#i think smiling for photos is hell on earth for dragon
doffies · 5 months
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i imagine family photos are a nightmare for them
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wellthebardsdead · 2 years
Another Shimada coffee because I need the sweetness! ~Bambi
Jack: okay so what else did you miss out on growing up that you really wanted?
Gabe: so far we’ve covered county fair food, bbq food, pizza, cartoons, video games, owning pets though I think your cat lizard debates that point-
Sojiro: spirit dragon and he’s not my pet. When I die he’ll move onto a new master.
Tsubasa: *cleaning himself like a cat, looks up mid mlem* OwO
Gabe: right…
Jack: never mind that, what do you want Soji? Anything you missed out on that you want to experience we can do for you.
Sojiro: Disneyland.
Gabe: that hell on ea-
Jack: *covers his mouth* you wanna go to Disney pumpkin?
Sojiro: it’s the happiest place on earth right?… I want to take the kids there mainly but… I always wanted to go and see the fireworks, and the rides look so fun…
Gabe: *already booking time off and grumbling* gotta pay a mortgage for a good damn bear claw-
*a few weeks later*
Sojiro and the kids: *holding over priced snacks all wearing Mickey ears*
Jack: *taking a photo* SMILE!
Gabe: *holding Genji whose equally unhappy about being at the park* can we find a bench? Please? I’m dying here!
Genji: ABEH!! (I have a rash and that mouses head is mine!!)
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helnjk · 4 years
A Change of Scenery - C.W.
Charlie Weasley x fem!reader
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Requested: yes!
omg hi! I just saw the fanart of the oldest Weasley brothers(🥵🥵🥵) and was hoping you could do a Charlie x reader thing? Maybe the reader is a healer at the sanctuary and Charlie doesn't mind getting hurt because he gets to see her but she literally has no idea he adores her till he spells it out. With promt 42 of your list maybe? Totally cool if you want to leave it out 😁 love you and your work! -🍄
“what the hell were you thinking?”
Word count: 3.1k 
Summary: moving to romania for your absolute dream job, you did not expect to meet a cheeky, flirty redhead along the way. 
Warnings: mentions of injuries, food, & drinks. charlie is a dragon tamer, reader is a healer, of course he’s going to end up with a few cuts and bruises. 
A/N: god i love charlie weasley with all of my heart. that is all. 
prompt is in bold
Being connected to and living somewhere very in tune with the earth had always been a dream of yours. It just so happened that your new job had you transferred to the perfect place: Romania. 
Sure, it was quite far from England and had quite a different culture, but the beauty of the mountains and the picturesque scenery made up for it. The fact that you were also working in one of the best medical wings in the country, on a dragon reserve on top of that, was basically your dream come true. 
“Alright, and this right here is your station,” announced the head healer, who insisted you call him Gerry, gesturing to a decently sized office space. “You can decorate it anyway you like, as long as it’s appropriate. Most of the folks around here aren’t locals either, so we’ve got loads of photos up and lots of owls coming in and out everyday.” 
“It’s perfect,” you grinned. 
Gerry left you alone to get settled, and you didn’t want to admit it to anyone, but the first thing you did once he was out of earshot was to squeal excitedly and do a little happy dance. 
It was just all too exciting, really. Dream job, dream location, dream view even. After your burst of excitement, you spent a bit of time just staring out of the window, taking in everything. In the distance, you could even see the silhouette of a dragon peeking over the canopy of trees. The fact that this was going to be a regular occurrence just spurred even more delight in your heart. 
Later in the day, after most of the introductions were made and tours were finished, you could be found familiarizing yourself with the medical wing of the sanctuary. 
“C’mon Gerry, I’m completely fine!” you heard a gruff voice complain. It was coming from the hallway outside, but the accompanying footsteps sounded as if they were on the way to the wing. 
“You know it’s protocol, Weasley,” a very amused Gerry replied as they rounded the corner. 
Beside your boss was one of the most gorgeous men you had ever laid eyes on. With wind ruffled hair the color of sunsets and lightly tanned skin, you almost didn’t notice the small, almost inconspicuous limp he was sporting. It also took you a few seconds to realize that he was probably one of the dragon tamers of the reserve, the first one you were going to meet and treat, it seemed. 
“Ah, Healer L/N, perfect!” Gerry called out to you, “This is Charlie Weasley, one of our on-site dragon tamers.”
“Nice to meet you,” he smiled, holding out his hand for you to shake. 
“You too,” you said in reply, trying not to think about how warm and calloused his hand was in yours. 
“His leg got swiped by the tail of a Chinese Fireball,” Gerry explained as he motioned to the leg that Charlie wasn’t putting much of his weight on.
You could see the redhead roll his eyes, “Honestly, I’ll be fine! This has happened more times than you know.” 
Despite his best efforts, both you and Gerry managed to get Charlie to take a seat on one of the beds that lined the wall. With a sigh, he rolled up his trousers just enough for you to see the area of the wound. 
“Lucky for you, treating this doesn’t take much time,” you smiled. Swiftly, you took your wand out and muttered the correct incantation, “There. Good as new!” 
“If I get to be under the care of Ms. L/N here, I wouldn’t mind getting injured more often,” he flirted, sending you a cheeky wink. 
Gerry just guffawed a loud belly laugh, patting Charlie on the shoulder fondly, “Don’t you go running off with one of my best healers now, Weasley. We just got her!” 
“Don’t worry, Gerry,” you smiled, “I think this one’s too injury-prone to run anywhere.” 
As the last work day of your first week at the reserve was coming to an end, you were surprised to see Charlie Weasley knocking on the open door to your office. 
“Hey,” you said, sending him a small smile.
“Hey,” he parroted, stepping inside. 
“Anything I can help you with?” you asked over your shoulder while putting away the last of your files and slipping out of your healer robes, “You’re not injured again are you?” 
Behind you, Charlie gulped as he saw the little sundress you wore underneath. His head spun at the sight of your exposed legs and he nearly forgot what he was about to say. 
“Nah I’ve got a better track record than that, thankfully,” he chuckled. Doing his best to keep the calm facade he had going on, he leant against the doorframe as he asked, “Got any plans tonight? I was wondering if you’d fancy getting a bite to eat.” 
You were caught off guard by how nonchalant and straightforward his invitation was.
“Is this your way of asking me on a date?” you asked, finally turning around to face him once again. 
He raised an eyebrow, “Do you want it to be? Because I just wanted to be a nice person and show you around Romania, but if you’re looking for a date…” 
“Oh shut it, Weasley,” you groaned, “The tab is on you tonight, then.” 
Charlie sent you a grin as you strode out of your office. Despite your faux-annoyance, you were happy to have someone show you around. Being a healer was your dream job, but it did have some setbacks. Obviously, you were needed at the medical wing of the reserve for the majority of the week and that didn’t give you much time to familiarize yourself with the town and the people. 
Because of how remote the reserve was, most staff and employees lived on site. There was a designated area for the many different cabins and living quarters. To give you more of a tour of the little Romanian town nearest the reserve, Charlie offered to side-along apparate you. 
You could feel heat creep up your neck and spread along your cheeks as you gripped firmly on to his muscular arm. 
The sun was just about to set and cast gorgeous hues of orange and pink across the sky as the two of you landed just outside the town. Charlie led you along, showing you where the most important areas were; you saw the town square, the little street bazaars, and the most popular eating places. 
By the time the pair of you got to one of his favorite restaurants, a quaint little place in one of the sidestreets, your cheeks were sore from laughing too much. After the initial awkwardness as you tried to navigate topics that interested the both of you, you found yourselves chatting away animatedly. 
“Yeah, Fred and George were an absolute nightmare when they were little,” he chuckled, fondly recalling the many times he and his older brother Bill were left to babysit their younger siblings, “But they’re great. They’ve got a shop in Diagon Alley now, selling prank products of all things. It’s wild.”
“Your family sounds absolutely lovely,” you said. It warmed your heart seeing how his eyes lit up talking about them. “It must be so hard being so far away from everyone.” 
He nodded slightly before taking a sip of his drink, “Definitely. My first year here was such a big transition. I’m lucky I get to go home every so often.” 
There was a lull in the conversation as you dug into your food, but it was far from the awkward silence you were expecting. 
Maybe working in Romania wasn’t going to be so bad after all. 
“Why is it that when you get hurt, I’m always the healer on call?” you sighed playfully as Charlie walked through the door of the medical wing. 
It was the fourth week in a row he had to come and get something patched up. They weren’t major injuries, thankfully, but you had come to learn that the dragon tamers were required to know how to perform the basic healing spells. The things Charlie would come in for were almost always resolved with a quick episkey. 
“You know me,” he joked, taking a seat on one of the empty beds, “Always so accident prone.” 
“Sure.” You rolled your eyes. 
Still, with your wand in hand, you gestured for him to show you where the injury was. 
“I’ve got two things today,” he began. You raised your eyebrows in response. “This is the first.” 
 Charlie quickly rolled the sleeve of his top, his toned arm flexing at the movement. In all the time you had worked at the reserve, which wasn’t that long at all, you still hadn’t gotten used to how fit he was. A quick intake of breath had you re-centering and focusing on the task at hand. There was a small burn on his forearm, not enough to cause too much concern. 
You cast the charm quickly so as not to be distracted further, “There, all done.” 
“There’s still one more place that’s hurt Y/N.” 
By the way Charlie spoke, you knew he was up to something. Inwardly you sighed, “Alright, let’s get to it then.” 
Your heart seemed to stop as he began to unbutton the first few buttons of his top. 
“What’re you doing, Weasley?” you asked, trying your hardest to keep your composure as you got a peek of his very toned chest. 
With a dramatic sigh, Charlie leant back and pointed to an area above his chest, “My heart hurts, Y/N.” 
For a moment you just stared at him, looking absolutely ridiculous in the position he chose to don, eyes blinking owlishly. Truthfully, you didn’t know whether to laugh or to send the strongest stinging hex in his direction. 
“Charlie Weasley, you thank Merlin and Morgana right now that I’m not hexing your balls off,” you said, rolling your eyes. 
“I’m being serious, Y/N!” he continued, “I don’t know if I’ll survive this!” 
“Pity, does that mean I’m losing my ticket to free weekly meals?” she joked, already turning on her heel to get back to what she had been doing before he entered the wing. 
There were sounds of shuffling as if Charlie had gotten back up on his feet again and then, “Definitely not! I’m banking on those meals, one of these days you’re going to be begging me for an actual date. You’ll see.”
“Keep dreaming, Weasley.” 
You sent the redheaded dragon tamer a sarcastic smile, but he just sent you a flirty wink in reply. 
“Code white. Need extra hands in the medical wing ASAP.” 
The shimmering white bloodhound soon dissolved into nothing as it delivered its message to you, early one morning. You had just gotten to work, not even in your healer's robes yet, when Gerry’s patronus appeared. 
As you rushed to the medical wing, another patronus made an appearance and rattled off what had happened and who was hurt. Your heart dropped the moment you heard who you were going to be treating. 
“Oh Merlin,” you whispered to yourself the moment you saw the state Charlie was in, “What did you get yourself into?”
In all the time you had been working at the reserve and as a healer in general, it was not unusual for you to treat severe injuries. In fact, you liked to think that when you were faced with someone’s life or quality of life in your hands, you worked even harder and smarter. However, seeing Charlie more battered and bruised than you had ever seen him made your heart pound loudly in your chest. 
“Healer L/N, you’re right on time,” Gerry spoke to you clearly, rapidly explaining the situation and what you needed to do. 
In a flash, you had your wand out and were muttering all the healing spells that came to mind alongside your head healer. You didn’t notice how you were holding your breath and clenching your wandless hand until you let out a sigh of relief when Charlie began to stir. 
“He’s stable,” Gerry announced and released a breath. 
You felt a soft pat on your shoulder as he left you to deal with the patient, deeming it alright for him to step out and get back to his other responsibilities. Carefully, you walked towards the redhead whose eyes were fluttering open. 
“What the hell were you thinking, Weasley?” you murmured softly, your wand sweeping over him one last time to check is vitals. A soft hand reached out to push the stray strands of hair that had fallen in front of his face and you felt him lean into your touch. 
“Y/N?” Charlie mumbled, his eyes still half-closed. 
“I’m right here,” you said in reply. 
“What happened?” he asked, trying to prop himself up but groaning in pain. 
“What happened,” you began, going to help him get to the seated position he wanted to be in. He smiled up at you and you could barely remember what you were trying to say. With a small shake of your head and clearing of your throat you continued, “What happened was that you were being an absolute idiot who absolutely did not call for backup when a nesting mother was going on a rampage.” 
Despite his obvious discomfort, Charlie had the audacity to chuckle slightly, “Sounds about right.” 
“Don’t you dare do that to me again, Weasley,” you admonished, pulling back and shooting him the dirtiest stare you could muster. “You nearly gave me a heart attack. When I got Gerry’s patronus, all I could think about was–” 
As if an electric jolt shocked you, you cut yourself off before anything else escaped your lips. 
“Was what, Y/N?” he asked softly. 
His eyes were shining with something you couldn’t quite name, but the sincerity in his face gave you pause. 
You shook your head, “It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it.” 
Instead of continuing to reprimand him for his foolishness, you busied yourself making sure he was comfortable and that everything was alright. The potions he needed to take later in the day and the different salves to be applied to his skin were placed on the bedside table. Pillows were summoned, fluffed, and placed behind him. 
As you shuffled around the room, purposely ignoring the redhead, his eyes were trained on you. 
The moment his eyes opened and he felt your hand brush gently across his face, he thought he had to have been dreaming. If it weren’t for the ache in his muscles and the sting of his burns, he would’ve believed that he was in some alternate reality wherein he woke up next to you every morning. 
He was tired of waiting for his fantasies to come true, he decided. 
The way he said your name sent shivers down your spine. Your whole body froze for a microsecond before you turned to face him. 
“Yeah, Charlie?” 
“Look at me please,” he begged. 
With a deep breath, your eyes locked with his and you were almost blown away with the look on his face. 
Sincerity pooled in his eyes as they scanned your face, trying to see if your own expression gave anything away. You felt like a deer caught in the headlights, unable to move or look away from him. 
“Tell me what you were thinking,” he whispered gently. 
It was now or never.
“All I could think about was how,” you gulped, taking a steadying breath, “How you could’ve died or gotten so hurt, when I hadn’t even had the chance to tell you how I felt about you.” 
You could hear Charlie’s sharp intake of breath and you had to look away, unable to face the rejection you were ultimately going to hear. 
“And, and I know that you don’t feel the same–”
“But, just seeing you lying there–”
Charlie’s voice rang through the whole wing, a sharp contrast to the otherwise silent space. You sucked in a deep breath, surprised. 
“Y/N you have to know I’m absolutely mad for you,” he said clearly. 
You blinked furiously at him. 
“You-I, what?” 
Charlie tried to reposition himself so that he could face you properly, but you could see that he was still in a bit of pain. Instead of letting him maneuver himself uncomfortably, you placed a soft hand on his shoulder before taking a seat by his legs. 
Immediately, he went to take your hand in his. “I think you’re absolutely breathtaking, and talented, and passionate. I just haven’t had the balls to ask you out on a real date.” 
“Then what are you waiting for, Weasley?” You offered him a small smile, glancing back down at your intertwined hands. 
The smile he sent you left you breathless. 
“You ready to go?” Charlie asked, leaning against the doorframe with his legs crossed just like when he had visited your office that first week. 
A small grin inched its way on to your face at the sight of your boyfriend. His hair was just a tad bit windswept, adding to the rugged look he insisted he could pull off (and he definitely did, you just didn’t like feeding his ego too much). 
“Just about,” you smiled. “Let me get out of these stuffy robes first.” 
And, just like the first time he had knocked on the door to your office, you turned to shrug off your uniform and hang it up in one of the hooks beside your desk. Instead of keeping his thoughts to himself, Charlie grinned widely and whistled at the sight of you in your dress. 
Just as you were about to chide him for being inappropriate, strong arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you backwards. A small ‘oof’ escaped your lips as your back made contact with Charlie’s strong chest. 
“Charlie!” you slapped his arm lightly, “C’mon, I’m still at work!” 
“What so I can’t show my girlfriend some appreciation for being absolutely drop dead gorgeous?” he mumbled, pressing soft kisses on the joint where your neck met your shoulders. 
You rolled your eyes, “You know I love a good compliment. I would just rather you do it outside my place of work.” 
With a chuckle, Charlie released his grip on your waist. “Alright, alright.” 
“Just for that, the tab’s on you tonight, Weasley.” 
“Ah so the usual, love?” 
“Of course.” 
Charlie held his hand out for you to take, and unlike the first time he took you out, you allowed yourself to blush, take his calloused hand in yours, and press a soft kiss on his lips. 
General taglist: @expectoevans @george-fabian-weasley @gxthsanrio @slytherinscribbles @harpyloon @nuttytani @mesmerisedangel @amourtentiaa @sarcasticallywitty15 @lumos-barnes @cruciostyles @writingsomewrongs
Charlie taglist: @pinkypurplemagic @lifeofkaze @oldschoolkiddo
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along-came-atsushi · 4 years
Parallels between 55 Minutes and Dead Apple
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While reading 55 Minutes a while ago, I realized that its story and Dead Apple had some interesting parallels or shared the same ideas.
Looking at certain scenes in the Dead Apple novel, some parallels became even more apparent. Sometimes, even the same or similar words were used.
I don’t think there is a deeper meaning behind this honestly, but I find it interesting to point out nonetheless.
  [Side Note: 55 Minutes was released in 2016, while the novel for the Dead Apple movie was released in 2018. 55 Minutes was written by Asagiri Kafka, while he only collaborated with others for the story of Dead Apple. The novel itself was written by Hiro Iwahata.]
Beware: Major spoilers for 55 Minutes and Dead Apple!
  1.  Weapon or abilities described as red heat or red sphere
55 Minutes: The main threat is a weapon called “The Shell” that upon activating, covers Standard Island and Yokohama in a red heat wave, vaporizing all life:
The sky was dyed red. […] Red. Everything was red—the ocean, the island, even Yokohama at the other end of the horizon.
“That’s the Shell.” The terrorist briskly walked over to Atsushi. “The crimson celestial sphere of annihilation.”
The crimson dome burned like a small star that had fallen upon the earth with an extraordinary amount of heat locked inside. The fiery enclosure rapidly imploded. The heat rushing towards its core.
  Dead Apple: Abilities collected by Shibusawa are described as red crystals. Upon merging two abilities together by Dazai, they turn into a red apple/sphere:
The two lights melted into one and spun until they formed a single sphere. They had produced a single apple—a juicy, poisoned apple red as blood. […]
The apple swelled as it absorbed numerous crystals until the red light became hotter than the surface of hell.
A hellish red light radiated as a violent wind gusted from the giant sphere.
  -> After this Shibusawa gets “killed” by Fyodor, turns into a dragon and releases a red fog that is about to cover the whole earth and turn it into the so-called dead apple.
   2. Allusion to Odasaku and Ango
55 Minutes: It’s been revealed that the Colonel who wanted to activate The Shell was the former mentor of Gide, the leader of Mimic. By activating The Shell, he wanted to state an example and for the truth about Mimic to be revealed. He blames himself for not being able to stop his former subordinates back then. Dazai remembers the Mimic Incident and with it, of course, the painful memories of Odasaku and Ango:
“You won’t find anything,” Dazai suddenly said while turning his gaze out the window. “The Division made sure to completely cover it up. You won’t find any records of their [Mimic] deaths, nor will you even find a single photo accidentally taken of them […]. The Division is good at jobs like that, after all.” […]
But Dazai didn’t say a word as he stared at a point in the sky with an elbow resting on the table. It was as if his eyes weren’t focused on the scenery outside, but were watching vivid memories playing back in his mind.
“I feel bad for the colonel, but there’s no reason to dig up the past and disclose to the public what happened to them,” Dazai revealed in a flat voice. “They died satisfied. Now is their time to rest.”
