#i think my favorite section is ritsu's
bizarre-blues · 2 months
Curious about your shoumob thoughts 👀👀
Apologies for the essay I am about to write you. Genuinely it's a self indulgent ship for me- I don't particularly see it ever happening in canon, but the potential for their dynamic is so severely underexplored that it drives me insane- not even romantically, just in general. I honestly get why at a glance it doesn't seem like there'd be much between them, but this is fanon and I'm allowed to pour my heart and thoughts into my favorite characters. Lemme break it up into two sections. Platonic Shoumob (something I could see as more canon based):
Even being platonic, I do think this dynamic would only show up post canon. Like there's a long period of time where they're vaguely in each other's circles but don't directly interact. On Mob's end, I think this is purely because he's got his own life and own concerns. Sure, his younger brother's friend hangs around sometimes, but it's not his business to meddle around in Ritsu's business. This is really well stated in August's post. But to add on a bit:
Mob is a good big brother + trusts Ritsu
I don't see Mob holding a grudge against Shou for the house being burnt down. Did Shou aim to stir Mob's emotions a bit? Yeah, it wasn't right. It was ALSO to protect Mob's family since Shou knew Claw was sending folks after them. With the bodies of the remaining Kageyama family burnt, Claw would not longer be after the Kageyamas. I think after fully understanding this, even if there are bitter feelings Mob would let em fade over time
What about the seventh claw division? Saying he's disappointed in Mob? Beating up Ritsu to lure Mob in so they can both be captured? First off Shou's insult pretty easily rolls off of Mob's back. Secondly, I think it would be very interesting to explore the dynamic of Mob discovering Shou's part in the seventh division. Again, I don't think this would really come up for a long time, long enough that Mob wouldn't really be a bitter mess about it.
If Mob can find in his heart of hearts that Toichiro is someone worth saving, I really struggle to think he dislikes Shou in anyway.
On the other hand you have Shou. I already talked about how I think Shou would feel a bit in the tags of August's post above. Also, I really like to keep this post in mind too when thinking of Shou's view of Mob.
Shou entirely wrote Mob off in their initial interaction. He saw he had power and was unwilling to use it- therefore was taking the side of a bystander. He saw that as genuinely a crime to waste such protentional. Shou was raised by Toichiro, and even without agreeing with how Toichiro used his power, Shou does agree that power is power and must be used in some way. For him, he needs to use it for justice. That's why, in my mind, Shou was so quick to like Ritsu. Ritsu wasn't afraid to use his powers for what was needed to be done to protect people, even if it was an uphill battle he couldn't win.
Cut to their second interaction. Shou's fighting his dad, Shou's losing the fight- it's barely even a fight with how bad he's losing. In waltzes Mob who's entirely different from the last time they interacted. He's prepared to fight, to protect everyone else since he's the only one capable of doing so. Hell, he even told everyone else to stay away since they'll only hinder what he has to do. Suddenly Mob is aligning with the moral code Shou WANTED to see in him to begin with.
That entire interaction is so short, but it's genuinely so important to me. Mob stands up for Shou, he gets angry on his behalf. Who knows the last time someone did that for Shou, and it's someone Shou had entirely written off.
Last time they interact is the confession arc. Shou sees the power Mob is capable of, how his dad is no match for him when he's like this without it being fatal. It even convinces Shou to lay off using his powers (though idk how closely he sticks to that post canon)
Basically you have this development of complete dismissal > admiration for his moral code? > a warning sign to how dangerous psychic powers can be. Which is insane given that Shou's SEEN how dangerous they can be his entire childhood
I feel like it leaves us in post canon with a LOT of potential for how they might see each other or interact. Here's some of the thoughts that have been plaguing my mind.
I really feel like Shou would have this torn admiration / uncertainty about Mob. Mob is powerful, more powerful than his dad, and I don't feel like Shou fully knows Mob's strict moral code yet. I think that subconsciously he might be a lil cautious around him to begin with even if he doesn't outwardly acknowledge that in anyway
They get to know each other and now there's potential to actually chat about some of this stuff. One thing in particular I like to think about is the power level they both have. Idk the exact power scaling of all the Mob Psycho espers, but I'm under the impression that Shou is pretty up there and will likely only get more powerful with age. Shou and Mob, having this kinda power, have taken such opposite views to it growing up. Mob believing it can never be used while Shou thinking it MUST be used. This is what's inspired the comic I'm currently working on that I'm SO excited to finish up
Also??? this might be ooc but the potential jealousy Shou might have of how easily Mob and Ritsu appear to get along once it's all said and done. Meanwhile his family dynamic is... complex. Shou obviously cares about his dad, but Toichiro will probably not see life outside of prison and I'm certain there's just some oddness between them. Between Toichiro calling Shou a failure and using his powers to straight up fight him, I just feel like it would be complex for Shou. It could really lead to some interesting conflict, especially given Shou and Ritsu being besties
IDK !!! OTHER STUFF TOO!!! Between em I just see a lot that could be said between the two of em.
I feel like when I first joined the fandom I didn't really see much between Shou and Mob. Of the four main esper boys, obvious it's easy to see how much dynamic there is between Mob and Ritsu (the entire show hinders on the trauma they share) and between Teru and Mob. There's also plenty of interactions between Teru and Ritsu. Same to say with Shou and Ritsu since the majority of Shou's interactions are Ritsu centered. But honestly post canon I really do feel like Shou and Mob's dynamic ought to be explored a lot more, even if I must do it myself.
Romantic Shoumob (way more fanon based but hey what can ya do, we have fun out here):
As a disclaimer, I honestly prefer platonic shoumob. HOWEVER I absolutely think romantic shoumob is adorable so I will happily ramble about it. Take most of what I've said above and apply it down here.
In my mind I think it would be Shou who ends up with a crush on Mob. Mostly cause of the amount of emotions Shou has towards Mob post canon, I feel like it could easily develop into a real curiosity towards Mob. Thinks about him a lot and oops, now it's a crush
Also hilarious to me cause I don't think Shou would know how to handle a crush no matter who it was. The classic "writes you a letter that says 'get out of my school' in attempt to flirt" dynamic
Except I really don't think that would work on Mob?? Mob isn't dumb but I really just. Don't think he'd get the hint that Shou likes him. Just knows for Some Reason Shou acts a certain way around him. He'd probably assume he did something to offend or upset Shou somehow tbh
Cue Mob attempting to do things to make it up / even directly trying to ask Shou about it which would only lead to Shou getting flustered or trying, yet again, to keep playing it off
Whenever Mob DOES realize Shou likes him back I imagine he'd get equally as flustered in the beginning. Mostly cause we know Mob is such a lover who is super easily flustered in most scenarios. Very much just! Cute to me
Outside of just the puppy love phase I really do think there's potential for such sweet or dramatic interactions. Again there's all the complex parts of the platonic parts of their relationship, but something significant would be the way that both Mob and Toichiro have this insane amount of power and yet opposite approaches to it.
I think Shou would find a lot of comfort in seeing how gentle Mob could be. I'm also a HUGE softy for the idea of like- we KNOW Shou isn't super soft. He wasn't raised that way, it's not his ideals, there's not many situations where I think he'd feel comfortable having his guard down, even post canon. But I like the idea that Shou lets himself be soft when it's just him and Mob.
No pressure to be anything he isn't, no need to be snarky or guarded, he KNOWS Mob ain't gonna judge him, hell Shou is probably the safest he ever could be by hanging out with Mob. It's all so SICKENINGLY sweet to me.
On Mob's end, I can see him enjoying having someone who understands him in some ways yet has such a different approach to life? Mob craves human connection throughout the entire series, and by the end he has plenty of it, but to have someone who he can have deeper convos about psychic powers in particular with I think would be a huge relief. Obviously there's other folks in his life, but Shou's just from a unique background.
Even more, Shou is blunt and upfront about everything. Communication would come so naturally to them. As someone with autism, nothing is a bigger relief to me than a person who just says what they're thinking straight up.
I can really see a fun balance between them as one person who's calm and kind vs someone who's energetic and chaotic. I feel like there'd be a constant push and pull between Mob's side of simple and sickeningly sweetness and Shou's side of outrageous acts and mayhem.
