wrote it all in one sitting. It’s been months since I’ve started and finished a fic, so please be kind! And Happy Birthday, Bakugou!💕
Summary: Not everyone wants the quirk that they're given. Ever since you were a child, you were cursed with a quirk where you’re able to see how someone will die when you kiss them. Unsure on whether your quirk is telling the future, or sealing their fate with a kiss of death, its safer for you to completely give up on finding love. Coming to terms over the years that you’ll have to watch all your friends get married and settle down, while you spend the rest of your life alone. That is, until you run into Bakugou Katsuki.
Warnings: 18+, minimal plot, mostly smut, no beta, praise, dirty talk, fingering, multiple orgasms, public sex, protected sex, not as angsty as I thought it’d be!
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x f!reader.
Word Count: 6.4k.
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What would you do if you could tell someone the exact time and way that they’re going to die? Would you share that information with them, hoping that they can get their affairs in order and live those final moments to the fullest before kicking the bucket? Or would you keep quiet about it, holding onto the information as though it's a sordid little secret that needs to be buried and taken to your own grave?
Not that it matters anyway, because even if you held that information no one would believe you anyway, would they? Telling someone that they’re going to die in a car accident when they don’t even drive, or that they die during a snowstorm in July. It’s like people only ever believe what they want to hear, and it’s the same reason why even your best friend doesn’t know about your quirk. Imagine if you’d proved it, writing down your prediction and then waiting for it to happen. Counting down the days like you’re waiting for an exciting event, not waiting for someone to die. And then what? Someone dies and people want you to do it again, to prove that it wasn’t just a fluke. And then what? You’re kissing every single person that comes along just to tell them that they’re not going to make it to their next birthday?
Quirks should be a blessing, but yours was most definitely a curse.
“You know you really should start trying to settle down, you’re not getting any younger.” You could practically feel the disdain in their tone as you tried to avoid the question by taking a sip of your drink.
“You act like she’s going to die soon,” Your best friend Tatami laughed, shaking her head, “She’s got plenty of time.”
Always the bridesmaid, never the bride. You should scoff at the saying, but in this instance, it was very much true. The entire Hen party was made more awkward by the fact that you didn’t like any of your best friends friends’. All socialites that would give up your deepest, darkest secrets to further themselves and get their names plastered all over the latest tabloids. You were lucky enough to have known her since childhood, but it didn’t make it any easier.
Every wedding you’d attended in the last few years was even more elaborate and outrageous than the last like each bride competed to show that they had the most magnificent life. And every time you were stuck in an uncomfortable bridesmaid dress, trying to avoid the same string of questioning that you knew was coming.
“Come on, Tatami.” One of the girls rolled her eyes, taking a large sip of champagne, “Why don’t you try to set her up with one of your old school friends? At least then she’d be with a man with ambition.”
You felt irritated by them talking about you as though you weren’t even in the room, never mind sitting on the opposite ends of a table. They made it seem as though you were incapable of finding a partner like no one would ever want you.
“Or you could try one of those dating websites, I almost married a rich tycoon from Russia on there before I settled down with my husband. It’s funny how things work out.”
Of course, no one even bothers to ask me whether I want a boyfriend or not– never mind a husband. You rolled your eyes at the idea of flying out to Russia to marry a rich oil tycoon.
“I’m happily single at the moment,” You force a smile, your hand tightening against your glass, “
“They are right though, darling.” Tatami gave you a soft smile, “You have been single for quite some time. I’m not even certain I remember the last time you even mentioned going on a date with anyone?”
That’s because you hadn’t. Not since you lost your boyfriend all those years ago. Why would you try to look for someone again knowing what you know now?
Growing up you’d eagerly awaited receiving your quirk, but the longer it took to manifest the more you’d come to terms that you were one of the quirkless. It wasn’t until you shared your first kiss at sixteen that you realised that maybe things weren’t quite as they seemed. Everyone anticipates their first kiss, hoping it would be one of those special, perfect moments that you’d remember for the rest of your life. But instead, the moment you’d shared yours, you’d been struck with a horrifying premonition.
It felt like a dream at first, a moment where you’d pinch yourself and realise that everything had been concocted in your mind. The vision of your first love walking into traffic on a cold, snowy evening. The cars were unable to stop against the icy terrain as they drove straight towards him, the lights bouncing off the road to make it difficult to see pedestrians as he was knocked to his back. You’d even told him about it after it happened, laughing about how vivid your imagination was– but not even three months later and it's like your nightmare came true.
You’d told yourself it was a coincidence, that it could've happened to anyone and it was a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Trying to heal your heart as you took time to recover from losing your first love until you met your next boyfriend. You were trying to allow yourself to be happy again, to forget the bad memories that haunted your past. Until it happened again– your first kiss with him gave you a vision. This time a villain attack endangered the city, your boyfriend was caught in the crossfire as a fire quirk ripped through his body and burnt him from the inside out.
It should’ve frightened you, much like the first time. But instead, you just felt numb. It was then you realised that you weren’t in fact quirkless, but instead of gaining a talent that was cool, flashy or useful to society– you inherited a curse.
Of course, there was no way you could explain your quirk to anyone, finding someone that believed you would be hard enough. But telling someone that you know when they’re going to die purely from kissing them? It sounded insane. Not to mention what it could do if the information fell into the wrong hands. Using the information for those dark, depraved benefits.
And to this day you weren’t even sure whether kissing someone showed the way they were going to die, or whether kissing them sealed their fate. Like you were the grim reaper handing out the macabre kiss of death.
Why would anyone want to be with you?
So it was easier this way, guarding your heart so you couldn’t feel the pain of losing someone you love again. A small price to pay to ensure that you didn’t harm anyone else, and the disappointed looks from your friends that you were still very much single were a small price to pay.
But you did feel alone.
Watching all your friends get married, settle down and have kids was harder when you knew you could never have those things. Maybe that's why it hurt even more. We always desire what we can’t have, after all.
“Let me set you up on one date and see how it goes,” Tatami’s annoying friend dipped her glass towards you from across the table, the champagne sloshing inside it, “I have this friend, not much of a looker, but he’s a quirk defence lawyer. It pays good money, and he’s looking to settle down–”
“It’s alright, I’m really not looking–” You felt awkward as each set of eyes around the table scrutinised you.
“Nonsense, he’d be perfect for you,” She continued, and you almost groaned as she pulled out her phone, “Let me text him now, I bet he could get you lunch in that new Sushi restaurant in the city.”
“Sorry, I just need the bathroom-” You almost shoved Tatami out of the booth as she stood up to let you out, her drink splashing as you tried to give her a reassuring smile before disappearing into the throng of people inside the busy nightclub. You weren’t even sure if you’d be able to find it back to your table at this point, but all you knew is you needed to get out.
The heat inside the club was suffocating, burning through you as you tried to find an exit. Weaving through the sea of people as you tried to remind yourself to breathe. Heaving a sigh as you noticed the sign to a smoking area as you followed the few people heading in the same direction. Stepping into the cool evening air is a welcome relief, the chill pricks against your skin as the heat slowly simmers down. Leaning against the rough brick wall as the back of your head knocks against it gently, closing your eyes to try and alleviate the irritation bubbling up inside you.
“Oi, you okay?” Your eyes opened into a glare to see the source of the voice, your nose scrunched in irritation at the blunt introduction.
A blond man stood a few feet away from you, cell phone in hand. The bright screen illuminated his face and cast a soft glow against his skin. You felt your heart betray you as it sped up at the sight of him, suddenly feeling self-conscious beneath his piercing ruby gaze.
“M’fine.” You mumbled, not about to dump all your issues on a random stranger.
“You don’t look fine,” He shrugged, glancing back down at his phone as he typed against the screen.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You sneered, your defences up.
“You just look pissed,” He smirked, and it only irritated you more.
Who did this fucking asshole think he was?
“Well I’ve got a random stranger bothering me, so perhaps I am.”
The answer has the opposite effect you were expecting as the blond beside you gives you a wide grin, shaking his head.
“Gotta be better than the desperate pricks inside there?” He tilts his head towards the club and you’ve gotta admit he’s right. You’ve been standing beside him for a minute and he hasn’t tried to buy you a drink or grab your ass.
“Guess you’re right.” You exhale softly.
“Whatever it is can’t be that bad anyway,” He shrugs, “You’re too pretty to be frownin’.”
You hate the way your heart throbs when he calls you pretty, it's pathetic really.
“You come here alone?”
Does he really think you’re that much of a loser to come to a club by yourself?
‘No, my friends are still inside.”
“So why are you out here alone?” He raises a questioning brow.
“Why are you here?” You crossed your arms against your chest defensively, turning the question back on him like he wasn’t doing the exact same thing you were.
“Got a big promotion today,” He shrugs it off like it’s nothing. Probably just another step on the never-ending corporate ladder to him, “My friends got me out to celebrate.”
“Is that why you’re standing outside on your own?” You shoot back, unable to miss the way his nostrils flare in irritation.
“Could say the same to you, sweetheart.” He scoffs, “Who’re you here with?”
“My best friend,” You smile softly, “She’s getting married.”
“Not very rowdy for a hen party.”
“Oh yeah?” You watch the way his tongue darts out between his lips to wet them, “You're not exactly the life of the party yourself, are you?”
“Just wanna go home,” He rolled his eyes, “My friends turn into assholes when they’re drunk.”
“Mine can be assholes at any time.” You were already expecting texts in the morning trying to invite you on a blind date you didn’t even want to go on.
“Dya want me to call you a cab?” The guy held up his phone, “I can get you a separate one if you don’t wanna share. It ain’t safe to be out here alone.”
“Very considerate of you,” You rolled your eyes, but you couldn’t stop your heart from doing a little flip, “I can take care of myself.”
“Sure looks like it,” He scoffed, “That why you’re gonna hide out here for the rest of the night?”
“Shut up,” You almost pouted, “I’ll go back in.”
“Yeah, yeah.” He smirked.
“What’s your name?” You asked as he slipped his phone back into his black jeans pocket.
“Bakugou.” He answered after pausing for a second, “What's yours?”
You mumble your name and can’t stop your cheeks from scalding when he responds with a soft “Pretty.”
Standing in a comfortable silence between the handsome stranger you watched groups of people slowly leaving the club, some moving on to their next destination for the night and others trying to stop their friends from throwing up before they climbed into their designated cabs.
“Gonna take fuckin’ ages to catch a cab now, I hate this part of the city.” Bakugou groans, running his palm down the length of his face.
“You could go back in and party,” You shrugged, “I’m sure your friends are missing you.”
“Yeah? After you, sweetheart—” Bakugou made a mock chivalrous movement with his arm to invite you to go back inside first which you rejected. Moving back to stare into the sea of people with a small smile on your face, “Didn’t think so.”
You stood in a comfortable silence beside him for what felt like hours but was probably only a few minutes. One of the first times in a long time that you felt yourself as you both listened to the rowdy cheers in the background.
“Do you ever just want to say fuck it and disappear?” You surprised yourself by speaking your thoughts out loud.
“Go somewhere where no one knows who the fuck you are or what the fuck you’re doin’?” Bakugou responded simply.
“All the time.” He murmurs.
“It just hurts when it seems like everyone else has their perfect little lives while you’re just waiting on the sidelines,” You sigh. Maybe it was easier offloading everything onto a random stranger, it wasn’t as though you had anyone else you could talk to, “It’s just lonely.”
“You don’t have to be lonely.” He replied as though it was the most simple answer.”
“It’s not that easy,” You shake your head.
“Who said it ain’t that easy?” Bakugou turned to face you, his frame towering over you as you looked up at him with wide eyes.
“Cause I’m always lonely.” You felt hot, pearly tears beginning to clump in your lash line as you thought about the nights you spent at home alone while all your friends were with their partners. The life that you’d always dreamed about, but never have. For once you just wanted someone to be there for you, with you, “It's just how it is.”
“You don’t have to be though, sweetheart.” He whispers.
“Yeah?” You murmurs, “Do you feel alone too?”
“Fuck,” He groans, leaning his forehead against yours as he stands with you for a moment, “C’mere.”
Bakugou took your hand in his as he walked you through the crowd of people outside the rowdy venue and down a dark dingy alley that was illuminated in fierce neon lights from the various clubs dotted along the high street. You followed behind him obediently as your heart danced against your ribcage, astounded by your daring behaviour. He could be a murderer or a psychopath for all you knew– just another stranger out looking for his next victim. But for some reason (maybe it was the liquid courage coursing through your veins) you felt safe with him.
He moves his hands to your hips as he pushed you back against the cool brick wall, slotting himself between your parted thighs as he looks down at you with crimson eyes. The scent of liquor was sharp on his breath as his lips hovered close to you, warmth fanning your face as he leaned to kiss you.
“No kissing,” You gasped as you tilted your head just in time to avoid his lips as he pressed a wet, scorching kiss against your jawline.
If he had an issue with it, he didn’t voice it. The only sound was a rough grunt rumbling from the back of his throat as his lips continued to pepper sloppy kisses along your neck. Your fingers swiftly carded through his messy hair, nails grazing his scalp as you tried to pull him closer. As though everything right now wasn’t enough, you needed more.
“Please,” You whine as you felt his teeth graze your pulse point, hips bucking as strong palms reached out to steady you. Keeping you still as he bit down on the supple skin hard, the sudden pain had you crying out for him as the ache blurred your vision. Or maybe it was the alcohol running through your system— warm lips suckling the fresh bite mark as you clench your thighs together in a feeble attempt to give your neglected clit some much-needed friction.
“Please, what?” He rasps against your neck, his tongue salving against the mark he’d left against your skin moments earlier.
This is the part where you should’ve stopped him. Making up an excuse about Tatami wondering where you are, or needing to get home and disappearing into the night. But you didn’t—
“Touch me,”
“You always beg random strange men to touch you, sweetheart?” He smirked, his hand reaching round to grab a handful of your ass, “Or am I just special?”
If only he knew how unlike you this really was, that no one had touched you so intimately in years. A thought that would’ve surely ruined the mood if Bakugou’s hand hadn’t slipped beneath your dress to cup your aching sex, the sensation had you gasping in surprise as the blonde smirked down at you.
“I’m just special, hah?” He answered his own question with a toothy grin, “Is that why your panties are dripping for me?”
You couldn’t remember the last time you’d felt this insatiable. Evenings spent at home with your toys felt nothing like the way his warm hands felt against your skin, uncaring that you were in a dirty alleyway as you found yourself grinding into his touch.
“Fuck,” You murmur, your head knocking against the cold brick as Bakugou presses the heel of his palm against your clit through the sheer fabric. A heat blazes through his touch and scorches you as you writhe against him, desperate to create a delicious friction as he smirks down at how salacious you look at this moment.
“You’re so fuckin’ wet, bet I’d slide right in.” He grunts, surprising himself at his blunt words. Blaming his audaciousness on the alcohol Sero and Denki had plied him with not long ago, the liquor flowing through his veins.
“Please,” It’s quite pathetic really, just how easily this man has turned you into this. You’d managed to go years without the touch of a man, and now you’d felt it for a moment you were unsure how you’d ever lived without it.
“Oh, fuck.” He chokes back a groan as he pulls your panties to the side, the skirt of your dress now shamelessly bunched around your waist as he notes the glossy strings of your essence that cling to the flimsy fabric of your panties, “This all for me?”
His fingers drag through your slick shamelessly, testing it on his fingers as he feels the heat radiating from your core. He spends little time circling your puffy clit before continuing lower, dipping one thick digit inside your tight hole. You wish at this moment that you’d worn slightly prettier panties than the plain black ones you wore right now, but if Bakugou had any issues with them he certainly didn’t seem to mind as he pumped his finger in and out of your core.
“Shit, you’re so sensitive.” He groans at the way your body responds to him, thrashing against him as he places more pressure on your clit.
“Please, Bakugou.” Your thighs quiver as he continues pumping his finger inside you, feeling the way your walls hungrily try to suck him in deeper, to take all he's got to give and more.
“Wish we weren’t in a dirty fuckin’ alley right now, princess. I’d have you sit on my face.” He groans, feeling the way your cunt clenches around him at his lewd words. You’d never wished something so bad in your life, tempted to tell him you didn’t mind if there was an audience if it meant having his lips wrapped around your clit.
“I don’t normally do this shit,” He groans, nuzzling your neck.
“Fuck strangers in alleys?” You tease as he gives you a playful smirk against your skin.
“Somethin’ like that.”
You groan as he adds another finger to join the first, stretching you open as your nails dig crescent-shaped moons into the base of his neck, leaving reddened indents against his skin as he growls from the slight twinge of pain. The sounds coming from your cunt are downright crude, echoing around the empty alley as he deliberately curls his fingers to press against the spongy spot inside you.
“Shit, you’re fuckin’ dripping.” Bakugou grunts, watching your creamy slick dribble down his fingers and settle into his palm, his thumb pressing sloppy circles against your needy clit as you shamelessly rock your hips into his touch. Greedily searching for the orgasm that he’s more than happy to give to you.
“Look at you,” He goads, “You’re so fuckin’ easy. This sloppy ‘nd I’ve barely even touched you. Is this all it takes, sweet girl?”
You don’t have the heart to tell him how long it's been since anyone touched you like this, that no matter how hard you try to replicate his touch after today, you’ll probably never feel anything like this again. It’s like he’s tempting you to say something, to give him a witty comeback. But you can’t, not when his fingers are stroking you in all the right places, stretching you out in preparation for what you know is soon to come. You spread your thighs further apart to give him more access, a movement that has a wide grin from ear to ear appearing on his face. Standing on shaky heels as he ensures you stay upright with a palm on your waist.
He knows when he’s found it, like a lost ship searching for the bright glow of a lighthouse to guide it home. Pushing his calloused digits against the same spot that he knows will have you coming undone.
“Right there, huh baby?” He coos, “Yeah, I know, I know. Such a pretty pussy.”
You must look debauched now, your tongue lolling out as you pant pathetically with your head knocking against the cold brick wall. Allowing Bakugou– a complete stranger– to do as he so pleases with you.
“Oi, you listening to me?” He growls, and you can’t even remember what he’s just said. So lost in your own bliss as he continues to press the same persistent circles against your clit, “Course you ain’t, so desperate to cum, hm?’
“Please, Bakugou.” You mumble, breaking off into a salacious moan as he increases his pace eagerly trying to push you over the edge. He’s watching intently as you writhe against him, dangerously close to your release as you pulse around his digits.
“Fuck,” He almost snarls, the sound sending shockwaves direct to your needy cunt as you feel yourself vaulting into your bliss.
His fingers don’t stop their ministrations, even as you're crying out for him and gushing all over them. He instead, increases his pace, determined to have you completely intoxicated on him before he's even begun.
“You’re so goddamn noisy, ain’tcha?” He scoffs, finally pulling his digits from your spent cunt with a crude squelch. Unabashedly holding them up to his lips as he tastes you on his tongue, groaning as though he's tasted the sweetest ambrosia as he cleans you off his skin.
“Please, Bakugou.” You slur, legs shaky from the intense orgasm he’d gifted you as he pulls his fingers from his mouth.
Bakugou’s fingers are quick to unfasten his belt, letting the heavy buckle hang as he dipped his thumbs into the hem of his boxers to pull them down along with his jeans. Letting the material settle around the curve of his ass, just enough to free his aching cock. The sight of it had your thighs quivering in anticipation, the bulging head an angry pink colour as it oozed pre from the slit. Dribbling down the underside as the veins that forked along his girth made him appear even bigger, the length of it drooped down from the sheer weight as you wondered how on earth he could keep something that size hidden beneath his jeans.
“S’big,” You murmur, biting down on your lower lip as your cunt throbs in anticipation. Even his balls look huge, thick and weighty as you watch him give himself a teasing pump. His wrist rolling as he smears pre along the length. Ready to ignore how damp and filthy the floor looks in favour of dropping to your knees to worship his cock as it deserves.
“Think you can still manage it though, sweetheart.” He grins, “I know that pretty pussy’s good for it.”
You’re almost disappointed when he pulls a condom out from his wallet in his back pocket, seemingly you’ve found the only man in the entire bar with a conscience as he rips the foil packet open with his teeth. Lifting one of your thighs up to press against his hip as his cock slips between your folds, the fat tip catching against your entrance as he sucks in a breath.
“Don’t do that,” Bakugou groans, “You’ll make me wanna fuck you raw.”
“Do it then.” You challenge, wondering whether he really is like all the sleazy men your friends end up with.
“Another time, baby.” He glowers back, pushing the tip of the condom against the head of his cock as he slides it down his length.
The first push against your tight entrance has the air stolen from your lungs, a dull ache from the stretch in your core as his thick cock slowly breaches your sex.
“Holy fuck,” He grunts, his fingers dipping into the fat of your thigh as he holds it against his hip, “You’re so tight.”
He smirks at how desperate you are to feel him inside you, trying to drop yourself down on his length as he gives a few, shallow thrusts. Your fingers dig into his skin to try and get him to give you more, rewarding you by thrusting all the way inside. One sharp rut is all it takes to have him sheathed inside you, your walls moulding to the shape of his cock as he takes a moment to cherish the sensation of you wrapped around him.
“Told you I’d slide right in, perfect fuckin’ pussy.” He groans, slowly pulling back as he glances down between you to watch his cock slide out of your warm heat before you take every inch again.
There’s not much you can do in this position except stand there and take what Bakugou’s got to give, his rough thrusts push you against the wall as he almost sweeps you off your feet. His messy pubes tickle your clit with every forward motion as your essence leaks from your needy cunt and dribbles down his heavy balls.
