#i thought i'd be annoyed but it's so funny how none of them picked up on the mind control even after mazey got possessed
cxlandine · 4 months
it's so fucking funny how quickly the bad kids switch from Battle Mode. less than a minute ago you were burning/suffocating pawns alive in lava but initiative drops and suddenly it's all nooo ankarna you need to forgive people! violence is not the answer! and yet it took them a solid hour of roleplay to be okay with bringing back the rat grinders because they were so pissed lmao
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suuuupernovaaa · 1 year
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tsngawpay [ˈt͡sŋaw.paj] n. tears
Anonymous Request: Can I request an Aonung fic where the reader is a Sully and Aonung teases her like he does the rest of them (despite finding her cute) but she's really sweet and innocent and has the biggest puppy dog eyes so when he says anything mean she immediately looks like a kicked puppy and he ends up backtracking until finally he just gives up being mean because he may be a jerk but he's not a monster. (He even apologizes to kiri because he saw how hurt reader looked at his behavior) And somewhere in there he realizes he has feelings for her and has to man up and confess before a better man than him swoops in and steals her away?
Request from @jakesully-sbabygirl: Can we have Aonung with the trope "she fell first but he fell harder"?
"He asked," says the small, annoying man with the tight curls on his head, "if you are a freak?"
Kiri's face falls, and so does my heart. I am far enough away that the men picking on my sister haven't noticed me, but close enough to hear their conversation.
Kiri shakes her head and indignantly replies, "No."
I see Lo'ak approaching, so I jump up before things can escalate.
"Hey!" I holler, and all eyes snap to me. "Leave her alone. You're being mean."
One of the boys reaches out for Kiri's tail, and she pulls it away with a yelp.
"Look, it's the other freak," the first boy says, and I try to stop my lip from quivering, but I'm not entirely successful.
It's hard enough to be away from home, adjusting to an entirely new way of life, without being bullied. It's disappointing to see Aonung here, among these bullies, almost leading them. The first day we arrived on the beach, I'd found him to be so visually striking, with such a lovely smile... to find out he's a jerk has been a real disappointment.
Something about him still draws my eye, though. And now, he's staring back at me, his eyes narrowed and his lips pursed.
"Leave my sisters alone!" Lo'ak says, finally arriving, and Aonung raises his hands in a gesture of surrender.
"You're right," Aonung says after a long, tense pause. "We're going."
He turns on his heel, and his lackies follow him with deeply confused looks on their faces.
I reach out for Kiri's hand, and she takes it, staring at me with concern. Kiri's strength is her connection with Eywa, Lo'ak's is his boldness, Neteyam's is his fierceness in battle, and mine is crying.
Everything makes me cry. My mother says when I was born, I cried for a month straight, and have basically been crying once a day since.
I wish I was bold like Lo'ak, or strong like Neteyam, or even carefree like Tuk, but I am none of those things. I am 'sensitive', and it makes every day harder than it needs to be.
"Are you okay, Y/N?" Lo'ak asks, grabbing my arm. "That was weird, wasn't it?"
"What?" I ask.
"That they just left. Aonung looked so weird."
I shrug. "I don't care how that jerk looked," I reply, but of course, I do care. I care about everything, deeply, and I'm on the verge of tears now.
"Come, sister, lets swim," Kiri says, smiling at me, and I nod and follow along, saved from tears for now.
What is it about the oldest Sully sister? Something about the look on her face made Aonung feel... something.
Shame? Guilt? Lust?
Maybe all three.
All he knows is, it wasn't funny anymore, when it looked like she was going to cry. It caused some kind of strange, visceral reaction in him, the thought of her crying. He would have done anything to stop it.
What is this feeling?
"He called you a freak?" my father says in that cold, calm tone that means he is really, really angry. It's later that same evening, and all seven of us sit in our mauri pod, eating dinner after a long day of learning.
"Don't, Lo'ak!" I hiss. "They stopped when I asked them to. They're just dumb boys."
Dad sits back, chewing his food and scowling. "You tell me if they pull that again, Y/N, you got it?"
Mom elbows him for using a harsh tone with me, and I roll my eyes.
"It was weird, the way they just... walked away," Kiri adds, passing me some fruit. "Why do you think they did that?"
"Aonung thinks Y/N is cute," Neteyam says with his mouth full, and I gasp.
"Of course he doesn't. He just didn't want you to come and kick his ass."
"Hey," Dad warns, but there's a hint of a smile on his face. He and mom share a glance and a grin, and I look back to Neteyam.
"Aonung is a jerk. I don't know how he and Tsireya could be related."
Neteyam shrugs, but he's smiling too, and I'd like to slap the smile off his face, but I know better than to start a fight with my older brother. He'd win every time.
Later that night, though, the idea of Aonung thinking I'm cute crosses my mind again. As much as I'd like to, I just can't hate the idea.
Kiri, Lo'ak and I spend most of the next day with Tsireya and Aonung, practicing the finger talk and learning all we can from them about how to be active members of the clan, and pull our weight.
Tsireya is a quiet, confident teacher, and we've learned so much from her. Especially Lo'ak, who is hopelessly in love with her.
Eventually, Tsireya and Lo'ak swim away to be in a world all their own and as usual, Kiri is nowhere to be found. This leaves Aonung and I perched on a rock alone together, and the tension is palpable.
I can't decide if I want to leave and never speak to him again, or stay with him all day.
There's no denying, I still find him very handsome, but I'm so turned off by his behavior, the way he's treated my family.
"I'm sorry," he says, interrupting my thoughts, "about yesterday."
I raise an eyebrow at him, surprised by what seems to be a very genuine apology. "You are?"
"Yeah. You looked... really hurt. I'm sorry."
"Why would it bother you if you hurt a freak?"
He reaches out, taking my hand into his, and the differences are obvious. Not just the coloring, or the wideness of his hand, or how his large hand engulfs mine, but the biggest difference of all: he has four fingers, and I have five.
"We have grown up hearing about the evil of the sky people, and what they could do to us."
I flex my fingers, but he doesn't let my hand go. "I am Na'vi, as is my mother and my father. I can't help how many fingers I have."
With his free hand, he reaches up, touching the hair above my eyes, which Na'vi don't have. Something about his hand on my face sends chills up my spine.
"I know. I am sorry, truly." He removes his hand from my face, and places it over his heart.
Though everything is screaming at me not to, I believe him, and we smile at each other.
Things are different, from that day forward. Though Aonung is still a little arrogant and teases at times, he's never mean. There is no more name calling, or fighting, and things almost feel harmonious.
This is another side of Aonung, and it's hard to reconcile with the jerk he showed himself to be before. He's patient and kind, and he laughs and smiles. I see the man I thought he was that first day on the beach.
The crush I had on him at first, that faded away, has blossomed again.
The day the Tulkun return, we all rush to the water to find them, and as I call for an Ilu outside our pod, Aonung charges up on his ilu, and extends a hand to me.
Without hesitation, swept up in the excitement all around us, I jump on and wrap my arms around his waist. We make a quick turn and dive under water, and I hold on tight. Aonung reaches back as we charge forward, gripping my thigh to keep me from falling off.
The tulkun are the most beautiful sight I've ever seen. Giant, beautiful creatures decorated in the same tattoos that the Metkayina wear. They're diving, turning, and everyone is absolutely overwhelmed with joy.
We surface, and Aonung pats my thigh and points forward, to a specific beast.
"My brother," he says. "I want you to meet him."
I feel such joy and honor in my heart, to be introduced to Aonung's tulkun brother, and I try not to burst into tears on the spot. Instead, I just nod, and we weave forward through the Metkayina reuniting with their brothers and sisters, until we reach Aonung's tulkun.
He tells me his name, how they met, what they like to do together. He shows me his tattoos, and we sit on his giant fin together. It's absolutely astonishing, to be in the presence of a Tulkun. I understand why they are so important to these people.
"This is Y/N," Aonung tells his brother. "She is special to me."
I whip my head around to stare at Aonung. "I am?"
There is a grin on his face, ear to ear. "Very special. I care about you a lot, Y/N."
I furrow my brow and shake my head. "No, Aonung. I'm just... I'm just ridiculous."
He throws his head back laughing, as if he wants to prove my point. "How are you ridiculous?"
"I'm not special! I'm not brave like Lo'ak, or fierce like Neteyam, or smart like Kiri. I'm just..."
"Sensitive," Aonung replies with a shrug. "You're sensitive. You cry a lot. You feel things more deeply than anyone I've ever met. Do you think this is a bad thing?"
I feel the tears in my eyes now, and turn away from Aonung, staring his brother tulkun in the eye as we float gently on his fin.
"Yes," I whisper.
Aonung's arm is around my shoulders, and he reaches out, using two fingers on my chin, turning my face towards him.
"It is not a weakness, to feel deeply. It makes you kind and caring, two areas that I am told I'm severely lacking in. It makes you fine match for me. I've never met anyone like you. I didn't realize it at first, but every day that I spend with you, I care more deeply for you. I See you, Y/N."
There is no holding the tears back now, and I bury my face into the crook of Aonung's neck, crying freely. His tulkun rocks us gently up and down, almost as if to soothe me.
When I'm finally calmed down enough to look up, I meet Aonung's eyes. "I See you, Aonung."
And I do. He's not mean, or unfeeling, or a jerk; he's as soft as I am, under as much pressure as I am, and not sure how to express it.
As beautiful as he is outside, he's even more so inside. I feel elated, joyful, to be given the chance to be with Aonung.
"You know," I say, "we have to tell my dad. If we're going to..."
"I'm going to court you," Aonung says, matter of factly. "I'll tell him. Should we go now?" He makes to hop off the tulkun and I laugh, grabbing his shoulders and pulling him back to me.
"No, lets leave that to another day."
Unexpectedly, he wraps his arms around me, pulling me in for a tight hug, and pressing his lips to the top of my head.
Over Aonung's shoulder, I spot my parents, riding an Ilu together through the happy crowd. My mother lifts her arm, pointing to me, and father turns his head.
His jaw drops.
Another day seems to be today.
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jesswritesthat · 3 months
Suna Rintarō: Bets
Fandom: Haikyuu!! — [ Masterlist ]
Summary: ~1.2k, fluff
• Challenging Atsumu is always fun and games, but how long can you keep playing when it involves Suna?
Warnings: None
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Atsumu let off yet another chastise of offence toward his teammate who took it in stride, they knew he was a perfectionist when it came to his sets - they were tailored specifically so when someone missed he took it personally. However, Sunas taunting on the matter had agitated him today which lead you to your pouty blonde friend on his chosen bench, a dangerous skip in your step as you settled next to him.
"If he's that annoying, I could take him out for ya." You playfully suggested, smirk looming as you spun your pencil between your fingers. "Y'know, if you want?"
