#i told her basically to document everything that happens when it happens and bring that to her manager
storiesfromgaza · 10 months
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"Mom, does it hurt when we get bombarded? Do we feel the pain, or do we just die at once?"
These are the questions that Reporter Youmna El Sayed began with in her interview conducted by the AJ+ network to document her struggles with her children and the suffering of all the people of Gaza
When my kids ask me, 'Mom, does it hurt when we get bombarded? Do we feel the pain, or do we just die at once?' and I have to tell them, 'No, don't worry. It's not going to hurt.' Their father reassures them, saying, 'Don't worry. It just happens once, and that's it.' In the past, we would comfort our children, saying, 'Don't worry. It's going to be okay. It's going to end soon. You'll be fine. We'll be fine.' Everything is shaking—constantly. But now, every night, we tell them, 'Don't worry. We're together, sticking together. If we die, we die together.' Death has become a looming reality since the Israeli army encircled Gaza city. The bombardments have been relentless—from the land, air, and sea. Our building is in a perpetual state of tremor. Three days ago, we awoke to the smoke of nearby fires filling our homes. We sought refuge in the basement, the best option with the least smoke, but it was still overwhelming. The kids were coughing, suffocating, and their eyes were itching. But when it comes to my children, it just hits me so hard, Dina, and I just feel that I can't control it anymore. I can't be that strong, brave woman who's able to control things or get things under control because they're my weak part. I feel a loss of control, unable to maintain the facade of strength and bravery. Judy, usually full of life, now appears quiet and terrified
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She doesn't eat much. She doesn't feel like doing anything. I tried to speak to her about things, you know, bring back some happy memories, and I said, as usual, 'What would you like to do the first thing after this war ends?' She told me, 'Mommy, I don't want to do anything except for this war to end. I just want these bombardments to end, everything—the destruction, the despair, the loss.'
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I think they tell you that now—we're just hearing news of people dying every now and then—people that we know, friends, colleagues, everyone around us. And it just, you know, really, like, 'May he rest in peace,' and that's it. I just—we just go on because we were just waiting for our turn. You mentioned to me that food is scarce and supplies are low. What is the water situation? We can starve, right? We can go on without food, even as adults. But without water, I'd rather die from bombardments than die from thirst. I don't want my kids at the end to die from thirst. Are you still thinking to move south, and what would that look like? The last attempt was a couple of days ago, and we found out that to move south, we need to walk for at least 6 to 7 km on foot and not carry anything at all with us—none of our belongings. Basically, walk this distance while we raise our hands to show that we surrender, just holding our IDs in one hand and raising the other. And I think that's just extremely humiliating. And it's not just that, you know?
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You remember the massacre that everyone saw on TV screens for the civilians that were bombarded on the road? They're still lying there. Until this day, lying there in the streets, their bodies. The crows and the birds are eating from them, and no one has been able to pick them up. The Israeli army has not allowed anyone or ambulances or any medical teams to come to pick these people up and to bury them. How can I let my kids go through a street while they see other children and other people killed and thrown just like that, lying in the street like that, while birds are eating from them? I think that this is just inhumane and more cruel than anything. This is not to worry about fighting Hamas or Palestinian fighters. This war began by eliminating and wiping out the Palestinian people in Gaza. This isn't a war against Palestinian fighters nor Hamas; it's a genocide against Gaza.
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illubean · 4 months
can i request a chrollo x reader where reader was one of his childhood friends back in meteor city, but she died (up to you how!) and he still dreams about her? possibly her appearance being grown to what chrollo imagines she’d look like now? only if you’re comfortable with the request ♡ i love your writing so much!
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Characters: Chrollo Lucilfer Type: Angst, Oneshot, Fem!Reader
reader is basically Sarasa here...
Warnings: mentions of kidnapping?/death, description of a dead body, spoilers for Chrollo's background
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Not a day goes by where Chrollo doesn't think about you.
You two were as thick as thieves, growing up together in the slums of Meteor City. Though you guys had nothing, you always managed to find ways to have fun and stay happy. Your beaming, bright smile is something that's stuck in the back of Chrollo's mind for all of these years. You used to stand up to the bigger kids who liked to pick on him, and in turn Chrollo helped you learn how to read and write.
Once you guys got a little older, Chrollo had started his little acting troupe, you being there to support him every step of the way. Though you weren't formally part of the group, you would tag along with them and managed to become good friends with the rest of them. One of the things Chrollo liked most about you was how kind you were. You were the sweetest girl anyone could possibly have the pleasure of meeting and he loved that about you.
Which is why he was infuriated after finding out what happened to you.
It wasn't unusual for child traffickers to make their way through meteor city, especially considering that none of it's residents have any sort of legal documentation. They just so happened to be passing through while you were exploring on your own. Being the ever naive little girl you were, you didn't think much when some men claiming to be refugees stopped you and asked for directions to the nearest normal city.
Out of the kindness of your heart, you led them to the outskirts of a forest and told them that the fastest way to modern civilization was to cut through it.
Your best quality ended up being your biggest weakness that day.
After catching wind of your disappearance, Chrollo and the troupe split up in order to try and find you. They searched the forest for hours and when they had finally found you, Chrollo's heart dropped to his ass. Your body was laying beneath a large willow tree, nearly mutilated beyond recognition while your lifeless eyes stared back at him, glazed over. Never in his life has Chrollo felt so many emotions at once the way he did in that moment.
In the years following your passing, Chrollo frequently had dreams of you. The pain they brought him left him restless. Even up until he had a hard time sleeping in fear of reliving those memories of you again.
After some time had passed, Chrollo became the renowned leader of the notorious gang The Phantom Troupe. Though the night terrors of you had stopped some time ago, Chrollo never forgot you. How could he? You meant everything to him.
Every so often he would visit your grave with a few of the original troupe members. Other times he would visit alone and tell you all about what has happened since you've been gone.
It wasn't up until recently had the dreams of you resurfaced, but this time they were different. They didn't bring immense pain or remind him of how you looked the day he found you dead, but rather images of what could've been had you survived. You appeared in his dreams all grown up, being much taller than you were before with h/c hair that was longer/shorter than he remembered. Many things about your appearance had changed, but one thing that stayed the same was your bright smile you'd always seemed to wear.
Upon having this dream for the first time Chrollo shot up from his slumber in a cold sweat. He looked around the room before bringing his hands to his face, resting his head in them as he let out a deep sigh. Knowing he couldn't return to sleep any time soon, Chrollo stepped out of the room of the hotel he'd rented onto the balcony, lighting a cigarette and leaning against the railing. He enjoyed the light breeze and sounds of the city beneath him, looking out over all the bright lights and night bustle.
His moment of peace was brief however, being interrupted by a voice he'd never heard before.
"I've missed you, Chrollo."
The addressed man whipped his head around in shock, only to see that there was no one behind him. Letting out another sigh, he rubbed his eyes and put his cigarette out before returning to his room, pondering on how he would spend the rest of his night.
The next few times he had these dreams they had only gotten worse. They would show him what could've been. The life he could've had. What you could've had. Who you could've been.
You, you, you, you, you.
It was driving him mad. Tonight like any other, Chrollo lied restless, staring towards the ceiling. The soft pitter patter of rain soothed him as he started to relax. Until he heard the voice again.
"Look, we're all grown up."
Similar to the first night he shot up from the bed he was in, eyes frantically scanning the room before resting on the image of you his brain had created, standing in the corner of the darkened room. Chrollo rubbed his eyes before staring at you again before you spoke up once more.
"How have you been?"
Chrollo grit his teeth before chucking his pillow at you, only for your image to disappear as it made contact with the wall. Letting out a grunt, his tensed shoulders went slack just to stiffen back up at the sound of you again.
"What is it you're afraid of Chrollo?"
You appeared in the center of the room this time, closer than before.
"Didn't you miss me?"
Tearing the blanket off of himself he reaches to grab you only for you to disappear and reappear again, this time directly behind him. This went on for a few minutes, you appearing, Chrollo trying to hit you, just for you to disappear and move to another part of the room.
With this demand Chrollo was now in the center of the room, looking towards the floor, distressed. The silence in the room was disrupted by nothing by the sound of his heavy breathing for a few moments, until you appeared before him one last time, being directly in front of him.
"I love you, Chrollo."
The man shot his fist towards where your face would be, only to hit nothing before he stormed out of the room. He ran through the rain for hours, with no destination in mind. He had hoped to escape his own thoughts and hallucinations this way, only for his feet to have managed to lead him back to that same willow tree.
Chrollo dropped to his knees as his tears mixed with the water droplets of the passing storm. In front of him stood a tattered wooden cross that had been stabbed into the dirt, which in messy carvings read
In remembrance of Y/n
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multifandumbmeg · 6 months
Alright SCREW IT here's my Kiara defense post:
Is it annoying to watch get paired off with everyone in the main cast? Sure. Let me explain why that's not a character flaw or terrible, unplanned writing so yall can put some respect on her name.
1. They're ALL in love with her, and literally throwing themselves at her all the time. This is so important and well-documented that John B literally tells us IN HIS INTRODUCTION TO THE GROUP in episode one. It is literally so relevant to their entire group dynamic that he brings it up in the first episode summary of who they all are. Guys actually do this I have seen this happen. One of my high school best friends was constantly manic pixie dream girled (despite being profoundly depressed) and several entire friend groups of boys fell in love with her. She dated one guy, who was a piece of shit and dumped her saying it was because of his parents but told his friends it was because she had too much baggage. The fallout was so bad, one guy from one of the friend groups tattled to her and a different guy, who was best friends with the douche, literally got into a fight with him and THE DOUCHE HAD TO CHANGE FRIEND GROUPS BECAUSE HIS BOYS KICKED HIM OUT. I'm serious about these teenage boys all having the same taste and thinking it's a competition.
2. John B kissed HER. She immediately shut him down. Immediately. Everything before that can easily be explained as Kiara being concerned about him after losing his father. Teenage boys are dumb anyhow, but it's particularly easy to see why John B and JJ, who have both been routinely neglected and grew up without mothers (read, any positive female attention/influence) would interpret this as Kiara having feelings for them. They fall in love with anyone who sincerely gives them the time of day, basically. And that's a little too relatable moving on.
3. "Mixed signals" by kissing boys on the cheek. While I would not recommend this, I think there was a very clear pattern to her behavior and I have a theory I'm 99% sure is canon, based on copious textual evidence.
Kiara was in love with JJ all along. I'll come back to this. She only kissed the boys she friendzoned on the cheek. With John B, I genuinely think she never had any sort of romantic feelings for him and just saw him as a best bro. But she was worried about him, and maybe realized he listened to her more when she did it. Nonetheless, the minute he gets with Sarah it's almost like she feels relieved and never does anything remotely mixed signals to him again. Now Pope? That is a rich text. What the hell is going on with her and Pope?
4. When Pope first confesses, Kiara is once again caught off-guard. She once again rightfully turns him down IMMEDIATELY and gives extremely accurate and self-aware reasons. Her rejection of him is surprisingly mature, that the life he plans on and wants is ultimately and assuredly not compatible with what she wants for herself. So why did she kinda date him? Honestly, I think it was an attempt to move on from what she believed were doomed feelings for JJ. After all the things that happen in season 1, after Pope going off the deep end a little bit by smoking weed, getting drunk, and engaging in acts of violence, as well as ditching his scholarship interview, Kiara suddenly experiences a spark of attraction towards Pope.
Because he's acting like JJ. Reckless. Using substances to cope. Chaotic. Spontaneous. She knows these things are bad for Pope, and she's at times put off by how un-Pope-like they are as his friend, but she has a type. So following a moment of attraction and the sudden supposed loss of John B (and Sarah), she decides to give it a go. Maybe Pope's different after everything that happened. And he is, but not quite the way she was expecting. To link this back to the cheek-kissing thing, honestly, I think Kiara lowkey has the ick 😂. She consistently shoves any of the boys who try to touch her at all away except for JJ, the entire series mind you, except for these little cheek kisses like that's all she can manage to do. She kisses Pope like twice and ends up sleeping with him, at which point she realizes she just can't do it. She's not consistently attracted to her, and she can't get past her feelings for JJ, so she calls it off. Again, that's a fair healthy, and kind thing to do. When you realize it's not going to work, especially if you have feelings for someone else, it is distinctly NOT dragging people around to cut it off. If Kie has a real problem, honestly? I think it's that ultimately she wants a man she can fix. And Pope's fine. So that's him out.
