#i think i stopped watching the show after the big bakugo rescue and the like all for one fight or w/e
gibbearish · 11 months
oh is bakugo alive again
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Bakugou Katsuki - Rising
So I told someone a while ago I’d be writing an essay on Bakugou’s lines from 284, and I’m keeping true to my word. If you’re wondering which lines, well my friend, these lines;
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So this, to me, is one of the most emotionally packed pages of these recent chapters. For one, it shows us that Bakugou has always been watching Deku, the same as Deku has been watching him. Since they were kids, probably from the age of 4, Bakugou was able to tell Deku never thought of himself first, it was always what he could do to help and protect other people with no regard to his own safety or well-being. 
“He’s always been like that.” 
How would Bakugou know Deku has always been this way if he wasn’t paying attention to him? It goes beyond his bullying in Middle School, because he’s watched Deku stand up for other’s his entire life. The very first scene of the manga is Deku protecting a child from Bakugou and his group of misfits, despite being quirkless, and essentially helpless. 
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Despite being scared, and knowing he didn’t have the strength to take on those boys, he still stood his ground and did what he could to protect the other kid. Bakugou witnessed that first hand, since he was the aggressor. He was the one Deku was protecting someone from.
There was no way Bakugou wouldn’t remember something like that.
We know he remembered how Deku extended his hand to him when he fell in the stream, even though Bakugou was fine and didn’t need any help. Deku still waded through that water and even risked possibly getting himself hurt, to reach out to Bakugou and make sure he was alright. 
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Now, I am going to point out that the stream incident definitely happened before the scene of Deku protecting that boy since it’s evident they’re older in that scene, but it was presented first (literally the first panel of the entire manga), so it takes precedent. 
Then we have the big one, which is the Sludge Villain incident, and Deku’s biggest show of self-sacrifice probably to date within the manga, since he was quirkless and would have certainly ended up dead if All Might hadn’t managed to power up. Even with the times he’s wrecked his body using OfA, he at least had some kind of fighting chance because of the power, but with the Sludge Villain, he had nothing. He was just throwing himself out there in hopes, by some miracle, he could do something to save his friend, even if it meant losing his life in the process. 
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Another instance of Bakugou witnessing firsthand the self sacrificial nature of Deku. Throughout the manga we’re given these instances, and the next big one is Bakugou’s kidnapping. Now, he didn’t see Deku’s fight with Muscular, but he did see the aftermath, he saw that ruined body running at him full force with no care to the damage done to himself, and even before that, he saw Shoji carrying him while Deku continued to plan out their plan of rescue, like his entire body wasn’t a crumpled mess. 
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Time and time again, Bakugou has been witness to Deku’s behavior, to this self sacrificial nature. The scene above is the first real time we see Bakugou acknowledge it. He tells Deku to stay back, he knows if he continues trying to fight looking like that, he’s going to die. I’ve seen other translations and I believe in the anime he says something to the context of “Don’t come, Deku.” Which, either way you look at it, it gives the same impression of Bakugou trying to protect Deku in that moment. Because he knew if there was an opportunity for Deku to reach, he would have fought until there was nothing left of him. 
“And now that he can do so much more...”
This line is important because it is Bakugou acknowledging Deku’s current strength with OfA, but it is also his confession of worry because he knows who Deku is, and what this means for him. If Deku was reckless and willing to sacrifice himself when he was a 4 year old child with no quirk, well now that he has the strongest power essentially in existence, that means certain death. There is nothing stopping him from completely destroying himself, and we saw a brief example of that when Deku fought Muscular, though not even close to the level he was going at Shigaraki, and what Bakugou was actually getting to witness during this chapter and 285/286. 
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I use the above image because it kind of shows how bad off Deku was, which is far worse than when he fought Muscular, let me remind you. That scene is in chapter 285, after he’s essentially destroyed both of his arms hitting Shigaraki probably upwards of 10 times with 100% OfA. 
Remember, Bakugou has been watching all of this from the ground. 
“Something doesn’t feel right, it makes me wanna keep him at arms length.” 
Well ya know, I don’t really blame you for feeling that way, Bakugou, I wouldn’t feel right if the kid I knew my entire life was willing to die at literally every turn without thinking for a split second about himself, either. It’s a little strange, but that’s what makes Deku the unstoppable force that he is, because he has the drive to save people no matter what. Now if he could master his power and depend on other’s, it would be even better, because then maybe he wouldn’t have to kill himself trying to protect people.
But seriously, that line shows Bakugou's uncertainty about getting close to Deku, because that kind of behavior is scary. It's intimidating. To just...throw your life away for the sake of someone else, that's gotta be scary to see someone do, and Bakugou has witnessed it over and over because of his closeness to Deku.
Now for the big one.
"Back then, I ignored my own weakness...so I ended up bullying him."
There's the kicker, folks. The real development we've all been waiting for.
I do want to point out that when Bakugo was 4, he didn't realize he had weaknesses like that. He was honest to God just a bratty kid that probably thought Deku was weird for caring so much about people despite, essentially, being useless to them. Because what could Deku do? Nothing. He couldn't help anyone because he was quirkless, but he still tried, and that's what affected Bakugou so strongly.
So strongly, in fact, that he never forgot it for a single second.
From 4 years old all the way up to 16 years old. 12 years. 12 years Bakugou Katsuki was witnessing Deku's self sacrificial nature. Again and again he watched as this boy who had nothing, continued to fight for something, and then he was granted power, terrifying power, and now Bakugou is left to wonder how the fuck any of this could have happened. Because if Deku had just stayed quirkless and accepted it, maybe, just maybe, he would stop that self sacrifical bullshit. Maybe he would see himself a bit more.
But then he was given OfA, and all of that hope was gone. Now he was given a power meant to take on the greatest evils and every person before Deku had died for the cause, so why would it stop with Deku, who was already ready to get himself killed to protect someone else when he was like 14 years old?
The scenes we have of Bakugou acknowledging Deku's behavior, and acknowledging his own behavior, it's such a raw scene. It takes a lot to acknowledge you've done wrong by someone else. It takes a lot of strength to sit back and recognize those ugly parts of you, and here Bakugou is, doing just that. And he isn't doing it for some self righteous get me off, either. He's doing it because he genuinely cares about Deku's well being, and he always has.
It never came out the right way, and he sees that now, but that doesn't mean the concern wasn't there. He just didn't know the right ways to express it, but as things have gotten more serious and now Deku is truly risking his life for this cause, he's come face to face with it. He can't hide from it anymore. The more OfA develops, the more Deku is going to put himself out there, and Bakugou isn't going to sit around while he kills himself when he could just learn to ask for help.
This stretches all the way into 285 and Bakugou's sacrifice, because he saw Deku about to end up seriously hurt or worse, and he knew he couldn't let that happen. Of all the years spent endlessly tearing himself apart for other people, Bakugou knew he needed to show the other in some way he didn't have to do it like that. He didn't have to fight alone.
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That, and it was part of his atonement. It was a piece of his apology to Deku, to show him that he valued him, and he was willing to put his life on the line for someone, for him.
Bakugou didn't think when he rushed out to save Deku. It was instinctual, like breathing. He saw someone he cared about in danger, and his body moved on it's own. That, from the angry brat we get in chapter 1, is a beautiful showcase of perfect character development and growth. If you take into account everything I've discussed throughout this, it should be easy to realize or at least see a bit of Bakugou's perspective, and his thought process when dealing with Deku.
It never justifies any of his past behavior, but it gives us clarification, and then allows us to appreciate his thoughts and actions in 284 and 285 even more.
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babydaddyleorio · 4 years
when they cry (izuku , bakugo , kirishima)
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summary: short drabbles where your boyfriend is at their lowest and you’re there to lift them back up.
Characters mentioned: Izuku Midoriya , Katsuki Bakugo, and Eijiro Kirishima
Warnings: Angst, cursing, self-deprication, injuries, grammatical errors
Tears weren’t foreign to Izuku, you knew that and he knew that. In fact, Izuku tends to reveal his emotions a great deal when he’s around you because he trusts you enough to accept his vulnerability.
That is why after striving for weeks to coordinate a tactical plan that would stop the league of villains from carrying out their mission, Izuku was left shattered with watery eyes when everything he worked so hard to accomplish ended up failing. He knew that his peers depended on him to carry out their ambush successfully, so he felt fully responsible for the league of villains being able to escape and cause widespread damage to the city.
He briefly remembered dropping to his knees with his ears ringing from all the explosions that had sounded off around him. He sat there with a far away look on his face as his wide eyes stared into the black sky, thinking about all the lives that were lost today because of him.
You heard a subtle knock come from your front door at a late hour and you would slightly crack It to peak at who It was, but you’d be taken aback at Izuku standing on your doorstep with his bottom lip quivering. His clothes were in shambles and scrapes were etched all across his pained face. You gasped at the state he was in and opened your door as wide as It could go.
“I failed, y/n.” Izuku’s voice was shaky and the way he looked down at his trembling hands was enough to make you grab his arm and drag him into your house. You closed the door behind you and led the jittery boy to your couch, you having to push him down since It seemed like he was too out of It to sit on his own.
“It hurts so much knowing that I was the cause of all of this.” Izuku suddenly spoke into the living room’s air, completely toneless. You sat next to Izuku and put your hands in his cold ones, hoping that you could snap him out of this.
“Izuku, you were not the reason that this happened. Do not blame yourself.”
“But It is my fault, y/n!” Izuku abruptly turned to face you, his tone getting slightly higher. He was crying and his expression was that of a broken person’s. Izuku’s tears weren’t foreign to you, but the way his eyes bore into you as he continued to cry was a sight that you had never seen before. Your heart pulsated as you watched Izuku’s shoulders slump while he began to weep even harder.
You scooted your body closer to him and brought the pad of your thumb to his cheek so you could swipe the tear that had fallen down. Izuku’s shaking faltered once you did that and he slowly looked up at you with a crimson nose and big, puffy eyes blanketing his face.
“If you need to cry, let It all out. Let everything out that’s hurting you, Izuku.” You said while opening your arms which resulted in Izuku’s loud sobbing filling the room. He threw himself on you and buried his face in your chest, gripping your T-shirt in his balled up fist. You held him tightly as you laid back on the couch, Izuku clinging on to you as If his life depended on It.
Bakugo stood in the shower, resting his forehead against the tiled wall as lukewarm water cascaded down his clothed back. He felt numb, or better yet, he felt so overwhelmingly inept that nothing could even come close to hurting him as much as the events that transpired these last few days. 
He squeezed his eyes together as he recounted just how weak he was. He had allowed himself to get kidnapped and he was so useless that he needed an entire rescue team just to come and save his ass.
He banged a fist against the wall as the water droplets began to beat down harder on his skin to the point of It feeling like bullets were grazing him.
He was furious at himself for being so powerless against those league bastards because now he was faced with the harsh reality that he wasn't as invincible as he thought he was. Not to mention all the humiliation he now had to bear when he stepped foot outside his house.
“Katsuki, you alright?” You knocked on the door and when you didn’t get an answer, you hesitantly reached your hand to grab the golden handle. Bakugo had been in the bathroom for a good 45 minutes now and you were starting to become beyond worried, especially after everything that’s just happened to him. 
“I’m coming in.” You announced as you pushed the door open and walked into the stuffy room, but your eyebrows raised in shock once you saw that Bakugo was standing motionless in the shower with his back turned towards you.
“What are you doing?” You asked with your voice slightly startled but he said nothing in return. You then hesitantly treaded towards him, but all of your movement ceased once you heard the manic laughter of Bakugo suddenly flood your ears.
“It’s funny, isn’t It?” Bakugo asked out loud, still chuckling lowly to himself. You weren’t sure what he was referring to and you were also too nervous to ask. Bakugo turned himself around to face you, you finally getting sight of the twisted smile on his face as trails of tears dropped from his eyes. “I was so pathetic back then y/n.” Bakugo said, the sides of lips twitching as he still kept his smile. “I bet everyone laughed at me like this.”
You couldn’t stop your legs as you jumped in the shower, tightly wrapping your arms around Bakugo. You didn’t care that you were getting wet, all you cared about was helping your boyfriend still keep an ounce of sanity.
“I was worried sick about you, the last thing on my mind was laughing.” You said and you felt Bakugo’s body rumble at your words.
“Worried?” Bakugo snorted while clenching his fists. “I really am useless, huh?” You heard him whisper under his breath and you moved your body to grab his head so he could look at you. 
“Will you stop acting like that! You are not weak Katsuki and none of this was your fault!” You sucked in a deep breath, anger now consuming your being. “Are you really going to let what happened have control over you or are you going to get your head out of your ass and overcome this?” You asked while moving your face closer to his, the feeling of his uneven breath grazing your cheeks. Bakugo’s lips curled as he clenched his jaw, not being able to stop the nuisance tears that were steadily falling from his eyes. You turned your body around and turned the water completely off, but you blinked once you felt arms wrap around your body while you were still bent over. Bakugo hugged you tighter and you grabbed his wet arms that were wrapped around you, squeezing them with assurance.
 “Thanks... I needed that.”
Kirishima felt utterly useless as he laid on the stretcher, watching as the countless civilians sat on the ground severely injured. The air around him reeked of burnt smoke and overwhelming dispair; both aroma’s managed to suffocate him profoundly.
He bawled his fist at his sides and gritted his teeth, sharply turning his head away from all the turmoil. Through weak eyes, he caught sight of you running towards him, still wearing your hero uniform. He examined you briefly, thanking the God’s above that you weren’t hurt.
“Kirishima, are you okay?” You asked with concern laced in your voice as you surveyed the open wounds that decorated your boyfriend’s body. You reached to touch his arm but he quickly snatched It away from. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion as you slowly brought your hand back to your side.
Kirishima stayed silent as he looked down to the gravel ground, his vibrant red hair shielding his face from your view.
 “I couldn’t save them.” 
You frowned deeply, already knowing what he was referring to. Kirishima has been patrolling the area when suddenly the building behind him caught on fire. He immediately went to go and save as many people as he could, but Kirishima could only do so much by himself, especially after sustaining as much damage as he did when inhaling all the toxic chemicals that were in that building.
“I tried to y/n, I really tried but I-” You heard Kirshima’s voice crack and you stepped forward just as he lifted his head, his hair finally moving so you could see his face. Your mouth became dry once you saw the tears falling from his eyes as his body shook with harshly. “But I just couldn’t.”
You immediately brought Kirishima’s body to your chest, being careful not to irritate any of his injuries.
“This wasn’t your fault, Kirishima. You gave It all that you could.” You whispered as you kissed his hair and held his head to your chest. Kirishima shook his head in disagreement, and you felt your uniform become wet from his crying. 
You brought Kirishima’s body back and wiped his tears with both of your hands. Kirishima looked so broken in that moment and It pained you to see how he was blaming this situation on himself. He had fought hard rescuing all those people showing how much of a hero he truly was. 
“You were brave Kirishima, and you jumped in to help when no one else did. These people are thankful for you and your efforts.” You said and put your forehead against his. “And If you ask me, that was the most manly thing I’ve ever seen.” 
Kirshima closed his eyes tightly, one last tear slid down his ash covered cheek.
“Can we stay like this a little longer?” He asked you and you nodded your head, your foreheads still pressed together.
“I’m not going anywhere, Kiri.”
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quinncupine · 3 years
Hiiii quinn! I never realised you did requests but if it would be fine (and also because its my sole goal) could you do a boom boom boi and izubby with having their own cat or dog as a pet??? I'm seriously thinking that boom boom boi would be both a cat and dog person, don't u agree? (Ily lots and don't feel pressured to do this if you have a lot of stuff going on!)
Hi Dorki! I'm finally making my way through my requests and I was really excited to write this one! Okay, hope you like it!
Quinns Masterlist
Wanna request something?
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The Boys with Pets
Word Count: 1,750
Featuring: Izuku Midoriya and Katsuki Bakugo!
Warnings: dogs, cats, cursing
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Izuku Midoriya
Now Izuku loves pretty much all animals, but I can totally see him getting a dog. Dogs are loyal and full of energy just like a certain green-haired hero. The perfect duo.
He would probably rescue one from the pound, the one with the biggest, saddest, cutest eyes because how could he not? But someone has to go with him because he'd try to rescue them all if there was no one there to stop him. Once a hero, always a hero I suppose.
I'm thinking for names, he would definitely pick a name that reflects his favorite heroes. Don't be surprised if he names his dog something super cheesy like Mighty or Rocky…
Wait, okay, I've decided, he names his dog Mighty and that is the hill I will die on.
The life of a hero is quite busy so when he goes off on long missions, he drops the dog off at his mom's house. Inko has fallen in love with this sweet pup, so much so that she sometimes begs him to stop by with the dog for a visit. It's the closest thing she's got to grandbabies at the moment, she'll take what she can get :)
Now, this cute pup draws in the attention of just about everyone so he's gotten an influx of attention and a few numbers slipped in his hand during their walks, much to his flustered surprise.
Best wingman ever.
This dog goes on regular runs with Izuku and sometimes even helps him with training. I'm thinking a Collie or an Aussie would just be the perfect fit for him to keep up with his personality and lifestyle. He needs an active dog!
I can see it now, he goes on his daily morning runs with this cute Lil furry training buddy and they race the whole way! A few regulars on the trail know about this and it's become sort of a tradition to cheer the two on as they pass.
The morning air was crisp with the slight scent of the coming autumn, the perfect morning for a run. Izuku, dressed in his usual training wear, had a steady rhythm going for the last forty minutes, letting out even, controlled breaths. This was the easy part of the run, a warm-up if anything, and he hadn't even broken a sweat yet. The canine jogging by his side was enjoying the dewy morning air as well, tongue happily flopping out the side of her mouth. The shared morning ritual between man and man's best friend: Mighty.
Her tail picked up speed, wagging uncontrollably as they neared the bend where the giant jagged rock towered over the path. It was the place marker to start the race. A three-mile run to the top of the hill located at the center of the park. It was also Mighty's favorite part of the morning.
"Ready girl?" Izuku grinned down at the ecstatic dog who barked in reply.
The instant the two of them passed the big rock, they both broke out in full speed, leaving behind a cloud of dust. Happy barks filled the air as she gained the upper hand. Izuku laughed as the dog turned to look back at him lagging behind her. He always did these races without his quirk to assist him. It was only fair and it helped him work on his natural stamina in case he was ever in a situation where he couldn't use his quirk. Always good to be prepared.
He watched as she bounded up the first steep hill on the trail. There were a few small hills on this route, but this one was the hardest to climb and Mighty had the advantage with her four legs so she always managed to pull ahead first. She stopped at the top and barked him on before quickly disappearing over the crest.
When he reached the top, he stopped for just a second to take in his surroundings. This part of the park was a heavily wooded area with numerous trails that many people used to hike or run. It also served as a great view of the city skyline and he couldn't help but stop and admire the rising sun from between the foggy buildings every time. Then Mighty barked to pull him out of his thoughts.
"It's not over yet!" He called after her and raced down the hill, putting on an extra burst of speed to easily close the distance.
Tail wagging, she nipped playfully at his feet as they sprinted along the path, side by side. There weren't many people out this early so he usually had the trail to himself. The only sounds were the wind in the trees, the leaves crunching under feet and paws, Mighty barking beside him, and his own unrestrained glee as they ran together.
These were the mornings he loved. Just the two of them, away from the stresses that came with pro-hero work. He wouldn't trade being a hero for anything, but sometimes it got to be too much so coming here to clear his mind with a little run was always a cathartic release, only made better by the furry companion by his side.
The short bridge that arched over the creek signaled the last mile. Getting more serious, Izuku pulled ahead of Mighty, not able to hold back the giant grin as he streaked across the bridge, startling a few birds off the railings which Mighty barked at as she came up behind him.
Up ahead was a large open meadow with a small duck pond near the center. A few benches were scattered about the path and he saw the same elderly couple sitting in their usual spot with a bag of rice and seed to feed the plethora of ducks waddling around their feet.
"You got him this time Mighty!" The old man looked up as the two of them zipped down the path towards the couple.
"Show 'em what girls can do!" The woman cracked a smile, waving her hands.
"Morning Mr. and Mrs. Fujino!" Izuku waved as he passed. "Don't count me out yet!"
Mighty barked her greeting and took a detour, herding some ducks closer to the couple then with a quick lick to Mr. Fujino's hand, she sprinted back to catch up to Izuku.
The Fujino's marked the last leg of the race. The only thing left was to climb the top of the largest hill in the park to the old oak tree at the top. That was the finishing line. It was always a gamble as to who finished first every day, but Mighty sure had a competitive spirit.
Izuku pumped his legs as he steadily made his way up to the dirt trail, Mighty just behind him before she suddenly veered left and disappeared into the shrubbery. He was so focused on the tree that slowly came into view just around the curve as he neared the top that he didn't notice.
Just as the path leveled out, almost to the finish line, he glanced back to see no sign of his dog. The tree was a few feet away when a furry mass ambushed him from the side, knocking him clean off his feet. The pro hero landed in the grass with a heavy Oof. Sitting on his chest was Mighty, looking quite proud of herself.
"Cheater!" He laughed, trying his best to hold back the slobbery licks she was determined to give him. "Okay, okay, I'll call it a tie!"
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 Katsuki Bakugo
Now Katsuki on the other hand would totally be a cat person. Not that he has anything against dogs, but cats are more his style. They don't need constant attention and are pretty much self-sufficient. Just the way he likes it.
That being said, Katuski would go all out on toys and the latest gizmos to take care of his cat. Has a self-cleaning litter box, a waterfall bowl, an automatic feeder, etc. You get the picture.
Oh, and toys galore. If he has space, this cat is getting a personal jungle gym that lets him walk up to the ceiling. S.P.O.I.L.E.D.
Doesn't like to tell people just how much he actually loves this cat because he's never been one to express emotions, but this cat just gets him to his core. They share the same wavelength and he appreciates that. The cat is the only one he trusts to open up to, so sometimes you might catch him ranting to the poor thing who just stares back with big wide eyes and occasional meows. Yup, totally gets him.
I see him with a super chill cat, like maybe a Ragdoll or a Russian Blue. Something that tolerates his constant screaming and explosions.
This guy is just as bad at names. It'll definitely be something long and dramatic like Lord Cat Explosion Demon God of Furballs. Yep. He doesn't take criticism so most people call him Lord Furballs, much to his disdain.
Katsuki won't ask for attention from the cat, but the little furry feline is a total cuddler and will often find itself curled up in his lap or even on his neck if Katsuki's sitting on the couch. You better believe this guy won't be moving until that cat decides it's time to move. He's been late to meetings with friends because of this cuddly cat.
He's a hero so this cat is definitely being treated right. Katuski is no slacker when it comes to caring for his lil buddy. The vet is on speed dial should anything ever happen.
Did someone say a custom-made collar that matches his hero costume to a tee?
He's never loved anything more.
"Uh, hey Bakubro, why is your cat glaring at me?" Ejiro asked, staring down at the feline.
"What?" Katsuki didn't even bother to look up from his laptop.
"Your cat. It's giving me the evil eye. I thought it was supposed to be friendly." The red-haired hero frowned, not able to break eye contact with the cat. "I don’t think it likes me."
The small furry creature had lazily curled up in the sunspot next to Katsuki's feet, purring away without a care in the world. It seemed harmless enough, except for the heavy glare it was shooting Ejiro's way.
"Heh," Katsuki finally glanced down and crossed his arms. "He's not glaring. That's just his face."
"Ah," Ejiro nodded, "like father like son."
"What the hell's that supposed to mean!?"
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Taglist: @thecindy @peachsenpie @awilddreamerwrites @miriobaby @kiyoobi @dragonsdreamoffire @amive2567 @justscar @kenmaskitten10 @freckledoriya
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stargaze-issei · 4 years
Hi I was wondering if you could do some headcanons for Todoroki, Bakugo, Shoji and Tokoyami where maybe their s/o is injured after protecting some classmates for example how would they react after hearing about it and act towards the ones they were protecting and how they are really soft to their s/o. Does that make sense? Ooh and maybe how their class is shocked at them being soft towards their s/o. Sorry the request is so long
hi! this made me so soft, and i love every character so 🥺 thanks for requesting, bb! this is gonna be long lmao, so it's under the cut.
(also, im sorry for todoroki's one being so angsty and this taking so long, i had a couple of... rough days)
— 𝐚𝐧 𝐢𝐧𝐣𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐬/𝐨 + 𝐛𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨𝐮, 𝐭𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐢, 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐣𝐢 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐨𝐤𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐦𝐢.
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bakugou katsuki.
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-> bakugou loves to see you work hard and push your own limits.
-> often, he just let's you train however you think it's best.
-> so when you say you're going to have some extra training with kirishima, he wishes you luck.
-> "don't be late for dinner, dumbass, or i'll kick shitty hair's ass" ofc he won't kick you, you're his precious s/o.
-> when you arrived to the gym kirishima had requested, there he was, accompanied by deku.
-> "i hope you don't mind midoriya tagging along", you didn't, actually.
-> everything went as usual, a few punches here and there, some laughs.
-> but, somehow, while both you and deku were testing red riot's resistance, izuku got way too into it and didn't realize only kirishima's arms were hardened.
-> you saw a kick flying to the red hair's torso, and your body moved by itself.
-> the impact had you thrown to the other side of the gym, barely staying conscious.
-> to you, everything was so fast.
-> to bakugou it was the other way around.
-> a sweaty kirishima appeared, looking desperately for him, without making one coherent sentence.
-> "y/n... infirmary... bad"
-> katsuki had NEVER blast out so fast. like, NEVER.
-> when he got to recover girl's office, you were sleeping. she explained to him that there wasn't anything major, but you were extremely tired, therefore, sleeping. recommended a few days of rest, and then you'd be good as new.
-> of course he heard you were never recovering almost dying.
-> deku was a crying mess, poor him was so scared, kirishima was trying to calm him down but it was impossible.
-> when bakugou knew HE had hurt YOU?
-> "what the fuck were you even doing there, huh? a damn quirk stealer like you shouldn't be fucking allowed near people who earned they own place here. what? were you jealous of them? stop fucking crying and ow–"
-> "katsuki. stop." nobody saw you woke up, you'd had to thank your boyfriend for that.
-> you asked everyone to leave and explained bakugou it wasn't midoriya's fault, so he shouldn't bully him.
-> he said yes to you but had now intention of stopping lmao.
-> they took you to your dorm room, where bakugou had already set a bed under yours so he could watch over you at nights.
-> nobody dared to stop him.
-> until you were allowed to go back to classes, he was to your demand. everyone was so surprised to see bakugou katsuki doing what he was asked willingly.
-> poor broccoli boy wasn't allowed to even look at you without gaining a whole menu of insults.
