#i tried breathing exercises and counting breaths n all that but my brain keeps drifting away to bad places
daz4i · 8 months
help me. i can't sleep
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hovid19 · 4 years
All-Nighter (Spencer Reid)
Just some Spencer Reid fluff based on the prompt: “Now, how could I forget you?”
This is my first imagine-type story on here so please go easy on me... :)
Word count: 1,137 words
It was never easy to fall asleep in your apartment. It was old and run-down and everything inside of it squeaked insistently. Usually it didn’t bother you much, having been used to the noise after living in the studio for a week. But over the past couple of days, it had been more challenging than ever to turn your brain off enough to get some shut-eye, leading to the sounds of the faulty A/C and near-broken ceiling fan to drive you crazy.
You tried everything– focusing on your breathing, reading a book, exercising to try and tire yourself out. Nothing was working, and it was getting harder and harder to go through a normal day without a raging headache due to your lack of sleep.
You were thinking of finding someone to bother, your cat not providing enough company after scratching you for disturbing him from his slumber. It was 4:52AM, and you were far from tired.
Maybe your best friend would be up. She always knew the perfect way to get you to fall asleep, or at least keep you busy enough to not go insane. But fifteen minutes later and with no reply, you decided on taking a walk to clear your head– and get the fuck out of that noisy apartment.
The air was chilly, the winds of September hitting you as you pushed open the door to the entrance of the apartment building. The ground was wet, a thunderstorm passing through just hours earlier. The air still smelled like rain.
There were a few cars that passed by every now and then, a handful of people getting a head start on the early morning, while you were stuck in a late night– though not by choice.
You glanced down at your phone. 5:04AM. Maybe your favorite coffee shop would be open. You had never been up early enough (or stayed up late enough) to have known.
You pulled the door open, instantly smelling the delicious odor of coffee grounds and melting at the aroma. There were a plethora of reasons this place was your favorite, and the scent of their freshly ground coffee was definitely one of them.
“Y/N? Is something wrong?” the owner, Liam, asked, peering over the top of one of the cappuccino machines.
You furrowed your eyebrows. Was something on your face? You peered down at your outfit, a pair of joggers and a sweatshirt. Neither was dirty. “No, I don’t think so. Why do you ask?”
“I thought the world was ending when I saw you walking in at 5AM on a Saturday morning. You sure you’re okay?”
You rolled your eyes and let out a chuckle. “Ha, ha. Laugh it up, Liam.” Not like he was wrong. Early mornings were SO not your thing. “I’ll have you know everything is perfectly fine.”
He nodded sarcastically, a smile tugging at his lips. “Okay, hun. Whatever you say. Gimme five on the coffee.”
You’d be lying if you said you didn’t spend every last cent of your paycheck at Liam’s coffee shop. He had easily the best coffee in the city, and plus, he made it a point to get to know every customer that walked through the door. It was like having a hip forty-nine year old dad that also made the world’s best coffee.
The seat you sat down in was one you always took, a plush chair in the corner of the shop, next to the big bay window that looked out on the street. You crossed your arms over your chest, letting your eyes drift to the people and cars and bikes that passed the window. You still weren’t tired.
With a huff, you turned away from the scenery to look out at the shop. It wasn’t busy by any means, but it did have a good bit of people in it for only opening seven minutes ago. Your eyes got stuck on the figure sitting across from you two tables down.
You recognized him from a couple of other times you’d encountered him: twice at the park, four times at the bank and once at the very coffee shop you were sitting at. It was odd how many times you’d run into him in the short span of living here, but it’s not like you were complaining much. Having a face as pretty as his be a familiar one was not something you were gonna protest.
A hello was definitely planning on coming out of your mouth, but you could not for the life of you remember his name. You sat for a second, eyebrows scrunched and lip caught between your teeth. Steve? No, you’d remember if someone as young as him had a name that sounded old. Shawn? No, you would’ve remembered that too because you probably would’ve made a joke about him having the same name as Shawn Mendes. Seth? That seemed close– or at least better than the other options.
“Spencer!” Liam called, holding up a cup. The man stood, gathering his coffee before sitting back down.
“Spencer!” you parroted out loud, before widening your eyes and setting your hand over your mouth.
He looked at you confused, cocking his head a bit to the side. At least you knew his name now, and kind of sort of said hello.
You laughed, standing and sitting across from him. “Sorry, I was trying to remember your name because we’ve run into each other a couple of times and I wanted to say hi. I don’t know if you remember, I’m Y/N.”
He just smiled, taking a sip from his cup. “Now, how could I forget you?”
You smiled back, a small blush taking over your cheeks. You bit your lip again, hands tucked in between your legs. “I don’t know, I couldn’t even remember your name so I didn’t expect you to recall who I was.”
“I have an eidetic memory,” he explained. “And even if I didn’t, I don’t think I could ever forget someone as beautiful as you.”
Your cheeks felt hot and you couldn’t keep that stupid smile off of your face. “God, you’re cheesy, huh?”
He slipped a card across the table, standing and gathering his things. “I have to get to work, but please, don’t be afraid to call. My name’s on the card in case you forget,” he teased, smiling as he walked out of the shop.
You let out an incredulous laugh, staring at the door he just walked out of and shaking your head until Liam pulled you from your trance. “Jeez, I thought he’d never ask you out. Last time you were here he wouldn’t stop staring at you.”
You grabbed your coffee, thanking Liam and making your way back to your apartment. Maybe having a minor case of insomnia wasn’t necessarily all bad.
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legitlaur · 5 years
Sweet Dreams // Bucky Barnes
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pairing: Bucky x Amnesia! Reader
word count: 3108
warnings: car accident, amnesia 
summary: Bucky was in the right place at the right time and managed to save you from a fatal car accident. He keeps tabs on you in the hospital and finds out you have amnesia, because of his experience with brainwashing and amnesia he is determined to help you
Nothing out of the ordinary happens to Bucky, at least nothing that doesn’t have to do with the Avengers, aliens, brainwashing, and having a metal cybernetic arm. Until you. 
Steve was constantly telling Bucky memories about their lives in Brooklyn. When Bucky wants to remember who James Buchanan Barnes was, he takes walks in Brooklyn. Sometimes he passes a building or inhales a smell, that has a familiarity with it that he doesn’t recognize. A thought that James would’ve had pops in his mind, or even snippets of memories. He sees Steve as a scrawny kid, his sisters, and his mother. Writing them down in one of his stacks of journals, he asks Steve about the memory when he doesn’t recognize anything. He knows he’ll never really be James Buchanan Barnes again, but somehow that person will always be apart of him. He needs to learn about James before he can become himself, his new semi-stable self, Bucky. 
Tonight like any other night when he leaves the tower, Bucky wears his black jacket and a matching leather glove on his left hand. Even in the crazy world that was the present, he was forced into hiding the truth about himself. Sometimes he didn’t mind though, such as now. His jacket and glove kept the cool breeze out. The night was brisk, there wasn’t much traffic. A few teenagers running around, an old couple holding hands walking across the street. 
A white SUV ran a red light, Bucky snorted. People have been running lights for longer than he’s been alive, some things never change. He’s thankful for that, the few constants he can remember help when he goes into dark places. 
This would be the last peaceful walk through Brooklyn he would have for a while. The white SUV he was laughing at, slammed into a light blue Toyota Camry. The Camry flew through the air, hitting the pavement hard. His body was running before his mind had time to process what he’d just seen. There was a crowd of people surrounding the two cars, seeing his stature they parted like the Red Sea at Moses’ command. He stopped at the Camry, laying himself onto the pavement to see if anyone was alive or seriously injured.
He saw you, laying there with hair so soaked in so much blood it looked black, your face so bruised and bashed it was unrecognizable. He knew he had to save you. Even if you were already dead, he couldn’t leave your body smushed in a car. Pulling the cap of his hat closer to his face, he lifted the car. Normally he would just throw the car, but he was gentle. Your body was in a fragile state, you had to be saved.
The ambulance showed up right after Barnes pulled your body from the deformed car. He argued with the EMT that he had to go in the ambulance with you. It wasn’t hard, giving the man wearing latex gloves one glare and he was in. Sitting next to you, never letting his eyes drift away. When the ER docs open the doors Bucky pulled the stretcher out by himself. The doctors watched in awe, grabbing the stretcher they jumped back into action.
“Trauma to the head, we need a CT stat. Unconscious.” A doctor called out while transferring you onto a hospital bed.
“What's her name? How old is she? Explain what happened? Did you call the police? Do you know her blood type?” A nurse began bombarding Bucky with questions he didn’t have answers too.
“I don’t know. I pulled her out,” his head was spinning almost as fast as the room around him, “I’ve never met her.”
One of the EMTs pulled him aside, “Come with me,” Bucky followed the orders, “Sit down, you’re in shock.” He’d been in shock so many times, the feeling was not one he enjoyed. Sitting down he tried to remember the breathing exercises Bruce taught him. “You need to eat something then get some rest. Why don’t you go home.”