My proof that the writers absolutely intended Kiara to have feelings for JJ from day one:
"Did you tell JJ?" specifically. Just JJ. She doesn't want HIM to think she's taken.
Shoving away John B and Pope every time they try to hug her or put an arm around her etc. Letting JJ hug her, take her hand, sling his arm around her etc. She also goes out of her way to touch him by taking his arm, holding him when he's crying, hugging him several times and then almost kissing him. So in a way, I'd very much like you to consider, Kiara was not in fact sending everyone mixed signals, her problem was that she was so consistent. Consistently attracted to and in love with someone she thought had no real interest in her. JJ flirts with her jokingly, and from episode 1 and the convo in the bell tower between John B and Sarah, we know that he's a horny little dude. And that's not surprising either, because people who've been abused tend to go one way or the other- either very physical touch-seeking in an attempt to balance about the bad, or very touch-avoidant. JJ is clearly, demonstably in column A. Not just with Kiara, but he also initiates hugs with John B and Pope, touches their faces, and even kisses Pope on the cheek once. He's clearly a very touchy person with everyone, so I can see how Kiara would be unsure about his feelings when he very much does not communicate his wants or needs with words.
Finally, the proof that Kiara had feelings for JJ, and that Jiara was the direction the show was headed, was in their conversation in thr storage container. When JJ tells her what he wants from life and plans to do with the money, it's a direct parallel to her initial reject of Pope. He wants to travel the world and be spontaneous and non-sedentary and have no use for money. Everything she said to Pope and is always trying to explain to her parents. That was 0% accidental, that was the writers making it clear: these two are a match, they're compatible on a much deeper level.
4. So if they always planned on JJ and Kiara, why didn't those two just get together to start? The answer, my friends, is jealousyy. This is a common tactic in writing to get a couple together: force the reluctant one to acknowledge their feelings by putting the other in a relationship with someone else. Im short: every moment between Kiara and John B or Pope was to show us JJ did not like that and therefore that his feelings for Kiara were serious, unlike how she interpreted them and him being a flirty himbo with other girls. It also helped Kiara realize she wasn't getting over him any time soon, and that she couldn't avoid her feelings either. So it forced them both to give up and acknowledge to themselves that they had feelings for the other.
5. "Teenage girls don't act like her" JOKES. This is the dumbest argument I've seen, I'm sorry. I'm happy you have met such well-adjusted teenage girls but buddy... I have known some teenage girls and people who used to identify as girls at that age who would make you roll over in your grave. Some people don't know what they want, some people desperately crave attention, some people just can't seem to avoid drama or make good choices and sometimes that's even a resulted of untreated disabilities or mental illness. Sometimes it's all of the above. My point is absolutely there are teenage girls who act like Kiara and faaar worse.
6. Lastly, why not John B or Pope? Why was Kiara totally valid for not liking them romantically? Well feelings are feelings so she's valid anyways but can we talk about them both touching her/making moves at inappropriate times without consent?? It's understandable she likes JJ and feels the safest around him when he's the only who doesn't act like he wants or expects anything from her. He never kisses her without consent, let alone while running from the cops randomly. He never tries to put his arm around her or make a move in the middle of them having an emotionally intimate conversation where she is clearly seeking emotional comfort. I'm not saying John B or Pope are bad people, but with Kiara both showed a lot of immaturity and failed to read the room numerous times. They acted whenever they personally felt attraction, regardless of where she was at at the time. There's such a thing as reading body signals, and the only times JJ comes close to making an actual move on Kiara is when she comes to him, gets close to his face and leans in. In the end, he only kisses her after she looks him dead in the eyes and tells him I LOVE YOU. That's on respect. Also, John B and Pope both get their shit together and learn this with their next girlfriends! So good on them!
But Kiara confessed to JJ at a random time too! I hear you shouting. NAY. Incorrect!! JJ is actively avoiding her and having a mature conversation about how they feel about each other, and also the fact that he stole from her family, and that is on HIM. That is a result of his issues and his fear and poor coping mechanisms. Kiara forced him to address it at an inopportune time because she already attempt to address it privately TWICE and he wouldn't let her. So all she did there was clear the air and make her own feelings known, which he needed to hear. That is the last conversation they have before he attempts to apologize and confess back. That is what convinces him that Kiara's feelings for him are both genuine and serious, and that no amount of pushing her away will succeed. She loves him unconditionally, which he did not know was possible until then.
So in short!! Kiara actually behaves like a real human being. She's not crazy, extremely selfish, nor an example of writers just testing out the waters and seeing what the fans want or who has the most chemistry. She is very consistent. The only thing I can really begrudge about her behavior towards her friends (her parents are a different story) is that she's insensitive to both John B and Pope after rejecting them, which I believe is because she doesn't realize they had actual feelings for her so much as thinking she's hot.
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nunalastor · 2 months
Resident Evil AU
Anonymous asked:
I want to know how many Resident Evil fans were already on this blog and how many got their fandom tag flooded with our nonsense and decided to check it out.
Anonymous asked:
In RE8 there were radio recordings of Mia during her pregnancy with Rose, hyperventilating, trying to assure herself everything would be fine, apologizing to Ethan, alluding to something she can’t tell him, etc.
Unless the mold did something else entirely, Guy can’t be pregnant. What if those recordings later used to torment Alastor (accessed the same way Lucifer learns Alastor’s past) were recordings of Guy realizing he is really sick and going to die from it? Because unlike Mia, Guy wouldn’t have enough experience with the mold to know Alastor is infected, and if he did there’s no reason not to tell Alastor the truth, so what other secret could he be hiding from Alastor besides one about his own sickness?
Anonymous asked:
Alastor died before he got to experience RE8 (if he gets a Hazbin equivalent, it's in hell) but if he did, he would have a way better time of it just on principle of going in knowing he's super infected with the mold after reading the documents in the RE7 lore room, or he would find out the second he gets told his blood tastes stale. "Excuse me? My blood is--wait, fuck, I got infected with the mold, didn't I?" no fucks about vampire ladies trying to suck his blood, he's offended by the insult to quality even when he knows why.
Anonymous asked:
Another questions everyone has is how the every location either has bullets, gun powder to make weapons, healing herbs and things Alastor needs to progress. Also what’s with the puzzles?
@kitsunesongs asked:
If Eveline here grabbed Guy because he was kind to her, sheprobably slotted him into the 'father' role mentally - which means when she brings Alastor to the Baker House, it's because she wants him as her Mother.
Somehow this results in Alastor being dressed in a dress while he's unconscious and doing the whole thing in a dress. This doesn't slow him down at all. Also Eveline calling Alastor 'Mommy'.
Anonymous asked:
How long would it take the hotel to realize Alastor was infected with the mold? It's never said directly in RE7 but between lore documents they would see Alastor read and Alastor's mold-person behaviors (rapid regeneration, eating rotten flesh/cannibal, switching between friendly and aggressive on a dime, etc), one would assume the hotel would put two and two together pretty quickly.
That information doesn't mean much, he's reached the point where a cure would straight-up kill him. What it could do is cause Lucifer to be suspicious assuming he knows where the mold comes from, and make Charlie assume Alastor's murderous tendencies come from the mold when they very much don't. Alastor was just like that, and if not for the regeneration he probably would never notice.
@kitsunesongs asked:
Resident Evil 7
If we are going with Resident Evil 7 happening, what if Resident Evil 8 also happened? Rosemary was Guy's daughter by a one night stand that Alastor is helping raise, and lets be real the Village is basically a few centuries behind modern times anyway.
And that means Alastor dies, saving the baby girl who is basically his daughter.
And gets into heaven - which is so boring he promptly saunters vaguely downwards to hell, where he has much more fun!
Heaven, meanwhile, is freaking out over the fact that their newest Seraphim, the first ever human born Seraphim, is missing!
Guy shows up - maybe as a Dominion or Power, with four wings? Cause he got less of the mold then Alastor - and is all 'okay so my friend should definitely be here...
Bonus points, when the Hazbin Hotel peeps are checking out the Baker House via the crystal ball that shows Al's past, they end up seeing him in the Village as well, and are shocked at how he died - and how he was so gentle and caring with baby Rosemary.
Also! If the Baker House and the Village happened in the 20's/30s, with Alastor dying for baby Rosemary in 1933, then by the time Hazbin Hotel happens, Rosemary would either be in her 90's - or already dead. And in Heaven, presumably. And might even come down to Hell with her Dad to search for the man who her dad made damn sure she knew was basically her other father...
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sorry-moots · 3 months
Inversion of Genesis But I Changed It
so i started mha and subsequently was imbued with the urge to Create but i harnessed my inspiration and finished chapter 11 because i left you guys starving so i could be emo and get a job characters featured: yvette (oc), nilou, pierre (oc) cws: none wc: 1,449
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Chapter Eleven
Yvette found you at some point. Being employed by Lord Scaramouche, she was in the same boat as you– stranded in a foreign nation with a comatose employer and no friends or family.
Having her around made things easier. The night that your master slipped into his coma, you were effectively jobless and homeless. The next morning, you leased an apartment together.
About a month has passed since then. Bit by bit, you’ve been chipping away from the savings that you brought with you. You were already low on funds from the deposit and the down payment. Though you had split the cost, Yvette couldn’t afford to cover more than a fourth.
I need to get a job… Only, it’s not that simple. Everyone could tell you were a Fatuus. It’s obvious from the way you dress, the way you talk, the way your eyes scan the entire environment as you move through it.
No one trusts the Fatui and less than no one likes the Fatui. Finding someone willing to hire you would be almost impossible and even then you could be fired for the smallest of slights.
Still, it’s not fair to Yvette. As soon as you told her what had happened, she went out in search of a job. Now, she’s working as a maid for the mysterious lord of the Palace of Alcazarzaray.
You get to work writing your resume. “Assistant to the Sixth Fatui Harbinger” might not get you anywhere with most people, but there’s gotta be someone out there who doesn’t care. Right?
Two months later, you finally strike out.
Since the Akasha was shut down, scholars from every Darshan are struggling with the return to traditional research. It’s been hard to get past the initial shock— they went from having all of Sumeru’s knowledge whispering in their ears to permanent radio silence. Everyone is desperate for any help they could get; the House of Daena librarians could only handle so many requests at a time.
Back in Snezhnaya, everything is filed analog-style. Chronologically ordered documents within filing cabinets of alphabetized folders, rolodexes with names and addresses for every Fatui contact of import, binders with detailed reports of missions and related expenses. Having the expertise of a professional secretary, you get a job working for some student researchers.
The pay isn’t glamorous in the least, but no one else would hire you. Not the stockbrokers, not the grocers, not even the owners of the Puspa Café or Lambad’s Tavern. No one with any customers to lose wanted a former Fatuus working for them, so this was your only option.
Your job is very straightforward: find and assess relevant subject matter. The actual execution isn’t quite as simple. The House of Daena is the largest library in Teyvat, boasting a collection of over three hundred million books, scriptures, and tomes. Combing through it all is a huge effort.
Once you find the suggested literature, you still have to make sure the contents are what is needed for the research study. Even just an inspectional reading— table of contents, indices, glossary, etc.— takes hours. The worst part is when the material proves to be useless in the context it’s needed in, making all your work in vain.
Nevertheless, poverty is a good motivator. Though your days at the library often stretch into the night, the hefty pouch of mora you claim at the end of each project brings you great relief.
With your jobs, you and Yvette find it easiest to do your grocery shopping late in the evening. Once a week, the two of you leave work early, meet at the apartment, and leave with a couple baskets each to buy the most basic of essentials.
Your first stop is always, without fail, the tavern. While you usually take turns cooking, it’s become a weekly ritual to dine out and relax before shopping. More often than not, this entails visiting the fortune teller to pet her cats.
Most of your groceries come from Hamawi’s stall, but you like to check out the Grand Bazaar every so often for some less-than-essential goods. On this particular evening, the atmosphere feels different… electrifying almost.
As you take in your surroundings, you realize that the shoppers and stall owners are murmuring and gravitating toward the stage. Forgetting the weight of the baskets on your arms, you pull Yvette with you into the crowd.