-> he apologized writing a note he gave to todoroki who gave it to you.
-> katsuki is really worried, like, reaaaally worried, so he makes you healthy meals, takes it to your room so you don't move too much and then washes the dishes.
-> "geez maybe i have to ask midoriya to kick me more often" HE WOULD LOOK YOU DEAD IN THE EYE AND CALL YOU THE BIGGEST IDIOT WITH NO HINT OF LOVE 😭
-> at school, he doesn't leave your side. if you complain on anything, even if it has NOTHING to do with your injury, won't stop until he fixes it.
-> kaminari, mina and sero tease him so. fucking. bad.
-> kirishima is kinda scared bc he thought you were dead for a second so prefers to let bakugou take good care of you.
-> whenever you feel a little pain at the place of the hit, he will warm his hands and put them on your torso.
-> the warm feeling helps to ease the pain, and he has an excuse to touch you. win win.
-> he's not angry at kirishima at all, even, if he has to leave you, kirishima is in charge of taking care of you.
-> but your favorite time is when you're alone with him, after school.
-> he'll get so soft towards you, stroking your hair, kissing your head.
-> the day after the accident, it was mainly because he was genuinely scared of something happening to you.
-> "you're so fucking dumb, shitty hair can take hits better than you do, what on earth was i supposed to do if you were actually hurt? don't do that, ever again, got it?"
-> you got a huge bruise from the impact though, and he kisses it before going to sleep to make sure it doesn't hurt 🥺
that was completely out of character but idcccc
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todoroki shoto.
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-> he's... intense, to say the least.
-> but it's just with you, like, he doesn't show it to everybody.
-> both of you are doing your internship, so you haven't spoke as much as usual.
-> he misses you, but knows you're fulfilling your dreams, so he'll wait.
-> you went to uwabami agency, along with yaoyorozu and kendou.
-> even though mostly it was just being her assistant, this one time you were called to a collapsed zone just outside of tokyo.
-> supposedly, the area was already secure when you arrived, you, momo and kendo used your quirks to help rescue trapped people wherever uwabami told you.
-> momo was trying to help a civilian, and didn't notice the big rock falling from above.
-> you launched yourself towards them, trying to push them out of the way.
-> the rock hit you instead.
-> you didn't remember a thing after that.
-> todoroki was at his father's agency when he got the call.
-> "please, get to the hospital quickly, i– y/n's in really bad shape, please, i'm so sorry"
-> to hear yaoyorozu crying, saying you were in the hospital?? he couldn't move at first. like, frozen.
-> but after understanding what was going on, he got to the hospital even before the ambulance.
-> he heard a commotion in the e.r., and run there.
-> you were on a gurney, covered in dirt and blood, carried by a bunch of paramedics screaming things to each others.
-> todoroki couldn't hear a thing, all he could focus on, was on your unconscious body.
-> he felt a hand placing on his shoulder, yaoyorozu was still crying and trying to explain him what had happened.
-> but he wanted to touch you, seeing you like that, like you were dead right in front of his eyes, he needed to feel your warm.
-> three nurses were needed to hold him from getting near you.
-> he was losing his little composure, and his left arm began to feel hotter and hotter.
-> you were taken to the operation room, leaving him on the edge of combusting in tears of impotence.
-> even though momo tried again and again to explain him, he shut down everything except you.
-> all he could think about was you, lying in a operation table, fighting for your life.
-> the rest of the u.a. arrived with time, the procedure didn't end.
-> everyone was more than shocked to see todoroki so feral, a single word or touch from someone could develop in a big fire, from the guy.
-> when the doctor finally came, shoto almost tackled him.
-> "they're going to be fine, there were a couple complications during the procedure, but everything turned out okay. we'll keep them in here for two weeks, in observation, but we're confident that they'll be leaving in less than a month".
-> for the first time in hours, todoroki actually breath.
-> the doctors allowed him into your room, and he decided to stay there until you could leave.
-> NOBODY was allowed there, besides your family and doctors.
-> he really felt like anyone else would hurt you.
-> when you woke up, he was sleeping besides you.
-> "oh, you're awake, baby, you're awake" as soon as he saw you, he took you into his arms.
-> after the doctors gave you permission to leave, he was right by to your side the whole time.
-> at the dorms, todoroki woke up before you to help you get ready, and went to sleep after so he made sure you were okay.
-> izuku understood your boyfriend worried, but highkey worried about his health.
-> for a while, todoroki ignored yaoyorozu existence, even if he knew it wasn't actually her fault, he hated that you put yourself in danger for someone else.
-> with time, you recovered and todoroki started to go back to his usual self.
-> but everyone remembered how hard can be to todoroki when his loved ones are in danger.
-> im sorry this doesn't have so much fluff
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shoji mezou.
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-> with shoji, we're going to skip right after you get injured.
-> because i'm sure he wouldn't be upset at whoever you were protecting.
-> he's a very logical dude, and understand you were doing your job as a hero.
-> and he loves you for it.
-> when they told him you got wounded, he tried real hard to hide how worried he was.
-> you are pretty strong, and lowkey stubborn so you accept getting treated instead of saying "it was nothing"?
-> it has to be at least a little serious.
-> but he's shoji, he's cool headed, he doesn't let his feelings cloud his judgement.
-> turns out, that rule didn't apply to you.
-> don't get me wrong, he didn't get violent like bakugou or todoroki.
-> he did freaked, asked recovery girl about your condition every five minutes.
-> "can i see them now? oh, right, sorry... are they alright? when will they be able to leave? can i go in now?"
-> no one had ever seen him so openly worried.
-> it's really observant, if you go back to school right after the incident, will notice immediately if something is wrong.
-> like you're in pain, or even uncomfortable because of your injury.
-> ask for permission to take you back to the dorms, you need to get rest and won't even argue about it.
-> if you have to stay in bed for a couple of days, be sure he will spend his day there.
-> tries everything to take your mind off your boring room.
-> tells you stories, lame jokes, keeps you updated on the class gossip, even if he usually doesn't like that kind of stuff.
-> "huh, yeah, midoriya and uraraka? right, they like each other, hm, i saw them having lunch together"
-> he might be a human radar but it's pretty much clueless when it comes to this things.
-> "they always have lunch together, mezou!" be nice to him, he's trying his best ):
-> i think everyone expects shoji to be soft when it comes to you, but not that soft.
-> once they saw him carrying you in his arms down the stairs, because "your wound hurt".
-> tokoyami was certainly shocked to see his friend like that.
-> is always hugging you with one or two of his arms.
-> will try to cook healthy meals, but fails.
-> he wants you to have enough nutrients and heal properly, okay?
-> buys you your favorite snacks and candies before going to the dorms.
-> shoji doesn't want his beloved s/o to get depressed for being locked up too long, and gives his best to make you feel happy.
-> is insanely shy about it though, and will try to hide his excellent-boyfriend side.
-> lots!! of!! cuddles!!
-> if you're okay with it, will take advantage of the situation and cuddle you like crazy.
-> i mean, you can't get out of bed and he just happens to have six arms willing to keep you warm and cozy.
-> is your number one caretaker and will continue being it until you feel better bc he's best boi 🥰
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tokoyami fumikage.
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-> just as todoroki, he's intense af.
-> if you're apart, he would text you everyday, you know, just checking.
-> even when he went away to work with hawks, still managed to find the time to talk to you.
-> benefits of being his s/o.
-> and it was at that time you got into an accident.
-> he instantly got worried when you didn't reply to his text after an hour, two hours, three hours.
-> you usually let him know if you're busy, but you just said you were going on a walk with kaminari.
-> hawks saw him getting upset, and gave him permission to go see you.
-> just when he was going out, midoriya called him.
-> "hi, tokoyami, i'm sorry i didn't call you before, um, please don't freak out, y/n got... y/n got hit by a car, but she's okay! it was not as bad as it sounds! we're at recovery–"
-> it wasn't tokoyami who got out of control, it was dark shadow.
-> poor thing got so scared something happening to you, he took tokoyami and flew towards you.
-> when he arrived, kaminari, midoriya, and a couple of your friends were outside u.a.'s infirmary.
-> turns out, while walking with kaminari, messing around, he got distracted and cross the street without looking.
-> the car managed to stop a little but you pushed him out the way and got hit anyways.
-> since there wasn't anything too damaged, recovery girl had already cured you when tokoyami arrived.
-> "are you alright, my love?" he wasn't that good with words, but you felt his worry through his eyes.
-> he couldn't avoid touching your face and arms while you were in the gurney.
-> i think he's those kind of guy who moves frenetically his hands when he's nervous.
-> you had to grab both his hands bc he was getting you nervous lol.
-> "they're fine, but i recommend having a few days off, in case your leg hurts more than normal, let me know, okay?" and with that, dark shadow took you to your room.
-> as worried as he was, he tried to keep his temper.
-> "are you sure you don't need anything? dark shadow can help you down stairs, i can do it too, something to eat, maybe? or s–"
-> you'd have to tell him ten times you're alright, and repeat it another twenty times.
-> and he would still ask you spontaneously.
-> while you're at the dorms and he's at class, people keep asking him how are you.
-> he says you're okay and he isn't worried, but dark shadow practically cries saying how much he misses you.
-> "fumikage misses them too, all he does is thinking about them"
-> tokoyami blushes hard if he can.
-> takes notes in class and gives you your late homework.
-> also helps you do it but do NOT give you the answers, you're smart enough to do it by yourself.
-> "see? i knew you could do it, my love"
-> leave me alone he only calls you my love.
-> he isn't a fan of cuddles, but seeing you in that condition?
-> is one of the few times he ASKS YOU to cuddle.
-> strokes your hair, gives you head kisses.
-> i strongly believe he sings to make you feel better.
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softer-ua · 4 years
i want horikoshi to have the balls for uraraka to actually get over her crush on deku. id like to see it happen. it would be refreshing, could give her the opportunity to finally grow out of her "poorly developed love interest" box. katsuki's plot has become a major deterrent to her developing relationship with deku whether you see bkdk as romantic or not and deku showing exactly 0 serious romantic interest in her doesn't help.
ppl say there's a double standard when it comes to ppl complaining about her character being focused solely around deku when katsuki is the same, but to me they're not the same at all.
first of all, most of the characters' developments are influenced by deku because he's the MC. that's what he's supposed to do.
katsuki's development in relation to deku makes sense because of their shared baggage and backstory. they've known each other for over a decade and katsuki's treatment of izuku is one of his character's biggest sins. meanwhile for uraraka, deku is a classmate she's known for less than a year.
katsuki does not develop solely around deku. he has a lot of important solo struggles and moments. his toxic relationship with weakness and failure, his friendships with kirishima, kaminari, todoroki, the remedial classes, getting kidnapped, kamino and his guilt over it, his relationships with all might and endeavor, his goals of being number one,etc. in fact i felt that up until the most recent arcs, he improved himself in the background first and foremost, and only recently has the focus shifted to his relationship with deku and what he's doing to improve it. he is also arguably the most transformative character for deku outside of like... all might. the impact these two have on each other is huge (that said i would like to see an arc of them separated)
uraraka is the opposite. up until aoyama pointed out her crush, she was a cool character with tons of potential. she was super transformative for deku as his first friend, the one who made deku into dekiru, and generally recognized him. in the sports festival she denies deku's help and thinks up her own cool strategy, a major moment for both her and bakugou. afterwards... i feel like im watching a pitiful version of sakura. yeah she has her moments with toga, but even those are deeply connected to izuku. and all of it is so one-sided. she does not do anything for him anymore. what better example than the JTA incident. insulting bakugou riled deku up so much he unlocked a whole new aspect of his quirk, and uraraka jumping on him wasn't enough to calm him down. his care for bakugou was greater than his care for her. it's honestly such a disservice to her, because even when she's trying she falls short compared to bakugou, who's one of the most complex and subtly developed characters in the series. todoroki has filled the secondary role she could've had as tertiary protagonist, and momo is a far more compelling female lead, has taken a major role in leading the class.
i cannot think of a single struggle of uraraka's character that was not connected in some way to deku even when that connection detracted from the struggle and made it a joke to watch. her best recent chapter was the one where she was solo saving people. give us more of that instead of forcing a relationship with izuku that's just not there. toga is faaaar more compelling to me than her.
And it's a shame because I think she could've been great.
I full believe that something behind the scenes is at play with Urarakas character
She was one of Horis first characters, she’s been around almost as long as Bakugo has, her character role was supposed to be someone who could keep up with and draw Deku out of his bubble and we can see that in action until just after the sports festival
I don’t think it’s just that Katsuki’s character took a larger role because Hori has said that he’s known that Katsuki was going to be a major influence on Deku and more than an antagonist since DvsK and Uraraka still retained her relevance and role long afte that
Other characters have taken back seats to Katsuki, like literally everyone but specifically Iida, Todoroki, and even Tokoyami have all lost some of their plot time to Katsuki despite being shown to be build a friendship with Deku.
Tokoyami obviously has suffered from that the most, Iida kinda dropped off the radar for a bit but it’s hinted here and there’s that he’s very much around and that he’s been busy taking up the mantle of Ingenium, Todo mange’s to be relevant to Katsuki’s growth as well as Deku’s so he stays in the game
But Uraraka has gotten none of that, the only time she’s shown anymore is to remind the audience that she has a crush on Deku.
She had a whole ass internship with Tsu and Nejire(one of the big three!) with Ryukyu(the number 9 hero!) and we saw like none of it
In fact we don’t see much of Tsu or Nejire when their plot intertwines with Urarakas, but both have received fun character plot boosts or small updates outside of her involvement.
It feels like Hori is avoiding her character tbh, like Uraraka has almost become a negative plot factor at this point.
The only thing I can really say that might explathe wedge is Uraraka disagreeing to go rescue Kacchan after which she kinda doubles down on getting over her crush, but it backfired and made her a little obsessive about it
But that hasn’t had the plot relevance to be the actual reason.
I think someone in the chain of command isn’t happy about Hori having such a focus on Deku and Kacchan at the same time as Uraraka tries to develop as a solo character, and it’s backed her character development into a corner by the default of Katsuki simply being a more important character to the overall story
Like maybe Hori just isn’t allowed to have her actually stop crushing even though it’s where her character is supposed to go and now she’s stuck in supporting cast love interest jail
Mrs.FlipPhone isn’t allowed to pass go or collect 200$, she gonna be poor and single Pringled until someone pays her bail 😔
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dumbbitchenergy17 · 4 years
Extra Part 9
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U.A. a school for students to learn how to become the best Pro-Hero. When young Y/n Midoriya returns from her traveling to be accepted through recommendation. What awaits her when she meet the explosive blonde Katsuki Bakugo
Words- 3062
Katsuki Bakugo x Midoriya!Reader, Izuku Midoriya x Cousin!Reader
Warning-Spoilers from show and Hero license Arc, and fighting scenes.
Series Masterlist
You had followed Bakugo around the city-like district for a while with no encounters with any other examinees. “Bakugo you shouldn’t just run off.” You called after him as he began climbing up a ladder to a highway.
“Hey Kaminari why did you follow us?” Kirishima asked right behind you as you all climbed.
“I dunno. Cause you guys started running then Y/n followed. I didn’t wanna end up alone” Denki answered. “Where are we going?”
“SHUT UP.” Bakugo yelled not wanting to be with you all.
“Why you always gotta be so mad?” Denki complained.
“I told you to chill out Bakugo.” Kirishima scolded the blonde, “Looks like there’s a lot of people up there.” Bakugo was the first to get onto the street with you following and Kirishima and Kaminari behind you, “So I think the four of us should work together.” Kirishima states.
“Go die.” Bakugo huffs
“Come on man.” Kirishima groans.
You sigh following the blonde “We just need to find someon-”
“LOOK OUT!” Kirishima yells as he pushes you forward out of the way of an attack. He grabbed by some flesh like blob
“Kirishima!” Denki cries out you watch in horror as he is smushed up into a ball of goop and that’s when you see that you're not alone. In front of the three of you is a student from Shiketsu holding the Kirishima blob surrounded by more blobs of other students. ‘I think his name was Shishikura’ you thought “What the crap. Did that really just happen?” Denki looks at the blobs of students.
“All I know is that bastard looks like he’s to blame.” Bakugo growls out stepping forward, “So I’ll kill him.”
“I’m from Shiketsu. Please notice my school keeps our hats on when we’re working,” Shishikura stated, holding the blob of Kirishima that twitched and moved every so often. “Why’s that because each and every one of our movements is crowned by the legacy and honor of our school.” He drops Kirishima, him falling, lying with the other blobs. “This is a demonstration. Proof of the difference in level between my peers and your vulgar class. We value obligation and dignity things that appear to be sorely lacking among you.” 
Bakugo smirks back at the student in front of you three “I really hate your type.” 
Kaminari pales and glances at you “He’s hard to follow. Makes me feel kinda dumb.”
“He said his beady eyes are full of tears, so he can’t see how strong his opponents are” Bakugo mocks him making you chuckle.
“My eyes are dry and handsome, thank you!” He yells
“Hey. Maybe don’t provoke this guy?” Kaminari tries to warn Bakugo, “Look what he did to Kirishima!” A ‘tch’ comes from Bakugo as both him and the Shiketsu student glare at each other.
“U.A High I have respect for your school. I take pride in the fact that our institutions are treated as equals.” He leans forward flesh coming from behind his back, “But your class is shameful, you act in ways that disgrace heroes.”
“He’s attacking again! I don’t wanna be gross!” Kaminari hides behind you as you watch to see what Bakugo is going to do.
“Bakugo don’t do anything reckless.” You warn him
“Shut up! ‘Obligation?’ ‘Dignity?’ you just like to hear yourself talk. I don’t see any proof. Show us with your actions, not your cheap words. If you can.” He taunts him a grin on his face.
“Beast. You’re worst of all, Bakugo!” He yells kneading five fingers out of thin air and launches them towards you all. You get ready to defend a red haze surrounding your hands, while Bakugo uses one of his special moves.
“AP Shot. Auto-Cannon!” Little explosions are sent flying towards the fingers destroying the flesh some of the explosions hitting Shishikura. “I had to make a weak version so I didn’t kill anyone.” Bakugo smirks as Shishikura gets back up 
“You know what, this is why everyone’s terrified of you- you’re way too hardcore!” Kaminari watches his friend in fear. The flesh that Bakugo had destroyed started floating back to Shishikura’s arms.
“So those weird flesh things just float back to him?” You question as his arms go back to normal.
“I see now. I’ll teach you a lesson by breaking you.” He calls out more flesh leaving his arms surrounding him.
“Uh Bakugo you better think of something or we’re gonna end up like Kirishima.” You called out ready to fight.
“This will show you what it means to be dignified and behave like a hero!”
“What is up with this disgusting dude?” Kaminari shivers grossed out by this whole situation.
“He thinks he’s better than us,” Bakugo rushed towards him, “But I bet he’ll shut up when I-”
“Hey, wait don’t forget we’re in the middle of a test!” Kaminari calls out as you both watch as the blonde goes to attack,
“That’s exactly why I’ll kill the guy!”
“Bakugo stop, we have to focus on the task at hand.” You yell out.
Flesh shoots out towards Bakugo as Shishikura yells, “Absurd!” You and Kaminari both rush to fight as you use your quirk to hold pieces of flesh while Bakugo explodes them.
“Ugh let’s get this fight over with,” Kaminari puts some projectiles into his new gear and fires towards him, “Maybe this’ll speed things along.”
Shisikura dodges. “You should work on your aim.” He comments sending an attack towards Kaminari but you stop it sending the flesh back to him creating a shield in front of you and Kaminari as more flesh heads towards the two of you. “And your look. Maybe I can make you something more appealing.”
“Enough talk. Die!” Bakugo yells, sending another AP Shot towards your opponent. A huge explosion happens, smoke covering your field of vision clearing to show him covered with flesh in front of him as a shield.
“You’ve left yourself open.”
“Kacchan!” You yell but are too late when there is a lump of flesh on his shoulders.
“What the-”
“You weren’t paying attention. I had a piece of flesh sneak beneath us. You saw Kirishima earlier once I touch you, you’re my plaything.” Bakugo struggles to free himself as he begins to get smushed into a lump
“Bakugo!” Kaminari and you both rush to his rescue.
“Hey! Idiot! Fix this!” Bakugo yells at you, tossing something to you, and you both have no choice but to watch him turn into a lump of flesh like the others. 
“Pathetic. You must be remade from scratch.” You both look at the blob that is Bakugo that squirms.
“No way!” Kaminari eyes widened and you look at Shishikura with disgust.
“This is a demonstration. The test has an unusually low passing rate at first this seemed counterintuitive given our current world. With All Might retired, wouldn’t it make more sense to flood the streets with heroes? And so, I must assume that their goal is to weed out the riff raff. We can surmise that they’ve starting to be more selective in order to bring the profession of hero to a higher level. And I agree with this way of thinking so I decided to thin the herd myself.” Shishikura rattled on about the reason he was here.
“You’re not even focusing on the test.” You frowned.
“You’re ignoring the test because you think you’re superior? What are you, a crazy person?” Kaminari looks at the guy across from the two of you in confusion.
“I’m simply separating the mediocre and extraordinary,” He brings his foot up pressing down against the lump of Kirishima, “By the way, your comrades here still feel pain in this form. Your untamed electricity will torture your friends if you use it.” He points out and he was right Kaminari quirk can sometimes go out of control when he uses it.
“Ugh you’ve been doing nothing but hurling insults at us this entire time. I’m kinda starting to take it personally, ya know.” Kaminari sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Then perhaps you are more self-aware than I thought I’d take time to reflect on your failure.” He sends flesh fingers towards the two of you.
“How about you reflect on this!” You yell, throwing the object Bakugo had given you a explosion happening, sending his attack halting.
Both you and Kaminari dodge a piece of flesh heading towards you, “Those ugly-ass gauntlets of his aren’t just some kind of fashion statement. He can use that gear along with his nitro sweat to create simple grenades.” You replied, getting ready to retaliate.
“That’s it! He tossed it to you.” He put the pieces together. You and Kaminari both stood fully a red haze surrounding your hands as the same red followed your eyes.
“By the way, big shot.” Kaminari called out holding out his hand that had sparks coming from it, “You stumbled into a really killer spot.” Shishikura tries to run away but you use your quirk to keep him in place as Kaminari fires electricity at him. He falls down sparks coming from him, it all made sense with Kaminari new gear he would be able to attack without hurting his teammates. That was the same thing with Bakugo; he had used smaller explosions not because he wanted to test out a new move, so he wouldn’t hit Kirishima, Kaminari, and you. He actually had you all on his mind.
“Listen up. Bakugo might seem like a total jerk on the surface, but he’s actually trying really hard to be a pro hero.” You defend the blob of a friend in front of you and you could see that Bakugo was slowly going back to normal. “He threw that grenade to me while being attacked. That was a result of calm judgement and planning and Kirishima is a such a good dude that he rushed into enemy territory for his friends, even thought it was a totally stupid thing to do.” you continued on as Kirishima started going back to normal. “You only know bits and pieces of these guys. Don’t insult what you don’t know!” You yell a ball of red energy forming at your hand and Kaminari readies his electricity.
“I’ll teach you both to be more aware of your place. You degenerates!” He yells and you both get ready to attack but a punch to the gut by Kirishima stops him followed by an explosion sends him flying back.
“The more damage he takes, the more people get released.” Kirishima points out.
“No wonder he was only using long-distance attacks.” Bakugo replies and they both turn to the two of you.
“Thanks for the save you guys.” Kirishima nods.
“You idiot. What took so long?” Bakugo yelled, flicking your forehead “Oww I just saved you guys.” You rubbed the spot he flicked.
“Why are you so mean?” Kaminari cries, “No one’s ever gonna like you if you act that way! Woah, look behind you!” Kaminari points behind you three. “Those other flesh balls are all waking up.” You watch as the other capture students turn normal getting up. Bakugo licks his lips looking at the multiple students
“We’ve got targets.”
The four of you standoff to the new opponents. One opponent looks and sees the four of you standing across from them. “Hey! They’re from U.A.” They yell and everyone else notices as well and gets ready to fight.
“So game plan?” Kirishima asks, hardening one of his arms.
“We fight.” You yell running past them going straight into fighting, knocking down a few students with a blast of energy using hand to hand combats mixed in with your psionic energy.
“You heard her.” Bakugo smirks rushing after joining in on the fight. You and Bakugo work in tandem you using your quirk to weaken them physically then sending them Bakugo way to finish them off with his quirk. You also used your quirk on the defensive stopping people from hitting your friends targets and you own as well. Bakugo and Kirishima were able to get their two targets with Kaminari following right after. You made you way over to one of the students that were knocked out going to get your final person.
“Y/n watch out!” Kaminari yells and you turn just in time to see someone rushing towards you trying to hit your target. A red haze surrounds their body as they almost touch you but you bend backwards, one of your arms going to the ground as the other flings over your head. The person follows right as you bend back flying right over you hitting one of the walls getting knocked out. You stand upright getting your final person the target on you lighting up blue and you turn to look at the three guys all of them shocked. Some are better than others at hiding it, Kaminari’s jaw is on the floor as you go over to them.
“That was so cool Midoriya.” Kirishima compliments you and you smiled.
“Cool! That was so badass you were like woosh and then that guy went right over you. How did you even do that?” Kaminari was fanboying over what you just did making you laugh and Bakugo huff.
“Relax Denki, I’ve just been training a lot now that’s all.” You patted him on the shoulder heading off toward the designated area for people who passed. Kaminari turned to the other guys
“She called me Denki.” He freaked over a girl calling him by his first name,
“That is your name though Kaminari.” Kirishima pointed out.
“Yeah but she didn’t call you guys by your first name huh.” Kaminari pointed to the two other boys.
“Shut up Spark Plug.” Bakugo growled explosions popping from his hands.
You had finally made it away from the city area and was heading towards the anteroom when an announcement went off “Oh. 4 more one after the other our total’s at 83.” The voice droned off continuing to announce.
“Whoa, this entire arena’s going insane.” Kirishima said as you could see fighting happening off in the distance.
Kaminari looked forward before pointing “Hey, look, some of our classmates.” You could also see that Izuku, Uraraka, and Sero had passed as well. “Aw, yeah! Class-A represent!” Kaminari cheered heading over to the three of them.
“Oh you know it! Our class is amazing! We did it!” Uraraka smiled and her and the three other boys began to dance leaving you, Izuku and Bakugo on the side. 
“Hey Izuku! What happened to your face?” You rush over to your cousin looking at the cut on him, coddling him making him turn red. You both saw Bakugo making his way over to you two.
“So you passed, too. How’d you manage that, Deku?” His face showing hidden anger
“Kacchan. Hey!” Izuku greeted him and you could see he was getting nervous. 
