#i think im gonna regret the way a phrased that in the morning
jupitercl0uds · 10 months
my alternative to sex work for if everything fails is voiceover artist
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cluelylikesporn · 9 months
Hii so this is somewhat my first time doing a request so I’m sorry if it sucks or sum 😭😭 Could you do Mike schmidt x babysitter! reader? Where Abby teases the reader in front of Mike for having a crush on him? srry if it doesn’t make sense or sound like sum interesting I just thought it would be cute 😭
RAHHH first of all thank you for your suggestion!!
second, its legit so cute wtff😭 dont even say it sucks
Im a lazy cunt😭
word count:
mike shmidt x babysitter!reader !!
gender neutral reader (correct me if i fuck it up)
mentions of y/n. literally once.
word count: 637
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mike walked inside after his first shift at freddy’s, slightly rattled by the dream he had.. but glad to be home to finally get some freaking sleep.
when the door opened, he was BLESSED by the sight of you. abbys babysitter. if he had maybe a drop of self respect or confidence he could ask you out, maybe even date. but lets be honest hes a complete wuss and his best excuse is “not wanting to ruin the thing they had now” which was an occasional awkward exchange of the same 5 phrases such as “hello, good morning, how are you? im ok. how are you? good, hows abby? good. good.” and then a super awkward silence. but in the recent days, when he still worked at the mall he and you actually had nice conversations that didnt feel forced. mike had hope yet.
“hey, y/n.” he said as he put his keys down, observing abby as she swung her feet in excitement from the table, watching you as you made her pancakes.
“hi mike !” you say, turning to him slightly and cracking a smile before you looked away to put the pancakes on a plate and pass them to abby. luckily you looked away when you did because your eye contact was enough to make mike look like a tomato. “i hope you dont mind i made pancakes, if you want some, theres a little more i was gonna put away !” you said, reaching for a plate. “im ok, thanks. and dont worry about it.” he said, sitting next to abby who was looking between him and you, plotting an evil, DEVIOUS, horrid plan with a grin comparable to the cheshire cat. mike gave abby a terrified look as he began regretting even MENTIONING the idea of you in a romantic way to abby. he began mouthing pleads of her to show an ounce of mercy but she already turned to you and began to open her mouth.
“are you busy this weekend?” abby said while making direct eye contact with mike and snarfing down pancakes.
“uhm.. i dont think so? my only plans from now and the unforeseeable future is watching you so if your asking to hang out chances are ill be with you already, weirdo.” you said, as you begin washing up the dishes used to cook.
“not for me, silly! for mike!" she says innocently, batting her eyes and grinning like a madman to me.
god, ive never been more terrified by a fucking 10 year old. trying to brush off the comment of a date to a child, you piece together a response.
"uhh, if im babysitting you.. and its a weekend.. mike would be there too..!" you said awkwardly, trying to just scrub a damn pan.
"but, what if i was at a friends house?" abby added
"then i wouldnt be there." you say.
"but mikes so lonely..! he has so friends-" abby begins, before mike puts his hand on her mouth.
"abby, stop being weird- what the hell!" he says before being interrupted by abby licking his freaking hand.
"thats so unhygienic, dont do that." he says as abby giggles evilly, and you begin to speak.
"well if mikes sooo lonely, he can.. i don't know... just maybe.. ask? if i wanna hang out? because id.. say yes?" you say, looking at mike.
he blessed the skies above that you were actually confronting and he didn't have to face the awkward rejection that haunted him.
the kitchen was finally quiet for a moment, until abby break the silence.
"do it, do it, do it." she chants silently.
"would you.. wanna go out.. with me.?" mike said silently and awkwardly, cursing himself in his head for being so nervous when she literally confirmed she was down.
"sure, mike schmidt."
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i hate men so much
and i feel bad for being one, bc of men who just validate the statement with their behavior.
today i casually went out to buy bread. some bald dude i saw in my neighbourhood quite a lot recently, was whistling at me to catch my attention and i turned around and asked "what? is it me you're calling? what's going on?" and he responded with "WDYM WHAT'S GOING ON, LOOK AT YOU, HOW YOU LOOK!!" i just said "wow??? ok? well "how"???" he responded with "FUCK YOU! GTFO OF HERE" and he was non-verbally threatening me all the time, he wanted to beat me tf up i guess.
i'm scared for my health and life.
the outfit i was wearing for context: my DM shirt, my leather jacket with some band patches, regular light blue jeans and my black shoes + a bandana and some jewellery (2 chains and a rosary)
what made him so fucking angry about my outfit that he's put so much effort in all that?
like,,,wtf. i just walked away, but i regret i didn't go into a convo with this disgusting mf and didn't tell him what i fucking think and that i look good as fuck, and he should look at himself first (and his uglyass rugs that he calls clothes) and then maybe judge. not even mentioning that threatening someone for the clothes they're wearing is pretty fucking insane.
there was a police car near the place we were standing and if i wasn't unsober atm, istg i would go STRAIGHT to the police car and report that shit. especially that it's not the first time i saw him bothering ppl. but police in my country is blind for such cases so i think im gonna have to ask my friends to make sure he won't bother me or anyone else anymore. he has no idea what ppl i know in this fucking city. so at least that's something.
it's enough of "not all men"
yes we FUCKING know, but it's still men that ppl are scared of, it's still men that are more likely to beat you up, kill you, rape you, or rob you
so pls just shut the fuck up. if you're a male and you're a good person, you know damn well you're not included in the phrase "i hate men" and you don't feel the need to say "bUt NoT ALL mEN [...]"
the same day, but in the morning, an older woman on a bus stop called me as well. BUT she asked me to help her walk to the next bench, and told me a story of how she got robbed and brutally beaten up by 5 MEN. she just got outta the hospital.
how ironic hm? and later we had a nice talk, she told me that my outfit is really nice and she especially likes my shoes and how old fashioned they look, she wished me a nice day and so i did to her :)
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yoshkeii · 4 years
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࿐ character(s): Daishou Suguru, Atsumu Miya, Sakusa Kiyoomi
࿐ genre: angst
࿐ type: headcanons (hcs)
࿐ requested by: dumpsterfireinc
⌦ find the continuation here;-  “𝚂𝚎𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚎.”
⌦ tw/mentions ; yelling, arguments, swearing/curses, cheating (atsumu’s)
⌦  male!reader (he/him)
⌦ 'can I ask for hcs for Daishou, Atsumu, and Sakusa having a really heated argument with male s/o. During the argument the boys say something really mean to their s/o that s/o starts to cry. Before the boys could start apologizing s/o just blurts out that he wishes he never met them and leaves.’
A/N: (i changed it slightly if you dont mind-) we got three new bois im writing for, lets hope i get their personality right. so i apologize in advanced if they seem ooc! (youcantellwhereihalfassedshitimsosorry-)
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→ the argument probably started with his slight manipulative personality and mocking sense of humor, it usually didn’t get to you but lately it has been hitting too close to home. letting it slide with the silence of your voice and change of mood each time.
→ coming back home you didn’t know it would evolve into this, but Daishou Suguru, your boyfriend of 2 years. noticed it and decided to question you.
→ the air was tensed within the shared home you two lived in, it was suffocating despite the room being open and wide. hearing the dark-olive hair male behind you, who was clearly speaking to you. hearing words that you couldn’t comprehend to be anything but venomous.
→ each word stung like a snakes bite. ironic for his previous school’s mascot.
→ Daishou had kept going on, stabbing at you word after word.
→ “You’ve been acting weird all day, what’s up with that?” “..even recently you’ve been off.” “hey are you even-”
→ before Dai could even finish he heard you raise your voice, seeing your hand clench around the doorknob of your guys’ shared rooms.
→ “WHY DONT YOU SHUT UP FOR JUST A SECOND!?” “ YOU..Y-you.. should damn well know w-why I’m acting ‘weird’ and shit, babe.” “You know those- those mocks and insults- you- you fucking call ‘jokes’ aren’t really jokes. Daishou.”
→ your eyes kept low with the casting shadow from the lack of lights in the hall. but the shakiness of your voice signaled something in him, but his stupid pride wouldn’t let down.
→ “Are you serious right now, y/n? We’ve been dating for fucking almost 3 years and now they get to you-” “..really ridiculous of you.” 
→ it went off afterwards. just the words being said at each other with such emotion, none of you have seen each other like this... well.. not towards one another. it was just foreign and strange.
→ “you’re such a sensitive crybaby, fucking christ y/n.” “and if those weren’t jokes, you’d still damn take it like nothing.”
→ freezing as soon the words slipped out from his lips, it grew densely silent. your hand slipping off the doorknob, gaze lowering down onto the floor. only focusing in on the shoes kept on.
→ “..h-hey, babe- i- didn’t-” Daishou realized the words he said, it may not be harmful to most, but knowing you. he knew you hated being called anything of the such, even the shit he decided to add made his heart ache with regret.
→ watching you hurry off towards the front door, to supposedly leave, he grabbed your wrist. before you whacked his hand away, 
→ “D-dont fucking touch me. I don’t w-wanna... fuckin hear it. Not now. Or even ever.” “..i should’ve never met you, i was damn stupid enough to think this will last longer with that- dare you did.” “..you probably never loved me.”
→ watching you slip off outside in the night, he didn’t know what to do. hands clenching into fists, as he heard your steps fade away and into silence. the air was more tensed, more suffocating. his mind was clouded with something unfamiliar to him.
→ ‘..how did he know about that.’ 
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→ you always had a sneaking suspicion. you always did. that instinctive feeling ;lm, jn your gut that you should’ve trusted. it was dumb of you to push it away because of the hope you had. well... false hope.
→ you always caught him not at the spot after his practice, the usual spot. always questioning his team to know where he could’ve ran off, they all gave off a shrug and sometimes a slight assumption you followed. leading somewhere more secluded and hidden, to avail to not find him.
→ stumbling back to the previous spot you seem him slink his way at the same time from around a corner... or somewhere. waving up at him and happily greeting him with the usual smile and hug, you question how his hair looked more ruffled and messed up. as if hurried and ruffled up. Atsumu giving a silly excuse of whatever, you shrugged it off. continuing on with the rest of your days together.
→ this would continue a few times. but different things would seem off about him every time, and you took note. occasionally questioning again, before being shot down with an excuse. taking in it again just to not escalate things.
→ as time passed. you began to grow assumptions, noticing how distance he was becoming, having ‘plans’ already up which were not with you, and he often came home late from it. or not, and came home the next day. not even the morning.
→ sitting on the bed of your shared room, you stared idly at the buzzing phone on the nightstand. ‘..’tsumu’s phone is going off.’ as curiosity grew the longer it went on, your boyfriend was in the shower so it wouldn’t be too much of a harm right?
→ peering over to look at the illuminated screen, you blankly stared at the text messages. reading the messages word for word and slowly, ‘..who..’ 
→ staring at the messages and the sender, you knew it was someone who had a liking of your boyfriend... should you even call him that now?
→ swiping the phone from its original position you just watched the messages keep going till it stops to the recent time. you didn’t open the app, but just merely stare at the name. it had a cute nickname and all, similarly to yours. mind becoming hazy and clouded, you didn’t know how long you were staring at Atsumu’s phone till his raising voice snapped you out of the trance.
→ flinching as he snatched his phone away from your hands, you stared up at the fake blonde who had just gotten out of the shower simply wearing nothing but casual sweats with a damp towel hanging off his shoulder. 
→ “Hey! y/n why were ya’ staring at my damn phone?” his gaze was ironed onto you, meeting your [e/c] eyes. you could tell he was furious and he was getting ticked off by each silent second you let by. “not gonna speak? are ya braindead or something honey?”
→ seeing you softly mutter words but it was too quiet to hear, almost like a whisper. but besides the way it was heard, the words itself were not light and gentle.
→ “..why did you cheat..” 
→ a sudden jolt hit him, “..c-cheat? I didn’t cheat on ya’ baby, what are you talking about?” he lied.