“No I can’t,” he stood up and looked through the window into the room where you were lying, “I have to make sure she’s okay. Please, I can’t just leave her.” 
The EMT must have heard the urgency in Buckys raspy voice because he nodded, “I’ll tell the nurses to keep you in the loop.” 
Sitting back down Bucky was feeling better, “Thank you.” He had to make sure you were okay, he wasn’t going to leave you by yourself.
“Sir,” there was a tap on Bucky slouching shoulders, he opened his eyes to see a nurse, “The doctor said you were to be kept in the loop about our Jane Doe. She’s in room 207 if you want to go visit. She’s still unconscious, the doctors are running more tests.” 
Bucky nodded and followed the women in pink scrubs down the hall to room 207. “There’s a chair and TV in there.” 
“Thank you.” He let himself into the small room, closing the blinds he sat down in the chair furthest away from you. Bucky knew he looked intimidating, the first thing you see when you wake up shouldn’t be a terrifying stranger. You looked a bit more cleaned up, you were no longer wearing that blood-stained tank top. The blue hospital gown covered the cuts and scrapes on your shoulders. His brow furrowed as he studied your blueberry of a face. Swelling and bruising were only beginning, and there was no way to recognize who you were. He imagined you were beautiful, that after you heal your family would come to pick up their beautiful daughter and take her home safely. That would have to wait but your face healed. He felt sorry for you, there was no way to identify you until you woke up. So until then, he was all you had. 
After sitting with you for nearly five hours a new nurse came in, “Mr,” she looked down at her files, “Mr. Barnes why don’t you go home. She most likely won’t be waking up within the next few days. Come visit after you’ve gotten some sleep and some food in your stomach.”
Stretching his arms Bucky looked at your bruised face, and blood-soaked hair one last time, “Here’s my cell, keep me updated if anything changes.” 
“Where are you always off to now? You hardly ever leave the tower.” Bruce asked as Bucky was about to slip out the door.
“I saw a car accident a few days back, there was a woman. I, um. I pulled her out. I’m just going to go check on her.” Bucky shrugged. 
Bruce nodded, “Take something to eat. Here’s a plum,” he threw the purple fruit across the kitchen.
“Thanks,” Bucky caught it and left before anyone else started asking questions. 
Bucky didn’t like getting asked questions, he either didn’t know the answer or didn’t want to tell anyone the answer to their questions. 
“Mr. Barnes, how are you?” A familiar nurse at reception welcomed him.
Bucky’s bare hand and covered hand leaned against the counter, “Fortunate, hows our Jane Doe?”
The nurse was wearing the same scrubs and bun from last afternoon, “You’ve been here far too long, these shifts are ridiculous.”
She blushed, “Well you’re here almost as often as I am. Let’s go see your girl, her swelling has gone down just a bit, but the cuts and bruises weren't healing as fast as we’d like..”
“Thank you.” Bucky shoved his hands into his pockets. The purple and black swelling was gone. Your face looked so much softer and younger than Bucky expected. His mind began wandering again, about you and your family.
He sat down and watched you, the sound of the ECG and watching your chest rise and fall with every breath gave Bucky peace. Something he struggled to keep, darkness and tragedy often follow him.
Once you wake up, you’ll find her family and be safe. Then and only then, will he leave you. 
“Mr. Barnes,” A new nurse came in. “We’ve got to do some more tests, you’ll have to sit in the waiting room.”
“If I fall asleep, wake me when I can come back in?” 
She cleared the exit to the door for him, “Of course.”
He found a chair that gave him a view of you through the window of your room. The nurses opened the blinds for him. Pulling the cap of his hat closer to his face he fell back asleep. 
There were no changes, but the doctors were beginning to wonder if there was any brain activity. Bucky pleaded with them to keep trying. The next three days Bucky was at the hospital, he hardly slept anymore. The nurses all knew him, and one of the older ones took him to the cafeteria with her when she was on break to make sure he was eating.
“You really don’t know her?” She asked again.
Bucky took a bite of a mushy apple, “No. I watched the accident happen and pulled her out. I just,” he dropped his head, “ I just feel like I have an obligation to make sure when she wakes up she is safe and has someone. No one should ever have to go through that alone.” He cleared his throat. 
She took his hand, “Well that is very sweet.”
Bucky nodded and gave her a small grin.
After eating he went back into your room, sitting in his chair the furthest away from you he could possibly get. Having food in his stomach was making him sleepy. Something about the room, perhaps the smell of lavender, or the rhythmic sound of your ECG, maybe even just seeing you sleeping brings Buck into a state of calm. He closed his eyes and gripped the pager the nurses gave him. Drifting in and out of sleep he stopped focusing on the sounds in your room.
“Where am I?” a hoarse voice croaked.
His fingers were already digging into the pager for the nurses and doctors to come in. Sitting up from his slouched sleeping position, Bucky answered your question as calmly as possible, “You’re in Kings County Hospital in Brooklyn, New York,” He gives you a moment to process this then continues, “What’s your name?”
There was a silence quickly filled by your dry voice, “I think its y/n.”
Without missing a beat Bucky stood up, “I’m going to help you, y/n.”
Nurses came rushing in, the room was flooded with chaos. Bucky tried to get closer to you, even though your eyes were barely recognizable he could see the fear in them, feel it in your mind. One that he was familiar with, a fear that no one should ever have.
“I’m sorry Mr. Barnes you’ll have to move to the waiting room.” A nurse guided his bulky body out of the tiny room.
He clawed at the door frame, “But-”
The doctor saw what was happening and gave Bucky an apologetic smile. 
He couldn’t sit in the waiting room and watch you be tested and asked millions of questions alone. He couldn’t handle being in the hospital anymore so he left, willingly for the first time. 
Back at the tower, Barnes was sparing with Steve and Sam. They could feel the anger and stress with every punch he would throw.
“Come on, open up.” Steve passed him a towel.
Sam gasped for air after downing a bottle of water, “What's up with you man? Does it have to do with that girl in the accident?” “How do you know about her?” Bucky grunted.
“Banner.” They spoke in unison.
They had no right to meddle in his personal business, he didn’t have to sit and listen to them, so he turned to leave, “She’s none of your business.”
Sam chuckled, “Anything that has you leaving the tower this often is my business. Besides if she’s still in the hospital, Tony and Bruce might be able to help.”
Holding his breath Bucky faced his friends, “She’s awake, I’ll leave her alone after her family comes. She just, I,” he ran his metal hand through his greasy locks, “I know what it’s like to be alone, no one should be alone. Especially her.” 
 Steve placed his hand on Bucks right shoulder, “Why don’t you go shower and head back to the hospital. She’ll probably be wondering who you were from earlier.”
 Buck nodded, “Yeah, thanks.”
The hot shower loosened his tense muscles. The knots in his back from sitting in the hospital chairs for far too long. After changing he looked in the mirror, his appearance was so intimidating. He brushed his hair, put his leather glove on, with his favorite matching leather jacket and headed out.
Barnes was expecting to see a family in your room. Your little sister lying on the hospital bed with you, your mom holding your hand while crying, and your father talking to the doctors. When he saw you through the window his stomach dropped, you were alone.
Your doctor approached him, “Mr. Barnes, I’m legally not allowed to tell you this information, but you're the only person who has come to see our Jane Doe-”
“Her name is y/n,” Bucky growled.
“We don’t know that for sure.”
“What are you talking about?” His voice was becoming deeper.
He put his hand on Bucky's forearm, “She has amnesia, her name could just be something she’s heard while she was asleep, even something in her subconscious.”
“Is it? Is it permanent?” His voice broke.
The doctor shook his head, “We don’t know yet, but Mr. Barnes, she's been asking for the man who pulled her out. Go to her.”
With three large strides Bucky was in your room, the blinds were open as well as your eyes.
“It's Mr. Barnes, right?” Your voice was sounding less rough, “The doctors and nurses said you saved me, and you’ve been my only visitor.”
“You can call me Bucky.” He inching closer to you.
“So tell me about myself. I can’t remember.” Your lighthearted shrug hurt him more than you could know.
His head dropped, “I can’t.” Your brow furrowed, “What do you mean you can’t?”
Bucky looked at your bruised face and swollen eyes, “I don’t know you. I was walking around Brooklyn when I saw the accident, I pulled you out and rode with you to the hospital. I’ve been” he looked down in embarrassment, “I’ve been keeping tabs on you.”
Your voice was barely more than a whisper, “You don’t know me?” She started shaking, “Who am I?” Her voice cracked on those last few words and tears fell.
Bucky never encountered an emotional girl before, he wasn’t sure what to do.
Comfort her, put your arm around her. Tell her you’ll help you.
Bucky's heart was racing, James had clearly dealt with emotional girls. From what Steve told him, he was quite the ladies man. Doing what James’ would do, he sat down on the bed.
“It’ll be ok,” He tried to be as gentle as possible using his right arm to put around you, “I’m not going to leave you. You’re not alone.” Dropping into a whisper he leaned in talking into your ear, “We can figure out who you are.”
Her sniffles were becoming less frequent, Bucky wasn’t sure what to do next, so he just sat with you.