“Guess I shouldn’t be surprised with that Quirk you got.” He grumbles walking past the two of you and you hear Izuku gasp and begin to freak out. “It looks like you’ve made that borrowed power your own.” Bakugo said, walking off to the anteroom.
You look over to your cousin and he seemed deep in thought at what Bakugo had said. “Izuku does Bakugo know about your quirk?” You both begin to make you way out of the arena with the others following behind you.
“Uh that’s complicated.” You both enter the anteroom seeing more of your classmates there.
“Oh, hey! What a relief. I was starting to get so worried.” Momo smiled as you guys walked up to her.
“No need to worry about us, Yao-momo.” Kaminari answers, “What’s up? When did you guys pass? You been here long?”
“We just finished as well. Todoroki beat us.” Shoji pointed over to where the bi-colored boy was sitting.
“I was kinda shocked Bakugo wasn’t here already.” Jiro added seeing him arriving with the group. “But I get it now. It’s because you were with him.”
“Oh come on! Why is everyone dragging me today? Y/n and I actually helped them!” He cried out in frustration.
“Oh I know she probably had to watch over the three of you to make sure you passed but surprised you did something.” Jiro looked over to you.
“They were completely helpless.” You tease them and Bakugo is ready to beat you up will Kaminari cries feeling dumb. You head over to where Izuku is and there he was talking to Todoroki.
“Looks like only twelve from our class have passed.” Todoroki gets a headcount of the people you’re with.
“So nine more to go.” Izuku states and Momo walks up to the group. “And the announcement said only 17 spots left.” You all look at the tv where it was showing live footage from the arena. Come on guys you can do it.
Ms. Joke and Mr. Aizawa watch from the bleachers as the fight continues on. “Wow. seven people just passed at the same time. That leaves only ten open spots.” The announcement goes off. Ms Joke laughs standing up seeing the people heading towards the anteroom.
“Ha! Those seven were all from my class! See e’m? They’re heading into the anteroom.”
From inside the anteroom you see more people come in all not from your class.
“Looks like our class,” Momo trails off.
“Still has nine people who haven’t passed.” Jiro finishes for her as the time begins to run out, “I hate to say it, but it’s not sounding good for us.”
“Come on guys you can do it.” You whisper to yourself watching the tv. You all watch as UA comes together taking out a swarm of examinees and then you hear the alarm go off.
“The last students passed! Every stop is now filled. One hundred students will advance! The end is finally here! Wah-hoo” The announcer yells excitedly. 
“Yeah!” Kaminari and Kirishima cheer as you class freaks out.
“Our entire class passed the test, I’m so excited!” Uraraka beams, throwing her hands up
“Aw, man! I am so proud of us!” Sero cheers.
“We all made it!” You smile looking around at your other classmates.
“We really pulled it off, you guys.” Izuku sighs out in relief as your classmates on the field begin to join you all. A step closer in getting our licenses.
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aikrus · 4 years
Little Looks
Fandom: Bnha / Mha
Pairings: Todoroki x Reader, Bakugo x Reader  Warnings: Takes place in season 4, references Child abuse, nods to scarring from parental figures, and breakups Words: 7,106 Requested by: No one, but feel free to request!!  Request/Summary: Everyone has things to deal with, just as everyone has different ways to cope. Some push away those they love, others cry themselves to sleep. There are also the few who throw themselves into helping others. No matter how you cope with the struggles you face, a helping hand rarely hurts.
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      The walls between the dorms were a little too thin. Everything could be heard across the shallow space that separated the students, it was hard to hide anything. Whether it be their taste in music, friends, or tv shows, your dorm-neighbor knew everything about them.
In Y/n’s case, her unfortunate neighbor had to hear her talking to Shoto late into the night. Ever time he walked her to her room, every time he spent the night- they heard every goodbye and I love you, but now...
Bakugo didn’t like to bother himself with class drama. He never cared about who was dating who or people’s preferences- it held no effect on him so why would he? That was... until he met her.
Y/n was this spunky girl who always had an opinion but never bothered to share it. She always had something to say, but the words never passed her lips. He always wondered what she was thinking about, why she wouldn’t say it. But then he found out.
Y/n held onto all her words, every opinion she had everything she would have said. She kept them to herself- until she could spill every word in her heart to Half-n-Half. 
It hurt, but he got it. That bastard was her boyfriend- it only made sense that she would tell him more than anyone else. Doesn’t mean it hurts less. It fucking sucked.
Lying in bed- long after he usually fell asleep, Katsuki had to hear her squeal into the phone, hear her laugh and joke, he had to hear her fall in love. With every passing second, it hurt more and more, and the pillow he clutched onto over his head did nothing to muffle her voice. Bakugo was curled into a ball, tears streaming down his face while he cried- silent sobs shaking his body and making him feel like there was a hole in his chest. Maybe there was.
She was perfect, the only person he could stand in this god-awful world. It was hard to pinpoint when he first fell in love with her, with the loud girl who said nothing. 
Perhaps it was the entrance exams- despite being in his arena she came out on top. Sacrificing moments for others yet still getting a few good points herself. Besides, seeing a cute girl take down a huge robot for no reason other than she wanted to (the person she was saving didn’t matter) was really hot. 
But maybe it was the first day when she came second in the class ranking for the stupid tests Aizawa Sensai made them do. Competing against her made him feel challenged- but it was in a different way than he felt with Deku or Half-N-Half- it was a good way. 
It also could have been during the break-in at the natural disaster center. Watching her fight her way back to the entrance and seeing her run in front of others to defend her classmates definitely made him respect Y/n more than he had before- more than he respected everyone else.
He couldn’t forget about the Sports Festival. Seeing her fight her way to the top, Y/n was always kind until it was time she wasn’t. The intensity she fought with proved that she was there for a purpose. Sure she was a little messy, but she got herself first place. Watching her fight against Todoroki was amazing, she used everything she had, and there were so many new tricks that no one had seen before, it was amazing. 
Bakugo had to have fallen in love with her by the time internships rolled around. She had convinced Aizawa-Sensai to take her on for an internship (something that hasn’t happened for years), and he watched her change into a different person, seeing her mature and think through every possibility was breath-taking, and he loved her, even more, every time she predicted someone’s next move. 
And even if he didn’t love her by then, he adored her by the time camp rolled around. She owned the forest with how she used her quirk and the way she pushed herself further than anyone else was amazing. He also enjoyed seeing that there was someone there other than him who could function in a kitchen. Seeing her cook for her classmates proved how much she cared for everyone, even though she wasn’t particularly close with most of them.
Seeing the look of pain on her face when he was taken from the camp hurt him more than anything the villains did to him. They had never actually talked much at that point, but he knew she cared for him by the pain in her eyes. She was all he thought about when he was being held, and when she reached out to him during the rescue it felt like everything was right with the world.
And now he had to watch her seem to fall into a depression. While he was making up for failing the license exam she was doing her work study, and she was doing it all with stupid Deku. 
The first day they sat at lunch, she sat in her usual seat with Yaoyarozu. After that, she and Deku ended up sitting next to each other- both with painful looks in their eyes. Bakugo couldn’t look at her, she had so much sorrow in those y/e/c eyes of hers, he was thrown back to when he was kidnapped- and he couldn’t handle that again.
Ever since she joined Deku and the weirdo from the big-three, she was crying. Every night, right after silence had taken over the building, he would hear these soft, gasping cries from her room. It hurt to hear them, it always sounded so painful.
Y/n had always been used to crying herself to sleep, self-soothing was a given ability when a person has a quirk people feared. She was used to the pain, the abuse, she could take it. 
She could handle the lying in bed for hours awake, silently crying herself to sleep. She was used to the teary eyes and the burning in her throat from wanting to scream but knowing that making a sound wasn’t an option. She knew what it was like to not be able to breathe, to have to hold on to her stomach from the wrenching pain and keep a hand on the top of her head from the migraine that would form. 
In time though, she had gotten sloppy. Having a laughing, caring personality ruined her stone-wall approach to problems like these, and she was louder than she was at home- Y/n blamed this on the dorms. It made her soft. 
Of course she was crying about Eri, if she had just gone with her instinct- every fiber in her being was telling her to get the girl as far away from Overhaul as possible. She should have done what she believed in- Mirio had stopped her. Y/n understood where he was coming from, but he should have followed her on this. Midoriya was being over-emotional if he hadn’t been so abrasive with the pair then maybe...
No! She couldn’t blame anyone else, this was her fault. The girl was in her arms, she was holding onto her, and Y/n let her go. She ran back to him; because he was going to get violent. She saw it in his eyes, and she was willing to take the blow so that Y/n and her friends wouldn’t get hurt. What a brave little girl.
And sure, the whole Todoroki situation wasn’t making her feel any better. He had pulled Y/n aside earlier that day. She assumed he would talk to her about her sudden mood change, but that wasn’t what happened. He told her that he didn’t want to break up, but he needed a break to focus on catching up with everyone else.
Since then, he hasn't said a word to her. He avoided his girlfriend at all costs, and it really hurt. He told her that they weren’t over, was that because he still wanted to be with her but was overwhelmed, or because he wanted to be done with her but wanted to keep her there if he ever felt like coming back? Was he busy, or did he just not love her anymore?
Her quirk did her no favors, Override was constantly giving her anxiety, and the effect it had on others only hurt more. Sure she could have read his thoughts, but was Y/n ready to hear that answer? Was this her destiny? To fuck everything up and cry herself to sleep?
The gasps were sharper now, they cut through her chest like a dagger and echoed in her room. She wanted sleep, Y/n had been fighting off insomnia for the majority of her life, but it always worsened with stress.
At times like these, she would usually turn to Shinso, a fellow student who ended up in the General Studies course despite having a similar quirk to her. He approached her after the festival to ask about her quirk, and once they saw how similar they were, they learned to latch on to each other.
It was rare to connect with someone with a similar quirk outside of one’s own family, but Shinso and Y/n was a blessing in disguise. They connected with each other over people's fear of them, telling them they would be better as villains. Trust came hard for them, people always assumed they would manipulate their way to the top. 
Both having the ability to dictate other's actions was a unique coincidence, and surprisingly Shinso wasn’t overly-jealous of Y/n’s other abilities. Having someone able to read his mind was a nice way to keep him in check, plus they could communicate without others over-hearing what he was saying.
Sure knowing that she also had the power to use a shimmery, translucent, deep red, aura-like stream of fog to manipulate and move objects was a little bothersome, but that just meant he didn’t have to get up and grab his own tray at lunch. 
Sadly, Y/n remembered that Shinso had been pulling all-nighters to train on his own, so it was a safe assumption that he would be asleep by now- exhausted by his training. Shoto was also out of the question, he wanted nothing to do with her.
Her other friends wouldn’t be able to talk with her about what was going on, they were sworn to secrecy, and she wasn’t close to anyone else that was doing hero-work with her. Deku was nice and all, but he was too high-strung. He also wouldn’t understand why it was bothering her so much. No one would understand, except for Shoto.
The small gasps still echoed throughout the room, and she rotated her pillow every few minutes to get away from the water. It was so cold, it was so quiet. All alone, she had no one- no one was there, no one cared about here, they would be fine without her- she was always gonna be alone-
Short shallow knocks rasped at her door, snapping Y/n out of the hyperventilating breaths she had fallen into. 
“You okay in there?” A gruff voice asked, stained with sleep and lack of usage.
“Y-yeah, I’m fine,” she called out, not entirely sure of who she was talking to. 
“Okay,” the voice said. It was awkward waiting for a response, but neither wanted to talk before the other.
“Goodnight,” he whispered, almost unsure of whether Y/n would hear him or not, and he almost hoped she didn’t, but the shallow ‘night’ that echoed back to him proved she had better ears than he thought she did.  
That morning she woke up to a cheery song being played through her wall. Normally waking up to someone blaring music would have pissed her off, but Kelly Clarkson's What Doesn’t Kill You was echoing through her floor, and it almost felt like it was being played for her- as ridiculous as it sounded. 
It was a stupid song, but she would invite Momo over for a hag-out / sleep-over after a stressful lesson or exam, and they would scream the words to the classic song. 
After getting into her school uniform, Y/n slowly made her way to breakfast. The smell of pancakes made their way into the halls, but she stopped by the room next to hers. She had never been in there, but seeing it in the light reminded her of who resigned in it. 
Bakugo Katsuki. The fiery blond that seemed to have a problem with everyone. The sparky guy who was always willing to fight for the smallest of reasons. The stranger that talked to her last night.
It was hard to imagine it. He had always been so aggressive, so hostile, the small voice that checked in on her last night just didn’t fit him, but still it made so much sense in a way that she couldn’t explain. 
The rest of the day was weird to say the least. Y/n and the other work study students were put on standby while they waited for news on the operation, but that was only one of the things that were out of place.
Ever now and then, Y/n would sneak a look at Bakugo. Had he even known it was her? Did is matter to him? Why had he reached out to her? Was there a reason? It was a difficult situation, but she’s faced worse scenarios before. 
For now, Y/n relished in the moments where she would catch him looking at her. The blush that would light up his face before he turned away from her, the way he would abruptly stop talking if they made eye contact, it made little butterflies scatter in her stomach, the kind of feeling where staying still isn’t an option, and the heat in her chest isn’t stemming from pain. The kind of feeling where what ifs and maybes flash in her vision.
She could see it, if they were together. She could see coffee dates, she could practically feel his hand holding hers. The walks after curfew, the shushing each other when they stay up late laughing. Maybe they could cuddle and watch movies, go on dates to paint the town red. He could be her prince, as long as he never hid her away in a tower.
Though Bakugo was never one to spend time on damsels in distress, at least not for a partner. He would want someone to ride along side him, someone to keep up and help him if he needed it. He wouldn’t want a fragile flower, and he would never treat her like she was. He wan’t an equal, not a follower.
Bakugo couldn’t think straight all day. She was everywhere he looked, always smiling, always doing something. She wouldn’t get out of his head, maybe that’s why he kept looking over at her. She was just so sad, it only makes sense that, as her classmate, he would worry about her. What if she brought down the class average? That wouldn’t be good.
And yes, he was playing a cheesy girl empowerment song, and no he wasn’t embarrassed. I mean sure, he was, but the smile on her face that morning definitely helped ease the pain.
He hadn’t told anyone about his feelings, why would he? And even if there was a reason, who would he tell? Sero’s a dumb ass, Mina would gossip to the entire school, Denki would do something stupid, and Kirishima would never shut up about it. It made sense to just, keep it to himself. For now.
That night, laughter was heard from Y/n’s room for the first time in a while. And who could blame her? Even with all the pain she was facing right now, it was easy to laugh at Bakugo’s dumb jokes. The dad puns were so out of character for him, it was just the thing she needed. The best feeling though, was when they laughed together. 
His voice was slightly higher when he laughed. He was one of the people who laughed inwards- choking on the air he was trying to breath. It was a contagious kind of laugh that made those around him happier. It was so rare and beautiful, and it was so perfectly him. 
The jokes late at night morphed into a good morning and goodnight whispered through the drywall, which eventually became conversations while they got ready for bed or to face the school day.
After that, they would stop by each others room. It started with Y/n needed a towel (her’s were slowly stolen by the girls of 1-A), and Bakugo always had a few spare. 
This morphed into waiting for each other to walk together, which then became study sessions. After that, late night studying became hangouts. Whether it be a ridiculously sized puzzle or a horror movie, a cheesy chick-flick or slapstick comedy, they had movie nights more than they didn’t.
And then, it was more likely for them to be in the others room instead of their own. He would sit next to her, wrapped in a giant blanket watching hundreds of horror movies- but it was always followed by something stupid (fifty first dates became a staple). Maybe the jokes weren’t very funny, but it was enough to make Y/n laugh, so it was enought to make Bakugo laugh in return. And as she his behind her hair, she could see a little look her sent her way, his eyes twinkled and it almost felt like this was it- he was her soulmate. 
 And one night, after studying for an upcoming test, Bakugo fell asleep on her bed. It wasn’t out of the ordinary, but he usually would wake up from his naps hours ago- but Y/n guessed he would just spend the night.
But then, her phone rang. She darted out of her room to met with the other work-study students. They would leave to get Eri in the morning, but for now they needed sleep.
The mission was a success. Eri was saved, but nothings all sunshine and rainbows. There were many injuries. Luckily, Deku remained mostly healthy. That couldn’t be said for everyone thought. Mirio’s quirk was gone, and that was a harsh blow for him to take. The loss of Sir Nighteye devastated him and Y/n, who had grown close to the jokester during her short time with him.
However, that wasn’t the only thing weighting on Y/n. In the heat of the battle, one Mirio was taken out, Y/n was the only one able to protect Eri for around twenty minutes. All of the work was placed onto her. 
Override was an extraordinarily powerful quirk, and it has taken her years to gain control over it. It was often bigger than herself, responding to her emotions more often than her orders. The fight was fresh in her mind, the fear running through her, the adrenaline that kept her going. The pain in her body was everywhere, but it wasn’t about her. It was about the little girl who had felt too much and seen to little. 
She couldn’t give up, Eri had to be saved. Manipulating the large debris scattered around the room was the easy part. Throwing them at Overhaul and protecting Eri was second nature. It was too easy to put distance between them. It was Mirio that challenged her strength.
The anguish he was is seeped into her mind, Y/n’’s aura was easily tainted by the stress of others. Eri was small and had a heart of gold, Y/n knew she had full trust in the female would-be hero. It was Mirio that had his doubts. 
His fear attacked her, and his pain tangled her mind into knots with no walls to protect it. He made it hard to focus, and the pain was unbelievable- but she pushed through. Constantly rebuilding the barrier around Eri, moving Overhaul back further and further, until he was pinned.
It was then Y/n changed her focus. The strain Mirio put on her made the manipulation of the objects too difficult to maintain, so instead she focused on pinning Overhaul. She had to focus, one wrong move and he would be dead- Y/n couldn’t handle another persons blood on her hands.
The red aura that was an extension of herself enveloped his body. Working its way through his ears, in his mouth and noes, it slowly made its way to his brain. She wrapped around it, slowly encasing it wit her aura, until he had gone limp and completely immobile. 
She saw every thought in his head, the memories, his hopes, dreams, his greatest accomplishments and worse fears. She saw his neglection, how he was tossed aside. She witnessed his plan, how he was ignored by his father, and the awful things he did behind closed doors. What he said to the league, and the pain he was in right now.
The pain was triggering memories to come rushing up. UA was a great school, but Shoto was everywhere- scattered in her brain. He left, alone. He doesn’t love her anymore, he never did. The classroom was just a place where he fooled her tricked her. He abandoned her. He was like Overhaul’s mentor. The betrayal, the hurt.  She felt it from him, it seeped into her mind, twisting her reality. What he felt what he thought, they became a part of her. They mixed with her own emotions, her memories warped around his pain. 
Y/n was well aware of how this hurt him, and it hurt her when she did it. All the pain he was in was shared to her, straining and causing tears to form in her eyes. She could take it- the pain was nothing. Eri was all that mattered, she could hold on until help arrived. He couldn’t escape, she couldn’t let him. If she was going to be trash for the rest of her life,  if what they told her was right. If she was a villain, if she could never accomplish anything, if she would be no better than they said she was, at least she could do this. 
No one had come to save her, she had to save herself. There was not a chance in hell Y/n would let this poor little girl face the same pain she did, all the trauma and the hurt, it ruined her. It broke her, and Eri deserves more than what Y/n had. She can be free, she can be saved by someone other than herself.
Though Y/n and Overhaul were trapped in time, the outside world was still moving. Mirio was losing consciousness, and Eri was confused. All the noises had stopped, nothing was happening. Was it over? 
She crawled out of the rock pillar that had formed around her, and what she saw was terrifying. Ruble was everywhere, no where was like how it used to be. And there she was, the girl with the same look in her eyes, the one with the same marks on her body, the bigger version of herself. 
Why was there so much red in her air? Why wasn’t she moving? Where was everyone?
Most of the students had been cleared to go back to school. Eri was placed into isolation, and Mirio had a few more days left. Y/n was supposed to stay for a few more weeks. The duration that she used Override for was more than her mind could take, and her arms had several fractures from debris flying off when she was fighting. Her mind was put under such enormous amount of strain, it had put up amnesia walls to cope.
This has blocked many of the details of the passed few days linked to the significant trauma. While the school was aware of this as a possible drawback from her quirk, they had not made the preparations needed if this ever happened. As a result, she was not cleared to go until they had safely learned what she had blocked from her memory. 
News of this had spread faster than the teachers predicted, by the following day the entire school knew of Y/n’s condition. She herself was unaware of the barriers- the entire reason the amnesia walls exist is to prevent her from knowing. Because of this, Y/n only knew that she had injuries and was taken to the hospital.
Aizawa had stayed stayed at the hospital, looking in through her window from time to time to check in on her. He had been the one who knew the most about the girl. He had gone to her home with Allmight when they were getting parents permission for the students to move into the new campus. 
“Who’s next?” Aizawa asked, cramped next to the man who’s simply too big for this worlds current accommodations.
“Y/l/n Y/n, do you think her parents will be hard to convince?” Allmight asked, looking up from the girls file.
“Not a clue. She’s a sweet girl, but she has her moments where she shuts down. I suppose if her parents are a reflection of her personality, they would understand where we are coming from, but they might take a little convincing. Y/n’s a stubborn girl, I can only assume she gets that from her parents,”
“So who’s gonna take the lead?” All might said, awaiting a response from the sudden silence in the air.
The hero pair hadn’t notice when the driver took a turn down a rode leading to the darker side of town. The hero’s patrolled these streets more often than not- it was hard to assume any of there students, let alone one as bright as Y/n, was a part of this neighborhood. It’s rude to make assumptions, but the stereotypes surrounded these streets more than anywhere else. 
They pulled up to an apartment building. She lived on one of the highest floors, apartment 7D. The entrance to the building had no security nor doorman waiting for guests. No one greeted them, the base floor was abandoned. 
Ignoring the minor inconvenience of the broken elevator, the pair made there way up six flights of stairs with no complaints, only wondering how long the elevator had been broken for.
The lights in the halls flickered, and loud music carried through the thick doors. People were yelling in adjacent rooms, and a dog was barking somewhere. Then they approached the last, and only silent, door.
Aizawa knocked loudly, hoping Y/n’s parents could hear it over the noise of their neighbors. To their limited surprise, Y/n’s voice called out to them. 
“Who’s there?” Her cheerful voice was so out of place in this floor of people. She looked through the peep-hole, and was taken aback to see her teachers outside her door.
She unlocked the four locks she installed on her door, and greeted them. “Hello Sensai’s! I wasn’t expecting a visit,” she told them, opening her door. 
“Hello, young Y/l/n, are your parents home?” Allmight asked, smiling at the girl.
“Uhh, why don’t you both come inside? My neighbors can be noisy if they don’t know I have company over. I would have talked to them if you gave me a heads up,” she explained, opening her door all the way. 
The two cautiously entered her home, they made an effort not to be rude. Her apartment was small, if it could even be called that. She had a living room to the right of the door, and a small open kitchen to the left. A short hallway branched out in between, most likely holding a bedroom and bathroom. It was a petite apartment, one that they couldn’t believe could house multiple people.
“Don’t mind the bags on the counter, I just got home from grocery shopping. I was making myself a cup of tea, could I offer either of you something? I have tea, water, juice, I still have a hot pot of coffee if you would like,” she said, making her way to the kitchen to take the kettle of the eye.
“Some tea would be nice, if you wouldn’t mind,” Aizawa said, carefully eyeing the apartment before fallowing All might's lead and sitting on the couch.
“Of course, Allmight?”
“I wouldn’t mind some tea, thank you,” he said, his voice slowly getting lower.
The same thoughts were running through both of their heads. Everything was falling together. The walls had no family photos, just some of her with children they didn’t recognize, and a few with some of her classmates. A couple school awards were up on the walls, and the house had a few scattered decorations, such as small plants and white rugs, along with cream colored half-knitted blanket on a one-seater facing across the couch. This was the home of someone who preferred activities and socialization. There was no tv in sight. 
“Here you go, careful- they’re still hot,” Y/n said, giving them both their cups of tea. All of the mugs had either quotes from tv shows or beautiful designs, they all fit so perfectly with Y/n’s personality.
“So, Y/n,” Aizawa said, trying to figure out a way to phrase his words.
“I guess I should explain, huh?” She sighed and took a seat across from them, placing her mug on the coffee table and grabbing her knitting supplies. “I was emancipated a few weeks after my fourteenth birthday. Because I’m technically a minor, the government sealed away that information from all my school records, they worried about people having easy access to my information. I’ve lived in this apartment for around two years now. I have full legal control over my education and health, as well as my housing,”
“Well, we’re here to gather permission to move all of the students into dorms at the school. I’m not sure of your financial situation, but-”
“The government pays for my housing as long as it stays beneath 9,500 yen,”
“Then all we need is your signature to confirm that you have no objections to moving into the dorms, understanding that this is for your protection, and it will become our legal duty to keep you and the other students safe,”
Now, only three members of the school faculty knew of Y/n’s full situation, Allmight, himself, and principal Nezu. It was a tricky situation to be in. Y/n had full legal control over her medical care, but she was unaware of the situation. Typically, a person has an emergency contact that they are willing to give control to if they are ever deemed unable to make a fully informed decision for themselves. 
However, this person was not allowed to be a minor- and they haven’t found Y/n’s legal documentation of who this was. Because of all that, the doctors haven’t been able to preform any more tests or procedures on her. It was a risk, but Aizawa figured it was necessary.
“Y/n?” He called, after knocking on her hospital door.
“Eraserhead! I wasn’t expecting a visit, come in,” she said, smiling while she sat up. Her arm was in a sling, and her head was wrapped with gauze. 
“Y/n, I want to ask you a few questions if you don’t mind,” he said, sitting in the chair next to her. He had been with her or near her for the entire day leading up to the raid, so he knows the majority of what she did that day.
“Of course, go ahead!” She smiled, glad to finally have company. They had kept her in isolation to prevent ant triggers- but they didn’t tell her that people were forbidden from visiting. 
“I wanted to start by asking you a simple one. What is the last thing you remember happening?”
It took Y/n a few minutes to find an answer, but she settled on, “I remember Bakugo?”
Aizawa drew his eyebrows and took a deep breath in, “What do you mean exactly?”
“I don’t.. I don’t really know? The last thing I did before waking up here was with Bakugo,” the redness of her face and the fighting of her fingers were clear signs that she was becoming uncomfortable with the conversation- Aizawa knew that. But he couldn’t stop know, he had to know. This couldn’t be for nothing, he had to get something from this conversation. 
“Do you know what you two were doing? Where were you two?”
“We,” her breathing became shallow and broken, “Can we do this later?”