Atsumu flicked his suspicious gaze to you after hearing your alluring offer, eyeing you with more conviction than usual.
"With a gun or on a date?"
A conniving grin and a casual shrug that told him you weren't bothered by either.
"Depends how much he annoys me."
"Hah I dare ya, 'cuz I'd like to see ya try either." Atsumu at least seemed more upbeat, pushing your shoulder bemused.
"What do I get out of it?"
"If you're issuing me a challenge that I complete, I deserve a reward." You chimed, a lace of certainty that told him you were serious.
"Yer get the date don't ya."
"Or a dead body."
A moment was taken to appreciate you quick wit, then another for a stare off, and finally Atsumu broke with a long defeated sigh.
"Jeez alright alright, I'll do anything ya want."
"Within reason obviously, but Suna ain't gonna be won over. 'Samu says he already has the hots for someone." Part of you suspected Atsumu had played you, but wasn't smart enough to install a wager if you lost the bet so probably not, which gave you false enthusiasm.
"That's because he hasn't met me yet~"
"He has. Many times, yer friends for cryin' out—"
"I know! I was trying to be confident since you just ruined my chances at this! Is murder the only option or do you know who it is?" Immediately your suave facade dissipated with Atsumus deadpan statement and you were hunched over with a massive weight crushing your heart and hopes of success.
"Nah, stupid brother wouldn't tell me. Said I couldn't lie for shit."
You remained in thought making a noise of agreement which Atsumu took offence to but still, it was gut-wrenching information as you thought Rintarō would've told you too, since you're ‘supposed’ to be close friends.
Even so, during the following break in practice you were determined to utilise the 5 minutes for their entire worth. You slid into the spot beside Suna far smoother than originally intended which definitely boosted your charisma.
"Hey Rintarō, you come here often?"
"No, I'm a chronic skiver. Literally never seen you before in my life."
"Perfect, they say oversharing with strangers is a great way to get things off your chest." A solid if not obvious opening, one Rin had apparently became acutely aware of as he tuned into the conversation properly and ceased drinking his water.
"Yeah? What would you suggest?"
"Rumours, strategies, crushes, trauma? Take your pick."
"So there's this person in our class. Thinks they're real slick, and smart, they are kinda funny too considering they think I'll fall for their antics." He cockily paused, and indictaive stare looking you up and down knowingly but amused. "Honestly they're lucky they're hot else I wouldn't send them vines."
"You suck." A playful death glare met his pleased one alongside your own deadpan voice to which he served you his point.
"And you (Y/n), can ask me anything without the fluff."
"Yeah yeah, let me take you out as an apology. I'll treat you to ramen, this Friday?"
"You buying?" Suna tilted his head curiously, expression remaining unreadable.
It wasn't uncommon, the two of you would venture out either together or with fellow Inarizaki classmates and end up walking back together. As such you'd often take turns in paying for various purchases.
"Hm, I don't know..."
Either he knew you better than you thought, or something else was going on in that cunning mind of his.
"Rintarō, would you accept if I told you we could get anything we wanted out of Atsumu?"
"Ah that's why you're acting weird."
"Partly, anyway we agreed if I take you out he'll do anything, and I think it'll be fun to share said prize since you helped me earn it."
"Alright. Surprised he went along with it since we go out together all the time, he's not that stupid right?"
"...Well." The lack of conviction was humorous, however even Suna knew Atsumu better than his 'blonde moments' would allow.
"Ughhhhh okay! Atsumu heard you liked someone, so knew you wouldn't accept my offer."
"You don't know who it is." It wasn’t a question, it was a statement. He realised you wouldn't be sitting here if you knew.
"No, and as much as I'd like to know, you don't have to tell me Sunarin."
It was silent for a moment, the brunette in thought before the interruption snapped the two of you from your quiet contemplation.
"Suna c'mon! Breaks over!"
You remained seated as he stood, not sparing a glance until he reaching the court alongside his teammates wearing a clever smirk.
"Ramen on Friday, after school!"
You watched Atsumu falter his serve, snapping a look of shock in your direction of which the only response was a mocking smile.
It was as casual as ever when you visited the local you’d sat in together many times before, sharing memes next to each other at the counter and commenting on one of the Miya blackmail recordings Suna had procured that week.
It wasn’t until midway through your food did the blocker turn to pause, looking to you who gratefully enjoyed your food. He was deciding, mind working a mile a second on the correct path here alongside remarks he couldn’t make. Instead he settled on honesty, much like you had done in the gymnasium except it took far less for you to get anything out of him.
"Osamu gave me a wager too, same reward as his brother." The offhanded casualness of his tone made it seem nonchalant, but you couldn’t help the arsing scepticism.
"That's suspicious, are they planning something?"
"I guess so." Suna shrugged half-heartedly, you could feel him analysing your response rather carefully by his narrowed side eye.
You stopped eating as this was worth pondering, the only reason these two bets could link together would be if the identity of Sunas' romantic interest was a certain individual. There's' no way, it’s got to be a different scheme.
"That'd only make sense if the person you liked was—"
Sunas’ warm palm covered your mouth, silencing your potential (but already known) revelation.
"You." A sorrowful smile. "Yeah I know."
A hum of acceptance emitted from behind his palm which softened his usual emotionless gaze, he’d gifted you the information to work it out and predicted you would rather quickly. It was easier than finding the words, there’s too many in both his head and heart for you.
"Sorry, I had to tell you myself else I'd lose the bet. I’d say that counts."
It wasn’t blunt or straightforward which you’d expect from Suna in this situation, in fact if you really dissected it, you couldn’t claim he’d officially confessed to you at all. But that was Suna Rintarō for you, leaving things ambiguous to figure out yourself and by then he’d have a gauge on your reciprocation, he was strategic in more than just Volleyball. But in you, he had worthy opponent, and you weren’t one to play into his hands.
After another moment, he removed his hand leaving a second to return his gaze, and another to breathe a sigh of understanding.
“So, where do we go from here Rin?”
“Wherever you want, (Y/n).”
“I think dealing with the Miya Twins is a great place to start.”
[ Masterlist ]
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isadollie · 2 months
hello !! i saw your reqs for hcs and scenarios were open so i thought i'd send something in. can you do the OM brothers w/ an s/o who isn't really tech savvy? coming from someone who grew up surrounded by technology but absolutely sucks at it. thank you !! <3
obey me! brothers x bad at technology gn!s/o
a bit funny (or so i tried), pretty unserious sorry 😭
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— Lucifer:
• this proud expression on his face
• gets all cocky
• secretly glad to be the one who teaches you all this
• would give you head pats probably,,,
• starts to explain with a gentle tone
• then diavolo calls for him and he gets annoyed cause his precious time with you has been disturbed
• helps diavolo as fast as he can and comes back to you
• he's like "okay, so... where did we leave off?"
• and then you say "oh no, it's okay, Levi already showed me everything when you were gone"
• and then Levi went missing
— Mammon:
• a wicked smile instantly forms on his face
• says you picked the right person to teach you (you picked the worst person to teach you)
• "Aww, don't worry, it's okay. The Great Mammon will teach you everything you have to know!"
• *some time later*
• "okay, so basically, this is the only app you need for now. the bank app. now look, here you type my name... yes, good. and now you type, hm.. let's say, 1000 grimm. perfect! and now you click 'send'! just like that! amazing!"
• "also forgot to mention, this is a very important operation for your phone. so you have to repeat this process twice a day, okay? make sure you type my name there or else it won't work"
• then he runs away and prays you won't tell Lucifer about it
— Leviathan:
• will actually help you!!
• or at least he claims to do so
• 100% called you a normie but well, he does that all the time
• explains what he thinks is the most important
• and you think to yourself "oh, okay, cool, i get it!" and you're eager to learn more cause he's actually helping
• eventually it ends with him showing you where you can watch the whole hana ruri movie for free
• then wants to play games with you
• end of learning
— Satan:
• side eye
• "why would you want to learn such things anyway? the real knowledge comes from books"
• gives you like 10 different books to read, obviously none of them is related to the subject
• it ends up being a cute reading date
• in reality he's just too proud to admit that he's terrible at technology himself
• poor man just doesn't want to embarrass himself in front of you
— Asmodeus:
• will be so happy you asked for his help!
• in fact, you didn't ask, he offered it himself, but would tell everybody that you came to him first
• but forgive him for lying, cause he's actually helping
• he shows you the most important apps you should have on your phone, what do you when this or that is wrong with your computer, how to order at akuzon and ask for a refund and honestly everything you can think of
• is also pretty chill about it, seems like it brings him joy to share what he knows with you
• only disadvantage is, he will cling to you the whole time
• will hold your hand at all times and if you try and dodge his touches, he will stop talking unless you hold him back
— Beelzebub:
• doesn't really wanna help
• would prefer to take you out to a restaurant
• but you insisted
• so he agrees, cause he always agrees to whatever you say sooner or later
• takes your phone and downloads every possible food delivery app
• proud of himself
• but then he gets hungry (who would have thought)
• and tells you to order you two some food from your phone
• you do it and he's happy cause 1. he feels like he taught you things and 2. he'll get food
— Belphegor:
• alright, no problem
• at least that's what he says
• then it turns out there is a problem
• cause he doesn't know how to turn on the computer
• you said it's okay, you can try another time
• but he says no, he will figure it out in a minute
• more than a minute passed and he didn't figure it out
• you two gave up and just went to Levi's room
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hope it's okay haha, it was pretty fun to write ngl
requests for scenarios/hcs always open!
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minafeu · 1 month
I'm not the greatest at writing when tired and it's 11 pm before I got to school the next day but I thought I'd give a snippet of what I have so far. The chapter will be called "Girl, So Confusing" because the tension I've written is utterly divine and fits the title because the way Red be acting is so confusing to Chloe.( @uhhhh-em-draws-stuff this is for you pookie 😘)
Theatre class. A place where many don't have academic rivals but Chloe was unlucky enough to have her academic rival in her Theater class. Today they were doing line readings just to make sure the teacher picked the right people for the roles. Chloe reading for Juliet and Red reading for Romeo. An irony Chloe could care less for but still funny none the less. Red takes her hand as per the directions of staging "If I profane with my unworthiest hand. This holy shrine, the gentle sin is this: My lips two blushing pilgrims, ready stand to smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss." Red had an annoying sly smile on her face, knowing she was slightly getting under Chloe's skin.
She take a deep breath and begins her line. "Good Pilgrim, you do wrong your hands to much, which mannerly devotion shows this; for saints have hands that pilgrims' hands do touch. and palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss." They make eye contact whilst Chloe recites her lines lines. It's obvious to Red that Chloe has honed the craft of theatre for many years which is almost impressive if it weren't for the fact she acted slightly cocky about it. It elicits a small chuckle out of Red, it being humorous that Chloe thinks so highly of herself.
