#i think she'd have been friends with kate or at least kate would have loved hanging out with her a lot
Had a super weird dream last night where Reynie was exploring a really big library, like at a college or something, and he was talking to this girl while they were walking around, but he kept getting this feeling she knew something about/reminded him of S. Q.
When he eventually confronted her about it, she got all mad and asked him why he seemed to care so much after how he treated him at the Institute. Turns out, she was S. Q.'s cousin, apparently? And he was living with her because I guess he ran away from Curtain
She ended up being pretty nice, but she was incredibly protective of S. Q., since he'd just been hanging out at her house and not really leaving since she was the one with Actual Life Skills and didn't want to let him out where he'd get himself captured or lost. I think she eventually calmed down and let Reynie see S. Q., and she trusted him more after her cousin was so excited to see Reynie
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AITA for being complicit in my friend's situationship? (NSFW, and sorry, it's long, but at least it's dramatic.)
I had a friend (I will refer to as Kate), who I no longer speak to for reasons unrelated to this scenario. We dated on and off for a couple years and broke up permanently about a year before these events, but remained as roommates. Everyone in the story was in their 20s.
Kate went to a trade school and met a man (I will refer to as Andrew) who flirted with her despite mentioning before that he had a girlfriend. Kate was attracted to Andrew but told him that she wouldn't get involved with him unless he broke up with his girlfriend. He then told her that his girlfriend was distant to the point that they hadn't slept together in years, they basically were just friends that lived together, but she wouldn't let him officially break up with her, and he couldn't afford to move out on his own.
Kate told me about this, sometimes asking what I thought, and though I had some doubts about whether that information was true, I didn't give any real advice in any direction. Obviously I was in a weird situation, but didn't want to discourage her, or she might have thought I was jealous. She wasn't happy when I went on a date during this time. She also accused me of emotionally cheating while we were dating, so I was not about to tell her how to define cheating. That's a whole other story, but I say "accused" bc it basically boiled down to me still being friends with someone I previously had feelings for, and Kate believed I was more attracted to the old friend than her. That remained a sore spot for the whole time we knew each other, although I cut off the old friend a year after Kate and I started dating.
A few months went by, and they spent more time together at the school, and her car, hooking up at both. They never went to his place. He also asked her not to initiate text conversations, in case his girlfriend saw his phone. He came over to our place twice, and both times she texted me out of the room so they could be alone. Kate acted very happy talking about him, occasionally guilty or suspicious, but said she thought she loved him. Her moods fluctuated a lot, as she experiences manic and depressive episodes, and I was trying to comfort her through the bad times.
When they were about to graduate, Kate told Andrew that since they wouldn't see one another at school together anymore, she would stop talking until he broke up with his girlfriend. Then Kate saw his girlfriend show up at their school acting, well, like his girlfriend. So she became suspicious. Andrew also started flirting with another woman at their school, who flirtaciously messaged Kate. Kate thought Andrew was trying to set up a threeway, even after breaking off their situation. This ended with a lot of angry texts to Andrew from Kate, demanding that he tell his girlfriend everything. Andrew claimed he did, and then the conversation ended.
Many months later, Kate doubted Andrew told his girlfriend, so Kate asked me to make a burner account to message her, and I did. She didn't seem to be aware of any of it. At this point, Kate felt that Andrew had exploited her, but as far as I know, all of their interactions were consensual. I think she was trying to deal with her own guilt by leaving all the blame on him, but I never dared to tell her she'd done any wrong here. I also felt complicit in that I probably should have guessed that she was manic during this and given better advice.
I know this was a lot of info, but it could have been a lot longer. I'm just wondering now, a long time later, was ITA for not telling my friend flat out to stop the situation, or that she was doing something wrong?
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fxckmiup · 1 year
𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 𝐩𝐭. 𝟒
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Genre: ♡ Fluff | ♤ Angst | ♞ Hurt/Comfort
Warnings: Unrequited/requited love, yelling, mean Wanda, mean Yelena, if there's anything else please let me know.
Pairing: AU Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader
Summary: Nothing hurts more than falling in love with your best friend.
Words: 6,395
PS. I've tagged everyone on my taglist but most of y'all can't be tagged.
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Wanda Maximoff
"What do you mean she left?" Wanda asks Yelena who stepped past her sister and Steve to get closer to the brunette.
"She left because of you," the younger Russian repeats with venom laced in her tone. Bucky gets up from his spot on the couch and steps in front of Yelena to stop her from coming any closer to Wanda.
"Yelena, don't," Bucky warns to which the blonde scoffs at. "Don't what? Tell her the truth? Because that played out well so far, didn't it?"
"You know it isn't just about her. You're looking for someone to blame and maybe she's partially at fault but it doesn't mean you get to dump all your resentment towards her," Bucky tells her. If it was anybody else who dare speak to her in such a way, they probably would have gotten a slap right across the face. But it was Bucky, who was the only person besides Natasha and Y/n who she allowed to speak to her in such a way.
Yelena rolls her eyes before crossing her arms over her chest, looking up at the man who's standing in her way to rip the Sokovian a new one and if he thinks he can stop her then he's a fool.
"My resentment towards a certain Sokovian in this room isn't just about today. It's about everything she's done, directly or indirectly to Y/n in the last year. If Kate, who's the most oblivious out of all of us, can pick out the number of times Y/n got hurt by the Sokovian then Wanda should at least know that her actions towards her so-called best friend were impacting her in a negative way. And ultimately, if Y/n was to listen to anyone telling her to stay it would have been Wanda she'd listen to but Wanda did the opposite, didn't she? She pushed and prodded Y/n so much that Y/n felt as if this was the best decision for all parties. So no. I will not spare Wanda Maximoff my damn resentment because she deserves it." Yelena lays out as if the brunette wasn't in the same room as her.
Yelena sidesteps Bucky and walks up to Wanda getting up to her face, to which the brunette didn't stand back from.
"You're a fool," Wanda swallows at Yelena's bitter quiet but strong words. "And I don't know what she ever saw in you," Yelena tried to walk past her with an aggressive bump of their shoulders but Wanda grabs Yelena's bicep tightly before she can walk further.
The room goes eary quiet and no one knows what to say. Yelena glances at Wanda's grip and Natasha takes a cautious step toward the two while the rest watch in anticipation of what's to come next.
Wanda's mind is reeling. Y/n left. She's gone and she didn't even get a proper goodbye. Just like that, she disappeared into thin air.
"A walk? Anyone?" Kate suddenly throws out in the air after fidgeting uncomfortably through the silence.
"Get your hand off of me," Yelena dangerously warns Wanda but the brunette only stares at the side of her face. After a long few seconds of nothing, Natasha takes another step closer after noticing Yelena fisting her hands.
"You're wrong," Wanda spits out evenly in a low tone but clear enough for everyone to pick up on while she lets go of Yelena's arm.
"Oh yeah? About what?" Yelena turns around to come face to face with the brunette once again.
"She wouldn't have listened to me," Wanda shrugs nonchalantly but it was clear in her face that she was only trying to hide her anger.
"You're more stupider than I thought," Yelena throws out shaking her head in disbelief.
"And why is that, Yelena? You're here all up on my face, but you truly don't know shit," Wanda spits out, accenting her remark with a slight head tilt.
"If I were you, I'd shut up," Yelena growls at the brunette as she closes the gap between them, chest touching, nose flaring, and eyes sending daggers to the other. "Years, Wanda. Years she had to sit back in pain watching you. Years of her sacrificing everything for you. Years of making sure you were always happy. Years of putting you before her. And how did you pay her back? How did you show her your appreciation? By forgetting your traditions? Traditions that y'all have done for years. Traditions that Y/n made sure she was to never miss, cancelling everything and everyone just to make sure she made it to you."
Yelena takes another harsh step forward resulting in her chest pushing Wanda back a few steps but this display of aggression didn't falter Wanda's stance. "You forgot her at the roof. You forgot your brunch dates. You forgot Y/n's second birthday," now that last one knocked Wanda's breath out of her chest.
"She got you that stupid fucking dark hold book. She saved up her paycheques to make sure she got you that damn book but she sacrificed all that and gave Vision the credit because why? Because she wanted to see that stupid ass smile on your face. And after all that, you still continue to forget about her. You're a selfish asshole who doesn't care about anything and anyone around her but herself. She fucking worshipped where you fucking walked and you choose to continue to be oblivious, making out with your stupid little boyfriend in front of her whenever you can. She wanted to get away from you! It's because of you why she fucking left!" Yelena yells bringing her hands up to push the sokovian's shoulders back and at this point everyone was on their feet, ready to stop a fight from happening.
To everyone's surprise, Wanda catches both Yelena's wrists before she got pushed back and she ends up pushing the younger Russian back instead. "You think you know shit?!" Wanda yells and as if the tables were turned, it was now the brunette who charges forward the Russian.
"Okay miss knows it all, did you fucking know that I did confess my feelings to her this morning?!" Wanda throws out and the revelation earns a gasp from anyone. "Did you know that she claims that she fucking loves me back but when I asked her to stay and she still chose to fucking leave?!"
Yelena shakes her head in denial with a frown on her face, "Y/n wouldn't have said no to you."
"Well, then I guess you don't know Y/n as well as you thought you do, huh?" Wanda chuckles dryly, "all this time you thought she'd sacrifice it for me? All this time you thought she'd pick me, yet here she is, gone after I confessed to her that I'm fucking in love with her. I offered to go with her Yelena and she fucking told me no. She told me she didn't want me."
Wanda steps up to Yelena's face, "get it through your head that Y/n didn't choose me. Get it through your head that Y/n still chose to leave."
Yelena being Yelena, always wanting to get the last word in, doesn't back down. With an all-calm voice, Yelena says, "in that case, good for her. She's finally putting herself before you after years of putting you before her. It's time you do the same."
Wanda comes stumbling through her door at half past 2 am, "fuck you, fuck you, I hate you. I never want to see you ever again Y/n," the brunette yells to her phone.
"That's enough," Natasha says making herself known to the brunette who jumps at her voice. "Who let you in here?" Wanda asks confused as she slams her front door with her back, leaning on it for support right after. Natasha wonders for a second how this Sokovian hasn't gotten any noise complaints from her neighbours, as this scene has happened almost every day since Y/n left three weeks ago.
"I have a spare key to your apartment remember?" Natasha lightly reminds her, knowing that Wanda probably won't even remember this by the morning as she complains about a killer hangover.
Natasha walks over to the nearly blacked-out drunk brunette before quickly taking her phone and hanging up on Y/n. "Hey! I wasn't done yelling at her," Wanda yells as she tries reaching for her phone only to stumble forward and if it weren't for Natasha catching her, she would have planted face first to the ground resulting in an ugly bruise on her face.
"Yeah well, I said you're done. Bed," Natasha orders while she helps the brunette to her room. "You know that key was only for emergencies," Wanda mumbles and stumbles to her room despite Natasha's support.
"And you being out past 1 am a Wednesday getting close to blacked-out drunk is an emergency. This can't go on for any longer Wanda, this is unhealthy." Natasha reprimands her.
"Blame your sister for kissing me, leaving me, and breaking my heart," Wanda says before she falls on her bed and not even a second later knocks out. Natasha grumbles before she starts helping Wanda into comfier clothing.
"Where is Wanda?" Sam asks the group whilst starting the hand out of barbequed hotdogs to the group for their monthly friends' reunion.
"Late as per usual," Yelena mumbles as she squirts hot sauce all over her hotdog.
"Have you talked to her?" Bucky asks. "No."
"Yelena it's been months since y'all went at it with each other. You should just sit and talk because this is getting ridiculous," Bucky scolds her.
"Well then she can come to me and talk if she wants to talk," Yelena says as she rolls her eyes while Natasha shakes her head at her younger sister.
"You know she won't do that. Plus, what you did was uncalled for," Steve comments fitting the description of being the peacekeeper of the group.
"She asked for it," Yelena shrugs which earns a glare from the peacekeeper himself and before Steve can answer, Sam's front door opens revealing Wanda.
"Holy shit, what did you do?" Tony asks loudly which gets everyone's attention. Wanda shrugs "what's the rite of passage?" Wanda asks Sam who's hosting this month's reunion. "Jello-shot," he smiles cheekily before Wanda takes one of the cups and quickly downs it making a face once she tastes the straight Jello tequila.
"You dyed your hair red? Why?" Tony asks. "What you don't like it?" Wanda tilts her head with the question but Tony chooses stupid this time around and answers her rhetorical question. "No, I don't."
"Don't anger the beast," Sam says through a cough before walking away which makes Wanda rolls her eyes in annoyance.
That's Wanda for you who's been acting out since Y/n left a few months ago. The former brunette is now easily annoyed, easily angered, short fuse, and simply does not give a fuck about anything and anybody else.
"How's your dream job?" Steve asks instead, sensing the clear annoyance of the newly red-headed Sokovian. "Well it's my dream job, so I'm loving it a lot," Wanda says half sarcastically but sighs when she notices Steve's genuine curiosity. "It's going great, my manager is amazing, my colleagues are great, the company is great, and I'm truly having fun."
"That's what I like to hear," Pietro comments suddenly coming out of nowhere and ruffling up her nicely done hair which then earns him a big ole slap on the arm.
"So are you late from your pussy appointment?" Yelena says from the balcony door. "You know Yelena, maybe you need to schedule some sex appointment for yourself. I know people and you seem like you need to get laid," Wanda shoots out.
That's another thing Wanda started doing after Y/n left, one-night stands. It's almost rare for Wanda to get through a whole week without at least having two one-night stands. And no matter how many times she got scolded by her friends, she continues to do it to the point that no one says anything anymore.
"Yelena," Bucky says as a warning when he sees the blonde about to make another remark. Instead the Russian rolls her eyes at Bucky before stepping out the balcony to tend to the barbeque that was still cooking.
Natasha shakes her head at the two, something she's been doing a lot lately. "You two need to sort your shit out with each other. It's getting old," she comments as she passes the Sokovian on her way to the kitchen.
"Enough of that, shots anyone?" Tony yells through the apartment.
"Can I do a chaser?" Kate asks and Clint pats her back with a chuckle, "oh Kate."
"Is that a yes?" Kate stutters out.
A few weeks passed since the last friends' reunion and Wanda is currently doing a deep clean of her apartment when she comes across an envelope underneath her bed. She furrows her eyebrows wondering what could be inside the envelope, she turns it over to come face to face with her name nicely written on the front of the envelope.
She freezes immediately knowing whose penmanship that was from. Her frown grows trying to remember when she could have possibly received a letter from Y/n and as she was about to open the envelope, a knock comes booming on her front door. She jumps at the sound and drops the envelope to the ground.
She picks up the envelope contemplating if she should throw it out or actually open it but before she can even make a decision another set of knocks comes through her front door.
"I'm coming!" she yells out before quickly placing the envelope on her bedside table. She makes her way to the door and looks through the peephole only to come face to face with one of the people she did not expect to be standing in front of her door.
Wanda opens the door with a puzzled look on her face, "Yelena?"
Y/n Y/l/n
Y/n sighs heavily once she steps through her front door, she drops her purse and keys on the table by the door before locking it behind her. Her first week at her job was a whirlwind of many emotions and she's starting to think that maybe she should start investing in a therapist.
Y/n was absolutely thrilled to be starting her dream job but it was hard for her to celebrate that win with how everything went down back home. A part of her feels guilty for leaving her friends, scratch that, her family and she's honestly been feeling some intense waves of homesickness but that's something she'd never tell her friends since she feels she doesn't have the right to feel those.
Then let's not mention how everything with Wanda had gone down. That was not how she planned to tell the Sokovian of her feelings and she feels like a dick for not further explaining herself. But then again, the letter that she had left for the Sokovian should explain everything going through her head, that's if Wanda reads it.
On top of that, Sam had face-timed her the day after she landed to tell her what had gone down at the party after she left. He told her how Wanda and Yelena went at it and how everyone was sure someone was walking away with some sort of injury, but gladly no one did.
Y/n wanted to call Yelena or Natasha right after that but she felt that maybe, letting them call her when they were ready is a better option. She's sure that the sisters are probably upset with her for not telling them about the revelation that had happened between her and Wanda that day. So ultimately, she decided that she'll let them cool off and wait till they call her instead.
A week later, Y/n finally gets a facetime call from Yelena. Y/n reaches over to mute her TV while answering the facetime call, "hello sestra," Y/n answers with a smile.
"I'm mad at you," Yelena says and Y/n's smirk grows a little, "I know that you are."
"Well I was, I'm over it now," Yelena deflates with a pout. "Although now that I'm not mad, I'm hurt that you didn't tell me."
Y/n sighs a little and takes a sip of her red wine, "I'm sorry Yelena. There was so much going on in my head that day, you knew that. Plus, whatever happened between Wanda and I was not my intention at all. I went there and before I can even try to confess about my leave, she blurted out about her feelings and then I followed after," she explains scratching her eyebrows.
"She started kissing me but I had to cut it off to tell her about the job. And it was just all shitty. And everyone was sad, and I was sad, and I knew that if I let myself process and feel everything, there would be a great chance of me not following through with my decision. So it was poker face until I was up in the air where I didn't have the chance to turn around."
Y/n bites her lips looking at Yelena softly, "I'm sorry that I didn't have it in me to tell you or Natasha. To be honest with you, I'm just coming around to accepting and understanding what actually went down that day."
"Hey, it's okay. I completely understand that. I don't blame you really, but a heads up would have been nice," Yelena mutters the last part but Y/n still heard it and started laughing. "Heads up before you ripped her apart at the party?"
Yelena groans, "she was asking for it! And she just pushed all the right buttons so it all came out. It's fine, I still got the last words." Y/n chuckles at that, "of course you did. Where's Nat?"
"She's at work. She'll be home in half an hour, don't worry, she's not mad at you anymore."
"Oh thank god for that."
"You know what, I'm glad you aren't here. I'm glad you left. I never want to fucking see you again, you're parents were right about you, you know?! I can't believe I spent so many years trying to tell you otherwise when they were right all along!" Wanda yells through the phone and Y/n stares at the phone on the coffee table, that's been left on speaker.
This was the third week into Y/n moving away and these types of calls happened almost every night. Y/n knows that she could easily ignore it and not pick it up, but it's Wanda, how can she not? So she sits through a 30-minute to an hour-long phone call every night where Wanda just yells at her. Y/n can tell how drunk Wanda really is during every phone call, she's 99.9% sure that Wanda has never called her sober these last few weeks. It makes Y/n question if the brunette even remembers these phone calls.
Y/n can hear Wanda stumbling through a door, "fuck you, fuck you, I hate you. I never want to see you ever again Y/n," the brunette yells to her phone yet again.
"That's enough," she hears Natasha say and she can only guess how surprised the brunette was. "Who let you in here?" Wanda asks seemingly confused as Y/n hears the door slam shut. At least Y/n can now relax a bit knowing Wanda made it home safely.
"I have a spare key to your apartment remember?" Natasha lightly reminds her. Y/n hears some shuffling on the other side of the phone before the line cuts off. Y/n turns on her back, staring up at the ceiling and letting out a loud sigh.
Y/n almost booked a flight ticket after the third drunken call Wanda made to her, she was ready to come back and make this all better knowing that she could. But she thought about the real deep reasoning as to why she even took this job in the first place.
It was never about the title or the company and it was never about anything anyone ever guessed. Y/n took the job to prove her parents wrong. Y/n moved across the country to prove to herself that what was engraved in her mind was never true and it would never be her reality. Wanda had helped Y/n all these years to start believing that she was not what her parents told her she was. But now hearing Wanda say that she believed her parents were right all along was a massive knife struck through her heart.
