#i think one of the only pdfs i dont have is the one i have physically
skunkes · 3 months
Wanted to say in general morpho pdfs are not very difficult to find, i only had to really hunt down one of em...i recommend em all so munch
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pangyham · 3 months
xingqiu and chongyun have insanely good potential for angst my god. xingqiu in particular is so fun to think about in the context of chongyun. what do YOU know about chivalry boy
thinking about how he and hu tao kinda operate on similar notions of justice and all that shmick except hu tao is more strictly averse to disrupting the Natural Order (incredibly vague and generalized concept rn sorry) whilst xingqiu sets his principles more arbitrarily. chongyun's presence somehow foils a lot of his notable character traits. gestures hands vaguely in the air but sth sth hu tao would not approve of xq's moral infractions
perhaps im just reading too deep into this but shrugs ill admit something's changed in Me the last 2 years and coming back to xq and cy has me like. scratches head now hold on im not entirely sure if i even like the way xq treats cy. its kinda one of the main points of their dynamic- the whole.. pranking this oblivious guy who i really adore etc. but its deeper implications leave me a little unsatisfied and a little troubled (?).. in the long run i personally dont really see anything substantially appealing about their (leaning towards romantic in this context) relationship other than like ?? the tropes that mhy imposed upon them. they were created as a compatible Duo ykwim. they reference each other a lot in their lore and even in-game but.. idk maybe i just view them separately instead of a joint unit that anaylzing them individually revealed a lot of crevices and cracks in their ship that's built upon their mainstream appeal
but anyway i've thought a lot about them as a duo and is it nuts to say i like them as a romantic ship but if they were unrequited. i can see them working out but it necessitates a complete subversion and reconstruction of xingqiu (chara development basically LOL) on my part that i would totally invest myself in but im not entirely sure how to execute it
i like xingqiu a LOT as a flawed character. i wouldnt go as far as to say hes toxic, just very conflicted and insecure. hes a fun character to think about. re: the hu tao bit i mentioned above, i think they would have a really fun, witty, and transformative friendship
but anyway. yes i like xq and i still like xy. theyre just a bit more complicated now aha. im still capable of enjoying fluffy ship dynamics but lately ive been in a Character Study Mood ... mmm.. ive yet to organize my chongming thoughts
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databent · 4 months
[pained wailing emoji]
#.pdf#rd#THE REST OF THIS IS JSUT ME WHINING. FEEL FREE TO IGNORE#i dont wanna go to work ‼️‼️‼️ i feel like i am nearing a breaking point i am sofucking burnt out#every time i go to work. my brain gets Scary at me. stresses me out. dont like it ☹️#im supposedto be going in tonigjt but im dreading it sososo much#my work hour options have changed from “fully flexible” to “7am-9pm only” whcih yeah i know that doesnt sound that bad. but i have non-24#(circadian rhythm disorder that makes me sleep progressively later every day circling fully around the clock over ~3 weeks or so)#and bcos of it often i have to force myself out of bed in what my body thinks may as well be the middle of the night just to get to work#and then i dont ever get enough time to recover from that to actually let my sleep fall back into its natural schedule wjich is the only#time i feel properly rested. so essentially im chronically sleep deprived which is making me chronically stressed and way less productive#i just reslly really want to fucking save up a little money and just Not work for a week or two. bjt. with my sleep bullshit i cant really#work enough to be able to put anything aside. at all#so. kind of an unrealistic desire i guess. lol#ive been feeling like this ever since like early january when i was told i ahve to stick to a more normal schedule. & its only getting worse#idont know i just wishthere was something i could do that was fully flexible on timing but also doesnt havw the kind of workload that would-#-stress me out like basically anything with longer-term projects so ykmow Most flexible schedule jobs.#i do have one thing in mind i could do on my own but its dumb and probably wouldnt make much money and has startup costs i cant afford rn..