You get some looks, presumably because of your uniform, but it’s worth it. When you make it to the front, you hear the strum of a sitar and your eyes land on a lone dancer.
She bears a striking resemblance to Yvette. Her skin is pale, her hair is bright red, and her eyes are like aquamarines. The longer you stare at her form as she dances, the easier it is to imagine her as your companion.
Finally, her performance ends and you’re released from your trance. The crowd begins to disperse and you turn to leave with Yvette.
“Wait! You, with the red hair!”
The two of you turn to see the dancer pushing through the crowd. Your eyes meet, confirming your suspicion that she was referring to Yvette– there weren’t many people in the room with red hair. 
“I totally get if you don’t want to, but hear me out!” She takes a deep breath before continuing. “You and I look almost exactly alike. If you danced with me, I could choreograph new shows where you pose as my doppelganger! It doesn’t matter if you don’t have experience either, I can teach you!”
As you stare blankly at one another, she blurts, “It pays really well, too!”
From the look in her eye, you can tell just what Yvette is thinking: she’s interested. “How much would she earn?”
“Oh, I earn about 800,000 mora for every show,” the dancer responded.
Without sparing your roommate another glance, you give your answer.
“She’ll do it.”
A lot has changed in the few weeks since you met Nilou. With Yvette being a fast learner, the theater was able to include her in their most recent show as a backup dancer. Her paycheck was less than Nilou’s– 500,000 mora– but that was to be expected. It would be hard to shine as bright as the star of the Zubayr Theater.
Aside from your elevated financial status, your time in Sumeru had changed your appearance almost beyond recognition. The pallor from Snezhnaya’s inhospitable winters was chased out by Sumeru’s sunny weather. Your hair was no longer bound and trapped in unyielding updos.
Best of all was your updated wardrobe. One afternoon, as you were having lunch with Nilou and Yvette, you spotted a blue skirt with brightly colored fish. She noticed you staring at the garment and convinced the vendor to lower the price so you could buy it and a pretty white blouse to go with it.
The difference in treatment was instantaneous. Passersby no longer whispered when they walked past you, merchants called out to you to buy their goods, waiters smiled at you when you entered restaurants.
It would almost feel good if you could forget.
Eight months after the incident, you wait at Bayda Harbor, watching the ships pass by. Normally, you would go through research material while waiting for something, but today is different.
Any one of the dozens of ships in the harbor could be host to your most loyal companion, Apollo.
Before leaving the city, you did your best to make some snacks for Apollo. They didn’t have the same varieties of carrot that were available in Snezhnaya so you improvised and dipped some hay and mint leaves in boiling sugar water. Crystallized, it made the perfect rock candy for horses.
I hope he likes them, you think to yourself as you check to make sure the treats haven’t melted in the heat.
As the sun nears its peak, you think you hear your name being called. You look around until you see not just a familiar snout, but a familiar face as well.
“Pierre!” you call out with a grin. “What are you doing here?”
“Well, someone had to bring your horse, miss,” he replied fondly, with a tip of his hat. “Besides… It’s about time I went on vacation.”
The two of you chat for a while as you feed Apollo the snacks, which were much to his liking– he even nibbled at the tin when you ran out.
Once the two of you part ways, him to the desert and you to the city, you squeeze Apollo tightly.
“I missed you, Apollo,” you whisper, sniffling. “It’s been so hard without you. Without you both.”
He says nothing. He is a horse.
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tags: @lacunaanonymoused, @dollpoetwriting, @constantlyoverthinking, @littlesliceofcheese, @yourfavoritefreakyhan, @magicalink , @swivi a/n: if you saw the version of this where i mourned the loss of a tag list member no you didn't
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kellyvela · 6 months
Hello! I didn't fully understand what was going on, but one thing is for sure, I hate joe. As far as I understood, on January 11, they completed the custody case, but the divorce was suspended and was supposed to resume when the guardianship was completed, this did not happen, and that is why Sophie's lawyers are now asking for the reopening of the divorce. Is it that joe is deliberately delaying the divorce? And will we learn the details of custody? Although it is so obvious that a larger percentage of Sophie and her children live with her in England, still wanted to know this for sure. And interesting article:
https://www.etonline.com/sophie-turner-and-joe-jonas-divorce-case-reopened-in-miami-a-timeline-of-their-split-211872 I didn't know some things before that.
joe is so horrible, he cheated on her twice, first when he refused to move to UK, and the second time with some 20 year old girl. And I also like that Sophie and her lawyers have documents and letters and everything has dates and facts, while joe has only empty words. And there is also confirmation that the children lived with Sophie in UK and only at the end of July they decided that the children would go with joe, which again confirms the position of Sophie, not joe. I hope you can explain more about their affairs to me now. And I'm glad that soon all the horror with joe will end and Sophie will live peacefully with her children in England. And I hope that justice and karma will punish joe and even his fans will see what a piece of shit and a rat he is.
Hello, anon!
What I really hated was the shady and misleading tmz headline, they implied that Sophie said that the negotiation collapses so she requested the Miami judge to rule the divorce and decide the custody. But I think this is wrong.
I believe the rat was thinking about filling divorce for a long time, that's why he convinced Sophie to let the girls come back to US with him while she was very busy filming Joan.
So, having the girls with him in the US, the first days of September, the rat leaked rumors that he was looking for divorce lawyers in LA (California) area, but few days later he filled divorce in Miami (Florida). In the end, despite leaking LA rumors, he chose Miami, a red state, that favored fathers in custody battles, this is what a lot of people told me so far. So, this was an evident legal strategy, designed by lawyers, to take advantage over the other part.
And at that point, the PR strategy also started, with him implying Sophie was a bad mother, always patying and drinking while he was basically a single dad caring for the girls alone all the time. And this is the reason why I call him a 🐀
But it was evident that the rat lied to the Miami court by saying the girls and him were Miami residents for the past six months, because the girls were living in England most of the year. Sophie was very detailed when she filled her lawsuit to the New York Federal court.
Indeed, Sophie was right when she filled an international lawsuit to the New York Federal court, claiming that the girls main residence was England, so the custody should be determined or approved by a UK court. The New York Federal court then ordered the Miami State court to stop the case regarding the custody of the girls.
The New York court also ordered the parties to start mediation and during the mediation they stablished a temporary custody agreement and decided to bring the case (custody) to a UK court.
So, since the custody was out of its jurisdiction, the Miami court approved an abatement, which is basically a suspension of the divorce case, until they reached a permanent custody agreement.
So, I think they already reached a permanent custody agreement in the UK court, which was approved on January 11, 2024, and that's why Sophie dropped the international lawsuit at the New York court, and requested to the Miami court to "reactivate" the divorce case on January 14, 2024, but this was only recently made public.
We don't know the details of the permanent custody agreement. But I hope she has primary custody, and the rat has visitation rights.
Things are really coming to an end, anon. I bet there are basically just a few details left to be determined, or at least I hope I'm right.
This is what I think is happening. But the press love the click bait . . . .
Again, I hope I'm right!
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terielle · 6 months
Heal the Scars 9/?
Full Story on AO3 or in my mother tongue on fanfiktion.de
I‘m not sure about the correct preposition for the commanding bridge, but I guess it is „on“? 
I wanted to do something else here, but I guess I have to do that later. As usual, Kaeru Archipelago is from fantasynamegenerator.com. 
And I feel like Drake is a bit unnecessary mean here, so I edited it, i hope it is better now. And I tried to add some time orientation, if you find it ;) 
Another thing about Drake: I realized I‘m portraying him with basically no facial expressions, I‘m trying to improve, but that’s due to this: During timeskip/Wano he is surrounded by people who have observation Haki and manages to deceive them, and as far as I recall people need top tier self composure and/or acting skills (like Pudding). But while watching Wano episodes again I realized I‘m overdoing it a bit.  Sorry for that.
On Monday morning Elizabeth appeared punctual on the commanding bridge. Today without her tea. She already drank it in the galley. If the captain was already irked by her, she would have to worsen it by spilling tea on important documents or maps. And she told herself that was the reason why she decided against her former idea to bring him something with caffeine. The sole reason. It had nothing to do with her pouting. Because she didn’t. It didn’t affect her at all, that he was irritated by her without her knowing why. It wasn’t like she was insecure due to her new position as first officer on the vessel. And she didn’t have the need to get everything right for her superior. No, there were totally no insecurities that got increased. And of course, she didn’t wait for three minutes on the hallway before entering the commanding bridge. That would have been petty-minded.
Anyway, she entered the commanding bridge at 5.00 o’clock sharp.
„Good Morning Captain, Sir“ she saluted and took care to put on a neutral expression. He didn’t have to know, how much it affected her, that he scolded her three days before.
„Good morning“ He looked up and hesitated, as if he wanted to say something but seemed to decide against it. Elizabeth stayed close to the door. She had studied the maps in front of Drake previously, and the documents were gathered by her. And she would be most likely assembling the crew soon to set sail. And she felt rather uncomfortable in his proximity. 
„The file about the Kaeru Archipel is very detailed“ he flipped through the dossier, and since she remained on her spot next to the door he continued „How did you find all of this?“
„I searched the Base and the public library, Sir“
„And when did you do all this?“ It almost seemed like an attempt on smalltalk.
„Three day are long“ especially if you‘re avoiding someone. Her gaze scurried through the room. He acted as if nothing happened, and it flustered her. Maybe it was nothing to him. She got reprimanded and everything was settled. But since she didn‘t knew, what exactly she did wrong, it was not over for her. But she didn’t want to risk anything by asking again. It could wait. On the Kaeru Archipelago was no Marine base, so she couldn’t repeat her dubious mistake. 
A long pause followed. „Then It is about time, to get away from here“
„Of course. I‘ll order to set sail“ She saluted and left the room in a hurry. Maybe a bit to hasty to avoid making it seem like a flight. But this way she didn’t see the worried look with her captain sent her way.
The rest of the day Elizabeth tried hard to avoid Drake as inconspicuous as possible. Which proved to be a lot more difficult on board of a ship than back at Wind Rose. She knew, this couldn’t go on like that forever. It made teamwork basically impossible. And she got the feeling Drake appeared constantly nearby. Alone during the forenoon, she repeatedly made a runoff it, of course always with an excuse, after she checked that there was no matter at hand, to wich he seemed her out. She delayed her lunch until she was certain he left the mess. At afternoon she paid a visit to the lookout. The get to know the ship from a different angle, that’s what she told Seamen First Class Amber initially. But it turned out be be a rather nice chat. They talked about a lot of things, from weather via the advantages and disadvantages of only being three women on board, to current world affairs, like the recent nomination of „Redhair“ Shanks as one of the four emperors. Like this she managed to avoid Drake comparatively well, at least until change of guards. She took her dinner to her quarters. After she returned her dishes, she helped doing the washing up - this time she declared it was compensation because everyone had to do additional chores back at Wind Rose. But on her way back she ran into her Captain.
The color was drained from her face, when she saw him leaning on one of the corridors walls. It was plain to see, he was waiting for someone or something. But since the hallway led only to the commanding bridge and his and her cabins, she knew he had been waiting for her.
„Good evening, Captain Drake“ she tried to sound as casual as possible, while offering a salute.
„You seem a bit pale, are you feeling alright?“ opposite to her, he actually sounded casual, and seemed to be unimpressed. on the other hand, he always seemed to be very composed.
„I was just startled to see you here“ it was the first thing, that came to her mind. And she could slap herself for such a weak excuse „Well, I meant…. I was startled that you are standing on the hallways, not that you are here“ she waved her hand between him and the door to his cabin, before she pulled herself together „I mean I was startled because someone is standing here, not that you are here“
„I‘m relieved to hear that. And I almost got the impression you have been avoiding me today“
„Oh, after all the hustle and bustle of the last days, it just felt wrong to stand still“ This excuse was plausible. And a bit true. She wouldn’t dare to directly object, because then she had to lie. And the Marine‘s behavior handbook forbade to lie to higher officers. She truly was full of vim all day, she just left out that he was part of the reason why. Her gaze flitted to her door. She really wanted to flee to her cabin as soon as possible and delay the inevitable confrontation at least a bit more.
„Hmh“ he just nodded.