You finally calmed down, “How are you going to help me?”
His stoic face fizzled into a small smile, “I’ve got lots of experience in this area.”
You were too flustered to ask any more questions. You nuzzled your face into his body. Matching your breathing his, your eyes get droopy until you were asleep in this stranger's arms.
Bucky knew the hospital would have you go through physiological therapy as well as physical therapy. He planned on asking you if you would feel comfortable transferring to Tony’s facility so you could get the best help possible. He just didn’t know how to do it. 
Thankfully the nurses woke you up and asked Bucky to move from the bed in order to help you eat. His leg was bouncing up and down, waiting for the nurse to leave. With all the stress he now had, somehow when you smiled at him with your banged-up face he felt calm. Like everything was going to be alright.
“I’ll be back in 25 minutes to give you more meds.” The nurse reminded you while exiting.
Bucky pulled his chair closer to your bed, “How would you feel if I moved you to a different hospital?”
“What? Why?”
He clenched his left hand, “I am a personal friend of Tony Starks, he can get you the best treatment money can buy. Also, it would be extremely convenient for me.” His voice turned into a mumble, “I wouldn't have to leave the tower and interact with people as frequently.”
“Tony Stark, Iron Man? Why would he let me come to the tower?” You continued asking questions.
Buck slouched in defeat, “Because I work for him. Yes or no?” 
“Have you asked my doctors?”  You wheezed.
He shook his head, “I wanted to ask you before having a serious conversation with Tony and your doctors.”
“Let's see what the doctors say.”
Amnesia was not what you expected, it’s like all the important memories of who you are and your family are gone. Yet you still remember how to ride a bike and read, skills. You’d retained all your skills and a few ideas of memories. What you assumed to be your first name, Philly cheesesteak sandwiches, what TV show you were watching. These things were supposed to help you expand your memory, remember who you were. 
You may have had amnesia but you sure as hell knew who the Avengers were, somehow the man that saved you from your fatal accident knew them. Now you were getting transferred from Kings County Hospital to Stark Tower medical wing. Bucky the only face you really knew and trusted would be there, which was the main factor in you leaving the only place you knew at this point.
He wouldn’t leave your side as you were transported, his left hand covered with a leather glove was gripping the metal handle of your hospital bed rather tightly.
After you were settled down you met Tony Stark, he welcomed you Bucky hardly asked for favors so he figured you were important. That got the gears in your head greased up and spinning. Who was Bucky Barnes and could you trust him?
a/n: i’ll be doing a part 2 so lmk if you wanna be on the taglist
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readbeneaththelines · 5 years
The Bough That Broke Pt. 12
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Synopsis: Jin is injured from an avoidable accident, leaving him partially paralyzed from the waist down. Reader is the nurse that is hired to take care of him once he gets back to the dorms and begins the physically and emotionally painful road to recovery. Will she have what it takes to spark determination in him to get back on the stage?
Characters: Idol!Jin x Nurse!Reader
Genre: Whump, Angst, Itty Bittyamount of crack, itty bitty amount of fluff, maybeeeeeee some smut
Warnings: fluff, almost smut
Word Count: 1404
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It was still dark outside when you woke up to the feeling of two strong arms wrapped around you. You could feel his warm breath fanning across your face as you were nestled securely against his chest. When you attempted to maneuver yourself from his hold, he tightened his arms, hugging you closer against him.
“Jin. I have to pee” you whispered, only to feel his arms only slightly relax their death grip hold on you. You wiggled out, scooting over him as you climbed out of the bed. You ran to the bathroom, peed, then took a quick look at yourself in the mirror. Your hair was a tangled mess, your cheeks flushed and eyes puffy. How could you ever let Jin see you looking like this?
You grabbed your brush from your bag by the couch, running it through your hair. You took a quick glance at the clock. Two a.m. You rolled your eyes, stretching your arms over your head as you tried to work out the kinks in your muscles. It had been so long since you had shared a bed with anyone, and you had forgotten how good it felt. Sure, you were a little achy, but to wake up to someone, that made it worthwhile. You quietly made your way back to Jin’s room, crawling in from the foot of the bed.
“What took you so long?” A scratchy voice croaked in the darkness. You nearly jumped out of fear. You then felt his hand reaching for you, and you allowed him to pull you down to him once again. His arm immediately draped over your waist, his other arm stretched out under your head. 
“I told you I had to go to the bathroom.” you replied.
“And primp yourself too.” he smirked. 
“What? How did you know?” you lifted your head to look at him.
“I heard you moving around. THen  heard you say ‘ow’ when you must have caught a tangle.” you felt his chest vibrate from his laugh. You lightly smacked his bared chest, leaving your hand splayed open over the space where his heart was. You could feel it beating rapidly beneath his ribs. 
“You okay? Your heart, its racing a mile a minute.” you tried to sit up, concerned he wasn’t feeling well.
“It’s racing because I have a half naked, sexy as fuck woman in my bed. So trust me, I feel fine.” he rolled himself to his back, tugging you halfway on top of him. His fingers twisted in your hair, pushing your head down to meet his. Those plump soft lips touched yours and he lazily kissed you. In your still sleepy state of mind, you thought of nothing else but how his body melded with yours. The comfort of him, the way he made you feel equal to him.
 In five months, he brought you into his world, showed you the broken, darkest side of his pain, and you stayed. He knew your past, and he still saw you a perfect, unflawed. You both shared the same scars, same fears, same uncertainty. If you believed in soul mates, you were sure he was yours, no matter where the future took you, you knew your worlds and lives would be forever intertwined. 
The kiss drifted off to sleepy pecks to your cheeks and the tip of your nose. His thumb grazed over kiss bruised lips, your eyes finally able to focus on his face. He was studying your features through half closed eyelids. The cupid’s bow of your mouth, the way your eyes squinted when your were thinking. How your face blushed when you were flustered by his actions. He was memorizing you, mapping you out in his mind. He wanted to burn your image in his brain, forever. Even after all these years with the other members, he never felt so… connected. 
“I decided, Jin. I am going to take a few days off. Rest, enjoy life for a fleeting moment. I want to ge to see you outside of what I see when we are working together. I’ll talk to Jack and work later.” You sighed deeply when he simply nodded to your statement. His next words put you at ease, though.
“I plan on not letting you out of my sight. I am going to tell you everything you want to know, and I want to know the real you, the freer you.” His hand ran down your back, tracing the scar that was in the same place as his. The frown that etched its way across his features saddened you. 
Cupping his face in your hands, you made him look you in the eyes. 
“I look forward to it. Now, lets sleep, the morning comes early.” you kissed him tenderly, caringly and let yourself drift off to dreamland in his embrace. 
Jin was the one to awaken you in the morning. A tiny nibble to your neck, a kiss on your forehead, fingers lightly tickling your sides as you tried to squirm away, though only half-heartedly.  You let him pester you a bit more, enjoying the care he took not to be too rough. Finally, your eyes open to see the most handsome face you have ever seen staring down at you. 
“Good morning. You’re way too much of a morning person for me.” You chuckled at the mock frown he gave you.
“I am a night owl too, depending on the reason.” with a wiggle of the eyebrows, he was pushing himself up in bed. You followed suit, sitting against the headboard next to him. Jin reached across his body, grabbing your arms and pulling you onto his lap. His fingers gathered the hem of your, well actually his, shirt and drew it up just below your breasts. The chill from cool fingers had chillbumps scattering over your exposed flesh. The only thing separating your bodies were his boxershorts and your panties. Lifting the shirt up and over your head, he planted open mouthed kisses to the swell of your breasts. His hands gripped the flesh of your hips firmly, stilling the movements your hips were making of their own free will.
“If you keep that up, princess, I may not be able to stop.” The low growl in his tone had you dripping. Without hesitation or thinking, you reached your hand between your legs, palming his now hard cock. His body shuddered at the contact, fingers digging in harshly at your hips.
“I’m warning you, Y/N. It’s been a very long time, and I am very needy right now. So if you aren’t ready, please stop now before i regret doing something you don’t want to do.” The pleading sound of his voice had your head spinning, and your body craving him. To hell with taking things slow. You were both needy, and honestly, did not want to stop what either of you were about to do. You took both of his hands in yours, then placed them on either breast, letting him cup them gently. His eyes glazed with awe as he tenderly massaged them, rolling an erect nipple between his thumb and finger. Your head fell back at the pleasure you felt.  You lifted your head to look back at him. 
“Jin, I don’t want to stop. If you are ready, so am I. But-”  Shame flooded you. How do you tell him that you’ve only been with one other person, and that experience was a  complete fail. You were so worried that you wouldn’t be able to, that when you got to that point, you were so tense it wasn’t enjoyable.
“But? What?” he dipped his lead low to look you in the eyes, which were quickly filling up with large tears. 
“We can take our time. Go as slow a you want. Go as far as you want, stop at any time if you want. Just say the word.” he softened his voice, and his touch. 
“I really want to. I just. I just don’t want to disappoint you.” 