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toastsnaffler · 5 months
fun sunday afternoon plans my dbt workbook arrived + I have a lecture on adhd + seasonal affective disorder to watch that I signed up for a while ago. maybe either of those will tell me how to survive this winter without killing myself 👍
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midwestgender · 2 years
professors literally have got 2 be LOOKING for books that r impossible to find thru free methods so Fucked Up
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cheswirls · 2 months
no idea why ywr/iwf has gotten an influx of kudos over the past week but its been both a compliment and an irk tbh
#esp since its JUST been that one and nothing for pdf despite pdf being linked in the notes#i guess someone shared it again or at least thats the only reason i can think of rn#which is like..................gee sure would LOVE to see why someone liked reading it enough to share in their circle#if only there were some way.................to share positive opinions with a fic author...............................where they can see i#(this is THE reason i hated this fic for so long after completing it btw#if you like smth enough to rave abt it online plsplspls express that to the author as well#i appreciate kudos but they literally do nothing for me at this point yknow?#if you dont leave me a comment on ao3 or message me directly then how am i ever gonna know if#a fic of mine changed your life. like rly honestly srsly copy-paste your rambling after posting it wherever#and slap that shit onto an ao3 comment)#anyway this got long but i am so so tired#i hope everyone who read ywr/iwf this week also read pdf at some point bc i like that one better#like i would rather someone read both and only leave kudos on pdf but also like#this fic specifically (ywr/iwf) absolutely kills me a little inside bc i only found out how well-loved it is years later#and had i not been part of smth and been told that indirectly (and then directly by exactly one person) then i never would have known ever#which. like. yea i do still have a chip on my shoulder#i thought i wrote pdf as a follow-up and got over it but i guess the fuck not#anyway the last time i got an influx of kudos was bc someone recc'd it so maybe this time ill get smth more substantial out of it#(i say this not expecting anything actually mmmmmmm)
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thecherrygod · 2 years
when did games stop coming up with booklets and stuff with them? a friend made me remember heavy rain and that i actually have the box and i opened it and the booklet even has a part at the end that you could write notes on???? and that apparently was normal for ps3 games at least bc we also have dark souls and it also has that. man
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gentil-minou · 7 months
can't we do smth for palestine like we did for ukraine like miraculers for palestine? i just think it'd help.
Monetary aid is useless in Gaza right now because Israel has the entire area under siege. We could raise a million dollars for them, and in fact many have, but it will rot in trucks trapped at the border because Israel refuses to let them in. They don't even have fuel or medical supplies or electricity or water or anything, not because there isn't anyone donating but because Israel refuses to let it in.
Their goal is to slowly starve and kill them all, or push them out of their homeland forever and steal more land for themselves
The majority of countries and citizens all throughout the world agree that we need an immediate and permanent ceasefire. (Not a humanitarian pause the US keeps trying to push like letting them have 5 days to breathe before Israel slaughters them all).
The majority agrees but a handful of countries, primarily the USA, Canada, and the UK have refused. And because the UN is a joke because the US gets whatever it wants even when it's the only one who wants it, a ceasefire is impossible.
So what can you do?
Contact your representatives and government
Flood their lines. Call them everyday. Fax them. Email them. Send them written letters. Join a protest. Disrupt the system
Make it clear you will not vote for them if they do not listen to you. Make it clear you want a ceasefire
Here are a few sites to get you started (these are US based but there are plenty of resources for other countries around)
This is just the link I have on hand there are COUNTLESS ones there are ones that will make the call for you, like this one that I used
Physical mail is better. Faxzero is a website that let's you send faxes for free. There are even pdfs and premade letters
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Let's say you're not from one of these evil countries, what can you do?
There are protests around the world. Find them and join. Show the world Gaza is bleeding and Palestinians are screaming and that their screams are being heard. Show the world that you refuse to plug your ears and lie silent. Be their voice.
Educate yourself
Read books by Palestinians watch movies and documentaries. Follow their journalists, give them a voice especially now when the rich and powerful are trying so desperately to smother them.