Hope this all makes sense. Sorry for any typos, I didn't proof read anything. Thank you sm for the ask!
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detectivereads · 13 days
New/Old Detective Manga
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Hi everyone,
I hope everyone is well.
Recently I have been wanting a new manga series while I wait for the new issues of Case Closed/ Detective Conan to come out. (I love that series so much)
So, I tried finding manga that is like Conan but with their own unique twist to it. Recently I have found several and I had come across a few in the past so I thought I would make a list of interesting detective/mystery manga. I would love to hear recommendations from anyone else.
Lizzie Newton by Hey-Jin Jeon- This was one of the first detective manga that I collected. I am sad that there were only 2 volumes released, because having a Victorian lady investigating murders is perfect. Lizzie Newton is a well to do lady in high society who loves three things: reading, writing and investigating murders.
Case Closed/ Detective Conan by Gosho Aoyama- What can I say 10/10. This is one of the best mystery series I have ever read. With a big mystery that you can follow through the course of the whole series and having other mysteries to go along with the big mysteries, each case is well crafted and unique. The cast of characters to go along with the story each one has a quirky thing about them, but they work well together. This is a mystery manga series that I would recommend to any newbie mystery manga reader.
The Invisible Man and His Soon-to-Be Wife by Iwatobineko- Ok this series is so cute, but it’s not super hard core in the mystery aspect like Case Closed or Ustoki Rhetoric, but the main characters are part of a detective agency, and they do go on cases. I have reviews posted in the manga section of my master list, so I won’t talk too much about it here. I really recommend this series.
Now these are the ones I found recently:
Usotoki Rhetoric by Ritsu Miyako- I don’t know why but lately I keep coming across historical type detectives lately, but I digress.  This story centers around a girl named Kanoko, who has a unique ability to hear lies, which unfortunately made her childhood very lonely growing up. So, she sets off on her own to find a place where no one knows her, and she can make a life for herself. Kanoko then runs into a detective, who is broke, and they team up to solve cases. I wasn’t sure if I was going to like this series, but I started reading it and I am hooked on it. Each case that they tackled was interesting but so far, my favorite case was the Doll Murder case, this manga pulled plot that I am sure Agatha Christie would be interested in.
Garden Club Detective Squad by 52chu- This series is amazing, I found this by accident. I think I saw the trailer and I investigated it. I was hooked and I pray that this will get a physical release. We have our main character Yeon, her family is moving to the countryside. This girl embodies school life. She loves to study, and she is amazing at sports and arts. Yeon has a goal to make her academic resume for the high school she wants to go to prefect. One the things she wants to do is be a president of a club and all the other clubs turn her down (they are terrified on how good she is) but she finds the Garden Club to fit her needs. But the club holds secrets that have been long buried.
My Dear Detective by Natsumi Ito- I have only read a little of this, but I was immediately interested, main character is a female detective, and the time is back in 1930. So, the views here are that women took care of the house, but not Hoshino Mitsuko she is determined to work for a living, and she has her job as a detective locked down.
I want to save this one for more in-depth reading so I will leave this one here, but I can tell you, I am excited for this.
The Strange House by Uketsu- Horror Writer Detective, my interest has been piqued. Now I like watching jump scares and some scary movies as much as the next person. But I came across this manga series by chance. I was worried that this was going to be a horror manga that was going to be gory. But so far apart from some speculations in the manga, the story is great. (yes, there is some dark themes here)
Our main character is a horror mystery writer turn amateur detective, they are given a blueprint of the house from a client one day asking about the layout of the house and one particular room in the house which first time reading the manga, I was trying to figure out the purpose of the room as well.
Now, looking at the cover art for this manga I was thinking that this was going to be in the same league with the other great horror manga writer Jinji Ito, I love this man’s art style but boy howdy he draws some scary scenes. I thought going in this that this manga wouldn’t hold my attention, but I am now waiting on pins and needles for the new chapter I need to know what happens.
Now I know there are like a few more series out there, but these series here are what has caught my attention at the moment.
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quirkle2 · 4 months
I was wondering if there are any rare happy ritsu moments in ur zombie au since hes always miserable I think,, like is he always miserable or is he happy/not miserable and feeling kinda good sometimes?
VWHDGDGD NO YEAH OFC HE'S HAPPY SOMETIMES im just horrible and enjoy putting him through misery
ive never been able to get a genuine smile to look right on his face in my art style either i think thats part of it. as ive said his face is just built to be mildly uncomfortable and bothered and i lean into it sm it's starting to get kinda funny
but yes ritsu is happy plenty! i think, canonically, he just seems like the type of person to me that tends to turn lemonade back into lemons. he's easy to scare and his first reaction to things is often Dread and Anxiety. he dwells on the negatives a lot and seems to be a "hope for the best, expect the worst," kinda guy, but there's a section in this post abt shigeo always loving the little things in life, and ritsu steadily learns throughout the journey on how to do that and how healing it can rly be. even if he had to grow up too fast during this whole thing and learn things a kid should never have to, the journey also gave him some good insight and lessons in other places! ritsu is smart, he figures it all out
in terms of little things here n there he's the happiest lil guy on the planet when he finds one of his favorite foods—swings his legs while he sits and munches on a kitkat bar like he's got absolutely nothin in the world to worry abt. sometimes mob does smth funny that he laughs at; for the longest time i've had this silly image in my head of mob accidentally knocking down a bucket from a store shelf and it lands on his head and he just kinda stands there and makes noises.when the noises continue out of pure curiosity about the weird echoey quality it's giving them ritsu cannot help but lose it
besides tiny things tho, when tome comes around ritsu in general is a lot happier, just cuz he has somebody to talk to that will actually respond in some way. they're sorta reluctant partners in crime at first (at least on ritsu's end) but over time and over bonding they grow to rly like each other's presence. they bicker constantly but it's almost always fond eventually, and they shove each other and playfight until mob gets antsy enough to get worked up about it. rly, tome is a godsend to ritsu's mental health—after months and months of being effectively alone with his thoughts, he finally has another person to converse with. a person His Age, too!
tome is rly good at knowing when ritsu is thinkin himself into oblivion and she's Also rly good at being the most annoying girl on the planet to yank him outta that and replace any misery with Oh My God Get Off Me You Freak. she doesn't even do this on purpose at first, but over time she learns how to tell when he's thinking too hard and, ofc, she's grown attached and she cares, so she's as obnoxious as possible to lighten the mood
when they find reigen n teru, ritsu gradually gets Much happier still. now that he knows they're safe and the gang is finally back together (and now that there's an Adult present and he can relax a lil and let himself be taken care of) his stress levels r exponentially lowered. having teru back is another instant lift to his mood—im always a big fan of teru and ritsu friendship, and i think adding tome to their dynamic simply makes it more chaotic. truly a trio of the 3 most normal teenagers in existence which will surely bring nothing but good (reigen sweats offscreen)
actually this makes me feel bad for forever torturing him im gonna go draw happy zau ritsus brb ,.,.ok imback <3
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#qktalks#anon#zombie au#tw guns#<- for that glock in the corner . sorry#actually it looks like he's at gunpoint in that one and just going teehee about it#he looooooves tormenting tome .and tome loves tormenting him. it's their favorite pastimes#i don't rly like the second one too much tbh the sleeves are weird but i think that's just the Nature of how poofy they can get#oh this is a great time to talk abt their dynamic. sorry.this ask isn't abt that.but now it is#so i realize that tome and ritsu ??? don't rly interact in canon at all. and neither do tome and teru . as a matter of fact#but consider. uhm.what ifthey did <3 GVYIEAV#like i said they're all So incredibly normal it'll make for a great time#^ genuinely i do think so actually. most of the time anyway#i touched on it a lil bit in recondite but i rly like the idea of mob ritsu tome and teru all being a friend group#teru would undoubtedly piss tome off sometimes she'd call him out on his bullshit#but like.in terms of the canon timeline i think post-mob teru would Totally listen to her#and take what she says abt How he is into consideration. he's trying to rebuild himself into somebody better#teru and ritsu already have a dynamic in canon but it feels pretty loose and it isn't fully explored at all#i think they work together rly well tho. there's no real evidence to the contrary iirc i think they work together in canon quite well#they think alike in terms of fighting#and in a setting like this‚ once teru is on the same page as ritsu on zombies‚ they're prolly a pretty damn good team#there's a lot of room for things to go wrong tho#if i had to sum it up rly succinctly it'd be: ritsu's motive is fear‚ tome's motive is curiosity‚ and teru's motive is power#what i mean by teru's being power is Not the pre-mob teru ''wanting'' to be powerful and unstoppable#i mean teru wants to have power over everything that is trying to hurt them#he doesn't Want to cower he wants to Fight tooth and nail#and i think ritsu's fear versus tome's curiosity and teru's drive of power conflicts a lot#ritsu is passive in the sense that he'll do anything in his power to avoid altercations with anything to order to keep mob safe#he isn't Active until something goes Wrong. and usually things go Wrong when teru and tome rush ahead#WOW sorry i went on a rant that was Completely unrelated to the fucking question. im at the 30 tag limit bye
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artofloof · 9 months
BYF/Intro post!!!!!!!!!!!!! (super long sorry)
☆ Side Blog | Namine Ritsu Ask Blog
"Can I use your art for (blank)?" Read this page first.
