#i think if your girl tells you her cycle and what stage she's at
pxrttyprincess · 5 months
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woso-dreamzzz · 2 months
Injured (Alexia's Version): Future III
Alexia Putellas x Daughter!Reader
Summary: You spend time with Mami
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"You know," You say, resting against the bench," Just because I'm now free from my job doesn't mean that I enjoy coming to yours. I'm not six."
Alexia laughs at your teasing, lightly slapping your legs to move so she can sit down too.
You sit up, adjusting your sunglasses on your face as you move.
"You love it really."
You roll your eyes, not that Alexia can tell but you're grinning too and she bumps her shoulders against yours.
Mami's been retired from football for a while now, a player turned manager of Barcelona's women's team. She's on a quest to get as many titles as manager as she did as a player.
Which is why you're here now, at a Champion's League semi-final. It's the second leg with Barcelona already up three nil against Chelsea.
You're not too worried but your Mami is. She knows how quickly a match can change.
It just takes one moment for it all to go to shit.
Mami's a bit intense like that.
It's probably one of the reasons you prefer ballet to sports. There's no competition when you're actually performing. There's some competition for parts behind the scenes but once you're on stage, there is no foul play.
Everyone is trying to do their very best for the crowd.
You couldn't even imagine what it would be like to compete against another ballet company at the same time.
Football has always been a bit too intense for you. It was Mami's passion, even now.
"You're too stressed," You say," Take a day off."
Alexia laughs at you, teasingly ruffling your hair. "Funny," She says," I distinctly remember telling you that a few weeks ago. What was it you said to me? No chance!"
You laugh with her. "Hey! I never said I practiced what I preached!"
"Neither did I!"
It's nice being here with Mami.
Olga's in Madrid with a client and Jaume's on a trip with his school so it's just the two of you in the house right now.
"The girls will be fine," You say dismissively," You're ready. It's only Chelsea."
"Only Chelsea," Alexia repeats with an eye roll," You've not been watching any of their games recently."
You blow her a kiss. "You know I only watch football when you're around, Mami. I'm not Jaume."
Jaume watches football as often as he can, glued to the screen. If he's not watching then he's playing. His dirty football boots lay all over the house.
It's a little annoying, especially when he jumps onto your bed still wearing them.
But you do miss him, annoying as your brother is.
The stadium slowly fills up with fans as you and Alexia sit on the bench together.
You think you and Mami are more similar now that you've grown up. You've always been like her subtly. Her drive and her passion and her ambition.
But you look more like her now.
You've grown into her features, your nose, the curve of your lips, your eyes.
You grin as she pulls you up, grasping your hand tightly as she guides you back inside.
You've got a break for a few weeks before you're back with the company. It's a welcome break, one where you can go back to eating normally and feeling like the world is crushing you.
It's a brutal cycle but one every ballerina goes through.
It's hard and it's horrible but it's what you sacrifice on the altar of ballet.
This break is nice though.
You've got a trip to Mallorca coming up during it where you can just soak up the sun and the sand and whatever fruity drinks you can be bothered to buy.
Just you and the crystal waters.
"Hey," You say to Alexia," I'm going to grab something from the vending machine. Do you want something?"
"I shouldn't..."
You see through her excuses though, waiting her out.
"Just a drink. Sugar free, Bambi!"
"I know!"
You know the stadium like the back of your hand, weaving through the halls to the vending machine you know stocks the best chocolate bars you've ever eaten.
Mami used to buy them for you and Jaume when you were little and the match was over. She used to walk all the way to the rival's end of stadium, still in her kit and boots with you and Jaume following after her like little ducklings.
She didn't even care that the opposing players would stare. She would walk straight up to the vending machine in front of their changing room to get you your favourite chocolate and Jaume his favourite drink.
You could do the walk in your sleep.
Someone's already there though, staring through the glass at it.
It's one of the Chelsea girls.
You vaguely recognise her, one of the older players on the team. You're pretty sure she plays for England too but you're not quite sure because you only watch matches when Mami's around.
"Sorry," You say. You're English is rusty from years of not using it apart from in school. "Are you-?"
"Oh! No, sorry."
You nod in thanks, punching in your choices before paying.
You grab your chocolate and Mami's drink.
She's pretty, this older woman. Exactly your type. If you'd met in the club, you'd probably try to entice her closer but you're at Mami's workplace so you don't.
"I'm not sure what to choose," She says," What do you recommend?"
"The chocolate," You say, waving your choice," The crisps are always stale. Don't get them."
She nods. "Noted."
You go to leave but she still calls after you.
"Hey, can I have your number?"
You lay your cards in the table immediately. "I'm not looking for a relationship," You tell her," I...I'm just not..."
She shrugs. "Can I have your number anyway?"
"You don't mind?"
"I just got out of a relationship. I'm not looking for another one. But you're fit and you give good snack recommendations."
You study her. "I'm y/n."
"Aggie. So...is that a yes?"
When you make your way back to Mami, the Barcelona girls are already warming up.
"You took a while," She says, gratefully taking her drink and pressing a soft kiss to your crown.
"I stopped at the toilets," You reply.
She nods. "Are you still okay with staying down here instead of going to the box?"
"As long as you don't yell at me if it goes wrong then yeah."
"I'd never yell at you," Alexia says," I've been told that having you down here actually makes me calmer."
You roll your eyes. "Whatever." You look down at your phone in your hand. "Hey, remember when you worried about me going to Mallorca by myself?"
Alexia frowns at the change of subject but nods. "Yes. I still am worried, if that's what you're checking."
"You don't need to be," You say," I've got someone coming to stay with me now."
Sun, sand, sea and sex.
The best way for you to spend your break from ballet.
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storm-angel989 · 3 months
Hi, could I have a meeting between Velvette’s new girlfriend and Vox and Val? (With Vox acting like Vel’s overprotective dad?) I think that would be pretty funny
But the muses finally struck! I hope it was worth the wait!
Velvette could see the anxiety scrawled across her pretty face. 
“Don’t worry,” she said as comfortingly as Velvette could possibly manage. “They’re going to love you.”
“Valentino and Vox are literally the most famous overlords in hell, and I’m meeting them,” she squeaked in protest. 
Velvette rolled her eyes but kissed her cheek. 
“If it makes you feel better, reader, you’re the first girl I’ve ever brought home.” 
Velvette didn’t think she could turn anymore red. And rightly so- Velvette didn’t get her reputation as a cold hearted bitch for no reason. Cycle after cycle of girls came and went- never for long. But when reader crossed her stage for the first time six months ago, something about her felt…different. 
Of course she had met Valentino when she first arrived- after all, Velvette sourced all her models directly from him. But with the proper nutrition, a healthy diet and a good skincare routine, Valentinos hunch that she would glow up proved to be correct. 
Two weeks. One dinner date and the first time Velvette ever let another woman pin her down against the bed later, their relationship was solidified. Valentino knew of course from the moment she told him reader would be kept in a separate apartment, a private space typically reserved for the most promising of the candidates. 
But Vox….ugh, Vox would be a different story. The last time Velvette had her heart broken- the death of a sinner during an extermination, Vox had been the one to hold her. To comfort her and buy her ice cream. Valentino had been there too- but his emotional bank account for sadness at that point in his life was next to zero. He just couldn’t understand why she couldn’t just move on. 
But Vox did. 
Slowly, he was the one who helped put the pieces that made up Velvette back together. He was the one who encouraged her to start dating again. He was the one who hugged her tight when the nights grew dark, and the shoulder to cry on when she drank too much. 
She wondered what his reaction would be when she brought reader home? 
Velvette pressed the elevator button and turned to reader. 
“Just play it cool. They’re basically like any other demon, but they’re my family. Okay? So just…you know, be cool.” 
Reader nodded as they stepped together into the elevator and rode the short ride to the top of the V tower. The elevator pinged and Velvette took a deep breath as they stepped out together into the V tower.
“Welcome! Welcome, reader, to our humble home,” Vox announced as he stepped out from the kitchen.
Velvette winced as he took off his signature kiss the chef <3  apron and walked over to greet them. He took readers hand and firmly shook it. “So you’re the girl who stole our Vel’s heart, hm?”
“Vox,” Velvette hissed. 
“No, no its okay Vel, Mr. Vox I am a huge fan!” reader gushed. “I didn’t know you cooked!”
Velvette bit back a smile. She knew she shouldn’t have been worried. After all, compliments and conversations were readers speciality. 
“Ooo, Vel, is this your new lover?” Valentino cooed as he strode out from his bedroom. He took readers hand and kissed it. “Lovely specimen, tell me…where did you find such a beautiful…”
“Cut it out, Val, I-”
“Oh, no, Vel! Mr. Valentino, its so nice to meet you. I’ve seen all your films! I mean, the ones you star in of course,” reader said excitedly.
“Ah, I like this one Velvette,” Valentino smirked as he released her hand. “About time you brought home someone with taste.”
“Speaking of, dinner is ready! Come sit,” Vox pointed towards their rarely used dining room. 
Inwardly, Velvette cringed. But as the meal moved on, she found herself starting to relax. Sure, Vox and Valentino were their usually selves, but nothing extraordinary. 
At least, not until dessert.
“So, tell me, reader, how exactly do you plan on breaking my dear Velvette’s heart?” Vox asked casually.
Velvette choked on the sip of wine she had just taken. She opened her mouth as if to scold Vox, but quieted with a look from her reader. 
“Vel? You’re planning on sharing your heart? Shit, I thought I was just here to be a sex toy,” reader said sarcastically. “Thanks for wrecking the surprise, Mr. Vox.”
Valentino burst out in laughter and Vox gave her a mortified look. Velvette grinned and leaned over to reader. 
“And that right there is exactly why I brought you home,” she said with a kiss.
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books · 1 year
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Writer Spotlight: Elise Hu
We recently met with Elise Hu (@elisegoeseast) to discuss her illuminating title, Flawless—Lessons in Looks and Culture from the K-Beauty Capital. Elise is a journalist, podcaster, and media start-up founder. She’s the host of TED Talks Daily and host-at-large at NPR, where she spent nearly a decade as a reporter. As an international correspondent, she has reported stories from more than a dozen countries and opened NPR’s first-ever Seoul bureau in 2015. Previously, Elise helped found The Texas Tribune, a nonprofit digital start-up, after stops at many stations as a television news reporter. Her journalism work has won the national Edward R. Murrow and duPont Columbia awards, among others. An honors graduate of the University of Missouri School of Journalism, she lives in Los Angeles.
Can you begin by telling us a little bit about how Flawless came to be and what made you want to write about K-beauty?
It’s my unfinished business from my time in Seoul. Especially in the last year I spent living in Korea, I was constantly chasing the latest geopolitical headlines (namely, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un’s big moves that year). It meant I didn’t get to delve into my nagging frustrations of feeling second-class as an Asian woman in Korea and the under-reported experiences of South Korean women at the time. They were staging record-setting women’s rights rallies during my time abroad in response to a stark gender divide in Korea. It is one of the world’s most influential countries (and the 10th largest economy) and ranks shockingly low on gender equality metrics. That imbalance really shows up in what’s expected of how women should look and behave. Flawless explores the intersection of gender politics and beauty standards.