Israel and the western powers want you to be ignorant.
And whatever you do: don't stay silent. Don't treat this like a trend. Do not stop fighting
Even after a ceasefire, we need to keep going. There needs to be a complete dismantling of the Israel terrorist state. We have to keep fighting so Palestinians can live in Palestine the way they have for centuries. We need to show the corrupt governments in this world that we are not going to live under their tyranny
So be LOUD
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propagandistisk · 5 months
i dont think i have a better audience for this question on any other platform so im going to ask here even if it doesnt get answers
im trying to get one historical book written in danish. my brother while in copenhagen went to two bookstores and asked around for it and he couldnt get it, so im guessing its not... that popular
i thought about getting the ebook but ill have to figure out how to pay for it not only because its the cost of four dinners but also because of the payment methods
SO i just wanted to ask, before i become so desperate and buy it, if someone has some magical way to get danish pdfs cheap thank you
dennor new years eve art for attention
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imab00kwh0r3 · 1 year
babel, and why i love it (SPOILERS!!!!)
ok im terribly late to reading it, for its not sold in many places where i live, so i found the pdf luckily.
babel is a book about colonialism and racism and oppression, it is about revolution and battling your inner conscience (in my opinion at least, i'll elaborate later). it tells the story of robin swift coming to the prestigious royal institute of translation or better known as babel, where during his yrs there he discovers that the glamourous oxford university isnt such a righteous place. his loyalty is tested, blood is shed and tears fall which leads up to a revolution to stop an incoming war.
there are many reviews regarding how its racist to white ppl (which is astounding to even think about) and that its not accurate as women werent allowed to go to university in the 1830s but im not going to talk about that, that much. i wanted to speak on the actual translation/language aspect of it.
throughout the book, translation and language r some of the main themes (obviously) but the impact it has on the people, both in the book and irl is smth i havent seen anyone mention. language isnt just a form of communication but it is part of our culture, it is part of our identity, and during colonial times many languages suffered, they were being erased as they were "barbaric" or "strange" they were banned and anyone who spoke them was punished like in victoires chapter. robin, ramy and victoire all can barely speak their native languages, robin has almost fogotten cantonese, ramy has very basic knowledge of bengali and victoire is never given a chance or is permitted to speak in haitian creole. they lost one of the main things that connects them to their motherland, they only have their appearance left. they will never be able to talk to their ppl properly.
victoire was frustrated that haitian creole isnt recognised as a proper language like how in their exams, her match-pair wouldnt be counted properly as haitian creole wouldnt be used much hence its "useless" in the eyes of prof. leblanc. she was beaten when she would speak haitian croele in her house in france. when she first came to babel she was correcting herself from "kreyol" to "haitian creole" and was unsure if she could even study it.
robin realised that prof.lovell actually knew more than him about his own language, his mother tongue. he could barely stand being back in canton and he felt isolated in a way as everything changed and was new and so was the language even though he was born hearing and speaking it.
not much is talked about this with ramy except that he barely knows bengali, even though hes fluent in english, latin, greek, arabic, persian and urdu. he knows 6 languages and in his chapter he is sed to "absorb languages like a sponge" and that he recited poems or writing in other languages he didnt know perfectly, even down to tone, only after having it read to him once but he barely knows his mother tongue.
this relates to modern times as many languages of previously colonised countries rely on english words like in india u will barely hear the word pathshala, instead u will hear school. in mauritian creole when people speak they will slip in english words, like "netwai whiteboard la" which means clean the whiteboard.
we dont know our language fully because of the erasure of them.
theres also 1st gen immigrant children where their mother tongue is smth they barely hear or they forgot after a while, they feel so incredibly disconnected once they realise. this is how robin is and this is how i am too, i was born in europe, then at 7 i moved to england and now im somewhere entirely different, i dont remember my mother tongue, i dont dream in it. which ultimately makes u lose ur voice in a metaphorical way.
u cant speak because u dont know how.