Hiiiiiiii!!!!! I'm Laura or Floof. I draw sometimes.
The button below is the gate to the legendary post. >Hey um Joku...
☆Reposts of my artwork are strictly forbidden.
☆Current fandoms: UTAU(Vipperloids) | Historically I've liked UTMV(Sans AUs) but I consider myself retired from that space
☆Recommended 16+ if you're gonna interact! Here's why: --->I swear. a LOT. --->I sometimes post art with suggestive themes or lots of skin showing. These are always tagged! I do not post NSFW. --->I don't censor anything Be responsible!
☆I love asks! I think everyone does :]
☆NO posting schedule. And also I post whatever I want. It's the wild west out here 🦅
>BLACKLIST TAGS: -I use #eyestrain, #flashing colors, and #flashing lights to tag seizure/headache-inducing content. If you find a post like this on my blog and it's not tagged, PLEASE TELL ME!!! Sometimes I don't know what is triggering and what isn't!!! -#suggestive for posts with sexual themes or lots of skin showing. There is no NSFW on my blog. May also use #nudity and/or #partial nudity -#long post for posts that eat the space on your screen (like this one...)
>SORTING TAGS: -#Laurart is my art tag! -#Laurtalks for text posts -#Laurtunes music?!??! no way -#Laura's creations for my AUs and character designs -To group posts by character, use #(their first name)! I don't always tag consistently, so this is an easy way to find art of them -#shitpost for silly :) -#reblog is self explanatory and #other people's posts is anything that's not mine
Okay got that? Cool. Swag and poggers. More about me as a person below the cut
☆☆ MEEEE ☆☆
-I loooooove colors especially when they're contrasting or complimentary. I like to use a lot of purple/yellow and blue/orange schemes in my work. I also love character design but it doesn't take a detective to see my painful lack of OCs
-I use FireAlpaca and some edited default brushes
-I have a lot of interests outside of illustration. Something big I've been trying to get into recently is music production and songwriting :)
-MY FAVORITE AU SANS IS DREAM and my favorite vocal synth is Ritsu Namine :)))) second favs are Killer and Ruko Yokune 💖
-I love to complain! Ask me my opinions on things! /hj
-I like to read "bad" fanfiction for shits and giggles. This eventually culminated into THE SECOND BIBLE, which I wrote with my friend @artobsessedloser: Bloody Love (you should read it)
-Guys. look up oarfish in your browser. do it for me
-Every monday is missile boob monday (we love Ritsu a lot on this blog)
-i like women
-more TBA because we all know this section is never truly finished
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windypuddle · 2 years
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I posted 5,413 times in 2022
That's 5,365 more posts than 2021!
152 posts created (3%)
5,261 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 929 of my posts in 2022
#enstars - 126 posts
#puddle talks - 44 posts
#fletcher's archive of useful stuff - 36 posts
#kaoru hakaze - 32 posts
#bungou stray dogs - 32 posts
#ensemble stars - 24 posts
#star trek - 24 posts
#rinne amagi - 15 posts
#shu itsuki - 15 posts
#rei sakuma - 14 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#but currently? the contender for making the next sweater vest is this neon orange yarn i have three skeins of. and i think that would be :)
My Top Posts in 2022:
(this is a long section so i cut it off but its: 5. enstars bsd au part 1, 4. kuroshu from the valkatsuki mv, 3. dramatica autism post, 2. incomprehensible screaming about favorite characters, and 1. the ryuseitai post)
Ensemble Stars!! > Bungou Stray Dogs
For clarification: this AU is about Enstars characters as if they were in the BSD universe. it is not the other way around. it is not a crossover.
this au did not start with the Agency. but the very Second thought I had about it was:
wouldn’t Rinne Amagi be a great Dazai?
and I was so, so, right.
[Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5]
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here’s part 1 of 5 of my mediocre, slightly inaccurate, horribly blurry diagrams. (in my defense i got the enstars icons from one of the appellations pages)
Madara founded the agency after finding Leo (somehow) and it grew from there. (think origins of the detective agency)
Leo is a prodigy detective but it’s like a hit-or-miss whether he’ll help on regular cases which is why the agency is A Whole Thing
Kanata and Madara were childhood friends like in canon, including the cult thing. Kanata’s ability has the healing element of Thou Shalt Not Die, but instead of the catch being that the victim had to be half-dead, kanata either has to use water to heal them, or consume some of their blood. (slight reference to stuff from meteor impact because i think it fits thematically with the bsd setting)
kanata and madara lost touch with the beginning of the great war (same war as in bsd canon) but eventually reconnected and kanata joined the agency
ok. heres one of the reasons i called this slightly inaccurate. yall need to know that when i make aus its never exactly 1:1 with the characters. example in question: ritsumao. just think... their normal dynamic in enstars canon, but they join the agency instead of becoming idols. ritsu uses light snow to pretend he’s working and mao always slaps him to dispel the illusion
trickstar are just  there. theyre like the background workers of the agency
anzu is haruno because shes  potentially plot relevant (do not ask me who natsume-sensei/mii-chan is i do not fucking know. probably the godfather)
HiMERU honestly fits the Normal Guy (actually has problems). that’s part of why he’s kunikida. the other part of why is rinne.
Rinne is ex-mafia because he’s dazai here and im not making a completely new plot, thats why its a bsd au and not something totally different. He uses mafia money to gamble and everyone is all like Where Does He Get The Money??? he spends half his work hours annoying HiMERU and the other half annoying Niki.
Sora is just some kid. he introduces Leo to video games and everyone watches with trepidation (it actually makes Leo more productive)
Kohaku... is sort of ex-mafia. His family operates a highly successful business in killing people. Kohaku has never killed anyone. In the interests of the mafia, they send him to assassinate Madara. he gets offered a job instead.
Tsukasa goes after Kohaku to get him to return and ends up... also getting a job.
And Cafe Cinnamon:
Niki just works here. He doesn’t get paid to deal with all this shit. (he does get free total access to the kitchen at all times.)
Aira joins later (more on that in part 3). He helps Niki out around the cafe and ends up entangled in the agency’s problems way more often than he would like.
29 notes - Posted November 15, 2022
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See the full post
30 notes - Posted October 23, 2022
wow guys i cant believe approximately 2/3 of DRAMATICA is autistic... really says something about theatre people
31 notes - Posted September 18, 2022
me talking about my favorite characters to the average person: oh i really like their design. and they’re funny. i like the narrative themes.
my actual thoughts about them:   auayuyarytardtagdhurifhigjrkslgjdlkjhdfjkjhasdGATUIYURFHUHURHUDDFGKLSHGJDFHJGCKEMDEKOEKDOEKDOA;DKKSLMKJDSPOAOIOAOAAOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) hahahahahaha their interactions (sobbing) (hwkjgrwdwrgffgwrfwg)
34 notes - Posted December 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
39 notes - Posted October 29, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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writingwhimsey · 2 years
MC's Idol Crush Collection Event-Masamune
NSFW 18+ content
I stood in the crowd, so close to the stage. Saki and I were excitedly clutching onto each other as we waited with baited breath for Swagger, our favorite idol group to come out on stage. Masamune was behind us with Haru, Saki’s boyfriend.