„Is there anything, I can do for you?“ There had to be a reason, why he spend his evening on the hallway, instead of the mess, common room or his quarters - or the commanding bridge or any other place where it was either relaxing or something to do.
„Yes, follow me“ he made the few steps to his cabin.
Elizabeth cursed inwardly, when she heard his answer. So much for avoiding. But she froze, when he held open the door and looked at her expectantly. Not with all the will in the world, she could imagine what he needed of her, that required her in his quarters. Well, the would be something, but she eliminated that on principle. He just didn’t seem to be the type to do so. On the other hand, she had quite some trouble assessing him the last days.
„Captain, Sir?“ she shot him a questioning look. And hoped questioning won over bewildered. 
„Go ahead“ he confirmed his silent request from before.
She entered hesitant. Being in someone else’s quarters was awfully intimate even at best. And if they weren’t rather close, it was always uncomfortable to her. Right know she was stressed to maximum and the hairs on her neck rose. She whirled around, when she heard the door close.
„Take a seat“ he pointed to the chair in front of his desk. While she sat down and peered to the door he took off his justice coat and put it on the bed.
„Do you drink?“ he asked over his shoulder, while unbuttoning his jacket with one hand and opening the closet with the other hand.
„Sometimes“ her throat was suddenly very dry. But she doubted alcohol would be a good idea right now. On the other hand, she really could use Adriana. Or three. But then she really wanted to keep her senses together right now.
„Good“ he put his jacket to his coat and retrieved a bottle of Sake frothed closet. „Cups are behind you“
Since he still held the bottle he pushed the nightstand with his foot between Elizabeth and the bed. At the same time he loosened his tie and threw it to jacket and coat.
„Captain, Sir, with all due respect, But I don’t think this is a good idea“ she placed the sake cups beside the bottle. At best he just didn’t want to drink alone. But even then it was unwise from a tactical point of view, if both officers got drunk. Especially at sea. She really would have preferred any place to hers right now.
„Relax“ he poured „I just want to talk about a few things“
Elizabeth did not relax. It was just too much for her. To him this maybe a comfortable setting, as he was getting cozy on his bed in a lot less informal wear. She in contrast sat in the bedroom of her captain, with whom she barely spoke since their quarrel. This may be caused partly by her getaway, but he really seemed dvery irritated. And that meant quite something by someone as composed as he seemed to be.
„About…?“ she asked carefully, when he didn’t proceed but instead took a sip of his sake. She would do so as well, but she feared her hands shook to much. So she kept them folded in her lap.
„Miscellaneous. And I want you to be completely honest.“ he waited for her to nod, until he continued „DO you know by now, why I was upset after our arrival at West Wind, or do you have any Ideas?“
„No, Captain, Sir, I don’t know“ she admitted and looked down to the sake cups introns of her on the improvised table.
„Rhino and I knew each other back from when I joined the marines“ he went on „why did you interfere?“
„I… I thought it was disrespectful that… The whole conversation, from greeting up to the attempt to undermine your authority seemed very disrespectful to me. And i thought that was a polite way to…“ she grimaced. „I‘m sorry, I never quite managed to understand the rougher conventions of friendships between men.“
„He was never fond of me“ at this words she looked up surprised „And now this expands to you. Which is why I wanted you to hold back in his or Buphagus‘ presence. Those to can be a bit particular.“
She took her cup and took a quick sip, as encouragement for the question she was about to ask. Even if she knew the alcohol was not enough and wouldn’t take effect so soon. „If I‘M allowed to ask, why are you that angry at me?“
„I‘m not. Actually I‘m quite pleased you took sides without any hesitation“
„But…“ the words stuck in her throat. She was absolutely confused, then why did he affronted her?
„Damage control“ he seemed to understand her question unspoken „He can‘t do anything to me, but he could pull rank on you. I hoped if our relationship seemed strained enough, he may forget your reaction, or may just view you as dedicated to efficiency.“
An odd way of thinking, but comprehensible. „But why haven’t you told me that sooner?“
„Why did you run from me all day?“ 
„I can‘t asses you. You barely do facial expressions, first you scold me without naming any proper reason and sent me away, and then…“  she took three deep breaths to calm herself, before meeting his eyes and continued with new resolve „I truly want to do my job here well. And that also means satisfying you. But Everything is new to me and I really don’t know, how to satisfy you.“
„Do your job. And I‘m going to regret that for sure, but ask me, if you are uncertain. I understand your need to hide that from the crew, but you really should hide anything from me.“
„All right“ she hesitated „I always thought my Pokerface wasn’t that bad, but you didn’t have any trouble to see through me“
„Some dinosaurs had an excellent sense of smell“ the corners of his mouth twitched upwards quickly.
„Huh, I didn’t knew that“ while he refilled she subtly turned her head to the side and tried to sniff herself as discreet as possible. Probably he just wanted to tell her eh could smell things like nervousness, fear and things alike, but the momentum won. 
She was not as subtle as hoped since he rushed to ease her „I didn’t want to say you have an unpleasant smell, quite the opposite-“ he froze in the middle of his sentence, when he realized what he just said and coughed exaggerated. But the slight blush on his cheek was uncommon for a coughing fit. But who was Elizabeth to note such a thing, especially since her eyes were as big as saucers. She got told she was rather pretty a few times before, but no one ever nosed at her before. if she wouldn’t have been so flustered herself, she may would have been pleased to see there were situations he lost his composure.
„So, you trained with Buphagus?“ he switched the topic, after his bad simulated coughing fit ended.
„Yes, I didn’t want something like during the arrest to repeat“ she instantly jumped to the change. The following silence was still awkward. Elizabeth let her gaze wander through the cabin. Not to actually look at it, it was still her superiors bedroom. And his private quarters were a line she actually didn’t want to cross. It was more a frantic attempt to find anything she could say. Then she remembered something that haunted the back of her mind for a while, increased due to Rhino. Acquaintances that didn’t get along were one thing, but this didn’t add up.
„Captain Drake, I don’t want to be to nosy, but can I get back to the conversation at Captain Rhino‘s office?“
„Of course“ the new change of tipoffs seemed to bring his composure back.
„It is not only what he said, but also how. And I‘ve been wondering, why all documents of me predecessor were rather … old. Is it possible, that the positions has been open for a lengthy period of time?“
She grimaced, she really didn’t want to pry but that was not the answer she hoped for „Would you elaborate that? I mean, that is nontypical…“
„Yes, but another time“ she followed his fleeting gaze to the porthole. It had really gotten dark outside. Even if she doubted that was the reason why. It was obvious, he didn’t want to talk about it right now.
„Captain, Sir, just to be sure: You are not mad at me and I can always turn to you? Especially If I‘m uncertain about my tasks or if I don’t know, what you want? Even risking to annoy you?“ she just had to make sure.
„Yes, you may do. I have to get used to not having to do everything on my own. but in return I want you to stand your ground. one of your tasks is to act as an advisor, not to suck up to me“
„This will cause me some trouble“ she smiled abashed but lifted her half empty sake cup „Here‘s to a successful cooperation“ 
„To a successful cooperation“
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latebloomerdiary · 11 months
Glow Up? Starting Over?
Ok so... Wow where do I even start.
Long story short: I suffered a wee bit of a mental break, and now I'm 27 and back living at my mom's house. I want to start over, do better, look better, and feel better.
Back Story: I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety when I was 11, and have been medicated ever since. That is until 2020. I know what a great time to stop my meds cold turkey. lmao. IDIOT.
I then landed my DREAM job. My friend told me about an opening at her company for a marketing manager. For the record, I have no college degree so this was SUPER exciting. I was working almost fully remote with my bestie/roommate and just fucked around every day and had fun. Our time was really our own at this job, we could like go to the movies in the middle of the workday if we wanted.
The depression comes in waves sometimes, and after about 7 months at this job, it got really bad. I was feeling really bad about myself. I really hated myself. I felt ugly and like I didn't deserve my job because I didn't go to school. Just a bunch of horrible horrible thoughts and self-talk.
This is where the mental break part happens. I heard about this job opportunity in another state and asked my boss if I could go part-time and fully remote. She reluctantly agreed. I basically blew up my life and moved away within a month. We broke our lease and I moved two states away.
I got to the new place and guess what? It was absolutely horrible. Everything that could possibly go wrong went wrong starting on the first day. Once I actually started my position it somehow got worse. I worked a total of 8 days there before I quit.
And so here we are: I had to move back in with my mom. My boss was not about to let me go back to full-time hours, so I could not afford a place in my old town. I had planned on staying with my mom for a while to save up to be able to move back, but I just found out my position is going away. I won't have a job as of Nov. 1.
So this brings a new challenge: find a full-time job. But starting this process of finding a new job while living with my mom kind of made me feel like I was forced to start over back at square one. That made me super fucking sad. So I decided to try and think of it differently. I decided to think of it like I get the opportunity to start over. You know?
So here's where my general goals:
(in no particular order)
Get a job
Get in better shape
Be more social
Put effort into my physical appearance
Go back to school
Get better at photography
Stop getting high so much/be more intentional with it
Go to therapy/the doctor
I'm going to use this blog to keep me accountable and to document the process. I'll update along the way!
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kimboatfloats · 2 years
I have lingering trauma from abusive workplaces. It’s hard to accept that a job has negatively affected me long after I quit. I hoped it would end when I put in my notice, but instead it has coloured every future perception of work and places of work.
Because of that job I am:
Scared that people are lying when they say they like me.
In the abusive job, I was told I was loved by the customers and assumed I got along with everyone. Then was brought into the office of a manager on a Friday and told I was the worst employee they had ever had, I was on probation, and everyone hated me. It blindsided me so badly I was horrified and confused. I mean, I started and ran potlucks. People talked about how everyone felt more kinship with one another. I joked around with the sales staff and the back room guys. I got along so well with clients they asked for me by name. I felt like I was running the front end all by myself (my coworker was lazy as hell). And then wham. Just told I was the absolute worst person ever and that they hated me. As a result, I am scared to make friends with coworkers and to get involved in social committees. I don’t want the same thing to happen again.
Scared that my work is subpar although people say it’s good.
When I started at the abusive job, there wasn’t a training manual. I basically was thrown into the deep end. As a result, I started documenting all the things I needed to know. It was for my benefit. They told me that my documentation was shit and I shouldn’t waste work time to do it. When I quit, I deleted the file. I mean, why wouldn’t I if they told me that it was shit. Because I deleted it, they said I was defacing company assets and property and used that as a reason to turn my quit into a firing. Because suddenly they wanted my training manual??? I was lucky that the woman in HR had my back and she changed my ROE back to “quit” instead of it being fired. I now second guess everything I work on because I’m worried it’s not good enough or will be later used to fire me.
Scared that I have illegitimate reasons to be upset about coworkers and their treatment of me.
So in that job, there were times that people treated me like ass. It took so much energy each day to get there, be perky, be quick and efficient and to interact with customers and coworkers. The first year it was fun. The second year (they also scammed me out of 2 weeks vacation that first year so I was exhausted because I had zero time off) people began to yell at me and treat me like absolute shit. The whole business was stressed out over dropping margins and sales. My boss was pregnant and they wanted me to cover her maternity, which I was very eager to help them out, but I would not get paid what she got paid (I know now this is scammy because they should have hired someone to cover her position, not just to make me work more). I felt really awful most of the time and worked so hard to hide it. I started antidepressants since I only had the ability to be sad at home and my home life suffered. My partner wanted me to quit long before, but I thought that it was all a me problem and if I only just worked harder to make people happy then everything would work out. I was hurt by a lot of what people said to me, how I was treated, and I just sucked it up and didn’t get mad or bring it to management. I just cried a lot on my breaks and felt depressed every day. The thing is, I should have been able to say “So and so is not working and I am covering their job” or “This sales person is forwarding all their work to me and getting the benefit of it while I do all the work” or “I am taking the brunt of the calls because the clients ask for me directly since I will check with the back to make sure the work is done.” But I couldn’t complain to anyone.
Scared to take sick days.
