#i think. prompto as well is in my favs
astrxealis · 2 years
i've already mentioned how ff and drakenier are probably tied for my favorites but in addition to that. i think zero &/ kainé will likely be top 5 all-time faves when i get to know them more
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rearranged-fanfic · 29 days
Update (8/26) and A Question to You All
First order of business! Oof, babes. I got jump scared 😅
Friendly reminder to all my A03 homies out there that story bookmarks aren't private by default. You have to check the tiny box on the bottom that marks it as "private", otherwise all your dirty laundry is aired out to the world.
Needless to say, I uhhhh... I offended somebody. They were big mad at my story. Very incensed. I apologize for my poor conduct as an author for the grief I have cause the world at large 🙏🏻
Also, I'm apparently an untrustworthy author and that's funny to me 🥴🫠
I'm not even upset. I'm just a nice little blend of bemused and amused (which are two separate things entirely, though they often get treated as synonyms).
Alright, moving on...
I'm finishing Seaside this weekend. It's almost done. Well, more like halfway. But I can bust out a few thousand more words in *checks watch* four days' time. It's practically a done deal. I'm not at all setting myself up for failure with this strict time constraint.
No siree.
I anticipate having REARRANGED updated by NEXT Friday/Saturday, not this upcoming one. Whether this comes to fruition or not depends entirely on my ability to buckle down and NOT get distracted by my ADHD. I make no solid promises because I'm a disaster person.
The next item on my agenda is Crimson Chapter 3. I've bumped up the chapter count because there was so, so much tsundere!Suguru interacting with Reader-chan that I didn't have the willpower to cut any of it. We now have 4 chapters of our Vampire Knight/JJK fusion AU.... I'm a simp for mean guys, what can I say?
Then another REARRANGED the next week, and the end of Crimson the week after that.
I'm a busy bee this month. But I have so much to catch up on.
Once I finish my two smaller WIPs, I have a maddening desire to break out of the Jujutsu Kaisen fandom for a few smaller side projects while writing REARRANGED. I'm leery, given that JJK is where my main audience is. I wouldn't want to alienate any of my regular readers. I'd still probably do CanonXReader fics because they soothe my self-indulgent needs. But, man, I want to dabble in other fandoms so baaaad.
So, my question to those of you who keep up with my works, are there any characters from this list that you'd like to see more of in the future?
(Keep in mind that this is the distant future. Not until I complete the second arc of REARRANGED at least.)
(*) indicates that this is a fav of mine or I already have an outline/WIP of this character in my documents folder.
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba (anime/manga)
Rengoku Kyojuro* Douma Akaza
Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (anime/manga)
Hawks/Takami Keigo* Aizawa Shota Togata Mirio* Amajiki Tamaki Kirishima Eijiro
Naruto (anime/manga)
Uchiha Shusui* Uchiha Obito Hatake Kakashi* Shiranui Genma
Final Fantasy XV (videogame)
Prompto Argentum* Cor Leonis Nyx Ulric
Any of those look promising? IDK. It might be fun to write for an even smaller fandom, too. Maybe one of my old fandoms that are near-dead? I like getting out of my comfort zone (sometimes).
Well, I think that's it for this update.
Peace out, my lovelies 🥰😘
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asoeiki · 3 months
Fav Excerpts (FFXV fanfics AO3)
I just wanted to share with everyone some of my favourite passages from the fanfics that I had read, I had more actually but I managed to narrow down some of these that I thought was pretty neat with the way they write the scenes! Writers, ya'll are amazing with the way you write stuff, blows my mind every time TwT!
Out Here with the Daemons by Lagerstatte (Graphic violence)
It’s the worst barricade in the world. Bullets will punch right through it, Prompto has time to think. It never occurred to him before that this is how he’d end up dying. He doesn’t want to die. Does he want it less than he wants to kill people? Surely there’s another way out. He’s still trembling.
‘Don’t look,’ Ignis says, very softly, before leaving them there.
Noct grips Prompto’s arm, tight enough to hurt.
Prompto has a split-second to realise that even if he doesn’t look around the table, he can still see in the room’s reflection in the window.
He’s just in time to see the first of Ignis’ knives leave his hand and slice open a man’s throat. The flesh splits open neatly and blood sprays out; Prompto’s eyes snap shut. It doesn’t block the bubbling sound of wet gagging, somehow audible over the screams, shouting, and gunfire. Prompto hears something like that one time he’d blocked the kitchen sink and let it overflow, and it takes a few seconds to realise it’s not water he’s hearing splattering onto the wood flooring.
For Hearth and Home (Incomplete) by Viviena
“I was planning to go back because I was no longer needed here. Thanks to you it’s all mute point now. I have my new goals and you can bet I’m not letting you get anywhere near them.”
“And by those you mean…”
Nyx hesitated for a moment but it was so obvious, there was no point in pretending it to be a secret.
“Protecting lady Lunafreya and king Noctis.”
“Of course,” Drautos asserted slowly and looked to the side, seemingly deep in thought. He nodded slightly to himself and looked back up with clearly contemplating expression.
Nyx pointed a finger at him.
Commander Drautos seemed completely unfazed by it. So Nyx repeated with more intent.
That got him an exasperated eye roll.
First Bloom by Sekiei
During the next four months, they renovate the house, change every piece of wood. They raise the floor a couple of feet off the ground, double the walls and insulate them with earth and dry vegetation, pierce a few more windows. By the time they’re done, the cabin looks like a house, small and amateurish, but a house not a shack. They even have steps leading to the front door that Gladiolus is unreasonably proud of and Ebony loves to lounge on.
They kept the house the same size. One room. The kitchen left of the entrance, a couple of armchairs and a new plush carpet to the right in front of the fireplace. They could have made it bigger, but they didn’t. Gladiolus likes what they’ve found. It’s enough. After all they’ve been through, they’re not greedy; having a peaceful place to call their own is enough. He suspects Ignis feels the same way, but he doesn’t ask.
They eat the occasional fish and dry, thin bread Ignis makes with water and the powdered white flesh of roots he has an uncanny sense for finding deep in the ground even in the middle of the ghost forest. Gladiolus wonders how he learnt this, what happened to him all those years they were apart. Gladio mostly protected civilians and their settlements, ate cans of beans well past their sell-by date, dusty noodles on good days; on special occasions, chocobo greens and mushrooms grown under electrical floodlights. But the few times he saw Ignis, he was always out and about hunting, more often than not on his own. He hadn’t thought about what he had to do, to learn, in order to survive that lifestyle back then. But he doesn’t ask this either. There are topics that are best left alone.
Preventing General Glauca (Incomplete) by MeinNameIstJette
Titus stands near the edge of the dock, certain now, that he wasn’t going to make it out alive. There were too many enemies to cut down and he was on his very last leg of energy. If lucky, he’d cut down two maybe three, but that would be the end. He doesn’t want the defeat to show on his face but he’s sure that his stance is evidence enough to the Niffs that they had this in the bag.
That is.
Until Titus can feel a shift in the wind. He swallows, rather tries to swallow even though he’s parched, and straightens, as best as he can. He can hear something. He’s not sure what it is but it’s a faint and distinct sound. A part of him feels as if that’s the sound of death but then the unthinkable occurs.
The whistling becomes louder, distracting the enemy even as weapons rip through them almost as if they were made out of paper. Titus’ stance falters as he watches something unbelievable occur before his eyes. He doesn’t recognize any of these weapons and he certainly knows of no one in Sennheim who is able to do this and yet it is happening.
Knife Skills by SensationalSunburst (Graphic violence)
The cashier stood, glancing down the aisle at them, expression twisted into something between annoyed and concerned.
“Glad-” Ignis began, one hand reaching out blindly to grab the shield’s attention, but everything promptly exploded into the sound of shattering glass and gunfire. The van had violently reversed into the parking lot, the back doors flying open and a hail of gunfire sent the cashier crashing to the floor behind the counter. A man dressed all in black flew from the back of the van, rushed through the shot out door and began firing the second his boots hit the earth. Ignis snatched Noctis on instinct and spun to hurl him to the ground behind him as bullets riddled the display he’d just been looking at. He followed Noctis down, cushioning his head before it could bounce against the linoleum and muffling the startled cry that tore itself from Noct's lips. The gunfire that had followed them down the aisle ceased, and Ignis was immediately on his feet. Gladio had already grabbed Noctis, who was clawing against the iron bar of his arm across his chest to grab at Ignis.
“Ignis, stay down!” Gladio snarled.
“Iggy! Ignis!” Noctis pleaded, breath coming in short, panicked gasps. “Come back!”
“Ignis, dammit!” Gladio shifted as if to get up and Ignis turned on him with a snarl.
“Sword,” He snapped, pointing a blessedly steady finger roughly at himself then Gladio, “Shield. Do you duty and get him out of here.”  Ignis turned his back as Noctis’s shouting went up in pitch. He felt the telltale tug of magic in chest as Gladio pulled a shield from the armiger and took a single, calming breath.
Unlike Gladio, who would reach into that strange, supernatural space between worlds as easy as breathing, Ignis hadn’t been able to pull weapons from the armiger outside of training. For him, it took minutes of strenuous, sometimes painful, meditation before he could pull a blade from the armory. He could hold it in his palm just long enough to recognize the intricate patterns etched into the handles before the connection was lost; the snapback of magic enough to knock his balance loose and sending him stumbling to the mats.
But as he drew himself up in the bullet ridden remains of the store, fueled by magma scorching its way through his veins, he felt his rage solidify against his palms. The dagger sailed from his hand and thunked solidly into the shoulder of the would-be-assassin, it was off target, but the second struck true, cutting off the scream as the blade lodged itself in his heart.
