#i thought about it when I was watching TV with my Nephew
pumpumkins · 7 months
i am not sorry
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yandere-fetish · 5 months
Yandere Patient X Female Reader
Part One
warnings: disrespect, rude, slow burn
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Yandere Patient is a highly dignified CEO on his way to one of his many companies from the vast countryside. He's reading the newspaper and catching up on the latest magazines, detailing the latest hot topics and debates. The indifferent expression paired with wire framed glasses only made his handsome face more attractive.
The driver comes to a stop at a stop sign while looking both ways. There's no one around. He turns right to drive towards the city.
Yandere Patient reaches for a small drink out of the mini fridge, then the car jerks.
Yandere Patient is knocked out as his legs are disfigured in a gory way. The pain was unbearable, but Yandere Patient was in no condition to feel the pain due to the concussion. His eyes flutter shut as the driver is crawling out the front seat, attempting to check on his master.
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Yandere Patient scowls at his uncle's suggestion. He doesn't need anyone to take care of him. He doesn't need an extra person supervising the way he moves or watching his every breath.
Yandere Patient didn't need a babysitter. He's a damn grown man, for God's sake!
"They're not a babysitter. They would live in the servants quarters and tend to your needs. Just treat them like a maid. They would only aid you when you need them to—"
"*scowls* And I won't need them!"
"*sigh* Nephew, there's just some things you need to understand in life, mainly that there's no 'I' in 'team'. You cannot do everything by yourself."
"Tch. Watch me! *wheels away in his new wheelchair*"
"Jenna, *sighs and stares at a picture of his sister* what am I going to do with this kid?"
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This is where you come in.
You show up at noon, ready to meet your newly appointed patient after hearing so many coworkers complain about how aggressive and snarky this patient has been since joining their agency as a client.
You really hadn't wanted to take this patient under your wing but since the agency was willing to fire anyone who didn't at least try, so you had to.
The sooner you come, the sooner you can leave.
So, here you are, standing on the doorstep of a luxurious mansion with a thirty-foot driveway. You'd never dream of living in a place such as this, let alone working in one.
Funny how you'd be doing both for a while.
When the door opens, you're greeted by a tall and broad-shouldered with a friendly smile. He welcomes you in while telling you, in detail, about his nephew's accident and his.. preferences.
At first, you're shocked and confused, but nonetheless you agree.
"I'm (Y/N) (L/N) from True Home Care. It's nice to meet you, Mister—"
"*scowls and ignores you* I thought they sent the last one?"
"Now, now, nephew. She's come all the way here. The least you can do is try her out for a day."
"I told you and that cheap company that I don't need anyone's help! I'll be fine on my own!"
"Just give her a chance. I'm certain it'll work out this time—"
*glares at his uncle and wheels away*
"*sighs* I apologize, Mrs. (L/N). He's moody, as you can tell. He should come around with some coaxing."
"I.. I'm sure he's not very open to strangers. I'd feel uncomfortable opening my home to one, especially several. And it's Miss— I'm not married. *smiles*"
"You're not? *clicks his tongue at the thought of an idea* I apologize again. Let me show you to your room for the time being."
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It's been a a week since you first arrived at Yandere Patient's home. You've quickly become used to your room that's the size of a living room with a comfy as fuck bed to go with it. The 65" TV was definitely a nice addition, and let's not get started on the en suite bathroom and the walk-in closet.
To say you were happy was an understatement.
Now, though, you had wished you were still in your comfy bed instead of in the kitchen, gathering Yandere Patient's favorite tea.
In the sitting room was Yandere Patient and his uncle. They were once again discussing your presence in the mansion, as if you weren't in the other room. The loud noises made you flinch from time to time, but you just reminded yourself that whatever happens will happen. You've done your job well and that's all that matters.
When you're finished with the tea, you serve Yandere Patient, silently keeping yourself to the side while the two argue again.
After the uncle strikes a nerve into Yandere Patient, he walks out of the house. Yandere Patient is so pissed that he slams his hands on the table, making the teacup jump. You flinch as Yandere Patient fists his hands, his muscular arms flexing in anger as he suddenly begins to try to stand.
You're too late; Yandere Patient is all ready on the floor. He slams his fists into the hardwood, bruising them severely.
You're careful to go to his side, helping him up. Yet, the moment you touch his arm, Yandere Patient automatically shoves you away from him with a scowl.
You end up running into a sharp, marble vase table with nothing on it, luckily.
"Get the hell out of here! You're not wanted, nor needed here!"
"*on the verge of tears* You know what? Fuck you!"
"*bewildered at your sudden back talk* What..?"
"You think I want to take care of some selfish, inconsiderate twenty-some year old brat who only calls his uncle when he has a problem? I'd rather lay on my back and give birth to a child to take care of instead of someone like you! If it wasn't for the high pay, I wouldn't even be here taking this damn abuse! I work damn hard everyday to make sure your needs are met, and what do I get in return? Verbally ridiculed and now physically abused! I don't give a mother fuck if you're rich, handsome, or have power; my job is to take care of you and to only take care of you! If I wanted to care for a whiny and stubborn man, I'd go online and get myself a boyfriend!"
*stares wide eyed at you as you're huffing from anger and pain*
"Now, let me help you get up and to the bath so that I can take a fucking break, Sir."
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After wheeling him into the bathroom and helping him undress, Yandere Patient is extremely docile and quiet. There's no protest or stubbornness coming from him, much to your relief.
Yandere Patient, on the other hand, notices how you skim over his body but you don't linger anywhere at all. He frowns, not really understanding why. Looking away as both of you help Yandere Patient into his wide garden tub, you silently tend to his needs.
Yandere Patient apologizes, to which you scoff at but accept his apology.
It's silent while you're helping him dry off and get dressed. Even while you're wheeling him to his bed.
But when you begin to aid him into bed, Yandere Patient notices the bruise from earlier forming into a nasty one.
Since your scrubs were moving to reveal your skin when you bend at an angle, he could see how clearly he had hurt you. Something churns in his heart at the memory of pushing you out of anger, embarrassment, and frustration.
Yandere Patient doesn't realize what he's doing until he's gently touching the bruise on your side.
"*flinches while standing up* What are you doing?"
"I didn't mean to hurt you.."
"It's.. it's all right. I'm not bleeding so there's nothing to worry about."
"*furrows his brows* It's not okay. I went too far. Let me make it up to you."
"Don't worry about it, Sir. There's nothing you need to make up for."
"I insist. I'll treat you to a meal, or a day at the spa? Girls care about their skin, right?"
"*smiles* It's not necessary, Sir. Have a good night. I'll be down the hall if you need anything."
*after you've left*
"I'll make it up to you, somehow.. someway."
Part Two?
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fangirlingpuggle · 22 days
Please tell me more about your au where the twins are billford kids please please please
Hey there haven't been able to stop thinking about AU so here more additional thoughts
Mable and Dipper not knowing about their deal power until later, like Mabel accidentally making deal with Pacifica/challenging her and suddenly her hand is on fire '...that's not good' twins frantically trying to fix everything and now they have a no deals rule.
Well after some experimentation the twins wanted to know what would happen if they tried to make deals with each other... both hands catch on fire and well... Grunkle Stan watching TV and then turning head to see his niece and nephew turned in ash ans still slightly smoldering.
Others slowly finding out about their demon forms, Candy and Grenda they love Mabel's demon form and think it's so cool... they also help her experiment with powers... it usually ends in chaos.
Wendy finding out, realizing these 2 kids have had to live copped up indoors and not do anything like go to school and have friends and is instantly like 'I am going to make sure you 2 have so much fun, you are going to have coolest summer ever!'
Pacifica also finds out, because of demon deal but pretends she doesn't. It's only later she reveals.
All the life threatening events are far more less threatening it's less my life is in danger more like I need to blow I'm not human/ I can't let my powers go crazy cause otherwise things are gonna get weird and maybe worse.
Whenever Stan hears the kids voices he automatically looks up he's really used to then kids floating.
Bill finding out he's parent freaking out and the Henchmanics are torn between 'WE'RE HONORARY AUNTS/UNCLES' and... welp fuck probably not gonna be able to make while worlds a party since Bill is already asking about how to baby proof the mindscape.
When Ford comes back it's him that faints this time... everyone else has known about him for ages.
Mable and Dipper have seen journal 1 and then journal 3 after Dipper finds it (Stan is not surprised, kid is so much like Ford of course he's find where the nerd hid it... now they only need the 2nd journal) Mabel's seen the writing about don't trust him about Bill and seeing journal 2 she puts together her parents aren't.... on the best terms. She still is on the matchmaking thing cause she has an ideal dream of 2 happy parents along with her twin, grunkle stan and big brother Soos.
Fiddleford even when meeting twins for first time in human form is terrified of them. He is scared every time and he doesn't know why just instinctual fear.
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selineram3421 · 3 months
*has a headache* It's ok, I took medicine.
The Observer
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Alastor X Godlike Reader
Warnings ⚠
⚠ reader can shape-shift to blend in, mention of blood, eye getting torn out, and wings ripped ⚠
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You rolled your eyes as you watched your youngest brother sit atop his thrown, surrounded by angels.
Admittedly, his realm was beautiful but it was quite boring and filled with stuck up persons, but at least there were a few nice souls roaming about.
"Brother, please tell me you have something fun to do?", you asked but did not get a response.
You groaned and shifted into looking like an angel, now visible for the others to see.
Flying down, you approached one of the winged creatures and they stared back at you.
Blink blink.
"Hmm.. Nope. This got boring.", you sigh and shift back. "I'm going downstairs since you are 'so busy' with work.", you say to your brother and make quotation marks with your fingers.
You still don't get a reply.
With that, you cut open a portal and step through it. Shifting into looking like a sinner as your feet touch the grounds of Hell.
Maybe I should visit my nephew.. You thought as you walked down the street, blood, garbage, and some graffiti littered about. Lucifer is quite fun.
Before you could start heading to Lucifer's castle, a startling loud introduction to a tv show began.
A sinner with a television for a head started talking in a fast pace, talking down on what you assume is another sinner.
"Hm..", you crossed your arms.
Then there's a crackle. Turning to the sound, you find a radio behind a glass window.
"Oh! What a lovely vintage!", you say with sparkling eyes.
Humans were very interesting but then they became repetitive and you only checked in when there was something new. You collected quite a bit of the items that were made for fun.
"Salutations! Good to be back on the air.", a voice came through.
You didn't notice the crowd that formed behind you as the two sinners started going back and forth. The radio man not really talking to the other, but the television man trying his best to get the last say.
Then the power went out, the only light coming from the radio that was somehow able to stay on.
"Let's begin~ I'm gonna make you wish I stayed gone. Tune on in. When I'm done, your status quo will know its race has run. Oh, this will be fun~", the broadcast finished.
You were grinning, hiding it behind your hands.
Oh what a funny little fight! I want to see what the winner looks like! I can visit Lucifer after, I'm sure he wouldn't mind. You thought and made your way into a dark alley before shifting.
Now invisible, you glided over to follow the trail of static like magic, finding it connected to the radio that went towards a tower.
It was such and oddly paced thing, looking like it would fall over any minute.
Hm. I should walk through the door of the building it's attached to. You decided and shifted again, looking different than the form you took earlier.
This time you were taller and had a tail like a little devil. Your arms darkening to look like the night sky, with little speckles that looked like stars. Long horns sitting atop of your head that twisted in curls before straightening out.
"Oh, I like this one. I'll save this to wear again.", you said before knocking on the double doors.
It took a second before one of the doors was practically ripped open.
A blonde smiled widely up at you, reminding you of your nephew with the pink on their cheeks.
"Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel!", she greeted and stepped out of the way. "Please come in!"
Entering the building, you saw it was a fancy but run down hotel. It was quite nice but could use a little fixing. Too bad that you couldn't do anything to alter any of the realms you visited.
There could be so much you would fix.
"What is your name?", you asked the blonde woman, turning to look at her with a soft smile.