another important thing is the purposeful mistranslations and burning of books, thats not fully discussed in the book although it would have been a nice touch. colonisers purposefully mistranslated things to control the masses because when they burnt our books, they burnt our language, knowledge and people. and the exploitation of our languages like the statue at univ of william jones sitting at desk and 3 hindu sages on the floor infront of him exists, and how missionaries were taught our languages to help in conversion.
now onto the 1830s inaccuracies and racism:
its the fucking 1830s do u think white ppl were nice to poc at this time, like slavery just ended in the eyes of the law for britain but still continued in other places like america. reverse racism doesnt exist, white ppl can be prejudiced against but u lot r not oppressed and never will be, u lot wont be killed for being white, so stop crying. and about the women wouldnt be at university in the 1830s thing its fiction, r.f. kuang took some liberties.
and that is all i have to say, dont start an argument, anyways babel is great, go read it!!
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databent · 2 years
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gigidragonbbxxx · 3 months
a personal struggle + an education
this is all just gigi's opinions + thoughts
Reader, I'm struggling with empathy right now.
Don't worry, I'm not suffering from a personality pathology, I promise I am quite sympathetic and empathetic. It's just battling the feeling of wanting to be kind but also seeing a major problem and knowing I need to get it off my chest.
Let me give it to yall straight (with tweaked/paraphrased details to protect privacy and not to out anyone):
I saw a favorite loass coach/twt account/subliminal creator make fun of an "old timey" English sentence either from Neville Goddard or Edward Art. They proceeded to say that they "hate" it and "why can't they just say it simpler". and then someone else commented "they're talking bullshit fr".
The convo thread on twt devolved into an echo chamber that essentially boiled down to the old fool's adage "If I don't understand it, it must be stupid and not worth it."
This really triggered me because
The phrase quoted was not that hard to understand.
It was clear these women were not educated
Why am I judging or mad at people for their ignorance? (this is why I kept quiet on twt and went here to vent. I acknowledge that two things can be true, I can be kind and still be honest.)
I was and currently am still wrestling with these things within me.
On one hand I don't want to judge. I want to be inclusive and welcoming and supportive.
On the other hand - yall don't look educated, yall wind up looking dumb.
I'll say a harsh truth yall and you can go argue with a damn wall but I know I'm right: stupidity is not cute.
My Hot Take (not so hot when you think about it)
The Law of Assumption rewards those who feed their mind with knowledge
Before you argue with me, think about it. Seriously.
I don't want to seem ableist if someone suffers from dyslexia or if someone struggles in school. It's totally okay to have different paths to learning. The importance is still obtaining the information. You can read or listen to the audiobook, etc. The paths to knowledge are varied but in the end the result is the same - THE KNOWING.
The "old timey" sentence that the creator complained about COULD BE READ BY NINTH GRADERS BECAUSE OF SHAKESPEARE EXPOSURE.
That's why I was exasperated. They were complaining about English (the only language in which they are fluent) that is regularly taught to 14 year olds.
Guys. Stand up. Please stand the fuck up.
Who in this world is gonna take you seriously without BASIC COMPETENCY in literature or math?
Lemme roast some of yall if you want to disagree:
Yall wanna be master manifesters and claim to understand the double slit experiment but can't even name the fundamental laws of science or explain them.
Yall wanna be successful in your businesses and don't know how to calculate your profits.
Yall wanna be seen as intellectuals who "understand" more than the majority of the population and yall can't even fucking read Descartes or Shakespeare.
Yall wanna be content creators and don't know how to proofread.
One time I bought an affirmation tape that came with a pdf with all the affirmations listed. The tape itself was excellent but the pdf was riddled with errors! It makes me sad because something that can help change your life, like a sleep tape to saturate, "cheapens" in its authenticity at the price of minor errors. Sigh.
