#I had a snow day so I got this done faster than I had originally planned
kinzis-writing · 10 months
Christmas Surprises | Tee Higgins
Blogmas Day One: Tee Higgins x Reader
Summary: Y/N was hoping to spend Christmas with Tee, but he was flying to his hometown and she would be staying in Ohio. Unless her family had other plans.
Warning(s): mentions of big family, written in "your" context, tee x you.
This is short and I apologize, I have been busy with finals this week and next. I will try to make the next ones longer!
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The snow fell down in the city of Cincinatti, the Christmas Eve dinner around the Y/L/N's house made the house smell of turkey and Ham. Originally, you had planned to cook dinner at your house so you could invite Tee's mother (and other family) and your family. It was easier to have dinner with everyone at Christmas time than traveling to many different locations. You and Tee were going to let his family crash with you all and celebrate in Ohio instead of flying down to Tennessee.
Unfortunately, Y/N was in Cincinatti with her family and Tee had flown down to Tennessee to spend it with his mother. She had hoped that they would spend Christmas together and in their shared home, but she knew that it was unlikely to be able to see him before the 27th of December.
"Y/N!" Your aunt called as she walked up to where you were helping your family member cook. "Where's that handsome man of yours?"
You gave her a smile, but the question still made you yearn for your man more. "He's spending Christmas in Tennessee this year, it's where his family is."
"I'm sorry, dear. He still treat you well though?" She asked.
You nodded with a soft smile, "Yes, he's perfect." you promised before excusing yourself to cool off on the back porch. All the family members in the medium sized house, cooking, and talk of your boyfriend made you feel closed in. It was clear to you and anyone that knew you, how much you loved him. You had never loved anyone the way or as much as you have loved him.
After taking some time to cool off and clear your head, you went back in to help finish the cooking. The faster the food got done, the faster everyone ate, and the night would carry on. Hopefully you could get your mind off of your boyfriend for a few hours and not think about how much you miss him.
"I think we're ready to eat." Your mother spoke as she laid her Christmas plates and silverware out. She was a very proper person, always have certain table sets for certain occasions. Right as the kids started getting their plates the doorbell rang, "Oh, honey!" your mother spoke as you were helping your niece/nephew get a plate of food. "Can you answer the door, I invited some friends over as well." your mother explained as she took the kids plate from you.
"Sure." you smiled softly as you made your way through the crowd of family and towards the front door. You pulled the door open, doing a double take as you opened the door. Your eyes widened as you felt your jaw drop and tears come to your eyes. "Oh, My." You started at a loss for words.
"As much as I would love to let you gawk at me, it's cold." Tee mumbled as he gently walked you backwards so him and his mother could enter your family's house. "Merry Christmas baby." he mumbled as he wrapped his arms around you and gave you a squeeze.
"You're here." You spoke in disbelief that your boyfriend had somehow pulled off bringing him mom to Ohio and surprising you. Your arms wrapped around him so fast once your shock wore off. "This is the best gift ever." You whispered to yourself as you refused to let him go for a moment.
"Your momma invited me." Tee's mother spoke up as you turned to face her. You gave her a warm smile before greeting her and moving away from Tee to give her a quick hug. "I figured you'd want my son on this holiday." she finished with a smile before walking towards the kitchen to go meet your mother and the rest of your family.
Nothing could wipe the grin from your face as you stayed in front of your long-term boyfriend. "I cannot believe that you did this." You spoke in honesty. Usually, Tee sucked at surprising you. So that was the main reason you were shocked.
"It was all your momma." Tee shrugged as he slung an arm over your shoulder and led you to the kitchen where the food was waiting for you two.
Dinner was great, with everyone getting to know Tee's mother and getting to know your boyfriend better. He got to bond even more with your nieces and nephews, which they loved to have another person interested in what they liked. After eating, you helped your mother clean the kitchen and do the dishes. During this time, you made sure that she knew how thankful you were for her inviting Tee and his mother, also the fact that you hoped she understood how much it truly meant to you.
Your family loved Tee and you thought and hoped that his family loved you as well. Because you would do anything for that boy, even up and moving if something happened and he did not stay in Cincinatti. After helping the house get cleaned and calming the kids down, it was time for presents.
"I'm sorry that I left yours at our home." You told him full of remorse, you hated that Tee didn't have your gift for him to open right now. "I thought you were in Tennessee, and I didn't want to see it under the tree, so..." you trailed off so he would know how sorry you were and the reason why you did not bring the gift with you.
"It's fine." Tee shrugged it off before placing a kiss on your forehead and helping your mother hand out the presents that was under the tree. The kids had more than everyone else, but it was always how your mother had done Christmas. "Here babe." he got your attention and handed you two presents, which you sat down knowing that they were from your family.
Your mother ended up handing Tee's mother three presents just for her and three for Tee. It was common for your mom to buy everyone joining three gifts a piece and then give the kids at least five a piece. It was how your family had always done Christmas and it was a tradition that they wouldn't change unless they absolutely had too.
It didn't take the kids long to tear into their presents and start playing with whatever they had gotten. The rest of your family was exchanging thanks, your mother and Tee's conversing over who knows what, and just overall having a good night. It was just the way you thought it should be. Of course, some of Tee's family was missing but it was as perfect as it could be.
"What's this?" You questioned when Tee handed you a small wrapped box. You looked at him, not knowing if you should open it or not. Simply because you had forgotten his gift.
"Part of your gift." Tee shrugged as he kept a smile on his face. "Open it." he urged.
You hesitated for a moment before carefully opening the wrapping paper and then opening the box. The box contained an ornament that read, "Tee and Y/N, engaged 12-24-23" Your eyes widen a bit at the ring in a box ornament and looked up from the box to notice Tee on one knee in front of you. All the eyes of your family were on the two of you.
"Y/N, since I have known you, I have known that you were a special piece of me. You complete me and I hope that you will agree to marry me. I love you so much and there is no one else that I would rather have by my side. No matter where the coming minutes, days, months, years, and football seasons take me. I know that you'll be a constant in my life. Will you please do me the honor of marrying me and becoming Mrs. Higgins?"
"Yes, of course." You whispered as you started nodding your head because of the tears that spilled down your cheeks. Tee slipped the beautiful ring on your finger before standing up and pulling you into a hug. "I love you so much, I cannot wait to spend forever with you."
It was safe to say that this year's Christmas was full of surprises and you were ending the year the happiest you have ever been.
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laurelsofhighever · 9 months
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Fandom: Dragon Age: Origins Characters/pairings: Alistair x Cousland Chapter: 11/? Rating: M Warnings: Canon-typical violence Fic Summary: The story of the Fifth Blight, in a world where Alistair was raised to royalty instead of joining the Grey Wardens.
Read on AO3!
Two more days of uneventful travelling brought the little group to the outskirts of civilisation, chilled and soggy under the pall of wet snow that had closed over them the night before. They had sheltered, shivering, in an abandoned barn, one of many along the old, paved road they were following, which had been in poor repair even before rumours of war had channelled carts and animals and the refugees who drove them out of the southern hinterlands. Now, it was a struggle to trudge through the lines of muddy, iced-over puddles where the flagstones left gaps, breath coming in harsh clouds of white fog and cold-numbed fingers tucked as much as possible under the folds of the oilskin cloaks Flemeth had been able to spare them.
“Lothering,” Alistair huffed when they finally paused for breath on a bluff overlooking the village. Thin banners of smoke rose from the hunched cluster of buildings in the settlement proper, and from the damp campfires dotted between the mass of grubby tents that spilled out over the southern boundary like flotsam from a shipwreck.
“Pretty as a painting.” He shot a sidelong grin to Rosslyn on his left. “I almost didn’t think we’d make it.”
“It’s a real sight, isn’t it?”
The new, reedy voice came from just off the road, from a small campsite set far enough back into the bushes that any travellers heading north would miss it on the way past. The thin, gaunt man it belonged to stepped out onto the path in front of them. Four others emerged after him, in front and behind to block their path, all in similar states of beggary with weapons drawn. Rosslyn’s own hand reached for her sword at the same moment Alistair stepped closer to guard her flank. The shiver of air along her spine told her that Morrigan, too, readied for an attack. She hoped it would not come. Though her shoulder had knitted together far faster than should be expected even with the aid of magical healing, the dull twinges that flared with every movement warned of the permanent damage that could be done if she got into a fight before the muscles fully recovered.  
“Let us pass,” she commanded from beneath her hood. At her side, Cuno growled his own threat, the sound a low vibration against her leg.
“Ah, the pretty one is in charge, I see,” the stranger cried, as if delighted. He looked malnourished, his hollow cheeks exaggerated by the cracked, ill-fitting leather armour strapped about his shoulders, the sour odour of his unwashed body an offence even from ten paces’ distance. Everything from his stance to the flashy, overly stiff grip of his sword screamed his lack of skill, even without the coating of rust on his neglected blade that would have gotten any squire in Castle Cousland flogged.
One of the other bandits shifted on his feet when she didn’t respond. “Uh… these ones don’t look much like them others,” he ventured. “Maybe we should just let them pass?”
“Nonsense,” the leader snapped, and turned a greasy smile on Rosslyn. “We have rules, you know. There’s a toll. A simple ten silvers and you’re free to move on.”
“You’re not very well dressed for tollkeepers,” Alistair noted. “Better hope Bann Dunstan’s militia doesn’t catch you preying on those fleeing the darkspawn.”
The man laughed. “Bann Dunstan went north with Teyrn Loghain, and took all his soldiers with him. There’s only a few templars left at the chantry now – so we’re taking the initiative.”
“You are fools to get in our way,” Morrigan told him with a sneer.
“Loghain came through here?” Rosslyn pressed, before the bandits could test the claim.
The leader shrugged. “Day before yesterday, leading his whole army and saying the Grey Wardens betrayed the king and got him and themselves killed.”
“That’s not –”
“No other survivors?” she interrupted.
“A few,” he answered. “Band of Ash Warriors came through yesterday – stayed right out of their way, I can tell you. But you aren’t Ash Warriors.”
“No?” she asked lightly. “We came from the south, we’re armoured and armed better than you, and I can tell you exactly how far the darkspawn are behind us. Are you really going to risk yourselves on a losing battle here when you could be running?”
“Uh… you don’t seem to realise –”
She feinted forward. He flinched, and she tilted a cold smile at him.
“Alright!” he huffed, throwing up his hands. “We’re just trying to get by, before the darkspawn get us all.”
“Then go,” she suggested. “And hope they don’t catch up.”
He risked a glance sideways at the campsite, one hand rising in a hopeless gesture that faltered with the deliberate step she took towards him, his eyes glued to the inch of white steel drawn from her scabbard.
“Those things don’t belong to you,” she reminded him.
“Yes, right.” He swallowed. “Of course. Come on, gents – it’s slim pickings here anyway.”
She kept her gaze on him as he stumbled backwards, tense in case of a double-cross, though she had spent enough time among her father’s hounds to know a beaten dog when she saw one. The patter of the rain fell heavily in the mud as he retreated with the rest of his miserable band slinking at his heels, reluctant, but not one daring enough to attack alone.
They would not remain cowed for long.
As soon as the last man retreated into the cover of the trees, Rosslyn turned and leapt the ditch between the road and the bandits’ makeshift camp, hissing a curse as her boot slipped on the landing and wrenched her shoulder.
“Uh… what are you doing?” Alistair asked, coming closer.
“Outfitting,” she replied. “Before they come back.”
“If they do, I say teach them a lesson,” Morrigan scoffed. She had stayed on the road, vigilant as a wolf with the distant scent of deer on the wind.
“The best way to win a fight is to not fight in the first place.” Busy hunting through the meagre spoils the bandits had managed to scrounge together, the adage came to Rosslyn’s lips almost without thinking. It crowded with others in her head, the stories retold by the hearth on winter nights that spoke not of the glory of battle but of the hardships that went between, nights of cold and hunger where morale wavered like a candle flame by an open window. There had been days, her father said, where the Orlesians had forced them to choose between the tired army and starving civilians.
Behind her, Cuno whined. A small animal, perhaps a yearling lamb, lay poorly spitted over the fire, its flesh half-cooked and the tips of its shanks beginning to burn. Drops of fat hissed as they surrendered to the flames. In the few days of travel from Flemet’s hut, the dog’s share of their meagre rations had been smaller than she would have liked, stretched as far as possible with grains but limited by all the things he couldn’t eat.
“Such a good boy,” she crooned, leaving off her inspection of a tatty bedroll to cut away one of the haunches for him. The heat of the bone warmed her numb fingers through the thick leather of her gauntlets, gone again the instant she wiped the juices away on the inside of her cloak.
“Are we taking this stuff, then?” Alistair tried. “You know it was stolen.”
“We’re taking what we can carry, what we need,” she corrected, without looking at him. “I don’t like it either, but you heard what he said about Loghain just as well as I did – we need all the advantages we can get.”
Morrigan delicately flicked a cleaning rag away from the rim of an engraved silver bowl so she could inspect it. “If the former owners of these items were foolish enough to allow themselves to be robbed, ‘tis no concern of ours.”
“The people who passed through here were desperate,” he insisted. “They had nothing else.”
“Neither do we,” Rosslyn reminded him, and sighed. “We can pass word in the village once we get there – maybe someone will come for what’s left.”
A long moment passed as he wrestled with his conscience, as the snow thickened overhead and Cuno crunched down the bones of his impromptu meal, until necessity overcame nobility and with a snarl at nothing in particular he tramped over to the bandits’ tent to dismantle it. Even through the thick layers of armour and cloak, the tension in his shoulders screamed loud enough that Rosslyn had to grit her teeth and turn away. She swiped a bag of dried provisions and a coinpurse from the bottom of an unlocked chest, and an extra cloak and bedroll that she hoped weren’t infested with lice, before hunting around for something that might serve to wrap the rest of the meat.
Further into the trees, they found a pair of tacked-up horses tied to the branch of a bare oak. One was of much finer quality than the other, with the tall, strong-boned confirmation of a knight’s charger, but both had been neglected, left to stand with no sign of fodder in a slurry of mud up to the fetlock.
“Ah, I see we are to rescue every pathetic creature that wanders across our path,” Morrigan commented as Rosslyn ran her hands over the destrier’s legs to check for swelling.
She shot a glare over her uninjured shoulder. “Would you prefer to carry the tent?”
With their baggage now strapped to the horses, the last stretch of the journey took less than an hour. By the time they reached the outskirts of Lothering, the blizzard had eased and a glance of pale sunlight managed to slip past the bars of cloud. The squalor it illuminated rose bile in the back of Rosslyn’s throat as surely as the smell. Families huddled beneath scavenged yards of cloth trying to stay dry as the few campfires still burning billowed acrid curls of smoke, their meagre possessions kept within sight and easy reach.
“I wonder, Alistair,” Morrigan commented as they passed through the gauntlet of wan, wary stares, “why do none of them recognise you? You passed through Lothering on the journey south, did you not?”
“I was considerably better dressed then,” he pointed out, but pulled the hood of his cloak lower over his forehead nonetheless. “It’s probably for the best that we’re not recognised, if what that bandit said about Loghain is true. It does make you wonder what all these people are waiting for, though. They have to know the darkspawn aren’t that far away.”
Morrigan clicked her tongue. “‘Tis not our concern if they wish to sit like rams waiting for the wolf.”
They trudged further in silence, until the cobbles of the road once more emerged from beneath the quagmire of the squatters’ field. In the distance, the tower of the village chantry rose above the lines of shingle roofs, its pennants flashing with gold-embroidered sunbursts. If any organised retreat existed, the templars would have charge of it, though to judge from the blasphemous ravings of the merchant they passed arguing with a lay sister, their grasp on order was tenuous at best.
“Please, sers – have you seen my mother?”
Rosslyn stopped cold. A small boy, older than Oren but not by much, and with lighter hair, huddled under the eaves of an empty doorstep, clutching a scrawny, point-eared mongrel about the neck. His clothes were thin and ragged at the hems, smeared with the dirt that also smudged its way across his cheek.
“Your mother?” she repeated, fighting back the shake of double vision.
“She’s really tall, and she has red hair,” the boy said hopefully. “Some mean men with swords came and Mother told me to run to the village as fast as I could, so I did. She said she’d be right behind me, but I’ve been waiting and waiting and I can’t find her.”
“Do you know where your father is?”
The boy’s gaze turned briefly to Alistair before settling on the dirt. “He went with William to the neighbours’ yesterday, but he didn’t come back.”
“‘Tis likely your parents are dead,” Morrigan told him, without sympathy. “Waiting for them here is pointless.”
“That’s not true!” The boy wiped his nose on his sleeve. “She said she’d come.” But his lip trembled, and he drew his arms tighter around the dog.
“Here,” Rosslyn interrupted, reaching to her side before the tears could truly come. “Get yourself something to eat, then go to the chantry. It’ll likely be the first place your mother will look for you.”
With a hearty sniff, the boy peered dubiously at the offering before lighting up in glee, his worry forgotten. “A whole silver!” He made to grab for it, then remembered his manners. “Thank you – you’re a really nice lady, kind of like mother.”
“Go on,” she commanded with a rough jerk of her head, and watched him disappear through the crowd.
“Poor thing,” Alistair muttered. He rounded on Morrigan. “Did you have to do that?”
“I only spoke the truth,” she retorted.
“And what good did it do?” Rosslyn demanded.
“What good is a silver to someone who will likely soon be prey to the darkspawn?”
In terms of cold practicality, the point was well barbed; it fired clean and struck true, even if the silver for the boy’s meal had come from an already-stolen purse. Rosslyn’s hands curled into fists nonetheless, the image before her eyes smeared not with mud from the gutter, but with blood.
“You don’t know that,” she growled.
“Denial will not –”
“I won’t argue this.” She drew in a steadying breath and clucked at the horses to walk on. “We should get to the chantry.”
Morrigan scowled at her. Alistair, too, held a wary edge in his posture, as if daring himself to ask whether she was alright, but she ignored them both to push on through the crowd of people milling about without much seeming purpose at all. Most wore the simply stitched clothes of farmholders, bundled up against the cold in cloaks of thick wool. A few, wealthier, had rabbit or squirrel trim about the collar, but none could be considered truly rich in their dress, and like the refugees beyond the village boundary they all kept close watch of their belongings, heads bowed like workhorses at the plough as they hurried about their business. Clearly, any with the means to leave had already made their escape.
Further on, a crowd had gathered in the lee of the chantry wall, their number shifting uneasily as a wiry man in the leather tunic and cross-tied cloak of a Chasind trader gesticulated at them from atop an overturned crate. His hair was lank and matted, his hose stained with mud to the thigh, and wild exhaustion creased the sun-darkened skin around his eyes.
“The legions of evil are on your doorstep!” he cried. “They will feast upon our hearts!”
“At last, someone who seems to understand the situation,” Morrigan noted dryly.
“There! One of their minions is already amongst us!”
Several faces turned in the direction of his point, and murmured amongst themselves as their eyes landed on Rosslyn, trying to guide her horse to the quieter side of the road. Travel-worn she might be, and scowling like a thundercloud, but a disappointing comparison to the monsters that haunted the dark edges of their bedtime stories.
“Prettiest darkspawn I ever saw,” someone laughed. “If they’re all like that, maybe I should join up.”
“This woman bears their evil stench!” the man insisted, spit flying from his lips. “Can you not see the vile blackness that fills her? The darkspawn will cover the world like a plague of locusts, and she is but the beginning! There is nowhere to run – better to slit your children’s throats now than let them suffer at darkspawn hands!”
Rosslyn stopped. Her lip twisted in a moment of indecision before she dropped the leading rein and started into the crowd with Cuno at her heels. Above, a bank of cloud shifted again and covered the sun, so that as she advanced, with onlookers scrabbling out of her way and drawn in her wake to see what would happen next, the sky darkened and the little warmth left bled from the air.
“I am not your enemy,” she declared, when she finally stood before her accuser.
“You are but the first of those who will destroy us!”
“What’s going on here?”
The Wilder shrank from the bite of the new voice, from the two soldiers in Gwaren Black fighting through the ranks of people, shoving with the hafts of their polearms when someone was too slow to move.
“You again!” spat the taller one, who had a sergeant’s band around his upper arm. “We’ve warned you. Move along, and stop causing trouble.”
“You would punish me, but not this thing of evil?” the wilder demanded. “Look on her! See the corruption thick in her veins.”
The soldiers were already looking, eyes half-lidded in affected disdain as they measured her. She stood, half a head taller than either of them, and glared coolly back.
“You’re well-armed, traveller,” the sergeant said. “Come from the south, did you?”
“Most recently,” she allowed.
The man scratched his chin. “No sigil, and no company. No mercs that I saw at Ostagar, and an honest soldier would wear a liege lord’s colours. Corrupted, you say?” he added, turning to the Wilder. “That sounds like a Grey Warden to me. I think we’ve just been blessed.”
“In what manner?” Rosslyn asked. These were not desperate farmers driven to banditry; all reports said Loghain trained his soldiers hard, ever fearful of a new invasion from Orlais, and they would not tuck their tails like scolded mongrels if she merely bared her teeth. She stood relaxed, drawn up to her full height despite the pain it brought to her shoulder.
“There’s a bounty out for traitors,” he leered.
As his hand shifted for a firmer grip on his polearm, his gaze slid to a point to Rosslyn’s left and widened in disbelief. A red-haired woman in the dawn-coloured cloth of a lay sister slipped into the open space the crowd had drawn around the confrontation, her graceful fingers splayed palm to palm in the sign of the sunburst as she placed herself gently as a feather between the soldiers and their hoped-for prize.
“Surely there is no need for trouble, gentlemen,” she said, her voice low and melodic, lilting with the precise inflections of court Orlesian. “No doubt this is but another poor soul seeking refuge.”
The sergeant gestured with his weapon. “Stay out of our way, sister, or you’ll get the same, chanter’s robes or no. The Wardens killed the king, or haven’t you heard?”
The crowd tensed. Rosslyn didn’t move. Out of the corner of her eye, she spied Alistair hanging in the first line of onlookers, his stance and sword ready to aid her should any real fighting erupt, though he kept his hood low over his face, hunched to disguise his height. She could worry about his silence later, but for now she was glad neither Morrigan nor the horses were with him.
“It is no excuse for ambushing –”
“Loghain is the one who betrayed the king!” she called out over the Chantry sister’s misgivings, a clarion note on the dull air as she circled to once again stand before her opponent. “When the moment came for his support in the battle, he turned and fled, and left King Cailan and the Wardens to be overwhelmed. Their sacrifice is the only reason the darkspawn are not already swarming at your door.”
“Lies!” the sergeant spat. “This isn’t even a true Blight!”
“When the moment came,” she repeated, in a voice like winter, “he chose cowardice over loyalty.”
The insult struck. With a bellow like a bull the sergeant charged, polearm lowered to skewer her. She was ready. Whistling two quick notes, she stepped into the attack and drew her sword to parry the blow, the movement a graceful arc into his guard that slammed down into a pommel strike against his neck that sent him to the floor. His companion yelled a protest, but before he could intervene, Cuno’s massive jaws clamped around his arm. Surprise broke off into screams as he was borne to the ground and shaken like a dust rag. There was crack of bone.
“Alright!” the sergeant cried, as the crowd swayed, sickened by the sound. “Alright! You’ve won – we surrender!”
Rosslyn, her sword laid like a whisper against his neck, whistled once. In an instant her dog let go and backed off, though his thunderous growls still reverberated through the space, and left no doubt about his intentions should anyone else dare to attack his mistress. A few lost snowflakes drifted down against the stones.  
“They have learned their lesson now, I think,” the Chantry sister said, calmly, as if the soldiers had lost a chess match and weren’t both lying in the dirt, the one cringing against a white steel blade and the other cradling his bloodied, broken arm. “We can all stop fighting now.”
“Can we?” Rosslyn asked of the sergeant.
Eyes wide, he nodded. “Maker bless you for your mercy, ser!”
“My mercy,” she repeated. “There’s precious little of it. I want you to be of use to me.”
“Anything – anything!”
“You’re going to take a message to Loghain,” she said.
“Uh, what –” He swallowed. “What do you want to tell him?”
She glanced up and met Alistair’s eyes, the lines of his mouth pinched in worry as he slowly shook his head to urge her to caution. For a moment, her jaw clenched around the desire to rebel, to issue a challenge like those her ancestors had laid down before their enemies, a bright, shining pennant to unfurl across a battlefield, a streak of midnight intent, but the urge bled from her as she once again felt the ugly itch of the whispers in the back of her mind. Loghain possessed an army, and in sacrificing the Wardens had excused it the obligation of stopping the Blight; for now, Alistair’s survival, and her own identity, were the only tactical advantages they had.
“Tell him there are those who know what he did,” she growled. “And that we will see justice done for it.”
She took her blade away, and kicked him for good measure as he scrambled to his feet His lackey stumbled after, cowering away as she flexed out the rush of the battle-blood that made her fingers shake. She would pay for that burst of action later. All eyes were fixed on her, or on Cuno nosing up under her hand for a scratch behind the ear. Even the Chantry sister, who seemed far less bothered by the violence than should be expected, watched with curiosity to see what would happen next.
Her father would have known what to say; he would have chided her for shrinking back from her duty.
“I am a Grey Warden,” she told the gathered crowd. “Listen to me – the darkspawn are coming. King Cailan bought you time, but it is falling away and they cannot be stopped. They do not reason. If you do not leave, you will die.”
“Coward’s talk!” someone shouted.
“We’ll show ‘em if they dare creep out of the Wilds!”
“Maybe the Wardens killed the king and you’re trying to cover it up!”
The Chantry sister raised her hands. “Good people, please –”
“If it is so safe here, then why did the bann flee north?”
The voice did not come from one of the villagers, but from Morrigan. Her disdain rang so clear that it might have been amplified by magic, and it blunted the anger of the crowd into a low, uncertain buzz that faded entirely into silence as the lay sister once more stepped forward to address them.
“Please, do not despair,” she said. “The Maker sent this Grey Warden as a warning, to help us in our hour of need.”
“Do you think we should tell her who actually sent us?” Alistair muttered in Rosslyn’s ear as he sidled up to her.
“It would be interesting to see how things could get worse,” she muttered back.
“You handled those soldiers pretty well – I’d almost forgotten how scary you were in the lists.”
Disbelieving, she glanced at him and found nothing but sincerity in his shrouded features, a soft trust that stung not least because part of her wanted to throw back his hood and show him to the people in all disregard for sense. Such a move would certainly make them listen, but if Loghain had truly put out a bounty for captured Grey Wardens, how much more would he be willing to pay for Cailan’s only heir? Perhaps, at least until they met with Arl Eamon, it would be safer to pretend he was another Grey Warden instead, to shield him with her own status as much as it was her duty as a Cousland to shield him with her body.
As she mulled this over, the crowd succumbed to the lack of fresh entertainment and let itself be chivvied back about its business, clearing the path to Morrigan and the main doors of the chantry that had been their first destination. The lay sister remained, a demure smile upon her face as she waited for them to notice her.
“Thank you for intervening, Sister,” Alistair said. “We’re glad the crowd decided to listen to you.”
“I couldn’t just sit by and not help,” came the reply. “Though from your display of skill I see my aid was not required.”
“A welcome attempt nonetheless,” Rosslyn told her.
The woman smiled and dipped into a curtsey. “Then I am glad. Perhaps, if you wish it, I can offer further assistance by escorting you to the chantry?”
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anonymouscomrade · 8 months
aC on vacation
so here's a summary of day 1, more later when i feel like getting the photos off my phone
got to a hotel where my brother and his wife are staying because fuck driving several hours when i should be asleep. google maps sends me to a parallel fucking dimension where the hotel was built on the opposite side of the city. also the roads here are somehow iced over when most of the road leading here wasn't so go figure. we try to get dinner and almost everywhere is closed on account of the snow, except for this hole in the wall chinese takeout place, because if you can count on any place to be open, it's one of these. they make the best general tso's chicken i've had in a long time, it turns out
woke up at like four in the morning for our 7:30 am flight, because by airport logic being only two hours early is tantamount to no-showing. this was right after shit got polar so the roads were covered in ice. at the parking place, i tried and failed to get past a barrier before the lever arm came back down again because it was on a slight incline and i couldn't get enough traction to clear it before it closed. this happened like SIX TIMES, it was some Three Stooges shit
our shuttle takes us over to the airport. i stick to my brother like a little kid to his mom because he's done this before and i have not. the flight is going to be five hours. which doesn't make sense to me because the return flight is only supposed to be three and a half. i dunno, maybe headwinds or something? i'm not a fucking pilot. i'm anxious to get this part over with because, again, never flown before. after waiting for clearance for what feels like forever (justified, on account of ice) we're finally in the air. it's... nothing? it's kind of mundane and somehow boring. one of the greatest achievements in human history and the only difference between this and being on a bus packed full of strangers is there's no road to rumble against that eventually numbs your butt, and also it's several degrees of magnitude faster than a bus i suppose
we arrive at LAX and if i didn't already feel like a fish out of water then oh boy. how the fuck do people live like this? how do you figure out who's supposed to go where? it's like living in the Kowloon Walled City, thought the guy who grew up imagining anywhere big enough to have a walmart counted as a "big city"
we get another shuttle, this one absolutely cramped with people, to get to the rental car place. my brother argues with the guy (who isn't even actually *physically* there, he's somehow doing sales over Zoom or some shit) for like half an hour before telling him to cancel the whole thing. turns out they wanted close to four times what he was originally quoted and weren't budging. we decide to get an uber to the closest In-n-Out, because we're in California, and also starving, so why not. we're standing in line looking a bunch of huge dorks carrying around suitcases. if i was ever going to be mugged in broad daylight it would be right here, right now. i order a double double combo, swap out the tomato for onions because raw tomato has all the texture and flavor of a balloon filled with wet sand, and onions and cheeseburgers go together like chocolate and peanut butter. the burger's okay, i guess. the fries are the most boring fries i've ever eaten. at least it's probably the cheapest meal i'll have while i'm here
we take another uber to get to our airbnb, about 45 minutes out. every other billboard is this guy
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we arrive and immediately notice something is wrong. it was advertised as 4 bed. there are TWO double beds. this is pretty good if you're two married couples and not so much if you're the double third wheel travelling with two married couples. there's one room with a folding leather futon and not much else that seems kind of pointless and i decide this is where i'll stay. turns out that futon is the least comfortable sleeping surface ever manufactured in human history and there are maybe three exact positions that are even kind of comfortable enough to fall asleep in while lying on it and not having an iron bar press up into your lower back or your shoulderblade or the back of your neck
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angryschnauzer · 3 years
Moonlight On The Sand
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Summary: Stationed to the desert for a short mission, you are on terrain inspection when the full moon emerges from behind the clouds. However little do you know there’s something about the Captain accompanying you that may change things forever. Based on this ask from @fairndsquare​
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Pairing; Captain Syverson x Female Reader (no race or size mentioned) Fandom: Henry Cavill, Sand Castle (Movie) Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Werewolves, Werewolf!Sy, Oral Sex (Female Receiving), Unprotected Sex, Ovulation, Breeding, Outdoor Sex/Car Sex. This is NOT an ABO story.
I do not run a tag list, but please go follow @angryschnauzerwrites​ and put that blog onto notifications. You’ll then get an alert every time i post a new story. Masterlist got too big for Tumblr, so past works can be found at @angryschnauzerwrites​ or on my AO3
Only the finest, free range, organic typos for me, allowed to run wild and free.
Sy fumed silently as he drove the truck through the abandoned desert. He was furious that he had been overruled, but the general had finally done a site visit and his word was final; Sy had to show the new logistics planner the area, and there was no avoiding it.
What the General didn’t know was what Sy had been through during his posting in the dry and barren landscape. That mythical creatures didn’t always originate from leafy green valleys, or snow capped mountains, sometimes they dwelled in dry arid plains and rocky outcrops.
The truck hit a particularly proud rock on the dirt track and leapt into the air, your hands flying as you grasped for something to steady yourself on, one on the dash and one on the particularly meaty thigh of your commanding officer.
“Sorry” the gruff man uttered through gritted teeth.
“S’okay… the moon’ll be up soon and we’ll be able to see better as its full tonight” you casually replied, looking out over the desert surrounding you, surprised as the truck slowed down a little.
“The moon?”
“Yes, you know the big round rock orbiting the earth?”
“I know what the moon is darlin’, been cloudy the last ten days so hadn’t been keeping track…” he muttered to himself.
You used the small penstick flashlight to glance over the map;
“I need to see this valley, and get an idea of what it’ll be like to bring the trailers in with water tanks on”
The Captain glanced where you were pointing and nodded once, letting the truck veer to the right to follow the camel route up through the hills.
As the truck gained elevation Sy could feel his mouth watering. He could not only smell you, he could sense how you had grown wet in his presence. It was like a sickly sweet coating of pollen at the back of his throat on a spring day back home. Halfway through the day he’d been in a conference call as you stood in the corner of the room, observing as he updated his superiors back in Washington, when he’d picked up another sense, the only way to describe it was as if something had suddenly ripened in the room. It’d taken him until the end of the call to realise it was you and your body had just reached its most fertile point in the month. You were ripe and ready, you just didn’t know it.
That single thought had plagued Sy for the rest of the day, something in the pit of his belly was just telling him to flee, to get as far away from you as possible… for your safety. But then his military training had kicked in and he’d followed orders, and that’s how he found himself pulling the truck onto a rocky pullout on the curved track as it skirted around the hill, the view over the valley spectacular as the moon finally emerged from behind the clouds and illuminated the earth below.
Stepping out of the truck you used your night vision goggles to scan over the plateau in front of you, looking out over the wide vista. You felt the heat of his body first, standing behind you, the hairs on the back of your neck prickling up. You knew what he was wanting.
24 hours earlier.
Scrolling your phone you checked the calendar, relieved that the mission to the desert would be there and back in the space of two weeks, back in time before your monthly bleed would start again. If there’s one thing you didn’t want to have to deal with, it would be tampons and sand. It would mean you’d be ovulating whilst there, but you had enough sugary snacks packed to keep the hormones subdued, and this wasn’t your first time being overseas, although normally you were confined to a small base north of Washington DC.
The flight had been long and bumpy, little more than a glorified cargo hold, so by the time you arrived at the compound and finally got to meet the infamous Captain Syverson, you were tingling with anticipation for what the next two weeks would involve.
When he finally spoke, it was low and deep, resonating through your spine;
“You need to get in that truck, and drive it far from here…”
You went to turn but his hand caught your arm, keeping you looking out over the valley;
“Private, do as i tell you… there are things in these hills, that you don’t know of and don’t need to know of…”
It was then that you sensed it: the connection. It was like a spark shot up your spine, and in a moment of foolhardy courage you turned, the air being sucked from your lungs when you saw him. The Captain stood before you, his eyes burning into your soul, the ring of fire in his irises and his canine teeth just a little more prominent. Your chest heaved with a shaky breath, and his nostrils flared;
“Private…” he warned one last time.
But rather than running in the opposite direction, you slowly took a step forward, holding your hand to his cheek and for a moment your touch soothed him. You took in how his hair had grown longer, his shoulders even broader, he was virile and potent. That’s when he felt it, his senses clouded as the moon took hold, but finally he realised; you weren’t afraid.
His body slammed yours against the side of the truck, his lips on yours as his tongue pushed into your mouth; tasting you, devouring you. Your hands clung to the sides of his weather beaten uniform, pulling him ever closer so you could feel every inch of his body pressing against yours until suddenly his hands were on your hips and he was lifting you onto the still warm hood of the truck. With expert skill he had quickly shed you of your cargo pants and sensible undergarments, his face between your thighs and you watched with fascination as he inhaled deeply, humming as your scent hit his brain before he dived in. 