→ “now.. you’re lying to me... ‘tsumu.” the softness of your tone was quite concerning, it was saddened and dismal. the building of tears daring to fall any second, you just stared at him with the distraught expression.
→ “What? I’m not ly-” before the fake blonde could slip out the rest of the word, you jumped in.
→ “You are LYING, Miya. Stop acting like you aren’t.” quickly standing up and moving to the side.
→ “How did you even know?” he yelled back, knowing it was worthless to keep up his lies and fake pretending.
→ “Those damn texts-??” you pointed towards his phone that his fist was holding. “..a-are you stupid?” the wavering of your voice made you regret speaking, but it was inevitable and shittier if you left your feelings unsaid.
→ Atsumu’s thick brows furrowed down, “Wait- So you’re telling me ya snooped on my phone?! The fuck is wrong with you!” “..can’t I have some privacy? can’t I!? Y/n!?” he snapped back.
→ “What’s.. wrong with me? With ME-? Miya..” averting your gaze for a quick second, you looked back as you poked him roughly, “..you have been.. been- fucking.. Cheating on me this whole time. A-and.. I know you have been-! Those times you’ve been slipping off after practice. you leaving off to ‘hang out’ with friends? What a fucking. load. of. bullshit. Miya.”
→ tears were dripping down from your eyes, before you bit down your lip for the next response. while the blonde could only stared in silence, conflicted.
  → “I-..I really thought you loved me, that whole time.. really did. and i was a damn fool to have such hopes.” you had hurriedly rushed off to leave the room, the quick muttering of an foreign phrase stabbed his heart.
→ “..i should’ve never met you either.”
→ he didn’t know what to do, but hearing the click of the front door opening and shutting accompanied by your running steps that faded. he knew you weren’t coming back. all he did was stand there in distraught, confusion, troubled, everything.
→ ‘what do i do now..’
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→ he wouldn’t be the physical affection type person, but at times, you were an exception. knowing you liked to cuddle, gives hugs, and all that jazz. it often took a lot persuasion for him to get to cuddle whenever you had a chance too, having a schedule that often didnt mesh well.
→ so it wasn’t a big deal if it ended up into a confrontation about it, occasionally small arguments. but this one was unexpected, especially to you.
→ hearing Sakusa walk in your shared home, you looked over from your position in the kitchen. giving him a soft welcome home, asking “Hey, Omi! How was your day?”
→ “..pretty irritating.” he muttered from under his mask, pulling it down under his chin as he took off his shoes.
→ instinctively you walked over to hug him at least, but he steered away quickly. obviously denying it without a word. blinking at him, you took the sign and stepped away, apologizing softly under your breath.
→ you were having an off day yourself, some things weren’t going so well for you during the day till you got home. hoping you’d have some time with your boyfriend, wanting to cuddle and maybe a hug at least knowing how he is. 
→ “..I-..uh.. do you wanna cuddle after you shower or-” Sakusa interrupted you bluntly and rather quickly, “no.”
→ only biting down the rest of your words, you softly nodded. seeing him drift off into your shared room, supposedly gonna rinse up. sighing as you went off to do your own thing to wait, hoping he’ll feel a little better for the offer again.
→ he doesn’t.
→ raising your arms up to him as he walked out of the bathroom door, he doesn’t bat an eye towards you. making your heart ache slightly, “..omi? are you okay?” you began to follow him shortly behind into your bedroom.
→ “..didn’t i say i was irritated earlier.” he stiffly said, slipping on a shirt as he did.
→ “i-..i mean yeah but.. are you at me? I’m- uhh.. also having a bad day too y’know.” “i wanted to be with you.”
→ the air was dense. even if there was barely any physical aggression and irritation it would make you cower. as it settled down longer, Sakusa muttered something. it was so clear as day in the suffocating silence.
→ “you’re really so selfish you know that.” “..matches your clingy attitude.”
→ ‘he didn’t care. he didn’t.’ is all you could think of. it just rushed 
→ “..you think I’m selfish?” you repeated, your hands tightening around the edge of your long sleeves. nails almost digging into your palm. “do you really think that.” your soft and gentle demeanor faded quickly.
→ the wavy haired male turn to look at you, seeing your head and gaze kept low and averted from his. seeing your clenching hands, almost penetrated your own skin. instantly regretting his words. 
→ “y/n- I- really didn’t-..” stopping himself he sees the dripping tears fall onto the floor, then your sniffles.
→ “Just- just shut up. I n-need space..” already slipping pass and out the door, he went to go after you yelling out your name. seeing you freeze at the doorway, about to slip on a coat and shoes.
→ “..Sakusa. Just drop it. I don’t- wanna deal with this right now. You.. you made my.. day far worse.”
→ ‘he said.. my last name. not... not my first. shit.’ biting back what else to say, he stood there silently. watching you put on a pair of shoes before rushing off out into the cold.
→ silent fights and arguments is what scares y/n the most. it happens quite often but this was the most suffocating one by far, ruining his day. and his mind. letting the negative overwhelm him more. letting Sakusa’s word stuck in his brain on replay. 
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minjeongthinker · 3 years
Jump Then Fall
(inspired by Jump The Fall by Taylor Swift obviously 😭)
warnings : none afaik >__<
genre : fluff !
word count : 2.4k
pairing : han jisung / oc (f)
ps . very messy bc i just wrote my thoughts ahead without sincerely thinking ++ hello Tumblr!
"Hey y/n!" you gasped in shock while docking over the countertop to prepare for your morning shift at the coffee shop you're currently working on when Jisung, the shop's owner's son, called your name in a deafening way while it's just almost 6 in the morning.
"Oh hey Ji what are you up to?" You tried so hard to hide the bubbly voice petrified that he'll notice that you're happy and jumping inside because he's actually here, in front of you.
Yup, you have unattended feelings for this man hiding inside your very heart although you don't bother talking it to him because you can't afford to lose the friendship you and him had built through the years. At least you're aware that he's not interested in you so you're convinced that this is better, that you're satisfied with him being your superman despite you two just being "besties".
"can't sleep... i think I'll just work with you on your shift then maybe we can sleep at my pad?" he played with his lips in a very cute way while he's clasping his fingers with each other signing that he's nervously not sure if you'll go with him 🤠 as if you two don't treat each other's apartment as their own too...
"oh poor baby, let's go then! my shift ends at 8:30 if that'll be okay with you?" he scooped your shoulder, wrapping both of his hands around your neck while he sniffes your hair as he happily jumps upon your approval.
"of course bub,, i got nervous at the thought that you're already tired of seeing my face.. let's go to work maybe?"
"alriiiight!!! ^____^" this time, you didn't hide the bubbly tune and smiled sweetly at him with his small gestures. He also smiled back at you, giggling and his gummies were showing so you hugged him absentmindedly while saying he's so cute to be him..
That was just a normal day between you two. Most of the time, you even thought the things you two are doing are lovers-like but you just shrug 'em thoughts off because you like it too so who are you to ask for more T^T
"Hey bubbles! Can I take the usual?" you looked up at the customer to know who just stated their order only to find Minho smirking and steadying his hands above the counter to see your face clearly. Minho is your blockmate and also your best friend, but you know the love you have for him will not exceed above platonic, very different when it comes to Jisung. Speaking of him, you both decided that he'll work on the coffees while you take the counter.
"Oh Minmin good day! Sure you can! what brings you here though? as far as i am concerned, you don't wanna walk through cafes just to have your coffee?" You talked to him while not looking back and punching whatever that needs to be punched on the counter.
"I just wanna look at you pretty, is it too much to ask?" You giggled, knowing how un- serious he was because you do know he's not the type to date and step things up with people he considered as family.
"Sure it's not Min, take a look all you want!" You moved your head from side to side while posing different angles to add light to the situation. You both laughed off until you hear a mini smash on the kitchen which makes you hush and run there aggressively, leaving Minho concerned in front of the counter.
"Jisung what the fuck was that?" You saw the kitchen perfectly fine, Jisung being sloppy with his movements, and a pan which looked like it was intentionally banged just to create a huge noise.
"Oh.. nothing, nothing.. sorry to disturb your flirting sesh y/n, you can now go back, it's perfectly fine here..." he didn't even bother to look at you, continued the coffee he was making, though his movements were still sloppy as it was when you entered the room. You got scared because he might be mad about you chitchatting while at work and even misunderstanding what you did with Minho earlier. "Uh.. first of all, i am not flirting,, and uhm second, i hope it's really fine here, yeah? I.. i'm so sorry.." you hated your voice for shaking at the last phrase so it made him look at you, now with worried eyes.
"It really is y/n, sorry..... uhm.. for the noise." Though the coldness, he still smiled at you reassuring you that it's really true this time. You can still see a glimpse of worry when he did a second look after getting his eyes off for the first time.
Him on the other hand felt extremely guilty when he saw your eyebrows meeting each other in a scared way, and your voice shaking made his heart break, as he never really saw and heard you like that while talking to him. He can't believe his jealousy made him do something petty that he knows he'll also regret later on.
You went back to the counter pouting and Minho was still there, distracting the customers behind him while waiting for you to arrive. He let out a deep breath when he saw you.
"Bub, i think your man is fucking jealous. Believe me this time, wanna bet?" he whisphered while you take other orders.
"Confess already y/n, he might— will act cold after this, talkin from experience.. and i too would leave a "so called bestie" that i like if she had found someone to love already.." he added.
"... including me?" you teased, though what he said had affected your senses because you know there isn't someone other than Jisung inside your heart.
"Shut up ma'am, i met you when you're already head over heels over jisung, and p.s, I don't want you, ew?" he teased as he feels the uneasiness after you going out from the kitchen.
"I think.. he's just plainly angry though, i'll talk to him later.. and.... try to confess.. you better be ready because i might crash to your apartment when things just get worse."
"Gotchu y/n! i better download movies so i can fix thy heart by then, just text me okai?"
Jisung overheard Minho's last sentence so he himself brought the coffee to him while glaring at him. "Thank you, Please go now!" He told Minho, almost pushing him outside.
Minho then grinned and winked at you before closing the cafe's door. Jisung didn't even look at you as he straight up returned to the kitchen.
It's 8:30 am and the workers for the next shift have arrived already, so you and Jisung are now on the locker room, folding both of your aprons as well as your caps. At this point, you aren't really sure if your sleepover would still push through considering his attitude towards you earlier.
You were suprised when he hang his hand on the air, waiting for yours to interwine when you had finished cleaning already, you didn't even notice him waiting for you as you are clouded with negative thoughts.
You grabbed his hand and you both walked to his car while nobody is still speaking.
"Ji.. uhm i need to... tell you something later." You finally broke the silent conversation you have been going through while you were arranging your seatbelt.
His eyes dropped and did a blink that shows his regret and a bit of weariness, he thinks he already know what you need to tell him. He then reached to your side as he memorized that you still don't know how to buckle your seatbelt when you're on the front seat.
"Sure thing y/n, be 100% comfy telling me things because i will always root for whatever that'll... make you happy." He smiled at you, wearily, and patted your head; you wondered why he's suddenly being nice and sad at the same time after the commotion earlier. Weird.
You both arrived at his apartment without talking to each other. Immediately going to his large couch, you had the sight of the blankets and pillows that were already there, as if he already planned it all beforehand. You just shrugged it off, thinking he just tried to sleep here earlier, no biggie.
Rain started to pour, the living room lights and the tv were turned off, making the windows beside you the only source of light that brightens the room. It made the place serene with the sound of the thunderstorms acting like the music from the vinyls playing at bright daylight.
You curled your body in a comfy way on the large couch, not bothering to wait for Jisung which is still not in the living room. Maybe you're just gonna talk to him later when you both woke up. You're gonna be rejected anyway.