Flawless punctuates reportage with life writing, anchoring the research within your subjective context as someone who lived in the middle of it but also had an outside eye on it. Was this a conscious decision before you began writing? 
I planned to have fewer of my personal stories in the book, actually. Originally, I wanted to be embedded with South Korean women and girls who would illustrate the social issues I was investigating, but I wound up being the narrative thread because of the pandemic. The lockdowns and two years of long, mandatory quarantines in South Korea meant that traveling there and staying for a while to report and build on-the-ground relationships was nearly impossible. I also have three small children in LA, so the embedding plan was scuttled real fast.
One of the central questions the book asks of globalized society at large, corporations, and various communities is, “What is beauty for?” How has your response to this question changed while producing Flawless? 
I think I’ve gotten simultaneously more optimistic and cynical about it. More cynical in that the more I researched beauty, the more I understood physical beauty as a class performance—humans have long used it to get into rooms—more power in relationships, social communities, economically, or all of the above at once. And, as a class performance, those with the most resources usually have the most access to doing the work it takes (spending the money) to look the part, which is marginalizing for everyone else and keeps lower classes in a cycle of wanting and reaching. On the flip side, I’m more optimistic about what beauty is for, in that I have learned to separate beauty from appearance: I think of beauty in the way I think about love or truth, these universal—and largely spiritual—ideas that we all seek, that feed our souls. And that’s a way to frame beauty that isn’t tied in with overt consumerism or having to modify ourselves at all. 
This is your first book—has anything surprised you in the publishing or publicity process for Flawless?
I was most surprised by how much I enjoyed recording my own audiobook! I felt most in flow and joyful doing that more than anything else. Each sentence I read aloud was exactly the way I heard it in my head when I wrote it, which is such a privilege to have been able to do as an author.
Do you have a favorite reaction from a reader? 
I don’t know if it’s the favorite, but recency bias is a factor—I just got a DM this week from a woman writing about how the book helped put into words so much of what she felt and experienced, despite the fact she is not ethnically Korean, or in Korea, which is the setting of most of the book. It means a lot to me that reporting or art can connect us and illuminate shared experiences…in this case, learning to be more embodied and okay with however we look. 
As a writer, journalist, and mother—how did you practice self-care when juggling work commitments, social life, and the creative processes of writing and editing?
I juggled by relying on my loved ones. I don’t think self-care can exist without caring for one another, and that means asking people in our circles for help. A lot of boba dates, long walks, laughter-filled phone calls, and random weekend trips really got me through the arduous project of book writing (more painful than childbirth, emotionally speaking). 
What is your writing routine like, and how did the process differ from your other reporting work? Did you pick up any habits that you’ve held on to? 
My book writing routine was very meandering, whereas my broadcast reporting and writing are quite linear. I have tight deadlines for news, so it’s wham, bam, and the piece is out. With the book, I had two years to turn in a manuscript. I spent the year of lockdowns in “incubation mode,” where I consumed a lot of books, white papers, articles, and some films and podcasts, just taking in a lot of ideas to see where they might collide with each other and raise questions worth reporting on, letting them swim around in the swamp of my brain. When I was ready to write, I had a freelance editor, the indefatigable Carrie Frye, break my book outline into chunks so I could focus on smaller objectives and specific deadlines. Chunking the book so it didn’t seem like such a massive undertaking helped a lot. As for the writing, I never got to do a writer’s retreat or some idyllic cabin getaway to write. I wrote in the in-between moments—a one or two hour window when I had a break from the TED conference (which I attend every year as a TED host) or in those moments after the kids’ bedtime and before my own. One good habit I got into was getting away from my computer at midday. I’m really good about making lunch dates or going for a run to break up the monotony of staring at my screen all day long.
What’s good advice you’ve received about journalism that you would pass on to anyone just starting out?
All good reporting comes from great questions. Start with a clear question you seek to answer in your story, project, or book, and stay true to it and your quest to answer it. Once you are clear on what the thing is about, you won’t risk wandering too far from your focal point.
Thanks to Elise for answering our questions! You can follow her over at @elisegoeseast and check out her book Flawless here!
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cottoncandyafterdark · 5 months
Parenting Heacanons - Chuuya, Atsushi
Character(s): Chuuya Nakahara; Atsushi Nakajima (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Tags: SFW, fluff, familial, headcanons
Warnings: Mention of pregnancy
Notes: AFAB reader; originally posted on ao3 here; this is old and I'm not caught up with the manga now so sorry if anything seems strange
I'm not going to lie, Chuuya's initial response to finding out his partner is pregnant is not going to be very positive. He's not angry or anything, but he didn't really want kids and doesn't feel the slightest bit ready to be a father. He isn't going to run away, though; he knows it's sorta his fault you're in this situation to begin with so he's going to swallow his pride and stick around for your sake.
He spends the whole pregnancy low-key dreading having to take care of a baby. Mostly because he's got no clue how to do that. That's not to say he isn't trying to find out how; if you check his browser history at this point, it'll probably be a lot of parenting articles.
He'll say he wants to leave naming the baby to you but if you come up with name ideas and ask him for his thoughts on them Oh Boy will he have some opinions for you.
As soon as the baby is born and he gets to hold it, it's like all his apprehension just vanishes into thin air, he is immediately in love. Like, he looks this tiny, helpless human he helped make in the eyes and immediately knows he would kill and die for them.
I think that it would be a more interesting dynamic if he had a daughter; he'd still be a good father to a son, but with a daughter, he would truly be wrapped around her little finger. That little girl will be SO spoiled, she'll be the one all her classmates want to be friends with because she has all the newest video games and the best dolls.
Lord have mercy on anyone who tries to bully his daughter, not just because he'll be more than willing to beat them up but if she's inherited any of her dad's personality, so will she. If she gets in trouble at school for fighting back against a bully, she will get high fives and ice cream from Chuuya.
When she's old enough, he'll teach her to fight for real. He knows he won't always be there to protect her, so he wants her to be able to keep herself safe.
Once she's old enough to start dating, Chuuya will do the entire protective dad routine to any boys she might bring home. He will all but do a full interrogation about what they're planning, make it known that he knows how to hide a body, and if they bring her home even a minute late he is going to lose it.
Word will get around about this. It is not going to be easy for Chuuya's daughter to find a prom date.
In the early stages of pregnancy Atsushi is going to feel sicker than you.
This poor boy is straight-up terrified to be a parent at first because of what his own childhood was like. It isn't that he doesn't want to have children, exactly, he just doesn't want to end up continuing the cycle of abuse. Of course, the fact that he's worried about that at all is enough to tell you that he'll be a fine father, but good luck convincing him of that.
Once his child is born, all his worries are going to lead him to go so far in the opposite direction, he's probably never going to so much as raise his voice at the kid. He is a major pushover of a parent, Atsushi's child could get away with murder.
He's also going to have a hard time denying them anything they want. This is going to be another spoiled child for sure. The kid's probably going to end up as a bit of a brat because of this, and Atsushi can't even get mad because he knows it's no one's fault but his own.
On the positive side of things he's going to be such a supportive dad as well. He'll be in the front row of any recitals, plays, spelling bees, anything like that his child participates in and he is going to clap the loudest because he's so proud of them!!!
He'll try to help them with their math homework at some point, but quickly realize that he doesn't really know how to do math either. Much frantic googling will ensue as Atsushi tries to quickly learn long division for his child's sake.
When they get old enough to start hanging out with friends on their own, Atsushi is going to be so worried if they stay out later than they said they would, even if it's just by a few minutes. He'll also want to know exactly who they're with and where they're going. He isn't trying to be overbearing, he just has anxiety.
Voted most likely to cry when his child moves out. Empty nest syndrome is gonna hit him so hard. His child is probably going to get daily texts from their honorary aunts and uncles at the Agency reminding them to call their dad.
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candyredmusings · 6 months
Bioshock Splicer Starters
Assortment of dialogue taken from the a from two types of Splicers in the first Bioshock game; Baby Jane and the Breadwinner
Other Bioshock Splicer starters: TBA [Dr. Grossman & Lady Smith] [Pigskin & Rosebud] [Toasty & Waders]
Baby Jane
Get away from my face! Not on my face!"
"Oh! Oh, God damn it!"
"Look at yourself! And you would do it too!"
"Talentless?! BORING?!"
"You don't deserve this!"
"I'm a star, not you!"
"You're jealous, jealous!"
"Why did you cut me?! Why?!"
"You did this to me! You!"
"I deserve it, you fuck!"
"Give me the part, you bastard!"
"Off. My. Stage! GET OFF!"
"Stop ogling me!"
"You're making me lose my place! STOP IT!"
"No, it's not perfect, AGAIN!"
"He's standing in the wrong place!"
"Just say something, goddammit!"
"What's that? Is it him?!"
"I smell something nasty."
"Is that someone naughty?"
"Honey? Is that you…?"
"I heard that!"
"It hurts, it hurts…"
"Why did you…?"
"I'm sorry… We can do it together!"
"I don't- I don't wanna- I don't wanna hear this… I- [Whimpering] I don't want to hear this…"
"Pretend you're not interested. They like that."
"Have it your way, you sleaze!"
"Well, that was good drama."
"Get a girl all bothered… for NOTHIN'!"
"That gets a girl's blood flowing."
"I'll be better next time! Please?! Don't go!"
"When we do meet, it's gonna be so nasty!"
"He's gone! They always leave…"
"When I murder you I'm gonna put your body in a dress!"
"My god, there's so much blood!"
"Aw, Jesus, what did you do to me?!"
"No… No No No. Wha- What's- What's that? Oh, no no, no…"
"In the theater, a woman gets used to attention."
"She was up for the part as well, but then they found her in a salt pond."
"I was gonna be famous… now look at this dump!"
"Who needs to make it on Broadway? When you can make it here."
"What's the matter with me…? I'm pretty enough!"
"Hey fella'! Don't 'cha wanna take a walk with me?"
"Come on, baby! You told me you was gonna take care of me! Were you lying…?"
"I used to be beautiful. What happened to me?!"
"Why are you making this so hard for me?!"
"C'mere and say that to my face, you slimey bastard!"
"You wanna play with me?"
"Hello? Did you come to talk to me?"
"I can be nice if I want to…"
"Next time, work on your timing."
"Oh, and we were just getting to the best bit!"
"Tell me you love me! Go on, say it!"
"Just pretend, you imbecile!"
"You ruined me!"
"No one touches me! No one!"
"You won't touch me again!"
"Someone shou- should do this for me, someone should be doing this for me!"
"Get out of my territory!"
"Amateur! Fuckin' amateur!"
"I'm top dog, you shit!"
"You come to my town?! To MY TOWN?!"
"You're a nobody! Nobody!"
"Who the hell is that?"
"Yeah? Well, you're fired! Ya got that?"
"I was right, I tell ya. I was right, god damn it."
"Come on. Gimme a break!"
"Come on. Just let me explain, will ya?"
 "I'm too busy for this shit."
"Waste of my goddamn time."
"This isn't makin' me time OR money!"
"Goddammit, I'm bleeding!"
"Ahh. Ahh yeah, finally some service! Woo!"