His scent is intoxicating, the saccharine tartness has you tugging him closer. Burying your nose into his neck to smell the mixture of cologne and his natural scent. It’s almost comforting as you cling to him a little tighter, trying to commit it to memory so you can cherish it when you inevitably end up alone after tonight.
“Oh, god.” You cling to his broad shoulders, holding him tight as he sets a brutal pace. The fabric of your dress catches against the rough brick behind you as he leaves a trail of kisses against your cheek.
The sensation is overwhelming, the pleasure rapidly building inside you as he continues thrusting into you with hard, sharp ruts of his hips. For once, the only thing you can think about is the white-hot pleasure coursing through you. The soothing ache from his cock stretching you open is almost cathartic as you let him use your body as he pleases, his rough hands groping at your exposed skin as he presses more scorching kisses against your jugular, sharp teeth nipping at your skin.
“Oh fuck, Bakugou.” You cry out, louder than intended as your toes curl from his harsh movement.
“Shit– You want us to get caught, sweetheart?” He groans, his palm reaching up to cover your mouth, “Can’t kiss you to shut’cha up, can I? So I’ll have to do this.”
And maybe it’s better this way, your lips warm against his palm as your lipstick smears against it. Otherwise, with the way he was looking down at you, you probably would’ve kissed him.
Your moans are muffled by Bakugou now, his pace unrelenting as he gives rough thrusts inside you. The lewd squelch vibrates around the empty alley and mingles with the loud thrum of bass that vibrates from inside the club. The loud bustle of voices only feet away as anyone could turn down and see you both in such a compromising position— not that it would be anything unusual. You certainly aren’t the first couple to fuck down this alley, if the empty condom wrappers and bottles are anything to go by, and you surely won’t be the last. But it’s been so unlike you to allow yourself to submit to your pleasure, to live a little.
“You still with me, pretty girl?” He groans, “Pussy feels so good. Can feel you clamping down around me.”
You whined against his palm, feeling the pleasure intensifying inside you as Bakugou continued his rough pace. Drunken patrons hollered boisterously as they left the bar causing him to shield your body with his broad back, taking his eyes off you to ensure they didn’t decide to come down the alleyway to interrupt you.
“Fuckin’ pricks.” Bakugou snarled under his breath as he stilled inside of you.
Your entire body felt as though it was on fire, hovering dangerously close to the edge of your climax as your cunt clenched around his thick cock. Causing Bakugou to suck a harsh breath through his teeth as he brought his attention back to you, the corner of his lip curling into a sly smirk.
“Don’t worry, sweetheart. I didn’t forget about you,” He groaned, languidly moving inside you, “Gonna make you cum so hard.”
“Please,” You mumbled, muffled by his hand as he began rolling his hips, the bulging tip of his cock catching against the spongy spot inside you with each pronounced thrust.
“Fuck,” Bakugou snarls, moving his hand from your mouth in favour of slipping it between your bodies to thumb at your clit. The sensation has your knees buckling as your weight drops, no longer able to hold yourself up. But he’s strong, keeping you pinned between his body and the wall as he keeps his unrelenting pace, “Come on, pretty girl. I know you’re close, can feel you choking me.”
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” It’s embarrassing really, how one man— a stranger, can have you coming undone like this in public no less.
“So fuckin’ noisy, shit-” He grunts, his ruby gaze intense as he watches you come undone.
Bakugou steals your climax from you, his thumb is unrelenting against your clit as he feels your cunt clamp down around him. The loud cry that spills from your lips has him wincing as he hopes no one’s decided to look down the alley for a free show— something that would certainly make the front page this very morning. He eases you through your high, the white spots that dance across your vision make it feel like you’re seeing stars. A sea of constellations against your eyelids as you succumb to the pleasure.
“You look so pretty when you cum,” He groans, his face buried in the apex of your neck as he inhales deeply, committing your scent to memory as he cherishes the way your cunt clenches around his cock.
Bakugou pushes his fat cock inside you, as deep as he can go. Until his balls are snug against the swell of your ass as he feels the tremble of your cunt coming down from your high. His warm breath scorches your neck as he gives himself a moment's respite before picking up his pace once more, greedily using your body to chase his own release. His palm pushes your thigh up higher against his hip, changing the angle as the swollen tip of his cock finds what it was searching for. The euphoria already surging through your veins is enhanced by the attention from his cock knocking against the same spot inside you over, and over, and over.
“Think you can give me one more, sweet girl?” He rasps, watching your thick lashes flutter as tears blind your vision.
“I– can’t,” You manage to get out between broken breaths, unadulterated pleasure coursing through your veins.
“Yeah, you can.” He coos, his thumb persistent against your clit as he ruts into the same spot inside you, “C’mon, for me?”
The sensation building inside you is almost painful, still overwhelmed from your last intense climax the pleasure still bubbling to the surface as Bakugou is unrelenting. It’s too much, and yet not enough at the same time.
“Don’t hold back, sweetheart.” He groans, “Cum for me.”
Your body feels ungovernable as you succumb to the pleasure, a cry of his name tumbling from your lips that he doesn’t try to silence as he holds your quivering body. Preventing you from thrashing as he clings to you tightly, fingertips creating divots in your plush thigh.
“Oh fuck, there we go.” He snarls primally, nostrils flaring as he gives a few final shaky ruts of his hips, spilling his release inside the condom with a grunt as you both bask in the aftershocks of your release.
You’re certain if he let go of you now you’d collapse to the dirty floor, your legs no longer strong enough to support your weight as you cling to Bakugou. And he holds you back just as tight, dropping your sore thigh in favour of wrapping his arms around your waist as he remains buried inside your fluttering cunt.
He can still feel you spasming when he finally pulls out of you, sliding the condom off his spent cock as he shamelessly throws it onto the ground. Fixing your panties before pulling your dress back down around your thighs to hide your modesty before he moves to tuck his wet cock back inside his underwear and buttons his jeans.
You hadn’t expected him to hold you so tenderly, as though you were the world's most precious porcelain. But you both stand there for what feels like forever, basking in the afterglow as you sway side to side.
A large palm raised to cup your warm cheek, the calloused pad of his thumb brushing against the soft skin as he tilted your head to meet his gaze. Leaning forward as his eyes crossed to stare at your pouty lips, closing the distance slowly until you placed a palm on his chest.
“No kissing.” You repeated, turning your head as Bakugou pulled back, squinting at you.
“Still?” Bakugou grunts, “Why the no kissin’ bullshit?”
You couldn’t explain it to him, especially not after this. Wondering if it would be easier to make up a lie about your breath smelling or being nervous.
“I just can’t.” You sounded pathetic, internally wincing at the pitiful tone of your voice.
“Yeah, why?” He continued, “You got a boyfriend or somethin’?”
He actually looked hurt as he asked the question, his crimson gaze searching your eyes for any kind of deception as you shake your head no.
“I don’t have a boyfriend.”
“Husband?” Bakugou pushes as you shake your head again.
“Then what’s the fuckin’ problem?” He spits, slightly more harshly than intended.
“You won’t like it,”
I don’t want to know when you die. You think to yourself.
“Like fuck I won’t.” He scoffed, “Fuckin’ dumbass.”
Bakugou caught you by surprise when he wrapped his palm around your neck, holding you so tenderly as he ducked his head forward. Catching you even more by surprise as he placed his chapped lips against yours, his tongue instantly slipping past your parted lips to delve deeper.
The first time you’ve actually felt something for someone this had to happen. The premonition played clearly behind your eyes as you felt Bakugou’s tongue mould against your own, a deep timber groan vibrating against your mouth as he lost himself in the kiss.
Of course, whatever higher power couldn’t just let you be happy for once, you had to see the fate in store for Bakugou Katsuki.
Pulling away from your lips as his tongue poked out to taste your lipgloss, the corner of his lips curled into a smug smirk as you stared up at him in complete horror. This wasn’t good—
You’d hoped that his death would be a peaceful one, dying a natural death surrounded by his loved ones at a ripe old age. But it was anything but, the terrifying vision now imprinted onto your memory. And you wished he never kissed you, not only so he wouldn’t die but so you wouldn’t have to see this vision every time you close your eyes.
With one kiss you’d sealed his fate.
“Fuck,” He mumbled, his chest heaving as he tried to regain his breath.
You’d convinced yourself that as long as you didn’t kiss him, it would be okay— but now you’d seen the future you knew nothing would be okay.
Humans are such selfish creatures.
“Yeah, fuck.” You groaned.
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jennifer-jeong · 6 months
Angst + Fluff | Ryomen Sukuna x Reader Next time
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hehehe see what I did with the header picture, they're leaning on each other (you'll get it if you read)
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SUMMARY Sukuna promises you he’ll be better for you in your next lives.
CONTENT NOT SPOILER FREE, suggestive, angst to fluff, gender neutral reader, it’s supposed to be a happy ending if you pretend that things don’t go according to canon LOL, very OC Sukuna so he actually has emotions, near death experiences, injuries, blood, death, suicide, ALL CHARACTERS ARE 18+
AUTHOR NOTES I can’t write canon Sukuna because he doesn’t even like humans 💀 Basically this is pookie Sukuna LOL There’s a lot of deviation from canon in this fic. I'm probably going to make a smut portion to this in a separate fic so stay tuned hehe, I'll link it here if I finish it!
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WORD COUNT: 2244 why did this turn out so long... maybe I actually do like him
Back in the Heian period (a millenia ago), Ryomen Sukuna, “the king of curses,” peaked in power. At the same time, you were just getting started with your adult life. Unfortunately at this moment, however, it seemed that it would be cut short. A strong, locust-like, curse manifested in your village and you’ve been trying your best to stop it but to no avail. In fact, it’s currently pinning your body to the ground, trying to bite your head off. You imagine that the curse came to be due to the fear of famine in your farms, but you didn’t think it’d be this strong. You struggle but the curse is much larger than you are. You don’t even know what your last words should be, your mind going blank in panic. Your life starting to flash before your eyes-
“I suggest you fuck off my turf,” says a dangerously domineering voice. The curse looks up down the road and sees something you can’t in your current position. You barely need to look to figure out who it is though. The curse above you freezes in pure fear and eases up on crushing your body in a jolt. You hear the same voice “tsk” at the curse’s “disrespectful” hesitation and suddenly the giant bug flies in a seemingly random direction before essentially exploding due to the force. You sit up slightly with shock evident on your face, you turn around to finally see your unfortunate savior. He takes your silent shock as confusion and explains “the area is mine… filthy curses have no right to do as they please around here.” Your body feels heavy from the sheer aura of power he gives off but you can’t help but still make a mildly disgusted face at him for what he’s saying. You’ve heard he treats humans like livestock and you have always despised him for having power like that and choosing to do this instead of something good. He makes an angered face back saying “hah?” and just when you start to regret your choice of facial expression, he rolls his eyes and walks away. You pause for a few seconds before taking a breath you didn’t know you were holding. You mutter a “thanks” that you don’t think he hears before heading back to your home to tend your wounds.
Sukuna had been watching you recently. It was no coincidence that he appeared in front of you that night. He first noticed you when you were able to kill any of the curses that attacked your village. He watched, quite amused, that you continued to struggle with no fear against these monsters while the rest of your idiotic village sat back and watched, some even calling you insane despite you saving their lives. Sukuna doesn’t understand why you don’t just beat up the humans that don’t listen. You let them take advantage of your kindness even though you could wipe them all out with an arm tied behind your back. You’re overly kind but you still have the guts to stand up to someone like him. He heard your small mutter of gratitude while he walked away and smiled slightly. He’s never met someone he actually felt bad for in this way. He’s found something he feels pity for, and it’s enough to make him want to protect it, treat it like it’s special.
So now you’re here, a few days later in his temple, bowing 90 degrees in front of him with an offering in your hand. You came here to show him respect for not killing you or the other villagers. He’s impressed you even found him and more impressed that you made the trek here. He walks towards you and reaches for your chin with his hand to make you look at him and stand up. His eyes inspect your slightly flustered face while his thumb very slightly caresses your chin. He releases his hold on your face and takes the offering. You stand there, still on guard and weary of the man. But you know he hasn’t done anything to your village in the time that you’ve been alive, you just know he’s the “disgraced one” and that it can’t be good.
For the next few weeks, your time is spent half at the village and half at Sukuna’s temple. He decided to help you with the journey by just teleporting you with a “simple” technique that you couldn’t comprehend. You slowly discover that Sukuna is actually just so strong he’s bored, no one really stands on equal ground with him. Even if all the sorcerers in the world fought him, he’s confident he’d win, and you don’t doubt it (canon).
He thinks it’s cute that you still go back to the village to help out here and there. He’s only okay with it now because he can watch over you and intervene if anyone wants to be rude. Many of the villagers are kind to you from a distance, only some actually approach you to thank you from time to time. A small group of the villagers unfortunately highly suspect you to be a curse of some sort though and don’t trust you because you’re so powerful. You’ve only ever done good with your power and you know that for a fact, so you ignore them. Sukuna, however, sits in his temple absolutely fuming whenever they interact with you, he’d maim them if you told him to, but you specifically told him he can’t hurt any humans unless they attack first.
Sukuna enjoys watching your little daily endeavors, smiling whenever you’re clumsy while cleaning or when you accomplish hunting down and killing some curses. It brings a sense of innocent joy to his life that he hasn’t ever really had. He’s had violent, murderous joy in his life, but nothing like this before. Some might say it made him soft, but really it made him stronger in a sense, he finally had something to protect.
As time goes on and seasons change, you and Sukuna only grow closer. You can’t explain why you’re still here with someone you used to hate with every fiber of your being. You think it might have something to do with how he actually sees you. He sees your struggle and your kindness and properly appreciates you for it. No one else in your life has done that for you. No one protects you and cares for you like he does. You also learned that he’s always been pretty good or at least neutral in using his power too. Only killing humans when attacked, beating up strong sorcerers but not killing them, and killing curses that bother him in his land. He was never actually as bad as the rumors made him out to be. Basically, Sukuna fell first and fell harder before you realized that you had fallen all the same.
Sukuna can’t help but be a little obsessive over you. You’re the only one he has eyes for afterall. He always checks in to make sure you’re safe when you aren’t at the temple and actually learns how to cook new dishes so he can feed you. His touches always linger on you: his hands on the small of your back, fingers brushing through your hair, lips ghosting over your skin. When you spend nights together, he’s essentially worshiping your body, telling you how beautiful you are and how he’s all yours. You make sure to return the favor and make him feel loved, it makes his heart feel so full and only deepens his love for you.
You’ve discovered overtime that Sukuna is actually human, he’s just so unbelievably strong and feared that people think he’s a curse. It was strange, you could almost draw a parallel between Sukuna and yourself. Both of you were feared by some because they just didn’t understand you or your intentions. It was an unfortunate part of this reality, but as long as you could live happily together, you didn’t really mind.
Another unfortunate part of this reality, though, was that things never go according to plan. Your plans of living happily together with Sukuna quickly fell apart soon after your 3 year anniversary. The sorcerers knew that they could use you to bait Sukuna and have a much better chance at defeating him. So that’s exactly what they did. They caught you when you were out in the village in the late summer. You were strong, but there were too many of them.
It was doomed before it even started.
In the end, Sukuna is out of energy, being forced to fight offensively instead of defensively if he wanted to save you. You managed to escape to return to him and help, but you were both quickly overwhelmed since the sorcerers decided to play dirty like this. You were both sitting outside of the temple, having teleported away to buy some time. You both just sit and talk. “Have we even killed anything other than curses recently?” you question. He chuckles at your seemingly lighthearted question in this situation, “not that I can think of… I think this was always coming for me though.” You look up at him with concern, he can only smile back even though you can see the clear sorrow in his eyes. “Humans are always scared of what they don’t understand. It’s just how it is” he says as he closes his eyes and enjoys the sun. The warmth drying the blood on both of you, some of it belonging to you both, most of it belonging to your attackers. You’re silent, not sure of what to say in what seems to be your last few moments. He leans on you and you turn your head to touch foreheads. He sighs and says “I’m glad I met you at all though… You showed me what being loved is like. It was something I never thought I’d find or deserve.” You start to tear up and reach a hand to caress his cheek. “You always deserved love, darling. I’m sorry the world was so horrible to you,” you say to him in a gentle voice. “Don’t apologize, love” he says as he kisses your forehead and wraps an arm around you.
“Maybe if we can get them to hate us enough, they’ll curse us together and we can live on like that” you say jokingly. He chuckles and says “wow you really do like me, huh?” You both laugh and hold each other.
A group of sorcerers are within view and are approaching fast. You give him one last kiss and speak your last words to him: “maybe we’ll reincarnate together someday. Maybe as curses, maybe as humans.” His eyes soften with sadness written all over his face “if that happens, I promise our lives won’t be like this one… I want to be a good man for you next time… I’d give all this power up if I could just live a long and happy life with you.” You close your eyes as tears fall. Your eyebrows scrunch as the pain washes over you, physically and emotionally. You see him tear up ever so slightly and whisper “I’m sorry for all the trouble, my love.” “Just make it up to me next time,” you giggle. He knows you never blamed him. He smiles.
You always knew what you were getting into when you approached Sukuna. It was dangerous, delusional, and stupid. But you know you would’ve never had it any other way.
You both still sat side by side, foreheads touching, holding each other. You quickly charged two shots of cursed energy. One piercing his skull, the other, yours.
You eventually become a small part mentioned by people when they retell the tale of the king of curses. Many described you as a traitor or as a curse. But some could see that you prevented Sukuna from spiraling deeper into his distaste for humans. Without you, he might have become a sadistic psychopath as time went on since no one would have any way to kill him. They praised you for that, thinking you did it on purpose to save the nearby villages. Both these ideas were lost in history though. In modern times it’s only written in some books at jujutsu high as hypotheses. No one truly knew what happened.
Sukuna’s powers sealed into his fingers upon death. A technique he used on himself before he met you and one he long forgot about. The sorcerers, out of fear, scattered his indestructible fingers to prevent anyone getting their hands on them and reincarnating the king of curses. Hoping to keep the man dead.
Again, reality makes sure things don’t go to plan, and it’s Yuji’s first day meeting some of his classmates. Sukuna has been wondering what to do since he’s been reincarnated into Yuji’s body. He’s been uncharacteristically quiet in Yuji’s mind and it makes everyone question if Sukuna is really the evil being they all thought he was.
Sukuna is barely paying attention until he feels a familiar warmth walk into the room, not even needing to see you to know who you were. He couldn’t believe it, he almost laughed, thinking that the universe really brought you two back together after more than a thousand years. But he paused, suddenly serious because he realized he had a chance to make things, not right, but different.
After class, Sukuna switches with Yuji, and lo and behold, you show him the exact same disgusted face you made to him centuries ago when he came to greet you in Yuji’s body. It made him smile as he let out a whisper,
“I missed you.”
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|| MASTERLIST ♡ || Thank you for reading! ||
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A Proud Artists Work❣︎
Wally Darling x reader
Summary: looking at Wally’s art work, you feel slightly discouraged about your own. However, Wally quickly finds a way to cheer you up!
Warnings: starts off fluffy but ends a bit yandere-ish
Well i do hope all the welcome home fans like this!! Enjoy<3
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You felt the wind brush up against your cheek as you looked down at your sketchbook in your hand. Your grip on it tightened as you looked around. The neighborhood was surprisingly calming this afternoon. Normally the neighbors would be outside playing but today they didn’t seem to come out of their homes. You watched as the leaves fell from the tree you were sitting under. You leaned up against the wood, taking a breath in.
You turned your head to look at your boyfriend, Wally Darling. He stared at his canvas intensely, focused on every paint stroke he made. His canvas faced you so you couldn’t see what he was painting. He wouldn’t allow you to see what he was creating just yet.
You admired him for his artwork. He was so diligent and his art was breath taking. You wished you were able to draw and paint like he did.
“Darling?” Wally looked over to you, noticing your dull expression. “What’s the matter?”
You sat up, looking away for him and down to the blank paper in your lap.
“Do you really think I’m a good artist?” You asked. He complimented things you have drawn before but a part of you felt like it was forced. Did he just compliment you out of pity?
Wally’s smile dropped slightly as he placed his paintbrush down. You looked up at him as he walked over to you and sat on the grass.
“Of course I do. Why would you question that?” He looked at your sketchbook, noticing it was empty.
“I can’t think of anything impressive to draw”
“Anything you draw will be impressive!” He grabbed a pencil out of pocket “Let’s draw something together!” He leaned in closer to you, starting to sketch an apple on the upper right corner of the paper. You just watched his hand move as he finished up the stem. He just spent a few seconds an apple and it looks amazing. What could you possible draw to impress him?
“Come on! What do you want to draw?” He looked to you. “Draw anything that comes to mind”
You looked up for a moment, trying to get some inspiration. You suddenly noticed a pretty pink flower growing in the grass.
“A flower?” You turned to him.
“Draw it!” He encouraged you. You gripped your pencil as you drew a circle for the base and petals around it.
“It looks great!” He began to add some grass around the flower “You should add a sun” You nodded and smiled softly. This felt nice.
An hour had passed and you two laid on the grass, doodling on the now full page. You two drew different things in nature, different animals, the neighbors, and even Home. You laughed softly seeing how the page was now full with the random doodles from you and your boyfriend.
You felt your cheeks heat up. Wally always knew how to make you feel better when you needed it.