His tongue was everywhere; licking and tasting you, running firm circles over your clit before descending and pushing the thick muscle into your velvet channel, his sharp teeth pressed against your soaked folds as he tasted you from within. When you came you screamed into the night sky, your legs shaking as the feral beast between your thighs growled in satisfaction, his eyes glowing.
He pulled you from the hood and carried you to the rear of the vehicle, opening the tailgate before sitting you on the edge as he made quick work of his cargo pants, his thigh holster holding them up as his thick cock unfurled from the worn in cotton. You swallowed nervously; you were far from a virgin but the thought of the thick gnarled girth splitting your insides apart had you pulling away for a moment. That was until he gently cupped the back of your neck, pulling your face to his as he rested his forehead on yours and you instantly felt calmer and relaxed. The first touch of his hot flesh against your soaked core had you trembling with anticipation, before he paused, one massive hand resting over your stomach, and he growled as the warmth of your womb almost burnt into his palm;
“Mine...” he muttered, before those feral eyes met yours; “...ours”
“Captain… now, please…” you whined, knowing that what he knew about you, and you were ready.
With a roar he surged forward, your ripened walls parting for him as if welcoming him home. With his palm still pressed to your stomach he could feel himself inside you, the thickness pushing out your belly as he moved slowly and carefully, working to get just the right angle until he paused and you saw that ring of fire in his irises again burn bright.
It was then that he moved faster, the pull and push hitting every spot inside you, feral and wanting, an urgent need to to fill you with his seed, to breed you took over. Faster and faster he pounded into your soft body, drawing orgasms out of you quicker than you could process them, before he slowed and pulled you up so you were sitting, your bodies still connected. In that moment it was when the connection, the bond was finally fully formed, and as he pressed his forehead to your and started to fuck you again, you felt your spirit joining with his. His thrusts got faster, harder, his breath hot on your skin. The angle of his pelvis meant it took just a couple more thrusts and you were coming again, this time he threw his head back and let out a cry-come-howl as he released into your womb, his seed flooding into you as your body eagerly milked him of it.
You stayed joined in the most intimate of ways until the cool night air made a shiver run down your back, the movement of your body making you realise the Captain was still hard and nestled deep within you;
“So… are we stuck?”
“No… but this is the first time i’ve done… this… whilst i’ve been like… this…” he let out a huff of air; “I’m not exactly sure how long i’m gonna stay hard Darlin’... we could be here a while…”
“All night?” you said, a hint of hope in your voice
“I’m yours until the moon goes down Darlin’”
“And after the moon goes down?”
He Captain paused;
“What would a girl like you want with a beast like me come daybreak?”
Running your hand over his beard your thumb caressed the skin of his cheek;
“Everything Captain… i want all of you...” It was only in that moment that Sy saw it, the ring of fire in your own eyes. He had found his mate and you had found yours; “Breed me Captain…”
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binniesthighs · 4 years
❆on a winter’s day | reader x hyunjin |❆
Pairing: self insert, female reader x hwang hyunjin
Genre: the fluffiest smut
Tags: confident!reader, shy!hyunjin, extrovert!reader, introvert!hyunjin, virgin!hyunjin, dancer!reader, dancer!hyunjin minho and jisung side characters, minsung if you turn your head upside down, slow burn, that sweet sweet build up, first time, meet cute, college au, sexual tension, mentions of food, praising, oral (m&f recieving), marking, fingering (f recieving), protected sex, aftercare, hyunjin is the softest boi in this one
Word count: 4.3k
Requested: By a lovely anon! You can read the original ask/post right before this one! 
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“and five, six, seven, eight!”
The cool of the hardwood flooring beneath your tired heels squeaked from the movement of twenty dancers throwing their bodies to the left. Each and every one of you were reflected in the mirror in front of you: bodies twisting like the curl of a ribbon and arms outstretched. You winced as your knee hit the ground and you hurled your body into a type of somersault. As soon as you were back on your feet, you bent your spine backwards reaching out as far behind you as you could. For a couple moments, the whole world was turned upside down.
It was then when you saw him. His silver hair was tied up, and his brow glistened with sweat. There was nothing else in his eyes other than pure focus.
It was breathtaking.
one, two, you counted in your head.
Next came the hardest part.    
Everyone leapt in sync, creating a resonating thud once you all landed.
Thank God that you landed it that time. To your right, your friend Minho scoffed slightly, likely teasing you for finally jumping at the same time as everyone else.
three, four
The group crashed down to the floor again, this time you had to use all your strength to roll, then pull yourself up without help from your hands. You had been practicing it for weeks.
You could feel Minho’s eyes boring into you while you attempted.  
You were able to do it, but it wasn’t nearly as fluid as him. How had you never noticed how amazingly his body flowed?
“and five, six!” Your instructor clapped. The music faded as you all sunk down to the floor again, trying to make it appear as if you were dissipating into it. “Very good job everyone!” She beamed and applauded you all who finally let your heaving breaths be heard. “Excellent improvement from you all!”
You couldn’t even stand up from the floor you were so exhausted. The aggressive florescent lights burned your eyes and you considered taking a nap right there.
“You did it!” A foot kicked you. Looming over you were your two friends Minho and Jisung shoving towels onto each other’s faces. “Were you counting like I told you to do?” Minho expectantly leaned in.
“yes,” You answered a little annoyed, not as much at him, but at yourself. You could have done even better.
“We told you that you could do it. It’s just the mental block man.” Jisung offered you a hand up.
Once you were vertical again, a little wave of dizziness hit you.
“Wanna go out to celebrate?”
Your usual friend group circled around you with their bags in hand.
“Finally got it this time, L/n?” They patted you on the back. Besides hip-hop being your specialty in a contemporary class, you still seemed to get along with everyone easily. On the first day of class when you literally announced that you didn’t want to be there, everyone warmed up to you pretty quickly. You didn’t want to lie and pretend that you were all about throwing your body around like that. Of course you thought contemporary was beautiful, just not your thing. Graduation requirements said otherwise.
“Do you need me to carry you outta here?” Jisung joked at your dazed expression. Truthfully, your head was still spinning a little.
“Only very certain people get to carry me Han Jisung, and unfortunately you are not one of them.” You quipped back, and a few of your friends snarked chuckles at him.
He put his hands up in defeat. “I was just offering.”
Across the room, your eyes found him again. He had put his bag a bit of ways away from everyone else’s. He guzzled down his water, bobbing his sharp Adam’s apple. He then tore his hair tie out and ruffled his hair around which was damp at the roots. Everything that he did was so effortless.
“Hey,” you nudged Minho, “You know who he is?”
“Him? That’s Hwang Hyunjin. I dunno much about him, he’s pretty quiet, I haven’t heard much about him within the school either. Amazing dancer though. Have you seen him?”
Hyunjin pulled a black pullover past his head.
“You coming with us?” Minho snapped you back.
“No-uh, I think that I’m gonna stay a little while.”
“Suit yourself, I know that it’s gonna be delicious.” He teased and turned to throw his arm around Jisung while the group walked out.
The silvery-haired boy zipped up his bag as if he was near leaving. Your throat became unexplainably tight. Your legs started moving towards him before you could tell them to.
“You popped up behind him. “Hyunjin, right?”
He whipped around startled, with his gorgeous brown eyes widening. “...yes?”
“I wanted to tell you that I saw you dancing today and you’re really good. It looks like its so easy for you. I wish that I could be like that.”
“Oh...thank you.” He gave you a kind smile.
shit, he was so cute.
“Soooo, what’s your secret?” You attempted to keep him there for just a moment longer.
“My secret?” His eyes became puzzled.
“Yeah, like, to how you’ve gotten so good?”
“I just...practice.”
The door to the practice room clicked one last time and the two of you were alone.
“I noticed that all of your moves flow really nicely to the next, you’re not stiff at all, it’s like your body never stops evolving with the motions.”
“thank you...” Hyunjin hushed shyly and twiddled with his hair.
“Maybe you could teach me? Teach me how to make my technique better? I’m just so robotic sometimes.”
“...sure.” He hesitantly said with a growing tiny grin. “Like right now?”
“Oh! I mean it doesn’t have to be right now right now, just like when you have some time I was thinking.”
“I have a little time right now.” He began taking off his coat which he had just put on.
“Oh really?” You felt your cheeks get a little warm. You certainly weren’t expecting him to say yes so quickly.
“Do-do you have time?” He worriedly asked.
“Okay...let’s get started then.”
The music from Hyunjin’s phone echoed over the speakers and you attempted the twirls again. You were able to execute the timing, but each one felt more inelastic than the last. God, your whole body was aching to stop, but it couldn’t get enough of the feeling of him watching you and observing your every movement.
“What should I change about it this time?” You struggled to take in breaths.
Hyunjin looked you up and down, with that same focus from before. With someone as picturesque as him, he looked a little stern when he examined you, which scared you a little, but excited you at the same time.
“You need to take the strain out of your hips, they’re geting in the way you need to let you whole body fall into it. Focus on your legs. Like this:”
He spun in front of you with his leg pointed out. With the twist of his body his silver hair swept along with him.
“You know what I mean?” He gently asked.
“--yes, I think so.”
“Your hips are your anchor, but don’t let them stop you.” Hyunjin stepped up closer to you, hesitantly going to grab your waist with his hands. It was then when you realized how big and powerful they were. His sudden gesture made your heart beat even faster than it already was.
“Pivot like...this.” He turned you a little to the left.
He lead your hips into the pivot a couple more times to show you. His hands were so warm.
He quickly removed his hands, embarrassed, like he had been doing something he should not have been. He walked away from you and you took notice of his shoulder blades curving under the thin fabric of his sleeveless shirt.
“Do you wanna stop now? I think I’ve done as much as I can for today.”
He nodded and removed his phone from the sound system.
Outside of the arts building, snow had picked back up again after flurrying the whole night long. Everything around had been covered in a beautiful blanket of white.
“Well, I’m headed off this way.” You head nodded to your bus station a couple blocks down. “Thank you for helping me by the way.”
“For sure! I...liked helping you out.”
Hyunjin immediately made a startled little face upon realizing what he had said and you laughed a little at him.
He pulled his chunky scarf up higher to his chin. “Actually...I um, live down that way too.”
“Do you take the 12 bus too?”
He nodded. Little snowflakes had begun to get caught in his hair like a little halo.
“Well then let’s get going! We don’t wanna miss the last bus!”
It was rush hour, so naturally the two of you had to stand on the bus of packed people. The air inside was chilly and it smelled of old dusty coats that had just recently been taken out for the fist snow. You thought it was a little funny how every five seconds or so someone would sniffle in there.
“I’ve seen you in class too.” Hyunjin finally said something after a while of you two being pushed pretty close next to eachother. “Dancing and other stuff, everyone really seems to like you, you’re really good at making people laugh.”
“Oh. Thanks.” You didn’t quite know how to respond to him. “I don’t really have a problem putting myself out there much, I’ve always really believed in just being me, you know? And not letting others determine who I am around them. That or maybe I just like the sound of my own voice.”
He giggled a little then pulled the string nearby the window.
stop requested.  The robot bus voice said.
“You’re not stalking me or anything are you?” You rose an eyebrow at him, which scared him more that you had expected.
“No..? What do you mean?”
“This is my stop too.”
Your boots crunched into the snow of the side walk and you thanked the bus driver. Hyunjin got off after you with his hands in his pockets. The two of you stood there in the snow for a moment, something weirdly unsaid lingering between the two of you. Something felt unfinished but you couldn’t quite figure out what it was. He genuinely was so sweet, you sneakily wanted to be around him for just a little longer.
Hyunjin stammered, but confidently got out, “Do you want to get something to eat? Right now?”
It was if he had read your mind. You were glad that he had asked, and a little surprised too. He waited attentively for you to answer, still looking a little nervous; even looking like that he was terribly adorable.
“I’d love to.” You smiled back at him causing him to sigh in relief.
“Is there anywhere that you like?” He led the both of you on.
You pondered for a moment, then remembered. You cringed out the words, “Actually...I really shouldn’t be spending money right now; I need to get a lot better at saving...”
You almost slapped yourself in the face after saying such a thing and seeing how crestfallen he had become. It was true, but technically he didn’t need to know that.
“Or! I mean, we could go to my place and I could I dunno, whip something up? I should have something...”
“Are you sure? I mean, I don’t want to be eating away your food.”
“No really! It’s fine, come on, I’m just down this block.”
It was only seconds before you opened the door to your apartment that you remembered how embarrassingly messy it was. You and your two roommates were the best of friends, but horribly matched when it came to being cleanly. The three of you just chalked it up to you all being “creative minds.” You all went to arts school after all.
“Just...don’t look--sorry, it’s really messy in there, I wasn’t really expecting to bring anyone over.”
“I don’t care.” Hyunjin politely said and watched you unlock the door.
“We just call it creative madness.”
When you walked in even you tried hard to not look at the mess and got straight to work rummaging around your cabinets.
“Does spaghetti with sauce sound good?”
He nodded and neatly arranged his coat, shoes and bag at the door.
He wandered over to the large windows of your living area. “You have a really nice view.”
“Ah thanks,” You clicked on the stove. “Makes the price of the rent worth it,” you lowered your voice “fuckin’ swindlers.”
Your eyes wandered to the island in your kitchen full of all kinds of crap: baking supplies, art supplies, old mail, textbooks, mismatched pairs of gloves.
“It would probably be best if we ate in my room,” You let up. “You can barely sit here.”
Hyunjin nodded and turned to keep watching the snow peacefully. While you cooked, he didn’t say much but you couldn’t keep his eyes off of him, nearly burning yourself on the saucepan. He changed the room by just merely exisiting in it. You truly couldn’t imagine how you had never noticed him before.
“Thank you for cooking for me, that was really good.”
You waved his compliment off with the swipe of your hand. “It’s really nothing, you should see my roommate, she’s a culinary science major. Wait! Let me go get something real quick.”
You smiled at your little surprise and shuffled back to the kitchen, putting the two little raspberry and chocolate cupcakes on plates with equally little forks.
“Ta-da! These are to die for. I wish I could take the credit; these are just one of the benefits of having a roommate that’s constantly experimenting.”
Hyunjin took in a careful bite and his eyes widened into moons.
“I know right!? She’s a genius.”
Silence filled the air between you as you ate more. You couldn’t help but feel so completely and utterly cozy in the moment. The sun had nearly set and you had set your heater up in your room along with some Christmas music to softly play in the background. The only regret that you had was the candle you had lit which was just a little too sweet. You started to wonder after you two had finished, what would happen next? Would he leave? Greedily, a feeling seeped into you like before, you still didn’t want him to leave.
“That was amazing.” He placed his plate down.
“You know what?” Your brash confidence pushing through once more. “Your hair, the silver, it’s just so pretty. I can’t stop looking at it.”
He instantly became flustered. “Oh...thank you, I’ve been thinking about dying it like this for a really long time now and I finally did it. It sounds kinda dumb, but I didn’t wanna do anything that would draw attention to myself.”
“...can I touch it?”
Hyunjin looked a little shocked, but eagerly nodded.
You started by thumbing through some of the longer strands towards his shoulders: it was just as soft as you imagined. You then started from the top running your hand all the way down, admiring the way that it looked like it shimmered a little. You had gotten so caught up in him that you didn’t notice that he had closed his eyes.
“pretty.” You cooed.
“Y/n?” He suddenly asked.
“Is it weird to say that I feel like really comfortable around you? Is that weird?”
“No, not at all.” You continued running your hands through the silver strands, somehow you had leaned in a lot closer to him than you had been before.
He looked at you with his doe-like brown eyes. You could have sworn that they were glistening. Your eyes fell a little lower to his lips, they looked wonderfully kissable and plump. From that moment your brain furiously wondered what they tasted like. His eyes fell a little too.
He leaned in first, catching you completely off guard. He kissed you so carefully and gently, his mouth parted just slightly; it was heavenly. You could still taste the chocolate and the raspberry on his lips. He sighed a little into your mouth like he was relaxing himself. In many ways, the way in which he kissed you made you feel like he cared for nothing else in the world, just you. Your cupped his face in your hands, tracing your thumbs against his jawline.
That was it. You were absolutely crazy for him.
You broke for a moment and he turned into a huge, rosy, smiling mess. The two of you giddily giggled at how happy you were over what had just happened. You shuffled your own plate off the bed to silently invite him to lay down which he did obediently. Now he seemed less hesitant, but more excited.
You swung your legs around both sides of him and kissed him more on his smiling lips. At this point, you had convinced yourself that nothing in this world was sweet as him. His hands found their way to your back, where he ran his fingers down, making you shiver delightfully at the touch. His hands finally found your waist which he grabbed onto firmly. He pulled you down into him so your bodies were flush and you could feel all of his warmth. Once you were this close, he started kissing you back more wantonly, gasping a little in between.
“You’re so beautiful Hyunjinnie.” You snuck in between kisses. “I can’t get enough of you.”
He let an airy laugh fall into your lips then brought one of his hands to tangle in you hair. All at once, your hands yearned to explore the soft of his skin everywhere. Outside your window the snow still silently fell and the golden sunset faded into the skyline’s horizon.
You knew how excited you had become, where together your hips grinded together. Your head spun thinking about having someone as beautiful as him give your body attention.
Hyunjin broke, holding your eyes seriously. “I-I want to make you feel good. Can I do that?”
“Of course, I would love that.” You melted.
“--But...I think you’ll have to tell me how...I haven’t done this before, sorry..”
The fact that he had shared this with you made him even more adorable.
“Don’t apologize, I can show you everything.” You whispered into his ear with a prideful grin. “But first, can I first help you?”
He gulped, “Yes.”
“I want to show you that you’re worth the attention, you’re worth all of it.”
You helped him pull off his sweater, and then his sleeveless shirt revealing his toned and pale chest, just waiting for your lips. You didn’t want to move too fast however, or risk scaring him.
“Just relax okay?”
You planted kisses everywhere you could: on his collarbones, his stomach and on his ribs, right over his heart. Even from the simplest of touches from you he seemed to unravel.
“You’re breathtaking.” You said onto his skin.
You couldn’t stop yourself from sucking a little harder than you planned, drawing little purple marks against his milky-white skin. He looked like pure art.
“Can I go down a little further?”
“Mmhmm.” He got out, with eyes closed shut trying to control himself.
You slipped his joggers down, revealing his quivering member, which was enticingly long even hidden by his briefs. He had already stained them a little with pre cum.
“oh my god.” you whispered, enamored. You couldn’t wait a single second further.
He timidly watched as you completely striped him, then tore off our own shirt and pants to make it a little more even.
“Tell me stop if you want me to, okay?”
He pleaded with desperate eyes, “Don’t stop.”
First you teased him just a little by running your tongue flat up and down and around his length, wetting your tongue with one hand and slowly pumping. You moved on to then twist around the head which had grown painfully hard. His breaths wavered and he let out little moans in desperation. You took him in at last, bobbing your head steadily.
“ mmm, that feels so good.” Hyunjin moaned out breathlessly.
You kept on, but not for too much longer, you didn’t want him finishing quite yet. He looked a little dejected when you stopped, but you swooped up to kiss him more. You took up his left hand and kissed him all the way up to his wrist and into his palm. His fingertips brushed over your lips, as gentle as one would with a flower petal.
“You want to touch me now?”
You unclipped your bra for him and laid back. For this he didn’t need any instruction. He immediately took your breast in his hand, squeezing and and ghosting his fingertips over your nipples; you reveled under his touch. He lowered to suck lightly on the bud, pulling at it lightly with his lips. His teeth grazed you slightly but you didn’t care, you fucking loved it.
“That feels amazing.” You whispered as you watched him. He was sure to give both of your nipples attention.
“I want you.” You said with hot breath. “I want your tongue.”  
He looked a little bewildered, but determined after what you had said. He slid down your body, giving you kisses the whole way down like you had done to him.
He nibbled a bit on your thighs. “Tell me how you like it.”
By the second his confidence grew more and more and it was addicting.
You started by rubbing yourself a little so he knew where to start. “In circles, you can go fast or slow, I like both, and you can suck on it too if you’d like.
He lowered, and you swung one of you legs over his shoulder which he palmed into. He started painfully slow, kitten licking carefully; he didn’t know it, but he was teasing the hell out of you. Nevertheless, you whole body began to shake a little with each lick.
“Flatten your tongue out...like that, you can go a little faster, yes...just like that.”
He had closed his eyes and settled into a rhythm, and you dug your heels into the bed. It was astonishing how quickly he got the hang of it. You whimpered out while he continued.
“fuck, Hyunjin--”
He sped up a little, your first orgasm was close by.
“Your fingers, like this.” You held up your pointer and middle together to show him. “Fuck me like that.
He did as he was told, sliding them in with ease over how wet you had become. His fingers were long and slender; addictive. He pumped in and out while your pussy made ungodly sounds. You felt so close you were lightheaded.
“Curl your fingers up, like this.” You showed him again. He continued going fast, taking a hint from your quickened breaths.
You came with white heat, clawing at the comforter on the bed. You only gave yourself a few more moments before pulling him up towards you. “I want you inside me.”
You scrambled with the drawer of your nightstand to rip a condom off from the strand that you kept, tearing it open for him. He was a little flustered, but put it on quickly; he was dripping even more for you. Your lips connected as you laid down, and he aligned himself on top of you. It was then when you saw how pink his chest had flushed. You opened your folds for him, and he started to guide himself in. He filled you up perfectly, and he groaned out once the two of you were connected.
“it’s so tight.” He shivered.
Your fingers latched on to the skin of his hips as you guided him lightly up and down. He buried his face into your shoulder as little euphoric moans slipped past his lips. After a moment, he was able to find his pace, grazing you deep inside. You let him take control as he thrust into you, leaving your arms to wrap around his broad back. You pulled his face over to kiss him, the both of you loosing yourself in the other.
“You make me feel, so, so good, baby,” You hushed into his ear.
He panted, “I-I’m gonna cum soon.”
It took all your strength to flip him off of you, and to land in his lap. He groaned with his hands getting lost journeying all around your body--anywhere he could touch. You took over, riding him and rolling your hips fast with both of your palms flat on his chest riddled with hickies. Like this, you thought that he looked practically angelic. Both of you chased your orgasms together, erupting at nearly the same time, and you ravished in him throbbing inside.
You laughed a little together in sheer bliss and he flinched a little when you slid off of him.
“Did that all feel good for you? Are you okay?” You pecked his nose.
“Yes. It felt like nothing else.”
You stood up, adjusting your frazzled hair and putting on a fresh set of comfy clothes. “Stay right there okay?”
You went to grab him a towel and clean himself off with, handing him his clothes one by one as he dressed. You brought the plates back to the kitchen coming back with a large glass of ice cool water, then offered it to him. He guzzled it letting a little drop fall down his neck.
“Can I get you anything else?”
“No, I’m okay.”
“Do you wanna...stay a little longer?”
“Right now?”
“Right now.”
You blew the candle out and dimmed the lights, adjusting a blanket for the two of you to crawl under. Hyunijn followed you under, sweeping you deep into his arms.
Just a little bit longer. You thought to yourself. Stay with me.
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link4eva · 3 years
Kiro’s Seeking Date Translation [CN]
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Hey, everyone! Just a couple of things before you begin reading. I don’t actually know any Chinese so this translation was done through the power of Google Translate. A HUGE shout-out to @keliosyfan and @cheesy09 for helping me with edits and revising. Thank you!!! 💛
Here’s a link to the date video uploaded by @keliosyfan​ that you can follow along with.
 Also, here’s a link to the call that comes before the date.
*TW: I feel like I should note that this date has mentions of human trafficking.*
This translation contains spoilers for a date that has not yet been released to the ENG server. If you wish to not be spoiled, please don’t look below the cut. 
Hope you enjoy~ 💛
*Spoilers for future content below!*
[First Part]
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??: What are you doing kidnapping her, idiot?! 
??: She has been with Helios for so many years, she must be his most important woman.
??: With this woman, we can make him write off his debts and also crush his spirit as a gift to those foreigners.
In the dimness, two male voices drifted into my ears.
My hands were tied behind me, and the rope bore through the cloth on my body. The rough and wet touch made me very uncomfortable.
??: If he really cared about this woman, would he always keep her by his side? Tell everyone that she is his weakness?
??: This woman is a target he bought four years ago to get rid of trash and see who in the city found him unpleasant!
Although I was very certain that these people were telling the truth, after hearing those words, my heart still couldn’t help but ache.
??: This is the end of the matter. This woman can’t stay.
??: Sooner or later, that beast Helios will know what you have done. He would never let us get away with it. *Changed some wording*
??: This person has just been taken away, and Helios won’t be so fast.
The icy sound of a knife unsheathing made me clench my teeth. My whole body shook.
The hemp rope had been cut with the blade hidden in my sleeve, and I waited for the opportunity as it gradually approached.
Even though I closed my eyes, I could always see that person’s face and a pair of indifferent blue eyes.
If I died, would he be sad? 
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??: Hope... is the most precious thing in this world. 
??: Do you want to go with me?
I can’t die yet.
But just before I acted, someone ended up being faster than me.
With a “shink”, it seemed that a sharp weapon pierced the glass and embedded itself into the wooden board. The sudden noise made my heart constrict.
??: Don’t open your eyes.
After an extremely cold and commanding voice sounded, there were shrill screams. In the continuous plethora of sounds, there was the harsh sound of bones being twisted.
I closed my eyes and curled up tightly, worried that this was just a dream.
Until I was hugged in a strong and warm embrace, with the fragrance of smokey tobacco wrapping around me. 
I opened my eyes blankly and caught sight of the silver hair that was eye-catching and dazzling in the gloomy thatched house.
Those blue eyes, which were normally calm, were now mixed with a little anger.
MC: ...Am I dreaming?
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Helios: Do you often dream of me? 
The man gave me a look, held me, and walked out the door. It seemed to be the warehouse of a wine shop.
(Cut to outside)
Suddenly his figure stopped, and I lowered my eyes to find that a man was holding onto his trousers tightly.
??: Mr. Helios, boss, please forgive us this time. We will soon have a big deal, and then we will be accommodated…. 
Helios: Is the restaurant I run like an orphanage?  
Helios: Repaying debts is justified.
He turned a deaf ear to the man’s pleading and the whispers from the bystanders. He moved his long legs, and the man fell to the ground.
At the same time, a group of people began to move in and out of the store.
MC: Should I first….
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Helios: Don’t move. 
His voice sounded impatient. I blinked and didn’t speak anymore.
After the fight was over, Helios raised the corner of his mouth and gave a slight retort to the kneeling man.
Helios: Mr. Cao, you’re welcome to visit Spring Moon Pavillion next time. 
??: You foreign devil, don’t lie! Go to hell! 
The curse echoed behind us, and the sound of a solid, steady heartbeat fell upon my ears.
Here, people called him many things-- Mr. Helios, the boss, foreign devil. 
No one knew his origins. There was a rumour that seemed to say he was of mixed race.
Most of the restaurants, diners and pawn shops in the city were under his name, and there were many other shady places.
Countless people ate his meals, and countless people enjoyed his turf. They were his business partners, his subordinates, and his debtors.
He was the unspoken ruler of this city.
Everyone here respected him and feared him.
MC: Are you hurt?
I felt the person stepping forward seem to pause, but it was only momentarily.
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Helios: No. 
I leaned into that somewhat cold embrace, and in my sorrow, it seemed to overlap with the heavy snow from four years ago.
[Second Part]
I stretched my arms strenuously, trying to grab the flying photograph.
The man behind me tightened the chain on the back of my neck, leaving only the muddy photo in my blurred vision, which ended up crushed with shoe prints on the ground.
Like unforeseen freedom, it broke free, but also decayed. Like my freedom, slowly slipping away with each step.
The world was covered with a film and the insults behind me were drowned out, and only cold white noise remained.
Suddenly, a pair of delicate leather shoes stopped next to the photo, and someone picked it up in the next second.
I blinked slowly, and found an eye-catching and sharp silver light under the extremely gloomy sky.
It was like the first speck of snow that one would find stunning in the late winter, burning straight into people’s eyes, beautiful and cold.
The boy looked around the same age as me, and a pair of azure blue eyes met my own.
The biting cold caused my reaction to delay and another pair of distant and similar pupils appeared before my eyes.
But they were warmer and brighter.
??: Snap out of it!
When my consciousness was pulled back to reality by the pain, I heard screams that did not belong to me. The force that restrained me suddenly disappeared, and I fell directly to the ground.
I reluctantly raised my eyes and found that the silver-haired boy had come over at some point, twisting the man’s wrist with one hand. His gaze shifted from the photo in his hand to me.
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??: Did you stay in the orphanage in the east of the city as a child? 
I looked at him dumbfoundedly and lost my voice for a moment.
??: Answer me.
MC: [flustered] ….Ye-yes! I stayed there for a year.
The boy’s eyes seemed to light up for a moment because of my answer, and then became alienated in the blink of an eye.
He threw the man aside, lowered his eyes and wiped off the mud from the photo with his white sleeves, then squatted down and handed it to me.
??: I’ll only ask once.
??: Come with me?
I stared at him in a daze, and the roaring from the outside world came to an abrupt end. Only the voice of the boy in front of me and my own heartbeat could be heard.
MC: Ok.
As soon as I spoke, the boy threw a few silver bills at the man.
The heavy snow fell silently, and I was taken into his arms, like a fragmented snowflake.
The blood, water and frost all mixed together, and I heard his voice in the dizziness.
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??: Starting today, you are mine. 
??: My name is Helios.
??: But I don’t like this name, so don’t call me that.
MC: My name is MC….Then um….what should I call you?
His attitude left me a little perplexed.
Helios: If you have something to say, I will acknowledge it.
Helios: Is that photo important?
In the heavy snow on the quiet road, I lifted my head laboriously, trying to muster a smile.
MC: [smiling affectionately] Very important. He was my best friend in the orphanage and a big star in the city.
MC: Everyone loved to hear him sing. He never cared about who his audience was; he shined nonetheless. 
MC: It’s just… He went abroad six months ago, so he must be an even better person now.
The boy’s footsteps froze for a moment as if his feet were bound in ice and snow.
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Helios: He’s just an actor. 
Helios: A useless profession.
MC: But….it was his smile that gave me strength.
Without him, I would not have been able to hold on till the day I met you.
(End of flashback)
I opened my eyes and turned my head to see Helios sitting on the sofa, casually reading the newspaper. As usual, he should be in the restaurant at this time.
Looking at his profile, the dream I had just now made me a little confused.
It turned out that I had stayed by his side for so long.
He took me back to the small restaurant, healed my injuries and taught me all kinds of things.
Literacy, singing, dancing, medical skills, business….
He was the most ruthless and sharp blade. I had witnessed how he, with his own power, had expanded this small restaurant to its current size in just a few years.
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Helios: Get up and eat if you’re awake. 
The sudden words interrupted my thoughts. Helios didn’t look up as he slowly took a sip of tea from his teacup. Seeing him frown, I immediately got up from the bed.
The food had been arranged on the wooden table, the temperature just right; neither too hot nor too cold--
Obviously, the people who prepared this had carefully taken time into consideration.
I looked at the man sitting aside from the sidelines and saw the teacup he put aside. I was a little puzzled.
MC: Is that pot of tea not brewed?
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Helios: It’s poisoned. 
Helios: Tastes terrible. 
I almost choked on the spring rolls in my mouth and sighed inwardly at his calm demeanour.
I went up to the cabinet, skillfully took out the bottle of medicine and poured out a pill. I walked up to him and handed it over.
Helios: I won’t die.
After hearing the expected answer, I picked up the pill and brought it to his mouth.
He didn’t open his mouth but stared at me coldly.
MC: You don’t need to stare at me. I’m not afraid of you.
With that said, I continued to pry open his mouth with the pill.
Probably moved by my fearlessness, his mouth finally opened slowly and swallowed the pill.
I smiled with satisfaction and when I turned around to continue enjoying my spring rolls, a pair of cool palms swept over my waist.
The incense stick burned quietly, and a small sigh and familiar body temperature covered me closely from behind.
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Helios: Don’t you blame me for using you as bait? 
He closed his eyes. His long eyelashes were covered with sunlight and his brows were furrowed.
MC: You taught me that there is no meaningless business in this world.
MC: You bought me. My life is yours.
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Helios: That’s the spirit. 
The person behind slowly opened his eyes, his pupils full of jest and scrutiny.
MC: Today I just wanted to go to the temple to ask for a peace charm like in previous years. 
MC: I was going to go there by myself, but I didn’t want to cause you trouble.
He probably didn’t believe me. Even so, I explained it word by word.
A cool finger stroked my neck and entangled a few strands of my hair.
Helios: How many years have you been with me?
His sudden question had me stunned for a moment.
MC: ….Three years and two hundred and seventy-five days.
Helios: It’s three years and two hundred and seventy-six days.* 
*This is a little Easter egg that @keliosyfan spotted.  “When Helios asked MC how long she has been with him, she says "3 years, 275 days" but he corrects her saying "3 years, 276 days". If you put the numbers together you get 3276 which in CN numeric slang means "love Qiluo(Kiro) for life" or "生爱棋洛"So in a way, he wants MC to say "I love Kiro for life"(3276/生爱棋洛). 🥺😭🤧”
Although his voice was faint, it was conclusive.
I thought about it and didn’t argue with him. For me, there was no difference between one more day and one less day.
Helios: Want to leave?
MC: ….?
He laughed suddenly, but only slightly mocking this time.
Helios: I can teach you enough to live a better life.
After that, he stood up. The sudden drop in temperature made me feel a little cold in this midsummer weather.
Helios: Since you want to leave, I won’t stop you.
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Helios: But leave before the seventh day of July. 
[Third Part]
Helios left after saying this, leaving me alone in the room in a daze. 
Compared to his sudden expulsion, I was more concerned about another thing.
The seventh day of July.
What was going to happen on that day?
The annexed restaurants, and suppressed merchants….I know what Helios has been doing for several years.
Would my existence cause him any trouble?
I looked at my bare wrists and couldn’t help laughing at myself.
Maybe I was locked in place by a pair of invisible shackles.
I pursed my lips and walked to the closet to take out the bag hidden in its depths. Perhaps it was just my illusion, but it seemed to have been turned over by someone.
(Outside of room)
Outside the dark room, late at night, I tiptoed over with my bag. There were faint sounds of firm punching and kicking coming from inside the room. 
Helios stayed alone here every night, not letting anyone come close.
But this was my hidden secret, and I could secretly monopolize Helios at this moment.
As usual, I opened the window a crack.
In the room, Helios was half-naked, and the small old silver locket hung with silver bells, reflecting sharp lines of bright silver light in the cold moonlight.
His movements were swift and fierce, harder than usual as if he was venting out something.
His wet hair was weighed down, and sweat dripped slowly from his lower jaw and down his strong and undulating chest.
He stood at the junction of light and shadow, with most of his face hidden in the darkness.
The sound of cicadas in midsummer made people feel a little restless, and the silver locket on his chest heaved slightly as he panted hard.
Helios stood there and didn’t move. I don’t know what he was waiting for. *The music from the first Valentine’s Day event starts playing so it’s getting steamy 😏*
In the next second, those blue eyes passed through the window and were firmly locked on me.
MC: ….!
I instantly withdrew my head and squatted down.
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Helios: ….Come in. 
Helios: I’ll only say it once. *Don’t need to tell me twice!! 😩😩 *
Hearing the slightly stiff tone, I stood up, lowered my head, and pushed the door open. I only took a single step in and then stopped.
Helios: I don’t see you this compliant on weekdays.
MC: ….You knew?! Then why did you never let me go before….
Helios: For my own pleasure. 
I suddenly raised my head and found that he had positioned himself right in front of me. His scorching body temperature seemed to be able to cross the distance between us and set me on fire.
MC: I-I didn’t come here today to take a peek, I just….
He lowered his eyes and his gaze flicked across the bag I was holding behind me. His smile melted into a bit of a smirk.
Helios: If you’re saying goodbye, you don’t...