"What happened to this thing?"
"Ha, it's my lucky day!"
"She should not have come here."
"Ah, a man can start a business down here, yeah. Now now, it's- it's not too late. I'll get to it."
"It's just a bad quarter. Naw, that's all. Yeah, market'll come back, huh? Yeah! Everything'll be fine. Yeah, it'll all be fine… Augh."
"I just gotta wait out the down cycle. I'm a success… I'm a fuckin' success!"
"I ain't afraid of failure… cause I ain'ts gonna fail!"
"These assholes don't get it. I'm a winner!"
"Came here to get rich… ain't gonna leave 'till I do!"
"Came down here with a dream… That dream's gonna happen."
"Aw, come on… they're gonna kill me if I lose you!"
"That's it? We're done?"
"You think that I'm dumb? Sure, sure, why not? You keep on thinkin' that."
"You think I wouldn't notice if you just waltzed in here? Huh?"
"I'll tell you what: I'll pay you to stay alive next time. How's that for a deal, you shit head."
"I earned this! Me!"
"You give it to me, you hear?"
"Just open your mouth."
"Ah, whose fault is this?"
"Look at this dump! Nothing left but nothing!"
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mrsnancywheeler · 4 months
Okay let’s began girlies 👹
Billy’s muse writing “Lacy” about Daisy. You mentioned she writes songs once. You also mentioned (during Chicago show) she felt some jealousy towards Billy and Daisy but imagine if throughout Daisy being in the band she feels jealous of her. She feels jealous of the way Billy and Daisy act around each other (cause I could imagine the tension between them still being around)
But to Lacy being about Daisy. It’s clear muse has a lot of reverence for Daisy.
“Lacy, oh, Lacy, skin like puff pastry
Aren't you the sweetest thing on this side of hell?”
I think the idea of someone being sweet but being jealous of them is big here. Daisy is sweet to her, she’s so nice and caring yet she can’t help but feel like shit when Daisy is around Billy.
“Dear angel Lacy, eyes white as daisies
Did I ever tell you that I'm not doing well?”
1. I mean…daisies….Daisy
2. I think Muse tells Daisy a lot but I doubt she’d tell her if she was jealous of her, that she hates when she’s around Billy
“I linger all the time
Watchin', hidden in plain sight”
I feel like this is especially for when they do shows. Muse always there but (especially during shows) she’s invisible.
“Smart sexy Lacy, I'm losing it lately
I feel your compliments like bullets on skin”
Feeling jealous over someone who is genuinely nice to her, that has showed no interest in Billy probably does make Muse feel like she’s loosing it. like she’s crazy. And Daisy is smart, she’s talented, she’s beautiful.
Plus Daisy is NICE the fact that she’s nice to Muse. She compliments her, tells her she deserves better. And it hurts, it hurts that this girl she’s jealous over is so nice
“Well, aren't you the greatest thing to ever exist?”
I think that Billy may be an asshole but he does admit that Daisy is talented, he probably talks
to Muse about it and Billy never genuinely compliments her so of course it’s gonna feel like shit
“My stomach's all in knots
You got the one thing that I want”
I think it’s like the feeling of being jealous, it feels like knots in your stomach yk?
And Daisy has Billy’s attention in a way Muse doesn’t. Daisy can push back on Billy and nothing happens. Daisy can do as she likes and Billy has to go with it. Daisy isn’t scared of loosing Billy. Muse wants all of that.
“Ooh, I try, I try, I try
Try to rationalize
People are people
But it's like you're made of angel dust”
The idea that Muse has this reverence for Daisy. Like sure “Daisy is just another person” but she isn’t! She’s special. She’s beautiful, talented, she’s smart, she commands respect. (Plus the way Billy looks at her on stage)
I feel like muse holds a lot of jealousy for Daisy. Not only stemming from the fact that Daisy can speak out for herself, can do what she wants, but also because of the way Billy acts around her.
billy is unfaithful, we been knew this, and him and daisy are like twin flames that could destroy each other with passion. and muse can feel the tension, feel that billy wouldn't be above getting emotionally hooked onto daisy. and she just wonders, why not her? since she was 19 she's devoted her life to this, to being there for billy, she doesn't have a career, hell he doesn't even want to label what they are, but she's stuck around because she's young and naive and attached to the first older guy who showed her attention. but why the hell does daisy get the attention she wants? the passionate billy? the tension? it eats muse up inside.
and daisy defends her from billy, tries to get her to leave, to find herself, it's somewhat nice. to be seen as person rather than an object of affection, and daisy is the sweetest thing in this side of hell. the endless cycle of love and hate, adoration and degradation, billy and eddie.
billy and daisy even have chemistry singing in the studio and just imagining muse getting more visibily upset after watching them sing together and daisy asks her what up because she cares and muse quickly shakes it off because of she lets daisy know, or billy, then the threat is real, the fear really exists.
and this especially increases during shows. muse watching how close they get, the unmistakable feeling of pure chemistry between them, and muse is muse so her reactions constantly change but at her core it just shakes her all the way through every time. sometimes she flirts with eddie after a show to make billy pay attention to her, to feel his passion focused on her, other times she's so happy the moment they get off stage, wanting to help him out anyway she can, please him. desperate for him to look at her like he was looking at daisy. sometimes she's mopey and lashes out at daisy. muse is just a mess.
daisy is totally telling muse all the great things about herself as proof that she should leave billy and all muse can think is about how those traits compare to daisy, someone billy could easily become addicted too.
"you're so talented." 'you're more talented'
"you're stunning." 'not as much as you are, not as gorgeous.'
"youe heart is so sweet." 'not like yours, or the rage for you wouldn't be hidden in there. '
OKAY AND when billy starts writing songs with daisy and he stops consistently telling muse he's written a song for her. like of course quite a few are and daisy has just worked on them too, but it starts to feel to muse like he's writing about daisy and she's writing about him. so listening to him ramble on about how amazing, talented, the great song him and daisy worked on, muse starts to feel dejected, like billy's found a new prize toy, a new favorite puppy. and sometimes she just tries to blow him just to get him to starts complimenting her head instead.
and muse totally starts acting like a clingy, lost puppy when there's days in the studio where billy's infatuation with daisy is too visible for her to ignore it. and it usually annoys billy more but then when daisy picks up that there's definitely something going on with muse and that she needs more of something. and she's so sympathetic it makes muse more sick.
muse wants to be daisy so that billy will pay attention, so that she can feel confident in what she says and does, so that when she leaves she won't come back, so that she won't need billy or eddie . but she's not daisy and it's ruining her.
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Heyy! Can I request an Eddie x reader angst? I saw this one where Eddie didn’t die in the upside down instead came back a couple of weeks later and everyone except the reader knew and they all watched her go through all the stages of grief and beat herself up about how she could’ve saved him but never said anything. Obviously when Eddie’s comeback was finally revealed to her (accidentally) she was furious and hated everyone for letting her go through that and was pissed at eddie for not telling her sooner. So something like that maybe. Just not related to either of them being jealous because of the a guy or girl. If you can’t I understand :))
A/N: Hello friend! I really really hope you like this one! I don’t usually write angst cause I’m worried I’ll be bad at it so I really hope you like this! I couldn’t do full angst, I need it to have a happy ending, so angst with a fluffy ending! (I really hope this is actually angst, when I looked up other fics to see what that vibe was it was mostly smut or jealousy so I hope this falls under the angst category!)
Warnings: S4 ending mentions(no death), cursing
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Disappointment. That’s all you could feel about yourself as you sat in the uncomfortable hospital chair.
You listened to the constant beeping coming from the heart monitor. It was the only thing keeping you going right now. A reassurance that you hadn’t failed completely.
You had just made it to the other side of the portal, landing roughly on Eddie’s mattress. You quickly got out of the way so your boyfriend could climb through and land as well, but he stopped on the rope. “Eddie?!” You yelled. You looked frantically at Dustin next to you as he yelled for Eddie to hurry up.
Eddie dropped the rope and quickly cut it before moving the mattress out of the way on his end. All with the two of you yelling for him to stop. He looked up at you and sent you that smile you loved. “Eddie, what are you doing?” Dustin yelled next to you. You felt the panic start to rise even more.
“Im buying more time.” He said as he picked up his shield.
“Eddie! Please! Don’t! Let me help you! I can help!” You cried, tears falling freely down your cheeks. He just smiled and sent you a wink as he ran out of sight with you screaming after him.
You know you shouldn’t- everyone has been telling you it’s not your fault- but you couldn’t help but feel like Eddie was in this hospital bed because of you. Because you couldn’t keep him safe when he needed you. Because you couldn’t get to him in time. All because you had been cursed by Vecna and he wanted you safe.
It was stupid, you’d sometimes think, that you were blaming yourself for a choice he made- a choice that potentially took him away from you- but you couldn’t blame him. No matter how hard you tried.
You loved him more than anything and he almost died to save you. Not just you, but to save Hawkins, a town that hated him. A town that turned on him, that blamed everything on him. And he almost died for them.
You could have easily been angry at Eddie for almost killing himself for this stupid town, but you always put it on yourself. You should have stopped him. You should have thought on how to get back to him faster. You should have remembered those damn vents so the demobats couldn’t breach the trailer.
Sometimes, when you were all alone with him, you would try to blame him. “How could you do this to yourself?” “Why did you leave me?” “Why did you risk your fucking life for this?”
But then you’d look at him as he slept in his hospital bed and you remembered who you fell in love with. Eddie was a caring man, a brave man, no matter how he thought of himself. As much as you wished he would have run with you, the self-hating part of you knew that you should have seen it coming and stopped him sooner. And the cycle would start again.
“Please wake up. Please, that’s all I need.” You whispered as you held his hand. Maybe if he just woke up you could get out of this hell you put yourself in.
You sat there in silence, letting your thoughts race unrestrained as they tore you down over and over. “He’s here because of you.” “If you hadn’t been cursed he wouldn’t be here.” You felt the tears escape for probably the 1000th time since Eddie was admitted a week ago.
Then you felt it. You almost missed it at first. A small squeeze to your hand. Maybe it was a reflex? Then it happened again. He squeezed your hand. Firmly this time.
You sniffed, holding your tears back as best as you could. “Eddie?” You said softly, not daring to believe that this was actually happening. Another squeeze. Your heart was racing.
You watched as he slowly blinked open his eyes, squinting from the bright fluorescents. He looked around for a moment before his eyes seemed to focus on you. You held your breath in anticipation. Would he be upset? Angry?
And then he smiled. That smile that made your heart speed up and your stomach do a flip.
“Hey sweetheart.” He said, voice raw and rough from not being used.
“Eddie. Oh thank god.” You choked out as you sobbed, jumping out of your chair to be closer to him, being mindful of his injuries.
“I feel like I was hit by a truck.” He chuckled tiredly as he wrapped an arm weakly around you.
You couldn’t stop yourself, “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry! I’m sorry I didn’t get to you fast enough!” You sobbed into his shoulder as he held you. “I’m sorry you got hurt! It’s all my fault. It’s all my fa-”
“Hey! Hey! Y/N! Sweetheart!” He said, pulling you away so he could look at you fully. “This was my choice baby. There’s no way this is your fault.”