Let me tell you that 100% you can be successful in this world just by going to the end and claiming it.
and if you don't like any of it and just wanna watch sammy ingram and manifest like that THEN GO AHEAD BUT DONT CLAIM TO NOT UNDERSTAND A SENTENCE AND THEN CALL IT BULLSHIT.
just be honest and own it!
be honest that you don't wanna read, that you don't wanna be academic and that's 100% okay and you're still beautiful and worth everything but
do not put down the value of what is being said just because you don't understand it
That's why I am frustrated, reader.
I am educated enough to recognize when someone's ignorance is just that - ignorance.
But I am human enough to be annoyed.
So please give yourselves some grace and take the time to appreciate knowledge. Without the knowledge of the law of assumption, we wouldn't all be here interacting with one another.
xx, gigi
p.s. for those of you who are more familiar with reading the Bible via the law of assumption lens - I beg you to think of Solomon. He was asked by God what he would like and Solomon chose wisdom over material things. Why is that? Because through wisdom comes the ability to know how to obtain all one's desires. Food for thought.
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transgenderer · 1 year
was thinking in the shower this morning about whether thoughts exist. i mean not...whether humans have thoughts, i was taking that for granted. but whether those things, that humans have, "exist". i mean, assuming they do, it seems they exist in a very different sense than a table exists. you can make a sort of similar questioning in the other direction, whether a set of tables exists, but i mean, i think any collection of things exists in the same sense as the things themselves, regarldess of whether its a useful category. anyway
to clarify my thoughts, or maybe muddle them, i jumped to "do files exist". because its so much less messy than the human mind, and yet i think the question remains. like. does a pdf on your computer exist? obviously it kind of exists. but like. why does it exist more, than a different pdf that isnt on anyone else's computer. and you can say yadda yadda there exists an arrangement of matter that encodes the file. and thats kind of true. but depending on your encoding, so does the other pdf! but that one doesnt exist, and this one does! perhaps both exist, and this one is merely accessible? yes, you can say that, but i dont find it satsifying
theres also an urge to say "okay, the file exists, but only because we use exist as a shorthand, and it doesnt really exist at all in the same sense as a table". and sure, whatever, but i FEEL like i mean the same thing when i say the pdf exists, and the table exists. it seems to me there is a real commonality here, a commonality that a pdf on no ones computer and a table that i imagined, but which does not correspond to an extant collection of matter.
hmm. philosophy is hard
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i am very new to learning quechua and am having trouble finding resources to learn, do you know any? i also need some pointers on how to learn a new language from scratch since i dont really know where to start
Imaynalla kasanki :)
I have a few resources, although the vast majority of them are from Spanish (I see an Argentine flag in your bio, so I'm hoping that isn't a problem).
English resources:
This website has extremely basic survival Quechua and audio in English, along with the romanization of words and phrases to pronounce them.
Here is extremely basic vocab for Bolivian Quechua; words only.
This wonderful source has a basic internet course for Quechua and if you explore it a bit includes a ton of information about the language along with places and people to contact that can help teach you.
Here is a very famous movie in Quechua with English subtitles that you can watch for free.
The movie Retablo is free on Tubi. It's about a Runa boy in Peru discovering his father isn't actually heterosexual and the repercussions he faces in the community and his own family because of it. Subtitles in English.
The Quechua Collective of New York periodically offers Quechua classes on Zoom, if you're willing to spend $90 for a 12-week course.
If you are extremely serious about learning Quechua, there are multiple universities that offer online courses with 101/201 usually in the Fall and 102/202 in the Spring. Purdue University, Oberlin College, Indiana University, UChicago, UPenn, University of Michigan, Northwestern University, East Carolina University, and the Ohio State University all offer courses, with all of them for sure offering online options except for UPenn and UMichigan--those I'm not sure. Expect to pay no less than $1500 for each course.
Spanish resources:
This podcast series is on Apple Podcasts and can help if you have a basic level already.
Here is an app from the Ministry of Tourism in Peru that can help with basics.
Here is a free online course for Quechua Chanka.
This is an extremely tedious but helpful guide pdf from Spanish.