If I called in sick (I think I did it only a handful of times while I worked there), I didn’t get paid. I also would get called to ask me where things were. I would then have to get a doctor’s note, which cost money, and required me sitting in a clinic for 4 hours and pay a hundred bucks out of pocket. I would then have to explain my absence the next day I worked to everyone. I’d have to fix mistakes that happened because I wasn’t there. I would have to deal with my passive-aggressive coworkers who were mad that they had to cover my job (one being the person who was supposed to be doing the same job as me). And I’d get yelled at by customers because they had errors in their order while I was away. So I would be sick, exhausted, and still have to be putting out fires. So now when I’m sick, I’m so wound up that people will think I’m lying that I go in earlier than I probably should.
I can’t believe I should get paid what I’m worth.
I got paid $15 an hour to be abused. I was told I could never get a raise because I wasn’t good enough. I took all the training I could. I sold expensive machines that should have net me bonuses, but I wasn’t sales so it didn’t get anything. No matter what I was denied raises because I didn’t have what it took to get them. I’m now getting almost twice that and I feel like a crook about it. Like I am not worthy of my pay. That I will never be worthy of it. I also get an annual raise and I just… can’t believe it. I get reviews from my boss that says I’m exemplary and I’m like… he’s lying.
Because of that job , I am always afraid the shoe will drop and I will get fired for just absolutely anything. I’m scared to take sick days. I’m worried people hate me. I fear doing anything unrelated to my job (like checking websites) for fear that I will be written up.
And it’s a learning process to unlearn the trauma from it. I worked there 10 years ago, but I still feel that anxiety as if were right now. I’ve bought dialectical behaviour therapy cards that remind me that the anxiety I feel is not related to my actuality. I pull 3 a day to read whenever I start feeling the creep of fear.
I enjoy my job now. But I’m so fucking paranoid that it’s detrimental. And it’s because of that previous job. So I am always working to remind myself that I am valuable and liked and that I am good at my job. I really am. I like what I do. I find my work fun. I excel at it. And I like my coworkers.
But fuck that old job. Seriously. Fuck it.
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bluejayhaze · 2 years
hey actually ive changed my opinion on old white men and tbh if you're a creep you should fucking die. i don't care anymore. fucking choke.
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So I was being a basic bitch the other day and listening to my true crime podcasts when it occurred to me just how suspicious Nile’s “death” would look to everyone not in the Guard, leading me to a train of thought that, 2200 words later, absolutely got away from me but I can’t let go so I’m inflicting it on all of you!
To set the stage, we know the movie takes place over approximately a week. Here’s what happens to Nile from the military’s point of view:
She dies is very seriously injured
She heals without a scratch
Just before she’s supposed to be shipped out to Germany, she vanishes, leaving two men concussed (and presumably reporting being knocked out by a woman with short hair wearing civilian clothes)
She goes AWOL for several days
They get word from the CIA that she is to be reported killed in action (details unclear)
So, at the beginning of this very weird week, the USMC has to tell Nile’s family of her death critical injury. What her family was told depends on how long she was dead – a Google search tells me that family will be notified in person within 8 hours of a soldier’s death, but we don’t know how long her first death lasted. For an injury, however, they’d get a phone call to notify them and the unit would arrange for them to visit as soon as the soldier is transferred out of a combat zone. Like I remember when I was in high school, a guy from my church who was a Marine was really seriously injured in a helicopter crash in Iraq and from what I could tell, his parents were told immediately and were flown out to Germany to see him, so it stands to reason that Nile’s family would have been informed relatively quickly after her throat was slashed, one way or another.
And then, she goes AWOL. Her family would be notified while the USMC tried to figure out where she went, not least because the military would want to know if she’s contacted them. (And it’s possible that her family may have been on the way to Germany to see her since we know that’s where she was supposed to go!) So for several days:
Nile’s mom and brother have no idea where she is
They know she was seriously injured and most certainly should not have been moving around on her own
They can’t get a hold of her
The military can’t tell them anything
And the next thing they know for sure is that she was “killed in action.” After being injured and vanishing into thin air. And they presumably cannot produce her body or any concrete evidence of her death. In any case, something sketchy is going on, so they’re like. SMELLS LIKE A MILITARY COVERUP.
In a surprise to probably no one, there is a well-documented legacy of mysterious US military deaths, particularly of women of color (TW for sexual assault in these links). The cases of LaVena Johnson and Vanessa Guillenin particular have made national news because of their families’ persistence in seeking justice. Likewise, Nile is a Black woman, and her mom and brother are most certainly hypercognizant of (a) state violence against Black people and (b) these high-profile cases of suspicious military deaths. So her family are seriously side-eyeing the situation, knowing that (a) the military has a serious incentive (and a documented history) of covering up things that make them look bad and (b) nothing about Nile’s disappearance and supposed death are adding up.
And Andy’s right. Nile does come from warriors. And you know who else does? Her brother.
Don’t get me wrong. Nile’s mom would absolutely not back down. She’d know something was up and want to get to the bottom of it. But based on what I know about Gen X parents (mine), they’re not the most technologically savvy. Like they can use the internet, but they didn’t grow up with it the way we young millennials and Gen Z did. So Nile’s brother takes the lead. And what do zillennials do best?
Social media.
Nile’s brother starts going hard on any site he can, trying to get the word out to see if anyone knows what happened to his sister. He starts a Reddit thread. He starts a Facebook group. He reaches out to the media and true crime bloggers and podcasters à la Sarah Turney, getting loud and being a general nuisance in hopes of getting some answers. He gets his friends and Nile’s friends involved. Maybe eventually Dizzy, Jay, and others from Nile’s unit hear about it and reach out, telling him what they saw and how weird it all was. He’s drumming up interest, and soon “Nile Freeman” becomes a household name (at least among the true crime fans).
Copley is, of course, trying his best, but at this point there is just so much that it’s impossible for him to scrub everything. Sure, he can erase new footage of Nile and the Guard, but what can he do about Reddit threads and podcast episodes that are speculating something weird has happened? Maybe he could hack the sites and shut those things down, but honestly, that’s the last thing he’d want to do, because that only adds weight to the theory that Nile’s disappearance is a military coverup. So eventually he has to tell Andy what’s going on.
Andy, obviously, does not take the news well. However, she is also completely computer illiterate, because that’s Booker’s job and he’s the only one who ever bothered to learn what the internet is in any meaningful way. (She probably calls Booker for advice, and for the record, I think Booker would have no qualms about shutting down conspiracy threads, tinhats be damned, but Copley is too concerned about the consequences. He’s ex-CIA for crying out loud, he knows how it’ll look if they scrub every mention of Nile’s name from the internet.) Maybe she confers with Joe and Nicky but, let’s be honest, they’d be equally unhelpful. So at this point, she knows they have to bring in Nile.
But the thing about Nile is that she, too, knows how to use the internet (duh). Aside from her being a young millennial/digital native, we know from the cave scene where she’s giving Booker suggestions on how to track Copley that she clearly is even more computer savvy than the average person. And for that reason she almost definitely took over the day-to-day tech stuff after Booker’s exile. So I think it would be foolish to expect her to be unaware of what’s happening. She’s not contacting her family or posting on the message boards or anything, but she knows what’s up. So Copley and the team probably sit her down to “break the news,” but we know the girl does not have a poker face (see: literally shooting herself in the foot and not being able to play it cool whatsoever) and cracks immediately, telling them she’s seen everything about her case – she’s not interacting with any of it, she certainly didn’t instigate anything, but she knows. (And she is so goddamn proud of her brother.)
At this point, I’d like to pause and consider Nile’s role in the overall narrative of this movie. She’s set up as a foil to Andy, obviously, but she’s also a foil to Booker. Booker, who, like Andy, is a serious pessimist, but who, unlike Andy, still has very fresh memories and trauma associated with being the new kid, which have destroyed him. In his mind (and Andy’s), if Nile communicates with her family, she’ll become just like him in a century or two – bitter, alone, and stuck with her grief and memories of watching her family die and knowing they died resenting her. It’s a small sample size, but this is the only experience they have to go off of.
But it doesn’t have to be like that.
There’s been a lot of discussion of TOG being a fundamentally queer movie – a group of people brought together because of something inherent about themselves that is different, that must be hidden, that causes others to hate, fear, and reject them. Booker’s backstory is the archetypal traumatic “coming out” story – his family learns who he is, hate him for it, and attempt to cast him out of their lives. He’s stuck with his trauma, his pain, his loss, and it consumes him.
But what if Nile’s family would be the opposite? What if her “coming out” to them as immortal is met with acceptance, love, celebration? What if her family is just overjoyed to have her back, and they don’t care what the circumstances are? I'm reminded of this incredible post from @shitty-old-guard-deaths a while back, where Nile’s mother hits Booker with a frying pan because “my baby let me believe she was dead for FIVE YEARS based on your bad advice???” (which may or may not have inspired this whole tangent). Nile takes the advice of someone who did the same thing she wants to do because she doesn’t want to risk her family’s rejection. She wants the good memories with her family and is afraid that showing them her true self will bring her unbearable pain, forever replacing those memories. But, with high risk comes high reward.
Anyway. Nile and the team are trying to come up with a plan for how to handle this whole thing, but she’s not really participating because she’s too afraid to hope. Until finally, quickly, so she doesn’t lose her nerve, she suggests she reach out to them, knowing that, realistically, that’s the only solution before things snowball even further out of control. The team is shocked, but realize that she has a point. They decide that Copley should actually be the first point of contact, posing as a US government official to talk with them and test the waters.
So Copley goes to Nile’s family’s house to talk with her mom and brother. They’re probably distrustful and apprehensive, but nonetheless secretly ecstatic that their work has paid off. They talk and review all of the information that they’ve collected, including testimonials from the people on Nile’s base and recent sightings (along with photos) of Nile (with the same three people) over the last few years that people have sent them but they haven’t posted publicly. At this point, Copley’s like, yeah this is about to blow up, we gotta put our cards on the table. He convinces them to come with him to some safe house/black site/whatever he can get that is technologically impenetrable (I’m picturing them in like, an interrogation room at a police station kind of deal), takes their phones, locks the doors, and brings in Nile.
What follows is the most delightful reunion scene of all time, bringing Joe, Nicky, and even Andy to tears as they watch and listen from outside the room. With Copley’s help, Nile tells her mom and brother about her immortality and what’s been going on since she died (within reason, of course), and they are thrilled. They don’t understand why (because no one does) but they don’t question it and they see it as a gift from God – she’s been resurrected, she will live, and she has a purpose. Her mother and brother are so happy to see her again and are willing to agree with pretty much anything to stay in her life as long as they can.
So. They set up some complicated agreement (they bring in the other three for support/intimidation as needed) setting the terms of their relationship. They swear Nile’s family to secrecy, maybe bringing up the lab to show how high the stakes are, and they readily agree. They come up with some cover story for Nile’s brother to share on the message boards (maybe that the government has opened an investigation but because it’s an open case he has to shut it all down? Tells people to direct their tips somewhere else? Something to that effect). There’s still speculation, of course, but without Nile’s brother at the helm providing the energy, the hype dies down as news stories are wont to do without any movement. And Nile’s family goes to work for the team. The experience has taught them that Copley can’t possibly do everything himself, especially when it comes to social media, so Nile’s brother takes the lead on the day-to-day tracking/social media while Copley and her mom focus on finding jobs and scrubbing their traces afterward.
So there you have it: Nile gets to integrate her biological family into her found family and spend the rest of their lives with them as it should be, Copley gets some badly needed help managing the reality of social media, the team finally has a positive narrative surrounding outsiders Knowing About Them AND about interacting with people from their previous life, and the audience gets the happy ending to this very lovely and very queer story to counteract the pain associated with Booker’s family.
Plus, you know, I’m a sucker for both a good government conspiracy theory and for Nile getting every good thing she deserves.
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babyyweebbitch · 3 years
Heyo! If you want, could you please write something about Jill with a female s/o who just failed a job interview and she's really sad about it and Jill tries to comfort her?
Thank you 💓
sure! thank you for your request! <3 also i apologise for this taking so long; i thought i was gonna be able to finish this in like an hour or two but it took two days(??)
she/her pronouns used when referring to the reader
“example” — jill talking
“example” — you talking
“example” — interviewer talking
jill valentine
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1:37 pm…
it was wednesday afternoon and it was the day of your job interview — jill was just as excited about this as you were. as you got ready for your interview you finished any final details to your light makeup, put your hair in a high and neat ponytail and fixed your outfit. you ended up buying a very professional looking outfit and pair of shoes just for this day
you stared at yourself in the mirror as your girlfriend came up behind you and leaned on the doorframe “there she is — looking just as beautiful as always… you exited?” jill cooed as she went up to you to fix your collar and your jacket with a smile on her face.