  -> Even though Ango and Odasaku aren’t directly mentioned, it’s still clear from the context and Dazai’s reaction.
  Dead Apple: Dazai visits the Bar Lupin, the former usual meeting point of him and his two friends:
He was in his usual spot—the seat next to Odasaku’s—and he was talking to the empty space next to him as if Odasaku were still here.
“What’ll we toast to today?”
“You’re not gonna wait for Ango to get here?”
Dazai could practically hear his friend’s voice.
That used to be routine, but now it was all in the past—never to return.
“…Ango isn’t coming,” Dazai replied to Odasaku’s casual remark from years ago. So many things had changed since then. Odasaku was no longer by his side, and Ango didn’t come to this pub anymore. Dazai sat at the counter alone. He was waiting for no one.
  -> Apparently these memories are still so vivid to Dazai that he can play them like a movie in his head, as it is described in both scenes.
   3. Ability/Ability User that is able to absorb other abilities
55 Minutes: Verne’s ability “The Mysterious Island” is revealed to absorb every ability from all the people who have died there. After his own ability took over Verne and transformed into its own lifeform, Gab is still able to do the same:
It was an extremely rare skill. Its range extended across the island he claimed as his domain, and it absorbed all the skills of the people who died there.
Well’s skill wouldn’t allow the same person to return to the past more than once, but if Verne used his skill to keep stealing hers, he would always be using the skill for the first time.
  Dead Apple: Shibusawa collects user’s abilities, once they die in a fight against them, which is similar to absorbing abilities, even though the technique is a little bit different:
“Each one of these is a skill, huh?” Dazai muttered coldly as he looked at the wall. “That’s a huge collection you got yourself.”
The apple appeared in Dazai’s hand and gently rose to the ceiling before stopping. It birthed a skill—an extremely powerful one at that—the ability to absorb.
In other words, Shibusawa was finally able to obtain Dazai’s skill through killing him.
   4. Dazai gets stabbed from behind by the main antagonist
55 Minutes: Dazai gets stabbed by Gab:
Dazai froze as if the rest of his sentence had been plucked clean off. And the tip of a blade was now sticking out of his chest. […] Dazai tried to turn around, but whoever was behind him pushed the knife deeper inside him and twisted it. […] With his arm stuck out, he turned slightly to the side before folding and crumpling to the ground.
  Dead Apple: Dazai gets stabbed by Shibusawa:
Right as Dazai reached for the massive photosphere […] something struck him in the back. […] His eyes opened wide. He could feel a burning pin shoot through his chest. [...]
Standing behind him was Tatsuhiko Shibusawa, […] In his hand was a knife that glowed dully as it pierced Dazai’s back. […] Dazai then collapsed.
   5. Dazai as an obstacle for the main antagonist
55 Minutes: Gab needs to kill Dazai, so that he can’t nullify him with his skill:
Gab’s natural enemy—Dazai—worked at the detective agency. Dazai nullified all skills he touched. […] However, if Dazai was to touch flesh, he [Gab] would cease to exist. […]
For Gab, the threat of Dazai’s skill was equivalent to having a knife shoved into his throat. There was only one way to remove the threat—kill Dazai so that his skill wouldn’t activate.
  Dead Apple: Shibusawa kills Dazai not only to obtain his ability, but also because Dazai had been nullifying his fog:
“There is no next move. I already found the skill I was searching for.” Shibusawa lightly gestured to him with an open hand. “Yours.”
Shibusawa’s eyes gleefully lit up as he gazed down at Dazai on the floor. “From the very start. You were the only one I was after.”
Shibusawa’s fog had the power to separate skills from their owners. Up until now, Dazai’s skill had been nullifying its effect, but it stopped working the moment he died.
   6. Dazai sharing or revealing something about himself to Atsushi
55 Minutes: Dazai says why he wants to kill himself:
“Dazai,” Atsushi said from behind him, “why do you want to kill yourself?” Dazai turned around and looked at Atsushi. It was his usual smile − a cheerful smirk that made him impossible to read. Dazai slightly opened his eyes as if to say, “Oh yeah. I guess I haven’t told you yet.” He grinned and answered:
“Because I        .”
What did Dazai say that day? The more I try to remember, the further these distant memories sink into the glow of the evening sun.
  -> It’s unknown why Atsushi can’t remember Dazai’s answer. Maybe it was too shocking, maybe he simply just didn’t hear it properly. Maybe this whole conversation never happened and it was just a fever dream. For now, it is up to interpretation.
  Dead Apple: Dazai talks about Odasaku and admits he had killed during his mafia time:
“So…” Atsushi spoke up as Dazai idly daydreamed. “Was this someone you used to be in love with, or…?” […]
“…He was a friend of mine,” Dazai added quietly. […] “He’s the reason I quit the Port Mafia and joined the agency. I’d probably still be killing people for the mafia if it wasn’t for him.”
Atsushi was baffled. He had no idea whether that was true. What did Dazai mean by that? Curious, Atsushi turned around to face Dazai, but all he could see was his back.
  -> In both scenes it’s described as Atsushi standing behind Dazai or seeing his back, which could empathize that he can’t see through Dazai or be sure about his true feelings (and in addition every other character in-universe as well as the reader). Furthermore it could also symbolize that Dazai hides his true feelings. This is accompanied by an illustration in the novel. But there is also a scene in the manga where Atsushi thinks about the ADA members with Dazai’s back turned to him:
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   7. Akutagawa as a guidance or motivator for Atsushi
55 Minutes: Atsushi and Akutagawa are both restrained by Gab’s ability and can’t move. Akutagawa already tried to break free, but his ability is physically too thin to cut through Gab’s.
Akutagawa then “kills” Atsushi in order to awaken his tiger power, since the latter doubts himself of being capable enough. Later he assists and assures Atsushi in defeating Gab:
“Tch. Akutagawa clicked his tongue. “Then it appears your fists are the only things that will work.”
He was right. Atsushi’s tiger fists would be big enough to land a blow. But as long as his arms were stuck… […] Atsushi used all the muscle he had to break free, but he still couldn’t pull his body out. He didn’t even budge.
“Do you understand that? There are things I can do that you cannot.” The wind howled. Akutagawa’s dark blade pierced Atsushi’s throat.
A tiger roared. Atsushi responded. […] His body went through an unworldly transformation. He had to move forward. If he didn’t understand, then he had to find out why. […]
“Good,” said a voice. “Now hurry. Do not waste my time, Man-Tiger.
But out of nowhere, a black fabric appeared underneath, stretching from the surface. It became a platform for him [Atsushi] to stand on and support his weight. Quietly looking up at Atsushi from the surface was Akutagawa. His gaze quietly said, “Finish it. Bring him peace.”
  Dead Apple: Akutagawa withholds information to Atsushi on purpose, about why he isn’t able to regain his ability despite having defeated it:
“You fool,” spewed Akutagawa. “Have you seriously not figured it out yet?!” […]
“Akutagawa!” Atsushi screamed in spite of himself. “What’s that supposed to mean?! Answer me!”
But Akutagawa didn’t look back. He simply disappeared into the fog as he headed toward the fortress.
Why…? Why…?! Why am I the only one who doesn’t get it?!
  -> Although it’s noteworthy that Kyouka does the same, with high probability for the same reasons (Atsushi having to figure it out by himself).
   8. Atsushi is forced to kill a dangerous, unnatural existence
This is very interesting in the way it’s been build up in both cases. First the antagonist is described as an existence that is not natural (1), then their motive gets explained (2), Atsushi shows up, saying why their actions are wrong or what he’s about to do (3), and then the deaths of the antagonists are described as some form of salvation (4):
55 Minutes:
(1) The island’s skill rid itself of Verne’s personality and robbed him of his flesh. That was when the living skill Gab was born.
(2) What made him different from Verne was his reason. The guardian of the island, Verne, wanted to save everyone. Gab, on the other hand, didn’t care whether people died.
(3) “But you can’t separate humans and their skills. The reason you want friends is nothing more than a reminder from when you once where human. […]”
(4) Right as his fist was about to connect…
------I owe ya one.
…he heard the young man’s [Verne] voice.
  -> The last stage (4) gets even more underlined with Akutagawa assuring Atsushi by saying “Bring him peace”, as cited above.
  Dead Apple:
(1) Tatsuhiko Shibusawa had been reborn as a skill-like life-form—a divine being that wielded the power of the dragon.
(2) But his wish was still the same. He wanted to drive Atsushi into a corner so he could experience even more pain and torture than he did six years ago. This was a natural conclusion for Shibusawa to reach, for he believed that life was at its strongest and most beautiful when it was being pushed over the edge.
(3) “Here to kill me again, Atsushi Nakajima?” asked Shibusawa. […]
“I’m just sending something back to where it belongs,” he replied.
(4) “…I understand everything now. I know why you’re here, why you appeared before me, and what his words truly meant. You are the angel who will save me…” 
  -> Even before turning into a dragon beast, Shibusawa was already an undead being, and thus an unnatural existence.
   9. Abilities are described as sentient beings or something that can turn against the user
55 Minutes: Gab separated himself from Verne and took over his body:
While traveling into the past, the skill got stronger, transformed, and eventually grew to have a will of its own.
However, Gab’s consciousness was less stable compared with humans.
  Dead Apple: Ability users have their abilities taken away and are forced to fight against them to get them back:
It was Kunikida’s skill, The Matchless Poet. […] He had a good idea how his skill was going to attack, seeing as it was part of him once. He also knew that, unlike his notebook, the phantom’s notebook had the word Compromise written on the cover. A copy of himself that didn’t follow ideals but made compromises was an abomination to Kunikida.
   Lastly, there is also the topic of Dazai set as a motivator for Atsushi and Akutagawa and their bickering about what is right or wrong in regards to him. But since that happens often between them, I didn’t include it here.
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braindeadbaddie · 3 years
A Study on Love: Relearning What It Means to Be Human
Takemichi doesn’t really remember what it’s like to love. He doesn’t really remember what it’s like to live either.
So he is forced to relearn.
In his first life, he blocked all his emotions out, buried his fiery personality away, and kept his head down always apologizing apologizing apologizing. He never wanted to live through the hell his arrogance cost him ever again.
One mistake was all it took to fuck up his life for good.
And yet one push was all it took to make it right.
Takemichi loves Hinata.
Or he did.
When your life’s peak is in the second year of middle school, where emotions and hormones are always high, and everything is so intense, love is as simple as ice cream on a hot summer day.
His first life was simple. The days bled together, full of sorry sorry sorry. Because he was so sorry sorry sorry. Nothing was good, everything was trash, so of course he loved the only person who ever thought highly of him. Of course, that was the highlight of love.
But here he is, in his second life, with a future he crafted, that he took initiative in, that is so much more colorful than his previous one.
And so less lonely.
He doesn’t remember much, his memories of the current timeline lagging a little to catch up, but he does know that even the him that was left to live his life up to this point, started to feel it too:
The dull gray that comes with thinking that as cute as the idea of middle-school sweethearts to lifetime partners is, maybe it isn’t for him. Maybe he doesn’t love Hina the way he once did.
He loved her so much, and he still does. But not like he did before. Her kisses don’t make him feel strong the way they used to. Her embrace lacks a certain warmth. Her love doesn’t make him feel alive the way it used to.
He doesn’t regret saving her. No. He never could. Because he loves Hinata. And maybe it isn’t the blazing love it once was, but it is still a fire that keeps him warm. It makes him feel so good knowing that he saved her, that she’s alive, she’s safe. She’s happy. But she deserves to be happier. She deserves a love that will fulfill her, a love that Takemichi cannot provide for her.
And so Takemichi comes to his first conclusion about love.
That maybe we can love differently at 26 than we did at 14, but that doesn’t make the love any less real.
Just because something is no longer true, doesn’t mean that it once wasn’t, and that doesn’t make it any less valid. People grow, people learn. People become different people.
And isn’t that the most beautiful thing about human nature?
That we can change. That our lives are in our tiny, helpless but ever-changing hands.
So he breaks up with Hina, tells her as gently as possible, cushioning the blows with “I love you, just not the way I used to” and “it’s not you, it’s me,” and “I’m so sor—“
He doesn’t say it. He doesn’t apologize.
He takes a deep breath.
“I’m so sorry I hurt you like this…”
Yes. That is true. That he feels.
Hina cries and Takemichi hugs her. He offers to stay at a friend’s until she is ready to leave. She agrees because she is too much of a mess to do otherwise.
As he packs a bag to stay at Akkun’s or Mikey’s or one of the other guys’ place for a week or so, he is certain that they’ll both be okay.
He’s sure of it.
So Takemichi makes his way out, planting a final kiss to Hina’s head, whispering a soft affirmation that love will find her.
And then he’s out the door and out of her life for good.
Oddly enough, his first instinct is to call Mikey…so he does and not even 20 minutes later, a beautiful CB205T is driving up to the convenience store he is at.
Mikey gives him a reassuring smile, still unaware of why he’s been called out here and why Takemichi needs a place to crash for a while. He just heard Takemichi needed him, and he was already on his way.
Takemichi settles onto the bike, wrapping his arms around Mikey and sighs, inhaling Mikey’s fresh cologne and body wash and fabric softener.
And as he rides through the city with his cheek pressed against Mikey’s warm back, he comes to his first hypothesis about love.
That love must be warm, and smells like vanilla, cinnamon, and sweet sweet ocean breeze.
Mikey is helpless.
That is Takemichi’s first impression of staying with him in the first week.
No wonder Draken lives with him, he giggles to himself one morning.
But Takemichi is helpless too, and he realizes that maybe he wants to stop being so. Because he did want a second chance at life. The least he could do was learn household chores.
So he cooks with Draken over his shoulder, instructing him on what to do in a surprising calm voice. The drastic improvement between each meal is always shocking.
He helps Draken with dishes, laundry, and even a bit of spring cleaning.
Takemichi thinks that this is what love must be like. Because what better way to love than to take care of someone in every way you know how.
Mikey is helpless but he takes the skills he does learn and applies it to the small room he has put together in dedication of his missing family. Shin’s room made from a garage stays the same, a time capsule of love. In the memorial are the ashes of Shin, Emma, and his grandfather. The room is adorned with memories, and a picture of Baji nestled between his siblings.
He has the bunny Draken gave Emma on her birthday, three tattered kid uniforms with Sano Dojo embroidered on them hanging on the wall, a picture of the abandoned building with the collapsed ceiling in the Philippines. He has pictures of old bikes, childhood photos, a first generation Black Dragons jacket and a copy of the photo of the founders of Toman. There is a photo of Izana towards the back of the room, hidden away in the corner, a Teijiku jacket hung above and a pair of earrings lay in front.
Takemichi goes into the room sometimes, talks in a soft voice and apologizes for all that he couldn’t do to save the people closest to Mikey. But he promises them that he will dedicate himself to make sure life is a bit easier for him, because now he can share Mikey’s burden with him, instead of making him feel like he must do it alone.
Takemichi looks at all the photos, radiating love, of all of Mikey’s loss, and finally realizes why Kisaki was able to manipulate him into going dark in so many future. Why he still lost his way, even without Kisaki.
And so Takemichi, belatedly, comes to his second conclusion on love.
That love is what makes us human.
It is what fills our lives with color. It connects us to one another, makes life worth living. The two are connected, needing one another so that life does not become bleak and gray. Love hurts, but the hurt is only possible because of love.
Love is our first language.
And Takemichi so desperately wants to use his second life to become more human.
So he makes dorayaki on days that Mikey’s eyes look far away. They’re awful at first; Mikey makes a very disgusted face and a dramatic show of spitting them out. But it still doesn’t fail to bring his eyes back to the present. And Takemichi is determined and stubborn, and if he could fix the future, he can make the perfect dorayaki for his best friend.
So he consults with Draken and the internet and slowly but surely, manages to make a dorayaki so perfect that Mikey’s eyes shine and shimmer and look at him with so much emotion he feels paralyzed in place.
Ah, Takemichi thinks helplessly. That is what love must look like.
Takemichi moves in with Mikey and Draken.
It’s something brought up by Mikey, co-signed by Draken, and so it instantly becomes a course of action, no matter how badly Takemichi wants to protest.
But he doesn’t.
Because Takemichi thinks that home feels a lot more like a traditional Japanese house, right next to a dojo, with a garage time-capsule than a shitty apartment with paper-thin walls and shitty neighbors.
Home is mornings with Draken wrapped up in a blue-gray apron with a small dragon stitched into the corner pocket, made with love by Mitsuya, making a traditional Japanese breakfast, cursing out Mikey for always waking up so late.
Home is Mikey stumbling into the kitchen, looking more like an adorable 12 year old than a full grown man who could kill you with one kick.
Home is running his hair through black locks on the porch that overlooks a small garden, because Mikey is clingy and says Takemichi is so warm and insisting that he must nap in his lap every Sunday afternoon.
Home is growing fresh vegetables with Draken in the garden to make meals filled with love. It’s the perfect balance of a noisy kitchen while making dinner and a cup of calming tea in the dead quiet before bed.
And so Takemichi comes to his third conclusion about love.
That love is what makes a home.
Chifuyuu runs a pet shop with Kazutora because he still loves Baji.
Hakkai is a model because he spent so much time around Mitsuya because he loves him.
Smiley and Angry run a ramen shop together, balancing one another, because they love each other.
Mitsuya is a fashion designer because he started sewing for his two baby sisters who he loves so much.
Pey-yan is Pah-chin’s assistant because he loves him.
Draken lives with and takes care of Mikey because he loves him.
Mikey made and disbanded Toman because he loves his friends.
And so Takemichi comes to his fourth conclusion on love.
That love is a lot less like fire, and a lot more like water.
That love is not in burning the world for someone, but building a world for them instead. It is nurturing, it is life, and it refreshes. It makes up so much of who we are.
Sometimes it is soft like a drizzling rain. Sometimes it is sweet like a cool, crisp glass of water. Sometimes it is harsh like a thunderstorm. Sometimes it can be damaging like a brutal tsunami.
But it always always always nourishes the Earth. Even if the pits of it are dark and scary, unknown trenches of deep deep ocean.
Love is so integral to our being.
Takemichi is slowly but surely learning what it means to be human. He is slowly but surely learning to live each day as if it were precious.
He takes morning runs with Draken. He fosters an environment of forgiveness at work between his employees. He eats ramen at the twin’s shop. He gets bi-weekly haircuts from Akkun. He wears his special Mitsuya-made apron as he cooks dinner. He buys the magazines Hakkai is featured in. He hangs out with Chifuyuu every Friday night. He still talks to Hina and Naoto, loving the way that the light in Hina’s eyes shine brighter than they ever did with him.
And every morning, and every night, in a small futon, he kisses Mikey, sweet and lovingly.
He holds Mikey close to his chest, guarding him from drifting far away into a sea of sorrow ever again. He whispers sweet nothings into his ear, calling him Manjirou on days he sees dark clouds rolling in his eyes. He kisses him like he is trying to pour all the love he feels into Mikey’s heart.
He lets Mikey cry out about how hard life has been, and how much he has suffered. He kisses away his tears, shares his burdens, and wraps him in warm warm love.
Because he has come to a fifth conclusion about love.
That love, to him, is a fierce desire to save someone.
And hasn’t his whole second life been dedicated to saving Mikey?