Road Trip - Shattered by Sekiei
The first few days after he’d been injured, Ignis had kept it together when talking to Noct, but had been almost shell-shocked when it’d come to moving around. Gladiolus had been shadowing his every step then, a hand to the small of his back, to support and to guide him. He had been careful, considerate. Focusing on Ignis had helped him overcome the maelstrom of emotions and pain in his mind. For a time. But less than a week had passed before Ignis’d asked for a cane and made clear that he would ask to hold onto one of them if he wanted guidance, but he refused to be lead around any longer. He would decide for himself when and who to follow and just how far. In a way, seeing that fiery independence survive the ordeal had been a blessing. Ignis was hurt but he wasn’t broken. Yet, silently and despite being aware of his own selfishness, Gladiolus had wished he could have been relied on a while longer.
Ignis’ hand closed around his elbow with a natural that hurt him. It had only been three weeks. This shouldn’t have been so easy for them, so rehearsed. Gladiolus dropped words then and there, on their way to the end of the platform, at first to guide, then just to fill the silence. Stairs, three steps. The rails are on our right, two and half meters away. It’s a pretty steep drop, don’t go close. Have they told you… there’re mountains all around us, most are bare sand and rock, but there’s snow in the distance. It’s glowing through the nightfall. He was babbling but it kept his mind off what was coming.
He stopped far enough down the platform that they were out of earshot but still within the safety of the lights and turned towards Ignis. He steeled himself, taking a deep breath, trying for a composure he already knew he wouldn’t be able to sustain. Ignis seemed content to wait for him to talk, a sure sign that the argument was unavoidable.
‘Look, if you’re going to run through your tirade from the mine again save your breath. I get it. His Highness can do no wrong and he needs to be coddled to greatness. I just hope you’re volunteering for the job because I won’t be bowing to his whims any longer. I’ll respect my King when he starts behaving like a king and he needed to know that. Also I think you coming to Gralea with us is a stupid idea and you won’t change my mind on that one either.’ ‘Anything else?’ ‘Depends on what you say next. I am in no mood for a lecture, not even from you.’ ‘Could have fooled me.’ ‘Bite me. Are we done?’ ‘Oh, I haven’t even started. I’ve listened to you, now kindly shut up and give me the same courtesy.’
Carry Me Back Home by Moon_Raccoon_exe
I bawled my eyes out again when I read this fic = w=;
And there you lie, my dear soul, on gladioli and irises, and a few sylleblossoms, on the altar of the temple for everyone to admire and bid goodbye before cremation.
It is a Lucian tradition, unlike Niflheim; we incinerate as the usual method and we bury as the unusual one. Our ashes ascend to the skies and it frees our souls from the body, and the smoke helps them to become ethereal and cross to the other side and the whatever exists after death. I do have to admit that, as much as I believed it a beautifully tragic process, only now I feel a little sad in a fully egocentric way that I will have no physical something to cry to, other than a golden plate with your name on it. A plate I can’t even see, with letters I can’t even read.
long way home by ninemoons42
The cat is not a threat. He tells himself that. The cat is not a bomb and not an enemy and not a threat.
But those claws are real, and he’ll end up needing to mend his clothes, if Noct keeps going.
He’s loathe to push Noct’s presence away and that leaves him with only one thing to do -- the unlikely thing to do.
He passes a hand over Noct’s head, down that powerful curve of backbone, all the way to the twitching tail, and asks, “What do you want from me?”
In response -- the cat kicks him, lightly, with its powerful hind legs -- kicks him and then leaps, and the force of that leap is more than enough to take it across the room. Noct is now standing right opposite the window.
And Noct meows, once.
There’s something oddly compelling about that sound that he doesn’t often hear out of his cat, anyway: Noct prefers to communicate in pointed looks, in the flick of tail, in the twitch of ears.
The ears that twitch at him now, oversized triangles that are still startlingly soft to the touch, twitching and twitching as he pulls on the previous day’s shirt and trousers and shoes.
At the last moment, he huddles into his oldest coat -- strange to find it still in the depths of his closet, still hanging neat and pristine from clothespins and a sturdy hanger. The coat is his last reminder of the ceremonial of the military, the rites and the parades and the inspections. Ghostly shapes on collar and sleeve, where his rank insignia and unit patches used to be, and the outlines are all that’s left. The coat is made of thick black material, mostly water-repellent. Silver-braid edges and trim, and domed buttons to match, scuffed now, but still anchored down the torso in parallel lines, framing the center closure and its hidden clasps.
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youareinacomawakeup · 11 months
is Noct a king? sorry lol i know nothing about final fantasy
anyways! fav moment of noct? is noct the edgy best friend that you mentioned earlier??
Noct is... Well, he's a prince. But his dad is assassinated at the very beginning of the game, which fully ignites a war that's been simmering for a while, which is what the whole game's about. So he's a prince in the sense that, with everything going on, it's not like he's been coronated, but a king in the sense that...who the hell else would the king be? If there's a king at all for a fallen kingdom, it's him.
Noct is definitely the edgy best friend I was talking about before, though. That much I can say with confidence.
As for favorite Noct moments... Once again, god, so many. He's such a broody, angry little thing, but peel away that one outer layer and he's just a nerd. He complains about wanting to go back to the hotel room and play video games between battles. He gets so excited about fishing. He doesn't eat his goddamn vegetables. He falls on his ass in battles, Prompto takes pictures of it, and his friends all give him shit for it. He's the least princely prince. I feel like it's a whole lot of little moments put together more than any big moment that makes me love Noct as a character. Like, look at this little guy. He feeds gourmet food to stray cats.
But... God, honestly, if I may be allowed to start gushing about my ship again? It's...the way he reacts when he gets separated from Prompto.
See, toward the end of the game, the villain creates this...illusion. He makes it so that when Noct looks at him, he sees Prompto. And, more importantly, vice versa.
And...as a result...Noct pushes Prompto off a moving train. (And Prompto had no idea the illusion was even happening. He's just...insecure enough to take it at face value. Noct, the person he loved more than anyone else, couldn't hide how much he hated Prompto anymore and pushed him off a goddamn train and stranded him in an arctic wasteland in enemy territory.)
But the illusion breaks just as Prompto's feet leave the train, and Noct is forced to watch in horror as what he just did sinks in. From there on, he is frantic. There's so much desperate screaming of Prompto's name. It's fitting this shit happened on a train, because from that point until the final chapter, he's got a one-track mind. All he can think about is Prompto.
Oh, and when he finally does find Prompto--chained to a fucking wall, might I add, because holy shit the whump--Prompto drops the bomb that... Well, to make a long story short, without getting too much into the worldbuilding, Prompto is basically Lance's personality with Keith's whole Galra thing. And Noct's response to finding out just like... "...And? Why the fuck does that matter?" He doesn't even flinch.
So... I guess I'll have to pick that moment. The fact that Noct's just so accepting of Prompto right away. (Though Gladio and Ignis both are as well. Noct was the first to speak up and assure him that nothing changed, and Noct is the one to firmly state that, "That's that. No further discussion. No arguing. You're ours, and nothing you say would change our minds. Moving on.")
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fallintosanity · 2 years
5. What story is your fav? Least fav? 9. What scene was the first to come to you when writing Providence?
5. What story is your fav? Least fav?
Oooh, this is always a tough question - it's like being asked to pick a favorite kid! Sticking to just the Final Fantasy fics to make it easier on myself, I think I'd say "Terror" is my least favorite. I wrote it partially just for the Prompto whump, and partially to poke at an idea about Ardyn inspired by my favorite fantasy series of all time, the Coldfire Trilogy. In hindsight, though, I don't think it worked nearly as well as I was hoping. I don't think it's, like, terrible, just kinda mediocre and not as interesting as I wanted it to be.
As for my favorite story... this one is so much harder! XD I think it's a toss-up between Providence and Immortālēs Tempī , with What Stays And What Fades coming in a close second. Providence, of course, for the crossover shenanigans and getting to play with the menace that is Calamity Sephiroth. And Immortālēs Tempī because of how much sheer fun it was to write spitfire sixteen-year-old Cor Leonis. (He says some of my favorite lines I've ever written, because he's sixteen and has no filter. XD ) Finally, WSaWF because I'm really enjoying (in a twisted writerly way) delving into the sheer awfulness of the World of Ruin, and what ten years apart would really do to the bros.
9. What scene was the first to come to you when writing Providence?
Believe it or not, it was the scene where the Firsts see Calamity Sephiroth for the first time. I'd just finished reading TFA and was screaming about it with my amazing beta @ageofzero (who introduced me to TFA in the first place and is therefore entirely responsible for everything in Providence), and I said something about how I wanted to see TFA!Sephiroth, Genesis, and Angeal all react to the insane Sephiroth from Cloud's timeline.
Something I found interesting about TFA is that in the fic, Sephiroth has no significant character growth or development, and faces no personal crises to kickstart a character arc. (This is not a bad thing or a knock on TFA or anything! The whole point of the fic was that Sephiroth needed to not face the particular personal crisis Cloud spent the whole plot trying to avert.) But because I'm 1) a massive Sephiroth fan, and 2) a massive angst fan, I was really curious about how post-TFA Sephiroth would handle an emotional crisis on the level of Nibelheim.
In theory, he ought to be more stable and able to better handle a personal crisis with his friends there to support him rather than being the ones instigating the crisis. But the horror of Calamity Sephiroth's existence - this insane, inhuman, apocalypse-timeline version of himself - is so deeply personal that even with his friends at his side, Sephiroth is Not Going To Have A Good Time.
I don't remember exactly how we got around to having Noctis in the fic, though. XD I think it came about from talking about how funny a Cloud-versus-Noctis fight would be, which ended up manifesting in Providence first as the sparring match between them early in the fic, and later when Noctis fights the Calamity and really cuts loose for the first time.
Ask me stuff?
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strfd · 3 years
alright alright . almadael . is me wife
send URL for opinion. always open.