MC: I want you to teach me some martial arts.
I held my breath and did not miss the momentary surprise that flashed through his eyes.
MC: What you taught me isn’t enough.
Helios looked at me condescendingly, his eyes dim. A breeze flitted past my ear as his hand smacked against the door frame behind me.
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Helios: Not enough? 
In this tense atmosphere, I tried my best not to avoid his gaze.
MC: You taught me a lot, but….it felt like things had become even serious today.
MC: So I…. I still need you.
Before I finished speaking, Helios suddenly grabbed my left wrist from the outside and at the same time stretched out his leg to hook behind me. 
When I lost my balance, his left hand instantly reached out to support my waist, and his right hand came out from under my arm and clasped my wrist from the front again.
When I came back to my senses, I found that I had been directly pinned to the floor, and the bag in my hands had been tossed aside.
The entire movement was executed clean and smooth, and there was only the faint sound of the silver bell on the old silver locket swaying in the silent air.
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Helios: There are many people who need me in this city. 
Helios: I can teach you. Want to learn?
He lowered his head slightly, and the old silver locket grazed my chest, which made me take in a sharp inhale. My entire heart and lungs seemed to be occupied by his breath.
I tried to lift up my wrists and lower limbs, but it wasn’t enough to shake off the person above me.
MC: In this bag is the money that I have saved over the past few years. The money you bought me for back then, plus four years’ worth of interest, will be given to you.
Helios: I’m not short on cash.
MC: If you accept the money, I won’t owe you anything, but I will still help you.
I tremblingly stroked the old silver locket on his chest. It carried his body temperature and made my fingertips hot.
It coincided with the seventh day of the seventh month of the first year we met. For the first time, I heard someone cursing him and wanting him to die.
I had cried and went to the temple to ask for a peace charm and an old silver locket. When I got home, I gave them to him together.
I knew that many people in this city hated him, but I wanted him to be safe.
He had just smiled sarcastically at the time, and I threw it away when he turned around. Who knew that I’d see it dangling on his chest here that night.
The silver bells chimed, just like my unstoppable heartbeat. 
MC: You still wear this old silver locket.
Helios: I forgot to remove it.
His hot breath fanned my face, entangling with my own breath in the scorching air.
My fingers followed the silver chain of the old silver locket and stroked his chest. I could clearly feel his taut muscles under my fingertips.
MC: There are many orphans like me in the restaurant.
MC: Those merchants who were suppressed by you could always open new shops.
MC: Underground, the losers will always be the bureaucrats who usually bully others and gain funds out of ill will. 
MC: I don’t know why you want to be a bad person in the eyes of the city, but what I see is different from others.
Helios: Ridiculous.
MC: This is what you taught me.
Looking at my smile, he snorted coldly, but the moonlight sneaking in illuminated the faint smile in his eyes.
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Helios: You just said it wrong. 
He glanced at my bag and lowered his body even further.
Helios: Don’t owe me anything?
Helios: The three years and two hundred and seventy-six days with me were enough for you to repay me?
MC: [confused] You didn’t even see how much there is inside…. 
Helios: I’ve seen it.
He pulled slightly hard, making me stand up instantly.
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Helios: You owe me too much. 
Helios: I’ll ask you to settle the tab later.
Helios: However, you do need to learn some self-defence skills.
Unlike his usual touch, his fingertips caressed my eyes, ears, nose and neck.
Helios: People have many weaknesses.
Helios: Eyes, ears, throat, heart…. *The way he said this sent shivers down my spine 😳🥵*  
As he whispered, his fingertips kept moving downwards, making me nervously hold onto that hand.
Helios: [more sexy whispering] What’s the matter? Don’t you want to learn? 
Helios: I gave you the chance to leave.
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Helios: But you refused. 
[Fourth Part]
Helios implemented his teaching method, “diligently” teaching from the most basic style, which made me extremely embarrassed.
MC: [flustered] ….Can you put on some clothes next time? *MC, no!! What are you even asking?! You enjoy it and you know it! 🥵
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Helios: I can wear what I like. 
Seeing the obvious teasing in his eyes, I ran away completely.
Finally, I asked him about what would happen on the seventh day of July, and his expression became a little solemn under the clear moonlight.
Gradually, I became even more sure that this was related to what he had done for so many years.
(Cut to store)
In the early morning of the seventh day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar, a few foreigners in suits and arrogant expressions came to the store.
These people seemed to be a little unkind, and my heart felt uneasy.
Waiter: Miss MC, a guest of the boss, made a reservation at Spring Moon Pavillion.
MC: Let me take care of it.
With a smile, I went to the foreigners and led them to the booth. I didn’t expect that Helios would already be waiting there.
The moment he saw me, his brows lightly furrowed and he tilted his head slightly.
I blinked and instantly understood what he meant. After the foreigners walked into the booth, they positioned themselves again at the door.
MC: Boss, your guests are here.
After that, I took a step back and then ridicule suddenly rang out.
??: Leaving already?
Unexpectedly, a foreigner walked over, grabbed my wrist and dragged me directly into the booth.
??: Helios, you must have misunderstood.
??: What is the meaning of a group of men when talking about business?
The foreigner smiled sarcastically. I restrained the urge to shoot and looked at Helios cautiously.
In the next second, an invisible cold front flew past my face, grazing the wrist of the foreigner and leaving behind a small, bloody wound. 
No one knew when he fired the shot, and Helios was still leaning on the sofa, lazily looking at the wailing foreigner. He made no effort to hide his coldness and murderous intent.
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Helios: Next time, it’ll be your head. 
Helios: Come here.
I stood cautiously behind Helios, and saw a man in a white suit standing up with a feigned smile.
Foreigner: Just kidding. Don’t get upset, Helios.
Helios: Is that what you learned by spying on me every day?
My heart sank and I tried my best to calm my nerves.
Have these people been spying on him?
Foreigner: Don’t say that, we just need to confirm whether you are worthy of our cooperation.
Foreigner: After all, with this kind of business, ordinary people are not eligible to participate.
Foreigner: But….we also have to look at the sincerity of the boss.
His eyes moved from Helios to me with an arrogant smile.
Foreigner: I heard that you have a well-trained girl who is clever and easy to use. I wonder if you are willing to share?
I was shocked and couldn’t move. I waited quietly for Helios’ answer.
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Helios: I can. 
The cicadas kept humming noisily, and for an instant, I seemed to be back to that moment from four years ago, when there was only haziness left in this world.
But I just blinked and walked respectfully from the back of the sofa to the foreigners.
It sounded like a serious matter. Maybe he wanted me to be an undercover agent for these foreigners?
Or maybe he just changed his mind again and didn’t need me anymore.
My vision became a little blurred.
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Helios: Did you really think I would say that? 
Helios’ arms encircled me from behind. His familiar breath came over me, and his voice was filled with pure mockery.
Foreigner: Helios, what do you mean?
Helios: Your nonsense... will anyone still want it?
The foreigner was stunned as if he didn’t expect him to say that. But in the next second, his expression became fierce again.
Foreigner: So it was you who brought those people…!
In the horrified eyes of those foreigners, Helios’ smile became even more ruthless.
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Helios: I’ve been tired of looking at the faces of you idiots for a long time now. 
Helios: I asked you to come today to settle the account.
At Helios’ signal, I slowly withdrew from the booth.
(Cut to lobby)
I didn’t know what would happen to them next, but maybe something would briefly end today.
I returned to the lobby and asked for the guestbook from the front desk. I wanted to distract myself but there was one face that was stuck in my mind.
Helios won’t get hurt, right?
Helios: ….MC.
Did I trouble him again just now?
Helios: MC.
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An impatient sigh sounded in my ears and I felt my figure tilt, and in the next moment, I was trapped in someone’s arms.  
Helios: Didn’t you hear me calling you?
MC: Helios….!
Helios: I should’ve said that only you can’t call me by that name.
In this lighted corner, the ambiguous gazes of the other guests in the lobby wandered over to us.
MC: Did you just call me? Wait… Has your matter been resolved?
MC: And let me go first. Th-there are other guests here.
Helios: This is my restaurant.
His fingertips rested on the guestbook, and a faint chilly scent emanated from him.
Helios: Did you really think I would give you to those people just now?
MC: ….
He narrowed his eyes, his voice carrying with it some faint, dangerous warning.
MC: …. I didn’t.
Helios: You’re a terrible liar.
Helios: Why did you walk over?
MC: Because I believe in you. I know you have your reasons.
I couldn’t help holding onto his drooping lapels. At this moment, Helios seemed to reveal all those sharp edges and corners of his heart. 
There were only some unfamiliar ones left, which belonged to the insecurities of youth.
Helios: Ridiculous.
As he said this, he pulled me up and walked into the depths of the lobby.
MC: ….Sorry.
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Helios: I’m talking about myself. 
I looked up in surprise and saw his slightly ironic expression.
Helios: They have a large munitions factory behind them.
His voice was indifferent, but what he said was like a time bomb, going off in my brain.
MC: Munitions factory?!
Helios: Those foreigners have been smuggling arms into the city.
Helios: I couldn’t find the buyers and sellers, but there was always a steady stream of arms that kept coming into the city.
Hearing this, I felt cold sweat ooze from my back.
I knew what the meaning was behind all of this.
I remembered the unfinished words under the hideous faces of those foreigners just now.
Helios had found those people now.
MC: Why…. are you telling me this?
Helios: Because I want to.
In the midst of my wildly racing heartbeat, his words were sure and firm, as if something seemed to be coming to light. 
MC: The merchants and bureaucrats that you suppressed were all related to this, right?
Helios’ silence secretly confirmed my suspicions, and my heart couldn’t help but race.
He always carried all the dangers by himself; walking alone in silence.
Why not ask other people for help?
Just as I was about to ask, I immediately thought of the answer.
With the continuous delivery of arms, both buyers and sellers were in the dark, and easy actions against them would only be a surprise.
Did he destroy those arms?
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Helios: Strength and weapons are necessary. 
Helios: Those who really need it will use them to protect important things.
He said this matter of factly with determined eyes as if understanding what I was thinking in my heart.
We walked through the corridor of the hotel and came to the street from the side door.
The dusk was heavy, the red lanterns softly brightening the sights of the entire street, and it was full of liveliness.
The girls blushed as they cuddled up with their partners under the lights and the crescent silver moon.
Such a quiet night made my nose itch.
MC: If those goods were sold to the original sellers.
MC: What would tonight have been like?
I turned my face to look at Helios by my side. The warm yellow lights shone on the side of his stern face. He didn’t say a word, probably accepting something reluctantly.
MC: What you said about this world… What do you think it will look like in the future?
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Helios: There is only brief peace at the moment. 
Helios: But suffering will bloom into a flower. (Sidenote: what he means to say is "no pain, no gain." It's one of Kiro's character themes :>)
He raised his head slightly, and the cold moonlight reflected in his blue eyes, like the sea under the moon. 
Silent and immense, as if it could contain everything.
Seeing him like this reminded me of those distant eyes.
In a ghostly manner, I took out the crumpled old photo from my purse and held it beside his face.
Helios: Why do you carry this person’s picture with you everywhere?
MC: [smiling affectionately] Because he is special to me.
Helios: And yet you still follow me?
MC: This is different.
Looking at his teasing smile, I snorted at him and looked at the boy in the photo with a warm smile.
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MC: You said that when technology advances in the future, this photo will definitely become the colour in my memory.
Under the blue sky, the blond boy was like a passionate golden sun under the eyes of the crowd.
He smiled and seemed to be able to become a source of invincible courage.
He could gather endless amounts of enthusiasm as long as he stood there.
His voice turned into notes and tunes, dancing along with the wind, driving some of the darkness away.
In this devastated generation, he was like a burning flame.
Kiro: I’m Kiro. 
Kiro: Thank you for listening to my song. 
Helios looked at the yellowed black and white photo, looking a bit dazed for a while, and a little lonely.
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Helios: No one in this city remembers him anymore. 
MC: I still remember.
MC: Even if the whole world doesn’t, I will remember him.
In those turbulent years, I had always remembered the embers left behind by that meteor.
Once, there was a young man named Kiro who helped me through countless dark and dull times with a smile.
Until the day I met Helios. I gained the strength to live again from this person.
MC: I think you are very similar.
MC: Although your methods are different, you are both using your own strength to illuminate and empower others.
Helios’ pupils contracted unconsciously, and became deeper with my words.
The slowly rising paper lanterns glowed with a gentle light, quietly surrounding us, like a tender embrace.
Helios: You haven’t asked for this year’s peace charm.
Hearing what he said, I suddenly remembered that because of the previous kidnapping, I couldn’t find a peace charm.
MC: Seeing your attitude before, I thought that there was something that was making you anxious, so I kept following you.
Helios: What attitude?
MC: You said I should leave before the seventh day of July. I asked you about it later, but you didn’t say anything. Wasn’t it about that serious matter?
Hearing my question, Helios froze for a moment and then turned his face to the side, his earlobes slowly turning red.
MC: Was that not what it meant?
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Helios: …. 
He pursed his mouth and the lights shone behind him like a splendid landscape painting.
Helios: Because “weakness” really does become a weakness.
MC: Huh?
Helios: You are the only person here who wants me to be safe and live a long life.
Helios: I was reluctant to wait until the Qixi Festival this year.
Helios: Although, I don’t understand why you would want to wish for peace during the Qixi Festival.
My heart was beating fast, and seeing Helios’ face turned to the side, I found his eyes to be brighter than the stars.
MC: [blushing] Because, because I just happened to run into you at that time. *Changed some wording*
MC: And if it’s the New Year, the wishes would all pile up on top of each other, and God won’t be able to hear them.
MC: During the Qixi Festival, maybe God is used to hearing the wishes for marriage, so he can hear my request for peace without needing it to unheard.
Helios: Then today, in addition to asking for peace, you can also wish for marriage.
Helios smiled slightly with some clarity and sincerity.
MC: ….In that case, a name is needed.
MC: But you never let me call you by this name.
I held my breath nervously and saw his face slowly leaning towards me. I didn’t mind the attention around me, and his breath slowly entangled with mine. 
Helios: Let me see.
His protracted tone was a bit tempting and bewitching as if it had lost a thick shell; more naked and intimate than usual, and finally landed on my lips.
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Helios: Ki-Ro. 
Helios: Please use that name.
 You can find the call that comes after this date here!
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polonium-snap · 3 years
The Beauty & the Deku chp. 2
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Summary: Izuku and Katsuki somehow get trapped in a book of fairy tales, to get out of it they decide to play their part in the stories. How far are they willing to go to fulfill the romantic plotlines? Will Katsuki be able to play the role of a fairy tale princess?
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When Katsuki comes to, he is washing some stairs.”Wha-? This again? You’ve got to be forking kidding me.” He stood up, inspecting his clothes, some raggedy top, and pants, which at least is not a dress,  and went to a nearby well, staring at his reflection on the water, scowling.
“Kacchan?” He heard Deku’s voice from behind, and the blonde turned to him.
“Deku!” Katsuki said. “As you can see, we are still trapped in this nightmare.” He frowns. “What do we do now?”
“Let’s continue trying to go along with the story, maybe if we do it enough times, we’ll get out of here.” Izuku suggested.
Katsuki growled. “Shut up! What do you know? This is probably your fault since you didn’t have to be at the house in the end.”
Deku frowned. “Oh yeah, Cinderella totally broke through a door like you did.”
The blonde scowled back, blustering and turning to look away from Izuku. “Whatever.”
Which was Kacchan-speak for ‘I’m sorry, you’re right', good thing Deku was an expert at reading his childhood friend. “We should continue trying to go along with the story, this time as much as we can with the original.”
“No way, nerd. I already gave that a try and we are still trapped in this hellhole.” Katsuki argued. “It makes more sense to try and make the story different, if it doesn’t let us move on we can find the reason more easily.”
“What if that just makes us be stuck here forever, Kacchan?” Izuku argued back. “Let’s do it like the story says one more time, then if we are still here we’ll try your thing.”
The blonde frowned but sighed. “Fine.”
Izuku let out the breath he was holding and stared into red eyes. “Thank you.”
Silence hung heavy for a second between them for several seconds. “I’m sorry…” Bakugou mutters, surprising Deku. “You know, for kissing you at the end…”
Izuku blushed furiously. “Oh! Uhm, i-i-it’s ok Kacchan, that actually made us move on, so…”
The implication of the previous statement weighs on them, and the silence only makes heat rise faster and more intensely into Deku’s face. If the kiss was what made them move on, did that mean they would have to again until they were out of there?
The most obvious answer was there, if they were in Snow White, like Izuku suspected, that meant they had to kiss to be able to continue with the story.
“Wh-What story are we in anyway?” Katsuki asked if only to fill the silence.
“O-oh, I think we are in Snow White.” Izuku reasoned.
“How are we meeting so early then, isn’t the prince supposed to kiss snow white at the end?” The blonde tried to remember.
“No, I think they met right at the start of the Disney movie.” Izuku explained.
“Crap I can’t remember.” The taller teen rubbed his hand on his face. “How am I going to go along with the story if I can't remember how it goes?”
The green-haired boy bit his lip, he couldn’t blame Kacchan, apart from this being a stressful situation, it has been a long time since either of them either saw the movies or read any books with fairy tales on them. “I think I know how it goes, just make sure to go near the forest and run away from the huntsman and look for a small house, it belongs to some dwarfs.” He explains. “Make sure they let you stay, cook and clean for them or something, the evil queen will look for you, to kill you, she will give you an apple, bite it, I’ll take care of the rest and then we’ll ride off to the sunset.”
“My prince.” Katsuki said sarcastically, and Izuku glared, but his cheeks felt hot. “I got it, I got it, I’m just tired of cleaning stuff, like I knew old men hate women in these stories and think their only use is to cook and clean, I get it, old news, but it’s annoying as heck, you know?”
“I get it Kacchan, I’m sorry, but I really think that we can get out if we follow the script as much as we can.”
“Yeah, except we can barely remember how it goes, you lame nerd, even just talking like this can change the story.” The fiery teen started to raise his tone. “We’re already doomed.”
Izuku cringed. “You’re right, but there must be plot points that make us move on, you know like in Cinderella, the background repeated until we did what it wanted, to move on we need to keep doing just that.” He tried to placate the other man. “This is the best plan we have right now, just go with it until we can think of something better.”
Katsuki stands staring at the other teen for a few seconds, glaring, but pondering what was said all the same. “Fine, but we better get out of this, or I’m going to explode.” He turned away and started walking toward the palace. “See you later, nerd, don’t you dare die.” He closed the doors, leaving Izuku staring.
The wardrobes the stories were putting the blonde in were killing him, he looked so handsome, even in dresses. Now the blonde wasn’t exactly wearing a dress, but elements of it were clearly borrowed, Kacchan was in rags but still looked amazing.
Izuku shook his head, this was not the time to be fawning over Kacchan, he turned around and left the grounds of the palace, unsure of what to do with himself. Jesus, fairy tale princes really were useless and had one shitty line, like Kacchan had said, though maybe like this, he could look for clues.
He looked down and sighed, even his clothes were boring.
۵⚜-The Beauty and the Deku-⚜۵
Katsuki changes his clothes because he is not staying in some ugly rags, besides he is 70% sure Snow White wasn’t dressed so badly, she needs to be marketable, little kids wouldn't buy merch of her if she looked ugly right?
He went near the forest, as Deku had said, and sat on a rock, at least the scenery was always interesting in these stories, as Katsuki had never gone out of Japan, he could almost pretend he was visiting Europe or some shit.
“I’m sorry, princess.” Said a voice, which startled the fuck out of the blonde.
“Jesus fu-!” Katsuki turned around to find Rikido Sato, from his class. “Sato?! You are the huntsman?”
The other man’s eyes widened. “You know my name?!” His eyes watered. “The queen has never called me by my name.”
Katsuki hadn’t either until just then, but he wasn’t about to say that to a man with a weapon while he remained quirkless. “Yes, of course I know your name!” He lied, he was lucky with Sato’s last name, he was between Sato and Sota. “I’m going to be the next ruler of this kingdom, and you my loyal subject.” He was talking out of his ass. “How could I not know your name?”
Sato dropped the knife. “I can’t do it!” He cried. “The queen is trying to kill you, your best option is to run as far as you can and hope she never finds you!”
Katsuki stood up from the ground and scrubbed the dirt off his clothes. “Right, thank you, I guess, for not killing me or whatever.” He jogged into the forest, enjoying it more than he normally would, maybe because it had been a while since he had been able to make one of his mornings runs.
At some point, his foot got tangled on some tree roots and he came crashing to the ground. “Argh!” He exclaimed. “Dumb tree, dumb story, dumb Deku!” He raged, and sat on the ground, finding the cabin could wait. As he lay on the ground feeling sorry for himself he felt small tweets from above, and slowly, animals from the forest came out and stared at him.
The blonde groaned. “One of you better not be Dunce face or Hair for brains.” He couldn’t take any more woodland animals as his friends, although thankfully it seemed none of them was anyone he knew. “What are you doing here then, If not to torture me?”
All the animals started to walk toward somewhere, and Katsuki, having nothing better to do went with them, only to find the small house Deku talked about. He opened the door, finding the insides absolutely filthy. And as much as Katsuki had complained he disliked cleaning, he disliked even more letting it stay filthy.
‘Fucking fine’ He thought because only in his mind he could use his favorite words. “You win, stupid Deku, I’ll clean this pigsty.” Katsuki picked up a broom and started sweeping the comical amounts of dust and dirt, the animals around him started to do the same, and for the first time, he didn’t mind the small woodland animals that seemed to follow him lately.
When he finally finished he realized how tired he was, it had been a few days since he last slept, so maybe now he could take a nap. Bakugou climbed the stairs, peering at the small beds with the dwarf's names, he pushed some of them together so he could fit in and dropped like a log on them, paying no mind to the few small animals that cuddled him, he was too tired for that shit.
He closed his eyes and lost consciousness.
۵⚜-The Beauty and the Deku-⚜۵
“What is that? Is it a ghost?” Said a fearful but familiar voice.
“Ha! There’s no such thing as a ghost.” An angrier voice said.
“Who cares, ghosts can’t touch you, let’s just sleep and be done with it.” Said another voice that sounded just like Aizawa.
With his sleep finally disrupted Katsuki decided to sit up and fuck up anyone who dared wake him. When he rose from the bed, multiple gasps were heard. “What is it now?” He said, the blanket still over his head, which he removed slowly.
When he finally could see, he found seven eerily familiar dwarfs looking at him and gasping once again.
“Prince!” One of them exclaimed. “What are you doing here, young prince?”
Holy shit, this dwarf was All Might. Katsuki gaped at the blonde dwarf, his face a picture of the man’s old glory.
The teen looked at the others, Aizawa, Present Mic, Koda, Kirishima, Kaminari...and Endeavour?!
“Let me guess, you,” Bakugou pointed at Aizawa. “Are sleepy, you,” Present Mic, who let out a very loud sneeze. “Are Sneezy, you,” Koda blushed. “Bashful.” Then Kirishima. “You are Happy, I guess.” Kaminari. “Dunce face, you are obviously Dopy.” Bakugou laughed. “This must be Todoroki’s old man, Endeavour.” The red-haired dwarf fumed. “That leaves you All Might, I guess you are Doc.”
All Might smiled. “Yes, young prince.” He eyed Katsuki as if searching for answers. “What brings you here?”
“Yeah, that, the queen is trying to kill me or something.” The younger man dismissed carelessly.
“The queen is trying to kill you?!” Several of the small men exclaimed.
“Yes, so let me hide here, I’ll cook and clean, or something.” Katsuki forced himself to say.
“Like we would let a stranger stay here in our h-” Endeavour started to say.
“Of course you can stay, my boy!” All Might said. “Isn’t that right?”
“Yeah!” Kirishima, Kaminari, and Present Mic said, Koda blushed, and Aizawa grunted his approval from where he slept.
Endeavour growled.
The next day, after making the seven nuisances breakfast and them lining up at the door to go to the mine, Kirishima took of his stupid hat and watched Katsuki expectantly.
“What do you want.” The blonde said, but he had started to piece what hair for brains was silently asking, the redhead wanted a kiss on his forehead, Bakugou fumed, missing the cracking sound of his quirk. The thing was Snow White obviously did so in the movie, and if he wanted to be truthful with what he promised Deku, he had to kiss the foreheads of these dumbasses and thank god they wouldn’t remember, or at least he hoped so.
He reluctantly kissed Kirishima’s forehead, cringing when the dwarf continued in his way. It didn’t take long for the rest of the short men to follow suit.
Kaminari laughed and thanked him with a teasing smile. Katsuki struggled not to punch with his bare hands. Koda, bless him, just blushed and continued on his way, Aizawa grunted, Present Mic whooped in happiness, and All Might thanked him.
Lastly, there was Endeavour, who Katsuki categorically and morally opposed kissing, as much as he hated the half-and-half bastard his old man was trash and he wasn’t about to ignore that. But he had made a promise to stupid Deku who was probably living it large somewhere as a prince.
Katsuki swallowed his pride if only because he was a man of his word.
He slowly bent to press his lips on Endeavour's dwarfed forehead, closing his eyes to avoid extra trauma, and gave him a lightning-quick kiss.
“It’s not like I wanted you to, brat!” What the fuck? Was Endeavour a tsundere?
Bakugou would never be able to look at the number one hero ever again.
While Katsuki baked a pie in the old-fashioned oven he heard some commotion on the outside. Bristling Katsiki let go of the hot pie and peeked through the window, only to see Shigaraki dressed in black rags and carrying a basket of apples.
Holy fuck, Shigaraki was the queen?!
Katsuki couldn’t help it, he burst out laughing. “You?! Your crusty musty ass is the queen? HAHHAHA” He was nearly crying, Shigaraki looked worse than normal, and that was so hard to do in the blonde’s mind that he had to give the man kudos for surpassing himself.
“W-what? No, I’m no old queen, just an old man offering such beauty an apple.” Shigaraki stuttered, quickly jumping into convincing the teen into taking the blood-red apple in his ugly hands.
Katsuki wiped his tears of laughter. “I’m just, haha, sorry, It’s just been an annoying day.” He explained. “But alright, since you made me laugh so much I’ll take the apple, thank you for the few hours of peace, while that stupid Deku makes it here.” The blonde bit the apple, promptly falling asleep as he heard Shigaraki’s pathetic laugh.
۵⚜-The Beauty and the Deku-⚜۵
Izuku panted as he followed the forest’s animals toward the dwarf's house, where he knew Katsuki was waiting for him, the queen, whoever they were, was probably already chased off a cliff and Kacchan was placed in a crystal case.
He arrived at a clearing, watching as the dwarfs mourned Katsuki’s apparent death.
Wait. Was that Endeavour?! No. No, no time for that, literally everyone they knew was becoming a supporting character in these stories, it was entirely possible Endeavour was too.
...Was he supposed to be grumpy?
Izuku shook his head away from those thoughts and focused on Katsuki’s relaxed face as he slept and the dwarfs took away the glass casing on top of the snoozing blonde. Deku had always wondered why on earth the dwarfs just took off the case for some random prince to kiss the princess? What if it was just some creep? Though he had heard the age of the actual prince was 31, while Snow White was 14, which, what the hell.
Anyways he was getting sidetracked, maybe due to the nerves of having to kiss Kacchan, and the intense gazes the dwarfs were sending the green-eyes teen. He gulped, approaching the other man’s face, suddenly feeling very hot. It's not like they hadn’t kissed before, just two days ago Kacchan had kissed him, and there was always that one time they were 4 and wanted to know what kissing felt like.
However, both times it had been Katsuki who had initiated, not Izuku, Deku had never been the one to kiss someone, and the fact they were not conscious was really bothering him. It was morally incorrect to kiss someone who was unconscious, even if he somewhat knew Katsuki would be ok with it.
He felt dirty, like a 31-year-old prince kissing a 14-year-old girl, well maybe not that dirty.
But still, he did not feel great about this.
Finally, as his lips were millimeters away from Bakugou’s, Deku avoided the pink plump lips of his classmate and kissed the other’s cheek swiftly and reeled back. Katsuki’s eyes remained closed for dreadful long seconds, until red eyes fluttered open, sleepily batting long blonde eyelashes at Izuku.
“Took you long enough, nerd.” Katsuki complained as Deku offered him a hand and a taller teen rose from the adorned crystal bed.
“Sorry Kacchan.” Izuku said, relieved that the kiss on the cheek was enough to wake the other up. “Let’s go?”
Katsuki blinked. “Oh, yeah, you said we now ride into the sunset.”
“I-I mean, y-yeah, that’s how I remember it ended.” Izuku stuttered.
“Thank god.” Katsuki launches himself at Izuku's horse, waving at the dwarfs and animals as Izuku himself mounts it.
“Are you ready?” Izuku said, feeling like he forgot something.
“Yes.” The blonde rushed, a fake smile plastered on his face as he waved. “Let’s go you stupid piece of crap.”
“Right.” Izuku instructs the horse to start moving toward the horizon where a large range of beautiful reds and oranges paint the sky.
“Thank you for nothing!” Katsuki waves again, this time his smile is more genuine as he does a pg version of his usual cursing at the dwarfs and animals that probably don’t hear him due to the distance. “Hope you trip on your horrendous beards and die!”
The green-haired teen sweat drops as Bakugou finally settles down.
That is until he notices the horizon only seems to get further away. “No! Look, we aren’t moving on!”
Deku has to agree, as he notes his surroundings, while the background isn’t repeating, there seems to be no end to the valley even as seconds turn into several minutes. Well, if it isn’t the consequences of my actions, Izuku thought as he meditated the best way to confess why they may be unable to finish the story.
“Darn it!” Katsuki growled in frustration. “I swear I did everything you told me.” He tried to explain. “I even kissed Endeavour’s old geezer head.”
“I know, Kacchan.” Izuku reassured, gulping as he realized he needed to come clean. “It is my fault.” He confessed.
“So you know ten minutes ago when I was supposed to kiss you and wake you up from the sleeping curse?”
“Yes…?” Katsuki nodded. “What’s your point?”
“I may or may not have kissed your cheek instead of kissing you in the lips like in the traditional story.” He said sheepishly. “...Sorry...?
Katsuki slowly turns to look at the dumbass he called childhood friend. “What did you just say?”
“...I’m...sorry?” Izuku’s voice got weaker.
“What on earth is your problem?!” Katsuki bellowed, his eyes glowing red. “You SAID that we needed to follow the story to get out, you made me PROMISE I would go along with it just this once.”
The other man cringed. “I know, I know.” He whined. “I’m sorry, it’s just when I had to kiss you, you were unconscious and it just felt wrong since you never explicitly agreed that I could kiss you.”
“It was implied that I wanted to kiss you!” Katsuki yelled and then blushed, Izuku did too. “I mean, it was implied I was ok with it, you bumbling buffoon!” He screeched.
“Buffoon...?” Izuku mumbled as he stared in surprise at red embarrassed eyes.
“Ughhh!” Katsuki said in frustration. “Being this mad without using my quirk is making me lame.” He explained to himself, he took the reins of the still moving horse and yanked it so it stopped. Then he threw his legs over the animal so Bakugou was fully facing Deku. “Let’s just kiss so maybe this can be over, you piece of garbage.”
Katsuki pulled Izuku roughly so their noses were touching. “Don’t think for a second I’m not going to kick your ass into the next century after we get back to UA.”
Before Izuku could respond, their lips smashed together, harder and deeper than necessary, all while he was vaguely aware the world started to crumble and fade into white once again.
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itsallyscorner · 4 years
Ooo I finally got a Tom request for you! This one’s more fluff since you’ve already written a smut so~
Tom stumbles into a library and falls for reader that works there and tries passing off as a regular guy just so he can watch her from afar whether it’s cataloging books or reading to kids.(libraries were the original bookstores so they’re superior)
I’ve seen you’ve read my smut for Tommy! It’s one of my favorite ones that I’ve written😏Thank you love for the support and request, I appreciate it! Happy reading❤️
Sequel: Through Your Words
From Afar
warnings: none. Some spelling errors?
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(Gif from Pinterest)
(I love him sm, ugh. He’s so cute in glasses🥺)
The brisk winds of New York City blew harshly against his cheeks as he walked towards the book store. The faster he walked the closer he saw the book shaped sign and baby blue store front that he had been visiting for the past few weeks. When he approached the door, he took his hand out from his warm pocket and pulled it open. He felt a wave of hot air embrace him as he entered the store. The sudden change in temperature caused his glasses to fog up, obscuring his vision. He didn’t actually need the glasses, but it helped him get around the city without being noticed every few minutes.
He wiped his glasses with his sleeves and slid them back to rest on the bridge of his nose. He took in the warmth of the cozy book store, sniffling as his body adjusted to the heat. He had stumbled upon the unique store when he first came to New York. It had been snowing when he first arrived and he was looking for a place to get some nice hot coffee. There wasn’t a single Starbucks near his hotel and the closest thing to coffee was a small cafe just a few blocks away from him. He ended up visiting the cafe, later discovering that it had a library hidden in the back. After days of hanging out at the cafe and reading some books, he had become familiar with the staff there. Especially you. Although he’s never spoken a word to you. Instead he’s only seen you from afar, exchanging glances and shy smiles at each other.
He approached the counter and was greeted by Marco, the barista of the cafe/library.
“Hey man, you gettin’ your usual?” Marco asked as he reached for one of the festive cups near the register. Tom pursed his lips as he looked at the menu.
“D’ya know what, I think I’ll have a hot chocolate today.” Tom smiled as he took his wallet out. Marco nodded and scribbled the order onto the cup.
“Anything else?” Tom shook his head and handed Marco a $10 bill. He shoved his wallet back into his pocket, scanning the store for a place to sit.
“Keep the change, mate.” Tom told Marco waving a hand at him.
“I’ll bring your drink to you.” Tom nodded thankfully and found a table towards the back. The smell of books brought him peace and comfort as the low hum of music surrounded the store. He took a seat debating on whether or not he should go through the library or read his script. He decided to read the script, remembering that he should go over his lines for the scenes they were going to shoot tomorrow.
Pulling the script out his backpack, a smell of vanilla and a hint of fruit breezed past him. He looked up to see that you had walked past him. A small smile made its way onto his lips as he watched you interact with some of the customers. Your bright eyes were accompanied with a kind smile as you conversed with an older lady. You were dressed in a knitted sweater, some jeans, and brown boots that went up to your knees. You settled into the seat across from the old lady which was a few feet away from him. You were wearing something so simple, but he thought you looked absolutely stunning. Tom found himself being more focused on you than his script.
Suddenly a steaming cup was placed down on the table, startling him. He looked up to see Marco smirking at him as he followed his line of sight. Tom quietly thanked him as his hands gripped onto the warm cup.
“Ya know, she’s single.” Marco whispered before walking away from Tom’s table. Tom blushed furiously as Marco turned back to him with a shit eating grin. He’s been caught staring at you. Tom rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment as he forced his focus onto his script. He barely looked up, only looking at his script and cup.
An hour had passed and he was halfway through his lines. His cup was almost empty, only a few sips of hot chocolate left. Tom sighed, taking his glasses off and rubbing his tired eyes. He put the glasses back on and looked around. Outside, the sun had started to go down and there were different people in the store. He suddenly heard a laugh, a sweet sound, like a melody. His eyes followed the sound, only to see you laughing with one of your coworkers. The two of you were organizing books at the back. Your eyes averted from your friend, connecting with Tom’s brown eyes. A strand of hair fell from your face and Tom couldn’t help but feel tempted to tuck it back behind your ear. You shyly smiled at him with a small nod towards his direction. Tom felt the butterflies erupt in his stomach, making him feel breathless. He smiled back at you, his fingers fiddling with the highlighter in his hands. You were the first to turn away, returning to your task at hand.