“Baby, you could never disappoint me. I’m worried that I will disappoint you. I mean, think about it. I can’t do too much moving, you may have to do all the work.” 
That statement, though honest, made you both smile. You kissed his lips quickly, returning his hands to your chest. 
“So, worldwide handsome, let’s get a little exercise.”  
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@seoulsunshineandstories @kwonnansi @xjamlessparkx @berryjam17
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lilfellasblog · 5 years
Knight in Shining Armor - Roman’s 2019 Birthday Fic!
Summary: When Thomas has an allergic reaction, Virgil’s anxiety gets stuck on high-alert. Will he have to face it alone?Hello! Despite how the summary makes it sound, this is actually a fic for Roman Creativity Sander’s birthday! Happy birthday to the dramatic, passionate Side that inspires Thomas and keeps him going!
A/N: If you like this please reblog. It is the only way for this writing to reach a wider audience. Tumblr ate most of my fics that I know I posted here, which makes me very sad for a lot of reasons, one of the biggest being that the love and comments and tags that folks showed this fic is gone into the ether.
TW: Minor allergic reaction, anxiety, feeling of breathlessness that comes from anxiety. Let me know if I missed any!
Word Count: 1741
AO3 here!
Fic Masterlist here!
Earlier that morning, Thomas had woken up at his friend’s house after a bit too wild of a night. He had groaned and stretched, trying and failing to open his eyes past the searing headache, when he felt weight drop on his chest.
His eyes slammed open and he was face-to-face with a very fluffy cat.
“Oh my goodness!” Thomas cooed as he brought his hand up. He let the cat smell his hand, then started gently petting its head and neck. The cat was a light gray color with yellow eyes and a very poofy tail.
“Aren’t you such a good kitty?” Thomas gushed.
The cat laid down on him and stretched, accepting more head scritches. Thomas couldn’t stop himself from booping the cat’s nose, but he immediately went back to petting. Soon enough, however, his immune system had something to say. He barely got his arm over his nose and mouth in time for him to sneeze.
The cat was entirely nonplussed and simply looked at him as if to say, “Why did you stop petting me?”
Thomas gently picked up the cat and deposited it on the ground. He stood up, gripping his head, and made his way to the bathroom to get some water and ibuprofen in his system. Might have to see if they have benadryl, I can already feel my nose getting stuffy.
Virgil was panicking. Thomas had been exposed to a cat, right after he had woken up, for an extended period of time, and was already having his airways close. Logically, Virgil knew that Thomas probably wasn’t going to go into anaphylactic shock, but what if he did?!
Virgil was keeping a very close eye on his own breathing. He didn’t feel like his airway was obstructed or swollen, but he did feel like he had to focus on taking deep breathes or else his lungs would start burning. He tried his breathing exercises, to no avail. Virgil was relieved when the benadryl kicked in for Thomas and his symptoms disappeared fairly quickly, but Virgil still couldn’t get enough air. He felt like he was constantly yawning or deeply sighing. It just felt like he wasn’t getting oxygen into his lungs!
He knew that it was going to be difficult to act normally around the other Sides. Patton was the center of Thomas’ emotional intelligence, Logan was ridiculously smart and observant, and Roman was very sensitive to how others were acting around him. Resigned to suffering alone in his room for the rest of the day, he flopped on his bed and scrolled through Tumblr. He had days like this; where he’d feel like his lungs weren’t working properly and that he’d have to gulp air just to feel like he wasn’t out of breath. It usually dissipated by the next morning. Virgil knew it was his anxiety, but knowing that only helped so much. He wasn’t going to have a panic attack over thinking he had methemoglobinemia or was going into anaphylactic shock, but his brain was still telling him that he was dying.
Virgil tried focusing on the various memes and shitposts that made up his Tumblr feed, but he wasn’t enjoying it at all. He was thrumming with anxious energy. When 3 PM rolled around, Virgil was exhausted and miserable. He wanted his anxiety to just fucking stop, to let him be a neurotypical person who could cure their sadness by walking outside or whatever shit, but no, his neurotransmitters decided that their role was to make his existence miserable. Was it so much to ask to just be able to breathe and have a normal day?!
Virgil threw his phone on the bed in frustration and dug the heels of his palms into his eyes. He heard excited knocking coming from his door.
“Virgil, my Chemically Imbalanced Romance! May I request thy presence for a quest?”
Virgil took a deep breath in through his nose.
“Sorry Princey, I’m not feeling too hot today. Maybe another time.”
There was silence at his door, and Virgil was relieved and sad that Roman had left.
“A new quest then! Perhaps I can interest you in a distraction?”
Virgil considered that. He wasn’t getting much better laying here in his room, but he could barely catch his breath as it was! How could he last during one of Princey’s quests?!
Virgil let out a groan. “Fine, but only if you promise there’s little to no physical activity.”
“I swear it.” Roman said way too solemnly. Virgil huffed a silent laugh to himself. Roman’s extra dial is stuck at 300%.
Virgil got himself up, made sure he had his phone and headphones, and opened the door. Roman was looking at him as though he didn’t expect Virgil to actually come out.
“Virgil, my dark knight! How may I be of service to you?”
Virgil shuffled. “I don’t know.” he mumbled. He really didn’t know how Roman could help him.
“That’s quite alright! I’m sure I can… imagine something.” Roman said with an excited smile and waggle of his brows.
“Did you just make a Patton joke?”
“Why yes I did!”
“Not very creative.”
Roman let out an offended Princey noise and Virgil snorted. Roman led the way to his room, not touching Virgil. He had learned that when Virgil’s anxiety was acting up, touch didn’t feel very good for him.
Roman opened the massive doors to his room and Virgil noticed that it was slightly darker than usual. The only light came from candles, fairy lights, and a sunset in the Imagination that was shining through the window.
“We could play Scrabble, we could watch movies, I even have a PS4 set up in here!”
Virgil bobbed his head as he looked around. He needed a distraction, so,
Roman swept his arm to the fireplace (that has GOT to be a fire hazard) and directed Virgil to one of the armchairs. Unlike the other armchairs, it was black with silver metal accents, as opposed to the red chairs with gold and brown accents. That little detail almost made Virgil tear up.
Almost. He had a reputation to maintain dammit.
Roman grabbed two mugs of jasmine tea seemingly from out of nowhere and set one in front of Virgil, along with a plate of finger sandwiches. They played several rounds of Scrabble, with Virgil winning the first one by a narrow margin and Roman winning the second by an equally narrow margin. They got about halfway through the third game before Virgil decided to try eating some of the finger sandwiches. They were good. Virgil ate enough so he wasn’t hungry anymore but no more than that. He didn’t want another lecture from Patton about ruining his appetite. Although to be fair, this was probably healthier than Cheetos dipped in cream cheese, right?
Virgil irritatingly brushed his fringe out of his eyes for approximately the 70th time that minute and huffed in annoyance.
“Would you like the assistance of an expert hairstylist fair maiden?”
Virgil saw excitement barely being held at bay in the royal’s eyes. His skin didn’t feel so uncomfortable anymore, and he could use some help…
“Wonderful! Come into my bathroom, I have everything we’ll need in there.”
Virgil threw one more finger sandwich into his mouth, chugged the rest of his tea, and followed the royal.
Roman’s bathroom was an amalgamation of every bathroom Thomas had seen in his life that made him think “Oh pretty!”. Walking past a clawfoot bathtub that was in the exact center of the bathroom for whatever reason Virgil was sat down in a chair facing a vanity. The mirror was lined in lightbulbs.
Fit for a star.
Roman tousled Virgil’s hair, staring at it in concentration. After running his hands through it a few more times, he went to his vanity.
“Your hair has enough grease in it to make hairspray not as effective, and we really don’t have a good hair type for hair gel. I was thinking of putting some dry shampoo in and adding hairspray?”
Virgil shrugged. “Whatever you think will work best.”
“Excellent! I shall begin right away.”
Virgil let his mind drift a bit as Roman fussed over his hair. Roman had personalized his room just for Virgil’s sake and put his whole heart into doing whatever it was Virgil wanted to do. All because Virgil was being a useless puddle of anxiety on his bed and decided he couldn’t breathe and avoided the others. He had even made sure Virgil was hydrated and had something to eat, and Virgil hadn’t even gone on the quest Roman wanted to go on, and-
“Done! What do you think?”
Virgil tore himself away from his thoughts and looked in the mirror. It… looked good. For only using dry shampoo and hairspray, it was damn impressive. It had some volume and stayed out of his eyes, but was still draping down enough to keep the emo vibe alive.
Roman was chewing on his lip and staring at Virgil in the mirror with wide eyes.
“Thanks Ro. I really like it. It’s really good.”
Roman’s smile lit up the entire room and Virgil swore it got a few degrees warmer.
“I’m very glad you like it Virgil! My skills are unmatched!” he declared with a flourish.
Virgil chuckled as they heard knocking on Roman’s door.
“Kiddos! Dinner!”
Virgil and Roman began to shuffle out of his room when Virgil realized something: he could breathe again.