"Have not saints lips, and holy palmers' too?" Reds voice is soft but firm. Chloe laughs slightly and states "Ay, pilgrim, lips that they must use in prayer." She give an unserious smile, emulating the character of Juliet. It's almost impressive how well Red is doing as Chloe has never seen her so theatre. Red simply brushes off the slight look of disbelief on Chloe's face and responds. "O, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do: They pray, grant thou, lest faith turn to despair." Her smile growing more cocky, her head tiltes slightly to the side as she watches to see how Chloe react. "Saints do not move, though grant for prayers' sake" Chloe speak softly, shaking her head lightly during my lines. She lightly looks Red up and down as she recites Red next lines.
Red steps a bit closer to Chloe. "Then move not while my prayer's effect I take." She takes Chloe's chin in her hand, just a few inches from her face. "Thus from my lips, by thine, my sin is purged." Chloe rolls her eyes lightly, breaking character for but a moment. She clears her throat, takes a step back from Red and delivers the line promptly. "Then have my lips the sin that they have took." Chloe's gaze is questioning with a hint of innocence, replicating how a child of Juliet's age would have said it. "Sin from my lips? O trespass sweetly urged! Give me my sin again." Red looks into Chloe's eyes, a mischievous smile on her lips. "And scene!" Their teacher calls out.
After a few moments, Chloe goes to her seat and grabs her things, intent on getting to her next class to have peace for just a few moments. The only bad thing about next hour being AP history was perhaps the fact that the seating chart just had to have Red sitting right next to her. It was the only class they sat next to each other and every moment felt like hell on earth. As the teacher begins to give Red compliments on her compelling acting Chloe checks her phone and texts back her mom. After about a minute, the teacher begins to compliment Chloe who dutifully takes them. Red simply rolls her eyes. Ah yes, little miss perfect taking compliments like it's nothing. It's almost as if she isn't Satan incarnate in academia clothing and a pretty smile.
(now published as a full chapter on ao3)
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seraphjewel · 3 months
Star Trek Prodigy Season 2 thoughts
This show is everything I love about Star Trek. It may be produced by Nickelodeon, but it doesn't dumb anything down just because it's "for kids." I love how none of the main characters are humans, which not only takes advantage of being animated to give us cool alien designs, but also acts as a great visual for Starfleet's ideals. It's visually stunning and the writing is superb. It gives a season-spanning story while also making time for those wacky space shenanigans we expect from the franchise. It's funny, it's creative, it's heartfelt, it's emotionally powerful. The season finales for both the first and second season had me in tears.
Aside from adding to the chorus begging people to watch season 2, I'm just going to share some thoughts on this season. I tried so hard to watch it slowly but it's easy to binge. I'm now watching through it a second time. Cut for spoilers.
As a fan of the older Trek shows, I love how much the show clearly loves older Trek. We saw it a lot in season one, but since season 2 has the legacy characters in more prominent focus, it's more obvious. They are written with such loving care, every part of who they are is nailed down perfectly. There are so many callbacks and references and small touches that are scattered in the dialogue and visuals. Amazing Easter Eggs for Trek enthusiasts-- and another reason to go back and watch, to find ones you didn't notice!
This season made me much more interested in Chakotay and Wesley as characters. I was pretty ambivalent toward them both when watching their respective shows. I didn't find Wesley annoying, I just didn't care for him one way or the other. So having him return as this slightly unhinged Time Lord made him so much more appealing to me as a character. The fact that he was willing to go to some extreme lengths in order to get the timeline just right was some fun gray morality. I also liked that he seemed like he wasn't always sure when he was in the timeline. It reminded me of Mantis in the Guardians of the Galaxy game. And that made perfect sense coming from someone who could jump through multiple timelines just through thought. Wesley was complex, intriguing, and I'm so glad for him and his actor. He deserved it.
In a similar vein, Chakotay was one of the least interesting Voyager crew members to me. This isn't necessarily his fault. He was going up against some pretty big personalities, like the Doctor, Tom, B'Elanna, Seven, and Janeway. I also don't think the writers really knew what to do with his character. But again Prodigy wrote in some depth and complexity. They actually identified what tribe he was from. Watching the episode where the Protostar crew finds him made me want to write fanfic about Chakotay. That's how good they were at making this guy interesting for me! I loved seeing his slow descent into isolation and bitterness; I loved how almost insecure he was at times; I loved how he took command and led the crew. I'm a fan now and I want to go back to watch Voyager for him.
The season also made me a Janeway/Chakotay shipper. I saw the episodes in Voyager where they were feeling things, but personally I'm glad that they never crossed that line. There are way too many stories with female leads that act like they have an obligation to give her a romance, when the same would not be true if the lead was a male. In my opinion, it was better there was no definite love story for Janeway on Voyager since that was going against expectations. As Prodigy season two told its story, I was definitely picking up on strong love vibes between Chakotay and Janeway. I was convinced they were separated lovers, and when they were together they couldn't keep their eyes or hands off each other. It was excellent visual storytelling. I wanted them to be together at the end. For someone who didn't ship them before (I was more into Tom/B'Elanna), I'd say that's a big achievement for the show.
To sum up, I love this show so much! My only request is they try to incorporate Deep Space Nine somehow. #SetCoordinatesforSeason3
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pt 2/4: little changes (gun park x reader)
...except the main character is goo and reader only plays a role in little dialogue. hear me out.
(pt 1)
details: fluffy oneshot, gender neutral reader written in 2nd pov, general canon au, you and gun have been dating for a while in secret
summary: goo starts to notice little changes in gun, influenced by you. the thing is, gun is keeping his relationship on the low, so here are goo's antics of being annoying and trying to find out who you are.
warning: one part of these moments has implications of gun and reader in bed!
a/n: i dont rmbr how i got this information but at the time i wrote this, i heard gun couldn't drive so... yeah lol
(ironically i forgot gun's first appearance is him literally driving crystal around. but tbh, just bc i think its funny, i wanna keep it a headcanon that he can't drive LMAO)
"Make sure you don't text and drive."
"Hah, how old do you think I am?"
"Just saying! You text often on your travels so I wanna make sure."
"Don't worry, I always make my coworker drive."
. . .
The red stop light finally gave Goo a chance to snap his neck towards the passenger seat where Gun sat.
"Must be so nice to just sit there, huh?"
"Eyes on the road," Gun replied flatly, his gaze still glued to his phone. Nearly the entire ride he had his eyes on it. And it looked like he was texting.
Suddenly curious, Goo acknowledged Gun's comment with, "We're at a stoplight, dumbass," and then asked, "Who's so important you can't stop texting them?"
"Why is that the assumption?"
Goo scrunched a brow, lips twisting into a frown. "What does that mean?"
"I could be typing notes in my phone."
"Stop bullshitting, you and I never take notes."
For a second Gun looked like he was going to admit Goo was right, but then he just looked up and said, "The light's green again."
Goo looked back in front of him, only to see a red light. He deadpanned and turned back to Gun, staring down at his phone.
"Seriously, who're you texting? I've driven your ass around for twenty minutes and you've done nothing but stare and text on your phone."
"That's none of your business. How close are we to our destination?"
Goo tsked and sucked in a breath of sharp air, bringing his eyes to the road. "Almost there."
There was a pause as the light actually turned green this time and Goo pushed down on the pedal, pushing the driving limit like he always did. He decided to keep bothering Gun in the meanwhile.
"I know you're not texting the boss, he'd rather call you, and he only talks to us for business reasons. I'd guess it's also probably not Crystal since your conversations with her are always short and to the point. And you don't have any friends. Just who are you texting?" He kept on rambling his thoughts out loud, while Gun sat silently.
When Goo eventually gave up, he suggested Gun drive sometimes so he could just be on his phone for twenty minutes.
"I got Candy Crush levels to beat, ya know."
"You won't be alive to beat them if you allow me to drive."
Memories of a burning car with him and Gun standing in front of them flashed in Goo's mind three times--a different car each time--and he nodded.
"I don't know how you can fight a seven nation army but can't drive a car."
"That's a mystery to me, too."
Goo wanted to facepalm.
"That selection of jewelry looks so nice."
"You know you can buy it, right? My card is yours."
"No, Gun, we are not doing this again. Last time you let me use your card you ended up nearly buying the entire store for me."
. . .
"Rubies, eh?" Goo held up the necklace he picked up, embedded with emeralds. He glanced back and forth between it and the ruby necklace Gun was holding. "You buying a necklace?"
"No, I don't like jewelry."
"The hell are you doing here then?"
"I'm buying a gift."
Goo snorted. "Very funny, now tell me the truth."
Gun stared through his sunglasses, not a single muscle moving on his face.
"Oh?" Goo leaned in, staring more closely at Gun's face like there was some hidden movement of an expression change or something. "Who's it for, huh? I didn't think you'd be the type to buy jewelry for someone."
"I'm buying it for someone special to me," Gun answered surprisingly honestly, leaving Goo flabbergasted for a moment.
"Uh." He leaned back to compose himself, adjusting his glasses. "First off, that's so cringe. Secondly, you actually have a friend?" Or maybe a lover or crush? Usually that's what someone special meant. Still seemed unbelievable, but just in case, Goo added in, "...Or something?"
Gun made a slight smirk. "I'm not incapable of creating bonds."
Goo shivered. "Ew, why do you always talk like an alien? Just say you made a friend." He followed Gun as the latter turned away to look at bracelets. "Who'd you become friends with? Some new successor you're trying to impress through jewelry?"
"When have I ever done that? Of course not."
"Then who?"
"Does my personal life matter to you?"
Goo swatted at his shoulder. "I could care less, but you've got me curious now. Who's this 'special someone' to you?"
"Stay curious," simply said Gun, picking up bracelets with his free hand and comparing them to the necklace in his other hand.
Fine, Goo didn't care. It was probably some one night stand Gun just really liked the work of and wanted to keep around.
Actually... Gun had never said anyone was special to him before. It was cringey to hear him say that before like Goo stated, but now curiosity grew in him. What could it mean...?
"Oh, shit! I just remembered your meeting!"
"Damn, I lost track of time."
"It's fine, we both did, now hurry!"
. . .
Mr. Choi strummed his fingers across the table, not hiding his annoyance. "Gun, late again?" he questioned, Goo snickering.
Gun bowed his head slightly. "You called in a sudden meeting. I apologize for not being prepared, sir."
Goo was sitting leaned back in his chair, feet kicked up on the table. "Why do you look like a mess?"
Gun straightened up, finishing buttoning his shirt up and running a hand through his hair. His tone was much more sharper when replying to Goo. "I just said I apologize for being unprepared."