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@almadael​ ! jhin has called for you ( totally not cause i told him to or anything )
character in general : oh sweet ! i could not go off about all of your muses though ! 1 : you are a mumu ~ & 2 : for your single muse blogs , there’s too many to count that i would WANT to go off about . lets not mention that i know you have a few muses that aren’t located on tumblr ~ but i digress . there’s a lot of muses that i would want to talk about !!!
zack ... prompto ... kaeya . astarion . trevor . yuri . julian ~ like damn . these are the ones that i can remember at the very least . & , much like jhin , i think you have quite the exceptional taste in muses ~ i love them all so very much ! like really ! it makes me quite FASCINATED with the fact that like if jhin isn’t writing a muse that i adore , i can normally check to see if you probably do . HRNGH . really though . you have a fine selection of muses dear ~ i really honestly couldn’t really go off & talk about all of them without making this super long . but .. ah let me at least give you some insight on how much i love some of these characters .
i was really happy that you picked up zack ! im interested in what your thoughts are on the pretty blue - eyed boy . & im ready to fall in love with him ALL over again ! i get really excited & giddy when people i care about write him . he’s such a good GOOD boyo . he’s playful & sweet , & has some sass to him ! it’s cute , its adorable . im T^T i am enjoying whenever you go off about him in discord though ! ( which reminds me , i have to make a section for cloud whenever i decide to log back in & rmmr to do so )
i don’t think we’ve really ever thoroughly discussed prom together , but i can assure you that jhin has GONE OFF about promptis to me so much that like i’ve just automatically think of you whenever i see the two of them . ( speaking of , if your icon isn’t kaeya , my fav pic of him was your icon of prompto ) but i digress . i’ve honestly come to love prom A LOT tbh . he & noctis were the only two characters of XV that i knew . but i’ve ALWAYS loved the playfulness of prom . when i was still in uni & chilled in dom’s room , he would kinda be playing it in the bg , & TO THIS DAY , i ENJOY hearing his combat lines - pretty sure they were the combat lines HRNGH . i personally think he’s a bit of a tease ~ if you ask me . i also recall he complained about him ALL the time because , & i quote ‘ he’s annoying ’ but i think that was what i LOVED about him . despite me not writing a lot of sunshine children , i am REALLY soft for them . 
OKAY BUT ALSO JULIAN OKAY LET ME JUST ... granted , the only two paths i have done & completed for the arcana have been asra & julian so like hgklsdahf HRNGH im probably biased . but really . honestly i just LOVE julian . he’s ..... well . julian . idk i just laugh cause he just has that look of .... the fuckening .. i have to look for that post again BUT i hope you KNOW what face im talking about . but anyway ... hehe julian ... 
how they play them : seeing as i keep forgetting that astarion is a CANON character & not kyria’s OC , i guess that can give you a hint of what i think about she writes / plays her characters . 
aside from that though . i think ... from what i have read & plotted with her . i ENJOY seeing her thoughts & opinions . especially for kaeya , trevor , zack , astarion , & julian . you have SUCH an amazing grasp on all of your characters so whenever i do get to see what you write about them , i am ALWAYS reading what you have . you have good food okay ? i love to see your charcater analysis on them !!!
but also ... seeing as whenever i ... see certain characters , i think of you & want to send you art of them , means that you have such a big impact on how i see these characters . speaking of . there was a trevor art tweet i saw that i need to look for to share with you because its just .. CHEFS KISS .
The Mun : kyria ! you are a dear ! mwah mwah !!! honestly . i know that we dont talk A LOT but i hope you know that i do trust you IMMENSELY . i love playing genshin with you & honestly , i love & find it adorable that jhin cries about you to me sometimes . you’re a very wonderful person & i love to just talk to you about anything . you are such a kind soul ... 
ALSO PLEASE KISS POPPY FOR ME . i love her so much ... i gave miss hatsune & gourd their kehisses for you & jhin !
anyway . you are such a sweetheart . you are very kind & mature & very patient . thank you for putting up with me & my antics . i hope you know that i do care VERY much about you . im only saddened that we don’t talk more . but it’s okay ! just know that i do actually think about you from time to time ( & that’s not just when jhin dotes about you - i have moments when i do genuinely think about you as well ! ) bailey knows about you as well btw ! well she knows you as jhin’s wife , but LIKE OKAY she also knows that i think you’re just really NEAT . she also , like me , LOVES your art style !! 
anyway ! i give much lovus to you !
DO I ;
RP with them : we have a thread , i think , on my other blog . probably some asks here & there though . but yea i think technically we do . but nothing super recent . 
Want to RP with them : of course ! write , plot , talk . you know the whole thing . i am sure of it . we should do something with cloud & prom soon ! lets do prom’s world ~ i still need to play XV but just know that we really should talk some time soon about it ~ or whenever i’m not like whatever im currently in rn . perhaps after the winter holidays HRNGH .
Overall Opinion : kyria is amazing & no , jhin did not pay me to say any of this . you’re very lovely & wonderful dear ~
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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fraldarrius · 7 years
Barcode tattoos are neat and the one from final fantasy is a bit different, but there's a bit of symbolism behind them that you may or may not like. They're generally meant as a statement about anarchy and the government making you a commodity. The l'cie tattoos from ff13 are neat if you're looking for random suggestions.
idk if i mind tbh, but i’m definitely gonna think about it a little more since i literally only started seriously considering it tonight 😂 and tbh i still haven’t gotten to play ff13 yet even tho i want to so maybe once i do i’ll want smth from that one too (ノ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ノ*:・゚✧
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tarotdeckshuffle · 5 years
Love Letters from the Chocobros + Ravus, Luna, Cor, Nyx, and Ardyn
Earlier I wrote a love letter from Ravus that I really enjoyed writing, so I thought I’d do one for all of my favs! I sliiightly edited Ravus’s as well and included it here!
You wake up to find that your S/O has left in the middle of the night without waking you. This is how each would let you know.
Noctis would send you a simple text message after he left. He likes to send everything that’s on his mind in one long message. He’d likely text you each night with updates and to hear from you. Texting is his jam.
This man so rarely communicates with anyone that it is truly special for him to have a message chain with you. You can bet that he never deletes anything you send him. You’ll probably also get King’s Knight invites. Playing the game together helps you two feel closer, even if you can’t be.
Hey, we had to leave like suuuuper early. Didn’t want to wake you. I hope your day goes well. I’ll try to text you when I can, probs when we stop tonight. I miss you. I can’t wait to get back. Love you.
[Simple, but sent to you as soon as he’s functional (so like noon)]
Prompto would also text, but he’d send a selfie with either heart stickers all over it or doing the heart hands thing (or both, depending on how much time he has). He also sends multiple messages as things come to him. Prepare for a cheese fest with this cutie.
You know you’re special with Prompto because he always replies as soon as he can, we’re talking like a three second response time. If he can’t respond right away, he’ll apologize profusely when he does text you. He’d use tons of emojis, just...all of them. Prompto is probably the only one who you can reach out to whenever you want and he’ll always try to make time for you.
Hey babe! <3 sorry I left without waking you. Don’t be mad, ok? You looked just so cute sleeping. See?!
[sends you the photo of you sleeping we all know he took]. How are you so pretty EVEN WHEN YOURE ASLEEP?<3<3<3<3
Save the spot next to ya for me! I’ll be back before you know it![thumbs up]
[There’d be a pause in the messages as he becomes serious]
I miss you already...I love you. Remember that, ok?
Iggy would want to be a classic romantic by leaving you a letter, but he’d also opt for practicality above all else. His actions would speak louder than words. He’d likely leave a note and a flower on the counter for you, next to the already prepared coffee, a breakfast that takes little to prepare, and all of the dishes done.
This man is one of the best strategists in all of Eos. He’d know every plan the two of you made better than you would and would be utterly disappointed that he had to skip out on them due to his sudden departure. Knowing him, he’d pull all the necessary strings to make sure your plans would be rescheduled for his return.
Urgent business to attend to. Will return promptly.
[A text message at his first possible opportunity]
I apologize for my sudden departure. Matters progressed quicker than expected, making it imperative to leave. Please know that I will be home to you as fast as possible.
I’m deeply sorry that I will miss all of the plans we made for this weekend. I made arrangements for us to visit the Royal Gardens upon my return and I have moved all of our reservations.
You will find a surprise awaiting you tonight! [It’s likely he ordered you your favorite takeout to be delivered when you return from work and flowers to be delivered at the same time.]
I love you. Be safe.
[Ignis would want to call you in the evening, but Gladio always finds the best conversation spots before him and he doesn’t want to be away from his duties for long.]
Gladio loves being close to his beloved, so he’d probably risk waking you to kiss you before he left. He’d also call you and leave a voicemail the first chance he got.
Gladio makes sure that everything is personal with those he loves, so texting would be out of the question for him unless it was his only option. While he’s very learned, I don’t see him as enjoying giving you letters, perhaps because his handwriting is so bad? Perhaps because it’s still too distant for him. He’d rather take the time and call you each night. He aches to hear your voice.
This man doesn’t like using the L-word, but for him, “Be safe” means about the same thing. He really loves domestic life and would be disappointed about ruined plans, regardless of how simple they were.
[Voicemail left for you]
Hey babe,
Sorry I had to leave so early. I tried to wake you, but [chuckles] we both know how that normally goes. I got called out on an escort that had to leave before dawn. I shouldn’t be gone for too long, but I’ll let you know more details as I can.
[He’d pause to take a deep breath]
I know we made plans together for this weekend. It kills me that I won’t be able to make them, now, but duty calls, ya’know? [a forced laugh] I rented one of the movies you wanted to see, it’s by the TV. And yes, you can have my leftovers. [He chuckles again at the normal fights over leftovers you two have.]
[He sighs and gets quiet after trying to lighten the mood]
I really do miss you.
I won’t be able to answer my phone most of the time, so I’ll call you when I get a chance.
Be safe for me.