He felt a lump in his throat beginning to form against his wishes. Roman heard Virgil stop walking and turned around. Upon seeing the expression on Virgil’s face, his brows knitted together.
“Virgil? Is something the matter?”
Virgil laughed wetly. “No Princey, I just… thank you.” he breathed out.
Roman smiled. “Of course. It is my pleasure to help you Virgil.” he paused, looking slightly hesitant. “Would you like a hug?”
Virgil nodded and walked into Roman’s waiting arms. Roman held him tightly, showing the strength hidden beneath the prince uniform, but not too tightly. He had his face buried in Virgil hair and was breathing in the scent of hairspray and dry shampoo. After a good 30-second hug, they separated. Virgil was looking down and blushing slightly and Roman was smiling, a blush also covering his cheekbones, but instead of embarrassment in his eyes there were stars.
“L-let’s go to supper.” Virgil muttered.
“Very well. Let’s.”
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waywardnerd67 · 6 years
Title: Therapy Square Filled: AU Pairing: Jensen x Reader Characters: Jensen Ackles, Reader Warnings: Fluff/Smut Summary: (Y/N) has been going to see Jensen for physical therapy from a knee injury. During her last appointment he makes it clear that he wants to continue seeing her. Word Count: 1465 Created for: @spnkinkbingo
Check Out: SPN Kink Bingo Masterlist
“Thanks Jensen for fitting in my last session so late.” (Y/N) said as she walked into the deserted physical therapy office. She looked back at her physical therapist, Jensen Ackles, who was smiling brightly at her.
“No problem, (Y/N). Are you excited about never having to come back her and see me?” he asked as her heart clenched.
Over the last twelve weeks she had developed quite the crush on Jensen. He was tall, handsome and funny. With the most charming smile and gorgeous olive eyes. Her doctor had actually told her that she did not need therapy anymore a month earlier, but she asked if she could keep going just to be sure her knee was fine. Honestly, she just wanted to keep seeing Jensen, but now she had to say goodbye to him and that broke her heart.
(Y/N) put on her best smile, “I’m actually going to kind of miss you and giving you trouble about your cowboys.”
Jensen chuckled patting the table for her to get up on. Taking a deep breath, she laid back closing her eyes as his large hands ran up her leg stretching it out. One of his hands was resting just below her ass cheek gripping her thigh as he bent her knee over his broad shoulder. His fingertips were dangerously close to her center and she swallowed hard to keep from moving to feel him brush against her.
“Your range of motion is almost perfect. You’ll be back on those lanes in no time.” He said as his hand drifted up her leg bringing it back on the table.
She was trying to control her breathing as he helped her sit up. She swung her legs over the side of the table as Jensen knelt in front of her bringing her foot to rest on the edge. (Y/N) bit her lip, looking down at his head practically being between her legs. Shaking her head, she tried to focus on the exercises they were doing and not sexualizing everything he was doing.
“Not like he would be interested in you anyway. He’s a professional… unlike you right now.” She thought to herself.
He stood up helping her off the table his thumbs brushing against the underside of her breasts. Rolling her eyes, she tried to calm herself down as he walked over to the radio putting on a classic rock station. “Figured we could have music playing. I’m just going to guide you through a basic workout and then you’ll be free from this place.”
She chuckled nervously nodding as she followed him around the room. They were nearing the end of their time and she was worn out. “Okay, I know you’re nervous about squatting down so I want you to brace yourself on me and squat in front of me. Okay?”
(Y/N) nodded, “Easy peasy.”
She held onto his forearms and squatted in front of him. She was eye level with his crotch and she swallowed hard. Shaking her head, she counted her squats off and could feel his grip on her arms getting tighter. On her last squat, she looked up to not only see the long, hard outline barely being contained in his shorts, but also Jensen’s blown dark olive eyes starring down at her. His lips were slightly parted, and his tongue was sticking out the corner of his mouth.
(Y/N) knew then that as much as she wanted him, he wanted her too. He pulled her up close to his body as she looked away from him. “Jensen, I…” she never finished her sentence as he scooped her up wrapping her legs around his narrow waist and carrying her back over to the stretching table.
His lips were on hers as she raked her fingers through his soft sandy brown hair. When he growled into her mouth her body trembled against his. The moment his hands went up her shirt sliding up her smooth skin he suddenly backed away from her.
“I-I’m sorry… shit, (Y/N) I’m so sorry.” He mumbled breathing heavily. He ran his fingers through his hair turning away from her.
“Jensen, please don’t be sorry. I… I want this too.” She called out as he stopped in his tracks. Turning around slowly he looked up at her embarrassingly as she hopped off the table.
He shuffled on his feet, “You do?” he asked innocently.
Instead of answering him, (Y/N) decided to show him. She grasped the hem of her t-shirt pulling it over her head along with her sports bra. Kicking off her shoes then her socks she shimmied out of her shorts and panties. His intense olive eyes traveled the length of her body as she lowered herself to her knees in front of him. Hooking her thumbs to the waistband of his shorts and boxers she dragged them down his long bowlegs watching as he hard cock bounced free.
Jensen quickly kicked off his shoes, socks and pants to the side as she gently grasped the based of his length. Rolling her tongue over his swollen head, she looked up to see him roll his head back against his shoulders groaning loudly. Sliding him inside her mouth and tasting every part of him was better than she had ever imagined. (Y/N) kept a steady pace bobbing her head up and down his shaft as his hand guided her gripping her hair.
He gently pulled her off of him hearing the loud pop from her mouth and pushed her back towards the table. Kissing down her body he draped her leg over his shoulder like he had done earlier that evening and the gently blew air against her slick lips.
“Ohh, Jensen…” she moaned hearing him chuckle against her inner thigh. (Y/N) cried out when his tongue ran along her slit pushing against her clit. “Shit!”
The man’s mouth was magical as he licked and sucked her aching mound. “Jen…Jensen, I’m so close…” she moaned shamelessly grinding her hips against his face as her fingers gripped his hair tightly.
Jensen pulled away smiling as her juices shined around his mouth, “Not yet pretty girl. I want to feel you coming on my cock.” He lifted her up on the table aligning himself with her then pushing ever so slowly into her.
The feeling of being fulfilled perfectly was so overwhelming that tears came to her eyes. She held them back squeezing them shut. Jensen stilled for a moment letting her get use to him stretching her in ways she had never felt before. When he began to move, she knew Jensen Ackles had ruined her for all other men.
He leaned down capturing her nipple with his mouth as he thrusted into her picking up his pace. Words were escaping her brain so all she could do was moan incoherently. (Y/N)’s arms were securely around his neck as her nails dig into his shoulders.
“Damn baby, you feel so good. You are so perfect in every way, (Y/N).” he said breathlessly against her lips as he snapped his hips against her feverishly.
“God, Jensen… harder, please. I’m so close… come with me…” she groaned as he buried his head in the crook of her neck. He was grunting the sound of their skin hitting echoing in her ears.
His body was trembling as he called out, “I’m coming, fuck (Y/N)!” he reached his hand between them roughly rubbing her clit with his thumb bringing her over the edge with him.
“Shit, Jensen!” she cried out waves of pleasure hitting her body like a tidal wave.
He pumped into her a few more times before his body relaxed on top of hers. He was breathing hard against her neck holding her tightly. He lifted himself up pushing slight into her more causing her to groan. “Handsome, if you keep moving then we will have to go another round and I don’t think you’re up for that quite yet.”
Jensen chuckled slowly rolling his hips against her as she gripped his biceps, “Pretty girl, you’ll learn I’m full of surprises. Right now, lets go somewhere that’s more comfortable than this stretching table.”
He pulled out of her as she whimpered at the feeling of emptiness hitting her hard. After they got dress, Jensen pulled her into his arms kissing her, “What was that for?” she asked.
“Just reassuring you that this isn’t just a fling. I’m sure you’re thinking it and I want you to know that this is more for me.” His smile melted her heart as she wrapped her arms around his waist.
“That’s good to hear, handsome. Now, let’s get out of here.” She said looking back fondly at the therapy office that led her to meeting the man she would fall in love with.  
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ironwoman359 · 6 years
i.. can I ask.. for Vergil angst.. cuz.. irl is. .i'm.. things are. I'm in a bad spot.. an your writing helps.. Please help? Oi.. anxiety makes mee feel kinda more.. uh. sounds stupid. I'm sorry. but.. You do amazing work.. it usually leaves me in tears but. Anxiety an me seems.. I mean it's stupid.. I .. sorry. realy I'm sorry. but your stories with him make me.. feel better?
Of course you may. And it’s not stupid at all
Virgil angst, let’s see…
Word Count: 1,578
Pairings: Moxiety (could be romantic or platonic) and side Logince (romantic)
Warnings: anxiety, panic attacks, allusions to abuse, crying. Hurt/comfort.
It was a fairly quiet night before Patton’s phone rang. His parents weren’t home, they were out of town at some conference, and his brother was upstairs studying, so Patton had the TV in the living room to himself. He was about to hit play on another episode of Parks and Recreation when his phone lit up and began playing “Don’t Worry, Be Happy,” the ringtone he had set for his best friend.