At that moment, Tom felt pity for himself. You were just a few feet away from him looking as beautiful as ever. But there he was glued to his seat, only admiring you from afar. He was too scared to approach you, you just seemed too good to be true. His leg bounced nervously as he continued to sneak glances at you. His script was long forgotten, the hot chocolate now cold. He wanted to approach you but he was too nervous to go up to you. Suddenly an idea popped into his head.
Tom looked around, trying to discreetly wave down Marco. The man was busy wiping down the counters until he saw Tom flailing his hand at him. He threw the rag into the sink and approached the British man.
“What’s up? Refill? Or have you finally mustered the balls to ask (y/n) out?” Marco questioned him nonchalantly. Tom’s head snapped at the barista.
“H-how? Wait, her name’s (y/n)?” Tom’s voice trailed off as he paired the name with your face. (Y/n). The named rolled off his tongue so naturally.
“Yeah. How can I help you?”
Tom leaned in closer to Marco keeping his tone low, “Has she been reading any books lately? Like anything in the library?”
Marco took a minute to think to himself, “Ummm, she mentioned something about rereading The Great Gatsby.”
“Great, uhm. Where can I find that?” Tom asked eagerly.
Marco waved him off and patted his shoulder, “I’ll get it for you.”
Marco returned a few minutes later with the book. The book was aged but still in good condition.
Curiously, Marco asked, “What are you gonna do?”
Pulling out post it notes from his bag and a pen, he opened the book to the first page.
“I’m going to leave a note for her.” He muttered, “For (y/n), I mean.” He quickly elaborated to Marco.
He stuck the post it note to the page and thought of something to write.
“Alright, I’ll leave you to it. If you want, I could give it to her. Just hand it to me when you leave.” Marco offered beginning to walk back to the counter.
“That would be great, thanks man.” Tom sent him a grateful smile and looked down at the book. He racked his brain for something nice to say that would set a good impression on you, but instead he went with the first thing he thought when he would see you.
“I think you look very beautiful today :) — Tom xx” were the words he scribbled onto the post it note. He closed the book, looking down at it nervously. Would you think the note was creepy? Would you cringe? Maybe you would appreciate it? Would you find it cute? Many questions formed in his head making him second guess his decision of leaving the note for you. But then he finally mustered the courage to just give it to you and hope for the best.
Packing his things, he slung his backpack over his shoulder and threw his cup away. He quickly looked around and saw you standing on a ladder. You were still sorting books, but now your hair was pulled up into a ponytail. With one more glance at you he took the book and approached Marco.
Marco looked at him expectantly. Tom double checked to see if the note was still in the book.
“You good?”
“Yup, I think I am.” Tom sighed finally giving the book to Marco.
“I’ll give it to her as soon as she’s done over there.” Marco motioned to you placing the book in his large apron pocket.
“Thanks, Marco. I appreciate it.” Tom smiled at him. Marco shrugged as if it were no big deal.
“No problem man, you have a good night.” Marco waved at Tom as his hands pushed on the door. Tom was about to leave but heard Marco call out to him again.
“I better be seeing you tomorrow. She’ll read the note by then.” Marco pointed at him.
“I’ll be here.” Tom confirmed before leaving the store with one more wave at Marco.
As he walked through the blanket of snow a smile was on his face the entire time. When he got back to his hotel, he laid in bed wondering if you have read the note already. He found himself anticipating the upcoming day. He couldn’t wait to visit the cafe after set or during his lunch. Maybe by tomorrow he’ll stop admiring you from afar and finally talk to you, who knows?
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redhairedwolfwitch · 4 years
Until Dawn Rewrite - Werewolf vs Wendigos - Beth Washington x Thiam!Daughter!Reader - AU
A/n: Back on the bullshit of a video game from 2015? More likely than you think. Crossing Until Dawn over with Teen Wolf? More likely than you think too.
The original events of Teen Wolf occur way earlier for reader to be born in 1996/1997 to Thiam, in a world where it’s normal to have two fathers in that time *rolls eyes at society*
You’d been crushing on Beth Washington since the first day you met her, but you hadn’t realised until years later when Sam and Josh had been teasing you about it.
Your crush got worse after one summer when you were 16 and you underwent a supernatural change that you hadn’t told any of your friends about.
You were in the kitchen with Beth when she found the note to lure Hannah up to the guest room.
Josh and Chris were both passed out on the counter, drunk off their asses.
“Jeez Josh... once again brother, you’ve out done us all.” Beth remarked, leaving you to chuckle as you poked Chris.
“Oh my god.”
“What’s up?” You asked, walking over to see what Beth was looking at.
“What’d our naive sister get herself into now?” Beth glanced at Josh, passing you the note as you tsked.
“They really can be horrible sometimes.” You growled, looking up as Beth gasped at Hannah going past the window.
“Shit, Beth, it’s a snowstorm out there!” You exclaimed as Beth ran to Josh, trying to wake him up.
“Josh! Josh! Josh! Fuck!”
You were out of the kitchens door first when you heard Beth.
“Guys! There’s someone outside!”
“What the hell?” You mumbled, passing Beth her coat as she ran ahead of you.
“What’s going on? Where’s my sister going?”
Beth’s questions had you glancing out into the snowstorm, trying to subtly sniff out her trail.
“Ugh, it’s fine, she just can’t take a joke.” Jess grumbled, leaving you to stare at Mike.
“It was just a prank, Han!” Emily shouted out into the snow.
“What did you do?” Beth asked, noticing how you were slowly edging towards the path Hannah took.
“They were idiots, that’s what.” You growled, glaring at Mike as he spoke.
“We were just messing around, Beth, it wasn’t serious, Y/n.”
“What’s serious is that she could freeze to death, you asshole!” 
Punching Mike wasn’t a great idea since your strength was at supernatural level, the crack everyone heard from your fist hitting Mike’s nose made that obvious.
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You hadn’t heard Beth run after Hannah, calling them all jerks until you were being pulled back by Matt.
“I think my nose is broken, ugh, what the hell Y/n!” Mike snapped but you’d shoved Matt away to glance out into the snow to track Beth.
“Sam, nobody else follows me. Call for help if we aren’t back.” You stated, ignoring how Sam had grabbed your wrist as you ran into the snow.
“Y/n! You’re not wearing shoes!”
It didn’t matter what path Beth took after Hannah, you could track them both. 
Something else was tracking them too though.
You heard it.
So you let out an animalistic warning noise, loud enough that the people at the lodge heard.
“Was that a wolf?” Ashley asked, but her question went ignored.
“Jesus, fuck, shit. Jesus, Hannah, where are you?” Beth muttered to herself, glancing around after dodging the herd of deer.
Beth wasn’t hard to track, you knew her scent.
But the smell of burning wood detered you until you heard the flamethrower and Beth muttering to herself.
“What the hell was that?”
“Hannah! Hannah! Hannah!”
“Oh my god, you must be freezing!”
You heard them reunite but it wasn’t long after that you realised you needed to do something else.
You needed to protect them from whatever was hunting them.
You heard them scream so you ran faster, feeling your body shift into a more wolfish version as you ran on all fours like that was normal for you.
You saw the figure blasting fire at the creature, so you jumped at the cliff edge as the branch Beth was holding began to snap.
A scream left Beth’s lungs as your teeth clamped around her wrist, her eyes widening when she met your eyes.
You weren’t strong enough to hold up both Beth and Hannah as your grip on the cliff had you sliding off.
The last thing you saw was Beth and Hannah falling.
You were screaming.
You woke up briefly when Sam found you on the doorstep at the back door, calling out to the others.
“Oh my god!”
“They’re freezing!”
“We need to get them inside!”
“Are Hannah and Beth with them? Y/n! Where the hell are my sisters!” Josh screaming didn’t help as you kept shaking, struggling to breathe as your teeth chattered.
“Josh! They’re in shock.”
“How the hell did you make it back? Y/n?”
“I, I can’t, can’t, remember...” You mumbled, ignoring Mike as you shuffled closer to Sam and Ashley.
“What happened to Beth and Hannah?”
Chris’ question wasn’t the best to ask as you began to gasp for air, the memories were hazy but one thing was for sure.
You remembered the screams before it all went black and you passed out.
“Did they just-”
“Oh crap!” Sam swore, realising immediately you’d fainted.
Even the idea of returning to Blackwood Mountain a year later made you want to throw up.
Sam had to persuade you after Josh guilt-tripped you about the twins’ disappearance.
You never told anyone that the memories had cleared up in your nightmares.
You knew Josh was experiencing more than grief when you saw him.
The chemosignals made you want to be sick but you played it off as feeling nauseous over the cable-car ride up.
The signals alone were enough to send you spiralling.
Sam had suggested you take a nap after someone got a fire going so you could keep warm.
Josh agreed, setting one up so you could curl up on a couch.
You didn’t know that was part of Josh’s plan so he could try get you to talk about what really happened to Hannah and Beth.
You didn’t know, because you were napping until Sam was throwing things and running around in a towel.
“Sam? What the hell is going on?”
You sensed him behind you before you saw him, jumping up to stand on the couch as you took in the overalls and the skull clown mask and wig.
Tilting your head to the side, you stared at him as his scent and chemosignals prompted your realisation.
“What the fuck are you doing, Josh?”
“Josh is dead. And you’re next.” 
“You wouldn’t be the first to try and fail, Josh.”
He growled at that, walking with a fury towards the couch but you jumped over it, tilting your head to the side and trying to not glow your eyes or shift.
You’d spotted a glint of a camera when you had sat on the couch, but it didn’t occur to you that everything recorded would be on the internet until you almost shifted.
Sam had escaped him by hiding in the dumbwaiter; ending up in the basement looking for clues. So that left him to set his sights on you.
“You’re doing this fuckfest of a prank because of Beth and Hannah.” You realised, dodging the blade he was holding.
“You feel guilty because you were so drunk you couldn’t move when Beth tried to wake you. You blame yourself and you blame the others because of that stupid prank. Well, guess what Josh, I blame myself because I didn’t catch them in time.”
“I heard them scream, I ran over but I couldn’t reach, something grabbed me and I remember screaming then everything went black. I woke up on the porch.” You explained before gasping as Josh stabbed you in the arm with something.
“Oh my god!”
“What did you do to Y/n?”
You could hear Chris and Ashley before you saw them, opening your eyes to see them looking at you from where you were on the floor.
“Girl acted cocky, but she was easy to-” The Psycho taunted them, pausing as Sam and Mike rushed in.
“Jesus-” Mike was cut off as he heard ropes snapping, leaving everyone to stare at you as you stood up, completely unphased.
“How did you... that doesn’t matter-” The Psycho was cut off as Chris tried shooting him.
“Oh, Chris, Chris, Chris, you’ve heard of blanks before? I mean really?”
Your face was unreactive when Josh removed the mask, revealing himself as The Psycho.
You ignored how everyone reacted, using your claws to cut through the ropes holding Ashley in her chair as Sam tried to help Chris.
“Oh, well done, every one of you, you got my name!” Josh laughed, leaving you to gag at the chemosignals.
“How does it feel? I mean, do you enjoy feeling terrorised? Humiliated? I mean, panicked? All those emotions that my sisters got to feel once a year ago? Only guess what? They didn’t get to laugh it off! No! Nope! No! No! No! They’re gone!” Josh yelled, leaving you to tense your shoulders, ignoring how Sam had tried to check on you.
“I don’t know if you noticed this. Josh, but none of us are laughing.” Mike retorted, gaining your attention as you smelt a familiar scent on him that wasn’t his or Jessica’s.
“-It’s good to get the heart racing every now and then. And race they did, every one of you, pitter-pat, pitter-pat-”
“Every now and then? Mine hasn’t stopped since that night, I still get nightmares, I literally hear their screams, I remember the fire, I remember the taste of blood in my mouth, you think I could laugh that off!” You exclaimed, ignoring how Josh just laughed.
“You should have seen your faces! Hook line and sinker for every little stinker!” Josh exclaimed, jumping as you growled at him.
“Well he’s definitely off his meds-” Chris replied to whatever the hell Mike said that you missed.
“That and on the wrong ones entirely. Ever heard of comorbidity? Two or more conditions occuring at once with similar symptoms, can lead to misdiagnosis.” You replied, folding your arms to hide how your claws hadn’t retracted.
“Oh come on, you guys! Revenge is the best medicine!”
“You’re done!” Mike shouted, not seeing how you let out a breath, unfolding your arms to rest your hand on Ashley’s shoulder, claws returning to fingernails.
“Mike, he’s sick!” Chris exclaimed, turning his head to face Mike before looking back at Josh.
“Your fingerprints were all over this Josh, it was obviously you.” Sam’s voice was calm as she talked to Josh, unlike Mike who was raging.
“Oh really? Really, really really?” Josh rambled but Sam just kept talking.
“You’re crying out for help, Josh. Come on, you wanted to get caught, didn’t you?” Sam prompted but Josh just stared at her.
“What? Come on, you guys are all going to thank me when you guys become internet sensations!”
“Wait, what, what?” Chris mumbled before Sam grabbed your hand as you began to walk over to the visible camera.
“Oh, you guys better believe this little puppy is going viral ladies and germs. I mean we got unrequited love, obstruction of justice from Y/n over there, we got, we got blood. I don’t think there’s enough hard-drives in China to count all the views we’re going to get, you guys!”
“What are you talking about, you asshat? Jessica is dead-”
“Mike. Why do you smell like Beth?” Your question caught everyone off-guard as Mike punched Josh in the face, knocking him out.
“Why do you smell like Beth?” You asked again but Mike ignored you, leaving Ashley and Sam to try get you to calm down, instead they backed away as your eyes glowed and you stood away from them in the corner.
After Chris and Mike took Josh outside, Ashley decided to ask the big question as the three of you returned to the lodge.
“Y/n, what happened to you that summer when you were 16? You changed dramatically, also, what’s with the smell thing and your eyes-”
“Some of my family got into a car accident. You saw it on the news, a lorry ran a red and they were gone. The stress of losing them activated something. Something genetic.”
“Something genetic, what was you talking about?” Sam asked, disbelief laced in her voice as Ashley remembered the story on the news and began to put the pieces together.
“You’re a werewolf.”
You sighed, nodding as you glowed your eyes and flicked your wrist, momentarily revealing your claws.
“Be lucky it’s not a full moon, the anger from the fuckfest that Josh pulled would have revealed it a lot earlier. I’m sorry I never told any of you, I wanted to, but then Beth and Hannah, oh god, if only I wasn’t so pathetic, I could have saved them both.” 
“What are you talking about?” Ashley prompted as Sam just frowned, her hand on your shoulder.
“Y/n, you’re not pathetic-”
“I literally had Beth’s wrist in my mouth because I was slipping off the fucking cliff. Something was hunting us that night and someone with a flamethrower was hunting it too. That blood in my mouth I can taste when I remember? It’s Beth’s blood. I pinned my arms into the cliff but it wasn’t enough. I wasn’t enough.” You whimpered, head in your hands as Ashley and Sam stared at each other, realising what had happened.
“I told those two Rangers that they should search the mines. I don’t know what happened after that.” You admitted, tensing as Chris returned.
“Let me in! Let me IN!”
“Is that-” Ashley began but Sam cut her off, running to the door.
“It’s Em!”
“Let her in! Quick!” Chris exclaimed, opening the door.
“Shut the door! Oh my god! Shut the door!” Emily yelled as she fell in the doorway, shuffling away from the door as Ashley and Sam helped her up.
“Em, you alright?”
“I didn’t think I’d make it.” Emily admitted, shuffling further into the lodge.
“You were screaming bloody murder.” Chris stated, noticing how you were staring at the door, tilting your head to the side to listen, ignoring the conversations on the couch.
“I was walking in the dark, and I found this pile and there was a head with a Ranger hat on it-”
“No, no, no, no, no-” You perked up then, realising what happened.
“I told those Rangers to search the mines because that’s where I saw Beth and Hannah fall into.”
“What, you saw them fall?” Chris began but Sam had already sprung into action, wrapping her arm around you to calm you down as you hyperventiltated.
“Listen, in the tower, there was a radio and I, I got through to someone, but that was right when the tower collapsed!”
You didn’t hear Mike run in, you were busy using Sam as a comfort blanket, your face pressed into her shoulder.
“Em! You made it!”
“Oh god, Mike-”
You removed your head from Sam’s shoulder when you smelt another scent you knew, darting towards the door before anyone could stop you.
“Y/n, what the fuck-”
“You shouldn’t have been so quick to open the door... wait, it’s you.” The Stranger recognised you instantly, but you didn’t react to him, charging at his accomplice as you recognised her.
“How did you... oh, you could smell me, couldn’t you?” Hannah replied, noticing how you’d began to cry.
“There’s no time for tears, Y/n, come on.” Hannah coaxed you inside where The Stranger was dealing with Chris and Mike.
“Holy shit-”
“I’m here to tell you what you’re up against on this mountain. You should have never returned. I don’t know why you did after everything last year.” The Stranger grumbled, using his flamethrower to light the fire.
“You mean with Hannah and Beth-”
“I remember you, you were there. You pulled me back from falling off the cliff.” You burst out, leaving everyone to go silent as The Stranger grunted.
“Falling? You were about to jump off the damn cliff.” You feel silent after that, feeling Hannah and Sam stare at you for a moment.
“This mountain belongs to the Wendigo.” 
“Who?” Chris asked, sitting up as Sam looked confused. “What’s he talking about?”
“Now I’m only going to tell you this once. It doesn’t matter if you believe me or not. I got reasons I want to... get it off my chest.”
“See I told you-”
Your growl cut Mike off, spooking everyone except Hannah and The Stranger, who didn’t react.
“There is a curse. That dwells in these mountains. Should any man or woman resort to cannabalism in these woods, the spirit of the Wendigo shall be unleashed.”
“Oh crap.” Mike whispered as he remembered what he’d seen earlier in the night.
“You’re going to need to find somewhere safe and keep the werewolf with you if you want any chance of survival.” The Stranger instructed, staring at you as Chris, Emily and Mike looked confused.
“The basement might be okay.” Sam suggested, leaving The Stranger to nod.
“Okay. Get down there, now. All of you. And wait.”
“What? Why? And for how long?” Sam asked, gaining a reply from Hannah and Emily.
“Until dawn.”
“Until dawn.”
“Guys, I ran out and left Josh when I heard screaming.” Mike realised, leaving everyone to look at him in shock.
“Where did you leave him?”
“In the shed.” Mike answered The Stranger’s question, who looked grimly in response.
“Your friend will already be dead-”
“What? Josh? No...” Hannah began, panicking as you stood up, heading to the basement as Chris argued to save Josh.
You were sat on the floor when Sam, Ashley, Mike, Emily and Hannah walked in.
“Hannah, where’s Beth? I know she’s alive, I smelt her scent on Mike.” You stated, leaving Emily to give Mike a warning look as he raised his hands in a confused surrender.
“When you tried to save us, you bit Beth’s arm. She was badly injured in the fall but since it was the full moon the next night, she didn’t die, instead, she turned. She turned into a wolf and hasn’t been able to turn back since. We managed to get out of the mines and ran into Jack, but, I couldn’t go home with Beth like that.” Hannah explained, leaving Mike to realise.
“There were wolves at the Sanatorium.”
You just rolled your eyes at this, wrapping your arms around your knees as Hannah just stared at you.
“Beth’s out there somewhere, I think she smelt something but now that I think about it, I think she smelt you when you arrived with Sammy.” Hannah explained as the others looked through The Stranger’s belongings.
Luckily Hannah had been able to de-escalate a potential situation, explaining that Wendigo bites didn’t turn anyone and that only happened with werewolves and fictional supernatural creatures like vampires and zombies.
“Wait, so Y/n can turn other people into werewolves by biting them?” Emily asked, slightly freaking out as you looked boredly at her.
“You’re not my type, Em. Also I’m not going to go around biting people, I didn’t even know I could do that when I tried to help Beth.”
“Yeah, well, I’m pretty sure that was the only reason Beth survived the fall, Y/n.” Hannah deadpanned, noticing how you were shaking as Sam sat next to you, leaving Ashley to follow as they passed The Stranger’s book back to Hannah.
After Mike left to find Josh for the cable car keys, Sam, Chris, Emily and Ash went after him.
You and Hannah stayed behind, much to their reluctance but you knew Beth was out there somewhere.
You didn’t know that Mike had found wolf!Beth and Wolfie when he returned to the Sanatorium, after running from a Wendigo and barricading the door, only wolf!Beth followed Mike down the hole, Wolfie instead deciding to stay behind, safe in the barricaded room.
“We should have gone with them.” You admitted, leaving Hannah to sigh.
“I’m sorry Hannah, about everything, I-”
Your apology was cut off as Chris, Emily and Ashley ran through, leaving the two of you to follow as you realised what was happening.
The five of you ran out of the basement, the other three  yelling as you all bumped into Mike and Sam as wolf!Beth had remained outside.
You were all upstairs, attempting to leave the lodge until you spotted the Ranger!Wendigo on the chandelier.
You all froze as the Wendigos began to fight each other, the Ranger!Wendigo winning as Mike and Sam made a plan.
Sam kept the wendigos distracted as Mike broke a bulb, it was only when the Ranger!Wendigo screamed in Sam’s ear that you growled back, gaining it’s attention so it went over to you instead of Sam.
Chris, Emily and Ashley were already out at this point, you had a sick feeling Sam was now deaf in one ear thanks to the screech but you stayed still, leaving the wendigo to shift away from you as Hannah slipped out.
Mike was lingering near the door as the wendigos switched between you and Sam, before you shoved Sam out of the way, shifting to attack the wendigo and send it flying into the Ranger!Wendigo, who killed it.
You shifted back and ran at this point, Mike and Sam were outside when they heard the explosion, seeing your body fly out of the door as you’d hit the switch with your claws.
You’d managed to sit up when something tackled you, a hand on your cheek as you opened your eyes to stare into the eyes of a human Beth Washington, a lot more scruffy than you remembered. You didn’t have much of a chance to stare at her though as she pressed her lips to yours, kissing you roughly.
“Beth! You’re, you’re naked!” You exclaimed as the two of you broke apart, quickly shedding your jacket and hoodie to cover her.
The screech of the Wendigo spirit leaving the burning lodge had you panicking, noticing it almost flying at Sam and Mike as it left the flaming structure.
“Sam!” You shouted, watching as Sam and Hannah ran over, dodging the spirit in the process.
“Beth! Oh my god!”
Everyone stared up at the helicopter hovering over the lodge as you stood in a t-shirt with Beth and Hannah on either side of you, Beth holding your hand tightly as Hannah had a hand on your shoulder. 
It was then that you looked over at Mike to ask. 
“Mike! What happened to Josh?”
“We have visual. The main structure is completely destroyed, over.”
“Hold on, I’m seeing something. It looks like there are survivors.”
“Let’s pick ‘em up.”
The shock finally overtook everyone when you were sat on the helicopters.
You’d zoned out, staring at the floor as Beth and Hannah mourned over what had happened to Josh in the mines.
You stayed zoned out until you were in an interview room and a policeman was trying to ask you questions.
They had to practically pry you away from Beth, the two of you almost growling at the idea before you remembered the police are idiots with guns.
“Y/n, why did you tell those two Rangers to check the mines last year?”
“I saw the twins fall off the cliff down through a hole. I thought they’d find them, even find their bodies but, something went wrong-”
“What’s wrong is you’re interviewing these teenagers without a lawyer present!” The voice was loud enough that the other survivors heard, noticing how Beth had sat up, sniffing the air slightly.
“Another wolf?” Hannah prompted but the question was already answered.
The others exchanged looks as they heard your voice, not recognising the man as your father as they’d met your other dad instead years ago.
“You’re interrupting the interview, sir-”
“Theo Raeken. Y/n’s father.”
“Y/n’s surname is Dunbar.” the policeman replied, not knowing his mistake as Theo glared at you tensed up.
“Legally, it’s Dunbar-Raeken. this interview is over, all of the recovered victims from Blackwell Mountain should be in hospital, there’s one out there missing fingers and two of the girls out there were reported missing a year ago!” Your father exclaimed, leaving the policeman to just timidly nod, moving to order a hospital transport.
“Hi dad.” You mumbled, tensing as your father looked at you, watching his eyes soften.
“God, you remind me so much of Liam. C’mon, we should help your friends.” Your father replied, offering you his hand.
He smirked as he spotted how you automatically went to Beth, but said nothing, instead chosing to help Mike with Jessica.
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hot-wiings · 4 years
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The One Where Someone Ruins Katsuki Bakugo's Bubbly Girlfriend's Snowman, And They Must Pay.
Edited: 12-17-2020
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Katsuki Bakugo stared out the foggy window. The snow flew down lightly, much nicer now in comparison to the harsh flurries that had stormed down that morning, creating a free day for the UA staff, faculty, and students. The snow landed on your hair, making it shimmer and shine when the sun's glare hit it just right. It was ethereal. You were beautiful, a perfect distraction.
You had begged him to come out with you, but he refused. Midterms were coming up, Katsuki had to study, not go out and goof off with every extra in his class. Katsuki had a homework book out in front of him, a book he was supposed to be reading, instead, he was studying you. He knew if he went out instead of staying in he would be teased. He would get called soft and whipped. While Katsuki didn't mind that because he knew he could easily yell out a few cursers and threats and shut them up, he didn't feel like dealing with his friend's nosy attitude towards his relationship.
It was between you and him, not them.
Every laugh you let out could be heard, every string of giggles, every time you called someone's name. It infuriated him. Those extras didn't have the right to talk to his girlfriend. You were far too beautiful, far too nice, and good to be conversing with them. Your attention would have been better consumed with him. You should've stayed inside, you should be studying with him–he wouldn't have beat the knowledge inside you like he had done to Eijirou either. You would be been laughing with him, you could be drinking homemade hot chocolate, you could be sitting in his lap as he explained the math problem, semi-polite, and maybe, he might have even let you take a break to watch a Christmas movie.
With another giggle, Katsuki broke away from his math book to turn his gaze out the window. He was really angry now. Dumb Deku got it somewhere in his head he could make a snowman with you. He got it in his dumb little brain that he could try to make you laugh. He was even more infuriated as he saw you take your scarf off to dress the snowman. Your nose soon turned red, you'd get sick soon if you stayed out like that. An intrusive thought entered Katsuki, one worse than the angry and infuriated ones. This was a ploy made by Deku so he could give you his own scarf, that's exactly the kind of thing a shit-munch like Deku would do to try and woo what wasn't his. No way in fucking hell was Katsuki letting that happen.
Like everything Katsuki did, with a scowl on his face, he slammed his book closed and stomped his way over to the closet to grab his snow boots and jacket. Quickly, he zipped up his jacket and tied his boats before grabbing his hat. Now dressed in proper snow attire, he snagged his extra scarf to bring to you. The things he did for his dumbass.
He was fast to exit the building and faster to march up to you. He wrapped the scarf around your neck and double tied it. Practically choking you in the process, he wrapped it up and tucked it in your coat as a mother would.
"Dummy, you're gonna get sick by giving your scarf away. You're lucky you've got a nice boyfriend to bring you one of his own."
"The snowman needed it more than I did, right Deku?"
"Dumb-Deku better shut his fucking mouth before I blow it up!"
"Well, if it isn't my favorite idiot from class 1-A!"
Neito Monomas voice entered your ears and Katsuki could feel his day just getting worse. First, you left him for the extras, then you distracted him, now he had to deal with that Tuxedo Mask wannabe from class 1-B?
"The fuck did you say, kazoo kid?!"
"Nothing, I'm just saying..."
Maybe Neito would have let it go with just a petty comment, but Itsuka Kendo wasn't anywhere insight to hear and scold him, she really did keep him inline. Something about Katsuki just rubbed Neito the wrong way. Then again, everyone in class 1-A seemed to rub him the wrong way.
"I'm just saying, figures class 1-A's weak-link would spend her snow day making a snowman–an ugly one at that–rather than studying."
Katsuki tried to calm himself down as you grabbed onto his hand and shook your head back and forth as if to say he wasn't worth it. He wasn't worth it, he was just a waste of time. Katsuki came out here with a mission, give you his scarf, persuade you to come back inside with the promise of cuddles, and maybe even insult Deku along the way. He had a mission set in his mind, and he wasn't going to let the cosplayer ken doll get in his way.
Neito wasn't happy with that result. He liked getting a rise out of class 1-A. He liked getting them upset and worked up, especially Katsuki, who got worked up the most. What better way to get a rise than through his girlfriend? Neito kicked the snowman down, crumbling the snowman down to a pile of snow with a grin.
"Even her snowman is weak, just like her. Pathetic class 1-A loser."
"You wanna see weak? I'll show you weak!"
Neito simply wanted a reaction, he thought one of Katsuki's friends, like Mina, or the class representative, Tenya, would've stepped. As your eyes glossed over with tears your classmates stood back and let Katsuki go feral. With explosions surrounding him, Katsuki sent himself flying towards Neito with outstretched arms. Sending explosion after explosion, careful not to get touched by Neito. Neito, gave up fruitless, cowering back with each pound after pound, whimper after whimper. With his hand on the cuff of his jacket, Katsuki raised him and dragged him to you.
"Fucking apologize or DIE!."
"I-I'm sorry."
"Talk shit about her or her skills again and I'll make sure you can't speak again!"
He released Neito on the ground and he fell with a thud. The blonde boy scrambled to his feet and took off in the direction of the 1-B dorms. He turned to back at you and screamed.
"I'm only sorry your boyfriends a psychopath!"
"That little shit-"
"Katsuki, no."
You threw yourself on him and wrapped your arms around Katsuki, pulling yourselves together as a few stray tears leaked from your eyes. Katsuki scowled as his classmates watched him, intrigued on how their mean and rough classmate would handle comforting their sweet and soft classmate. Your relationship was such an enigma to them.
"The fuck are all of you staring at!?"
Everyone watching the fight disbursed as you pulled away from your boyfriend, red embarrassment on your cheeks, still you latched yourself onto Katsuki's arm. Tears were in your eyes as your attention went back over to your ruined snowman. You worked hard with Deku to make that, maybe you were the weak link.
"Do you think Monoma's right? Should I have stayed inside and studied?"
"Should you have stayed inside with me and had a study date, like I originally wanted? Yes. Should you have stayed inside because you're weak? Fuck, no. Fuck that class A wannabe."
"He was right, and he blew my snowman right over."
"You're such a crybaby. The only reason it got wrecked is because that dumb-dumb Deku helped you make it. Maybe if I had helped you it would have withstood better."
Katsuki placed a chaste kiss on your forehead before pushing down your hat which had begun to fall off. He pulled it over your ears as he clicked his tongue. You would be sick and lost without him, he did such a good job taking care of you.
"I suppose studying can wait. Besides, if we wait I can make shitty hair and dunce face study with us, I'll beat it in them."
Katsuki grabbed your hand and pulled you down into the snow with him. A rare smile graced his face as you giggled at him.
"I'll help you make another snowman, but you gotta do exactly what I say, and shitty Deku can't help."
"Okay, but you gotta make us hot chocolate after. Your hot chocolate always tastes the best."
"Fine. Someone's gotta make you something warm, and we both know you can't do it yourself."
With another kiss to your face, Katsuki felt content. He supposed he got what he really wanted. Whether it was studying or not, he had your attention. He got to insult Deku and he got his frustrations out. Maybe snow days weren't so bad.
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Humans are Space Orcs, “Stowaway.”
A couple of you guys wanted to see this go down, and I thought it wasn’t a bad idea, so why not :)
“Certainly not, they cannot be trusted.”
“We don’t know that.”
“Even if their story is true, I have no doubt that they have other motives. No one offers peace accords if there are not ulterior motives.”
“But they already said! They want to trade with us, and they want the precious mineral compounds found in our ice.”
“They want to enslave our planet more like.”
“You saw the creature, it had no fur, and it was freezing as soon as it took its layers off. I have no doubt that it has no interest in enslaving our planet. The environment is to inhospitable for it to consider spending so much time here.”
“Your logic is backward for a scientist…. But I suppose that should be expected of someone with your pedigree.”
“....You are wrong, and your hesitation will cost us. They saved our lives, the least we can do is hear them out.”
“And at the end of the day that is my decision and not yours. You overstep your bounds, and now you will return to your place, scientist.”
Yeb stood ears plastered back against her skull, the fur on her back puffing outward to strain against the inside of her jacket, but she didn’t protest. He may have been wrong about many things,but he was right about this one, she had no power here, and to assume as much would be too presumptuous.
She did know her place.
Had known it since she was a pup.
She raised her chin stiffly at the chancellor and turned on her heels, claws digging against the ice as she trudged from the council chambers and out into the blinding sunlight of early morning. The council had debated for many hours, until unanimously making a decision that she thought would be a great mistake. They had decided not to engage with the GA, and therefore cut off any chances they would have at learning from the more advanced race.
She brushed a dusting of snow from a rock just to her right and sat down staring up at the sky. Over her head the atmosphere was a light bluish purple. The sun blazed down with white blue intensity.
She could have learned so much from them. Perhaps a way to develop better vaccines as they had clearly found the cure to the plague faster than any of them could. If it had been up to her expertise, the entire world would be dead by now. 
Yeb sighed deeply.
There were so many things she could have learned from them, so many things, but now that knowledge would be lost, and they would be left to trundle along in a dark age ad never know what glorious things they could have learned.This GA governmental body has offered them transport into the stars! Who would refuse such an offer.
It was a monumental mistake.
She sat there for a long moment, contemplating her next move. The future seemed bleak in comparison to the one they had been offered. How could she just go back to her normal life knowing what was out there? Could she just sit idly by in her ice cave, eating the same bland fish and listening to the same bland propaganda of a government that “couldn’t or wouldn’t” see what a tragedy it was to lose fifty percent of their lower class? It made her sick as she pictured the beautiful images she had seen in scientific journals of the vast cold darkness of space.
She stood.
That was it, if nothing she wanted to at least see the creatures off, tell them good luck, and thank them for what they had done. Maybe they would be more likely to return one day if ‘someone’ deigned to go and say goodby to them and actually thank them for what they had done.
With her mind made up, she stood, and with renewed vigor made her way over the icy tundra and towards the alien landing sight. Government officials were crawling all over the area, keeping the curious, prying eyes of the civilians well back where they couldn’t cause trouble or get any ideas. They tried to keep her back too, but she flashed a badge at the first two and managed to dodge two more before three burly agents stepped into her path.
All three of them had deep onyx fur and glowered at her with intense black eyes.
“This area is restricted.”
“I just want to talk to them. They know me.”
“This area is restricted.” They repeated.
“I am the scientist who first came in contact with them, please, I would really just like to speak with them.” She tried moving around, but it was no good, and they continued to block her path. Behind him, she could see the shuttle that had brought the aliens down. It was of trange construction, cold silver steel in sharp angular lines. The creatures swarmed around the ship carrying boxes, a few of them collected ice and snow in small clear tubes.
The commotion must have alerted them, and she saw their leader raise his head as the agents began to push her back.
She waved a desperate hand in the creature’s direction, and it broke into a trot over the icy ground its boots cringing over the snow.
“Hold on!” It called, and its booming voice was enough to make the agents stop and back away nervously.
The only thing she could see under its mask and hood was that sharp green eye.
“Everything alright?” he wondered 
She sighed but nodded, “Well…. No…. not really. I just wanted to let you know that…. Well Not all of us agree with the chancellor. Don’t…. Well just don’t forget about us.”
She watched the creature’s face wrinkle about the eyes, and the feeling she got from the expression was… one of surprising pleasure.
“Don’t worry, we won’t forget about you. We are a bit harder to ignore than all that…. In a strictly annoying sort of way and less of the tyrannical, we are going to take over your world sort of way.”
The creature made a strange repeated whirring noise deep in his chest, and she yipped her own amusement.
He held out a hand to her and she stared at it, “It's a human greeting and farewell.”
Gingerly she reached forward and took his hand feeling as he wrapped his fingers around hers in a firm grip and shook once.