Senseless thoughts had clouded your mind again, thinking what would you even do in this world if you don't have him anymore. Maybe you'll just drink everyday. Maybe you're gonna find someone in school, on a dating app, on Twitter. Maybe you're just gonna enter the convent. These thoughts made you dizzy and sleepy.
You're half asleep already when you felt his body spooning you from behind, cuddling you while sniffing your hair. Jisung wrapped his hands below your chest, gripping and hugging them tight as if it is the last time he's gonna hold you.
"you still awake?" he asked huskily, you hesitated to answer because he might let go if you did, so you stayed silent.
"you know, i kinda know this moment would come.." he started off, his breathes are getting slower as you feel them on you shoulder.
"i clearly know you'd fall for someone who you'd want to be with the rest of your life.."
"im... honestly not prepared for it.." your heart dropped. You weren't sure if he means something about this or he's just plainly concerned as your best friend.
"i cried in my room if you didn't notice why i was away suddenly... I can't let go of you, pumpkin.."
You seriously don't know what was he talking about but when you felt your shoulders wet, you knew he was serious about it. You and Minho really do give different ideas to people..
"i hope that Minho boy would take care of pumpkin..." pumpkin.... something that helps people see better.. you make him see better ??
"she deserves so much care..."
"and affection.."
"and love..."
"and hugs..."
"and.. kisses.."
He's still sniffing while hugging you, this time tighter than he was doing earlier. The sound of his low sobs have mixed up with the rain drops as they hit the houses' roofs.
"i love you my pumpkin.."
"im sorry i blew up the chance to be the one to take care of you for the rest of your life.."
Tears started to run through your cheeks slowly, he had never addressed you pumpkin before, thinking about how he thinks of you as "his pumpkin" melted your whole existence apart and it just made you wanna cling and cry on his chest all day. You told yourself you're gna let go if he tells you he likes you right at that moment which you knew was never gna happen— that he's just saying this out of care and concern because afterall, you're his best friend.
"my pumpkin.."
"i like you so much if you still don't get it.. i wanna take you with old ji.. i wanna explore the world with you... everytime you shine, I'll shine for you.."
"i wish im just.. dreaming and th.. at when i wake up, my pumpkin would... say she wanna be with me too..." he sleepily says, his grip on your stomach is now loosening, making you able to move.
You moved while whining as if you're misunderstood. Tears started to flow like waterfall, they just don't stop. You faced his chest and tugged your leg on his waist as if he's the plushie you hug to sleep.
"ji.. what the fuck are you saying?" you cried on his chest like a kid begging her mother to take them with her wherever they were going.
Jisung didn't flinch at all, he just hugged you again, this time caressing your hair and rubbing your back as you let go of your tears on his chest... he has stopped sobbing, but you still feel him getting weak and sad through his breathes.. He thought about this as your good bye hug. That this'll be the last time he's gonna be within your embrace.
"baby,, you can tell me whatever that you wanted to tell me earlier now.." the huskiness didn't leave his voice, you're still sobbing and crying on his chest like you don't wanna stop at all.
"i can't... at this state i just.. wanna.. cry all day.. while hugging you.. " you struggled to say 'em words while crying so hard.
"shhhh, hush baby, you'll just hurt me more if you don't stop.. please stop... crying... i might act carelessly and steal you from whoever has got my.. pumpkin's heart..." he said, almost a whisper.
"baby" you started..
"i wanted to confess.."
"i like you jiji.. for a very long time already.."
"i don't intend to hurt you at all by my tears, i just wanna cry it all out.."
"you have called me pumpkin for so many times and you expect me to be fine as i am??" you're still crying btw..
jisung flinched a little this time, thinking if he had heard those words right from you
"bunny, what did you say? i feel like im hearing things right now because of this desperation im feeling, fuck.. i wish i was hearing you right" he said, now hugging you tighter.
You really love how your body melts completely whenever he tightens the hug like he really don't want to let go of you, even for a single split of sec.
"pumpkin loves you too jiji.."
"im trying to confess and... i thought you'll just reject me so i didn't bother waiting for you earlier.."
"pumpkin didn't want anyone else babe,,"
"she just wanted your care.. your affection... your hugs.. your kisses.."
"pumpkin just wanted you.." you had stopped crying but you're now having hiccups while cooing onto jisung's chest.
"you don't have to sleep to hear them baby.."
"i wanna be with you too. everytime you smile, i'll smile too.. you can jump then fall here baby.."
"pumpkin will catch you wholeheartedly.." you finally looked up to jisung, whose eyes are watery again.
"i love you jisung", you whisphered and gave him a peck on the lips.
He was caught off guard, but he immediately got himself together.
When you let go and were on your way to return to his chest, he pulled your head again into a kiss—this time a deeper and longer one.
You both let go, running out of breath. He kissed the top of your head while you have returned to his chest, feeling and hearing each and every beat of his heart. You stayed together that way, you didn't hear anything from Jisung but you feel him so much and you know he's never gonna leave you anymore.
You didn't even notice you have slept for hours already while hugging him. You woke up and you're still at that exact position when you were a crying mess. It was nearly 5 pm and you still don't have the energy to let go from his embrace. You really meant it when you said you wanted to cling onto his chest all day.
You moved upwards a little bit to level your face to Jisung's while he's still sleeping. You caressed his temples down to his chin, admiring his cheeks that you have been wanting to bite since then, and you kissed each and every mole, which you loved the most. They were stars to you, making your eyes gleam in awe every single time you try to look at them. You have hoped you were his lover from your past lives— that you were the one who kissed him the most on those particular parts of his pretty face.
"You're so pretty to be pumpkin's man, jiji" you said and giggled, as if he was gna hear you.
You were caught off guard when he pulled you carefully to his chest, rubbing your back again.
"She loves to be called pumpkin huh?" he cheekily said, despite his voice being still husky.. you didn't know he was awake already. Was he just waiting for you to wake up then?
You tied onto his body for the nth time.
"s-she does.. i guess.. ?? and she.. wants to hug you longer.."
You heard him chuckle and wiggled both of your bodies together as if a kid who's happily playing with his teddy bear.
Your breathes steadied, Jisung had finally processed every word that came out from your mouth, finally jumping to fall into you.
"The moon will be pretty tonight, y/n." he cooed. You find it amusing how he don't flinch at all despite you clinging onto him for almost 9 hours now.
"I love you too, Jisung.."
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
“I’m a dick, I’m addicted to you”
Do you add extra letters to words sometimes? (ex. haaaa) Yeahhh.
Do you like the letter Z or Q better? I don’t favor one over the other. Who would you like to be stuck on an island with? I’d like to not be stuck on an island at all. What's your favorite quote? I have a lot of favorite quotes. I just love relatable stuff that puts into words how I’m feeling or what I’m thinking better than I can. I struggle with expressing myself and putting it into words, so. Name one random fact about your best friend. She loves the ID channel.
Do you like vegetables or fruit better? Gonna be honest, I don’t eat much of either one. Especially, fruit... it’s been a few years since I’ve had any. :X I have spinach, potatoes, and green onions pretty often, but that’s all the veggies I’ve had in a few years as well. In comparison to my zero fruit intake it’s something at least, ha. There are fruits I like and a few more veggies as well, but I just haven’t had them in awhile. What brand of shoes do you wear? Adidas. What's your favorite smiley face? On the computer I use :) Do you believe that if someone goes to bed thinking of u, u dream of them? I’ve heard that before and it can be a cute thought, but nah. Have you ever snitched on someone for cheating? No. Do you own a Snuggie? I do. What's your favorite number? 8. Which of the 7 dwarves are you most like from Snow White? Sleepy. What's the last movie you watched? Dumb and Dumber yesterday. What's your favorite month? October and December.
“I’m alright”
Do you like the smell of campfires? Yesss. If you could do one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be? I don’t know. Do you like eggnog? Yes. Is there a song out right now that you can't stand? I haven’t heard any new music recently. I haven’t been listening to music lately. If you could stay one age forever, what age would you pick? I’d be fine if I just stayed 31 here on out. What's your favorite state? I like my state the best out of the few states I’ve been to (the others being Arizona, Idaho, and Georgia). There’s a few I’d like to visit that could potentially take the top spot for me, though. Have you ever went in public with your tag still on your clothes? I don’t think so.
Would you say your loud or shy? I’m quiet and shy. What's your favorite symbol on the computer? I don’t have one. Are you afraid of clowns? Pennywise is awesome. Do you wear glasses? I do. Ever rode on a horse? Just on one at the pumpkin patch as a kid. Poor horse, guided around in a circle all day.  Do you have trouble saying or spelling some words? I think I spell pretty well. I stumble over my words when I talk sometimes, but I think my pronunciation is pretty good. Have you ever thought something was just to good to be true? Many times. And when I think that, it’s usually true. Do you like potatoes? I love potatoes.
“I’m in trouble, I’m an addict, I’m addicted to this girl”
Are you random? My thoughts and dreams are really random, but I wouldn’t describe myself that way. I’d say I’m predictable and boring. Do you believe that aliens are real? I don’t know. Certainly not the weird looking green creatures that are usually depicted for some reason. Do you sleep with the TV on? I do. I’ve done that ever since I was a kid. What's the longest you've slept in? Like 5PM or so. Have you ever seen a hairy toe? Yes. What's the last thing you watched on TV? Roseanne this morning. Do you have a song stuck in your head? Not at the moment. Who do you talk to the most? My mom and brother. What's the first thing you get on when the internet comes up? When the internet comes up oh man, was this made in the late 90s, early 2000s? lol. The first thing I do when I get on my laptop is continue scrolling through my Tumblr feed or do a survey. When's the last time you were sick? I’ve been sick with something for the past week. And no, it’s not the rona.
Which is your favorite: Music, Dogs, Shoes, Books, Jonas Brother? I love a variety of music, I love doggos in general, but I’m biased towards Labs and German Shepherds, Adidas are my favorite shoes, and back in my die hard Jonas Brothers days I was a total Joe girl. What color is your hair brush? Rose gold. Do you enjoy arcades? I did when I was a kid. We used to have one at my mall back when I was a kid that was a fun place to go. And Chuck E Cheese, ha. Have you ever liked 2 people at once? Yes. Have you taken a nap today? Not so far.
“show me the meaning of being lonely”
Would you ever want to be in a horror movie? I think it’d certainly come off as believable because I’m such a scardy cat and super jumpy. Being chased would genuinely scare me even it was acting. Even knowing what was going to happen I know I’d still be jumpy. Only thing is I don’t have the scream down that you gotta have for a horror movie.  Have you ever been to Washington D.C? Nope. Do you hate when girls have guyish names and boys have girly names? I really don’t care.  Have you lost or gained any weight since February? I know I haven’t gained any weight. I’ve probably lost some weight, which is really not good for someone who’s already underweight.  Have you ever felt like no one wanted to be around you? Yes. I don’t even want to be around me. I often feel like I’m such a burden and annoyance. It’s my own thinking and feeling, though. My family doesn’t do or say anything to make me feel that way. I have had other people make me feel that way, though.   Have you ever had to use a pay phone? Yes. Have you listened to music today? Nope. It’s been awhile since I’ve listened to music, actually. Do you only drink bottled water? Yes. Don’t judge me. I bet someone is on your mind right now, right? No, actually. Do you like writing in pen or pencil better? Pen, definitely. What's the last magazine you bought? I don’t even remember it’s been so long. Has anyone in your family ever forgot your birthday? My parents, brother, and close family members always remember. Was it any of your friends birthday in the past week? My older brother’s birthday was a couple days ago. Is anyone else in the same room as you? Nope. Are you one of the popular people in your grade? I’m done with school, but no I was never popular.