"Oh! My name is Charlie and I am the founder of the hotel! It's purpose is to rehabilitate sinners.", Charlie answered with a beaming smile.
"My! That is very interesting."
You followed her into the lobby and let her speak more about the hotel. Then, as Charlie was speaking, you saw an angel enter the room. Her long white hair flowed with slight movement as she stood next to the blonde.
"Who is this?", she asked, crossing her arms.
She glared at you like you had done something unspeakable.
Oh, what have they done to you? You wondered. If an angel is down here, they must have done something wrong or someone from upstairs unjustly cast them out.
"Oh, um..", Charlie looked at you. "What is your name?"
"I am just here to look around, see something new.", you said. "I have no name but you can call me Penjani."
"What do you mean you have no name?", the angel asked.
"It's alright.", you wave off Charlie's concern. "I was never given a name, I was just created and left to wander."
It was somewhat true.
You did not get a name, but the humans and other creatures of the universe named you many things or didn't even know about you. But that's how its always been.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to..", the angel, Vaggie looked at the floor.
"It's alright, no harm done.", you patted her shoulder.
With contact, you saw why she was down in Hell.
Adam, the first man, had abandoned her after she defied orders. Her wings cut off and her eye tore out by another angel, an exorcist. You took your hand back after seeing all that you needed too. Finding out Charlie was the Princess and family.
"I actually came to see something else too.", you said with a closed eyed smile.
The two looked at you, curious.
"What else did you want to see?", the Princess asked.
You pointed up. "Who occupies the tower?", you asked. "The black one with red tinted windows."
That is when you actually started to feel the buzz from the static you were following earlier. It crawled across your skin, leaving tingles as it passed down.
Then a new voice spoke up.
"That would be me."
Looking behind you to find where the voice was coming from, you saw a red deer demon. His hair, clothes, and eyes were red. A handsome face that you remember seeing before, around the nineteenth century if you recall. He was a dashing human and now he was a devilishly handsome demon.
He grinned once your eyes were on him, as if he was satisfied with your attention.
"I am Alastor, The Radio Demon."
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A song helped me get the rest of this typed out. Thank the Dolly Parton song, Jolene.
~Seline, the person.
Taglist@@c4rved-pumpk1n @scary-noodlesblog @stolas-thebirb @naelys-the-aster @biromanticboba @lbcreations-blog @ducky-died-inside @kiraisastay @pooplyface1423 @line-viper @117s-girl @spiderlegsling @alastorsgoldie @kcsketches @lofasofabread @kotaleee @im-coolrat @superzombiewho @speckle-meow-meow @jammcookie @dilucragnvindr-my-beloved @trashbin-nie @koiolii @fatherlesschild2 @mmik3yy @just-here-reading @nealeart @hudiexiaoying @crystal-multiplefandomlover @glowinggoldfish0 @tiredgamerhere @fluffy-koalala @valenfawkes @willowshadenox @aria-tempest @alastor-simp @nonetheartist @gallantys @i-3at-kidz @luxky-aish @ceafighter @xalygatorx @xangel-8 @big-brother-problems @mistpurpl3 @chewbrry @willowbrookhoot @briethekitsune @alastorthirsty @sir-aadiboii @fuzzyturtlepaws @+?
ML II Alastor🎙
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wintfleur · 10 months
ꔫ victory kisses
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°. — pairings ( Quinn Hughes x female! Reader )
°. — summary ( you stay up to wait for your boyfriend after he wins a game )
°. — details ( g; fluff. w; kissing, one swear word. wc; 1.4K )
˖ ་ 💭 roro’s notes ( I watched the game against the kraken’s and I just knew I had to write a fic for my bby Quinn. This is my first NHL fic for this account and I’m super excited to continue writing nhl fics. For the sake of the fic just pretend the game was a home game for the canucks, please don’t be a silent reader! I hope you guys enjoy it! )
You were peacefully curled up on your couch, your pajama clad body covered in a fluffy gray blanket. You tiredly rest your head on one of the festive throw pillows you had picked out at target a few weeks ago, as you mindlessly scroll through channels on the tv. Trying to find something to watch that would entertain you and keep you awake as you wait for your boyfriend to get back from the Hockey arena. 
Your sweet boyfriend didn't mind if he came home to you sleeping after one of his late games, he always found the sight adorable and he would do his best to quickly get ready for bed so he could join you. But this time you wanted to stay up, they had won, and it was a win they had desperately needed. You finally choose a random channel that was showing a Christmas movie you haven't seen in years. You glance at your Christmas tree that was in the corner of your living room, the multi-color lights, lighting up the dark living room beautifully. 
You and Quinn had decorated the apartment a few days ago, it was a wonderful day filled with hot chocolate, many giggles and tons of soft kisses. A smile coming to your lips just at the thought. Spending time with Quinn, tucked up in your guy's apartment was your favorite. You're brought out of your sweet thoughts of your boyfriend at the feeling of something vibrating near your thigh. You blindly move your hand around on top of the blankets to find your phone, a small sigh of relief leaves your lips when you finally grab onto it. 
Your phone lights up when you lift it, and you're welcomed by your wallpaper (that was of Quinn who had a small smile on his lips as he held your nephew in his arms) and a notification from your boyfriend. Your phone unlocks from face ID, and you eagerly press on your messages. 
quinny ���🫶🏻: In the elevator. 
You smile and don't bother answering knowing that he would be walking through the door in a matter of moments, you just give the message a heart and shut your phone off, leaning forward to set it on the coffee table next to your bag of sweets. You didn't hear the familiar sound of the door unlocking, but you heard the sound of Quinn dropping his bag on the floor and the sound of his footsteps coming towards you. 
You lift your head up from the pillow and tuck the blanket under your chin so you can smile up at your boyfriend. The tired look on Quinn's face quickly changes to a small smile at the sight of his girlfriend all curled up in the blanket that he got her, he could see the tiredness in her eyes and his heart filled with warmth at the fact that she stayed up for him. 
“Hi pretty girl” Quinn spoke softly as he sat down on the couch after you lifted your legs to give him space, a sigh of relief as he felt his body melt into the comfy couch. You move to sit up on your knees, most of the blanket slipping off the couch. He had a tired smile on his lips, but you could see his happiness in his eyes, Quinn deserves too always be happy. You loved seeing him happy. “Hi baby, congrats you did so good” 
“Thank you” he muttered shyly, a blush decorating his cheeks at your words. The two of you have been dating for over 3 years and he still would get all shy at your pet names and how sweet you were. He watched as your eyes lit up, and your pretty lips opened as you started to go on a rant about how the game went. His smile turns to a grin, he loves seeing you so passionate about his games. It reminded him how perfect you were for him. 
His eyes focused on your lips and before he could stop himself, he was leaning towards you and taking your lips into his in a soft kiss. You let out a hum of surprise, but you close your eyes and eagerly kiss him back, your lips moving together slowly. Quinn poured all his love into that kiss, and you could feel it. You only pull away to catch your breath, you feel Quinn's pants against your lips as you open your eyes to look into his. Both of you are out of breath from that passionate kiss. You whisper, “What was that for.” 
“I just love you so much” He whispered back as he brought his hand up to move some of your hair out of your face, he felt your cheeks move up into a smile against his hand. You turn your head to place a small kiss on the palm of his hand before you lean your face against his palm, your eyes not leaving his as you whispered with a smile “I love you.” 
“C’mere pretty” He muttered as he motioned to his lap with his eyes, he wanted to feel you in his arms. You hesitated for a second, you had seen the hard hit he had gotten during the game, and you didn't want to hurt him in any way, but you saw the pleading look he gave you and you couldn't say no to him. You slowly moved your body, moving out of the blanket and straddling your boyfriend's thighs. 
Quinn dropped one of his hands to your thigh, while the other wrapped around your waist, pulling you down to lay on his chest, the warmth coming from your body comforting him in ways that no one else could. You laid against his chest, your head laying on his shoulder while one of your arms came up to play with the hair on his nape. Quinn lets out a hum, letting you know to keep going, his eyes shutting at the feeling. Your eyes raked over his side profile; you were so lucky to have a man like Quinn by your side always. 
“How are you feeling? That hit looked bad” you spoke softly, your eyes not leaving his face. The hand that was playing with his hair moves to gently cup his cheek, the pad of your thumb caressing the soft skin of his red cheeks. Quinn’s eyes open at his words and he tilts his head to lock eyes with you, he could see the worry in your eyes, he didn't like to see you worry. You whisper with a frown “It scared me.” 
“I’m okay lovely” He spoke in a reassuring tone. As soon as he sat back down on the bench after the hit, his mind immediately went to you, he knew you would be at home watching. He hated knowing that you saw him in pain like that, he hated making you worry. He knows how much you hated the violence of the sport, always covering your eyes or looking away whenever him or one of his brothers got hit. You hated seeing the people you loved in pain. 
You raised your eyebrow in questioning, you don't think Quinn would lie to you, but you knew he would try to make you feel better. “You promise?” 
“I promise” He promised, and his words were true. He was a little sore, but he would be fine especially because he had you in his arms. He smiled as he watched that from on your face turn to another smile, you leaned up and placed a soft kiss on his jaw before whispering in his ear, your tone teasing. “Wanna get to bed? you need your rest from totally kicking the kraken’s asses.” 
“In a little” He spoke between his laughter, his smile was wide, you never failed to make him laugh.  He brought you closer to him and his grip tightened on you. After he stopped laughing, he placed a long kiss on your forehead, your eyes shutting at the feeling. He whispered in your ear “I don't wanna let go of you yet.” 
“Never let go” you spoke sternly, your tone still sweet. You snuggled closer to him, your nose brushing against the skin of his neck. You never wanted him to let go; you wished you could stay in that moment forever. Cuddled up in your boyfriend's arms on the comfy couch, your apartment covered in Christmas decorations. Your home filled with warmth and love. 
˖ ་ 💭 roro’s notes ( IM ACTUALLY SCREAMING AND CRYING, I LOVE SOFT QUINN SO MUCH OMG. also please feel free to send in requests, I would love to write more nhl fics! )
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population9973 · 6 months
family line - luke danes
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luke danes x fem!reader
summary: things get a little complicated when your boyfriends nephew comes to stay with him
warnings: smoking, family trouble, a bit of angst, mention of cheating but it isn’t happening?, language, readers parents are 💀
word count: 3k (this was supposed to be short)
as you woke up in bed, you rolled over to find luke’s side of the bed empty, and squinted at the clock on his nightstand; you’d slept in.
“oh crap,” you hurried to get dressed and presentable before heading downstairs to work. as you walked in, you noticed luke was on the phone, and he didn’t sound too happy with whoever he was talking to. lorelai was behind the counter grabbing donuts and putting them in a bag, while a group of boy scouts waited in line.
“okay fine,” he said loudly. “do what you want- make the arrangements. now i’m working, we’ll finish this later!” he hung up the phone with a clang.
“is everything okay?” lorelai asked, and you gave luke a worried look as you tied an apron around your waist.
“do either of you have a sister?” he asked.
“uhm, no.”
“no,” you agreed. in the six months you had been with luke, family had never really come up as a topic of dicussion; and that was more than okay with you.
“i do!” one of the boy scouts piped up.
“you have my sympathies,” luke sighed, and disappeared into the back.
“here, i’ll ring you through,” you offered to lorelai, who happily cut in front of the line.
“do you know what that was all about?” she asked, and you shook your head.
“no idea,” you answered honestly, telling her the total for the donuts as rory pestered her to hurry up.
after helping the boy scouts order and pay for their food, you went to find luke, who was sitting in the storage room organizing cans on the shelf.
“hey, sorry i was late,” you said softy.
“that’s okay, it was quiet this morning. i thought i’d let you sleep in,” he replied.
“when is it your turn to sleep in?” you teased.
“that’s what i thought,” you sighed. “i take it that wasn’t a customer calling to place an order?”
“no,” he sighed. “it was my sister. her son - jess, my nephew is gonna stay with me for a while.”
“is your sister okay?”