“See, now that wasn’t so hard, was it~?” He gave you a grin “The page is full now”
“Yeah it is” You leaned on his shoulder “Thank you, Wally”
“Anything for you, darling”
Suddenly realization took over you and you remembered there was somewhere you needed to be.
“Oh I have to go!” You stood up, brushing your clothes off “I promised Sally I would meet her at her house to practice a play with her!” You quickly picked up your things, shoving them in your bag.
“Well you better run off, don’t want to leave her waiting” He stood up, holding his hands behind his back.
“See you later!” You waved at him and he blew you a kiss goodbye. He began to pack up his stuff knowing it was time for him to go home too. He carefully picked up the panting he was painting earlier, not wanting to ruin his work. He chuckled softly as he walked back to Home. Home opened the door for him, seeing that Wally’s hands were full.
“Thank you, Home” The puppet placed his paint supplies on the ground. The house squeaked as a way of saying you’re welcome.
“I drew another painting of them…~” He looked down at the colorful canvas. It looked exactly like you. You were leaning up against the tree you two were at, holding your sketchbook. He painted exactly what you looked like in the moment.
He walked down the halls, entering a room of Home. The room was filled with painting of you. Just painting of you.
Each painting you were doing normal activities, not even noticing that a certain painter was using you as his muse.
“This piece would look perfect… here” He hung the painting on an empty spot on the wall. “I like it. What do you think Home?” The house squeaked again.
“Maybe one day I can show them these paintings. I would love to see their reaction. After all, why shouldn’t an artist be proud of their work?”
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half-dead-writer · 28 days
Wallace wells x transmasc bottom with a praise kink PLSPLSPLSSS
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I was this 🤏 close to making it myself so YES OFC!! I tried my best writing Wallace but I feel like I could've made him better :( I included reader wearing a binder instead of having a top surgery because surprisingly there's not a lot fics about that! that was hell of a write, straight 4 days of writing, my longest fic yet - there may be some errors along the way, I really wanted to finally finish it lmao anyways, enjoy!!
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I Wanna Ruin Our Friendship
A drunk escapade with you makes Wallace rethink his opinion on Sparks
character: Wallace Wells (Scott Pilgrim Takes Off)
words: ~7,6k
reader: transmasc (with a praise kink)
warnings: drunk sex, reader smokes and didn't have a top surgery yet
𝔯𝔲𝔩𝔢𝔰 + 𝔪𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔩𝔦𝔰𝔱 / 𝔖𝔠𝔬𝔱𝔱 𝔓𝔦𝔩𝔤𝔯𝔦𝔪 𝔗𝔞𝔨𝔢𝔰 𝔒𝔣𝔣 𝔪𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔩𝔦𝔰𝔱
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"Really, you came with me to the club just so you could not drink?" The alcohol in Wallace's hand was already being sloshed around in the fancy glass.
Today Wallace had asked you to accompany him to the recently opened club down the road. Your opinion of such places isn't really positive - a lot of strangers come there, some not as accepting as Wallace. You promised to walk with him to the place, mainly just curious how it looks like. You didn't plan on actually staying, but you thought taking a quick look inside wouldn't hurt. Of course, you should have expected this would happen.
"When was even the last time we properly hung out like that," he took a nonchalant sip of his Martini, "without Scott to bother us with random Sonic facts?"
Wallace knew full well that you wouldn't be able to refuse his offer once you actually got there. The place was steadily bustling with life, blue and pink strobe lights were dancing across the the dimly lit room. You were not used to being in places like this, in contrary to your friend, who you imagined spent most of his time in such setting.
"When was the last time you've been sober through the entire week?" Your intention wasn't really to shame him, instead just engaging in a playful banter.
"Don't change the topic, guy," he squinted his eyes in amusement, "or I'll start thinking you don't actually like my company," he quipped back with a sly smirk.
You rolled your eyes lightheartedly, leaning more on the bar you've been sitting by, "I didn't bring any money," you started, hoping he'd get the hint. Whether he would let you go or pay for your drink, it'd be a win-win situation.
"Poor you, huh," he raised his eyebrow in a feigned surprise, "why do I always land on leeches?"
You exhaled through your nose, amused, "so what do you wanna drink hm?" He asked, calmly taking out his wallet. It took you a moment to think of something.
"How about..." you scanned over the menu, a colorful drink caught your interest "Mango Mimosa?"
"Looking at the pretty pictures for help with choosing," he commented, finishing his own drink in one swig. "Classy."
"How the hell do you choose then?" You smiled, furrowing your brows in confusion.
"By trying each one in order, of course," he smirked, you weren't sure to what extend he was joking. He raised his hand to get the attention of the barman, "One Mango Mimosa and Martini this way!" You observed as the barman's hands moved in a smooth motion, spilling the alcohol into previously taken out glasses and decorating them with some enrichment. A slice of orange was set on the edge of your drink, Wallace got a fancy olive stabbed by a cocktail stick in his. He put the cash on the counter, "thanks, you're a dear." He winked the male barman's way, making the other avert his gaze in a hurry.
You took the glass into your hand, moved by the urge to get some alcohol into you. You got used to Wallace flirting with any males he considered cute, it was a package deal when it came to hanging out with him. What bothered you wasn't his ability to get game, but rather what you couldn't have. Contrary to how you usually acted around him, you really cared about Wallace.
You originally met him through Scott, your old classmate. You had only spent one school year with the ginger-haired man, but you were good friends while it lasted. Unfortunately, after the graduation you had to move out. Even though the circumstances were not ideal, you still somewhat kept in touch with him through messages. You knew he was now living in Toronto, had a girlfriend (who apparently had 7 evil exes??) and shared a house with a "cool gay roommate". The mention of that got you a bit curious. You were pretty gay yourself, so you hoped to make a new friend. It just so happened that the future had you moving into the same town your ex-classmate lived, and it kinda went from there. Scott greeted you with open arms, excited to see you again. You were also happy by reconnecting with an old friend.
Everything was going smooth, until the roommate he told you about moved from his sitting place to greet you as well.
"Y/N, hm?" He shifted his weight onto one leg, placing a hand on his hip. His eyes checked you up and down, making you extremely uneasy. Scott's vibe was always very unthreatening, which let you chill out around him really easily. This man, however, had the most intimidating aura. He was so- casually pretty, and had the calm conviction in his moves that you found really attractive. You felt unprepared to handle the situation, stopping in your tracks to just stare at him for a moment. He cocked his eyebrow to your silence, finally forcing you take action.
"Yes," you quickly responded, covering your lack of nonchalance with a smile, "... Scott's cool gay roommate?" You tried to ease the tension forming around you with a lighthearted remark.
"Been called that from time to time" he relaxed his face, offering a calm smirk, "I see you've also been charmed by Scott's amazing social skills, huh?"
'I've been charmed by you', you admitted to yourself in your mind.
"I'd say my social skills are... --tend to vary, starting from average." Scott's voice reminded you of his existence, the past few seconds of your life were occupied by the image of this god-sent man.
The first impressions had you feeling shier than usual, frankly just feeling dominated by his presence. You were mostly counting on Scott to keep you safe from being on one on one with him. The thought of Wallace, alone in the room with you made anxious.
Of course, after some time, you stopped putting him on the pedestal and making scary assumptions. Just because you considered him cool didn't mean he would be rude or a stuck up to you. Quite the opposite, even if his disposition was a bit blunt and bold, more often than not, you thought that he was on the same level as you. He respected you, and even shared a few gossips that you found fairly entertaining. At some point it even looked as if you were better friends with him than Scott. That let you embrace the casual bicker with him on occasions, which none of you minded. One thing that you disliked about Wallace was his common flirting with random boys he found attractive. It bothered you, because he also flirted with you.
When it first happened, it had you lovestruck. You weren't ready to digest that compliment yet, though, and your reaction painted you quite awkward. Wallace brushed it off, not minding the lack of reciprocation to the flirt. Your friendship remained casual, and as the time passed, it made more sense as to why you received such attention. Wallace was bit of a fuckboy. It wasn't hard to see him with another boy by the end of the week. Of course, you had no business in what he wants to do, and you weren't about to judge your own friend for having fun. Your relationship remained casual and relatively close, but that fact forced you to push back your hopes of actually getting together with him. Not mentioning the obvious sex difference. Even though you were confidently self-assured about being a man, an opinion Wallace also shared about you, you still compared yourself to his suitors as "less than".
"C'mon, loosen up a little. You're with your dear, handsome friend Wallace who's paying for your drink," he swished the Martini while boosting his own ego.
You rolled your eyes, "I am loose," you huffed out, pretending offense while taking a sip of your drink.
"Yeah, sure, and I'm straight." Wallace replied back, grinning at you. "Your shoulders look like you're about to have a stick shoved up your butt with how stiff you are right now."
The colorful description made you laugh, earning a satisfied smile from him.
"Lighten up, guy, it's just me and you, hanging out. Nothing out of ordinary, except that we're at a club," he pointed out, trying to chase your doubts.
"Yeah, yeah, alright," you gave in, taking the slice of orange placed on the edge of your drink and biting into it.
"So, any interesting news to tell me?" He rested his chin, leaning on his palm with all of his attention pointed at you.
"Mm, not really. Work sucks, per usual," you respond, bored with how uneventful your life is.
"Yeah, gossip from my side's gotta be the usual. Scott's still dating Ramona, they're as happy as ever, blah blah blah." He informed with a bored look on his face.
"How about you, huh? Which boytoy of the week you got your hands on now?" You ask casually, only slightly interested. Wallace wouldn't notice the angst-touched connotations of this question.
He took another sip of his martini, the alcohol making his cheeks flush a bit, "I realized I'm too beautiful for the majority of people, they don't deserve a taste of me. I'm taking a break for now."
You were surprised, you didn't actually expect Wallace to "get a break" from having fun, as he usually put it. Somehow, this info made you loosen up a little. You stopped with the idle drinking, finishing the rest of the drink in one chug. The warmth hitting your throat made you aware of how relaxed the alcohol finally colored you.
"Wow, I really feel special," you joked, a smile tugging your lips.
"You bet," he smirked, following your steps and disappearing the liquid in his glass as well. The percentages in his system also began to take course, making him more prone to smiling. "Barman, one more Martini and Mango Mimosa!"
You didn't even try to stop him, patiently awaiting your next dose of the courage liquid, ignoring the loud party music that easily pierced through your ears. You didn't have to wait long, the drink came into your hand quickly. The conversation was cut by both of you trying to feed more alcohol into your system.
"Wanna go out for a smoke?" You suggested, an easy way out when the activities on a party seem limited.
"Sure, why not." he shrugged, taking his Martini. You took the opportunity to hold his hand while searching for the exit from the big crowd of people, the feeling you'd treasure after this meeting. Wallace had no objections. Outside was a relatively secluded part of the club with certainly less people. A small, wooden bench and a table awaited, perfect for you to sit on. Wallace positioned himself comfortably, putting your drinks on the table. You leaned against his body slightly, an action easily explainable by the size of the bench.
"Ever heard of personal space?" He pointed out the close proximity, bu from the tone of his voice you assumed he wasn't serious. He readjusted himself so that your body would comfortably fit into his.
"Here," you passed him a pack of cigarettes after taking out one for yourself, his fingers lazily grabbed the object. You dug out a lighter out of your pocket, handing it to him. He let the smoke from the cigarette explore his lungs for a second, returning you the item after.
You felt pretty comfortable with the situation, which beckoned the playfulness to visit you. You put the cigarette in your mouth, straightening it while near his face. A smile tugging on your lips curved it a little. He noticed you approaching, quickly getting the hint.
"You know you can just use your lighter, right?" He sounded like he was complaining, yet still, he put the poor excuse of a pocky into his mouth. His face features got well lit by the little fire born from your cigarettes. The reflection was exceptionally pretty in his eyes, accentuating his slightly flushed cheeks, right next to a smirk on his lips. You blew out the smoke that's been uncomfortably residing in you for too long, holding in the need to cough. Wallace was surprisingly kind enough not to comment on it.
"It's more fun to do it this way," you were finally able to respond. He returned to his lazy sitting position, sprawled out on the bench, lazily holding the cig between his fingers. You dared to lean your head on his shoulder, sight pointed up, looking at the sky.
"Look at you, bein' all affectionate and clingy now," he mimicked your typical bickering session, adding touch of suave. "You're not usually like this."
"I can stop if you want," you threatened to take away the privilege of your warmth half-serious, an attempt to hide the embarrassment in you.
Wallace raised an eyebrow at the statement, a drunk smirk still persistent on his lips. "And why would I want you to stop? I'm just sayin' that you don't usually get this touchy. I don't mind you being close to me, guy."
The comment made your stomach feel butterflies. You knew your perception of his answer probably differed a lot from how he originally meant to say it, but the false hope was too strong for you to ignore.
"...Cool." You felt a smile that you couldn't stop creeping up. Wallace pushed the smoke out of his lips once more, "yep, pretty cool." He switched the cigarette into his other hand, moving his unoccupied arm around you in a way that rendered you as a nice armrest. You welcomed the sudden change of the position, entangling yourself in a way where both of you were comfortable. It was the first time you and Wallace were practically cuddled up, you thanked yourself for choosing to stay in the club.
"Damn, you're seriously hopeless when it comes to hiding your lack of human touch. It's kinda cute, in a pathetic way." His playful mockery hit you like a lightning.
"What's that supposed to mean?" You shot your eyes at him, halfly in disbelief of what you heard, halfly embarrassed at his statement being completely true.
"It means you don't have the guts to ask for a hug yet you still cling to me like a damn koala."
"Well- would you do it if I asked?" You lightly tested the waters.
"I dunno, try it." He flashed you his teeth in a cocky smile after putting out his used cigarette on the ashtray. You passed him your cigarette butt after the last use, buying some time before the big decision. He threw it away as well.
"...Do you wanna hug me, then?" You asked, convinced that you wouldn't be faced with rejection, at least judging by his tone. You were technically already pretty cuddled up, but there was still some space left between you.
"Yeah, guy, come here," he requested, (or more like commanded) patting his lap and raising his arm so you could get up. You could feel yourself getting warm, hoping Wallace would assume the flush look of yours was caused by alcohol. The short moment of clarity made you take a look around you, judging your current whereabouts. There weren't many people around, most of what you heard was some conversation and the music coming out of the club in the distance. Your little corner was secluded already, so you didn't need to worry about acting inappropriate in public (unlike some of the people here). You raised your hips, carefully making contact with his lap. You worried about being too heavy for him, but he didn't show any signs of discomfort. He locked his hands together, catching you in his embrace, his smile a looking a bit funny due to the percentages in his system.
Even though the act seemed fairly friendly and casual, you couldn't help but focus on the tension that's been lurking around you two. You weren't sure if it was just your wishful thinking, or did Wallace seem really open to being extra affectionate with you, but you couldn't believe how much of an effect it had on you, especially drunk. You felt as if the stars finally aligned.
"Any more requests, Y/N? I'm feelin' generous." Somehow the simple act of him saying your name made you even more flustered. Still going along with your (alleged) delusions, you thought Wallace's stare differed from the ones he gave you previously. You were usually relatively good at recognising Wallace's expressions and the meaning behind them, knowing him for some time now gave you this insight. He reserved the special, sultry-flavored looks only for the victims of his flirting, and right now you had a hard time convincing yourself you were the witness of it to such extent.
The hesitation in your voice made itself known, making you wait a second before Wallace could hear your response. "Yeah? ... How about a kiss then?" You made sure to hide your eagerness in a layer of playful tone, just in case he noticed your lack of nonchalance about the question. He squinted his eyes, letting out a small huff of amusement.
"Bold, I like that," his eyes fell on your face, which has been heating up pretty quick. Unsurprisingly, his gaze trailed right down to your lips, raising his hand to cup your cheek. You instinctively closed your eyes, the feeling of his lips touching yours became more intense. For a moment you thought you got a little sick due to the alcohol and the strong emotions coursing through you. You weren't sure how much time you spend pressing your lips together, but you assumed it wasn't nearly as long as you felt it was. You were the first to let go, anxiety made you overwhelmed by the length of the kiss, which made you worried about looking too into it.
Suddenly, Sparks.
You saw them, clear as day, which in all honesty wasn't that surprising. You knew you had it bad for him. Wallace opened up his eyes that were previously closed as well, the expression on his face was hard to read. He looked- surprised, but also confused. Did that mean he saw them as well?
You looked- shaken up. But in a good way. He smoothly got over the initial surprise, his hand fixed the stray strand of hair that fell loosely on your face when you pulled away from the kiss. "Come on, handsome, a kiss should last more than a few seconds," he insisted, enjoying every bit of your current expression. He seemed way more eager in comparison to the last one. That sentence had you absolutely going back in.
The next kissing session definitely felt more intense. Wallace knew how to kiss, that was clear. His thumb was gently brushing against your face in soft strokes, adding even more overwhelming sensations, along with his other hand that was busy slowly rubbing your back. It didn't take long for the shy make-out to turn into full-blown exchange of spit. Wallace made the first move of letting his tongue graze your lips, making you part them almost immediately. Granted this opportunity, his tongue explored the corners of your mouth in just slightly sloppy manner. You both were drunk, after all.
You weren't sure what to do with your hands, finally choosing to place them on his shoulders. Wallace continued to graze your back with his heavenly touch, eventually going lower. His hand snaked under your shirt just slightly, the fabric covered his fingertips. The feeling of his cold hand made you shiver and straighten up slightly, breaking the kiss. Wallace looked at you, making sure you're still in on it.
"What is it? Do you need to stop?" His hand still stayed idly on your skin, even though he didn't look up to stopping, he still took the time to check if you're feeling okay with the situation.
"No, you're just making me-" You weren't actually sure why you even continued speaking after 'no', feeling the regret of not keeping your mouth shut almost immediately.
"Making you what?" The playful, sultry look was once again apparent in his expression.
"I'm drunk! ... You're gonna make me," You mumbled the last part, trying to save yourself from even more embarrassment,
You were fully aware of not being able to recover from that. Wallace raised his eyebrow, visibly amused at your attempt to salvage your dignity.
"I mean, Is that a bad thing?"
He leaned in even closer, not being able to take his eyes off of your flustered face. "If I'm bein' 'onest- I'm pretty damn turned on right now too. But, of course, if you wanna stop, I'll totally respect that."
The honesty in Wallace's words had you stunned. You never imagined being in this situation, drunk, making out with your best friend, in public. It scared you a little, but you would rather die than stop right now. "N-no, I wanna continue. But, maybe not here?" You pointed out the lack of privacy around you.
"You're right, I think we should head home," he concluded, untangling his arms from you, "Scott is sleepovering at Ramona's so my house's free." The nonchalance in his voice had you impressed.
"Alright," you said, getting off from his lap, lightly adjusting your clothes after. You were so busy with everything that happened that you forgot about your Mimosa. You both finished your drinks in quick gulps, leaving the glasses on the table. As you made your way out of the loud club, the gravity of this moment fell on you like a bag of bricks. Were you gonna actually hook up with Wallace? Is this where you're heading to? You felt incredibly anxious and excited.
The walk remained quiet, but Wallace didn't seem to treat it as uncomfortable silence. He just walked straight, enjoying the scenery around you. You wished you could say the same. Most of your mind was filled with predictions of how the night is gonna turn out. A feeling of a warm hand touching yours pulled you away from the intrusive thoughts. Wallace didn't even need to do much to have you wrapped around his finger. The gesture made you calm down a little, which made you actually slow down and appreciate the calm atmosphere of the night. The street lamps made your figures cast a big shadow on the ground, fully showing your connected silhouette together.
You barely noticed the distance you walked, it seemed like just a moment before you were already standing by the entrance to his house. Wallace let go of your hand to get the keys that have been buried deep in his pocket. The doors opened after a short while of fighting with the lock. He turned on the light, letting you come in. The house was dead quiet, the only sound being your footsteps as you followed after him. Frankly, you didn't know what to expect.
Wallace turned to look at you, a sly yet playful smile plastered on his face. "Welcome to my humble abode," he still tried to keep the mood lighthearted and silly, clearly in a good mood. He gestured around the room with his free hand.
...As if I wasn't here before," your playful snark returned for at least a moment. Even if you had these intense feelings for him, he was still your best friend, always able to get the fun side out of you.
His laughter hit your ears in the most pleasant way. He shrugged, conceding to your point. "Yeah, tha's true. You've been here before," he admitted, taking a few steps closer to you. "But there's somethin' different about the atmosphere now, isn't there?"
"..Aa lot of alcohol, probably." There was no use of hiding what you two already did and were about to do, but as a final resort, you tried to at least put a playful spin on it.
Wallace chuckled, finding your quip amusing. "Yeah, alcohol probably has somethin' to do with it," he agreed. "But there's more, right?"
"What- what are you implying?"
"Y/N, I'm not gonna pretend as if I don't see you drooling over me."
A wave of extreme tension in your body had you frozen for a good moment - he knew?
"I- Wow, okay-" you tried your best to let out a nonchalant chuckle, which came out sounding more like a stressed cackle, "I guess- I guess the cat is out of the bag now huh-" His expression softened ever so slightly, your reactions were just too pathetic for him to keep pushing you. He moved even closer to you, making your body instinctively move back into the wall. "Wait- If you knew, why didn't you tell me?"
"I waited for you to have the guts to tell me, but I guess you had to be helped with that a little."
You honestly didn't know whether to be ashamed, angry, or relieved.
"And," he continued, "now that it's out there, I can say I waited a long time to find myself in this situation. So," he left your side for a moment to lock the doors, "you wanna continue what we left off?"