“heh… more like nervous — if i get this job we are practically set…” you told her — this job you were referring too was a very well paying job that’s very hard to get into. it was one of those ‘once in a life time opportunity’ type things “you’re gonna do great, drink some water before you get there!” she told you as you walked past her to grab your car keys, bag and your folder with all your important documents inside. before you left you and your girlfriend kissed each other goodbye ans she gave your butt a playful smack as you left
after about a thirty minute drive you finally arrived at the place your interview was at, you walked into and told the person at the desk you had an interview and they directed you to the back where your interviewer sat writing on some papers
“oh hello there! i’m sarah, you must be y/n?” the woman asked as she immediately stood up to shake your hand with a smile on her face
“yes! how are you today?” you asked as you took a seat and you placed you bag with your documents in the free chair beside you
“very well, you ended up coming early but that’s not a problem — we can just get started right now” she said then the interview officially began. after about an hour she placed her pen on the desk and looked at you. you felt your heart drop once she gave you that look. one of two things was about to happen, she was gonna say you’re hired and can start soon or she can say you’re not hired and wish you luck
“y/n, i regret to tell you but you are not hired. i am very sorry but i do wish you luck in the future” she said in a disappointed tone. you did everything in your power to hold your tears back so you took a drink of water
“oh …. okay“ was all you could let out at that moment. you started to gather your things and stand up, you shook the lady’s hand, wished her a good day before you both parted ways. you couldn’t even call jill about this, you didn’t want to tell her over the phone so you just got in the car and started driving home in silence
jill got worried since she knew your interview must have been over by now. after another thirty minute drive you arrived home, the key in the door made jill stand up from her sitting position on the couch ready to hear good news, you opened the door and basically slithered your way inside, dropped your bag on the floor and walked past jill to your shared bedroom.
“baby…?” she followed behind you and watched you plop on the bed and start sobbing “baby oh no!” jill rushed to you side, sat you up and held you as you cried into her arms. one arm wrapped around your frame and the other rubbed the back of your head as she rocked back and forth with you. she could tell you didn’t get the job, she just didn’t wanna bring it up right now
“i…. i didnt —“ you started
“i can tell… i can tell honey” she said softly, after a few minutes of staying like that you finally calmed down and there were only little sniffles coming from you. she lifted your face a bit so you can look at her and saw your mascara was running down your cheeks
“awe your makeup” she jokingly said to make you laugh and it worked, you giggled as you wiped your eyes
“i’m sorry i didn’t get the job…. i—“ jill was quick to sush you and cup your cheeks in both her hands
“no — don’t be sorry. there will be plenty of job opportunities in the future that pay just as well as that one. don’t ever apologise for something you can’t control. whoever did that interview didn’t see how good of a worker you are” she said which made you start to tear up a little bit. she stood up and helped you stand as well “let me get you a shower started and get you all cleaned up so we have the rest of the day to ourselves” she proposed as she helped you up and got you some new clothes. she helped you take your makeup off and start your shower. once she knew you were inside she went to the kitchen to start making you and her snacks for the afternoon
after about twenty minutes of you being in the shower you finally got out, dried off and got dressed. you left your hair down since you really didn’t have the energy to do it right now. once you entered the living room you saw jill sitting on the couch with a drink in her hand and snacks on the coffee table waiting for you. with a grin on your face you snuggled up against your girlfriend and began the movie with her
jill knew this wasn’t much but it was enough to make her queen happy
- end -
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disclaimer: i do not own or claim to own Resident Evil or Jill valentine. this is simply a fan writing for entertainment purposes only.
© do not plagiarise or steal any writing by babyyweebbitch 
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rose-9906 · 2 years
Finding Dream
Chapter Three - The Visits
Words - 983
Notes - Hope you Enjoy. :)
Photo Credit To Owner
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It’s been almost a week since I awoke from my supposed coma, and I’m slowly remembering certain things, like where my previous apartment was and where I worked. I had a dog/cat named [Pet’s Name]. I was on my way to my mother’s funeral, and was running late, which is why I didn't have my license, why I was speeding, why I was almost killed, and why I was all alone. My mother was my last relative alive. So all my stuff was gone, [Pet’s Name] was gone. Everything and everyone was gone. I still don’t remember everything, like I didn't remember how old I was or my middle name until they told me. I am slowly learning to walk and chew again, and I’m allowed to roam the hospital. My savings is covering everything so far, and I got things like my ID/drivers license, and bank account information back. I don’t know exactly what's going to happen to me yet. How am I going to be able to get an apartment or job?  I’m currently ignoring all of these problems and eating a cup of jello in my hospital room, while reading a book. All of a sudden a shadow appears in front of me, and a dark figure is standing there. “Hello?” I call out in a shaky voice.
“[Name], I’ve found you, at last, you can come home now” The figure moves closer, stepping into the faint light of the lamp beside my bed. 
“Morpheus?” I question, “No, you were-are a dream. This is all in my head. How-How are you-” He cuts me off.
“My love, While I am dream I am most certainly real. Who has told you all of this?” He holds his hand up to hold my face but puts it back down when I flinch away.
“No, I’m recovering, you shouldn’t be here.” I say. My mind is starting to question what's real and what is not. Before I can ask, Morpheus is surrounded by some kind of magic. The last thing I hear from him is a faint “No” before he is completely gone. “Morpheus?” I look around, almost expecting him to be somewhere else in the room, but he is nowhere to be found. “See,” I say to myself, “you are recovering.”
It’s been so long since that night. I’ve learned that I don't grow old, I’m basically immortal. One of my neighbors comes by every so often with a basket, usually full of treats or flowers. I don’t think I ever learned her name now that I’m thinking about it. I’ve moved into a nice little cottage and have a job at a library in a small town. I’ve also been writing in my spare time, I’ve never shared my stories with anyone though. My cottage is on the edge of the forest, surrounded by many, many flowers. I like to go for long walks in the woods to help clear my head and give me ideas. Sometimes I’ll bring my notebook or my laptop to write things that pop into my head. Today I’m strolling through the woods, on the usual path, when a faint memory comes back to me. I’m struggling to remember if it really happened or not. It’s from when I was in the hospital, there was a man. He was dressed in all black, you could see the whole galaxy in his eyes. His coat seemed to float around him, as if it wasn't really a coat at all. He was trying to tell me something… Oh well, it was probably just a part of my imagination. I come upon an old tree in a small clearing. It’s a willow tree, and it has resided here as long as I can remember. I duck down under its branches and sit against its trunk. I pull my laptop from my basket, along with my bottle of water and  small apple pastry. I pull up a blank document and begin to write. I write wonderful stories about a girl, living in a castle with a strange man. She loves him very much, and they talk very little in each other's presence. They live in unison, like they are meant to be together, like they are soulmates, each from a different star, so far yet so close. The more I write, the more I come up with. The words flow through my mind as if they were always there. Like I had really lived this and I was just waking up from a coma. Wouldn't that be ironic, I think to myself, I was in a coma. I slowly start to drift off into my imagination and without realizing it I have fallen asleep. I’m leaning against something, or someone. I inch closer, not wanting to break the contact. I look out, I’m still in the same spot under the willow tree, but something feels different, off. I look to my side, where I see a man. He is wearing all black, ang looks like he hasn't slept in ages. “Dream?” I say, looking into the tall figures eyes
“I’m sorry my love, I cannot stay, but I will be back for you, I promise.” He holds my chin up with his fingers. They feel cold, like they’ve come out of a freezer, awaiting something warm. I slowly reach up and lightly wrap my hands around his. I hold both his hands in my lap, trying my best to keep as much warmth on them as I can. He looks in my eyes for a moment before leaning over and giving me a slow, warm kiss. His lips are cold, yet he makes me feel so warm.
“I’ll be back, I promise.” and with that, he's gone. And now is when I start to question, have I been recovering from a coma, or have I been in one?
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tricksters-captain · 4 years
Benny Watts/The Queens Gambit imagines - From Pawn to Pen Part 1
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AN: So I watched the Queens Gambit in one day and I am officially obsessed with it. And how dare it bring back my crush on Thomas Brodie Sangster... Due to this... Have a fanfic...
Overall Summary: You’re a young journalist for Chess Review, with a love for chess and a desire for knowledge. One day at a tournament, you come across the famous Benny Watts...
Pairing(s): Benny Watts x reader
Word Count: 2,504
Warnings: (I know nothing about chess except what the show taught me so bare that in mind), none really
Another state, another tournament. 
Your work had you travel round to even the smallest of Chess Tournaments to try and get the dirt on up and coming chess players or already existing champions. 
You inhaled the familiar smell of a hotel lobby, taking in your surroundings as people bustled about the place. 
It was one of the bigger tournaments fortunately and so you were hoping to run into some champions which tend to give you better pages which equals better pay. 
You walked up to the front desk, your eyes scanning the small tables as far as the eye could see where chess boards were being studied in case you recognised any chess players. 
You did but they were all the standard normies that showed their faces at these events. No one noteworthy yet. 
“Can I help you?” The slim man behind the desk with slicked back red hair flashed you a toothy smile as he greeted you. 
“(Y/n)(Y/l/n).” You introduced yourself and the man soon flicked through his booking sheets to find your reservation. 
“Room 209. If you just head down this hall to the elevators, it’s on the second floor.” The man pointed towards the elevators where you managed to spot the flash of bright auburn hair entering one of them. 
Beth Harmon. 
You smiled with relief as you started to sew the piece in your head already. 
“Thank you.” You took the key and made your way down to elevators. 
As the elevator door dinged open, some commotion by the entrance of the lobby caught your attention. 
The peak of leather through the crowd told you who it was. 
Benny Watts. 
Even better. You now had two top chess players you could focus on. 
You decided to let the celebrity champion settle into his hotel before you mobbed him as a journalist and you also needed to freshen up after travelling. 
You travelled so much that you barely bothered with your apartment. It was mostly rented out to other people besides holidays like Christmas where you actually could return home. 
Everything you had was basically in two large suitcases which you dragged across the United States and Europe following chess players around. 
You mainly liked travelling around Europe. You previously worked for a Parisian chess magazine but this year you took an offer to work for Chess Review which brought you back to the states. 
You had mostly done smaller tournaments all year round so hadn’t had the pleasure in meeting Benny Watts or Beth Harmon yet. 
Benny Watts had been one of the biggest names in chess for years now and Beth Harmon was a rapid rising star. 
You knew this would be your big break in Chess Review to stop being handed the small tournaments and to document the important ones like the US Open. 
You opened the door to your hotel room and smiled when you saw how nice it actually was. 
You had stayed in some crap holes recently. 
You dumped your suitcases to one side and immediately turned on the shower so you could relax your cramped muscles and feel a bit cleaner.
You undressed and let the hot water cascade down your back, covering your hair and face as you tipped your head backwards. 
You took your time in there before getting out and blow drying your hair. 
By the time you had washed, done your hair and make up again; it was time to pick a dress for the evening so you could go get something to eat. 
You went for your favourite navy blue skirt and cream sweater, both hugged you nicely but were still modest, before slipping on some shoes. 
You took a small purse to put your room key in and then left for the restaurant/bar that was in the hotel.
The restaurant was filled with chess players and spectators all buzzing with excitement about this weekend. 
You managed to find a small table away from the majority of the hustle and tucked yourself away with your notepad. 
You liked being a fly on the wall most of the time. You enjoyed observing, studying and learning about people. ‘People watching’ as some would call it. 
The waiter brought over the cocktail you had ordered along with some grapes, cheese and crackers to munch on. 
After writing some of the thoughts down that came to you in the shower, you looked up to see who was around you. 
There was no sign of Beth Harmon which wasn’t unusual as she was known for practising in her room before tournaments. 
You scanned the groups before your eyes stopped on him. Benny Watts. 
His slick blonde hair fell slightly by his eye, his hat on his lap as he talked to the surrounding fans and admirers. 
The man loved talking about himself and loved talking about Chess even more. 
You watched him for a moment, the way his eyes were alight as he laughed amongst his peers. 