“But if I hadn’t been cursed by-“
“No. It was my choice. I was afraid you'd feel guilty; you do understand that I’d take a thousand wounds if it meant keeping you safe, don't you?” He said seriously. “Fuck, I love you Y/N. I’d fight those bastards all over again if it meant you were safe. Don’t blame yourself.”
You nodded weakly, trying to wipe away the fresh tears that were falling. “I love you too Eddie.”
“Gimme a kiss, I was worried that one in the RV would be our last.” He chuckled. You smiled before placing a very wet kiss on his lips. One full of all the emotions you had been feeling the last few days. One full of the promises you had for the future. Happy to now know that you did have a future with the man you loved. A hero of Hawkins.
Taglist: @srapalestina @yvonneeeee @cityofidek @anaisweird @mrslovesmayahawke @harrys-tittie @becca-alexa
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p-artsypants · 7 months
Paint it Black (17) Testing
Ao3 | FF.net
Starfire awoke suddenly. A hand violently smacked against her face, and an elbow collided with her stomach. Given her natural resilience to physical blows, they didn’t so much hurt as startle. 
She sat up quickly, quickly orienting herself. She was in bed, next to Black, where they had fallen asleep together while talking. 
Now, he had his eyes clenched shut tight as he tossed and turned in agony. A grimace pulled at his lips as he bared his teeth. 
“Robin?” She shook him gently. 
He thrashed involuntarily, kicking and whipping his arms around, knocking a pillow off the bed. 
“I will take you to the medical bay,” she declared, grabbing his flailing wrist. 
The touch seemed to hurt as he cried out in pain. 
“I’m sorry,” she sternly pulled him to her body, pinning his limbs. “I can’t allow you to hurt yourself.” 
He continued to jerk and wriggle as they swiftly traveled. He moaned and whined, but didn’t scream, which she was thankful for as she didn’t think she could handle it. 
When they arrived at the med bay, she made quick work of getting him onto the bed, and restrained. “It is not ideal,” she apologized. “But it is only temporary, and only so you do not hurt yourself. I will return shortly.” 
As a girl on a mission, she zipped through the halls. Cyborg’s room was the closest, so she entered and awoke him. 
“Many apologies for disrupting your sleep cycle, but I believe the time has come to perform Robin’s blood test.” 
Cyborg blinked his human eye at her, blearily. “Oh, gotcha. It’ll take a second for my system to start up. But I’ll meet you there.” 
“Very well. I shall go inform Mr. Batman.” 
At Robin’s room, where Batman was staying, she knocked once. He answered fairly quickly, making her wonder if he was even asleep. 
“He’s ready?” Bruce asked, by way of greeting.
“I believe so. He is in the medical room. He was unresponsive and his body moved against his will. I have restrained him.”
“I see. Good work. I’ll go tend to him. Why don’t you let the others know? They might want a chance to see Robin, if he’ll make an appearance.” 
“Yes sir.” 
When Starfire returned to the med bay with Raven with her, Cyborg, Bruce, and Alfred were hard at work. 
Alfred was the one taking the blood sample, while Cyborg and Bruce held Robin still. 
Starfire and Raven took up their places and helped. 
“Unfortunately,” Bruce began, “we might end up having to take a few tests over time, depending how much fentanyl is in his system.” 
“And we can’t give him Narcan?” Cyborg asked. 
“There would be no point. At this stage, he’s not under the effect of any opioids, and giving him anything would further mess with the test.”
“I have a sample,” stated Alfred, capping off the IV port. 
“I’ve got the computer all ready for analysis,” Cyborg gestured, leading Bruce into the next room. 
Robin continued to moan softly. But his movements were less erratic and spaced farther apart. He was sweating profusely. 
Starfire wetted a washcloth with cool water and gently wiped his face and neck. 
Shortly after, Beast Boy arrived, still in his pajamas. “Sorry I’m late,” he yawned. “Did I miss the test?”
“They’re analyzing it now,” Raven provided. 
“Cool. I hate needles. How’s Robby?”
“Unresponsive,” Starfire lamented as she dabbed his face. 
“What did he say when he came to you?” Raven asked. “Was he a little responsive then?”
Starfire blushed slightly. “It was several hours ago. He could not sleep and he came to me to tell me of his time in captivity. Eventually, we both fell asleep.” 
“That’s not really a conversation most people would fall asleep to…” Beast Boy smirked.
“You are correct, but I believe he felt…relaxed. I took notes, and I will share with those who wish to know. I will caution, it is not easy to hear.” 
Bruce and Cyborg returned a minute later. “I think I'd like to get another test in about an hour. There’s trace amounts of fentanyl in the system that will throw off the antidote formula. In the meantime, the computer is at least compiling a list of components to counter the poisons.”
“What do we do in the meantime?”
“We wait. As long as someone sits up with him, the rest of you can go back to sleep.” 
“Ugh,” groaned Beast Boy. “After all that? Boooo.” He morphed into a cat and jumped up to curl up to sleep on a chair. 
“I shall stay up with him,” Starfire stated. 
“I’d stay too,” said Cyborg. “But I’d like to finish charging my batteries in case of an emergency.” 
“I’ll make some coffee,” said Raven.
“I shall assist,” offered Alfred. 
After they all left, it was just Bruce and Starfire left behind. The room turned rather quiet, as the only sounds were the beeps and boops of the medical equipment. Robin’s groans of pain had calmed down considerably, though he didn’t appear to be any more comfortable or relaxed. His face was tight as his mouth twisted into a grimace.
Starfire frowned harshly as she wetted the wash cloth again and put it on his face. It was so unfair that he had to be in all this pain and couldn’t even have any medicine to help. 
“When I came to Earth,” Starfire said aloud. “I had just escaped a Gordianian slave ship. Prior to that, I was held captive by the Psions and experimented on to satisfy their sick curiosities.” 
Bruce had the impression that Starfire liked to hold conversation, but this wasn’t your average small talk.
“I have seen many horrible things. Human morality is not the standard across the universe. Many fellow prisoners were killed over scraps of food. Pain was an expectation. Out of my friends here, I believe I was the most prepared to hear of Robin’s time in captivity. Even then, some of the things he said made me sick to my nine stomachs. There is causing pain because you do not care about the people around you, only your survival. And then there is causing pain because it gives you great delight and pleasure.”
Bruce narrowed his eyes, giving her his undivided attention. 
“I used to believe that the Psions were the most evil creatures in the universe, because they caused pain for curiosity's sake. But even that can have an ounce of good in it. But what these men did…” 
Bruce closed his eyes, all too familiar with the torture she had probably been told about. 
“Humans are so complex and nuanced. I stayed on Earth because its inhabitants are beautiful creatures,” she delicately pushed some of Robin’s hair away from his face. “But this was a side of humanity I wish I never knew existed.” 
“The Joker is an exception. His depravity isn’t the norm. It does happen, and has happened if you look over the span of human history. But those actions are largely considered abhorrent. Don’t lose sight of the beauty in humanity. We need more people like you, Starfire.” Bruce said this with such conviction and ferocity, she didn’t expect it. 
“In our line of work, it is so easy to become jaded. To think that humanity is beyond saving. Especially in Gotham,” he chuckled mirthlessly. “That place is a cesspool, and I often find myself wondering if my work will ever be done. But then I see parents out with their kids, or a student walking a dog, or teenagers laughing and eating pizza. I see lives that are complex and full of nuance, and they need our protection from the exceptions.” 
A smile, however small and sad, graced Starfire’s face. “I suppose you would be correct. You have been doing this much longer than I have, so you would know. I shall take your advice to heart.” 
Bruce didn’t say it, or even let any part of his face convey it, but he was glad that Robin was around Starfire. She was a good influence, and would bring better healing than he ever could. Instead, he said, “thank you, for telling me about your past. I understand you better now.” 
A genuine smile painted her face.
“Star?” A small voice spoke from the bed. 
“Robin?” She perked up slightly, and leaned in to tend to him. 
“Star? Starfire?” He asked again, his head lulling back and forth. 
“I am here, my dear Robin.” She undid the restraints that bound his wrist and took hold of his hand. “I am right here.” She spoke softly.
Robin tightened the hold, almost like he was checking to make sure she was real. 
Bruce quietly got up to let the others know that he was awake. 
“How…do you feel?” He croaked. 
“What? Why do you ask such a thing? I should be asking you.” 
He moved his hand up to touch her neck. “I hurt you, Star…I hurt you…” 
“Oh Robin, that was not you. And I am fine. You know it will take more than that to damage me.” 
“I’m sorry,” he sniffed. “I’m so sorry…” 
“You have been forgiven.” She petted his hair. “Do not fret, dear Robin.” 
“I hate this. I hate all of this,” he cringed as a wave of pain rolled through him. “I can see you, when Black is in control. I can see you, I can hear you…but I can’t do anything else.” 
“We will have you fixed soon. They shall take another blood test and create an antidote for the poison.”
“I can’t wait,” he winced. “Because this sucks.” 
Beast Boy shifted back from a cat. “I thought I heard Robin’s voice, is he…?”
“H-hey Beast Boy…” Robin managed to smile. 
“Hey buddy! Good to see you! How you feeling?”
Robin shook his head slightly. “Not...not great.” 
“Yeah…that’s fair,” Beast Boy gave his leg a pat. 
Robin swallowed thickly as he met Beast Boy’s eyes. “I’m so proud of you.” 
Beast Boy startled at the sudden compliment. Robin didn’t hand them out very often. “For what?”
“My puzzle. It was the only thing I could think of that wasn’t suspicious…and someone on the team would figure out.” 
“Well, Raven was the one that figured out that you were picking songs on purpose. So I can’t take all the credit.” 
Robin’s eyes crinkled with something akin to mirth, “I’ll have to thank her too, then.”
“Looks like you can do that right now!” Starfire chirped as Raven and Alfred came into the room. 
“What is he doing?” Raven asked. 
“Thank you for helping Beast Boy–” a wince, “solve my code.” 
She sat beside him and held his hand. “Anytime.” 
He squeezed her back. “I’m sorry I yelled at you…I was so relieved…when you made it inside my head. Having this…disease with Black is like my captivity is still going on. Even now, when I can finally speak, I know it won’t last.” He sniffed. 
“It won’t be much longer,” Starfire comforted. “But Robin, we do not place any fault or blame on you for this situation. I have been studying psychology in an effort to help you. From my understanding, Dissociative Identity Disorder develops from shocking events as a coping mechanism. Children that had something traumatic happen during their childhood are at a higher risk, and from what we heard of your past…” 
“Dissoci–is that what this is?” He cringed. “That’s what they call Multiple Personality now, right?” 
“I am far from qualified to confirm a diagnosis, but it seems fairly obvious to me.” 
“Agreed dude,” said Beast Boy. “I don’t even know what Dissa–Dia–Diablo Dent—”
“Dissociative Identity Disorder.”
“Yeah, I don’t really know what that is, but you definitely have two personalities.” 
Robin clenched his eyes shut as the pain and disappointment rolled over him. “Then…they were successful. They did it. I’m…I’m just like Dent.” 