It was a strange gesture, yet one that simultaneously made her feel connected to him, in a way, not altogether unpleasant.
Then he let her go, turning back to his ship and striding over the ground with the confidence of a creature that had done this sort of thing many times, that was until he slipped on the ice and staggered awkwardly, arms flailing. She yipped again in amusement and he waved a hand turning around to see if anyone had seen.
She turned and made her way back up towards the plateau watching as the ice and tundra spread out before her, white on blue purple, and just as she was reaching the top, she stopped. She could go no further.
She glanced back to where the strange creatures were beginning to load their equipment back onto their ship, and then forward to where the government agents were busy pushing back a line of curious onlookers.
No one saw her.
Yeb sat in thought for a long moment, and before she really knew what she was doing, she turned around and raced back down the hill skidding and sliding on the ice with barely controlled speed. She wasn’t sure what she was doing, or what she was going to do, but as she reached the bottom of the hill, and saw an open box resting on the ground; she made a decision.
It wasn’t a good decision, nor was it a well thought out decision, and honestly later, she would come to realize that there were easier ways to do what she was about to do, the number one being to simply ask politely, but none of that crossed her mind as she dove into the box and pulled the lid over her head.
As far as she knew, no one had seen her, and before long she felt the crate lurch upwards and wobble its way towards the shuttle, while the creatures outside grunted at its unusually heavy weight.
She was set down inside, and, she thought, strapped down.
It didn’t occur to her again, until the engines ignited, just what she had done to herself.
Her stomach lurched into her feet and she screamed in fear and shock as the ground fell out from beneath her. All she could hear was the roaring of engines and feel the battering of the atmosphere around her as they cut through the atmosphere.
And then, after just a few minutes, the rattling died away, and she found herself floating inside the box like a free droplet of water in freefall.
With her tail tucked around her she hugged herself tight, screaming internally about what she had just done.
At some point, she felt the ship lurch, and aftera moment, she dropped back to the bottomotom of the box as gravity reinstated itselfreinstateditself. 
Inside her box, the air grew stiflingly hot, and she began to pant vigorously as the heat seeped into her body. She hadn’t expected it to be so hot.
She felt her crate lurch again, and her ears were filled with the echo of a large space, and strange alien voices calling out to each other. She shrunk back into her box, there must have been hundreds of them…. And now she was a stowaway.
She really hadn’t thought this through. What was she going to eat? What was she going to drink? What would happen if they found her skulking on board the ship without invitation. The creatures had seemed hospitable originally, but that didn’t really mean anything if they thought she was some kind of spy.
Her insides churned a bit as the crate was set down and the voices retreated.
The box continued to gro hotter and hotter.
She tried to wait it out as best she could, but soon, it became to much, and with a gasp of air she threw off the lid of her crate and gasped for fresh air.It was, somewhat fresher than it had been inside the crate, but the heat was still unbearable.
Panting fit to burst, she tripped off her jacket,undershirt, gloves and any other layer she could think of, tossing them into the box.
It was marginally more bearable, but still,she felt as if she could barely breathe.
This was a worse idea she had ever had.
How could she have been so stupid. The creatures were clearly very cold on her planet, what made her think that she would be comfortable in their environment. 
She heard footsteps,and quietly dropped to one knee, still panting.
“You see that place. Frozen hellhole for sure.”
“I wouldn't mind the cold so much, but the place looked like a prison with ice.”
“Hmm if their government leaders knew what they were missing maybe they wouldn’t be so hasty to tell us to shove off.”
A familiar voice broke in with them, “I don’t know, i thought it was kinda cool, like Hoth from star wars.”
“Admiral, haven't we established that you are like…. The only person on this ship who knows what that means.”
“You know what it means.”
“Thats because you forced us into a star wars marathon.”
“You can thank me later.”
There was some grumbling from the group of humans as they passed by, and Yeb finally got a good look at the creatures without all their layers on. They were, surprisingly, a lot thinner than she had first thought, long and lanky in their limbs and really rather bony. The right skin of their faces extended into their arms and necks. From here she could see the small little hairs on their ams though they would be pointless for keeping anyone warm.
But they were powerfully built.
As a biologist, she would have guessed that these creatures were built for a hot desert environment rather than the cold. The thought made her rather uncomfortable. Her home planet had no deserts at all, an the environment was only theoretical based on their observation of other worlds similar in size to their own.
The humans passed by her, leaving her alone.
And, quietly, she moved forward, sneaking through the ship and the warrens of tunnels.
The tunnels were very angular, all of their construction was very angular, ninety degrees or close to ninety degrees.
It was all… odd, and alien, and she found herself lost in the corridors not sure where she was going.
Hot metal was close to burning her feet, sweltering around her.
She felt fent.
Following voice, she peered around the corner and into a large room, where many of the creatures sat together huddled in groups consuming unknown alien food. Behind them, a large viewing window stared out into blackness. She closed her eyes tight and took a deep breath. She felt sick.
It was just so hot.
When no one was looking, she slipped inside and back behind a long countertop and snuck along the side unil….. Until she felt a waft of cold air. She paused and turned her head towards a large silver door. She inched forward and pressed up against it. It was like ice, so cold. In desperation she reached up to the door and popped it open to a waft of freezing air.
In relief, she scampered inside and closed the door behind her sliding to the ground in relief as the biting air rushed through her fur.
She was feeling a little better now, and looking around her, she could see stacks and stacks of crates full of…. strange …. Food?”
She would assume it was food. WIth everything so hot here, they must need a palace to preserve their organic materials from decomposition.
She inched forward across the floor and stuck her head around through some of the crates sniffing at its contents. She would…. Probably be able to eat something here if she was careful about it. She was an omnivore like the creatures, and assumed that they were both based on the same principles of food consumption.
Either way, she was going to figure it out soon to her detriment or not.
This strange frozen storage was going to become her main base of operations, though she did find another location near the medical bay. That one was a little less pleasant though since, from the scientific equipment lying around, she made the correct assumption that they used it to store bodies when someone died aboard the ship.
A morbid thought, but it made sense.
She would stick with hiding in the freezer for the time being.
There Was food there, and no dead people.
From her vantage point sneaking in and out of her hiding space, she was able to watch the creatures from a distance, sure they weren’t putting on a show for her and knowing that their behavior was genuine. As far as she could tell they were social and relatively tame.
They sat in groups, conversed and talked like any one of her people, except maybe a bit more enthusiastically.
They ate together and played games.
And even had the same sort of reactions with other species.
There were a few fuzzy looking aliens that weren’t far off from her species, though they seemed more used to the heat.
Then there were the small scaly creatures, who were just as social, and the large beasts with six arms, towering over even their human counterparts.
From the shadows she watched them as they fought each other with sharpened sticks made from metal their ferocity scaring her as she pressed back into the shadows. 
It was a strange an eclectic place of many different peoples.
She saw religion, and culture and tradition as she watched from the shadows.
But she also saw ferocity, anger, and bitterness on quiet occasions, listening in on moments she knew to be private but could not help but listen in on.
And there was something, strange, about the humans.
She wouldn’t have been able to put into words if asked but…. It seemed as if they were disconnected from themselves, like a driver pilots a machine, one with it but no in the same. It was so strange, the sudden blankness that would come over their faces as if nothing was behind the eyes, especially in quiet moments when they were alone with themselves.
She spent days like this, hours on end watching them from a distance hiding in the freezer when it was dark and spending occasion out in the heat.
She used bags of ice shoved into bags to keep herself cool on these forays as the ship always remained rather hot.
She hoped that, in this way she could survive, worried she would be punished if they found her out.
That was until one day.
One day sitting in the air ducts watching the humans pass by that she heard a sound.
A soft scraping.
She turned her head towards the end of the small maintenance tunnel, just as a figure cme around the corner.
It was small, and furry, and brightly colored, and as soon as it came around the corner it froze and locked eyes with her.
Its ears trembled.
She went to run.
“Run and die.” it said eyes narrowing, and despite how small and fluffy it was, shefroze.
She didn’t know what this thing could do, and it didn’t seem concerned with her.
So, Yeb believed it.
She believed she was going to die.  
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Chasing Providence {Dimitrescu/OC} Pt 1
Fandom: Resident Evil: Village Pairings: TBA, at minimum platonic House Dimitrescu/OC, with some wlw side characters (also original, but not the focus of the story) Rating: T for mild violence and possibly triggering content Warnings: A character briefly threatens suicide as a means of prolonging a conversation (i.e. saying "if you don't listen, I'll ___") Additionally, this contains spoilers for Resident Evil 8. Summary: Months after being infected with a mysterious virus, investigative journalist Avaskian Caldwell is left with no choice: Xe has to get help, one way or another, from whatever remains of the Umbrella Corporation could be trusted. Or, perhaps, from the very person who started it all... Along the way xe'll have to get along with vampires, fight off would be hunters, befriend a hoard of cultists, all while performing the duties of an everyday servant. There's nothing xe won't try as xe's forced to chase providence. Notes: While this chapter features a somewhat talkative Ava, xe's normally selectively mute, and will be for the entire rest of the story.
1: Blood Runs Thick
“This can’t be it. No fucking way, bruv, are you sure you got the address right?” The journalist asked, eyes narrowed as xe stared out into the distant hills. One hand held a phone, currently without any signal, while the other kept a tentative grip on the van’s door handle. To their side was the driver, a middle-aged man with relatively little patience. When he replied, it was in a language the journalist didn’t speak, but could clearly understand as a swirl of profanity. “Alright, alright, I get it. Not like I could afford to pay you to take me back, anyway… I’ll just, uh, be going then. Try to have a nice day, eh, you old chap?” With that said xe opened the door, hopping out rather eagerly. After tucking xer phone into xer pocket, xe quickly gathered xer bags from the trunk, half expecting the man to drive off before xe had a chance.
Surprisingly, he stayed all the way until the journalist gave two hard pats to the van’s side. Then he practically slammed the gas pedal, speeding off in a whirling cloud of dust and kicked up rocks, promptly sending xer into a coughing fit. Curse these feeble lungs, xe thought, scowling. Absent-mindedly xe put a hand to xer throat, silently checking if xer, ahem, ‘wounds’ were still covered. Once satisfied, xe turned to the long, winding path into the village. Was this truly where the ever-elusive “Miranda” could be found? What in the blazes of hell was a scientist like herself doing here, in a mostly empty stretch of Romania? The thought sent a rush of anxiety to the journalist’s chest, as xe wondered if this “Miranda” would even consider helping xer. Xe hoped that, at the least, xer unique case would get her attention.
In the end, it took xer twice as long as expected to reach the village proper. There were no signs along the path, nor signs of life, other than countless dead birds, hung like falling leaves from every tree. Once, a display this gnarly would have made bile rise up in xer throat. But these days? After everything xe had researched? This was no hell, not when compared to the bombed ruin that was Raccoon City. Yet xe still cut xer hand when hopping the barbed wire fence, as if once again a rookie, too desperate for the truth to see the proper world. Fresh blood dropped onto the snow, but xe allowed xerself no wince nor complaint, instead focused on the figures moving in the distance. Strangers. Nay, sources. Someone would know something about the mysterious Miranda, even if they didn’t realize it.
So the journalist made haste, approaching as casually as xe could, considering the heavy traveler’s bag on xer shoulders, and the sturdy cane xe walked with. It was the latter that caught people’s attention first, as it click click clicked against the stone path. Before long there were several pairs of eyes on the journalist, some of them bearing thinly veiled hostility, others filled with nervousness.
“Who are you?” A man growls, stepping in front of a woman (his daughter, based on similar features, age difference) as he does. One of his fingers jabs into xer chest, daring them to take another move, carrying an unspoken threat within it. For a few seconds xe simply smiles at the man. Somewhat amused, xe hoped that xer natural charm would win the day, despite a quick glance telling them that most of these strangers were armed.
“I’m a journalist-” xe started to say, until the others moved their hands towards their holsters- “or at least I was, once. But I come asking for assistance, kindness from my fellow humans,” xe said, gesturing widely with xer arms. This made the others present pause, though the journalist wasn’t immediately sure that xe hadn’t just misspoken. Romanian was not xer first language. Or xer second, come to think of it. Oddly enough, however, it had clicked rather quickly in xer brain, as if xe had always been meant to speak it. “You may call me Avaskian Caldwell. Or just Ava, or just Kian, or just Vas, depending on your mood. Ah, but that hardly matters. I am here… to find a woman. Someone I have heard much about, a, how do you say… ‘marvel’ of science? They tell me she is called ‘Miranda’. Have I come to the-” xe do not get to finish that sentence. Before xe can understand what’s happening, someone has grabbed xer by the throat, attempting to life xer into the air.
For once in xer life, xe’s glad for the ‘extra insulation’.
“Fuck you, outsider, you don’t deserve to taint her name with your foul tongue!” The man shouts, squeezing xer throat, urged on by the jeering crowd. A smarter person would have been rather concerned at that point. But the journalist- Ava, as xe said- was not known for xer cleverness. That did not, however, stop xer from exhibiting cleverness. Taking advantage of xer ridiculous arm joints (which may or may not be doubled, possibly merely weird as fuck), xe reached into xer bag, ignoring the crowd’s scared reaction, retrieving an evidence bag. Inside of it: several broken vials, each marked with a symbol of terror. This is not a place of honor the symbol screamed. To the villagers, it meant something else, something older. To Ava? It meant the prophet of death, it meant Umbrella.
“I come bearing the sign of your village. I come bearing the scars of your Goddess,” Ava proclaims, raising the bag into the air. As soon as xe does, xe is released, the man scrambling backwards. Others turn away, some leaving, a handful gathering to pray. ‘Twas an odd display, but one that Ava preferred over a public execution. Only one person dares to approach: A woman, likely mid thirties, with dark eyes and darker hair. There’s a clear caution in her movements, as if it was taking all of her courage to not flee. “Do you perhaps know how I may reach Miranda? I am in dire need of her knowledge.” At this, the woman flinches, though her gaze lingers on Ava’s throat. It’s then that the journalist realizes xer collar was undone, exposing xer strange, ever-bleeding wound. The stranger does not speak until xe has covered the deformity.
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“One does not simply reach Mother Miranda. But there are ways to get her attention, to ask for a, hmm, blessing,” she explains. With a sigh of relief, Ava starts to celebrate, eager to find a cure for what ailed xer. But the woman wasn’t done speaking, and her next words cut a thick line through xer hope. “It may take a few weeks, maybe less, but we can ensure your prayers are heard. Mother Miranda always rewards the faithful. Even those who start out as outsiders. In the end, all are welcome here, if they keep the faith in our Mother.”
“No, no, that won’t do!” Ava snaps, far harsher than intended. The woman flinches again, and xe starts to pace back and forth, trying to release xer pent up energy. “There has to be another way. Faster, more direct. I don’t-... I might not have time to wait. Please, please, anything you can do to help, even if it’s just pointing me in the right direction…” A gulp, eyes shining with unshed tears, a quiver of the lower lip. Falsehoods alike, directed for an honest purpose. Miranda was xer only hope for information- and, perhaps, for salvation. But the latter had never been Ava’s true priority.
“There might be one way, but it is dangerous. You’d be more likely to die on the path than reach your goal, if I am honest. Yet… if there is anyone in all the village who can grant you the audience you seek, it would be one of the four lords. If you are certain-” the woman could only watch as Ava nodded furiously, silently begging- “so be it. Follow me, but do not say I did not warn you. I do not want your spirit coming to haunt me for my act of pity.”
“An unexpected guest? How… delightful. Do tell me why you even bothered to drag this miscreant before me, Cynthia?” Lady Alcina Dimitrescu asked, with a scowl, staring down at the fragile human in question. Of all the things she had expected to find, once her head servant called her, this was not one of them. An intruder would have been more likely. Perhaps even more fun, if Alcina felt like letting her daughters join in the resulting feast. But this ‘thing’ was hardly worth her time. They were short, although admittedly somewhat plump, with a scent that implied illness. For once, she could not pinpoint the exact disease by smell alone. Not that she cared, really. ‘Twas simply… interesting.
“Please, allow me to introduce myself. You may call me Avaskian Caldwell, and I come with an… offer. With mutual benefits, I assure you, Lady Dimitrescu,” the journalist answered, giving a deep bow. Despite xer manners, Alcina seemed unimpressed, even irritated by the display. Still, she gestured with her right hand, encouraging xer to get on with it. “I am in need of a meeting, specifically one with the much beloved, dearly respected Mother Miranda. In exchange, I offer two things: The sweat of my brow, and the blood in my veins.” Much to xer displeasure, Alcina replied with loud laughter before fixing xer with a hard stare.
“Pray tell, little thing, what makes you think I won’t simply take your blood now, hmm?” She muses, cackling again, ignoring the way her servant flinched at the sound. But Ava did not waiver, instead simply reaching into xer sleeve. Slowly xe pulled out something metallic, speaking firmly as xe did.
“For one, Mother Miranda would certainly dislike losing out on this opportunity,” xe started to say, unable to stop xerself from smirking. Then the knife fully exited xer sleeve, dancing in the light, before pressing against xer own throat. It was certainly a unique threat. Instantly Alcina rises to her feet, only pausing when she realizes that she wasn’t the one in danger. “Secondly, my blood is worth more if I am alive. You see, I have a wretched ‘condition’, which does a handful of lovely, lovely, life-threatening things to this poor vessel of mine. But someone as intelligent as yourself could find plenty of use for my so-called ‘illness’. If you give me a chance to explain, that is.” Though she does not sit back down, or even nod, it quickly becomes clear that Alcina did not intend to interrupt. Yet. “Grand, grand! I do appreciate it, my Lady. Now, let me just grab the research I brought with me…”
Never once lowering the knife from xer throat, Ava digs into xer bag, forced to briefly clip xer cane to xer belt. Then xe retrieves a closed manilla folder, carefully handing it to the giantess in front of xer. Wordlessly Alcina accepts the item, opening it to peruse its contents, only pausing to put on a pair of reading glasses. A minute of quiet passes before Ava continues xer explanation.
“I heal faster than anyone else on your staff, guaranteed. Hell, I cut my hand down in the village, on some damned wire, and the wound has already closed back up, good as new. That means, of course, that if someone were to let’s say… remove some of my blood, well, it wouldn’t take too long for me to get more, now would it? Obviously there has to be some biological counter, some form of payment for my ability. The rule of equivalent exchange, and all that, yes? As it stands… I eat an extra slice of bread a day. That’s it. Nothing bad enough to cancel out the boon of my blood. My… extensive reservoir of blood. Interesting, yes?” Ava says, still as charming as ever, despite the indescribable terror in xer chest. If there was one thing that xe had learned as a journalist, it was how to hide xer fear. Which was plenty useful, in the current situation, especially when Alcina flips a page to reveal the one downside to xer condition.
“Don’t tell me you came all this way to try and deceive me. Here I was, beginning to think something of you, and you hand me a sheet that says it clear as candlelight: Your blood is dirty. Infected. I won’t be drinking it anytime soon, nor would I even consider allowing it to be used for my family’s wine!” Alcina is essentially yelling at this point. But Ava only takes a step forward, smile present but trembling, and gestures for her to turn the page. With narrowed eyes she does, quickly reading through the notes. Once, then a pause, then once more. Finally she closes the folder, setting it down upon her desk. “Fascinating. You are indeed a… unique case. I cannot guarantee you a meeting with Mother Miranda, and even if I do, it will be because of your condition. She will use you, as is her divine right to do, likely without ever once considering attempting to cure you. But if you are determined to meet her, well,” Alcina leans in with her own grin, sending chills down Ava’s spine, “I will not stop you. Here’s hoping you manage to give me plenty of blood before you ‘expire’. Cynthia, show her to the servants’ quarters. I expect her to be working by tomorrow morning. Dismissed.”
Although Ava could not help but twitch at the Lady’s choice of pronouns, xe had expected this. Eventually xe would explain the indefinite nature of xer gender. Or perhaps xe was doomed to die a horrific, tragic death long before xe ever had the opportunity. Either way, xe could not help but feel a small sense of elation, pleased to have made some progress towards xer goal. Three steps forward and two steps back was still, cumulatively, a step forward. In time, xe would likely come to regret this series of choices. But who among us could say they held no regrets at all? And if, in the end, this storyteller came away with one hell of a story… wouldn’t that outweigh the regret? Even if Ava did not know it, xe would one day learn a valuable lesson from the strange family xe now worked for: Blood of the covenant is thicker than water of the womb. Oh, and what a lovely covenant it would be.
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oceansmelodysblog · 4 years
A Warm Breath from the Mountains
chapter 2
A Breath of the Wild fanfiction
Authors: @quepasta & @freshbreezesworld
When I woke up the next morning, I found myself in one of the comfortable Rito beds in their inns. Zelda was sleeping peacefully beside me, her face turned towards me. There was something magical about seeing her in her warming nightclothes, sleeping beside me, surrounded by majestic mountains and a pleasant cold. I took advantage of the situation to watch her sleep undisturbed and gently stroked the strands of hair from her face. My arm felt numb under her head, but it was worth it to me to have her so close. Hopefully she would never know how I felt about her, because the closer we got, the more complicated it would get with her desire to rebuild Hyrule. It was getting to be time to wake Zelda up, so a prank came to mind.
Carefully, I pulled my arm away and sat up. I had to massage and shake my arm to get the blood flowing, but I didn't mind. As long as it didn't kill me, the sarcastic thought occurred to me.
I jumped out the window and landed noiselessly on the grassy ground that surrounded the guest cottage and grabbed a stalk, climbed back in over the same window and sat down cross-legged in front of Zelda's face. One last time I examined her contented sleeping face, which she always had when I slept next to her. Then I took the stalk and tickled her nose and ears. Hectically she tore her eyes open and patted her body and face with her hands in panic. I let out a laugh and almost toppled off the bed to see her like that. She noticed my reaction and stopped abruptly and just looked at me questioningly "Link, what have you done now!"
Again I snorted, this time it was her confused look. I tried to gasp for breath and at the same time explain to her what I had done, which proved to be a challenge for me. "Link!"
„Don’t worry Zelda! I only tried to wake you up. “
„apparently you did. Great job. And never do this again, whatever it was.“ Now she was annoyed and I nearly lost it again but I needed to focus.
„Anyways. Today starts your first lesson on how to cook. We have to gather some ingredients from the Hebra mountains, so let’s get started, because the day will pass before we even reached the stables.“
As I said that, I jumped from the bed and took off my night wear to change into my Rito armor. I was so used to be alone all the time that I forgot to warn Zelda. Of course she started to squeal. „Link! What is wrong with you, why don’t you warn me before taking off your clothes!“ I smirked at her to provoke her even more. „You can see more if you want!“ I said and received a smash of a pillow in to my face. „You’re ridiculous! “ she was about to burst out by clenching her fists but I reached over the bed to her and held her wrists tight. „Zelda I am just kidding, don’t be mad at me. You can change your clothes in peace, I will wait for you at the gate to the village. “
As I walked away from the inn, on the way to the gate, many Rito villagers greeted me heartily. It seems they weren’t mad at me anymore, I guess Saki did tell them, I was a complete fool, to ease their minds. But then I bumped into the the Rito warriors and even they greeted me and apologized for their behavior. I will have to ask Saki about this later.
I talked to the guard about the surroundings and if he saw dangerous threats around this area and he said besides the already existing monsters in the mountains, the area around the stable and the village was safe for travels. When I thanked him for his advice I turned back to the stairs and my eyes caught a goddess standing in front of the goddess‘ statue. She wore a full white coloured Rito snow quill armour and looked astounding.
She had her long hair braided to a ponytail and her face was framed in gold through two thick strands of her hair. My heart fluttered at her forest green eyes shimmering like the surface of water in the incoming sunlight. Her shy smile adorned her pretty face, which was framed by strands of her golden hair.
Slowly I realized I was staring at her for too long and as a result she blushed. “Do you like my new outfit that much?” she asked curiously.
Slowly and elegantly, she stepped down the stairs while I couldn’t get out of my staring even when she stood right in front of me.
“Zelda... You... You look like a goddess.” I said without thinking twice. As I realized what I said, my eyes widened and became nervous. ‘How did I let this happen?’
“I-“ I was about to start to say, but Zelda interrupted me before I could finish the sentence.
“Link, please don’t be sorry. I appreciate your compliment… and I wish you would say what you think more often.” Zelda folded her hands in front of her chest and looked directly into my eyes. She had an intense glimpse sparkling in her mirrors of her soul while she smiled at me in a way that I couldn’t lay my eyes off. It gave me an intriguing feeling.
"Everything my princess desires," I finally replied.
Even though I had only addressed her by her title, it slowly dawned on me how ambiguous it sounded, and I couldn't help but smile. Zelda giggled adorable in response. I scratched the back of my head, which I always did when I messed up things.
 "Let's get to the stables before it gets dark. We will need our horses in the deep snow to move faster. After that, we'll let them rest near our campfire so they won't freeze." I finally said leading her the way.
Zelda nodded in agreement and broke away from me. We then walked across the bridges in comfortable silence, admiring the majestic view, until we arrived at the stables.
"Link, why did you name your horse Altay? I've never heard that name before," Zelda asked as I picked up our horses.
I had captured and tamed a direct descendant of her favourite horse, before the battle against Ganon, and held the white proud mare by her reins so that Zelda could pet and caress her in peace.
My mount, however, compared to hers, was like the night itself. My stallion had black fur and a black mane that was cropped into a mohawk. His forehead had a white mark that ran to his mouth. His fetlocks were covered with longer fur - an indication that he could cope with any weather. Basically, my horse was the perfect mount for me; fearless, strong and not afraid of any obstacle.
"An old man I once met on my journey told me about a warlike people who were unbeatable on their horses. They called themselves the Altay Warriors, after a mountain of their ancestors and deities. I don't know what happened to these warriors, but I still found the story impressive. When I found my buddy, here beside me," I lovingly stroked my horse's mouth as I continued, "I knew he was just as tough as those warriors and gave him that name. He loves it when I call him by his name." I smiled and helped Zelda onto her horse, grabbing her hip and hoisting her onto the saddle with ease. I loved those tiny touches and the way she smiled happily as I did so.
"Thank you Link, a gentleman as always." She said and gave me the intriguing look again.
I winked at her and turned to my horse and mounted the saddle. We had both opted for the 'Travelling Saddle' as it offered more storage space.
“So, Link will you tell me now, where we’re heading? You didn’t tell me more than that we would camp in the Hebra mountains.” She asked as we rode our horses in a slow walk.
“You will see, when we’re there, Princess.”
“Link that’s not fair, I want you to tell me where we will go. I want to be prepared.”
“Prepared for what? You won’t need to do anything but study the flora around us.” I said as I spurred my horse on.
At a trot we rode past the felled trees as the cool wind blew through the long stalks of grass.
“Because I want to learn new things and be useful, after you injured your shoulder, you must have realised too that you can’t be always there for me. Let me at least learn how to hunt with a bow. And no – the bow of light is something else.”
The group of trees in front of us was often filled with Oktoroks, so I kept my eyes open, but we had been spared this time. I breathed a sigh of relief when we reached the huge rock face to our left.
“I will think about it, princess,” I said and immediately saw a glimpse of sadness in her eyes. She turned her head away and sighed frustrated.
‘As if I could ever refuse her wishes.’
We had barely reached the sand-coloured rock cliff when the illuminating blue light of a shrine in the near distance caught my eye and pointed in the direction. Zelda looked out for the point in the distance that I was pointing at and drew in her breath sharply. I looked to her and watched as her eyes began to sparkle like opal.
"Link, there's another shrine! And it's glowing blue too! Link!  Link! Let's explore the shrine!"
"That's the Bareeda Naag shrine I entered a while ago. That's probably why it glows blue instead of orange, since I completed the trial inside."
Eyes dilated like those of an eagle, stared at me in shock.
As we trotted on, I kept an eye on the surrounding area, knowing that a camp of monsters was hiding behind the rock face.
"The shrines you wanted to explore 100 years ago turned out to be trials for the hero with the mastersword. They served to restore my original strength and endurance. Ancient, mummified monks waited for me in these shrines and gave me different tests. Which amazes me though, because these shrines were created 10 thousand years ago, with the sole purpose of helping me. How could the ancient Sheikah have known this? But if they knew about our miserable fate, why didn't they take action against it? So many questions ran through my mind as I travelled through Hyrule with no memory."
I stared at the pommel of his saddle as I moved my hip to the rhythm of Altay. Absentmindedly, I stroked through the spiky Mohawk mane.
I only realised I was lost in thought when Zelda placed a hand on my shoulder, snapping me out of my hazy memories of the devastation.
"Link, why don't you tell me what you saw in the shrine? What was that trial you had to pass?"
Grateful for the distraction, I gave her a smile.
"Activating the shrine first was a challenge in itself," we rode past the ruins that surrounded the shrine as I continued, "Laissa, the wife of Kass the poet, sang me an ancient Rito song that contained the solution to the challenge. I quickly found out that through the heart-shaped hole in the steep rock in Rito village, the sun had to shine on an illuminating pedestal and had to be shot with a fire arrow. Shortly thereafter, a shrine rose up from between those ruins and cleared the way for me to take the next test. In the shrine, with the help of my bomb module, I catapulted a huge stone ball at a huge target that was blocked by crumbling stones and floating pedestals that moved back and forth to make my job more difficult. I only had to shoot twice, once to pulverise the stones and a second time to fire at the target at the right moment. It was admittedly one of the easier tests I had to complete." As I told her more and more, her eyes lit up with fascination, but then I remembered that I hadn't even introduced her to Kass, let alone Teba, the Rito's bravest warrior. The thought of Kass led me to remember the final verses of his teacher’s completed ballad.
"Link are you all right? You looked very nervous and troubled for a moment."
"I'm fine. I just remembered one of the freaky trials."
I decided to withhold Kass' ballad from her for the time being, as I wasn't sure if it was true. I just couldn't imagine Zelda seeing me as more than her best friend.  
"Do you want to tell me about it? You went through so much before you came to rescue me, and yet I can only begin to comprehend what you've been through."
A spark of admiration flitted across her face, but just as I was about to begin to tell, I harkened and halted abruptly.
Puzzled, Zelda stared at me, but before she could ride past me, I grabbed the reins of Himawari, Zelda's mare, and slowed her down. She neighed loudly in fright, but I managed to shush her with my "Ho! Ho. Hoa!" to calm her down.
Altay sensed danger nearby and flared his nostrils. Nervously, he shook his head and exhaled loudly.  He was ready to face the danger.
I heard only the deafening snore of a Hinox, but I knew that if Altay reacted in such a way, there were Yiga nearby who could appear out of nowhere.
I could not hesitate for long, made up my mind quickly.
With my right arm I grabbed Zelda by her waist and dragged her from the saddle onto my lap, slapping Himawari on the back and we galloped as fast as Altay could.
Zelda cried out, constricted in my bent-over stance to brave the wind. I could hear a diabolic laugher, far behind us. I pushed Altay to run faster and quicker.
"Hold on tight!", I yelled against the wind.
Himawari galloped ahead of us, but Altay quickly caught up with her and sprinted past. We had to get away quickly, far away from any lurking danger.
"HYAH!", I yelled and spurred Altay and Himawari on.
The icy headwind whipped my face and froze my ears and nose. I hugged Zelda tighter to me with one arm to protect her from the weather while she wrapped her arms around my neck and buried her face against my shoulder.
I could hear Altay's powerful lungs quivering with joy. I heard every breath as his hooves pawed into the ground. I felt every muscle he moved.
My lungs burned with icy cold, but I gritted my teeth until we reached the crossroads to the Hebra Mountains. Once there, we stopped abruptly and Altay reared back, whinnying. I tightened my legs so as not to fall off the horse and pressed Zelda against me while pulling the reins tight with one hand.
Zelda clung tighter to me as she let out a suppressed squeal.
"Ho! Ho!", I shouted to calm Altay down.
When Himawari reached us, I released my reins, stretched out my arm and grabbed Himawari's reins as she charged towards us. I concentrated, tensing my leg muscles to sit firmly in the saddle, and pulled my arm towards me with all my might to intercept Himawari's momentum. I pulled hard on her reins, keeping Altay under control, and pushed Zelda onto my lap until Himawari came skidding to a halt.
I exhaled with relief and let go of the mare's reins. I relaxed my grip around Zelda's waist so that she could relax. Her legs hung off the side of my lap and her hip was pressed painfully tight against the pommel of my saddle.
"Forgive me Princess, I had to get us away from there as quickly as possible as I sensed through Altay that this place held some danger. I hope I didn't hurt you."
I slid further back in the saddle to move her a little away from the pommel, but I bumped into the pack on my horse's back.
Zelda let go of my neck and looked up at me.
"I could have ridden after you on Himawari, couldn't I?"
"No. I can protect you better if you're right there with me. The Yiga have the art of appearing out of nowhere and attacking you with sword and bow. They could have separated us by waking the sleeping Hynox and kidnapping you quite easily."
Her beautiful face was millimetres from mine, I couldn't help but gaze into her deep green eyes. Her pupils dilated, her lips opened a crack and honey sweet breath, clouded my mind. Feeling her chest rise and fall steadily, I realised my hand was still at her waist and she was sitting on my lap.
I tried to calm my racing pulse and deep breaths so as not to take any more space from her by my strong rise and fall of my broad chest.
Silently, we sat there staring into each other's eyes. Even though I was a disciplined knight, I was only a man. My gaze fell on her slightly parted lips. Magnetically attracted by her breath, my mouth approached hers.
But suddenly a thought flashed through my mind and made me jerk backwards. I was still her knight, protector and closest confidant. I had no right to kiss her.
"Sorry princess. That wasn't planned" I cleared my throat and tried to gather my thoughts. But then I noticed Zelda's sad face.
"Princess? Why are you so sad?"
Zelda furrowed her brows and averted her face. However, it felt like I had put a rift between us.
"It's nothing. We should keep moving or we'll never get to the snow mountains." She signalled me to lower her down. Carefully I hoisted her onto Himawari's saddle and we rode along the mountain pass, following the path.  A herd of wild horses crossed our path and galloped ahead of us, across all directions. At the end of the trail was a hut with a campfire and we decided to let the horses rest at this spot.
"What is this place?" Zelda asked.
"Hebra Trailhead Lodge. See that wooden ladder? If we climb that, we'll get to Rosporo Pass. From there we get to the Hebra south summit. The pass to the right of the mountain takes us past Corvash Peak Mountain to Hebra Plunge and Hebra Falls. But the way is a long one on both paths, I suggest making a campfire close to this hut, but stay at the pass.”
I set my foot down lightly in the snow, huffing as the snow crackled underneath my boot. I had been walking around for at least 10 minutes while trying to keep my steps silent. How did Link always walk so quietly? He could run across a field and not make a sound. How many times had I seen him scramble up the side of a building, sneaking around the townspeople while goofing off.
Link had told me to find hot peppers and wild berries, and I had found neither so far. Somehow I convinced him to let me wander off by myself, though I figured he was staying close in case I needed him.
The quiet landscape around me had been cast in a yellow glow as the sun started sinking behind the mountains. The light hit the snow that clung to the tree branches and the snow sparkled in return. The reflected light from the snow danced on the fresh snow on the ground. I breathed in the cold air while I trekked on, smiling as I took in the beauty of it all. I couldn’t imagine ever getting used to the beauty of the Hebra region.
Soon I found a group of wild berry bushes and began plucking the berries into my pack. I wasn’t sure what Link was planning to teach me to cook tonight, but I was excited that it included fruit. The peppers had thrown me off, but they would be useful in the cold region we were in. Even if we didn’t use them for dinner, it was a good idea to keep them on hand.
After collecting all the berries I could find, I continued on. I knew that peppers grew better in more open areas and that there were cliffsides near the area I was in, Hopefully there were some peppers there. I forced myself to walk faster, I was losing daylight and I was supposed to meet Link back at the campsite by nightfall.