"So? It's late at night, what were you doing? Lounging around and being messy?" joked Goo.
Mr. Choi narrowed his eyes. "Or did you just come back from 'messing around?'"
Goo's jaw dropped when Gun's head slightly lowered once more.
"You youngsters..." Mr. Choi pinched the bridge of his nose.
"No fucking way!" Goo immediately started cackling as he leaned back, nearly falling from his chair. He moved to sit properly while giggling in between. "Sorry we interrupted your little fun~"
Gun ignored him and just mumbled an apology when Mr. Choi lectured him with, "I know you're an adult with the freedom to do as you wish, but don't be so careless by losing track of time."
The meeting began right after that, and Goo listened, of course. But he couldn't help but be mildly distracted by thoughts about the person Gun was "messing around with." Did they really do him so good he would lose track of time? Or did this person matter more to him than this meeting so he stayed back a little?
Probably the first, and it was also funnier if it was true. If the second was true though, that'd be interesting. Still kind of funny, though... Goo felt like he could never imagine Gun getting emotionally invested in anyone.
"Have fun at the party!"
"Ugh, I don't even want to go... promise me you'll still be here if I come back early. Which I probably will."
"Pft, sure."
. . .
Goo had a little too much to drink during this party. But he was having fun so who cares?
While chatting up some people, he saw Gun walking away to the exit of the room and ran after him, leaving the people he was talking to confused. He wrapped an arm around Gun's shoulder once he caught up, slurring, "Where're you going, huuuh~?" Gun shrugged him off but Goo just moved to hug his arm instead. "The party just began!"
"Ugh." Gun pulled his arm out of Goo's grasp. "I don't like parties like these."
"But you never leave this early! Come on, there's more to drink and eat!"
Gun sighed and looked around until he spotted a certain someone. "Crystal!"
"Hm?" She looked over at him, pausing from grabbing snacks at the tables.
"Keep this guy busy."
"What?" Gun was already sprinting away. Crystal started shouting, "Gun! GUN!! YOU ASSHOLE!!"
"Where's he going?" Goo wailed, heading to Crystal to lean onto her. "It's like he's sneaking away to see someone!"
Crystal shoved Goo away (or attempted to, because he kept falling on her like he didn't have a skeleton), saying something under her breath as she shook her head.
Goo didn't hear, and even if he did, he probably wouldn't remember tomorrow morning anyways.
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alitgblog · 5 months
volume ix thoughts wooooo we're out of casa
first off, return of a legend: the beach hut
i was fully expecting the compatibility test to be more like the season 1 compatibility test with the zodiacs because that's fun but i guess that's less of a pot stirrer than a fun game to have. though the narrator poking fun at it i guess is making fun of the fandom for thinking it was gonna be horoscopes 🤣
so very obvious ass test though especially with the two answers only about the two guys you're pursuing, which I think is a missed opportunity to throw more lore about the guys in there. or at least make it not as obvious? really goes to show how surface level the characters are compared to, say, the Mr. and Mrs. Challenge towards the end of S2
I'm going for Jin and Max rn so I thought it was funny their personalities were boiled down to "funny" vs "extroverted" and my MC had to pick between the two as if they were mutually exclusive
anyway just nearly got Jin lmao
I'd like them to stop with the Claudia/Theo storyline because it feels like they've already decided they're done with each other and are ready to move on? However, Claudia being compatible with Theo on paper but like not really feeling it is an interesting idea. Like she feels she's got no other option to stay safe except for him and they like each other enough. Meanwhile Bea's settling for Liam because he's shown any interest in her at all. (Let them date each other if MC can't! They deserve better!!)
also I know that I joked about Theo being just some mildly attractive white guy to fawn over and settle for but the way that Claudia is just settling for him? actually upsetting like I'm so sorry, Theo 😟 I didn't mean it I thought he was fine after the first dates 😖
Hari mention! I was pretty sure the game forgot about him lmao
anyway the compatibility thing still doesn't make the most sense because like,,, why did all the guys get the Villa girls and none of the casa girls? I just think we should stir up some shit. I know it's annoying but it is the perfect opportunity to try to make Emel angry at Oakley again by saying he's most compatible with some casa girl. And she can show growth by not getting upset this time.
idk why but Kyle's poem to Emel is giving wannabe rap crew vibes (i.e. I'm missing S1 I'll take what I can get). Also, Claudia said he's giving game player vibes?? I'm actually so upset with how the LI's are all interchangeable because simply this cannot be the same Kyle y'all are fawning over (it's not 😭)
I'm kind of curious what it's like replaying on a straight route bc personally my heart hurts every time they show Claudia's little sad face but like I have to talk to Max it just makes more sense because MC can't couple with Claudia in stick or twist
Close your eyes and pick at random is actually hilarious as an option for stick or twist and I almost did it
i've already said my piece about Sienna, I love her design. I will admit though, her open mouth smile is a little stilted but people get botox so... not out of the ordinary lol. The bigger problem is how her hand on her hip is a little fucked up (color in between the lines, fusebox!)
as someone not on a Theo route, I really don't understand why he's sticking with Claudia unless he's got some personal turmoil he's working through and trying to actually reform his player ways. And I wish MC could talk to him as a friend and we'd see that. like in the way S2, you get to know Rocco's insecurity about never finishing university and Gary's anxiety even if you aren't on their routes
Anyway I'm still upset at the forcing MC to couple because she's single thing. They could've still had her coupled with Jin (or even with Hari it would work) and then she can either walk in single or with a casa boy. And then she's the main character: just say that the single islanders don't get dumped post casa (like it's SUPPOSED to be) because in that situation, she's the only one! Or if you need the numbers to be right, literally Emel is right there. She can come back to Oakley later if anything
still not the best stick or twist could've gone in terms of drama (or maybe that's just bc I've been looking at spoilers), but compared to S5-6, not too bad (I assume also s7 but tbh I did stop right at stick or twist for that season)
So fyi when I played Casa, I had my MC go for Shawn most of it, and then last minute switched to Max because I remembered she's a musician and I thought that would be cute. That being said, I wish it was like in the too hot to handle game where you unlock certain dialogue if you happen to have something in common with a character. Because why is Max explaining music stuff to my musician MC?
is Hari not an LI? Because they made him seem like one and then just all of a sudden we're not talking about him, it's only about Jin and Casa Boy. And I'm fine with not all the boys being LIs, but it is odd the way he's just shoved to the side in the story
Okay so I'm writing this as I'm playing and it seems like maybe he is. They just forget to mention him most of the time.
Hari and Hazel are a hot couple though. like I don't love Hari's design but like if he was drawn better?? I see it.
the swimming game is a fun idea but imagining everyone splashing around to get to MC is so funny. like I can hear it in my head and it's not the best game, but for the fictional game in the app it's fine.
although why tf is Theo suddenly interested in MC? I haven't been romancing him at all but for the chat at the pool I couldn't decide between any of the characters I'm actually kind of interested in so I had MC go talk to Theo and then he was also flirting? then the pool game he also thinks MC has the best chat?? sir I barely know you
omg not emel deflecting the drama to Claudia (and it's about her hookup with MC???) oof this is the drama I crave I think we're gonna need a movie night soon
so not too bad yet I just hope these storylines can come through!!
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zipperrants · 4 months
ME AND VERA (This is the name of the achilles reincarnated dr girlfriend) AS INCORRECT QUOTES
Vera: Ugh, crushes are so dumb. Zipper: I know. Whenever I’m near the person I like I just start acting stupid. Vera: But you’re always acting stupid? Zipper: ... Zipper: Yeah, don’t think about that too hard.
Vera, throwing their head into Zipper's lap: Tell me I'm pretty! Zipper, lovingly stroking their hair: You're pretty fucking annoying, that's what you are.
Vera: Do you want to know your gay name? Zipper: My... my gay name? Vera: Yeah, it's your first name- Zipper: Haha. Very funny Vera- Vera: *gets down on one knee* And my last name. Zipper: Oh- oh my god.
Zipper, sweating: Vera, there’s something I need to ask you- Vera: Finally! You’re proposing! Zipper: How’d you know? Vera: Zipper, you’ve dropped the ring five times during dinner. Vera: I even picked it up once
Vera: This date is boring! Zipper: This isn't a date. I said I was going to the store. Vera: Then why did you invite me? Zipper: I didnt, I specifically said "don't come with me," then you said, "fuck you Zipper I'll do whatever I want!
Vera: Are you sure Zipper's even gay? They barely even looked at me. (Zipper barely looked at her because they blush every time they do)
Vera: Valentine’s day is just a consumerist holiday that holds no real value other than drive people insane buying heart shaped chocolates for their significant others and pos- Zipper: I wrote you a poem. Vera, already crying:You did?
Zipper: The stars are so beautiful... Vera: They're just giant balls of gas. Zipper: You know what, if you're just going to ruin this, then- Vera: And yet none of them are as huge as my love for you. Zipper: Oh...
Zipper: Goodnight to the love of my life, Vera, and fuck the rest of y'all.
Vera: I’m in love with you. Zipper: We called off the prank war last night at midnight, dork. Vera: I know. Zipper: Ah. Okay. Um. Cool. Neat. Very cool. Cool. Cool. Coolcoolcool-
Vera: Zipper and I are no longer friends. Zipper: VERA THAT IS THE WORST WAY TO TELL PEOPLE THAT WE’RE DATING!
Vera: You got a date yet Zipper? Zipper: No... Vera: Well you do now! Get your ass up and hold my hand!
Zipper, trying to flirt with Vera: I think both of our families suck.
Zipper: Hey, random question, what are your favorite flowers? Vera: Peonies, why? Zipper: Vera: Were you going to get me flowers? Zipper: Vera: Zipper: ᶦᵗ’ˢ ᵃ ᵖᵒˢˢᶦᵇᶦˡᶦᵗʸ
Vera: I owe you one. Zipper: That’s ok. You can just date me and we’ll call it even
Zipper: Cause your pretty and your smart, and your ignoring me so your obviously my type. Vera, who was distracted: I'm sorry- what were you saying? Zipper: Perfect.
Zipper: I don't know how to tell you this, but... I love you. Vera: That's great, Zipper. Especially considering the fact we've been married for 6 fucking years.
*Vera and Zipper are in Paris.* Vera: I'm...moved. I...I don't know what it is I'm feeling right now. I feel...destiny? Zipper: But... Vera: I don't know what it is. I feel like... I just never thought I'd see it with my own two eyes. And here it is. It's just there. It's right in front of me, and... Zipper: This is what you wanted to see? The bridge from Inception? Vera: Yeah. Zipper: But the Eiffel Tower is behind us, babe. Vera: Yeah, but this is the bridge FROM INCEPTION. Zipper: Okay, alright.