“Not quite,” Bruce said from the doorway. 
Robin turned to look at him, mortified. Of course, he had known that Bruce was in Jump, but seeing him in person, after everything he had done, was a different story. “B-Bruce, I’m so…so sorry…” 
“Hey, Dick, calm down.” The man said as he sat by his IV port. “It’s okay.” 
“I messed up…I messed up so bad.” A tear ran down his cheek. 
“You couldn’t have known they were in Jump and responsible for this. You noticed something was wrong at the psychiatric unit and acted. Messing up would have been brushing off all the signs I taught you and letting them disappear without a trace. So stop beating yourself up.” He prepared the next vial for a blood sample. “Starfire is right that your secondary personality is a coping mechanism for trauma. But how stable or powerful it is without that poison in your system, that is yet to be determined.”
“And the opioids,” Robin whispered. 
“And the opioids.” Bruce worked quickly to get another sample. “We’ll see if this one is good. If it is, we’ll get you a drip with painkillers in it.” 
Robin’s lip trembled. “Just sedate me. I don’t…I don’t want him to talk anymore. He needs to die.” 
Alfred responded, “We have the means and knowledge to patch you up, but anesthesia is another matter entirely. One I am not comfortable attempting with all that is in your system.” 
Robin scrunched up his face as he was filled with more pain, anger, and humiliation. 
“I’ve been treating it like you’re drunk,” said Beast Boy. “Not that I hang around that many drunk people, but you know how they say crap they normally wouldn’t say when they’re sober? It’s kinda like that. Except you actually remember the stuff you say, so that’s a bit of a bummer.” 
Robin coughed, and a little black spittle splattered on the sheets. 
“Looks like visiting hours are over,” Bruce said determinedly. “Get him hooked up to the fentanyl. I’m going to run this sample. We’ve waited until the last possible second, so this is as good as we’re going to get.” 
Things moved quickly then. Beast Boy went to get Cyborg, while Bruce and Alfred got to work. Raven stood by Robin’s head and used her healing powers to calm his mind. 
While Starfire sat by his side, holding his hand, and feeling helpless.
Once the fentanyl was administered, they waited with bated breath to see what would happen. After about twenty minutes, Robin looked more relaxed and his complexion cleared. 
“He’s asleep,” Starfire noted. 
“As I would be,” said Alfred. “He was in pain all day. He must be exhausted.” 
Beast Boy returned. “Cy’s helping Batman with the antidote. How’s he doing?” 
“Better, it seems,” said Raven. “He’s resting. We haven’t seen Black reappear.” 
Beat Boy sighed. “Then I feel like I can relax. It was really hard to sit by while he was in that much pain.” 
“Indeed,” said Starfire, never once taking her eyes off of Robin’s sleeping face. 
About an hour later, Robin was still asleep. Bruce and Cyborg came into the room, looking cautiously optimistic. 
“We’ve got the formula for an antidote,” said Bruce. “I’ll need to talk to one of my connections to get some of the components, but I think we’re good to go.” 
“Wonderful!” Starfire chirped, slightly floating. 
“But,” Bruce interrupted them before they could begin celebrating. “There’s still no guarantee this will fix him. If this really is a case of DID, a shot of chemicals won’t fix it.” 
There was silence before Beast Boy, before anyone else, stated, “well, what’s most important is his physical health first, right? This should keep him from putting himself in danger to get a fix, and he won’t deal with the poison pain, right?” 
Bruce nodded. “That’s my hope. From here out, we’ll have to be looking for what triggers his personality. Maybe moments of stress will make that other personality come out. Maybe it will fade entirely with the poison neutralized. We have to be prepared for anything.”
“That’s kind of a risk of the job, isn’t it?” Cyborg mused. “Stopping crime is fun and feels good, but there’s always a chance you are irreparably damaged. You just have to roll with it.”
“One more thing,” Bruce crossed his arms. “If Black wakes up before we administer the antidote, we shouldn’t mention what its goal is. If he realizes the poison in his body is what lets him exist, he may become uncooperative.” 
“It’s probably best he stays in here until it’s administered, then,” stated Raven. “And we should keep the restraints on his legs.” 
Starfire landed on the floor again. 
“So, playing the waiting game again, huh? My favorite…” Beast Boy morphed into a cat again and resumed his nap. 
“Is any of that coffee ready?” Bruce asked Alfred. “I’ll take a cup in the office. I have an email to write.” 
As everyone filtered out, Starfire was left alone with a sleeping Robin. She sat on the bed, and just watched him. Watched as his chest rose and fell with deep breaths. Watched for any sign of discomfort, but he was still.
Disease. Irreparably damaged. He needs to die. 
Starfire didn’t know how to feel. Black was an unstable, volatile character that was unpredictable. But…he was a friend. And he was part of Robin. A coping mechanism. She didn’t really like him as a replacement to Robin, but on his own…
Would it feel like curing an illness? Or sacrificing a person?
Ultimately, it wasn’t up to her. It was Robin’s choice. And Robin was trapped, and needed to be free. There was no point in considering alternatives. If the antidote killed Black, then so be it. 
Carefully, Starfire laid down on the bed, right beside Robin, and rested her head on his chest. 
“I’m sorry.” 
“It’s done.” 
Bruce set the tray down on the table next to the hospital bed. Inside the tray was a set of syringes filled with a pink liquid, and the kit for administering it. “Fomepizole, potassium phosphate, prednisolone, and good ole Sodium bicarbonate.”
“But is it bubblegum flavored?” Black asked. 
“Yes, but you won’t be tasting it,” said Bruce. “We’re injecting it right where we took your blood sample last night.” 
“Then why bother flavoring it?”
“Because I knew you’d ask.” 
There was a pause before Black nodded knowingly. “You’re joking. That was a joke.” 
“I’m chock full of them.” Bruce took a seat and snapped on the gloves. “Now, the antidote has to be administered in steps. Because it neutralizes the poison in your system, a chemical reaction will take place. The chemical reaction could cause some adverse side effects if administered all at once.”
“Like what? Will I turn purple?” 
“In a way…” Bruce said vaguely, not elaborating. “We’re going to give you the first dose, then in an hour, then next. I can’t guarantee it’ll be a pleasant experience either, but once it’s over, you should be all free of the pain of the poison.” 
Black looked highly skeptical as he frowned and bit his lip. “I suppose I don’t really have the choice in backing out now, do I?”
“Not a chance. We went to a lot of work to make this.” 
“Fine then.” Black grumbled, but relented. “Bottoms up,” then he turned to look at Starfire. “That’s what people say when they take a shot.” 
Starfire squinted her eyes in confusion, but decided not to ask for clarification. 
Bruce pushed the first dose of the antidote, and gnawed on his tongue while he waited for a reaction. 
“Ohh, that burns. Not as bad as the poison they gave me, though,” Black wiggled his fingers as a heat traveled up his arm. “Okay, it’s getting a little…worse…” His eyes began to droop as his head tilted forward. His skin flushed and his breathing became heavy. 
“Just relax,” Bruce gently pushed him back so his head rested on the mattress. 
“I’m…burning…fuzzy burning…” 
“Yep,” he hooked the saline drip back up. “That’s what Lucius said would happen. You remember our friend Lucius Fox, right?” 
“...ears…and a tail…” 
Bruce shook his head and looked at the Titans. “We won’t really know how it worked until we’re all done with the dosing, and that will take a few hours. Until then, he’s likely going to be in and out of consciousness. If he’s awake, he won’t be coherent.” 
Beast Boy gave a long, exaggerated sigh. “And so again, we wait…” 
Like divine providence, the alarms sounded, muted slightly in the med bay, but flashing red lights all the same. 
“Or not,” Beast Boy perked up. 
Bruce removed the gloves. “How bad is it?” 
Cyborg analyzed the report on his arm. “Looks like Billy Numerous.” 
“Is that bad?” 
“He can divide himself into an army of clones. He has a limit, but it’s in the thousands.” 
“And he has an annoying accent,” added Raven, under her breath. 
“Master Bruce, I am perfectly capable of finishing this on my own,” said Alfred. “You should aid the Titans.” He took Bruce’s seat. “You could use the distraction.” 
“Fine. Sounds like you guys could use all the help you can get with a villain like that.” 
“I call shotgun in the Batmobile!” Beast Boy damn near screamed.
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flipperdipper10 · 1 year
Not a chapter but some ideas that came to mind for the sekai fnaf au
-Not all 4 robots of the wxs members come alive on the first night, they come on a one by one cycle. emu comes first, then nene, rui, and lastly tsukasa. night 4 and 5 they’re all active.
-Nenerobo is just there she acts as golden freddy I’m not really quite sure how to impliment her since nene as a robot and nenerobo are two different things. she probably just shows up whenever she wants to mess with the group. She’s also avalible on each night.
-The miya girls team also doesn’t show up all at once. Saki and kohane go first, with mafuyu and mizuki joining later. mizuki probably shows up the same time rui does, so around night 3.
-I think once mizuki shows up they might know how to operate the cameras better and learn more about the camera-deterred robots. Mafuyu would be best at dealing with tsukasa since i imagine it’s easy for her to ignore people.
-in terms of ideas on gameplay mechanics, the office i’m currently thinking is similar to the fnaf 3 office but you get one singular door this time and a vent. both can be closed. power is limited because the amusement park doesn’t have much power due to the landslide. 
Emu would likely come through the vent, you can either block her and wait for her to leave or play a sound on the camera system to lure her to a separate place in the park. She’s fairly simple and easy to deal with, which is why she comes first. You can tell she’s in the vent with an audio cue of “WONDERHOY!”, and if you hear it, close the vent.
Nene would go through the door, and she’s pretty timid so you need to constantly check on her location with the cameras. the longer you don’t look at her the closer she gets to your office until she sits outside your door. After a while if she does get to your door and you lock her out, she’ll eventually just go back a few cameras. She also faintly sings as she travels, and if the singing is able to be heard you need to close the door. because nene’s there.
Rui is another vent goer and you also need to check the cameras to see what he’s making. I’m thinking he could temporarily disable a system, whether it be camera or audio for a short time depending on what he makes, and also there’s a third item that just does nothing and if you’re lucky he’ll happen to make it. The systems would reboot after a short time, but when they’re down you need to be really careful about which robot uses what feature. However I’m thinking he might be more like the puppet where if you can keep him distracted with his creations he won’t come after you. But to have him make more things would mean he could shut down your systems, so it’s a toss up between letting him make what he wants or letting him move. I’m not sure how to give the materials for him to make stuff though, so if anyone has any ideas for this please let me know. His audio cue is his laugh. 