“define okay,” he replied, and you gave him a look. “nothing happened to her, she just can’t control him anymore. he’s getting into trouble and she’s given up taking care of him, so she’s sending him here.”
“i see,” you nodded.
“you’re mad i didn’t ask you,” he suggested, and you shook your head.
“no, luke of course not. he’s your family, and it’s your apartment not mine,” you disagreed. “i think it’s nice that you want to help him, and your sister.”
“but what?” you asked.
“there’s a but,” he insisted, and you sighed.
“but,” you exaggerated, raising an eyebrow. “are you sure you’re ready for this kind of responsibility?”
“you don’t think i can do it?” he asked, stopping his shelf organizing to look at you.
“it’s not that i don’t think you can, of course i do. i just - think it might be a little more difficult than you’re expecting, thats all. so if you need any help-“
“i’ll be fine,” he insisted.
“but thank you,” he added, kissing your forehead softly, before walking back out to help a customer who’d been ringing the service bell.
“you better be on fire or else calm down; i’m on my way!” he called, and the ringing stopped.
you sighed, wondering if luke knew what he was getting himself into.
you only worked half days at the diner so you decided to give luke some space and go back to your house for a while, tidying up a bit since you’d been at luke’s the night before.
flopping down on the couch, you scrolled through the tv channels looking for something to watch, but failed to find anything that interested you.
after making some lunch and doing some chores around the house, you went out to buy some groceries and stopped by the diner to see how luke was doing just after dinner.
“hey,” you smiled, the bell above the door altering him to your presence.
“hey, back already?”
“i’m just passing by. i’m going to the grocery store - do you need me to grab anything for you while i’m there?” you asked, but he shook his head.
“nah i think i got everything all stocked up earlier.”
“is he here already?” you asked.
“yeah, i picked him up from the bus stop an hour ago. you might run into him while you’re out and about.”
“he went out already?” you asked.
“yeah, i think he wanted to uh… see the town,” luke sounded unsure.
“it’s fine, i’m sure he just needs some time to get used to being here. that’s all.”
“you’re right,” you agreed. “not to go into the gorey details but i’ve been in his place before and it’s not easy. no matter how great the person you’re staying with is,” you held his hand on the counter for a second, and he looked like he wanted to ask what you meant, but just smiled instead.
“thanks. i’ll see you later?”
“i was thinking i’d give you guys some space - let him settle in on his own for at least the first night. i’ll see you tomorrow though?” you offered, and he nodded in agreement.
your mind was distracted as you shopped for a few things at the store; luke’s nephew being in town was bringing up some memories that you’d spent years trying to forget. memories of your own adolescence. you just hoped things were easier for luke and jess than they had been for you.
it was nearly eleven at night when there was a knock on the door. after a quick glance through the window, you opened the door to see luke standing there.
“hey - what’s going on is everything okay?”
“uh yeah, sure,” he replied, walking past you and into the house, and you shut the door, walking into the living room to find him sitting on the couch.
“shouldn’t you be at home with jess? i thought you guys were going to hang out?”
“yeah, uh he went out.”
“he went out?”
“yeah. i think i scared him off,” he sighed, and you took a seat next to him, placing a hand reassuringly on his knee.
“what happened?”
“nothing - lorelai invited me to bring him by for dinner tomorrow, so he can meet her and rory, and he asked if i wanted to play poker and then left,” he shrugged.
“ahh i see.”
“see what?” he asked, and you sighed.
“when i was 17, i got into a lot of trouble - like jess. my parents - may they rot in hell - were assholes who hated me and sent me to live with my aunt. lovely woman - had no idea what to do with me.”
“you’re saying i have no idea what i’m doing?”
“i’m saying, it doesn’t matter if you do everything right, sometimes a kid like that has to decide to come around on their own.”
“why didn’t you ever tell me your parents were dead?”
“i guess it never came up,” you shrugged.
“i’m sorry.”
“don’t be,” you shook your head. “the only thing they ever gave me was the ability to lie about where i was going and which floorboards to step on so they didn’t catch me sneaking out. i’m better off without them.”
“i had no idea.”
“i don’t really talk about them, you had no way to know. i’m okay now. my life is better than i ever imagined it could be, and i have you in part to thank for it,” you kissed his cheek softly, and he wrapped his arm around you, pulling you to lean against his side.
“well i’m glad i could be of service,” he kissed you softly.
“jess will come around, luke. just give him some time. my first night after my parents sent me away i stole a car and lived in it for a week.”
“really?” he asked, looking nervous as if he thought jess might do the same.
“no,” you laughed and he relaxed. “but it did take me a while to settle in.”
“is it a bad time to mention that i told lorelai you would come to dinner tomorrow?”
“of course i’ll be there,” you smiled, snuggling into his side after pressing another soft kiss to his lips.
“i should probably get going in case he comes back to the apartment. he doesn’t have a key.”
“you didn’t give me a key?” you asked with a slight laugh.
“he said he didn’t need one,” luke shrugged.
“ah - you have a locksmith on your hands.”
“you think he can pick locks?” he asked.
“it’s not that hard-“ you raised your hands as he shor you a disapproving glance. “kidding.”
“very funny,” he rolled his eyes playfully. “i really should get home.”
“five more minutes?” you asked, clinging to him tighter so he couldn’t leave the couch.
“okay,” he conceded. “five minutes.”
“hey, perfect timing!” lorelai greeted as you stood with luke and jess at her front door. “sookie is about to break the record for the most food served outside of the roman empire.”
“sounds great,” luke replied.
“sure does,” jess agreed. though far less sincerely. the introduction between you and luke’s nephew had gone about as well as you’d expected, but you tried to remember how you felt each time your aunt brought home someone new, so you weren’t taking anything he said too personally.
“so, come on in,” lorelai offered, and jess followed her into the house, looking at some pictures on the wall before finding his way to rory’s room after being introduced to sookie and jackson.
everyone got ready to sit down at the table, rory explaining that jess was just grabbing a soda, before you realized you didn’t have a drink and went to grab one. jess was no where to be seen when you got in there, and you stepped outside to find him on the porch with a beer bottle, which he opened with the railing of the porch.
“not hungry?” you asked, holding your hand out for him to hand over the beer, which he did with a sigh.
“not really,” he agreed.
“don’t worry - i won’t tell anyone about the beer, just don’t let lorelai catch you doing it again.”
“thanks, you’re my hero,” he said sarcastically. “you gonna make me come back inside?” he asked, and you shook your head.
“no, if i was you i wouldn’t want to be in there either to be honest,” you sighed. “lorelai is trying to be nice but all this can be … kind of overwhelming.”
“yeah,” he mumbled.
“did the party move out here and no one bothered to tell us?” lorelai asked, emerging from the kitchen door.
“i’ll be right in, i think jess wants to get some fresh air,” you said, pretty sure she wasn’t gonna like that answer.
“sookie made you a grilled cheese if you don’t like pot roast,” she offered in a sing song voice.
“wow. if i’d have known that-“ jess said mockingly. you knew lorelai was only trying to help luke, but you had a feeling that she was just going to make things worse.
“you really don’t want to be here,” she gathered.
“what gave you that idea?” he teased.
“look, i’ve done this whole act before - but you’ve got a really good thing here with luke, he’s a really great guy. he really wants to take care of you and make things right for you. you’re incredibly lucky to have him,” lorelai went on and on, and even you felt awkward, taking a step back to sit on the porch swing.
“lorelai-“ you started to tell her to tone it down a little, but she ignored you. you knew luke didn’t want her meddling in the situation, him being very much an ‘if i want help i’ll ask for it’ and then never ask type of guy.
“if you give this situation half a chance, you might be suprised at how good it can be, and how much you like living here, and how good it feels to have someone like luke that you can really depend on.”
“that’s funny, i thought she,” he pointed to you. “was his girlfriend. are you sleeping with him too, or something?” jess asked, and though it was inappropriate to say the least, you barely stifled a laugh. it sounded exactly like something you would’ve said when you were his age, and lorelai was definitely laying it on pretty thick about luke.
“excuse me?”
“the whole starry eyed ‘you’re so much better off, just give it a chance’ speech. you’re either really naive, or you’re getting some,” he said, before turning to you. “sorry this might be how you find out you’re getting cheated on.”
“jess, come on-“ you sighed.
“this is my house, and i choose how i get talked to in it.”
“you know, you don’t know anything about me, or my life, or my mom, or luke, so why don’t you doctor laura someone else.”
“i’m going inside, you better not have taken that beer from my fridge,” she pointed to the bottle you had set on the table, grabbing it on her way inside and slamming the porch door.
“that wasn’t very neighborly now was it?” jess mumbled, more to himself than to you, you decided.
“hey, i’m not gonna give you a speech or anything-“
“sounds like you are.”
“she means well, even if she can be a bit… much, sometimes,” you said, crossing your arms over your chest.
“if i have to hear about how perfect my life is now one more time i might go stand in traffic,” he huffed, and to your surprise, he sat down on the opposite end of the porch swing, the chain creaking as he did.
“it’s not worth your time; no one here drives fast enough to do any damage,” you offered, and he almost smiled.
jess pulled a cigarette from his pocket and lit it, earning a side eye from you, and he sighed as he handed it over. you put it out in a small puddle of water on the porch and tossed it in the bin outside the kitchen door, before you heard luke and lorelai arguing in the kitchen.
“they fight like a married couple too,” jess added, and you laughed.
“i can’t disagree with you.”
“you sure they’re not-“
“they’re not. don’t bring it up again,” you advised, and he raised his hands in mock surrender as luke stormed out of the gilmore house.
“let’s go,” he said, looking at the two of you, and jess didn’t hesitate to get up and start walking, and in that moment you were just as eager as he was to get away from the gilmore house.
“i think i should go home. call me tomorrow?”
“you’re ditching me?” luke asked.
“no, i just think me being here isn’t really helping, and maybe you guys need some time to talk. i’ll come to yours if you want me to.”
“he’s had more of a conversation with you than he has with me,” luke argued, and you sighed, looking down at your feet. “i’m sorry, you’re right. i’ll see you tomorrow.”
“okay. i love you,” you said, giving him a kiss before he hurried to catch up with jess, and you started your walk home.
for the second time that week, luke showed up at your house unexpectedly, and you opened the door to let him inside. it was your day off work so you hadn’t talked to him since last night, and he still seemed pretty upset.
“hey, what’s up?” you asked.
“i just pushed him in a lake.”
“what?” you asked, raising your eyebrows.
“jess. i got this call from taylor that he thinks jess stole the bridge money and i went for confront him and he was being impossible and i just pushed him in. this is bad,” he trailed off mumbling to himself.
“hey maybe it’s not as bad as you think it is,” you tried to calm him down. “how good of a swimmer is he?”
“he’s fine,” he sighed. “he’s wet. i just - i lost it. you’re right; i am in so far over my head i can’t even see my own hat.”
“have you tried turning it around?” you teased, and he gave you a look.
“what was I thinking why did I say yes to this?”
“because you wanted to help him.”
“raising a kid - i don’t even like kids! they’re always sticky, like they’ve got jam on their hands. even if there’s no jam in the house, somehow they’ve always got jam on their hands. i’m not the right guy to deal with that. i have no patience for jam hands!” he spiralled.
“luke, honey. slow down,” you shushed him. “he’s a teenager, not a toddler, so i think you probably don’t have to worry about the jam thing, and you can absolutely do this. but it’s going to take more than two days and an air mattress for you guys to become best friends.”
“i swear i’m gonna kill liz,” he interrupted.
“liz isn’t here. jess is, and you cannot give up on him yet. i know this is not going how you planned but imagine how he must feel.”
“maybe you could talk to him - he doesn’t hate you like he hates me.”
“he does not hate you, luke. he doesn’t know you,” you corrected. “if you want me to talk to him i can try but i don’t know how much that will help. i can’t parent him for you. he’s living under your roof not mine.”
“you’re right,” he sighed.
“as always,” you teased, kissing him on the cheek. “do you want to stay for dinner since you’re here?”