“Are they always this excited about these…concerts?” Masamune asked Haru.
“Only for this group.” Haru answered. “It’s been years since Swagger put on a performance. They were really popular when we were all kids…and let’s just say these two put the fan in fanatic.”
“I heard that Haru.” Saki called over her shoulder, giving her boyfriend a pout.
“Yeah…no need to tell Masamune all of my embarrassing secrets.” I added, my cheeks reddening.
Masamune just grinned at me. “Don’t worry about it. You’re pretty cute when you’re excited like this.”
Now I was blushing for entirely different reasons. It was so amazing how Masamune was so cool and confident…otherwise he might get annoyed and jealous. Of course, none of that made me feel any less embarrassed by my fangirling. It’s not like there were events like this in the Sengoku.
It was at this moment the announcer was coming over the speakers. “Alright, ladies and the poor gentlemen who were dragged along…give it up for Swagger!”
The group was then coming out on the stage, Saki and I, along with all the other women in the audience, were screaming as the lights changed and lit up the stage. The group came out, dressed completely in white pants and shirts. Some of them, there shirts were button-up that were open apart or all the way. Others were in tank tops and the lead singer was completely shirtless.
“Ahh!” Saki and I screamed together along with all the other ladies in the crowd. I honestly think there were tears in my eyes. I couldn’t believe how excited I was. Not to mention…we were so close to the stage. Like…I could probably reach up and touch the band.
They went through some of their greatest hits before the music slowed to one of their love ballads. Each member of the group went to a different section of the stage, carrying a rose. I lost my mind when Ritsu, my favorite group member, was in front of us. He knelt down and was looking directly at me, as he sang.
I felt myself dying a little inside. This was a dream come true. I started crying, I was eating this entire thing up. Towards the end of the song, he was reaching the rose out and tossing it to me. I was screaming and squealing, Saki jumping up and down beside me just as excited for me. 
When the concert was over, we were all backstage, waiting in line for our chance to meet the group and get autographs and pictures. Saki and I were excitedly clutching onto each other again. “Ugh…I still can’t believe I caught the rose…I swear this is the best birthday present ever, Saki.”
Saki was grinning at me. “I hoped you would say that.”
“Oh, we have a birthday girl here.”
Saki and I both turned as  Ritsu was approaching us, looking so fine. I burst into a fit of giggles, Saki joining me. “Yes, it’s…it’s my birthday.” I said, my cheeks bright red.
“Well, then I am glad you caught my rose. I had a feeling when I saw your beauty from the stage that there was something special about you.” Ritsu said. “Happy birthday baby girl.”
I giggled and lifted a hand to play with my hair nervously. “Th-thank you.”
Ritsu was then signing our photographs and posing for pictures with us, before he was getting the rest of the group together to sing Happy Birthday to me. The ride back to the hotel, Saki and I spent squealing and reliving our favorite details of the night. We bid each other goodnight, still grinning like complete idiots as we headed to our rooms with our boyfriends.
Once Masamune and I were alone, his arms were coming around me from behind, pulling me against him. “You know, Kitten…this has been an interesting night.” He told me, a note of displeasure in his voice.
“Why…do you sound like you didn’t enjoy it?” I asked.
Masamune’s lips were coming to the side of my neck, sucking hard until he had left a mark. “Because…” He replied, his hand sliding up under my shirt, teasing over the flesh of my ribs.
“Masamune?” I breathed out as he trailed his hand up before cupping my breast through my bra.
“You’re cute when you’re excited, Kitten.” Masamune went on, his lips kissing along my neck. “But even I can only take so much.”
The next thing I knew, Masamune was spinning me around and pushing me up against the wall. His lips were on mine in a fierce kiss. His hands were making quick work of my clothes before sliding over my curves.
I was breathless by the time the kiss ended, Masamune pulling back to look at me, that blue eye so intense. “I…” I breathed out too stunned to form a coherent sentence. Masamune was always a whirlwind -one of the many things I loved about him- but this…this was different even for him. “What’s…what’s gotten into you?” I asked.
“I have an impudent kit that needs punished.” Masamune replied, lifting a finger to trace over my lower lip.
“But…I…I thought you…said I was cute?” I asked.
“You’re always cute, Kitten.” Masamune replied. “It all just hit me differently than I expected.”
I met Masamune’s gaze then. I saw a spark of something in his eyes and my own widened in recognition. “Wait…were…were you jealous?” I asked.
Masamune got that grumpy cat look on his face. “Yes.” He admitted reluctantly.
I was having to fight the grin that tugged at my lips. “But…I thought YOU didn’t get jealous?”
“I don’t.” Masamune replied. “Not when another man is making a move on you anyway…but seeing my kitten get all worked up over another man…that’s a different story.”
I gasped, realizing that Masamune was jealous because of my intense fangirling. I wrapped my arms around him. “You know…there’s really only one man for me Masamune and that’s you.”
Masamune was grinning at me. “I’m just going to spend tonight reminding YOU of that…you won’t be screaming for any other man ever again.”
I felt a shiver of anticipation run down my spine at his words. “Well…if it makes you feel better…” I said before his lips were on mine in a hungry kiss, his hands roaming over my naked body.
Masamune was then trailing biting kisses down the side of my neck and over my chest as he slid a hand between my thighs, going to stroke that pleasure pearl. I let out a moan as his touch sent thrills through me. 
Masamune’s fingers were sliding back and he slid two inside, stroking and curling, hitting that sweet spot over and over until my walls were clenching around his fingers. Masamune didn’t let me rest long as I was coming down. The next thing I knew, I heard the zipper of his pants coming undone and he was sliding inside of me in one swift motion.
“I’m not giving you any rest tonight, Kitten.” Masamune whispered in my ear as he began to pound into me.
I was already sensitive from my climax so each thrust pushed me further into madness. It didn’t take long before I was coming undone, my walls clenching around him…and Masamune still wasn’t done. He spent the night making love to me, moving me from the wall to the desk and finally to the bed. It was well past sunrise when he finally relented and I was falling into an exhausted sleep on his chest. His name was the only word to have left my lips all night.
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notificationsetting · 2 years
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wrote this while listening to ‘ sa ngalan ng pagibig ’ god omg. anyways, hikari/tairitsu written in this one. skip if you are disgusted with gxg relationships, please.
(u don't have to listen to the song:3)
• hikari has deep feelings developed from the dark purpled hair girl every since they met. she wonders, in her thoughts, ‘i’ll go on a date with her,’ she nods to herself, and walks out of the room happily.
+ arcaea topic, high school au, lesbians
wrning: no warnings applied, just pure fluff.
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the two young girls walked across the school halls, the white haired girl kept holding her partners hand. “so, ritsuuu! what's your plans for tonight?” both stopped at the schools window. the sun was shining - just like tairitsu’s smile.
“well.. not really, but i am planning to buy the new book that launched yesterday..” the dark purpled hair girl spoke softly and swiftly, hikari loved it. “that’s great!! i’ll buy it for you, eh?” the white haired one took action, closing her eyes and smiling at her.
“thanks.. but, i think i’ll buy it. you can keep your money.” tairitsu smiled back. hikari noticed, her smile is shining, just like the stars, and the sun. “no, no. it’s really okay, ritsu! i heard about the book you said, and it’s pretty cheap. i can buy it, and make money later after.” hikari let goes of the scenery her partner was watching on. tairitsu smiled, tairitsu’s blue eyes twitched to the corner of her eyes. “i.. thank you, hikari..” the white haired girl smiled back at her.
hikari took it as a victory.