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felsenbluete · 4 years
Mass textpost with things I was tagged in over the years (and I mean years, I think some of them might be three or more I’m so sorry lmao)
Indoor plants or gardens // cloud-watching or star-gazing // water or fire // paperback or hardcover // running or hiking // sleeping with socks or without socks // fruit or vegetables (10 yo me would shoot me on sight) // hanging plants or succulents // dark wood or light wood // handwritten or typed // instagram or pinterest // braids or pigtails // dc or marvel // books or movies // oceans or meadows // forests or fields // sweet or salty // ice cream or chocolate // hoodies or sweaters // long hair or short hair (vokuhila) // piercings or tattoos // summer or winter // boots or sneakers // cars or motorcycles // curls or straight hair // castles or cottages // sunny days or storms // reptiles or birds // disney or nickelodeon // strawberries or watermelon // essays or posters // phones or laptops // glass or stone // dark or light // photos or paintings // circuses or theatres // reading or writing // dogs or cats // poetry or novels // monsters or ghosts // thrift shops or libraries // fiction or non-fiction
@northernmoments​ Name/Nickname: Kira Jennifer, the only nick name I’ve ever had was Jenjen and that’s just a shame Pronouns: She/Her, but honestly brave of you to speak about me Star Sign: Aries Height: 178 cm Time Currently: 13:05 When is Your Birthday: 15.04. Favourite Band/Groups: die ärzte, Guns ‘n Roses, Linkin Park, Kaizers Orchestra, Fiddler’s Green Favorite Solo Artists: Howard Shore should count!, also P!nk Stuck in Your Head: Caledonia by Celtic Thunder, but that’s because I’m listening to it right now Last Movie You Watched: I Am Legend Last Show You Binged: tried Superstore, but watchseries is down rn  Last Book You Read: the last one I actually finished was Going Postal by Terry Pratchett.   When You Created Your Blog: 2013?  Last Thing You Googled: How to spell Sir Terry Pratchett’s last name  Other Blogs: about three for just different #vibes, a ski jumping side blog that has so many followers and where I’m the saltiest person on earth, also one for Naruto (don’t look at me), one “studyblr”/”langblr”/resource mine Why I Chose My Url: Wanted a Tolkien one and in the audiobooks by Bluefax the way Smaug says this “title” is one of my personal highlights  Do You Get Asks: almost never How Many People Are You Following: about 20 actually active blogs How Many Followers Do You Have: looking at my activity: 8 Average Hours of Sleep: ~8 hours Instruments: viola/violin What I’m Currently Wearing: grey sweatpants, grey socks, grey sweater, my Gollum-tshirt Dream Job: Rentner (in all honesty I would enjoy being a housewife) Dream Trip: I want to go to Iran just to eat fruit and meet potential in-laws, why is that so hard Favorite food: pannekoeken or Palatschinken, I hate American pancakes, it’s important to me to state how much I disrespect thick pancakes Top Three Fictional Universes You’d Like To Live In: 1, 2 & 3 are all Lummerland
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spell or curse ∙ abandoned mansion or haunted cementery ∙ vampire slayer or ghost hunter ∙ phoenix or griffin ∙ wrist bite or neck bite ∙ fairy godmother or evil stepmother ∙ herbs or potion ∙ ghost or wraith ∙ dragon scales or werewolf claws ∙ druid or mage ∙ elf or hobbit ∙ divination or necromancy ∙ wand magic or hand magic ∙ centaur or unicorn ∙ dark fairytale or disney-style fairytale ∙ sword or bow & arrow ∙ siren or water nymph ∙ garlic or silver ∙ talking animal or walking tree (but in a Huorn, not in a Ent way) ∙ demon trap or crossroads pact ∙ enchanted fairy forest or mermaid lagoon
first 10 songs on shuffle - note: my itunes library is very very old, but on the other hand I haven’t really listened to music in years, so here we go
1. Massachusetts - Ylvis 2. Treebeard - Howard Shore 3. Your Mother Should Know - The Beatles 4. Pushing Me Away - Linkin Park 5. Pfingsten - Christoph & Lollo 6. Out Ta Get Me - Guns ‘n Roses 7. Rage of Poseidon - Apocalyptica 8. Monster Monster - Lordi 9. Wie es geht - die ärzte 10. Forth Eorlingas - Howard Short 
@mona-liar​ only the answers that weren’t already included above
Sexuality: very deep into aspec territory and we’ll leave it at that Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw Favorite Animal: cats Number of Blankets: one, I’m German Where I’m from: Westfalen  Dream Trip: oh, also Singapoor  Why I created this account: I was really into ski jumping and Ylvis
uhh, so anyone who is tagged already choose one you wanna do? also @margalotta​ and @take-hell-with-a-smile​
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kibleedibleedoo · 4 years
Hero of your own Fate 2/?
Thorin x reader
Warnings - brief mention of mental illness, slow burn
A/n - sorry it's a long one
~Thorin's POV~
It had been a long detour via the Blue mountains which unfortunately had not born any fruit. All Thorin could think about was a hot meal and a place of safety to sleep tonight. He was getting far too old to be a solitary nomad. His fantasising of his next meal led thorin down his third wrong turn of the evening. The shire was full of winding roads that seemed to follow no logical order in their constuction. Thorin could see the house up on a hill, by mahal he probably could hear the company from back in Bree, but he just could not find the right path to get there and the fading like was offering him no favours.
Thorin watched confused as the heavens seemed to rip open as Bagend was aurrounded by a vrief thunder storm and depositing a girl on top of the hill. From this distance it was hard to tell but she certainly wasnt one of his kin and the clothes she was wearing made ger look out of place in this world. Maybe you were a one of a secretive kind, some even more secretive than dwarves that few even knew the existance of. He watched as you settled yourself and entered the hobbit hole. Something deep inside him was drawn to this unfamiliar woman so deep that Thorin was taken by surprise when he knew how to get to that blasted house, to get to you.
~Reader's POV~
That evening was a whirlwind so much seemed to happen in so little time. The quest was explained along with the risks and contracts were handed out to you and the other burglar Bilbo. It took many by surprise when he fainted at the thought of incineration, sure it would be a bad way to go but an instant death was far more preferable than a long drawn out one, the only one not surprised was the leader of our company Thorin oakenshield. He seemed to react to the hobbit with pure annoyance even going so far as to question him on battle experience upon entering poor Bilbo's home. You had no battle experience at least none in hand to hand combat. You cast your mind back to one of your childhood school trips where you were taught how to fire an arrow and a bit of fencing neither of which you were any good at, at the time which gave you little hope for your ability to fight on this quest. You needed training or you would be a liability and you were positive the whole company knew it.
You took the time during Bilbo's recovery to pull Gandalf aside.
"what am i doing here?" you asked rather annoyed with the wizard.
"You offered to help in the café did you not?" he quipped knowing the answer.
"Yes but there is no point me joining if i am only going to be a liability Gandalf" you huffed, you wanted to help you really did but there was no point volunteering for this quest if it was going to end in your demise or the demise of some of the dwarves before the quest is complete.
"You posess talents aside from fighting that will come in useful that I am sure something that those of middle earth lack" the wizard mused. He was almost certainly keeping something to himself about what you could contribute. Before you could respond he continued "I took the liberty of packing supplies for you, some hygiene products from your home but mainly supplies from here for the journey. They are with your pony at the stables" Your eyes grew wide as you realised the wizard had gone through your things.
"You broke into my house!" you exclaimed in a hushed tone trying to stop any of the dwarves from prying, unfortunately you could not seem to shake the handsome one's peircing gaze. "What if my roommate saw you? omg wait what did you see in my stuff!" at this point you were starting to panic, your roommate had always suffered from anxiety and happening upon a strange man riffling through your stuff wasnt exactly something they would take in their stride.
"I was not seen, and magic comes in useful in your realm too" he chucked "the essentials come to me, they seemed nicely organised so I packed the entire bag for you" mentally you were piecing together what you would be carrying. That bag contained your toothbrush, toothpaste, a few wash cloths, deoderant, conditioner, a spare pair of panties, and some everyday makeup items. Okay so no shampoo, you werent exactly sure when you would get the opportunity to wash your hair while trekking across this world but you had heard others try a no-poo style of washing their hair so that must be what you would have to do from now on. "Along with what is already packed here are a new set of clothes to help you fit in better and if you will let me I can exchange and money you have for coin you can use here." You werent sure exactly where he had stored the fresh clothes but he seemed sincere so you handed your bag over to him.
"Dont touch anything else in there, you only have permission to exchange currency" you said in a stern voice "they might not all work here but they are important to me" you finished softly. You took the clothes to a seperate room and closed the door behind you. It was dark but you still had your phone in your pocket so could use the torch for a while. You silently thanked whatever deity was up there that your parents had got you a solar powered power bank for christmas and it was in your bag, where you always kept it, your phone might run out of battery soon but you knew that you would be able to look through your photos whenever you got homesick on this quest. You turned your attention to the clothes, inspecting each item you noticed the outfit looked like something that would have been worn during the 18th century back home. Luckily your roomate was studing fashion history at the local university so you knew where all the fabric was supposed to go. Gandalf had also been nice and provided you with a corset which did up on the front, looking at them you could almost hear your roommate telling you this style was called a 'pair of bodies' and you chuckled knowing that while this outfit might be more practical than what you were wearing it was still going to be a nuisance to put on and wear all the time. You got undressed and threw the shift over your underwear, not ready to give up your modern bra and pants just yet, next you decided you still wanted to wear your leggings. If you were supposed to learn how to ride a horse tomorrow you sure as hell were going to have some fabric between your skin and the saddle plus it would preserve some of your dignity if you fell off and your skirt flew over your head. Time for the corset, the stomacher was rock hard which you thought might provide some protection, against what you werent quite sure of yet, and the corset was surprisingly easy to lace up at the front. The next item you loved, it was a shame modern women's fashion hated them so much but these bags you tied at your waist formed huge pockets which could fit most of the contents of your bag in without anyone being any the wise. The petticoat and skirt followed and a jacket tied the look together. You decided your doc martens would be far better to wear than whatever flimy shoe gandalf had provided so with your outfit complete you returned to the company.
Gandalf sat there smiling with a bag of coins in his hand. You felt you looked slightly ridiculous, especially since your bosom was more pronounced than in your oversized tee.
"Now you look like you belong here" he took a sip of wine and nodded.
"I might look like it but I have still kept some of my modern luxuries" you responded smugly waving your t-shirt a bit. He smirked handing you over the coins and your backpack back. You stuffed the tshirt in with the rest of your stuff and made a mental note to wear it as a pyjama top.
~Thorin's POV~
Y/N had disappeared off into one of the rooms shortly after her argument with gandalf. It seemed like the company had lost both of their burglars within the space of five minutes. Thorin huffed and sat back next to Balin who was always a source of comfort to him even before Erebor fell.
"We do not have time to delay Balin, if we must leave without them then that is what we must do" Thorin sighed, fewer and fewer folk were supporting this mission a band of 13 dwarves and a wizard was hardly a match for a dragon if Smaug still lived.
"I know lad, have faith this is a worthy quest and mahal would not have forsaken us" Balin smiled reassuringly at Thorin. Balin trusted Thorin like he trusted no other, he knew Thorin would give anything for his people and would do everything in his power to provide them with a place of sanctuary. The pair sat in silence for a few moments when Y/N came out of one of the rooms in a different outfit. The dress made her look like one of them, it fitted her so much better than what she had on before and Thorin found himself staring in awe at her.
"it seems she hadnt given up on us afterall" Balin nudged Thorin grabbing his attention
"aye but does a woman belong on this quest" Thorin sighed "she looks weaker than Dis and we wouldnt allow her to join us"
"she will be fine" Balin was puzzled by Thorin's sudden change in attutude until he realised Thorin was still watching the lass like a hawk. "she will have us to protect her and Im sure you wouldnt mind training her" Balin joked.
"I will not let her presence effect this quest, we will make sure she is trained" Thorin barked back. Both dwarves knew it was already too late just her sheer presence made Thorin reconsider his priorities.
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lilacmoon83 · 4 years
A Darker Curse
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Also on Fanfiction.net and A03
Chapter 33: Deja Vu
When they arrived at the Boston airport, it wasn't lost on any of them that they had never actually been on a plane. In their traveling around the country, it had always been by car and flying had always been too expensive for them. Fortunately, Emma knew the basics, having read up on what was needed in case she needed to fly as a bail bonds person. She guided them all through the process of security and they were soon on the plane.
"I know it's hard...but we'll find him," David whispered to her, as he kissed her hand.
"I love you for saying that, but Portland is a big place," she feared.
"It is...but I reached out to a couple of my contacts that I met; the one that trained me in the business. She says she'll help. She's already putting out feelers," Emma said, as she sat in the window seat of their three person row.
"That's amazing…" David said. She nodded.
"Her name is Cleo Fox...I trust her," she said. Snow gave her a tearful gaze.
"Thanks sweetheart…" she replied.
"I dug up an old picture of him as a kid and gave it to her. She's putting it out to her sources," Emma confirmed.
"Our daughter is amazing," David whispered to his wife and kissed her head. She smiled back at him.
"I know…" she agreed, as she rested her head against his shoulder and impatiently endured the journey to Portland.
Maleficent's castle burned like an unending inferno and the wailing from her dragon form echoed throughout the land, as her egg lay trapped inside. Maleficent contemplated scorching the entire earth in her agony, but instead, she crumbled to her human form, devastated and defeated. Her child was gone and her allies that had helped free her now faced losing their own against the evil Cora. She could only hope that their child did not face the same fate that hers just did.
"Excuse me...but you'll let me through now. I'm expected by the Queen," the woman said harshly. Half her hair was black and half white, only adding to her eccentric appearance of a glittering black gown and elaborate fur coat.
"It's all right guards...you can let her through. She is supposed to have something for me," Cora said.
"You owe me a new coat! This one is ruined," the woman complained. Cora waved her hand and repaired the damage done to the fur coat.
"Now Cruella...I assume you have what I asked for," Cora cooed. Cruella smirked.
"One good thing about my powers is that I was able to send some dumb beast in after it for me. Then...I used the spell you gave me to miniaturize it," Cruella said, as she handed the egg over, which had been miniaturized.
"Keep it...because that is my secret weapon," Cora replied.
"What are you talking about?" Cruella asked.
"My curse will be perfect, but I still need a backup plan in case things go awry. That's where the egg comes in," Cora replied.
"You mean to control Maleficent," Cruella deduced.
"Exactly. Now, tuck the egg away and prepare for the curse," Cora instructed. Cruella smirked and walked out with a smirk on her face.
"Sorry Cora...but I've just decided that I have a different plan," Cruella murmured to herself.
Tamara pulled her car into the warehouse at Feinberg Industries and put it in park.
"It's about time you got here!" Cruella snapped, as she stood beside a table with a bottle of gin and a cigarette in her hand.
"The Feds have already seized all my worthless husband's assets in New York and the rest of the country. This is the last property they haven't seized, but that won't last long," she complained.
"Relax," Tamara said, as she pulled Pinocchio out of the car and led him to her by the hand.
"That's not what I asked for," Cruella complained.
"I know...but a magical child is what he wants," Tamara said, as the Dragon emerged from the shadows.
"So good to see that your cancer has been...miraculously cured since we last met, Miss Tamara," he said. She scoffed.
"Cut the crap...we both know that I never had cancer. I just needed your little potion. I sent it off to the Home Office for analysis and you know what they found?" she asked. The Dragon smirked.
"Enlighten me," he said.
"Nothing...they found no known substances in this world," she replied. He smirked.
"Well, that is not surprising since my cures are not of this world," he admitted.
"So I've learned...and I'm sure your Home Office has big plans for Storybrooke. Or they did...before they went dark," the Dragon said. Tamara's gaze narrowed.
"How do you know that?" she demanded to know. He smirked.
"I know a great many things...including who is behind your cause and why they no longer exist," he claimed, shocking her to the core.
Snow and David held hands, as they got out of the rental car and followed their daughter toward their destination.
"It had to be the old neighborhood," Snow mentioned, as they walked through the familiar streets.
"Sorry Mom...but her office happens to be around where we used to live," Emma replied.
"You okay?" David asked. She nodded.
"Yes…I was just happy to leave this part of our lives behind. Finding Storybrooke was like finally finding home...because we found you," she mentioned. He smiled.
"We won't be here long. This woman hopefully can help us find August and then we're going straight back home. You never have to think about this place again," David assured her, as they passed a diner and she spared a glance at it and he didn't miss her shudder.
"Is this it? Is this the one of the diner's you worked at?" he asked.
"Unfortunately…" she replied.
"I'm sorry Mom...maybe bringing you guys with me to this part of town wasn't the best idea," Emma apologized.
"No honey...it's not your fault. Just bad memories, but I'll do anything to find my son," Snow said. Geppetto opened his mouth to correct her, but a glance from Belle told him to wisely shut it.
"You're wise to stay quiet this time. Even I, as the Dark One, rarely got in the cross hairs of a mother trying to find her child. I myself did unspeakable things for my child. Even Snow White has her limits and you would be wise not to cross her again," Rumple advised, as Emma stopped in front of the diner upon approaching a woman.
"Emma...it's good to see you," the woman said.
"You too Cleo...do you have any leads?" Emma asked.
"Uh…I didn't, but my new partner said he has something. He should be here any minute," she replied.
"New partner?" Emma inquired, but she soon found out who it was, as he approached.
"Mary Margaret?" the man asked.
"Crap…" Emma grimaced under her breath. David felt her shiver beside him and then clutch his arm tightly.
"Wow...you look incredible still. It's been a long time...and you look the same," the man said.
"I'm sorry...who the hell are you?" David asked, as he put his hand out.
"Barry Burns, Private Investigator," he said, but David refused to shake his hand and he awkwardly pulled it back.
"And you are?" he asked.
"David Nolan...her husband," he bit out, as Emma pulled Cleo aside.
"New partner? What the hell?" Emma hissed.
"I'm sorry Emma...but he's good at what he does," Cleo apologized.
"He's a creep! He used to sexually harass my mother!" Emma cried.
"And I'm sorry for that Emma, but I thought you wanted to find this kid you're looking for," she said. Emma sighed deeply.
"Fine...but if my...my mom's husband ends up killing him after he tells us where August is...then you'll look the other way," Emma replied in haste.
"Wow...husband, that's surprising. All she ever did was turn me down, but that never stopped me from trying," he said, as he kept looking at her.
"Damn...still can't believe how good you look," he added and probably would have continued his objectification, but David grabbed him by the collar at that point.
"You're going to stop talking to her and you're going to stop looking at her," he growled, as the guy flailed his arms.
"Whoa...okay buddy, geez…" he complained, as David shoved him away.
"Do you have that lead or not?" Emma snapped coldly.
"Uh yeah...I have a source that says this woman," he said, as he held Tamara's photo up.
"That she was spotted driving into Feinberg Industries warehouse downtown," he said.
"How did you find her so fast?" Emma asked skeptically.
"I'm that good," he boasted.
"No...he got really lucky. Feinberg just got indicted by the FBI in New York. All his assets are in the process of being frozen. This is probably one of the last and only a matter of time before the Feds raid that place. That's why it's on our source's radar," Cleo explained.
"Then we have to go...we have to find August," Snow said, as she avoided looking at the creep that her husband was still glaring daggers at.
"We better go then. It's only a few blocks from here and it's best to approach on foot," he said, as they started walking, but David held back and they followed at the rear.
"Snow…" he whispered.
"I'm okay…" she said unconvincingly.
"If he hurt you...he's a dead man," David said.
"He...he didn't get that far, though I'm sure he would have loved to. But by the time we moved to Portland, Auggie was a teenager," she said, as she put a hand to her mouth.
"He came to the diner every day after school, just to make sure he would be there to go home with me. He knew...he knew how vulnerable I was to some of the patrons at the diner," she confessed, as she cried against his chest, even as they walked.
"We're going to get him back, Snow," he promised.
"He...hated Barry, but I begged him to not confront him. Barry knew that and he would get to cop a feel, knowing that I wouldn't stop him, because it meant a large enough tip so we could eat that night," she sniffed.
"I'm going to kill him," David growled.
"Only after he leads us to August," she corrected. He smirked and kissed her hair.
"Okay...he'll lead us to August and then I'll kill him," he agreed. And she did not protest that.
Tamara stared at him in disbelief.
"What are you talking about?" she asked.