Zipper: Being gay is a constant battle between "I wish to sit on a window bench with my lover, our legs tangling as we listen to the birds" and "Hey, let's go throw rocks at fascists" and I think that's very sexy of us. Vera: If the window's open and you time it right, you can do both.
Zipper: I don't need to go to bed. I'm not tired, I'll be fine. Vera: But, darling, I'll be so lonely without you. Come curl up in my arms so I can feel whole again. Zipper: O-oh. Well. Are you trying to seduce me into healthy sleeping patterns?? Vera: Is it working?
Vera: My future partner must be brave, strong, intelligent, successful and organized. Zipper: *steps on a caterpillar and proceeds to drop to their knees and sob while apologizing profusely* Vera: That one. I want that one.
Vera: Is something burning? Zipper, leaning seductively on the counter: Just my desire for you. Vera: Zipper, the toaster is literally on fire.
Vera: I think I just figured something out. I got to go. Zipper: Aren't you forgetting something? Vera: Uuh...*hesitantly kisses Zipper's forehead before running out.* Zipper: No, pay your bill! Damn, who raised you?
Vera: How much did you spend on this date? Zipper: $1400. But all of it's on credit cards, so it's like $5 a month for the next 2,000 years
Zipper: My crush isn’t picking up on my hints. Vera: What hints have you given them? Zipper: Well, I think about them a lot. Zipper: And sometimes I even think about talking to them.
Zipper: Are you trying to seduce me? Vera: Why, are you seducible?
Zipper: My hands are cold. Vera: Here, let me hold them. Zipper: My lips are cold too. Vera: *covers Zipper's mouth with their hand*
Vera: Since we're in a relationship now, your clothes are my clothes too. Don't ask me why I have your shirt on, this is our shirt. Zipper: Fine, but when I come strutting in with your fuzzy socks I don't want to hear shit.
Vera: Let’s watch Sharkboy and Lavagirl. Zipper: Okay. Vera: And make out during the scary parts. Zipper: Th- Zipper: The scary parts. Zipper: Of Sharkboy and Lavagirl.
Vera: I’m proud to identify as morosexual. I’m attracted to dumbasses and dumbasses exclusively. Someone asked me what the Spanish word for "tortilla" was once, and now I dream of kissing them under the moonlight. Zipper: What kind of animal is the Pink Panther? Vera, already taking off their clothes: God, Zipper, you’re so fucking stupid.
Vera: Stop doing that. Zipper: Stop doing what? Vera: Saying things that make me wanna kiss the hell out of you.
Vera: *Laughs* Babe, you had a crush on me? That’s embarrassing— Zipper: We’re married.
Zipper: So you like cats? Vera: Yeah. Zipper: *tries to impress them by slowly pushing a glass off the table*
Zipper: Vera, you love me, right? Vera: Normally I’d say yes without hesitation, but I feel like this is going somewhere I won’t like.
Vera: Okay, but if your not gay then why are you always holding my hand and kissing me and telling me I’m your girlfriend? Zipper: Dude- Its satire! Vera: THAT'S NOT WHAT SATIRE MEANS!
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vampacidic · 2 years
ITS LEO hiii sage. using anon bc i dont want my main to be on here u know how it is. sleepover saturday real..... can i make u pick an aoi twin. also grabby hands thoughts on my special guys... mao ibaba tori ... ALSO whos your most brainrotting oc . u can answer all or none of these go wild
yes yes i getcha leo... i acfually have a couple friends named leo so i was like. Which one for a good second... anyway
ohh an aoi twin.... if i had to pick one my favorite is hinata :) it's the older sibling guilt lol... not that i dislike yuta. yuta is also my little guy. but there's something so..... grabby hands about hinata's. i wouldn't say asshole-ry but the way he's so adamant that he knows yuta that he refuses to acknowledge any change in yuta... echoes a lot of problems i have. im excited to see when he realizes that 'protecting' yuta has only been hurting her in the long run... ultimately damaging their relationship. etc. i love guys who are lost in the past
admittedly i don't know much about either ibara or tori... i never watched/read kiseki series lol. i know a speed run of ibara but i wouldn't say i uh. Know her. if you get what i mean... i think she's silly though. definitely a guy i'd pick up by the scruff of the neck if i ever dig in. tori was also a character i wasn't particularly interested in so i never dug in... i remember during my twitter days thinking her fans were annoying. which to be fair i was right but that was less because of tori himself and more Twitter.
mao however? my silly guy. im a big mixed jp/south asian mao enjoyer. which relates not at all to his character but i just can't see him as pale. i see his canon art and go Whete is his pigment. i love his character... his self sacrificing nature. also he's a fuckin LOSER. he's a younger brother 2 me. he is so special. the meow meow est. funny to me that he's the 'normal' guy of trickstar yet also the most popular... i don't talk about him a lot but he's very special to me. one of the first guys i latched onto... i think i cried over him more than once. his cringe tboy gnc swag seduced me
ok on the oc note. this one took me a while bc all my oc art is old LOL but my most specialest little meow meow is maisie
Tumblr media
this is recent ^ ANYWAY i made her in freshman year chem so she’s been here for a few years… she’s a vampire lol. and a very transparent self insert LMAO she has a girlfriend luna :] (pictured above). i have an entire story for them lol but i need to sit and write it some time… basically maisie is a sad little bitch who lives alone in the woods and despite the happy demeanour she has Guilt surrounding the fact she’s feeding off her friends (human. who also have designs and are important 2 plot but i can’t be assed to remember their names). until she wanders across a lost wolf and is like ohhh. friend ? and it turns out it’s a werewolf lol. and it’s luna. and luna has amnesia or smthn idfk but what’s important is that they’re in lesbians andn it’s about fuckign. allowing yourself to be close 2 ppl again. i have other ocs lol (honeydew is a slime girl and she has a wife named valkyrie. valkyrie has touch sensitivities and thus they can never hold hands….. and they’re going 2 be short comics :] they’re just silly. no deep plot there. i have june who’s important in luna + maisie universe and she has a design i enjoy drawing. and there’s bea who’s a cow girl. not like a lasso and rides horses. like she has hooves) but maisie is my most beloved little fella who i project every problem onto
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vanillahigh00 · 2 years
Ten Lines
Rules: pick any 10 of your fics, scroll somewhere to the midpoint, pick a line (or three), and share it! Then tag other people.
Thank you @hippolotamus for the tag!  
These fics are in no specific order as I placed all my fics on a spreadsheet (because my life is a spreadsheet), numbered them, and let random.org decide which fics to preview!
I'll Always Catch Your Glance (David/Patrick)
“Did I do something wrong?” Patrick asked, the anxiety in his voice clear.
“No, it wasn’t you,” David murmured.
“Okay. What happened?”
“I panicked. People don’t kiss me like that.”
“Well, they should,” Patrick replied like it was the obvious answer.
2. Just To Be With You (David/Patrick)
“I don’t count running over to the cafe after the store closes as a date and yeah, I guess your birthday was a date, but as special as that night was, you didn’t know it was a date until Stevie told you. We both walked into this restaurant tonight, knowing this was a date. Your birthday was our first kiss. Tonight is our first date.” Patrick said as he reached across the table and squeezed David’s hand, staring at David with those magical eyes.
3. He's Already Family (David/Patrick)
The light in Patrick’s eyes said everything. Clint heard Patrick on the phone, but to see the happiness lining his son’s face was an image Clint had never seen before. For a father, it was completely breathtaking.
4. So A-peel-ing (David/Patrick)
David sampled applesauce and apple cider as they continued to talk business. If David weren’t visiting Patrick, hoping to secure his mother’s products in his store, he might have thought that Patrick was trying to seduce him with food.
5. The Brightest Star In My Sky (David/Patrick)
Patrick stretched out on the blanket. David followed, resting his head on Patrick’s chest as his hair tickled Patrick’s cheek. He rubbed David’s back as they lay connected in the evening's quiet.
6. Dress You Up In My Love (David/Patrick)
Patrick nuzzled his cheek into the soft and cozy fabric of his husband’s sweater, listening to the logs crackle in the fireplace. The nights had become cooler. Maybe it was time to go shopping.
7. I'd Do It All For You (David/Patrick)
David ignored Patrick's remark. He was more than annoyed with the fact that Stevie had ganged up on David with Patrick, which wasn’t new. David should’ve tried to keep them apart, but Stevie wasn’t traveling as much, which allowed her to get to know Patrick, and much to David’s chagrin, they enjoyed each other’s company. As much as he hated being ganged up on, he loved that two of the most important people in his life had found a common ground even if it was at his expense.
8. The Ocean Brought Me To You (David/Patrick)
Patrick held out his hand to David, and they jogged down toward the water like children who couldn't wait to get into the ocean after their parents had just set up on the beach. It was exhilarating and made Patrick feel light, almost free. He had gone through such a range of emotions over the past few days that he had forgotten how weighed down he had felt. None of that mattered now; he felt as light as a feather. He couldn't guarantee everything would be okay, but David wasn't getting on a plane in the morning, and that was a start.
9. The Purrrrrfect Gift (David/Patrick, Stevie & David, Stevie & Patrick)
"I want to get David a cat for Christmas, so.”
Stevie laughs out loud.
“Is that a bad idea?" Patrick is puzzled. Did he miss a punchline? "Um, what's so funny?"
“I thought you were allergic to cats?” Stevie says.
10. Christmas Revelations (David/Patrick)
The pair was heading to Patrick’s parents to spend the day with his extended family. The Rose family was coming as well. There would be food, music, and laughter all day...all of which Patrick had missed so much this past year. A Brewer Family Christmas was always something Patrick looked forward to, and having the chance to introduce everyone to David was icing on the cake.
Tagging @chelle-68 @cheesecurdsgravyandfries @simplymarleycat and anyone else who wants to play!
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isildheir · 10 months
I really can't stand how things ended with my abuser. Granted, I like NOTHING about the absolute mess between us in all the time I knew them, but ESPECIALLY how things ended.
They always said I made everything about me. They would wrong me constantly by insulting me, berating me, lambasting me whenever they wanted to talk about something I did, and they would always say they weren't doing anything but 'sharing how they feel.' If I ever told them to lay it easy or to please word something differently like they ASKED ME TO SPEAK UP ON, they would get so prickly and get wickedly defensive to the point it was NEVER worth speaking up on. In their effort to share how they felt, it's like they actively did their best to make me feel like a load of shit and to just bear it because THEY felt bad and it's not about me, as if my 'wronging' them gave them free reign to kick me in the dirt.