“I know this is hard, but I really need to know what you can remember before you were in the hospital,” he pushed harder, sitting up in his chair.
“I said I don’t remember,” Y/n said, pushing back in her bed and sitting up against the headrest.
“You don’t remember anything? You remember me,” Aizawa said, egging her to say more. 
“Or course, you’re my,”
A heavy silence filled the room. One filled with uncertainty and fear. It was a word on the top of her tongue, something so close yet in a wall of haze.
“Y/n?” He asked, slowly grabbing a hold of the girls hand once a look of terror came over her face. 
“You’re my...”
“You can do it Y/n,” he said, pushing her further, “Just think.”
“You... are my mentor. The internships, yeah! That’s how I know you,” She said, relaxing and sighing heavily.
“Y/n, where do you go to school?”
“I uhh.... I’m sorry. It’s right there,” she said, deeply exhaling. 
“That’s okay. You should get some sleep, I’ll come back later,” with a deep sigh he left the room. He didn’t dare look back at the girl sitting in the hospital bed. If he did, he would have saw it. The look of pain, of confusion that she had. It would be too much for him, it would break him. 
“Where the hell is she?” A booming voice echoed through the hospital, alerting most of the staff and all of the waiting visitors. 
“Sir, sir you need to calm down. She is in an isolation period right now-” 
“You think I give a fuck about isolation periods? You’ll tell me where she is, or i’ll go door to door looking for her myself!”
Aizawa didn’t have to walk far before he saw his student causing trouble for the poor nurse across the desk. It was embarrassing to everyone but the blonde pain in the neck.
“Bakugo, lower your voice,” he said, his voice not hiding the lack of sleep he’s gotten since the operation.
“Mr. Aizawa, do you know where Y/n is?” He said, his eyes still holding a hard edge to them.
“Bakugo,” he guided him to a sitting area where they could talk, “Y/l/n is currently suffering from one of the drawbacks from her quirk, it causes-”
“Amnesia walls, I know. She told me all about them, which is why I need to see her,” he said, forgetting who he was talking to exactly.
“Because of these walls,” he rolled his eyes, “the staff can’t be sure exactly what she remembers and what her mind blocked from her. We can’t risk negatively triggering her. We are all trying desperately to find a way to safely give her her memories back, but until then we only want to expose her to things she knows,” he did his best to explain the situation to his troublesome student, but he knew he would most likely fail.
Bakugo sat next to Y/n on her hospital bed, watching her read from a red leather-bound book. He was weary to let him do what he was, but it was legally the best thing to do. 
Bakugo had explained that Y/n confided many things to him- one of which was her intense fear of forgetting things after using her quirk. So much so, that she wrote everything that happened to her in a book as soon as she could get back to her dorm. While it wouldn’t have the most recent memories- including those of the actual mission- it would get her brain used to exposing itself to memories it blocked out.
Watching the situation from outside was peculiar. Reading her expressions had never been easier- her usually guarded expression became an open book. From her drawn together eyebrows and slight tears, to the squirming blush and her refusal to make eye-contact with the boy across from her, all of it made the situation seem so much more childish that it really was. 
Inside the room was weirder. The atmosphere differed paragraph to paragraph. From her blurting out the inside jokes they had made to mentioning the depressing conversations they had at two am made them laugh and cry. Once and a while she wouldn’t say anything- she was the only one out of the three to know why, but her secrets should stay with her.
Aizawa walked into the room once she had shut her journal. “That;s not everything you’ve thought and seen since the incident, the moments leading up to you using your quirk were never written down, but after a day or two of recovery some of the others present and I will do our best to fill you in on what you missed. Or, maybe you’ll remember on you own,”
“Alright, that sounds good. So, it seems I lost bits and pieces since I entered UA. Some things are still hazy, but my people’s chart is constantly update, so that helps,”
“People chart?” Bakugo asked, crossing his arms.
“Yeah, I have a chart of everyone that plays a part in my life, and I consistently update my emotions towards them. It’s helpful,” she said, blushing lightly.
“Right... I’d like to know what was in the most recent entry, just to see exactly how much you’re still missing,”
“Okay,” she said, re-opening her journal, “the last thing I wrote about was uhh...” she skipped over a few lines, “I got a phone call from Sir in the middle of the night,” she looked ahead, “Me and the other work-study students met up to talk about it. I went back to my room where- never mind. That’s the last thing!” She said, smiling and closing her book. 
“Sure,” Aizawa said, turning to walk out, “I’ll come back Morrow,” he shut the door when he left. Shacking his head lightly, he went back to check on Eri.
Y/n rapidly re-read pages of the book before looking up to Bakugo. “I have a question,”
“Well, are you gonna ask it or just sit there like an idiot,” he said, smiling and re-adjusting to a criss-cross position. 
“Are we...” she looked back to her book, “dating?”
“Well, I have a bunch of the things we did written down, but it’s all really confusing and I can’t understand most of it,” she blushed, scratching the back of her neck.
“Y/n,” he sighed, shaking his head, “We... We aren’t dating. You are dating Todoroki,” 
“But that can’t be right,” She scrunched up her noes. “I wrote down that he said he wanted a break from me, and that I was taking up too much of his time from the make-up work he was doing,”
“He what?” Bakugo shouted, not sure who he was mad at most, Todoroki for hurting her so much, Y/n for not telling him, or himself for not trying to ask Y/n out sooner.
“I mean... that’s what I wrote. Did he say anything to you?”
“No I-”
“Y/n! Thank god you’re okay, I’ve been so worried ever since I heard what happened! They wouldn’t let anyone visit you,” A bi-colored haired boy said rushing into the room and pulling Y/n’s torso into a hug, knocking the air out of her lungs like a delayed punch that should have been an illegal move, but the coach wasn’t looking. 
“Babe? Since when do you call me by my last name?” He asked, pulling back slightly and looking over at Bakugo. 
“What happened, Baby?” He asked, his eyes flickering back and forth between the two people sitting on the hospital bed.
Bakugo would have answered for her, but he seemed to have lost the ability to speak, it was like the world as punishing him with sleep paralysis, but he was awake, and their was no demon at his bed- just the cold reality of the love of his life being with another.
“My quirk made me lose some of my memories, but it’s okay. I have some things written down, and I’ll most likely regain all of them in a few weeks,”
“You have amnesia? Y/n, I saw the news, but what exactly happened?”
“News?” Y/n echoed, looking over at Bakugo who still remained still as a statue. “Katsuki, what exactly happened to me before I came here?”
“Y/n look, It’s really complicated, and-”
“Y/n? Katsuki? When exactly did you two become such close friends?”
“Oh, we have been spending a little bit of time together,” She answered, not looking away from Bakugo’s eyes.
“Seems to be a little more that a little,” Todoroki said, his eyes going back and forth between hers, searching for something he swears is there. 
“I guess not everything is what it seemed,” Bakugo snapped at him, startling what once was a peaceful conversation. 
“I guess not,” It was hard not to agree with her new friend. Even though she could have sworn that, with the little she had read and started to remember, they were together.
Or did he spend the night with all his friends? Did he bring over their favorite snacks to watch a horror movie, followed by a rom-com so they would be able to sleep. Did he tuck all of his friends into bed after they had a nightmare? She had wrote about all the little things he did, all the nights he had spent comforting her, making her laugh so she would stop crying. 
It seemed like they had been dating, or at least they were close to dating, but as Bakugo stood up and stormed out of the room it left Y/n wondering something. Was there anything behind the little looks they shared, or was it all just a fantasy made up to satiate her need for a connection?
It doesn’t really matter anymore, does it? Bakugo is gone, Todoroki is back- but did he ever leave? Maybe there really was a reason her walls were so thick. Maybe Bakugo shouldn’t have been an exception, she had grown too close too quickly, and in a flash his little looks were gone. 
361 notes · View notes
a-crimson-lion · 4 years
A Look At Bakudeku’s Development (Based On That One Instagram Post): A Photo-Narrative Analysis
Word Count: 4,287 (Yikes…)
[This got long. Like, REALLY long. Don't expect too many colors. There's a lot to get through...]
For those out of the loop, I recently came across this Instagram post during unhealthy hours in the morning. The purpose of this post, I’d assume, was to debunk any negativity aimed at the Bakudeku dynamic/ship, claiming it was indeed not abusive and that the antis in question are ignoring canon in favor of playing Bakugo’s suicide instigation on repeat. Before addressing the post in question, I would like to state two things:
I am not stuck on Chapter/Episode 1 in the series. I have been caught up proper with every story arc up to the JT Training Arc and am roughly familiar with everything past that point. I don’t just take Katsuki’s now essentially forgotten suicide instigation into account; I’m taking every part of his actions well beyond that moment and how they reflect on him, internally justified or otherwise.
While I’m among the people who believe that Bakudeku as of the latest incarnation of the manga (up to Ch. 280) is indeed abusive, I am open to discussions on why it is not. In any case, however, I cannot ignore the fact that the dynamic/ship is incredibly problematic besides the skeletons in both Izuku and Katsuki’s closets.
So, in order to address this issue to the best of my half-awake brain’s abilities, I will review the screenshots within said post and break down how they factor into the Bakudeku dynamic and the overall development. Be aware that there are some manga and movie spoilers, and this is just MY OPINION. I could be wrong, and I’m okay with that. If you wanna talk without patronizing me, the comments are open. I also apologize in advance if I myself come of as patronizing. All the screenshots I’ll be discussing can be found in the video link above (or here).
Well then, no point in beating around the bush...
1) Izuku Taking Katsuki Out Of The Final Exam Gate (Anime Screenshot)
The first piece of “evidence” used to show the merit of Bakudeku comes from the Final Exam arc, shortly after Katsuki succumbs to All Might’s assault, only for Izuku to come in and deck the #1 Hero in order to grab Katsuki and carry him to safety, allowing them both to pass.
However, this photo marks a recurring trend throughout some of the other photos: they speak more about IZUKU as a character than Izuku AND Katsuki.
Izuku getting to save Katsuki is a major development… for Izuku. One that we’ve seen before. Think about it. The first time Izuku saves Katsuki towards the beginning of the exam, he has to punch Katsuki in the face because he was considering throwing the match just for working with Izuku. And after he’s been saved, Katsuki blows up (figuratively and literally) before aggressively kabedoning him. In this scene though? Katsuki got knocked the f*** out, so he really has no room to protest if Izuku comes in to save him a second time.
Plus, this isn’t really anything NEW with Izuku. We know that he’s aware in an abstract sense that what Katsuki did to him was “wrong,” but he doesn’t hold a grudge or any animosity to him towards that. He’s one of Katsuki’s biggest defenders and supporters, assuming Katsuki allows it. So really, him saving Katsuki isn’t really surprising or a major step forward, ‘cause he was always willing to do it from the get go. And again, Katsuki isn’t conscious during his second rescue, so we don’t really know if he would have let Izuku save him again or if he would have protested.
There’s nothing new here, and nothing balanced to the overall dynamic. Just Izuku being Izuku.
2) All Might Acknowledges The New Bakudeku Rivalry (Anime Screenshot)
Deku vs Kacchan 2 was a big moment for the Bakudeku dynamic. I’m not saying it’s a positive moment, nor am I saying it was necessary, but it was big. And in the aftermath of that fight, where Izuku and Katsuki are having a back and forth, All Might thinks to himself that the two have become true rivals now, or something along those lines. And it’s nice that he’s willing to spell this out for the audience and all, but uh…
Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: show, don’t tell.
All Might is essentially telling us that Izuku and Katsuki are rivals now. What does the story have to show for it? A brief conversation during their house arrest, followed by a massive stall due to the Shie Hassaikai Arc and Cultural Festival Arc (albeit with one more instance we’ll cover later), and then what essentially equates to Katsuki yelling at Izuku a lot during the Joint Training Arc.
...that’s ...not much.
And yeah, you could expect me to be a good bean to the author and wait until the later arcs, but even then, the execution… just falls kinda flat, at least for me. Going back to that particular moment with All Might’s thought process, it kind of reminds me of Eraserhead essentially acting as a mouthpiece for the Ochako vs Katsuki fight during the Sports Festival, but that’s a can of worms I won’t be indulging today.
What I’m getting at is this: All Might letting the audience know that Bakudeku have reached rival status is great! Now if only the series could deliver more on that...
3) Standing With Two One For Alls (Heroes Rising)
Okay, seriously, if you haven’t seen Heroes Rising yet, I implore you, GO. WATCH IT. It is an incredible film and I would recommend it with warm words. And I’ll admit, it gives us a better incarnation of Bakudeku compared to the rest of the series.
Yes, I said “better,” not “great.”
Look, I’m all for Izuku and Katsuki working past their differences and the clusterf*** that was their childhood, and maybe Horikoshi not being as integrally involved with the film’s writing as people think he is has something to do with it, but uh… you do not say “put myself as low as to working with Deku” or something like that and expect to be casually tossed aside, at least if you’re me. And while I’m glad there was some genuine emotional tension as Izuku gave Katsuki OFA, some part about it feels… off. Like, nothing was really truly resolved. Katsuki wasn’t given OFA as a sign of forgiveness, as an acknowledgement. Katsuki was given OFA because there was an AFO level villain about to wreck the place and kill some peeps and oh look, the narrative made it so that Katsuki was the only convenient holder around! It kinda stings when you look at it that way.
Not that it matters, because a big thing most people forget is that at the end of this movie, THE ENTIRE THING IS ESSENTIALLY SWIPED ACROSS THE DESK AND ON THE FLOOR. Even if it was going to have some level of effort towards the development of the dynamic, that effort is essentially GONE because Katsuki doesn’t remember SQUAT, and what happens to OFA after the fight is NEVER DISCUSSED. It’s just a hard reset, BOOM, back to normal. *Sigh*
Really, the whole double OFA thing was for convenience, less so for any emotional leveling up that could have been done. And even then, Izuku is still somehow the one putting more emotional input into the entire thing than Katsuki.
4) “I Thought You Were Gonna Get Ahead Of Me!” (Anime Screenshot)
Katsuki’s methods of motivation are… admittedly not for everyone. They seem to work fine for Izuku, as seen sometime after the Cultural Festival Arc, but again, that’s just Izuku. We know how he takes Katsuki’s words and turns it into motivation, but why does Katsuki bother at all?
Well, maybe this comes with desperately trying to find reasons to like a character but progressively despising him and his narrative placement more and more as time progresses, but here’s my angle on it: Katsuki just doesn’t want Izuku dragging his weight for nothing.
Keep in mind, we’re talking about the same Katsuki who held a grudge against Shoto for holding back during the Sports Festival. The same Katsuki who wanted the #1 Hero to go all out and would continuously press to fight him. The same Katsuki who wanted to fight a deadly villain even after being instructed to get back to camp for his own safety. The same Katsuki who challenged Izuku to a fight to finally determine where the gap was, and who was frustrated when he won because the power Izuku possessed was All Might’s, so clearly he shouldn’t have lost.
In short, Katsuki doesn’t like it when people don’t give it their all. And I believe it’s been stated once or twice that once Izuku makes One For All his own, there’s a good chance they’re gonna fight again. So it’s in Katsuki’s best interest to make sure Izuku isn’t half-assing anything, because he wants to prove he can beat Izuku at his best, thus proving that KATSUKI is the best.
So it’s less so for Izuku’s benefit as it is for Katsuki’s own.
5) One Giant Leap (Heroes Rising)
Arguably one of the best moments of the entire Heroes Rising film amongst the fandom is the big handhold scene between Katsuki and Izuku as they make a last gambit effort to take down Nine with two One for Alls. Admittedly this is one of the best if not the best moment throughout the entire progression of the Bakudeku dynamic thus far. I’ll give it that much.
...which makes it all the more frustrating because again: MIND. WIPE. The audience knows it happened, but in canon we never know if Izuku discusses it with Katsuki or if anyone else was aware of the moment in greater specificity. IT ESSENTIALLY NEVER HAPPENED, and I’m starting to legitimately wonder whether or not it was for the best...
6) Datte Atashi No Hero (Anime Screenshot)
First off: how? Second off: huh?
Believe me, the second ending of Season 3 is an absolute bop, don’t get me wrong, but uh… again, it provides NOTHING balanced for Bakudeku, once again relying on Izuku’s perspective on the entire matter. I once read an interesting meta about this ending and how it could be interpreted (take this with a grain of salt), but the biggest contender is that this is in fact Izuku’s fantasy. Think about it:
Izuku is a humble traveling warrior, with nothing to distinguish himself in his own opinion.
Ochako is a magician because she’s alien to Izuku, an unheard of phenomenon.
Tenya being a knight, Shoto being a prince, and Momo being a warrior princess all correlates to their high standings in society, heroic or otherwise.
The reason Katsuki is a barbarian king is because he’s familiar to Izuku in an ancient sense; he’s known him for a long time. The list goes on, but you get the jist.
With this in mind, it’s not difficult to understand that even Katsuki willing to work with Izuku would be another aspect of Izuku’s fantasy: to be able to stand beside his childhood friend once more. And remember the ending of that scene, when Izuku does that big sword slash? That’s him having fully mastered OFA. Both are things that could happen given the manga’s recent direction, but still have yet to happen because this is, again, a fantasy.
And apparently Datte Atatshi No Hero is a reflection on Izuku’s feelings towards Katsuki. Take that as you will, but again, this does not speak for Bakudeku as a whole. Just Izuku’s feelings on the matter.
7) Win to Save, Save to Win (Manga Screenshot)
Since I’ve already penned myself into a short story at this point, might as well take the time to look at this famous phrase from the story.
Personally, I consider it bulls***. It harms both characters overall; yes, I said both. It excuses Katsuki’s need to be a blunt powerhouse that only targets villains, and it redundantly demands Izuku do more of what he was already doing, albeit with less sympathy. I know it sounds corny to say saving is more important than winning, but in the heat of the moment, what gets to the civilians in danger more often? Seeing a guy in a cape deck the latest disaster right in front of them or from a distance? Or said cape guy risking life and limb making sure that this person gets to see life another day?
There’s no perfect answer to it, but that’s my stance.
And this quote, “Win to save, save to win,” justifies the one thing that keeps Katsuki from truly outgrowing his past: his need to be the best. If winning is on the same level then saving, and Izuku has an innate capacity to save, then that means it’s okay for Katsuki to have to win all the time, right?
No. It’s not. And that’s not speaking for all the “Gary Stu” crap, either.
Because being pressured into being the best is what caused Katsuki to hate any kindness offered to him by Izuku. The desire to be the best had him bully Izuku for a decade to ensure that Izuku remained the loser and Katsuki remained the winner. That desire characterizes arguably the worst aspects of Katsuki’s character, and those aspects aren’t gonna fly in the Pro Hero world. Because if Nana Shimura, Shota Aizawa, the Pussycats, Mirio, Sir Nighteye, and a handful of other incidents have taught us anything, it’s that even at their best efforts, heroes don’t win all the time.
Katsuki needs to learn this, or it will crush him in the long term. But he hasn’t. The narrative has kept letting him rack up wins, and his current actions in the manga were spurred on by the fact that he still has yet to truly take a loss.
Say what you will, but I don’t like this line. For what it says about Izuku or Katsuki.
8) The Only One Who Can Accept His Feelings… (Anime Screenshot)
Me @ #7: Wanna see me go off?
Me @ #8: Wanna see me do it again?
Izuku’s perspective on the entire Bakudeku situation is a major reason why most fans condone it. “Izuku doesn’t appear obviously bothered by Katsuki, so that clearly means it’s not abusive/problematic, so just shut up!” or something like that. Well, I’m no psychologist, so I won’t go into a spiel about people ignoring their pain for the sake of others or people trying to excuse others in order to place fault on themselves whether or not it be accurate.
Really, all I can say is that NONE OF THIS should be Izuku’s responsibility.
I’m not blaming this on Izuku because he hasn’t had actual friends or a healthy support system in a long while, but the fact that he decides to take on and enable Katsuki in his element just… doesn’t sit well with me. The logical conclusion would be talking, not throwing hands. I don’t care if they’re “distressed teenagers,” neither of them should be doing this, and Katsuki was fully aware that the teachers would stop them in the first place; that’s not simply adults meddling in what isn’t their business. Katsuki should have really figured out by now that maybe the best course of action is to actually vent to someone without blowing their face off, and I get that he’s absolute s*** at feelings, but really, that’s more of a red flag that he needs to actually get help. And if you think a little too hard on Izuku’s feelings of the matter, well…
Imagine being ostracized for so long that you lose all sense of self worth.
Imagine being told time and again that your worthless, which checks out for you because clearly if your worthless, the guy that enabled that mindset is obviously better than you, and he’s entitled to use you for his own ends.
That’s what I get from this scene.
And again, this is all from IZUKU at this point; virtually NOTHING from Katsuki.
9) Double Detroit Smash (Heroes Rising)
I’ve already said my piece about the film. At this point, it’s beating a dead horse with a stick. Moving on.
10) Word of God (Miscellaneous)
Here’s the thing about Word of God in fandom: the general consensus is that it’s nice to get confirmation from a credible source, but unless it is portrayed in canon, it’s just more words which may or may not be true.
In this case, Kohei Horikoshi, the mangaka for BNHA, is saying that eventually, Katsuki will have to apologize to Izuku. Eventually.
As in, it still hasn’t happened yet.
As in, Katsuki still has yet to decide that what he did in the past was wrong and he should try to fix it.
As in, it currently shows no bearing towards Katsuki’s current character nor the overall Bakudeku dynamic.
Sure, it MIGHT happen, but in another interview (or mayhaps it’s the same one), Horikoshi stated that Katsuki originally wasn’t intended to get as much screen time as he did. Both of these situations are different of course, but with the recent turbulence of the War Arc shaking up the manga, is it really so hard to believe that an apology might slip away from Katsuki’s thought process?
On the bright side, an apology could happen. But until it’s canon, then it’s only a possibility, and therefore can’t be used fully for the intended argument.
11) X-Catapult Handhold (Heroes Rising)
I bet some people working on the movie and some fans on the movie felt spoiled when they included not one, but two handholding scenes for Izuku and Katsuki.
And while the first handhold is certainly a marvel of battle tactics, again, there isn’t much else going on with it. Is it nice to see Katsuki working with Izuku again? Yes, but contrary to popular belief, it doesn’t go past that. Katsuki’s just willing to work with Izuku, full stop. He’d probably be willing to work with anyone because Nine is f***ing tank. And sure, getting a handhold tease is nice, but it’s only to facilitate Katsuki’s subsequent yeeting of Izuku at Nine in an attempt to do damage. Nothing more pressing about the circumstances of their past or anything like that.
12) A Bit of Advice (Anime Screenshot)
Look, this is one of the tamer, better looks at Izuku and Katsuki’s relationship. He’s willing to put his pride aside and give Izuku some advice. But remember what I said earlier in #4?
It’s not just to make sure Izuku gets better, but so Katsuki can feel like it’s a complete win when he beats his ass.
And if we take the line “It pisses me off” into account, we can look at that flaw from the same angle. Remember, Izuku has All Might’s power, the #1 Hero’s power. To Katsuki, that means he shouldn’t have the luxury of making mistakes. But Izuku does. He makes mistakes, and Katsuki sees them and he doesn’t get to exploit them. He still wins, but not because of those mistakes. And part of that pisses Katsuki off. Izuku shouldn’t get to slack. So, Katsuki gives him some advice. Advice that will no doubt help Izuku in the long run, for his (and Katuki’s) sakes. It’s a good outcome from a not very good reason...
13) Have You Made That Borrowed Power Your Own? (Manga Screenshot)
Yeah, no.
I don’t care if Izuku is used to this treatment, it still isn’t reinforcing an overall positive tone.
I don’t care if Katsuki acknowledges at some level that Izuku’s power is becoming his own, he still has the gall to say it was no wonder he passed BECAUSE of his power. Which may be true, but it’s not like Izuku was relying on it 100%, and lowkey comes off as Quirkist.
All it tells me is that Katsuki is starting to acknowledge Izuku, in the “gadfly I can’t get off my back” sort of way. Is this the “best development” y’all are rooting for? Basic acknowledgement of another human being?
14) Outta My Way Punk! (Manga Screenshot)
Katsuki reflexively tells Izuku to get out of his way.
Izuku is used to it, again, that does not excuse it.
Once again, Katsuki reverts back to his usual behavior instead of showing a more subtle approach to show the audience that maybe he’s changing beyond what a chorus of other characters saying “he’s changed!” has to offer.
...even if it’s not abusive, you can’t really say that’s a “good” relationship, either.
15) Blackwhip Training (Manga Screenshot)
Katsuki willing to train with Izuku to help him master his Quirk(s) is nice.
Still blatantly in his element with lots of needless yelling and dominance assertion, but still nice.
And keep in mind, right after it’s clear they aren’t getting anywhere and Izuku tries to rationalize it, Katsuki decides to dip seeing as it’s not worth his time anymore. And even before that, at least in my translation, Katsuki seems to be more interested in beating out Blackwhip instead of having Izuku get a handle on.
Again, maybe not abusive, but not exactly supportive, either.
16) ??? (Anime Screenshot)
I personally have no idea what they were going for with this screenshot, but if I had to guess, that’s after Katsuki gives Izuku an escape window whilst he faces off against All Might alone during their Final Exams.
While I understand that this is early on in their dynamic’s development, the fact still stands that Katsuki still wants to fight for fighting’s sake. He may have been willing to at least give Izuku a chance, but he still sees Izuku’s retreat as cowardly, even though it’s a perfectly valid way to pass the exam. He still just wants to fight.
There’s no mutuality in that sense.
17) Quote from Justin Briner (Miscellaneous)
I don’t have much of an opinion for Izuku’s English VA, but for what it’s worth, I think overall he’s a really cool dude. The same, however, cannot be said for his quote.
I can buy into Izuku wanting to get stronger because of Katsuki, since that is a major plot point. I can’t do the same for Katsuki seeing the good in people because we don’t ever see it, really? In fact, it’s more like people latch on to Katsuki and he just tolerates them until they’ve completely wormed their way into his life. There’s no scene where Katsuki considers someone a good person because of something Izuku did, or anything even vaguely along those lines, at least to my knowledge.
As for their relationship, there have been more downs than ups, and it isn’t relatable to me in the slightest. Maybe that’s just ‘cause I don’t get the overall appeal, but their friendship never really strikes me as a… well, friendship. You could argue that’s the point and that’s what makes them different and interesting, but I would much rather we see more concrete proof of their relationship being at more understandable highs and lows while actually demonstrating it was mutual.
But again. That’s just me.