“nah i gotta go find a gnome.”
“excuse me?”
“babette’s gnome - long story.”
“i don’t want to know,” you laughed, and he pulled you into a hug.
“thank you, for talking me out of the crazy tree.”
“you’re welcome. he just needs more time to adjust - his whole life got flipped upside down overnight,” you sympathized. “and so did yours. you need to adjust to this too. just - try not to push him in anymore lakes?” you suggested as luke stepped out the door.
“no promises,” he smiled, before leaving to go find the missing gnome, and you shook your head as you closed the door behind him. at least things were never boring in stars hollow.
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weirdwildwonderland · 21 days
How TUA should've ended
Lila and Five relationship-Lila and Five don't spend 7 years in the subway. They do get lost, but it's more like two years this time (whoever thought of 7 years was crazy). Two years is enough for Five and Lila to almost kill each other many times, enough for them to cry to each other one night and swear to never talk about it again. Enough for many bouts of food poisoning and starvation and cold nights when the train didn't show up. Enough for Lila to keep waking up with a sick feeling in her stomach because she keeps having dreams where she wakes up in her house, with Grace and the twins and Diego just downstairs. Enough for Five to stay awake as he wipes silent tears away because he's thinking of his siblings. The only ones who have been there for him. They find the strawberry timeline near the end of the two years, and it only makes them miss everyone more. There's a lump in Five's throat as he mutters something about how "wish we could've taken the idiots here" and Lila starts to cry, because something about this timeline is so warm and safe, because she would give ANYTHING to have a Saturday morning with her family again, Diego making her coffee, waking up the twins, reading to Grace. She finds a delicate silver bracelet on the floor of the greenhouse, and remembers how her father gave Grace a bracelet just like this when she was born, and that's when she breaks, and Five begrudgingly helps her off of the floor and pats her on the back. They find the notebook a few days later, and both of them well up as they ride the subway back. It's only been a few hours for the rest of them, and as Diego hugs Lila again, this guilty feeling wells up in her chest, because she remembers how they were before, how distant they had become. But he's still here, somehow. So they go inside and she starts crying when she sees everyone. Diego asks about the bracelet and Lila and Five exchange a look. You tell him. No, you. Diego asks if something has been going on, and it all comes out. Lila crumbles even more. Isolation does funny things to the emotions.
They all finish watching the dance of the sugar plum fairy before the news about Ben flashes onto the screen. It's the most peaceful hour or so of this whole fucked up week
2. They get swallowed by the cleanse.
3. And then they all wake up in the void. All of them are dazed and drained. The man on the TV is talking about shattered timelines (or something related to the themes of time in the show). God watches on her bicycle as they slowly figure out that they lost their powers again. Diego starts crying because he realizes Ben isn't there and Lila comforts him. Luther looks more worried about Diego than about the fact that they're dead. Allison, Klaus, and Viktor seem glad that their powers are gone. Five just looks happy that they're all still together. Klaus goes up to God.
He says something along the lines of "Hey, I'm happy that I can still come up here and all, but you need to get us back down somehow, because there's no way I'm spending all of eternity with THEM. Plus, I have nieces and a nephew and I hope they're...not up here too."
She says something like "They're not."
He stares at her.
She says "I think you're insufferable. I don't know anyone who comes up here multiple times and then goes back down."
"Look, God, I've had it up to HERE with my life so far, and I can say the same about all of them over there. But I've gone through some things recently, and it made me realize that I would really like to keep living it, if you wouldn't mind. And," he points at everyone "they have their reasons. And they deserve to live the rest of their lives out, too."
She stares at him. "I've had it up to here with you too. You know, I watch you down there, sometimes. I think you're better off there. Not up here, annoying me. Plus," she looks over at everyone else (they're freaking out/arguing etc) "it's too early for all of you to be here."
She picks 8 marigolds from her basket and plucks the heads off. They fall to the ground and new sprouts start coming up from the earth. "Whatever was in you, it's gone now." She looks over at everyone, annoyed. "Oh yeah, I forgot you need help to get back." She rolls her eyes.
"You know, you kind of remind me of my niece." Klaus says
She snaps her fingers
Cut to black again.
Cut to outside Diego and Lila's house. It's hot out, and they all wake up on the asphalt in their winter clothes. Everyone starts complaining about how hot it is. Diego gets up and knocks at the door. No one knows what day it is. For all they know, their kids could be teenagers now, and that scares him.
Someone bumps into Lila on the street, and it's the Handler. Only, she's not. She's just a normal woman talking on her cellphone, and she looks at Lila apologetically before continuing her conversation. A woman looks at Viktor and asks him if he needs help off the ground. It's Grace, and she's walking with a baby stroller. Viktor nudges Diego and they're both speechless.
The door opens, and Lila's mom answers. Lila bursts into tears and hugs her. Grace and Claire come to the door and Grace says something about "you didn't pick me up from camp on time, Mommy! And Coco's been crying for FIFTEEN minutes, that's what Grandma said. I think she misses you. Oh, and Ben (boy twin) broke a bowl, but Grandpa said it's okay" and Claire rolls her eyes and asks what they're all doing dressed in coats and tells them that they're all so weird. Grace turns to Claire and accusingly says "You never told me that grownups cry too." Klaus and Allison both burst into tears too, Luther and Viktor look like they're about to cry, and Five just looks the most relieved he's ever been in his life.
Lila's mom sighs and says "Come in, everyone. I don't want to know what you've gotten yourselves into now, but you look hungry. It's too hot out to cook, so you're eating the leftovers." Diego is still crying, but he starts to laugh. And then Five starts laughing too. And then the rest of them. Lila's mom tells them that they really need to get inside now before someone starts looking at them weird.
Cut to shot of all of them walking into the house, taking off their shoes, flopping onto the couch, hugging their kids, etc. Continue to "I think we're alone now" montage of all the side characters walking on the street living life as normal people.
POGO: On the twelfth hour of the 8th day of August, 2024, nothing out of the ordinary happened. You might say it was just a normal day.
Cut to black
Credits roll
Post credits scene
There's a knock on the door. Ben walks in looking dazed, holding Jennifer's hand. "What's up, assholes? I'm back!" he says, before everyone groans and the screen cuts to black again.
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steddieasitgoes · 9 months
@steddiemas Day 21 Prompt: Home and/or Dinner
I honestly think this is my favorite one yet!
Tags: Pre-Relationship Steddie, Eddie Munson Has A Crush On Steve Harrington, Holiday Parties, Overstimulation (the bad kind, not the fun kind), Steve Harrington Is A Sweetheart
wc: 2215 | Rating: G
Read on ao3 | ao3 collection
The holidays were always a quiet affair at the Munsons.
A few gifts, wrapped in week-old copies of the Hawkins Post, placed under a modest tree from Merrill’s. Wayne’s famous (well, famous to Eddie) chocolate chip pancakes in the morning with a questionable amount of syrup and a reheated casserole from Ms. Jenkins down the street for dinner.
No church or family plans, just the two of them, a couple of beers (root beer in Eddie’s case until a few years ago), and whatever movie Eddie had insisted they watch before he turned the TV over to Wayne and the Christmas basketball game.
It was good. Great, even.
Eddie loved his holiday traditions with Wayne.
He did, but sometimes he’d catch sight of Ms. Jenkins welcoming her brood of kids and grandkids into her cluttered trailer or spot Gerald loading the passenger seat of his pickup with toys for his nieces and nephews and wonder what it would be like to have a big family to spend the holidays with.
Turns out, it’s loud.
So, very, loud.
The Hopper-Byers’ new house is bursting at the seams with guests. The entire We Survived The End of the World gang is here along with some guests — Wayne and Ms. Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair stopped by for about an hour before excusing themselves to finish up holiday shopping (said in a hushed tone to not ruin Santa for Erica — as if she still believes, Eddie had thought). But mostly it was just the usual gang.
Eddie learned, in the form of Dustin’s “you’re being stupid” voice that it's become a tradition for them. Gathering a week before the holidays to pig out on food and dessert, play games, and exchange presents. Celebrate the year coming to an end and them making it.
As the apocalypse gang grew every year, the celebration got bigger and bigger until they were tripping over each other inside of the Byers house. That is, until this year when Joyce and Hopper got their shit together and finally moved into a decent-sized house on the outskirts of Hawkins. It’s no Loch Nora mini-mansion, but it works for them — even if it's still a tight fit when everyone is together.
Murray, Joyce, and Ms. Henderson are gathered in the kitchen — arguing over when to take the turkey out of the oven and the proper milk-to-cheese ratio in macaroni casseroles. A small radio sits in the corner, attempting to play Christmas music over the static. That’s the con about living farther out, Eddie supposes.
El and Max have claimed a fold-out table on the outskirts of the kitchen where they’ve been decorating cookies for hours, it seems. El’s simple and artistic, Max’s a chaotic mess of spilled-over frosting and candy sprinkles. (Eddie’s stolen one from each and thinks they’re both delicious much to their delight.)
The den’s been co-opted by Hopper and Wayne, and the TV volume turned all the way up (“We can hear just fine! It’s you kids that are making it hard,” Hopper gruffed when one of them pointed out the volume). They’re switching between basketball games while nursing beers and pretending not to hear the argument going down in the kitchen.
Jonathan and Argyle are hiding out in his room — smoking and trying to drown out the noise with whatever record he managed to pick up from the store he’s working at. Eddie thought about joining him, but the scowl he earned from Wheeler Jr. had him changing course.
The rest of them have taken refuge in the spacious basement. It’s too chaotic for Dungeons & Dragons so the boys and Erica have taken to playing an intense game of Monopoly. The threats he’s heard hurled at each other have been clever and downright terrifying. Way worse than anything they’ve uttered at his DM table. Those heathens.
For some reason, Steve’s taken on the role of the banker. Something about Dustin skimming from the top last time he held the role and played. Now, house rules say the banker has to be an NPC, and well, Steve fits the bill. Unfortunately, he seems to be struggling with the math of it all judging by the scoffs and annoyed eye rolls thrown his way. Eddie would go help, but he doesn’t think he’d be much help. Godspeed, Steve.
Nancy and Robin are there too, sprawled out on the couch and lost in their own little world. Occasionally Robin gets up to flip the record on the record player, but mostly they sit together, gossiping and talking about who knows what in hushed voices. Eddie might understand every little thing about dungeons and hobbits, but girl talk? That’s an alien language if he’s ever seen one.
As for him? Well, he’s hovering in the middle of it all. With Steve occupied, he’s taken on his babysitter role of sorts. Racing up and down the stairs to fetch whatever snacks the gremlins demand, rustling Max and El’s hair on the way in, and nodding at Hopper and Wayne on the way out. He narrowly escapes being sucked into being the official judge for the impromptu Murray vs Ms. Henderson pie off and almost makes it up to Jonathan and Argyle’s room before Dustin is bellowing for him.
It’s fun, mostly.
Getting to see everyone relaxed and having fun. A far cry from the last time they were all together like this back in March.
In some ways, it's what Eddie’s always dreamed it would be like. Being part of a big family, a cog in a never-ending machine of noise and organized chaos.
But it’s also becoming a lot.
Lucas is about to put a hotel on Boardwalk that has everyone shouting and throwing their own pieces at his head. Steve’s trying to keep them under control but it's a losing battle. One that pulls Robin and Nancy from their own little world to join the chaos.
And then there’s even more noise.
A crash from upstairs, the blaring voice of Joe Strummer coming from Jonathan’s room, more shouting, Wayne and Hoppers stopping, and giggles from Max and El.
Suddenly all Eddie can hear is noise.
It gets louder and louder and louder until finally, he’s certain his eardrums are going to explode.
Taking the stairs two at a time, he pushes through the chaos going on upstairs (dropped pies and frosting stains and shouting at TVs) and makes his way onto the wrap-around porch.
The crisp cold air is the first thing that hits him. Like an idiot, he ran out of the house without a coat or scarf or hell, even the warm hat Ms. Henderson knitted for him earlier in the month. He shivers, rubbing his hands up and down his bare arm as he tries to take deep breaths, watching as his warm breath twirls in the breeze.