You were eager to respond with a confident yes, but before that, you had to make sure you were on the same page. "This... isn't like your usual boytoy hookup situation, right...?"
The boldness drained from his face for a moment, his expression softened to get a bit more sincere. "No, of course not. You're my best friend." He embraced you with one of his arm, pulling you closer. He got uncharacterestically hesitant before speaking again. "...Potentially more."
The last two words made your eyes widen rapidly, you surely misheard him?
"You're- serious?"
"Yes, I'm serious," he didn't break the eye contact with you for a second, prefering to lay it on thick, "unless I'm totally wasted, and imagining things, but-"
"I saw Sparks. I questioned if they're even real-" He added, sounding as if he doesn't believe them himself. You could not contain your excitement after Wallace mentioned exactly what you wanted him to say.
"I saw them too!" You chimed in, finally letting your inner thoughts out. That admission made Wallace's smile even wider than he did before.
"I'm glad we're on the same page then,", he used his other hand to turn your chin towards his face. "You look so fucking hot," he tried his best so his speech wouldn't slur. The sentence rang in your head, making you freeze during the moment when Wallace collided his lips with yours again. In no time, his palm was on your side again, swiftly travelling under your shirt to touch the goosebumps covered skin. An involuntary moan forced it's way out of you due to Wallace's tongue invading your mouth. In the current moment, you could be his bitch forever.
You supported yourself by leaning on the wall behind you, Wallace taking up almost all of your view by now. Despite the cigarette flavor of his tongue mixed with the potent alcohol perfume clouding your senses, you managed to hear a request coming from the other boy.
"Let's move," he whispered, taking your hand and leading you to his favorite chair. Feeling like a lovestruck teenager, you mindlessly followed. He seated himself comfortably, pulling you on his lap. His eyes showed unrestricted eagerness, not even trying to hide how much he was enjoying himself. You felt overwhelmed at the ease in which Wallace could fire you up with just his usual way of being. The proximity between you two got almost nonexistent, his bangs tickled you slightly as he moved closer. The sensation got overshadowed by his lips sucking a sensitive spot on your neck, causing you to half-whimper. The noise cringed you internally, you were still not used to calling Wallace your official boyfriend, so this slip-up felt like a vulnerable response to your give your best friend. Wallace would not pass up the opportunity to comment on it.
"Awh, don't be embarrassed," he stopped to smirk, "that sound you made was adorable." Wallace's teasing wasn't an uncommon thing among you two on the regular, but the way his words were currently coated with a playful banter and visible desire could just melt you right then and there.
The shallow pants of yours echoing in his ears turned sharper as he continued to trail a line of hickeys on your skin. You squirmed on his crotch, not being able to control the way your body acted. Wallace lightly dug his fingers into your thigh during the pleasant friction. It didn't take long for you to feel the obvious change of your seat under you. Wallace's arousal was making itself known in the most straightforward display. He noticed the way your body tensed, "Like what you see?" He half-lidded his eyes, searching for more of that coy expression he loved seeing on you.
"...Shut up." You chuckled tiredly, hiding the flustered smile in the crook of his neck.
"Really? I thought you liked me talking." He grinned, "guess I will shut up then..."
"Ah, you want compliments only, don't you?" You must have been a glass window with how easily he could see right through you to be able to respond so fast.
"Who doesn't, Wallace?" you tried to fight back, making his amused smirk wider.
"If you keep acting like a good boy, I'll call you one - deal?"
You didn't trust your voice to answer with a required nonchalance, so you just nodded.
"I need words, Y/N" He squinted, testing you.
"I- I will." You raised your head to look at him, trying hard not to avert your gaze.
"Good boy," he purred, letting a grin contort the corners of his lips. "Now why don't you take care of that?"
Wallace didn't have to wait long for your curious hand to slowly travel down his zipper. You were really about to see his dick, and it stressed you out a little. The torturous tempo of your movements made Wallace impatient, "it ain't gonna bite, guy."
"Shush, I know!" You retorted, feeling your cheeks heat up. After that remark, you made sure to finish freeing him pretty fast. A sight you probably imagined a few times in your mind, yet never in a million years expected to see in real life. He couldn't ignore your gaze almost drilling a hole into his groin. As a man who paid great attention to self-care, of course he kept himself well-trimmed.
"Go ahead, touch me," his command got stuck in your mind. Your fingers hesitantly traced the shape of his member, getting used to the girth and warmth of it.
"You ever gave a handie to anyone?" The blunt words were nothing new coming from Wallace. You shook your head. "That's fine, I'll teach you." He spread his legs more comfortably, leaning into the chair and resting his arm on your thigh. He guided you to mimic the pace he liked. You made a mental note of his technique, it wasn't hard to follow.
"Just like that" he eased his breath, releasing a relaxed sigh and letting go off your hand. "You're doing pretty good."
The strong focus on the motion made you forget your previous worries, a need to pleasure him was your sole objective. A few drops of precum that gathered on his tip betrayed how much he enjoyed himself.
"Mm, alright, that's enough." You stopped upon hearing his words, looking up for further instructions. "Go lay on the futon."
You did as he told, quietly pleased at how casual yet commanding his voice could get. He got up from his chair, towering above you with an obviously visible erection, most importantly, caused by you. He took a moment to admire the sight before him. You were too occupied by the look on his face to think of anything smart to say. A smug look on his face warned you just before you felt his knee rub against your crotch. He had no troubles getting sounds out of you.
"I wanna see you. Can I take off your shirt?" Wallace broke the silence. The need in his voice showed clearly, yet he still managed to sound confident.
"I'm... You wanna see me?" You hesitated, not wanting to ruin the fun, yet feeling incredibly insecure with the topic like that.
"In return, I'll let you see some of me," he winked, completely serious about the exchange.
"But I'm not- flat, you know?" You muttered out, completely accepting the fact that Wallace had probably seen countless of pretty men to compare you to.
"Y/N, don't look too much into it." He started, A chest is a chest. I couldn't care less if you got a bit of manboobs going on." You scrunched your face a little in an embarrassed smile, looking away. "You could always put the shirt back on if my skills won't be able to persuade you otherwise," he looked pleased after seeing your approval nod.
His fingertips moved the shirt up and you raised your arms to help it go over your head. He didn't comment on the binder you wore, quickly coming up with a way to rid you of it. You appreciated not being tightly squeezed by the fabric anymore, but the slightly cold air hitting your skin had you feeling very exposed. The hesitation reflected in your eyes quite visibly, making you hold your breath. "Well, the shirt's off - and you still look tasty," his attempt at flustering you obviously worked - no matter what crude thing he said, he could pull it off entirely.
To continue with the theme, his tongue moved down to your collarbones, then lazily fell onto yours stomach, until it reached the waistband of your boxers. Your sight followed his every action, catching a glimpse of his self-assured smirk at the end. "Don't worry, I'm keeping my part of the deal," in the blink of your eye, he was already out of his shirt, pointing all of your attention onto his abs.
You had seen Wallace shirtless a few times already, but never up so close. Alcohol restraining the control of your actions made you curiously reach out to touch his chest, but you managed to stop yourself before you actually made contact with his skin. You looked at Wallace, silently asking for permission. He chuckled lightly, "knock yourself out." The casual tone forced you to feel sinful about yourself.
His chest was smooth, flat. You were quite jealous, but also sincerely admired his physique. You wanted to trace over every spot.
"I'm gonna touch you. That alright with you, guy?" The faster heartbeat made it harder to properly focus, "Mhm."
His hand disappeared under the hem of your underwear, just to resurface once more after being met with the arousal pooling out of you. "Oh," he commented, looking at the state of his hand, "how cute." He licked the mess off his fingers, making sure to hold eye contacts as he did so. You couldn't deny you were under his spell, not even having any response for him while your wide eyes looked at him licking his lips.
"Y/N, I barely touched you." He spared you no teasing, which you honestly expected at this point.
"What am I supposed to respond to that?" You tried to restore some parts of your dignity.
"How about you start with what you want me to do?" The voice you heard was sweeter than honey.
"I want you to dom me." You disclosed your thoughts, hoping it wasn't too forward.
"Oh, that'll be easy - I'm already doing that." He flashed you his teeth in a smirk of a banterish nature.
"...Like, you, in me. Soon." Your words fumbled due to the percentages mixed lust. He didn't try to hide his chuckle, making you flustered and impatient.
"Okay, okay- you're so needy." He teased, yet was quick to take off the last thing that covered your body. Your legs clasped together out of habit, making Wallace gently rest his hand on your knee, moving it down your thigh.. It made you part them, giving him the access to you. You felt- really naked like that. And he still had his pants on.
"Just so we're on the same page, uh- Just- Just treat me if I was a normal guy." You tried to eloquently put into words how you wanted him to have you.
"Stop. You are a normal guy," he squinted his eyes while observing you, "but I think I know what you mean. You ever tried anything by yourself in that matter?"
"I have some... toys. Yeah." The admission made Wallace pleased.
"Good. It's gonna feel way better than a dildo." He hyped you up effortlessly.
"...Prove it." You found some of the fierceness back in you, making him cock his eyebrow in amusement. Wallace leaned further, trying to reach under the pillow you were currently resting your head on. It amused you to look at him losing balance while trying to search for something under it. He frowned upon realizing the bottle of lube he was holding was empty.
"What!" He sat on your thighs for a moment while examining the offending item. "I was sure there was still some left."
"Keeping the lube under your pillow?? Classy." You recalled back what he told you a while ago.
"Where else would you keep it? It's my house." He furrowed his brows in amusement.
"I guess it is handy when it's closeby."
"When it's full, yeah," he put down the empty bottle somewhere where it wouldn't bother your vision. "Well then,"
He moved himself closer to you, using a finger to part your lips. "Lick."
Wallace quickly felt your tongue leave a hefty amount of saliva on his digit. "Good boy, you're a fast learner."
With the required lubrication, he made sure to prepare you pretty well. His experience in the topic wasn't hard to notice, as his movements were bold yet pretty gentle.
"Aren't you gonna turn me on my stomach?" You asked, voice quivering a little from the uncanny sensation.
"So I could miss those pretty faces you're gonna make for me? No way, sweetheart."
The nickname, even though playful in nature, still made you extremely coy.
"Now, keep looking at me." He pushed one of his finger into you, making you groan lightly. It was hard, but you kept your stare pointed at him despite feeling vulnerable. Lots of saliva proved useful for his finger to move without any unnecessary friction. You kept quiet, mostly just huffing out the labored breaths as he searched for the sweet spot in you.
"You don't have to hold back with the sounds. I like them."
"...I feel silly." You dropped a hint of your internal thoughts.
"Oh no, you feel silly because I'm making you feel good? Right, why should I be able to hear I'm doing a good job?" He pointed out the flaws in your logic.
"You know you're doing a good job" You squinted, looking at him.
"How can I know that if you don't communicate with me, hm?" Adding a second finger, he found the most efficient pace to repetitively hit your bundle of nerves. Each thrust made you tingle, forcing a few pants out of you. Still being met with silence from your side, he turned his movements excruciatingly slow.
"W- Wallace...!" You groaned, desperation seeping into your words.
"Yes, Y/N? Is the pace not to your liking?"
The torturous loop forced the words out of you, "Faster- The way you were doing it before was perfect." Wallace immediately resumed to his previous technique, "See how easily you can get what you want with words?" You paired a smile with a roll of your eyes to cover your shame.
"Anything else you want me to do?" He offered.
"Could you, uh, touch me as well?" Somehow a simple guide on what you expected from him seemed like you were beyond needy.
Wallace wordlessly fulfilled your request. You closed your eyes, determined to focus on the buildup rising in you. Wallace's ability to operate with both of his hands in such a precise way made you feel like a board that DJ's play on. This random thought made you chuckle involuntarily, of course gaining a head tilt from the man.
"What's so funny?" He slowed down his movements so he could hear you speak.
"I had a dumb thought-" You grinned, feeling silly for ruining 'the moment', "It's just- you do the thing so skillfully, like a DJ." Wallace stopped completely, the sound of his drunken laughter followed right after.
"Wow, I woulda expect Scott to come up with something like that, not you." He couldn't even mock a look of disapproval, joy too insistent to stay on his face. "But I can't say I don't find your stupidity adorable."
"Anyway, I think I finished mixing the song." He added onto the joke.
"Awh, what! Not fair." You scolded yourself for voicing your stupid thoughts before reaching your orgasm.
"Not fair? You don't wanna finally start with the main course?" He squinted his eyes in a smirk, leaning to grab something from under another pillow again.
"Mm, you drive a hard bargain."
You looked as he tried to find whatever he looked for, checking at least 2 more times before finally lifting up the pillow to see nothing there. This discovery made him groan in frustration, "Scott took the stash of condoms to Ramona. Of course."
"Ew, they're gonna have sex." You commented, completely acknowledging the irony of your current situation. It made him chuckle.
"So, guy- I know we're both drunk but we still gotta be responsible adults. What d'you wanna do?" He pointed his focus on you. "I'm clean, checked it recently."
"I haven't been with anyone yet, so..." Your gaze wandered on his body to avoid his eyes. You noticed he still had his pants on, a fact he realized right after you, finally taking them off.
"Alright," he concluded, nearing his hips closer to yours "you're sure about this, right?"
"Yes- One hundred percent." You lightly hug his sides with your knees.
"Okay. I'll go slow at first."
You spent the next few moments adjusting to the sudden warmth and stiffness residing in you. He was right. It didn't compare to the toys you had. He moved further while still almost fully pressed into you, brushing the right spot to make you moan. He wouldn't neglect your most sensitive area, bringing his two fingers to move in a circular motion. His pelvis met yours in a series of slow and deep thrusts.
"...Wallace," you moved your hand to trace over his chest, "faster, please."
"Since you asked so nicely," the rhythmic slaps of bare skin echoed through the house with more vigor. Wallace was sure of his good work, judging by the mewls coming out of your mouth. He also didn't spare you the array of lewd sounds. "I haven't been this horny in forever." He continued to whisper more sultry encouragements near your ear, "You have the sweetest voice when you say my name."
"Wallace-" you whimpered, desperate for more praise. "...Almost-" it took great effort to keep your composure, the euphoria threatened to overwhelm you very soon.
"Come on, Y/N. Show me how good I'm making you feel." The tension building up in your abdomen finally caught up to you with a jolt of pleasure. Your fingers dug into his sides, your legs entangled themselves into his body, pushing him even deeper into you. His ears were hit with the lovely noise of you riding your high, him helping you through it by continuing to keep the steady movements.
He let you rest for a while, the break filled the room with your heavy panting. The grip in your fingers loosened, just for him to take it as a sign to resume to the previous pace. It didn't take long for him to see the stars as well, pulling out of you with the desperate mention of your name. You felt the warm liquid hit your bare stomach. Wallace hovered above you, the sounds of your labored breaths melted together.
"...You made a mess," you broke the silence with a playful remark.
"My bad," he leaned to the source of the problem, placing a bold lick along your body. The gesture made you squirm a little, even more so after seeing Wallace wipe a bit of the semen stuck to the corner of his mouth.
"I want a kiss," you dared to request, making him raise his brow at the sudden bluntness. He inched closer, letting you feel the remnants of his salty flavor in a deeper kiss.
"I didn't take you for such a kinky person." He laid himself next to you.
"Said the guy who just licked his own cum off me." You quipped back, showing a smile to show you're not serious.
"Yeah - and you still wanted a kiss."
The proximity led you to initiate the snuggles, moving past the banter that led to nowhere. Wallace put the covers on both of you, adjusting himself comfortably to the new position. His arm was behind your back and your head laid comfortably on his chest. The faint sound of his heartbeat was comforting to hear.
"...It won't be weird to us tomorrow, right?" You murmured, seeking some reassurance. Wallace opened up his eye to look at you.
"I don't see why it would be. Unless you secretly hated it this whole time" He started playing with your hair, making it twirl around his finger.
"It was- awesome." He chuckled at the choice of your words.
"Agreed, guy."
"...So, can I officially call you my boyfriend?" You asked, hoping you knew the answer.
"Only if I can do the same around others."
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bonesandthebees · 7 months
Hi Bee,
Random writer here looking for some advice. I was very much a Wilbur-centric author and concerning the works that I’ve finished, I’ve decided to leave up because I’m proud of them.
That being said, I currently have an ongoing fic that I’m torn about what do to with. I’ve been sitting on it and trying to figure out what I’m comfortable with but I’m just going in circles at this point.
I hate the idea of leaving a work unfinished and I was really passionate about the concept for this one in particular. But it’s currently only about 20% finished so I’d be in it for the long haul.
I think that emotionally, I could compartmentalize things if I actually decided to keep writing it, but I also don’t feel the same enthusiasm towards it that I once did.
I definitely won’t delete it though, only orphan it in the most extreme case. Any suggestions on how to decide?
honestly I've been dealing with the exact same struggle you have, anon. I'm very proud of all my finished wilbur-centric fics and I'm going to leave them up, but I also have an ongoing fic that I've been torn over what I'm going to do with. under the hanging rose is also only in the early stages (30ish% I'd say) so I'd be in it for the long haul. I've been going back and forth about what to do because I first started conceptualizing rose as a fic in december of 2022 when I was finishing writing the stars and their children. I've been wanting to write this fic for over a year now, and I've finally been able to start it. I've done so much worldbuilding and plotting and everything for it that I really want to follow through with all of that, but it's hard, you know? it feels weird.
I can't tell you what to do here. it's up to your own personal comfort if you think you'll be able to complete the fic. if you don't want to you are under no obligation to do so. writing fic should first and foremost be enjoyable for you. there's no moral qualm here because c!wilbur is a character separate from the guy. we've all agreed at this point the dsmp characters are pretty much our own to do with as we want. so it's just entirely up to you and what you want to do.
for myself, I think I've come to a decision. I'm not letting a terrible person take a story I love so deeply away from me. I want to keep writing rose. it's definitely not going to be updating anytime soon because I still have a lot of conflicting feelings about things, and maybe when I sit down to actually write it it will be too uncomfortable for me and I'll change my mind. but for now, I want to keep going with it. this story is mine, and this version of the character is mine.
it's okay if you don't choose the same way I have. do what's best for you. writing can be such a joyous thing. don't let anyone take that away from you, and don't force yourself to write something you don't want to.
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huntingrays · 3 months
For the Spotify ask thing:
If you have done it already sorry 😭🫶
27 - illicit affairs by Taylor Swift
so i think like originally it was going to like an actual affair but like neither of them would ever be cheaters so i just made this like a forbidden romance instead! the ending is a little rushed but eh. also ignore my random fantasy world building, i can’t stop rambling whenever i start. this took a lot longer than i expected bc writing for vg week but i finished those so we’re so back bby 😎
next fic may take a while to bc my thoughts went crazy with it…. but yeah this is just sad
Original Post
“Don't call me "kid," don't call me "baby"
Look at this idiotic fool that you made me
You taught me a secret language I can't speak with anyone else”
“You’re going out into the woods again? Seriously? If I didn’t know any better, I would say you’re secretly dating a nymph.”
Leo winked at Piper. “Please. You know I only have love in my heart for my inventions and Festus.”
A look of mock hurt appeared on Piper’s face. “And not even for me? You’re so cruel, Valdez.”
Piper was Leo’s best friend at The Academy. Though he had other friends, like Percy, Calypso, and Annabeth, Piper was his best friend. She and Festus, his dragon, were the only things keeping him sane at the school. The Academy was grueling but it was the best school for fae. Though Leo was intelligent, he doubted he would’ve gotten in if he hadn’t been an elemental. A long time ago, there were a bunch of fae who were blessed by the gods, giving them the power to summon one of the elements. They were called the elementals. The gift could be passed down to their descendants, but it was rare. The Academy sought out any elemental fae to teach since it was a valuable gift. Leo could summon fire. He only knew of one other elemental fae, which was Percy, who could summon water. Fae were powerful magic users, but elementals were even more powerful.
Leo had no desire to be a fighter like many of the others in his class. Instead, he just wanted to be an inventor and dragon rider. Leo had already bonded with a dragon - Festus - so he was already solid on that goal. With how much time he spent on his studies and his forest escapades, he didn’t have much time to spend inventing. Most of his inventions were made out of spite whenever he was slightly inconvenienced. He would feel upset over something minor, like how long it took to preen his wings and would make a whole invention just to make his life easier (and the lives of his friends, as long as they paid him in food or favors to use his inventions - though Piper got a best friend free pass).
Leo had been at The Academy for years, ever since his fire powers developed when he was eight years old. Most other fae joined when they reached their teen years when the board could properly evaluate the power of the ones who applied and would choose the best of their applicants. Only elementals, like Leo and Percy, got in early, so The Academy could hone their powers better. Percy was very talented and strong; he was one of the top in their classes (only beaten by Annabeth). Leo wasn’t as gifted in the strengths or power department but made up for it in intelligence. With all his years at The Academy, he should have thought of it as a second home. Despite his years there, the place wasn’t even close to home. The professors were too strict, the environment too stifling, and the halls too cold. To Leo, his home was his mother and his friends. Most kids were able to visit home during the weekends, but Leo could only return home when their classes wrapped up for the year since he lived far away. It took a day's travel on his dragon to reach home. So, Leo could only see his mother for a fraction of the year. He sent as many letters as he could, but he still missed her dearly.