9:13 PM, FRIDAY.
tairitsu hair was a normal one. her long dark purpled hair with strands tied into small pigtails with black bows, pretty for a girl. perfect for the white haired that curls at the ends, with short layers reaching to her cheeks framing her face.
the girls were wearing jackets, due to the cold of the planet. tairitsu was staring at the night sky, waiting for hikari to pick her up. “there you are!” the long haired girl stopped dozing off, and turned her eyes to hikari’s. “hoo, the lights here are pretty, now i see why you wanna live here!” hikari’s mouth turned into an ‘o’ when her azure eyes are completely distracted by the stars, and the street lights. “oh yeah! that reminds me, do you want food before we buy the book you wanted that launched yesterday?”
“ah.. sure,,”
both are done with their meals, hikari paying for the food. “..thank you hikari, but you really didn't need to..” hikari signaled to her, it's alright by closing her eyes and smiling happily. “right, let's buy the book now?” tairitsu smiled back, “sure, thank you again, hikari.”
“thank you for eating at ----, have a nice day.” hikari and her partner walked out, heading towards the bookshop. their shoes made quiet noises, syncing with eachother. “alright ritsu, look around for the book you want, i’ll wait for you!” hikari smiled, playing her personality. tairitsu says thank you, but hikari interrupted. “it’s okay, ritsu! you've said thank you enough now!” the long haired girl smiled, on her way to the section to her book.
“thanks again for paying.. hikari, i’ve said thank you many times, but i really appreciate it.” tairitsu smiled, her eyes looking at the road. hikari saw her smile many times this day, this is a win for her. but now, both of the girls are on there way to their house.
“i thank you hikari, for walking me to my house, even tho i could’ve walked myself.” the long haired girl bowed to her partner, but before tairitsu’s shoe walked to the door, hikari pulled her by her arm, she pulled her face to her’s, and kissed her lips. tasted like strawberry, her favorite. frozen like an ice cube, hikari waved goodbye, and smiled at her best friend.
tairitsu wonders how she will deal with with her tomorrow.
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lesbian gay gay really gay marriage wedding yass!!! how many words is this? ya. anyways, just came back from the sewers to write this, have a nice day xx!!!! 🤗
(sorry if its bad n short, idk much words ok n i was in a rush doing this bc i was in class☹️, if there's any errors, don't be shy to ask hh, i’ll fix it!!)
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ekao on twt, bully on youtube.
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phantomrose96 · 3 years
Teru's "Where's the rest of you" in ABOT. That line lives in my head rent free and I'm probably gonna rip it off in my own writing one day, look forward to that.
(fanfic ask meme)
(ABoT ch30)
Sometimes there's lines you come up with that you just HAVE to high-five yourself for and be like "god I hope everyone else thinks this is as sick as I think it is." This is one of those for me.
I have a lootttt I could ramble on about with regard to Ritsu's character in ABoT, and this section of chapter 30 serves to do a lot of that exploration. There are plenty of wordy ways to talk about how Ritsu is desperately clinging to this overly-simplistic idea that "saving his brother" = "his life going back to normal". Everything that's gone wrong started with Mob's kidnapping, so surely getting him back will put everything back together? Ritsu's sense of self is so broken, and his self-hatred so intense, that it's just easier to define himself by his brother instead, to lock away his own identity until "everything's fixed" and he can bear being himself again.
And Teru just lays all that out in 5 words.
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lifes-a-simple-plan · 5 years
Anyone else remember that one time....
...I wrote an essay about a Japanese drama on Netflix called Switched?
Yeah, me too. In case you don’t, here’s the link to it - if you were curious. Or if you were insane enough to dive into a 20 minute read about a television show wherein I just talk about everything I loved about it. Either way, it’s at your convenience now:
Roughly, it has been one year since I first watched the show and I thought it would be fun to revisit my old post and re-watch Switched (yet again; because I genuinely do have a problem)
This time around, I learned how to make a fucking “keep reading” link, so everyone who wants to can pass on by without spraining their scrolling-hand. But for anyone who just feels like they want to spare the time - thank you!
Now that that’s done, I guess I’ll just get started! Last time, I spoke of what I felt the show did right, my favorite moments and quotes, character analysis, shipping, my thoughts on the ending and what I wished had been in the show.
Really, not much has changed about my opinions regarding those subjects. If anything, I feel them stronger. How Kaga is the light in this world, Ayumi is just the most pure bean, Kaga is the only one on earth to deserve true happiness, Umine needs a therapist, Kaga is my One True Love, Koshiro should really express himself better, and did I mention that Kaga is the absolute best?
I do think I’ve discovered some things deeper than I had in the multiple times I’ve watched it in the past year (I’m at 15 now y’all, and it is not looking like I’m going to stop any time soon (I’m literally fucking watching it right now)). So I would like to touch on that.
Things I hadn’t noticed before
Another working title for this section is “things I thought I saw but are definitely canon for me now”
- In the second episode, in the scene where Umine is walking with Koshiro telling him not to talk to other girls and then Ayumi is like, “let’s talk, yo.” This felt like the biggest discovery since ever for me. It dawned on me that it is the first time Koshiro and Ayumi, in Umine’s body, are facing each other - KNOWING the entirety of the situation. This is the first time he has to conceal his true feelings from her. When I watch it now, I get a little glimpse (or think I see a glimpse) of the moment Koshiro shoves it all away. His expression turns completely blank and he just starts playing her right then and there. She has priorities, and therefore didn’t even look at him, but he shut it down at that moment I believe.
- Koshiro didn’t take Umine very seriously until their walk in the blue lights. I think he didn’t want to think of her as a real threat, or as someone who was in as much pain as she was. But when she openly admitted to wanting to commit suicide is when he started thinking of her in a new light. He started asking questions. He started to see her as a real person who needed help. I really love that she was finally able to open up to someone. This scene also gave us an idea about who Umine is as a person, when no one is teasing her, when she doesn’t have to worry about her mom, or think about her dad. I said it last time, that this was probably the best day of her life, and I feel like it’s the first time in a LONG time that she could let go of her worries. That’s the part of her that reached out to the good parts of the other characters and earned their ability to forgive her.
- When we get to the scene in episode 3 where Kaga is overheard confessing his feelings about ‘Umine’ to Maria and Ritsu, I think Kaga fully realizes that his classmates were all dicks. And I think we see here within that realization that Kaga might’ve been a dick too. Not as much as the rest of the guys, who are all making the actual jokes about Umine and the idea that she could be liked by someone like Kaga. But most definitely in the way where he just goes along with the jokes. Accomplices are still guilty, after all. I feel like this might have been his flaw. A good friend of mine and I had a wonderful conversation not long after I posted my first review. It was about how she wished we could have found something wrong with Kaga so that he might actually seem human, and not like the perfect Godsend he really is. Well, with a year passing of considering this convo, I feel like this is it. The thing that makes him human. We know without a shadow of a doubt that Kaga stands up for the people he cares about - seeing as he does it for Ayumi right there in the scene I’m talking about. But I think before he was directly involved with the person being teased, he laughed with the rest of them no matter what the situation was rather than stand up for them. This really is just a guess from me, but it feels like canon simply because of the hesitation before he tells the class how cute ‘Umine’ is now. Almost like the look on his face was saying, “This was me at one time.” I hate to think it, but it feels right to me.
- Ukon and Amagase scenes were utterly of no importance. They literally get less and less significant every time I watch this damn show. Like, I understand that they are there for informative reasons, but if Kaga had been just a little bit better with the Google search he did early in episode 3, he could’ve found that research paper Koshiro was annotating in his room in the dead of night. And that could have been his source of information about how body switching happens, and how Ayumi can never go back to her body. Ukon could still have had her name on the paper, and been part of the show that way. Really, her scenes just took up time that could’ve been saved for MORE KAGA. If only Ukon and Amagase had been more like their characters in the manga. I know that that would have significantly altered the drama aspect of the show, but it would have been better than what we got.
- I think Koshiro wanted to get punched by Kaga. Just a little bit. He felt he deserved it. And in my opinion, he definitely deserved it.