As his body adjusts, so do his ears. He can still hear the chaos going on inside, but it's muffled now. Distant. He can hear himself think for the first time in hours and for once, it’s nice.
The snow is falling in slow but steady flakes, dusting the backyard in the white. Or, it should be white, but the hoard of Christmas lights decorating the house illuminates the backyard in reds and greens. It’s a real Christmas wonderland out there, now.
Reaching into the pocket of his jeans, he pulls out a pack of cigarettes and his trusty lighter. The first inhale of nicotine warms him from the inside out, sending the goosebumps packing as he focuses on his steady and slow inhale and exhales.
At some point he zones out, so focused on the snow falling and the repetitive nature of lifting the cigarette to and from his lips that he doesn’t hear the creak of the door or the heavy footsteps that follow until the intruder is standing shoulder to shoulder with him.
“Figured you might be needing this,” Steve says, hand outstretched with Eddie’s coat.
“Thanks, man.”
They swap, Eddie takes the coat from Steve and Steve takes the lit cigarette from Eddie, keeping it safe while he shimmies his way into the monstrosity that he calls his winter coat. When he’s finally situated in the plaid nightmare, he reaches a hand out ready to take his cigarette back only to find it perched between Steve’s lips.
That’s different.
Sure, they’ve smoked together before. Bummed off cigarettes in the ally behind Family Video and in the parking lot of Palace Arcade waiting for the gremlins to be done. But they’ve never shared the same one. Never pressed their lips to the same filter. Felt the dampness of their mouths on their own lips.
“Sorry,” Steve says, lips turning up in a small smile as he removes the cigarette. “Couldn’t help myself.”
Eddie nods, unable to say much else as their fingertips brush when he takes it back. Is it weird if he puts it between his lips right now? Is he supposed to wait a minute? Let Steve’s taste linger for a moment. God, he’s being so weird right now. In the end, he brings the cigarette to his lips and takes the smallest inhale, nearly coughing as the smoke floods his lungs because he’s so distracted by the way the filter feels different now that it’s been in Steve’s mouth — as if that makes any sense.
“You okay? You sort of booked it out of the room.”
“Yeah,” Eddie sighs, before leaning against the banister of the porch. “Yeah, m’good. It just—“
“Got too loud?” Steve supplies, mirroring his position. “I get it. I remember my first holiday dinner. There were a lot less of us in ’83 but shit. It was still so loud.”
“Don’t get me wrong, I’m a pretty loud son of a bitch.” Eddie’s caught off guard by Steve’s snorting. Stealing a glance, he finds Steve lit up in reds and greens, a smile etched on his face so deep he can see the spot where smile lines are going to emerge in the next ten years, catching the way his eyes already wrinkle in the corners. Fuck, he’s beautiful. “But, uh, yeah, I don’t think I’ve ever been in a house that loud before. Not even when I’m fucking around with the Corroded Coffin boys.”
“Well, I doubt that. Your music is very loud.”
“Uh, yeah, ‘cause it's metal, Steve.”
“So I’ve been told,” Steve says, smiling that soft, private smile again.
If Eddie was braver, he’d close the distance between them and press his lips to his. But if this year has taught him anything, it’s that he’s not. Not really. So he lets a quiet fall between them instead. They continue to stand shoulder to shoulder, passing the dwindling cigarette between them despite the pack in Eddie’s pocket being brand new, and watch as the snow steadily starts to pick up.
“You know,” Steve says, then stops.
Eddie turns, watching the gears tick in Steve’s brain as he decides what to say next. It’s magical watching it all pass on his face — the knit of his brows, his pupils dilating and returning to their normal size, letting the hazel shine through. The way his lips open and close like some gasping fish.
“If it ever gets to be too much, you can tell us. Tell me. Hell, I know I need a break after a few hours with those shitheads. Maybe we could come up with a code word or something.”
“A codeword? That’s might nerdy of you, Steve.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Steve says, waving his hand through the air as he bites back a chuckle. “But yeah, a code word. It’d be easier to say than “hey it’s too loud and I can’t think” you know. Plus, it would annoy the shit out of Henderson.”
“Well, then. Count me in. You know I love annoying the shit out of that kid. Gotta keep that ego in check somehow.”
They spend the next few minutes going back and forth trying to decide on a word that could work. Steve wants something common — a fruit or a vegetable. Eddie disagrees, saying it has to be something uncommon so they don’t accidentally say it, but common enough that it doesn’t sound weird casually being dropped in conversation.
They wrack their brain, throwing out silly words left and right until there’s a crash from inside. Their heads swivel in tandem toward the source of the noise. A flurry of shadows passes on the other side of the window as Steve shakes his head and sighs.
“Come on,” he says, handing the cigarette back to Eddie. “If we’re not at the table the minute the food gets served, we won’t be eating. The gremlins know no manner.”
Eddie laughs, stubbing out the cigarette on the ashtray precariously balanced on the banister, “Teaching ‘em manners seems like a job for their babysitter.”
“Nah,” Steve snorts. “Maybe one for their Dungeon Master, though.”
Just as the words leave Steve’s lip, there’s a shout from inside followed by another crash.
“Think it might be a job for both of us, actually,” Eddie laughs. “Together?”
“We need all the help we can get,” Steve says. “Together it is.” 
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kazz-brekker · 2 years
hotd episode 6 thoughts
ohhhh the family drama in this one was DELICIOUS, i enjoyed it very much.
i will admit i found the time skip a little jarring at first even though i knew it was coming, just because so much stuff happened during those years, but emma d’arcy and olivia cooke were absolutely SERVING and i loved them.
rhaenyra with her kids … rhaenyra obviously loving them so so much … rhaenyra smiling as soon as she saw baby joffrey … oh it was a lot.
as soon as older rhaenyra said “fuck” while climbing the stairs i was like. yes. absolutely. i love you, this is perfect casting.
i have been overly invested in daemon and rhaenyra’s children ever since reading f&b so i feel pretty emotional actually seeing jace, luke, joffrey, rhaena, and baela on my tv screen. they’re real! they’re little and squishy! i want desperately to protect them!
i’m really glad that they included alicent’s “do keep trying, sooner or later you may get one that looks like you” bit, it’s such an iconic line of bitchy dialogue.
i SO wish that we had gotten to see more of the relationship between rhaenyra and harwin (they didn’t even kiss!) but the little bits that we did see of it were really tender and lovely, especially with baby joffrey.
helaena targaryen being a weird little girl with a bug collection is something that can be so personal, actually.
also, her saying something like “you’ll have to close an eye” while aemond is talking to alicent about wanting a dragon … please oh PLEASE let helaena have prophetic dreams, that would be great.
i am aware that aemond targaryen is going to grow up to commit a ton of war crimes but honestly i just wanted to give him a hug in this episode.
alicent being constantly exasperated that her children are growing up to be a bunch of absolute weirdos was really, really funny.
we finally got to see vhagar! she is so large and so ugly and i love her very much and seeing her fly with caraxes was a lot of fun.
i’m really sad that we only got to see adult laena for one episode, she was so regal and self-possessed and i really liked her interactions with her daughters and the fact that she clearly doesn’t want to indulge daemon’s sulking.
the implication that daemon stayed away from westeros for 10 years because he couldn’t stand to be around rhaenyra when they were married to other people … oh man. oh boy. that is so much. can’t deal with this right now, sorry!
alicent and criston having a weird warped version of fealty and courtly love based on their shared hatred of the same person … yesssss i love it give me more.
harwin strong in his dilf era repeatedly punching criston cole in the face is literally everything i wanted to see from him in this episode.
viserys talking about the bonds of friendship being forged through combat together while aegon ii is beating up his nephews is just like. jesus christ. viserys please learn to read the room.
alicent and larys having their scheming little dinner together was so fun, especially since it’s clearly a common practice. seems like larys is going full-on villain and that’s going to be entertaining to watch.
kind of sad to see that daemon and rhaenyra’s marriages are both breaking down, but i can understand why since there are a lot of stressors in both of those relationships.
around halfway through this episode i was like “there seems to be a lot going on here, maybe i won’t have to watch harwin and laena die yet” so the last 10 minutes absolutely sucker-punched me.
rip lyonel strong you were a real one and possibly the only man in westeros with both honor and common sense.
i am not quite sure how i feel about laena’s death, i always thought childbirth was a lazy way to get rid of her and i can see that they were trying to add more dignity/autonomy but it also made it more violent … i’ll have to think on it.
the milf on milf violence in this was just really fun and i can’t wait to see more.
i am READY for the funeral drama next week, bring it on!
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Lights Out - Daniel Ricciardo
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<word count - 1347>
You had just been sat on the couch, watching some TV when everything shut off. The lights went out, the TV turned off and you were left in total darkness. The only light source you had was the moonlight streaming through the windows. 
The storm outside had been going on for a few hours, so you thought you'd steer clear of a blackout this time, but you were unfortunately wrong. 
You grabbed your phone from next to you and immediately turned the torch on. You didn't like the dark at the best of times, but when there was no light available to you, it scared you more than the darkness normally would. 
Sitting, paralysed in the dark with only your phone torch to comfort you, every bolt of lighting that shot through the sky sent shivers down your spine. Every rumble of thunder rumbled you as you sat there, unsure of what you could do. 
Around half an hour had gone by of you, sat in the dark, willing the power to come back on, you heard a knock at the door. This sent pure fear flooding through your veins. No one should be out at this time of night, during a storm, during a power outage. 
You walked to the door and looked through the peephole, relief instantly washing over you. With a smile, you opened the door to see Daniel stood there, a glow stick necklace looped around his neck. 
"Sorry to show up unannounced, but I know you hate blackouts and I thought you could use some company. Plus, I brought enough glow in the dark stuff to supply a whole kids party," he laughed, the wind from the storm ruffling his curly locks as he stood there. 
You let him in the house and guided him over to the couch. "OK, so, in Daniel's bag of tricks, we are starting with... Drum roll please," he said, rummaging through the bag as things rustled and clinked together.
You clapped your hands on your thighs to make the drum roll sound, and he pulled out the first of his surprises. "Now, you can match me," he smiled, handing you the freshly opened packet of glow sticks that he had brought.
Pulling them out of the packet, you used the connectors to make yourself a matching necklace, as well as a bracelet. "Here, I made you one too," you said, handing him the glowing band before cracking your necklace as it kicked into life and illuminated into different colours. 
"Why thank you," he said, slipping it onto his wrist, "Are we ready for the next item from Daniel's bag of tricks?" He asked, stuffing his hand back into the bag. 
"Always," you smiled. He'd only been there for around ten minutes, but he was already making you feel better about the storm. "Next up, we have... Beach scented candles!" He exclaimed, doing jazz hands with the candles in his grip. 
"Don't worry, I also brought a lighter," he said, setting them down on the coffee table and lighting them up. The orange flames danced in the darkness, and they lit the room up with a warm glow. "Anything else in the bag of tricks?" 
"I have these colourful torch things that my nephew left last time he was at mine," he said, handing you a few different ones with different coloured bands around the handle. Switching one on, the light wasn't the same, yellow light that torches normally emitted, it was pink.
Testing the other ones, they were all different colours of the rainbow. "I have one more thing, but I'm saving those for later," he told you, but you were already satisfied with what he had brought already. "Thanks for this, I really needed it," 
"No problem, there is no better way to spend a blackout than with my favourite person," he said, poking you in the stomach and tickling you. "Daniel, stop it," you choked out between fits of laughter. As he carried on tickling you, you could barely speak since you were laughing so hard. 
You were lying down as he leant over you, still poking you in the sides and jibing at you. 
"Daniel, please," you cried, trying to push him away, but he was too strong. In retaliation, you started poking him in the ribs as well, and he immediately doubled over and rolled off you, giving you the upper hand. 
Straddling his sides, you carried on tickling him, "OK, I surrender, I surrender," he cried, putting his hands up in defeat. "That's what I thought," you smirked, smugly. 