“Hello?” he said, picking up the phone.
At first, he couldn’t hear anything on the other end of the phone, but then a broken sob came through the speakers and Patton jolted upright. 
“Virgil? Hello?” he tried again, and this time all he could hear was his friend’s breathing…or rather, his lack thereof as it came in short, strangled gasps. 
“Virgil, listen to the sound of my voice, okay?” Patton said, doing his best not to panic. That would only make things worse. “I need you to breathe, alright? Just breathe slowly, and focus on me. I’m right here, okay Virge? Just match my breathing…” 
Patton wracked his brain, trying to remember the things that were supposed to help during a panic attack. Controlling your breathing was one of them, and he was doing that…or at least, he hoped he was. He was breathing as steadily as he could, and he thought he heard Virgil’s breath even out over the phone but he wasn’t sure. 
“P-pat?” Virgil’s voice was impossibly small through the tiny speaker on Patton’s phone, but even then, he could hear the tremor behind the simple word. 
“I’m right here Kiddo, I’m right here with you, you’re gonna be okay, I promise, just…just breathe for me, please Virgil. You can do this…” 
Patton’s voice was growing louder as his heartbeat quickened. He had to help, but he couldn’t remember what to do, Virgil needed him and he was being useless… 
“Patton?” That voice wasn’t Virgil’s shaky, far away one, it was steady and calm and sure. 
Patton looked up to see his older brother standing in the doorway, a confused but concerned look on his face. Patton nearly cried with relief. 
“Virgil, Logan’s here. He’s really good at this stuff, remember? I’m gonna put him on and he-” 
“n-no…” It was more of a gasp than a word, and Patton wasn’t sure he’d heard correctly until Virgil spoke again. “D-don’t…don’t leave me…” 
Patton looked up at Logan helplessly, but thankfully his big brother seemed to understand. He sat down next to Patton on the couch and said quietly: 
“Ask him to look for five things he can see.“ 
“Virgil?” Patton repeated into the phone. “I’m right here, I promise, I’m not leaving…can you look around and tell me five things you can see right now?” 
“I- I don’t know…” 
“Please Virgil, you can do it, I know you can. Just five little things, that’s all.” 
“Um…there’s…there’s a trash can,” Virgil finally said in-between shaky breaths, and Patton nodded. 
“That’s great Kiddo, keep going.” 
“Streetlamp,” Virgil gasped. “And cracks…cracks in the sidewalk.”
Patton looked up at Logan, his eyes wide with worry. Virgil was outside? Alone, at this time of night? Logan nodded encouragingly at him, and Patton took a deep breath. 
“That’s great Virgil, you’re doing so good. Two more now, come on.” 
“It’s okay Virge, you’re doing fine,” Patton reassured, trying to keep a tremor from his own voice. 
“Stoplight. In…at the end of the street, there…there’s a stoplight. And, a car. A car is stopped there.” 
“Good,” Patton’s voice cracked and he put a hand over his mouth so Virgil wouldn’t hear him cough to clear his throat. “That was great Virgil, I’m so proud of you…” 
“Now four things he can touch,” Logan gently prodded, and Patton repeated the command into the phone. 
By the time they finished the exercise, Virgil’s voice was calmer, steadier, and some of the tightness in Patton’s chest was gone. 
“I’m sorry,” Virgil said almost as soon as he’d calmed down. “I didn’t mean to bother you, I just didn’t know what else to do, and I-” 
“Virgil,” Patton said with as much strength as he could muster. “You’re not bothering me. You’re never bothering me, and you call…you call me anytime you need, alright?” 
“I mean it, Virgil.” 
“O-okay,” Virgil agreed shakily. Then, after a moment’s silence, he added a quiet “Thank you.�� 
“Virgil…” Patton looked over hesitantly at Logan, who nodded at him again. “Virgil, where…where are you right now?” 
“I…” there was a pause, and Patton imagined Virgil looking around as he thought about his answer. “I’m not sure…I wasn’t thinking, I just ran out the door and I kept running and running until I couldn’t anymore, and I couldn’t breathe and I couldn’t think at all, it’s like my brain was frozen, and I don’t know how but I called you, and-” 
“Shhhh…” Patton interrupted Virgil before he could spiral out of control again. “It’s okay now Virge, I’m right here. Listen to my voice, okay? Just focus on me, it’ll be alright.’
“I’m sorry,” Virgil mumbled agaig, and Patton wanted nothing more than to crawl through his phone so he could be right there next to Virgil. 
“Ask him for a street name,” Logan whispered, already standing up and grabbing his jacket from the back of a nearby chair. 
Patton repeated the question, and after a moment Virgil was able to give them one. 
“Stay right there, okay Virgil?” Patton said as Logan grabbed his car keys. “We’re coming to get you.” 
“Don’t…don’t hang up?” Virgil pleaded, and Patton shook his head. 
“I won’t, Virge, I promise. I’m staying right here, I’m not going anywhere, okay?” 
Patton kept talking, about what he wasn’t even sure, as Logan drove out of their neighborhood and into the part of town where Virgil was. Once they reached the right street, Logan slowed the car and Patton leaned out his window, scanning the sidewalk desperately for any sign of his friend. 
“I…think I see you,” Virgil whispered into the phone just as Logan called out 
Patton dropped his phone on the seat as he scrambled to exit the car, running towards the small, huddled form of his friend sitting curled up on the sidewalk next to a trash can. Patton stopped a few feet short of Virgil and squatted down in front of him. Virgil’s hood was drawn up against the chill of the evening air, but Patton could still see part of a bruise blossoming on one side of his friend’s face. 
“Can I-” he asked as he reached forward hesitantly, not wanting to push against any of Virgil’s boundaries. 
Virgil responded by practically flinging himself at Patton, shoulders shaking with fresh sobs as Patton’s arms immediately went around him in a tight hug. 
They sat there for awhile, Patton murmuring comforting words into Virgil’s ear while he cried, before Logan approached the pair of them cautiously.
“It’s cold tonight,” he said with an uncharacteristic gentleness. “Why don’t we get out of here, hm?” 
Virgil nodded, and let Patton pull him to his feet and lead him to Logan’s car. The two sat pressed together in the backseat; no words were spoken while they drove, but plenty was still said. 
They reached home, and Patton wasted no time in wrapping Virgil up in as many blankets as he could find and pressing a warm mug of hot cocoa into his hands. 
Logan sat next to them on the couch, and after a few minutes of silence, asked a simple question. 
“Do you wish to talk about it?” 
Virgil almost immediately shook his head, and Logan nodded once. 
“Very well then.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, hitting a few buttons then holding it up to his ear. “Hello, Roman? It’s me…No, I am not calling because I “cannot go a day without hearing your voice.” I’m sure your ego will survive, Roman. Listen, can you come over? And bring your Disney collection. No, I am not “admitting defeat,” Virgil’s here, and….yes. Yes, it is. Yes, Patton is with him. Alright. See you in ten.” 
Approximately sixteen minutes later, Roman arrived carrying a bag full of Disney DVDs and a grocery bag filled with junk food. 
“Can’t have a marathon without the proper supplies!” Roman declared, dumping the bag’s contents onto the couch, revealing them all to be among Virgil’s favorite snacks and drinks. He popped the first DVD, Tangled, into the player before plopping down on the couch next to Logan, lacing their fingers together and planting a kiss on his cheek. Logan turned slightly pink, but leaned his head on Roman’s shoulder and allowed him to run his fingers through his hair. 
Virgil, ever so slowly, began to relax, snuggling closer to Patton as he absently nibbled on a stick of licorice, his eyes glued to the TV. Patton kept an arm wrapped around Virgil’s shoulders, even after the other boy’s eyes drifted closed towards the end of their second movie. Patton looked over to Roman and Logan, who were both watching the pair of them with soft expressions. 
Thank you, Patton mouthed, and Roman smiled as Logan nodded. 
In the morning, they would talk, try and figure out what to do, and make sure Virgil had whatever support he needed. But for the moment, the four of them were together, they were warm, and they were safe. 
And for now, that was enough. 
A/N: I hope this was helpful to you, love. Feel better soon.
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firewolf-marvels · 7 years
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: semi bad writing, mutual pining, talk of someone’s private parts (no smut.. yet)
Word count: +/-1800
A/N: This is my submission for @caramell0w’s 500 followers writing challenge. Thank you so much for the extra time. I hope you like it! My prompt: It’s just your imagination. There will be a part 2 :) Gif source: xxxxx
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Bucky loves to wear sweatpants, it’s the complete opposite of his Winter Soldier outfit. He likes that it’s kind of baggy but still form fitting, that he can move around with ease and mainly the softness of the fabric. He likes that the most. His favorite pair are these grey sweatpants Steve gave him. What he doesn’t know is that that particular pair leaves little to the imagination when it comes to his lower body. His thick thighs and a bulge are visible more often than not, especially when he’s at the gym working out or sparring. And that hasn’t gone unnoticed by you.