Benny must've felt someone was watching him because a second later, his eyes met yours for a brief moment. 
You looked down and pretended to write something down as Benny turned his chin this time to look at you again. 
You were used to being invisible and in that moment you felt extremely seen. 
However, the man didn’t move from his chair or even look another time after that. 
You popped a grape in your mouth before taking a large sip of your drink. You’d have to talk to him tomorrow and you knew that but for the first time, you actually felt the bubbles of nerves rise in stomach.
“May I buy you a drink?” A voice brought you from your thoughts and you looked up to see Henry Cavilla, one of the regular American chess players whom you believed you’d seen only two months before in Denver. 
“I’m fine, thank you.” You declined politely but the man sat down anyway, joining you at your table. 
“I insist.” Henry’s smile spread widely on his lips as he waved a waiter over. “I saw you in Denver. You’re a journalist, am I right?” 
“Yes. For Chess Review.” You had to hide your irritation at his boldness.
“How long you been doing that?” The man asked, 
“Well I’ve been a journalist for three years, but I’ve only been at Chess Review for 6 months.” You admitted honestly as the man ordered two drinks for the table. 
“What’s a beautiful girl like you doing reporting on chess? Thought you’d be more into what Beth Harmon was wearing than her Sicilian defence.” 
“I could ask you a similar thing? What’s a mediocre, chino wearing, middle aged   misogynist doing at a chess tournament where Beth Harmon and Benny Watts are playing?” You couldn’t help but let the words slip out of your mouth, slapping the man right round the face. 
You watched the man’s smile drop following a small burst of laughter echoing through the restaurant. 
Your head snapped round to see it was Benny Watts laughing, staring directly at your table. He must’ve heard what you said despite the rest of the restaurant noise. 
“Listen here, sweetheart, you’re just a skirt hired to keep your boss man happy and to fuck the chess players into a one page interview so you can get your paycheck to fund your morning after pill from planned parenthood and buy yourself some clean panties you’d sooner have off anyways.” You hit a nerve with what you said and he seemed to hit one right back.   
You threw the two new drinks in the mans face, causing most of the restaurant to stop and stare at the commotion as he jumped to his feet to retaliate. 
You snatched your notebook and fled the scene before anything worse could happen or you get thrown out of the tournament all together. 
You fell back onto your bed, kicking your shoes off as you did. 
It wasn’t unusual for men to be putting you down, especially in the chess world and the journalist world but tonight you just weren't having any of it. 
You groaned as you pushed your hair out of your face, replaying the event in your head. The way everyone stared after you threw the drinks in his face. 
You did not need to be the centre of attention this weekend. 
You put yourself to bed with the television playing so you could stop scolding yourself in your head and distract yourself to finally get some sleep. 
The next morning you woke up early, getting ready quickly and making sure you had everything you needed for a full day of reporting. 
You skipped breakfast, only taking a black coffee before you entered the battle field.
The chess boards were still being set up and from across the room you spotted the familiar hair colour that belonged to Beth Harmon. 
“Beth? Beth Harmon?” You crossed the room to greet her. “I’m (Y/n)(Y/l/n) from Chess Review. I was wondering if I could get an opening statement before the tournament goes ahead this weekend?” You asked politely, trying your best not to attack her verbally this early in the morning, 
“Uh, of course. I’m feeling very confident this weekend that I’ll quickly rise to the top, concluding the tournament opposite Benny Watts.” Beth admitted, 
“Are you scared of Benny Watts?” You asked, 
“Scared? No. I am merely curious to see how our game goes.” Beth admits. 
“Well, good luck, Beth. I hope to catch up with you sometime this weekend for a brief interview of how you play your games if you don’t mind?” You asked politely, silently begging she’d say yes. 
“I’ll speak with you tomorrow night. It’ll be the middle of the tournament so there’ll be plenty to talk about.” Beth was extremely nice in offering her time and you took it gratefully. 
You left the girl to her own company and returned to the lobby where you could see a crowd already gathering. 
“Mr Watts.” You spotted the leather jacket and hat as the man entered the breakfast room. 
The man turned when he heard his name being called across the lobby and you quickly jogged to catch up to him. 
“You’re the girl from last night who put Henry Cavilla in his place?” Benny Watts smirked at you as he recalled the previous nights events. 
“Um.” You felt your cheeks flush in embarrassment. “I was just wondering if I could get a statement before the tournament began?” 
“You’re a reporter?” Benny cocked his eyebrow at you, his eyes scanning you up and down shamelessly. 
“Yes. For Chess Review.” You informed him. 
“Follow me.” Benny nodded his head sideways towards the table he was heading to and you did as you were told. 
“I was wondering how you were feeling about this weekend and possibly going up against Beth Harmon?” You asked as you sat yourself down opposite the man. 
“I won’t be possibly going up against Beth Harmon. I fully expect to be going up against her. Out of everyone here, she is the only person I see as potential competition.” Benny admitted, picking up his knife and fork as his breakfast was set down on the table. 
“Are you sure there’s no one else? Harry Beltik went into his tournament in Kentucky assuming no one but Cullen was any competition to him and yet Beth Harmon came along.” You stated, jotting down some notes to avoid watching the man eat. 
“Well then, they’ll just have to surprise me.” His eyes locked onto yours when he spoke. His lip just edging into a smirk. 
“Thank you for your statement.” You felt your stomach flip and you jumped to your feet, gathering your things. 
“Would you not like a full interview or was the three sentence statement enough?” Benny cocked his head round as you began to leave. 
“It was four, actually.” You corrected him, tapping your notepad with your pen. 
The man huffed out a short chuckle. 
“I’d be grateful for an interview later on this weekend, Mr Watts, if you don’t mind?” 
“I’ll find you when I’m ready.” Benny told you and from the look in his eyes, that’s what he really meant. 
The day went by quicker than expected, it was impossible to watch every game of the day so you watched Beth’s and Benny’s and you filled yourself in with the plays of any others that would make good press. 
You loved watching the game being played, you always tried to predict the outcome and 9 times out of 10 you got it correct except with Beth Harmon and Benny Watts.
They surprised you and it was thrilling to watch. You admired Harmon’s intuition and her attacks. Watts had always been an interesting watch all through his career but you’d only seen him play a handful of times in person before today.
In the evening, you received a call from the big bosses asking how everything was going. 
“I have an interview set up with Beth Harmon and Benny Watts.” You told them with confidence. 
“Good girl. Now get those interviews done quickly and send me a draft as soon as you can.” Your boss ordered before ending the call. 
You sighed, running a hand over your tired face. 
You picked up the bottle of wine you had in a metal cooler to see it was empty. Room service had taken so long to bring it up previously, you decided to just slip your slippers on and head down to the bar to get one final glass of wine before bed. 
You were wearing a nightie so you pulled a coat on over the top in case you bumped into anyone.
As you walked down the hall, you could hear the familiar voice of Benny Watts behind you. 
He was spewing some chess facts to whoever he was with as he walked. 
You peaked behind your shoulder to see he was heading to his room which was three doors up from yours. 
He spotted you too. 
You went into the elevator to head down to the bar. 
The bar was still busy despite the time and you had to wait for your wine. 
You took the glass and returned to your room. 
Your eyes couldn’t help but linger on the hotel room of Mr Benny Watts as you thought of tomorrows games. 
“You’re not stalking me, are you?” Benny startled you as he came up from behind. 
“Jesus...” You gasped, spinning round to face him. 
“Trying to get the dirt on who I’m sleeping with?” The man cocked his eyebrow, his hands tucked in his tight jeans. 
“Seems like the other way round since you keep appearing behind me.” You referred to earlier. 
“Maybe you just like being in my way?” You couldn’t deny that Benny Watts, the Benny Watts, was flirting with you right now. 
“Goodnight Mr Watts. Good luck tomorrow.” You gripped your door handle tightly. 
“Please, call me Benny.” 
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honeyhenry · 4 years
Homeward Bound
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A/N: This was NOT meant to be this long...but I was inspired and now we have this... dad!Syverson....you can thank me later :)
Warnings: army-related talk, labour, fluff (because i rue the day I actually write anything other than that)
After an honourable stint, Captain Syverson had finally finished up his active duty in the army, having chosen now to spend his life devoted and committed to you. While every second week he had to make a daily 45 minute commute up the road to train newbies needing a boot up their asses to prepare for the realities of war, Sy was able to come home to you just in time for dinner every evening. He got the best of both worlds, earning a solid pay with training up new recruits, and having the ability to make good on those promises he made you way back before he told you that the next tour would be his last.
He had kept his first promise within a month of him returning for good - giving you a shiny ring that he’d had the deposit down on for as long as he can remember. That was his most nerve-wracking promise to keep, even though you’d assured him no matter what, the answer would always be a “yes”. His second promise was also signed, sealed, and delivered within weeks of his return, most likely conceived in celebration of your engagement.
That promise had stuck with you a little more than the first; “Gonna put a baby in ya, peach. Can promise ya that I’m ready for wantin that with ya.”
Sy had arrived home in October, and there you were, round and ready to pop at the end of the following August.
During your labour on that warm summer’s day, he’d been gritting it out right beside you, clutching your hand and holding your half full cup of ice chips, using his best Captain voice in offering encouragement. Between contractions you had cried, screeched, and panicked. It had seemed Sy had given you the big baby he had been so certain of.
“Your baby’s too big Syv, it hurts so much...”
“Peach believe me, if I could I’d take all this pain for ya I would” he had comforted you, knowing by making eye contact that he meant every word. You had relaxed momentarily at the love you held for him, before the pain hit again leaving you crying and screaming once more.
And then Captain Syverson heard the words that he detests, typically uttered from his soldiers in the base camps or training rounds. 
“I can’t...”
It’s a cowards way of thinking, a poor outlook on life, and it makes the entire side weak because of one weak link. It angers him to no end, and he usually ends up heading off alone to clear his head. But not when it’s you
“I can’t do it, Sy...”
You’re the strongest person he knows, pushing out a brand new Syverson into the world with minimal medication and a steely determination for the past 14 hours. You’re no coward, and you’re by no means weak. He’s had men on his side who haven’t blinked in the face of adversity and terrorism, and yet here you were, stronger than the lot of them in every way.
“Yeah you can, peach. Ya think I’d put my baby in any ol’ fool? No it’s you, ‘cause you’re the strongest woman I know. C’mon now, let’s have us a baby.”
And then you did it, almost an hour later and she’s earth-side. As the sun had set on the last day of a sweltering August, it is as though the room cools to a warm breeze, the world stopping in its tracks as you birth your sweet baby Syverson, born in the first minutes of a new September. She’s all yours, and when the doctor announced above the primal, wild screams that “it’s a girl!” you’d looked to Sy, watching him as he cried. It was just a couple of tears, and he won’t admit that they happened, but it sure as hell doesn’t make him any less proud.
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You’ve only been cooped up in the room for 24 hours, and while you and baby Syverson have been cared for and helped with the basics (along with you receiving a substantial amount of pain relief), Sy wanted you and his baby girl home so that he could be the one to take care of you both; plump your pillows, fetch you cups of tea, burp the baby, dote on her endlessly. All within the quiet, cosy home you’d made together over the past years and months. Pictures lined the walls, featuring happy memories including your courthouse wedding that had been planned and occurred within a week of knowing about baby Sy. Your big gruff man just couldn’t take not having you as his wife, especially when you were carrying his child.
There’d also been a picture of the sonogram taped to the fridge in your quaint little kitchen, courtesy of Sy wanting to see the baby each morning before heading to work, or while he cooked you a warm breakfast. It’s as though he didn't keep updated pictures in his wallet and in his truck, right next to a beautiful picture of you. From your first sonogram with “SYVERSON” printed at the top, Sy loved to see his growing family, and always taped the newest scan picture right on top, using the same piece of tape he’d just found laying around one afternoon. Now, after plenty of pictures taken on his phone, he was going to update the fridge once more to feature a picture of the little pink squish with big bug eyes and a smattering of dusty brown hair. Maybe he’ll add some new tape, too.