18) Joint Training Pep Talk (Manga Screenshot)
I’m basically repeating myself at this point. Katsuki might be keeping tabs on Izuku, but again, it’s not entirely for Izuku’s benefit. He just wants to make sure his new “rival” (successor to the #1 Hero, I might add) isn’t dragging his feet through the mud and actually getting s*** done so their eventual third clash will actually be worth his time.
...this relationship is so one-sided in two entirely different ways, I swear.
19) Speaking With Kacchan So Naturally (Manga Screenshot)
Why are we congratulating Katsuki for adding one more person to his already (surprisingly) sizable tolerance pile?
Why are we congratulating Izuku for bridging a gap other people managed to cross with little to no effort even though he didn’t do anything wrong?
Izuku is essentially saying “Good job on me for finally getting the same treatment as everyone else from that one person after over ten years.” Good on him, but uh… that’s not exactly a landmark worth framing the way the fandom does...
The relationship might not be outright abusive, but HOO BOY the bar has never been set lower...
20) “You’ve got a good friend in him” (Manga Screenshot)
And finally, the pièce de résistance. Which is really more narrative mouthpiece-ing.
Even before that, Katsuki yet again can’t take a compliment from Izuku for whatever reason. Yet again, Izuku just shrugs off all of Katsuki’s discouragement, intentional or otherwise. And I love me some Dadmight as much as the next guy, but really, does he have a good grasp on relationships? His only friends in his life were David and Naomasa, and he’s been shown time and time again to not be the infallible man many think he is due to being the Symbol of Peace? But suddenly he goes “Bakudeku rights” and y’all jump on that with no room for argument?
Katsuki has yet to prove what All Might has been saying. Again, telling rather than showing, therefore removing the meaning from the entire thing. Unless Katsuki proves otherwise, I call bulls***.
So, my final verdict? Bakudeku is fine. It’s just not as great as the rest of you are making it out to be. I’m not gonna dictate whatever you ship or what you enjoy, that’s not my place, but at least keep these perspectives in mind. You don’t have to believe them, but just… stay aware, y’know?
Alrighty, I’ve wasted enough of your time. If you’ve read it until the very end, then… thanks. Carry on.
-Crimson Lion (10 August 2020)
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vannahfanfics · 4 years
Little Drummer Boy
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Category: Mild Romantic Fluff
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Characters: Katsuki Bakugo, Nejiro Hado
Requested By: Triton0501 (FanFiction) 
"Congratulations on your victory, Nejire!" 
"Kyaaa! Nejire-senpai, you looked so beautiful during the pageant!" 
"Look! Look! It's Nejire Hado! Isn't she so pretty?" 
Nejire tried not to let her ego inflate after several days of hearing nothing but compliments and squeals wherever she walked. Alas, it was difficult not to feel at least a little pleased with so much positive attention! With a serene smile gracing her face and her chin primly raised, Nejire basked in the praise as she strolled through the halls of U.A. High School. As usual, Mirio and Tamaki accompanied her. Typically, the three hero hopefuls would retire to their dormitory or take to the town, but this day was a bit of a deviation. The three of them were headed to Class 1-A's dormitory to visit the rescued orphan, Eri. 
Normally Mirio would jaunt off to visit the girl by himself, but as of late, Nejire had been accompanying him as well. Being such a young and impressionable lady, Eri deserved a female role model whom she could approach for issues she may not be comfortable discussing with Mr. Aizawa, Izuku Midoriya, or Mirio. Though still a long way from her turbulent teens, a little girl Eri's age still possessed a plethora of girls' issues, like crushes and identity and the pros and cons of princesses, that Nejire was more equipped to handle. The boys were at least very willing to dress up in pink tutus and cram around Eri's tiny tea table for a bit of play-pretend. Nejire's mind soon became absorbed by the adorable little girl, and she quite forgot about all the big hullabaloo until Tamaki spoke. 
"E-everyone seems quite taken with you ever since the pageant," he said with that quivering frown that Nejire found charmingly adorable. She laughed daintily and flipped her periwinkle hair over a shoulder. 
"Yes, it's quite lovely! Though, I do wish they would show as much appreciation for the other contestants. I won, but everyone is deserving of praise!" she smiled radiantly. Nejire wanted to avoid all the compliments from rushing to her head, of course, but that didn't mean her statement was fluff. All those who participated were brave for putting themselves out there. Thus, she made a point to say so every once in a while just to remind people. 
"Yep, yep. Very true," Mirio quipped as he scrolled through his social media feed. The blonde's favorite pastime was brushing up on the latest hero news; he and Izuku often spiraled into in-depth, enthusiastic discussions about various articles. Nejire thought it quite endearing. Mirio suddenly stopped walking, frowning at his phone screen. Nejire peeked over his shoulder to blatantly read it, finding that he was texting Mr. Aizawa. 
"Aw! They're gonna be late?" Nejire pouted. She had been very much looking forward to painting Eri's nails, but it seemed Aizawa was hung up in a board meeting. He often took the child with him to his office hours and meetings; she needed a change of environment now and again. She usually sat at his feet, coloring the cat-themed coloring book Denki Kaminari had bought him for a joke. Mirio and Nejire had burst into laughter when they'd learned he'd kept it, for how else could he pass it on to the small girl? 
"Yup," Mirio frowned and closed out of the conversation. Tamaki frowned and began to fidget. 
"Sh-should we go to our dorms and wait for them?"
"Nah," Mirio shrugged and resumed his leisurely pace. "We're nearly there, so we can just bug the first-years until they arrive!"
"Ooh! Ooh! I call Bakugo!" Nejire trilled and lunged forward into a sprint. The volatile boy had caught Nejire's eye when she viewed the playbacks of the first-years' Sports Festival, but her interest had truly been piqued during class 1-A's musical performance at the recent school showcase. Nejire was simply dying to converse with the boy, for he seemed like he would be so much fun to tease and coddle! Oh, she could imagine the blush alighting his scowling face already… 
Teehee! He's such a cutie! I bet he's got that big tough exterior but is a total softie inside! she thought giddily, sticking out the tip of her tongue as she hopped up the steps of the dormitory. She pushed the doorbell buzzer, holding it for a few seconds, before unabashedly throwing the front door open. "Hellooooooo, everyonnnnne~" she sang jubilantly and spun on her foot with a flourish. Twenty pairs of eyes peeked at her from the common room couches. 
"O-oh! Nejire!" Izuku finally squeaked and hopped up from his seat in the armchair. Mirio and Tamaki had finally caught up, and so Izuku's pine green eyebrows crept further up his forehead. "Oh! You're all here! Mr. Aizawa and Eri are hung up in a faculty meeting…" 
"We know!" Nejire smiled as she skipped over to the sofas, clasping her hands behind her back with a gleeful bounce of her body. "We were already here, though, so we thought we would check how our cutie-patooties are doing!" She giggled. Izuku flushed and fiddled with his fingers as he delved into anxious mumbles about training and grades. Mineta leaped from the couch to cling to her thigh, drooling, and Nejire discreetly flung him into the kitchen. No one seemed to react to his pained scream or the sound of several boxes tumbling on top of him. Beaming, Nejire raised her hands to press her fingertips together. "I was so very impressed with the concert you all put on! It was a smash hit!"
"Really? That's awesome!" The adorable little electric boy, Denki, grinned as he draped himself over the back of the couch. He nearly fainted when Nejire patted him cutely on the head. He was as much of a skirt-chaser as Mineta, but at least he had some sense of social etiquette and boundaries. 
"Mhmm!" Nejire nodded as she skirted the coffee table, blue eyes locked on a certain blond ignoring the conversation. With a disinterested frown, the boy tapped his phone screen repeatedly, obviously playing some sort of mobile game. "In fact, I was most impressed by your talented drummer!" She smiled. Katsuki's crimson eyes slowly drifted to her as she perched herself on the arm of the sofa closest to him. Daintily crossing her legs and resting her cheeks in her hands, she fluttered her eyelashes demurely. "I would be oh-so-honored if he could teach me how to play!"
Wearing a concerted frown, Tenya Iida leaned in to whisper in Mirio's ear, "Is she… flirting?"
"Nah. Nejire's just like that," the blonde shrugged nonchalantly. Then, a second later, he narrowed his eyes and frowned. "At least, I don't think she's trying to flirt," he added uncertainly. Katsuki continued to glare silently at Nejire, while she just stared brightly back. 
"Can I help you?" The ash-blond growled gruffly. 
"I said-" 
"I heard what you said, Tinkerbell," Katsuki snarled, dropping his phone into his lap and sitting up to bring his face close to hers. Nejire did not retreat from his boldness, only smiled wider. 
"If you heard me, then why'd you ask?" The corner of his mouth twitched, and she wasn't sure if he wanted to scowl or smirk. His red eyes traveled the planes of her face for a few brief seconds before he snorted seditiously and stood from the couch to start heading for his room. Nejire dourly pursed her lips, thinking him to be annoyed. She raised her eyebrows when he glowered over his shoulder at her. 
"Well? You comin' or not, Tinkerbell?"
Squealing with delight, Nejire hopped down from the couch and scampered after him. Her periwinkle hair swished behind her as she scuttled along, flashing Mirio and Tamaki a victorious wink as she passed them. The other first-years were in various stages of shock as they watched Katsuki lead Nejire upstairs. As she turned the corner of the landing, she heard Mina cry, "Pardon my French, but what the hell just happened?!" followed by Aoyama muttering, "That wasn't French." Nejire snickered and hopped up a few of the steps so that she walked in pace with the explosive blond. He clicked his tongue and glared at her out of his peripheral vision.
"What's that look for?" she inquired innocently.
"Enough of the cutesy act, Tinkerbell. What's your game?" Nejire blinked puzzledly. To be honest, she hadn't thought she would get this far; although flustering had been her initial motive, the new development certainly wasn't unwanted. Nejire loved to try new things, so her pleas to play the drums were honest. 
"There's no game!" she insisted with a serene smile. "I really was impressed by your skills and just want to try it out, that's all." Katsuki stared at her a moment, searching her face for a lie, but of course, he couldn't find one in her pretty visage. With a small tch, he stopped to push open a door with a sign that read, "Keep out or die!" 
"Whatever. Let's just get this over with." Trilling while she bundled past him, Nejire began messing with various things in his room. She found his All Might tee-shirt collection particularly cute. "Oi! Stop snoopin' in my closet and get over here!" He growled. She looked over her shoulder to find him hunched by the drum set in the corner of the room, pink-faced. He seemed equally embarrassed and irate, and it put an adorable little pout on his face. Obediently, Nejire dropped the tee-shirt she had been admiring to skip over. With pink cheeks, he gestured to the small stool seated among the large drums. "Well, go on." 
Nejire plopped down in the seat and picked up the sleek black drumsticks neatly laid over the set. She experimentally clacked them together a few times, remarking their thin yet sturdy structure. She then slammed one down on the cymbals, making Katsuki curse loudly and jump nearly a foot in the air. 
"I've always wanted to do that!" She beamed. The tapped the end of the drumstick lightly on one of the drums. The deep bass tune that followed made her eyes widen in admiration. "This is so cool!" she squealed and wriggled about on the seat. 
"You are remarkably easy to impress," Katsuki remarked with an amused smirk. "But come on, I said I was gonna show you how to play properly, so, shaddup and listen." His voice carried that hard edge that was notably Katsuki Bakugo, but it also possessed a soft undertone that hadn't been present before. Patiently, he instructed her through a simple beat, explaining to her when to push the pedals or strike the drums. She stumbled a few times, and though Katsuki would click his tongue and chastise her, it wasn't without a degree of amusement and affection. After some time, Nejire was able to play the tune with no guidance. She grinned animatedly as she drummed the sticks across the set to produce a joyful, energetic sound, finishing it off with a strike of the cymbals. 
"Ahaha! Look at me!" She squealed. Katsuki leaned against the wall beside her, arms crossed and smirking warmly. She whirled in the chair to smile brightly at him. "Thank you! It was enjoyable!" A pink haze rose to his cheeks, and he scratched at the stubby hairs at the base of his neck. 
"Not like I had much choice. You woulda relentlessly nagged me about it." The words seemed harsh, but the delivery cushioned the angry connotation with soft fondness. A smile tugged upwards on the corners of Katsuki's lips. I think he really enjoyed this too! she thought giddily and hopped up from the chair. 
"Yup! I sure would have." 
"Pushy, aren't'cha, Tinkerbell?" She smiled and pushed one of her cheeks inward with her index finger. 
"Yep! That's me, Little Drummer Boy!" Katsuki bristled at the ad-libbed nickname.
"Oi! Who're you callin' 'little'?" Nejire ignored his fuming to resume poking around his room, poring over his surprisingly articulate class notes and flipping through the channels on his radio-slash-alarm clock. Katsuki followed her around the room, scowling and loudly chastising her, but he made no physical move to stop her. It was only when she wriggled into one of his hoodies that he actually questioned her. "I showed you the drums, so why're you still here?" He whined while tugging on the hood of the jacket in an attempt to tease it off her shoulders. Nejire slid her arms out of it and darted to his desk, picking up a pencil and putting it atop her pursed lips like a mustache. 
"I'm trying to kill the boredom waiting for Eri, and you're very entertaining!" she explained while twisting the end of the pencil like a cheesy comic book villain. Katsuki scowled and plopped down on the edge of his bed. 
"Oh, that's nice. So I'm Tinkerbell's little toy, huh?" Nejire blinked and let the pencil fall to the floor, surprised by his tone of loathing and hurt. 
"No, of course not! You're my friend, right?" He stared up at her, taken aback. Nejire beamed and skipped over to throw herself down on the bed beside him. She laid on her stomach with her heels kicked up over her back. She plucked at some of the fuzzy fibers on his comforter. "I like you!" The bold and unabashed statement made his cheeks flush red. "I think you're interesting, so I want to get to know you. The perfect opportunity has presented itself, that's all." She rolled onto her side, holding up her head with a hand. "Teasing you is just part of the fun! <3"
"You're a diabolical woman," Katsuki snorted, but Nejire was relieved to see that the tension had melted from his shoulders, and that snarky smile was back on his face. The blue-haired girl giggled and stuck out her tongue playfully. She then whined loudly when he pinched the end of it between his thumb and forefinger. 
"Nnnh! Nnh! Le' go, Ka'suki! T'at feelth weird!" she protested, shaking her head back and forth a little. Katsuki laughed loudly and tugged on the pink organ.
"Ha! Not so fun when the tables are turned on you, huh?" he chided playfully. Nejire slapped at his biceps and shoulder with another keening whine. After another tug, he released her. She wiped away the drool that had pooled in the corner of her mouth. 
"You big meanie!"
"I'm only givin' ya a taste of your own medicine, Tinkerbell!" he shot back, grinning challengingly. His cry was muffled when Nejire grabbed his pillow and whacked him in the face with it. Hurriedly, she tried to scramble from the bed and flee, but he yanked her back by her ankle and made her belly-flop to the floor. She giggled piercingly when he lobbed the pillow at the back of her head. "You're a handful! How do those two put up with you?" 
"They find me charming and endearing!" She answered as she hugged the pillow and rolled onto her belly. Katsuki rolled his eyes and lounged back against his headboard with his hands behind his head, ignoring the sheets Nejire had tousled in her escape attempt. 
"You're like a toddler." 
"You're still putting up with me, though!" A blush rose to his cheeks, and he chittered his teeth, gaze sliding away from her. Still snuggling the pillow, Nejire jumped up and glanced at the clock on his bedside table. "I betcha Eri and Mr. Aizawa are here now!" She said and unceremoniously tossed the pillow at Katsuki. He caught it with a surprised look. "Can I come back again to learn more about the drums, Little Drummer Boy?"
"Uh, sure, but-" he began as she ran to his bedroom door to throw it open. She paused when he shouted at her to wait. Blinking, she stood in the threshold. He tossed the pillow aside and crawled off the bed to walk towards her. He hesitated for a moment, grimacing, before he reached up to gently tuck a piece of her periwinkle hair behind her ear. "... See ya around, Tinkerbell," he muttered in a small voice. His face burned red as he trained his gaze on his sneakers. 
"Teehee! See ya later!" she smiled and, on a whim, leaned in to peck him on the cheek. He sputtered a surprised obscenity and jerked back, pinwheeling his arms. He lost his balance and landed on his rump. His face burned the crimson color of his eyes, and he held his palm to the cheek she had kissed. "Toodles~" Nejire trilled jovially and flashed him a wink before skipping off down the hall. She hummed contentedly as she jaunted down the stairs; she was quite pleased with the way everything had turned out. Now, however, she was switching gears to big sister mode. She had come here to play with Eri, after all! 
Still, she thought with a coy smile and a glance up the steps, I definitely wouldn't mind coming back to see Bakugo again sometime soon! I knew he was a big ol' softie! 
She retrieved the bottle of nail polish she had tucked into her uniform pocket just as she rounded the stairs to see Eri running up to Izuku and Mirio. But first, very important business to attend to!
Sorry, Little Drummer Boy! You'll have to wait your turn!
Enjoy this oneshot? Feel free to peruse my Table of Contents!
Tag List: @deliathedork​  @simplybakugou​ @sadistiks​ @wesparklebitch​
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riotfuckery · 5 years
I’ll always love you
A/N: Hello beautiful readers! It’s your friendly neighborhood big tiddy goth gf and lowkey weeb here! Today we have my first request from non other then fellow Sero stan and writing senpai @thedreadthread 💖 Thank you for the request and I hope you like it! Y’all really like angst so here we have some angst/comfort to add to my collection! Thank you to my senpais and readers who showed me so much love on my last Sero fic. I hope I can deliver! I’m also working on Shattered hearts and clean shirts pt2 so keep an eye out for that!
Senpai taglist: @trafalgar-temptress @queensynderella @kingtamakimurder @birds-have-teeth Thank you for the support 💖🥺💖Sending lots of love and good vibes to all of you💖💖💖
The romantic tension between Sero and yourself was so thick you could cut it with a knife. The quick glances you shared in class and during training was almost painful to the other teens in your vicinity. You were pining after each other PAINFULLY. But neither of you had the guts to admit it to another.
You were both blind to the others affections and love though. You were the sweetest girl in class 1-A, with a strong quirk and an even greater sense of humor. How could he not fall for you? You were easily the cutest girl in the class, with kind (e/c) eyes and a laugh that made his heart go into overdrive. You were kind and sweet to everyone, even that blonde time bomb that goes by the name of Bakugo. You even had a little patience with that nasty grape rat. He was stunned by your capacity to be sweet.
He was convinced that you didn’t like him, he told himself that he was nothing special only with a plain quirk and plain face. But you couldn’t have disagreed more. His deep onyx eyes soothed you and held so much emotion that you could stare at them for an eternity. The elbows that he hated added to him being so unique. His quirk being useful in hero work and rescue. He was handsome too, his sharp jawline and high cheekbones had you blushing. He wasn’t handsome in a princely way that many girls dreamed of, but in a real life way that made your heart stutter and had your palms sweating a bit.
You were good friends with everyone in the class, but you found your home with the bakusquad. Mostly because that’s where your crush resided most of the time. You loved the squad obviously, Mina being your new sister, Denki being your friend that encouraged your own chaotic behavior, and you even trained with Katsuki a few days out of the week. The love you had for Hanta was different though.
His love started for you when you were just good friends. He heard your laugh from across the classroom one morning and thought it was the most magical sound in the world. The insane cackle that came from your mouth made him break out into a wide grin while his eyes followed where the sound was coming from. He followed it to you. Your eyes scrunched up and your cute cheeks tinted pink from how lard you were laughing. He fell in love at first sight and from then on he made it his job to make you laugh.
It started with sly comments about his other classmates. “I know they call him an angry pomeranian, but the muzzle really seals the deal doesn’t it?” He said casually said to you as the sports festival awarding ceremony was happening. You had bite your lip to keep yourself quiet before you burst out into laughter. He heard the quiet giggles that escaped and he smiled brightly at the sound.
He then started to tell you jokes because the sound of your laughter made his day so much brighter. First it started as a group thing, just telling jokes to the whole squad. Mina had brought you to the group first because the two of you got along so well. He was more than happy to have you there.
“Did you hear about the two psychiatrists who passed each other on a walk? One said to the other, ‘You’re fine, how am I?’” The dark hair boy said amusingly. You laughed, the sound zeroing on his ears among the other squads laughter. The light blush on your face showed up as your eyes crinkled. He blushed himself as he was laughing but didn’t try to rid of it.
Weeks of laughing at his jokes continued and you found yourself gravitating toward the tape master, not just for a laugh but because you thought he was a great person. You hung out in each other’s rooms, watching bad horror movies and laughing at dumb people. Even tutoring him regularly when it came to English.
He was great company to you and you found yourself thinking about him more often. Like how handsome his face was as you took quick glances at him during class or how he was such a good sport even when you both were studying together. Yeah he wasn’t the most book smart but he definitely knew how to light up a room and make everything feel less exhausting.
The sleeping beast called a crush didn’t wake up and thrash around the cage of your heart until you were sparring with him during class. You had a strong quirk called Angel, with the stereotypical small white angel wings that grew exponentially before flying around and using gold light beams from your hands to shoot at opponents. The sword and shield seemingly tattooed on your forearm could be pulled out and used during closer combat.
As soon as Aizawa called the start of the match, you were wrapped up in his tape as he pulled you closer to him. The smug smirk on his face was present as he leaned so close you noses were touching. His voice dropped a few octaves before he spoke as he locked eyes with you. His heart was racing just being so close to you, he wondered what else what he would do while you’re tied up by him.
“C’mon angel, you know you’ve always wanted to be tied up by my tape. So why don’t you be a good girl and let me take the win, yeah?” His dirty thoughts broke through a bit. He glanced at your lips briefly. A blush clawed it way on your face as you growled. You focused the heat in your body into light as he spoke, ignoring your own racing heart and clearing your mind.
You released this energy as soon as he finished. Your body flashing a bright gold as you melted the tape around you. He was stunned for a moment because of the flash and you took that moment to pull out your sword as a precautionary before you could knock him out of bounds with a swift kick to the chest. He groaned as soon as he hit the pavement. He was winded from the kick and trying to get his breathing under control.
You released a breath you didn’t know you were holding. The sleeping beast now wildly thrashing the cage of your heart and flipping everything upside down. The heat on your face was so hot that you thought you would melt the handle of your sword you were gripping tightly. Your brain was fuzzy and your blood was boiling in a different way. His words drove you mad and he knew it. Aizawa’s smooth voice shook you out of your daze.
“Good job (L/N), but make sure not to get distracted by petty words alright?” Aizawa spoke lazily as he wrote down notes on the fight. He walked over to Sero who was still on the ground and reached a hand out to help him stand up. (We love dadzawa on this blog)
Sero took it and tuned out his teacher as he focused on you. You stood with Mina, who was wildly flailing around and yelling at you to do something. You still had on the bright pink blush on your face but now it crept up to your ears. He smirked at the fact as the teacher walked away and called the next match, too tired to deal with this bull. (Bruh same)
The next few days were normal with Sero except a blush that seemed permanent on your cute face. Of course he noticed, he was walking around his a smug smirk that rivaled Bakugou’s but a lot less noticeable. You two were glancing at each other more and more in class and locking eyes a few times. Neither of you said anything about it.
You couldn’t find the courage to confess to Hanta. Mina was pushing both of you to confess to each other. Her and Denki even tried to lock you two in a room together but were ultimately disappointed when nothing happened and you both brushed it off. Her lil romantic heart was screaming in frustration because nothing was happening even though it was so OBVIOUS.
You were walking home from school after being locked in the room with the handsome boy. You walked with Sero until you went your separate ways about halfway through, both of you laughing at each other’s jokes and full of smiles. You both said your goodbyes and went your ways. You smiled at the time you had alone with him as you pulled out your phone and ear buds.
Your (fav band) was playing into the small speakers as you walked home. It was a little later than normal so you tried to make your way home faster. You passed by an alley on your way home. The one you passed by everyday. No big deal right?
An arm suddenly shot out of the dark alley as it wrapped around your waist and a hand covered your mouth. Your back was to their chest as you felt the dread creeping in. A hot breath was next to your ear as they spoke. “Ohhhh an angel, I’ve always wanted to kill a cute angel like you” a raspy and slurred voice breathed.
You tried to make your wings grow and your body heat up to get this gross weirdo to let you go. The fear kicking in as you struggled against the man. His boozed soaked stench of his mouth making you inwardly shiver in disgust. Your heart was beating wildly in pure terror of what could happen next. You needed to get out of here or die while trying.
“You can try and burn me all you want angel but I’m fireproof” the man slurred as the hand that held your mouth turned into sharp claws, scratching deep cuts on your cheek. Tears stung your eyes as you tried not to whimper. The blood from your cheek getting all over his fingers and all over your school uniform.
You struggled against him once again. The arm that was around your thin waist was held in front of you and was now on fire. Your stopped struggling to focus your energy into light to blind him. He chuckled at your stillness thinking you gave in. You were terrified but you kept yourself from giving in.
“Keep still angel, and I won’t have to burn those pretty wings of yours.” He taunted. Your eyebrows furrowed in disgust as you concentrated once again. You put most of your energy into making light as he took a deep sniff of your hair. You wanted to hurl but you concentrated.
You released all your energy at once, blasting the creep back with bright gold light as you ran out of the alleyway and into the nearest establishment. Soon you felt the searing hot pain of your right wing, you let out a loud scream as you ran. You pressed your hand into your cheek to try to stop the bleeding. The tears on your face flowing out and stinging your gashes. You ran as far away from the alley as you could until you found a cafe.
In your haze you ran right into someone. The blood on your hand and cheek smearing all over their black sweater. The adrenaline kept you standing as your heart raced. You looked up and looked to see none other than Mr. Aizawa looking at you in pure shock. You felt the adrenaline wear off as the pain set in. You let out a pained gasp as you were looking up at him. “Please help me” your small and panicked voice managed to get out as you passed out.
He was shocked to say the least but he caught you by your unoccupied arm and carried you princess style to his car. He sped off to the hospital, definitely breaking a few laws. He kept a clean handkerchief pressed to your cheek as he drove, you were still bleeding. The smell of singed feathers and skin filled his nose as he sped to the nearest clinic.
He got you checked in as he talked to police. He was also the one who made the call to your parents. They were out of the country so they gave him permission to take care of you. Once he ended the call with your parents, he leaned back into the chair and rubbed his dry eyes. He felt so tired, even more tired than usual. But it wasn’t your fault that you got attacked.
Mr. Aizawa liked you. You were a good student and kind to all the teachers. Not too loud and always turning in your homework on time. You even politely asked questions when you did have them. He didn’t play favorites but compared to the rest of the class you were well, an angel. He was worried about you of course! You were a sweet girl, a good student, and a good sport.