This proves to her that she was never enough for Wanda and she definitely would never be if she had decided to stay in New York. Y/n took the opportunity to turn her life around and prove to everyone, her parents, herself, and especially Wanda, that she can do it. She can reach more than the limitations her parents had put around her, she's enough, and she's worth it.
"Boo!" Y/n yells and clutches her chest while she shuts her eyes tightly. She can hear muffled laughing in front of her from a pair of familiar-sounding voices. Y/n tries to get her breathing in a normal pattern once again but the stressful week she just had at work did not help.
All she wanted to do was to come home, have a glass, or two, or maybe a full bottle of wine while she binges on Friends. But from the sound of it, that won't be happening tonight.
She opens her eyes and sends daggers at the two people who almost caused her to have a heart attack. Y/n closes her front door behind her and locks it before throwing her keys toward the two who were on the ground dying of laughter, "you idiots!"
"You should have seen your face," Yelena laughs out loud while Pietro nods in agreement. "Damn it, why didn't we record that," add Yelena who was laying on the floor wiping her tears.
"Actually, I'm smarter than you so I did record it and it will be sent to the group chat ASAP," Pietro smirks over at Yelena and Y/n only groans in response. "Don't you dare send that, I swear to god," Y/n threatens while she puts her purse down and takes her shoes and coat off.
"What? You're going to yell like you just did?" Pietro mocks and it sends Yelena into another fit of laughter. "Ha ha ha, you're so funny really. I'm dying," Y/n deadpans.
"What are you two doing here anyway? And how the hell did you even get in my apartment?" Y/n asks while making her way to the kitchen to check what she can make for dinner.
"We have our ways. Plus, we're here because it's been 6 months since we last saw you and from the looks of it, you weren't going to initiate inviting us over so we took matters into our own hands," Yelena explains smugly making Y/n roll her eyes while trying to refrain from smiling at her friend's thoughtfulness.
"A heads up would have been nice," Y/n says in faux annoyance. "Well then it wouldn't be a surprise and we wouldn't have caught that amazing video," Pietro throws back.
"Dang, that was so good. Since when did you get good at cooking?" Pietro says before he slouches back on his chair, chewing his last bite. Y/n chuckles as she wipes her mouth with a napkin, "how rude. I've always been good at cooking. But I guess I really started branching out with my cooking here. There's really nothing else I can do so," Y/n finishes with a shrug right before she picks up her glass of wine.
"Which by the way, you never talk about. So how is it really? Do you like it here? Do you see yourself staying here?" Yelena asks, now turning her full attention on her sister-like best friend.
Y/n swallows her wine as well as the nerves that those questions brought her. This was something she's been heavily thinking about for the last months. Was this a place she want to be growing old in? She made a couple of friends from work but this place never made her feel at home the way New York did. Y/n felt as if she was truly only here for work and nothing else. She comes home, makes dinner, relaxes, showers, then bed, and this has been her routine since day one.
Y/n's half-year check-in with her bosses is coming up and so this has been something that she's been asking herself. But as much as she wants to be as truthful as she can be with her friends and family, she knows that she has to pick and choose her words carefully because it's detrimental that she makes this decision on her own.
"I mean, it doesn't feel like back home. I'll tell you that," she chuckles dryly. Her cryptic response makes Yelena narrow her eyes at her, "care to elaborate?" the blonde Russian tries.
"New York is home, it always was and it will always be, you know?" Y/n shrugs swallowing her emotions down, "I don't know anyone here, my friends and my family are back home. It still needs some time getting used to."
"So why not go back home?" Y/n sends Yelena a pointed look before getting up and gathering their plates together. "No, I'm serious. If you feel like you have a horrible life here, then why not just go back home? You have 6 months of experience in this position under your belt, I'm sure it'll be easy for you to get the same position with another amazing company that could possibly be in New York." Pietro was the one who sends Yelena a look this time around.
"First, I never said my life was horrible here. Second, it's not that easy," Y/n replies as she busies herself with filling up the dishwasher.
"How can it not be that-" Yelena tries but Y/n cuts her off sharply, "Yelena. Are you here to pester me about this or are you here to spend some true time with me?"
Yelena sighs almost guiltily, "the latter."
"So drop it."
"Oh my god, Yelena," Y/n groans as she drops her body on the couch while the blonde whines for a second before knocking out. Pietro laughs behind them while he shakes his head, "Miss Yel over here thinking she can outdrink us both. Ridiculous."
"I told you not to challenge her, idiot," Y/n says as she starts taking Yelena's shoes off and Pietro passes her some sweats for Y/n to change the Russian into. Pietro shrugs before turning around to give the two some privacy, "that's what she gets for challenging me first."
Y/n can't help but chuckle lightly, remembering how Yelena went all up on their faces saying she can outdrink them both combined, "you're so mean."
"This might be a wake-up call for Miss Yel," Pietro jabs again before going into the bathroom to change and get ready for bed himself.
It was the end of the first week of their vacation and Y/n felt bad that she had been way too busy during the week with work that she couldn't take them out anywhere. Therefore, Y/n decided that a night out in the city this Saturday would be nice and it'll be her way to finally show the two around her current city.
Natasha had called them in the middle of the week right before she purchased her plane ticket to come to Seattle for the remainder of Yelena's and Pietro's stay. The redhead told them that she was too jealous of the thought of the two being with Y/n so she impulsively asked for a week off of work to come and visit, then she'll come to fly back to NYC with Thing 1 and Thing 2.
The redheaded Russian will be landing tomorrow, Sunday, and Y/n only hopes that Yelena does not have a nasty hangover in the morning since they all have to wake up at 6 am to pick up Natasha from the airport. Although, they can always leave Yelena to sleep while they pick up Natasha.
Y/n is truly considering leaving the two at home while she goes and picks up her other Russian sister, maybe a time alone with them two would be nice, Yelena surely needs more time to rest. And that was the plan of action she decided on right before she floated to dreamland.
The next morning, Y/n slips out of her apartment at 5:45 am without waking anybody else up. She stops to grab some coffee before she starts her drive to pick her sister up, she didn't have to wait for long before Natasha came rushing out of the airport into her arms.
"Oh my god, I missed you so much," Natasha mumbles into Y/n's hair as she hugs her sister tightly. The moment was so touching that they both couldn't help but get teary, "I missed you so much more," Y/n mumbles back to her.
Natasha then slaps the back of Y/n's shoulder lightly with an accompanying teary chuckle, "then you should call more or better yet come fly out to see me asshole."
Y/n pulls away with her own watery chuckle as she wipes her face, "trust me if I could find time to fly out to you-you know I would in a heartbeat."
Natasha narrows her eyes at her before sighing in contentment, "I know you would. Fuck, come here." Natasha pulls her into another tight hug and after a few minutes they eventually drove off.
"So where are Thing 1 and Thing 2?" Natasha asks while she sips on Y/n's coffee making the latter roll her eyes playfully. "Well, I've been busy all week that I haven't been able to show them around so I thought a night out in the city last night would have been nice. It was an amazing night until Yelena ran her mouth and started stating how she can outdrink Pietro and I combined."
Natasha laughs in disbelief, "let me guess, Pietro told her she can't and they challenged each other."
"Uh huh and about two hours later, Yelena was blacked out drunk that I had to carry her back to the apartment," Y/n states as she shakes her head.
"And Pietro was basically acting sober?" Y/n nods at Natasha's guess. "What an idiot," Y/n couldn't help but laugh.
The two catch up with what's been going on in their personal lives as they drive to Y/n's apartment and Y/n was thankful that she ultimately decided to pick Natasha up on her own. This is what she needed, just normal friends catch up. No teasing, no innuendo, and she knows those types of comments will eventually come throughout the week but she's happy that it isn't how this reunion had started.
The redhead knows enough not to push on particular topics and she knows when the right moments are when to do so. Y/n is equally close with everyone in their friend group, but she does confine in Natasha in more detail including her actual emotional state regarding certain subjects. Natasha was someone Y/n knows she never has to hide from, someone she knows she can truly be 100 percent honest with and not feel like she ever has to walk on eggshells with.
Wanda Maximoff
"Pietro, you ready yet?" Wanda asks annoyingly as she knocks at her bathroom where her brother has been getting ready for the last hour. "What does a man have to do in the washroom to get ready for this long?"
Pietro suddenly opens the door with a smug face, "beauty takes time sestra, but it's okay I know you wouldn't know."
Wanda's jaw drops and watches as Pietro walks away from her, "excuse you little shit. Honestly, you've been hanging out with Yelena way too much. She's rubbing off on you."
Pietro chuckles, "I mean we did just get back from vacation so."
The twins start walking out of Wanda's apartment to the elevator, "oh yeah, where did y'all go again?"
"Visited Y/n," Pietro says nonchalantly as he walks into the elevator. The silver-haired man watches as his twin freezes for a moment and only snaps out of it when the doors started to close. Wanda squeezes in right before it closes, "you what?"
"Yelena and I went and visited Y/n for two weeks and Nat joined us for the second week and then the three of us flew back together." Pietro subtly watches his sister's reaction.
"Cool cool," Wanda mutters and Pietro raises an eyebrow, "cool?"
"Yeah, cool." Wanda says with a bite in her tone. "Okay," Pietro shrugs and exits out first once the doors were open again.
Wanda follows her brother while she tries to get a hold of her emotions. She's jealous at the fact that her other friends and her brother got to visit Y/n, meaning that they've been in constant contact with her while Wanda herself hasn't heard anything in months; and she wasn't about to be the one to reach out first.
Although, simultaneously she was still mad at Y/n for breaking her heart and a part of her just don't want to hear about her again. But underneath it all, she knows she just misses her ex-best friend truly.
Wanda never uttered a word again after that until the twins were walking to their parent's grave. It was the twins' parents' death anniversary and every year they come here to celebrate in the first half of the day. It felt weird this year because Y/n usually goes with them to visit their parents since the Maximoff's treated her like they were their own.
"Who? What? Where did those come from?" Wanda asks confused after she spots the nicely decorated potted flowers all around the graves. The twins walk a bit closer and Wanda's confusion only grows tenfold, who put those here? She never ordered flowers for their parents. Pietro lays the bouquet of flowers they brought themselves alongside one of the beautiful potted ones.
"Y/n sent them over," Pietro says softly as he sits on the grass and Wanda's confusion only grows from there, furrowing her eyebrows so deeply that it might just give her a headache. "She what?"
"Come on sestra, just because she isn't in the city doesn't mean she had forgotten about them. You know how much she cares for them and vice versa," Pietro tells the redhead.
"I know, I just, I didn't-" Wanda stutters scratching her eyebrows. The redhead can not for the life of her form a proper sentence due to all of the emotions and feelings rushing around her brain.
"You didn't think she would because in your eyes she's a villain. Yeah, maybe that's something you need to reflect on," Pietro mutters with an eye-roll. He knows the true story. He knows what Y/n had said and how wrong Wanda misheard her. He also knows about the phone calls that Wanda had made drunkenly and all the contents that were said in them. He was going to yell at Wanda for what she said but he realized that she never remembered them the day after.
Pietro can easily tell Wanda about all these and hopefully straighten her up a bit, make her feel better, and not waste so much time hating someone for saying and doing something they never did. But the silver-haired man knows that wasn't his place to say, Y/n also doesn't know that Wanda doesn't remember the phone calls and she also doesn't know that Wanda had completely misheard and misunderstood what she said.
But again, that was their problem and something that they need to figure out together therefore Pietro had always kept his mouth shut although sometimes his sister pushes the wrong buttons like right now.
"Excuse me?" Wanda asks shocked. Pietro sighs shaking his head, this probably was not the time for this, "nothing. This is something we can talk about another time."
"No, tell me what you meant."
Pietro whips his head towards Wanda and the redhead almost stumbles backwards at the fire in his eyes, something that was very rare. "Wanda. We're here for our parents. I'm not going to sit here and converse about this in front of them. So no. We will not be talking about this right now."
Wanda gulps and stares at his brother for a few seconds before sitting down on the grass beside him.
"Remember the first time mama made us watch The Dick Van Dyke show?" Pietro asks her after a few minutes of silence having no trace of fire in his tone.
A year after Y/n left New York
Wanda was enjoying her cozy Saturday night in, having The Dick Van Dyke show playing as background noise while reading a book when she heard her phone ping a new message. She quickly glances at her phone to see a message from Yelena on their friends' group chat.
Wanda softly places her book down on her lap to reach over for her phone on the coffee table and her glass of wine. She takes a sip of her glistening white wine while she waits for her phone to unlock to show the message.
The white wine that she was in the middle of swallowing almost choked her when the message came into her view. Wanda reads:
Yel: Guess who we stumbled upon at the airport?
The redhead moves her eyes under the message and sees a clear picture of Y/n with her suitcase.
Y/n's back.
»»————- ♛ ————-««
🏷️: @nats-dreamland @marvelwomen-simp @togrowoldinv @maia-lightwoood @when-wolves-howl @wandanatvoid @ilovehotactresses @onetruwhore @strangegardencreatortaco @sadonism @mr-m-murdock @sayah13 @natslilangel @wandasbabe @froufrousnowman @picnicmic @justyourwritter69 @how-to-disappearrr @the-mute1 @wandsmxmff @nikkinss @abarelyexistentbeing @reginassweetheart @ratzyy @dandelions4us @oh-thats-cute @honey-sweet-hiraeth @yourfavdummy @tswiftlq
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thekatebridgerton · 11 months
Another favorite au I've never talked about in this blog is omegaverse which is a pity because it's one of the ones I like the most. Soooo even tho I don't know how to write smut...let's take a shot at it shall we?. At least for Kanthony Polin and Philoise
Kanthony: as an extremely headstrong Omega with a very sweet smelling younger Omega sister, Kate pretends to be an alpha to scare off unworthy suitors, using a scent blocker. Everyone buys her ruse except this one extremely dominant Alpha who really seems to want to get close to Edwina, but Kate won't let him, Edwina deserves to be mated for love and she's going to fight Anthony every step of the way. When it comes to Kate, Anthony has never smelled a better Omega in his life, which is made worse by the fact that everyone seems to think she's an Alpha, when Anthony knows she's not!. It doesn't help that her Omega challenges him at every turn, this sort of thing from an Alpha would certainly not be a problem but coming from an Omega her behavior just stimulates his Alpha's desire to campture, subdue and dominate her. If she doesn't start acting like her designation, it's going to make Anthony snap and bed her into submission. For Kate, it really doesn't help that her Omega is almost feral in it's possessiveness, Kate doesn't want Anthony around her, but neither does her Omega want him around others. And his Alpha likes that too much. Really, accepting that invitation to tour Aubrey Hall is such a bad idea. But she just had to say yes to spite him.
Polin: because she grew up so repressed Penelope has a health condition that makes Omega scent almost untraceable to the normal people. As a result everyone thinks she's a Beta and she's given up on love.( No matter how delicious a certain third son Alpha has always smelled to her). The only times she feels she can truly be herself is when she's writing Lady Whistledown columns, which is when she feels actually heard and seen. Colin on the other hand has known the scent of his mate since Daphne debut. The problem is that the scent comes and goes, sometimes it can be in a ballroom for a second and then completely disappear, only to appear again somewhere else and disappear again. He swears he even tracked it down to the Featherington house once, only for the scent to disappear again and reappear near the house of the Featherington solicitor. It's maddening. And nobody believes him about it. So he thinks there's something wrong with him. When his good friend Penelope decides to enter spinsterhood, and he begins seeing more of her, the maddening Omega scent begins showing up more frequently and it drives his Alpha more crazy, why is his Omega hiding? He needs to claim her!. Penelope on the other hand is trying to get her stupid scent flares under control before Colin figures out she's lady Whistledown, Besides didn't Colin say he'd never mate Penelope Featherington in his wildest dreams? They're obviously not mates no matter how delicious he smells to her. And she really can't help how much her Omega blooms in happiness whenever she's doing LW things. Penelope is determined not to let Colin interfere, she's lived her life without making mistakes and she's not going to let her designation give her away, not now this close to retirement. But the moment Colin suspects Penelope may have a secret lover, he follows her, catching her in the act and nothing is there to stop a furious Colin from chasing after her and claiming her. Not even Penelope's stubborn insistence that she's NOT HIS MATE. It doesn't help that he just went into a rut, that only she can take care of and Now he just won't let her go
Philoise: everyone in Mayfair knew Eloise was that weird Omega who never ever wanted to have pups, which made it unlikely she'd ever find a mate one day. So when Penelope asks her to check on Cousin Marina's widow on her way to Benedict's estate, Eloise thinks nothing of it, after all she's been exchanging letters with Sir Phillip and he's never been anything but extremely polite with her. It's not until she's actually in Romney hall that his scent hits her, the scent of an unmated Alpha in his prime, with two motherless pups. And for the first time in her life Eloise nonexistent nurturing Omega instincts kick in. Because those two unruly pups need so much, how could Sir Phillip allow them to go without being held for so long, Eloise can't believe their first instinct when seeing an Omega in their territory is to try to drive her out. They need to get clean clothes, they need to be better feed and definitely a better nanny. Eloise can't just leave while they're so hurt. Alpha smells like mate but Alpha has been bad, Alpha needs to be re educated!. As for Phillip, he never expected the sweetest smelling Omega in the world to burst into his life and start giving orders. But she's so perfect his Alpha would gladly follow her to the end of the world. He's never been a conventional dominant Alpha, he doesn't think Eloise needs him to protect her, but she does need the comforting presence of an Alpha who will accept her as she is. And if she's started to build a nest with his things he'll pretend he doesn't see it. After all he needs to prove himself to her first, Phillip just needs to show her he can be a good provider and good father for the pups who already love her so much. Meanwhile Eloise knows it's just a matter of time before her proximity to Phillip's decadent scent triggers her heat and she needs to get to Benedict's estate before she begs him to mate her. But the pups don't want her to go, what should she do? She's never had pups need her before, Phillip needs her too, Alpha would be so sad if she... Oh gosh this is not the time for a breakthrough heat! And Did Phillip just growl?
An: I just wish more for more Bridgerton abo to be honest. It's really hot okay
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silverhallow · 9 months
Best Laid Plans
pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x Kate Sharma
summary: As Maid of Honour and Best Man, Kate and Anthony have been struggling to get on...
Sophie's idea was to send them into the wilderness on a hike to make them at least stop sniping and bickering with one another...
Sophie knows her future brother-in-law and Best Friend well enough to know that forcing them to talk and not avoid one another, their preferred method of dealing with each other...
So what happens when the Best Laid Plans really do come to pass...
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warnings: Enemies to Lovers, Hiking, Outdoor Sex, Platonic Cuddling, Smut, Vaginal Fingering, Sex on a Car, Bickering, Forced Proximity,
word count: 5607 words
author's note: this was a fic formerly on ao3. It’s an mature fic. So Minors DNI
"I've never known anyone so uncoordinated in all my life." Anthony laughed as he gripped the handle on the top of Kate's backpack. "You're hopeless," he said, dragging her none-too-gently onto the boulder where he'd spent the last five minutes waiting for her.
"Oh, fuck off." Kate gained her footing and shoved his hand off her, annoyed by the way everything physical came so easily to him. She turned her back on him and stood facing the valley below, taking in the peaceful scenery so at odds with the tension inside her.
She'd pulled her black hair into a ponytail; the cool breeze whipped the ends and rippled across her Nirvana t-shirt while she mentally cursed her best friend for putting her in this situation.
"I've heard unrequited love often makes women a bit testy. Now I know it's true."