Ravus’s letter to you would a full love letter, done on his personal stationary, sealed in an envelope, and your name beautifully written on the front. It may be brief (for him) due to the sudden need for his departure, but it’d still be one of the most eloquent letters of the bunch.
This man loves you so much, but he doesn't always know how to say it. That’s why he loves writing to you: he can take the time and think about how he wants to express himself. He knows the perils of his position and always fears he may never see you again. That’s why he leaves you physical letters, so that if the worst should happen, you have something to hold and remember him by.
My Dearest Star,
I must leave you as Chancellor Izunia has discovered “urgent business” that must be attended to at this late hour. With the morning light you shall wake and I shall be dreaming of you.
While a great distance may separate us so unexpectedly, know that I will do all that is in my power to make sure that my time away from you is limited:  I hope to return to your arms within a fortnight.
I realize that my schedule grows tiresome on you. I promise that, upon my return, every moment I breathe shall be devoted to you and your desires. I long to bask in the radiance of your smile and to lay my hands upon the perfection that is your body, once again.
Your love is the greatest treasure I have been fortunate enough to be granted.
May the astrals watch over you until you are safe by my side.
With all my love,
You are in love with the busiest woman in all of Eos, good luck. She would want to be romantic, having learned from her brother, but she doesn’t have the time or the means as she seeks out the astrals. To make up for this, she’d likely leave you notes at every gas station and town she passed through, hoping someone would recognize you and give you the note. Sometimes, she’d even call you, when she got your number right and had free access to a phone. Umbra and Gentiana would deliver messages to you whenever Luna could spare them, but that’s not often seeing as they’re also assisting the True King.
The fact that she’s taking any time to think of you and reach out to you is special. Yes, it’s a unique way that doesn’t always work (who knows how many notes are out there), but the creative solution to the problem is very special to you; it shows she really put time into thinking about it. It’s like a scavenger hunt for your love!
[First Note, given to you by Cindy]
Dearest Beloved,
I write to inform you that I am safe beyond Insomnia’s walls. Contrary to my deep desire to await your arrival here, I must continue on. I hope to see you soon.
Please be safe. I love you.
Your Dearest,
[Second Note: Left at a campsite for you by Gentiana]
I’m so happy that this note has reached you. Know that my heart belongs to only you and my every thought includes you.
I head onwards to the astrals. Meet me soon.
Your Beloved,
[Third Note: Left at the gate to the Meteor of the Six]
Dearest Love,
If you are reading this, I have already moved on. While my duty lies with Noctis, know that my heart lies with you. Please, come to me.
I await you where my tears meet the sea.
All My Love,
[A call from Luna]
Oh, my treasure! How I’ve missed your voice!
No, I must speak!
I’m afraid I cannot wait any longer, I must leave!
I’ll wait for you in Altissa!
Please hurry, I’m afraid my heart cannot take much more of your absence.
I miss you. Are you safe? Are your travels well? Have my notes reached you?...
[You calm her anxiety by simply saying, “I love you, Luna.”]
[you hear her sigh]
I love you, too.
[shouting in the background]
I have to leave.
Take care, but I’ll see you soon…
This man loves you, but he is ALL ABOUT practicality. He’s too slow at texting you, so he’d probably just call you later after he leaves you with a kiss.
Cor is a hard man to figure out. Looking from the outside in, it’s hard to tell just how much he loves you. But to you, it’s the little efforts he’s constantly making. Like he’d get the coffee ready to go before he leaves and maybe leave a note on the counter saying “Be back soon.-Cor.” You know he loves you because this dedicated workaholic makes the time to call you ever so often. While he doesn’t say much, you are one of the only personal calls he makes, so it’s extra special.
I had to leave early on...royal business. I can’t say more. You...slept through it. [He knows not to bring up your sleeping habits by now but you can imagine the teasing smile on his face.]
Some of the guard may come by to check on you, I put in a request for it. Sorry, but just to be sure.
I’ll call you later.
I love you.
[Between the two of you, it’s implied that he misses you, but he leaves you so often that you just know it. So much goes unsaid between you two, but you know you’ll regret it one day. Cor must know it, too.]
[The next day, Cor actually sends you a message!]
I miss you. I love you.
[Cor likes to bring you flowers from wherever he was when he returns.]
Nyx would be out the door so often that text messages would be the norm. He’d be another one that you knew to read between the lines with.
This man would use so many shortcuts. Anything to be able to send you a message in his few spare seconds. Knowing him, he often gets his phone broken, so you get messages from new numbers a lot. But you know Nyx loves you because the man that can’t remember to eat or bathe regularly has your number memorized.
If his shifts are inside Insomnia, he’d stop by your work or apartment to steal a kiss if he found even one moment to spare.
Had to go early. Emergency. Be back tonight. Love you.
Heading out for a few. I love you. Libertus will b by l8r.
[The mere fact that Nyx is texting you shows that he cares. He typically doesn’t communicate if he doesn’t care at all.]
[If you tell him you love him.]
I love you too. I miss you. It’ll be awhile, but wait for me. I’m coming home.
This overdramatic wonderful man is a spectacle to behold. If you thought leaving you notes was romantic, this man is over the top. He leaves a full paper letter to you, left pinned to your door (to make your neighbors blush), AND sends you a dozen roses later in the day to show the ENTIRE WORLD that he loves you.
A good way to describe Ardyn is that he lingers. He would make his party wait to leave until after he gave you a long, slow kiss before he left. He’d stop by your apartment or work if given the chance and likely be there for at least an hour. He’s immortal and has all the time in the world, so he may as well spend as much of it as he can with you.
My dearest, sweetest [Y/N],
You have my sincerest apologies for my sudden departure. Unfortunately, urgent business must be attended to.
While attending to said duties, you will be a constant presence in my thoughts. I find my mind wandering to the sound of your voice, the softness of your skin, the smell of your hair, and the light in your eyes. You are a most welcome distraction to the monotony of bureaucracy.
Know that upon my return, you shall be treated like the royalty you are. I shall pull you into my lap and take the time to kiss you that you deserve. The bindings of clothing will melt away, that I may bask in the radiance of your body, taking my time to properly worship every inch of you. Your moans will be the sultry and sweet tones of a choir to the gods above. Oh, to have the taste of you on my lips again. May the entirety of Eos hear our love and have jealousy bloom in their hearts, knowing that you, the most beautiful and perfect human, nay, you must be a god yourself, is mine and mine alone!
Oh,I’m giddy for my return just imagining it.
My nights shall be lonely without you by my side, but know that I will stop at nothing to return to you. I have arranged everything, that you may want for naught until my return.
You have all of my heart, my beloved, my treasure, my starlight.
Your Beloved,
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crystallinevessel · 4 years
hewwo just curious:do you have any fav ships for your muses? luv ur blog
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hello, sorry i took so long to answer this! and thank you for liking this mess of a blog!
so, i do have some fave ships for my muses, and some which just does not have any ships set.
i don’t actually have a favorite ship for him, I’m partial to sinbad/serendine, but that one needs to be planned out well considering how messy and complicated it is. but this is one of the few times i’ve seen sinbad have any possible romantic inclinations towards anyone male or female in canon. 
i’m very open for him to be with others, regardless of their gender, the problem is if he can develop romantic feelings, it’s very rare in comparison to physical or intellectual attraction. 
oh! i’m a complete sucker for promptis, the strong connection between these two is so important. prompto cares for noctis, not because he’s a royal, but just for himself. in one point of the game, noctis explains to prompto how he wises to bring down the walls and accept everyone into his kingdom to make it better along with prompto. 
luna of course, that’s a given, she’s a very strong individual, and between the two she probably has the strongest will. although the oracle, i feel like she was more king than noctis was at times, and noctis more than likely would not feel ashamed about that. instead, he’d feel proud, he cares deeply for her.
ignis, oh sweet ignis, if anyone else besides prompto who has seen noctis at his worst and at his best-- it’s this man. i am w e a k for this ship, of course, when i say ship i mean platonic or romantic, and that goes for ALL of my ships. i like their dynamic, how ignis keeps noctis centered, and how noctis can pull him into doing silly or fun things. and the man’s puns, they’re gold l ol
gladio, listen, this ship is underrated and underappreciated both as friends or more. i like the idea of them not just being workout buddies, well, as much as noctis can work out lol. he’s not weak, but he’s not strong as gladio. anyway, i like the idea of them just chilling together, like maybe gladio introduces him to new books, bc he’s such a bookworm, or even read out loud to him. this ship has the potential to be soft and i feel like that should be explored more.
kokichi, i like this ship pregame or ingame, and postgame. my postgame verse consists of it actually being a VR so that opens a fair amount of possibilities. i think, overall, they do complement each other well, tbh, is kaito and maki weren’t so hard on “don’t like to kokichi”, i think shuichi could have connected with him moreso or tried to understand him more. it’s just a fun dynamic.
kaede, this is classic, i feel, romantic or platonic, she’s bright and sure of herself and that’s something shuichi needs either in or out of the game. while i’m away that pregame kaede is not the same, she still has a stronger will than him, and i think it could give some balance.
kaito, specifically ingame or postgame, 
shipping with ayato is difficult to being with, mainly due to how he perceives people and his own personality. he behaves more now, but he still has that uneasy feeling around humans that potentially makes it awkward. this is stronger the younger he is, generally i rp him during his 18-20 ish time. still, im open to plotting with him in the regard and crossovers, even ocs, it doesn’t need to be canon.
i thought ayato was difficult, this guy here is even more prickly, maybe, not i lied. anyway, i don’t have a super favorite for him in particular, if they click then they click. i do like hakuryuu, kougyoku, and a couple others, but generally-- chemistry is needed for this pesky child. 