“you never call me when you’re sober”
What word best describes you in the dictonary? ”Depressed”, “Awkward”, “Lame”, “Loser”, “Ugly”... Do you like Soy Milk? Yeah, I’m lactose intolerant. I use that or almond milk. I don’t drink any kind of milk by itself, but I use those in stuff like coffee drinks and cereal. And for dunking my cookies and brownies in. Where were you at 10:30am yesterday? Right here in bed where I spent all weekend. I was having a really rough weekend. I felt really shitty and had zero energy. I couldn’t even drag myself outta bed for coffee, so that’s how you know I was feeling really bad. Thankfully, my mom and brother brought me a Starbucks. Do you think ghosts are real? I believe in spirits, but not actual Caspers. Do you know anyone who has been attacked by a shark? No. What is your best friend's mom name? Lupe. Have you ever made out in a movie theatre? No. What part of your body do you wash first? My arms and work my way down. Do you have an innie or an outie? Innie. How do you think the dinosaurs died? An asteroid. What's your favorite flavor of Pringles? Sour cream and onion, cheddar and sour cream, pizza, and ranch.  What was the last thing you got grounded for? Something when I was like 12. Did you go to a water park last summer? I don’t go to the water park ever. What shoe do you put on first? I think the right. Finish the sentence: Girls.. Just wanna have fun.
“I think we’re alone now”
Have you ever had a song or poem written about you? No. Did you have a nickname growing up? My family called my Noodles, ha. When was the last time you played the air guitar? I don’t know. Have you ever biten your toenail? Ew, no. I’m not flexible enough to even do that, but I would never want to so it’s fine. Have you ever been dared to do something that you regretted? No. I didn’t do dares. Favorite website? Tumblr and YouTube. Worst thing that has ever happened to you? Probably the incident that made me a paraplegic at 7 months old. That’s certainly top of the list. Best thing that has happened to you? My doggos are definitely amongst the top. Best friend? My mom. If you could dye your hair any color, what color would it be? I dye it red and would like to continue to do so. Do you have a wii? It’s my brother’s, but since we live in the same house and I’ve used it, too, I’m gonna say yes.  Most used phrase on IM? I don’t remember, it’s been over a decade since I’ve used IM. Have you ever heard of The Beatles? Of course. Have you ever wanted to give money to a charity? Yes, and I have given to charities.
“Who says you’re not beautiful?”
Would you ever want to have 14 kids? Uh, noooo. I don’t even want one.  Are you wearing any bracelets right now? Nope. Do you have any jewelry that once belonged to an old family member? No. Do you dream every night? I usually do. Give me on of your goals Just taking it day by day. Do you like skinny jeans? Yeah, those are the only jeans I have. Do you ever say stuff that you don’t mean? It happens. Have you ever said "I love you" and not meant it? Yeah, but that was back when I was 16 and felt pressured into saying it back to my boyfriend at the time even though I didn’t have those feelings. Ever since then I haven’t thrown those words around lightly. What is your dream guy/girl? A patient, understanding, caring, loving, trustworthy, good sense of humor kind of guy. Do you hate when people overract? I can definitely be one of those people that overreact. And I know I’m overreacting when it’s happening, but I can’t help myself. I sometimes see people in situations where I’m like, ‘omg, they’re totally overreacting’ and think it could be handled differently, but yet I do the same thing. When was the last time you used the oven? It’s been awhile, actually... I don’t remember. Have you ever wanted to be free like a bird? ”And I’m as free as a bird now... and this bird you cannot change.” Are you a worrier? Oh am I ever. Does your house have an attic? Nope. Are you going fishing this weekend? No. I don’t go fishing.
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gayregis · 5 years
angouleme can have little a avuncular guidance. as a treat ... heres some semblance of a compilation of regis being a guardian to angouleme, things i think about . both funnie and sad moments included i think
angouleme sneaks out at night to get into trouble / does other questionable things around the palace nocturnally, regis always catches her and it’s always on accident since they just have very similar time schedules. angouleme stares at him intensely in “oh fuck i just got caught” like O_O for a good 30 seconds EVERY time this happens but regis is just like :| and shrugs saying “i didn’t see anything, i’m a human, i can’t see at night or whatever” and walks off. also the next morning geralt always questions him as to what angouleme was doing, if he saw her when he was coming home, and regis always denies knowledge or says smth along the lines of “i’m not a narc, geralt :/”
angouleme yelling/losing her shit/saying wildly inappropriate things ... regis produces a ye olde granola bar from his bag and gives it to her and she quiets down immediately and is like :) content eating the granola bar. you can also substitute the granola bar with a bag of baby carrots.
similarly angouleme saying crazy shit and geralt telling her to be quiet and asking regis to recount this instead and regis says something incredibly similar/the exact same
that one time that milva was teaching angouleme to shoot and angouleme clear missed the target and got regis instead and actually for the first time was incredibly upset and regretful and guilty that she had inflicted pain and potentially death upon someone and was very worried and apologetic and ashamed ... but also when regis inevitably just plucks out the arrow and hands it back to her and says “oh i think this is yours” angouleme is like wait so he litcherally cant be killed... this is epic
basically angouleme who’s been abandoned having an immortal protector and mentor. peace
as i said in the tags of this post here: regis comes of as so peaceful as an individual that at first angouleme resents him a little, because she associates peace with arrogance... like, oh youre content with your life and dont hate yourself? so you think youre better than me? fucker. and she’s so used to asshole men being creeps in her life that this company still seems really bizarre in the regard that none of these men are dangerous. but then she learns about what ... who ... regis was in the past and she realizes that they’re similar, and then does the math and realizes that maybe one day she’ll also find this inner peace and can stop hating herself so much for the things she’s done and the things that have happened to her. angouleme not feeling as though she's so alone and such a fuckup that only she could ever get into such a mess like this... i feel like she has an unhealthy amount of survivor’s guilt, as in she blames herself for not dying while everyone else in her band did, and she also feels like what the world has given her she deserved because she was a fundamentally bad person from birth bc of her status, and that she will be stuck in this violent hellscape of a life forever and thats just how it is and she has to continue violence... but i think when she meets regis (and also milva) she realizes that violence does not need to be a cycle and change is possible.
also in the tags of that post: i think... regis developing more understanding/empathy and putting ethical philosophy into actual practice where it actually has stakes (haha haha haha stakes haha haha haha haha haha). i think in the hansa he learns what humanity actually means
also bc vampires just... do not parent, it’s not in their culture to, regis learning what guardianship actually means and growing into this position where he protects this child and begins to understand humanity on this deeper level of the feeling of protecting a child, because that’s very human, valuing and protecting the progenity for a new generation is incredibly human
also geralt arguing with regis that “humans don’t regrow their heads” so he can’t just be supporting her doing all sorts of dumb shit just bc he did it and he turned out alright... they kind of have to argue on how to parent i’m saying bc again vampire parenting is not much parenting at all. just let them go wild what’s the worst that could happen... they’ll learn sort of thing. so regis has to confront the idea of human fragility and mortality
i think regis also learns from angouleme in that it’s very easy to hate and loathe your past self and curse your past self, asking “what could i have possibly been thinking, what an idiotic thing to do...” when your past self was not actually devoid of any redeemable qualities and was actually just misguided and without hope... regis condemns his past self quite harshly but because he would never admonish angouleme in such a way i think he realizes that the self-loathing is excessive and unproductive and potentially harmful
i said this in a post already, but geralt is overflowing with fatherly vibes and milva is also stern so i think there is a lot of value in regis to angouleme , in that she can tell him practically anything and he won’t get on her case for it . she finds this kind of amnesty in him whereas with the other members of the hansa they’d freak and start asking her all these questions. regis is just like “hm ok” and maybe discusses a little but doesn’t give her shit for it. this allows angouleme to confide a lot of stuff that she wouldn’t normally feel safe to tell someone else, and also probably gets her out of a lot of trouble bc someone (a very powerful someone) will know where she is and what she’s doing... so if she gets into trouble, she has a lifeline
this also means she can tell him a lot of funnie stories that she doesn’t have to stop herself with because “was gonna say smth funny and then remembered it involved murder.” also regis has like a thousand stories too obviously so he counters her wild tales with smth even crazier and then they’ll try to compete for a bit like “well ONE TIME i...” but angouleme actually always wins and neither knows how she does
surgery lessons, or basically regis was sewing someone up and angouleme invaded the scene going “can i watch can i watch”
also alchemy lessons, which turns into basically “so that’s how you make fisstech... interesting”
i think also in these mentorships regis quizzes her lightly like “and what reactions does this species of plant produce in the human body...?” and angouleme says the right answer, “oh they drop dead” and regis is like “very good!” and angouleme kind of goes insane with happiness a little at being called ‘good’ / being praised by a parental figure for maybe like one of the first times in her life. similarly, i think regis would attest to angouleme’s character at the breakfast table in discussions, and say things like “well our angouleme is very smart” and she’d be like >:3!!!
as in canon, adopting each other’s speech mannerisms... not just regis adopting angouleme’s unique phrases, but i would also like to think abt angouleme saying smth pseudo-philosophical to throw someone off of her tracks... like “so, i owe you money... but what is the concept of debt and ownership, anyways? isn’t it all just a construct by society? by humanity?” and then she bolts and evades her creditors
regis trying to teach angouleme stuff and then being like “oh wait i forgot you can’t fly, hmm... ” “oh wait i forgot you can’t hypnotize people, hmm....... that complicates things...” ... jokes on regis though bc apparently angouleme can scale buildings and talk her way out of a lot of situations, so that’s almost as good as flight and hypnosis
im trying to not be sad rn but i think regis would be a very good person to cry on. like his cloak is very soft. and he smells like herbs. so there you go. but i think also angouleme having a breakdown would be cathartic for both of them because angouleme realizes that she’s being vulnerable around an adult and she isn’t afraid of them and regis realizes that he has a responsibility to not treat physical wounds, but rather to treat emotional ones and that’s infinitely more difficult
i think angouleme would have breakdowns to regis about: her family/her mother, geralt taking her into the hansa but she feels like he probably just sees her as a replacement daughter, i think also she gets into too much trouble one night and regis has to get her out of trouble and she kind of just breaks down because her life is crazy and has always been crazy and there’s no way out because this is all she has
i think angouleme also gets pretty upset at seeing children/teens with “perfect lives,” like she just gets crazy bitter about it... and there’s no shortage of nobility around the palace, so she’s constantly reminded of her background. i think regis’s not-being-a-human-isms and philosophy that stems from an immortal perspective that all humans are equal in life and death can help with this. but also he kind of has to learn that you can’t just talk about smth abt society or the past that is fucked up and solve it by having had said it... it will always remain an issue...
i also think that regis has his ravens scout around for angouleme’s lost pendant with a sea-cat on it, but when she gets it back she gets mad and says that she doesn’t want it because she doesn’t want to be reminded of her mother, regis is like “ok” but angouleme is still mad, she realizes she’s mad because she doesn;t think that regis realizes that he’s actually become more of a guardian to her than her biological mother was, and tries to provoke him but regis is unprovokable ofc so he’s like hm explain that and angouleme just spills her emotions
to bring this back to happy i think they could also prank geralt pretty hard. and or eavesdrop. plus there will be times like where angouleme is waiting by a door trying to listen in and straining and regis stands like 3 feet from the door and hears everything perfectly, just recites it all aloud and she’s like oh this is so much easier. 
also once angouleme was eavesdropping on geralt and dandelion arguing and regis approached and was like “angouleme :/” and angouleme was like >:/ “get out of here i’m tryna eavesdrop” and regis was like “there’s a more professional way to do this” and disappears through the door, angouleme is like “showoff!” ... geralt smells sage and throws a moon dust bomb at him and regis coughs up silver shards for the rest of the day. also when angouleme hears the explosion she jumps in, so this was a failed attempt all around
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franeridart · 6 years
Jack says "ignored YOUR rule". Does that mean it's something Bakugou obligates himself not to have or something non of them can have? I'm actually curious 🤔
It’s actually a rule Bakugou put down for himself for a number of reasons, half related to his own safety and the safety of the person he’s dating, the other half to the fact that Bakugou hates lying, but (again for safety reasons) he can’t just go around telling everyone what he’s doing - he doesn’t want a relationship in which he’d just contantly lie to his partner and ditch them for vigilante work without being able to explain them what’s going on, so he put down the rule as soon as he decided he wanted to do this. Well, he hadn’t been interested in relationships anyway before Kirishima, so it was an easy decision to take at the time - now though...