"Now I didn't think this was how this was going to end," Daniel winked at you, and you jumped off him, blushing profusely. You would have thought you had gotten used to his suggestive, yet playful, comments, but they still made your cheeks red regardless. 
You took a minute to catch your breath, when Daniel spoke up. "Are you ready for the final phase of my master plan," he said, leaning back on the couch.
"Of course," you smiled, and watched as he sprung into action. He went to the basket in the corner and took out all of the blankets in there. Then, he swiped all the pillows off the couch and onto the floor. Finally, he went down the corridor and into one of the spare bedrooms, raiding it of the pillows and blankets in there too. 
"Right, we're making a pillow fort," he announced, standing and looking at his mountain of blankets and pillows. You secured three corners of the massive blanket to the three corners of the L-shaped couch you had, and then used a lamp to make the fourth corner. 
On the sides, you draped over the other spare blankets to make the walls, and the rest of the blankets were kept inside the pillow fort for comfort. You scattered the pillows around stood beside Daniel with your hands on your hips, gazing triumphantly at your work.
"You got any snacks?" Daniel asked, pulling his laptop out of his bag. 
"Yeah, I'll go get them," you said, taking a candle off the coffee table to go to the kitchen and raid your snack cupboard. When you got back to the lounge, you couldn't see Daniel, but you could see the light from his computer in the pillow fort. 
You went through the curtains and saw the glow in the dark stars he had stuck on the roof of the fort. "You like it?" He asked, scrolling through his laptop to find the next movie in the series you had been watching together. 
"I love it!" you gasped in awe. It was like he had plucked the real stars from the sky and stuck them on the roof of your pillow fort. "This is perfect," you smiled, crawling through the fort and taking a seat next to Daniel on one of the pillows. 
"I try," he sincerely smiled, the light from the fake stars reflecting in his eyes. It was like the night sky had been captured in his irises. You snuggled up next to him as he started the film. "We don't have to carry on watching this, but I thought it'd be good to finish the series," he smiled.
"Yeah, it's about time we finish it," you said, resting your head on his shoulder as he draped a blanket around your shoulders and his, making you even cosier. Under the blanket, he wrapped an arm around your shoulders.
Every now and then, the lightning cracked in the sky and he pulled you closer to him as you tensed up. There was nothing better than spending the worst of times with the best of people. You spent the rest of the night, watching movies and munching on snacks until dawn rolled around and the power eventually came back on.
When it did, you turned all the lights off and closed the blackout curtains to make it dark again, because you prefered the glow of the glow sticks and candles, and you didn't want to lose sight of the stars on the roof. Not yet, anyway.
A/N - This one is dedicated to the love of my life @lipringlrh, I have missed you a tonne, and I thought I'd welcome you home with a bit of Danny Ric 💖. If anyone has any requests, feel free to message me or make a submission. Love you all!
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Dating Sandor Clegane - Headcanon
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Modern Au! Sandor x Hispanic (Fem) Reader
A/n: I am Hispanic but I’m a No Sabo kid lol. I wrote this instead of cleaning my room. Comment below if you guys are interested in a NSFW headcanon.
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Sandor didn't see you at first. He heard you two aisles over. He was at a 24/7 supermarket. He usually goes at night because of his face. He didn't like the stares and the people pointing. His height doesn't help as well, so he tended to do stuff at night. 
He heard you yelling and at first he wasn't going to help because it ain’t his business, especially since he didn't understand what you were saying. He thinks it’s Spanish because his coworker Bronn, who was learning the language to impress his neighbor, Margaery had been yelling the word, coño for everything. He heard you yelling the word again.
He was going to walk away until you started to scream. “Don’t you fucking touch me.” Sandor was quick to push his cart towards your voice. He wasn't going to leave now since he heard that. 
“The fuck you doing?” Sandor yelled when he saw a man towering over you, practically pushing you against the shelves. The man didn't even say a word, one look at Sandor he quickly scurry off like a rat. 
“Que cabrón.” You mumbled under your breath as you watched the man run off. You looked to your right to see your savior but he was already turning away to leave. 
You quickly caught up to him and thanked him for intervening. His first thought of you was you were beautiful, very beautiful and you were nice. He was surprised that you offered to cook for him when you noticed the ungodly amount of frozen tv dinner in his cart. 
The way to a man's heart is through his stomach is the saying Sandor heard and didn't believe until he ate your cooking. He knocked on your door and his nostrils were filled with the smell of spices. His stomach rumbled and he was salivating. He never had a home cook meal before. You welcomed him inside and he was shocked at the amount of food at the table. Steak, rice, beans, salad, and all sorts of side dishes. Sandor learned what plátanos were and he fell in love with them. Maduros with cheese and tostones had become his favorite food. 
After a year dating him, you had mentioned to him about your family. He was a little bit weary since he knows you have a very large family. He has heard your family calling you on the phone while cooking or cleaning. Sometimes he would wave when your family video calls you on WhatsApp. Poor Sandor isn't used to it. 
He told you about his family. His sister died young and his older brother is in jail. Parents were gone the moment Sandor became 16 and he hasn't heard of them since then. You wanted to cry when he told you about his childhood and how he got burned. 
You bribed Sandor to come with you to your nephew's birthday.  You told him this would be the best way to meet the family. You would be cooking maduros with cheese for the next two weeks. 
Sandor didn't want to go to the party empty handed even though you already bought a gift. He didn't want to be rude but he thought you were joking when you told him he can bring a pack of Corona to the party. “But it’s a kid's birthday.” He told you while you were doing your hair in the bathroom. 
“Babe, we are Hispanic. We have beer for every celebration.” Sandor bought 2 packs of 24. He wanted to get on your dad’s good side.  He wasn't feeling nervous until he parked in front of your childhood home and saw the balloons tied on the railing of the stairs.
“Relax, mi amor. You look good.” You gave him a quick kiss on the lips. He wore dark blue jeans with a button down shirt. He had even trimmed his beard and combed his hair. He was still nervous that your family wouldn't approve of him or would make fun of his looks. You watched as Sandor got out of the car and carried the beer with ease. 
His stomach was flipping when the front door opened and a small older lady came out wearing an apron. “Mija!” Sandor knew it was your mother. You had shown him many pictures of your family. Your mother gave you a big hug and a kiss on your cheek. 
“Mamá, este es Sandor, mi novio.” Sandor had placed the cases of beer on the ground and was going to shake your mom’s hand when she walked towards him and gave him a hug. You grinned at the sight of your mom next to Sandor. The top of her head reached below his chest. 
You couldn’t help but grin when Sandor started to blush by your mother’s hug. “Ven. Ven.” Sandor and you made your way to the backyard. Sandor can hear the music playing in the background, children laughing, and people dancing and talking. He kept looking at the flashy and colorful decorations. It was something he wasn’t used to hearing and seeing but he liked it. Everyone looked so happy. 
Beforehand you had told Sandor that he had to introduce himself and greet every single family member. Sandor was feeling a bit overwhelmed, he hasn’t received so many hugs and kisses on the cheeks in his life. No one seems to mind his features. He got nervous when your little cousins, nieces and nephews came towards him. Children were always scared of him. They all looked at him with wide eyes. 
The kids weren't shocked by his face at all. They were just simply amazed by how tall he was. Your mother had to come and tell the kids to run along when they started to form a line so they could be carried on Sandor’s shoulders. They yelled how they could see mountains and the oceans while they sat on his shoulders. They compared their small hands with his very large hands. You had to calm your tias down because they kept telling you how tall and built he was. 
Your father opened a beer for Sandor and sat next to him while your mom fussed over Sandor, making sure he had enough on his plate. Sandor had to unbuckle his belt after the fourth plate of food. You tried to tell your mom that Sandor was stuffed but she wouldn’t have it. 
“Pero hija es tan flaco y alto que significa que necesita comer más.” You shook your head at your mother. “Calentaré unas tortillas para Sandy.” She said, watching Sandor scarf down another plate of food happily. 
Some of your family members started calling Sandor, Sandy because they couldn’t pronounce his name due to their accent. Especially the little kids but Sandor didn't mind it though, he found it kind of funny. Since the nicknames he usually is given are mean ones.  
Sandor smiled when it was time to cut the cake and saw your little nephew sitting behind a big cake. You were standing next to Sandor as everyone sang Happy Birthday.  You looked at Sandor and saw him clapping his hands instead of singing, since everyone was singing in Spanish. 
It was official, Sandor a.k.a. Sandy was your nephew’s best friend. Your nephew was in tears because the pole that was supposed to be holding the piñata broke. Sandor rose up from his seat and held the paper machete rainbow colored donkey above the kids head. Afterward, your nephew was sitting on your lap as he was showing Sandor his little bag of candy along with small toys he had gotten from the piñata.  You were in shocked that your nephew gave Sandor a manicho, a chocolate bar with peanuts for him to try. These little kids never share their piñata candy.
“Tiene ojos tristes, mija.” Your mother told you as she sat on the chair next to you. Both of you were looking out to the backyard to see your cousins talking with Sandor as they stood by the grill.  You agreed with your mother. “He doesn't have a good family, mami.” 
“Ahora tiene una nueva familia.” Your mother had told you before leaving. You knew she was right as you watched the little kids hugging Sandor’s legs while he shook your cousin’s hands.
“This is for you, mijo.” Sandor was about to refuse but saw you shaking your head as your mother started to tie the plastic bags filled with Tupperware of foods from the party. Both of you stood by the door saying your goodbye to your parents when Sandor felt your mother tugged on his shirt making him lean down so she can kiss his burned cheek.
The ride home was quiet, you kept stealing glances over at Sandor. He had a faint smile on his face as he drove to his apartment. Getting inside and walking to the kitchen with the leftovers that your mother packed, you were storing them in the fridge when you heard Sandor come into the kitchen. 
He said your name softly and you looked over at him. “What does mijo mean? Your mother called me that before we left.” You shut the door of the fridge and walked over towards him. “It means son.” Sandor looks away from you for a moment and you hug him. He wraps his arms around your shoulders pulling you closer to him.
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applejuicefruit · 2 years
Hey there, I wanted to request for a Kylian mbappe domestic maybe after a game with the kids
Hii thank you for requesting! I had so much fun writing this! I changed it a bit and instead of him having a good time with his nephews I made it with his own kids❤️ I hope you like it!✨
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Home sweet home
You missed going to Kylian’s matches. It became hardly impossible to go after you got your twins two years ago.
The pregnancy was unexpected. It shocked the both of you but you were sure you wanted this. It didn’t matter you were both young, you knew you wanted this family. You’ll never forget the face Kylian made when he found out you were expecting twins. His face was a mix of shock, excitement, happiness and fear.
But your twins were the greatest joy of your life, Maya and Theo. Maya was Kylian’s twin.
Of course she was a daddy’s girl.
She was smart and beautiful. Like her dad.
Theo looked like you. He had your eyes. He was definitely a mommy’s boy. He loved when you read to him before sleeping while Maya wanted to play football with her dad before going to sleep. It was your little perfect family and you couldn’t be happier.
Tonight you were staying home watching Kylian’s play with PSG while also taking care of your babies.
Maya was small but she still enjoyed football, so did Theo. They didn’t understand what was going on, of course but they just enjoyed watching their dad on TV.
Maya tried to recreate his movements so many times you’ve lost count.
The game has started and PSG was winning.
Like always.
You were so happy and proud of Kylian.
Everytime the camera showed Kylian, Maya would scream of happiness while Theo was calmer and more observing. You simply loved how they were the exact copy of Kylian and you.
A couple of hours later the game was over and PSG won. Kylian scored twice and he was celebrating with his teammates when he texted you that on his way home he would stop to buy food.
Sushi. Of course.
Because you love it.
And because you craved it for the whole 9 months of pregnancy so now you had to make up for the lost time.
You were lost in your thoughts you didn’t even heard the front door opening.
It was your daughter’s voice waking you from your dream.