Around the end of Leo’s first year were when his forest escapades began. At first, it was just something pure and innocent, just Leo wanting a friend. As time went on, however, it became something more, something intimate. Now that he reached eighteen, he was certain he met his soulmate, met the love of his life.
Normally, fae would be able to tell when they met their soulmate - he remembered witnessing what happened with Percy and Annabeth, then their years of ignoring their bond - but it didn’t work if their other half wasn’t fae. Leo was sure there were other ways to check if his secret lover was his soulmate, but he didn’t care to check. He simply knew that he was the one for him, that he was the only one he’d love.
None of his friends knew about his lover. He knew they likely wouldn’t care, but they would worry about him. He knew how this would end but he refused to accept it. He knew his heart would be broken in the end, yet he still held out hope. He didn’t want their pity.
Different species had different opinions on relationships. With fae, they tended to accept queer relationships. With their magic and soulmate bonds, they tended to have no objections, especially with physical proof of love. Also, they couldn’t even object to them not being able to have kids. Thanks to fae magic, things like the same reproductive organs, infertility, or risky childbirth could be worked around. Leo couldn’t exactly explain how it worked since it differed due to many different solutions.
However, the fae weren’t entirely accepting. Though they may accept or merely tolerate queer relationships (it differs from person to person), interspecies relationships tend to be frowned upon. A lot of it was due to not being able to have kids (unless the partner was human) and no obvious proof of a soulmate bond. Interspecies relationships weren’t illegal, but those in them were often frowned upon and shunned.
Since Leo was in a relationship with a man who wasn’t fae, he was sure his peers would be scandalized if they found out, especially since he was an elemental. It wasn’t law, but elementals were encouraged to have kids so they could pass the gift on. They were strongly encouraged to have kids with other elementals since it would almost guarantee having a kid with the elemental gift. Leo was sure that if Percy and Annabeth weren’t soulmates then he’d be encouraged to get into a relationship with him. Leo felt lucky that none of the other elementals at The Academy were around his age. He didn’t want to deal with that.
Though Leo knew his friends weren’t bigots, he just couldn’t gather the courage to tell them. None of them knew, not even Piper.
He kept his secret and he intended to do so until he miraculously got the courage to fess up.
“Why should I have love in my heart for you? You stole my stash of sweets and ate half of them,” Leo responded to Piper.
“But I apologized for it!” Piper insisted with a whine. “And I even replaced the ones I ate.”
“Nothing could ever be as good as my mom’s sweets.”
“Also I convinced her to send you more!”
“She would have done it anyway because she loves me.”
“Ugh, you’re impossible. I hate you.”
Leo laughed. He strolled over to Piper and kissed her cheek. “Love you too, Pipes!” With that, he rushed over to the door and left the dormitory to the sound of Piper’s protests and complaints. He grinned as he pulled the hood over his cloak over his head.
The walk to their meeting spot was long. The path was confusing but Leo was sure he could do it with his eyes closed due to how many times he walked the path.
He discovered the secret spot when he went out walking after exams, drained and wanting a quiet escape. He’d been exploring a cave behind a waterfall when he slipped in the dark and tumbled down a path that had been nearly impossible to see in the dark. From there, he wandered until he was in a hidden grove. Leo wasn’t much of a nature enthusiast, but even he couldn’t deny the beauty of it.
Leo only had a few minutes to look around, admiring the flowers that grew so beautifully, unlike anything he’d ever seen, the glittering pond that was as clear as the sky, the trees that contained species he’d never seen before, and so much more. Leo concluded that it was enchanted, so someone could only enter through the path, invisible to everyone except those who knew about it and those like Leo, who stumbled into it unknowingly. It must’ve been hidden for years judging by how pristine and magical it seemed, with types of fauna that even Leo, a fae, couldn’t identify (though that wasn’t saying too much since Leo’s knowledge of plants wasn’t the best).
Leo would have loved to sit there all day, but his admiration for the place was cut off by a low growl. He spun around, his thoughts screeching to a halt when he saw the wolf behind him. He’d been expecting a wolf the moment he heard the growl, but he hadn’t been expecting a pup. The wolf had a beautiful mix of white and silver fur with clear, blue eyes. Leo didn’t know how to translate wolf years to human years, but he didn’t think the pup was much older than he was.
Leo should’ve been scared. He stumbled into a place that was unknown to him and now was faced with a wolf growling at him.
Leo wasn’t scared. However, he was a reckless idiot. Leo couldn’t help but find the wolf… cute. It was cute and highly amusing to Leo’s worn-out brain. He started laughing.
The wolf abruptly stopped growling, caught off guard by the fae laughing at him. Leo couldn’t stop giggling now that he started. “Aww, is the puppy mad at me?”
The wolf, angered by his taunt, started barking at him. Leo kept laughing and mentally concluded that the wolf must’ve been a werewolf, judging by how he seemed to understand Leo. “You aren’t intimidating at all, puppy. Your barks are too cute.”
The wolf growled in warning before lunging at Leo. Leo easily dodged the attack. Leo must’ve had a death wish because he kept taunting the wolf. “Is your bark worse than your bite? With a bark like that, I’m dying to see how pitiful your bite is.”
They kept up their little squabble for a few minutes, with the wolf trying to attack Leo and with Leo dodging seamlessly and taunting the poor guy. Eventually, the wolf got tired and fed with Leo. He waited until the right moment to strike, when Leo took a step back and stumbled over a tree root. Before he could right himself, the wolf lunged at him but transformed back into his human form mid-attack. In a matter of seconds, Leo was lying on his back in a strange grove, pinned to the ground by a very pissed-off boy who had a firm grip on his wrists.
Leo was right with his age estimate. The boy looked to be the same age as him, with short, blond hair, sky-blue eyes, and a small scar on his lip. He looked pissed enough to kill Leo, but Leo wasn’t scared. He hummed as he evaluated the boy. “You were cuter as a puppy.”
The boy’s grip on his wrists tightened. “Shut up! I could kill you if I wanted,” he growled out. Leo was being threatened but he couldn’t help but find the boy cute. He was trying so hard to be scary, but it wasn’t working on Leo in the slightest.
“Uh-huh, sure you could, puppy,” he shot back.
The boy glowered at him. Leo continued to grin at him.
“What are you doing here?” The boy asked. “You don’t belong. You shouldn’t be here.”
“Would you believe me if I said I wanted to see your cute face?” Leo asked. The boy was silent, continuing to glare at Leo. “I just stumbled upon it, okay? I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to enter any private, magic, wolf property.”
The boy suddenly halted, confusion dawning on his features. He tilted his head as he puzzled out his words, which made him look even cuter than he already had. “What? But that’s impossible. Unless…”
Suddenly, the boy leaned down, sniffing at his neck. Leo couldn’t even make a snarky comment about it because the boy suddenly jerked back, his eyes wide. He suddenly moved off of Leo, stumbling a few feet away in his haste to get away from him. Leo sat up, frowning in confusion. He didn’t get the whole scent thing with werewolves, but he felt a little hurt that the boy disliked his scent so much.
The boy looked furious. He looked even angrier than he had earlier. He was so angry that his body was shaking with it, face red.
“Go. Now.”
Leo quickly rose to his feet, confused and finally a little scared. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to intrude on your space. I promise I won’t-”
The boy looked away from Leo. He walked away to a tree stump and sat on it, sitting with his anger as he ignored Leo. Leo wasn’t sure what he did. Did he smell that bad? He made sure he bathed regularly. Did he just naturally smell awful but only to werewolves? He wasn’t sure but he didn’t want to upset the boy anymore. Teasing him had been fun but this was something else, something different. He seemed genuinely pissed off.
Leo paused before taking off one of the thread bracelets he was wearing. One of Leo’s friends, Annabeth, had taught him how to make magical bracelets to help him destress before finals. Finals in general were stressful, but it was even more so for Leo since he was so much younger and behind his classmates. The bracelet-making had helped him destress a bit. Of the bracelets he made, only two were decent. One was a red one that he was still wearing and the other was a light blue one that he’d taken off.
Leo gently placed the bracelet on the ground, near the boy. “I’m sorry, really. Here, you can take this gift if you want.”
The boy’s shoulders tensed. Leo didn’t want to get into a genuine fight, so he fled, leaving as quickly as he could.
Later that week, he heard rumors around The Academy about a werewolf pup that had been spotted lurking around the grounds. The students didn’t seem to think it was a threat, it was just a pup that ran off whenever anyone got too close, but it was strange. Werewolves lived nearby - there was even a huge wolf pack located within their town - but they tended to stay away from the school.
Leo would bet money that the pup was the one he met earlier that week.
Leo waited until the evening, when the grounds were nearly empty, to sneak out of the dorm and wander off into the woods right off the grounds. He wandered around, hoping to find the werewolf pup and not wind up torn apart.
Leo found the werewolf within a minute of wandering around the woods. He paused, staring at the wolf pup, who stared back at him. The wolf walked over to Leo and grabbed the hem of his cloak, tugging on it.
Leo quirked an eyebrow up at the wolf. “Do you want me to follow you? Or do you just want to eat my cloak?”
The wolf growled and continued to pull on his cloak.
“Okay, okay, I’ll follow you! You know, you could shift back and talk to me.”
The wolf ignored him and let go of his cloak. He walked off and looked over, waiting for Leo to follow him. Leo sighed and followed the wolf.
The wolf led him to the secret grove. Once they were there, the werewolf finally shifted back into his human form.
The boy fixed him with a firm stare.
“You smell weird,” the boy told him.
“Is that why you suddenly got upset with me?” Leo asked.
The boy blushed and looked away, fiddling with something on his wrist. Leo realized it was the bracelet he’d given him. He felt happiness fill his chest.
“More or less.”
“And… why did you drag me back here?”
The boy shifted on his feet. Leo could tell he was nervous and unsure of himself, that he was wondering if he wanted to do what he was about to do.
“I was thinking… we should become friends.”
That hadn’t been what Leo had been expecting.
“Really? You want to be friends with me, puppy?”
The boy scowled but quickly cleared up his face, appearing calm.
“Yes, even if you are annoying. This place… it thinks you’re worthy, so you must be an alright person.”
Leo looked around the place. “It’s very beautiful. What is this place?”
The boy seemed to calm down. He looked around the place, a small smile on his face. Leo thought he looked the best when he was smiling. “It belongs to my family. It’s been in our pack for generations. The future pack alpha is decided based on whoever this place grants access to. My family have been the pack leaders for three generations.”
“So does that mean I can become pack alpha?” Leo asked with a teasing grin.
The boy rolled his eyes. “Obviously not. You’re a fae, not a werewolf.”
“Then why am I allowed in here?”
The boy suddenly looked nervous. His cheeks flushed as he looked away. “It’s… complicated. Let’s just say it thinks you could be… a trusted companion of mine.”
“Does my new puppy companion have a name?”
The boy didn’t look upset or done with his teasing for the first time. Instead, a glint came to his eyes and he smiled at Leo.
“Jason Grace. And does the little fairy have a name?”
Leo barked out a laugh. He thought they would become good friends. “Leo Valdez. You better not forget it, puppy.”
And he didn’t. Their friendship slowly grew after that day. They would meet once a week every week Leo attended school until they were fourteen, which caused them to meet up much more often, practically every other day. Their friendship had been innocent at first, though Jason had a habit of giving Leo gifts. After they became friends on that fateful day, Jason had given him a crescent moon necklace, his face bright red as he put it on Leo. Leo wore it constantly. He rarely ever took it off, it was his prized possession. There came a point where the bracelet Leo had given Jason had worn down and would also no longer fit on his wrist. Leo offered to make him a new one, but Jason refused. Instead, he just attached it to his belt. Leo felt touched that he still kept the silly, little thing.
That wasn’t the only thing. Jason not only kept giving him random gifts, mainly food but also kept scenting him. Leo didn’t get the whole scent thing with werewolves but he let Jason do it anyway since it made him happy. He wondered why Jason would do something so risky. He thought it might cause complications if one of his pack smelled the scent of the future pack alpha on some fae student. However, Jason had assured him it would be okay, so he never brought it up. Besides, he didn’t know anything about werewolf customs and traditions anyway. Scenting could be a thing friends do.
Their friendship went from when they were eight to fourteen. At that point, Leo had feelings for Jason and couldn’t keep being just friends with the boy. So, he gathered up his courage and confessed to his friend.
After his confession, Jason just looked puzzled, tilting his head to the side. “I would hope you have feelings for me. It would be awkward to be courting someone who didn’t even like me.”
That was when they realized there had been some misunderstandings due to differing customs. Apparently, when Leo had given him the gift of the bracelet, without specifying what kind of gift it was, it was a signal that it was a courting gift, that it was a message that he was open to courting. Then, Jason gave Leo the necklace, which he not only accepted but wore every day. So, Jason had been courting him from that point forward. Leo asked why he wasn’t courting Jason if he gave Jason a gift, to which Jason rolled his eyes and told him that it was because fae don’t court others, courting was a werewolf thing.
Jason figured Leo must’ve known he was courting him since fae were supposed to be smart and Jason was doing everything you’d find in a basic courting guidebook. He made it as obvious as possible.
That confused Leo, though. “But why would you want to court me? I was such a little shit to you back then.”
That was when Jason got flustered and explained what true mates were. Apparently, according to the laws of their secret meeting place, the only people who could access the place were the pack alpha, the future pack alpha, and the true mates of the pack alpha and future pack alpha. He said that werewolves could tell who their true mate was because of their scent. Leo didn’t understand the whole scent thing, but Jason just said that the scent of their true mate ‘smelled right.’ He said that it was a scent that was most pleasant to them, that it somehow conveyed that they were the one.
When they first met, Jason was so upset because he found out the mean fae who bullied him was his true mate and thought the world was out to get him. He was determined to ignore it but, after being around his pack witnessing Hazel, a new addition to their pack, and Frank realizing they were true mates, he decided to give it a second shot. He figured he could court Leo and see if they would work well together. They had, and the two had been courting ever since.
“So, how do we get together after courting?” Leo asked.
Jason grinned and moved closer to Leo. He moved a hand to Leo’s neck, touching it gently. “Well, full werewolves have a mating ritual but we can’t do that since you’re not a werewolf. But… you can kiss me. You kiss me and I bite you, making you my mate.”
The two of them should have thought of the ramifications of a fae smelling like a werewolf and sporting a mating bite, but they didn’t. Instead, they were two dumb teenagers who were in love. Leo had kissed him and Jason had given him the bite.
Ever since that day, Leo wore shirts with a high enough collar to hide the bite, which wasn’t hard considering it was on the junction between his neck and shoulder. The two had been happily together since then.
Leo was brought out of the memories and into the present as he walked into the hidden grove. Jason was already waiting there and he beamed as he saw him. “Hey, puppy!” He bound toward Jason but frowned when he saw the expression on the other boy. He looked stressed and in mourning. “Hey, what’s wrong?”
Jason looked up at Leo, his expression faltering. He stood up, pulling Leo into his arms. Leo paused, his hands slowly coming up to rub his back. “Puppy?” Even after all the years, his teasing nickname for Jason stayed and became affectionate.
Jason nuzzled Leo's neck before pulling away. He looked pained like he was about to do something he didn’t want to. Leo felt his stomach doing nervous flips. “Jace?”
“We need to talk,” Jason murmured, sounding more serious than Leo had ever heard before.
“What’s going on?” Leo wanted to make a joke but his brain wouldn’t work. He couldn’t think beyond his racing thoughts, wondering what happened to Jason. Was he okay? Was he hurt? Did something happen to his pack?
“One of the members of my pack found out about us,” Jason explained.
Leo felt his stomach drop. He knew they weren’t subtle, but he never thought this day would come. “Seriously?”
Jason nodded, expression growing grimmer. “Yes. He brought it up in a meeting. It caused a huge argument in our pack. I told them you were my true mate but they didn’t care. They… decided what to do going forward. They said… that we aren’t allowed to be together. I’m supposed to lead the pack and create future generations. They wouldn’t accept an outsider as my right hand. They wouldn’t accept… half-breed children. They’re going to set me up with a werewolf girl from another pack. One of the members of my pack is going to meet you next week to magically snap our mating bond. The bite will end up healing, but not fully.”
None of this made sense. Going into their relationship, they both knew this was a possible ending, that it was the most likely ending, but he never thought it would come. He felt like he was dreaming and this was a nightmare. He wanted to wake up to a reality where this wasn’t happening.
“Are you serious?” Leo asked, his voice trembling. It was useless to ask such a stupid question. He knew the answer. Jason would never lie to him.
Jason nodded. “I’m serious. I tried everything I could but with no luck. My dad was having none of it. He’s still the pack alpha, so I have to listen to him.”
Tears burned in Leo’s eyes. He furiously blinked them away, not wanting to show Jason how much this hurt him, but some tears managed to slip out and roll down his cheeks. Jason noticed and carefully wiped the tears away.
“Why do we have to listen to those stupid, stuck in their ways werewolves? Why can’t they accept us?” Leo asked, his voice cracking.
Jason pulled him into another hug, holding him close. Leo let himself cry into Jason’s shoulder.
“I don’t know. If I knew how to change their minds, I would. I'm sorry. I didn’t want us to end like this.”
“Do we have to?” Leo asked, his voice small.
He heard Jason inhale sharply. “I think so. The pack will be watching me closely until my new mate arrives. After she comes and the ceremony is done… well, it won’t be pleasant to… be with anyone else, romantically or sexually. Also, she’ll be able to know my emotions and some of my thoughts from our bond. I know my pack. They will choose someone who will be loyal to them. I don’t think we’ll be able to slip one past them.”
“Well, can’t we just… run away? Can’t we leave all this behind us? We’re adults now. We could leave and go live on our own,” Leo suggested.
He heard a heavy sigh. Jason pulled away from the hug, looking sadly at Leo. “As much as I love you, I can’t do that. My pack… I love them so much. They’re not just my family, they’re so much more. Even if their views are backwards, they’re still my pack. I can’t leave them.”
“You can’t or you won’t?” Leo asked, getting angry. “You would do it if you truly loved me.”
Jason’s expression turned stern and Leo realized he might have crossed a line. “I can’t. You want me to leave behind everything I know and everyone I love. Would you leave behind all your friends and family if I asked you to? Leave your friends without any way to contact them since you’re now a traitor? Leave your mom abandoned and alone?”
Leo hadn’t considered it like that. He hadn’t thought about Jason, about all his friends and family he would be leaving behind. If he left a traitor, he wouldn’t be able to contact any of them. Leo wouldn’t be able to do that. He thought he might be able to do it if it was just his friends he left behind, but not his mom. Leo could never abandon his mom, never leave her behind. He loved her more than anything. He shook his head. “No. I’m sorry.” His hands clutched Jason’s shirt. “I don’t want to say goodbye. I… can’t lose you.”
Jason gave Leo a sad smile. “I know. I feel the same way. I wish we could be together. I wish it didn’t have to be like this. You’re… one of the best things that ever happened to me. I’ll never, ever forget you. Not even the gods could make me forget my love for you. I… don’t know how I’ll get over the loss of losing my other half, of losing my better half. I love you, Leo Valdez. I always have and I always will.”
Leo felt completely hopeless. This was it. Their relationship was ending. This wasn’t a nightmare he could wake up from or an illusion he could snap out of. He would never be able to see Jason after this. He would be losing not only his soulmate but his best friend as well. It felt wrong that the world wasn’t ending when it felt like Leo’s world was crashing around him. He didn’t know how to go back to his normal life after this. Leo signed up for this life and this inevitable pain, but it was so much worse now that he was finally feeling it. He cursed the gods and every being he could think of. He cursed their lives. He cursed their forbidden love. He cursed Jason for making Leo love him. He cursed himself for making Jason go through this pain.
Leo leaned in, kissing Jason even as tears streamed down his face. It was a sorrowful kiss, filled with their sadness and mixed with the salty taste of tears. Despite never wanting it to end, Leo slowly pulled away. Jason was crying now. Leo hadn’t ever seen Jason cry before.
“I love you. I love you so much. I wish we could be together. Maybe… someday in the future. I don’t think I’ll be able to love anyone else. Maybe… we’ll be able to be together, whether it’s in the future, our next life, or another universe. I’ll wait. I’ll wait as long as I have to. There is no world in which I wouldn’t love you. I love you, Jason Grace. I always will.”
Leo took a few moments to admire Jason. This would be the last time he would ever see him. He took in all of him, all the features he grew to love. He was still so handsome, even when crying. It wasn’t only his looks but all of him, all of Jason. Whatever werewolf they chose for Jason would be lucky to have him.
With what little strength he had left, he kissed Jason’s cheek before turning and leaving. He didn’t let himself look back. He knew if he did, he wouldn’t ever be able to leave. He hesitated for a moment at the entrance of the grove before leaving. Jason didn’t call after him. Leo didn’t stop or look back.
As Leo walked back to The Academy, tears streamed down his face. He didn’t know how he’d explain away his red eyes to his friends. He figured he’d finally tell them the truth.
The only comfort he had was that they would have a chance to be together in another life, in another universe.
What he didn’t know was that the two of them were doomed in every life, in every universe.
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highlordofkrypton · 2 months
I am going to ask way to many of these
2, 3, 5, 7, 20, 31
I want to ask many more but I am restraining myself
Linking to the ask game in question!
2. Anything you want to write but feel like you're unable to?
Porn. Straight up raunchy multiple thousand words for just filth. Feelings get in the way, we're all laughing or crying. I think it's an art to be able to focus on just the kinky stuff in a way that's engaging but not too anatomical. That's dirty but in a way that isn't gross, but just right, if you know what I mean?