"They have gone dark, have they not? You have not received any communication for the last day or so, am I correct?" the Dragon questioned.
"That doesn't mean they no longer exist," she said, as she took out a walky-talky device from her bag, but she noticed that it appeared not to be working anymore. She opened up the battery port and sand poured out. Cruella laughed.
"Oh dahling...you've been had," she said in amusement, earning her a glare from the other woman.
"What the hell is this?" Tamara asked.
"Your Home Office was none other than Peter Pan himself," the Dragon revealed.
"Neverland...they said it was real, but I wasn't sure," Tamara confessed.
"Oh it is very real...it's the mother load of magic, but that comes at a price for Pan," the Dragon said.
"But the Home Office wants to destroy magic! Why would they come from a place with magic," Tamara protested.
"Oh dahling...no one wants to destroy magic. That's silly. Magic gets you everything you want," Cruella said.
"She is correct...you were simply a pawn. You were a tool to obtain what Pan needed...a magical child. But it is a good thing his time ran out, because you have the wrong child," the Dragon said.
"No...they said bring a magical child. I saw magic used on him to transform him from an adult into a child. I saw it with my own eyes," Tamara protested. The Dragon chuckled.
"But he is not a magical child. Only one born of true love is magical. But the child that Pan really wanted was one born of two powerful, magical bloodlines. One of light and true love, maternal grandparents. Parents of the Savior," he said.
"Snow White and Prince Charming…" he announced.
"And the other, the bloodlines of the Dark One. Paternal grandfather and his child, who found love with the Savior," he continued. Tamara sighed.
"Then I took him for nothing...it was the baby I needed. That would have been impossible to get!" Tamara said.
"Good thing for you that Pan is no longer a problem. His time ran out with having that child to sacrifice for his youth. But all is not lost. I can take this one...he will be quite useful to me," the Dragon said.
"Fine...whatever, but you promised me a way to destroy Storybrooke," Tamara said, looking at Cruella.
"Oh dahling...that depends on what you brought me. I need something good," Cruella said, as the other woman handed her a bag full of the things she stole from Cora's vault.
"Ohhh...very nice," Cruella said, as she looked through the items.
"Then you'll give me something to use to destroy magic?" Tamara asked. Cruella cackled.
"Sorry dahling...but I have no idea how to destroy magic and none of this works in a place without magic. However, they will work in Storybrooke...so that's where I'll be going. The Feds will never find me there," she said.
"You're double crossing me!?" Tamara exclaimed.
"Well…I am Cruella De Vil, after all," she reminded her.
"Come on, young one. We have a plane to catch," the Dragon said.
"The hell you do…" Tamara growled, as she pulled a gun on them and took them hostage.
"Your cause does not exist and destroying magic is not within our capabilities," the Dragon warned.
"It can if I just blow up that whole town, so that's what we'll do," Tamara said.
"The hell you will," Emma said, as she and David held their guns on her. She smirked and pointed hers at them.
"Are you really willing to risk a game of whose a faster shot than the other?" Tamara challenged.
"We've got two guns on your one. Are you?" Emma challenged back.
"Hello dahling...it's been a long time…" Cruella purred, as she looked at David.
"Cruella...how the hell are you here?" he asked. She looked him up and down like he was something to eat.
"I have my ways…" she said.
"Cruella? Seriously?" she asked her mother.
"Unfortunately," Snow replied.
"Well…I have somewhere to be. I hear Storybrooke is lovely this time of year," she said.
"If you think you'll still have an ally in Cora when you enter town, you'd be mistaken. Cora is dead," Snow warned.
"Yeah...and Regina won't hesitate to put you down, much like you've done to various animals in the past to satiate your obsession with fur," Rumple added.
"Well…I can't say that I have missed you, Dark One," she retorted with a smirk.
"Besides…Regina will be too busy trying to keep Maleficent from burning the town down," she claimed.
"Maleficent is free of any control...she won't help you," David said. Cruella smirked.
"Oh…I have so missed you the most, dahling. But you're wrong...because with this," Cruella said, as she held up what looked like a snow globe.
"With this...she'll do whatever I want," Cruella said.
"And what is that?" Emma asked.
"It can't be…" Snow gasped.
"Oh yes...it's her egg. I had it fished out of the fire and Cora sealed it away for safekeeping. It was meant to be her backup plan, but I had other plans," Cruella said.
"Well, you're not going anywhere," Snow said, as she bravely stepped forward.
"Stop!" Tamara warned, as she pointed her gun at Snow. That was all David needed and he rushed her, quickly knocking her to the ground. The gun flew out of her hand and Emma ran to confiscate it.
"Cuff her and leave her. By the time she gets free, we'll be home," Rumple said, as David put her in cuffs and left her there on the ground. Snow and Marco both knelt down in front of Pinocchio and the little boy wrenched away from the Dragon. But to Marco's shock and surprise, he ran to Snow and she hugged him tightly, as tears slipped down her cheeks.
"My boy…" he uttered.
"Don't…" Tink chided.
"I had a dream...that you were my Mom," he confessed, surprising Snow.
"I am and that must be confusing right now. But I promise everything will make sense soon," she promised. David smiled and kissed her tenderly, before winking at the little boy.
"Hand over the egg," Emma said, as she held the gun on her.
"Oh poo…" Cruella complained, as she did so.
"Oh well...good thing I have that account in the Cayman Islands full of money that I squirreled away from my lousy husband," Cruella said, as she made her way toward the exit.
"Last chance dahling...the fun we could have if we ran away together," she purred to the Prince.
"Hard pass," he replied in disgust. She sighed.
"Alas...at least I have my fantasies. Cheers dahling…" Cruella said, as she made her way out.
"What the hell is going on here!?" Barry demanded to know.
"Just stay out of it," David snapped.
"Yeah...Cleo, thanks for all your help, but we need to go," Emma said.
"None of you are going anywhere," Barry refuted, as he pulled his own gun and pointed it at them.
"Barry...what are you doing?" Cleo demanded to know.
"I've been hired to find a missing detective...and I think all of you know where he is," Barry said, as he showed them a photo and walked closer to them.
"He was last seen heading to a town called Storybrooke, Maine. And then...he just went dark," he continued, as he looked at Snow.
"What can you tell me about that?" he asked.
"Nothing...we have no idea what you're talking about," David snapped quickly, as he put himself between his wife and this man.
"I think you're lying...so this is what we're going to do. She is going to come with me to this Storybrooke, while the Feds lock the rest of you up," he said.
"That's not happening," David growled. Barry smirked and put the barrel of the gun to David's head.
"No...no...please. I'll go...I'll go…" Snow cried. Barry smirked and grabbed her arm.
"Please...just let me say goodbye," she pleaded. He relented and she turned to her husband.
"Snow…" he whispered, as their eyes met.
"I love you," she said and he could tell by her look that she had a plan.
"I'll find you," he promised.
"I know," she replied, as they shared a passionate kiss and as expected, Barry pulled her away by the arm. She faked a stumble and elbowed him in the gut. It knocked the wind out of him, allowing David the opening to tackle him. The gun flew out of his hand and Snow grabbed it, as David overpowered the older man and got him into a headlock. He applied pressure and Barry passed out. Just for good measure and satisfaction, he gave him a punch to the face to ensure he'd feel it when he woke up. Snow sighed in relief and he pulled her into his arms.
"Let's go home," Emma said, as she joined her parents and hugged them.
"I second that," Rumple agreed.
"Thanks again...but we really have to go," Emma told Cleo.
"Wait Emma…" she called, as the blonde turned back.
"I don't know what's going on here and I sense it's way above my head, but I know this guy. He won't let up," Cleo said, as she briefly glanced at Snow.
"If he knows about wherever it is that you're going back to and thinks there's a case and even a possible payday...then you need to do something to protect yourselves," Cleo warned. Emma nodded, as they made their way out.
"She's right...any ideas?" David asked.
"During the curse, Cora had a barrier around the town. Only with a magical object could you gain access," Rumple explained.
"He's right...that's how I got in with Greg and Detective Bishop. Cora sent us an enchanted map," Tink confirmed.
"And we got in, because of Emma and the author's pen," Snow agreed.
"With the curse broken...the barrier is gone and the town is open for anyone to find," Rumple said.
"Do you have another barrier spell, Rumple?" Belle asked.
"One can be created. I'll need Regina's help and ingredients from Cora's vault. However, I believe we should go a step further," he replied.
"What do you mean?" Emma asked.
"It will take a powerful spell, but we need to create a barrier and cut off Storybrooke from all the realms. It's the only way we will ever know peace," Rumple replied.
"Then that's what we should do. Can it be done?" Snow asked.
"Yes...but we need to hurry back. Our sleazy private investigator back there won't be unconscious for long," Rumple said.
"Let's get back to the airport and get the hell out of this city then," David agreed, as they made their way back to the rental cars.
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angelofthequeers · 5 years
Hold Me By Both Hands: Chapter 42
Disclaimer: I don’t own ML.
@smolplantmum tagged as requested :)
Chapter 41 | Chapter 43 | AO3 link
“Two different dates!” Tikki chirps as Marinette carefully slides the last bobby pin into her hair to hold her bun. “First this one, then the group one later this week! You’re a lucky girl, Marinette!”
“Yeah. Lucky.” Marinette leans closer to her mirror so that she can touch up her makeup.
“You’re…not excited?”
“Of course I am!” The thought of seeing Kagami soon is sending shivers down her spine, and it takes every scrap of willpower she has to keep her arm steady as she finishes off her mascara. Just a touch of lip gloss and then she’ll be done; she’s never been huge on caking on makeup, mostly because the feel of it on her skin is a constant, irritating presence that sends her spiralling into sensory overload. “I think I’m too excited. And having “oh my god, you slut” feelings.”
“Marinette!” Tikki gasps. “You’re not – no! And even if you were, how is that a bad thing so long as you’re not hurting anyone else?”
“I know!” Marinette screws the lid back on her lip gloss. “I don’t shame people. If they’re into that, they’re into that. I just…guess I’m still struggling with the “happily ever after with one person” thing? And I’m not ashamed but…you know…people would have a field day if they knew I was dating three people at once.”
“What does it matter what other people think?” Tikki says. “They have no say in your love life.”
“I know…” Marinette sighs as she undresses. The outfit she’s picked is a floaty, cropped pink blouse and a white skater skirt with her signature flowers around the hem, and all she can think as she slips into it is what if Kagami doesn’t like it? What if it’s too childish? Adrien and Luka are so laidback, but Kagami? She’s so…formal. She’s never objected to Marinette’s casual outfit, but this is a date. What exactly is Kagami going to wear?
“Here!” Tikki darts over to do the button at the nape of Marinette’s neck after a few moments of Marinette struggling to contort her arms to degrees that not even a god-powered superhero can manage. Nice to know that for all the power of the Ladybug Miraculous, it can’t allow Marinette to do up her own back buttons.
“Thanks, Tikki. Now I get to sit around and catastrophise until Kagami gets here.”
“What on earth could you be catastrophising about after Kagami told you to your face that she likes you?” says a bewildered Tikki.
“You know me, Tikki! I can freak out about anything!” Marinette’s shoulders slump. “I just…it’s Adrien all over again, in a way. I keep wondering if I’m good enough for someone like her, just like I freaked out about Adrien dancing with Chloé when Nino was akumatised.”
“Oh, Marinette.” Tikki zooms up to nuzzle against Marinette’s cheek. “You don’t give yourself nearly enough credit. You’re creative and clever and if Kagami didn’t think you were good enough, why would she have asked you out? If you weren’t good enough, why are three people interested in you?”
“Yeah but Luka and Adrien are…Luka and Adrien. And at least I’ve met Adrien’s father, so I at least impressed him with my hat beforehand. But Kagami’s mother? What if she decides that I’m not good enough for Kagami? Of course Adrien would be! He’s the cute, rich boy!”
“There’s not much she can do about it,” Tikki says. “Kagami’s a teenager. If her mother pushes too far, she’s bound to push right back. Remember how she lied about being at fencing with Adrien to visit Luka’s houseboat when Desperada attacked? Sure, Ms Tsurugi could forbid Kagami from being with you, but that’s not going to stop Kagami.”
“I know…which again brings me back to the “what if she decides I’m not worth it” thing. I know she doesn’t think that but…”
“But it’s hard to pull yourself out of that spiral.” Tikki presses a tiny kiss to Marinette’s cheek. “All you can do is tell her how you feel directly, Marinette. Then she can tell you what you need to hear.”
“Marinette! You’ve got a visitor!” Sabine calls from downstairs. Marinette yelps and fumbles for her purse, then grabs a pair of black flats, because her and heels are a match made in hell and she’ll probably end up breaking not only her neck but Kagami’s as well. She makes sure that Tikki’s safely in her purse before bolting downstairs as fast as safely possible, where Kagami’s waiting stiffly in the living room, and…wow. Just…wow.
“Kagami…” is all she can say. Sticking to her usual red and black theme, Kagami’s wearing a long-sleeved scarlet wrap top tied over what looks like a knee-length black dress, holding a pair of black shoes with a slight heel and a red clutch purse that looks brand new, as though purchased only because a fencing bag wouldn’t match her outfit. Topping off her outfit is the Dragon choker around her neck, blending in with Kagami’s palette so well that Marinette wouldn’t have even picked it as a Miraculous if she hadn’t known beforehand.
“Hello, Marinette,” Kagami says with an awkward smile. “You look very beautiful.”
“I – um – you thank – thanks, you too!” Marinette babbles. This is so unfair. How did she get three pretty people to like her?
“You’re sure about this, Marinette?” Sabine says, reaching out until Marinette crosses over and takes her hands, while Tom slides a thick arm around both of them. “When you told us that you’ve been dating Adrien…oh, we were so happy, because you’ve loved him for ages! But Luka and Kagami too? You’re sure this isn’t an experiment?”
“We have to ask!” Tom holds his hands up. “Sabine and I don’t care how many people you date if it makes you happy, cupcake. We just want you to be sure.”
“I’m sure.” Marinette slips one hand free so that she can lean over and interlace her fingers with Kagami’s. Kagami’s cheeks flush and she looks down at the floor with a soft smile. “Trust me, I’ve torn my hair out over this for months now, and we’ve all talked about it and made sure we’re all on the same page. I like Adrien and Luka and Kagami, and I don’t want to have to choose one when we can all be happy together.”
Sabine smiles and rests her forehead against Marinette’s for a moment, just like she used to do when Marinette was a child. The familiarity of the action leaves Marinette breathless for a moment, transported back to the days when things were so…simple. When she wasn’t in love or putting on a magical spotted mask to fight a butterfly supervillain.
“So long as you’re sure, qiānjīn,” Sabine says. “You know your father and I will support you no matter what.”
“Even if that involves moving to New York and letting people make fun of our English,” Tom adds. Sabine rolls her eyes and elbows him.
“Just get going,” Sabine says, letting go of Marinette’s hand. “Before your father pulls out the baby photos.”
“Great idea!” Tom claps his hands. “Where did I put them?”
“Nope!” Marinette yanks Kagami along. “Gotta go, bye, be back by ten!”
Kagami’s red car is waiting outside, and after she and Kagami slip their shoes on before stepping outside, it’s a mind-screw for Marinette when she peers inside as Kagami holds the back door open for her and she finds that there’s…no driver. What?
“Ah,” says a voice. Marinette almost jumps out of her skin upon noticing the woman sitting in the backseat, dressed in a loose, long-sleeved white blouse tucked into red pants, with dark shades covering her eyes. “You must be Miss Dupain-Cheng.”
“Um – hi!” Marinette waves, then gulps and lowers her hand when she realises that the woman can’t exactly see her action. “Yeah, that’s me! Marinette Dupain-Cheng!”
“Just be yourself,” Kagami whispers against the nape of Marinette’s neck as Marinette ducks into the car. “Treat her as you would any adult.”
“Tatsue, to the Scarlet Dragon restaurant,” Tomoe Tsurugi says once Kagami has shut the door after her and she and Marinette are buckled in.
“Very well, Ms Tsurugi,” says a robotic voice, and the car takes off smoothly from the sidewalk.
“Whoa,” Marinette breathes. “That’s so cool.” She shakes her head and offers her hand to Tomoe. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ms Tsurugi.”
Tomoe’s grip is firm, self-assured without being overwhelmingly tight, and although the handshake only lasts for a moment, Marinette’s left very sure that this isn’t a woman she wants to cross.
“And what do you believe makes you worthy of my daughter, heir of the Tsurugi family?” Tomoe says. Marinette gulps.
“I, um…” she stammers. Kagami takes her hand and squeezes, injecting her with just enough courage to keep talking. “I’ve designed glasses and an album cover for Jagged Stone…Gabriel Agreste and Audrey Bourgeois approved of my hat design…”
Tomoe clicks her tongue. “You talk with uncertainty. You speak of your achievements without letting them speak for you. What makes you worthy of Kagami?”
Marinette squares her shoulders. Tomoe wants a good brag? Well, she’s going to get it. “I don’t care about Kagami’s name,” she says. “Just like I don’t care about Adrien’s name, even though his backing could jumpstart my career. My uncle is a famous Chinese chef and I’ve made connections of my own merit. I’m creative enough to get out of sticky situations and I always keep my promises no matter the pressure, unless I physically can’t. I speak up when someone needs to raise their voice because all that’s necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing. And I promise you that even though Kagami can protect and speak for herself, I’ll always do everything in my power to protect her and stand up for her against evil, whether it’s an akuma or another person. I promise that even though I’m dating two other people as well and Kagami’s also dating one of them, I’ll never make your daughter feel left out or like she’s an afterthought. She’s just as important to me as my other two partners.”
Once she’s finished her speech, Marinette lets herself sag against the scarlet car seat, taking in gulps of air to try and balance the way her head’s starting to spin. Kagami’s firm grip is an anchor against the impassive face of Tomoe Tsurugi as she assesses Marinette, seeming to be able to peer straight into Marinette’s core despite being unable to physically see her. Then Tomoe gives the barest hint of a smile, and Marinette melts even further into the seat.
“Good,” Tomoe says. “Anyone can list what they’ve done, but not everyone can speak of who they are.”
“So…you approve of me?” Marinette says.
“I didn’t say that. It takes a lot to earn my approval, Miss Dupain-Cheng. But you don’t have my disapproval.”
The car ride to the restaurant is silent after that. Thankfully, before Marinette can begin to fear that Tomoe will join them inside and watch over Kagami on their date, Kagami bows and says goodbye to her mother and then shuts the car door.
“That was probably the scariest moment of my life,” Marinette laughs weakly as she and Kagami enter the restaurant. “I felt like she was going to eat me alive.”
“You did brilliantly, Marinette,” Kagami says. “You were confident and spoke highly of yourself without boasting. Mother will definitely like you eventually.”
“Don’t worry. It took her a bit to warm to Adrien, and that’s with our parents being friends. It’s nothing that you did.”
Once they’re seated, Marinette’s tempted to grab a menu and pull the old nervous trick of hiding behind it to spend the whole date deciding what she wants to order. But no, after her speech in the car to Tomoe, she’s not going to just back down and give in to her anxiety now.
“I’m surprised she let you out in the first place,” Marinette says.
“So am I,” Kagami says. “But I think she feels that a romantic relationship is different enough from friendship. Her only condition was that she meet you and judge you herself. I’m just glad she didn’t care that I’m attracted to girls.”
“That was super brave of you, Kagami.” Marinette dares to reach across the table and link their fingers, and Kagami once more blushes and looks down with a small smile. Then she clears her throat and looks back at her menu.
“I’ll get the kamo nanban,” she says. “It’s my favourite dish. My comfort food, you could say.”
“Yeah, why try something new and risk not liking it when you can stick to what you know you like?” Marinette grins. Kagami nods rather vigorously and accidentally kicks Marinette’s leg under the table.
“Sorry! Sorry!” Kagami jerks back as though she’d been burned. “My apologies, Marinette.”