Now three Syversons would live in this home, where old caps, worn from war and still grimy after a couple of washes, lay around the house, and where a still somewhat-tinged green Aika would roam freely - except on the bed. Sy was adamant that Aika never jumped or slept on the marital bed. That was his place, with his woman. The wooden interior and cosy fireplace that Sy himself had built, made it an even more homely and special place for you both to live. The perfect place out in the country to raise your girl. 45 minutes from Sy’s work, 15 to the local school. It was a dream, and now it had come true, as you watch him lift your princess into the baby carrier, fastening her in and watching her little pouty face as he removes his large, warm hands that you know she must adore being held by already.
He’s so glad that he can now take you both home. He insists on carrying both the baby carrier and the hospital bag from the past few days as you both leave the room where your girl entered the world, now entering the real world and all the opportunities she would have out there to explore. Since you don’t have to lift a thing, you just get to watch the sweet view of the “scary” Captain Sy check things off mentally to make sure you've brought everything.
“As long as we bring the baby home, I think we’ll be okay” you grin, and he blinks out of his organised, battle-ready mindset for a moment, remembering that this wasn’t some covert operation. This was a big deal, but one that is exciting and new and as Sy turns to look at his daughter again, it seems he’s already forgotten how tiny she is. She’s wrapped up, but Sy insists that he wraps the carrier with his flannel top, protecting the baby from both the sun, and any chill that pierces the air. He can’t resist a final little peek into the baby carrier as you sign the final documents to discharge you both from the hospital. You even hear him talk to your sweet girl, having one of their first little talks together.
“i’ll show ya a real home, just wait. Nun’a this bright light and doctors nonsense. Got a crib with your name on it ya can be all cosy in. Built it myself while Momma watched. You are gonna be so loved up with her, she is everything sweet in the world. Just like you princess.”
“I thought i was your princess?” you interrupt him and...is that a blush you see mark his cheeks? If only his men knew the state you could get the great Captain Syverson into, and most likely that your baby girl will be able to as well.
“You’ve been promoted peach, after all that giving birth to her, you’re a queen among peasants. I got two number 1 gals now. Gotta be ya knight in shinin’ armour.”
All the war torn memories, the killing, and the violence from his past, doesn’t mean a thing. It baffles him to this day - he still doesn't know how he’s ended up with two slices of heaven in you and your baby girl, but he’s selfish and he’s keeping you all for himself.
“You can be a Captain to your men but you’re our King, Sy. I know you’ll always protect us, and she’ll grow up knowing that too. Now come on. Let’s get her out of here. Lead the way Daddy?” you grin, watching as he proudly marches through the doors of the ward with a tight grip on the baby carrier, while the bag is slung over his shoulder.
The rest of his life with you and baby Syverson, just waiting on the other side.
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taglist: @seriouslygoodlookinggents @ohmygoodie 
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ray-ray-writings · 4 years
Visiting Hemlock-Dream
This is a Dream x gn!reader in the dreamsmp! Small thing, hemlock is another type of poison. It is actually the poison that the Greek philosopher Socrates was forced to consume after he was found guilty in his trail. 
Masterlist here
This is a part two to Sweet as Cyanide (here), so if you haven’t read that yet you can check it out . Don’t worry. I’ll wait…..
All good? Okay here we go!
Y/N is finally able to visit Dream in prison. 
“Are you sure about this? You know no one would blame you if you never wanted to see him again,” Niki questioned, a soft hand resting on my shoulder. I had to force myself not to roll my eyes and scoff. Instead, I settled for a fake shy smile and a small head nod, “I know Nik. But I really want to see him. I know I shouldn’t but I can’t help it,” I explained, hoping desperately she would leave it at that. Niki gave me a pitiful smile as she nodded, giving my arm a tight squeeze. “I know what you mean… I’ll be right here when you get out,” She assured, wrapping her arms around me in a quick hug before taking a few steps back. “Thanks Niki. I’ll see you in a bit,” I claimed softly before turning toward the prison. I took a deep breath before making my way to the entrance. 
I let out a deep breath as I reached up and pressed the button, letting Sam know I was there. A noise sounded letting me know I could enter and pass through the grid. I was greeted by Sam at his desk.  “Hey Y/N” Sam greeted me, holding a stack of papers. “Hey Sam,” I greeted back, my eyes scanning around the place. “This looks really nice,” I complimented the warden on his build. “Thank you!” He beamed, handing the papers he held to me. “These are just waiver you need to sign. They basically say that you release the prison from all responsibility if you get hurt and that that responsibility falls on the prisoner you are visiting.” He explained, handing me a pen. I hummed and quickly scanned the documents before signing them. 
Sam quickly took them and tucked them away in his desk before standing up and moving out from behind the desk. “Alright. We’re good to move on.” I followed him out of the room and into a room full of chests. “Please put all your things in this chest here,” He asked, motioning to a chest near the door. I gave him a nod before quickly emptying my inventory. Once I was done, I turned and proved to Sam that there was nothing left on my person. Sam gave me a smile and a nod before we moved on once more. 
My excitement grew as we walked down the path I had only been down once before. My hands seemed to shake at the sight of the lava wall that hid my boyfriend from my view. “Hey, if you’re too nervous to do this, you can turn back around. You don’t have to see him,” Sam comforted, placing a gentle hand on my shoulder. He was taking my excitement as nerves… good. I took a deep breath and gave him a shy smile, “I’m okay Sam, really. I want to see him,” I assured the tall man. “Okay… Do you want me to stay here with you or go back to the cams?” Sam questioned, still unsure if he should leave me alone with ‘the monster’. “You can go watch on the cams. I’ll be fine, even if something were to happen you could be back here in a flash,” I claimed with a small smile. 
Sam gave me a small nod, “Alright, here you go.” Sam reached over to the wall and pressed the button that controlled the lava. Slowly, the lava stopped falling, revealing my love. I felt my breath catch in my throat at the sight of the blonde boy that had my whole heart. The iron bars fell allowing me free access to Dream. Sam gave me a pat on the back before he disappeared out the door. 
I wasted no more time and ran to Dream. A smile, a real smile, formed on his face as I raced toward him. Our bodies crashed together with the swift motion, my arms wrapping around his neck, his around my waist. I squeezed him tightly as I buried my face in his neck. I couldn’t help the tears that fell from my eyes and onto his skin. “I missed you so much bub,” I cried into his neck. “Shhh, love,” he murmured, rubbing one hand up and down my back, holding me close. 
“I missed you too. I’ve been so lonely here. I’ve missed your sweet words, your gorgeous face. I miss waking up next to you every morning. I love you so much,” he muttered into my ear, pressing a kiss to my temple. His words shocked me a bit. Yes, I love Dream and he loves me, but he almost never acted like this. “I’ve missed everything about you. I miss your kisses and cuddles. I miss the way you’d threaten everyone for even looking at me in the wrong way. I’ve missed going to sleep next to you, cuddling and waking up the same way. I love you so much too,” I muttered back. 
Dream pulled away slightly, just enough to face me before crashing his lips into mine. My eyes fluttered closed as I completely melted into the kiss and into my boyfriend. I missed my love so much. I missed feeling his lips on mine. His gentle touches, his sweet smiles, his manipulation of everyone around us. He’s mine and I am his, no matter what and no matter where. 
Dream was the one to pull away from our kiss. “God I’ve missed that,” He announced, grinning from ear to ear. I couldn’t help but giggle and return the grin, “I’ve missed that too.” Dream slowly unwrapped himself from me, but quickly reached out and took my hand. He walked me over to his bed. He let go of my hand before sitting down on his bed, resting his back against the wall. I raised my eyebrow at his actions but he simply patted his lap telling me to sit down. I giggled and rolled my eyes at the action, but obeyed. I quickly moved my legs so that there was one on either side of his thighs and I sat on his lap. Once again, my arms moved to wrap around his neck and his came to wrap around my voice. 
“So,” Dream began once we got settled, “How’s it going out in the free world?” Dream asked, teasingly. I could tell that he was both asking about the server, but was also making a joke about the fact everyone thought that I was now ‘free’ from his control. “It’s all fine, I guess. You were right. Everyone began coddling me the second that prison door slammed behind me. I’ve been staying with Niki because they think going back to our house is too painful for me,” I informed Dream, who simply scoffed and rolled his eyes. 
“The more important thing though,” I started, lowering my voice a lot as to not have it picked up by the cameras, “I can’t get a hold of Technoblade. No one has seen him, or at least not that they’re telling me. I went to his house and he wasn’t there, I went to Phil’s house and he said he hadn't seen him. But I’ll keep looking. I’m going to get you out of here.” I promised my boyfriend quietly. Dream’s brow furrowed, “That’s really odd. Especially since Philza hasn’t seen him… He must remember he owes me that favorite. But you have my full trust, love. I know you’ll make me proud.” 
My heart swelled at his words. It was so comforting to hear that. Even though weeks ago, he promised me it wasn’t my fault he was here, I could help but still feel guilty about it. Especially because I had to pretend that I was happy he was gone. I didn’t respond with words, instead leaning forward and pressing my face into the side of his neck and pressing a small kiss there. “I love you.” “I love you too.” 
The rest of the time we spent together was in that position.  I told him about all the new structures that were being built around the server. I told him about how everyone was working together but there was definitely still some tension. Dream didn’t seem surprised at that at all. Dream told me about his days at the prison. He had a small clock gifted to his by Sam. He admitted to me that he would sometimes throw his clock out of his cell into the lava so Sam would come in and bring him a new one, allowing Dream to have some form of human contact. He got three meals a day, but he claimed none have ever been good as my cooking, that made me blush. Dream spent most of his day thinking about me and the things he would be doing if he wasn’t locked up. He kept a little journal in order to keep himself sane. 
In a much quieter tone, Dream also told me of the little things he’s noticed about the prison. How the lava always takes a few seconds before it begins its descent. Dream told me he knew that the redstone sometimes would misfire and Sam would have to take the time to fix it. Sometimes it only took a few minutes but there were also times he’d be gone for many hours. Dream also spoke of where he thinks the elder guardian that causes mining fatigue was being held. I listened very carefully to what he was telling me. Sam is an excellent builder, even better engineer, but nobody was perfect and it sounds like to me that Dream was slowly but surely finding Pandora’s Achilles heel.
It felt so good to be in Dream’s arms again though, even in this circumstance. In the many years we’ve been dating, I’ve never been away from Dream for that long before and it was really hard. Which explains why I was so excited for this visit… But alas, all good things must come to an end. 
“Times up Y/N…” Sam called softly from the platform behind us. I looked over my shoulder and gave the man a nod in acknowledgement. I turned back to Dream, leaned forward and pressed a swift kiss to his lips. “Goodbye my love,” I whispered to the blonde man, tears threatening to fall again from my eyes. A smile appeared on his lips, “Goodbye love,” He returned at the same level. I slowly got off of my boyfriend and walked away from Dream. Once I was out of the cell, I turned back around to face Dream, who had also stood up from his bed “I’ll be back soon,” I promised the blonde boy who remained in his cell. A small chuckle left his lips as the iron bars enclosed him once more, “I’ll be here.” 
With that, I took a few more steps back to stand next to Sam. I gave my boyfriend a small wave as Sam pressed the button to make the lava begin pouring from the ceiling. I could see Dream's sad smile as he waved back at me and then he was gone. 
“You okay?” Sam asked gently, a hand resting on my shoulder. “Yeah,” I sniffed, reaching up and wiping at my eyes, “Yeah. I’ll be fine. Thank you for letting me see him,” I thanked, changing the topic. Sam gave me a soft look as he nodded, “Of course. You’re always welcome to come back. I can even show you around to other rooms if you ever want.” I nodded at his words. “That sounds really cool. I’d love to see them. I’d love to see this whole place,” I told him as cooly as I could. The one thing I could not do right now was raise suspicion. “When we get back to the front desk we can set a time and date!” He offered cheerfully. Once again I nodded, this time a bright smile beaming across my face. “I’d like that. 
I couldn’t help but mentally chuckle at the situation though. I don’t know why after all this time everyone still thinks I’m just so sweet and innocent. Sam offering to show me around like a father would show his child around his work place on bring your kid to work day simply confirmed that thought even more. Little does he know how hard it’s going to bite him in the butt. I’m going to get my boyfriend out of this Pandora’s Vault…. If it’s the last thing I do. 
There you go! I hope you enjoyed! If so, be sure to leave a like! Maybe even reply or a reblog?
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