Ahhhh if only he figured out Kiri and Red are the same person smh that’d make everything so much easier on him
Anon said:When you draw Jiro and Bakugo having platonic hugs and cuddles my bi heart becomes incredibly soft THANK YOUUUUUUU
I’M HAPPY TO HEAR THAT cause honestly that’s as self-indulgent as I go hahaha
Anon said:The vigilante au is so far sad but I could totally see it going in a miraculous ladybug kinda direction. What if they tried putting distance between themselves and suddenly found that they're falling again, for the vigilante forms this time because "oh sh*t he's cute in every way Kirishima is" and "He's just my type too, Bakugou-- *sigh* I could use some moving on from him." Or only Kirishima moves to vigilante!Baku but he remains stuck on kiri..//Or what if like, vigilante! Kiribaku are about to get caught by a hero and Kirishima opens up about his last regret of not getting to see his crush one last time after they set distance between themselves, while Bakugou listens and...
That’s!!!! a lot of ideas you got there hahaha I’m glad you’re having fun with the concept!!!!!!
Anon said:That vigilante au is amazing. You really express emotions well in comics.
AAAAAHHHHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH that!!!! honestly means the world to me *sob*
Anon said:I just want to say you're really cool and I like you art uh- K bye
Thank!!!!!!!!!!! YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Oh damn. I think i fall in love for your Vigilantes AU. Please don't stop. I really love it❤️
I mean, as long as you guys are okay with it being a bit all over the place and also being just pencil doodles, then I got no problems doing that right now haha thank you for liking it!!
Anon said:I love your vigilantes AU so much 😍😍😍😍
Anon said:LET THEM BE HAPPY !!!!
THAT’S THE PLAN!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:May I ask how you draw bakugous hair so well?? I just can’t seem to get the right amount of poof (or should I say BOOM💥 )
oHO I’m glad you like it cause actually the answer is I spent two years drawing it nearly daily and I finally sorta reached a place when I guess I’m okay with how I draw it lol some time ago I drew a step by step for it? but by now my process is mostly “do whatever and hope for the best”, which incidently is also my process in drawing Kirishima’s hair lmao
Anon said:Im a bit confused with the vigilante kiri, does he have black hair in his civilian form and red in his hero form?
YEH it’s one of the reasons why Bakugou still hasn’t figured out Red is Kiri haha thought if you’re asking for the logistics of that, I can’t say I spent too long thinking about it? We can always call it temporary hair dye spry or something like that, but to be fair it’s not like it matters all that much lmao I just needed Baku to be unable to tell it was him easily haha
Anon said:I love ur gem Au! :D are you gonna make more? Its okay if not :)
As I’ve said literally every single time I’ve answered asks since I posted it, MAYBE yes! The thing about that AU is that I love it and I have fun with it, but posting it ended up being the biggest mistake I’ve ever made, so honestly I don’t know when I’m gonna draw it if I’ll draw it, but the possibility is there
Anon said:Hello! I just wanted to say I have love reading your comics and your art is amazing-- but I especially love your vigilantes AU! Thank you so much for sharing it with us!!!
HECK thank you!!!! I’m so happy you’re enjoying it ;O;
Anon said:Why must you hurt us? I started crying at that vigilante au comic..
*passes u a blanket* I’ll try not to make it as sad in the future!
Anon said:Hi! I've purchased the take my hand book about a month ago, just wondering how long it takes for it to be delivered??? BTW I live in NZ so I understand if it takes a while~
Heck sorry anon but I’m so not good with dates, you should check the @takemyhandzine blog for that sorta stuff! Thank you so much for buying it tho!!!! ;O;
Anon said:Is Nico a cinnamon roll or a sinnamon roll?
That......... depends a lot on who you ask :0
Anon said:I love bnha more and more with every new character out. All that's left is to ask, which minor character is currently your favorite? (***That isn't from UA because that is a much bigger dilemma)
oUCH it would have been easier picking from UA actually since I’m pretty sure Amajiki is it hahaha well, if I can’t pick from UA...................... you know what, probably Shishikura
Anon said:Bakujiro friendship is something I didn’t know I NEEDED. U do good work bro
Anon said:Your art gives me life!!! Every time you post is just so unique in every way :00000 ❤️ anyway i just wanted to let you know that you’re inspiring in every way and that I absolutely adore your kiribaku art to the moon and back!!!
SOB thank you so much???? You’re so sweet!!!! ;O;
Anon said:fran you could convince me to ship anything with one (1) drawing
Since I got this ask I’ve been trying to find the most outrageous ship just to draw it and test this theory.......... I still haven’t found something outrageous enough but.... soon
Anon said:Hi your art is amazing also beautiful As you probably might know there is a traitor in the show, if you didn't know well then im sorry for spoiling. May I request a traitor kirishima
nnnnnnnggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sorry anon but the traitor theory arts are stuff I just can’t get behind, mostly so if it’s my fav characters - I don’t find it credible and I don’t find any joy in dwelling in the idea, so I got zero motivation to draw for it orz
Anon said:I can't believe you made me read the phrase "startle and explosion out of baku". (Yay for the vigilantes AU!)
LMAO he’s actually trying to do just that tho, maybe I’ll draw it hahaha
Anon said:Please! I need more BakuKiriKami fan art! I’m gunna die without it!
Anon I’m gonna be very real with you here my first reaction to reading this ask was thinking “then perish”
Anon said:Hello! I don't know if you've gotten this question before but have you ever considered drawing the villains?
I’ve drawn Dabi and Twice in the past! I’m not really much intereste in any other villain atm tho so I doubt I’m gonna be drawing them any time soon ^^’’
Anon said:You are by far my favorite artist. Your Kiribaku gives life to my bleak exsistence. Thank you. I bought some of your things of redbubble to make me happy!
AHHHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Hello! I'm a big fan of your work and your kiribaku fluff especially, and I've been working on a (not so innocent) fic about Bakugou having burnt marshmallow smelling and tasting sweat, (funny how nitroglycerin is a natural lubricant, tastes and smells like burnt sugar, and is explosive) just wanted to know if you ever thought about it? also wanted to know if you'd like to read my finished fic, should be done real soon and it would mean a lot to know what you think about it!
Anon I’m so sorry but I really can’t say yes to this - especially because you said it means a lot to you, you’re putting me in a spot here where in case I didn’t like it I wouldn’t be able to tell you so anyway (and I generally don’t like talking about fancontent I don’t give a 10/10 to anyway, it’s too rude for me) and I’m sure it’s gonna be a great fic! But by the way you talked about it it’s gonna be a nsfw fic and I really rarely like those fics, so !!! orz I’m sorry, but this is a really uncomfortable request for me ;;;
Anon said:Can I use your art real quick if I hard out credit u? It's alright if I can't
Nope, sorry
Anon said:Could you draw another doodle of Setsuna?. I love how you draw her jfvdkd ;;v;; (Sorry if my English is trash.)
Not right now, but in the future yeah sure, I love her!
Anon said:Your Kirishima is so beautiful i fucking cry omg ;-; thank you for brightening my morning.
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; thank you for liking how I draw him !!!!
Anon said:💛💛💛💛 Thank you for sharing your art, it always makes my day
Thank YOU for liking it!!!!!
Anon said:In your SU AU what if a gem offers to replace Kiri with a 'newer, better pearl'? How would Bakugo react?
Actually, Kiri was given to Bakugou specifically because he’s sorta defective, it was punishment for both of them that sorta backfired lmao 
Anon said:hi there! I'm new to your blog and I love your art style immensely! I saw somewhere with your latest seroroki post that you're still finding your main todoship; I hope I dont sound rude or pushy, but can I ask your opinions about todo*aku and/or tod*kir*baku? If not, thank you for your time! Keep up the great work!!
Still not completely sold on romantic tdbk tbh (platonic tho, that’s my jam) but I’ve been real into the ot3 lately!!! It just can’t be my main todo ship bc I still prefer krbk too much over it haha
Anon said:I loveeee your art, especially your kiribaku stuff! But consider! Size difference! What if Kirishima grows a lot but our lil' Baku doesn't? Does he get jealous or does he really like it? There'd be some epic hugs/kisses! What if he secretly loves getting picked up by Kirishima? XD
Oh that’s an hc I see around a lot! Personally I stil prefer them sorta the same size tho ???? with the only difference being Baku being lithe and Kiri being a tank, I think it has to do with the whole “complementary equals” theme they have going on, I like for it to be visually represented too ??? maybe, I had never really thought about the hows or whys of this preference tbh lmao
Anon said:Hey so I'm not up to date with BNHA but in your asks there was a thing about dragon boy having a zombie costume? I had another look at what I think is the right doodle and to me it looks like a Chinese vampire costume! (unless that's not the one you guys were talking about oops)
Nope that’s him, and you’re right!!! Either way my boy still hasn’t done anything worth of note, so I still don’t know why he’s dressed like that orz Hori plssss
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littlelovelymemes · 7 years
‘  let me just make one thing clear... i have no clue what’s going on, ever, at any moment, at any point in time. who knows what’s going on? not me. not ever.  ’ ‘  i would just like to publicly announce that i have no idea what i am doing  ’ ‘  we came from the same star and we will come together again in the end  ’ ‘  i have a ‘why am i like this’ moment at least five times a day  ’ ‘  did i need it? no. did i buy it? yes.  ’ ‘  the most dangerous game is resting your eyes after you turned off the alarm clock in the morning  ’ ‘  petition for stars in the day time please???  ’ ‘  i love it when i wake up and stretch and something cracks. makes me feel like a glo-stick  ’ ‘  drop whatever you’re doing right now and climb a tree  ’ ‘  the most fucked up part of adult life is how you can just decide to do things  ’ ‘  i’m a person who wants to do lots of things trapped inside a body that wants to SLEEP at all times  ’ ‘  i’m so tired but i’ll probably be awake until 3 am for no reason  ’ ‘  time to kick my own ass. bitch had it coming for too long  ’ ‘  honestly ‘thanks i hate it’ is one of the funniest phrases in the english language  ’ ‘  do you ever wonder how many people have loved you and never told you?  ’ ‘  the internets one true talent is making me sick of things i’ve never seen or read or heard  ’ ‘  i’m permanently emotionally damaged but it’s chill, i’m chill  ’ ‘  all cracker barrels are dimensionally linked. you could walk into a cracker barrel in georgia and walk out of one in arkansas and feel nothing  ’ ‘  ‘you look different with makeup’????? you think i’m buying shit for hundreds of dollars to just keep looking like my ugly self ... ok  ’ ‘  why did the fray go off so hard in ‘how to save a life’?  ’ ‘  anyone else bummed they have 2 sleep alone tonight and uh not in some1s arms  ’ ‘  not to be too controversial but i like it when people are nice   ’ ‘  the sun has no business tapping out at the tender hour of 5pm bitch i have depression  ’ ‘  i forgot how fucking weird november is theres no afternoon its just night after 2pm  ’ ‘  what time do you need me? i am unavailable whenever that time is  ’ ‘  look i may have made a few typos and committed a few murders but nobody’s perfect okay  ’ ‘  i guess at this point i should just consider dating myself  ’ ‘  i’m aiming for the “she’s a badass and cute as hell but i wouldn’t touch her without asking” look  ’ ‘  haha if you’re bored you could kiss me idk just sayin  ’ ‘  i see you’re paying attention to someone who is not me. why is that.  ’ ‘  80s music wont solve all my life’s problems but it certainly distracts me from them  ’ ‘  i cant believe what walkie talkies are called  ’ ‘  some people think life is like a rollercoaster but my life is more like one of those rides that spin really fast so you’re pinned to the wall and can’t do anything about it  ’ ‘  hey girl do you want to make a fragile human connection in the vast and unfeeling infinity of a chaotic universe  ’ ‘  all these fuckboys but who is the fuckfather  ’ ‘  i love drunk me but i don’t trust her  ’ ‘  do you have those people that you’d go anywhere with unconditionally, like they could say “lets go check out that dumpster” and you’d be like “im in”  ’ ‘  nah sorry i cant go out tonight, i have plans to spiral into uncontrollable anxiety starting in the early evening and ending at roughly 3 am  ’ ‘  me: queen of having had enough  ’ ‘  she needs a hug (i’m she)  ’ ‘  is it acceptable to start an essay with “listen here you little shit”?  ’ ‘  90% of my day is me being nervous  ’ ‘  cons: i’m an asshole. pros: i’m your asshole.  ’ ‘  give me 10 reasons why i shouldn’t just turn into a slug right now  ’ ‘  are we gonna fuckn hold hands tonight or what bitch  ’ ‘  dear soulmate, where the fuck are you  ’ ‘  i’m so easily revitalized by small, loving gestures  ’ ‘  i dont know what im feeling but there is a lot of it  ’ ‘  let’s be friends with benefits. the benefits? you get to be friends with me  ’ ‘  you ever just sit back and think like... yo... i really don’t care  ’ ‘  im surprised no one has ever punched me in the face  ’ ‘  what if mike was short for micycle  ’ ‘  hey fellow regular kids what’s up  ’ ‘  if u ever called me pretty i love you. ur pretty too  ’ ‘  do you ever just ‘there’s probably something medically wrong with me but i’m just gonna ignore it and hope i don’t die’?  ’ ‘  why did we stop building castles? i feel like humanity might live to regret that  ’ ‘  i’ll never be as lazy as whoever named the fireplace  ’ ‘  i am so glad you exist, even if you exist so far away from me  ’ ‘  i can hold a wet bar of soap better than a conversation  ’ ‘  she is beauty, she is grace, she got her feelings hurt 42 times today  ’ ‘  13 years of school and im still not sure if its ‘grey’ or ‘gray’  ’ ‘  hope u like bad girls because i’m bad at everything  ’ ‘  got a problem with me? kiss me on the lips dude  ’ ‘  too many songs about love. not enough songs about sword fights  ’ ‘  don’t talk to me or my 78 insecurities ever again  ’ ‘  i just did a tarot reading... it said ur a bitch  ’ ‘  a good substitute for love and fulfillment? a crunchwrap supreme from taco bell  ’ ‘  i fucked up? idk what you’re referring to but probably  ’ ‘  *in a high-pitched mocking voice* "are you okay?" what the fuck.  ’ ‘  how do u just..... not believe in aliens  ’ ‘  a coffee pot can be a coffee mug if you just don’t fucking care  ’ ‘  “you’re up early!” jokes on you i didn’t sleep at all and am in between energized and dying  ’ ‘  dont wanna sound like a slut but i really need a hug right now  ’ ‘  casual fan? no sorry i only know how to invest my whole livelihood into something and spend every waking moment thinking about said thing  ’ ‘  i have a dozen hearts swirling around my head irl like that isnt a filter its permanent  ’ ‘  i worry about you even when you say you’re fine  ’ ‘  i will never hurt you. i will always stick by your side. i will always try to make you smile  ’ ‘  true love: having to hold back your adorable, violent girlfriend to keep her from straight up murdering a dude  ’ ‘  cute date idea: be nice to me  ’ ‘  im so jealous of people who know what they want to do with their future i dont even know what t.v show to watch next  ’ ‘  me? clingy? yes please don’t leave me  ’ ‘  hey….,.,.. no offense but,,. i want someone to love and cherish me  ’ ‘  i need someone to lay in bed with me for hours  ’ ‘  dark hannah montana..... show me the worst of both worlds  ’ ‘  someone has to say it: come on eileen is a fucking banger like that shit snaps,, a bop for the century  ’ ‘  roses are red, i’m going to bed  ’ ‘  bless netflix for creating the skip intro button honestly  ’ ‘  they call me… 7 Knives. because that’s how many knives it takes me to cook things because i keep puttin em in the fuckin sink without thinking about it  ’ ‘  i wanna burry my face in someone’s chest right now til i fall asleep and wake up 4 hours later just to find i’m still in their arms  ’ ‘  the internet has ruined me honestly i’m numb to everything. it could be the end of the world and i’d be like “tag urself i’m the acid rain”  ’ ‘  lately i have been…….dying to be in love…,..and that’s the mood sadly  ’ ‘  not to be ns fw but i’d cry if someone kissed me on the cheek  ’ ‘  sexting? nah. i’m into spexting. spooky texting. ever seen a ghost? hmu.  ’ ‘  not to sound cocky as shit but i’m a fucking good person with a big heart and i deserve a lot more than the shitty hand life has dealt me this far  ’ ‘  i say i love you a lot because i do  ’ ‘  i’m sorry. i can’t come to the phone right now? why? oh. cause i hate talking on the phone please text me instead.  ’ ‘  low on self esteem, so u run on mac & cheese  ’ ‘  who’s gonna come lay with me in bed and let me wrap my legs and arms around u like a small bear  ’ ‘  youre a coward if youre not on the way to my house right now to give me a kiss  ’ ‘  my personality is like 90% the song i’m currently listening to  ’ ‘  the first step to any murder is to have fun and be yourself  ’ ‘  no offense @ life but can i have a breath.. a break... some slack...  ’ ‘  the best kind of alcohol is a lot  ’ ‘  911 i hate to be “that guy” but i glued myself to the ceiling again  ’ ‘  having “feelings” is ruining my reputation of being a heartless bitch  ’
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eryiss · 6 years
Gambler’s Luck - Chapter Twelve
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Summary: A drunken night at a bar; that’s how it always starts. A few shots, some self loathing and a decision you would never make when sober. But for Laxus Dreyar, the morning after doesn’t include regret, copious amounts of aspirin and a stranger in his bed. For he only made one drunken decision, becoming the personal driver for professional gambler - Freed Justine. [Fraxus Multi-Chap]
You can read it on FanFiction, Archive of Our Own or under the cut. You can also see the chapter list here. Hope you enjoy ^.^
Chapter Twelve – The Breakfast Conversation
Standing in his kitchen, Freed found himself oddly aware of his surroundings. He could see the condensation on the side of his kettle slowly getting captured by the boiling water; he could smell what he suspected was reheated Indian food from below his apartment that had snuck in through the open window; and, perhaps most importantly, he could hear the sound of water rapidly beating against the door to his shower cubicle in the bathroom adjacent to him.
A bathroom that was, at that time, occupied by Laxus Dreyar.
This fact was complicated for many reasons. The most prominent complication was that, the night before, Freed had come to the sudden and completely unwanted realisation he was starting to have feelings for Laxus. His employee. A man who was clearly vulnerable at that moment and didn't need his boss thinking of him in that way.
After what seemed like an explosive reunion with his mother, Laxus had visited his boss and stayed the night in Freed's living room. They'd talked to each other about what had happened, Freed suspecting that the both of them had shared more about themselves than either was normally comfortable doing. Then, once they had both retired to bed, Freed was left alone with the fact he had some kind of romantic feelings for Laxus. After an unpleasant night of dealing with the revelation – in which he had enlisted Bickslow's advice by texting him for his thoughts on the matter – Freed concluded he had no desire to let the mental chaos continue in the morning. Hence his attempt at distracting himself by focusing on anything and everything he could.
However, rather annoyingly, that focus kept staying to the sound of the active shower. Freed was just glad he wasn't a teenager anymore, he dreaded to think how he would react to the knowledge a bathing Laxus was metres away if he were still in the throes of puberty.
He shook his head slightly as he heard the gentle click of the kettle finishing its job. Seeing it as a distraction, he poured the boiling water through a strainer to make himself a mug of blueberry tea, a favourite of his. As he gently stirred the beverage and let it cool, he pulled his phone out from his pocket and opened the three unread messages he had from Bickslow after he had fallen asleep while waiting for a reply.
From: Bicks
Look freed this is all it boils down to. you either ignrore it or do something about it right? If you ignore it theres no problem. If you don't then you gotta find out if he likes guys and if he likes you then act on yout feelings when you know that. treat it like a normal relationship, forget he works for ya.
From: Bicks
You there dude? You asleep or making out with blondie. Cause if youre just ignoring me you can bet your ass that when im at yours next month im gonna whack you over the head for it :) :)
From: Bicks
Okay, G'night ya little baby. And when you wake up and read this just make sureyou don't freak out. You aint don't anything wrong and you aint gonna. Your doin a freed and over thinking crap. Nighty night. Xxxxx
Despite the fact the messages were doing the opposite of distracting Freed form his issues, the gambler chuckled. Bickslow had a way of making things seem considerably less severe in his way of phrasing things, all while managing to give pretty good advice. It was partly the reason why the two had remained friends despite living in different countries.
Gently sipping at the steaming drink he had made for himself, he leant back on his kitchen counter and listened as the sound of his shower slowly died down. He let out a small sigh, knowing that he would have to face Laxus eventually.
Freed hadn't been awake for long. When he left his bedroom, Laxus was already awake, dressed in the same clothes he had worn before and had returned the sofa bed into its normal state. They'd greeted each other a good morning, Laxus had asked if he could use Freed's shower – making sure that Freed knew he didn't want to impose and he could bathe at home if needed – and that had been the extent of their conversation before Laxus retreated to his bathroom. The brevity had worked in Freed's favour, but he knew he would have to let it fall sooner or later. Most likely sooner considering the fact Freed was going to offer Laxus breakfast, it was the right thing to do.
With a sigh, he placed his tea on the counter and went to reply to his friend. He had no doubt Bickslow would carry out his threat of violence against hins if he didn't get his reply the moment the gambler woke up.
To: Bicks
My apologies for falling asleep on you, but at least I didn't hurt your pride and force you to hit me. And I should thank you for the advice, I'll try to take it. Sorry for waking you up with my little problems, I'm sure you would have rather been sleeping.
He placed his phone on the counter and reached into one of the lower cupboards, taking out two large mixing bowls. He then manoeuvred his way around the kitchen, taking out the needed ingredients for pancakes as well as some bacon and syrup for their breakfast; he was a good host if nothing else. And he was willing to use the excuse of a guest to forego his usual breakfast of a less than appetising smoothie and a piece of bread covered in low-fat peanut butter.
As he whisked the mixture together for the pancakes, he looked up when Laxus opened the bathroom door and walked out. He was fully dressed again and dried off but looked a little more awake than he had before. He looked towards Freed, frowning a little at the bowl of batter.
"I'm making breakfast, pancakes and bacon." Freed explained. "I've more than enough if you want some."
"You sure?" Laxus asked, Freed nodding. "That'd be great, thanks."
Freed nodded again, watching as Laxus sat at the small breakfast bar that partitioned the living room from the kitchen. The gambler felt oddly tense about being around Laxus, hoping he hadn't decided to make the breakfast so that he could show off to Laxus but hadn't realised it. He diminished that thought immediately, there was no point in second guessing everything he did. Even still, he felt himself get more rigid and aware of what he was doing now Laxus was in his presence.
Focusing on quickly whisking the batter into the right consistency, he risked a glance towards Laxus. The blonde was looking down, his posture lacking the pride Freed had become accustomed to. As he poured the mixture onto a frying pan, Laxus looked up to the sound of the sizzling.
One glance at Laxus' face made Freed pause. The blonde was obviously going through a lot – more than Freed had expected, it seemed – as his face was a mixture or sadness he wouldn't allow to come forth and tiredness coming from an emotional state rather than a lack of sleep. When he compared both of their issues, Freed concluded that he would be acting selfishly if he claimed the issue of his budding crush was anywhere near as bad or emotionally taxing as Laxus' mother returning without warning after so long. Laxus was Freed's friend and the gambler needed to help him, rather than just getting messed up in his own thoughts.