“Hey!” Marinette grabs Kagami’s hand again and smiles in what she hopes is a reassuring manner. “Don’t apologise. Never apologise for stimming, Kagami. You don’t have to mask around me.”
A rare, wide smile spreads across Kagami’s face. “Thank you, Marinette. I’ve never been given permission to, um…stim. I always get scolded for not being a proper young lady and I guess I just…forgot that I don’t have to pretend around my friends.”
Marinette smiles back at Kagami, then returns to figuring out what she wants to eat. “I’ll get the beef teriyaki,” she says after a moment, since it’s probably the only Japanese dish she’s ever eaten apart from instant ramen, which she’s pretty sure doesn’t count. “And I’ll just get a lemonade to drink.”
“So will I. Mother never lets me have sugary drinks like that.” There’s a small gleam in Kagami’s eyes as she adds, “I’m being a rebellious teenager and drinking lemonade.”
“That’s just sad,” Marinette giggles.
Once the waiter has arrived and taken their orders, the girls lapse into a comfortable silence. Kagami’s now freely playing footsies with Marinette under the table and rocking ever so slightly in her seat, a blissful little smile on her face, and the sight of her relaxed and open like this is so radiant that for a moment, Marinette can’t even remember her own name.
“You’re beautiful,” Marinette’s mouth says without permission. Now Kagami’s cheeks are as red as her top.
“Thank you, Marinette,” Kagami says and squeezes Marinette’s hand. “Not just for the compliment. Thank you for this date. I know we’ve all been open about our feelings but…there was still a part of me that was scared that I’d be the “spare” partner. You and Luka are similar but different, whereas I sometimes feel like I could be interchanged with Adrien, since we’re so incredibly similar. And Luka and Adrien were always options for you from the time you met them.”
“No! Never!” Marinette says immediately. “You’re not a female Adrien. You’re also similar but different, Kagami. And just because I fell for Luka and Adrien when I met them doesn’t mean that you’re any less important. I guess it was…well, easy to fall for them. But that doesn’t make you any lesser than them.”
“I know that rationally. It was just…hard to convince myself. For such a logical person, I can be quite irrational.”
“Yeah, it’s called being human,” Marinette says. “I meant what I said to your mother, Kagami. You’re just as important to me as Adrien and Luka, and I promise I’ll never leave you out or put my relationships with Adrien and Luka above ours. And I give you permission to slap me if I mess up.”
Kagami giggles. Has Marinette ever heard her giggle before? Laugh, yes, but never giggle. It suits her.
“I don’t think a slap will be necessary,” Kagami says. “But don’t worry, I will make my displeasure very obvious.”
“Good,” Marinette says. “You know what they say about “normal” people: they can’t communicate to save their lives.”
That one makes Kagami laugh so hard that she slumps in her seat and attracts odd looks from the middle-aged blonde couple sitting a few tables over. Whether it was the actual words or the air quotes, Marinette has no idea. All she knows is that she’s going to spend every moment of her life from now on trying to tease out this gorgeous laugh from Kagami whenever she can, and she’ll damn well die trying if it comes to that.
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masseffectanya · 4 years
beyond the alkaline earth: one
(can also be read here!!!)
On the Northern Isles, it’s said that you have two homes. The skies and the islands. It’s said that the Brethren Court believes the cure for everything is saltwater (be it sweat, tears, or the sea). It’s said that the Ashen Throne raises Jötunn in the night to feast upon the living. It’s said that the Hollow Crown are as wild and free as the horses they race upon.
 The first time Alkali returned from hell she let loose a torrential storm and breathed in the chaos. She stood in the field and let herself get soaked through as the lightning struck around her and through back her long red hair and laughed at every false god.
The second time Alkali went to hell she brought Frøya with her (Alkali returned alone).
 This time, she bangs on the gates until Charon lets her in with a withering glare and walks into the palace.
 “It would beseech you to not aggravate my guard.”
 Lilith was leaning against one of the columns in her grand hall, looking at her blood red nails with pale eyes. Her crown was on her head and she was wearing some silky red thing with a cigarette dangling between her fingers. “Charon is already annoyed that I took a wife. I do not need him to argue that my little sister shouldn’t be allowed to freely wander into the fathoms below without his consent.”
 Alkali snorts. “Good to see you too, Lilith.”
 Lilith looks up and smiles softly, crown of antlers askew on chestnut curls and darkness weaving between her fingers. “I’ve miss you, Alkali.”
 “How’s Frøya?”
 “I’m sure that’s a hard standard to reach around here?”
 “Come on, half-wit.” Lilith finally moves away from her rest and runs her hands through Alkali’s hair. “I’m sure we have much to catch up on.”
 Hell isn’t fire and brimstone and demons filling the shadowy halls. Lilith’s hell was cold, and empty, and vast. The legions had never seen earth and they filled the realm with rumors and stories, myths and legends. They talked about dragons and Keepers, of a sun and a moon and King Calypso’s sea. They balked before Alkali as she followed Lilith deeper into her kingdom (Alkali learns that the dead are rarely quiet and the Dragon of Khoine is considered inhumanly powerful).
 “Why have you come, Little Dragon?”
 Alkali glares over her shoulder at Lilith. “Do I need a reason to visit my family?”
 Lilith shrugs and flicks imaginary dust off of her shoulder (Alkali never needs a reason and Lilith knows that, knows that whenever Alkali comes, she will welcome her with open arms). Alkali sighs and runs her hand over the cold stone walls.
 “The dead… they aren’t staying dead.” Alkali’s voice is soft and Lilith strains to hear her. “There’s jötunn patrolling the outskirts of the Ashen Throne but ignoring orders from the Empress. Krakens have been spotted moving further south and swallowing ships whole, dragons setting fire to entire towns. Something is rising, Lilith. Something evil and dark and I don’t know what or who it is. There’s rumours that it’s a monster, a ghost story.”
 Lilith lights another cigarette and took a long, deep drag. “There’s been souls escaping, not powerful one’s mind you, but enough that the rivers aren’t fed.”
 Ghosts are real. This I know to be true.
 “Hell is changing, Alkali. Frøya has planted pomegranate trees and demons have seen winter. The earth is mimicking that change. If the balance is off it will take more than the two of us to restore Khione.”
 We’ll need Killian, and Calypso. We’ll need our mother and your father and the Harbinger of the Hollow Crown.
 Alkali runs a hand through her hair. Her time in the skies faded the red to an icy blonde (although Lilith doesn’t know if it’s the sun that did that or Alkali’s powers that have turned her into the embodiment of winter). It’s braided to stay out of her face and it’s long, longer than Lilith has ever seen it. There’s a tiredness in her eyes that comes from time. “So, what do we do? Convene the Keepers? Summon the leaders of the four realms? Watch as they bicker and spar over territories lost and legions won? Wait and listen for the Adherence, who haven’t given anyone in the realms a sign since they decided to spare my life and make me a Keeper?”
 There’s magic coursing around Alkali’s fingertips, wild and uncontrollable and sending up a signal that makes Lilith feel alive for the first time in years. In her time in the Fathoms, Frøya had kept her elemental magic to a minimum and Alkali was drenched in the power of the stars and Lilith had forgotten how exotic elemental magic was, how it sang in her veins and whispered sweet nothings about freedom and the wind in her hair and the chaos in her bones.
 Instead, she reached over and grab her sister’s wrist. “First you need to get your magic under control, Alkali. You’re giving off elemental energy that will summon all sorts of unpleasantness to our location.” Alkali glares at her and there’s silver in her eyes that wasn’t there before. She closes them, takes a deep breath, and when she opens them again, they’re green.
 “Don’t apologize for losing control, Alkali.” Lilith states. “It might save your life one day.” She doesn’t grab Alkali’s hands (she’s made that mistake before).
 Alkali’s magic is potent and rich, filling the room with the smell of nicotine and cloves and cold winter mornings. Her hands are too hot to touch from the fire that dances across them, a dark purple when she uses bloodmagic – darkening her veins. To Alkali, magic becomes a physical manifestation of herself and it makes her dangerous.
 Alkali sighs and clenches her fists. There’s a hiss of steam and then her hands are cold. “How’s Frøya?”
 “Come on,” Lilith grabs Alkali’s hands and leads her further into the depths of hell. “You can ask her yourself. You’re staying for breakfast.”
 Frøya looked like Alkali, looked like a Windrider, with sun-bleached hair and bright eyes full of impossible colours and silver elemental magic whispering through her fingers. Frøya spoke in the languages of earthen pagan gods and coaxed plants to life with elements muttered in Latin and Greek and Norse. Frøya and Alkali ached in languages so old that Lilith forgot their names but the Windriders would sit in Frøya’s garden with dirt beneath their nails and chatter in ancient tongues.
 “Alkali,” Frøya was up from her chair in a second, the little herb pot she was tending to left forgotten on the table. “You’ve finally come to visit me, little dragon.” She throws her arms around the Keeper and Alkali finally relaxes for the first time since Charon let her past the gates. Lilith follows them as her wife drags her sister out to the garden, speaking in hushed voices and surrounded by a swirl of elemental magic.
 There’s a pomegranate tree in the corner, pushed up against the iron fence and Frøya is on her knees in the dirt with Alkali next to her, the dragonglass in her lap, sharpening the blade.
 “So, little dragon, why have you come here?”
 Alkali sighs, whetstone hovering over her sword. “The ghosts are back. All of them. The dead aren’t staying dead and the balance is off. If the balance is off in the fathoms, it’s off with the sky and the sea and the lands as well. The krakens are rising in the seas and devouring ships, the dragons are attacking farms on the isles, jötunn are rampaging through the Ashen Throne, fire mages are burning the Hollow Crown.”
 “We’re going to convene the Keepers, darling.” Lilith walks up and runs her fingers through Frøya’s hair. “The Keepers and the realms all gathered for the first time in decades. This is going to be a nightmare.” She lights a cigarette and inhales, the cloves filling her lungs. “Who do you think will start shit first?”
 Alkali snorts, undignified but it crinkles her nose and she looks less like a warrior and more like a child – Lilith will take that as a win. “Pandora… or Xhomera, and it will definitely be about the other.” Frøya smiles at that and Lilith… Lilith wants to take a photo in her mind at how soft Alkali looks with an easy grin and the weight of the sky off her shoulders next to Frøya with the dragonglass on her lap.
 “So then,” Frøya stands up and wipes her hands off on the front of her dress. “I will go start something that is more edible than whatever you’ve been eating, and we shall convene the Keepers.” She pecks Lilith on the cheek and vanishes back inside.
 “So,” Alkali slips her whetstone away and sheathes the dragonglass on her back. “We’re really doing this.”
 Lilith takes one final drag of her cigarette and snuffs it out beneath her heel. “We’re really doing this,” she confirms. “Just remember to spend time with your wife, little dragon.” She turns and heads inside, leaving an indignant Windrider left standing in the garden.
 “I do spend time with Calypso, thank you very much,” Alkali huffs. When Lilith turns around, she’s staring at the garden, lost in her thoughts.
 “Oh, little dragon,” Lilith whispers. “I hope this cruel, cruel world never steals your spark. Brave you are, but broken.”
 “I can hear you.”
 Lilith sighs, turns, and walks inside her palace, leaving Alkali to the garden and her own ghosts the oncoming darkness of hell.
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therealjambery · 5 years
Long fics rec post is long
What better way to while away the time than fanfiction? Long fanfiction! And when I say long, I mean long, like so long it is three novels put together, how on earth did you find time to write this, so long it takes even me more than one day to read long. I'm irrationally jealous of all of these writers, as I am the type of writer who has a hard time dashing off 10,000 words in a timely fashion, let alone writing anything longer.
I'm using the SFWA's definition of a novel here, which is anythiing over 40,000 words.
These are all stories I've loved, and most of them I've actually got saved as PDFs so I can re-read them wherever I want. I'm digging pretty deep into the archives for this one, kids, so hold onto your hats.
Fandoms: Avengers/Marvel, Firefly, Inception, Leverage, Merlin, Stargate Atlantis, Star Trek AOS, Supernatural, Torchwood
Fandom: Avengers/MCU/Marvel/Whatever we're calling it these days
in deep with you darling by topaz Author's Summary: Darcy could have, under normal circumstances, resisted the aesthetics (however awesome they are, and holy crap are they awesome), but there's an itch under her skin—apparently, nearly dying by giant, fire-breathing robots from space in the middle of Nowhere, New Mexico will start you questioning your life choices. Who knew? Main Pairing: Clint/Darcy Words: 48024
runaways are running the night by anothercover Author's Summary: Clint did like that the photo stayed private. He’s shit at social media, only on it because, you know, he has to be, but even Clint knew it was the kind of candid that was Instagrammable - #queen, #legend, #rawmemama, etcetera, ad nauseam, he’s pretty sure he could predict the comments before anyone actually typed them. (Bucky once said “raw me, mama?” to her with a goddamn straight face and Natasha’s expression of abject horror while she tried to work out if he meant it had made Clint laugh so fucking hard he was certain he’d ripped an organ in half. He still wants to find a way to work that story into his act, because on the one hand, people love it when he talks about his marriage, but it’s hard to find a way into it that doesn’t sound like he’s making fun of their fans, and that’s a big no-go.) AU: Natasha's in a band, Clint is basically John Mulaney, it's great Main Pairing: Clint/Natasha/Bucky Words: 53873
Ready, Fire, Aim 'Verse by gyzym Author's Summary: There's no "I" in "Avenger." Main Pairing: Steve/Tony Words: 63019
Ain't No Grave (Can Keep My Body Down) by spitandvinegar Author's Summary: It's six in the morning, and Steve is heading out on a run when he nearly trips over a bouquet of sunflowers on the front steps of his brownstone.
For a second paranoia takes over, and he kicks the flowers a little, waiting for them to explode. They don't. They also came with a card, which he picks up. The front of the card has a tasteful picture of the Brooklyn bridge at sunset. It's very nice and sedate, like the kind of card you would buy to give to your boss. On the inside someone has written a short message in big, shaky block letters.
Steve sits down hard on the steps. Main Pairing: Steve/Bucky Words: 107076
Infinite Coffee and Protection Detail series by owlet Author's Summary: The mission resets abruptly, from objective: kill to objective: protect Main Pairing: Steve/Bucky Words: 264438
Clint Barton's Super Secret Snipers' Club by sara_holmes Author's Summary: Clint Barton's Super Secret Snipers' Club. (Invitation and pending mental health evaluation required.)
"When Steve brings Bucky back to the tower for the first time, Clint’s first thought is that Tony Stark’s pride and joy is quickly becoming a less of a very tall and expensive ‘fuck you’ in the faces of investors who don’t believe in self-sustaining energy, and more of a superhero rehabilitation center."
Boyfriends, compromises and learning to like oneself. Main Pairing: Clint/Bucky Words: 67059
Nobody Lost, Nobody Found by ClaraxBarton Author's Summary: "Look, dude, I get it. You’re fucked-up. HYDRA fucked you up. I’ve been there. But you’re my fucking Soul Mate!"
“I can kill you. I could kill you without even realizing what I was doing. I’m not fucked-up, I’m a monster. I’m a nightmare. You can’t be here. You can’t- All the people I’ve killed- I will not murder my Soul Mate too. Not after everything else I’ve-”
Clint worked his left hand between their bodies and managed to land a punch to the man’s right side, forcing him to shift his weight, and Clint brought his right hand down on the place where the man’s metal arm met his torso - hidden by the shirt he wore, but on full display in the video Clint had watched.
The man released Clint with a grunt of pain, and Clint pressed his advantage, landing another punch to his abdomen, backing him up against the opposite side of the RV and then pressing the kitchen knife he had pocketed while cleaning up earlier to the man’s throat.
“Like I said, I’m not a Boy Scout. I’m plenty dangerous myself. We clear on that?”
This looks bad, because it is.
How Clint Barton met his Soul Mate AU: soulmates! Main Pairing: Clint/Bucky Words: 108331
Ronin!Clint 'verse by shatteredhourglass Author's Summary: “Who the fuck are you and how did you get this line?”
“I have my ways,” the voice says, amused. “Don’t worry, I’m just enjoying the view, Captain America.” Main Pairing: Clint/Bucky Words: 63266
Fandom: Firefly/Supernatural
Weight and Motion by sevenfists [note: the podfic by dodificus is excellent] Author's Summary: The pears were ripe, Kaylee told him, but Mal wouldn't eat any of them. They were a present, nestled all sweet and green in a wooden crate that a grateful passenger gave them right before they left her on Greenleaf. AU: Crossover, Dean ends up on Serenity, just roll with it Main Pairing: Mal/Dean Words: 43117
Fandom: Inception
All the World is Bullet Shaped by pushdragon Author's Summary: If Arthur thinks that, just by waving enough money around, he can get Eames to risk his life and reputation to rescue him from a death sentence, he's got another thing coming. So Eames sets a malicious, undignified price on his services, one he can be certain that a man like Arthur would never condescend to pay. It turns out to be the first of many mistakes. Main Pairing: Arthur/Eames Words: 76656
I Seem to Be a Verb by Aja Author's Summary: Arthur owns a quirky hipster science bookstore. Eames is a world-famous mega-celebrity.
Clearly this calls for a meet-cute. AU: Notting Hill AU Main Pairing: Arthur/Eames Words: 93837
In Medias Res by starlingthefool Author's Summary: What's the most resilient infection? What's more infectious than a cold, deadlier than cholera? What lingers in your blood forever?
Love, of course. Mal has always known that. Her pointman Eames may dismiss her for a romantic, but for better or worse, love has gotten her this far. AU: Mirror-verse Main Pairing: Arthur/Eames, Mal/Dom Words: 52662
The Music Makers by mami_san Author's Summary: A. Graham Cole was twenty-one years old when he was killed in action in Iraq. This is the official story. The truth is, of course, somewhat different. Main Pairing: Arthur/Eames Words: I dunno, because it's not on AO3. But my PDF is 451KB so it's over 50k, most likely.
Presque Vu by rageprufrock Author's Summary: Or, "on the tip of the tongue." Arthur meets Mal first. He inherits Dom, after. Everything else is on him. Main Pairing: Arthur/Eames Words: 69588
Wherever You Will Be (That's Where I'll Call Home) [The DomesticVerse] by gyzym Author's Summary: People you kiss in an airport baggage claim and then don't talk to for thirteen months shouldn't be able to exist, let alone make your chest do the things Arthur's chest is doing. There are rules. Main Pairing: Arthur/Eames Words: 74828
Fandom: Leverage
Psychic AU series by Laughtsalot3412 Author's Summary: He had a sniper rifle scoping the girl’s bright eyes and the guy’s smile. AU: They all have psychic powers Main Pairing: OT3 Eliot/Parker/Alec Words: 89955
Fandom: Merlin
[note: look, I don't even go here. I've never watched the show. But.]