“Dada!” she screamed running into her dad. He picked her up while he dropped the bag full of food on the kitchen counter.
“Hii mon chère” he said wrapping his arms around her tiny body.
“You won!” she said exactingly.
Kylian couldn’t help but laught at his daughter’s innocence.
She was definitely a daddy’s girl.
“How’s my champion?” he said coming towards me and Theo. He was laying on my chest and he was falling asleep.
“Tired…” he whispered.
“Why don’t we go to bed uh?” you asked picking him up.
“Can daddy do it this time?” he asked in all of his innocence and Kylian swore his heart missed a bit.
You were always the one to take him to bed so this question left you both surprised.
“Of course sweetie” you said to him and let Kylian take him in his arms.
In the meantime you set the table ready. Maya helping you. And by helping you, you meant playing with her wooden small kitchen pretending to cook.
“He fell asleep” Kylian said coming out from Theo’s bedroom “I didn’t know it was so easy to take him to bed, he fell asleep in just 10 minutes” he said surprised.
“Maya takes an eternity to fall asleep…” he whispered to me so Maya couldn’t hear but I couldn’t help but laugh.
“Dada, mama can we play?” she asked us coming towards us with her Disney ball. Of course she wanted to play football.
I smiled a bit and so did Kylian.
“Yes but first we gotta eat” I said as Kylian helped her to sit right.
We enjoyed eating together as Kylian told us about the match.
After dinner he stood up and cleaned everything telling me to go and play a bit with Maya. Just a couple of minutes Kylian came into the living room and stared playing with Maya.
Eventually she got tired and we both got her to bed. We both checked on Theo too and he was still sleeping meaning he would be awake at 6 in the morning the next day.
We then got into our bedroom and changed into something more comfortable. I couldn’t help but admire my naked body through the mirror. It changed so much after the pregnancy. I had more stretch marks now, my stomach wasn’t flat and my breast wasn’t round as it was before and sometimes I couldn’t help but feel self conscious.
“It made our babies” Kylian said the first time I doubted about my body “I love you just the way you are” he then proceeded to kissed me.
I smiled remembering that night and made my way into bed after changing my clothes.
Kylian wrapped me around his arms and kissed my head.
“You know what I was thinking…” he said.
“We should make another one…or two” he started kissing me behind my neck.
“What?” he said laughing.
I started laughing too.
Maybe after all it wasn’t a bad idea.
Our home sweet home would have been filled up with joy and laughters for the rest of our lives.
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soulc-hilde · 1 month
02. Love
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Pairing: Jey Uso / Josh Fatu x Aries / Ezmeralda Bey
Synopsis: Devoted to her craft and her family, WWE Superstar Ezmeralda has a library of accolades accomplished on her own and by the side of her family like never before. As she leads the Women's Revolution to glory, romance seems to find her at the most unexpected moment... in the ring.
Warning(s): SFW, OC is a black woman, swearing, WWE-canon violence, Non-scripted fights, body shaming, body insecurities, WWE's consistant misogyny is blatant until later chapters, etc.
Cross-posted: Wattpad
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It's been a few weeks since Wrestlemania and not much has taken place for Ezmeralda as they weren't scheduled for anything until SmackDown. In the meantime, she relaxed backstage. When it came to the new girls, she enjoyed the company of Jojo for the much younger girl was like the little sister she never had whereas Eva Marie sent Ezmeralda's intuition in a spiral. 
Something wasn't right about that girl.
Traveling to catering for some grub, she runs into Trinity and Ariane. She's pulled into a hug by the women as they all greet each other, "que lo? What's goin' on y'all?" 
They all shrug in reply. Trinity sighs, grasping Ezmeralda's shoulder. "Ezzie... she," Trin points at the small woman, "wants to get someone else to do our gear."
"You wanna go against Miss. Sandra?" She laughs, shaking her head. Ariane quickly comes to her own defense, "uh, you and your brothers don't always have Sandra do your gear. Why is it so bad that I do the same?" 
Ezmeralda smirks, "because before we met Sandra, we've always either bought or had Ezra's fiancé create our gear, but she's been overloaded with work and watching my niece and nephew. What you're doing is straight betrayal to Miss. Sandra." 
"It's not that big of a deal," Ariane complains, her whines mimicking that of a child. 
Ezmeralda purses her lips playfully, "all I'll say is that if you want this to work out, make sure those outfits are good and fit both of y'all. Trinity's a lot thicker than you are. If it turns out good, Miss. Sandra might not be too pissed."
3 Days Later | Trinity's Apartment
Stationed in Florida still, Ezmeralda decides to spin her last day at Trinity's place. Lounging on the couch between Jon and Jojo, the three watch the tv when Trinity opens her phone.
"Ariane left a voicemail," she notes, letting the audio play out loud.  
"It's me, just calling to let you know that I spoke to a fabulous designer that is about to make some awesome gear for us that is supposed to be off the chain. So, you can have a little booty meat hanging out, titties like stickin' out so we can have some boom all the time."
Both Jon and Ezmeralda side eye Trinity's phone, faces scrunch at the thought. "Why does she want her boom hangin' out?" Jon mimics Ariane's emphasis.
Ezmeralda laughs, shaking her head. "Ariane and I are not as close as I am to Trinity. Like, those two have been partners since development and that's a wrestling variant of boot camp, you know? You can't break that. To me, Ariane isn't someone I could hang out with consistently. She's insanely extroverted and has no filter, she drains my battery... fast."
"Not too much booty meat cause I don't want Jon to kill me, but," she retracts her last statement, "it's gonna, it's gonna be hot." Ezmeralda just shakes her head side eyeing the phone as Jon pulls his to his ear, imitating Ariane.
"What kind of shit is that?" He scoffs. "Check this out girl, I found this fabulous designer guy. We got booty meat hangin' out, we got titties hanging out. Everything is gonna be out, just hangin' out. Don't tell Jon though cause he might just say something back to me." 
Jojo and Ezmeralda laugh, shaking their heads. Trinity turns, "I got too much booty for myself to be out like that. I'm not gonna do that. My stuff is gonna fit different from how her's are so, it sure won't fit. Okay?"
"How'd you even get in this mess with Ariane anyways?" Ezmeralda laughs. 
Trinity sighs, "it's mainly because during Wrestlemania, Sandra was late with our costumes and when she did finish, it wasn't what we wanted and it's been going on like this for some time now. Ariane then suggested that we should get our outfits done by someone else." 
Ezmeralda winces, nodding her head. "Now, I see. Does she know your measurements at all and was just talking crazy or did she just dive head into all of this?" Trinity shoots her a straight face, "what you think." The older woman simply nods, "got it," before laughing.  
"Ariane means well and she's like my little sister," Trinity winces, "however, she's putting us in a predicament right now. More importantly, me. She's so much smaller than me, if she has her booty meat out and titties hanging, she'd be cute. But if I was to have all of my stuff hangin' out? I'd be every name in the book." 
Tulsa, Ok | Preparing for Raw
After being informed by Trinity that Eva was to audition for the part as Fandango's valet, Ezmeralda was quick to be a little nosy. So much, in fact, that her, her brothers, and Josh all piled in a corner near the seats as the music began to play. On stage stood Jane and Mark while just a few steps in front were some of the Divas like Natalya, the Bellas, Trin, Ariane, and Jojo. 
"Apparently, Eva is now attempting to audition for Fandango's valet role and usually, I don't knock people down for stuff like this. However," she points at the camera, "Talent Relations has to know exactly what your skills and experiences are for moments such as this one: Fandango needs a valet with ballroom experience. Rather than having to go outside the company, they can look within which makes the process easier."
"It does not make it easier for them if someone lies about said talent. In this case, Eva very much is lying her ass off about knowing to dance. I'm nervous for her, honestly. She already disobeyed one order - which worked out for her - but you'll only get away with things for so long."
As the music plays, Eva comes around with a strut rather than a rhythmic sway that fell along with the music. Fandango comes after, grasping her hand for a twirl; however, she didn't understand forcing him to aid her through the steps with his body. Ezmeralda shakes her head, amused yet embarrassed at the same time. Behind her, Ezra and Ezekiel fight back their laughter as they watch whereas Josh just grins, having to look away.
"As a situational liar," Ezmeralda laughs, "I could never get as caught up as Eva has. I mean, girl, if you're a dancer then I'm President of the United States." She mockingly salutes, "hoo-rah! Oh? That ain't it? My bad, thought we were naming what we wished we could be when we grow up." She falls forward, laughing again.
As they cut the music, she's confronted by Mark as Fandango stands frustrated and embarrassed himself while Jane storms off. Shaking her head, Ezmeralda turns to leave, "a hot mess, I tell you, lord." The boys following, laughing. 
Atlanta, Georgia | Ezmeralda's House
Ezmeralda is in the middle of grating fresh american cheese when the doorbell rings. She walks over, opening it to reveal a cheesing Josh. "Hey, pretty lady," he greets her, pulling her into a hug.
"What's happenin', boo," she smiles, nuzzling into the side of his neck before pulling him further into the house.
"Nothin' much, what's the plan for today?" He claps his hands. She leads him into the kitchen, "we're currently waiting for Zeke and Ra to get here before we start the stream. In the meantime, I'm starting lunch. Do you wanna know what we plan to play?"
"Last year, my brothers and I created a YouTube channel dedicated to gaming. It gives us a breather from having to play these intense characters, that we love from the bottom of our hearts, but sometimes, you search for hobbies. Things to make you feel alive and in touch with reality."
"The channel is called Ez.Ezz&Ezzie and since we started the channel, our popularity on the platform has risen. These games are probably the most fun I've ever had."
Josh raises an eyebrow, his face scrunching with reluctance. "What we gon' play?" She giggles, "so, first, we'll be playing some Halo:Reach since we were sent the Master Chief Collection that's scheduled to come out soon."
He cheers, clapping his hands, "yessir, yessir!" She laughs, calming him down in order to continue. "Then after that we plan to start a series called 'Random Horrors.'"
Abruptly, the Samoan stops, turning to face her with some wind in his sails. "We gon' do Random-what now?" Ezmeralda waves him, starting back on the food.
"You gon' be fine, bebe," she laughs. "Besides, we're all gonna take turns with each game." Josh mean mugs her, "girl, stop lyin' before I go tell my mama."
"I didn't-" She stops, glaring at him. "Bro, stop that!" He lightly pinches the side of her neck causing her to yelp, laughing. "Who the fuck you callin' bro, huh? And you're mama is my mama, don't get it twisted."
He points between the both of them, "this right here? This shit is for life...forever. You got me? E faavavau. Para siempre." She cracks into her iconic hyena laugh, trying to push him away.
"You crazy as hell," she snickers, easing her way out of the kitchen, the food long forgotten. Josh chases after, smiling, "crazy for you, now let me rub on yo' fine ass."
"No!" she squeals, running for some form of safety. She goes to jump the couch only for her body to become swallowed between the cushions of the sofa and his heavy ass body.
"Oh my God, Josh!" Ezmeralda screams, wiggling underneath the man as his ginormous hands trail across her body, his teeth playfully biting along her thighs and ass cheeks.
"This boy is too much, y'all," She laughs. "He for sale on eBay if anybody wants him cause he needs to go. I can't stand this man. I promise you, I can't."
Later That Night
"Alright, now, y'all when you get home safe and tell my babies, Tia Ezzie misses them," Ezmeralda guides her brothers out of the house after finishing damn near 4 hours of gaming. 
Just as they left for the night, Josh decided to stay the night and have dinner with her. The two sat together, happily diving into their meal of baked hen, baked mac & cheese, rice and green beans mixed and seasoned with chicken bouillon, and some wine. Josh hums with every bite, leaning back in the chair as he looks at the ceiling.
Ezmeralda looks at him with a smile, "is it good?" Swallowing, he huffs, the remaining bits of food stuffed into the corner of one cheek. "You know your food is always good. You're third on my list." 