I love smut, but the mental toll it takes on me to write pure smut is wild. I can usually shoot out 1k words in 15 minutes if I'm focused. It can take me three days to figure out like... where the character should kiss next 😭
3. How would you describe your writing style?
Oh gosh, are we supposed to use real writing terms? I don't know what styles there are out there, but my way of describing my writing would be: lived in.
I always say I'm a lazy writer, so I don't describe anything more than I have to. Usually, I will describe what matters to the character. I live in their shoes at that moment, and when I write, I embody their emotions as well. If the character is crying, my ass is sobbing over the keyboard. If they're angry, I'm rolling my eyes.
I do think that my style also means that the details I do include are a bit miscellaneous. It's natural to describe the setting, and clothes and items, but I feel like if you're really living in a universe, you get attached to the really random, if weird, shit.
5. What's a tag you never want to use for your works even when it applies?
Okay, let me start off by saying I am both pro and against tags. I think tags are a great way of searching up fics to make sure that you get exactly what you want, but I also think that for some fics it does a disservice to the fic. Disclaimer: I'm new to AO3 and I don't think I tag well enough.
So, on the point of disservice, I'll use my fic for example because I've been thinking about it for a while. So for Wildflowers, I consider it an ACOTAR prequel, first and foremost. While Tamsand is the main ship, I think by tagging the ship, it does the fic a disservice because the world is so rich, it doesn't just focus on the ship. There's so much more I want to gush about with people, and I find it answers so many complaints I see from ACOTAR fans who were disappointed by the rest of the books, but people will stop at the ship tag.
Also both characters are so polarizing in the fandom that if you hate one, you won't give this fic a shot which is FAIR but one of my goals was to convince readers to fall for the one they might not have thought they would, but yeah, I played myself with that idea.
I also tag to be safe than sorry so not to trigger anyone, but I'm very much a reader that is in for the ride no matter what, and I feel like tags can be spoilers, etc. Still, I do want to be respectful of others, but for me, I worry that if I tag 'SA' the fic might be misconstrued as it focuses on that topic whereas it's one scene that impacts later character development.
I wouldn't use the term never tag, but that's how I feel about tagging.
7. Your favourite AO3 tag.
Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne.
That's it. That's the whole tag LMAO.
20. Do you work on a single project or many at the same time? How does that work for you?
Hyperfocus or bust, apparently.
31. What was the most difficult fic to write (but in the end you made it)?
Pick any of my smut oneshots, except Regrets and that is probably one of them.
I would say that my Lucien x Elain (Elucien) fic Warmth was difficult because I knew the setting and how I was gonna start it, but I don't know Elain very well (I haven't finished reading the series) and I don't write Lucien enough. It's one thing to know the character, but another thing to know how they are when they are being intimate. That was really tricky.
I always try not to re-use the same tropes, positions, expressions and wording in my smut, but since I don't write enough of it, to me, it reads like I'm writing more or less the same and... I hate that.
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whimsicalmeerkat · 17 days
First Line Game
@dear-massacre tagged me for this awhile ago, but I’m a slacker. The idea is to post the first line from the last ten fics you posted and see if there’s a trend. I can’t decide on just 10 of my battleship fics and they all have the same date, so you get lines from all of them. I’m not sure if I should apologize or say you’re welcome.
Mostly random no-pressure tags: @definitively-different-drivel @thotpuppy @mswhich @calenlily @armanya
@mirrorthoughts @renmackree @eevylynn
1. just the way they want it, Perilous Courts - Tavia Lark, Corin Marcel/Audric Sandry, Explicit, No Archive Warnings, 2,230 words
Audric pulls Corin behind him up the stairs to his bedroom at the top of one of the tree towers of Sandrelle
2. monsters that walk the earth, Teen Wolf, Derek Hale & Stiles Stilinski, Teen, No Archive Warnings, 1,231 words
"Are you OK?" Derek asks Stiles after he's chased the rest of the pack out of his house.
3. with the monsters that talk, Teen Wolf, Derek Hale/Peter Hale, Mature, No Archive Warnings, 1,204 words
Peter grits his teeth and stares at his sister, the queen
4. to mend a broken heart, Teen Wolf, Derek Hale/Peter Hale, Explicit, Non-Con, Underage, 4,454 words
“That's right, darling.”
5. let’s explore together, Community of Species World - Louisa Masters, Percy Caraway/Brandt Draco, Explicit, No Archive Warnings, 1,505 words
"I haven't been able to explore Earth since I was a young dragon," Brandt says, finishing up what was a very slick PowerPoint presentation.
6. I would raze the earth to save you, Teen Wolf, Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Teen, No Archive Warnings, 505 words
7. preparing for a ritual, Teen Wolf, Derek Hale/Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Mature, No Archive Warnings, 420 words
"Are you sure this is how we get power for the ritual?" Stiles says, twisting from where he's sitting in the front seat of Derek's Camaro to squint suspiciously at Peter.
8. a most fitting end, Seducing the Sedgwicks - Cat Sebastian, Teen, No Archive Warnings, 477 words
Sir Humphrey Easterbrook finishes his barely passable meal and sits back with a sigh
9. at the break of day, Black Jewels - Anne Bishop, Daemon Sadi/Lucivar Yaslana, Mature, No Archive Warnings, 734 words
Lucivar stands on his balcony and stretches his wings, loving the way the sun feels on them
10. to be restored, Teen Wolf, Derek Hale/Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Mature, Underage, 9,136 words
It starts three days after Derek kills Peter.
11. stumble & a stutter, Teen Wolf, Derek Hale/Laura Hale, Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Teen, No Archive Warnings, 1,412 words
“I wish I could just go back and stop the fire and everything that’s happened since then,” Derek says, fisting his hands in his hair as the sound of Peter slamming the door on the way out of their their latest fight.
12. the devil gave me a crooked start, Teen Wolf, Derek Hale/Peter Hale, Explicit, No Archive Warnings, 658 words
Derek looks up from his book, startled, as the door to the loft slams open.
13. let me be more than enough, Teen Wolf, Derek Hale/Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Explicit, Underage, 484 words
“Oh fuck.”
14. calm my fears and show me grace, Teen Wolf, Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Teen, No Archive Warnings, 711 words
Derek decides he and Stiles should probably at least investigate the cloud of sex berry bush smoke, a sentence that is so absurd Derek can't believe he even has to think it.
15. Companion?, Original Work, Dragon/Human sacrificed to dragon, Gen, No Archive Warnings, 505 words
Jerrick is nervous.
16. high heels in the morning, Perilous Courts - Tavia Lark, Kazia Dire/Lucien Vaire, Explicit, No Archive Warnings, 2,330 words
Lucien walks into the throne room, gesturing for his drasguard to stay at the door.
17. all these saints are watching me, Perilous Courts - Tavia Lark, Kazia Dire/Lucien Vaire, Gen, No Archive Warnings, 916 words
Kazia is pinning the final strands of hair into place in the elaborate arrangement on his head.
18. dreaming as we ran, Ghostly Guardians - Louisa Masters, Ewan/Josh, Teen, No Archive Warnings, 1,143 words
"Yes ma'am, the ghosts are free to leave if they wish," Josh says patiently.
19. ain’t no grave gonna hold my body down, Teen Wolf, Derek Hale/Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Teen, Chose Not to Warn, 1,643 words
Stiles' Jeep hits something solid that seems to come from nowhere and Derek has a moment to think fuck, the trolls found us'before something else slams into the side and sends them flipping over, no, not just flipping—they're rolling over, across the road, and into the trees.
20. wolf like me, Teen Wolf, Derek Hale/Laura Hale, Mature, No Archive Warnings, 1,036 words
Laura jumps when Derek flings open the door of their apartment, then kicks it closed as soon as he's cleared the doorway
21. why not both?, Teen Wolf, Derek Hale/Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Explicit, No Archive Warnings, 738 words
Stiles fidgets as Derek and Peter stare him down.
That’s all! I hope you enjoyed this and check out some of the stories!
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valstarsandgalaxies · 1 month
This is so old, but i think the start had potential and that it was written quite beautifully, so i decided to finish this little thing. It's mostly just a conversation between the Buckies, nothing serious. The only thing that awaits you here is fluff :) Chose some random prompt for inspiration and here it is! I've been struggling with a writing block, but since this only needed the ending, it wasn't that hard. Hope I'll be able to deliver more fics in the near future! Now enjoy this little piece, please<3
[ irresistable ] sender taunts receiver by easing closer, promising a kiss, and then backing away, making receiver chase their lips.
"Do you think that somewhere else we haven't gone to war?"
John asks curiously and Gale just sighs. John gets like this sometimes. Asking questions that don't really make sense or more like don't matter at all. Because they aren't somewhere else and they never will be. This is all they got.
But John likes to think beyond that. He likes to think about the what ifs. Because they absolutely couldn't do that while there was a war on, there wasn't time for any what ifs, but now they have all the time in the world and sometimes Gale feels like John doesn't know what to do with it.
Thoughts like this surface from the depths of John's mind, because now's the time to actually acknowledge them. And for one, he's not afraid to word them out loud.
"What do you mean, John? Do you think there was somewhere in the world where we wouldn't have to go fight?"
"No. No, i didn't mean it like that. I meant, you know, maybe some other universe or just totally different world. Like do you think there's some reality where we were safe? Where we didn't have to go through all this shit?"
For Gale this is a useless conversation. He doesn't believe in all this stuff of alternative universes and life beyond their life they're currently living. But John had really clung to those ideas lately.
And Gale gets it a bit, he supposes. He really tries to understand it, for his Bucky. He thinks that maybe things are easier for John, when he thinks about the fact that somewhere else they can be together without the judgement of others. That they can get married. And that they didn't have to go through the terrors of this goddamn war. That somewhere else things have been better for them.
If he should speak for himself, he thinks things would suck anywhere else too. They would suck in a different way, but there's no way of getting a perfect life.
He lost his train of thoughts as John sits next to him on the couch. Thighs touching, but John turns his upper body to Gale to study his face.
"You're thinking about this more than i thought you would. But unfortunately i can't hear your thoughts, Buck. Mind sharing them with me?"
He tilts his head and asks in a teasing voice.
"I don't want to ruin your good mood."
The grin faded from his face, but was quickly restored by a smile. A smaller one, but it was there.
"So you think there isn't?"
"I just think that wherever we'd be, there would be some different stuff we'd need to fight with. I mean sure, there are only a few things worse than war, but I don't know."
"Tell me more."
Gale turns his head exaggeratedly with an annoyed expression, but it quickly changes, when he sees John's face.
He just wanted to have a conversation, he's probably just curious and wants to hear Gale's opinion about it and so Gale obliges, as he always does with Bucky.
"It's just that- I think sometimes you get lost in all those possibilities and you think that somewhere else we could have a perfect life. But I don't think that's possible. There will always be problems and maybe something else would happen to us. I'm not saying that there aren't places, where things weren't so rough, but there'll always be something."
Bucky is looking at him like he put the moon in the sky himself. Like he just said something incredible.
"I think i get what you're saying. Another idea popped up in my head after you said that."
He doesn't make his sentence into a question, but he hopes Gale would ask.
"What were you thinking, Bucky?"
"If there's always something bad everywhere, there has to be a reward, if we get through it, right? Like right now, us, being together, this is our reward for surviving the war. And then i guess somewhere else with different problems, we'd get a different reward. Something to make it worth going through that shit."
John says, his expression still kind of contemplative. Then Gale turns to him to catch his eyes and says:
"I am your reward?"
Bucky smiles.
"Of course, you are. Am i not your reward?"
He says, insulted at the implication that he isn't.
"Well, depends. Define the word reward for me, please."
John scoffs and turns his head away. It looked like he was actually sulking, so Gale turns off his teasing mode and turns on the serious mode.
He said as he took Bucky's face in his hands to make him look at him again.
"Of course, you're my reward after all this. You're all i ever wanted."
John melted at the words and leaned in to kiss Gale. It was soft and sweet. John licked gently into his mouth and made a sound, when Gale hands found their way to his waist and shoved him half on top of him.
"You're all I've ever wanted, doll. If there wasn't you, there would be no purpose for me. There's only you and no one else."
It makes Gale giggle and smile shyly. And he also blushed. John can always make his blush so easily, it's quite annoying sometimes.
They lean close to each other again, John brushing his nose against Gale's, going for his lips, but Gale pulled away. Which made John chase his lips and fall right on top of him.
"Hey, what was that? Where are you going?"
"We should go up and do something. Remember how we should go buy groceries, cause we literally ate plain bread with a tomato this morni-"
John doesn't let him finish as he kisses him again. More chaste this time, like the only purpose really was to shut him up.
"Okay, okay. We'll go grocery shopping later. But now let me enjoy my reward."
He grins as strangles Gale's hips with his thighs and puts his hands on his shoulders. He grinds his hips down on Gale's and Gale makes a sound he didn't want to escape past his mouth.
"Or we can go right now."
"It can wait."
Gale says hurriedly, puts his palms on John's waist and looks at him with hungry eyes. But there was also adoration, something sweet. Like he can never get enough of this man. And it's painfully true. He doesn't know what he'd do without John. He doesn't even wanna think about it. There's definitely no other universe, no other place, where they aren't together in some way. There can't be.
Before he can think about it even more, Bucky brings him back to reality by saying:
"Do you wanna go to the bedroom, love?"
He just shakes his head, doesn't need to answer, because the question was answered before it even left Bucky's mouth.
"Now, show me how you treat your reward."
Gale finally says and John kisses him like it's the end of the world.
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oddinary4bts · 1 year
Ella! Congrats on your milestone, you deserve it!
Can I request this one from the fluff list, with Hobi please?
23. “I fell for you without even knowing it and, jesus, does it hurt that you can’t see it.”
Thank you!! I really enjoyed writing this drabble, gosh I miss Hobi so much :')
Two Hundred and Nineteen Days | jhs
☆pairing: Hoseok x reader
☆rating: 13+
☆genre: slices of life!au, fluff, a tiny little bit of angst (don't ask me how it happened, angst sneaks up on me all the time)
☆warnings: a little bit of alcohol, entirely unedited
☆word count: 2.2k
☆a/n: I had an out of body experience writing this fic. I chose a random number (219) of days... only to realize the 219th day of the year is my birthday. I was shaken for a good ten minutes lmao. I hope you enjoy reading!
☆other fluff prompts can be found here!
                You’ve known Jeong Hoseok for five hundred and forty-one days. It took you thirty-four days to realize he had become your closest friend at work, and since then it’s been five hundred and seven days of you and him meeting at the coffee machine every day to gossip about your other coworkers.
He’s your favourite coworker. Every day since you’ve started working at this company, you’ve sat at the desk across from him. Every day, he’s offered you a bright smile and wished you a good morning. Every day, he’s eaten lunch with you, talking about how he used to dance when he was a kid and how his mother would dress him all formal with a little red bow tie.
And two hundred and nineteen days ago, at last New Year’s Eve party, Hoseok held your hands because they were freezing while you stood outside watching the fireworks.
Two hundred and nineteen days. You think you should have understood your feelings for him since then, but you’ve been blind to it. That early March afternoon when he said his mother wanted him to go on a blind date and you’ve felt your heart breaking in your chest at the perspective of him going, you weren’t able to explain your reaction to him. You blamed it on your throat hurting, and he bought cough medicine for you that he brought at work the next day.
In late May, when you ended up being stood up by your other coworkers for your usual end of the month lunch, you think you almost realized. But when he mentioned his last date had ended well, you furrowed your brows and then asked him about it.
Halfway through the month of July, when he told you that he believed he’d be single forever, with that bright smile of his that always makes flowers grow on the soil of your heart, you whispered that you didn’t believe it. When he asked you to repeat, you said, “Don’t we all feel this way”.
Today is the 7th of August. You’re out on the annual camping trip of the company – not an actual trip, just a day on the countryside, next to a small lake where you swam in the early afternoon. And today you feel like you’ve been blind. Because he’s been in your life for five hundred and forty-one days, and you’re only now realizing that maybe, the way your heart flutters every time you see him is not because he’s a dear friend. Though you reckon the flutters started after New Year Eve only, so maybe you've only been blind for two hundred and nineteen days.
You’ve been drinking a little. Just a few glasses of rosé wine throughout the day, and you’ve watched him drink a couple of beers. Brought him one when he finished his last one without him even asking. It had your hands clammy with anxiety, but he didn’t say anything, just thanked you as you sat back next to him.
The sun has set now, and you’re lounging by the fireside. Some of your coworkers already left, and only the closest ones to you are still here. None of them know what you’ve realized today, and you’re quick to notice how Ryunjin sits close to Hoseok. How she speaks to him in ushered tones, and you think maybe, after all, your eyes opened two hundred and nineteen days too late.
He looks your way once, and when your gazes catch your heart stops in your chest. He smiles, infinitely soft, infinitely kind, and your cheeks burn. You’re lucky the firelight hides it, and you take a sip from your cup to distract you.
When Ryunjin puts her hand on his arm, telling him they should go look at the stars on the lake, you feel your heart drop so low in your chest it physically aches. To your surprise, Hoseok invites everyone, and everyone gets up to go.
It’s you that he falls into step with, even though Ryunjin is just a step in front of him.
“You’ve been silent,” Hoseok says, gently. “Where’s my gossip partner?”
You choke on a chuckle, and then worry at your bottom lip. “Sorry. I… I’ve been feeling weird.”
“Do you need to go?” Ryunjin asks, kindly, because even though you don’t like how she’s been around Hoseok, Ryunjin is nice. “I think Youngseo and Chaeryeon were talking about leaving.”
The two girls in question are up ahead, and they don’t hear Ryunjin. But you feel like she’s trying to get rid of you, and it hurts, just a little.
“I can drive you,” Hoseok suggests, and you almost stumble on your feet.
Because is it really a good idea to be encased in Hoseok’s car for the hour that the drive back is? You highly doubt so, yet you can’t find it in you to refuse. Not when Ryunjin mentions she thought Hoseok was driving her back, and Hoseok says she can always catch the ride with Youngseo and Chaeryeon.
You’re twenty minutes into the drive home, spent in an awkward silence, by the time Hoseok asks, “Are you okay?”
You can’t really tell him the truth, right?
“Yeah, I actually feel better,” you lie.
“I’m glad,” he says gently, and then you’re encased in another ten minutes of silence, only interrupted by him humming to the music on the radio. Until you realize you shouldn’t have said you’re better, because he says, “Is it just me or is Ryunjin into me?”
You freeze, and then turn to glance at his profile. “Is she? I don’t think I noticed.”
Another lie, and he obviously doesn’t catch it.
“She kept talking to me today,” he continues, and he sounds genuinely … happy.
Needless to say, it breaks your heart.
“Did she?”
“Yeah,” he says. He glances at you once, before chuckling. “That’s why I wanted to go. I’m so awkward, what would I have done for an hour with her in my car? I would have just made a fool of myself.”
All you can think to ask is, “Do you like her?”
It has no business sounding as aggressive as it does, and this time Hoseok catches up to it.
“I don’t know… Why?”
You nibble at your lower lip, anxiety flooding your entire being. “Just wondering.”
“Mmh,” he lets out, and then the atmosphere shifts.
It shifts into even more awkwardness, into Hoseok sending you weird glances that you ignore as you look out the window on the passenger side, watching the streetlights as they grow more common when you near the city.
Hoseok doesn’t hum for the rest of the way, doesn’t tap his finger on the wheel in time with the beat of the song. And when he parks his car in the office's parking lot, not turning the engine off right away, he turns to look at you.
“Why are you weird about this?”
You freeze with your hand on the doorknob. “I’m not weird.”
“You’ve been weird since I mentioned Ryunjin,” he insists.
“I haven’t.”
He throws you a no-bullshit look, one eyebrow cocked. “You usually always gossip with me and now you just haven’t said anything.”
You scoff, shooting him a quick look before finding solace in the world outside of the window again. “I don’t know what you want me to say.”             
“Your opinion?” Hoseok suggests, shrugging his shoulders. “You know Ryunjin, maybe she told you something?”
“So, you do like her?”
He’s growing frustrated. That much you can tell as he runs a hand through his hair and makes a vague move that looks like ‘how am I supposed to know’.
“Maybe? She’s attractive and she’s nice, I’d be stupid to miss the opportunity.”
“Right,” is all your able to answer.           
He watches your profile, bores hole into it, and then he turns off the engine and the doors immediately unlock. You quickly open the door and step out because frankly you need air, need to get away. Because you were stupid, not to realize before. You were stupid to not understand what those flutters in your heart were, were stupid to not understand that you didn’t like to think about him going on dates because you were falling in love with him. Had probably fallen in love with him two hundred and nineteen days ago, as he had held your freezing hands through the New Year.
He follows you out of the car. “Y/n, come on,” he says, jogging to where you’re powerwalking towards your car. “What’s wrong with you?”
“I don’t know,” you say, scoffing. In a fit of rage, you add, “Actually I do.”
You stop, turning to look at him. His eyes are a little wide, a little scared, and his usual bright smile is miles away from his features.
“What’s wrong then?” he presses, voice small.
“I fell for you without even knowing it and, jesus, does it hurt that you can’t see it.”
Hoseok goes very still. You don’t think he’s even breathing, as you stare at each other. The silence stretches, and he doesn’t even blink. He does become blurry though, as tears slowly fill your eyes.
And when you realize that he’s not going to say anything, you turn around, shame draped on your shoulders, trickling down into your very stature as you take a first step away. And then a second, and a third one, and you think maybe tomorrow, on this two hundred and twentieth day of the year, what happened today will just be a nightmare.