- Ayumi was never going to meet Kaga’s feelings halfway. Had things gone differently that day (ie. meeting Kaga instead of Koshiro), she might have started dating him. But it would have been because she didn’t want Kaga - her biggest supporter - to be sad or disappointed. SHE. REALLY. COULD. HAVE. LOVED. HIM. but she never gave herself the opportunity. Kaga was going to fall more completely for her, but she would’ve only broken his heart later because she doesn’t really love him. (*Edit: this was made right after a food binge in that halfway-sleepy/full mood and the weight of this truth was overwhelming at the time).
- Umine’s mom definitely blames herself for the dad leaving. Maybe that’s obvious to some people, but it took me a few times to really get that feeling from her. I believe that she believes he would have stayed if she’d been more beautiful. Which, honey, it’s really not your fault. He left for reasons that were unexplained (but I am making a fanfiction that will cover that more, if anyone’s interested in that). I just wish that she didn’t have to take out her insecurities on Umine.
- Koshiro’s kind of a dumbass for telling Umine he never actually loved her on the roof. ALL SHOW LONG  she’s been telling you she’s suicidal. She jumped once, she’ll do it again. Really just a huge lack of foresight there.
- In Kaga’s memory montage, he is most definitely feeling the pain of having to give up Ayumi. Those were probably the best times of his relationship with her. Not having to share her with anyone, not having the attention he was getting diverted by her feelings for Koshiro. I know Koshiro was being an ass when he said that the switch benefited Kaga the most, but he was right about it. And, OW, my heart.
Feelings towards the characters - one year later
Koshiro, Koshiro, Koshiro...How do I feel about him? Even though I KNOW he’s good, I can’t freaking help but hate him for most of the show. It’s as intended by the creators of this magnificent piece of art, but I just can’t really stand the guy sometimes. This man is practiced at lies. I’m going to pretend that he’s in drama classes, on top of everything else he does. Koshiro is already good at every damn thing he does (much like Tomohiro Kamiyama - fucking ridiculous how talented he is). Truly, I don’t hate him. I just can’t help but think that his “ends justify the means” personality is wrong on so many levels. And I feel like his actions shouldn’t have earned him Ayumi’s love more than Kaga’s should have.The more I watch it, the more I think that he really didn’t deserve Ayumi in the end. And while I KNOW she already loved Koshiro, I’M. STILL. NOT. OVER. IT. Clearly I still have some feelings about this. Maybe I’ll add in a paragraph specifically about this.
I kinda like her more than I did a year ago. And, honestly, I liked her a lot back then. I’m not denying that she made a whole hell of a lot of mistakes. Switching bodies and threatening people is not how one usually makes friends. But it was interpreted as a cry for help that went on to entirely change her life for the better. I’m just so happy that her actions led her to Ayumi, Koshiro and Kaga. Because literally anyone else would have been too pissed to reconcile once everything was said and done. I’ve had this idea in my head that maybe she was jealous of Ayumi for more than her looks, or her boyfriend. I think the biggest underlying reason that Umine chose Ayumi was her ability to be open to people. Making friends is really hard for her, and they just seem to flock to Ayumi without her even trying. I can truly understand why she dislikes Ayumi, even if I can’t agree with it.
I really adore her character so so so freaking much. I know I talk a lot about how she didn’t make choices that I would make *cough cough KAGA* but I can’t fault her for making them either. She just always chooses kindness. She always chooses compassion for others. This girl is like, 16, I don’t know how she can be so forgiving. I genuinely admire that in her. I am far too petty, so I really think she is a hero in her own right.
I. cannot. stress. enough. how. much. i. love. this. character. Kaga is the kind of man other men should watch to figure out how they should act. I swear to god. I love him more than I did a year ago. AND I LOVED HIM SO MUCH. His chivalry, his ability to put others before himself, his never ending optimism, how he can see what people need, how he acts on his emotions, HIS FUCKING SMILE. He is altogether otherworldly. Kaga is the sun, and we’re all just the planets revolving around him (I have dibs on Mercury; y’all can get in line). I wouldn’t change a damn thing about him. He is so so so valued and appreciated. My god.
While I still have you (if I still have you), I’m just gonna circle back to that bit about Koshiro not really deserving Ayumi in the end. I got all kinds of worked up earlier (as per usual), so I think it should be addressed. So why? Why do I feel like this? A year ago, I was perfectly satisfied with the ending. But now I’m just not so sure. Koshiro lied. A lot. And I know WHY he did it. And I know that he apologized. And I know that he didn’t WANT to do it. But he did. And while he expressed genuine guilt, I can’t help but be uneasy. I think it’s because of Ayumi. Not once did she have a face-to-face conversation with him about how messed up he was acting. Not just as his girlfriend, but as his friend. They were CHILDHOOD FRIENDS and she just sort of....let him treat her like that. I also understand that Ayumi had a whole bunch of stuff going on in her life. Switching bodies could not have been low on her list of priorities. But I really just need to see a time when she looks him dead in the face and asks him why. Why he said he only cared about her face. How he could stand there next to someone who ripped the two of them apart. How he could care less about the way she was feeling. Even if he only lied again, I wanted her to stand up for herself. Just a little bit. I can think of several occasions where she had the opportunity. And maybe she just didn’t want to hear the answer, or really believed in him because she knew him that well. I don’t know. I’m just upset that she didn’t blow up on him a little bit (also, just imagine that Kamichan has to be stoic and passionate in that scene and you’ll wish you could watch it too). Honestly, I still would have gone after him even learning the truth behind his actions. He hurt her feelings, and he should be told that (I know he knows that already, I’m just saying that more words could have been said). So, the point: The ending. I think Koshiro could earn her (in my eyes) if we saw something more than a montage of Koshiro-behind-the-scenes that expressed his guilt.
And truthfully, I am still ok with the fact that Ayumi didn’t choose Kaga. She really just wasn’t in love with him. She loved him. But platonic love does not a relationship make. I desperately wish that Ayumi’s heart could have changed, but it was enough for me that she was willing to give up on Koshiro just to spare Kaga’s feelings. I’ll keep telling myself that until someone loves him back.
Changes this show has made in my life
That sounds really fucking corny, but I’m not kidding you when I say that after watching this show my life was altered. It was the very first Asian drama I watched, and honestly it was a very good thing that I waited until I was older to start on this journey. My personality is kind of obsessive when it comes to bands or television shows, and I was WORSE in my teenage years. I’ll just keep reiterating that hey, at least it’s not drugs. Since my first dive into Switched, I have:
- Started painting again. I used to love art and making drawings. I don’t really remember why or when I stopped doing it, but it was almost a constant. Art supplies for birthdays and Christmas presents, my room covered with all of my artwork, handmade birthdays cards given out to EVERYONE. I knew I was never very good, but I loved doing it. And Switched gave that back to me.
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- Started learning Japanese. You see guys, you give me an Asian show and I just drop everything to learn a new language. Why am I like this? Oh right, I’m obsessive and need to better understand things that I love so that I can love it harder. Ugh. I hate how much effort I put into things. But really, I can’t help but put in the effort. I bought books and practice daily. I write diary entries in Japanese in a notebook. I highlight. I have apps that I use on the go. During lulls at work, I practice writing the hiragana. I repeat phrases in my head ALL. DAY. EVERY. DAY. because they get stuck in my brain like a loop. I make my friends make quizzes for me. i pester the internet people with questions about certain words. I have a problem. But I do it because one day I could watch the show without subtitles. Or hear a Johnny’s West song and know what it’s about without asking for a translation.