Drastically Redefining Protocol by rageprufrock Author's Summary: In which Prince Arthur meets Merlin and all hell promptly breaks loose. AU: Modern AU Main Pairing: Arthur/Merlin Words: 46,059
The Student Prince by FayJay Author's Summary: A Modern day Merlin AU set at the University of St Andrews, featuring teetotal kickboxers, secret wizards, magnificent bodyguards of various genders, irate fairies, imprisoned dragons, crumbling gothic architecture, arrogant princes, adorable engineering students, stolen gold, magical doorways, attempted assassination, drunken students, shaving foam fights, embarrassing mornings after, The Hammer Dance, duty, responsibility, friendship and true love... AU: Modern AU Main Pairing: Arthur/Merlin Words: 145222
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Gypsies, Tramps, and Thieves by auburn Author's Summary: Vala Mal Doran and her partners, renegades Jehan abd-Ba'al and Meredith McKay, hijack the Tau'ri ship Prometheus and leave the Milky Way behind in search of the Lost City of the Ancients, Atlantis. AU: Space pirates! Main Pairing: John/Rodney Words: 180299
The Price That Life Exacts by cathalin Author's Summary:When John disappears without a trace during a routine mission, people in a beleaguered Atlantis eventually have to try to move on. Rodney never completely gives up hope of finding John, and though he soldiers on to help Atlantis, a year later he still lives every day with his grief. Main Pairing: John/Rodney Words: 63369
Written By the Victors by Spreranza Author's Summary: Caroll, Franklin R. Atlantis Revisited. New York and London, Routledge, 2011. Chapman, Denise. Several Kinds of Genius: The Life of Rodney McKay. NY: Harper Perennial, 2015. Croft, Rosalind. City of Spires: A Memoir. Toronto: The Mercury Press, 2009. Dugan, Paul. A Political History of Atlantis. Oxford: OUP, 2012. Main Pairing: John/Rodney Words: 52843
Tongues of Men and Angels by Mad_Maudlin Author's Summary: When SG-4 is ambushed offworld, an injured Major John Sheppard must put his trust in a Tok'ra agent named McKay to survive. But what secrets is McKay keeping about his mission, the planet, and his own motives for helping John? AU: They didn't go to Atlantis Main Pairing: John/Rodney Words: 58523
Fandom: Sherlock (TV)
The Least of All Possible Mistakes by rageprufrock Author's Summary: If ever a people deserved tasering, it’s Holmeses. Main Pairing: Lestrade/Mycroft AU: Genderbent Lestrade Words: 118096
Fandom: Supernatural
Red by Big Pink [note: seriously, this is one of my favorite fics/series ever and I have the ebooks if you want to not read this on LJ or FF.net] Author's Summary: Something evil is killing treeplanters in the forests of the Pacific Northwest, possibly the same predator that Dean narrowly escaped years before. How Grimm will things get before the brothers figure it out? Main Pairing: none Words: 81839
Fandom: Supernatural/Stargate Atlantis
And All the World Beneath by seperis Author's Summary: Dean remembers Texas as blackland stretching in marker-thick strips of vivid brown and black, broken with the sprawling metroplexes of Dallas and San Antonio and Houston; farms spread with the yellow tops of maize waving in pre-autumn winds, threshers moving complacently through the fields with drowsy men in hats waving at the road. He remembers green and gold fields dotted with cows, half-year calves running on the outskirts of the herds. He remembers these were what he saw between jobs, lives being lived that had nothing to do with creeping twilight and sleeping only behind salt circles and ritual wards. AU: Cthulhu mythos Main Pairing: Dean/John, John/Rodney Words: 67279
Fandom: Star Trek AOS
Leave No Soul Behind by whochick Author's Summary: If you're Starfleet, you spend your whole life wishing you never see an EPAS uniform right up until the moment they become your only hope. Whether you're dying a slow, cold death in space, or a long painful one on some godforsaken planet, they're going to come for you. So count your last breaths, son, and hold on tight. They leave no soul behind. AU: Spock did not join Starfleet, he joined the Emergency Personnel Ambulance Service (EPAS) Main Pairing: Kirk/Spock Words: 258951
The Lotus Eaters by aldora89 Author's Summary: Stranded on the planet Sigma Nox while searching for a missing away team, Spock and Kirk find themselves pitted against a disturbing native life form. With the captain out of commission on a regular basis and Spock struggling to preserve his stoicism, staying alive is difficult enough – but when a slim chance for escape surfaces, their resolve is truly put to the test. Together they must fight for survival in the heart of an alien jungle, and in the process, uncover the mystery of the planet’s past. Main Pairing: Kirk/Spock Words: 93594
Only Good for Legends by leupagus Author's Summary: Detective Spock, born on Vulcan and resident of San Francisco, is assigned to the Midwest police bureau. I think everyone can guess what happens next. AU: Spock is a Detective. Otherwise it's pretty much the same, including Kirk's petty criminal tendencies. Main Pairing: Kirk/Spock Words: 149640
So Wise We Grow by Deastar Author's Summary: "Commander Spock, we have located your son," the Vulcan lady on the screen says, which would be great, except Jim can tell by the look on Spock's face that he's never heard of this kid before in his life. "If it is expedient, the child will be sent to join you on the Enterprise within the week." AU: kidfic Main Pairing: Kirk/Spock Words: 81248
Switch by Ceres_Libera Author's Summary: The life and times of Leonard H. McCoy MD/PhD … If Leonard McCoy's life could get any fucking weirder, it would be … Jesus, he didn't even want to think what that could possibly mean, because it's already been too fucking weird to make any kind of rational sense. Main Pairing: Kirk/McCoy Words: 230867
Fandom: Torchwood
The Rose of Jericho by kaydeefalls Author's Summary: Post-CoE. When Martha Jones encounters a dark UNIT cover-up in the wake of the 456, it's up to Gwen's new Torchwood team to bring the truth to light -- and save Ianto. AU: alternate ending post Children of Earth Main Pairing: Jack/Ianto Words: 62606
That should keep you busy for a while, right? If you have other long fic recs, let me know in the comments/with a reblog!
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conejocabron · 5 years
Devil Wears Prada prompts/ideas/whatever
1. Miranda flushes and startles everytime Andrea touches her direct or indirectly. Miranda remembers perfectly at least five times Andrea hug her way through their relationship. From a silly mistake such as tripping over to the very first time she embraced Andrea back.
2. Andrea never realizes how special she is to Miranda until someone comments how rare it is to see the devil in prada doing such mundane things like waiting for Andrea, directing small smiles her way or even offering her a drink before serving one for herself. Andrea just doesn't remember until those moments two very important things: how spoiled her lover is and how much she tries not to be so self-centered with her. This annoyed Andrea and thrilled her at the same time. Every time.
3. AU Harry Potter universe. Fashion magic, crafting, spells, all of that jazz. Slytherin Miranda. Andrea... well she may be a hard working Hufflepuff making bad choices or a reckless Gryffindor making bad choices. Miranda must always and tiredly rescue her from... stuff. Phrases like "Is truly so hard for you to make a simple and well applied defense spell? Am I reaching for the stars here?" are daily said until Andy slowly learns her lessons.
4. I crave for more photo shoots that require travelling. Miranda is so used to having Andrea with her that they already have a routine and also the unspoken rule of never take a seat away from each other. But this day they seem to break all the rules since Andrea is slightly sick and doesn't want Miranda to notice. So she avoids her on purpose the entire trip. Miranda is in an extreme bad mood and everyone must choose: to cope with their boss or to betray Andrea's secret. How do you battle a dragon?
5. Miranda literally a dragon is so cool now that I think. Just one day Miranda hears Andrea talk about how much she loves to collect Dragon figures, paintings and general artwork with this particular creature. How much a real dragon such as Miranda can take that information? She tries to show her true form to Andrea in attempt to scare her and vanish that stupid dragon-adoration but ends up having a trembling and excited young lady trying to climb to her back "This. is. soooo cool! can we fly? please tell me we can fly!" This girl will be the death of her. (Also, it may be a possibility that Andrea thinks she is in a dream and thinks that she may well enjoy it)
6. Drunk Andrea is good fun too. This time she made some mistakes ar her Mirror job and now is drinking her stress away. Nigel tries to take her home but she insists taking a cab only the adress she gives is not the one to her apartment. Imagine Miranda's face opening her front door with Patricia ready to take her moorning walk only to find a sleeping ex-employee curled on the stairs. Call security? the police? splash a glass of water over her and shoo her away? Patricia barks and Andrea mumbles 'hey...' and tries to stand up. Or: Andrea thinks she is dreaming and embraces her ex boss tenderly and ask her to take her to bed since she is so drunk she can't even see right.
7. Andrea is having a mental breakdown. Too much New York and sleepless nights, too much work and so little motivation. To little free time she can barely breath. Too much violence in the streets and corruption in goverment. She is not even sure if she loves journalism this much. She has some anxiety problems, insomnia and strong headaches. So she quits and gets the hell away from everything and everyone. Andrea's parents, unaware of their daughter's whereabouts, call every friend they knew until they reach their last source: their daughter ex boss or: "Ridiculous. How on earth i'm supposed to know where your dear little daughter is?" after hanging out she is of course going to find out where that little troublemaker is so she could give her a piece of her mind.
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nautiscarader · 5 years
Markapoo week day 3 - Fixing AU
This is a short companion piece to my admittedly, equally short  There is no such thing as canon (SVTFOE finale fixing fanfic) Just a dash of Marcapoo.
(Ao3) G (some implications at the end)
Hekapoo stared absent-mindedly at the enormous, flaming portal in the sky, through which she could see the lakes and valleys of Mewni and the magnificent Butterfly castle. She sighed, and thirty copies of her appeared, forming a pyramid, just so she could inspect the fiery rim from as close as she could. She dipped the edge of her scissors into it, touched the hot metal, and finally licked it, trying to taste the magic. She took her scissors, slashed the portal, and a moment later he was looking at a completely new world, covered in clouds and crystals. One more slash, and she was looking, upside down, at the Quest Buy. Another slash, and she was looking at the vast, yellow sea of the magic dimension.
- What in the multiverse is that...? - Still figuring out what's with the megaportal?
Marco's voice reached her from her house. Evidently tried with training, Marco stepped towards the mountain of Hekapoos and conducted the conversation with the one on the ground.
- Yeah, we have no idea if it can be closed... - You guys made one hell of an explosions when you destroyed the magic powering those robots. - another clone replied - If the Magic High Commission was still active, Omnitraxus would say that is a great violation of prime laws of the universe. - You have to blame Tom and Janna. - Marco replied nonchalantly, offering to replace one of the Hekapoos and carry the weight on his broader shoulders - They were the ones who stormed the robots with the unicorns. - But that is the whole problem! - several Hekapoos cried around him. - If you jam a warnicorn's horn in that crystal, it. WILL. EXPLODE. That magic has to go somewhere...
The tower of Hekapoos vanished, florr by floor, and Marco instinctively reached his arm to give Hekapoo a hand, as the last ones were gone.
- Thanks, Muscles. - No problem, H-Poo - he shot her a handsome smirk - So, what's the diagnosis? - That  we have a gaping hole in the multiverse. - Hekapoo replied - All the worlds can now be visited, I can't close it, but at least it is stable. If you don't have scissors, you can't change where the portals go, so... that means suddenly my forge is a bit of a weakpoint. - That sounds to me like something we can do. - Marco replied quickly - We defeated Mina, we can defend this place. - We defeated Mina because I, or rather WE have overwhelmed her. - three Hekapoos countered - Without me you wouldn't be able to even get close to her.   - Did I thank you for that, Hekapoo?
Hekapoo sly smirk vanished, as Marco's fingers brushed through her hair, making a sudden, giddy smile appear on her face, though she quickly tried hiding her fluster.
- Don't you have a girlfriend now, Diaz? - Ah, well, uh, yeah...
Marco scratched his head, and moved his hand away, making Hekapoo already miss his gentle touch.
- Actually, wanna visit Earth? - Marco suddenly asked, sparking her interest again - I don't think my parents have met you. And you'll see my sister! - Lead the way.
The brawny man took his scissors and performed the same shape as usual aiming at the massive portal in the sky. The flame burst, changed colour, and the familiar, rural neighbourhood of Echo Creek appeared on the other end. As he stepped through the portal, he became his teenage self, something Hekapoo was always eager to comment about. But this time, she had something else on her mind.
- Uh, who are these guys?
Hekapoo pointed to the several men and women in black and blue uniforms that approached them, and lead to what looked liked several photo booths.
- Oh, uh, they are... the TSA agents. Those are the guys who also work at the airports when you fly to another country. In airplane. They are like dragons, except... not. - Marco replied casually - 'Cos they basically thought that this portal should count as a border, and last week they set-up the, the booths where you have to get naked and get scanned and whatnot.  Oh, and there's the tax-free shop over there. - Naked? - Hekapoo's eyes widened as she approached hers. - Oh, don't don't worry - Marco's face reddened, as he looked away - It's all closed, and I, I wouldn't be looking anyway.
Hekapoo snorted.
- As if I could forget what happened between you and my clone number 557. - she giggled. - And 559 for that matter, too... - Hekapoo... - he groaned - 724 and 725 at the same time, that was intense...
If Marco didn't have to spread his arms, he'd cover his face in his hands, as Hekapoo gladly continued reminding him of several encounters from his 16-year trip to her dimension he would never forget anyway.
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Shareable questions. All of them.
👽   Do you believe in aliens?Not in the aliens everybody else seems to believe in with UFO’s and all that crap.
👽👽   If so, what do you think they look like?They look like normal people, because... you know what. Ask Cas. He is practically an alien.
🤡   Do you have any phobias?Yeah. Snakes? Ugh. Spiders? Ugh!! Planes? UGH. (But it’s so funny the emoji for this one is clown. Perfect for Sammy.)
💀   What is your favourite thing to do?I... I have no idea. Maybe watching western movies with Cas? I never thought about this before, because normally there is just stuff that I have to do. Kissing Cas is for sure in my top 3 as well.
☕   Name the tastiest hot beverage.Ugh, you can’t tell anyone but I enjoy hot vanilla milk. I mean coffee. It’s totally just plain coffee.
🥛   Name the tastiest cold beverage.Beer.
😇   What do you believe is your most angelic quality?ANGELIC QUALITY. I don’t have one. Seriously, I don’t think I can ever be somthing as angelic.
👹   What do you believe is your most devilish quality?That I don’t wait to pull my trigger. I killed people before. Hell, I torture monsters all the time. I’m not any better than them.
🧜‍♀️   If you could be any mythical creature, what would you be and why?Mythical, well most of them are actually real, but whatever. ( Normally I’d say angel? But you know, not really worthy - so lets go with a monster.)I think being a mermaid would be cool? All day in the water, the other hot merpeople. Yeah I think that would be nice.
😻   Describe the sweetest moment you have had with a pet.The sweetest. When I was like 16 we stopped in a small town for a hunt. It took Dad almost 6 weeks to find the vampire, so Sammy and I had to go to school there. It was horrible. While Sammy of course had lots of friends, I didn’t. I skipped a lot of classes and waited outside for Sammy and there was the cute little dog living with an old man right next to the school. I petted him every time I waited and he ... was so happy to see me everyday.Sometimes I would even share my breakfast with him or walk with him, when his owner was too tired. God this was ages ago, but I was heartbroken, when we left that town.So never getting a pet again. Hurts just like hell, when they leave.
🌎   What is your most far-fetched ‘bucket list’ item?I don’t think there is one? Nothing is really far-fetched in my life. But I’d like to have a swimming pool.
🤔   Describe the most influential person in your life.Well he is not really from this world, but he always fights for the things he loved. He was born as a solider, but learned what it means to have a free will and there is no one else, who loves this unconditional.
🤯   Do you have a mental illness?Pretty sure, yeah. PTSD definitely. Maybe depression, too. I have panic attacks at night (when nobody sees them). Anxiety and stuff. I got it all.
🦄   If you could shape-shift into an animal at any time, what would it be and why?Huh, great question. Maybe a dog, I kinda was one before and it was kinda fun you know. Have an owner and all, must be nice.
🍣   Are you a sushi connoisseur?No ew. Why would I eat sushi when I can have burgers?
🤓   Do you consider yourself a nerd?Mhh. While I do call Sam and Cas a nerd all the time, I can admit that MAYBE I’m one too. Probably more of geek, but whatever. Maybe it already makes me a nerd saying that.
📆   Have you set goals for your life? Or are you just living life in the moment?I do have set goals, but I feel like I have to just live my life, since I could easily die any day. So maybe that are just wishes and not really goals. I take the days as it comes.
📆📆   If you have made goals, name a few.Wishes. They are wishes. I would love to be married (so close!!) and would like to have a big family one day. Get some kids, get some nieces and nephews. Maybe get all my friends back. Imagine Bobby babysitting my kids or Charlie teaching them how to cheat in games.
📆📆📆   If you’re living life in the moment, explain away.Ugh I explained it above. Hunter = big chance of dying. Again.
🤩   Name a famous celebrity you dream of meeting.I wish I could meet Led Zeppelin.
🌙   Are you a moon or sun person?Sun probably, but I do love them moon as well.
🚀   If you could travel back in time to any era, where would it be?I wish I would’ve gotten this question years back, because then I would’ve said, when the Cowboys were still a big thing. But honestly? That was just a big disappointment. I didn’t like the whiskey, I looked stupid and people hated me there. So no traveling back, thank you.
🚀🚀   What kind of life would you want in this era?Well I just wished it would’ve been as awesome as I always thought. Me being the cool sherriff and getting hot chicks. (Or Cas, but lets be honest. They’d kill us)
🦕   Do you wish dinosaurs existed in our modern world?Holy shit YES.
🦕🦕   If so, would you want a dino pet?  Name the kind.I would love a dino pet!! Uhm... give me a triceratops.
🎃   Name your favourite holiday.I hate them all, but christmas was nice, when Mom was still alive.
😊   What do you believe is your most redeeming quality?That I never give up?
😴   Do you get enough sleep?No. Normally I get my four - five hours and I always say that’s fine, but it’s not. Seriously I wish I could sleep more. But you know, nightmares, hunting and all that crap. Maybe I should start with naps again.
🏈   Are you a sport enthusiast?Yes! While I hate to move my own ass, I love sports. Wrestling is amazing. (and yes that counts).
🦂   Describe your best friend.Oh easy. Big blue eyes, dark wild hair. Tilts his head way too often and can’t wink properly. Smiles so rare but so beautiful. Wants to help everyone and loves the nature. Has the biggest heart and gets hurt too often.
🥑   Fruits or veggies?Fruits.
🤞   If you could snap your fingers like Thanos from The Avengers, what would you make happen?Tha. Bring Iron Man back? No uhm, I’d kill every monster on earth. Make it peaceful.
😎   Do you consider yourself a cool kid or a total square?I wish I was a cool kid.
🍭   Do you have a sweet tooth?Yeah! Nothing better than some chocolate or pie, but it’s not as bad as Gabriel’s.
🏥   Do hospitals freak you out?Not really. I mean I don’t like them, but I’m so often in one, it kinda gets boring.
🍕   What’s the best pizza topping?Meatlover.
🧘‍♀️   When was the last time you did something just for you?Can’t remember.
🎣   Have you ever been fishing?Yeah a lot. Dad took me already when I was a kid.
👶   Do you want to have children someday?Yes. As soon as we are ready.
🥔   Name your favourite form of the potato.There is no favorite. I love them all.
🌵   Do you have a green thumb?Not at all. Glad Cas has.
🐩   If you have one, name your dream dog(s).Small ones... that don’t remember me of hellhounds?
🍂   Winter, spring, summer or fall?Summer and spring. I hate hunting in the winter or fall, but then again it gives me an excuse to hide into even more flannels.
🐳   Does the ocean freak you out or entice you?Entice me.
🐚   Ever been scuba-diving or deep-sea fishing?Nope! but Scuba-diving sounds amazing.
📸   Do you take a lot of photos?Ehhh I never really did, because why would I? Now I take pictures of Cas or Sam all the time. They hate it.
🎵   Name your three favourite artists/bands.Led Zeppelin, Motorhead, Metallica.
🎵🎵   What about your three favourite genres?Rock, Rock and Rock.
🎸   Can you play an instrument(s)?Never had the time, but I would love to play the guitar.
🔬   What was the best class in high school?P.E. I wanted to be a cheerleader, but couldn’t for obvious reasons.
🔬🔬   What about the worst class?Every other class. I was bad at everything.
🕹   Name the video game you have wasted the most time playing.Never played one.
🕹🕹   Name your favourite video game.I don’t think I even know one.
🔪   Do you have an interest in serial killers or do they just freak you out?Ohh Sammy boy has some real interest about serial killers! Holy shit. I don’t care mostly.
🦗   Do bugs give you the heebie-jeebies?Yes. God there was one time Sammy and I were caged in with a milliion of bugs and NOPE. Never again.