He sighed at the thought of telling his class that you were in the hospital. ‘That headache will be for another day’ he thought as he stretched out his always tired muscles. Thanking the receptionists after he got all the paperwork filled out, the tired man went to wait in your room to tell you the news.The cuts would scar and your wing might be okay, the doctor said.  He sat down in the padded chair next to your cot, leaning his elbows on his knees and holding his hands together while he looked at you pitifully.
You were now dressed in a hospital gown, a wad of gauze was secured on your cheek as you lay your side facing him. Your right wing 3/4ths of the way is burnt but was now wrapped in bandages. He thanked whatever higher power whoever did this didn’t get the base of your wings. But he still felt terrible for you. The small squeak of terror pleading for help was gonna haunt him in his dreams for the next few weeks. He felt guilty even though this was in no way his fault.
Your stirring broke him out his thoughts. He smiled comfortingly at you. “Hey kiddo” he spoke with his signature deep and lazy tone.
“Dad? I thought you were out of the country?” You spoke still in your sleepy haze induced by painkillers. The ravenette’s eyes widened and he stiffened for a split second. He then let out a small huff and leaned back in his chair and smiled genuinely at you. He knew a lot of his students saw him as their dad but hearing it made him happy.
“Sorry kiddo, it’s your homeroom teacher.” He put on a neutral face as he tried to hide the smug tone in his smooth voice. Your eyes widened at his words and and you shot up into a sitting position on your bed. A small hiss escaped your mouth from moving too quickly.
“Sensei! I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to! I uhh” you panicked. He gave you a small wave to dismiss it and you shut your mouth as to not embarrass yourself any further. You always did see him like a dad, always helping you gently along and pushing you to do better. He was always supportive of all your classmates and you all joked about calling him dad in private.
He took a deep breath and asked you what happened. You told him about walking home a little later cause you forgot something in the classroom. You lied about being late cause you couldn’t get Mina and Denki in trouble. They didn’t mean for this to happen and they didn’t cause you to be injured. But you told him about everything else truthfully.
He sighed in frustration when you finished. “Well you did what you could and I’m proud of you for getting away. Just have someone walk you home when it gets late, okay? Ask one of the teachers or classmates, I’m sure they’ll say yes.” his neutral tone was back. You nodded at him, still embarrassed from calling him dad earlier.
The tall man stood up from the chair and gave your hair a light ruffle before he made his way to the door. “I’ll see you soon kid, get better soon.” He spoke as he left the room. You gave him a shy smile and a small wave goodbye. You laid back on your side as soon as he shut the door. The painkillers and the reassurance from your teacher made you feel at ease. You closed your eyes and drifted into dreamland.
A whole day later, you awoke to the sound of familiar yelling at the door of your room along with the stressed voice of the nurse. “WE’RE HER FRIENDS! LET US SEE HER YOU HAG!” The all too familiar voice of Bakugo Katsuki yelled.
“Sir please be quiet! She’s sleeping! You’ll wake her up!” The nurse quietly yelled back. You rolled your eyes and gave a laugh plus a wince coming from your cheek from said laughter. “COME IN, IM AWAKE NOW!” You yelled with a smile and another wince.
The door nearly was kicked down by an angry but worried Katsuki. Eiji and Mina rushing through the door to attack you in hugs that were a little too tight. Kiri was hooked with two arms around your waist while kneeling on the floor and Mina hugged you around the neck. Denki was crying and apologizing the right side of the bed. You smiled and laughed at the two love bugs while softly rubbing their backs, giving the electric blonde a “it’s okay, pikachu, I’m alive aren’t I?” with a small laugh.
Their cries of joy of you being okay were echoing around the room as you locked eyes with Sero. A small blush of embarrassment creeped onto your face as you looked at each other. Bakugo plopped down on the same chair Aizawa was sitting on hours earlier with huff. You smiled softly at Sero and he immediately smiled back.
He called off the group lovebugs and sat down on a chair on the other side of you. You spent the next few hours updating them with what happened and calming down the squads overdramatic reactions with the help of the Sero. One by one they all left as it was getting late. Soon enough is was just you and Sero.
As you said both said goodbye to Kiri, a comfortable silence filled the air. You took a deep breath and a good look at him. He face read as worried yet relieved to know that you were okay. You softly grabbed his large warm hand and in a moment of rare boldness, you interlaced your fingers together.
“Thank you for coming Hanta, I really appreciate it. It wouldn’t be the same without you visiting. You always seem to make me feel better no matter what I’m going through.” You spoke softly as you looked at your interwoven hands. The painkillers making you forget your nervousness around him.
He full body blushed at the comment, clearing his throat to try and form a response. His heart thumped against his ribcage painfully at the good news. He was overjoyed that he meant something to you. Little did he know, he meant the world to you.
“Of course, anything for you. You make my day so much brighter so I missed you a lot when you weren’t at school.” He spoke nervously. It was your turn to blush now. The heat crept up to your cheeks and clawed its way up to your ears. He couldn’t help but think you look absolutely adorable, even all bandaged up. His pupils expanded in the dark sea of his eyes for the love he harbored for you.
“Awe, thank you Hanta. You’re really sweet, ya know that? Now only if I could find a guy like you to love a broken angel like me.” You spoke with a sad laugh. The haze of the painkillers and the gashes that ran from the top of your cheekbone and stopped at the corner of your lips hit you with a tidal wave of realization.
You were a broken angel. The gashes were just an ugly reminder of what being an angel quirk user was really like. The fear of getting slaughtered and strung up like a trophy on a daily basis. The predatory looks you got from men when you were just minding your business. The fear of never using your wings again. You gripped his hand tightly as you wiped away the tears that were now clouding your vision. When did you start crying?
The reality of the situation crashing into him hard. It hit him like a train. How did you feel about all this? The guilt set in on not asking sooner but he knew you wouldn’t want to cry in front of everyone. He decided to do what no one else really did and he comforted you. His overwhelmed brain made his mouth say the thing he normally wouldn’t dare to.
“I’ll always love you, broken or not.” He spoke softly. Your eyes snapped to each other in shock as you both squeezed the others hand so tightly you thought it would shatter. The blushes on both your faces blossoming from pink to red. You broke the awkward tension first with a soft smile plastered on your face.
“Thank you, Hanta. I’ll always love you too.” You spoke gently as you placed a small kiss on the hand that was holding yours. You smiled lovingly at each other even though you both just confessed your love in a hospital. The air in the room felt lighter and warmer, like things were starting anew. It was a small step, but it was a step. And that’s all that matters.
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Pretty Pretty Princess
Summary: Kaminari’s daughter wants to play dress up, so he becomes a princess for the evening.
Wordcount: 1808
“Mommy, can we play dress up?” You wave a tired hand at your daughter, who was following you around the room. You could feel her tugging onto your dress as you laid out paper plates and plastic silverware.
   Today was a special day; it was the baby shower for the unborn twins inside your belly. Lucky for you, they have been calm so you can get things done, but now your six year old is demanding your attention. “Miuko, I can’t. I’m setting up the party for your siblings. Today we get to find out if the babies are boys or girls.”
   Miuko puffed out her chubby cheeks, pulling on her dirty blonde pigtails. “But I wanna play princess tea party!” Her hair started to become staticy and her strands started to stand on end as she crossed her arms, pouting on the couch.
 “Heheh, now she looks like her dad when she does that. She’s so cute all the time, you forget her dad is Denki.” Kyouka came into the room, holding the cake for the party. Momo followed close behind her with balloons. Oh thank god, the other adults are here to help.
   You sigh happily as the girls came over to you and gave you side hugs. “Hey, Kyouka, that’s rude!” Speak of the devil, your husband pouted as he walked over to you. His arms wrapped around you tightly as he showered your face in loving kisses. “Hello my beautiful, darling, glowing, light-of-my-life wife. How are you feeling? How are the little lightning bugs?” His hands wandered down to your belly; the twins seemed to sense their father, as they shifted inside you...
   “We are good, don’t worry. Just worried about getting the party together in time for everyone to get here…” You looked back down at your daughter and then motioned your husband closer to whisper in his ear. “I think Miu is feeling a bit left out. She’s been begging to play princess all morning.”
   Denki looked down at his pouting little girl and then winked at you. “Oh man honey, I don’t think I can help with decorating. I’m really bad at it! I guess I have to keep myself out of the way. Hey Miu, do you know what daddy could do while we wait for the party?”
   Miuko gasped, jumping up and down on the couch. “Princess tea party!”
   Denki let out a dramatic gasp as he grabbed his daughter's hand. You giggled at his ‘excitement’ as you mindlessly rubbed your belly. “Princess tea party?! That sounds like sooooooo much fun! Let’s play in your room!” The two of them skipped down the hall; your daughter’s bubbly voice could be heard all the way to her room.
   “Man… that was cute.”
   “Makes you want a child of our own, Kyouka?”
   The party was still being set up when the guys showed up. Sero, Kirishima, and a Bakugo being dragged via headlock by Kirishima. Which meant they were sent to see where Denki was since they couldn’t be trusted to help or keep fingers away from snacks. “Holy shit! Pwahahahahahah! What the heck Kaminari?!” Both Sero and Kirishima fell to the floor, laughing at the sight before them.
   Denki had bows, clips, and glitter in his hair with random braids everywhere, as well as messy sparkly pink eyeshadow that didn’t stop at his eyelids and Barbie pink lipstick. Denki was sitting at his daughter’s play table, squeezing his large body onto one of the mini child chairs.e.
   “Is that an effing tutu, dunce face?” Bakugo, who was filtering his words in front of Miuko, pointed to the frill around Denki’s waist.
   “Yes, yes it is. And my name is Princess Dazzling Unicorn Sparkle.” Denki stated his new title proudly, taking a pretend sip from a very small plastic pink teacup, pinky out and everything. He is not ashamed that he plays with his daughter or that he lets her use him as a dress-up doll.
   Miu hopped to her feet, dressed in one of her princess costumes from Halloween. She ran over to the men that were more than triple her size. “Uncle Ei! Uncle Hanta! Uncle Suki! Are you here to play too?!” She grabbed Kirishima’s and Sero’s hands, pulling them and forcing them to sit at the table as well. It was amusing to see someone as big and bulky as Red Riot sitting in a chair that was smaller than one of his calves.
   “Uuuhhhhh…” The men looked at each other, unsure of what to do. Miu was looking at them with big puppy dog eyes; there was no way they could fight it. They both gave reluctant nods, but were rewarded with one of the brightest smiles they'd ever seen on Kaminari’s daughter’s face.
   “Eff that. I’d rather help with the dumb baby shower.” Bakugo tried to turn away, but small hands glued him to where he stood.
   “Pleeeaaasssse Uncle Suki? It won’t be as fun without you. I wanna play with you too.” Bakugo flinched at the tears starting to flow out of her eyes. Small sparks of electricity buzzed around her. If there is one thing Bakugo learned over the years from being around the small Kaminari child is to avoid any possible tantrum, at all costs. There is no way someone who didn’t have an electric quirk would survive. The moment he let go of the doorknob, she knew she’d won. “Yay, you are going to be Princess Butterfly Glitter Bomb!”
   You sighed from your spot on the couch; all the energy you’d had before had been sucked away when the twins decided to switch spots inside your stomach. “Alright, everything is set up. We just have to lay out the snacks and wait for everyone to show up. I’ll get the boys and the princess to come out and join us.”
   Walking down the hall, you could hear your daughter telling the story of how her prince in shining armor came to rescue her. “That’s stupid. Why would you wait for some dude to save you? You can do it yourself.” Ah, that was Bakugo talking.
   “But I want to be saved! My prince will give me a kiss!” Slowly, you opened the door; the first thing you see is your daughter being pampered by two pairs of hands. One was skillfully putting winged eyeliner on her, while the other was delicately placing flowers inside her French braided golden hair. Your eyes widened as you opened the door more; you immediately placed a hand over your mouth to hold back a snort.
   “You can fight some dragon on your own with your quirk, why wait for some dumb prince?” Bakugo, who was applying makeup to your daughter, had a butterfly clip holding back his bangs, a large amount of bright sparkly pink eyeshadow and neon pink lipstick. The makeup must of have been from her princess makeover kit that Denki had bought her for her birthday.
   “Katsuki, you are missing the point. She wants to be swept off her feet. To be romanced. You did that for me, bro.” Kirishima, the manliest and largest man of the Bakusquad, had many different assortments of colorful sparkly costume bracelets hooped around his spikes, flowers drawn in what you assume is the same red lipstick that was currently on his lips on his cheeks, and is that… your eyelashes from your Halloween costume last year?
   To the side of him was Sero, who was holding his hands out to Kirishima. “Shut up and focus on Soy Sauce’s nails. Anyways, you don’t need to be saved to be smooched, especially not from some random prince.” Sero was frowning down at his nails as Kiri continued to paint. The tape hero didn’t look much different to the redhead; his hair was in numerous ponytails that were being held up by beaded hair ties and bow; he had been given the purple lipstick.
   Your daughter held up the toy that she was clutching to herself right into Bakugo’s face, interrupting his work on her eyes. “It won’t be a random prince! Ingenium will save me!”
   “Glasses? Really?” Bakugo grabbed her face again, finishing the last bit of her eyeliner wings.
   Kaminari placed the final flower in his daughter’s hair. He was the most put together out of the rest; most likely he’d put his makeup on while your daughter did the rest of the guys. “She could do worse than our old class president. As long as she’s happy and he treats her right, I’m happy.”
   “All done.” Kirishima cheered as he closed the bottle of nail polish.
   Sero held up his hands to look at Kirishima’s work with an exasperated look; he was obviously not enjoying this as much as the others. “This is going to be hell to take off… why sparkles… I can’t imagine having a daughter who makes you dress up like this…”
   Kirishima leaned onto an open palm perched on his knees. “I don’t know bro, I feel kind of pretty.”
   With a straight face, Bakugo looked up at the redhead without any hesitation and said, “You are always pretty. Homo intended.”
   “Awww bro.”
   Now that no one was holding Miuko’s attention, she looked over to see you and excitedly stood up pointing to her face. “Mommy! Look! We princesses!”
   You giggle as she ran around the room, presenting each man and describing what she did to them with glee. “I see. Will your highnesses please join us in the living room; the party should be starting soon.”
   Sero sighed with relief as they all got to their feet. “After we get this makeup off…”
   That was the wrong thing to say. Miuko stomped her feet standing between Sero and Kirishima. “No! Princesses can’t be seen without their makeup! What if your prince comes? You have to look battle ready! Let’s go Princess Shiny Rainbow Bubbles and Princess Strawberry Sunshine Sugar.” She took Sero and Kiri’s hands and you watched as your six-year-old pulled the full-grown pro hero men out of the room.
   Kiri reached out and grabbed Bakugo’s hand, pulling him along as well with a cheeky smile. “Lucky me, I already found my prince…er, princess.”
   “Shut up, you sap.” Bakugo rolled his eyes as he let himself get dragged along.
   You were giggling to yourself as you could hear people gasping in surprise, soon followed by loud laughter. Denki came up beside you, offering his arm for you to take and escort you. You couldn’t help but chuckle and make a comment on his appearance. “You look beautiful, honey.”
   Denki flipped his hair dramatically with his free arm as the two of you walked. “I know, right?” You are sure the children in your stomach did somersaults due to your muscles flexing from how hard you laughed that day.
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pepziglassknot · 4 years
Have Faith in ME
Aged up Pro Hero! Katsuki Bakugo 
Based off of: A Day to Remember- Have Faith in Me
 WARNING: Angst (eventual little fluff and big happy ending). Cursing. Mentions of death. General warning about injuries. 
Bakugo x Reader 
Readers quirk: Touchable Telekinesis 
-Katsuki and reader have been together since their last year of highschool. Y/N is one of the top rescue and emergency force heroes. The night Katsuki and his fiance(e) have a fight, y/n immediately rushes out to answer an emergency call. 
Hero name: Mega-Force
Word Count: 1.8k 
Part 1 | (p2 coming soon!) |
“I’m not being reckless dammit! I’m doing my job Y/N. SAVING PEOPLE?” His voice was hoarse, body covered in dirt and dried blood.  “Being reckless is almost blasting your arms off Katsuki! You tried doing everything by yourself and now you can barley hold your own weight up. Why are you acting like this? Of all times??” Y/N wasn’t afraid to challenge Ground Zero back. So when their fiance almost goes and kills himself for the fifth time this month, they don’t feel the need to hold back on sharing exactly how they were feeling. “I thought you stopped all this non-sense two years ago, you were working so well with the other heroes.” Mentioning his coworkers must have set off a fuse as the blond forcefully struggled to stand up and try to push past you. “I did what I had to do, that’s it. Drop it.”  The bedroom suddenly felt still, Katsuki’s voice had been stern and bitter. “I’m going to go shower. Just....just leave me alone.” This evenings fight started the moment he came home looking half dead and broken, and seemed to be coming to an end late into the night. Y/n could only watch on as the banged up hero trudged down their carpeted hall and into the shower room. Their breath was only released when the door was slammed shut, the echo of Katsuki’s anger sounding through the cold apartment. 
Why was it like this? It didn’t used to be. What changed? 
“Damn you Katsuki...” Y/n was quick to try and hold down their frustration, walking out to the kitchen to turn the water heater on. Even if they were mad, confused and maybe hurt, how could they not turn on the hot water? Any good fiance(e) would at least make sure their partner was comfortable.  “FUCK, the water!” His voice rang out again, the shower room door slamming against the wall.
 “I GOT IT.”
 After a few moments, only the sound of the door closing again showed they were acknowledged. This was tiring. 
Standing in the kitchen, a small stove light was all that illuminated the dark and lonely kitchen. The soft warm glow gently shined against the engagement ring as y/n finally felt the tension in their muscles release. Why did their face feel wet? Blurry vision? Impossible. They must have been tired. There was no reason to be crying right now. When did Y/n start crying?  “It’s fine, it’s fine. Everything is going to be okay. It will be.” Their voice was so sore and barley audible. Flashes of all the fights the both of them had been having over the past few months started to drown y/n’s mind. The tingling of reasoning was etched into their thoughts, they knew exactly why these fights started. Katsuki was stressed with Hero work and getting married. Y/n was stressed with the exact same thing, the difference was Katsuki was pushing himself away through it all. Why was he so afraid to just open up again? Why couldn’t he just tell them what was bothering him so much?
Using the nearby sink, Y/n splashed cold water onto their face in an attempt to sooth the warm and burning skin around their swollen eyes. With arms supporting their body against the end of the sink, the sound of dripping water was soothing and grounding. 
With Katsuki, the sound of running water hitting the tiles helped drown out any of his racing thoughts as his heart tried to slow down. Even the great Bakugo Katsuki knew that this was wrong, that these fights were unnecessary and just made the situation worse. He just....he couldn’t help it. Y/n just couldn’t understand...they couldn’t see everything, that’s all. Eventually they will be able to. He just had to be patient until then, which god dammit he knew he wasn’t even doing that right. “Shit.....shit...shit.” mutters escaped through Katsuki’s clenched teeth, his weakened body leaning against the wall for support. If the evening had gone differently, maybe he and y/n could have shared a shower together with a nice bath. They could have ended the night in a warm and welcoming bed together. There were still some nights like this, but they were slowly being spread out and thinned. He hated it. He loathed it with a passion. 
It had been an hour now, so Katsuki must have been taking a long soak in the tub. 
“I said I’d never let you go, and I never did...” you sang quietly to yourself, the random american rock song playing through your head. It was one that Kirishima had introduced to you and Katsuki when he gifted the both of you some of his favorite cds. The bedroom was cold, so you kept yourself tucked under the warm and soft covers of your bed. With bedside lamps on, there was enough light in the room to read some of the books that your fiance kept beside the bed. Even now the young hero still enjoyed retiring to a somewhat early night. Books were his usual go to wind down for the day, followed by small chatter and a kiss goodnight. Just the thought of your soon to be husband brought a small and tired smile to your face. “Oh Kats....” I miss you. “Good, you aren’t asleep yet.” You jumped a bit from your book, quickly looking up to see Katsuki at the entrance of your shared bedroom. He had a towel wrapped around his waist, and his hair was still dripping wet. “Yeah...I am. I wanted to wait for you.” 
With a simple nod, the tired but refreshed male stepped into the room to further dry up and change into his nightwear. Quietly watching on, you set the book back where it belonged and adjusted the covers around you. 
How long would it last?  “Katsuki I-” He seemed to perk up from his dresser when his name was called, but the both of you were interrupted by a loud and consistent beeping. “The hell?”  You eyes widen a bit, hurriedly jumping out of bed to jog over beside your....beside Katsuki. Your work communicator that you kept on the dresser was going off with the emergency alarm and flashing yellow lights. You both share a quick glance before you slip on the device and answer the call. 
“Mega-Force! An Emergency in Tokyo sector A. The villain has already been apprehended, but the damage has continued to progress and become even more hazardous.”  This must have been from the villain Katsuki was fighting along with the other pro heroes! “You are being requested to help lead the effort of maintaining and preventing further damage to buildings and civilians.” 
You were usually only called on for big emergencies, Katsuki knew this too. 
“Mega-Force, confirming Request. TOA fifteen minuets.”  “Request Confirmed. Information and instructions are being sent to you now. Message Over.” 
“Y/n wait-”
“I’m sorry, I have to go. You heard the message Kats.” You were already getting undressed, throwing open your drawer as you slipped on some leggings and a sports bra. “I know but..please dammit, just wait a second!” 
“I can’t! I can’t waste time, what if more people get hurt??” leaping over the bed, you quickly find and step into your suit container.. ((Think Tony Start and his Nano-technology.)) Waves of deep chromatic blue, black and gold start to shimmer over your body before you hero costume is outfitted. The only skin that was left bare were your hands, a small cut off area around your collar bone, and your arms all the way up to the end of your shoulders. This was to maximize your ability to use your quirk. 
“Look, I know you already know it but I’m-” 
“Katsuki.” Within moments, you’re standing back in front of your fiance. The small hints of worry and uncertainty on his face bring you some peace. He still loves me, cares about me. 
“You don’t have to say it. It’ll be fine. I’m always safe. We’ll have trained teams out there like always. Have faith in me.”  The last bit you spoke struck a cord with the Bakugo.
. He watched now as you slipped on some of your protective gear and your head piece. “Don’t wait up, It’ll probably be an all nighter okay? There’s some dinner in the fridge and you know where the medical supplies are. I’m sorry I can’t help you with that. See you soon.” Just as your about to leave, you feel a firm grip pull at your forearm. “Y/n.” Katsuki kept his stance, the image of you in your hero uniform burning into his mind. You were about to do real hero work, he should know best how serious this was. But..for some damn reason there was a small pang in his gut that yelled at him to not let you go.  In the few silent moments you shared together, one of your hands reached up to cup the battered one on your arm. “It’ll be okay. I had faith in you coming home to me, so..just do the same for me...” with a few quick steps you wrapped your arms around the warm and now clean smelling man, Katuski doing the same as he pressed a tender kiss to your forehead. “I know.” his voice was quiet.  “I mean it, I’ll see you soon Kats.” “See you soon sparks.” With that, you were off and out of the room. Just in the bedroom he could hear the front door open then quickly shut closed. He was alone.  Katsuki knew that he wasn’t being called forth because of his direct involvement with the Villain earlier that day. All the hero’s who helped take down the sucker were given the next few days off to heal and get back on track. For a little while he had hoped that he could use these days to finally see you. To actually talk to you and have more than just a few minuets and a good night kiss. Sure he understood how busy hero work could get, but that didn’t stop him from at least feeling a little guilty for having spent so much time away from HIS fiance(e). Logically, he came to the conclusion that this mission would at max last two days -if even that-  which meant he would have a day with you. “Grr...that’s fine. IT’s fine.” We just need to talk, not yell. We need to stop yelling.... Maybe then I can try explaining all these emotions I've been feeling. 
| part 1 |
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ice-cream-nekogirl · 4 years
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I've been watching you For some time Can't stop staring At those oceans eyes Burning cities And napalm skies Fifteen flares inside those ocean eyes Your ocean eyes
Amy and Dabi
Oh boy... Amy makes some strange friends... but she is a strange girl, it’s only natural that she’s drawn to strange people and like-minded individuals. Which is why... she got along so well with the League of Villains, they were all oddballs, misunderstood, not unlike her. She even bonded with villains such as Himiko Toga and Twice, and struck a friendship with Magne, Spinner and Mr. Compress as well. 
And then of course there was Shigaraki and Dabi, now Amy taunted the hell out of Shigaraki in the beginning, which is what caught Dabi’s attention because he thought she was hilarious and even laughed at some of her jokes. Although he also took notice of her various powers, as he was surprised by the way she stowed away by teleporting right behind him just as they were about to disappear into Kurogiri’s warp gate. However, Amy didn’t succeed in attacking him and rescuing Bakugo as the other villains quickly subdued her. 
Nonetheless, Dabi didn’t underestimate the young witch despite her jokes and flighty demeanor, especially because he was well aware that she was a witch. Although he was partially relieved that she had a shock collar on to prevent her from using her magic. The first moment they talked at all though was Amy asking Dabi what happened to him because she was put off by his stitched up and burnt appearance, but the man didn’t give her an answer.
The two further interacted as she and Bakugo were bound and held hostage by the villains, with Amy being the most conversational and trying to appeal to all the villains, both so she can escape but also to get a better understanding of them. As Amy befriended Toga and Twice as well as Magne and Mr. Compress, Dabi found her an amusement at best, at least until he listened to her talk about Stain with Spinner. 
He was surprised but pleasantly so because Amy talked about how she actually met Stain once, and noted that he ‘wasn’t wrong’, which is what piqued Dabi’s interest since the witch made it clear she knew what she was talking about. Amy discussed with Spinner about how messed up everything is because of privilege and discrimination, and the so-called pro-heroes do nothing about it. Impressed, Dabi shares a moment with Amy, albeit he does ask her what she’s even doing in UA, especially a young witch from the New Orleans Coven in America.
Amy shares her reasons, stating that she wanted to come back to show the pro-heroes that she wants to be a hero too, and build a bridge of friendship with the pro-heroes and witches. However, this dream amuses Dabi because he doesn’t believe that’s going to happen, much to Amy’s annoyance as she argues that the pro-heroes rescued her and that she has a lot of friends who also want to be heroes, but Dabi doesn’t believe that.
Amy: I have friends now! It can happen! The pro-heroes haven’t done a whole lot of shit but I know they must care a little bit, they saved me! I can be a hero because my friends believe in me!
Dabi: Do they though? 
Amy: (annoyed but saddened) ... I don’t know! I hope so! 