It materializes into reality as one tear slips on your cheek, and you wipe it with the back of your hand angrily.
That’s when he says your name. So softly, like the flutter of an infant’s lids as they sleep. You’re not even sure you heard it – you feel it more than anything. It wraps around your heart, heals the slow unravelling.
He stops you, with one gentle hand wrapped around your wrist. His fingers are warm, light, and when he tugs to make you turn, you give in. Mostly because he has startled the tears away, and you look up at him, thinking he’s never looked at you with that much of a serious look on his face.
He murmurs your name again, and it settles in your soul, building a home for him there.
When he kisses you, supple lips meeting your awaiting mouth, you sigh, and let him pull you in. He cups your cheek with one hand, ever so gently as if he thinks you’re the most precious porcelain, and his other hand holds your waist. You rest yours on his chest, feeling the rapid tap-tap-tap of his heart under your fingertips. His organ traces a melody into your palm, strong and steady. When he pulls away from the kiss to look down at you, you think he’s shining, brightly, blindingly so. He is the sun, and maybe you’re the Earth. Maybe you’ll grow and nurture life under his warm rays.
At least that’s how you feel when he pulls you into another kiss, this one languid, slow and passionate. When his tongue teases your mouth, you meet it with your own, and immediately you know his taste will intoxicate you, in the best ways that it can.
After a long and small eternity, Hoseok pulls away again, and he offers you a sweet smile. “I fell for you so long ago,” he admits. “But you never…” he trails off, shakes his head slightly. “I never thought it was reciprocated.”
One of your hands reaches up, and you shakily trace his jaw with the tip of a finger. His skin is soft, like a rose petal, yet infinitely warmer. “I think I was oblivious to it. Until today…”
“Can I take you out on a date?” he asks, a little suddenly.
You smile. “Where do you want to take me?”
He shines even more at the sight of your smile, at the fondness tracing words of affection in your eyes. “There’s this place I go to dance sometimes. It’s bright, and they also have arcade games. It’s my favourite place, and I always thought you’d love it there.”
Your heart fills with warmth, flutters with tenderness. “I’m sure I will.”
And of course you do. Because it’s a little piece of him, and you’re realizing every day that you love every single piece of him. The good and the bad. It might have taken you two hundred and nineteen days to realize it, but you’re in love with the very tapestry of his soul, with every single thread that makes him.
A hundred and forty-six days later, Hoseok holds your freezing hands into the New Year, and this time he kisses you as the first fireworks explode into the cold night air, shining colours on you. They match the explosions in your heart that every swipe of his tongue brings to you, and you reckon that, in the six hundred and eighty-seven days of you knowing him, Hoseok has always made your heart shine.
And you know now that there are a thousand, a million more days in front of you, and that you’ll shine for him through all of them, like he shines for you.
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kaytheday · 2 months
I'd love to see a snippet from #2 for the tag challenge!!
Yes, I’ve actually written a ton for this one, so I’ll include the first 1000 words below the cut. This is through the eyes of an OC. She came to Tulsa because her dad kicked her out and she meets Soda on her first day there. Later in the story she tries to get custody of her baby brother Oliver from her father. She goes to Darry for help because he has experience with social workers.
I know a lot of people don’t like OC’s, but I do because I get more ideas for longer fics about them and it makes it easier to write in the first person.
I have officially published this as a fic on a03! Link here!
Anyway… The first 1000 words are below the cut.
I try in vain to keep my eyes dry as I prepare to go into the gas station. I needed gas for my car but I wasn’t about to break down crying in front of the gas station attendant. Not after I basically cried the entire 7 hour drive here. So I wiped my eyes and took a deep breath, trying not to think about Mississippi and Oliver and what kind of peril I was leaving him in. I put shaking hands into my coat pockets and forced a smile on my face as I entered the gas station.
“Evenin’ miss, what can I do you for?” It was a sweet boy manning the counter, he looked about my age with golden brown hair and fine features. He was grinning too big for his face as he looked at me expectantly.
“Hi, I just needed some gas.” I hand him the $3 I’ve been fingering and he smiles big again putting it into the register.
“Sure, you…” I look at his hair and think of Olivers baby blonde hair, I should never have left him. I shouldn’t have trusted my father and left him in that house. My eyes snap back into focus and I see the worker looking at me strangely, that smile still on his face.
“Sorry, what did you say?”
“I asked you if you wanted me to pump your gas for you?”
“You guys do that here?”
“Yeah,” He smiled. “Well when we’re bored enough and the customer is mighty pretty.” I smiled slightly, hardly mustering the energy to say thank you. I knew I was probably coming off as strange and spacey, but I couldn't bring myself to care. It wasn’t like I would ever see this handsome stranger again.
I followed him out to my car and watched as he pumped the gas.
“Mississippi plates, huh?” He asked. “You visiting family?”
“Something like that. I just moved here for the rest of the school year.”
“Oh, cool.” He asked me a couple more things about Mississippi while I glazed over the questions. I really didn’t want to lay my troubles on some random gas station employee.
He finished, I smiled and thanked him, setting on my way to find some address in a crappy neighborhood. My aunt probably didn’t expect me to be coming this early. I didn’t care, I was exhausted and I just wanted to go to sleep. I drove in circles not being able to find this stupid house. Then I decided it might just be easier to ask someone walking on the street. They’d know this town better then me. So I stopped the next guy I found. He was wearing a ball cap, blue jeans, and a brown coat over a blue button up.
“Excuse me…” when he turned around, I saw it was the same guy working from the gas station.His face broke out into a big goofy smile.
“Well hello again, miss Mississippi.”
“Hi.” I said sheepishly.
“Just couldn’t leave me alone, could ya?”
“I guess not, I was just wondering if you could help me find this address. But I can give you a ride home so you don’t have to walk in the cold.” He smiled again.
“Sure.” I unlocked the car and he hopped in, starting directions to his house. In between directions I managed to get my bearings and ask him about himself. It was better if I could focus the conversation on him.I learned he was the middle of three boys, his parents had died, and he’d lived in Tulsa before we got to his house. Two cars were already parked out front. It was a humble home with red brick pillars and a white finish.
“Your castle awaits, prince.” I joked as he started to open the door. He laughed and turned to look at me seriously.
“Do you have dinner plans?” I shook my head sheepishly, I had planned on getting to my aunts and going straight to bed. “Do you want dinner plans? I think it’s just me and my brothers tonight.” I weighed my options. He seemed nice enough and it warmed my heart that at least one person would be excited about my presence in Tulsa. My aunt definitely wouldn’t care.
“Sure.” I parked the car and he opened the door for me as I got out. “My name is Robin by the way.”
“Sodapop Curtis.” He grinned and we officially shook hands. We went inside and I followed suit as he took his shoes and coat off. There were sounds coming from the kitchen. An auburn haired boy who looked like Sodapop was sitting at the kitchen counter reading while another older boy was stirring something in a pot.
“Hey Sodapop.” The big one said without looking up. And golly he was big. He had arms that were big enough to kill me. He looked up, his eyes crinkling at the corners. He looked at Sodapop lovingly, then he saw me and looked confused.
“Oh, yeah. This is Robin, she’s new in town so I invited her for dinner.” I smiled and put my hand up in a sort of half wave. “Robin, this is my big brother Darry and my little brother Ponyboy.” Ponyboy waved without looking up from his book while Darry strode forward to shake my hand. His grip was firm and his eye contact was unwavering. Up close it became obvious that he could easily kill me. But instead he smiled and welcomed me.
“Well, we’re happy to have you Robin, you can sit down, dinner will be ready in a couple minutes.” I assumed he was making pasta from the pot and the shredded cheese on the table.
“Thanks, is there anything I can help with?”
“Not at this point.” Soda had disappeared upstairs and I was left to sit at the table with Ponyboy. He was reading what looked like a Jack London book. I started to say something, but thought better of it and focused on my hands in my lap.
“So Robin,” Darry started. “Soda said you’re new in town. Where are you from?” These questions were easy.
“I’m from Mississippi, Batesville if you know where that is.”
“I haven't, but then again I’ve never been to Mississippi. What brings you to Tulsa?” I remembered a trick I’d learned early on. To avoid answering a question you didn’t want to answer, you just had to fill the response with fluff so it made it seem like you had answered it.
“I came to finish out the school year. I heard that schools here were better than the ones in Batesville. But this is a much better town than Batesville is already. I mean… inviting me into your home and all. Thanks again for this by the way, nobody in Batesville would ever do something like this.” Before I can overthink any of those statements and how desperate and pathetic they sound, Darry just laughs a little.
“Of course, it’s no big deal. Most of the time we have seven hungry boys here for dinner. I always cook more than I need to anyway.” I smile and let out a little sigh of relief. At least he cooked more food than he needed to anyway. Before Darry can ask any more questions, Sodapop comes bounding down the stairs in jeans and a white T-shirt. He’s still smiling and I’m starting to think that his face is permanently like that.
“Soda, set the table, would you?”
“Sure.” Soda says and starts setting stuff out. Ponyboy finally puts his book up. It’s Call of the Wild.
“Are you reading that for school?” I ask.
“Yeah, it’s not so bad though.”
“Yeah, I always liked reading Jack London. The Sea Wolf was my favorite.” He smiles slightly and begins chattering about Call of the Wild and its similarities to White Fang. Darry finishes and we all dish up our food. We sit down and Sodapop begins telling a story about an old man that threatened to fight his co-worker Steve the other day. I’m glad the dinner feels normal, I think I might have started crying if it was an interrogation. Then they ask Ponyboy questions about school. The kid seems quiet and in his head, but I can tell that they both love him so much. As much as I love Oliver.After dinner, I insist on helping with the dishes. I wash while Sodapop drys. Then I plan to make my leave.
“Well, thank you so much for dinner Darry. Very good to meet all of you but I should get going.”
“You're welcome, very good to meet you too Robin.” Darry says, then he smiles and goes back to what he was doing.
“Yeah,” Ponyboy says quietly. “Good to meet you too.” Then he heads upstairs to his room.
“I’ll walk you out to your car.” Sodapop says and I almost melt at how sincere he sounds. He holds my arm as I walk down the steps. The cold biting at me through my coat.
“Are you sure you’re going to be okay tonight? It’s a pretty far drive.” I smiled, laughing softly at his joke. My aunt's house was only a couple streets away.
“Yeah, I’ll be fine. Thank you so much for this by the way. It’s been really nice to meet some new people here.”
“Of course.” Then he fumbles into his jean pocket, pulling out a slip of paper with some scrappy handwriting on it. “Here is our home phone number. You can call if you ever need a place to sleep or eat, or anything like that.” I smile and turn to stare at the ground.
“Thanks Soda. This means a lot.”
“Sure.” He says, grinning from ear to ear. “Drive home safe, will ya?”
“Yeah, I’ll see you around.”
“Yeah, see you around.” So I leave, driving down a couple streets to a place that I know I’m not wanted.
I have finally published this as a fic on a03! I will include the link here!
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moody-alcoholic · 3 months
Unwavering Promises Chapter 5
I'm still working my way through posting full chapters of my finished fic. I should be posting my OC's POV but Simon's POV is just so much better for this chapter.
No content warnings, 5.7k words.
Previous - masterlist - next Rosaly POV
Enjoy <3
Price’s alarm woke me from my sleep. I opened my eyes the room was still dark I could hear Price getting out of bed but he still had not stopped the alarm. 
“For the love of God Price please.” I hear Rosaly say her voice still sounds sleepy. I smile. Price turns it off then turns the room light on. I hear her groan and shuffle around in her bed.
“It’s like basic all over again.” I hear her muffled voice say.
“Well aren't you a joy to be around?” Price says stretching. I get up looking for my trousers on there is a knock at the door instinctively grab my mask pulling it on. I hear Price open it and say morning to whoever is on the other side. I hear a voice tell Price the mess hall closes at 8 for breakfast. I hear Rosaly grumble again as I pull on a shirt. I hate how close she is and we can’t even touch. Knowing she is on the other side of the wardrobe to me is somewhat of a comfort. I pull my shirt on just as Price comes round the corner. He nods at me, I guess just checking to see if I’m awake.  
“You should come get some breakfast with us Williams then come watch the shooting.” Price says. I throw my jacket on. 
“Yeah maybe you will be able to pick up some tips.” I say walking round the wardrobe to see her head shoved under her pillow. I sat on the end off my bed pulling my boots on. 
“Meet you down there LT.” Price said.
“‘Course.” I said hearing the door close.
“The light Price!” Rosaly called. I chuckled I tied my boots up and went to see here taking the pillow off her head. I squinted was she wearing my shirt, I thought I was missing one I assumed I had just left it at the house. I smile as she looks at me with her eyes half open. 
“Could have told me you were pinching one of my shirts.” 
“It smells like you,” She says smiling. I want to kiss her for that. I look at the door, anyone could come in, I’ll find time for her later. 
“You going to come for some breakfast?” She seemed pretty wake now. She nods. 
“I’ll see you down there then.” I say leaving.  I found Price in the canteen it was pretty empty considering it was 5:30. I grabbed some food and coffee and went to sit with him. 
“What’s the word then? They still got the go ahead?” He nods, spreading butter on his toast. 
“Hopefully we should be out here before the end of the week. There is one team in India they can maybe pull back if not we would have to wait for the team doing training in Australia to come home.” I push my mask past my nose and take a sip of coffee. 
“Have the Americans been sniffing around this?” I ask.
“Laswell’s keeping an eye on things. So far it seems like everything’s going well. The only thing that could stop us is MI5 cancelling the mission.” Marines were starting to come in for their breakfast now lining up. 
“Whats the plan for today?” I ask. 
“Marksmanship, accuracy under pressure these guys have one week left of training they should be fine.” 
“Easy day then,” I smile, Price rolls his eyes. 
“Hopefully.” I smile spooning more eggs into my mouth.
“Is Williams going to be joining us?” Price asked sipping his tea. I nod. I finished eating as the canteen started to fill.
“Ready?” Price asks finishing his tea. I nod pulling my mask back down. We make our way to the outdoor shooting range at the bottom the the hill. It’s cold and the fog is staring to roll in if it gets any worse we might have to move inside. It reminds me of Scotland. I see a group of marines being led over by another officer. The officer introduces us then Price takes over. I’m barely listening to what he is saying. I wonder when Rosaly would show up. Nope I can’t be thinking about her now work time. 
“So who want’s to go first?” Price asked. No one moved he sighs and picks a random person.
“You, what’s your name?”  
“Taylor, sir.” He says getting up. 
“I want you to pick one of your teammates, someone who you could trust to have your back and cover you.” I smiled the amount of times I have seen Price do this and it always riled people up. Accuracy under pressure though, that was the plan. Taylor looks around at the people behind him. Price looks at me raising an eyebrow. More pressure? I raise an eyebrow back. He looks back at the troop. 
“Wright, I would pick him.” He says as he sits back down. The other guy gets up. 
“Okay, lets see what you’ve got.” He follows him down to the pit. 
“5 rounds, 100 meter target, no pressure but if you miss that’s Taylor dead.” Price pats him on the shoulder and moves so he is not in the way. Wright stands for a few seconds then fires of the rounds pretty quick one after the other. Price looks over as Wright clears his barrel. Then he turns back to the troop. 
“Taylor’s dead who want’s to cover for Wright?” Price says. Wright does not look too impressed, I can’t see his shots well enough from over here but Price does not sound happy. I fold my arms watching the next guy get up. This continues for a while each one trying and failing, I hear Rosaly walk up beside me. 
“How’s it going?” She asks. I look over she has her hands round a coffee mug. Price came over shaking his head and took it out her hands. 
“I’ve seen better shooting from you.” I replied loud enough so the marines could hear. Rosaly took her cup back from Price. The latest marine had just finished shooting. It was bad Price had been pacing ever since the third person tried. 
“Okay stop!” He said. “LT get up here.” I sighed going over to him and taking one of the training rifles. They’re so light and not what I’m used to at all. Now I was under pressure, and there was no way I was going to show Price up. I see Rosaly move down out the corner of my eye. I stand in position, Price explains what I’m doing as I fire when he tells me too. Okay these shots were easier then I thought they were going to be. I fire off 3 more then hang the weapon back up. I go back to stand with Rosaly, she’s smiling. 
“Nice shooting,” She says leaning in. I smile crossing my arms again. 
“Not really fair to put us up against a world class marksman.” The next marine says getting into position. Price stops him from stepping in the pit. 
“Williams!” He shouts, she passes her cup to me and heads over picking up a weapon and checking the mag. 
“What cos she’s a woman?” He says, I hear her chuckle.
“Worse, I’m navy.” He scoffs and I watch her fire the rounds off. All on target, not as compact as mine but better then we’ve been saying today. She clears the weapon hanging it back on the rack. She smiles at Price walking back over to me taking her cup.
“Nice shooting,” I say to her. 
“Shut up,” I can hear her smile as she nudges me.  
 “It does not matter if you’re an expert marksman or a Navy medic, your shots should be hitting on point. This is your final week of training and you’re shooting like this is the first time you have a weapon in your hands. Shooting straight could be the difference between life or death, or the life and death of your brothers.” Price says. I feel Rosaly pat me on the shoulder and I hear her leaving. I watch as the next marine steps up and fires, again it’s all over the place. Price walks up to me squeezing his temples.
“What do you think?” He asks leaning into me. I look at him. 
“Want to run them around inside for a bit?” I suggest shrugging. 
“If they can’t hit standing targets how do you think they’re going to do with moving targets?” He says.
“Hopefully better.” I respond. He smiles. 
We walk them to the classroom Rosaly has set up in for the medical lecture, she smiles at us as we arrive but we don’t stick around Price insists I join him in this meeting. We make our way to another room with Major Bryan and two other people I was introduced to as Major Russ and Colonel Morris. Price shook the Colonel’s hand.
“Good to see you again, you’ve got old.” He says, Price really does know everyone. 
“You too captain.” The colonel replies smiling. He looks past Price to me. “And who is this?” 
“This is my lieutenant, Simon Riley.” I put my hand out to shake his. 
“Ah yes, I’ve heard about you.” He says looking at me like he’s expecting something. 
“Only good things I hope.” Price says sitting in a chair. I sit down next to him while Bryan turns on a projector. The wall lights up with pictures of satellite images, looks like some kind of compound. 
“We’ll get started then,” Russ walks over to the laptop. 
“These are images from a compound in Urzikstan we believe to be the main base Noah and his team are working from.” He switches to another image. “This was two days ago..” Price leans forward looking a figures highlighted in white. “This was yesterday..” Another image of what looks like the same too people standing armed outside the compound. 
“We believe that is Noah and Makarov. These images were sent to us by the ULF today..” Photos of people moving in and out of the compound with boxes flash up on the screen. One of them is Makarov, I sigh, so we know where he is. 
“The ULF sent you these. Have you been in contact with them?” Price asks. 
“We were hoping you could help with that the ULF are… sceptical to work with us, you know Farah maybe you can convince them.” Colonel Morris asked. Price nodded. 
“So we know where Makarov is and wherever he is Noah is?” Price asked.
“Actually we don’t know where they are anymore.” Major Russ said. “They were emptying the compound we were able to track them west then we lost them.” 
“So he’s managed to slip the net within 24 hours?” Price asked. 
“You think you’re mad I have to decide whether or not to pull a commando unit back here for this or not.” Morris said. Price sighed.
“MI5 has still given the go ahead?” Bryan asked.
“They’re still under the impression that we know where he is.” Morris replied. This was not looking good. 
“Who else know’s they’ve left the compound?” Price asked. Everyone looks at each other, no one is saying anything. 
“We have to assume the Americans know, we don’t know if there are moles within the ULF, it’s best to assume we have another 12 hours before it’s fair game.” Morris said. Price looked back at me, I could tell he was annoyed. We’ve lost him again and when we were so close. 
“Even if we could get a commando unit back it would be at least another 24 hours before we could move.” Morris explained standing up Price sighed. 
“It would be fruitless anyway, if they Americans know about this they could already be trying to shut it down. They’ve been trying to weasel their way into this mission for months. If the CIA get one sniff of this they’re going to be here.” 
“Have we heard anything from them yet?” Price asked. The colonel shook his head. 
“Which commando unit is the closest?” Morris asked looking at Bryan. 
“45 are in India, 42 and 43 are in Australia.” Bryan says. 
“So if we want them back we need to call them now.” Morris said. Price stood up. 
“Let me see what I can do, I would assume Farah is keeping tabs on them, she might be able to point us in the right direction. What are the chances we can find them in the next 24 hours?” Price asks. They all look at each other sombrely. 
“Let’s just hope we find them before MI5 cancels the order.” Price said heading for the door. I get up following him. As soon as we’re out the door I hear him curse under his breath. He stops at the end of the corridor. 
“Go get some rest, I’ve got calls to make.” He says sounding defeated. 
“Sure you don’t need help?” He sighs.
“I’m good LT I’ll come find you when I’m done.” I walked back down to the dorms I guess I could use a nap. I felt annoyed we’ve lost him again. Now we have to scramble to try and find him. Price would know what to do, he always did. I walked past the classroom Rosaly was teaching in, she was leaned up against the desk with her hands folded. Maybe I should go in and join her. I pushed the thought away. A nice nap would be good before Price comes back with more bad news.