Shaking my head, I tried to get Link out of my head. He was only going to be a distraction. Plus, I was upset with him. Well, maybe frustrated was a better word. Frustrated actually explained a lot of how I was feeling lately.
I hadn’t let Link know, but after our almost run in with the Yiga earlier today, my sense of helplessness had only grown. He could sense the smallest sign of danger and had once again had to escort me to safety. Meanwhile I had been oblivious to it until I heard the faint laugh of the Yiga member. Even then, the only instinct I had was to hide my face in Link’s shoulder while my fear frightened me in place. Truthfully I was thankful Link was there and had the skills to detect such danger.
However, it had since dawned on me that my education as the royal daughter had done little to prepare me to live in the world that existed now. Of course, no one could have predicted what would happen. But out here in the wild, there was no use for arithmetic, or table manners, or citing the favourite literature among the nobility. Life here was driven by work done with labour and skilled hands. The civilians that still lived across Hyrule all knew how to collect and make the supplies they needed.
But I knew nothing. I didn’t know how to find more substantial resources, create shelter, make my own clothes, or defend myself. This is what I had been trying to tell Link for a few days now. But each time I brought it up, he brushed it off. Saying that he knew all of those skills and therefore I didn’t need to. Which is why I was frustrated with him.
But he had already promised to teach me how to forage for food and cook. That was a start, at least. And while Link was healing well from his fall, he still wasn’t well enough to do all the work by himself. Though if someone asked him if he was, he would say yes with an annoying amount of confidence.
I set another foot down, attempting to be lighter. I held my breath as my boot sunk in the snow, waiting for the sound of the crunch. But this time my footstep was silent. A small victory, but I let myself have it.
Shifting my foot to take another step, I brought my hand to grab the bow slung around my chest. I smiled as I remembered how excited I was to wear it like Link did. It was an extra great eagle bow that Link had in his pack. He had made a joke that it was weak enough that if I accidentally shot him, it wouldn’t hurt that badly. Rolling my eyes and threatening to take him up on that offer, I had taken the bow gratefully. It had also been another tiny win in my favor. Maybe my frustrations were unwarranted.
My face grew red as I also remembered that Link had offered to show me how to use it. For some reason I accepted his offer, even though I had been taught archery before the calamity. Archery was one of the few useful skills I had been instructed in growing up, although back then I didn’t care for it much. Also, I was a terrible shot.
I felt my hands shake as I remembered using another bow. The bow of light. The sacred bow of light had been given to me by the Goddess before I went to fight Ganon. The bow had somehow felt familiar as I gripped it for the first time. I had not had time to practice using it and I didn’t need to. I had used it countless times before, in other life times. Heading to the castle, I was armed only with the bow and my sealing power to face my enemy alone.
I shuddered at the memory and I gripped the great eagle bow tighter. There were no sacred ties or unfair duties with this bow. I could use this one and just be another girl hunting. The quiver Link had given me only had a few arrows in it, but I could target practice if I wanted to. Weighing the idea in my mind, I turned my head toward the horizon. I sighed as I realized the sun was starting to sink, which meant that I needed to hurry. There would not be enough time to practice and collect what I needed to.
Luckily the cliffs weren’t too far away, but the sun had beat me. It was now dark, the stars and moon finally showing themselves. I used the light of the moon to scan the cleared area by the cliffs, my eyes taking a moment to adjust to the dark. I finally found a few peppers growing at the far end of the area and began pulling them off their vines. I smiled and felt my mood lighten a bit, proud of myself for finding them. Even if I was late to the task. Just as soon as I was done, I heard footsteps coming from around the corner.
I turned in alarm, but relaxed as I saw Link come into view. Puffs of hot air followed him as he slowed his run to a walk.
“Zelda! There you are.” He smiled, and continued to walk over to me. His face was changing from a frown to relief, as if he had been worried about me. I felt anger prickle at my hands, why couldn’t I have made it back in time instead of causing Link to worry? There went my better mood.
“Do you not trust me? I am fine. I was about to head back to the stable.” I said, letting my annoyance show. A look of confusion spread over Link’s face, his mouth tried to form words in response.
“No! I mean yes I trust you I just-” He started. But his initial response of “no” set me off.
“You must really think I’m that helpless. Maybe you’re right. You gave me an easy task and I couldn’t even complete it before nightfall.” I said, walking back towards Link. I felt my voice start to get louder, frustration taking over. “And I couldn’t even be a few minutes late without you having to run around to find me. Maybe this is hopeless and I should just-”
“Zelda!” Link cut me off. “Zelda, hold on. None of that is true.” He said, his brows furrowing in concern.
“Well then why did you come running all the way over here? Like I am just some child you lost sight of.” I huffed. Why was I getting so mad at him? It was misdirected anger, I was more upset with myself for losing track of time today. I was about to continue when Link grabbed my wrists, bringing me closer to him and closing the rest of the distance between us.
He rolled his eyes at me, but rubbed his thumbs once over the top of my hands. Warmth flowed through them instantly, and my heart pounded. “I came over here to show you something. And I was running because I didn’t want you to miss it. Now stop being so stubborn and look up.” He said, sliding one arm around my waist when I tried to pull away before he finished his sentence. But then I stopped and followed his instructions.
A gasp escaped my mouth as I glanced up. The sky was lit up in streams of green and bright pink light. The light snaked across the sky, playfully shifting down toward the ground almost as if it were teasing the tops of the mountains. Aurora borealis, I thought. One of my tutors had told me about the lights in the sky, but I never had been able to see them for myself. They weren’t viewable from the castle. I must have been so caught up in my search that I didn’t notice the show the night sky was putting on.
I felt my arms relax and I let my hand fall to land on the top of Link’s arm which was still around my waist, but Link held my other hand in place to lay flat on his chest. I thanked Hylia for the cold air, giving an excuse for the redness creeping across my face. I gave his arm a soft squeeze, letting him know I saw what he wanted me to look at. But I kept my gaze on the lights. They were beautiful, like dancers waltzing across the night sky. Sometimes the green and pink hues shifted to purple or blue, but they were breathtaking regardless of what color they chose to be.
I finally forced my gaze away from them, back to Link. He had been watching them too, but looked back down at me when he saw my head shift. For a second I just let myself stare back into his eyes, and he searched my face as always. What was he searching for this time? Did he only see his sovereign and friend starting back at him, or did he see something more? At night, did he dream of my eyes too?
I suddenly became all too aware of how close we were. Link’s arms around me, my hands on top of his. Our bodies more or less pressed against each other. Of course he had held me like this because I was trying to push away from him and I would have missed the lights if he hadn’t. But he was lingering, he technically didn’t have to have his arms around me anymore. I technically didn’t have to have my arms touching him. We technically didn’t have to be staring silently at each other for this long, but we were.
I could have died right there and been content. But I didn’t dare let myself to think that this moment meant more. But perhaps it did. I remembered the moment the day before, when we had been escaping the Yiga. Had he been trying to kiss me or did I imagine that?
“I was being stubborn again, wasn’t I?” I finally breathed, forcing my eyes to look somewhere else.
“You were. But you always are.” He laughed. I could feel the vibrations of his laugh from how close we were. I still wasn’t over his laugh. A thing that only the Link from this time did.
“Well you were right, as you always are. That was quite beautiful. I have always wanted to see the lights and I never thought I would. Thank you.” I replied, giving him a smile in return.
The corners of his eyes crinkled as his smile grew wider. He let go of his hold on me, taking a step back. My hands fell back to my side and I felt the loss of warmth immediately. But he still stared back at me, his blue eyes almost glowing in the moonlight.
“Er, do you want to practice with the bow before we head back?” Link asked. His cheeks were red, probably from the cold. But a little part of me thought maybe he was blushing.
I nodded and turned to follow him.
As we walked to find a good area to practice, I replayed the past fews days back in my head. Starting from when Link woke me up with his prank, the compliment he gave me on the stairs back in Rito Village, then when evaded danger before I even knew anything was wrong. The redness on my face deepened when I remembered being pulled into his lap as we outran the Yiga on horseback. His instincts and strength were impressive, to say the least.
And just now, standing under the lights while being more or less in his arms.
All of these were innocent moments, really. But I knew I would replay them in my head for a long time. The image of his blue eyes staring back into mine would surely keep me up tonight.
And it was then an odd thought occurred to me. Blue was my favorite color.
“Is here okay?” Link spoke up, bringing me back from my thoughts. He was giving me a smug look, and only then did I realize he had led us to the flight range.
I was surprised to see the range after so long, but pleased to see that it hadn’t changed much in over a century. I sighed woefully as I remembered the countless times Revali showed off his skills here. Taking off on an upwind with his wings spread wide and shooting all the targets in a blink of an eye. Taking a deep breath, I hoped I would make him proud with the amateur archery skills I possessed.
“Yes. I believe this will work.” I answered, pulling the bow over my head and reaching for an arrow. I looked over at Link and he stepped back with a nod, giving me space to practice.
Suddenly I felt very nervous to practice in front of Link, and I now regretted not taking the time to shoot a couple of arrows earlier when I was alone. I fumbled with the arrow. The bow of light had been so easy to use. Almost like the bow had done the work for me, or maybe the adrenaline I had back then had made it easier to use.
Link stood back and motioned for me to continue. With the arrow finally nocked, I raised the bow with my arms shaking. I had seen Link jump in the air and shoot an arrow in one swift motion, with little effort. He must have been humored by my struggle, I couldn’t bear to look to see if he was. Pulling my right arm back, I aimed for the closest target in front of me. I could tell before I released it the arrow that it would miss, my shaky arms making it a clumsy shot.
The arrow in fact missed the target, whizzing past it to land in the snow. Still, I was encouraged by the speed of the arrow. I just needed to get better at my aim.
“That was good.” Link said, suddenly appearing next to me. “Here, nock another bow. If you straighten your arms more you’ll make your mark.”
He stood behind me as I pulled another bow out of the quiver and nocked it. He reached up and put his right arm on my right elbow, raising it so my arm was perfectly horizontal. His left arm lightly touched my waist, straightening my posture.
“When you draw the bow back, one finger should be above the arrow with two fingers supporting it from underneath. And you want your right hand to be right next to your mouth. Go ahead and try.” He whispered by my ear, and he stood back.
I drew the bow back, making sure my hand was even with my mouth and arms were level. I released the arrow, sighing as the arrow missed the target again. But it was closer, barely missing.
I continued practicing, with Link stepping in to give pointers. Every once in a while nudging my waist or correcting my arm form with a light touch. Everytime, my breath caught in my throat when I felt his hands on me. In truth, he was distracting me more than he was helping me.
But I didn’t stop him from doing it, even though I felt a little guilty not telling him that I had been educated in archery. But between me being out of practice and Link making me nervous, I was fumbling like a true inexperienced archer.
Finally, I shot three arrows into the target. While they were nowhere close to the bullseye I was still ecstatic with my progress. I felt myself smile wide after each one and with Link would give me a thumbs up in approval. His face beaming at me after I made the third one, I raised my arms in the air in a cheer. Link walked over pulling me into a big hug and swung me around in a circle. I laughed as he spun me, throwing my head back and feeling the wind whip my hair around.
I stumbled as he sat me back down, feeling joy fill my heart and spread through my limbs.
“I have a confession.” I said, laughing still. Link looked at me, his eyebrows raised with a smile still on his face. “Well I, uh, was taught archery back then. Obviously I’m rusty and I appreciated the pointers. But just thought I should tell you.” I looked down at my shoes, slightly embarrassed about my confession.
“So you just let me teach you something you already knew, like a moron?” Link asked, his voice playful. When I looked up at him I could tell he had tried to look angry, but he was awful at hiding the smile he wore.
I nodded and shrugged, glad he wasn’t actually upset.
“Shame on you, Princess. Shame on you.” He chuckled, shaking his head.
“I apologize! And your tips were still quite useful, thank you. They will certainly help me in my practice.” I slung the bow back over my head.
“Good. I guess that makes me feel better.” He stated, shifting his feet a little in the snow. “I’m not really ready to go back yet. Do you want to go find somewhere to sit? We can watch the lights some more.”
I stared at him, gasping in disbelief. “I never thought I would see the day that you would push off dinner. I thought you would be starving by now.”
He put a hand to his stomach and laughed. “Oh, I am. But it’s such a beautiful night, we might as well enjoy it. Unless you are ready for dinner?” He asked.
It was late already, it had been a few hours since the sun had set. But I wasn’t really hungry yet. “No, I can wait. Let’s go.” I answered, motioning for him to lead.
But Link took me by surprise, by tucking his arm in mine and giving me a smile before leading us away from the range. My skin tingled where he made contact, and I silently sighed in my mind.
I wished I had the courage to ask him about his feelings. Did he do everything for me out of duty? Out of friendship? Out of something more? These thoughts had kept me up at night recently. I often came to the conclusion that I was okay with the way things were. Having Link around and allowing our friendship to continue to grow was enough.
Honestly, most days it was enough. But moments like this, when he would do something out of his usual behavior that I felt the need to know what was actually going through his mind. Our conversation this morning only caused me to wonder more.
 However, Link’s memory was still fragile. I wanted to give him space and time to heal. Putting strain on our friendship, the one thing that was a constant for him, would certainly not be the best thing for him.
Link led us back to the clearing on the cliff. He let go of my arm to clear snow off of two rocks that were at the edge of the clearing, then motioned for me to sit next to him.
“Thank you.’ I said, sitting down. I left a small space between us on the rock. Looking up at the sky, I could still see the lights. They were fainter now, but they still danced across the sky.
“How is your shoulder doing?” I asked him. It had been a few days since his fall, and while he certainly was healing faster than a normal Hylian, I was worried he was hiding his pain.
“Oh, it’s a little sore and stiff. I should probably be stretching it more than I am. But it is feeling a lot better.” He replied while shifting his shoulder a few times for emphasis.
“I’m glad to hear it. You really had me worried there. And your head? How does it feel?” I picked at a loose thread on my pants while I waited for his answer.
“Good as well. It hasn’t really hurt since the first day I woke up. A little tender if I touch it I suppose. My ribs are still sore, if that is your next question.” He said, nudging my shoulder with his.
I nudged him back. “Yes it was. Well, like I said. I am glad you are getting better. A shame that you are such a clumsy hero though.” I teased.
His head turned to look at me, rolling his eyes again. “Hmm. I don’t think you want to talk to me about being clumsy.” He chuckled, his shoulders shaking as he did so. But then he got a serious look on his face. “I am sorry about that though, Zelda. I really am. I honestly should have been more careful. Never would I have ever wanted to cause you such distress.”
I looked back up at him and I could see the sincerity in his eyes. “I know. There is no need to apologize though.” I answered, feeling my brows scrunch on my face.
Link leaned down a bit closer. “Well, there is. And I also need to say thank you. For what you did, even if I was mad about it. You saved me, Zelda.”
Oh he was close, way too close to my face. I wanted to lean in closer, it would have been so easy to close the distance between us. And he was looking at me again like he did yesterday.
But there were things we needed to talk about. And I suddenly felt a little brave, I decided it was time to ask him a few of the questions that had been haunting me for weeks now.
“It’s what we do for each other.” I said, looking away. “Speaking of that. I hope you don’t mind me asking, but there have been a few things I have wanted to ask you for awhile now.”
Link tilted his head, waiting for me to continue.
“What do…” I stopped. I wasn’t sure where to begin. “Do you remember the first time we traveled to Rito Village together? Before the Calamity?” I asked. I decided to start small and ask him about a few specific memories.
He sighed, though I wasn’t sure if it was out of surprise or frustration. “Can you tell me a little more about it?” He asked.
“Oh yes, of course.” I said, pausing to think about which details of the trip to describe. “Well, we had traveled from the castle to Rito Village to get an update from Revali on how he was managing to pilot Vah Medoh. Along the way, we ran into some ice lizalfos on the way, but you took care of them. Later, we had dinner with Kaneli, Revali, and some others. Nothing important happened on the excursion, I just chose a random moment to ask you about.” I answered, fiddling with the loose thread again.
Link’s face scrunched up in thought, his eyes moving back and forth as he combed through his memories. Then his face fell and he hung his head. “No, I’m sorry I don’t think I do.”
“It’s okay, Link. Like I said, it’s not an important memory. May I ask another question though?” I shot a side glance at him and saw him nod.
“Do you remember obtaining the Master Sword the first time?”
“No.” He answered quickly. “I have tried to remember that. But I haven’t been able to.” He said, his voice quiet.
I sighed apologetically. “Oh. I’m sorry for bringing it up, Link. I won’t ask about it anymore.” I was worried I had pushed him too far before he was ready.
“No, it’s fine. Maybe asking questions will help remind me of something.” He said, lifting his head to look at me.
I thought about something else to ask him, and there were so many things I could have. But I decided to go a different route. “Yesterday you said you wandered Hyrule with no memory. Is that true? Do you remember anything about your life before becoming a knight?”
This caused Link to lean forward into his hands, sighing into his palms. He stayed like that for a minute, not moving. Then he pushed his hair out of his face and sat up. He glanced over at me and cleared his throat. “I don’t remember my life before being assigned your knight. Honestly, I don’t remember much, at all. Most of my memories are tied to the pictures in the slate.” He finally answered.
I closed my eyes, I had figured as much. But it was still devastating for him to admit it. I wrung my hands together, attempting to come up with something appropriate to say. But what do you say to something like that?
“So everything you did after you woke up, training to defeat Ganon, freeing the Divine Beasts, saving me.... You did all of that without remembering who you were?” I asked.
He nodded. “Yours was the first voice I heard and you helped me when I didn’t even know my name. I was told by everyone else what my destiny was and what to do. That was enough until I started to reclaim some of my memory. Then bit by bit, I started to remember you and the champions. I didn’t remember everything, and I still don’t, but I knew I missed you and the others. I knew I wanted to save you and see you again.”
He paused, and turned his face toward the sky. I didn’t think he was going to speak again, but he did.
“Seeing you safe, healthy, and smiling. That’s been enough for me. More than enough. Even if I don’t remember, I know I did the right thing.” A small smile found itself on his face as he looked back at me.
I smiled back, feeling my heart pound in my chest as I met his blue eyes again. What he said made some of his behavior make more sense. He was still the old Link in the way that he was always striving to do good and how devoted he was to his duty. But he had also changed, he was taller, goofier, and talked more. The weight he felt of being the one who wielded the sword that sealed the darkness now gone as our destiny was  behind us.
“Is that what you wanted to tell me earlier?” I asked him.
“Oh that? No. I’m still not ready for that.” He said, his eyes leaving mine for the ground.
“That’s okay. I can respect that.”
We sat in silence for a while as the weight of our conversation set in. I was happy we had made some progress, he hadn’t allowed me to talk about his memory before. But we were the only people who knew what the other person had gone through and it was time we began to heal. Together.
“I’m kind of hungry now, should we head back to the campsite?” I asked, standing up and offering my hand out toward him. He looked at my hand for a second before smiling and taking it.
And while I thought he would let it go after a moment, he didn’t. So, we walked hand in hand back to the campsite, with my hungry knight leading the way.
 I was already awake before the first morning rays of sunshine, as the issues of last night did not allow me to rest in my sleep. I lay on my back in my sleeping bag and put my hands under my head. I looked up at the clear starry sky, which slowly gave way to the light of the sun.
"Zelda." I whispered.
No reply. Just a soft breathing.
"Zelda." I repeated, a little louder this time.
"Mmhm...?" she murmured sleepily.
"Wake up please, I have something to tell you that you should know."
I felt Zelda slowly wake up beside me, but I couldn't look her in the face. Even though I loved watching her sleep and wake up, my heart was too heavy.
"I'm awake now, what's the matter Link?"
"Remember Kass the poet? He was the Sheikah Court Poet's student."
Beside me, I heard Zelda draw in a sharp breath. In my mind's eye, I knew her big green eyes were wide and her mouth was half open. Still, I was unable to look at her.
She waited patiently for me to continue speaking.
"On my journey I met Kass very often, he sang me ballads of ancient times and helped me with the song lyrics to solve problems in the respective region. But his main task was to complete his master's song. It was a tragic ballad about both of us, but it was mainly about you, to help me recover my memory. Eventually, I managed to help Kass collect ancient songs all over Hyrule, so he managed to complete the ballad."
I exhaled heavily as thoughts about the verses kept circling in my head without finding an answer.  
"Link, you seem so tense... Is there something wrong with the ballad of Sakasai?"
an old, long-forgotten memory suddenly burst into my mind. A memory of Zelda and Sakasai standing close together, whispering and laughing, while Zelda had not even glanced at me. I was Zelda's appointed knight and yet she didn't want me around and always rejected me.
I swallowed hard.
"Kass told me that his master often told him how beautiful you had been - and still are. Kass said he would like to compose a song to match your beauty and wished to meet you one day."
When Zelda still didn't say anything after a while, I finally turned my head towards her. My gaze met her brimming eyes, waiting for the truth.
"Link, that can't be all that's bothering you - please tell me. What is it that you can't tell me?"
"I... I... just can't tell you it, Zelda. Please accept it. For now."
Zelda frowned but nodded silently.
“About that song Kass wanted to write about me, I hope he is somewhere nearby! I am eager to hear, what he would sing about me, and how his music would sound. Please Link, please let me meet him!”
I looked at the beautiful face next to me, stared at her, without saying a word. I brushed a golden stray of her hair behind her ear and smiled.
“Of course, I will do that, why wouldn’t I want to let my princess become a song sung for future generations?”
She giggled and cuddled onto my arm, falling in a light sleep again, while I watched over her, as I did back then, now, and forever.
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Zelda and Link watching the Aurora Borealis - commissioned from @/rutisfree on twitter for our romantic scene ♥️
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coldflasher · 3 years
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Title: don’t threaten me with a good time Chapters: 1/1 Length: 7.7k Fandom: The Flash (TV 2014) Rating: Gen Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Minor/Background Relationships: Cisco Ramon/Kamilla Hwang, Barry Allen/Iris West Characters: Barry Allen, Cisco Ramon, Kamilla Hwang, Caitlin Snow, Killer Frost, Iris West, Leonard Snart, Original Male Characters Additional Tags: Alcohol, Drunken Shenanigans, Bisexual Barry Allen, The Flash 7x12 Good-bye Vibrations.
Kamilla leaned forwards to read the front page. “The Barry Allen Drunkenness Scale.” Bemused, she looked up. “What’s this? “This,” said Cisco, “is the result of a great deal of research and a number of hard-earned lessons.” He pulled up a chair and sat beside her, pulling the folder towards them. “There are eight stages of Drunk Barry, each one with a varying level of severity. It begins with stage one.”
Inspired by the Santiago Drunkenness Scale from Brooklyn-99. Team Flash are throwing a party to celebrate Kamilla and Cisco’s departure from Central City, and Kamilla wants to make sure they go out with a bang. But with great power comes great responsibility, and sometimes responsibility means making sure your friend doesn’t break the sound barrier by doing the worm at Mach 2.
Read on AO3
@dctvgen​ (i hope this is okay!! didn’t really use any prompts but i had this one saved up and seemed like a good time to post it, lmk it’s not suitable!!)
Life came at you fast. After seven years being besties with a speedster, working to save the world, Cisco knew that to be true in more ways than one. But apparently despite everything he’d seen, it still had the capacity to surprise on him.
One minute the thought of leaving Central City had been a vague, abstract thought – a ‘what-if’ or a ‘maybe’ he dwelled upon whenever yet another crisis announced itself with a shower of broken glass raining into his Vibeuccino, or when he’d compared the news in Central City, which was all doom and gloom and murderous metas, to somewhere nice and peaceful like Keystone, where the biggest news story of the day was some kid winning the national Spelling Bee Championship. Then the job offer came in, and Kamilla had tested the waters with wanting to leave – and now their stuff was all packed and in boxes, he had a start date at ARGUS, and what had been a daydream was now a very clear reality. He’d hung up the gloves, said a final goodbye to Vibe.
It was the other goodbyes that were going to be the hard part.
“It just feels weird, you know?” he said, pausing in the middle of hanging bunting from the corner of the cortex. “We’re saying goodbye to everyone we know. This has been my life for almost eight years now. Team Flash are my family. It feels weird to celebrate leaving all that behind.”
“Don’t think of it as a celebration of what we’re leaving behind,” said Kamilla, who was sat at the desk, partway through ordering pizza. “Think of it as a celebration of everything we’ve accomplished. Making friends and building inventions and saving the world! I know it’s difficult and change can be scary, but it doesn’t have to be. We’ve done amazing things, and I think it’s important to honour that.”
Cisco sighed as he successfully stuck the flags to the wall. He climbed down from the table he was stood on and joined her at the desk in his usual chair, pushing himself back and forth with his foot. “You’re right,” he said. “You’re always right. I’m not getting cold feet, I promise. I’m excited. We’re going to make this work. We’ve done amazing things, and we’re going to do even more. Together.”
Kamilla beamed. “That’s the spirit.” She held out her hand for a fist-bump.
Grinning, Cisco returned it. “You’re such a dork.”
“Which is exactly why you love me,” Kamilla countered, with a few final clicks and a flourish as she placed the pizza order. She consulted the list on her phone. “Okay, so we’ve got the cake, the decorations, the drinks, and the pizza is in transit. There’s just one more thing we need.”
She slid past him and made her way towards the small metallic fridge tucked away in the corner. Kamilla typed in the passcode 05-20-80 – the release date of The Empire Strikes Back – and the fridge unlocked with a clunk, revealing two test tube holders – one containing a single emergency vial of Velocity IX, and another that held eight tubes of liquid a few shades lighter than blood.
Cisco glanced over, bemused. “Babe, did you stash your Kraft beers in my security fridge? Because that seems a little excessive.”
Kamilla eased the second rack of tubes off the shelf like a tray of freshly baked cookies out of the oven. “No, I’m just getting a couple of vials of 500 proof for Barry. I didn’t want him to feel left out of the festivities.”
Cisco had met a lot of speedsters in his time, but in that moment he was pretty sure he moved faster than any of them as he sprinted across the room to intercept. Startled, Kamilla jerked back and the test tubes clinked together like champagne glasses mid-toast.
“Sorry, can we just back up a little bit – you’re what now?” said Cisco.
“I’m grabbing some drinks for Barry,” Kamilla repeated slowly. “This is his special speedster booze, right?”
“Uh, yeah,” Cisco said nervously. “It is, but…”
“But…?” Kamilla prompted.
“Listen,” he said, hands up in a pacifying gesture. “It’s not that I don’t trust you, but that is a highly controlled substance and it’s really in everyone’s best interests if you put it back.”
Kamilla grew wide-eyed. “Why? Is it dangerous?”
“I mean, if any normal person drank it, it’d pretty much liquidize their insides, but that’s not the problem.”
As he spoke, Cisco headed over to the shelf on the wall, ran his fingers along the various binders tucked onto the shelf, and pulled one off. Cisco carried it over to the table, pushed aside the keyboard and laid the folder flat in front of her.
“The problem,” he said, flipping it open, “is this.”
Kamilla leaned forwards to read the front page. “The Barry Allen Drunkenness Scale.” Bemused, she looked up. “What’s this?”
“This,” said Cisco, “is the result of a great deal of research and a number of hard-earned lessons.” He picked up the metal test tube rack and returned it to the fridge, his fingers flying across the buttons to input the code before he slid the vials back into place. “It’s also the reason why this stuff doesn’t leave the lab except in dire emergencies, including but not limited to break-ups, deaths and severe metahuman disasters.” Decisively, he closed the fridge and it locked again with a clunk and a beep.
“I don’t understand.”
“That’s because you are fortunate enough to have never before encountered an inebriated Barry Allen,” said Cisco. “Let me walk you through it.” He pulled up a chair and sat beside her, pulling the folder towards them. “There are nine stages of Drunk Barry, each one with a varying level of severity. It starts with stage one.”
One of Barry’s many wonderful qualities is his propensity for affection. Unimpeded by the bounds of modern-day toxic masculinity, 1 Drink Barry generously bestows physical affection on everyone he encounters. To put it plainly: he’s a hugger.
Standing outside Barry and Iris’ front door, Cisco checked his watch.
Usually at this time of night, he’d be hanging out in the cortex watching the red dot darting around on the monitor as Barry did a lap of the city, or in his lab tinkering with some new invention. Tonight, though, was different. They’d all agreed work was off-limits – time to take a hard-earned break. Cisco had been looking forward to it all week, but he guessed the rest of Team Flash didn’t share his enthusiasm, because they were late. That wasn’t like Caitlin at all. Shrugging, he lifted his hand to knock.
The click of heels made him turn just in time to see Caitlin bouncing up the stairs in her heels. “Hi, I’m here! Sorry I’m late; Frost and I couldn’t agree on an outfit.” She leaned in. “Did you bring the, uh…”
Cisco slid a silver flask out of his pocket slightly. “Sure did.”
“Then I guess we’re ready to go!”
“Damn right. …Ladies first?”
Caitlin knocked. They waited, listening to the rattle of six locks being unfastened one at a time, until the door opened to reveal Iris standing on the threshold wearing a tight red dress and a leather jacket.
Cisco whistled. “Damn. You look good.”
“You’re not so bad yourself,” said Iris as she stepped back from the door to allow them entry. “Barry will be down in a second, he got held up at work, so he’s a little behind –”
There was a whoosh and a crackle of lightning, and Barry skidded to a stop beside her with windswept hair and a grin. “Here! Hey, guys.”
“Oh. Famous last words.” Iris reached for her purse and swung it onto her shoulder. “Well I’m also running late, so I’d better get going. You guys have fun! And try to stay out of trouble, okay?”
“I’m afraid we can’t make any promises, cos everybody knows there ain’t no party like a Team Flash party!” said Cisco. “You sure you don’t wanna come with us? It’s gonna be one hell of a night.”
“Thank you, but I’m going out with a couple of the girls from CCPN tonight, so… rain check?”
“I’ll hold you to it,” Cisco warned.
“You’d better.” She rested her hand on Barry’s arm. “I’ll see you later, okay? I love you.”
“I love you too,” said Barry, and he leaned in for a kiss.
“Boo! Get a room!” Cisco hollered.
Iris rolled her eyes fondly. “Goodbye, Cisco,” she said, and headed out.
Cisco sighed. “And then there were three.” He looked from Barry to Caitlin and back again, stretching out on the sofa. “Okay, drinks!” He headed into the kitchen and returned with a bottle of wine in one hand and three glasses in the other.
“Uh, isn’t the drinking supposed to start after you leave the house?” asked Caitlin.
“Only if you’re an amateur! You always have a drink or two before going out on the town. It’s financially savvy.”
“Thanks, but I’ll pass,” said Barry when Cisco offered him a glass. “No use wasting perfectly good alcohol when it doesn’t even touch the sides.”
“That,” said Cisco, “is why you’ll be drinking this.” He pulled out a silver flask from inside the breast pocket of his blazer. “I call it 500 Proof 2,” he said, and held it dramatically aloft like Frodo holding the one ring.
Caitlin wrinkled her nose. “Really?” she said.
“The name’s a work in progress,” he admitted. “But the drink itself…” He kissed the flask. “She’s ready to go.”
Barry eyed the flask warily. “I don’t know…”
“Oh, come on, you’ve earned it. The city can manage without the Flash for one night. Go on, live a little.” When Barry continued to look skeptical, Cisco started to chant. “Barry, Barry, Barry–”
Grinning, Caitlin joined in. Barry endured it for all of thirty seconds before he rolled his eyes and snatched the flask. Caitlin and Cisco both cheered.
“That’s what I’m talking about!” said Cisco.
He splashed wine into his and Caitlin’s glasses, and passed one to her. She took it with a twinkle in her eye.
“All right, Team Flash!” Cisco whooped, and they clinked their glasses against Barry’s flask before they all drank.
Barry pulled a face. “Jesus! That’s – that’s potent.” He coughed, eyes watering.
“You’re welcome,” said Cisco. “We made a couple of tweaks to the formula. It should stay in your system longer instead of just burning off in thirty seconds flat like the first batch.”
“It tastes like rocket fuel!”
“Don’t worry about it. It’ll put some hairs on your chest,” Cisco said dismissively.
“You can say that again,” muttered Barry, massaging his chest.
“Speaking of hairs on your chest,” said Caitlin, curling up comfortably in her seat. “Did they grow back yet?”
“Not entirely,” admitted Barry. “It’s sort of a peach fuzz.”
“That’ll teach you not to get so close to my experiments,” said Cisco.
“Maybe it’ll teach you to label them better,” said Caitlin.
“Really? Don’t do me like that!”
“Sorry, it’s true.”
This triggered a bout of good-natured bickering as they debated the results of some of Cisco’s more disastrous experiments. Before long they were all laughing, loosened up by the drinks. Barry, who was perched on the arm of Caitlin’s chair, leaned against her.
“I love you guys, you know that?”
“We love you too, Barr – ooof! Oh. Okay,” said Caitlin, bewildered. Barry had slid off the arm of the chair and squeezed up next to her, taking up half the chair like a Great Dane still trying to sit in its owner’s lap.
“Look at him, he’s getting tipsy already,” Cisco teased.
“Shhh.” Barry rested his head contentedly on Caitlin’s shoulder. Amused, she patted his knee.
Cisco downed the rest of his drink. “All right, let’s get this show on the road.”
He offered Caitlin his hand – only to have Barry grab it instead. Then he grabbed Caitlin’s hand too.
“Oh, we’re holding hands?” said Cisco. “Is that a thing we do now?”
“It is when we’re running,” Barry said, grinning.
Caitlin’s eyes widened. “Oh. No, no, no runni–”
The rest of her sentence was lost to the wind.
When Barry became a speedster, he gained a massive boost in motor functions, including enhanced reflexes that have massively improved his coordination. Prior to this transformation, his ability to walk unhindered across a flat surface was roughly equal to that of Bella Swan from Twilight. Two-Drink Barry is harmless, but he must be kept at a safe distance from breakable objects.
 Okay, so travelling at super speed sucked – Cisco would stick to breaches from now on, than you very much – but he had to admit it had its advantages. They’d beaten the evening rush by minutes and found themselves a table, where they had been comfortably situated for the past half hour. Since then the bar had filled rapidly, and now they were surrounded by people. Glasses clinked, bodies gyrated. All around them was laughter and the throb of music; he could feel the buzz of the bass against his elbows where they rested on the table.
“This is nice, isn’t it?” asked Caitlin. “No monsters, no metahumans… just the three of us having a few quiet drinks.”
“Don’t jinx it,” Cisco said darkly. “Also, I don’t know that the ‘drinks’ part is entirely accurate. The fastest man alive is about to lose his title. Where the hell is he?” Barry had offered to get the next round, but that was ten minutes ago and they hadn’t seen him since. Frowning, Cisco and scanned the room.
Just as he had started to get concerned, the crowd parted and Barry appeared with three glasses in his hands.
“It’s about time! What took you?”
“I’m so sorry,” said Barry. “I got held up at the bar, there was a huge li–”
Whatever he’d been about to say next was cut off as he abruptly tripped over his own feet.
All three drinks spilled everywhere. Lightning flickered as he lurched forwards to try and intercept, and he managed to right the glasses, but not before the majority of their contents had ended up all over the table.
Cisco’s plastic cup floated across the tabletop in a puddle of dismally fizzing coke, which dripped steadily into his lap. Caitlin looked down at her soaked sweater, hands held up in shock. Her eyes flared white.
“This,” snarled Frost, “is a cashmere sweater.”
Barry’s eyes were wide. “Oh my God, guys, I am so sorry.”
With a jerk of her head, Caitlin regained control. “It’s fine,” she said, then winced, presumably in response to whatever Frost snarled in the back of her head. “Really. It happens to the best of us.” She pulled the sopping wet fabric away from her with a grimace. “Um… does anyone have a tissue?”
“Let me get some paper towels!” said Barry.