Her eyebrows raise, "third?! List? What list?" He smiles, "my list of favorite cooks. First is my mama - obviously, second goes to my soul mama - you know, since you my soulmate and all, and finally, you. Y'all the only three women, hell, people in my life I'd blindly trust with my food."
Instinctively, Ezmerald slightly sucks in her cheeks in hopes to hold back the massive grin that dared to appear across her face. Keeping her head down, she continues eating; however, her movements were slower than before as she becomes flustered. Josh grins, scooting closer to her side. 
"Nah, don't hide from me, lo'u loto," he coos, gently turning her head to face him by the chin. "I wanna see them pretty eyes, I love the way them big eyes be dazzlin', ya feel me? Lookin' like stars, baby, you're mother nature personified. You so pretty," he sings, leaning closer to her. 
She bites her bottom lip, debating if it would be wise for her to risk everything she's worked hard for over some measly, high school feeling. She squints her eyes as her hearts nearly stops, settling with her decision as she thrusts her lips against his. Setting his fork down and twisting the bar stool to face her, Josh pulls her in closer as he deepens the kiss. 
The only sound echoing amongst the marble tiles was the wet sound of their lips meeting and departing with each turn of the end. Ezmeralda moans, falling deeper into Josh's chest. 
Ezmeralda sits in silence, jaw opened wide as her eyes stare ahead. "Don't allow me to socialize ever again, y'all. I mean that shit cause now I'm over here kissing and feeling up all on my best friend. Man, my parents be watching this. Cono!" 
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On the topic of people I haven't written about. I have...many feelings when it comes to Mingyu. Homeboy was my first bias in Seventeen lol. This was heavily inspired by his Nephew TV episodes with Jeonghan. I thought about writing something involving Jeonghan but, I realised I haven't written anything for Mingyu yet so, voila. I also like how everyone just agrees that Mingyu would be great dad lol.
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Heads up: Kim Mingyu x Fem! Reader, unprotected piv sex, Big dick! Mingyu, breeding kink, Mingyu is a caring sweetie, reader thinks Mingyu being a good dad is hot pretty much lol, this ended up being softer than I anticipated, established relationship (they're married with two children). I wasn't kidding when I said Kim Mingyu makes me feel some type of way.
I will block you if you are a minor and/or have no easily visible indication of your age on your blog if you interact with me in any way.
Watching your husband with your daughters always made a deep warmth settle into the very fibre of your being. Seeing your three favourite people together was a sight you've come to cherish deeply, if the hundreds of photos of them on your phone were anything to go by. There was something also so incredibly attractive about just watching him be a dad. Getting them dressed for the day, making adorable lunchboxes for them, putting them to sleep are just a few examples of the things he did, and took pride in doing, for your girls. The butterflies were especially bad when he'd hold them, carry them and play with them. You suspect your husband knows how this effects you because sometimes he'll send you a knowing smirk when you're staring at him a little too long. It was one of those knowing smirks that got you in your current predicament.
Even with three orgasms and making sure he stretched you out on his thick fingers, Mingyu makes sure to be careful when he aligns his cock with you and slowly sinks in. It's no secret that he's a huge man, in every sense of the word, so he tries to be careful when he first enters you. You think it's sweet most of the time, him still being concerned after being intimate for years but, right now you're more frustrated than anything else. "Mingyu, babe, I'm okay. You don't have to be so careful," you pant out, fingernails dragging into his back as he splits you open inch by agonising inch. He stills for a moment, hesitance clear in his eyes, his cheeks a slight red and his inky hair sticky to his sweaty forehead. If your legs weren't partially jello from all the orgasms he made you take earlier, you'd push him down and ride him until both of you couldn't move. He just looked so cute and his concern did warm you. It's been awhile since you two have had the time and energy for sex, between work, the girls and taking care of the house. You know he gets a little extra cautious when it's been awhile. "Are you sure?" He asks just to be certain, gently stroking your hair. You don't know why but, the gesture chokes you up for a moment. You just love him so much. "Yes, I'm sure. I'll tell you if gets too much, okay?" You reassure him, rubbing his back and trying to hold as still as you realistically can half stuffed with his cock. He still looks unsure but, he knows you'd tell him in a heartbeat if he was doing anything to hurt you or make you uncomfortable. With that, he pushed the rest of the way into you until he eventually bottomed out. It's hard to tell who moans louder at that moment. His hands shifting to grip your thighs firmly and, yours digging into his back so hard you're fleetingly worried that you may draw blood. "Always so tight for me. So good," he groans low into your ear, slowly stroking into you. You keen at the praise, holding him as close as possible before meeting him in a messy kiss. It's all tongue and teeth and spit, moaning into each other as he picks up the pace. "You're so deep," you moan out, tears springing to your eyes when he angles his hips just right while fucking into you. "Yeah? You love taking this big cock, don't you, baby? Love when I fuck y-you stupid," he groans out, his own eyes rolling into the back of his head with how you try and milk him for his cum. "Maybe I should fuck another baby into," he says, sounding almost delirious on desire. You clench around him hard at that, barely able to form a coherent thought, let alone utter an actual word in response to your husband. You love when he gets like this. All arrogant and lost in pleasure with you. Chasing nothing but your respective releases. "M-Mingyu p-please," you beg, you're not sure for what but, his answering smirk makes it seem as though he's well-aware of what you want. Moving down to take one of your sensitive nipples in his mouth, his other hand moves from where it has imprinted itself on your thigh and, begins to draw quick circles on your swollen clit. The reaction is instantaneous. Your orgasm rips from you before you even realise what's happening. Mingyu has to move quickly from happily sucking and nipping at your nipple to kissing you so, you don't wake the girls. Swallowing your hoarse cries and tasting salt on your respective lips from the tears that falls from your eyes. "F-fuck, cumming," is all the warning you get before you feel him pulse violently inside of you and fill you with his cum. If you hadn't already cum so hard you almost blacked out, hearing, feeling and seeing Mingyu fall apart would have easily sent you over the edge. Your quiet panting fills the air. The scent of sex and sweat permeating your bedroom but, you're both too spent and pleasantly wrung out to start cleaning up just yet. Content to cuddle for atleast a few moments before the discomfort settles in.
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maarrgarr · 1 year
The Unknown Heir
part three
masterlist of the Unknown Heir.
Gojo Satoru x fem! reader
Synopsis: The reader returns after being gone for two years and leaving her boyfriend, Satoru, without giving him a reason. But now she doesn't come back alone.
Warnings: English is not my first language, possible grammatical and spelling mistakes, some plot changes.
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A year and a few more months passed since that event, and it seemed that karma was taking its revenge.
That sweet lady who had given you a job in her real estate agency had died of a heart attack. Although at first it seemed that her children were going to take over the business, they all declared that none of them could since they already had their respective jobs. And so you were left without a job.
It was a very hard blow, not only the loss of your job, but also the death of that lady whom you considered a mother.
Although you had your savings, you hated the fact of being left without a fixed income, so you started looking for a job, but this time you had no luck. Many of the jobs were part-time, and you didn't like the idea of leaving Ryusei with someone else for so long. And the ones that weren't part-time, didn't want to hire you as soon as they heard you had a son who was almost two years old. And to top it off, none of them could offer you a salary even close to what you had when you worked at the agency.
"I don't know what to do" you said frustrated to Ieiri through the call, "Well, you always have a very reliable option to choose from" she told you, while you were preparing food for Ryusei, "Oh yeah? which one?", "You can always go back and practice as a teacher here" you let out a laugh, thinking she was joking, but you stopped when you realized she was serious, "Ieiri, it's not an option to go back, tell me, how am I going to show up at school with a two year old, who happens to look like a copy of my ex-boyfriend, Gojo Satoru, who it should be clarified also teaches there? it's crazy". Of course you had thought about going back, from the first moment you did, but you didn't have the guts to face Satoru and tell him the truth. "Y/n, are you seriously thinking of not telling him, you said it yourself, Ryu is a copy of his father and therefore, surely, he's going to have the same skills as Satoru, and that makes him the future heir of the Gojo clan", there was silence in the call and she spoke again "Besides you not only have to go back for that, you also have to claim your place in your clan, your father disappeared more than a year ago and you're still the only heir". You got a shudder when you heard that, you weren't interested in claiming anything and you didn't think it was right to do so either.
"Think about it, you know I can talk to Yaga-sensei and I'm sure he will be very happy to welcome you here again." Masamichi Yaga, besides having been your teacher, was like a dad to you, he always understood you and helped you in everything, you remembered how Satoru always bothered you saying that Yaga-sensei had a preference with you and it wasn't a lie.
"Okay, I'll think about it" you told her, "Alright, I'll call you later, say hi to my cute nephew" she replied. "When he stops eating and pays attention to me, I'll tell him you said hi" you heard her laugh on the other end of the line, "Bye Ieiri" and they both hung up.
You walked over to your son and stroked his white, slightly messy hair, but he continued to eat and watch a children's program on the TV. "Hey Ryu" he finally looked up at you, his big little eyes that seemed to reflect the sky, just like his father's, and the corner of his mouth a little smeared with food, almost killed you with tenderness, "Would you like to go live near Aunt Ieiri?" you asked him and his eyes seemed to sparkle more than usual, and a smile formed on his face, showing his little teeth, "Yes, yes!" he replied. Ryusei adored Shoko, even though he didn't know her in person, he loved talking to her on video call and loved when she sent him toys as gifts.
Even though you were so scared, you made up your mind. You were going back to Japan. You needed work and maybe it was time to face the problems you left behind when you ran away.
And mostly, it was time to tell Satoru the truth.
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Hii, I am very happy for the support I am receiving and I thank you very much🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷.
I was just dropping by to tell you that the question box is open for any request you want to ask me!
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eretzyisrael · 10 months
by Debbie Weiss
The aunt of a 12-year-old boy who was released from captivity in Gaza on Monday night has revealed disturbing details of threats and psychological abuse inflicted on her nephew by Hamas terrorists, which included forcing him to watch videos of the atrocities committed on Oct. 7.
In an interview with French TV channel BFM, Eitan Yahalomi’s aunt, Devora Cohen, said, “Whenever a child hostage cried, the terrorists would threaten them with rifles to silence them.”
Yahalomi, a dual Israeli-French citizen, was released on Monday, 52 days after his abduction, as part of a temporary ceasefire and hostage-prisoner swap deal between Israel and Hamas.
“Perhaps I was naïve, but I wanted to hope that they were treating him well,” said Cohen. “I was wrong. They are monsters.”
For the first 16 days of captivity, Yahalomi was left in solitary confinement in a room underground, his grandmother, Esther Yahalomi, told the Haaretz daily.
After a month he was joined by other child hostages at a different location, which was much easier for him because his kindergarten teacher was also there. But the children were forced to watch the Oct. 7 massacre — in which Hamas-led terrorists murdered over 1,200 people across southern Israel and took more than 240 hostages — on film in silence, and any cries they made resulted in threats at gunpoint.
“The Hamas terrorists forced him to watch films of the horrors, the kind that no one wants to see, they forced him to watch them,” Cohen said.
Yahalomi’s arrival in Gaza was also met with hostility from Palestinian civilians, who subjected the 12-year-old to physical abuse, Cohen said.
“When he arrived in Gaza, all the residents, everyone, beat him. He is a 12-year-old boy,” she said. “We’re talking about a child of 12.”
Yahalomi was initially captured along with his mother and two sisters, but they successfully escaped and returned to Israel, while Eitan was transported into Gaza on a separate moped.
His father, Ohad, who sustained gunshot wounds during a shootout with Hamas terrorists, was also taken captive and remains in Gaza.
Separately, Thomas Hand, the father of 9-year-old Emily Hand who was released by Hamas on Sunday evening, opened up about his daughter’s condition over the last two days.
In an emotional interview with CNN, Hand said Emily was barely audible.
“The most shocking, disturbing part of meeting her was she was just whispering. You couldn’t hear her. I had to put my ear on her lips,” he said. “She’d been conditioned [by her captors] not to make any noise.”
When Hand asked Emily how long she thought she had been in captivity, she said she had been held hostage for an entire year.
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