And so, when I said I was done with them and after HOURS of them texting and calling me to say I USED to care about them, so hang in there for them and to stay, please, please, please, on top of THREE DAYS OF LEGITIMATE LOVE BOMBING reminding me of how much I used to love their company, they tell me that they'll leave me alone, thus 'giving me what I want' as if... they're fucking doing me a favor bestowing me with a request I'd made TIRELESSLY. They then proceeded to tell me everything I did wrong but they 'will always have love for me.' I apologized for yelling at them, and said I was done with this journey between us. I also stated that haranguing me for hours when I initially asked I wanted to leave was wrong. But to no one's surprise, they misinterpreted everything I said and blew past what mattered as they began berating me for... talking about their mental health journey??? When I have NO IDEA why they thought I was talking about their mental? I said I hadn't a single idea what they were talking about, where that came from, and they responded with 'focus on your own mental journey, because you don't speak about mine.' It devolved further when I began laughing in exasperation and confusion because no WAY did you come to me to 'end things amiably' to only comically berate me just as you have for 1.8 years AGAIN. In response, they go 'what's so funny? I'll tell you what's funny: you thinking yelling at me and calling me stupid and annoying is funny. Dude, just pick up the phone. I'm trying to call cuz you're clearly confused.' Dude. No fucking way. I apologized for yelling what I did when I did (yelling I did BECAUSE of the hours of feeling spoken over and ignored), but this motherfucker blew past that, never apologized for the love bombing and hours of keeping me practically hostage on phone, and essentially told me to pick up so we can talk about how I fucked up after literally already berating me through text.
Fuck you, dude.
You say I never focus on you when YOU literally did all you could to steer the conversation wherever YOU WANTED, addressing NONE of my hurts to any fucking CAPACITY but went down the ferris wheel of all your aches YET AGAIN.
And yet, that was your best attempt to 'end this amiably.' You're such a joke.
The reason why YOU'RE ABUSIVE is because you never fuckin admit you fucked up. And when you do, it's all fake and for image cuz, evidently, my friends you VENTED TO shared with me how each time there was a situation you apologized to me or even others for, there was evidently frustration and anger and sayings like 'dean should get punished, too' from your damn mouth. Meanwhile, you spin me round and round the merry go round while talking to me like SHIT. You make MOUNTAINS out of molehills, are chronically INCONSOLABLE AND MALCONTENT, see the worst in everyone and announce it to them without an OUNCE of willingness to be wrong, and you spread falsehoods in order to isolate and alienate people for the sake of YOUR comfort. You silence people, perhaps unintentionally, but you silence them, giving you free reign to twist the narrative by talking behind their back, an opportunity you jump on and ABUSE the hell out of.
You're so fake, conceited, and disgusting.
Hilarious how me and another friend left them roughly the same time, both for our own separate experiences as my abuser was treating us poorly and hurting us, and they think we were conspiring and being unfair to them. Seriously? Look inward. Two people left you because you kept stressing them out to the point of TEARS and nonstop anxiety where we both couldn't bare look at our phones or computers because we knew you've sent us messages, but you want to cry victim when we leave?
You literally nuke a server we're all in TWICE, a server you KICKED ME from, and somehow think you have the right to get upset when I get invited to another server with a 2nd friend you despise. Because... you feel 'it's the server we'll all go to when we're upset with you.' Yeah. Maybe. Because you don't make us feel comfortable, but sure, let's be upset about it and question us instead of self reflecting.
You talked such SLANDER about this 2nd friend of mine to the point of baseless VITRIOL that you would NEVER accept you were wrong for. You literally made MULTIPLE people avoid my 2nd friend because they wanted to keep YOU happy, and when it comes to light that you, in fact, were being grossly unfair to my friend, you? Never apologized? You literally told the only lifeline you had to our friend group you supposedly cared about that you were right to think this 2nd friend evil? You address NONE of the wrong you do and instead double down on everything that people come forward to you about. You. Never. Cared. Hell, when I told you this 2nd friend meant no harm, you told me I believe and see too much good in people. Dude. DO YOU NOT SEE WHY YOU'RE SO DAMN MISERABLE. YOU PROJECT SO MUCH AND SEEM DETERMINED TO MAKE US THE VILLAINS YOU'VE ALREADY BELIEVED US TO BE IN YOUR DAMN FAIRYTALE.
Three separate people at the SAME TIME said they were uncomfortable around or hurt by you, but sure, you did nothing wrong. Only after the fallout happened did even MORE people express discomfort because of what you did to the initial three. And then you said you wanted to come back to us and our server without offering a single apology. Not a one. No.
You nearly ALWAYS cast the first stone. People may have bit back at you, but you cornered them and hounded them without remorse. You do NOT get to sit there and act like a victim when people you pitilessly wronged snap at you.
Brother, you have extreme coping, and that's on you.
P.S. If people tell you they want to leave, do not cry until they very unhappily stay with you and then call them abusive afterward saying they strung you along when they literally told you multiple times already they don't like you anymore. Strung where? The truth was bare before you. You're acting delusional and seem pretty desperate to believe yourself faultless, blaming everyone else for their wanting to leave. What are we abusive for? For not fitting into the mental roles you curated for us? For lashing out after you put words in our mouths, never giving us room to speak for ourselves for hours upon hours? For being worn out and shutting down and giving up the moment a talk happens because EVERY talk with you lasts FAR too long, a genuine MENTAL gruel? For 'threatening to leave you' because your fucking mind can't fathom that, after all this, these 'threats' were not threats but GENUINE statements? Okay.
How much of your situation is caused by you, do you ever wonder???? Three people (at the start) don't just want to be away from you for no reason. You can't be this daft. You literally hurt multiple people and lost more people trying to convince them it was MY fault. You're fucking crazy.
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georgiaheartsdilfs · 2 years
Having feelings for both Jeremy and Kol, you're are friend's with both of them, are human. You distant yourself from them but they want to know why cuz they don't like it. Reader always tries to stay busy since her feelings grow for both of them. -I'll let you decide if you want one, both or none to feel the same way or however you think is best to go- Thank you so much.
The Further I Go | Kol Mikaelson x Jeremy Gilbert x Reader
my masterlist ↪M A S T E R L I S T
warning ↪ reader is the youngest salvatore sibling.
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I heard Kol and Jeremy like Y/n Y/l/n those were the words that made me want to die. Two good ex-friends both like me, one a vampire hunter and the other an original vampire.
It had been going on for months, the constant impressions and taking me out. Almost felt forced like it was a competition and I didn't like them both which made things hard for me because it was like I had to make a choice between the both of them.
"Y/n" Jeremy smiles walking into our class together "Are you going to the Mikaelson ball?" he asked me, shit.
I had forgotten about the Mikaelson ball, Kol had invited me a few weeks ago but I had never responded to his invitation because of Jeremy.
"Uh yeah I did hear about it." I say focusing on my history work, which was easier now more than ever thanks to stupid vampires and vampire hunters being in love with me.
"Would you like to go with me?" he asked "I'd prefer to go by myself." I say sweetly, it's not like I hated Jeremy but I didn't like him all too well.
You see, unlike Kol, Jeremy found fault in his 'opponent' the age gap, the murderous soul and retched family. It wasn't like Jeremy was all to perfect despite his whole life being fed to him in spoonfuls.
"Kol beat me?" he says quietly, Kol's name rung in everybody's ear. Almost like they knew who he was already just by hearing his name "well given i tried to go to whitmore, only to be followed by you both, then move back here and you both follow me again. No, it isn't the Mikaelson. I need free drinks." I say standing up and walking off
"I don't get payed at all for this you know, cut it out." I huff looking back up to our teacher who had been talking about history for that past hour.
"you don't get payed at all." Jeremy snickers "you're right, i need to. I put up with both or your bullshit, inside and outside of school." I mumble tapping my pen against the desk, waiting for the bell to save me and leave the school for the rest of the day.
Looking up at the clock, watching the arms move slower than usual.
Then everyone stands up "was that the bell? I didn't even hear it?" I say confused packing my stuff up "probably because you're good at ignoring things." jeremy chuckles "I can take you home?" he asks and I shake my head "I'm fine, thanks." I smile.
Rushing out of the classroom, waiting for Damon to pick me up from school "Y/N" a very familiar, not damon voice yells and I roll my eyes realising it was the only other person from Jeremy that I didn't want to speak to.
"Damon and Stefan are Busy with Niklaus and Elijah, So I figured why not pick you up myself." He continues yelling as I cross the street over to him getting in the car "I'm doing this because my house is too far from here." sighing, buckling myself up.
"How was your day?" he asks and I shrug "Jeremy wanted to take me to that stupid thing you guys are holding, he thought you asked me before him." I sigh not looking at him as he starts the car.
"Well I find it funny, which lover will you chose." Kol laughs to himself "it's not funny, its a vampire hunter or a vampire, an original one at that." I glare at him before looking back out the window.
"You promised not to see me until the party anyways." I was slightly annoyed at the Mikaelson, I had sworn to him last week that I didn't want to see his face "Well Damon didn't know about your vow to stab me with a pencil if you saw me again." he laughs.
"Besides, i'm only dropping you back off to your brothers before I go on a hike with Niklaus, you think this body just stays in shape all the time." he jokes around and I laugh "given you were daggered for a century, I think you're fine." I mumble.
"I'm fine?" he questions me and I nod "fine, nothing more, nothing less."
We arrive home, and he was right, no one was home.
"Right back to ignoring me I assume?" he says as I exit the car, nodding "Yep." I chuckle "theres a chuckle, i think I even got a laugh from you in this car." he says and I slam the car door in his face, he winds my window down "why do you ignore me?" he asks.
"Like I said, Vampire Hunter, Vampire. Who to choose? Myself." I smile to him as he nods before I walk into my house hearing his car leave the driveway.
My phone rings and I answer it immediately "you seriously agreed to KOL dropping me off. Damon what the fu-" "hold on y/n, i have a reason. Klaus and Elijah have a solid plan, I know that the little Mikaelson has a crush on you so I knew that he wouldn't hurt you." Damon cuts me off.
"I also know there little Gilbert would have offered but since you and Kol have chemistry I'd assume that you wanted to ride home with him-" "chemistry, are you stupid I'm trying to avoid them... BOTH." I cut off my oldest brother "And How was I suppose to know?" he asks.
"I don't know, but don't just assume because I have chemistry with someone that I want a ride home from them." I hiss angrily before hanging up on Damon and racing up to my bedroom.
Throwing my bag on my bed, laying down next to it. Damon's words repeat in my mind 'you and Kol have chemistry', I suppose we did. Not in the way Damon was insinuating be we still had chemistry.
But I tried so hard to stay away from him, and every time he just came back.
Sure, Jeremy and I had something but to me it was nothing more than friends, no chemistry we only shared interests.
Kol is different, I think I've known that for longer than I'd like to admit. Yet, the further I go from the both of them only one seems to come back and its the one I don't want to come back the most, Kol.