- Made an internet friend! I was always taught that the internet is a really scary place where no one should be trusted. And I still feel that way. NEVER GIVE OUT PERSONAL INFORMATION ON THE INTERNET (had to get my PSA out of the way). But my experience with my internet friend has been so so different from many other experiences. She first reached out to me after she read my review about Switched a year ago. Her sister had found it and told her about it. When she read it, she told me that it was nice to find someone who loved the show with the amount of passion I expressed. She also offered me a genuine gift: Johnny’s West. It was maybe a couple days after I had posted the review when she reached out, and at that point I had given up on the band. I wanted to know them, because Shige and Kamichan were my babies from Switched, and I’d seen all seven of them in Blazing Transfer Students (sidenote: if you want to laugh until you cry or pee yourself, watch that show- it’s a hot mess of hilarity). But it is damn near impossible to find their music anywhere. That makes sense, because it’s America, and they don’t have the access to Japanese music the way that Japan does. But I couldn’t find music videos, or songs ANYWHERE. Youtube has some clips of live performances, but live performances are not for Abby’s unless the music has already been listened to. I had been doing the deep internet searches for a little over a week and come up empty-handed. And I wasn’t about to drop over $50 to ship an album from Japan to me without having heard them first to know if I actually liked their music. So my internet friend sent me the entire discography. My mind was blown. Music is no joke to me - it is and always has been the source of my happiness. To just share it like that for nothing in return was a fantastic gift. And she didn’t just stop there. I wanted more (to fuel my obsession, of course), and she delivered. Music videos, behind the scenes of music videos, television shows they’ve appeared in, concert dvds, interviews, skits, radio shows, news, pictures, blog entries, EVERYTHING. She was like an angel from above. But beyond what she’s given me in Johnny’s West, she’s just an amazing person. She is kind and generous, and funny. We can talk about anything from work to periods to bands to religion. I really never thought someone from the internet could be such an important person in my life, but I love her as much as any of my friends that live close to me. If you read this, let me tell you how much I love you for the millionth time!
- Started listening to Johnny’s West. Maybe that doesn’t seem like such a big deal. People find bands from TV shows all the time. But I always HATED music that was in other languages. In my head, if I couldn’t understand what they were saying and tried to sing along I might say something offensive or vulgar without knowing it. And even though I sing that kind of stuff in English, doing it in a language where you don’t know you’re doing it feels wrong to me. I still feel that way a little bit, but it helps that I’m learning Japanese. Johnny’s West also makes all the difference though. My love for these 7 boys is unreal. Akin to how I feel about Kaga, and if you’ve come down to this part of the post or have read my other review, you KNOW how I feel about Kaga. They make me feel so good about myself. I don’t even know how they do it. They say or do things that fill me up with such a warmth - it makes me feel like I can accomplish things, because I have their strength with me. I go without listening to them for a time, and my body just kind of aches to have them back. I had a similar feeling with One Direction back in my teens, but the extent is VASTLY different. In this past year, I’ve probably gone only a handful of days without listening to them. For me to choose one band, every day, for an entire year is very very very not like me. I have more than 200 CD’s that I consider my children; that I protect more sacredly than anything else I own. But now I only choose any of those other bands when I’m on a road trip, or feeling a random day where I need them. I can’t seem to burn out on Johnny’s West, but all of my friends who ride with me are. I don’t even have a favorite member. Each and every one of these 7 men are so worthy of being a favorite that I have to love them all equally. Which should say something to you, because Shige played KAGA - one of the greatest fictional characters to ever exist! If he isn’t my favorite, that should tell you how wonderful the others are. I just can’t really fathom my life without them now. I hope and wish for all great things for them for the rest of their lives. Putting that into the internet will make it come true, won’t it?
That’s really all I have to say. Wow, it was shorter than last time, but it took so much longer to write. This show has made an impact on me that changed a lot about how I view the world. I just really really loved it. With my whole being, I adored it. Thank you to anyone who decided to read this much for something that really isn’t important in the grand scheme of things. I wrote it for me, but I appreciate anyone who enjoyed my words enough to waste their time on them. I hope you all have wonderful days!
ありがとうございます !!!!!!!
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gwydionae · 6 years
I know it's a day later, but in light of recent anime events, how about Reigen Arataka for the character thing? :D
“In light of recent events” yeah ok sure you can put it that way I guess hahahahaaaaaa…………………….. *gross sobbing* (Seriously though thank you Rosy I don’t mind it’s a “day late” XD)
What I like about them
I will hit on “deeper” stuff in the next section, but, honestly? I really just like that he’s there for Mob. He’s not always great at it, but he tries, and you can really believe that this guy cares about this kid and wants him to grow into a good person. I have ALWAYS loved his type of dynamic, and Reigen and Mob fit my (non-romantic) fictional relationship preferences to a T.
That and he’s hilarious, and the animators have way too much fun with him, and I’m not even talking about them “thirsting” over him or whatever, I just mean going overboard with the hand motions, expressions, body language, etc. XD
What I dislike about them
Oddly enough, I actually really didn’t like Reigen at first. The earliest episodes in the anime did a good job at showing him as the world at large would see him: just a fraud using a kid for his own gain. But over time we got to see more of the other sides of him, and by the end of season 1, I had completely changed my mind. Is he still a fraud that can underappreciate those around him due to having an ego built up in order to help him deal with his actual insecurities…
But I don’t dislike this about him anymore. In fact, I actually enjoy it because every character needs flaws, and, even better, these are flaws he is now actually trying to work on. So, all that to say that I’m not sure there’s anything I really dislike about him, because even the parts I disliked initially - and still don’t approve of - are things that make him a better, more rounded character. And I think that’s great.
Favourite moment
Oh gosh, this is hard because my favorite moment of the series does involve him, but in a way it’s more about Mob’s response to it so that seems like maybe I should pick something more specific to Reigen but… ah, screw it, it’s the end of episode 7 in season 2. XD
If two entire episodes counted as a “moment” I would choose s02e06 and e07, but that’s not really how this works, so of course I’m going to go with the part where Reigen asks Mob if he “knows”, and when Mob says that he’s a good person, he literally looks like he’s holding back happy/relieved tears. And it gets me. Every time. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve watched that one scene, lol. It’s so good, man.
Runners up include:
- Telling Mob near the end of season 1 and he doesn’t have to fight, he’s the one who will suffer in the end, and it’s ok to run.
- Following that up by being freaking awesome and SLAYING those Claw dudes both psychically and verbally.
- That scene in season 2 where Mob is panicking because he doesn’t want to exorcise the ghost family and Reigen realizes this and steps in and just fakes the whole thing in order to take the pressure off of Mob without turning the clients against him.
- Reigen noticing that Mob is “fidgeting” at work, but when he realizes what he’s actually doing, he literally drops everything and is all “let’s go running right now” and puts, like, everything into helping Mob get better, like, I know this scene was just given to us in the most recent episode but I feel so blessed??
Least favourite moment
This may sound like a weird one to pick (especially with the whole “grow up already” scene in play), but my least favorite is probably when he pretends to hold a seance. I mean, it’s funny, sure, but… you know how I talked about the fact that I like his flaws now? This one very specific instance is a case where I really can’t defend him. He knows he’s not a psychic. He knows he can’t actually speak to the dead. And Mob either can’t or won’t do it as he’s sitting right there while this is going on. So… this is literally one of those times where Reigen straight up scams somebody. Not cool, man.
(As for the scene where he’s a huge jerk to Mob? I actually really like that scene because while it’s awful it really does fit his character perfectly, and he seriously needed to hear the back talk from Mob to kickstart his growth. So that’s a “love to hate it” thing, lol.)
A situation with this character that I want to see explored more
I want to see this grown man have actual friends, dang it!! Mob (and now maybe Ritsu and Hanazawa) is great, but get this guy someone his own age to talk to! I want to see what he’s like with an actual peer that he likes, not just an apprentice or a blind follower! (Dimple only kind of counts at this point, much as I love him. XD)
An interesting AU for this character
I don’t even know if this counts, but I want a Mob Psycho musical. I want a Reigen dance number, dang it. Dimple can have a villain song about wanting to lead a world wide cult. I need to see the Body Improvement Club training as a dance sequence where they sing about positive body image and loving yourself and working hard. Mob can’t dance for crap but has a surprisingly amazing singing voice, but he pretty much only sings when he’s alone. Yeah. I’ll go with that. XD
A crossover
One of these is more serious than the other. You decide.
1.) My Hero Academia - Reigen somehow manages to become a quirkless hero (despite next to no one knowing this fact) and a teacher at UA. Mob is of course in class 1-A, lol.
2.) Naruto - Reigen is the true founder of Talk no Jutsu.
OTP (or OT3+ etc…. just… favourite ship)
Other ships?
Reigen and Mob
Reigen and Mob
An assortment of headcanons!
Do my thoughts on why he has an ego because he’s insecure count as a headcanon, or is that just an accepted truth?