Then there’s tsukasa and he also uses the door like nene. (I just figured splitting them up 2 by 2 would be easiest) Tsukasa starts on a stage, and moves around freely. He doesn’t actually kill you, instead if he gets into the office he sits outside your door and makes a loud HAH HAH HAH noise in true Tsukasa fashion. The noise lures Emu towards your location much quicker than she might normally move. To make things even more challenging if she’s in the vent you can’t close it on her. She’s too fast. I picked Emu for this because even though rui also uses the vents i feel like emu is more likely to laugh alongside tsukasa than rui or nene would. If he gets in your office he won’t leave for a few seconds, but after a while he’ll go away, taking some of your power with him as he goes to light up the stage he starts on. I think it’d be more interesting if he acted more like a more dangerous balloon boy than anything deadly just because in real life tsukasa probably wouldn’t hurt a fly.
rui could probably be deterred from moving in a certian way by flashing them with a flashlight. If Rui’s at the vent if you flash the vent with your light he’ll go away instead of slamming the grate on him like emu. Tsukasa on the other hand if you flash him he’ll come closer because star wants the spotlight. So the best thing to do for him is to just ignore him. Don’t look at him don’t acknowledge him just ignore him.
-I added audio cues in case rui cuts your camera feed.
-if there is a night 6 maybe tsukasa can actually kill you instead of attracting emu
-Also yes the idea hinted at in my first text dump of lore ideas was that the reason the robots attack people is that can’t recognize who it is that’s in the park and they mistake the students for vandals because it’s dark out, but the students don’t stay long because why would they they almost died
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ugly-anastasia · 7 months
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f*cking perfect: a georgette playlist ( @perfectisgeorgette)
the lucky one by taylor swift
bardot by raffaella
be sweet by japanese breakfast
fit n full by samia
oh no! by marina
at least i'm pretty by henriette
pretty hurts by beyonce
pretty isn't pretty by olivia rodrigo
what was i made for? by billie eilish
f**kin perfect by p!nk
thoughts below the cut!
the lucky one by taylor swift
Another name goes up in lights Like diamonds in the sky
Georgette is at the top of her game, but she's also still really young, and I thought this song was a fun way to start the playlist because it's all about the life cycle of an it girl from when you first hit the scene to when you decide to retire from the public eye. Yeah, they'll tell her now she's the lucky one, but will she change her mind about that?
2. bardot by raffaella
Welcome to the show, I promise I'm enough Nothing's better than a pretty girl singin' songs about love Put me on a stage, bend your neck to look up A glorified queen is one you just can't touch
This song is about performing! I think it's perfect for Georgette's pageant queen background and her fear of people looking deeper and seeing beyond her perfection. I think the song also taps into this obsession with femininity and gender roles that was super widespread in the 50s but also continues to this day in certain circles— and in the mainstream culture tbh.
3. be sweet by japanese breakfast
Be sweet to me, baby I wanna believe in you, I wanna believe (be sweet)
A nod to Georgette's love life! Perfection is so important to her and I imagine she expects the same from anyone in her orbit. She really wants a partner who will live up to her expectations, but I can see her giving second chances if a person goes above and beyond to make it up to her.
4. fit n full by samia
Only getting hotter as I sweat I have never really been upset Just hollow and amazing All I want is to be like my dad All I want's to give you what I had I'm generous and vacant
This song never gets old for me lol. It's a satire about how beauty standards get repackaged as "wellness" and "fitness" and how it all just gets tied up in the same crazy expectations women have placed on them, especially in the public eye. And how impossible it is to be everything that everyone wants you to be, and the hollowness behind all of that. Which I think would speak to Georgette!
5. oh no! by marina
One track mind, one track heart If I fail, I'll fall apart Maybe it is all a test 'Cause I feel like I'm the worst So I always act like I'm the best
These songs are getting more into the dark side of "perfection" and how the expectations Georgette puts on herself could destroy her if she isn't careful. This entire album is pretty relevant tbh to any story about fame and glamor and the dark side of all of that, but I think this song in particular.
6. at least i'm pretty by henriette
And it's a clean cut Down the line It's a hard life when it's mine Drove around this whole city At least my mom thinks I'm pretty But you want nothing to do with me At least I'm pretty
Into the trio of songs that have the word "pretty" in the title! Yes I thought it would be funny to put them all next to each other. This song is about getting dumped and basically clinging to one thing to try to comfort yourself but deep down you know it isn't really what you need to hear. I think if Georgette ever had her heart broken this would be really fitting.
7. pretty hurts by beyonce
Pretty hurts, we shine the light on whatever's worst Perfection is a disease of a nation, pretty hurts, pretty hurts Pretty hurts, we shine the light on whatever's worst We try to fix something but you can't fix what you can't see It's the soul that needs a surgery
I looove this song. I think this song is really the playlist in a nutshell tbh so like what is there to say about it but I will try. I think it's fun to contrast the big anthemic sound of this song with the previous one, and it's also a bit of a preview to the last song on the playlist. I also love the spoken word at the beginning, and the references to pageants. What a banger.
8. pretty isn't pretty by olivia rodrigo
When pretty isn't pretty enough, what do you do? And everybody's keepin' it up, so you think it's you I could change up my body and change up my face I could try every lipstick in every shade But I'd always feel the same 'Cause pretty isn't pretty enough anyway
What I like about this song is that it's about beauty standards but it's also about putting all of your self esteem in some external thing is always going to let you down because if you don't like yourself, it will never be enough. Which I think is something we all struggle with, and I can see that maybe being relevant to Georgette who makes beauty and accomplishment such a priority!
9. what was i made for? by billie eilish
When did it end? All the enjoyment I'm sad again, don't tell my boyfriend It's not what he's made for What was I made for?
Jumping off of that last one, I think this song gets at the emptiness of making your goal perfection and then getting there and not feeling fulfilled. And maybe the other people in your life, who are only there because they represent something you thought was important, can't really understand it.
10. f**kin perfect by p!nk
Mistreated, misplaced, misunderstood Miss No-Way-It's-All-Good It didn't slow me down Mistaken, always second guessing Underestimated, look, I'm still around
I mean who can say it better than miss glitter in the air herself. I think the "miss" parts of this section can also be kind of about the beauty pageant thing. I hope this is the message Georgette learns eventually! All you have to be perfect is who you are <3
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I Am Malala : Girls Global Education
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Response to that phrase in the title: "Period. End of a Sentence"
"Period. End of Sentence" is a strong term that breaks the rules and myths about getting your period. Some old ideas that have held women back for a long time are being thrown out. This means the end of a sentence. This strong statement wants to end the shame that comes with having your period and allow girls to start school and be free. Women taking back control of their stories is a big deal. It turns something seen as a problem into a place where people can have fun and help each other. For women, their period shouldn't be the end of their lives; instead, it should be the beginning of a new time of health, growth, and learning.
Review of "I Am Malala" by Malala Yousafzai
1. If you could describe this book in one word, what would that be?
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I would use "courageous" to best sum up "I Am Malala." Malala's narrative is a potent monument to her bravery in the face of life-threatening peril, her relentless dedication to education, and her resistance to quiet even in front of the Taliban. As Malala notes, “I told myself, Malala, you have already faced death. This is your second life. Don’t be afraid – you can’t move forward if you are afraid.” Her bravery motivates people to defend their rights in front of any challenges.
2. What does this book reveal about Islam, women, girls, and education?
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"I Am Malala" challenges a lot of myths about Islam by emphasizing how, in contrast to how extremist organizations like the Taliban have depicted it, education, equality, and peace are essential components of the religion. Malala demonstrates the difficulties girls encounter in traditional nations where cultural norms frequently limit women's rights, particularly regarding education. "Islam tells us every girl and boy should be educated," the speaker notes. I don't know why the Taliban have forgotten it," demonstrating that she is fighting against both the distortion of her religion and radicalism. The book highlights how important education is to girls' empowerment, showing how having access to education can change people's lives, strengthen communities, and open doors for social change.
3. What elements of chance are crucial to her story?
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Critical events of chance in Malala's narrative include her father's progressive ideas and support, which were unique in her hometown, and the worldwide attention she got following her survival of the Taliban attack. Apart from providing the necessary medical treatment, the global outpouring of support helped Malala increase her voice and enabled her to campaign on a more extensive international stage for girls' education. Malala's observation, "When the whole world is silent, even one voice becomes powerful," reflects how her will, combined with the world's reaction to her tragedy, turned her struggle into a worldwide movement.
4. What would the world look like if all girls were educated? What do you think would change?
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The world would be fairer and more prosperous if every female got an education. More often than not, educated girls are empowered women who support their rights, boost the economy, and engage in leadership positions. Educated women are demonstrated to prioritize education for their children, fostering a positive cycle of change and helping to lower poverty, enhance health outcomes, and promote peace. When Malala says, "With guns, you can kill terrorists. With education, you can kill terrorism," she is brilliantly capturing the transforming force of education, which is the most effective weapon against ignorance and violence.
5. What is your favorite quote from the book? Please explain why.
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"One child, one teacher, one book, and one pen can change the world," says my favorite passage from the book. Malala's advocacy's core that education is the most effective weapon for change is summed up in this quotation. It reminds us that every effort toward education counts since even little deeds of learning and teaching can majorly influence society.
6. What positive global messages does this book provide, and why does it continue to be relevant in light of recent developments in Iran, Afghanistan, and the United States?
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The powerful message in "I Am Malala" about working for girls' rights and education is still essential today, as similar fights continue in places like Afghanistan, where women’s and girls' rights are being threatened more and more. In light of recent events worldwide, Malala's quote, "We realize how important our voices are only when they are silenced," hits home. It reminds us that advocacy and the courage to speak out are essential in the ongoing fight for justice and equality.
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monarch-butterfly-03 · 6 months
Sweet Dreams - chapter one
It was a cool night that November evening in Hawkins, Indiana that was unusually chilly for the time of year. The leaves on the trees were falling off and blowing in the small breeze that swarmed through the quiet town. A full moon laid above the town, glowing over the bright city and the darkness within it, scaring off any shadows that lurked. 
Down one of the quiet yet more wealthy resident streets a blue 1970 honda accord parked in front of rather modern house that contrasted to the other cars on the street. Three bikes scattered on the lawn in front of it, alerting the neighbours of the company over and the noise that would follow.
Inside of the well-lit house, two girls in a bedroom listening to music from a cassette box that was playing for the fourth time of the same songs. Nancy Wheeler was lying on her bed staring at the roof while hugging a pillow to her chest with one hand and a phone in the other with one of her best friends, Barb Holland. 
Nancy's other best friends, Jennifer Callahan, was laying on her stomach on the luscious bedroom carpet with a bottle of baby blue nail polish in front of her. Her feet kicked back and forth to the music that played her favourite songs not bothered to change it.
The two girls were chatting and gossiping like usual when their friend Barb called. The two girls continued their talking with side commentary from Barb, whenever she would add in a comment when overhearing the conversation.
"Yeah, he's cute." Nancy sighed out biting her lower lip. Jennifer glanced up at her best friend and giggled at her comment, smiling down at her nails as she flicked the brush over her index finger. Nancy noticed Jen's reaction and her cheeks got red from embarrassment, though her smile on her lips grew.
"Nancy has a crush." Jennifer mocked aloud. Loud enough for Barb to hear on the other end.
Nancy paused for a moment as Barb spoke on the other end of the phone and scoffed, sitting up on her elbows to glare down at her best friend. "You two live to tease me, don't you?" She asked them both while looking down at her best friend.
Jennifer nodded with a grin. Twisting the cap of the nail polish back on the container. She pushed herself up and blew on her fingers lightly. "Give me the phone. I have to ask Barb how we should torment you tomorrow." Jennifer teased and Nancy hesitantly handed over the phone. 