Cisco reached out to stop him. “Actually, Barr, maybe you should –”
But it was too late: Barry had already turned around and crashed into a guy going in the opposite direction, who slopped beer all over himself. Cisco winced sympathetically.
“I’m sorry!” Barry said, while the guy glared and shook his wet hands.
“Maybe you should take a seat,” said Cisco.
Still apologising profusely, Barry sank onto his stool and shrank in on himself, nursing what was left of his drink while Caitlin went to get something to clear up the mess.
“So I guess those adjustments we made to the 500 proof are working, huh?” Cisco said with a smirk.
“Oh, they’re working,” said Barry. “Speaking of which, can I get a top-up?”
“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Caitlin asked, returning with a wad of paper towels. She started to mop up the table.
“What? Oh, yeah, I’m fine. I’m not even buzzed, seriously. Tipsy at best. Come on, hit me.” He waved at his drink.
Cisco and Caitlin exchanged looks. There was a slight flush to Barry’s cheeks, and his eyes were a little brighter than usual, but other than that he seemed stable.
“I have wanted to study how the speedforce interacts with alcohol,” Caitlin admitted. “Metabolic processes aside, I am interested to measure the effects.”
“What the hell,” Cisco said. He unscrewed the cap of the flask and tipped it in to Barry’s glass, pouring a generous measure. “Knock yourself out.”
Barry beamed and picked up his drink. “Cheers,” he said, and they all clinked their half empty glasses.
 Three Drink Barry: Barry Dance-Pants
This Barry is able to flawlessly replicate the choreography for every single Britney Spears music video unprompted. So far we have been unable to determine where he acquired this information.
They all agreed that it was best if Cisco got the next round. He didn’t retrieve the next lot of drinks any faster than Barry had – if anything, he was slower; people kept shoving in front of him every time he got close to the bar – but at least the glasses stayed upright this time. When he returned to the table, though, Caitlin was alone.
“Where’d Barry go?”
Caitlin frowned. “I thought he was with you.”
“Nope.” He passed her drink over to her.
Caitlin worried at her lower lip.
“Hey, don’t stress,” said Cisco. “Barry’s a big boy, he can take care of himself.”
“I don’t know. He’s been gone a while, and he wasn’t exactly steady on his feet. He might hurt himself.”
“Good thing we have a doctor on call,” said Cisco, sipping his drink.
“That’s not funny. Seriously, I’m worried about him. I’m not sure he should be left unsupervised.”
She had a point. Speed and immense clumsiness wasn’t a great combination – they’d learned that the hard way. Cisco downed the rest of his drink with a grimace. “All right, let’s go look for him.”
They got up and headed out onto the dancefloor. The music was so loud that the entire room vibrated, Britney Spears’ Womanizer throbbing through the room. Caitlin pulled back and made a face as she almost inhaled a mouthful of some stranger’s coarse blonde hair. She batted it away like cobwebs.
“Ugh. Remind me why we decided to come out on the busiest night of the week?”
“Seemed like a good idea at the time,” muttered Cisco, craning his neck. “Man, I can’t see him anywhere. It’s like playing Where’s Wally? Hey – hey, excuse me! Can I just squeeze – guys?” He attempted to slide past a knot of people, only to give up with a frustrated sigh. “Jesus, it’s like talking to a brick wall. What the hell are they looking at?”
Caitlin stood on her toes. “It looks like...” She stopped. “Oh, no.”
She grabbed his arm and steered him through the crowd, using him as a battering ram to force her way through. Eventually, breathless and sweaty, they made it to the outskirts of the dancefloor, where Cisco finally got a good look at exactly what had captivated everyone’s attention.  
Barry was in the middle of the dancefloor, tearing it up. He strutted up and down, squatted and slut-dropped before he arched his back and pumped his hips forward in several lewd thrusts. The crowd cheered.
“Oh my God,” said Caitlin.
“He is killing it!” Cisco cupped his hands around his mouth and yelled, “Yes, Barry!”
Barry winked and blew a kiss, rolling over to air-hump the ground with an alarming level of enthusiasm.
“Should we maybe go over there?” asked Caitlin.
“In a second,” said Cisco. He held his phone up, pressed record and zoomed in on Barry’s gyrating body, careful to keep his face in shot. “I wanna get this for posterity’s sake.”
“Cisco!” Caitlin scolded, and reached out to cover the camera.
Cisco jerked the phone out of reach. “You are aware that his ringtone for you is still thirty seconds of you butchering Summer Lovin’?”
Caitlin pursed her lips. “On second thoughts,” she said. “I hope you’re getting this in HD.”
Cisco grinned and went back to recording.
“Okay, that’s a little embarrassing,” Kamilla conceded.
“That? That was iconic,” corrected Cisco. “The man has moves. I swear he was a professional dancer in another life. I still have that video; I’ll show you later if you ask me nicely…”
“I’ll hold you to it. But none of this explains why this stuff has to be so rigorously controlled. I mean, being clumsy, affectionate, kinda sloppy, tearing it up on the dancefloor… that sounds like pretty standard drunk behaviour.”
“The first three drinks aren’t the problem,” Cisco said darkly. “It’s what comes after that you have to worry about. See, drunk Barry is insatiable. One drink is never enough. Once he’s had a taste of that sweet, sweet 500 proof concentrated speedster juice, he won’t rest until he’s had more. And while he may be an icon, three-drink Barry soon gives way to…”
Barry Allen is a hero in every sense of the word. Time and time again he has sacrificed everything for the noble goal of making the world a better place. Barry doesn't save lives for the glory or the recognition; he does it because it's the right thing to do. But four-drink Barry… he thinks a little recognition might be nice.
 The final chords of Womanizer faded out into a sea of applause. Beaming from ear to ear, Barry took a series of bows, flapping his hand as if to say, ‘oh, stop it!’ After a few more moments of thoroughly enjoying the spotlight, he disengaged from his loving admirers and headed back towards Cisco and Caitlin and slid breathlessly back into the booth. His sweaty hair stuck to his forehead.
“Where did that come from?” Cisco asked, impressed.
Barry shrugged. “I’m full of surprises.”
“Clearly. I think you just earned yourself another drink!”
Cisco handed him the flask, and Barry clinked it cheerfully against Cisco’s beer bottle before he tipped it back and swallowed with a grimace. His eyes watered.
“Damn. That never goes down any easier.”
“Well it is just concentrated alcohol,” Caitlin reminded him. “Speaking of which…” She pulled her testing kit out of her purse. “Four drinks should be more than enough to start showing some side-effects. Let me take a quick blood sample.” Before Barry could object, she stabbed a lancet into his finger.
“Ow!” Barry put his finger in his mouth and sucked on it.
“Everything okay there?”
They all turned. A blond man in a grey t-shirt stood a short distance away, looking at them in concern.
“What? Oh, yeah, I’m good. Just hurt my finger.” He held it up ruefully.
Blondie moved closer. “Well it’s your lucky night: I’m a nurse. Why don’t you let me take a look?”
Cisco plastered on a smile. “That’s real nice of you, but our friend here is actually a doctor, so –”
Barry held out his hand, overriding Cisco’s objections. Blondie took it and examined it, tracing his palm with the tip of his finger. Cisco rolled his eyes hard and took another swallow of his drink.
“I was just watching you out on the dancefloor,” Blondie said. “Those were some impressive moves.”
“Oh, it was nothing,” Barry said modestly.
“No, it was definitely something. If I busted out a routine like that I’d be laid up for a week. What’s your secret?”
“Funny you should say that, cos…” Barry leaned in and said impishly, “I’m actually the Flash.”
Cisco choked on his drink. It went straight up his nose; his sinuses were on fire. He coughed hard, eyes watering.
“Are you okay, man?” the stranger asked concernedly.
“Great,” Cisco managed.
Satisfied, Blondie’s attention returned to Barry. “Well, I think your finger’s okay.” His thumb pressed against the inside of Barry’s wrist and his forehead creased slightly. “Your pulse is pretty fast, though.”
“Is it?” Barry said, resting his chin on his hand. “I hadn’t noticed.”
Caitlin rolled her eyes.
Blondie released him, but he showed no signs of leaving. He looked Barry appraisingly up and down. “So you’re the Flash, huh?”
“Yep,” Barry said. His eyes twinkled. “Fastest man alive.”
“Mm. Maybe we’ll have to test that.”
At this point, Cisco decided, enough was enough. He slapped Barry on the back hard enough to make him stagger and complain, “Ow!”
“Ha!” he said. “This guy. He’s a kidder, right? A real riot. Hey, uh, Barry, can I talk to you for a second?”
Before Barry could object, Cisco had grabbed him by the back of the shirt and pulled him out of the main bar area into the corridor, where there was a line of people waiting for the bathroom. Out here it was cooler and while he could still feel the throb of the music through the sticky soles of his sneakers, at least he could hear himself think.
“Dude,” he said. “Seriously? What the hell?”
“Oh, come on. It’s just a little harmless flirting. Iris and I, we have an agreement–”
“I’m not talking about the flirting! You can’t just –” Cisco stopped and made himself take a very deep breath before he lowered his voice. “You can’t just tell people you’re the freaking Flash!”
Barry gave a slow, confused blink. “But I am the Flash.”
He didn’t say it quietly. Several heads turned their way.
Cisco gave an uncomfortable laugh and rolled his eyes, before darting them at Barry like, ‘this guy, am I right?’ After a moment, the bystanders lost interest and went back to their conversation, and Cisco lowered his voice. “I know that, Barry, but it’s a secret, remember?”
“A secret?” Barry’s eyes widened and he clapped his hands over his mouth. “Oh! Right, I forgot. I’m sorry.”
“You know what? It’s all good. Just a little misunderstanding. But uh, let’s keep that one under wraps from now on, okay? Lips…” He mimed zipping up his mouth.
Barry nodded dutifully. “Got it.”
“Okay.” Cisco exhaled heavily. Jesus. Babysitting a drunken speedster was hard work.
Barry patted him on the shoulder. “M’gonna go to the bathroom. I’ll be back in…” He held up two fingers. “Two seconds.”
“You’d better be. And remember –” He made the zipping motion again.
Barry imitated it, pretending to lock his mouth up and tossed away the imaginary key. Then he went to join the queue.
Feeling like he’d just aged a decade, Cisco made his way back to their booth. Mercifully, Blondie had gone to chat up some twink at the bar. Cisco sank back onto his stool and buried his head in his hands.
Caitlin, who was squeezing a few droplets of Barry’s blood onto a testing strip, made a sympathetic sound. “Not having a good time, huh?”
“I’d be having a great time if Black Canary over there could quit singing about his secret identity for five freaking minutes.” Cisco snatched the silver flask off the table and screwed the cap back on with a sharp twist. “We’re cutting him off right now, before we get into any more trouble.”
“Oh, come on, cut him a little slack. He doesn’t exactly get to let loose very often.”
“There’s letting loose and then there’s whatever the hell this is.” Cisco shook his head. “It’s like –”
A high-pitched shriek cut him off, and Cisco grimaced as it rang throughout the room. Everyone turned to the source of the commotion – and Cisco’s heart sank. Barry stood on the stage, fumbling with the microphone stand.
“Is this thing on?”
“Oh God,” said Caitlin.
Cisco launched himself at the stage, fighting through the crowd. As he did, Barry continued to ramble into the mic.
“Hi. My name’s Barry, Barry Allen, and I just wanted to say something real quick. Because I love this city. It’s like… my favourite city. And I love all of you. Especially you.” He pointed unsteadily at someone in the crowd and gave a clumsy wink. “Anyway, I’m gonna tell you a secret while I’m here. You guys can keep a secret, right? Shhh!” He put his fingers on his lips. “See, I’m not supposed to tell you this, but…” He leaned in so close that his lips brushed against the mic. “I’m the Fla –”
Just in time, Cisco jerked the mic away from him. “Flaaa–ha! Okay, that’s quite enough of that. I think my buddy here needs some air.  Come on, Barry, let’s go.”
Luckily, Barry didn’t resist. He whooshed cheerfully as Cisco shunted him back to their booth and into his seat, then lolled sideways against Caitlin, who – with reflexes well-honed from constantly grabbing flying paperwork – managed to save her testing kit from being swept off the table.
Barry giggled. “I’m fast,” he said.
“Okay,” Cisco said resignedly. He turned to Caitlin. “Got any better ideas?”
She shrugged. “Pray that six-drink Barry is a little more tight-lipped?”
It sounded like a terrible idea. But when had that ever stopped them? With a shake of his head, Cisco withdrew the flask from his pocket.
“Hold on.” Caitlin’s voice had dropped an octave, and silver began to creep down from the roots of her hair. “I wanna see this,” said Frost. “It’s gonna be a total shitshow.”
Unfortunately, Cisco suspected she was right. He splashed more alcohol into Barry’s glass. “Here you go, big guy. Drink up.”
Barry looked down at his drink and frowned. “Can I get ice in this?”
Frost passed her hand over the glass and a chunk of ice dropped to the bottom with a clink.
“Awesome,” Barry said, and downed it.
“Oh God,” said Cisco. “We are so gonna regret this.”
“Okay,” said Kamilla, looking up from the binder. “I think I’m kinda starting to see the problem. But we won’t have that issue tonight. Everyone at this party knows Barry’s the Flash.”
“Listen,” said Cisco. “Four-drink Flash is a cake-walk. The worst is yet to come.” He flipped the page. “Let me introduce you to five-drink Flash.”
Five-drink Barry got a little too invested in Iris’ Intro to Psychology textbook in college. He’s all heart, zero clinical training.
Leonard Snart lay back on his bunk in Iron Heights, one leg resting lazily over the other, flipping through a nudie magazine. At least, that was how it appeared from outside the cell. Tucked between the pages was a blueprint of the prison, which his sister had smuggled in during her last visit. The bed creaked as he shifted his weight.
One of the guards struck the bars with his baton. Len glanced up.
“Snart. Get your ass out here. We’ve got a phone call for you.”
“Who from?” Lisa didn’t usually call so soon after a visit, and Mick never called at all; the signal on the Waverider was terrible.
“What do you think I am, your PA? Just get your ass out here.”
Interest well and truly piqued, Len tossed his magazine aside, careful to make sure the blueprint stayed safely tucked between his pages as he crossed the cell and waited for the door to be unlocked. Given his status as a high security prisoner, the guard cuffed him before leading him to the payphone booth in the reception area, the walls marked with grease stains and graffiti. With some difficulty, Len picked up the phone.
“Hello, this is Leonard Snart speaking. How may I be of service?”
The quality of the call wasn’t great. He could hear the throb of music, people talking and shrieking and laughing in the background.
Then a familiar voice said, “Snart? Is that you?”
Len’s forehead creased. “Barry?”
“Shmart. Snart.” Barry cleared his throat. “Hi. Are you okay?”
“…Peachy.” Len flicked a glance over his shoulder. The two prison guards stood watching him with folded arms and distinctly unimpressed expressions. “Can I ask if this is a business or a personal call? Because this isn’t exactly a secure line.”
“I just –” A loud, deep burp echoed down the line. “Wanted to check in n’ make sure you’re doin’ okay.”
“Because I wanted you to know,” Barry said, his voice thick and indistinct, “that it’s okay not to be okay, you know? You shouldn’t bottle up your emotions. You gotta let ‘em out, you know? After everything you’ve been through with Lewis, I just wanted you to know that if you ever needed to talk…” He choked up, before recovering. “I’ll be here.”
“Barry, are you drunk?” Len said incredulously.
“See, there you go again, changing the subject. Have you ever noticed that you often use de… def… deflection as a way to avoid talking about difficult subjects?”
“I’m hanging up now,” said Len.
“No, no, no, no, wait! Wait!” Barry said urgently. “You need to talk about what bothers you. Don’t just bottle it up. Your emotions are a beautiful thing. Emotions are what make us–”
“Barry?” came another muffled voice on the other end of the line. “Who are you talking to?”
“No one,” Barry said immediately.
“Barry, give me the phone.”
“Just give me the god damn –”
The sound of static and scuffles crackled down the line, and Len grimaced, lifting his head as far away from the speaker as he could to keep from being deafened. Over the commotion and the continued music blasting in the background, he could hear Barry shouting.
“You can be anything you want to be! Your past does not define you!”
“Okay,” said Len, and went to put the phone down.
“Wait!” said Barry. “Before you go, do you have a number for King Shark? Because I wanted to check in and make sure he’s doing okay. I know he looks scary, but underneath that slimy exterior he has the heart of a –”
Len rolled his eyes and hung up.
Sober Barry was a seasoned fighter, with speed, agility and hard-won experience on his side. Fortunately for Cisco, however, Drunk Barry’s combat skills comprised of slapping and some half-hearted attempts to bite, which meant that he was able to wrestle the phone away from him fairly easily. As he hung up, he glanced at the caller ID and blanched.
“Seriously? You’re making phone calls to Iron Heights? Are you gonna tell all the bad guys your secret identity too?” He held Barry’s phone up. “You know what? I’m keeping this; you clearly can’t be trusted.”
“My phone!” Barry said, and made a pathetic grab for it.
“Nope. Not happening, pal.” Cisco tucked it into his back pocket.
Barry pouted.
“Hey, don’t give me that look. I’m going to give it back later, I promise. I just need you to sober up first.”
“Okay,” Barry said sorrowfully. His bottom lip started to tremble.
“Oh, no,” Cisco said. “Not the lip – oh God, Barr, you’re breaking my heart here.”
“What’s happening?” asked Frost, returning to the table with two more beers, frost creeping down the side of the bottles. She gave a disinterested look at Barry, who was staring at the table with tears brimming in his eyes. He sniffed hard.
“Uh-oh,” said Cisco. “Six-drink Barry must be…”
Shortly after his fifth drink, Barry loses his well-honed ability to repress and crumbles under the weight of well over a decade of trauma. In times of crisis, he can be medicated with chicken wings or, in a pinch, large servings of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream.
 Cisco turned to Frost for help, but she inched away, rapidly shaking her head. Great, thought Cisco. Super helpful. He rubbed Barry’s back tentatively.
“Hey, Barry. You doing okay there, bud?”
Barry looked up. “I just got off the phone with Snart. He’s having a really hard time, you know? I mean, some people just can’t catch a break. He had a crappy abusive drunk for a father; he practically raised his sister. In and out of juvie, never graduated high school – and in spite of all of that, he comes up with these brilliant heists – like seriously impressive – and then the Flash comes in and totally ruins every single one of them. I mean, come on. The guy’s gotta make a living somehow, am I right?”
“Uh,” said Cisco.
“I always said to him, you can do better.” He poked Cisco clumsily in the chest to emphasize each word. “You have what it takes to be a hero. So the guy joins the Legends, becomes a hero, and then he freaking dies in an explosion. Kaboom! And then he comes back, returns to Central City to start over, robs one lousy bank and gets thrown straight back in prison. How is that fair?”
“Jail time seems like a fairly reasonable consequence for grand larceny,” said Frost.
“It’s just a bad habit,” Barry said forlornly. “He deserves help and compassion, not a prison cell. Do you know what it’s like in Iron Heights? The food is terrible. My Dad spend a decade in there and he always said…”
He trailed off. For a moment Cisco thought he’d gone into a trance, as he stared down at the table, forehead slightly creased. Then he saw the haunted look in Barry’s eyes. The face of a man who had seen terrible things.
They needed a distraction. Luckily, Cisco had just the thing. “You know what?” he said. “Maybe the food in prison isn’t great, but you know what’s awesome? The food you can get delivered right here. Nice, starchy, alcohol-absorbing food. Let’s look at a take-out menu and see what we’ve got.” He pulled up JustEat on his phone. “We could get you a pizza… maybe some fries… a couple of burgers; that sounds–”
“Chicken wings,” Barry said distantly.
They both turned to look at him.
“Chicken wings?” said Frost sceptically.
“Chicken wings,” Barry insisted.
“Okay!” said Cisco. “We’ll get chicken wings.” He added one portion to the basket. Then took another look at Barry’s face and hit the plus button several times. “Lots… and lots… of chicken wings.” He locked the phone. “Okay, food should be with us in a couple of minutes. So what now?”
“More drinks!” Barry said.
“No! No more –”
It was too late; there was a crackle of lightning and then the flask slammed back down onto the tabletop.
Cisco closed his eyes in defeat.
 8 Drink Barry is a Michelin-star chef
Sober Barry’s cooking is average at best, but 8 drink Barry reveals a deep inner passion for the culinary arts.
It was a little past two am when a breach opened at the top of the stairwell, pulsing and flickering with pale blue light. Frost and Cisco staggered out of it, each holding one of Barry’s arms to keep him from escaping.
“Okay, almost there,” said Cisco. “You’re doing a great job. Can you let us in?”
Barry patted himself clumsily down until he found his keys and tried to open the first lock. He kept missing the keyhole. After his third attempt, Barry sighed and collapsed forwards, head resting against the wood panelling. Then he started vibrating.
Cisco suddenly realised what he was trying to do. “No, no wait, don’t–”
There was a buzzing sensation, a sickening lurch, and then all three of them fell straight through the front door.
Frost gave a full-body shudder and released her hold on Barry’s shirt to rub her arms.
“Never do that again! It makes my skin crawl.”
“I feel like we should have a rule about phasing under the influence,” Cisco muttered.
Together, they managed to get Barry onto the couch, where he lay blinking up at them, floppy as a rag doll, barbecue sauce smeared down his chin. More of the wings had ended up on his face than in his mouth, but Cisco hoped the restorative properties would kick in soon.
“Hey, Sad Flash. How’re you holding up?”
“I’m hungry,” Barry said. He clawed his way to a standing position. “Gonna make food.” Yellow light blazed as he sprinted into the kitchen.
Frost turned to Cisco. “He’s still hungry? He had like, eight servings of chicken wings!”
“Just go with it,” Cisco muttered, and then the alarming sounds of crashes and bangs came from the kitchen. “Barry? Do you need some help in there?”
Lightning crackled erratically as Barry sped around the room. Within seconds, every available surface was strewn with culinary equipment: a chopping board; a stained knife; various ingredients. A knife flashed as he rapidly diced an onion and swept it into the pan too fast for the eye to follow, and then the burner came on with a click and a whoosh. Oil sizzled as Barry dropped a steak into the pan. He grabbed a wine bottle off the side, yanked the cork out with his teeth and spat it across the room; it missed Frost by inches, and she recoiled in disgust. Barry sniffed the wine, and after a moment of consideration, he sloshed a generous amount into the pan. Flames leapt skyward, and Barry expertly tamped them down.
“Uh… what are you doing?” said Cisco.
Barry flipped the steak with a flick of his wrist. “Cooking.”
“Yeah, I can see that, but I thought you were going to make pasta, or fries, you know – normal drunk people food, not –” Cisco inhaled. “What even is that?”
“Braised steak in a red wine sauce, with asparagus on the side,” Barry said.
“…Right,” said Cisco. “Sorry I asked.”
“That doesn’t sound so bad,” said Kamilla.
“It isn’t,” said Cisco. “It’s goddamn awesome. The problem with 8-Drink Barry is that hot on his heels is –”
On the night the particle accelerator exploded, Barry went into a coma and remained unconscious for nine months. During that time, his score on the Glasgow Coma Scale was a 5. Rumour has it that nine-drink Barry scored even lower than that.
 “This is the worst night out I’ve ever been on in my life, and I share a body with Caitlin. Her idea of fun is wearing hideous pyjamas and watching documentaries on Hulu,” Frost hissed.
They stood on the doorstep laden with plastic bags while Cisco searched through the assortment of keys Barry had given him, trying to find the one for the first lock. “Look,” he said, inserting one into the lock with a crunch, “I know it hasn’t exactly been smooth sailing, but hopefully he’ll have got the rest of it out of his system while we were out breaching to every grocery store in the city.”
“Right, because Gordon Ramsay in there had to have…” Frost slid the bottle of wine out of the grocery bag. “Whatever the hell this is. Chateau Belair Mona–whatever. As if a hundred-and-fifty-dollar bottle is going to taste any different than the fifteen-dollar fifty bottle from the liquor store.” She rolled her eyes. “What the hell is he even going to do with it?”
“To be honest, as long as he doesn’t drink it I could care less what he does with it. Just keep him distracted for long enough to get some more food inside of him and make sure any breakable objects are out of reach before he gets down to the two-drink level.” He shook the keys in frustration. “Jesus, how many keys do they have?”
“I still don’t see why we had to–” Frost paused and narrowed her eyes. She sniffed sharply. “Is something burning?”
They looked down. Thick grey smoke billowed out from underneath the kitchen door.
Seconds later, the door burst off its hinges in a cloud of icy fog.
Inside the loft was total chaos. Barry slumped at the kitchen table, dead to the world, his hand still loosely clasped around the flask of speedster booze. A small puddle of drool on the table shone in the firelight. Behind him, his frying pan lay abandoned on the range, smoking violently while flames leapt towards the ceiling.
The piercing shriek of the smoke alarm tore through the room. Frost blasted the frying pan with a thick stream of ice and cold energy crackled from her palms, barely making a difference in the temperature of the room. Cisco grabbed a damp tea towel off the side and beat at the flames, trying frantically to extinguish the blaze. Behind them, Barry didn’t so much as twitch, his snores drowned out by the alarm.
“Okay, I think I get the gist,” said Kamilla, looking up from the folder. “No-booze Barry is the way to go.” She hesitated. “But just out of morbid curiosity, what about nine-drink Barry?”
“Unchartered territory,” Cisco said darkly. “We figured eight drinks was enough.”  He closed the folder conclusively. “So yeah, it sucks that Barry can’t drink with us, but with great power comes great responsibility. And sometimes responsibility means making sure your friend doesn’t accidentally break the sound barrier by doing the worm at Mach 2.”
Cisco went to slide the folder back onto the shelf. As he did so, his gaze caught a framed photo on the countertop. He paused and picked it up, smiling sadly. It was a picture of himself, Caitlin, Barry and Thawne – or Wells, as they’d believed back then – from the early days. They all looked so young, grinning at the camera, hair tousled where Barry had sped out from behind the phone before the shutter clicked. His chest ached.
Kamilla put a hand on his arm. “You’re going to miss them, aren’t you?”
“Always.” He put the photo down. “But we gotta keep moving forward. Speaking of which, it is beyond uncool to be late to your own party, so we’d better get shaking.” He held out his arm. “Ready?”
“You go,” said Kamilla. “I just have a few last-minute things to take care of. I’ll catch up.”
“Okay.” Cisco kissed her on the cheek and slipped out of the room.
Kamilla glanced over her shoulder, bit her lower lip. Then her gaze slid over to the fridge.
Tiptoeing across the room, she approached the container and input the code again. Her hair tossed as she glanced over her shoulder to make sure that no one was watching. Then she slid out a single blood red vial and tucked it into her purse.
Just in case.
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cherrywoes · 3 years
— a person who has no shadow.
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HELL IS THE personification of human sin. Despite the various myths and unknown facts that humans exchange between each other, each faction with different or slightly changed beliefs, the truth was this: hell has no ruler, nor was it ever meant to be something to rule over. A creation of God, it was meant to punish those who followed Lucifer in his rebellion and keep the Morningstar himself imprisoned before the return of Jesus upon the Earth. Until then, the souls of mortals would linger in limbo, never in peace, but waiting for a judgement that was uncertain.
The Nameless One had no issue with leaving Lucifer to his punishment—it was his punishment, after all, one he had no part in. At least, not by any stone cold allegiance to an angel who was no less interesting than any other who had fallen into the layers of Hell for the side they had chosen. He had spent long enough in the freezing bowels of Cocytus, reliving memory after memory, pushing past feelings of envy, guilt, sadness, all of it manufactured to torture him until the next coming of Christ, where he would be released and smote down as quickly as he had been freed from his prison. He refused to sit and wallow in wrath and insufferable pride, like the once great Lucifer, and he grew weary of this repetitive cycle—the same punishments, the same hellish overseers who chained him to slabs of frigid marble and allowed frozen creatures of ice and snow to peck at his inhuman flesh until there was nothing left of him. He would renew himself, and he would be on to the next, a permanent, never ending cycle that he was determined to be rid of even if it cost him his life.
Whispers from demons who made contracts with humans reached his ears, like it did with every other ancient being locked in Cocytus. They paid them no mind, but the Nameless One listened, and listened closely, reaching for any scrap of information that might let him escape and earn his freedom once more. The demons, posing as their overseers in phases, would make deals with humans for anything—wealth, extended life, healing, wisdom—in exchange for their immortal souls. It was easy enough for them to sign them over willingly, for no demon had the power to rend souls from mortal coils as the long vanished Archangel, Azrael, did. The humans got what they wanted for a century or so and when it was time for them to pay, the demons would scoop up their souls as payment before they ever reached Edom, the Realm Between.
Over thousands of years, humanity changed. The Nameless One was not surprised when they quickly surpassed the need for making contracts with his admittedly disgusting overseers; many of them worshipped his Creator in one century and disregarded Him the next, fluctuating in rapid and interesting cycles of belief and disbelief and even going as far as to kill in His name—a sin that would earn them quite the nice place in Cocytus, if it was awful enough. The most recent event discovered a splitting, a chasm between belief and disbelief or outright hereticism.
By then, the Nameless One had grown tired of listening, tired of the aches and pains in his bones and flesh, tired of the endless amount of scars that formed on his body from divine weapons used against him. He did not recognize the immortal body given to him by God any longer. It was wrought with damage, with darkness that seeped into him over thousands of centuries of torture and anguish and pain, creating a place right alongside his angelic soul that threatened to snuff out the light of his divinity any time he wavered. The entirety of Cocytus was dyed gold from the blood of the angels who had fallen, creating a mimicry of a golden city draped with chains and occupied by demons far older than he was.
“An angel made his way out of the gate,” one of the demons overseeing his punishment told another, brandishing a cat o’ nine tails against the hard ice wall to test its strength. The knots and metal shards ripped away chunks and left ragged scratches in its wake, each individual tumbling past the Nameless One’s eyesight. “Left his angelic soul behind and climbed right out into the human world. Once he was gone, the Hounds couldn’t find him over the stench of humanity.”
“The man on high isn’t doing anything?”
The demon swung the cat o’ nine tails down across the angel’s shoulders and shoulder blades harshly. It cracked against skin and cartilage, ripping away flesh and muscle and sending blood scattering across the already gold stained walls. The Nameless One was numb to it, far too used to the pain to manage a scream, and felt another lash against the back of his legs, severing the ligament in his knee keeping him upright. He sunk to the ground and earned another lash to his head, chunks of hair and flesh leaving with every scrape of the knots and metal.
“No, ever since his incarnation died and returned he’s been absent from human life.” The demon shrugged. “No one knows why. Orders haven’t changed, though, so we’re going to be here until the second coming.”
Demons talked like humans, oddly enough, after spending enough time in the mortal world. It had started after the rise in worshippers of Lucifer—which the Nameless One found the tiniest bit funny—and they had picked up slang and little fragments of human made language since then, to the point where the Nameless One had picked it up as well and understood when they spoke with contractions and odd metaphors like ‘a cat has nine lives’. A cat did not have nine lives, but he figured the sentiment was more widely used by mortals rather than demons.
But he had his way out now—all that was left to do was separate his angelic soul from… whatever the darkness was that clung to it like a lifeline. He wasn’t sure what it was—it did not feel like anything he had ever felt before in his thousands of years being alive. Not even Lucifer felt as he did, as if there was a second entity slumbering away inside him waiting to reach up and strangle his immortal soul down into the abyss it had come from. He had no name for it, no clue as to when it had begun to fester, to rise like an insidious boil that refused to go away; but it remained, and grew every day, faster, until it was the size of his soul and growing, turning the color of oil against water.
Pain became an annoyance as the angel worked tirelessly to undo every miniscule stitch that kept his angelic soul tied to the darkness within him. The punishments, once agonizing and overpowering each time he went through them, were nothing more than nuisances. Even Lucifer, whispering to him when they changed punishments, was an irritant he couldn’t get rid of, lingering in his head even when he was gone and distracting him from his freedom.
Stories reached him of others escaping in the same way he wished to: their souls lingering behind as their physical body rose to the mortal world and climbed through the portal, never to be seen again. The silvery silhouettes of their angelic souls were immune to torture, to time, to pain; there was nothing the demons could do to them unless they had their physical bodies to bind them.
Lucifer spoke to him, before he’d tore his angelic soul from his body, while the demons were busy chasing down another angel before he could escape to the portal. “You are perhaps the only one of the original legion who still remains with me. I thank you for that, Nameless One.”
“Don’t thank me just yet.” The angel lifted his limp wing from the ground, tattered and ruined past flight; stray feathers drifted to the ground, each one darker than the last, until the final one was as black as pitch. “You might despise me one day.”
“I don’t see how that will be possible.” Lucifer sounded amused; tired, but amused. Hell got to him slowly but surely, and in pieces—where the Nameless One remained indifferent to his punishments, Lucifer allowed them to get to him, made him doubt, made him wonder. He was no longer as brilliant or commanding as he used to be; he was weak, cowed, sufficiently imprisoned in Hell. He would never escape, not as long as he thought he deserved the punishment for what he had done. “You may be my only friend left here.”
The demons returned before the Nameless One could admit to what he was about to do. It was for the best, perhaps; because when he finally tore his soul from his body, he felt the darkness stir. The demons were ready for him, as if they had known what he was about to do.
“Don’t let him escape!” One shouted, a shadowy figure dwarfed by the others who were bigger, physical, and dangerous. They were blurs as he shoved past them and clambered over them one by one, desperate to reach the golden glowing light of the portal just behind them. “If he escapes, we’re all doomed!”
The Nameless One didn’t know about that. He fought his way through the crowd, until all that was left was a slowly healing group of demons, keening in high pitched voices as their heads slowly found their way back to their severed necks. Demon blood, black and viscous, like tar, dripped off of his body and smelled harshly of brimstone, but he couldn't bring himself to care as he once would.
In a moment of weakness, or concern, that was as brief as a brush of wind, he turned to look back at the depths of Cocytus once more. There, standing chained to a frozen throne he would never own, stood Lucifer, anger and fury burning in his eyes where there once held friendliness, affection. His entire person radiated betrayal, his wings high and bristled, but the Nameless One didn’t care like he thought he would have when he imagined betraying the great Morningstar.
No, no—he felt a sense of relief, instead.
Casting a quick glance to the demons at his feet, the angel turned and walked into the portal without a second thought, fresh, clean air entering his lungs the same time a dark, evil voice spoke within his mind, a thousand voices merged into one, stopping him dead in his tracks in a field of blush red poppies, baby’s breath, and calla lilies.
Freedom… At last.
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prologue | masterlist | two
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liahswriting · 4 years
Lovesick Six and a Murderous Robot Boyfriend
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Relationship(s): Revenant/original female character, Wraith/original female character, Mirage/original female character, Bloodhound/original female character, Octane/original female character, Crypto/original female character, Loba/original female character
Words: 8,411
Warnings: None
Summary: The new girl is very pretty and she's got most of the men (and some of the women) pining for her. Problem is, she's got her eyes set on a certain simulacrum.
Pretty girls can fight. Pretty girls can be tough. Pretty girls can be scary and threatening. Just because Gia was pretty didn't mean she didn't belong in the Games. I mean, Loba was almost perfect in every physical way and yet she knew her way around a pistol. Che had a cute face and yet her teams almost always were Champion. And of course Elliott was downright the most handsome man in the Games and yet he could wipe a team if need be. Being attractive didn't mean you were weak. In fact, Gia being attractive gave her an advantage to the game. After all, how could a pretty girl like her be any trouble? You think you're safe because look how cute she is, what is she gonna do to you? And then all of a sudden you're eating dirt because she shoved a wingman up your ass and annihilated you.