Of course after the latest episode I am now headcanoning that Reigen starts running every day after realizing how out of shape he was and also a desire to try something that Mob is actively invested in (body improvement).
Ah, see? This was fun. Mob Psycho can be fun. When it’s not, ya know, preying on some of my worst fears, anyway. Ah yes. Good times. XD
>Make me talk about characters and why i love them
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adventurgal · 8 years
Marching Band AU
Part 1 out of 2
I mentioned this au in a chat and people were really enthusiastic about it! I was already compiling ideas for it, but I really wanted to share this! This is really long, so I’ll put the rest of it under the cut.
I’ll start with the Esper Squad.
Mob. Mobs in the color guard!
He wanted to play an instrument, but he just doesn't have the stamina to blow into something and march across a field at the same time.
What is that something??? I’m not sure yet. I was thinking a clarinet. He seems like a clarinet-ey kinda guy.
He plays the clarinet during concert band. He's actually not that bad!
He joins band because he was amazed by how much went into putting a show together! He thought it was cool, and felt that it would be a great use of his time. Tsubomi was a motivator too, she’s also in the color guard.
He's not that great at marching. At first, he's always off tempo and starts off with the wrong foot. After a year or so, he gets better at staying in form and not sticking out.
He’s surprisingly good at remembering his flag movements. He spaces out a lot during practice so it surprises everyone because he keeps to himself.
Carrying around heavy ass flags and batons isn't easy for him. He’s usually so sore after practice that he can't lift his arms
Note: I’ve only ever only held a flag like, once. I remember it being heavy, though I have no upper arm strength so who knows how heavy those things actually are. They look heavy...
Hes passed out on the field during practice before. Luckily it hasn't happened during a performance
All of his fellow guard members know he's the weakest link, but he tries so hard. They're proud of him and acknowledge how hard he's working!
Ritsu. He’s a flute/piccolo.
I might change this, but yeah. Ritsus in the flute section. (Self projecting? Oh, I'd never do that~)
His first year of band, he plays the flute during marching season. The next year he’s promoted to piccolo, and becomes a section leader.
He’s pretty good at playing the flute. He’s technically good at playing the piccolo too, but piccolos sound like shit. He manages to not make everyone's eardrums bleed, though.
He joins band because of Mob. He thought it was cool and wanted to be like his big bro
He has pretty good stamina. Impeccable posture. Almost perfect attendance. Always in tune. He's a model band student.
He always has his music memorized, always has his dot sheet. He’s always on point and makes sure that the rest of his section is too
He doesn't really talk so he doesn't get yelled at or told to stay focused
He helps out the other sections too. If they need instrument assistance, he’ll help them. He has extra reeds, valve oil~
Why the fuck does he have all of that stuff with him. Like, he just pulls it out of his pockets
He helps Shou the pit load their truck too. They could always use extra help
He gets really heated during competitions. If someone's goofing off, he’s the first to tell them be serious
Despite being a model student, he contemplates quitting band because he only joined because of Mob. School and such gets in the way too. After a while, he decides to stay, because he notices how much fun he has on the field! He starts to mellow out a bit once Shou joins too.
Shou. My precious fire child. He's a percussionist!
I’ve always imagined him being a percussionist. I don't know why, But he just seems like he’d play the drums.
I might flesh this aspect of the au out a bit more at some point? But Shou is a transfer student. He transfers into Mob and Ritz’s school (which is still Salt Mid. Or maybe Salt High? I’m not sure yet.) He transfers to Salt Mid. during Ritsus first marching season.
His first year, he's in the pit. (Which is the front ensemble. At my high school, we called it the pit.) He really wants to be in the drumline, and he begs Serizawa (Who I’m going to get to in a bit, along with Reigen and Dimple don’t worry,) to promote him. Seri says no, because he’s new to the marching scene.
He has a ton of fun playing so many instruments. The marimba, bells; The gong is his favorite. Especially during competitions. He loves the rush of adrenaline he gets when he hits it.
He practices a lot after school and outside of practice. He’s very passionate about what he’s doing.
Surprisingly, he’s the most composed when he’s practicing alone. He’s actually focused. He doesn't stay focused during practice.
 He’s always pulling a prank on someone, flirting messing with Ritsu, trying to piss off Reigen… He still manages to have any new material memorized by the end of practice some how.
He just,, YELLS at Ritz from across the field. He just wants to talk to him, he doesn't care if he’s annoying people.
It’s very rare that he’s close to him during practice. During their breaks, Ritsu usually scolds Shou for bothering him. Then they canoodle.
His second year of marching, he’s finally in the drumline. He's a tenor!
His lackeys are the rest of the drumline.
He breaks sticks all of the time. Not because he's playing too hard or something, but because he’s always twirling them when he’s not playing.
This drives Serizawa absolutely insane, but he’d never show that to Shou
He likes to throw them at Reigen when he’s distracted
Teru. He’s also in the color guard!
He’s not attending the same school as the rest of the squad. He still attends Black Vinegar.
Shou originally went to B.V, so he knows Teru. (I might change this) Teru meets Mob and Ritsu through Shou because of this
At first, he’s very competitive against Salt Mids guard, but once he gets to know everyone he chills out a bit and starts to root for them
He is B.Vinegars guard captain
He was originally a saxophone, but switched to guard because he thought everyone looked cool
He’s really good at playing the sax. He’s a bari sax! He also plays the clarinet, the trumpet; he's dabbled with every instrument there is in his school's band
He’s also a model band student, much like Ritsu
He has so much fun on the field and he’s very enthusiastic about marching in general
He has little spirit days with the rest of his section. Like, they’ll have pink day, they have to wear pink to practice. *wink wonk*
He doesn't get to hang with the rest of the squad that much because of his school, but at competitions, they hang and wait for their results together
Reigen. He’s a part of this too!
He's the boss of the field staff. He’s the one who puts each formation together and writes the show
He’s really enthusiastic. Everyone laughs at him because he’s just. All over the place, always
He’s a jack of all trades. When he helps out each section he knows what the fuck he’s talking about
I could see him being a brass player, maybe he was a trumpet or maybe even a mellophone when he was in school
But, yeah. He’s well versed in everything. If Mobs having trouble with his hand work, he’ll grab his flag and show him how to do whatever it is he has to do
It’s the same with Ritsu. If he's having a hard time with a set, Reigen will march it for him to see what the problem is
This annoys the fuck out of Ritsu
He’s so proud of Mob. Once Mob showed interest in marching he started showing him videos of his own shows when he was still in school. Once Mob told him he actually joined, he started crying
He gets so pumped up during competitions holy shit
If the band has a really powerful hit, he’s yelling at the top of his lungs! He’s so proud of the kiddos!
If he feels that the band wasn't scored correctly during results, he’ll go and try to fight the judges
Serizawa has stopped him from doing this wayyyy too many times
Dimple encourages him to fight the judges
The last competition of the season, he starts crying during the last note. They’ve come so far. He’s so proud ;O;
Serizawa. He’s also a percussionist!
He directs the pit and the drumline too, sometimes
He was reluctant to help out with the band, but once he saw how passionate the kids were he wanted to be a part of the magic
Once Shou joins the pit he’s so happy oh god
He’s just really proud of the kid and happy that he's found a less destructive outlet to let out his energy
He’s way more… open. During practice. He likes making music and is very happy to see children just as enthusiastic about it like how he was when he was still in school.
He gets really nervous during competitions. Everyone does, but he usually needs to step away after the band performs to compose himself
He’s always doting over his section. He brings snacks and extra blankets for when it starts to get colder during practices
Dimple. He’s also there.
I’m not really sure what his role is yet? He’s kind of just there. He helps Reigen and Seri whenever they need it though.
He helps the pit load their truck for competitions. He’s usually the one to drive it too
This isn't security guard Dimple. This is muscle man Dimple
He’s also really proud of the kids. It’s a ton of work and they do it pretty well
I’ll make another post with the Telepathy Club, Body Improvement Club, and Student council eventually. I burned myself out typing this out, lol
If you have any ideas, PLEASE send them to me. I would like to see them! Thank you for reading this!
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