Barry Allen
iris west, like they fit each other, iris and barry are that couple, so it’s kinda of hard to not like this ship. lol
leonard snart, a true weakness, barry and len are married in one of my verses so that goes to show how much i like this ship lol. 
judar, idk why-- it just makes me smile at the idea for some reason. maybe i’m weird. this can also be seen as platonic, like all my ships, im good with just platonic or even antagonistic relationships.
aladdin- eh, only when he’s older, mainly because it seems like he’s genuinely interested in him. but like not high on my list.
alibaba-- i love, love their friendship okay? someone feed me this lovely duo
okay, okay i’m gonna lie, i am WEAK for byleth with dimitri, but in general im okay with this muse going with almost anyone. mainly bc... well... you can in the game, i’m partial to lindhart as well, but like i said. i’m cool with almost anyone for this bean. as long as there is chemistry, i’m down. 
my oc, of course, has no ships since he is an original character of mine. 
the same goes for othello, they’re an original character, therefore they have no ships.
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tomiyeee · 5 years
I saw you hit my fave boy, but not the second fave! Has anyone asked you about Ignis yet?
yaay thank you! nope no one’s sent me iggy yet :D
Fav thing about them: *through tears* he’s literally??????? the best character in the game???? he’s only my 3rd fave (after prompto and noct) but like????? that’s just a fact. i’m so fucking proud of his character development both in the main game and ep ignis and just like.....he’s such a strong and well-written character, he literally gives his life protecting noct and he fucking ???? defies the gods in the alt ending?? and manages to keep noctis alive????? he literally fixes everything?? and even in the canon ending when he becomes blind he doesn’t complain or show how miserable his situation is (bc u know it must’ve torn him apart losing his sight right when he probably would have needed it most) and he doesn’t want to rely on the other bros at all esp in the world of ruin where he relearns to be independent and cook and fight all on his own???? i’m just so proud of him i love him so much. funny though, considering he was my least favorite of the bros at the start of the game (tho i guess 3rd fave isn’t too big a step up from 4th lmao)
Least fav thing about them: name one fucking bad thing about ignis, i dare you
Fav line: aaaaa that one where he’s quietly humming the chocobo theme!!!!! my sweet boy!!!!!!
OTP: bros, ignoct!!!!!!!!!! maybe ardnis but like the kismesis kind
brOTP: him and ravus are pretty fun :3
nOTP: i can’t really get into romantic ravus/ignis, him and prompto (sorry D:), and i think him and aranea is a thing as well??
Random headcanon: (i know i already had a body hair hc for noct but it’s smth important 2 me so i think abt it a lot ok) he is...hairless baby. idk why but i just feel like it’d fit him :3 he’s the only one who shaves it
Unpopular opinion: uh. i don’t understand the “recipeh” meme and at this point i’m too afraid to ask. is it like a “teh” humor thing or is it just cuz of his accent?
Song I associate with them: “running after you” by matthew mole - more of a fluffy ignoct song than an ignis one but a lot of the songs i like happen to be love songs so it’s hard for it not to be shippy!
Favorite picture of them: *points excitedly* this one! this one this one this one!
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also this one :3 bc god the pose and anatomy
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sorumegane13 · 6 years
You know what makes ffxv so painfully good and memorable for me?
Despite a lot of people complaining about the game's clustered plot. What makes FFXV so memorable and heart wrenching was we get to see the main characters grow.
We get to see them from such a young age, specially Noctis (brotherhood, platinum demo and king's tale) facing trauma, trying to live his life as a normal kid, as normal as it can be and growing older to teen and young adult then full fledge adult, accepting his fate and responsibilty as king.
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I get to see Prompto struggle with his self image, identity anxiety and growing and trying to motivate himself to be a better someone a better him and growing confident as he grow old, forsaking the need to cover his code.
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I get to watch Ignis from being frigid cold, being weighed down by responsibilities as the future advisor so he was strict to becoming a person of personality and becoming the morher hen of the group.
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I get to see Gladio having a tough demeanor on him and even hating how bratty Noctis was when he was a child. Seeing how Noctis was actually just like any other kid after Noctis and Iris spend time together he grew softer, emotional and become the big protective brother that we all know. Not just to Iris. But to everyone as well.
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That was why it was heart wrenching. I agree they should focus on the side characters more too but yes. It tore us apart because they had so much time together, growing up as unique individuals that somehow ties the brotherhood bond together. To see Chapter 14 happened honestly broke me that I was gasping and choking on my own tears (no exaggeration) when I finished the game.
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Not even FFX can make me bawl like this.
To be given happy times at Chapter 1 til 9 and to have that taken away from the characters at 10 til 14
It was horrible. I had to pause the game halfway through because just imagining yourself in that kind of situation just hurts so bad (I'm the kind to actually vividly envision stuff like this). I was a sobbing mess, that was how much the game played with my emotions. A whole lot.
I love FF7, I love FF 4, 8, 9, 10, 12--
But 15 will always have a special place in my heart.
Elitists might laugh at the concept "A fantasy based on reality." Because it doesn't in one bit represent our real world-- but you know what's my take on this?
The bond.
The bond is definitely a fantasy based on reality. Because the bonds created in there are very much real. Look at the english cast for example. The bonds they created is very much real.
It's not about "friendship is power" trope anymore.
It's about how true friends are always there for you through bright and bleak situations. They may not give you a burst of rainbow powers and make you go ultimate. No. But they do give you the strength to move forward when you think you can't do it. Lend you a shoulder when you were having a hard time. Laugh with you as you tell lame jokes and are able to tolerate your flaws.
It's definitely a fantasy game based on reality.
FFXV is forever going to be one my favs.
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pinkykitten · 6 years
Warning: i did not re-read this
Requested: By anonymous Hiiiiii!!! I was wondering, seeing as it’s prom season, could I get some prom headcannons for the chocobros???
Authors Note: i never went to prom, ive never been, ive never even seen videos of it so this may suck, just like my life so. im not sure i did this prom thing right but i promise u this is super cute and fluffy. also i used young gladdy and young ignis for this so pls dont be mad. i just thought because they r too old for prom so i chose the brotherhood young ones. another thing is i am so so sorry this took so long i know u guys dont deserve this and i just feel so bad that i make u guys wait so much. just know u guys r the best and i apologize for all this. just know i am trying really hard to do ur guys requests. so again i am sorry, let me know what u think and i hope u like this. 
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you are so scared in the beginning to go to this prom with noctis
 like excessive sweating
its not pretty
but napkins help 😜
you wear this dress:
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noctis went dress shopping with you and told you he wanted his “princess” to pick whatever you wanted
this dress spoke to you
noctis was a bit iffy when you asked him to this prom
determination, and pestering made him change his mind
when he sees you for the first time
he is a loss for words
blushing like a tomato
“noct are you okay”
its just you’re so beautiful!
takes you in a nice, black limo
you both cuddle in the vehicle
you thank him for coming and he just nods
he whispers in your ear how gorgeous you are, how much of a goddess you look, and just really how much he loves you
lets just say...you almost cry!
he even gives you little, special kisses all over your face
but he is still bashful
when you get to the high school everyone is staring at you two
obviously cause noctis is high and mighty
i mean he is a prince
you get self conscious, but noctis holds your hand for reassurance
you both drink some juice at the juice bar
eat some cake which had many flavors so you had (your fav flavor cake)
and noctis had chocolate
these girls came by and tried to flirt and take noctis away
they were gorgeous 
 but noctis did not care
“i am going to be spending an amazing time with my girlfriend who is the most beautiful person in this room”
towards the end of the prom they place a couples dance song
you are scared to ask noctis since he doesn't really like attention on himself
instead though noctis brings you to the dance floor with a light smile
you guys dance to Like I'm Gonna Lose You · Meghan Trainor · John Legend
its slow and just perfect
you both just melt into each other
enjoying the love
the whole dance floor become empty with just you two swaying to the beat
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“i love you noctis”
“i will always love you y/n”
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oh my god 
the moment you mentioned it prompto was already shouting a yes
i think he was more excited than you
you and him went dress shopping and he of course took many many many many many many many many many
did i say many
pictures of you
until you found the right gown, in which you didn’t let him see
texts you the day before the prom asking if he should wear a specific type of suit
of course it is bright neon yellow, and it has a chococbo on it
“no prompt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
when he arrives at your house on prom day he opens up to see you all elegantly
you wear this dress:
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“promt are you crying?!?”
yep ya boi is shedding tear at how gorgeous you are
“holy crap if you’re this beautiful in prom whats it gonna be like on our wedding day”
you laugh at his comment and wipe his tears, kissing him on the cheek
“okay so before you kill me y/n. I was gonna get a chocobo to carry us to the prom, but I didn’t end up doing that so instead I rented us a car.”
its a vintage car
you think it fits prompto a lot
of course in the car prompto sings to you and is really all jumpy
when you both arrive you notice some kids making fun of prompto, calling him fat still after he lost the weight (which u didn’t mind at all you loved him equally both ways)
you stomp to them and start giving them a peice of your mind
prompto has to take you away from them 
kissing you and thanking you for sticking up for him
you both see cupcakes and just dart to them 
getting frosting all over your face, prompto has a frosting mustache
“excuse me good madam but you are looking ravishing in that spectacular dress” promto says in a old man British accent voice
you smash a cupcake in his face, you and him both laughing your butts off
after you both get cleaned up you hear a slow couples dance song
you and prompto squeal in excitement and make a run to the dance floor
you guys dance to Tori Kelly - I Was Made For Loving You ft. Ed Sheeran
the lyrics make prompto cry a little and kiss you lovingly
you and prompto dance slowly and just in love
prompto twirls you like a princess
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you feel safe and just made for this young man who you call yours 
Young! Gladiolus 
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(not my gif! do not own!)