Unamused, Amy becomes upset by this claim although she does continue to talk about herself and the history of her coven. She talks about how her friends and sisters were threatened constantly by witch hunters and voodoo witches, until they banded with the voodoo witches to kill the witch hunters together. Dabi asks Amy for what she believes in after all she’s been through, and Amy slowly replies that she believes that people like her aren’t given the kind of privilege everyone else is and that it lets them see things that nobody else can see. 
Amy also thinks about the current system of how pro-heroes work, and then notes that the Sports Festival is biased because she didn’t get any recommendations despite the fact that she came in 4th place and that only Bakugo, Todoroki and Tokoyami got recommendations. She says that it was “pretty fucked up” and had sort of “kinda totally ruined my day”, and expressed that she thought it may have something to do with her being a witch. Dabi almost felt bad for the witch, but showed no surprise because he told that it had everything to do with her being a witch.
This disheartened Amy, but then she began to realize that it made sense and that the pro-heroes probably had no trust in people like her. And then it helped when Amy brought up Endeavor, a pro-hero that Dabi especially despised and the two of them even bond over their hatred over him much to Amy’s delight. 
Amy: This is a system that values goodness, strength and always rescuing and helping people with a positive attitude. It’s so narrowed that not everyone can fit that box, and then there’s a bunch of other fucking little boxes they want you to fit into, and if you don’t, they won’t give a shit about you and start assuming the worst about you. Because... they take one look at people like us and they see human garbage, broken and bent... not worth fixing or saving. They’re supposed to be heroes and yet... they’re not helping us, because nobody wants to waste time on other humans they think can’t be saved or are worth saving I guess... 
Dabi: Us? (chuckles) Yeah... you’re not wrong. These pro-heroes won’t fix anything that’s broken, not unless they think it’s good enough to be saved. After all, you came back broken, but you also came back new. That’s the perks of being broken.
Amy: Yeah... I guess. I’m like you. I see a lot of pain and hatred in you Dabi... I feel your pain... and I don’t want to even imagine how much you’re hurting right now... (her emotions are slightly triggered and it allows her eyes to turn misty with tears) I’m sorry... I’m sorry for what you went through, not even animals go through that... I don’t exactly know what it was but I can tell it was something horrible... it’s in your eyes. (Dabi looks surprised but irked)
Dabi: You’re a sharp little bitch aren’t you? 
Dabi was mildly impressed with what Amy knew and she does admit that he has a point, but also sensed something in him, as his aura reminded her of someone’s. Also noting that she could sense his inner pain from his mysterious but troubled past and she couldn’t help but empathize with him, much to his annoyance. However, Dabi nonetheless regarded Amy as someone clever enough to be a member of the villains, but Amy felt conflicted. As she felt a kinship towards Dabi but didn’t want to leave her friends and especially not her best friend Shinsou behind. 
Still, Dabi told her to be smart and join like-minded people who know and understand her better than the UA students do and that they won’t push her away just because she’s a witch, and also tells her that they could use someone as powerful as her. Which further made it harder for Amy to think because Dabi again wasn’t wrong, Amy did feel that the villains understood her better than the UA students. However, when All-Might and the pro-heroes arrived and destroyed the hideout, it gave both her and Bakugo a chance to get away. Unfortunately, Shigaraki prevented Amy from escaping for a while until she managed to get the drop on him and get away, only to get hit by debris and it forced Madison to intervene and rescue her.
Afterwards, Dabi sort of blamed Shigaraki for letting Amy and Bakugo get away, but the former didn’t want to hear it. Meanwhile Amy would have Dabi lingering in her memory for months, and still felt that they had bonded. Amy even made a doll that she designed after him and named after him as well during her months of isolation. Amy also admitted that Dabi was right all along after she left UA temporarily, and even thought that she should have just accepted his offer.
Amy: Dabi was right... the villains were right... these pro-heroes don’t care about people like us... (before she officially exits the school) UA! ALL OF YOU SO-CALLED HEROES! YOU SUCK! YOU’RE NOT HEROES AT ALL AND I HOPE YOU ALL GO TO HELL!! (she runs off in tears and retreats to her mansion) 
Nonetheless, Amy remained at her mansion, troubled and trying to reflect on herself but with the League of Villains continuously haunting her mind. Amy continued to cheer for them however, particularly after Overhaul’s defeat as she was ecstatic when Shigaraki stole his Quirk Erasing bullets and cut off his arms after he killed Magne, someone Amy highly regarded as one of her friends. Although she was disappointed that they didn’t kill him because she thought that what he did to Magne was unforgivable.
And then Amy saw and found Dabi using a scrying spell, using a small piece of his hair that she managed to steal before the bar had been destroyed, She saw Dabi with Endeavor, the hero that they both despised, hopeful, Amy would watch the fight between Endeavor, Dabi and the High-End Nomu as the other UA students and the Todoroki family had been. However, where Amy was, she screamed and hollered for Dabi and the Nomu to kill Endeavor, and was extremely disappointed when Endeavor came out of it alive.
Later on, Amy would do the same in the War Arc as she was in the midst of a big decision to return to UA or not especially because she knew that the villains were coming to create mass destruction. Unfortunately, when she felt Twice’s aura leave the earth and discovered that Hawks was the reason for it, she became enraged. And while she remained at her mansion, she watched what was happening through her bathtub, seeing the fight between Dabi and Hawks, and Amy would scream and holler for Dabi to kill Hawks as she developed a newfound hatred for the winged hero. To her disappointment, Tokoyami rescued the pro-hero and the witch angrily lamented that the heroes really haven’t learned anything.
,But at the same time when Dabi was going to attack her former classmate and upon sensing the danger her other classmates and friends were in, Amy couldn’t stand by anymore and that was the last push she needed to return and help the heroes, but she noted that she only returned for her friends sake and because she didn’t want to die. 
In the present, Amy still thinks about Dabi, particularly about his ‘pretty eyes’, and how they had so much agony in them. However, Amy secretly believes that he may actually be Todoroki’s long-lost older brother Touya Todoroki, whom they believe to be dead. Amy believes that Dabi is Touya, but hasn’t interacted with him since and thus she cannot be certain. 
Nonetheless, Amy believes in her theory and desires to one day rehabilitate him because Amy does care about Dabi and does not think he’s truly a villain and is merely a troubled individual and product of the environment Endeavor created. Because Amy has much more empathy and sympathy for the villains than her friends do, it’s something she doesn’t talk about, as she notes that her friends can’t understand it.
Similarly, Dabi admits that Amy would have been good to have on the Villains side, even believing that they would have gotten everything done a LOT faster had they had Amy on their side, and hopes that he doesn’t have to kill her the next time they interact.
No fair You really know how to make me cry When you gimme those ocean eyes I'm scared I've never fallen from quite this high Falling into your ocean eyes Those ocean eyes
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maarmendes · 4 years
Extra #2 - Meeting The Class
A/N: Sorry for the delay guys! I wasn’t happy with how the most recent chapter turned out so I had to rewrite it... twice! :^D Meanwhile have this extra bit while I work on chapter 10 and 11 and also another extra I’ll be dropping after chapter 10 hehehe blessed be! <3
EXTRA CONTENT: What happened when Ana met each classmate for the first time?
Yuga Aoyama
Ana was heading back to class after going to the bathroom when she bumped into him. She apologized and tried to move out of his way but he held her shoulder.
"Don't Move." He whispered and Ana froze on the spot, not knowing what to do. The boy proceeded to untie her hair, combing it back. She was expecting it to hurt but it felt nice, the boy was gentle as he messed with her hair. For Ana her hair was fine, but as soon as Aoyama laid eyes on her this morning, he was annoyed. She had her hair tied up in such a messy way... Aoyama couldn't take it anymore. When he saw her walking back to class, - after obviously seeing herself in the mirror and DOING NOTHING ABOUT IT - he had to take matters into his own hands.
"There you go, Darling. Much better!" He held up a pocket mirror for Ana to check his handy work. He had braided her hair beautifully over her shoulder.
"Oh, my God! It's beautiful. How did you-"
"You're welcome." He winked and walked away, leaving a confused but happy Ana behind.
Mina Ashido
Mina was one of the first classmates to approach Ana. She was the first to ask all kinds of questions about Ana's family and quirk. She was also the first to ask Ana to have lunch with them. They became instant friends, hitting it off almost immediately like they were meant to be. Mina thought she met her soulmate when Ana always finished all the lyrics she started singing.
"I can't believe you know so many songs!"
"I mean, they're not my style... But I'm a bit of a music freak."
Mina tried to introduce Ana to everyone but mostly just ended up rushing it and dragging Ana into another group of people, and another... and another... and another... Until she finally let Ana settle down. In the end, no one got to know anyone, especially not Ana, but she still appreciated Mina's excitement.
Tsuyu Asiu
They met when Mina asked Ana to have lunch with her. The girls all sat together and introduced themselves. They both told each other to refer to themselves by their nicknames and bonded over how adorable both names were.
"Ana, about you telling us to get to know each other slowly..." Tsu shyly faced Ana. "I'm sorry if we made you feel overwhelmed. I hope we can be good friends in the future."
"If you keep being that cute, I think I might just offer you my soul, Tsu." The girls laughed. "It's okay, I'm okay, everything's okay!"
With a pet on Tsuyu's head, Ana figured she'd made the sweetest friend she could ever wish for.
Tenya Iida
Ana was annoying Bakugo early in the morning when Tenya approached them. She was sitting on Bakugo's desk who had his feet up. Tenya cleared his throat to get their attention and began his rant.
"Bakugo Katsuki and Shuzenji Anahita! How dare you disrespect school's property like that! Show some respect! Especially you, Bakugo! It's the second day in a row I catch you in the act!"
"The fuck did you say to me? You wanna die or something, shitty glasses?!"
Ana watched the boys bicker and soon an entertaining idea came to mind.
"How about you guys arm-wrestle and whoever wins tells the other what to do?"
It was a joke but the boys took it seriously. Ana was impressed by how much of a fight the class rep put up but in the end, Bakugo obviously won. The winner completely forgot his price, too engrossed in his celebration, so Ana decided to claim the price.
"Since my friend won, it's time for our price..."
Ana made Iida sit on the desk next to her for the rest of the day. Even during class.
Ochaco Uraraka
It was time to try on their hero suits and the girls made their way towards the changing room. Ana was adjusting the belt around her waist while waiting for the others when Ochaco gasped behind her. She turned to see the girl pointing between themselves. At first, she didn't get it but then... The resemblance... Bodysuits, belt, helmet... If it wasn't for Ana's suit being blue and Uraraka's being pink, they'd look exactly the same.
The girls got dragged out before they could talk about it but once outside there was an opportunity, and so the Pink and Blue team was born!
Mashirao Ojiro
In between classes, Mina was chatting with Ana but her attention was elsewhere. The boys tail was swaying has he talked to his friends and Ana couldn't stop staring in wonder.
"Ana! Did you even hear me?! What are you staring at?"
"Do you think Tail Boy is strong enough to let me sit on him?" Mina blinked for a minute before staring at Ana with a perverted smile on her face. "His tail, Mina! Sit on his tail!"
"Why don't you try to ask him?" Ana scowled at Mina. "I bet ten bucks you won't do it."
Ana was on her feet so fast her chair nearly fell over and walked over to Ojiro's group.
"Hey, Tail Boy, is your tail strong enough for me to sit on like a chair?"
"Probably... Yes?" The boy had no idea what the hell was happening but still answered the tiny girl.
"So... Can I?"
With that Ana sat on the boy's tail, pinching him when he commented on her being lighter than he expected. Mina couldn't stop laughing with her phone out, either recording or taking pictures of them. At first, he was flustered and didn't know what to do since Bakugo was glaring at him from across the room, but soon followed Ana's playfulness as she tried to balance herself on his tail.
"It's unbelievably soft, that's so cute!" Ana petted the boy. "Sorry, Ojiro. This was supposed to be a bet I made with Mina but now I'm way too into it."
"Oi! Get back here, pipsqueak!"
Thankfully Bakugo rescued Ojiro from having to carry Ana everywhere with him. The boy could only think that Ana was unexpectedly childish and weird, not in a bad way though.
Denki Kaminari
As per usual, Ana, Mina, Bakugo, and Kirishima were hanging out in-between classes when someone decided to insert themselves into the group.
"Hey, hey, hey! Who's the cutie?"
Kaminari wrapped an arm over Kirishima's shoulder, interrupting his conversation with Ana.
"Do you believe in love at first sight? Or should I walk by again?"
Ana scoffed at Kaminari's bad attempt at a pick-up line, and so the war began.
"Nice one, blondie. I hope you know CPR because you just took my breath away!"
"Good... But not good enough! Let me guess... Your middle name is Gillette, right? 'Cause you're the best a man can get!"
"HAH! Is there an airport nearby, or was that just my heart taking off?!"
"Go ahead! Feel my shirt! Boyfriend material!"
"Oh, wait... wait, where... where's my... Oh no, oh fuck..." Ana suddenly got serious, patting her pockets and looking through her bag. The look of pure dread getting the group's attention.
"W-what? What's up?" Kaminari grew worried the more frantic Ana seemed, instinctively putting his hands up as if signaling Bakugo he did nothing.
"Oh no... I lost my phone number... Mind if I have yours?" Ana gave Kaminari a big smirk and an innocent look as she dropped her desperate act. A few frustrated grunts and sighs of relief come from the group and the boy announced her victory, both becoming friends on the spot.
"What the fuck did we just witness..." Bakugo asked Kirishima, who only gave him a shrug.
Eijiro Kirishima
After witnessing Ana's argument with Bakugo, Kirishima couldn't stop worrying about the girl. He knew Bakugo was pissed but Bakugo is always pissed. Ana was coming back to class with Bakugo who left her soon after, giving Kirishima a chance to talk to Ana.
"Hey, Ana..." The girl looked up at Kiri with a smile. "Sorry to bother you, I was just checking how you're doing, and- Why are you in your gym clothes?"
"Oh! Some stupid bitch with some kind of water quirk picked a fight with me, what an idiot. Don't worry, she got what she deserved!"
Ana put her bruised fists up in a fighting stance and Kirishima stood frozen in place feeling stupid for even worrying about her in the first place. As Ana told more details about the fight he couldn't help but laugh.
"What?! I'm serious! I knocked her nose real good!" Ana pouted to which Kiri couldn't help but pat her head.
"No, no, it's not that! It's just... I was worried about you and the whole Bakugo thing, but I guess there's no need for that."
"That's cute but I can handle myself. Thanks for caring though." Ana gave the boy a hug which he gladly returned.
"No problem, Cutie!"
From then on Ana and Kirishima referred to each other with random pet names and found it entertaining to never explain Bakugo why.
Koji Koda
Koda usually feels bad when he's stuck inside for long periods of time, so when the bell rang signaling lunchtime he decided to take a walk around campus. When passing a tree behind the building, he heard a small meow coming from above.
Ana was trying to escape Bakugo and find a quiet place to rest and figures the back of the building would be deserted. But, when she was passing by a tree, she wasn't expecting what she heard.
"U-Uhm... E-Excuse me..."
"God? Is that you?"
"Uhm... No?" Ana looked up to see Koda sitting on a tree branch hugging a small kitten to his chest. "I-I'm... I'm s-stuck."
Ana couldn't stop laughing while she climbed the tree to help both the boy and the kitten getting down. Once the boy got down and the kitten was safe and sound, she finally stopped laughing and asked the boy.
"Next time you try to rescue an animal, be careful not to get stuck too, ok?" The boy nodded shyly. "So, what now? What are you gonna do with the cat?"
"Oh! Principal Nezu said I can't keep any animals on campus..."
"Then let's hide them until we find a place for them!"
The boy was ecstatic! One of them found a box, another one got some blankets and both built a small house for the small kitty. Coming back the next day, Koda found Ana already there, feeding a bunch of cats.
"Koda, look!" Ana held up what Koda assumed was the kittens' mother. "Mama Kitty came to get her baby and decided to stay! We have a family now!"
In the end, Koda convinced Ana they couldn't find a home for all those kittens alone, so she decided to ask the person she trusts the most for help. And that is how Aizawa got so many cats.
Rikido Sato
Living in the dorms was already weird enough for Ana since she never really had a big lively home. Her grandmother was quite rowdy but even with Aizawa there, the house was never as vivid as the dorms were. So it wasn't unusual for Ana to have a tough time sleeping. She had just given up on sleep and decided to get some coffee and just stay up all night when she stumbles into Sato in the kitchen.
"What are you doing? It's like 4 am." Ana mumbled and then noticed the sweets on the boy's hands. "I thought you had an oven in your room."
"I do! But then the room smells like sweets and it becomes a bit unbearable and the boys have been complaining about the smell and-"
"Did you break it?" The boy nodded. "Lemme eat and I won't snitch."
Both of them spent the next couple of hours in the kitchen. Ana would taste-test all the sweets and gave feedback to Sato who would bake something different. Once the sun was up and people started to walk around the dorms, Iida found them on the kitchen floor sleeping, Ana still had sweets on her lap and Sato was filled with flour. Neither of them ever talked about what happened that night but when Ana is looking tired, Sato secretly shares some of his sweets.
Mezo Shoji
Aizawa was giving the class instructions on what the training exercise would be when someone interrupted him. The class was all standing on the field waiting for instructions when Aizawa said he had to leave for a minute, giving them orders to behave and work out or their own. Once out of sight, Mina and Ana exchanged looks.
"Hide and Seek?" They both agreed, getting a few students to join them. Luckily, Ana wasn't it. She ran around to find a place to hide until she had a brilliant idea.
"Mezo! Can you hide me? Quick!" The boy said nothing, just wrapped his arms around the tiny girl, holding and hiding Ana behind his back. She muffled a laugh when Mina ran by and even the boy had to hide his mouth to avoid laughing. Not too long after, Mina approached the boy.
"Mezo... What you got there, sweety?"
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Just drop her, Mezo! I know she's in there!" Mina tried to tickle Mezo.
"Don't betray me, Mezo!" Ana yelled from behind him.
They were all laughing and fighting in their own playful way when they hear someone clearing their throat.
"If you have that much energy, how about you guys do some extra training after class?"
They all grunted at Aizawa's punishment as they got back with the others. Ana tried apologizing for getting Mezo into trouble (Mina thought it was offensive she didn't get an apology) but the boy paid her no attention, saying he had fun anyway, so he didn't regret it.
Kyoka Jiro
Much like some other girls, they met during lunch. Mina yelled about how Ana knows a lot about music and Jiro's ears perked up. For a moment they just stared at each other until Jiro broke the silence.
"Bohemian Rhapsody."
"Master Of Puppets."
"Red Hot Chilli Peppers?"
"Pink Floyd?"
"Their whole discography."
They both laughed and fist-bumped each other. The other girls didn't get it but what matters was that they bonded over their music taste. Since then, both Ana and Jiro lent vinyl albums to each other that they think the other might like.
Hanta Sero
The class was having mock battles during training and Aizawa refused to split the class since in real combat there were no differences in gender or of any other kind. So, Ana and Sero got paired.
"Are you sure you want this? I don't want to fight a girl."
Ana ignored him and Aizawa smirked behind Seto. The whole class shivered at the sight. He blew the whistle and Ana was as quick as ever sliding under Sero's legs to get on his blind spot and knock him off his feet. He was stunned on the floor, Ana standing over him.
"So, is it that you don't want to fight a girl or that you can't?"
Ana offered a hand to help him up. Sero chuckled and nodded with a new-found respect for the small girl.
"I'm sorry I disrespected you. Let's go again. This time for real."
They both did their best but, in the end, Ana had more fighting experience than him and won the mock battle. After that, Sero would often ask Ana to train with him to help him get stronger.
Fumikage Tokoyami
Training was getting rough and the class was all spread about, training their abilities with the help of Ectoplasm. As per Aizawa's instructions, Ana had to train using her quirks and keeping herself moving even in uneven terrain. So, as Cimentoss had made various platforms, Ana was running around healing whoever needed it. Suddenly a scream echoed and Ana bolted in that direction with no hesitation. Arriving there, Tokoyami stumbled out of the dark cave, his arm bleeding.
"Hey, it's okay, I'm here. Let me see." Ana was kneeling down next to the boy who was still shaking.
"I'm sorry. This is nothing, I'm fine. Dark Shadow just got a bit enthusiastic, that's all."
"Just shut up and let me help." Ana inspected the cut and determined it wasn't too deep so it wouldn't need too much to heal. She was about to do her job when a whimper caught her attention. Behind the boy, there was a shadow with sad eyes looking worried at its owner. He tried to reassure his friend he was alright but it wouldn't listen.
"Hey, buddy. Look!" Ana caught the shadow's attention as she placed a kiss on the boy's arm and the cut faded. "Everything's alright, see? He's all good!"
Ana patted the shadow who chirped happily at her. Tokoyami apologize a thousand times but Ana ignored it and reassured him it was her job to help out. After this, Ana would help him calm down Dark Shadow when it was worried about him or even let her play with it from time to time. Most would say he didn't care either way and probably thought it was good control training, but he was actually happy about it.
Shoto Todoroki
Ana was complaining to Deku and Ururaka about how her tea got cold on the way to class. Todoroki overhears, grabs the cup, and heats it up. Ana decides to have his children.
It was lunchtime and Deku had witnessed Ana fight during the mock battle training and insisted on her telling him all about it, joined by Uraraka and Tenya. They were sitting in class and Ana was telling them all about the training Aizawa had put her through.
"Ana... I think that's child abuse..." Uraraka said with a concerned look on her face.
"Nah, it was fine! It wasn't that bad." Ana reached for her cup but froze upon touching it. "Oh no, my tea went cold... I hate cold tea..." She pouted sadly.
"Don't be sad! We can go get another one if you want. It's my fault it got cold anyway." Deku suggested.
Ana was about to accept when a hand reached over her shoulder and grabbed her cup. Soon, the cup began to warm up and the water started to steam. Looking up, she saw the red and white-haired boy looking down on her. He offered a small smile before placing the mug back down.
"Is this good enough?" Ana nodded still mesmerized by the boy. "You don't have to be sad anymore then."
With that, Todoroki walked away leaving a gawking Ana behind. His cool but gentle demeanor completely enchanting the girl.
"Ana... Are you ok?" Uraraka broke whatever spell Ana was in.
"What? Oh, I'm fine. I think I just got my heart completely smashed to pieces by whoever the hell that was but I'm fine."
From then on out, it was girl talk. Tenya and Deku were chased out and were replaced by Mina and Tsuyu as the girls started gossiping about Todoroki and what they thought about him. He became Ana's secret crush and she would admire him from afar. They would occasionally talk but she didn't trust herself around him without some kind of restrain, especially since Todoroki wasn't a big fan of socializing and Ana had no concept of personal space. Either way, she would often ask him to heat up her tea when she forgets about it.
Toru Hagakure
Also during lunch, she was one of the girls that asked a lot of questions about Ana's grandma. She was way more energetic than Ana could ever imagine and they hit it off fairly quickly, even if Ana found it tough to talk to Toru.
"I'm sorry but I have to say this..." Ana stopped Toru mid-sentence. "I'm really sorry if I stare too much at you, it's just hard for me to understand you. I've lived my life reading peoples expressions and, well... You know what I'm getting at! So it's a bit hard for me to understand but I'm sure I'll get used to it. I'm sorry and please bear with me."
Toru was surprised but relieved. Ana was staring at her with such intense eyes she thought Ana was offended or something. Thankfully, Ana was just worried. When Toru asked why she read people like that, Ana explained that thanks to the nature of her quirk she tends to get closer than she should since she's so used to it and didn't want to make people uncomfortable so she learned how to know what people are feeling.
Toru was touched by her thoughtfulness and reassured the girl she'd tell her if anything bothered her. What excited her was how well Ana could read other people. The girls would often have fun during lunch where Ana would tell Toru what she guessed the conversations were about by reading lips and emotions and Toru would confirm it using her invisibility to get close and eaves-drop. Was it right to listen in on other peoples' conversations? No, but it was fun!
Minoru Mineta
He's not part of this universe. :)
Momo Yaoyorozu
Makes Ana a new uniform when she gets to class in her gym clothes after the bullying scene.
Momo noticed Ana in her gym clothes during class and as soon as it was over she called her classmate over to talk to her about it.
"Ana, I'm sorry about this but you can't hang around in your gym clothes. You need to wear your uniform properly, those are the rules..."
"Oh. Well, my uniform got soaked and I had to change... Honestly, I think I might burn it honestly."
Momo was ready to scold her classmate but Ana continued, explaining what happened at lunch. Momo was shocked there were students like that at U.A. but Ana reminded her of Bakugo. They agreed that judging people is hard. Momo felt guilty for calling out Ana after what happened. Taking a look around to make sure no one notices, the girl materializes a copy of the uniform and offers it to Ana.
"Oh, my God! Momo, you can't do that!" Ana whispered, also checking to make sure no one saw it.
"It's okay! I feel bad for what happened and for calling you out... I'm sorry so just take it."
"Are you sure?" Momo nodded with a smile. "Thank you, really... I'd go change but I've had enough of bathroom encounters for today."
They both laughed at that but Momo offered to go with her, just to make sure nothing happened. Ana noticed her concerned and told her about the fights she'd win, which Momo took as Ana being a troublemaker. Either way, both girls understood each other and both knew the other would have their back.
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bunslakes-artblog · 5 years
Yo, time for some more additions to my “how to hurt Kirishima” text collection
A while ago I posted a longass textpost with kiribaku themed little snippets of stories, scenes, and general ideas and scenarios. This is more of that! This time it’s even angstier and a couple of them are actually kinda gore-y so watch out for that if that’s not your cup of tea. I’ll write out a warning before those.  Stories under the cut! 
This is a sort of alternate route for how the kamino rescue could’ve turned out, if Kirishima hadn’t been able to convince any of the others to come with him.
No one showed up. He hadn't expected many, but at least Todoroki had felt like a safe bet. Of course he couldn't blame them, never his friends. This was such a stupid, dangerous and impulsive idea after all. But he HAD to. 
So he went alone. 
It's a big city. How was he supposed to find anything in here? He was so stupid, how did he think he could do anything by himself? Everything feels hopeless and the minutes are ticking by in a terrifying speed, one by one. 
But he keeps going. He HAS to. 
It's so overwhelming. The situation. The stakes. The fear. 
He's pressed against a wall, holding his breath, trying to stop his body from shaking like a leaf in the wind. He's so close, but fuck. If he's seen now he will die. There's no question about it, they are too many, too strong. He wouldn't even have time to take a step. But Bakugou. He's in the middle of it all, still fighting. Not trembling, pressed against some rubble, frozen in fear. He's out there, wild, Alive. 
For now. 
Kirishima can see the muscles in his arms twitch from the strain of quirk overuse. 
Time is running out. 
And yet he still can't move. He's alone. Nailed in place by the humongous, almost primal, raw feel of fear. Fear for himself, what will happen if he acts. What will happen if he don't. 