Regardless, Nancy has been on the phone for majority of the call and knew it was time for Jennifer to talk to Barb. She leaned over the bed and handed Jennifer the phone that was connected to the box sitting on her bedside table. Jennifer took the phone, careful not to smudge her nails. She moved the phone to hold it between her ear and shoulder blowing lightly on her nails.
"What's the plan, Jen?" Barb's voice rang through the phone with excitement. "Calling her Nancy-Banancy in front of Steve? Asking her if she started her cycle? Making kissing noises when she sees him tomorrow?" 
A laugh escaped Jennifer's throat, earning a scared look from Nancy of what her two friends were possibly planning. Nancy was sitting upright with her legs crossed, hugging the pillow to her chest wishing she could hear more of the conversation over the music playing.
"You are a genius, Barb. But I think-"
"H-Hey ladies," A squeaky voice asked from the door of her room, interrupting their conversation. Both Nancy and Jennifer stopped talking and looked towards the open bedroom door to see a boy with curly brown hair and a toothy smile standing in the doorway holding a box of pizza. "T-there is a few slices left if you want it." He offered the girls the box.
"I think what?" Barb laughed on the phone. "Come on, Jen. Don't tell me your getting to that pretty-yet-dumb stage."
Jennifer was pulled from the boy at the door and back to the conversation on the phone laughing lightly on the phone. She glanced at Nancy, who seemed rather annoyed at the boy at the door. Then she gazed back at the boy now smiling widely seeing that he gotten both of their attention now.
"Sorry, Barb. Got distracted. I was going to say, the best way would be matching clothes tomorrow. But I think Nancy already burned our matching shirts." Jen laughed, looking down at her freshly painted nails absentmindedly.
While Nancy climbed off her bed to deal with the boy at the door. She stepped over of Jen's spread out body and walked to the door. The boy grinned widely as the pretty brunette approached and handed her the box. To which Nancy gave a tight-lipped smile and shut the door in his face without batting an eye. 
Jennifer heard the door close among her conversation with Barb and glanced at the door seeing Nancy give her a small apologetic smile for the interruption while walking back to the bed. A pang of guilt hit Jen for being so cold to the teenage boy but was pulled away from the feeling as Barb talked her ear off about Nancy and her new-found crush.
"-hope this new found popularity won't take her from us. I'm just worried, Jen." Barb expressed her concerns. A deep sigh was heard from the other end of the phone.
Hearing one of her closest friends open up about her worries made a small frown to appear on Jennifer's lips. She nodded knowing Barb couldn't see but Nancy did. Nancy narrowed her eyes confused and fell back in her bed with her eyes on Jennifer curiously.
Nancy flipped herself over so she was on her stomach, resting her chin on her hands while looking down at her friend. Her feet swayed while she tried to eavesdrop. She kept hearing Barb's mumbling on the other side of the phone and tried to make out the conversation as best as she could.
"I know, Barb. But I know nothing like that will happen." Jennifer promised hearing Barb let out a breath in reassurance. Jennifer looked over at Nancy who shared the same sad smile at Jennifer, picking up on what the topic was on. "We've been friends since elementary and no boy would ever break us apart." 
"Amen, sister!" Nancy cupped her hands over her mouth and speaking loud enough that Barb would hear it over the phone.
All three girls began giggling with a reminder that their friendship is eternal. Each of them knowing that whatever happens to them in high school, they will always remain each others best friends regardless of any drama that comes between them.
A faint knock at the door was heard and Nancy let out a sigh. "Leave us alone, Dustin!" She yelled at the door.
The door opened to reveal Mrs. Wheeler poking her head in the door with a kind smile on her lips. Once seeing the two girls, she opened the door wider and stepped in the room. Jennifer gave a wide smile to the woman and Nancy frowned seeing her mother barge in without her approval.
"Sorry to interrupt, girls. It is getting late and I am about to put Holly down for bed..." Her voice trailing off as she crossed her arms hoping the two would catch on.
Jennifer caught the hint she was implying and nodded, pushing herself up from the floor with her freshly dried nails. "No worries, Mrs. Wheeler. I should be heading out before my dad starts to panic." 
Nancy frowned at the comment while her mother smiled in gratitude. The teenage girl wished her friend could stay longer or possibly the night. But she knew Jennifer's dad would never agree to such terms on a school night. Jennifer's dad was a cop known to be stuck up with the rules of the law and parenting. Which Jennifer despised deeply.
Jennifer brushed herself up when standing up holding the phone to her ear. "I'm getting kicked out. I'll see you tomorrow, Barbra." Jennifer spoke over the phone teasingly.
Barb laughed sarcastically but Jennifer could tell she was smiling. "Night, Jennifer."
Jennifer laughed and handed the phone back to Nancy who took it with a sad smile. Mrs Wheeler stood at the door with a soft smile, watching the girls say goodbye while Jennifer grabbed her denim jacket on the end of the bed and slid it on following the older woman out of the room.
Jennifer followed Mrs. Wheeler down the stairs towards the front door. Like usual, the woman wanted to hug the girl goodnight as Jennifer left. Since Nancy and Jennifer has been friend for years, the girl was over majority of the time since Jennifer's dad refused to get a babysitter or leave Jennifer alone. So growing up Jennifer was practically an adopted child to the Wheeler household. When she got older and a babysitter was no longer required, going over to the Wheeler's every day was normal. Routined, even.
She was over so often she had some of her own clothes in Nancy's closet, a key to the front door, and had a plate set out for her every night. Mrs. Wheeler saw Jennifer as another daughter which she loved the thought of.
"Drive safe, hun." Mrs. Wheeler hugged Jennifer goodbye at the front door. Jennifer hugged the woman back and nodded, taking a step back with a thankful smile sliding her hands in her pockets.
"Thanks again for dinner. I'll see you tomorrow." Jennifer grinned, opening the front door and stepping out into the brisk night air. The door closed behind her but not before hearing some snarky remark from Mr. Wheeler about eating their food for free.
Unlike Mrs. Wheeler, he wasn't a fan of the girl living for free at his house. But Jennifer rather enjoyed the free food, therefore destroyed any guilt she felt for the action.
"-stick up her butt." A voice in front of her declared. Making her freeze in her spot in curiosity.
Three of four boys in front of her were boarding their bikes that scattered the lawn, all clueless to Jennifer's sudden appearance behind them. She hugged her coat closer to her body as an amused smile appeared on her lips from the topic and the boys cluelessness of her presence, closing the door carefully without a sound.
"Yeah, it's because she's dating that douchebag, Steve Harrington." The one with a darker complexion, the boy Jennifer remembers as Lucas Sinclair, spoke up while boarding his bike.
"Yup, she's turning into a real jerk." The familiar curly brunette known as Dustin Henderson spoke up, fixing his light on the end of his bike.
"She's always been a real jerk!" Mike Wheeler agreed.
"Nuh-uh. She used to be cool, like Jennifer." Dustin let out a deep admiring sigh and begin moving his bike forward with the tips of his toes. "You don't see Nancy playing Dungeons and Dragons with us, or helping us with our homework, or driving us to school. Jen's just, awesome." He sighed out in fascination with his toothless smile.
"Awe, thanks Dustin." Jennifer spoke up from the door with a grin, flustered by the boys compliment.
All four boys froze hearing the feminine voice in fear. Slowly, they all turned to look over their shoulders, finding the girl they were talking about standing at the door with a grin on her lips. Their mouths all gaped open seeing her standing in front of them, looking at them, and smiling.
In response to her taking a few steps closer, Dustin's cheeks turned bright red, Mike shuffled nervously, Will dropped his head to the ground, and Lucas smiled nervously. All being equally as nervous around her as another.
"That's sweet of you to say about me. But Nancy isn't a jerk. She's just going through a lot, right now." Jennifer defended her best friend glancing between the boys while standing right next to Mike who looked intimidated by her standing next to him.
"Yeah. She's going through Steve Harrington." Lucas muttered earning a chuckle from Dustin. Jennifer scrunched her nose, knowing he in fact wasn't too far off from the truth.
Mike groaned. "Dude, that's my sister." Lucas just shrugged in response.
Jennifer just smiled at their friendship. Shaking her head, "Point is, you were wrong about Nancy but right about everything else. I am incredible, Nancy is not a loser, and Steve Harrington is a douchebag." She summarized earning collective laughs from the group of boys. "But if I hear you swear again, Sinclair." Jennifer took a hand out of her pocket and pointed it accusingly at Lucas whose face paled from the accusation. "I will beat your ass." She warned with a glare, her sarcasm faded into a threat.
Lucas got flustered and dropped his head in embarrassment from being caught. Jennifer grinned at the response and glanced at Mike who was enjoying how Lucas got told off by the girl beside him. She shook a hand through Mikes hair, earning a groan from the boy who was left with a mop on his head.
Jennifer grinned. "See you later, dorks. Don't go fighting any wizards, demogorgons, or dragons without me." Jennifer walked past the boys and towards her car that was parked beside the house. The four boys watched her leave speechless, unsure how they ever got a girl like that to play Dungeons and Dragons with them.
"So cool..." Dustin muttered under his breath watching Jennifer slide in her car and start up the engine. The car purred to life before she pressed on the gas and drove off down the dark street.
Mike rolled his eyes at the girl before glancing at his best friends. Noticing them all stare in the direction she went, Mike scrunched his face in disgust. "Oh my god, guys stop it! That's so gross." He gagged at the thought of them liking Jennifer.
Will shot Mike an apologetic look over his shoulder. Lucas and Dustin, however, started to get in a quiet argument of which one should be the first to ask Jennifer out. Dustin began peddling way, assuming he was winning the argument and Lucas was quick to follow.
Letting out a deep sigh, Will reluctantly followed knowing it would be a long ride home with them arguing.
Mike was left watching his friends leave with a disgusted expression. The thought of anyone liking Jennifer more than a friend grossed him out. At times, she has been there for him more than Nancy or his own mom. And there was no way he would allow his friends to make a move on the girl he considers his sister.
The thought caused him to physically shake in horror as a chill ran up his spine. "Gross." He muttered before turning around and disappearing back inside.
Jennifer arrived home roughly ten minutes later. She opened the front door finding all the lights off, except the television emitting light from the living room. Carefully closing the door without it squeaking, she locked the door and walked silently into the living room.
Sitting in his usual chair was her dad. Still in his uniform but passed out watching a rerun of Dallas game from last week. A frown laced Jen's lips worried of her dad overworking himself. Sure he wasn't the father of the year; working overtime and barely home, yelling at his daughter for the small things, and having such high standards that Jen always fails to reach them. But he was still her dad and she loved him, regardless. Especially after her mom left as a kid, her father was the only thing she had left for a parent. Other than Mrs. Wheeler that is.
Careful to not make any sound, Jennifer walked towards a knitted blanket that was draped over the arm of the couch next to the chair. She grabbed it and approached her dad's sleeping figure, draping the blanket over him and notice him stir slightly. Her body froze and he went back into a deep sleep not making any other movement. A sigh of relief escaped Jennifer's lips, as she stepped away from her dad, grabbing the television remote that was resting on the coffee table and shutting the television off. 