She sneaked a glance at him and snorted in spite of herself. "You wish." Kate pulled her water bottle from the side pocket of her bag and popped the top, tilting it to her mouth to take a drink.
He moved in beside her and bumped her shoulder, causing her to lose her grip and send water dribbling down her chin. Kate shot him a lethal glare. She caught the droplets and wiped her damp fingers on her shorts. "You did that on purpose."
His mouth tilted in a half-smile and he turned the full weight of his striking brown eyes on her. "I need to make my own fun. In case you haven't noticed you're shitty company."
"I'm normally delightful, Trust me, it's you , not me." Kate watched as the afternoon sun played across his features, wishing he'd at least show some sign he was as tired as her. The breeze ruffled his dark hair and his skin glowed with a light sheen of perspiration. He wore khaki shorts and the straps on his backpack stretched his navy top across his chest. Her slim figure and curved features always made her feel insignificant standing next to him. She continuously tried to make up for it with a healthy dose of attitude.
"I've never seen you as anything other than a smartass," he said.
"That's because you're always around at the time." She slipped her bottle into her backpack. "You bring out the worst in me."
"Is this a sexual tension thing? If I let you get into my pants will it help improve your mood?" Anthony lifted his arms above his head and his eyes remained on her while he indulged in a leisurely stretch.
"Hmm...no. There are things I want to do to you but none of them would be enjoyable… well not for you, anyway." She hated the fact that she couldn't stop her attention from drifting to the enticing vision of a flat, taut belly revealed by his raised top. Her eyes followed the trail of dark hair from his navel to the waistband of his low-slung shorts.
A deep chuckle brought her gaze back to his and she had to steel herself against the humour his knowing smile stirred inside her. "Just checking," he said. "I'll take one for the team if I have to. Keep that in mind."
She rolled her eyes and tried to decide which would be more painful, diving into the valley below or spending another three hours with him. "I honestly don't think I can take any more of this."
"Blame your best friend," he said, dropping his arms to his side. "She's the one playing the peacemaker."
"All the stress of planning the wedding must have finally driven her insane. Anyone can see you and I are never going to get along." Her best friend Sophie began seeing Anthony's younger brother Benedict two years ago, becoming engaged to him twelve months later. As the maid of honour at their wedding next week, Kate had been paired with the best man. Two guesses who that happened to be.
Sophie decided a spur-of-the-moment bonding session in the mountains was just what Kate and Anthony needed to end the hostility between them because she was not having the sniping ruin her wedding day and there wasn’t much either would do for Sophie so they had agreed despite neither wanting to. However, so far the idea was turning out to be a complete flop.
Kate couldn't stop sniping at him and he hadn't even tried to hold back from needling her during the two hours they'd already spent together.
"Aw, don't say 'never'." He rested his arm across her shoulder and pulled her in against his side. "We'll be BFFs after this, I just know it."
Kate pressed her lips together and tried to keep a straight face. She pushed his arm off her and took a deep breath, forging ahead in an effort to hide her amusement. Anthony only let her take the lead for a few minutes before he gripped her shoulders and physically moved her aside so he could pass through. She sighed and tried to focus on the scenery to take her mind off her predicament.
Her pack was a heavy burden at her shoulders, blisters had formed on her toes and sweat trickled down her spine. The trail grew denser and the terrain more challenging the deeper they hiked into the mountains. They hadn't passed a single person on their journey which only served to make her feel even more isolated. In normal circumstances she had a lot of patience, but her control began to slip as the minutes ticked by and her exhaustion grew.
She continued her verbal jousting with Anthony, becoming more personal and less tactful as the hike progressed. The main problem she faced was that her behaviour appeared to annoy her more than it did him. Sometimes he'd reply with a witty comeback and other times she'd notice his shoulders moving in a silent laugh as he turned his head away from her.
Kate was twenty-two and Anthony twenty-four when they were first introduced to each other at a barbeque thrown by his parents. The intention had been to bring the families together since Sophie and Benedict were beginning to get serious. Sophie had no other family save for Kate who had been her best friend since she was 12 and had been by her side through her father’s divorce from Sophie’s wicked step-mother and then her father’s death four years earlier.
From the Kate and Anthony had met, sparks had flown between them, sometimes driven by attraction but more often annoyance. Eighteen months later nothing had really changed but neither of them had tried all that hard to improve their situation either. Up until now their usual method of dealing with the tension had been avoidance, which really didn't solve anything.
Kate released a loud breath and shook her head, knowing what needed to be done. There was nothing like an over-long hike in the fresh mountain air to help bring some clarity to your thinking. For the sake of her best friend’s happiness on the big day she had to put more effort into being less...abrasive toward Anthony.
Over an hour later they reached a clearing and Anthony slipped his arms from his backpack, letting it drop to the ground. He rested against a rock and pulled in air. Kate wanted to cheer with relief as she slid free from her pack to join him. Even though it was the middle of autumn and the days had begun to cool she felt unusually warm.
A smile hovered at his mouth as he glanced at her. "I only stopped so I could take a break from listening to you wheeze."
Kate moved in beside him to share the rock. She let out a breathless laugh, too tired to fight with him. "I'd kiss you in gratitude if I didn't think you'd hurt me." She stared at the tree-filled landscape, listening to the wind rustle through the leaves while she braced herself for his reply. When the silence stretched on her gaze shifted to him. "Why so quiet?" she asked. "No more digs?"
Anthony's body remained facing straight ahead; only his eyes slid in her direction. "We need to stop that."
She threw a furtive glance his way. "I've been thinking the same thing."
"It's going to take a lot of effort, more on your part than mine."
She hummed her agreement, the humour in his tone making her smile. Kate soaked up the silence with him for a while, losing herself in her thoughts. She couldn't imagine what it would be like being friends with him now, they'd spent too long as...she didn't even know what to call the relationship they currently shared. Maybe a truce was the easiest option.
"Say something nice to me," she finally said, wanting to test him. "I bet you can't even come up with one thing."
He pushed off the rock and took a couple of steps away, turning to face her once he'd put some distance between them. He appeared to be thinking it over but it didn't take him too long to find an answer. "All right," he said, "even though you dress like a sixteen-year-old skater chick I can tell there's a hot body hidden somewhere under there."
She shifted gravel around with the toe of her sneaker and hid her amusement. "Wow, thanks. I guess a backhanded compliment is better than nothing at all." Kate looked up at him, deciding to have a try at this nice thing herself. "I like you’re erm… that bit," she said pointing to the area between his navel and waistband.
"This?" he asked, lifting the hem of his top. She kept her mouth shut and nodded, not trusting herself to speak. He let his top fall back into place and said, "Okay, I'll admit I also find your sense of humour entertaining."
Kate bit the inside of her cheek, enjoying herself. She wanted to draw the moment out even longer but figured she'd be pushing her luck. "I think you're annoyingly funny sometimes, too," she finally relented.
He laughed as he bent to pick up her backpack. "Thanks. That's more than enough for one day. Let's keep moving before I get all emotional." He helped her slip into her straps, the gesture so considerate it left her feeling unsure how to respond. She made the wisest decision and just offered a simple thank you. When he'd shouldered his own pack he tugged her ponytail, a reminder they weren't quite friends yet, and headed off to begin the rest of their journey.
Kate stood there for a while longer, feeling hopeful about this new development. A sense of warmth had begun to develop between them that she'd never experienced with him before now. Maybe Sophie had been right and spending time in a situation where they couldn't avoid each other was just what they needed. She'd have to keep an open mind about it all and see where it headed.
His movements distracted her from her thoughts. Kate's gaze lowered to his legs and she watched him walk, taking note of the way the muscles shifted beneath his smooth tanned skin. His shorts were just tight enough for her to get a decent rear view and once she'd set eyes on him she couldn't look away.
"You have a nice ass!" she yelled out before she could stop herself.
Anthony lifted his arm, did a fist pump above his head and kept trudging on.
"So that's it, then." Kate shoved her backpack into the trunk of her car and lowered the lid. Sophie had urged them to travel in one vehicle but there's only been so much togetherness they were willing to tolerate. Anthony drove himself here and parked alongside her in what was now an otherwise empty lot.
Having already stowed his bag he stood with her between their cars to say goodbye. His hands were splayed low on his hips and he regarded her with a friendlier expression than she'd grown used to expecting from him. "Yep. It didn't turn out too badly after all," he said.
Her mouth curved with a hesitant smile. "You're actually an okay person once you stop trying to be so irritating."
He chuckled as he looked her over. "And you're pretty good company when you're too tired to speak."
She huffed out a laugh and looked away, surprised by how much easier it was to be around him. The last few hours had opened her eyes to the man hidden beneath the antagonistic exterior and Kate had to reluctantly admit she liked what she'd discovered. "I hope everything's going to be okay between us at the wedding now," she said, meeting his eyes.
Anthony leaned past her to open the driver's side door, resting his arm along the top edge. "If we can manage to find some tape for your mouth to match the colour of your dress I think we'll be fine."
She laughed and gave him a playful shove. "I was being serious."
"Hey." He let go of the door and grabbed her wrists in defence, holding her at bay. "So was I."
His patient amusement and the feel of his warm fingers on her skin encouraged a twinge of something intimate and unexpected inside her. She stared at him while he held her, not sure whether she wanted him to pull her closer or release her. Going by the expression on his face she guessed similar thoughts were whirling around in his mind. "I'm done attacking you," she said, reminding him that he still held her.
"I know. I'm not letting you go just yet." Anthony kept his eyes on her while he tugged her slowly toward him. "I want to show you something."
Kate's gaze narrowed. "What?"
"Relax. Stop looking at me like I'm going to hurt you." A sliver of space separated their bodies. She could feel the heat emanating from him. "Benedict and I used to beat the crap out of each other when we were younger, as did the rest of our siblings" he said. "Our mother always stopped the fighting and made us hug, her theory being that you can't be angry at someone when you're hugging them."
"Your mother's a hippy. I'm not getting all cuddly with you." Kate teased
The sound that came from him was somewhere between a laugh and a growl. "Let’s just Try it, Kate. You can Give me hell later if it doesn't work."
Anthony released her wrists and slid his hands slowly over the curve of her shoulders. He watched her while he touched her, somehow making the connection more personal. She shivered and before she could take a bracing breath he drew her into his arms, wrapping her up in a hug so tight, so comforting, that she actually sighed.
Kate sank into the moment and turned her head to rest her cheek against his chest. Her arms came up to encircle his waist and she held him, immersing herself in his strength and warmth. His heart beat strong and steadily beneath her cheek, his chin resting on the top of her head while he kept her close. She had no idea how long they stood there like that but the feel of his palm stroking her spine, squeezing the back of her neck before it slid down again, felt so good she didn't want him to let her go.
She could've sworn he placed a soft kiss on her hair before he eventually clasped her arms to pull her back from him. The separation made her want to cry out in protest. Kate looked up at him, still dazed by the contact.
"Do you feel like arguing with me?" he asked, sweeping his thumbs over her shoulders.
She moistened her lower lip and shook her head, overwhelmed by the tenderness of the moment. Kate felt like doing something but it had nothing to do with arguing. "I take it back. She was right." Her body swayed toward him of its own accord. She laughed, uncomfortable with her needs but unwilling to give up the opportunity for more. "You're good at that. I want another one," she said.
A look of amusement passed over his features and he tugged her back into his arms without even questioning her request. She surprised herself by hugging him tightly and rubbing her cheek against his chest, soaking up the solid heat of him. His hands warmed her back, his fingers flexing against her muscles in a rubbing, massaging motion that had her closing her eyes to savour the touch. Kate's own palms moved tentatively over his spine, stroking, soothing.
He located a sore muscle just above her shoulder blade and she arched her back, pressing her body closer. She heard and felt the groan that travelled through him; a responding tingle of excitement hit her deep in her belly. Even though she'd always found him physically attractive she hadn't been able to see him as anything other than just the annoying brother of her best friend’s boyfriend. Now she could barely remember what it was about him that had rubbed her up the wrong way.
Anthony dipped his head and left a soft kiss on her temple. He kept her snugly against him with one arm while his other hand tilted her chin. She clutched his waist and held her breath as she gazed up at him, wondering what she'd find in his expression.
His brown eyes were intense as they met hers, his jaw clenched while he looked her over. His thumb swept across her lower lip and his mouth tilted in the slightest of smiles. He leaned closer and said in a low voice, "If I knew in the beginning all you needed was one good...hug to make you more agreeable, I would've done it when I first met you."
Kate scowled at him while trying to hide her smile. Just because there was a chance he might be right didn't mean she wanted him getting ahead of himself. "You think you can shut me up with a hug?"
"I doubt that'll keep you quiet. This will, though." His hand curved around her neck and he pulled her up on her toes to press his mouth to hers.
Her eyes closed and a sigh rippled through her. She grasped his t-shirt and held on. Her heart thudded and her stomach plummeted at the suddenness of it all. One thought filled her mind in that moment: Oh, God...Finally... Finally .
The kiss started out slow, his warm, firm lips coaxing hers to respond. She let him pull her along with him, opening her mouth to accept the silky invasion of his tongue. Just the tip flicked over hers then retreated, his hands resuming their arousing caresses up and down her back.
Kate trembled with a quick shiver, flattening her palms against his chest. She no longer noticed the chill in the air, the tiredness in her bones. Her mind focused entirely on Anthony, still reeling at their change in circumstances. She leaned into him. A moan came from her as her arms slid around his neck and her tongue thrust against his. The connection went deeper, the kiss turned wilder. His hands supported her while his mouth took control, guiding, arousing. She couldn't get close enough. The urge came over her to climb his body and clamp her legs at his waist.
Anthony's fingers wrapped around her ponytail and he broke the kiss to tug her head back. His lips moved over her exposed throat, flicking his tongue here, sucking lightly there and driving her to the point where she wanted to beg him for more. He dipped his tongue into the hollow at the base of her throat and her mouth dropped open. She let out a sigh, neediness growing inside her until it took on a life of its own. She sank her hands into his hair and pulled him up so she could bring his mouth back to hers.
"You're a good hugger," she said breathlessly, brushing her lips over his, "and a good kisser. That mouth...I knew you would be."
His teeth nibbled her earlobe while he gripped her ass and pulled her against him. "Wanna see something else I do well?" he asked.
Although she heard the humour in his voice his erection was impossible to miss. She knew the offer was a serious one. Desire rolled through her and she laughed when she least expected to want to laugh. "Yeah."
A husky chuckle vibrated against her throat. "Here?"
Kate's eyes flickered open, sweeping over their surroundings. They were still alone. At this late hour no one would be starting out on a hike. "Yeah," she repeated.
He groaned and took her mouth again, one hand cradling the back of her head while the other squeezed her ass, grinding her against his erection. He was hard... so hard. She slipped her hand between their bodies and stroked him, her fingertips running along his rigid length. He growled and his tongue swept over hers, his hands growing more demanding. She massaged his cock, wanting to feel his silky skin without any barriers, to find out what it was like to have him, the last man she'd ever expected to actually be with in this way, thrusting inside her, filling her, making her come.
Anthony pulled his mouth from hers and spent one breath-stealing second looking into her eyes then he turned her and closed the door, pressing her against the car. She'd expected him to drag her into the back seat, now her stomach churned in anticipation. Kate closed her eyes as his hands slipped under her t-shirt and smoothed over her ribs, roaming upwards to enclose her breasts. She let out a harsh breath, her ass pushing back against him. His hands kneaded her flesh, his thumbs slowly sweeping over her hardened nipples.
Anthony leaned down and kissed the back of her neck. His fingers tugged the cups of her bra down, shoving them under her breasts. He teased her nipple with one hand, the other drifting over her stomach to work on the button at the waistband of her shorts.
He released the catch and dipped his hand inside, slipping his fingers under her panties to discover her wet warmth. The rapid change in movement and the confidence behind his touch had her heart pounding. She pushed back even harder and let out a whimper, needing to feel his cock.
"Fuck, Kate, you're so wet." Anthony clasped her breast, teasing her nipple while his fingertips stroked her pussy.
"I need you," she said. "I need..." She dragged in a breath and leaned her forehead on the car, the cool metal a stark contrast to her flushed skin.
His hand released her breast and he grabbed the hem of her top. "Get rid of this," he said.
Kate straightened and tore her t-shirt from her body, dropping it beside her. The haze of desire had her barely able to comprehend what was happening between them. She'd started the day arguing with him and now he had her pinned against her car with her top off and his hand in her panties. "Inside me," she said. "Put your cock inside me."
He groaned and gripped the back of her shorts. "Not yet." He yanked them down with her panties until both dropped freely to her ankles. She only had a moment to feel exposed before he shocked her again by pushing his hand between her thighs. His fingers slipped into her pussy from behind while his other hand teased her clit from the front.
"Anthony!" Her hips jerked and a husky moan tore from her. Her body wanted to push back against one hand and buck forward against the other. His wrist nestled between her legs, his fingers driving slowly into her. Her eyes clenched shut and she felt him kiss her throat. The cool breeze caressed her bare skin.
He circled her clit, teasing and massaging, his strokes firm and thorough. His fingers kept steadily pumping, lifting her to her toes with the pleasure they brought to her. He surrounded her, overwhelmed her. She could smell his clean sweat...feel his strength. He aroused her beyond control.
Kate pressed her palms to the roof of her car, needing to hang on to something, anything. Her eyes flickered open and she focused on his reflection in the glass. His mouth moved to her jaw where he left soft, damp kisses on her skin.
"I'm going to make you come," he said, his voice a low rumble beside her ear. "Then I'm going to fuck you hard...right here...outside...where anyone could see you." He timed his words with the thrust of his fingers, each pump growing in intensity until he had her begging for release.
She lowered one hand to her breast, cupping her flesh, rubbing her nipple. He massaged her clit, caressing the sensitive bud until she just couldn't take any more. Her hips moved back again and again to meet the slide of his fingers. She bent her head and sucked in air as it came over her. Her body shuddered and her hips lifted from his hand. She moaned, losing herself in the moment until she finally closed her eyes and cried out, "Anthony. Oh...my God!"
She nearly collapsed but his arm wrapped around her. Kate relaxed against him, letting him take her weight as her body shook with the last of her tremors. He groaned and kissed her cheek, his lips lingering. "You might be a pain in the ass but you're an unbelievably sexy pain in the ass."
She managed a smile; she would have laughed if she still had her wits about her. Kate leaned her head on his shoulder and felt his fingers leave her. He kissed her jaw and moved behind her. A few seconds later the sound of a zipper filled the silence and a new wave of desire crashed through her.
She closed her eyes, tilting her hips backwards to welcome the thick glide of his cock. He sank inside her, filling her, letting out a deep sigh as she took him in. His hips rested against her then he drew back and plunged inside her again. "Ohhh...that feels..." Kate tried to put the words together but they wouldn't come. "I can't even speak."
Anthony slipped one arm across the front of her hips, keeping her right where he wanted her. His other hand gathered her wrists together and rested them on the roof of her car. Her breasts flattened against the glass. He leaned on her back, his thrusts gaining intensity. Kate felt his harsh breaths on her neck, the flex of his fingertips digging into her hip. The sensations were almost too much but she didn't want him to stop. She wanted the closeness between them to continue on...and on.
His hold on her tightened as his cock plunged inside her. He lowered his head and pressed his lips to her cheek, her throat, his mouth hot and damp on her skin. "Kate," he said, his deep voice sounding breathless beside her ear. "Kate."