Kol Bloody Mikaelson.
But Jeremy... is technically dating Bonnie. Well, I suppose he isn't but they have a thing too, when he isn't with me anyway.
I mean it had only been a week of me trying to distance myself from them, I had been failing with Jeremy because of School but Kol's appearance was random and not my fault.
No this can't happen.
Sitting up on my bed, taking my bag off of my bed and emptying all the things I need before putting it on my door handle. I'll keep myself occupied, keep myself in this house until the Mikaelson's leave and until Jeremy gets with Bonnie.
the next day
"Y/N?" A british voice yells from outside my balcony, no, no, no.
It's only been a day, this can't be. "Y/N!" this voice continues from outside. "Y/n, i think someone is waiting for you." Stefan yells from the stairs "It's nobody" I yell back.
Continuing to fold my clothes the door opens "Mikaelson is here." Jeremy says, alright so maybe Jeremy was ok. He wasn't the one I was trying to preserve my feelings for.
"I know, don't let him in my room." I huff placing my folded clothes in my drawers, distracting myself by grabbing a book off of my shelf and reading it at my desk, Jeremy leaves and the voice continues yelling from outside.
"Why exactly am I not allowed inside?" he questions softly, I listen closely as my ears were damaged from hearing Elena and Damon all night.
"Because, she doesn't want you here exactly." Jeremy said softly "or is it because you want her to yourself?" Ko'ls attitude heightened, I knew he got pissed off easily but that was quick because I heard his fangs come out a few seconds after his question.
"KOL" I yell out "Leave Jeremy alone, he's just doing what I told him to do." I say looking down at him "well why?" Kol asks softly, his veins going back into his anger issued body "I'm testing a theory, which I obviosuly can't stand by if you're here trying to kill my sister-in-laws brother, which I suppose in a way is my brother" I say stranged out by my sentence.
"They aren't married." Kol says weirded out by what I just said "right, but anyways you can't come over." I say to him as he throws his arms up "Well why is that?" he asks me "you know I can just jump up there." he mumbles "I know you can, but I know that you respect me enough to respect my wishes." I smile to him and he sighs and nods.
"I guess I'll hang out with Elijah and Niklaus, good fun." he groans.
Continuing on with my book I hear his car start, something in me doesn't let him leave.
"Kol" I rush out of my balcony and he pokes his head out of the window "Yeah?" he says "Come inside." I mumble to him.
"He did ask you to the ball, didn't he?" Jeremy says at my door and I turn to him "No, Jer he didn't." I say "But you like him." Jeremy says and I bite my lip.
I had only figured that out yesterday, but if Jeremy could see it then I realise that it must be true. So I nod and he nods back almost like he accepted his fate long before it was shown to him.
"It's just the further I go from you both, it seems that he always seems to come back and not make it awkward. Besides you have bonnie." I smile to him and he nods.
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lizziesfirstwife · 3 years
Hello! Would you mind writing me a story about Bruno Madrigal dating a Bruna? (That's my name btw) I was so happy to see it on the big screens but in Encanto I felt really touched. If that's ok she could an artist for the family or something? There are a lot of painting in the wall of casita, the family tree for example. Thanks a lot for your time! 💕
¡Mi alma gemela!
Warnings: None, maybe a few swear words, fem!reader (she/her)
Note: A young woman named Bruna has been a passionate artist since she was little. Alma Madrigal immediately recognized her talent for art, from then on she was the personal artist for the Casita of the Madrigal's. But not only artistic talents slumbered in the young woman, and no one expect one certain person seemed to notice them...
°(¡Deja de tirar de mi falda Antonio!: Stop pulling on my skirt Antonio!)
°Mi alma gemela: My soulmate
°madre: mother
°abuela: grandmother
°1 kilometer= 0,621 miles
°cariño: my darling
°Mi vida: my life
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"¡Deja de tirar de mi falda Antonio! I'm still older than you youngster!" He pulled his head away under my hand and gave me no chance to whirl through his curls. More than once his hand had found itself in my hair, as he loved to play around in it. And oh, how he loved attention. He sometimes pulled on my skirt when in his opinion it had to be, even if he knew that his mother almost always got wind of it and then scolded him. "I just want a picture of Paloma", he whined. I continued to focus on the last stroke in the new painting Isabela wanted next to her door, in exchange for a light purple dress in her wardrobe that I fell in love with.
"Antonio, I can't just paint a new painting for each of your animal friends", I almost had to laugh when I put the brush away and saw Antonio's sad face. "Well, if you're lucky, Bruno and I won't need so long with our plans today! And if you're nice to Dolores and won't annoy her with your caterpillars again, then maybe I'll consider it." The little boy nodded eagerly and hugged me from the side before running out of the kitchen.
"You know, maybe my madre lied to me and you're our lost sibling. We were quadruplets, that's why you're named Bruna, and I was blessed as Bruno!", my lover murmured with his head in my hair, arms around me whilst enjoying the sunbeams shining on our faces. I just shook my head and laughed. "You know that sounds very stupid, right? I'm younger than you, and we don't even look like each other." Bruno just shrugged his shoulders and picked a daisy. "Then you are just mi alma gemela! Besides, we talk about colombian genes after all. That's why Pepa has red hair, anything can happen. Nothing is impossible."
Bruno sat up and clung his arms around his knees so as not to fall over, and looked at me with a tired look. His hands played with the petals of the daisy. "Maybe, only hypothetical... If we were to have a son, wouldn't it be funny to call him Bruni or something?" The worried expression on my face changed to playful indignation. "Who says we won't have a daughter? Or triplets? You know what they say about male twins or triplets..." Bruno's eyes widened before a grin found it's place on his face. "Well, then I'd better start building baby cots."
"Abuela, you don't understand, she's definitely and one hundred percent pregnant." The elderly lady just shook her head at the claim of her second oldest granddaughter. "Dolores, this is nothing to speculate about. A real pregnancy is based on obvious characteristics. You can't just spy and overhear a conversation between the two of them that is a kilometer away", the woman scolded her granddaughter. Dolores was about to say something back when they heard a door slam and the person they were talking about enter the kitchen to go to the dinner table. "Ugh, I think Camilo thought the plate of arepas was for him. You can't even leave your food there for later.... Oh, good afternoon Abuela, Dolores!", the young woman greeted happily, her mouth stuffed with Julieta's food that was left on the counter for emergencies. The two women just stared at her, smiling politely. "Hey Bruna!", Dolores replied with a grin , who was also suddenly hungry at the sight of Julieta's arepas. Bruna looked at the two of them slightly hesitantly, unwilling to leave the kitchen because she had a bad feeling about leaving them alone. "Well, I won't bother you any further, I'll just go to Isabela's and bring her her painting..." With that, the young lady disappeared from the kitchen as quickly as she had appeared there. Abuela took Dolore's arm and patted it. "Very well, she is pregnant for sure."
"So, Bruna", Pepa began with her mouth full at dinner after the incident in the kitchen, "a little bird whispered to me that you are in joyful anticipation." The noodle I was chewing got stuck in my throat, Bruno had to pat me on the back several times to probably save my life. I knew that the whispering before dinner, and the rainbow over Pepa's head were a little suspicious. I cleared my throat and gave Bruno a grateful smile before looking at Pepa. My hands were clasped under the table, playing with the wedding ring on my finger that Bruno gave me half a year ago, on his knees and in tears. "Hermana! Don't make her nervous, I'd know if my wife was pregnant." I put my right hand on his left hand which was on the table, and slowly shrugged my shoulders. "Well, it wouldn't be completely out of the question. I hadn't had my ...problem... for two months."
I felt Bruno's surprised look on me, and heard Camilo choking playfully. Antonio tried to process my words, although he was still so young he knew that this would mean he would have a playmate, and no longer an adult who had to concentrate on her painting so. Dolores took advantage of her family's distraction and grabbed Camilo's food from his plate. Since he loved to take other people's food without asking, Dolores wanted to show him what it was like. She also loved baked baby carrots with pepper and salt, and saw this as her favorite side dish to tía Julietas arepas. Mirabel and the rest of the Madrigal girls didn't dare to talk, too eager to see what would happen next. "Are you serious cariño?", Bruno whispered without paying attention to the others. I nodded quickly, too afraid to take too much time with my answer, and too afraid of his reaction. But he just started grinning, and wrapped both arms around me. A relieved sigh went through the ranks of the Madrigals, and I could even see Abuela Alma smiling slightly out of the corner of my eye. "I love you mi vida, do you know that? You truly are mi alma gemela."
I'm sorry for taking so long to get this done, but first, Duolingo really claimed my time with the constant reminders. Then, I was really busy with trying to finish the book I was reading (I still have 24 pages left, ugh). And last, I started to watch Daredevil and was addicted to Matt Murdock x reader on here. I still am. So here is this request, with a not exactly requested ending, but I still hope this turned out quite good. I'm sorry for any writing mistakes, but let me know if you liked it :)
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donnerpartyofone · 2 years
Woke up with this intense urge to email a boyfriend I had almost 20 years ago, the only good one before my husband, and apologize for being so insensitive and immature then. I wasn't at all aware that I was a bad girlfriend at the time because that's just how stunted I was, but looking back it's really obvious that he deserved better. I don't know about these kinds of apologies, though, the ones nobody asked for. I'm sure I hurt his feelings, but we never talked about it. I don't know if he would care one way or the other or if he's even thought about it in the modern era; bringing it up would mainly be a selfish act on my part to try to make myself feel better. I mean I think he deserves the apology, assuming he had a use for it, but he doesn't deserve to be embroiled in my annoying struggle to deal with my personal history. We were kids then and I'd like to think he's doing great things with his life; he was a terrific person with a lot of talent and friends who loved him. And of course, I finally figured out how to be responsible for a strong, healthy relationship, even if it took me like 30 years to get there. I don't think I'm interested in being back in touch with my ex in a more general way, it could be kind of unseemly to make a past romantic connection part of my present, especially from that long ago, like what's the point. And I probably wouldn't love it if my husband did something like that, with someone who left such a huge mark on his life. But sometimes I wish my ex knew that at some point I finally understood that I took him for granted and didn't think enough about his feelings, and I know that if I had managed to keep him in the long term it just would have held him back in life. He had a lot to offer, and I just needed a fucking therapist.
PS It's funny how there are people who I would like to apologize to for being an asshole back in the day when I had less self-awareness and less self-control--but none of them are the few people who have SAID I owe them an apology for something, who always seem to be picking psychotic fights with me for dishonest reasons and making shit up to spread behind my back and trying to force me into situations I'm not comfortable with no matter how loudly I say no, and generally proving that THEY actually owe ME a fucking apology!