you thought gladiolus would say no because he is always so busy
you’re very much surprised to hear him agree and want to go
“i’m gonna be wearing something sexy, i’m such a tease”
yes thank you gladdy
you try your hardest to pick something out that will make you feel beautiful and like a princess on the special day of the prom
of course you would never forget gladdy’s little sister who wanted to come to the dress shopping
iris giving her very strong opinions
she saw a specific dress and nodded explaining why it was the one
you were hesitant but iris reassured you it was perfect
the more you looked at it the more you fell in love
you wear this dress:
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the special day you are a nervous wreck
you are clumsier than ever
“whoops sorry didn’t meant to knock that over”
you hear your doorbell and run to get it 
you trip over your own feet as you open the door
his big, strong, muscular arms catch you 
“hey, baby are you o-”
when he sees you all perfect his eyes go big
you stand to your full height and give a bashful smile
“do you like it gladdy”
he is a loss for words
puts on his bravo attitude again but with a kind smile he tells you how beautiful you are
thank u iris!!!!!!!!!
you end up being driven in his car the whole way he keeps telling you how gorgeous you are
when you guys go to the high school gladiolus grabs your hand
placing your tiny hand in his huge, rough one
he brings it to his lips and kisses it
“ready to have fun baby”
you smile and nod
you both go to the drinks and gladiolus brings out his alcohol
he explains he wants a lil kick
puts a bit in his juice and asks if you want
you shrug and say yes
its not a lot just very little
after that you tell gladioulus that iris helped you pick out the dress
this makes gladioulus more happy and he kisses your forehead
you both dance to the music like a couple of crazy people
shaking, twisting, just acting like two dorks
suddenly the slow couples song plays and you sit down knowing gladioulus hates those
“hello, what are we doing? y/n we should dance out there!”
you disagree and he picks you up bridal style with ease
he places you in the middle and wraps his arms around you to dance to the music
you guys dance to Bazzi - Beautiful feat. Camila 
gladioulus tells you that what this song says he feels that way about you
he gives you kisses in the middle and sings the song to you quietly 
just between the two of you
since gladiolus is so tall you take your shoes off and place your feet delicately on his
your head pressed against his chest
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hearing his heart beat quicken at the contact you guys make
he chuckles and places a kiss on the top of your head
Young! Ignis
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(not my gif! do not own!)
ignis was the quiet one and he attracted you the way he cared so much for the young prince
you shyly asked him and at first he kept saying excuses that is until he saw how sad you were
he brought your face to look at him and with a smile said yes
you were a simple gal and ignis was simple as well
you didn’t want nothing to extreme all you wanted was to feel pretty
you went by yourself to dress shopping
noctis was there trying on suits 
he noticed you were alone and without your consent told you he was going to help you
noctis picked out a plain, simple dress
you had to say yes it was just perfection
you wear this dress: 
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it was light and feathery and it fit your body perfectly
ignis came and the minute he opened the door he was in love
you were not dressed up too much it was like you descended from the heavens
thats what he felt y’all!!!
“uhm, y/n, you look, you look, uhm, exquisite and just gorgeous”
ignis is never this bashful
ignis gently touches your hand and wraps it in his 
leads you to the car he drives the young prince in
“noctis told me you were going to look beautiful and he was very right indeed”
when you get in the car the backseat has a huge cake 
“did you make this ignis”
ignis made a cake for prom
wow...just wow
when you arrive ignis opens the car door for you like a gentleman
you help him with carrying the cake
after a few dances and drinks you pester ignis to let you try his cake
he is very nervous
he is legit SHAKING when cutting your peice
you tasted it and smile in satisfaction
with a mouth full of cake you say how good it is
ignis chuckles and kisses your mouth eating some of the cake
now your eyes are wide
“now it taste even better, sweeter i believe” 
a couples song comes on and you barely sway to the music
ignis is shy when it comes to dancing but he notices how much you want to do it with him and he just cant refuse
he tells you how much he wants to dance with you and you both go to the dance floor
you guys dance to Ed Sheeran - Thinking Out Loud 
ignis makes you feel loved and beautiful
he also dances so good
you praise him in dancing and he blushes
his hands grasp yours while dancing showing that he is here for you
Tumblr media
“thank you ignis for this amazing night”
“of course, anything for you, my love”
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ultyso · 6 years
(I’m confused and would like your insight. Not trying to be rude or attacks anyone’s ships. Just what I’ve noticed)
I’m confused,
I’ve been seeing posts about how Prompto is overcompensating(?) with Cindy and Aranea.
Just seeing his animation when he first meets Cindy doesn’t seem that way? He looks chill at first, then as soon as he sees her he drops his jaw like in awe then smirks as he starts to stand up? From there he immediately stands by her when Cid rants and he tries to make sure she’s okay. He’s also willing to do anything to make her load easier.
He seems more into Cindy then Aranea (even though ruins my fav ship T o T) he’ll compliment Aranea and when the guys said he liked her for her outfit he was like oh yeah that too. Like it wasn’t just about her visually? Like there’s more to the woman then her boobs.
But then everyone’s like well Ep Prom proved he’s not into them and I’m even more confused because I dunno how a person’s first thought when being mentally unstable is gonna be about relationships when he has bigger issues on hand.
With Cindy he stayed the 10 years with her too. I dunno how that comes off as fakey? If you didn’t like someone why the heck would stay by their side?
I can go on and on about this but I’ll leave it at these.
The thing I hear most about him ‘overcompensating’ is using the motel scene as proof and I’m just like wut?
Am I missing something? Cause that talk to me, was him venting about him being depressed and not feeling good enough and reputable as Iggy and Gladio since they have experience and such. The whole depression stuff I related to so it spoke to me a lot for that. I dunno what else was being stated there? Is this some miniscule Promptis thing in there. Is apparently a person’s emotional state magically reveal someone’s preferences?
Regardless, if there is Promptis there(I’m sorry I just see a brotherly bond but I’m sure you all know where that stuff is)
Why can’t he just be labeled as bi or pan then?
I ,as well as other Promdy/Promnea fans, can see many ways in which these pairings are viable just as well as Promptis fans show how theirs is viable. Why can’t both be? It’s not like he can only like one.
I just don’t think he’s overcompensating and that his feelings Cindy/Aranea are actually genuine. He’s cared for them for more then their looks.
The boy just wants to feel wanted, loved, and important. And regardless if it’s Cindy/Aranea/Noct, they all ,I think, make him feel like he can be important in dif ways.
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niightwngs · 7 years
uhhh is it cheating if i just ask all 15 numbers for promnis
hey cloud have i told u tht ur my fav bc uhhhh ur mhy fav
(this got longer than i thought so im gonna throw this under a cut)
1. Who takes the trash out? 
prompto! he doesn’t really mind tho bc he usually walks their dog at that point of the day so he’ll kill two birds with one stone
2. Who reminds the other to take care of themselves?
prompto. ignis gets super busy at the citadel and he tends to skip meals if he’s behind on his work or forgo sleep if he’s been put in charge of planning an event. prompto makes sure he eats and sleeps and drinks water (even going as far as locking up his ebony until he drinks a glass water but that’s only when ignis is *really* stressed)
3. Who is happier when they are out in nature?
it think they’re about the same? when ignis gets a free moment to join prompto on his morning runs or walks with their dog he’s *super* relaxed and it’s basically a mini vacation away from the citadel. prompto, on the other hand, *loves* nature and he’ll take a bunch of photos and pet all the stray animals they come across and it’s honestly so sweet?
4. Do they like to go in the hot tub together?
yes, but they don’t really get up to anything (on three separate occasions ignis has fallen asleep in a hot tub)
5. Do either of them avidly follow a celebrity and/or fandom?
ignis has been obsessed with tunny tonberry since he was a child and he hasn’t outgrown it, like, at all (he’s more lowkey about it nowadays but prompto has given him a bunch of tunny tonberry collectibles that he keeps displayed in their room)
6. Who builds a pillow fort?
prompto. he’s very well known for his Pillow Fort Skillz and it’s great for lazy nights in
7. Who plans the romantic date?
ignis goes all out when he plans dates bc his busy schedule is p much the reason they don’t get to go out as often as they like. he knows prompto doesn’t hold it against him, but he feels it’s the best way to make it up to him
8. Who likes to play with the other’s hair?
ignis loves playing with prom’s hair (especially after prom’s fallen asleep or he’s had a long day). his hair’s just!!! so soft!!!
9. Who calms the other down when the other has a nightmare?
ignis. he has a lot of practice calming noct from his nightmares, so calming prompto isn’t that difficult.
10. Who wants their dog to sleep on the bed with them?
PROMPTO!!!! he wants tiny (HE NAMES THE GREAT DANE TINY BC HE WAS THE RUNT OF THE LITTER) to sleep with them but ignis is like NOOOO HE’LL CRUS H US
11. Who can’t sleep without the other?
ignis doesn’t sleep very well without prompto. if prompto’s lying in his arms, then he knows he’s safe and nothing’s going to happen with him.
12. Who is too nice and will listen to a sales person pitch?
prompto. if a kid’s involved, he winds up buying the product (”Iggy, I had to buy those cookies! that little girl gave me the puppy dog eyes!”)
13. Who makes the first move to cuddle? 
ignis. he and prompto are both pretty touch-starved (prompto bc he was pretty lonely growing up and ignis bc he didn’t really have much of a childhood) so it works out for the both of them.
14. What is their go to fast food place?
the crow’s nest. prom’s got fond memories of it and ignis *genuinely* likes the food
15. Who likes to wear the other’s sweaters?
prompto. they’re big and warm and comfy and smell like ignis (and he looks adorable in ignis’ clothes ok)
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seladorie · 7 years
Sel’s Highly Subjective FFXV Fic Rec Master List
Hello! I said I’d do this, and it took a while, but I did! 
The standards for this list are 1) I personally enjoy them, and 2) I’ve gone back to reread them for whatever reason. (Please note the subjective in the title of this list.)
I’ll be updating this list and reblogging it when I do! I only rec fics that I’ve read and feel good about recommending. I don’t always give warnings in the my summary of the fic in the interest of space, so mind the tags when you check something out. There are links to all of the stories, and I tagged which authors whose blogs I know about. 