Her eyes drifted open. The way he spoke her name made her stomach flutter. He drove into her so hard that she cried out with every thrust. He kept up the pace for so long that his stamina left her breathless. She braced herself for something that seemed just out of reach but then without warning it came over her again. Her muscles tensed as it hit her in a rush. She pulsed deep inside, her stomach clenching, her thighs clamping around him. A low scream came from her and she quivered in his arms.
Anthony gave her a squeeze and let go of her wrists. He cupped her breast, holding her while his thrusts slowed to a deep grind. Kate rested her palm over his hand, whispering unintelligible words. He pressed his lips to her cheek and let out a long, shuddering breath as he came inside her.
The only sounds for a while were the wind rustling through the trees and the distant call of a flock of birds. The afternoon had begun to slip into early evening, the shadows lengthening across the ground. Neither of them spoke as he withdrew from her and tucked himself back into his shorts. Kate felt exposed now the urgency had passed, the cold air sending a shiver through her. She pulled up the cups of her bra and busied herself redressing, trying not to think too much about whether or not she'd get the opportunity to do this again with him. Now she'd experienced a taste of him; it only made her want more, much more.
She finally looked up only to discover Anthony standing there with his hands in his pockets, watching her with an amused expression. "You're overthinking this now, aren't you," he said.
"No, I'm not." Kate smiled at him, refusing to let on what had been going through her mind just now. "I'm wondering how you're going to go about telling my best friend you seduced me and took advantage of me."
His eyes glimmered with humour as he looked her over. "Some things are best kept quiet. I'd hate to stress out the bride. She has enough to worry about." He dipped his head and pressed his lips to hers, silencing her with a deep leisurely kiss. When he eventually pulled away the sweetness of it had her leaning forward for more. He smiled and kissed her again, slipping a hand from his pocket to curve around her neck. This time when he broke the contact he rested his forehead against hers. "I'm giving you fair warning we'll be doing this again soon ...and if you say no I have my ways of convincing you to change your mind."
Kate bit her lip to try to contain the happiness that wanted to break free. Despite everything that had occurred between them she still couldn't resist the temptation to stir him up a little. "No," she said, her smile issuing a challenge she knew he'd take on.
Kate stood with the other guests and watched as Benedict led Sophie through the bridal waltz, the vision of them together under the subtle lighting one of the most romantic she'd ever seen. Sophie looked stunning in her strapless white dress with diamonds sparkling at her neck, her blonde hair arranged in a bun. Benedict made a handsome figure with his dark hair and charcoal suit. Neither of them could take their eyes off each other.
The wedding and the reception had turned out to be perfect. Everything fell into place just as Kate had expected it would under the supervision of her well-organised best friend. Even the weather had cooperated.
She heard the DJ interrupt the music to announce the best man and maid of honour would now be joining the happy couple on the floor. Just as Kate turned her head to search for Anthony he appeared at her side and held his elbow out for her. No matter how many times she'd seen him today dressed in his suit and crisp white shirt, he still took her breath away. She smiled up at him and linked her arm through his, following him out to the middle of the dance floor.
He took her in his arms, gazing down at her as they danced. The intimacy in his expression would be impossible to miss for anyone who happened to be watching them. Kate had given up trying to hide the developing relationship between them now the formalities of the day were over. She'd chosen to just enjoy it for what it was and try not to think too far ahead. They'd spent every night together this past week and the passion they shared in the parking lot had turned out to only be a hint of what was to come.
"I like you in a dress," he said as he turned with her in his arms.
Kate wore a strapless berry-coloured gown and her hair had been styled similar to Sophie's, sitting off to the side in a low, intricate bun. "So you've said about a hundred times. I like you in a suit but that's not going to happen every day either."
He raised his brows and gave her a once over. "So this is the first and last time I'll ever see your legs, apart from when we're..."
Her eyes widened and she spoke to him in a loud whisper. "Oh, my God. Don't talk to me like that in front of everyone. They're all watching!"
"What?" Anthony stared at her as if she'd taken him all wrong. He kept his voice low as he continued on. "You have a dirty mind. That was completely innocent. I was just going to say 'when we're fucking'."
Kate tipped her head back and laughed, her body swaying toward him. He pulled her closer, wrapping her up in his arms. Even though they were surrounded by family and friends and supposed to still be dancing Anthony had a way about him that made her get all caught up in his world and forget about what was going on around her.
He dipped her in his arms, leaning down to press his lips to her throat. She closed her eyes and smiled, realising she couldn't think of anywhere she'd rather be in that moment
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newtonsheffield · 2 years
Wait lil Charlotte does the wrist ribbon thing too?? Did kate sit her daughters down and say "now if you like a boy and want to let him know then tie a ribbon around his wrist. Men go crazy for it 😌" it's such an innocent gesture but now that I think about it you are kinda staking your claim😳.... Well at least Kate's advice will be more useful.
Charlotte at 19 has firmly set her sights on Edmund's friend Jonathan Ingles. Jonathan whose ears have gone bright red since she turned 17, and he couldn't look her in the eyes when he greeted her.
"Good afternoon, Miss Bridgerton."
"Mr Ingles, it's lovely to see you again, Sir."
"I hope- I hope very much you've had a pleasant day." He was still staring at his boots, his blue eyes firmly fixed on the floor, his hands shaking a little.
"I have sir, yes." Charlotte can feel her lips twisting in a smile before she puts him out of his misery. "Were you looking for my brother or my father?"
"Your- your father, today."
"He's in the yard, you can't miss him." She smiled before she cleared her throat waiting for him to look up adorably flustered. "Mr Ingles Are you attending the festival next week?"
"I-I will be, Yes." He was flushing profusely, his cap twisting in his hand.
"Perhaps you might ask me to dance, sir. I think I'd like that."
I looked a little bewildered, his lips parting in surprise. "I- Yes, I think I could manage that- I would like that also."
"Excellent." Charlotte smiled, clearing her throat again. "Papa! Mr Ingles is here to see you!"
Perhaps it had been a little irresponsible of her, to loiter at the back of the festival, away from the prying eyes of her family but Jonathan was sweet and kind and and his hands had shaken even as he'd taken it on the edge of the dance floor and his gentle smile made something flutter in her chest the way she'd been noticing his presence had for a long while now. So she did something she'd seen her mother do a million times, reaching up and tugging the ribbon from her hair.
"I wondered if you might accept a small token of my affection for you, Mr Ingles."
"Yes!" he practically fell over himself darting forward to hold out his hand "I'd like that very much."
And it burned in her chest for days, every day, when she saw the ribbon still twined around his wrist. Marking him as hers.
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sea-owl · 1 year
Portia at seeing ABC with her pseudo children/niece: Death flags, death flags everywhere! I need to call in the reinforcements.
Cue the next ball where Simon, Michael, and Phillip help keep away their friends from the Bridgertons, much to the Bridgertons annoyance.
But also imagine just how unimpressed the spouses are with the Bridgertons in this. Kate has no interest in being a viscountess but thinks Anthony might make a decent match for Edwina as he was not on Simon's list of bachelors who would not suit Edwina. Besides, if push comes to shove, she and Simon have already agreed to just marry each other for convenience with Edwina's children being their heirs. Simon gets his wish of no children and Kate can continue to run her chai business. After all, someone needs to educate the British on how their tea is wrong.
Sophie swore to never rely on any man for financial independence and is content to work with Philip on making illustrations for his books on plants and helping balance the books for Kate's business. Plus she also helps model dresses for her friend Genevieve Delacroix and even does some lacework for her. She has a wonderful life as it is and while Benedict Bridgerton has a pretty face, she's heard much about it him and is less than impressed. This man is the very embodiment of wealthy male privilege and she has no intentions of being another notch in his bedpost.
Had Penelope not grown up with Simon, Michael, and Philip along she might have found Colin Bridgerton to be charming. Had Penelope not been raised in the company of a firm but loving mother, three wonderful protective and supportive sisters, she may have swooned when Colin Bridgerton came to sign her dance card. Had she not been friends with some of the strongest women she knows, she may have fallen in love with Colin Bridgerton the moment they met. Instead, Penelope danced her dances with him and walked away feeling just about as impressed with him as she had with every other man she'd danced with (aside from Philip that is). Oh he's more handsome than most to be sure and she can see how he may have charmed many a young debutante with his smile and laugh but the whole time they were dancing, he talked extensively about his travels as if she was someone sheltered flower who had never been outside of London. It's shame that he seems to be like most other wealthy men she's met: charming and handsome with no substance. She was honestly relieved when her mother pulled her away after the second dance. Penelope adores her mother looks up to her which means she's good at reading her her and she knows her mother has always been wary of the Bridgertons. Therefor, she has no intentions of furthering her acquaintance with Mr. Colin Bridgerton.
As Portia watches with relief as her precious girls dance with the young men she'd taken under her wing as children, she throws a smirk at a very disgruntled Violet Bridgerton.
Anon: But also imagine just how unimpressed the spouses are with the Bridgertons in this
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That's gotta be my favorite part about this. The spouses are just watching these weirdo Bridgertons flirt with them and they're all just so unimpressed. Kate, Sophie, and Penelope are busy women running their tea, illustrations, and writing businesses. They've got work to do, and don't have time to waste on bloody rakes. Especially second and third son rakes who do nothing but throw away money. Kate should count herself lucky that her weirdo rake at least has a job to make money.
Simon, Phillip, and Michael aren't safe either because Bridgertons D, E, and F have taken an interest in them, much to Violet's delight, and Portia's horror. Is she in some kind of fanficion? She swears this is like one of those AU fanfics her roommate used to write in college claiming that the villains made better love interests than the actual love interests.
The boys aren't too impressed by the Bridgertons either. They have their own stuff going on like running (or soon to be running) their own estates, or gathering data from their experiments. Honestly the only reason they are here is because they want to make sure the girls are okay at these things. 
They all have understandings too (Simon and Kate, Michael and Sophie, Phillip and Penelope) that should they need a spouse for convince they would marry each. other. At least with one another they know what they are getting into. 
Portia nods her head in approval when all six of them tell her that they have no plans of courtship with the Bridgertons. She then proceeds to throw a victorious smirk towards a disgruntled Violet.
Felicity and Lucy are watching from behind the scenes, recording everything in letters so Gareth doesn't miss out on the drama happening. Honestly Lady Danbury should just get him tutors and have him learn at home like Phillip did. He's missing out on so much drama! They have no idea what awaits them in a few years when two other Bridgertons will finally come of age.
Mary only shakes her head, she knows it is not gonna be that easy. From what she has observed so far the kids and their respective Bridgertons have about as much tension as Portia and Violet do. She might be seeing things too but it looks like the Bridgertons like the chase.
Mary wonders how long it will be before scandal breaks out.
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5 things asks - Sanctuary and Stargate
Thanks so much for the ask! ❤️
send me a tv show/book/fandom and i’ll say the top 5 things i’d change about it
Stargate (I'm going to include a follow up movie here, because I got another ask)
5. Continuum didn't exist. There was no *real* point to it. I understand tying up the Ba'al storyline, but it became all about Mitchell. I especially hated the end, where we see the guys together, but not the girls, and then the last shot was Mitchell with his grandfather (think it was his grandfather? Can't remember). No. Uh-uh. You're finishing your storyline after ten seasons and two movies, you include everyone not just goddamn Cameron Mitchell.
4. Cassie would be more prominent. She needed to be in there more. Even if it was just more liberally mentioned by the members of SG-1. They all obviously had very good bonds with her, but she disappeared from the general storyline and only Sam was shown to be all that concerned about her after Janet died. She was great (especially for the team) and she was nudged to the side.
3. Mitchell did not become leader of SG-1. Sam was done dirty with that appointment (by extension I think Amanda Tapping also was). She had been there for eight years, was Jack's second-in-command, then Mitchell just waltzed in and whined his way into command and guilted everyone to come back. All he did to 'deserve' SG-1 was crash a plane. I would have appreciated him becoming Sam's second-in-command much more and I think it would have been better friendship if she'd been teaching him rather than following.
2. Janet. Fraiser. Lived. I hated her death. It was dramatic and I can kind of see why they went there, but no!!! They did not need to! She needed to live for so many reasons. Not only was she an awesome character in her own right, Cassie was orphaned again. Janet deserved so much better and they got rid of her character for drama reasons.
1. Sam and Jack got together in canon! I know that producers and such have said that they did after Threads, but I really would have liked to see them together in the show or one of the movies. All that build up and nothing to show for it. Such a disappointment. They even cut a scene where Sam eluded to it in Atlantis. They deserved a happy ending, at least a mention of it.
Sanctuary, Other than a Fifth Season (no numbered order, because they're interchangeable)
More Sally! I love Sally and I feel she should have been in the show more, because I think it was pretty obvious she and Helen were very good friends. She's been around the Sanctuary for an undisclosed amount of time, and has been there while everyone else has, so she knows them all, probably pretty well. Plus, mer are very cool.
More family dynamic between Helen, Biggie, Henry, and Ashley. They were a family long before Will, Kate, and anyone else showed up. We didn't really see the family dynamic between the four of them. Helen and Biggie raised two children together. Henry and Ashley were obviously siblings. There needed to be more.
More flashbacks of the Five. I LOVE the Five and there's so much untapped potential with them. James died in the second episode he was in and Nigel was hardly in there at all. But they cared about and loved each other and had adventures beyond the Source blood and the Ripper. We needed to see more of all that.
Less Will being an ass. I don't hate Will, but Season 4 did such a number on his character. There was no reason for him to be such an ass in Fugue about the situation. Then The Depths made it even worse. He needed to be nicer to Helen, especially after everything she did for him. He needed to be nicer.
Ended things with Druitt differently. I felt it was a complete turnaround on him to have him want to go to the past so he could be with Helen. I mean, he probably wouldn't have wanted to be the Ripper and staying with Helen would have been a result of that. I'm all for Teslen, but they didn't need to end things with John the way they did.
Had to think hard on these, but enjoyed really picking apart my views! Thanks for asking! ❤️
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olsenmyolsen · 1 year
That Funny Feeling
Part 17 of On The Inside With Elizabeth Olsen
Word Count: ~8.4K
It's like Y/N saw a ghost or, in this case, heard a ghost.
"Who's that?" I ask, trying to read her face. She eyes me. "You'll see." What the hell does that mean? She holds her hand to me—a signal to let me know it'll be okay. I hope.
Y/N opens the door in almost a robot fashion before her mouth opens and speaks out, "Hello, mother."
A surprise mom visit.
"There she is! My beautiful daughter!" I watch the older woman walk in with a suitcase and bombard Y/N into a hug. I move my eyes to Y/N, who slowly reciprocates the gesture.
From the side, Y/N and her mother look scary alike at first. Both freckled covered faces. Ridged noses. The same eye color. Good cheekbones.
Okay, that was a weird one to point out.
However, Y/N must get her legs from her dad because she towers over her mom. Like she can put her head on her mom's head. I never thought of it, but Y/N's gotta be 5'9"? 5'10"?
The hug ends, and I'm not sure what to do. Do I get up and introduce myself? Y/N looks a little stressed, so maybe I should leave? I watch Y/N's mother look over Y/N before lightly tugging at the end of Y/N's shirt. "So this is the place, huh?" Her mom begins looking around the studio apartment. Oh no, she's slowly turning her body to me. "I only ever see it when we FaceCh-" I've been spotted.
"Who are you?"
Okay, rude mom. The proper thing to say would have been, "oh my goodness, I didn't realize you had a guest over because I was too busy not telling you that I was paying you a surprise visit to make you feel bad about yourself!" I think to myself as my eyes roll. I grab my mom's suitcase. I pick it up to move it out of the way, but this bitch is heavy.
I watch MK, and I can see her mind is struggling. I step up and answer for the poor Olsen. "Mom, this is my friend MK." MK thankfully knows how to be formal and polite as she stands up to give my mom a handshake.
"I thought your name was Max?" Okay, it's that kind of day. My mom is going to try to bicker about every little thing.
"I have another friend named Max. This is MK." I state again, so Mary-Kate doesn't have to speak up. They shake hands, and I see MK doesn't know whether to sit back down or not. With my mom's back still to me, I motion for MK to sit. She catches me and puts her butt on the cushion.
"Well, nice to meet you, MK. You're a gorgeous girl. I assume that MK is short for something?" Mom. "Mary-Kate." She speaks up. I mouth the word sorry to her. I watch her eyes dart to me as she gives me a small smile.
"Ahh. I see." My mom now takes a seat on the opposite end of the couch, her eyes still darting around the room as she still talks to MK. "Mary-Kate, like those Olsen girls." Oh, God. "Remember those girls?" My mom looks toward me. "You use to have their VHS movies and copies of Full House. You loved them!" My mom turns to face MK now. "She would go on and on watching them. There was one summer she had to fall asleep watching those movies that those little girls made. I know this because it got so bad and to a point where once the movie ended, her body knew. So she'd wake up and restart the movie."
Praying I get bit by a radioactive spider or something, so I can shoot lasers at my mom. She's so embarrassing and oblivious it hurts. MK's eyes flicker to mine, and she starts to laugh quietly at the death glare my mother is receiving.
"Yes, it happened. For one summer. Please, mom, stop."
"What was the name of the other one? Nash?" I huff. "Mom, you know it's Ashley. Mary-Kate & Ashley Olsen. Please stop bringing up my embarrassing childhood moments."
"Ashley. That's right! I wonder what they're up to now." Is she for real? "I'm sure they're doing fine," MK says with a teasing smile that only I see. I go to open my mouth, but my friend stops. "Who was Y/N's favorite, Mary-Kate or Ashley?" I can feel my body tense. I turn my eyes, already meeting MK's. Dead. I mouth to my least favorite, Olsen.
"I think it was that Ashley girl. But Y/N sometimes had a hard time telling those twins apart." Kill me. "Okay, mom! Please stop! Thank you." I shoot daggers at MK. She gets the hint and closes her mouth too.
"My friend doesn't need to hear these kinds of stories right now." I plead.
My mom looks at the tv with Godzilla still on pause. "Is this what you girls have been doing all day?" I have to physically stop myself from rolling my eyes. "No, mom, believe it or not, I worked today. I got up extra early too. I went on a run, went to work, talked to my- some significant people, came home, and THEN I started watching this movie. MK came over 'bout 20 minutes before you did! We also ordered dinner too. I would've had MK order you a plate if I knew you were coming! But did I know that? No!" I take a breath. "It-It's like you thrive off the stress you put onto me!" I exhale. My mom looks at me, shocked. I never go off on my mom, but she's been so frustrating lately, and for her to do this really sent me to the edge.
I want to say sorry. But I stand my ground. I stay standing as she looks at me. I see MK looking out my living room window out of the corner of my eye. She probably wants to jump out of it.
"I thought my own daughter would be happy to see me." Now she's doing this. "Mom-" "No, it's alright. I'll go to my hotel and take the first flight in the morning back to Nashville. Your home." She throws in. I wish she would stop saying that. It's not my home. Where I live is my home. The place where I don't feel people watching me. The place where I actually have friends that I love. The place where I met my girlfriend. New York. This is my home.
My mom goes to get up. I know she's hurt, but I know she's trying to get me to apologize and cave. I may cave, but I'm not apologizing.
"Mom." "It's quite alright, Y/N." My mom states firmly before grabbing her suitcase and leaving out my door, slamming it shut. I take a huge breath in and turn to my friend. Mary-Kate Olsen. She looks like a lost puppy. "It's complicated." She nods at me. I walk over to her and wrap her into a surprise hug. "So big fans, huh, and here I thought you knew nothing about us." I scoff. "It was one summer." "Sure, Y/N." "I knew about you two. I promise you I had no idea there was a third." We stop talking, and I try to relax my body.