🎱   Confess the last wish you made on a magic 8 ball.Please let Cas love me back.
😑   Describe the most annoying thing ever.I’m so easily annoyed. You ever hunted some asshole ghost completely wet because he threw you into a pool? Fucking annoying to walk back to Baby for three miles in wet clothes. But also small things, when nobody listens to you. When there is a mess in my kitchen. When people assume stuff without knowing me.
☺   Describe the greatest thing ever.Waking up late and cuddling more into the warm sheets, while Cas tightens his arms around me. I love to pretend to be still asleep, just to see what he does.
🏠   Growing up, how was your home life?It was hell. I was practically an adult at the age of six. I mean I love Sammy more than myself (which is not hard btw) and I would take care of him anytime, but I never had... friends or fun and all that jazz.
😜   Are you silly or serious?Silly. But I can be serious if needed.
🥩   Steaks: Well-done, medium-rare, or still mooing?Medium-rare. But lets be honest, I eat every kind.
🍄   In your opinion, are mushrooms tasty little morsels or just a dirty fungus?Ew. I wouldn’t know, I don’t eat that stuff.
🥑   Best way to eat an avocado?To not eat it. :)
⛪   Are you spiritual?Haha, I have no idea how to answer that one.
⛪🕌   If so, describe your beliefs.Well?!?! I obviously believe in everything.
🍔   Burgers or dogs?Does that question imply, people eating dogs is a normal thing? Burgers.
😤   Describe something that gets under your skin.Unfairness.
🧟‍♀️   Do you think the world will end in zombies?Apparently it does, because that is just what happened.
🐉   Is there a dragon you chase?Yes.
🥞   In your personal opinion, should food be free to everyone?YES. Seriously.
🐍   What animal are you scared of, if any?Spiders and snakes. @anangelamuse-castiel-spnfam
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patchworkofstars · 6 years
Salted Caramel
Chapter 7: The Writer’s Lament
AO3  Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 3  Chapter 4  Chapter 5  Chapter 6
Relationship: Romantic Royality
Chapter Synopsis: Two guys sitting in a bedroom, one foot apart and they’re both gay.
Word Count: 5,300
Warnings: Crying, mention of bullying, mention of parental disapproval of sexuality (not rejection, just not acceptance either)
Notes: I was planning to split this chapter in two since it's so long, but there wasn't anywhere suitable to do that. So instead it's just one reeeally long chapter, for which I apologise ^-^” Hopefully it’s worth it though! ^-^
Roman crossed the threshold a step behind Patton, taking the opportunity to twist his head and quickly wipe away his tears on the shoulders of his shirt. Then his eyes scanned the room around him, and he found them pricking with tears once more as he took in the bright, comfortable, reassuringly wholesome atmosphere.
The walls were painted the same sky blue as Patton’s favourite shirt, and either he or Virgil had taken it further by adding white cumulus clouds and a yellow sun. And, whether deliberately following the theme or by happy serendipity, one wall was dominated by a large rainbow flag.
It was all so comforting, so utterly, perfectly Patton-like, that it felt almost like being embraced by the man himself. Roman closed his eyes, steadying his breathing as he tried to stop the emotions threatening to take hold. Much as his heart ached for its feelings to be returned, who knew if there was any hope left there? Patton had a crush on Remy or some stranger, and Roman was the one left wanting someone he might never have.
Shut the feelings out, shut them down, put on the mask and put on a show. Patton must never know how you’re feeling.
He composed himself as best he could and opened his eyes… only to find the other man watching him with such a wistful, almost longing expression that he almost reeled from the emotional impact it had.
He swallowed, suddenly acutely self-conscious, and felt his face burn. Roman had never claimed to be particularly bright - his intelligence was the sort that understood sentence structure and dialogue flow rather than how to solve equations - but now the pieces of a jigsaw slotted together in his mind to produce a picture he hadn’t realised he’d been missing.
“You’re my hero!”
“Is this the guy you were telling me you have a crush on?”
“He’s not my boyfriend and never will be.”
“Virgil housemate just had his heart broken by someone he harbours romantic feelings for.”
Patton had feelings for him, and he’d broken his heart. And now that Roman knew, what was he going to do about it?
His limbs felt heavy and uncoordinated, and he tried not to stumble as he moved to the centre of the room and looked around. Above the desk there was a large pin board covered with photographs, and he scanned them absently as he tried to get his emotions back under control. Some of the pictures were of flowers and cute animals, others of people most of whom Roman didn't recognise. Patton was in only three: one with Virgil outside the art museum, one with Remy, and one with two people who looked like his parents and three teenagers Roman supposed were younger siblings.
In each one Patton was smiling brightly, exuding joy and affection for those he was with, and Roman suddenly wanted nothing more than to be in one of those photos, smiling by Patton’s side. He shook his head, forcing the feeling away, and turned his gaze elsewhere.
The remainder of the room was cluttered with a mixture of scrapbooks, knick-knacks, stuffed toys, and DVDs. The bookshelves were stuffed with a jumble of fiction and cookbooks, the only history books visible being those required for the course.
Roman tried to act nonchalant, but wherever he tried to focus his eyes, they kept drifting of their own accord back to Patton. Not for the first time, he cursed his overdeveloped romantic streak. Of all the people to develop an attraction to… It could be worse, a treacherous thought reminded him. At least this one’s single, and not straight.
Patton sat down on the dove-grey bed cover and patted the spot beside him. Roman smiled awkwardly as he followed, carefully keeping his knees pointed towards the centre of the room rather than at his companion.
What on earth should I say? “I like you, you like me, let’s snuggle”?
Don’t you dare, brain, I’m watching you. Come on, I need a light, casual conversation starter.
“I never expected you and Virgil to be housemates”, he began at last. “How did you meet? You seem so...different.”
Patton grinned. “We are, but we get along great! We got talking in the first year when I saw him at the museum and went up and complimented his hoodie."
Roman tried to imagine how that conversation would have gone, but couldn’t. Either it was beyond his creative block, or it was just too bizarre.
“How about you and Logan?” asked Patton, tilting his head to one side. “You’re pretty different yourselves. I’d never have guessed you were friends.”
Roman shrugged. “We met at fencing club in our first year”, he explained. “Logan joined because it’s a structured, mentally-challenging sport with minimal physical contact. I joined because I wanted a chance to fight with swords.”
Patton nodded in understanding. “You wanted to be a knight, right?”
“Well, yes...” Roman confessed, with an embarrassed smile.
Patton beamed, his face lighting up in a way that made Roman’s head spin. “I knew it!” he exclaimed. “After all, you were my knight in shining armour outside the club.”
Oh, calm down, Roman! He could feel the warmth of another blush spreading across his cheeks and down his neck. Say something! Anything! Change the topic before he notices how red you are!
“You’re the real ‘Knight’” he found himself saying. “Do you have any idea how envious I’ve always been of your surname?”
What the hell, brain?!
Patton bit his lip and ducked his head, but he couldn’t hide his grin or the red flush spreading across his face. Roman took a deep breath, trying to think past the butterflies and find a safer topic of conversation.
“I, uh, don’t have the time for fencing anymore, sadly”, he said with forced lightness. “Or the energy, to be honest. I’ve been far too stressed with everything else I’ve got going on.”
“Hmm~ Is that what Virgil was supposed to help you with?”
“Well that was part of it”, Roman admitted. “He was trying to help me learn to relax. I’ve been having a lot of trouble with writer’s block, and I hoped that would cure it.”
“Oh yes! Your writing!” Patton’s eyes widened. “You never told me! What kind of things do you write?”
Wrong topic! Abort! Roman’s stomach clenched and he shifted awkwardly in his seat, unconsciously moving his knees to point even further away from Patton. “Well, I write a lot of poetry”, he said, his eyes on the wall, “And also...fanfiction.”
He took a deep breath and turned his head to see the response. To his surprise, Patton was almost glowing with excitement.
“That’s so cool!” he breathed. “Which series do you write about?”
Roman swallowed, a half-proud, half-embarrassed smile tugging at his lips. “I’ve written a few alternate universe pieces with Disney characters”, he said, “But I currently write mainly Dragon Witch Chronicles fics.
Patton squealed – he actually squealed – and leaned forward with his eyes shining. “What name do you write under?" he asked eagerly.
Roman flushed. “I can’t tell you that. You’ll look up my work, and that would just be embarrassing!”
“Aww...” Patton’s face fell, but then he shrugged. “Oh well, if you write Dragon Witch Chronicles fics, I’ve probably read them already anyway.”
“You won’t tell anyone will you?” Roman implored him desperately. “Please don’t mention it to anyone, it’s a secret!”
Patton frowned. “Don’t your friends know about it?”
“No way!” Roman almost shrieked. “I can’t tell them! If they knew, they’d be sure to-” He broke off and shuddered. “In any case, they must never find out. I have to hide it from everyone even remotely linked to our course.”
Patton tilted his head slightly to one side, his soft brown eyes full of sadness and concern. “That sounds exhausting”, he remarked.
The words hit Roman like a heavy jousting lance. The truth of them, the external acknowledgement he hadn’t known he so desperately needed, went through him like a shockwave, and a sob wrenched itself from his chest past his lips before he could even think of trying to stop it.
Patton reached out a hand, but as before he hesitated and then pulled back. “Maybe that’s why you’re finding writing so hard?” he suggested gently. “Virgil always says he can’t create if he’s not honest. His art is an expression of himself, so if he hid who he truly is, he wouldn’t be able to make anything good.”
Roman swallowed, taking some deep breaths before he risked speaking. “M-maybe...” he admitted. “I used to love writing, but now it’s always a struggle. The thought of even trying makes me nauseous.” He shook his head sadly. “Can I even call myself a writer, if I never seem to write anymore?”
Patton chewed his lip for a moment, looking down at the bed cover and stroking his fingers gently back and forth over it. “You know, I don’t think it’s only writing that makes you a writer”, he said at last. “I may not write myself, but the way I see it, you’re a writer because writing means so much to you, and because you feel so lost when you can’t do it. I think writing’s a part of who you are, even when you don’t write.”
“But I’ve barely written for months, Patton!” Roman wailed. “The only things I’ve managed to write were a poem after I walked you home that time, and then a short story about-”
He broke off abruptly. He was not going to tell Patton what that fic had involved. No way. If the subject matter weren’t embarrassing enough, there was always the risk he might recognise it.
“Hmm~ Well, do you know what’s stopping you?” the man asked, ignoring the sudden stop. “Why does the thought of writing make you feel so bad?”
Roman shook his head and sighed. “There’s so much pressure, so much competition. I feel I’m devoting all I have to it, and yet no matter what I do, I can’t keep pace with all the faster, better, more talented writers out there.” He turned away and put his head in his hands, his shoulders hunched with the effort of suppressing the tears that threatened to overwhelm him.
When he managed to speak again, it was in tight, broken tones. “I need to do it, but… But I can’t… I can’t risk failure…”
There was silence for a minute, and despite his fears, Roman's curiosity pushed him to risk looking at Patton. The other man was chewing his lower lip again, his head tilted characteristically to one side.
“Do you think, maybe, you struggle because you’re trying so hard to compete?” he suggested, a touch cautiously. “I mean, you said you started writing because you enjoyed it, but you don’t seem like you’re enjoying it now. So why keep trying to force yourself?”
Roman swallowed. “Because I… I need the praise”, he said, his voice soft and cracked. “I need the acknowledgement, the proof that I’ve done something worthwhile.”
“Is that the only reason you write?” Patton asked softly, a hint of something like disappointment in his eyes.
Roman shook his head firmly. “No, but still, I can’t help but worry. What if nobody likes what I write? What if, after weeks of pouring my time and effort into a story, no one cares? With every creation I show to the world, I put my heart on the line. I risk apathy, rejection, and downright hate.”
“I’m sure no one will hate it”, Patton gently assured him, “Not if it’s something you’ve put your heart into creating.”
Roman gave a short, bitter laugh. “Don't be so sure. And besides, apathy is almost as bad, and I've experienced that many times. Hate may cut, but apathy bruises."
Patton blinked back the tears trying to well in his eyes. “I know it hurts, but… If other people don't enjoy your creations, that's their loss, not yours. What matters most is that you like what you’ve made.”
Roman sighed, his voice coloured with exhausted helplessness. “You must understand, nothing stings like rejection. Nothing tears my soul and strips away my confidence more than pouring my heart and soul into creating something and then releasing it into the world only for the world to disregard it. And I need people to tell me my writing is good, that it means something to them, that I’m contributing something to the world to justify my existence!”
Patton leaned back away from him, eyes widening in alarm, and Roman grimaced as he was hit by a sudden wave of self-disgust. Just when he’d realised he liked Patton, he had to go and scare him off. Stupid, stupid, stupid!
The adrenaline seemed to drain out of him, and he slumped, eyes downcast. But when he cautiously raised them again he saw none of the expected revulsion on Patton's face.
Patton was leaning forward, head tilted to one side and forehead creased in concern.
“That’s not...” he began, quietly, hesitantly. “You don’t...” He broke off again and bit his lip, frowning as he tried to find the right words to say.
Roman waited, a tiny flicker of hope reigniting somewhere inside him. Maybe, just maybe, all hope wasn’t lost after all.
Patton took a deep breath and blinked rapidly - Were there tears in his eyes, too? Then at last he spoke.
“You don’t need to justify living, Roman. And if you have a purpose… Have you ever thought maybe it might be just to enjoy life? To make the world a little bit better in whatever way you can, even if it’s just by sharing your smile?”
“But writing is what I do!” Roman wailed. “I’m not like you, I’m no good at being kind, or making people happy! Without writing, I’m nothing but selfish, stubborn, insecure… - Feel free to stop me at any time! - I’m arrogant, egotistical...”
Patton smiled and shook his head. “You’re creative, caring, brave…” he looked down shyly, turning pink, “...Not to mention very handsome.”
Roman smiled wryly, trying to ignore the heat flooding his face. “Writing is what I do”, he repeated quietly. “It’s the only thing I’m good at. It’s the one chance I have to make something of myself and make my family proud of me.”
Patton frowned, picking awkwardly at the bedspread. “Have you spoken to your family about how you feel?” he asked.
Roman shuddered involuntarily. “I’ve already disappointed my parents by being gay, I can’t fail at this too.”
“They don’t accept the fact you’re gay?” Patton asked gently, leaning forward in sympathy.
“They wouldn’t kick me out or anything”, Roman quickly assured him. “They just… try to ignore it. They don’t say anything, but I know from their silence they don’t like it.”
“I’m sorry”, Patton said sadly. “That’s horrible.”
Roman shrugged and looked away. “Ever since I came out, they’ve tried to pretend it never happened. I’m an only child, and they were…very unhappy that I was dramatically reducing their chance of biological grandchildren.
“Do you want children?” There was a slight shift in the air, and Patton seemed to be holding his breath as he waited for a response.
Roman hesitated. “I’m not sure”, he replied uncertainly. It was always my parents’ priority, not mine, but… I suppose I would like to be a father someday. Assuming I can ever get a well-enough paid job to support a child.” He sighed. “Not that there’s much hope of that if I fail my degree.”
Patton shuffled a little closer, his soft eyes fixed on Roman. “What would you choose for your future, if you didn’t have to worry about qualifications or what your parents might think?”
Roman swallowed, feeling his face heat up further but unable to take his eyes from Patton’s as he asked himself what he really wanted. Right now, the only answer his brain was giving him was Patton.
“I’d lo- I’d like to write”, he said at last. “To be a- a writer, a proper author, you know? A professional, making a living writing stories. That’s been my greatest dream for years.”
Patton’s whole face seemed to shine, the brightness of his smile bringing a deeper blush to Roman’s cheeks. “That sounds wonderful, he breathed. “What kind of stories would you write? Fantasy? Ooh, or maybe historical fiction? Is that why you’re studying history?”
Really, it was uncanny how easily this man seemed to read Roman like he himself was a book, with the secrets of his heart written out for those caramel eyes alone. He took a deep breath, forcing his eyes away to watch the wall.
“I’ve always loved historical fiction. Tales of knights and princes, heroism, chivalry, romance… I dreamed of studying those times and turning what I learned into stories of my own. And the stories were even more appealing when they had a generous sprinkling of fantasy. Dragons to fight or to tame, sorcerers good or evil weaving fabulous spells… I saw it all so clearly in my mind, and it wasn’t long before I began re-enacting my favourite tales and then creating my own – escaping my mundane everyday life into the role of hero in a dozen different fantasy lands.”
Patton leaned forward, his eyes wide as he drank in everything Roman said.
Roman smiled wistfully. “When I grew old enough that wearing a prince costume and wielding a plastic sword became frowned upon, I stopped acting my stories out and instead settled for writing the scenes from my mind onto paper.”
He turned to see Patton's reaction and found him gazing with rapt attention. "What do you think?” he asked nervously.
“I bet you’d look amazing in a prince costume”, Patton replied with feeling.
Roman cleared his throat, his blush deepening. “Yes, well, in any case, I decided that studying history would help with my writing, even though the reality turned out to be depressingly short of happy endings. I endured the school history lessons convinced that if I could just get through this module, this year, this particular bit of tedium and misery I’d eventually be able to study the things I really wanted to. But now that I’m here, I’ve realised I still don’t enjoy it and I never will.” He shook his head and sighed, his shoulders slumping as he looked again at the wall.
Patton shook his head. “You didn’t realise the past was never like it is in those stories?” he asked.
Roman turned back to face him, his eyes dull and rimmed with shadows. “I wanted so much for it to be real that I managed to convince myself”, he confessed. “And when the illusion finally crumbled, it was too late to turn back.”
“It’s never too late”, Patton said firmly. “Never.”
“I’ve wasted years, Patton. Years spent chasing an impossible dream. I know now that what I truly want is to spend the rest of my life writing stories. Every spare moment I have, free from the tedium of my course, I devote to dreaming up new fantasies to escape into.”
He sighed wearily. “In all honesty, it’s losing myself in those stories that's kept me going this far. And now..." He swallowed as a lump rose to restrict his throat and tears once more flooded his eyes. “...And now I can’t even seem to do that.”
There was silence for several minutes, as Roman leaned back against the wall and Patton chewed his lip, staring down at his own knees. As Roman replayed the conversation in his mind, an awareness gradually stole over him and he sat back up with a sharp intake of breath.
“I’m sorry”, he said, with an apologetic smile, “I shouldn’t have been so negative about studying history. You probably love it.”
“Mm...” Patton bit his lip, and Roman was suddenly acutely aware he’d never even considered how he might feel about their course.
For a long moment the man was silent, then, “I find the past...comforting”, he said at last. “I can cope with even the most horrifying bits because they’re over, they’re gone.  The present is too raw. You hide from it in fantasy worlds, I hide from it in the past.”
The sadness in his eyes caused flames of anger to flare suddenly in Roman’s chest. “Is this because of… You know, how the class treat you?” he asked, his voice edged with fury.
Patton hesitated and then nodded, his eyes still averted. “That’s part of it”, he mumbled, “It was worse at school, but back then I could go home to my family at the end of each day, and they'd make it all better. I miss them all so much.“
His eyes filled with tears, and Roman internally panicked. Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry! How do I stop him crying?!
Patton sniffed, removing his glasses for a moment to dry his eyes. "Lessons here aren't so bad", he assured Roman, "As long as I find a seat early and keep my head down. And I know I can always talk to Virgil, I just don’t like to bother him when I know he has troubles of his own.” He sighed. “I just wish I knew what people think I’m doing so wrong.”
Suggestions flitted through Roman’s mind, a mix of his own observations and comments he’d heard from others. He could give Patton a list of reasons why people thought he was childish and weird, but…
“If they don’t appreciate you, that’s their loss”, he said firmly. “I don’t want you to think you have to change for them. You’re warm, and kind, and fun to be with, and… I like you. I really do.”