Online games making the learning process a little less painful.
If you really want a resource for the Collao dialect and don't mind dropping some coin, this course is about $15 and will give you a certificate at the end.
This is made by the same people right above in the Collao dialect, but free.
Here's a super rare audio course for Kichwa Inga made by Indiana University.
Here's an online translator that can theoretically translate from English too but works best in Spanish.
These Spanish Youtube channels teach some Quechua.
This monstrosity of a pdf that is half grammar/pronunciation and half vocab, in the Sureño dialect but the Peruvian one rather than Bolivian.
Here's a ginormous pdf of a Quechua-Spanish dictionary.
This pdf on Scribd. Scribd makes you do a free trial, but you can download as much material to your pc as your heart desires. I highly recommend that you do a trial, find and download as many relevant resources as you can, and then end the trial before the 30 days is up.
This wonderful human being's Instagram. T'ikita hasn't posted her usual reels and tiktoks lately but if you scroll back a little she has a ton of helpful videos in her Quechua Chic series with Bolivian Quechua. I also paid $25 a month to have Zoom lessons with her which we did using a mix of English and Spanish. She was amazing, but I feel like she would definitely prefer to teach in Spanish is why I'm putting her in this section. I think she may still do group classes but I'm not sure.
Wilfredo also teaches Bolivian Quechua from Spanish and has his WA number in his bio. My boyfriend took classes with him and seemed to enjoy it.
Qhalincha makes helpful instagram reels and offers group classes at an affordable price; I think she speaks Bolivian Quechua but I'm not 100% sure.
This is a general instagram account that teaches different dialects of Quechua.
This is like the above, but this Instagram has organized group courses seemingly at an affordable rate.
Peru's Catholic University has an online Quechua class (courses ranging from 1-2 months) that meets daily. The 2 month class is about $75.
Again, if you are EXTREMELY serious about learning Quechua, then the Centro Tinku program takes place in Cusco where you live with a Runa family and have the language taught to you in Spanish. If you're not attending a partner University with the organization, you may email [email protected] to enroll directly with Centro Tinku. The cost is a whopping $4100, but Centro Tinku also offers 50% scholarships on tuition costs to Latin American students not eligible for other funding. UMich has more info about it here.
Bilingual resources:
This nifty lil page has a basic course.
This one is also like the above.
This SUPER beyond helpful Discord channel where you have speakers to actually talk to.
Here is an entire Google Spreadsheet of affordable online Quechua teachers.
Listen to Renata Flores. She doesn't have many songs on here at the moment and isn't a native speaker, but I love her rap. She's super popular in Peru.
Italki has super cheap Quechua tutors. While most of the tutors teach in only Spanish and Peruvian/Cusco dialects, there is at least one who can teach from English a range of dialects such Boliviano, Cusco, and even Ecuadorian Kichwa.
I also have pdfs for Quechua resources including the insanely rare and critically endangered Cajamarca dialect, but considering the source has been taken down every time I see it pop up on the internet probably due to copyright violations, I 100% don't feel comfortable posting it here. If you trust me enough, I can email it to you or whomever seriously wants their hands on it.
Now, as for learning a new language, I would say don't even try to start until you've organized yourself a bit and set up goals for what you want to achieve. Sure, you want to learn Quechua, but there's always more learning to do with language acquisition. Where do you want to be in 3 months? Do you want to be able to introduce yourself and count and know colors? Start small, and build from there.
I think ChatGPT may be useful here too with creating outlines for achieving language learning goals if you prompt it with something along the lines of "I want to learn Quechua. I will spent 2 hours a day, 5 days a week studying. Set me up an outline and schedule I should follow in order to be conversational." (Yes, I used that exact prompt and it generated me a pretty solid learning schedule).
I will also always swear by flashcards and physically writing down new vocabulary and concepts. Practice speaking out loud to yourself even if it feels ridiculous. The Hellotalk app is also helpful as long as you are confident you can avoid random people insistently messaging you on it, and instead use it for native speaker interactions and corrections.