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amoristt · 3 years
Just a Dare | Nathan Prescott x Reader
@trueloveknifefight asked, Also can I request Nathan asking you out?
here u are! i love writing convos w nathan UGH i adore his character.
as always, replies and reblogs are greatly appreciated1 i check all tags and comments <3
wanna support me for just $3? here's my ko-fi!
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The lights were bright, vivid. Almost blinding. They dance LED accents into the reflection of your drink- a dull plastic cup filled to the brim with one part whiskey, zero parts mixer. The taste could bring a tear to your eye but you would be damned to water down such fine alcohol, provided by none other than Nathan Prescott himself.
Music reverberated along the pool rooms walls, laughter and hollers distantly rising with the tempos. Your foot absently tapped to the beat- you were never one for dancing. Never one for parties, either, actually, favoring drinking in the solitude of a small friend group.
If not for Nathan you wouldn't be here at all. Some would say it's a privilege to slip past those heavy doors, entering the dully lit world of the Vortex Club. You mostly just felt like it was all for show. Somehow securing a place among Nathan's friend group, and a good friend at that, it was almost duty to show up. He insisted on it.
So, here you were. Leaning against a wall in a suffocatingly warm, cramped pool room surrounded by a sea of faces you hardly recognized.
That was, until you saw Nathan's face peer through the small break in shifting bodies. You knew him all too well.
Strikingly handsome, equally strikingly pompous. Funny, crude, an absent minded party goer just as much as he was a fireball with racing, incoherent thoughts. A drinker, a druggie. Takes the edge off, he says, but you think he does it to take away his thoughts completely. You felt like his entire life was all edges, never sacred ground.
The poor bastard.
He lures your attention in as he saunters over with squared shoulders, narrowly avoiding spilling his drink when a random student cuts it a little too close. Normally Nathan would make a bigger deal, give him what for, but this time he just shoots the poor kid a menacing glare and grumbles, 'fucking watch it'. He's walking with purpose and intent, you can see it on his face. You must have a target on your forehead as he darts straight over.
When he comes to your side, his own alcohol dripping down the sides of his cup onto his wiry fingers, you raise a brow.
"Something wrong?" You ask, as he takes a spot leaning against the hard wall right next to you.
"Just wondering why you're being so fucking lame over here," He shouts over the music, taking a sip of his drink, grimacing at the taste. "We're all having a good time over at the lounge and you're over here acting like all the other wallflower nobodies."
You roll your eyes with upturning lips. "Maybe I like being a wallflower. I like people watching. I see things no one else does."
"Yeah, okay, fucking weirdo."
"I mean it," You push off the wall and grin. "Look-" You point to a student obviously wasted, drink held high over head while he lets the music take him away. "That guy is clearly trashed- he's having the time of his life. He's gotta be seeing double."
Nathan whistles at his state, taking in the guys goofy smile, half lidded eyes. "I'll bet it's the triplets. I could breathe on him too hard and he'd fall over."
"You should go try it." You tease. He shakes his head and takes another drink.
"Nah, he'll get it himself. Guarantee we'll be dragging him out by his feet by the end of the night." He shrugs. "Or, at least someone will. I sure as fuck ain't staying that long."
You snicker. "What, got a hot date?" Nathan glares at you. "Oh don't tell me," you cup your hands to whisper, a secretive gesture, "homework?"
"Fuck no," He scoffs, and you can just barely see that he's a little more than tipsy now. His pale cheeks dusted with red, the tip of his nose ruby under the harsh lighting. It's also then that you realize he's a little more tense than usual, even despite the drinking. He's standing straight upright, his right hand gripping his cup like a crutch and his left now shoved hastily into his pocket.
He hasn't looked at you dead in the eyes yet.
"So what is it then?" You ask curiously. He shrugs and stares into his cup. You frown. "Bro, are you like, good right now? Do you wanna leave?"
For the first time since he'd wandered over, Nathan looks up at you. His eyes are unreadable, but his composure seems stressed. He shrugs again. Before you can even open your mouth to ask him about his state, he sighs and downs an entire mouthful of burning whiskey. It makes you cringe just watching him.
"Fuck it," He huffs. "Look I got some stupid ass dare to come over here and put the moves on you, okay." He sounds almost annoyed, like it's a hassle for him, or maybe embarrassing. You cross your arms. "I was dared to come over here and try to get you like, to fucking, you know, leave with me, but now that I'm over here I'm starting to think maybe that was a dumbass idea."
"Leave with you?" You say incredulously, a brow already lifting. "You were dared to come over here and try to sleep with me? By our friends?"
"No, no, fuck," Nathan seems agitated now, rushing. "Like a date sorta bullshit. Ask you out." He manages to get it out in almost the worst delivery possible, meanwhile you're just trying to pick out who would put him up to this. Hayden? Victoria?
A laugh forces its way out of you. "Aren't we a little too old for that game?"
Nathan shrugs. "That's what I said but they insisted. Fucking babies. At least make the dare a little more fun than just asking some bitch out. That's like elementary level shit."
Your eyes widen, you scoff. "Excuse me?"
Nathan sputters. "You're not some bitch, I didn't mean to-... Fucks sake, I'm clearly a little drunk right now okay, if you could cut me some fucking slack that'd be awesome."
"Hey man I didn't ask to be a victim of bullying," You tease, and he can't help but laugh. You soften. "Never expected it from you, though of all people. As ironic as that sounds."
"I'm not even bullying you, come on. Don't be a bitch. I even admitted it and everything."
You grin. "Yeah. Gotta say though, I'm a little disappointed."
"Oh what, you wanted to see my moves?" Nathan hums. "You wanted some Prescott action?"
"Shut the hell up." You shove his shoulder, an action that would be a mistake to so many others, but for you, it was welcomed. "I'm disappointed that it was just a dare. I'd probably have said yes if it wasn't. But, oh well."
Nathan doesn't answer for a long moment. First, he stares into his drink, processing. Almost like he hadn't heard that right, or like you were messing with him. It's rare to see Nathan Prescott stunned into a momentary silence. He's thinking, wondering what he should say next. Suspicious that you're just playing with him, hopeful that maybe you aren't.
And, you hadn't been. Truth be told if given the chance you would allow him to take you out for the evening. Show you fancy things, try out something a little more intimate than just laughter and poking fun at classmates together. You enjoyed his presence, looked forward to it at times.
A small part of you had hoped that he felt the same, maybe. Somehow. While grateful that he respected you enough to cut the crap before it even began, you couldn't help but feel a little... Disheartened at the prank. You'd saved your pride by denying him beforehand, but, if it had been genuine...
"So if it wasn't a dare," He began, quietly, barely audible over the booming music overhead. Eyes barely visible in the sea of vibrant lights crashing like waves. "You'd have said yes."
You shrug, trying to play it casual to save your own feelings, just in case. "Probably. I mean, we're already friends. We have fun so it couldn't have been that bad." He nods along to almost every word.
"Well what if we did it anyways." He blurts.
"Did what?"
"Go out tonight. Like, you know ditch this lame ass party and have some real fun."
"You love this lame ass party, and plus," You shake your head in feigned annoyance. "I'm not sleeping with you, Nathan."
He glares at you. "Fucking duh. I'm just saying we can go and hang out somewhere else. This party happens all the fucking time so it's not like we're missing anything."
"But, wouldn't that make me the butt of our friends joke?"
He shrugs. "Fuck em. It was a dumb dare anyways."
"Now it seems like you're trying extra hard to convince me to say yes." You state, and he's frazzled, running lines through his brain to try and save the absolute failure of asking you out. You decide to spare him, take a little leap of faith for yourself. "But, alright. I'm in."
Nathan gapes at you. "You're in?"
"Yeah, why not. I'm not busy right now and if you're not either than," You smile. "Why not. You better wow me though, Prescott. I'm talking a night to remember. Fireworks, dinner by candle light, a serenade. The whole package."
Nathan's eyes light up, but he tries to hide it, rolls those beautiful blues. "Well considering I've had like no fucking time to prepare how about we instead go to the roof and chill out."
You toss the idea around in your head for show. You already knew the answer the moment he asked if you were being serious.
"I mean I guess that would work," You say. "I was looking for fireworks but I suppose that will suffice. Feel free to go tell our buddies their joke may have backfired on them."
Nathan shakes his head. "Nah, don't even bother. They're all drunk and probably don't even remember daring me in the first place."
"Alright then," You push yourself off the wall, feeling your cheeks warm. A flutter takes wing in the base of your chest, your heart picking up just a little faster. You can't stop the smile that graces you as you say, "Lead the way, Prescott."
Nathan does lead the way. He takes your hand into his own, your fingers tracing over his boney knuckles as he drags you through the sea of bodies, out to the school hall and up winding stairs.
You giggle like a child when he struggles to find the correct key on the janitors ring he'd snatched weeks ago just in case, tease him when he almost spills his drink all over himself. Nathan's hands are almost shaking, but you chalk it up to the alcohol. You chalk everything up to the alcohol- his trembling fingers, his red face, a shy, albeit goofy smile resting upon his lovely, angular face.
The night was cool and crisp, a stark contrast to the smoldering heat of the Vortex Party.
He looks amazing out under the stars, and underneath the scope of the vast, black sky dotted with trillions of perfect, twinkling lights, you feel at peace.
Looking at him, you feel like this may be the start of something you'd denied yourself the chance of ever even imagining.
Out there, alone but together, hearing the echoes of music mixed with the livelihood of crickets in the darkness...
it truly was a night to remember.
Days later, you sit atop your desk, feet tapping rhythmically on your chair, typing away at your phone.
"Love the top," A familiar voice pipes, and you glace up to find Victoria standing before you, books pressed to her chest. She takes in your shirt, a nicely fitted long sleeve with a rather low cut v-neck. "Why haven't I see that one before?"
You shrug and set your phone down. "Never got around to wearing it I guess. Not a big fan of V-necks."
"It fits you," She sets her books down at the table beside you and brushes a hand through her hair, making sure every strand is in line. "I'll have to get one myself."
"You know what, you can have it after today," You say, and she perks up in disbelief. "As a thank you for what happened at the party."
That disbelief soon turned to confusion. "...Meaning?"
"Y'know, making Nathan ask me out. He made a whole huge deal about it- said you guys were drinking and playing Truth or Dare of all things. Gotta say, I was a little surprised."
Victoria's brows knit. "We hardly drank at that party, and I wouldn't be caught dead playing Truth or Dare. That game is for kids."
It almost knocks the wind out of you.
They hadn't even been playing in the first place.
As the teacher walks into the room, the first period bell blaring annoyingly over the speakers, you climb off your desk and prepare for the day, hardly able to contain yourself. It hadn't been a dare, after all.
And, you and Nathan's official second date was merely a day away.
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