"How are you feeling?" Freed asked after a moment.
"Okay, I think. Slept pretty well, but I think that's because your damn sofa bed is more comfortable than my own mattress." Laxus chuckled, somewhat bitterly. "I spent some of the night thinking about what I'm gonna do about her."
"No idea." He sighed, resting his head on his hand. "Pretty much changed my mind every other second."
With a gentle nod, Freed reached over the top of his oven and decided to turn the pancake over using a spatula rather than flipping it, that would take away from the seriousness of the moment. After letting the batter bubble into the shape of a pancake, he carefully slid it down and onto a plate. He placed the food into his oven to keep it warm, pulling out some bacon to accompany them.
He had chosen not to speak so not to say the wrong thing. For all he knew, Laxus wouldn't be appreciative of what advice Freed had to offer, and it was likely the gambler's advice wouldn't be that useful given he had a clearly biased view against needing parents. Besides, Freed expected he would be able to predict what Laxus would end up doing anyway. Nobody was that conflicted about something if they didn't want to do it eventually, the blonde was most likely just scared of getting hurt again if he took the risk.
With another glance down to Laxus, Freed saw he was hunched up again and resting his forearms on the counter, fingers interconnected. The closed off body language told Freed his decision to be silent was the right one.
Putting his attention back onto the food before him, Freed slowly made them both breakfast. The only time the two of them had spoken, Freed had asked how many pancakes Laxus wanted; he claimed he was fine with three and that he was sorry he wasn't the best conversation at that moment. Freed assured him it was fine and understandable, placing his breakfast before him.
"Thanks." Laxus said as he looked up, reached for the bottle of syrup and poured it over his breakfast.
"Its fine." Freed assured him, taking a seat opposite Laxus on the breakfast bar, also pouring some syrup over his meal. "I couldn't exactly leave you without anything while I ate, could I?"
"I didn't mean about the breakfast." Laxus said, cutting into some syrup covered bacon. "Well, I did. But not just that. The breakfast is just part if it. Give me a second."
Freed offered Laxus a small smile, deciding that he would do as he was told and not interrupt Laxus' train of thought. He cut into his food and ate a small amount of it, glad to find that it tasted as good as it could have been. The equipment in his kitchen was impressive – he had pretty much every utility available – and he was keen to show any guests he had that they weren't just for show and they were used effectively. Freed enjoyed both cooking and baking, thankfully the little breakfast he had made proved he was also good at it.
After slowly eating his through some of his breakfast – silently noting the taste as he did so – Laxus looked up. He wasn't entirely sure what had brought the thought to his head, but the blonde knew he needed to say it.
"Okay. So what I meant was, thanks for pretty much everything." Laxus began again, Freed looking towards him to show he had his attention. "Like, I'm not sure if you know it, but the night we met was a pretty low point for me. You probably noticed, I was kinda shitty that night looking back. And the fact you offered me a job even though I was being a drunkass and feeling sorry for myself, it was really good of you. You've been real patient with me, through a lot of shit that really has no effect on your life. You could've easily just passed me off as a random drunk at the bar or, last night, you could have just said I could have a couple days off and brush me off."
"I like to think that we're a little closer than that, Laxus." Freed said, voice almost gentle.
"I know. I think that too." Laxus said immediately, not wanting Freed to feel as though he had misunderstood their friendship. "What I mean is, like, you didn't need to do any of that shit. You could have just treated me like some subordinate, never talk to me and look at me like some poor drunk or whatever. But you genuinely treat me like you actually, I don't know, care. Like, even last night, you weren't just being polite or patronising or whatever. You actually tried to help. And if you were being patronising and polite, you hid it really fucking well."
Laxus chuckled a little, and Freed couldn't identify if it was bitterly or not. Either way, Freed was half tempted to offer some sort of physical comfort to the other man – nothing more than a gentle pat on his hand – but went against it. It wasn't the right time for that.
Instead, the room was filled with the sound of a radio station Freed had put on before Laxus had left the shower, a further addition to his earlier attempts to distract himself, and the gently clinking of the knifes cutting through the pancakes and bacon. Freed knew that Laxus wasn't apologising because he wanted Freed to say something, it was most likely something Laxus wanted to get off his chest but didn't want it to be spoke of again. If all Laxus wanted was for Freed to know he was thankful, he had achieved the goal and nothing more needed to be said.
To the tune of some eighties pop song, both men finished their breakfasts. Freed, who had finished first, stood up and placed his plate in the dishwasher. He sat down and nursed his now cooled blueberry tea, looking towards Laxus as he finished the rest of his breakfast. He sat back in the stool, a sigh leaving his lips.
"That was really good." Laxus concluded. "If that's the normal quality of your food, you're a pretty good cook. You, like, take classes or something?"
"I'm glad you enjoyed it." Freed smiled a little, taking the plate and placing it in the dishwasher, though not turning it on yet. "And no, I'm mainly self-taught. I learnt in the care-home, there was a lot of cook books, after a while you learn the basics and get experimental."
"You always liked it?" Laxus asked, sipping at some orange juice he had.
"At the start, no. When I was thirteen the care-home was understaffed and had a few young children who needed constant care, so we ended up having the same meal every other day because it was quick. I was getting bored of it and knew we had cookbooks, so I tried making some meals for myself. Eventually, as I grew a little older, I started to cook for more than just me and grew to like it. And it was always good to have a skill on my back pocket for when I needed work."
Laxus nodded, silently wondering what life living in an orphanage – or care home, as it was apparently called – was like. The only idea he had about it was from dramas that painted them as practically unliveable and with carers who hated kids and didn't hide it, but that was almost defiantly an exaggeration. Even still, living in a place where a thirteen-year-old had to cook for himself because the carers were so overrun didn't exactly pain a pretty picture, even if Freed was acting as if it was part of his daily life. In fact, the fact Freed seemed so nonplussed about it made it seem even worse for some reason.
The blonde was forced to think back to his own situation with his parents. With Ivan in jail one moment and out the other and his mother having left him completely, he had to rely on Makarov. They'd had their arguments, of course, but the old man had always been there for him. Without him, Laxus may have ended up in a care home himself.
Maybe he would have ended up in one with Freed. It seemed fate was pushing them together, given they went to the same gym, had a shared friend and met on the exact night where Laxus had needed Freed, perhaps giving Laxus crap parents was just fate's way of pushing them together further. Makarov getting in the way of fate's plan wasn't so farfetched either, the man was as stubborn as all hell when he wanted to be, especially about people he considered family.
Sadly, that thought lead him back to thinking about the issued with his mother, something he had done well to forget for the last few minutes. He sighed, deciding not to focus on it too much.
"Was that what you were gonna do?" Laxus questioned, looking to Freed with idle curiosity. "Work in the kitchen."
"It was an option. Magnolia has an endless number of restaurants, and you can live off of a chef's wages without much trouble." Freed explained, sitting back down. "And we were encouraged to be as employable as possible for when we became eighteen."
"Do you seriously get kicked out when your eighteen, or is that bullshit?"
"Technically, it's true." Freed sipped at his tea again. "But there's organisations to help with that if you have nowhere to go. And one of my carers, Bob, retired a few months before I left. He had a spare room so offered it to me while I found my feet, he still does it now I believe. But, to answer your question, you do essentially get kicked out, but it's not so bad you become homeless on your eighteenth birthday."
Laxus nodded again, glad to hear that Freed hadn't been thrown to the streets. He wasn't entirely sure why he would be bothered if that had happened, Freed obviously had no troubles with money or a place to live now. He supposed it was because nobody wants to hear bad things happen to people they care for.
After finishing his orange juice, he stood up and placed the glass in the dishwasher himself; it was literally the least he could do. As he looked to Freed, his mind was brought back to something Freed had said about why he had employed Laxus. Given what he now knew about Freed, he felt the statement had a higher level of importance.
"When I asked why you wanted me to work for you, you said people don't always get what the deserve," Laxus said, somewhat slowly. "Was that referencing you not, you know, having parents."
"Yes, although not because I think I was owed parents. Even as a child, I didn't particularly care if I was adopted or not," Freed said, watching as Laxus sat down again. "When you've lived in care, there's a stigma attached. People, whether they know it or not, assume you're a troubled child or have something wrong with you; sometimes this is true, but defiantly not always. Questions will be raised as why you weren't adopted, and this can affect your future. Without becoming a gambler, my horizons would have been average at best. It's something I accepted fairly young, but I still think it's unfair. When I saw you, I felt as though you were being limited by a situation you had no control over, like I had been, and I wanted to help you," Freed smiled a little, before adding. "My apologies if that sounds patronising."
"No, it doesn't," Laxus sent Freed a small grin to reassure him. "And even if it did, I still would have gotten a job out of it, so who cares?"
"I suppose so." Freed chuckled.
Once Freed finished his drink, he stood up and placed it in the dishwasher, this time turning it on. He looked back to Laxus to see him looking at his hands again. He seemed to be feeling a little worse again, perhaps the discussion of parents had brought back his troubles with his mother; the blonde really was an open book at times.
It was a quality that, until that point, Freed hadn't cared about. Previously, it had left to nothing more than a little teasing at the blonde's expense, but now it was showing Freed more things to like about him. An example of this was, when Laxus had walked past him, Freed could see a small dampness at the bottom of the mans hair. Freed had surmised that Laxus hadn't adjusted the height of the shower head for Freed's sake, despite it being set at a height not suited for Laxus' stature. That, along with the fact Laxus had perfectly replicated the locations of his coffee table ornaments after moving it, showed he was considerable more considerate than Freed had originally given him credit for. Like a lot of things about Laxus, Freed found it irritatingly endearing.
When he sat himself down again, he picked up his phone. It was face down on the counter and he had heard it buzz throughout their conversation but decided Laxus should be the priority. Now that the atmosphere had lightened somewhat, he opened the text.
From: Bicks
If you think id rather sleep than see you freak out about some guy you like then you don't know me freed. But you better take my advice cause theres no point in worrying about it. whatever happens happens. Blondie still with ya? If he is, tell him his favourite artist says yo. And use that exact word, I will know if you just say hi or some crap.
Freed chuckled a little at the text. Bickslow honestly was the best kind of person for Freed to be friends with. Someone to tell him not to overthink things and to just go with the flow while also lightening the mood. He rolled his eyes with a small grin as he typed out a response.
To: Bicks
You're a deplorable human being and that kind of bastardisation of words leads to the creation of phrases such as 'YOLO' and 'Bae.'
However, as you helped me last night I suppose it could be argued that I owe you something, so I will.
Although Freed looked up so he could make good on his promise, fully aware that the word 'yo' was one of few words that sounded bad coming from him, his phone buzzed immediately. He sighed almost silently, looking to the response with reserved tiredness.
From: Bicks
You really had to put them in quotation marks to make sure I don't think you actually said it yourself. And please film it so I cn watch you cringe. And so I know you did it.
After reading the text, Freed risked another glance towards Laxus. He didn't want to make Laxus feel uncomfortable by texting while he sat there awkwardly, but Laxus too was typing on his phone with a frown on his face, perhaps he had been holding off looking at his phone for the same reason Freed had. It didn't matter really, he quickly typed out a reply to Bickslow before the opportunity was lost on him.
To: Bicks
No, I will torture you with the doubt of you not knowing for sure if I actually said it or not. I hope that doubt eats your soul. That's all I have to say on the matter.
From: Bicks
Fine grumpy pants. But my freed cringe sense will tell me if it happened or not. See you in a couple weeks, your sofas still open right? Not got hunky blonde as a permanent guest now?
To: Bicks
You're more than welcome to stay. Although whether you annoy me To the point where I kick you out is another point entirely.
From: Bicks
That's fair. Love ya xxxxxxxx
With another roll of his eyes, Freed placed his phone down on the counter. When he looked back to Laxus, he saw that the typing the blonde had been doing had turned into scrolling, so obviously his conversation was over. Concluding that he wasn't going to be interrupting anything important, he leant forward slightly to get Laxus' attention.