Happy fic reading!
Incentive by LadyLarkFrand: Cute, domestic, prompt fluff. Good stuff.
Education by Riona: Fluff. Good good fluff of the two of them getting together.
I’m Trying Hard To Take It Back by @someobscurereference​: Soulmate/Soulmark AU where your touch is marked onto your soulmate’s skin forever… and for Prompto and Gladio, it happens when Gladio shoves him on the train.
Fantasy Ride by dirtbag: Prompto and Gladio share a sleeping bag for body heat and yup.
Riding High by LadyLarkFrand. “Gladio never skips leg day. It's something that Prompto admires a lot. Gladio knows he does. Prompto's boyfriend has fantastic thighs and he's a cock-tease, the bastard.”
right into the bliss by greyskiesblack. “Prompto doesn't like himself, no matter how much the others try to convince him that he should.” One of my favorite promptio fics, despite its incomplete status.
Lavender’s Blue (Dilly Dilly) by @someobscurereference​. Cinderella AU, with Prompto as Cinderella and Gladio as… the handsome not!Prince? This is adorable, go read it.
prepare the preparations by scarebeast. “The boys spend the night in the car after a snowstorm. Prompto and Gladio spend the night in a jacket together.” Fluff, trans!Prompto.
Grab the Gladio By the Biceps: Contentious Countess Edition by ohmyfae. “Gladio introduces Prompto to the magnificent world of trashy 10c romance novels. Neither of them are prepared for this.” The sequel is also hilarious.
white lines by spacs. “The more Gladio kissed him, the more nervous he got.”
Show Me by @someobscurereference​. A wrist band is pretty obvious accessory, especially if you keep it on during sex.
It Hurts by NoticedKohai: this is trans!Prompto and Ignis, dealing with menstruation. It’s super cute.
Professional Ethics for the Freelance Massage Therapist by edibleflowers: To help him relax, Prompto offers Ignis a massage and… yup. Yup.
Filters by Quail (Salamander): Five times Prompto surprised Ignis with a photo.
a year and a day by @someobscurereference​: Merman!Prompto and Iggy.
the years between by greyblackskies: A long recovery fic for both Prompto and Ignis. Explicit and has dark themes and is so, so good. One of my fav ffxv fics.
Quite the Collection by @asidian​. Promnis + sex toys.
Watch Your Throat, It Needs To Choke by @socialdegenerate​. Won’t make sense without the first one in the series, but I fucking love this story. It’s promnis porn and it’s beautiful. Read the entire series.
Infinity and Beyond by @someobscurereference​. “In a hundred different worlds, Prompto and Ignis come together in a hundred different ways.”
Filters by Quail (Salamander). “Five times Prompto took a photo of Ignis when he wasn't expecting it”
Rule of Thirds by marleymars. “Prompto bumbles through life and maybe falls in love.” The fic that sold me on promnis <3
so good for me by rustandstardust: Gentle sex between Gladio and Noctis, and that’s about it.
Not Even a Handful by chocolatetigerfics: “Noctis doesn’t like it when Gladio calls his dick puny. Because it is.”
Go The Noct To Sleep by Mythril (fantacination): Sleeping arrangements and GladNoct.
The Heat of Lestallum by beforethequeen. Alpha!Gladio and Omega!Noctis, Gladio falls into rut and well. You know where this goes.
Afternoon Delight by mahbecks. Gliggy, rimming. Yup. NSFW, obviously.
Once Upon a Dream by mahbecks. Gladio and Iggy do not like each other. But, they both meet a charming stranger at the masquerade ball…
creature of habit by shepherd. Mutual masturbation.
Black is the Colour by withoutdrawbacks: Noct realizes he has a thing for Prompto wearing his clothes.
Scattershot by Riona. “The longer Noctis spends travelling with him, the clearer it becomes that Prompto can get a crush on anyone.”
friends with benefits by @brosura​. “Prompto has always known that Noctis was the prince, but he’s only ever really cared that Noctis was his friend. And he thought it was pretty clear that he didn’t befriend Noctis for the money and gifts. In hindsight, he probably should have just said that much to Noctis. Or, The Adventures of Reluctant Gold Digger Prompto Argentum and his Rich Best Friend.”
Life Imitates by Riona. “Everyone keeps trying to lecture Prompto on dating Noctis. Which would be fine if he and Noctis were actually dating.”
Oh. by TheIskraen “Prompto just wants to know if Nyx is okay.” Takes place when you meet Cor in game. As you might suspect, it’s a bit sad.
i just keep running (into you) by JosephineSilver. Only one chapter, but cute.
brighter than the sun by nickofhearts: “Noctis smokes. So does Nyx. (Noctis accidentally joins the Kingsglaive).”
Imperial!Noct AU by ohmyfae. Ardyn kidnaps Noctis when he’s a kid and “raises” him.
they say through gritted teeth by mushydesserts: 5 +1 of Gladio carrying someone else, and one time they carried him.
For Duty by Allubttoa: A very interesting premise that explores how the royal family of Lucis gives their warriors their magic. Mostly plot and deals with uncomfortable themes (which I enjoy, personally).
Mind Reader by ohmyfae. Noctis temporarily gets the power to read minds, so he uses it for an orgy. Man after my own heart.
Sincerely, Me by @kwehkwehmotherfucker, @ignis-sassentia. Mostly a story told through texting about Promnis and Gladnoct, though slowly evolving into OT4. Funny, cracky, and I have a good time reading it during my lunch breaks at work.
Know the Rules by @asidian. Fingering, fluff, humor, and Prompto suffering orgasm denial? This fic has it all.
So Close Your Eyes and Believe by @socialdegenerate. “Noctis likes sleep, but he also likes sex. If only he could find a way to combine the two...”
Synced by Lalaen: Dom!Iggy and Dom!Gladio take care of Prompto.
On-the-Job Training by Cygna_hima: “As part of his Crownsguard training, Prompto has to learn to resist the effect of alphas; Ignis and Gladio volunteer to help him practice. It gets out of hand.”
A Real Charmer by ohmyfae: One of the only Ardyn/Prompto’s i’ll rec because I tend to like happier stories, but this one the story of FFXV changes because Prompto can charm daemons. Including a certain Chancellor. And all of the other bros suffer as a result ;)
Sagefire by @notthelasttime: Nyx/Ignis, and I know, what?? but it’s a cute twoshot about the two of them getting together through a casual hook up.
all things beautiful by yodelpalma, which is Cor/Dino. Dino helps Cor out on a mission, by pretending to be his boyfriend
Build a Wall Between Us by @socialdegenerate . this one is actually Prompto/Cor! An enduring crush and the end of the world :)
wake a little stronger by grains_of_saturn, also Cor/Prompto, also WoR
Don’t Deny What You Meant by @imperfectkreis it’s Cor/Loqi and gods, I read this so early on when I joined the fandom and it’s still good to go reread it
you keep me from breaking apart by greyblackskies. Prom/Dino. “Prompto has the best boyfriend. Dino doesn't even mind that a stupid spiracorn broke the bracelet he gave Prompto.”
carry your heart by yodelpalma. Prom/Dino. “Prompto has the worst friends.”
A Candidate For My Affections by HigharollaKockamamie. Ardyn/Ignis. “It's been a few hundred years since Ardyn picked up any new dating techniques.”
Reprisal of an Old Mistake by pariahpirate: This fic is pretty much how I think of Prompto’s background regarding the laboratories of Niflheim. That said, quite dark.
The Improvisational Method by JosephineSilver: And oldie that came before the game’s actual release I think, but features sly Prompto getting the bros out of trouble by pretending to be a traitor.
Poor Wayfaring Stranger by lithos_saeculum: “Out on a mission, Cor Leonis finds a teenager, lost and sick and partway to becoming an MT. Against the advice of all and sundry, he brings him back to Insomnia. There's not a lot of love lost for MTs in the Citadel, but some of its inhabitants may still be young enough to put aside their prejudices.”
Total Contained Time: Sixteen Years by @she5los. Cor asks Prompto to look at some strange MT tech, which has disastrous consequences. Deaged!Prompto. Mostly gen, little bit of gliggy.
Handle With Care by @she5los. “When Prompto gets kidnapped, his friends know they'll need to step up and support him as soon as they get him back.”
Running Behind by @asidian. MT!Prompto escapes from Niflheim and is found by the bros, and we readers experience all the pain.
Worth the Risk by @asidian. Prompto saves Noctis’ life when there’s an attack in Insomnia. Everyone who doubted him is suitably impressed.
Memories of the Past by @asidian. Deaged!Prompto, where he escaped from Niflheim’s labs later in childhood. Hurts so good.
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its-love-u-asshole · 7 years
Fic Writers Week Day 7: Rec Time!
Yay! This is the day I was looking forward to the most honestly, I love spreading the love for fics I read! Please also check out a few underrated recs I did for day 2 here! For this post I’m mostly going to be listing all time favorites, as well as the fics I’m currently subscribed to (in no particular order)! I imagine this post will get freakishly long, so as always, it’s going under a read more. 
This week was amazing, it’s so lovely to see all the enthusiasm and support for fic writers <3 I hope this trend can continue way past this week as well ^^ 
Please also refer to my bookmarks! Everything I have bookmarked is quality and surely won’t let you down, but I could not include every single one on this list (it ended up being too long as is lol) but I definitely encourage you to give them all a read! 
Alright, let’s talk about some fics! 
Ride or Die (Iwaoi, E)
For an esteemed racer, intended for the big leagues, owning a garage and racing on the streets should have felt like settling rather than a dream. But Oikawa Tooru is as happy as he can be, as long as he's behind the wheel of a car; until a misstep lands him a heavy fine, and a crumbling future.