I went to the dorms as soon as I got in the room a wave of exhaustion washed over me. I kicked my boots off pulling my mask and jacket off and laid on the top of the bed. I looked up at the ceiling wondering what was going to happen next. If MI5 found out we had lost Noah and Makarov the mission would be cancelled. I closed my eyes hoping Price would be able to come up with a solution. He always does. I must of fallen asleep cos I woke the the room door being opened. Price stepped round the corner. He looked tired as I stood up pulling my boots on. 
“Any news?” I asked. 
“Farah is tracking him west, said if anything we will know if he crosses the border at any point.” He sighed. I reached over and pulled my mask on standing up. 
“What about Laswell.” I asked.
“If she know’s anything she’s not saying.” He shakes his head. 
“Come on I’ll catch you up.” Price said heading out the room. He told me about his conversation with Farah. She’s been busy sounds like she’s got her hands full. The Americans have been nice enough but she’s still sceptical about them, understandably. Now she’s trying to keep track of Makarov and Noah. We ended up in the canteen but I wasn’t hungry, Price was still talking and ended up filling my try up too. I let him complain about how we should have been out sooner, then he turns to the training this morning and how bad it was. I nod as he leads us to a table I sit down as he picks at his food. I don’t even see Rosaly come up to us until she puts her tray down. 
“I don’t think I can do 3 more days of this Price.” She says shaking a salt packet. I look at her she looks tired her cheeks red from being in a hot classroom all day. 
“It’s all downhill from today.” He replies sipping his tea. That was true if these marines are passing out next week God knows what the lower ranks were going to be like. 
“Where is Gaz anyway why foes he get to not be here?” She asks shoveling food in her mouth. 
“He’s doing training he’ll be here tomorrow.” Price said. She looked at me. 
“LT?” She says I can hear the frustration in her voice. I smile. 
“Could be worse could be training the navy.” She pulls a face at me throwing the packet of salt at me letting out a fake laugh. 
“Can I help you?” Price said. I turned to see a recruit stood behind me.
“Captain Price sir. Major Bryan asks to see you in the ops room, Captain I will take you there.” He gives an awkward salute, he’s shitting himself. I look back at Rosaly smiling at him as she eats her salad. 
“It’s okay I know the way.” Price says as he gets up. I sit back in my chair folding my arms. I watch him leave with the recruit following behind him.
“10 says we get to leave early.” Rosaly says with that cheeky grin on her face. 
“15 says we get a radio in the next 20 minutes.” I respond.
“It’s a good job I don’t have my radio then.” She smiles continuing to eat.       
“Excuse me?” A voice at the end of the table says. I watch her roll her eyes as she turns to look. 
“Yes?” She says sounding slightly annoyed to be interrupted. 
“Is it true you can hold your breath longer then the admiral of the fleet?” I chuckled, this is how all the rumours get started about her. 
“I don’t know I’ll ask him next time I see him.” She was smiling. I saw another group come over.
“Can we sit?” they ask. 
“Sure,” she said shrugging. I look at her as they sit down. I would much rather be able to spend a little time with her alone even if it was in the mess hall. 
“20 says they ask about the mask.” She says quiet enough so only I can hear it.
“25 they make fun of you for being a navy brat.” That wipes the smile off her face. I turn to look at them looking back at us. 
“What’s with the mask?” One asks. I sigh reaching into my pocket. 
“He was actually born with it, his first words were boo.” I roll my eyes handing her the money. 
“Double or nothing we leave tonight.” She says raising an eyebrow and I take it back. 
“Whats marine training like then?” She asks, they chuckle.
“You’ve seen the obstacle course down there.” They laugh.
“That thing I could do that in my sleep.” She replies. I love that determination she has in her eyes. She has such a fire in her belly when it comes to things like this. I can’t help but smile. Gaz was right she would have made a great marine. 
“That first pull up is at least 6 foot.” Someone scoffed. 
“So? I’ve dragged bodies over walls higher then that.” I frowned at her. I don’t think that’s entirely true. 
“100 says you can’t complete it.” Some one from the end said. I looked at her, this was a bad idea. I looked at her, her eyes were serious now. This was a challenge to her. 
“What’s the record?” She asked. She looked at me for a second, I looked down at her hoping she would get the idea without me having to stop her. Instead she just smiled.
“200 and I can do it in 15:12.” She says. Some of them scoff some laugh. Now this really was a challenge for her. There was that spark in her eyes the determination in her voice she stood up.
“You’re still recovering from a gunshot Williams.” I say getting up too. 
“I know.” She replied throwing her tray in the trash. “That’s why I said 15:12.” I rushed out after her hearing people follow after us. She was quick practically skipping down the hill. She stops and I catch up with her.
“This is bad idea.” I say taking her sidearm. 
“You going to stop me?” She asks. I see the fire in her eyes, hell I can hear it in her voice she want’s to do this for herself. She never imagined she would be here now she is. I smile I know she can do this, but she needs to prove it to herself.
“Be careful.” I say I watch as she goes to the starting line. I look at the group of marines who have come to watch. All of a sudden there was this pit in my stomach. 
“You better be timing, I want that money!” She calls over. I watch her take a breath in setting herself up for a run, she presses the button on her watch and runs to the first wall. She pulls herself over landing on her feet, good start at least. She throws her body on the floor crawling through the tunnel portion. I hold my breath until she is completely out of the tunnel. Next is the rope climb, a fall from that height could land her in serious trouble. She pauses wiping her hands on her legs before she jumps on the rope. I hold my breath again watching her pull herself up.
I move a step closer as she is almost at the top. I see her smile when she has realised she’s made it. She slides back down the rope and runs over to the next part. She climbs the steps to the rope pull over water. I see he look over at me. She’s beaming, she’s enjoying this. It makes me relax a little as she grabs onto the rope pulling herself across. This is the slowest part maybe she’s tired or maybe she just really does not want to fall into the water. She made it to the end swinging her body down. She definitely was not trying to be graceful now. She kept going to the last wall pull. She ran up to it pulling herself up and throwing her body over. This time it was not a good landing.
I rushed over to her as she was bracing her hands on her legs sucking in air. I could see her hair stuck to her forehead. I wanted to brush it away, instead I handed her her gun back. 
“15:12” She panted still smiling. When she took a step forward I could see how unsteady she was. Her hand instantly went to her side where the wound is. I look at her with concern in my eyes as she looks at my face, her smile fades a little and I grip her arm trying to support her. She moves out my grip though. I can see her trying to hide the pain as she winces with each step. I need to get her inside. 
“You guys owe me 400!” She calls over to the marines still watching. I guide her back inside she walks straight up to the dorms without complaining, or saying anything. As soon as I push the door open and she sees the bed she flops down sighing. 
“Let me see.” I say untucking her shirt and pulling it up. I hear Price come in.
“15:30. Nice job gave those marines a real kick up the ass.”
“15:12!” She protests, I move her on her side so I can see the back.
“Yeah, and I’m father Christmas.” Price says. I hear him flop on his bed. His meeting must have been worse.
“She good?” He asks.
“She’s good.” I say pulling her shirt back down and standing to look at Price, his arm over his eyes.
“What was the meeting about?” I ask.
“Paperwork, admin bullshit.” He says. He sits up. “I’m going to start sending you as my proxy soon LT.” I hear Rosaly giggle and I shake my head.
“Hum I’m sure Gaz would love the experience instead.” I crossed my arms looking at him he seemed tired.
“Gaz will be here tomorrow.” Price said. I took my jacket off throwing it on the end of my bed. I looked at Rosaly typing on her phone smiling. I go round to my bed to change my shirt it was wet from the rain outside and I didn’t feel like taking a shower yet. I looked out the window the sun was starting to set but I could see a group of marines hanging around the rope climb. I guess she really had given them a kick up the ass. I watched as they raced each other up the ropes. I hear Price come behind me.
“Let’s go have a chat.” He whispers. I nod following him looking over at Rosaly curled up in the bed eyes closes. I shook my head I have no idea how she can fall asleep so quickly. It must be a navy thing, ships are loud right? 
“I bet it’s a medic thing.” Price says from ahead of me.
“The way she can fall asleep so quickly, have you heard how loud hospitals are.” Price says. I get shivers, I was lost in my own thoughts. I meet with him at the end of the hall he turns into an empty room. I follow turning the light on closing the door behind me. 
“Farah found them.” He says looking at me. I fold my arms.
“Let me guess you’re the only one who knows.” I sigh.
“It’s worse then that.” He says.
“What do you mean?” I say confused. 
“There is a deal going to go down. I don’t know when or where but Noah and Makarov will be in the same place. The US wants to let it happen and catch them in the act. MI5 want to stop it before it gets that far…” Price trailed off.
“You want to get them now?” I say raising an eyebrow. 
“We know where they are, we could do it…” He trails off again. 
“What? Price spit it out.” I felt like I knew what he wanted to say I could see it on him.
“It would be a suicide mission.” I sighed. 
“The other options?” I say.
“We wait see what the CIA or MI5 decide to do, keep tabs on them basically what we’ve been doing for the past 6 months.” I can tell he’s tired. I am too we’ve been chasing them for so long. It always feels like we’re so close and so far at the same time. If we missed them again it could be months before we find them. They were right under our nose in Syria, now we have credible intel and we can’t move on it. At least not without putting our lives and jobs in jeopardy. 
“When is this deal?” I ask. Price shakes his head. 
“Has to be in a few months, Noah will be in Ibiza soon for the summer season. We hope.” He relies.
“Just Noah?” 
“Maybe, I don’t have much intel if any on his operations. Laswell is looking into it but its slow processes.” 
“You think MI5 will retract the order?” I ask. He nods. Fuck, so we’re going to be waiting for the next few months. 
“He’s getting away again.” I say. Price reaches into his coat pocket and passes me a cigarette.
“He’s not going to get far. If he crosses the border we will know, if he moves anywhere in Urzikstan we’ll know. Jesus if he fucking sneezes Farah will tell us.” I take the cigarette. 
“So what's the plan?” I say. 
“We’re going to play dumb see what happens, who moves first then I’ll decide. Best case CIA and MI5 will be too busy fighting we can just slip by and deal with this ourselves.” 
“And worst case?” 
“We lose them again.” I close my eyes taking it all in. 
“Fucking bureaucracy.” I say taking the lighter from Price. 
“Let’s just ride this out for now, give it a day at least before we start doing anything we might regret.” I nod and he pats my shoulder.
“We will get them, I promise.” I look in his eyes I know he means it. I sigh as he walks out the room. I look at the cigarette in my hand. I could really use this now, ‘son of a bitch Price you know me too well.’ I laughed at the thought making my way outside to smoke it. It was cold now especially since I left my jacket inside. I tried not to think about the fact that we were basically going to be doing nothing but twiddling our thumbs for another month maybe. I finished the cigarette, I really did feel better, calmer at least.
I went back up to the room. Price was not there but Rosaly was, she had changed back into my shirt and her hair was wet she must have gone for a shower. I wanted to go over and kiss her but I was scared I would wake her. Instead I went round to my bed pulling my clothes off and getting under the covers. I close my eyes and try to relax. 
Price wakes me in the morning and we head to breakfast. I try to ask him if there have been any updates but he seems distracted. The morning runs pretty much like yesterday the shots are horrid with added attitude. Price screams at them a bit then has them trying again. I don’t know why I was so distracted today. I hadn’t seen Rosaly yet she went to the gym before we woke up and when Price took the recruits up to her when I went to get lunch. She was going to be meeting Gaz at the station when she was done. Price came and found me in the mess hall. I could tell something had changed with the way he sat down. He put a piece of paper down I picked it up reading it. 
“So they cancelled the mission.” I say reading the order from MI5. He sighs. 
“Look at the reason.” He said. I read the line. ‘Operation to be continued by United Kingdom’s allies.’ I scoffed.
“CIA? Did Laswell know?” I ask.
“No idea you can ask her she’ll be here in a few hours.” He sounded mad. I looked up at him handing the paper back.
“Where we going?” I asked.
“Urzikstan, the compound they were moving supplies from.” I nodded.
“We’re going to raid it for intel.” He said.
“Farah helping us?” I ask raising my eyebrow. He shakes his head. 
“She’s busy out west, besides we need someone we can trust to keep an eye on Noah and Makarov.” He explained I nodded. 
“Who’s the general we’re answering to this time?” Price scoffed.
“Anderson. Before you ask I have no idea I just saw his name on the new order we got.”
“What time does she get here?” I asked leaning back in the chair as Price folded the letter up. 
“3 hours.” He said checking his watch. Turns out we didn’t need to wait that long only about 40 minutes had past when Price got a message she had picked up a chopper from Heathrow. Price seemed to have calmed down a bit by this point and we headed back up to the dorms. 
“Full kit now!” He barked as he pushed the door in going over to his bed. Okay maybe not quiet so calm anymore. I nodded at Gaz as I went over throwing my vest on and packing the rest of the stuff in my bad. 
“What’s going on?” I heard Rosaly ask, I looked over at her. 
“Laswell is coming to pick us up we’re leaving.” Price explained throwing his bag over his back. 
“Price want to explain?” She asked still sounding shocked as she fastened her vest. 
“Noah is in Urzikstan we think Macrov is there too if we move fast we might be able to catch them.” He said with a sigh. That was the half truth I guess. She looked at me and I stepped to follow Price out the room. She grabbed my arm. 
“What happened to waiting?” She whispered. I didn’t have time to explain everything that had been happening over the past 48 hours.
“Price know’s what he’s doing.” It true he does. She nodded and I left the room. We waited by the helicopter landing pad. It was not long before a chopper showed up and Laswell stepped out shaking Price’s hand. 
“Nice to see you again captain, there is a plane waiting for us at Heathrow!” She shouted over the blades as we all climbed in. I was in last and closed the door. 
“Sergeant Williams this is Laswell.” Price said I saw Rosaly shake her hand.
“Nice to meet you.” She replied adjusting her headset. 
“I read your file, impressive work.” Laswell said. 
“Thank you.” Rosaly replied smiling. 
“What’s the plan in Urzikstan?” Gaz asked, he was sat opposite me. 
“We found what we believe to be their former main base.” She handed a tablet to Price, we looked over to see the same pictures the ULF had sent to MI5. Price acted supprised. “Farah sent them, we think they’re moving more west but this place isn’t empty yet, they’ve been moving munitions but not computers or files. Right now its running on a skeleton crew, it would be easy to infiltrate and secure information.” She finished.
“What about the theory they’re using the Balearic Islands as cover?” Rosaly asked.        
“We’re almost certain they are, we know Noah will be there within the next few weeks due to the summer season starting, this raid will give us invaluable information and proof of their operations down there.” Laswell explained. So the Americans want proof, catching them in the act is not enough. 
“What about Makarov?” I asked before I could stop myself. There was a moment of Silence as she looked at Price.  
“If information on his whereabouts is going to be anywhere it will be in that compound, we know he has been involved with Joshua in the past it is most likely Joshua is hiding him until things die down.” Laswell said. Does she not know about the satellite images? I look at Price as he hands the tablet back to her. I watch as he sits back in the seat. We make it to the airport in no time and get on a cargo plane going to Sakhra.
I turn my brain off and try and get some rest. I listen to Gaz and Rosaly talk as Gaz tells her all about spending time with his family in London. She listens as he explains Farah and the ULF to her. She says it’s her first time to Urzikstan, at least she will get to see a new place. Eventually they both fall asleep. I let the plane rock me to sleep too.
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kuroneko1815 · 2 years
Random fic idea: Cedric Porter remembers the time loops or some of them
Ok but um… what if, instead of the capture targets remembering… it’s our number one, overworked, highly capable, best aide that remembers the time loops. Like he remembers at least 2. One where Penelope and Callisto are a thing and she dies with Callisto following after going off the rails with a murderous rampage, and one where they don’t get together and Leila happens.
- He remembers at the end of the war just as they’re making the preparations to return to Eorka
- He’s older than Callisto by a few years and was actually his tutor while he was on the battlefield. Like, he was young when he went in, who the F finished his royal instructions. Cedric is a genius and nothing anyone says can change that.
- He goes into planning mode, first he plans dates for Callisto and Penelope. And also starts trying to teach him on romance and normal human interactions. Callisto goes along with it to humour him
Cedric: Your highness, women are like chocolates
Callisto: I hate super sweet things. You’re saying I should crush them under my boots?
Cedric: Alright, let’s try that again… women are like dark chocolates
Callisto: So I should devour every one of them?
Cedric panics and says no: Alright, so think of them as rabbits…
Callisto: Hunt them?
Cedric: Your highness! Please stop being so obtuse!
Callisto just smirks and motions for him to go on.
- He deliberately makes Callisto pass through the corridor where he knows Penelope was being harassed by a drunk nobleman during the Victory Banquet. Callisto basically saves Penelope and she thanks him, looking him in the eyes without stuttering, blushing, or cowering in fear and he becomes interested since that’s a first when it came to women or any civilians actually.
- Callisto and Penelope become friends with Penelope seeing him as her hero and they write back and forth. He becomes incredibly protective of her and unknowingly becomes smitten which is what Cedric had planned
- Cedric dropping hints for outings (dates) and arranging things for Callisto before he even says anything. Also pushes for the Leila hunt and has his own plans for her
- Cedric and Callisto’s efficiency quadruples for a short while since Cedric already has some foresight into what happens for the next few months which frees up a lot of their time
- Cedric makes some contingencies for the hunting festival but otherwise leaves it alone. He knows Callisto needs some alone time with Penelope and he already knows the man will pull through from the poison
- He realizes he miscalculated just a smidge when he sees hickeys on Callisto after the assassination attempt while he was unconscious
- Cedric helps him take care of the Delman uprising easily and is already anticipating the movements of the second prince and the Leila so the Emperor survives while the Second Prince, the Queen, and the entirety of the Allen family is put to the sword along with a few other noble families that had participated in the coup
- He isn’t surprised that Callisto and Penelope are planning to get married immediately because he already had a feeling that she had gotten pregnant during the hunting festival
- He eventually confesses the time loops to Callisto who is only angry that he let Penelope be in danger during the hunt but otherwise lets it pass and admits that Penelope does remember the time loops as well, but there were more than just two, there were dozens if not hundreds to which Cedric shuddered
- Cedric also realized he had shot himself in the foot when Callisto tells him that he won’t be able to retire now and this is proven true when his children eventually become aides to the Imperial children and their descendants follow along
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gifti3 · 1 year
Short smut fic for asmo 🫡
MC and Asmo are having private time in a random room in RAD
(GN!MC and i dont bring up any parts either)
"You act like you haven't been fluttering your eyelashes at me all day."
"But it worked didn't it?"
You huff partially from this statement but also from the way you were bouncing in Asmo's lap. This position was tiring.
"Need some help?"
He scoots back on your futon to lean against the wall. Your arms wrap around his neck, and his hands hold your hips to support you.
The responsible part of you knew you shouldn't be doing this. But the way Asmo kept looking at you. The unnecessary touches as he passed you in the hallway…You couldn't ignore it. So you dragged him to your "secret space" you'd sneak away to when everything became too much at RAD. The spot was a room that wasn't being used in a quiet part of the school. So you slowly started sneaking in things that would certainly have Lucifer lecturing you for hours. Now it was your own personal lounge.
"This stupid...uniform...is stuffy." Your jacket was unbuttoned but you were beginning to overheat.
"That's why we should have stripped," Asmo sighs.
You rest against him. "No way. What if there's a drill or someone decides they desperately need to get in this room?"
"But that's what makes this so fun~"
He kisses you against the neck as his pelvis rolls against you.
"The idea of someone seeing us together like this...." you feel his nails digging into your hips. "It's very exciting."
You look at Asmo and almost want to laugh but realize he's being very serious. So you start to actually think about this idea.
Someone seeing you and Asmo so intimately involved with one another that you were completely unaware of your surroundings?
It's a little embarrassing but you feel a rush of arousal and end up clenching around Asmo.
"See? You always get me MC ❤ "
His kiss silences any denials you have. When he pulls back he's slightly out of breath. "MC can I finish in you? I don't want to pull out!"
You're not thinking straight and practically beg him to. You're so tired and stopped riding him a while ago so when Asmo stops supporting you to hug you instead you immediately slump down on his cock. Your body tenses and your own orgasm hits you while Asmo moans directly in your ear.
Your grip on Asmo loosens and you lay against him. As you feel your eyelids getting heavy the room door rattles.
You jump, fully awake.
"It's okay we locked the door. You're too nervous hon."
You feel Asmo's hands rubbing your lower back but you get out of his lap. And immediately regret letting him finish inside you.
You pull your school bag towards you to look for a napkin or something.
"We should get out of here anyways...."
"Nooo, let's skip our next class and hang out here! Anyways, you're obviously sleepy."
Asmo reaches his arms out towards you, motioning for you to come back into his arms.
But you shake your head and wipe your inner thigh. "I actually take notes during class though."
He huffs. "You're such a nerd." He lays on his side on the futon and starts to inspect his acrylic nails.
"...Asmo come on."
He stares intently at you. Too intently.
"Whatever you're trying to do, it's not gonna work."
"MC please, I can literally smell your horniness from here."
You deadpan. That little ability of his was so troublesome. Sometimes he was able to tell what you were feeling before you even acknowledged it.
"We can mess around after school, let's just get to class!"
"Hmmm...kay." He sits up and starts tidying himself.
...That easy???
In the middle of your class you suddenly remember you had plans with someone else after school and internally groan realizing you'd have to cancel. Dealing with an annoyed Asmo was out of the question.
You pinch the bridge of your nose and side eye said demon. He notices you looking and smiles.
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