"MK?" "Yeah?" I move out of the hug. "Can you go wait in my room?" "Uhh yeah, sure." She quickly gets up without a second thought and heads into my room. I feel a shouting match about to start with my mom, and even if it's outside my apartment, I don't want MK to be able to hear it.
I firmly wipe the palms of my hands off and step out my door, chasing my mom down the hall.
"Mom, stop." She ignores me as she presses the elevator button. I've lived here long enough to know that I got at least 20 seconds before it gets here. "Mom." I finally plant myself next to her. "Can you just come back inside? Please." "I thought you didn't want me here." She spits out. I'm so tired of this. I'm finally in the best place I've been in.. in.. forever? Maybe? I don't know. But I'm finally feeling great about myself, about my life, and today she decides to pull this stunt.
"Mom." I make sure my tone is softer than it was 2 minutes ago. "What did you think was going to happen?" I've observed my mother for too long. I watch as she shuffles her feet continuing to not answer me. She does that when she knows she's in the wrong. Will she ever admit it? No.
"You show up to my place for the first time out of the blue? What's, going on? What is this really about?" I stare at her blank face as the elevator dings. "Fine. It's not like we're on the best terms right now anyways." I huff out before I turn away.
I make it about two steps away before I feel my mom grip my wrist. I sigh and put my head down. I wanted her to tell me what was going on, but at the same time, I wanted her gone.
"Don't speak that way to me." She pulls me, causing me to turn to her. "I am your mother!" I rip my wrist out of her grasp. "Mom-" "I just wanted to see my baby! I wanted to see you! Lord knows you're not coming back home. And fine. That's fine! But I wanted my daughter to look me in the eyes and talk to me. Actually, talk to me-" I can't tell if this is real or bullshit, so I choose to interject.
"So what just 'cause I'm not returning "home," you think you can just barge into my small slice of life I have here?" "A life I gave to you" "Don't! Don't do that." I take a breath and run my hand through my hair. I can feel my hand bounce off my scalp as my nerves work through my body. My mom watches as my eyes begin to water. She reaches a hand out, but I take a step away.
"Yes, mother. Thank you for reminding me for the four hundredth and sixty-second time that you gave me a life. A life that was tailor-made to be better than the one you got. But guess what, mom? Maybe I didn't want that? Did you ever think about that?" I stop and sniff my nose. "Why do you think I went to Syracuse, literally one of the farthest schools I got accepted to, instead of Vanderbilt? I wanted to figure myself out without you!" I take a breath in as I let the tears fall. I shuffle my feet and shift my weight from one leg to the other.
"I turn 25 this year, for fucks sake! I thought I knew for the longest time, but then everything changed." "And I supported you." I hold my hand up to her. "Yes, you both did."
You both did. I repeat to me and only me.
"But, you know that's not what I'm talking about." I sob out as I cover my eyes. "Why are you really here, mom? Don't bullshit me. Because if you're about to say it's because I don't come home or I'm rude on the phone... I can't do this right now. You know the reasons I never want to come back. And so if that's the reason you think I'm short with you on the phone, then guess what, mom, that's not the reason."
My moms eyes are filled with hurt and regret. I know it, and she knows it, but I can't stop my mouth now.
"Sometimes it's because I'm fucking tired and the last thing I want to do is answer your stupid question about why I'm not going back to school, or the do I really want to work at a coffee shop for the rest of my life question? You already know the answers!" I swallow. "Other times, it's because all I get is a look from you that screams every word but joy. And maybe you don't mean to make that face because I know you're worried for me. I do. But guess what? You don't have to keep worrying. I'm in a good place. So maybe sometimes I don't want to talk because I don't want to talk! But then still there you are, and most of the time... i-it's because- it's like you call me up just to put me down. I s-swear it's like you only want me to be happy when it's convenient for you! Like today! I was having a great day! A great fucking day, and look at where we are now."
I can't see my mom anymore through the tears. I'm feeling every emotion in this one second, and I can't stop crying. I've never done this to another person before. I've never felt my chest become so light. I've never felt that funny feeling. I don't know what to do.
"Mom?" I croak out of my sore throat as I feel a person wrap their arms around mine. They shush me and start rubbing my back, letting me know it's okay. This action causes me to break down even more. I'm like full-on hyperventilating now as I bring my head down onto my mom's shoulder. I for sure know it's her because I can smell the coconut shampoo she's used all my life.
"Pumpkin?" My mom pulls out of the hug and gently puts her hands on my face. "I'm sorry, dear." Wow, that's maybe the third time in my life I've ever heard those words escape her mouth. She leans my head down and kisses my forehead. In response, I put my arms around her again and continued sobbing. My neighbors probably heard everything, but luckily no one came out. I can hear my mom saying things to me, but I can't concentrate enough to make out the words. So instead, I give her the tightest hug I've given her since we lost Davey.
My Dad.
That's when it hit me.
"Mom?" I whisper into her shoulder. "Yes, pumpkin?" "Todays, the day, isn't it?" My mom doesn't respond. Instead, she pulls back from the hug and puts her arms on mine. It's like we're standing there supporting each other. She slowly lifts her right hand and brushes my hair out of my face.
I blink, feeling a few tears slip out. "Two years to the day, Pumpkin." How could I forget? No really. How could I fucking forget? I look down at my mom, and I see her face clearer now.
She looks heartbroken. Maybe because her only child just yelled at her and complained that she ruined her life. Perhaps it's because that same child forgot the death date of the only father figure she's ever known. Or maybe she missed her kiddo. She missed having her family. She was tired, and she needed me.
"Do you hate me?" I genuinely ask.
My mom doesn't immediately respond, which makes my brain go crazy. She takes my hands into her own and pulls me to the nearest wall. She makes us sit down and let out bodies lean against the wall.
"Y/N?" I turn my face to the sound of my mother's smooth and soft voice. It reminds me of days when I was sick as a kid, and she took care of me. "I could never hate you." Tears begin to slip out her eyes. "I'm so sorry for ever making you think I did, sweetie. I care for you so much." She places a hand on my face to push back my tears. "I want what is best for you, and I try and push you because I know what the world is like. I was just trying to be the best mom you could ask for. I was trying to be better than my own mother. I never meant to push you away or make you think I never wanted you as a daughter. I love you with every bit of my old heart." I let out a breath of air through my nose and smile at that last part. "You're not even 50, mom."
"But I will be soon, Y/N. I want my daughter in my life for that day and all the years that follow." She thought she had lost me. "I'm so sorry for how I've acted. I didn't want to lose you, Y/N. I just love you so much. I'm so sorry, Pumpkin." "I'm sorry too, mom." I reach over and hug her. I hug her like I haven't seen her in years. I hug her like she'd never see me again. "I love you, mom." "I love you too, sweetie."
I'm sitting at Y/N's desk, and it's a lot cleaner than the last time I was over like she's actually using it.
I'm trying to get my mind to focus on anything in this room. I've heard some yelling from out in the hall, but I chose not to listen to the words being screamed. I've distracted myself with my phone, but emails can only be so much fun.
As I skim over the desk, I notice she has a couple of books and journals on her desk. I take note at how similar they look to the ones in the living room. Except some of these are years old. I pick up a journal with the year marked 2019 on it. As I flip through some of the first few pages, it becomes clear what she uses these books for.
It's laced with short stories, poems, and songs. All original, as far as I know.
She never mentioned she was a writer or a musician, maybe? I take a glance around the room, and I don't see any guitars or keyboards. Maybe in her closet? I look towards it, but it's shut, so I won't bother.
I take a chance and try to find today's date in the 2019 journal. After a quick search, I find it and begin reading.
May 3rd, 2019
Death is Watching (Look Who's Inside Again)
Trying to be funny and stuck in a room There isn't much more to say about it Can one be funny when stuck in a room?
Well, well Look who's inside again Went out to look for a reason to hide again Well, well Buddy, you found it Now, come out with your hands up We've got you surrounded
To the man that made me laugh. I love you, Dad. But why did you give up? Why did you let Death take you?
My eyes look over those last three lines again, again, and again. Each time they become more glossy. It's like my heart is in my throat. Maybe that's why I'm struggling to breathe right now. I force my hand to gently grab the bottom of the page and turn it over.
There's no entry. I flip the next page. Nothing. I grab the book, close it, and let all the pages brush past my thumb as I watch each page after the one I read come up empty.
I hear the front door open and close. Oh shit. I put the journals back to where I think they were and stand up, waiting for her. No, I show look relaxed? I quickly wipe my eyes and pull out my phone before jumping onto Y/N's bed. No, wait, is that weird? Should I sit up? All this time, I've been internally debating, and I haven't heard Y/N.
"Y/N?" I call out to no answer. I decide to get up and come out into the main area. She's not there. "Y/N?" I take a quick look. Yeah, she isn't here. I go to pull my phone out; shit, I left it on the bed. That's when I notice the Chinese food sitting on the coffee table.
She was just dropping the food off. Is she coming back? Are her and her mom okay? Should I start plating the food? Does she even want a plate, or does she just eat it straight out of the container?
I enter my apartment, and it's a little shocking to see MK standing there.. menacingly... staring at the Chinese food. "MK?" I ask, closing the door behind me. "Hey! You're back!" She runs over to me and hugs me. "I thought you left." She mumbles out. I decided not to question her and just let this moment happen.
We detach, and she notices how exhausted my body has become within the last 15 minutes. She thankfully doesn't say anything, but I see the look in her eyes. She sees my face and red eyes. She probably overheard. Crap.
"Where's your mom?" "She went to the hotel." "Oh." I don't want to talk about it now. MK looks away and to the food. "Do you want a plate?" "No, I usually eat out of the container." How much will I eat? I don't know. "Why am I not surprised." MK laughs, putting a smile on my tired face. "But if you need a plate, go grab one." MK walks to the kitchen and begins rummaging through, looking for everything she needs. I start to unpack our food and place it on the coffee table. I look to the tv, and it did the thing where it goes to an idle screen while waiting, so I turn it back onto the movie. I'm not really in the mood anymore, I'm so tired emotionally and physically, but I want to put on a front for MK. Or at least until dinners over.
MK returns with two glasses of water, a plate, and some silverware. I didn't know whose food was whose, so thankfully, I chose right because MK puts her fork into the meal in front of her. So I guess I'm eating Sesame Chicken. Good choice. "Ready?" I ask her picking up the remote and pointing it to the screen.
"Yeah." MK answers looking over at me; she gives me a pity smile before focusing her attention away.
Man, I really wanted that Sesame Chicken. But Y/N needs to eat, and I don't want to disrupt her right now. I have no idea what happened in that hallway, but I want the person next to me to be okay.
I'm happy with the amount she ate. Half. But hey, that's better than nothing.
Do you know resting bitch face? What's it called when the person looks worried? Worried bitch face? I don't know, but that's what Y/N's got when she watches movies. I could tell her mind was elsewhere at the beginning, but as the film continued, she got more into it and started to relax. The movies almost over now, and I've been watching Y/N more than the monsters on screen.
She smiled every time Lizzie came on screen. It was so cute until it became annoying. Just kidding, but now she has the dumbest grin I've seen. Are her eyes glossy? What's she looking at?
I turn my head, and it's the scene where Lizzie reunites with her kid and husband. Right now, the kid just ran into Lizzie's arms, and she's holding him, crying.
For the first time tonight, Y/N catches me watching her. "Shut up." That is all she says as she laughs and lets a tear slip out. I throw my hands up in defeat and let the last 5 minutes play out.
The credits hit, and I turn to MK. "Wow." She laughs and turns the tv off for me. She starts packing up the leftovers. "Wait till you see Avengers!" "Trust me. I can't wait. I gotta tell Liz that I saw this." I pull my phone out and start typing away. From the kitchen, I hear the fridge door close, and "she told you not to watch Oldboy, right?" "Yeah." "Good." Okay, what the heck? It can't be that bad, right?
I finish up my text to my girlfriend as MK entered the room again. "Is it cool if I use your bathroom? I had to go since, like the HALO drop scene, I didn't want you to stop the movie." "Who said I would've paused it?" MK's jaw drops before she pouts and lets out a "rude" before walking away into the bathroom.
It's now after 8, and I was tired before the movie, but I'm exhausted now. I want to just go to bed, but my mind still doesn't want to turn off. I'm thinking about my mom and my dad a lot. I feel a mix of remorse, loss, happiness, and regret. I genuinely don't know what to do. I should've stayed with my mom. I could've done more over the last two years. I'm so stupid. I can feel something happening, but I don't know what's happening. Am I crying? When did this happen?
"Hey, look at me. Y/N, can you look at me?" I hear MK's voice calling out to me. Where is she? I pull my eyes from the floor and up to her face. She's sitting on her knees in front of me. I see her bottom lip trembling. Her eyes look scared. Worried? Her hands start reaching up to me. "Good. You're doing very well. Y/N, is this okay?" She cups her hands onto the sides of my face. I open my mouth to respond, but nothing happens, so I just nod. Her thumbs begin to wipe at the tears streaming down my face. "It's okay. I'm here." I lean my forehead into her own. I can't stop. "Y/N, can you focus on some things around the room? Look at three things and tell me what they are." I lift my head from MK's. She leans more into my knees to keep wiping away the tears. "Umm... the tv..." "That's good, Y/N. Keep breathing in and out and name another thing." I blink a couple of times before looking around. "Your bag.." "One more thing Y/N. You're doing very well." MK gets up from the floor and sits right next to me. She drapes an arm around my waist, takes her other hand, and grabs onto mine. She leans her body onto mine. She's covering me in comfort. She has to have done this with Liz before. "Max." "Can you tell me where?" I nudge my head in the direction of a photo in the kitchen. "Max and I. Couple months ago." "Thank you, Y/N." I hear MK swallow next to me and take in a breath. "You're okay. I got you."
She's finally resting.
It's been almost an hour since I asked her to name the things around the room. It's a trick I haven't done in a while. The last person I did that with was Liz before she started to shoot WandaVision.
Over the course of the last hour, I just held her in my arms. She would sob and stop. She'd apologize before drifting off into her mind again. The whole time I just kept her safe. I would brush her hair and tell her that it was okay and that I'm here for her. I still am. I always will be.
I've never seen this side of Y/N before. It didn't scare me one bit. It just made me concerned for her. It also made me so incredibly mad at her mom. Her mom sent her over the edge. Her mom did this.
I hear my phone start to ring from the bedroom, breaking up to silence in here. Shit. Y/N seems like she's out of it, so maybe I can slip away. I unwrap my arm from around her body, and I swear my phone is getting louder. I start scooting from Y/N so that I can get up, but she stops me. "MK?" "Hey, one second, I'll go turn it off," I say, getting up and leaving her. Y/N mumbles something, but I don't catch it.
I pick up my phone, wanting to tear the head off of whoever called me.
Damn it. It's Ash.
MK: "What?"
I move myself into the bathroom and shut the door behind me.
Ash: "Woah, calm down. You okay? Also hiiiii!"
M: "Sorry. Hi. What's up?"
A: "Damn okay. Anyways. I sent you some emails about an upcoming shoot. Models and outfits. Can you go over them and send me your feedback. I need it by 9 tomorrow. Cool?"
"Yes. I can do that."
"Thanks. You're the best! Byee!"
The call ends, and thank goodness I got work mode Ash on a call instead of Sister Ash. Sister Ash would've known something was up and not let me go until she figured out whatever was going on. I quickly look in the mirror and fix my eyes and hair. I put my phone on silent and put it in my pocket before walking back out to Y/N. I walk past the exhausted couch girl and slip my phone into my bag.
"MK?" Her sore throat squeaks, scaring me before I quickly compose myself. "Hey. It's me. I'm here." In a calm tone. I put myself back into my old position. "I should go to bed." "Okay. Y/N, let's get you to bed." I remove my arm from her side and get up quickly. She doesn't move. I move up to her knees like before. "Need some help?" She nods at me. I stand up and hold my arms out to her. She grabs on, and together we lift her up to her feet. I put my arm around her to help support her since I know her body wants to drop.
Once getting her onto her bed, I begin to look through her drawers and closet for any comfy clothes. Oh, hey, there's the guitar!
"Bottom drawer." I turn around and see her pointing to the bottom of her dresser. I open it up and find a black t-shirt and grey sweats. This shirt looks a lot like one I use to have. I bring the clothes to Y/N and excuse myself so she can change. I grab her a water bottle and some Advil for her head during that time. Crying always causes a headache. Remember that. "You can come back." I enter her room and smile at her. "Take this. It'll help." She doesn't put up a fight or say anything. I think she just wants to sleep and put an end to this day. "Thank you." "Of course." Y/N sets her water down and starts getting comfortable on her bed. I look over her room again, and my eyes return to her desk.
She knows.
Sitting on top of a large T-shirt and a pair of black shorts is the 2019 journal. I look back at her eyes, which are already watching me. "MK?" Oh no. "Could you stay the night?" She points to the clothes. Oh! "You sure?" She nods. I carefully grab the journal and set it off to the side. I watch Y/N smile out of the corner of my eye. I grab the clothes and excuse myself to the bathroom to change.
She didn't ask me what my journal was for or what it meant. She read it earlier. I knew it was in a different position.
But for some reason, I'm not mad. I'm actually glad if she ended up reading what I think she read.
"Penny, for your thoughts?" I look over to see MK changed. "I'll tell you." I gesture for her to crawl into bed. My bed isn't a twin, so thankfully, we're not right on top of each other. It's a Queen. Cuddles can happen, or people can give each other space. MK gets into bed and faces me. "I turned off all your lights and locked your door." "Thank you." "Do you want your lamp off?" "Not yet."
We start to let the silence fall onto us. I'm not as tired as I was before, so I'm just lying here thinking and staring at the Olsen across from me.
"Y/N?" "Hmm." "What are you thinking about?" "That I don't want to be alone right now. That I'm glad, you're here." "Me too." I scoot myself closer to MK. I can tell by how she slightly moved her arm back that she doesn't want to mess up. I rest my hand onto her side. "Is this okay?" She nods to me. My eyes start to look over her body as I continue to think about today. "What did you think?" MK looks at me, a bit confused. "About my journal entry?" I physically watch MK get embarrassed and stressed all at once. She begins to pull away and back up, but I grab onto her hip and pull her closer to me. "MK." I get out in a calm tone. She stops moving. "I'm serious. I'm not mad. It's okay." I reassure her and brush away her hair from her face that softens up so I can see my friend again. "I thought it was" She takes a second. "Beautiful." She smiles at me to let me know she means it.
"I'm sorry for your loss," MK said, the one thing I didn't want to hear. I nod at her. She inches closer to me as this moment between us becomes more fragile each time we open our mouths. "I wrote that the day he died." "What was his name?" "Davey. Well, that's what I called him. He gave me a choice between Dad or Davey. As long as I never called him David, he was cool with it." MK and I bring each closer into a hug, as we both feel the tears coming.
We both let the hug happen until I pull away. If I look pass her and into my room, I'm going to get lost in thought. "He wasn't my real dad." I clarify for MK. "But he treated me like he was." I smile, thinking about the day I met him. "He always had shoulder-length hair, which, as a kid, I thought was funny, but as I grew up, I got jealous of it." I chuckle as some tears land between MK and I.
MK looks like she wants to speak but is afraid. "Spill it," I whisper out. "How?" "Cancer." MK sucks her lips into her mouth and starts to bite. "Hey. No. Don't do that.." I softly lift my hand and pull her lip out. I move my hand from her lips to her cheek. "It's okay, MK. He's gone." She wants to cry for me. She can, but I don't want her to, honestly. She blinks a few times to make the tears go away. Once she's done, she leaves me and switches off the bedroom lamp before coming back to me. She cuddles in hard. She rests her head on my chest as I place my head on top of hers. Both of our arms snaked around each other. "I'm-" "There's nothing to apologize for."