Having grown up in one of the roughest neighbourhoods in Tokyo, Iwaizumi Hajime is no stranger to the mob life. But establishing himself as a separate entity has always been his goal. He's a man of action, someone who does what he's asked without any questions. But when the people he's tried so hard to distance himself from come knocking at his front door, he realizes that he finally has to establish a side: his own.
Iwaizumi wants Oikawa's expertise: someone who can both drive well and knows his way around cars. And Oikawa wants absolutely nothing to do with gangs, the kind of people that lit a fire to his life. Everything changes when two people who live very different lives realize they're both fighting for the same thing.
Alright, so I’ve been following this fic since chapter one, and ahh @oiivkawa​ does such an amazing job with it! It’s the fast and furious AU that the fandom needed tbh, each chapter has me on the edge of my seat. The drama, romance, and fun are all evenly balanced and I can’t get enough of iwaoi’s dynamic in it! It also has the hints of an OiKuroo friendship that I love, as well as some kurotsuki thrown in, not to mention Semi even has a role?!! It’s everything I’ve ever wanted, so please go check it out! 
galaxies, within you (Iwaoi, T) 
Hajime and Tooru move in together at the start of university. Too bad they’re stuck with the two gremlins that haunt their apartment.
I read this fic just this week, so all the beautiful emotions and details are still so fresh in my head ; ; The writing in this was so gorgeous, as were the characterizations! If you love pining and happy endings, this is for you! Oh, and also funny af Matsukawa and Hanamaki shenanigans lol. The emotion and the humor compliment each other so well in this fic, one minute my heart was aching, and the next I was dying from laughter. It’s just a lovely iwaoi fic all around, so please give it a read! And make sure to follow @skiecas​ <3
Wicked Games (Kurotsuki, Iwaoi, Bokuaka, E)
After years of being one of the many faceless foot soldiers in the ranks, Bokuto gets a much-deserved promotion. But with the new job comes great responsibility. The job is easy enough. All Bokuto has to do is look after the Boss's mate: The Boss's beautiful, intriguing mate.
Tbh if you like hardcore mafia aus, then this is the fic for you. @caelestisxyz​ is like...a master storyteller, her plots are so well developed and original, idk how she does it! Every chapter is also packed full of romance and nail biting drama, so it’s not for the faint of heart, but if you’re not scared of the angst which comes with this kind of au, then I would seriously recommend it. It’s incredible and features all my fav pairings in such a badass setting! 
A Place to Call Home (Iwaoi, Bokuaka, E) 
Oikawa Tooru doesn't need an alpha. He's doing fine all on his own. And the past four years of being a single mother have proven that this is exactly what he wanted from life.
Of course, life has a way of not always going as planned.
This is another fic I’m currently subscribed to! I will admit I don’t usually read kidfics, but @madamemalfoy21​ has such cute plots and stellar characterizations that I can’t resist her works! Everything about this fic is heartwarming, and every update brings a smile to my face. Oikawa as a single parent trying to figure out how to love again is such a treat to explore, and with the other pairings thrown in, it makes the fic such a pleasure to read <3 
Let it Linger (Kurotsuki, T)
Kei has loved Tetsurou for years.
Tetsurou has loved Keiji for years.
Keiji is marrying Koutarou.
Alright, hold the phone y’all, this fic right here is extraordinary. It’s one of my favorites I’ve ever read, omg, the character growth and reflection is so powerful in this fic AND the slow burn is wonderful. I usually avoid angst like the plague but I can’t really resist @rhealmobsidi​ and her works, I’ve been reading her stuff since I was but a smol lmao and she never disappoints. This fic right here is so heart-aching and heart warming at the same time, I can’t get enough. Please read it if you have not! 
cookies and cream (Bokuaka, E)
Some people might tell Akaashi that he couldn't bake his worries away.
But some people haven't dated Bokuto Koutarou.
Alright, so I’ve been on a bokuaka binge these past few days, so the next few recs will be for them! This fic is so funny lmao, the idea of Akaashi stress baking was just super interesting to me. But not only that, the fic was super touching and romantic jsdnfk I love domestic bokuaka so much, and this delivered! 
Corpora Permutavere (Bokuaka, T) 
“Akaaaaashi, you gotta make a wish after you blow them out!” Bokuto was leaning across the table so far that the candle flames danced in his eyes, turning them to molten metal. And while Akaashi found himself appreciating his teammate’s birthday fervor in a way that was soft, foreign, and somewhat unexpected, Bokuto should still have known that this level of spectacle was neither Akaashi’s preference, nor something he was entirely comfortable with.
Under such pressure, he blew out the candles. Then, as requested, made a wish.
I wish Bokuto-san understood the perspective of someone other than himself.
Bokuto and Akaashi switch bodies. It goes as well as you might expect.
I assume most people have already read this fic and I’m super late lmao?? But in case you haven’t, you need to! It’s just a great story dealing with romance, mental health, and character growth. I tore through this fic, it was so amazing and beautifully written. So many great, though provoking lines/scenes had me thinking about this fic days later, and even writing this I feel like rereading fff. Please go check it out so you can fully understand how A+ this fic is. And please follow @silvercistern​ !!!
bitter (Bokuaka, G) 
He accepted his classmate's chocolates gracefully, then declared his lack of interest with as much dignity as he could muster. She deserved the courtesy. At least she'd acknowledged that Valentine's Day was all about her, and not about him in the slightest.
Because if any of these girls had taken the time to actually get to know him, they’d quickly realize something even more important than his lack of interest in girls.
And that was that Akaashi hated sweets.
This is another one by @silvercistern​ because I am addicted to their bokuaka characterizations lmao. The way Akaashi is written is so amusing and complex, and the bokuaka dynamics are lovable and cute fff. The awkwardness of Akaashi’s love life and his hatred of Valentine’s Day made for a wonderful read, so I can’t help but share this fic as well! 
5 tips to get your guy (Bokuaka, G)
Second-year Bokuto gets fantastic dating advice from his sister’s magazines
This fic was so damn adorable, that’s all I have to really say about it lmao @mooites​ did a great job of making this such a fun read! I loved the inclusion of Bokuto’s sisters and how their trends benefit him lmao it was just really cute to see him use magazines to act on his feelings. I loved this fic, so please check it out if you haven’t! 
Behind Bricks (Bokuaka, E)
Akaashi has always had a good idea of what his future would look like.
Becoming a prostitute hadn't been part of the plan.
Bokuto Koutarou wasn't part of the plan, either. Akaashi meets him by chance, and is drawn in by Bokuto's optimism and authenticity. He's never met anyone like Bokuto, and despite his initial reluctance, Akaashi finds himself getting a little too attached.
Alright, last bokuaka fic lmao but another amazing one no less! @worthlesspride​ writes some of the best and sweetest bokuaka there is, so I recommend all their fics (not just for bokuaka, but all pairs!). I don’t wanna spoil much about this fic, but please read the tags before diving in! You won’t be disappointed, the plot is A++ and the nice mix of angst and romance is to die for <3 
walls (Kurotsuki, G)
Kuroo is the best sparring partner that Tsukishima could ask for, but that doesn’t make him any less annoying of one,
So @ohoholyshit​ wrote a BNHA AU for kurotsuki, and I’m still not over it. Just...please read it, it’s so lovely and funny and just kljsfjdssjkd I live for kurotsuki being awkward boys with their poorly concealed crushes lmao. Also the quirks they’ve been given are so fitting and creative, I was so into this verse fff. 
Angels in the Snow (Promptis, E) 
On a snowy morning, the wolf Prince Noctis discovers an intruder, a fox boy from Niflheim, playing in the snow. Though they quickly become best friends, everyone knows Prompto Argentum does not belong in the Lucis palace, and Noctis can only protect him for so long, especially when Prompto isn't exactly what he seems.
Okay so this is the only non-Haikyuu! fic on this list, but it’s still amazing and if you like FFXV then you need to read it. It has everything from angst, to cute romantic moments, and ofc, omegaverse. I love @emeraldwaves​ and her writing, and she’s really outdone herself with this fic! 
Alright, so those were all the fics I’ve read recently or that I’m currently following, down below are links to some of my all time favorites! All these fics are gorgeously written, with plots that captivate me with every read. These are the fics I have saved, downloaded, and that I reread again and again. Please give them a look! 
I sure hope that guy gets fired (Iwaoi, T) ---all time favorite, like...shit idek
silver tongue (Iwaoi, E)
Mind Reader (Iwaoi, E)
you’re looking like you fell in love tonight (Iwaoi, T)
Sing For Me (Iwaoi, E)
Add New Contact (Daisuga, G) 
Requiem for the Moon (Kurotsuki, M) 
Police Dog (Kyouhaba, E) 
Being Gross (Kurotsuki, E) 
to the beat of my heart (Kurotsuki, E)
In Defense of Reptiles and Other Gross Things (Iwaoi, T)
Provocation Expert (Kurotsuki, M) 
And finally, I want to list a few authors here where yes, I recced a few of their individual fics, but honestly, all their fics are amazing. Like. They all need to be consumed. Read all their fics. They’re all top notch, all quality, you won’t be let down ever, I’m certainly not. The writing is incredible, the humor is there, and idek what else to say. I freak out for these authors and so should you! 
Ivyfics @ivyfics (I’m subscribed to like...way too many of Ivy’s fics, which is why none are mentioned above, but just know that I’ve read everything and constantly am dying for more, mmkay, thanks) 
timkons @90stimkon (A God for Every Season and Principles are some of the best fics ever, you can fight me on this) 
realmSpinner @rhealmobsidi (Everything. Like. Everything. I’m so excited for all the December fics that Kiko is going to post ffff) 
caelestisxyz @caelestisxyz (Again, everything. Amazing plots, heartbreaking angst, awesome endings)
EmeraldWaves @emeraldwaves​ (MY BETA AND MY BFF who has the best ideas and one of the loveliest writing styles) 
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