And suddenly there's no time left to doubt. He hears the zing of metal cutting through the air. Something splashing on the ground, and the short, hoarse cry. That blade cannot reach its target a second time. 
A loud clash is heard this time as the knife search for its target, followed by a yelp of surprise from its wielder. With hardened arms still raised in defense, he forces his voice to work, throat yet again tight with fear. 
"Bakugou- ..Help.." 
And he does. The brief distraction Kirishima's sudden appearance had caused gave Bakugou enough time to let out an enormous blast, big enough to put up a smokescreen that would shield their escape.
Except that it didn't happen like that. Of course not. Kirishima was alone. With no plan. No strategy. Unfitting quirk. Useless. But he HAD to act. 
So his friends had to watch on the TV, screaming as they saw a familiar red flash of hair, the red belonging to the one they had denied, refused to cooperate with. Refused to help. They didn't think he'd go by himself. But of course he had. Of course. 
They had to watch him get mauled by the villains the second he'd made himself visible, just as they'd been about to aim a finishing blow towards the snarling blonde. 
Hands hardened around wrists, ankles, anything they could grab. Holding them still like a vise, forcing them to focus their attacks on him, and noone else. It burnt, it stung, it HURT. But he had to. 
He understood. And hardened even more, bracing himself. 
The explosion had taken time to build up, and it showed by its mere size and power as it sent the closest villains flying, the ones further away pushed back. More than enough for bakugo to grab the torn, smoking and, he gulped, slightly sizzling shape on the ground and blast off, leaving a free space for all might to go all out.
This one is sort of a continuation of the previous that I wrote way after the first one. Here I focus more on the theme and repeating phrase, making it more experimental I suppose. 
I didn't want you to be here alone"
Those words rang through his head, over and over as he sat by the hospital bed. The words had been forced out, almost whimpered with a voice close to cracking. They had saved him. 
They had flooded his body with strength after having been close to breaking down from exhaustion, arms twitching from the strain and breaths heavy and shallow, forehead dripping with sweat. 
Kirishima's eyes had been wider that he'd ever seen them before, shiny and filled with terror. But they had been steady, so solid. 
His rock. 
His sudden appearance had thrown Bakugou's attackers off rhythm a bit, and it had given him a much needed second to breathe and rearrange his thoughts. With a shaky blast, he's thrown himself over to Kirishima. 
"Kirish- how- what the FUCK are you doing here??!" he'd hissed, voice raw and gravely with all the intense emotions going on. 
And then Kirishima had said those words. So terribly, terribly honest and sincere. So simple, but with such an enormous meaning. Bakugou's heart had felt like it had both frozen and swelled to its bursting point at the same time, chest filled with an indescribable emotion.  
He'd wanted to grab the redhead, wrap him tightly in his arms and hug him flush against his own body just to feel that the other person was really there, really there in this awful awful place with him. FOR him. 
But there was no time for such selfish things. Bakugou's attention had snapped to the approaching villains, feeling the panic gnawing in his chest. They were going to get him. Please no. 
Then Kirishima had done the second incredible thing that evening. He'd takes Bakugou's trembling, sweaty hand in his own, equally trembling but warm and strong hand, and squeezed it tight. And that did everything. Now Bakugou could see. Now he could think. Now he could do anything. 
The fight was a blur to his emotionally raw mind, but he remembered how different it was now compared to when he was alone. They knew each other, knew each other's movements, didn't even need to talk. It had been such a relief. 
But these were real villains. Strong ones. And they were exhausted, scared, and 16.
About 45 seconds in, Kirishima had taken a hit for him. It had been fast, unexpected and HARD. Bakugou wouldn't had survived it, the battle would have been over. He hadn't even seen it coming. But Kirishima, his rock, had. And he'd stopped it. 
The impact had sent both parties flying in opposite directions, and that created their opening. Their chance to escape. No, to WIN. Win by not letting those assholes reach their goal, which was them. 
Grabbing Kirishima, hoisting him up over his shoulder in one not-so-swift motion, he let out two enormous, concentrated explosions that had let them both take off, away from this hell. 
They had landed a couple blocks away, Bakugou letting out a final blast to ease their landing, before crashing down into the street. He'd dropped Kirishima, himself following shortly after as his legs folded in on themselves under him in fatigue. On his knees, panting, he looked over the the redhead, managing to squeeze out a skew smile. 
"You idiot.. we could've both died". 
He waited for the other to weakly lift his head from the asphalt, look over to him and fire off one of his signature warm smiles and tell him something about having to do the "manly thing". 
But Kirishima wasn't breathing. 
Bakugou's smile dropped. 
"Bakugou-san? Don't you want to go back to your own bed? You should get proper rest after all that stress you've gone through". 
Light fingers were gently touching his shoulder, and he jolted awake. Shit, he'd fallen asleep. He looked around, orienting himself in both room and thought. Right, the hospital. His eyes fell on the bed he'd been resting his head on in front of him. Kirishima's bed. 
"Fuck off" he grunted, voice much more raspy and weak than it would've been in any normal situation. 
The person who had woken him up, a nurse, sighed softly, walking around to the other side of the bed to take a closer look at one of the machines there. Bakugou's eyes followed her for a few seconds before snapping to the boy in said bed. 
His hair was down, fanning out over the pillow around his sleeping face. Aside from a few shallow scratches, the face looked normal, mouth slightly open, exposing a few sharp teeth. Dark lashes hiding those sincere, reliable red eyes. 
His arms laid resting upon his stomach which was gently rising in rhythm with his breathing, the breathing Bakugou was infinitely relieved was back to stable condition. 
Under his hands were a hospital blanket, a blanket Bakugou knew covered the horrible wound that stretched across his whole body. The wound he'd gotten by taking that hit for him. Fuck. He'd almost died. 
Kirishima almost DIED. 
That minute before the pros had reached their landing spot with security and ambulances, that minute had been hell for Bakugou. Easily a hundred times worse than the entire fight they'd just escaped from. Kirishima wasn't breathing. He wasn't fucking breathing. This wasn't real. This wasn't happening. Not KIRISHIMA. Kirishima who had come to him. Who'd come ALONE, with no one to hold his hand. Just for Bakugou. So he wouldn't had to go through this alone. Like he'd had with the sludge villain. He'd come for him, been THERE with him. 
His rock. 
That wasn't breathing. 
The pros had had to physically pry him away from Kirishima's limp body. He'd apparently been in shock, hysterically screaming at them to fuck off, trying to defend his friend but had been to confused and exhausted to do any real damage. He'd been swept away in one ambulance and Kirishima in another. 
Bakugou had woken up in a hospital bed, abruptly and with an ice old stone in his stomach. The doctors had immediately swarmed his bed, and soon they had let him know his friends condition. He'd somehow convinced them to let him sit by the others bed, and there's where he'd been ever since, glued to the chair, fingers intertwined with his. 
His rock.
This is the first one that gets kinda gore-y. Not that indulging in juicy details, but might be uncomfortable to read if you’re sensitive to bones breaking and stuff like that. It is kinda silly and not very well written lol, I wrote it in the middle of the night if I rememebr right. 
As usual there's a battle going on, and Kirishima and Bakugou has been fighting side by side until something happens that distracts Bakugou away from his partner for a while. Suddenly there's a loud rumble followed by a boom and then Kirishima can't be seen anywhere. 
Bakugou finds him as the dust settles, nailed to the ground by more or less a wholeass building that's fallen on him, and he's fully hardened as to not get immediately crushed into soup.
He's so stuck in there it's literally impossible for anything less than a full team to get him out, and Bakugou is livid having to sit there unable to do anything when Kirishima is RIGHT THERE in front of him but could have just as well been miles away and still been just as reachable.
Kneeling on the ground as to be able to see underneath the rubble that's holding his friend captive, he does his very best to mutter encouragements and pleads for the other to keep going, stay hardened and endure until help arrived. But it's a lot to hold up, and Kirishima is tired. Being fully hardened is draining enough, but having to also hold up such monstrous weight is not helping in the slightest. 
"Bakugou, I can't- it's so heavy" 
A horrifying crack is heard as the boys quirk wavers for a split second causing the weight to squish down a bit more. Bakugou's pulse is going into overdrive from stress, fear and frustration. Fuck, fuck, FUCK. He can't let Kirishima get crushed like this. 
"I- I don't want to die, but.. I really can't hold my whole body hardened any longer. I'm gonna have to- I'm gonna have to let something go.." the trapped boy gasps between forced breaths. Bakugou feels his chest going ice cold. 
"Shit, you're not gonna-" he's interrupted by a wet crack and squish, followed by the most soul ripping, horrifyingly heart wrenching scream. Bakugou uselessly tries to lunge forward to get to his friend but of course he can't. He screams the prescious name over and over, panicking. Kirishima is breathing heavily through gritted teeth, face shiny with sweat. 
A bit of blood is leaking out from under the rubble. He'd let go of his hardening on one of his legs. 
Once he'd gotten his breath somewhat back in control, his now slightly dazed eyes met with Bakugou's once again. 
"Fuck, Kiri.." he could see his vision starting to blur with tears building up. " You're so fucking strong, you can do this. You can't just let this lameass bullshit rock win. You-" 
"Bakugou. I'm gonna have to do this again. I need to conserve and focus my last energy to keep my head and torso hardened if I don't want to die right now. But fu-"Kirishima stops to take a long shaky breath. " It really hurts. I don't know if I can take it without.." 
"Don't you fucking dare pass out Eijirou. Don't you FUCKING dare." Bakugou's red eyes are glowing with fear. Kirishima releases a gaspy huff, maybe an attempt for a laugh, or maybe a sigh. It was impossible to tell. 
"I'm gonna need help to.. to stay awake. To not drift away when the pain becomes.. overwhelming."
He doesn't get a chance to clarify before his eyes are nailed shut with a wince, immediately followed by another crack and stomach-turning squish. 
"Fuck. FUCK. Please, please stay with me. You can do this, this is nothing, just listen to my voice and don't you dare drift away, you hear me?!" Bakugou screams out between sobs.
This repeats a few more times. The last one is the worst, when Kirishima is at the very end of his rope, letting the hardening go around his lower body and his pelvis snapping under the intense weight. That makes him scream louder and more distorted than any of the previous screams and Bakugou didn't think a human could produce such a sound. That time Kirishima almost passes out, but through screaming, pleading and an arm reached in under the rubble as far as possible, Bakugou manages to somehow keep him awake. The red puddle leaking out from under the rubble grows larger. Time is very much just about to run out. 
Now the only things hardened left are the head, torso, and most of the stomach area, but not for much longer. Cracks are increasingly rapidly appearing in his face and he can no longer speak due to having his head so wedged between the ground and the rubble.
The story will either end with the rescuers making it just in time, or Bakugo hearing a faint whisper sounding something like "get your arm out of here" before the small space under the rubble thundered down like a beast snapping its jaws shut around its prey, erasing all evidence that someone had been there aside from the red puddle and a few red splatters across a shocked face.
A shorter one coming up! And Kirishima doesn’t even get hurt in this one? woah..
It's Kirishima's first time visiting the Bakugou house. Katsuki and his mom gets into an argument almost immediately, as expected. Kirishima is concerned but doesn't say or do anything since this seems sadly quite normal for them, as their speech patterns seem to go on almost on autopilot, throwing harsh insults and criticism to each other while the dad sits quiet at his own corner of the table. The mood is tense and uncomfortable but then Katuki mutters something under his breath and Kirishima sees to his disbelief how Mitsukis arm raises above her son's head, preparing to strike. 
She's barely started to swing down before her wrist is abruptly caught in motion. Due to the initial shock of having been stopped for the first time in forever makes her freeze. Her wrist is held in a vise-like grip, not tight as to hurt her, but so solid it's completely impossible to pry the rough, rock hard fingers off of her. The one holding her, the THING holding her, is standing in front of her son, her son who's standing there, wide eyes and equally as shocked as herself, eyes glued to the thing in front of him. 
In his fury, Kirishima had gone full Unbreakable as he'd reached out to stop this woman from hitting her child. He knew it was overkill, to use his quirk at all, but his protective instinct had gone into overdrive when the woman had threatened what was so precious to him, and his body had reacted before his mind could catch up. 
After what felt like forever of intense staring, Unbreakable's distorted sharp features morphed back into the soft, kind face it was supposed to be, the hand holding the wrist let go of it's iron grip, letting both arms fall to their respective sides. 
"We're spending the weekend at my house, Katauki."  he mutters as he gently grabs Katsukis hand and determinedly takes him out of the house. 
Katsuki has never seen Kirishima's eyes so dark, heard his voice being that cold. His body is buzzing with... Something. He doesn't know what, but the hand holding his is warm and steady, and he knows he'll hold it until the end of the world.
I’m aware of the discourse surrounding Mitsuki. Is she a good parent who just got introduced in a shitty way, or is she abusive? I don’t carea bout the discourse and I enjoy reading both portrayals. In this particular portrayal she is abusive though.
Okay! Time for the first gore-y one. Warning for blood, big wounds and mention of exposed guts.
There's a big battle, and the class has of course been right in the middle of it. Kirishima and Bakugou had gone off to the side, pursuing an especially nasty villain (read: Bakugou ran after while Kirishima tagged along yelling at him to keep with the group). Things were going alright until one wrong move was made and everything suddenly changed. Somehow, Bakugou found himself blown away, lost in a huge dust cloud. The villain they had been hunting was gone, and so was Kirishima. Or so he thought. Once the dust had cleared enough to see, he found Kirishima's characteristic shape laying on the ground among some rubble and glass shards. With an uncomfortable tightness in his chest, he'd ran over and once he got there, the world spun. 
In Kirishima's abdomen was a more or less gaping hole, ominously pumping out a steady stream of blood. Bakugou's vision went fuzzy around the edges and he felt his knees buckle under him when the wet, shiny surface of exposed guts peeked through the slashed up skin. He fell to his knees next to his friend who was somehow still conscious. 
Kirishima's voice comes out gravely and wet. His breaths are so short and shallow. Bakugou's eyes snap to Kirishima's. 
"Katauki, what happened? Where are w-" he grit his teeth as he winced. "Fuck, this really hurts". His gaze wanders down to inspect the damage on his body but Bakugou quickly, but oh so lightly, grabs his head and forces him to look back up at him.
"Don't- don't look" he manages to sputter out. But Kirishima already saw. The look in his eyes makes spoken words unnecessary. "This is really bad." 
Blood is still flowing freely and Bakugou has to make a decision. Either wait and run the high risk of letting Kirishima bleed out, or do something about it himself. He's have to cauterize the wound. 
"W- I..the blood.. we can't let it flow like that." He couldn't force the word out of his mouth, but Kirishima seemed to understand. 
He can't. He just can't. This is Kirishima. If he fucks up- if he miscalculates even a little bit, everything will go to shit. He'll kill Kirishima. He could fucking kill Kirishima. Bakugou is getting lightheaded, forehead dripping and hands shaking. This is so much pressure and so little time. 
No class has prepared him for this. There was once a brief mention of cauterization and how people with heat quirks could perform it if needed, but nothing could've prepared him for what it would be like to actually have to to it. And so soon. And on Kirishima. Who's body seemed to have made it a sport to evacuate all its blood as quickly as possible. 
His thoughts were spinning and he could feel the world closing in on him. All noises were too loud, distracting. He couldn't concentrate. His hands were hovering directly above the main source of the bloodflow, shaking visibly. And Kirishima, the fucker, had with his own slightly trembling hands reached up to hold them slightly above Bakugou's, hardened. Bakugou later realized that was the stupid fucking redhead's attempt to shield Bakugou from any possible damage he could receive from the blast he was about to create, and to focus the heat downwards. Who the fuck would thing about something like that in this situation? No one but Kirishima fucking Eijirou. 
"Okay, im- I'm gonna do it now" he choked out, the uncertainty not even a little bit concealed. Kirishima's eyes were closed in a frowning anticipation of the pain to come, but he still managed to reply.
"I trust you Katsuki". 
The pressure was so high. He could kill Kirishima. He could die. It would be his fault. The blood was booming in his ears so loudly he couldn't even hear his own sobbing gasps for air as his breathing became more and more like hyperventilating. It was like his ability to make the decision had been locked. He knew he had to do it, but the consequence for messing it up, it was too great. He couldn't do it. And yet, the seconds kept ticking away, dripping by one by one just like the blood keeping his friend alive. Kirishima let out a choked whimper and it was like jamming a stick in a bear trap. In a split second Bakugou's brain flipped to a decision. A decision his body was not ready for. 
His vision goes white, or maybe black, he couldn't tell, and he feels something warm and moist splatter in small dots on his face. His ears are ringing. The edges of his vision blurry, spinning, unreal. 
He'd fucked up. 
Why are his hands red and wet? 
What is that sizzling noise? The burnt smell? Below him is a blurry mess or red and black but his gaze can't focus on anything. That annoying ringing in his ears drown out all other possible noises. 
He fucked up. 
Shock takes an iron grip on him and prevent him from wrapping his head around what is going on. There was something urgent. He had needed help? Recovery girl. 
And that's how they were found. Bakugou sitting with wide, unfocused eyes, tears running down his cheeks unnoticed by himself. Gaze locked on the body in front of him. The body with a big hole blown up in the stomach area, its contents basically soup. 
Midoriya is the first one to reach them, immediately recognizing the unfocused stare and uneven breathing. 
"He's in shock. Deep in shock. He doesn't move or respond to anything, what the hell happened?" 
"Oh my god, Kirishima"
The sound of his name seemed to feel at least part of Bakugou's consciousness back to his body because he let out a sudden, deep sob and barely loud enough to be hard, he whispered. 
"I fucked up"
So yeah, even the best sometimes fuck up when such immense pressure is put on them. Kiri got his gut blown to shit yo. I do think he survives though. How will Bakugou deal with having fucked up so badly? Maybe I’ll write some angs about him dealing with it lol
This one is the real gore-porno lol (not actual porn tho, dw), warning for blood, guts and ANGST. In a huge explosion or other type of great force, Kirishima is almost split in half. On one leg getting mostly ripped off, all the way from the very base of his thigh, along with a bit of his side and stomach. Sort of like this, but the leg still being attatched to the body by some bits of skin and flesh.
Kirishima's perspective:
He doesn't understand what's going on really. His body has gone in shock and he doesn't feel pain, just kinda numbness and confusion. He don't know why he can't move when he’s laying there on the ground. He feels both hot and cold at the same time, and he can't really tell where his arms and legs are. 
"Bakugou, what's going on?" He asks. But Bakugou doesn't reply. He just sobs as he pets his cheek and seems to be in great distress.
Bakugou rummages around a bit, still sobbing and gasping, gritting this teeth, and eventually somehow manages to hoist Kirishima's limp body onto his back. Huh, he must be hurt then, Kirishima assumes.
"Are we going to recovery girl?" He asks, head slightly bouncing on Bakugou's shaking shoulder as he runs.  Bakugou manages to choke out a quiet "ssshhh, don't talk now" between sobs, and Kirishima gets more worried now. Bakugou is really distressed, what's going on? 
He tries to look around. Has it gotten this dark already? There must be sweat or something getting in his eyes, because his vision is getting darker and blurrier. And he's so tired. Maybe he'll just take a nap. Bakugou is here so he's safe. Hell just close his eyes for a moment...
Then it switches to Bakugou's perspective, and we are back when he's just picked Kirishima up.
Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. He can't deal with this. Why hadn't he been there?? How did this even happen? This fucker was supposed to have the best defence in the entire hero force, what the fuck?? 
He can't stop his sobbing. Why would he? This is real. Kirishima will die any second and the only thing he can do is run. Run for his friends life. 
He'd been scared to his core when he'd found Kirishima laying on the ground, unmoving. He'd sat down beside him, too in shock to even begin to know what to do. And then Kirishima had startled him half to death by suddenly coughing and grunting out something that sounded like "Bhkgh, ws gngh nh", voice wet with blood. The relief of realizing his friend was still alive, there was still time, was overwhelming. But it was also quickly replaced with the fear of fucking this up and letting time run out. He had gently brushed Kirishima's cheek, the redhead seemingly unknowing of the situation he was in. 
Now he was running with the most precious cargo on his back, trying to control his breathing so he could run steadier and faster, not making the weight on his back bounce too violently. The hand holding the body on his back were wet with blood, and his heart got caught in his throat when one of his hands felt slippery guts on their way out between his fingers. His focus starts to slip. It's too much. Suddenly he feels a breath on his cheek, followed by a wet choking noise and some blood splatter on the side of his face. Kirishima is still alive. Trying to say something even though his body is falling apart. 
"Shhh, don't talk now" Bakugou sobs. 
Somewhere along the shock takes overhand for Bakugou as well and his sprint turns into a jog.
Eventually they stumble into the secured area and are seen and approached by the others, who get a real shock when they see the state the two are in. Turns out neither Bakugou or Kirishima had been really present during this traumatizing event and neither's narrative was reliable. The scene is gruesome. Bakugou, stumbling forward in an unfocused and not seeming to have a plan for going in a direction in particular. Blood covering most of his face from a wound on his head, probably having a concussion. When asked what's going on or what he's carrying he just answers in short sentences like "I don't have time" or "I'm supposed to get recovery girl", seemingly not having registered the questions at all. The biggest shock is when they see what he's been carrying though. On his back hangs Kirishima. He's seemingly unconscious at this point, body limp and.. one leg dragging behind on the ground, guts on their way out from the hole it left behind.
When they manage to pry Kirishima off Bakugou's back they realize he's cold and completely unmoving. He's probably been dead for a while. Bakugou had been too far gone in shock to understand this rescue mission was over.
I’m sparing Kiri from getting hurt in this one lol.  "What's going on?" 
Kirishima came rushing to the place where a few of his classmates along with their teacher had gathered around a certain explosive student. 
"I don't know? We were in the middle of an exercise and I just grabbed him and he freaked out!" 
Kirishima quickly made his way into the center of the gathering and saw what had caused it. 
Bakugo was having some kind of panic attack, breathing going in and out of hyperventilating and eyes frozen, staring at nothing. His skin was shiny with sweat and his whole body was visibly tensed to the maximum, even vibrating slightly, hands popping ominously. No one could even get close without the red eyes immediately snapping to them, explosions growing bigger and more threatening. Bakugou was completely lost in his own head, reacting to every sound like a threat. 
Kirishima could tell the others were afraid. Afraid for their friend, but also of him. No one could get close. 
Well, no one except Kirishima. 
“Aizawa, I think I can help.” he said, eyes not leaving the blonde. 
The teacher could’ve canceled the blonde’s quirk, could’ve made it relatively easy to overpower the out-of-control student and taken him to recovery girl. but he knew his students well enough to know that would be devastating to his current state, only adding more panic, fear and humiliation. He knew about these two’s bond. Knew Kirishima could take the blasts. It was worth a shot.
"Bakugo? Can you hear me?” Kirishima asked softly. No reaction from the blonde aside from maybe a few extra heavy breaths. He would have to grab his attention somehow.
“ I am going to place my hands on your upper arms. I will not grab you, just lightly touch you, okay?"
The blond's gaze was turned inwards, eyes frantically darting around, following things that weren't there. Kirishima gently placed his hands on his friend's upper arms, making sure not to squeeze or grab, as to not trigger him up even more. He could feel the body slightly tense up under his palms, but he didn't violently flinch away or explode like he had when their teacher had attempted the same thing to try to calm him down. Kirishima swallowed once before speaking again, voice soft but strong. 
"I am going to move my hands down to your hands and then hold them to my chest. My hands are going to brush along your arms on the way down so you can feel exactly where they are, okay?" No response from the shaking body so he proceeded with his plan. 
"I'm going to lightly take hold of your hands now." 
Gently, he placed the sweaty, shaky hands on his chest, placing his own hands on top to keep them from falling down. He searched for the deep red gaze and finally managed to catch it. He caught it and held it. 
"There you are." 
He could see the turmoil behind Bakugo's eyes, the panic and feeling of being cornered. He held his gaze steady, grounding. 
"You can feel me breathing, right? Can you feel the rythm of my breaths? Let's breathe together, alright? In.......and out.." 
Slowly, Bakugo's hyperventilating slowed down into a more stable pace, matching up with Kirishima's, and his gaze started coming back to the real world, still locked onto the others eyes. Kirishima let out a proud smile.
"There we go! I'm glad to have you back!" He let his hands fall back and so did the blonde, as expected. What he didn't expect though was the blond letting himself fall into him, resting his forehead against his chest. 
"Thank you.." he could hear his friend mumble, letting out a deep breath. Kirishima felt a hand fumbling for his and he grabbed it and gave it a reassuring squeeze.
"Don't worry about it" he breathed into the spiky hair.
Aaaaaaand I’m finishing this monstrosity of a post off with some fluff. You deserve it if you read this far haha! 
Among other things, kissing had been a new thing added to the list of things kirishima enjoyed a lot, after he and Bakugou had started dating. It could be so intimate, but also so casual. The perfect way of showing your loved one affection! It could be done in so many ways too! but there was one particular type of kiss that had grown to become Kirishima’s absolute favorite. It was not one of those deep, tongue-exercising kisses, even though he enjoyed those too! No, this was actually something that had started out as a joke, but had turned into something so much more special and fun. 
It all started one day when Bakugou was heading to the showers after a training session and was going to give Kirishima a quick kiss as he passed him by in the common-room. Kirishima didn’t know why he’d done it differently that time, but het way he had shaped his mouth as they parted had created the most cartoonishly loud smack that the whole room had gone silent. The surprise in Bakugou’s eyes had slowly morphed into a face of immense satisfaction and manic joy. 
“Dude” was finally heard from Kaminari who’d decided to break the silence. “That was loud as FUCK”. 
Bakugou’s red eyes immediately snapped to him. 
“Damn right it was! Louder than your sorry ass could ever make it!” 
And after that it was on. 
Bakugou made it a sport to, of course when they were in the most public places, make the loudest possible smack when parting from a casual kiss. As much as to show affection, the goal of these kisses were to make an as loud noise as possible, sort of as a flex to any unfortunate classmate that happened to be around when it happened. Of course Bakugou had made it into some kind of personal challenge to figure out the way to make the loudest kiss possible during his time at UA and he was well on his way already. Kirishima thought it was a bit silly but he would lie if he didn't admit he also felt a smug satisfaction when they parted with a loud plop, having perfected the way he pouted his lips, creating a suction cup effect when colliding with Bakugou's similarly shaped ones. A comedic display to say the least. But much manlier than a subtle peck on the cheek. ____________________________________________
If you got all the way down here, thank you so much for reading! I’m not a writer, but sometimes I get little ideas that I write down, and then I might as well share them ^^ 
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