"Is your mom coming back?" The tone she asked that in wasn't sweet. "She might. But you don't have to worry. Her and I are okay." I can feel her go to lift her head, so I let her. She looks directly into my eyes. "We are. I promise. Now please, you were comfortable before." She playfully rolls her eyes and rests her head on my chest again. "There you go." I kiss the top of her head, and I can feel the tiredness wash over me.
"Y/N?" "Yeah?" I answer back with my eyes shut. "I'm really sorry about reading your journal. I didn't know." "I know. It's okay, MK. I'm glad you did." "Really?" "Really." I can feel MK start to make shapes with her fingers on my lower back. It's soothing and something I need right now.
As MK and mines bodies start to slow in breathing and drift off to sleep, the Olsen below me mumbles, "I love you, Y/N. As a friend. Always." I smile because I don't know if she meant for me to hear, but I let her know. "I love you too, MK. As a friend. Always."
Today is the day! The pilot said that we have landed in JFK, so I'm just ready to get the fuck off this plane. The flight wasn't as bad this time. Since I mostly slept and planned out things I wanted to surprise Y/N with.
"If you require deplaning assistance, please remain in your seat until all other passengers have deplaned. One of our crew members will then be pleased to assist you. On behalf of American Airlines and the entire crew, I'd like to thank you for joining us on this trip, and we are looking forward to seeing you on board again in the near future. Have a nice day!"
I pull out my phone and let Max know that the plane just landed. She texted me back a couple of seconds later, letting me know that she was just circling the terminals. I think Max is more excited to see me than to drop me off if I'm being honest. Even though I'm dating her best friend, she still asked me for an autograph and picture when I have time.
I look through my texts with Y/N, and she still hasn't texted me a good morning text or anything usually, by now, I would've heard something. Max did tell me that she texted Y/N earlier, letting her know that she'd be off today, so maybe she's just sleeping in. So if that's the case, I can't blame her.
After collecting my bags, and avoiding onlookers, and wannabe paparazzi, I am finally seated in my girlfriend's best friend's green Subaru.
I haven't told anyone where I am or what I'm doing. The only person that knows is Max. After a couple of minutes into the drive, I decide to give Y/N a wake-up call.
Y/N: "Hello?"
She sounds groggy.
Liz: "Good morning, my Coffee Girl! Did you just wake up?"
I see Max glance over at me before her eyes return to the road.
Y: "Hey, babe! Yeah, I actually did. What time is it?"
Y/N, let's outs a yawn.
L: "Ummm, it's.. almost noon"
"Oh Lizard, you okay? You already done for the day?"
"Yes, I'm fine, love, but, Y/N, it's noon for you."
There's a moment of silence before I hear the phone and her crashing down onto what I assume is the floor. Y/N is on speaker, so Max just heard her eat shit as well and is trying to muffle her laugh. I can't help it, but I feel my lips form into an evil smile too.
"Y/N, are you okay?!" I ask, holding back some laughter.
She doesn't respond, but I do hear another voice ask my same question. I see Max look over, confused, as the smile leaves my face.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Fuck, that's gonna hurt. Thank you."
Y/N responds to the other person. Before I hear the phone shuffle and her voice return to me.
"Hey, sorry I jus-"
"Who are you with?" I try to put in a brave voice, but my mind is going a million miles per hour. Y/N would never cheat. She wouldn't.
I hear some more shuffling. That's not the right response.
"I heard someone else, Y/N."
"Can we FaceTime?"
I look to Max. She shakes her head and points to the interior of her car. Y/N would instantly know.
"Not at the moment."
"MK's here. That's who you heard"
So what the fuck? My own sister can barely talk to me but has time to be with my girlfriend.
"Liz, this would be a lot easier if we could FaceTime."
"Just tell me what's going on because this isn't sounding good for you." I hear my voice, and it isn't becoming nicer.
"MK and I hung out yesterday. It was an impromptu thing, and I asked her to stay over last night."
I can my heart start to crack. But she wouldn't. She wouldn't!
"Y/N I swe-"
"Babe. Do you trust me?"
I do. I really do.
"I didn't want to be alone. I knew Max was busy, but MK was here."
I turn to Max, confused, and she's returning the same confused look.
"Why didn't you want to be alone? Are you okay?"
"I'm okay.. Umm... My mom showed up yesterday."
Max lets out a very loud gasp. I know Y/N never talks about her family, so knowing this and hearing Max's reaction, this is big.
"And you are safe? Are you at home?"
Y/N doesn't respond right away, which is worrisome. But then I hear her faintly crying.
"Yes, I'm home. I miss you."
My heart breaks because I know she means it, and she's going through all these emotions, and I'm so close but so far.
"When can I see you?"
I look at Max's phone. It still says 30 minutes.
"How about I FaceTime you in like 45? Is that okay?"
"Yes. I love you."
"I love you too, Y/N. How about you get up, get some ice on your leg and eat some breakfast? Pancakes and eggs, none of the frozen stuff."
"You heard me fall?"
"I tried so hard not to laugh."
"Oh my God. That's embarrassing."
She sounds better now.
"It's your body building character."
There's a moment between us where we just listen to each other breath and a couple of sniffles from her. It's an almost reassuring moment.
"4 days, babe."
"It'll be sooner than you think."
The call is coming to a natural close.
"See you, Liz."
"Later, Y/N!"
"I love you!" We both say at the same time, causing each other to laugh before we end the call.
"That was so cute but gross," Max tells me once my phone hits my lap. It was. I keep thinking over the call. I start to play with my rings to prolong the feeling I have coming.
"Can you get that?" Max asks me, holding her phone up to me. "Tell me what it says." It's a text from Y/N apologizing for not making it to today's shift before she realizes that Max told her not to come in. I relay that information as a new text pops up.
Mom showed up.
"Umm.." Max is thinking of what to respond back while I'm waiting to text for her. "Just send a pumpkin emoji first." I do that. "Then, are you okay? At work. Talk later? Type it all just like that." I do just that. "Send?" I ask the redhead. "Yeah, send it." I hit the send button and watch as Y/N with a thumbs up.
"Why the emojis?" "It's basically to let the other person know that we're busy with work or girlfriends. But if you're asking why the pumpkin one, that's what Y/N's mom calls her. Pumpkin. So sending that, let her know that I know how serious this is."
Max is a true best friend. "Pumpkin. Is that why her favorite color is orange?" I watch Max's face try to hide the real reason. "Yeahhh-" "I know it's because of Velma." Max lets out a breath. "Okay, I couldn't lie to you." I snicker at how starstruck Max can be.
"Good," I respond back in my Sokovian accent, almost causing Max to crash the car.
I get startled awake but the sound of Y/N crashing onto the floor. I see her phone next to her as she is on the ground holding her knee.
"Y/N, are you okay?!" She doesn't respond, but I do hear Lizzie's voice ask my same question. "Yeah, I'm fine. Fuck, that's gonna hurt. Thank you." Y/N picks up her phone before shuffling around, grabbing some clothes, and heading to the bathroom.
"Hey, sorry I jus-" "What?" I hear Y/N muffled through the door answer my sister.
Okay, stop listening, MK. I decide to wake myself up a bit more and distract my brain with emails. I already sent Ash all the information she needed from last night. I woke up early this morning to get it done since I knew it wasn't happening last night before returning back to Y/N.
After going through my emails and sending some texts, Y/N returns from the bathroom. She's wearing cuffed jeans and a black bra, she throws whatever shirt she picked up and goes searching for a new one.
Okay, this isn't helping past feelings. Look away, MK. Look away. Just look at your phone.
"Why didn't you want to be alone? Are you okay?" My concerned sister asks. I glance up and watch as Y/N stops her movement, putting a hand on her forehead.
"I'm okay.. Umm... My mom showed up yesterday."
Liz lets out a very loud gasp. I know Y/N never talks about her family so knowing this and hearing Liz's reaction, she knows this is big.
"And you are safe? Are you at home?"
Y/N doesn't respond right away, which is worrisome. But then I hear her faintly crying. I get up and stand next to her to let her know I'm here. Y/N looks to me but talks to Liz. "Yes, I'm home. I miss you."
Ouch. My heart breaks because I know she means it, and she's going through all these emotions, and I'm so close but so far. But I shove my feelings down. This is for Y/N. I push my forehead into Y/N's and wrap an arm around her.
"When can I see you?"
"How about I FaceTime you in like 45? Is that okay?"
"Yes. I love you." Y/N lets go of me and starts searching her room for a new shirt. She finds one and starts putting it on. I take this opportunity to grab my clothes from last night and run into her bathroom.
"See you, Liz."
"Later, Y/N!"
I pop out of the bathroom just in time.
"I love you!" They both say at the same time causing each other to laugh before they end the call.
I head out of her room and to my bag. Making sure I have everything with me.
When I come back, Y/N is sitting on her bed texting. "You okay?" She looks up at me and smiles. "Yeah. Umm..." Y/N puts her phone away. "Do you wanna sit?" She points to the spot next to her, so I join her. She moves one leg underneath her and moves, so her body is towards me.
"Thank you for everything yesterday. It really meant a lot to me that you stayed and cared for me. How you always care for me.. You're a wonderful friend, MK." She places her hands into mine and starts rubbing her thumb along the tops of mine. She stutters and is struggling to say more. I watch as she gives up and starts biting her bottom lip. I slip my one hand out and bringing to her lip, pulling it out. I let my hand slide down to her chin, but she reaches up and brings my hand back to her lips. I freeze, not knowing what to do. Y/N plants two soft kisses on the pad of my thumb. "Thank you, Mary-Kate." Her eyes are glued to my own.
"Always." Whispers out from the back of my throat.
We both know what could happen next. Y/N reached up and runs her hand through my hair. She pulls my head closer to her before we pull each other into a hug. With her mouth next to my ear, she drops this: "My mom got it wrong. You're my favorite twin." We both laugh into each other's shoulder before she pulls away and stands up. She clears her throat and wipes her eyes.
"How do you like my shirt?" My mouth drops at the sight of it. "Oh my God!" It's a black t-shirt with like seven different pictures of Lizzie, and at the chest, it says Elizabeth Olsen in pink. "You're obsessed!" "You're just jealous!" Y/N smirks out before she leaves me to head to the kitchen. "I can get you one for Christmas?" Y/N yells from the kitchen. "Fuck off!"
I had to leave Y/N about ten minutes into her cooking breakfast. Summer is around the corner, so I need to head to the offices to start going over sales meetings, designs, pitches, etc. Plus I still need to change and shower, so heading home first is a must. Y/N understood and promised that we'll hang out again. Plus, I think she mentioned her mom was coming over later? I'm not quite sure Y/N mumbled a bit. But! This is the best outcome I wished for before yesterday. Y/N and I are friends.
Once I settled in my car, I had a couple of missing texts from form Liz. Some ranging from nice to not so nice. The not-so-nice ones were first. She doesn't mean the things she said it's just insecurities bubbling up. I understand. I do. The nice ones followed once she said, "Max explained everything." I didn't know her and Max were that close. I texted my sister back, telling her about last night and the things that I think she should know.
I left out the stuff about Y/N's dad, and how close Y/N and I were because she doesn't need to know that unless Y/N tells her.
I put my phone away and start to pull out of the spot in front of the building. Just in time for this cute green car to take it.
Part 18
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houseofpendragons · 1 year
Thoughts on Teen Wolf the Movie while watching it pt.5
PeTeR wAiT" why she say it like that😭
Peter's line would've made way more sense if the Nogitsune was actually giving him illusions (maybe one's about the fire, or being trapped in a coma again, or hell maybe stuff about the desert wolf bc I mega curious about their relationship)
He's playing lacrosse 🥍
Sir should've just dove out the way, he basically told u it had wolfbane on it
"Wolfsbane" reminds me of gerards "Mountain ashhhh!" Lmao I make myself laugh
How'd she knock him out so quick with just an elbow to the face, he's a werewolf
New plot idea, nogi could've made him hallucinate the fire and make him see Kate everywhere so when he sees Allison (as Kate) he's fed up with the illusions bc it's fucking him up. I'm a genius, Jeff Davis hire me 😎
um just cause it looks like her doesn't meanit us her...doppelganger's anyone? (Yes I know different show bit still) or she could be possessed
ur a zombie chica 🧟‍♀️ 😁👍
Not Peter being big baby and having Melissa take care of him in the back😭
Chris what's ur gun gonna do against black smoke, u know it ain't the oni bc the sun's still out
"I've killed oni before" yeah and then they killed you ma'am
Malia "I don't do speeches" Tate, proceeds to give a speech 😂
🎶If we go down then we go down together🎶
Lydia:🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊 Allison:👏📸💏☺😍🥰😂🧍‍♀️👭👫😭💋🏃‍♀️🤣😊🏹😘
Don't think I didn't notice you left out Stiles and Isaac in them flashbacks😑
Oop it's night night time now 🌃
um they belong to themselves, you know free will and all, c'mon it's 2026 in ur universe so get eith the program honestly so canceled 🥱
Also if you were gonna have him say they belong to me know you could've had them possessed by the flies again like in 3b and made him fight his own friends. It'd be good emotionally and for the plot bc we wouldn't know if he'd be forced to kill them or not
oooo and if Stiles was here Nogi takes over his body again and let's Allison go bc he's sacrificing himself for them, there rising another issue but Stiles has full faith that Scott will bring him back
"I'm still standing, I'm still the Alpha!" Sounded a whole lot better in the trailer
also would've been cool if Derek was forced to be on Nogi's side bc he has Eli hostage
"Please don't make me watch my friends and my family die - I can't do that again" is what should've been the line💔
Um that was 3 arrows not 1, thought you were supposed to be a perfect shot, you letting out some pent up rage on my boy Scott? 😶
When did Eli get tied back up? Would've been cool to see it happen telekinetically
I love hikari but it just would've made more sense for Kira to save him. She would've been more powerful by now, she'd have complete control bc of the skinwalkers, and there's the emotional connection that's established between them
Or at the very least if it had to be Hikari they could've done my earlier suggestion and made that little girl and her dog a flashback of Scott saving Hikari bc then it would've been like you saved me once and now I've saved you 👍
Looked cool af thou 🔥
Damn, headshot 🎯
Hold up, now wait a minute, you're suddenly a perfect shot again?😂
Hold up Parrish where your clothes at and what underwear you buying bc all ur other clothes burn up but ur undies are fireproof?!😭
Heyyy, I love whoever idea it was to give mama McCall a crossbow 😎👌
Not Peter now using the wolfsbane ring dagger that just poisoned him🤦‍♀️is he good by the way lol did Melissa have a lighter on her or something
Yeah, you motherfucker *copies Peter's dramatic hair flip*💅
Stab stab flip flip
Yeah Jackson and Lydia takedown we deserve
Stiles taught her how to use a gun and he'd be so proud of his wife right now😁
Would've been cool if it was, like I said earlier, Stiles being the one at gunpoint and Jackson comes to save them (Stiles would be so annoyed😂)
oh he wasn't tied up, he was just hiding again
Eli you little liar you already done the glowing eyes and the fangs
Awwww yes! Eli and Derek are my favorite part of this movie, I could watch a whole series about them🥺
Love how they roared together, like Derek was giving him strength and encouragement in that roar
Love the wolfie faces, though I do think the shows looked a little bit scarier, the eyes are really good in this one thou🐺
Baby Eli and Daddy Derek to the rescue
Now we all got our guns back that ig Parrish was hiding in his underpants 🙈😭
pow pow mf
I thought it was impossible to be both a fox and a wolf🤔
This supports my theory that this is just another illusion and none of it's real. It looks real and feels real but it's not
Ugh you was ugly ass mf wolf-fox🤢
Why his eyes glowing green? shouldn't it be a more yellowish green for a firefly 🤨
He looks like a mole deadass💀
🎶we're all in this together🎶
Why aren't Peter, Malia, Liam, Hikari, and Parrish going with them...
Eli honey, I love you but...why you running like that, you look like ur about to fall🤭
I like how the lighting in each room reflects their eyes
Well obviously its not real
You know my dumbass would just be in their yelling "echo" bc it'd be funny to me😭
Well that was very rude of you Nogi
What was Harris's goal, I'm still confused 😕
Should called him a pup instead of a child, it just would've been more pleasing to me bc it's a funny tease to say to a werewolf idk why
"Start with me" Nogi said okay say less 👍
Now you see me, now you don't
Scott this is kind of embarrassing for you bc Duke taught you how to fight using all your other senses when your sight won't help you...
you can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man 🤪
So what did everyone else see? Did they just see them all on the nemeton looking ridiculous or did they do a disappearing act snd magically appear out of nowhere
Also why didn't nogi mess with them at the same time, seems a waste if you ask me to just leave them to come up with a plan, then ur just asking you get defeated but oh well🤷‍♀️
Oop well Eli's out the game again but Parrish is putting himslef back in, there's a good man (there's a nice demon😂)
Nogi's laugh made me laugh 🤣
Hell no, don't you dare. I know that look Derek Hale, don't you fucking do it. Bad werewolf, very bad werewolf! not infront of ur son! NO, HE IS NOT APART OF SCOTT'S PACK NOW IDGAF THAT HE'S THE ALPHA
So much for only a true alpha only every few hundred years, BUT IT WAS FUCKING EARNED DAMN IT😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
The way Eli said dad😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Okay let me be serious, I don't think Derek's dead. This was was all on layer of the illusion, it looks real, it feels real, but it's not real!
Idk where Derek or the Nogitsune are but neither are dead, bc you can't even kill a Nogitsune so where is the fly like at the end of S3 hmmm🤨
He's not dead no, nope, i refuse
Poor Peter, Derek and him were really close, even though they had their differences they were still all they had left 😢
Ew Scott shouldn't be giving the speech it should be Peter or Eli
Where's Isaac (his first beta), Cora (his sister), and Stiles? You can't tell me they wouldn't be there for his funeral
Actually the first the first thing he said to you was "What are you doing here? This is private property"
AWWW Papa Stilinski coming in clutch🥺
This is where Lydia answers Stiles would renew their vows
Um isn't she still technically 17🤨
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stranger-marauders · 2 years
fifteen: russian interrogation
chapter summary: Dustin, Kate, and Erica plan to rescue Steve and Robin from the Russians.
chapter warnings: language, canon-typical violence, relationship issues
word count: 3.4k
series masterlist | masterlist
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STEVE THOUGHT THE days where he got the shit beaten out of him were over. He realized, as he got the shit beaten out of him once again, this time by a Russian guard, that they were far from being over.
He groaned as one of the Russian guards in the room punched him in the face again. He spat more blood on the floor. "That one stung."
"Who do you work for?"
"For the millionth time, I work at Scoops Ahoy!" he shouted. "Scoops Ahoy..." He groaned again as the same guard punched him in the chest and he wheezed for air—he felt like he was going to die. "What the hell! Look at my outfit! You think I just wear this! Think I'm a spy in a sailor's uniform!"
The guard punched him again, cutting off his rambling, and he groaned in pain in response.
"How did you get in?"