Best of luck <3
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babynapa · 1 year
Can you... Tell me about ur ocs they look cool
hiiiii always i am always down to talk about my ocs...... ill put it under the readmore (people should send me more asks abt my ocs)
theyre 4 twenty something year olds who are in a band together and they all have issues (tm) and i want to make a comic/visual novel with them someday so i wont go into too much detail
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this is Ena. she plays the bass! she is the stupid but loveable one and you will see everything thru her POV most of the time. she dropped out of college to focus on being a cool penniless musician (and mostly to do jack shit). some quick facts abt her are: she's 5'3", she hates that shes 5'3", she is 24 and she is a leo.
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this is julien! he plays keys and/or drums. he is enas college buddy and they live together as roommates. hes a very nervous person and is scared of most things. if i ever do a vis novel you would also be able to play in his POV. hes probably the nerdiest of the group. he is also 24, he is 5'5" and a virgo.
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this is renée. she is the one who picked out the newer members (julien and ena) to join her and clares little band. she is the most charismatic one but also has many secrets. she tries very hard to keep them all together. shes 25, is 5'6" and is a capricorn.
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this is clare. she is the vocalist and is a very prissy and particular person. she thinks ena is super annoying. they will have lots of tension :) she was already in a small band/group with renée before ena and julien joined. shes 5'7", 23 yrs old and a pisces.
clare and ena have been around in my head for like 8+ years now and i made a zine focused on the 2 of em like last year (u can buy the pdf here for 5 bucks but its also 18+ only bc there is sexy stuff in it so minors dont click)
u can also follow my itch.io if u want new project updates...im always doing projects and theyre next on my long list🧎‍♂️
IF YOU READ THIS FAR UR CRAZY thank you for reading ^__^
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skrs-cats · 7 months
Loved mudclaws manga his interactions with clanmates and family members were so nice to see vs him in the main arc books we never got any of that just him being antagonistic oh man good luck it took me months to get through all the earlier books, i started at tpb and then went chronologically according to the events timeline on the wiki, it was fun but so time consuming, seeing snippets of the new books makes me feel like im missing out i wanna KNOW but i dont want to spoil myself too much se or novella set during pot3 when please erins i am BEGGING the only thing other than the arc books to happen during pot3 was a graystripe manga YEA i had to look on the wiki to find that i havent read all the bonus scenes i dont have the versions of the books with them and i forget to look them up most of the time lol, glad they stopped making them theyre a pain to find, i know it makes sense for jay and lion to not be as close anymore especially with lion having a family of his own but it bothered me that all these med cats who didnt even seem to like jay that much were the ones to help him, we didnt even get to see him tell lion about it </4 lion would have wanted to know about holly sometimes it feels like the authors dont like the characters 😭
i remember SPEEDING thru the books once i got my grubby lil hands on the pdfs, idk how long they all took to read but i think reading them so fast just made it all the more easy for me to muddle up details hkjhdskjfha if i ever get around to a reread i might just take my time on it. ALSO I FEEL YOU LOL. sometimes i go thru the wc tag and seeing people talk abt the new books gives me the same feelings HAJHAHA i just power thru it by drawing my po3 bastards (surprisingly effective) and go on w my day
as someone who's freshest memory of the recent arcs were snippets of the sibs Bonding and Caring for one another I REFUSEEE TO BELIEVE THAT JAY AND LION ARE NOT CLOSE ANYMORE IM DYING ON HIS HILL. the erins constantly play w my feelings like sometimes theyd drop these awfully sweet scenes of the two being affectionate w one another but then the bonus scene drops and im like... did u forget about lionblaze. wheres my MAN ToT i will also confess that my somewhat recent rediscovery of the bonus scene actually pushed me to make a comic where lion talks to leaf in starclan out of SPITE. but im working on it lol. IF THE ERINS WONT DO IT THEN I WILL
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