Patton turned to look at him, his eyes wide. “Do you really mean it?” he asked softly. He reached out a hand once more, this time resting it lightly, tentatively on Roman’s arm. Roman felt his heart rate accelerate, and then, as so often, he moved without thinking. His hand was on Patton’s before he knew it, and the pink blush that lit up behind that dusting of freckles made him feel giddy.
“I, um...” he began, and then swallowed. At least one of them should probably have moved their hand by now, but neither had. Instead, he found himself caught up once more in those caramel eyes, so much lighter than his own, and he couldn’t help the affectionate smile that formed on his face.
“I like you a lot, Patton”, he confessed. “So I’d be happy for you to sit beside me in lectures. And to eat lunch together, if you want to.
“What if your other friends don’t want to include me?” Patton asked cautiously. “I wouldn’t want you to risk your friendships just for my sake.”
“Screw them”, Roman said passionately, “I want you.”
As Patton’s eyes widened and his face flared scarlet, Roman’s brain once more caught up with his mouth and he felt his own face blaze.
“I mean as a friend!” The words were ejected from his mouth in a rush, but as he turned away he couldn’t help adding softly, “...Or maybe more, if you’d agree to it.”
There was a long pause where they both looked everywhere except at each other. Then Patton finally murmured, “I’d like that.”
His voice was soft and husky, like the whisper of a breeze in the desert. Thirsty, Roman’s brain helpfully supplied, and he gave it a swift mental kick.
Patton turned his hand and curled the fingers to lightly brush Roman’s. “You’re sure you don’t hate me?” he asked, shyly.
He tailed off as Roman reached forward and placed a finger to his lips.
“Patton, I could never hate you, not now I’ve got to know you better”, he said, softly but with conviction. “You are an absolute angel, and I hope to spend a great deal more time with you from now on.”
He removed his finger and then watched in confusion as his the man’s eyes filled once more with tears. “I- I’m sorry”, he stammered, “I didn’t mean to upset you… I shouldn’t have touched you without asking. Please don’t cry...”
Patton shook his head and sniffed as he tried to blink away his tears. Taking off his glasses again, he placed them carefully to one side so that he could wipe his eyes. It took a few moments before he could speak, and in that time he reached forward to touch Roman’s sleeve once more. He stroked his fingers back and forth over the fabric a few times, then stopped and curled his fingers to gently clutch it.
“I’m not an angel”, he mumbled, his voice still choked with tears. “I’m over-sensitive and disorganised. I make silly jokes and pretend to be happy, even though I know nobody likes me.”
“I like you”, Roman told him fiercely. “And besides, I don’t see angels as perfect. I see them as those people who care about others and always do their best to put them first. Those who strive every day to make the world better in any way they can. And by that definition, you are unequivocally an angel.”
He shifted closer and put an arm around Patton, loosely at first, then tightening reassuringly as the man settled into his embrace.
He gazed down, taking in the view from up close of Patton’s soft waves of lavender hair and the galaxy of freckles covering his face. The tear tracks were still damp beneath his closed eyes, but there was a peacefulness there now, a contentment that warmed Roman’s heart. Never before had he felt so utterly entranced by someone, or so deeply protective of them. As he revelled in the sight and in his newly-realised adoration, words began to form in his mind, and he gathered them up, shaping them into lines that flowed straight from his heart.
“If ever tears are in your eyes
Like salt in caramel
And sadness wraps you in its curse
I’ll fight to break that spell.
I have no castle or acclaim
No fortune to convince
But I will want for nothing if
You’ll let me be your prince.”
Patton lifted his head and gaped at him. “Did you write that?” he breathed, “You’re amazing!”
“You inspire me”, Roman told him. “The only times I’ve written lately have been after spending time with you. You were absolutely right: I can be myself with you, and that sets my creative spirit free. Patton, my dearest, you’re my Erato, my Calliope!”
“I’m your what now?”
“My muse. I feel I could write anything with you by my side!”
The rose-pink flush spread from Patton’s cheeks to his ears and down his neck. “Oh! Well, I’ll be happy to help you in any way I can!”
“Simply spending time with you is enough”, Roman assured him. “I can already feel the creativity welling up in my veins! Oh, I could kiss you!”
At the sudden wideness of Patton's eyes and his bright red face, Roman replayed his own words in his mind. Then he felt his own cheeks grow hot at the realisation of what he’d just said. One day, perhaps, he would learn to think before he spoke, but this was clearly not that day.
There followed several seconds of excruciating silence as Roman’s eyes roamed every bit of the room that didn’t contain Patton. When at last he risked a glance at the other man, he found him looking back with a shy smile – a smile Roman’s own lips couldn’t help but mirror.
“Did you mean that?” Patton asked, scarcely above a whisper.
Roman felt a surge of courage. “Every word”, he replied fervently.
Patton’s smile widened. “I think I might like that”, he said, tears welling in his eyes once more.
Before Roman knew what he was doing, he had swept the other man into a hug. He could feel his own eyes stinging, but this time he made no effort to stop himself from crying. Burying his face in the collar of Patton’s shirt, he breathed in the glorious scent as he felt warm arms slip around him in turn.
And suddenly, for the first time in too many years, he felt safe, secure, and cared for.
He tightened his hold, drinking in comfort, as a warm tide of protectiveness spread through him. Their classmates could say what they wanted, could stare, and whisper, and jeer. He would never, ever let Patton feel lonely again.
Then, gradually, the memory of his words filtered through the companionable silence and Roman felt a warmth of a different kind ignite in his chest.
He moved back, pushing Patton gently away from him, then lifted a hand to ever so lightly cup the man’s cheek. To his delight, Patton leaned into the touch, and Roman could see his breath quicken and a new spark appear in his eyes.
They moved together, leaning in slowly but surely to close the space between, until their lips met with a light brush that grew in intensity and all Roman could think was soft, and warm, and home.
“Pat?” Virgil’s voice called through the door several minutes later. “Is Roman in there? He stormed out of my room a while ago, and Logan and I haven’t seen him since.”
Patton pulled back and looked at Roman, who gave him a half smile and a nod. “He’s with me”, he called back. “We were, uh… We were talking about why we chose to study history.”
Roman slammed a hand across his mouth to suppress a chuckle.
“Wait, you were?” asked Virgil. “Actually, forget that, Logan wants to know if Roman wants a lift home. He can stay the night in your room if you prefer, though.”
For a second the two froze, staring wide-eyed at each other. Then Patton squeaked “I-don’t-think-that’s-a-good-idea!”, the words tumbling out of him in a shrill rush.
“Well, figure it out quickly, ‘cause Logan’s leaving soon”, Virgil warned.
Roman smiled wryly. Yeah, it was probably best not to spend the night together – even literally sleeping – before they’d even been on a first date. Speaking of which…
“I shall have to leave for now”, he said, “But perhaps we could meet again tomorrow? For a real date, this time.”
Patton looked ready to explode from sheer joy. “Yes!” he squealed. “That sounds great! Where do you want to meet?”
Roman hesitated. While his romantic instincts were screaming at him that Patton deserved a grand gesture, like being whisked off to Disneyland Paris for the weekend, his parents would hardly consider that a defensible use of his student loan. He had better keep things realistic, at least for the first date.
“It’s late”, he said, “And I’m sure we’ll both be tired tomorrow. How about we just go for a walk together by the river, and then get some drinks at Costa. I promise I’ll plan something more exciting for the second date.”
“Second...date...” Patton breathed, his eyes wide as he processed the words. “That sounds wonderful! And Costa will be great, you know I like going there.”
Roman smiled. “Good, because I believe I owe your barista friend an apology. And you as well.” He lifted Patton’s hand and pressed a kiss to the knuckles. “I apologise from the bottom of my heart for what I said before. I would be honoured to be your boyfriend, if you’ll have me.”
Patton’s enthusiastic response was cut short by a sharp rap on the door and Logan’s harsh tones. “Roman Zito, you have precisely three minutes to exit this room and get into my car. When that time is up, I will drive home whether you are with me or not.”
@metaphoricalpluto2 @theunoriginaldaisy @logan-smarter-than-you-sanders @fiive-second-cookies @sevencrashing @quietwords-loudthoughts @sher-soc-the-famder @what-a-catch-joe @intothevoidsunknown @karmels-stuff @smokeyrutilequartz @katesattic @the-office-cat @starryfirefliesbloggo @angst-patton @definitely-a-plant @unknownsandersfan @blinksinbewilderment @romansleftshoulderpad @creativity-killed-thekitten @chemically-imbalanced-romance @marvelfangeek09 @a-black-pegasus @softestlittlepuffball @wisepuma23 @hissesssss @musikasworld @the-prince-and-the-emo @xxladystarlightxx @pearls-of-patton @evilmuffin @suyun-doo @patton-in-name @shesavampirequeen @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2
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firebirdsdaughter · 5 years
When you wish you were asleep…
… Watch raws! XD
Actually, I still kind of wish I was asleep. Maybe I’ll grab a nap after this. (-_-)
But on to my children!
In no order and w/ many typos:
Okay, look. Wyzul’s not ‘weak,’ he’s just meant to have essentially the opposite style of Tankjoh. He’s a ‘planner.’ The manipulative, cunning ‘evil genius type.’ Doesn’t mean anyone has to like him, or think he’s a good villain—hell, I promise you I already miss Tankjoh, too—but he’s not ‘weak.’ He just has a different style. His plan this week was actually rather clever.
Sorry. Wanted to get that off my chest. I miss Tankjoh, too, but I actually like that they followed him w/ a general w/ an opposite style, that the one time Tankjoh kind of tried it, it got him killed (the plan w/ the Cerberus Minusaur).
XD TOUWA. Oh, honey. Who put you in the back? ^^
Knowing the twist makes this whole thing all the more hilarious, somehow.
Though this plan was actually rather clever! If Cardena hadn’t had a few slips in her words… Though admittedly, she was so clearly anxious about it that Banba and/or Melto might have caught onto something anyway, but… It was close.
Banba’s become naturally suspicious, so he may have doubted them anyway, but… It could’ve worked.
Poor Touwa’s so short. And even Banba is kinda hiding in the back there! XD
Other facts about Banba: Google Earth, always taking pics.
Ah, yes, we’re sneaking in. Let us yell, loudly! XD Ah, Toku…
Odd place to keep things, honestly…
There’s something incredibly goofy about the fact that this confrontation is taking place in a cramped stairwell…
They forgot the little men for Banba and Touwa’s transformations. XD
Everyone else is in the middle of fighting a Drunn. Banba has alreday freaking killed his. ><
I think Touwa just asked Wyzul to repeat himself bc they didn’t catch it the first time. And Asuna just figured it out? Uncertain.
Wait. Waitwaitwaitwaitwait. I guess it’s Pink??? But she looks purple???
Curse my inability to put an image in the middle of a bulleted list! Curse my attachment to bullet points! DX
I’ll put it at the bottom?
Touwa here, stealing the monster’s lines. XD
Rip unnamed Drunn.
I’m confused as to whether Cardena was trying to tip them off, or just conflicted and getting anxious. Most likely the latter, as she didn’t seem to understand they’d figured it out later.
My watching experience is foiled once more by how INCURABLY BEAUTIFUL TATSUYA IS! DX
Now she’s getting the hairy eyeball from both big brother/dad and mom. XD Deception check failed.
Is that a thing?
They are dunking on this man so hard. I mean, he doesn’t seem to mind, but…
I really hope that smirk really was just Tatsuya and wasn’t planned. I like how they had trouble getting the ‘towel scene’ (a line ad libbed by Simon Pegg) bc Zachary Quinto kept laughing, so they just went w/ a scene where he jus barely smirks and they cut away real fast. This is smaller, scale, of course, it’s very low key and I only noticed it bc I am almost always watching Banba in any given scene, but it’s funny to think it was unscripted.
Aw, I thought Dad was an alright singer. Also, love Ui’s face here. ^^ And she tries to comfort him, such a sweetheart.
Aw, Touwa also looks like he’s finding it cute, too. ^^ I’m still thinking of Touwa and Ui as the ‘babies’ of the fam. Resident youngest sibs. :)
Nah, Banba doesn’t trust this situation enough to start stabbing people, don’t worry, Kou.
Pretty sure he’s just looking for an excuse to leave, actually.
Melto takes the opportunity to go full mom friend.
Banba’s like ‘so one of you was paying attention.’
There’s never any indication here if Touwa figured it out, too. I’m inclined to think he didn’t? But I don’t know.
Why must Tatsuya persist in being so attractive??? DX
Okay, guess it’s confirmed they can call Ui from the braces. … How. Did they program her number into them? Is there some frequency that they tapped her phone into?
Also, largely unrelated, but Ui is really pretty. She really is. She makes goofy faces sometimes, but this actress is really beautiful. I’m love her. ^^
She’s jack awful at lying, though.
Though it is justified that no one caught on, here. How would Wyzul know how modern human technology works? And Cardena’s an alien. And neither of them know Ui very well. She could be like this all the time for all they know.
But also… Did Melto text her? How did she know to leave her phone?
I say Cardena didn’t catch on bc she doesn’t seem to have realised that they knew later.
Tall Cheese seems to be having a good time hamming it up, and that is valid of her.
Really, though. There’s no way they would have actually released Tall Cheese, if this had worked. That’s not Short Cheese’s fault, she didn’t have many options, but I highly doubt Wyzul intended to honour any sort of deal.
I realise I shamefully remembered Short Cheese’s name in the rest of this post. Whoops. I’d go back and fix it, but now it’s funny… ^^;
Oh, yeah. And this explains why Tall Cheese was looking so evil in those photos.
So… Was Wyzul actually just sitting chained up in the park the whole time?
But also… Wyzul is a shapeshifter. Toei, would you mind…? >:)
Synchronised staring at Kou. XD
Oh, yeah. Moment of appreciation for Tatsuya sitting on the bloody playground equipment like a freaking model.
Banba going for a low blow, there. But he has a point.
And… Kou hits a button. We’ve only really seen Banba be this angry when yelling at Crayon the Mushroom Man about curing Touwa, I think… Makes me wonder if the betrayal he suffered happened in a situation like this? He took a risk for someone in a similar fashion, but it turned out they were lying and stabbed him in the back? Like, loosely similar, maybe. Like… Kou’s reaction clearly hits a nerve.
GAH! Toei, give me more to go on! DX
He backs down, though. Either bc he’s still soft for sibling relationships and can’t help it, or he’s getting soft about Kou—or both. This makes me think even more that he’s never killed anyone before. For all his apparent willingness to do so, in the end he can’t got through w/ sacrificing someone like that.
Esp not when considering it while staring into Kou’s sad puppy eyes.
As Touwa mysteriously vanishes from the shot, despite being exceedingly close by a moment ago.
Though… Banba seeing the fact that Kou et al. being willing to sacrifice what’s important to them for what’s important to others… And seeming kinda effected by that… Is kinda fuel for my ‘he ends up trying to protect their innocence/kindness’ idea? In, like… A ‘I’m the expendable one’ kinda way? Not exactly, but… Augh, explaining is hard. I’m sure I’ll think of one later. DX
Like… Could lead to a moment later where he tries to sacrifice himself/something so that they don’t have to? Or forcibly decides to be the sacrifice for something.
Oh, boy, that sounded weird.
Tyramigo is adorable, and will be the death of me.
Tyramigo be like ‘Is this the bomb I’m meant to eat?’ Then checks w/ Kou just to be sure. ‘Eat the bomb? Okay, eat the bomb!’
Him going ‘aaaaaaaah’ like a little baby, he’s so cute. DX
And how it awkwardly cuts out when she says ‘don’t.’ XD
HOW DID SHE NOT CATCH ON? Either her lysing skill improved significantly, or she completely misunderstood Kou’s nod here.
They are dunking this poor man so hard… But, like, he’s listed as a special guest star, so I guess he doesn’t mind, and he seems happy, but… XD
Banba in the back: Google Earth, always taking pics.
Actually, that’s him at any given moment, really.
So… Were those copies of them, too?
Kou, you do not get to call people ‘baka.’ You are the baka!
I don’t actually know what he said. Could have been a different word.
Where were they hiding? Did they hang off the edge of the roof? Stairwell?
Banba not only refuses to smile, he sighs like he’s only there under duress.
He maintains his carefully practiced grumpy face for the whole scene, too. XD
Aw, I think Touwa just said ‘we barely did anything.’ Honey, I watched the flashback, you were the other person making copies.
Synchronised brother head tilt. Seriously, they’re at exactly the same angle. Ah, family. XD
Touwa loves it, Banba is required by contract to keep glaring.
His little awkward looking at the ground after, like ‘shit they’re cute’ what do I do??’… ^^ XD <3
They did do great, though. Plus he knew they’d never leave him alone if he didn’t do something there. XD But he is getting fond of them. Will probably be in denial until something happens and then have a freak out. Maybe it won’t even be that big, maybe it will just be Gold shows up and he finds himself getting protective. But I like big. ^^
Oh, please let Gaisoulg be who I hope it it… >.<
Aaaah! They’re so pretty! DX
So… Is it still a Minusaur if it didn’t come from a human?
What’s this? Minusaur is evolving!
Wait… So so they all turn into dragons when they complete????
I guess they didn’t tell her how Minusaurs actually work.
How did we get down on the ground? Who knows. Toku.
The others go w/ proper combat Souls. Touwa and Kou use the balloon Soul and the shiny Soul. At least one of those kinda makes sense.
Aw, she’s self conscious. ^^
What I think I love most is that she’s clearly putting conscious effort into being out of tune. Which she can do bc the actress actually knows how to sing. XD
Asuna playing the drums is SO CUTE. I’M GONNA DIE.
I love how Melto explaining implied the brothers asked.
And the fact that you can just hear her in the background through the whole scene.
I realise it was Wyzul impersonating her, but it seems like something he might pick up from the real her to make it more believable. Plus Short Cheese had a a name for it, making it more likely.
Gods love her, she’s putting so much effort into it.
Banba briefly checking on Touwa when he rejoins them. ^^ I love this family.
Short Cheese thanks everyone, and the kids smile, but Banba gets embarrassed. XD
Oh dear. Wyzul knows we’re in a TV show…
Ui playing the demanding voice instructor is ADORABLE. XD
Kou and Melto in the corner imitating Banba. XD
Next week, looks like Melto is piloting Kishiryu Oh alone, Biker Dad returns (as an illusion), and the kids get stuck in Wonderland when Banba turns his back on them for five minutes.
I’m kidding, I don’t actually know if his subplot is at all related to Wonderland. All it says is that he’s dealing w/ an ‘antiques dealer.’ I have this wild theory that what the summary means is that ‘Wonderland’ is inside a box (the chest that’s referenced in the title and is the goal of the ‘attraction’), and then Banba also ends up chasing it around. Alternatively, he could just end up in a situation where he’s wandering around like ‘have you seen five brightly dressed dork children? I left them right here, but I looked away for one minute and they all disappeared.’ Or he doesn’t know at all. The magazine did say something about him doing things alone… Maybe he’ll get himself into trouble and they’ll have to come save him in episode 10. I mean, we know he’s gonna get a plot about not doing everything himself eventually.
I’ll leave everyone w/ this thought: the shapeshifting Druidon general now knows where the Tatsuis live.
That’s all, folks! Virtual rock candy for anyone who read all that. Excited for next week. I hope we get episode summaries for the next few eps, soon, as that might give me more of an idea as to whether I was actually right. I like the idea of Banba chasing a box that may or may not have his younger siblings in it around the city and drama that could ensue. But they could go other ways w/ this subplot. Like… Maybe the antiques dealer is the hooded person? Or Banba is trying to investigate the hooded person? Or it’s Gaisoulg (please be who I want you to be, Gaisoulg!)? Or an early cameo of Gold? Or a Druidon? Or a completely inconsequential side character. Who knows.
Oh, yeah! Purple chibi!
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Though… I guess it’s Pink? It… It looks purple, though… Wait. Could it be… Magenta?
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