"I already told you. I told you before." As he spoke, he struggled to breathe, gasping for air. "My delivery didn't come, and my friends and I, we thought that it was left at the loading dock, so we went in the room, and then it... turned into an elevator, and then... and then we dropped and then, next thing we know, I open my eyes, and-and we're in this... wonderful facility." He only hoped that his compliment to the establishment would prevent him from being punched again. "But I swear to God, nobody knows about us, nobody saw us. You could just let us go, all right? And I'm not gonna tell anybody about this, okay? Shit happens, life goes on. And, uh... ice-ice cream. Ice cream, okay? You guys know what ice cream is. Everybody loves ice cream. I don't know if you have Russian ice cream or if that's considered gelato, I don't know what's what, but whatever you guys want, seriously. USS Butterscotch, I mean, you gotta try it. It is out of this world, I'm telling ya!"
Steve only stared in fear as the two soldiers laughed at him. He laughed nervously with them, hoping they thought he was funny enough to not get punched again. Dustin and Kate had been right in saying that Jonathan and Billy had both beaten the shit out of him, but at least he could try to fight back.
He only hoped that Kate and the kids had gotten out okay, or at least they were close to it. They were his and Robin's only chance at survival, more specifically Kate. He almost wished he wouldn't have called Robin with him, that it would've just been him holding that door, but he knew that the group wouldn't have made it without Robin staying behind. At least Kate had made it out with the kids: one of them had to. Besides, Kate had more resources than all of them combined (of course, she realistically only had one source, and that one source was just her father, but he had more resources than everyone in Hawkins, and that had to count for something).
"I like this guy!" the main guard said, the one who'd been asking questions instead of punching him. "USS... Butterscotch."
Once they'd both stopped laughing, the guards had gotten closer to Steve's face, asking him the same question again. "Who do you work for?"
"Oh, come on. No, no! No, seriously—" This time, however, when the guard had punched him, it had knocked Steve out cold. He had been unconscious for long enough for the guards to drag him into another room. Robin had also been taken to the same room, but Robin was still conscious, wasn't covered in her own blood.
"Get your hands off of me!" she shouted as they threw her on the floor next to Steve. Once she'd noticed the boy knocked out on the floor, she tried anything to wake him up. He almost seemed... dead. "Hey, Steve? Steve? Steve! She kept calling his name until the main guard had come into the room. "What did you do to him? What did you do!"
The man slapped her in the face, sending her back to the ground. The man mumbled something in Russian, and the guards started to pull her and Steve into chairs, tying them together back-to-back. "Don't touch me! Steve, wake up. Steve? What did you do!"
The guard picked up Steve's low-hanging head to find his face covered in blood, his eye swollen. He only clicked his tongue.
"Don't touch him."
"I think your friend needs a doctor," he said.
Robin only stared at the man in disgust.
"Good thing... we have the very best."
The soldiers only laughed in response, and Robin spit on his face. Once he'd wiped it, he stared threateningly at her. "You're going to regret that, suka."
When they'd started to leave, Robin only yelled at them. "Bastards. Let us outta here! Bastards! Let us out! Let us out!"
She didn't stop when they'd left the room, continuing to call as she hoped that her and Steve would be able to leave the room again.
When Kate, Dustin, and Erica seemed to have reached the end of the vent, they peeked their heads out of the hole in the ground, finding that they'd come to an empty room with the green acid in large tanks.
Dustin had turned his head, finding something they could use for their rescue mission almost immediately: a red cart. "Jackpot."
"Do you even know how to drive?" Erica asked.
"How hard can it be? Max did it."
"Hell no, I'm not going through that again. I'm driving," Kate said, giving him a pointed look.
"No, you need to be on lookout," Dustin said. "If anything happens, you're the only one with any type of combat training."
"With what, exactly? I don't see any guns or... or anything."
"We'll find one."
Kate shook her head. "I shouldn't have wasted the damn bullets on those guards. I... I wasn't even thinking about getting more bullets, I just thought of the keycard. I mean, where are we even gonna find ammo?"
"We'll find something, okay? Besides, I'm pretty sure you could take out a guard, too. If he can do it—"
"Okay, just because Hopper is my dad doesn't mean I'm this, like, badass or anything," Kate said, scoffing. "I'm not Rambo."
"I mean, you're better than either of us," Dustin replied.
Kate pressed her lips together, eventually caving with a sigh. He wasn't wrong about that.
Before Dustin could say anything else, he looked down into the cart. "Aw, come on."
"The keys are gone."
She gave him a confused look. "You seriously thought that they would just leave the keys in there?"
"There's gotta be a spare."
Kate looked away from Dustin as he searched for a spare set of keys to the cart, letting her eyes wander until she found Erica stopped in front of a giant cage.
"Hey, how big did you say that Demogorgon was?"
"Big," Kate said, staring at the cage with wide eyes. "About nine feet or so."
"Why?" Dustin asked, not looking up.
The cage was much too big for a human. She didn't want to think about it, never mind say it—she hadn't explored the thought anymore before Dustin had found the keys. "Found 'em."
Erica, however, was nowhere in sight.
She came up behind them, holding a weapon that had a glowing blue tip in hand. Both of them jumped as it seemed to pulse.
"What the hell is that!" Dustin shouted.
"A deadly weapon," Erica explained. "Could be useful."
"For what?"
"What do you think?" Erica asked. "Taking down Commies, saving your friends."
Kate took the weapon from Erica, investigating it as Dustin said, "Thought you were more realistic than that, nerd."
"This'll do," Kate said simply, nodding once as she walked off with Erica to get into the cart.
"We don't even know where they are, and even if we did, there are a million guards up there with weapons way deadlier than that. The best thing we can do for them is to get out of here and find help," Dustin said before turning to Kate. "Easy with that."
She hadn't even realized she'd carelessly pointed it in his direction: if her father were there, he would have already yelled at her for being careless with such a weapon.
"Our chance of surviving, and theirs, rises substantially. Just trust me on this. Both of you. Please?"
Neither of them, even if they thought differently, had any choice to do otherwise as the boy drove off in the cart.
Robin had no idea how long she'd been calling for help, but it had felt like forever. After a while of her calling, Steve had finally woken up again.
"Hey, would you stop yelling...?"
"Steve! Oh my God!" Robin exclaimed. "Steve. A-Are you okay?"
His head was still drooped down, his voice groggy. "My ears are ringing, and I can't really breathe, my eye feels like it's about to pop out of my skull, but, you know, apart from that, I'm doing pretty good."
"Well, the good news is that they're calling you a doctor," Robin said. She chucked—she could only imagine what was going to happen with that.
Steve looked around. "Is this his place work? I love the vibe. Charming."
Robin chuckled. "Yeah, tell me about it. So, okay, do you see that table over there to your right." He looked to his left. "No, your other right."
"Oh," Steve said, turning to where Robin was looking.
"Yeah, okay. And do you see those scissors?"
"Uh-huh," he said softly.
"Yeah, well, I think that if we move at the same time, we could get over there, and then maybe I could kick the table and knock them into your lap."
"And I could cut the binds."
"Yeah, and we could get out of here," Robin said hopefully.
"Gotcha. Okay, yeah, we can do that. Those morons. They left scissors in here?"
"Yeah, morons," Robin said, laughing.
"Total morons."
"Okay, so, on the count of three, we're gonna hop."
Steve nodded. "Okay, good, hop on three. I gotcha."
"All right. One, two, three."
They moved closer to the table.
"Okay, that worked," Robin said. "All right. Uh, let's try again."
The two counted down together: "One, two, three."
They got even closer to the table.
"Holy shit, this is gonna work!"
"We're close. Ready?"
The two counted down together one last time: "One, two, three."
Instead of moving even closer to the table, though, they both landed on the floor, hitting their heads on the cold tile.
Steve immediately realized that his headache had been manageable before, because the second his head banged against the tile, the pain had doubled from the impact. He heard something from Robin, something that sounded like crying. "It's okay, it's okay. Don't cry. Robin." Whenever he could hear her more clearly, whenever the ringing had reduced, he realized she wasn't crying—she was giggling. "Are you laughing?"
"Yeah," she said, barely able to get out a word.
"Jesus...," he murmured.
"I'm sorry!" she said, still laughing. "I'm so sorry. It's just... I can't believe... I'm gonna die in a secret Russian base with Steve 'The Hair' Harrington. It's just too trippy, man."
"We're not gonna die," Steve replied. He tried to convince himself that this wouldn't be the end for them. He didn't even want to imagine it—not only would he be dying in that uniform, but he would never see Kate again. "We're gonna get out of here, okay? Just—You gotta let me think for a second."
"Do you remember, um... Mrs. Click's sophomore history class?"
"Mrs. Clickity-Clackity," she said. "That's what us band dweebs called her."
Steve sighed. He had no idea what she was talking about or why she was bringing it up now of all times, especially when all he wanted to do was to try to come up with a plan to get out of there.
"It was first period, Tuesdays and Thursdays, so you were always late. And you always had the same breakfast. Bacon, egg, and cheese on a sesame bagel. I sat behind you two days a week for a year. Mister Funny. Mister Cool. The King of Hawkins High himself. Do you even remember me from that class?"
Steve couldn't even begin to answer the question.
He remembered that class vividly the more he thought about it. Steve wasn't late because he had arrived late to school, but because he'd been screwing girls in the bathroom before first period (that had been the start to his royal highness—while he had only been a sophomore, girls still wanted him because of his spot on the basketball and swim teams). Steve and Kate were never late to school; he knew his girl better than that. She never would have allowed them to be late under any circumstances, especially not every day. He even remembered that Kate wasn't in that class because the girl had decided to take the sophomore history class her freshman year, leaving him alone in the sophomore class while she took the junior one when they were sophomores. Kate was ahead in a lot of her classes, which was why she ended up being valedictorian. He figured Robin must've done the same thing as her: she was a rising senior.
"Of course you don't," she said, almost inaudible. "You were a real asshole, you know that?"
"Yeah, I know," he replied.
"But it didn't even matter. It didn't matter that you were an ass. I was still... obsessed with you. Even though all of us losers pretend to be above it all, we still just wanna be popular, accepted... normal."
"If it makes you feel any better, having all those things isn't all that great," Steve replied. "Seriously." He sighed. "I mean, really. Kate and I... we didn't talk for a long time because of how I acted back then."
"Oh yeah? I remember that," Robin said, overexaggerating the next part. "That was the talk of Hawkins High." Whenever they'd both laughed once or twice, Robin shook her head. "Seriously though, even her. I remember anyone would look at her, but like, even then, she was still looking at you. You had it all, Harrington, and... and that was something I wanted for a long time. Being normal like that sounds great."
"Yeah," Steve replied, chuckling. "It just baffles me. Everything that people tell you is important, everything that people say you should care about, it's all just—" he stopped to chuckle again— "bullshit. But I guess you gotta mess up to figure things out, right?"
"I hope so," Robin said. "I feel like my whole life has been... one big error."
Steve chuckled. He knew someone else who would agree with her. "Yep."
"At least it can't get any more messed up than this."
"Kate, she... she's gonna fix this. She's gonna get help, okay?"
Robin chuckled. "If they make it out. Did you see her face?"
He sighed. "Yeah, I did."
Of course Steve had seen her face. Every time he thought about her now, all he could see was the horror of her abandoning him spreading her face. He couldn't see her smile, hear her laugh, see her happy. With everything that had happened that day, in between the fight and the getting beaten senseless, he couldn't see her at all. Not the way he wanted to. Her look of horror was etched into his mind. He couldn't let that be the last time he saw her. He wouldn't let it be.
"So last night, you guys... the argument you had, was it really... as bad as it sounded?"
He hesitated. "You heard all of that?"
"Uh, yeah," Robin said, almost not believing him. "You were both very loud and upset. I'm surprised the children didn't wake up."
Steve sighed. "Yeah, I'm... I'm sorry about that, okay? I just... It was stupid. We were talking about her going away, and she was upset she was leaving. I mean, why is she upset? She's the one leaving. She could've picked somewhere way closer and it wouldn't be a problem."
Robin stifled a laugh. "You're such a dingus sometimes."
He thought he'd misheard her. "What?"
"Isn't it obvious?" Robin asked. "She's upset because she's leaving you, dingus. She's obviously horrified something's going to happen when she leaves. I don't really think I can blame her. With everything you guys have obviously gone through, it... it makes sense." She paused. "You're allowed to be upset, too, though. She could've picked something closer, and it sucks she didn't, especially for you and her family. Maybe if you guys, I don't know, talked about it, this wouldn't have happened." She paused. "I mean, I think you could still fix it."
He grimaced. "Kate and I talk—"
"I've been around you guys all summer. There hasn't been one time before today that you guys weren't still in the honeymoon phase. It's because you guys literally do not talk about anything that matters, and before you ask, no, I'm not talking the world ending once a year, I mean serious shit. Serious relationship talk, I mean. Things like going away, like what the future looks like for you both. I know it's hard, Steve, but you have to try."
Even if he didn't talk about it, Steve thought about their future a lot. He'd started thinking about it much more now that they were graduated, since he actually had to think about adult things like getting a job, eventually moving out, turning twenty in a little over a year. He didn't bring it up to Kate just because she hadn't ever brought it up, what the future looked like.
He knew he wanted to marry her. If he knew the thought wouldn't freak her out right now, he would've talked to her dad about it, asked him if he was allowed to marry her. Kate Hopper was the real deal for him, and he didn't see what was the point in waiting for something he knew was going to happen. He wanted to marry her, have kids with her, spend the rest of his life with her. If he couldn't have that, then he didn't want anything at all.
He wasn't going to tell Robin that, though.
Steve shrugged. "Yeah, that'd be easy if she didn't shut me out all the time."
"Don't let her," Robin countered. "I know that's scary, and trust me, I know she's absolutely horrifying to talk to sometimes, but she's just a person. Even if she doesn't seem like it, she has emotions. She wouldn't care about you so much if she didn't, and I know she cares a lot." Whenever he didn't say anything, she sighed. "Just... talk to her for my sake? You being mopey is annoying."
Before Steve could reply, the door had opened again, and a few Russian guards made their way over to the pair on the floor. The main guard chuckled, standing where the two could see them. "Where were you two going?"
A couple of Russian guards sat the two back upright in the chair as a man in the corner, who surprisingly looked even eviler and more intimidating than the guards, prepared something for them.
The main guard got into Steve's face as he spoke. "Try telling the truth this time, yes? It will make your visit with Dr. Zharkov less painful."
As the doctor approached Steve with a mechanism of some type filled with a blue liquid, his heart started to race as he rambled. "Wait a second. Wait. Hold on. Okay! Wait, wait, wait! What is that thing!"
"It will help you talk," the doctor replied.
As the doctor tilted Steve's head back, the boy continued shouting. "Did you even clean that thing!" He only screamed as the needle went into his skin, the blue liquid making its way into his bloodstream.
next chapter
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More on tiny Kate being homeschooled by the circus people, because I just realized that was most definitely a thing that happened.
One of the clowns was an author, and wrote crime novels on the side. He was Kate's primary language arts teacher, and the two of them would have short story competitions that were read to and judged by the rest of the troupe once a month.
The regurgitator and the escapologist were a brother-sister act, who were passable at each other's talents, but each had a preferred specialty. This was very much not a traditional education priority, but Kate had been so impressed by their performances when she first joined that she locked herself in a trunk, a closet, and one of the (thankfully empty) water tanks in quick succession, which led them to teach her so that at least she would be able to get out of the trouble she got herself into.
The knife thrower had been a mathematician before she decided she wanted to do something more exciting with her life, and she would often test Kate on multiplication tables while throwing knives at the girl. (Kate's suggestion, she decided that if she could remember the numbers with all that going on, she'd never forget them)
One of the contortionists had a passion for poetry, and he and Kate would sit (or tangle themselves into more and more complicated positions) and read to each other for hours. They especially liked to try and read in silly voices to make the other laugh and go back to sitting straight.
The equestrian act was absolutely brilliant at sewing, and would generally be the one to make his horses' costumes, as well as assist with some of the other performers'. He taught Kate how to fix her clothes (as she was nearly always tearing her jeans or pulling the seams on her jacket), and the other members of the circus would donate bits of their old clothes to he scrap basket, so soon her jacket and pants were covered in multi-colored patches.
The falconer was one of the few people who actually trained to do her circus act from the beginning, and was delighted to have Kate as an apprentice. She was one of the younger adult members of the troupe, so she was able to connect with Kate in a different way than some of the other performers and they loved spending time with each other.
The motorcyclist who performed the Hoop of Fire and Globe of Death (riding the motorcycle in a metal ball, usually with other cyclists) tricks studied physics and was always researching magnets and different ways to defy gravity more safely. He taught Kate all about simple machines and what small bits of practical science he could get her to sit still through. (She was often bribed with the promise of him teaching her how to do the Hoop of Fire)
One of the aerial acrobatics served as the circus' accountant and finance handler, as the ringmaster was highly charismatic, but not always great with money. She would take Kate with her on supply runs and show her how to be frugal but not cut corners on things where quality matters.
The bearded lady was actually an esthetician, and didn't really have a beard. When she decided to try and join, she taught herself how to change her appearance with what she'd learned in school, and showed up with a beard so as to impress the ringmaster. She excelled in geography, and, together with the ringmaster (who she had become fast friends with) would teach Kate how to navigate using all manner of maps and tools.
One of the sideshow acts did bee bearding and eating insects, and he used to be a wildlife biologist. He taught Kate about the natural sciences as much as he could, and also about survival techniques in the wild, although there wasn't much "wild" around Stonetown and the majority of their regular stops.
And, of course, Moocho Brazos teaches her about physical health (and how important it is to have a spotter when doing something even slightly risky, even if you think you can do it by yourself, Kate!!!) , and how to cook! He'll take her along when they go grocery shopping, asking about what kinds of local plants and animals the bee bearder told her were safe and what kind of financial tricks the acrobat taught her, quiz her on her math skills when they're calculating portions for all they people they have to feed, save out some of the meat they're going to cook for her to take to the falcons, let her recite poetry and tell stories while they bake, and find every way he can to help her learn. He loves how excited she gets when someone shares something new with her, and he knows (probably from personal experience and from what the others have shared) how hard it can be when people don't think you're smart just because you don't think or learn in a conventional way, and he tries his hardest to always tell Kate how intelligent she is and how well she's doing. His favorite part of the day is when everyone is finally done working and are winding down to sleep, because she'll sit down next to him and just word-vomit all of her favorite parts of the day and what she's thinking about and how much she enjoys being a part of such an awesome family. And it makes him so happy that she is happy, and that even though she may not have her parents, she knows that everyone there loves her :)
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katexharmon · 10 months
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Welcome to Aurora Bay, [KATE HARMON]! I couldn’t help but notice you look an awful lot like [SOPHIE TURNER]. You must be the [TWENTY THREE] year old [WAITSTAFF AT NEPTUNE]. Word is you’re [INTELLIGENT] but can also be a bit [HOTHEADED] and your favorite song is [BOOM BY CASSYETTE]. I also heard you’ll be staying in [OCEAN CREST APARTMENTS]. I’m sure you’ll love it! 
Tw: Drug mention, fire
Name: Katherina 'Kate' Harmon Gender/Pronouns: Cisfemale/She&Her Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Bisexual Age: 23 Birthdate: February 14th Occupation: Wait Staff at Neptune/Semi-professional Ice Skater
Overall, she is the epitome of wasted potential.
Kate grew up in Aurora Bay as the youngest daughter to wealthy parents that were very invested in their children's future, much to the point where her and her sister's feelings were left behind to be replaced with academic ambition and intelligence as a priority.
Both were sent to private schools, but Kate became expelled when she was ten for lighting a fire in the science lab for, as she claimed, scientific curiosity.
She never cared for education and actively rebelled against her parent's attempts at private institutions, until they were forced to put her into public school.