She headed upstairs in the pitch black, guiding herself using her hand on the wall to find her room. After living in the same house for her entire life she has been able to mesmerize every hallway and dent in the walls. 
Getting to her room mer seconds later, she found her bed immediately and collapsed on top of it not bothering to get changed or turn on a light. As she closed her eyes tiredly, a gust of wind struck her window as a dog barked in the distance. Both sounds vanished instantaneously as Jennifer drifted off to sleep, not knowing of the dangers that lurked in Hawkins that night.
And clueless to know on how quickly her life was about to change.
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thewildelegacy · 11 months
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J II: We can arrange a very comfortable life as we spoke about Zoe, you can even see my son if you wish, don't be silly now
Zoe: What in the hell is this-
J III: Zoe come on let's get out of here
Zoe: No no, let them finish.
J II: Your choice is simple: Either start your lives together penniless, struggling, and let that child of yours grow up in poverty, or... my son marries Cassandra, and you two continue your lives as they are now.. just with last amounts of wealth to sugar the pill. Zoe: Wow.
J III: Come on Zoe let's go. Zoe: No no, give me just one sec to uh.. sugar the pill?
J III: Zoe please....
Zoe: All I can say is THANK THE WATCHER I love your son because someone needs to. You two clearly don't give a mini goat's ass whether he's happy, loved, cared for?? I cannot fathom how he has turned out warm, and kind and funny and so full of love when he had the pair of you as his example in life? Thank goodness for nannies, I can only hope that hired HELP had more influence on your boy than either of you did because the watcher FORBID he has an ounce of either of you in him. J III: *quietly overjoyed for the first time in his life ,someone has his back*
Zoe: And as for you, Mrs Huntington. You would stand there and encourage your son to put another woman through what you went through? What about CASSY?? You want to make her as bitter, as joyless as you in a couple of life stages time?? How could you do that??
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Janet: *stunned* - i-
Zoe: You're content to repeat this cycle of permissive marriages because, what? I don't have a Lore last name? Yeah well I might not be a Goth or a Landgraab or a Bachelor, but i am a PATEL and my mamma taught me BETTER; and my Lilly is a Huntington and her mamma's going to teach her better too. No girl of mine is going to watch her mamma be anything other than the bad ass she was born to be and let me tell you something else *pauses for breath*
J III: * Can't take his eyes off Zoe*
Zoe: My best friend Ruby said to me the other day that she'd rather be dirt poor than live an inauthentic life. I don't think I understood what she meant at the time but now? Yeah, I get it. I would rather live in a tent than take your damn money if it means your son living a single day unhappily. That boy deserves the whole world of love and happiness and I'll make it my life's aspiration to give that to him every damn day until I die.
J III: Woah.
Zoe: * Breathes*. Come on J let's go see our daughter.
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Priya's Shakti and Warrior Girls
1. How would you define the Warrior Girl Icon based on the examples in the PDF series? What icons would you add?
The Warrior Girl Icon hears her higher calling and uses her skillset to make the world around her a better place. Whether through intellect, magic or physical ability, she rises above adversity to ‘fight the good fight.’ This call may not always seem easy and she may upset a few people around her along the way *cough cough* MEN - But she stands strong, holds her resolve and reminds those around her that they are capable of doing better, and with her leadership, she will make that point clear. 
I recently viewed House of the Dragon on HBO and I chose Rhaenyra Targaryen to be added to the list. Rhaenyra is fully aware of the resistance that she will face as she ascends to the Iron Throne upon her father’s death. At every turn, she is reminded that she is incapable of being an effective ruler purely because she is a woman and that her place is to pour wine for men and to procreate. What I loved about this role is that she stood strong in her position because it is her birth right and her being a woman has nothing to do with it. In an interaction with her cousin, she was told that the realm had an opportunity to have a queen but rejected it. Rhaenyra tells her cousin “they rejected you” 
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I don’t love getting political in these discussions but Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a great example for this discussion. She stands firm in her politics and is not afraid to make waves. She reminds us that her generation is the next in line for changemakers on the larger stage of politics. 
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2. READ Priya's Shakhti graphic novel, watch the videos and write a review (3-4 paragraphs) on your blog.
Priya’s Shakti focuses on the violence that women face on a daily basis. The social norms for women are that they are meant to be home to raise the kids and cook for their husbands. Their main currency is to not go to school, but to procreate. As Priya’s dreams of being a teacher are ripped away from her, she is forced into this cycle. After Priya is raped, she is cast from her home by her father and is forced to live in exile. She prays to the goddess Parvati for help and a quest for women’s equality begins. 
The problem of gender violence is not a legal problem, but a cultural problem: The fact that certain cultures don’t fully accept this concept is heartbreaking for me. There are cultures where women are not treated as equals to their male counterparts. Their roles are to clean, cook and take care of the children while the men of the house go out and work. Because these beliefs are so strong, any time a woman would step out of this mold would incite violence from the men in their life. 
Culture changes faster than genes: Men need to realize that giving women an education and allowing them to work and develop the skills that are afforded to men will only help them in the long run. The idea that a woman must give her husband a child needs to change from ‘it’s their duty’ to ‘it’s their choice’ and should they make that choice, it’s for them and is a gift to her husband.
Speak without shame and stand with me and bring about the change you want to see:  Women stepping up in politics to share their stories and spread the message of inequality is going to lead this country in a positive direction. #Metoo is a great example of women coming forward and letting the world know of the terrors that they have experienced. What’s especially sad is that there have been stories shared of this nature but no one was there to listen. As heartbreaking as it is to hear, we need these stories to inform the changes that need to be made in order to secure women’s rights. 
3. Watch the speeches by Emma Gonzales and Naomi Wadler. How do these speeches resonate four years later in the aftermath of March for Our Lives (March 2018)? 
I have seen these speeches a number of times and I think that today, with mass shootings and women’s rights being taken away, they resonate so deeply. I currently live in Buffalo, Ny and yesterday, 11/14 was six months since the Buffalo massacre. We still turn the tv on and are hearing about mass shootings in colleges and black and brown lives being taken away on a daily basis. How come we have not learned our lesson? What needs to happen for true and lasting change to be put into action?  
What continues to be breakthrough and change-making about these speeches? What has changed?/ How has their presence on the public stage at that time and since then expanded the definition of a fearless 'Warrior Girl'?
Older generations have shielded young people from the truths and dangers of the world because maybe they feel that they don’t want to ‘corrupt’ them or ‘they are too young for that’ - As a result, there is an added pressure on young people to make the changes that are not being made for them. This makes me think of Greta and her “How Dare You” and “you’ve robbed me of my childhood” remarks in many of her speeches. This is the same idea. There are children who are quite literally dying and now others are being traumatized to a point where they are begging for someone to help them. Having young people, especially young women speak on these topics lets us know that we have failed. We have failed to protect our children and things need to be done. Young women have been conditioned to think that this is a man’s world and they should stay silent, but with every speech and every cry, this is changing and it’s pretty special. 
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copiousloverofcopia · 2 years
Can I request something based off of thiiiis picture? Just with cute s/o moments too
The world needs more Daddy Secondo
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Seeing Papa with kiddos makes my heart soar 💕
For your reading pleasure friend!
Also available here on AO3!
**WARNING spoilers for Let There Be Night fic!!!**
I am open for asks, requests, and commissions on the heart mug site!
If I haven't done your ask yet, I am working on it!!!
Let Them Wait
The crowd was booming with energy at the festival. The anticipation, keeping them all exquisitely on the edge as they awaited the appearance of the ever imposing, yet majestic, Papa Emeritus II to the stage. Secondo stood backstage, just moments before his special return performance of Year Zero was to begin. He straightened out his robes, double checking his paints as he ran through his scales. 
He was surprised when Papa Emeritus IV, previously Cardinal Copia, had invited all of them to return to the stage–leading Ghost during a special festival amidst the latest tour cycle. He was nervous, though his pride would never allow him to show it. It had been years since he spread the word of Lucifer in this way, leaving the glamor of the performance to younger men. Never in a million years did he think he’d be back on stage, even less that among the crowd would be his Prime Mover and  children. 
Despite whatever he had envisioned before, here he was now at the festival readying to perform—his Prime Mover Loren and their twins somewhere about on the grounds. He knew they’d be waiting, more excited than the crowd, for him to perform. Secondo was even more tense knowing Loren would be watching. They had met long after his tour days were over, his life goal now to make her happy above all things. When the day came that Copia insisted that the Emeritus brothers all return to the stage, and he saw the way Loren’s eyes lit up—it was a done deal. 
Secondo, took a deep breath in, closing his eyes to truly feel the sensations around him. His breath, clearing his lungs as the smell of paint permeated his nose. The humming of the amplifiers and the tuning of instruments in the air. Suddenly, his eyes still closed to the world, Secondo felt a tug at the bottom of his chasuble. 
“Piccola? What are you doing back here, where is your mother and brother? Secondo asked, staring down at his daughter Mariana, who had managed to find her way backstage. A ghoul came running up to them, panting and stopping to drop his head down, hands on his thighs as he finally caught up to them. 
“Sorry boss she needed to use the bathroom and well….huff…huff…she insisted you take her. I told her we could handle it but she …huff….she took off running full speed.” the ghoul explained, catching his breath. Secondo laughed, bending to pick up his daughter in his arms. 
“Mariana, you know better than to run off like that. Your momma must be worried sick.” Secondo explained brushing her golden locks from her face, a hint of discipline mixed with amusement in the tone of  his voice. 
“But Papa, I don't want anyone else to take me. Can’t you?” the girl asked, she was only five years old, but already so willful and bright. Secondo could tell his daughter missed him, preparing for the show and being overseas had lent them more time apart than ever before and while Loren and their son Christian seemed to be faring ok—Mariana was certainly a daddy’s girl. 
“I know you miss your Papa piccola but....” Secondo began hearing them announce him to come to the stage. He looked down at his daughter’s face, her big doe eyes–much like her mother’s, staring back at him. The audience could wait, if just for a bit longer. “I’ll be right back.” Secondo told the ghoul as he set Mariana down and took her hand in his. 
“But…boss the ritual…they are waiting for you on stage.” the ghoul panicked, his distress visible in his posture. 
“I will only be a moment.” Secondo said, throwing up a hand to dismiss the ghoul. The whole world could wait if it meant making his daughter happy. They walked, hand in hand to the bathrooms when from in front of them came running up Loren and little Christian. 
“Mariana! There you are! Oh sweet Lucifer Secondo, I’m sorry–Do you know they called for you on stage. Shouldn’t you be—” Loren began, relieved to have found her daughter safe and sound with her husband. 
“We just had to make a small bathroom trip beforehand is all.” Secondo explained, winking to Loren. His Prime Mover’s heart set aflame, he looked so handsome in his vestments and even more so when he was in dad mode. Secondo passed her by, giving her a kiss on the forehead as he did—the bathrooms only feet beyond them. 
“Hurry back ok, they are waiting.” Loren laughed, holding little Christian’s hand and Secondo smiling back at them and then down at Mariana. 
“Let them wait.” Secondo stressed, “I have more important business to attend to.”
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