Gia's origins are unknown to the rest of the Legends. She showed up one day unexpectedly and won Champion that same afternoon. Her kit and abilities brought a whole new playstyle to the Games: a playstyle that both terrified and intrigued the others. Her enhanced vision gave her every input she needed to weaken your team's defenses. She knew exactly whose health was hanging on by a thread, giving her the ultimate advantage to breaking your team apart and dwindling your numbers until you were way beyond outmatched. The Legends assumed she had some sort of black market enhancement done to her eyes given the fact that they were far from being normal. How she managed to slip through the Apex recruitment with her fiercely white irises was beyond everyone. I mean, come on! The girl's eyes were as white as snow all around! The only color to them was a very faint, needle-thin black line separating her sclera from her iris. Everything else was pure white. Even her pupil. Crypto was already walking on thin ice with his illegal body enhancements. The only reason no one actually paid much attention to it was simply because his modifications didn't directly impact his abilities in the arena. But Gia was a whole other story.
Typically, the Legends expect Silva to dive head first into a fire fight with his stim. Or perhaps they'll see Crypto's drone following them around. And on occasion a team will back out of a fight to heal up and end up running into another team holding a choke point with Wattson's electric fences. All of this was expected. And then Gia came along and now every Legend that wasn't on her team was afraid of her tactical EMP that disabled all enemy primary weapons. You could pin her team down and you think you're gonna win, and then all of a sudden your Devotion stops all functionality and now you have to rely on your Alternator with 20 shots left in the chamber.
As if that wasn't enough of a fright, instead of Makoa's air strike landing on your head or Bloodhound storming up behind you faster than humanly possible, Gia's big trick messed with your mind and your vision. In the blink of an eye, you are no longer able to discern who is teammate and who is enemy. And it's not as simple to just say "Wraith is not on my team. I need to shoot her" because the enemy Wraith you're staring down through a 4x-8x will suddenly appear as your friendly Pathfinder and your friendly Pathfinder will suddenly appear as the enemy Wraith. It was more likely to die via friendly fire than enemy fire when Gia's ultimate activated.
The only reprieve the other Legends got was finding out that she was insanely friendly. Thank god too because no one needed another Dr. Nox or another Revenant on their team. Gia was friendly with everyone she interacted with. Despite her scary demeanor, she got along rather excellently with the other Legends. And that's when most of the trouble started.
It all started off as friendly taunts. Elliott took the first step and made a move on her immediately. After all, she's beautiful, he's beautiful, it only made sense for the two of them to date. They could be the ultimate power couple. Their two beautiful faces displayed up high on the Champion banners. It was a dream. But she politely shut him down. Still, he tried again. And she laughed and played along. "My my, Mr. Witt. Aren't you the massive charmer!" This caught the attention of the daredevil himself and he attempted to get under Elliott's skin by literally sliding by them in the arena and dropping the biggest pickup line she's ever heard. "Aye, amiga. Thanks for brightening up the place with your beautiful face." and then he put a couple bullets in Witt's stomach. Silva's team went down immediately for that stunt and Elliott was able to be picked back up, but his idea worked. Elliott was obviously mad at the green-haired adrenaline junkie after the game for trying to steal "his girl" but it was all in good fun when she turned him down too. Bloodhound soon was seen at her side more often than not. He found her skills fascinating and her air of mystery perfectly matched his own. They had sort of an unspoken bond between them, connected solely on the fact that both of their lives were an enigma. Everyone asked her about herself but she never opened up. When it was just her and Bloodhound, neither one even dared to ask the other about their past. It was comforting being able to sit with someone and not have to worry about prying curiosities. Bloodhound attempted to flirt; there was lots of hand touches and close sitting. Yet she turned him down too.
After that it became an unofficial competition between the three of them to see who could win her over, which lead to a lot of showing off and friendly banter. Elliott would throw pickup line after pickup line at her. Silva did crazy stunts to impress her. Bloodhound brought her tea every morning. And yet nothing ever came of it. Gia would play along every now and again but at the end of the day she made it clear she was just playing. Still didn't stop the men from trying.
And then Loba joined the crowd. And boy oh boy was that a surprise. The chick was into chicks! "Did you clowns ever stop and think that maybe you don't have the right parts she's looking for?" Loba taunted them. But she was right, of course. None of the men asked Gia if she was even straight. But it was still all laughs and good times regardless if she ever found an interest in them. Loba had other ideas in mind. She was thoroughly convinced that Gia was full on gay, looking to get it on with another girl. And Loba believed she was just the girl to get her rocks off. Loba was much more blunt than the men ever were in their affection. That night while all the Legends were winding down with some drinks and enjoying the royalties they made from the recent Game, Loba approached Gia and asked her if she would like to join the seductive thief in a private area away from the loud crowd. When she agreed, the three men that had been pining for her started to believe Loba was right all along. Loba and Gia were gonna do it! Loba was gonna fuck the new girl before they were! As much as Elliott enjoyed the thoughts that put into his mind (and trust me, he enjoyed them a lot), he was upset that all of his attempts had been for naught.
Loba and Gia had disappeared for hours and the three men all huddle together in somber at their ultimate defeat. Elliott poured several rounds of drinks for them in solidarity and they cheered a farewell to their playful challenge. It was Gia 's friendly "What's wrong, boys?" that gathered their attention mid-mope. Silva was just about to tell her of their shallow depression when he spotted Loba stiffly walking up to the bar for another drink with a pout on her face. The thief looked just as pristine as when she and Gia disappeared. Not a single wrinkle in her clothes nor a thread of hair out of place in its braids. So she was wrong!
"Nada, bonita. We're all good here!" he happily told her and shot back what was left of his current drink. "Right, guys?" he nudged them with a big 'ole grin on his face. Neither of them picked up on his hints but they agreed with him anyway. She didn't buy it for one second and got another round for them to put a smile on their faces. A single, friendly peck to each of their cheeks is what really solidified their grins and she walked off, happy to have made them smile. When Loba approached them after Gia walked away, Silva was quick to ask the slumping woman what went on behind closed doors.
"I was wrong." she admitted pitifully. "She turned me down too."
"So the competition is back on?" Elliott questioned and all four of them agreed. And thus their antics continued: Elliott flirted, Silva showed off, Bloodhound gifted things, and Loba seduced. None of it worked in the slightest. But Gia would laugh it off and let her touches linger just that fraction of a second longer that made them all question their sanity. If they were teamed up with her, they'd give her the items she requested. If she was hungry, they got her food. If she was feeling unwell, they took care of her until she was better.
"Like lost puppies." Anita commented to the four of them as she watched them all practically drool at the sight of Gia on the complete opposite end of the room. She seemed unaware of their presence but they knew she knew they were there. She sat with Makoa and Pathfinder, all three of them happily chatting with each other without a care in the world. Makoa's big belly laughs rang in everyone's ears.
"She's totally into me, I can tell." Elliott stated matter-of-factly.
"As if." Loba retorted.
"Did'cha ever think that maybe she got someone already?" Che asked with a smirk. "Some of us got loved ones back home."
"I doubt it, amiga. She would've told us if she did." said Silva.
"Maybe she didn't want to tell you. Seems like she doesn't tell anyone anything about herself. For all you know, she could have a husband, or wife, and several kids back on her home planet." Anita commented. The latter part of her sentence fell on deaf ears as the four love-sick Legends stared in Gia's direction when she laughed at something either Pathfinder or Makoa said. Her laugh was like music to their ears. Anita rolled her eyes towards Che and the other simply shook her head.
"Look at her! She's absolutely gor-gor-gorg... pretty! We're totally comp-compat... made for each other!"
"If we're going off looks alone, surely there are better suitors than you." Loba told Elliott with a smirk.
"Hey now, that's quite rude!"
"Gia is a strong fighter. Our skills are equally matched. Perhaps she's not looking for a superficial partner at all."
"All of you are a hack." Crypto's voice surprised everyone. He stood just off to the side, watching them with a bored expression on his face. Hands in his pockets, as is his usual stance, he eyed all four of them down.
"Come on! Don't try and tell us you don't think she's muy caliente."
"She is very beautiful," Crypto agreed. "and you are very desperate."
"So you are not in any way attracted to her." Loba stated rather than asked. She leaned forward, chin on her knuckles, and pressed him.
"I never said that."
"So you think about her."
"I never said that either."
"Say what you want, but until she tells me to back off I'm not going anywhere."
"And neither am I!" Elliott responded rather quickly -and defensively.
"That makes three of us." said Silva.
"Fine. Make it five."
"I can't believe this." Che grumbled.
Gia found Crypto unexpectedly by her side more and more. He was rather reserved and his attempts at flirting were down right embarrassing. She tried not to show pity for him. The poor guy probably hadn't ever touched a boob before. She assumed him like Elliot, Silva, Bloodhound, and Loba and went along with whatever he said. She never asked much from Crypto and he was thankful for that. He had no idea how to woo her. He knew absolutely nothing about her, but who was he to ask her about her past if he wasn't willing to exchange an equal value? She was pretty and she was talented, so he tried to play to those strengths. He complimented her when she dolled up and he praised her when her team won Champion. Very rarely was he ever paired up with her so he often admired her through his scopes. He assumed to himself that he could impress her if he won Champion, so he tried his best to wipe the floor with any enemy teams he came across. More often than not, her team would demolish his so he would side step her if he spotted her. However, whenever Caustic or Revenant were on his team, there was no room for niceties and they went in with guns blazing whether he liked it or not. Caustic would throw his gas traps at them, or Revenant would silence them, and then suddenly both teams were at war with each other.
Just last week, Revenant went charging in at Gia, Bloodhound, and Wattson. He silenced their abilities, giving Revenant an easy target on the blonde girl before she could even defend their position with her electric fences. Wattson went down like a sack of bricks. And then Wraith went charging in on Bloodhound. She managed to break the hunter's shields before Gia came to her teammate's rescue and knocked the voidwalker to the ground with a few well-placed 301 shots. Crypto attempted to help his team by going in with his drone and EMP-ing the two enemies still standing. With their abilities still silenced, Gia was unable to fight back at the same caliber and Revenant took his EVA and pulled the trigger three times in Gia's chest. She collapsed to the ground with her knockdown shield aimed directly at the robot.
"Nothing personal, girlie." he chuckled as he tried to show off and finish her. He got interrupted when Bloodhound came around the corner and shot his hopped-up Wingman into the simulacrum's skull. Revenant went down as well. That left Crypto versus Bloodhound. Crypto was still fully shielded as opposed to Bloodhound. However, Crypto was armed with a 45 while his opponent had a Wingman with a skull-piercer on it. Even if Crypto landed all of his shots, it would only take three from the hunter to fully knock him. And he did indeed get knocked. His gold knockdown shield was the only thing that kept his team from being spawned out of the arena and back onto the dropship. Bloodhound knows Crypto's entire team was down so he was not at all worried about being shot in the back as he picked up both Gia and Wattson. Gia didn't waste any time healing and instead finished off Revenant with a big fucking smile on her beautiful lips.
"It's not personal, Rev." she echoed back at him and followed it up with a knee thrusted into the simulacrum's throat and then a low roundhouse kick to the side of his skull. Revenant disappeared, his banner taking his place. Meanwhile, Bloodhound turned to Crypto and attempted to finish him off as well. The last thing Crypto saw was the hunter's battle axe being thrown at his head. And then he and Wraith were standing next to Revenant on the dropship while the on-ship medics came to tend to their wounds. Crypto ignored them, instead turning all of his focus towards the displays following the remaining teams in the arena. One monitor focused on the general rotation of the arena. Another showcased the team that killed his. Crypto's eyes followed Gia's face on the display. She was quick to heal up and then lead her team towards the ring.
The rest of the game was long-lived. Many teams put up a good fight with each other. Ultimately, the best team had to win and that team was of Lifeline, Octane, and Gibralter. Gia's team came second. As skilled as she was, going against Lifeline was a difficult feat. Especially when Gibralter's shield dome gave the team ample cover for a quick pick-up. Not to mention the fact that Silva was nearly resistant to pain and was able to recover without the use of meds once he was picked up. A good heal will almost always out fight heavy damage. Once all the teams made it back onto the ship, Crypto approached Gia. "Good fight." he simply said. She smiled at him and returned the sentiment with a peck to his cheek. Crypto felt his face grow hot and he heard a snicker beside him. He found Loba, Bloodhound, Silva, and Elliott watching him with dopey smiles. Loba crossed her arms and eyed him in a way that meant she told him so. He ignored them in favor of getting patched up the rest of the way by the ship medics.
"You may have won this time, little girl, but I'd watch my back if I were you." Revenant threatened Gia at the other end of the ship. He bent down to her level and stared right into her eyes. But she didn't shy away from the simulacrum's threatening advances.
"The only thing I'll be watching is a replay of me finishing you." she shot at him. He simply returned her remark with a deep, throaty sound and then he stalked off.
That night, Elliott threw a small after-party at his place. There were drinks aplenty, more food to go around than anyone could think of, and of course the Champion squad. All complete with Silva begging to do some party tricks and doing them anyway regardless of how Elliott responded. Not as if Elliott would say no to his friend anyway. Everyone came out to the party. Even Dr. Nox and Revenant who hardly ever show their faces when not in the arena. Still, they kept to themselves and only participated when coaxed. Well, at least Dr. Nox did. Revenant just stalked everyone as per usual.
Gia tried to make rounds with everyone but it was becoming difficult with five of the Legends begging for her attention. Silva wanted her to watch him light himself on fire. Which he did and she watched on like she promised. "One of these days you're gonna get yourself killed, love." she said to him as she patted down the last of the flames burning away at his shorts.
"As if Death could catch me, chica bonita."
"Promise me you'll live to see tomorrow so we can get lunch."
"Absolutamente!" he grinned from ear to ear and then she walked off to sit and talk with Anita and Che. "She wants me." he said to Elliot. The latter simply rolled his eyes.
"She only said that because she doesn't want to watch you kill yourself tonight."
"She so wants me."
Gia chatted with the two women. Gia congratulated Che on her win today and the medic praised her back with a statement of her skill. "A couple close calls." the woman had said and Gia nodded in agreement.
"A toast to our Champion!" Anita held her glass in the air and the other two women clinked theirs together and took a large gulp of their drinks.
"Let's hang out this week. Go do something fun. My treat, of course as a present for our lovely Champion here." Gia offered the two women.
"I'm in the mood for a nice massage!" chirped said Champion. "It hurts having to carry 'round these children all the time." This made the other two laugh heartedly.
"I swear, some of these kids want to get hurt." commented Anita.
"Sounds an awful lot like those five over there." Gia pointed to the group huddled together and watching her.
"They just tryna impress ya. Problem is they don't know when to quit it."
"I think it's cute."
"Do ya like any of them?" Che asked and Gia sat back and thought about it for a second.
"They're certainly cute. And it's funny watching them flirt. But it's all just fun and games."
"You seeing anybody? They won't stop unless you tell them you're taken." said Anita matter-of-factly. She took another gulp of her drink.
"They don't need to stop. It's nothing serious. No one's getting hurt and I've already told them no so it's not like I'm leading them on. Let them dream a little."
"As long as ya okay with it."
"I am." she responded. "I'm also hungry. Be right back." she told the women and got up to grab some food that was piled up on a table. There was so much food here but she wouldn't be surprised if it all got eaten anyway. There were some hungry Legends here and -she's not going to name names- some of them can absolutely pack it away. Silva didn't count, however, because his metabolism was way faster than normal so it's never a surprise to see the green-haired junkie go up for fourths or even fifths. Gia grabbed a plate and filled it with foods that appealed to her. Nothing fancy but just interesting enough to get doubles of. As she was making her way back to Che and Anita, she spotted Wraith sitting alone and moping. Gia detoured over there and took a seat opposite of the woman.
"You doing okay?" she asked, making Wraith look up at her and force a smile.
"Yeah, I'm good."
"You sure? I didn't hit you too hard out there today, did I?" Gia attempted to lighten to mood. It worked to a degree; Wraith cracked a more genuine smile and gave a short chuckle.
"You got some good shots on me but that was pure luck." she said. "Good game today, by the way."
"You too. Do you wanna talk about what's bothering you? I'm all ears."
"Thanks but I'll be fine. It's nothing serious."
"Come find me if you ever need a shoulder." Gia offered the woman and was gifted a nod with a bigger smile in response. Gia placed a gentle hand against Wraith's cheek. "Smile for me some more. You've got a beautiful smile." she said and then got up and walked away.
"You don't think Wraith's into Gia too, do you?" Elliott asked the group as they all watched the exchange happen between said women. His eyes followed Gia for a moment as she walked away and then focused on the other. Even though Wraith looked away from the room, he could see her blushing furiously. And she tentatively placed a hand against the same cheek Gia did. Oh, she definitely had it bad for her.
"I wouldn't be surprised. I've caught her staring at my ass on more than one occasion." Loba snorted.
"Gia and Wraith aren't seeing each other already, are they?" Crypto asked everyone as if they had any more answers on her love life than he did. As predicted, everyone else shrugged or didn't answer at all. Elliott went back to watching Wraith's behavior. Everything that just happened in the last 10 seconds told him that Wraith hadn't expected Gia to show her that type of affection. If she's blushing that bad from a single touch, then that means Wraith is crushing real hard. She didn't act like that was a normal occurrence between the two of them. As if she could read Elliot's mind, Wraith turned her attention to the group of five that had been watching her. Elliott waved his hand over to her, silently telling her to join them. Wraith did a double take, making sure he was in fact motioning to her and when she realized he was, she made her way over to them.
"Aye, you into Gia?" Silva got right to the point and put Wraith on the spot. She sputtered.
"What? No. What makes you think that?"
"You do not have to lie." Bloodhound calmed her. "She is the reason we're all here." he motioned to the group.
"She's just a friend!" Wraith was quick to defend. "I mean she's pretty and all but nothing would ever be between us."
"So you admit you're into her." Loba accused and Wraith went silent. She blushed again.
"I mean, she's nice. And pretty. And she smells good. But so what."
"Listen, no one's poking fun at you. We all like her." Elliott came to her rescue.
"Yeah and we've got a competition going to see who she likes more!" said Silva.
"Because it's fun! And because we can hit on her without pressuring her to return the favor."
"So she knows you've all placed bets on her?" Wraith assumed questionably making the others stiffen and look to each other.
"Well." Crypto started. "She doesn't know about the competition but she knows we all are attracted to her."
"Isn't that kind of, I don't know, scummy?"
"We're not placing actual bets on her." Loba defended.
"Yeah it's just all bragging rights at the end of the day if one of us wins her over." said Elliott casually.
"Aye, you can get in on this if you want, chica, but we're all just having fun."
Wraith hesitated for a moment to think it over. This was scummy, right? Holding Gia as a prize? Surely she wouldn't appreciate it. But then Wraith looked over to Gia sitting with Che and Anita and noticed how beautiful she looked when she had her hair down. Wraith quickly touched her cheek again.
"What are the rules to this... competition?"
"None really. Try to woo her and, if you do, congrats. You won." said Elliot.
"So, are you in or are you out?" Crypto questioned.
"I'm in."
To say Gia was leading the pack was a bit of an understatement. Everywhere she went, her little lovesick posse was not too far behind. And it seemed to be growing by the day. Given that there were now six of them, it was more likely she was paired up with at least one of them during the Games. And when they were paired up together, it was very obvious they were trying to impress her. If she was ever downed, Wraith would stop whatever she's doing to portal her to safety even if she herself wasn't in a safe position. If she was out of ammo, Elliott dropped several stacks of whatever she needed even if he needed it himself. If she gave an order, Silva would absolutely follow it even if he had already jump padded a mile away. If she wanted the Peacekeeper, Loba would steal it for her. If Crypto found a high-level shield, he'd let her have it. If the team got split, Bloodhound would always follow her in case she ran into another team. And if their third got pinned, well Bloodhound wasn't leaving Gia's side.
Everyone else was starting to notice it more and more and they'd approach her about it. "It doesn't bother me." she'd say. And maybe it truly doesn't. Maybe she likes the constant attention she gets from the lovesick six. It certainly didn't hinder her performance in the arena. However it was becoming a bit annoying not being able to spend much time with anyone else without the group being a hare's breath away. But still she played along, laughed at their jokes, swooned over their flirtatious remarks, cheered them on as they showed off.
The Games continued nonetheless and even more Legends showed up; first there was weapons-expert Ramya Parekh, and then there was scientist Mary Somers, and with Dr. Somers came a new arena. Both of whom were very quick to pick up on the weird dynamic between Gia and six of the other Legends. "They're quite infatuated with you, darling." Dr. Somers had commented on day one of her being there. "Eh, they're all a bit weird." Ramya said nonchalantly.
Also Revenant and Elliott got to take over the games for awhile -again. Everyone hated when Revenant got control of the Games and this time around he's decided to switch it up a little bit. Elliott, on the other hand, took the opportunity to impress Gia. "Look at me! I'm so good they wanted to bring me back! The fans love me!" he said. His pride was short lived because the Apex hosts gave the fans quite the show when new events dropped and Elliott, Silva, Wraith, Bloodhound, and Loba all got makeovers -among other Legends, Gia included. All of them took their new looks on stage in an attempt to make Gia swoon. And as good as they all looked, Gia barely had the time of day to compliment them because Apex was whisking her away left and right to show off her new look. The fans loved her and demanded her attention. There was even a huge party for all of the Legends and multiple press corporations to advertise the new events. It was all just so overwhelming. Gia hated being center stage and the constant swarms of people drained her energy rather quickly. Her only reprieve was when one of her six admirers took all of the attention away from her as they did some sort of stunt to make her smile. It was mostly Silva donning his Octane ego that got the press's attention because who doesn't love to watch a daredevil jump out of the window? Nevertheless, she appreciated the breath of fresh air when the cameras weren't on her. She took the opportunity to hide away near the buffet table.
"Ya doing alright?" Che had asked from beside her, grabbing food for herself.
"I'm fine. Just need a break from all of this."
"Still not used to being a fan favorite, are ya?"
"I'm surprised I'm a favorite at all, to be honest. I know a lot of people like to go for the shiny, new toy but I'm no longer shiny or new. Ramya and Dr. Somers should be getting all of the attention."
"Are ya kidding me? Ya one of the best there is! Ya win more games than ya lose. Of course ya a favorite!" Che attempted to cheer her up.
"You win a lot of games too, but it seems like everyone wants to surround me."
"Well, I have been here longer than ya have. Give it time and they'll move on. They like ya because ya don't tell them anything. It keeps them interested."
"I'm sure you're right. But for now I just need a breather. I'll catch you later, Che." Gia bid farewell and walked off into the shadows, away from prying eyes and camera flashes. The combat medic made her way back to the center of the press where Elliott and Silva were waiting to talk to her with concerned looks in their eyes.
"Is Gia alright?" Elliott questioned her, making a move to go follow the object of his desires. Che put a hand against his chest to stop him.
"She don't wanna be bothered right now. She wants to be alone. So leave her alone."
"Is she hurt or something?" Silva asked worriedly.
"Nah, she just needs some fresh air. But she made it very clear she didn't want anyone to accompany her. So make sure ya tell the others to leave her be tonight."
"Can you at least tell us where's she's going in case she need someone."
"If she wants ya, she'll let ya know." was Che's response and then she walked away, hoping those idiots wouldn't bother Gia. She had to give the dopey idiots some credit though because all six of them never left the party. Despite their infatuation with the white-eyed Legend, they respected her privacy and gave her space when she asked for it. The press took notice of Gia's absence and tried to dig into everyone else for her whereabouts but no one relented and the press was forced to focus on the remaining Legends at the party.
Once the whole shebang was over and the press had made their leave, the six were becoming slightly worried at Gia's continued AWOL. She hadn't talked to anyone since she told Che she was leaving. No messages or calls. Nothing. Surely she was fine, though. Gia could absolutely hold her own if god forbid something were to happen, so the Legends weren't worried about finding her all beaten up on the Docks. But they were worried that something was still wrong and didn't feel comfortable letting her be alone for this long. It's been hours since anyone has seen her.
"I'm gonna go look for her." Elliott finally said. He was obviously agitated in his boots. The others weren't looking so hot either and they all agreed to split up and look for her. Problem was, there were far too many places she could possibly be and she hadn't answered anyone's messages so there wasn't even a general location they could pinpoint her at. They all checked her place in the compound housing the Legends, they checked all over Olympus, they checked Malta. They checked everywhere they could think of, but there was no sign of her and now they were well into the wee hours of the morning. Everyone was seriously starting to worry.
There was one final place Elliott could think of where she might possibly be, so he ran there as fast as he could to check. If she wasn't there, then he was starting to think he'd need to put a missing person's report on her. Surely Apex would find her quickly; they can't let one of their best fighters disappear. Especially not after a night of reporters fawning over her. Elliott charged towards the dropship housed at the very edge of Olympus. Getting through the security was rather easy, simply because the security had been disabled which was a relatively good sign in Elliott's eyes. She had to be here. None of the Apex crew were working at this time, as far as he was concerned. He let himself aboard the aircraft and he nearly collapsed onto the floor when he did.
Holy fucking shit, Gia was here. And she was with Revenant. And she was very clearly naked! Both of them were asleep -or, well, she was asleep and he was shut down, Elliott guessed. Did the robot sleep at all? They were laying all cuddled up to each other on one of the many plush seating areas with a blanket wrapped loosely around them. Gia's entire upper half was exposed to the warm air of the ship, but her dignity was covered just enough by the fact that she had her chest pressed up against Revenant's. The simulacrum kept a metal arm laying over her as they both slept, almost as if he was protecting her. She stirred lightly in her sleep and he responded by pulling her closer. Yet neither one of them woke up.
Elliott wasn't sure if he could scream, cry, runaway, or do all three. He wasn't gonna lie, his heart broke knowing that she would choose a robot over him. Even if his flirts were nothing more than a game, the fact that he was beat by a fucking robot of all things stung. Why didn't she say anything? Probably because no one would have believed her. I mean, Revenant of all people? That thing hated everyone and everything. And he's been known to threaten her on occasion. Was it all part of a rouse to keep people from guessing? Did the simulacrum have some sort of reputation to uphold? Or was this some sort of spontaneous thing? Either way, Elliott had a hard time picking his jaw up off the floor.
He managed to sneak out of the ship without waking either one of them and he exited the hangar. What was he supposed to tell the others? He didn't even know how to comprehend it himself! But he had to say something. Everyone else was still out looking for her. He managed to message everyone else but his words were short. "I found her. She's alright. Everyone stop worrying." he told them. Any responses he got back from them were ignored as he tried to calm his racing mind while he made his way back to his place.
This has been one hell of a night.
Elliott called an emergency meeting with the others the next afternoon once everyone was able to catch some well-needed sleep. Both Gia and Revenant had reappeared some time in the early morning, though no one was able to catch them together. Her usual chipper mood didn't do anything to quell Elliot's confused thoughts and he had half a mind to just probe her for answers to the questions he wasn't sure he wanted to even ask. What was he supposed to ask her? "How long have you been fucking Revenant? Were you ever gonna tell us or were you trying to toy with us? Does he even have a dick?" He wasn't hurt by the fact that she was seeing someone. Elliott knew she wasn't interested in any of the six of them. She made it very clear her no actually meant no. But Revenant?!
"What's so important you needed to gather all of us?" Crypto had asked. Elliott was tongue-tied. He just had to rip it off like a band-aid, right? That's what they all say, right?
"We need to call the competition off. Leave Gia alone." he managed to say.
"What? Why?" Wraith questioned with genuine confusion.
"She's seeing someone."
"How do you know?" Silva asked.
"I found them together last night."
"Are you sure?" Bloodhound asked and Elliott nodded.
"Very sure."
"Who is it? Another Legend?" Loba wondered. All eyes were on Elliott, waiting for him to spill the beans. Who could've possibly stolen Gia's heart? No one ever saw anyone else fawning over her and no one ever saw her eyes lingering for too long on a certain someone. She treated everyone the same. Perhaps it wasn't another Legend. Did she have a lover that came to surprise her at the party? Did a husband or wife come to cheer her on in the new events?
"It's... It's Revenant, okay!" he spat out and quite literally everyone else had gasped in surprise.
"Are you trying to make some sort of sick joke? Because if you are, I will throttle you!" Loba threatened.
"I'm serious! I found them together last night and she was very clearly naked in his arms."
"I don't believe it!" cried Wraith. There is no way someone as sweet as Gia would ever find companionship in someone like Revenant. It just couldn't be possible.
"Believe what you want but I'm backing out of this dumb competition! I don't want Revenant to snap my neck!" shouted Elliott and he threw his hands up in defeat. With a heavy sigh, he dropped his head to the table in a loud thump. A look of understanding passed from Legend to Legend. Everyone knew Revenant's behavior. He was cold and he was unforgiving. If what Elliott claimed was true, then there's no telling what the simulacrum would do to them if he found out they were all trying to get into her pants.
"What do we say to Gia? She'll know something's up." Silva asked aloud to the group.
"You don't have to say anything." that god damn voice said, making everyone jump in their seat and whip their heads around to peer at Gia timidly idling in the doorway. Her white eyes were glossed over in pity, and that hurt all the more.
"Were you standing there the whole time?" Elliott asked her.
"I heard shouting. I came at the part where you said you found us together last night."
"Oh." was all he said back.
"Listen, guys," she started, moving into the room and closer to them. "I know how much fun you guys were having with this competition thing going on between all of you. And I'm sorry this was how you found out about me and Revenant."
"Have you been seeing him this whole time?" Loba almost seethed.
"Yes." she flat out said. No beating around the bush. "I promise I'm not dating him to spite you, Loba. I started dating him long before I even knew of your history with him. I didn't do this to hurt you. And I'm sorry if it does hurt you." she apologized.
"No one's hurt that you're seeing him." claimed Silva.
"Speak for yourself!" Loba interrupted.
"We're just confused is all, chica."
"Loba, truly I'm very sorry for hurting you. I'm sorry to all of you. I'm sorry if I ever lead any of you on, but I honestly thought I had made it very clear that this was just a game."
"You did. We heard you loud and clear, hermosa. We were just trying to have a little fun with you."
"I know. And I'm sorry if this put a stop to your competition. Believe me when I say I enjoyed the attention. I truly did not intend for any of you to get hurt or upset. If it's Revenant you're hesitant of, I can give you my absolute word he will not harm any of you."
"I guess I just want to know how it happened." said Wraith. Gia attempted a jovial smile in her direction.
"There's so much to me you guys don't even know. So much that even Revenant doesn't know. I know it may seem strange but I promise you that he and I are not very different."
"Does he even.... um.. have a... you know?" Elliott then hesitantly questioned much to everyone else's embarrassment. They all shouted at him in distaste. "Oh come on! I know I'm not the only one who's curious!" he defended himself. Gia took in a deep, shuttering breath.
"Well... um... yes, he does."
"That's just weird. That is so weird." shuttered Silva. "Dios mío, eso es asqueroso. Can we please talk about something else?" he mumbled into his palms.
"Look, to make a long story short, all I can say is I'm sorry. From the absolute bottom of my heart, I am sorry. Regardless of where we all go from here, I just want you to know that you've all made me feel pretty, you've made me feel important, and you've made me feel loved. And I can't ever thank you enough for that. I just hope you all understand that I truly do love you too. Even if it's not the same way that you love me. I truly do love you."
"As long as you're happy." Crypto replied to her. As sad as he was to say it, he meant it for her.
"I am. I really am."
"I guess that's the end of that. It's been a good game, guys." Elliott directed towards the other five. "We're just not what you're looking for, I guess."
"But you're what someone is looking for." she consoled. "Elliot, you are the most handsome man I have ever met in my entire life." Gia confessed to him. To solidify her statement, she pressed a warm kiss to his cheek. Then she turned to the green-haired man beside him. "Silva, my life would be so incredibly boring without you in it." and she pressed a kiss to his cheek as well. "Loba, next time you see me in the arena, I want you to just step on me with those boots." she giggled and kissed her cheek as well. Despite Loba's best efforts, she cracked a real smile. "Bloodhound, you're an incredibly skilled hunter and I wish I could match up to you." Gia tentatively lifted her hands towards his face, waiting to see if he'd stop her from removing his face mask. He didn't. So she lifted the material from his face and pressed a kiss to his cheek as well before putting it back in place. "Crypto, don't ever let anyone underestimate you." a kiss to his cheek. "And of course, Wraith. I meant what I said before; you have a beautiful smile. Show it off some more." a kiss to her cheek. "I love you guys. And I hope you don't think any less of me."
"Of course not." said Bloodhound which made Gia's heart flutter with glee. She bid a final farewell to all of them before making her departure, still unsure if they have forgiven her for her secrets. The room fell quiet for several moments as they all processed what just happened. In the blink of an eye, everything just crumbled. No one was angry. They all still loved Gia. But now things were a little different. The competition was officially off the table now and the six Legends were unsure of where to go from here.
"She totally loves me more." Silva cracked the silence.
"Are you kidding? She kissed me first!"
"She kissed me longer." claimed Bloodhound. And then a full blown argument started between all of them over who Gia had more affection for.
Everything sort of calmed down after Gia had finally come clean. The six Legends that had been following her for months had backed off and everyone took notice of it. Che asked Gia what had happened between all of them and Gia had confessed that she had been seeing someone behind everyone's back. Though she didn't name names. Che wanted details of course but didn't press when Gia refused to give them. Even Pathfinder could sense that there was some tension in the room but, bless his heart, he had no idea how to make everyone feel better. He tried though. "Everything will be okay, friend." he told her and then gave her one of his famous high fives.
It's not like Gia didn't try to mend things with them. She still tried to talk to them but conversations became awkward because no one knew what to say anymore. All the flirting stopped and everyone was too scared to sit too close to her in fear of Revenant's wrath. But she did try. It's just that her efforts went nowhere.
Then, seemingly out of nowhere, Gia and Revenant were seen together out in public for the very first time. They officially outed themselves as a couple. Everyone was just minding their own business when Gia had appeared, dragging Revenant behind her with her hand interlaced in his. She pulled him into everyone's view and everyone turned to stare at them with wide eyes. She paid them no mind, but Revenant glared at anyone he connected eyes with. She pulled him down to sit with her and he did without complaint. She cuddled into his side and he tossed an arm across her shoulders, allowing her to get as close as possible. Everyone was watching, but it was Elliott, Silva, Loba, Crypto, Bloodhound, and Wraith that seemed to be the most in shock. What had finally changed her mind about keeping their relationship quiet, they didn't know. Everyone was just as confused as they were and those who were aware of the six's admiration for Gia all turned towards them in either pity or curiosity. Yet no one said a word. It felt like all eyes were burning into them. But thank god they all turned away at some point.
Gia proceeded to show Revenant something on her device and they both watched intently. He even scooted her into his lap so he could place his chin on her shoulder and watch. His arms wrapped around her midsection protectively and she cracked a smile. She looked so tiny in his lap.
"I can't watch this." Loba said and stormed off. She still hadn't come to terms with the fact that the woman she desired was in love with the demon she wanted to murder.
"Does anyone else feel nauseous or is it just me?" Wraith asked, turning away from the loving couple.
"No, I feel it too." Elliott confessed.
"It may hurt now, but she is a grown woman who has made her decision and we must respect that. We'll get over it eventually." Bloodhound told the group.
"Just because we respect it doesn't mean it doesn't still hurt, compadre." retorted Silva.
"You think they'll stay together?" Crypto then asked and everyone looked back to Gia still cuddled in Revenant's metallic lap. Elliott watched carefully as every twitch of Revenant's fingers only seemed to hold her closer to his chest. His touched appeared to be gentle and Gia had made herself comfortable in his embrace. She smiled at her device and carefully ran her fingertips along the build of his arms. He must've made some sort of noise because she nudged her cheek against his metal face plating. When he turned to look at her, she looked back and pressed her forehead to his. They both closed their eyes and Elliott assumed that was their version of a kiss considering he didn't have any lips -or even a moveable jaw for that matter. And Elliott could tell that she was genuinely happy.
"Yeah. I think so."
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