Besides her hatred, she was naturally smart academically, and got through high school with straight As without even lifting a finger. However, she wasn't interested in applying herself. She was much more interested in smoking pot behind the bleachers and getting into fistfights with her peers over something stupid. But some would say, she actually loved the thrill of it.
Her older sister on the other hand, graduated from private school and went on to make a name for herself, securing her spot as the favorite child.
The only thing that grounded Kate and didn't make her seem like a complete write off to her parents was her love of ice-skating. She'd been taking lessons since she returned back from private school to appease her mother's wishes that she have an interest. There was something about being on the ice that made her feel free and not tied down by the societal expectations her parents had crafted for her into their own heads.
In her teenage years, she even entered a few amateur ice-skating competitions and won. She had a partner, he was a couple years older and she admittedly didn't get on with him at first, but when she was sixteen she ended up losing her virginity to him after a show.
When she hit eighteen and refused college, she was given the ultimatum to get a job and move out by her parents. She was given a hefty monetary care package that she was smart enough to save away in some bank account, while finding the bare minimum of somewhere to live.
Her parents tried to get her to pursue her ice-skating career, but ultimately she settled on getting a wait staff job at Neptune, while still performing occasionally on the side.
She'd still be found training at least three times a week, before heading to the beach to relax with a little herbal break.
Her reckless streak unfortunately didn't end, and she'd often still get herself into trouble some way or another, whether that be pissing off the townsfolk or causing havoc whenever she could.
Despite this, she is fiercely loyal towards her friends and will go to any extremity to maintain their safety and happiness.
the cousins she didn't know she had. she liked to think that fate had brought them together and given them the family they had always wanted. // @astridhansleyy @natexdanish
her roommate and her best friend all wrapped in one, kate adores eleanor and is her personal protector. despite their differences, their dynamic works and she often reminds kate to smile in situations where her grumpiness gets the better of her. // @gcldrushed
she can't remember when she became friends with aiden or when she decided to give him the title of one of her best friends, not that she'd ever tell him that. she enjoys his company and their banter, and would even go as far to say that she would fight to the grave for him. having a partner in destruction is also beneficial. // @aiden-stevens
her work colleague and one-time hook up. she often gets along with wes, but sometimes lets her attitude get the best of her. they slept together once and love to make jabs and take the piss out of each other for it. she also loves to tease him about the fact he's married to their boss' daughter. // @wesxevans
there was something about the surfer that drew kate in instantly. enough for her to trespass onto his property and end up making out with him on his dock. of course she found him attractive, but there was something else there... she just couldn't put her finger on it. she constantly found herself wanting to be near him and silently wished he'd break down those walls she'd put up to keep people out. // @surfsupharry
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bridgertonbabe · 2 years
So I absolutely need to know how Benedict and Sophie got together and the friends au. Is it like Ross and Rachel where he was always sort of secretly in love with her?
In a similar way, yes.
They had actually first met at a fancy-dress New Years Eve party and had spent the whole night in endless conversation together. When the clock struck midnight they shared a kiss and Benedict just knew that she was the woman he would marry one day - but then she suddenly ran off and he couldn't find her again and he pined after his mystery midnight kisser for the next couple of years.
Then one day he and Anthony got some new neighbours across the hall from them and that's when they met Kate and Sophie; and in an instant Benedict recognised the latter as the woman he had shared a kiss with two years previously. He so desperately wanted to ask if she remembered him, to ask her her out, to kiss her again; but she had just come out of a bad relationship and wasn't looking to date again, having rushed into things with her ex. Benedict decided that for now he'd be her friend though he took a chance and asked her that when she felt ready, if she'd maybe consider going on a date with him, and he was elated when she smiled and told him she'd like that.
Fast forward several months and they had become the best of friends. Anthony kept telling his brother to just ask Sophie out or at the very least tell her they had already met two years previously at the New Years party but Benedict didn't want to jeopardise their friendship, and seeing as Sophie had never mentioned the party or seemed to have recognised him, he thought it best to not bother bringing it up. He kept waiting for Sophie to tell him she was ready to date again and to take him up on his offer - however, Sophie was ready by now and thought she had given him enough hints as well as flirting with him constantly for him to ask her out again. She was about to just cut to the chase and ask him out when she overheard him saying to Anthony that he didn't want to do anything to jeopardise the friendship they had, and she thought the ship had sailed on his part to be something more than friends.
It's because of this miscommunication and misunderstanding that leads to Sophie going out with Michael instead, much to Benedict's heartache, thinking that she was the one who now only saw him as a friend. Anthony tells his brother it's best if he just moves on and Benedict takes his advice when he leaves to oversee an art gallery in Europe for a couple of months.
During that time Sophie and Michael part ways and she celebrates her birthday. Benedict had messaged Anthony and asked him to give Sophie the painting he had done of her which he had left in his room - but Anthony picks up the wrong painting and instead gives her the portrait Benedict had done of her dressed up in her costume from the New Years party they had met at. Sophie is stunned as she only just then realises that Benedict was her mystery midnight kisser and is further floored when Anthony accidentally lets slip that his brother's been in love with her all this time.
Determined to reciprocate her feelings for him, Sophie leaves her own party to meet Benedict at the airport and welcome him home; only for him to arrive arm in arm with his new girlfriend, Tessa.
Sophie is beside herself that she let Benedict get away and now he's moved on, and now she finds herself pining after him and seething with envy to see him so happy with somebody else. Her breaking point is when Benedict announces he and Tessa are going to get a cat together, thinking she has no chance in hell of ever being with him now, and she drunk dials him to tell him she's over him - but then much to her hungover horror the next morning she's there to witness Benedict as he listens to her voicemail. He has no idea what to say to her and he leaves, leaving her to mope in her mortifcation.
Later on as she's closing up the coffee shop he appears and angrily informs her he didn't get a cat with Tessa and it was all because of her. Frustrated, Sophie tells him that he liked her first and that he should have told her ages ago that they had already met. Benedict rebukes her for not even recognising him in the first place and they argue before he storms off. Sophie's left in tears at the prospect of their friendship being forever ruined and loses all hope that they could ever be together - but then Benedict reappears outside of the shop moments later and they share a passionate kiss in the rain a la Ross and Rachel; and the rest is history.
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Late For Movie Night || Kate Bishop
Pairing: Kate Bishop x Fem!Reader
Summary: With Kate's night being disrupted because of a robbery, she went to deal with it but at the cost of being late to see her girlfriend. What happens when an angry reader waits for her at home?
Words: 1.8k
Warnings: Kate being cute please give me season 2 already Kevin Feige!
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Kate begged for a better time for this robbery to happen out of all times. As much as she loves saving the day, this was not it. She's had several instances of her plans being postponed because she saved the day, her precious plans are getting ruined at the cost of her heroism.
Specifically her movie night with her girlfriend.
The black-haired woman had been doing it more frequently as much to her displeasure and her girlfriend has been affected by her tardiness. Luckily enough, Y/N was incredibly patient but she has seen her lose it in some cases. It's one of the last things she wants to see. All she wanted was to buy the food they needed and come back early. So pushing her thoughts aside and readied her body for the actions she was about to do. Kate then enters the familiar local grocery that was being robbed by some dudes wearing ski-mask and all-black clothing. She didn't have time to throw immature comments their way and annoy the heck out of them. The last thing she needed is to be too talkative and make this problem go longer.
"I'm going to say this once, but put the money and stolen goods back and leave the store," Kate warns the five men who stared at her, and two chuckled.
"Look what we have here fellas, a hero! Fuck off, kid." The biggest guy told her off but knowing Kate Bishop, she's too stubborn to do so.
After not doing so, the guy who was now supposed to be the leader gestured to his friend and the other guy marched forward to attack Kate. She immediately caught a glimpse of the brass knuckles that he wore on his left hand and it was easy to say that this was his dominant hand. The archer didn't have her signature bow so she has to handle this with some old fashion hand-in-hand combat and to her luck she's had the training for that. Following her words, the archer then caught his fist before she went to twist his hand after he attempted to lay a punch on her and the guy screamed in pain. His friends then went to help him while the last two stayed to continue grabbing the money. Kate has been doing this for a while that she's almost predicted their attacks, but she still misses some and gets herself hurt from them. But alas, the fight dies down and they run away with the money left behind and the store a bit damaged from the fight. Thankfully, there were at least two aisles that were disarranged, but many items were scattered to the ground. She would have figured that Clint would be surprised at her barely joking around. The raven-haired woman takes a deep breath after the scene and apologizes to the cashier who she knows is also the owner of the shop.
"Please, you've saved my store from being robbed. Don't be sorry." Mr. Sanchez lets her know. She'd been a common face to his store and offered some sandwiches, "Take these, Kate. It's all I can offer for now and I know these are your favorites." He continues with an appreciative smile.
"No need for money, Mr. Shanchez. I'm just glad I'm able to help around." Kate reassures and the man's smile couldn't get any wider.
"You got a good heart, missy. Go on now, I'm sure you still got places to be." He pats her shoulder and with a curt nod she rushes out to go back to her apartment.
Kate had run as fast as she could with a bag filled with sandwiches. She checks her phone on the other hand for the time and would franticly speed up whenever the time moves by 1 minute forward. If the people of New York cared enough, they would probably think that the archer was a robber. Ten minutes of sprinting had her reaching the front door of the apartment complex and being greeted by the owner of the pizza place. They usually order from them when it's movie night or when Lucky won't eat his food that wasn't pizza and Joe is always happy to oblige.
"Miss Bishop, great timing. Here are the pizzas you ordered!" Joe, the head chef, hands out 3 boxes with a proud smile on his face.
"Thank you so much, Joe. Have a good night!" She sends her thanks.
Rushing to her apartment door, she let out a sigh of relief when she made it by being seventeen minutes late. Kate has arrived way later before, but this was a first. And the best part was she wasn't too injured or anything. Maybe just a small cut on her bottom lip. The archer has had worse before, but the perks of having a girlfriend who's studying nursing are kind of help though she can't be saved from the lectures that follow. Taking a deep breath, Kate fishes out her copy of the front door key from her pocket and opened it as quietly as she could. With the boxes of pizza and the said bag of sandwiches being balanced in one hand while the other opens the door, the woman enters her apartment. Sadly for her favor, the tv could be heard and Lucky has instantly welcomed her with a bark. Kate closes the door as stealth as she could and reluctantly she turns around to face her girlfriend who had sat by the couch with a visible frown present on her face.
'Uh oh...' Kate thought to herself.
"Hi, baby!" The archer greets her only to be replied with and dissatisfied nod and hum.
"I got pizza and sandwiches for us." Highlighting the things she held with one hand before she walks close to the dining table to settle them there.
The apartment had been fixed and had new furniture ever since it got burnt down by the Tracksuit Mafia. Kate loved the place too much and settling at her family home didn't feel the same way for her so she was happy that there was still enough money for her to rebuild the place. The living room had been a new addition and the kitchen looks a hundred times better than how it was when Kate was still living alone. She also has to thank Y/N's taste for the decorations.
"I know the wings are missing, but the place you craved for was close so that's why I took a bit longer." Kate tries to reason out.
But nothing makes Y/N budge out of her pursed lips. Knowing her girlfriend enough would tell her that this was the exact thing she didn't want to reach out here tonight. In defeat, Kate puts down her shoulders and finally admits, "There was a robbery at Mr. Sanchez's grocery. I saved him and the shop." She says.
"Seventeen minutes." Her girlfriend voices out and she slightly winces at the mention of how late she had arrived.
That kind of voice sometimes scares people and patients when they're being too entitled to her, even Kate herself is scared when she dictates her full name, almost like her mother when her patience is lost but Eleanor was way more different. Waiting for her to walk out, Kate is surprised when a giggle was heard from the love of her life and she watches as her eyes crinkle. The change of expression left her stunned while her girlfriend stood up from the comfort of their couch. She had never been this fazed since meeting Yelena. Y/N then goes to where she stood and examines the cut on her lip with a hum. She goes to planting a careful peck. The archer realizes that she had been playing with her all along and couldn't help but pout.
"It's a new record and I'm happy that you made the effort to come early. Now sit and let me clean that up." Y/N teases her with a kiss on her cheek and referred to her injury.
Kate wastes no time following her instruction and sat by the couch with her dog following her from behind. Observing what was playing on the screen, The Good Place had been playing. Y/N had been talking about it lately and Kate knew she wanted to watch it together. That is how it has always been for them, they binge a series or movie together. Her girlfriend comes back with a familiar red box from the bathroom and also the food she had brought for them. With the number of times, she has tidied up her wounds, keeping the medkit stocked was a must at their place.
"Hm not too bad, but still needs an ointment." Her girlfriend mentions while studying her lip. She has seen worse scars before and thankfully they weren't Kate's. Just the thought of her having those kinds makes her shiver.
"Did Mr. Sanchez give you these sandwiches?" Y/N asks to which the raven-haired girl bobs her head as a response.
"You love his ham sandwich too much, love." She comments while grabbing the ointment she needed. Kate always liked how delicate she is when she's in nurse mode and that focused look she wears with it. After applying the ointment to her cut, she pecks her nose and offers a soft smile.
"All done!" Kate giggles at her girlfriend's cuteness.
"Thank you, baby. You're always too good to me."
"Hey, you always deserve it even if you're kicking butts and being late all the time. You know that I get it. I don't always do the saving part your way but I'm the one who patches things up." Y/N reassures her.
"I know, but I'm aware that being late affects you too. You sometimes have to stay up just to wait up for me to come home when you should be sleeping for your morning shift." And Kate only worried about her well-being more than her own. She knew that her lover chose to do so because she cares a lot about her, but she hates the idea of being a burden when she already has more to worry about,
"Well, I'd rather be sleepy in the ER because even if I don't wait up for you I won't be able to sleep," Y/N tells her with her hand being placed on her cheek.
Kate couldn't help herself from leaning to her touch.
"Being a hero means a lot to you and you still have a long way to go. Who knows, maybe you'll get live with a new group of the Avengers!"
The archer then sincerely smiles at the dream. Kate still has a long way to go from all the hero stuff and she's still at the beginning of it all. Her idol is mentoring her and invites her to spend the holidays at his home, her hero life is going well, college is college, and she has an awesome loving girlfriend to support her for whatever lies ahead. Even if life has been hard for her for a while ever since her mom got arrested Kate's still happy about what her life has become. Just the love Y/N gives let's her remember her dad. She just can't wait for what comes next.
"What can I say, I'm a lucky gal dating the sexiest future surgeon in the world." Kate brags to which she giggles.
"Alright Lady Arrow, drop the arrogance vibe, and let's watch the show." Y/N jokes knowing that the archer would cringe at the mention of the title she had thought of back then.
"Spare me from the embarrassing names, baby." All she could do was laugh before kissing her cheek again and opening a box of pizza after.
"Never. They are too funny to forget, Kate."
・ ‥…━━━━━━━━━━➼ᗢ➼━━━━━━━━━━…‥ ・
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newtonsheffield · 2 years
What I need from this new au is Anthony's mentor mama meeting his real mama that's one duo I would love to see.
Ohh Maternity Ward Mum meets Anthony's real Mama. An epic duo
Violet Bridgerton would be lying if she said she wasn't at least a little curious about Mary Sharma. It was a name that Violet had heard almost non stop since Anthony had started working at the hospital.
Mary says-
Mary Thinks-
Mary bought me a muffin when I got stuck in a delivery
Mary invited me to tea this weekend!
And honestly, Violet couldn't help but ask the question.
"Anthony, Is Mary... How old is she?"
Anthony had paused for a moment, ducking out of her fridge with his brow furrowed, a pack of ham between his teeth to make a sandwich letting it drop onto the kitchen counter. "I dunno like... woman aged."
Violet had rolled her eyes a little exasperatedly, realising she needed to be a little more blunt. "Anthony, I'm asking you if you're interested in Mary."
His mouth had fallen open, laughing brightly, "No. I mean she's great, but she's... like my Mum. She's a fucking amazing Midwife, and I respect the hell out of her. She's like my Yoda."
Violet had hummed, watching Anthony go, and pretended she wasn't a little jealous.
And eventually, curiosity got the better of her. And after all, hard working health professionals deserved muffins did they not?
She'd tried to wrangle Hyacinth, who ran off down the hall screaming the minute the elevator opened. "Aaaaaaanthonyyyyyyyy!"
"Hyacinth! Christ!" Violet hissed, sprinting after her child down the hall, past curious mothers and staff, smiling a little at the tiny child.
"Where's my flower?!" Anthony's voice boomed from the nurse's station darting out to scoop Hyacinth up, settling her on his hip before he kissed the top of her head, then Violet's cheek. "Mum, what are you guys doing here?"
"I've brought you lunch and some muffins to share with your friends." Violet hummed, straightening his glasses for him, while his ears turned bright red.
"Mum! Please! I'm a grown man."
"And are we not friends Anthony? Sad." The woman sitting behind the desk sighed dramatically, her eyes laughing as she took a sip from her coffee. She was perhaps a little younger than Violet herself, dark hair pulled back, a kind smile on her lips and Violet liked her immediately.
"Mum, this is my mentor, Mary. She's my boss I guess."
"You guess?" Mary sighed, "Perhaps I'm not harsh enough with you."
Violet chuckled, "It's lovely to meet you, Mary. But you might need to watch this one. He's my boy who's most prone to ridiculousness by far."
Mary had hummed, smiling up at her. "Funny, my oldest is the same way. Katie. Edwina was born 75 years old."
"Anthony once hid all the pieces to Monopoly to stop his brothers beating him."
"I don't like this!" Anthony huffed a little petulantly, but Mary waved him off.
"Oh poor little Pup."
And it had been settled. She and Mary would be friends.
She was quick and kind and sensible and it was nice to have someone to shake your head at your children with.
"Katie's coming home, for her last few registrar years." Mary hummed one day and Violet's eyebrow had raised.
She'd heard so much about Kate Sharma over the last few years, her mind ticking over curiously, reminding herself to prod Anthony about her in a few months to see if her suspicion panned out , and apparently, these days Violet was even more a genius than she thought: Because it barely took three weeks.
Three weeks before Anthony sighed, rooting around her fridge.
"Anthony, darling, you've your own fridge to root around these days."
Anthony had sighed, slumping on the stool, his chin on the kitchen counter. "Mary's daughter is the new OB at work."
Violet hummed, watching carefully, treading even more so. "Is she? What's she like?"
Anthony groaned, "Well she's Mary's daughter so naturally she's amazing and talented and fucking... Stunning. Oh and she hates me, because I was a thoughtless twat."
"Why does it bother you?"
Anthony shifted uncomfortably, "I maybe... Um- she's just really nice."
"Oh Kate's nice is she?" Violet had hummed and finally she'd won. Anthony rolling his eyes.
"I am interested in pursuing being the the love of Kate Sharma's life, yes."
And Violet had sighed, smoothing his hair, "Well, maybe you need to apologise for what you said, start there."
"Anthony's in love with your Kate." Violet hummed the next week as she sat in the hospital cafeteria, Mary across from her.
And Mary sighed, "Yes, I thought he might be." She'd gestured across the room to Anthony, currently in a handstand for some unknown bloody reason, Kate Sharma looking on a little bemusedly.
"Christ that boy." Violet sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.
Mary hummed, "Oh I think, Kate finds it more charming than she wants to. She'll get there."
And Truly, as Violet stood at Anthony's engagement party a few years later, grinning brightly with Kate tucked into his side, her nose pressed to his neck she couldn't help but tip her glass with a hum.
"That was neatly done."
Mary smirked. "I've no idea what you're talking about. I did nothing. I just gave them a tiny nudge."
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