During your time with the Avengers you’ve gradually fallen for the former Winter Soldier. You’ve been friends for years now and you always had a soft spot for him and thought he was handsome, but lately your mind wandered off to more inappropriate thoughts about your friend. The fact that he loved to walk around in those sweatpants didn’t help you at all. Some days you swear you can see the outline of a certain body part you’re not meant to see. This usually results in you walking away from Bucky repeating “It’s just your imagination,” over and over to yourself. He’s your friend after all.
An example of this situation happened about a week ago. Bucky walked to the living room passing you and Nat sitting at the kitchen island, he was wearing the clothing in question. You swore you could see something move under the fabric of his sweats as he walked by. When he reached the other room you mindlessly muttered, “Does he always walk around commando?”, quickly hiding your face behind your cup of coffee, hoping Nat didn’t pick up on it when you realized that you said it out loud.
However Nat’s trained ears did hear it, “Excuse me?”, she turns to you with a knowing smirk on her face.
You wished you could disappear right on the spot, “Never mind,” you whispered feigning innocence, “It’s probably just my imagination.”
To Steve and Natasha it’s obvious that you and Bucky like each other very much and they don’t understand why neither of you ever acted on your feelings.
Bucky started to notice your walking away pattern after a couple weeks, but he tries to dismiss the feeling that it might have something to do with him. You’re his friend, one of his best friends really, and you care for each other, you would tell him if anything was wrong. Right?
The slight nagging feeling never completely fades though. He wishes you’d come to him for comfort, like you often used to with other things. Whatever this ‘thing’ is you feel you can’t tell him, he wants it gone. He wants to watch movies together, sitting close to each other on the couch or bed. And telling each other stupid jokes, to hear you laugh and to see you happy. He wants to be part of the reason you’re happy.
But he knows you and doesn’t want to bring it up if you’re not ready to tell him. So he waits.
One day you’re at the gym sparring with Nat. Steve and Bucky are working out at the other side of the spacious room. You’re moments away from winning the fight, having Nat in a chokehold on the mat when she whispers “You’re right about being able to see his junk.” Once your brain registers what she means you freeze and she slips out of your hold only to pin you face down on the mat.
When Nat lets go you lightly slap her shoulder, “That’s not fair!”
“Never said this would be a fair fight, Y/N,” She wiggles her eyebrows and looks to where the guys are doing bench presses and back to you. Both of you burst out laughing, a blush creeping on your face as you keep stealing glances of Bucky.
Bucky watches the two of you, much more interested in what’s going on between you and Nat than his workout. The music coming from the speakers is too loud for him to make out what you are talking about, but he can hear you laugh. He absolutely loves the way you laugh and stares at your lips a little longer than intended. Soon his thoughts are filled with his desire for you, the sweatpants starting to feel a little restricting on his body. When Bucky gets distracted enough he isn’t even lifting the weights anymore Steve, who is spotting for him, appears hanging over Bucky’s head. He looks at his friend knowingly, “Pal, just tell her.”
“Steve, I’m her friend. I don’t wanna ruin what we have,” Bucky almost whispers not looking away from you having fun with Natasha as he puts the weights on the bench rack.
Steve scoffs and crosses his arms, “Come on Buck, you know Y/N better than that. Even if the feelings weren’t mutual she wouldn’t cut you off.” Bucky sighs, he knows Steve is right. The men continue their workout in silence switching between spotting and doing the weightlifting.  
After Nat tells you to ‘go get your man’ she shoves you in the direction of where Steve and Bucky are before she walks off with a smirk on her face. You glare at her but she only acknowledges it by waving you goodbye.
“Hey guys,” you greet the soldiers as you walk past them to the grab two dumbbells from the rack. You catch Bucky’s gaze and toothy grin and lower your head smiling, embarrassed how your cheeks heat up so easily because of him. It doesn’t take long for you to be focused on your workout doing a routine consisting of weighted sit ups, punches and step ups with the dumbbells.
Bucky is back on the bench now lifting extra heavy dumbbells with Steve spotting him. He keeps glancing at you and as a result of not paying attention to his own movements one of the weights slips from his hand landing very close to Steve’s foot. “That’s it. I’m done,” Steve says. “We’ll continue once you’re less distracted,” he nods towards you and pats Bucky’s shoulder, “Just talk to her, will ya?” He asks before walking out of the gym. Bucky stays put for a moment, lost in thought staring at the door Steve disappeared through.
You had heard the equipment fall but didn’t think too much of it. The guys drop or break things all the time, so it isn’t really something new and you don’t stop your exercise for it unless there is yelling involved. As the exertion of the repeated movements sets in your muscles start to ache and you begin to groan and grunt with each lift getting heavier on your body. Unlike the guys you didn’t have a serum helping you out.
A strained groan snaps Bucky’s head to your form. His eyes are glued to you as he listens to the sounds you make and he pictures it would be him causing you to make such sounds. With your body wearing down you lift the dumbbell one last time deciding it has been enough for the day. The groan Bucky hears leaving your lips at that moment goes straight to his core. His dick twitches and he readjusts it trying not to think too much about how he wishes it were you touching him. He never notices that adjusting himself left a stain on his sweats caused by a bead of pre-cum.
Figuring now is as good a time as any Bucky decides to take Steve’s advice and calls you over, “Y/N, you wanna help me out?” You put the dumbbells down, turning to fully face Bucky and raising your eyebrow silently questioning him. “Oh.. ehm.. Wanna be my spotter? Steve had, ehm, some stuff to do.” He smiles innocently.
You agree nodding, “Yeah sure.” You put the dumbbells back where you got them from and walk over to him.
With you standing at the head of the bench Bucky lays on his back winking at you, “Thanks, doll” before he grabs the heavy dumbbells and holds them in the air again. You count his presses without much thought, your eyes taking in his muscular arm and the shifting plates of his metal arm as he pushes the weights in the air. Slowly your eyes drift to his chest, the muscles visible through his shirt with each up and down movement of his arms. Wandering further down your eyes grow wide as they fall on his crotch. More specifically the stain on his crotch. You almost choke on your words, coughing when you suck in your breath.
Bucky stops and studies the weird look on your face from his spot on the bench. “Y/N, are you ok?” When you don’t answer him, he follows your line of sight to the general direction of his lower body and then looks back to you. Your eyes are still glued to the stain on his crotch. Confused and thinking he ripped his pants or something he sits, puts the dumbbells on the floor and swings his leg over the bench so he can face you and starts patting down the fabric, “What? What’s wrong with my pants?” he mutters.
When his hands reach the crotch area you see it. The perfect outline of Bucky’s penis. Your face gets flushed hot and you didn’t think your eyes could grow wider but they did. This time you were not imagining anything. Before Bucky realizes what you saw you’re mumbling some apologies about needing to leave as you start walking away from him and run out of the gym leaving Bucky behind.
A very confused Bucky quickly follows you, wanting to know if you are ok and whether he did something to upset you. He catches up with you almost immediately, cornering you at the end of the hallway. Bucky places his hands on your shoulders, using his thumbs to brush over your skin in an attempt to soothe you. “Please tell me what’s going on, doll.” he pleads. You see the concern in his eyes and avert your gaze. You feel bad for leaving but you had to get out of there. “You’ve kinda been avoiding me for weeks now, and I miss ya.” he confesses.
Why did you have to have feelings for your best friend? You laugh at yourself, and a little at Bucky, here you are hot and bothered because of him and he’s concerned about your wellbeing. He really is the sweetest man. In the hopes he gets the hint you glance down nodding at his crotch before looking at his face and dropping your gaze again in slight embarrassment. Of course you’re not that lucky and he doesn’t get the hint. “Well..?” he asks tilting your chin so he can meet your eyes.
Tags: @promarvelfangirl @after-avenging-hours @ursulaismymiddlename @eve1978 @mashroom-burrito @dangerousvikings @dani-si (if you want on or off the tag list let me know)
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padal-oser-blog · 7 years
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: smut, swearing
Requested: nope
Word count: 2281
Blurb: dom!reader and Dean find a way to exercise that’s much more fun than Sam’s runs.
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"Alright guys. I'm headed out for my run. Should be back in about an hour or two. Later," Sam called out and waved goodbye, slipping out the door of the bunker and popping in headphones as he went. Dean muttered under his breath, sitting across from you at the library table.
"Dean, I can feel the anti-exercise vibes from here," you say, teasing and shutting your book. He looks up from his laptop, not sharing your laughter.
"Running. For an hour or two. Who takes a run for an hour or two? Can you believe that shit? Do you think anyone actually enjoys working out?" He demands, and you can't help but keep chuckling. But for whatever reason, the sigh that leaves his lips after he's finished seems to flip a switch in your brain.
"I do, actually," you say genuinely, licking your lips and leaning forward in your chair. Dean does a double take, face falling.
"Oh no, don't tell me you're going to start getting out of our bed at some ungodly hour to do push-ups or some bullshit," he pleads, not at all catching your drift.
"There are fun ways to exercise, Dean. Very, very fun ways," you reply, but by the look of increased offense on Dean's face you know he still has no idea what you're talking about.