"Sorry for ignoring you," Freed said, Laxus looking up from what looked like twitter. "Bickslow can be temperamental when you don't reply to him immediately."
"Don't mind," Laxus grinned a little. "So you two are actually close?"
"He lived in the care home with me. Left two years before me, but we shared a room for most of the time we were both there, so we bonded," Freed explained, chuckling a little. "I hope you don't mind, but I told him you enjoy his music."
"Nah," Laxus lifted a hand dismissively. "As long as you didn't make me sound like some creepy stalker or something. You didn't, did ya."
"I didn't. Whether he thinks of you like that or not is entirely different," Freed chuckled, seeing Laxus grin a little more at the comment. "He also instructed me to tell you that your 'favourite artists says yo.'"
At the word that was literally spat out with disgust, Laxus did something he hadn't expected to do when he had woken up that morning; laugh. It wasn't just a chuckle, or a snort, it was a full burst of laughter. The slight, clearly exaggerated glare on Freed's face did nothing to stop the laughter, eventually it forced him to rest his hand against his mouth to stop the laughter from looking so obvious.
Eventually, Freed let his forced scowl drop and just smiled at the blonde's display. It was good to see him smiling and more like himself after the mood he had been in last night. He had been too busy trying to help his friend at the time to notice at the time but seeing Laxus so solemn had been hard to witness.
When Laxus' laughter subsided – which took longer than Freed thought was fair, it wasn't that funny – his face fell slightly. Freed frowned in a silent question as Laxus played with his phone, the gambler thinking back to the obvious conversation Laxus was having on his phone while Freed was talking with Bickslow. The blonde had a face that was less than relaxed, so it was likely that whatever the conversation had been about was the reason for his sullen attitude returning.
"Are you okay?" He asked cautiously.
"Yeah, was just talking with Gramps," Laxus sighed. "Don't remember if I told ya, but he was the one who told my mom where I lived. Apparently, he was texting and calling me pretty much all night, turned my phone off so didn't get any of them until now. He wants to talk about it."
"Will you?"
"I have to, don't I? Can't ignore it forever," Laxus ran a hand over his face. "Maybe it'll help, 'cause I ain't coming up with any good ideas about what to do."
"Perhaps it will., Freed smiled solemnly. "And, unless you don't want it or consider it an invasion of privacy, I would like to offer my opinion," Laxus motioned for Freed to go on. "I'd say give her the benefit of the doubt and organise a meeting with her. The fact she's trying to reconcile says a lot, as harsh as this may sound, she didn't need to. And you shouldn't deny yourself the opportunity, you never know when it might be too late."
Laxus was silent for a moment, which gave Freed a moment to think about what he had said. He was very much of the mindset that family was earned, not given; this was particularly true with parents. It could be argued that Laxus' mother certainly hadn't earned the title, yet he had given the blonde advice that went against that mindset.
Perhaps he knew that was what Laxus needed, and that he needed to put his own view on parenthood to the back of his mind for the moment.
"I guess she didn't," Laxus mumbled a little. "You really think I should meet her."
"For closure's sake, yes," Freed nodded slightly. "And please don't think this is some kind of 'I didn't have parents, so you should be thankful for what you've got' kind of things. I just think this is what's best for you."
"Yeah, I know. Thanks," Laxus nodded, offering a sad smile. "I should probably go and talk to Gramps, if you don't mind."
"Of course," Freed stood up as he spoke. "Good luck."
Laxus smiled a little and stood up, walking towards the door to Freed's apartment. Freed followed him, watching as Laxus opened the door and leant against it. For a moment, they stood in silence and looked towards each other. In the few seconds of eye contact, Freed could practically feel all the emotions whirling through Laxus' head at what he was about to do. The gambler silently hoped that their time together had offered Laxus a short heaven from his mess.
Eventually, Laxus sighed and pushed himself off the door. As much as he wanted to, he couldn't avoid the situation any longer. With a final audible sigh and run of his hand over his face, he looked down to Freed for a final time that morning.
"Thanks for letting me stay. Out of everything, I don't think I thanked you for that." Laxus chuckled.
"It's fine. What else was I going to do?"
"Guess so," Laxus chuckled. "See you later then, boss."
"See you."
After giving Freed a single nod, Laxus slowly walked through the door and began to walk down the corridor towards the building's elevators. Freed went to close the door but caught Laxus turning around at the end of the hallway and turn back, so he pulled the door open again and looked to the blonde with a small amount of curiosity.
"It, erm, it looks good like that. Your hair, I mean. Suits a pony tail," Laxus mumbled just audible enough for Freed to hear from where he was standing. "Like, you can see more of your-" He gestured to his own face. "It's good. I think it suits ya, maybe wear it like that more often. I dunno."
The elevator had been called and the blonde had walked into it before Freed could reply to the compliment. As the blonde left his sight and Freed closed the door to his apartment, he was left with the intolerable lingering question about what the compliment had meant. Was it just an observation, had he wanted to leave the morning on a topic other than his complicated family life, or did Freed have the arrogance and perhaps naivety to believe that could have been Laxus' way of trying to flirt with him. The last option seemed most farfetched.
When he felt a buzz in his pocket, the gambler perhaps hoped his answer would be given to him. Instead, he was met with the sight of Bickslow's follow up text, which only elected a slightly disbelieving laugh at the absurdity of the situation Freed found himself in.
From: Bicks
You said it. I could literally feel the venom in your voice and how much you wanted to kill me flowing in my blood:) Did blondie laugh at ya. If he did, it means he's your soul mate. I know souls and that's totally how it works!
Frees shook his head in wonderment. How it was at all possible Bickslow could know Freed had said what he'd been demanded of was impossible enough, but the fact he could send a text where he claimed Laxus could be his should mate at the exact moment Freed was confused if the blonde had been flirting was practically absurd. The gambler quickly sent a reply.
To: Bicks
I don't think soul mates are his priority at the moment, Bicks. He's got a fair amount going on in his life and I don't think he needs romance in the way of that.
To: Bicks
But yes. He did laugh.
Hey all. Hope you enjoyed some more soft angst, some advice from the worst person possible, and a little follow up from last chapter's cliffhanger (if you can call it that). I'm surprisingly happy with how this chapter turned out, so I hope you all liked it.
As always, thank you so much for any comments and kudos you leave. They mean so much.
Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading. ^.^
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best punk rock love songs (as voted for by yours truly)
Hot tramps by Beach Slang
your arms are a car crash I want to die in/ your lips smash in mine just like lust and violence/ your heart’s a marvelous trash the world’s forgotten/ I cant love you raw enough
Favourite thing by The Replacements 
you’re my favourite thing, you’re my favourite thing
Wasted daze of youth by Beach Slang
please don’t die before I do/ or say you’ll take me with you, deal?/ you’re my favourite weirdo/ how’d you teach me how to feel
Fuckmylife666 by Against Me! 
where would we be without all the distance?/ you know Im already just a skeleton/ … don’t wanna live without teeth dont wanna die without bite/ I never wanna say I regret it/ and never wanna say that we grew apart/ never wanna say that the feelings changed
Helter skeleton by The Gaslight Anthem
and baby there will always be a soft spot in my cardiac arrest/ and I will love you till I die from this
With you by Dave Hause
I couldn’t stand not seeing you one more time before we’re dead/ […] ache with me and I’ll ache with you/ I want to do it with you/ dance with me we’ll all be dead soon/ I want to do it with you
Invisible Ink by Disco Ensemble
Im yours for life/ even tho I dont scream it out
Im not sayin’ by The Replacements
I can’t say I’ll always do/ the things you want me to/ I’m not sayin I’ll be true but I’ll try 
Second Soul by Disco Ensemble
and you will find the second soul/ the one that you can mix with your own/ and you will find the second soul/ the one who vows you’ll never be alone
Baby dont you want me by Lucero
When we first met I’d count the days/  I’d make excuses just to say your name/ […]   And now I have a heart like a hornets nest/ swarming in my mouth/ it busted through my chest/ Now I could live that way/ I’d take all that pain/ to have your heart be mine/ baby don’t you feel the same
The Reasons by The Weakerthans 
I know you might roll your eyes at this/ but I’m so glad that you exist
Love you till the end by The Pogues
I just want to see you when you’re all alone/ I just want to catch you if I can/ I just want to be there/ when the morning light explodes
Fairytale of New York by The Pogues 
I turned my face away and dreamt about you/ […] I’ve got a feeling this year’s for you and me/ so happy Christmas, I love you baby/ I can see a better time when all our dreams come true
I don’t mind by Defeater
and I don’t mind if we take our time/ cause Im all yours if you’re all mine
The Dreich by Skinny Lister
all through the dreich it was you I did seek, lowlands and above/  strange were your ways with a strange turn of phrase, my love/ Oh my darling, my fortunate find/ you do your best to be true, and I’ll do mine
So far away by Dire straits 
I’m tired of being in love and being all alone/ when you’re so far away from me / and I get so tired when I have to explain when you’re so far away from me/ see you’ve been in the sun and I’ve been in the rain 
Dear God by Avenged sevenfold
Dear God the only thing I ask of you is/ to hold her when I’m not around/ when I’m much too far away/ We all need that person who can be true to you
Say when by Dyke drama
It’s not like we ever had it but god damn, you really matter to me/ Tell me when to stop wasting your time/ ‘Cause I don’t wanna stop, I don’t wanna stop/ wasting my time, wasting my time on you
Thelma and Louise by Dyke drama
Sometimes walking clears my head/ then you come around and fill it up again […] it seems you spent most of your day walking through my head/ be gentle with this heart, it’s been disregarded
Carry by Skinny Lister
When these days seem to be suck on repeat/ you give a smile and knock some sense into me/ At the risk of sounding sentimental/ my pocket’s empty but my heart is full
Little Aphrodite by Frank Turner
suddenly it was like somebody somewhere/ scraped their keys down the side of my heart/ heart that been stuck in traffic/ and someone interminably unchanging red light/ […] and it’s lamely ridiculous of me to be saying Im sure/ but if I had an apple to give then it would be yours/ for you I’d start a war
Wild horses by The Rolling Stones
No sweeping exit or offstage lines/ could make me feel bitter or treat you unkind/ wild horses couldn’t drag me away/ let’s do some living before we die
Kingdom of gold by Bruce Springsteen
When I count my blessings and you’re mine for always/ we laughed beneath the covers/ and count the wrinkles and the grays 
Avalon by The Dreadnoughts
You are my piece of mind where the river winds/ where the water shines/ Orchards hills and vines
I don’t love anyone by Pete Doherty
I dont love anyone, but you’re not just anyone/ you’re not just anyone to me
Pretty girls (The mover) by Against Me!
What are you gonna say when she picks up the phone?/ should you leave a message if she’s not at home?/ I wanted to know if you’d like to see a movie or get a drink./ It would be cool just to be in your company. 
Da Vinci by Wheezer
Even Da Vinci couldn’t paint you/ and Stephen Hawking can’t explain you/ Rosetta Stone could not translate you/ I’m at a loss for words, I’m at a loss for words
Claddagh by The Tossers
Well this ring means I love you, that there’s no one above you, you are closer to me than a friend/ and this ring I have shown you, well it means that I don’t own you […] This ring is a promise I am making to you, to endeavor myself and sing for you/ to be happy and discover anyway I can try/ to my heart and friendship can stay true cause my loyalty lies with you. 
Under the rug by Steady hands
never met a wreck like you before/ so when this feeling makes you sick/ I will decorate your cheek with my kiss/ I won’t lay down I won’t let you bleed/ cause the ghost in you is a part of me
One like you by Great cynics
just because it is all in my head it doesn’t stop it from being real/ Im not giving up another one like you/ make things seem so easy sometimes I think I don’t need anyone else
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