He starts up on a tangent about how he thought you two agreed on boycotting Sam's obnoxious healthy ways, but you roll your eyes and weigh your options instead of listening to him. You could wait until he realizes what you're saying, staying smooth and sexy, but there's no saying how long that might take. You love him, but Dean could be a little slow with things like this. You decide to scrap the cutesy stuff and get right to the goods.
"Dean, I'm talking about sex. While Sam is out running, we should work out too. I'm saying we should have sex," you talk over him, finding he shuts up astonishingly quick when you bring up the act. Understanding brightens his face as he sees the game you were trying to play, and his mouth quirks up into a smile at your bluntness.
"I stand corrected. There certainly are enjoyable forms of exercise," he says, pushing his chair back as he stands. You two laugh, not wasting time as you rush him to the bedroom.
The second you're through the door, his lips are on yours. You put heat into the open mouthed kiss, holding the sides of his face, feeling the tiny stubble scratch your palms and face as his hands rub your hips, staying just barely above your ass. He backs you up further and further, eventually letting you fall back into the bed, knees bent over the edge. He smiles down at you devilishly and your chest heaves with anticipation.
"This is the hardest part, (y/n)," he says, standing over you still. You tilt your head to the side, feeling silly being the confused one now.
"The hardest part is...?"
"Trying to decide if I want to rip off your clothes and fuck you into oblivion or if I want to strip off mine and let you ride me until I'm screaming," he growls, and you can't stop the moan that comes out when he makes the second offer. He smirks, knowing he has his answer.
Dean steps back and starts to pull his flannel down his arms as you prop yourself up on your elbows, eager to watch. He acts like he has all the time in the world, but you know that as much as he loves torturing you, it's just as painful for him to wait and wait.
Now he's reaching across his body and pulling up the hem of his tshirt. You are starting to get unbearably hot, watching him expose his toned chest to you. It's soon tossed to the floor, and you lick your lips at the sight before you. But as he continues to move at a snail's pace with his belt, you lose patience.
You jolt up and off the bed, moving yourself into Dean's personal space. Your chest flush against his, you push his hands out of the way and undo his belt yourself. He looks smug as hell at first, knowing his little act worked. But it doesn't take long before you've got him completely naked in front of you, all the while not even having taken off your own socks.
"Knees," you demand, and his smugness is quickly draining. You're in control now, and he knows it. But he hesitates, looking at the hardwood floor scattered with his clothes. But he's held up the show for far too long already, so you decide to stop playing nice.
You strut over to the wall, resting your back against it and dragging Dean to stand in front of you. After another once-over of his amazing body, you place your hands firmly on his shoulders. And you push down. He ungracefully falls to his knees with a grunt, taking his own turn to trail his gaze up your body.
"Now let me tell you how this next part goes. You get the honor of unbuttoning my pants, and then you're going to eat me out. We said we were going to work out, so you'd better put that mouth to work, you hear me? When I say faster, you go faster. When I say stop, you stop. Think you can handle that? Good. Let's go, Dean," you instruct him, holding under his chin to be sure he looks you in the eyes as you say it. The second that you let go of his face, he hurries to tug down your jeans. You get chills of excitement as he positions himself just right between your legs.
For as much as you're in control of him, hands in his hair to guide him, so long as his lips are on you, he has the upper hand. You know he has to know by now how good he is at oral. There's just something about his full lips, his warm tongue, his stubble. He does things you can't imagine, hands holding your hips as you rock yourself into him, moaning loud. But he lets you stay in power, listening when you cry out for him to go faster, harder, faster, faster, faster.
Dean starts to hum into you, pleased by the vulgar sounds he's pulling out of you as he works. You can't take your eyes off of his face shoved between your legs, getting closer to orgasm every second. You start scratching helplessly at his scalp, not having anything else to hold onto. He moans at the hair pulling, and the sensation against you is amazing.
"Stop!" You cry out, and Dean pauses in confusion, tongue still inside of you when he freezes. You groan at the stillness, but yank his head away nonetheless.
"What is it, (y/n)?" he asks, sending doe eyes up at you as he pouts his lips, still slick with your wetness.
"You haven't been a good boy, baby. And only good boys get my cum all over their pretty little faces. You don't get that privilege tonight. Now go lay down on the bed," you command, ignoring Dean's whines in protest. He stands up unwillingly and trudges back to the bed, laying flat on his back, exposed to you.
He's just where you want him, and you smirk widely as you start to peel off your shirt achingly slow. He growls in frustration, knowing what you're about to do. Once your shirt is off, you slide your already unbuttoned pants down your legs carefully, pulling your socks off with them. Standing before him in your bra and underwear, you can see his cock throbbing with excitement.
You advance onto the bed as you take your time unhooking your bra. You inch forward until you're straddling him, but stay up on your knees. Refusing to give Dean contact with your still covered pussy, you put your hands on either side of his head and lean down.
You get up close and personal with his ear, but tease him by halting your movements and just breathing. You don't say a word, you don't move a muscle, and you can tell he's holding his breath, just waiting for whatever it is you do next. Your smile broadens, and then, in one snap of a moment, you grind your hips down onto his hard cock, lips attaching themselves to his jaw where you suck and kiss his stubble.
Dean cries out in pleasure, hands flying to your ass to hold it as you push into him harder and harder. He can't contain himself as he finally gets the attention for his cock he's been craving. You stop as suddenly as you started, leaving him to cut off his moan and turn it into a sort of mewl of frustration. But you're only pausing to lean back and pull off your soaked panties, feeling as anxious as him.
"Shit," you say, hanging your head and quitting your movements back onto him. "Condom?"
Dean sighs with his eyes closed, frustrated that he had also forgotten. He fumbles around to get to the bedside table, blindly reaching in the drawer in attempts to find one of his stash. When he doesn't succeed in the first ten seconds, you replace his hands and grab one yourself. It doesn't take long before you've ripped it open, taking the chance to stroke his cock as you slide it onto him. He moans, bucking his hips into your hands.
"Fuck, you're so hot," Dean says through gritted teeth, looking up at you. You smile down at him, leaning to give him a quick peck before settling yourself on top of his hips again.
"You ready?" you ask, already knowing the answer but wanting to push Dean even further. He doesn't answer with words, simply grabs your hips and tries to shove you down onto him. You resist, pulling his hands off of you sharply. You then pin his wrists above his head, leaving his eyes wide.
"I'm in control here, remember? No touching unless I say so. Be a good boy now, because I won't be as nice about your punishment this time around, got it?" You say, and Dean swallows, nodding his head strongly. Satisfied with his obedience, you finally get ready to have him inside you.
Sliding the head of his cock up and down your slit, you hum in sweet bliss. But you can't tease yourself any longer, and sink down onto his hard cock in one swift motion. He stretches your walls, and you both begin to moan even louder than before. He fills you up perfectly, and you breathe frantically as you bounce up and down.
"So, ah, tight," he forces the words out, and you groan, moving faster still. You see his eyes flit back and forth from watching your breasts jump and watching the junction of where he's entering you. Placing your hands on his chest to steady yourself, you can't help but look down too.
Obscene noises fill the room and sweat gathers on the back of your neck and scalp. You keep going and going, speeding up and slowing down over and over. It feels so good, the rhythm feels so natural. But as you get closer and closer for the second time that night, the rhythm starts to get messier.
"Dean, oh, shit, Dean, Dean, Dean," you pant, shoving yourself down hard each time. By now you're taking every inch of him, skin slapping as the moaning grows in volume. You know he's close too, feeling him pulse inside you.
"Can I-fuck, ah, fuck, can I please touch?" he begs and stammers, and you bob your head in permission. He hisses out a yes, hands shooting towards you right away. One latches onto your hip hard enough to bruise, helping you continue. With the other, Dean sets to circling your clit.
You fall forward on your elbows as he applies more pressure than you can handle, feeling your walls clamp down onto him. You scream out his name, letting his hand guide you to keep thrusting through your orgasm. Everything is blurred out except for that feeling of buzzing pleasure.
The second you're finished, about to call too much and needing to stop, Dean reaches his own peak. Your pussy aches as he pushes through his orgasm. He yells out your name, mixed with profanities. He fills the condom, finally releasing your hip and allowing you to pull off of him.
You slump and lay beside him as he discards of the condom, both of you struggling to right yourselves. Part of you wants to curl up in his arms, but you're both so sweaty you aren't sure it's worth it. So you lay on your backs side by side, listening to each other breathe heavily.
"I love working out," Dean says, making you both giggle.
"Told you exercise was fun," you reply, his hand finding yours and squeezing. You lay there for another moment, perfectly happy.
"You know, just to be healthy and all, we should probably exercise daily. More than once a day, really. You know. Staying on top of health is important," he smiles as he teases you, but you both know he's not really kidding.
"Oh, it's a good thing I have you looking out for my well-being, Dean."
"So is that you agreeing to have extra sex?" He asks, turning on his side to face you, still holding your hand. You smile.
"What do you think, Winchester?"
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